VariantID Distributor_Name Name ProductID SKUSuffix Weight ManufacturerPartNumber Description Manufacturer_Name Price Cost MSRP ImageFilenameOverride SEKeywords Published ShowBuyButton RequiresProducts IsCalltoOrder wIsLtl DistributorID ManufacturerID
1001 Lagasse 4 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 17x17, 0.35mil, 1,000 Bags (BWK1717L) 1001 BWK 1717L 6.70 H3417RKKR01
4 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Made from high-quality raw materials, these mineral-reinforced light duty garbage bags come with enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Boardwalk light duty 4 gallon can liners are manufactured from prime resins for superior quality. Packaged for easy bag dispensing, these coreless can liner rolls come with performance bottom seal resistant leakage. Designed and manufactured for consistency and reliability, these quality black trash bags offer an better combination of puncture resistance, load capacity and tear resistance when compared to other similar light duty trash bags. Coming in 20 rolls of 50 bags, the Boardwalk 4 Gallon Garbage Bags come with 1,000 bags per case.
Boardwalk 4 Gallon Garbage Bags, 17x17, 0.35mil, Black, 20 rolls of 50 bags, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 18.54 12.25 24.53 bwk2423l.jpg 4 gallon garbage bags, 4 gallon trash bags, 4 gallon can liners, 4 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 4 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 1717L, BWK1717L 1 1 0 0 1 123
1002 Lagasse Boardwalk Single-Fold Hand Towels, White, 4000 Towels (BWK6212) 1002 BWK 6212 18.90 BWK6212 Single-Fold Paper Towels
Boardwalk has designed these hand towels to be both durable and absorbent. Boardwalk single fold towels exceed EPA guidelines for minimum post-consumer waste content. Made with 65% post-consumer recycled content and 35% pre-consumer waste fiber, these single fold towels are not only a great value, but they are also eco-friendly. Ideal for any office or facility restroom, these one-ply towels are perfect for hand washing needs and can be combined with the appropriate commercial dispenser or kept on the counter. Stocking up on Boardwalk Single Fold Hand Towels helps protect your wallet while also protecting the environment. Buy today and save!
Boardwalk Single-Fold Hand Towels, White, 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 26.42 18.34 35.32 BWK6212.jpg single fold paper towels, single fold towels, single fold hand towels, paper towels, paper products, BWK 6212, BWK6212 1 1 0 0 1 123
1003 Lagasse Boardwalk 20-oz Translucent Cold Cups, 900 Cups (BWKYC-20) 1003 BWK YC-20 28.50 YC-20-LAG 20oz Translucent Plastic Cold Cups
These economical, quality plastic cold cups from Boardwalk are made from a sturdy polystyrene. Rolled rim and sidewall ridges for extra strength and grip-ability. Translucent plastic makes identifying the cup contents easy. Perfect for your home or office. Ideal for any cold beverage. 1,000 cups per case.
Boardwalk 20oz Translucent Plastic Cold Cups, 15 Sleeves of 60 Cups, 900 Cups per Case
CleanItSupply The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 82.33 61.08 107.44 BWKYC20.JPG 20 OZ TRANS CUPS BWK YC-20, BWKYC20, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
1006 Lagasse Fabuloso All Purpose Cleaner, Lavender 32-oz. Bottles (CPC53046) 1006 CPC 53046 21.60 53046 Fabuloso All Purpose Cleaner, Lavender (9/32oz)
Convenient multi-purpose cleaner is ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, and almost any surface; including washable walls, base boards, door jams, doors, plastic toys and furniture, tables, sinks, appliances and more. Cuts grease and has a pleasant, long-lasting lavender fragrance. Trigger spray bottle makes targeting dirty areas quick and effective.
Fabuloso all purpose cleaner, lavender, 9/32 oz. trigger spray bottles per case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Colgate - Palmolive 24.98 18.87 32.64 CPC53046.JPG FABULOSO ALL PURP CLEANER - LAVENDER 9/32oz CPC 53046, CPC53046, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
1008 Lagasse COBRA REPLACEMENT BULB 15W 2 (DRK4193591) 1008 DRK 4193591 0.80 4193591 Low voltage allows strategic placement. Sleeved tubes for use in foodservice and produvction areas where the added protection is required. Easy maintenance of replacement bulbs
COBRA REPLACEMENT BULB 15W 2 Diversey 43.26 28.75 58.40 DRK4193591.JPG COBRA REPLACEMENT BULB 15W 2 DRK 4193591, DRK4193591, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
1010 Lagasse 4 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, Light Duty, 17x17, 6mic, 2,000 Bags (GEN171706) 1010 GEN 171706 8.18 GEN171706 4 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
These 4 gallon can liners are light-duty, thin, compact coreless trash bags and are manufactured as interleaved rolls for effortless bag dispensing. They feature the star seal bottom design for even weight distribution and easy removal from a trash receptacle. Constructed from premium resins for strength. 4 gallon bags are perfect for use in small trash receptacles in the home, office restrooms, small recycle containers and desk side trash cans. 40 rolls of 50 can liners per case. Total of 2,000 bags per case. Find a complete selection of trash bags and can liners and all of your wholesale janitorial supply needs at
General Liners Light Duty Trash Bags, 17x17, 6 mic, Clear, 50 Liners per Roll, 40 Rolls, 2,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 18.63 12.32 24.81 GEN171706.jpg 4 gallon trash bags, 4 gallon plastic trash bags, 4 gallon clear trash bags,4 gallon garbage bags, 4 gallon can liners, 4 gallon kitchen trash bags, 4 gallon hi density can liner, GEN 171706, GEN171706 1 1 0 0 1 195
1012 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x23, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (GEN242306) 1012 GEN 242306 7.85 GEN242306 8-10 Clear Gallon Trash Bags
Known as the superior high density trash bag available, General Liners' line of 8 - 10 gallon bags come in clear plastic rolls for easy dispensing. Fully perforated and constructed from prime resins for high quality, General Liner's line of 8 - 10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags are the ideal pick for the office or home. Seen as an economical commercial trash bag for the any location, these 6 micron trash bags offer a light duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects. Crafted for reliability and consistency, these exceptional clear trash bags offer a great collection of features.
General Liners 8-10 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x23, 6 mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. General Liners 16.31 10.78 21.95 GEN171706.jpg high density trash bags, clear trash bags, 8 gallon trash bags, 8 gallon garbage bags, 8 gallon can liners, 8 gallon kitchen trash bags, 8 gallon trash can liners, GEN 242306, GEN242306, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies 1 1 0 0 1 195
1013 Lagasse 13-15 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x31, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (GEN243106) 1013 GEN 243106 10.57 GEN243106 13-15 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Manufactured from prime resins for superior quality, General Liners 15 gallon clear trash bags are the ideal combination of quality and affordability. The coreless interleaved rolls make for effortless bag dispensing and keep each bag clean and wrinkle-free prior to use. These garbage bags are constructed with a star-sealed bottom, allowing for even weight distribution and trouble-free removal from a waste receptacle. Manufactured without gussets, these bags are able to conform more easily to the shape of the trash can, eliminating gaps along the seal. Designed for consistency and reliability, these quality high density clear trash bags are great for the office, restroom or any trash that does not include sharp edges. Stock up today on General Liners clear trash bags and save!
General Liners 13-15 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x31, 6 mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 23.53 15.55 31.55 GEN171706.jpg 15 gallon trash bags, 15 gallon garbage bags, 15 gallon can liners, 15 gallon kitchen trash bags, 15 gallon trash can liners, GEN 243106, GEN243106, 15 gallon bags, 15 gal trash bags, small trash bags 1 1 0 0 1 195
1014 Lagasse 15 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x31, 8mic, 1,000 Bags (GEN243108) 1014 GEN 243108 15.04 GEN243108 15 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
These 15 gallon trash bags from General Liners are created from prime resins to create a strong and method of waste disposal. Constructed with a star seal bottom and without gussets, these trash bags conform better to waste receptacles, allowing for even weight distribution and easy removal from the trash can. Great for cleaning up heavy, wet trash without sharp edges, these high density garbage bags feature exceptional puncture resistance and load capacity so you can fill them up and not worry about rips or tears. General Liners packaged these 8 mic trash bags in coreless, interleaved rolls for effortless dispensing. Stock up on these General Liners sturdy, economical trash bags for all of your clean-up jobs.
General Liners 15 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x31, 8mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 50 Bags, 1,000 Trash Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 32.72 21.63 42.55 GEN171706.jpg clear trash bags, 15 gallon trash bags, 15 gallon garbage bags, 15 gallon can liners, 15 gallon kitchen trash bags, 15 gallon trash can liners, GEN 243108, GEN243108 1 1 0 0 1 195
1015 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x36, 10mic, 500 Bags (GEN303610) 1015 GEN 303610 12.54 GEN303610 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Formulated and crafted from prime resins for ultimate bag quality, these superior 30 gallon clear trash can liners from General Liners provide a strong, affordable, and resilient heavy-duty trash bag option. Made with a star seal bottom that is without gussets, these 10 mic bags are specifically designed to allow for even weight distribution, as well as easy removal from trash cans. Able to conform easier to the shape of the trash can by eliminating the chance of a vacuum, these bags easily eliminate gaps along the seal. Shipped in compact, coreless, interleaved rolls, these extra heavy duty bags offer the easiest and most effortless bag dispensing option available. Stock up on General Liners 30 gallon clear trash bags today and save!
General Liners 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x36, 10mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 27.28 18.03 36.90 GEN171706.jpg 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, GEN 303610, GEN303610, 20 gallon bags, 20 gal trash bags, medium garbage bags, medium trash bags 1 1 0 0 1 195
1016 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x36, 12mic, 500 Bags (GEN303613) 1016 GEN 303613 15.81 GEN303613 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Easily eliminating gaps along the seal and able to conform easier to the shape of the trash can, these quality liners provide easy removal from trash cans, Eliminating the chance of a vacuum, these clear can liners provide a heavy-duty, resilient, strong, affordable can liner option. Coming with a star seal bottom that is without gussets, these bags are specifically designed to allows for even weight distribution. Created and designed from prime resins for superior bag quality, these bags are hipped in compact, coreless, interleaved rolls. These 30 gallon clear extra-heavy-duty liners offer the easiest and most effortless bag dispensing option available.
General Liners 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x36, 12mic, Clear, 25 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 30.20 19.96 41.24 GEN171706.jpg 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, GEN 303613, GEN303613 1 1 0 0 1 195
1017 Lagasse 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x39, 12mic, 500 Bags (GEN333912) 1017 GEN 333912 36.90 GEN333912 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Offering an exceptional combination of low cost and high quality, these superior trash bags from General Liners provide an economical can liner solution. Formulated and crafted from prime resins for ultimate bag quality, these superior 33 gallon clear trash can liners provide a strong, affordable, and resilient trash bag option. Coming with a star seal bottom that is without gussets, these heavy duty bags are specifically designed to allow for even weight distribution and trouble-free removal from waste receptacles. Manufactured with prime materials, these virtually leak-proof 12 mic bags are infinitely stronger when compared to other similar trash bags. Perfect for those large clean up jobs around the home, school or office, these trash bag can liners are ideal for any situation or location. Stock up today!
General Liners 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x39, 12mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 32.52 21.50 43.42 GEN171706.jpg 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, GEN 333912, GEN333912 1 1 0 0 1 195
1018 Lagasse 32 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 33x39, 13mic, 500 Bags (GEN333913) 1018 GEN 333913 18.75 GEN333913 32 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom allows even weight distribution. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Which provides effortless removal from a trash can, by eliminating the vacuum which may occur from pulling the trash bag from the trash can. Manufactured from prime resins for superior quality. Compact coreless interleaved rolls for effortless bag dispensing.
General Liners 32 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x39, 13mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. General Liners 35.20 23.27 48.08 GEN171706.jpg 32 gallon trash bags, 32 gallon garbage bags, 32 gallon can liners, 32 gallon kitchen trash bags, 32 gallon trash can liners, GEN 333913, GEN333913 1 1 0 0 1 195
1019 Lagasse 33 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 33x39, 16mic, 250 Bags (GEN333916) 1019 GEN 333916 12.32 GEN333916 33 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
This trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can, these superior 33 gallon trash can liners provide a strong, affordable, and resilient heavy-duty trash bag option. Coming with a star seal bottom that is without gussets, these bags are specifically designed to allow for even weight distribution. Offering an exceptional combination of low cost and high quality, these superior trash bags provide an economical can liner solution. Manufactured with prime materials, these virtually leak-proof bags are infinitely stronger when compared to other similar trash bags. Prefect for those large clean up jobs around the home, school or office, these trash bag can liners are ideal for any situation or location.
General Liners 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x39, 16mic, Natural, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. General Liners 24.45 16.16 32.32 GEN171706.jpg 32 gallon trash bags, 32 gallon garbage bags, 32 gallon can liners, 32 gallon kitchen trash bags, 32 gallon trash can liners, GEN 333916, GEN333916, 32 gallon bags, 32 gal trash bags, plastic bags 1 1 0 0 1 195
1020 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x58, 14mic, 200 Bags (GEN385814) 1020 GEN 385814 24.17 GEN385814 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Created and designed from prime resins for superior quality, these 60 gallon 8 micron thick clear can liners provide a heavy-duty, resilient, strong, affordable can liner option. Coming with a star seal bottom that is without gussets, these bags are specifically designed to allow for even weight distribution. Easily eliminating gaps along the seal and able to conform easier to the shape of the trash can, these quality liners provide easy removal from trash cans, eliminating the chance of a vacuum. Shipped in compact, coreless, interleaved rolls, these 60 gallon clear extra-heavy-duty liners offer the easiest and most effortless bag dispensing option available.
General Liners 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x58, 14mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 20 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. General Liners 27.32 18.06 37.13 GEN171706.jpg 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, GEN 385814, GEN385814, plastic trash bags, 60 gal trash bags, clear trash bags, large trash bags, heavy duty trash bags, clear plastic trash bags 1 1 0 0 1 195
1021 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x58, 16mic, 200 Bags (GEN385816) 1021 GEN 385816 16.79 GEN385816 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Discount yet quality heavy-duty 16 Micron thick can liners. Manufactured from prime resins for superior quality. Star seal bottom allows even weight distribution. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Which provides effortless removal from a trash can, by eliminating the vacuum which may occur from pulling the trash bag from the t can. Compact coreless interleaved rolls for effortless bag dispensing. Clear
General Liners 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38"x58", 16 Micron, Clear, 10 Rolls of 20 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. General Liners 33.70 22.28 45.02 GEN171706.jpg 60 gallon clear trash bags, 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, GEN 385816, GEN385816 1 1 0 0 1 195
1022 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x58, 17mic, 200 Bags (GEN385817) 1022 GEN 385817 18.09 GEN385817 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Created from prime resins for the highest quality, these 60 gallon clear extra-heavy-duty 17 micron thick can liners are as strong as they are reliable. Coming in compact, coreless, interleaved rolls, these 60 gallon clear extra-heavy-duty liners provide effortless bag dispensing. Durable and affordable, these heavy-duty can liners come standard with a star seal bottom, designed to allows for even weight distribution. Easily eliminating gaps along the seal, these high-density trash bags conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Due to its design, these quality liners offer easy removal, heavily diminishing the chance of a vacuum effect when pulling the can liner from the trash can.
General Liners 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x58, 17mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. General Liners 34.61 22.88 45.45 GEN171706.jpg high density trash bags, high density garbage bags, 60 gallon trash bags, trash bags, 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, GEN 385817, GEN385817 1 1 0 0 1 195
1024 Lagasse 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 40x46, 12mic, 250 Bags (GEN404612) 1024 GEN 404612 13.41 GEN404612 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Formulated and crafted from prime resins for ultimate bag quality, these superior 45 gallon clear trash can liners provide a strong, affordable, and resilient heavy-duty garbage bag option. Coming with a star seal bottom that is without gussets, these bags are designed to be leak proof. The star seal design also allows for even weight distribution, making removal from a trash can trouble-free. Offering an exceptional combination of low cost and high quality, these superior trash bags provide an economical can liner solution. Manufactured with prime materials, these bags are infinitely stronger when compared to similar trash bags from other brands. Perfect for those large clean up jobs around the home, school or office, these trash bag can liners are ideal for any situation or location.
General Liners 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x36, 12mic, Natural, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 25.32 16.74 34.04 GEN171706.jpg 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, GEN 404612, GEN404612, plastic trash bags, heavy duty, medium trash bags, clear plastic trash bags 1 1 0 0 1 195
1025 Lagasse 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 40x46, 14mic, 250 Bags (GEN404614) 1025 GEN 404614 14.82 GEN404614 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
These heavy-duty can liners from General Liners are an ideal combination of low cost and high quality. Made from prime resins for superior bag quality, these trash bags provide a resilient, strong and affordable can liner option. These virtually leak-proof bags are designed with a star seal bottom to allow for even weight distribution. The star seal also eliminates gaps and allows the bag to conform easier to the trash can, eliminating the vacuum effect, and providing easy removal from waste receptacles. General Liners has packaged these 45 gallon trash bags in compact, coreless, interleaved rolls for effortless dispensing. Stock up on these strong, affordable can liners today and save!
General Liners 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 14mic, Natural, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 26.16 17.29 35.58 GEN171706.jpg 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, GEN 404614, GEN404614 1 1 0 0 1 195
1026 Lagasse 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 40x46, 16mic, 250 Bags (GEN404616) 1026 GEN 404616 17.55 GEN404616 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Created from prime resins for the highest quality, these 45 gallon, clear, extra-heavy-duty, 16 micron thick trash bags are a strong and reliable trash bag option. Known for their durability and affordability, these heavy-duty can liners from General Liners come complete with a star seal bottom, which allows for even weight distribution. Due to their unique design, these high-density bags eliminate gaps along the seal, and conform easily to the shape of the can. Offering easy removal, these liners diminish the chance of a vacuum effect when pulling the can liner from the trash can. Coming in compact, coreless, interleaved rolls, these 45 gallon clear extra-heavy-duty trash bags allow for effortless dispensing.
General Liners 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 16mic, 25 Bags per Roll, 10 Rolls, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 33.13 21.90 44.62 GEN171706.jpg high density trash bags, trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, 45 gallon can liners, GEN 404616, GEN404616, 40 gal trash bags, clear trash bags, medium garbage bags, plastic trash bags 1 1 0 0 1 195
1029 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x46, 16mic, 200 Bags (GEN434616) 1029 GEN 434616 15.04 GEN434616 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Strong and reliable, these 56 gallon extra-heavy-duty can liners are as affordable as they are durable. Manufactured from prime resins for superior quality, these 16 micron trash bags from General Liners are made with a star seal bottom that allows for even weight distribution. The star seal design is without gussets, so it eliminates gaps along the seal, for a virtually leak-proof bag. The design of these high density trash bags allows them to conform more easily to the shape of the trash can, eliminating the vacuum effect and allowing for effortless removal from the waste receptacle. Shipped in compact, coreless interleaved rolls for effortless bag dispensing, these clear plastic can liners come 200 bags to a case so you will always have plenty on hand.
General Liners 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x46,16mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 20 Bag, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 28.64 18.93 39.01 GEN171706.jpg 55 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon garbage bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon kitchen trash bags, 55 gallon trash can liners, GEN 434616, GEN434616, cleaning supplies, janitorial products, janitorial supplies 1 1 0 0 1 195
1030 Lagasse 55 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x46, 22mic, 150 Bags (GEN434622) 1030 GEN 434622 17.11 GEN434622 55 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Offering an exceptional combination of low cost and high quality, these discount quality super heavy duty 22 micron thick can liners provide an economical can liner solution for any environment. Manufactured with prime materials, these virtually leak-free bags are infinitely stronger when compared to other similar trash bags. Prefect for those large clean up jobs around the home, school or office, these trash bag can liners are ideal for any situation or location.
General Liners 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x46, 22mic, Clear, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Trash Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. General Liners 33.51 22.15 44.39 GEN171706.jpg 55 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon garbage bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon kitchen trash bags, 55 gallon trash can liners, GEN 434622, GEN434622 1 1 0 0 1 195
1031 Lagasse Touchless Electric Paper Towel Dispenser, Smoke Grey (KCC09803) 1031 KCC 09803 9.00 09803 Electric Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser
This Kimberly Clark touchless electronic paper towel dispenser replaces code KCC 09703 (Smoke/Grey) Elect-R-Matic Dispensers. Dispenser features include second sheet reduction, an adjustable time delay, an adjustable sheet length, and low battery indicator. Size: 12.27" Wide x 15.20" High x 9.0" Deep.
Kimberly Clark Electric Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser, Smoke Grey, Each
Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Paper Towel Dispensers - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 76.75 58.54 105.09 KCC09803.JPG paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, electric touchless paper towel dispenser, kimberly clark touchless paper towel dispenser, paper product, paper products, KCC 09803, KCC09803 1 1 0 0 1 65
1032 Lagasse Nicepak Wipes Dispenser Universal Wall Bracket (NICP010801) 1032 NIC P010801 1.00 P010801 Wipes Dispenser Wall Bracket
Providing convenient access to wet wipes, the Sani Wipes Universal Wall Bracket is a perfect fit for residential, commercial and industrial environments where sanitation is a key element. This wall-mountable locking bracket will hold 160-count wet wipe canisters and a variety of different wipe options from Bathroom Disinfectant Wipes, and Sani-Cloth HB Germicidal Disposable Wipes, to Sani-Cloth Plus Germicidal Disposable Wipes. This wall bracket can be mounted with double-sided tape or screws and features a canister base cradle to hold wipe canisters securely in place for easy, one-handed access. Sold separately, these wall mountable wipe dispensers are the ideal addition to any location where cleanliness is a high priority. Buy today and save!
Nicepak Universal 3-in-1 Sani-Bracket, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Nicepak 27.38 20.88 36.41 NICP010801.jpg sani wall bracket, wall bracket, wipes bracket, wall mount dispenser bracket, wipes dispenser bracket, wet wipes bracket, cleaning wipes bracket, disposable wipes wall bracket, SANI WALL BRACKET 10/CS NIC Q53530, NICQ53530 1 1 0 0 1 138
1034 Lagasse Swiffer 360 Duster Starter Kit, 12 Kits (PGC16942) 1034 PGC 16942 2.90 84999572 Swiffer 360 Duster Starter Kit
With thousands of deep-cleaning fibers, Swiffer 360 Dusters remove up to 90% of allergens. It gets dirt in groves and crevices, trapping and locking dust and allergens better than dry cloths. And its amazing all-round design has 50% more fibers than regular Swiffer Dusters, helping lock even more dust away for good. Short, flexible plastic handle for added reach. Includes one duster per kit. 12 kits per case.
Proctor and Gamble Swiffer Dusters w/ 3 foot Extended Handle, 12 Handle & 12 Dusters per Box, 6 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 36.96 28.19 48.80 PGC16942.JPG dusters. swiffer duster, plastic handle duster, swiffer, PGC 16942, PGC16942, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
1035 Lagasse Swiffer Duster 360 Mop Refills, 36 Refills (PGC16944) 1035 PGC 16944 2.90 84999575 Swiffer 360 Dusters Refill
Swiffer 360 Dusters are made with thousands of deep –cleaning fibers that help reduce common household allergens, such as those from cat and dog dander and dust mite matter. The fluffy fibers on each Swiffer 360 Duster feature a dust lock adhesive that traps and locks more dust than an ordinary feather duster. Swiffer 360’s all-around innovative design is perfect for cleaning in grooves and crevices. Featuring 50% more fibers than regular Swiffer Dusters, it locks dust away and thoroughly cleans household surfaces. Swiffer 360 dusters are ideal for dusting electronics, blinds, furniture, ceiling fans and tight spaces around your home.
Procter & Gamble Swiffer Duster 360 Refills, 6 Refills per Box, 6 Boxes, 36 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 55.98 42.70 74.25 PGC16944.JPG swiffer duster, swiffer duster 360, swiffer 360 duster refill PGC 16944, PGC16944 1 1 0 0 1 80
1042 Lagasse Utility 2 Shelf Flat Cart, 500 lb. Structural Foam, Black (RCP4525BLA) 1042 RCP 4525 BLA 44.20 4525 00 BLACK Rubbermaid Utility 2 Flat Shelf Cart
Multiple-duty carts for use in warehouses, mailrooms, conference rooms and maintenance facilities. Heavy-duty plastic won’t rust, dent, chip or peel. Lightweight for easy maneuverability and quiet operation. Rounded corners mean no sharp edges to nick walls or furniture Structural foam construction, 500-lb. capacity. Flat shelves provide a smooth worksurface and allow easy loading. Molded-in wraparound handle with convenient storage bin. Front mounting bracket holds wastebasket, extension cord or power strip. 5in nonmarking casters. 33-3/10in high. Assembly required.
Rubbermaid 2 Flat Shelf Utility Cart, 500 LB Structural Foam, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 194.71 148.51 259.86 RCP4525BLA.JPG utility cart, 2 shelf flat cart, rubbermaid utility cart, BLA RCP 4525 BLA, RCP4525BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1045 Lagasse Microfiber Dust Mitt (UNG15823) 1045 UNG 15823 0.75 15823 Microfiber Mitt
Thick, soft strands on one side have increased surface area for incredible absorbency and cleaning power - ideal for washing. Premium grade low pile microfiber on the other side is perfect for dusting or polishing. Grabs dirt and dust - cleans and polishes without chemicals. Machine washable. Excellent for dusting your desks, tables, bureaus, counters, shelves, steps, decorations, appliances and any other surfaces that need a wipe down or dusting.
Unger Microfiber Dust Mitt, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 9.53 6.76 12.90 microfiber mitt, UNG 15823, UNG15823, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, duster, wiper, mitt, cleaning mitt, dusting mitt 1 1 0 0 1 109
1046 Lagasse #4 Gards Maxi Pads Sanitary Napkins, 250 Pads (HOS4147) 1046 HOS 4-147 12.00 147A #4 Gards Maxi Pads - Sanitary Napkins
Folded to fit into 4 inch long box. 250 pads per case. Shipping weight 15 lbs.
Hospital Specialties Gards Maxi Pads 4-147, Individually Boxed, 250 Pads per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Hospeco 42.09 32.10 54.80 HOS4147.JPG sanitary napkins, maxi pads, gards maxi pads, guards maxi pads, gards sanitary napkins, gards maxi pads, #4 Gards Maxi Pads, HOS 4-147, HOS4147 1 1 0 0 1 57
1047 Lagasse #566 Aluminum Euro Platform Ladder (DAV566-03BX) 1047 DAV 566-03BX 9.00 566-03BX Aluminum Euro Platform Ladder
This ladder meets ANSI and OSHA safety codes. 36in high locking platform provides large standing area and is built with a top rail for safety and convenience. It has built strong serrated extruded aluminum steps and slip-resistant foot caps for security.
- Household, 200-lb duty rating
- 18-3/8 weight x 31 spread x 60 height
- Shipping weight: 9 lbs
Davidson Ladder Inc. 111.57 70.33 145.86 DAV56603BX.JPG 566 Aluminum Euro Platform Ladder DAV 566-03BX, DAV56603BX, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 28
1048 Lagasse #592 Six-Foot Fiberglass Commercial Stepladder (DAV592-06BX) 1048 DAV 592-06BX 16.00 DADFS4006BK • Meets or exceeds ANSI and OSHA safety codes • Select ladder of proper duty rating to support combined weight of user and materials • WARNING: Metal ladders conduct electricity. Do not use where contact may be made with live electrical circuits Channeled nonconductive fiberglass rails for strength and corrosion resistance. Deeply serrated U-channel 3in steps. Angle bracing strengthens and stabilizes top step, bottom step and rear brace. Yellow molded plastic top holds quart paint can and has slots for small hand tools. Pinch-resistant, heavy-gauge outside side locks. ANSI Type II, Commercial, 225-lb. duty rating. 22-1/4w x 43-1/2 spread x 72h. Shpg. wt. 16 lbs. (Cannot ship UPS.)
STEP LADDER 6 FT FIBERGLASS Davidson Ladder Inc. 122.46 93.40 164.41 DAV59206BX.JPG 592 Six-Foot Fiberglass Commercial Stepladder DAV 592-06BX, DAV59206BX, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 28
1050 Lagasse #8 Gards Maxi Pads Sanitary Napkins HOS8248 1050 HOS 8-248 17.40 248 Hospital Specialties #8 Gards Maxi Pads Sanitary Napkins
Unfolded, comes in 8 inch long box. 250 pads per case. Shipping weight 19 lbs.
Gards Maxi Pads, Size 8, Individually Boxed, 250 Sanitary Napkins per Case Hospeco 53.10 39.50 72.48 HOS8248.JPG sanitary napkins, size 8 maxi pads, gards maxi pads, hospital specialties maxi pads, #8 maxi pads, #8 sanitary napkins, #8 gards, 8 gards maxi pads, HOS 8-248, HOS8248 1 1 0 0 1 57
1051 Lagasse “Accessible” ADA Sign (UST4725) 1051 UST 4725 0.24 USS4725 • Meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements International symbol and raised tactile graphic with grade two braille. Molded plastic radius design. Includes instructions and double-sided adhesive tape for easy mounting. 6w x 9h.
ADA SIGN, ACCESSIBLE-BL/WE, 6X9 U.S. Stamp & Sign 8.32 5.82 10.99 UST4725.JPG Accessible ADA Sign UST 4725, UST4725, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 154
1052 Lagasse 60 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags, 38x58, 1.3mil, 40 Bags (JAGRG3858G) 1052 JAG RG3858G 7.60 K7658PGJ 60 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags
1.3 Mil thickness commercial can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the garbage bag from the garbage can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharp objects found around home, school, office or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Coreless rolls for easy dispensing.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 1.3mil, Grey, 40 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 21.51 14.22 29.35 JAGRG3858G.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG RG3858G, JAGRG3858G 1 1 0 0 1 61
1053 Lagasse 13-15 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 24x33, 0.5mil, 250 Bags (JAGRW2432X) 1053 JAG RW2432X 6.40 K4832MWJ 13-15 Gallon White Garbage Bags
Cub Roll Commercial Can Liners, Medium Grade, White, 0.50 Mil Gauge, 250 garbage bags per case. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. These garbage bags are made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Coreless can liner rolls are perforated for easy dispensing. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density garbage can liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 13-15 Gallon Garbage Bags, 24x33, 0.5mil, White, 2 Rolls of 125 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 20.34 13.45 26.64 JAGRW2432X.JPG 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon trash bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 13 gallon garbage can liners, JAG RW2432X, JAGRW2432X 1 1 0 0 1 61
1054 Lagasse 30 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.90mil, 75 Bags (JAGRW3036X) 1054 JAG RW3036X 4.90 K6036TWJ 30 Gallon White Garbage Bags
0.90mil thickness commercial can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharp objects found around home, school, office or house of worship Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Coreless rolls for easy dispensing White plastic trash can liners.
Jaguar Plastics 30 Gallon Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.90mil, White, 75 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Jaguar Plastics 13.68 9.04 17.95 JAGRW3036X.JPG 30 gallon garbage bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage can liners, JAG RW3036X, JAGRW3036X 1 1 0 0 1 61
1055 Lagasse 33 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.90mil, 75 Bags (JAGRW3339X) 1055 JAG RW3339X 5.80 K6639TWJ 33 Gallon White Garbage Bags
0.90mil thickness commercial can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the garbage bag from the garbage can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharp objects found around home, school, office or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Coreless rolls for easy dispensing. White plastic trash can liners.
Jaguar Plastics 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.9mil, White, 75 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Jaguar Plastics 17.97 11.64 24.09 JAGRW3339X.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, JAG RW3339X, JAGRW3339X 1 1 0 0 1 61
1056 Lagasse 60 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.90mil, 45 Bags (JAGRW3858X) 1056 JAG RW3858X 6.00 K7658TWJ 60 Gallon White Garbage Bags
0.90 Mil thickness commercial can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the garbage bag from the garbage can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharp objects found around home, school, office or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Coreless rolls for easy dispensing.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.9mil, White, 45 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 16.19 10.70 21.55 JAGRW3858X.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG RW3858X, JAGRW3858X 1 1 0 0 1 61
1057 Lagasse 45 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.90mil, 50 Bags (JAGRW4046X) 1057 JAG RW4046X 5.50 K8046TWJ 45 Gallon White Garbage Bags
0.90mil thickness commercial can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the garbage bag from the garbage can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharp objects found around home, school, office or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Coreless rolls for easy dispensing.
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.90mil, White, 50 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 17.05 10.95 22.86 JAGRW4046X.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, JAG RW4046X, JAGRW4046X 1 1 0 0 1 61
1058 Lagasse “Employees Must Wash Hands” ADA Sign (UST4726) 1058 UST 4726 0.24 USS4726 • Meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements International symbol and raised tactile graphic with grade two braille. Molded plastic radius design. Includes instructions and double-sided adhesive tape for easy mounting. 6w x 9h.
ADA SIGN, EMPLOYEES MUST WASH HANDS-GY/WE 6X9 U.S. Stamp & Sign 8.32 6.19 11.38 UST4726.JPG Employees Must Wash Hands ADA Sign UST 4726, UST4726, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 154
1059 Lagasse Handwrap Stretch Film, 15-Micron Thickness, 4 Rolls (UVS62018) 1059 UVS 62018 39.60 UNV62018 Stretch Film
Wrap pallet loads to ensure safe and secure delivery. Self-adhering—each layer of film bonds to the next for added strength. Protects shipments from water, dirt and damage caused by excess movement. 18in wide rolls with 3in core
Universal Products - Stretch Film 18" x 2000-Ft, 3" Core, 15 Micron, 4 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Universal Office Products 109.79 83.74 148.15 UVS62018.JPG Handwrap Stretch Film, Adjustable Hand Dispenser, 15-Micron 60-Gauge Thickness UVS 62018, UVS62018, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 112
1060 Lagasse “Handwrap” Stretch Film, 20-Micron (80-Gauge) Thickness (UVS80118) 1060 UVS 80118 39.60 UNV80118 • Wrap pallet loads to ensure safe and secure delivery • Self-adhering—each layer of film bonds to the next for added strength • Protects shipments from water, dirt and damage caused by excess movement • 18in wide rolls with 3in core
STRETCH FILM 18INX1500 FT 3IN CORE 20MICR 4 Universal Office Products 116.45 88.82 151.51 UVS80118.JPG Handwrap Stretch Film, Adjustable Hand Dispenser, 20-Micron 80-Gauge Thickness UVS 80118, UVS80118, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 112
1061 Lagasse “Handwrap” Stretch Film, Adjustable Hand Dispenser, Adjustable Hand Dispenser (UVS89000) 1061 UVS 89000 4.40 UNV89000 • Wrap pallet loads to ensure safe and secure delivery • Self-adhering—each layer of film bonds to the next for added strength • Protects shipments from water, dirt and damage caused by excess movement • 18in wide rolls with 3in core
STRETCH FILM HAND-HELD DSP Universal Office Products 81.75 62.35 107.52 UVS89000.JPG Handwrap Stretch Film, Adjustable Hand Dispenser, Adjustable Hand Dispenser UVS 89000, UVS89000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 112
1062 Lagasse “Men HC” (Accessible Symbol) ADA Sign (UST4815) 1062 UST 4815 0.24 USS4815 • Meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements International symbol and raised tactile graphic with grade two braille. Molded plastic radius design. Includes instructions and double-sided adhesive tape for easy mounting. 6w x 9h.
ADA SIGN, MEN HANDICAP-GY/WE 6X9 U.S. Stamp & Sign 8.32 5.82 10.99 UST4815.JPG Men HC Accessible Symbol ADA Sign UST 4815, UST4815, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 154
1063 Lagasse “Men” ADA Sign (UST4817) 1063 UST 4817 0.24 USS4817 • Meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements International symbol and raised tactile graphic with grade two braille. Molded plastic radius design. Includes instructions and double-sided adhesive tape for easy mounting. 6w x 9h.
ADA SIGN, MEN-GY/WE 6X9 U.S. Stamp & Sign 8.32 6.19 11.37 UST4817.JPG Men ADA Sign UST 4817, UST4817, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 154
1064 Lagasse “No Smoking” ADA Sign (UST4813) 1064 UST 4813 0.24 USS4813 • Meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements International symbol and raised tactile graphic with grade two braille. Molded plastic radius design. Includes instructions and double-sided adhesive tape for easy mounting. 6w x 9h.
ADA SIGN, NO SMOKING-GY/WE 6X9 U.S. Stamp & Sign 8.32 6.19 11.19 UST4813.JPG No Smoking ADA Sign UST 4813, UST4813, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 154
1065 Lagasse “Restroom 2” ADA Sign (UST4812) 1065 UST 4812 0.24 USS4812 • Meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements International symbol and raised tactile graphic with grade two braille. Molded plastic radius design. Includes instructions and double-sided adhesive tape for easy mounting. 6w x 9h.
ADA SIGN, RESTROOM-GY/WE 6X9 U.S. Stamp & Sign 8.31 6.19 11.17 UST4812.JPG Restroom 2 ADA Sign UST 4812, UST4812, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 154
1066 Lagasse “Restroom” (Accessible Symbol) ADA Sign (UST4811) 1066 UST 4811 0.24 USS4811 • Meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements International symbol and raised tactile graphic with grade two braille. Molded plastic radius design. Includes instructions and double-sided adhesive tape for easy mounting. 6w x 9h.
ADA SIGN, RESTROOM HANDICAP-GY/WE 6X9 U.S. Stamp & Sign 8.31 6.19 11.00 UST4811.JPG Restroom Accessible Symbol ADA Sign UST 4811, UST4811, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 154
1067 Lagasse “Women HC” (Accessible Symbol) ADA Sign (UST4814) 1067 UST 4814 0.24 USS4814 • Meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements International symbol and raised tactile graphic with grade two braille. Molded plastic radius design. Includes instructions and double-sided adhesive tape for easy mounting. 6w x 9h.
ADA SIGN, WOMEN HANDICAP-GY/WE 6X9 U.S. Stamp & Sign 8.31 6.19 11.12 UST4814.JPG Women HC Accessible Symbol ADA Sign UST 4814, UST4814, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 154
1068 Lagasse “Women” ADA Sign (UST4816) 1068 UST 4816 0.24 USS4816 • Meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements International symbol and raised tactile graphic with grade two braille. Molded plastic radius design. Includes instructions and double-sided adhesive tape for easy mounting. 6w x 9h.
ADA SIGN WOMEN-GY/WE 6X9 U.S. Stamp & Sign 8.31 6.19 11.03 UST4816.JPG Women ADA Sign UST 4816, UST4816, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 154
1069 Lagasse 11" Wall & Stair Microfiber Quick-Connect Pad Holder Frame (RCPQ550) 1069 RCP Q550 0.58 Q550 00YL00 11" Wall & Stair Quick-Connect Pad Holder Frame
Easy, one-step connecting mechanism for quick mop assembly. Thin, flat frame reaches under low objects for thorough cleaning. 180° articulation for full range of motion. Replaceable hook-and-loop fastener strips securely hold pads. Rounded plastic end caps prevent nicks and scrapes while mopping. Smooth surface for water runoff and easy cleaning. Lightweight aluminum construction. 3-1/2 inch wide.
Rubbermaid Quick-Connect Microfiber Pad Holder Frame, 11", Each
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Rubbermaid Commercial Products 12.98 9.90 17.49 RCPQ550.JPG 11in Wall/Stair Microfiber Quick Connect Pad Holder Frame, RCP Q550, RCPQ550, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1070 Lagasse Rubbermaid 11" Wall/Stair Microfiber Mopping Pad, 6 Pads (RCPQ820BLU) 1070 RCP Q820 BLU 0.91 Q820 BLU 11" Rubbermaid Microfiber Floor Mopping Pads
11" Wall Stair Wet Microfiber Mopping Pad. The sanitation solution for hospitals and cleanrooms microfiber pads High-quality, dense, ultra-fine microfiber removes bacteria, making cleaning quick and effective. The fibers on this Green Cleaning Product pick up and hold dust, dirt and grime. Hypoallergenic, lint-free, nonabrasive and color-coded to improve sanitization. Double-bound edges for durability. Pads are stain resistant. Machine-washable pad withstands more than 500 washings. Bleach safe. Dry on low heat. Improved hook-and-loop backing attaches securely to pad holders.
Rubbermaid Microfiber 11" Wall/Stair Wet Mop Pad, 13.7x5.5, Blue, 6 per Case
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 50.43 38.47 66.74 RCPQ820BLU.JPG 11in Wall/Stair Wet Microfiber Mopping Pad, RCP Q820 BLU, RCPQ820BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1071 Lagasse Rubbermaid 12" Dual Motor Power Height Vacuum Cleaner PH12 (RCP9VPH12) 1071 RCP 9VPH12 27.00 9VPH12 Rubbermaid Power Height Dual Motor Commercial Vacuum
Motor - 11 amp
Cleaning Path - 12"
Carpet Height Adjustment - Automatic
On-board Tools
Filtration System - Standard Filter, optional HEPA filtration system sold separately
Unit Weight - 23 lbs.
Cord Length - 40-ft.
UL Approved (Commercial Use)
OSHA Compliant
Shipping weight - 27 lbs.
Manufacturer’s Warranty - Two-Years
Bags - Microfiltration Bag RCP MHBA12 (included)
Rubbermaid 11 AMP Power Height Commercial Vacuum Cleaner, Dual Motor, 12" Wide Cleaning Path, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 325.16 248.00 425.73 RCP9VPH12.JPG 12in Dual Motor Model PH12 Power Height Upright, RCP 9VPH12, RCP9VPH12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1072 Lagasse Rubbermaid 12" Manual Height Upright Vacuum Cleaner (RCP9VMH12) 1072 RCP 9VMH12 24.00 9VMH12 Rubbermaid 12" Upright Vacuum Cleaner
Motor - 10 amp
Cleaning Path - 12"
Carpet Height Adjustment - Four-Position
On-board Tools
Filtration System - Standard Filter
optional HEPA filtration system sold separately
Unit Weight - 20 lbs.
Cord Length - 40-ft.
UL Approved (Commercial Use)
OSHA Compliant
Shipping Weight - 24 lbs
Manufacturer’s Warranty - Two-Years
Bags - Microfiltration Bag RCP 9VMHBA12 (included)
Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner, 12" Manual Height Adjustment, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 298.93 228.00 405.49 RCP9VMH12.JPG rubbermaid vacuum cleaner, rubbermaid 12in manual model MH12 height upright, RCP 9VMH12, RCP9VMH12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1073 Lagasse Rubbermaid Traditional 12" Commerical Upright Vacuum Cleaner CV12 (RCP9VCV12) 1073 RCP 9VCV12 18.50 9VCV12 Rubbermaid 12" Wide Commercial Vacuum Cleaner
Motor - 7 amp
Cleaning Path - 12"
Carpet Height Adjustment - Six-Position
Furniture Guard
Filtration System - Standard Filter
Unit Weight - 17.2 lbs.
Cord Length - 50-ft.
UL Approved (Commercial Use)
OSHA Compliant
Shipping Weight - 18.5 lbs.
Manufacturer’s Warranty - One-Year
Bags - 2 Paper bags included RCP 9VMHBA12
Optional Easy-Empty Cloth Bag RCP 9VCVBA12
Rubbermaid Traditional Commercial Vacuum Cleaner, 12 Wide Cleaning Path, Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 162.58 124.00 213.68 RCP9VCV12.JPG 12in Traditional Model CV12 Commercial Upright, RCP 9VCV12, RCP9VCV12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1077 Lagasse 16-Piece Light-Duty Office Tool Kit (GRECTB9) 1077 GRE CTB9 5.60 GNSCTB9 16-Piece Tool Kit
Includes a 16" metal box with hammer, two screwdrivers (Phillips head and standard), slip joint pliers, adjustable wrench, 10-ft. rule, retractable utility knife, razor scraper and seven-piece hex key set. Manufacturer’s lifetime warranty.
Great Neck Saw Mfrs. Inc. 16-Piece Light-Duty Office Tool Kit 16" Box, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Great Neck Saw Mfrs. Inc. 31.45 23.93 41.59 GRECTB9.JPG tool kit, light duty tool kit, 16 piece light duty tool kit, GRE CTB9, GRECTB9, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 51
1078 Lagasse 18" Microfiber Dust Mopping Pad (RCPQ412WHI) 1078 RCP Q412 WHI 7.00 Q412 00 WH00 Rubbermaid 18" Microfiber Dust Mopping Pad
18" Microfiber Dust Mopping Pad. The sanitation solution for hospitals and cleanrooms For dry dusting prior to wet mopping. The microfibers on this Green Cleaning Product ensure outstanding dust removal from all types of cleaning surfaces. Fits RCP Q560 Pad Holder (sold separately). White. 18 x 5. 12 pads per case. Be sure to purchase all of your Green Cleaning Supplies and Green Cleaning Products right here at today and save. Also check out our line of Cleaning and Janitorial Supplies and save today.
Rubbermaid Microfiber Room Dust Pad, 18"x5" White, 12 per Case
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Rubbermaid Commercial Products 99.38 75.60 135.99 RCPQ412WHI.JPG 18in Dust Mopping Microfiber Pad, RCP Q412 WHI, RCPQ412WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1079 Lagasse 18" Economy Wet Mopping Microfiber Pad, 12 Pads (RCPQ409BLU) 1079 RCP Q409 BLU 0.24 Q409-00 BL00 Rubbermaid 18" Economy Microfiber Wet Mop Pads
18" Economy Wet Mopping Microfiber Pad. The sanitation solution for hospitals and cleanrooms microfiber pads High-quality, dense, ultra-fine microfiber removes more dust, dirt and bacteria than conventional cleaning products. Releases cleaning solution evenly for effective sanitation. Trapezoidal shape. Fits RCPQ560 Pad Holder (sold separately). Blue. 18 x 5 12 pads per case.
Blue Microfiber Economy Wet Pad, 18" x 5", 12 per case
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 65.03 49.60 85.99 RCPQ409BLU.JPG 18" microfiber pads, microfiber mops, microfiber wet mops, 18 inch economy wet mopping microfiber pad, RCP Q409 BLU, RCPQ409BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1080 Lagasse 18" Microfiber Scrubber Pad, 6 Pads (RCPQ810) 1080 RCP Q810 0.11 Q810 YEL Rubbermaid 18" Microfiber Scrubber Pad
The sanitation solution for hospitals and cleanrooms High-quality, ultra-fine microfiber actually removes bacteria, making cleaning quick and effective. The fibers on these Green Cleaning Products pick up and hold dust, dirt and grime. Hypoallergenic, lint-free, nonabrasive and color-coded to improve sanitization. Double-bound edges for durability. Pads are stain resistant. Machine-washable pad withstands more than 300 washings. Improved hook-and-loop backing attaches securely to pad holders. Microfiber pad holders, handles and mop buckets are sold separately. Yellow microfiber pad with blue synthetic scrubber strips easily removes stubborn spots and dried-on foods. Vertical strips reach into tile grout lines. Fits RCP Q560 Pad Holder (sold separately). 18 x 5. 6 pads per case. Please purchase all of your Green Cleaning Supplies and Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save.
Rubbermaid Microfiber Scrubber Pads, 18"x5", Yellow & Blue, 6 Pads per Case
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Rubbermaid Commercial Products 77.27 58.93 103.39 RCPQ810.JPG 18in Microfiber Scrubber Pad, RCP Q810, RCPQ810, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1081 Lagasse 18" Microfiber Wet Pad with Scrubber (RCPQ415) 1081 RCP Q415 0.60 Q415 00 BL00 18" Microfiber Wet Pad with Scrubber Flap
The sanitation solution for hospitals and cleanrooms High-quality, ultra-fine microfiber actually removes bacteria, making cleaning quick and effective. Fibers pick up and hold dust, dirt and grime. This Green Cleaning Product is hypoallergenic, lint-free, nonabrasive and color-coded to improve sanitization. Double-bound edges for durability. Pads are stain resistant. Machine-washable pad withstands more than 300 washings. Improved hook-and-loop backing attaches securely to pad holders. Microfiber pad holders, handles and mop buckets are sold separately. Poly-bound, nonwoven blue scrubber flap on “50-50” wet pad for spot removal of sticky and/or dried matter. Flap rests on top of wet pad when not needed, easily folds out for use on hard-to-clean spots. With flap in “active position,” rub with foot on back of scrubber. Fits RCP Q560 Pad Holder (sold separately). 18 x 5. Be sure to purchase all of your favorite Green Cleaning Supplies and Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save.
Rubbermaid Microfiber Wet Pad with Scrubber, Blue, 18"x6", Each
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Rubbermaid Commercial Products 9.96 7.60 13.25 RCPQ415.JPG 18in Microfiber Wet Pad with Scrubber, RCP Q415, RCPQ415, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1082 Lagasse 18" Wet or Dry Microfiber Quick-Connect Pad Holder Frame (RCPQ560) 1082 RCP Q560 1.08 Q56000 YL00 18" Wet/Dry Microfiber Quick Connect Pad Holder
This brand name Rubbermaid green cleaning product has an easy, one-step connecting mechanism for quick mop assembly. Rubbermaid Quick Connect Pad Frame Holder features a thin, flat frame that reaches under low objects for thorough cleaning. 180° articulation for full range of motion. Replaceable hook-and-loop fastener strips securely hold pads. Rounded plastic end caps prevent nicks and scrapes while mopping. Smooth surface for water runoff and easy cleaning. Lightweight aluminum construction. 24" frame includes pull-type squeegee for water and debris collection. 3-1/2" wide.
Rubbermaid Microfiber Quick Connect Pad Holder Frame, 18" x 3.5", Aluminum and Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 17.83 13.60 24.32 RCPQ560.JPG rubbermaid microfiber pad holder, rubbermaid pad holder, pad holder, RCP Q560, RCPQ560, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1083 Lagasse 2 ’n 1 Rug Spotter RTU, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (FRKF374012) 1083 FRK F374012 28.00 F374012 Rug Spotter RTU
General-purpose, ready-to-use water-based spotter. Removes most oil- and water-based spots and stains. Use for daily spotting as well as for spotting prior to carpet cleaning. The formulation is pH balanced for stain-resistant carpets and safe for natural fiber carpets. Contains no phosphorous. Mild floral fragrance. Excellent for freshening any room by transforming a dingy looking and smelling carpet into a fresh, clean looking and smelling, brighter carpet.
2 n' 1 Rug Spotter RTU bottle, 12/32 oz. bottles per case. - The wholesale stain remover supply company Buyers Trust.
Franklin Cleaning Technology 44.72 33.29 60.84 FRKF374012.JPG 2 n 1 Rug Spotter RTU, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle FRK F374012, FRKF374012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 43
1084 Lagasse 2000 Flushes Bleach Automatic Bowl Cleaners (WDC290088) 1084 WDC 290088 3.50 290088 Automatic Bowl Cleaner - 2000 Flushes
Keeping your toilet bowl clean and sanitary is a chore and scrubbing is only half the battle. Let 2000 Flushes take some of the work off your hands. Made with a unique formula, 2,000 Flushes cleans and deodorizes with every flush, keeping your toilet fresh and clean and making your scrubbing easier. Cleans and deodorizes with every flush, keeping the bowl sanitary. Kills 99.9% of bacteria. Concentrated, powerful chlorine formula bleaches away stains and keeps water crystal clear. Lasts up to four months. Safe for plumbing and septic systems.
2000 Flushes Automatic Bowl Cleaner, 1.25-oz. tablet. 2 tablets per pack, 6 packs per case.
2000 Flushes Concentrated Tablet Automatic Bowl Cleaner. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
WD40 38.87 29.65 52.30 WDC290088.JPG 2000 Flushes Bleach Automatic Bowl Cleaner, WDC 290088, WDC290088, janitorial supplies, cleaning products, toilet flusher, toilet flush tabs, toilet tabs 1 1 0 0 1 114
1087 Lagasse 20 Quart Step-On Trash Can w/ Plastic Liner, White (IMP13200) 1087 IMP 13200 10.00 13200-1 20-Quart Step-On Trash Can
Smooth, durable step-on mechanisms. Designed to fit under counters or in corners. Hands-off operation for infection and odor control. Includes rigid plastic liner. Steel construction with tight-fitting lid. Painted, chip-proof baked enamel finish. 11-1/4"wide x 12-12"deep x 18"high. Shipping weight: 9 lbs.
Impact 20 Quart Step-On Trash Can with Plastic Liner, White, Each
Impact 59.65 41.00 80.74 IMP13200.JPG trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste containers, waste container, 20-Quart Step-On Trash Can, White IMP 13200, IMP13200 1 1 0 0 1 59
1088 Lagasse 24" Dust Mopping Microfiber Pads, 12 Pads (RCPQ424GRE) 1088 RCP Q424 GRE 6.00 Q424 GR00 Rubbermaid 24" Microfiber Dust & Damp Mopping Pads
The sanitation solution for hospitals and cleanrooms For dry dusting prior to wet mopping. This Green Cleaning Product has microfibers which ensure outstanding dust removal from all types of cleaning surfaces. Effectively cleans large areas, such as hallways. Fits RCP Q570 Pad Holder (sold separately). Green. 24 x 5. 12 pads per case.
Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products
Be sure to purchase all of your favorite, brand name Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save.
Rubbermaid 24" Microfiber Dust Mopping Pad, 24"x5" Green, 12 per Case
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Rubbermaid Commercial Products 134.47 102.56 175.25 RCPQ424GRE.JPG 24in Dust Mopping Microfiber Pad, RCP Q424 GRE, RCPQ424GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1089 Lagasse 24" Squeegee Microfiber Quick Connect Pad Holder Frame (RCPQ570) 1089 RCP Q570 1.20 Q570 24" Squeegee Microfiber Quick Connect Pad Holder Frame
This Quick Connect Pad Holder Frame has an easy, one step connecting mechanism for quick mop assembly. The Thin, flat frame on these reaches under low objects for thorough cleaning. 180° articulation for full range of motion. Replaceable hook-and-loop fastener strips securely hold pads. Rounded plastic end caps prevent nicks and scrapes while mopping. Smooth surface for water runoff and easy cleaning. Lightweight aluminum construction. 24" frame includes pull type squeegee for water and debris collection. 4 1/2" wide.
Be sure to purchase all of your favorite Green Cleaning Supplies and Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save.
Rubbermaid Microfiber Quick Connect Pad Holder with Squeege, 24x4.5, Each
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Rubbermaid Commercial Products 21.39 16.32 28.01 RCPQ570.JPG 24in Squeegee Microfiber Quick Connect Pad Holder Frame RCP Q570, RCPQ570, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1090 Lagasse Rubbermaid 25-Gallon Plastic Ash/Trash Can, Beige (RCP8182-88BEI) 1090 RCP 8182-88 BEI 29.00 8182 88 BEIG 25-Gallon Plastic Ash/Trash Can
California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) Listed for fire safety Ideal for entryways, lobbies, smoking areas. Trash can collects both refuse and smoking debris. Structural web plastic construction gives a contemporary styling and resists dents and scratches. Smooth surface is easy to clean. Aluminum ashtray top removes for ease of maintenance, or can be permanently affixed. Uses Rigid Liner RCP 3552 (sold separately). 18" diameter x 42-1/4" high. Shipping weight: 29 lbs. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products. Rubbermaid 25-Gallon Plastic Ash and Trash Can, Beige.
Trash Cans » Smoking Management » Ash Trash Can
Rubbermaid 25-Gallon Plastic Ash/Trash Can, Beige, 18" Diameter x 42-1/4" High, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 323.84 247.00 422.60 RCP818288BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, 25-Gallon Plastic Ash/Trash Can, Beige RCP 8182-88 BEI, RCP818288BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
1091 Lagasse 26-Quart Metal Mop Bucket (IMP260) 1091 IMP 260 11.00 260 Oval 24-mil gauge galvanized steel bucket with handle and 2in ball-bearing casters. Leakproof seams. Embossed graduations for measuring. Rim is reinforced with 1/4in steel wire. 12w x 16d x 10-1/2h.
OVAL BASKET W/CSTRS 26QT Impact 80.24 59.63 104.94 IMP260.JPG 26-Quart Metal Mop Bucket IMP 260, IMP260, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
1092 Lagasse 36" Hall Dusting Microfiber Quick Connect Pad Holder Frame (RCPQ580YEL) 1092 RCP Q580 YEL 1.50 Q580 00 YEL Rubbermaid Quick Connect 36" Hall Dusting Frame
Easy, one-step connecting mechanism for quick mop assembly. Thin, flat frame reaches under low objects for thorough cleaning. 180° articulation for full range of motion. Replaceable hook-and-loop fastener strips securely hold pads. Rounded plastic end caps prevent nicks and scrapes while mopping. Smooth surface for water runoff and easy cleaning. Lightweight aluminum construction. 3-1/2in wide.
Rubbermaid Quick Connect 36" Dust Frame for Hallways, Aluminum, Yellow, 3-1/2" x 36", Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 25.51 19.46 33.19 RCPQ580YEL.JPG 36in Hall Dusting Microfiber Quick Connect Pad Holder Frame, RCP Q580 YEL, RCPQ580YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1093 Lagasse 48" Hall Dusting Microfiber Quick Connect Pad Holder Frame (RCPQ590YEL) 1093 RCP Q590 YEL 2.78 Q590 00 YL00 Rubbermaid Quick Connect 48" Hall Dusting Frame
Easy, one-step connecting mechanism for quick mop assembly. Thin, flat frame reaches under low objects for thorough cleaning. 180° articulation for full range of motion. Replaceable hook-and-loop fastener strips securely hold pads. Rounded plastic end caps prevent nicks and scrapes while mopping. Smooth surface for water runoff and easy cleaning. Lightweight aluminum construction. 3-1/2in wide.
Quick Connect 48" Dust Frame for Hallways, Aluminum, Yellow, 3-1/2" x 48", Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 28.05 21.39 37.70 RCPQ590YEL.JPG 48in Hall Dusting Microfiber Quick Connect Pad Holder Frame, RCP Q590 YEL, RCPQ590YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1096 Lagasse 3M Blue Scubbing Pad for Doodlebug Cleaning System, MCO8242 1096 MCO 8242 3.40 08005 3M Blue Scrubbing Pad for Doodlebug Cleaning System
Cleaning pad combines with the multi-purpose pad holder to tackle a variety of cleaning jobs. For medium-duty cleaning and scrubbing. Fits pad holders MCO 6472 and MCO 6473. 5 pads per pack; 4 packs per case.
Manufactured by 3M Products
Doodlebug Medium-Duty Scrubbing Pads, 4.6"x 10", Blue, 4 Packs of 5 Pads per Case - The wholesale cleaning company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 50.30 33.83 67.82 MCO8242.JPG scubbing pad, doodlebug scubbing pad, 3M blue scubbing pad for doodlebug cleaning system MCO 8242, MCO8242 1 1 0 0 1 1
1097 Lagasse Brown Scrub n' Strip Pad for Doodlebug Cleaning System, 20 Pads (MCO8541) 1097 MCO 8541 3.54 08004 Scrub’n Strip Pads for Doodlebug Cleaning System
Cleaning pad combines with the multi-purpose pad holder to tackle a variety of cleaning jobs. For heavy-duty cleaning and stripping. Fits pad holders MCO 6472 and MCO 6473. 4-5/8 x 10. 5 pads per pack; 4 packs per case.
3M Products Brown Scrub’n Strip Pads for Doodlebug Cleaning System, 4.6" x 10", 5 Pads per Pack, 4 Packs, 10 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 47.90 35.30 62.40 MCO8541.JPG 3M Brown Scrub n Strip Pad for Doodlebug Cleaning System MCO 8541, MCO8541, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1101 Lagasse 3M™ Dirt Stop™, Gray, Size 48 x 72 (MCO34843) 1101 MCO 34843 16.70 34843 • Coiled vinyl loops scrape, trap and hide dirt and moisture from shoes; minimizes tracking debris into building • Easy-to-clean crush-resistant vinyl; just hose or shake clean Handles light foot traffic—up to 50,000 people per year. Vinyl backing retains debris; prevents water seepage. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty.
DIRT STOP OUTDOOR SCRAPER MAT 48X72 SLATE 3M Corporation 125.95 96.07 172.24 MCO34843.JPG 3M Dirt Stop, Gray, Size 48 x 72 MCO 34843, MCO34843, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1104 Lagasse 3M Doodleduster Cloth Holder, 25 in long x 3 in Wide (MCO19150) 1104 MCO 19150 2.00 19150 3M Doodleduster Cloth Holder, rugged, yet lightweight holder for Doodleduster cloths (sold separately). Flexible swivel and low profile enhance maneuverability. Clips for easy cloth attachment and removal.
Doodleduster cloths (sold separately), see MCO 19152
Doodleduster Holder 25 in X 3in, 1 per Case 3M Corporation 57.37 43.76 75.13 MCO19150.JPG 3M Doodleduster Cloth and Holder, Doodleduster Holder, 25 x 31-5/16 x 3 MCO 19150, MCO19150, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1105 Lagasse 3M Doodleduster Cloth Holder, 38 in Long x 3 in Wide (MCO19151) 1105 MCO 19151 2.00 19151 3M Doodleduster Cloth Holder. Rugged, yet lightweight holder for Doodleduster cloths (sold separately). Flexible swivel and low profile enhance maneuverability. Clips for easy cloth attachment and removal.
Doodleduster cloths (sold separately), See MCO19152
Doodleduster Cloth Holder, 38 in x 3 in, 1 per Case 3M Corporation 71.22 53.47 94.42 MCO19151.JPG 3M Doodleduster Cloth and Holder, Doodleduster Holder, 38 x 31-5/16 x 3 MCO 19151, MCO19151, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1106 Lagasse 3M Doodleduster Cloth (MCO19152) 1106 MCO 19152 4.00 19152 3M Doodleduster Cloth, Untreated, microfiber disposable cloth leaves no slippery, sticky residue. Ideal for dusting floors before and after burnishing or prior to recoating. 250, 7 x 13.8 cloths per roll.
Doodleduster Holders Sold Separately, See MCO 19150 & MCO19151
DOODLEDUSTER CLOTH 7X13.8 WHT 250 3M Corporation 88.51 67.51 118.69 MCO19152.JPG 3M Doodleduster Cloth and Holder, Doodleduster Cloth MCO 19152, MCO19152, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1107 Lagasse 3M Easy Trap Duster Cloth, Large Dust Cloth (MCO55654) 1107 MCO 55654 5.38 55654 Disposable duster sheet holds six times more dust, dirt, sand and hair than traditional mops or other disposable systems. Nonwoven, three-dimensional, two-sided sheet with coated fibers. Use for hand dusting or with 3M Easy II Holder MCO 55935 Series (sold separately) for use on floors and hard-to-reach areas. 250 perforated 8"x 6"sheets per roll.
Easy Trap Dust Cloth, 1 Roll per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Dust Cloth 3M Corporation 72.11 55.00 97.62 MCO55654.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, 3M Easy Trap Duster Cloth, MCO 55654, MCO55654 1 1 0 0 1 1
1108 Lagasse 3M Easy Trap Duster Cloth, Standard Dust Cloth (MCO55655) 1108 MCO 55655 6.12 55655 Disposable duster sheet holds six times more dust, dirt, sand and hair than traditional mops or other disposable systems. Nonwoven, three-dimensional, two-sided sheet with coated fibers. Use for hand dusting or with 3M Easy II Holder MCO 55935 Series (sold separately) for use on floors and hard-to-reach areas. 250 perforated 5"x 6"sheets per roll.
Easy Trap Dust Cloth, 2 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Dust Cloth 3M Corporation 93.11 71.02 127.47 MCO55655.JPG wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, MCO 55655, MCO55655 1 1 0 0 1 1
1109 Lagasse 3M Easy Trap Flip Holder, 23in Length (MCO59247) 1109 MCO 59247 1.64 59247 3M Easy Trap Flip Holder
Lightweight holder for use with 3M Easy Trap Duster Cloth MCO 55655 and MCO 55654 (sold separately). Use both sides of dusting cloth without touching it. Clamping mechanism securely holds duster cloth. 4" head size for covering a wide area in one smooth swipe.
Easy Trap Flip Holder, 4inch X 23inch Holder Head. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 63.60 48.51 85.18 MCO59247.JPG 3m easy trap flip holder, 23in length, MCO 59247, MCO59247, janitorial supplies, duster head, duster, flip dry mop, dry mop 1 1 0 0 1 1
1110 Lagasse 3M™ Easy Trap II Holder, 35in Length (MCO55936) 1110 MCO 55936 6.61 55936 Lightweight holder for use with 3M™ Easy Trap Duster Cloth MCO 55655 and MCO 55654 (sold separately). Use both sides of dusting cloth without touching it. Hook and loop material holds duster cloth. 3-1/2 x 1-5/8 head size.
EASY II HOLDER 3.5X1.625X35 3M Corporation 51.79 39.50 70.79 MCO55936.JPG 3M Easy Trap II Holder, 35in Length MCO 55936, MCO55936, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1111 Lagasse 3M™ Easy Trap II Holder, 47in Length (MCO55937) 1111 MCO 55937 8.44 55937 Lightweight holder for use with 3M™ Easy Trap Duster Cloth MCO 55655 and MCO 55654 (sold separately). Use both sides of dusting cloth without touching it. Hook and loop material holds duster cloth. 3-1/2 x 1-5/8 head size.
EASY II HOLDER 3.5X1.625X47 3M Corporation 51.28 38.93 69.03 MCO55937.JPG 3M Easy Trap II Holder, 47in Length MCO 55937, MCO55937, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1112 Lagasse 3M Glass & Window Cleaner, 12 Spray Bottles (MCO35142) 1112 MCO 35142 28.00 35142 3M Glass Cleaner
3M Glass Cleaner ready-to-use formula cleans windows, glass and mirrors, as well as stainless steel, chrome, aluminum, ceramic, marble, plexiglass and most plastics. Nonammoniated and nonstreaking. Dries fast with no streaks. Perfect for use homes, business, cars and more!
Manufactured by 3M Corporation
3M Non Ammoniated Glass Cleaner, 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case
3M Corporation 49.19 37.52 65.38 MCO35142.JPG 3M glass cleaner, 3M window cleaner, MCO 35142, MCO35142, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1113 Lagasse 3M Grill Brick, 12 Bricks (MCO15238) 1113 MCO 15238 7.00 15238 Grill Cleaning Brick
This specially compounded grill brick is designed to disintegrate during use to expose an unused surface. It will work on any and all hot or cold flat-top griddles. It is also reusable for several cleanings. Brick size: 8"wide x 4"deep x 3 1/2" high.
3M Grill Brick, 8" x 4" x 3 1/2", 12 Bricks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 33.74 24.87 45.45 MCO15238.JPG grill cleaning brick, grill cleaner, grill brick, 3m grill brick, MCO 15238, MCO15238, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1114 Lagasse 3M Handblock for Doodlebug Cleaning System (MCO6473) 1114 MCO 6473 5.80 08548 Cleaning pad combined with the multipurpose pad holder tackle a variety of cleaning jobs. Convenient built-in handle puts cleaning versatility in the palm of your hand. Unique hook-and-loop bottom holds Doodlebug™ pads without the use of adhesives or fasteners. 4 handblocks per case.
DOODLEBUG HOOK & LOOP HANDBLOCK 4 3M Corporation 148.81 106.24 196.21 MCO6473.JPG 3M Handblock for Doodlebug Cleaning System, MCO 6473, MCO6473, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1115 Lagasse 3M™ Heavy-Duty Ready-to-Use Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (MCO34764) 1115 MCO 34764 30.00 34764 3M™ Heavy-Duty Ready-to-Use Bowl Cleaner
This heavy duty toilet bowl and urinal cleaning product contains 23% hydrochloric acid formula which helps remove the most difficult rust stains and hard water mineral deposits from porcelain and fiberglass toilet bowls and urinals.
Manufactured by 3M Corporation
H-DTY BOWL CLNR 32OZ BTL RTU 12 3M Corporation 41.32 31.52 55.37 MCO34764.JPG 3M Heavy-Duty Ready-to-Use Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle MCO 34764, MCO34764, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 1
1116 Lagasse 3M™ High Productivity Stripping Pad for Doodlebug™ Cleaning System (MCO8550) 1116 MCO 8550 5.50 05241 Cleaning pad combined with the multipurpose pad holder tackle a variety of cleaning jobs. For extra heavy-duty cleaning and stripping. Fits pad holders MCO 6472 and MCO 6473. 4-5/8 x 10. 10 pads per pack; 4 packs per case.
DOODLEBUG H-DTY HI-PRDCTV STRIP PAD 4.6X10 4/5 3M Corporation 150.23 109.76 201.21 MCO8550.JPG 3M High Productivity Stripping Pad for Doodlebug Cleaning System MCO 8550, MCO8550, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1117 Lagasse 3M™ Liquid Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish, 6 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (MCO19927) 1117 MCO 19927 15.50 19927 Ready-to-use formula cleans and polishes stainless steel, chrome, aluminum and laminated plastic surfaces. High gloss formula wipes clean with no streaks or buildup. Pleasant lime fragrance. 1 trigger sprayer per case.
LIQUID SS CLNR & POLISH 32OZ BTL RTU 6 3M Corporation 122.85 92.43 166.11 MCO19927.JPG 3M Liquid Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish, 6 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle MCO 19927, MCO19927, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1118 Lagasse 12" 3M TopLine Autoscrubber Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5000 (MCO18044) 1118 MCO 18044 1.48 18044 Five pads per case.
5000 TOPLINE LOW-SPD AUTOSCRUB FLR PAD 12IN 5 3M Corporation 21.69 16.32 28.76 MCO18044.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Autoscrubber Pad 5000, 12in Diameter MCO 18044, MCO18044, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1119 Lagasse 13" 3M TopLine Autoscrubber Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5000 (MCO18045) 1119 MCO 18045 1.50 18045 Five pads per case.
5000 TOPLINE LOW-SPD AUTOSCRUB FLR PAD 13IN 5 3M Corporation 23.60 17.53 32.24 MCO18045.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Autoscrubber Pad 5000, 13in Diameter MCO 18045, MCO18045, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1120 Lagasse 14" 3M TopLine Autoscrubber Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5000 (MCO18046) 1120 MCO 18046 2.00 18046 Five pads per case.
5000 TOPLINE LOW-SPD AUTOSCRUB FLR PAD 14IN 5 3M Corporation 26.13 19.62 34.06 MCO18046.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Autoscrubber Pad 5000, 14in Diameter MCO 18046, MCO18046, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1121 Lagasse 15" 3M TopLine Autoscrubber Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5000 (MCO18047) 1121 MCO 18047 2.21 18047 Five pads per case.
5000 TOPLINE LOW-SPD AUTOSCRUB FLR PAD 15IN 5 3M Corporation 32.97 25.15 43.35 MCO18047.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Autoscrubber Pad 5000, 15in Diameter MCO 18047, MCO18047, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1122 Lagasse 16" 3M TopLine Autoscrubber Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5000 (MCO18048) 1122 MCO 18048 2.50 18048 Five pads per case.
5000 TOPLINE LOW-SPD AUTOSCRUB FLR PAD 16IN 5 3M Corporation 33.56 25.60 44.96 MCO18048.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Autoscrubber Pad 5000, 16in Diameter MCO 18048, MCO18048, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1123 Lagasse 18" 3M TopLine Autoscrubber Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5000 (MCO18050) 1123 MCO 18050 3.15 18050 Five pads per case.
5000 TOPLINE LOW-SPD AUTOSCRUB FLR PAD 18IN 5 3M Corporation 42.22 32.20 55.55 MCO18050.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Autoscrubber Pad 5000, 18in Diameter MCO 18050, MCO18050, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1124 Lagasse 19" 3M TopLine Autoscrubber Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5000 (MCO18051) 1124 MCO 18051 3.25 18051 Five pads per case.
5000 TOPLINE LOW-SPD AUTOSCRUB FLR PAD 19IN 5 3M Corporation 44.01 33.57 57.52 MCO18051.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Autoscrubber Pad 5000, 19in Diameter MCO 18051, MCO18051, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1125 Lagasse 20" 3M TopLine Autoscrubber Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5000 (MCO18052) 1125 MCO 18052 3.40 18052 Five pads per case.
5000 TOPLINE LOW-SPD AUTOSCRUB FLR PAD 20IN 5 3M Corporation 46.80 35.69 62.09 MCO18052.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Autoscrubber Pad 5000, 20in Diameter MCO 18052, MCO18052, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1126 Lagasse 12" 3M High-Productivity Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7300 (MCO08270) 1126 MCO 08270 1.74 08270 Five pads per case.
7300 HI-PRDCTV LOW-SPD FLR PAD 12IN 5 3M Corporation 34.29 25.35 46.02 MCO08270.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, High-Productivity Stripping Pad 7300, 12in Diameter, MCO 08270, MCO08270, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1127 Lagasse 13" 3M High-Productivity Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7300 (MCO08271) 1127 MCO 08271 1.90 08271 Five pads per case.
7300 HI-PRDCTV LOW-SPD FLR PAD 13IN 5 3M Corporation 39.52 30.14 53.75 MCO08271.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, High-Productivity Stripping Pad 7300, 13in Diameter MCO 08271, MCO08271, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1128 Lagasse 14" 3M High-Productivity Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7300 (MCO08272) 1128 MCO 08272 2.18 08272 14" Low Speed Floor Pads, 7300 3M High-Productivity Black Stripping Pads
Five pads per case.
3M High-Productivity Black Stripping Pads Low Speed Floor Pads, 7300 - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust
3M Corporation 43.87 32.47 57.19 MCO08272.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, High-Productivity Stripping Pad 7300, 14in Diameter MCO 08272, MCO08272, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1129 Lagasse 15" 3M High-Productivity Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7300 (MCO08273) 1129 MCO 08273 2.71 08273 Five pads per case.
7300 HI-PRDCTV LOW-SPD FLR PAD 15IN 5 3M Corporation 48.09 35.82 63.95 MCO08273.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, High-Productivity Stripping Pad 7300, 15in Diameter MCO 08273, MCO08273, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1130 Lagasse 16" 3M High-Productivity Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7300 (MCO08274) 1130 MCO 08274 2.99 08274 Five pads per case.
7300 HI-PRDCTV LOW-SPD FLR PAD 16IN 5 3M Corporation 51.92 38.54 68.78 MCO08274.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, High-Productivity Stripping Pad 7300, 16in Diameter MCO 08274, MCO08274, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1131 Lagasse 17" 3M High-Productivity Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7300 (MCO08275) 1131 MCO 08275 2.90 08275 Five pads per case.
7300 HI-PRDCTV LOW-SPD FLR PAD 17IN 5 3M Corporation 58.62 44.71 78.98 MCO08275.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, High-Productivity Stripping Pad 7300, 17in Diameter MCO 08275, MCO08275, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1132 Lagasse 18" 3M High-Productivity Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7300 (MCO08276) 1132 MCO 08276 3.90 08276 Five pads per case.
7300 HI-PRDCTV LOW-SPD FLR PAD 18IN 5 3M Corporation 60.37 46.04 78.96 MCO08276.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, High-Productivity Stripping Pad 7300, 18in Diameter MCO 08276, MCO08276, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1133 Lagasse 19" 3M High-Productivity Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7300 (MCO08277) 1133 MCO 08277 4.25 08277 Five pads per case.
7300 HI-PRDCTV LOW-SPD FLR PAD 19IN 5 3M Corporation 70.29 53.61 95.54 MCO08277.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, High-Productivity Stripping Pad 7300, 19in Diameter MCO 08277, MCO08277, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1134 Lagasse 20" 3M High-Productivity Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7300 (MCO08278) 1134 MCO 08278 4.50 08278 3M Hi Productivity Black Floor Stripping Pads
Extra course floor stripping pads. Five black floor pads per case.
7300 Black Hi Productivity Low Speed Floor Stripping Pads, 20", 5 per Case
3M Corporation 73.48 55.07 99.59 MCO08278.JPG 3m floor pads, black floor pads, 3m low speed floor pads, extra course floor stripping pads, high productivity stripping pads, hi pro strip pads, 7300, 20 inch diameter, MCO 08278, MCO08278 1 1 0 0 1 1
1135 Lagasse 21" 3M High-Productivity Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7300 (MCO08279) 1135 MCO 08279 5.20 08279 Five pads per case.
7300 HI-PRDCTV LOW-SPD FLR PAD 21IN 5 3M Corporation 81.67 62.29 107.60 MCO08279.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, High-Productivity Stripping Pad 7300, 21in Diameter MCO 08279, MCO08279, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1136 Lagasse 15" 3M Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7200 (MCO08377) 1136 MCO 08377 2.95 08377 Five pads per case.
7200 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 15IN BLA 5 3M Corporation 25.82 19.08 33.99 MCO08377.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad 7200, 15in Diameter MCO 08377, MCO08377, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1137 Lagasse 16" 3M Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7200 (MCO08378) 1137 MCO 08378 3.40 08378 Five pads per case.
7200 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 16IN BLA 5 3M Corporation 31.68 21.39 41.69 MCO08378.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad 7200, 16in Diameter MCO 08378, MCO08378, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1138 Lagasse 17" 3M Black Stripping Pads, 7200 Series Low Speed Floor Pads, 5 Pads (MCO08379) 1138 MCO 08379 3.80 08379 17" Black Stripping Pads
3M's floor pads are the industry standard against which all other stripping pads are compared. These quality floor pads maintain consistent high performace throughout the life of the pad.
3M 17" Black 7200 Series Low Speed Floor Stripping Pads, 5 Pads per Box. 3M Corporation 31.44 23.98 43.03 MCO08379.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad 7200, 17in Diameter, MCO 08379, MCO08379, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1139 Lagasse 18" 3M Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed, 5 Pads (MCO08380) 1139 MCO 08380 4.75 08380 3M 18" Black Stripping Floor Pads
3M 7200 Series black low speed floor pads are the industry standard for wet or dry floor stripping. These low speed 18" stripping pads can prepare any floor for recoating because they not only work on flat floors but also conform to uneven floors for use in completing even the toughest of floor stripping jobs. 3M black stripping pads maintain consistent high performance throughout the life of the pad. These 7200 low-speed stripping pads are 18 inches in diameter and are black in color. For the best in low speed floor pads, use 3M Low Speed Floor Pads. Each case comes with 5 black, 18-inch, low-speed floor pads.
3M Black Floor Pads, 18" Diameter, 7200 Series, Low Speed Stripping Pads, 5 Strip Pads per Case - the wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 32.93 24.42 44.68 MCO08380.JPG 18" 3m low speed black floor pads, black stripping pads, 18" black floor pads, 18" black strip pads, 18" black floor stripping pads, MCO 08380, MCO08380, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1140 Lagasse 19" 3M Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7200 (MCO08381) 1140 MCO 08381 4.75 08381 3M Black Floor Pads
Black Stripping Pad 7200 - The janitorial and floor care industry standard. Maintains consistent high performance while stripping floors throughout the life of the pad. Five pads per case
19" Low Speed Black Floor Stripping Pads, 5 per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 36.53 27.01 48.44 MCO08381.JPG black strip pads, 19" black stripping pads, 19 inch black strip pads, 3m low speed floor pads, black stripping pad 7200, 19in diameter, MCO 08381, MCO08381, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1141 Lagasse 20" 3M Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7200 (MCO08382) 1141 MCO 08382 5.80 08382 3M 20" Black Stripping Floor Pads
If you are shopping for floor pads, 3M 7200 Series low speed floor pads are the industry standard for wet or dry floor stripping. These low speed stripping pads can prepare any floor for recoating because they not only work on flat floors but also conform to uneven floors for use in completing even the toughest of floor stripping jobs. 3M black stripping pads maintain consistent high performance throughout the life of the pad. These 7200 low-speed stripping pads are 20 inches in diameter and are black in color. For the best in low speed floor pads, use 3M Low Speed Floor Pads. Each case comes with 5 black, 20-inch, low-speed floor pads.
3M Black Floor Pads, 20" Diameter, 7200 Series, Low Speed Stripping Pads, 5 Strip Pads per Case - the wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 39.81 29.40 52.30 MCO08382.JPG black strip pads, black stripping pads, low speed stripping pads, 3m black pads, 3m stripping pads, 20" stripping pads, 20" black pads, 20" black floor pads, 20" black stripping pads, 3m low speed floor pads, black stripping pad, MCO 08382, MCO08382, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1142 Lagasse 21" 3M Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7200 (MCO08383) 1142 MCO 08383 6.10 08383 Five pads per case.
7200 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 21IN BLA 5 3M Corporation 45.47 34.68 61.61 MCO08383.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad 7200, 21in Diameter MCO 08383, MCO08383, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1143 Lagasse 22" 3M Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7200 (MCO08384) 1143 MCO 08384 6.70 08384 Five pads per case.
7200 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 22IN BLA 5 3M Corporation 50.61 38.60 68.53 MCO08384.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad 7200, 22in Diameter MCO 08384, MCO08384, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1144 Lagasse 24" 3M Black Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7200 (MCO08386) 1144 MCO 08386 7.40 08386 Five pads per case.
7200 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 24IN BLA 5 3M Corporation 66.66 49.55 87.11 MCO08386.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad 7200, 24in Diameter MCO 08386, MCO08386, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1145 Lagasse 12" 3M Red Floor Pads, Low Speed Red Floor Buffing Pads, 5100 (MCO08387) 1145 MCO 08387 1.56 08387 Five pads per case.
5100 LOW-SPD FLR BUFF PAD 12IN RED 5 3M Corporation 18.03 13.31 23.99 MCO08387.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad 5100, 12in Diameter MCO 08387, MCO08387, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1146 Lagasse 13" 3M Red Floor Pads, Low Speed Red Floor Buffing Pads, 5100 (MCO08388) 1146 MCO 08388 1.55 08388 Five pads per case.
5100 LOW-SPD FLR BUFF PAD 13IN RED 5 3M Corporation 20.39 15.04 26.70 MCO08388.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad 5100, 13in Diameter MCO 08388, MCO08388, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1147 Lagasse 14" 3M Red Floor Pads, Low Speed Red Floor Buffing Pads, 5100 (MCO08389) 1147 MCO 08389 1.85 08389 Five pads per case.
5100 LOW-SPD FLR BUFF PAD 14IN RED 5 3M Corporation 23.10 16.98 30.83 MCO08389.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad 5100, 14in Diameter MCO 08389, MCO08389, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1148 Lagasse 15" 3M Red Floor Pads, Low Speed Red Floor Buffing Pads, 5100 (MCO08390) 1148 MCO 08390 2.15 08390 Five pads per case.
5100 LOW-SPD FLR BUFF PAD 15IN RED 5 3M Corporation 25.28 18.61 34.46 MCO08390.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad 5100, 15in Diameter MCO 08390, MCO08390, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1149 Lagasse 16" 3M Red Floor Pads, Low Speed Red Floor Buffing Pads, 5100 (MCO08391) 1149 MCO 08391 2.10 08391 Five pads per case.
5100 LOW-SPD FLR BUFF PAD 16IN RED 5 3M Corporation 27.09 19.98 35.42 MCO08391.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad 5100, 16in Diameter MCO 08391, MCO08391, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1150 Lagasse 17" 3M Red Floor Pads, Low Speed Red Floor Buffing Pads, 5100 (MCO08392) 1150 MCO 08392 2.50 08392 Five pads per case.
5100 LOW-SPD FLR BUFF PAD 17IN RED 5 3M Corporation 33.74 22.07 44.92 MCO08392.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad 5100, 17in Diameter MCO 08392, MCO08392, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1151 Lagasse 18" 3M Red Floor Pads, Low Speed Red Floor Buffing Pads, 5100 (MCO08393) 1151 MCO 08393 3.00 08393 Five pads per case.
5100 LOW-SPD FLR BUFF PAD 18IN RED 5 3M Corporation 34.33 26.18 46.95 MCO08393.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad 5100, 18in Diameter MCO 08393, MCO08393, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1152 Lagasse 19" 3M Red Floor Pads, Low Speed Red Floor Buffing Pads, 5100 (MCO08394) 1152 MCO 08394 3.00 08394 Five pads per case.
5100 LOW-SPD FLR BUFF PAD 19IN RED 5 3M Corporation 38.11 29.07 51.27 MCO08394.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad 5100, 19in Diameter MCO 08394, MCO08394, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1153 Lagasse 20" 3M Red Floor Pads, Low Speed Red Floor Buffing Pads, 5100 (MCO08395) 1153 MCO 08395 3.15 08395 Red Buffing Pad 5100 for spray buffing. Cleans when damp; buffs when dry. Cleans and removes scuff marks. Five pads per case.
20 inch Red Buff Pads, Low Speed Floor Buffer Pads, 5 per Case 3M Corporation 38.62 28.58 50.85 MCO08395.JPG 20" Red Floor Buffing Pads, Red Buffing Pads, Buffing Pads, Buff Pads, Red Buff Pads, 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad 5100, 20in Diameter MCO 08395, MCO08395, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1154 Lagasse 24" 3M Red Floor Pads, Low Speed Red Floor Buffing Pads, 5100 (MCO08399) 1154 MCO 08399 5.00 08399 Five pads per case.
5100 LOW-SPD FLR BUFF PAD 24IN RED 5 3M Corporation 65.83 50.21 87.20 MCO08399.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad 5100, 24in Diameter MCO 08399, MCO08399, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1155 Lagasse 12" 3M Blue Cleaning Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5300 (MCO08405) 1155 MCO 08405 1.50 08405 Five pads per case.
5300 LOW-SPD FLR CLN PAD 12IN BLU 5 3M Corporation 18.03 13.46 23.76 MCO08405.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Blue Cleaning Pad 5300, 12in Diameter MCO 08405, MCO08405, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1156 Lagasse 13" 3M Blue Cleaning Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5300 (MCO08406) 1156 MCO 08406 1.85 08406 Five pads per case.
5300 LOW-SPD FLR CLN PAD 13IN BLU 5 3M Corporation 21.00 16.02 28.15 MCO08406.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Blue Cleaning Pad 5300, 13in Diameter MCO 08406, MCO08406, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1157 Lagasse 14" 3M Blue Cleaning Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5300 (MCO08407) 1157 MCO 08407 2.20 08407 Five pads per case.
5300 LOW-SPD FLR CLN PAD 14IN BLU 5 3M Corporation 23.10 17.30 30.72 MCO08407.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Blue Cleaning Pad 5300, 14in Diameter MCO 08407, MCO08407, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1158 Lagasse 15" 3M Blue Cleaning Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5300 (MCO08408) 1158 MCO 08408 2.80 08408 Five pads per case.
5300 LOW-SPD FLR CLN PAD 15IN BLU 5 3M Corporation 26.93 20.54 35.82 MCO08408.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Blue Cleaning Pad 5300, 15in Diameter MCO 08408, MCO08408, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1159 Lagasse 16" 3M Blue Cleaning Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5300 (MCO08409) 1159 MCO 08409 3.00 08409 Five pads per case.
5300 LOW-SPD FLR CLN PAD 16IN BLU 5 3M Corporation 27.95 21.32 37.95 MCO08409.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Blue Cleaning Pad 5300, 16in Diameter MCO 08409, MCO08409, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1160 Lagasse 17" 3M Blue Cleaning Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5300 (MCO08410) 1160 MCO 08410 3.15 08410 Five pads per case.
5300 LOW-SPD FLR CLN PAD 17IN BLU 5 3M Corporation 31.34 23.90 40.82 MCO08410.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Blue Cleaning Pad 5300, 17in Diameter MCO 08410, MCO08410, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1161 Lagasse 18" 3M Blue Cleaning Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5300 (MCO08411) 1161 MCO 08411 3.60 08411 Five pads per case.
5300 LOW-SPD FLR CLN PAD 18IN BLU 5 3M Corporation 32.00 23.97 42.38 MCO08411.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Blue Cleaning Pad 5300, 18in Diameter MCO 08411, MCO08411, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1162 Lagasse 19" 3M Blue Cleaning Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5300 (MCO08412) 1162 MCO 08412 3.60 08412 Five pads per case.
5300 LOW-SPD FLR CLN PAD 19IN BLU 5 3M Corporation 35.92 27.40 48.79 MCO08412.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Blue Cleaning Pad 5300, 19in Diameter MCO 08412, MCO08412, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1163 Lagasse 20" 3M Blue Cleaning Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5300 (MCO08413) 1163 MCO 08413 3.70 08413 Five pads per case.
5300 LOW-SPD FLR CLN PAD 20IN BLU 5 3M Corporation 39.14 29.85 51.31 MCO08413.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Blue Cleaning Pad 5300, 20in Diameter MCO 08413, MCO08413, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1164 Lagasse 21" 3M Blue Cleaning Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5300 (MCO08414) 1164 MCO 08414 4.60 08414 Five pads per case.
5300 LOW-SPD FLR CLN PAD 21IN BLU 5 3M Corporation 48.03 32.37 64.10 MCO08414.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Blue Cleaning Pad 5300, 21in Diameter MCO 08414, MCO08414, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1165 Lagasse 22" 3M Blue Cleaning Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5300 (MCO08415) 1165 MCO 08415 4.30 08415 Five pads per case.
5300 LOW-SPD FLR CLN PAD 22IN BLU 5 3M Corporation 48.60 36.90 66.46 MCO08415.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Blue Cleaning Pad 5300, 22in Diameter MCO 08415, MCO08415, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1166 Lagasse 24" 3M Blue Cleaning Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 5300 (MCO08417) 1166 MCO 08417 6.00 08417 Five pads per case.
5300 LOW-SPD FLR CLN PAD 24IN BLU 5 3M Corporation 66.59 50.79 88.77 MCO08417.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Blue Cleaning Pad 5300, 24in Diameter MCO 08417, MCO08417, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1167 Lagasse 12" 3M Brown Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7100 (MCO08440) 1167 MCO 08440 2.30 08440 Five pads per case.
7100 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 12IN BRO 5 3M Corporation 18.60 13.74 25.39 MCO08440.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Brown Stripping Pad 7100, 12in Diameter MCO 08440, MCO08440, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1168 Lagasse 13" 3M Brown Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7100 (MCO08441) 1168 MCO 08441 2.30 08441 Five pads per case.
7100 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 13IN BRO 5 3M Corporation 20.92 15.42 27.82 MCO08441.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Brown Stripping Pad 7100, 13in Diameter MCO 08441, MCO08441, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1169 Lagasse 14" 3M Brown Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7100 (MCO08442) 1169 MCO 08442 3.00 08442 Five pads per case.
7100 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 14IN BRO 5 3M Corporation 23.84 17.52 32.10 MCO08442.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Brown Stripping Pad 7100, 14in Diameter MCO 08442, MCO08442, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1170 Lagasse 16" 3M Brown Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7100 (MCO08444) 1170 MCO 08444 3.40 08444 Five pads per case.
7100 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 16IN BRO 5 3M Corporation 28.70 21.89 38.34 MCO08444.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Brown Stripping Pad 7100, 16in Diameter MCO 08444, MCO08444, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1171 Lagasse 17" 3M Brown Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7100 (MCO08445) 1171 MCO 08445 3.64 08445 Five pads per case.
7100 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 17IN BRO 5 3M Corporation 30.75 22.68 41.97 MCO08445.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Brown Stripping Pad 7100, 17in Diameter MCO 08445, MCO08445, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1172 Lagasse 18" 3M Brown Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7100 (MCO08446) 1172 MCO 08446 4.30 08446 Five pads per case.
7100 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 18IN BRO 5 3M Corporation 32.93 24.42 42.80 MCO08446.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Brown Stripping Pad 7100, 18in Diameter MCO 08446, MCO08446, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1173 Lagasse 19" 3M Brown Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7100 (MCO08447) 1173 MCO 08447 4.90 08447 19" 3M Brown Stripping Pads
Brown strpping Pad, for wet/dry stripping. Prepares floors for recoating. Conforms to uneven floors. Designed to be washable and reusable, lasting up to 25 times longer to help postpone landfill disposal.
#7100 19" Low Speed Floor Pads, 3M Brown Stripping Pads, Five pads per case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 39.20 29.90 51.35 MCO08447.JPG 3m low speed floor pads, brown stripping pad 7100, 19in diameter MCO 08447, MCO08447 1 1 0 0 1 1
1174 Lagasse 20" 3M Brown Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7100 (MCO08448) 1174 MCO 08448 5.00 08448 Five pads per case.
7100 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 20IN BRO 5 3M Corporation 41.19 31.42 54.65 MCO08448.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Brown Stripping Pad 7100, 20in Diameter MCO 08448, MCO08448, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1175 Lagasse 21" 3M Brown Stripping Pads, Low Speed Floor Pads, 7100 (MCO08449) 1175 MCO 08449 5.30 08449 Five pads per case.
7100 LOW-SPD FLR STRIP PAD 21IN BRO 5 3M Corporation 45.47 34.68 62.13 MCO08449.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, Brown Stripping Pad 7100, 21in Diameter MCO 08449, MCO08449, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1176 Lagasse 12" 3M White Super Polishing Pads, Low Speed Floor Buffing Pads, 4100 (MCO08476) 1176 MCO 08476 1.40 08476 Five pads per case.
4100 LOW-SPD FLR POLISH PAD 12IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 19.27 14.70 25.06 MCO08476.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, White Super Polishing Pad 4100, 12in Diameter MCO 08476, MCO08476, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1177 Lagasse 13" 3M White Super Polishing Pads, Low Speed Floor Buffing Pads, 4100 (MCO08477) 1177 MCO 08477 1.65 08477 Five pads per case.
4100 LOW-SPD FLR POLISH PAD 13IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 20.39 15.04 27.67 MCO08477.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, White Super Polishing Pad 4100, 13in Diameter MCO 08477, MCO08477, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1178 Lagasse 14" 3M White Super Polishing Pads, Low Speed Floor Buffing Pads, 4100 (MCO08478) 1178 MCO 08478 1.80 08478 Five pads per case.
4100 LOW-SPD FLR POLISH PAD 14IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 23.48 17.91 31.57 MCO08478.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, White Super Polishing Pad 4100, 14in Diameter MCO 08478, MCO08478, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1179 Lagasse 15" 3M White Super Polishing Pads, Low Speed Floor Buffing Pads, 4100 (MCO08479) 1179 MCO 08479 2.80 08479 Five pads per case.
4100 LOW-SPD FLR POLISH PAD 15IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 25.28 18.61 33.02 MCO08479.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, White Super Polishing Pad 4100, 15in Diameter MCO 08479, MCO08479, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1180 Lagasse 16" 3M White Super Polishing Pads, Low Speed Floor Buffing Pads, 4100 (MCO08480) 1180 MCO 08480 2.60 08480 Five pads per case.
4100 LOW-SPD FLR POLISH PAD 16IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 27.62 21.07 37.43 MCO08480.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, White Super Polishing Pad 4100, 16in Diameter MCO 08480, MCO08480, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1181 Lagasse 17" 3M White Super Polishing Pads, Low Speed Floor Buffing Pads, 4100 (MCO08481) 1181 MCO 08481 2.40 08481 17" 3M White Super Polishing Pads
3M'S 17" White Super Polishing Pad 4100. Great for either spray or dry buff on soft finishes. Ideal for polishing wood floors. Use with low speed floor machine. (Not for use with high speed floor burnisher)
17" White Low Speed Floor Polishing Pads, 5 per case.
Sold by case only. - The wholesale floor care supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 29.94 22.12 38.96 MCO08481.JPG 17" White Buffing Pads, 17" White Floor Polishing Pads, White Buffing Pads, 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, White Super Polishing Pad 4100, 17in Diameter MCO 08481, MCO08481, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1182 Lagasse 18" 3M White Super Polishing Pads, Low Speed Floor Buffing Pads, 4100 (MCO08482) 1182 MCO 08482 3.05 08482 Five pads per case.
4100 LOW-SPD FLR POLISH PAD 18IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 34.33 26.18 46.21 MCO08482.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, White Super Polishing Pad 4100, 18in Diameter MCO 08482, MCO08482, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1183 Lagasse 19" 3M White Super Polishing Pads, Low Speed Floor Buffing Pads, 4100 (MCO08483) 1183 MCO 08483 3.05 08483 Five pads per case.
4100 LOW-SPD FLR POLISH PAD 19IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 35.92 27.40 48.34 MCO08483.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, White Super Polishing Pad 4100, 19in Diameter MCO 08483, MCO08483, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1184 Lagasse 20" 3M White Super Polishing Pads, Low Speed Floor Buffing Pads, 4100 (MCO08484) 1184 MCO 08484 3.60 08484 Five pads per case.
4100 LOW-SPD FLR POLISH PAD 20IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 38.62 28.58 51.10 MCO08484.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, White Super Polishing Pad 4100, 20in Diameter MCO 08484, MCO08484, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1185 Lagasse 21" 3M White Super Polishing Pads, Low Speed Floor Buffing Pads, 4100 (MCO08485) 1185 MCO 08485 3.90 08485 Five pads per case.
4100 LOW-SPD FLR POLISH PAD 21IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 43.72 32.37 59.19 MCO08485.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, White Super Polishing Pad 4100, 21in Diameter MCO 08485, MCO08485, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1186 Lagasse 24" 3M White Super Polishing Pads, Low Speed Floor Buffing Pads, 4100 (MCO08488) 1186 MCO 08488 5.20 08488 Five pads per case.
4100 LOW-SPD FLR POLISH PAD 24IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 65.83 50.21 88.07 MCO08488.JPG 3M Low Speed Floor Pads, White Super Polishing Pad 4100, 24in Diameter MCO 08488, MCO08488, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1188 Lagasse 3M™ Nomad™ 6050, Black, Size 48 x 72 (MCO17790) 1188 MCO 17790 16.58 17790 • Coiled vinyl loops scrape, trap and hide dirt and moisture from shoes; minimizes tracking debris into building • Easy-to-clean crush-resistant vinyl; just hose or shake clean Handles medium foot traffic—up to 400,000 people per year. Vinyl backing retains debris; prevents water seepage. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty.
NOMAD 6050 OUTDOOR SCRAPER MAT 48X72 EBONY 3M Corporation 236.05 170.44 323.18 MCO17790.JPG 3M Nomad 6050, Black, Size 48 x 72 MCO 17790, MCO17790, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1189 Lagasse 3M™ Nomad™ 6050, Brown, Size 48 x 72 (MCO26455) 1189 MCO 26455 16.58 26455 • Coiled vinyl loops scrape, trap and hide dirt and moisture from shoes; minimizes tracking debris into building • Easy-to-clean crush-resistant vinyl; just hose or shake clean Handles medium foot traffic—up to 400,000 people per year. Vinyl backing retains debris; prevents water seepage. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty.
NOMAD 6050 OUTDOOR SCRAPER MAT 48X72 CHESTNUT 3M Corporation 242.30 180.47 329.88 MCO26455.JPG 3M Nomad 6050, Brown, Size 48 x 72 MCO 26455, MCO26455, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1190 Lagasse 3M™ Nomad™ 6050, Brown, Size 36 x 60 (MCO26448) 1190 MCO 26448 10.50 26448 • Coiled vinyl loops scrape, trap and hide dirt and moisture from shoes; minimizes tracking debris into building • Easy-to-clean crush-resistant vinyl; just hose or shake clean Handles medium foot traffic—up to 400,000 people per year. Vinyl backing retains debris; prevents water seepage. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty.
NOMAD 6050 OUTDOOR SCRAPER MAT 36X60 CHESTNUT 3M Corporation 144.44 110.17 193.03 MCO26448.JPG 3M Nomad 6050, Brown, Size 36 x 60 MCO 26448, MCO26448, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1191 Lagasse 3M™ Nomad™ 6050, Gray, Size 48 x 72 (MCO26452) 1191 MCO 26452 16.58 26452 • Coiled vinyl loops scrape, trap and hide dirt and moisture from shoes; minimizes tracking debris into building • Easy-to-clean crush-resistant vinyl; just hose or shake clean Handles medium foot traffic—up to 400,000 people per year. Vinyl backing retains debris; prevents water seepage. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty.
NOMAD 6050 OUTDOOR SCRAPER MAT 48X72 SLATE 3M Corporation 228.55 174.32 311.27 MCO26452.JPG 3M Nomad 6050, Gray, Size 48 x 72 MCO 26452, MCO26452, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1192 Lagasse 3M™ Nomad™ 6050, Gray, Size 36 x 60 (MCO26445) 1192 MCO 26445 10.50 26445 • Coiled vinyl loops scrape, trap and hide dirt and moisture from shoes; minimizes tracking debris into building • Easy-to-clean crush-resistant vinyl; just hose or shake clean Handles medium foot traffic—up to 400,000 people per year. Vinyl backing retains debris; prevents water seepage. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty.
NOMAD 6050 OUTDOOR SCRAPER MAT 36X60 SLATE 3M Corporation 144.44 110.17 188.88 MCO26445.JPG 3M Nomad 6050, Gray, Size 36 x 60 MCO 26445, MCO26445, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1193 Lagasse 3M™ Nomad™ 8100, Black, Size 36 x 60 (MCO29466) 1193 MCO 29466 18.77 29466 • Coiled vinyl loops scrape, trap and hide dirt and moisture from shoes; minimizes tracking debris into building • Easy-to-clean crush-resistant vinyl; just hose or shake clean Handles heavy foot traffic—up to 1,000,000 people per year. Designed for exterior facility entrances or recessed wells. “Unbacked” construction lets dirt fall through mat, trapping it at bottom for easy cleanup—just hose grime away! Grease- and oil-resistant. Manufacturer’s limited two-year warranty.
NOMAD 8100 OUTDOOR SCRAPER MAT 36X60 EBONY 3M Corporation 230.27 166.52 308.22 MCO29466.JPG 3M Nomad 8100, Black, Size 36 x 60 MCO 29466, MCO29466, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1194 Lagasse 3M Scraper Mat, Black, Size 48 x 72 (MCO29468) 1194 MCO 29468 29.50 29468 3M Nomad Outdoor Scraper Mat - Black
3M Nomad series outdoor scraper mats are designed for use in exterior facility entrances to keep indoor floors in entryways clean. The coiled vinyl loops in the scraper mat scrape, trap and hide dirt, debris, and moisture from the shoes of people entering the building, which minimizes tracking debris inside. These outdoor scraper mats can handle even the heaviest of floor traffic—up to 1,000,000 people per year. The construction of the mat allows dirt to fall through the mat, trapping it at bottom for easy cleanup. In addition, they are made of easy-to-clean, crush-resistant vinyl that can be easily hosed off or shaken clean. They are also grease and oil-resistant. 3M provides a manufacturer’s limited 2-year warranty. These outdoor scraper mats are 48" x 72" in size and are black in color. To keep dirt and grime off of your indoor floors, invest in a black Nomad 8100 outdoor scraper mat today!
3M Outdoor Scraper Mat, Nomad 8100 Series, 48"x72", Black Color, Each - the wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 392.98 275.62 536.75 MCO29468.JPG outdoor floor mat, 3m scraper mat, black scraper mat, outdoor mat, outdoor scraper mat, 3m outdoor scraper mat, 3M nomad 8100, black, 48x72 outdoor mat, 48x72 scraper mat, 48 x 72, MCO 29468, MCO29468, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1198 Lagasse 3M™ Nomad™ Indoor Scraper Mat 6250, Size 48 x 72, Brown (MCO20226) 1198 MCO 20226 23.60 20226 Ideal for indoor foyer entrances or other areas where liquid absorption is essential. Open “Z” design allows dirt and moisture to flow through and become trapped in the vinyl backing. Backing reduces creeping and increases comfort. Durable, low-profile, skid-resistant surface lets foot and wheel traffic move easily. Beveled edges help prevent tripping. Easy and inexpensive to maintain—just shake, vacuum or rinse clean.
NOMAD 6250 INDOOR SCRAPER MAT 48X72 MOCHA 3M Corporation 296.44 223.98 386.07 MCO20226.JPG 3M Nomad Indoor Scraper Mat 6250, Size 48 x 72, Brown MCO 20226, MCO20226, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1200 Lagasse 3M™ Nomad™ Indoor Scraper Mat 6250, Size 48 x 72, Gray (MCO20237) 1200 MCO 20237 23.60 20237 Ideal for indoor foyer entrances or other areas where liquid absorption is essential. Open “Z” design allows dirt and moisture to flow through and become trapped in the vinyl backing. Backing reduces creeping and increases comfort. Durable, low-profile, skid-resistant surface lets foot and wheel traffic move easily. Beveled edges help prevent tripping. Easy and inexpensive to maintain—just shake, vacuum or rinse clean.
NOMAD 6250 INDOOR SCRAPER MAT 48X72 GRANITE 3M Corporation 303.78 231.70 401.78 MCO20237.JPG 3M Nomad Indoor Scraper Mat 6250, Size 48 x 72, Gray MCO 20237, MCO20237, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1201 Lagasse 3M Pad Holder Kit for Doodlebug Cleaning System (MCO6472) 1201 MCO 6472 3.03 08542 3M Pad Holder Kit for Doodlebug Cleaning System
Cleaning pad combines with the multi-purpose pad holder to tackle a variety of cleaning jobs. Orange plastic holder with special grippers that hold 4-5/8 x 10 Doodlebug™ cleaning pads (sold separately). Holder swivels in all directions. The threaded socket attaches to any standard threaded handle. Includes one MCO 8440 pad and one MCO 8541 pad. 4 kits per case.
Manufactured by 3M Corporation
3M Doodlebug Pad Holder Kit With 2 Pads, 4 Kits per Case 3M Corporation 171.27 130.63 223.42 MCO6472.JPG 3m pad holder kit for doodlebug cleaning system, doodle bug kit, dooble bug scrubber, MCO 6472, MCO6472, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1202 Lagasse 3M Petroleum High-Capacity Sorbent Pad, Automotive Wipers (MCOHP-156) 1202 MCO HP-156 11.00 28911 Absorbs petroleum-based liquids while repelling water. Increased fluid-holding capacity means less sorbent used, minimizing sorbent waste for disposal. Low-profile design for use in tight places. Ideal for cleaning up small spills and wiping down contaminated areas. Each case absorbs 37-1/2 gallons. 17 x 19 pad size. 100 pads per case. Shpg. wt. 20 lbs.
High Capacity Sorbent Pads, Automotive wipers, 100 per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Automotive Wipers 3M Corporation 70.29 50.99 93.04 MCOHP156.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, 3M Petroleum High-Capacity Sorbent Pad MCO HP-156, MCOHP156 1 1 0 0 1 1
1203 Lagasse 3M™ Polyethylene-Coated Cloth Duct Tape, Silver (MCO6969-2) 1203 MCO 6969-2 1.68 MMM69692 For repairing flexible hoses and sealing heat or A/C vents. UL 723 Listed. Rubber adhesive. 32-lb. tensile strength. 10.7 mils thick. 3in core. 48mm x 54.8m.
SR DUCT TAPE 2INX60YD 24 3M Corporation 19.08 14.20 26.11 MCO69692.JPG 3M Polyethylene-Coated Cloth Duct Tape, Silver MCO 6969-2, MCO69692, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1204 Lagasse 3M™ Ready-to-Use Creme Cleanser, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (MCO34763) 1204 MCO 34763 35.00 34763 3M™ Ready-to-Use Creme Cleanser
Extra-thick creme cleanser formula contains very fine-grade abrasive particles for extra scrubbing power. Removes hard water scale, rust stains, soap scum and heavy soil from bathroom fixtures, stainless steel and ceramic surfaces. Ready-to-use. Ideal for use in bathrooms, kitchens and restrooms, showers and locker rooms. Excellent for that extra edge to get the tougher spots off your hard surfaces.
Manufactured by 3M Corporation.
3M ready to use creme cleanser, 12/32 oz bottles per case. - The wholesale creme cleanser supply company Buyers Trust.
3M Corporation 53.96 41.16 72.33 MCO34763.JPG 3M Ready-to-Use Creme Cleanser, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle MCO 34763, MCO34763, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1205 Lagasse 3M™ Ready-to-Use Gum Remover, 6 Bottles per Case, 8-oz. Bottle (MCO34854) 1205 MCO 34854 2.98 34854 Completely removes gum from carpeting without leaving sticky residue. Also removes adhesive residue and candle wax. Saves time and labor.
GUM RMVR 8OZ ARSL RTU 6 3M Corporation 76.48 57.05 102.66 MCO34854.JPG 3M Ready-to-Use Gum Remover, 6 Bottles per Case, 8-oz. Bottle MCO 34854, MCO34854, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1206 Lagasse 3M™ Safety-Walk™ Cushion Mat 3270E, Size 36 x 60, Black (MCO34826) 1206 MCO 34826 18.60 34826 Ideal for fatigue resistance in dry areas. Dense network of coiled vinyl loops beneath surface provides uniform compression and support. Solid vinyl top construction has a durable, textured, slip-resistant surface. Textured solid surface allows debris and liquid to stay on top of mat for easy cleanup. For factory assembly or production areas with limited chemical exposure.
SAFETY-WALK 327OE CUSHION MAT 36X60 BLA 3M Corporation 97.35 74.25 129.24 MCO34826.JPG 3M Safety-Walk Cushion Mat 3270E, Size 36 x 60, Black MCO 34826, MCO34826, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1207 Lagasse 3M Safety-Walk Cushion Mat 3270E, Size 36 x 120, Black (MCO34828) 1207 MCO 34828 37.20 34828 3M Safety-Walk Cushion Mat 3270E
Ideal solution for fatigue resistance in dry areas. Dense network of coiled vinyl loops beneath surface provides uniform compression and support. Solid vinyl top construction has a durable, textured, slip-resistant surface. Textured solid surface allows debris and liquid to stay on top of mat for easy cleanup. For factory assembly or production areas with limited chemical exposure.
3M Safety-Walk Cushion Mat 3270E, 36"x 120", Black, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 196.97 150.23 261.39 MCO34828.JPG 3m safety-walk cushion mat 3270E, MCO 34828, MCO34828 1 1 0 0 1 1
1210 Lagasse 3M™ Soil Retarding Carpet Shampoo Concentrate, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (MCO08205) 1210 MCO 08205 39.30 08205 Lifts out even heavy amounts of dirt and grime. Doesn’t leave a sticky residue that can contribute to resoiling. Excellent foaming properties. Foam attaches to dirt, then dries and can be vacuumed away. Conforms with ASCR cleaning guidelines for nylon stain-resistant carpets. Use in rotary, dry-foam or mist-type machines. Dilution 1:12.
SOIL RETARDING CONC CARPET SHAMP GL 4 3M Corporation 159.43 121.60 212.96 MCO08205.JPG 3M Soil Retarding Carpet Shampoo Concentrate, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle MCO 08205, MCO08205, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1211 Lagasse 3M Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish, 12 - 21-oz. Aerosol Cans (MCO14002) 1211 MCO 14002 20.90 14002 3M Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish
3M Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish cleans, polishes and protects in one easy step! This polish coats surfaces and leaves a light protective film to hide blemishes, pre-treat against fingerprints to slow re-soiling, and restore sheens to "good as new" factory finish. It goes on strong without leaving a greasy film residue and has a pleasant citrus fragrance. In addition to stainless steel, this polish can be used on chrome, aluminum, laminated plastics, enamel, plexiglas, and ceramics. This polish is environmentally friendly because it is made without solvents with a water-based chemistry, uses only NSF-certified ingredients, and has less than half of the allowable amount of VOC as permitted by the Calfornia Air Resource Board VOC Regulations.
3M Cleaner and Polish, 21-oz Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 152.31 115.01 205.33 MCO14002.JPG 3M stainless steel cleaner & polish, 3m stainless steel cleaner, stainless steel cleaner, stainless polish, stainless steel polish, MCO 14002, MCO14002 1 1 0 0 1 1
1212 Lagasse 3M™ TroubleShooter™ Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 21-oz. Aerosol Can (MCO14001) 1212 MCO 14001 21.16 14001 Heavy-duty cleaner removes soil, grease and finish buildup. Thick foam clings to vertical surfaces. Upside-down spray feature for hard-to-reach places: baseboards, floor edges, corners, stairways and ceramic tile. Contains no ozone-depleting chemicals.
TROUBLESHOOTER H-DTY CLNR 21OZ ARSL 12 3M Corporation 187.88 143.30 256.64 MCO14001.JPG 3M TroubleShooter Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 21-oz. Aerosol Can MCO 14001, MCO14001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
1213 Lagasse 27" 3M TopLine Burnishing Pads, High Speed Floor Burnishing Pads, 3200 (MCO20259) 1213 MCO 20259 6.80 20259 Five pads per case.
3200 TOPLINE HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 27IN 5 3M Corporation 98.70 75.28 131.64 MCO20259.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Speed Burnishing Pad 3200, 27in Diameter MCO 20259, MCO20259, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1214 Lagasse 27" Aqua 3M Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3100 (MCO20264) 1214 MCO 20264 6.85 20264 Five pads per case.
3100 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 27IN AQUA 5 3M Corporation 87.20 66.51 116.66 MCO20264.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Aqua Burnishing Pad 3100, 27in Diameter MCO 20264, MCO20264, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1215 Lagasse 27" 3M Natural Blend Tan Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3500 (MCO20317) 1215 MCO 20317 7.20 20317 Five pads per case.
3500 NAT BLEND HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 27IN TAN 5 3M Corporation 85.48 64.21 114.53 MCO20317.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Blend Tan Burnish Pad 3500, 27in Diameter MCO 20317, MCO20317, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1216 Lagasse 27" 3M Tan Burnishing Pads, Hi Speed Floor Pads, 3400 (MCO20322) 1216 MCO 20322 7.00 20322 Five pads per case.
3400 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 27IN TAN 5 3M Corporation 87.20 66.51 113.62 MCO20322.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Tan Burnishing Pad 3400, 27in Diameter MCO 20322, MCO20322, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1217 Lagasse 27" 3M Natural Blend White Polishing Pads, Hi Speed Floor Burnishing Pads, 3300 (MCO20326) 1217 MCO 20326 7.25 20326 Five pads per case.
3300 NAT BLEND HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 27IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 99.84 76.15 129.78 MCO20326.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Blend White Burnishing Pad 3300, 27in Diameter MCO 20326, MCO20326, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1218 Lagasse 27" Aqua 3M Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 1/4" thickness, 3100 (MCO20379) 1218 MCO 20379 6.70 20379 Five pads per case.
3100 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD .25X27IN AQUA 5 3M Corporation 85.48 64.21 111.82 MCO20379.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Aqua Burnishing Pad 3100, 27in Dia. x 1/4in MCO 20379, MCO20379, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1219 Lagasse 24" Aqua 3M Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3100 (MCO17438) 1219 MCO 17438 5.88 17438 Five pads per case.
3100 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 24IN AQUA 5 3M Corporation 63.45 48.39 85.23 MCO17438.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Aqua Burnishing Pad 3100, 24in Diameter MCO 17438, MCO17438, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1220 Lagasse 17" 3M Eraser Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3600 (MCO25855) 1220 MCO 25855 2.84 25855 Five pads per case.
ERASER 3600 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 17IN 5 3M Corporation 33.25 25.36 44.52 MCO25855.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Eraser Burnishing Pad 3600, 17in Diameter MCO 25855, MCO25855, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1221 Lagasse 19" 3M Eraser Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3600 (MCO25857) 1221 MCO 25857 3.80 25857 Five pads per case.
ERASER 3600 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 18IN 5 3M Corporation 42.04 32.07 56.78 MCO25857.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Eraser Burnishing Pad 3600, 19in Diameter MCO 25857, MCO25857, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1222 Lagasse 20" 3M Eraser Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3600 (MCO25858) 1222 MCO 25858 4.00 25858 Eraser Burnishing Floor Pads
3M Eraser Burnishing Pads 3600 Series. Designed for black heel mark removal and burnishing harder finishes and heavy-traffic floors. Five pads per case.
20" 3M Eraser Hi Speed Burnishing/Buffing Pads, 5 Buff Pads per Case.
3M Corporation 44.42 32.93 58.96 MCO25858.JPG 20" Eraser Burnishing Pads, High Speed Floor Pads, 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Eraser Burnishing Pad 3600, 20in Diameter MCO 25858, MCO25858, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1223 Lagasse 21" 3M Eraser Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3600 (MCO25859) 1223 MCO 25859 4.41 25859 Five pads per case.
ERASER 3600 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 21IN 5 3M Corporation 48.77 37.20 66.81 MCO25859.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Eraser Burnishing Pad 3600, 21in Diameter MCO 25859, MCO25859, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1224 Lagasse 24" 3M Eraser Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3600 (MCO25861) 1224 MCO 25861 5.50 25861 Five pads per case.
ERASER 3600 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 24IN 5 3M Corporation 71.04 54.18 92.51 MCO25861.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Eraser Burnishing Pad 3600, 24in Diameter MCO 25861, MCO25861, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1225 Lagasse 27" 3M Eraser Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 1/4" thickness, 3600 (MCO25866) 1225 MCO 25866 6.80 25866 Five pads per case.
ERASER 3600 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD .25X27IN 5 3M Corporation 99.84 76.15 135.22 MCO25866.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Eraser Burnishing Pad 3600, 27in Dia. x 1/4in MCO 25866, MCO25866, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1226 Lagasse 17" 3M Tan Burnishing Pads, Hi Speed Floor Pads, 3400 (MCO05604) 1226 MCO 05604 3.00 05604 Five pads per case.
3400 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 17IN TAN 5 3M Corporation 30.96 23.62 41.40 MCO05604.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Tan Burnishing Pad 3400, 17in Diameter MCO 05604, MCO05604, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1227 Lagasse 19" 3M Tan Burnishing Pads, Hi Speed Floor Pads, 3400 (MCO05605) 1227 MCO 05605 3.90 05605 Five pads per case.
3400 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 19IN TAN 5 3M Corporation 35.92 27.40 47.79 MCO05605.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Tan Burnishing Pad 3400, 19in Diameter MCO 05605, MCO05605, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1228 Lagasse 20" 3M Tan Burnishing Pads, Hi Speed Floor Pads, 3400 (MCO05606) 1228 MCO 05606 4.20 05606 Five pads per case.
3400 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 20IN TAN 5 3M Corporation 39.60 30.20 52.07 MCO05606.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Tan Burnishing Pad 3400, 20in Diameter MCO 05606, MCO05606, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1229 Lagasse 21" 3M Tan Burnishing Pads, Hi Speed Floor Pads, 3400 (MCO05607) 1229 MCO 05607 4.50 05607 Five pads per case.
3400 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 21IN TAN 5 3M Corporation 45.22 34.49 58.75 MCO05607.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Tan Burnishing Pad 3400, 21in Diameter MCO 05607, MCO05607, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1230 Lagasse 17" 3M TopLine Burnishing Pads, High Speed Floor Burnishing Pads, 3200 (MCO18063) 1230 MCO 18063 2.70 18063 Five pads per case.
3200 TOPLINE HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 17IN 5 3M Corporation 38.62 28.04 51.20 MCO18063.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Speed Burnishing Pad 3200, 17in Diameter MCO 18063, MCO18063, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1231 Lagasse 19" 3M TopLine Burnishing Pads, High-Speed Floor Burnishing Pads, 3200 (MCO18065) 1231 MCO 18065 3.80 18065 Five pads per case.
3200 TOPLINE HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 19IN 5 3M Corporation 42.04 32.07 57.29 MCO18065.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Speed Burnishing Pad 3200, 19in Diameter MCO 18065, MCO18065, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1232 Lagasse 20" 3M TopLine Burnishing Pads, High-Speed Floor Burnishing Pads, 3200 (MCO18066) 1232 MCO 18066 3.60 18066 Five pads per case.
3200 TOPLINE HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 20IN 5 3M Corporation 45.98 35.07 59.81 MCO18066.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Speed Burnishing Pad 3200, 20in Diameter MCO 18066, MCO18066, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1233 Lagasse 24" 3M TopLine Burnishing Pads, High Speed Floor Burnishing Pads, 3200 (MCO18069) 1233 MCO 18069 5.50 18069 Five pads per case.
3200 TOPLINE HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 24IN 5 3M Corporation 71.04 54.18 92.87 MCO18069.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, TopLine Speed Burnishing Pad 3200, 24in Diameter MCO 18069, MCO18069, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1234 Lagasse 17" 3M Natural Blend White Polishing Pads, Hi Speed Floor Burnishing Pads, 3300 (MCO18207) 1234 MCO 18207 2.65 18207 Five pads per case.
3300 NAT BLEND HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 17IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 36.77 28.04 48.34 MCO18207.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Blend White Burnishing Pad 3300, 17in Diameter MCO 18207, MCO18207, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1235 Lagasse 19" 3M Natural Blend White Polishing Pads, Hi Speed Floor Burnishing Pads, 3300 (MCO18209) 1235 MCO 18209 3.10 18209 Five pads per case.
3300 NAT BLEND HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 19IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 42.04 32.07 54.62 MCO18209.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Blend White Burnishing Pad 3300, 19in Diameter MCO 18209, MCO18209, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1236 Lagasse 20" 3M Natural Blend White Polishing Pads, Hi Speed Floor Burnishing Pads, 3300 (MCO18210) 1236 MCO 18210 3.90 18210 Five pads per case.
3300 NAT BLEND HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 20IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 44.45 32.93 60.53 MCO18210.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Blend White Burnishing Pad 3300, 20in Diameter MCO 18210, MCO18210, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1237 Lagasse 21" 3M Natural Blend White Polishing Pads, Hi Speed Floor Burnishing Pads, 3300 (MCO18211) 1237 MCO 18211 4.50 18211 Five pads per case.
3300 NAT BLEND HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 21IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 48.77 37.20 64.18 MCO18211.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Blend White Burnishing Pad 3300, 21in Diameter MCO 18211, MCO18211, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1238 Lagasse 24" 3M Natural Blend White Polishing Pads, Hi Speed Floor Burnishing Pads, 3300 (MCO18213) 1238 MCO 18213 6.08 18213 Five pads per case.
3300 NAT BLEND HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 24IN WHI 5 3M Corporation 71.04 54.18 97.02 MCO18213.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Blend White Burnishing Pad 3300, 24in Diameter MCO 18213, MCO18213, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1239 Lagasse 17" 3M Natural Blend Tan Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3500 (MCO19005) 1239 MCO 19005 2.85 19005 Five pads per case.
3500 NAT BLEND HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 17IN TAN 5 3M Corporation 30.96 23.62 41.16 MCO19005.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Blend Tan Burnish Pad 3500, 17in Diameter MCO 19005, MCO19005, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1240 Lagasse 19" 3M Natural Blend Tan Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3500 (MCO19007) 1240 MCO 19007 3.66 19007 Five pads per case.
3500 NAT BLEND HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 19IN TAN 5 3M Corporation 40.58 29.07 54.84 MCO19007.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Blend Tan Burnish Pad 3500, 19in Diameter MCO 19007, MCO19007, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1241 Lagasse 20" 3M Natural Blend Tan Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3500 (MCO19008) 1241 MCO 19008 4.40 19008 Five pads per case.
3500 NAT BLEND HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 20IN TAN 5 3M Corporation 43.65 28.58 57.21 MCO19008.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Blend Tan Burnish Pad 3500, 20in Diameter MCO 19008, MCO19008, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1242 Lagasse 21" 3M Natural Blend Tan Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3500 (MCO19009) 1242 MCO 19009 4.50 19009 Five pads per case.
3500 NAT BLEND HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 21IN TAN 5 3M Corporation 42.44 32.37 56.49 MCO19009.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Blend Tan Burnish Pad 3500, 21in Diameter MCO 19009, MCO19009, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1243 Lagasse 24" 3M Natural Blend Tan Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3500 (MCO19012) 1243 MCO 19012 6.08 19012 Five pads per case.
3500 NAT BLEND HI-SPD BURNISH PAD 24IN TAN 5 3M Corporation 61.99 47.28 84.50 MCO19012.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Blend Tan Burnish Pad 3500, 24in Diameter MCO 19012, MCO19012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1244 Lagasse 19" Aqua 3M Burnishing Pads, Ultra High Speed Floor Pads, 3100 (MCO08752) 1244 MCO 08752 2.95 08752 Five pads per case.
3100 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 19IN AQUA 5 3M Corporation 35.92 27.40 47.30 MCO08752.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Aqua Burnishing Pad 3100, 19in Diameter MCO 08752, MCO08752, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1245 Lagasse 20" Aqua 3M Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3100 (MCO08753) 1245 MCO 08753 3.40 08753 Five pads per case.
3100 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 20IN AQUA 5 3M Corporation 39.60 30.20 52.86 MCO08753.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Aqua Burnishing Pad 3100, 20in Diameter MCO 08753, MCO08753, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1246 Lagasse 21" Aqua 3M Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, 3100 (MCO08754) 1246 MCO 08754 3.90 08754 Five pads per case.
3100 HI-SPD FLR BURNISH PAD 21IN AQUA 5 3M Corporation 46.88 35.76 63.66 MCO08754.JPG 3M Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Aqua Burnishing Pad 3100, 21in Diameter MCO 08754, MCO08754, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1247 Lagasse 3M White Cleansing Pads for Doodlebug Cleaning System, 20 Pads (MCO8440) 1247 MCO 8440 3.00 08003 White Cleaning Scrub Pads
Especially designed for cleaning delicate surfaces and light cleaning such as windows, ceramic tile walls, floors and swimming pools. Cleaning pad combined with the multipurpose pad holder tackle a variety of cleaning jobs. 4-5/8 x 10. 5 pads per pack; 4 packs per case. Fits pad holders MCO 6472 and MCO 6473 sold separately.
3M White Cleansing Pad for Doodlebug Cleaning System, 20 Pads per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 49.34 33.83 65.42 MCO8440.JPG doodlebug pad, doodlebug pads, utility pad, scubber pads, cleansing pad, 3m white cleansing pad for doodlebug cleaning system MCO 8440, MCO8440 1 1 0 0 1 1
1248 Lagasse 3-Shelf Utility Cart, Enclosed on 3 Sides, Black (RCP4093BLA) 1248 RCP 4093 BLA 52.80 409300 BLA • Sized to carry large loads and reduce return trips • Rounded corners won’t damage walls Upscale appearance is ideal for institutional, warehouse or front office use. Large textured shelves hold a variety of equipment and supplies. Durable, structural web construction resists scratches, chips and rust. Lightweight and easy to handle with quiet, nonmarking casters. Comfortable, rounded handles. 300-lb. total load capacity (100 lbs. per shelf). 40-5/8w x 20d x 37-13/16h. Shpg. wt. 51 lbs. Assembly required.
XTRA 3-SHELF UTILITY CART ENCL ON 3 SIDES BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 360.56 275.00 480.88 RCP4093BLA.JPG 3-Shelf Utility Cart, Enclosed on 3 Sides, Black RCP 4093 BLA, RCP4093BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1249 Lagasse 3-Shelf Utility Cart, Enclosed on 3 Sides, Off-White (RCP4093CRE) 1249 RCP 4093 CRE 52.20 409300OWHT • Sized to carry large loads and reduce return trips • Rounded corners won’t damage walls Upscale appearance is ideal for institutional, warehouse or front office use. Large textured shelves hold a variety of equipment and supplies. Durable, structural web construction resists scratches, chips and rust. Lightweight and easy to handle with quiet, nonmarking casters. Comfortable, rounded handles. 300-lb. total load capacity (100 lbs. per shelf). 40-5/8w x 20d x 37-13/16h. Shpg. wt. 51 lbs. Assembly required.
XTRA 3-SHELF UTILITY CART ENCL ON 3 SIDES CRM Rubbermaid Commercial Products 360.56 275.00 472.72 RCP4093CRE.JPG 3-Shelf Utility Cart, Enclosed on 3 Sides, Off-White RCP 4093 CRE, RCP4093CRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1250 Lagasse 3-Shelf Utility Cart, Open All Sides, Black (RCP4091BLA) 1250 RCP 4091 BLA 44.80 409100 BLA • Sized to carry large loads and reduce return trips • Rounded corners won’t damage walls (Shown with Refuse Bin (RCP 3353-88 BLA) and Utility Bin (RCP 3354-88 BLA), each sold separately. Upscale appearance is ideal for institutional, warehouse or front office use. Large textured shelves hold a variety of equipment and supplies. Durable, structural web construction resists scratches, chips and rust. Lightweight and easy to handle with quiet, nonmarking casters. Comfortable, rounded handles. 300-lb. totalload capacity (100 lbs. per shelf). 40-5/8w x 20d x 37-13/16h. Shpg. wt. 46 lbs. Assembly required.
XTRA 3-SHELF UTILITY CART OPEN SIDED BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 224.20 171.00 302.97 RCP4091BLA.JPG 3-Shelf Utility Cart, Open All Sides, Black RCP 4091 BLA, RCP4091BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1251 Lagasse 3-Shelf Utility Cart, Open All Sides, Off-White (RCP4091CRE) 1251 RCP 4091 CRE 43.40 409100OWHT • Sized to carry large loads and reduce return trips • Rounded corners won’t damage walls (Shown with Refuse Bin (RCP 3353-88 BLA) and Utility Bin (RCP 3354-88 BLA), each sold separately. Upscale appearance is ideal for institutional, warehouse or front office use. Large textured shelves hold a variety of equipment and supplies. Durable, structural web construction resists scratches, chips and rust. Lightweight and easy to handle with quiet, nonmarking casters. Comfortable, rounded handles. 300-lb. totalload capacity (100 lbs. per shelf). 40-5/8w x 20d x 37-13/16h. Shpg. wt. 46 lbs. Assembly required.
XTRA 3-SHELF UTILITY CART OPEN SIDED CRM Rubbermaid Commercial Products 224.20 171.00 303.36 RCP4091CRE.JPG 3-Shelf Utility Cart, Open All Sides, Off-White RCP 4091 CRE, RCP4091CRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1252 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 44 Gallon Trash Can with Venting Channels, Black (RCP2643-60BLA) 1252 RCP 2643-60 BLA 12.38 2643-60 BLA 44 Gallon Brute Trash Can w/ Venting Channels
Integrated, patent-pending venting channels dramatically reduce the force required to remove a filled can liner. Improved ProTouch handles provide a fully rounded, comfortable grip. Can liner cinches allow easy, one-step bag retention. Durable and reliable for both the residential and commercial environment, this seamless design, is made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. Rubbermaid quality can be seen through the reinforced rim and base that set the standard for garbage can quality. This black colored can is NSF/USDA approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Lids for this trash can are sold separately. Double-ribbed base and reinforced rim for increased strength and stability. Container size: 24" diameter 31-1/2" height. Shipping weight 13 lbs. Trash Can Lids Sold Separately: Brute Self Draining Lid RCP 2645-60, Brute Dome Top Lid RCP 2647-88 GRA.
Rubbermaid Commercial 44 Gallon Brute Trash Can with Venting Channels, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 46.81 35.70 62.35 RCP264360BLA.JPG brute trash can, brute garbage can, brute waste container, 44-gallon brute trash can with venting channels, RCP 2643-60 BLA, RCP264360BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
1253 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 44 Gallon Trash Can with Venting Channels, Blue (RCP2643-60BLU) 1253 RCP 2643-60 BLU 12.38 2643-60BLU 44 Gallon Brute Trash Can w/ Venting Channels
Integrated, patent-pending venting channels dramatically reduce the force required to remove a filled can liner. Improved ProTouch handles provide a fully rounded, comfortable grip. Can liner cinches allow easy, one-step bag retention. Durable and reliable for both the residential and commercial environment, this seamless design, is made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. Rubbermaid quality can be seen through the reinforced rim and base that set the standard for garbage can quality. This black colored can is NSF/USDA approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Lids for this trash can are sold separately. Double-ribbed base and reinforced rim for increased strength and stability. Container size: 24" diameter 31-1/2" height. Shipping weight 13 lbs. Trash Can Lids Sold Separately: Brute Self Draining Lid RCP 2645-60, Brute Dome Top Lid RCP 2647-88 GRA
Rubbermaid 44-Gallon Brute Trash Can with Venting Channels, Blue, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 46.81 35.70 60.79 RCP264360BLU.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste containers, waste containers, 44-Gallon Brute trash can with Venting Channels, Blue RCP 2643-60 BLU, RCP264360BLU 1 1 0 1 1 89
1254 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 44 Gallon Trash Can with Venting Channels, Gray (RCP264360GRA) 1254 RCP 2643-60 GRA 12.37 2643-60 GRA 44 Gallon Brute Trash Can w/ Venting Channels
Integrated, patent-pending venting channels dramatically reduce the force required to remove a filled can liner. Improved ProTouch handles provide a fully rounded, comfortable grip. Can liner cinches allow easy, one-step bag retention. Durable and reliable for both the residential and commercial environment, this seamless design, is made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. Rubbermaid quality can be seen through the reinforced rim and base that set the standard for garbage can quality. This gray colored can is NSF/USDA approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Lids for this trash can are sold separately. Double-ribbed base and reinforced rim for increased strength and stability. Container size: 24" diameter 31-1/2" height. Shipping weight 13 lbs. Trash Can Lids Sold Separately: Brute Self Draining Lid RCP 2645-60, Brute Dome Top Lid RCP 2647-88 GRA
Rubbermaid Commercial 44 Gallon Brute Trash Can with Venting Channels, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 48.37 36.89 63.53 RCP264360GRA.JPG 44 gallon brute can, 44 gallon trash can, 44 gallon brute trash can, rubbermaid 44 gallon trash can, trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste container, waste containers, 44-gallon brute trash can, RCP 2643-60 GRA, RCP264360GRA, gray brute trash cans 1 1 0 1 1 89
1255 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 44 Gallon Trash Can with Venting Channels, Yellow (RCP264360YEL) 1255 RCP 2643-60 YEL 12.38 2643-60YEL 44 Gallon Brute Trash Can w/ Venting Channels
Integrated, patent-pending venting channels dramatically reduce the force required to remove a filled can liner. Improved ProTouch handles provide a fully rounded, comfortable grip. Can liner cinches allow easy, one-step bag retention. Durable and reliable for both the residential and commercial environment, this seamless design, is made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. Rubbermaid quality can be seen through the reinforced rim and base that set the standard for garbage can quality. This yellow colored can is NSF/USDA approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Lids for this trash can are sold separately. Double-ribbed base and reinforced rim for increased strength and stability. Container size: 24" diameter 31-1/2" height. Shipping weight 12 lbs. Trash Can Lids Sold Separately: Brute Self Draining Lid RCP 2645-60, Brute Dome Top Lid RCP 2647-88 GRA.
Rubbermaid Commercial 44 Gallon Brute Trash Can with Venting Channels, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 48.37 36.89 64.87 RCP264360YEL.JPG brute trash can, brute garbage can, brute waste container, 44-gallon brute trash can with venting channels, RCP 2643-60 YEL, RCP264360YEL 1 1 0 1 1 89
1256 Lagasse 48in Fluorescent Tubes, Cool White Energy Saver, Low Mercury, 34 Watts (SUP30531) 1256 SUP 30531 25.40 SLT30531 Manufacturer’s warranty against early failure. Conforms to, or is exempt from, the most recent Federal Epact Legislation Manufactured to last longer. 30 tubes per carton.
Cool White Fluorescent Tube Light Bulbs 48" Length 34 Watt Low-Mercury 30 per carton
Supreme Extralife Lighting Corp. 164.69 125.61 222.62 SUP30531.JPG 48in Fluorescent Tubes, Cool White Energy Saver, Low Mercury, 34 Watts, F34T12CW/ES SUP 30531, SUP30531, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 102
1259 Lagasse 4-Shelf Utility Cart, Open All Sides, Black (RCP4096BLA) 1259 RCP 4096 BLA 55.80 409600 BLA Rubbermaid Four-Shelf Utility Cart, Open All Sides
Sized to carry large loads and reduce return trips. Rounded corners won’t damage walls. Weight Capacity—The maximum weight that this product can accommodate Upscale appearance is ideal for institutional, warehouse or front office use. Large textured shelves hold a variety of equipment and supplies. Durable, structural web construction resists scratches, chips and rust. Lightweight and easy to handle with quiet, nonmarking casters. Comfortable, rounded handles have molded-in storage bins for small items.
300-lb. total load capacity (75 lbs. per shelf).
40-5/8w x 20d x 51h.
Shipping weight 52 lbs.
Assembly required.
Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
XTRA 4-SHELF UTILITY CART 51 IN BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 293.69 224.00 384.26 RCP4096BLA.JPG 4-Shelf Utility Cart, Open All Sides, Black RCP 4096 BLA, RCP4096BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1260 Lagasse Windows Twinpak 500-ml Hand Soap Dispenser (KCC92195) 1260 KCC 92195 2.50 92195 Windows Twinpak 500-ml Hand Soap Dispenser
High-capacity hand soap dispenser. Push dispenser holds two 500-ml refills (cartridge hand soap sold separately). Mounts to wall with screws (included). Plastic dispenser. 7.24" wide x 4.34" deep x 10.39" high.
Kimberly Clark Windows Twinpak 500-ml Hand Soap Dispenser, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
500-ml Soap Systems » Kimcare Liquid Soap » Kimberly Clark Professional 16.31 12.44 21.68 KCC92195.JPG windows twinpak 500-ml hand soap dispenser, KCC 92195, KCC92195, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
1261 Lagasse Rubbermaid 50-Gallon Rollout Brute Trash Can, Blue (RCP9W27BLU) 1261 RCP 9W27 BLU 27.13 9W27-00 BLU 50 Gallon Brute Trash Can
For convenient waste collection from one location to the next. Heavy-duty, non-marring 8in rubber wheels. Molded-in handles and lift bar allow easy tilt and mobility. Wide base with molded-in wear tread offers increased stability and wear-resistance. Domed, hinged lid promotes liquid run-off. Meets ANSI standards for use with automated lifting equipment. 23.4w x 29.2d x 37.1h. Shipping. weight. 27.3 lbs. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Rubbermaid 50-Gallon Brute Rollout Trash Can, Blue, Each
Trash Cans » Brute Trash Cans - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 107.51 82.00 145.47 RCP9W27BLU.JPG trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste containers, waste container, 50-Gallon Brute Rollout Containers, Blue RCP 9W27 BLU, RCP9W27BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
1262 Lagasse Rubbermaid 50-Gallon Brute Rollout Garbage Can, Gray (RCP9W27GRA) 1262 RCP 9W27 GRA 22.25 9W27-00 GRAY Brute 50 Gallon Trash Can
For convenient waste collection from one location to the next. Heavy-duty, non-marring 8" rubber wheels. Molded-in handles and lift bar allow easy tilt and mobility. Wide base with molded-in wear tread offers increased stability and wear-resistance. Domed, hinged lid promotes liquid run-off. Meets ANSI standards for use with automated lifting equipment. 23.4w x 29.2d x 37.1h. Shipping. weight 27.3 lbs. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute 50-Gallon Rollout Garbage Can, Gray, Each
Trash Cans » Brute Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 107.51 82.00 147.10 RCP9W27GRA.JPG trash cans, trash can with wheels, garbage cans, garbage can with wheels, waste containers, 50-gallon brute rollout trash can, Gray, RCP 9W27 GRA, RCP9W27GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
1263 Lagasse Rubbermaid 50-Gallon Brute Rollout Garbage Can, Yellow (RCP9W27YEL) 1263 RCP 9W27 YEL 20.60 9W27-00 YEL Brute 50 Gallon Trash Can
For convenient waste collection from one location to the next, the Heavy-duty, Yellow Rubbermaid 50 Gallon Brute Rollout Trash Can is the complete garbage receptacle. With non-marring 8 inch rubber wheels as well as molded-in handles and lift bar this trash receptacle allow for easy tilt and mobility. It's wide base and molded-in wear tread offer an increased amount of stability and wear-resistance. Coming complete with a domed, hinged lid promotes liquid run-off, the Yellow Rubbermaid 50 Gallon Brute Rollout Trash Can meets ANSI standards for use with automated lifting equipment. 23.4" wide x 29.2" deep x 37.1" high. Shipping weight: 27.3 lbs. (Cannot ship UPS. Will ship LTL Common Carrier)
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute 50-Gallon Rollout Garbage Can, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 107.51 82.00 141.74 RCP9W27YEL.JPG rubbermaid brute trash can, 50 gallon trash can, rubbermaid 50 gallon trash can, trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste containers, waste container, 50-gallon brute rollout container, yellow trash can, RCP 9W27 YEL, RCP9W27YEL 1 1 0 1 1 89
1264 Lagasse 50-Person First Aid Kit (IMP7850) 1264 IMP 7850 2.42 7850 50-Person First Aid Kit
Provides first aid supplies for up to 50 people. Kit includes adhesive bandages, elbow and knee bandages, fabric bandages, latex-free elastic bandage, triangular sling with two pins, conforming gauze roll bandages, trauma and gauze dressing pads, sterile eye packs and eye wash, first aid/burn cream packs, instant cold compress, aspirin tablets, first aid tape roll, plastic tweezers, 4-1/2 scissors, two pairs of vinyl exam gloves and a first aid guide. Plastic carrying case: 10-1/2"x 3" x 11".
Impact 50-Person First Aid Kit, each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Impact 38.82 29.61 52.61 IMP7850.JPG first aid kit, impact first aid kit, IMP 7850, IMP7850, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
1265 Lagasse 58" Microfiber Quick Connect Handle, Aluminum (RCPQ750) 1265 RCP Q750 1.20 Q750 Rubbermaid Aluminum Quick Connect Handle
Quick-Connect mechanism speeds mop assembly and changeover. Strong, lightweight and corrosion resistant aluminum construction. Promotes green cleaning and water conservation. Contributes to LEED points. Powder-coated yellow finish. Nonslip tip prevents handle from sliding down walls, provides Quick Connect mechanism speeds mop assembly and changeover. Strong, lightweight and corrosion-resistant aluminum construction. Powder coated yellow finish.
Rubbermaid Quick-Connect Handle, Aluminum, 58", Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.54 6.52 11.52 RCPQ750.JPG 58in Microfiber Quick Connect Handle RCP Q750, RCPQ750, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1266 Lagasse Unisan 60" Jaws Mop Handle, Yellow (UNS610) 1266 UNS 610 1.42 LBI 610 Mop Handle
Save yourself from back pain with this 60” mop handle. Unisan designed this mop handle to be the perfect height, so you no longer have to sacrifice your back for the sake of a clean floor! The plastic jaws are made to accommodate a 5” wide headband mop head (sold separately) and hold it firmly in place. This vinyl-covered, aluminum mop handle is durable enough to last a long time, so you won't waste money replacing poor quality mop handles frequently. Manufactured by Unisan, a market leader in hygiene solution and facility resource, this mop handle is ideal for use in residential homes or commercial facilities. Keep your environment safe and healthy with this Unisan 60” Mop Handle. Buy today and save!
Unisan Jaws 60" Mop Head Handle, For 5" Mop Heads, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 9.96 5.91 13.64 UNS610.JPG 60in Jaws Handle, Yellow UNS 610, UNS610, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1267 Lagasse Unisan 60" Quick Change Mop Handle, Yellow (UNS620) 1267 UNS 620 2.00 LBI 620 Quick Change Mop Handle
Hinged side latch with roller adjustment knob for easy loading. Plastic head; 15/16 diameter x 60" vinyl-covered aluminum handle. Fits most mop heads.
Unisan 60" Quick Change Mop Handle, 60"x.938" Diameter, Aluminum, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 7.52 5.73 9.88 UNS620.JPG 60in Quick Change Handle, Yellow, UNS 620, UNS620, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1268 Lagasse 64-oz. RL Commercial Hand Sprayer (RLF1985LG) 1268 RLF 1985LG 1.84 1985LG 64 - oz. Hand Pump Sprayer
This hand pump sprayer is a compact version of standard pressurized sprayer. Adjustable poly nozzle. For use with fertilizers, insecticides and weed killers. Polyethylene with Viton seals for chemical resistance.
Rl Flo-Master 1/2 Gallon Sprayer, Natural Plastic Color, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rl Flo-Master 21.41 15.96 28.89 RLF1985LG.JPG pump sprayers, pressure sprayers, garden sprayers, garden pump sprayers, 64-oz. hand sprayer, RLF 1985LG, RLF1985LG, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 88
1269 Lagasse Light-Duty 64-oz. Sprayer and Mister (RLF1998TL) 1269 RLF 1998TL 0.90 1998TL 64-oz. Sprayer and Mister
Small, handheld pressurized sprayer/mister with adjustable poly nozzle. Ideal for houseplants and light-duty spraying. Polyethylene with buna seals. This half gallon tank will help you mist many plants in an industrial setting or at home. Great for plants, aquariums or any surface that needs an even coat of moisture.
Rl Flo-Master Light Duty Hand Sprayer/Mister, 64 oz. Tank, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rl Flo-Master 7.08 5.40 9.53 RLF1998TL.JPG 64-oz. sprayer, light duty sprayer, light duty mister, sprayer, RLF 1998TL, RLF1998TL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, mister, sprayer, 64 oz. sprayer, 64 oz. mister, sprayers 1 1 0 0 1 88
1270 Lagasse Unisan 7-1/2" General-Purpose Trigger Sprayer (UNS9227) 1270 UNS 922-7 0.10 UNS922-7 Trigger Sprayers
This standard size general purpose trigger sprayer handles a wide variety of cleaning chemicals including glass cleaners, all purpose cleaners, cleaner degreasers and most solvents. The ergonomic design of this durable trigger sprayer fits comfortably in your hand with a wide textured grip that allows for steady wet or dry handling. The ideal fit for any 16-oz bottle, this 7.5” trigger sprayer provides a greater output per stroke, increasing efficiency and reducing cleaning time and user fatigue. Unisan has provided a simple and affordable way to apply liquid to any surface with this trigger sprayer, a smart and economical accessory for any household. Stock up today!
Unisan Standard Trigger Sprayer, 7.5", Fits 16-oz. Spray Bottles, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 0.67 0.49 0.90 UNS9227.JPG UNS 922-7, UNS9227, spray bottles, plastic spray bottles, empty spray bottles, wholesale spray bottles, trigger spray bottles 1 1 0 0 1 110
1271 Lagasse Commercial Metal Shelving, 75" High, Medium Gray (TNS109694) 1271 TNS 109694 56.00 TNNESP1836MGY 350-lb. capacity per shelf (based on 36 x 18 shelf evenly distributed). Includes five 36w x 18d shelves, plus posts and shelf clips. Shelves adjust in 1in increments with compression clips. Shpg. wt. 61 lbs. Assembly required.
5-SHELF SHELVING 36X18X75 GRA Tennsco Corporation 105.47 78.32 139.75 TNS109694.JPG 75in High Commercial Metal Shelving, TNS 109694, TNS109694, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 106
1272 Lagasse 7-Gallon Divided, Brown (RCP3350BRO) 1272 RCP 3350 BRO 3.00 335000 BRN Rubbermaid 7-Gallon Divided Bus and Utility Box
Economical storage for heavy loads. Reinforced handles, bottom and ribs for long life. Rounded corners for easy cleaning; dishwasher safe. NSF Certified Std. #2. Two compartments. 21-1/2w x 17-1/8d x 7h.
Manufactured by Rubbermaid
DIVIDED BUS BOX 17X22X7 BROWN 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.97 12.18 21.85 RCP3350BRO.JPG 7-Gallon Divided, Brown RCP 3350 BRO, RCP3350BRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1273 Lagasse 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers, 2-11/16in High (RCP6302CLE) 1273 RCP 6302 CLE 0.63 630200 CLR 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers, Square Space-Saving Containers, Square containers store up to 25% more on a shelf than round containers. Break-resistant, clear polycarbonate for visibility and long life. Smooth interiors for easy cleaning, dishwasher safe. Precise measurement graduations—red for U.S., blue for metric. Easy-grip, pocket-style handles with drain holes. Stack in use and nest for compact storage. NSF Certified. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 212°F/100°C. Lids and containers sold separately. 2-Quart Capacity
SPACE SAVER SQ CNTNR 2QT 8.75X8.3X2.7 CLE 12 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.11 3.90 6.96 RCP6302CLE.JPG 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers and Lids, 2-11/16in High RCP 6302 CLE, RCP6302CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1274 Lagasse 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers, 4-3/4in High (RCP6304CLE) 1274 RCP 6304 CLE 0.85 630400 CLR 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers, Square Space-Saving Containers, Square containers store up to 25% more on a shelf than round containers. Break-resistant, clear polycarbonate for visibility and long life. Smooth interiors for easy cleaning, dishwasher safe. Precise measurement graduations—red for U.S., blue for metric. Easy-grip, pocket-style handles with drain holes. Stack in use and nest for compact storage. NSF Certified. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 212°F/100°C. Lids and containers sold separately. 4-Quart Capacity
SPACE SAVER SQ CNTNR 4QT 8.75X8.3X4.75 CLE 12 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 7.47 5.70 10.02 RCP6304CLE.JPG 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers and Lids, 4-3/4in High RCP 6304 CLE, RCP6304CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1275 Lagasse 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers, 6-15/16in High (RCP6306CLE) 1275 RCP 6306 CLE 1.20 630600 CLR 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers, Square Space-Saving Containers, Square containers store up to 25% more on a shelf than round containers. Break-resistant, clear polycarbonate for visibility and long life. Smooth interiors for easy cleaning, dishwasher safe. Precise measurement graduations—red for U.S., blue for metric. Easy-grip, pocket-style handles with drain holes. Stack in use and nest for compact storage. NSF Certified. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 212°F/100°C. Lids and containers sold separately. 6-Quart Capacity
SPACE SAVER SQ CNTNR 6QT 8.75X8.3X6.9 CLE 12 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 9.31 7.10 12.11 RCP6306CLE.JPG 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers and Lids, 6-15/16in High RCP 6306 CLE, RCP6306CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1276 Lagasse 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers, 8-3/4in High (RCP6308CLE) 1276 RCP 6308 CLE 1.34 630800 CLR 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers, Square Space-Saving Containers, Square containers store up to 25% more on a shelf than round containers. Break-resistant, clear polycarbonate for visibility and long life. Smooth interiors for easy cleaning, dishwasher safe. Precise measurement graduations—red for U.S., blue for metric. Easy-grip, pocket-style handles with drain holes. Stack in use and nest for compact storage. NSF Certified. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 212°F/100°C. Lids and containers sold separately. 8-Quart Capacity—[6 Each per carton.]
SPACE SAVER SQ CNTNR 8QT 8.75X8.3X8.75 CLE 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.62 8.10 13.95 RCP6308CLE.JPG 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers and Lids, 8-3/4in High RCP 6308 CLE, RCP6308CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1277 Lagasse 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Lids, Lids for Square Containers (RCP6509WHI) 1277 RCP 6509 WHI 0.20 650900 WHT 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Lids, Lids for Square Containers, Durable, white polyethylene. Snap-tight fit reduces leakage, helps prevent spoilage. Dishwasher safe. Mark-It-Fresh™ date control feature for inventory. Pull-tab with grip ribs. Fits RCP 6302, RCP 6304, RCP 6306 and RCP 6308 (sold separately).
SPACE SAVER SQ CNTNR LID 8.75X8.3 WHI 12 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3.41 2.60 4.61 RCP6509WHI.JPG 8-3/4 x 8-5/16 Square Space-Saving Containers and Lids, Lids for Square Containers RCP 6509 WHI, RCP6509WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1278 Lagasse Unisan 8" Chemical-Resistant Sprayer (UNS7210-8) 1278 UNS 7210-8 0.08 UNS7210-8 Trigger Sprayer
Fitting 24-oz. bottles, this 8" tube length trigger sprayer handles a wide variety of chemicals including glass cleaners, all purpose cleaners, cleaner degreasers and most other cleaning solvents. The ergonomic design fits comfortably in hand, while the textured wide grip provides stable handling for the user, whether wet or dry. This durable trigger sprayer provides a greater output per stroke, helping to increase efficiency while reducing cleaning time as well as user fatigue. The trigger sprayer is compatible with any 24-oz. bottle and creates a tight seal so there is no leaking at the cap or bottle. Chemical and acid-resistant, this trigger sprayer is a must have for your cleaning needs at home or your business.
Unisan 8" Chemical-Resistant Trigger Sprayer, Yellow and White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 1.43 1.00 1.88 trigger sprayer, trigger sprayers, sprayers, UNS 7210-8, UNS72108, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1279 Lagasse Unisan 8" Standard Trigger Sprayer (UNS5910-8) 1279 UNS 5910-8 0.09 UNS5910-8 Trigger Sprayer
The ideal fit for any 24-oz. bottle, this high quality trigger sprayer from Unisan is an easy and affordable way to apply liquid to any surface. Strong and durable, this trigger sprayer handles a wide variety of chemicals with ease, including all purpose cleaners and degreaser cleaners. The ergonomically designed bottle fits comfortable in your hand, while the textured grip allows for wet or drying handling, with no slipping. This trigger sprayer forms a tight seal on any 24-oz. bottle, preventing leaks. Although it is clearly an essential tool for cleaning, this standard trigger sprayer is also a smart and economical accessory for a vast variety of tasks.
Unisan 8" Standard Trigger Sprayer, Fits 24-oz. Bottles, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 0.63 0.47 0.85 trigger sprayer, unisan trigger sprayer, 8 inch trigger sprayer, UNS 5910-8, UNS59108, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1280 Lagasse Unisan 9-1/2" Trigger Sprayer (UNS7210-9) 1280 UNS 7210-9 0.09 UNS7210-9 Trigger Sprayer
Unisan has designed this durable trigger sprayer to handle a wide variety of cleaning chemicals, including glass cleaners, all purpose cleaners, degreasing cleaners and most solvents. The ideal fit for any 32-oz. bottle, this trigger sprayer provides a tight seal, preventing leaks at the cap or bottle. Ergonomically designed, this convenient sprayer fits comfortably in the user’s hand while the wide textured grip allows for stable wet or dry handling. Unisan’s 9 ½” trigger sprayer helps to increase efficiency while reducing cleaning time and user fatigue with greater output per stroke. The most simple and affordable way to store your cleaning solutions and apply liquid to any surface, this trigger sprayer is a must have addition to your cleaning supplies. Stock up today and save!
Unisan Standard 9-1/2" Trigger Sprayer, Fits 32 oz. Spray Bottles, Each - the wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 1.42 1.03 1.90 sprayers, spray bottles, spray containers, UNS 7210-9, UNS72109 janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1281 Lagasse 9-1/2" General-Purpose Trigger Sprayer (UNS922-9) 1281 UNS 922-9 0.10 UNS922-9 Trigger Sprayer
This high quality trigger sprayer from Unisan can handle a wide variety of chemicals including glass cleaners, all purpose cleaners, degreasers and most solvents. The ideal fit for any 32-oz. bottle, this durable standard size trigger sprayer nozzle is a simple and affordable way to apply liquid to any surface. The ergonomic design helps the trigger sprayer fit comfortably in your hand and the wide textured grip allows for stability when handling it, with wet or dry hands. This trigger sprayer has a greater liquid output per stroke, helping to increase efficiency while reducing cleaning time and user fatigue. This trigger sprayer from Unisan is an essential cleaning tool as well as a smart and economical accessory for a number of household tasks. Stock up today!
Unisan General Purpose 9 1/2" Trigger Sprayer, Fits 32 oz. Spray Bottles, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 0.66 0.49 0.89 UNS 922-9, UNS9229, spray bottles, plastic spray bottles, empty spray bottles, wholesale spray bottles, trigger spray bottles 1 1 0 0 1 110
1282 Lagasse Unisan 9-1/2" Standard Trigger Sprayer (UNS5910-9) 1282 UNS 5910-9 0.08 UNS5910-9 Trigger Sprayer
This durable standard size trigger sprayer from Unisan handles a wide variety of cleaning chemicals including glass cleaners, all purpose cleaners, degreasers and most solvents. The ergonomic design of this trigger sprayer helps it to fit comfortably in the user’s hand and the wide textured grip allows for stable handling with either wet or dry hands. The ideal fit for any 32-oz. bottle, the trigger sprayer forms a tight seal, preventing leaks. This trigger sprayer nozzle is the most simple and affordable way to apply liquid to any surface. With a greater output per stroke, this trigger sprayer helps to increase efficiency while reducing cleaning time and user fatigue. Stock up today!
Unisan Standard 9 1/2" Trigger Sprayer, Fits 32 oz. Spray Bottles, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 0.85 0.46 1.16 9-1/2in standard trigger sprayer, trigger sprayer, trigger spray, spray nozzle, UNS 5910-9, UNS59109, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1283 Lagasse Acclaim 9" Jumbo Jr. 1 Ply Toilet Paper, 8 Rolls (GPC13718) 1283 GPC 137-18 17.20 13718 1 Ply Acclaim 9" Jumbo Jr. Roll Toilet Tissue
The Acclaim Jumbo Toilet Paper is not perforated and is 3.5” wide, 9" diameter roll. One of the most important benefits from using our jumbo toilet paper rolls in your home or office is that you will save time on maintenance and expense associated with it. The simple reason is that the jumbo sized toilet paper will not need to be changed as frequently as the standard toilet paper rolls. This is very useful since it will reduce the chances of running out of toilet paper while using the jumbo size. Our jumbo toilet paper products, including the Acclaim toilet paper, are about five times the size of a standard toilet paper rolls. If you are serious about eliminating cost and also reducing maintenance then our wholesale toilet paper rolls from is the perfect solution for you and your business.
Acclaim Jumbo Bath Tissue, 1-ply Toilet Tissue, 2,000-ft. Roll, 8 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 35.07 26.75 47.63 GPC13718.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 1 ply jumbo toilet paper, 1 ply jumbo toilet tissue, one ply jumbo toilet paper, one ply jumbo toilet tissue, acclaim 9in jumbo bath tissue, one-ply GPC 137-18, GPC13718 1 1 0 0 1 48
1284 Lagasse Acclaim 9" Jumbo Jr. 2 Ply Toilet Paper, 8 Rolls (GPC13728) 1284 GPC 137-28 15.40 13728 Acclaim 2 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper
Acclaim Jumbo Toilet Paper provides a 2 ply toilet tissue option that is great for any commercial business bathroom or office restroom. This high-quality jumbo roll toilet tissue offers a combination of quality and quantity that few products can match. Known for being five times the size of a standard toilet paper roll, Acclaim Toilet Tissue provides a long lasting paper product for a low, wholesale price. Seen as the smart choice for commercial bathrooms, Acclaim offers comfort, absorbancy and strength with each and every use. Acclaim Jumbo Toilet Paper comes in 8 - 1,000 ft. rolls.
Georgia Pacific Acclaim 9" Jumbo Jr. Roll 2 Ply Toilet Tissue, 1,000 ft. Rolls, 8 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 37.49 27.40 50.65 GPC13728.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue, GPC 137-28, GPC13728 1 1 0 0 1 48
1285 Lagasse Acclaim C-Fold Paper Towels, 2,400 Towels (GPC20603) 1285 GPC 206-03 17.60 20603 Acclaim 1 ply C-Fold Paper Towels
Acclaim single ply c-fold paper towels are designed to fit a wide range of appropriate dispensers. Acclaim economy C-Fold towels help you keep costs under control. And lower per-unit costs makes these towels the affordable choice for areas such as washrooms in government and public facilities, office buildings, food service facilities, and lodging. Acclaim C-Fold towels let you offer your customers a reliable performance at a low cost. White. 13-1/4 x 10-1/4 sheet size. Folded : 3-5/8"x 10-1/4".
Georgia Pacific Acclaim C-Fold Hand Towels, 1-Ply, 240 Towels per Pack, 10 Packs, 2,400 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 33.41 25.48 44.76 GPC20603.JPG acclaim c-fold paper towels, acclaim c-fold hand towels, acclaim c-fold towels, acclaim c-fold paper hand towels, georgia pacific acclaim c-fold towels, , Acclaim One-Ply C-Fold Hand Towels, GPC 206-03, GPC20603 1 1 0 0 1 48
1286 Lagasse Acclaim Multi-Fold Hand Towels, 4,000 Towels (GPC202-04) 1286 GPC 202-04 19.10 20204 Acclaim Multi-Fold Hand Towels
Acclaim Multi-Fold Hand Towels are the cost effective alternative paper product that customers love. Due to their specifically formulated design, these exceptional towels are dispensed individually, making sure they will not come out in handfuls and litter the restroom floor. Manufactured with recycled paper, these towels are kind to the environment, coming in a blend of recovered waste paper and post consumer waste paper. Packed 4000 per case, there are 16 packs of 250 sheets in each box. High quality, embossed. White paper towel. 9-1/2" x 9-1/4" sheet size.
Georgia Pacific Acclaim Multi-Fold 1-Ply Towels, White, 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Multifold Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 33.06 25.22 44.95 GPC20204.JPG acclaim multi-fold towel, multi-fold paper towels, paper hand towels, paper towels, paper product, paper products, 1-ply multi-fold paper towels, GPC 202-04, GPC20204 1 1 0 0 1 48
1287 Lagasse Georgia Pacific Acclaim Single Fold Paper Towels, 4,000 Towels (GPC20904) 1287 GPC 209-04 20.50 20904 Single Fold Towels
Offering a combination of low cost and high-quality results, Acclaim Single Fold Towels are a great fit for any bathroom or kitchen environment. Coming in 16 easy to stock and store packs, Acclaim Single Fold Towels ensure top-notch usability with its single-fold design. Allowing for quick and fast accessibility, Acclaim Single Fold Towels make drying hands a simple process. Great for office break rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms, as well as any other location where a paper towel dispenser would fit. Coming in 10-1/4" x 9-1/4" sheet size, these fully embossed towels are the easy refill option for any similarly measured single-fold paper towel dispenser. Stock up today and save!
GP Acclaim 1-Ply Single-Fold Towels, White, 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs per Case, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 37.17 27.96 48.67 GPC20904.JPG paper hand towels, single fold towels, single fold paper towels, acclaim single fold towels, acclaim single fold paper towels, acclaim paper hand towels, paper towels, paper products, acclaim single fold hand towels, GPC 209-04, GPC20904, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
1288 Lagasse Accolade Hard Floor Wax, 5-Gallon Pail (FRKF139026) 1288 FRK F139026 46.00 F139026 Franklin Accolade Floor Wax Sealer Finish
Franklin's line of Accolade Floor Wax Sealer Finish offers an unmatched versatile urethane-fortified sealer and finish. Ideal for use on high-visibility, non resilient flooring, this finish applies easily and dries to an excellent, durable gloss. Completely burnishable, this durable finish provides the protection of a quality sealer and the gloss of a floor finish. For use on all types of flooring except unsealed wood. 20% solids.
Franklin Accolade Hard Surface Floor Wax Sealer/Finish, 5 Gallon Pail, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 85.16 64.95 111.07 FRKF139026.JPG franklin accolade, franklin floor wax, franklin accolade, accolade hard floor sealer finish, FRK F139026, FRKF139026, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
1289 Lagasse Acid-Resistant Industrial Sprayer, 2-Gallon Capacity (RLF1992A) 1289 RLF 1992A 5.25 1992A 2 Gallon Acid Resistant Sprayer
Straight-neck sprayer with Viton seals. All-polyethylene flow control and discharge • Can be used for spraying acids Industrial-type liquid sprayer with multiple applications: masonry, pest control, carpet cleaning, waterproofing, degreasing. Use with herbicides, insecticides, stain removers, cleaning agents, other chemicals. Not for spray painting. Orange translucent polyethylene tank equipped with poly pump handle, reinforced hose and Viton seals for maximum chemical and acid resistance. Includes polyethylene extension wand with an adjustable nozzle.
Rl Flo-Master Acid-Resistant Industrial Sprayer, 2-Gallon Capacity, Translucent Orange, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rl Flo-Master 26.61 19.65 36.33 RLF1992A.JPG sprayers, spray bottles, spray containers, RLF 1992A, RLF1992A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 88
1290 Lagasse Advil Ibuprofen Tablets, 50 - 2 Pack Tablets per Box (ACE15000) 1290 ACE 15000 1.00 PFYBXAV50 Advil Ibuprofen Tablets
Ibuprofen tablets effective for headaches, backaches, muscle aches, menstrual pain, minor arthritis and other joint pain, body aches and pains from the flu. Packaged for individual use to replenish first aid stations and kits. Handy box dispenses single-dose packets
Acme United Advil Tablets, 2 Tablets per Pack, 50 Packs per Box.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This Advil Product is currently on Manufacturer Recall. We will ship as soon as it's available.
Acme United Corporation / Westcott 24.79 18.91 32.45 ACE15000.JPG Advil Tablets, 50 Packs per Box, 2 Tablets per Pack ACE 15000, ACE15000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 2
1291 Lagasse Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Floral Bouquet (BLT832) 1291 BLT 832 7.55 840 Aerosol Air Freshener Refills. Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills. These air freshener refills wil fit most standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately) and are great if used in the bathroom as a Bathroom Air Freshener. 30-day air freshener refill. 12 refills per air freshener case. Here at we only buy our air fresheners and bathroom air fresheners in bulk so that you the customer save money. Buy bulk and save folks. Have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh and clean in no time with these Bathroom Air Fresheners refills. Purchase all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies with today and save.
AIR FRESH RFL FLORAL BOUQUET 12 Bolt 39.45 30.09 52.39 BLT832.JPG Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Floral Bouquet BLT 832, BLT832, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 124
1292 Lagasse Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Exotic Garden (BLT840) 1292 BLT 840 7.55 860 Aerosol Air Freshener Refills. Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills. These air freshener refills wil fit most standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately) and are great if used in the bathroom as a Bathroom Air Freshener. 30-day air freshener refill. 12 refills per air freshener case. Here at we only buy our air fresheners and bathroom air fresheners in bulk so that you the customer save money. Buy bulk and save folks. Have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh and clean in no time with these Bathroom Air Fresheners refills. Purchase all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies with today and save.
AIR FRESH W/ODOR ELIM RFL EXOTIC GRDN 12 Bolt 41.93 31.98 55.47 BLT840.JPG Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Exotic Garden BLT 840, BLT840, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 124
1293 Lagasse Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Apple Harvest (BLT860) 1293 BLT 860 7.55 861 Aerosol Air Freshener Refills. Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills. These air freshener refills wil fit most standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately) and are great if used in the bathroom as a Bathroom Air Freshener. 30-day air freshener refill. 12 refills per air freshener case. Here at we only buy our air fresheners and bathroom air fresheners in bulk so that you the customer save money. Buy bulk and save folks. Have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh and clean in no time with these Bathroom Air Fresheners refills. Purchase all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies with today and save.
AIR FRESH W/ODOR ELIM RFL APPLE HARVEST 12 Bolt 38.73 29.54 52.53 BLT860.JPG Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Apple Harvest BLT 860, BLT860, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 124
1294 Lagasse Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Powder Mist (BLT861) 1294 BLT 861 7.55 861 Aerosol Air Freshener Refills. Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills. These air freshener refills wil fit most standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately) and are great if used in the bathroom as a Bathroom Air Freshener. 30-day air freshener refill. 12 refills per air freshener case. Here at we only buy our air fresheners and bathroom air fresheners in bulk so that you the customer save money. Buy bulk and save folks. Have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh and clean in no time with these Bathroom Air Fresheners refills. Purchase all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies with today and save.
AIR FRESH W/ ODOR ELIM RFL POWDER MIST 12 Bolt 41.30 31.50 53.73 BLT861.JPG Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Powder Mist BLT 861, BLT861, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 124
1295 Lagasse Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Cinnamon Sunset (BLT862) 1295 BLT 862 7.55 862 Aerosol Air Freshener Refills. Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills. These air freshener refills wil fit most standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately) and are great if used in the bathroom as a Bathroom Air Freshener. 30-day air freshener refill. 12 refills per air freshener case. Here at we only buy our air fresheners and bathroom air fresheners in bulk so that you the customer save money. Buy bulk and save folks. Have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh and clean in no time with these Bathroom Air Fresheners refills. Purchase all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies with today and save.
AIR FRESH W/ODOR ELIM RFL CINN SUNSET 12 Bolt 42.74 31.50 55.94 BLT862.JPG Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Cinnamon Sunset BLT 862, BLT862, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 124
1296 Lagasse Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Citrus Sunrise (BLT863) 1296 BLT 863 7.55 863 Aerosol Air Freshener Refills. Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills. These air freshener refills wil fit most standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately) and are great if used in the bathroom as a Bathroom Air Freshener. 30-day air freshener refill. 12 refills per air freshener case. Here at we only buy our air fresheners and bathroom air fresheners in bulk so that you the customer save money. Buy bulk and save folks. Have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh and clean in no time with these Bathroom Air Fresheners refills. Purchase all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies with today and save.
AIR FRESH RFL CITRUS SUNRISE 12 Bolt 41.30 31.50 55.30 BLT863.JPG Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Citrus Sunrise BLT 863, BLT863, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 124
1297 Lagasse Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Cherry Thunder (BLT864) 1297 BLT 864 7.55 864 Aerosol Air Freshener Refills. Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills. These air freshener refills wil fit most standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately) and are great if used in the bathroom as a Bathroom Air Freshener. 30-day air freshener refill. 12 refills per air freshener case. Here at we only buy our air fresheners and bathroom air fresheners in bulk so that you the customer save money. Buy bulk and save folks. Have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh and clean in no time with these Bathroom Air Fresheners refills. Purchase all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies with today and save.
AIR FRESH W/ODOR ELIM RFL CHERRY THUNDER 12 Bolt 41.30 31.50 54.66 BLT864.JPG Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Cherry Thunder BLT 864, BLT864, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 124
1298 Lagasse Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Vanilla Twist (BLT865) 1298 BLT 865 7.55 865 Aerosol Air Freshener Refills. Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills. These air freshener refills wil fit most standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately) and are great if used in the bathroom as a Bathroom Air Freshener. 30-day air freshener refill. 12 refills per air freshener case. Here at we only buy our air fresheners and bathroom air fresheners in bulk so that you the customer save money. Buy bulk and save folks. Have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh and clean in no time with these Bathroom Air Fresheners refills. Purchase all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies with today and save.
AIR FRESH W/ ODOR ELIM RFL VANILLA TWIST 12 Bolt 41.30 31.50 53.89 BLT865.JPG Air Freshener with Odor Counteractant Refills, Vanilla Twist BLT 865, BLT865, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 124
1299 Lagasse Eagle 3 Speed Portable Air Mover (EAG 1150) 1299 EAG 1150 35.00 EAG 1150/MERCURY AM-4 Eagle Portable Air Mover
The Eagle efficient, high-quality air mover dries carpets and floors three times faster with its powerful ½ HP, 115 volt motor. The specially designed high-density polyethylene housing makes for easy handling and it can be stacked to conserve space when not in use. This air mover features 3-speed drying and is adjustable to four different positions for drying carpets, furniture, curtains, ceilings and just about anything! Additional features include a highly durable 10 inch galvanized steel fan wheel and a 20 foot power cord to cover the widest possible area for quick drying. The Eagle Air Mover also comes with a Manufacturers one-year warranty on the motor.
3 Speed Portable Air Mover, Each.
Floor Machines » Air Movers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Eagle Air Mover 208.68 153.33 282.86 EAG1150.JPG carpet care, carpet cleaner, air mover EAG 1150, EAG1150 1 1 0 0 1 34
1300 Lagasse Air Wick Freshmatic Odor Detect Automatic Spray Kit, Lavender, 4 Kits (REC77960) 1300 REC 77960 7.25 77960 Motion Sensor Air Freshener
The Freshmatic Ultra Odor Detect features odor sensor technology that automatically detects unpleasant odors and responds by releasing a burst of fragrance to quickly overcome them. This unique air freshener constantly monitors the odor level in the air, gently freshening your home or business when it is needed, without you having to lift a finger. Each starter kit contains an automatic spray unit, one 6.17-oz. can of fragrance spray and three AA batteries; everything you need to maintain a fresh and welcoming environment. This air freshening system features 3 fragrance intensity settings. Just choose your fragrance level and let the Air Wick FreshMatic Ultra Odor Detect do the rest of the work for you. This air freshener is ideal for use in office buildings, restrooms, hotels/motels, nursing homes and more.
Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Odor Detect Automatic Spray Kit, Lavender Fragrance, 4 Kits per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 53.56 39.92 70.34 REC77960.JPG air wick freshmatic ultra automatic spray starter kit, lavender fragrance, air wick air freshener, air wick air freshener spray, airwick freshmatic, airwick automatic air freshener, REC 77960, REC77960 1 1 0 0 1 86
1301 Lagasse Air Wick Freshmatic Automatic Spray Kit, Fresh Waters Fragrance, 4 Kits (REC79782) 1301 REC 79782 6.75 79782 Air Wick Freshmatic Automatic Spray Kits
AirWick Freshmatic Automatic Spray is specially designed for use in your home and office. The battery-powered timer automatically releases a subtle scent in 9, 18, or 36-minute intervals. The consistent release method provides a light, fresh fragrance to any room without overpowering it. The AirWick Automatic Spray runs on two AA batteries to provide continuous fragrance for up to 60 days depending on the time interval used. The light scent is not too strong, but instead gives you the confidence of knowing that your home is pleasurable for your family and guests. Just set it to your preferred level and let it do the rest of the work! Each AirWick Automatic Fresh Spray kit includes automatic spray unit, one 6.17-oz. Can Fragrance Spray, 2 AA Batteries, 4 Kits per Case
Reckitt Benckiser Air Wick Automatic Spray Kit, Fresh Waters Scent, 6.17-oz. Can, 4 Kits per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 48.62 34.86 65.29 REC79782.JPG air wick freshmatic ultra automatic spray starter kit, fresh waters fragrance, air wick air freshener, air wick air freshener spray, airwick freshmatic, airwick automatic air freshener, REC 79782, REC79782 1 1 0 0 1 86
1302 Lagasse Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Refill, Fresh Waters Fragrance, 6 Cans (REC79553) 1302 REC 79553 3.83 62338-79553 Freshmatic Ultra Refill
This effective Air Wick air freshener provides a relaxing and soothing fresh waters scent at slow and measured intervals, which users can set themselves. The 9, 18, or 36 minute intervals ensure that a light pleasant scent fills the room at all times, so your home always smells fresh and inviting to guests and family. Each refill will last up to 60 days depending on the time interval chosen, and will fit into any Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Spray Dispenser. The dispensers are battery operated so they can be placed anywhere without having to worry about finding an available outlet, which makes them ideal for use in any home, office or corporate setting. Stock up today on Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Refills so you always have the Fresh Waters fragrance available.
Reckitt Benckiser Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Refill, Fresh Waters Fragrance, 6.17-oz. Can, 6 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust
Reckitt Benckiser 31.12 22.81 41.65 REC79553.JPG fresh waters, fresh waters air wick, air wick freshmatic ultra automatic spray starter kit, fresh water fragrance, air wick air freshener, air wick air freshener spray, airwick freshmatic, airwick automatic air freshener, airwick refills, REC 79553, REC79553 1 1 0 0 1 86
1303 Lagasse Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Refill, Lavender Fragrance, 6 Cans (REC77961) 1303 REC 77961 3.80 77961 Lavender Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Refill
This Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Refill has a refreshing cool linen and white lilac scent. Each refill lasts up to 60 days. Air Wick Freshmatic Lavender Fragrance will keep your home, restroom, office or any other area smelling fresh and clean. This refill fits Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Spray Dispenser (REC77960) sold separately.
Reckitt Benckiser Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Refill, Lavender Fragrance, 6.17-oz. Can, 6 Cans per Case
Air Freshener & Odor Control » Air Wick Air Fresheners - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 34.56 22.81 46.02 REC77961.JPG air wick freshmatic ultra automatic spray starter kit, lavender fragrance, air wick air freshener, air wick air freshener spray, airwick freshmatic, airwick automatic air freshener, airwick refills, REC 77961, REC77961 1 1 0 0 1 86
1305 Lagasse Ajax 2X Ultra Liquid Detergent with Bleach Alternative, 6 Bottles (PBC49557) 1305 PBC 49557 23.72 49557 AJAX 2X Ultra Liquid Detergent with Bleach Alternative
Ajax 2X Ultra Liquid Detergent with Bleach Alternative specifically formulated to provide the strongest clean out there. The number one name that residential, commercial, and industrial customers trust; Ajax provide the most formidable combination of exceptional cleaning capabilities, while maintaining the fabrics soft and comfortable feel. The AJAX 2X Ultra Liquid Detergent with Bleach Alternative proves an economical solution, in addition to superior performance. Thoroughly cleans away dirt and grease while leaving clothes, linens, drapes and uniforms smelling fresh and clean. Two times concentrated formula cleans the same number of loads as regular detergent with half the dose. These 50 oz. bottles will last twice as long and store easier.
Phoenix Brand AJAX 2X Ultra Liquid Detergent with Bleach Alternative, 50-oz. Bottles, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Phoenix Brands 27.09 20.66 36.36 PBC49557.JPG ajax 2x ultra liquid detergent with bleach alternative, ajax detergent, liquid laundry detergent, PBC 49557, PBC49557, liquid laundry detergent, bleach alternative laundry detergent, laundry detergent 1 1 0 0 1 167
1306 Lagasse Ajax® All-Purpose Cleaner, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (CPC41197) 1306 CPC 41197 30.00 41197 Ajax® All-Purpose Cleaner
Lemon-scented, grease-cutting formula removes tough dirt and grease and leaves surfaces sparkling clean. For use in kitchens, bathrooms, offices and home. Use on all floors, bathtubs, walls, toilets, sinks, back splashes, base boards, door jams, doors, appliances, countertops, toys and any other nonporous surface. The quick and easy spray and wipe can get much of the work done in no time at all. Let Ajax do the work for you.
Ajax all-purpose cleaner bottle, lemon, 12 - 32 oz. bottles per case. - The wholesale all-purpose cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Colgate - Palmolive 49.81 37.99 65.43 CPC41197.JPG Ajax All-Purpose Cleaner, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle CPC 41197, CPC41197, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
1307 Lagasse Ajax Ammonial All-Purpose Cleaner, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles per Case (CPC04949) 1307 CPC 04949 42.20 04949 Ajax Ammonial All-Purpose Cleaner
Ammonial cleaning power for use on most hard, washable surfaces. NSF/USDA Classifications A4 and C1. Each gallon bottle makes 64 gallons of RTU solution.
AJAX Ammonial Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottles, 4 per Case
Colgate - Palmolive 49.65 37.87 66.87 CPC04949.JPG ajax ammonial all purpose cleaner, ajax cleaner, ajax all purpose cleaner, ajax ammoniated cleaner, CPC 04949, CPC04949 1 1 0 0 1 23
1308 Lagasse Ajax Disinfecting Creme Cleanser, 9 Bottles per Case, 35-oz. Bottle (CPC14942) 1308 CPC 14942 26.60 14942 Ajax Disinfecting Creme Cleanser
This Ajax disinfectant cleanser cleaning product is tough on dirt and bacteria. Unlike other cleaning products it clings to vertical surfaces for easy cleaning. EPA Registered. NSF/USDA Classification A6.
9 - 32 oz. Bottles per Case
Ajax Disinfecting Creme Cleanser, 9/32 oz.
Colgate - Palmolive 38.90 29.67 52.24 CPC14942.JPG Ajax Disinfecting Creme Cleanser, 9 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle CPC 14942, CPC14942, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
1309 Lagasse Ajax® Expert™ Neutral Multi-Surface/Floor Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (CPC04944) 1309 CPC 04944 40.00 04944 Easy-to-use concentrated cleaner for hard surfaces. Patented formula with microemulsion technology penetrates deep into surfaces to capture grease and soils—reduces slipperiness of floors. Neutral pH means product is safe for both surfaces and users. Leaves no alkaline residue; contains no harmful acids or caustics. Gallon bottle makes 64 gallons of RTU solution.
AJAX EXPERT NUTRL CONC FLR CLNR 4/1 GL Colgate - Palmolive 55.83 42.58 75.86 CPC04944.JPG Ajax Expert Neutral Multi-Surface/Floor Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle CPC 04944, CPC04944, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
1310 Lagasse 21-oz. Ajax Heavy-Duty Oxygen Bleach Powder, 24 Cans (CPC14278) 1310 CPC 14278 35.66 14278 Heavy Duty Oxygen Bleach Powder
A smart choice for your home, or office, as well as your wallet, Ajax Oxygen Bleach Powder is the heavy duty bleach powered cleaner customers depend on. Harnessing the cleaning power of Ajax heavy duty oxygen bleach, this non-chlorinated scouring cleanser. is as economical as it is powerful. This quality cleanser works wonders on chrome, porcelain, ceramic tile and other durable surfaces. It is also great for use in bathrooms, restrooms, kitchens, sinks, showers and more. This product, manufactured by Colgate Palmolive, is a NSF/USDA Classification A6. Coming in a 21-oz. Can, Ajax Heavy Duty Oxygen Bleach Powder comes 24 Cans to a case.
Colgate Palmolive Ajax Heavy Duty Bleach Powder - 21-oz. Can, 24 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company that buyers trust.
Colgate - Palmolive 25.92 19.77 35.22 CPC14278.JPG ajax, ajax cleaner, bleach cleaner, powder cleanser, CPC 14278, CPC14278, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
1311 Lagasse Ajax Low Foam All-Purpose Detergent, 36-lb. Box (PBC04969) 1311 PBC 04969 38.14 04969 Ajax Low Foam All Purpose Detergent
Superior performance in hard water. One product replaces many in inventory. Ajax Low Foam All Purpose Detergent is ideal for floors, laundry and a broad range of general cleaning needs. Can be used for food service cleaning. Easy on low water use and the washing machine. Gentle on clothes or powerful on scrubbing surfaces in bathrooms, kitchens and more. NSF/USDA Classification B1.
Phoenix Brands Ajax Low Foam All Purpose Powder, 36-lb. Box, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Phoenix Brands 52.45 39.98 69.28 PBC04969.JPG Ajax low foam all-purpose detergent, floor cleaner, PBC 04969, PBC04969, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, commercial detergent, laundry soap 1 1 0 0 1 167
1312 Lagasse Ajax Oxygen Bleach Powder Cleanser CPC04275 1312 CPC 04275 50.00 04275 Ajax Oxygen Bleach Powder Cleanser (Calcite Base)
Ajax Oxygen Bleach Powder Cleanser is a strong cleaning product with a nonscratch formula in a nonchlorinated calcite base. It's formulation is unlike other cleanser cleaning products or other cleaning products designed for use on delicate surfaces. It is powerful, with the cleaning power of bleach. This cleanser is perfect for use on general soils in places where strong chlorine or ammonia odors are undesirable. NSF/USDA Classification A6. Ajax is manufactured by Colgate Palmolive.
Ajax Oxygen bleach powder cleanser, 14 oz containers, 48 containers per case. - The wholesale Ajax Powder Cleanser supply company Buyers Trust.
Colgate - Palmolive 33.09 25.24 45.07 CPC04275.JPG Ajax Oxygen Bleach Powder Cleanser Calcite Base, 48 Containers per Case, 14-oz. Container CPC 04275, CPC04275, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
1313 Lagasse Ajax Pine Forest All-Purpose Cleaner, 4 Gallons (CPC04209) 1313 CPC 04209 37.70 04209 Pine Forest All-Purpose Cleaner
Pine-scented cleaner for general cleaning and deodorizing of hard, washable surfaces. Safe to use in foodservice preparation, child care, nursery and elderly areas. Excellent for cleaning countertops, desktops, plastic toys, floors, door jams, baseboards, back splashes, plastic furniture, appliances, break rooms and many more surfaces that need to be kept clean for food or family/friends/staff. NSF/USDA Classifications A4 and C1.
Gallon bottle makes 64 gallons of RTU solution.
Ajax Pine Forest Scent All Purpose Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Colgate - Palmolive 49.06 37.42 64.00 CPC04209.JPG Ajax Pine Forest All-Purpose Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle, CPC 04209, CPC04209, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
1314 Lagasse Ajax® Scouring Creme, 9 Bottles per Case, 24-1/2-oz. Bottle (CPC04941) 1314 CPC 04941 15.20 04941 Ajax Scouring Creme
Lemon-scented soft liquid cleanser. Clings to vertical surfaces for easy cleaning. Contains no harsh abrasives. Excellent for scouring Formica, ceramic tile, tubs, walls, floors, back splashes, kids toys, painted wood work: doors, jams and baseboards, grout and many other surfaces that dirt and grime grab onto. NSF/USDA Classification A6. DfE Certified. Environmentally conscious.
Ajax scour creme bottle, lemon, 9/ 24.5 oz bottles per case. - The wholesale Ajax scouring creme supply company Buyers Trust.
Colgate - Palmolive 35.41 27.01 47.97 CPC04941.JPG Ajax Scouring Creme, 9 Bottles per Case, 24-1/2-oz. Bottle CPC 04941, CPC04941, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
1317 Lagasse Alkaline Batteries, 9V Size, 4 Batteries per Pack (INO44004) 1317 INO 44004 0.43 IVR44004 Trusted, high-quality alkaline batteries that deliver superior capacity in all of your general use electronic devices.
BATTERY ALKALINE 9 VOLT 4/PK Innovera 4.15 3.17 5.40 INO44004.JPG Alkaline Batteries, 9V Size, 4 Batteries per Pack INO 44004, INO44004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 164
1318 Lagasse Innovera Alkaline Batteries, AA Size, 24 Batteries per Pack (INO11024) 1318 INO 11024 1.33 IVR11024 Innovera AA Battery
Trusted, high-quality alkaline batteries that deliver superior capacity in all of your general use electronic devices.
Innovera Alkaline Batteries, AA Size, 24 Batteries per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Innovera 4.65 3.55 6.15 INO11024.JPG Alkaline Batteries, AA Size, 24 Batteries per Pack INO 11024, INO11024, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 164
1319 Lagasse Alkaline Batteries, AAA Size, 24 Batteries per Pack (INO11124) 1319 INO 11124 0.65 IVR11124 Innovera Alkaline AAA Batteries
Innovera Alkaline Batteries. Trusted, high-quality alkaline batteries that deliver superior capacity in all of your general uses such as remotes, clock's, and all electronic devices that we all use. Innovera a name you can trust.
Innovera Alkaline Batteries, AAA Size, 24 Packs per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Innovera 4.44 3.38 5.81 INO11124.JPG Alkaline Batteries, AAA Size, 24 Batteries per Pack INO 11124, INO11124, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 164
1320 Lagasse Alkaline Batteries, C Size, 12 Batteries per Pack (INO22012) 1320 INO 22012 1.88 IVR22012 Trusted, high-quality alkaline batteries that deliver superior capacity in all of your general use electronic devices.
BATTERY ALKALINE SIZE C 12/PK Innovera 8.05 6.14 10.74 INO22012.JPG Alkaline Batteries, C Size, 12 Batteries per Pack INO 22012, INO22012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 164
1321 Lagasse Alkaline Batteries, D Size, 12 Batteries per Pack (INO33012) 1321 INO 33012 3.90 IVR33012 Trusted, high-quality alkaline batteries that deliver superior capacity in all of your general use electronic devices.
Innovera D Size Alkaline Batteries, 12 Batteries per Pack Innovera 10.94 8.34 14.76 INO33012.JPG Alkaline Batteries, D Size, 12 Batteries per Pack, INO 33012, INO33012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 164
1324 Lagasse ALL Ultra Powder Detergent, 2-oz. Coin-Op Vending Size, 100 Boxes (DRK2979267) 1324 DRK 2979267 30.00 2979267 Coin-Op Vending ALL Ultra Laundry Detergent
ALL Ultra Powder Laundry Detergent lifts out the toughest dirt and oily stains. Low sudsing formula and unlike many other laundry soaps, ALL Ultra Powder Laundry Detergent performs excellently at all temperatures. Formulated with Stain lifters to lift out tough dirt and oily stains. Single-use 2-oz. box.
Readily Available to Ship Fast! Buy Today and Save!
Johnson Diversey All Coin Operated Vending Laundry Detergent Ultra Powder, 2-oz. Box, 100 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Diversey 40.77 28.09 52.97 DRK2979267.JPG all laundry detergent, all ultra laundry detergent, all ultra powder detergent, DRK 2979267, DRK2979267, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
1325 Lagasse All Ultra Powder Multipurpose Detergent, 17-lb. Flip-Top Pail (DRK2979232) 1325 DRK 2979232 17.00 2979232 ALL Multi-Purpose Powder Laundry Detergent
ALL Ultra Powder Laundry Detergent is a versatile cleaning agent lifts out tough dirt and oily stains, while providing low sudsing. Unlike other laundry soaps, ALL Ultra Powder Laundry Detergent performs excellently at all temperatures. Formulated with Stain lifters to lift out tough dirt and oily stains. One of the leading brand name liquid laundry detergent All Ultra fights the toughest stains while getting the whole wash clean. Sold in 17 Lb flip-top pails -140 uses per pail. Be sure to check out all of our laundry detergent options.
Johnson Diversey All Ultra Powder Multi-Purpose Laundry Detergent, 17-lb. Flip-Top Pail, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 33.46 24.84 43.49 DRK2979232.JPG all ultra powder laundry detergent, DRK 2979232, DRK2979232, all laundry detergent, detergent, laundry detergent 1 1 0 0 1 63
1326 Lagasse Alleviator II Anti-Fatigue Mat, Black/Yellow (CROAW23BYB) 1326 CRO AW23 BYB 10.00 AW 0023BK Extra-soft mat relieves fatigue in light- to medium-duty areas such as cashier’s stations and service desks. Three-layer construction features dense layer to disperse weight evenly, soft foam layer to absorb impact and Zedlan foam layer to return energy and encourage proper muscle stimulation and blood flow. Yellow safety bevels on all sides are highly visible. OSHA and ADA Compliant. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 7/8 inch 24 x 36. Shipping weight 10 lbs.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 63.70 48.58 83.83 CROAW23BYB.JPG Alleviator II Anti-Fatigue Mat, Black/Yellow CRO AW23 BYB, CROAW23BYB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
1328 Lagasse Simple Green Industrial Strength Cleaner/Degreaser, 55-Gallon Drum (SMP13008) 1328 SMP 13008 450.00 13008 Simple Green Industrial Strength Cleaner & Degreaser
Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner and Degreaser safely removes oil and grease from washable surfaces. This cleaner can be diluted for light to heavy cleaning needs and rinses easily. The Simple Green formula is nontoxic, nonabrasive, nonflammable and biodegradable making it a safe, green way of cleaning at an industrial strength. Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner and Degreaser can be used for multiple cleaning needs such as pressure washing, steam cleaning, food preparation and appliance parts washing. This environmentally conscious cleaner is ideal for use in restaurants, cafeterias, nursing homes, hospitals, and any other area that that requires a strong yet safe cleaner.
Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner/Degreaser, 55 Gallon Drum, Each
Cleaning Chemicals » All Purpose CleanersDegreasers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Simple Green 468.93 357.66 628.05 SMP13008.JPG simple green, simple green cleaner, simple green cleaner degreaser, simple green industrial, simple green 55 gallon drum, 55 gallon simple green, simple green all-purpose industrial strength cleaner/degreaser, SMP 13008, SMP13008, simple green all purpose cleaner, janitorial supplies, cleaning products, all-purpose cleaner, degreaser, industrial cleaner 1 1 0 1 1 99
1329 Lagasse Foaming All-Purpose Industrial Strength Cleaner/Degreaser, Trigger Sprayer (SMP13012) 1329 SMP 13012 22.40 13012 Foaming All-Purpose Industrial Strength Cleaner/Degreaser
Removes oil and grease from washable surfaces. Can be diluted for light to heavy cleaning needs. Use for pressure washing and steam cleaning, maintenance, food processing and preparation, and parts washing. Exempt from OSHA and EPA special handling and personal protection requirements. Biodegradable, nontoxic, nonabrasive, nonionic and nonflammable. VOC Compliant. USDA Classifications A4 and A8. Environmentally conscious. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Simple Green Concentrate Cleaner Degreaser Deodorizer 12 - 24 oz Trigger Spray Bottles per case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Simple Green 67.93 51.81 89.77 SMP13012.JPG simple green, simple green degreaser, all-purpose industrial strength cleaner/degreaser, foaming trigger sprayer, SMP 13012, SMP13012 1 1 0 1 1 99
1330 Lagasse Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner/Degreaser, 6 Gallons (SMP13005) 1330 SMP 13005 55.00 13005P Simple Green All-Purpose Concentrated Cleaner/Degreaser
Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner/Degreaser is a non-toxic, biodegradable alternative to most cleaners, detergents and degreasers on the market now. Simple Green isn’t just safe, it’s strong, and one of the best ways to remove grease, grime, oil and lubricants from just about any washable surface. This powerful cleaner is concentrated, so a little goes a long way. You can also can custom dilute it depending on the cleaning task at hand. Simple green rinses easily, so there is no sticky residue left behind, just a sparkling clean surface. This all-purpose cleaner can be used for pressure washing, steam cleaning, maintenance, and parts washing. Since it is non-toxic it is also safe for use in food processing plants and food preparation areas. Simple Green is an economic, safer alternative to hazardous chemicals and solvents. Get more for your money with Simple Green today!
Simple Green All Purpose Concentrated Cleaner Degreaser, 1 Gallon Bottle, 6 Gallon Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Simple Green 71.57 53.93 96.94 6715.jpg all-purpose industrial strength cleaner/degreaser, SMP 13005, SMP13005, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, degreaser, deodorizer, industrial strength cleaner, deodorizers, degreasers 1 1 0 0 1 99
1331 Lagasse Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner/Degreaser, 5-Gallon Pail (SMP13006) 1331 SMP 13006 47.40 13006 Simple Green Cleaner/Degreaser & Deodorizer
Simple Green is a versatile all-purpose cleaner that is strong as well as safe. This non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning product is made without bleach or ammonia, and can replace most cleaners, detergents, degreasers and solvents that you have been using. Simple Green is a concentrate that can be custom diluted for light to heavy cleaning with the power to remove oil, lubricants, grease and grime from any washable surface. Simple Green is ideal for use in pressure washing, steam cleaning, maintenance, floor scrubbing, food processing and preparation and much more. Simple green saves time and money by eliminating the need for multiple single-use cleaning products. Simple green can do it all. Get more for your money and buy Simple Green today!
Simple Green All Purpose Concentrated Cleaner/Degreaser & Deodorizer, 5 Gallon Pail. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Simple Green 54.87 41.83 74.63 SMP13006.JPG simple green, natural degreaser, simple green all purpose spray, all-purpose cleaner, SMP 13006, SMP13006, degreaser, all purpose cleaner, natural cleaner 1 1 0 0 1 99
1332 Lagasse All-Purpose Mechanical Receiving Scale (PELP250S) 1332 PEL P250S 6.80 P250S • Stainless steel construction • NSF Certified Memory Lock™ holds weight reading when display is covered by an oversize package. Shatterproof lens. Measures in 1-lb. increments. 250-lb. capacity. 13-1/4 x 10-1/2 platform. 2 scales per case.
SCALE MECH UTIL 250X1LB EACH Pelouze 82.60 63.00 107.62 PELP250S.JPG All-Purpose Mechanical Receiving Scale PEL P250S, PELP250S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 168
1336 Lagasse Aluminum Handle with Plastic Threaded End, Overall Length 57in (RCP6355GRA) 1336 RCP 6355 GRA 0.80 635500 GRAY Plastic standard threaded tip secured to lightweight gray aluminum handle with vinyl grip. 1-1/8in diameter.
THREADED AL BRM HNDL 57 IN VNL GRIP GRA 12 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 12.19 9.30 16.03 RCP6355GRA.JPG Aluminum Handle with Plastic Threaded End, Overall Length 57in RCP 6355 GRA, RCP6355GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1337 Lagasse Angel Soft Facial Tissues, 36 Cube Boxes (GPC46580) 1337 GPC 465-80 15.00 46580 Facial Tissues
Angel Soft Tissues premium-quality facial tissue offers luxurious “at-home” softness—makes an upscale impression at hospitality properties, restaurants or offices. Two-ply, white. 7.65 x 8.85 tissues.
Georgia Pacific Angel Soft Facial Tissue Cube Box, White, 96 Tissues per Box, 36 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Facial Tissues - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 67.25 51.29 91.86 GPC46580.JPG angel soft tissue, angel soft tissues, angel soft facial tissue, facial tissue, facial tissues, tissues, GPC 465-80, GPC46580 1 1 0 0 1 48
1338 Lagasse Angel Soft Facial Tissues, 30 Flat Boxes (GPC485-80) 1338 GPC 485-80 11.30 48580 Angel Soft Facial Tissues
Angel Soft Tissues premium-quality facial tissue offers luxurious “at-home” softness—makes an upscale impression at hospitality properties, restaurants or offices. Two-ply, white. 7.65 x 8.85 tissues.
Angel Soft Facial Tissues, Flat Box, White, 100 Tissues per Box, 30 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Facial Tissues - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 45.80 34.93 62.69 GPC48580.JPG angel soft tissue, angel soft tissues, angel soft facial tissue, angel soft facial tissues, angel soft facial tssue, GPC 485-80, GPC48580 1 1 0 0 1 48
1339 Lagasse Angel Soft 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 80 Rolls (GPC16880) 1339 GPC 168-80 29.58 16880 Premium Bathroom Tissue
Angel Soft premium bathroom tissue is a high quality toilet paper made from a premium embossed 2-ply material. Angel Soft delivers “at home” quality that can be used for your business as well as your home. Angel Soft bathroom tissue provides instant brand recognition from Georgia Pacific, a trusted brand name. The high capacity roll and upscale packaging make this quality toilet paper ideal for offices, schools, day care centers, restaurants, hotels, nursing homes, hospitals, public facilities and any place of business. Each roll of Angel Soft toilet paper comes individually wrapped for sanitary purposes and is available in 4.5” by 4.05” sheets that will fit standard toilet paper dispensers. Angel Soft is safe for all sewer and septic systems. Make an impression on your guests with high quality, affordable Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue. Stock up today!
Georgia Pacific Angel Soft 2- Ply Toilet Paper, 450 Sheets per Roll, 80 Rolls per Case. – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 75.51 57.59 98.26 GPC16580.JPG angel soft toilet paper, angel soft bathroom tissue, angel soft bathroom paper, angel soft tissue, GPC 165-80, two ply toilet tissue, GPC16580, discount, wholesale, 2 ply toilet paper, angel soft bath tissue, 2 ply toilet tissue, angel soft ps premium bath tissue 1 1 0 0 1 48
1342 Lagasse Angled Brooms, 46-7/8in Long Handle, Vinyl-Coated Metal (RCP6375GRA) 1342 RCP 6375 GRA 2.00 637500 GRAY • Cut and shaped for easy sweeping; ideal for cleaning hard-to-reach areas • Flagged, chemical-resistant polypropylene fill bristles 1in diameter handle. Flagged-tip bristles pick up fine dirt particles and can be used on carpeting. Gray bristles.
FLAGGED-TIP ANGLE BRM 10.5 INMTL GRA 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 12.72 9.70 16.59 RCP6375GRA.JPG Angled Brooms, 46-7/8in Long Handle, Vinyl-Coated Metal RCP 6375 GRA, RCP6375GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1343 Lagasse Angled Brooms, 48-7/8in Long Handle, Aluminum (RCP6385GRA) 1343 RCP 6385 GRA 1.20 638500 GRAY • Cut and shaped for easy sweeping; ideal for cleaning hard-to-reach areas • Flagged, chemical-resistant polypropylene fill bristles 1in diameter handle. Flagged-tip bristles pick up fine dirt particles and can be used on carpeting. Gray bristles.
FLAGGED-TIP ANGLE BRM 10.5 IN ALUM HNDL GRA 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 17.94 13.68 23.33 RCP6385GRA.JPG Angled Brooms, 48-7/8in Long Handle, Aluminum RCP 6385 GRA, RCP6385GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1344 Lagasse Unisan Angler Broom, 13" Wide, 12 Brooms (UNS932A) 1344 UNS 932A 2.00 UNS932A Angled Lobby Broom
Unisan Angler Lobby Broom has a big 13" sweeping surface with sturdy flagged-tip plastic bristles. Angled cut for sweeping corners, edges and under counters. This Angler Broom has a 42" long, 7/8" diameter lacquered wood handle with plastic angled shroud. Shipping weight. 22 lbs per case. Sold by the dozen. Manufactured by Unisan Cleaning Products - a brand name you can trust. Readily Available to Ship Fast! On Sale Today - Stock Up & Save!
Unisan Flag-Tip 13" Wide Angle Broom 42" Wood Handle Plastic Bristles, 12 Brooms per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 85.75 63.60 116.67 UNS932A.JPG angler broom, wood handle broom, wood broom, sweeping broom, UNS 932A, UNS932A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1345 Lagasse Flagged Angler Broom, Metal Handle UNS932M 1345 UNS 932M 24.00 932M Flagged Angle Brooms
Big 13" sweeping surface with sturdy flagged-tip plastic bristles. Flagged-tip bristles pick up fine dirt particles and can be used on carpeting. Angled cut for sweeping corners, edges and under counters. 42" long. 7/8" diameter handle. 12 per case. Shipping weight 22 lbs.
42" Flagged Angler Broom, Metal Handle and Plastic Bristles, Sold by the case (12 each per case) Unisan 94.94 70.80 126.02 UNS932M.JPG angler broom, metal handle, angle broom, angle lobby brooms, unisan angle broom, flagged angle broom, metal handle wisk broom, UNS 932M, UNS932M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies 1 1 0 0 1 110
1346 Lagasse Answer Multi-Use Carpet Cleaner, 4 -1 Gallon Bottles (FRKF380422) 1346 FRK F380422 40.00 F380422 Multi-Use Carpet Cleaner
This multi-use carpet cleaner offers a variety of solutions that simplifies carpet cleaning and maintenance in moments. Offering the ability to be used as a spotter, pre-spray, spin clean or extraction cleaner, this versatile cleaner can do it all. Providing a safe and carefree maintenance process for all commercial carpet types, this biodegradable, low foaming, neutral pH cleaner can handle any and all carpet cleaning situatuions. Here are the recommended dilution: spotter (1:32), pre-spray (1:64), bonnet (1:128), extraction (1:128).
Franklin Cleaning Technology Answer Multi-Use Carpet Cleaner, Fresh Apple, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 64.69 49.34 87.86 FRKF380422.JPG multi-use carpet cleaner, carpet cleaner, answer carpet cleaner, FRK F380422, FRKF380422, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
1349 Lagasse SCRUBS Antimicrobial Hand Sanitizer Personal Care Wipes (DYM90985) 1349 DYM 90985 7.80 90985 SPECIAL NOTE:
Because of the recent Swine Flu Virus H1N1 outbreak,
please Call our office to check real time Stock and Availability
at a warehouse near you 1-800-998-3295
A highly effective skin sanitizing formula combined with an abrasive, nonscratching towel for easy sanitizing. Premoistened broad spectrum wipes help reduce the risk of infection and disease. Dissolves contaminated biofilm. Kills, absorbs and removes 99.9% of disease-causing germs and bacteria from skin in seconds. Perforated 6" x 8" wipes.
Hand Sanitizer Personal Care Wipes, 85 Wipers per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Personal Care Wipes Itw Dymon 47.31 36.08 62.52 DYM90985.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Antimicrobial SCRUBS Hand Sanitizer Wipes, DYM 90985, DYM90985 1 1 0 0 1 60
1350 Lagasse Lemon Scent, SCRUBS Antimicrobial Hand Sanitizer Personal Care Wipes (DYM92991) 1350 DYM 92991 14.00 92991 SPECIAL NOTE:
Because of the recent Swine Flu Virus H1N1 outbreak,
please Call our office to check real time Stock and Availability
at a warehouse near you 1-800-998-3295
A highly effective skin sanitizing formula combined with an abrasive, nonscratching towel for easy sanitizing. Premoistened broad spectrum wipes help reduce the risk of infection and disease. Dissolves contaminated biofilm. Kills, absorbs and removes 99.9% of disease-causing germs and bacteria from skin in seconds. Perforated 6" x 8" wipes.
Hand Sanitizer Personal Care Wipes, 120 Wipers per Bucket, 6 Buckets per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Personal Care Wipes Itw Dymon 58.62 44.02 78.86 DYM92991.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Antimicrobial SCRUBS Hand Sanitizer Wipes, DYM 92991, DYM92991 1 1 0 0 1 60
1351 Lagasse Aquadozer Squeegee Acme Threaded Insert (UNGFAAI) 1351 UNG FAAI 0.10 FAAI0 Squeegee Insert
Snaps easily into three-degree tapered socket of Aquadozer Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegees (sold separately) to allow use of Acme threaded handles. Nylon.
Unger Aquadozer Squeegee Acme Threaded Insert, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 1.81 1.38 2.48 UNGFAAI.JPG Aquadozer Squeegee Acme Threaded Insert UNG FAAI, UNGFAAI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
1352 Lagasse 18" Aquadozer Straight Floor Squeegee (UNGFE45) 1352 UNG FE45 2.00 FE450 18" Aquadozer Straight Floor Squeegee
The Aquadozer straight floor squeegee is ideal for moving large volumes of water, mud and debris. The galvanized steel frame and aluminum handle make this sturdy enough to stand up to regular use. The rubber blade on the floor squeegee will stand up to the rigors of daily use, making this piece of cleaning equipment an efficient, inexpensive way of cleaning various types of floors. This floor squeegee is perfectly suited for hospitals, restaurants, supermarkets, or any other site that needs frequent floor cleanings, as the design of the rubber blade provides a more sanitary clean up. Use with Unger 61-in. aluminum handle with three-degree taper (UNG AL14T, sold separately).
Unger Aquadozer Straight Floor Squeegee, 18 in Rubber Blade, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 20.60 12.60 27.36 UNGFE45.JPG aquadozer straight floor squeegees, UNG FE45, UNGFE45, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
1353 Lagasse Aquadozer® Straight Floor Squeegees, 24in (UNGFE60) 1353 UNG FE60 1.60 FE600 • Use with Unger 61in aluminum handle with three-degree taper (UNG AL14T, sold separately) For large volumes of water, mud, debris, waste, scrap, slush, snow and flood clean-up. Galvanized steel frame with cast zinc socket. Features 2in replaceable black rubber.
AQUADOZER STRAIGHT FLR SQUEEGEE 24 IN BLA RBR 6 Unger 18.64 14.22 24.22 UNGFE60.JPG Aquadozer Straight Floor Squeegees, 24in UNG FE60, UNGFE60, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
1357 Lagasse Aristocrat 6" Plastic Plates, 1,000 Plates (GNP70600) 1357 GNP 70600 15.60 70600 6" Plastic Plates
The Aristocrat plastic dinner plate is ideal for applications where extra strength is required. Provides a stylish, contemporary finish, and won't easily break or get punctured by utensils. Great for the restaurant, home and office settings. White. 1,000 plates per case.
Genpak Aristocrat 6" Plastic Plates, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 66.30 46.41 87.28 GNP70600.JPG aristocrat plastic dinnerware, 6in plate, 6 inch plastic plate, plastic plates, GNP 70600, GNP70600, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
1358 Lagasse Aristocrat 9" Plastic Plates, 500 Plates (GNP70900) 1358 GNP 70900 21.40 70900 9" Plastic Plates
These Aristocrat plastic 9" plates are ideal for applications where extra strength is required. Perfect for any food service application. This heavy duty plate is both sturdy and stylish with a contemporary finish. White. Includes 4 packs of 125 plates. 500 per case.
Genpak Aristocrat 9" Plastic Plates, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 65.26 45.68 84.96 GNP70900.JPG 9 inch plate, plastic plates, plastic dinnerware, genpak plates, GNP 70900, GNP70900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
1359 Lagasse Aristocrat 10-1/4" Plastic Plates, 500 Plates (GNP71000) 1359 GNP 71000 26.90 71000 10-1/4" Plastic Plates
Ideal for applications where extra strength is required. These stylish, contemporary finished plates are constructed out of highly durable material for superior strength. Designed to be the most rigid and sturdy plates available, these plastic plates measure in at 10-1/4 inches in diameter and even though they are lightweight, can be used for heavy meals since they are durable and microwaveable. These high quality plastic plates from Genpak are disposable dinnerware that can be relied on. Fully reinforced for an increased amount of strength, this line of high quality plastic disposable plates even comes with a beautiful decorative trim for added effect. White. 125 pieces per pack. 4 packs per case.
Genpak 10-1/4" Aristocrat Plastic Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 88.10 61.67 116.39 GNP71000.JPG plastic plates, white plastic plates, disposable plates, plastic dinnerware, plastic dinner plate, 10-1/4" plastic dinnerware, 10-1/4" plate, GNP 71000, GNP71000, 1 1 0 0 1 173
1360 Lagasse Aristocrat 10-1/4in 3 Compartment Plastic Plate, 500 Plates (GNP71300) 1360 GNP 71300 26.90 71300 10-1/4" 3 Compartment Plastic Plate
Ideal for applications where extra strength is required. Stylish, contemporary finish. White. 125 plates per pack. 4 packs per case.
Genpak Aristocrat 10 1-/4" 3 Compartment Plastic Plate, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Genpak 88.10 61.67 117.43 GNP71300.JPG plastic plates, 3 compartment plates, aristocrat plastic dinnerware, 10-1/4in plate with 3 compartments, GNP 71300, GNP71300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
1361 Lagasse Aristocrat 12-oz. Plastic Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (GNP72100) 1361 GNP 72100 18.10 72100 12-oz. Plastic Bowls
Designed to be the most rigid and sturdy bowls available. This line of high quality plastic disposable bowls even come with a beautiful decorative rim for added effect. Coming 125 bowls per pack, Genpak's 12-oz. plastic bowls come 8 packs to a case. Ideal for applications where extra strength is required. Stylish, contemporary finish. White. 1,000 bowls per case
Genpak Aristocrat 12-oz. Plastic Bowls, White, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 66.79 46.75 90.19 GNP72100.JPG plastic bowls, 12oz bowls, genpak dinnerware, GNP 72100, GNP72100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
1372 Lagasse Asidufoam Heavy-Duty Bathroom Cleaner, 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottles (DYM33732) 1372 DYM 33732 31.60 33732 Asidufoam Heavy Duty Bathroom Cleaner
Foaming cleaner clings to vertical surfaces. Removes dirt, soap scum and stains caused by mildew, mold and algae, oxidation, corrosion, urine salts, light rust, lime, calcium and iron deposits. For use on grout, brass, fiberglass, ceramic tile, stainless steel and other bathroom surfaces. Nonchlorine formula contains no harmful mineral acids.
Asidufoam Heavy Duty Bathroom Cleaner, 32-oz. Spray Bottles, 12 Bottles per Case - The cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Itw Dymon 49.04 37.02 66.33 DYM33732.JPG adidufoam heavy-duty bathroom cleaner, DYM 33732, DYM33732, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
1376 Lagasse At Ease Disposable Personal Care Wipes, 12 Tubs (HOSHS3821) 1376 HOS HS3821 21.00 HS-3821 Disposable Personal Care Wipes
Nonwoven, soothing premoistened wipes are the sanitary solution to any incontinence situation—adult or baby. Extra-large 9 x 13 adult size means one wipe is often enough to do the job. Strong, yet thin for thorough, effective cleansing of delicate folds. Contains lanolin and aloe skin conditioners. Hypoallergenic, alcohol- and latex-free. Easy dispensing from resealable tub. 50 washcloths per tub; 12 tubs per case. Manufactured by Hospital Specialties Company.
Adult Disposable Personal Care Wipes, 50 Wipes per Tub, 12 Tubs, 600 Wipes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products company buyers trust. Hospeco 45.75 33.72 61.37 HOSHS3821.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, At Ease Adult Disposable Washcloths, HOS HS3821, HOSHS3821 1 1 0 0 1 57
1378 Lagasse Franklin Aurora Floor Finish Wax, 5-Gallon Pail (FRKF137026) 1378 FRK F137026 45.00 F137026 Aurora Floor Wax
Quality polymers ensure the beauty and lengthen the life of flooring. Provides outstanding initial gloss and is urethane fortified for increased resistance to scratching and scuffing. An excellent choice for high speed and UHS maintenance programs. Clean fabulous wood floors and leave them protected against chair scratches, scuffing shoes, pets and toys.
Franklin Aurora Finish Gloss Floor Wax, 5 Gallon Pail, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 85.47 64.85 113.54 FRKF137026.JPG franklin aurora floor wax, aurura floor finish, aurora floor wax FRK F137026, FRKF137026, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
1379 Lagasse Automatic Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bowl Cleaners (KRYABC) 1379 KRY ABC 9.00 12-BBL-L Krysal Automatic Bowl Cleaner
Automatc Bowl Cleaner Air Freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener has an In-tank cleaner that cleans and deodorizes with air freshener. These Bathroom Air Fresheners Prevent scale and mildew buildup. Colors water blue with each flush. 22% surfactant formulation. Nonpolluting, nontoxic, nonstaining. Lasts up to 30 days. 12 air freshener bowl cleaners per case. Here at we buy all of our air freheners and Bathroom Air Fresheners in bulk so you save money. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Don't forget to pick up all of your Janitorial Supplies right here at the website.
Krysal Auto Bowl Cleaner, In Tank Cleaner, 12 per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Krystal Deodorant & Restroom Products 17.94 13.68 23.39 KRYABC.JPG Automatic Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bowl Cleaners per Case KRY ABC, KRYABC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 66
1381 Lagasse Solo Bare PCF 16-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCC316RC) 1381 SCC 316RC 33.47 316RC-J8484 16-oz. PCF Paper Hot Cups
These Eco-forward cups from Solo are made from at least 10% post-consumer recycled fiber and at least 92% plant-based renewable resources. The first ever FDA compliant PCF paper cups. These cups from Solo are part of the green movement that Solo cups is making and it is our pleasure to supply all of their green friendly products. Perfect for the environmentally conscious consumer. Polylined to prevent leaks. Attractive leaf print design. 1,000 cups per case.
Solo Bare 16-oz. PCF Paper Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale janitorial company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 114.16 79.91 150.91 SCC316RC.JPG Bare PCF Paper Hot Cups, 16-oz. Cup SCC 316RC, SCC316RC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
1382 Lagasse Solo Bare PCF 10-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCC370RC) 1382 SCC 370RC 22.65 370RC-J8484 10-oz. PCF Paper Hot Cups
These Eco-forward cups from Solo are made from at least 10% post-consumer recycled fiber and at least 92% plant-based renewable resources. The first ever FDA compliant PCF paper cups. These cups from Solo are part of the green movement that Solo cups is making and it is our pleasure to supply all of their green friendly products. Perfect for the environmentally conscious consumer. Polylined to prevent leaks. Attractive leaf print design. 1,000 cups per case.
Solo Bare 10-oz. PCF Paper Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale janitorial company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 64.36 45.05 85.64 SCC370RC.JPG 10 oz. paper hot cups, paper hot cups, bare PCF paper hot cups, 10-oz. cups, SCC 370RC, SCC370RC, coffee cups, 10 oz paper coffee cups 1 1 0 0 1 141
1383 Lagasse Solo Bare PCF 12-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCC412RCN) 1383 SCC 412RCN 26.50 412RCN-J8484 12-oz. PCF Paper Hot Cups
These Eco-forward cups from Solo are made from at least 10% post-consumer recycled fiber and at least 92% plant-based renewable resources. The first ever FDA compliant PCF paper cups. These cups from Solo are part of the green movement that Solo cups is making and it is our pleasure to supply all of their green friendly products. Perfect for the environmentally conscious consumer. Polylined to prevent leaks. Attractive leaf print design. 1,000 cups per case.
Solo Bare 12-oz. PCF Paper Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale janitorial company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 94.14 65.90 127.89 SCC412RC.JPG solo paper hot cups, solo paper hot cups, paper hot cup, paper hot cups, 12 oz. hot cup, hot cups, bare PCF paper hot cups, 12 oz cup, SCC 412RC, SCC412RC, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 0 1 141
1384 Lagasse Solo Bare RPET 20-oz. Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCCRTN20-BB) 1384 SCC RTN20-BB 47.59 RTN20-J9036 20 oz. RPET Cold Cups
Reuse of materials is a key foundation of Solo's comprehensive environmental management. These great cups from Solo are Eco-forward RPET plastic cups that are made from at least 20% post-consumer recycled material. They have excellent contact clarity and are FDA compliant. Perfect for the environmentally conscious consumer. Attractive leaf print design. 50 cups per pack, 20 packs per case.
Solo Bare 20oz. RPET Cold Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 160.49 112.34 211.91 SCCRTN20BB.JPG Bare RPET Cold Cups, 20-oz. Cup SCC RTN20-BB, SCCRTN20BB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
1385 Lagasse Bare RPET 12-oz. Cold Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCCRTP12-BB) 1385 SCC RTP12-BB 31.67 RTP12-J9036 12oz Plastic Cold Cup
These great cups from Solo are Eco-forward RPET cups and are made from at least 20% post-consumer recycled material. They have excellent contact clarity and are FDA compliant. Environmentally conscious. 50 cups per sleeve, 20 sleeves per case. Leaf print design.
Solo Bare 12oz RPET Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 121.63 85.14 161.57 SCCRTP12BB.JPG Bare RPET Cold Cups, 12-oz. Cup SCC RTP12-BB, SCCRTP12BB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
1386 Lagasse Solo Bare RPET 16-oz. Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCCRTP16-BB) 1386 SCC RTP16-BB 37.52 RTP16-J9036 16 oz. RPET Cold Cups
Reuse o materials is a key foundation of Solo's comprehensive environmental management. These great cups from Solo are Eco-forward RPET plastic cups that are made from at least 20% post-consumer recycled material. They have excellent contact clarity and are FDA compliant. Perfect for the environmentally conscious consumer. Attractive leaf print design. 50 cups per pack, 20 packs per case.
Solo Bare 16oz. RPET Cold Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 131.61 92.13 175.24 SCCRTP16BB.JPG Bare RPET Cold Cups, 16-oz. Cup SCC RTP16-BB, SCCRTP16BB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
1387 Lagasse Baseboard/Utility Pads, Heavy-Duty, Brown, 20 Pads (PAD403) 1387 PAD 403 3.30 54712 Baseboard and Utility Heavy-Duty Pads
Cleaning pad combines with the multi-purpose pad holder to tackle a variety of cleaning jobs. For heavy-duty cleaning and stripping. Combine with Utility Pad Holder PAD 405 (sold separately) to perform a variety of cleaning tasks. 4" x 10".
Premiere Pads Baseboard and Utility Pads, Heavy-Duty, Brown, 20 Scouring Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 19.86 13.63 26.78 PAD403.JPG Baseboard/Utility Pads, Heavy-Duty Brown Pads PAD 403, PAD403, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
1388 Lagasse Premiere Pads Light Duty Scrub Pads, White, 20 Pads (PAD401) 1388 PAD 401 3.30 54711 White Scrub Pad
These light duty pads are the ideal product to use for cleaning the delicate surfaces in your home. Premiere Pads has designed these scrubbing pads to be used on cookware, non-stick surfaces, dishes, counters, tables and kitchen equipment without scratching or dulling the surface. This popular line of light duty scouring pads is perfect for light cleanups around sinks, tiles and windows. When combined with the Utility Pad Holder (PAD405 sold separately), this handy little cleaning pad can be used to perform a multitude of cleaning tasks in those hard to reach areas. If you are looking for a pad to thoroughly clean your delicate household surfaces without damaging them, then Premiere Pads Light Duty Scrub Pad is for you. Stock up today!
Premiere Pads Light Duty Scrub Pad, 4"x10", 20 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Premiere Pads 20.69 15.78 28.17 PAD401.JPG Baseboard/Utility Pads, Light-Duty White Pads, PAD 401, PAD401, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
1389 Lagasse Baseboard/Utility Pads, Medium-Duty Blue Pads (PAD402) 1389 PAD 402 3.30 54713 Combine with Utility Pad Holder PAD 405 (sold separately) to perform a variety of cleaning tasks. 4 x 10.
M-DTY PAD 4X10 BLU 20 Premiere Pads 20.69 15.78 28.16 PAD402.JPG Baseboard/Utility Pads, Medium-Duty Blue Pads PAD 402, PAD402, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
1390 Lagasse Basix 12-oz. Foam Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (SCCFS12BN) 1390 SCC FS12BN 9.00 FS12BN-0007 12-oz. Unlaminated Foam Bowls
These unlaminated bowls are made from sturdy insulated foam so they maintain food at its proper temperature. White. 125 pieces per pack.
Solo Basix 12-oz. Foam Bowls, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 55.90 39.13 74.07 SCCFS12BN.JPG foam bowls, basix foam dinnerware, 12-oz. bowl, SCC FS12BN, SCCFS12BN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
1391 Lagasse Basix 6" Non-Laminated Foam Plate, 1,000 Plates (SCCFS6BPY) 1391 SCC FS6BPY 6.50 FS6BPY-0007 6" Non-Laminated Foam Plate
Lightweight. Sturdy, insulated. White. 125 pieces per bag.
Solo Basix 6" Foam Plate, Non-Laminated, White, 8 Bags of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case
CleanItSupply - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 45.61 31.93 60.35 SCCFS6BPY.JPG basix foam dinnerware, 6in foam plate, SCC FS6BPY, SCCFS6BPY, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
1392 Lagasse Basix 9" Foam 3 Compartment Plates, 500 Plates (SCCFS9CY) 1392 SCC FS9CY 9.00 FS9CY-0007 9" Foam 3-Compartment Plates
Sturdy, lightweight insulated dinnerware. Made from unlaminated foam polystyrene. Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending. Insulated foam with three compartments provides durable and secure compartment separation for both hot and cold foods. White. 500 plates per pack.
Solo Basix 9" Foam 3-Compartment Plates, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 44.64 31.25 59.52 SCCFS9CY.JPG foam plates,basix foam dinnerware, 9in 3 compartment plate, SCC FS9CY, SCCFS9CY, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
1394 Lagasse Boardwalk 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (BWK6150) 1394 BWK 6150 35.00 6150 Standard Toilet Paper Rolls
A great economical alternative to the more expensive name brands, Boardwalk Standard Toilet Paper is the perfect choice for any residential or commercial bathroom environment. With each sheet measuring 4.5” x 3.75”, Boardwalk's line of quality 2-ply toilet tissue will fit in most standard toilet paper dispensers. This eco-friendly toilet paper meets EPA Guidelines with 65% post-consumer waste and 35% pre-consumer waste fiber, so you can feel good about your purchase while saving money. If you are looking for an affordable, quality brand toilet paper that is environmentally friendly, look no further than Boardwalk 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper. Stock up today and save!
Boardwalk 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 4.5” x 3.75”, 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 41.88 31.94 54.42 BWK6150.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, two ply toilet paper, two ply toilet tissue, 2 ply toilet paper, 2 ply toilet tissue, Bath Tissue, Two-Ply Bath Tissue BWK 6150, BWK6150 1 1 0 0 1 123
1395 Lagasse Boardwalk 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (BWK6155) 1395 BWK 6155 41.20 BWK6155 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Economy bathroom toilet paper tissue, embossed, white, 2 ply standard toilet paper. Our full selection of wholesale paper products helps keep your home and office business clean, safe and well stocked. This quality toilet paper is made from a premium embossed 2-ply material which will deliver exceptional quality that can be used for your business and your home. These quality toilet paper products come in upscale packaging which is ideal for offices, schools, day care centers, restaurants, hotels, nursing homes, hospitals, doctors offices, public facilities and any place of business.
Boardwalk 2-Ply Toilet Tissue Standard Roll, 4.5"x 4.5" 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 52.14 39.77 70.93 BWK6155.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, two ply toilet paper, two ply toilet tissue, 2 ply toilet paper, 2 ply toilet tissue, Bath Tissue, Two-Ply Bath Tissue BWK 6155, BWK6155 1 1 0 0 1 123
1396 Lagasse Boardwalk 1 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (BWK6170) 1396 BWK 6170 38.90 BWK6170 1-Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Boardwalk brand toilet paper is an economical and eco-friendly paper product option. This quality 1 ply toilet tissue meets all EPA guidelines for 65% post-consumer waste content, 0% mil broke, and 35% per-consumer waste fiber. The ideal toilet paper for the home or office, Boardwalk 1-Ply Standard Toilet Paper is the smart choice for any residential or commercial bathroom environment. These embossed white sheets measure in at 4.5" x 3.75". This 1-ply toilet paper is a great choice for schools, daycare facilities, offices, and residential homes. Stock up on Boardwalk 1-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, the toilet tissue savvy buyers choose.
Boardwalk Standard 1-Ply Toilet Paper, 1000 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 56.77 39.31 75.42 BWK6170.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, one ply toilet paper, 1 ply toilet paper, 1 ply toilet tissue, bathroom paper, bathroom tissue, bath tissue, BWK 6170, BWK6170, wholesale toilet paper, discount toilet paper, cheap toilet paper, toilet paper rolls, boardwalk toilet paper 1 1 0 0 1 123
1397 Lagasse Boardwalk 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (BWK 6180) 1397 BWK 6180 28.60 BWK 6180 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper
This 2-Ply toilet tissue manufactured by Boardwalk is both absorbent and durable. These rolls will fit into any standard toilet paper dispenser making them perfect for both the home and the office. This classic standard toilet paper has 96 individually wrapped rolls per case, keeping each roll sanitary until it is ready for use. Boardwalk 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper is economical and eco-friendly, meeting EPA guidelines for recycled content. Each soft, embossed sheet is 4.5" x 3", and there are 500 sheets per roll. Boardwalk 2-ply toilet paper is is the ideal combination of quality and value. Stock up today and save!
Boardwalk 2-Ply Toilet Paper, 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 36.04 27.03 47.81 BWK6180.JPG boardwalk toilet paper, toilet tissue, bathroom tissue, toilet paper, 2 ply toilet paper, 2 ply standard toilet paper, 2 ply standard toilet tissue, two ply standard toilet paper, boardwalk toilet paper, boardwalk 2ply toilet paper, wholesale toilet paper, discount toilet paper, BWK 6180, BWK6180, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, paper products 1 1 0 0 1 123
1398 Lagasse Bayer Aspirin, 50 - 2 Pack Tablets per Box (ACE12408) 1398 ACE 12408 0.10 PFYBXBG50 Bayer Aspirin Tablets
Bayer Genuine Aspirin provides temporary relief from minor arthritis pain. Packaged for individual use to replenish first aid stations and kits. Handy box dispenses single-dose packets.
Acme United Bayer Aspirin Tablets, 2 Tablets per Pack, 50 Packs per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Acme United Corporation / Westcott 16.08 12.27 21.32 ACE12408.JPG ayer, bayer aspirin packs, bayer aspirin, 50 packs per box, 2 tablets per pack, ACE 12408, ACE12408, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 2
1399 Lagasse Beer Clean Low Suds Glassware Cleaner, 1/2-oz. Pouch (DRK90224) 1399 DRK 90224 4.40 90224 Beer Clean Glassware Cleaner - Low Suds
For sparkling clean glassware and better tasting beer. Powdered compound cleans in hot, cold, hard or soft water. Concentrated formula for quick cleaning. Odorless detergent system provides excellent rinsing results. Minimal sudsing.
Beer Clean Glassware Cleaner, 100/.5-oz Pouch per case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 31.47 24.00 42.44 DRK90224.JPG Beer Clean Glassware Cleaner, Low Suds Cleaner, 100 Pouches per Case, 1/2-oz. Pouch DRK 90224, DRK90224, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
1400 Lagasse Beer Clean® Glassware Cleaner, Regular Cleaner, 100 Pouches per Case, 1/2-oz. Pouch (DRK90221) 1400 DRK 90221 3.75 90221 For sparkling clean glassware and better tasting beer. Powdered compound cleans in hot, cold, hard or soft water. Concentrated formula for quick cleaning. Odorless detergent system provides excellent rinsing results. Minimal sudsing.
BEER CLEAN REG GLASS CLNR PCH 100/.5 OZ Diversey 31.51 24.03 41.47 DRK90221.JPG Beer Clean Glassware Cleaner, Regular Cleaner, 100 Pouches per Case, 1/2-oz. Pouch DRK 90221, DRK90221, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 63
1401 Lagasse Beer Clean Last Rinse Sanitizer, 1/2-oz. Pouch (DRK90223) 1401 DRK 90223 2.04 90223 Beer Clean Last Rinse Sanitizer
Powdered compound contains trichloromelamine (TCM) for effective sanitization of all bar glassware. Laboratory tested—kills E. coli and staph germs. Delivers 100 ppm available chlorine. Formulated for cold or hot water. Accepted by breweries throughout North America. Includes test strips. EPA Registered.
Beer Clean Last Rinse Sanitizer,100/.5-oz Pouch per case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 30.48 23.25 40.09 DRK90223.JPG Beer Clean Last Rinse Sanitizer, 100 Pouches per Case, 1/4-oz. Pouch DRK 90223, DRK90223, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
1402 Lagasse Beige Cellulose Sponges, Large, 24 Sponges (PADCS3) 1402 PAD CS3 7.80 54991 Beige Cellulose Large Sponges
More absorbent than polyurethane sponges. Stronger, less likely to fall apart. 4.27" x 7.8" x 1.55". This large absorbent sponge is excellent for use in big spills, or scrubbing down surfaces with force do to the durability. Great for use in kitchens, bathrooms, cafeterias, restaurants, kids play areas, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, and any other place that has a potential for spills that need a quick absorbing large sponge.
Premiere Pads Beige Cellulose Sponges, Large, Beige, 24 Sponges per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 35.19 26.84 47.60 PADCS3.JPG sponges, scrubble sponges, PAD CS3, PADCS3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
1403 Lagasse Cellulose Sponges, Beige, Medium, 24 Sponges (PADCS2) 1403 PAD CS2 5.30 54990 Beige Cellulose Sponges
More absorbent than polyurethane sponges. Stronger, less likely to fall apart. 3.66" x 6.08" x 1.55". This large absorbent sponge is excellent for use in big spills, or scrubbing down surfaces with force do to the durability. Great for use in kitchens, bathrooms, cafeterias, restaurants, kids play areas, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, and any other place that has a potential for spills that need a quick absorbing large sponge.
Premiere Pads Cellulose Sponges, Beige, Medium, 24 Sponges per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 24.64 18.79 32.84 PADCS2.JPG beige cellulose sponges, medium, PAD CS2, PADCS2 1 1 0 0 1 79
1406 Lagasse Marcal Beverage Napkins, 4,000 Napkins (MAC0028) 1406 MAC 0028 11.30 00028 White Beverage Napkins
These low cost beverage napkins from Marcal are the ideal alternative to expensive cloth napkins without sacrificing strength or absorbency. The unique Easy Reach packaging keeps napkins neat and organized while providing protection from moisture and contamination during storage. Eco-friendly and environmentally conscious, these Marcal 1-ply napkins are made from 100% total recycled content and meet or exceed all EPA procurement guidelines for post-consumer content. These beverage napkins are ideal when cost control is a priority but sacrificing quality is not an option. Provide your customers the sophistication of cloth napkins with the convenience of disposable napkins. Stock up on Marcal Beverage Napkins today and save!
Marcal 1-Ply Napkins, White, 9.5" x 9.5", 500 Napkins per Pack, 8 Packs, 4,000 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Marcal Paper 15.75 11.47 20.56 MAC0028.JPG beverage napkins, marcal beverage napkins, cocktail napkins, MAC 0028, MAC0028, white beverage napkins, marcal pro premium recycled napkins 1 1 0 0 1 135
1407 Lagasse BevNap Beverage Napkins, White, 4,000 Napkins (GPC960-19) 1407 GPC 960-19 11.10 96019 BevNap Beverage Napkins
Great for restaurants, and bars, as well as residential environments, these beverage napkins are great for any occasion. Very vibrant, and completely bleed-resistant, these quality colored cocktail napkins are the ideal beverage napkin. White, one-ply. Inner poly-packaging for protection against spills and moisture. Open 9.5 x 9.5; folded 4.75 x 4.75. 1/4 fold. 500 napkins per bag; 8 bags (4,000 napkins) per case.
Georgia Pacific BevNap Beverage Napkins, 1-Ply, White, 500 Napkins per Bag, 8 Bags, 4,000 Napkins per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Beverage Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 25.78 18.60 35.01 GPC96019.JPG beverage napkin, beverage napkins, cocktail napkin, cocktail napkins, BevNap Beverage Napkins GPC 960-19, GPC96019 1 1 0 0 1 48
1408 Lagasse Big Foot® Doorstop, Beige (MST00900) 1408 MST 00900 0.20 MAS00900 Wedge style, nonslip rubber with extra-wide flange. 2w x 4-1/2d x 1-1/4h.
BIG STOP DOOR STOP BEI Master Manufacturing Co. 3.63 2.51 4.73 MST00900.JPG Big Foot Doorstop, Beige MST 00900, MST00900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 69
1409 Lagasse Big Foot Doorstop, Brown (MST00920) 1409 MST 00920 0.20 MAS00920 Plastic Brown Doorstop
Straightforward and simple, these wedge styled, nonslip rubber doorstops are perfect for virtually any location or indoor environment. Coming with an extra-wide flange, this high quality doorstop measures in at 2w x 4-1/2d x 1-1/4h. Smart and economical, this quality door stop is perfect for any residential or commercial location.
Master Manufacturing Co. Plastic Doorstop, Brown, 2w x 4-1/2d x 1-1/4h, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Master Manufacturing Co. 3.76 2.87 5.03 MST00920.JPG Big Foot Doorstop, Brown MST 00920, MST00920, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 69
1410 Lagasse Big Foot Doorstop, Gray (MST00941) 1410 MST 00941 0.20 MAS00941 Plastic Gray Doorstop
Straightforward and simple, these wedge styled, nonslip rubber doorstops are perfect for virtually any location or indoor environment. Coming with an extra-wide flange, this high quality doorstop measures in at 2w x 4-1/2d x 1-1/4h. Smart and economical, this quality door stop is perfect for any residential or commercial location.
Master Manufacturing Co. Plastic Doorstop, Gray, 2w x 4-1/2d x 1-1/4h, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Master Manufacturing Co. 3.71 2.73 4.84 MST00941.JPG big foot doorstop, gray door stop, MST 00941, MST00941, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 69
1411 Lagasse Big Wheel Utility Cart, Black (RCP5642BLA) 1411 RCP 5642 BLA 45.10 5642 00 BLACK Rubbermaid - 300 Lb Capacity Big Wheel Utility Cart: Black
It's heavy-duty structural foam construction makes hauling up to 300 lbs easy. Tough durable, and has one-piece tub construction for optimal loading and unloading. Its reinforced ribbing provides added impact resistance. This cart is smooth, easy-to-dump, and has an easy-to-clean pan. Level capacity 7-1/2 cubic feet. Comfortable, molded, structural foam handles. Steel axle and large 20 x 2-1/4 wheels with pneumatic tires. 32-3/4"wide x 57-1/2"deep x 28-1/4"high.
Shipping weight: 45 lbs. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Rubbermaid 7.5 Cubic Foot Big Wheel Cart, Black Rubbermaid Commercial Products 213.71 163.00 287.92 RCP5642BLA.JPG Big Wheel Utility Cart, Black RCP 5642 BLA, RCP5642BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
1412 Lagasse Georgia Pacific BigFold Z 1-Ply Folded Hand Towels, 2,200 Towels (GPC20887) 1412 GPC 208-87 19.70 20887 Folded Hand Towels
These premium hand towels from Georgia Pacific are the ideal combination of quality, performance, comfort and affordability. BigFold Z paper towels are an exceptional, cost-saving alternative to C-fold towels with a design that will still allow them to fit into existing C-Fold and multifold dispensers with no adapter necessary. Up to 50% larger than C-Fold towels, these 1-ply, embossed paper towels are also more absorbent, reducing the number of towels used and, ultimately, saving your business money. The interfold design dispenses a large, fully-opened towel one at a time without touching the dispenser, helping to reduce the risk of cross-contamination. This unique design also ensures that the paper towels cannot be loaded incorrectly, preventing mis-feeds and reducing costly maintenance time. Choose Georgia Pacific BigFold Z Towels and guarantee satisfaction for yourself, your customers and employees. Stock up today and save!
Georgia Pacific 1-ply BigFold Z Fold Hand Towels, 220 Towels per Pack, 10 Packs per Case, 2,200 Towels. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 46.50 35.47 60.54 GPC20887.JPG bigfold z fold paper towels, bigfold z fold hand towels, bigfold z fold towels, bigfold fold towels, bigfold z one-ply folded hand towels, paper towels, paper hand towels, folded hand towels, folded paper hand towels, GPC 208-87, GPC20887, janitorial paper products, c fold towels 1 1 0 0 1 48
1413 Lagasse Bi-Level Deck Scrub (RCP6337BLU) 1413 RCP 6337 BLU 0.60 633700 BLUE Split-brush shape has straight and angled bristles. For wet scrubbing in open areas and under equipment. Long-lasting blue polypropylene fibers resist stains. 10in plastic block with threaded handle hole.
BI-LEV FLR SCRUB 10X2 POLYPRO BLU 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.12 8.48 14.59 RCP6337BLU.JPG Bi-Level Deck Scrub RCP 6337 BLU, RCP6337BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1414 Lagasse Fresh Bio Conqueror 105 Enzymatic Odor Counteractant Concentrate, 4 Gallons (FRS1-BWB-MG) 1414 FRS 1-BWB-MG 37.00 1-BWB-MG-F Water-soluble concentrated formula contains high levels of fragrance, surfactant and bacteria for 24-hour odor control. Billions of select spore-form bacteria completely eliminate odors at their source by digesting odor-causing molecules. Mango fragrance leaves the area smelling fresh and clean. Versatile formula can be used in trigger sprayers, mop water, carpet extractors, drains. VOC Compliant.
Fresh Bio Conqueror 105 Enzymatic Concentrate, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Gallon Bottles per Case Fresh Products 56.29 42.93 75.45 FRS1BWBMG.JPG Bio Conqueror 105 Enzymatic Odor Counteractant Concentrate, FRS 1-BWB-MG, FRS1BWBMG, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
1415 Lagasse Bistro 12-oz. Paper Hot Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCC412SIN) 1415 SCC 412SIN 26.50 412SIN-0041 12 oz Paper Hot Cups
High quality. High performing. These paper hot cups are a superior paper option made from plant-based renewable resources. The classy Bistro design provides an upscale appearance for specialty coffee establishments. Made with a poly lining that acts as a moisture barrier to keep liquid inside the cup and prevent leaking. Rolled rim ensures secure lid fit.
Solo 12oz Paper Hot Cup, Bistro Design, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 71.06 49.74 94.04 SCC412SI.JPG Bistro Design Paper Hot Cups, 12-oz. Cup SCC 412SI, SCC412SI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
1416 Lagasse Solo Bistro 8-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCC378SI) 1416 SCC 378SI 22.00 378SI-0041 8 oz Bistro Paper Hot Cups
Solo Cup company is proud to be known for premium hot cups and lids. These cups and lids are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these cups and lids everyday for your office coffee machine or at the water cooler. Stop washing dishes and coffee cups and start using these great disposable cups and lids from Solo cup company today. Attractive bistro design will give a touch of class to any office or cafeteria. Single polylined to prevent leaks.
Solo Bistro 8 oz. Paper Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 58.69 41.08 77.70 SCC378SI.JPG Bistro Design Paper Hot Cups, 8-oz. Cup SCC 378SI, SCC378SI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
1417 Lagasse Bistro Design 16oz Paper Hot Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCC316SI) 1417 SCC 316SI 33.00 316SI-0041 16 oz. Paper Hot Cup
Solo Cup company is proud to be known for premium hot cups and lids. These cups and lids are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Attractive coffee-themed cup is ideal for hot beverages and brings an upscale appearance to any food service. Stop washing dishes and coffee cups and start using these great disposable cups from Solo cup company today.
Solo 16oz Paper Hot Cup, Bistro Design, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 91.97 64.38 125.20 SCC316SI.JPG Bistro Design Paper Hot Cups, 16-oz. Cup SCC 316SI, SCC316SI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
1423 Lagasse Black Tampico Floor Sweep, 18in Size (RCP9B07BLA) 1423 RCP 9B07 BLA 1.60 9B07 BLACK • Plastic block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separately For fine/medium cleanups on concrete, wood or tile. 100% Tampico fill bristles. Trim 2-5/8in.
FLR SWEEPER 18 IN W TAMPICO BRISTLES 12/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.79 8.99 15.39 RCP9B07BLA.JPG Black Tampico Floor Sweep, 18in Size RCP 9B07 BLA, RCP9B07BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1424 Lagasse 56 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 43x47, 0.60mil 100 Bags (BWK4347H) 1424 BWK 4347H 8.10 H8647HKKR01 56 Gallon Garbage Bags
Heavy-Duty 0.60 Mil thick can liners. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose garbage bags recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Superior tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners. Coreless perforated rolls for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 0.60 Mil, Black, 4 Rolls of 25 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 23.59 15.59 31.81 BWK4347H.JPG 55 gallon garbage bags, 55 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 55 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 4347H, BWK4347H 1 1 0 0 1 123
1425 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.60mil, 100 Bags (BWK4046H) 1425 BWK 4046H 7.40 H8046HKKR01 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Heavy-Duty .60mil thick can liners for tougher transport conditions. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose garbage bags recommended for sharper objects. Superior tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners. Coreless perforated rolls for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.60mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 22.57 14.92 30.08 BWK4046H.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 4046H, BWK4046H 1 1 0 0 1 123
1426 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.50mil, 250 Bags (BWK4046M) 1426 BWK 4046M 15.30 H8046MKKR01 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Medium-Duty 0.50mil thick can liners. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose garbage bags recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Superior tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners. Coreless perforated rolls for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.50mil, Black, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags,250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 40.32 26.65 54.53 BWK4046M.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 4046M, BWK4046M 1 1 0 0 1 123
1427 Lagasse 30 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.55mil, 200 Bags (BWK3036H) 1427 BWK 3036H 7.90 H6036MKKR01 30 Gallon Garbage Bags
0.55mil is a medium duty load capacity multipurpose can liner. Recommended for sharper objects and tough transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to Hi density garbage bags. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials, mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Offers good load capacity. Coreless roll for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 30 Gallon Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.55mil, Black, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning proucts supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 21.78 14.40 29.28 BWK3036H.JPG 30 gallon garbage bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3036H, BWK3036H 1 1 0 0 1 123
1428 Lagasse 30 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.40mil, 250 Bags (BWK3036M) 1428 BWK 3036M 7.20 H6036LKKR01 30 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
0.40mil thickness is a light duty load capacity multipurpose can liner. Recommended for sharper objects and tough transport conditions. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Greater tear resistance compared to Hi density can liners. Coreless roll for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 30 Gallon Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.40mil, Black, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags 250 Bags Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 21.19 14.01 27.86 BWK3036M.JPG 30 gallon garbage bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3036M, BWK3036M 1 1 0 0 1 123
1429 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 24x23, 0.4mil, 500 Bags (BWK2423L) 1429 BWK 2423L 6.40 H4823RKKR01 8-10 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Multipurpose 8-10 gallon garbage bags are recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Greater tear resistance compared to high density garbage bags. Offers good load capacity. Ideal for use in the home, school, church or any other location that needs a high quality garbage bag option.
Boardwalk 8-10 Gallon Garbage Bags, 24x23, 0.4mil, Black, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 16.91 11.18 22.88 BWK2423L.JPG 8 gallon garbage bags, 8 gallon trash bags, 8 gallon can liners, 8 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 8 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 2423L, BWK2423L 1 1 0 0 1 123
1430 Lagasse 13-15 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 24x32, 0.35mil, 500 Bags (BWK2432L) 1430 BWK 2432L 9.00 H4832RKKR01 13-15 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Light-Duty 0.35 Mil thick can liners. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose garbage bags recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Superior tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners. Coreless perforated rolls for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 13-15 Gallon Garbage Bags, 24x32, 0.35mil, Black, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 23.28 15.39 31.82 BWK2432L.JPG 13 gallon trash bags, 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 13 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 2432L, BWK2432L 1 1 0 0 1 123
1431 Lagasse 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags 33x39, 0.50mil, 200 Bags (BWK3339H) 1431 BWK 3339H 8.60 H6639MKKR01 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Heavy-Duty 0.50mil thickness multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Greater tear resistance compared to high density garbage bags. Offers good load capacity.
Boardwalk 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.50mil, Black, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Boardwalk Paper 27.88 18.43 36.79 BWK3339H.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3339H, BWK3339H 1 1 0 0 1 123
1432 Lagasse 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bag, 33x39, 0.40mil, 250 Bags (BWK3339M) 1432 BWK 3339M 8.60 H6639LKKR01 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Medium grade 0.40mil thickness multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tough transportation needs. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Greater tear resistance compared to Hi Density trash bags. Offers good load capacity.
Boardwalk 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.40mil, Black, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Boardwalk Paper 26.63 17.11 36.21 BWK3339M.JPG 30 gallon garbage bags, 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3339M, BWK3339M 1 1 0 0 1 123
1433 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.65mil, 100 Bags (BWK3858H) 1433 BWK 3858H 9.60 H7658HKKR01 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Heavy-Duty .65 Mil thick can liners. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose garbage bags recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Superior tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners. Coreless perforated rolls for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.65mil, Black, 4 Rolls of 25 Bags, 100 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 23.97 15.84 32.42 BWK3858H.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3858H, BWK3858H 1 1 0 0 1 123
1434 Lagasse 10 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 24x23, 0.35mil, 500 Bags (JAGL2423L) 1434 JAG L2423L 6.40 H4823RBJ 10 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
0.35mil thickness Light-Duty commercial can liners. Offers good load capacity. The star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the garbage bag from the garbage can. These bags are made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners are recommended for sharp objects found around home, school, office or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Flat bulk pack for easy dispensing.
Jaguar Plastics 10 Gallon Garbage Bags, 24x23, 0.35mil, Black, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 17.17 11.35 22.79 JAGL2423L.JPG 10 gallon garbage bags, 10 gallon trash bags, 10 gallon can liners, 10 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 10 gallon garbage can liners, JAG L2423L, JAGL2423L 1 1 0 0 1 61
1435 Lagasse 13-15 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 24x32, 0.35mil, 500 Bags (JAGL2432L) 1435 JAG L2432L 9.00 H4832RBJ 13-15 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
This star seal bottom garbage bag helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. The multipurpose can liners are recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 13-15 Gallon Garbage Bags, Black, 24x32, 0.35mil, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 25.91 17.13 34.62 JAGL2432L.JPG 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 13 gallon garbage can liners, JAG L2432L, JAGL2432L 1 1 0 0 1 61
1436 Lagasse 30 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 30x36. 0.65mil, 200 Bags (JAGL3036H) 1436 JAG L3036H 9.40 H6036HBJ 30 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 30 Gallon Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.65mil, Black, Flat Pack,200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 24.37 16.11 32.52 JAGL3036H.JPG 30 gallon garbage bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage can liners, JAG L3036H, JAGL3036H 1 1 0 0 1 61
1437 Lagasse 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.60mil, 200 Bags (JAGL3339H) 1437 JAG L3339H 10.30 H6639HBJ 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to HD liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.60mil, Black, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale garbage bag supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 27.74 18.34 37.93 JAGL3339H.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, JAG L3339H, JAGL3339H 1 1 0 0 1 61
1438 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.70mil, 100 Bags (JAGL3858H) 1438 JAG L3858H 10.30 H7658HBJ 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
0.70 Mil thickness extra-heavy-duty commercial can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming while pulling the garbage bag from the garbage can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharp objects found around home, school, office or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.7mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 28.15 18.61 37.07 JAGL3858H.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG L3858H, JAGL3858H 1 1 0 0 1 61
1439 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.70mil, 100 Bags (JAGL4046H) 1439 JAG L4046H 8.60 H8046HBJ 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
0.70mil thickness commercial can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the garbage bag from the garbage can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharp objects found around home, school, office or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Flat bulk pack for easy dispensing. Black plastic garbage can liners.
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.70mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Jaguar Plastics 21.84 14.44 29.75 JAGL4046H.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, JAG L4046H, JAGL4046H 1 1 0 0 1 61
1441 Lagasse Clorox Bleach Pen Gel, 12 Bleach Pens (CLO04690) 1441 CLO 04690 3.30 04690 Clorox Bleach Pen Gel
The Clorox Bleach Pen is a unique dual-tippled bleach applicator that provides the power of Clorox Bleach in a convenient pen. The dual tips include a fine point for smaller precise jobs and a scrub brush for bigger ones. This handy pen can tackle the toughest of bathroom and kitchen stains as well as laundry stains. Clorox Bleach Pen Gel cleans mold and mildew from your tile, grout, caulking and porcelain while eliminating stains from white, white-and-color striped, floral and patterned clothes. Even the most impossible stains like red wine, coffee, tea, juice, dirt and grass stains can’t hold up to the power of the Clorox Bleach Pen. This bleach pen should be a staple in every laundry and bathroom. Get the Clorox Bleach Pen today!
Clorox Dual Tip Bleach Pen Gel, 2-oz. Pen, 12 Pens per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 35.07 26.75 47.13 CLO04690.JPG bleach pen, clorox bleach pen, 12 bleach pens per case, CLO 04690, CLO04690, laundry bleach pen, stain bleach pen, stain remover pen, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
1442 Lagasse Bloodborne Pathogen Cleanup Kit (GLX7351) 1442 GLX 7351 1.20 7351 Bloodborne Pathogen Clean-up Kit
Blood Clean-Up Kit complies with OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 for cleaning blood. Heavy-duty plastic case with safety latch and handle; can be wall mounted. Includes one pair disposable vinyl gloves, one pair disposable shoe covers, one disposable apron, two scoop/scrapers, two red biohazard bags with ties, one disposable towel, one pair protective eyewear, one isolation mask, one 3-oz. packet of absorbent powder, two antiseptic wipes, one disposable wipe with HIV-1 tuberculocidal claim, Material Safety Data Sheets and instructions.
Galaxy Bloodborne Pathogen Clean Up Kit, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Galaxy Gloves 17.19 12.70 22.44 GLX7351.JPG blood cleanup kit, bloodborne pathogen cleanup kit, GLX 7351, GLX7351, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 45
1443 Lagasse Unisan 18" Dust Mop Head (UNS1118) 1443 UNS 1118 1.08 UNS 1118 18" Dust Mop Head
Due to its quality design and functionality Unisan's 18" blue dust mop head will grab dirt off a variety of different floor types with ease. Great for dust removal, this mop head provides a sturdy structure for extra long performance on heavy duty projects. This high quality mop head uses a four-ply cotton/synthetic blend, looped end dust mop head. Backing ends and stress points reinforced for durability. Slot top/clip-on closure. Launderable. (Dust mop handle and dust mop frame sold separately.)
Unisan 18" Blue Dust Mop Head, 18" L x 6.5" W, Looped End, Cotton and Synthetic Blend, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 10.51 7.70 14.07 UNS1118.JPG blue dust mop head, 18" dust mop head, 5 x 18 dust mop head, UNS 1118, UNS1118, 18" dust mop 1 1 0 0 1 110
1444 Lagasse Unisan 24" Dust Mop Head (UNS1124) 1444 UNS 1124 1.33 UNS 1124 Dust Mop Head
Due to its quality design and functionality, this 24" blue dust mop head from Unisan will grab dirt from a variety of different floor types with ease. Great for dust removal, this mop head provides a sturdy structure for extra long performance, even on heavy duty cleaning projects. This high quality mop head is made from a four-ply cotton/synthetic blend and features a looped end and slot top/clip-on closure, while the backing ends and stress points are reinforced for durability. This mop head is washable, allowing for repeated use, saving you money on disposable mop heads. At this price, you can stock up on extra mop heads and save! (Dust mop handle and dust mop frame sold separately.)
Unisan 24" Blue Dust Mop Head, 24" L x 6.5" W, Looped End, Cotton and Synthetic Blend, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 12.07 8.80 16.06 UNS1124.JPG 24" dust mop head, 24" blue dust mop head, 24" unisan dust mop head, blue dust head, 5 x 24 dust mop head, UNS 1124, UNS1124 1 1 0 0 1 110
1445 Lagasse 36" Dust Mop Head (UNS1136) 1445 UNS 1136 1.83 UNS 1136 36" Dust Mop Head
Unisan four-ply cotton/synthetic blend, looped end. Backing ends and stress points reinforced for durability. Slot top/clip-on closure. Launderable. (Dust mop handle and dust mop frame sold separately.)
36" Blue Dust Mop Head, 36" L x 6.5" W, Looped End, Cotton and Synthetic Blend, Sold Each
Unisan 14.42 11.00 19.40 UNS1136.JPG 36" dust mop head, 36" blue dust mop head, 36" unisan dust mop head, blue dust head, 5 x 36 dust mop head, UNS 1136, UNS1136 1 1 0 0 1 110
1446 Lagasse Blue Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton/Synthetic, 12-oz. Mop Size (UNS2016B) 1446 UNS 2016B 12.00 UNS 2016B Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Cotton/synthetic blend absorbs 5.5 times its weight in water. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Colored yarn is longer lasting than white mops. 1-1/4in polyester headband. Great for foodservice and industrial use. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP NARROW BAND #16 BLU 12 Unisan 59.28 45.22 79.22 UNS2016B.JPG Blue Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton/Synthetic, 12-oz. Mop Size UNS 2016B, UNS2016B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
1447 Lagasse Blue Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton/Synthetic, 16-oz. Mop Size (UNS2020B) 1447 UNS 2020B 13.00 UNS 2020B Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Cotton/synthetic blend absorbs 5.5 times its weight in water. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Colored yarn is longer lasting than white mops. 1-1/4in polyester headband. Great for foodservice and industrial use. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP NARROW BAND #20 BLU 12 Unisan 74.93 57.15 101.32 UNS2020B.JPG Blue Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton/Synthetic, 16-oz. Mop Size UNS 2020B, UNS2020B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
1448 Lagasse Blue 20-oz. Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton/Synthetic Blend, 12 Mops (UNS2024B) 1448 UNS 2024B 16.00 UNS 2024B 20-oz. Blue Cut End Wet Mop Heads
Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Cotton/synthetic blend absorbs 5.5 times its weight in water. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Colored yarn is longer lasting than white mops. 1-1/4" polyester headband. Great for foodservice and industrial use. 12 mop heads per case.
Unisan Standard Cut End Mop Head, Cotton & Synthetic Blend, Narrow Band, 20-oz. Mop Head, 12 Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 83.46 63.66 111.52 UNS2024B.JPG blue mops, blue blend mop heads, cut end mop heads, Blue Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton/Synthetic, 20-oz. Mop Size, UNS 2024B, UNS2024B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1450 Lagasse Dial Hair & Body Shampoo, 4 Bottles (DIA03986) 1450 DIA 03986 36.80 03986 Dial Hair & Body Shampoo
The fresh, fragrant formula of Dial Hair and Body Shampoo has been specially formulated for use on the entire body. The unique pH balanced formula in Dial gently cleanses the skin while conditioning hair. Dial hair and body wash leaves hair looking silky, shiny and manageable, while added conditioners help keep skin feeling soft and smooth. This shampoo and body wash has an appealing, gender-neutral peach fragrance and abundant lather that rinses with ease, leaving no residue behind. Dial Hair and Body Shampoo is perfect for use in any facility requiring a quality total body cleansing product, including fitness clubs, spas and nursing homes.
Dial Professional Hair & Body Shampoo, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 43.87 33.46 57.26 DIA03986.JPG dail body soap, body soap, shampoo, soap, dial soap, hair shampoo, DIA 03986, DIA03986, janitorial supplies, janitorial products, cleaning supplies 1 1 0 0 1 30
1451 Lagasse BOLT Air Freshener Starter Kit, White (BLT8100) 1451 BLT 8100 1.83 832 Classic metered dispenser sprays fragrance every fifteen minutes for continuous air freshening. Effective odor control for up to 30 days with included Cinnamon Sunset Metered Air Freshener. Operates on two C batteries (not incl.). Mounting hardware included. Uses BOLT refills (sold separately). 4w x 3d x 9-1/2h.
BOLT STARTER KIT 1 DISP WHITE 1 CINNAMOM SUNRISE Bolt 25.57 19.50 33.25 BLT8100.JPG BOLT Air Freshener Starter Kit, White BLT 8100, BLT8100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 124
1452 Lagasse Borateem Chlorine-Free Color Safe Powder Bleach, 17.5 lb Pail (DIA00145) 1452 DIA 00145 17.50 871882 Borateem Color Safe Powder Bleach
Borateem Chlorine-Free Color Safe Bleach features an advanced lightweight formula that provides more cleaning power. The improved formula helps to keep clothes looking newer longer by making whites whiter and colors brighter. Borateem chlorine-free bleach features Color Seal to help prevent fading as well as an advanced stain remover to remove even the most set-in stains such as oil, grease, juice, blood, makeup, coffee, grass and perspiration. Borateem Color Safe Bleach helps fight the toughest stains that regular detergent can’t tackle alone. Simply add Borateem to your regular detergent to help remove stubborn stains hiding in your clothes. Borateem works well in all temperatures and uses biodegradable cleaning agents. Get some today!
Dial Professional Borateem Chlorine-Free Color Safe Powder Bleach, 17.5-lb Pail, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 40.04 30.54 52.18 DIA00145.JPG borateem, borateem bleach, borateem chlorine-free color safe powder bleach, borateem 5 gallon pail, DIA 00145, DIA00145, laundry bleach, laundry products 1 1 0 0 1 30
1454 Lagasse Boraxo Heavy-Duty Powdered Hand Soap, 10 Boxes (DIA02303) 1454 DIA 02303 51.00 02303 Boraxo Powdered Hand Soap
The original powdered hand soap, and still the industry leader. The dual action formula combines the scrubbing power of soap and borax to easily dissolve grease and dirt when washing with water. Boraxo powdered hand soap contains no phosphates, is 100% soluble and is safe for septic systems. Boraxo Heavy-Duty Powdered Hand Soap with extra scrubbing power contains larger granulars for quicker cleaning and scrubbing action. Gentle on hands.
Dial Heavy-Duty Boraxo Powered Hand Soap, 5 lb. Box, 10 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning company buyers trust. Dial Professional 68.90 52.55 93.26 DIA02303.JPG boraxo, boraxo hand soap, boraxo powder hand soap, boraxo heavy-duty powdered hand soap, DIA 02303, DIA02303, hand soap, powder hand soap, heavy duty hand soap 1 1 0 0 1 30
1455 Lagasse Boraxo Liquid Lotion Soap, 4 Gallon Bottles (DIA02709) 1455 DIA 02709 37.20 02709 Boraxo Lotion Soap
Boraxo Liquid Lotion Soap is a deep cleaning lotion hand soap that washes, while remaining gentle on the skin. It has a pH balanced formula, pleasant fragrance and a rich thick lather. Great for use in the work shop area. Bio-degradable, phosphate free.
Sold by case, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 42.59 31.78 56.00 DIA02709.JPG Boraxo Liquid Lotion Soap, DIA 02709, DIA02709, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
1457 Lagasse Boraxo Orange Heavy Duty Hand Cleaner, 4 Gallon Pump Bottles (DIA02600) 1457 DIA 02600 36.00 02600 Boraxo Orange Heavy Duty Liquid Hand Cleaner
Two-in-one formula cleans and conditions. Formulated with patented natural cornmeal scrubbers and orange oil for deep cleaning. Removes tough grease, grime, ink, tar, paints and more from dirty hands. Special Dry Skin Formula with a polymeric skin conditioning system to help keep skin from drying out. Contains Borax, a natural cleanser that helps remove stains while deodorizing malodors. Light citrus scent. Meets the criteria for GS-41B: biodegradable, recyclable packaging, contains no phosphates. Environmentally conscious. Manufactured by Dial Corporation.
Boraxo Orange Heavy Duty Liquid Hand Cleaner, 1 Gallon Pump Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bulk Heavy-Duty Soaps - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 63.93 48.76 85.69 DIA02600.JPG boraxo orange heavy duty hand cleaner, DIA 02600, DIA02600, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
1459 Lagasse Boraxo Powdered Hand Soap, 10 Boxes (DIA02203) 1459 DIA 02203 56.00 02203 Boraxo Powdered Hand Soap
The original powdered hand soap, and still the industry leader. The dual action formula combines the scrubbing power of soap and borax to easily dissolve grease and dirt when washing with water. Boraxo powdered hand soap contains no phosphates, is 100% soluble and is safe for septic systems. Boraxo Heavy-Duty Powdered Hand Soap with extra scrubbing power contains larger granulars for quicker cleaning and scrubbing action. Gentle on hands.
Dial Heavy-Duty Boraxo Powered Hand Soap, 5 lb. Box, 10 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning company buyers trust. Dial Professional 67.15 51.22 89.61 DIA02203.JPG Boraxo Powdered Hand Soap, 10 Boxes per Case, 5-lb. Box DIA 02203, DIA02203, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
1461 Lagasse Rubbermaid 35 Gallon Bottle & Can Recycling Lid, Blue (RCP2791BLU) 1461 RCP 2791 BLU 2.91 2791 BLU Bottle & Can Recycling Lid
This recycling lid fits Rubbermaid's 35 gallon square recycling cans with ease, making it a great fit for both commercial and residential environments. Ideal for can disposal, this recycling lid ensures only the recyclables desired are disposed of within the container. This durable recycling lid is comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. Hygienic tops for attractive, hands-free waste disposal. Easy hygienic access for trash disposal. Two round openings for bottles and cans. Fits 35-Gallon (RCP 3958) and 50-Gallon (RCP 3959) Containers, (Sold separately). 20-1/8" square x 6-1/4"high. Shipping weight: 4 lbs.
Rubbermaid Bottle and Can Recycling Container Square Lid, 35-Gallon Fit Lid, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 48.37 36.89 63.29 RCP2791BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, bottle and can recycling square top, RCP 2791 BLU, RCP2791BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
1462 Lagasse Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets, 15 Boxes (PGC36000) 1462 PGC 36000 4.80 03569 Bounce Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets
Special ingredients in this cleaning product are released by the dryer’s warmth and tumbling action to soften and give clothes an outdoor fresh scent with no static cling unlike other cleaning products. Bounce Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets or sold in a 25 count box 15 per case or 160 count box 6 per case. Don't forget to find similar janitorial supplies throughout the website. We offer additional choices in laundry fabric softeners.
Procter and Gamble Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets, 25 Count Box, 15 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 36.84 28.10 50.16 Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets, 15 Boxes per Case, 25 Count Box PGC 36000, PGC36000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
1463 Lagasse Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets, 6 Boxes (PGC80168) 1463 PGC 80168 7.00 22098 Bounce Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets
Special ingredients in this cleaning product are released by the dryer’s warmth and tumbling action to soften and give clothes an outdoor fresh scent with no static cling unlike other cleaning products. Bounce Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets or sold in a 25 count box 15 per case or 160 count box 6 per case. Don't forget to find similar janitorial supplies throughout the website. We offer additional choices in laundry fabric softners.
Procter and Gamble Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets, Outdoor Scent, 160 Sheets per Box, 6 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 56.31 42.95 75.11 PGC80168.JPG Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets, PGC 80168, PGC80168, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
1464 Lagasse Bouncer 32-oz. Multipurpose Contour Scoop, Clear (RCP9F75CLE) 1464 RCP 9F75 CLE 0.40 9F75 Designed for better weight distribution and improved handling. Durable clear polycarbonate or white polyethylene. Easy to clean; dishwasher safe. NSF Certified.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 7.74 5.90 10.13 RCP9F75CLE.JPG Bouncer 32-oz. Multipurpose Contour Scoop, Clear, RCP 9F75 CLE, RCP9F75CLE, food service supplies, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1465 Lagasse Bouncer® 6-oz. Bar Scoop, Clear (RCP2882CLE) 1465 RCP 2882 CLE 0.25 288200 CLR Designed for better weight distribution and improved handling. Durable polycarbonate. Easy to clean; dishwasher safe.
BOUNCER BAR SCOOP 6OZ POLYCARB CLE 12/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 4.46 3.40 5.84 RCP2882CLE.JPG Bouncer 6-oz. Bar Scoop, Clear RCP 2882 CLE, RCP2882CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1466 Lagasse Bouncer® II Pitchers, 60-oz. Capacity (RCP3334CLE) 1466 RCP 3334 CLE 1.20 333400 CLR Bouncer II Pitchers
Designed for safety and lower replacement costs. Durable polycarbonate pitcher resists chipping and breaking and is lighter than glass. Drip-proof spout. Handle designed for comfort and control. Dishwasher safe. Certified to NSF/USDA Standard #2. Clear. 60-oz.
Manufatured by Rubbermaid.
BOUNCER II PITCHER 60 OZ POLYCARB CLE 6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 9.07 6.92 11.85 RCP3334CLE.JPG Bouncer II Pitchers, 60-oz. Capacity RCP 3334 CLE, RCP3334CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1467 Lagasse Bouncer® Measuring Cups, 1-Cup Capacity (RCP3210CLE) 1467 RCP 3210 CLE 0.10 321000 CLR Clear, break-resistant polycarbonate. Commercial dishwasher safe. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 212°F/100°C. Withstands freezer cold and steam-cleaning heat. Measurement markings are hot-stamped in red for U.S., blue for metric. Certified to NSF/USDA Standard #2. USDA Meat & Poultry Equipment Group Listed.
MEASURING CUP 1 CUP CLE 12/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 4.72 3.60 6.29 RCP3210CLE.JPG Bouncer Measuring Cups, 1-Cup Capacity RCP 3210 CLE, RCP3210CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1468 Lagasse Bouncer Measuring Cups, 1-Pint Capacity (RCP3215CLE) 1468 RCP 3215 CLE 0.40 321500 CLR Clear, break-resistant polycarbonate. Commercial dishwasher safe. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 212°F/100°C. Withstands freezer cold and steam-cleaning heat. Measurement markings are hot-stamped in red for U.S., blue for metric. Certified to NSF/USDA Standard #2. USDA Meat & Poultry Equipment Group Listed.
MEASURING CUP 1 PINT CLE 6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.40 6.41 10.98 RCP3215CLE.JPG Bouncer Measuring Cups, 1-Pint Capacity RCP 3215 CLE, RCP3215CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1469 Lagasse Bouncer® Measuring Cups, 1-Quart Capacity (RCP3216CLE) 1469 RCP 3216 CLE 0.60 321600 CLR Clear, break-resistant polycarbonate. Commercial dishwasher safe. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 212°F/100°C. Withstands freezer cold and steam-cleaning heat. Measurement markings are hot-stamped in red for U.S., blue for metric. Certified to NSF/USDA Standard #2. USDA Meat & Poultry Equipment Group Listed.
MEASURING CUP 1 QT CLE 6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 9.35 7.13 12.25 RCP3216CLE.JPG Bouncer Measuring Cups, 1-Quart Capacity RCP 3216 CLE, RCP3216CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1470 Lagasse Rubbermaid Bouncer Measuring Cup, 2-Quart Capacity (RCP3217CLE) 1470 RCP 3217 CLE 0.94 321700 CLR 2 Qt. Measuring Cup
Clear, break-resistant polycarbonate. Commercial dishwasher safe. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 212°F/100°C. Withstands freezer cold and steam-cleaning heat. Measurement markings are hot-stamped in red for U.S., blue for metric. Certified to NSF/USDA Standard #2. USDA Meat & Poultry Equipment Group Listed.
Rubbermaid Bouncer Measuring Cup, 2 Quart Capacity, Sold as Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 12.32 9.40 16.47 Bouncer Measuring Cups, 2-Quart Capacity RCP 3217 CLE, RCP3217CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1471 Lagasse Rubbermaid Bouncer 4-Quart Measuring Cup, Clear (RCP3218CLE) 1471 RCP 3218 CLE 1.60 321800 CLR 4 Quart Measuring Cup
Coming in a clear, break-resistant polycarbonate construction, this 4 quart measuring cup from Rubbermaid makes cooking easy. Safe for any commercial dishwasher, this durable container can withstand temperature ranging from -40°F/-40°C to 212°F/100°C. Able to handle freezer cold and steam-cleaning heat, Rubbermaid's Measurement markings are hot-stamped in red for U.S., blue for metric. Certified to NSF/USDA Standard #2. USDA Meat & Poultry Equipment Group Listed.
Rubbermaid Bouncer 4 Quart Plastic Measuring Cup, Clear, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 13.37 10.20 18.06 RCP3218CLE.JPG rubbermaid measuring cups, 4 quart measuring cups, measuring cup, RCP 3218 CLE, RCP3218CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1472 Lagasse Bouncer® Pitchers, 32-oz. Capacity (RCP3336CLE) 1472 RCP 3336 CLE 0.20 333600 CLR Designed for safety and lower replacement costs. Durable polycarbonate pitcher resists chipping and breaking and is lighter than glass. Drip-proof spout. Handle designed for comfort and control. Dishwasher safe. Certified to NSF/USDA Standard #2. Clear.
BOUNCER PITCHER 32 OZ POLYCARB CLE 6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 6.56 5.00 8.68 RCP3336CLE.JPG Bouncer Pitchers, 32-oz. Capacity RCP 3336 CLE, RCP3336CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1473 Lagasse Bouncer Pitchers, 60-oz. Capacity (RCP3338CLE) 1473 RCP 3338 CLE 1.60 333800 CLR Designed for safety and lower replacement costs. Durable polycarbonate pitcher resists chipping and breaking and is lighter than glass. Drip-proof spout. Handle designed for comfort and control. Dishwasher safe. Certified to NSF/USDA Standard #2. Clear.
BOUNCER PITCHER 60 OZ POLYCARB CLE 6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 7.34 5.60 9.65 RCP3338CLE.JPG Bouncer Pitchers, 60-oz. Capacity RCP 3338 CLE, RCP3338CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1474 Lagasse Rubbermaid Bouncer Pitcher, 72-oz. Capacity (RCP3339CLE) 1474 RCP 3339 CLE 0.60 333900 CLR 72-oz Pitcher
Designed for safety and lower replacement costs. Durable polycarbonate pitcher resists chipping and breaking and is lighter than glass. Drip-proof spout. Handle designed for comfort and control. Dishwasher safe. Certified to NSF/USDA Standard #2. Clear.
Rubbermaid - 72-oz. Polycarbonite Bouncer Pitcher, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 9.57 7.30 13.09 RCP3339CLE.JPG Bouncer Pitchers, 72-oz. Capacity RCP 3339 CLE, RCP3339CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1478 Lagasse Box Sealing Tape Dispenser (UVS88000) 1478 UVS 88000 0.65 UNV88000 For one-hand dispensing. Apply tape end, roll across carton, tilt and cut. Adjustable tension brake. For 2in wide, 3in core box sealing tapes up to 110 yds. long. Metal and plastic construction.
BX SEAL TAPE GUN DSP 3IN CORE TAPE 2WIDE 20 Universal Office Products 6.95 5.20 9.04 UVS88000.JPG Box Sealing Tape Dispenser UVS 88000, UVS88000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 112
1479 Lagasse Clear Box Sealing Tape, 109 Yards (UVS63500) 1479 UVS 63500 3.50 UNV63500 Clear Box Sealing Tape
100% polypropylene film with hot-melt adhesive. Flexible, waterproof, slit-, burst- and stretch-resistant. UPS and Parcel Post Approved.
General-Purpose Tape - Good holding power, economical. For sealing
cartons to 25-lbs. 1.85 mils thick, 28-lb. tensile bursting strength. All rolls
are 2" wide x 109 yards, with a 3" core. 6 rolls per pack
Packing Tape 2" x 109 yards, 1.85 mil, Clear, 6 Rolls per Pack
Universal Office Products 15.25 11.63 20.41 UVS63500.JPG Box Sealing Tapes, General-Purpose Tape, 109 Yards 100m Long, Clear UVS 63500, UVS63500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 112
1480 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Box Sealing Tape, 6 Rolls (UVS93001) 1480 UVS 93001 2.34 UNV93001 Box Sealing Tape
Flexible, waterproof, split, burst and stretch-resistant polypropylene film backing provides peace of mind. Superior-gripping hot melt adhesive ensures a strong bond. Tape is UPS and Parcel Post Approved for cartons up to 50 lbs. Includes six rolls of tape. 3 Mil thickness.
Universal Heavy-Duty Box Sealing Tape, 3" Core, Tan, 2" X 55 Yards per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Universal Office Products 20.79 15.76 27.62 Box Sealing Tapes, Heavy-Duty Tape, 55 Yards 50m Long, Clear UVS 93001, UVS93001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 112
1481 Lagasse Clear Box Sealing Tape, 55 Yards (UVS63000) 1481 UVS 63000 14.50 UNV63000 Clear Box Sealing Tape
100% polypropylene film with hot-melt adhesive. Flexible, waterproof, slit-, burst- and stretch-resistant. UPS and Parcel Post Approved.
General-Purpose Tape - Good holding power, economical. For sealing
cartons to 25-lbs. 1.85 mils thick, 28-lb. tensile bursting strength. All rolls
are 2" wide x 55 yards, with a 3" core. 6 rolls per pack
Packing Tape 2" x 55 yards, 1.85 mil, Clear, 6 Rolls per Pack
Universal Office Products 7.16 5.46 9.45 UVS63000.JPG Box Sealing Tapes, General-Purpose Tape, 55 Yards 50m Long, Clear UVS 63000, UVS63000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 112
1482 Lagasse Tank Sprayer Brass Discharge Kit (RLF1910BV) 1482 RLF 1910BV 1.00 1910BV Tank Sprayer Brass Discharge Kit
Includes extension wand and flat-fan nozzle. For Tank Sprayer RLF 1963VI (sold separately).
RL Flo-Master Tank Sprayer Brass Discharge Kit with Extention Wand & Nozzel, Each. Rl Flo-Master 17.51 13.36 22.97 RLF1910BV.JPG Brass Discharge Kit, RLF 1910BV, RLF1910BV, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 88
1483 Lagasse Brasso Metal Polish, 8 - 8-oz. Cans (REC76523) 1483 REC 76523 5.03 76523 Brasso Metal & Brass Polish
Brasso Metal Polish removes tarnish from brass, copper, chrome, stainless steel and pewter quickly and gently. Contains no harsh acids. Leaves a smooth, polished surface and brilliant shine.
Brasso Liquid Metal Polish, 8-oz. Cans, 8 Cans per Case
Cleaning & Janitorial Supplies » Cleaning Chemicals » Stainless Steel Cleaners & Polishes - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 19.81 14.64 26.62 REC76523.JPG brasso polish, 8-oz. can, REC 76523, REC76523, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
1485 Lagasse Brawny Industrial All Purpose Wipes, 800 Wipes (GPC292-15) 1485 GPC 292-15 16.80 29215 All Purpose Wipes
Brawny Wipes are all-purpose cleaning wet wipes smart buyers trust. Designed to absorb quickly, Brawny wipes can hold several times its own weight in liquid, grease or oil. As a cleaning wipe Brawny All-Purpose Wipes are strong enough to fight against the toughest industrial grime, yet soft enough for personal use. Offering a combination of powerful all purpose cleaning results and soft, gentle hand cleaning capabilities, Brawny is the ideal cleaning tool for the home as well as any cleaning or commercial business.
Brawny All Purpose Wipes, White, 13" x 13",Quarter-fold Sheets, 50 Wipes per Polywrap Pack, 16 Packs, 800 Wipes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 68.00 50.08 89.44 GPC29215.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Brawny Industrial All-Purpose Wipers GPC 292-15, GPC29215 1 1 0 0 1 48
1487 Lagasse Brawny Industrial Dusting Cloths, 200 Cloths (GPC296-16) 1487 GPC 296-16 6.60 29616 Brawny Industrial Dusting Cloths
Brawny Industrial Dusting Cloths are specially made dusting wipes treated with mineral oil to attract dust, simplifying dusting duties. These larger (17 x 24) wipes are made from carded rayon material to provide extra strength, even when wet. Brawny has made these dusting wipes in their largest size to ensure they are an economical dusting solution for consumers. The ¼ -fold design allows for quick dispensing of one or more cloths. For added convenience, these handy cloths can be used in hand or attached to a mop to clean furniture, floors, ceilings and other hard to reach areas. The strong material used to make these dusting cloths will hold up well in sanitizers, allowing for repeated use. Each pack of 50 cloths comes in space-saving, moisture-resistant packaging to make storage easy.
Georgia Pacific Brawny Industrial Dusting Cloth, 50 Dust Cloths per Pack, 4 Packs per Case, 200 Cloths. – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 66.41 50.65 88.70 GPC29616.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Brawny Industrial Dusting Cloths, GPC 296-16, GPC29616 1 1 0 0 1 48
1491 Lagasse Brawny Industrial Premium All-Purpose Wipes in Dispenser Box (GPC200-70/03) 1491 GPC 200-70/03 20.10 20070/03 Soft, cloth-like DRC fabric offers exceptional durability and absorbency. White. 9.25 x 16.3 sheets. 90 wipers per box; 10 boxes per case (900 wipers).
Brawny Paper Towel All Purpose Wipes, 90 wipers per box; 10 boxes per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Georgia Pacific 88.45 68.28 113.97 GPC2007003.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Brawny Industrial Premium All-Purpose Wipers GPC 200-70/03, GPC20070/03 1 1 0 0 1 48
1495 Lagasse Brillo Steel Wool Soap Pads, 120 Pads (PURW240000) 1495 PUR W240000 15.00 W240000 Brillo Steel Wool Soap Pads
Brillo Soap Pads are a heavy duty, commercial grade cleaning steel wool pad. Commonly referred to as "Hotel" size large pads for heavy-duty cleaning of pots and pans. The special combination of metal fiber and specialty designed soap in these Brillo Soap Pads dissolves the most stubborn grease and grime all while lifting off sticky foods and burnt particles leaving your cooking utensils, pots and pans with a clean bright shine. Not only do these pads work double time, they work quickly and effectively. Just one soap pad cleans many items, cutting cost by reducing labor and time. Ideal for use in any food service application including kitchens, cafeterias, restaurants, hotels, schools, nursing homes and more.
Loren Brillo Hotel-Size Steel Wool Soap Pads, 10 Pads per Box, 12 Boxes, 120 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Loren 38.43 29.31 52.43 PURW240000.JPG brillo steel wool soap pads, brillo pads, PUR W240000, PURW240000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 67
1496 Lagasse Boardwalk Brown MultiFold Paper Towels, 4,000 Towels (BWK6202) 1496 BWK 6202 18.90 BWK 6202 Folded Hand Towels
These paper towels from Boardwalk are the ideal eco-friendly hand towel. Meeting EPA guidelines for recycled content, these multi-fold towels are constructed from 65% post-consumer, 35% pre-consumer waste fiber and other recycled contents. Ideal for drying hands and keeping the work place sanitary, these quality towels will fit into any standard commercial folded towel dispenser, ensuring that they are truly the perfect fit for any office or business restroom. Efficient, eco-friendly and economical, these Boardwalk multi-fold paper towels are the perfect choice when you don’t want to sacrifice quality for green ideals. Stock up today on these absorbent towels and save!
Boardwalk Multi-Fold Hand Towels, Brown, 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 20.76 15.83 27.58 BWK6202.JPG multifold towels, muti-fold towels, multifold paper towels, multifold paper towels, multifold hand towels, brown multifold towels, paper towels, brown multi-fold hand towels, BWK 6202, BWK6202, boardwalk paper towels 1 1 0 0 1 123
1497 Lagasse Windsoft 350 ft. Brown Hardwound Roll Towels, 12 Rolls (WIN108) 1497 WIN 108 21.40 WIN108 Brown Hardwound Roll Towels
These highly absorbent towels from Windsoft were designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms, however, their quality construction allows for a multitude of uses. Surprisingly durable when wet, these hardwound towel rolls have been improved with a stronger core and cleaner cuts. Windsoft has made these paper towels environmentally friendly, meeting EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste content at 40%. So, you can rest assured that your wallet and the environment are safe when you purchase these towels. While these budget-friendly hardwound towels were designed for hand-washing, the smooth, nonabrasive paper is safe on most surfaces so they are ideal for general purpose cleaning as well. Stock up today and save!
Windsoft Brown Non-perforated Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, 350 Feet per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 28.44 21.69 38.08 WIN108.JPG brown roll towels, brown roll paper towels, brown hand towels, hard roll hand towels, brown nonperforated hardwound roll hand towels, WIN 108, WIN108 1 1 0 0 1 116
1498 Lagasse Windsoft 600 ft. Brown Nonperforated Hardwound Roll Towels, 12 Rolls (WIN1180) 1498 WIN 1180 34.00 WIN1180 600' Brown Roll Towels
Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. Highly absorbent towels absorb much more liquid. Improved core strength and cleaner roll cuts. Meets EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines for recycled content. Natural brown color is consistent and true. 8 inch wide; 2 inch core. EPA Compliant for recycled content in paper towels. Environmentally conscious.
Windsoft Brown Nonperforated Hardwound Roll Towels, 600 Feet per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 53.83 41.06 70.81 WIN1180.JPG brown hand towels, 600" brown roll towels, paper hand towels, paper towels, hardwound roll towels, brown roll towels, WIN 1180, WIN1180 1 1 0 0 1 116
1499 Lagasse Windsoft 800 ft. Brown Non-Perforated Hard Roll Towels, 12 Rolls (WIN1280) 1499 WIN 1280 42.00 WIN1280 Non-Perforated Hard Roll Towels
These highly absorbent paper towels from Windsoft were designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms, but their quality construction also allows for multipurpose versatility. These strong, absorbent, non-perforated roll towels soak up more liquid than other similar paper towels, resulting in less waste and extra savings for your business. With their improved core strength and cleaner roll cuts, Windsoft Hard Roll Towels are the ideal combination of value and performance, providing your employees and customers with at-home quality they will appreciate. Environmentally conscious, these natural brown colored paper towels meet EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines for recycled content, so you do not have to sacrifice your green ideals for quality. You can have them both! Stock up today on Windsoft Hard Roll Towels and save!
Windsoft Non-Perforated Hard Roll Towels, Brown, 800 ft. Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 66.79 50.94 88.72 WIN1280.JPG hand towels, roll towels, hard roll towels, brown hand towels, hardwound roll towels, kraft paper towels, brown roll towels, continuous roll towels, 800' brown roll towels, nonperforated roll towels, brown nonperforated hardwound roll towels, WIN 1280, WIN1280, windsoft paper towels, windsoft brown roll towels 1 1 0 0 1 116
1500 Lagasse Windsoft 800-ft. Hard Roll Paper Towels, Brown, 6 Rolls (WIN12806) 1500 WIN 1280-6 21.00 WIN1280-6 Hardwound Paper Towels
Windsoft designed these highly absorbent towels to be used for hand-drying in washrooms, although their durability and versatility allows for a whole host of uses. Perfect for the environmentally conscious consumer, these hard roll paper towels are eco-friendly, meeting EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste content. Windsoft has improved these non-perforated paper towels even more with a stronger core and cleaner cuts. Surprisingly durable when wet, these nonabrasive paper towels can also be used for general purpose cleaning in addition to hand drying. Environmentally conscious and economically responsible, Windsoft’s line of natural brown paper towels are the ideal product for consumers who want quality without sacrificing their green ideals. Buy today and save!
Windsoft Non-Perforated Hardwound Roll Paper Towels, Brown, 800-ft. per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 35.19 25.12 47.45 WIN12806.JPG brown towels, brown roll towels, paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, brown nonperforated hardwound roll towel rolls, WIN 1280-6, WIN12806 1 1 0 0 1 116
1501 Lagasse Brushless Mechanical Carpet Sweeper (RCP4215-88 BLA) 1501 RCP 4215-88 BLA 4.90 421588 BLACK Rubbermaid Mechanical Brushless Sweeper
Rubbermaid has a complete line of commercial-grade sweepers for a variety of floor types. Unique, upgraded design with ergonomic handle. Low-profile for cleaning under furniture. Easy-open dual debris bins feature one-touch emptying doors. Four corner brushes provide edge cleaning. Hood constructed of durable galvanized steel Two blades and four edge cleaning brushes provide maximum cleaning power. Nonmarking soft treaded wheels for use on carpet, vinyl, tile and wood floors. Front and back protective bumpers. Clear tinted window signals when full. 7.5 inch sweep path. Black with yellow trim.
Rubbermaid Brushless Mechanical Sweeper - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 71.13 54.25 97.43 RCP421588BLA.JPG rubbermaid, rubbermaid brushless mechanical sweeper RCP 4215-88 BLA, RCP421588BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1502 Lagasse 10 Gallon Brute Ice Only Container, White (RCP9F86WHI) 1502 RCP 9F86 WHI 3.60 9F86 WHI 10 Gallon Ice Only Container
A suite of innovative, end-to-end integrated ice management tools designed to increase operational efficiencies while reducing food safety concerns. Reduces the risk of cross contamination and improves employee safety. Ensures safe ice handling; complies with HACCP guidelines. All-plastic construction will not rust, chip or peel; resists dents. Double-ribbed base increases stability and dragging capacity; reinforced handles for carrying ease. Certified to NSF Standard #2. 10-gallon capacity. 15-5/8 dia. x 17-1/8h. Shpg. wt. 19 lbs.
Rubbermaid 10 Gallon Brute Ice Only Container, White, Each
Trash Cans » Brute Trash Can - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 18.75 14.30 25.50 RCP9F86WHI.JPG Brute ICE ONLY Container, White RCP 9F86 WHI, RCP9F86WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1503 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Caddy Bag, Yellow (RCP2642YEL) 1503 RCP 2642 YEL 2.20 264200 YEL Brute Trash Can Caddy Bag
Make janitorial work a whole lot easier with this brute caddy bag from Rubbermaid. Measuring in at 20 "wide x 20-1/2" high, this high quality caddy trash can bag includes adjustable buckles and bottom strap for added convenience. Fitting all Brute 32 and 44 gallon garbage bags, the Brute Trash Can Caddy also features useful elasticized pockets that can hold a variety of cleaning supplies and equipment (cleaning supplies not included). Manufactured by Rubbermaid, this yellow caddy is the ideal fit for maid services, janitorial companies, and cleaning crews. Brute Trash Cans sold separately.
Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Caddy Bag, Yellow, 20" x 20-1/2", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 36.58 27.90 47.73 RCP2642YEL.JPG caddy bag, rubbermaid caddy bag, brute caddy bag, rubbermaid brute caddy bag, yellow caddy bag, trash can bag, trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Brute Caddy Bag, Yellow RCP 2642 YEL, RCP2642YEL 1 1 0 0 1 89
1504 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Dolly (RCP2640BLA) 1504 RCP 2640 BLA 6.55 2640-16 BLA Brute Trash Can Dolly
Make trash collection fast and easy with the Rubbermaid Brute Dolly. Featuring 5 heavy-duty 3" swiveling caster wheels for easy maneuverability, this exceptional dolly comes with a twist-on, twist-off design that provides safe and stable handling. The Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Dolly fits all Brute Round Trash Cans (sold separately) from 20 to 55 gallon size (RCP 2620, RCP 2632, RCP 2643, RCP 2655) (will not fit RCP 2610). This highly durable dolly has a 250-lb. maximum load capacity, and measures in at 18-1/4" in diameter, 6-5/8" in height, and weighs 8 lbs.
Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Dolly, Black, 18-1/4" x 6-5/8", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 47.01 35.86 63.20 RCP2640BLA.JPG garbage can wheels, trash can wheels, brute wheels, trash can dolly, garbage can dolly, rubbermaid trash can dolly, brute trash can dolly, rubbermaid brute dolly, brute dolly, dolly wheels, RCP 2640 BLA, RCP2640BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1505 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 44 Gallon Dome Top Trash Can Lid, Gray (RCP264788GRA) 1505 RCP 2647-88 GRA 11.80 264788 GRAY Brute Dome Top Trash Can Lid
The Rubbermaid Brute Dome Top Trash Can Lid enables the ability to easily convert any 44 gallon trash can into the perfect outdoor receptacle. Great for any store, restaurant, building facility or residential home, the Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Lid comes with a spring-action push door and snap-on design, this can lid is perfect for waste management and odor control. Comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. The Rubbermaid dome lid fits most 44 gallon trash cans (trash can sold separately), and is CSFM Approved can for fire safety when used as a container/lid combo. Dimensions: 24.81" diameter x 12.63" height.
Rubbermaid 44 Gallon Dome Top Brute Trash Can Lid, Gray, 24.81" x 12.63", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 86.25 57.25 114.21 RCP264788GRA.JPG dome top, trash can lid, trash can lids, trash can top, brute trash can top, brute trash can lid, 44 gallon dome top lid, 44 gallon trash can lid, 44 gallon trash can top, brute dome top, 44 gallon container lid, gray trash can lid, RCP 2647-88 GRA, RCP264788GRA, trash container lid 1 1 0 0 1 89
1506 Lagasse 55 Gallon Brute Dome Top Trash Can Lid, Gray (RCP2657-88GRA) 1506 RCP 2657-88 GRA 14.40 265788 GRAY 55 Gallon Trash Can Lid
The Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Lid comes with a spring-action push door and snap-on design, this can lid is perfect for waste management and odor control. Great for any store, restaurant, building facility or residential home, the Rubbermaid Brute Dome Top Trash Can Lid enables the ability to easily convert any 55 gallon trash can into the perfect outdoor receptacle. Comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. The Rubbermaid dome lid fits most 55 gallon trash cans (trash can sold separately), and is CSFM Approved can for fire safety when used as a container/lid combo. Dimensions: 27.25" diameter x 14.5" height.
Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Lid Dome Top, 55 Gallon, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 95.71 73.00 128.55 RCP265788GRA.JPG trash can top, trash can tops, trash can lid, trash can lids, brute dome trash can top, 55 gallon trash can top, RCP 2657-88 GRA, RCP265788GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1507 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 32-Gallon Trash Can Lid, Dome Top, Gray (RCP263788GRA) 1507 RCP 2637-88 GRA 9.80 263788 GRAY 32 Gallon Dome Top Brute Trash Can Lid
Convert any 32 gallon trash can into the perfect outdoor trash can for your store, restaurant, or building facility with Rubbermaid's Brute Trash Can Lid. Coming with a spring-action push door and snap-on design, this can lid is perfect for waste management and odor control. Comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. The Rubbermaid dome lid fits most 32 gallon trash cans (trash can sold separately), and is CSFM Approved can for fire safety when used as a container/lid combo.
Rubbermaid 32 Gallon Dome Top Brute Trash Can Lid, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 84.28 56.83 114.71 RCP263788GRA.JPG dome top, trash can lid, trash can lids, trash can top, brute trash can top, brute trash can lid, 32 gallon dome top lid, 32 gallon trash can lid, 32 gallon trash can top, brute dome top 32 gallon container lid, Gray, RCP 2637-88 GRA, RCP263788GRA, trash container lid 1 1 0 0 1 89
1508 Lagasse Brute® Plastic Double Pail Buckets, 19-Quart Double Pail, Gray (RCP2628GRA) 1508 RCP 2628-88 GRA 0.71 FG262800 GRAY Molded-in graduations for accurate measuring. Wide pour spout. Double pail has one section for wash water and one for rinse water.
BRUTE DBL BKT 19QT GRA 6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 22.30 17.01 30.07 RCP2628GRA.JPG Brute Plastic Double Pail Buckets, 19-Quart Double Pail, Gray RCP 2628 GRA, RCP2628GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1509 Lagasse Brute® Plastic Double Pail Buckets, 17-Quart Double Pail, Gray (RCP2617GRA) 1509 RCP 2617 GRA 3.40 261700 GRAY Molded-in graduations for accurate measuring. Wide pour spout. Double pail has one section for wash water and one for rinse water.
BRUTE DBL BKT 17QT GRA 6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 20.73 15.81 27.11 RCP2617GRA.JPG Brute Plastic Double Pail Buckets, 17-Quart Double Pail, Gray RCP 2617 GRA, RCP2617GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1510 Lagasse Brute® Plastic Round Bucket, 14-Quart Round, Gray (RCP2614GRA) 1510 RCP 2614 GRA 2.00 261400 GRAY Molded-in graduations for accurate measuring. Wide pour spout.
BRUTE RND BKT 14 GL WIDE POUR SPOUT GRA6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 13.05 9.80 17.67 RCP2614GRA.JPG Brute Plastic Round Bucket, 14-Quart Round, Gray RCP 2614 GRA, RCP2614GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1511 Lagasse Brute® Plastic Round Bucket, 14-Quart Round, Red (RCP2614RED) 1511 RCP 2614 RED 2.13 261400 RED Molded-in graduations for accurate measuring. Wide pour spout.
BRUTE RND BKT 14 GL WIDE POUR SPOUT RED6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 13.26 10.12 17.62 RCP2614RED.JPG Brute Plastic Round Bucket, 14-Quart Round, Red RCP 2614 RED, RCP2614RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1512 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 10 Quart Round Plastic Bucket, Gray (RCP2963GRA) 1512 RCP 2963 GRA 1.31 296300 GRAY 10 Quart Round Bucket
Molded-in graduations for accurate measuring. Wide pour spout.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute Round Bucket, 10 Quart Capacity, Gray, 10.5" Diameter x 10.25" Height, Sold as Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.66 6.50 11.54 rubbermaid bucket, round bucket with handle, brute plastic round bucket, plastic bucket, 10 quart bucket, gray bucket, bucket with handle, RCP 2963 GRA, RCP2963GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1513 Lagasse Brute Plastic Round Bucket, 10-Quart Round, Red (RCP2963RED) 1513 RCP 2963 RED 0.60 296300 RED 10 Quart Round Bucket
Molded-in graduations for accurate measuring. Wide pour spout. Perfect for day to day cleaning jobs.
Rubbermaid Brute 10 Quart Round Bucket, Red, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.81 6.72 11.65 RCP2963RED.JPG Brute Plastic Round Bucket, 10-Quart Round, Red RCP 2963 RED, RCP2963RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1514 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Quiet Dolly (RCP2640-43BLA) 1514 RCP 2640-43 BLA 5.20 2640-43 BLA Quiet Dolly for Brute Trash Cans
Fitting all Brute Round Trash Cans except 10-gallon size, the Quiet Dolly make trash collection fast and easy. Featuring exceptional maneuverability, this easy to use dolly provides safe and stable handling. This Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Dolly fits all Brute Round Trash Cans (sold separately) from 20 to 55 gallon size (RCP 2620, RCP 2632, RCP 2643, RCP 2655) (will not fit RCP 2610). (Trash cans sold separately). About 88% less noise than standard Trash Can Dolly (RCP 2640 BLA). Five red nonmarking casters. 250-lb. capacity. 18-1/4" diameter x 6-5/8"high. Shipping weight: 8 lbs.
Rubbermaid Quiet Dolly for Brute Trash Cans, 250-lb. Capacity, 18-1/4" x 6-5/8", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 63.20 48.20 84.90 RCP264043BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastbasket, wastebaskets, Brute Quiet Dolly, Black RCP 2640-43 BLA, RCP264043BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1515 Lagasse Brute 50 Gallon Roll-Out Recycling Container, Blue (RCP9W27-73BLU) 1515 RCP 9W27-73 BLU 21.80 9W27-73 BLUE Roll-Out Recycling Container
For convenient waste collection from one location to the next. Heavy-duty, non marring 8" rubber wheels. Molded - in handles and lift bar allow easy tilt and mobility. Wide base with molded - in wear tread offers increased stability and wear - resistance. Domed, hinged lid promotes liquid run - off. Easy-to-maneuver equipment can also serve as central collection containers or shipping containers to reduce handling. Contains recycled plastic. Environmentally conscious. 23.4" square x 29.2 depth x 37.1" high. Shipping weight: 27.3 lbs. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Rubbermaid Brute 50 Gallon Roll-Out Recycling Container, Blue, 23.4" x 29.2" x 37.1", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 107.51 82.00 146.77 RCP9W2773BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, blue recycling container, brute roll-out recycling container, RCP 9W27-73 BLU, RCP9W2773BLU 1 1 0 1 1 89
1516 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Rim Caddy, Yellow (RCP9W87YEL) 1516 RCP 9W87 YEL 4.92 9W87 00 YEL Brute Trash Can Rim Caddy
Fits 44-gallon Brute Round Trash Can (sold separately). Leakproof heavy-duty plastic construction. Includes molded straps for easy attachment/removal of polyliners. Snap-lock feature keeps caddy and cleaning accessories in place even during full bag removal. 26-1/2" wide x 37-1/2" deep x 6-3/4" high. Shipping weight: 5 lbs.
Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Rim Caddy, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 52.56 40.09 71.65 RCP9W87YEL.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Brute Rim Caddy, Yellow RCP 9W87 YEL, RCP9W87YEL 1 1 0 0 1 89
1517 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 65-Gallon Rollout Trash Container, Gray (RCP9W21GRA) 1517 RCP 9W21 GRA 25.60 FG9W2100 GRAY 65 Gallon Rollout Garbage Can
Constructed to create durable, ergonomic one-piece design, this high quality Brute Rollout Trash Can comes complete with a hinged lid for added convenience. Providing a completely slip-resistant handle, as well as a foot-tilting detail and balanced lifting points, this 65 gallon rollout trash can is trusted for safety in any environment. Offering a ground-hugging base for extra stability, this reliable Brute garbage container has an inset 10 inch rubber tread wheels that prevent doorway damage. Guaranteed to meets all ANSI Standards for use with automated lifting equipment. 32.25" x 25.25" x 41.75", Shipping Weight: 25.6 lbs.
Rubbermaid 65 Gallon Brute Rollout Big Trash Can with Wheels, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 184.21 140.50 251.78 rubbermaid brute rollout trash can, 65 gallon trash can, big trash can, 65 gallon garbage can, waste container, brute rollout container, RCP 9W21 GRA, RCP9W21GRA 1 1 0 1 1 89
1518 Lagasse 95-Gallon Rollout Brute Waste Container Gray (RCP9W22GRA) 1518 RCP 9W22 GRA 36.00 FG9W2200 GRAY 95-Gallon Rollout Brute Waste Container
Durable, ergonomic one-piece design with hinged lid. Slip-resistant handle, foot-tilting detail and balanced lifting points for safety. Ground-hugging base for extra stability. Inset 10in rubber tread wheels prevent doorway damage. Meets ANSI Standards for use with automated lifting equipment.
Rubbermaid 95-Gallon, Gray Brute Rollout Waste Container, Each
Trash Cans » Brute Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 209.78 160.00 284.99 RCP9W22GRA.JPG trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste containers, waste container, brute rollout containers, 95 gallon, gray RCP 9W22 GRA, RCP9W22GRA 1 1 0 1 1 89
1519 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 44 Gallon Trash Can, Blue (RCP2643BLU) 1519 RCP 2643 BLU 12.70 264300 BLUE Brute 44 Gallon Trash Can
Rubbermaid Brute garbage cans are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced container base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. The 44 Gallon Brute round garbage can is a durable and reliable option for both the residential and commercial environment. This blue colored can is NSF/USDA approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Lids for this trash can are sold separately. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
Rubbermaid Brute 44 Gallon Garbage Can, Round, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 48.37 36.89 65.25 RCP2643BLU.JPG trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste containers, waste container, 44-Gallon Round Brute Waste Container Blue RCP 2643 BLU, RCP2643BLU 1 1 0 1 1 89
1520 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 44 Gallon Trash Can, Gray (RCP2643GRA) 1520 RCP 2643 GRA 13.06 2643-16 GRAY 44 Gallon Brute Garbage Can
The 44 Gallon Brute round garbage can is manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products with a seamless design, and made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. Known to be both a durable and reliable option for both the residential and commercial environment, the Rubbermaid quality can be seen through the reinforced container base that set the standard for garbage can quality. This gray colored can is NSF/USDA approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Lids for this trash can are sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute Garbage Can, 44 Gallon, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 45.95 35.05 62.73 RCP2643GRA.JPG 44 gallon brute trash can, 44 gallon brute garbage can, 44 gallon trash can, 44 gallon garbage can, trash cans, garbage cans, waste containers, 44 gallon round brute garbage can, gray trash can, RCP 2643 GRA, RCP2643GRA 1 1 0 1 1 89
1521 Lagasse 44-Gallon Brute Round Waste Container, Red (RCP2643RED) 1521 RCP 2643 RED 13.00 264300 RED Rubbermaid 44 Gallon Brute Trash Can
Rubbermaid Brute Waste Containers and lids are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products. Lids sold separately.
Rubbermaid Brute 44-Gallon Trash Can, Red, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 48.37 36.89 64.82 RCP2643RED.JPG trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, Waste Containers, Waste Container, 44-Gallon Round Brute Waste Container, RCP 2643 RED, RCP2643RED 1 1 0 1 1 89
1522 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 44 Gallon Trash Can, White (RCP2643WHI) 1522 RCP 2643 WHI 12.70 264300 WHT 44 Gallon Brute Garbage Can
Perfect for commercial, industrial and residential environments, as well as being durable in both indoor and outdoor arenas, these high quality 44 gallon trash cans are built to last. Rubbermaid Brute trash cans are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. For convenient waste collection from one location to the next, the Heavy-duty, Rubbermaid 44 Gallon Brute Trash Can is the complete garbage receptacle. (Cannot ship UPS. Will ship LTL Common Carrier) White color is NSF/USDA. Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute Garbage Can, 44 Gallon, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 46.81 35.70 63.87 RCP2643WHI.JPG trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste containers, waste container, 44-gallon round brute waste container, RCP 2643 WHI, RCP2643WHI 1 1 0 1 1 89
1523 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 44 Gallon Trash Can, Yellow (RCP2643YEL) 1523 RCP 2643 YEL 13.06 264300 YEL 44 Gallon Brute Garbage Can
Perfect for commercial, industrial and residential environments, as well as being durable in both indoor and outdoor arenas, these high quality 44 gallon trash cans are built to last. Rubbermaid Brute trash cans are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. For convenient yellow collection from one location to the next, the Heavy-duty, Rubbermaid 10 Gallon Brute Trash Can is the complete garbage receptacle. Yellow color is NSF/USDA. Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute Garbage Can, 44 Gallon, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 46.81 35.70 63.76 RCP2643YEL.JPG yellow trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste containers, waste container, 44-gallon round brute garbage can, RCP 2643 YEL, RCP2643YEL 1 1 0 1 1 89
1524 Lagasse 55 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid, Gray (RCP2654GRA) 1524 RCP 2654 GRA 3.20 265400 GRAY Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Lid
Rubbermaid Brute trash can lids are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. Strong, snap-on lid provides for secure and stable stacking. Ideal for either commercial or residential use. Gray color is NSF/USDA approved for food contact surfaces and NSF tested/certified. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products. Readily Available to Ship Fast!
Rubbermaid 55 Gallon Brute Round Container Lid, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.37 18.30 33.27 RCP2654GRA.JPG trash can top, trash can tops, trash can lid, trash can lids, brute round trash can lid, rubbermaid trash can lid, RCP 2654 GRA, RCP2654GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1525 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 55 Gallon Trash Can, Gray (RCP2655GRA) 1525 RCP 2655 GRA 18.00 2655 00 GRAY Brute 55 Gallon Trash Can
Strong, durable and reliable, Rubbermaid Brute Waste Containers and lids provide a seamless container design. Made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak these large, 55 gallon cans can hold whatever is needed. Perfect for any residential, commercial, or industrial environment, these durable containers fit into any outdoor location. Offering a fully reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality (sold separately). Coming in a sleek gray color, this can is NSF/USDA Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute 55-Gallon Trash Can, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 74.19 56.58 96.69 RCP2655GRA.JPG 55 gallon brute trash can, 55 gallon trash can, rubbermaid trash can, trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste containers, waste container, 55 gallon round brute waste container, RCP 2655 GRA, RCP2655GRA 1 1 0 1 1 89
1526 Lagasse 20 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid, Gray (RCP2619-60GRA) 1526 RCP 2619-60 GRA 1.40 2619-60 GRAY 20 Gallon Gray Brute Round Trash Can Lid
Convert your Rubbermaid 20 gallon trash can into an outdoor trash receptacle for a commercial or residential environment with Rubbermaid's Brute Trash Can Lid. Coming complete with a strong, snap-on lid feature that fits securely on the can, this can lid is perfect for the outdoors. Comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. Seamless, polyethylene construction won’t dent, rust or leak. Reinforced rim and base.
Rubbermaid Brute Round Trash Can Lid, Gray, 20 Gallon, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 6.91 5.27 9.31 RCP261960GRA.JPG trash can top, trash can tops, trash can lid, trash can lids, brute dome trash can top, 20 gallon trash can top, RCP 2631 RED, RCP2631RED 1 1 0 0 1 89
1527 Lagasse 20 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid, White (RCP2619-60WHI) 1527 RCP 2619-60 WHI 1.40 2619-60 WHITE 20 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid
Rubbermaid Brute trash cans and lids are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. Made of durable plastic with molded handles. Strong, snap-on lids provide secure, stable stacking. All colors are NSF/USDA Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Seamless, polyethylene construction won’t dent, rust or leak. Reinforced rim and base.
Rubbermaid Brute Round Trash Can Lid, 20 Gallon, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 6.91 5.27 9.09 RCP2609WHI.JPG trash can top, trash can lid, brute round trash can lid, RCP 2619-60 WHI, RCP261960WHI, rubbermaid trash can lid, white trash can lid 1 1 0 0 1 89
1528 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 20 Gallon Trash Can, Gray (RCP2620GRA) 1528 RCP 2620 GRA 6.37 2620-16 GRAY 20 Gallon Brute Trash Can
Rubbermaid Brute trash cans are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. Rubbermaid Brute Waste Containers are perfect for any residential, commercial, or industrial environment. These durable containers fit into any outdoor location, and offer a fully reinforced container. Coming in a sleek gray color, this can is NSF/USDA Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products. Lid sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute 20-Gallon Trash Can, Gray, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.24 18.49 32.66 RCP2620GRA.JPG 20 gallon trash can, rubbermaid brute trash can, rubbermaid 20 gallon brute trash can, 20 gallon brute trash can, trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, brute round trash can, RCP 2620 GRA, RCP2620GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1529 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 20 Gallon Trash Can, White (RCP2620WHI) 1529 RCP 2620 WHI 6.00 262000 WHT 20 Gallon Brute Garbage Can
Perfect for commercial, industrial and residential environments, as well as being durable in both indoor and outdoor arenas, these high quality 20 gallon trash cans are built to last. Rubbermaid Brute trash cans are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. For convenient waste collection from one location to the next, the Heavy-duty, Rubbermaid 20 Gallon Brute Trash Can is the complete garbage receptacle. White color is NSF/USDA. Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Lid sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute Garbage Can, 20 Gallon, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 23.97 18.00 32.62 RCP2620WHI.JPG 20 gallon trash can, rubbermaid brute trash can, rubbermaid 20 gallon brute trash can, 20 gallon brute trash can, trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, brute round trash can, RCP 2620 WHI, RCP2620WHI 1 1 0 0 1 89
1530 Lagasse 10 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid, Gray (RCP2609GRA) 1530 RCP 2609 GRA 1.00 260900 GRAY Brute Trash Can Lid
Durable, strong and able to hold up under any outdoor conditions, Rubbermaid Brute trash can lids are a reliable choice in any environment. Made of a high quality construction that won’t dent, rust or leak, these durable cans are built from a high quality polyethylene formula. An ideal fit for Brute 10 gallon cans, these lids are great for any residential, commercial, or industrial location. All colors are NSF/USDA. Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Brute 10 Gallon Trash Can Lid, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 6.11 4.66 8.35 RCP2609GRA.JPG trash can lids, brute trash can lid, trash can top, trash can tops, trash can lid, trash can lids, brute round trash can lid, gray trash can lid, RCP 2609 GRA, RCP2609GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1531 Lagasse 10 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid, White (RCP2609WHI) 1531 RCP 2609 WHI 1.00 260900 WHT 10 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid
Rubbermaid Brute trash cans and lids are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. All colors are NSF/USDA Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products. Readily available to ship fast! On sale today. Stock up and save!
Rubbermaid Brute Round Trash Can Lid, 10 Gallon, White, Each
Trash Cans » Brute Trash Can Lids - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 6.11 4.66 7.97 RCP2609WHI.JPG trash can top, trash can tops, trash can lid, trash can lids, brute dome trash can top, 10 gallon trash can top, RCP 2609WHI, RCP 2609WHI 1 1 0 0 1 89
1532 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 10 Gallon Trash Can, Gray (RCP2610GRA) 1532 RCP 2610 GRA 3.07 261000 GRAY 10 Gallon Brute Trash Can
Rubbermaid Brute trash cans offer a seamless design and are made of a high quality construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. Built from a high quality polyethylene formula, these 10 gallon cans can hold whatever is needed. Perfect for any residential, commercial, or industrial environment, these durable containers fit into any outdoor location. With its reinforced rim and base, this quality can easily sets the standard for Rubbermaid quality. Gray color is NSF/USDA Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Lid sold separately RCP 2609 GRA.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute Garbage Can, 10 Gallon, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 16.26 12.40 21.53 RCP2610GRA.jpg 10 gallon trash can, rubbermaid brute trash can, rubbermaid 10 gallon brute trash can, 10 gallon brute trash can, trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, brute round trash can, RCP 2610 GRA, RCP2610GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1533 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 10 Gallon Trash Can, White (RCP2610WHI) 1533 RCP 2610 WHI 3.00 261000 WHT 10 Gallon Brute Garbage Can
Perfect for commercial, industrial and residential environments, as well as being durablein both indoor and outdoor arenas, these high quality 10 gallontrash cans are built to last. Rubbermaid Brute trash cans are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality.For convenient waste collection from one location to the next, theHeavy-duty, Rubbermaid 10 Gallon Brute Trash Can is thecomplete garbage receptacle. White color is NSF/USDA. Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute Garbage Can, 10 Gallon, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.21 11.60 20.52 RCP2610WHI.JPG 10 gallon trash can, rubbermaid brute trash can, rubbermaid 10 gallon brute trash can, 10 gallon brute trash can, trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, brute round trash can, RCP 2610 WHI, RCP2610WHI 1 1 0 0 1 89
1534 Lagasse Rubbermaid 32 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid, Gray (RCP2631GRA) 1534 RCP 2631 GRA 2.17 263100 GRAY 32 Gallon Round Trash Can Lid
Convert your Rubbermaid 32 gallon trash can into an outdoor trash receptacle for a commercial or residential environment with Rubbermaid's Brute Trash Can Lid. Coming complete with a strong, snap-on lid feature that fits securely on the can, this can lid is perfect for the outdoors. Comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. All colors are NSF/USDA Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
Rubbermaid 32 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.51 8.02 13.96 RCP2631GRA.JPG trash can top, trash can tops, trash can lid, trash can lids, brute dome trash can top, 32 gallon trash can top, RCP2631GRA , RCP 2631 GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1535 Lagasse 32 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid, Red (RCP2631RED) 1535 RCP 2631 RED 2.60 263100 RED Brute 32 Gallon Red Trash Can Lid
Rubbermaid Brute trash can lids are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. All colors are NSF/USDA Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
Rubbermaid 32 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid, Red, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 9.83 7.50 13.03 RCP2631RED.JPG trash can top, trash can tops, trash can lid, trash can lids, brute dome trash can top, 32 gallon trash can top, RCP 2631 RED, RCP2631RED 1 1 0 0 1 89
1536 Lagasse Rubbermaid 32 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid, White (RCP2631WHI) 1536 RCP 2631 WHI 2.05 263100 WHT Brute White Round Trash Can Lid
Rubbermaid Brute trash cans and lids are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. Made of durable plastic with molded handles. Strong, snap-on lids provide secure, stable stacking. All colors are NSF/USDA Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. 22 1/4" X 1 5/8", White Lid. Readily available to ship fast!
Rubbermaid Commercial 32 Gallon Brute Round Flat Top Trash Can Lid, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.51 8.02 13.75 RCP2631WHI.JPG trash can top, trash can lid, brute round trash can lid, RCP 2631 WHI, RCP2631WHI, rubbermaid trash can lid, white trash can lid 1 1 0 0 1 89
1537 Lagasse 32 Gallon Brute Round Trash Can Lid, Yellow (RCP2631YEL) 1537 RCP 2631 YEL 2.05 263100 YEL 32 Gallon Yellow Brute Round Trash Can Lid
Rubbermaid Brute trash cans and lids are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. All colors are NSF/USDA Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products. On Sale Today. Stock up and save! Readily Available to Ship Fast!
Rubbermaid Brute Round Container Lid Yellow Trash Can, 32 Gallon, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.51 8.02 13.95 RCP2631YEL.JPG trash can top, trash can tops, trash can lid, trash can lids, brute dome trash can top, 32 gallon trash can top, RCP 2631 YEL, RCP2631YEL 1 1 0 0 1 89
1538 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 32 Gallon Trash Can, Blue (RCP2632BLU) 1538 RCP 2632 BLU 8.40 263200 BLUE Brute 32 Gallon Trash Can
Rubbermaid Brute garbage cans are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced container base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. The 32 Gallon Brute round garbage can is a durable and reliable option for both the residential and commercial environment. This blue colored can is NSF/USDA approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Lids for this trash can are sold separately. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
Rubbermaid Brute 32 Gallon Garbage Can, Round, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 31.29 23.87 41.15 RCP2632BLU.JPG trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste containers, waste container, 32-Gallon Round Brute garbage can, Blue RCP 2632 BLU, RCP2632BLU 1 1 0 1 1 89
1539 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 32 Gallon Trash Can, Gray (RCP2632GRA) 1539 RCP 2632 GRA 8.40 2632-16 GRAY Round Garbage Can
Rubbermaid’s 32 gallon garbage can is a durable and reliable option for both the residential and commercial environment. The seamless design is made of polyethylene, an all plastic professional grade material that will not rust, chip or peel and is dent-resistant. The reinforced rim helps to add strength and durability, qualities that are standard for Rubbermaid. This round garbage can also features a double-ribbed base to help increase stability and dragging capacity. Rubbermaid thought of everything when they constructed this trash can. The built-in handles allow for easy, non-slip lifting and jam-free nesting in storage. With ample room inside and durable construction, this Rubbermaid Brute garbage can is the ideal trash receptacle for home or business.
Rubbermaid Brute Round Plastic Garbage Can, 32 Gallon, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 29.11 22.20 39.08 RCP2632GRA.JPG 32 gallon brute trash can, 32 gallon brute garbage can, 32 gallon trash can, 32 gallon garbage can, trash cans, garbage cans, waste containers, 32 gallon round brute garbage can, gray trash can, RCP 2632 GRA, RCP2632GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies 1 1 0 1 1 89
1540 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 32 Gallon Trash Can, Red (RCP2632RED) 1540 RCP 2632 RED 8.40 263200 RED 32 Gallon Trash Can
This garbage can from Rubbermaid features a seamless design constructed of hard wearing polyethylene resin material that won’t dent, rust or leak. This trash container has a reinforced rim and base, standard issue for Rubbermaid garbage cans, signifying that you are getting a quality product from a well known brand. Reinforced grip handles make lifting easy and these Rubbermaid containers can be stacked inside of each other when empty to save on space. The 32 Gallon Brute round garbage can is a durable and reliable option for both the residential and commercial environment. This red colored can is NSF/USDA approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Lids for this trash can are sold separately.
Rubbermaid Brute 32 Gallon Garbage Can, Round, Red, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 31.29 23.87 41.09 RCP2632RED.JPG 32 gallon trash can, 32 gallon brute trash can, 32 gallon garbage cans, red garbage can, red trash can, rubbermaid brute trash can, trash cans, garbage cans, waste containers, 32 gallon round brute garbage can red, RCP 2632 RED, RCP2632RED, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, janitorial supplies 1 1 0 1 1 89
1541 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 32 Gallon Trash Can, White (RCP2632WHI) 1541 RCP 2632 WHI 8.40 263200 WHT 32 Gallon Brute Garbage Can
Perfect for commercial, industrial and residential environments, as well as being durable in both indoor and outdoor arenas, these high quality 32 gallon trash cans are built to last. Rubbermaid Brute trash cans are a seamless design and are made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced rim and base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. For convenient waste collection from one location to the next, the Heavy-duty, Rubbermaid 32 Gallon Brute Trash Can is the complete garbage receptacle. (Cannot ship UPS. Will ship LTL Common Carrier) White color is NSF/USDA. Approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute Garbage Can, 32 Gallon, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 31.29 23.87 41.07 RCP2632WHI.JPG trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste containers, waste container, 32-Gallon Round Brute Garbage Can White RCP 2632 WHI, RCP2632WHI 1 1 0 1 1 89
1542 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 32 Gallon Trash Can, Yellow (RCP2632YEL) 1542 RCP 2632 YEL 8.40 263200 YEL 32 Gallon Brute Garbage Can
The 32 Gallon Brute round garbage can is a durable and reliable option for both the residential and commercial environment. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products with a seamless design, and made of polyethylene construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. Rubbermaid quality can be seen through the reinforced rim and base that set the standard for garbage can quality. This yellow colored can is NSF/USDA approved for food contact and NSF tested/certified. Lids for this trash can are sold separately. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute Garbage Can, 32 Gallon, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 31.29 23.87 41.14 RCP2632YEL.JPG yellow trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste containers, waste container, 32-gallon round brute garbage can, RCP 2632 YEL, RCP2632YEL 1 1 0 1 1 89
1543 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 32 Gallon Recycling Container, Blue (RCP263273BLU) 1543 RCP 2632-73 BLU 8.40 2632-73 BLUE Brute Recycling Container
Sturdy and reliable, this 32 gallon recycling container from Rubbermaid is made from professional-grade polyethylene that is resistant to rusting, chipping, denting and peeling. This versatile all-plastic container is not only great for recycling, but it can also serve as a central collection container or shipping container to reduce handling. Reinforced rims on this Brute recycling container help to add strength and durability, while the built-in handles allow for easy, non-slip lifting and trouble-free nesting. For those occasions when this recycling can is just too heavy to lift, the double-ribbed base helps to add increased stability and dragging capacity. This Rubbermaid plastic recycling container is made from 30% post-consumer resin and meets EPA guidelines for post-consumer and total recovered material. Environmentally friendly, strong and affordable, this 32 gallon recycling container from Rubbermaid is a must have for any residential, commercial or industrial environment!
Rubbermaid 32-Gallon Brute Round Recycling Container, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 31.29 23.87 41.65 RCP263273BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, brute recycling container, brute round recycling containers, 32-Gallon Container, Blue, RCP 2632-73 BLU, RCP263273BLU 1 1 0 1 1 89
1544 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 44 Gallon Recycling Container, Blue (RCP2643-73BLU) 1544 RCP 2643-73 BLU 13.07 2643-73 BLU 44 Gallon Brute Recycling Container
Durable and strong, Rubbermaid's line of Brute 44 Gallon Recycling Containers are the perfect recycling container for the home, office, facility, restaurant, or business. Known for its easy-to-maneuver handling, this Brute can also can serve as a central collection container. Containing recycled plastic, the Rubbermaid blue plastic containers exceed EPA comprehensive guidelines. This recycling container is clearly marked with the international sign for recycling. Environmentally conscious, this container is the ideal addition to any eco-friendly home or business. The Rubbermaid 44-Gallon Brute Round Recycling Container is the perfect size for any residential, commercial, or industrial environment.
Rubbermaid 44-Gallon Brute Round Recycling Container, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 48.37 36.89 65.56 RCP264373BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, brute round recycling containers, 44-Gallon Container, blue recycle containers, RCP 2643-73 BLU, RCP264373BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
1545 Lagasse Rubbermaid 44 Gallon Brute Self-Draining Trash Can Lid, Black (RCP2645-60BLA) 1545 RCP 2645-60 BLA 2.60 2645-60 BLA Brute 44 Gallon Trash Can Lid
Convert any 44 gallon trash can into an outdoor trash receptacle for a commercial or residential environment with Rubbermaid's Brute Trash Can Lid. Coming with run-off channels that disperse liquids to prevent pooling, this can lid is perfect for the outdoors. Comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. The Rubbermaid dome lid fits all Rubbermaid 44-gallon Brute trash containers (sold separately). CSFM Approved for fire safety when used as a container/lid combo. 24-1/2" diameter x 1-1/2" height.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute 44 Gallon Round Trash Can Lid, Black, 24-1/2" x 1-1/2", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 16.13 12.30 21.34 RCP264560BLA.JPG trash can top, trash can lid, rubbermaid trash can lid, 44 gallon trash can lid, plastic trash can lid, rubbermaid trash can lids, rubbermaid brute lid, brute self-draining lid, black trash can lid, RCP 2645-60 BLA, RCP264560BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1546 Lagasse 40 Gallon Rubbermaid Brute Square Trash Can Container, Gray (RCP3536GRA) 1546 RCP 3536 GRA 13.00 FG353600 GRAY Rubbermaid 40-Gallon Square Trash Can
Square shape offers up to 14% more capacity than round containers. Durable plastic will not leak. Withstands repeated commercial cleanings. Rubbermaid square garbage cans are a durable design and construction that won’t dent, rust or leak. A reinforced container base set the standard for Rubbermaid quality. The 40 Gallon Brute square garbage can is a durable and reliable option for both the residential and commercial environment. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products. Lid Sold Seperately RCP3539GRA.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute 40 Gallon Square Trash Container, Gray, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 49.04 37.40 65.61 RCP3536GRA.JPG brute square container, 40-gallon container, rubbermaid trash can, rubbermaid garbage can, RCP 3536 GRA, RCP3536GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
1547 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 40 Gallon Square Container Lid, Gray (RCP3539GRA) 1547 RCP 3539 GRA 3.92 FG353900 GRAY Rubbermaid Square Trash Can Lid
Square shape offers up to 14% more capacity than round containers. Durable plastic will not leak; withstands repeated commercial cleanings. Convert your Rubbermaid 40 gallon trash can into an outdoor trash receptacle for a commercial or residential environment with Rubbermaid's Brute Trash Can Lid. Coming complete with a strong, snap-on lid feature that fits securely on the can, this can lid is perfect for the outdoors. Comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. Seamless, polyethylene construction won’t dent, rust or leak. Reinforced rim and base.
Rubbermaid Commercial 40 Gallon Brute Square Trash Container Lid, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.98 12.19 21.32 RCP3539GRA.JPG trash can top, trash can tops, trash can lid, trash can lids, brute square container lid, 40-gallon lid, RCP 3539 GRA, RCP3539GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1548 Lagasse Brute Square Trash Can Square Dolly, Black (RCP3530) 1548 RCP 3530 6.20 353000 BLA Brute Square Trash Can Dolly
Rugged twist on/off dolly for mobile applications. 300-lb. capacity. Fits RCP 3536 container (sold separately). 17-1/4 sq. x 6-1/4h. Shipping weight 7 lbs.
Rubbermaid Commercial Square Dolly for Brute Square Trash Container, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 56.51 43.10 74.85 RCP3530.JPG square dolly wheels, rubbermaid dolly, brute square dolly, black, RCP 3530, RCP3530, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1549 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Tandem Dolly (RCP2646BLA) 1549 RCP 2646 BLA 21.60 2646 BLA Rubbermaid Tandem Trash Can Dolly
The perfect accessory to your Rubbermaid Brute Trash Cans, Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Tandem Dolly can customize the dolly with two Rubbermaid Brute Trash Cans in mix-and-match sizes. Even allowing for combined round and square containers, this heavy-duty dolly comes complete with 8 inch wheels and four 4 inch swivel casters. 200-lb. per platform capacity, this innovative dolly has a center hinge design and fixed wheels help transport uneven loads smoothly. Created to be used with Brute Trash Cans (sold separately) with ease (cannot hold two 55-gallon trash cans at once). 20-1/2"wide x 45"deep x 8"high. Shipping weight: 19 lbs.
Rubbermaid Brute Trash Can Tandem Dolly Wheels, Sold Individually - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 133.73 102.00 173.88 RCP2646BLA.JPG trash can dolly, tandem trash can dolly, rubbermaid trash can dolly, brute tandem dolly, RCP 2646 BLA, RCP2646BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1550 Lagasse Brute Trash Can Trainable Dolly, Black (RCP2651) 1550 RCP 2651 12.63 2651-00BLA Brute Trash Can Dolly
Fits 44 and 55 gallon Brute Trash Cans (sold separately). Move up to three Brute trash cans at once. Ball and hitch feature allows hands-free dolly connection. Tilt stabilizer provides easy tilt for waste removal. Attach trash cans with easy twist on/off action. Heavy-duty 3 inch swivel casters for mobility. 250-lb. maximum load capacity. 20-3/8" wide x 22-7/8" deep x 6-3/8" high. Shipping weight: 13 lbs.
Rubbermaid Brute Trainable Trash Can Dolly, Black, Each
Trash Cans » Brute Trash Can Accessories & Dollies - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 96.93 67.00 131.11 RCP2651.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Brute Trainable Dolly, Black RCP 2651, RCP2651 1 1 0 0 1 89
1553 Lagasse Rubbermaid 500-lb. Bulk Cube Truck Recycling Container, Blue (RCP4616-73BLU) 1553 RCP 4616-73 BLU 51.00 4616-73 BLUE Bulk Recycling Cube Truck
This blue recycling truck is perfect for any home, in the class room, or any work area. Clearly displays the universal recycle symbol on the side of the container. Coming in an extra large 16 cubic ft, 500-lb. capacity, this easy-to-maneuver equipment can also serve as central collection containers or shipping containers to reduce handling. Hot stamped with permanent universal recycling logo. 31" wide x 43-3/4" deep x 37" high. Shipping weight 51 lbs. (Cannot ship UPS.) Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
Rubbermaid 500-lb. Capacity Bulk Recycling Cube Truck, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 413.00 315.00 546.44 RCP461673BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, bulk cube truck recycling container, RCP 4616-73 BLU, RCP461673BLU 1 1 0 1 1 89
1554 Lagasse Rubbermaid 850-lb. Bulk Recycling Tilt Truck (RCP1305-73BLU) 1554 RCP 1305-73 BLU 77.00 1305-73 BLUE Recycling Tilt Truck
Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products this easy-to-maneuver recycle tilt trash truck can also serve as central collection containers or shipping containers to reduce handling. Heavy-duty wheels roll easily, even over steps or curbing. Standard duty 1/2 cubic yard, 850-lb. capacity. Hot stamped with permanent universal recycling logo. 28" wide x 60-1/2" deep x 38-5/8" high. Shipping weight: 77 lbs. (Cannot ship UPS).
Rubbermaid Recycling Tilt Truck, 850 lb Capacity, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 694.89 530.00 902.85 RCP130573BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, bulk recycling tilt truck, RCP 1305-73 BLU, RCP130573BLU 1 1 0 1 1 89
1555 Lagasse Bus/Utility Boxes, 4-5/8-Gallon Capacity, Gray (RCP3349GRA) 1555 RCP 3349 GRA 1.80 334900 GRAY Economical storage for heavy loads. Reinforced handles, bottom and ribs for long life. Rounded corners for easy cleaning; dishwasher safe. NSF Certified Std. #2.
BUS BX 4-5/CTN8GL 15X20X5 PLAS GRA 12/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.81 6.72 12.02 RCP3349GRA.JPG Bus/Utility Boxes, 4-5/8-Gallon Capacity, Gray RCP 3349 GRA, RCP3349GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1556 Lagasse Bus/Utility Boxes, 7-5/8-Gallon Capacity, Gray (RCP3351GRA) 1556 RCP 3351 GRA 2.20 335100 GRAY Economical storage for heavy loads. Reinforced handles, bottom and ribs for long life. Rounded corners for easy cleaning; dishwasher safe. NSF Certified Std. #2.
UNDIVIDED BUS BX 7-1/CTN8GL PLAS GRA 6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 13.68 10.43 18.01 RCP3351GRA.JPG Bus/Utility Boxes, 7-5/8-Gallon Capacity, Gray RCP 3351 GRA, RCP3351GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1557 Lagasse Dart Cafe G 20-oz. Foam Cups, 500 Cups (DCC20X16G) 1557 DCC 20X16G 9.60 20X16G 20-oz. Cafe G Foam Cups
Add a touch of class to your office, break room or cafeteria with these attractive cafe themed cups. Subtle color coding system helps customers and employees identify the correct cup size. Thermo-Glaze insulation helps maintain hot and cold beverage temperature while allowing you to hold cup comfortably. You'll save money because there's no need for double-cupping. Features flared lip cup design and high-gloss surface. Lids conveniently fit several different sizes which streamlines ordering. 25 sleeves of 20 cups.
Dart Cafe G 20oz Foam Cup, White and Brown, 25 Sleeves of 20 Cups, 500 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 38.37 26.86 50.26 DCC20X16G.JPG Café G Design Printed Foam Cups, 20-oz. Size DCC 20X16G, DCC20X16G, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1558 Lagasse Dart Cafe G 8-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC8X8G) 1558 DCC 8X8G 6.80 8X8G 8-oz. Cafe G Foam Cups
Add a touch of class to your office, break room or cafeteria with these attractive cafe themed cups. Subtle color coding system helps customers and employees identify the correct cup size. Thermo-Glaze insulation helps maintain hot and cold beverage temperature while allowing you to hold cup comfortably. You'll save money because there's no need for double-cupping. Features flared lip cup design and high-gloss surface. 1,000 cups per case.
Dart Cafe G 8-oz. Foam Cup, White and Brown, 40 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 31.29 21.90 40.96 DCC8X8G.JPG Café G Design Printed Foam Cups, 8-oz. Size DCC 8X8G, DCC8X8G, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1559 Lagasse Dart Cafe G Design 12-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC12X16G) 1559 DCC 12X16G 11.80 12X16G 12-oz. Cafe G Foam Cups
Add a touch of class to your office, break room or cafeteria with these attractive cafe themed cups. Subtle color coding system helps customers and employees identify the correct cup size. Thermo-Glaze insulation helps maintain hot and cold beverage temperature while allowing you to hold cup comfortably. You'll save money because there's no need for double-cupping. Features flared lip cup design and high-gloss surface.
Dart Cafe G 12oz Foam Cup, White and Brown, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 49.14 34.40 64.46 DCC12X16G.JPG dart foam cups, dart 12-oz. foam cups, dart cafe g cups, cafe g design printed foam cups, 12-oz. cups, DCC 12X16G, DCC12X16G, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1560 Lagasse Cafe G Design 16oz Foam Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC16X16G) 1560 DCC 16X16G 13.00 16X16G 16oz Foam Cups
Thermo-Glazed foam cups keeps hot beverages hot and cold beverages cold, while remaining comfortable to the touch. Coffee-themed design provides a more upscale look. These 16oz size cups are packed 1,000 per case.
Dart Cafe G Design 16oz Foam Cup, 40 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 63.91 44.74 84.05 DCC16X16G.JPG Café G Design Printed Foam Cups, 16-oz. Size DCC 16X16G, DCC16X16G, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1561 Lagasse Call Bell (ADVCB10000) 1561 ADV CB10000 0.31 AVTCB10000 Clear tone, brushed nickel finish. 3-3/8in dia.
CALL BELL BRUSHED NICKE W/BLACK BASE, 3-3/8inDIA Advantus 3.62 2.68 4.82 ADVCB10000.JPG Call Bell ADV CB10000, ADVCB10000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 155
1562 Lagasse Camay Classic Bar Soap, 48 - 4-oz. Bars (PGC08829) 1562 PGC 08829 13.90 08829 Camay Bar Soap 48 - 4-oz. Bars
Classic Camay is a high quality soap that give provides the classic clean feeling, moisture and soothing floral scent that you grew up with. Camay takes care of your skin and lets you pamper yourself and moisturize as you clean. Perfect for frequent hand washing, it will not leave your hands feeling dry, even after repeated use. Transcending decades and generations, Camay is the foremost trusted and dependable name in bar soap. After all of these years, Camay still provides the very best combination of moisture and cleanliness that other bar soap just cannot match. Classic Camay Bath Bar is perfect for all skin types.
Proctor and Gamble Camay Classic Bar Soap, 4-oz. Bar, 48 Bars per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bar Soaps - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 73.20 41.56 99.41 PGC08829.JPG camay soap, camay bar soap, camay classic soap, camay bath soap, 4 oz. bath soap size, camay products, classic camay, pgc 08829, pgc08829, camay classic bar soap, camay soap with moisturizer, bath soap, PGC 08829, PGC08829 1 1 0 0 1 80
1563 Lagasse Dart 16-oz. Cappuccino Lid, 1,000 Lids (DCC16EL) 1563 DCC 16EL 9.80 16EL 16oz Dome Lid
This Dart lid has a dome design that is perfect for frothy hot drinks such as cappuccino and chai. Sipper cut enables heat-retaining, lid-on enjoyment. When used with companion Dart foam cups, this lid fits snug and secure. White. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart 16oz Dome Cappuccino Lid, White, 1,000 lids per case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 33.51 23.46 43.55 DCC16EL.JPG dart cappuccino lids, cappuccino lid, DCC 16EL, DCC16EL, restaurant supplies, food service suppies 1 1 0 0 1 27
1564 Lagasse Care Wipes Antibacterial Towelettes, All Purpose Wipes, 600-Wipes Buckets (TXLL400) 1564 TXL L400 24.00 2XL-400 Care Wipes Antibacterial Towelettes, Bucket
Fast and effective antibacterial formula cleans, disinfects and deodorizes. Will sanitize surfaces and kill 99.9% of germs that can cause illness. Leaves a fresh clean scent. Ideal for public places such as schools, offices, restaurants, grocery stores, hospitals, etc. Controls and eliminates organisms on high traffic areas that people come in contact with everyday. Alcohol-free and bleach-free. Generously sized, textured wipe for better cleaning.
See SKU: TXL L401 for Towelette Refills.
All Purpose Wipes, Antibacterial, 600 Wipes per Bucket, 2 Buckets per Case.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
2XL Corporation 88.67 65.39 115.56 TXLL400.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Care Wipes Antibacterial Towelettes, TXL L400, TXLL400 1 1 0 0 1 193
1566 Lagasse Carpet & Room Allergen Reducer & Odor Eliminator, 9 Boxes (CDC84113) 1566 CDC 84113 27.00 84113 Carpet & Room Allergen Reducer
Arm & Hammer Carpet & Room Allergen Reducer and Odor Eliminator is a unique powder formula that removes odors at the source and decreases the allergen levels in carpeting. Allergens are trapped in fabrics all around your home that can be stirred up just by sitting on the sofa or walking across the carpet. Lightly scented, this Arm & Hammer product penetrates deep into carpets or fabric to eradicate the odor while the allergen reducer breaks the static charge that that attaches allergens to fabric or carpet fibers. Once this powder is applied, the allergens are released and vacuumed up. It is just that simple to rid yourself of everyday household odors and allergens.
Arm & Hammer Carpet & Room Allergen Reducer, Deodorizer Powder, 42.6-oz.Box, 9 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Arm And Hammer 37.03 28.24 48.34 CDC84113.JPG arm & hammer, allergen reducer, odor eliminator, Shaker Box, CDC 84113, CDC84113, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 7
1567 Lagasse Carpet & Upholstery Shield, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (FRKF374512) 1567 FRK F374512 29.00 F374512 Carpet & Upholstery Shield
Water-based carpet treatment provides advanced stain protection against water and oil-based stains. Helps carpets maintain their look longer by repelling soil that can be more easily removed upon cleaning. Brighten up any carpeted room with a deep clean and protectant.
Carpet & upholstery shield stain & soil repellent, 12/32 oz. bottles per case. - The wholesale stain repellent supply company Buyers Trust.
Franklin Cleaning Technology 104.36 79.60 141.54 FRKF374512.JPG Carpet & Upholstery Shield, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle FRK F374512, FRKF374512, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
1568 Lagasse Carpet Fresh Professional Room and Carpet Odor Eliminator, 12 Cans (WDC280300) 1568 WDC 280300 20.40 280300 Professional Room and Carpet Freshener
A quick-dry foam that penetrates deep into carpets and fabric fibers to attack odors and eliminate them at their source. The fast drying formula is ideal for busy households. Just spray it and walk away. Carpet Fresh does the rest of the work for you! This specially formulated room and carpet freshener contains odor eliminators that go deep into carpet and fabric fibers, where air fresheners cannot reach, to kill stubborn odors. Carpet Fresh is ideal for use on carpets, drapes and upholstery where unpleasant odors can linger. Once the foam makes contact, it starts working immediately to neutralize odors, leaving behind a lasting, pleasant scent throughout the room. Stock up on Carpet Fresh Professional Room and Carpet Freshener today!
Carpet Fresh Professional Room and Carpet Refresher, Fresh Scent, 20-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust
WD40 68.05 51.14 88.73 WDC280300.JPG carpet fresh, carpet fresh aerosol, professional carpet fresh, carpet fresh professional room & carpet odor eliminator, 20-oz. aerosol can, WDC 280300, WDC280300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 114
1569 Lagasse Carpet Magnet, 12in Wide (UNSCM12) 1569 UNS CM12 0.60 VAC CM12 Use to pick up metal objects before they get swept up into the vacuum and cause harm. Black.
CARPET MAGNET 12W BLA Unisan 5.32 4.06 7.03 UNSCM12.JPG Carpet Magnet, 12in Wide UNS CM12, UNSCM12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1570 Lagasse Carpet Magnet, 16in Wide (UNSCM16) 1570 UNS CM16 0.90 VAC CM16 Use to pick up metal objects before they get swept up into the vacuum and cause harm. Black.
CARPET MAGNET 16W BLA Unisan 8.51 6.25 11.13 UNSCM16.JPG Carpet Magnet, 16in Wide UNS CM16, UNSCM16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1571 Lagasse Carpet Science® Spot and Stain Remover, Trigger Sprayer, 6 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (DRK94350) 1571 DRK 94350 14.40 94350 Carpet Science Spot and Stain Remover
Immediately removes stains from a variety of institutional, industrial and commercial carpets. Emulsion formula breaks up and lifts out most oil- and water-based stains including fruit juices, coffee, wine, tea, motor oil and more. Leaves no sticky residue. Contains DuPont Zelan® stain blocker to replenish carpet’s factory-applied stain resistance for long-lasting effectiveness. Tough on those stubborn stains while gentle on your carpets.
Carpet Science spot & stain remover, 6/32 oz spray bottles per case. - The wholesale carpet cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Diversey 59.98 45.75 79.03 DRK94350.JPG Carpet Science Spot and Stain Remover, Trigger Sprayer, 6 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle DRK 94350, DRK94350, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
1572 Lagasse Cascade Dishwasher Detergent 2in1 ActionPacs (PGC41759) 1572 PGC 41759 6.24 41759 Cascade Dishwasher Detergent with Dawn
Combines the scrubbing power of Cascade with the grease-fighting power of Dawn in a single-use pouch. The liquid and powder combination results in excellent shine and stain removal. No need to pre-wash. Original scent.
Cascade Automatic Dishwasher Detergent with Dawn, 20 ActionPacs per Bag, 5 Bags per Case, 100 per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 29.96 22.85 39.47 PGC41759.JPG cascade dishwasher detergent, cascade automatic dishwasher detergent, cascade with dawn, cascade 2in1 actionpacs automatic dishwasher detergent, cascade 13.4-oz. bags, PGC 41759, PGC41759 1 1 0 0 1 80
1573 Lagasse Cascade Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 24 - 20-oz. Boxes (PGC00801) 1573 PGC 00801 34.40 03086 Cascade® Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 20-oz. Box, 24 Boxes per Case
CASCADE AUTO DISHWASH DETERGENT 24/20 OZ Procter and Gamble Professional 67.99 51.86 89.58 PGC00801.JPG cascade dish detergent, cascade dish detergent, cascade automatic dishwasher detergent, PGC 00801, PGC00801, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
1574 Lagasse Cascade Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 85-oz. Boxes (PGC34953) 1574 PGC 34953 35.80 39921 Cascade Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 85-oz. Box, 6 Boxes per Case
CASCADE AUTO DISHWASHING DETERGENT 6/85 OZ Procter and Gamble Professional 52.82 40.28 69.11 PGC34953.JPG cascade auto dish detergent, cascade powder dish detergent, Cascade Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 85-oz. Box, PGC 34953, PGC34953, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
1578 Lagasse CaterLine 9in Serving Forks, 144 Forks (WNAA7FKBL) 1578 WNA A7FKBL 7.15 A7FKBL 9 Inch Serving Utensils
WNA Caterline cutlery is strong and sturdy. Disposable to eliminate worries about transportation and clean up involved with permanent flatware. Great for outdoor catering or casual events. Black. 144 forks per case.
WNA Caterline 9" Serving Fork, Black, 144 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Wna Inc. 37.50 26.25 50.27 WNAA7FKBL.JPG CaterLine 9in Serving Utensils, Forks, 144 Forks per Case WNA A7FKBL, WNAA7FKBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
1579 Lagasse CaterLine 9in Serving Spoon, 144 Spoons (WNAA7SPBL) 1579 WNA A7SPBL 7.08 A7SPBL 9 Inch Serving Utensils
WNA Caterline cutlery is strong and sturdy. Disposable to eliminate worries about transportation and clean up involved with permanent flatware. Great for outdoor catering or casual events. Black. 144 spoons per case.
WNA Caterline 9" Serving Spoon, Black, 144 Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Wna Inc. 37.50 26.25 48.93 WNAA7SPBL.JPG CaterLine 9in Serving Utensils, Spoon, 144 Spoons per Case WNA A7SPBL, WNAA7SPBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
1580 Lagasse CaterLine® 9in Serving Utensils, Tongs, 48 Tongs per Case (WNAA7TSBL) 1580 WNA A7TSBL 3.60 A7TSBL Sturdy and disposable. Black.
9 IN SERVING TONGS BLA CATERLINE 48 Wna Inc. 55.47 38.83 73.30 WNAA7TSBL.JPG CaterLine 9in Serving Utensils, Tongs, 48 Tongs per Case WNA A7TSBL, WNAA7TSBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
1596 Lagasse Caution Stripe Tape (MCO5702-2) 1596 MCO 5702-2 17.12 MMM57022 3M Safety Stripe Tape
Black and yellow striped vinyl, adhesive-backed tape for marking traffic areas and physical hazards. Resists most common solvents except ketones, esters and chlorinated hydrocarbons. 2 inches wide x 108 feet long x 5.4 Mil thick. - The online wholesale cleaning supply company that buyers trust.
3M Caution Tape Black and Yellow Strip 2" x 108' Qty: EA 3M Corporation 53.73 40.98 73.08 MCO57022.JPG Caution Stripe Tape MCO 5702-2, MCO57022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
1597 Lagasse Celebrity 5-oz. Foam Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (GNP80500) 1597 GNP 80500 4.60 80500 5-oz. Foam Bowls
An economical choice for commissary, food court and general food applications. Cut resistant, nonabsorbent. Ideal for hot or cold entrees. 1,000 bowls per case.
Genpak Celebrity 5-oz. Foam Bowls, White, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Genpak 23.34 16.34 30.56 GNP80500.JPG celebrity foam dinnerware, foam bowls, 5oz bowls, GNP 80500, GNP80500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
1598 Lagasse Celebrity 10-1/4in Three Compartment Foam Plate, 500 Plates (GNP81300) 1598 GNP 81300 10.70 81300 10-1/4" 3 Compartment Foam Plate
An economical choice for commissary, food court and general food applications. Cut resistant, nonabsorbent. White. 125 pieces per pack. 4 packs per case.
Genpak Celebrity 10-1/4 Inch 3 Compartment Foam Plate, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 36.90 25.83 48.43 GNP83900.JPG foam plates, 3 compartment foam plate, celebrity foam dinnerware, 10-1/4in three compartment bowl, GNP 81300, GNP81300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
1599 Lagasse Celebrity 12-oz. Foam Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (GNP82100) 1599 GNP 82100 6.50 82100 12-oz. Foam Bowls
An economical choice for commissary, food court and general food applications. Cut resistant, nonabsorbent. White. 125 pieces per pack. 8 packs per case.
Genpak Celebrity 12-oz. Foam Bowls, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 25.63 17.94 34.47 GNP82100.JPG foam bowls, 12oz bowls, celebrity foam bowls, GNP 82100, GNP82100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
1600 Lagasse Celebrity 8-7/8" Foam Plate with Three Compartments (GNP83900) 1600 GNP 83900 7.70 83900 An economical choice for commissary, food court and general food applications. Cut resistant, nonabsorbent. White. 125 pieces per pack. 4 packs per case.
Genpak Celebrity 8-7/8 Inch 3 Compartment Foam Plate, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 per Case
Genpak 21.33 14.93 28.63 GNP83900.JPG celebrity foam dinnerware, foam plates, 9 inch foam plates, 3 compartment foam plate, GNP 83900, GNP83900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
1601 Lagasse Celebrity Foam 6" Dinnerware Plates, 1,000 Plates (GNP80600) 1601 GNP 80600 6.00 80600 6" White Foam Plates
Cut resistant and nonabsorbent, these foam dinnerware plates are constructed out of highly durable material for superior strength and durability. Known as disposable dinnerware that can be relied on, these plates are designed to be the most rigid and sturdy plates available. Large in diameter, measuring in at 6 inches and even though they are lightweight, can be used for heavy meals since they are durable and microwaveable. Fully reinforced for an increased amount of strength, this line of high quality foam disposable plates even comes with a beautiful decorative trim for added effect. White. 125 pieces per pack. 8 packs per case.
Genpak 6” Celebrity Foam Plates, White, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 21.01 14.71 27.57 GNP80600.JPG foam plates, disposable plates, disposable foam plates, 6 inch foam plates, GNP 80600, GNP80600, restaurant supplies, foam plates, 6" foam plates, white 6" foam plates 1 1 0 0 1 173
1602 Lagasse Celebrity 7" Foam Plate, 1,000 Plates (GNP80700) 1602 GNP 80700 7.70 80700 7" Foam Plate
An economical choice for commissary, food court and general food applications. Cut resistant, nonabsorbent. White. 125 pieces per pack. 8 packs per case.
Genpak Celebrity 7" Foam Plate, White, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Genpak 41.44 29.01 56.36 GNP81000.JPG celebrity foam dinnerware, 7in plate, 7" plate, foam plates, 7" foam plates, GNP 80700, GNP80700, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
1603 Lagasse Celebrity 8-7/8" Foam Plates, 500 Plates (GNP80900) 1603 GNP 80900 7.70 80900 8-7/8" Foam Plates
Providing superior strength and durability to stand up to whatever is dished out, these plates are the perfect addition to any food environment. Made out of a strong and reliable foam, these are an economical choice for commissary, food court and general food applications. Cut resistant and nonabsorbent. White. 125 pieces per pack. 4 packs per case.
Genpak Celebrity 8-7/8" 3 Section Foam Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 19.93 13.95 25.98 GNP80900.JPG celebrity foam dinnerware plates, 8-7/8in Plate GNP 80900, GNP80900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
1604 Lagasse Celebrity 10-1/4" Foam Plate, 500 Plates (GNP81000) 1604 GNP 81000 10.00 81000 10-1/4" Foam Plate
An economical choice for commissary, food court and general food applications. Cut resistant, nonabsorbent. White. 125 pieces per pack. 4 packs per case.
Genpak Celebrity 10-1/4" Foam Plate, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 per Case - The wholesale restaurant company buyers trust.
Genpak 38.17 26.72 51.06 GNP81000.JPG celebrity foam dinnerware, 10-1/4in plate, foam plates, dinner plates GNP 81000, GNP81000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
1605 Lagasse Cello-Wrapped Wooden Toothpicks, Plain (RPPRIW15) 1605 RPP RIW15 7.40 RIW15 Royal Toothpicks:
Cello-Wrapped Wooden Toothpicks
Royal produces some of the best toothpicks on the market today. They are sturdy, durable and made from quality wood so you know you are getting a product you can trust and rely on. Royal has been a supplier of ours for years and we know that they have the customer in mind everytime they produce a new toothpick
These particual toothpicks are assorted in color and have a cellophane frill. 1,000 toothpicks come in a box and 15 boxes come per case. For all of you math majors, thats 15,000 total toothpicks per box.
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Toothpicks »
Royal Paper Products 36.04 25.23 48.32 RPPRIW15.JPG Cello-Wrapped Wooden Toothpicks, Plain RPP RIW15, RPPRIW15, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 140
1606 Lagasse Cello-Wrapped Wooden Toothpicks, Mint Flavored (RPPRM115) 1606 RPP RM115 7.00 RM115 Royal Toothpicks: Cello-Wrapped Wooden Toothpicks
Royal produces some of the best toothpicks on the market today. They are sturdy, durable and made from quality wood so you know you are getting a product you can trust and rely on. Royal has been a supplier of ours for years and we know that they have the customer in mind everytime they produce a new toothpick
1,000 toothpicks come in a box and 15 boxes come per case. For all of you math majors, thats 15,000 total toothpicks per box.
Royal Paper Products 35.06 24.54 47.64 RPPRM115.JPG Cello-Wrapped Wooden Toothpicks, Mint Flavored RPP RM115, RPPRM115, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 140
1610 Lagasse Centerpiece 6" Laminated Foam Plates, 1,000 Plates (SCCRS6BPYW) 1610 SCC RS6BPYW 9.50 RS6BPY-0007 6" Laminated Foam Plates
Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending, these plates are the perfect addition to any food service industry. White. These foam plates come 8 packs to a case. Ideal for hot or cold entrees. Deep profile for superior strength. Cut resistant, nonabsorbent. White. 125 pieces per pack.
Solo Centerpiece 6" Foam Plates, White, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 51.97 36.38 67.93 SCCRS6BPYW.JPG 6" foam plate, foam plates, foam dinnerware, 6in plate, SCC RS6BPYW, SCCRS6BPYW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
1611 Lagasse Centerpiece 9" 3-Compartment Foam Plates, 500 Plates (SCCRS9CYW) 1611 SCC RS9CYW 12.00 RS9CY-0007 9" 3-Compartment Foam Plates
Mediumweight. Topped with a single layer of laminate for cut-resistance and insulation. Center Piece Foam Dinnerware is an excellent everyday choice for strength. Ideal for any office kitchen or cafeteria. White. 500 plates per case.
Solo 9" Centerpiece Foam 3-Compartment Plate, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 52.04 36.43 68.49 SCCRS9CYW.JPG 3 compartment plate, foam plates, laminated foam dinnerware, 9 inch plates, SCC RS9CYW, SCCRS9CYW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
1613 Lagasse Windsoft Center-Pull Hand Towels, 6 Rolls (WIN1420) 1613 WIN 1420 21.50 WIN1420 Center-Pull Hand Towels
These Windsoft brand Center-Pull towels are an excellent alternative to folded towels for hand drying. These towels provide one-at-a-time dispensing, helping to reduce the chances of cross-contamination. Center-pull towels eliminate wasted paper, saving you money on paper towels and maintenance time. These two-ply hand towels are softer and more absorbent than other economy brand center-pull towels. Windsoft Center-Pull towels are eco-friendly as well. These hand towels are 100% recycled, 60% post-consumer, meeting EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines for recycled content. Each sheet measures 7-7/8" x 13-1/2". These center pull hand towels from Windsoft are ideal for all commercial facilities with high volume restrooms, workshops and laboratories.
Windsoft Center-Pull Hand Towels, 2-Ply, 7-7/8" x 13-1/2" Sheet Size, 660-ft. per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 59.68 34.90 78.43 WIN1420.JPG paper product, paper products, hand towel, hand towels, paper towel, paper towels, center-pull hand towel, WIN 1420, WIN1420 1 1 0 0 1 116
1614 Lagasse Boardwalk Center-Pull Paper Hand Towels, 6 Rolls (BWK 6400) 1614 BWK 6400 16.20 6400 Center-Pull Hand Towels
These Center-Pull Hand Towels manufactured by Boardwalk are the perfect choice for your workplace. Absorbent, economical and eco-friendly, these two-ply white hand towels contain 55% post-consumer recycled content, 10% mil broke and 35% pre-consumer waste fiber, meeting EPA guidelines. Boardwalk two-ply perforated hand towels are strong and sturdy enough for use in any office, work shop or garage. Each roll contains six hundred 7 7/8” x 10" sheets with 6 rolls per case. Experience two-ply absorbency at a reasonable price. Stock up on Boardwalk Center-Pull Hand Towels today!
Boardwalk Center Pull Hand Towels, 600 Sheets per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 26.54 18.82 35.86 BWK6400.JPG center pull towels, center pull paper towel, center pull hand towels, center pull paper hand towels, paper product, paper products, hand towel, hand towels, paper towel, paper towels, BWK 6400, BWK6400 1 1 0 0 1 123
1615 Lagasse Windsoft C-Fold Paper Hand Towels, 2,400 Towels (WIN 101) 1615 WIN 101 14.60 88700 C-Fold Paper Towels
These Paper Towels are a high quality, absorbent product from Windsoft Paper Products. Windsoft C-fold towels are fast drying and an excellent alternative to more expensive brand paper towels without losing the quality you need. These folded towels are thicker and more absorbent than other brands so you use less. The one-ply bleached white hand towels are EPA compliant for recycled content in paper towels. The lower cost per towel makes these hand towels the perfect choice for high traffic restrooms in office buildings, schools, nursing homes, daycare centers, workshops and more. Offer your customer s and employees a quality paper towel and stock up on Windsoft C-Fold Towels today!
Windsoft C-Fold Paper Towels, 1-Ply, White, 200 Towels per Pack, 12 Packs, 2,400 Towels per Case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Windsoft 36.29 20.28 48.88 WIN101.JPG windsoft c fold towels, windsoft c fold hand towels, windsoft c fold paper towels, windsoft c fold paper hand towels, wholesale c fold paper towels, discount c fold paper towels, buy windsoft c fold towels, c-fold towel, c-fold hand towels, WIN 101, WIN101 1 1 0 0 1 116
1616 Lagasse Boardwalk C-Fold Paper Hand Towels, 2,400 Towels (BWK6220) 1616 BWK 6220 15.30 6220 C-Fold Hand Towels
These quality hand towels manufactured by Boardwalk use recycled contents, making it both absorbent and durable. With 65 % post - consumer recycled contents, and 35 % pre - consumer waste fiber ensure a great economical and eco-friendly hand towel. These C-Fold towels are great for any office restroom or facility restroom. Meets EPA guidelines. White C-Fold Hand Towels, towel size: 10" x 10.25". Find our full selection of paper towels and janitorial products right here at to get the most savings at the best wholesale prices.
Boardwalk C-Fold Paper Towels, 200 Towels per Pack, 12 Packs, 2,400 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 18.64 12.94 25.35 BWK6220.JPG boardwalk c-fold paper towels, c-fold paper towels, boardwalk c-fold hand towels, c-fold hand towels, c-fold towels, c-fold towel, BWK 6220, BWK6220, paper towels, paper hand towels, boardwalk towels 1 1 0 0 1 123
1621 Lagasse Chinet Premium Strength 12-oz. Paper Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (HUHVITAL) 1621 HUH VITAL 23.50 21230 12-oz. Paper Bowls
Sturdy and classic, these 12-oz. bowls are the foremost disposable dinnerware available. Coming from a trusted named like Huhtamaki, these premium bowls offer a quality construction for rigidity. Smart, affordable and stylish, these disposable dinnerware bowls offer soak-through protection in any environment. White. 1,000 bowls per case.
Huhtamaki Chinet Classic Premium Strength 12-oz. Paper Bowls, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 103.00 72.10 135.64 HUHVITAL.JPG paper bowls, 12oz paper bowl, 12 oz bowl, heavyweight paper bowls, HUH VITAL, HUHVITAL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
1622 Lagasse Chinet Classic Premium Strength Paper Platters, 500 Platters (HUHVESPER) 1622 HUH VESPER 39.60 21257 Chinet Classic 9-3/4" x 12-1/2" Paper Platters
Perfect for any gathering, the superior strength of Chinet dinner platters can handle those heaping helpings that go along with festive celebrations. These Chinet paper platters are oval, cut resistant, microwaveable, and made with reclaimed fiber. White. 500 platters per case.
Huhtamaki Chinet Classic Paper Platters, 9-3/4" X 12-1/2", 4 Packs of 125 Platters, 500 Paper Platters per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 166.93 116.85 228.32 HUHVESPER.JPG chinet dinner platter, oval platter, paper platter, 9-3/4in x 12-1/2in platter, HUH VESPER, HUHVESPER, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
1623 Lagasse Chinet Classic 9" Premium Strength Paper Plates, 500 Plates (HUHVESSEL) 1623 HUH VESSEL 21.70 21203 9" Premium Strength Paper Plates
Chinet Classic Enhancers Paper Plate. These Green Cleaning Products are cut resistant and made with reclaimed fiber. Microwaveable. White. Be sure to purchase all of your favorite cleaning and janitorial supplies and Green Cleaning Supplies right here at the website.
Huhtamaki Chinet Classic 9" Premium Strength Paper Plates, White, 2 Packs of 250 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Huhtamaki 90.10 63.07 117.46 HUHVESSEL.JPG Chinet Classic White Premium Strength Paper Dinnerware Plates, 9in Diameter, Shallow HUH VESSEL, HUHVESSEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
1624 Lagasse Chinet 10" Three Compartment Paper Plates, 500 Plates (HUHVESTRY) 1624 HUH VESTRY 26.70 21204 10-1/4" Three Compartment Paper Plates
This original Chinet classic white plate has been trusted for generations. Its strong, durable and leak-resistant construction can be trusted for even the heaviest, messiest dishes. Its elegant, classy and timeless appearance fits in everywhere from an upscale buffet to a picnic in the park. Made from 100% recycled materials. These green restaurant products are cut resistant and made with reclaimed fiber. Microwaveable. White.
Huhtamaki Chinet 10-1/4" Classic Paper Plates, 3 Compartment, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 112.70 78.89 152.90 HUHVESTRY.JPG chinet classic white premium strength paper plates, dinnerware plates, three compartment plates, paper plates, HUH VESTRY, HUHVESTRY 1 1 0 0 1 131
1625 Lagasse Chinet 9-1/4" Three Compartment Paper Plates, 500 Plates (HUHVISTA) 1625 HUH VISTA 23.30 21228 9-1/4" Three Compartment Paper Plates
Constructed out of highly durable material for superior strength and durability to stand up to whatever you dish out. These high quality paper plates from Chinet are disposable dinnerware that can be relied on. These durable paper plates are a large 9-1/4" inches in diameter and, even though they are lightweight, can be used for heavy meals since they are durable and microwaveable. Fully reinforced for an increased amount of strength, this line of high quality paper disposable plates even come with a beautiful decorative trim for added effect. These 3 compartment paper plates are cut resistant and made with reclaimed fiber. Microwaveable. White.
Huhtamaki Chinet 9-1/4" Three Compartment Plates, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 93.20 65.24 125.63 HUHVISTA.JPG 9-1/4" paper plates, 3 compartment paper plates, three compartment paper plates, 9-1/4" compartment paper plates, 9-1/4 inch diameter paper plates, classicware dinnerware, WNA CW6180W, WNACW6180W, HUHVISTA janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
1626 Lagasse Chinet 6" Paper Dinnerware Plates, 1,000 Plates (HUHVACATE) 1626 HUH VACATE 16.50 21225 Chinet 6" White Paper Dinnerware Plates
Chinet Classic Enhancers Paper Plates are cut resistant and made with reclaimed fiber. These white paper plates are recyclable and biodegradable, so they are good for the environment and perfect for use with any meal—breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack. Measuring in at 6 inches in diameter, they are lightweight, durable and microwaveable. These paper plates are affordable enough to be used every day! If you are looking for an environmentally responsible paper plate to keep your dish washing chores to a minimum, Chinet is the brand for you. Microwaveable. White. Chinet, 6" paper dinnerware plates. 1,000 plates per case.
Huhtamaki Chinet White 6" Paper Dinnerware Plates, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates Per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 82.27 57.59 110.65 HUHVACATE.JPG chinet paper dinnerware plates, 6" paper plates, chinet dinnerware plates, plates, chinet plates, paper plates, dinnerware plates, HUH VACATE, HUHVACATE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
1627 Lagasse Chinet Premium Strength 9-3/4" Paper Plates, 500 Plates (HUHVAPOR) 1627 HUH VAPOR 25.00 21232 9-3/4" Premium Strength Paper Plates
Chinet Classic White Premium Strength Paper Dinnerware Plates. Cut, oil and water resistant. Made with reclaimed fiber. Microwaveable. White Plates.
Huhtamaki Chinet Classic Premium Strength 9-3/4" Paper Plates, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 105.20 73.64 143.82 HUHVAPOR.JPG chinet paper plates, paper plates, 9 inch plates, HUH VAPOR, HUHVAPOR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
1628 Lagasse Chinet Classic Premium Strength 6-3/4" Paper Plates, 1,000 Plates (HUHVENEER) 1628 HUH VENEER 22.10 21226 6-3/4" Premium Strength Paper Plates
Chinet Classic White™ Premium Strength Paper Dinnerware Plates. These Green Cleaning Products are Cut, oil and water resistant. Made with reclaimed fiber. Microwaveable. White Plates.
Huhtamaki Chinet Classic Premium Strength 6-3/4" Paper Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 114.39 80.07 148.97 HUHVENEER.JPG Chinet Classic White Premium Strength Paper Dinnerware Plates, 6-3/4in Diameter, Standard HUH VENEER, HUHVENEER, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
1629 Lagasse Chinet Premium Strength 10-1/2" Paper Plates, 500 Plates (HUHVENTURE) 1629 HUH VENTURE 29.70 21217 10-1/2" Premium Strength Paper Plates
Chinet Classic Premium Strength Paper Plates. These sturdy plates are cut resistant and made with reclaimed fiber. Microwaveable. White. 500 plates per case.
Huhtamaki Chinet Classic 10-1/2" Paper Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 113.96 79.77 150.08 HUHVENTURE.JPG chinet dinnerware, heavyweight paper plates, 10 inch paper plates, paper plates, HUH VENTURE, HUHVENTURE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
1630 Lagasse Chinet White Premium Strength 8-3/4" Paper Plates, 500 Plates (HUHVERDICT) 1630 HUH VERDICT 19.90 21227 Chinet 8-3/4" Premium Strength Paper Plates
Chinet Classic Enhancers Paper Plates are cut resistant and made with reclaimed fiber. These white paper plates are recyclable, so they are good for the environment and perfect for food service environments, as well as the home or office. Measuring in at 8-3/4 inches in diameter, and even though they are lightweight, these quality plates are both durable and microwaveable. Known for being affordable enough to be used every day. If you are looking for an environmentally responsible paper plate to keep your dish washing chores to a minimum, Chinet is the brand for you. Microwaveable. White. Chinet, 8-3/4" paper dinnerware plates. 1,000 plates per case.
Huhtamaki Chinet White Premium Strength 8-3/4" Paper Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 85.16 59.61 111.69 HUHVERDICT.JPG paper plates, plates, chinet plates, disposable plates, chinet classic plates, HUH VERDICT, HUHVERDICT, 1 1 0 0 1 131
1631 Lagasse Chinet 8-3/4" Premium Strength Paper Plates, 500 Plates (HUHPOLKA) 1631 HUH POLKA 19.90 22602 8-3/4" Paper Plates
Chinet Value Enhancers paper plates. Premium strength. Easy to carry, sturdy and rigid. Resistant to oil and water. Festival rim design. 8-3/4" diameter. 125 plates per pack; 4 packs per case (500 plates).
Huhtamaki Chinet 8-3/4" Paper Plates, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 91.87 64.31 122.20 HUHPOLKA.JPG chinet paper plates, chinet premium strength paper plate, 8-3/4" paper plates, HUH POLKA, HUHPOLKA, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
1632 Lagasse Chinet Premium Strength 10-1/2" Paper Plate, 500 Plates (HUHPORCH) 1632 HUH PORCH 29.70 22605 Chinet 10-1/2" Paper Plates
Molded fiber dinnerware is cut resistant and provides sturdy performance. Superior strength you can rely on. Made with 100% recycled paper fiber and 100% total recovered content. White with a festival print design. This dinnerware is also microwaveable. Includes 4 packs of 125 plates. 500 plates per case.
Huhtamaki Chinet 10-1/2" Premium Strength Paper Plate, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 per Case Huhtamaki 116.04 81.23 152.99 HUHPORCH.JPG 10 inch paper plates, chinet plates, paper plates, molded fiber plates, premium strength plates, HUH PORCH, HUHPORCH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
1633 Lagasse Chinet 9-1/4" Premium Strength Paper Platter, 500 Platters (HUHPOTENT) 1633 HUH POTENT 39.60 22618
9.5" Paper Platters
Chinet Premium Strength Paper Platters. Their premium strength makes them easy to carry, sturdy and rigid. Resistant to oil and water. Classic White with Festival design rim. Oval, 9-3/4" x 12-1/2". 125 platters per pack; 4 packs per case (500 platters).
Chinet Premium Strength 9.5" Paper Platters, Festival design, 4 Packs of 125 Platters, 500 Platters per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 161.43 113.00 220.02 HUHPOTENT.JPG paper platters, chinet premium strength paper platter HUH POTENT, HUHPOTENT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
1634 Lagasse Chix 13" x 24" Blue/Blue Food Service Towels, With Microban (CHI8251) 1634 CHI 8251 5.70 8251 Medium-duty towels are ideal for general use. Absorbent, nonwoven fabric is low-linting and durable. Can be washed, rinsed and reused. Color-coded to avoid cross-contamination. 150 towels per case.
Medium-duty Food Service Towels, 13"x 24" Blue / Blue, 150 per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Food Service Towels Chicopee 69.94 52.90 95.25 CHI8251.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Chix Blue/Blue Foodservice Towels, With Microban, CHI 8251, CHI8251 1 1 0 0 1 19
1636 Lagasse Chix 11.5"x 24" Wet Wipes, Food Service Towels (CHI8311) 1636 CHI 8311 4.20 8311 Nonwoven, rayon-based fabric absorbs water-based liquids. Can be rinsed and reused. 200 towels per dispenser case.
Pink Rayon Wet Wipes, Food Service Towels, 200 per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Food Service Towels Chicopee 38.77 29.57 50.80 CHI8311.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Chix Wet Wipes, CHI 8311, CHI8311 1 1 0 0 1 19
1637 Lagasse Chicopee Chix Wipes, Pink, 200 Wipes (CHI8507) 1637 CHI 8507 3.70 8507 Food Service Towels
These wipes from Chicopee are the ideal economical alternative to paper towels. Absorbent enough to soak up liquids, yet light enough to dry quickly, these handy wipes can be rinsed and reused for up to 2 days. Chix food service towels are made with a non-woven, low-lint material so they can be used on a multitude of surfaces. Ideal for light-duty cleaning, the rayon based fabric easily soaks up water-based liquids. Perfect for use in the food service industry, Chicopee has made these towels available in various colors so that they can be color coded to help prevent cross-contamination. Each pack of 200 pink diamond pattern towels comes in an easy-to-use dispensing box for quick access. Save money and stock up on these reusable Chix wipes from Chicopee today!
Pink Rayon Reusable Towels, 13.5" x 24", 200 Wipes per Dispensing Box - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Chicopee 22.27 16.98 30.25 CHI8507.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Chix Wet Wipes, CHI 8507, CHI8507 1 1 0 0 1 19
1638 Lagasse Chix 13" x 21" White/Red Food Service Towels, With Microban (CHI8252) 1638 CHI 8252 4.90 8252 Medium-duty towels are ideal for general use. Absorbent, nonwoven fabric is low-linting and durable. Can be washed, rinsed and reused. Color-coded to avoid cross-contamination. 150 towels per case.
Medium-duty Food Service Towels, 13" x 21" Red - White, 150 per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Food Service Towels Chicopee 39.53 30.15 52.64 CHI8252.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Chix White/Red Foodservice Towels, With Microban, 13 x 21 Towels CHI 8252, CHI8252 1 1 0 0 1 19
1639 Lagasse Chix 13" x 21" White/Red Food Service Towels (CHI8242) 1639 CHI 8242 4.50 8242 Medium-duty towels are ideal for general use. Absorbent, nonwoven fabric is low-linting and durable. Can be washed, rinsed and reused. Color-coded to avoid cross-contamination. 150 towels per case.
Medium-duty Food Service Towels, 13" x 21" Red - White, 150 per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Food Service Towels Chicopee 58.49 38.50 79.39 CHI8242.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Chix White/Red Foodservice Towels, 13 x 21 Towels CHI 8242, CHI8242 1 1 0 0 1 19
1640 Lagasse Chix 13" x 24" White/Red Food Service Towels, With Microban (CHI8250) 1640 CHI 8250 5.70 8250 Medium-duty towels are ideal for general use. Absorbent, nonwoven fabric is low-linting and durable. Can be washed, rinsed and reused. Color-coded to avoid cross-contamination. 150 towels per case.
Medium-duty Food Service Towels, 13"x 24" Red/White, 150 per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Food Service Towels Chicopee 62.26 47.48 81.25 CHI8250.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Chix White/Red Foodservice Towels, With Microban, CHI 8250, CHI8250 1 1 0 0 1 19
1641 Lagasse Chlorine Powder Bleach, 100 Boxes (DRK2979646) 1641 DRK 2979646 15.60 2979646 2-oz. Chlorine Powder Bleach Vending Size Boxes
Removes stains and brightens whites. Single-use box. Safe for coin operated laundry machines and all laundry items. Great for homes, apartment buildings, public laundry mats, college dorms, nursing homes, hospitals, vending machines and industrial environments.
Johnson Diversey Chlorine Powder Bleach, Coin-Op Vending Size, 2-oz. Box, 100 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 49.48 28.09 64.52 DRK2979646.JPG Chlorine Powder Bleach, 100 Boxes per Case, 2-oz. Box DRK 2979646, DRK2979646, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
1642 Lagasse Hospeco Chloroscent Urinal Screen, Light Bleach, 12 Screens (HOS01664) 1642 HOS 01664 3.40 01664 Chloroscent Urinal Screen
Screen prevents debris from being flushed. Bleach block naturally dispenses bleach in the water with every flush, leaving base and throat of urinal clean and odor-free. Lasts up to 60 days - twice as long as para or non-para blocks. Acceptable for use with acid bowl cleaners. Chloroscent can be used in any type of urinal. DOT Classification: non-hazardous. CAUTION: Do not use with concentrated Ammonia.
Hospeco Chloroscent Urinal Screens & Block, Light Bleach Scent, 12 Screens per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 43.92 33.50 58.86 HOS01664.JPG non-para deodorants, chloroscent urinal screen, urinal screens, HOS 01664, HOS01664, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
1643 Lagasse Chux Light-Duty All Purpose Wipes (CHI9070) 1643 CHI 9070 16.50 9070 An economical choice for general purpose wiping. Low-linting, durable wipers are reinforced with tear-resistant scrim; ideal for light-duty tasks. Absorbent four-ply scrim towel soaks up liquids quickly. Wipe-Dry feature for streak-free wiping. White. 9.5 x 16.5. 150 towels per pop-up box; 6 boxes per case.
All Purpose Light Duty Wipers, 150 towels per pop-up box; 6 boxes per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Chicopee 57.29 43.60 77.81 CHI9070.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Chux Light-Duty General Purpose Towels CHI 9070, CHI9070 1 1 0 0 1 19
1644 Lagasse Clamp Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Hardwood Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle (RCPH216) 1644 RCP H216 1.30 H21600 0000 Locked-in antimicrobial agent protects against bacterial growth Plastic jaws firmly grip mop head. Allows quick mop changes. Ideal for 5in wide headband mops.
Clamp Wet Mop Handle 60" Hardwood, Yellow
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.97 8.37 15.00 RCPH216.JPG Clamp Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Hardwood Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle RCP H216, RCPH216, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1645 Lagasse Clamp Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Aluminum Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle (RCPH226) 1645 RCP H226 1.20 H22600 0000 • Locked-in antimicrobial agent protects against bacterial growth Plastic jaws firmly grip mop head. Allows quick mop changes. Ideal for 5in wide headband mops.
CLAMP WET MOP HNDL 60 IN ALUMYEL/GRA 12 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 14.73 11.23 19.60 RCPH226.JPG Clamp Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Aluminum Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle RCP H226, RCPH226, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1646 Lagasse Clamp Antimicrobial Handles, 54in Vinyl-Covered Aluminum Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle (RCPH235) 1646 RCP H235 1.40 H23500 0000 Locked-in antimicrobial agent protects against bacterial growth Plastic jaws firmly grip mop head. Allows quick mop changes. Ideal for 5in wide headband mops.
Clamp Wet Mop Handle, 54" Vinyl Covered Aluminum Handle, Yellow Rubbermaid Commercial Products 14.82 11.30 19.77 RCPH235.JPG Clamp Antimicrobial Handles, 54in Vinyl-Covered Aluminum Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle RCP H235, RCPH235, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1647 Lagasse Clamp Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Vinyl-Covered Aluminum Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle (RCPH236) 1647 RCP H236 1.80 H23600 0000 Locked-in antimicrobial agent protects against bacterial growth Plastic jaws firmly grip mop head. Allows quick mop changes. Ideal for 5in wide headband mops.
Clamp Wet Mop Handle 60 inch, Vinyl Covered Aluminum Hanlde, Yellow
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.21 11.60 20.68 RCPH236.JPG Clamp Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Vinyl-Covered Aluminum Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle RCP H236, RCPH236, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1648 Lagasse Clamp Antimicrobial Handles, 60 inch Fiberglass Handle (RCPH246GRA) 1648 RCP H246 GRA 1.42 H24600 GY00 Rubbermaid Clamp Wet Mop 60 inch Fiberglass Handle
Locked-in antimicrobial agent protects against bacterial growth Plastic jaws firmly grip mop head. Allows quick mop changes. Ideal for 5 inch wide headband mops. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clamp Wet Mop Handle, 60" Fiberglass, Gray
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 16.26 12.40 22.02 RCPH246GRA.JPG Clamp Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Fiberglass Handle RCP H246 GRA, RCPH246GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1649 Lagasse San Jamar Classic Center-Pull Paper Towel Dispenser (SANT400TBK) 1649 SAN T400TBK 4.40 T400TBK Center Pull Paper Hand Towel Dispenser
Offering hygienic single-sheet dispensing, the San Jamar Center-Pull Towel Classic Dispenser provides easy to load accessibility. Offering the ability to hold a 9 inch diameter roll of 9-1/2 inch wide center pull towels, this plastic center pull paper hand towel dispenser displays a transparent black pearl cover and white back. Coming in dimension of 9-1/8" wide x 9-1/2" deep x 11-5/8" high, the San Jamar Center-Pull Towel Classic Dispenser is the clear cut choice when searching for a center pull paper towel dispenser.
San Jamar Center-Pull Towel Classic Transparent Black Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 34.73 26.49 46.61 SANT400TBK.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, Classic Center-Pull Paper Towel Dispenser SAN T400TBK, SANT400TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
1650 Lagasse Classic Series™ Surface-Mounted Soap Dispenser (BOB2112) 1650 BOB 2112 2.06 B-2112 Classic Series Surface-Mounted Soap Dispenser
The Classic Series Surface Mounted Soap Dispenser by Bobrick is stainless steel with a satin finish. The dispenser valve is corrosion resistant and effectively dispenses soap, lotion or detergent. It holds up to 40 oz., has an unbreakable refill window and hinged filler top with key lock to prevent vandalism. Perfect for any office, commercial or industrial setting.
Sold by each, 8-1/8w x 3-1/2d x 4-3/4h. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Bobrick 46.76 27.74 63.04 BOB2112.JPG Classic Series Surface-Mounted Soap Dispenser BOB 2112, BOB2112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 13
1657 Lagasse Clean-Rest™ Scrapers, 9-1/2in Long (RCP1901WHI) 1657 RCP 1901 WHI 0.08 190100 0000 Clean-rest feature keeps blades off counter tops. Flat blade molded onto handle for a permanent bond. Seamless construction prevents dirt or bacteria buildup. Commercial dishwasher safe. White.
SCRAPER 9.5 IN LONG WHI 36/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 1.70 1.30 2.25 RCP1901WHI.JPG Clean-Rest Scrapers, 9-1/2in Long RCP 1901 WHI, RCP1901WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1658 Lagasse Clean-Rest™ Scrapers, 13-1/2in Long (RCP1905WHI) 1658 RCP 1905 WHI 0.18 190500 0000 Clean-rest feature keeps blades off counter tops. Flat blade molded onto handle for a permanent bond. Seamless construction prevents dirt or bacteria buildup. Commercial dishwasher safe. White.
SCRAPER 13.5 IN LONG WHI 36/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3.02 2.30 3.98 RCP1905WHI.JPG Clean-Rest Scrapers, 13-1/2in Long RCP 1905 WHI, RCP1905WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1659 Lagasse Clean-Rest™ Scrapers, 16-1/2in Long (RCP1906WHI) 1659 RCP 1906 WHI 0.22 190600 0000 Clean-rest feature keeps blades off counter tops. Flat blade molded onto handle for a permanent bond. Seamless construction prevents dirt or bacteria buildup. Commercial dishwasher safe. White.
SCRAPER 16.5 IN LONG WHI 36/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3.93 3.00 5.21 RCP1906WHI.JPG Clean-Rest Scrapers, 16-1/2in Long RCP 1906 WHI, RCP1906WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1660 Lagasse Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (CLO35420) 1660 CLO 35420 38.00 35420 Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach
Wholesale Clorox Clean Up with Bleach is a specialty cleaning product that disinfects and deodorizes hard, nonporous surfaces in hospitals, nursing homes, day cares, elementary schools, retirement homes, kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms and institutional settings. Unlike other cleaning products it removes tough stains such as blood, grass, tomato sauce and greasy dirt. Clorox Clean-Up is effective in 30 seconds against pseudomonas, salmonella, staph, rhinovirus, hepatitis A and influenza A2/Hong Kong virus. EPA Registered. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Manufactured by Clorox Professional Cleaning Products.
Readily Available to Ship Fast! Stock Up & Save!
Clorox Clean-up Cleaner with Bleach, 128-oz. Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products »
Clorox Professional 34.80 26.54 45.42 CLO35420.JPG clorox clean-Up cleaner with bleach, CLO 35420, CLO35420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
1661 Lagasse Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach, 9 - 32-oz. Spray Bottles (CLO35417) 1661 CLO 35417 22.70 35417 Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach
Wholesale Clorox Clean Up with Bleach is a specialty cleaning product that disinfects and deodorizes hard, nonporous surfaces in hospitals, nursing homes, day cares, homes, schools, retirement homes and institutional settings. Unlike other cleaning products it removes tough stains such as blood, tomato sauce, grass stains and greasy dirt. Clorox Clean-Up is effective in 30 seconds against pseudomonas, salmonella, staph, rhinovirus, hepatitis A and influenza A2/Hong Kong virus. EPA Registered. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Manufactured by Clorox Professional Cleaning Products.
Readily Available to Ship Fast!
On Sale Today at Discount Prices - Stock Up & Save!
Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach, Trigger Spray Bottles, 32-oz. Bottle, 9 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products »
Clorox Professional 35.00 26.69 46.41 CLO35417.JPG clorox clean-up, clorox clean-up cleaner with bleach, CLO 35417, CLO35417, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
1663 Lagasse Boardwalk 20-oz. Clear PET Cups, 500 Cups (BWK20CC) 1663 BWK 20CC 24.40 P-20C-LAG 20oz Clear PET Cold Cup
These great cups from Boardwalk are produced from widely accepted type 1 PET resin. They are lightweight and recyclable. These Boardwalk clear plastic cups are made from sturdy polystyrene so you don't have to worry about any of your cups breaking or leaking. These crystal clear cups provide a stylish yet economical option for your beverage service. 500 cups per case.
Boardwalk 20oz PET Cold Cups, Clear, 10 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 100.15 76.38 132.18 BWK20CC.JPG Clear Plastic Cups, 20-oz. Cup BWK 20CC, BWK20CC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
1666 Lagasse SanJamar Clear Plexiglas Single-Box Disposable Glove Dispenser (SANG0803) 1666 SAN G0803 0.70 G0803 Spring-loaded dispenser “hugs” glove box for the best fit. Keyholes for easy wall mounting High-grade, flexible Plexiglas lets you view contents. 5-1/2w x 3-3/4d x 10h.
SanJamar Glove Dispenser 5.5x10x3.75, Plexiglass Clear, Each
San Jamar Dispenser 35.57 27.13 48.21 SANG0803.JPG Clear Plexiglas Single-Box Glove Dispenser, SAN G0803, SANG0803, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
1667 Lagasse Clear Plexiglas® Three-Box Glove Dispenser (SANG0805) 1667 SAN G0805 0.80 G0805 • Spring-loaded dispenser “hugs” glove box for the best fit • Keyholes for easy wall mounting High-grade, flexible Plexiglas® lets you view contents. 16-1/2w x 3-3/4d x 10h.
3-BX GLOVE DSP 18X3.75X10 PLXGLS CLE San Jamar Dispenser 49.56 37.80 64.54 SANG0805.JPG Clear Plexiglas Three-Box Glove Dispenser SAN G0805, SANG0805, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
1670 Lagasse CLEAR REFLECTIONS® Mirror & Glass Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can (DYM38520) 1670 DYM 38520 18.00 38520 CLEAR REFLECTIONS® Mirror & Glass Cleaner
20 oz. Aerosol Cans. Unique patented formulation removes spots, film, grease, oil, fingerprints, smudges and soils from glass, windows and mirrors, and leaves surfaces residue- and streak-free. Dries crystal clear, even when oversprayed. Also cleans aluminum, chrome and stainless steel.
Manufactured by Dymon
CLEAR REFLECTIONS MIRROR & GLASS CLNR ARSL 12/20 OZ Itw Dymon 37.55 28.64 48.82 DYM38520.JPG CLEAR REFLECTIONS Mirror & Glass Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can DYM 38520, DYM38520, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 60
1671 Lagasse Impact ClearVu Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser (IMP9330) 1671 IMP 9330 0.87 9330 Liquid Soap Dispenser
This unique liquid soap dispenser from Impact Products features a water-resistant top and a smooth, curved design that prevents bacteria growth, making this the ideal dispenser for use in showers. The ClearVu Plastic Soap Dispenser is made to accommodate a wide variety of liquid and lotion soaps, including antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiseptic soaps, but excluding pumice. The large push bar meets ADA requirements and dispenses approximately 1 cc per stroke. The see through 30-oz. tank on this appropriately named ClearVu Soap dispenser allows the user to see when a refill is necessary. Constructed with a hidden, removable back plate to provide a seamless look after installation, this soap dispenser measures 5 ½” x 4 ¼” x 8 ½”, fitting easily into any spot in your restroom. Buy today andsave!
Impact ClearVu Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, 30-oz. Capacity, White Plastic, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Impact 12.30 9.27 16.78 IMP9330.JPG soap dispenser, hand soap dispenser, shower soap dispenser, IMP 9330, IMP9330, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
1672 Lagasse 46-oz ClearVu Foam-eeze Bulk Foam Soap Dispenser, Gray (IMP9345) 1672 IMP 9345 1.35 9345 Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Large-capacity reservoir provides 10-30% more soap than ordinary captive soap systems for less refilling. Accepts most bulk foaming hand soap. 1360-ml capacity. Transparent reservoir tank for soap level visibility. Long-lasting foam pump mechanism. Hidden security lock helps prevent vandalism. Dispenser can be easily removed from mounted backplate for cleaning. ADA compliant when mounted properly. ABS/SAN plastic construction. Mounting tape included. 5-1/2" wide x 4-1/2" deep x 8-1/2" high.
ClearVu Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 46-oz. Capacity, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Impact 25.61 19.53 33.89 IMP9345.JPG hand soap dispenser, foaming hand soap dispenser,clearvu foam-eeze bulk foam soap dispenser, gray IMP 9345, IMP9345 1 1 0 0 1 59
1673 Lagasse 46-oz. ClearVu Foam-eeze Bulk Foam Soap Dispenser, White (IMP9344) 1673 IMP 9344 1.35 9344 Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Large-capacity reservoir provides 10-30% more soap than ordinary captive soap systems for less refilling. Accepts most bulk foaming hand soap. 1360-ml capacity. Transparent reservoir tank for soap level visibility. Long-lasting foam pump mechanism. Hidden security lock helps prevent vandalism. Dispenser can be easily removed from mounted backplate for cleaning. ADA compliant when mounted properly. ABS/SAN plastic construction. Mounting tape included. 5-1/2" wide x 4-1/2" deep x 8-1/2" high.
ClearVu Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 46-oz. Capacity, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Impact 27.10 20.67 36.37 IMP9344.JPG hand soap dispenser, foaming hand soap dispenser, bulk foaming hand soap dispenser, clearvu foam-eeze bulk foam soap dispenser, white IMP 9344, IMP9344 1 1 0 0 1 59
1674 Lagasse ClearVu Plastic Soap Dispenser, White (IMP9346) 1674 IMP 9346 1.00 9346 Plastic Soap Dispenser
Impact's ClearVu Plastic Soap Dispenser features a large-capacity reservoir (1360 ml) that provides 10-30% more soap than ordinary captive soap systems for less refilling. The ClearVu soap dispenser has a transparent reservoir tank for soap level visibility. Features a durable and long-lasting foam pump mechanism. Hidden security lock helps prevent vandalism. Dispenser can be easily removed from mounted back plate for cleaning. ADA Compliant. ABS/SAN plastic construction. Mounting tape included. 51/2w x 41/2d x 81/2h.
Impact ClearVu Plastic Soap Dispenser, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Impact 21.64 16.35 28.13 IMP9346.JPG ClearVu Plastic Soap Dispenser, White IMP 9346, IMP9346, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
1675 Lagasse Cleated Chair Mat for Low- to Medium-Pile Carpets, Overall 36 x 48 (UVS56806) 1675 UVS 56806 11.40 UNV56806 Cleated Chair Mat
Protect your carpet with this Cleated Chair Mat for Low to Medium Pule Carpets. Its clear vinly provides a smooth riding surface and allows carpet beauty to show through. The cleats on the back side of the mat prevent the mat from moving out of place. This mat is designed for use on carpets up to 5/8inches deep, including padding.
-Dimensions: 36"x48"
*Manufacturer's Lifetime Guarantee (under normal use wih rubber or plastic casters)
Cleated Chair Mat, Overall 36 inches X 48 inches, Clear - The cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Universal Office Products 35.90 27.38 47.30 UVS56806.JPG Cleated Chair Mat for Low- to Medium-Pile Carpets, Overall 36 x 48 UVS 56806, UVS56806, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 112
1676 Lagasse 45 x 53 Cleated Chair Mat for Low- to Medium-Pile Carpets, (UVS56807) 1676 UVS 56807 17.00 UNV56807 Cleated Chair Mat
Clear vinyl provides a smooth riding surface and allows carpet beauty to show through. Cleats on back prevent movement. For carpets up to 5/8in deep, including padding. Manufacturer’s lifetime guarantee (under normal use with rubber or plastic casters).
Cleated Chair Mat, Clear, 45"x 53", Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Universal Office Products 38.49 29.36 50.33 UVS56807.JPG cleated chair mat, UVS 56807, UVS56807 1 1 0 1 1 112
1677 Lagasse Cleated Chair Mat for Low- to Medium-Pile Carpets, Overall 46 x 60 (UVS56808) 1677 UVS 56808 20.00 UNV56808 Clear vinyl provides a smooth riding surface and allows carpet beauty to show through. Cleats on back prevent movement. For carpets up to 5/8in deep, including padding. Manufacturer’s lifetime guarantee (under normal use with rubber or plastic casters).
CHAIRMAT 46X60 W NO LIP Universal Office Products 50.62 38.61 68.77 UVS56808.JPG Cleated Chair Mat for Low- to Medium-Pile Carpets, Overall 46 x 60 UVS 56808, UVS56808, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 112
1678 Lagasse Letter Size Clipboards (UVS40304) 1678 UVS 40304 0.80 UNV40304 Universal Office Products Letter Sized Clipboard
Brown hardboard writing surface; ideal for office or job site. 1-1/4" clip capacity.
Universal Office Products Letter Sized Clipboard, 1-1/4" Clip Capacity, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Universal Office Products 1.58 1.21 2.12 UVS40304.JPG large sized clipboard, office clipboards, clipboard, UVS 40304, UVS40304, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 112
1679 Lagasse Legal Size Clipboards (UVS40305) 1679 UVS 40305 1.00 UNV40305 Universal Office Products Legal Sized Clipboard
Brown hardboard writing surface; ideal for office or job site. 1-1/4" clip capacity.
Universal Office Products Legal Sized Clipboard, 1-1/4" Clip Capacity, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Universal Office Products 1.72 1.31 2.27 UVS40305.JPG legal sized clipboard, office clipboards, clipboard, UVS 40305, UVS40305, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 112
1680 Lagasse 18" Dust Mop Frame, 18 x 3-1/4 (UNS1218) 1680 UNS 1218 15.00 UNS 1218 Zinc-plated, rust-resistant 1/4in wire with rounded ends. Accepts Clip-On Handle UNS 1490 (sold separately).
CLIP-ON DUST MOP FRAME 18X3.25 25 Unisan 3.39 2.58 4.43 UNS1218.JPG Clip-On Dust Mop Frames, 18 x 3-1/4 UNS 1218, UNS1218, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1681 Lagasse 24" Dust Mop Frame, 24 x 3-1/4 (UNS1224) 1681 UNS 1224 9.60 UNS 1224 Zinc-plated, rust-resistant 1/4in wire with rounded ends. Accepts Clip-On Handle UNS 1490 (sold separately).
CLIP-ON DUST MOP FRAME 24X3.25 12 Unisan 3.79 2.83 5.02 UNS1224.JPG Clip-On Dust Mop Frames, 24 x 3-1/4 UNS 1224, UNS1224, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1682 Lagasse 36" Dust Mop Frame, 36 x 3-1/4 (UNS1236) 1682 UNS 1236 30.00 UNS 1236 Zinc-plated, rust-resistant 1/4in wire with rounded ends. Accepts Clip-On Handle UNS 1490 (sold separately).
CLIP-ON DUST MOP FRAME 36X3.25 25 Unisan 4.64 3.54 6.04 UNS1236.JPG Clip-On Dust Mop Frames, 36 x 3-1/4 UNS 1236, UNS1236, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1683 Lagasse 48" Dust Mop Frame, Z-Bar Brace, 48 x 3-1/4 (UNS1248) 1683 UNS 1248 35.00 UNS 1248 Zinc-plated, rust-resistant 1/4in wire with rounded ends. Accepts Clip-On Handle UNS 1490 (sold separately).
CLIP-ON DUST MOP FRAME 48X3.25 25 Unisan 5.79 4.32 7.92 UNS1248.JPG Clip-On Dust Mop Frames, Includes Z-Bar Brace, 48 x 3-1/4 UNS 1248, UNS1248, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1684 Lagasse 18" Dust Mop Frame, 5 x 18 (UNS1418) 1684 UNS 1418 10.80 UNS 1418 18" Dust Mop Frame
Unisan 18" clip-on dust mop frame. Zinc-plated, rust-resistant 1/4" wire with rounded ends. Accepts clip-on dust mop handle UNS 1490 (sold separately).
18" Clip-On Dust Mop Frame, 5" x 18", Sold Each
Unisan 3.56 2.70 4.82 UNS1418.JPG 18" dust mop frame, 18" clip-on dust mop frame, 5 x 18 dust mop frame, dust mop frame, UNS 1418, UNS1418 1 1 0 0 1 110
1685 Lagasse 24" Dust Mop Frame, 5 x 24 (UNS1424) 1685 UNS 1424 0.75 UNS 1424 24" Dust Mop Frame
Unisan 24" clip-on dust mop frame. Zinc-plated, rust-resistant 1/4" wire with rounded ends. Accepts clip-on dust mop handle UNS 1490 (sold separately).
24" Clip-On Dust Mop Frame, 5" x 24", Sold Each
Unisan 3.86 2.94 5.15 UNS1424.JPG Clip-On Dust Mop Frames, 24 x 5 UNS 1424, UNS1424, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1686 Lagasse 36" Dust Mop Frame, 5 x 36 (UNS1436) 1686 UNS 1436 1.08 UNS 1436 36" Dust Mop Frame
Unisan 36" clip-on dust mop frame. Zinc-plated, rust-resistant 1/4" wire with rounded ends. Accepts clip-on dust mop handle UNS 1490 (sold separately).
36" Clip-On Dust Mop Frame, 5" x 36", Sold Each
Unisan 5.29 4.03 6.90 UNS1436.JPG 36" dust mop frame, 36" clip-on dust mop frame, 5 x 36 dust mop frame, dust mop frame, UNS 1436, UNS1436 1 1 0 0 1 110
1687 Lagasse 48" Dust Mop Frame, Z-Bar Brace, 48 x 5 (UNS1448) 1687 UNS 1448 21.60 UNS 1448 Zinc-plated, rust-resistant 1/4in wire with rounded ends. Accepts Clip-On Handle UNS 1490 (sold separately).
CLIP-ON DUST MOP FRAME 48X5 12 Unisan 6.02 4.59 8.24 UNS1448.JPG Clip-On Dust Mop Frames, Includes Z-Bar Brace, 48 x 5 UNS 1448, UNS1448, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1688 Lagasse 60" Dust Mop Frame, Z-Bar Brace, 60 x 5 (UNS1460) 1688 UNS 1460 1.83 UNS 1460 Zinc-plated, rust-resistant 1/4in wire with rounded ends. Accepts Clip-On Handle UNS 1490 (sold separately).
CLIP-ON DUST MOP FRAME 60X5 12 Unisan 8.53 6.51 11.64 UNS1460.JPG Clip-On Dust Mop Frames, Includes Z-Bar Brace, 60 x 5 UNS 1460, UNS1460, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1689 Lagasse Dust Mop Handle, 60" x 15/16", Clip-On Handle (UNS1490) 1689 UNS 1490 1.67 UNS 1490 Wood and Steel Clip-On Dust Mop Handle
Dust Mop Handle snaps onto the Clip-On Frame (sold separately) from a standing position for easy assembly. Clamp and hardware are constructed of 12-gauge zinc-plated steel hardware and feature a 180° swivel head with sliding nylon lock. Handle measures 15/16" in diameter and 60" long with a double-lacquered finish for greater durability and strength.
Unisan Clip-On Dust Mop Handle, Wood and Steel, 60" x 15/16" Diameter, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Unisan 9.66 7.37 13.03 UNS1490.JPG clip-on dust mop handle, dust mop handle, wooden dust mop handle, UNS 1490, UNS1490 1 1 0 0 1 110
1691 Lagasse Clorox Green Works Natural All-Purpose Cleaner, 6 - 64-oz. Bottles (CLO00457) 1691 CLO 00457 27.50 10044600004570 Clorox Green Works Natural All-Purpose Cleaner
This Green Cleaning Product has cleaning power derived from the most effective natural sources, such as coconut-based cleaning agent, essential lemon oils, corn-based alcohol and biodegradable preservative. Contains no phosphorous or bleach. Cleans grease and grime. Certified by DFE: Design for the Environment, backed by EPA. Cleans multiple surfaces throughout kitchen, bathroom and workplace. Safe to use on non-wood floors, counters, sinks, stoves, garbage cans and toilets. Purchase all of your favorite green cleaning products and supplies right here at today and save.
Clorox Green Works All Purpose Cleaner, Ready to Use Refill, 64-oz Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 39.33 30.00 52.67 CLO00457.JPG all purpose cleaner, clorox green works natural all-purpose cleaner, CLO 00457, CLO00457 1 1 0 0 1 22
1692 Lagasse Clorox Green Works Natural All-Purpose Cleaner, 12 - 32-oz. Spray Bottles (CLO00456) 1692 CLO 00456 29.20 10044600004563 Clorox Green Works Natural All-Purpose Cleaner
Clorox Green Works Natural All-Purpose Cleaner is the powerful Green Cleaning Product for all cleaning environments. Harnessing the cleaning power of the most effective natural sources, while contains no phosphorous or bleach, Clorox Green Works cleaner cleans grease and grime as effectively as any other all purpose cleaner available. Certified by DFE, and fully backed by EPA, this quality natural cleaner cleans multiple surfaces throughout kitchen, bathroom and workplace. Safe to use on non-wood floors, counters, sinks, stoves, garbage cans and toilets. Clorox Green Works All Purpose Cleaner, comes in 12, 32-oz Spray Bottles, allowing for easy and straight forward cleaning application.
Clorox Green Works All Purpose Cleaner, 12 - 32-oz Spray Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 41.51 31.66 55.35 CLO00456.JPG clorox green works, all purpose cleaner, clorox green works natural all-purpose cleaner, CLO 00456, CLO00456 1 1 0 0 1 22
1693 Lagasse Clorox Anywhere Hard Surface Sanitizing Spray, 12 - 32-oz. Bottles (CLO01698) 1693 CLO 01698 30.40 01698 Clorox Anywhere Hard Surface Sanitizer
Clorox Anywhere Sanitizing Spray is powerful enough to kill 99.9% of bacteria, but gentle enough to use on hard, nonporous surfaces around children and food. This spray sanitizer is an easy, convenient way to sanitize. Just spray and allow it to dry. No rinsing or wiping is necessary, and it will not leave behind a harmful residue. This ready to use sanitizer is proven to kill staph, strep, salmonella and E. coli but mild enough to use without gloves. Ideal for sanitizing toys, phones, keyboards, light switches, high chairs, bathroom fixtures and food surfaces. Gentle as water, Clorox Anywhere Sanitizer fights germs and is safe for your home.
Clorox Anywhere Hard Surface Sanitizing Spray, 32-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case
Cleaning Chemicals » Disinfectants – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 51.13 39.00 68.94 CLO01698.JPG clorox anywhere, clorox anywhere sanitizer, clorox anywhere hard surface sanitizing spray, CLO 01698, CLO01698 1 1 0 0 1 22
1695 Lagasse Clorox 30-oz. Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner, 9 Spray Bottles (CLO16930) 1695 CLO 16930 21.30 16930 Clorox Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner
Patented alkaline formula lifts soap scum off surfaces and breaks it down; requires less scrubbing. Bleach-free formula disinfects as it cleans, killing 99.9% of bathroom bacteria on hard, nonporous surfaces.
Clorox Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner, 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottle, 9 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 39.95 23.70 52.55 CLO16930.JPG Clorox Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner, Trigger Sprayer, CLO 16930, CLO16930, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
1696 Lagasse Clorox Green Works Bathroom Cleaner, 12 Trigger Spray Bottles (CLO00452) 1696 CLO 00452 22.50 10044600004525 Clorox Greenworks Natural Bathroom Cleaner
Clorox Greenworks natural bathroom cleaner is a powerful, natural cleaner without harsh chemical fumes or chemical residue to get your family sick. The cleaning power is derived from the most effective natural sources, such as coconut-based cleaning agent, essential oils, corn-based alcohol and biodegradable preservative. Works on tough stains such as soap scum, hard water and rust. For use on multiple bathroom surfaces including counters, sinks, tubs, tiles and shower doors. Contains no phosphorous or bleach. DfE Certified. Environmentally conscious.
Clorox Greenworks Natural Bathroom Cleaner, 24-oz. Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case.
Clorox Brand Products - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 32.03 24.43 43.78 CLO00452.JPG clorox green works natural bathroom cleaner, CLO 00452, CLO00452, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
1697 Lagasse Clorox Green Works Natural Glass & Surface Cleaner, 6 - 64-oz. Bottles (CLO00460) 1697 CLO 00460 27.40 10044600004607 Clorox Green Works Glass & Surface Cleaner
Clorox Green Works is a powerful Green Cleaning Product that is a natural cleaner without harsh chemical fumes or chemical residue. Cleaning power derived from the most effective natural sources, such as coconut-based cleaning agent, essential lemon oils, corn-based alcohol and earth-based materials. Cleans multiple surfaces throughout kitchen, bathroom and workplace. Safe for use on glass, mirrors, appliances and stainless steel. Cuts through filmy residue and cooked-on grease. Contains no phosphorous or bleach.
Clorox Greenworks Glass and Surface Cleaner Ready to Use, 64-oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 37.43 28.55 49.31 CLO00460.JPG clorox green works, green works glass cleaner, clorox green works natural glass & surface cleaner, CLO 00460, CLO00460, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
1698 Lagasse Clorox Green Works Natural Glass & Surface Cleaner, 12 Spray Bottles (CLO00459) 1698 CLO 00459 29.20 10044600004594 Clorox Green Works Natural Glass & Surface Cleaner
Clorox Green Works Powerful, This Green Cleaning Product is a natural cleaner without harsh chemical fumes or chemical residue. Cleaning power derived from the most effective natural sources, such as coconut-based cleaning agent, essential lemon oils, corn-based alcohol and earth-based materials. Cleans multiple surfaces throughout kitchen, bathroom and workplace. Safe for use on glass, mirrors, appliances and stainless steel. Cuts through filmy residue and cooked-on grease. Contains no phosphorous or bleach.
Clorox Green Works Glass & Surface Cleaner Ready to Use, 32-oz Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 40.00 30.51 52.11 CLO00459.JPG clorox green works natural glass surface cleaner, CLO 00459, CLO00459, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
1699 Lagasse Clorox Green Works Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bottles (CLO00451) 1699 CLO 00451 22.80 10044600004515 Green Works Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Clorox Green Works Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner. This Green Cleaning Product is powerful, natural cleaner without harsh chemical fumes or chemical residue. Cleaning power derived from the most effective natural sources, such as coconut-based cleaning agent, essential lemon oils and corn-based alcohol. Works on tough stains. Angled neck design makes cleaning under the rim easier. Contains no phosphorous or bleach.
Clorox Greenworks Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24-oz. Angled Neck Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Professional 32.78 25.00 43.66 CLO00451.JPG clorox toilet bowl cleaner, greenworks toilet bowl cleaner, clorox green works natural toilet bowl cleaner, CLO 00451, CLO00451, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
1701 Lagasse Closet Organizer/Tool Holders, 18in Length, Gray (RCP1992GRA) 1701 RCP 1992 GRA 1.50 199200 GRAY S-hooks hold items 5/8in to 1-1/4in diameter. Deep double hooks for accessibility. Clip holder for work notes and instructions. Carry sling stores and transports hoses and extension cords. Wall mount.
CLOSET ORGANIZER & TOOL HOLDER 18 IN GRA 6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.50 18.40 33.27 RCP1992GRA.JPG closet organizer, tool holders, RCP 1992 GRA, RCP1992GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1702 Lagasse Closet Organizer/Tool Holders, 34in Length, Gray (RCP1993GRA) 1702 RCP 1993 GRA 2.20 199300 GRAY S-hooks hold items 5/8in to 1-1/4in diameter. Deep double hooks for accessibility. Clip holder for work notes and instructions. Carry sling stores and transports hoses and extension cords. Wall mount.
CLOSET ORGANIZER & TOOL HOLDER 34 IN GRA 4/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 38.85 29.30 52.34 RCP1993GRA.JPG Closet Organizer/Tool Holders, 34in Length, Gray RCP 1993 GRA, RCP1993GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1704 Lagasse Cobra Translucent 45 Watt Light Insect Trap (DRK4193567) 1704 DRK 4193567 12.30 4193567 Cobra Translucent 45W ILT Light Insect Trap
The Cobra Translucent Light Insect Trap offers the most efficient glue board insect control system, using UV light to lure and then capture insects on removable adhesive trapping boards. Cobra's innovative translucent technology emits the most UV light intensity compared to competitors systems. Large, specially formulated adhesive boards require less frequent replacement for added convenience and keep trapped insects out of sight. These insect traps meet FDA and NSF/USDA guidelines for use in and around food handling areas. The Cobra Translucent Light Insect Trap is ideal for tabletop or wall-mount use in the home, office, restaurant, or anywhere pest control is needed. This trap is 16.8" x 7.6" x 22.6" and includes three 15-watt bulbs, adhesive boards, and mounting hardware.
Johnson Diversey Cobra Translucent 45 Watt Light Insect Trap, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 548.68 291.58 742.04 DRK4193567.JPG Cobra Translucent 45W ILT Light Insect Trap, Trapping Boards and Electrosect Replacement Bulbs, 16.8w x 7.6d x 22.6h DRK 4193567, DRK4193567, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
1705 Lagasse Cobra Translucent Insect Trap, Electrosect Replacement Bulbs, 2 Bulbs per Case (DRK4193575) 1705 DRK 4193575 0.60 4193575 Cobra Electrosect Standard Replacement Bulbs
15-watt UVA bulbs. Low voltage allows strategic placement. Sleeve bulbs have a protective polyvinyl sheath around the glass tubes. Two bulbs per case.
The "Essential fly trap" providing faster insect elimination. See the unique technology in the Cobra Tranclucent Insect Trap SKU: DRK 4193567
Diversey 33.25 20.62 44.83 DRK4193575.JPG Cobra Translucent 45W ILT Light Insect Trap, Trapping Boards and Electrosect Replacement Bulbs, Cobra Electrosect Standard Replacement Bulbs, 2 Bulbs per Case DRK 4193575, DRK4193575, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
1706 Lagasse Cobra Insect Trap Replacement Adhesive Boards, 15 Boards (DRK4193583) 1706 DRK 4193583 2.80 4193583 Cobra Insect Trap Adhesive Boards Replacement
Diversey Universal Adhesive Boards are a vital part of effective pest control in areas where food is prepared. They are specially formulated to ensure that once inside the Cobra Insect Trap, the insects are permanently trapped. The boards keep the insects out of sight and intact, so there is no mess for you to clean after they are captured. These boards have a large catch and retaining area so you can change them less frequently, and are ideal for heavy infestations. Easy and simple to replace, they provide fast, safe and effective 24-hour insect control for use in food handling areas.
Johnson Diversey Universal Insect Trap Adhesive Trapping Boards Replacement, 15 Boards per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 88.55 50.28 120.18 DRK4193583.JPG insecticides, insect traps, insect killers, cobra replacement adhesive trapping boards, DRK 4193583, DRK4193583, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
1707 Lagasse Bunn 12 Cup Size Coffee Filters, 1,000 Filters (BNN1000) 1707 BNN 1000 4.20 20115.0000 Bunn 12 Cup Coffee Filters
For Bunn, Regal, Classic Coffee Concepts and other popular drip coffeemakers as well as commercial brewers.
Specially formulated, high-grade paper slows water flow to a precise flavor-extracting velocity, ensuring optimal coffee brewing. Stay-in-place design minimizes the potential for coffee ground overflow. Flat-bottomed, home-brewer-style filters fit most 10-12 cup Bunn coffee brewers. Chlorine-free bleaching results in clean, dioxin-free brewing
Bunn Regular Coffee Filters, 12 Cup Size, 1,000 Filters per Case Bunn-O-Matic Corporation 11.06 8.43 15.03 BNN1000.JPG bunn coffee filters, bunn 12 cup coffee filters, coffee filters, 12-cup brewers, BNN 1000, BNN1000, breakroom supplies 1 1 0 0 1 17
1708 Lagasse Bunn 10 Cup Size Coffee Filters, 1,000 Filters (BNNA10) 1708 BNN A10 3.60 20106.0000 Bunn 10 Cup Coffee Filters
An ideal coffee filter fit for drip coffeemakers such as Bunn, Regal, Classic Coffee Concepts and others, Bunn 10 Cup Sized Coffee Filters are a coffee brewer's best friend. Specially formulated, from high-grade paper, these high quality coffee filters slowly allows water to flow to a precise flavor-extracting speed, allowing for perfect coffee brewing. Its trademark stay-in-place design minimizes the potential for coffee ground overflow, while its flat-bottomed, home-brewer-style filters fit most 10-12 cup Bunn coffee brewers. Through a chlorine-free bleaching process, these filters produce the cleanest, dioxin-free brewing available.
Bunn Regular Coffee Filters, 10 Cup Size, 1,000 Filters per Case. - the wholesale restaurant supply company customers trust. Bunn-O-Matic Corporation 10.95 8.01 14.55 BNNA10.JPG bunn coffee filters, bunn 10 cup coffee filters, coffee filters, 10-cup brewers, BNNA10, BNN A10, breakroom supplies 1 1 0 0 1 17
1709 Lagasse 1/2 Size Cold Food Pan, 6-3/8 Qt Capacity, 4in High (RCP124PCLE) 1709 RCP 124P CLE 1.42 124P00 CLR 1/2 Size Cold Food Pan
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won’t rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal Lightweight, dishwasher and microwave safe pans with nonstick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. NSF Certified. Made of FDA Compliant materials.
Lids sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Cold Food Pan, 1/2 Size 6-3/8 Qt Capacity, 4in High, Clear, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.13 6.20 11.02 RCP124PCLE.JPG Cold Food Pan, 1/2 Size, 6-3/8-Quart Capacity, 4in High RCP 124P CLE, RCP124PCLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1710 Lagasse 1/2 Size Cold Food Pan, 9-1/3 Qt Capacity, 6in High (RCP125PCLE) 1710 RCP 125P CLE 2.40 125P00 CLR 1/2 Size Cold Food Pan
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won’t rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal Lightweight, dishwasher and microwave safe pans with nonstick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. NSF Certified. Made of FDA Compliant materials.
Lids sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Cold Food Pan, 1/2 Size 9-1/3 Qt Capacity, 6in High, Clear, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 9.70 7.40 13.28 RCP125PCLE.JPG Cold Food Pan, 1/2 Size, 9-1/3-Quart Capacity, 6in High RCP 125P CLE, RCP125PCLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1711 Lagasse Clear Cover, 1/2 Size Cold Food Pan (RCP128P-23CLE) 1711 RCP 128P-23 CLE 0.72 128P23 CLE 1/2 Size Cold Food Pan Cover
Soft-seal system lids ensure compatibility with Max System Racks and Cater-Max Carriers. Quieter-than-metal, nearly unbreakable polycarbonate provides excellent temperature resistance. Pre-drilled, NSF-approved peg holes aid in drying and simplify storage. Commercial dishwasher-safe. Temperature range: -40°F to 210°F. Clear polycarbonate resin. For cold food pans (sold separately).
Rubbermaid Commercial Cold Food Pan Cover, 1/2 Size, Clear, Each. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.69 4.34 7.71 RCP128P23CLE.JPG Cold Food Pan, 1/2 Size, Clear Cover RCP 128P-23 CLE, RCP128P23CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1712 Lagasse 1/3 Size Cold Food Pan, 4 Qt Capacity, 4in High (RCP117PCLE) 1712 RCP 117P CLE 1.10 117P00 CLR 1/3 Size Cold Food Pan
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won’t rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal Lightweight, dishwasher and microwave safe pans with nonstick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. NSF Certified. Made of FDA Compliant materials.
Lids sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Cold Food Pan, 1/3 Size 4 Qt Capacity, 4in High, Clear, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 6.82 5.20 8.92 RCP117PCLE.JPG Cold Food Pan, 1/3 Size, 4-Quart Capacity, 4in High RCP 117P CLE, RCP117PCLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1713 Lagasse 1/3 Size Cold Food Pan, 5-3/8 Qt Capacity, 6in High (RCP118PCLE) 1713 RCP 118P CLE 1.40 118P00 CLR 1/3 Size Cold Food Pan
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won’t rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal Lightweight, dishwasher and microwave safe pans with nonstick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. NSF Certified. Made of FDA Compliant materials.
Lids sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Cold Food Pan, 1/3 Size 5-3/8 Qt Capacity, 6in High, Clear, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 7.74 5.90 10.11 RCP118PCLE.JPG Cold Food Pan, 1/3 Size, 5-3/8-Quart Capacity, 6in High RCP 118P CLE, RCP118PCLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1714 Lagasse Clear Cover, 1/3 Size Cold Food Pan (RCP121P-23CLE) 1714 RCP 121P-23 CLE 0.46 121P-23 CLE 1/3 Size Cold Food Pan Cover
Soft-seal system lids ensure compatibility with Max System Racks and Cater-Max Carriers. Quieter-than-metal, nearly unbreakable polycarbonate provides excellent temperature resistance. Pre-drilled, NSF-approved peg holes aid in drying and simplify storage. Commercial dishwasher-safe. Temperature range: -40°F to 210°F. Clear polycarbonate resin. For cold food pans (sold separately).
Rubbermaid Commercial Cold Food Pan Cover, 1/3 Size, Clear, Each. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 4.06 3.10 5.54 RCP121P23CLE.JPG Cold Food Pan, 1/3 Size, Clear Cover RCP 121P-23 CLE, RCP121P23CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1715 Lagasse 1/6 Size Cold Food Pan, 1-2/3 Qt Capacity, 4in High (RCP105PCLE) 1715 RCP 105P CLE 0.67 105P00 CLR 1/6 Size Cold Food Pan
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won’t rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal Lightweight, dishwasher and microwave safe pans with nonstick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. NSF Certified. Made of FDA Compliant materials.
Lids sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Cold Food Pan, 1/6 Size 1-2/3 Qt Capacity, 4in High, Clear, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 4.45 3.39 6.09 RCP105PCLE.JPG Cold Food Pan, 1/6 Size, 1-2/3 Quart Capacity, 4in High RCP 105P CLE, RCP105PCLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1716 Lagasse 1/6 Size Cold Food Pan, 2-1/2 Qt Capacity, 6in High (RCP106PCLE) 1716 RCP 106P CLE 0.83 106P00 CLR 1/6 Size Cold Food Pan
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won’t rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal Lightweight, dishwasher and microwave safe pans with nonstick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. NSF Certified. Made of FDA Compliant materials.
Lids sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Cold Food Pan, 1/6 Size 2-1/2 Qt Capacity, 6in High, Clear, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.95 4.54 7.91 RCP106PCLE.JPG Cold Food Pan, 1/6 Size, 2-1/2 Quart Capacity, 6in High RCP 106P CLE, RCP106PCLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1717 Lagasse Clear Cover, 1/6 Size Cold Food Pan (RCP108P-23CLE) 1717 RCP 108P-23 CLE 1.47 108P23 CLE 1/6 Size Cold Food Pan Cover
Soft-seal system lids ensure compatibility with Max System Racks and Cater-Max Carriers. Quieter-than-metal, nearly unbreakable polycarbonate provides excellent temperature resistance. Pre-drilled, NSF-approved peg holes aid in drying and simplify storage. Commercial dishwasher-safe. Temperature range: -40°F to 210°F. Clear polycarbonate resin. For cold food pans (sold separately).
Rubbermaid Commercial Cold Food Pan Cover, 1/6 Size, Clear, Each. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 4.34 3.31 5.85 RCP108P23CLE.JPG Cold Food Pan, 1/6 Size, Clear Cover RCP 108P-23 CLE, RCP108P23CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1718 Lagasse Full Size Cold Food Pan, 20-5/8 Qt Capacity, 6in High (RCP132PCLE) 1718 RCP 132P CLE 3.60 132P00 CLR Full Size Cold Food Pan
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won’t rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal Lightweight, dishwasher and microwave safe pans with nonstick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. NSF Certified. Made of FDA Compliant materials.
Lids sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Cold Food Pan, Full Size 20-5/8 Qt Capacity, 6in High, Clear, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 17.15 13.08 22.65 RCP132PCLE.JPG Cold Food Pan, Full Size, 20-5/8-Quart Capacity, 6in High RCP 132P CLE, RCP132PCLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1719 Lagasse Clear Cover, Full Size Cold Food Pan (RCP134PCLE) 1719 RCP 134P CLE 1.35 134P00 CLR Full Size Cold Food Pan Cover
Soft-seal system lids ensure compatibility with Max System Racks and Cater-Max Carriers. Quieter-than-metal, nearly unbreakable polycarbonate provides excellent temperature resistance. Pre-drilled, NSF-approved peg holes aid in drying and simplify storage. Commercial dishwasher-safe. Temperature range: -40°F to 210°F. Clear polycarbonate resin. For cold food pans (sold separately).
Rubbermaid Commercial Cold Food Pan Cover, Full Size, Clear, Each. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.17 7.76 13.32 RCP134PCLE.JPG Cold Food Pan, Full Size, Clear Cover RCP 134P CLE, RCP134PCLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1720 Lagasse Colgate .85-oz. Fluoride Toothpaste, 240 Tubes (CPC09782) 1720 CPC 09782 17.50 09782 Regular flavor with cavity protection. .85-oz. personal size tube. Unboxed. 240 tubes per case.
Colgate Flouride Toothpaste, Personal Travel Size, .85-oz. Tube, 240 Tubes per Case Colgate - Palmolive 127.53 97.27 167.55 CPC09782.JPG Colgate Fluoride Toothpaste CPC 09782, CPC09782, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
1721 Lagasse Colgate Soft Bristle Toothbrushes, 144 Toothbrushes (CPC55501) 1721 CPC 55501 1.00 35000-55501 Full-size head. Soft, end-rounded bristles. Hygienically cello-wrapped. ADA Compliant. 144 toothbrushes per case.
Colgate Manual Toothbrushes, White Plastic, Full Size Head, Individually Cello Wrapped, 144 Toothbrushes per Case Colgate - Palmolive 57.55 43.89 75.72 CPC55501.JPG Colgate Toothbrush CPC 55501, CPC55501, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
1722 Lagasse Color Safe Powder Bleach, 2-oz. Vending Size, 100 Boxes (DRK2979697) 1722 DRK 2979697 18.50 2979697 2-oz. Color Safe Powder Bleach Vending Size Boxes
Safe for coin operated laundry machines and all laundry items. Removes stains, brightens colors and whitens whites without hurting your color or fabric. Great for homes, apartment buildings, public laundry mats, college dorms, nursing homes, hospitals, vending machines and industrial environments.
Johnson Diversey Color Safe Powder Bleach, Coin-Op Vending Size, 2-oz. Box, 100 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 38.35 29.25 52.47 DRK2979697.JPG Color Safe Powder Bleach, 100 Boxes per Case, 2-oz. Box, DRK 2979697, DRK2979697, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
1723 Lagasse Boardwalk Beverage Napkins, White, 1,000 Napkins (BWK42000) 1723 BWK 42000 5.20 42000 White Cocktail Napkins
Perfect for bars, and restaurants, as well as residential homes, these elegant coin-edge embossed patterned napkins are great for any occasion. Very vibrant, and completely bleed-resistant, these quality colored cocktail napkins are the ideal beverage napkin. Two-ply, these facial-quality virgin tissues come in a 10" x 10" size. 200 napkins per pack. 5 packs per case. 1,000 napkins per case.
Boardwalk White 2-Ply Cocktail Napkin, 200 Napkins per Pack, 5 Packs per Case, 1,000 Napkins per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Beverage Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 30.61 20.37 41.40 BWK42000.JPG boardwalk cocktail napkins, boardwalk beverage napkins, white beverage napkins, white cocktail napkins, cocktail napkins, beverage napkins, BWK 42000, BWK42000, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 0 1 123
1724 Lagasse Boardwalk Colored Beverage Napkins, Ivory, 1,000 Napkins (BWK42001) 1724 BWK 42001 5.20 42001 Ivory Colored Beverage Napkins
Elegant coin-edge embossed pattern. Vibrant, bleed-resistant colors. Two-ply, facial-quality virgin tissue. 10 x 10 size. 200 napkins per pack. 5 packs per case. 1,000 napkins per case.
Boardwalk Colored Cocktail Napkins, Ivory, 2-Ply, 200 Napkins per Pack, 5 Packs, 1,000 Napkins per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Beverage Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 30.61 20.88 40.84 BWK42001.JPG beverage napkin, beverage napkins, cocktail napkin, cocktail napkins, colored cocktail napkins, BWK 42001, BWK42001 1 1 0 0 1 123
1725 Lagasse Colored Beverage Napkins, Red, 1,000 Napkins (BWK42027) 1725 BWK 42027 5.20 42027 Red Beverage Napkins
Vibrant, and completely bleed-resistant, these quality colored cocktail napkins are the perfect beverage napkin for bars, restaurants, and residential homes. These elegant coin-edge embossed patterned napkins are great for any location. These facial-quality virgin tissues come in a 10 x 10 size. 200 napkins per pack. 5 packs per case. 1,000 napkins per case.
Boardwalk Cocktail Napkins, 2-Ply, Red, 200 Napkins per Pack, 5 Packs, 1,000 Napkins per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Beverage Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 40.46 21.60 52.57 BWK42027.JPG Beverage Napkin, Beverage Napkins, Cocktail Napkin, Cocktail Napkins, Colored Cocktail Napkins, Real Red BWK 42027, BWK42027 1 1 0 0 1 123
1726 Lagasse Boardwalk Beverage Napkins, Burgundy, 1,000 Napkins (BWK42032) 1726 BWK 42032 5.20 42032 Boardwalk Beverage Napkins
Elegant coin-edge embossed pattern. Vibrant, bleed-resistant colors. Two-ply, facial-quality virgin tissue. 10 x 10 size. 200 napkins per pack. 5 packs per case. 1,000 napkins per case.
Boardwalk Beverage Napkins, Burgundy, 2-Ply, 200 Napkins per Pack, 5 Packs, 1,000 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 26.08 19.89 34.64 BWK42032.JPG beverage napkin, beverage napkins, cocktail napkin, cocktail napkins, colored cocktail napkins, Burgundy BWK 42032, BWK42032 1 1 0 0 1 123
1727 Lagasse Colored Beverage Napkins, Hunter Green, 1,000 Napkins (BWK42058) 1727 BWK 42058 5.20 42058 Black Colored Beverage Napkins
Great for restaurants, and bars, as well as residential environments, these elegant coin-edge embossed patterned napkins are great for any occasion. Very vibrant, and completely bleed-resistant, these quality colored cocktail napkins are the ideal beverage napkin. Two-ply, these facial-quality virgin tissues come in a 10 x 10 size. 200 napkins per pack. 5 packs per case. 1,000 napkins per case.
Boardwalk Cocktail Napkins, 2-Ply, Hunter Green, 200 Napkins per Pack, 5 Packs, 1,000 Napkins per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Beverage Napkins -The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 26.08 19.89 35.22 BWK42058.JPG beverage napkins, beverage napkin, cocktail napkin, cocktail napkins, colored cocktail napkins, BWK 42058, BWK42058 1 1 0 0 1 123
1728 Lagasse Beverage Napkins, Black, 1,000 Napkins (BWK42065) 1728 BWK 42065 5.20 42065 Black Colored Beverage Napkins
Elegant coin-edge embossed pattern. Vibrant, bleed-resistant colors. Two-ply, facial-quality virgin tissue. 10 x 10 size. 200 napkins per pack. 5 packs per case. 1,000 napkins per case.
Boardwalk Cocktail Napkins, Black, 2-Ply, 200 Napkins per Pack, 5 Packs, 1,000 per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Beverage Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 36.20 19.33 47.22 BWK42065.JPG beverage napkins, beverage napkin, cocktail napkin, cocktail napkins, paper product, paper products, colored cocktail napkins, black, BWK 42065, BWK42065 1 1 0 0 1 123
1729 Lagasse Boardwalk Dinner Napkins, White, 1,000 Napkins (BWK44000) 1729 BWK 44000 12.80 44000 White Dinner Napkins
Vibrant, and completely bleed-resistant, these quality colored cocktail napkins are the perfect beverage napkin for bars, restaurants, and residential homes. These elegant coin-edge embossed patterned napkins are great for any location. These facial-quality virgin tissues come in a 15 x 17 size. Two-ply. 100 napkins per pack. 10 packs per case. 1,000 napkins per case.
Boardwalk Dinner Napkins, White, 2-Ply, 100 Napkins per Pack, 10 Packs, 1,000 Napkins per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Dinner Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 70.73 46.50 96.41 BWK44000.JPG Dinner Napkin, Dinner Napkins, Napkin, Napkins, paper products, Colored Dinner Napkins, White BWK 44000, BWK44000 1 1 0 0 1 123
1730 Lagasse Boardwalk Dinner Napkins, Ivory, 1,000 Napkins (BWK44001) 1730 BWK 44001 12.80 44001 Ivory Dinner Napkins
Elegant coin-edge embossed pattern. Vibrant, bleed-resistant colors. Two-ply, facial-quality virgin tissue. 15 x 17 size. 100 napkins per pack. 10 packs per case. 1,000 napkins per case.
Boardwalk Dinner Napkins, 2-Ply, Ivory, 100 Napkins per Pack, 10 Packs, 1,000 Napkins per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Dinner Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 58.95 44.96 76.71 BWK44001.JPG dinner napkin, dinner napkins, napkins, napkin, paper products, colored dinner napkins, BWK 44001, BWK44001 1 1 0 0 1 123
1731 Lagasse Boardwalk Dinner Napkins, Red, 1,000 Napkins (BWK44027) 1731 BWK 44027 12.80 44027 Red 2-Ply Dinner Napkins
Elegant coin-edge embossed pattern. Vibrant, bleed-resistant colors. Two-ply, facial-quality virgin tissue. 15" x 17" size. 100 napkins per pack. 10 packs per case. 1,000 napkins per case.
Boardwalk 2-Ply Dinner Napkins, Red, 100 Napkins per Pack, 10 Packs, 1,000 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 84.84 45.30 115.39 BWK44027.JPG dinner napkin, dinner napkins, napkin, napkins, paper products, colored dinner napkins, BWK 44027, BWK44027 1 1 0 0 1 123
1732 Lagasse Boardwalk Dinner Napkins, Burgundy, 1,000 Napkins (BWK44032) 1732 BWK 44032 12.80 44032 Burgundy Dinner Napkins
Elegant coin-edge embossed pattern. Vibrant, bleed-resistant colors. Two-ply, facial-quality virgin tissue. 15 x 17 size. 100 napkins per pack. 10 packs per case. 1,000 napkins per case.
Boardwalk Dinner Napkins, Burgundy, 2-Ply, 100 Napkins per Pack, 10 Packs, 1,000 Napkins per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Dinner Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 59.98 45.75 79.53 BWK44032.JPG dinner Nnapkin, dinner napkins, napkin, napkins, paper products, colored dinner napkins, BWK 44032, BWK44032 1 1 0 0 1 123
1733 Lagasse Boardwalk Colored Dinner Napkins, Hunter Green, 1,000 Napkins (BWK44058) 1733 BWK 44058 12.80 44058 Hunter Green Dinner Napkins
Great for restaurants, and bars, as well as residential environments, these absorbent dinner napkins are great for any occasion. Very vibrant, and completely bleed-resistant, these quality colored cocktail napkins are the ideal dinner napkin. Elegant coin-edge embossed pattern. Two-ply, facial-quality virgin tissue. 15" x 17" size. 100 napkins per pack. 10 packs per case. 1,000 napkins per case.
Boardwalk Dinner Napkins, Hunter Green, 2-Ply, 100 Napkins per Pack, 10 Packs, 1,000 Napkins per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Dinner Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 70.73 47.19 94.04 BWK44058.JPG dinner napkin, dinner napkins, napkin, napkins, paper products, colored dinner napkins, hunter green, BWK 44058, BWK44058 1 1 0 0 1 123
1734 Lagasse Black Colored Dinner Napkins, 1,000 Napkins (BWK44065) 1734 BWK 44065 12.80 44065 2-Ply Dinner Napkins
Elegant coin-edge embossed pattern. Vibrant, bleed-resistant colors. Two-ply, facial-quality virgin tissue. 15 x 17 size. 100 napkins per pack. 10 packs per case. 1,000 napkins per case.
Boardwalk 2-Ply Dinner Napkins, Black, 100 Napkins per Pack, 10 Packs, 1,000 Napkins per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Dinner Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 59.93 45.71 78.77 BWK44065.JPG dinner napkin, dinner napkins, napkin, napkins, paper products, colored dinner napkins, BWK 44065, BWK44065 1 1 0 0 1 123
1736 Lagasse Combat Roach Killing Gel, 12 Applicators (DIA51963) 1736 DIA 51963 2.00 51963 Combat Platinum Roach Killing Gel
Combat Source Kill Max Roach Killing Gel is a unique gel product that comes in a syringe-type applicator allowing for placement in hard to reach areas. This gel can be applied behind appliances and in cracks and crevices, targeting large or small roaches where they hide or enter your home. Application of the roach killing gel can be hidden from view, but it can be placed in many locations, making it easier for more roaches to find and eat the bait. Combat Roach Killing Gel helps you win the battle of roach control by killing insects quickly and thoroughly at the source. It is effective up to 6 months, providing you with long-term control and protecting your home from future infestations. Effective up to six months. 30-gram applicator.
Dial Professional Combat Platinum Roach Killing Gel, 1 Applicator per Pack, 12 Packs per Case.
Cleaning Chemicals » Insecticides Baits - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 87.65 50.51 114.92 DIA51963.JPG insecticides, insect killer, combat roach killing gel, DIA 51963, DIA51963, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
1738 Lagasse Combi-Fold Vista Paper Towel Dispenser (GPC5665001) 1738 GPC 566-50/01 4.50 56650/01 C-Fold and Multi-Fold Paper Towel Dispenser
This durable and versatile plastic towel dispenser holds 400 C-fold or 600 Multi-fold paper towels. Flip-down plate instantly converts from C-fold to Multi-fold dispenser; no adapter required. Door ramp design prevents over stuffing, reduces paper tabbing and fall-out. This attractive see-through gray cover complements any decor, and the covered key-lock design protects against waste and pilferage while making refilling towels quick and easy. 11" wide x 15.25" deep x 15.4" high.
Georgia Pacific Combi-Fold Vista C-Fold and Multi-Fold Paper Towel Dispenser, 11" x 15.25" x 5.4", Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 24.20 18.68 31.13 GPC5665001.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, combi-fold vista paper towel dispenser, GPC 566-50/01, GPC5665001 1 1 0 0 1 48
1739 Lagasse San Jamar Stainless Steel Combination Paper Towel Dispenser (SANT1900SS) 1739 SAN T1900SS 5.20 T1900SS San Jamar Stainless Steel Paper Towel Dispenser
Dispenses C-Fold or Multifold paper towels without adjustment. Steel. Holds 300 C-Fold or 500 Multifold paper towels. Lockable. 11-3/8"wide x 4"deep x 14-3/4"high.
San Jamar Combination Paper Towel Dispenser, 26-Gauge, Satin Stainless Steel, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Dispensers » C-Fold - Multifold Paper Towel Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
San Jamar Dispenser 81.41 62.09 105.92 SANT1900SS.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers,Combination paper towel dispenser Cabinet, Satin Stainless SAN T1900SS, SANT1900SS 1 1 0 0 1 92
1740 Lagasse Combination Paper Towel Dispenser (SANT1900XC) 1740 SAN T1900XC 6.00 T1900XC C-Fold/Multifold Paper Hand Towel Dispenser
The San Jamar Combination C-Fold and Multifold Paper Towel Dispenser comes in a space-saving design that easily holds multi-fold and c-fold towels. Providing an easy towel removal and restocking process that reduces multiple dispensing, this quality dispenser provides c-fold and multifold paper towels without adjustment. Coming in a steel design, this versatile dispenser holds 300 c-fold or 500 multi fold paper towels. Completely lockable, this dispenser from San Jamar measures in at 11-3/8" wide x 4" deep x 14-3/4" high.
San Jamar Paper Towel Dispenser, Combination Cabinet Style Dispenser, 20-Gauge, Chrome, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 51.13 39.00 67.01 SANT1900XC.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, combination cabinet, SAN T1900XC, SANT1900XC 1 1 0 0 1 92
1741 Lagasse Master Lock Combination Lock (MAS1500D) 1741 MAS 1500D 0.20 MLK1500D Combination Padlock
Ensure the safety of your belongings with these high quality locks from Master Lock. Using these ease to use lock, quickly and simply create a personalized combination with Master Lock's 3 number dialing system. Easy to set, this maximum security lock are ideal for any commercial, residential, or industrial setting. Master Lock Company Combination Lock, Three-Number Dialing, Black Dial, 1-7/8" Body Width, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Master Lock Company 6.21 3.68 8.15 MAS1500D.JPG locks, combination lock, masterlock locks, masterlock, MAS 1500D, MAS1500D, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 68
1745 Lagasse Comet® Cleaner with Bleach, Trigger Sprayer, 8 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (PGC02287) 1745 PGC 02287 20.00 07017 Comet Cleaner with Bleach
Heavy-duty detergents with Chlorinol® bleach to quickly penetrate tough soils and stains. Cuts grease, removes soap scum, deodorizes toilets and urinals, and bleaches out food and beverage stains.
Manufactured by Proctor and Gamble
Comet Heavy Duty Cleaner with Bleach, 8- 32-oz. Spray
Procter and Gamble Professional 49.17 37.50 65.79 PGC02287.JPG Comet Cleaner with Bleach, Trigger Sprayer, 8 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle PGC 02287, PGC02287, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
1746 Lagasse Comet® Cleaner with Bleach, 3 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (PGC02291) 1746 PGC 02291 28.40 07031 Comet® Cleaner with Bleach
Heavy-duty detergents with Chlorinol® bleach to quickly penetrate tough soils and stains. Cuts grease, removes soap scum, deodorizes toilets and urinals, and bleaches out food and beverage stains.
Manufactured by Proctor and Gamble
Procter and Gamble Professional 52.85 40.31 68.92 PGC02291.JPG Comet Cleaner with Bleach, 3 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle PGC 02291, PGC02291, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
1751 Lagasse Hoover Commercial Carpet Spotter - Cleaner Steam Vacuum (HOOC3820) 1751 HOO C3820 28.80 C3820 Hoover Commercial Steam Vacuum Spotter - Carpet Cleaner
Messy spills and tough stains are no problem for the Hoover Commercial Steam Vacuum. Deep clean carpet fibers with nothing but hot water and cleaning solution. No faucet hook-up is necessary so it is ideal for quick spot cleaning. The remove-and-fill tank simply snaps into place. This carpet cleaning machine features three brush speeds, automatic carpet height adjustment, fingertip solution dispenser control, handle release for cleaning under furniture, see-through cleaning and recovery tanks, large trundle wheels and an integrated carrying handle. The five rotating brushes cover an 11 inch path and are removable for easy cleaning. Both the water/solution tank and recovery tank are washable and have the capacity to hold up to one gallon. The automatic shut-off mechanism will turn off cleaner suction when the recovery tank is full. The Hoover Steam Vac Carpet Cleaner comes with a 64-oz bottle of cleaning solution and a two year Manufacturer’s Commercial Warranty.
Hoover Steam Vacuum Spotter - Carpet Cleaner, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company that Buyers Trust. Hoover 263.06 198.62 358.36 HOOC3820.JPG hoover commercial steam Vacuum, HOO C3820, HOOC3820, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
1752 Lagasse Rubbermaid Commercial Backpack Vacuum Cleaner, 6-Qt. Capacity (RCP9VBP06) 1752 RCP 9VBP06 21.30 9VBP06 Rubbermaid Backpack Vacuum Cleaner
Rubbermaid has found a way to make a vacuum cleaner portable, lightweight and quiet with this 6 Quart Capacity Backpack Vacuum. The favorite choice among cleaning professionals, this vacuum’s lightweight design weighs less than 11 pounds and comes with a comfortable, ergonomically designed harness. This handy backpack vacuum provides quiet operation, making it ideal for day cleaning in busy offices. This vacuum has everything you need, from an easy access on/off switch, four-stage filtration, closed bag design and secure latches to prevent leaks. The narrow profile and 50 ft. power cord make for unrestricted mobility. Rubbermaid’s backpack vacuum comes with assortment of attachments, including a flexible hose, aluminum wands, dusting brush and crevice, floor and upholstery tools, all of which can be stored on board. The Carpet and Rug Institute has given the Rubbermaid Backpack vacuum Green Label Approval, which signifies that this is a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment ad carpet appearance retention. This vacuum comes with a Manufacturer’s one-year warranty and is UL Approved for commercial use.
Rubbermaid Backpack Vacuum, 6 Quart Capacity, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 274.02 209.00 361.86 RCP9VBP06.JPG vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaners, upright vacuum, hoover vacuum, bagless vacuum, canister vacuum, eureka vacuum, vacuum bags, upright vacuum cleaner, vacuum accessories, electrolux vacuum, cordless vacuum, hepa vacuum, hoover vacuum cleaner, backpack vacuum, Commercial Vacuum Backpack RCP 9VBP06, RCP9VBP06 1 1 0 0 1 89
1753 Lagasse Commercial-Grade Industrial Sprayer, 3-Gallon Capacity (RLF1963VI) 1753 RLF 1963VI 5.40 1963VI Commercial Grade Pump Sprayer
Funnel-top sprayer with Viton seals. Brass flow control and extension Industrial-type liquid sprayers with multiple applications: masonry, pest control, carpet cleaning, waterproofing, degreasing. Use with herbicides, insecticides, stain removers, cleaning agents, other chemicals. Not for spray painting. White translucent polyethylene tank equipped with poly pump handle, pressure relief valve, commercial grade hose, brass discharge system and Viton seals for maximum chemical resistance. Tank includes brass extension wand with flat-fan nozzle, and carry strap.
Rl Flo-Master Pump Sprayer, Commercial Grade, 3 Gallon, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rl Flo-Master 43.49 30.09 57.76 RLF1963VI.JPG sprayers, spray bottles, spray containers, RLF 1963VI, RLF1963VI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 88
1756 Lagasse Compact Coreless 2-Ply Coreless Toilet Paper, 18 Rolls (GPC193-78) 1756 GPC 193-78 18.60 19378 2 Ply Coreless Standard Toilet Paper
Compact's 2-ply coreless standard toilet paper is an economical, high-capacity roll that decreases service intervals and reduces the risk of run-outs. Its unique packaging optimizes storage space and reduces waste, with no core to take up space. Each roll contains a minimum of 95% total recycled content, minimum 20% post-consumer. These white rolls are made up of 1,500 sheets, 3.85" x 4.05" sheets. Manufactured by Georgia-Pacific. See more wholesale toilet paper brands.
Georgia Pacific High Capacity 2 Ply Coreless Toilet Tissue, 1,500 Sheets per Roll, 18 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 60.88 45.20 81.42 GPC19378.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply coreless toilet paper, 2 ply coreless toilet tissue, two ply coreless toilet paper, two ply coreless toilet tissue, GPC 193-78, GPC19378 1 1 0 0 1 48
1757 Lagasse Compact 2 Ply Coreless Standard Toilet Paper, 36 Rolls (GPC19375) 1757 GPC 193-75 27.50 19375 2 Ply Coreless Standard Toilet Paper
This compact coreless bath tissue is the answer to your needs. Each coreless roll is specifically designed to increase tissue capacity per roll. Up to twice the capacity means less maintenance intervals and reduced risk of product run-outs. Compact's unique packaging reduces inventory space required and makes storage and retrieval of product for refill much easier verses standard tissue in large corrugated boxes. This cost-effective coreless tissue will satisfy all of your customer and employee needs. Compact offers the comfort of 2-ply softness with reliable performance you can count on.
Compact Coreless 2 Ply Toilet Tissue, White, 3.85 x 4.05, 1,000 Sheets per Roll, 36 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 76.98 58.72 101.80 GPC19375.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, coreless toilet paper, coreless toilet tissue, compact coreless bath tissue, two-ply, GPC 193-75, GPC19375 1 1 0 0 1 48
1758 Lagasse Compact 4.75" 1 Ply Coreless Standard Toilet Paper, 36 Rolls (GPC19376) 1758 GPC 193-76 28.18 19376 1 Ply Coreless 4.75" Toilet Paper
Coreless rolls are cost-effective, high-capacity toilet paper rolls that decrease service intervals and reduce the risk of run-out. This unique packaging optimizes storage space and reduces waste. These rolls are designed for use in Compact Coreless Dispensers (sold separately). These rolls contain 95% total recycled content, minimum 20% post-consumer.
Compact 1 Ply Coreless Toilet Paper, White, 3.85" x 4.04", 2,000 Sheets per Roll, 36 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 78.03 59.52 101.77 GPC19376.JPG compact toilet paper, compact toilet tissue, 1 ply coreless toilet paper, 1 ply coreless toilet tissue, one ply coreless toilet paper, one ply coreless toilet tissue, GPC 193-76, GPC19376 1 1 0 0 1 48
1759 Lagasse Compact 5.75" 1 Ply Coreless Standard Toilet Paper, 18 Rolls (GPC193-74) 1759 GPC 193-74 21.15 19374 1 Ply Coreless Toilet Paper
These cost-effective, high-capacity rolls decrease service intervals and reduce the risk of run-out and their unique packaging optimizes storage space and reduces waste. These rolls are designed for use in Compact Coreless Dispensers (sold separately). Each coreless roll contains 95% total recycled content, minimum 20% post-consumer.
Compact Coreless 1 Ply Toilet Paper, Standard, White, 3.85" x 4.05", 3,000 Sheets per Roll, 18 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 64.36 47.43 86.36 GPC19374.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 1 ply coreless toilet paper, 1 ply coreless toilet tissue, one ply coreless toilet paper, one ply coreless toilet tissue, GPC 193-74, GPC19374 1 1 0 0 1 48
1760 Lagasse Compact Side-by-Side Double Roll Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser (GPC56784) 1760 GPC 567-84 1.94 56784 Side-by-Side Double Roll Coreless Toilet Tissue Dispenser
Attractive, cost-effective dispenser holds up to six times more capacity than standard two-ply roll dispensers for reduced risk of run-out. Designed to hold 6,000 sheets of one-ply tissue or 3,000 sheets of two-ply tissue coreless rolls. Transfer paddle keeps new roll from being used before current roll is finished, reducing stub roll waste. Key lock mechanism (key included). High-impact plastic construction. 10.12"wide x 6.75"deep x 7.12"high.
Georgia Pacific Compact Double Roll Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser, Smoke, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Paper Dispenser » Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 20.11 15.34 27.20 GPC56784.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, bobrick toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, Compact Side-by-Side Double Roll Coreless Tissue Dispenser, Translucent Smoke GPC 567-84, GPC56784 1 1 0 0 1 48
1762 Lagasse Compare General-Purpose Cleaner, Gallon Bottles (FRKF216022) 1762 FRK F216022 34.00 F216022 Compare General Purpose Floor Cleaner
Franklin Compare is a triple-action, heavy-duty neutral cleaner. General-purpose, mop-on floor or automatic scrubber cleaner. Compare floor cleaner is low foaming, rinse-free and completely biodegradable. For use on all floor surfaces not harmed by water. Fresh herbal fragrance. Recommended dilution: normal (1:64).
Franklin Compare Heavy Duty Low Foaming General All Purpose Floor Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottles, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Franklin Cleaning Technology 30.60 23.34 41.13 FRKF216022.JPG compare general purpose cleaner, compare floor cleaner, franklin compare cleaner, FRK F216022, FRKF216022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
1763 Lagasse Compare All Purpose Cleaner, 5-Gallon Pail (FRKF216026) 1763 FRK F216026 45.00 F216026 Compare Heavy Duty All Purpose Cleaner
Triple-action, heavy-duty neutral cleaner. General-purpose, mop-on floor or automatic scrubber cleaner. Low foaming, rinse-free, biodegradable. For use on all floor surfaces not harmed by water. Fresh herbal fragrance. Recommended dilution: normal (1:64).
5 Gallon Pail, Compare Heavy Duty All Purpose Cleaner, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Franklin Cleaning Technology 33.17 24.71 44.21 FRKF216026.JPG Compare General-Purpose Cleaner, 1 Pail, 5-Gallon Pail FRK F216026, FRKF216026, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
1764 Lagasse Concentrated 101 Wick Deodorant, Cherry Fragrance, 12 Bottles per Box, 1.5-oz. Bottle (FRS1215MC-CH) 1764 FRS 1215MC-CH 3.33 12-1.5MC-C-F Concentrated 101 Wick Air Freshener Deodorant and Bathroom Air Freshener is composed of a nonspill, shatterproof plastic bottle of oil-based liquid air freshener that lasts up to 60 days. These air fresheners and Bathroom Air Fresheners have an adjustable wick controls fragrance release. For versatile placement, can be used with minicabinet (included) and is great if used as a bathroom air freshener. Includes mounting tape.
Please shop for all of your Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save.
CONC 101 WICK DEOD BTL CHERRY 12/1.5 OZ Fresh Products 21.97 16.54 29.72 FRS1215MCCH.JPG Concentrated 101 Wick Deodorant, Cherry Fragrance, 12 Bottles per Box, 1.5-oz. Bottle FRS 1215MC-CH, FRS1215MCCH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
1765 Lagasse Concentrated 101 Wick Deodorant, Citrus, 12 - 1.5-oz. Bottles (FRS1215MC-CIT) 1765 FRS 1215MC-CIT 3.33 12-1.5MC-CT-F Wick Air Freshener Deodorant, Citrus Scent
Concentrated 101 Wick Air Freshener Deodorant and Bathroom Air Freshener is composed of a nonspill, shatterproof plastic bottle of oil-based liquid air freshener that lasts up to 60 days. These air fresheners and Bathroom Air Fresheners have an adjustable wick controls fragrance release. For versatile placement, can be used with minicabinet (included) and is great if used as a bathroom air freshener. Includes mounting tape.
Fresh Products Wick Air Freshener Deodorant, Citrus Scent, Concentrated, 12 - 1.5-oz. Bottles per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 21.98 16.75 29.69 FRS1215MCCIT.JPG air deodorizer, wick air freshener, air fresheners, TMS 2502, TMS2502, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
1766 Lagasse Concorde Non-Laminated Foam 6-oz. Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (DCC5BWWC) 1766 DCC 5BWWC 6.40 5BWWC 6 oz. Non-Laminated Foam Bowls
Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending, these non-laminated foam bowls from Concorde are ideal for hot or cold entrees. Made from sturdy insulated foam, they maintain food at its proper temperature. These insulated foam bowls maintain food temperature, quality, and taste, increasing customer satisfaction. White. 1,000 bowls per pack.
Dart Concorde Non-Laminated 6 oz. Foam Bowls, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 24.30 17.01 33.09 DCC5BWWC.JPG 6" foam bowls, 6" uncoated foam bowls, 6" round foam bowls, 6 inch diameter foam bowls, DCC 5BWWC, DCC5BWWC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1767 Lagasse Concorde Non-Laminated 12 oz. Foam Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (DCC12BWWC) 1767 DCC 12BWWC 7.80 12BWWC 12 oz. Non-Laminated Foam Bowls
Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending, these non laminated foam bowls from Concorde are ideal for hot or cold entrees. Concorde insulated foam bowls keep your hot foods hot and your cold foods cold. Made from sturdy insulated foam, they maintain food at its proper temperature. These insulated foam bowls maintain food temperature, quality, and taste, increasing customer satisfaction. White. 125 pieces per pack.
Dart Concorde Non-Laminated 12 oz. Foam Bowls, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 21.44 15.01 28.17 DCC12BWWC.JPG 10" foam bowls, 12" uncoated foam bowls, 12" round foam bowls, 10 inch diameter foam bowls, DCC 12BWWC, DCC12BWWC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1768 Lagasse Concorde Non-Laminated Foam 10-1/4" Plates, 500 Plates (DCC10PWC) 1768 DCC 10PWC 12.00 10PWC 10-1/4" Concorde Foam Plates
Providing superior strength and durability to stand up to whatever is dished out, these cut and leak resistant plates are the perfect addition to any food environment. These quality plates are made out of a strong and reliable foam form. These superior plates are ideal for cafeteria use. Offering second to none in both quality and functionality, this plate is the ideal choice for school cafeterias. Providing durable and secure compartment separation for both hot and cold foods. Stackable, yet designed for easier de-nesting. White. 125 pieces per bag, 4 Bags, 500 Plates per Case.
Dart 10-1/4" Foam Plates, White, 125 Plates per Bag, 4 Bags, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 36.04 25.23 48.56 DCC10PWC.JPG foam plates, uncoated foam plates, round foam plates, foam plates, DCC 10PWC, DCC10PWC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1769 Lagasse Concorde 10-1/4" 3 Compartment Foam Plates, 500 Plates (DCC10CPWC) 1769 DCC 10CPWC 12.20 10CPWC 10-1/4" Nonlaminated Foam 3 Compartment Plates
Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without breaking bending. Ideal for hot or cold entrees. Providing superior strength and durability to stand up to whatever is dished out, these cut and leak resistant plates are the perfect addition to any food environment. These 3-section plates are made out of a strong and reliable foam. These 3-section plates are ideal for cafeteria use. Offering second to none in both quality and functionality, this plate is the ideal choice for school cafeterias. White. 125 pieces per pack.
Dart Concorde 10-1/4" 3 Compartment Foam Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 33.97 23.78 44.16 DCC10CPWC.JPG foam plates, uncoated foam plates, 3 compartment plates, 3 section foam plates, DCC 10CPWC, DCC10CPWC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1770 Lagasse Concorde 6" Non-Laminated Foam Dinnerware Plates, 1,000 Plates (DCC6PWC) 1770 DCC 6PWC 6.00 6PWC 6" Foam Dinnerware Plates
Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending. Ideal for hot or cold entrees. Cut and leak resistant. The perfect addition to any food service industry, these Plates are made out of a strong and reliable foam form. These plates are ideal for cafeteria use. Offering second to none in both quality and functionality, this plates is the ideal choice for school cafeterias. Providing durable and secure food containment for both hot and cold foods. White. 125 pieces per pack, 8 packs per case, 1000 plates per case.
Dart Concorde 6" Foam Plates, Non-Laminated, White, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 18.19 12.73 23.90 DCC6PWC.JPG foam plates, plates, 6" foam plates, concorde plates, DCC 6PWC, DCC6PWC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1771 Lagasse Concorde 7" Non-Laminated Foam Plates, 1,000 Plates (DCC7PWC) 1771 DCC 7PWC 10.20 7PWC Non-Laminated Foam 7" Plates
Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending. Ideal for hot or cold entrees. Features a smooth, non absorbent surface. Perfect for office kitchens, cafeterias or parties. White. 1,000 plates per case.
Dart Concorde Non-Laminated Foam 7" Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 35.34 24.74 46.23 DCC7PWC.JPG 7in plate, foam plates, foam dinnerware, 7" plates, DCC 7PWC, DCC7PWC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1772 Lagasse Concorde Non-Laminated Foam Dinnerware 9" Plates, 500 Plates (DCC9PWC) 1772 DCC 9PWC 8.20 9PWC Non-Laminated Foam 9" Plates
Coming fully reinforced for an increased amount of strength, this line of high quality foam disposable plates are ideal for hot or cold entrees. Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending, these plates are the perfect addition to any food service industry. Offering second to none quality and functionality, these foam plates are the ideal choice for any food service environment. White. 125 pieces per pack. Dart's foam bowls come 4 packs to a case. Ideal for hot or cold entrees.
Dart Concorde Non-Laminated Foam 9" Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 19.24 13.47 25.63 DCC9PWC.JPG 9" foam bowls, 9" uncoated foam bowls, 9" round foam bowls, 9 inch diameter foam bowls, DCC 9PWC, DCC9PWC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1773 Lagasse Concorde 9" Non-Laminated Foam 3 Compartment Plates, 500 Plates (DCC9CPWC) 1773 DCC 9CPWC 7.00 9CPWC Non-Laminated 9" Foam 3 Compartment Plates
Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending. Ideal for hot or cold entrees. The perfect addition to any food service industry, these Three-Compartment Foam Plates are made out of a strong and reliable foam form. These three-compartment foam plates are ideal for cafeteria use. Offering second to none in both quality and functionality, these foam plates are the ideal choice for any food service environment. With three compartments that provide durable and secure compartment separation for both hot and cold foods. White. 500 pieces per case.
Dart Concorde Non-Laminated Foam 9" 3 Compartment Plates, 4 packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 19.39 13.57 25.87 DCC9CPWC.JPG 9" foam plates, uncoated foam plates, 9" round foam plates, 9 inch diameter foam plates, DCC 9CPWC, DCC9CPWC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1774 Lagasse Condiment Dispenser, Black (RCP2890BLA) 1774 RCP 2890 BLA 3.40 289000 BLACK Convenient, hygienic storage for condiments, garnishes and more. Textured, see-through lid made of durable polycarbonate features convenient finger tab for opening ease. Commercial dishwasher safe. Six one-pint inserts. 19-5/8w x 6-1/4d x 3-3/4h.
CONDIMENT DSP W/ 6 INSERTS BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 48.12 36.70 62.76 RCP2890BLA.JPG Condiment Dispenser, Black RCP 2890 BLA, RCP2890BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1775 Lagasse Dart Conex 7-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC7C) 1775 DCC 7C 19.70 7C 7-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cup
Serve cold beverages stylishly in these crystal clear plastic Conex cups. It's raised sidewall rings and rolled rim enhance rigidity. Strong, durable PET construction provides excellent crack resistance. Perfect for your next party or office function. This cup has a more upscale appearance than the normal translucent cups. 50 cups per sleeve, 20 sleeves per case.
Dart Conex 7-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 89.80 62.86 121.41 DCC7C.JPG Conex Clear Cold Cups, 7-oz. Cup DCC 7C, DCC7C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1777 Lagasse Dart Conex 24-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cup, 600 Cups (DCC24C) 1777 DCC 24C 32.00 24C 24 oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cup
Serve cold beverages stylishly in these crystal clear plastic Conex cups. It's raised sidewall rings and rolled rim enhance rigidity. Strong, durable PET construction provides excellent crack resistance. Perfect for your next party or office function. This cup has a more upscale appearance than the normal translucent cups. 50 cups per sleeve, 12 sleeves per case.
Dart Conex 24-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cup, 12 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 600 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 81.81 57.27 111.93 DCC24C.JPG conex translucent cold cups, 24-oz. cups, 24-oz. cold cups, DCC 24C, DCC24C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1778 Lagasse Dart Conex 20-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cups, 600 Cups (DCC20CT) 1778 DCC 20CT 28.40 20CT 20 oz. Ultra Clear Tall Cold Cup
Serve cold beverages stylishly in these crystal clear plastic Conex cups. It's raised sidewall rings and rolled rim enhance rigidity. Strong, durable PET construction provides excellent crack resistance. Perfect for your next party or office function. This cup has a more upscale appearance than the normal translucent cups. 50 cups per sleeve, 12 sleeves per case.
Dart Conex 20-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cup, 12 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 600 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 80.33 56.23 106.84 DCC20CT.JPG Conex Clear Cold Cups, 20-oz. Cup DCC 20CT, DCC20CT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1779 Lagasse Dart Conex 9-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC9C) 1779 DCC 9C 23.60 9C 9 oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cup
Serve cold beverages stylishly in these crystal clear plastic Conex cups. It's raised sidewall rings and rolled rim enhance rigidity. Strong, durable PET construction provides excellent crack resistance. Perfect for your next party or office function. This cup has a more upscale appearance than the normal translucent cups. 50 cups per sleeve, 20 sleeves per case.
Dart Conex 9-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 87.69 61.38 118.34 DCC9C.JPG Conex Clear Cold Cups, 9-oz. Cup DCC 9C, DCC9C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1780 Lagasse Dart Conex 9-oz. Ultra Clear Squat Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC9CS) 1780 DCC 9CS 25.00 9CS 9 oz. Ultra Clear Squat Cold Cup
Serve cold beverages stylishly in these crystal clear plastic Conex cups. It's raised sidewall rings and rolled rim enhance rigidity. Strong, durable PET construction provides excellent crack resistance. Perfect for your next party or office function. This cup has a more upscale appearance than the normal translucent cups. 50 cups per sleeve, 20 sleeves per case.
Dart Conex 9-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cup, Squat, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 77.59 54.31 105.91 DCC9CS.JPG Conex Clear Cold Cups, 9-oz. Squat Cup DCC 9CS, DCC9CS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1781 Lagasse Conex Clear Cold Cups, 10-oz. Cup (DCC10C) 1781 DCC 10C 26.00 10C Dart Cups - Conex Cold Cups
Dart sets the industry standard of excellence by efficiently providing high quality foodservice packaging solutions and exceptionally reliable service.
Dart manufactures a broad range of quality single-use products for the foodservice, retail, and food packaging industries, and is the world's largest manufacturer of foam cups. In order to ensure that we provide our customers with consistent product quality and a dependable source of supply, Dart manufactures most of its own production equipment and raw materials. We then turn those raw materials into finished products and use Dart trucks to deliver them to points "across the globe."
Dart's pledge to customer satisfaction does not end with the sale of their cups. Dart has forged many long standing business partnerships with the distributor community through ongoing service and support levels that are second to none in the industry. They have also been at the forefront of efforts to recycle polystyrene foam foodservice products, and to inform government, customers, and the public of the facts about polystyrene foam. Top to bottom, Dart stacks up as the proven leader in providing quality, service, and convenience to foodservice markets worldwide.
10-oz. Cup, 50 cups per bag. 20 bags per case. 1,000 cups per case.
Fits Lid with SKU:
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Cups Lids
Dart Container 100.16 70.11 134.30 DCC10C.JPG Conex Clear Cold Cups, 10-oz. Cup DCC 10C, DCC10C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1782 Lagasse Conex 12-oz. Clear Cold Cup, 1,000 Cups (DCC12C) 1782 DCC 12C 27.50 12C 12-oz. Conex Clear Cold Cups
These superior quality 12-oz. cups offer a crystal clear design, and are the perfect fit for parties, offices, food service industries and more! Raised sidewall rings and rolled rim enhance rigidity. Strong, durable PET construction provides excellent crack resistance. 1,000 cups per case. Serve cold beverages stylishly!
Dart Conex 12-oz. Cold Cup, Clear, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 101.66 71.16 135.06 DCC12C.JPG conex translucent cold cups, 12-oz. cups, 12-oz. cold cups, DCC 12C, DCC12C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1783 Lagasse Conex 12-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC12CS) 1783 DCC 12CS 32.40 12CS 12 oz. Ultra Clear Squat Cold Cup
Serve cold beverages stylishly in these crystal clear plastic Conex cups. It's raised sidewall rings and rolled rim enhance rigidity. Strong, durable PET construction provides excellent crack resistance. Perfect for your next party or office function. This cup has a more upscale appearance than the normal translucent cups. 50 cups per sleeve, 20 sleeves per case.
Dart Conex 12-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 87.80 61.46 119.09 DCC12CS.JPG Conex Clear Cold Cups, 12-oz. Squat Cup DCC 12CS, DCC12CS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1784 Lagasse Dart Conex 16-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC16CT) 1784 DCC 16CT 41.80 16CT 16-oz. Ultra Clear Plastic Cold Cups
Serve cold beverages stylishly in these crystal clear plastic Conex cups. It's raised sidewall rings and rolled rim enhance rigidity. Strong, durable PET construction provides excellent crack resistance. Perfect for your next party or office function. This cup has a more upscale appearance than the normal translucent cups. 50 cups per sleeve,20 sleeves per case.
Dart Conex 16-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 87.59 61.31 118.79 DCC16CT.JPG Conex Clear Cold Cups, 16-oz. Cup DCC 16CT, DCC16CT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1785 Lagasse Conex Complements 1-1/2 oz. Portion Cups, 2,500 Cups (DCC150PC) 1785 DCC 150PC 11.40 150PC 1.5 oz. Plastic Portion Cups
Conex Complements portion containers and lids provide the perfect portion for any purpose. Made of durable, crack-resistant polypropylene, they're ideal for the many diverse dining and carryout applications in today's foodservice market. For dining, Conex Complements can serve anything from small side dishes to salad dressing and whipped butter. For carryout, when coupled with a secure fitting clear lid, they safely transport side sauces such as ranch dressing, marinara, salsa, and more.
Dart Conex Complements 1.5 oz. Portion Cups, 20 Sleeves of 125 Cups, 2,500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 41.46 29.02 54.04 DCC150PC.JPG Conex Complements Portion Cups, Clear, 1-1/2-oz. Cup DCC 150PC, DCC150PC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1786 Lagasse 2-oz. Conex Complements Portion Cups, Clear, 2500 Cups (DCC200PC) 1786 DCC 200PC 12.50 200PC Durable, crack resistant polypropylene. 125 cups per bag; 20 bags per case (2,500 cups).
2 oz Conex Portion Containers, 2,500 per Case
Dart Container 34.74 24.32 47.16 DCC200PC.JPG Conex Complements Portion Cups, Clear, 2-oz. Cup, DCC 200PC, DCC200PC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1787 Lagasse Conex Complements Portion Cups, Black, 2-oz. Cup (DCC200PCBLK) 1787 DCC 200PCBLK 12.50 200PCBLK Durable, crack resistant polypropylene. 125 cups per bag; 20 bags per case (2,500 cups).
2 oz Conex Portion Containers, Black, 2,500 per Case
Dart Container 40.90 28.63 53.91 DCC200PCBLK.JPG Conex Complements Portion Cups, Black, 2-oz. Cup DCC 200PCBLK, DCC200PCBLK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1788 Lagasse 1-1/4 oz. Clear Plastic Portion Cups, 2,500 Cups (DCC125PC) 1788 DCC 125PC 8.40 125PC 1.25 oz. Plastic Portion Cups
Conex Complements portion containers and lids provide the perfect portion for any purpose. Made of durable, crack-resistant polypropylene, they're ideal for the many diverse dining and carryout applications in today's foodservice market. For dining, Conex Complements can serve anything from small side dishes to salad dressing and whipped butter. For carryout, when coupled with a secure fitting clear lid, they safely transport side sauces such as ranch dressing, marinara, salsa, and more.
Dart 1.25 oz. Portion Cups, 20 Sleeves of 125 Cups, 2,500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 61.00 42.70 80.69 DCC125PC.JPG Conex Complements Portion Cups, Clear, 1-1/4-oz. Cup DCC 125PC, DCC125PC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1789 Lagasse Conex Complements 1-oz. Portion Cups, Clear, 2,500 Cups (DCC100PC) 1789 DCC 100PC 8.00 100PC Clear Portion Cups
Offering a simple and easy way to hydrate, Conex 1-oz. Portion Cups are the perfect complement to any water cooler. These convenient clear portion cups are the ideal choice for those looking to provide an easy, accessible and hygienic water cooler option. Perfect for hospitals, offices, school and industrial buildings, Conex portion cups are made from durable, crack resistant polypropylene, so they will hold up to hard use. While these 1-oz. cups are great for water cooler use, they are also perfect for serving condiments, sauces and dips. Designed for both easy stacking and stocking, these cups are designed to create a perfect portion each and every time. Stock up today!
Conex Complements 1-oz Portion Cups, Clear, 2,500 per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 34.64 24.25 46.93 DCC100PC.JPG Conex Complements Portion Cups, Clear, 1-oz. Cup DCC 100PC, DCC100PC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1790 Lagasse Conex Complements Portion Cups, Clear, 3-1/4-oz. Cup (DCC325PC) 1790 DCC 325PC 18.90 325PC Durable, crack resistant polypropylene. 125 cups per bag; 20 bags per case (2,500 cups).
3.25 oz Conex Portion Containers, 2,500 per Case
Dart Container 58.43 40.90 78.81 DCC325PC.JPG Conex Complements Portion Cups, Clear, 3-1/4-oz. Cup DCC 325PC, DCC325PC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1791 Lagasse Conex Complements Portion Cups, Clear, 5.5-oz. Cup (DCC550PC) 1791 DCC 550PC 26.60 550PC Durable, crack resistant polypropylene. 125 cups per bag; 20 bags per case (2,500 cups).
5.5 oz Conex Plastic Portion Containers, 2,500 per Case
Dart Container 78.94 55.26 107.32 DCC550PC.JPG Conex Complements Portion Cups, Clear, 5.5-oz. Cup DCC 550PC, DCC550PC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1792 Lagasse Conex Complements Portion Cups, Clear, 4-oz. Cup (DCC400PC) 1792 DCC 400PC 21.20 400PC Durable, crack resistant polypropylene. 125 cups per bag; 20 bags per case (2,500 cups).
4 oz Plastic Conex Portion Containers, 2,500 per Case
Dart Container 58.81 41.17 77.70 DCC400PC.JPG Conex Complements Portion Cups, Clear, 4-oz. Cup DCC 400PC, DCC400PC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1793 Lagasse Conex Complements Portion Cups, Black, 4-oz. Cup (DCC400PCBLK) 1793 DCC 400PCBLK 21.50 400PCBLK Durable, crack resistant polypropylene. 125 cups per bag; 20 bags per case (2,500 cups).
4 oz Plastic Conex Portion Containers, Black, 2,500 per Case
Dart Container 80.10 56.07 106.99 DCC400PCBLK.JPG Conex Complements Portion Cups, Black, 4-oz. Cup DCC 400PCBLK, DCC400PCBLK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1794 Lagasse Conex 3.5-oz. Translucent Cold Cups, 2,500 Cups (DCC35N25) 1794 DCC 3.5N25 13.40 3.5N25 Plastic Cups
These superior quality, 3.5-oz. cups from Dart Container Corporation offer a sleek translucent design for easy beverage identification, and are the perfect fit for parties, offices, food service industries and more! Providing high quality combined with low cost, these plastic Conex cups are the ideal single-use beverage cup. Dart designed these cups to be crack resistant, preventing messy leaks, with sidewall rings to add strength and also provide a no-slip gripping surface. Packaged in 25 - 100 cup sleeves, they can be easily stored in multiple locations for easy access. These 3.5 oz. cups are ideal for a variety of purposes including break rooms, waiting areas, family reunions, weddings, or at any bar location. Stock up today and save!
Dart Conex 3.5-oz. Cups, Translucent, 25 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 53.44 37.41 72.73 DCC35N25.JPG conex translucent cold cups, 3-1/2-oz. cups, 3.5-oz cold cups, DCC 3.5N25, DCC3.5N25, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1795 Lagasse Conex 5-oz. Translucent Cold Cups, 2,500 Cups (DCC5N25) 1795 DCC 5N25 20.00 5N25 5oz Translucent Cold Cups
From Dart Manufacturers, the world's largest manufacturer of disposable cups, these superior quality 5-oz. cups offer a sleek translucent design, and are the perfect fit for a number of occasions and locations. These plastic cups provide high quality while delivering on low cost. Dart designed these 5-oz. Conex cups with sidewall rings to add strength and also provide a no-slip gripping surface. Packaged in 25 - 100 cup sleeves to allow for easy, clean and dry storage, Conex translucent cold drink cups provide flexibility to adapt to your plastic cup needs, whether it be for break rooms, waiting rooms, bar locations, tailgating or any occasion that calls for convenient, disposable cups. Stock up today!
Dart Conex 5-oz. Translucent Plastic Cold Cups, 25 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 46.30 32.41 62.07 DCC5N25.JPG dart cups, cold cups, plastic cups, 5-oz. cold cups, 5-oz. plastic cups, conex translucent cold cups, 5-oz. cups, DCC 5N25, DCC5N25, restaurant supplies, food service supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1796 Lagasse Dart Conex 24-oz.Translucent Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC24TN) 1796 DCC 24TN 33.80 24TN 24-oz. Translucent Plastic Cold Cups
Direct from Dart, these translucent Conex Cold Cups are great for any occasion or location. Coming complete with raised sidewall rings, these cups offer higher levels of strength and secure gripping that other cups do not. With their crack-resistant design, these cups are certain to avoid spills more effectively, making them an ideal fit for any commercial or residential situation. Includes 1,000 cups.
Dart Conex 24-oz. Cups, Translucent, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 151.23 105.86 201.51 DCC24TN.JPG Conex Translucent Cold Cups, 24-oz. Cup DCC 24TN, DCC24TN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1797 Lagasse Dart Conex 20-oz. Translucent Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC20N) 1797 DCC 20N 31.00 20N 20-oz. Translucent Plastic Cold Cups
Direct from Dart, these translucent Conex Cold Cups are great for any occasion or location. Coming complete with raised sidewall rings, these cups offer higher levels of strength and secure gripping that other cups do not. With their crack-resistant design, these cups are certain to avoid spills more effectively, making them an ideal fit for any commercial or residential situation. Includes 1,000 cups.
Dart Conex 20-oz. Cups, Translucent, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 89.57 62.70 120.32 DCC20N.JPG Conex Translucent Cold Cups, 20-oz. Cup DCC 20N, DCC20N, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1798 Lagasse Dart Conex 7-oz. Translucent Cold Cups, 2,500 Cups (DCC7N25) 1798 DCC 7N25 23.50 7N25 7-oz. Translucent Plastic Cold Cups
Direct from Dart, these translucent Conex Cold Cups are great for any occasion or location. Coming complete with raised sidewall rings, these cups offer higher levels of strength and secure gripping that other cups do not. With their crack-resistant design, these cups are certain to avoid spills more effectively, making them an ideal fit for any commercial or residential situation. Includes 1,000 cups.
Dart Conex 7-oz. Cups, Translucent, 25 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 74.66 52.26 97.80 DCC7N25.JPG conex translucent cold cups, 7-oz. cup DCC 7N25, DCC7N25, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1799 Lagasse Dart Conex 9-oz. Translucent Plastic Cold Cups, 2,500 Cups (DCC9N25) 1799 DCC 9N25 33.30 9N25 9-oz. Conex Cold Cups
These superior quality, 9-oz. cups offer a sleek translucent design, and are the perfect fit for parties, offices, food service industries and more! Providing high quality while delivering on low costs, This 9-oz Conex cup has sidewall rings to add strength and also provide a no-slip gripping surface. Packed 25 packs of 100 cups per sleeve, these are easily stored in multiple locations for easy access. These can be used for a variety of purposes including break rooms, waiting areas, family reunions, weddings, and at any bar location.
Dart Conex 9-oz. Cold Cups, Translucent, 25 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 85.39 59.77 115.48 DCC9N25.JPG conex translucent cold cups, 9-oz. cup, DCC 9N25, DCC9N25, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1800 Lagasse Conex 10-oz. Translucent Plastic Cold Cups, 2,500 Cups (DCC10N25) 1800 DCC 10N25 34.40 10N25 10 oz. Translucent Cold Cups
These superior quality, 10-oz. cups offer a sleek translucent design, and are the perfect fit for parties, offices, food service industries and more! Providing high quality while delivering on low costs, this 10 oz Conex cup has sidewall rings to add strength and also provide a no-slip gripping surface. Packed 25 sleeves of 100 cups per sleeve, these are easily stored in multiple locations for easy access. These can be used for a variety of purposes including break rooms, waiting areas, family reunions, weddings, or at any bar location.
Dart Conex 10-oz. Plastic Cups, Translucent, 25 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 91.31 63.92 122.43 DCC10N25.JPG conex translucent cold cups, 10-oz. plastic cups, 10-oz. Cups, 10-oz cold cups, DCC 10N25, DCC10N25, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1801 Lagasse Dart Conex 12-oz. Translucent Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC12SN) 1801 DCC 12SN 16.50 12SN 12-oz. Translucent Plastic Cold Cups
Direct from Dart, these translucent Conex Cold Cups are great for any occasion or location. Coming complete with raised sidewall rings, these cups offer higher levels of strength and secure gripping that other cups do not. With their crack-resistant design, these cups are certain to avoid spills more effectively, making them an ideal fit for any commercial or residential situation. Includes 1,000 cups.
Dart Conex 12-oz. Cups, Translucent, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 37.39 26.17 48.82 DCC12SN.JPG conex translucent cold cups, 12-oz. cup, dart plastic cup, DCC 12SN, DCC12SN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1802 Lagasse Dart Conex 16-oz. Tall Translucent Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC16TN) 1802 DCC 16TN 23.80 16TN 16-oz. Tall Translucent Plastic Cold Cups
Direct from Dart, these translucent Conex Cold Cups are great for any occasion or location. Coming complete with raised sidewall rings, these cups offer higher levels of strength and secure gripping that other cups do not. With their crack-resistant design, these cups are certain to avoid spills more effectively, making them an ideal fit for any commercial or residential situation. Includes 1,000 cups.
Dart Conex 16-oz. Cups, Translucent, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 49.07 34.35 63.95 DCC16TN.JPG cold cups, plastic cups, tall cups, translucent cups, 16-oz cups, 16-oz. cold cups, 16-oz. plastic cups, 16-oz. tall cups, conex translucent cold cups, DCC 16TN, DCC16TN, restaurant supplies, food service supplies 1 1 0 0 1 27
1803 Lagasse Dart Conex 14-oz. Translucent Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC14N) 1803 DCC 14N 18.40 14N 14-oz. Translucent Plastic Cold Cups
Direct from Dart, these translucent Conex Cold Cups are great for any occasion or location. Coming complete with raised sidewall rings, these cups offer higher levels of strength and secure gripping that other cups do not. With their crack-resistant design, these cups are certain to avoid spills more effectively, making them an ideal fit for any commercial or residential situation. Includes 1,000 cups.
Dart Conex 14-oz. Cups, Translucent, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 46.77 32.74 63.31 DCC14N.JPG Conex Translucent Cold Cups, 14-oz. Cup DCC 14N, DCC14N, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1804 Lagasse Dart Conex 16-oz. Translucent Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC16K) 1804 DCC 16K 25.00 16K 16-oz. Translucent Plastic Cold Cups
Direct from Dart, these translucent Conex Cold Cups are great for any occasion or location. Coming complete with raised sidewall rings, these cups offer higher levels of strength and secure gripping that other cups do not. With their crack-resistant design, these cups are certain to avoid spills more effectively, making them an ideal fit for any commercial or residential situation. Includes 1,000 cups.
Dart Conex 16-oz. Cups, Translucent, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 57.94 40.56 75.97 DCC16K.JPG conex translucent cold cups, 16-oz. plastic cups, dart 16 oz. cups, dart cold cups, DCC 16K, DCC16K, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
1805 Lagasse Ansell Conform Premium Latex Gloves, Large Size, 100 Gloves (ANS69210L) 1805 ANS 69210L 2.40 516706 Large Latex Gloves
These latex gloves from Ansell are the ideal combination of quality and affordability. Offering the highest degree of dexterity while still keeping your hands safe and clean, these gloves are great for use in laboratory analysis/technical work, intricate parts handling, food processing and handling, quality control, electronics assembly, light-duty maintenance, cleanup and any other job that requires gloves for safety. Manufactured with a powdered formula, these gloves are not sticky, making them easier to pull on quickly and safely by reducing the risk of ripping or tearing. Ansell’s 100% natural rubber large size latex gloves are also ambidextrous, fitting either hand for added convenience. Stock up today on FDA/USDA Compliant Ansell Latex Gloves and save!
Ansell Conform Disposable Latex Gloves, Large Size, White, Powdered, 100 Gloves per Dispenser - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ansell 9.43 7.19 12.61 ANS69210L.JPG conform premium latex gloves, latex gloves, large latex gloves, powdered latex gloves, ANS 69210L, ANS69210L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
1806 Lagasse Conform Premium Latex Gloves, 100 Gloves per Box, Medium Size (ANS69210M) 1806 ANS 69210M 1.45 516705 Conform Premium Latex Medium Powdered Gloves
Provides the highest degree of dexterity available with the strength and comfort of 100% natural rubber latex. For laboratory analysis/technical work, intricate parts handling, food processing and handling, quality control, electronics assembly, light-duty maintenance and cleanup. Fits either hand. White, nonsterile. 5 mils thick. Powdered.
Conform Disposable Latex Powdered Medium Gloves, 100 per Box
Ansell 9.09 6.61 12.16 ANS69210M.JPG Conform Premium Latex Gloves, 100 Gloves per Dispenser, Medium Size ANS 69210M, ANS69210M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
1807 Lagasse Conform Premium Latex Gloves, 100 Gloves per Box, X-Large Size (ANS69210XL) 1807 ANS 69210XL 1.90 516707 Conform Premium Latex Powdered X-Large Gloves
Provides the highest degree of dexterity available with the strength and comfort of 100% natural rubber latex. For laboratory analysis/technical work, intricate parts handling, food processing and handling, quality control, electronics assembly, light-duty maintenance and cleanup. Fits either hand. White, nonsterile. 5 mils thick. Powdered.
Conform Disposable Powdered X-Large Latex Gloves, 100 per Box
Ansell 9.09 6.76 12.41 ANS69210XL.JPG Conform Premium Latex Gloves, 100 Gloves per Dispenser, X-Large Size ANS 69210XL, ANS69210XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
1808 Lagasse Ansell Conform XT Latex Gloves, Large, 100 Gloves (ANS69318L) 1808 ANS 69318L 1.40 516702 Powder Free Latex Gloves
Ansell’s latex gloves offer the most dexterity possible, while still providing strength and comfort for all of your sanitary needs. Made of 100% natural rubber latex, these gloves are ideal for work in laboratory analysis, intricate parts handling, food processing and handling, quality control, electronics assembly, light-duty maintenance and cleanup. Manufactured with a powder-free formula, these latex gloves feature a textured grip and are completely ambidextrous, fitting either hand. The ideal combination of quality and low cost, these durable gloves are great for providing economical hand/product protection in applications where gloves are frequently changed. Stock up today on Ansell Conform Premium Latex Gloves and save.
Ansell Conform XT Latex Gloves, Powder-Free, Large Size, 100 Gloves per Dispenser Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ansell 9.83 7.50 12.99 ANS69318L.JPG large latex gloves, powder free latex gloves, large powder free latex gloves, conform xt premium latex gloves, ANS 69318L, ANS69318L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
1809 Lagasse Ansell Conform XT Powder-Free Latex Gloves, Medium Size, 100 Gloves (ANS69318M) 1809 ANS 69318M 1.50 516701 Disposable Latex Gloves
Made from 100% natural rubber latex, these gloves from Ansell offer near bare-handed dexterity while providing strength and comfort. Ideal for many of your sanitary needs, these latex gloves will not restrict movement or flexibility, and are ideal for work in laboratory analysis, intricate parts handling, food processing and handling, quality control, electronics assembly, light-duty maintenance and clean-up. Ansell has designed these powder-free gloves to be ambidextrous, fitting either hand, and the textured grip helps to provide stable handling in wet or dry applications. The perfect combination of quality and low cost, these medium sized gloves meet FDA 510K regulations and provide the best option for economical hand/product protection for jobs where gloves are changed frequently. Buy today and save!.
Ansell Conform Disposable Latex Gloves, Powder-Free, Medium Size, White, 100 per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ansell 9.59 7.32 13.02 ANS69318M.JPG Conform XT Premium Latex Gloves, 100 Gloves per Dispenser, Medium Size ANS 69318M, ANS69318M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
1810 Lagasse Conform Premium Latex Gloves Small (ANS69318S) 1810 ANS 69318S 1.50 516700 Conform Premium Powder Free Small Latex Gloves
Provides the highest degree of dexterity available with the strength and comfort of 100% natural rubber latex. For laboratory analysis/technical work, intricate parts handling, food processing and handling, quality control, electronics assembly, light-duty maintenance and cleanup. Meets FDA 510K regulations. Fits either hand. White, nonsterile. 5 mils thick. Powder-free. Textured grip.
Disposable Powder Free Small Latex Gloves, 100 per Box
Ansell 9.59 7.32 12.88 ANS69318S.JPG Conform XT Premium Latex Gloves, 100 Gloves per Dispenser, Small Size ANS 69318S, ANS69318S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
1811 Lagasse Ansell Conform Latex Gloves, X-Large, 100 Gloves (ANS69318XL) 1811 ANS 69318XL 1.60 516703 Latex Gloves
These 100% natural rubber latex gloves from Ansell are ideal for work in laboratory analysis, intricate parts handling, food processing and handling, quality control, electronics assembly, light-duty maintenance and clean-up. Offering near bare-handed dexterity, these latex gloves provide strength and comfort for all of your sanitary needs without restricting movement or flexibility. Manufactured with a powder-free formula, Ansell has designed these textured grip gloves to be ambidextrous, fitting either hand. The ideal blend of low cost and quality, these extra large size latex gloves provide the best economical hand/product protection in applications where gloves are changed frequently. Stock up today on Ansell Latex Gloves and save!
Ansell Conform XT Disposable Latex Gloves, Powder Free, Extra Large, White, 100 Gloves per Dispenser Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ansell 9.83 7.50 13.43 ANS69318XL.JPG conform xt premium latex gloves, x-large size latex gloves, premium latex gloves, powder free latex gloves, ANS 69318XL, ANS69318XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
1812 Lagasse Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant, Cherry, 12 - 32-oz. Bottles (FRS12-32WB-CH) 1812 FRS 12-32WB-CH 28.60 12-32WB-C-F Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate
Fresh Products Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant is a water-soluble deodorant that cleans, deodorizes and refreshes all at the same time. The formula’s powerful detergents and potent perfumes counteract odors and leave areas smelling fresh and clean, providing 24 hour odor control. Conqueror 103 can be used in fabric shampoo, mop water or any water-based solution and is ideal for use on most tough odors, including pets, urinals and toilets, dumpsters and foul smelling drains. Use this powerful cherry scented formula as an air freshener and have any bathroom smelling fresh and clean in minutes. Just add to water or cleaning solution per directions and use in trigger sprayers, carpet extractors and laundry. Conqueror 103 is safe for use anywhere as it is free from Phenol Ethoxylate surfactants and carcinogens. 32-oz. bottle, 12 bottles per case and 2 trigger sprayers Included.
Fresh Products Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate, Cherry Scent, 32-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case
Air Freshener & Odor Control » Deodorants Liquid & Dry – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 50.47 38.49 68.36 FRS1232WBCH.JPG conqueror 103 odor counteractant concentrate, air fresheners, FRS 12-32WB-CH, FRS1232WBCH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
1813 Lagasse Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate, Lemon Fragrance, 12 Quarts (FRS12-32WB-LE) 1813 FRS 12-32WB-LE 29.20 12-32WB-LE-F Conqueror 103 Air Freshener Odor Counteractant Concentrate
This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a water-soluble deodorant that cleans, deodorizes, and refreshes all at the same time. It's powerful detergents and potent perfumes counteract malodors and leave bathrooms smelling fresh and clean. Add 1-2 oz. per gallon of water or cleaning solution. Use in fabric shampoo, mop water, or any water-based solution. Can be used in trigger sprayers, carpet extractors, laundry. This product is great if used as a bathroom air freshener and will have any bathroom clean and smelling fresh in no time. VOC Compliant. Readily biodegradable. 12-1 quarts.
Fresh Products Conqueror 103 Concentrated Deodorizer, Lemon Scent, 32-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case Fresh Products 50.47 38.49 67.59 FRS1232WBLE.JPG Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate, Lemon Fragrance, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle FRS 12-32WB-LE, FRS1232WBLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
1815 Lagasse Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate, Tutti-Frutti Fragrance, 12 Quarts (FRS12-32WB-TU) 1815 FRS 12-32WB-TU 28.60 12-32WB-T-F Conqueror 103 Air Freshener Odor Counteractant Concentrate. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a water-soluble deodorant that cleans, deodorizes, and refreshes all at the same time. It's powerful detergents and potent perfumes counteract malodors and leave bathrooms smelling fresh and clean. Add 1-2 oz. per gallon of water or cleaning solution. Use in fabric shampoo, mop water, or any water-based solution. Can be used in trigger sprayers, carpet extractors, laundry. This product is great if used as a bathroom air freshener and will have any bathroom clean and smelling fresh in no time. VOC Compliant. Readily biodegradable. Available in cases of 4 - 1 gallons or 12-1 quarts.
CONQUEROR 103 CONC DEOD BTL TUTTI FRUTTI 12/32 OZ Fresh Products 50.47 38.49 67.17 FRS1232WBTU.JPG Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate, Tutti-Frutti Fragrance, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle FRS 12-32WB-TU, FRS1232WBTU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
1816 Lagasse Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate, Cherry Fragrance, 4 Gallons (FRS1-WB-CH) 1816 FRS 1-WB-CH 37.00 1-WB-C-F Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate
This water-soluble formula cleans, deodorizes and refreshes surfaces. The formula contains powerful detergents and potent perfumes to counteract malodors and leave the area smelling fresh and clean. Add 1-2 oz. per gallon of water or cleaning solution. Use in fabric shampoo, mop water, any water-based solution. Can be used in trigger sprayers, carpet extractors and laundry. Includes four 1-gallon bottles of odor counteractant.
Fresh Products CONQUEROR 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate, Cherry Fragrance, 1 Gallon Bottles, 4 Gallons pr Case Fresh Products 60.76 46.34 83.13 FRS1WBCH.JPG Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate, Cherry Fragrance, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle FRS 1-WB-CH, FRS1WBCH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
1817 Lagasse Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate, Lemon 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles per Case FRS1WBLE 1817 FRS 1-WB-LE 36.00 1-WB-LE-F Conqueror 103 Air Freshener Odor Counteractant Concentrate. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a water-soluble deodorant that cleans, deodorizes, and refreshes all at the same time. It's powerful detergents and potent perfumes counteract malodors and leave bathrooms smelling fresh and clean. Add 1-2 oz. per gallon of water or cleaning solution. Use in fabric shampoo, mop water, or any water-based solution. Can be used in trigger sprayers, carpet extractors, laundry. This product is great if used as a bathroom air freshener and will have any bathroom clean and smelling fresh in no time. VOC Compliant. Readily biodegradable. Available in cases of 4 - 1 gallons or 12-1 quarts.
CONQUEROR 103 CONC ODOR COUNTERACT LMN 4/1 GL Fresh Products 60.76 46.34 81.97 FRS1WBLE.JPG conqueror 103, conqueror 103 air freshener, conqueror 103 odor counteractant concentrate, conqueror lemon odor counteractant, FRS 1-WB-LE, FRS1WBLE 1 1 0 0 1 44
1818 Lagasse Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate, Tutti-Frutti Fragrance, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (FRS1-WB-TU) 1818 FRS 1-WB-TU 36.40 1-WB-T-F Conqueror 103 Air Freshener Odor Counteractant Concentrate. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a water-soluble deodorant that cleans, deodorizes, and refreshes all at the same time. It's powerful detergents and potent perfumes counteract malodors and leave bathrooms smelling fresh and clean. Add 1-2 oz. per gallon of water or cleaning solution. Use in fabric shampoo, mop water, or any water-based solution. Can be used in trigger sprayers, carpet extractors, laundry. This product is great if used as a bathroom air freshener and will have any bathroom clean and smelling fresh in no time. VOC Compliant. Readily biodegradable. Available in cases of 4 - 1 gallons or 12-1 quarts.
CONQUEROR 103 CONC ODOR COUNTERACT TUTTI FRUTTI 4/1 GL Fresh Products 60.76 46.34 81.58 FRS1WBTU.JPG Conqueror 103 Odor Counteractant Concentrate, Tutti-Frutti Fragrance, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle FRS 1-WB-TU, FRS1WBTU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 44
1820 Lagasse Contemporary Wall-Mouted Wipe Dispenser (TXLL80) 1820 TXL L80 5.00 2XL-80 Wall Dispenser for GymWipes or CareWipes
Fashionable and convenient way to dispense 2XL Corporation brand GymWipes or CareWipes. Easily brings attention to the location of your wipes without interrupting the theme of your immediate environment. This easy wipe solution offers a hands free and contamination resistant dispensing option for any office or business. This contemporary plastic dispenser is quick and easy to load, due to its exceptional craftsmanship the towels or wipes stay moist and free from contamination when not being dispensed. The easy dispensing feature provides one-at-a-time dispensing and helps minimize over-consumption. See SKU: TXL L101 or TXL L38 GymWipes, SKU: TXL L401 CareWipes.
2XL Corporation Contemporary Wall Mounted Wipes Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 2XL Corporation 88.96 34.76 117.54 TXLL80.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, Contemporary Wall Dispenser TXL L80, TXLL80 1 1 0 0 1 193
1821 Lagasse TimeMist Air Freshener Dispenser, White, Unit Each (TMS32-1740TM) 1821 TMS 32-1740TM 0.41 32-1740TM Air Freshener Fan Dispenser
Continuous Fan Dispenser and Air Freshener Fragrance Refill has a silent motor that fills the air with pure air freshener fragrance. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener delivers consistent performance for a full 30 days. This bathroom air freshener is an attractive, compact unit that goes anywhere. Runs on one D alkaline battery (included with Refill TMS 30-4601TM Series, sold separately). Includes double-sided tape for wall mounting. These fragrance refills will fit battery-operated fan dispenser TMS 32-1740TM (sold separately). No VOC's to contaminate the atmosphere; no solvents, inert fillers or toxic ingredients. White. 4-1/2Wx3Dx3-3/4 H.
TimeMist Continuous Air Freshener Fan Dispenser, White, Compact Unit Sold by Each
Purchase all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies right here at Timemist Waterbury 13.36 10.19 17.38 TMS321740TM.JPG Continuous Fan Dispenser, White, TMS 32-1740TM, TMS321740TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
1822 Lagasse Contour Series 8-1/2" Trigger Sprayer (UNS5810-8) 1822 UNS 5810-8 0.08 UNS5810-8 Contour Series Trigger Sprayer
Durable sprayers handle a wide variety of chemicals. Choice of flexible tube lengths. Ergonomic design fits comfortably in hand. Textured wide grip improves wet or dry handling. Greater output per stroke increases efficiency, reduces cleaning time and user fatigue. Better coverage on mist setting. No leak at cap and bottle. Excellent for use in office, home or an industrious setting.
Unisan Countour Series Trigger Sprayer, 8 1/2" Sprayer, Fits 24 oz. Bottle, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 0.76 0.58 1.02 contour series trigger sprayer, UNS 5810-8, UNS58108, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, trigger sprayer, sprayer, trigger sprayers, sprayers 1 1 0 0 1 110
1823 Lagasse Unisan Contour Series Trigger Sprayer, 9-7/8" Trigger Sprayer (UNS5810-9) 1823 UNS 5810-9 0.08 UNS5810-9 Trigger Sprayer
This all purpose trigger sprayer is designed to handle a wide variety of cleaning chemicals, including glass cleaners, all purpose cleaners, degreasers and more. The ideal fit for any 32-oz. bottle, this trigger sprayer features a wide, textured grip that fits comfortably in your hand and improves wet or dry handling. The 9” trigger sprayer increases user efficiency and reduces overall cleaning time and user fatigue with its greater output per stroke. The mist setting on this sprayer also offers greater coverage and the screw tight design helps to prevent messy leakage at the cap and bottle. Excellent for use in homes, office and industrial settings, this trigger sprayer is a smart and economical cleaning accessory for any location. Stock up today and save!
Unisan Contour Trigger Sprayer, 9-7/8", Fits 32-oz. Bottles, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 0.73 0.56 0.97 contour series trigger sprayer, UNS 5810-9, UNS58109, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, trigger sprayer, sprayer, trigger sprayers, sprayers 1 1 0 0 1 110
1824 Lagasse Contura Lavatory-Mounted Soap Dispenser (BOB822) 1824 BOB 822 1.60 B-822 Contura Lavatory Mounted Soap Dispenser
Mounts through 1" diameter hole in countertop. Top-filling, locking cover and free turning spout design. Corrosion-resistant valve dispenses liquid soaps. 4" spout, cover and escutcheon have bright polished finish; body and shank made of high impact-resistant ABS plastic. 34-oz capacity. ADA Compliant.
Bobrick 34-oz Contura Countertop mounted Soap Dispenser, Chrome, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Bobrick 36.62 27.65 49.11 BOB822.JPG Contura Lavatory-Mounted Soap Dispenser, BOB 822, BOB822, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 13
1825 Lagasse Bobrick Contura Sanitary Napkin Disposal Receptacle, Stainless Steel (BOB270) 1825 BOB 270 3.40 B-270 Sanitary Napkin Receptacle
This sanitary napkin receptacle provides a convenient way of disposing of sanitary napkins in public restrooms. An essential item that no women’s bathroom should be without, Bobrick designed this attractive sanitary napkin receptacle to add a touch of class to any restroom. The Contura sanitary napkin receptacle features a one piece cover that secures with a full length hinge for trouble-free installation and operation. Designed with a stainless steel finish that allows for easy cleaning, this receptacle is resistant to corrosion, scratches, dents and stains. Yielding a one gallon capacity, this sanitary napkin disposal unit is ideal for high traffic restrooms. These Contura Stainless Steel Sanitary Napkins Receptacles will allow you to keep your restrooms clean and presentable for employees and customers. Stock up today!
Bobrick Contura Sanitary Napkin Receptacle, Satin Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Bobrick 34.70 20.59 47.29 BOB270.JPG sanitary napkin receptacle, sanitary trash cans, sanitary napkin disposal, bobrick sanitary napkin disposal, sanitary napkin disposal unit, stainless steel sanitary napkin receptacle, feminine hygiene product, feminine hygiene products, contura receptacle, BOB 270, BOB270, bobrick sanitary napkin trash can 1 1 0 0 1 13
1826 Lagasse Bobrick Contura Hand Soap Dispenser, Stainless Steel (BOB4112) 1826 BOB 4112 2.20 B-4112 Contura Surface-Mounted Hand Soap Dispenser
The Bobrick Contura Surface-Mounted Soap Dispenser is ideal for use with liquid soaps, lotions, E4-Rated antibacterial soaps and detergents. Constructed from 20-gauge, one-piece stainless steel body and has a hinged filler-top with key lock and unbreakable refill window for vandalism protection. Features a corrosion resistant dispenser valve. 40-fl. oz. capacity. ADA Compliant.
Bobrick Contura Hand Soap Dispenser, Surface Mount, 40-oz. Capacity, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Bobrick 57.31 41.85 76.54 BOB4112.JPG bobrick hand soap dispenser, Contura Surface-Mounted Soap Dispenser, Stainless Steel, BOB 4112, BOB4112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 13
1827 Lagasse Hospeco Plastic Sanitary Napkin Receptacle, White (HOS250/201W) 1827 HOS 250/201W 1.30 250/201W Plastic Sanitary Napkin Receptacle
Constructed with a hinged lid that stays open for disposals and closes tightly, this sanitary napkin receptacle is designed to provide safe and hygienic disposal of sanitary waste in women’s restrooms. This high quality receptacle is made to ensure that every visit is clean and convenient for your female employees and customers. Made from durable white ABS plastic, Hospeco designed this sanitary napkin receptacle to promote a high level of hygiene for your business. This sanitary napkin receptacle can be placed on the floor or mounted to the wall to save space. As an added bonus, this receptacle empties from the bottom, so hands never touch the contents. Designed for use with Kraft Wax Paper Bags liners (sold separately). Measurements are : 9-1/2"wide x 4-1/2"deep x 11-1/2"high.
Hospeco Plastic Sanitary Napkin Receptacle, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hospeco 19.36 14.94 25.37 HOS250201W.JPG sanitary napkin receptacle, sanitary napkin disposal, sanitary trash can, feminine hygiene product, feminine hygiene products, convertible floor sanitary napkin receptacle, plastic, HOS 250/201W, HOS250/201W, sanitary napkin disposal unit, wall mounted sanitary napkin receptacle, sanitary napkin disposal containers 1 1 0 0 1 57
1828 Lagasse Stainless Steel Convertible Floor/Wall Sanitary Napkin Receptacle (HOSND-1E) 1828 HOS ND-1E 5.00 ND-1E Stainless Steel Sanitary Napkin Receptacle
The Stainless Steel Sanitary Napkin Receptacle provides an easy way to access and store sanitary napkins. The perfect fit for bathrooms in restaurants, or offices, these classic and attractive sanitary waste receptacle are an essential item that no Women's restroom should be without. Make every visit clean and convenient for your female employees and customers. Heavy gauge steel with flip top lid. Door at base makes disposal quick and sanitary. Hinged lid stays open for disposals; closes tightly. Can be wall mounted. 9-1/2" wide x 4-1/2" deep x 11-1/2" high. Shipping weight: 3 lbs. Use with HOS 260 liners (sold separately).
Hospeco Floor or Wall Sanitary Napkin Receptacle, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 51.28 30.42 68.35 HOSND1E.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, feminine hygiene product, feminine hygiene products, Convertible Floor Sanitary Napkin Receptacle, Stainless Steel HOS ND-1E, HOSND1E 1 1 0 0 1 57
1829 Lagasse Rubbermaid Convertible Utility Cart, Black and Red (RCP4300BLA) 1829 RCP 4300 BLA 52.00 4300 BLA Rubbermaid Convertible Utility Cart
Multiple-duty carts for use in warehouses, mail rooms, conference rooms and maintenance facilities, Heavy-duty plastic won't rust, dent, chip or peel. Lightweight for easy maneuverability and quiet operation. Rounded corners mean no sharp edges to nick walls or furniture. Multifunction cart converts from a utility cart to a platform truck in just seconds Simple push-buttons and foot pedal for easy conversion. 400-lb. capacity (utility cart); 250-lb. capacity (platform truck). Recessed top shelf folds down to create back of platform truck. Platform truck configuration features 24 x 36 usable platform. Molded-in ergonomic handle for comfort. Non-marking swivel casters (two locking). 23-4/5" width x 45-1/5" diameter. 34-2/5" high (utility cart); 43-2/5" high (platform truck); collapses to just 10-7/8" high for efficient storage.
Rubbermaid Convertible Utility Cart, Black and Red, 23-4/5" x 45-1/5" x 34-2/5" High Utility Cart, 43-2/5" High Platform Truck, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 442.49 311.00 604.20 RCP4300BLA.JPG rubbermaid platform cart, rubbermaid utility cart, convertible utility cart, RCP 4300 BLA, RCP4300BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1830 Lagasse Corn Lobby/Toy Broom (UNS951T) 1830 UNS 951T 0.58 951T Lobby Broom
For spot cleaning. Three rows of stitching. 39in long, 7/8in diameter red wood handle. Shipping weight: 9 lbs.
Lobby broom, Wood Handle with Corn Bristles, 12 per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Unisan 48.01 36.62 65.21 UNS951T.JPG Corn Lobby/Toy Broom UNS 951T, UNS951T 1 1 0 0 1 110
1831 Lagasse Corn Whisk Broom (UNS951WC) 1831 UNS 951WC 0.25 UNS 951WC 10in length with three rows of stitching. Metal cap with ring for hanging. Shpg. wt. 6 lbs.
WHISK BRM 10 IN MTL CAP W/ RNG W/ CORN BRISTLES DZ Unisan 40.17 30.64 54.48 UNS951WC.JPG Corn Whisk Broom UNS 951WC, UNS951WC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
1832 Lagasse Hospeco Counter Cloth Bar Mops, 60 Towels (HOS536-60-5DZBX) 1832 HOS 536-60-5DZBX 9.00 536-60-5DZBX Bar Mops
These counter cloth bar mops from Hospeco are the perfect choice when you are looking for a reusable cloth for cleaning, wiping, drying and buffing. These counter cloths are ideal for use in restaurants, bars, or any other food service establishment. Made from 100% ribbed terry cloth, these high quality bar cloths are an excellent choice for cleaning tables and bars and they come in a variety of colors. Soak up liquids on tables and bar counters quickly and thoroughly with these counter cloths. Each one comes packaged in its own vacuum-packed polybag so they can be stored and kept clean until you need them.
Hospeco Counter Cloth Bar Mops, 100% Ribbed Terry Cloth, 60 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hospeco 30.05 21.76 40.89 HOS536605DZBX.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Counter Cloth/Bar Mops HOS 536-60-5DZBX, HOS536605DZBX 1 1 0 0 1 57
1833 Lagasse Dual Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser, Covered Reserve (SANR1500XC) 1833 SAN R1500XC 2.60 R1500XC Covered Reserve Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser
Reserve roll slides easily into dispensing position whether mounted vertically or horizontally. Accommodates industrial-size rolls. 20-gauge steel construction with key lock. Two-roll capacity with 1-1/2" core. 10"wide x 6-1/4" deep x 6"high. More Toilet Paper and Dispensers. Our full selection of Paper Products helps keep your home and office business clean, safe and well stocked.
San Jamar Reserve Standard Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser, Chrome, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 32.23 24.58 43.78 SANR1500XC.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, bobrick toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, Covered Reserve Roll Tissue Dispenser, Chrome SAN R1500XC, SANR1500XC 1 1 0 0 1 92
1834 Lagasse Crank Hardwound Roll Paper Towel Dispenser, White (SANT800WH) 1834 SAN T800WH 8.20 T800WH Crank Hardwound Roll Paper Towel Dispenser
Made from heavy gauge steel, the easy to use crank allows users to dispense the appropriate amount of paper. Coming in a space-saving design, the an Jamar Hardwound Paper Towel Roll Dispenser dispenses paper towels easily without adjustment or adapters. This quality paper towel dispenser dispenses towels evenly to reduces multiple dispensing. Holds hardwound paper towel rolls up to 9 inches wide, up to 7-3/4 inches diameter. 11" wide x 8-1/2" deep x 10-1/2" high. The Crank Roll Towel dispenser is a rugged, 20-gauge steel construction with enamel finish.
San Jamar Hardwound Paper Towel Roll Dispenser, Classic Crank Style, White Enamel Finish, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Dispensers » Hardwound Roll Towel Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 72.00 54.92 97.15 SANT800WH.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, Crank Paper Towel Dispenser, White SAN T800WH, SANT800WH 1 1 0 0 1 92
1838 Lagasse Cream Suds Dishwashing Detergent, 25-lb. Box (PGC02120) 1838 PGC 02120 29.60 08605 Cream Suds Dishwashing Detergent, 25-lb. Case
Procter and Gamble Professional 58.21 44.40 77.39 PGC02120.JPG Cream Suds Dishwashing Detergent, 25-lb. Box, PGC 02120, PGC02120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
1839 Lagasse Cream Suds® Dishwashing Detergent, 50-lb. Box (PGC02101) 1839 PGC 02101 54.40 08722 Cream Suds® Dishwashing Detergent, 50-lb. Case
CREAM SUDS DISHWASH DETERG 50 LB Procter and Gamble Professional 111.37 84.94 149.35 PGC02101.JPG Cream Suds Dishwashing Detergent, 50-lb. Box PGC 02101, PGC02101, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 80
1840 Lagasse Crown-Tred™ Outdoor/Indoor Scraper Mat, 34 x 68 Size (CROTD35BLA) 1840 CRO TD35 BLA 20.00 TD0035BK Excellent anti-skid surface. Ideal for heavy traffic areas. Gripper backing reduces mat movement. Durable rubber cleats withstand demanding outdoor environment with little maintenance; easy to clean. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 1/4in. Black.
CROWN-TRED MAT 3' X 5' BLA Ludlow Composites Corp. 47.65 35.77 62.41 CROTD35BLA.JPG Crown-Tred Outdoor/Indoor Scraper Mat, 34 x 68 Size CRO TD35 BLA, CROTD35BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
1841 Lagasse Crown-Tred™ Outdoor/Indoor Scraper Mat, 44 x 67 Size (CROTD46BLA) 1841 CRO TD46 BLA 25.00 TD0046BK Crown-Tred Outdoor/Indoor Scraper Mat
Excellent anti-skid surface. Ideal for heavy traffic areas. Gripper backing reduces mat movement. Durable rubber cleats withstand demanding outdoor environment with little maintenance; easy to clean. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 1/4. Black.
CROWN-TRED MAT 4' X 6' BLA Ludlow Composites Corp. 95.33 72.71 129.38 CROTD46BLA.JPG Crown-Tred Outdoor/Indoor Scraper Mat, 44 x 67 Size CRO TD46 BLA, CROTD46BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
1842 Lagasse Cruiser Mate Form Holder (SND21017) 1842 SND 21017 2.60 SAU21017 Form Holder
• For outdoor or indoor use • Durable recycled aluminum with antimicrobial protection Two separate storage areas. Bottom has 1in capacity for extra forms, reports, logs or tools, and has built-in pen/pencil tray. 7/16in capacity removable top compartment for completed forms. Clip has a slide-on clamp for notes or cards. Holds forms to 8-1/2 x 12. 1in clip capacity.
CRUISER MATE FORMS HOLDER 2 SEPARATE COMPARTMENTS Saunders Manufacturing 29.24 22.30 39.81 SND21017.JPG Cruiser Mate Form Holder, SND 21017, SND21017, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 94
1843 Lagasse Crystal Simple Green Industrial Strength Cleaner/Degreaser, 6 Gallons (SMP19128) 1843 SMP 19128 56.00 19128 All-Purpose Industrial Cleaner/Degreaser
Crystal Simple is an all purpose concentrated cleaner and degreaser that is specially formulated for critical cleaning that requires a fragrance free product. This heavy duty cleaner is non-toxic, biodegradable, non-hazardous, non-flammable and non-corrosive. This strong but safe degreaser removes oil, lubricants and grime from washable surfaces. Because it is made with no added colors or fragrance, this versatile concentrate rinses quickly and easily and is safe for food-preparation areas. Simple Green can also be custom diluted for specialized cleaning and is ideal for use in industrial/manufacturing, electronics and parts washing industries. It has also been approved for use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants and meets FDA requirements for cleaning cosmetics, medical and pharmaceutical environments. Simple Green is the right choice when you need a strong cleaner that will not harm the environment. Stock up today!
Crystal Simple Green Industrial Cleaner and Degreaser, 1 Gallon Bottle, 6 Gallon Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Simple Green 93.36 71.21 126.69 SMP19128.JPG simple green, simple green cleaner, simple green degreaser, industrial strength cleaner, industrial strength degreaser, SMP 19128, SMP19128, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, degreaser, industrial cleaner, biodegradable cleaner, green degreaser 1 1 0 0 1 99
1844 Lagasse Crystal Industrial Strength Cleaner/Degreaser, 5-Gallon Pail (SMP19005) 1844 SMP 19005 46.00 19005 Crystal Industrial Strength Cleaner/Degreaser
Nontoxic and biodegradable cleaner contains nonionic surfactants, is fragrance free and nonabrasive and has no caustic fumes. VOC Compliant. Exempt from OSHA and EPA special handling and personal protection requirements. Authorized by USDA for use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants. Meets Montreal Protocol Guidelines and FDA requirements for cleaning in cosmetics, medical and pharmaceutical environments. Environmentally conscious. Excellent for cleaning industrial strength cleaning while leaving a green planet.
Simple Green Crystal Industrial Cleaner Degreaser, 5 Gallon Pail per Order
CleanItSupply - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Simple Green 69.73 53.18 90.86 SMP19005.JPG crystal industrial strength cleaner/degreaser, SMP 19005, SMP19005, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, industrial strength cleaner, degreaser, degreasing cleaner 1 1 0 0 1 99
1845 Lagasse Simple Green Industrial Cleaner/Degreaser, 12 - 24-oz. Spray Bottles (SMP19024) 1845 SMP 19024 22.40 19024 Simple Green Crystal Industrial Strength Cleaner/Degreaser
Nontoxic and biodegradable cleaner contains nonionic surfactants, is fragrance free and nonabrasive and has no caustic fumes. VOC Compliant. Exempt from OSHA and EPA special handling and personal protection requirements. Authorized by USDA for use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants. Meets Montreal Protocol Guidelines and FDA requirements for cleaning in cosmetics, medical and pharmaceutical environments. Environmentally conscious.
Simple Green Crystal Industrial Cleaner and Degreaser, 24-oz. Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case.
Cleaning Chemicals » All Purpose CleanersDegreasers - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Simple Green 84.03 64.09 113.06 SMP19024.JPG Crystal Industrial Strength Cleaner/Degreaser, Trigger Sprayer, 12 Bottles per Case, 24-oz. Bottle SMP 19024, SMP19024, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 99
1850 Lagasse Cube Truck Lids, For 20 Cubic Ft. Trucks, Black (RCP4617BLA) 1850 RCP 4617 BLA 19.00 4617 00 BLACK Domed, hinged lid conceals loads without affecting capacity. (Cannot ship UPS.)
LID FOR 4614 4619 4720 CUBE TRUCKS BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 182.91 139.51 237.69 RCP4617BLA.JPG Cube Truck Lids, For 20 Cubic Ft. Trucks, Black RCP 4617 BLA, RCP4617BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1851 Lagasse Cube Truck Lids, For 14 and 16 Cubic Ft. Trucks, Black (RCP4615BLA) 1851 RCP 4615 BLA 15.20 4615 00 BLACK Domed, hinged lid conceals loads without affecting capacity. (Cannot ship UPS.)
LID FOR 4614 4616 4712 CUBE TRUCKS BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 170.44 130.00 227.41 RCP4615BLA.JPG Cube Truck Lids, For 14 and 16 Cubic Ft. Trucks, Black RCP 4615 BLA, RCP4615BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1852 Lagasse Cube Truck Lids, For 8 Cubic Ft. Trucks, Black (RCP4609BLA) 1852 RCP 4609 BLA 11.00 4609 BLA Domed, hinged lid conceals loads without affecting capacity. (Cannot ship UPS.)
LNDRY & WASTE CUBE TRUCK W/ HINGED LID BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 144.22 110.00 195.97 RCP4609BLA.JPG Cube Truck Lids, For 8 Cubic Ft. Trucks, Black RCP 4609 BLA, RCP4609BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
1853 Lagasse Rubbermaid Cube Truck Lid for 12 Cubic Ft. Truck, Black (RCP4613BLA) 1853 RCP 4613 BLA 13.60 4613 00 BLACK Rubbermaid Cube Truck Lid for 12 Cubic Ft. Trucks
This quality cube truck lid features a domed hinged lid which conceals trash loads without affecting capacity. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Trash Truck Lid for RCP4612BLA and RCP4712BLA Cube Trucks, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 158.00 120.51 205.84 RCP4613BLA.JPG cube truck lid, 12 cubic ft. truck lid, black cube truck lid, rubbermaid truck lid, rubbermaid cube truck lid, RCP 4613 BLA, RCP4613BLA, black, trash truck lid, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
1854 Lagasse Cube Trucks, 14 Cubic Feet, Black (RCP4614BLA) 1854 RCP 4614 BLA 53.00 4614 BLACK Metal frame design provides durable support for commercial waste collection. Also ideal for commercial or institutional laundry handling. NSF/USDA Approved for use in food processing applications. (Cannot ship UPS.)
LNDRY & WASTE COLL CUBE TRUCK 500 LB MAX BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 380.22 290.00 504.81 RCP4614BLA.JPG Cube Trucks, 14 Cubic Feet, Black RCP 4614 BLA, RCP4614BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
1855 Lagasse Rubbermaid 12 Cubic Ft. Cube Truck, Black (RCP4612BLA) 1855 RCP 4612 BLA 35.20 4612 BLACK 12 Cubic Ft. Laundry & Waste Collection Cube Truck
Durable truck for waste collection, material transport and laundry hanlding. Smooth surface for easy cleaning. Metal frame design provides durable support for commercial waste collection. Also ideal for commercial or institutional laundry handling and housekeeping facilities. NSF/USDA Approved for use in food processing applications. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Rubbermaid Laundry & Waste Collection Cube Truck, 400 lb Capacity, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 339.58 259.00 459.43 RCP4612BLA.JPG Cube Trucks, 12 Cubic Feet, Black RCP 4612 BLA, RCP4612BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
1856 Lagasse Cube Trucks, 8 Cubic Feet, Black (RCP4608BLA) 1856 RCP 4608 BLA 39.00 4608 BLA Metal frame design provides durable support for commercial waste collection. Also ideal for commercial or institutional laundry handling. NSF/USDA Approved for use in food processing applications. (Cannot ship UPS.)
LNDRY & WASTE COLL CUBE TRUCK 300 LB MAX BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 259.60 198.00 341.46 RCP4608BLA.JPG Cube Trucks, 8 Cubic Feet, Black RCP 4608 BLA, RCP4608BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
1857 Lagasse Cube Trucks, 16 Cubic Feet, Black (RCP4616BLA) 1857 RCP 4616 BLA 57.00 4616 00 BLACK Metal frame design provides durable support for commercial waste collection. Also ideal for commercial or institutional laundry handling. NSF/USDA Approved for use in food processing applications. (Cannot ship UPS.)
LNDRY & WASTE COLL CUBE TRUCK 500 LB MAX BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 413.00 315.00 548.89 RCP4616BLA.JPG Cube Trucks, 16 Cubic Feet, Black RCP 4616 BLA, RCP4616BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
1858 Lagasse Cube Trucks, 20 Cubic Feet, Black (RCP4619BLA) 1858 RCP 4619 BLA 61.60 4619 00 BLACK Metal frame design provides durable support for commercial waste collection. Also ideal for commercial or institutional laundry handling. NSF/USDA Approved for use in food processing applications. (Cannot ship UPS.)
LNDRY & WASTE COLL CUBE TRUCK 600 LB MAX BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 483.80 369.00 633.61 RCP4619BLA.JPG Cube Trucks, 20 Cubic Feet, Black RCP 4619 BLA, RCP4619BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
1860 Lagasse Curved Aquadozer® Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegees, 24in (UNGFP60C) 1860 UNG FP60C 1.80 FP60C • Use with Unger 61in aluminum handle with three-degree taper (UNG AL14T, sold separately) All-purpose squeegees handle the toughest jobs. Rugged painted frame and cast zinc socket. With replaceable EPDM rubber. Use optional nylon insert UNG FAAI (sold separately) to convert from three-degree tapered socket to Acme threaded socket. With black neoprene rubber.
AQUADOZER H-DTY CURVED FLR SQUGE24 IN NEOPR RBR 6 Unger 26.70 19.84 35.28 UNGFP60C.JPG Curved Aquadozer Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegees, 24in UNG FP60C, UNGFP60C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
1861 Lagasse 36" Curved Aquadozer Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegee (UNGFP90C) 1861 UNG FP90C 3.20 FP90C 36" Curved Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegee
Use with Unger 61 inch aluminum handle with three-degree taper (UNG AL14T, sold separately) All-purpose squeegees handle the toughest jobs. Rugged painted frame and cast zinc socket. With replaceable EPDM rubber. Use optional nylon insert (UNG FAAI, sold separately) to convert from three-degree tapered socket to Acme threaded socket. With black neoprene rubber.
Unger 36" Curved Aquadozer Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegee, Neoprene Rubber, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Unger 34.03 25.96 45.45 UNGFP90C.JPG floor squeegee, floor squeegees, curved aquadozer heavy-duty floor squeegees, 36in UNG FP90C, UNGFP90C 1 1 0 0 1 109
1862 Lagasse Cushion-Fold Plain Foil Wraps (REY7534) 1862 REY 7534 14.80 7534 Cushion Fold Plain Foil Wraps
Triple thermal barrier (foil-paper-air) keeps hot foods hot and cold foods cold; prevents leaks. 14 inch x 16 inch sheets. 500 sheets per pack; 2 packs per carton (1,000 sheets).
Reynolds Cushion Fold Plain Foil Wraps, 500 Sheets per Pack, 2 Packs per Carton, 1,000 sheets - The wholesale janitorial and restaurant supply company buyers trust
Reynolds Food Packaging 62.06 43.44 82.71 REY7534.JPG cushion fold plain foil wraps, plain foil wraps, reynolds foil wraps, REY 7534, REY7534, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 87
1863 Lagasse Cushion-Step® Anti-Fatigue Mat, 24 x 36 Size, Black (CROCU2436SBLA) 1863 CRO CU2436S BLA 9.00 CU 2436SB Cushion-Step Anti-Fatigue Mat
Smooth top surface fused to thick sponge foam backing for an attractive, easy-to-clean mat. Oil-, grease and acid-resistant surface. Ideal for medium to heavy-duty use. Beveled edges and rounded corners keep mat flat and help reduce the risk of tripping . Spiffy vinyl top. Manufacturer's limited three-year warranty. Overall thickness 1/2.
CUSHION-STEP SPIFFY VINYL TOP 2X3 BLA 1/2 THIC Ludlow Composites Corp. 42.75 32.61 55.97 CROCU2436SBLA.JPG Cushion-Step Anti-Fatigue Mat, 24 x 36 Size, Black CRO CU2436S BLA, CROCU2436SBLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
1864 Lagasse Cushion-Step Anti-Fatigue Mat, 24 x 36 Size, French Gray, CROCU2436SFGR 1864 CRO CU2436S FGR 9.00 CU 2436SF Cushion-Step Anti-Fatigue Mat
Smooth top surface fused to thick sponge foam backing for an attractive, easy-to-clean mat. Oil-, grease and acid-resistant surface. Ideal for medium to heavy-duty use. Beveled edges and rounded corners keep mat flat and help reduce the risk of tripping . Spiffy vinyl top. Manufacturer's limited three-year warranty. Overall thickness 1/2.
Cushion-Step Spiffy Vinyl Top, 2'x 3', French Gray - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 42.75 32.61 55.76 CROCU2436SFGR.JPG cushion-step anti-fatigue mat, CRO CU2436S FGR, CROCU2436SFGR 1 1 0 0 1 172
1865 Lagasse Cushion-Step Anti-Fatigue Mat, 36 x 60 Size, Black, CROCU3660SBLA 1865 CRO CU3660S BLA 15.00 CU3660SB Cushion-Step Anti-Fatigue Mat
Smooth top surface fused to thick sponge foam backing for an attractive, easy-to-clean mat. Oil-, grease and acid-resistant surface. Ideal for medium to heavy-duty use. Beveled edges and rounded corners keep mat flat and help reduce the risk of tripping . Spiffy vinyl top. Manufacturer's limited three-year warranty. Overall thickness 1/2.
Cushion-Step Spiffy Top Vinyl, 3'x 5', Black - The wholesale cleaning company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 99.86 73.31 131.33 CROCU3660SBLA.JPG cushion-step anti-fatigue mat, CRO CU3660S BLA, CROCU3660SBLA 1 1 0 0 1 172
1866 Lagasse Cushion-Step® Anti-Fatigue Mat, 36 x 60 Size, French Gray (CROCU3660SFGR) 1866 CRO CU3660S FGR 23.00 CU 3660SF Cushion-Step Anti-Fatigue Mat
Smooth top surface fused to thick sponge foam backing for an attractive, easy-to-clean mat. Oil-, grease and acid-resistant surface. Ideal for medium to heavy-duty use. Beveled edges and rounded corners keep mat flat and help reduce the risk of tripping . Spiffy vinyl top. Manufacturer's limited three-year warranty. Overall thickness 1/2.
CUSHION-STEP SPIFFY VINYL TOP 3X5 FRENCH GRA Ludlow Composites Corp. 94.94 72.41 124.22 CROCU3660SFGR.JPG Cushion-Step Anti-Fatigue Mat, 36 x 60 Size, French Gray CRO CU3660S FGR, CROCU3660SFGR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
1867 Lagasse Rubbbermaid Gray Cutlery Bin (RCP3362GRA) 1867 RCP 3362 GRA 1.40 336200 GRAY Rubbermaid Four Compartment Cutlery Bin
Four-compartment bin is ideal for storage or dispensing of cutlery and condiment packets. Ribbed design and special resin material provide strength. Comfortable handles. NSF Certified. 11-1/2w x 21-1/4d x 3-3/4h.
Rubbermaid Cutlery Bin, 4 Compartment, Gray Plastic, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 9.96 7.60 12.98 RCP3362GRA.JPG rubbermaid cutlery bin, cutlery bin, gray, RCP 3362 GRA, RCP3362GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1868 Lagasse Gojo CXi 1500-ml Touch-Free Counter-Mount Soap Dispenser, Chrome (GOJ8520-01) 1868 GOJ 8520-01 3.30 8520-01 Gojo CXi Touch Free Counter Mount Dispenser
The Gojo CXi Touch Free Counter Mount Dispenser offers a breakthrough concept and design for sanitary counter top soap dispensing. The touch-free dispensing system automatically dispenses the perfect amount of soap needed in a single shot, ensuring that the user does not have to touch the dispenser. This makes it ideal for hand hygiene. Perfect for the home, office or other industrial situation, this dispenser is specifically designed to helps eliminate messy drips. The snap-in-place cartridge refills allow for quick, easy and sanitary refilling. The dispenser’s gorgeous chrome finish is sure to complement other surrounding fixtures and the dispenser also comes with mounting hardware and instructions. This touch-free dispenser is designed to hold 1500-ml refills and requires four D alkaline batteries (included). It also comes with a manufacturer’s three-year guarantee.
Gojo CXi Touch Free Counter Mount Dispenser, Chrome, 1500 ml, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 39.02 29.76 51.20 GOJ852001.JPG gojo foam soap dispensers, gojo foam hand soap dispensers, gojo foaming hand soap dispensers, gojo foaming soap dispensers, touch free counter mount dispenser, GOJ 8520-01, GOJ852001 1 1 0 0 1 50
1869 Lagasse Gojo CX 1500-ml Automatic Counter-Mount Dispenser, Chrome (GOJ8500-01) 1869 GOJ 8500-01 1.00 8500-01 CX Counter - Mount Dispenser
Breakthrough design for sanitary counter-top soap dispensing. GOJO NEAT DISPENSE™ design helps eliminate messy drips. Uses snap-in-place cartridge refills for quick, easy and sanitary refilling. Delivers rich, luxurious foam soap. Chrome finish complements other fixtures. Mounting hardware and instructions included. Designed to hold 1500-ml refills GOJ 8565-02, GOJ 8561-02 and GOJ 8562 (sold separately). Manufacturer’s lifetime guarantee.
Gojo Automatic Soap Dispenser CX 1500-ml Counter-Mount Dispenser, Chrome, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 15.42 11.76 20.30 GOJ850001.JPG gojo foam soap dispensers, automatic soap dispenser, gojo foam hand soap dispensers, gojo foaming hand soap dispensers, automatic sensor soap dispenser, gojo foaming soap dispensers, counter-mount dispenser, GOJ 8500-01, GOJ850001 1 1 0 0 1 50
1870 Lagasse Dawn Professional Heavy-Duty Degreaser (PGC04853) 1870 PGC 04853 26.00 04853 Dawn Professional Heavy-Duty Degreaser
Full-strength cleaning for tough, greasy soils. Non-corrosive to hands. Solvent-based degreaser for the full-strength cleaning of extra-tough, greasy buildups on surfaces like range hoods, ovens, walls behind equipment, floors, drive-thrus, and fuel islands. Can be used on food contact surfaces. Contains no phosphate, non-caustic, and nonflammable. Lightly scented.
Dawn Professional Heavy-Duty Degreaser, 5 - 64-oz Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 53.89 41.10 70.74 PGC04853.JPG dawn degreaser, dawn heavy duty degreaser, dawn professional heavy-duty degreaser, PGC 04853, PGC04853 1 1 0 0 1 80
1874 Lagasse Febreze Deep Penetrating Fabric Refresher, 3 Gallon Bottles (PGC33032) 1874 PGC 33032 27.60 11828 Febreze Fabric Refresher & Odor Eliminator
New technology proprietary cleaning system inside of Febreze Deep Penetrating Fabric Refreshener goes directly to the source of odors and eliminates them. Patented binding technology locks on to odor molecules and traps them. A light, clean and fresh scent is left behind. Safe for all fabrics.
Procter & Gamble Febreze Deep Penetrating Fabric Refreshener, 1 Gallon Bottle, 3 Gallon Bottles per Case
Air Freshener & Odor Control » Febreze Air Freshener » - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 69.86 53.28 91.84 PGC33032.JPG febreze, febreze fabric refresher, fabric freshener, febreze odor eliminator, fabric refresher, odor eliminator, upholstery refresher, refreshers, PGC 33032, PGC33032 1 1 0 0 1 80
1875 Lagasse Febreze Concentrate Deep Penetrating Fabric Refresher, 2 Gallons (PGC36551) 1875 PGC 36551 19.00 36217 Febreze 5X Concentrate Fabric Refresher
Febreze Concentrate Fabric Refreshener cleans tough odors and doesn't cover them up. Apply directly on fabric. Once fabric dries, odors are gone for good. Eliminates food and smoke odors on virtually all fabrics.
Procter & Gamble Febreze Fabric Refesher & Odor Eliminator, 5X Concentrate, 1 Gallon Bottle, 2 Gallon Bottles per Case
Air Freshener & Odor Control » Febreze Air Freshener - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 142.59 102.82 192.16 PGC36551.JPG febreze concentrate, febreze, febreze fabric refresher, febreze odor eliminator, fabric refresher, PGC36551, PGC 36551 1 1 0 0 1 80
1876 Lagasse Febreze Fabric Refresher & Odor Eliminator, 8 Bottles (PGC03259) 1876 PGC 03259 19.20 03259 Febreze Fabric Refresher & Odor Eliminator
Febreze Fabric Refresher and Odor Eliminator helps to eliminate tough odors, not just cover them up. The patented technology in this fabric refresher locks on to odor molecules and traps them permanently. Simply spray it on fabric, where Febreze goes directly to the source of nasty odors and eradicates them, leaving behind a light, fresh scent. This convenient odor eliminator will help with maintenance costs by reducing the need for routine cleaning and deodorizing to deal with problem odors. Febreze is strong enough to eliminate the most stubborn odors for good and is safe for use on just about any fabric. Febreze Fabric Refresher and Odor Eliminator is ideal for use in hospitals, nursing homes, restaurants, business offices and just about every room in your home. Keep some Febreze on hand, whether you have a tough odor to deal with or just want to freshen up a room.
Procter & Gamble Febreze Fabric Refresher & Odor Eliminator, 32-oz. Spray bottle, 8 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 53.77 41.01 73.42 PGC03259.JPG odor eliminator, fabric refreshener, uhpholstery refresher, odor, deep penetrating febreze fabric refresher odor eliminator, PGC03259, PGC 03259, 1 1 0 0 1 80
1879 Lagasse De-Fense Non-Buff Floor Wax, 4 Gallons (FRKF135022) 1879 FRK F135022 34.00 F135022 Non Buff Floor Wax
Quality polymers ensure the beauty and lengthen the life of flooring Popular finish for economical, low-speed maintenance systems. Clear, durable acrylized film. Good initial gloss with excellent scuff and black heel mark resistance. Spray buffable. Recommended for all types of flooring except unsealed wood. 18% solids.
Franklin DeFense Non Buff Floor Wax Finish, 1 Gallon Bottles, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 60.85 46.41 81.58 FRKF135022.JPG franklin de-fense, de-fense non-buff floor wax, defense floor finish, FRK F135022, FRKF135022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
1880 Lagasse De-Fense Non-Buff Floor Wax, 5 Gallon Cube (FRKF135025) 1880 FRK F135025 44.00 F135025 DeFense No Buff Floor Wax
Quality polymers ensure the beauty and lengthen the life of flooring Popular finish for economical, low-speed maintenance systems. Clear, durable acrylized film. Good initial gloss with excellent scuff and black heel mark resistance. Spray buffable. Recommended for all types of flooring except unsealed wood. 18% solids.
Franklin De-Fense Non Buff Floor Wax Finish, 5 Gallon Cube, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 75.54 52.25 102.40 FRKF135025.JPG de-fense non-buff floor wax, commercial floor wax, floor finish, FRK F135025, FRKF135025, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
1882 Lagasse Deliwrap Wax Paper Flat Sheets, 15 x 15 (MCD8223) 1882 MCD 8223 37.00 08223 Polyliner flat sheets. 1,000 sheets per pack; 3 packs (3,000 sheets) per case.
DELIWRAP 15X15 FLT SHTS DRY WAX 3/1000 Marcal Paper Mills (Deli) 72.43 50.70 97.08 MCD8223.JPG Deliwrap Wax Paper Flat Sheets, 15 x 15 MCD 8223, MCD8223, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 136
1883 Lagasse Deliwrap Wax Paper Flat Sheets, 18 x 18 (MCD8224) 1883 MCD 8224 37.00 08224 Polyliner flat sheets. 1,000 sheets per pack; 2 packs (2,000 sheets) per case.
DELIWRAP 18X18 FLT SHTS DRY WAX 2/1000 Marcal Paper Mills (Deli) 80.57 56.40 106.09 MCD8224.JPG Deliwrap Wax Paper Flat Sheets, 18 x 18 MCD 8224, MCD8224, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 136
1892 Lagasse Rubbermaid Deluxe Carry Caddy, Black (RCP3154-88BLA) 1892 RCP 3154-88 BLA 1.20 3154-88 Rubbermaid Deluxe Carry Caddy
Higher side walls securely hold up to eight 32-oz. commercial spray bottles. Molded-in divider and small item holder for better organization. Ergonomic handle for comfort. 10.9w x 15d x 7.4h.
Rubbermaid Deluxe Carry Caddy, 10.9" x 15" x 7.4", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.12 8.48 14.56 RCP315488BLA.JPG deluxe carry caddy, rubbermaid caddy, RCP 3154-88 BLA, RCP315488BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1893 Lagasse Deluxe High-Security Metal Housekeeping Cart, Black (RCP9T64BLA) 1893 RCP 9T64 BLA 121.00 FG9T64-00 BLA Rubbermaid Deluxe High-Security Metal Housekeeping Cart
Larger capacity cart with ergonomic design. Features ergonomic handles with a 25 degree bend for easier pushing and steering. Four rotating bumpers help protect walls and furniture from scuffs. Baked-on powder coated finish improves durability and appearance. Four ball-bearing, non-marking 8 locking casters. Optional accessories offer increased customization. 15.3 cu. ft. capacity in a small footprint. Three shelves for organization, plus locking drawer and hood accessory to hide amenities and deter theft (two keys incuded). Integrated vacuum holder. Includes one mobile fabric bag and one long fabric bag for increased linen storage capacity. Additional accessories sold separately. 22w x 55d x 56h. Assembly required.
Manufactured by Rubbermaid.
DELUXE HIGH SECURITY CART 1 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 1156.40 882.00 1545.49 RCP9T64BLA.JPG Deluxe High-Security Metal Housekeeping Cart, Black RCP 9T64 BLA, RCP9T64BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1895 Lagasse Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, 1,000 Knives (DIXKH217) 1895 DIX KH217 11.70 KH217 Heavyweight Plastic Disposable Knife
These knives from Dixie are heavyweight, shatter-resistant and durable. A great addition to any culinary gathering. Made from heavy duty polystyrene. Full length, 7.5". White. 1,000 per case.
Dixie Heavyweight Polystyrene Knife, White, 1,000 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 29.44 20.61 38.84 DIXKH217.JPG Dense Pack Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, Knife DIX KH217, DIXKH217, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
1896 Lagasse Heavyweight Full-Sized Polystyrene Soup Spoons, 1,000 Spoons (DIXSH217) 1896 DIX SH217 11.40 SH217 Heavy-Weight Polystyrene Soup Spoons
Dixie's line of cutlery including soup spoons, are certain to deliver high quality results at a low cost. Completely shatter-resistant, durable, and strong. A perfect fit for the food service industry, restaurants, events, catering, picnics, a simple meal at home, these quality disposable spoons work in any location. Made of polystyrene, these spoons are completely disposable and fits in any residential or commercial setting. White. 1,000 spoons per case.
Dixie Heavyweight Polystyrene Soup Spoons, White, 1,000 Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 30.49 21.34 39.68 bwkmwppss.JPG soup spoons, spoons, disposable spoons, polystyrene spoons, plastic spoons, DIX SH217, DIXSH217, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
1897 Lagasse Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, 1,000 Teaspoons (DIXTH217) 1897 DIX TH217 8.70 TH217 Heavyweight Plastic Disposable Spoons
These spoons from Dixie are heavyweight, shatter-resistant and durable. A great addition to any culinary gathering. Made from heavy duty polystyrene. Full length, 7.5". White. 1,000 per case.
Dixie Heavyweight Polystyrene Spoon, White, 1,000 Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 30.86 21.60 40.11 DIXTH217.JPG dixie teaspoons, plastic teaspoons, strong teaspoons, heavyweight teaspoons, dense pack heavyweight polystyrene full-size cutlery, teaspoon, DIX TH217, DIXTH217, restaurant supplies, food service supplies 1 1 0 0 1 31
1901 Lagasse Rubbermaid 41 1/4-qt. Deskside Paper Recycling Container, Blue (RCP295773BLU) 1901 RCP 2957-73 BLU 2.45 2957-73 BLUE Recycling Container
An easy and effective way to recycle paper waste and recyclable garbage, Rubbermaid blue recycling containers are the perfect addition to any environment where recycling is a priority. Rubbermaid desk-side recycle containers are a sure way to make a positive environmental impact. These containers are made from post consumer recycled resins, exceeding EPA guidelines. Constucted of high quality plastic, these recycling containers are strong, durable, long lasting and resistant to leaks, rust and dents. When placed beside traditional wastebaskets, this container will keep recyclables separated from other garbage. The Rubbermaid deskside recycling container holds 41 ¼ quarts of material to keep your environment and the planet healthy. Stock up today and keep these in your home or office.
Rubbermaid 41 1/4 Quart Deskside Paper Recycling Container, Blue, 11" x 10.25" x 19.8", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.84 8.27 14.10 RCP295773BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, deskside paper recycling containers, 41 - 1/4-quart, Blue RCP 2957-73 BLU, RCP295773BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
1902 Lagasse Rubbermaid 13 5/8-qt. Deskside Paper Recycling Container, Blue (RCP295573BLU) 1902 RCP 2955-73 BLU 1.30 2955-73 BLUE Recycling Container
This 13-quart desk side recycling container from Rubbermaid fits perfectly in almost any area. Ideal for offices, schools, or homes, Rubbermaid has made it easy to for you to do your part in making sure that recycling is a part of your everyday life. Designed to be used alongside traditional trash cans, this recycling container makes it easy to separate waste paper and it is the perfect addition to any environment where recycling is emphasized. Keeping the Rubbermaid Deskside Recycling container nearby is a surefire way to make a positive environmental impact. Stock up today and keep in various locations in your home or office.
Rubbermaid 13 5/8-qt. Recycling Container, Blue, 11.5" x 8.25" x 12.1", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.29 4.03 6.99 RCP295573BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, Deskside Paper Recycling Containers, 13 Quart, Blue, RCP 2955-73 BLU, RCP295573BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
1903 Lagasse Rubbermaid 28-qt. Deskside Paper Recycling Container, Blue (RCP2956-73BLU) 1903 RCP 2956-73 BLU 1.87 2956-73 BLUE Paper Recycling Container
Doing your part in ensuring recycling is a part of your everyday life does not have to be a challenge. The perfect addition to any environment where recycling is emphasized, Rubbermaid Deskside Recycle waste containers are a sure way to make a positive environmental impact. Rubbermaid blue plastic recycling containers exceed EPA guidelines for post-consumer recycled content and assist in obtaining LEED credits. 14.5" wide x 10.25" deep x 15" tall.
Rubbermaid 28-qt. Deskside Recycling Container, Blue, 14.5" x 10.25" x 15", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.69 4.34 7.52 RCP295673BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, deskside paper recycling containers, 28-1/8 quart, blue, RCP 2956-73 BLU, RCP295673BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
1904 Lagasse Rubbermaid 41-1/4-Qt. Deskside Plastic Wastebasket, Beige (RCP2957BEI) 1904 RCP 2957 BEI 2.57 295700 BEIG Plastic Garbage Can
An easy to use waste disposal option, Rubbermaid's deskside trash can will fit perfectly in almost any area of your home or office. The perfect addition to any environment, this deskside waste container provides a quick and easy way to dispose of trash in or around desk areas. Ideal for small spaces, this garbage can will fit under a standard sized desk, even when the optional swing top lid (sold separately) is fully extended. The all-plastic construction won’t chip, rust or dent, while the rolled rims offer added strength and allow for easy cleaning. From a name known for innovative, high-quality products, Rubbermaid’s 41-quart wastebasket is ideal for use in offices, schools or homes. Get one today and experience the value and quality that Rubbermaid provides with every product!
Rubbermaid 41-1/4-Qt. Deskside Plastic Trash Can, Beige, 11" x 15.25" x 19.8", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.43 7.96 14.21 RCP2957BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, trash can, trash cans, RCP 2957 BEI, RCP2957BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
1905 Lagasse 41-1/4-Quart, Deskside Plastic Wastebaskets, Black (RCP2957BLA) 1905 RCP 2957 BLA 2.26 295700 BLA Space efficient, economical and easy to clean.11"wide x 15.25"deep x 19.8"tall.
Rubbermaid 41 Quart Plastic Wastebasket, Black
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.43 7.96 14.13 RCP2957BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Wastebasket, Wastebaskets, Deskside Plastic Wastebaskets, 41-1/4-Quart, Black RCP 2957 BLA, RCP2957BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1906 Lagasse 41-1/4-Quart, Deskside Plastic Wastebasket, Gray (RCP2957GRA) 1906 RCP 2957 GRA 2.57 295700 GRAY Space efficient, economical and easy to clean.11"wide x 15.25"deep x 19.8"tall.
Rubbermaid 41 Quart Plastic Wastebasket, Gray
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.43 7.96 13.75 RCP2957GRA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Wastebasket, Wastebaskets, Deskside Plastic Wastebaskets, 41-1/4-Quart, Gray RCP 2957 GRA, RCP2957GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1907 Lagasse 28-1/8-Quart, Deskside Plastic Wastebasket, Beige (RCP2956BEI) 1907 RCP 2956 BEI 1.88 295600 BEIG Space efficient, economical and easy to clean. 10.25"wide x 14.3"deep x 15"tall.
Rubbermaid 28 Quart Plastic Wastebasket, Beige
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.75 4.38 7.65 RCP2956BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Wastebasket, Wastebaskets, Deskside Plastic Wastebaskets, 28-1/8-Quart, Beige RCP 2956 BEI, RCP2956BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
1908 Lagasse Rubbermaid 28-1/8-Quart, Deskside Plastic Wastebasket, Black (RCP2956BLA) 1908 RCP 2956 BLA 1.90 295600 BLA 28-1/8-Quart Deskside Plastic Wastebasket
Tall, slim, rectangular wastebasket hugs the wall and saves space. Made of sturdy safe plastic. Shipping anywhere across the United States, our discount indoor wastebaskets and trash receptacles are durable, easy to use and are a perfect fit for your trash and recycling needs. No matter what you are searching for, we are certain to have something that fits your needs. Choose from our large selection of indoor wastebaskets and receptacles, all on sale today. Space efficient, economical and easy to clean. 10.25" wide x 14.3" deep x 15" tall.
Rubbermaid Plastic Deskside Trash Can, 28-1/8-Quart, Black, 10.25" x 14.3" x 15", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.75 4.38 7.52 RCP2956BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, deskside plastic wastebaskets, RCP 2956 BLA, RCP2956BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1909 Lagasse Rubbermaid Deskside Plastic Wastebasket, 28-1/8 Quart, Gray (RCP2956GRA) 1909 RCP 2956 GRA 1.80 295600 GRAY Plastic Wastebasket
Rubbermaid designed this 28 quart wastebasket to provide an economical and space saving method of trash disposal for any setting. A great accent to any office or home office, this soft plastic wastebasket easily fits under a standard sized desk and is great to have close by for throwing away all of those everyday office items without having to move from your work space. The innovative design of this easy to clean garbage can features rounded corners and rolled rims for added strength. In addition, the durable plastic design will not chip, rust or dent and it is resistant to punctures, cold, cracking and chemicals. Manufactured by Rubbermaid, a company known for its durable and functional products, these waste baskets are a must have for any office space. Stock up today and save!
Rubbermaid 28 Quart Plastic Wastebasket, 10.25"wide x 14.3"deep x 15"tall, Gray - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.75 4.38 7.56 RCP2956GRA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket , wastebaskets, Deskside Plastic Wastebasket, 28-1/8-Quart, Gray RCP 2956 GRA, RCP2956GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1910 Lagasse 8-1/8-Quart, Deskside Plastic Wastebasket, Beige (RCP2952BEI) 1910 RCP 2952 BEI 0.74 295200 BEIG Space efficient, economical and easy to clean. 6.75"wide x 9.8"deep x 10.1"tall.
Rubbermaid 8 Quart Plastic Wastebasket, Beige
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.51 4.20 7.45 RCP2952BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Wastebasket, Wastebaskets, Deskside Plastic Wastebaskets, 8-1/8-Quart, Beige RCP 2952 BEI, RCP2952BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
1911 Lagasse 13-5/8-Quart, Deskside Plastic Wastebasket, Beige (RCP2955BEI) 1911 RCP 2955 BEI 1.30 295500 BEIG Deskside Plastic Garbage Can
A highly efficient, hands-free waste disposal option, Rubbermaid's desk-side trash can offers a waste container that fit perfectly in almost any area. Ideal for offices, in schools, or homes. The perfect addition to any environment, Rubbermaid desk-side waste containers are a sure way to make a positive environmental impact. This container is available in several sizes, offering a variety of options to fit for your office. Space efficient, economical and easy to clean. 8.25" wide x 11.3" deep x 12.1" tall.
Rubbermaid 13-5/8-Qt. Deskside Plastic Trash Can, Beige, 8.25" x 11.3" x 12.1", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.07 3.80 6.63 RCP2955BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, deskside plastic wastebaskets, RCP 2955 BEI, RCP2955BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
1912 Lagasse Rubbermaid 13-5/8 Quart Deskside Black Plastic Wastebasket (RCP2955BLA) 1912 RCP 2955 BLA 1.20 295500 BLA 13-5/8 Quart Deskside Trash Can
The perfect addition to any environment, this thin, easy to store deskside wastebasket is perfect for any office, home, or home-office. Making trash disposable easy and convenient, this deskside companion emphasized a clean and fresh environment. Coming in a sleek black color, this container is available for shipment immediately. This stylish container fits almost any indoor environment seamlessly, making it a perfect fit anywhere it is needed. Meeting or exceeding all EPA guidelines, the Rubbermaid 13 5/8 Quart Plastic Wastebasket comes in at 8.25" wide x 11.3" deep x 12.1" tall.
Rubbermaid Commercial 13 Quart Plastic Wastebasket, Black, Sold as Each - the wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.39 3.80 7.21 RCP2955BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebaskets, wastebasket, RCP 2955 BLA, RCP2955BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1913 Lagasse 13-5/8-Quart, Deskside Plastic Wastebasket, Gray (RCP2955GRA) 1913 RCP 2955 GRA 1.30 295500 GRAY 13 Quart Plastic Wastebasket
An easy to use, waste disposal option, Rubbermaid's desk-side trash can offers a trash can that fit perfectly in almost any area. Ideal for offices, in schools, or homes. The perfect addition to any environment, Rubbermaid desk-side waste containers are a quick and easy way to dispose of any trash in or around the desk area. This container is available in several sizes, offering a variety of options to fit for your office. Space efficient, economical and easy to clean. 8.25" wide x 11.3" deep x 12.1" tall.
Rubbermaid 13-5/8-Qt. Desk-side Plastic Trash Can, Gray, 8.25" wide x 11.3" deep x 12.1" tall, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.71 3.80 7.49 RCP2955GRA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, deskside plastic wastebaskets, RCP2955GRA, RCP 2955 GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
1917 Lagasse Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash, 8 - 7-1/2-oz. Pump Bottles (DIA02936) 1917 DIA 02936 5.60 02936 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash
Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash contains an antibacterial formula with an instant lather that is very effective in killing germs, yet is soft on hands and rinses clean. This makes it ideal for use with frequent hand washing and when cleanliness is of the utmost importance! These convenient 7.5-oz. pump bottles are easy to place next to sinks and tubs.
Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash, 7.5-oz. Pump Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 23.27 17.75 31.77 DIA02936.JPG Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash, pump bottle, DIA 02936 1 1 0 0 1 30
1918 Lagasse Dial Complete Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap, 6 Refills (DIA00162) 1918 DIA 00162 15.40 00162 Foaming Hand Soap Refill
This lightly scented Dial Complete Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap is not your average hand soap. Made with a patented antibacterial and antimicrobial formula, it provides more germ killing action than any other liquid hand soap. Dial is over 25 times more effective at stopping the spread of infectious germs than other antibacterial soaps. Dial hand soap foams instantly and rinses cleanly, always leaving skin feeling soft and refreshed. Proven strong enough to kill staph, strep, E. coli and salmonella, it also contains aloe and glycerin for superior moisturizing power. Give your hands a complete wash and buy Dial Complete Foaming Hand Soap today!
Dial Complete Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap, 1 Liter Refill, 6 Refills per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 60.78 45.85 81.22 DIA00162.JPG dial soap, foaming hand soap, dial foaming soap, dial complete antimicrobial foaming hand soap refill, DIA 00162, DIA00162, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
1919 Lagasse Dial Complete Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap, 6 - 800 ml Refills (DIA00163) 1919 DIA 00163 12.80 00163 Foaming Hand Soap Refills
This foaming hand soap from Dial is not your normal hand soap. Dial Complete contains a patented Activated Triclosan antibacterial and antimicrobial formula that is effective against more than 25 times the germs and bacteria than standard antibacterial soaps. This powerful foaming hand soap kills more germs than any other liquid hand soap. It foams instantly and rinses cleanly, keeping your employees and customers hands healthy and clean. The pleasant light peach scented soap is effective against MRSA, VRE, staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli and salmonella and is NSF Certified for an E2 rating. Best of all, its high-volume lather uses less soap, which makes this a very cost-effective product. Stock up on Dial Complete Foaming Hand Soap today and save!
Dial Complete Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap Refill, 800ml Refill, 6 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 50.50 38.52 65.87 DIA00163.JPG dial complete, dial complete foaming hand soap, dial foaming hand soap, dial hand soap, dial complete antimicrobial foaming hand soap, dial complete hand soap refills, DIA 00163, DIA00163 1 1 0 0 1 30
1920 Lagasse Dial Complete Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap, 4 - 1000-ml Refills (DIA81033) 1920 DIA 81033 10.30 81033 Foaming Hand Soap
This Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap is an economical, foaming dispensing system that is 25 times more effective at killing germs than other antibacterial soaps, helping to prevent the spread of infection. Dial's Patented Activated Triclosan technology drastically reduces the amount of germs left on hands after washing. Effective against MRSA, VRE, staph, strep, E. coli and salmonella, this mild, hypoallergenic soap formula contains aloe and glycerin to leave your skin feeling soft, smooth and refreshed, even after frequent washing. The high volume lather actually uses less soap, helping you keep costs low. This Dial Foaming Hand Soap Refill comes in a refreshing cool plum fragrance and can be used with the Dial Complete Hand Soap Dispenser (sold separately).
Dial Complete Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap with Lotion Refill, 1000-ml. Refill, 4 per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 46.23 35.26 60.89 DIA81033.JPG dial hand soap, dial foaming soap, dial foaming hand soap, dial antimicrobial soap, dial complete, dial complete foam soap, dial complete foam soap refill, foaming hand soap, antimicrobial hand soap, dial complete antimicrobial foaming hand soap with lotion, DIA 81033, DIA81033, hand soap, foaming soap, dial foam soap 1 1 0 0 1 30
1921 Lagasse Dial Complete Foaming Soap Dispenser, Translucent Smoke (DIA06055) 1921 DIA 06055 1.13 06055 Dial Complete Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Make hand washing more accessible in your school, hospital, restaurant, or office building with this easy to use, foaming hand soap dispenser system! This foaming hand soap dispenser dispenses the perfect amount of soap every time. Using a unique see-through dispensing system so soap level is clearly visible. For use with Dial Complete or Basics foaming soap 1000-ml refills (sold separately). Delivers 1,492 hand washes per cartridge. Push-type dispenser is ADA Compliant. ABS plastic.
Dial Professional Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Translucent Smoke, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 6.81 5.07 9.29 DIA00396.JPG dial hand soap, dial foaming soap, dial soap, dial complete foaming soap dispenser, DIA00396, DIA 00396, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
1923 Lagasse Dial 2.5-oz. Antibacterial Deodorant Soap, 200 Bars (DIA00098) 1923 DIA 00098 28.40 00098 Dial Deodorant Soap
Most soaps only mask odors in a fragrance, not the newly formulated Dial Deodorant Soap. Dial Deodorant Soap provides all day odor protection without washing away your skins natural moisture. Truly a bar of soap your nose and skin can agree on. Proven effective antibacterial bar soap with long lasting deodorant protection. Ideal in healthcare, hotel or industrial settings. Thick, rich lather that wakes you up and re-energizes your senses.
Dial Deodorant Soap Bar, Unwrapped, 2.5 oz Bars, 200 Bars per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 55.71 42.49 72.95 DIA00098.JPG dial deodorant soaps, DIA 00098, DIA00098, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
1924 Lagasse Digital Thermometer (PELTMP1000) 1924 PEL TMP1000 12.20 TM1000 • NSF Certified IP54 waterproof rating for ease in cleaning. Large, easy-to-read digital display. Max/Min temperature memory plus hold feature. Auto-off conserves power. Easy-to-use field calibration for ensured accuracy. Sheath with break-resistant pocket clip. Measures -40°F to 450°F/-40°C to 230°C. 4-3/4in probe. 12 thermometers per case.
THERM DIG -40 TO 450 DEG EACH Pelouze 24.67 18.82 32.07 PELTMP1000.JPG Digital Thermometer PEL TMP1000, PELTMP1000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 168
1925 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Mop Wringer Bucket (RCP9C74RED) 1925 RCP 9C74 RED 2.42 9C74 RED Rubbermaid WaveBrake Mop Wringer Bucket
Wring dirt, grease and grime into the separate dirty water bucket instead of back into your cleaning solution. Cleaning solution stays cleaner, leaving floors less slippery. 18-quart capacity bucket. For up to 32-oz. mop heads. Structural web molded plastic construction. Red. Use with WaveBrake® Wringers RCP 7575-88 YEL/RCP 6127-88 YEL and Bucket RCP 7570-88 YEL (sold separately) to create a complete mopping system.
Mop bucket for wavebrake combos 18-quart capacity bucket
Mops, Brooms, Brushes & Dusters » Mops & Equipment » Mop Bucket Wringer Combos » - The wholesale mop bucket cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 20.10 15.33 26.49 RCP9C74RED.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, mop bucket for wavebrake combos RCP 9C74 RED, RCP9C74RED 1 1 0 0 1 89
1926 Lagasse Clorox Disinfecting Spray, 12 - 19-oz. Cans (CLO38504) 1926 CLO 38504 19.20 38504 Clorox Disinfecting Spray
Easy to use and apply, the Clorox Disinfecting Spray disinfects against a variety of bacteria and viruses. From Escherichia coli (E. coli), Mycobacterium bovis (tuberculosis), and MRSA to countless others. Clorox Disinfecting Spray doesn't just mask odors — it eliminates odor-causing bacteria, leaving only a remarkable fresh scent. In addition to its cleaning and disinfecting power the spray's innovative bleach-free formula also kills and prevents the growth of mold. Coming in cases of 12, these 19-oz. cans produce a calm, fresh scent while it cleans. Clorox Disinfecting Spray conveniently disinfects and deodorizes (and controls mold) on a wide variety of surfaces. Contains no CFCs. EPA Registered.
Clorox Disinfecting Spray, Fresh Scent, 19-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Professional 61.19 45.46 81.68 CLO38504.JPG disinfectant spray, disinfecting spray, clorox disinfecting spray, clorox disinfectant spray, 19-oz. aerosol cans, CLO 38504, CLO38504, air disinfectant spray, shoe spray disinfectant, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
1927 Lagasse Clorox Disinfectant Wipes, Fresh Scent, 12 - 35 Count Canister (CLO01593) 1927 CLO 01593 10.40 01593 Clorox Disinfectant Wipes, Fresh Scent
Handy Clorox anywhere disinfecting wipes. One-step Clorox cleaning and disinfecting. Bleach-free formula kills 99.9% of bacteria, including staph and salmonella. Ideal for day care centers, offices, schools and restaurants. Clorox Company is a name you can trust for quality cleaning products.
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, 35 Wipes per Canister, 12 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Clorox Wipes Clorox Professional 34.50 26.32 45.90 CLO01593.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, handwipes, clorox wipes, Clorox Cleaning, Clorox Company, Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Clorox Anywhere, Clorox Products CLO 01593, CLO01593 1 1 0 0 1 22
1928 Lagasse Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, 6 Canisters (CLO15949) 1928 CLO 15949 10.40 15949 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes are the easiest solution to disinfect and clean a variety of commercial, industrial and household surfaces. These wipes are the ideal cleaning choice for almost any environment. With Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, you never again have to buy multiple products to clean and disinfect. Clorox wipes conveniently clean and disinfect in one step and are guaranteed to eliminate 99.9% of germs, including staph, salmonella, and the viruses that cause colds and flu. Pre-moistened and bleach-free, these wipes are specially formulated to be safe for use on common wood surfaces like tables, cabinets and floors. Clorox Disinfecting Wipes provide a clear-drying formula that cleans and disinfects on almost any shiny surface. Ideal for daycare centers, offices, schools and restaurants.
Clorox Professional Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, 75 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 40.24 23.87 53.37 CLO15949.JPG wipers, wipes, rags, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, handwipes, clorox wipes, clorox disinfectant wipes, clorox cleaning wipes, clorox company, clorox disinfecting wipes, CLO 15949, CLO15949 1 1 0 0 1 22
1929 Lagasse Clorox Disinfectant Wipes, Lavender Scent, 12 - 35 Count Canisters (CLO01654) 1929 CLO 01654 10.40 1654 Clorox Disinfectant Wipes, Lavender Scent
Clorox wipes are a handy one-step cleaning and disinfecting wipe that is always ready to just grab and wipe with no water needed. Clorox wipes are bleach-free. This formula kills 99.9% of bacteria, including staph and salmonella, to keep your family, friends and staff more healthy. Ideal for day care centers, offices, schools, restaurants and many more places that have bacteria that needs to be taken care of. Lavender scent leaves it smelling fresh and clean. Clorox cleaning products is a name you can trust for quality.
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Lavender Scent, 35 Wipes Canister, 12 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 36.58 27.90 48.33 CLO01654.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, handwipes, clorox wipes, Clorox Cleaning, Clorox Company, Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Clorox Anywhere, Clorox Products, CLO 01654, CLO01654 1 1 0 0 1 22
1930 Lagasse Clorox Disinfectant Wipes, Lavender Scent, 6 - 75 Count Canisters (CLO01761) 1930 CLO 01761 10.40 01761 Clorox Disinfectant Wipes, Lavender Scent
Clorox wipes are a handy one-step Clorox cleaning and disinfecting tool that is easily accessible tool that needs no water. Clorox wipes are bleach-free and this formula kills 99.9% of bacteria, including staph and salmonella, for keeping your family, friends and staff healthier. Ideal for day care centers, offices, schools and restaurants, homes and cars. Clorox a name you can trust for quality cleaning products.
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Lavender Scent, 75 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale disinfectant supply company Buyers Trust.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Clorox Wipes Clorox Professional 33.96 25.90 45.51 CLO01761.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, handwipes, clorox wipes, Clorox Cleaning, Clorox Company, Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Clorox Anywhere, Clorox ProductsCLO 01761, CLO01761 1 1 0 0 1 22
1931 Lagasse Clorox Disinfectant Wipes, Lemon Fresh Scent, 12 - 35 Count Canisters (CLO01594) 1931 CLO 01594 10.40 01594 Clorox Disinfectant Wipes, Lemon Scent
Handy one-step Clorox cleaning and disinfecting. Clorox wipes are bleach-free, this formula kills 99.9% of bacteria, including staph and salmonella. Ideal for day care centers, offices, schools and restaurants. Clorox is the brand name you can trust for quality cleaning products.
Clorox Disinfectant Wipes, Lemon Scent, 35 Wipes per Canister, 12 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Clorox Wipes Clorox Professional 34.50 26.32 45.57 CLO01594.JPG wipes, rags, clorox disinfectant wipes, clorox wipes, clorox disinfecting wipes, wipers, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, handwipes, clorox wipes, clorox disinfecting wipes, CLO 01594, CLO01594 1 1 0 0 1 22
1932 Lagasse Clorox Disinfectant Wipes, Lemon Fresh Scent, 6 Canisters (CLO15948) 1932 CLO 15948 10.40 15948 Disinfectant Wipes
These Disinfectant Wipes from Clorox are the most effective, pre-moistened wipes for sanitizing, disinfecting and cleaning a variety of household surfaces. This simple to use bleach-free cleaner offers all of the capabilities of multiple cleaning products in one convenient wipe. Proven to eliminate up to 99.9% of bacteria, including those that cause cold and flu viruses, staph and salmonella, Clorox Disinfecting Wipes are the quick and easy way to clean and disinfect a variety of surfaces, including finished wood. These Disinfecting Wipes also have a clear-drying formula that cleans and disinfects on shiny surfaces like glass and mirrors. Spills and messes happen all the time. Keep Clorox Disinfecting Wipes on hand to clean them up quickly and completely. Ideal for day care centers, offices, schools and restaurants. Stock up today and save!
Clorox Professional Disinfectant Wipes, Lemon Fresh Scent, 75-Count Canister, 6 Canisters per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 41.30 24.50 55.05 clorox wipes, clorox disinfecting wipes, clorox disinfectant wipes, clorox wet wipes, clorox lemon fresh scent disinfecting wipes, clorox lemon fresh scent wipes, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, CLO 15948, CLO15948 1 1 0 0 1 22
1934 Lagasse Disposable Dust Heads, 24 x 5 (UNS1624) 1934 UNS 1624 1.00 LBI 1624 Four-ply cotton/synthetic blend pretreated yarns. Open synthetic backing with ties. Sewn center fringe for added coverage. (Handle/frame sold separately.)
DSPBL DUST HEAD 24X5 CTTN/SYN 12 Unisan 5.56 4.24 7.31 UNS1624.JPG Disposable Dust Heads, 24 x 5 UNS 1624, UNS1624, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1935 Lagasse Disposable Cotton & Synthetic Dust Mop Head, 5" x 36" (UNS1636) 1935 UNS 1636 1.25 LBI 1636 Disposable Mop Head
Unisan 5" x 36" four-ply cotton/synthetic blend pretreated yarns dust mop head. Open synthetic backing with ties. Sewn center fringe for added coverage. (Dust mop handle and frame sold separately.)
Unisan Disposable Dust Mop Head, 5" x 36", Cotton & Synthetic Blend, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 7.52 5.50 9.99 UNS1636.JPG disposable dust heads, unisan dust mop head, dust mop head, 5x36 dust mop head, replacement dust mop heads, 36 x 5, UNS 1636, UNS1636 1 1 0 0 1 110
1936 Lagasse Disposable Dust Heads, 48 x 5 (UNS1648) 1936 UNS 1648 1.67 LBI 1648 Four-ply cotton/synthetic blend pretreated yarns. Open synthetic backing with ties. Sewn center fringe for added coverage. (Handle/frame sold separately.)
DSPBL DUST HEAD 48X5 CTTN/SYN 12 Unisan 10.73 7.73 14.14 UNS1648.JPG Disposable Dust Heads, 48 x 5 UNS 1648, UNS1648, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
1937 Lagasse Disposable Micro-Filtration Bags, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, 1 Bags per Pack (HOOKE2103-000) 1937 HOO KE2103-000 2.21 1-KE2103-000 Disposable Micro-Filtration Bags, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, HOO C2401 (sold separately).
ALLERGEN FILTRATION CANISTER BAG HEPA TYPE Hoover 1.06 0.81 1.43 HOOKE2103000.JPG Disposable Micro-Filtration Bags, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, 1 Bags per Pack HOO KE2103-000, HOOKE2103000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
1938 Lagasse Hoover Vacuum Disposable Micro-Filtration Bags, 5 Bag (HOO4010038N) 1938 HOO 4010038N 0.10 4010038N Hoover Disposable Replacement Vacuum Cleaner Bags
Hoover Vacuum Disposable Micro-Filtration Replacement Bags use the highest quality micro-filtration technology available today. Providing excellent results by achieving filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%, Hoover Vacuum Disposable Micro-Filtration Bags are designed specifically for high-volume use. Provides immediate air quality improvements through its high-quality filtration system. Allows for cleaner air, less dusting, and a longer secondary filter life, all at sizable savings to the consumer. Fitting the PortaPower Lightweight Vacuum Cleaner (sold separately) perfectly, Hoover Vacuum Disposable Micro-Filtration Replacement Bags are the fast, easy, and affordable way to keep any indoor environment safe, clean and sanitary. Hoover Vacuum Disposable Micro-Filtration Replacement Bags come 5 bags per pack.
Hoover Vacuum Micro-Filtration Disposable Replacement Bags, 5 Bags per Pack, Sold per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hoover 2.70 2.06 3.62 HOO4010038N.jpg hoover vacuum bags, hoover vac bags, hoover canister bags, hoover canister vac bags, canister vacuum bags, hoover replacement vacuum bags, disposable micro-filtration bags, HOO 4010038N, HOO4010038N 1 1 0 0 1 56
1939 Lagasse Disposable Micro-Filtration Bags, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, 3 Bags per Pack (HOO4010100A) 1939 HOO 4010100A 0.20 4010100A Disposable Micro-Filtration Bags, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, HOO 1404, HOO C1800, HOO 1414 and HOO 1703 (all sold separately).
MICROFILTRATION BG FOR 1043 1413 7069 3 Hoover 5.78 4.41 7.61 HOO4010100A.JPG Disposable Micro-Filtration Bags, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, 3 Bags per Pack HOO 4010100A, HOO4010100A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 56
1940 Lagasse Disposable Eureka Vacuum Bags, 6 - 3 Bag Packs (EUR52320-6) 1940 EUR 52320-6 1.97 52320C-6 Disposable Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Bags
Keep dust and allergens in the bag for Eureka Vacuum Cleaner models EUR 888, EUR 1934 (sold separately). Coming complete with a specialized opening that seals automatically when the bag is removed from your vacuum cleaner. Offering a slide-and-snap throat frame simplifies removal and replacement. Designed for Eureka Vacuums. Includes 18 disposable vacuum cleaner bags per case
Eureka Sanitaire Disposable Vacuum Bags for Eureka Vacuums, 3 Bags per Pack, 6 Packs, 18 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Eureka - Sanitaire 12.10 8.52 15.99 EUR523206.JPG eureka vacuums bags, disposable vacuum bags, vaccum bags, 6 Packs per Case, 3 Bags per Pack EUR 52320-6, EUR523206, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
1941 Lagasse Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, 10 Packs per Case, 10 Bags per Pack (EUR62370-10) 1941 EUR 62370-10 7.65 62370-10 Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, EUR 412 (sold separately).
STYLE BV PAPER DUST BAG FOR SC412 10/CS Eureka - Sanitaire 78.51 59.88 104.15 EUR6237010.JPG Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, 10 Packs per Case, 10 Bags per Pack EUR 62370-10, EUR6237010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
1942 Lagasse Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, 10 Packs per Case, 5 Bags per Pack (EUR63213-10) 1942 EUR 63213-10 0.72 63213-10 Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags
Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums 883, 678, 688 and 888J (all sold separately).
Standard Disposable Vacuum Bag, For Use with Eureka Vacuums 888J, 678, 688 and 883 10 Packs per case, 5 bags per Pack
Eureka - Sanitaire 102.45 78.14 135.32 EUR6321310.JPG Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, 10 Packs per Case, 5 Bags per Pack EUR 63213-10, EUR6321310, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
1943 Lagasse Disposable Sanitaire Vacuum Cleaner Bags (EUR63262-10) 1943 EUR 63262-10 1.00 63262B-10 Sanitaire Vacuum Cleaner Bags
Time to change the vacuum cleaner bag? These disposable vacuum cleaner bags are for use with the Sanitaire Vacuum Model SC9180 (sold separately). Stock up for conveniences and savings!
Sanitaire Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Sanitaire Vacuum Model SC9180, 5 Bags per Pack, 10 Packs per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Eureka - Sanitaire 50.41 38.24 67.59 EUR6326210.JPG sanitaire vacuum cleaner bags, disposable sanitaire vacuum cleaner bags, EUR 63262-10, EUR6326210, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
1945 Lagasse Disposable Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Bags, 3 Bags per Pack, 6 Packs per Case (EUR60295-6) 1945 EUR 60295-6 2.40 60295C-6 Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, EUR 3670 and EUR 3683 (both sold separately).
Disposable Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Bags, 3 Bags per Pack, 6 Packs per Case
Eureka - Sanitaire 14.82 11.30 19.25 disposable eureka vacuum cleaner bags, EUR 60295-6, EUR602956, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
1946 Lagasse Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums (EUR61125-12) 1946 EUR 61125-12 1.60 61125A-12 Vacuum Cleaner Bags
Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, EUR 785 (sold separately).
Eureka 785 replacement Vacuum cleaner Bags, 3 Bags per Pack, 12 Packs per Case Eureka - Sanitaire 32.59 24.31 42.75 EUR6112512.JPG Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, 12 Packs per Case, 3 Bags per Pack EUR 61125-12, EUR6112512, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
1947 Lagasse Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, 6 Packs per Case, 3 Bags per Pack (EUR61820-6) 1947 EUR 61820-6 2.20 61820B-6 Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, EUR 5713 (sold separately).
BG FOR 5815 PPR 6/3 Eureka - Sanitaire 27.81 20.33 36.77 EUR618206.JPG Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, 6 Packs per Case, 3 Bags per Pack EUR 61820-6, EUR618206, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
1948 Lagasse Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, Cloth Bag, 1 Bag per Pack (RCP9VBPBA06) 1948 RCP 9VBPBA06 5.00 9VBPBA06 Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, RCP 9VBP06 (sold separately).
VACUUM BAG CLOTH 1/CS FOR 9VBP06 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 18.08 13.79 24.37 RCP9VBPBA06.JPG Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, Cloth Bag, 1 Bag per Pack RCP 9VBPBA06, RCP9VBPBA06, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
1949 Lagasse Rubbermaid Replacement Cloth Vacuum Cleaner Bag, 1 Bag (RCP9VCVBA12) 1949 RCP 9VCVBA12 3.00 9VCVBA12 Replacement Cloth Dust Vacuum Cleaner Bag
Rubbermaid Replacement Cloth Dust Bag for Rubbermaid Model CV12 & CV16, Black, 1 Cloth Bag, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 32.79 25.01 44.73 Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, Cloth Bag, RCP 9VCVBA12, RCP9VCVBA12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1950 Lagasse Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, 10 Bags per Pack (RCP9VBPHP06) 1950 RCP 9VBPHP06 0.34 9VBPHP06 BACKPACK 6-QT HEPA PAPER BAG, 10 BAGS/PACK
Rubbermaid Backpack 6 Quart Hepa Paper Bags 10 Bags per Pack Rubbermaid Commercial Products 33.46 25.52 43.48 RCP9VBPHP06.JPG Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, 6 Bags per Pack RCP 9VBPHP06, RCP9VBPHP06, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1951 Lagasse Rubbermaid Disposable Back Pack Vacuum Cleaner Bags, 10 Bags (RCP9VBPPB06) 1951 RCP 9VBPPB06 3.75 9VBPPB06 Rubbermaid Back Pack Vacuum Cleaner Bags
Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, RCP 9VBP06 (sold separately).
Rubbermaid Commercial Back Pack Replacement Paper Vacuum Bags, 10 Bags per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 21.02 16.03 28.52 Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, Paper Bag, 10 Bags per Pack RCP 9VBPPB06, RCP9VBPPB06, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1952 Lagasse Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, Cloth Bag, 10 Bag per Pack (RCP9VCVPB12) 1952 RCP 9VCVPB12 1.27 FG9VCVPB12 REPLACEMENT PAPER BAG F/ CV12 & CV16,10 BAGS/PACK
REPLACEMENT PPR BG F/CV12 & CV16,10 BG/PK Rubbermaid Commercial Products 17.89 13.64 24.01 RCP9VCVPB12.JPG Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, Cloth Bag, 10 Bag per Pack RCP 9VCVPB12, RCP9VCVPB12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1953 Lagasse Rubbermaid Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, 10 Paper Bags (RCP9VMHBA12) 1953 RCP 9VMHBA12 2.21 9VMHBA12 Rubbermaid Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags
Rubbermaid Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags are designed specifically for the Rubbermaid Vacuum. Offering high-quality filtration, these disposable vacuum cleaner bags are a simple and affordable way to keep any indoor environment safe and clean. Coming 10 bags to a pack, these quality bags allow for for cleaner air, less dusting, and long term savings, due to their ability to be used multiple times before disposal. Perfect for janitorial companies, maid services, as well as any commercial business owner or homeowner, these quality Rubbermaid Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags are an ideal fit wherever they are needed. Rubbermaid Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Paper Bags, 10 Bags per Case.
Rubbermaid Commercial Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, 10 Paper Bags per Case - the wholesale janitorial supply company customers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 18.36 14.00 24.92 disposable vacuum cleaner bags, rubbermaid vacuum bags, paper vacuum bag, RCP 9VMHBA12, RCP9VMHBA12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1954 Lagasse Rubbermaid Replacement Cloth Vacuum Cleaner Bag (RCP9VULBC12) 1954 RCP 9VULBC12 2.10 9VULBC12 Rubbermaid Replacement Cloth Vacuum Cleaner Bag
Re-usable Easy Shake out Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, RCP 9VUL12 (sold separately).
Rubbermaid Replacement Cloth Vacuum Cleaner Bag, Black, Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 43.66 33.30 58.56 Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, Cloth Bag, 1 Bag per Pack, RCP 9VULBC12, RCP9VULBC12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1955 Lagasse Rubbermaid Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, 10 Paper Bags (RCP9VULPB12) 1955 RCP 9VULPB12 3.21 9VULPB12 Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, RCP 9VUL12 (sold separately).
VACUUM BAGS PAPER UL 12 IN YEL 10/PK Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.84 12.08 21.00 Disposable Vacuum Cleaner Bags, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuum, Paper Bag, 10 Bags per Pack RCP 9VULPB12, RCP9VULPB12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1956 Lagasse Disposable Washroom Floor Mats for Toilet, 6 Mats per Case, Gray (IMP1550) 1956 IMP 1550 5.52 1550 Disposable Toilet Floor Mat
Protects floor from stains and uric acid damage making restroom maintenance easier. Impregnated with Neutra Tech™ neutralizing agent to combat odors and refresh the area. Non-slip bottom. Lasts up to six weeks. Green Apple fragrance. 23wide x 21-5/8deep. - The cleaning company buyers trust.
Floor Toilet Disposable Mat, 6 per Case
Impact 47.98 36.59 63.30 IMP1550.JPG Disposable Washroom Floor Mats for Toilet, 6 Mats per Case, Gray IMP 1550, IMP1550, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
1957 Lagasse Urinal Washroom Mat, Gray, Green Apple, 6 Mats (IMP1525) 1957 IMP 1525 5.50 1525 Urinal Washroom Mat, Gray, Green Apple Scent
Coming in a fresh green apple fragrance, Impact Urinal Washroom Mats protects floors from stains and uric acid damage. Making restroom maintenance easier, these high quality bathroom mats are infused Neutra Tech neutralizing agents which are certain to combat odors and refresh the area. Coming complete with a non-slip bottom, these durable mats lasts up to six weeks. Green Apple fragrance. 17-1/2" w x 20-3/8" d. 6 mats per case.
Impact Urinal Washroom Mat, Gray, Green Apple Scent, 6 Screen Mats per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Impact 43.70 33.33 56.99 IMP1525.JPG Disposable Washroom Floor Mats for Urinal, 6 Mats per Case, Gray, IMP 1525, IMP1525, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
1959 Lagasse do-it-ALL™ Germicidal Foaming Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can (DYM08020) 1959 DYM 08020 17.80 08020 do-it-ALL Germicidal Foaming Cleaner
Cleans, disinfects and deodorizes in one easy step. Clinging foam provides longer contact time on vertical surfaces which allows the formula to eliminate many more germs with no extra effort. Kills herpes, HIV-1 (AIDS virus), staphylococcus, salmonella, influenza, simplex virus type 1 and 2, A2HK and pseudomonas. EPA Registered.
do-it-ALL germicidal foam cleaner, aerosol, 12/20 oz cans per case. - The wholesale germicidal cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Itw Dymon 44.21 32.59 60.18 DYM08020.JPG do-it-ALL Germicidal Foaming Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can DYM 08020, DYM08020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
1961 Lagasse Boardwalk Dome Lid for Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Lids (BWK10-20DOMELID) 1961 BWK 10-20DOMELID 8.00 00021413 Dome Lid for Boardwalk Paper Hot Cups
This dome lid is perfect for hot frothy drinks such as cappuccinos, lattes and hot chocolate. Sipper slit minimizes the potential for spills and the drink type indicator simplifies to-go orders. White Plastic. Fits Boardwalk paper hot cups, sizes 10oz to 20oz. 1,000 lids per case.
Boardwalk 10-20 oz Dome Lid, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 lids per case. The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 44.93 34.27 59.45 BWK1020DOMELID.JPG Dome Lid for Paper Hot Cups, Fits 10 to 20-oz. Cups BWK 10-20DOMELID, BWK1020DOMELID, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
1962 Lagasse Domed Drum Lid, Black (UNI1855BLA) 1962 UNI 1855BLA 12.00 1855BLA Use with 55-gallon drums. Rust-resistant, galvanized steel. Adjustable thumb screws assure a tight fit. Self-closing contoured door with rubber pads for quiet operation. Meets OSHA requirements. FM Approved and CSFM Listed when used with steel drums. Minimum 30% recycled steel, 100% recyclable. 24-1/2 dia. x 11-1/2h. Shpg. wt. 12 lbs.; UPS-shippable at oversized carton 30-lb. rate.
Dome Top for 55 Gallon Drum Garbage Can, Black
United Receptacle 120.71 71.61 164.67 UNI1855BLA.JPG Garbage Cans, Garbage Can, trash can, trash cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Domed Drum Lid, Black UNI 1855BLA, UNI1855BLA 1 1 0 0 1 111
1963 Lagasse Domestic Bleached Knits Rags, 25-lb. Box (HOS455-25) 1963 HOS 455-25 25.00 455-25 Bleached White T-Shirt Rags
Reusable rags are vacuum-packed in a heavy-duty polybag/brick. Cut-up T-shirt rags are great for general-purpose tasks. Bleached white. Grab them instead of your old shirts.
Includes one polybag of 25 pounds of rags. White. 25 lbs. of rags per case. Reusable rags are vacuum-packed in a polybag. One polybag per case.
Hospeco Domestic Bleached Knits Rags, 25-lb. Box, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hospeco 66.23 49.86 86.69 HOS45525.JPG Domestic Bleached Knits HOS 455-25, HOS45525, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
1964 Lagasse Swing Top Floor Sanitary Napkin Receptacle (HOS2201) 1964 HOS 2201 7.40 2201 Sanitary Napkin Receptacle
Coming with a swinging lid that allows for easy disposal, this sanitary napkin receptacle is designed to provide safe and hygienic disposal of sanitary waste in women’s restrooms. Created to ensure that every visit is clean and convenient female employees and customers, This quality receptacle has an easy access lid that allows use from either side. Measuring in at 9" x 9" x 10-3/4", this metal sanitary napkin receptacle promotes a high level of hygiene. Shipping weight: 7 lbs.
Hospeco Double Entry, Swing Top Floor Sanitary Metal Napkin Receptacle, White, 9" x 9" x 10-3/4", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 35.26 26.89 46.38 HOS2201.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, feminine hygiene product, feminine hygiene products, Double Entry, Swing Top Floor Receptacle, White HOS 2201, HOS2201 1 1 0 0 1 57
1965 Lagasse Double Eye/Face Wash Station (GLX7349) 1965 GLX 7349 4.20 7349 Durable, plastic station with two 16-oz. bottles of saline solution provide initial flushing for alkali and acid splash. Dated and safety-sealed to guard against contamination. Complies with ANSI Z358.1-1998 safety standard for personal eyewash stations. 11w x 4d x 13h.
DBL EYE/FACE WASH STATION 11X4X13 Galaxy Gloves 38.35 29.25 51.16 GLX7349.JPG Double Eye/Face Wash Station GLX 7349, GLX7349, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 45
1969 Lagasse 165-oz. Double-Wrapped Unwaxed Paper Buckets, 100 Buckets (SCC10T1UU) 1969 SCC 10T1UU 22.50 10T1-N0198 Double Wrapped Unwaxed Paper Buckets
Our line of Solo 165-oz. Double Wrapped Paper Buckets are a perfect addition to any food service industry, as well as any hotel, motel or lodging establishment. Coming in counts of 100 buckets per case, these Solo double wrapped unwaxed paper buckets provide an excellent way to carry a variety of dry foods . Coming in at a large 165-oz. size, these white unwaxed paper buckets are the ideal choice for those who are looking to use them in a food service capacity or as an ice buckets, when combined with ice bucket liner bags, for hotel and lodging establishments.
Solo Double Wrapped 165 oz. Paper Bucket, Unwaxed, 100 Buckets per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 147.16 103.01 200.67 SCC10T1UU.JPG paper buckets, paper containers, 165-oz paper buckets, 165-oz. paper containers, solo paper buckets, double wrapped paper buckets, double-wrapped paper containers, 165-oz. containers, SCC 10T1UU, SCC10T1UU, restaurant supplies, solo paper buckets, solo paper containers 1 1 0 0 1 141
1970 Lagasse 83-oz. Double-Wrapped Unwaxed Paper Buckets, 100 Containers (SCC5T1UU) 1970 SCC 5T1UU 15.03 5T1-N0195 Double Wrapped Unwaxed Paper Buckets
Solo 83-oz. Double Wrapped unwaxed Paper Buckets are a perfect addition to any food service industry, as well as any hotel, motel or lodging establishment. Coming in counts of 100 buckets per case these brand name, Solo double wrapped unwaxed paper buckets provide an excellent way to carry a variety of dry foods . Coming in at a medium 83-oz. size, these white unwaxed paper buckets are the ideal choice for those who are looking to use them in a food service capacity or as an ice buckets, when combined with ice bucket liner bags, for hotel and lodging establishments.
Solo 83 oz. Double Wrapped Paper Bucket, Unwaxed, 100 Buckets per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 103.60 72.52 141.13 SCC5T1UU.JPG double-wrapped paper buckets, 83-oz. container, 83 oz. containers, paper buckets, SCC 5T1UU, SCC5T1UU, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 0 1 141
1971 Lagasse Dove Moisturizing Beauty Bar Soap, 72 - 4.25-oz. Bar Size (DRKCB610795) 1971 DRK CB610795 23.75 CB610795 Dove Moisturizing Lotion Bar Soap
White Dove beauty bar soap with moisturizing cream, richly blended with the mildest cleansers, no other beauty bar has more skin natural moisturuzers than Dove. Everyday moisture is the key to beautiful skin. Recommended by dermatologists. Ideal for infant and long-term care. Nonirritating, nonsoap moisturizing formula contains one-quarter cleansing cream.
Dove White Beauty Bar, 4.25-oz. Bar Size, 72 Bars per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 147.21 110.96 199.68 dove, dove bar soap, dove soap, 72 Bars per Case, 4.25-oz. Bar Size DRK CB610795, DRKCB610795, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
1972 Lagasse Dove Soap Moisturizing Beauty Bar Soap, 3.15-oz. Bars (DRKCB614243) 1972 DRK CB614243 10.89 CB614243 Dove Bar Soap
White Beauty Bar with moisturizing cream, richly blended with the mildest cleansers, no other beauty bar has more skin natural moisturizers than Dove. Everyday moisture is the key to beautiful skin. Recommended by dermatologists. Ideal for infant and long-term care. Nonirritating, non-soap moisturizing formula contains one-quarter cleansing cream.
Dove White Beauty Bar, 48 - 3.15 oz Bars per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bar Soaps » Diversey 84.56 64.49 111.22 dove, dove soap, dove bar soap, 48 Bars per Case, 3.15-oz. Bar Size DRK CB614243, DRKCB614243 1 1 0 0 1 63
1973 Lagasse Dove Moisturizing Gentle Hand Saop, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (DRK2979401) 1973 DRK 2979401 36.40 2979401 Dove Moisturizing Gentle Hand Soap
Treat your skin right by keeping it moisturized with this rejuvenating Dove soap. Dove moisturizing gentle hand soap is an extra-mild cleaner designed for frequent hand washing. Formulated with ultra-mild ingredients, it gently remove soil and bacteria without drying, chapping or irritating skin. Minimizes the damage caused by repeated removal of essential oils from the skin. Buy Dove soap today!
Dove Moisturizing Gentle Hand Soap, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bulk Liquid Soaps »
Diversey 61.63 47.01 83.80 DRK2979401.JPG dove moisturizing gentle hand soap, DRK 2979401, DRK2979401, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
1974 Lagasse Downy Fabric Softener, 8 Bottles (PGC35511) 1974 PGC 35511 37.40 06447 Downy Liquid Fabric Softener
Concentrated to provide Downy softness and freshness with just one ounce per use, Downy providing the softest feeling clothing, as well as a fresh scent no other product can match. Delivering clothing and fabrics that are noticeably more soft, fluffy the liquid formula also provides a refreshing fragrant aroma. From clothes, and linens, to curtains, and uniforms, the Ultra Downy Fabric Softener provides the ideal addition to any load of laundry. Ultra Downy Fabric Softener is a quintessential part of any home, business or industry. Easily softens and freshens clothing after each use. Liquid formula for use in the rinse cycle.
Downy Fabric Softener, April Fresh Scent, 64-oz. Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 34.59 26.38 45.70 PGC35511.JPG downy fabric softener, downy april fresh, april fresh downy, downy fabric softener, PGC 35511, PGC35511, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
1977 Lagasse Dual #1 Sanitary Napkin/Tampon Dual-Channel Dispenser (HOS1-25) 1977 HOS 1-25 19.00 D1-25 • Manufacturer’s lifetime coin mechanism guarantee Coin-operated, dual slots. Holds #4 napkins (HOS 4-147 and HOS MT-4) and tampons (HOS TAMPAX), all sold separately. ADA Compliant. Holds 15 napkins and 23 tampons. All metal. 25-cent mechanism. 10w x 7-1/4d x 24h. Shpg. wt. 21 lbs.
DUAL #1 VEND MACH W/25 CENT MECH Hospeco 256.58 195.70 335.94 HOS125.JPG Dual 1 Sanitary Napkin/Tampon Dual-Channel Dispenser HOS 1-25, HOS125, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
1979 Lagasse Rubbermaid Dual-Action Sweeper (RCP421388BLA) 1979 RCP 4213-88 BLA 4.90 421388 BLACK Rubbermaid Mechanical Dual-Action Sweeper
Rubbermaid offers a complete line of commercial-grade sweepers for a variety of floor types. This dual action floor sweeper is a unique, upgraded design with ergonomic handle. Low-profile for cleaning under furniture. Easy-open dual debris bins feature one-touch emptying doors. Four corner brushes provide edge cleaning. Hood constructed of durable galvanized steel. Two agitators for improved cleaning performance. 7.5" sweep path. Black with yellow trim. Ideal for use in restaurants, hotels, mobile homes and buses and more. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products - a brand name you can trust.
Rubbermaid Dual Action Mechanical Sweeper, Black and Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 55.33 42.20 73.46 RCP421388BLA.JPG rubbermaid, mechanical sweeper, dual-action sweeper, RCP 4213-88 BLA, RCP421388BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, janitorial products 1 1 0 0 1 89
1981 Lagasse San Jamar Duett Dual Roll Standard Toilet Paper Dispenser (SANR3500TBK) 1981 SAN R3500TBK 2.50 R3500TBK Dual Roll Standard Toilet Paper Dispenser
San Jamar’s exclusive Duett Dual Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser helps to cut down on waste by protecting the visible fresh roll until the first roll has been completely depleted. This handy and economical dispenser is designed to hold two standard toilet paper rolls up to 5 ½” diameter. The Infinity System provides a continual availability of toilet paper, eliminating stub roll waste. The compact profile of this Duett makes it the perfect size for just about any restroom. Constructed of sturdy, break-resistant plastic, the Duett dual roll dispenser also features a replaceable finger lock to prevent theft. This San Jamar toilet paper dispenser is a must have for your high traffic restroom! Dimensions: 7-1/2"W x 7"D x 12-3/4”H.
San Jamar Duett Dual Roll Standard Toilet Paper Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
San Jamar Dispenser 21.45 16.36 28.79 SANR3500TBK.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, bobrick toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, duett toilet tissue dispenser, black pearl, SAN R3500TBK, SANR3500TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
1982 Lagasse Dumpster Fresh, 4 Spray Bottles (DRK4266359) 1982 DRK 4266359 9.51 4266359 Suma Dumpster Fresh
Suma Dumpster Fresh quickly and effectively diminishes the odor of dumpster garbage. This powerful treatment works in three stages, starting with a strong cleaner, then a burst of fragrance, and, finally, a bio-active non-disease causing formula that works quickly creating enzymes to absorb grease, grime and other organic soils that accumulate over time. The applied bacteria in Dumpster Fresh’s formula help to prevent odors from coming back. Best of all, this product is easy to use. There is no scrubbing required. Just spray Dumpster Fresh inside the offensive dumpster and walk away. Dumpster Fresh does all the work for you. If your business requires use of a dumpster, this product is a must have for you!
Diversey Suma Dumpster Fresh, 32-oz. Spray Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 52.52 39.43 68.57 DRK4266359.JPG dumpster fresh, DRK4266359, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
1984 Lagasse Duracell PROCELL Alkaline Batteries, 9V Size, 12 Batteries per Pack (DRCPC1604BKD) 1984 DRC PC1604BKD 1.30 4133352748 PROCELL IND. 9V-CELL ALK ALINE BATTARY 1
Duracell 21.42 15.90 28.54 DRCPC1604BKD.JPG Duracell PROCELL Alkaline Batteries, 9V Size, 24 Batteries per Pack DRC PC1604BKD, DRCPC1604BKD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 190
1985 Lagasse Duracell Procell Alkaline Batteries, AA Size, 24 Batteries (DRCPC1500BKD) 1985 DRC PC1500BKD 1.42 4133352148 AA Size Duracell Procell Alkaline Batteries
Duracell batteries: the most trusted and reliable name in batteries today, can be used to power a variety of different items. From portable electronics like toys for children, to clocks, and remotes, as well as, smoke detectors and flash lights in safety kits. Complete with a secure seal that prevents against leakage and corrosion, Duracell Procell Alkaline Batteries are seen as one of the safest batteries on the market. Duracell Procell AA batteries are two inches in length making them portable and easy to store, especially with their longer shelf life. Being alkaline batteries they are preferred over zinc-carbon batteries because they have a longer hour life. They are also recommended for use in extreme temperatures because they continue to perform at lower degrees.
Duracell Procell AA Alkaline Batteries, 24 Batteries per Pack, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Duracell 11.01 8.40 14.39 DRCPC1500BKD.JPG duracell procell alkaline batteries, aa batteries, alkaline batteries, DRC PC1500BKD, DRCPC1500BKD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 190
1986 Lagasse Duracell Procell Alkaline AAA Batteries, 24 Batteries per Pack (DRCPC2400BKD) 1986 DRC PC2400BKD 0.68 4133353648 Duracell Procell AAA Batteries
Made specifically for professional and industrial applications that other batteries simply can not measure or handle these batteries are among the most dependable, long lasting alkaline power cells available. Value-priced bulk quantities equate to substantial savings. Secure seal corrosion resistance protects valuable, sensitive equipment. Includes 24 batteries.
Duracell Procell Alkaline Efficient AAA Batteries, 24 Batteries per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Duracell 12.15 8.78 16.05 DRCPC2400BKD.JPG Duracell PROCELL Alkaline Batteries, AAA Size, 24 Batteries per Pack DRC PC2400BKD, DRCPC2400BKD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 190
1987 Lagasse Duracell PROCELL Alkaline Batteries, C Size, 12 Batteries per Pack (DRCPC1400) 1987 DRC PC1400 1.86 4133311440 PROCELL INDUSTRIAL BATTE RIES 12/PACK C-
Duracell 11.89 8.85 15.93 DRCPC1400.JPG Duracell PROCELL Alkaline Batteries, C Size, 24 Batteries per Pack DRC PC1400, DRCPC1400, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 190
1988 Lagasse Duracell Procell Alkaline Batteries, D Size, 12 Batteries (DRCPC1300) 1988 DRC PC1300 2.02 4133311340 Duracell D Size Batteries
Duracell Procell Alkaline Battery are manufactured specifically for professional and industrial use. These superior quality batteries are known for being one of the most dependable, longest lasting alkaline power cells on the market. Priced at a low wholesale value, and coming in bulk quantities for convenient stocking and substantial savings. Coming complete with a secure seal corrosion resistance feature that protects valuable, sensitive equipment. Duracell Procell Alkaline D Sized Batteries come in a pack of 12 batteries, allowing for quick and easy shipping throughout the United States.
Duracell Procell Alkaline Batteries, D Size, 12 Batteries per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Duracell 12.89 9.60 17.21 DRCPC1300.JPG duracell procell alkaline batteries, d size batteries, d batteries, DRC PC1300, DRCPC1300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 190
1991 Lagasse Dura-Touch Vinyl Gloves, Powder-Free, Large, 100 Gloves (ANS34725L) 1991 ANS 34725L 1.70 525433 Vinyl Gloves
These vinyl gloves are designed for economical hand/product protection in applications where gloves are frequently changed. They are ideal for light manufacturing, processing and handling and meet FDA regulations for food contact. Offering near “bare hand” dexterity and sensitivity, they provide the protection of vinyl gloves at a low price. These high quality powder-free gloves are the ideal combination of low cost and quality. Ideal for use across a wide range of industrial applications, these quality gloves are sure to fit all of your sanitary needs. Manufactured with a powder free formula and completely ambidextrous, these quality gloves are known for their strength and easy wear-ability. Clear, Non-sterile. 5 mils thick.
Ansell Disposable Powder Free Vinyl Gloves, Large Size, 100 Gloves per Dispenser Box - The wholesale cleaning product supply company buyers trust.
Ansell 4.22 3.26 5.80 ANS34725L.JPG dura-touch economy vinyl gloves, powder-free, 100 gloves per dispenser, large vinyl gloves, vinyl gloves, ANS 34725L, ANS34725L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
1992 Lagasse Dura-Touch Vinyl Gloves, Powder-Free, Medium, 100 Gloves (ANS34725M) 1992 ANS 34725M 1.60 525432 Vinyl Powder Free Gloves
These Dura-Touch gloves from Ansell are the perfect choice for economical hand and product protection for use in applications where gloves need to be changed frequently. Manufactured with a formula that is power-free, these vinyl gloves are ambidextrous, allowing them to fit either hand. Ideal for light manufacturing, processing and handling jobs, these gloves meet FDA regulations for food contact. The ideal combination of affordability and superior quality, these disposable gloves offer “bare hand” sensitivity and dexterity at a low price. These durable vinyl gloves are sure to fit all of your sanitary needs across a wide range of industrial applications. Ansell's powder-free vinyl gloves are knows for their strength and easy wear-ability, so no more worrying about rips and tears. Stock up today and save!
Ansell Dura-Touch Disposable Powder Free Vinyl Gloves, Medium Size, 100 Gloves per Dispenser Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ansell 4.22 3.26 5.60 ANS34725M.JPG dura-touch economy vinyl gloves, medium powder-free gloves, medium vinyl gloves, medium powder-free gloves, ANS 34725M, ANS34725M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
1993 Lagasse Ansell Dura-Touch Vinyl Gloves, Powder-Free, Small, 100 Gloves (ANS34725S) 1993 ANS 34725S 2.20 525431 Disposable Gloves
Ansell designed these vinyl gloves for reliable, economical hand and product protection in applications that require frequent glove changes. Dura-Touch disposable gloves fit your sanitary needs, and are ideal for use across a wide range of industrial applications, including light manufacturing, processing and handling. These convenient, vinyl gloves also meet FDA regulations for food contact. Manufactured with a powder-free formula, these high quality gloves provide the user with strength and easy wear-ability. Offering the protection of a vinyl glove with the dexterity of bare hands, Dura-Touch gloves are the ideal combination of low cost and high quality. Stock up on these vinyl gloves from Ansell to provide hand protection for a number of jobs.
Ansell Dura-Touch Economy Disposable Gloves, Vinyl, Powder-Free, Small, 100 Per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ansell 4.27 3.26 5.56 ANS34725S.JPG Dura-Touch Economy Vinyl Gloves, Powder-Free, 100 Gloves per Dispenser, Small Size ANS 34725S, ANS34725S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
1994 Lagasse 12" DuraWipe Creped Blue Rags (CHI8788) 1994 CHI 8788 4.90 8788 DuraWipe Creped Blue Rags
Strong, medium-duty, absorbent towels are ideal for tough cleaning tasks. These wipers are made in a hydroentangling process with wood pulp and polyester. Can be used wet or dry, again and again. Easily cleans up messy spills including oils and solvents. Soft wiper towels will not damage sensitive surfaces. Conveniently crumple packed for easy box dispensing. 250 rags per case.
Rags, 12" x 12" 250 Rags per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Chicopee 36.12 27.55 48.29 CHI8788.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, DuraWipe Creped Blue Towels, 12 x 12 Sheet Size CHI 8788, CHI8788 1 1 0 0 1 19
1995 Lagasse 14" DuraWipe Creped Blue Rags (CHI8789) 1995 CHI 8789 6.30 8789 DuraWipe Creped Blue Towels
Strong, medium-duty, absorbent towels are ideal for tough cleaning tasks. These wipers are made in a hydroentangling process with wood pulp and polyester. Can be used wet or dry, again and again. Easily cleans up messy spills including oils and solvents. Soft wiper towels will not damage sensitive surfaces. Conveniently crumple packed for easy box dispensing. 250 towels per case.
Blue Creped Rags, 14"x 14", 250 Rags per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Chicopee 42.15 32.15 56.71 CHI8789.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, DuraWipe Creped Blue Towels, CHI 8789, CHII8789 1 1 0 0 1 19
1996 Lagasse DuraWipe Medium-Duty All Purpose Wipes (CHI8710) 1996 CHI 8710 6.80 8710 Ideal for tough cleaning tasks. Wipers are strong and absorbent whether wet or dry, and can be used repeatedly. Wood pulp fibers soak up liquids quickly, but will not damage sensitive surfaces. Compatible with oils and solvents. Smooth surface. White, 12 x 13.5 sheet size. 400 wipes per bulk case.
Medium Duty All Purpose Wipes, 400 Wipes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Chicopee 46.42 35.41 60.49 CHI8710.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, DuraWipe Medium-Duty General Purpose Towels CHI 8710, CHI8710 1 1 0 0 1 19
2000 Lagasse 24" Microfiber Dust Mop with Fringe, 6 Dust Mops (RCPQ426) 2000 RCP Q426 0.58 Q426-00 GR00 Rubbermaid 24" Microfiber Dust Mops with Fringe
The sanitation solution for hospitals and cleanrooms microfiber pads High-quality, dense, ultra-fine microfiber removes bacteria, making cleaning quick and effective. Fibers pick up and hold dust, dirt and grime. These microfiber dust mops are hypoallergenic, lint-free, nonabrasive and color-coded to improve sanitation. Double-bound edges for durability. Pads are stain resistant. Machine-washable pad withstands more than 500 washings. Bleach safe. Dry on low heat. Improved hook-and-loop backing attaches securely to pad holders.
Rubbermaid Microfiber Dust Mop with Fringe, 5"x24", Green, 6 Dust Mops per Case
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Rubbermaid Commercial Products 89.42 68.20 118.90 RCPQ426.JPG rubbermaid dust mop, rubbermaid microfiber dust mop, 24" dust mop, 24" microfiber dust mop, Dust Mopping Microfiber Pad with Fringe, RCP Q426, RCPQ426, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2001 Lagasse 36" Microfiber Dust Mop with Fringe, 6 Dust Mops (RCPQ438) 2001 RCP Q438 0.83 Q438-00 GR00 Rubbermaid 36" Microfiber Dust Mops
Dust Mopping Microfiber Pad with Fringe. The sanitation solution for hospitals and cleanrooms microfiber pads High-quality, dense, ultra-fine microfiber removes bacteria, making cleaning quick and effective. Fibers pick up and hold dust, dirt and grime. This Green Cleaning Product is hypoallergenic, lint-free, nonabrasive and color-coded to improve sanitization. Double-bound edges for durability. Pads are stain resistant. Machine-washable pad withstands more than 500 washings. Bleach safe. Dry on low heat. Improved hook-and-loop backing attaches securely to pad holders. Please don't forget to check out our line of Janitorial Supplies along with all of our Green Cleaning Supplies. Pruchase today and save.
Rubbemaid 36" Microfiber Dust Mop with Fringe, 5"x36", Green, 6 per Case Rubbermaid Commercial Products 118.70 90.53 154.52 RCPQ438.JPG microfiber dust mop, rubbermaid 36" dust mop, 36" microfiber dust mop, Dust Mopping Microfiber Pad with Fringe, RCP Q438, RCPQ438, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2002 Lagasse 48" Dust Mopping Microfiber Pad with Fringe, 6 Dust Mops (RCPQ449) 2002 RCP Q449 1.12 Q449-00 GR00 Rubbermaid 48" Microfiber Dust Mops
Dust Mopping Microfiber Pad with Fringe. The sanitation solution for hospitals and cleanrooms microfiber pads High-quality, dense, ultra-fine microfiber removes bacteria, making cleaning quick and effective. Fibers pick up and hold dust, dirt and grime. This Green Cleaning Product is hypoallergenic, lint-free, nonabrasive and color-coded to improve sanitization. Double-bound edges for durability. Pads are stain resistant. Machine-washable pad withstands more than 500 washings. Bleach safe. Dry on low heat. Improved hook-and-loop backing attaches securely to pad holders. Please don't forget to check out our line of Janitorial Supplies along with all of our Green Cleaning Supplies. Pruchase today and save.
Rubbermaid Microfiber Dust Mop with Fringe, 5"x48", Green, 6 Dust Mops per Case
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 148.77 113.47 196.44 RCPQ449.JPG 48" microfiber dust mop, microfiber dust mop head, dust mop, Dust Mopping Microfiber Pad with Fringe, RCP Q449, RCPQ449, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2003 Lagasse Duster Brush (UNGWALB) 2003 UNG WALB 0.40 WALB0 5in wide x 12in long oval brush. Ideal for cleaning ceiling fans and removing cobwebs and dust from walls and corners. Made of heavy-duty galvanized wire and 49% horsehair bristles. Screws onto an extension pole (sold separately).
OVAL DUSTER BRUSH 5X125 Unger 17.68 12.84 23.83 UNGWALB.JPG Duster Brush UNG WALB, UNGWALB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
2005 Lagasse Big D Industries D-Vour Absorbent Powder, 6 Cans (BGD166) 2005 BGD 166 6.60 166 D-Vour Absorbent Powder
D-Vour Air Freshener Absorbent Powder absorbs, congeals and deodorizes liquid spills and bodily fluids for easy pickup. Completely water soluble for easy disposal, this lemon scented air freshener is great if utilized as a bathroom air freshener and will absorb 100 times its weight. Not for use on acids or other oxidizing materials. Easy to use and apply, D-Vour Air Freshener Absorbent Powder makes cleaning up and deodorizing quick and simply. Ideal for janitorial companies, maid services, and other businesses and locations that involve cleaning. Coming in 6, 16-oz. cans per case, D-Vour Air Freshener Absorbent Powder is the reliable cleaning option buyers rely on.
Big D Industries D-Vour Absorbent Powder, 16-oz. Can, 6 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Big D Ind 47.09 35.21 62.42 BGD166.JPG absorbent, absorbent powder, sorbents, powder deodorizer, BGD 166, BGD166, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 12
2006 Lagasse Dynamo 2X Ultra Laundry Detergent, 4 Bottles (PBC48116) 2006 PBC 48116 30.87 48116 Dynamo 2X Laundry Detergent, Free & Clear Scent
Dynamo 2X Ultra Liquid Laundry Detergent delivers mighty cleaning power, but is still gentle on clothes. Its effective time-tested formula cleans clothes efficiently and the Free and Clear formula is completely free of dyes, perfumes and enzymes for the benefit of sensitive skin. The new 2X products are powerful formulas that let you clean the same number of wash loads and remove stubborn stains like strawberries, barbeque sauce, and chocolate with half the amount of ordinary liquid laundry detergent. Plus the bottle is smaller, which makes it easy to carry, store and pour. Few things reflect a family's well-being like the care and presentation of the clothes they wear, which is why anyone who runs a household will appreciate Dynamo 2X Ultra Liquid Laundry Detergent. This liquid laundry detergent offers you the best value cost-per-load.
Phoenix Brands Dynamo Liquid Laundry Detergent, Free and Clear, 100-oz. Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case Laundry Products » Laundry Detergents - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Phoenix Brands 47.15 35.96 61.87 PBC48116.JPG dynamo laundry detergent, dynamo detergent, laundry detergent, dynamo 2X ultra liquid detergent, free & clear, 100-oz. bottle, PBC 48116, PBC48116 1 1 0 0 1 167
2007 Lagasse Dynamo 2X Ultra Laundry Detergent, Sunrise Fresh, 4 Bottles (PBC48110) 2007 PBC 48110 30.87 48110 2X Sunrise Fresh Scent Liquid Laundry Detergent
Dynamo 2X Ultra Liquid Laundry Detergent delivers mighty cleaning power, but is still gentle on clothes. It's effective time-tested formula cleans clothes efficiently while imparting a light, fresh fragrance. The new 2X products are powerful formulas that let you clean the same number of wash loads and remove stubborn stains like strawberries, barbecue sauce, and chocolate with half the amount of ordinary liquid laundry detergent. Plus the bottle is smaller, which makes it easy to carry, store and pour. Few things reflect a family's well-being like the care and presentation of the clothes they wear, which is why anyone who runs a household will appreciate Dynamo 2X Ultra Liquid Laundry Detergent. This liquid laundry detergent offers you the best value cost-per-load.
Phoenix Brands Dynamo 2X Ultra Liquid Laundry Detergent, Sunrise Fresh, 100-oz. Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Phoenix Brands 46.30 34.35 60.50 PBC48110.JPG dynamo laundry detergent, dynamo liquid laundry detergent, laundry detergent, dynamo 2X ultra liquid detergent, sunrise fresh fragrance, PBC 48110, PBC48110 1 1 0 0 1 167
2008 Lagasse Dynamo Action Plus Industrial Strength Liquid Laundry Detergent, 1 Pail (PBC04909) 2008 PBC 04909 47.00 04909 Liquid Laundry Detergent
This industrial strength laundry detergent delivers the most impressive, deep cleaning power on the market today. The highly-effective formula in this unique liquid detergent cleans all types of fabrics, leaving behind nothing but a light, fresh fragrance. Dynamo is a time tested laundry detergent with a powerful formula that gives it the ability to clean everything from the most stubborn stains to the most delicate fabrics. Industrial strength Dynamo liquid laundry detergent contains special builders for improved removal of stains and dirt. This liquid laundry detergent has a NSF/USDA Classification B1 and one five gallon pail washes approximately 210 loads of laundry. For a deep clean at an economical price, choose Dynamo industrial strength laundry detergent.
Phoenix Dynamo Action Plus Industrial Strength Liquid Laundry Detergent, 5 Gallon Pail, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Phoenix Brands 57.51 43.87 76.90 PBC04909.JPG dynamo laundry detergent, dynamo liquid detergent, dynamo liquid laundry detergent, dynamo industrial detergent, industrial dynamo detergent, dynamo action plus industrial strength detergent, PBC 04909, PBC04909, laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 167
2009 Lagasse Easy Adapter 6-ft. Hose (UNGWH180) 2009 UNG WH180 0.40 WH180 PVC Adapter Hose
This ergonomically designed PVC hose fits on to any faucet. Comes complete with a rubber adapter to ensure that the hose will not pull out of the faucet. Reinforced construction. Extends to 6 feet./180cm.
Unger Easy Adapter Hose, 6-ft. Extension, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 18.67 14.24 25.57 UNGWH180.JPG Easy Adapter Hose UNG WH180, UNGWH180, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2010 Lagasse Easy Paks® All-Purpose Cleaner, 2 Tubs per Case, 90 Packets per Tub (DRK90651) 2010 DRK 90651 6.60 90651 Easy Paks® All-Purpose Cleaner and Deodorizer
Concentrated powdered compound in premeasured packets. Quickly effervesces in water to produce a cleaning dilution that can be varied to meet your needs. Specially formulated to loosen and remove stubborn soils on virtually any hard surface. Excellent for use in kitchens, bathrooms, hallways, walkways, porches, hospitals, nursing homes, kids facilities, industrial buildings and other places that have surfaces like this: vinyl, asphalt, ceramic tiles, quarry tiles, terrazzo, linoleum, marble, concrete, painted surfaces, stainless steel, chrome, porcelain and plastic.
Easy Paks cleaner deodorizer, 2 tubs of 90 - 1/2-oz. packets. - The wholesale cleaning and deodorizing supply company Buyers Trust.
Diversey 50.60 38.59 68.10 DRK90651.JPG Easy Paks All-Purpose Cleaner, 2 Tubs per Case, 90 Packets per Tub DRK 90651, DRK90651, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
2011 Lagasse Easy Paks Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 180 Packets (DRK90652) 2011 DRK 90652 7.50 90652 Easy Paks Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Easy Paks Bowl Cleaner is a specially formulated enzyme/detergent blend that attacks organic waste and urinary salts without harsh acids or caustics. Will not harm plumbing. Pleasant fragrance. Premeasured 1/2-oz. packet dissolves completely in water.
Easy Paks Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 90 - 1/2-oz. Packets per Tube, 2 Tubes per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 34.79 26.53 46.46 DRK90652.JPG easy paks toilet bowl cleaner, DRK 90652, DRK90652, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
2012 Lagasse Easy Paks® Detergent/Disinfectant, 2 Tubs per Case, 90 Packets per Tub (DRK90650) 2012 DRK 90650 9.00 90650 Easy Paks Detergent/Disinfectant
Premeasured water-soluble packet takes the guesswork out of cleaning. Cleans, deodorizes and disinfects hard surfaces. Effective against mildew, bacteria and viruses including HIV-1 (AIDS virus). Ideal for use in foodservice, nursing homes, child care facilities, restaurants, cafeterias, home kitchens, brake rooms and other settings where housekeeping and disinfection are important. EPA Registered.
Easy Paks detergent/disinfectant, 2 buckets of 90 - 1/2-oz. packets. - The wholesale detergent and disinfectant supply company Buyers Trust.
Diversey 60.83 35.51 81.62 DRK90650.JPG Easy Paks Detergent/Disinfectant, 2 Tubs per Case, 90 Packets per Tub DRK 90650, DRK90650, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
2013 Lagasse Easy Paks Heavy-Duty Cleaner/Degreaser, 72 Packets (DRK90682) 2013 DRK 90682 8.05 90682 Easy Paks Heavy-Duty Cleaner and Degreaser
Easy Paks Heavy Duty Cleaner and Degreaser is specially designed for tough floor degreasing and general purpose spray and wipe cleaning. For use on floors and other hard surfaces, ranging from stainless steel, vinyl, asphalt, ceramic and quarry tiles, terrazzo, marble, concrete and painted surfaces. The heavy duty formula cuts through stubborn grease and oil build-up, but it can also be used as an all purpose cleaner to eliminate dirt and grime on hard surfaces. Easy Paks cleaner and degreaser is ideal for use in food service areas, as it removes grease that can build up on floors and cause slips and falls. Each pre-measured packet dissolves in water per directions.
Easy Paks Heavy-Duty Cleaner/Degreaser, 36 Packets per Tub, 2 Tubs per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Cleaning Chemicals » Floor Cleaners » Diversey 60.57 46.20 79.69 DRK90682.JPG easy paks heavy-duty cleaner/degreaser, DRK 90682, DRK90682, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
2014 Lagasse Easy Paks® Neutral Cleaner, 2 Tubs per Case, 90 Packets per Tub (DRK90653) 2014 DRK 90653 8.00 90653 Loosens and removes soil while protecting high-gloss finishes. Leaves no dulling film, even without rinsing. For surfaces ranging from terrazzo, marble, slate and vinyl to asphalt, ceramic and quarry tiles. 1/2-oz. premeasured packet dissolves in water.
EASY PAKS NEUTRAL CLNR .5OZ PKT 2/90 Diversey 58.10 44.32 75.56 DRK90653.JPG Easy Paks Neutral Cleaner, 2 Tubs per Case, 90 Packets per Tub DRK 90653, DRK90653, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 63
2015 Lagasse Easy Paks® Neutralizer Conditioner/Odor Counteractant, 2 Tubs per Case, 90 Packets per Tub (DRK90685) 2015 DRK 90685 7.80 90685 Neutralizes alkaline residue after floor stripping and cleaning. Helps eliminate dulling, discoloring and hazing for a longer-lasting, brighter finish. Conditions floors for better sealing. Neutralizes urine and other odors on hard floors, grout and carpeting. 1-1/2-oz. premeasured packet dissolves in water.
EASY PAKS NUTRLZ COND 1.5 OZ PKT 2/90 Diversey 55.54 42.36 72.58 DRK90685.JPG Easy Paks Neutralizer Conditioner/Odor Counteractant, 2 Tubs per Case, 90 Packets per Tub DRK 90685, DRK90685, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 63
2016 Lagasse 3M Easy Scrub Express Refill Flat Mop Pad, 10 Pads (MCO59250) 2016 MCO 59250 7.00 59250 3M Easy Scrub Express 18" Flat Mop Pad Refill
Save cleaning time by up to 50%. For use with Easy Scrub Express Flat Mop Tool. Microfiber flat mop applies floor cleaner to hard surfaces and features “scrubbing stripes” for maximum cleaning ability. White with green stripes. 10 flat mops per case.
3M Easy Scrub Flat Mop with Scrub Strips, 18 inch, 10 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning
3M Corporation 125.71 94.06 171.05 MCO59250.JPG flat mop, mopping equipment, mopping supplies, wet mop, Easy Scrub Express, 18in Easy Scrub Flat Mop MCO 59250, MCO59250 1 1 0 0 1 1
2018 Lagasse 3M Easy Scrub Express Microfiber Flat Mop Tool (MCO59051) 2018 MCO 59051 2.76 59051 3M Easy Scrub Express Microfiber Flat Mop Tool
Save cleaning time by up to 50%. Easily change chemicals and cleaning products with mop tool and interchangeable bottles (sold separately)—no need for a separate mop and bucket. Clean and scrub up to three times faster than other flat mops, with drag time up to 10 times less. Lightweight aluminum handle adjusts from 38 inches to 59.5 inches for maximum comfort and control. Includes pad holder for 18" Easy Scrub Flat Mop. High-gloss green. Interchangeable bottles (sold separately) fit into handle to deliver accurate dispensing of cleaning solution to work area, reducing chemical waste by up to 80%. Flat Mops sold separately - part# MCO 59250
3M Easy Scrub Flat Mop Tool with 16 inch Pad Holder, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 60.51 44.94 81.96 MCO59051.JPG Easy Scrub Express Microfiber Flat Mop Tool MCO 59051, MCO59051, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
2028 Lagasse EasyNap Dispenser Napkins, White, 6,000 Napkins (GPC320-02) 2028 GPC 320-02 19.40 32002 EasyNap Dispenser Napkins
Unique fold design allows more napkins per dispenser and reduces napkin usage. White, embossed. EPA Compliant. Contains minimum 30% post-consumer, 95% total recycled content. Open 6.5 x 9.85; 6.5 x 5 folded. 250 napkins per pack, 24 packs (6,000 napkins) per case.
Georgia Pacific EasyNap Dispenser Napkins, White, 250 Napkins per Pack, 24 Packs per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Dispenser Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 71.56 54.58 93.13 GPC32002.JPG dispenser napkins, dispenser napkins, napkins, paper product, paper products, easynap dispenser napkins, GPC 320-02, GPC32002 1 1 0 0 1 48
2029 Lagasse EasyNap Dispenser Napkins, Brown, 6,000 Napkins (GPC320-15) 2029 GPC 320-15 19.40 32015 Dispenser Napkins
Unique fold design allows more napkins per dispenser and reduces napkin usage. Brown, embossed. EPA Compliant. Contains minimum 30% post-consumer, 95% total recycled content. Open 6.5 x 9.85; 6.5 x 5 folded. 250 napkins per pack, 24 packs (6,000 napkins) per case.
Georgia Pacific EasyNap Dispenser Napkins, Brown, 250 Napkins per Pack, 24 Packs, 6,000 Napkins per Case
Napkins & Dispensers » Dispenser Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 69.86 53.17 92.96 GPC32015.JPG Dispenser Napkin, Dispenser Napkins, napkin, napkins, paper product, paper products, EasyNap Dispenser Napkins, GPC 320-15, GPC32015 1 1 0 0 1 48
2032 Lagasse Easy-Off Heavy Duty Oven Cleaner, 12 - 16-oz. Aerosol Cans (REC00138) 2032 REC 00138 15.83 00138 Easy-Off Heavy Duty Oven Cleaner
The heavy duty formula in Easy-Off Oven Cleaner effectively dissolves tough baked-on food, grease and grime that can accumulate in your oven over time. This powerful formula can be used to clean warm or cold ovens. Easy-Off doesn’t just clean ovens. It is also great for cleaning toasters, barbecue grills, stainless steel surfaces, workshops, toaster ovens and any surface that is prone to a build-up of tough stubborn grime. The advanced grease-cutting formula in Easy-Off easily dissolves and breaks up the baked-on grease and grime you find on kitchen surfaces. Easy-Off contains no harmful CFC’s and the can is made from 25% recycled steel. Ideal for restaurants, cafeterias and residential homes to get cooking surfaces sparkling clean!
Reckitt Benckiser Professional Easy-Off Heavy Duty Oven Cleaner, 16-oz. Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 55.20 41.50 72.67 REC00138.JPG easy-off heavy duty oven cleaner, REC 00138, REC00138, oven cleaner, easy-off, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, toaster oven cleaner 1 1 0 0 1 86
2033 Lagasse EchoMop Looped End Wet Head, Large (UNS1200L) 2033 UNS 1200L 1.42 UNS 1200L Green EchoMop Looped End Wet Mop Heads. This Green Cleaning Product is the first mop head made from recycled PET plastic bottles, contributing to reduced landfill waste, energy consumption and impact on greenhouse gases. EarthSpun® fibers provide cleaning that is both effective and environmentally responsible. Longer-lasting, lower-linting mop head offers 20% better performance than competitive all-synthetic wet mop yarns. Absorbs more than 4.4 times its weight in water and releases almost 30% upon wringing. Washable and fast drying. Dries amazingly quickly—90% dry after only. Be part of the Green Revolution and purchase all of your Green Cleaning Supplies and Janitorial Supplies right here at Clean It today and save.
LOOP END ECOMOP LG 5 IN RECYCLED PET GRE 12 Unisan 141.40 107.85 186.76 UNS1200L.JPG EchoMop Looped End Wet Head, Large UNS 1200L, UNS1200L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2034 Lagasse EchoMop Looped End Wet Head, Medium (UNS1200M) 2034 UNS 1200M 25.00 UNS 1200M Green Looped End Wet Mop Head
This Green Cleaning Product is the first mop head made from recycled PET plastic bottles, contributing to reduced landfill waste, energy consumption and impact on greenhouse gases. EarthSpun fibers provide cleaning that is both effective and environmentally responsible. Longer-lasting, lower-linting mop head offers 20% better performance than competitive all-synthetic wet mop yarns. Absorbs more than 4.4 times its weight in water and releases almost 30% upon wringing. Washable and fast drying. Dries amazingly quickly—90% dry after only. Be part of the Green Revolution and purchase all of your Green Cleaning Supplies and Janitorial Supplies right here at Clean It today and save.
Unisan EchoMop Looped End Wet Head, Medium, 5" Mop Head, 12 Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 108.56 82.80 143.76 UNS1200M.JPG EchoMop Looped End Wet Head, Medium UNS 1200M, UNS1200M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2035 Lagasse Bobrick Eclipse Automatic Hand Dryer (BOB740) 2035 BOB 740 12.80 B-740 115V Electronic sensor for “no-touch” operation. Surface mount. Contemporary styling; vandal-resistant. Steel with white enamel finish. 115V, 20 amp, 2,300 watts, 50/60Hz. UL/cUL Listed. 15-13/32w x 7-17/32d x 8-7/8h. Manufacturer’s ten-year limited warranty.
Bobrick Eclipse Automatic Hand Dryer, 115 Volt, Steel with Enamel White Finish, Each
Bobrick 375.51 286.41 499.63 BOB740.JPG Eclipse Automatic Hand Dryer, BOB 740, BOB740, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 13
2038 Lagasse Eco-Fresh Hang Tag, Herbal Mint Fragrance, 12 Tags (KRYEHTS72HML) 2038 KRY EHTS72HML 2.00 EHTS72HML Krystal Deodorant Eco-Fresh Hang Tags
Hang from a variety of objects, such as a door stop, toilet handle, etc. For greater placement options, use the suction cups. 100% more fragrance than typical air fresheners. Keeps any area smelling cleaner, longer. VOC Compliant, available for sale in 50 states. No ozone depleting ingredients, 1/10 the VOCs of most aerosols. Easy to recycle, with no cleaning or separating needed, and no harmful chemicals to dispose of. Manufactured with over 50% less energy than typical containers.
Krystal Deodorant Eco-Fresh Hang Tags, Herbal Mint Fragrance, 12 Tags per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Krystal Deodorant & Restroom Products 22.36 12.80 29.88 KRYEHTS72HML.JPG air freshener, air freshener tag, air deodorizers, air freshener tags, KRY EHTS72HML, KRYEHTS72HML, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 66
2040 Lagasse Unisan Gallon Bottle Dispensing Pump (UNS417) 2040 UNS 417 0.16 UNS417 Economy Dispensing Pump
Pumps one ounce per stroke. Cap (38mm) with 10-3/4" tube length. Ideal for oils and solvents. Fits standard gallon bottles.
Unisan Economy Dispensing Pump, 10.75" Cap w/ Tube Fits 1 Gallon Bottles, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 2.35 1.74 3.10 UNS417.JPG Econo Dispensing Pump UNS 417, UNS417, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2041 Lagasse Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 16-oz. Mop Head (UNS716C) 2041 UNS 716C 13.00 LBI 716C Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads come in your choice of cotton or rayon. They also come in 16oz, 20oz, 24oz and 32oz sizes. Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Heavy-duty vinyl mesh headband. Standard heads use clamp style mop handles; saddleback heads use clamp or gripper style handles; lieflat heads use lieflat screw-in handles (all sold separately). Mop lies flat on the floor. Plastic, molded cap with metal 1/4" threaded bolt head. 12 mop heads per case. Choose from all of our different types of Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads below.
CUT-END ECON LIEFLAT WET MOP HEAD 16 OZ CTTN 12 Unisan 54.60 40.20 73.79 UNS716C.JPG Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 16-oz. Mop Head UNS 716C, UNS716C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2042 Lagasse Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 16-oz. Mop Head (UNS716R) 2042 UNS 716R 13.00 LBI 716R Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads come in your choice of cotton or rayon. They also come in 16oz, 20oz, 24oz and 32oz sizes. Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Heavy-duty vinyl mesh headband. Standard heads use clamp style mop handles; saddleback heads use clamp or gripper style handles; lieflat heads use lieflat screw-in handles (all sold separately). Mop lies flat on the floor. Plastic, molded cap with metal 1/4" threaded bolt head. 12 mop heads per case. Choose from all of our different types of Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads below.
CUT-END ECON LIEFLAT WET MOP HEAD 16 OZ RAYON 12 Unisan 65.81 49.02 86.15 UNS716R.JPG Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 16-oz. Mop Head UNS 716R, UNS716R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2043 Lagasse Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 20-oz. Mop Head (UNS720C) 2043 UNS 720C 15.00 LBI 720C Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads come in your choice of cotton or rayon. They also come in 16oz, 20oz, 24oz and 32oz sizes. Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Heavy-duty vinyl mesh headband. Standard heads use clamp style mop handles; saddleback heads use clamp or gripper style handles; lieflat heads use lieflat screw-in handles (all sold separately). Mop lies flat on the floor. Plastic, molded cap with metal 1/4" threaded bolt head. 12 mop heads per case. Choose from all of our different types of Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads below.
CUT-END ECON LIEFLAT WET MOP HEAD 20 OZ CTTN 12 Unisan 59.00 45.00 80.48 UNS720C.JPG Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 20-oz. Mop Head UNS 720C, UNS720C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2044 Lagasse Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 20-oz. Mop Head (UNS720R) 2044 UNS 720R 16.00 LBI 720R Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads come in your choice of cotton or rayon. They also come in 16oz, 20oz, 24oz and 32oz sizes. Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Heavy-duty vinyl mesh headband. Standard heads use clamp style mop handles; saddleback heads use clamp or gripper style handles; lieflat heads use lieflat screw-in handles (all sold separately). Mop lies flat on the floor. Plastic, molded cap with metal 1/4" threaded bolt head. 12 mop heads per case. Choose from all of our different types of Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads below.
CUT-END ECON LIEFLAT WET MOP HEAD 20 OZ RAYON 12 Unisan 81.81 62.40 110.44 UNS720R.JPG Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 20-oz. Mop Head UNS 720R, UNS720R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2045 Lagasse Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Head (UNS724C) 2045 UNS 724C 19.00 LBI 724C Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads come in your choice of cotton or rayon. They also come in 16oz, 20oz, 24oz and 32oz sizes. Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Heavy-duty vinyl mesh headband. Standard heads use clamp style mop handles; saddleback heads use clamp or gripper style handles; lieflat heads use lieflat screw-in handles (all sold separately). Mop lies flat on the floor. Plastic, molded cap with metal 1/4" threaded bolt head. 12 mop heads per case. Choose from all of our different types of Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads below.
CUT-END ECON LIEFLAT WET MOP HEAD 24 OZ CTTN 12 Unisan 75.21 57.37 102.60 UNS724C.JPG Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Head UNS 724C, UNS724C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2046 Lagasse Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Head (UNS724R) 2046 UNS 724R 19.00 LBI 724R Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads come in your choice of cotton or rayon. They also come in 16oz, 20oz, 24oz and 32oz sizes. Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Heavy-duty vinyl mesh headband. Standard heads use clamp style mop handles; saddleback heads use clamp or gripper style handles; lieflat heads use lieflat screw-in handles (all sold separately). Mop lies flat on the floor. Plastic, molded cap with metal 1/4" threaded bolt head. 12 mop heads per case. Choose from all of our different types of Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads below.
CUT-END ECON LIEFLAT WET MOP HEAD 24 OZ RAYON 12 Unisan 89.60 68.34 119.36 UNS724R.JPG Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Head UNS 724R, UNS724R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2047 Lagasse Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 32-oz. Mop Head (UNS732C) 2047 UNS 732C 25.00 LBI 732C Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads come in your choice of cotton or rayon. They also come in 16oz, 20oz, 24oz and 32oz sizes. Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Heavy-duty vinyl mesh headband. Standard heads use clamp style mop handles; saddleback heads use clamp or gripper style handles; lieflat heads use lieflat screw-in handles (all sold separately). Mop lies flat on the floor. Plastic, molded cap with metal 1/4" threaded bolt head. 12 mop heads per case. Choose from all of our different types of Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads below.
CUT-END ECON LIEFLAT WET MOP HEAD 32 OZ CTTN 12 Unisan 90.23 68.40 119.42 UNS732C.JPG Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 32-oz. Mop Head UNS 732C, UNS732C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2048 Lagasse Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 32-oz. Mop Head (UNS732R) 2048 UNS 732R 25.00 LBI 732R Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads come in your choice of cotton or rayon. They also come in 16oz, 20oz, 24oz and 32oz sizes. Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Heavy-duty vinyl mesh headband. Standard heads use clamp style mop handles; saddleback heads use clamp or gripper style handles; lieflat heads use lieflat screw-in handles (all sold separately). Mop lies flat on the floor. Plastic, molded cap with metal 1/4" threaded bolt head. 12 mop heads per case. Choose from all of our different types of Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads below.
CUT-END ECON LIEFLAT WET MOP HEAD 32 OZ RAYON 12 Unisan 117.34 86.81 155.76 UNS732R.JPG Economical Lieflat Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 32-oz. Mop Head UNS 732R, UNS732R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2049 Lagasse 12" Economical Window Squeegee (UNSES12) 2049 UNS ES12 0.58 ES12 12" Window Squeegee
Wash your windows with a squeegee and you will not want to go back to paper towels and glass cleaner again. This all purpose, economical window cleaning squeegee features a 12 inch durable, reinforced rubber blade that will give you sparkling clean, streak-free windows in an instant. Choose this Unisan window cleaning squeegee with its quality rubber blade and make quick work of glass cleaning. This squeegee can be used for a multitude of glass surfaces in your home, offices, restaurants, etc.
Unisan Window Squeegee, Reinforced 12 in. Rubber Blade, Metal Handle, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 3.35 2.54 4.57 UNSES12.JPG economical window squeegee, UNS ES12, UNSES12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2051 Lagasse Economy Ostrich Feather Duster, 31" Overall Length, 16" Wood Handle (UNS31FD) 2051 UNS 31FD 0.13 UNS 31FD Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster
This Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster attracts and holds dust with professional quality gray feathers. The fine structure of the feathers along with the natural oils contained in them helps this duster attract and hold onto dust, rather than scattering it all over your home. Because these feathers are so soft, they will effectively clean delicate objects without leaving a scratch, including chandeliers, computer monitors and televisions. These Ostrich Feather Dusters get into the crevices, so you can clean your knick knacks without having to remove them from a shelf. The hole in the wood handle allows you to hang these dusters anywhere, making them easy to store. These feather dusters are easily cleaned and will last you many years, even with everyday
Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster, 31" Overall Length, 16" Wood Handle, Each – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 14.42 10.39 18.88 UNS31FD.JPG ostrich feather dusters, dusters, feather dusters, UNS 31FD, UNS31FD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2052 Lagasse Economy Ostrich Feather Duster, 23" Overall Length, 13" Wood Handle (UNS23FD) 2052 UNS 23FD 0.13 UNS 23FD Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster
This Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster attracts and holds dust with professional quality gray feathers. The fine structure of the feathers along with the natural oils contained in them helps this duster attract and hold onto dust, rather than scattering it all over your home. Because these feathers are so soft, they will effectively clean delicate objects without leaving a scratch, including chandeliers, computer monitors and televisions. These Ostrich Feather Dusters get into the crevices, so you can clean your knick knacks without having to remove them from a shelf. The hole in the wood handle allows you to hang these dusters anywhere, making them easy to store. These feather dusters are easily cleaned and will last you many years, even with everyday use.
Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster, 23" Overall Length, 13" Wood Handle, Each – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 10.14 7.58 13.27 UNS23FD.JPG economy ostrich feather duster, UNS 23FD, UNS23FD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2053 Lagasse Economy Ostrich Feather Duster, 13in Overall Length, 7in Wood Handle (UNS13FD) 2053 UNS 13FD 0.17 UNS 13FD Value priced. Hang-up hole in handle. Proven ability to pick up and hold dust.
ECON OSTRICH FTHR DUSTER 13 IN WOOD HNDL 12 Unisan 7.23 5.01 9.88 UNS13FD.JPG Economy Ostrich Feather Duster, 13in Overall Length, 7in Wood Handle UNS 13FD, UNS13FD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2054 Lagasse Economy SeBreeze 9000 Metered Aerosol Dispenser, Off-White (RCP5137) 2054 RCP 5137 1.20 5137 00 OWHT SeBreeze 9000 Metered Aerosol Air Freshener Dispenser
Reliable, easy-to-service dispenser produces a consistent, metered spray for 9,000 repetitions. Sprays every 15 minutes; provides effective coverage in rooms up to 800 sq. ft. Powered by two D alkaline batteries (not included). Plastic cabinet with cover that snaps tightly shut. Simple styling complements any decor. Includes mounting hardware. Uses fragrance canisters RCP 5158, RCP 5159 or RCP 5160 (sold separately). 4-3/4w x 3-1/8d x 7-1/2h.
Rubbermaid Sebreeze Aerosol Odor Neutralizer Dispenser, Off White - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 54.26 38.76 70.62 RCP5137.JPG economy sebreeze 9000 metered aerosol dispenser, sebreeze air freshener dispenser, RCP 5137, RCP5137, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2055 Lagasse Eco-Pac Natural Interfolded Dry Wax Paper, 6 x 10 (MCD5290) 2055 MCD 5290 17.20 05290 Pop-up sheets have added wet strength for improved performance and greater economy. 100% microwaveable. 500 sheets per pack; 12 packs per case (6,000 sheets).
DELIWRAP ECOPAC INTERFLD WAX PPR 6X10 12/500 Marcal Paper Mills (Deli) 42.14 29.50 55.15 MCD5290.JPG Eco-Pac Natural Interfolded Dry Wax Paper, 6 x 10 MCD 5290, MCD5290, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 136
2056 Lagasse Eco-Pac Natural Interfolded Dry Wax Paper, 8 x 10 (MCD5291) 2056 MCD 5291 21.80 05291 Pop-up sheets have added wet strength for improved performance and greater economy. 100% microwaveable. 500 sheets per pack; 12 packs per case (6,000 sheets).
DELIWRAP ECOPAC INTERFOLD WAX PAPER 8X10 12/500 Marcal Paper Mills (Deli) 48.07 33.65 63.56 MCD5291.JPG Eco-Pac Natural Interfolded Dry Wax Paper, 8 x 10 MCD 5291, MCD5291, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 136
2057 Lagasse Eco-Pac Natural Interfolded Dry Wax Paper, 10 x 10 (MCD5292) 2057 MCD 5292 28.10 05292 Pop-up sheets have added wet strength for improved performance and greater economy. 100% microwaveable. 500 sheets per pack; 12 packs per case (6,000 sheets).
DELIWRAP ECOPAC INTERFLD WAX PPR 10X10 12/500 Marcal Paper Mills (Deli) 61.14 42.80 80.94 MCD5292.JPG Eco-Pac Natural Interfolded Dry Wax Paper, 10 x 10 MCD 5292, MCD5292, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 136
2058 Lagasse Eco-Pac Natural Interfolded Dry Wax Paper, 12 x 10, 12 Packs (MCD5293) 2058 MCD 5293 32.80 05293 Pop-up sheets have added wet strength for improved performance and greater economy. 100% microwaveable. 500 sheets per pack; 12 packs per case (6,000 sheets).
DELIWRAP ECOPAC INTERFLD WAX PPR 12X10 12/500 Marcal Paper Mills (Deli) 70.71 49.50 91.94 MCD5293.JPG Eco-Pac Natural Interfolded Dry Wax Paper, 12 x 10 MCD 5293, MCD5293, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 136
2059 Lagasse Eco-Pac Natural Interfolded Dry Wax Paper, 15 x 10 (MCD5294) 2059 MCD 5294 41.40 05294 Pop-up sheets have added wet strength for improved performance and greater economy. 100% microwaveable. 500 sheets per pack; 12 packs per case (6,000 sheets).
DELIWRAP ECOPAC INTERFLD WAX PPR 15X10 12/500 Marcal Paper Mills (Deli) 78.00 54.60 102.93 MCD5294.JPG Eco-Pac Natural Interfolded Dry Wax Paper, 15 x 10 MCD 5294, MCD5294, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 136
2060 Lagasse Electronic Touchless Jumbo Jr. Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser, White (KCC09617) 2060 KCC 09617 8.00 09617 Touchless Jumbo Jr. Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser
Enhance restroom hygiene and reduce consumption with the first electronic toilet tissue dispenser. Designed to hold one coreless Jumbo Jr. nonperforated toilet tissue roll. Controlled dispensing results in a 20% reduction in the amount of toilet tissue consumed. Provides hassle-free performance. Multiple sensor placement allows installation on both sides of the wall (mounting hardware included). Extra-long battery life—lasts more than one year. Emergency feed knob ensures that paper is accessible even if the batteries are dead. Accepts KCC 07007 Jumbo Jr. Toilet Tissue. Durable plastic construction. 12.64" wide x 6.81" deep x 12.97" high.
Kimberly Clark Jumbo Jr. Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser, Touchless, White, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Paper Dispenser » Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 56.47 42.95 75.82 KCC09617.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, bobrick toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, Electronic Touchless Coreless JRT Tissue Dispenser, White KCC 09617, KCC09617 1 1 0 0 1 65
2061 Lagasse Touchless Jumbo Jr. Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser, Gray Smoke (KCC09618) 2061 KCC 09618 8.00 09618 Electronic Touchless Jumbo Roll Jr. Toilet Paper Dispenser
Enhance restroom hygiene and reduce consumption with the first electronic toilet tissue dispenser. Designed to hold one coreless Jumbo Jr. non-perforated toilet tissue roll. Controlled dispensing results in a 20% reduction in the amount of toilet tissue consumed. Provides hassle-free performance. Multiple sensor placement allows installation on both sides of the wall (mounting hardware included). Extra-long battery life—lasts more than one year. Emergency feed knob ensures that paper is accessible even if the batteries are dead. Accepts KCC 07007 Jumbo Jr. Toilet Tissue. Durable plastic construction. 12.64" wide x 6.81" deep x 12.97" high.
Kimberly Clark Jumbo Jr. Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser, Touchless, Smoke Gray, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Paper Dispenser » Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 55.15 42.00 74.20 KCC09618.JPG coreless toilet paper dispenser, jumbo roll toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, touchless toilet paper dispensers, Electronic Touchless Coreless Jumbo Roll Junior Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser, KCC 09618, KCC09618 1 1 0 0 1 65
2062 Lagasse Eliminator Carpet Spot & Stain Remover, 20-oz. Aerosol Cans (DYM10620) 2062 DYM 10620 18.20 10620 Eliminator Carpet Spot Remover
Formulated to quickly penetrate, clean and remove spots and stains. Deodorizes as it penetrates and leaves no residue. Freshens and brightens while restoring nap and texture. For use on tough stains such as dirt and soil, grease, oil and more.
Eliminator Carpet Spot & Stain Remover, 12 - 20-oz. Aerosol Cans per Case
Itw Dymon 49.89 38.05 65.77 DYM10620.JPG eliminator carpet spot remover, DYM 10620, DYM10620, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
2063 Lagasse Elite 12-oz. Laminated Foam Bowls, 500 Bowls (GNPLAM21) 2063 GNP LAM21 8.40 LAM21 12-oz. Laminated Foam Bowls
Laminated foam dinnerware is sturdy and strong, designed for occasions when solid plastic is too much and paper plates are not enough. Cut resistant, nonabsorbent. White. 125 pieces per pack. 4 packs per case.
Genpak Elite 12-oz. Laminated Foam Bowls, White, 4 Packs of 125 Bowls, 500 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 33.31 23.32 45.06 GNPLAM21.JPG 12oz bowl, foam bowls, elite laminated foam dinnerware, 12 oz foam bowl, GNP LAM21, GNPLAM21, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2064 Lagasse Elite 6" Laminated Foam Plates, 1,000 Plates (GNPLAM06) 2064 GNP LAM06 7.70 LAM06 6" Laminated Foam Plate
Deep profile for superior strength and less spillage. Cut resistant, nonabsorbent. White. 125 pieces per pack. 8 packs per case.
Genpak Elite 6" Laminated Foam Plate, White, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Platesper Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Genpak 31.63 22.14 41.98 GNPLAM06.JPG Elite Laminated Foam Dinnerware Plates, 6in Plate GNP LAM06, GNPLAM06, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2065 Lagasse Elite 9" Laminated Foam Plates, 500 Plates (GNPLAM09) 2065 GNP LAM09 9.00 LAM09 9" Laminated Foam Plates
Fully reinforced for an increased amount of strength, this line of high quality foam disposable plates are ideal for hot or cold entrees. Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending, these plates are the perfect addition to any food service industry. Offering second to none quality and functionality, these foam plates are the ideal choice for any food service environment. White. 125 pieces per pack. These foam bowls come 4 packs to a case. Ideal for hot or cold entrees. Deep profile for superior strength. Cut resistant, nonabsorbent. White. 125 plates per pack.
Genpak Elite 9" Laminated Foam Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 29.30 20.51 38.63 GNPLAM09.JPG foam plates, 9" foam plate, elite laminated foam dinnerware plates, 9in plate, GNP LAM09, GNPLAM09, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2066 Lagasse Elite 10-1/4" Laminated Foam Plates, 500 Plates (GNPLAM10) 2066 GNP LAM10 11.80 LAM10 10-1/4" Laminated Foam Plates
Laminated foam dinnerware is sturdy and strong, designed for occasions when solid plastic is too much and paper plates are not enough. Cut resistant plates will not absorb liquids, making them ideal for a wide range of applications. White. 125 pieces per pack.
Genpak Elite 10-1/4" Laminated Foam Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 46.84 32.79 63.75 GNPLAM10.JPG laminated foam dinnerware, foam plates, 10 inch foam plates, 10-1/4" plates, GNP LAM10, GNPLAM10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2067 Lagasse Elite 10-1/4" 3 Compartment Laminated Foam Plates, 500 Plates (GNPLAM13) 2067 GNP LAM13 12.90 LAM13 10-1/4" 3 Compartment Laminated Foam Plates
Sturdy, lightweight insulated, dinnerware. Made from laminated foam polystyrene. Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending. Ideal for hot or cold entrees. The perfect addition to any food service industry. With three compartments that provide durable and secure compartment separation for both hot and cold foods. White. 500 plates per case.
Genpak Elite 10-3/4" 3 Compartment Laminated Foam Plates, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Genpak 43.66 30.56 59.64 GNPLAM13.JPG elite laminated foam plates, 10-1/4in plate with three compartments GNP LAM13, GNPLAM13, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2068 Lagasse Emerald Cypress & Fir Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 32-oz. Squirt Bottles (SEV22704) 2068 SEV 22704 19.50 22704 Emerald Cypress & Fir Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Deodorizes and removes tough stains without harsh fumes, harmful chemicals or dyes, yet works as well as conventional cleaners. Safe for septic systems. Nontoxic, biodegradable formula. Convenient squeeze nozzle delivers the natural cleaning agent up under the lip of the toilet bowl with ease. Environmentally conscious. Great for use around young and older people who are more sensitive to the breathing of harsh chemicals.
Toilet Bowl Cleaner Emerald Cypress and Fir 32 oz. Squirt Bottles, 8 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Seventh Generation 31.97 24.38 42.92 SEV22704.JPG emerald cypress & fir natural toilet bowl cleaner, SEV 22704, SEV22704, toilet cleaner, toilet bowl squirt cleaner, natural bowl cleaner 1 1 0 0 1 192
2069 Lagasse 30-oz. Encore Foam-eeze Bulk Foam Soap Dispenser, Gray (IMP9336) 2069 IMP 9336 0.88 9336 Encore Foam-eeze Bulk Foam Soap Dispenser
Encore's Foam-eeze soap dispenser is has smaller, compact design to fit in tight spaces. Accepts most bulk foaming soap and has a 900-ml capacity. The transparent reservoir tank provides soap level visibility and also features a durable and long-lasting foam pump mechanism. Dispenser can be easily removed from mounted back plate for cleaning. ADA Compliant. ABS/SAN plastic construction for extended lifetime. Mounting tape included. 4-1/2" wide x 4" deep x 61/4" high.
Encore Foam-eeze Bulk Foam Soap Dispenser, 30-oz. Capacity, Gray, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Impact 16.89 12.88 23.13 IMP9336.JPG encore foam-eeze bulk foam soap dispenser, bulk foam dispenser, encore foam soap dispenser, IMP 9336, IMP9336 1 1 0 0 1 59
2070 Lagasse 30-oz. Encore Foam-eeze Bulk Foam Soap Dispenser, White (IMP9335) 2070 IMP 9335 0.88 9335 Foam-eeze Foam Soap Dispenser
Encore's Foam-eeze Bulk Foam Dispenser has a smaller, compact design that allows for it to fit in tight spaces. Accepts most bulk foaming soap and has a 900-ml capacity. The Foam-eeze dispenser has a transparent reservoir tank for soap level visibility and a long-lasting foam pump mechanism. Dispenser can be easily removed from mounted back plate for cleaning. ADA Compliant. ABS/SAN plastic construction for extended lifetime. Mounting tape included. 4-1/2" wide x 4" deep x 6-1/4" high.
Impact 30-oz. Encore Foam-eeze Bulk Foam Soap Dispenser, White, Each
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bulk Foam Soap Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Impact 16.72 12.75 22.72 IMP9335.JPG hand soap dispenser, encore foam hand soap dispenser, foam soap dispenser, IMP 9335, IMP9335, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
2072 Lagasse Energizer Alkaline Batteries, 9V Size, 4 Batteries per Pack (ENE522FP-4) 2072 ENE 522FP-4 0.40 EVE522FP4 Energizer Alkaline Batteries.
Everyday use batteries. The name you trust for high quality, long lasting power capacity for all your electronic devices. An alkaline battery that lasts longer than the competition. Your family is filled with energy. Make sure your household batteries can keep up. Energizer MAX batteries deliver dependable, powerful performance that keeps going and going. Providing long life for the devices you use every day — from toys to CD players to flashlights. The latest generation of our popular alkaline batteries is exactly what you need. You never quit. Your battery shouldn’t either. Keep Going!
Energizer 17.68 13.48 24.05 ENE522FP4.JPG Energizer Alkaline Batteries, 9V Size, 4 Batteries per Pack ENE 522FP-4, ENE522FP4, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 37
2074 Lagasse Energizer Alkaline Batteries, AAA Size, 12 Batteries per Pack (ENEE92FP-12) 2074 ENE E92FP-12 0.30 EVEE92FP12 Energize Alkaline AAA Batteries.
Everyday use batteries. The name you trust for high quality, long lasting power capacity for all your electronic devices. An alkaline battery that lasts longer, that pushes stronger.Your family is filled with energy. Make sure your household batteries can keep up. Energizer batteries deliver dependable, powerful performance that keeps going and going. Providing long life for the devices you use every day from toys to CD players to flashlights. The latest generation of our popular alkaline batteries is exactly what you need. You never quit. Your battery shouldn’t either.
Energizer Max Alkaline Batteries AAA Size, 12 Batteries per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Energizer 13.12 10.01 17.95 ENEE92FP12.JPG Energizer Alkaline Batteries, AAA Size, 12 Batteries per Pack ENE E92FP-12, ENEE92FP12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 37
2075 Lagasse Energizer Alkaline Batteries, C Size, 8 Batteries per Pack (ENEE93FP-8) 2075 ENE E93FP-8 1.00 EVEE93FP8
Energizer Alkaline Batteries
Everyday use batteries. The name you trust for high quality, long lasting power capacity for all your electronic devices. An alkaline battery that lasts longer than the competition.
Your family is filled with energy. Make sure your household batteries can keep up. Energizer MAX batteries deliver dependable, powerful performance that keeps going and going. Providing long life for the devices you use every day — from toys to CD players to flashlights. The latest generation of our popular alkaline batteries is exactly what you need. You never quit. Your battery shouldn’t either. Keep Going!
ENERGIZER C Sized Batteries, Sold by the Pack, 8 Batteries per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Energizer 17.68 13.48 23.25 ENEE93FP8.JPG Energizer Alkaline Batteries, C Size, 8 Batteries per Pack ENE E93FP-8, ENEE93FP8, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 37
2076 Lagasse Energizer Alkaline Batteries, D Size, 8 Batteries per Pack (ENEE95FP-8) 2076 ENE E95FP-8 2.70 EVEE95FP8 Energizer Alkaline Batteries.
Everyday use batteries. The name you trust for high quality, long lasting power capacity for all your electronic devices. An alkaline battery that lasts longer than the competition.Your family is filled with energy. Make sure your household batteries can keep up. Energizer MAX batteries deliver dependable, powerful performance that keeps going and going. Providing long life for the devices you use every day — from toys to CD players to flashlights. The latest generation of our popular alkaline batteries is exactly what you need. You never quit. Your battery shouldn’t either. Keep Going!
Energizer D Sized Batteries, Sold by the Pack, 12 Packs per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Energizer 17.92 13.67 23.72 ENEE95FP8.JPG Energizer Alkaline Batteries, D Size, 8 Batteries per Pack ENE E95FP-8, ENEE95FP8, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 37
2077 Lagasse Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, 9V Size, 12 Batteries per Pack (ENEEN22) 2077 ENE EN22 1.40 EVEEN22 Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries
Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, 9V, 12 Batteries per Pack
Energizer Industrial Alkaline Battery, 9 Volt, 12 Batteries per Pack
Energizer 22.62 17.25 30.88 ENEEN22.JPG Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, 9V Size, 12 Batteries per Pack ENE EN22, ENEEN22, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 37
2078 Lagasse Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, AA Size, 24 Batteries per Pack (ENEEN91) 2078 ENE EN91 1.20 EVEEN91 Energizer Industrial AA Batteries
Economically power your heavily used, high-current-drain devices. Industrial-grade batteries provide dependable, powerful performance that keeps you going. Alkaline cells are designed specifically for professional applications. Includes 24 batteries Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, AA, 24 Batteries per Pack
Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, AA Size, 24 Batteries per Pack. The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Energizer 12.19 9.30 16.46 ENEEN91.JPG Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, AA Size, 24 Batteries per Pack ENE EN91, ENEEN91, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 37
2079 Lagasse Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, AAA Size, 24 Batteries per Pack (ENEEN92) 2079 ENE EN92 0.60 EVEEN92 Energizer AAA Batteries
Economically power your heavily used, high-current-drain devices. Industrial-grade batteries provide dependable, powerful performance that keeps you going. Alkaline cells are designed specifically for professional applications. Includes 24 batteries.
Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, AAA Size, 24 Batteries per Packs - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Energizer 13.07 9.97 17.35 ENEEN92.JPG Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, AAA Size, 24 Batteries per Pack ENE EN92, ENEEN92, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 37
2080 Lagasse Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, C Size, 12 Batteries per Pack (ENEEN93) 2080 ENE EN93 1.40 EVEEN93 Energizer® Industrial Alkaline Batteries, C, 12 Batteries per Pack
ENERGIZER IND BATT C 12 PK Energizer 10.88 8.10 14.70 ENEEN93.JPG Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, C Size, 12 Batteries per Pack ENE EN93, ENEEN93, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 37
2081 Lagasse Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, D Size, 12 Batteries per Pack (ENEEN95) 2081 ENE EN95 4.00 EVEEN95 Energizer® Industrial Alkaline Batteries, D, 12 Batteries per Pack
ENERGIZER IND BATT D 12 PK Energizer 17.18 12.20 22.47 ENEEN95.JPG Energizer Industrial Alkaline Batteries, D Size, 12 Batteries per Pack ENE EN95, ENEEN95, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 37
2087 Lagasse Enviro Clean Looped Mop Head, Medium (UNS8002) 2087 UNS 8002 14.00 8002 Patented, mildew-resistant DuPont® material is designed to meet cleanroom (Class 1000) applications for lint reduction. Ideal for cleanup of food service areas, hospitals, and oil and hazardous chemical spills. 100% recycled, cotton/synthetic blend fibers are interlocked for strength, less linting and launderability. Fibertac process Cut end mops last three times longer than comparable Cut end mops. Durable double-sewn tailband. Narrow 1-1/4in canvas tape headband works with clamp style mop handles (sold s
ENVIRO CLEAN LOOP MOP HEAD MED DUPONT 12 Unisan 128.62 98.10 172.26 UNS8002.JPG Enviro Clean Looped Mop Head, Medium UNS 8002, UNS8002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2088 Lagasse Enviro Clean Looped Mop Head, Large, 12 Mops (UNS8003) 2088 UNS 8003 18.00 8003 Enviro Clean Mop Heads
Patented, mildew-resistant DuPont material is designed to meet clean room (Class 1000) applications for lint reduction. Ideal for cleanup of food service areas, hospitals and oil and hazardous chemical spills. 100% recycled, cotton/synthetic blend fibers are interlocked for strength, launderability and less linting. Fibertac-processed cut-end mops last three times longer than comparable cut-end mops. Durable, double-sewn tailband. Includes 12 mop heads per case.
Unisan Enviro Clean Looped Mop Head, Large, DuPont Material, 12 Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 138.95 104.52 184.44 UNS8003.JPG looped mop head, mops, mop heads, unisan mop heads, UNS 8003, UNS8003, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2089 Lagasse Enviroware 9in Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (DZOGFHC9) 2089 DZO GFHC9 14.00 GFHC9-200 9" Single Compartment Enviroware Foam Container
100% certified biodegradable, landfill biodegradable and recyclable, yet offers the same strength, properties and shelf-life as non-biodegradable plastic. Withstands exposure to moisture and high temperatures. Microwave safe, withstands temperatures up to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Free of colorant. FDA Approved. Conforms to ASTM 5338 and ASTM 5511 compostable standards. Environmentally conscious. 200 per case.
Dispoz-o Enviroware 9 Inch Foam Hinged Container, 2 Sleeves of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dizpozo Products Inc 72.09 50.46 93.99 DZOGFHC9.JPG enviroware Foam Hinged Containers, 9in Single Compartment DZO GFHC9, DZOGFHC9, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 191
2090 Lagasse Enviroware 9" 3 Comp Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (DZOGFHC9-3) 2090 DZO GFHC9-3 14.00 GFHC9-3-200 9 Inch 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Container
100% certified biodegradable, landfill biodegradable and recyclable, yet offers the same strength, properties and shelf-life as non-biodegradable plastic. Withstands exposure to moisture and high temperatures. Free of colorant. FDA Approved. Conforms to ASTM 5338 and ASTM 5511 compostable standards. Environmentally conscious.
Dispozo Enviroware 9" 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Container, White, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dizpozo Products Inc 72.09 50.46 98.08 DZOGFHC93.JPG enviroware Foam Hinged Containers, 9in Three Compartment DZO GFHC9-3, DZOGFHC93, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 191
2091 Lagasse Enviroware Jumbo Straws, Unwrapped (DZOGDSJU10) 2091 DZO GDSJU10 4.50 GDSJU10-250 Dispoz-o Straws: Unwrapped
Enviroware Jumbo Straws: Natural Color, 100% biodegradable and is FDA approved
Why Enviroware works and why you should purchase enviroware products:
Each Enviroware product is biodegradable, and is formulated to biodegrade in your normal waste stream in as little as 10 years. Normal plastic, including that with recycled content, will take more than 1000 years to biodegrade. Enviroware is designed to attract micro-organisms present in the environment and in the presence of trash and waste. This attraction allows the micro-organisms to colonize on the Enviroware creating what is called a bio-film. The colony of micro-organisms metabolizes the molecular structure of the Enviroware allowing it to break down into biomass, biogas and water. The biodegradation process can occur with or without oxygen.
Enviroware biodegradable products have the same strength, properties and shelflife as traditional, non-biodegradable plastic products. In addition, the plates, bowls, trays and hinged containers are manufactured with Dispozo’s green2technology . What that means is that these products are much more than biodegradable; each piece contains an average of 21.8% pre-consumer recycled materials and 100% recycled Carbon Dioxide (CO2) making them green at the beginning and end of their
lifecycle or more simply 2 times green.
-Conforms to ASTM 1991, 5338 and 5511 biodegradable standards.
-7-3/4 inches in length
-250 straws per pack, 10 packs per case, 2,500 straws per case
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Straws »
Dizpozo Products Inc 28.16 19.71 37.54 DZOGDSJU10.JPG enviroware Jumbo Straws, Unwrapped DZO GDSJU10, DZOGDSJU10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 191
2092 Lagasse Enviroware Jumbo Straws, Wrapped (DZOGDSJW4) 2092 DZO GDSJW4 4.54 GDSJW4-500 Dispoz-o Straws: Wrapped
Enviroware Jumbo Straws: Natural Color, 100% biodegradable and is FDA approved
Why Enviroware works and why you should purchase enviroware products:
Each Enviroware product is biodegradable, and is formulated to biodegrade in your normal waste stream in as little as 10 years. Normal plastic, including that with recycled content, will take more than 1000 years to biodegrade. Enviroware is designed to attract micro-organisms present in the environment and in the presence of trash and waste. This attraction allows the micro-organisms to colonize on the Enviroware creating what is called a bio-film. The colony of micro-organisms metabolizes the molecular structure of the Enviroware allowing it to break down into biomass, biogas and water. The biodegradation process can occur with or without oxygen.
Enviroware biodegradable products have the same strength, properties and shelflife as traditional, non-biodegradable plastic products. In addition, the plates, bowls, trays and hinged containers are manufactured with Dispozo’s green2technology . What that means is that these products are much more than biodegradable; each piece contains an average of 21.8% pre-consumer recycled materials and 100% recycled Carbon Dioxide (CO2) making them green at the beginning and end of their
lifecycle or more simply 2 times green.
-Conforms to ASTM 1991, 5338 and 5511 biodegradable standards.
-7-3/4 inches in length
-500 straws per pack, 4 packs per case, 2,000 straws per case
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Straws »
Dizpozo Products Inc 27.47 19.23 36.16 DZOGDSJW4.JPG enviroware Jumbo Straws, Wrapped DZO GDSJW4, DZOGDSJW4, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 191
2093 Lagasse EnviroWare Heavyweight Plastic Full-Size Cutlery, 1,000 Forks (DZOGH1001) 2093 DZO GH1001 15.50 GH1001 Enviroware Heavyweight Disposable Forks
Made from 100% USDA grade virgin resins, it's indistinguishable from standard plastic cutlery. Will not break down when exposed to moisture or in high temperatures. 100% biodegradable and is FDA approved. For the environmentally conscious consumer. Full size. Natural color. 1,000 forks per case.
Dispoz-o Enviroware Heavyweight Full Size Plastic Fork, Natural, 1,000 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dizpozo Products Inc 64.16 44.91 84.02 DZOGH1001.JPG EnviroWare Heavyweight Plastic Full-Size Cutlery, Fork DZO GH1001, DZOGH1001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 191
2094 Lagasse EnviroWare Heavyweight Plastic Full-Size Cutlery, 1,000 Knives (DZOGH1002) 2094 DZO GH1002 15.56 GH1002 Enviroware Heavyweight Disposable Knife
Made from 100% biodegradable and recyclable plastic that can biodegrade without oxygen in a landfill environment. Microwave-safe. FDA Approved. Meets ASTM 5338 and 5511 compostable standards. Does not contain dyes or pigments. 1,000 pieces per case. Environmentally conscious.
Dispoz-o Enviroware Heavyweight Full Size Plastic Knife, Natural, 1,000 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dizpozo Products Inc 74.73 52.31 97.83 DZOGH1002.JPG EnviroWare Heavyweight Plastic Full-Size Cutlery, Knife DZO GH1002, DZOGH1002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 191
2095 Lagasse EnviroWare Heavyweight Plastic Full-Size Cutlery, Teaspoon (DZOGH1003) 2095 DZO GH1003 11.74 GH1003 Dispoz-o Cutlery
Enviroware Heavyweight Plastic Full Sized CutleryWhite Teaspoon: 100% biodegradable and is FDA approved
Why Enviroware works and why you should purchase enviroware products:
Each Enviroware product is biodegradable, and is formulated to biodegrade in your normal waste stream in as little as 10 years. Normal plastic, including that with recycled content, will take more than 1000 years to biodegrade. Enviroware is designed to attract micro-organisms present in the environment and in the presence of trash and waste. This attraction allows the micro-organisms to colonize on the Enviroware creating what is called a bio-film. The colony of micro-organisms metabolizes the molecular structure of the Enviroware allowing it to break down into biomass, biogas and water. The biodegradation process can occur with or without oxygen.
Enviroware biodegradable products have the same strength, properties and shelflife as traditional, non-biodegradable plastic products. In addition, the plates, bowls, trays and hinged containers are manufactured with Dispozo’s green2technology . What that means is that these products are much more than biodegradable; each piece contains an average of 21.8% pre-consumer recycled materials and 100% recycled Carbon Dioxide (CO2) making them green at the beginning and end of their
lifecycle or more simply 2 times green.
Made from 100% biodegradable and recyclable plastic that can biodegrade without oxygen in a landfill environment. Microwave-safe. FDA Approved. Meets ASTM 5338 and 5511 compostable standards. Does not contain dyes or pigments. 1,000 pieces per case. Environmentally conscious
Dizpozo Products Inc 64.31 45.02 85.74 DZOGH1003.JPG EnviroWare Heavyweight Plastic Full-Size Cutlery, Teaspoon DZO GH1003, DZOGH1003, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 191
2096 Lagasse EnviroWare Heavyweight Plastic Full-Size Cutlery, 1,000 Soup Spoons (DZOGH1004) 2096 DZO GH1004 15.48 GH1004 Enviroware Heavyweight Disposable Soup Spoons
Made from 100% biodegradable and recyclable plastic that can biodegrade without oxygen in a landfill environment. Microwave-safe. FDA Approved. Meets ASTM 5338 and 5511 compostable standards. Does not contain dyes or pigments. 1,000 pieces per case. Environmentally conscious.
Dispoz-o Enviroware Heavyweight Full Size Plastic Soup Spoon, Natural, 1,000 Soup Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dizpozo Products Inc 78.16 54.71 104.69 DZOGH1004.JPG EnviroWare Heavyweight Plastic Full-Size Cutlery, Soup Spoon DZO GH1004, DZOGH1004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 191
2097 Lagasse Envision 12" Super JRT Sr. Roll, 2 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, 6 Rolls (GPC131-02) 2097 GPC 131-02 22.80 13102 2 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper
The Envision Jumbo Toilet Paper is not perforated and is 3.74” wide. One of the most important benefits from using our jumbo toilet paper rolls in your home or office is that you will save time on maintenance and expense associated with it. The simple reason is that the jumbo sized toilet paper do not need to be changed as frequently as the standard toilet paper rolls. This is very useful since it will reduce the chances of running out of toilet paper while using the jumbo size. Our jumbo toilet paper products, including the Envision toilet paper, are about five times the size of a standard toilet paper rolls. If you are serious about eliminating cost and also reducing maintenance then our wholesale toilet paper rolls from is the perfect solution for you and your business.
Georgia Pacific Envision 12" Super Jumbo JRT Roll Toilet Tissue, 2,000-ft. Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 53.15 40.00 72.16 GPC13102.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue,envision 12in jumbo bath tissue GPC 131-02, GPC13102 1 1 0 0 1 48
2098 Lagasse Envision Facial Tissues, 30 Boxes (GPC474-10) 2098 GPC 474-10 11.70 47410 Envision Facial Tissues
This recycle Green Cleaning Product is perfect for those in need of a quality product at a low price. Its two-ply structure offers this facial tissue extra strength to ward off undesirable leaks. Neutral shades allow these facial tissues to coordinate well in all settings. The compact box with easy dispending allows the facial tissue to be unobtrusive, perfect for the healthcare industry, offices, and schools. These facial tissues are an appropriate option for good sanitation and proper waste management. Two-ply, white. 8 x 8.3 tissues. Also be sure to check out all of our other Janitorial Supplies and Green Cleaning Supplies throughout the website.
Georgia Pacific Envision Facial Tissues, 100 Tissues per Box, 30 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Facial Tissues - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 29.06 22.17 38.60 GPC47410.JPG envision tissue, envision facial tissues, envision facial tissue, facial tissue, facial tissues, tissues, GPC 474-10, GPC47410 1 1 0 0 1 48
2100 Lagasse Envision 1 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 80 Rolls (GPC1458001) 2100 GPC 145-80/01 41.81 14580/01 1 Ply Envision Toilet Paper
Soft, white, biodegradable. Individually wrapped rolls. EPA compliant for minimum post-consumer recycled fiber content 1,210 sheets per roll. 80 rolls per case. Ideal for use in commercial office buildings, hotels, nursing homes, day care centers and almost any public rest room facility.
Georgia Pacific Envision Toilet Paper, Soft 1-Ply White Toilet Tissue 1,210 Sheets per Roll, 80 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 73.84 57.00 97.64 GPC1988001.JPG envision toilet paper, toilet paper, envision toilet tissue, toilet tissue, one ply toilet paper, one ply toilet tissue, 1 ply toilet paper, 1 ply toilet tissue, Envision One-Ply Bath Tissue GPC 145-80/01, GPC14580/01 1 1 0 0 1 48
2101 Lagasse Envision One-Ply Multi-Fold Hand Towels (GPC233-04) 2101 GPC 233-04 19.10 23304 Envision Multi-Fold Hand Towels
High quality, and fully embossed, Envision's line of multi-fold paper hand towels are the affordable paper product choice that customers depend on. Due to their specifically formulated design, these exceptional towels are dispensed individually, making sure they will not come out in handfuls and litter the restroom floor. Manufactured with recycled paper, these towels are kind to the environment, coming in a blend of recovered waste paper and post consumer waste paper. Brown paper towel. 9-1/2" x 9-1/4" sheet size. Recycled, minimum 40% post-consumer paper.
Georgia Pacific Envision Multi-Fold 1-Ply Towels, Brown, 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Multifold Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 29.77 22.71 40.49 GPC23304.JPG envision multi-fold towel, multi-fold paper towels, paper hand towels, paper towels, paper product, paper products, 1-ply multi-fold paper towels, GPC 233-04, GPC23304 1 1 0 0 1 48
2102 Lagasse Envision Single Fold Paper Towels, 4,000 Towels (GPC235-04) 2102 GPC 235-04 20.54 23504 Envision Single Fold Paper Towels
Envision Single Fold Paper Towels provide a high-quality, embossed, one-ply paper towel option for single fold towel dispensers. Measuring in at a 10-1/4 x 9-1/4 sheet size, these brown, fully recycled towels offer a minimum of 40% post-consumer paper. Envision's high-quality single folded towels are thicker, stronger and more absorbent, than other leading brand. Environmentally conscious and a great economical alternative to the more expensive name brands; these one-ply paper towels will fit into any single folded towel dispenser. Perfect for any office or business restroom, Envision Single Fold Paper Towels are the smart and inexpensive way to stock, store and refill your single fold paper towel dispenser.
Georgia Pacific Envision 1-Ply Single-Fold Towels, Brown, 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 30.85 23.53 41.80 GPC23504.JPG single fold towel, single fold towels, paper towel, paper towels, paper products, envision single-fold hand towels, GPC 235-04, GPC23504 1 1 0 0 1 48
2103 Lagasse Georgia Pacific Envision 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 80 Rolls (GPC1988001) 2103 GPC 198-80/01 34.55 19880/01 2-ply Toilet Paper
This soft, white toilet paper from Georgia Pacific is the ideal bathroom tissue choice for environmentally concerned consumers who are looking for the ideal combination of quality and affordability to go along with their green ideals. Envision 2-ply toilet paper is made from recycled fibers and meets EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines with 25% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. This biodegradable toilet tissue earns high marks for its softness, absorbency, durability and thickness. Packaged in individually wrapped rolls to ensure clean, dry storage, Envision toilet paper comes in a perfect size case that allows for trouble-free handling and storage. Safe for all septic and sewer systems, Envision 2-ply toilet paper is a must have for your high traffic restrooms. Stock up today and save!
Georgia Pacific Envision Standard 2-Ply Toilet Paper, 550 Sheets per Roll, 80 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 61.99 44.77 79.91 GPC1988001.JPG envision brand toilet paper, envision toilet tissue, envision toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet tissue, two ply toilet paper, two ply toilet tissue, 2 ply toilet paper, 2 ply toilet tissue, envision two-ply bath tissue, GPC 198-80/01, GPC19880/01 1 1 0 0 1 48
2104 Lagasse Enzym D Digester Deodorant, 32-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case (BGD500) 2104 BGD 500 28.00 500 Enzym D Digester Air Freshener Deodorant has Enzyme/bacteria cultures that digest organic waste while the air freshener deodorant destroys odors in grease traps, portable toilets, septic tanks. Works in minutes; air freshener neutralizes odors on contact without environmental impact. Eliminates odor in urinals, tile, grout, carpet and upholstery. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener comes with a lemon fragrance and will have any bathroom smelling great in no time. Here at we purchase all of our products in bulk so you the customer don't have to sacrifice any cost for quality. Buy bulk and save today folks.
ENZYM D DIGEST DEOD BTL LMN 12/0Z Big D Ind 37.22 27.41 49.64 BGD500.JPG Enzym D Digester Deodorant, 32-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case BGD 500, BGD500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 12
2105 Lagasse Enzym D Digester Deodorant, Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case (BGD1500) 2105 BGD 1500 36.20 1500 Enzym D Digester Air Freshener Deodorant has Enzyme/bacteria cultures that digest organic waste while the air freshener deodorant destroys odors in grease traps, portable toilets, septic tanks. Works in minutes; air freshener neutralizes odors on contact without environmental impact. Eliminates odor in urinals, tile, grout, carpet and upholstery. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener comes with a lemon fragrance and will have any bathroom smelling great in no time. Here at we purchase all of our products in bulk so you the customer don't have to sacrifice any cost for quality. Buy bulk and save today folks.
ENZYM D DIGEST DEOD LMN 4/1 GL Big D Ind 41.30 31.50 54.06 BGD1500.JPG Enzym D Digester Deodorant, Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case BGD 1500, BGD1500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 12
2106 Lagasse Ergo Dust Pan & Broom Combination (UNGEDPBR) 2106 UNG EDPBR 2.80 EDPBR Dust Pan & Broom Combination
Ergonomically designed tool Spot sweep floors. Dust pan opens when base touches floor, closes when lifted; never spills contents. Ergonomic handle. Broom (incl.) stores on handle.
Unger Dust Pan & Broom Combination, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 52.75 31.29 71.61 UNGEDPBR.JPG Ergo DustPan/Broom UNG EDPBR, UNGEDPBR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2107 Lagasse Ergo 8-ft. Extension TelePole (UNGEP24R) 2107 UNG EP24R 1.20 EP24R 8-ft. Extention TelePole
Ergonomically designed tool Strong, lightweight two-section aluminum pole has 8-ft. extension (50in-96in/130cm-250cm); locks/loosens in a half turn. Snap-in taper/Acme threaded cone adapter. Attaches to Unger restroom cleaning tools for extra reach.
Unger Ergo 8-ft. Extention TelePole, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 33.98 25.92 45.05 UNGEP24R.JPG Ergo TelePole UNG EP24R, UNGEP24R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2108 Lagasse 12" ErgoTec Replacement Squeegee (UNGRT30) 2108 UNG RT30 0.60 RT300 12" Replacement Squeegee Rubber Blade
For Unger window squeegees. ErgoTec squeegee is great for keeping next to shower door for a quick and regular clearing of soap scum. Also great for windows or mirrors of the home or office.
Unger ErgoTec Pro Window Squeegee Replacement Rubber Blade, 12" Wide, Soft Rubber, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 2.04 1.44 2.74 UNGRT30.JPG ergotec replacement squeegee rubber blades, UNG RT30, UNGRT30, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, squeegee blade, squeegee blades, rubber blades, rubber squeegee 1 1 0 0 1 109
2109 Lagasse ErgoTec Replacement Squeegee Rubber Blades, Soft Rubber, 14in Size (UNGRT35) 2109 UNG RT35 0.60 RT350 ErgoTec Replacement Squeegee Rubber Blade, 14in Size
For Unger window squeegees. ErgoTec squeegee is great for keeping next to shower door for a quick and regular clearing of soap scum. Also great for windows or mirrors of the home or office.
ErgoTec Pro Window Squeegee Replacement Rubber Blade, 14in Wide, Soft Rubber. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 2.28 1.69 3.08 UNGRT35.JPG ergotec replacement squeegee rubber blades, UNG RT35, UNGRT35, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, squeegee blade, squeegee blades, rubber blades, rubber squeegee 1 1 0 0 1 109
2111 Lagasse ErgoTec 18" Replacement Squeegee Hard Rubber Blade (UNGRT45) 2111 UNG RT45 0.07 RT450 18" Replacement Squeegee Rubber Blade
For Unger window squeegees. ErgoTec squeegee is great for keeping next to shower door for a quick and regular clearing of soap scum. Also great for windows or mirrors of the home or office.
ErgoTec Pro Window Squeegee Replacement Rubber Blade, 18in Wide, Hard Rubber, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 2.47 1.85 3.37 UNGRT45.JPG ergotec replacement squeegee rubber blades, UNG RT45, UNGRT45, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, squeegee blade, squeegee blades, rubber blades, rubber squeegee 1 1 0 0 1 109
2112 Lagasse ErgoTec Glass Scraper (UNGEG150) 2112 UNG EG150 0.60 EG150 ErgoTec Glass Scraper
Durable scraper is ideal for everyday glass cleaning. Comfortable, lightweight ergonomic design. Use as a handheld scraper, or lock into any Unger poles with locking cone. 6in wide blade. Replacement blades (UNGTR15) sold separately. Excellent for scraping sticky particles off of windows, door windows, bathroom mirrors, shower doors, windshields or any other glass surface in your home or office. Replacement Blades are Available at: UNGTR15.
Unger ErgoTec Glass Scraper, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 12.07 9.21 16.29 UNGEG150.JPG ergotec glass scraper, UNG EG150, UNGEG150, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, scraper, glass scraper, scrape glass, glass cleaner 1 1 0 0 1 109
2113 Lagasse ErgoTec Glass Scraper 6 inch Replacement Blades, 25 Blades per Tube (UNGTR15) 2113 UNG TR15 0.14 TR150 Ideal for everyday glass cleaning. For ErgoTec Glass Scraper(UNGEG150) sold separately.
Scraper Replacement Blades 25 Blades per Tube
Unger 13.05 9.73 17.33 UNGTR15.JPG ErgoTec Glass Scraper 6in Replacement Blades, 250 Blades per Case UNG TR15, UNGTR15, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2114 Lagasse ErgoTec Locking Cone Adapter for OptiLoc Tele-Poles (UNGNCAN) 2114 UNG NCAN 0.50 NCAN0 Locking Cone Adapter for OptiLoc Tele-Poles
Universal adapter for OptiLoc Tele-Poles. Replacement cone features a dual-purpose tip that accommodates both Acme-thread and taper-lock attachment systems. Push-button lock ensures secure attachment and easy release. Easy to install to any Unger extension pole (sold separately). Includes one lock cone.
Unger ErgoTec Locking Cone Adapter for OptiLoc Tele-Pole, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 4.08 2.91 5.46 UNGNCAN.JPG ErgoTec Locking Cone Adapter for OptiLoc Tele-Poles UNG NCAN, UNGNCAN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2115 Lagasse Unger ErgoTec Nonslip Safety Scraper (UNGSR040) 2115 UNG SR040 0.17 SR040 Safety Scraper
Made in the U.S.A., this Safety Scraper from Unger makes removing tape and dirt even easier and much more comfortable. The ergonomic, nonslip rubber grip makes every scraping task you have quick and trouble-free. The rubber grip prevents the scraper from slipping from your hand, while the distinctive locking system keeps the blade from sliding out while in use. This safety scraper is simple to use, just push the nonslip trigger forward and the blade is ready for use; push it again to easily switch out the blade (replacement blades sold separately). This Unger Safety Scraper should be a staple in every toolbox as the sturdy stainless steel base will hold up to years of use. Get one today!
Unger Ergotec No Slip Safety Scraper with Lock System, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 2.70 2.06 3.53 UNGSR040.JPG unger scraper, razor scraper, safety scraper, unger razor scraper, non slip scraper, no slip razor scraper, window scraper, ErgoTec SafetyScraper, UNG SR040, UNGSR040, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2116 Lagasse ErgoTec SafetyScraper Replacement Blades, #9 Blades, 100 Blades (UNGSRB10) 2116 UNG SRB10 0.20 SRB10 Safety Scraper Replacement Blades
Ergonomic, nonslip rubber grip makes scraping easier and more comfortable. Unique locking system stops blades from sliding out during use. Push the nonslip trigger forward and blade is ready for use; push again to easily change the blade.
Unger ErgoTec Safety Scraper, #9 Replacement Blades, 100 Blades per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 14.40 10.98 18.91 UNGSRB10.JPG unger scraper blades, safety blades, razor blades, replacment razor blades, ErgoTec Safety Scraper, Replacement Blades, 9 Blades, 100 Blades per Box, UNG SRB10, UNGSRB10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2117 Lagasse Ergo Toilet Bowl Brush System with Holder (UNGBBWHR) 2117 UNG BBWHR 2.00 BBWHR Ergo Toilet Bowl Brush System with Holder
Effectively cleans toilets and urinals. Longer handle and ergonomic design for increased worker comfort and safety—reduces wrist, back and arm pain, minimizes risk of backsplash. Lightweight, high-quality handle with molded grip. Holder isolates contaminants, reducing risk of cross-contamination. Removable drip bowl reservoir keeps head from standing in dirty liquid. Excellent system for sterile bathrooms in home or in the industry. Environmentally conscious.
Unger Ergo Toilet Bowl Brush System with Holder, 26" Long Handle, 3.5" Diameter Brush, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 18.87 14.39 25.81 UNGBBWHR.JPG ergoToiletBowlBrush system with holder UNG BBWHR, UNGBBWHR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, toilet brush system, toilet brush holder, toilet bowl brush 1 1 0 0 1 109
2119 Lagasse Essentials Fabric Softener Sheets, 6 Boxes (CDC14995) 2119 CDC 14995 4.30 33200-8404800 Fabric Softener Sheets
Soften through the power of nature. Freshens and deodorizes fabrics while controlling static cling. Made from 100% naturally derived, non-petroleum-based softeners Mountain Rain scent. Environmentally conscious with modern effectiveness toward controlling static cling and smells great.
Arm & Hammer Essentials Dryer Sheets, 144 Sheets per Box, 6 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Arm And Hammer 28.78 21.95 38.83 CDC14995.JPG Essentials Fabric Softener Sheets, 6 Boxes per Case, 144 Sheets per Box CDC 14995, CDC14995, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 7
2124 Lagasse E-Vendor Sanitary Napkin/Tampon Dual-Channel Dispenser (HOSED1-25) 2124 HOS ED1-25 19.00 ED1-25 Sanitary Napkin/Tampon Dual-Channel Dispenser
ADA Compliant. Holds 15 napkins and 23 tampons. Warning light signals when it’s time to restock. Eliminates frequent checks of stock levels and lost revenue due to an empty dispenser. All metal. 25-cent mechanism. 10"wide x 7-1/4"deep x 24"high. Shipping weight: 21 lbs.
Automatic Dual Dispenser Feminine Hygiene Products Hospeco 260.97 194.88 344.34 HOSED125.JPG E-Vendor Sanitary Napkin/Tampon Dual-Channel Dispenser HOS ED1-25, HOSED125, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
2125 Lagasse Exam Table Paper Rolls, 125 ft. Roll, Crepe (AVA613LG) 2125 AVA 613LG 13.00 613LG Exam Table Paper
Perfect for doctors offices these high quality and durable exam table paper is ideal for use on medical exam tables. Measuring in at 18" Wide Paper Rolls, and 12 Rolls per Case, this high quality paper is an exceptional choice for the medial industry.
Marcel Paper Exam Table Paper Rolls, 18"x 125' per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Marcal Paper Mills (Deli) 44.57 31.20 60.05 MCD7710.JPG exam table paper, medical exam paper, exam table paper rolls, AVA 613LG, AVA613LG, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 136
2128 Lagasse Rubbermaid Executive Service Cart, Black RCP9T68BLA 2128 RCP 9T68 BLA 35.00 FG 9T68-00 BLA Rubbermaid Executive 9T68 High Capacity Service Cart
Highly aesthetic design for front and back of house applications. Extra-large top shelf fits two 4-5/8-gallon bus boxes (RCP 3349 GRA, sold separately). Shelves feature raised edges and sturdy side panels keep contents secure. Thick shelves provide added strength; 300-lb. weight load capacity. Two rounded ergonomic handles for comfort. Solid base bumper protects walls and furniture. Durable, easy-to-clean polypropylene construction. Heavy-duty, non-marking 4in casters. 21w x 29d x 38h. Assembly required.
Rubbermaid High Capacity Service Cart, Black
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 183.56 140.00 250.75 RCP9T68BLA.JPG rubbermaid service cart, rubbermaid executive service cart, executive service cart, RCP 9T68 BLA, RCP9T68BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
2129 Lagasse Extra Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Roll, 18in x 500 ft. (REY632) 2129 REY 632 14.92 632 Reynolds Extra Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Roll
Extra Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil Roll by Reynolds Food Packaging is designed for use while cooking, serving and freezing your favorite foods. Standard cutting edge. One roll per case
Manufactured by Reynolds Food Packaging and Aluminum Foil Company - a brand name you can trust. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Reynolds Extra Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil Roll 18in x 500ft
Reynolds Food Packaging 82.70 57.89 109.21 REY632.JPG Extra Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Roll, 18in x 500 ft. REY 632, REY632, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 87
2130 Lagasse Extra Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Roll, 24in x 500 ft. (REY633) 2130 REY 633 21.70 633 For use in cooking, serving and freezing. Standard cutting edge. One roll per case.
REYNOLDS X-H-DTY RL FOIL 24X500 Reynolds Food Packaging 166.94 116.86 217.06 REY633.JPG Extra Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Roll, 24in x 500 ft. REY 633, REY633, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 87
2131 Lagasse Extra Heavy-Duty Scour Pad, 20 Pads (PAD188) 2131 PAD 188 0.80 54915 Extra Heavy-Duty Scour Pad
For extra heavy-duty cleaning of heavily encrusted pots and pans, kitchen equipment and grimy maintenance equipment. Providing a on-rusting and resilient scrubbing option, these Premiere Pads scour pads are seen as a fresh alternative to stainless steel scrubbers. Known for their high quality, these heavy duty scouring pads are an excellent tool for common cleaning jobs. Easily replacing steel wool and metal sponges, these superior pads won't leave metal slivers in hands or food. Guaranteed to perform well on kitchen equipment, walls, railings, floors, desks, stairways, counters and maintenance equipment. Blue/Gray, 3.5" x 5" pads, 20 pads per case.
Premiere Extra Heavy-Duty Scour Pad, Blue/Gray, 3.5" x 5, 20 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 6.88 5.25 9.23 PAD188.JPG heavy-duty scour pad, scouring pads, scour pads, PAD 188, PAD188, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
2132 Lagasse Extra Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 500 ft. (BWK7110) 2132 BWK 7110 4.50 7110BW 16 micron thickness. One roll in cutter box per case.
FOIL X-STD RL 12X500 Boardwalk Paper 26.83 17.19 35.64 BWK7110.JPG Extra Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 500 ft. BWK 7110, BWK7110, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
2133 Lagasse Extra Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 1,000 ft. (BWK7112) 2133 BWK 7112 8.50 7112BW 16 micron thickness. One roll in cutter box per case.
FOIL X-STD RL 12X1000 Boardwalk Paper 31.94 24.36 43.71 BWK7112.JPG Extra Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 1,000 ft. BWK 7112, BWK7112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
2134 Lagasse Extra Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 500 ft. (BWK7114) 2134 BWK 7114 7.00 7114BW 16 micron thickness. One roll in cutter box per case.
FOIL X-STD RL 18X500 Boardwalk Paper 25.32 19.31 34.03 BWK7114.JPG Extra Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 500 ft. BWK 7114, BWK7114, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
2135 Lagasse Extra Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 1,000 ft. (BWK7116) 2135 BWK 7116 13.50 7116BW 16 micron thickness. One roll in cutter box per case.
FOIL X-STD RL 18X1000 Boardwalk Paper 50.00 38.13 66.54 BWK7116.JPG Extra Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 1,000 ft. BWK 7116, BWK7116, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
2136 Lagasse E-Z Empty Dirt Cup Collection System for Hoover Conquest Model 1800-010 (HOO58642015) 2136 HOO 58642015 3.65 58642015 Z Empty Dirt Cup Collection System for Hoover Conquest Model C1800 (Sold Separately)Wide Area Bagless Upright Vacuum. Reuseable - eliminates bags. Allows operator to see dirt level.
CONQUEST VACS DIRT CUP ASSEMBLY Hoover 61.27 41.88 82.02 HOO58642015.JPG E-Z Empty Dirt Cup Collection System for Conquest Model 1800-010 Wide Area Bagless Upright HOO 58642015, HOO58642015, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
2139 Lagasse Arm & Hammer Fabric & Carpet Foam Deodorizer, 6 Cans (CDC84128) 2139 CDC 84128 7.70 8412800 Fabric & Carpet Foam Deodorizer
Instantly deodorizes with an easy-to-use foam aerosol. Absorbs odors with the power of Arm & Hammer baking soda in a super-quick, foam application. Dries in minutes without the use of a vacuum or towel. Perfect for fabrics, carpets, upholstery, or anywhere that needs quick odor refreshment. Safe for use around pets. Just spray and walk away!
Arm & Hammer Fabric & Carpet Foam Deodorizer, 15-oz Aerosol Can, 6 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Arm And Hammer 28.53 21.76 38.89 CDC84128.JPG arm and hammer fabric and carpet foam deodorizer, CDC 84128, CDC84128 1 1 0 0 1 7
2140 Lagasse Fabuloso All-Purpose Cleaner, Ocean Cool Scent, 4 Bottles (CPC04373) 2140 CPC 04373 36.40 04373 All-Purpose Cleaner
Fabuloso All-Purpose Cleaner effectively cuts through grease and grime, leaving behind a pleasant, long-lasting Ocean Cool scent. This powerful concentrated cleaning solution cleans and deodorizes a variety of surfaces in your household, without leaving behind any residue. Fabuloso’s rinse-free formula penetrates deep into surfaces to cut through and eliminate grease and soils. Fabuloso is completely biodegradable and ideal for a wide variety of cleaning applications, such as floors, walls, appliances, stainless steel sinks, foodservice areas and restrooms. This all-purpose cleaner, manufactured by Colgate Palmolive, is also safe for use on white or colorfast washable fabrics. Fabuloso leaves your home shiny clean and fresh smelling. Get some today!
Colgate Palmolive Fabuloso All Purpose Cleaner, Ocean Cool Scent, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Gallons per Case – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Colgate - Palmolive 47.00 35.85 61.52 ocean cool fabuloso, fabuloso all-Purpose cleaner, ocean cool scent, fabuloso, fabuloso refills, CPC 04373, CPC04373, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
2141 Lagasse Fabuloso All-Purpose Cleaner, Lavender Scent, 4 Gallons (CPC04307) 2141 CPC 04307 39.98 04307 Fabuloso All-Purpose Cleaner Lavender Scent
Fabuloso All-Purpose Cleaner makes everyday cleaning tasks quick and easy. Fabuloso works hard to clean your home, leaving behind no residue, just a pleasant lavender fragrance. The super degreasing formula works to leave a multitude of household surfaces sparkling clean and smelling fresh. This convenient spray bottle allows you to clean without having to add water or use or cart around a heavy bucket. Just spray and wipe with a sponge, lint-free cloth or paper towel. It’s that easy! Fabuloso All-Purpose cleaner is effective for a wide variety of cleaning applications and is ideal for cleaning walls, kitchens, food service areas, appliances and much more.
Colgate - Palmolive Fabuloso All Purpose Cleaner, Lavender Scent, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case.
Cleaning Chemicals » All Purpose Cleaners Degreasers - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 46.46 35.43 63.52 CPC04307.JPG fabuloso cleaner, fabuloso concentrate, fabuloso gallon bottles, lavender fabuloso, fabuloso all-purpose cleaner, lavender scent, CPC 04307, CPC04307, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
2143 Lagasse Windsoft 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (WIN2200) 2143 WIN 2200 44.60 WIN 2200 Standard Toilet Paper
Windsoft has designed this high quality toilet paper to provide the same degree of softness as facial tissues. This economical toilet tissue is an ideal alternative to the more expensive name brand bathroom tissues for your high traffic restrooms. Each roll of Windsoft toilet paper is individually wrapped to stay clean and dry in storage, and the premium, upscale packaging adds an elegant touch to any facility. A great toilet paper product for the environmentally conscious consumer, this bathroom tissue contains 65% post consumer waste content and 35% pre-consumer content, meeting EPA guidelines. Stock up on Windsoft 2-ply Toilet Paper and give your customers at-home quality at an affordable price.
Windsoft 2-Ply Toilet Tissue, 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 94.38 62.68 128.51 WIN2200.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, two ply toilet paper, two ply toilet tissue, 2 ply toilet paper, 2 ply toilet tissue, facial quality toilet tissue, two-ply bath tissue WIN 2200, WIN2200 1 1 0 0 1 116
2144 Lagasse Windsoft 1 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (WIN2210) 2144 WIN 2210 41.70 WIN 2210 1-Ply Standard Toilet Paper
An exceptional alternative to more expensive toilet paper brands, Windsoft standard toilet tissue is now softer, brighter, whiter and more absorbent than ever. The premium packaging helps to add an elegant touch to any facility while still providing the at-home quality for employees and customers. The ideal sanitary choice for your facility, each toilet tissue roll is individually wrapped to keep them clean and dry while in storage. This soft absorbent toilet paper meets EPA Guidelines with 100% recycled fibers and 20% post consumer content. Safe for any septic system, Windsoft 1-ply toilet paper is the ideal product for any cost conscious facility not interested in sacrificing quality for affordability. Stock up today and save!
Windsoft Standard 1-Ply Toilet Tissue, 1,000 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 81.97 62.52 112.11 WIN2210.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, one ply toilet paper, one ply toilet tissue, 1 ply toilet paper, 1 ply toilet tissue, Facial Quality Toilet Tissue, One-Ply Bath Tissue WIN 2210, WIN2210 1 1 0 0 1 116
2145 Lagasse Windsoft 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (WIN2240) 2145 WIN 2240 38.00 2240 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper
This standard toilet paper from Windsoft is soft, absorbent and safe for all septic systems. Windsoft is an excellent alternative to more expensive toilet paper brands, providing outstanding value and product quality. Each roll is individually wrapped, making this toilet paper a more sanitary choice, while the attractive packaging adds to the beauty of your bathroom at work or home. This softer, more absorbent bath tissue exceeds EPA recommendations for Recovered Fiber and Post-Consumer fiber. This eco-friendly 2-ply toilet paper is manufactured with not only your wallet in mind, but also the planet. Stock up on this sustainable, environmentally conscious bath tissue today and save!
Windsoft 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 60.38 46.05 81.22 toilet paper, toilet tissue, two ply toilet paper, two ply toilet tissue, 2 ply toilet paper, 2 ply toilet tissue, two-ply bath tissue, WIN 2240, WIN2240 1 1 0 0 1 116
2146 Lagasse Windsoft 2-Ply Facial Tissues, 30 Boxes (WIN2360) 2146 WIN 2360 10.90 WIN2360 2-Ply Facial Tissues
These premium facial tissues from Windsoft are the perfect combination of quality and affordability. The soft, thick tissues have the feel of more expensive brand tissues without the more expensive price tag. These 2-ply tissues provide the strength needed to prevent undesirable leaks, while remaining gentle and non-irritating. Tissues are an ever-present, necessary paper product for any location, so why not offer your employees and guests at-home comfort that is reasonably priced to fit your budget. Windsoft has packaged these tissues in an attractive, pop-up dispensing box that adds an upscale touch to guest and meeting rooms. As an added feature, Windsoft Facial Tissues are environmentally friendly, meeting EPA requirements with 20% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. Stock up today and save!
Windsoft 2-Ply Facial Tissues, 100 Tissues per Box, 30 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 27.94 19.92 37.41 WIN2360.JPG windsoft tissue, windsoft tissues, windsoft facial tissue, windsoft facial tissues, facial tissue, WIN 2360, WIN2360 1 1 0 0 1 116
2147 Lagasse Boardwalk 2-Ply Facial Tissues, 30 Boxes (BWK6500) 2147 BWK 6500 11.30 BWK 6500 Facial Tissues
Packaged in a convenient pop-up box, Boardwalk high-quality facial tissues are a great economical and eco-friendly paper option. This green paper product meets EPA Guidelines for recycled content with 65% pre-consumer waste content, making it an environmentally conscious and an excellent cost-saving alternative to the more expensive name brands. Perfect for any home, office or business, these facial tissues are the smart and inexpensive way to keep any environment clean and sanitary. These 2-ply white facial tissues come in flat boxes to allow for easy storage, and with 30 of these 100-count boxes to a case, you can keep a box of tissues in every room for added convenience for guests and employees.
Boardwalk 2-Ply Economy Facial Tissues, 100 Tissues per Box, 30 Boxes, 3,000 Tissues per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 18.76 14.25 25.08 BWK6500.JPG boardwalk facial tissue, facial tissue, facial tissues, tissues, facial tissue BWK 6500, BWK6500 1 1 0 0 1 123
2149 Lagasse Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaner, Bag-in-Box, 5-Gallon Box (DRK94366) 2149 DRK 94366 44.00 94366 Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaner
Wish your bathroom or kitchen could be a little more...Fantastik? Well now it can be! Fantastik is an all purpose cleaner with powerful stain removing abilities on most hard surfaces. This 5 gallon bag of Fantastik cleaner is a true essential for the cleaning advocate who is aware of the potential savings that come with buying in bulk. Buy some for your janitorial business, restaurant, or home today! Better than good, its Fantastik!
Manufacturer: Johnson Diversey
Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaner, Bag-in-Box, 5-Gallon Box - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 53.57 40.86 73.38 DRK94366.JPG Fantastik, Fantastik all purpose cleaner, Fantastik spray, Fantastik 5 gallon box, DRK 94366, DRK94366, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
2150 Lagasse Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaner, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (DRK94369) 2150 DRK 94369 36.30 94369 Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaner
Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaner provides effective cleaning on a wide variety of surfaces. Make cleaning easier by using Fantastik to get rid of stains, grease, scuff marks, pencil, pens and crayon marks, smoke film and fingerprints. Its powerful stain removing abilities will leave you convinced, Fantastik cleaner is in fact Fantastic. Start getting tough with grease and grime, Order Fantastik all purpose cleaners today!
Johnson Diversey Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Diversey 50.39 38.43 67.50 DRK94369.JPG fantastik all-purpose cleaner, fantastik cleaner, fantastik gallon bottles, DRK 94369, DRK94369 1 1 0 0 1 63
2151 Lagasse Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaner, Trigger Sprayer Bottles, (DRK94368) 2151 DRK 94368 28.60 94368 Fantastik All Purpose Cleaner
Versatile all-purpose cleaner with a pleasant fragrance. Cuts through, greasy soils, removes grease, grime, fingerprints, smoke film, crayon, lipstick, heel marks... even soap scum. Works on just about any hard surface including countertops, sinks, walls, ceramic tiles, floors and bathtubs and showers. No Rinsing is required, simply spray and wipe.
Fantastik All Purpose Cleaner, Trigger Spray Bottle, 12/32-oz Trigger Spray Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 46.46 35.43 60.93 DRK94368.JPG Fantastik, All-Purpose Cleaner, Fantastik Spray, 32-oz. fantastik, fantastik spray Bottle DRK 94368, DRK94368, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
2152 Lagasse Fantastik All Purpose Cleaner, 12 Trigger Spray Bottles (DRK2900504) 2152 DRK 2900504 28.60 2900504 Fantastik All Purpose Cleaner
Versatile all-purpose cleaner with a pleasant fragrance. Cuts through, greasy soils, removes grease, grime, fingerprints, smoke film, crayon, lipstick, heel marks... even soap scum. Works on just about any hard surface including counter-tops, sinks, walls, ceramic tiles, floors and bathtubs and showers. No Rinsing is required, simply spray and wipe.
Fantastik All Purpose Cleaner, Trigger Spray Bottle, 12/32-oz Trigger Spray Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Diversey 47.96 36.58 62.82 DRK2900504.JPG Fantastik, All Purpose Cleaner, fantastik sprayer, wholesale fantastik, discount fantastik, DRK 2900504, DRK2900504, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
2154 Lagasse Fantastik Super Concentrate All-Purpose Cleaner RTD (DRK3481057) 2154 DRK 3481057 4.90 3481057 Fantastik All Purpose Cleaner, Ready to Dispense
Fantastik Ready to Dispense Super Concentrate All Purpose Cleaner comes complete with a maintenance-free dilution control system that's built right into the bottle. Simply attach a hose, fill the spray bottle and you’re ready to clean! This product is known for its stain removing power on Exhaust Fans, appliances, stove hoods, stainless steel, porcelain fixtures, ceramic tile, cabinets, walls painted woodwork, metal awnings and most hard surfaces, just to name a few. Fantastik cleaner is easy to use and when you buy from it's also easy to afford.
Requires Water Hook-up Kit DRK 4129080 (Sold Separately)
Fantastik All Purpose Cleaner, RTD, 1/ 1.5 Liter Concentrate and 2 Fill Bottles - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Diversey 29.48 21.88 38.44 DRK3481057.JPG Fantastik Super Concentrate All-Purpose Cleaner RTD DRK 3481057, DRK3481057 1 1 0 0 1 63
2155 Lagasse Febreeze Air Effects Freshener, Meadows Rain Scent, 9 Cans (PGC45535) 2155 PGC 45535 7.36 45535 Febreeze Meadows Rain Fragrance Air Fresheners
Providing a relaxing meadows rain scent, this light and pleasant fragrance fills any room with an instantly fresh atmosphere. These easy to use trigger spray aerosol cans are ideal for use in any home, office or corporate setting. Formulated to actually eliminate odors in the air instead of just masking them, Febreeze Air Fresheners clear away stale, stifling odors while leaving a fresh, clean scent behind. Coming in 9.7-oz. aerosol cans, and 9 cans per case, these quality air fresheners keep any location fresh and malodor free.
Proctor and Gamble Febreeze Air Effects Air Refresher, 9.7-oz. Aerosol Can with Trigger Sprayer, 9 Cans per Case
Air Freshener & Odor Control » Febreze Air Freshener - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 30.81 22.93 41.44 PGC45535.JPG febreze, febreze odor eliminator, odor eliminator, refreshers, febreze air freshener, febreze effects, febreze air effects, air freshener, meadows & rain fragrance, PGC 45535, PGC45535 1 1 0 0 1 80
2156 Lagasse Febreze Air Effects Freshener, Spring Renewal Scent, 9 Cans (PGC45536) 2156 PGC 45536 7.36 45536 Febreze Spring Renewal Air Freshener
Formulated to actually eliminate odors in the air instead of just masking them. Clears away stale, stifling odors while leaving a fresh, clean scent behind. Extra strength pure refreshment.
Febreeze Air Effects Air Refresher, Spring Renewal Fragrance, 9.7-oz Aerosol Can, 9 Cans per Case.
Air Freshener & Odor Control » Febreze Air Freshener - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 31.87 24.31 43.61 PGC45536.JPG febreze, febreze odor eliminator, odor eliminator, refreshers, febreze air freshener, febreze effects, febreze air effects, air freshener, spring & renewal fragrance, PGC 45536, PGC45536 1 1 0 0 1 80
2157 Lagasse Fiberglass Handle with Plastic Threaded End, Overall Length 60in (UNS636) 2157 UNS 636 1.00 UNS 636 Super-tough black nylon plastic standard threaded end. Black fiberglass handle is mesh-veiled to prevent splintering. 1in diameter.
FIBERGLASS HNDL W/ THREAD END 60X1 DIA BLA 12 Unisan 9.45 7.13 12.41 UNS636.JPG Fiberglass Handle with Plastic Threaded End, Overall Length 60in UNS 636, UNS636, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2158 Lagasse Final Touch Fabric Softener, 4 Bottles (PBC58420) 2158 PBC 58420 39.40 58420 Final Touch Fabric Softener, Spring Fresh
Feel the difference of Final Touch Fabric Softener. A staple of the Phoenix Brands family, Final Touch Liquid Fabric Softener provides the softest feeling clothing, as well as a fresh spring-time scent, no other fabric softener can match. Delivering clothing and fabrics that are noticeably more soft, fluffy the liquid formula also provides a refreshing fragrant aroma. From clothes, and linens, to curtains, and uniforms, the Final Touch Fabric Softener provides the ideal addition to any load of laundry. Final Touch Liquid Fabric Softener is a quintessential part of any home, business or industry. Easily softens and freshens clothing after each use. Liquid formula for use in the rinse cycle. Spring Fresh scent.
Phoenix Brands Final Touch Spring Fresh Fabric Softener, 120 oz. Bottle, 4 Bottles per case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Phoenix Brands 19.39 12.97 25.93 PBC58420.JPG final touch fabric softener, PBC 58420, PBC58420, fabric softener, lavender scent, laundry fabric softener, liquid laundry softeners, laundry softeners, laundry products 1 1 0 0 1 167
2159 Lagasse Final Touch Fabric Softener Sheets, 6 Boxes (PBC58480) 2159 PBC 58480 4.60 58480 Final Touch Dryer Sheets
When used in the dryer, these fabric softening sheets help fabrics emerge fluffy, soft and fragrant. Spring Fresh scent can be used to store things in the attic, basement, closets, or even use them in your dresser drawers to freshen and take away static from clothing, linens, curtains, coats, jackets, towels and more.
Phoenix Brands Final Touch Spring Fresh Dryer Sheets, 80 Sheets per Box, 6 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Phoenix Brands 22.17 16.38 29.81 PBC58480.JPG final touch fabric softening sheets, fabric sheets, laundry sheets, laundry products, fabric softening sheets, fabric sheet, PBC 58480, PBC58480 1 1 0 0 1 167
2160 Lagasse 24" X 32", Finger-Tip Outdoor/Indoor Scraper Mat (CROFTS432BK) 2160 CRO FTS432BK 11.00 FTS432BK Finger-Tip Outdoor/Indoor Scraper Mat
Crown-Mat’s Finger-Tip Indoor/Outdoor Scraper Mat helps stop dirt and debris at the door. This doormat is a great value for either indoor or outdoor entrances that have medium traffic. The Fingertip molded rubber mats aggressively scrape dirt and moisture from shoes, trapping it beneath the surface of the mat. This inexpensive scraper mat works great for hotels, office buildings, restaurants, convention centers and malls. The beveled edges reduce the risk of tripping, keeping your customers safe. This durable 24 x 32 mat is easy to clean, leaving it new-looking for a long time.
Finger-Tip Outdoor/Indoor Scraper Mat, Molded Rubber, Black, 24" X 32", Each. – The janitorial supply company buyers trust. Ludlow Composites Corp. 27.28 20.55 35.92 CROFTS432BK.JPG finger-tip outdoor/indoor scraper mat, CRO FTS432BK, CROFTS432BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
2161 Lagasse Finger-Tip Outdoor/Indoor Scraper Mat, 36 x 72 Size (CROFTS672BLA) 2161 CRO FTS672 BLA 32.00 FTS672BK Economical mat works great for medium traffic. Effectively scrapes dirt and moisture from shoes. Beveled edges reduce tripping hazard. Molded rubber fingertip mat is easy to clean and stays looking new. Contains 50% recycled content. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 5/8in. Black.
Finger-Tip Mat, 36" X 72", Black Ludlow Composites Corp. 78.14 59.60 102.73 CROFTS672BLA.JPG Finger-Tip Outdoor/Indoor Scraper Mat, 36 x 72 Size, CRO FTS672 BLA, CROFTS672BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
2162 Lagasse Finish Electrasol PowerBall Tabs (REC77050) 2162 REC 77050 8.70 77050 Finish All in 1 Powerball Tabs
Finish All in 1 Powerball Tabs give you brilliant clean plus Jet-Dry shine without re-washing thanks to its unique All in 1 technology. Fully dissolving tablets leave dishes shiny and clean without pre-washing. The revolutionary pre-soaking Powerball bursts into action, detergent and rinse agent breaks down stubborn food stains, gently scrubs dishes and eliminates spots and film from glasses and silverware. Jet-Dry Rinse Agent action helps rinse away residues. Fresh scent.
Finish All in 1 Powerball Tabs, 20 Tabs per Box, 8 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 39.18 28.90 51.78 REC77050.JPG finish electrasol powerball tabs, REC 77050, REC77050 1 1 0 0 1 86
2163 Lagasse Fire D One Shot After-Fire Aerosol, 12 Cans (BGD202) 2163 BGD 202 8.20 202 After-Fire Aerosol Air Freshener
Fire D One Shot kills smoke and after-fire odors in cars and other small enclosed areas where a fogging machine would be awkward and/or electrical power is not available. One air freshener can deodorizes approximately 10,000 cubic feet. A high performance air freshener product manufactured by Big D Industries.
Big D Industries Fire D 1 Shot After Fire Odor Control Aerosol, 5-oz. Can, 12 Cans per Case Big D Ind 42.27 32.24 56.58 BGD202.JPG Fire D One Shot After-Fire Aerosol, 12 Cans per Case, 5-oz. Aerosol Can, BGD 202, BGD202, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 12
2164 Lagasse 7-Quart, Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebasket, Beige (RCP2540BEI) 2164 RCP 2540 BEI 1.60 254000 BEIG UL Listed. Approved fire-safe/self-extinguishing for indoor containment of dry flammable paper waste. Won’t burn, melt or contribute fuel to container contents. For industrial, hospital or institutional use. 6.3"wide x 8.7"deep x 10.3"tall.
Rubbermaid 7 Quart Fiberglass Wastebasket, Beige
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.34 11.70 20.17 RCP2540BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage cans, garbage can, Wastebasket, Wastebaskets, Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebaskets, 7-Quart, Beige RCP 2540 BEI, RCP2540BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2165 Lagasse 14-Quart Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebasket, Beige (RCP2541BEI) 2165 RCP 2541 BEI 4.60 254100 BEIG 14-Quart Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebasket
UL Listed. Approved fire-safe/self-extinguishing for indoor containment of dry flammable paper waste. Won’t burn, melt or contribute fuel to container contents.For industrial, hospital or institutional use. 8.25"wide x 11.1"deep x 12.25"tall.
Rubbermaid 14 Quart Fiberglass Wastebasket, Fire-Resistant, Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.65 18.80 32.93 RCP2541BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Wastebasket, Wastebaskets, Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebaskets, 14-Quart, Beige RCP 2541 BEI, RCP2541BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2166 Lagasse Rubbermaid 14-Quart Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebasket, Black (RCP2541BLA) 2166 RCP 2541 BLA 4.60 254100 BLA 14-Quart Fire-Resistant Wastebasket
UL Listed. Approved fire-safe/self-extinguishing for indoor containment of dry flammable paper waste. Won’t burn, melt or contribute fuel to container contents. For industrial, hospital or institutional use. 8.25"wide x 11.1"deep x 12.25" tall.
Rubbermaid 14-Quart Wastebasket, Fire-Resistant, Fiberglass, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 26.04 19.86 34.51 RCP2541BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Wastebasket, Wastebaskets, Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebaskets, 14-Quart, Black RCP 2541 BLA, RCP2541BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
2167 Lagasse 14-Quart Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebasket, Gray (RCP2541GRA) 2167 RCP 2541 GRA 3.20 254100 GRAY 14-Quart Fire-Resistant Wastebasket
UL Listed. Approved fire-safe/self-extinguishing for indoor containment of dry flammable paper waste. Won’t burn, melt or contribute fuel to container contents. For industrial, hospital or institutional use.
Rubbermaid 14-Quart Wastebasket, Fire-Resistant, Fiberglass, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.65 18.80 32.97 RCP2541GRA.JPG Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebaskets, 14-Quart, Gray RCP 2541 GRA, RCP2541GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2168 Lagasse 28-Quart Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebasket, Beige (RCP2543BEI) 2168 RCP 2543 BEI 4.50 254300 BEIG 28-Quart Fire-Resistant Wastebasket
UL Listed. Approved fire-safe/self-extinguishing for indoor containment of dry flammable paper waste. Won’t burn, melt or contribute fuel to container contents. For industrial, hospital or institutional use. 10.5"wide x 14.5"deep x 15.3"tall.
Rubbermaid 28 Quart Wastebasket, Fiberglass, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Small Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 39.08 29.81 51.02 RCP2543BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Wastebaskets, Wastebasket, Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebaskets, 28-Quart, Beige RCP 2543 BEI, RCP2543BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2169 Lagasse 28-Quart Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebasket, Black (RCP2543BLA) 2169 RCP 2543 BLA 5.20 254300 BLA 28-Quart Fire-Resistant Wastebasket
UL Listed. Approved fire-safe/self-extinguishing for indoor containment of dry flammable paper waste. Won’t burn, melt or contribute fuel to container contents. For industrial, hospital or institutional use. 10.5"wide x 14.5"deep x 15.3"tall.
Rubbermaid 28 Quart Wastebasket, Fiberglass, Fire-Resistant, Black, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Small Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 38.21 29.14 51.90 RCP2543BLA.JPG trash can,trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Wastebasket, Wastebaskets, Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebaskets, 28-Quart, Black RCP 2543 BLA, RCP2543BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
2170 Lagasse 28-Quart Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebasket, Gray (RCP2543GRA) 2170 RCP 2543 GRA 4.20 254300 GRAY 28-Quart Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebasket
UL Listed. Approved fire-safe/self-extinguishing for indoor containment of dry flammable paper waste. Won’t burn, melt or contribute fuel to container contents. For industrial, hospital or institutional use.10.5"wide x 14.5"deep x 15.3"tall.
Rubbermaid 28 Quart Fiberglass Wastebasket, Fire-Resistant, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 36.97 28.20 48.88 RCP2543GRA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Wastebaskets, Wastebasket, Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebaskets, 28-Quart, Gray RCP 2543 GRA, RCP2543GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
2171 Lagasse Rubbermaid 40-Quart Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebasket, Beige (RCP2544BEI) 2171 RCP 2544 BEI 8.25 254400 BEIG 40-Quart Fire-Resistant Wastebasket
UL Listed. Approved fire-safe/self-extinguishing for indoor containment of dry flammable paper waste. Won’t burn, melt or contribute fuel to container contents. For industrial, hospital or institutional use.11"wide x 15.25"deep x 19.7"tall.
Rubbermaid 40-Quart Wastebasket, Fire-Resistant, Fiberglass, Beige, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 50.26 38.33 68.65 RCP2544BEI.JPG Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Wastebaskets, 40-Quart, Beige RCP 2544 BEI, RCP2544BEI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2172 Lagasse 4-1/2-Gallon Medical Waste Step-On Garbage Can, White, Plastic (RCP6142WHI) 2172 RCP 6142 WHI 8.80 614200 WHT 4-1/2-Gallon Step-On Garbage Can
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms Factory Mutual System Approved and California State Fire Marshal Listed for fire safety. Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits hands-free sanitary use • Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking—won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors.
Rubbermaid 4-1/2 Gallon Medical Waste Step-on Garbage Can, Plastic, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 85.22 65.00 114.43 RCP6142WHI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Fire-Safe Plastic Step-On Receptacles, 4-1/2-Gallon Garbage Can, White RCP 6142 WHI, RCP6142WHI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2173 Lagasse 8 Gallon Medical Waste Step-On Garbage Can, Plastic, Beige (RCP6143BEI) 2173 RCP 6143 BEI 8.00 614300 BEIG 8 Gallon Medical Waste Step-on Garbage Can
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms. Factory Mutual System Approved and California State Fire Marshal Listed for fire safety Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits handsfree sanitary use Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking—won't rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors.
Rubbermaid 8 Gallon Medical Waste Step-On Garbage Can, Plastic, Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 85.88 65.50 115.38 RCP6143BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage CanGarbage Cans, waste container, waste containers, Medical Waste Plastic Step-On Garbage Can, 8-Gallon Container, Beige RCP 6143 BEI, RCP6143BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2174 Lagasse Red 8-Gallon Medical Waste Plastic Step-On Garbage Can (RCP6143RED) 2174 RCP 6143 RED 7.85 614300 RED 8 Gallon Medical Step-On Garbage Can
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms. Factory Mutual System Approved and California State Fire Marshal Listed for fire safety. Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits handsfree sanitary use. Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking: won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030. Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors. 15-1/4" wide x 16-1/2" deep x 17-1/8" high.
Rubbermaid Commercial 8 Gallon Medical Waste Step-on Garbage Can, Red, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 85.88 65.50 116.71 RCP6143RED.JPG medical trash can, step on trash can, red garbage can, medical waste garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, medical waste plastic step-on garbage can, 8 gallon container, red, RCP 6143 RED, RCP6143RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2175 Lagasse 8-Gallon Medical Waste Step-On Garbage Can, Plastic, White (RCP6143WHI) 2175 RCP 6143 WHI 7.85 614300 WHT 8 Gallon Plastic Step-On Medical Waste Can
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms. Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits hands-free sanitary use. Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking—won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 "Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens". Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors. Optional Rigid Plastic Liner to provide leak-proof base available by special order.
Rubbermaid 8-Gallon Medical Waste Step-On Garbage Can, Plastic, White, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company that buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 85.88 65.50 114.90 RCP6143WHI.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans,waste containers, waste container, Medical Waste Plastic Step-On Garbage Can, 8-Gallon Container, White RCP 6143 WHI, RCP6143WHI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2176 Lagasse 12 Gallon Step-On Medical Waste Can, Plastic, Beige (RCP6144BEI) 2176 RCP 6144 BEI 9.00 614400 BEIG 12 Gallon Step-On Medical Waste Can
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms. Factory Mutual System Approved and California State Fire Marshal Listed for fire safety. Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits hands-free sanitary use. Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking—won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors.
Rubbermaid 12 Gallon Step-On Medical Waste Can, Plastic, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Step-On Plastic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 100.31 76.51 131.50 RCP6144BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can Garbage Cans, waste container, waste containers, Medical Waste Plastic Step-On Garbage Can 12-Gallon Beige RCP 6144 BEI, RCP6144BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2177 Lagasse 12-Gallon Step-On Medical Waste Can, Plastic, Red (RCP6144RED) 2177 RCP 6144 RED 9.40 614400 RED Rubbermaid 12 Gallon Step-on Garbage Can
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms. Factory Mutual System Approved and California State Fire Marshal Listed for fire safety • Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits handsfree sanitary use. Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking—won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors.
Rubbermaid 12 Gallon Medical Waste Step-on Garbage Can, Red, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Step-On Plastic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 100.31 76.51 130.38 RCP6144RED.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, waste container, waste containers, Medical Waste Plastic Step-On Garbage Can 12-Gallon Red RCP 6144 RED, RCP6144RED 1 1 0 0 1 89
2178 Lagasse 12-Gallon Step-On Medical Waste Can, Plastic, White (RCP6144WHI) 2178 RCP 6144 WHI 9.30 614400 WHT 12-Gallon Step-On Medical Waste Can
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms. Factory Mutual System Approved and California State Fire Marshal Listed for fire safety. Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits handsfree sanitary use. Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking—won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors.
Rubbermaid 12 Gallon Medical Waste Step-on Garbage Can, White, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Step-On Plastic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 100.31 76.51 136.22 RCP6144WHI.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, waste container, waste containers, Medical Waste Plastic Step-On Garbage Can 12-Gallon White RCP 6144 WHI RCP6144WHI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2179 Lagasse 18-Gallon Plastic Step-On Medical Waste Can, Beige (RCP6145BEI) 2179 RCP 6145 BEI 13.80 614500 BEIG 18-Gallon Step-On Medical Waste Can
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms. Factory Mutual System Approved and California State Fire Marshal Listed for fire safety. Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits hands-free sanitary use. Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking—won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors.
Rubbermaid 18 Gallon Medical Waste Step-on Garbage Can, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Step-On Plastic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 114.07 87.00 150.30 RCP6145BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, waste container, waste containers, Medical Waste Plastic Step-On Garbage Can 18-Gallon Beige RCP 6145 BEI RCP6145BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2180 Lagasse 18-Gallon Step-On Medical Waste Can, Plastic, Red (RCP6145RED) 2180 RCP 6145 RED 13.60 614500 RED Rubbermaid 18-Gallon Step-On Garbage Can
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms. Factory Mutual System Approved and California State Fire Marshal Listed for fire safety. Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits hands-free sanitary use. Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking—won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors. Dimensions: 19.75" Length x 16.13" Width x 26.5" Height
Rubbermaid 18-Gallon Step-On Medical Waste Can, Plastic, Red, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Step-On Plastic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 114.07 87.00 149.41 RCP6145RED.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Fire-Safe Plastic Step-On Garbage Can, 18-Gallon Container, Red RCP 6145 RED, RCP6145RED 1 1 0 0 1 89
2181 Lagasse 18-Gallon Step-On Medical Waste Can, White, Plastic (RCP6145WHI) 2181 RCP 6145 WHI 13.40 614500 WHT Rubbermaid 18-Gallon Plastic Step-On Medical Waste Can
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms. Factory Mutual System Approved and California State Fire Marshal Listed for fire safety. Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits handsfree sanitary use. Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking—won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors.
Rubbermaid 18 Gallon Medical Waste Step-on Garbage Can, White, Plastic, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Step-On Plastic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 114.07 87.00 150.62 RCP6145WHI.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, waste container, waste containers, Medical Waste Plastic Step-On Garbage Can 18-Gallon White RCP 6145 WHI RCP6145WHI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2182 Lagasse 23-Gallon Medical Waste Step-On Mobile Garbage Can, Plastic, Beige (RCP6146BEI) 2182 RCP 6146 BEI 17.40 614600 BEIG Rubbermaid 23-Gallon Medical Waste Step-On Can
Rear roller provides stability and easy transport. Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms. Factory Mutual System Approved and California State Fire Marshal Listed for fire safety. Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits hands-free sanitary use. Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking—won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors.
Rubbermaid 23-Gallon Medical Waste Garbage Can, Step-On, Mobile, Plastic, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Step-On Plastic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 163.24 124.51 212.65 RCP6146BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, waste container, waste containers, Medical Waste Plastic Step-On Garbage Can, 23-Gallon Mobile Container, Beige RCP 6146 BEI, RCP6146BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2183 Lagasse 23-Gallon Mobile Medical Waste Step-On Garbage Can, Plastic, Red (RCP6146RED) 2183 RCP 6146 RED 16.60 614600 RED Rubbermaid 23-Gallon Step-On Mobile Garbage Can
Rear roller provides stability and easy transport. Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms. Factory Mutual System Approved and California State Fire Marshal Listed for fire safety. Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits hands-free sanitary use. Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking—won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors.
Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Mobile Medical Waste Step-on Garbage Can, Red, Plastic, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Step-On Plastic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 163.24 124.51 222.32 RCP6146RED.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, waste containers, waste container, Medical Waste Plastic Step-On Garbage Can, 23-Gallon Mobile Container, Red RCP 6146 RED, RCP6146RED 1 1 0 0 1 89
2184 Lagasse 23-Gallon Medical Waste Step-On Mobile Garbage Can, Plastic, White (RCP6146WHI) 2184 RCP 6146 WHI 16.00 614600 WHT Rubbermaid 23-Gallon Step-On Mobile Garbage Can
Rear roller provides stability and easy transport. Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms, and emergency rooms. Factory Mutual System Approved and California State Fire Marshal Listed for fire safety. Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits handsfree sanitary use. Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking—won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors.
Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Mobile Medical Waste Step-on Garbage Can, Mobile, Plastic, White, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Step-On Plastic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 163.24 124.51 214.32 RCP6146WHI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Medical Waste Plastic Step-On Garbage Can, 23-Gallon Mobile Container, White RCP 6146 WHI, RCP6146WHI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2185 Lagasse First Aid Refill Pack (ACE40001) 2185 ACE 40001 0.20 ACM40001 Contains ten most frequently used products (94 pieces): 1in x 3in adhesive bandages, knuckle bandages, fingertip bandages, sterile gauze, antiseptic wipes, sting relief wipes, ice pack, burn ointment, nonstick pads and tape. Shpg. wt. 4 lbs.
FIRST AID KIT RFL PK 94PC Acme United Corporation / Westcott 22.02 16.79 29.03 ACE40001.JPG First Aid Refill Pack ACE 40001, ACE40001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 2
2186 Lagasse GenPak 5 Compartment Foam Cafeteria Food Trays, 500 Trays (GNP10500) 2186 GNP 10500 13.90 10500 School Five-Compartment Foam Food Tray
The perfect addition to any food service industry, these Five-Compartment Foam Food Trays are made out of a strong and reliable foam form. This five-compartment foam food tray is ideal for cafeteria use. Offering second to none in both quality and functionality, this foam food tray is the ideal choice for school cafeterias. With five compartments that provide durable and secure compartment separation for both hot and cold foods. Great for separating dressings and sauces from breads and pasta, our lunch trays will help keep tour meal fresh and appetizing! 10-3/8" long x 8-3/8" deep x 1-3/16" high. 500 trays per case.
Genpak 5 Compartment Foam Lunch Trays, 500 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply superstore buyers trust. Genpak 26.41 18.49 35.65 GNP10500.JPG five compartment food trays, five compartment school tray, five-compartment foam school food tray, foam food trays, school food trays, GNP 10500, GNP10500 1 1 0 0 1 173
2187 Lagasse Rubbermaid Five-Drawer Mobile Workcenter (RCP7734BLA) 2187 RCP 7734 BLA 66.80 FG7734-88 BLA Five-Drawer Mobile Workcenter
Strong, durable, and completely mobile, this heavy-duty work surface supports up to 250 lbs. Offering up to five storage drawers for tools, supplies and more, the Five-Drawer Mobile Workcenter is the perfect tool for any handyman. From residential do-it-yourselfers, to commercial and industrial construction workers, this sturdy and reliable tabletop comes complete with multiple bins to keep small parts within reach. From it's built in peg board side panels that provide convenient tool organization, to the built-in cord wrap, which allows neat storage of power tools, the Five-Drawer Mobile Workcenter is the perfect construction-site addition.
Rubbermaid 5 Drawer Mobile Workcenter, Black and Red, 32.6" x 19.8" x 33.5", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 350.07 267.00 475.65 RCP773488BLA.JPG Five-Drawer Mobile Workcenter RCP 7734 BLA, RCP7734BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
2188 Lagasse Five-Piece Wrapped Cutlery Kits, 250 Kits (BWK5KITMW) 2188 BWK 5KITMW 6.38 FK-FKW-NSP-LAG Wrapped Cutlery Kits
Comes with fork, knife, napkin and salt and pepper packets. These great kits from Boardwalk are lightweight and recyclable and have extensive U.S. recycling structure. These Boardwalk plastic cutlery are made from quality polypropylene so you don't have to worry about any of your cutlery breaking or cracking. These kits are great for picnics and parties. 250 kits per case.
Boardwalk Mediumweight Wrapped Cutlery Kits, White, 250 Kits per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 41.78 31.58 54.34 BWK5KITMW.JPG Five-Piece Wrapped Cutlery Kits, White BWK 5KITMW, BWK5KITMW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
2189 Lagasse Fixi Clamp (UNGFIXI) 2189 UNG FIXI 0.53 FIXI0 Grips sponge UNG SP01 (sold separately), rags, mop heads and cloths. Combined with an Unger® telescopic pole (sold separately), the clamp becomes a high-rise cleaning tool.
FIXI CLAMP FOR UNG SP01/065 Unger 25.29 19.29 33.61 UNGFIXI.JPG Fixi Clamp UNG FIXI, UNGFIXI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
2190 Lagasse Fixi Clamp Sponge (UNGSP01) 2190 UNG SP01 0.11 SP010 Orange Fixi Clamp Sponge
Attacks hard-to-reach dirt when attached to the Fixi Clamp UNG FIXI (sold separately). 8" x 2" x 3".
Unger Fixi Clamp Sponge, 2" Thick, Orange, 8" x 2" x 3", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 2.15 1.64 2.83 UNGSP01.JPG sponge, clamp sponge, fixi clamp sponge, UNG SP01, UNGSP01, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2191 Lagasse Flat Shelf Utility Cart, 43-9/10w x 25-3/5d Size, Beige (RCP4525BEI) 2191 RCP 4525 BEI 44.60 452500 BEIG Rubbermaid Heavy-Duty Flat Shelf Utility Cart
Multiple-duty carts for use in warehouses, mailrooms, conference rooms and maintenance facilities • Heavy-duty plastic won’t rust, dent, chip or peel • Lightweight for easy maneuverability and quiet operation • Rounded corners mean no sharp edges to nick walls or furniture • Weight Capacity—The maximum weight that this product can accommodate Structural foam construction, 500-lb. capacity. Flat shelves provide a smooth worksurface and allow easy loading.
Molded-in wraparound handle with convenient storage bin. Front mounting bracket holds wastebasket, extension cord or power strip. 5" nonmarking casters. 33-3/10" high.
Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products
UTILITY 2 FLAT-SHELF CART 500 LB STRUCT FOAM BEI Rubbermaid Commercial Products 194.71 148.51 260.87 RCP4525BEI.JPG Flat Shelf Utility Cart, 43-9/10w x 25-3/5d Size, Beige RCP 4525 BEI, RCP4525BEI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2192 Lagasse Flat Shelf Utility Cart, 37-9/10w x 19-1/5d Size, Beige (RCP4505BEI) 2192 RCP 4505 BEI 34.10 450500 BEIG Rubbermaid Heavy-Duty Flat Shelf Utility Cart
Multiple-duty carts for use in warehouses, mailrooms, conference rooms and maintenance facilities • Heavy-duty plastic won’t rust, dent, chip or peel • Lightweight for easy maneuverability and quiet operation • Rounded corners mean no sharp edges to nick walls or furniture • Weight Capacity—The maximum weight that this product can accommodate Structural foam construction, 500-lb. capacity. Flat shelves provide a smooth worksurface and allow easy loading.
Molded-in wraparound handle with convenient storage bin. Front mounting bracket holds wastebasket, extension cord or power strip. 5" nonmarking casters. 33-3/10" high.
Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products
UTILITY 2 FLAT-SHELF CART 250 LB MAX PLAS BEI Rubbermaid Commercial Products 175.69 134.00 232.08 RCP4505BEI.JPG Flat Shelf Utility Cart, 37-9/10w x 19-1/5d Size, Beige RCP 4505 BEI, RCP4505BEI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2193 Lagasse Rubbermaid Flat Shelf Utility Cart, 37-9/10 x 19-1/5 Size, Black (RCP4505BLA) 2193 RCP 4505 BLA 34.00 4505 00 BLACK Rubbermaid Flat Shelf Utility Cart
Multiple-duty carts for use in warehouses, mailrooms, conference rooms and maintenance facilities. Heavy-duty plastic won’t rust, dent, chip or peel. Lightweight for easy maneuverability and quiet operation. Rounded corners mean no sharp edges to nick walls or furniture Structural foam construction, 500-lb. capacity. Flat shelves provide a smooth worksurface and allow easy loading. Molded-in wraparound handle with convenient storage bin. Front mounting bracket holds wastebasket, extension cord or power strip. 5in non-marking casters. 33-3/10in high. Assembly required.
Rubbermaid Flat Shelf Utility Cart, 37-9/10 x 19-1/5 Size, Plastic, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 175.69 134.00 239.70 RCP4505BLA.JPG rubbermaid utility cart, utility cart, RCP 4505 BLA, RCP4505BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2194 Lagasse Dial FLEX800 Series 800-ml Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, White (DIA03226) 2194 DIA 03226 1.10 03226-01 Dial FLEX800 Series Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser
Easy push-dispensing and reloading of sanitary, sealed Flex Pack products. Specifically designed to hold 800-ml Flex Pack refills (sold separately). Durable plastic construction. Mounts quickly to wall with screw or pressure-sensitive tape (included). 5-1/4"wide x 4-1/4"deep x 10-1/4"high.
Dial FLEX800 Series 800-ml Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Dial Soap System » Dial Professional 8.87 6.77 12.06 DIA03226.JPG 800-ml liquid hand soap dispensers, DIA 03226, DIA03226, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
2195 Lagasse Dial FLEX800 Series, Liquid Gold Hand Soap, 12 - 800ml Refills (DIA97501) 2195 DIA 97501 21.60 97501 Dial Liquid Antibacterial Hand Soap
FLEX800 Series Liquid Hand Soap System Refills. 800-ml refills feature flexible packaging for an easy fit into most 800-ml dispensers. This liquid hand soap is great for dirty hands and faces. Use Dial for your school, nursing home, place of business or any public facility.
Liquid Dial Antibacterial Hand Soap, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Dial Soap System » Dial Professional 61.48 46.89 82.30 DIA97501.JPG flex800, flex 800, dial liquid gold hand soap, dial antibacterial hand soap, dial hand soap, dial hand soap refills, dial 800ml hand soap, DIA 97501, DIA97501 1 1 0 0 1 30
2197 Lagasse Dial FLEX800 Sweetheart Antibacterial Hand Soap, 12 Refills (DIA96507) 2197 DIA 96507 23.40 96507 Sweetheart 800ml Liquid Antibacterial Hand Soap
FLEX800 Series Liquid Hand Soap System Refills. 800-ml refills feature flexible packaging for an easy fit into most 800-ml dispensers. This Green Cleaning Product is great for dirty hands and faces. Use these Green Cleaning Supplies throughout your home and/or office and stay healthy. Purchase all of your favorite, brand name Janitorial Supplies right here at Clean It today and save.
Dial FLEX800 Series Sweetheart Antibacterial Lotion Soap Refill, 800-ml Refills, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 41.93 31.98 56.60 DIA96507.JPG sweetheart antibacterial lotion hand soap, DIA 96507, DIA96507, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
2198 Lagasse Dial FLEX800 Series Sweetheart Pink Hand Soap, 12 - 800-ml Refills (DIA99506) 2198 DIA 99506 21.00 99506 FLEX800 Series Sweetheart Pink Hand Soap
FLEX800 Series Liquid Hand Soap System Refills. 800-ml refills feature flexible packaging for an easy fit into most 800-ml dispensers. This Green Cleaning Product is great for dirty hands and faces. Use these Green Cleaning Supplies throughout your home and/or office and stay healthy. Purchase all of your favorite, brand name Janitorial Supplies right here at Clean It today and save.
Sweetheart Lotion Soap, Pleasant Scent Pink, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Dial Soap System »
Dial Professional 35.12 26.78 47.87 DIA99506.JPG sweetheart pink lotion soap, DIA 99506, DIA99506, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
2199 Lagasse Flexible Head Overhead Dusting Tool (RCPT410) 2199 RCP T410 1.10 T41000 0000 Flexible Head Overhead Dust Tool
Coming with a flexible head that is ideal for those hard to reach areas, Rubbermaid's line of dusting tools are the perfect fit for commercial and residential cleaning. Coming with a handle that may be extended to clean hard-to-reach areas, this versatile cleaning tool comes with a flexible top that conforms to the shape of virtually any surface. Compatible with T499 Dust Mitt/Sleeve (sold separately).
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Flexible Head Overhead Dust Tool, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 28.18 21.49 38.21 RCPT410.JPG duster, overhead dusters, cleaning dusters, RCP T410, RCPT410, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2200 Lagasse Flexible Head Overhead Dusting Tool Dust Mitt (RCPT499) 2200 RCP T499 0.50 T49900 WH00 Dust Mitt for Rubbermaid Overhead Dusting Tool
Flexible Head Overhead Dusting Tool Dust Mitt. This replacement dust mitt is white cotton and is launderable. Can be worn on the hand or used with overhead dusting tool RCP T410 (sold separately).
OVERHEAD DUST TOOL DUST MITT COTTON WHITE, SOLD AS EACH Rubbermaid Commercial Products 7.22 5.00 9.77 RCPT499.JPG Flexible Head Overhead Dusting Tool; Dust Mitt, Dust Mitt, RCP T499, RCPT499, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2203 Lagasse FloodSucker Bulb Changer (UNGFS00) 2203 UNG FS00 0.20 FS000 Fully insulated bulb changer for use on floodlights and bulbs 300 watts and larger. Use with Unger® extension pole (sold separately).
FLOOD SUCKER BULB CHNGR INSULATED 5 Unger 17.61 12.41 23.32 UNGFS00.JPG FloodSucker Bulb Changer UNG FS00, UNGFS00, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2204 Lagasse Rubbermaid Floor & Carpet Sweeper (RCP421288BLA) 2204 RCP 4212-88 BLA 3.90 421288 BLACK Rubbermaid Floor and Carpet Sweeper
Rubbermaid’s Floor and Carpet Sweeper is a manual, compact sweeper that cleans all types of bare floors and low-pile carpets. The 6.5-inch sweep path is ideal for a quick clean up between vacuuming or getting into tight spaces and under furniture where dirt and dust can build up. This lightweight floor and carpet sweeper is easy to carry and features a unique, upgraded design with an ergonomic handle. With all of the great features, the best may be the easy-open dual debris pan that allows for easy cleaning and disposal of debris. Rubbermaid products are built to last and this sweeper is no different. Constructed of galvanized steel and tough ABS plastic, this floor and carpet sweeper will be cleaning your floors for years to come.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Floor and Carpet Sweeper, Sold as Each. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 40.24 30.69 53.16 RCP421288BLA.JPG Floor & Carpet Sweeper RCP 4212-88 BLA, RCP421288BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2205 Lagasse Floor Finish Mop Head, Polyester, Medium, 1-1/4in Headband (UNS542) 2205 UNS 542 13.00 LBI 542 Designed for finish applications and high-volume usage. High-grade four-ply blend, with blue stripe, absorbs moisture well and dries faster. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Resistant to mildew and bacterial growth. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
FLR FINISH LOOP MOP HEAD M 1.25 IN BND BLEND 12 Unisan 108.73 80.40 141.99 UNS542.JPG Floor Finish Mop Head, Polyester, Medium, 1-1/4in Headband UNS 542, UNS542, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2206 Lagasse Floor Finish Mop Head, Polyester, Large, 1-1/4in Headband (UNS543) 2206 UNS 543 18.00 LBI 543 Designed for finish applications and high-volume usage. High-grade four-ply blend, with blue stripe, absorbs moisture well and dries faster. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Resistant to mildew and bacterial growth. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
FLR FINISH LOOP MOP HEAD LG 1.25 IN BND BLEND 12 Unisan 135.88 102.00 181.89 UNS543.JPG Floor Finish Mop Head, Polyester, Large, 1-1/4in Headband UNS 543, UNS543, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2207 Lagasse Floor Finish Mop Head, Vinyl Mesh, Medium, 5in Headband (UNS552) 2207 UNS 552 13.00 LBI 552 Designed for finish applications and high-volume usage. High-grade four-ply blend, with blue stripe, absorbs moisture well and dries faster. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Resistant to mildew and bacterial growth. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
FLR FINISH LOOP MOP HEAD M 5 IN BND BLEND 12 Unisan 117.07 89.29 159.04 UNS552.JPG Floor Finish Mop Head, Vinyl Mesh, Medium, 5in Headband UNS 552, UNS552, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2208 Lagasse Floor Finish Mop Head, Vinyl Mesh, Large, 5in Headband (UNS553) 2208 UNS 553 1.42 LBI 553 Designed for finish applications and high-volume usage. High-grade four-ply blend, with blue stripe, absorbs moisture well and dries faster. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Resistant to mildew and bacterial growth. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
FLR FINISH LOOP MOP HEAD LG 5 IN BND BLEND 12 Unisan 147.88 112.79 200.23 UNS553.JPG Floor Finish Mop Head, Vinyl Mesh, Large, 5in Headband UNS 553, UNS553, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2210 Lagasse Floor Science Premium Universal Floor Wax, 5 Gallon Bag-in-Box (DRK98390) 2210 DRK 98390 46.60 98390 Premium Universal Floor Wax Sealer/Finish
Johnson Wax Polymer Technology. Synthetic polymer floor finish/sealer produces a “wet look” high gloss. Repairs easily in minimal time and resists scuffs and scratches. For conventional, high-speed and ultra high-speed floor machines. Dries fast, no sealer required. For resilient and non resilient floors.
Johnson Diversey Floor Science Universal Floor Sealer Floor Finish, 5 Gallon Bag-In-A-Box, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 125.38 71.19 168.26 DRK98390.JPG floor finish, floor sealer, floor science premium universal sealer/finish, DRK 98390, DRK98390 1 1 0 0 1 63
2211 Lagasse Floor Science Premium Universal Floor Wax Finish, 4 Gallons (DRK98391) 2211 DRK 98391 38.40 98391 Floor Science Floor Wax Sealer and Finish
Johnson Wax Polymer Technology. Synthetic polymer floor finish/sealer produces a “wet look” high gloss. Repairs easily in minimal time and resists scuffs and scratches. For conventional, high-speed and ultra high-speed floor machines. Dries fast, no sealer required. For resilient and nonresilient floors.
Johnson Diversey Floor Science Universal Floor Wax Sealer/Finish, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 78.85 60.00 106.18 DRK98391.JPG floor science sealer, floor science wax, floor science finish, floor wax, floor finish, floor sealer, floor science universal seal/finish, DRK 98391, DRK98391 1 1 0 0 1 63
2212 Lagasse Floor Science Spray Buff, 4 Gallons (DRK96896) 2212 DRK 96896 36.20 96896 Floor Spray Buff
Floor Science Spray Buff. Cleans and restores the high-gloss “wet look” of Floor Science Finish (sold separately). Premium performance—cleans, shines, removes heel marks, scratches, ingrained dirt. Leaves a brilliant shine without buildup or discoloration. Effective with low-speed or high-speed floor machines. Works in minimal time.
Johnson Diversey Floor Science Spray Buff Clean and Shine Spray Buff, 4 - 1 Gallon Containers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 89.14 66.76 118.25 DRK96896.JPG Floor Science Spray Buff, DRK 96896, DRK96896, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
2214 Lagasse Flow Flat Mop Finishing System (RCPQ979) 2214 RCP Q979 8.20 Q979 Backpack finish system makes floor cleaning quick and easy. Ergonomic backpack holds 1.5 gallons of solution—allows user to finish a 3,000 sq. ft. area with a single fill. Backpack features 3in opening for easy refilling. Venting channels and chest and waist straps on backpack provide comfort. Clean Connect™ hose easily connects backpack to trigger handle. Large, easy-to-use trigger dispenses finishing solution right where you need it. No-slip tip on mop handle prevents sliding down walls. Flow™ nylon mophead easily connects to the handle with Quick-Connect. Includes backpack, 58in trigger handle, 18in Quick-Connect frame and nylon flat mop. Shpg. wt. 8.2 lbs.
FLOW FINISH SYSTEM,FLAT MOP YEL Rubbermaid Commercial Products 267.47 204.00 355.14 RCPQ979.JPG mop systems, mop systems, rubbermaid mop systems, wholesale mop systems, discount mop systems, flow flat mop finishing system, RCP Q979, RCPQ979 1 1 0 0 1 89
2215 Lagasse Flow™ Nylon Flat Mop Head (RCPQ200) 2215 RCP Q200 8.90 Q200 For use with Flow™ Flat Mop Finishing System RCP Q979 (sold separately). Shpg. wt. 8.9 lbs. Six mops per case.
FLOW QC STRING MOP WHI 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 85.40 65.13 114.78 RCPQ200.JPG Flow Nylon Flat Mop Head RCP Q200, RCPQ200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
2216 Lagasse Flow™ Nylon String Mop Head (RCPQ805) 2216 RCP Q805 5.00 Q805 For use with Flow™ String Mop Finishing System RCP Q989 (sold separately). Shpg. wt. 5 lbs. Six mops per case.
FLOW FLAT MOP NYLON WHI 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 74.82 57.07 99.49 RCPQ805.JPG Flow Nylon String Mop Head RCP Q805, RCPQ805, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2217 Lagasse Flow™ Replacement Bladder for Finishing Systems (RCPQ977) 2217 RCP Q977 2.40 Q977 Replacement bladder fits backpack in Flow™ Finishing System RCP Q979 and RCP Q989 (sold separately). Shpg. wt. 2.4 lbs.
FLOW REPLACEMENT BLADDER 1.5 GL Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.34 11.70 20.82 RCPQ977.JPG Flow Replacement Bladder for Finishing Systems RCP Q977, RCPQ977, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
2218 Lagasse Flow String Mop Finishing System (RCPQ989) 2218 RCP Q989 7.50 Q989 Backpack finish system makes floor cleaning quick and easy. Ergonomic backpack holds 1.5 gallons of solution—allows user to finish a 3,000 sq. ft. area with a single fill. Backpack features 3in opening for easy refilling. Venting channels and chest and waist straps on backpack provide comfort. Clean Connect™ hose easily connects backpack to trigger handle. Large, easy-to-use trigger dispenses finishing solution right where you need it. No-slip tip on mop handle prevents sliding down walls. Flow™ nylon mophead easily connects to the handle with Quick-Connect. Includes backpack, 58in trigger handle and nylon string mop. Shpg. wt. 7.5 lbs.
FLOW FINISH SYSTEM,STRING MOP, YEL Rubbermaid Commercial Products 267.47 204.00 358.43 RCPQ989.JPG Flow String Mop Finishing System RCP Q989, RCPQ989, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
2219 Lagasse Marcal Fluff Out Facial Tissues, 30 Boxes (MAC2930) 2219 MAC 2930 12.40 02930 Marcal Facial Tissues
These Marcal Facial Tissues Green Cleaning Products feature attractive packaging and dispense with ease. Made from a minimum of 75% total recycled content, these facial tissues are ideal for the ever-growing environmentally conscious world. The neutral, easy-dispensing box makes this facial tissue suitable for offices, hospitality, and healthcare uses. The two-ply structure gives facial tissues additional strength to prevent unwanted leaks. Two-ply, white. 8.5 x 7.5 tissues.
Marcal Fluff Out Facial Tissues, 100 Tissues per Box, 30 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Marcal Paper 21.69 15.79 28.77 MAC2930.JPG marcal tissue, marcal tissues, marcal facial tissue, marcal facial tissues, fluff out facial tissue, facial tissues, tissues, MAC 2930, MAC2930 1 1 0 0 1 135
2220 Lagasse Fluorescent Tubes, 48in Tube, Cool White Energy Saver, Low Mercury, 34 Watts, F40T12CW/ES (GNL21858) 2220 GNL 21858 5.00 GEL21858 • Quality from the worldwide industry leader • Conforms to, or is exempt from, the most recent Federal Epact Legislation
FLUOR TUBE 48 IN WHI, 6 per Pack General Electric 69.53 53.03 92.04 GNL21858.JPG Fluorescent Tubes, 48in Tube, Cool White Energy Saver, Low Mercury, 34 Watts, F40T12CW/ES GNL 21858, GNL21858, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 47
2221 Lagasse Fluorescent Tubes, 18in Tube, 15 Watts, F15T8CW (GNL10143) 2221 GNL 10143 1.80 GEL10143 • Quality from the worldwide industry leader • Conforms to, or is exempt from, the most recent Federal Epact Legislation
FLUOR TUBE 18 IN 15W WHI 6 General Electric 45.63 34.80 61.56 GNL10143.JPG Fluorescent Tubes, 18in Tube, 15 Watts, F15T8CW GNL 10143, GNL10143, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 47
2223 Lagasse Fluorescent Tubes, 24in Tube, Cool White, 20 Watts, F20T12CW (GNL80046) 2223 GNL 80046 10.04 GEL80046 • Quality from the worldwide industry leader • Conforms to, or is exempt from, the most recent Federal Epact Legislation
ECO F20T12CW FLUOR TUBE 20W COOL WHI General Electric 42.87 32.70 57.67 GNL80046.JPG Fluorescent Tubes, 24in Tube, Cool White, 20 Watts, F20T12CW GNL 80046, GNL80046, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 47
2225 Lagasse Gojo FMX-12 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Black (GOJ515506) 2225 GOJ 5155-06 1.60 5155-06 Gojo FMX - 12 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Glossy black finish, ADA compliant one hand push dispenser, with viewing window for easy maintenance, offers a generous portion of soft, gentle foam. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. Designed to hold 1250 - ml refills GOJ 5165 - 03, GOJ 5161 - 03, GOJ 5162 - 03 and GOJ 5163 - 03 (sold separately). Plastic. Mounts to wall with adhesive (included) or screws (not included). Optional key lock included. Lifetime guarantee. 6 - 1/5" wide x 5 - 1/10" deep x 9 - 4/5" high.
Gojo FMX-12 Wall Mount Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Black, 1250-ml, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo FMX System »
Gojo Industries 6.24 4.76 8.24 GOJ515506.JPG gojo foam soap dispensers, gojo foam hand soap dispensers, gojo foaming hand soap dispensers, gojo foaming soap dispensers, GOJ 5155-06, GOJ515506 1 1 0 0 1 50
2226 Lagasse Gojo FMX-12 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Dove Gray (GOJ515006) 2226 GOJ 5150-06 1.10 5150-06 Gojo FMX - 12 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Dove Gray glossy finish, ADA compliant one hand push dispenser, with viewing window for easy maintenance, offers a generous portion of soft, gentle foam. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. Designed to hold 1250 - ml refills GOJ 5165 - 03, GOJ 5161 - 03, GOJ 5162 - 03 and GOJ 5163 - 03 (sold separately). Plastic. Mounts to wall with adhesive (included) or screws (not included). Optional key lock included. Lifetime guarantee. 6 - 1/5" wide x 5 - 1/10" deep x 9 - 4/5" high.
Gojo FMX-12 Wall Mount Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1250-ml, Dove Gray, Each
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo FMX System - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 6.24 4.76 8.13 GOJ515006.JPG gojo foam soap dispensers, gojo foam hand soap dispensers, gojo foaming hand soap dispensers, gojo foaming soap dispensers, GOJ 5150-06, GOJ515006 1 1 0 0 1 50
2227 Lagasse Dart 6-oz. Squat Foam Food Container, 1,000 Containers (DCC6SJ12) 2227 DCC 6SJ12 5.90 6SJ12 6-oz. Squat Foam Food Containers
Insulated foam containers keep food at proper serving temperature longer. Versatile enough to work with hot or cold food. A safe and easy way to transport food, these containers cater to a wide range of carryout needs. 6-oz. Squat Container Includes 50 containers per bag, 1000 per case.
Dart 6-oz. Squat Foam Food Container, White, 20 Sleeves of 50 Containers, 1,000 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 33.10 23.17 43.03 DCC4J6.JPG Foam Containers, 6-oz. Squat Container, DCC 6SJ12, DCC6SJ12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2228 Lagasse 8-oz. Extra Squat Foam Food Containers, 1,000 Containers (DCC8SJ20) 2228 DCC 8SJ20 7.80 8SJ20 8-oz Foam Container Extra Squat
Nothing keeps food at its proper serving temperature longer than insulated foam containers. Foam food containers can be prepackaged or used for immediate serving. You'll find the perfect container for sauces, soups, pasta salads, ice cream, and more. 4.2" Dia at top, 2.1" Height, 3" Dia at bottom. 1,000 per case. Lids sold separately.
Dart 8-oz Extra Squat Foam Food Container, 20 Bags of 50 Containers, 1,000 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 42.56 29.79 55.58 DCC8SJ20.JPG dart foam containers, 8-oz. extra squat container, DCC 8SJ20, DCC8SJ20 1 1 0 0 1 27
2229 Lagasse Foam Containers, 24-oz. Container (DCC24MJ48) 2229 DCC 24MJ48 11.30 24MJ48 Insulated foam keeps hot or cold food at proper serving temperature longer. 20 bags per case.
24 oz Foam Squat Cup, White, 500 per Case
Dart Container 52.36 36.65 68.29 DCC24MJ48.JPG Foam Containers, 24-oz. Container DCC 24MJ48, DCC24MJ48, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2230 Lagasse 32-oz. Foam Food Containers, 500 Containers (DCC32MJ48) 2230 DCC 32MJ48 13.30 32MJ48 32oz. Foam Food Container
Insulated foam keeps hot or cold food at the proper serving temperature longer. Great for carryout or immediate service. White. 500 per case.
Dart 32 oz Squat Food Containers, Foam, 20 Sleeves of 25 Containers, 500 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 52.43 36.70 68.10 DCC32MJ48.JPG Foam Containers, 32-oz. Container DCC 32MJ48, DCC32MJ48, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2231 Lagasse 4-oz. Squat Foam Containers, 1,000 Containers (DCC4J6) 2231 DCC 4J6 4.80 4J6 Squat 4 oz. Foam Food Container
Insulated foam keeps hot or cold food at proper serving temperature longer. Versatile enough to work with hot or cold food. A safe and easy way to transport food, these containers cater to a wide range of carryout needs. White. 20 bags of 50 food containers per case.
Dart 4-oz. Squat Foam Food Container, 20 Sleeves of 50 Containers, 1,000 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 24.94 17.46 32.57 DCC4J6.JPG Foam Containers, 4-oz. Squat Container DCC 4J6, DCC4J6, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2232 Lagasse Dart 16-oz. Foam Food Containers, 500 Containers (DCC16MJ20) 2232 DCC 16MJ20 6.50 16MJ20 16 oz. Foam Food Container
Insulated foam keeps hot or cold food at proper serving temperature longer. Versatile enough to work with hot or cold food. A safe and easy way to transport food, these containers cater to a wide range of carryout needs. White. 20 bags of 25 food containers per case.
Dart 16-oz. Foam Food Container, 20 Sleeves of 25 Containers, 500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 29.00 20.30 38.45 DCC4J6.JPG Foam Containers, 16-oz. Squat Container DCC 16MJ20, DCC16MJ20, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2233 Lagasse 12-oz. Squat Foam Food Container, 500 Containers (DCC12SJ20) 2233 DCC 12SJ20 5.20 12SJ20 12 oz. Squat Foam Container
Insulated foam keeps hot or cold food at proper serving temperature longer. Versatile enough to work with hot or cold food. A safe and easy way to transport food, these containers cater to a wide range of carryout needs. 500 containers per case.
Dart 12 oz. Foam Food Container, 4 Bags of 125 Containers, 500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 25.17 17.62 33.76 DCC12SJ20.JPG Foam Containers, 12-oz. Squat Container DCC 12SJ20, DCC12SJ20, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2234 Lagasse Dart 14-oz. Foam Cup, 1,000 Cups (DCC14J16) 2234 DCC 14J16 12.50 14J16 14 oz. Foam Cups
Foam cups are insulated for hot or cold beverages. Foam cups are designed to maintain beverage temperature inside the cup and protect hands from extreme temperature on the outside. Foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot cocoa, juice, water or soft drinks. One piece construction reduces chance of leaks. White. 1,000 cups per case.
Dart 14-oz. Foam Cups, White, 40 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 44.57 31.20 60.32 DCC14J16.JPG Foam Cups, 14-oz. Cup DCC 14J16, DCC14J16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2235 Lagasse Dart 12-oz. Foam Cup, 1,000 Cups (DCC12J12) 2235 DCC 12J12 9.40 12J12 12 oz. Foam Cups
Foam cups are insulated for hot or cold beverages. Foam cups are designed to maintain beverage temperature inside the cup and protect hands from extreme temperature on the outside. Foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot cocoa, juice, water or soft drinks. One piece construction reduces chance of leaks. White. 1,000 cups per case.
Dart 12-oz. Foam Cups, White, 40 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 30.76 21.53 41.03 DCC12J12.JPG Foam Cups, 12-oz. Cup DCC 12J12, DCC12J12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2236 Lagasse Foam Cups, 12-oz. Cup (DCC12J16) 2236 DCC 12J16 10.20 12J16 Foam Cups Insulated for hot or cold beverages. Foam cups are designed to maintain beverage temperature. Dart insulated foam cups come in various sizes. Not only do foam cups keep beverages at their proper serving temperature, they also protect hands from extreme temperatures on the outside. Hot or cold, insulated foam drinking cups deliver your beverage just right. Foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot chocolate, hot cider, soda, juice, water and other soft drinks.
FOAM CUP 12 OZ USES 16SL LID 40/25 Dart Container 37.01 25.91 50.39 DCC12J16.JPG Foam Cups, 12-oz. Cup DCC 12J16, DCC12J16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2237 Lagasse Dart 16-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC16J16) 2237 DCC 16J16 14.00 16J16 16 oz. Foam Cups
Foam cups are insulated for hot or cold beverages. Foam cups are designed to maintain beverage temperature inside the cup and protect hands from extreme temperature on the outside. Foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot cocoa, juice, water or soft drinks. One piece construction reduces chance of leaks. White. 1,000 cups per case.
Dart 16-oz. Foam Cups, White, 40 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 48.53 33.97 63.23 DCC16J16.JPG Foam Cups, 16-oz. Cup DCC 16J16, DCC16J16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2238 Lagasse Dart 10-oz. Insulated Foam Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC10J10) 2238 DCC 10J10 8.20 10J10 10oz Insulated Foam Cups
Dart Insulated Foam Cups are perfect for hot or cold beverages. Dart Insulated Foam Cups not only keep beverages at their proper serving temperature, they also protect hands from extreme temperatures on the outside. Regardless if it is hot or cold, these high quality insulated foam drinking cups deliver your beverage at the perfect temperature. Foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot chocolate, hot cider, juice, water and soft drinks. 1,000 white cups per case.
Dart 10oz Insulated Foam Cups, White, 40 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 29.80 20.86 39.68 DCC10J10.JPG dart foam cups, dart 10 oz foam cups, 10-oz. cups, 10 oz foam cups, styrofoam cups, DCC 10J10, DCC10J10 1 1 0 0 1 27
2239 Lagasse Dart 10-oz. Squat Insulated Foam Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC10J12) 2239 DCC 10J12 9.00 10J12 10oz Squat Foam Cup
Dart's insulated foam cups will keep any beverage at it's optimal temperature. At the same time, your hands stay cool, comfortable and protected on the outside of the cup. These foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, hot chocolate or soft drinks. White. 1,000 cups per case
Dart 10oz Squat Foam Cup, White, 25 Sleeves of 40 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale janitorial company buyers trust.
Dart Container 30.61 21.43 41.15 DCC10J12.JPG Foam Cups, 10-oz. Cup DCC 10J12, DCC10J12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2240 Lagasse Dart 4-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC4J4) 2240 DCC 4J4 4.70 4J4 4 oz. Foam Cups
Dart Foam cups are insulated for hot or cold beverages. Foam cups are designed to maintain beverage temperature inside the cup and protect hands from extreme temperature on the outside. Foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot cocoa, juice, water or soft drinks. One piece construction reduces chance of leaks. White. 1,000 cups per case.
Dart 4-oz. Foam Cups, White, 40 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 22.09 15.46 30.01 DCC4J4.JPG Foam Cups, 4-oz. Cup DCC 4J4, DCC4J4, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2241 Lagasse Dart 32-oz. Foam Cups, 500 Cups (DCC32TJ32) 2241 DCC 32TJ32 12.80 32TJ32 32-oz Foam Cups
Dart foam cups offer many benefits that include superior insulation, strength and durability. These 32 oz cups are ideal for both hot and cold use and have several lid options to fit your all your needs. Because they are packed 25 cups per sleeve and 20 sleeves per case, they are easy to store in multiple locations. They are perfect for all factories, office building break rooms and conference rooms, waiting areas and even home use. Foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot chocolate, hot cider, soda, juice, water and other soft drinks. Fits Lid with Sku: DCC 32JL, DCC 32SL.
Dart 32-oz. Foam Cups, 20 Sleeves of 25 Cups 500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 44.94 31.46 60.17 DCC32TJ32.JPG foam cups, cups, disposable Cup DCC 32TJ32, DCC32TJ32, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2242 Lagasse Dart 6-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC6J6) 2242 DCC 6J6 5.60 6J6 6 oz. Foam Cups
Foam cups are insulated for hot or cold beverages. Foam cups are designed to maintain beverage temperature inside the cup and protect hands from extreme temperature on the outside. Foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot cocoa, juice, water or soft drinks. One piece construction reduces chance of leaks. White. 1,000 cups per case.
Dart 6-oz. Foam Cups, White, 40 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 19.56 13.69 25.97 DCC6J6.JPG Foam Cups, 6-oz. Cup DCC 6J6, DCC6J6, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2243 Lagasse Dart 20-oz. Foam Cups, 500 Cups (DCC20J16) 2243 DCC 20J16 8.40 20J16 Dart 20 oz. Foam Cups
Foam Cups Insulated for hot or cold beverages. Foam cups are designed to maintain beverage temperature. Dart insulated foam cups come in various sizes. Not only do foam cups keep beverages at their proper serving temperature, they also protect hands from extreme temperatures on the outside. Hot or cold, insulated foam drinking cups deliver your beverage just right. Foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot chocolate, hot cider, soda, juice, water and other soft drinks. White. 500 per case.
Dart 20 oz. Foam Cups, 20 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 500 Cups per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 27.67 19.37 36.22 DCC20J16.JPG Foam Cups, 20-oz. Cup DCC 20J16, DCC20J16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2244 Lagasse Dart 24-oz. Foam Cups, 500 Cups (DCC24J16) 2244 DCC 24J16 10.40 24J16 24 oz. Foam Cups
Foam cups are insulated for hot or cold beverages. Foam cups are designed to maintain beverage temperature inside the cup and protect hands from extreme temperature on the outside. Foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot cocoa, juice, water or soft drinks. One piece construction reduces chance of leaks. White. 500 cups per case.
Dart 24-oz. Foam Cups, White, 20 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 500 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 35.39 24.77 46.53 DCC24J16.JPG Foam Cups, 24-oz. Cup DCC 24J16, DCC24J16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2245 Lagasse Dart 24-oz. Foam Cups, 500 Cups (DCC24J24) 2245 DCC 24J24 10.00 24J24 24 oz. Foam Cups
Foam cups are insulated for hot or cold beverages. Foam cups are designed to maintain beverage temperature inside the cup and protect hands from extreme temperature on the outside. Foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot cocoa, juice, water or soft drinks. One piece construction reduces chance of leaks. White. 500 cups per case.
Dart 24-oz. Foam Cups, White, 20 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 500 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 32.46 22.72 42.98 DCC24J24.JPG foam cups, 24-oz. foam cups, DCC 24J24, DCC24J24, foam drinking cups, restaurant supplies, 24-oz. cups 1 1 0 0 1 27
2246 Lagasse Dart 8-oz Foam Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC8J8) 2246 DCC 8J8 6.80 8J8 8 oz. Foam Cups
Foam cups are insulated for hot or cold beverages. Foam cups are designed to maintain beverage temperature inside the cup and protect hands from extreme temperature on the outside. Foam cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot cocoa, juice, water or soft drinks. One piece construction reduces chance of leaks. White. 1,000 cups per case.
Dart 8-oz. Foam Cups, White, 40 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 23.14 16.20 31.00 DCC8J8.JPG Foam Cups, 8-oz. Cup, DCC 8J8, DCC8J8, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2247 Lagasse 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Black Containers, 200 Containers (GNPSN203BK) 2247 GNP SN203BK 9.20 SN203-3L Snap-It 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Container
Keeps food fresh and temperature controlled. Includes handy compartments for proper food storage and separation. Double lock snap lid for secure closure. Black. 9-1/4 x 9-1/4 x 3. 100 containers per bag, 2 bags per case.
Genpak 3 Compartment Large Black Foam Hinged Containers, 2 bags of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 27.23 19.06 36.50 GNPSN203BK.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Black Containers, Large Double Lock Closure, Three Compartment GNP SN203BK, GNPSN203BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2248 Lagasse Snap-It Large Black Foam Hinged Container, 200 Containers (GNPSN2003L) 2248 GNP SN200-3L 9.20 SN200-3L Large Black Foam Hinged Carryout Container
Keeps food fresh and temperature controlled. Snap-It lock closure for secure transportation. 9-1/4" x 9-1/4" x 3". Black. 100 containers per bag, 2 bags per case.
Genpak Large Single Compartment Foam Hinged Carryout Container, Black, 200 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 26.37 18.46 34.36 GNPSN2003L.JPG foam hinged lid carryout black containers, large snap it closure GNP SN200-3L, GNPSN2003L 1 1 0 0 1 173
2249 Lagasse Small 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Container, 200 Containers (DCC80HT3) 2249 DCC 80HT3 7.00 80HT3 3 Compartment Small Foam Hinged Carryout Container
High insulation keeps food hot or cold for transporting or storing. Secure closure. Perforated hinge allows lid to be easily removed. White. 200 containers per case.
Dart Small 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Container, 2 Sleeves of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 20.37 14.26 26.70 DCC80HT3.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, Small, Three Compartment DCC 80HT3, DCC80HT3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2250 Lagasse Medium Single Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (DCC85HT1) 2250 DCC 85HT1 9.80 85HT1 Medium Foam Hinged Carryout Container
High insulation keeps food hot or cold for transporting or storing. Secure closure. Perforated hinge allows lid to be easily removed. White. 200 containers per case.
Dart Medium Single Compartment Foam Hinged Container, 2 Sleeves of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 20.46 14.32 27.57 DCC85HT1.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, Medium, Single Compartment DCC 85HT1, DCC85HT1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2251 Lagasse Medium Three Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (DCC85HT3) 2251 DCC 85HT3 9.00 85HT3 3 Compartment Medium Foam Hinged Carryout Container
High insulation keeps food hot or cold for transporting or storing. Secure closure. Perforated hinge allows lid to be easily removed. White. 200 containers per case.
Dart Medium 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Container, 2 Sleeves of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 21.44 15.01 29.09 DCC85HT3.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, Medium, Three Compartment DCC 85HT3, DCC85HT3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2252 Lagasse Large Single Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (DCC95HT1) 2252 DCC 95HT1 10.40 95HT1 Large Foam Hinged Carryout Container
High insulation keeps food hot or cold for transporting or storing. Secure closure. Perforated hinge allows lid to be easily removed. White. 200 containers per case.
Dart Large Single Compartment Foam Hinged Container, 2 Sleeves of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 21.46 15.02 28.54 DCC95HT1.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, Large, Single Compartment DCC 95HT1, DCC95HT1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2253 Lagasse Large Three Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (DCC95HT3) 2253 DCC 95HT3 9.60 95HT3 3 Compartment Large Foam Hinged Carryout Container
High insulation keeps food hot or cold for transporting or storing. Secure closure. Perforated hinge allows lid to be easily removed. White. 200 containers per case.
Dart Large 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Container, 2 Sleeves of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 21.26 14.88 28.47 DCC95HT3.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, Large, Three Compartment, DCC 95HT3, DCC95HT3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2254 Lagasse Dart Foam Hinged Hoagie Container, 500 Containers (DCC99HT1) 2254 DCC 99HT1 16.30 99HT1 Foam Hinged Lid Hoagie/All Purpose Container
Secure closure. High-insulation keeps food hot/cold for transporting and storing. Perforated hinge allows the lid to be easily removed. White. 9.8"L x 5.3"W x 3.3"H. 500 containers per case.
Foam Hinged Hoagie Containers, 4 Bags of 125 Containers, 500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 58.24 40.77 78.55 DCC99HT1.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, Hoagie/All-Purpose DCC 99HT1, DCC99HT1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2255 Lagasse Hot Dog Style Foam Hinged Containers, 500 Containers (DCC72HT1) 2255 DCC 72HT1 9.20 72HT1 Foam Hinged Hot Dog Container
This Dart foam hinged lid containers' secure closure helps protect against accidental spills. High foam insulation for maintaining hot or cold temperatures while transporting or storing foods. Each container has a perforated hinge lid that can be easily removed which provides an extra plate for meal sharing. White. 7.1" x 3.8" x 2.3". 500 containers per case.
Dart Foam Hinged Hot Dog Container, 4 Bags of 125 Containers, 500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 38.50 26.95 51.57 DCC72HT1.JPG foam hinged containers, hot dog container, hot dog foam containers, DCC 72HT1, DCC72HT1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2256 Lagasse Large Sandwich Foam Hinged Containers, 500 Containers (DCC60HT1) 2256 DCC 60HT1 10.40 60HT1 Large Sandwich Foam Hinged Carryout Container
High insulation keeps food hot or cold for transporting or storing. Secure closure. Perforated hinge allows lid to be easily removed. 6" x 6" x 3". White. 500 containers per case.
Dart Large Sandwich Foam Hinged Container, 4 Sleeves of 125 Containers, 500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 24.36 17.05 32.75 DCC50HT1.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, 6in Large Sandwich DCC 60HT1, DCC60HT1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2257 Lagasse 5in Medium Sandwich Foam Hinged Containers, 500 Containers (DCC50HT1) 2257 DCC 50HT1 7.20 50HT1 Medium Sandwich Foam Hinged Carryout Container
High insulation keeps food hot or cold for transporting or storing. Secure closure. Perforated hinge allows lid to be easily removed. 5.1" x 5" x 2.9". White. 500 containers per case.
Dart 5" Medium Sandwich Foam Hinged Container, 4 Sleeves of 125 Containers, 500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 27.26 19.08 35.74 DCC50HT1.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, 5in Medium Sandwich DCC 50HT1, DCC50HT1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2258 Lagasse All-Purpose Single Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (DCC205HT1) 2258 DCC 205HT1 8.10 205HT1 All Purpose Single Compartment Foam Hinged Container
Secure closure. High-insulation keeps food hot/cold for transporting and storing. Perforated hing allows lid to be easily removed. 9.3" x 6.4" x 2.9". White. 2 sleeves of 100 containers per case.
Dart All-Purpose Single Compartment Foam Hinged Container, 200 Containers per case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 18.24 12.77 23.79 DCC205HT1.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, All-Purpose, Single Compartment DCC 205HT1, DCC205HT1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2259 Lagasse Snap-It Large 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GNPSN203) 2259 GNP SN203 9.20 SN203 Large 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Carryout Container
Keeps food fresh and temperature controlled. Snap-It double lock closure for secure transporting. Includes handy compartments for proper food storage and separation. 9-1/4" x 9-1/4" x 3". White. 2 bags of 100 containers per case.
Genpak Snap-It 3 Compartment Large Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 22.01 15.41 28.76 GNPSN203.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout White Containers, Large Snap It Closure, Three Compartment GNP SN203, GNPSN203, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2260 Lagasse Snap-It Small 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GNPSN220) 2260 GNP SN220 5.60 SN220 Small 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers
Keeps food fresh and temperature controlled. Snap-It double lock closure for secure transportation. Includes handy compartments for proper food storage and separation. 8-7/16" x 7-5/8" x 2-3/8". White. 100 containers per bag, 2 bags per case.
Genpak Small 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 25.94 18.16 34.89 GNPSN220.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout White Containers, Small Snap It Closure GNP SN220, GNPSN220, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2261 Lagasse Small 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GNPSN223) 2261 GNP SN223 5.60 SN223 Snap-It 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Container
These foam hinged lid carryout containers keep food fresh and temperature controlled. Each container has three compartments for food storage and separation. Double lock snap-it lid for secure closure. There are 2 bags of containers per case with each bag having 100 containers. White. 8-4/9 x 7-5/8 x 2-3/8.
Genpak Snap-It Small 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Container, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 23.66 16.56 31.80 GNPSN223.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout White Containers, Small Snap It Closure, Three Compartment GNP SN223, GNPSN223, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2262 Lagasse Snap-It Medium Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GNPSN240) 2262 GNP SN240 8.00 SN240 Medium Foam Hinged Carryout Container
Keeps food fresh and temperature controlled. Snap-It double lock closure for secure transportation. 8-1/4" x 8"x 3". White. 100 containers per bag; 2 bags per case.
Genpak Medium Foam Hinged Containers, 2 Sleeves of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 25.87 18.11 35.23 GNPSN240.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout White Containers, Medium Snap It Closure GNP SN240, GNPSN240, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2263 Lagasse Medium 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GNPSN243) 2263 GNP SN243 8.00 SN243 Medium Three Compartment Foam Hinged Carryout Container
Keeps food fresh and temperature controlled. Snap-It double lock closure for secure transportation. Includes handy compartments for proper food storage and separation. 8-1/4" x 8" x 3". White. 100 containers per bag; 2 bags per case.
Genpak Medium 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, White, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 22.01 15.41 29.43 GNPSN243.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout White Containers, Medium Snap It Closure, Three Compartment GNP SN243, GNPSN243, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2265 Lagasse Snap-It Large Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GNPSN200) 2265 GNP SN200 9.20 SN200 1 Compartment Large Hinged Carryout Containers
Keeps food fresh and temperature controlled. Snap-It double lock closure for secure transportation. 9-1/4" x 9-1/4" x 3". White, single compartment. 100 containers per bag; 2 bags per case.
Genpak Snap-It Large Foam Hinged Containers, 2 Sleeves of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 22.97 16.08 30.97 GNPSN200.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout White Containers, Large Snap It Closure GNP SN200, GNPSN200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2266 Lagasse 3 Compartment Jumbo Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GNP25300) 2266 GNP 25300 12.40 25300 Jumbo 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Container
Versatile foam food containers with hinged lid and secure lock keeps food fresh and temperature controlled. Includes handy compartments for proper food storage and separation. White. 10-1/4 x 9-1/4 x 3-1/4. 100 containers per bag, 2 bags per case.
Genpak 3 Compartment Jumbo Foam Carryout Container, 2 Bags of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 57.61 40.33 78.85 GNP25300.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout White Containers, Jumbo Double Lock Closure, Three Compartment GNP 25300, GNP25300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2267 Lagasse Large Single Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GNP20010) 2267 GNP 20010 10.50 20010 Large 1 Compartment Foam Hinged Container
Keeps food fresh and temperature controlled. Double lock closure. Stacking rims make it easy to carry more than one meal. 9-1/4" x 9-1/4" x 3". White. 100 containers per bag; 2 bags per case.
Genpak Large Foam Hinged 1 Compartment Container, 2 Sleeves of 100 Containers, 200 Containers Per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 26.99 18.89 35.87 GNP20010.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout White Containers, Large Double Lock Closure GNP 20010, GNP20010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2268 Lagasse Large Three Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GNP20310) 2268 GNP 20310 10.50 20310 Large 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Carryout Container
Keeps food fresh and temperature controlled. Double lock for secure closure. Includes handy compartments for proper food storage and separation. 9-1/4" x 9-1/4" x 3". White. 100 containers per bag; 2 bags per case.
Genpak Large Foam Hinged 3 Compartment Take Out Container, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 26.03 18.22 34.44 GNP20310.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Carryout White Containers, Large Double Lock Closure, Three Compartment GNP 20310, GNP20310, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2269 Lagasse Deep Foam Hinged Carryout Containers, 200 Containers (GNP20500) 2269 GNP 20500 8.20 20500 Deep All Purpose Hinged Foam Container
Ideal for sandwich, snack and carryout applications. Versatile foam food containers with hinged lid and secure lock keeps food fresh and temperature controlled. Makes transporting safe and easy to store. 9-3/16 x 6-1/2 x 3. White. 200 containers per case.
Genpak Deep All Purpose Foam Hinged Container, 2 Bags of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 23.80 16.66 31.13 GNP20500.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Snack Containers, Large, Deep All-Purpose, White GNP 20500, GNP20500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2270 Lagasse Foam Hinged Hot Dog Containers, 500 Containers (GNP21100) 2270 GNP 21100 6.80 21100 Hinged Foam Hot Dog Containers
Ideal for sandwich, snack and “doggy bag” applications. Perfect size for a hot dog. Convenient one piece construction. Stacking rim makes it possible to carry more than one at a time. 7-3/8" x 3-9/16" x 2-1/4". White. 500 containers per case.
Genpak Foam Hinged Hot Dog Container, 4 Sleeves of 125 Containers, 500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 49.40 34.58 64.76 GNP21100.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Snack Containers, Hot Dog, White GNP 21100, GNP21100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2271 Lagasse Medium Hoagie Foam Hinged Containers, 500 Containers (GNP21600) 2271 GNP 21600 10.90 21600 Medium Hoagie Size Foam Hinged Containers
Ideal for sandwich, snack and “doggy bag” applications. Perfect size for a medium hoagie or sub. 8-7/16" x 4-3/16" x 3-1/16". White. 500 Containers per case.
Genpak Foam Hinged Medium Hoagie Container, 4 Sleeves of 125 Containers, 500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 87.59 61.31 117.03 GNP21600.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Snack Containers, Medium Hoagie, White GNP 21600, GNP21600, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2272 Lagasse Large Hoagie Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GNP21900) 2272 GNP 21900 6.60 21900 Large Hoagie Size Foam Hinged Containers
Ideal for sandwich, snack and “doggy bag” applications. Perfect size for a large hoagie or sub. Convenient one piece construction. 9-1/2" x 5-1/4" x 3-1/2". White. 200 containers per case.
Genpak Large Foam Hinged Hoagie Container, 2 Sleeves of 100 Containers, 200 Per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 46.39 32.47 63.03 GNP21900.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Snack Containers, Large Hoagie/Utility, White GNP 21900, GNP21900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2273 Lagasse Foam Hinged Medium Sandwich Containers, 500 Containers (GNP22400) 2273 GNP 22400 7.50 22400 Medium Sandwich Size Foam Hinged Container
Ideal for sandwich, snack and “doggy bag” applications. Great for a medium sized sandwich or salad. Convenient one piece construction with a secure locking closure. 5-1/8" x 5-3/16" x 2-3/4". White. 500 containers per case.
Genpak Medium Foam Hinged Sandwich Container, 4 Sleeves of 125 Containers, 500 Containers Per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 34.03 23.82 44.39 GNP22400.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Snack Containers, Medium Sandwich, White GNP 22400, GNP22400, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2274 Lagasse Foam Hinged Large Sandwich Containers, 500 Containers (GNP22500) 2274 GNP 22500 10.80 22500 Large Sandwich Size Foam Hinged Containers
Ideal for sandwich, snack and “doggy bag” applications. Great for a large sandwich or salad. Convenient one piece construction, durable lock closure. 5-5/8" x 5-3/4" x 3-1/4". White. 500 Containers per case.
Genpak Large Foam Hinged Sandwich Container, 4 Sleeves of 125 Containers, 500 Containers Per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 33.94 23.76 45.88 GNP22500.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Snack Containers, Large Sandwich, White GNP 22500, GNP22500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2275 Lagasse Extra Large Hoagie Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GNP26600) 2275 GNP 26600 7.80 26600 Extra Large Foam Hinged Hoagie Containers
This container is ideal for both hot and cold sandwiches, snacks and works great as a “doggy bag”. Great to have on hand at your restaurant or deli for to-go orders and the occasional left overs. Perfect size for a large hoagie or sub.
13-3/16" x 4-1/2" x 3-1/8". White. 200 containers per case.
Genpak Extra Large Hoagie Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale food service supply company buyers trust. Genpak 45.91 32.14 61.36 GNP26600.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Snack Containers, Extra-Large Hoagie, White GNP 26600, GNP26600, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2276 Lagasse Large Sandwich Black Foam Hinged Containers, 500 Containers (GNPSN2253L) 2276 GNP SN225-3L 9.40 SN225-3L Snap-It Large Sandwich Foam Hinged Container
Ideal for sandwich, snack and carryout applications. Double lock lid for secure closure, keeps food fresh and temperature controlled. Black. 5-5/8 x 5-3/4 x 3-1/4. 500 containers per case.
Genpak Snap-It Large Sandwich Foam Hinged Container, Black, 4 Bags of 125 Containers, 500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 31.19 21.83 42.69 GNPSN2253L.JPG Foam Hinged Lid Snack Containers, Large Sandwich, Black GNP SN225-3L, GNPSN2253L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
2277 Lagasse Dart Foam Vented Lid for Food Containers, 500 Lids (DCC20RL) 2277 DCC 20RL 3.60 20RL Vented Foam Lid for Food Containers
Combine with a Dart foam cup or container for an exceptionally insulated package. Tight lid seal keeps food fresh longer. Perfect for hot soup or frozen yogurt. Fits the following containers; 21AJ20, 8SJ20, 12SJ20, 16MJ20, 5B20, 6B20, 8B20, 10B20. White. 500 lids per case.
Dart Vented Foam Lid, 10 Sleeves of 50 Lids, 500 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 21.37 14.96 29.22 DCC20RL.JPG Foam Vented Lid DCC 20RL, DCC20RL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2278 Lagasse Impact Foam-eeze Bulk Foam Soap Dispenser, Black/Gray (IMP9326) 2278 IMP 9326 1.50 9326 Soap Dispenser
The sleek, modern design of this foaming soap dispenser is the perfect complement to just about any environment. Constructed from durable ABS plastic with a long-lasting foam pump mechanism, this soap dispenser from Impact Products is durable enough to last a lifetime. The Foam-eeze Dispenser has a 1000-ml capacity, and accepts most bulk foaming soap, dispensing 0.7 ml of thick, foaming soap per push. Designed with a clear view window for soap level visibility, it’s easy to know when a refill is needed. This soap dispenser also features a key lock mechanism to allow for either maximum security or optional universal access. The perfect addition to any restroom or hand-washing area, stock up today! Mounting tape and hardware are included.
Impact Foam-eeze Bulk Foam Soap Dispenser, 4-7/8w x 4-3/4d x 11h, Black/Gray, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Impact 19.67 15.00 26.67 IMP9326.JPG bulk foam hand soap dispenser, hand soap dispenser, soap dispenser, foam soap dispenser IMP 9326, IMP9326, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
2279 Lagasse Foam-eeze Bulk Foam Soap Dispenser, White/Gray (IMP9325) 2279 IMP 9325 1.50 9325 Impact Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Sleek, smooth modern design complements any décor. Accepts most bulk foaming soap. Refillable bottle features vented screw cap for easy refilling in or out of the dispenser; removes for easy cleaning. 1000-ml capacity. View window for soap level visibility. Long-lasting foam pump mechanism. Key lock for maximum security, or optional universal access. ADA Compliant. ABS plastic construction. Mounting tape and hardware included. 4-7/8w x 4-3/4d x 11h.
Foam-eeze Bulk Soap Dispenser with Refill Bottle 1,000 ml, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Impact 18.92 14.43 25.23 IMP9325.JPG foam-eeze bulk foam soap dispenser, impact foam soap dispenser, impact soap dispenser, foaming soap dispenser, IMP 9325, IMP9325, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
2281 Lagasse Folding Floor Signs, Caution (RCP6112YEL) 2281 RCP 6112 YEL 2.20 611200 YEL Bright yellow plastic wet floor warning signs can be read from 30 ft. away. Two-sided 25in signs are ideal for doorways and narrow spaces. Fold flat for storage or transport on carts. Carrying handle. Open, 25in high; closed, 11w x 1-1/2d x 26-1/2h.
CAUTION 2 SIDE FLR SIGN 26X11X12 MLTILNG YEL 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.34 8.65 15.26 RCP6112YEL.JPG Folding Floor Signs, Caution RCP 6112 YEL, RCP6112YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
2282 Lagasse Folding Floor Signs, Caution Wet Floor (RCP6112-77YEL) 2282 RCP 6112-77 YEL 2.10 611277 YEL Bright yellow plastic wet floor warning signs can be read from 30 ft. away. Two-sided 25in signs are ideal for doorways and narrow spaces. Fold flat for storage or transport on carts. Carrying handle. Open, 25in high; closed, 11w x 1-1/2d x 26-1/2h.
CAUTION WET FLR 2 SIDE FLR SIGN 26X11X12 YEL 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.79 8.99 15.60 RCP611277YEL.JPG Folding Floor Signs, Caution Wet Floor RCP 6112-77 YEL, RCP611277YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2283 Lagasse CLOSED Folding Floor Signs (RCP611278YEL) 2283 RCP 6112-78 YEL 2.20 611278 YEL CLOSED Folding Floor Signs
Bright yellow plastic wet floor warning signs can be read from 30 ft. away. Two-sided 25in signs are ideal for doorways and narrow spaces. Fold flat for storage or transport on carts. Carrying handle. Open, 25in high; closed, 11w x 1-1/2d x 26-1/2h.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.79 8.99 15.83 RCP611278YEL.JPG Folding Floor Signs, Closed RCP 6112-78 YEL, RCP611278YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2284 Lagasse Folding Two-Step Step Stool (RCP4209CYL) 2284 RCP 4209 CYL 7.00 FG420903CYLND Folding Two-Step Step Stool
Sets up quickly; folds down to slim depth for storage in tight spaces and convenient transport. Slip-resistant surfaces on steps and foot pads. Rust- and dent-resistant reinforced polypropylene cleans easily. Skid-resistant feet. Supports 300 lbs. Cylinder color. Open: 18-7/8 wide x 21deep x 22-7/8 high. Folded: 18-7/8 wide x 5-1/8 deep x 25 high. Shipping. weight. 6.93 lbs. - The wholesale cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Folding 2 step, step stool - 300 lbs Max
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 31.81 24.26 41.36 RCP4209CYL.JPG Folding Two-Step Step Stool RCP 4209 CYL, RCP4209CYL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2291 Lagasse Food Boxes 12-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 26, White, 9in High (RCP3500WHI) 2291 RCP 3500 WHI 5.60 350000 WHT 12.5 Gallon Food Box
Keep food fresh with these durable food storage boxes and tight fitting snap on lids. Made with clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance as well as white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. The snap-on lids also double as pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Comes complete with Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. Buy in bulk and save big!
-NSF Certified.
-USDA Meat & Poultry Equipment Group Listed. Made of FDA compliant materials.
-Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters
-12 1/2 Gallon Capacity
Lid sold separately - See RCP 3502 WHI
Food & Tote Box 12.5 Gallon 18 x 26 x 9 White Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 29.89 22.80 40.60 RCP3500WHI.JPG Food Boxes; 12-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 26, White, 9in High RCP 3500 WHI, RCP3500WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2292 Lagasse Food Boxes; 12-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 26, Clear, 9in High (RCP3300CLE) 2292 RCP 3300 CLE 7.20 330000 CLR 12.5 Gallon Clear Food Box
These durable food storage boxes and lids are great for storing food in any home or restaurant. Standard size accommodates existing storage racks and counters. Made with clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance. Tight fitting, snap on lids can also be used as a bun pan or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Comes complete with Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Food & Tote Box 12.5 Gallons, 18 x 26 x 9 deep - Clear - The wholesale Janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 41.04 31.30 55.69 RCP3300CLE.JPG Food Boxes; 12-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 26, Clear, 9in High RCP 3300 CLE, RCP3300CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2293 Lagasse Food Boxes; 21-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 26, Clear, 15in High (RCP3301CLE) 2293 RCP 3301 CLE 11.00 330100 CLR 21.5 Gallon Clear Food Box
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters. Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lid sold separately - see RCP 3302 CLE
Food & Tote Box 21.5 Gallon 15" Deep, Clear, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 59.26 45.20 78.49 RCP3301CLE.JPG Food Boxes; 21-1/2-Gallon & Lids for all 18 x 26 Food Boxes, Size 18 x 26, Clear, 15in High RCP 3301 CLE, RCP3301CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2294 Lagasse Lid for 18"x26" Food Boxes, Clear (RCP3302CLE) 2294 RCP 3302 CLE 3.40 330200 CLR Food Box Lid for 18"x26", Clear
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage • Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh™ date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lid 18X26 Fits RCP3300/RCP3301/RCP3306/RCP3308 Boxes Sold Separately. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 17.46 13.32 23.79 RCP3302CLE.JPG Food Boxes; 21-1/2-Gallon & Lids for all 18 x 26 Food Boxes, Size 18 x 26, Lid, Clear RCP 3302 CLE, RCP3302CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2295 Lagasse Food Box 21-1/2 Gallon Box, 18 X 26, White (RCP3501WHI) 2295 RCP 3501 WHI 9.00 350100 WHT 21.5 Gallon Food Storage Box
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lid sold separately - See RCP 3502 WHI
Food & Tote Box, 18 x 26 x 15 Deep, 21.5 Gallon, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 44.45 33.90 58.57 RCP3501WHI.JPG Food Boxes; 21-1/2-Gallon & Lids for all 18 x 26 Food Boxes, Size 18 x 26, White, 15in High RCP 3501 WHI, RCP3501WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2296 Lagasse Rubbermaid Food Service Box Lid, 18" x 26", White (RCP3502WHI) 2296 RCP 3502 WHI 2.40 350200 WHT White Food Box Lid
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified. Lid for 3500, 3501 508 food boxes, each.
Rubbermaid Food Service Box Lid, 18" x 26", White, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 12.98 9.90 17.76 RCP3502WHI.JPG food box lids, foodservice box lids, food box lid, foodservice lids, RCP 3502 WHI, RCP3502WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2297 Lagasse Food Boxes; 2-Gallon, Size 18 x 12, White, 3-1/2in High (RCP3507WHI) 2297 RCP 3507 WHI 1.10 350700 WHT 2 Gallon Food Box
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lid sold separately - See RCP 3510 WHI
Food & Tote Box 2 Gallon 18 x 12 x 3-1/2 Deep White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.84 8.27 14.83 RCP3507WHI.JPG Food Boxes; 2-Gallon, Size 18 x 12, White, 3-1/2in High RCP 3507 WHI, RCP3507WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2298 Lagasse Food Boxes; 2-Gallon, Size 18 x 12, Clear, 3-1/2in High (RCP3307CLE) 2298 RCP 3307 CLE 2.00 330700 CLR 2 Gallon Food Box
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lid sold separately, see RCP 3310 CLE
Food & Tote Box 2 Gallon 18 x 12 x 3.5 Deep, Clear, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 13.37 10.20 18.13 RCP3307CLE.JPG Food Boxes; 2-Gallon, Size 18 x 12, Clear, 3-1/2in High RCP 3307 CLE, RCP3307CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2299 Lagasse Food Boxes; 3-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 12, Clear, 6in High (RCP3309CLE) 2299 RCP 3309 CLE 2.00 330900 CLR 3.5 Gallon Food Box
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lid sold separately see RCP 3310 CLE
Food & Tote Box 8.5 Gallon 18 x 12 x 6 Deep, Clear, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 17.48 13.33 23.01 RCP3309CLE.JPG Food Boxes; 3-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 12, Clear, 6in High RCP 3309 CLE, RCP3309CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2300 Lagasse Food Boxes; 3-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 12, White, 6in High (RCP3509WHI) 2300 RCP 3509 WHI 1.80 350900 WHT 3.5 Gallon Food Box
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lid sold separately - See RCP 3510 WHI
Food & Tote Box 3.5 Gallon 18 x 12 x 6 Deep White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 12.98 9.90 17.37 RCP3509WHI.JPG Food Boxes; 3-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 12, White, 6in High RCP 3509 WHI, RCP3509WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2301 Lagasse Food Boxes; 5-Gallon, Size 18 x 26, Clear, 3-1/2in High (RCP3306CLE) 2301 RCP 3306 CLE 3.10 330600 CLR 5 Gallon Food Box
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lids sold Separately - See RCP 3302 CLE
Food & Tote Box, 5 Gallon 18 x 26 x 3.5 Deep, Clear, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.26 18.50 32.51 RCP3306CLE.JPG Food Boxes; 5-Gallon, Size 18 x 26, Clear, 3-1/2in High RCP 3306 CLE, RCP3306CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2302 Lagasse Lid for all 18 x 12 Food Boxes, Clear (RCP3310CLE) 2302 RCP 3310 CLE 1.25 331000 CLR Lid for 18 x 12 Food Boxes
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lid for RCP 3304, RCP 3307 & RCP 3309, Clear, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.26 6.30 10.92 RCP3310CLE.JPG Food Boxes; 5-Gallon & Lids for all 18 x 12 Food Boxes, Size 18 x 12, Lid, Clear RCP 3310 CLE, RCP3310CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2303 Lagasse Food Boxes; 5-Gallon, Size 18 x 12, Clear, 9in High (RCP3304CLE) 2303 RCP 3304 CLE 2.80 330400 CLR 5 Gallon Food Box
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lid sold separately, see RCP 3310 CLE
Food & Tote Box, 5 Gallon, 18 x 12 x 9 Deep, Clear - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 22.68 17.30 30.68 RCP3304CLE.JPG Food Boxes; 5-Gallon & Lids for all 18 x 12 Food Boxes, Size 18 x 12, Clear, 9in High RCP 3304 CLE, RCP3304CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2304 Lagasse Lid for all 18 x 12 Food Boxes, White (RCP3510WHI) 2304 RCP 3510 WHI 0.90 351000 WHT Lid for all 18 x 12 Food Boxes
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lid for RCP 3507 & RCP 3509, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 7.60 5.80 10.09 RCP3510WHI.JPG Food Boxes; 5-Gallon & Lids for all 18 x 12 Food Boxes, Size 18 x 12, Lid, White RCP 3510 WHI, RCP3510WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2305 Lagasse Food Boxes; 8-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 26, White, 6in High (RCP3508WHI) 2305 RCP 3508 WHI 3.00 350800 WHT 8.5 Gallon Food Box
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lid sold separately see RCP 3502 WHI
Food & Tote Box 18 x 26 x 6 Deep, 8.5 Gallon, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 23.08 17.60 30.78 RCP3508WHI.JPG Food Boxes; 8-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 26, White, 6in High RCP 3508 WHI, RCP3508WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2306 Lagasse Food Boxes; 8-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 26, Clear, 6in High (RCP3308CLE) 2306 RCP 3308 CLE 4.40 330800 CLR 8.5 Gallon Food Box
Durable food storage boxes and lids reduce food spoilage. Standard industry sizes accommodate existing storage racks and counters Clear polycarbonate for visibility and stain resistance; white polyethylene for more economical storage and transport. Tight-fitting, snap-on lids double as bun pans or cold food trays. Dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy-grip handles and Mark-It-Fresh date control panels on boxes and lids for inventory control. NSF Certified.
Lids sold separatly - See RCP 3302 CLE
Food & Tote Box 8.5 Gallon 18 x 26 x 6 Deep Clear, Each - The wholesale janitorial company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 33.50 25.55 45.16 RCP3308CLE.JPG Food Boxes; 8-1/2-Gallon, Size 18 x 26, Clear, 6in High RCP 3308 CLE, RCP3308CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2307 Lagasse Rubbermaid Foot Pedal Rolltop 14.5 Gallon Garbage Can, Beige (RCP6177BEI) 2307 RCP 6177 BEI 12.80 617700 BEIG Foot Pedal Roll-top Garbage Can
Designed by Rubbermaid, this 14.5 Gallon Garbage Can provides a slim, oval shape garbage disposal option that fits easily in tight spaces. Coming complete with a roll-top lid that opens without drawing odors into the air, this quality can eliminates the need for overhead clearance. Providing a wrap around foot pedal that provides hands free access from front and sides, this stainless steel can has lifting rods that offer long-lasting performance. 14-1/2-gallon capacity. 14-11/16" wide x 22-1/4" deep x 27-3/16" high.
Rubbermaid Foot Pedal Roll-top 14.5 Gallon Garbage Can, 14-11/16" x 22-1/4" x 27-3/16", Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 86.86 66.25 117.35 RCP6177BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, foot pedal rolltop garbage can, Beige RCP 6177 BEI, RCP6177BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2309 Lagasse Formula 409 Cleaner Degreaser/Disinfectant, 4 Bottles (CLO35300) 2309 CLO 35300 36.10 35300 Degreaser & Disinfectant
Cleans and degreases virtually any hard, nonporous surface, while also killing 99.9% of germs that can cause illness. The improved degreasing formula removes grease, grime, food stains and other oil-based dirt. Formula 409 can clean at full strength right from the bottle or diluted, depending on the cleaning power that is needed. However you choose to use it, this multi-purpose cleaner wipes away stubborn stains in seconds. This Formula 409 product is an EPA registered disinfectant and sanitizer safe for non-food contact surfaces. This powerful, ready-to-use formula has a wide range of uses and is ideal for use in commercial kitchens, offices, schools and more. Stock up today and experience the power of 409!
Clorox Professional Formula 409 Cleaner Degreaser & Disinfectant, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 40.17 30.64 52.45 CLO35300.JPG formula 409 refill, formula 409, formula 409 disinfectant, formula 409 degreaser, formula 409 cleaner degreaser/disinfectant, CLO 35300, CLO35300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
2310 Lagasse Formula 409 Cleaner Degreaser/Disinfectant, 12 Trigger Spray Bottles (CLO35306) 2310 CLO 35306 30.40 35306 Formula 409 Cleaner Degreaser & Disinfectant
Formula 409 is an improved degreasing formula. Cleans and degreases virtually any hard, nonporous surface; no rinsing required. Advanced anti-grease agents quickly penetrate tough soils and grease. Great for janitorial cleaning companies, schools, homes, restaurants, kitchens, bathrooms, toy rooms, hospitals, daycare facilities and many more areas that have a need for a quick and thorough clean up. EPA Registered disinfectant formula: bactericidal and virucidal efficacy. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Manufactured by Clorox Professional Company
Formula 409 Cleaner Degreaser/Disinfectant Spray, 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 38.72 29.07 51.90 CLO35306.JPG formula 409, 409, 409 spray cleaner, 409 cleaner, 409 cleaner degreaser, formula 409 cleaner degreaser, 409 cleaner/disinfectant, CLO 35306, CLO35306, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
2311 Lagasse Formula 409 Glass & Surface Cleaner, 4 - 1 Gallon Refills (CLO03107) 2311 CLO 03107 41.40 03107 Formula 409 Glass & Surface Cleaner
Formula 409 is now newly formulated to wipe out tough messes on shiny surfaces better then ever! Formula 409 will leave your kitchen sparkling with an unbeatable streak-free shine. Removes smudges, fingerprints and more - fast. This is the perfect product for cleaning stainless steel appliances, glass, and other hard surfaces throughout your home. Cuts grease better than Windex. Buy Formula 409 Glass & Surface Cleaner today and save!
Formula 409 Glass & Surface Cleaner, 128-oz Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Professional 32.08 24.00 43.22 CLO03107.JPG Formula 409 Glass & Surface Cleaner, Refill, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Refill, CLO 03107, CLO03107, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
2312 Lagasse Formula 409 Glass & Surface Cleaner, 9 Spray Bottles (CLO35293) 2312 CLO 35293 22.60 35293 Formula 409 Glass & Surface Cleaner
Formula 409 Glass & Surface Cleaner removes grease and grime on glass and hard surfaces with less streaking than other popular brands on the market today. This versatile cleaner removes smudges and fingerprints fast, leaving behind a crystal clear surface. Formula 409 easily tackles tough messes on a multitude of surfaces. It is ideal for cleaning windows, mirrors, stainless steel and aluminum with no filming or streaking. With all of the surfaces in your kitchen, there are just too many places for dirt and grime to build up. Formula 409’s powerful formula effectively cuts through that dirt and grime and eliminates it. This glass and surface cleaner can also be diluted with water and used on no-wax floors, tile and linoleum. Formula 409 is an exceptional cleaning product that will meet and exceed the high standards you have for your home or business. Get some Formula 409 Glass & Surface Cleaner today!
Clorox Formula 409 Glass & Surface Cleaner, 32-oz. Spray Bottle, 9 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust
Clorox Professional 29.57 22.55 40.47 CLO35293.JPG formula 409 glass & surface cleaner, CLO 35293, CLO35293, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
2313 Lagasse Formula 409 Heavy-Duty Degreaser/Disinfectant, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (CLO00014) 2313 CLO 00014 41.20 00014 Formula 409 Heavy-Duty Degreaser/Disinfectant
This Formula 409 has a powerful degreasing ability with minimum streaking and residue. Ideal for food service, kitchen, restaurant use on appliances, counters, floors, sinks, pots, walls, back splashes, ovens, stoves, doors, door jams, exhaust hoods and more. VOC Compliant. Fresh scent. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Clorox Formula 409 Heavy-Duty Degreaser & Disinfectant, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Professional 61.10 46.60 83.62 CLO00014.JPG Formula 409 Heavy-Duty Degreaser/Disinfectant, Gallon, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle CLO 00014, CLO00014, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
2314 Lagasse Formula 409 Heavy-Duty Degreaser Disinfectant, 9 - 32-oz Spray Bottles (CLO35296) 2314 CLO 35296 22.30 35296 Formula 409 Heavy Duty Degreaser/Disinfectant
Formula 409 is a powerful degreaser with minimum streaking and residue. Ideal for food service, bathrooms, kitchens, restaurants, plastic toys, tools and many other hard surfaces. VOC Compliant. Fresh scent leaves a nice smell. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Clorox Formula 409 Heavy-Duty Degreaser Disinfectant, Fresh Scent, 32-oz. Spray Bottle, 9 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 44.36 33.83 60.53 CLO35296.JPG Formula 409 Heavy-Duty Degreaser/Disinfectant, Trigger Sprayer, 9 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle CLO 35296, CLO35296, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
2316 Lagasse Four-Pin Tumbler Padlock (MAS3D) 2316 MAS 3D 0.40 MLK3D Maximum security. Laminated steel body. Hardened steel shackle resists cutting, sawing. Includes two keys. 1-1/2in width.
PIN & TUMBLER PADLOCK 1.5IN 4 Master Lock Company 6.81 5.19 9.24 MAS3D.JPG Four-Pin Tumbler Padlock MAS 3D, MAS3D, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 68
2317 Lagasse Fresh Apple Fragrance Cassette for Portable Dispenser, 6 Cassettes (RCP9C83-01) 2317 RCP 9C83-01 2.00 9C83-01 Fresh Apple Fragrance Cassettes
SeBreeze, Portable Fan Dispenser Fragrance Cassettes. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a long-lasting effective odor control air freshener for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Each unit holds a battery-operated fragrance cassette for consistent fragrance release over a 30-day period.This automatic odor control system is great if used in bathrooms as a bathroom air freshener. You'll have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh in no time. Buy bulk and save.
RubberMaid SeBreeze Gel Cassettes for Portable Dispenser, Fresh Apple Fragrance, 6 Cassettes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 41.58 31.72 54.01 RCP9C8301.JPG Fragrance Cassette with Odor-Absorbing Gel for Adjustable Dispenser, Fresh Apple RCP 9C83-01, RCP9C8301, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2318 Lagasse Citrus Breeze Fragrance Cassette for Portable Dispenser, 6 Cassettes (RCP9C84-01) 2318 RCP 9C84-01 1.80 9C84-01 Citrus Fragrance Cassettes
SeBreeze, Portable Fan Dispenser Fragrance Cassettes. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a long-lasting effective odor control air freshener for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Each unit holds a battery-operated fragrance cassette for consistent fragrance release over a 30-day period.This automatic odor control system is great if used in bathrooms as a bathroom air freshener. You'll have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh in no time. Buy bulk and save.
RubberMaid SeBreeze Gel Cassettes for Portable Dispenser, Citrus Fragrance, 6 Cassettes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 41.58 31.72 56.56 RCP9C8401.JPG Fragrance Cassette with Odor-Absorbing Gel for Adjustable Dispenser, Citrus Breeze RCP 9C84-01, RCP9C8401, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2319 Lagasse Bing Cherry Fragrance Cassette for Portable Dispenser, 6 Cassettes (RCP9C8601) 2319 RCP 9C86-01 2.40 9C8601 Cherry Fragrance Cassettes
SeBreeze, Portable Fan Dispenser Fragrance Cassettes. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a long-lasting effective odor control air freshener for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Each unit holds a battery-operated fragrance cassette for consistent fragrance release over a 30-day period.This automatic odor control system is great if used in bathrooms as a bathroom air freshener. You'll have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh in no time. Buy bulk and save.
RubberMaid SeBreeze Gel Cassettes for Portable Dispenser, Cherry Fragrance, 6 Cassettes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 41.58 31.72 55.67 RCP9C8601.JPG Fragrance Cassette with Odor-Absorbing Gel for Adjustable Dispenser, Bing Cherry RCP 9C86-01, RCP9C8601, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2320 Lagasse Lavender Bouquet Scent Cassette for Portable Dispenser, 6 Cassettes (RCP9C8701) 2320 RCP 9C87-01 2.40 9C8701 Lavender Bouquet Fragrance Cassettes
SeBreeze, Portable Fan Dispenser Fragrance Cassettes. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a long-lasting effective odor control air freshener for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Each unit holds a battery-operated fragrance cassette for consistent fragrance release over a 30-day period.This automatic odor control system is great if used in bathrooms as a bathroom air freshener. You'll have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh in no time. Buy bulk and save.
RubberMaid SeBreeze Gel Cassettes for Portable Dispenser, Lavender Bouquet Fragrance, 6 Cassettes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 41.58 31.72 55.19 RCP9C8701.JPG Fragrance Cassette with Odor-Absorbing Gel for Adjustable Dispenser, Lavender Bouquet RCP 9C87-01, RCP9C8701, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2321 Lagasse LemonLime Fragrance Cassette for Portable Dispenser, 6 Cassettes (RCP9C94-01) 2321 RCP 9C94-01 2.60 9C9401 Lemon-Lime Fragrance Cassettes
SeBreeze, Portable Fan Dispenser Fragrance Cassettes. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a long-lasting effective odor control air freshener for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Each unit holds a battery-operated fragrance cassette for consistent fragrance release over a 30-day period.This automatic odor control system is great if used in bathrooms as a bathroom air freshener. You'll have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh in no time. Buy bulk and save.
RubberMaid SeBreeze Gel Cassettes for Portable Dispenser, Lemon-Lime Fragrance, 6 Cassettes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 25.17 19.20 33.19 RCP9C9401.JPG Fragrance Cassette with Odor-Absorbing Gel for Portable Dispenser, Lemon-Lime RCP 9C94-01, RCP9C9401, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2322 Lagasse Wintermint Fragrance Cassette for Portable Dispenser, 6 Cassettes (RCP9C95-01) 2322 RCP 9C95-01 1.80 9C9501 Wintermint Fragrance Cassettes
SeBreeze, Portable Fan Dispenser Fragrance Cassettes. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a long-lasting effective odor control air freshener for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Each unit holds a battery-operated fragrance cassette for consistent fragrance release over a 30-day period.This automatic odor control system is great if used in bathrooms as a bathroom air freshener. You'll have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh in no time. Buy bulk and save.
RubberMaid SeBreeze Gel Cassettes for Portable Dispenser, Wintermint Fragrance, 6 Cassettes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 26.62 20.30 34.86 RCP9C9501.JPG Fragrance Cassette with Odor-Absorbing Gel for Portable Dispenser, Wintermint RCP 9C95-01, RCP9C9501, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2323 Lagasse Cedar Forest Fragrance Cassette for Portable Dispenser, 6 Cassettes(RCP9C96-01) 2323 RCP 9C96-01 2.20 9C9601 Cedar Forest Fragrance Cassettes
SeBreeze, Portable Fan Dispenser Fragrance Cassettes. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a long-lasting effective odor control air freshener for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Each unit holds a battery-operated fragrance cassette for consistent fragrance release over a 30-day period.This automatic odor control system is great if used in bathrooms as a bathroom air freshener. You'll have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh in no time. Buy bulk and save.
RubberMaid SeBreeze Gel Cassettes for Portable Dispenser, Cedar Fores Fragrance, 6 Cassettes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 25.17 19.20 33.81 RCP9C9601.JPG Fragrance Cassette with Odor-Absorbing Gel for Portable Dispenser, Cedar Forest, RCP 9C96-01, RCP9C9601, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2324 Lagasse Cinnamon Spice Scent Cassette for Portable Dispenser, 6 Cassettes (RCP9C97-01) 2324 RCP 9C97-01 1.80 9C9701 Cinnamon Spice Fragrance Cassettes
SeBreeze, Portable Fan Dispenser Fragrance Cassettes. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a long-lasting effective odor control air freshener for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Each unit holds a battery-operated fragrance cassette for consistent fragrance release over a 30-day period.This automatic odor control system is great if used in bathrooms as a bathroom air freshener. You'll have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh in no time. Buy bulk and save.
RubberMaid SeBreeze Gel Cassettes for Portable Dispenser, Cinnamon Spice Fragrance, 6 Cassettes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 26.92 20.53 35.50 RCP9C9701.JPG Fragrance Cassette with Odor-Absorbing Gel for Portable Dispenser, Cinnamon Spice, RCP 9C97-01, RCP9C9701, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2327 Lagasse Fragrance of the Islands Refill, Vanilla Lei (TMS33-5326) 2327 TMS 33-5326 7.00 33-5326 All of our air fresheners and Bathroom Air Fresheners are sold at discounted prices and are available at wholesale. Exotic tropical air freshener fragrances turn any room and/or bathroom into an island getaway. Superior-quality air freshener fragrances contain odor counteractants to neutralize strong odors. These air fresheners and bathrrom air fresheners are for use in all automatic metered dispensers. 30-day refill. 12 air freshener refills per case. Fragrance of the Islands Air Freshener Refills are great for use as Bathroom air Fresheners aswell. Also be sure to check out all of our Janitorial Supplies throughout our website.
FRAGRANGE OF THE ISLANDS RFL 5.3 OZ VANILLA LEI 12 Timemist Waterbury 58.52 33.72 76.77 TMS335326.JPG Fragrance of the Islands Refill, Vanilla Lei TMS 33-5326, TMS335326, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
2328 Lagasse TimeMist Fan Dispenser, Dutch Apple & Spice Fragrance, 12 Refills (TMS30-4601TM) 2328 TMS 30-4601TM 4.40 30-4601TM Dutch Apple & Spice Fan Dispenser Refills
Continuous Fan Dispenser and Air Freshener Fragrance Refill has a silent motor that fills the air with pure air freshener fragrance. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener delivers consistent performance for a full 30 days. This bathroom air freshener is an attractive, compact unit that goes anywhere. Runs on one D alkaline battery (included with Refill TMS 30-4601TM Series, sold separately). Includes double-sided tape for wall mounting. These fragrance refills will fit battery-operated fan dispenser TMS 32-1740TM (sold separately). No VOC's to contaminate the atmosphere; no solvents, inert fillers or toxic ingredients. Use this air freshener fragrance refill as a Bathroom Air Fresheners and have all of your bathrooms smelling great in no time. 12 refills and one D battery per case.White. 4 1/2w 3d x 3 3/4h. Purchase all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies right here at Clean It today and save.
TimeMist Fan Dispenser Dutch Apple & Spice Fragrance Cup Refills, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Timemist Waterbury 65.86 50.23 89.71 TMS304601TM.JPG Fragrance Refills for Continuous Fan Dispenser, Dutch Apple & Spice TMS 30-4601TM, TMS304601TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
2330 Lagasse Fragrance Refills for Continuous Fan Dispenser, Assortment Pack (TMS30-4608TM) 2330 TMS 30-4608TM 4.40 30-4608TM Assorted Packs Fan Dispenser Refills
Continuous Fan Dispenser and Air Freshener Fragrance Refill has a silent motor that fills the air with pure air freshener fragrance. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener delivers consistent performance for a full 30 days. This bathroom air freshener is an attractive, compact unit that goes anywhere. Runs on one D alkaline battery (included with Refill TMS 30-4601TM Series, sold separately). Includes double-sided tape for wall mounting. These fragrance refills will fit battery-operated fan dispenser TMS 32-1740TM (sold separately). No VOC's to contaminate the atmosphere; no solvents, inert fillers or toxic ingredients. Use this air freshener fragrance refill as a Bathroom Air Fresheners and have all of your bathrooms smelling great in no time. 12 refills and one D battery per case.White. 4 1/2w 3d x 3 3/4h. Purchase all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies right here at Clean It today and save.
TimeMist Fan Dispenser Assorted Packs, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Timemist Waterbury 68.48 52.23 92.52 TMS304608TM.JPG Fragrance Refills for Continuous Fan Dispenser, Assortment Pack TMS 30-4608TM, TMS304608TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
2331 Lagasse Free & Clear Dish Liquid, 25-oz. Bottles (SEV22733) 2331 SEV 22733 22.50 22733 Free & Clear Dish Liquid
Tough on grease while gentle on hands and the earth. Non-toxic and biodegradable. Free of chlorine, phosphates and petroleum-based ingredients. Safe for septic and gray water systems. Never tested on animals. Environmentally conscious. Excellent for scrubbing glasses, dishes, grimy pots and pans, while leaving no harsh chemicals on the surface after you rinse
Dish Liquid Free and Clear, 25 oz. Bottles, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Seventh Generation 48.10 34.20 62.55 SEV22733.JPG free & clear dish liquid, SEV 22733, SEV22733, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, natural dish liquid, dish soap, soap 1 1 0 0 1 192
2332 Lagasse Free & Clear Dish Washing Liquid, 48-oz. Bottles (SEV22724) 2332 SEV 22724 21.00 22724
Seventh Generation Natural Dish Soap Liquid
Tough on grease while gentle on hands and the earth. Non-toxic and biodegradable. Free of chlorine, phosphates and petroleum-based ingredients. Safe for septic and gray water systems. Never tested on animals. Environmentally conscious. Excellent for scrubbing glasses, dishes, grimy pots and pans, while leaving no harsh chemicals on the surface after you rinse.
Clear Natural Dishwashing Liquid, 48 oz Bottles, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Seventh Generation 40.32 30.75 54.21 SEV22724.JPG free & clear dish liquid, SEV 22724, SEV22724, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, dish washing liquid, dish liquid, natural dish liquid 1 1 0 0 1 192
2333 Lagasse Free & Clear Natural All-Purpose Cleaner, Trigger Sprayer, 32-oz. Bottles (SEV22719) 2333 SEV 22719 19.50 22719 Free & Clear Natural All-Purpose Cleaner
Effectively cleans and degreases inside and outside of the home or office. Contains no unpleasant fumes, will not leave harmful residues and is safer for the environment. Nontoxic and biodegradable with no harsh chemicals, petroleum-based solvents, glycol ethers, phosphates, strong acids, dyes or fragrances. Not tested on animals. Environmentally conscious. Excellent for use on counters, baby items, elderly equipment, appliances, break rooms, and many more areas that need to be cleaned without leaving nasty chemicals behind.
All-Purpose Cleaner, Free and Clear, 32 oz. Trigger Spray Bottles, 8 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial company buyers trust.
Seventh Generation 32.76 24.98 43.93 SEV22719.JPG free & clear natural all-purpose cleaner, trigger sprayer, SEV 22719, SEV22719, cleaning supplies, all purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaners, all purpose 1 1 0 0 1 192
2334 Lagasse Free & Clear Natural Glass & Surface Cleaner, Trigger Sprayer, SEV22713 2334 SEV 22713 19.50 22713 Seventh Generation Natural Glass and Surface Cleaner
Natural glass and surface cleaner leaves no streaks and is 100% VOC free. This nontoxic, hypo-allergenic cleaner creates no harsh, unpleasant fumes and will not leave harmful residues. It's vegetable-based, not made with alcohol- or petroleum-based solvents and contains no dyes or fragrances. Biodegradable and not tested on animals. Environmentally conscious.
Free & Clear Natural Glass and Surface Cleaner, 8 - 32oz Spray Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Seventh Generation 32.76 24.98 44.73 SEV22713.JPG all purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, cleaning chemicals, green cleaning, green cleaning chemicals, free & clear natural glass & surface cleaner, SEV 22713, SEV22713 1 1 0 0 1 192
2335 Lagasse Fresh Start Laundry Detergent Powder, 6 Bottles (PBC05267) 2335 PBC 05267 32.00 05267 Powder Laundry Detergent
This powder laundry detergent from Phoenix Brands is a super concentrated formula with no fillers so you get pure and powerful cleaning action with every wash. Fresh Start's low-sudsing formula rinses easily and keeps your clothes feeling soft. The concentrated formula means you can use less detergent, without losing any of its heavy duty cleaning power. Fresh Start Laundry Detergent is made with a time-tested formula that effectively and thoroughly cleans clothes. It tackles even the toughest stains, leaving behind a light, fresh fragrance. Fresh Start works in all water temperatures and is safe for use on all washable fabrics and laundry items. Economical and hard-working, Fresh Start Laundry Detergent is a must have for your laundry room!
Phoenix Brand Fresh Start Laundry Detergent Powder, 4.14-lb. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Phoenix Brands 41.39 30.76 56.56 PBC05267.JPG fresh start detergent, PBC 05267, fresh start laundry detergent, fresh start powder, laundry soap, bulk, fresh start powder detergent, PBC05267, laundry detergent, powder laundry detergent, laundry soap, laundry soap powder, wholesale, discount, cheap 1 1 0 0 1 167
2336 Lagasse FreshBreeze Ultra-Concentrated Neutral pH Cleaner, 4 - Gallon Bottles (FRKF378822) 2336 FRK F378822 34.00 F378822 Fresh Breeze Neutral Floor Cleaner
Economical, concentrated neutral cleaner effectively cleans without dulling the finish. For use with mop and bucket or autoscrubber. Low foaming, rinse-free. For use on all floor surfaces not harmed by water. Clean citrus fragrance. Recommended dilution: normal (1:128). NSF/USDA Classification C1.
Fresh Breeze Concentrated Neutral Floor Cleaner, Clean Citrus Fragrance, 4 - 1 Gallons per Case Franklin Cleaning Technology 36.37 27.74 49.36 FRKF378822.JPG FreshBreeze Ultra-Concentrated Neutral pH Cleaner, neutral floor cleaner, fresh breeze neutral cleaner, FRK F378822, FRKF378822, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
2337 Lagasse Fridge-n-Freezer Baking Soda Odor Absorber, 12 Boxes (CDC84011) 2337 CDC 84011 13.40 01P5500 Baking Soda Odor Absorber
Arm & Hammer Fridge-n-Freezer Baking soda has the ability to act as a buffer in your refrigerator and freezer, absorbing odors to regulate pH. In other words it does not just hide unpleasant smells; it gets rid of them altogether. The removable front and back panels with cloth filters allow air to flow throw the box without the risk of spills. Arm & Hammer baking soda will keep all of your foods fresh and tasting the way they should for 30 days in refrigerators, coolers and freezers. Inexpensive, nontoxic and fragrance free, this baking soda is ideal for restaurants and institutional kitchens, as well as family homes.
Arm & Hammer Fridge-n-Freezer Baking Soda, 16-oz. Box, 12 Boxes per Case. – The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Arm And Hammer 19.81 11.14 26.86 CDC84011.JPG fridge-n-freezer baking soda, CDC 84011, CDC84011, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 7
2339 Lagasse Full Size High-Security Housekeeping Cart with Locking Hood, Black (RCP9T78) 2339 RCP 9T78 79.00 9T78 Attractive, sleek design. Features superior tool organization and storage options in a secure, more compact footprint. Includes two removable 10-qt. disinfecting caddies for organizing cleaning supplies. Locking cabinet doors on both sides of the cart for security. Includes two high-quality zippered compact fabric bags with waterproof PVC lining. Features lobby dust pan and vacuum holder; innovative rubber tool grips hold mop and broom handles up to 1-1/8in diameter. Ergonomic comfort grip handle. Aluminum and structural web plastic construction. 4in swivel casters and 8in wheels. 51-3/4l x 22w x 53-1/2h. Replacement Bags (RCP 9T81 BLA), sold separately. Shpg. wt. 79 lbs. Assembly required.
HI-SECURITY HOUSEKEEP CART 51.75X22X53.5 BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 618.84 472.00 827.72 RCP9T78.JPG Full Size High-Security Housekeeping Cart with Locking Hood, Black RCP 9T78, RCP9T78, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
2340 Lagasse Full Size Housekeeping Cart with Doors, Black (RCP6191BLA) 2340 RCP 6191 BLA 108.80 CPFG619100 BLA Generous storage—cart services 15 rooms. Large linen cabinet with shelf. Two ergonomic handle/bag holders. Underdeck shelf for storage or glass racks. Subdivided top organizer shelf with clutter screen. Molded-in hooks and holders for large vinyl bag (one included), cleaning supplies and upright vacuum. Smooth structural web construction. Nonmarking corner bumpers, and rolling 8in wheels with locking brakes (two swivel, two fixed). 60l x 22w x 50h. Assembly required. (Cannot ship UPS.)
FULL SZ HOUSEKEEP CART W/ DOOR 60X22X50 BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 885.00 675.00 1207.76 RCP6191BLA.JPG Full Size Housekeeping Cart with Doors, Black RCP 6191 BLA, RCP6191BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
2341 Lagasse Full Size Housekeeping Cart with Doors, Without Doors, Black (RCP6189BLA) 2341 RCP 6189 BLA 102.10 CPFG618900 BLA Generous storage—cart services 15 rooms. Large linen cabinet with shelf. Two ergonomic handle/bag holders. Underdeck shelf for storage or glass racks. Subdivided top organizer shelf with clutter screen. Molded-in hooks and holders for large vinyl bag (one included), cleaning supplies and upright vacuum. Smooth structural web construction. Nonmarking corner bumpers, and rolling 8in wheels with locking brakes (two swivel, two fixed). 60l x 22w x 50h. Assembly required. (Cannot ship UPS.)
FULL SZ HOUSEKEEP CART 60X22X50 BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 749.96 572.00 998.29 RCP6189BLA.JPG Full Size Housekeeping Cart with Doors, Without Doors, Black RCP 6189 BLA, RCP6189BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
2348 Lagasse Rubbermaid 32 Gallon Funnel Top, Light Gray (RCP3543GRA) 2348 RCP 3543 GRA 1.60 354300 GRAY Light Gray 32 Gallon Funnel Top
A great compliment to the 32-gallon Brute Trash Can. This light gray funnel top easily and simply guides trash into the trash container and away from view. Ensuring easier trash disposal for the user, this top also provides an affordable way to eliminate the view of unsightly waste without sacrificing useability. Fitting the 32-gallon Brute Trash Can RCP 2632 (sold separately), this unique and durable funnel lid measures in at 22-3/8" x 5".
Rubbermaid 32 Gallon Funnel Top for Brute Trash Cans, Light Gray, 22-3/8" x 5", Each
Trash Cans » Brute Trash Can Lids - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 34.69 26.46 45.19 RCP3543GRA.JPG trash can top, trash can tops, trash can lid, trash can lids, funnel top, RCP 3543 GRA, RCP3543GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
2350 Lagasse Dart Fusion Escape 20-oz. Foam Cup, 500 Cups (DCC20U16ESC) 2350 DCC 20U16ESC 10.00 20U16ESC 20 oz. Fusion Escape Foam Cup
The ThermoThin core offers superior insulation, maintains hot and cold beverage serving temperature while remaining comfortable to the touch. You'll cut down on cost because there's no need for double cupping or cup sleeves. Seamless sidewall reinforces cup durability and the molded lip keeps lids on securely. Several lid options available to fit any need. Attractive coffee-themed design.
Dart Fusion Escape 20-oz. Foam Cup, 25 Sleeves of 20 Cups, 500 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 68.14 47.70 91.15 DCC20U16ESC.JPG Fusion Escape Design Printed Foam Cups, 20-oz. Size DCC 20U16ESC, DCC20U16ESC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2351 Lagasse Dart Fusion Escape 24-oz. Foam Cups, 500 Cups (DCC24U16ESC) 2351 DCC 24U16ESC 12.00 24U16ESC 24 oz. Fusion Escape Foam Cup
The ThermoThin core offers superior insulation, maintains hot and cold beverage serving temperature while remaining comfortable to the touch. You'll cut down on cost because there's no need for double cupping or cup sleeves. Seamless sidewall reinforces cup durability and the molded lip keeps lids on securely. Several lid options available to fit any need. Attractive coffee-themed design.
Dart Fusion Escape 24-oz. Foam Cup, 25 Sleeves of 20 Cups, 500 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 83.57 58.50 108.84 DCC24U16ESC.JPG Fusion Escape Design Printed Foam Cups, 24-oz. Size DCC 24U16ESC, DCC24U16ESC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2352 Lagasse Dart Fusion Escape 16-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC16U16ESC) 2352 DCC 16U16ESC 15.40 16U16ESC 16 oz. Fusion Escape Foam Cup
The ThermoThin core offers superior insulation, maintains hot and cold beverage serving temperature while remaining comfortable to the touch. You'll cut down on cost because there's no need for double cupping or cup sleeves. Seamless sidewall reinforces cup durability and the molded lip keeps lids on securely. Several lid options available to fit any need. Attractive coffee-themed design.
Dart Fusion Escape 16-oz. Foam Cup, 40 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 112.27 78.59 151.79 DCC16U16ESC.JPG Fusion Escape Design Printed Foam Cups, 16-oz. Size DCC 16U16ESC, DCC16U16ESC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2353 Lagasse Dart Fusion Escape 12-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Cups (DCC12U16ESC) 2353 DCC 12U16ESC 12.40 12U16ESC 12 oz. Fusion Escape Foam Cup
The ThermoThin core offers superior insulation, maintains hot and cold beverage serving temperature while remaining comfortable to the touch. You'll cut down on cost because there's no need for double cupping or cup sleeves. Seamless sidewall reinforces cup durability and the molded lip keeps lids on securely. Several lid options available to fit any need and the same lids fit several sizes to help streamline ordering. Attractive coffee-themed design.
Dart Fusion Escape 12-oz. Foam Cup, 40 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 98.93 69.25 135.10 DCC12U16ESC.JPG Fusion Escape Design Printed Foam Cups, 12-oz. Size DCC 12U16ESC, DCC12U16ESC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2354 Lagasse Gel Air Freshener Dispenser Cabinet, White, Each (FRS300) 2354 FRS 300 0.54 300 Gel Air Freshener Dispenser Cabinet
Gel Air Freshener Dispenser Cabinets are large, plastic cabinets that are ideal for Refresh Gel air fresheners FRS 12-4G Series (sold separately), or any 24-oz. wall block. Use these Gel Air Freshener Dispenser Cabinets in your bathroom as a Bathroom Air Freshener and have all your bathroom smelling fresh and clean in no time.We buy all of our bathroom air fresheners and other air freshening deodorizing products in bulk so that you save money. Buy bulk and save folks. 4w x 3-3/8d x 8-3/4h. Purchase all of your favorite, brand name Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save.
Fresh Products Gel Air Freshener Dispenser Cabinet, White, 4x3.3x8.7, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 5.58 4.09 7.38 FRS300.JPG gel air freshener dispenser cabinet, white gel air freshener dispenser, FRS 300, FRS300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
2355 Lagasse Gel Air Freshener Dispenser Cabinet W/ Fan, White Each (FRS313) 2355 FRS 313 1.07 313 White Gel Air Freshener Dispenser Cabinet W/Fan
Gel Air Freshener Dispenser Cabinets with fan are large, white plastic cabinets that are ideal for Refresh Gel Air Fresheners FRS 12-4G Series (sold separately), or any 16-24-oz. wall block. Use these Gel Air Freshener Dispenser Cabinets in your bathroom as a Bathroom Air Freshener and have your entire bathroom smelling fresh and clean in no time. 4wx3-3/8dx8-3/4h.
Gel Air Freshener Battery operated, Dispenser Cabinet Fan, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 20.96 15.85 27.41 FRS313.JPG air freshener dispenser, automatic air freshener dispenser, air freshener dispenser suppliers, commercial air freshener dispenser, fan air freshener dispenser, gel air freshener dispenser cabinet, FRS 313, FRS313, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
2358 Lagasse General-Duty Squeegee, Plastic, 8" Head, 16" Handle (UNS816) 2358 UNS 816 7.20 UNS 816 Gerneral-Duty Squeegee
Ideal for windows. Black rubber blade. Synthetic sponge covered in nylon mesh for durability and abrasive scrubbing. Great for keeping by the glass shower door and mirror for a quick easy cleaning of the soap scum and toothpaste. Also great for windows/mirrors around the office, home or industrial setting.
Unisan Squeegee, 8" Head, 16" Plastic Handle, Complete Squeegee, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 3.89 2.73 5.25 UNS816.JPG general-duty squeegees, plastic, 8in head, 16in handle UNS 816, UNS816, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, squeegee, handled squeegee, squeegees 1 1 0 0 1 110
2359 Lagasse General-Duty Squeegee, Wood, 8" Head, 21" Handle (UNS824) 2359 UNS 824 1.00 UNS 824 General-Duty Squeegee
Ideal for windows. Black rubber blade. Synthetic sponge covered in nylon mesh for durability and abrasive scrubbing.
Unisan General-Duty Squeegee, Wood, 8" Head, 21" Handle, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 3.53 2.69 4.69 UNS824.JPG General-Duty Squeegees, Wood, UNS 824, UNS824, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2362 Lagasse Tan Box Sealing Tape, 55 Yards (UVS63001) 2362 UVS 63001 14.50 UNV63001 Tan Box Sealing Tape
100% polypropylene film with hot-melt adhesive. Flexible, waterproof, slit-, burst- and stretch-resistant. UPS and Parcel Post Approved.
General-Purpose Tape - Good holding power, economical. For sealing
cartons to 25-lbs. 1.85 mils thick, 28-lb. tensile bursting strength. All rolls
are 2" wide x 55 yards, with a 3" core. 6 rolls per pack
Packing Tape 2" x 55 yards, 1.85 mil, Tan, 6 Rolls per Pack
Universal Office Products 7.16 5.46 9.76 UVS63001.JPG General-Purpose Box Sealing Tape, 55 Yards 50m Long, Tan UVS 63001, UVS63001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 112
2363 Lagasse General-Purpose Masking Tape, 36 Rolls per Case, 1in (24 mm) Width (UVS51301) 2363 UVS 51301 11.40 UNV51301 General-Purpose Masking Tape
1" 60 Yard & 2" 60 Yard Mask Tape
55m, 3" core
Manufactured by Universal
MASKING TAPE 1INX60 YD 36 Universal Office Products 52.31 39.90 70.82 UVS51301.JPG General-Purpose Masking Tape, 36 Rolls per Case, 1in 24 mm Width UVS 51301, UVS51301, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 112
2364 Lagasse General-Purpose Masking Tape, 24 Rolls per Case, 2in (48 mm) Width (UVS51302) 2364 UVS 51302 15.60 UNV51302 General-Purpose Masking Tape
1" 60 Yard & 2" 60 Yard Mask Tape
55m, 3" core
Manufactured by Universal
MASKING TAPE 2INX60 YD 24 Universal Office Products 73.55 56.10 97.65 UVS51302.JPG General-Purpose Masking Tape, 24 Rolls per Case, 2in 48 mm Width UVS 51302, UVS51302, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 112
2368 Lagasse 30 Gallon Black Drawstring Garbage Bags, 30x36, 1.1mil, 90 Bags (CLO70313) 2368 CLO 70313 8.60 70313 Glad 30 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Glad 30 Gallon Garbage Bags provide sturdy three-ply strength but with less plastic waste. These strong garbage bags are perfect for large, heavy outdoor trash. No twist ties needed, just one pull on the easy open/close drawstring and the bag is closed securely. The patented three-layer garbage bags are strong and dependable, while the drawstring makes for easy lifting and carrying. Even the fullest of garbage bags can be closed and disposed of easily. These strong garbage bags can handle the toughest jobs and you never have to worry about another broken garbage bag again. Avoid messy trash disasters with Glad 30 Gallon Garbage Bags. Get some for your home today!
Clorox Glad 30 Gallon Garbage Bags, 30x36, 1.1mil, Black, 90 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 21.58 14.27 29.40 CLO70313.JPG glad garbage bags, glad large garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage can liners, CLO 70313, CLO70313, 1 1 0 0 1 22
2369 Lagasse Glad ForceFlex 13-Gallon Drawstring Tall Kitchen Bags, 100 Bags (CLO70427) 2369 CLO 70427 5.50 70427 ForceFlex Tall Kitchen Trash Bags
These ForceFlex Tall Kitchen Bags from Glad are a must have for your kitchen! One of the most popular brands on the market, the strong, sturdy design features Stretchable Strength Technology. The diamond texture provides increased elasticity by stretching around objects in the trash, preventing annoying rips and tears. No more fooling around with twist ties! Glad ForceFlex also has a stretchable drawstring closure that grips the garbage can so the bag stays in place at all times. Although these 13 gallon sturdy bags are made with less plastic they are tear-resistant, so don’t worry about overfilling them. Glad ForceFlex is made to be overstuffed and stretched to the max. These trash bags are perfect for use in residential or commercial facilities. They are strong enough to handle anything!
Clorox GLAD ForceFlex Tall Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, White, 24" x 28", 0.90 Mil, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 19.85 13.12 26.96 CLO70427.JPG glad trash bags, glad forceflex trash bags, garbage bags, drawstring tall kitchen bags, CLO 70427, CLO70427, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
2370 Lagasse Glade Country Garden With Floral Fragrance Air Freshener, 12 - 14-oz Cans (DRK94780) 2370 DRK 94780 15.41 94780 Country Garden w/ Floral Fragrance Scented Air Freshener
Glade Country Garden Air Freshener With Floral Fragrance eliminates strong, persistent odors with a clean air freshener fragrance—not a heavy perfume. This quality air freshener offers an easy way to keep any and all homes, restrooms, and office locations smelling fresh, clean and inviting. Glade Country Garden Air Freshener With Floral Fragrance is guaranteed to instantly improve the scent and quality of a room, as this comfortable floral scent provides an easy way to maintain a fragrant indoor environment. Simply put, these aromatic cans provide a perfect way handle less than pleasant odors in any location. Contain no CFCs.
Glade Country Garden Air Freshener With Floral Fragrance, 14-oz Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Diversey 47.70 36.38 63.33 DRK94780.JPG glade air fresheners, glade air freshener, glade air freshener spray, country garden with floral fragrance, floral fragrance, DRK94780 1 1 0 0 1 63
2372 Lagasse Glade Air Freshener - Super Fresh Hint of Cinnamon 14-oz. Cans (DRK94782) 2372 DRK 94782 14.25 94782
Glade Air Freshener - Super Fresh Hint of Cinnamon
Glade Air Fresheners eliminates strong, persistent odors with a clean air freshener fragrance—not a heavy perfume. Use in commercial, industrial or institutional buildings. Available: Country Scent, Super Fresh Scent and Smoke Odor Eliminator Neutralizer. These air fresheners contain no CFCs.
Glade air Freshener - country garden with floral fragrance 14-oz. aerosol cans. 12 cans per case.
Air Freshener & Odor Control » Glade Air Fresheners » - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 47.70 36.38 63.91 DRK94782.JPG glade air fresheners, glade air freshener, glade air freshener spray, super fresh, cinnamon, DRK 94782, DRK94782 1 1 0 0 1 63
2374 Lagasse Glass Plus Glass Cleaner, 4 Gallons (DRK94379) 2374 DRK 94379 36.00 94379 Glass Plus Glass Cleaner
Light-duty, non-ammoniated cleaner cuts through dirt, grease and grime on windows, mirrors, appliances and more. Excellent for use in homes and industries for windows, glass showers, medicine cabinets, chrome panels, stainless steel, faucets, glass picture frames, car windows, and any hard surface that needs a streak free shine.
Glass Plus No Ammonia Glass Cleaner, RTU, Gallon Bottles, 4 Gallons per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 50.26 37.80 68.17 DRK94379.JPG Glass Plus, Gallon, 4 Bottles per Case, DRK 94379, DRK94379, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
2375 Lagasse Glass Plus®, Trigger Sprayer, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (DRK94378) 2375 DRK 94378 28.50 94378 Glass Plus
Glass Plus non-ammoniated glass cleaner. A light duty non-ammoniated cleaner for windows, mirrors, appliances and more.
Trigger spray 32 oz bottles. 12 bottles per case.
Manufactured by Johnson Diversey
Be sure to check out our complete line of professional grade glass cleaners and window cleaners.
GLASS PLUS NO AMON CLNR TRG 12/32 OZ Diversey 62.47 47.65 84.35 DRK94378.JPG Glass Plus, Trigger Sprayer, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle DRK 94378, DRK94378, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
2376 Lagasse Rubbermaid 56 Gallon Glutton Garbage Can, Brown (RCP256BBRO) 2376 RCP 256B BRO 16.83 256B00 BRN 56 Gallon Trash Can
Rubbermaid 56 Gallon durable plastic garbage can. Easy-to-clean garbage can for indoor and outdoor use. Perfect for large crowds and high-traffic areas. Built to withstand extreme weather.
Hooded Top sold separately sku# RCP 256V BRO
Trash Cans » Outdoor Trash Cans & Tops » Hooded Top Trash Cans Rubbermaid Commercial Products Glutton 56 Gallon Garbage Can, Brown, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 156.69 119.51 210.98 outdoor trash can, brown trash can, outdoor garbage can, rubbermaid garbage cans, glutton 56 gallon garbage can, brown, RCP 256B BRO, RCP256BBRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
2377 Lagasse 56-Gallon Glutton Garbage Can, Cream (RCP256BCRE) 2377 RCP 256B CRE 15.60 256B00OWHT Shown with Hooded garbage can top (sold separately sku# RCP 256V BRO).
Rubbermaid 56 Gallon durable plastic garbage can. Easy-to-clean trash container for indoor and outdoor use. Perfect for large crowds and high-traffic areas. Built to withstand extreme weather.
Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
Rubbermaid 56 Gallon Garbage Can, Cream
Trash Cans » Outdoor Trash Cans & Tops » Hooded Top Trash Cans Rubbermaid Commercial Products 156.69 119.51 205.22 RCP256BCRE.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, wastbaskets, Glutton 56-Gallon Garbage Can, Cream RCP 256B CRE, RCP256BCRE 1 1 0 1 1 89
2378 Lagasse Hooded Top for Glutton 56-Gallon Garbage Can, Brown (RCP256VBRO) 2378 RCP 256V BRO 14.10 256V00 BRN Glutton 56-Gallon - Hooded Garbage Can Top (only)
- Hooded Top is made of durable plastic
- Easy-to-clean trash can top for indoor and outdoor use
- Perfect for large crowds and high-traffic areas
- Built to withstand extreme weather
- Hooded top piece only
- 56 Gallon Garbage Cans RCP 256B BRO & RCP 256B CRE Sold Separately
Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
Rubbermaid 56 Gallon Garbage Can Hood without Doors, Brown, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 154.07 117.51 201.65 RCP256VBRO.JPG trash can top, trash can lid, hooded top garbage can lid, glutton 56 gallon garbage can hooded top, brown, RCP 256V BRO, RCP256VBRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2380 Lagasse Gojo 800 Series Dispenser, Black (GOJ9033) 2380 GOJ 9033 1.80 9033-12 Gojo 800 Series Hand Soap Dispenser
Traditional bag-in-box wall mount dispenser. Holds 800 ml bag-in-a-box liquid hand soap. Easy one-hand push-operation reinforces mounting with each use. Portion control helps reduce waste. For general restroom use. ADA Compliant for push force.For use with Gojo / Dermapro brand refills (sold separately). Black Plastic, Wall Mount, Dimensions 4 - 1/2w x 4 - 1/8d x 11h
Gojo 800 series hand soap dispenser black
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Liquid Soap Dispenser Systems » Gojo Liquid Soap Dispensers » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 14.61 11.14 19.26 GOJ9033.JPG gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap black GOJ 9033, GOJ9033 1 1 0 0 1 50
2381 Lagasse Gojo 800 Series Hand Soap Dispenser, White (GOJ9034) 2381 GOJ 9034 1.80 9034-12 Gojo Hand Soap Dispenser
800-ml bag-in-box system. Uses sanitary-sealed, 800-ml bag-in-box refills. Dispenser is covered by manufacturer’s lifetime guarantee. Traditional bag-in-box dispenser. Portion control helps reduce waste. ADA Compliant for push force. For use with Gojo brand refills (sold separately). For general restroom use. Plastic. 4-1/2" w x 4-1/8" d x 11h.
Gojo 800 Series Hand Soap Dispenser, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 14.79 11.14 20.05 GOJ9034.JPG gojo 800 series dispenser, gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, GOJ 9034, GOJ9034 1 1 0 0 1 50
2383 Lagasse Gojo Creme-Style Dispenser, Black (GOJ1204) 2383 GOJ 1204 1.00 1204-01 Gojo Creme-Style Dispenser
Gojo, the marque name in hand soaps and dispensers, delivers its high quality Creme-Style Hand Cleaner Dispenser for commercial buyers. This exceptionally crafted dispenser is a great fit for 4-lb. and 4.5-lb. cartridges (sold separately). Easy to load, just simply remove cartridge lid, turn upside down, place on top of dispenser, snap and twist. Offering a manufacturer's lifetime guarantee, this creme-style soap dispenser is a durable, upside down dispenser that holds an impressive amount of soap. Constructed from heavy-duty plastic, it easily to load. A great fit for any commercial or industrial setting.
Gojo Creme-Style Hand Cleaner Dispenser, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 16.66 12.71 22.44 GOJ1204.JPG gojo creme-style dispenser, gojo pumice, gojo pumice hand cleaner, gojo orange pumice, gojo orange pumice hand cleaner, gojo hand cleaner, gojo hand soap, gojo heavy duty hand cleaners,gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, GOJ 1204, GOJ1204 1 1 0 0 1 50
2384 Lagasse Gojo Automatic Counter Mount Hand Soap 1500-ml Refill, 2 Refills (GOJ8565-02) 2384 GOJ 8565-02 8.10 8565-02 GOJO Green Certified Foaming Hand Cleaner
Mild, biodegrable foam soap. This product meets the Green Seal enviornmental standard for institutional hand cleaners (GS-41 A) based on its reduced human and aquatic toxity and reduced smog production potential. Meets EcoLogo enviornmental standard for institutional hand cleaners (CCD - 104). Fragrance free.
Gojo Green Certified Foaming Hand Cleaner, 1500-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case.
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Foam Soap Dispenser Systems » Gojo Foam Soap Refills » Gojo Counter Mount Refills - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 41.32 31.52 54.09 GOJ856502.JPG gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 8565-02, GOJ856502 1 1 0 0 1 50
2385 Lagasse Gojo Automatic Counter Mount Hand Soap, 2 - 1500-ml Refills (GOJ8562) 2385 GOJ 8562 8.00 8562-02 Luxury Foam Antibacterial Hand Soap
Smooth, orange foaming handwash with germ - killing power. Orange Blossom fragrance. 1500 - ml refill. 2 refills per case.
Gojo Green Certified Foaming Hand Soap, 1500 - ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 44.17 33.69 60.14 GOJ8562.JPG gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 8562, GOJ8562, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2386 Lagasse Gojo Automatic Counter Mount Foam Handwash Refill, 2 Refills (GOJ8561-02) 2386 GOJ 8561-02 8.10 8561-02 Hand Soap Refills
Pre-lathered with a pleasant cranberry fragrance, this foaming hand soap from Gojo is ideal for high-traffic restrooms and designed for use with automatic counter mount dispensers (sold separately). This snap-in-place cartridge refill provides a quick, easy and sanitary hand washing option. The rich, luxurious formula contains vitamins and moisturizers for an amazingly gentle cleansing experience. Gojo’s Luxury Foaming Handwash is infused with air as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather that rivals more expensive, name brand hand soaps. This general purpose soap is gentle on skin and ideal for light-duty cleaning. Each Gojo handwash refill comes with a fresh dispensing valve, and is sanitary sealed to help lock out germs. Keep this luxurious foaming hand soap stocked in every restroom in your establishment to provide employees and customers with a gentle, complete hand washing experience.
Gojo Automatic Counter Mount Luxury Foaming Hand Soap Refill, 1500-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 40.16 30.63 52.36 GOJ856102.JPG gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 8561-02, GOJ856102, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2387 Lagasse Gojo E-2 Sanitizing Lotion Hand Soap 800-ml Refill (GOJ9132) 2387 GOJ 9132 22.60 9132-12 GOJO Sanitizing Hand Soap
A one - step hand washing and sanitizing soap for the food processing industry. Eliminates the need for a chlorine dip. Listed with the NSF as an E2 for use in USDA - regulated food processing environments. Fragrance free. 800 - ml refill. 12 refills per case.
Gojo Sanitizing Hand Soap, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Gojo Soap System »
Gojo Industries 109.33 69.83 142.13 GOJ9132.JPG gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, gojo E-2 sanitizing lotion soap refill GOJ 9132, GOJ9132 1 1 0 0 1 50
2388 Lagasse Gojo Enriched Lotion Hand Soap Refill, 800-ml Refills (GOJ9102-12) 2388 GOJ 9102-12 24.20 9102-12 Gojo Enriched Lotion Hand Soap
Gentle, concentrated lotion soap with moisturizers. For general restroom use. Gold, natural formula. Qualifies as a USDA Bio-Preferred product for Federal preferred procurement. Pleasant, light fragrance. 800 - ml refill 12 refills per case.
Gojo Enriched Lotion Hand Soap, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Gojo Soap System »
Gojo Industries 90.67 68.68 120.41 GOJ910212.JPG gojo enriched lotion soap refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 9102-12, GOJ910212 1 1 0 0 1 50
2389 Lagasse Gojo Fast Wipe Hand Cleaning Towels, 4 Buckets (GOJ6298) 2389 GOJ 6298 12.80 6298-04 Gojo Fast Wipe Hand Cleaning Towels
Gojo Fast Wipe Hand Cleaning Towels are high performance towels that are ideal for a quick and easy clean-up. These pre-moistened towels remove light greases and oils from hands with just a quick wipe, without water. Gojo Fast Wipes are excellent for use in service vehicles, automobile repair shops, job sites where water is not readily available, or just to keep on your home workbench for a quick clean. These hand cleaning towels easily remove grease, grime and other soils quickly and without irritating your skin. If you are looking for a convenient hand-cleaning product that does not require water, Gojo Fast Wipes Hand Cleaning Towels are for you!
Gojo Fast Wipe Hand Cleaning Towels, 130-Count Bucket, 4 Buckets per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 84.75 64.29 110.41 GOJ6298.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, GOJO FAST WIPES Hand Cleaning Towels, GOJ 6298, GOJ6298 1 1 0 0 1 50
2390 Lagasse Gojo Fast Wipes Hand Cleaning Towels, 225-Count Personal Care Wipes (GOJ6299) 2390 GOJ 6299 11.80 6299-02 Gojo Fast Wipes Hand Cleaning Towels / Wipes
High performanc handy towels are ideal for quick cleanup of grease, grime, cleaning supplies and other soils without irritation. A real convenience product designed for job sites where water is not readily available.
Fast Wipe Hand Cleaner, 2 - 225 Count Buckets per Case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Medium & Heavy Duty Hand Cleaners » Smooth Cleaners »Smooth Cleaner Wipes » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 57.99 44.23 75.44 GOJ6299.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, GOJ 6299, GOJ6299 1 1 0 0 1 50
2391 Lagasse Gojo Fast Wipes Hand Cleaning Towels, Tool Box Pack Personal Care Wipes (GOJ6285) 2391 GOJ 6285 6.00 6285-06 Gojo Fast Wipes Hand Cleaning Towels
High performanc handy towels are ideal for quick cleanup of grease, grime, cleaning supplies and other soils without irritation. A real convenience product designed for job sites where water is not readily available.
Personal Care Wipes Tool Box Pack, 60 Wipes per Pack, 6 Packs per Case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Medium & Heavy Duty Hand Cleaners » Smooth Cleaners »Smooth Cleaner Wipes » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 54.01 41.19 73.90 GOJ6285.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, GOJO FAST WIPES Hand Cleaning Towels, GOJ 6285, GOJ6285 1 1 0 0 1 50
2392 Lagasse Gojo Fine Italian Pumice Creme Hand Cleaner, 6 - 4-lb. Cartridge Refills (GOJ1135) 2392 GOJ 1135 29.80 1135-06 Gojo Creme Fine Italian Pumice Hand Cleaner
Creme formula with fine Italian pumice scrubbing particles for extra cleaning action. For removing heavy grease, tar and oil. Use with dispenser GOJ 1204 (sold separately). 4.-lb. cartridge refill. 6 refills per case.
Gojo Creme Fine Italian Pumice Hand Cleaner, 4-lb. Cartridge Refill, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Creme-Style Soaps » Gojo Industries 96.44 73.56 128.00 GOJ1135.JPG gojo fine italian pumice hand cleaner crème refill, gojo creme-style refills, gojo pumice, gojo pumice hand cleaner, gojo orange pumice, gojo orange pumice hand cleaner, gojo hand cleaner, gojo hand soap, gojo heavy duty hand cleaners,gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap refills, gojo soap refills, gojo hand soap, GOJ 1135, GOJ1135, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2393 Lagasse Gojo Flat-Top Gallon Dispenser, Taupe (GOJ1275) 2393 GOJ 1275 2.00 1275-01 Gojo Flat Top Gallon Dispenser
For use with flat-top gallon bottles GOJ 1845 and GOJ 9155 (sold separately). Easily attaches to wall with screws (incl.) Plastic. Taupe. 4" wide x 7" deep x 3 1/2" high.
Gojo Flat Top Gallon Dispenser, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bulk Liquid Soap Dispensers » Gojo Industries 43.31 33.03 57.42 GOJ1275.JPG gojo flat-top gallon dispenser, taupe GOJ 1275, GOJ1275, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2394 Lagasse Gojo FMX-12 Green Certified Foaming Hand Soap, 3 Refills (GOJ516503) 2394 GOJ 5165-03 9.50 5165-03 Hand Soap Refill
This foaming hand soap from Gojo is an eco-friendly cleaning product that features a specially designed foaming formula enriched with vitamins and moisturizers. When you wash your hands with this Gojo Brand soap you receive an amazingly gentle cleansing experience with a fresh, clean scent to go along with it. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. No matter how many times you wash your hands, they will stay soft and smooth thanks to its mild formula. Each refill is Sanitary Sealed and comes with a fresh dispensing valve to help lock out germs. The clear skylight makes it easy to see when a refill is needed. If you need another reason Gojo Foaming Hand Cleaner is what you want, here it is! This biodegradable soap has been certified by Green Seal and EcoLogo to meet their joint standard for hand cleaners and hand soap. Get some for your home or office today!
Gojo FMX-12 Foaming Hand Soap Refill, Unscented, 1250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 46.99 35.84 62.86 GOJ516503.JPG gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 5165-03, GOJ516503 1 1 0 0 1 50
2395 Lagasse Gojo Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 3 Refills (GOJ516203) 2395 GOJ 5162-03 9.80 5162-03 Gojo Luxury Foam Antibacterial Handwash Refill
Gojo’s Luxury Foam Antibacterial Handwash is a specially designed formula enriched with vitamins and moisturizers to keep your hands soft, but still powerful enough to kill germs. This fresh, orange-scented hand soap provides an amazingly gently cleansing experience. As the soap is dispensed, air is infused into it, giving you a lather so rich and creamy, you will think you are using one of the more expensive hand soaps. Each Gojo Handwash refill comes with a fresh dispensing valve and is sanitary sealed to help lock out germs. The clear skylight makes it easy to see the fill level, so you know exactly when a new refill is needed. This luxury foam handwash is ideal for use in restrooms in just about any establishment.
Gojo Luxury Foam Antibacterial Handwash Refill, 1250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 50.20 38.29 66.00 GOJ516203.JPG gojo luxury foam antibacterial hand soap, gojo luxury foam antibacterial handwash, gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 5162-03, GOJ516203 1 1 0 0 1 50
2396 Lagasse Gojo FMX-12 Luxury Foam Hair & Body Wash, 3 - 1250-ml Refills (GOJ5163-03) 2396 GOJ 5163-03 9.80 5163-03 Gojo FMX-12 Luxury Foam Hair & Body Wash
Specially designed foaming formula, enriched with vitamins and moisturizers, provides an amazingly gentle cleansing experience along with a fresh, clean scent. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. Green, spa-quality foam body cleanser with a cucumber melon scent.
Gojo FMX-12 Luxury Foaming Hair & Body Wash, 1250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Personal Care » Hair & Body Shampoo » Gojo Industries 48.37 36.89 63.04 GOJ516303.JPG gojo FMX-12 luxury foam hair & body wash, gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 5163-03, GOJ516303, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2397 Lagasse Gojo FMX-12 Luxury Foaming Hand Soap, 3 - 1250-ml Refills (GOJ516103) 2397 GOJ 5161-03 10.20 5161-03 Gojo FMX-12 Luxury Foaming Hand Soap
For general hand washing. Pink formula cleanses hands with a rich lather and a fresh cranberry fragrance. Specially designed foaming formula, enriched with vitamins and moisturizers, provides an amazingly gentle cleansing experience along with a fresh, clean scent. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather.
Gojo FMX-12 Luxury Foaming Hand Soap, 1250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo FMX System - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 45.58 34.77 61.88 GOJ516103.JPG gojo FMX-12 luxury foam handwash refills, gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 5161-03, GOJ516103 1 1 0 0 1 50
2398 Lagasse Gojo FMX-20 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Black (GOJ5255-06) 2398 GOJ 5255-06 1.60 5255-06 Gojo FMX-20 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Glossy black, ADA compliant manual push dispenser, with viewing window for easy maintenance, offers a generous portion of soft, gentle foam. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. Designed to hold Gojo foaming hand soap 2000-ml refills (sold separately). Plastic. Mounts to wall with adhesive (included) or screws (not included). Optional key lock included. Lifetime guarantee. 7" wide x 5" deep x 11.7" high.
Gojo FMX-20 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 2000-ml Capacity, Black, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 6.04 4.61 8.01 GOJ525506.JPG gojo fmx-20 foaming hand soap dispenser, GOJ 5255-06, GOJ525506, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2399 Lagasse Gojo FMX-20 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Dove Gray (GOJ5250-06) 2399 GOJ 5250-06 2.00 5250-06 Gojo FX-20 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Manual push to dispense, ADA compliant. Large viewing window for easy maintenance, offers a generous portion of soft, gentle foam. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. Designed to hold Gojo foaming hand soap 2000-ml refills (sold separately). Plastic. Optional key lock included. Mounts to wall with adhesive (included) or screws (not included). Lifetime guarantee. 7" wide x 5" deep x 11.7" high.
Gojo FMX-20 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 2000-ml Capacity, Dove Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 6.40 4.88 8.54 GOJ525006.JPG gojo fmx-20 foaming hand soap dispenser, GOJ 5250-06, GOJ525006, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2400 Lagasse Gojo FMX-20 E2 Foaming Hand Sanitizing Soap, 2 - 2000-ml Refill (GOJ5264-02) 2400 GOJ 5264-02 10.20 5264-02 Gojo FMX-20 E2 Sanitizing Foaming Hand Soap
One-step hand washing and sanitizing soap for the food processing industry is effective against common spoilage and foodborne illness organisms. NSF Listed as an E2 for use in all departments of USDA-regulated food processing environments. Exceeds NSF chlorine equivalency standards for sanitizer status. Specially designed foaming formula, enriched with vitamins and moisturizers, provides an amazingly gentle cleansing experience along with a fresh, clean scent. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. 2000-ml refill. 2 refills per case.
Gojo FMX-20 E2 Foaming Hand Sanitizing Soap, 2000-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
2000-ml Soap System » Gojo FMX Foam Soap System » Gojo Industries 65.64 50.07 86.51 GOJ526402.JPG gojo fmx-20 e2 foam sanitizing soap, gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 5264-02, GOJ526402, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2401 Lagasse Gojo FMX-20 Luxury Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 2 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ5262-02) 2401 GOJ 5262-02 9.80 5262-02 Gojo FMX-20 Luxury Foaming Antibacterial Hand Soap
Smooth, orange, foaming hand wash with germ-killing power in an orange blossom fragrance. Specially designed foaming formula, enriched with vitamins and moisturizers, provides an amazingly gentle cleansing experience along with a fresh, clean scent. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather.
Gojo FMX-20 Luxury foaming Antibacterial Hand Soap, 2000-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case
2000-ml Soap System » Gojo FMX Foam Soap System - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 50.17 38.27 67.72 GOJ526202.JPG gojo fmx-20 luxury foam antibacterial handwash refill, gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 5262-02, GOJ526202, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2402 Lagasse Gojo FMX-20 Luxury Foaming Hair & Body Wash, 2 - 2000-ml Refill (GOJ5263-02) 2402 GOJ 5263-02 10.20 5263-02 Gojo FMX-20 Luxury Foam Hair & Body Wash
Green, spa-quality foam body cleanser with a cucumber melon scent. Specially designed foaming formula, enriched with vitamins and moisturizers, provides an amazingly gentle cleansing experience along with a fresh, clean scent. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather.
Gojo FMX-20 Luxury Foam Hair & Body Wash, 2000-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Personal Care » Hair & Body Shampoo » Gojo Industries 48.37 36.89 63.92 GOJ526302.JPG gojo FMX-20 Luxury Foam Hair & Body Wash refills, gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 5263-02, GOJ526302 1 1 0 0 1 50
2403 Lagasse Gojo FMX-20 Luxury Foaming Hand Soap, 2 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ5261-02) 2403 GOJ 5261-02 10.20 5261-02 Gojo FMX-20 Luxury Foaming Hand Soap
Gojo's line of Luxury Foaming Pink Hand Soap cleanses hands with a rich lather and a fresh cranberry fragrance. Specially designed foaming formula, enriched with vitamins and moisturizers, provides an amazingly gentle cleansing experience along with a fresh, clean scent. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. For general hand washing. Coming in a 2,000-ml refill, and 2 Refills per case, this high quality pink hand soap is a perfect fit for any soap dispensing unit.
Gojo FMX-20 Luxury Foaming Hand Soap, Pink, Cranberry Fragrance, 2000-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 45.58 34.77 59.20 GOJ526102.JPG gojo fmx-20 luxury foam handwash refills, gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 5261-02, GOJ526102, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2407 Lagasse Gojo Gold & Klean Antimicrobial Lotion Hand Soap 800-ml Refills (GOJ9127-12) 2407 GOJ 9127-12 23.20 9127-12 Gojo Gold and Klean Antimicrobial Lotion Soap
Gojo gold & klean antimicrobial lotion hand soap. Refills utilize CINDERELLA, a dispensing nozzle that allows placement of GOJO 800-ml refills in most 800-ml dispensers. Economical antimicrobial lotion soap formulated for frequent use wherever additional protection is needed. Contains 0.3% Chloroxylenol (PCMX), a broad-spectrum determining agent. Use in schools, office buildings and general restroom applications. Qualifies as a USDA Bio-Preferred product for federal preferred procurement. Fresh balsam scent. 800 - ml refill. 12 refills per case.
Gojo Gold & Klean Antimicrobial Lotion Hand Soap, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Gojo Soap System » Gojo Industries 55.07 42.00 74.61 GOJ912712.JPG gojo gold & klean antimicrobial lotion soap refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 9127-12, GOJ912712 1 1 0 0 1 50
2409 Lagasse Gojo Green Certified Lotion Hand Cleaner, 12 - 800-ml Refills (GOJ9165-12) 2409 GOJ 9165-12 24.00 9165-12 Gojo Green Certified Lotion Hand Cleaner
This Green Cleaning Product uses sanitary-sealed, 800-ml bag-in-box refills. These Green Cleaning Products also have. A mild, biodegradable lotion soap formula certified by Green Seal and EcoLogoM to meet their joint standard (GS-41/CCD-104) for hand cleaners and hand soaps. The certifications mean that the product has been rigorously tested by these unbiased, third-party organizations and meets standards for being environmentally responsible without sacrificing product performance. 800-ml refill. 12 refills per case. Stock up on all of your favorite Cleaning and Janitorial Supplies and Green Cleaning Supplies right here at today and save. 800 - ml refill. 12 refills per case.
Gojo Green Certified Lotion Hand Soap, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 83.60 60.59 113.16 GOJ916512.JPG gojo green certified lotion hand cleaner refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 9165-12, GOJ916512 1 1 0 0 1 50
2410 Lagasse Gojo Hand Medic Dispenser, Black (GOJ8200) 2410 GOJ 8200 1.60 8200-12 Gojo Hand Medic Dispenser
Gojo Hand Medic 500 ml Refill System. Professional formula in this hand soap maintain skin’s natural barrier against harmful substances. Easy-to-load sanitary sealed refill cartridges include a new dispensing valve to prevent clogs and leaks. Bag - in - box dispenser for Gojo Hand Medic Professional Skin Conditioner GOJ 8242 (sold separately) 500 - ml capacity. ADA Compliant, one - hand push bar operation. Portion controlled to reduce waste. Black. 4 1/2 w x 4 1/8 d x 11 h.
Gojo Hand Medic Dispenser, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
500-ml Soap Systems » Gojo Liquid Soap »
Gojo Industries 9.36 7.14 12.18 GOJ8200.JPG gojo hand medic dispenser, gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, GOJ 8200, GOJ8200 1 1 0 0 1 50
2411 Lagasse Gojo Hand Medic Professional Skin Conditioner, 6 - 500-ml Refills (GOJ8242) 2411 GOJ 8242 8.00 8242-06 Gojo Hand Medic Professional Skin Conditioner
Gojo Hand Medic 500 ml Refill System. Professional formula in this hand soap maintain skin’s natural barrier against harmful substances. Easy-to-load sanitary sealed refill cartridges include a new dispensing valve to prevent clogs and leaks.
If you or your co-workers have sensitive or dry skin, this Hand Medic Soap System is for you and your business!
Gojo Hand Medic Professional Skin Conditioner, 500-ml refill, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
500-ml Soap Systems » Gojo Liquid Soap » Gojo Industries 80.17 57.61 108.18 GOJ8242.JPG gojo hand medic professional skin conditioner refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 8242, GOJ8242 1 1 0 0 1 50
2412 Lagasse Gojo Lather & Klean Body & Hair Shampoo 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills (GOJ9126-12) 2412 GOJ 9126-12 23.40 9126-12 Hair & Body Shampoo
Sanitary-sealed. Economical, gentle enriched lotion soap formulated for hands, body and hair. For use in health clubs, spas, gymnasiums, schools, hotels and manufacturing shower areas. Leaves skin feeling clean, soft and smooth. Pleasant, refreshing fragrance. 800 - ml refill. 12 refills per case.
Gojo lather and klean body and hair shampoo, 800ml refill, 12 refills per case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Liquid Soap Dispenser Systems » Gojo Liquid Soap Refills » - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 50.35 38.40 68.18 GOJ912612.JPG gojo lather & klean body & hair shampoo refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 9126-12, GOJ912612 1 1 0 0 1 50
2413 Lagasse Gojo Lemon Creme Hand Cleaner, 6 - 4.5-lb. Cartridge Refills (GOJ0905) 2413 GOJ 0905 30.20 0905-06 Gojo Creme Lemon Hand Cleaner
Creme formula with fresh lemon fragrance. For removing grease, tar and oil. To be used with or without water—wipe clean with a towel. Use with dispenser GOJ 1204 (sold separately).
Gojo Lemon Creme Hand Cleaner, 4-lb. Cartridge Refill, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Creme-Style Soaps » Gojo Industries 95.60 72.92 127.52 GOJ0905.JPG gojo lemon hand cleaner refill, gojo creme-style refills, gojo pumice, gojo pumice hand cleaner, gojo orange pumice, gojo orange pumice hand cleaner, gojo hand cleaner, gojo hand soap, gojo heavy duty hand cleaners,gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap refills, gojo soap refills, gojo hand soap, gojo moisturizing hand cream, cream, moisturizing hand creame, GOJ 0905, GOJ0905 1 1 0 0 1 50
2414 Lagasse Gojo Lemon Pumice Creme Hand Cleaner, 6 - 4.5-lb. Cartridge Refill (GOJ0915) 2414 GOJ 0915 32.60 0915-06 Gojo Lemon Creme Pumice Hand Cleaner
Creme formula with fresh lemon fragrance and pumice scrubbers. For removing grease, tar and oil. Use with dispenser GOJ 1204 (sold separately) 4.5-lb. cartridge refill. 6 refills per case.
Gojo Lemon Pumice Creme Hand Cleaner, 4.5-lb. Cartridge Refill, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Creme-Style Soaps »
Gojo Industries 102.79 76.52 136.47 GOJ0915.JPG gojo lemon pumice hand cleaner (creme), gojo creme-style refills, gojo pumice, gojo pumice hand cleaner, gojo orange pumice, gojo orange pumice hand cleaner, gojo hand cleaner, gojo hand soap, gojo heavy duty hand cleaners,gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, GOJ 0915, GOJ0915 1 1 0 0 1 50
2415 Lagasse Gojo Lotion Skin Cleanser Refills, 12 - 800-ml Refills (GOJ911212) 2415 GOJ 9112-12 23.70 9112-12 Gojo Lotion Skin Cleanser
Economical, mild cleansing lotion soap ideal for all general use.For general restroom use.Pink, synthetic, detergent formula. Hard on germs, yet is gentle on hands, Gojo Hand Soap formula refills are a smart and economical choice. Lightly scented, nonirritating formula encourages frequent use. Packaged in easy-to-load, sanitary, no-leak refill pouches, each refill is easy to store and stock, and includes a non-clog valve to ensure high quality usability. Dermatologist-tested. Use dispenser: 9033-12, 9034-12. 800-ml refills, 12 refills per case.
Gojo Lotion Skin Cleanser, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Liquid Soap Dispenser Systems » Gojo Liquid Soap Refills - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 44.01 33.57 58.16 GOJ911212.JPG gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 9112-12, GOJ911212 1 1 0 0 1 50
2416 Lagasse Gojo Luxury Foam Antibacterial Handwash, 4 - 18-oz. Pump Bottles (GOJ5762-04) 2416 GOJ 5762-04 6.10 5762-04 Luxury Foam Antibacterial Handwash
Luxurious, high-quality foaming formula kills germs, rinses easily and leaves hands feeling fresh and clean. Contemporary, counter-top bottle provides approximately 350 washes. Ideal for offices, day care centers, meeting centers or any small-business environment. Pleasant orange blossom fragrance.
Gojo Luxury Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 18 oz Pump Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 30.14 22.99 40.07 GOJ576204.JPG gojo premium antibacterial hand soap, antibacterial foam hand soap, GOJ 5762-04, GOJ576204, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2417 Lagasse Gojo Moisturizing Hand Cream Refill, 12 Refills per Case, 800-ml Refill (GOJ9142) 2417 GOJ 9142 24.00 9142-12 Gojo Moisturizing Hand Cream
Sanitary-sealed. Nongreasy, moisturizing hand cream contains emollients and conditioners to help dry, cracked skin. Light fragrance.
Gojo moisturizing hand cream 800 - ml refill 12 refills per case.
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Liquid Soap Dispenser Systems » Gojo Liquid Soap Refills » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 100.77 74.87 131.59 GOJ9142.JPG gojo moisturizing hand cream refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 9142, GOJ9142 1 1 0 0 1 50
2418 Lagasse Gojo Multi Green Hand Soap 800-ml Refills (GOJ9172) 2418 GOJ 9172 24.40 9172-12 Gojo Multi Green Hand Soap
Sanitary-sealed. A popular, multipurpose hand cleaner for removing light to medium industrial soils and dirt. Contains a natural citrus solvent cleaner and non-abrading scrubbing particles. 800 - ml refill. 12 refills per case.
Gojo Multi Green Hand Soap, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Gojo Soap System » Gojo Industries 98.06 74.79 132.33 GOJ9172.JPG gojo multi green hand cleaner refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 9172, GOJ9172 1 1 0 0 1 50
2419 Lagasse Gojo Natural Orange Pumice Hand Cleaner Lotion, 4 Gallon Bottles (GOJ0955-04) 2419 GOJ 0955-04 38.00 0955-04 Gojo Natural Orange Pumice Hand Cleaner (Lotion)
Quick-acting lotion formula with pumice scrubbing particles for cleaning a broad range of industrial soils, medium dirts and grease. Orange citrus scent. Pump dispenser bottle.
Gojo Natural Orange Pumice, Lotion, Hand Cleaner, 1 Gallon Refill, 4 Refills per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 73.79 56.28 98.65 GOJ095504.JPG gojo natural orange pumice hand cleaner (Lotion) bottle, gojo creme-style refills, gojo pumice, gojo pumice hand cleaner, gojo orange pumice, gojo orange pumice hand cleaner, gojo hand cleaner, gojo hand soap, gojo heavy duty hand cleaners,gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap refills, gojo soap refills, gojo hand soap, GOJ 0955-04, GOJ095504 1 1 0 0 1 50
2420 Lagasse Gojo Natural Orange Smooth Hand Cleaner, 4 Gallon Bottles (GOJ0945-04) 2420 GOJ 0945-04 38.00 0945-04 Orange Smooth Hand Cleaner
Quick-acting lotion formula for cleaning a broad range of industrial soils, medium dirt and grease. Qualifies as a USDA Bio-Preferred product for federal preferred procurement.Orange citrus scent. Pump dispenser bottle. 4 bottles per case.
Gojo Natural Orange Smooth Hand Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bulk Heavy-Duty Soaps - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 71.30 54.38 95.88 GOJ094504.JPG gojo natural orange smooth hand cleaner (lotion) bottle, gojo creme-style refills, gojo pumice, gojo pumice hand cleaner, gojo orange pumice, gojo orange pumice hand cleaner, gojo hand cleaner, gojo hand soap, gojo heavy duty hand cleaners,gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap refills, gojo soap refills, gojo hand soap, GOJ 0945-04, GOJ094504 1 1 0 0 1 50
2421 Lagasse Gojo NXT 1000-ml Space Saver Dispenser, Black/Gray (GOJ2135) 2421 GOJ 2135 0.60 2135-06 Space Saver Soap Dispenser
Compact dispenser holds much more soap than traditional bag-in-box systems. One-hand push-operation reinforces mounting with each use. Portion control reduces waste. ADA Compliant for push force. Compact 1000-ml dispenser is much smaller than traditional 800-ml bag-in-box dispensers.
Gojo NXT 1000-ml Space Saver Dispenser, Black/Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 10.40 7.93 13.51 GOJ2135.JPG gojo NXT space saver dispenser, gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, GOJ 2135, GOJ2135 1 1 0 0 1 50
2422 Lagasse Gojo NXT 1000-ml Space Saver Dispenser, White/Gray (GOJ2130) 2422 GOJ 2130 0.80 2130-06 1000-ml Hand Sanitizing Dispenser
Known as the compact 1000-ml dispenser, Gojo's line of space saving hand sanitizing dispensers are much smaller than traditionally sized dispensers. Perfect for patient rooms, hallways, administrative areas and nurses stations, these portion controlled dispensers are adept at reducing wasted product. Compact dispenser holds much more soap than traditional bag-in-box systems. One-hand push-operation reinforces mounting with each use. Portion control reduces waste. ADA Compliant for push force. Compact 1000-ml dispenser is much smaller than traditional 800-ml bag-in-box dispensers.
Gojo Purell NXT 1000-ml Space Saver Hand Sanitizing Dispenser, Holds 1000-ml Refill, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 9.46 7.22 12.85 GOJ2130.JPG gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, gojo NXT space saver dispenser GOJ 2130, GOJ2130 1 1 0 0 1 50
2423 Lagasse Gojo NXT 2000-ml Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, Black/Gray (GOJ2235) 2423 GOJ 2235 1.40 2235-08 Gojo NXT Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser
Black with glossy finish, compact dispenser holds much more soap than traditional bag-in-box system. One-hand push-operation reinforces mounting with each use. Portion control reduces waste. Content identifier labels included with each dispenser. ADA Compliant for push force. For Gojo 2000-ml liquid hand soap refills. Lifetime guarantee.
Gojo NXT Maximum Capacity Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, Black / Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 10.40 7.93 13.73 GOJ2235.JPG gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, gojo nxt maximum capacity dispenser GOJ 2235, GOJ2235 1 1 0 0 1 50
2424 Lagasse Gojo NXT 2000-ml Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, White/Gray (GOJ2230) 2424 GOJ 2230 1.50 2230-08 Gojo NXT Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser
Compact dispenser holds much more soap than traditional bag-in-box system. One-hand push-operation reinforces mounting with each use. Portion control reduces waste. Content identifier labels included with each dispenser. ADA Compliant for push force. For Gojo 2000-ml liquid soap refills. Lifetime guarantee.
Gojo NXT Maximum Capacity Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, 2000-ml, White/Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 9.69 7.39 13.25 GOJ2230.JPG gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, gojo nxt 2000-ml maximum capacity dispenser, GOJ 2230, GOJ2230 1 1 0 0 1 50
2425 Lagasse Gojo NXT Deluxe Lotion Soap w/ Moisturizers, 8 - 1000-ml Refills (GOJ2117-08) 2425 GOJ 2117-08 20.00 2117-08 Lotion Soap w/ Moisturizers
Soap formula is packaged in easy-to-load, sanitary, no-leak refill pouch making refill easy to store and handle. Refill includes non-clog valve. Luxurious lotion soap with Vitamins A & E cleans hands gently, even with frequent use. For public facilities, offices and general restroom use. Fresh, light floral fragrance. 1000 - ml refill. 8 refills per case.
Gojo NXT Deluxe Lotion Hand Soap with Moisturizers, 1000 - ml Refill, 8 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 57.86 44.13 77.12 GOJ211708.JPG gojo nxt deluxe lotion soap with moisturizers refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 2117-08, GOJ211708 1 1 0 0 1 50
2426 Lagasse Gojo NXT Green Certified Lotion Hand Soap, 8 - 1000-ml Refills (GOJ216508) 2426 GOJ 2165-08 20.00 2165-08 Gojo NXT Green Certified Lotion Hand Soap
These green cleaning products have formulas that are packaged in easy-to-load, sanitary, no-leak refill pouches making refills easy to store and handle. Refills include non-clog valve. For general hand washing. Mild, biodegradable lotion soap is certified by Green Seal and Eco-Logom to meet their joint standard (GS-41/CCD-104) for hand cleaners and hand soaps. This product has been rigorously tested by these unbiased, third-party organizations and meets standards for being environmentally responsible without sacrificing product performance.
Gojo NXT Green Certified Lotion Hand Soap, 1,000-ml Refill, 8 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 63.37 47.01 82.30 GOJ216508.JPG gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, gojo nxt green certified lotion hand cleaner refill, GOJ 2165-08, GOJ216508 1 1 0 0 1 50
2427 Lagasse Gojo NXT Deluxe Lotion Liquid Hand Soap with Moisturizers (GOJ2217) 2427 GOJ 2217 20.80 2217-04 Lotion Liquid Hand Soap with Moisturizers
Soap formula is packaged in easy-to-load, sanitary, no-leak refill pouch making refill easy to store and handle. Refill includes non-clog valve. Luxurious lotion soap with Vitamins A & E cleans hands gently, even with frequent use. For public facilities, offices and general restroom use. Fresh, light floral fragrance 2000-ml refill 4 refills per case.
Gojo NXT Deluxe Lotion Hand Soap with Moisturizers, 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 55.18 42.08 74.50 GOJ2217.JPG gojo nxt maximum capacity deluxe lotion soap with moisturizers refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 2217, GOJ2217 1 1 0 0 1 50
2428 Lagasse Gojo NXT Spa Bath Body & Hair Shampoo, 4 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ2252) 2428 GOJ 2252 19.40 2252-04 Gojo NXT Spa Bath Body & Hair Shampoo
Soap formula is packaged in easy-to-load, sanitary, no-leak refill pouch making refill easy to store and handle. Refill includes non-clog valve. Luxurious, enriched formula for hands, hair and body. Ideal for use in health clubs and fitness centers. Pleasant herbal fragrance. 2000 - ml refill, 4 refills per case.
Gojo NXT Spa Bath Body & Hair Shampoo, 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refill per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Personal Care » Hair & Body Shampoo »
Gojo Industries 58.69 44.77 78.66 GOJ2252.JPG gojo nxt maximum capacity spa bath body & hair shampoo refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 2252, GOJ2252 1 1 0 0 1 50
2429 Lagasse Gojo NXT Ultra Mild Antimicrobial Lotion Hand Soap, 4 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ2212) 2429 GOJ 2212 20.00 2212-04 Gojo NXT Ultra Mild Antimicrobial Lotion Liquid Hand Soap
Gojo NXT Ultra Mild Antimicrobial Lotion Soap with Chloroxylenol formula is packaged in easy-to-load, sanitary, no-leak refill pouch making refill easy to store and handle. Refill includes non-clog valve. Quick-acting lotion soap formula combines mild cleansers with 0.6% Chloroxylenol (PCMX), a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. For gentle hand washing and effective germ killing. 2000-ml refill. 4 refills per case
Gojo NXT Ultra Mild Antimicrobial Lotion Soap with Chloroxylenol 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 63.58 46.89 83.75 GOJ2212.JPG gojo NXT maximum capacity ultra mild antimicrobial lotion soap with chloroxylenol refill,gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 2212, GOJ2212 1 1 0 0 1 50
2430 Lagasse Gojo NXT Antimicrobial Lotion Hand Soap, 8 - 1000-ml Refills (GOJ2112) 2430 GOJ 2112 20.20 2112-08 Ultra Mild Antimicrobial Lotion Hand Soap
Soap formula is packaged in easy-to-load, sanitary, no-leak refill pouch making refill easy to store and handle. Refill includes non-clog valve. Quick-acting lotion soap formula combines mild cleansers with 0.6% Chloroxylenol (PCMX), a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. For gentle hand washing and effective germ killing. 1000 - ml refill. 8 refills per case.
Gojo NXT Ultra Mild Antimicrobial Lotion Soap, 1000-ml Refill, 8 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 60.85 46.41 80.28 GOJ2112.JPG gojo nxt ultra mild antimicrobial lotion soap with chloroxylenol, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 2112, GOJ2112 1 1 0 0 1 50
2431 Lagasse Gojo Orange Pumice Creme Hand Cleaner, 6 - 4.5-lb. Cartridge Refills (GOJ0975) 2431 GOJ 0975 31.80 0975-06 Gojo Orange Pumice Creme Hand Cleaner
Creme formula with citrus ingredients and natural pumice scrubbers. For removing grease, tar and oil. Use with dispenser GOJ 1204 (sold separately) 4.5 lb cartridge refill. 6 refills per case.
Gojo Orange Pumice Creme Hand Cleaner, 4.5-lb. Cartridge Refill, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Creme-Style Soaps » Gojo Industries 94.08 71.76 127.03 GOJ0975.JPG gojo orange pumice hand cleaner creme refill, gojo creme-style refills, gojo pumice, gojo pumice hand cleaner, gojo orange pumice, gojo orange pumice hand cleaner, gojo hand cleaner, gojo hand soap, gojo heavy duty hand cleaners,gojo liquid soap refills, gojo liquid hand soap refills, gojo soap refills, gojo hand soap, GOJ 0975, GOJ0975 1 1 0 0 1 50
2432 Lagasse Gojo Creme Orange Smooth Hand Cleaner, 6 - 4.5-lb. Cartridge Refills (GOJ0965) 2432 GOJ 0965 32.80 0965-06 Gojo Orange Smooth Hand Cleaner
Creme formula with natural citrus ingredients. For removing grease, tar and oil. To be used with or without water—wipe clean with a towel. Use with dispenser GOJ 1204 (sold separately).
Gojo Orange Smooth Hand Cleaner (Creme), 4.5-lb. Refill, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Creme-Style Soaps » Gojo Industries 95.71 73.00 129.52 GOJ0965.JPG gojo orange smooth hand cleaner refill, gojo moisturizing hand cream, cream, moisturizing hand creame, GOJ 0965, GOJ0965 1 1 0 0 1 50
2433 Lagasse Gojo Original Formula Hand Cleaner (Creme), 12 Containers per Case, 14-oz. Container (GOJ1109) 2433 GOJ 1109 16.20 1109-12 Gojo Original Formula Hand Cleaner (Crème)
Original GOJO crème formula contains lanolin and soothing emollients. Removes heavy grease, tar and oil. Can be used with or without water—rinse off or wipe clean with a towel.
Gojo original formula hand cleaner 14 OZ refills. 12 containers per case.
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Medium & Heavy Duty Hand Cleaners » Smooth Cleaners »Smooth Hand Cleaner Cream » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 28.11 21.44 37.09 GOJ1109.JPG gojo original formula hand cleaner container, gojo creme-style refills, gojo pumice, gojo pumice hand cleaner, gojo orange pumice, gojo orange pumice hand cleaner, gojo hand cleaner, gojo hand soap, gojo heavy duty hand cleaners,gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap refills, gojo soap refills, gojo hand soap, gojo moisturizing hand cream, cream, moisturizing hand creame, GOJ 1109, GOJ1109 1 1 0 0 1 50
2434 Lagasse Gojo Original Creme Formula Hand Cleaner, 6 - 4.5-lb. Containers (GOJ1111) 2434 GOJ 1111 31.00 1111-06 Creme Formula Hand Cleaner
Original GOJO creme formula contains lanolin and soothing emollients. Removes heavy grease, tar and oil. Can be used with or without water—rinse off or wipe clean with a towel.
Gojo Original Creme Formula Hand Cleaner, 4.5-lb. Canister, 6 Containers per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bulk Heavy-Duty Soaps - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 89.37 68.17 117.04 GOJ1111.JPG gojo original formula hand cleaner container, gojo creme-style refills, gojo pumice, gojo pumice hand cleaner, gojo orange pumice, gojo orange pumice hand cleaner, gojo hand cleaner, gojo hand soap, gojo heavy duty hand cleaners,gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap refills, gojo soap refills, gojo hand soap, gojo moisturizing hand cream, cream, moisturizing hand creame, GOJ1111, GOJ 1111 1 1 0 0 1 50
2435 Lagasse Gojo Original Creme Formula Hand Cleaner, 6 - 4.5-lb. Cartridge Refills (GOJ1115) 2435 GOJ 1115 30.00 1115-06 Original Creme Formula Hand Cleaner
Original GOJO creme formula contains lanolin and soothing emollients. Removes heavy grease, tar and oil. Can be used with or without water—rinse off or wipe clean with a towel.
Gojo Original Creme Formula Hand Cleaner, 4.5-lb. Cartridge Refill, 6 Refills per Case.
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Creme-Style Soaps - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 84.75 64.64 111.85 GOJ1115.JPG gojo original formula hand cleaner container, gojo creme-style refills, gojo pumice, gojo pumice hand cleaner, gojo orange pumice, gojo orange pumice hand cleaner, gojo hand cleaner, gojo hand soap, gojo heavy duty hand cleaners,gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap refills, gojo soap refills, gojo hand soap, gojo moisturizing hand cream, cream, moisturizing hand creame, GOJ1115, GOJ 1115 1 1 0 0 1 50
2436 Lagasse Gojo Pink & Klean Hand Soap, 12 - 800-ml Refills (GOJ912812) 2436 GOJ 9128-12 24.00 9128-12 Hand Soap
This hand soap from Gojo Industries is a rich, pink lotion soap that is formulated to be gentle enough for frequent use, but strong enough to get hands thoroughly clean. Do not be fooled by the light, pleasant floral scent and low cost. This economical, pearlized hand soap means business and gets the job done without breaking the bank. Ideal for public restrooms, office buildings and manufacturing environments, Gojo Pink & Klean Skin Cleanser comes packaged in sanitary sealed 800-ml bag-in-box refills that allow for clean and dry storage with no leaks. If you are looking for a gentle cleaning hand soap that rinses easily but cleans completely with a light scent, Gojo Pink & Klean Skin Cleanser is for you. Stock up today!
Gojo Pink & Klean Skin Cleanser, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 33.28 25.38 43.48 GOJ912812.JPG gojo pink & klean skin cleanser refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 9128-12, GOJ912812 1 1 0 0 1 50
2437 Lagasse Gojo Premium Foam Antibacterial Soap, 2 - 46-oz. Bottles (GOJ5720-02) 2437 GOJ 5720-02 6.50 5720-02 Foam Antibacterial Soap
Gojo Premium Foam Antibacterial Soap eliminates germs, while always being gentle on hands. Providing a rich, luxurious lather, Gojo Premium Foam Antibacterial Soap contains vitamin E and aloe. Coming in a Fresh Fruit fragrance, this luxurious, high-quality foaming formula kills germs, rinses easily and leaves hands feeling fresh and clean. An ideal soap for locations like break rooms, bathrooms, schools, healthcare facilities, offices, homes and much more. Coming in 2 46-oz. bottles per case.
Gojo Premium Foam Antibacterial Handwash, 46-oz. Bottle, 2 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 16.79 12.81 22.81 GOJ572002.JPG gojo premium antibacterial handwash, gojo premium antibacterial hand soap, antibacterial foam hand soap ,GOJ 5720-02, GOJ572002 1 1 0 0 1 50
2438 Lagasse Gojo Foam Antibacterial Handwash, Pump Bottle, 6 - 7.5-oz. Pump Bottles (GOJ571006) 2438 GOJ 5710-06 4.40 5710-06 Premium Foam Antibacterial Handwash
Kills germs, yet is gentle on hands while providing a rich, luxurious lather. Contains vitamin E and aloe. Fresh Fruit fragrance.
Gojo Premium Foam Antibacterial Handwash, 7.5-oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Foam Soaps » Gojo Foam Soap Pump Bottle - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 17.23 12.14 23.19 GOJ571006.JPG gojo premium foam antibacterial handwash pump bottle, antibacterial foam hand soap, gojo premium antibacterial hand soap GOJ 5710-06, GOJ571006 1 1 0 0 1 50
2439 Lagasse Gojo Pro2000 Multi Green Hand Cleaner, 4 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ7265) 2439 GOJ 7265 19.20 7265-04 Gojo Pro2000 Multi Green Hand Cleaner
Multi Green is a popular, multipurpose hand cleaner for removing light to medium industrial soils and dirt. Contains a natural, citrus solvent cleaner and non-abrading scrubbing particles. Bag-in-Box refills are easy to load, store and handle. A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash.
Gojo Pro2000 Multi Green Hand Cleaner, 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Pro2000 Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soap » Gojo Industries 76.53 58.37 100.88 GOJ7265.JPG gojo pro 2000 multi green hand cleaner, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 7265, GOJ7265 1 1 0 0 1 50
2440 Lagasse Gojo Pro 2000 Natural Orange Smooth Hand Cleaner, 4 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ7250) 2440 GOJ 7250 19.40 7250-04 Gojo Pro2000 Natural Orange Smooth Hand Cleaner
SANITARY SEALED, Bag-in-Box refill is easy to load, store and handle. A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash. Economical, quick-acting lotion formula cleans a wide range of industrial soils, medium dirt, grease, tar and oil. Contains baby oil. Citrus scent.
Gojo Pro2000 Natural Orange Smooth Hand Cleaner, 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Pro2000 Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soap » Gojo Industries 72.64 53.89 97.82 GOJ7250.JPG gojo pro 2000 natural orange smooth hand cleaner, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 7250, GOJ7250 1 1 0 0 1 50
2441 Lagasse Gojo Pro2000 Natural Orange Pumice Hand Cleaner, 4 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ7255) 2441 GOJ 7255 19.40 7255-04 Gojo Pro2000 Natural Orange Pumice Hand Cleaner
Natural Orange Pumice Hand Cleaner is a quick-acting lotion formula with pumice scrubbing particles for cleaning a broad range of industrial soils, medium dirt and grease. Orange citrus scent. Bag-in-Box refills are easy to load, store and handle. A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash.
Gojo Pro2000 Natural Orange Pumice Hand Cleaner, 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Pro2000 Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soap » Gojo Industries 68.25 52.06 89.40 GOJ7255.JPG pumice hand cleaners, GOJ 7255, GOJ7255, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2442 Lagasse Gojo Pro2000 Power Gold Hand Cleaner, 4 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ7295) 2442 GOJ 7295 17.00 7295-04 Gojo Pro2000 Power Gold Hand Cleaner
Pro2000 Power Gold Hand Cleaner is a fast-acting, effective hand cleaner for removing the heaviest grease, tar and oil. Contains no harsh solvents. With natural, nonirritating scrubbing particles. Bag-in-Box refills are easy to load, store and handle. A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash.
Gojo Pro2000 Power Gold Hand Cleaner, 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Pro2000 Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soap » Gojo Industries 84.41 64.38 109.71 GOJ7295.JPG power gold hand cleaner, gojo hand soaps, GOJ 7295, GOJ7295, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2443 Lagasse Gojo Pro2000 Rich Pink Antibacterial Lotion Soap, 4 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ7220) 2443 GOJ 7220 19.40 7220-04 Rich Pink Antibacterial Lotion Soap
Gojo Pro2000 Rich Pink Antibacterial Lotion Soap is a high-performance, gentle antibacterial lotion soap. For cleaning light soils. Bag-in-Box refills are easy to load, store and handle. A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash.
Gojo Pro2000 Rich Pink Antibacterial Lotion Soap, 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Pro2000 Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soap - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 45.32 34.57 59.01 GOJ7220.JPG gojo pro 2000 rich pink antibacterial lotion soap, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 7220, GOJ7220 1 1 0 0 1 50
2444 Lagasse Gojo Pro2000 Shower Up Soap & Shampoo, 4 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ7230) 2444 GOJ 7230 20.20 7230-04 Gojo Pro 2000 Shower Up Soap & Shampoo
Gojo Shower Up Body Soap & Shampoo is a rich hair and body soap provides a clean alternative to non-hygienic bar soaps. Ideal for use in health clubs and fitness centers. Synthetic, clean-rinsing formula. Rose color, pleasant clean fragrance. Bag-in-Box refills are easy to load, store and handle. A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash.
Gojo Pro 2000 Shower Up Soap & Shampoo, 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Personal Care » Hair & Body Shampoo » Gojo Industries 55.48 42.32 74.79 GOJ7230.JPG gojo pro 2000 shower up soap & shampoo refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 7230, GOJ7230 1 1 0 0 1 50
2445 Lagasse Gojo Pro 2000 Heavy-Duty Liquid Soap Dispenser, Black (GOJ7200) 2445 GOJ 7200 3.00 7200-01 Gojo Pro 2000 Liquid Soap Dispenser
Rugged, high capacity PRO Series dispensers offer unmatched performance. SANITARY SEALED Bag - in - Box refills are easy to load store and handle. A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash. Heavy-duty bag-in-box dispenser easily displays content supply to indicate refill time. 2000-ml capacity. ADA Compliant, one hand push operation. Portion control helps reduce waste. For GOJO brand refills GOJ 7200 Series( Sold separately). Black. 7"wide x 5 3/4" deep x 16 1/2" high.
Gojo Pro 2000 Heavy-Duty Liquid Soap Dispenser, 2000-ml, Black, Each
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Pro2000 Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soap - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 14.04 10.71 18.79 GOJ7200.JPG gojo pro 2000 soap dispenser, gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, GOJ 7200, GOJ7200 1 1 0 0 1 50
2446 Lagasse Gojo Pro2000 Supro Max Cherry Hand Cleaner, 4 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ7282-04) 2446 GOJ 7282-04 20.00 7282-04 Gojo Pro 2000 Supro Max Cherry Hand Cleaner
Gojo Pro2000 Supro Max Cherry Hand Cleaner is a fast , effective hand cleaner removes most inks and tough, sticky soils and adhesives. Unique blend of cleaners, skin conditioners and gentle scrubbers is ideal for plant - wise use. Apply to hands, then rinse. Non-drying formula leaves skin conditioned and healthy feeling. Pleasant cherry fragrance. 2000-ml refills. 4 refills per case.
Gojo Pro2000 Supro Max Cherry Hand Cleaner, 2000-ml Refills, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Pro2000 Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soap » Gojo Industries 91.24 69.59 121.92 GOJ728204.JPG gojo pro 2000 supro max cherry hand cleaner, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 7282-04, GOJ728204 1 1 0 0 1 50
2447 Lagasse Gojo Pro 2000 Supro Max Hand Cleaner, 4 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ7272) 2447 GOJ 7272 21.20 7272-04 Gojo Pro 2000 Supro Max Hand Cleaner
Gojo Pro 2000 Supro Max Hand Cleaner is a fast, effective lotion hand cleaner removes tough, sticky soils and adhesives. Unique blend of cleaners and gentle scrubbers is ideal for plant-wide use, body shops or wherever difficult soils are found. Apply to dry hands, then rinse. Nondrying formula. Bag-in-Box refills are easy to load, store and handle. A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash.
Gojo Pro 2000 Supro Max Hand Cleaner, 2000-ml Refills, 4 Refills per Case
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Gojo Pro2000 Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soap - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 84.00 64.07 111.12 GOJ7272.JPG gojo pro 2000 supro max hand cleaner, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 7272, GOJ7272 1 1 0 0 1 50
2448 Lagasse Gojo Pro Multi Green Hand Cleaner, 2 - 5000-ml Refills (GOJ7565) 2448 GOJ 7565 24.80 7565-02 5000-ml Multi Green Hand Cleaner
A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash. A popular, multipurpose hand cleaner for removing light to medium industrial soils and dirt. Contains a natural, citrus solvent cleaner and nonabrading scrubbing particles. GOJO GREEN HYGIENE Solutions can help Facility Managers meet the hand hygiene requirement that was recently added to the LEED-EB building rating system certification and re-certification process. According to the U.S. Green Building Council, the LEED-EB green cleaning prerequisite requires: “Development of strategies for promoting and improving hand hygiene, including both hand washing and the use of alcohol-based waterless hand sanitizers.
GOJO works closely with the people in your world to fully understand their special needs and nuances, discovering potential ways to enhance their lives through better skin health and hygiene. We then apply years of hand hygiene and skin care "know how" and cutting edge science and technology to develop highly effective, comprehensive solutions.
Gojo Pro 5000 Multi Green Hand Cleaner, 5000-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 78.26 59.69 103.12 GOJ7565.JPG gojo pro 5000 multi green hand cleaner, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 7565, GOJ7565 1 1 0 0 1 50
2449 Lagasse Gojo Pro 5000 Orange Pumice Hand Cleaner Refill, 2 Refills (GOJ7556) 2449 GOJ 7556 25.20 7556-02 Natural Orange Pumice Hand Cleaner Refill
A fast-acting hand cleaner with pumice scrubbing particles that are tough on grease and grime, but gentle on hands. The lotion formula quickly cleans heavy dirt, grease and oil, leaving behind a pleasant orange citrus scent. This natural pumice hand cleaner rinses quickly and easily and leaves skin feeling refreshed. Each Gojo bag-in-box refill comes with a fresh dispensing valve to guard against leaks or clogs and the Sanitary Seal helps to lock out germs and prevent cross contamination. Gojo has made each of these refills with portion control dispensing to help reduce the total cost per hand wash, saving you money. Gojo Pro 5000 Natural Orange Pumice Hand Cleaner is ideal for use in industrial settings and mechanical repair shops where hard working hands come into contact with dirt, grease and grim. Get some today!
Gojo Pro 5000 Natural Orange Pumice Hand Cleaner, 5000-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 68.25 52.06 90.17 GOJ7556.JPG gojo pro 5000 natural orange pumice hand cleaner, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill 5000 Refill, GOJ 7556, GOJ7556 1 1 0 0 1 50
2450 Lagasse Gojo Pro 5000 Power Gold Hand Cleaner, 2 Refills (GOJ7596) 2450 GOJ 7596 21.60 7596-02 Hand Cleaner Refills
Gojo Pro Power Gold Hand Cleaner is an effective, fast-acting hand cleaner that is able to remove the heaviest grease, tar and oil thoroughly without the use of harsh solvents. This powerful hand cleaner contains only natural, non-irritating scrubbing particles that can be applied to dry hands and simply rinsed or wiped off, ideal for work sites where water is not easily accessible. Gojo Power Gold Hand Cleaner comes in a sanitary sealed bag-in-box refill that locks out germs, and is easy to load, store and handle. Each refill comes with a fresh dispensing valve to prevent leaks or clogs, and the portion control dispensing helps reduce the total cost per hand wash. Choose a hand cleaner from a company that has been an innovator in the skin care field since 1964. Choose Gojo Pro Power Gold Hand Cleaner today!
Gojo Pro 5000 Power Gold Hand Cleaner Refill, 5000-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 84.41 64.38 110.08 GOJ7596.JPG Gojo pro 5000 power gold hand cleaner refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 7596, GOJ7596 1 1 0 0 1 50
2451 Lagasse Gojo Pro 5000 Rich Pink Antibacterial Hand Soap, 2 - 5000 ml Refills (GOJ7520) 2451 GOJ 7520 25.80 7520-02 Rich Pink Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap
Sanitary Sealed, Bag-in-Box refill is easy to load, store and handle. A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash. A high-performance, gentle antibacterial lotion soap. For cleaning light soils.
Gojo Pro 5000 Rich Pink Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap, 5000-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 45.32 34.57 59.32 GOJ7520.JPG gojo pro 5000 rich pink antibacterial lotion soap refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 7520, GOJ7520 1 1 0 0 1 50
2452 Lagasse Gojo Pro 5000 Shower Up Soap & Shampoo, 2 Refills per Case, 5000-ml Refill (GOJ7530) 2452 GOJ 7530 25.40 7530-02 Gojo Pro 5000 Shower Up Soap & Shampoo
SANITARY SEALED™, Bag-in-Box refill is easy to load, store and handle. A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash. Rich hair and body soap provides a clean alternative to nonhygienic bar soaps. Ideal for use in health clubs and fitness centers. Synthetic, clean-rinsing formula. Rose-colored, pleasant clean fragrance.
Gojo pro 5000 shower up soap & shampoo 5000 - ml refill. 2 refills per case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Medium & Heavy Duty Hand Cleaners » Gojo Pro Soap System »Gojo Pro Hand Soap Refills » Pro 5000 ml Soap Refill - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 56.04 42.74 74.53 GOJ7530.JPG gojo pro 5000 shower up soap & shampoo refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 7530, GOJ7530 1 1 0 0 1 50
2453 Lagasse Gojo Pro 5000 Soap Dispenser, Black (GOJ7500) 2453 GOJ 7500 5.10 7500-01 5000-ml Soap Dispenser
Large-capacity, heavy-duty bag-in-box dispenser has large display window that identifies the product inside and makes it easy to see when it’s time to refill. 5000-ml capacity. ADA Compliant, one-hand push-bar operation. Portion controlled to reduce waste. For GOJO brand refills GOJ 7500 Series (sold separately) Dimensions 9" w x 7" d x 20-5/8" h
Gojo Pro 5000 Soap 5000-ml Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 16.43 12.53 21.69 GOJ7500.JPG gojo pro 5000 soap dispenser, gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, GOJ 7500, GOJ7500 1 1 0 0 1 50
2454 Lagasse Gojo Pro 5000 Supro Max Hand Cleaner, 2 Refills (GOJ7572) 2454 GOJ 7572 25.00 7572-02 5000-ml Supro Max Hand Cleaner
Gojo Pro Supro Max Hand Cleaner is a strong, hardworking lotion hand cleaner that thoroughly removes stubborn sticky dirt and adhesives. This effective hand cleaner contains an exclusive blend of cleaners and gentle scrubbers that remove difficult soils while still keeping hands soft. Just apply to dry hands and rinse. It’s that easy! The Sanitary Sealed Bag-in-Box refills are designed to be easily loaded and stored, and each refill comes with a new, clean dispensing valve. The Hand Cleaner dispenser provides portion control, significantly cutting down on waste and reducing the total cost per hand wash. Gojo Pro Supro Max Hand Cleaner is ideal for use in body shops, warehouses or anywhere hands require frequent washing for tough dirt and soils.
Gojo Industries Gojo Pro 5000 Supro Max Hand Cleaner, 5000-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 85.90 65.52 117.62 GOJ7572.JPG gojo pro 5000 supro max hand cleaner refills, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 7572, GOJ7572 1 1 0 0 1 50
2455 Lagasse Gojo Scrubbing Wipes, 170-Count Personal Care Wipes (GOJ6398-02) 2455 GOJ 6398-02 8.00 6398-02 Gojo Scrubbing Wipes
Premoistened wipes for cleaning when water is not available. Heavy-duty scrubbing formula lifts heavy dirt and grime from skin. Contains skin conditioners to help prevent dryness and irritation. 2 buckets per case.
Gojo Personal Care Wipes, 170 Wipes per Bucket, 2 Buckets per Case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Medium & Heavy Duty Hand Cleaners » Smooth Cleaners »Smooth Cleaner Wipes » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 52.92 36.25 71.91 GOJ639802.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, GOJO Scrubbing Wipes, GOJ 6398-02, GOJ639802 1 1 0 0 1 50
2456 Lagasse Gojo Scrubbing Personal Care Wipes, 72-Count Canister (GOJ6396-06) 2456 GOJ 6396-06 5.00 6396-06 Gojo Scrubbing Wipes
Premoistened wipes for cleaning when water is not available. Heavy-duty scrubbing formula lifts heavy dirt and grime from skin. Contains skin conditioners to help prevent dryness and irritation. 6 canisters per case.
Gojo Personal Care Wipes, 72 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Medium & Heavy Duty Hand Cleaners » Smooth Cleaners »Smooth Cleaner Wipes » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 63.14 48.16 83.36 GOJ639606.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, GOJO Scrubbing Wipes, GOJ 6396-06, GOJ639606 1 1 0 0 1 50
2457 Lagasse Gojo Spa Bath Body & Hair Shampoo, 800-ml Refill (GOJ9152-12) 2457 GOJ 9152-12 24.20 9152-12 Gojo Spa Bath Body & Hair Shampoo
800-ml bag-in-box system. Sanitary-sealed. Luxurious, enriched hand, hair and body soap. Ideal for use in health clubs and fitness centers. Pleasant herbal fragrance 800 - ml refill 12 refills per case.
Gojo Spa Bath Body & Hair Shampoo, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Personal Care » Hair & Body Shampoo » Gojo Industries 96.04 67.90 125.54 GOJ915212.JPG gojo spa bath body & hair shampoo refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 9152-12, GOJ915212 1 1 0 0 1 50
2458 Lagasse Gojo Spa Body & Hair Shampoo, 4 Containers per Case, Gallon Container (GOJ9155) 2458 GOJ 9155 37.40 9155-04
Gojo Spa Bath Body and Hair Shampoo
Luxurious, enriched hair and body soap. Ideal for use in health clubs and fitness centers. Pleasent herbal fragrance. Flat - top gallon container. 4 containers per case.
Gojo spa bath body & hair shampoo 4 containers per case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Liquid Soaps » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 60.40 46.07 80.87 GOJ9155.JPG gojo spa bath body & hair shampoo, 4 Containers per Case, Gallon Container GOJ 9155, GOJ9155 1 1 0 0 1 50
2459 Lagasse Gojo TFX Touch-Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Black (GOJ2730-12) 2459 GOJ 2730-12 2.50 2730-12 Gojo TFX Touch-Free Automatic Hand Soap Dispenser
Gojo has made hand washing easier and more hygienic with this remarkable touch-free foaming soap dispenser system! This automatic soap dispenser distributes just the right amount of soap more hygienically than ordinary soap dispensers. The user only has to place their hands below the dispenser to get the soap, never having to touch a dirty dispenser again! The built-in extra large window makes it easy to see when a refill is needed, cutting down on the guess work. This automatic soap dispenser has its own portion control system, preventing wasted soap and saving you money. The dispenser mounts to the wall with adhesive (included) or screws (not included) and requires three C batteries (included). The Gojo Automatic Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser is ideal for use in schools, hospitals, restaurants, office buildings and any other location that needs a quick, hygienic hand washing system.
Gojo Industries TFX Touch Free Automatic Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 24.19 18.45 32.88 GOJ273012.JPG gojo touch-free dispenser, gojo automatic hand soap dispenser, gojo automatic foam soap dispenser, gojo automatic foaming hand soap, GOJ 2730-12, GOJ273012 1 1 0 0 1 50
2460 Lagasse Gojo TFX 1200-ml Touch-Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Gray (GOJ274012) 2460 GOJ 2740-12 2.50 2740-12 Gojo TFX Touch-Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Touch-free dispensing system means no need to touch a dirty dispenser—ideal for hand hygiene. Automatically dispenses the perfect amount of soap needed in a single shot. Fully ADA-Compliant dispenser features a skylight with an extra-large sight window that makes it easy to see when it’s time to refill. Designed to hold GOJO TFX 1200-ml refills (sold separately). Plastic. Mounts to wall with adhesive (included) or screws (not included). Requires three C alkaline batteries (included). Three year guarantee. 6" wide x 4" deep x 10.5" high.
Gojo TFX Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1200-ml, Dove Gray, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo TFX System » Gojo Industries 25.54 17.03 34.83 GOJ274012.JPG gojo touch-free dispenser, gojo automatic hand soap dispenser, gojo automatic foam soap dispenser, gojo automatic foaming hand soap, GOJ 2740-12, GOJ274012 1 1 0 0 1 50
2461 Lagasse Gojo TFX Green Certified Foaming Hand Soap, 2 - 1200 ml Refills (GOJ5665-02) 2461 GOJ 5665-02 6.00 5665-02 GOJO TFX Green Certified Foaming Hand Soap
This mild, biodegradable foam soap from Gojo keeps your hands soft no matter how many times you wash them. Providing a gentle and effective formula that offers a thorough clean, each sanitary sealed refill comes with a fresh dispensing valve to help to lock out germs. Gojo Premium Hand Soap is for use with a Gojo Touch-Free Dispenser (sold separately) and each refill snaps in place with a click so you know it is ready to go. This Gojo Hand Soap is ideal for use in just about any location where there is frequent hand washing. This product meets the Green Seal environment standard for institutional hand cleaners(GS - 41A) based on its reduced human and aquatic toxicity and reduced smog production potential.Meets EcoLogo environmental standard for institutional hand cleaners(CCD - 104) fragrance free 1200 - ml refill. 2 refills per case.
Gojo TFX Green Certified Foam Hand Soap, 1200 - ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo TFX System - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 50.62 35.69 67.66 GOJ566502.JPG gojo tfx green certified foam hand cleaner refill, gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 5665-02, GOJ566502, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2462 Lagasse Gojo TFX Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 2 - 1200-ml Refills (GOJ536202) 2462 GOJ 5362-02 6.30 5362-02 TFX Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, Fresh Fruit
Gojo has formulated this Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap keeps your hands soft no matter how many times you wash them. This luxurious fresh fruit scented hand soap provides a rich, thick lather for a clean hand washing experience. The gentle and effective formula provides a thorough clean, but it is still gentle, so there is no need to worry about repeated hand washing causing dry hands. Each Sanitary Sealed refill comes with a fresh dispensing valve to help to lock out germs. Gojo Premium Hand Soap is for use with a Gojo Touch-Free Dispenser (sold separately) and each refill snaps in place with a click so you know it is ready to go. This Gojo Hand Soap is ideal for use in just about any location where there is frequent hand washing. Get yours today! Kills germs on hands while providing a rich, luxurious lather. Contains vitamin E and aloe. Fresh fruit fragrance.
Gojo Premium Foaming Antibacterial Hand Soap, Fresh Fruit Scent, 1200-ml refill, 2 Refills per Case
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo TFX System - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 48.33 36.86 65.82 GOJ536202.JPG gojo tfx premium foam antibacterial handwash refill, gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 5362-02, GOJ536202 1 1 0 0 1 50
2463 Lagasse Gojo Foaming Hand Soap with Skin Conditioners, 1200-ml Refills (GOJ536102) 2463 GOJ 5361-02 6.00 5361-02 Foaming Hand Soap Refill
Gojo has formulated this Premium Foam Hand Soap complete with skin conditioners to keep your hands soft no matter how many times you wash them. This luxurious cranberry scented hand soap provides a rich, thick lather for a magnificent hand washing experience. The gentle and effective formula provides a thorough clean, but it is still gentle, so there is no need to worry about repeated hand washing causing dry hands. Each Sanitary Sealed refill comes with a fresh dispensing valve to help to lock out germs. The clear skylight allows you to see when a refill is necessary, eliminating the guess work. Gojo Premium Hand Soap is for use with a Gojo Touch-Free Dispenser (sold separately) and each refill snaps in place with a click so you know it is ready to go. Gojo Hand Soap with Skin Conditioners is ideal for use in just about any location where there is frequent hand washing. Get yours today!
Gojo Premium Foaming Hand Soap with Skin Conditioners, 1200-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 44.93 34.27 59.80 GOJ536102.JPG gojo tfx premium foam handwash with skin conditioners, gojo foam soap refills, gojo foam hand soap refills, gojo foaming hand soap refills, gojo foaming soap refills, GOJ 5361-02, GOJ536102, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2464 Lagasse Gojo Thick Pink Antiseptic Lotion Soap, 4 Gallon Containers (GOJ1845) 2464 GOJ 1845 36.00 1845-04 Gojo Thick Pink Antiseptic Lotion Soap
General-purpose, mild formula has low potential for skin irritation and allergic reaction. High-quality, luxurious foaming hand soap formulated with superior moisturizers and conditioners. Specially designed foaming formula, enriched with vitamins and moisturizers, provides an amazingly gentle cleansing experience along with a fresh, clean scent. Economical. Provides germ killing - action ; Contains 0.3 % Chloroxylenol (PCMX). For general restroom use. Pleasant fragrance. For use with Gojo Flat Top Gallon Dispenser GOJ1275 (sold separately). Flat-top gallon container. 4 container per case.
Gojo Thick Pink Antiseptic Lotion Soap, 1 Gallon Flat-Top Container, 4 Containers per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bulk Liquid Soaps - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 41.08 31.33 56.03 GOJ1845.JPG hand soap, liquid hand soap, gojo luxury hand soap, GOJ 1845, GOJ1845, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
2465 Lagasse Gojo Ultra Mild Antimicrobial Lotion Hand Soap 800-ml Refills (GOJ9212-12) 2465 GOJ 9212-12 25.00 9212-12 Gojo Antimicrobial Lotion Soap with Chloroxylenol
800-ml bag-in-box system. Sanitary-sealed. Lotion soap formula combines mild cleansers with 0.6% Chloroxylenol (PCMX), a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. For gentle hand washing and germ killing 800 - ml refill. 12 refills per case.
Gojo Ultra Mild Antimicrobial Lotion Hand Soap with Chloroxylenol, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Gojo Soap System Gojo Industries 93.23 67.31 121.27 GOJ921212.JPG gojo ultra mild antimicrobial lotion soap with chloroxylenol refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 9212-12, GOJ921212 1 1 0 0 1 50
2466 Lagasse Dial Gold Antibacterial Bar Soap, 72 - 3.5-oz. Bar Size (DIA00910) 2466 DIA 00910 16.20 00910 Dial Gold Antibacterial Bar Soap
Dial's reputation for quality spans more than fifty years. Dial brand is America's best-selling antibacterial bar soap and is #1 in consumer loyalty. No antibacterial bar soap is trusted more for effectiveness and deodorant protection. Individually wrapped.
Dial Gold Antibacterial Bar Soap, 3.5-oz. Bar Size, 72 Bars per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bar Soaps » Dial Professional 59.79 45.60 80.08 DIA00910.JPG dial gold antibacterial bar soap, DIA 00910, DIA00910, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
2467 Lagasse Dial Gold Antibacterial Bar Soap, 72 - 4-oz. Bar Size (DIA02401) 2467 DIA 02401 22.50 02401 Dial Gold Antibacterial Bar Soap
Dial Gold Antibacterial Bar Soap is around the clock protection. Dial brand is America's best-selling antibacterial bar soap and is #1 in consumer loyalty. No antibacterial bar soap is trusted more for effectiveness and deodorant protection. Dial's reputation for quality spans more than fifty years. Individually wrapped.
Dial Gold Antibacterial Bar Soap, 4-oz. Bar Size, 72 Bars per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bar Soaps » Dial Professional 74.32 56.68 101.15 DIA02401.JPG dial gold antibacterial bar soap, DIA 02401, DIA02401, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
2468 Lagasse Golden Clip® Window Brass Channel, 12in (UNGGC30) 2468 UNG GC30 0.25 GC300 Golden Clip® Window Squeegee Handle
Golden Clip® Brass Channel
Choose from Ungers Squeege Handle or Brass Channels in either 12" or 18". All items sold separately. Professional-quality solid brass squeegee. Clipped channels, coin adjustable screws to hold channel.
Manunfactured by Unger Window Cleaning Products
GOLDEN CLIP PRO WNDW SQUEGE 12 IN BRASS 10 Unger 5.81 4.40 7.58 UNGGC30.JPG Golden Clip Window Brass Channel, 12in UNG GC30, UNGGC30, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
2469 Lagasse Golden Clip® Window Brass Channel, 18in (UNGGC45) 2469 UNG GC45 0.38 GC450 Golden Clip® Window Squeegee Handle
Golden Clip® Brass Channel
Choose from Ungers Squeege Handle or Brass Channels in either 12" or 18". All items sold separately. Professional-quality solid brass squeegee. Clipped channels, coin adjustable screws to hold channel.
Manunfactured by Unger Window Cleaning Products
GOLDEN CLIP PRO WNDW SQUEGE 18 IN BRASS 10 Unger 7.75 5.91 10.34 UNGGC45.JPG Golden Clip Window Brass Channel, 18in UNG GC45, UNGGC45, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
2470 Lagasse Golden Clip® Window Pro Brass Squeegee Handle (UNGGS00) 2470 UNG GS00 0.27 GS000 Golden Clip® Window Squeegee Handle
Golden Clip® Brass Channel
Choose from Ungers Squeege Handle or Brass Channels in either 12" or 18". All items sold separately. Professional-quality solid brass squeegee. Clipped channels, coin adjustable screws to hold channel.
Manunfactured by Unger Window Cleaning Products
GOLDEN CLIP PRO BRASS SQUEEGEE HNDL 10 Unger 5.94 4.53 8.03 UNGGS00.JPG Golden Clip Window Pro Brass Squeegee Handle UNG GS00, UNGGS00, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
2471 Lagasse 12" Golden Clip Window Squeegee (UNGGS30) 2471 UNG GS30 0.51 GS300 Golden Clip Window Squeegee
Unger professional quality solid brass squeegee. Clipped channels, coin adjustable screws to hold channel. Comes with handle, channel and rubber blade complete. Manufactured by Unger Window Cleaning Products.
Unger 12" Golden Clip Squeegee, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 11.66 8.36 15.44 UNGGS30.JPG Golden Clip Window Squeegee, Complete, 12in UNG GS30, UNGGS30, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2472 Lagasse 18" Golden Clip Complete Window Squeegee (UNGGS45) 2472 UNG GS45 0.20 GS450 Golden Clip Complete Window Squeegee
Unger professional quality solid brass squeegee. Clipped channels, coin adjustable screws to hold channel. Comes with handle, channel and rubber blade complete. Manufactured by Unger Window Cleaning Products.
Unger 18" Golden Clip Complete Window Squeegee, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 13.24 10.10 17.20 UNGGS45.JPG Golden Clip Window Squeegee, Complete, 18in UNG GS45, UNGGS45, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2476 Lagasse Graffiti & Spray Paint Remover, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can (DYM07820) 2476 DYM 07820 17.00 07820 Jelled graffiti remover won’t drip or run. Removes spray paint, markers, ballpoint ink and crayon from nonporous surfaces. Safe for cleaning metals, porcelain, Formica® and baked enamel paints (not recommended for flat or semi-gloss painted surfaces).
GRAFFITI & SPRAY PAINT RMVR ARSL 12/20 OZ Itw Dymon 63.41 47.93 85.80 DYM07820.JPG Graffiti & Spray Paint Remover, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can DYM 07820, DYM07820, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 60
2477 Lagasse Granular Deodorant, Liquid absorber, Lemon Scent, 12 Canisters (BGD150) 2477 BGD 150 14.20 150 Lemon Scent Liquid Absorber
This liquid absorber Clay granules destroy odors while absorbing moisture. Sprinkle on spill or other liquid mess, then vacuum or sweep away. Can also be mixed with sand in smoking urns or used as cat litter, also can be use in schools, offices, and anywhere their is a spill other products cant handle BGD150 will step up to the moment and get the job done. NSF Category Code C1. Lemon scent.
Big D Industries Granular Deodorize Liquid absorber, Lemon Scent, 12 Canister per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Big D Ind 32.45 24.75 42.38 BGD150.JPG Granular Deodorant BGD 150, BGD150, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 12
2482 Lagasse 56 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags, 43x47, 1.1mil, 100 Bags (BWK4347SEH) 2482 BWK 4347SEH 14.80 H8647SGKR01 56 Gallon Garbage Bags
Super-Extra-Heavy-Duty 1.1 mil thick can liners. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose garbage bags recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Superior tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners. Coreless perforated rolls for easy dispensing.
Boarkwalk 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 1.1mil, Gray, 4 Rolls, 25 Bags per Roll, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 39.94 26.40 51.98 BWK4347SEH.JPG 56 gallon garbage bags, 55 gallon can liners, 56 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 56 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 4347SEH, BWK4347SEH 1 1 0 0 1 123
2483 Lagasse 56 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags, 43x47, 0.95mil, 100 Bags (BWK4347SH) 2483 BWK 4347SH 12.80 H8647TGKR01 56 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags
Boardwalk's line of plastic garbage bags are ideal for use around the home, school or office. Providing excellent tear resistance on those heavy transportation requirements, these high-quality, bags are crafted from quality plastic. These garbage bags are super-duty capacity for loads of sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. Packaged in rolls these bags are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, or office.
Boardwalk 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 0.95mil, Gray, 4 Rolls of25 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 36.90 24.39 49.40 BWK4347SH.JPG 56 gallon garbage bags, 56 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 56 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 4347SH, BWK4347SH 1 1 0 0 1 123
2484 Lagasse 45 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags, 40x46, 1.1mil, 100 Bags (BWK4046SEH) 2484 BWK 4046SEH 13.50 H8046SGKR01 45 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags
Super Extra Heavy 1.10mil thick can liners. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose garbage bags recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Superior tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners. Coreless perforated rolls for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 1.10mil, Gray, 4 Rolls of 25 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 40.17 26.55 54.80 BWK4046SEH.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 4046SEH, BWK4046SEH 1 1 0 0 1 123
2485 Lagasse 45 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.95mil, 100 Bags (BWK4046SH) 2485 BWK 4046SH 11.70 H8048TGKR01 45 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags
Heavy-Duty 0.60mil thick can liners for tougher transport conditions. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose trash bags recommended for sharper objects. Superior tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners. Coreless perforated rolls for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.95mil, Gray, 4 Rolls of 25 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 36.70 24.26 47.86 BWK4046SH.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 4046SH, BWK4046SH 1 1 0 0 1 123
2486 Lagasse 30 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.95mil, 100 Bags (BWK3036SH) 2486 BWK 3036SH 6.80 H6036TGKR01 30 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags
Recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions, these Boardwalk can liners provide a heavy-duty, resilient garbage bag option. Made from 100% prime resins, these 30 gallon garbage bags deliver the strength and durability needed for those big clean-up jobs. These affordable can liners have a star seal bottom that ensures even weight distribution and eliminates gaps along the seal, allowing for easy removal from waste receptacles. Virtually leak-proof, these low density garbage bags provide greater puncture resistance than high density liners. Boardwalk plastic Garbage bags offer great load capacity so they are ideal for construction sites, warehouses, residential homes and more. Packaged in coreless, interleaved rolls, these heavy duty can liners offer effortless bag dispensing and compact storage. Stock up today on Boardwalk 30 gallon garbage bags and save!
Boardwalk 30 Gallon Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.95mil, Gray, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 22.09 14.60 28.94 BWK3036SH.JPG 30 gallon garbage bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3036SH, BWK3036SH 1 1 0 0 1 123
2487 Lagasse 60 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags, 38x58, 1.1mil, 100 Bags (BWK3858SEH) 2487 BWK 3858SEH 16.20 H7658SGKR01 60 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags
Extra-Super-Heavy-Duty 1.1Mil thick can liners. Coreless perforated rolls for easy dispensing. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose garbage bags recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Superior tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners.
60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 1.1mil, Grey, 4 Rolls of 25 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 43.78 28.94 59.44 BWK3858SEH.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3858SEH, BWK3858SEH 1 1 0 0 1 123
2488 Lagasse 60 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.95mil, 100 Bags (BWK3858SH) 2488 BWK 3858SH 14.00 H7658TGKR01 60 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags
Super heavy-duty .95 Mil thick can liners provide a quality bottom seal that is resistant to leakage. Multi-purpose garbage bags recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Superior tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners. Coreless perforated rolls for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Garbage Bags 38x58, 0.95mil, Gray, 4 Rolls, 25 Bags Roll, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 37.56 24.83 51.02 BWK3858SH.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3858SH, BWK3858SH 1 1 0 0 1 123
2489 Lagasse 33 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags, 33x39, 1.1mil, 100 Bags (BWK3339SEH) 2489 BWK 3339SEH 9.40 H6639SGKR01 33 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags
Super-Extra-Heavy-Duty 1.1mil, thickness can liners. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose garbage bags recommended for sharper objects. Greater tear resistance compared to high density can liners. Superior load capacity.
Boardwalk 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 1.1mil, Gray, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Boardwalk Paper 30.03 19.85 40.18 BWK3339SEH.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3339SEH, BWK3339SEH 1 1 0 0 1 123
2490 Lagasse 33 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.95mil, 100 Bags (BWK3339SH) 2490 BWK 3339SH 8.20 H6639TGKR01 33 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags
Super-Heavy-Duty 0.95mil thickness can liners. Superior performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose low density can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Perforated coreless rolls for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.95mil, Gray, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale garbage bag supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 23.80 15.73 32.05 BWK3339SH.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3339SH, BWK3339SH 1 1 0 0 1 123
2491 Lagasse 33 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags, 33x39, 1.1mil, 100 Bags (JAG3339GREY) 2491 JAG 3339 GREY 9.40 H6639SGJX01 33 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags
These durable, multipurpose can liners from Jaguar Plastics are ideal for tough transport conditions or disposal of sharp objects. The high quality, blended resins used in the construction of these low density garbage bags provide greater strength and puncture resistance compared to high density bags. The star seal bottom virtually eliminates leaks and allows the liner to better conform to the shape of the waste receptacle, evenly distributing garbage around the bag. Ideal for your heaviest clean-ups in warehouses, cafeterias or facility grounds, these garbage bags offer superior load capacity. These 33 gallon garbage bags are individually folded in a flat pack for quick and easy dispensing. Choose a can liner you can count on for those big clean-up jobs around your home or business. Stock up on Jaguar Plastics 33 gallon garbage bags!
Jaguar Plastics 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 1.1mil, Grey, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 28.25 18.67 37.78 JAG3339GREY.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, JAG 3339 GREY, JAG3339GREY 1 1 0 0 1 61
2492 Lagasse 60 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags, 38x58, 1.1mil, 100 Bags (JAG3858GREY) 2492 JAG 3858 GREY 16.20 H7658SGJ 60 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 1.1mil, Grey, 100 bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 39.54 26.14 53.12 JAG3858GREY.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG 3858 GREY, JAG3858GREY 1 1 0 0 1 61
2493 Lagasse 45 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags, 40x46, 1.1mil, 100 Bags (JAG4046GREY) 2493 JAG 4046 GREY 13.50 H8046SGJX01 45 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags
Designed with 100% recycled plastics, Jaguar Plastics' line of recycled black plastic garbage bags meet government Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (EPA CPG Compliant) for recycled liners. Crafted from recycled plastic, these 10% post-consumer bags are ideal for the environmentally conscience consumer. Providing excellent tear resistance on those heavy transportation requirements, these high-quality, flat bottom bags holds up to 30% more than star bottom bags. Individually folded for one-at-a-time dispensing, these individually folded bags are flat pack packaged for easy dispensing.
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 1.1mil, Gray, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 38.85 25.68 50.89 JAG4046GREY.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, JAG 4046 GREY, JAG4046GREY 1 1 0 0 1 61
2494 Lagasse 56 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags, 43x47, 1.1mil, 100 Bags (JAG4347GREY) 2494 JAG 4347 GREY 14.80 H8647SGJ 56 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 1.1mil, Gray, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 36.99 24.45 49.33 JAG4347GREY.JPG 56 gallon garbage bags, 56 gallon can liners, 56 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 56 gallon garbage can liners, JAG 4347 GREY, JAG4347GREY 1 1 0 0 1 61
2495 Lagasse 33 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags 33x39, 1.3mil, 100 Bags (JAGG3339G) 2495 JAG G3339G 11.20 H6639PGJ 33 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage • Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to HD liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 1.3mil, Gray, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Jaguar Plastics 27.47 18.16 36.67 JAGG3339G.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, JAG G3339G, JAGG3339G 1 1 0 0 1 61
2496 Lagasse 60 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags, 38x58, 1.3mil, 100 Bags (JAGG3858G) 2496 JAG G3858G 19.10 H7658PGJ 60 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 1.3mil, Grey, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 51.37 33.95 68.10 JAGG3858G.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG G3858G, JAGG3858G 1 1 0 0 1 61
2497 Lagasse 45 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags, 40x46, 1.3mil, 100 Bags (JAGG4046G) 2497 JAG G4046G 15.90 H8046PGJ 45 Gallon Gray Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 1.3mil, Gray, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Jaguar Plastics 39.58 26.16 54.13 JAGG4046G.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, JAG G4046G, JAGG4046G 1 1 0 0 1 61
2498 Lagasse 56 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags, 43x47, 1.3mil, 100 Bags (JAGG4347G) 2498 JAG G4347G 17.50 H8647PGJ 56 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 1.3mil, Grey, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 44.40 29.35 60.27 JAGG4347G.JPG 55 gallon garbage bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 55 gallon garbage can liners, JAG G4347G, JAGG4347G 1 1 0 0 1 61
2499 Lagasse Franklin Green Option Floor Sealer & Finish, 5-Gallon Cube (FRKF330325) 2499 FRK F330325 45.00 F330325 Franklin Green Option Floor Wax Sealer/Finish
Quality polymers ensure the beauty and lengthen the life of flooring. Environmentally friendly, nontoxic acrylic formula contains no heavy metals, phthalates, alkylphenol ethoxylates or ozone-depleting compounds. Green Option floor wax is Green Seal Certified. Ideal for low-maintenance, conventional maintenance or ultra high-speed systems. Durable and repairable finish provides a “wet look” gloss that stands up to repeated cleanings and burnishings. Recommended for all types of flooring except unsealed wood. 19% solids. Keep your floors beautiful while keeping your family, friends and staff safe and healthy.
Franklin Chemical Cleaning Technology Green Option Floor Sealer & Finish, 5 Gallon Cube, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Franklin Cleaning Technology 88.68 64.50 118.44 FRKF330325.JPG floor sealer, floor finish, FRK F330325, FRKF330325, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
2500 Lagasse Green Option Floor Stripper, 5 Gallon Cube (FRKF219025) 2500 FRK F219025 47.00 F219025 Green Option Floor Stripper
Certified for industrial and institutional floor care. Concentrated, low-odor, non-butyl formula quickly penetrates and emulsifies soil, sealers, finish and wax buildup. Solvent-free formulation eliminates offensive odors associated with traditional stripping formulas. Recommended dilution: normal (1:4). Environmentally conscious for a better choice in floor stripper for use around family, friends and staff in settings as fragile as nurseries, schools, hospitals nursing homes and more.
Franklin Cleaning Technology Green Option Floor Stripper, 5 Gallon Cube, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Franklin Cleaning Technology 75.14 57.31 101.55 FRKF219025.JPG Green Option Floor Stripper, FRK F219025, FRKF219025, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 43
2501 Lagasse Clorox Green Works Natural Dishwashing Liquid, 8 - 38-oz. Bottles (CLO30381) 2501 CLO 30381 22.10 30381 Clorox Green Works Natural Liquid Dishwashing Detergent
Extraordinary cleaning power without harsh chemical residue left on your dishes. Made with natural ingredients like essential oils and coconut-based cleaners. Tough stains like greasy baked-on food easily rinse away, leaving nothing but a natural, streak-free shine. 99% all-natural ingredients. Easy on hands. Not tested on animals. Environmentally conscious.
Clorox Commercial Green Works Natural Manual Dishwashing Detergent, 38-oz Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Professional 43.92 33.50 59.96 CLO30381.JPG clorox, clorox green works, dishwashing detergent, liquid dishwashing detergent, green works natural dishwashing liquid, CLO 30381, CLO30381 1 1 0 0 1 22
2502 Lagasse Clorox Green Works Natural Dishwashing Liquid, 4 Gallon Bottles (CLO30388) 2502 CLO 30388 37.00 30388 Clorox Green Dishwashing Liquid Detergent
Extraordinary cleaning power without harsh chemical residue left on your dishes. Made with natural ingredients like essential oils and coconut-based cleaners. Tough stains like greasy baked-on food easily rinse away, leaving nothing but a natural, streak-free shine. 99% all-natural ingredients. Easy on hands. Not tested on animals. Environmentally conscious.
Clorox Commercial Green Works Natural Manual Pots & Pan Detergent, Gallon Bottles, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 58.42 44.56 76.06 CLO30388.JPG clorox green works, dishwashing detergent, liquid dishwashing detergent,green works natural dishwashing liquid, CLO 30388, CLO30388 1 1 0 0 1 22
2503 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Griddle Polishing Pad, 60 Pads (MCO46) 2503 MCO 46 2.83 19970 Griddle Polishing Pad
Strong nylon web construction contains hard-working abrasives for cleaning grime and burnt on food off griddles. Adds final polish to help make future cleaning easier. Does not leave residue like grill bricks can. An integral part in the Scotch-Brite Griddle Cleaning System, use between Griddle Screen and Pad Holder (both sold separately).
See SKU #MCO461 Griddle Pad Holder Kit & #MCO200CC Griddle Screen
3M Corp. Scotch-Brite Griddle Polishing Pad, 4" x 5.25" 20 Pads per Pack, 3 Packs per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 66.42 50.66 90.96 MCO46.JPG GRIDDLE CLEANING SYSTEM No. 200/46/461, Scotch-Brite Griddle Polishing Pad, 3 Packs per Case, 20 Pads per Pack MCO 46, MCO46, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
2504 Lagasse Griddle Pad Holder Kit, 10 Kits per Case (MCO461) 2504 MCO 461 6.98 08297 Griddle Cleaning System
For use on griddles that have been cooled with three components: holder, polishing pad and screen. Helps protect hands from grease and burns while providing better cleaning leverage. Loosens carbonized grease and food debris from griddle. Comes with one Scotch-Brite; Griddle Polishing Pad and Scotch-Brite Griddle Screen. Includes 10 kits per case, each kit consists of holder, polishing pad and screen.
See SKU #MCO46 Refill Polishing Pads & #MCO200CC Refill Griddle Screens
Scotch-Brite Griddle Pad Holder Kit, 4" x 5.25", 10 Kits per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 160.69 119.72 214.43 MCO461.JPG GRIDDLE CLEANING SYSTEM No. 200/46/461, Scotch-Brite Griddle Pad Holder Kit, 10 Kits per Case MCO 461, MCO461, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
2505 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Griddle Screen, 200 Screens (MCO200CC) 2505 MCO 200CC 3.60 20507 Griddle Screen
Designed for use on clean griddles that have been cooled down. Tough aluminum oxide abrasive particles provide heavy-duty cleaning and removal of carbonized grease and food buildup on flat top griddles. Replaces scrapers, grill bricks and grill stones that disintegrate. Use with Scotch-Brite Griddle Cleaning System handle and pad. Includes 200 screens per case.
3M Corp. Scotch-Brite Griddle Screen, 4" x 5.5", 20 Screens per Pack, 10 Packs per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 91.20 69.56 123.71 MCO200CC.JPG GRIDDLE CLEANING SYSTEM No. 200/46/461, Scotch-Brite Griddle Screen, 10 Packs per Case, 20 Screens per Pack MCO 200CC, MCO200CC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
2506 Lagasse 1/6-40/40# Tall Heavy-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Grocery Bags 400 per Bundle (BAGSK1/64040) 2506 BAG SK1/64040 59.00 80091 1/6-40/40# Tall Heavy-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Grocery Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Heavy-Duty Paper Grocery Bags 400 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Heavy-Duty Paper Grocery Bags, 12"x 7"x 17", 400 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 71.67 47.34 91.99 BAGSK164040.JPG Grocery Paper Bags, Heavy Duty BAG SK1/64040, BAGSK1/64040, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
2507 Lagasse 1/6-52# Standard-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Grocery Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGSK1652) 2507 BAG SK1652 50.00 80075 1/6-52# Standard-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Grocery Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Grocery Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Grocery Bags, 12"x 7"x 17", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Paper Bags And Sacks 37.09 28.29 50.52 BAGSK1652.JPG Grocery Paper Bags, Standard Duty BAG SK1652, BAGSK1652, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
2508 Lagasse 1/6-57# Standard-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Grocery Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGSK1657) 2508 BAG SK1657 55.00 80076 1/6-57# Standard-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Grocery Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Grocery Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Grocery Bags, 12"x 7"x 17", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 38.27 29.09 50.36 BAGSK1657.JPG Grocery Paper Bags, Standard Duty BAG SK1657, BAGSK1657, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
2509 Lagasse 1/6-75#Standard-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Grocery Bags 400 per Bundle (BAGSK1675) 2509 BAG SK1675 58.00 80080 1/6-75# Standard-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Grocery Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Grocery Bags 400 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Grocery Bags, 12"x 7"x 17", 400 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 42.00 31.86 55.65 BAGSK1675.JPG Grocery Paper Bags, Standard Duty BAG SK1675, BAGSK1675, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
2510 Lagasse GroundsKeeper Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Beige (RCP2570-88BEI) 2510 RCP 2570-88 BEI 15.50 2570-88 BEI GroundsKeeper Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle
FM Approved. Covered to conceal cigarette butts. Galvanized steel chamber, extinguishes butts quickly. Easy to empty. Weather resistant; will not rust or fade. 12-1/2"wide x 12-1/2"deep x 39-3/4"high. Shipping weight: 15.5 lbs.
Rubbermaid Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Smoking Management » Cigarette Receptacles - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 91.78 70.00 119.64 RCP257088BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Cigarette Receptacle, Cigarette Receptacles, GroundsKeeper Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Beige RCP 2570-88 BEI, RCP257088BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
2511 Lagasse Rubbermaid GroundsKeeper Tuscan Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle (RCP9W30BLA) 2511 RCP 9W30 BLA 16.40 9W30 BLA GroundsKeeper Outdoor Tuscan Cigarette Receptacle
Fire Marshall Approved. Smooth, injection-molded plastic is rust resistant and easy to clean. Galvanized steel waste collector holds large quantities of butts; empties quickly. Stainless steel snuff plate minimizes smoldering. Molded-in-color polymer body with UV inhibitor and powder coated aluminum cap stand up to years of extreme weather. Heavy steel base plate for stability. Anchor holes for added security. 14"wide x 14"deep x 42"high. Shipping weight: 12.6 lbs.
Rubbermaid Commercial Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Black, Each
Trash Cans » Smoking Management » Cigarette Receptacles - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 114.39 87.25 155.30 RCP9W30BLA.JPG rubbermaid cigarette receptacle, cigarette receptacle, cigarette receptacles, groundskeeper outdoor tuscan cigarette receptacle, black cigarette receptacles, RCP 9W30 BLA, RCP9W30BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
2512 Lagasse GroundsKeeper Outdoor Tuscan Cigarette Receptacle, Sandstone (RCP9W30SST) 2512 RCP 9W30 SST 16.80 XX 9W30 SST Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle
FM Approved. Smooth, injection-molded plastic is rust resistant and easy to clean. Galvanized steel waste collector holds large quantities of butts; empties quickly. Stainless steel snuff plate minimizes smoldering. Molded-in-color polymer body with UV inhibitor and powder coated aluminum cap stand up to years of extreme weather. Heavy steel base plate for stability. Anchor holes for added security. 14"wide x 14"deep x 42"high. Shipping weight: 12.6 lbs.
Rubbermaid Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Sandstone, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 114.39 87.25 150.72 RCP9W30SST.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Cigarette Receptacle, Cigarette Receptacles, GroundsKeeper Outdoor Tuscan Cigarette Receptacle, Sandstone RCP 9W30 SST, RCP9W30SST 1 1 0 0 1 89
2514 Lagasse Restaurant Guest Check Pads, One-Part (NTC525) 2514 NTC 525 11.40 525 One Part Carbonless Restaurant Guest Check Pads
3-1/2"x 6-3/4" Pad size each page is numbered, 18 lines, 50 set per pad.
Carbonless Guest Check Pads, Green, 50 sets per pad, 50 pads per Case
National Checking Company 30.48 23.25 41.52 NTC525.JPG GuestChecks Restaurant Guest Check Pads, 3-1/2 x 6-3/4, One-Part NTC 525, NTC525, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 137
2515 Lagasse Restaurant Guest Check Pads, One-Part (NTCA3632) 2515 NTC A3632 11.20 A3632 GuestChecks: Restaurant Guest Check Pads
Help manage your orders and customer's bills by making sure your restaurant always has a surplus of GuestChecks!
- Guest Check: 3-3/8 x 6-3/4
- Color: Green
- 15 lines
- Numbered receipt stub
- 50 sets per unit
- 50 books per Carton - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Guest Checks Restaurant Check Pads - 50 books per Carton
National Checking Company 29.68 21.63 40.43 NTCA3632.JPG GuestChecks Restaurant Guest Check Pads, 3-3/8 x 6-3/4, One-Part NTC A3632, NTCA3632, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 137
2516 Lagasse Restaurant Guest Check Pads, Two-Part with Carbon (NTCA6000G) 2516 NTC A6000G 10.90 A6000G Two-Part With Carbon Restaurant Guest Check Pads
3-1/2"x 6-3/4" Pad size each page is numbered, 17 lines, 50 sets per pad.
Carbon Guest Check Pads, Green, 50 sets per pad, 50 Pads per Case National Checking Company 33.67 25.68 43.84 NTCA6000G.JPG GuestChecks Restaurant Guest Check Pads, 3-1/2 x 6-3/4, Two-Part NTC A6000G, NTCA6000G, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 137
2517 Lagasse Restaurant Guest Check Pads, Two-Part Carbonless (NTCA7000) 2517 NTC A7000 11.60 A7000 Two-Part Carbonless Restaurant Guest Check Pads
3-1/2"x 6-3/4" Pad size each page is numbered, 17 lines, 50 sets per pad.
Carbonless Guest Check Pads, Green, 50 sets per pad, 50 Pads per Case National Checking Company 55.72 39.53 75.22 NTCA7000.JPG GuestChecks Restaurant Guest Check Pads, 3-1/2 x 6-3/4, Two-Part NTC A7000, NTCA7000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 137
2518 Lagasse Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Forks, 1,000 Forks (SCCGDR5FK) 2518 SCC GDR5FK 18.00 GDR5FK-0004 Extra Heavyweight Disposable Fork
These great pieces of cutlery from Solo have extra rigidity for large food items. With a premier look and feel, these polystyrene utensils perfectly fit upscale concepts and deliver the durability to handle denser foods like steak and poultry. Full size. Black. 1,000 piece bulk case.
Solo Guildware Heavyweight Plastic Forks, Black, 1,000 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 61.17 42.82 83.00 Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, Black, Fork SCC GDR5FK, SCCGDR5FK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2519 Lagasse Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Black Cutlery, 1,000 Knives (SCCGDR6KN) 2519 SCC GDR6KN 17.00 GDR6KN-0004 Heavyweight Full Size Cutlery
With a premiere look and feel, these polystyrene utensils perfectly fit upscale concepts and deliver the durability to handle denser foods like steak and poultry. Black. 1,000 knives per case.
Solo Guildware Heavyweight Full Size Knife, Black, 1,000 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 63.99 44.79 84.74 SCCGDR6KN.JPG Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, Black, Knife SCC GDR6KN, SCCGDR6KN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2520 Lagasse Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, Black, Teaspoon (SCCGDR7TS) 2520 SCC GDR7TS 11.50 GDR7TS-0004 Solo Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full Size Cutlery, Teaspoon: Black N' Bulk
These great pieces of cutlery from Solo have extra rigidity for large food items. They are made from quality plastics which extend usability and make eating with them a lot easier than once before.
Solo company is proud to be known for premium plastic cutlery. These particular pieces of cutlery are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use this cutlery everyday at your home or office. These plastic forks, knives and spoons are great for picinics but can also be utilized as everyday cutlery so you don't have to wash the dishes constantly. We all know what a menotinous task washing dishes can be so stop doing them and start using plastic cutlery from Solo.
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Cutlery Forks Knives Spoons » Forks »
Solo Cup Company 60.50 42.35 80.95 SCCGDR7TS.JPG Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, Black, Teaspoon SCC GDR7TS, SCCGDR7TS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2521 Lagasse Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, 1,000 Forks (SCCGBX5FW) 2521 SCC GBX5FW 20.00 GBX5FW-0007 Extra Heavyweight Plastic Fork
With a premier look and feel, these polystyrene utensils perfectly fit upscale concepts and deliver the durability to handle denser foods like steak and poultry. White. Includes 10 boxes of 100 forks each.
Solo Guildware Heavyweight Plastic Fork, White, 10 Boxes of 100 Forks, 1,000 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 85.71 60.00 111.75 SCCGBX5FW.JPG Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, White, Fork SCC GBX5FW, SCCGBX5FW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2522 Lagasse Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery Knife, 1,000 Knives (SCCGBX6KW) 2522 SCC GBX6KW 20.00 GBX6KW-0007 White Heavyweight Polystyrene Full Size Knives
These great pieces of cutlery from Solo have extra rigidity for large food items. They are made from quality plastics which extend usability.
Solo Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Cutlery Knives, 100 Knives per Box, 10 Boxes per Case, 1,000 Knives per Case
Solo Cup Company 83.14 58.20 110.03 SCCGBX6KW.JPG Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, knives, plastic knives, SCC GBX6KW, SCCGBX6KW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2523 Lagasse Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, White, Teaspoon (SCCGBX7TW) 2523 SCC GBX7TW 12.50 GBX7TW-0007 Solo Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full Size Cutlery, Teaspoon: White N' Bulk
These great pieces of cutlery from Solo have extra rigidity for large food items. They are made from quality plastics which extend usability and make eating with them a lot easier than once before.
Solo company is proud to be known for premium plastic cutlery. These particular pieces of cutlery are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use this cutlery everyday at your home or office. These plastic forks, knives and spoons are great for picinics but can also be utilized as everyday cutlery so you don't have to wash the dishes constantly. We all know what a menotinous task washing dishes can be so stop doing them and start using plastic cutlery from Solo.
100 pieces per box, 10 boxes per case, 1,000 total teaspoons per case
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Cutlery Forks Knives Spoons » Forks » Solo Cup Company 90.43 63.30 118.39 SCCGBX7TW.JPG Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, White, Teaspoon SCC GBX7TW, SCCGBX7TW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2524 Lagasse Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, White, Soup Spoon (SCCGBX8SW) 2524 SCC GBX8SW 14.50 GBX8SW-0007 Solo Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full Size Cutlery, Soup Spoon: White N' Bulk
These great pieces of cutlery from Solo have extra rigidity for large food items. They are made from quality plastics which extend usability and make eating with them a lot easier than once before.
Solo company is proud to be known for premium plastic cutlery. These particular pieces of cutlery are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use this cutlery everyday at your home or office. These plastic forks, knives and spoons are great for picinics but can also be utilized as everyday cutlery so you don't have to wash the dishes constantly. We all know what a menotinous task washing dishes can be so stop doing them and start using plastic cutlery from Solo.
100 pieces per box, 10 boxes per case, 1,000 total soup spoons per case
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Cutlery Forks Knives Spoons » Forks » Solo Cup Company 105.70 73.99 139.63 SCCGBX8SW.JPG Guildware Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, White, Soup Spoon SCC GBX8SW, SCCGBX8SW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2525 Lagasse GymWipes Antibacterial Specialty Wipes, 2 Buckets (TXLL100) 2525 TXL L100 26.00 2XL-100 Antibacterial Specialty Wipes
Fast and effective antibacterial formula cleans, disinfects and deodorizes. Large and durable towelettes are ideal for health clubs committed to protecting the health and safety of guests and employees. Alcohol-free and bleach-free. Help control the breeding of bacteria on hand grips, pads and hard surfaces. Specifically formulated to not dry out surfaces like leather and rubber. Eliminate odors. Very thick and naturally soft towelettes feel good to user. Formula and towelette are environmentally friendly. EPA registered formula. 700 wipes per bucket.
2XL Antibacterial GymWipes, 700 Specialty Wipes per Bucket, 2 Buckets per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 2XL Corporation 74.42 56.65 99.69 TXLL100.JPG wiper, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, antibacterial wipe, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, disposable wipes, GymWipes Antibacterial Towelettes, TXL L100, TXLL100 1 1 0 0 1 193
2526 Lagasse GymWipes Antibacterial Specialty Wipes, 2,800 Wipes (TXLL101) 2526 TXL L101 44.00 2XL-101 Refill GymWipes Antibacterial Specialty Wipes
Fast and effective antibacterial formula cleans, disinfects and deodorizes. Large and durable towelettes are ideal for health clubs committed to protecting the health and safety of guests and employees. Alcohol-free and bleach-free. Help control the breeding of bacteria on hand grips, pads and hard surfaces. Specifically formulated to not dry out surfaces like leather and rubber. Eliminate odors. Very thick and naturally soft towelettes feel good to user. Formula and towelette are environmentally friendly. EPA registered formula. 700 wipes per packet.
2XL Corporation GymWipes, 700 Specialty Wipes per Packet, 4 Packets, 2,800 Wipes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 2XL Corporation 137.47 104.85 182.51 TXLL101.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, GymWipes Antibacterial Towelettes, Refill TXL L101, TXLL101 1 1 0 0 1 193
2527 Lagasse 2 XL GymWipes Bucket, 1,400 Wipes (TXLL37) 2527 TXL L37 20.00 2XL-37 Gym Wipes
These antibacterial gym wipes are pre-moistened, towelettes that are specially formulated to conveniently and completely clean workout surfaces without damaging them. The extra thick, absorbent wipes are great for cleaning all types of gym equipment, including chrome plating, painted surfaces, steel and rubber surfaces and even tanning beds and electronic panels. Durable enough to handle the sweat and grime often left behind on gym equipment, these gym wipes are a must have for your workout facility!
2 XL Professional Gym Wipes, 700 Wipes per Bucket, 2 Buckets, 1,400 Wipes per Case – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 2XL Corporation 74.42 54.65 98.26 TXLL37.JPG gym wipes, antibacterial wipes, antibacterial gym wipes, wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, disposable wipes, antibacterial towelettes, TXL L37, TXLL37 1 1 0 0 1 193
2528 Lagasse GymWipes Professional Antibacterial Specialty Wipes, 4 Refills (TXLL38) 2528 TXL L38 32.00 2XL-38 GymWipes Antibacterial Wipes
Gym Wipes Professional Antibacterial wipes are durable, pre-moistened, disinfecting wipes ideal for thoroughly cleaning gym surfaces, preventing the spread of germs. Gym Wipes are specially formulated to remove sweat and grime from workout surfaces without harming the equipment. These disinfecting wipes have been developed along with input from manufacturers in order to adhere to their guidelines. Ideal for seat pads, leg and arm-rests, benches, hand-grips and much more, these disinfecting wipes kill 99.9% of germs that can cause illness. Gym Wipes antibacterial wipes contain no alcohol, no ammonia and leave no residue. They effectively clean the equipment in your gym without leaving behind toxins that may harm your clients. These large durable towelettes stay moist and strong and will not dry out leather or rubber surfaces. Get some today to have on hand for your gym cleaning needs! To be used with GymWipes Professional Antibacterial Wipes, Bucket TXLL37.
2XL Professional GymWipes Antibacterial Specialty Wipes, 700 Wipes per Packet, 4 Packets per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 2XL Corporation 157.16 100.66 209.01 TXLL38.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, disposable wipes, GymWipes Antibacterial Towelettes, Refill TXL L38, TXLL38 1 1 0 0 1 193
2529 Lagasse Hand Sanitizing Spray Dispenser, White/Blue (CLO01752) 2529 CLO 01752 1.08 01752 Bleach-free, alcohol-based spray is formulated to kill 99.999% of germs that can cause illness. Fragrance-free formula moisturizes hands without feeling sticky or greasy. Spray delivery provides excellent coverage. Meets FDA TFM requirements for hand sanitizers. For healthcare and professional facilities. Holds 1000-ml refills (sold separately). 6 refills per case.
CLOROX ANYWHERE HAND SANI SPRAY DSP & RFL 6/100 ML Clorox Professional 78.30 59.72 103.09 CLO01752.JPG Hand Sanitizing Spray Dispenser, White/Blue CLO 01752, CLO01752, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
2530 Lagasse Clorox Hand Sanitizing Spray, 12 - 500-ml Pump Bottle (CLO02176) 2530 CLO 02176 14.20 02176 Clorox Anywhere Hand Sanitizer Spray
Bleach-free, alcohol-based spray is formulated to kill 99.999% of germs that can cause illness. Fragrance-free formula moisturizes hands without feeling sticky or greasy. Spray delivery provides excellent coverage. Meets FDA TFM requirements for hand sanitizers.
Clorox Anywhere Hand Sanitizer Spray, 500ml Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products »
Clorox Professional 106.55 81.27 142.46 CLO02176.JPG clorox hand sanitizing spray, CLO 02176, CLO02176, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
2531 Lagasse Clorox Hand Sanitizing Spray, 24 - 2-oz Bottles (CLO02174) 2531 CLO 02174 4.01 02174 Clorox Anywhere Hand Sanitizing Spray
Bleach-free, alcohol-based spray is formulated to kill 99.999% of germs that can cause illness. Fragrance-free formula moisturizes hands without feeling sticky or greasy. Spray delivery provides excellent coverage. Meets FDA TFM requirements for hand sanitizers.
Clorox Hand Sanitizing Spray, 2-oz Spray Bottle, 24 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products »
Clorox Professional 52.33 39.47 71.54 CLO02174.JPG hand sanitizing spray, CLO 02174, CLO02174, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
2532 Lagasse Hand Sanitizing Spray Refill, 6 Refills per Case, 1000-ml Refill (CLO01753) 2532 CLO 01753 1.97 01753
Bleach-free, alcohol-based spray is formulated to kill 99.999% of germs that can cause illness. Fragrance-free formula moisturizes hands without feeling sticky or greasy. Spray delivery provides excellent coverage. Meets FDA TFM requirements for hand sanitizers. Pouch fits easily into dispenser.
CLOROX ANYWHERE HAND SANI 6/1000 ML Clorox Professional 75.01 57.21 97.85 CLO01753.JPG Hand Sanitizing Spray Refill, 6 Refills per Case, 1000-ml Refill CLO 01753, CLO01753, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
2534 Lagasse Handle/Deck Mops, Handle Size 54in Long x 1-1/8in Diameter, Cotton Fiber, 20-oz. Mop Head (UNS120C) 2534 UNS 120C 10.80 LBI 120C Handle Deck Mops
Traditional Handle Deck Mops with permanent wooden handles. White economy four-ply yarn. 6 mops per pack.
Manufactured by Unisan Cleaning Products - A Brand Name you can trust.
Readily Available to Ship Fast!
On Sale Today - Stock Up and Save!
HNDL/DECK MOP 54X1.13DIA WOOD 20 OZ CTTN WHI 6 Unisan 44.89 34.24 59.33 UNS120C.JPG Handle/Deck Mops, Handle Size 54in Long x 1-1/8in Diameter, Cotton Fiber, 20-oz. Mop Head UNS 120C, UNS120C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2535 Lagasse Handle/Deck Mops, Handle Size 48in Long x 15/16in Diameter, Cotton Fiber, 16-oz. Mop Head (UNS116C) 2535 UNS 116C 1.50 LBI 116C Handle Deck Mops
Traditional Handle Deck Mops with permanent wooden handles. White economy four-ply yarn. 6 mops per pack.
Manufactured by Unisan Cleaning Products - A Brand Name you can trust.
Readily Available to Ship Fast!
On Sale Today - Stock Up and Save!
HNDL/DECK MOP 48X.938DIA WOOD 16 OZ CTTN WHI 6 Unisan 31.67 23.40 43.21 UNS116C.JPG Handle/Deck Mops, Handle Size 48in Long x 15/16in Diameter, Cotton Fiber, 16-oz. Mop Head UNS 116C, UNS116C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2536 Lagasse Handle/Deck Mops, Handle Size 48in Long x 15/16in Diameter, Rayon Fiber, 16-oz. Mop Head (UNS116R) 2536 UNS 116R 1.50 LBI 116R Handle Deck Mops
Traditional Handle Deck Mops with permanent wooden handles. White economy four-ply yarn. 6 mops per pack.
Manufactured by Unisan Cleaning Products - A Brand Name you can trust.
Readily Available to Ship Fast!
On Sale Today - Stock Up and Save!
HNDL/DECK MOP 48X.938DIA WOOD 16 OZ RAYON WHI 6 Unisan 36.19 27.60 47.02 UNS116R.JPG Handle/Deck Mops, Handle Size 48in Long x 15/16in Diameter, Rayon Fiber, 16-oz. Mop Head UNS 116R, UNS116R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2537 Lagasse Handle/Deck Mops, Handle Size 48in Long x 15/16in Diameter, Cotton Fiber, 12-oz. Mop Head (UNS112C) 2537 UNS 112C 1.33 LBI 112C Handle Deck Mops
Traditional Handle Deck Mops with permanent wooden handles. White economy four-ply yarn. 6 mops per pack.
Manufactured by Unisan Cleaning Products - A Brand Name you can trust.
Readily Available to Ship Fast!
On Sale Today - Stock Up and Save!
HNDL/DECK MOP 48X.938DIA WOOD 12 OZ CTTN WHI 6 Unisan 27.14 20.70 36.40 UNS112C.JPG Handle/Deck Mops, Handle Size 48in Long x 15/16in Diameter, Cotton Fiber, 12-oz. Mop Head UNS 112C, UNS112C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2538 Lagasse Handle/Deck Mops, Handle Size 54in Long x 1-1/8in Diameter, Cotton Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Head (UNS124C) 2538 UNS 124C 12.60 LBI 124C Handle Deck Mops
Traditional Handle Deck Mops with permanent wooden handles. White economy four-ply yarn. 6 mops per pack.
Manufactured by Unisan Cleaning Products - A Brand Name you can trust.
Readily Available to Ship Fast!
On Sale Today - Stock Up and Save!
HNDL/DECK MOP 54X1.13DIA WOOD 24 OZ CTTN WHI 6 Unisan 49.56 37.80 65.57 UNS124C.JPG Handle/Deck Mops, Handle Size 54in Long x 1-1/8in Diameter, Cotton Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Head UNS 124C, UNS124C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2539 Lagasse Handle/Deck Mops, Handle Size 54in Long x 1-1/8in Diameter, Cotton Fiber, 32-oz. Mop Head (UNS132C) 2539 UNS 132C 15.50 LBI 132C Handle Deck Mops
Traditional Handle Deck Mops with permanent wooden handles. White economy four-ply yarn. 6 mops per pack.
Manufactured by Unisan Cleaning Products - A Brand Name you can trust.
Readily Available to Ship Fast!
On Sale Today - Stock Up and Save!
HNDL/DECK MOP 54X1.13 DIA WOOD 32 OZ CTTN WHI 6 Unisan 63.89 48.73 84.98 UNS132C.JPG Handle/Deck Mops, Handle Size 54in Long x 1-1/8in Diameter, Cotton Fiber, 32-oz. Mop Head UNS 132C, UNS132C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2542 Lagasse 20 Gallon Biohazard Waste Bags, 1.3 Mil, 200 Bags per Case (JAGIL3043Y) 2542 JAG IL3043Y 22.40 A6043PYJ 20 Gallon Biohazard Waste Bags
Yellow biohazard waste bag can liners with Biohazard symbol emblem imprint label. For immediate infectious waste and infectious linen safe disposal. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Greater tear resistance compared to hi-density can liners. Offers good load capacity and superior puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Yellow color bag makes it easy to identify and distinguish from regular trash bag liners.
Ideal for use in hospitals, doctor's offices, labs, nursing homes, emergency rooms, clinics, and other medical facilities. These biohazard garbage bags may also serve as biohazard specimen bags.
20 gallon infectious waste bags keep your biohazard containers sanitary. In stock and ready to ship fast.
Yellow Biohazard Waste Bags 30x43 1.3 Mil , Yellow Color, 200 Infectious Waste Bags per case
Trash Bags and Can Liners » Biohazard Waste Bags - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Jaguar Plastics 62.20 41.11 84.15 JAGIL3043Y.JPG 20 gallon biohazard waste bags, 20 gallon bio waste bags, 20 gallon infectious wast bags, 20 gallon infectious waste bag, 20 gallon biohazard trash bags, JAG IL3043Y, JAGIL3043Y 1 1 0 0 1 61
2543 Lagasse 10 Gallon Biohazard Waste Bags, 1.3 Mil, 500 Bags per Case (JAGIW2423R) 2543 JAG IW2423R 23.90 A4823PRJ 10 Gallon Red Biohazard Waste Bags
Red biohazard waste bag can liners with Biohazard symbol emblem imprint label. For immediate infectious waste and infectious linen safe disposal. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Greater tear resistance compared to hi-density can liners. Offers good load capacity and superior puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Red color bag makes it easy to identify and distinguish from regular trash bag liners.
Ideal for use in hospitals, doctor's offices, labs, nursing homes, emergency rooms, clinics, and other medical facilities. These biohazard garbage bags may also serve as biohazard specimen bags.
10 gallon infectious waste bags keep your biohazard containers sanitary. In stock and ready to ship fast.
Red Biohazard Waste Bags 24x24 1.3 Mil, Red Color, 500 Infectious Waste Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Jaguar Plastics 80.23 53.03 107.51 JAGIW2423R.JPG 10 gallon biohazard waste bags, 10 gallon bio waste bags, 10 gallon infectious waste bags, 10 gallon infectious waste bag, 10 gallon biohazard trash bags, biohazard specimen bags, JAG IW2423R, JAGIW2423R 1 1 0 0 1 61
2544 Lagasse 15 Gallon Biohazard Waste Bags, 1.3 Mil, 250 Bags (JAGIW2432R) 2544 JAG IW2432R 16.60 A4832PRJ 15 Gallon Biohazard Waste Bags
Red biohazard waste bag can liners with Biohazard symbol emblem imprint label. For immediate infectious waste and infectious linen safe disposal. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Greater tear resistance compared to hi-density can liners. Offers good load capacity and superior puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Red color bag makes it easy to identify and distinguish from regular trash bag liners.
Ideal for use in hospitals, doctor's offices, labs, nursing homes, emergency rooms, clinics, and other medical facilities. These biohazard garbage bags may also serve as biohazard specimen bags.
15 gallon infectious waste bags keep your biohazard containers sanitary. In stock and ready to ship fast.
Red Biohazard Waste bags 24x33 1.3 Mil, Red Color, 250 Infectious Bags per Case
Trash Bags and Can Liners » Biohazard Waste Bags - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Jaguar Plastics 49.28 32.57 66.72 JAGIW2432R.JPG 15 gallon biohazard waste bags, 15 gallon bio waste bags, 15 gallon infectious wast bags, 15 gallon infectious waste bag, 15 gallon biohazard trash bags,JAG IW2432R, JAGIW2432R 1 1 0 0 1 61
2545 Lagasse 33 Gallon Biohazard Waste Bags, 1.3 Mil, 150 Bags per Case (JAGIW3339R) 2545 JAG IW3339R 16.70 A6639PRJ 33 Gallon Biohazard Waste Bags
Red biohazard waste bag can liners with Biohazard symbol emblem imprint label. For immediate infectious waste and infectious linen safe disposal. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Greater tear resistance compared to hi-density can liners. Offers good load capacity and superior puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Red color bag makes it easy to identify and distinguish from regular trash bag liners.
Ideal for use in hospitals, doctor's offices, labs, nursing homes, emergency rooms, clinics, and other medical facilities. These biohazard garbage bags may also serve as biohazard specimen bags.
33 gallon infectious waste bags keep your biohazard containers sanitary. In stock and ready to ship fast.
Red Biohazard Waste Bags 33x40 1.3 Mil , Red Color, 150 Infectious Waste Bags per case
Trash Bags and Can Liners » Biohazard Waste Bags - The wholesale biohazard waste bag supply company buyers trust.
Jaguar Plastics 49.67 32.83 66.29 JAGIW3339R.JPG 33 gallon biohazard waste bags, 33 gallon bio waste bags, 33 gallon infectious wast bags, 33 gallon infectious waste bag, 33 gallon biohazard trash bags, JAG IW3339R, JAGIW3339R 1 1 0 0 1 61
2546 Lagasse 55 Gallon Biohazard Waste Bags, 1.3 Mil, 100 Bags (JAGIW3658R) 2546 JAG IW3658R 18.80 A7258PRJ 55 Gallon Biohazard Waste Bags
Red Biohazard waste bag can liners with Biohazard symbol emblem imprint label. For immediate infectious waste and infectious linen safe disposal. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Greater tear resistance compared to hi-density can liners. Offers good load capacity and superior puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Red color bag makes it easy to identify and distinguish from regular trash bag liners. Ideal for use in hospitals, doctor's offices, labs, nursing homes, emergency rooms, clinics, and other medical facilities. These Biohazard garbage bags may also serve as Biohazard specimen bags.
Jaguar Plastics Biohazard 55 Gallon Waste Bags, 36" x 60", 1.3 Mil , Red, 100 Infectious Waste Bags per Case
Trash Bags and Can Liners » Biohazard Waste Bags - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 56.25 37.18 73.43 JAGIW3658R.JPG 55 gallon biohazard waste bags, 55 gallon bio waste bags, 55 gallon infectious wast bags, 55 gallon infectious waste bag, 55 gallon biohazard trash bags, JAG IW3658R, JAGIW3658R 1 1 0 0 1 61
2547 Lagasse 40 to 45 Gallon Biohazard Waste Bags, 1.3 Mil, 100 Bags per Case (JAGIW4046R) 2547 JAG IW4046R 15.90 A8046PRJ 40 to 45 Gallon Biohazard Waste Bags
Red biohazard waste bag can liners with Biohazard symbol emblem imprint label. For immediate infectious waste and infectious linen safe disposal. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Greater tear resistance compared to hi-density can liners. Offers good load capacity and superior puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Red color bag makes it easy to identify and distinguish from regular trash bag liners.
Ideal for use in hospitals, doctor's offices, labs, nursing homes, emergency rooms, clinics, and other medical facilities. These biohazard garbage bags may also serve as biohazard specimen bags.
40 to 45 gallon infectious waste bags keep your biohazard containers sanitary. In stock and ready to ship fast.
Red Biohazard Waste Bags 40x46 1.3 Mil , Red Color, 100 Infectious Waste Bags per case
Trash Bags and Can Liners » Biohazard Waste Bags - The wholesale biohazard waste bag supply company buyers trust.
Jaguar Plastics 49.11 32.46 65.63 JAGIW4046R.JPG 40 to 45 gallon biohazard waste bags, 40 to 45 gallon bio waste bags, 40 to 45 gallon infectious wast bags, 40 to 45 gallon infectious waste bag, 40 to 45 gallon biohazard trash bags, JAG IW4046R, JAGIW4046R 1 1 0 0 1 61
2548 Lagasse Health Gards Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser, White (HOSHG-1-2) 2548 HOS HG-1-2 1.00 HG-1-2 Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser
Health Gards Toilet Seat Cover Dispensers are easy to use and allows for a safe and sanitary bathroom experience. This high quality toilet seat cover dispenser from Hospeco holds 250-count packs of half-fold toilet seat covers (sold separately) with ease. Plastic. 16" wide x 3-1/4" deep x 11-1/2" high.
Hospeco Health Gards Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser, White, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Seat Covers & Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 7.12 4.22 9.61 HOSHG12.JPG toilet seat cover dispenser, toilet seat cover dispensers, health gards toilet seat cover dispenser, HOS HG-1-2, HOSHG12 1 1 0 0 1 57
2549 Lagasse Health Gards Toilet Seat Covers, 5000 Covers (HOSHG-5000) 2549 HOS HG-5000 28.00 HG-5000 Health Gards Toilet Seat Covers
Keeping busy restrooms clean and sanitary is a constant concern for business owners and customers alike. There is an understood need for those who share toilet facilities with others to avoid contact with potential sources of bacteria and germs. Health Gards Paper Toilet Seat Covers are a simple and economical solution to this matter. These toilet seat covers offer a cost-effective way to cover public toilet seats, eliminating the need for messy, improvised alternatives of lining the seat. Often, covers are made from paper towels or clumps of toilet paper, causing big messes and expensive drain clogs. This issue vanishes when Health Gards Toilet Seat Covers are used. 100% recycled and 100% flushable, these toilet seat covers are an ideal product for offices, public facilities, commercial buildings, restaurants and more.
Hospeco Paper Toilet Seat Covers, 250 Covers per Pack, 20 Packs per Case, 5000 Covers. – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hospeco 46.36 34.00 60.84 HOSHG5000.JPG Toilet Seat Covers, Toilet Seat Cover, paper product, paper products, Health Gards Toilet Seat Covers HOS HG-5000, HOSHG5000 1 1 0 0 1 57
2550 Lagasse Healthcare Microfiber Cleaning Cart, Black (RCP9T75) 2550 RCP 9T75 70.00 9T75 Microfiber Cleaning Cart
Compact footprint—only 22in wide for easy mobility inside tight spaces. Superior tool organization: innovative rubber tool grips hold mop and broom handles at any position (up to 1-1/8in diameter) and includes holders for lobby dust pan and commercial upright vacuum. Comfort Grip cart handle provides easy maneuverability. 8in wheels and 4in quiet casters are ideal for noise-sensitive environments. Non-rusting, easy-to-clean aluminum and structural web plastic construction. Designed to work with Rubbermaid microfiber cleaning accessories. Dual-access, locking security hood and doors keep cleaning supplies concealed from view; single key (included) unlocks both. Waste cover with storage compartment for supplies. Lock ‘n Go Connection keeps a Microfiber Disinfecting Bucket (sold separately) securely attached to the cart. Integrated holders for up to four safety signs. Includes zippered 33-gallon vinyl bag and two removable 10-quart disinfecting caddies. JCAHO Compliant. 22w x 48-1/4d x 53-1/2h. Shpg. wt.74 lbs.
Rubbermaid HC Microfiber Janitor Cart, 10-qt. Capacity, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 483.80 369.00 647.06 RCP9T75.JPG healthcare microfiber cleaning cart, cleaning cart, cleaning caddy, microfiber cleaning cart, RCP 9T75, RCP9T75, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2551 Lagasse Heavy Mediumweight Polystyrene Cutlery, Teaspoon (DIXTM217) 2551 DIX TM217 7.10 TM217 Georgia Pacific Cultery
Heavy Mediumweight Polystyrene Cutlery: White Teaspoon, 1,000 pieces per case.
Strong, shatter-resistant and durable.
Dixie offers a variety of convenient plates, napkins and cups in coordinating designs to brighten your home and your day!
Turn everyday items into extraordinary moments, simply by adding a little imagination and a lot of love. It's easier to do than you think, when you keep Dixie products around. Dixie has been a quality supplier of ours for years and they supply some of the best cutlery in the business. They keep customer satisfaction in mind with everything they do and that is why we love them so much.
Be sure to purchase all of your cleaning and janitorial supplies from us in bulk and save. Spend over $1,100 and your shipping is Free!
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Cutlery Forks Knives Spoons
Dixie 24.31 17.02 32.51 DIXTM217.JPG Heavy Mediumweight Polystyrene Cutlery, Teaspoon DIX TM217, DIXTM217, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
2552 Lagasse Medium-Weight Polystyrene Cutlery, 1,000 Forks (DIXFM217) 2552 DIX FM217 7.40 FM217 Medium-Weight Plastic Forks
Dixie offers a quality line of cutlery including forks that are strong, shatter-resistant and durable. A perfect fit for restaurants, the food service industry, picnics, events, catering, or just for an easy clean up at home, these quality disposable forks work anywhere. Coming in a classic white design, these medium weight, polystyrene forks are packed 1,000 forks per case.
Dixie Medium Weight Polystyrene Fork, White, 1,000 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 24.31 17.02 32.19 DIXFM217.JPG forks, disposable forks, polystyrene forks, plastic forks, DIX FM217, DIXFM217, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
2553 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 500 ft. (BWK7120) 2553 BWK 7120 5.50 7120BW 20 micron thickness. One roll in cutter box per case.
FOIL HVY RL 12X500 Boardwalk Paper 27.07 20.65 35.95 BWK7120.JPG Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 500 ft. BWK 7120, BWK7120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
2554 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 500 ft. (BWK7124) 2554 BWK 7124 8.50 7124BW 20 micron thickness. One roll in cutter box per case.
FOIL HVY RL 18X500 Boardwalk Paper 28.41 21.67 38.22 BWK7124.JPG Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 500 ft. BWK 7124, BWK7124, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
2555 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 1,000 ft. (BWK7126) 2555 BWK 7126 16.00 7126BW 20 micron thickness. One roll in cutter box per case.
FOIL HVY RL 18X1000 Boardwalk Paper 55.20 41.34 74.27 BWK7126.JPG Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 1,000 ft. BWK 7126, BWK7126, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
2556 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 500 ft. (REY620) 2556 REY 620 7.50 620 For use in cooking, serving and freezing. Standard cutting edge. One roll per case.
FOIL HVY 12in X 500' Reynolds Food Packaging 33.07 23.15 44.58 REY620.JPG Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 500 ft. REY 620, REY620, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 87
2557 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 500 ft. (REY624) 2557 REY 624 11.00 624 For use in cooking, serving and freezing. Standard cutting edge. One roll per case.
REYNOLDS H-DTY RL FOIL 18X500 Reynolds Food Packaging 38.19 26.73 52.01 REY624.JPG Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 500 ft. REY 624, REY624, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 87
2558 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 1,000 ft. (REY625) 2558 REY 625 21.50 625 Reynolds Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil Wrap
Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil is the best and most versatile of all food wrapping materials. With the ability to withstand both heat and cold, Reynolds Wrap will provide to be a very useful accessory in the kitchen. Every Reynolds Wrap is 98.5% aluminum, with the remaining 1.5% being made of iron and silicon to give each wrap the strength and puncture resistance that Reynolds is famous for. Contains no recycled materials and comples with U.S. Food and Drug administration requirements for direct contact with food. Buy Reynolds Aluminum Foil Wrap today!
-50 sq. ft - 12" wide, 37 1/2 sq. ft. and 75 sq. ft. - 18" wide
-For use in cooking, serving and freezing. Standard cutting edge. One roll per case.
Reynolds Heavy Duty Roll of Foil, 18 inches wide, 1,000 feet long.
Reynolds Food Packaging 85.41 59.79 116.41 REY625.JPG Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 1,000 ft. REY 625, REY625, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 87
2559 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Digital Receiving Scales, 150-lbs. (PEL4010) 2559 PEL 4010 11.00 4010 • Stainless steel construction • NSF Certified Detachable LCD display on 9-ft. cord allows viewing at eye level. Tare feature removes the weight of the container. Auto-off and low-battery warning. Strong, durable reinforced steel design handles heavy packages and containers. Nonskid platform. Includes AC adapter; optional 9V battery operation (battery not included). 0.2-lb/0.1kg increments. 12-1/2w x 12d x 2-1/4h. 2 scales per case.
SCALE-DIGITAL-150#X.2# 1 Pelouze 146.98 112.10 194.37 PEL4010.JPG Heavy-Duty Digital Receiving Scales, 150-lbs. PEL 4010, PEL4010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 168
2561 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Dust Pan (RCP2005CHA) 2561 RCP 2005 CHA 0.40 200500 CHAR Thinner front edge for improved dirt pickup. Molded-in serrated teeth for counter duster cleaning. Charcoal. 12-1/4in wide.
DUST PAN CHARCOAL 12/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 4.47 3.41 6.10 RCP2005CHA.JPG Heavy-Duty Dust Pan RCP 2005 CHA, RCP2005CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2562 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Floor Scraper (UNGHDSC) 2562 UNG HDSC 4.00 HDSC0 Floor Scraper
Excellent for removing carpets, tile and adhesives. Angled 8in wide scraper head allows for quick work in large areas and close work along walls. Strong, steel telescopic handle with comfortable rubber grip extends from 3 ft. to 5 ft. Durable, nonslip cam locking system. Includes one 8in carbon steel blade with blunt and razor edges. Replacement blades (UNGHDSB) sold separately.
Unger Heavy-Duty Floor Scraper, Telescoping, 8" Blade Width, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 54.79 41.79 73.12 UNGHDSC.JPG Heavy-Duty Floor Scraper UNG HDSC, UNGHDSC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2563 Lagasse Heavy-Duty 8" Replacement Floor Scraper Blades, 10 Blades (UNGHDSB) 2563 UNG HDSB 1.00 HDSB0 8" Double Edged Floor Scraper Blades
8" wide scraper head allows for quick work in large areas and close work along walls. Dual-edged (blunt/razor) for different floor surfaces. For Heavy-Duty Floor Scraper (UNGHDSC) sold separately.
Unger Heavy-Duty Floor Scraper, 8" Replacement Blades, 10 Blades per Tube - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 20.18 15.18 27.56 UNGHDSB.JPG Heavy-Duty Floor Scraper 8in Replacement Blades, 10 Blades per Dispenser UNG HDSB, UNGHDSB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2566 Lagasse 16# Heavy-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGX16) 2566 BAG GX16 34.00 80044 16# Heavy-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Heavy-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 7-3/4"x 4-13/16"x 16", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 28.40 20.72 37.20 BAGGX16.JPG Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 16 Size Bag BAG GX16, BAGGX16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
2568 Lagasse 20# Tall Heavy-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGX2060) 2568 BAG GX2060 40.00 80045 20# Tall Heavy-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Heavy-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 8-1/4"x 5-5/16"x 16-1/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 30.95 23.61 40.91 BAGGX2060.JPG Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 20 Size Bag BAG GX2060, BAGGX2060, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
2569 Lagasse 25# Shorty Heavy-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGX2560S) 2569 BAG GX2560S 39.00 80048 25# Shorty Heavy-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Heavy-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 8-1/4"x 6-1/8"x 15-7/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 35.26 26.89 46.45 BAGGX2560S.JPG Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 25 Size Bag BAG GX2560S, BAGGX2560S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
2574 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks, 36 x 24 Platform, Black (RCP4406BLA) 2574 RCP 4406 BLA 65.50 4406 00 BLACK Structural foam platform with tough honeycomb construction supports heavy loads and won’t rust, dent or splinter. Removable, powder coated steel handle has two cross braces to keep materials on deck. Four casters, two swivel. Assembly required. (Cannot ship UPS.)
H-DTY PLATFORM TRUCK 36X24 1000 LB MAX BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 398.58 304.00 518.35 RCP4406BLA.JPG Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks, 36 x 24 Platform, Black RCP 4406 BLA, RCP4406BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
2576 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks, 48 x 24 Platform, Black (RCP4436BLA) 2576 RCP 4436 BLA 74.60 4436 00 BLA Structural foam platform with tough honeycomb construction supports heavy loads and won’t rust, dent or splinter. Removable, powder coated steel handle has two cross braces to keep materials on deck. Four casters, two swivel. Assembly required. (Cannot ship UPS.)
H-DTY PLATFORM TRUCK 48X24 1000 LB MAX BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 424.80 324.00 552.88 RCP4436BLA.JPG Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks, 48 x 24 Platform, Black RCP 4436 BLA, RCP4436BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
2578 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks, 60 x 30 Platform, Black (RCP4466BLA) 2578 RCP 4466 BLA 94.25 4466 00 BLA Structural foam platform with tough honeycomb construction supports heavy loads and won’t rust, dent or splinter. Removable, powder coated steel handle has two cross braces to keep materials on deck. Four casters, two swivel. Assembly required. (Cannot ship UPS.)
STD PLATFORM TRUCK 60X30 1000 LB 6 IN CSTRS BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 489.04 373.00 668.53 RCP4466BLA.JPG Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks, 60 x 30 Platform, Black RCP 4466 BLA, RCP4466BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
2579 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks, 60 x 30 Platform, Black (RCP4471BLA) 2579 RCP 4471 BLA 106.50 4471 00 BLA Structural foam platform with tough honeycomb construction supports heavy loads and won’t rust, dent or splinter. Removable, powder coated steel handle has two cross braces to keep materials on deck. Four casters, two swivel. Assembly required. (Cannot ship UPS.)
H-DTY PLATFORM TRUCK 60X30 2000 LB 8 IN BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 502.16 383.00 684.26 RCP4471BLA.JPG Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks, 60 x 30 Platform, Black RCP 4471 BLA, RCP4471BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
2580 Lagasse Premier Heavy-Duty Scour Pad, 15 Pads (PAD186) 2580 PAD 186 1.60 54913 Thick, heavy-duty for tough cleaning jobs. Ideal for cleaning food processing equipment and heavily baked-on foods. Removes scuff marks from floors. Green, 6 x 9.
Premier Heavy Duty Green Scour Pad, 6"x9", Green, 15 Pads per Case Premiere Pads 6.61 5.04 8.68 PAD186.JPG Heavy-Duty Scour Pad, 15 Pads per Case PAD 186, PAD186, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
2581 Lagasse Rubbermaid Heavy-Duty Utility Service Cart, 18"x39", Beige (RCP4500-88BEI) 2581 RCP 4500-88 BEI 30.60 4500 88 BEIG Rubbermaid 2 Shelf Utility Cart
Multiple-duty service cart for use in warehouses, mailrooms, conference rooms and maintenance facilities. Heavy-duty plastic won’t rust, dent, chip or peel. Lightweight for easy maneuverability and quiet operation. Rounded corners mean no sharp edges to nick walls or furniture. Structural foam construction, 500-lb. capacity. Two tray-style shelves, cup holder and storage slot to stay organized. 5" molded-in ergonomic full round handle for comfort. Nonmarking casters (two swivel). 33-1/4in high. Assembly required.
Rubbermaid Utility 2 Shelf Cart, 39.25" Length x 33.25" High, 500-lb Capacity, Beige Color, Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 163.89 125.00 216.82 RCP450088BEI.JPG Heavy-Duty Service/Utility Cart, 17-7/8w x 39-1/4d Size, Beige, RCP 4500-88 BEI, RCP450088BEI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2582 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Service/Utility Cart, 17-7/8w x 39-1/4d Size, Black (RCP4500-88BLA) 2582 RCP 4500-88 BLA 30.40 4500-88 BLACK • Multiple-duty carts for use in warehouses, mailrooms, conference rooms and maintenance facilities • Heavy-duty plastic won’t rust, dent, chip or peel • Lightweight for easy maneuverability and quiet operation • Rounded corners mean no sharp edges to nick walls or furniture Structural foam construction, 500-lb. capacity. Two tray-style shelves, cup holder and storage slot to stay organized. 5in molded-in ergonomic full round handle for comfort. Nonmarking casters (two swivel). 33-1/4in high. Assembly required.
UTILITY 2-SHELF CART 45.25L 33.25H 500 LB BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 163.89 125.00 216.90 RCP450088BLA.JPG Heavy-Duty Service/Utility Cart, 17-7/8w x 39-1/4d Size, Black RCP 4500-88 BLA, RCP450088BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2583 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Service/Utility Cart, 25-7/8w x 45-1/4d Size, Beige (RCP4520-88BEI) 2583 RCP 4520-88 BEI 41.40 4520 88 BEIG • Multiple-duty carts for use in warehouses, mailrooms, conference rooms and maintenance facilities • Heavy-duty plastic won’t rust, dent, chip or peel • Lightweight for easy maneuverability and quiet operation • Rounded corners mean no sharp edges to nick walls or furniture Structural foam construction, 500-lb. capacity. Two tray-style shelves, cup holder and storage slot to stay organized. 5in molded-in ergonomic full round handle for comfort. Nonmarking casters (two swivel). 33-1/4in high. Assembly required.
SERVICE 2 SHELF CART 36X24 STRUCT FOAM BEI Rubbermaid Commercial Products 186.18 142.00 247.52 RCP452088BEI.JPG Heavy-Duty Service/Utility Cart, 25-7/8w x 45-1/4d Size, Beige RCP 4520-88 BEI, RCP452088BEI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2584 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Service/Utility Cart, 25-7/8w x 45-1/4d Size, Black (RCP452088BLA) 2584 RCP 4520-88 BLA 41.40 4520 88 BLACK • Multiple-duty carts for use in warehouses, mailrooms, conference rooms and maintenance facilities • Heavy-duty plastic won’t rust, dent, chip or peel • Lightweight for easy maneuverability and quiet operation • Rounded corners mean no sharp edges to nick walls or furniture Structural foam construction, 500-lb. capacity. Two tray-style shelves, cup holder and storage slot to stay organized. 5in molded-in ergonomic full round handle for comfort. Nonmarking casters (two swivel). 33-1/4in high. Assembly required.
SERVICE 2 SHELF CART 36X24 STRUCT FOAM BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 186.18 142.00 246.99 RCP452088BLA.JPG Heavy-Duty Service Utility Cart, RCP 4520-88 BLA, RCP452088BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2586 Lagasse Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, 1,000 Forks (DIXFH207) 2586 DIX FH207 13.29 FH207 Heavyweight Plastic Disposable Fork
These forks from Dixie are heavyweight, shatter-resistant and durable. A great addition to any culinary gathering. Made from heavy duty polystyrene. Full length, 7.5". White. 1,000 per case.
Dixie Heavyweight Polystyrene Fork, White, 1,000 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 38.94 27.26 52.65 DIXFH207.JPG Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, Fork DIX FH207, DIXFH207, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
2587 Lagasse Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, 1,000 Soup Spoons (DIXSH207) 2587 DIX SH207 12.40 SH207 Heavyweight Plastic Disposable Soup Spoons
These soup spoons from Dixie are heavyweight, shatter-resistant and durable. A great addition to any culinary gathering. Made from heavy duty polystyrene. Full length, 7.5". White. 1,000 per case.
Dixie Heavyweight Polystyrene Soup Spoon, White, 1,000 Soup Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 40.80 28.56 54.65 bwkmwppss.JPG Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, Soup Spoon DIX SH207, DIXSH207, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
2588 Lagasse Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, 1,000 Knives (DIXKH207) 2588 DIX KH207 12.81 KH207 Heavyweight Plastic Disposable Knife
These knives from Dixie are heavyweight, shatter-resistant and durable. A great addition to any culinary gathering. Made from heavy duty polystyrene. Full length, 7.5". White. 1,000 per case.
Dixie Heavyweight Polystyrene Knife, White, 1,000 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 40.31 28.22 53.44 DIXKH207.JPG Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, Knife DIX KH207, DIXKH207, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
2589 Lagasse Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, 1,000 Teaspoons (DIXTH207) 2589 DIX TH207 10.00 TH207 Heavyweight Plastic Disposable Spoon
These spoons from Dixie are heavyweight, shatter-resistant and durable. A great addition to any culinary gathering. Made from heavy duty polystyrene. Full length, 7.5". White. 1,000 per case.
Dixie Heavyweight Polystyrene Spoon, White, 1,000 Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 38.94 27.26 51.25 bwkyphsw.JPG Heavyweight Polystyrene Full-Size Cutlery, Teaspoon DIX TH207, DIXTH207, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
2590 Lagasse Hi-Genic Nonacid Bowl & Bathroom Cleaner, 12 Bottles (FRKF270012) 2590 FRK F270012 28.00 F270012 Non Acid Bowl Cleaner & Bathroom Cleaner
Ready-to-use, thick nonacid bowl and bathroom cleaner disinfects, deodorizes and is mildewstat and virucidal. Kills HIV-1 (AIDS virus), salmonella, pseudomonas, staph, strep, influenza type A and herpes simplex type II on nonporous surfaces. No harmful alkalies or abrasives; will not etch or pit metal or porcelain. Pleasant, long-lasting floral scent. EPA Registered. NSF/USDA Classification C2.
Franklin Chemical Hi-Genic Non Acid Bowl & Bathroom Cleaner, RTU Ready-To-Use, 32-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 28.84 22.00 39.14 FRKF270012.JPG Hi-Genic Nonacid Bowl & Bathroom Cleaner, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle, FRK F270012, FRKF270012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
2592 Lagasse High-Capacity Metal Housekeeping Cart, Black (RCP9T62BLA) 2592 RCP 9T62 BLA 80.00 FG9T62-00 BLA Rubbermaid High-Capacity Metal Housekeeping Cart
Larger capacity cart with ergonomic design. Features ergonomic handles with a 25 degree bend for easier pushing and steering. Four rotating bumpers help protect walls and furniture from scuffs. Baked-on powder coated finish improves durability and appearance. Four ball-bearing, non-marking 8 locking casters. Optional accessories offer increased customization. 9 cu. ft. capacity in a small footprint. Two shelves for organization. Includes one medium fabric bag for linen storage. Additional accessories sold separately. 22w x 55d x 44h. Assembly required.
HIGH CAPACITY HOUSEKEEPING CART 1 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 734.22 560.00 957.64 RCP9T62BLA.JPG High-Capacity Metal Housekeeping Cart, Black RCP 9T62 BLA, RCP9T62BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
2593 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x48, 14mic, 200 Bags (ESSHDH45CLR) 2593 ESS HDH45CLR 13.90 HDH45CLR 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Quality discount Heavy-Duty 14 micron clear plastic can liners. Ideal for use around the house, school, office or church. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. FDA approved for food products. Flat pack dispenser box.
FlexSol 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 14mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Flexsol 33.32 24.42 45.16 ESSHDH45CLR.JPG 56 gallon trash bags, 56 gallon clear trash bags, 56 gallon can liners, ESS HDH45CLR, ESSHDH45CLR 1 1 0 0 1 42
2594 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 14mic, 250 Bags (ESSHDH48CLR) 2594 ESS HDH48CLR 20.60 HDH48CLR 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Economical quality Heavy-Duty 14 micron trash bags. Ideal for use around the house, school, office or church. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. FDA approved for food products. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. Flat pack dispenser box.
Flexsol 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 14mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 250 per Case - The wholesale trash bag supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 40.54 30.30 54.49 ESSHDH48CLR.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, ESS HDH48CLR, ESSHDH48CLR 1 1 0 0 1 42
2595 Lagasse 10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x24, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (ESSHDL24CLR) 2595 ESS HDL24CLR 9.50 HDL24CLR 10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
These 10 gallon trash bags from Flexsol are made from 100% recyclable resins, containing 60% or more total recovered material. As an added green feature, these high density trash bags are free from inks, colorants and heavy metal content. These durable trash bags have a star seal bottom, preventing the vacuum that can occur at the bottom of a waste container, restricting easy lifting. The star seal is also designed without gussets, eliminating gaps along the seal and preventing leaks. Flexsol liners are high density, so they are much thinner than low density bags but still able to hold the same or greater weight without the risk of tears or punctures. A thinner bag means less material used, resulting in greater savings for your home or business without sacrificing quality. Stock up on Flexsol Clear 10 Gallon trash bags today and save!
Flexsol 10 Gallon Trash Bags, Flat Pack, 24x24, 6 mic, Clear, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Flexsol 25.56 19.49 34.35 ESSHDL24CLR.JPG 8 gallon trash bags, 8 gallon garbage bags, 8 gallon can liners, 8 gallon kitchen trash bags, 8 gallon trash can liners, ESS HDL24CLR, ESSHDL24CLR 1 1 0 0 1 42
2596 Lagasse 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (ESSHDL33CLR) 2596 ESS HDL33CLR 13.10 HDL33CLR 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
An economical quality trash bag to use around the home, classroom, office or church. Star seal bottom prevents vacuum at bottom of trash can that can restrict easy lifting. All resins are 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Much thinner than low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Flexsol 13-16 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 35.07 26.75 47.85 ESSHDL33CLR.JPG 13 gallon trash bags, 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen trash bags, 13 gallon trash can liners, ESS HDL33CLR, ESSHDL33CLR 1 1 0 0 1 42
2597 Lagasse 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x33, 8mic, 1,000 Bags (ESSHDM33CLR) 2597 ESS HDM33CLR 19.20 HDM33CLR 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Quality high density trash bags, with superior performance. Star seal bottom prevents vacuum at bottom of container that can restrict easy lifting. 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Thinner than low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags.
Flexsol 13-16 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x33, 8mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 45.23 34.50 59.22 ESSHDM33CLR.JPG 16 gallon trash bags, 16 gallon garbage bags, 16 gallon can liners, 16 gallon kitchen trash bags, 16 gallon trash can liners, ESS HDM33CLR, ESSHDM33CLR 1 1 0 0 1 42
2598 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 12mic, 250 Bags (ESSHDM48CLR) 2598 ESS HDM48CLR 17.00 HDM48CLR 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Economical quality Medium-Duty 12 micron trash bags. Ideal for use around the house, school, office or church. Anywhere you find a 45 gallon trash can. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. FDA approved for food products. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. Flat pack dispenser box.
Flexsol 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48 12 Micron Clear, Flat Pack, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 34.42 26.25 46.85 ESSHDM48CLR.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, ESS HDM48CLR, ESSHDM48CLR 1 1 0 0 1 42
2599 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 10mic, 500 Bags (ESSHDMP37CL) 2599 ESS HDMP37CL 13.40 HDMP37CL 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bag
Star seal bottom prevents vacuum at bottom of container that can restrict easy lifting. All resins are 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Thinner than low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight. Excellent tear resistance. Superior puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags.
Flexsol 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 10mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 34.57 26.16 45.52 ESSHDMP37CL.JPG 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, ESS HDMP37CL, ESSHDMP37CL 1 1 0 0 1 42
2600 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x48, 17mic, 200 Bags (ESSHDX45CLR) 2600 ESS HDX45CLR 21.40 HDX45CLR 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Quality discount Extra-Heavy-Duty 17 micron clear plastic can liners. Ideal for use around the house, school, office or house of worship. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. FDA approved for food products. Flat pack dispenser box.
FlexSol 56 Gallon Trash bags, 43x48, 17mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 43.18 32.93 59.07 ESSHDX45CLR.JPG 56 gallon trash bags, 56 gallon can liners, 56 gallon kitchen trash bags, 56 gallon trash can liners, ESS HDX45CLR, ESSHDX45CLR 1 1 0 0 1 42
2601 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, 250 Bags (ESSHDX48CLR) 2601 ESS HDX48CLR 17.20 HDX48CLR 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
These extra heavy duty trash bags are ideal for the transport and disposal of heavy or wet trash. Flexsol’s high density can liners are an economical, thinner alternative to low density bags, and they are able to hold the same or greater weight. Made from high molecular density resins, these trash bags are perfect for use in offices, restrooms, kitchens, classrooms or any area that is not collecting sharp objects. FDA approved for food products, this line of 45 gallon trash bags offer exceptional puncture resistance as well as gas, moisture and odor barriers. A great choice for the environmentally conscious consumer, Flexsol’s extra heavy duty trash bags are 100% recyclable and heavy metal free, while the packaging contains at least 60% total recovered material. For heavy clean-ups around the home or office choose Flexsol 45 Gallon High Density trash Bags. Buy today and save!
Flexsol 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Flexsol 48.33 36.86 65.03 ESSHDX48CLR.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, ESS HDX48CLR, ESSHDX48CLR 1 1 0 0 1 42
2602 Lagasse 55 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 17mic, 200 Bags (ESSHDX60CLR) 2602 ESS HDX60CLR 20.40 HDX60CLR 55 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Economical quality Extra-Heavy-Duty 17 micron can liners. Ideal for use around the house, school, office or church. Anywhere you find a 55 gallon trash can. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. FDA approved for food products. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. Flat pack dispenser box.
FlexSol 55 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 17mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 45.16 34.44 58.75 ESSHDX60CLR.JPG 55 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon kitchen trash bags, 55 gallon trash can liners, ESS HDX60CLR, ESSHDX60CLR 1 1 0 0 1 42
2603 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 17mic, 200 Bags (ESSHDX62CLR) 2603 ESS HDX62CLR 21.80 HDX62CLR 60 Gallon Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom prevents vacuum at bottom of container that can restrict easy lifting. All resins are 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Much thinner than linear low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance.
FlexSol 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 17mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 45.94 35.04 61.81 ESSHDX62CLR.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon clear trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, ESS HDX62CLR, ESSHDX62CLR 1 1 0 0 1 42
2604 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x24, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (ESSBR2424L) 2604 ESS BR2424L 9.70 BR2424L 8 - 10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
These trash bags feature star sealed bottoms, which prevents a vacuum at bottom of the trash can, that can restrict easy lifting. 100% recyclable resins; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Much thinner than linear low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear and puncture resistance. Load capacity is also excellent. Use around the home, office, classroom, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, anywhere there is a 10 gallon trash can.
Flexsol 8-10 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x24, 6mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 29.49 19.49 39.16 ESSBR2424L.JPG 8 gallon trash bags, 8 gallon garbage bags, 8 gallon can liners, 8 gallon kitchen trash bags, 8 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR2424L, ESSBR2424L 1 1 0 0 1 42
2605 Lagasse 15 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (ESSBR2433L) 2605 ESS BR2433L 12.40 BR2433L 15 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Flexsol constructed these garbage bags from high-density plastic material to provide a stronger garbage bag that is also environmentally friendly. Made from high density polyethylene, this trash bag is thinner than low density can liners but able to hold the same or greater weight while offering better puncture resistance. For the environmentally conscious consumer, these 15 gallon can liners are heavy metal free, and manufactured using 100% recyclable resins. Flexsol has also packaged these trash bags in coreless rolls for less waste. The star seal bottom on these durable 6 mic garbage bags prevents the vacuum that can occur at the bottom of a waste container, allowing for easy removal and lifting. These Flexsol trash bags are virtually leak proof and ideal for use in hospitals, restaurants, and other businesses that need heavy duty trash bags. Stock up today!
FlexSol 15 Gallon Trash Bags, 24"x33", 6 Microns, Clear, 20 Rolls of 50 Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Flexsol 38.60 25.51 50.71 ESSBR2433L.JPG High-Density Can Liners, Coreless Rolls, Light Grade, 6 Micron Gauge, 1,000 Bags per Case ESS BR2433L, ESSBR2433L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 42
2606 Lagasse 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x33, 8mic, 1,000 Bags (ESSBR2433M) 2606 ESS BR2433M 20.00 BR2433M 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Constructed of high density resins, these quality clear plastic can liners are ideal for use in a number of locations. These high density garbage bags feature a star seal bottom, preventing the vacuum at the bottom of waste containers that can hamper easy lifting. Although high density liners are thin, they are able to hold the same or greater weight as thicker low density bags. These high quality, affordable trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects. FDA approved for food products, the high density resins are excellent gas, moisture and odor barriers, making them ideal for use in bathrooms and kitchens. These 8 micron can liners are 100% recyclable and contain no inks, colorants or heavy metals and the coreless roll pack makes for easy dispensing. Stock up on Flexsol high density trash can liners today and save!
Flexsol 13-16 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x33, 8mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Flexsol 52.78 34.89 71.92 ESSBR2433M.JPG 16 gallon trash bags, 16 gallon garbage bags, 16 gallon can liners, 16 gallon kitchen trash bags, 16 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR2433M, ESSBR2433M 1 1 0 0 1 42
2607 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 13mic, 500 Bags (ESSBR3037H) 2607 ESS BR3037H 11.90 BR3037H 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, great quality at a discount price. Heavy-Duty 13 micron clear plastic can liners are ideal for use around the house, school, office or church. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp refuse, such as bathrooms, kitchens and classrooms. Equipped with high density resins which provide an excellent barrier from gas, moisture and odors, and are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free and FDA approved for food products. Coreless roll pack for easy dispensing.
Flexsol 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 13mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 51.06 33.75 69.30 ESSBR3037H.JPG 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR3037H, ESSBR3037H 1 1 0 0 1 42
2608 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 8mic, 500 Bags (ESSBR3037M) 2608 ESS BR3037M 13.60 BR3037M 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Quality discount Light-Duty 8 micron clear plastic can liners. Ideal for use around the house, school, office or church. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. FDA approved for food products. Coreless roll pack for easy dispensing.
Flexsol 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 8mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 31.15 20.59 40.83 ESSBR3037M.JPG 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR3037M, ESSBR3037M 1 1 0 0 1 42
2609 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 10mic, 500 Bags (ESSBR3037MP) 2609 ESS BR3037MP 13.40 BR3037MP 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Quality discount Medium-Duty 10 micron clear plastic can liners. Ideal for use around the house, school, office or church. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. FDA approved for food products. Coreless roll pack for easy dispensing.
Flexsol 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 10mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 39.09 25.84 51.18 ESSBR3037MP.JPG 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR3037MP, ESSBR3037MP 1 1 0 0 1 42
2610 Lagasse 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 33x40, 12mic, 500 Bags (ESSBR3340M) 2610 ESS BR3340M 20.40 BR3340M 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Deal for use around the house, school, office or house of worship. These are quality discount Medium-Duty 12 micron clear plastic can liners. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. FDA approved for food products. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. Coreless roll pack for easy dispensing.
33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x40, 12mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 54.48 36.01 73.23 ESSBR3340M.JPG 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR3340M, ESSBR3340M 1 1 0 0 1 42
2611 Lagasse 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 33x40, 17mic, 250 Bags (ESSBR3340X) 2611 ESS BR3340X 16.00 BR3340X 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Ideal for use around the house, school, office or house of worship. These are quality discount Extra-Heavy-Duty 17 micron clear plastic can liners. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. FDA approved for food products. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. Coreless roll pack for easy dispensing.
Flexsol 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x40, 17mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 35.81 23.67 48.72 ESSBR3340X.JPG 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR3340X, ESSBR3340X 1 1 0 0 1 42
2612 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, 150 Bags (ESSBR3860SX) 2612 ESS BR3860SX 20.80 BR3860SX 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Ideal for use around the house, school, office or house of worship. These are quality discount super-heavy-duty 22 micron clear plastic can liners. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. FDA approved for food products. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. Coreless roll pack for easy dispensing.
FlexSol 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, Clear, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 48.11 31.80 64.02 ESSBR3860SX.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR3860SX, ESSBR3860SX 1 1 0 0 1 42
2613 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 17mic, 200 Bags (ESSBR3860X) 2613 ESS BR3860X 20.60 BR3860X 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Quality discount heavy-duty 17 micron clear plastic can liners. Ideal for use around the house, school, office or church. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. FDA approved for food products. Coreless roll pack for easy dispensing.
Flexsol 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 17mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 53.01 35.04 68.89 ESSBR3860X.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR3860X, ESSBR3860X 1 1 0 0 1 42
2614 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 14mic, 250 Bags (ESSBR4048H) 2614 ESS BR4048H 19.60 BR4048H 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Quality discount Heavy-Duty 14 micron clear plastic can liners. Ideal for use around the house, school, office or church. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. FDA approved for food products. Coreless roll pack for easy dispensing.
Flexsol 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 14 Mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 44.77 29.59 59.10 ESSBR4048H.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR4048H, ESSBR4048H 1 1 0 0 1 42
2615 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 12mic, 250 Bags (ESSBR4048M) 2615 ESS BR4048M 17.00 BR4048M 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Ideal for use around the house, school, office or house of worship. These are quality discount Medium-Duty 12 micron clear plastic can liners. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. FDA approved for food products. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. Coreless roll pack for easy dispensing.
Flexsol 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 12mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 40.66 26.88 54.23 ESSBR4048M.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR4048M, ESSBR4048M 1 1 0 0 1 42
2616 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, 250 Bags (ESSBR4048X) 2616 ESS BR4048X 22.80 BR4048X 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Quality discount Heavy-Duty 17 micron clear plastic can liners. Ideal for use around the house, school, office or church. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. FDA approved for food products. Coreless roll pack for easy dispensing.
Flexsol 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesalecleaning products supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 52.73 34.86 70.93 ESSBR4048X.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR4048X, ESSBR4048X 1 1 0 1 1 42
2617 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x48, 17mic, 200 Bags (ESSBR4348X) 2617 ESS BR4348X 17.80 BR4348X 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Ideal for use around the home, school or office, these high quality can liners are best used in areas that collect objects with no sharp edges. Flexsol constructed these trash bags with 100% recyclable, heavy metal free, high density resins for the environmentally conscious consumer, and the packaging contains 60% or more total recovered material. Flexsol's line of high density trash bags are made with a star seal bottom that prevents a vacuum from occurring in the waste container, allowing for easy lifting and removal. FDA approved for food products, these can liners offer an excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier, making them a perfect fit for bathrooms, kitchens and classrooms. Packaged in coreless rolls for effortless dispensing.
FlexSol 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 17 Mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 45.64 30.17 61.03 ESSBR4348X.JPG 56 gallon trash bags, 56 gallon garbage bags, 56 gallon can liners, 56 gallon kitchen trash bags, 56 gallon trash can liners, ESS BR4348X, ESSBR4348X 1 1 0 0 1 42
2618 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 40x48, 22mic, 150 Bags (ESSBRSX48B) 2618 ESS BRSX48B 18.30 BRSX48B 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms, these quality super heavy-duty 40-45 gallon black plastic can liners offer an exceptional combination of low cost and high quality. FDA approved for food products and equipped with high density resins, these bags provide an excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier and are 100% recyclable. Manufactured with prime materials, these virtually leak-proof bags are infinitely stronger when compared to other similar trash bags. Prefect for those large clean up jobs around the home, school or office, these trash bag can liners are ideal for any situation or location. The coreless roll pack allows for easy dispensing. Stock up today and save!
Flexsol 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 22mic, Black, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Flexsol 42.49 28.09 57.17 ESSBRSX48B.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, ESS BRSX48B, ESSBRSX48B 1 1 0 0 1 42
2619 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, 150 Bags (ESSBRSX62B) 2619 ESS BRSX62B 21.40 BRSX62B 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Quality discount Extra-Heavy-Duty 22 micron black plastic can liners. Ideal for use around the house, school, office or church. High density trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms. Equipped with high density resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier that are 100% recyclable. Inks and colorants are heavy metal free. FDA approved for food products. Coreless roll pack for easy dispensing.
FlexSol 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, Black, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 51.02 33.73 68.47 ESSBRSX62B.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon black trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, ESS BRSX62B, ESSBRSX62B 1 1 0 0 1 42
2620 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, 250 Bags (ESSBRX48BK) 2620 ESS BRX48BK 25.00 BRX48BK 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Ideal for use around the house, school, office or house of worship, these quality discount extra heavy duty 17 micron clear trash bags are best used in areas that collect non-sharp objects, such as bathrooms, kitchens and classrooms. FDA approved for use with food products, these high density plastic bags are equipped with resins which are excellent gas, moisture and odor barrier. These trash bags are also 100% recyclable. Offering an exceptional combination of low cost and high quality, these superior trash bags provide an economical can liner solution. Manufactured with prime materials, these virtually leak-proof bags are infinitely stronger when compared to other similar trash bags.
Flexsol 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 17Mic, Black, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Flexsol 55.77 36.86 73.04 ESSBRX48BK.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, ESS BRX48BK, ESSBRX48BK 1 1 0 0 1 42
2621 Lagasse 4 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 17x18, 6mic, 2,000 Bags (IBSEC171806N) 2621 IBS EC171806N 10.57 EC171806N 4 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion Much thinner than low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags. High density perforated roll can liners in easy dispensing box.
Interplast 4 Gallon Trash Bags, 17x18, 6 mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 40 Rolls, 2,00 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 23.48 15.52 30.98 IBSEC171806N.JPG 4 gallon trash bags, 4 gallon garbage bags, 4 gallon can liners, 4 gallon kitchen trash bags, 4 gallon trash can liners, IBS EC171806N, IBSEC171806N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2622 Lagasse 7 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 20x22, 6mic, 2,000 Bags (IBSEC202206N) 2622 IBS EC202206N 15.15 EC202206N 7 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Light-Duty 6 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, perforated coreless rolls for effortless dispensing. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Interplast 7 Gallon Trash Bags, 20x22, 6mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 40 Rolls, 2,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 33.67 22.25 45.95 IBSEC202206N.JPG 7 gallon trash bags, 7 gallon garbage bags, 7 gallon can liners, 7 gallon kitchen trash bags, 7 gallon trash can liners, IBS EC202206N, IBSEC202206N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2623 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 24x24, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (IBSEC242406K) 2623 IBS EC242406K 9.92 EC242406K 8-10 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Manufactured in a ISO registered facility to ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creating a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags. For use in the home, office, classroom, church etc.
Interplast 8-10 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x24, 6mic, Black, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 22.60 14.94 29.52 IBSEC242406K.JPG 8 gallon trash bags, 8 gallon garbage bags, 8 gallon can liners, 8 gallon kitchen trash bags, 8 gallon trash can liners, IBS EC242406K, IBSEC242406K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2624 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x24, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (IBSEC242406N) 2624 IBS EC242406N 9.92 EC242406N 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than Linear Low Density (LLD) liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to LLD liners.
Interplast 8-10 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x24, 6mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 50 Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 28.73 15.83 38.55 IBSEC242406N.JPG 8 gallon trash bags, 8 gallon garbage bags, 8 gallon can liners, 8 gallon kitchen trash bags, 8 gallon trash can liners, IBS EC242406N, IBSEC242406N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2625 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x24, 5mic, 1,000 Bags (IBSEC2424N) 2625 IBS EC2424N 8.18 EC2424N 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
These economical small trash bags are manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure superior quality and strength. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly, and creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. These trash bags have better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density can liners. Find a complete selection of trash bags and all of your favorite wholesale janitorial supply needs on sale today at
Interplast Group 8-10 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x24, 5 mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 18.94 12.52 25.04 IBSEC2424N.JPG 8 gallon trash bags, 8 gallon garbage bags, 8 gallon can liners, 8 gallon kitchen trash bags, 8 gallon trash can liners, IBS EC2424N, IBSEC2424N, clear trash bags, small trash bags 1 1 0 0 1 150
2626 Lagasse 13-16 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (IBSEC243306K) 2626 IBS EC243306K 13.63 EC243306K 13-16 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Manufactured from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency, in ISO registered facilities. This ensures superior quality and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly and creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Thinner than low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags.
Interplast 13-16 Gallon Trash Bags 24x33, 6mic, Black, 50 Bags per Rolls, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 30.27 20.01 39.66 IBSEC243306K.JPG 13 gallon trash bags, 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen trash bags, 13 gallon trash can liners IBS EC243306K, IBSEC243306K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2627 Lagasse 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (IBSEC243306N) 2627 IBS EC243306N 13.63 EC243306N 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Interplast Group Ltd.'s line of 13 to 16 gallon high density trash bags offer a combination of reliability and durability that cannot be matched. Direct from ISO registered facilities which ensure superior quality and consistency, these quality bags are made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Coming with a star-sealed bottom design that distributes weight evenly, this quality bag comes in an innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. While much thinner than Linear Low Density liners, these quality can liners can hold the same or greater weight. Coming with good tear resistance and even better puncture resistance, these exceptional trash bags are perfect for any location or environment.
Interplast Group Ltd. 13-16 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 50 Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 29.91 19.77 40.82 IBSEC243306N.JPG 13 gallon trash bags, 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen trash bags, 13 gallon trash can liners, IBS EC243306N, IBSEC243306N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2628 Lagasse 15 Gallon Clear Trash Bags 24x33 5 Mic 1,000 per Case (IBSEC2433N) 2628 IBS EC2433N 11.23 EC2433N 15 Gallon Trash Bags
Light-Duty 5 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight. Clear plastic can liners.
15 Gallon Trash Bags 24x33 5 Micron, Clear, 20 Rolls of 50 Bags per Case
Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 26.69 17.64 36.37 IBSEC2433N.JPG trash bags, trash bag, garbage bags, garbage bag, commercial trash bags, can liners, can liner, gallon trash bags, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, IBS EC2433N, IBSEC2433N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2629 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x24, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (IBSS242406N) 2629 IBS S242406N 9.92 S242406N 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Light-Duty 6 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Interplast 8-10 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x24, 6mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 22.68 14.99 29.86 IBSS242406N.JPG 8 gallon trash bags, 8 gallon garbage bags, gallon can liners, 8 gallon kitchen trash bags, 8 gallon trash can liners, IBS S242406N, IBSS242406N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2630 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x24, 8mic, 1,000 Bags (IBSS242408N) 2630 IBS S242408N 13.41 S242408N 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency in ISO registered facilities ensuring superior quality and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly and creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Designed without gussets the star seal eliminates gaps along the seal and provides better fit, even weight distribution and helps to eliminate leaks. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate reordering confusion. Much thinner than low density can liners, but can easily hold the same or greater weight. Strong tear and puncture resistance increases the load capacity when compared to low density can liners. Liners are packed in compact, coreless rolls for "one-at-a time" bag dispensing. Perfect for use as a can liner in either home or office settings.
Interplast 8-10 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x24, 8Mic, Clear, 20 Rolls, 50 Bags per Roll, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 29.17 19.28 38.01 IBSS242408N.JPG 8 gallon trash bags, 8 gallon garbage bags, 8 gallon can liners, 8 gallon kitchen trash bags, 8 gallon trash can liners, IBS S242408N, IBSS242408N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2631 Lagasse 13-16 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (IBSS243306N) 2631 IBS S243306N 13.63 S243306N 13-16 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Light-Duty 6 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Interplast 13-16 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, Natural, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 32.99 21.81 43.51 IBSS243306N.JPG 13 gallon trash bags, 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen trash bags, 13 gallon trash can liners, IBS S243306N, IBSS243306N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2632 Lagasse 13-16 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 24x33, 8mic, 1,000 Bags (IBSS243308K) 2632 IBS S243308K 18.42 S243308K 13-16 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Constructed of prime Formosa resins for added strength, these high quality 13 to 16 gallon can liners provide a heavy-duty, resilient and affordable can liner option. Made with a star seal bottom, these bags are virtually leak proof and eight times stronger than the average trash bag. The specially designed seal eliminates gaps and allows for even weight distribution by conforming better to the shape of the garbage can, resulting in easier removal from the waste receptacle. Shipped in compact, coreless, interleaved rolls, these extra-heavy-duty bags come packaged in an innovative clamshell box with E-Z identification, offering the easiest and most effortless bag dispensing option available. Stock up on Inteplast Group’s 8 mic 13 to 16 gallon trash bags today and save!
Inteplast Group 13-16 Trash Bags, 24x33, 8mic, Black, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 37.67 24.90 50.60 IBSS243308K.JPG 13 gallon trash bags, 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen trash bags, 13 gallon trash can liners, IBS S243308K, IBSS243308K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2633 Lagasse 13-16 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 24x33, 8mic, 1,000 Bags (IBSS243308N) 2633 IBS S243308N 18.42 S243308N 13-16 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly and creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. Manufactured by ISO registered facilities which ensures superior quality and consistency. Formosa resins are used for reliability and consistency. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density can liners.
Interplast 13-16 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x33, 8mic, Natural, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 39.57 26.15 53.00 IBSS243308N.JPG 16 gallon trash bags, 16 gallon garbage bags, 16 gallon can liners, 16 gallon kitchen trash bags, 16 gallon trash can liners, IBS S243308N, IBSS243308N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2634 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 8mic, 500 Bags (IBSS303708N) 2634 IBS S303708N 12.97 S303708N 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance.
Inteplast Group 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 8mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 27.26 18.02 37.15 IBSS303708N.JPG 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, IBS S303708N, IBSS303708N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2635 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 10mic, 500 Bags (IBSS303710N) 2635 IBS S303710N 16.24 S303710N 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Medium-duty 10 micron thickness can liners. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing.
Inteplast Group 30 Gallon Trash Bags 30x37, 10mic, Clear, 25 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 30.40 20.09 39.56 IBSS303710N.JPG 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, IBS S303710N, IBSS303710N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2636 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 13mic, 500 Bags (IBSS303713N) 2636 IBS S303713N 21.15 S303713N 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Heavy-Duty 13 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 13mic, Clear, 25 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 41.29 27.29 55.84 IBSS303713N.JPG 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, IBS S303713N, IBSS303713N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2637 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 16mic, 500 Bags (IBSS303716N) 2637 IBS S303716N 26.09 S303716N 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Extra-Heavy-Duty 16 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags.
Interplast 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 16mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 48.60 32.13 63.68 IBSS303716N.JPG 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, IBS S303716N, IBSS303716N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2638 Lagasse 33 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 33x40, 11mic, 500 Bags (IBSS334011K) 2638 IBS S334011K 21.26 S334011K 33 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Providing superior tear and puncture resistance, as well as load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, these 33 gallon black extra-heavy-duty 11 micron thick can liners are as strong as they are reliable. Due to its design, these quality liners provide effortless removal, eliminating the chance of a vacuum, when pulling the can liner from the trash can. These heavy-duty can liners come standard with a star seal bottom that allows for even weight distribution, easily eliminating gaps along the seal, and conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Transported in compact, coreless, interleaved rolls, these 33 gallon extra-heavy-duty liners provide effortless bag dispensing.
Interplast Group Ltd 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x40, 11mic, Black, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 39.81 26.32 53.43 IBSS334011K.JPG 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, IBS S334011K, IBSS334011K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2639 Lagasse 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 33x40, 11mic, 500 Bags (IBSS334011N) 2639 IBS S334011N 21.26 S334011N 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Interplast Group 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x40, 11 Mic, Clear,20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 38.42 25.40 51.00 IBSS334011N.JPG 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, IBS S334011N, IBSS334011N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2640 Lagasse 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 33x40, 13mic, 500 Bags (IBSS334013N) 2640 IBS S334013N 25.21 S334013N 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Innovative box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency.
Interplast Group Ltd. 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x40, 13mic, Clear, 25 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 48.58 32.11 65.94 IBSS334013N.JPG 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, IBS S334013N, IBSS334013N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2641 Lagasse 33 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 33x40, 16mic, 250 Bags (IBSS334016K) 2641 IBS S334016K 15.51 S334016K 33 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure superior quality and consistency. Formosa resins are used for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Interplast 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x40, 16mic, Black, 25 Bags per Roll, 10 Rolls, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 28.60 18.91 37.94 IBSS334016K.JPG 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, IBS S334016K, IBSS334016K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2642 Lagasse 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 33x40, 16mic, 250 Bags (IBSS334016N) 2642 IBS S334016N 15.51 S334016N 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Extra-Heavy-Duty 16 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing.
Interplast 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x40, 16mic, Clear, 25 Bags per Roll, 10 Rolls, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 28.05 18.54 38.12 IBSS334016N.JPG 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, IBS S334016N, IBSS334016N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2643 Lagasse 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 33x40, 17mic, 250 Bags (IBSS334017N) 2643 IBS S334017N 16.48 S334017N 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Designed to provide an extra heavy-duty durability due to its 17 micron thickness, these high density 33 gallon can liners are a great fit for the home or office. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Coming with a star-sealed bottom, these bags have the ability to provide strength eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Due to its innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system, there is never any confusion. Coming in 10 compact, coreless interleaved rolls, these bags are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight, these bags provide good tear and puncture resistance, as well as load capacity when compared to low density trash bags.
Inteplast Group 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x40, 17mic, Clear, 25 Bags per Roll, 10 Rolls, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 31.07 20.54 42.02 IBSS334017N.JPG 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, IBS S334017N, IBSS334017N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2644 Lagasse 55 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 36x60, 12mic, 200 Bags (IBSS366012K) 2644 IBS S366012K 13.90 S366012K 55 Gallon Black Trash Bags
These durable can liners from Interplast Group are a high quality, affordable alternative to costly, name-brand trash bags. These high density trash bags are made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. As strong as they are reliable, these can liners are made with a star seal bottom to help distribute weight evenly and keep them virtually leak-proof by creating a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. An excellent trash bag for transporting heavy, wet trash, these high density can liners provide excellent moisture protection, and are USDA and FDA approved for food use. Interplast has packaged these trash bags in compact, coreless, interleaved rolls for trouble-free dispensing. If you are looking to save money without sacrificing strength and durability, these 55 gallon trash bags are the right choice for you. Stock up today!
Interplast Group 55 Gallon Trash Bags, 36x60, 12mic, Black, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 25.32 16.74 33.74 50 gallon trash bags, 50 gallon garbage bags, 50 gallon can liners,50 gallon kitchen trash bags, 50 gallon trash can liners, IBS S366012K, IBSS366012K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2645 Lagasse 55 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 36x60, 14mic, 200 Bags (IBSS366014N) 2645 IBS S366014N 17.78 S366014N 55 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Heavy-Duty 14 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 55 Gallon Trash Bags, 36x60, 14 Micron, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 34.27 22.65 45.08 IBSS366014N.JPG 55 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon clear trash bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon trash can liners, IBS S366014N, IBSS366014N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2646 Lagasse 55 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 36x60, 17mic, 200 Bags (IBSS366017K) 2646 IBS S366017K 21.58 S366017K 55 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Known as a strong, affordable can liner option these 17 micron thickness can liners are manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Coming with a star seal bottom that is without gussets, these bags are specifically designed to allow for even weight distribution. Easily eliminating gaps along the seal and able to conform easier to the shape of the trash can, these quality liners provide easy removal from trash cans, eliminating the chance of a vacuum. Shipped in compact, and innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion, these extra-heavy-duty bags offer the easiest and most effortless bag dispensing option available.
Interplast Group 55 Gallon Trash Bags, 36x60, 17mic, Black, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 40.67 26.89 53.94 IBSS366017K.JPG 55 gallon trash bags, 50 gallon can liners, 55 gallon kitchen trash bags, 55 gallon trash can liners, IBS S366017K, IBSS366017K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2647 Lagasse 55 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 36x60, 17mic, 200 Bags (IBSS366017N) 2647 IBS S366017N 21.58 S366017N 55 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Extra-Heavy-Duty 17 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship.
Inteplast Group 55 Gallon Trash Bags, 36x60, 17mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 40.38 26.69 54.14 IBSS366017N.JPG 50 gallon trash bags, 50 gallon garbage bags, 50 gallon can liners, 50 gallon kitchen trash bags, 50 gallon trash can liners, IBS S366017N, IBSS366017N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2648 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 38x60, 12mic, 200 Bags (IBSS386012K) 2648 IBS S386012K 16.02 S386012K 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Medium-Duty 12 micron thickness can liners. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion.Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags. Black plastic can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 12mic, Black, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 30.51 20.17 41.35 IBSS386012K.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon black trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon trash can liners, IBS S386012K, IBSS386012K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2649 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 12mic, 200 Bags (IBSS386012N) 2649 IBS S386012N 16.02 S386012N 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 12mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 30.51 20.17 41.08 IBSS386012N.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, IBS S386012N, IBSS386012N, 1 1 0 0 1 150
2650 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 38x60, 14mic, 200 Bags (IBSS386014K) 2650 IBS S386014K 18.75 S386014K 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Heavy-Duty 14 micron thickness can liners. Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags.
Interplast 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 14mic, Black, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 35.14 23.23 46.18 IBSS386014K.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, IBS S386014K, IBSS386014K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2651 Lagasse 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 38x60, 14mic, 200 Bags (IBSS386014N) 2651 IBS S386014N 18.75 S386014N 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Heavy-Duty 14 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 14mic, Natural, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 35.14 23.23 45.98 IBSS386014N.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, IBS S386014N, IBSS386014N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2652 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 38x60, 17mic, 200 Bags (IBSS386017K) 2652 IBS S386017K 22.78 S386017K 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags
These 60 gallon extra heavy duty 17 micron thickness can liners provide a compact, coreless trash bag, designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Shipped in tight easy to handle rolls, these quality high density trash bags are manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. This star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal and conforms easily to the shape of the trash can. Coming in an innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system, these bags are thinner than low density can liners, and can hold the same or greater weight. Coming with high quality tear and puncture resistance, as well as load capacity, these exceptional trash bags are an easy choice for the home or business.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 17mic, Black, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 42.06 27.80 55.72 IBSS386017K.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon black trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, IBS S386017K, IBSS386017K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2653 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 17mic, 200 Bags (IBSS386017N) 2653 IBS S386017N 22.78 S386017N 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Extra-Heavy-Duty 17 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself and eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 17mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 42.06 27.80 57.10 IBSS386017N.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, IBS S386017N, IBSS386017N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2654 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, 150 Bags (IBSS386022K) 2654 IBS S386022K 21.91 S386022K 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly, creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, Black, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 41.12 27.18 53.84 IBSS386022K.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon black trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon trash can liners, IBS S386022K, IBSS386022K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2655 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, 150 Bags (IBSS386022N) 2655 IBS S386022N 21.91 S386022N 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly and creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 22 Micron, Clear, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 51.92 28.60 69.49 IBSS386022N.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon clear trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon trash can liners, IBS S386022N, IBSS386022N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2656 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 40x48, 12mic, 250 Bags (IBSS404812K) 2656 IBS S404812K 15.50 S404812K 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Discount Medium-Duty 12 Micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion.Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing.
Interplast Group 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 12Mic, Black, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 31.41 20.76 42.11 IBSS404812K.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS S404812K, IBSS404812K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2657 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 12mic, 250 Bags (IBSS404812N) 2657 IBS S404812N 16.93 S404812N 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Heavy-Duty 12 micron thickness can liners. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing.
Interplast Group 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 12mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 31.01 20.50 41.62 IBSS404812N.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS S404812N, IBSS404812N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2658 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 14mic, 250 Bags (IBSS404814N) 2658 IBS S404814N 19.75 S404814N 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Heavy-Duty 14 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 14mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 36.69 24.25 49.47 IBSS404814N.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS S404814N, IBSS404814N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2659 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 40x48, 16mic, 250 Bags (IBSS404816K) 2659 IBS S404816K 22.57 S404816K 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Discount Extra-Heavy-Duty 16 Micron can liners. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure superior reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion.Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags.
Interplast 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 16mic, Black, 25 Bags per Roll, 10 Rolls, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 41.45 27.40 54.46 IBSS404816K.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS S404816K, IBSS404816K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2660 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 16mic, 250 Bags (IBSS404816N) 2660 IBS S404816N 22.57 S404816N 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 16mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 41.45 27.40 54.44 IBSS404816N.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS S404816N, IBSS404816N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2661 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, 250 Bags (IBSS404817K) 2661 IBS S404817K 23.98 S404817K 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Extra-Heavy-Duty 17 micron thickness can liners.Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure superior quality and consistency. Formosa resins are used for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion.
Interplast Group 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, Black, 25 Bags per Roll, 10 Rolls, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 45.63 30.16 60.76 IBSS404817K.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS S404817K, IBSS404817K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2662 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, 250 Bags (IBSS404817N) 2662 IBS S404817N 23.98 S404817N 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Extra-Heavy-Duty 17 micron thickness can liners. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion.Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags.
Inteplast Group 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, Clear,10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 44.56 29.45 60.31 IBSS404817N.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS S404817N, IBSS404817N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2663 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 40x48, 22mic, 150 Bags (IBSS404822K) 2663 IBS S404822K 21.47 S404822K 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Discount Super-Heavy-Duty 22 micron can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can.Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion.
Inteplast Group 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 22Mic, Black, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 34.44 22.77 45.23 IBSS404822K.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS S404822K, IBSS404822K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2664 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x48, 12mic, 200 Bags (IBSS434812N) 2664 IBS S434812N 14.50 S434812N 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance.
Inteplast Group 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 12mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 27.61 18.25 36.48 IBSS434812N.JPG 56 gallon trash bags, 56 gallon clear trash bags, IBS S434812N, IBSS434812N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2666 Lagasse 56 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 43x48, 16mic, 200 Bags (IBSS434816K) 2666 IBS S434816K 19.41 S434816K 56 Gallon Black Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance.
Inteplast Group 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 16mic, Black, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 36.54 24.16 48.34 IBSS434816K.JPG 55 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon kitchen trash bags, 55 gallon trash can liners, IBS S434816K, IBSS434816K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2667 Lagasse 55-60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 43x48, 16mic, 200 Bags (IBSS434816N) 2667 IBS S434816N 19.41 S434816N 55-60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Extra-heavy-duty 16 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 55 - 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 16mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 35.25 23.30 46.23 IBSS434816N.JPG 55 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon kitchen trash bags, 55 gallon trash can liners, IBS S434816N, IBSS434816N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2668 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x48, 17mic, 200 Bags (IBSS434817N) 2668 IBS S434817N 20.62 S434817N 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Extra-Heavy-Duty 17 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. This type of trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Perfect for use in the home, office, school, commercial and industrial facilities or house of worship. Good tear resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 17mic, Clear,8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 36.84 24.35 50.36 IBSS434817N.JPG 56 gallon trash bags, 56 gallon clear trash bags, 56 gallon can liners, IBS S434817N, IBSS434817N 1 1 0 0 1 150
2669 Lagasse 56 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 43x48, 22mic, 150 Bags (IBSS434822K) 2669 IBS S434822K 20.10 S434822K 56 Gallon Black Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance.
Inteplast Group 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 22mic, Black, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 37.90 25.05 50.37 IBSS434822K.JPG 56 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon black trash bags, IBS S434822K, IBSS434822K 1 1 0 0 1 150
2670 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x24, 6mic, 500 Bags (JAGH2424L) 2670 JAG H2424L 4.60 Z4824RNJ 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Thrifty High-Density Commercial Can Liners, Bulk Pack, Natural Color. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Ideal for paper and non-sharp objects in the home, office, classroom, church or anywhere you find a 10 gallon trash can. Individually folded and dispensed.
Jaguar Plastics 8-10 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x24, 6 mic, Clear, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 11.93 9.10 15.69 JAGH2424L.JPG 8 gallon trash bags, 8 gallon garbage bags, 8 gallon can liners, 8 gallon kitchen trash bags, 8 gallon trash can liners, JAG H2424L, JAGH2424L 1 1 0 0 1 61
2671 Lagasse 13-15 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, 500 Bags (JAGH2433L) 2671 JAG H2433L 6.30 Z4833RNJ 13-15 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
These high-density commercial 6 Mil thickness can liners offer great load capacity, as well as a star seal bottom that helps prevent vacuum forming when trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance, these multi-purpose can liners offer great durability compared to other high density can liners. Providing a high-density polyethylene film strength ideal for paper and non-sharp objects, these quality bags come individually folded and dispensed.
Jaguar Plastics 13-15 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, Clear, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 15.85 12.09 20.98 JAGH2433L.JPG 13 gallon trash bags, 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen trash bags, 13 gallon trash can liners, JAG H2433L, JAGH2433L 1 1 0 0 1 61
2674 Lagasse 33 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 33x40, 16mic, 200 Bags (JAGH3340S) 2674 JAG H3340S 10.90 Z6640VNJ 33 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
High-density commercial trash bags, bulk pack, natural color. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Ideal for paper and non-sharp objects. Individually folded and dispensed.
Jaguar Plastis 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x40, 16mic, Natural, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 25.22 19.23 32.79 JAGH3340S.JPG 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, JAG H3340S, JAGH3340S 1 1 0 0 1 61
2675 Lagasse 55 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 36x60, 13mic, 200 Bags (JAGH3660H) 2675 JAG H3660H 14.50 Z7260HNJ 55 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
High-density commercial waste can liners in bulk pack and natural color clear. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Ideal for paper and non-sharp objects. Individually folded and dispensed.
Jaguar Plastics 55 Gallon Trash Bags, 36x60, Natural, 13mic, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 32.36 24.68 43.47 JAGH3660H.JPG 55 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon trash can liners, JAG H3660H, JAGH3660H 1 1 0 0 1 61
2676 Lagasse 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 38x60, 13mic, 200 Bags (JAGH3860H) 2676 JAG H3860H 15.30 Z7660HNJX02 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
High-Density Commercial Can Waste Liners, Bulk Pack, Natural Color. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Ideal for paper and non-sharp objects. Individually folded and dispensed.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 13mic, Natural, Flat Pack, 200 per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 34.98 26.68 46.91 JAGH3860H.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, JAG H3860H, JAGH3860H 1 1 0 0 1 61
2677 Lagasse 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 38x60, 16mic, 100 Bags (JAGH3860S) 2677 JAG H3860S 9.40 Z7660VNJ 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Created from prime resins for the highest quality, these 60 gallon clear extra-heavy-duty 16 micron thick can liners are as strong as they are reliable. These high-density trash bags conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Due to its design, these quality liners offer easy removal, heavily diminishing the chance of a vacuum effect when pulling the can liner from the trash can. High-density commercial can waste liners, bulk pack, natural color. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 16mic, Natural, Flat Pack, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 21.79 16.62 29.06 JAGH3860S.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon natural trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, JAG H3860S, JAGH3860S 1 1 0 0 1 61
2678 Lagasse 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 40x48, 13mic, 200 Bags (JAGH4048H) 2678 JAG H4048H 12.90 Z8048HNJ 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
High-Density Commercial Can Waste Liners, Bulk Pack, Natural Color. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Ideal for paper and non-sharp objects. Individually folded and dispensed.
Jaguar 45 Gallon Trash Bags, Natural, 40x48, 13mic, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 29.48 22.48 38.74 JAGH4048H.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, JAG H4048H, JAGH4048H 1 1 0 0 1 61
2679 Lagasse 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 40x48, 16mic, 200 Bags (JAGH4048S) 2679 JAG H4048S 15.90 Z8048VNJ 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
High-Density Commercial Can Waste Liners, Bulk Pack, Natural Color. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Ideal for paper and non-sharp objects. Individually folded and dispensed.
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 16mic, Natural, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 33.64 25.66 44.00 JAGH4048S.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, JAG H4048S, JAGH4048S 1 1 0 0 1 61
2680 Lagasse 56 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 43x48, 16mic, 200 Bags (JAGH4348S) 2680 JAG H4348S 17.10 Z8648VNJ 56 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
High-density commercial can liners, bulk pack, natural color. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Ideal for paper and non-sharp objects. Individually folded and dispensed.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 16mic, Natural, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 38.66 29.48 50.86 JAGH4348S.JPG 56 gallon trash bags, 56 gallon natural trash bags, 56 gallon can liners, 56 gallon trash can liners, JAG H4348S, JAGH4348S 1 1 0 0 1 61
2681 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x24, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (JAGRH2424L) 2681 JAG RH2424L 9.10 Z4824RNJR01 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Much thinner than linear low density trash bags, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags. Use for 10 gallon trash cans in the home, office, classroom, indoors or outside.
Jaguar Plastics 8 - 10 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x24, 6 mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 24.87 16.44 32.42 JAGRH2424L.JPG 8 gallon trash bags, 8 gallon garbage bags, 8 gallon can liners, 8 gallon kitchen trash bags, 8 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH2424L, JAGRH2424L 1 1 0 0 1 61
2682 Lagasse 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (JAGRH2433L) 2682 JAG RH2433L 12.60 Z4833RNJR01 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Much thinner than low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better load capacity when compared to low density liners.
Jaguar Plastics 13-16 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 50 Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 35.09 23.20 47.89 JAGRH2433L.JPG 13 gallon trash bags, 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen trash bags, 13 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH2433L, JAGRH2433L 1 1 0 0 1 61
2683 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 16mic, 500 Bags (JAGRH3037S) 2683 JAG RH3037S 23.00 Z6037XNJR01 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance.
Jaguar Plastics 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 16mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 55.58 36.74 73.77 JAGRH3037S.JPG 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH3037S, JAGRH3037S 1 1 0 0 1 61
2684 Lagasse 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 33x40, 16mic, 250 Bags (JAGRH3340S) 2684 JAG RH3340S 13.70 Z6640VNJR02 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Jaguar Plastics 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33"x40", 16mic, Clear, Rolls, 250 per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 36.43 24.08 49.03 JAGRH3340S.JPG 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners JAG RH3340S, JAGRH3340S 1 1 0 0 1 61
2685 Lagasse 55 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 36x60, 13mic, 200 Bags (JAGRH3660H) 2685 JAG RH3660H 14.50 Z7260HNJR01 55 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance.
Jaguar Plastics 55 Gallon Trash Bags, 36x60, 13mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 35.19 23.26 47.86 JAGRH3660H.JPG 55 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon clear trash bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH3660H, JAGRH3660H 1 1 0 0 1 61
2686 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 13mic, 200 Bags (JAGRH3860H) 2686 JAG RH3860H 15.30 Z7660HNJR01 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 13mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 41.93 27.71 55.95 JAGRH3860H.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon clear trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH3860H, JAGRH3860H 1 1 0 0 1 61
2687 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 16mic, 200 Bags (JAGRH3860S) 2687 JAG RH3860S 18.90 Z7660VNJR01 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 16mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 50.48 33.37 69.14 JAGRH3860S.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon clear trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH3860S, JAGRH3860S 1 1 0 0 1 61
2688 Lagasse 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 40x48, 13mic, 250 Bags (JAGRH4048H) 2688 JAG RH4048H 16.10 Z8048HNJR01 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Jaguar 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 13Mic, Natural, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 42.42 28.04 56.80 JAGRH4048H.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH4048H, JAGRH4048H 1 1 0 0 1 61
2689 Lagasse 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 40x48, 16mic, 250 Bags (JAGRH4048S) 2689 JAG RH4048S 19.90 Z8048VNJR01 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Trash Bags 40x48 16 Mic Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 51.61 34.12 70.02 JAGRH4048S.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH4048S, JAGRH4048S 1 1 0 0 1 61
2690 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x48, 16mic, 200 Bags (JAGRH4348S) 2690 JAG RH4348S 17.10 Z8648VNJR02 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Jaguar Plastics quality star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. These trash bags are made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 16mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Trash Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 45.90 30.34 62.39 JAGRH4348S.JPG 55 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon garbage bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon kitchen trash bags, 55 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH4348S, JAGRH4348S 1 1 0 0 1 61
2691 Lagasse 16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x31, 8 mic, 1,000 Bags (IBSVALH2433N8) 2691 IBS VALH2433N8 15.04 VALH2433N8 16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
These economic trash bags are manufactured in ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and strength. Constructed from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency, these 15 gallon clear trash bags offer a star-sealed bottom design that allows even weight distribution, and creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Packaged in a new and innovative "clamshell" box with easy identification code number system, it eliminates all confusion when it is time to reorder. Completely compact and coreless, the bags come in interleaved clear rolls for effortless "one-at-a-time" bag dispensing. Thinner than low density can liners, these quality bags can hold the same or greater weight, as well as offer better puncture resistance and load capacity. Stock up today on Interplast 15 gallon trash bags and save!
Interplast Group 16 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x31, 8 mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 32.63 21.57 43.68 IBSVALH2433N8.JPG 13 gallon trash bags, 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen trash bags, 13 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH2433N8, IBSVALH2433N8, high density trash bags, high density garbage bags 1 1 0 0 1 150
2692 Lagasse 30 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 30x36, 10mic, 500 Bags (IBSVALH3037N10) 2692 IBS VALH3037N10 14.17 VALH3037N10 30 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency, in ISO registered facilities, to ensure superior quality and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly, creating a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Much thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing.
Interplast 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x36, 10mic, Natural, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 27.39 18.10 37.42 IBSVALH3037N10.JPG 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH3037N10, IBSVALH3037N10 1 1 0 0 1 150
2693 Lagasse 30 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 30x36, 13mic, 500 Bags (IBSVALH3037N13) 2693 IBS VALH3037N13 17.33 VALH3037N13 30 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly and creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Can hold the same or greater weight than low density can liners. Great tear resistance. Exceptional puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags. Manufactured from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency in ISO registered facilities.
Interplast 30 Gallon Trash Bags 30x36, 13mic, Natural, 25 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 33.54 22.17 44.37 IBSVALH3037N13.JPG 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH3037N13, IBSVALH3037N13 1 1 0 0 1 150
2694 Lagasse 33 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 33x39, 11mic, 500 Bags (IBSVALH3340N11) 2694 IBS VALH3340N11 18.75 VALH3340N11 33 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing.
Inteplast Group 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x39, 11mic, Natural, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 36.30 23.99 49.47 IBSVALH3340N11.JPG 32 gallon trash bags, 32 gallon garbage bags, 32 gallon can liners, 32 gallon kitchen trash bags, 32 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH3340N11, IBSVALH3340N11 1 1 0 0 1 150
2695 Lagasse 33 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 33x39, 13mic, 500 Bags (IBSVALH3340N13) 2695 IBS VALH3340N13 20.71 VALH3340N13 33 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure superior quality and consistency. Formosa resins are used for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion.Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing.
Inteplast 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x39, 13mic, Natural, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 42.63 28.18 56.50 IBSVALH3340N13.JPG 32 gallon trash bags, 32 gallon garbage bags, 32 gallon can liners, 32 gallon kitchen trash bags, 32 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH3340N13,IBSVALH3340N13 1 1 0 0 1 150
2696 Lagasse 33 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 33x39, 16mic, 250 Bags (IBSVALH3340N16) 2696 IBS VALH3340N16 13.19 VALH3340N16 33 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities. Formosa resins are used for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal stronger than the film itself. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33x39, 16mic, Natural, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 26.48 17.50 35.43 IBSVALH3340N16.JPG 32 gallon trash bags, 32 gallon garbage bags, 32 gallon can liners, 32 gallon kitchen trash bags, 32 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH3340N16, IBSVALH3340N16 1 1 0 0 1 150
2697 Lagasse 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 36x60, 12mic, 200 Bags (IBSVALH3660N12) 2697 IBS VALH3660N12 13.41 VALH3660N12 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Medium-Duty 12 micron thickness can liners. Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion.Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 36x60, 12mic, Natural, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 26.92 17.79 36.15 IBSVALH3660N12.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon natural trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, IBS VALH3660N12, IBSVALH3660N12 1 1 0 0 1 150
2699 Lagasse 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 36x60, 16mic, 200 Bags (IBSVALH3660N16) 2699 IBS VALH3660N16 17.22 VALH3660N16 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
These extra-heavy-duty, 60 gallon high density trash bags are strong and can hold a lot of weight. The star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself and eliminates gaps so the trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of any trash can. The trash bags are rolled onto compact, coreless interleaved rolls that are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. The innovative “clamshell” box makes dispensing fast and easy. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Each case has 8 rolls of 25 clear plastic trash bags for a total of 200 trash bags.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 36x60, 16mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 34.55 22.84 47.22 IBSVALH3660N16.JPG 50 gallon trash bags, 50 gallon can liners, 50 gallon kitchen trash bags, 50 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH3660N16, IBSVALH3660N16 1 1 0 0 1 150
2700 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 38x58, 22mic, 150 Bags (IBSVALH3860K22) 2700 IBS VALH3860K22 18.31 VALH3860K22 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Extra-Heavy-Duty 22 micron thickness can liners. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion.Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags.
Interplast Group Ltd. 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, Black, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 35.95 23.77 46.91 IBSVALH3860K22.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH3860K22, IBSVALH3860K22 1 1 0 0 1 150
2701 Lagasse 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 38x58, 14mic, 200 Bags (IBSVALH3860N14) 2701 IBS VALH3860N14 15.48 VALH3860N14 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x58, 12 Microns, Natural, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 29.95 19.80 40.12 IBSVALH3860N14.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH3860N14, IBSVALH3860N14 1 1 0 0 1 150
2702 Lagasse 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 38x58, 16mic, 200 Bags (IBSVALH3860N16) 2702 IBS VALH3860N16 18.09 VALH3860N16 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 16mic, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 33.57 22.19 45.57 IBSVALH3860N16.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH3860N16, IBSVALH3860N16 1 1 0 0 1 150
2703 Lagasse 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 38x58, 22mic, 150 Bags (IBSVALH3860N22) 2703 IBS VALH3860N22 18.31 VALH3860N22 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly and creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 22 Micron, Natural, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 35.41 23.41 47.41 IBSVALH3860N22.JPG 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon natural trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, IBS VALH3860N22, IBSVALH3860N22 1 1 0 0 1 150
2704 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 40x46, 22mic, 150 Bags (IBSVALH4048K22) 2704 IBS VALH4048K22 15.26 VALH4048K22 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Known for being both durable and economical, these trash bags from Inteplast Group were designed to hold up to 45 gallons with ease. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure superior quality, these can liners are made with the highest quality Formosa resins for to provide reliability and consistency. Constructed with a star seal bottom to help evenly distribute weight and create a seal up to eight times stronger than the seal itself, these trash bags are virtually leak-proof. These high density bags are thinner than low density, but are still able to hold the same or greater weight, so you save money without sacrificing on quality. Inteplast has packaged these can liners in compack, coreless interleaved rolls to allow for effortless, one-at-a-time dispensing. Stock up today and start saving!
Inteplast Group 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 22 mic, Black, 25 Bags per Roll, 6 Rolls, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 30.50 20.16 40.12 IBSVALH4048K22.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH4048K22, IBSVALH4048K22 1 1 0 0 1 150
2705 Lagasse 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 40x46, 12mic, 250 Bags (IBSVALH4048N12) 2705 IBS VALH4048N12 14.82 VALH4048N12 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Discount Medium-Duty 12 Micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure superior reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Superior puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing.
Inteplast Group 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 12mic, Natural, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale trash bag supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 28.80 19.04 38.08 IBSVALH4048N12.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH4048N12, IBSVALH4048N12 1 1 0 0 1 150
2706 Lagasse 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 40x46, 14mic, 250 Bags (IBSVALH4048N14) 2706 IBS VALH4048N14 16.13 VALH4048N14 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Heavy-Duty 14 Micron thick can liners. ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Much thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Inteplast Group 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 14mic, Natural, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 31.48 20.81 40.97 IBSVALH4048N14.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH4048N14, IBSVALH4048N14 1 1 0 0 1 150
2707 Lagasse 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 40x46, 16mic, 250 Bags (IBSVALH4048N16) 2707 IBS VALH4048N16 18.97 VALH4048N16 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Economical Extra-Heavy-Duty 16 Micron thickness can liners. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities from formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design is without gussets, it eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Interplast Group 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 16mic, Natural, 25 Bags per Roll, 10 Rolls, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 35.93 23.75 47.36 IBSVALH4048N16.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH4048N16, IBSVALH4048N16 1 1 0 0 1 150
2708 Lagasse 56 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 43x46, 22mic, 150 Bags (IBSVALH4348K22) 2708 IBS VALH4348K22 16.46 VALH4348K22 56 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Extra-heavy-duty 19 micron thickness can liners. Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion.Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing.
Inteplast Group 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x46, 22mic, Black, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 32.04 21.18 41.91 IBSVALH4348K22.JPG 56 gallon trash bags, 56 gallon can liners, 56 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH4348K22, IBSVALH4348K22 1 1 0 0 1 150
2709 Lagasse 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 43x46, 12mic, 200 Bags (IBSVALH4348N12) 2709 IBS VALH4348N12 12.75 VALH4348N12 45 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Medium-Duty 12 micron thickness clear plastic can liners. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing.Manufactured in ISO registered facilities to ensure reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom creates a seal eight times stronger than the film itself. The star seal design eliminates gaps along the seal. The trash bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. Innovative “clamshell” box with easy identification code number system to eliminate confusion.Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Excellent puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags.
Inteplast Group 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 43"x46", 12 Micron, Natural, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 25.26 16.70 34.08 IBSVALH4348N12.JPG 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon natural trash bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon trash can liners, IBS VALH4348N12, IBSVALH4348N12 1 1 0 0 1 150
2710 Lagasse High-Density Commercial Trash Bags, 43 x 46, 14 mic, 200 Bags (IBSVALH4348N14) 2710 IBS VALH4348N14 13.95 VALH4348N14 ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Much thinner than Linear Low Density (LLD) liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to LLD liners.
Heavy Duty Trash Bags, 43 X 48, 14 Mic, Natural, 25 Bags per Roll, 8 Rolls per Case, 200 Bags per Case Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 27.68 18.30 37.71 IBSVALH4348N14.JPG High-Density Commercial Can Liners, Value Packs, Heavy Grade, 8 Rolls per Case, 25 Bags per Roll IBS VALH4348N14, IBSVALH4348N14, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
2711 Lagasse High-Density Commercial Can Liners, Value Packs, Extra-Heavy Grade, 8 Rolls per Case, 25 Bags per Roll (IBSVALH4348N16) 2711 IBS VALH4348N16 16.24 VALH4348N16 ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom design distributes weight evenly—creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative “clamshell” box with E-Z identification code number system to eliminate confusion. Compact, coreless interleaved rolls are designed for effortless “one-at-a-time” bag dispensing. Much thinner than Linear Low Density (LLD) liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance. Better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to LLD liners.
RL LNR 43X46 14 MIC NAT 10/25 Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 31.75 20.99 41.95 IBSVALH4348N16.JPG High-Density Commercial Can Liners, Value Packs, Extra-Heavy Grade, 8 Rolls per Case, 25 Bags per Roll IBS VALH4348N16, IBSVALH4348N16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
2712 Lagasse High-Heat Scrapers, 9-1/2in Long (RCP1962RED) 2712 RCP 1962 RED 0.10 196200 0000 All-purpose scratch- and melt-resistant scrapers resist heat up to 500°F/260°C. Stain-resistant blades will not scratch grill or cookware. Cool-touch handle for safety. Certified to NSF Standard #2. Commercial dishwasher safe. White blade, red handle.
HI-HEAT SCRAPER 9.5 IN LONG RED 24/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.78 6.70 11.47 RCP1962RED.JPG High-Heat Scrapers, 9-1/2in Long RCP 1962 RED, RCP1962RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
2713 Lagasse High-Heat Scrapers, 13-1/2in Long (RCP1963RED) 2713 RCP 1963 RED 0.25 196300 0000 All-purpose scratch- and melt-resistant scrapers resist heat up to 500°F/260°C. Stain-resistant blades will not scratch grill or cookware. Cool-touch handle for safety. Certified to NSF Standard #2. Commercial dishwasher safe. White blade, red handle.
HI-HEAT SCRAPER 13.5 IN LONG RED 24/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.41 8.70 14.90 RCP1963RED.JPG High-Heat Scrapers, 13-1/2in Long RCP 1963 RED, RCP1963RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
2714 Lagasse High-Heat Scrapers, 16-1/2in Long (RCP1964RED) 2714 RCP 1964 RED 0.32 1964-00 0000 Rubbermaid High Heat Scraper
The Rubbermaid High Heat Scraper resists heat up to 500 Degrees F, all while keeping the handle cool to the touch. Ideal for use in a number of cooking tasks, this all purpose scraper is melt resistant and scratch resistant, leaving your valuable cookware intact. No hand washing is required as these scrapers are stain resistant and dishwasher safe, even in commercial dishwashers. Certified to NSF Standards and chosen as an America's Test Kitchen Winner in 2010, this scraper is one of the most popular on the market and a must have for every kitchen.
Rubbermaid High Heat Scraper, 16 ½ in Long, Red Handle w/White Blade, Each. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 14.68 11.20 19.26 RCP1964RED.JPG high-heat scrapers, RCP 1964 RED, RCP1964RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2715 Lagasse Highly Absorbent Multipurpose Cleaning Cloth (UNSN205CW05) 2715 UNS N205CW05 5.00 UFSN205CW05 Lint-free washed white cotton knit cloths made from unused pre-consumer waste cloth, not paper. Treated to increase absorbency. Excellent for dusting, polishing, painting and staining. 5 lbs. of randomly sized cleaning cloths per case.
5 lbs Cleaning Cloth
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Cleaning Cloth Unisan 16.14 12.20 21.63 UNSN205CW05.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, Highly Absorbent Multipurpose Wiping Cloths UNS N205CW05, UNSN205CW05 1 1 0 0 1 110
2722 Lagasse Hinge Lid for Slim Jim Waste Containers, Black (RCP2674BLA) 2722 RCP 2674 BLA 1.62 267400BLA Hinge Lid for 23 Gallon Slim Jim Waste Containers
Hinged Lid folds flat when in use and completely covers waste when closed, complies with FDA food code. Durable, lightweight plastic construction for long life. Fits RCP 3540, 23 Gallon Slim Jim Waste Containers. Shipping weight: 2 lbs.
Slim Jim Hinged Waste Container Lid - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 36.58 27.90 47.68 RCP2674BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Hinge Lid for Slim Jim Waste Containers, Black RCP 2674 BLA, RCP2674BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
2723 Lagasse Hold Up Aluminum Tool Rack, 18in Length (UNGHU45) 2723 UNG HU45 1.78 HU450 Open top design allows tools to hang at various heights. Rubber fingers firmly grasp different size handles. Front hooks hold more tools. Wall mount.
HOLD UP TOOL RACK 18 IN RBR5 Unger 29.96 22.76 39.11 UNGHU45.JPG Hold Up Aluminum Tool Rack, 18in Length UNG HU45, UNGHU45, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
2724 Lagasse Hold Up Aluminum Tool Rack, 36" Length (UNGHU90) 2724 UNG HU90 3.80 HU900 Hold Up Aluminum Tool Rack
Open top design allows tools to hang at various heights. Rubber fingers firmly grasp different size handles. Front hooks hold more tools. Wall mount.
Unger Hold Up Aluminum Tool Rack, 36" Length, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 48.34 36.87 63.23 UNGHU90.JPG Hold Up Aluminum Tool Rack, 36in Length UNG HU90, UNGHU90, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
2725 Lagasse Home and Office Carts, Utility Duty, Black (RCP4400BLA) 2725 RCP 4400 BLA 20.80 440000 BLA Three-position handle moves upright for pushing, angles for pulling or folds flat for use as a dolly or for storage. Structural foam platform won’t rust, dent or bend. 500-lb. capacity model has ergonomic handle for easier movement and 5in dia. casters for extra stability. Nonskid platform is 20-7/8 x 31-3/4 (35-1/2 with handle flat). Four nonmarking casters, two swivel. Assembly required.
TRIPLE UTILITY TROLLEY W/ 3-POS HNDL 250 LB MAX Rubbermaid Commercial Products 109.48 83.50 145.51 RCP4400BLA.JPG Home and Office Carts, Utility Duty, Black RCP 4400 BLA, RCP4400BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
2726 Lagasse Home and Office Carts, Standard Duty, Black (RCP4401BLA) 2726 RCP 4401 BLA 22.80 4401 00 BLACK Three-position handle moves upright for pushing, angles for pulling or folds flat for use as a dolly or for storage. Structural foam platform won’t rust, dent or bend. 500-lb. capacity model has ergonomic handle for easier movement and 5in dia. casters for extra stability. Nonskid platform is 20-7/8 x 31-3/4 (35-1/2 with handle flat). Four nonmarking casters, two swivel. Assembly required.
TRIPLE UTILITY TROLLEY W/ 3-POS HNDL 500 LB MAX Rubbermaid Commercial Products 134.53 102.61 175.49 RCP4401BLA.JPG Home and Office Carts, Standard Duty, Black RCP 4401 BLA, RCP4401BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
2728 Lagasse Horizontal Baby Changing Station, Light Platinum (RCP7818-88PLA) 2728 RCP 7818-88 PLA 23.50 7818-88 PLATINUM Rubbermaid Horizontal Baby Changing Station
Give your customers and your customer's children the comfort and convenience of this Rubbermaid Baby Changing Station. Manufactured with an antimicrobial agent that inhibits the growth of odor and stain causing bacteria that helps reduce the risk of cross contamination. Designed to be easily opened and closed with with one hand. Made with 2 built in hooks that provide ready access to diaper bags and purses. The Rubbermaid Baby Changing Station meets all applicable ASTM, ADA, FDA and EN global safety regulations and standards. A must have for day cares and children's entertainment businesses!
Rubbermaid Horizontal Baby Changing Station, Plastic, Mounting Kit, 33.5"x4"x21.5", Each - The cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 241.24 184.00 315.84 RCP781888PLA.JPG Horizontal Baby Changing Station, Light Platinum RCP 7818-88 PLA, RCP781888PLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2729 Lagasse Horizontal Outdoor Storage Shed, Sandstone/Olive (RHP3748) 2729 RHP 3748 52.20 374801OLVSS Rubbermaid Outdoor Horizontal Storage Shed
Rubbermaids Horizontal Storage Shed is the only double walled storage shed in its class (15 to 25 cubic feet of storage space). Durable and weather-resistant, the Rubbermaid Horizontal Storage Shed is an easy, hassle-free storage solution. It comes with a heavy-duty, impact resistant floor and has a storage capacity of 18 cubic feet. The shed can accommodate one wood shelf (not included). Completely freestanding and weather resistant, the Rubbermaid Outdoor Horizontal Storage Shed provides an interlocking double-wall blow-molded panels for extra strength and durability. Coming complete with a tough, durable floor, this easily assembled shed can be put together in less than 30 minutes. Offering features such as hasp for a padlock (not included), seven interlocking panels, a molded-in groove that hold one shelf (not included), and a lid prop bar.
- 18 cu. ft. capacity
- Dimensionsion: 55w x 28d x 36h
- Inside Dimensions: 47" w x 21" d x 29" h
- Shipping weight. 52 lbs.
- Assembly required. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Manufactured by Rubbermaid Home Products
Rubbermaid Outdoor Storage Shed Sandstone and Olive Green - The online wholesale cleaning supply company that Buyers Trust.
Rubbermaid Home Products 246.18 187.77 322.77 RHP3748.JPG Horizontal Outdoor Storage Shed, Sandstone/Olive RHP 3748, RHP3748, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 90
2730 Lagasse Boardwalk 2-Ply Paper Towels, Perforated, 30 Rolls (BWK6272) 2730 BWK 6272 17.80 62720 2-Ply Paper Towels
Quality paper towel rolls by Boardwalk are strong and absorbent. These kitchen roll towels are a great economical option to the more expensive name brand paper towels. These 2-ply perforated towels are perfect for any home or business owner that is looking to save money and not lose quality. Environmentally safe, while still providing softness and absorbency, Boardwalk paper towels are made from 100% recycled materials. Boardwalk's line of paper towels saves time and money. Ideal for almost any environment, Boardwalk paper towels work in all commercial, residential or industrial environments. This product comes with 30 rolls of paper towels, so you can stock up and still stick to your budget.
Boardwalk Perforated Kitchen Roll Towels, 85 Sheets per Roll, 30 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 21.19 16.10 28.12 BWK6272.JPG kitchen towels, kitchen roll towels, kitchen paper towels, boardwalk kitchen towels, boardwalk paper towels, household kitchen towels, household perforated paper towel rolls, BWK 6272, BWK6272 1 1 0 0 1 123
2732 Lagasse Rubbermaid High-Capacity Cleaning Cart, Black (RCP9T72) 2732 RCP 9T72 45.00 9T72 Rubbermaid High-Capacity Cleaning Cart
Rubbermaid has made professional cleaning a whole lot simpler with this high capacity commercial cleaning cart. Designed to have superior mobility that will leave you and your cleaning staff wondering how you ever got along without it, it features 5 cubic feet of storage space and 20% more waste capacity than other models. The Comfort Grip handle makes for easy transport and includes a lobby dust pan, vacuum holder and hooks that have the ability to hold up to four safety signs. The 8 inch wheels and 4 inch swivel decrease noise so cleaning can be done during work hours in with no disturbance to other employees. In addition, the cart features a Lock ‘N Go bucket attachment, a zippered 33-gallong vinyl bag and two removable 10-quart disinfecting caddies. This Rubbermaid Commercial Cleaning Cart is a must have for any professional cleaning service! Dimensions: 22 inch width x 49-1/4 inch depth x 44 inch height.
Rubbermaid Commercial High-Capacity Cleaning Cart, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply products company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 250.42 191.00 328.72 RCP9T72.JPG rubbermaid high-capacity cleaning cart, black cleaning cart, RCP 9T72, RCP9T72, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
2733 Lagasse Green Hygen Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, All-Purpose Cleaning Cloths, 12 Cloths (RCPQ620GRE) 2733 RCP Q620 GRE 0.14 Q620 GR00 Green Hygen Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
Microfiber Cleaning Cloths. This Rubbermaid Green Cleaning Product has a polyester/polyamide blend, with microscopic fibers that pick up and hold dust, dirt and grime. Hypoallergenic, lint-free, nonabrasive cloths eliminate streaking and absorb nearly seven times their own weight in liquid. Color-coded cloths help avoid cross-contamination. Machine washable. 16" x 16" cleaning cloths. 12 cloths per case.
General Purpose Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, 12 Cleaning Cloths per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 37.76 28.80 51.65 RCPQ620GRE.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, HYGEN Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, RCP Q620 GRE, RCPQ620GRE 1 1 0 0 1 89
2734 Lagasse Red Hygen Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, Red, All-Purpose Cleaning Cloth (RCPQ620RED) 2734 RCP Q620 RED 1.00 Q620 RED00 Rubbermaid Hygen Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
evolutionary microfiber pads are proven to capture and hold microbes. Ideal for wet cleaning performance to ensure healthy, safe environments. 33% thicker cloths feature non-scratching zig-zag scrubbing strips and 17% more split microfiber. For use with bleach when bleach is the only solution for removing tough microbes and spores. Tolerates 500 washings (200 with bleach). Color-coded cloths help to avoid cross-contamination. Environmentally conscious. 16" x 16" cleaning cloths. 12 cloths per case.
Rubbermaid General Purpose Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, 12 per Case
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 38.98 29.73 53.33 RCPQ620RED.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, HYGEN Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, RCP Q620 RED, RCPQ620RED 1 1 0 0 1 89
2735 Lagasse Yellow Hygen Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, Bathroom Fixtures Cleaning Cloth (RCPQ610YEL) 2735 RCP Q610 YEL 0.05 Q610 YL00 Microfiber Cleaning Cloths. This Green Cleaning Product has a polyester/polyamide blend, with microscopic fibers that pick up and hold dust, dirt and grime. Hypoallergenic, lint-free, nonabrasive cloths eliminate streaking and absorb nearly seven times their own weight in liquid. Color-coded cloths help avoid cross-contamination. Machine washable. 16" x 16" cleaning cloth. 12 cloths per case.
Be sure to check out our complete line of Cleaning and Janitorial Supplies and Green Cleaning Supplies throughout our website.
Bathroom and Fixture Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, 12 per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Cleaning Cloth Rubbermaid Commercial Products 36.19 27.60 48.23 RCPQ610YEL.JPG HYGEN Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, Yellow, Bathroom Fixtures, 12 Cloths per Case RCP Q610 YEL, RCPQ610YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2736 Lagasse Georgia Pacific Hygienic Push-Paddle Roll Paper Towel Dispenser, Smoke (GPC543-38) 2736 GPC 543-38 8.00 54338 Towel Dispenser
Allow the simple, clean performance of a hygienic push paddle towel dispenser to work for you. The push paddle design requires limited hand contact to dispense towels, allowing for forearm or elbow use, which will help reduce the risk of cross contamination. The high-capacity dispenser holds an 8 inch diameter roll, cutting down on refills and helping to reduce labor costs. The contemporary design of this push paddle towel dispenser fits perfectly in various markets, including warehouses, schools, restaurants and a multitude of high traffic areas. This dispenser meets ADA guidelines when properly installed, giving you peace of mind and reliable, consistent performance. Mounts with screws (not included) or universal mounting plate (not included). 12-1/2"wide x 10-1/4"deep x 14"high.
Georgia Pacific Hardwound Paper Towel Roll Dispenser, Hygienic Push-Paddle, Smoke, Each – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 42.20 32.18 57.29 GPC54338.JPG paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, georgia pacific hygienic paper towel dispenser, hygienic push-paddle roll paper towel dispenser, smoke, roll paper towel dispenser, paper towel roll holder, bathroom paper towel dispenser, cheap paper towel dispenser, georgia pacific paper towel dispenser, GPC 543-38, GPC54338 1 1 0 0 1 48
2737 Lagasse Georgia Pacific HyNap Tall Fold Dispenser Napkins, 10,000 Napkins (GPC332-01) 2737 GPC 332-01 29.54 33201 HyNap Tall Fold Dispenser Napkins
Tall fold for small dispensers GPC 500-02 and SAN H900X (sold separately). 250 napkins per pack; 40 packs (10,000 napkins) per case. ;White, one-ply paper napkins. Open 7 x 13-1/2; folded 3-1/2 x 6-3/4. Manufactured by Georgia Pacific - A Brand Name You Can Trust!
Georgia Pacific HyNap Acclaim Dispenser Napkins, 3.5" x 6.75", 1-Ply, White, 250 Napkins per Pack, 40 packs, 10,000 Napkins per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Dispenser Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 54.15 41.30 71.50 GPC33201.JPG dispenser napkins, napkins, paper products, HyNap Tall Fold Dispenser Napkins, GPC 332-01, GPC33201 1 1 0 0 1 48
2738 Lagasse HyNap Tall Fold Napkin Dispenser, Black w/ Chrome Trim (GPC500-02) 2738 GPC 500-02 1.60 50002 Tall Fold Napkin Dispenser
Open face for dispensing up to 150 napkins (sold separately). Black with chrome trim. 3.875" wide x 4.375" deep x 7.375" high. Manufactured by Georgia Pacific.
Georgia Pacific HyNap Tall Fold Napkin Dispenser, Black with Chrome Trim, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Napkin Dispensers - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 16.77 11.49 21.91 GPC50002.JPG napkin dispenser, napkin dispensers, napkin, napkins, hynap tall fold napkin dispenser, GPC 500-02, GPC50002 1 1 0 0 1 48
2740 Lagasse Ice Bags with Twist Ties, 8-lb. Capacity, 1,000 Bags per Case (IBSIC1120) 2740 IBS IC1120 22.10 IC1120-TT “Cool Penguin” design on polyethylene ice bag. 1.50 mil gauge. Includes twist ties for easy closure.
ICE BG 8 LB PENGUIN LOGO W/ TWIST TIES 1000 Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 59.17 42.23 80.01 IBSIC1120.JPG Ice Bags with Twist Ties, 8-lb. Capacity, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS IC1120, IBSIC1120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
2741 Lagasse Ice Bags with Twist Ties, 10-lb. Capacity, 1,000 Bags (IBSIC1221) 2741 IBS IC1221 26.00 IC1221-TT 10-lb. Ice Bags
“Cool Penguin” design on polyethylene ice bag. 1.50 mil gauge. Includes twist ties for easy closure.
Penguin Logo 10 lb. Ice Bags with Twist Ties, 1.5 mil, 1,000 Bags per Case Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 70.65 51.86 92.67 IBSIC1221.JPG Ice Bags with Twist Ties, 10-lb. Capacity, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS IC1221, IBSIC1221, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
2742 Lagasse Ice Bucket Liner Bags, 6 x 12, 1,000 Bags per Case (IBSBL060612) 2742 IBS BL060612 5.40 BL060612 Ideal for food service and hospitality industries. Easy-to-tear perforated dispensing. 3-qt. capacity.
ICE BKT LNR 6X6X12 .5MIL 3QT CLE 1000 Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 12.72 9.47 17.39 IBSBL060612.JPG Ice Bucket Liner Bags, 6 x 12, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS BL060612, IBSBL060612, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
2743 Lagasse Impact 6 oz. Plastic Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (DCC5BWWF) 2743 DCC 5BWWF 11.20 5BWWF 6-oz. Plastic Bowls
Constructed out of highly durable material, these high quality plastic bowls from Dart are disposable dinnerware that can be relied on. Designed to be the most rigid and sturdy bowls available, these nonabsorbent, cut resistant bowls come with a “crystal cap” finish that produces a china-like looking effect. Coming fully reinforced for an increased amount of strength, this line of high quality plastic disposable bowls even come with a beautiful decorative rim for added effect. Coming 125 bowls per pack, Dart's 6-oz. plastic bowls come 8 packs to a case.
Dart 6-oz. Impact Plastic Bowls, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 39.90 27.93 53.34 DCC5BWWF.JPG plastic bowls, white plastic bowls, bowls, disposable bowls, DCC 5BWWF, DCC5BWWF, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2744 Lagasse Impact 6" Plastic Plates, 1,000 Plates (DCC6PWF) 2744 DCC 6PWF 14.90 6PWF 6" Plastic Plates
Designed to be the most rigid available. Sauces won't leak through its nonabsorbent, cut resistant surface. “Crystal cap” finish produces a china-like effect, while increasing the strength of the product. White with a decorative rim, the simple yet attractive design will complement any place setting. 125 plates per pack, 8 packs per case.
Dart Impact 6" Plastic Plates, White, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 37.33 26.13 50.75 DCC6PWF.JPG plates, dinner plates, disposable plates, plastic plates, DCC 6PWF, DCC6PWF, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2745 Lagasse Impact 9" Three Compartment Plastic Plates, 500 Plates (DCC9CPWF) 2745 DCC 9CPWF 18.40 9CPWF 9" Three Compartment Plastic Plates
Constructed out of highly durable material for superior strength and durability to stand up to whatever you dish out. These high quality plastic plates from Dart are disposable dinnerware that can be relied on. Designed to be the most rigid and sturdy plates available, these nonabsorbent, cut resistant plates come with a “crystal cap” finish that produces a china-like looking effect. These durable plastic plates are a large 9 inches in diameter and, even though they are lightweight, can be used for heavy meals since they are durable and microwaveable. Coming fully reinforced for an increased amount of strength, this line of high quality plastic disposable plates even come with a beautiful decorative trim for added effect. With 125 plates per pack, Dart's plastic bowls come 4 packs to a case.
Dart 9" Impact Three Compartment Plastic Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 39.10 27.37 52.79 DCC9CPWF.JPG plastic plates, white plastic plates, disposable plates, plastic dinnerware, plastic dinner plate, impact plastic dinnerware, 9in plate, DCC 9CPWF, DCC9CPWF, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2746 Lagasse Impact 9" Plastic Plates, 500 Plates (DCC9PWF) 2746 DCC 9PWF 17.10 9PWF 9" Plastic Plates
Constructed out of highly durable material for superior strength and durability to stand up to whatever you dish out. These high quality plastic plates from Dart are disposable dinnerware that can be relied on. Designed to be the most rigid and sturdy plates available, these nonabsorbent, cut resistant plates come with a “crystal cap” finish that produces a china-like looking effect. These durable plastic plates are a large 9 inches in diameter and, even though they are lightweight, can be used for heavy meals since they are durable and microwaveable. Coming fully reinforced for an increased amount of strength, this line of high quality plastic disposable plates even comes with a beautiful decorative trim for added effect. With 125 plates per pack, Dart's plastic bowls come 4 packs to a case.
Dart 9" Impact Plastic Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 38.64 27.05 52.17 DCC9PWF.JPG plastic plates, white plastic plates, disposable plates, plastic dinnerware, plastic dinner plate, impact plastic dinnerware, 9in plate, DCC 9PWF, DCC9PWF 1 1 0 0 1 27
2747 Lagasse Impact 10-12-oz. Plastic Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (DCC12BWWF) 2747 DCC 12BWWF 17.40 12BWWF 10-12oz. Plastic Bowls
Designed to be the most rigid available. Nonabsorbent, cut resistant surface. “Crystal cap” finish produces a china-like effect, while increasing the strength of the product. White with decorative rim. 125 pieces per pack. 1,000 bowls per case.
Dart Impact 10-oz. - 12-oz. Plastic Bowls, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 40.06 28.04 53.93 DCC12BWWF.JPG plastic bowls, 10 oz bowls, dart plastic bowls, DCC 12BWWF, DCC12BWWF, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2748 Lagasse Famous Service 10-1/4" Plastic Plates, 500 Plates (DCC10PWF) 2748 DCC 10PWF 23.40 10PWF 10-1/4" White Plastic Plates
Designed to be the most rigid available. Nonabsorbent, cut resistant surface. “Crystal cap” finish produces a china-like effect, while increasing the strength of the product. White with decorative rim. Dart sets the industry standard of excellence by efficiently providing high quality foodservice packaging solutions and exceptionally reliable service.
Dart Famous Service 10-1/4" Plastic Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 66.19 46.33 86.87 DCC10PWF.JPG 10 inch plastic plates, 10" plates, impact plastic dinnerware plates, 10-1/4 inch plates, DCC 10PWF, DCC10PWF 1 1 0 0 1 27
2749 Lagasse Impact 10-1/4" Plastic Plates with 3 Compartments, 500 Plates (DCC10CPWF) 2749 DCC 10CPWF 23.20 10CPWF 10.25" Plastic 3 Compartment Dinner Plates
Affordable enough for everyday use, these high quality plates from Impact are designed to be the most rigid available. Its "crystal cap" finish produces a china-like effect, while increasing the strength of the product. Sauces won't leak through its non-absorbent, cut-resistant surface. The simple, attractive design will complement any place setting. These high-quality white dinner plates are perfect for use with any meal—breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack. These plates work in any outdoor barbeque or picnic and are strong enough for use with any indoor feast.
Impact Plastic Plates, 10 1/4" Plates, 3 Compartment Plate, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 66.19 46.33 90.19 DCC10CPWF.JPG 10" plates, impact plastic plates, 10" dinner plates, impact plastic dinnerware, 10-1/4 inch plate with three compartments, 3 compartment plastic plates, DCC 10CPWF, DCC10CPWF, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2750 Lagasse Incandescent Indoor Floodlight, Reflector, 65 Watts, #65RFLMI (GNL20331) 2750 GNL 20331 0.40 GEL20331 • Quality from the worldwide industry leader • Conforms to, or is exempt from, the most recent Federal Epact Legislation 120 volts. One bulb per package.
MISER IND FLOODLIGHT 65W WHI General Electric 7.27 5.54 9.45 GNL20331.JPG Incandescent Indoor Floodlight, Reflector, 65 Watts, 65RFLMI GNL 20331, GNL20331, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 47
2751 Lagasse Incandescent Light Bulbs, 60 Watts, 60A19/SW (GNL41028) 2751 GNL 41028 5.00 GEL41028 Incandescent Light Bulbs
Quality from the worldwide industry leader. Conforms to, or is exempt from, the most recent Federal Epact Legislation General purpose, soft white. 4 light bulbs per pack; 12 packs per case.
Light Bulb 60 Watt White, 4 Per Pack, 12 Packs Per Case
General Electric 64.51 49.20 87.98 GNL41028.JPG Incandescent Light Bulbs, 60 Watts, 60A19/SW GNL 41028, GNL41028, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 47
2760 Lagasse Indoor Heavy-Duty Extension Cords, 15-ft. Length, Gray (FLW99596) 2760 FLW 99596 1.80 FEL99596 • UL/CSA Approved • 125 volts • Grounded three-prong plug • Manufacturer’s one-year warranty One outlet, 15 amps, 14-gauge wire. Recommended for major appliances and office equipment.
EXT CORD 15 FT 1-OUTLET 3-PRONG GRA Fellowes Manufacturing Co. 21.64 16.51 29.35 FLW99596.JPG Indoor Heavy-Duty Extension Cords, 15-ft. Length, Gray FLW 99596, FLW99596, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 41
2762 Lagasse Rubbermaid 26" Industrial Tool Box, Black (RCP7802BLA) 2762 RCP 7802 BLA 9.73 7802 00 BLACK Rubbermaid 26” Industrial Tool Box
If you are looking for a sturdy toolbox made by a reputable company, look no further! This Rubbermaid Professional Grade tool box is constructed of polypropylene structural foam and will not rust, dent or peel. Built secure to keep your tools safe, this toolbox includes metal latches and can be padlocked for security (lock not included). The metal latches open and close easily, even if you are wearing safety gloves. The removable tray in this toolbox provides added, compartmentalized storage. Additional features include a recessed, contoured handle for convenient stacking. This sturdy Rubbermaid Tool Box measure 26” x 11.5” x 11.13” and is the perfect tool box for any job!
Rubbermaid Industrial 26” Tool Box, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 73.75 56.25 96.33 RCP7802BLA.JPG rubbermaid tool box, industrial tool box, tool box, RCP 7802 BLA, RCP7802BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2764 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Garbage Bags, 38x63, 1.8mil, 75 Bags (JAGD38633CL) 2764 JAG D38633CL 21.50 K7663XCJX01 60 Gallon Clear Garbage Bags
Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance, these 1.8 mil thickness industrial drum liners offer good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the garbage bag from the garbage can. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharp objects found around an industrial setting. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Coreless roll for easy dispensing. Clear plastic industrial drum liners.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x63, 1.8mil, Clear, 75 Garbage Bag per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 61.18 40.44 82.51 JAGD38633CL.JPG clear garbage bags, clear drum liners, clear can liners, 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG D38633CL, JAGD38633CL 1 1 0 0 1 61
2765 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x63, 2.7mil, 50 Bags (JAGD38634BN) 2765 JAG D38634BN 21.50 K7663WBJ 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
These 2.7 Mil thickness industrial trash can liners offers good load capacity. Coming with a star seal bottom, it helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the garbage bag from the garbage can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. This multipurpose can liners recommended for sharp objects found around an industrial setting . Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Coreless roll for easy dispensing. Clear plastic industrial drum liners.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags 38x63, 2.7mil, Black, 50 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 68.72 45.43 91.29 JAGD38634BN.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG D38634BN, JAGD38634BN 1 1 0 0 1 61
2766 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Garbage Bags, 38x63, 2.7mil, 50 Bags (JAGD38634CL) 2766 JAG D38634CL 21.50 K7663WCJ 60 Gallon Clear Garbage Bags
2.7 Mil thickness industrial drum liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the garbage bag from the garbage can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners for sharp objects found around an industrial setting . Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Coreless roll for easy dispensing. Clear plastic industrial drum liners.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags 38x63, 2.7mil, Clear, 50 Garbage Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 68.72 45.43 91.52 JAGD38634CL.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG D38634CL, JAGD38634CL 1 1 0 0 1 61
2767 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Garbage Bags, 38x65, 2.5mil, 50 Bags (JAGD3865) 2767 JAG D3865 20.60 K7665WCJ 60 Gallon Clear Garbage Bags
2.5 Mil thickness industrial drum liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the garbage bag from the garbage can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners for sharp objects found around an industrial setting . Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Coreless roll for easy dispensing. Clear plastic industrial drum liners.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags 38x65 2.5 Mil, Clear, 50 Garbage Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 65.05 43.00 88.73 JAGD3865.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG D3865, JAGD3865 1 1 0 0 1 61
2768 Lagasse 18" Industrial Dust Mop Head, 18 x 3 (UNS1018) 2768 UNS 1018 0.67 LBI 1018 High-grade four-ply cotton, cut-end. Launder in mesh bag. Keyhole style, half-tie white synthetic backing dries fast. (Handle/frame sold separately.)
Unisan 7.38 5.37 9.83 UNS1018.JPG Industrial Dust Heads, UNS 1018, UNS1018, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2769 Lagasse 24" Industrial Dust Mop Head, 24 x 3 (UNS1024) 2769 UNS 1024 0.92 LBI 1024 24" Dust Mop Head
High-grade four-ply cotton, cut-end. Launder in mesh bag. Keyhole style, half-tie white synthetic backing dries fast. (Handle/frame sold separately.)
Unisan 8.61 6.30 11.63 UNS1024.JPG Industrial Dust Heads, UNS 1024, UNS1024, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2770 Lagasse 36" Industrial Dust Mop Head, 36 x 3 (UNS1036) 2770 UNS 1036 1.25 LBI 1036 36" Dust Mop Head
High-grade four-ply cotton, cut-end. Launder in mesh bag. Keyhole style, half-tie white synthetic backing dries fast. (Handle/frame sold separately.)
Unisan 12.77 9.11 17.36 UNS1036.JPG 36" dust mop head, 36" industrial dust mop heads, 36" dust mop, dust mop, UNS 1036, UNS1036, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2771 Lagasse 48" Industrial Dust Mop Head, 48 x 3 (UNS1048) 2771 UNS 1048 1.67 LBI 1048 High-grade four-ply cotton, cut-end. Launder in mesh bag. Keyhole style, half-tie white synthetic backing dries fast. (Handle/frame sold separately.)
IND CUT-END DUST HEAD 48X3 CTTN 12 Unisan 15.33 11.26 20.34 UNS1048.JPG Industrial Dust Heads, 48 x 3 UNS 1048, UNS1048, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2772 Lagasse 36" Industrial Dust Mop Head, 36 x 5 (UNS1336) 2772 UNS 1336 1.58 LBI 1336 36" Dust Mop Head
High-grade four-ply cotton, cut-end. Launder in mesh bag. Keyhole style, half-tie white synthetic backing dries fast. (Dust mop frame and dust mop handle sold separately.)
Industrial Cut End 36" Dust Mop Head, 5" x 36", Cotton, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 11.81 8.60 15.73 UNS1336.JPG 36" dust mop head, 36" industrial dust mop head, 36" dust mop, UNS 1336, UNS1336, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2773 Lagasse 48" Industrial Dust Mop Head, 48 x 5 (UNS1348) 2773 UNS 1348 2.08 LBI 1348 48" Dust Mop Head
High-grade four-ply cotton, cut-end. Launder in mesh bag. Keyhole style, half-tie white synthetic backing dries fast. (Handle/frame sold separately.)
Unisan 17.96 13.38 23.67 UNS1348.JPG 48" dust mop head, 48" dust mop, 48" industrial dust mop head, dust mop, UNS 1348, UNS1348 1 1 0 0 1 110
2774 Lagasse 60" Industrial Dust Mop Head, 60 x 5 (UNS1360) 2774 UNS 1360 2.50 1360 60" Dust Mop Head
High-grade four-ply cotton, cut-end. Launder in mesh bag. Keyhole style, half-tie white synthetic backing dries fast. (Dust mop handle and dust mop frame sold separately.)
Unisan 21.52 15.80 29.02 UNS1360.JPG 60" industrial dust mop head, 60" dust mop head, 60" dust mop, 60 x 5, UNS 1360, UNS1360, janitorial supplies 1 1 0 0 1 110
2775 Lagasse 12" Industrial Dust Mop Head, 12 x 5 (UNS1312) 2775 UNS 1312 0.67 LBI 1312 Industrial Dust Mop Head
High-grade four-ply cotton, cut-end. Launder in mesh bag. Keyhole style, half-tie white synthetic backing dries fast. (Handle/frame sold separately.)
Unisan 6.69 5.10 8.91 UNS1312.JPG Industrial Dust Heads, 12 x 5 UNS 1312, UNS1312, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2776 Lagasse 18" Industrial Dust Mop Head, 18 x 5 (UNS1318) 2776 UNS 1318 0.92 LBI 1318 18" Dust Mop Head
High-grade four-ply cotton, cut-end. Launder in mesh bag. Keyhole style, half-tie white synthetic backing dries fast. (Dust mop frame and dust mop handle sold separately.)
Unisan 7.27 5.52 9.74 UNS1318.JPG 18" industrial dust mop head, 18" dust mop head, dust mop head, dust mop, UNS 1318, UNS1318 1 1 0 0 1 110
2777 Lagasse 24" Industrial Dust Mop Head, 24 x 5 (UNS1324) 2777 UNS 1324 1.25 LBI 1324 24" Dust Mop Head
High-grade four-ply cotton, cut-end. Launder in mesh bag. Keyhole style, half-tie white synthetic backing dries fast. (Dust mop frame and dust mop handle sold separately.)
Unisan 8.83 6.40 11.52 UNS1324.JPG 24" dust mop head, 24" industrial dust mop head, dust mop head, UNS 1324, UNS1324, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2779 Lagasse Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, #0000 Finest (GMT117000) 2779 GMT 117000 7.40 117000 Hand-size steel wool pads for general use. Choose from eight grades for professional results on stripping, cleaning, finishing and polishing tasks. 16 pads per poly sleeve; 12 sleeves per case. Shpg. wt. 10 lbs.
IND-QLTY STEEL WOOL HAND PAD #0000 FINEST 12/6 Global Material Technologies 45.48 34.13 61.26 GMT117000.JPG Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, 0000 Finest GMT 117000, GMT117000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
2780 Lagasse Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, #000 Extra Fine (GMT117001) 2780 GMT 117001 7.20 117001 Hand-size steel wool pads for general use. Choose from eight grades for professional results on stripping, cleaning, finishing and polishing tasks. 16 pads per poly sleeve; 12 sleeves per case. Shpg. wt. 10 lbs.
IND-QLTY STEEL WOOL HAND PAD #000 X-FINE 12/6 Global Material Technologies 41.81 31.89 55.42 GMT117001.JPG Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, 000 Extra Fine GMT 117001, GMT117001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
2781 Lagasse Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Pads, #00 Fine, 192 Pads (GMT117002) 2781 GMT 117002 8.00 117002 Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads
Hand-size steel wool pads for general use. Choose from eight grades for professional results on stripping, cleaning, finishing and polishing tasks. 16 pads per poly sleeve; 12 sleeves per case. Shpg. wt. 10 lbs.
Global Material Technologies Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, 16 Pads per Sleeve, 12 Sleeves, 192 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Global Material Technologies 44.52 32.69 58.31 GMT117002.JPG Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, GMT 117002, GMT117002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 49
2782 Lagasse Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, #0 Medium Fine (GMT117003) 2782 GMT 117003 7.60 117003 Hand-size steel wool pads for general use. Choose from eight grades for professional results on stripping, cleaning, finishing and polishing tasks. 16 pads per poly sleeve; 12 sleeves per case. Shpg. wt. 10 lbs.
IND-QLTY STEEL WOOL HAND PAD #0 MED FINE 12/6 Global Material Technologies 39.72 30.29 52.89 GMT117003.JPG Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, 0 Medium Fine GMT 117003, GMT117003, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
2783 Lagasse Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, #1 Medium (GMT117004) 2783 GMT 117004 7.60 117004 Hand-size steel wool pads for general use. Choose from eight grades for professional results on stripping, cleaning, finishing and polishing tasks. 16 pads per poly sleeve; 12 sleeves per case. Shpg. wt. 10 lbs.
IND-QLTY STEEL WOOL HAND PAD #1 MED 12/6 Global Material Technologies 40.19 30.65 54.80 GMT117004.JPG Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, 1 Medium GMT 117004, GMT117004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
2784 Lagasse Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, #2 Medium Coarse (GMT117005) 2784 GMT 117005 6.80 117005 Hand-size steel wool pads for general use. Choose from eight grades for professional results on stripping, cleaning, finishing and polishing tasks. 16 pads per poly sleeve; 12 sleeves per case. Shpg. wt. 10 lbs.
IND-QLTY STEEL WOOL HAND PAD #2 MED COARSE 12/6 Global Material Technologies 40.19 30.65 54.81 GMT117005.JPG Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, 2 Medium Coarse GMT 117005, GMT117005, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
2785 Lagasse Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, #3 Coarse (GMT117006) 2785 GMT 117006 6.80 117006 Hand-size steel wool pads for general use. Choose from eight grades for professional results on stripping, cleaning, finishing and polishing tasks. 16 pads per poly sleeve; 12 sleeves per case. Shpg. wt. 10 lbs.
IND-QLTY STEEL WOOL HAND PAD #3 COARSE 12/6 Global Material Technologies 40.19 30.65 52.49 GMT117006.JPG Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, 3 Coarse GMT 117006, GMT117006, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
2786 Lagasse Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, #4 Extra Coarse (GMT117007) 2786 GMT 117007 7.00 117007 Hand-size steel wool pads for general use. Choose from eight grades for professional results on stripping, cleaning, finishing and polishing tasks. 16 pads per poly sleeve; 12 sleeves per case. Shpg. wt. 10 lbs.
IND-QLTY STEEL WOOL HAND PAD #4 XOARSE 12/6 Global Material Technologies 42.21 32.19 57.26 GMT117007.JPG Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Hand Pads, 4 Extra Coarse GMT 117007, GMT117007, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
2787 Lagasse Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Reels, #1 Medium (GMT105044) 2787 GMT 105044 33.00 105044 Four-inch wide continuous ribbon of steel wound on a fiber core. The most economical format for bulk users of steel wool; ideal for making custom shapes and pads sized for specific uses. 5-lb. reel. 6 reels per case. Shpg. wt. 32.6 lbs.
IND-QLTY STEEL WOOL REEL #1 MED 6/5 LB Global Material Technologies 107.18 81.75 142.23 GMT105044.JPG Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Reels, 1 Medium GMT 105044, GMT105044, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
2788 Lagasse Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Reels, #2 Medium Coarse, 6 Reels (GMT105045) 2788 GMT 105045 32.10 105045 Steel Wool Reels
Four-inch wide continuous ribbon of steel wound on a fiber core. The most economical format for bulk users of steel wool; ideal for making custom shapes and pads sized for specific uses. 5-lb. reel. 6 reels per case. Shpg. wt. 32.6 lbs.
Global Material Technologies Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Reels, 5-lb. Reels 6 Reels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Global Material Technologies 107.18 81.75 140.84 GMT105045.JPG Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Reels, 2 Medium Coarse GMT 105045, GMT105045, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 49
2789 Lagasse Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Reels, 6 - 5-lb. Reels (GMT105046) 2789 GMT 105046 32.90 105046 Steel Wool Reels
Four-inch wide continuous ribbon of steel wound on a fiber core. The most economical format for bulk users of steel wool; ideal for making custom shapes and pads sized for specific uses. 5-lb. reel. 6 reels per case. Shpg. wt. 32.6 lbs.
Global Material Technologies Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Reels, 6 - 5-lb. Reels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Global Material Technologies 107.18 81.75 141.21 GMT105046.JPG Industrial-Quality Steel Wool Reels, 3 Coarse GMT 105046, GMT105046, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 49
2791 Lagasse Infinity Base-Mount Cigarette Receptacle, Stainless Steel & Black (RCP9W31BLA) 2791 RCP 9W31 BLA 37.60 9W31-00SSBLA Base-Mount Cigarette Receptacle
FM Approved. Durable, high-capacity design for attractive and efficient cigarette receptacle. All-metal construction withstands cigarette extinguishing and is UV- and weather-resistant. Unobstructed funnels reduce jamming during cigarette disposal. Large stainless steel snuff plate with 360° access. Easy-to-empty design for sanitary emptying and cleaning. Dome top prevents water from collecting in the cigarette receptacle. Integrated padlock tabs for security (padlock not incl.). Weighted base with bolt-down option (hardware not incl.). 1.3-gal. capacity; holds up to 1,500 cigarettes. 15-1/2"wide x 15-1/2"deep x 39-5/8"high. Shipping weight: 24 lbs.
Rubbermaid Infinity Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Black & Stainless Steel, Each
Trash Cans » Smoking Management » Cigarette Receptacles - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 236.00 180.00 315.97 RCP9W31BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Cigarette Receptacle, Cigarette Receptacles, Infinity Base-Mount Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Stainless Steel/Black RCP 9W31 BLA, RCP9W31BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
2792 Lagasse Rubbermaid Antique Pewter Infinity Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle (RCP9W33APE) 2792 RCP 9W33 APE 28.80 9W33 ATPWTR Antique Pewter Infinity Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle
High-capacity design for attractive and efficient cigarette receptacle. All-metal construction withstands cigarette extinguishing and is UV and weather-resistant. Unobstructed funnels reduce jamming during cigarette disposal. Large stainless steel snuff plate with 360° access. Easy-to-empty design for sanitary emptying and cleaning. Dome top prevents water from collecting in the cigarette receptacle. Integrated padlock tabs for security (padlock not incl.). Weighted base with bolt-down option (hardware not incl.). 4.1-gal. capacity; holds up to 5,000 cigarettes. 13" wide x 13" deep x 39" high. Shipping weight: 24 lbs.
Rubbermaid Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Antique Pewter, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 160.62 122.51 213.27 RCP9W33APE.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, cigarette receptacle, cigarette receptacles, outdoor cigarette receptacle, RCP 9W33 APE, RCP9W33APE 1 1 0 0 1 89
2793 Lagasse Infinity Traditional Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Black (RCP9W33BLA) 2793 RCP 9W33 BLA 28.80 9W33 BLA Infinity Traditional Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle
FM Approved. Durable, high-capacity design for attractive and efficient smoking litter management. All-metal construction withstands cigarette extinguishing and is UV- and weather-resistant. Unobstructed funnels reduce jamming during cigarette disposal. Large stainless steel snuff plate with 360° access. Easy-to-empty design for sanitary emptying and cleaning. Dome top prevents water from collecting in the receptacle. Integrated padlock tabs for security (padlock not included). Weighted base with bolt-down option (hardware not incl.). 4.1-gal. capacity; holds up to 5,000 cigarettes. 13"wide x 13"deep x 39"high. Shipping weight: 29 lbs.
Rubbermaid Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 160.62 122.51 208.81 RCP9W33BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Cigarette Receptacle, Cigarette Receptacles, Infinity Traditional Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Black RCP 9W33 BLA, RCP9W33BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
2795 Lagasse Infinity Ultra-High Capacity Cigarette Receptacle, Black (RCP9W34BLA) 2795 RCP 9W34 BLA 61.00 9W34 00 BLA Ultra-High Capacity Cigarette Receptacle
FM Approved. Durable, high-capacity design for attractive and efficient cigarette receptacle. All-metal construction withstands cigarette extinguishing and is UV- and weather-resistant. Unobstructed funnels reduce jamming during cigarette disposal. Large stainless steel snuff plate with 360° access. Easy-to-empty design for sanitary emptying and cleaning. Dome top prevents water from collecting in the cigarette receptacle. Integrated padlock tabs for security (padlock not incl.). Weighted base with bolt-down option (hardware not incl.). Specifically designed for high-traffic areas such as malls, stadiums and corporate office parks. 6.7-gal. capacity; holds up to 8,000 cigarettes. 15-1/2"wide x 15-1/2"deep x 41-1/2"high. Shipping weight: 33 lbs.
Rubbermaid Infinity Ultra-High Capacity Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Black, Each
Trash Cans » Smoking Management » Cigarette Receptacles - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 218.96 167.00 291.03 RCP9W34BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Cigarette Receptacle, Cigarette Receptacles, Infinity Ultra-High Capacity Outdoor Cigarette Receptacle, Black RCP 9W34 BLA, RCP9W34BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
2797 Lagasse In-Sight One Pak 800-ml Hand Soap Dispenser, Smoke/Gray (KCC91180) 2797 KCC 91180 1.60 91180 In-Sight One Pak 800-ml Hand Soap Dispenser
Compact, manual push type hand soap dispenser features viewing window for easy maintenance. Designed to hold 800-ml Kimcare hand soap refills KCC 91298, KCC 91547, KCC 91220, KCC 91211 and KCC 91241 (sold separately). Plastic. Mounts to wall with screws (included). 6.11" wide x 4.89" deep x 10.43" high.
In-Sight One Pak Hand Soap Dispenser, 800-ml, Smoke/Gray, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Kimcare Soap System » Kimberly Clark Professional 16.32 12.45 21.68 KCC91180.JPG in-sight one pak 800-ml hand soap dispensers, KCC 91180, KCC91180, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2798 Lagasse Windows One Pak 800-ml Hand Soap Dispenser, Pearl White (KCC91182) 2798 KCC 91182 1.60 91182 Windows One Pak 800-ml Hand Soap Dispenser
Compact manual push type hand soap dispenser features viewing window for easy maintenance. Designed to hold 800-ml Kimcare hand soap refills KCC 91298, KCC 91547, KCC 91220, KCC 91211 and KCC 91241 (sold separately). Plastic. Mounts to wall with screws (included). 6.11" wide x 4.89" deep x 10.43" high.
Windows One Pak Hand Soap Dispenser, 800-ml, Pearl White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Kimcare Soap System » Kimberly Clark Professional 15.95 12.02 21.50 KCC91182.JPG windows one pak 800-ml hand soap dispenser, KCC 91182, KCC91182, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2799 Lagasse Kimcare Black In-Sight Sani-Tuff Hand Soap Dispenser (KCC92013) 2799 KCC 92013 5.00 92013 Black Soap Push Dispenser
Kimberly-Clark Insight Sani-Tuff Push Soap Dispenser is a durable, push-type dispenser that holds either one 3.5 liter or an 8 liter refill. Constructed from heavy-duty plastic, it easily mounts to the wall with screws that are hidden behind the dispenser. Ideal for any commercial or industrial setting, especially contractor and mechanics shops. Black. 3/4" w x 7" d x 17-3/4" h.
Kimberly Clark Gojo In-Sight Sani-Tuff Hand Soap Dispenser, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 21.17 14.48 27.79 KCC92013.JPG hand soap dispensers, KCC 92013, KCC92013, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2800 Lagasse In-Sight Scottfold Folded Paper Towel Dispenser (KCC09903) 2800 KCC 09903 4.70 09903 In-Sight Scottfold Folded Paper Towel Dispenser
Hinged, transparent smoke cover with viewing windows on both sides gives you a graceful dispenser, creating the best impression for your restrooms. Key lock. Impact-resistant plastic construction. Holds 450 (KCC 01960) SCOTTFOLD Paper Towels. No adapters or inserts needed. When installed properly, this dispenser meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design. 13.31" wide x 5.85" deep x 18.85" high.
Kimberly Clark Scottfold In-Sight Paper Towel Dispenser, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Dispensers » Scottfold Paper Towel Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 25.91 19.76 34.55 KCC09903.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, in-sight scottfold folded towel dispenser KCC 09903, KCC09903 1 1 0 0 1 65
2801 Lagasse In-Sight Series-i Personal Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser (KCC09506) 2801 KCC 09506 4.00 09506 Personal Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser
Graceful new look with curved, contemporary styling to create the best impression for your restroom. Designed to hold and dispense two packs of toilet seat covers (KCC 07410, sold separately). Dispenses one toilet seat cover at a time. Fully enclosed for sanitation. Center-located dispensing lever. Replaceable lock with push-button option. Hinged front cover with key guard to prevent theft (key included) Durable plastic construction. Mounting screws included. When installed properly, these toilet seat cover dispensers meet the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. 17-1/2"wide x 3-1/4"deep x 13-1/4"high.
Kimberly Clark In-Sight Lever Operated Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser, Transparent Smoke Gray
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Seat Covers & Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 22.66 16.71 30.92 KCC09506.JPG toilet seat cover dispenser, toilet seat cover dispensers, in-sight series-i personal seats toilet seat cover dispenser, KCC 09506, KCC09506 1 1 0 0 1 65
2802 Lagasse In-Sight Twin Jumbo Jr. Roll Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser (KCC09608) 2802 KCC 09608 4.70 09608 Coreless Twin Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper Dispenser
Kimberly-Clark Professional Coreless Twin Jumbo Jr. Toilet paper dispenser with "Microban". "Microban" technology provides built-in anti-microbial protection against most common stain and odor-causing bacteria. Holds two 9.38" diameter x 3.8" wide jumbo rolls—more than the equivalent length of 12 standard rolls. Sliding door prevents using one roll until other is depleted. No keys or moving parts. High-impact transparent plastic construction. For use with Scott Coreless JRT Jr. Jumbo Roll Tissue KCC 07006. 20" wide x 6" deep x 11" high. More Toilet Paper and Dispensers. Our full selection of Paper Products helps keep your home and office business clean, safe and well stocked.
Kimberly-Clark Professional Twin Jumbo Jr. Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser, Smoke Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 31.52 22.73 43.07 KCC09608.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, bobrick toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, coreless twin jumbo roll dispenser, KCC 09608, KCC09608 1 1 0 0 1 65
2803 Lagasse Kimberly Clark In-Sight Double Roll Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser (KCC09604) 2803 KCC 09604 2.50 09604 Double Roll Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser
This Kimberly Clark IN-SIGHT toilet paper dispenser has a sliding cover that keeps tissue sanitary. Space-saving design holds two standard, coreless, perforated toilet paper tissue rolls. Easy, one-handed reloading. Mounting hardware included. Accepts KCC07001 toilet paper tissue (sold separately). Durable plastic construction. 11" wide x 6" deep x 7-5/8" high. See our full selection of Paper Products to help keep your home and office clean and well stocked.
Kimberly-Clark In-Sight Double Roll Coreless Toilet Tissue Dispenser, Smoke Gray, Each
Toilet Paper Dispensers » Coreless Roll Toilet Paper Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 16.00 12.20 21.85 KCC09604.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, IN-SIGHT Double Roll Coreless Tissue Dispenser, KCC 09604, KCC09604 1 1 0 0 1 65
2804 Lagasse In-Sight Lev-R-Matic Paper Towel Dispenser, 1.5" Core (KCC09765) 2804 KCC 09765 11.20 09765 1.5 " Core Lev-R-Matic Paper Towel Dispenser
Automatic feed lets you load with one hand! Eliminates waste by dispensing one 8 inch diameter roll (up to 1,000 ft.) and one 3.5 inch diameter stub roll (approx. 150 ft.). Easy lever operation. High-impact plastic with metal key-operated lock. Includes mounting hardware. Universal dispenser accepts KCC 01005, KCC 01040, KCC 01080, KCC 02021, KCC 02068 and KCC 04142 roll towels. 13.5"wide x 9.8"deep x 13.3"high.
Kimberly Clark Lever Type Paper Towel Dispenser, Smoke/Gray, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Dispensers » Hardwound Roll Towel Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 69.37 52.91 94.46 KCC09765.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, insight paper towel dispensers, KCC 09765, KCC09765 1 1 0 0 1 65
2805 Lagasse In-Sight Lev-R-Matic Paper Towel Dispenser, 1.75" Core (KCC09767) 2805 KCC 09767 11.20 09767 1.75 " Core Lev-R-Matic Paper Towel Dispenser
Automatic feed lets you load with one hand! Eliminates waste by dispensing one 8 inch diameter paper towel roll (up to 1,000 ft.) and one 3.5 inch diameter stub roll (approx. 150 ft.). Easy lever operation. High-impact plastic with metal key-operated lock. Includes mounting hardware. Now treated with Microban for antimicrobial protection. Uses high-capacity towels KCC 50606. 13.3" wide x 9.8" deep x 13.5" high.
Kimberly Clark Lever Type Paper Towel Dispenser, 1.75 " Core, Smoke/Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 47.73 35.06 64.36 KCC09767.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, IN-SIGHT Lev-R-Matic Paper Towel Dispenser KCC 09767, KCC09767 1 1 0 0 1 65
2806 Lagasse Instrument Cart, Gray (RCP4094GRA) 2806 RCP 4094 GRA 57.40 409400 GRAY • For use in hospitals, health care centers, labs and hotels/motels For transporting instruments and supplies. Three smooth, easy-to-clean shelves, sliding top drawer and two molded handles. Enclosed bottom shelf has locking doors to secure contents. 300-lb. maximum load capacity; 100 lbs. per shelf. Easy “pound-together” assembly. Nonmarking casters. 40-5/8w x 20d x 37-13/16h. Shpg. wt. 51-1/2 lbs. Assembly required.
XTRA 3-SHELF INSTRUMENT CART LOCKABLE DOORS GRA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 360.56 275.00 478.69 RCP4094GRA.JPG Instrument Cart, Gray RCP 4094 GRA, RCP4094GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
2807 Lagasse Rubbermaid 10 Gallon Insulated Water Cooler Beverage Dispenser (RHP1610ORG) 2807 RHP 1610 ORG 10.40 FG1610-01-11 10 Gallon Water Cooler Beverage Dispenser
Bring water for the whole team with this Rubbermaid Insulated 10 Gallon Water Cooler. The extra thick insulation ensures that the contents of this retain their temperature for hours. Strong, durable and easy to use, the Rubbermaid 10-Gallon Cooler is perfect for any occasion where you want to have plenty of cool drinks on hand. The drip-resistant spigot and screw tight lid help prevent big messes and spills. Cleaning this cooler is no problem with the stain and odor resistant liner. The in-molded handles make for easy transport to picnics, sporting events, parties, construction sites and much more! Rubbermaid has made sure that this cooler will last for a very long time with its crack, dent and fade-resistant construction. Rubbermaid is the industry leader in water coolers, so when shopping for a water cooler, look no further than Rubbermaid!
Rubbermaid Insulated 10 Gallon Water Cooler Beverage Dispenser, Orange, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Home Products 68.31 52.10 92.79 RHP1610ORG.JPG rubbermaid water cooler, insulated beverage dispenser, 10 gallon water cooler, orange water cooler, rubbermaid 10 gallon water cooler, rubbermaid water cooler, RHP 1610 ORG, RHP1610ORG 1 1 0 0 1 90
2808 Lagasse Insulated Beverage Dispensers, 5-Gallon Water Cooler, Orange (RHP1685ORG) 2808 RHP 1685 ORG 7.30 1685-01-11 Rubbermaid 5 Gallon Insulated Water Cooler
This cooler is perfect for any tailgating or out door event. It keeps liquid cold for hours. Built strong with polyethylene materials to be crack-resistant for long life. Its easy screw-top lid fits tight and seals liquid in so there is no need to worry about spills. Its comfortable carry handles make it easy to cary. And to top it all off it has a recessed, dripless spigot for easy drink dispensing. 5 gallon capacity, 12-1/2 inch Diameter x 19 inches high, Color: Orange
Rubbermaid 5 Gallon Water Cooler, Orange, Each. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Home Products 34.41 24.45 44.87 RHP1685ORG.JPG Insulated Beverage Dispensers, 5-Gallon Water Cooler, Orange RHP 1685 ORG, RHP1685ORG, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 90
2809 Lagasse Dart 12-oz. Container Insulated Foam Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (DCC12B32) 2809 DCC 12B32 10.60 12B32 12-oz. Insulated Foam Bowls
Keep your hot foods hot and your cold foods cold with these Dart insulated foam bowls. Made from sturdy insulated foam, they maintain food at its proper temperature. The rounded bottom in these foam bowls will allow your customers to enjoy every last bit of their food, whether it be chili, soup, jell-o or ice cream. The one piece construction of these foam bowls means no leaking seams, reducing cleaning costs, and the visual fill line prevents overfilling. These insulated foam bowls maintain food temperature, quality, and taste, increasing customer satisfaction. Dart is a proven leader in providing quality, service, and convenience to food service markets worldwide.
Dart 12-oz. Insulated Foam Bowls, White, 20 Packs of 50 Foam Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 51.29 35.90 69.68 DCC12B32.JPG insulated foam bowls, disposable bowls, foam bowls, DCC 12B32, DCC12B32, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
2810 Lagasse Integra Lever Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl (SANT850TBK) 2810 SAN T850TBK 5.20 T850TBK Integra Lever Paper Towel Dispenser
Allow the simple, clean performance of a hygienic Integra Lever Paper Towel Dispenser work for you. Designed to dispense towels easily this break-resistant plastic dispenser holds all types of roll paper towels with any size core, including coreless and solid. Compact, economical universal dispenser is easy-to-operate and features an integrated lever, making dispensing and reloading simple. 11-1/2" wide x 11-1/4" deep x 13-1/2" high.
San Jamar Integra Lever Operated Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Dispensers » Hardwound Roll Towel Dispensers l - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 44.59 34.01 59.57 SANT850TBK.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, Integra Lever Paper Towel Dispenser SAN T850TBK, SANT850TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
2811 Lagasse Reynolds Interfolded Pop Up Aluminum Foil Sheets, 9"x10-3/4" Size, 6 Boxes (REY711) 2811 REY 711 15.40 711 Aluminum Foil Pop Up Sheets
Foil sheets conveniently dispense one at a time. Great for wrapping food. Withstand high heat and extreme cold, making them perfect for grilling and freezing. Minimize cleanup and ensure your food stays fresh. Includes 6 boxes of 500 sheets, 3000 sheets per case.
Reynolds Food Packaging Foil Pop Up Sheets, 9" X 10.75", 500 Sheets per Box, 6 Boxes per Case Reynolds Food Packaging 74.30 52.01 98.89 REY711.JPG Interfolded Foil Sheets, 9 x 10-3/4 Size REY 711, REY711, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 87
2812 Lagasse Interfolded Foil Sheets, 12 x 10-3/4 Size (REY720) 2812 REY 720 21.80 720 Convenient pop-up foil sheets dispense one at a time.
REYNOLDS FOIL SH 12X10.75 12/200 Reynolds Food Packaging 84.10 58.87 111.81 REY720.JPG Interfolded Foil Sheets, 12 x 10-3/4 Size REY 720, REY720, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 87
2814 Lagasse Interfolded Foil Sheets, 12 x 10-3/4 Size (REY721) 2814 REY 721 24.60 721 Convenient pop-up foil sheets dispense one at a time.
REYNOLDS FOIL SH 12X10.75 6/500 Reynolds Food Packaging 99.36 69.55 132.97 REY721.JPG Interfolded Foil Sheets, 12 x 10-3/4 Size REY 721, REY721, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 87
2816 Lagasse Franklin Interstate 50 Variable UHS Floor Wax, 4 Gallons (FRKF195022) 2816 FRK F195022 34.00 F195022 Interstate 50 Variable UHS Floor Wax Finish
Quality polymers ensure the beauty and lengthen the life of flooring. Economical, burnishable/spray that leaves a buffable finish. For high-speed and ultra high-speed maintenance programs. Repairs easily. Excellent for retail- and school-type floor programs in an industrial environment or great for home use due to the economical pricing. Recommended for all types of flooring except unsealed wood. 20% solids.
Franklin Interstate 50 Variable UHS Floor Wax Finish, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 79.34 60.52 105.63 FRKF195022.JPG interstate 50 variable uhs floor wax, FRK F195022, FRKF195022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
2818 Lagasse Interstate Windshield Towels, Automotive Wipers (GPC003-50) 2818 GPC 003-50 19.50 00350 Designed specifically for service station use. Ideal for cleaning windshields, headlights, mirrors and for use as dipstick wipers during oil checks. Two-ply, singlefold, blue, 9.5 x 10.25 towels. 250 towels per pack; 9 packs per case (2,250 towels).
Windshield Towels Automotive Wipers, 250 towels per pack; 9 packs per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Automotive Wipers Georgia Pacific 47.72 36.40 65.24 GPC00350.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Interstate Windshield Towels GPC 003-50, GPC00350 1 1 0 0 1 48
2820 Lagasse Rubbermaid Iron Handle Scrub Brush (RCP6482COB) 2820 RCP 6482 COB 0.28 6482 COBLT Scrub Brush
This Scrub Brush from Rubbermaid is built to handle the toughest surfaces out there. Measuring in at an overall length of 6", this high-quality hand scrub comes with a molded iron handle, pointed front end and square back end, allowing for easy scrubbing and washing. Great for scrubbing tile floors, baseboards, counter tops and walls, this durable yellow plastic block provides long-lasting results. Constructed of polypropylene, this quality brush is completely resistant to stains, grime, solvents, acids, oils, fungus and bacteria growth. In addition, the durable, abrasion-resistant brush can be used wet or dry and will not absorb odors. Make your cleaning tasks a little easier with this Rubbermaid Scrub Brush. Stock up today!
Rubbermaid Iron Handle Scrub Brush, 6" Length, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 2.44 1.86 3.21 RCP6482COB.JPG rubbermaid scrub brush, rubbermaid iron handle scrub brush, iron handle scrub brush, RCP 6482 COB, RCP6482COB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2823 Lagasse Janitor Broom (UNS930BP) 2823 UNS 930BP 24.00 UNS 930BP Black plastic bristles are flagged for better sweeping. Flagged-tip bristles pick up fine dirt particles and can be used on carpeting. Five rows of stitching. 10in sweeping width. Wound style. Shows minimal soiling. Washable. 42in long, 1-1/8in diameter wood handle. Shpg. wt. 26 lbs.
FLAG-TIP JANITOR BRM 42X10WOOD BLA BRISTDZ Unisan 165.59 126.30 221.01 UNS930BP.JPG Janitor Broom UNS 930BP, UNS930BP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
2824 Lagasse Rubbermaid Janitor Cart, Black (RCP 6173-88 BLA) 2824 RCP 6173-88 BLA 49.59 FG617317 BLA Rubbermaid Janitor Cart
The Rubbermaid Commercial Multi-Shelf Cleaning Cart has innovative features to help improve staff efficiency. It was designed with increased storage capacity, three shelves for supplies, hooks for mop and broom handles and dust pans. Constructed of reinforced, smooth walled plastic with rounded edges, this cart will not damage walls or doorways. The non-marring 4” swivel casters and 8” diameter real wheels make maneuvering this cleaning cart a breeze. A wire form holder keeps the 25-gallon vinyl bag securely attached to the handle. The platform is strong enough to hold a 32-gallon container or standard sized mop bucket. The Rubbermaid cleaning cart is an excellent choice for cleaning professionals, janitorial services and custodians for use in office buildings, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, day care centers and more. Dimensions: 21-3/4" wide x 46" length x 38-3/8" height.
Rubbermaid Janitorial Cart, Black, Zippered Yellow Vinyl Bag, 21-3/4" Wide x 46" Length x 38-3/8" Height, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 157.99 120.50 215.89 RCP9T80YEL.JPG rubbermaid janitor cart, rubbermaid janitorial cart, rubbermaid janitorial carts, rubbermaid janitor carts, rubbermaid cleaning cart, rubbermaid cleaning carts, RCP 6173-88 BLA, RCP617388BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
2825 Lagasse Rubbermaid Replacement Janitor Cart Vinyl Bag, Vinyl, Yellow (RCP9T80YEL) 2825 RCP 9T80 YEL 2.46 9T80 High-Capacity Replacement Vinyl Yellow Bag
Coming in a water and leak-proof bag with pleated sides, the Rubbermaid High-Capacity Replacement Vinyl Bag, is an essential accessory for any veteran of the janitorial industry. Offering a 33 Gallon capacity, this vinyl replacement bag allows for easy trash storage and removal for a matching janitor cleaning cart. A perfect for Janitor Cleaning Carts: RCP 9T75, RCP 9T73, RCP 9T92, RCP 9T72, RCP 6173-88 (sold separately).
Rubbermaid High-Capacity Replacement Vinyl Bag, 33 Gallon Capacity, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 40.38 30.80 55.30 RCP9T80YEL.JPG janitor cart bags, replacement janitor cart bags, high-capacity replacement vinyl bags, RCP 9T80 YEL, RCP9T80YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
2827 Lagasse Janitor Style Screw Clamp Handle, 64in Length (IMP94) 2827 IMP 94 1.66 94 Janitor Style Screw Clamp Fiberglass Mop Handle
64" Fiberglass Mop Handle. Wide-opening plastic head with roller adjustment knob. Fiberglass handle, safety orange. Fits most mop heads. Accepts 1' and 5" headbands.
Manufactured by Impact
JANITOR MOP HNDL 64 L W/7-5/8 HEAD FIBERGLASS Impact 13.39 9.60 18.01 IMP94.JPG Janitor Style Screw Clamp Handle, 64in Length IMP 94, IMP94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
2828 Lagasse Solo Jazz 8-oz. Trophy Foam Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCCX8J) 2828 SCC X8J 9.00 X8-00055 8 oz. Jazz Trophy Foam Cups
Solo Foam Cup company is proud to be known for premium hot cups and lids. These foam cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these foam cups everyday for your office coffee machine or at the water cooler. Great for hot or cold beverages. Stop washing dishes and coffee cups and start using these great disposable foam cups from Solo cup company today. 1,000 cups per case.
Solo Trophy 8-oz. Foam Cups, Jazz Design, 10 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 65.17 45.62 85.88 SCCX8J.JPG solo cup, solo cups, styrofoam cup, foam cups, foam cup, Jazz Design Trophy XL Foam Cup, 8-oz. Cup SCC X8J, SCCX8J 1 1 0 0 1 141
2829 Lagasse Solo Jazz 12-oz. Trophy Foam Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCCX12J) 2829 SCC X12J 12.50 X12-00055 12 oz. Jazz Trophy Foam Cups
Solo Foam Cup company is proud to be known for premium hot cups and lids. These foam cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these foam cups everyday for your office coffee machine or at the water cooler. Great for hot or cold beverages. Stop washing dishes and coffee cups and start using these great disposable foam cups from Solo cup company today. 1,000 cups per case.
Solo Trophy 12-oz. Foam Cups, Jazz Design, 10 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 90.37 63.26 123.25 SCCX12J.JPG solo cup, solo cups, styrofoam cup, foam cups, foam cup, Jazz Design Trophy XL Foam Cup, 12-oz. Cup SCC X12J, SCCX12J, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2830 Lagasse Solo Jazz 16-oz. Trophy Foam Cup, 750 Cups (SCCX16NJ) 2830 SCC X16NJ 12.00 X16N-00055 16 oz. Jazz Trophy Foam Cups
Solo Foam Cup company is proud to be known for premium hot cups and lids. These foam cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these foam cups everyday for your office coffee machine or at the water cooler. Great for hot or cold beverages. Stop washing dishes and coffee cups and start using these great disposable foam cups from Solo cup company today. 750 cups per case.
Solo Trophy 16-oz. Foam Cups, Jazz Design, 15 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 750 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 80.67 56.47 108.56 SCCX16NJ.JPG Jazz Design Trophy XL Foam Cup, 16-oz. Cup SCC X16NJ, SCCX16NJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2831 Lagasse Solo Jazz 20-oz. Trophy Foam Cup, 750 Cups (SCCX20NJ) 2831 SCC X20NJ 14.00 X20N-0055 20 oz. Jazz Trophy Foam Cups
Solo Foam Cup company is proud to be known for premium hot cups and lids. These foam cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these foam cups everyday for your office coffee machine or at the water cooler. Great for hot or cold beverages. Stop washing dishes and coffee cups and start using these great disposable foam cups from Solo cup company today. 750 cups per case.
Solo Trophy 20-oz. Foam Cups, Jazz Design, 15 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 750 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 101.21 70.85 132.16 SCCX20NJ.JPG solo cup, solo cups, styrofoam cup, foam cups, foam cup, Jazz Design Trophy XL Foam Cup, 20-oz. Cup SCC X20NJ, SCCX20NJ 1 1 0 0 1 141
2832 Lagasse Solo Jazz 16-oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCCRW16J) 2832 SCC RW16J 33.00 RW16-00055 16oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup
These great cups from Solo have extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. They are fully waxed to extend usability and are made with two-piece construction with a tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. These cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these paper cups everyday for your office water cooler.
Solo Jazz 16 oz. Wax Coated Paper Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 94.57 66.20 125.10 SCCRW16J.JPG solo 16-oz cups, solo paper cups, paper cold cups, wax coated cups, 16-oz cold cups, wax coated paper cups, solo jazz design cups, jazz design wax-coated paper cold cup, 16-oz. Cups, 16-oz. paper cups, SCC RW16J, SCCRW16J, restaurant supplies, drinking cups, 16-oz drinking cups, disposable cups, solo cups 1 1 0 0 1 141
2834 Lagasse Solo Jazz 10-oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 2,000 Cups (SCCR10NNJ) 2834 SCC R10NNJ 34.50 R10NN-00055 10 oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup
These great cups from Solo have extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. They are fully waxed to extend usability and are made with two-piece construction with a tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. These cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these paper cups everyday for your office water cooler.
Solo Jazz 10 oz. Wax Coated Paper Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 122.94 86.06 162.75 SCCR10NNJ.JPG Jazz Design Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 10-oz. Cup SCC R10NNJ, SCCR10NNJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2835 Lagasse Solo Jazz 12-oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 2,000 Cups (SCCR12NJ) 2835 SCC R12NJ 39.00 R12N-00055 12 oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup
These great cups from Solo have extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. They are fully waxed to extend usability and are made with two-piece construction with a tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. These cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these paper cups everyday for your office water cooler.
Solo Jazz 12 oz. Wax Coated Paper Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 138.26 96.78 188.22 SCCR12NJ.JPG Jazz Design Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 12-oz. Cup SCC R12NJ, SCCR12NJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2836 Lagasse Solo Jazz 5-oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 3,000 Cups (SCCR53J) 2836 SCC R53J 26.00 R53-00055 5 oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup
These great cups from Solo have extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. They are fully waxed to extend usability and are made with two-piece construction with a tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. These cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these paper cups everyday for your office water cooler. 3,000 cups per case.
Solo Jazz 5 oz. Wax Coated Paper Cold Cup, 30 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 3,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 116.60 81.62 157.52 SCCR53J.JPG Jazz Design Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 5-oz. Cup SCC R53J, SCCR53J, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2838 Lagasse Solo Jazz 7-oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 2,000 Cups (SCCR7NJ) 2838 SCC R7NJ 28.00 R7N-00055 7 oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup
These great cups from Solo have extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. They are fully waxed to extend usability and are made with two-piece construction with a tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. These cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these paper cups everyday for your office water cooler.
Solo Jazz 7 oz. Wax Coated Paper Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 104.36 73.05 141.05 SCCR7NJ.JPG Jazz Design Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 7-oz. Cup SCC R7NJ, SCCR7NJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
2841 Lagasse Jiffi-Cutter, 12 Box Cutters (CSO091460) 2841 CSO 091460 1.20 COS091460 Retractable Box Cutters
Easy to use, and offering a safe retractable blade option, Jiffi Retractable Box Cutters are the economical choice for light-duty cutting jobs. An ideal fit for warehouses and industrial complexes, these box cutters work great for cutting cardboard, Styrofoam, paper, and other light duty items. Fully retractable, these blades offer an easy, affordable and safe way to slice and cut light duty projects. Each retractable Jiffi-Cutter box cutter includes one blade, 12 retractable cutters per case.
Consolidated Stamp Light Duty Jiffi-Cutter Retractable Blade Cutters 12 per Cutters per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Consolidated Stamp 7.13 5.31 9.64 CSO091460.JPG box cutters, box cutter, jiffi-cutter, jiffi-cutter box cutter, CSO 091460, CSO091460, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 146
2842 Lagasse Procter & Gamble Joy Dishwashing Liquid, 8 - 38-oz. Bottles (PGC45114) 2842 PGC 45114 22.20 45114 Dishwashing Liquid
Ideal for manual dish washing, Joy liquid dish soap is formulated to deep clean, cutting through grease, oil and stubborn, stuck-on food stains. The powerful surfactants in Joy lift grease and dirt away from dishes and keep it from re-attaching, giving you a thorough clean that other dishwashing liquids cannot provide. This concentrated manual dish detergent has long lasting suds that clean a large array of soils. This tough but gentle dish soap is designed to be mild and contains emollients to prevent hands from becoming dry. Available in a fresh lemon scent, Joy is the perfect ingredient for deep cleaning pots, pans, dishes and utensils, removing stubborn grease and stains. Stock up and save on Joy today!
Proctor and Gamble Joy Dishwashing Liquid, 38-oz. Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 41.22 31.44 55.85 PGC45114.JPG joy dishwashing liquid, joy dish wash liquid, joy dish liquid, 38-oz. Bottle, PGC 45114, PGC45114, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
2843 Lagasse Joy® Dishwashing Liquid, 1 Pail, 5-Gallon Pail (PGC02301) 2843 PGC 02301 45.40 08163 Joy Dish Detergent
Joy lemon scent liquid dishwashing detergent.
JOY DISHWASH LIQUID PL 5 GL Procter and Gamble Professional 76.74 58.53 100.78 PGC02301.JPG Joy Dishwashing Liquid, 1 Pail, 5-Gallon Pail PGC 02301, PGC02301, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 80
2844 Lagasse Joy® Dishwashing Liquid, 3 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (PGC02302) 2844 PGC 02302 26.80 08415 Joy Dish Detergent
Joy lemon scent liquid dishwashing detergent.
JOY DISHWASH LIQUID 3/1 GL Procter and Gamble Professional 49.04 36.14 64.87 PGC02302.JPG Joy Dishwashing Liquid, 3 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle PGC 02302, PGC02302, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 80
2845 Lagasse Boardwalk 9" 2-Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, 12 Rolls (BWK 6100) 2845 BWK 6100 22.60 BWK 6100 2-Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper
This roll toilet paper from Boardwalk is jumbo sized, providing you with affordable and long lasting performance. These jumbo toilet paper rolls have about five times the amount of tissue as a standard sized roll. This means they need to be changed less frequently, saving you time and money. This toilet paper is made with made from 100% recycled material, with 65% post consumer content and 35% pre-consumer waste fiber. This 2-ply toilet tissue is the ideal combination of affordability and quality and perfect for high traffic restrooms. If you are looking to reducing your costs as well as maintenance time when shopping for toilet paper, look no further than Boardwalk Jumbo Toilet Paper Rolls. Stock up today!
Boardwalk 2-Ply JRT Jumbo Toilet Paper Roll, 9" Diameter, 1,000-ft, Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 29.12 21.68 38.20 BWK6100.JPG jumbo toilet paper, jumbo roll tissue, jumbo toilet tissue, jumbo toilet paper rolls, boardwalk toilet paper, jrt toilet paper, boardwalk 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, boardwalk jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, JRT bathroom tissue, BWK 6100, BWK6100 1 1 0 0 1 123
2846 Lagasse Boardwalk 9" Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper Roll, 1 Ply, 12 Rolls (BWK6101) 2846 BWK 6101 23.50 BWK 6101 Jumbo Toilet Paper Roll
These jumbo toilet paper rolls from Boardwalk benefit your business by saving time and money. Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper does not need to be changed as frequently as standard toilet paper rolls while will help to reduce maintenance and supply costs. Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper products have about five times the amount of tissue as standard 2-ply rolls. Environmentally concerned customers will appreciate this reliable toilet tissue that consistently exceeds EPA guidelines with 65% post-consumer content and 35% pre-consumer waste fiber. The 1-Ply white embossed bathroom toilet tissue rolls measure 3.625" wide with a 3.3" core. Choose Boardwalk Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper today and start saving. Stock up now!
Boardwalk 9" Jumbo Jr. Roll, 1-Ply, 2,000 Feet per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 32.64 24.89 43.74 BWK6101.JPG jumbo toilet paper, jumbo roll tissue, jumbo toilet tissue, jumbo toilet paper rolls, boardwalk toilet paper, jrt toilet paper, boardwalk 1 ply jumbo toilet paper, boardwalk jumbo toilet paper, 1 ply jumbo toilet paper, 1 ply jumbo toilet tissue, JRT bathroom tissue, JRT Bathroom Tissue, JRT Jr. one-ply tissue, BWK 6101, BWK6101 1 1 0 0 1 123
2847 Lagasse Boardwalk 12" Jumbo JRT 2-Ply Toilet Paper, 6 Rolls (BWK6102) 2847 BWK 6102 22.60 BWK 6102 2-Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper
Providing the ability to cut cost and maintenance time in half, the Jumbo JRT toilet paper rolls from Boardwalk provide quality savings for both the watch and the wallet. Fitting into jumbo dispensers with ease, this 2-ply bathroom tissue has 2000 feet of tissue, about five times the amount of tissue as a standard roll. Due to the larger size, these quality rolls need to be changed less frequently, saving you time and money. This toilet tissue is eco-friendly as well. Made from 100% recycled content with 65% post consumer and 35% pre-consumer content, you won’t have to sacrifice your green ideals for quality. Stock up today and save!
Boardwalk 12" Jumbo JRT Toilet Paper Roll, 2,000-ft. Rolls, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 30.82 23.51 40.67 BWK6102.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, bathroom tissue, jumbo toilet paper, boardwalk toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, BWK 6102, BWK6102, 12" toilet paper rolls, super jumbo toilet paper, toilet tissue paper, toilet paper rolls, commercial toilet paper, wholesale toilet paper, discount toilet paper rolls 1 1 0 0 1 123
2848 Lagasse Boardwalk 12" Super Jumbo 1 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, 6 Rolls (BWK6103) 2848 BWK 6103 23.50 BWK6103 1 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper
1 Ply White Embossed bathroom toilet tissue roll, 3.625" wide; 3.3" core. Contains 65% recycled material. Environmentally concerned customers appreciate this reliable performance tissue that consistently exceeds EPA guidelines for minimum post consumer recycled fiber content. Our full selection of Paper Products helps keep your home and office business clean, ;safe and well stocked.
Boardwalk 12" Super Jumbo Toilet Tissue, 4,000 Ft per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 34.14 26.04 46.41 BWK6103.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 1 ply jumbo toilet paper, 1 ply jumbo toilet tissue, one ply jumbo toilet paper, one ply jumbo toilet tissue, BWK 6103, BWK6103 1 1 0 0 1 123
2849 Lagasse Oceans Reserva Stub Roll Super Jumbo Toilet Dispenser (SANR3090TBK) 2849 SAN R3090TBK 3.90 R3090TBK Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub Roll Compartment
San Jamar's Jumbo Oceans Toilet Paper Dispenser with stub compartment features a flowing wave design “sculptured by nature”. Break-resistant plastic construction. Holds one 9" to 10-1/2" super jumbo roll and one 5" stub roll. Exclusive Infinity System prevents access to fresh toilet paper roll until stub roll is finished; eliminates stub roll waste completely. Replaceable finger lock. 16-3/4"wide x 5-1/2"deep x 12-1/4"high. This toilet paper dispenser is manufactured by San Jamar Cleaning Products Company - a brand name you can trust.
San Jamar Oceans Reserva Stub Roll Super Jumbo Toilet Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 33.76 25.75 45.38 SANR3090TBK.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, bobrick toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, JUMBO OCEANS Reserva Roll Bath Tissue Dispenser SAN R3090TBK, SANR3090TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
2850 Lagasse Oceans Jumbo Jr. Single Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser (SANR2090TBK) 2850 SAN R2090TBK 3.25 R2090TBK Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper Dispenser
San Jamar Oceans Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper Dispenser features a contemporary flowing wave design “sculptured by nature”. Break-resistant plastic construction. Holds one 9" jumbo jr. toilet tissue roll. Provides easy access to paper and maximizes paper capacity in minimal space. Replaceable finger lock. No flat surfaces for placing cigarettes; eliminates burn marks. Ideal for commercial businesses, office buildings, restaurants and other like-minded locations. 10-1/4" wide x 5-5/8" deep x 12" high.
San Jamar Single Jumbo Jr. Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 17.07 13.02 23.37 SANR2090TBK.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, bobrick toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, JUMBO OCEANS Single Roll Bath Tissue Dispenser, Black Pearl SAN R2090TBK, SANR2090TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
2851 Lagasse San Jamar Oceans Twin Jumbo Roll Jr Toilet Paper Dispenser (SANR4090TBK) 2851 SAN R4090TBK 3.40 R4090TBK Oceans Twin Jumbo Toilet Paper Roll Dispenser
The industry-leading Twin is one of San-Jamar's more versatile jumbo toilet tissue dispensers due to its slim and compact size, Making it a perfect fit in any washroom. Universal, dispenses any brand or quality of jumbo jr bath tissue. Flowing wave design “sculptured by nature”. Break-resistant plastic construction. Holds two 9" jumbo jr toilet tissue rolls. Slimmer design uses minimal space. Infinity System and sliding panel prevent access to spare roll until first roll is completely depleted; eliminates stub roll waste. Replaceable finger lock. 19"wide x 5-1/4"deep x 12"high. Our full selection of Paper Products helps keep your home and office business clean, safe and well stocked.
San Jamar Dual Jumbo Jr Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 29.28 22.33 39.09 SANR4090TBK.JPG san jamar toilet paper dispenser, oceans toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, jumbo oceans toilet paper dispenser, jumbo oceans twin jrt jumbo bath tissue roll dispenser, SAN R4090TBK, SANR4090TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
2852 Lagasse Windsoft 9" Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper, 1 -Ply, 12 Rolls (WIN200) 2852 WIN 200 25.50 WIN 200 Jumbo Toilet Paper
This jumbo roll toilet paper from Windsoft is a quality toilet paper product with the same strength found in well-known brands, but available at a more affordable price. With a roll width of 3.625”, this 1-ply bath tissue will fit in most jumbo dispensers. Measuring 2000 feet, these jumbo toilet paper rolls require fewer refills, helping to reduce run-out and save on maintenance time and costs. Windsoft jumbo toilet paper is environmentally friendly, meeting EPA Guidelines with recycled contents of 65% post-consumer and 35% pre-consumer waste fiber. This high quality toilet paper is the ideal product for high traffic restrooms and for businesses looking to reduce costs without sacrificing quality. Stock up today on Windsoft Jumbo Toilet Paper and save!
Windsoft 9" Jumbo Jr. Roll Toilet Tissue, 1-Ply, 2,000 ft per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 47.72 36.40 62.81 WIN200.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 1 ply jumbo toilet paper, 1 ply jumbo toilet tissue, one ply jumbo toilet paper, one ply jumbo toilet tissue, WIN 200, WIN200 1 1 0 0 1 116
2853 Lagasse Windsoft 9" Jumbo Jr. 2-Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, 12 Rolls (WIN202) 2853 WIN 202 23.87 WIN202 Jumbo Toilet Paper Rolls
This jumbo sized toilet paper from Windsoft fits in most Jumbo (JRT) and Jumbo Jr. dispensers, with a roll width of 3.625". These non-perforated toilet paper rolls will not need to be changed as frequently as standard toilet paper rolls, reducing the chance of running out of toilet paper when it is most needed. The Windsoft brand is comparable to leading name brand paper products, only at a lower cost that does not sacrifice quality. The jumbo junior toilet paper rolls benefit your business by saving time and money. Jumbo Jr. toilet paper products have about five times the amount of tissue as standard 2-ply toilet paper rolls. If you need to reduce cost and maintenance expenses, Windsoft Jumbo Junior toilet paper is the right paper product for your restroom.
Windsoft 9" Jumbo Junior Toilet Paper Roll, 1,000 ft. Rolls, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 59.60 34.85 78.70 WIN202.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue, WIN 202, WIN202 1 1 0 0 1 116
2859 Lagasse Professional Kimcare Cassette Dispenser, White (KCC92144) 2859 KCC 92144 1.20 92144 Kimcare Cassette Soap Dispenser
Now soap dispenser maintenance is quick and easy! Features easy, no fuss refill reloading and flexibility to refill with any KIMCARE* Cassette Skin Care foam or liquid formula. Mounts easily to a universal bracket. Easy, no-fuss refill loading. Holds 1000-ml cassette refill KCC 91554. 5 x 8.375 x 5.25.
Kimberly Clark Kimcare Cassette Dispenser, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 9.70 7.40 12.98 KCC92144.JPG KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL KIMCARE Cassette Dispenser, White KCC 92144, KCC92144, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2862 Lagasse Kimcare Antibacterial Clear Hand Soap, 12 - 800-ml Refills (KCC91547) 2862 KCC 91547 25.00 91547 Kimcare Antibacterial Clear Hand Soap
For One Pak Dispensers KCC 91180 and KCC 91182 (sold separately). Mild, general-purpose antibacterial cleanser is gentle enough for everyday use. Active ingredient 0.25% Triclosan offers gentle protection against the spread of potentially harmful bacteria. Light floral scent. Clear.
Kimcare Antibacterial Clear Hand Soap, 800-ml Refill, 12 refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Kimcare Soap System » Kimberly Clark Professional 74.30 56.67 96.75 KCC91547.JPG antibacterial clear skin cleanser Refills, KCC 91547, KCC91547, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2863 Lagasse KimCare Antibacterial Skin Cleanser with Triclosan, 18 - 500-ml Refills (KCC92517) 2863 KCC 92517 24.00 92517 Kimcare Antibacterial Clear Skin Cleanser
Mild, general-purpose antibacterial cleanser is gentle enough for everyday use. Active ingredient .25% Triclosan helps protect against the spread of potentially harmful bacteria. Light floral scent. Clear.
KimCare Antibacterial Skin Cleanser with Triclosan, 500-ml Refill, 18 Refills per Case
500-ml Soap Systems » Kimcare Liquid Soap - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 82.74 63.11 109.84 KCC92517.JPG antibacterial clear skin cleanser with triclosan, KCC 92517, KCC92517, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2864 Lagasse Kimcare Antibacterial Skin Cleanser, 4 Bottles (KCC93069) 2864 KCC 93069 37.00 93069 Kimcare Antibacterial Skin Cleanser
Kimcare Antibacterial Skin Cleanser is a mild, all purpose cleanser that is gentle enough for everyday use. Its active ingredient, PCMX, kills bacteria and germs on contact, preventing their spread. This powerful skin cleanser is ideal for use in high traffic areas where germs can spread rapidly. Kimcare skin cleanser kills germs with no residue left behind, just a light floral scent. The Kimcare Brand is committed to providing hygienic skin care solutions that people can count on to promote the health of individuals and their environment. Help ensure that your customers and employees stay healthy by keeping Kimcare Antibacterial Skin Cleanser on hand at all times.
Kimberly Clark Kimcare Antibacterial Skin Cleanser, 1 Gallon Pour Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 42.69 32.56 57.85 KCC93069.JPG KIMCARE ANTIBACTERIAL Antibacterial Skin Cleanser, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Pour Bottle KCC 93069, KCC93069, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2865 Lagasse Kimcare Antibacterial Skin Cleanser, 12 - 800-ml Refills (KCC91298) 2865 KCC 91298 25.00 91298 Kimcare Antibacterial Skin Cleanser
For One Pak Dispensers KCC 91180 and KCC 91182 (sold separately). Mild, general-purpose antibacterial cleanser that’s designed for everyday use. Its active ingredient, 0.5% PCMX, helps protect against the spread of potentially harmful bacteria. Light floral scent. 0.5% PCMX. Straw color.
Kimcare Antibacterial Skin Cleanser Refill, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Kimcare Soap System » Kimberly Clark Professional 48.65 37.11 65.57 KCC91298.JPG kimcare antibacterial skin cleansers, KCC 91298, KCC91298, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2866 Lagasse Kimcare Antibacterial Luxury Foam Soap, 1000-ml Refill (KCC91554) 2866 KCC 91554 15.00 91554 Now soap dispenser maintenance is quick and easy! Easy, no fuss refill reloading. Contains 0.5% Triclosan. Clear soap with a fresh fragrance.
KIMCARE LUX ANTIBAC FOAM 6/1000ML Kimberly Clark Professional 61.69 47.05 81.06 KCC91554.JPG KIMCARE ANTIBACTERIAL Luxury Foam Antibacterial Skin Cleanser Cassette, 6 Refills per Case, 1000-ml Cassette Refill KCC 91554, KCC91554, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2869 Lagasse Kimcare General Gentle Lotion Skin Cleanser, 18 - 500-ml Refills (KCC92053) 2869 KCC 92053 24.00 92053 Kimcare General Gentle Lotion Skin Cleanser
Removes light soils. Neutral pH formula provides a rich, creamy lather and pleasant floral fragrance. Pink pearlescent color. 18 refills per case.
Kimcare General Gentle Lotion Skin Cleanser, 500-ml Refill, 18 Refills per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
500-ml Soap Systems » Kimcare Liquid Soap »
Kimberly Clark Professional 79.80 60.87 106.41 KCC92053.JPG gentle lotion skin cleanser, KCC 92053, KCC92053, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2870 Lagasse Kimcare General Gentle Lotion Skin Cleanser, 12 - 800-ml Refills (KCC91211) 2870 KCC 91211 23.40 91211 Kimcare General Gentle Lotion Skin Cleanser
For One Pak Dispensers KCC 91180 and KCC 91182 (sold separately). Removes light soils. Neutral pH formula has a rich, creamy lather and pleasant floral fragrance. Pink Pearlescent. 12 refills per case.
Kimcare General Gentle Lotion Skin Cleanser, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Kimcare Soap System » Kimberly Clark Professional 55.57 42.38 75.82 KCC91211.JPG kimcare general gentle lotion skin cleanser, KCC 91211, KCC91211, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2871 Lagasse KimCare Pink Lotion Soap, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (KCC91300) 2871 KCC 91300 37.00 91300 KimCare Pink Lotion Hand Soap
Easy-to-rinse lather provides gentle cleaning. Ready-to-Use bulk soaps are specially packaged for use in restrooms where refillable soap dispensers are in use. Peach fragrance.
KimCare Pink Lotion Hand Soap, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bulk Liquid Soaps » Kimberly Clark Professional 32.56 24.40 42.30 KCC91300.JPG pink lotion hand soap, KCC 91300, KCC91300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2872 Lagasse Kimcare General Pink Lotion Hand Soap Refill, 12 - 800-ml Refills (KCC91220) 2872 KCC 91220 25.00 91220 Kimcare Pink Lotion Hand Soap
For general-purpose hand washing, this pink hand soap formula is enriched with vitamins and moisturizers, provides an fantastic hand washing formula, along with a fresh, clean peach scent. This fresh, pink hand soap provides an amazingly gently cleansing experience. As the soap is dispensed, air is infused into it, giving you a lather so rich and creamy, you will think you are using one of the more expensive hand soaps. To be used in One Pak Dispensers KCC 91180 and KCC 91182 (sold separately). 800 ml Refills, 12 per Case.
Kimberly Clark Kimcare General Pink Lotion Hand Soap, 800 ml Refills, 12 per Case
800-ml Soap Systems » Kimcare Soap System - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 35.38 26.98 47.09 KCC91220.JPG kimcare pink soap, kimcare pink hand soap, kimcare pink lotion hand soap, kimcare general pink lotion soap refill, KCC 91220, KCC91220 1 1 0 0 1 65
2873 Lagasse KimCare General Triangle Lotion Soap, 18 - 500-ml Refills (KCC92538) 2873 KCC 92538 24.00 92538 KimCare General Triangle Lotion Soap
All-purpose, pH balanced, synthetic hand lotion cleanser for removing light soils from the skin. Floral fragrance. Green. 18 refills per case.
KimCare General Triangle Lotion Soap, 500-ml Refill, 18 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
500-ml Soap Systems » Kimcare Liquid Soap » Kimberly Clark Professional 72.10 54.99 97.60 KCC92538.JPG lotion hand soap, KCC 92538, KCC92538, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2874 Lagasse Kimcare General Triangle Lotion Hand Soap, 12 - 800-ml Refills (KCC91241) 2874 KCC 91241 25.00 91241 Kimcare General Triangle Lotion Hand Soap
Kimcare General Triangle Lotion Hand Soap is an all-purpose, pH balanced, synthetic hand lotion cleanser. It removes light soils, and has a floral fragrance. To be used in One Pak Dispensers KCC 91180 and KCC 91182 (sold separately). Green color. 800-ml refill, 12 refills per case.
Kimcare General Triangle Lotion Hand Soap, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Kimcare Soap System » Kimberly Clark Professional 53.80 41.03 73.58 kimcare general triangle lotion hand soap, KCC 91241, KCC91241, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2875 Lagasse Kimcare All-N-1 Natural Orange Hand Cleaner with Grit, 2.5 Liter (KCC96251) 2875 KCC 96251 25.00 96251 All-N-1 Naturally Tuff Orange Hand Cleaner
Provides a new, clean dispenser with each refill • Filled with up to three times more soap than current bag-in-box dispensers, yet fits in the same space • Low maintenance, disposable and recyclable • Easy, one-step installation Great for washrooms, healthcare facilities, job sites and anywhere a soap dispenser is needed. Replaceable soap system provides a new, clean dispenser with each refill for optimum hygiene and cleanliness. High-capacity dispenser. Mounts easily to a universal bracket and is made of fully recyclable plastic. White with a pleasant orange scent. Black dispenser. 4 systems per case. When ordering this dispenser, mention mounting bracket KCC-91070 and one will be included at no charge. Manufactured by Kimberly Clark Professional.
Kimberly Clark Kimcare All-N-1 Natural Orange Hand Cleaner with Grit, 2.5 Liter Container, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 74.21 55.02 96.43 KCC96251.JPG KIMCARE INDUSTRIE ALL-N-1 Hand Cleaner with Grit System, NTO Hand Cleaner with Grit KCC 96251, KCC96251, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2876 Lagasse Kimcare All-N-1 Hand Cleaner w/ Grit System, 4 Systems (KCC96256) 2876 KCC 96256 25.00 96256 All-N-1 Super Duty Hand Cleaner w/Grit System
The Kimberly Clark Super Duty Hand Cleanser w/Grit System provides a new, clean dispenser with each refill, helping to keep your environment as hygienic as possible. This hand cleaning formula with Grit is strong enough to clean the toughest dirt, including grease and tar. Made with aloe vera and no petroleum solvents, all it leaves behind are soft, clean hands and a fresh herbal scent. The Kimcare hand cleansing system has up to three times more soap than current bag-in-box dispensers, yet it fits in the same space. This high-capacity dispenser means fewer refills, cutting down on maintenance. The disposable dispenser mounts easily to a universal bracket and is made of fully recyclable plastic. This All in One Super Duty Hand Cleanser System is ideal for washrooms, healthcare facilities, job sites and anywhere a soap dispenser is necessary.
Note: When ordering this dispenser, mention mounting bracket KCC-91070 and one will be included at no charge.
Kimberly Clark Super Duty Hand Cleaner with Grit, 2.5-Liter Dispenser System, 4 Systems per Case.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Kimcare ALL-N-1 Skincare System - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 100.42 69.80 134.08 KCC96256.JPG kimcare industrie all-n-1 hand cleaner with grit system, super-duty hand cleaner with Grit, kimcare hand soap system, KCC 96256, KCC96256, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2877 Lagasse KimCare NTO Hand Cleaner with Grit, 2 - 8-Liter Refills (KCC91045) 2877 KCC 91045 40.00 91045 Hand Cleaner with Grit
KimCare NTO Hand Cleaner with Grit is designed to remove tougher grime with or without water. Contains polymer beads for scrubbing without the abrasion associated with other grits. The "Naturally Tough Orange" product has a fresh, citrus scent. This hand cleaner is ideal for commercial use on the road as it will cut through the toughest grim you can get your hands on. Just rub and scrub your hands and wipe clean with a towel. These are bag-in-a-box refills for use with dispenser KCC 92013.
KimCare NTO Hand Cleaner with Grit, 8 Liter refill, 2 Refills per Case
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Kimcare Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soap - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 89.07 67.22 120.03 KCC91045.JPG hand cleaner with grit, KCC 91045, KCC91045, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2878 Lagasse Kimcare Industries Hand Cleaner with Grit, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (KCC91057) 2878 KCC 91057 36.75 91057 Kimcare Industries Hand Cleaner with Grit
Removes tough grime without water. Polymer beads provide scrubbing action without the abrasion associated with other grits. Orange scent. White.
Kimcare Industries Hand Cleaner with Grit, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 72.49 55.29 94.36 KCC91057.JPG hand cleaner with grit, KCC 91057, KCC91057, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2879 Lagasse KimCare Super-Duty Cleanser w/ Grit, 2 - 3-1/2-Liter Refills (KCC91757) 2879 KCC 91757 18.00 91757 Super-Duty Cleanser with Grit
KimCare Super-Duty Cleaner with Grit is designed to remove the toughest dirt and grime including grease and tar. Contains polymer beads for scrubbing without the abrasion associated with other grits. Super-Duty Cleanser with grit has no petroleum solvents, but does have aloe making it gentle on your skin. This hand cleaner is ideal for commercial use on the road as it will cut through the toughest grime you can get your hands on. Just rub and scrub your hands and wipe clean with a towel. These are bag-in-a-box refills for use with dispenser KCC 92013.
KimCare Industries Super-Duty Cleanser with Grit, 3.5 Liter Refill, 2 Refills per Case
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Kimcare Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soap - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 61.62 47.00 80.84 KCC91757.JPG super-duty hand cleanser with grit, KCC 91757, KCC91757, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2880 Lagasse KimCare Super-Duty Cleanser with Grit, 2 - 8-Liter Refills (KCC91748) 2880 KCC 91748 40.00 91748 KimCare Super-Duty Cleanser with Grit
KimCare Super-Duty Cleaner with Grit is designed to remove the toughest dirt and grime including grease and tar. Contains polymer beads for scrubbing without the abrasion associated with other grits. Super-Duty Cleanser with grit has no petroleum solvents, but does have aloe making it gentle on your skin. This hand cleaner is ideal for commercial use on the road as it will cut through the toughest grime you can get your hands on. Just rub and scrub your hands and wipe clean with a towel. These are bag-in-a-box refills for use with dispenser KCC 92013.
KimCare Super-Duty Cleanser with Grit, 8-Liter Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soaps » Kimcare Heavy-Duty Dispenser Soap » Kimberly Clark Professional 113.47 86.54 152.81 KCC91748.JPG super-duty hand cleanser with grit, KCC 91748, KCC91748, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2886 Lagasse KimTech Prep KimTex Specialty Wipes (KCC33560) 2886 KCC 33560 9.50 33560 Designed for wiping tasks where low-lint or use of chemicals are required. Engineered for critical applications involving solvents, inks and paints. Perfect for use with lubricants, oil and grease. Quarterfold, 12" x 14.4", one-ply, blue. 66 wipers per pack; 8 packs per case (528 wipers).
KimTech KimTex Quarter Folded Specialty Wipes, 66 Wipes per Pack, 8 Packs per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 87.99 67.11 118.09 KCC33560.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, KIMTECH PREP KIMWIPES Wipers KCC 33560, KCC33560 1 1 0 0 1 65
2887 Lagasse Kimtech Prep Wettask Wipes for Disinfectants and Sanitizers, Refill, Food Service Towels (KCC06271) 2887 KCC 06271 6.50 06271 Compact, self-contained wiping system combines a disposable KIMTECH PREP* wiper with your preferred cleaning solution. Enclosed system helps avoid contamination of the wipers and cleaning solution while reducing exposure to chemical vapors and splashes. Compatible for use with quarternary amine disinfectants and sanitizers. Low lint and low extractables. 12 x 12.5 white wipers. 90 wipers per roll; 6 rolls per case (540 wipers).
Refill, Kimtech Prep Wettask Wipes, Food Service Towels, 90 Wipes per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Food Service Towels Kimberly Clark Professional 117.08 89.30 155.33 KCC06271.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, KIMTECH PREP WETTASK Wipers for Disinfectants and Sanitizers KCC 06271, KCC06271 1 1 0 0 1 65
2888 Lagasse Kimtech Prep Wipers for Bleach, Disinfectants and Sanitizers, Food Service Towels (KCC06411) 2888 KCC 06411 6.00 06411 Compact, self-contained wiping system combines a disposable KIMTECH PREP* wiper with your preferred cleaning solution. Enclosed system helps avoid contamination of the wipers and cleaning solution while reducing exposure to chemical vapors and splashes. This system is the ideal alternative to using an open bucket in combination with a rag. The enclosed system helps avoid contamination of the wipers and cleaning solution while reducing exposure to chemical vapors and splashes. Compatible with bleach, quarternary amine disinfectants and sanitizers. Free disposable WETTASK* bucket in each case. 12 x 12.5 white wipers. 90 wipers per roll; 6 rolls per case (540 wipers).
Wettask Center-Pull Food Service Towels, 90 Wipes per Roll; 6 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Food Service Towels Kimberly Clark Professional 72.64 55.40 97.67 KCC06411.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, KIMTECH PREP Wipers for Bleach, Disinfectants and Sanitizers KCC 06411, KCC06411 1 1 0 0 1 65
2889 Lagasse KimTech Science Kimwipes Delicate Task Wipers, 16,800 Wipes (KCC34155) 2889 KCC 34155 22.80 34155 Delicate Task Wipers
Kimwipes are specially formulated for more delicate tasks, such as laboratory cleaning, surface/parts cleaning, instrument cleaning and lens cleaning. These Delicate Task Wipers were the first wipers for laboratories introduced over 60 years ago, and since then have been the market leader for use in sensitive lab environments. This light duty wiper can be trusted to clean delicate surfaces, easily wiping up liquid and dust. The anti-static dispensing helps to reduce lint and electrostatic discharge and the convenient, portable pop-up box helps to control usage and reduce waste. Take care of your delicate laboratory equipment with KimTech Science Delicate Task Wipers. Stock up today!
Kimberly Clark KimTech Science Kimwipes Delicate Task Wipers, 280 Wipers per Box, 60 Boxes, 16,800 Wipes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 158.05 115.36 210.57 KCC34155.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, KIMTECH SCIENCE KIMWIPES Delicate Task Wipers, KCC 34155, KCC34155 1 1 0 0 1 65
2890 Lagasse KimTech Science Kimwipes Delicate Task Wipers, 14.7 x 16.6 Specialty Wipes (KCC34256) 2890 KCC 34256 18.80 34256 The industry standard for labs and research
KimTech Science Kimwipes Wipers were the first delicate task wipers for laboraties introduced over 60 years ago and since then have been the market leader for wiping surfaces, parts, instruments and lens cleaning in laboratories.
Other products have tried to imitate, but have never matched the original. KimTech Science Kimwipes Wipers are preferred over the leading private label delicate task wipers.
100% virgin fiber for purity. Absorbs 18% more water, 24% faster. Preferred for softness; won’t scratch delicate surfaces when used wet.
KimTech Science Kimwipes Specialty Wipes, 140 Wipes per Box, 15 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 124.10 94.65 162.21 KCC34256.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, KIMTECH SCIENCE KIMWIPES Delicate Task Wipers, 14.7 x 16.6 Wipers KCC 34256, KCC34256 1 1 0 0 1 65
2891 Lagasse KimTech Science Kimwipes Delicate Task Specialty Wipes in Pop-Up Box (KCC34721) 2891 KCC 34721 21.00 34721 The industry standard for labs and research
KimTech Science Kimwipes Wipers were the first delicate task wipers for laboraties introduced over 60 years ago and since then have been the market leader for wiping surfaces, parts, instruments and lens cleaning in laboratories.
Other products have tried to imitate, but have never matched the original. KimTech Science Kimwipes Wipers are preferred over the leading private label delicate task wipers.
100% virgin fiber for purity. Absorbs 18% more water, 24% faster. Preferred for softness; won’t scratch delicate surfaces when used wet.
Offers a unique combination of low-lint tissue softness and multi-ply absorbency that’s perfect for a multitude of delicate tasks. Two-ply, 14.7" x 16.6" wipers. Stores in convenient POP-UP* box. White. 90 wipers per box; 15 boxes per case (1,350 wipers).
KimTech Science Kimwipes Specialty Wipes, 1,350 Wipes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 162.77 114.68 222.24 KCC34721.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, KIMTECH SCIENCE KIMWIPES Delicate Task Wipers in POP-UP Box KCC 34721, KCC34721 1 1 0 0 1 65
2892 Lagasse KimTech Science Kimwipes Lens Cleaning Station, Specialty Wipes (KCC34644) 2892 KCC 34644 16.00 34644 The industry standard for labs and research
KimTech Science Kimwipes Wipers were the first delicate task wipers for laboraties introduced over 60 years ago and since then have been the market leader for wiping surfaces, parts, instruments and lens cleaning in laboratories.
Other products have tried to imitate, but have never matched the original. KimTech Science Kimwipes Wipers are preferred over the leading private label delicate task wipers.
100% virgin fiber for purity. Absorbs 18% more water, 24%faster. Preferred for softness; won’t scratch delicate surfaces when used wet.
Antistatic, antifog and silicone-free cleaning solution quickly and easily removes dirt. Each station includes a 16-oz. bottle of cleaning solution and 1,120 white, 4.5 x 8.5 lens-cleaning wipes. 4 lens cleaning stations per case.
Lens Cleaning Specialty Wipes
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 109.16 83.21 145.62 KCC34644.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, KIMTECH SCIENCE KIMWIPES Lens Cleaning Station KCC 34644, KCC34644 1 1 0 0 1 65
2893 Lagasse Kitchen Charm® Wax Paper Roll, 11.9in x 75-ft. Roll (MCD5016) 2893 MCD 5016 16.20 05016 Use in microwave ovens to prevent splatters without melting into container, or use to wrap food. Melting point 137°F. Features easy-tear cutter bar. Biodegradable and 100% recyclable. 24 rolls per case.
KITCHEN CHARM RL WAX PPR 11.9X75 24 Marcal Paper Mills (Deli) 42.06 29.44 56.54 MCD5016.JPG Kitchen Charm Wax Paper Roll, 11.9in x 75-ft. Roll MCD 5016, MCD5016, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 136
2894 Lagasse Kleen Earth® Straight Shears (ACE41418) 2894 ACE 41418 0.20 ACM41418 Stainless steel blades are sonically welded to 70% recycled plastic handles. 30% post-consumer recycled content. 8in length, 3-1/4in cut. Black handles. Manufacturer’s ten-year warranty.
KLEAN EARTH SCISSORS Acme United Corporation / Westcott 6.88 5.25 9.20 ACE41418.JPG Kleen Earth Straight Shears ACE 41418, ACE41418, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 2
2895 Lagasse Kleencut Stainless Steel Straight Shears (ACE19016) 2895 ACE 19016 0.10 ACM19016 Kleencut Stainless Steel Straight Shears
Rust-resistant, precision ground stainless steel blades with a soft, rubberized grip for comfort. Traditional German design. 6in length, 2-3/4in cut. Black handles. Manufacturer’s ten-year warranty.
Kleencut Scissors 6 inch Stainless Steel , Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Acme United Corporation / Westcott 5.16 3.93 6.97 ACE19016.JPG Kleencut Stainless Steel Straight Shears ACE 19016, ACE19016, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 2
2896 Lagasse Kleenex 1-Ply Hard Roll Paper Hand Towels, 6 Rolls (KCC11090) 2896 KCC 11090 21.00 11090 Hard Roll Paper Towels
Kleenex has designed these hard roll towels to provide superior hand-drying performance with their Absorbency Pockets. The absorbency pockets absorb water fast, for quick and efficient hand drying, allowing for less towel use and helping to cut down on waste. The soft feel and premium performance in these 1-ply roll towels is nothing new for Kleenex, a name brand consumers have trusted for years. These environmentally conscious hard roll paper towels meet EPA standards with a minimum of 40% post consumer waste content. In addition, Kleenex has packaged these hand towels in a smaller case to allow for easier handling and storage. If you are looking for high quality and affordable paper hand towels, look no further. Get some 1-ply Kleenex Hard Roll Paper Hand Towels today!
Kimberly Clark 1-Ply Kleenex Hard Roll Paper Hand Towels, 600 Feet per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 48.40 36.92 63.09 KCC11090.JPG paper towels, hand towels, roll towels, kleenex 1-ply hard roll towels, white paper towels, hard roll towels, roll paper towels, white roll towels, kleenex roll towels, kleenex hard roll towels, kleenex hardwound towels, KCC 11090, KCC11090 1 1 0 0 1 65
2897 Lagasse Kleenex Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, 1 Ply, White, 6 Rolls (KCC50606) 2897 KCC 50606 22.25 50606 Hardwound Roll Towels
These Roll Towels from Kimberly Clark are designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. With a minimum of 40% post-consumer recycled material, these roll towels meet EPA standards. Coming in 600-ft. rolls, these paper towels feature absorbency pockets to absorb a lot of water quickly, so fewer towels are needed to dry hands. This helps reduce waste and lower costs, making these hardwound 8” wide towels ideal for Class A facilities, restaurants, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, churches, business offices, manufacturing facilities and more. Manufactured in the U.S. by Kimberly Clark Professional Paper Products - a brand name you can trust. Stock up today and save!
Kimberly Clark Kleenex Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, 1-Ply, White, 600 Feet per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 64.62 45.69 84.65 KCC50606.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, Kleenex 1-ply hard roll towels, KCC 50606, KCC50606 1 1 0 0 1 65
2898 Lagasse Kleenex Hard Roll Towels, 1-Ply, 12 Rolls (KCC01080) 2898 KCC 01080 30.10 01080 Hard Roll Towels
Kleenex Hard Roll Towels are designed to dispense, stock and install easily. This soft and absorbent paper towel option is an ideal choice for any commercial environment. From offices to hospitals, schools to healthcare facilities, these easy to use, absorbent towels are a perfect fit. Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser, these hard roll towels meet EPA standards with a minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. Kleenex has constructed these towels with Absorbency Pockets, designed to soak up large amounts of water quickly, for improved hand-drying. These soft, premium paper towels are the perfect addition to your restroom. Stock up today on Kleenex Hard Roll Towels and save!
Kimberly Clark Kleenex Hardwound White Roll Towels, 1-Ply, 425 Feet per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 90.44 68.98 118.78 KCC01080.JPG kleenex towels, paper towels, kleenex roll paper towels, kleenex roll towels, kleenex 1-ply hard roll towels, KCC 01080, KCC01080 1 1 0 0 1 65
2900 Lagasse Kleenex Boutique Floral Facial Tissues, 36 Boxes (KCC21269) 2900 KCC 21269 14.50 21269 Kleenex Facial Tissues
This gentle, absorbent Kleenex facial tissue features supreme tissue function and delightful, floral packaging.The appealing design makes these Kleenex facial tissues perfect for any in-home or upscale setting. Easy to maintain, this facial tissue product possesses a feature to alert you when you are running low on facial tissues. Its two-ply structure affords greater strength to put a damper on undesirable leaks. Two-ply, white. 8.4 x 8.6 Kleenex tissues.
Kleenex Boutique Floral Facial Tissue, 95 Tissues per Box, 36 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 82.48 62.91 108.37 KCC21269.JPG kleenex facial tissues, kleenex tissues, kimberly clark tissues, kc tissues, kleenex, facial tissues, tissues, keenex boutique, KCC 21269, KCC21269 1 1 0 0 1 65
2901 Lagasse Kleenex C-Fold Paper Towels, 16 Packs (KCC01500) 2901 KCC 01500 19.80 01500 C-Fold Paper Towels
Top brand name Kimberly Clark designed these c-fold paper hand towels to provide quality, consistency and performance in every case. Kleenex is a name known and trusted for quality products that can be counted on for softness, absorbency and performance. These dependable towels will provide gentle, effective hand drying for your employees and customers. EPA compliant for post-consumer recycled fiber content, these hand towels are perfect for environmentally conscious consumers who want a quality product that is affordably priced. Stock up on Kleenex, 1-ply, embossed hand towels to add a touch of elegance to any restroom, including those in executive offices, high end restaurants and medical facilities. Compatible dispensers are sold separately.
Kimberly Clark Kleenex C-Fold Hand Towels, 150 Towels per Pack, 2,400 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 55.80 42.56 75.72 KCC01500.JPG kleenex c-fold paper towels, kleenex c-fold hand towels, kleenex c-fold towels, kleenex c-fold paper hand towels, KCC 01500, KCC01500 1 1 0 0 1 65
2902 Lagasse Kleenex Cottonelle 2 Ply Coreless Standard Toilet Paper, 36 Rolls (KCC07001) 2902 KCC 07001 24.50 07001 Cottonelle 2 Ply Coreless Standard Toilet Paper
Kleenex Cottonelle 2-Ply Coreless Standard Toilet Paper comes in easy to manage rolls that do not contain any paper core inserts. This means that you get more toilet paper with every roll. Each roll contains 800 sheets of 2-ply white toilet paper, and there are 36 rolls in each case. Using coreless toilet paper rolls is a great solution to run-outs in the home or office because you will have more sheets per roll, saving time on maintenance. Handing of the toilet paper is much easier as well because there are 6 polywrapped packages per case. The Kleenex Cottonelle 2-ply coreless standard toilet paper sheets are 4” by 4” in size and will fit most toilet paper dispensers. Our full selection of Paper Products helps keep your home and office business clean, safe and well stocked. - The wholesale commercial toilet paper supply company buyers trust.
Kleenex Cottonelle 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, Coreless, 800 Sheets per Roll, 36 Rolls, 28,800 Sheets per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 61.83 44.23 80.61 KCC07001.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, coreless toilet paper, coreless toilet tissue, kleenex cottonelle coreless standard roll tissue, KCC 07001, KCC07001 1 1 0 0 1 65
2903 Lagasse Kleenex Cottonelle 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 60 Rolls (KCC17713) 2903 KCC 17713 23.40 17713 Cottonelle Toilet Paper
Offering the best toilet paper on the market, our line of Kleenex Cottonelle toilet paper is quality you can count on. Kleenex Cottonelle toilet paper material is soft, plush, and 2-ply which makes it perfect for the home, office or hotels. The sheet size is 4.09” by 4.0” and will fit in most toilet paper dispensers. All of the toilet paper that we sell is discounted and available at wholesale pricing. Stock up and purchase Kleenex Cottonelle Toilet Paper in case size with 60 toilet paper rolls per case.
Kleenex Cottonelle Toilet Tissue, Standard 2 ply Toilet Paper 4.09" x 4.0" Sheets, 60 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 77.43 59.06 102.19 KCC17713.JPG cottonelle toilet tissue, kleenex cottonelle toilet tissue, cottonelle toilet paper, kleenex cottonelle toilet paper, cottonelle toilet paper coupons, kleenex cottonelle, kleenex toilet paper, toilet tissue, toilet paper, toilet paper roll, KCC 17713, KCC17713 1 1 0 0 1 65
2904 Lagasse Kleenex Tissues, 12 Boxes (KCC03076) 2904 KCC 03076 7.30 03076 Kleenex Facial Tissues
The comfort of home away from home. These Kleenex facial tissue boxes have a SIGNAL feature that alerts you when it’s time to change the box. Two-ply, white. 8.4 x 8.4 facial tissues. Perfect for the home, office. Popular use in schools, day care centers, public facilities and hospitals.
Kimberly Clark Kleenex Facial Tissues 125 Tissues per Box, 12 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Facial Tissues - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 22.28 16.66 29.23 KCC03076.JPG kleenex facial tissues, kleenex tissues, kimberly clark tissues, kc tissues, kleenex, facial tissues, tissues, KCC 03076, KCC03076 1 1 0 0 1 65
2905 Lagasse Kleenex Facial Tissue, 36 Boxes (KCC21400) 2905 KCC 21400 26.30 21400 Facial Tissue
Strong, soft and absorbent, Kleenex brand tissues have been the premier tissues customers have loved since 1924. Always providing the comfort of home in away from home settings, Kleenex Facial Tissues provide a two-ply, white option that comes in 8.4 x 8.4 sheets. Each box features the Signal Feature to alert you when it is time to change the box, ensuring that you won't run out of tissues unexpectedly. One of the most reliable paper products, Kleenex is the most trusted name today when it comes to facial tissues. These affordable tissues provide the ideal combination of high quality and outstanding value. Stock up on Kleenex Facial Tissues today and save!
Kimberly Clark Kleenex Facial Tissues, 100 Tissues per Box, 36 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 58.66 44.74 80.29 KCC21400.JPG kleenex facial tissues, kleenex tissues, kimberly clark tissues, kc tissues, kleenex, facial tissues, tissues, KCC 21400, KCC21400 1 1 0 0 1 65
2906 Lagasse Kleenex Facial Tissues, 48 Boxes (KCC21606) 2906 KCC 21606 23.00 21606 Kleenex Facial Tissues
Kimberly-Clark Kleenex facial tissues have softness, strength and absorbency for your everyday needs. Featuring handsome packaging. Premium feel and performance. America's #1 brand for in-home use. 2 ply, white, 8.4" x 8.4" tissues.
Kimberly Clark Kleenex Facial Tissues, 125 Tissues per Box, 48 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Facial Tissues - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 88.38 67.41 115.28 KCC21606.JPG kleenex facial tissues, kleenex tissues, kimberly clark tissues, kc tissues, kleenex, facial tissues, tissues, KCC21606 1 1 0 0 1 65
2907 Lagasse Kleenex Hygienic Bathroom Tissue (KCC48280) 2907 KCC 48280 15.76 48280 Kleenex Hygenic Bathroom Tissue
Kleenex Hygienic Toilet Paper combines softness, absorbency and durability, and reduces the potential of product contamination. The attractive packaging will spruce up your home or office and the interfold design offers a unique one-at-a-time dispensing method for easy maintenance. The toilet paper is two-ply and the sheet size is 4.5” x 8.3”.
Our full selection of Paper Products will keep your home, office and business clean, safe and well stocked.
Stock Up and Save Now!
Kleenex Hygienic 2-Ply Toilet Tissue, 250 Sheets per Pack, 36 Packs per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Paper & Dispensers » 2 ply Standard Toilet Paper - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 42.79 32.63 56.34 KCC48280.JPG kleenex hygienic bathroom tissue KCC 48280, KCC48280, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2908 Lagasse Kleenex Junior Facial Tissues, 48 Boxes (KCC21195) 2908 KCC 21195 10.00 21195 Kleenex Junior Facial Tissue
Discover the soft, gentle touch of Kleenex Junior Facial Tissue, for the home or office. Delivering premium quality, with outstanding value. This gentle, absorbent, 2-ply facial tissue is perfect for a residential environment, commercial location, school, or healthcare environment. These white, 8.4 x 5.8 sized sheets are a perfect fit for any location. Coming 65 tissues to a box and 48 boxes per case, these quality facial tissues are the perfect choice for any location or environment.
Kimberly Clark Kleenex Junior Facial Tissues, 65 Tissues per Box, 48 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 58.78 41.66 78.20 KCC21195.JPG kleenex tissue, kleenex tissues, kleenex facial tissues, kleenex facial tissue, KCC 21400, KCC21400, facial tissue, facial tissues, tissues, kleenex junior facial tissue, kleenex junior facial tissues, KCC 21195, KCC21195 1 1 0 0 1 65
2910 Lagasse Kleenex Hand Towels, Multi-Fold Towels, 16 Packs (KCC01890) 2910 KCC 01890 13.10 01890 Kleenex Hand Towels
Quality Kleenex Multi-fold Hand Towels meets EPA standards with a minimum of 40% post-consumer waste. Features soft and absorbent 1-ply paper hand towels. Environmentally conscious and a great economical alternative to the more expensive name brands, Kleenex's high-quality folded towels are thicker, stronger and more absorbent, so you use less. These one-ply paper towels will fit into any standard folded towel dispenser. White. 9.2 x 9.4 sheet size. Environmentally conscious.
Kleenex Multi-Fold Hand Towels, 16 Packs per Case, 150 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 2,400 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 44.56 33.98 58.50 KCC01890.JPG kleenex hand towels, kleenex paper towels, kleenex multi-fold towels, kleenex multifold hand towels, kleenex multifold paper towels, kleenex multi-fold hand towels, KCC 01890, KCC01890 1 1 0 0 1 65
2912 Lagasse Kleenex Premiere Center-Pull Hand Towels, 6 Rolls (KCC01076) 2912 KCC 01076 10.10 01076 Center-Pull Hand Towels
Designed to allow for individuals to never have to touch the dispenser; these center-pull towels from Kleenex are known for their superior quality product performance and premium protection. Provides protection against cross-contamination, the center-pull design allows for users to touch only the hand towel they’ll use. Meets EPA standards. Minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. White, 8 x 15 sheets. Environmentally conscious.
Kimberly Clark Kleenex Center-Pull Hand Towels, 1-Ply, 6.8" Diameter, 150 Towels per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Centerpull Paper Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 74.16 54.86 100.90 KCC01076.JPG paper product, paper products, hand towel, hand towels, paper towel, paper towels, KLEENEX PREMIERE Center-Pull Hand Towels, One-Ply, KCC 01076, KCC01076 1 1 0 0 1 65
2913 Lagasse Kleenex Premiere Center-Pull Hand Towels, 4 Rolls (KCC01320) 2913 KCC 01320 11.30 01320 Kleenex Premiere Center-Pull Hand Towels
Kleenex Premiere Center-Pull Hand Towels are perfect protection against the spread of germs and bacteria in public restrooms. These center-pull towels are designed so that individuals touch only the hand towel they will use, cutting down on cross contamination. These towels provide easy one-hand dispensing, eliminating the need for a lever, which often is just one more source of germs. Kleenex is a brand known for its superior product performance and premium quality and these center pull hand towels are no exception. Switch to Kleenex Center Pull Hand Towels for your restroom to provide a touch-free dispenser for your customers that requires no batteries or electricity.
Kimberly Clark Kleenex Premiere Center-Pull Hand Towels, 250 Towels per Roll, 4 Rolls per Case – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 79.96 60.98 108.21 KCC01320.JPG paper products,paper product, hand towel, hand towels, center-pull hand towel, KLEENEX PREMIERE Center-Pull Hand Towels, One-Ply, KCC 01320, KCC01320 1 1 0 0 1 65
2916 Lagasse Kleenex Single Fold Towels with Pop-Up Box, 2,160 Towels (KCC01701) 2916 KCC 01701 15.00 01701 Kleenex Single-Fold Towels in Pop-Up Box
Kleenex Single-Fold Towels come with a hygienic dispensing box that eliminates messy stacks of towels. Kleenex Single-Fold Towels provides exceptional softness, thickness and absorbency. Coming complete with a splash and water-resistant pop-up box, the coating on the Kleenex pop up box prevents it from getting wet. Meets EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste content for towels: 40%. 9 x 10-1/2 sheet size.
Kimberly-Clark Kleenex Towels, Pop-Up Box, 9" x 10-1/2", White, 120 Towels per Box, 18 Boxes, 2,160 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 65.60 49.76 85.76 KCC01701.JPG single fold towel, single fold towels, paper towel, paper towels, paper product, paper products, KLEENEX Single-Fold Hand Towels in a POP-UP Box, KCC 01701, KCC01701 1 1 0 0 1 65
2917 Lagasse Kleengard Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, X-Large, 25 Coveralls (KCC46004) 2917 KCC 46004 15.00 46004 Splash & Particle Protection Apparel
Patented Microforce barrier fabric with superior particulate holdout and excellent breathability. Made of heavier fabric for more durability. Ideal for automotive and assembly operation. Zipper Front with 1" Flap; Elastic Back, White.
Kleengard A30 Breathable Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, X-Large, 25 Coveralls per Case. Kimberly Clark Professional 106.61 76.52 139.33 KCC46004.JPG KLEENGUARD A30 Breathable Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front with 1in Flap; Elastic Back, 25 Coveralls per Case, X-Large KCC 46004, KCC46004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2918 Lagasse Kleengard Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, 2X-Large, 25 Coveralls (KCC46005) 2918 KCC 46005 16.00 46005 Splash & Particle Protection Apparel
Patented Microforce barrier fabric with superior particulate holdout and excellent breathability. Made of heavier fabric for more durability. Ideal for automotive and assembly operation. Zipper Front with 1" Flap; Elastic Back, White.
Kleengard A30 Breathable Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, 2X-Large, 25 Coveralls per Case. Kimberly Clark Professional 112.03 76.52 151.30 KCC46005.JPG KLEENGUARD A30 Breathable Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front with 1in Flap; Elastic Back, 25 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large KCC 46005, KCC46005, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2919 Lagasse Kleengard A30 Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, Large, 25 Coveralls (KCC46103) 2919 KCC 46103 14.00 46103 Splash & Particle Protection Apparel
Patented Microforce barrier fabric with superior particulate holdout and excellent breathability. Made of heavier fabric for more durability. Ideal for automotive and assembly operation. Zipper Front with 1" Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles, White.
Kleengard A30 Breathable Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, Large, 25 Coveralls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 116.36 80.68 154.09 KCC46103.JPG KLEENGUARD A30 Breathable Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front with 1in Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles, 25 Coveralls per Case, Large KCC 46103, KCC46103, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2920 Lagasse Kleengard A30 Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, X-Large, 25 Coveralls (KCC46104) 2920 KCC 46104 15.00 46104 Splash & Particle Protection Apparel
Patented Microforce barrier fabric with superior particulate holdout and excellent breathability. Made of heavier fabric for more durability. Ideal for automotive and assembly operation. Zipper Front with 1" Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles, White.
Kleengard A30 Breathable Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, X-Large, 25 Coveralls per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 116.36 79.48 157.08 KCC46104.JPG KLEENGUARD A30 Breathable Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front with 1in Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles, 25 Coveralls per Case, X-Large KCC 46104, KCC46104, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2921 Lagasse KLEENGUARD Coveralls 25 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large (KCC46105) 2921 KCC 46105 16.00 46105 Patented Microforce™ barrier fabric with superior particulate holdout and excellent breathability. Made of heavier fabric for more durability. Ideal for automotive and assembly operation. White.
KLEENGARD A30 CVRLL 2XL ZIP/FLAP/ELAS 25 Kimberly Clark Professional 116.36 79.48 156.43 KCC46105.JPG KLEENGUARD A30 Breathable Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front with 1in Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles, 25 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large KCC 46105, KCC46105, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2922 Lagasse KLEENGUARD Coveralls, 25 Coveralls per Case, X-Large (KCC46114) 2922 KCC 46114 15.50 46114 Patented Microforce™ barrier fabric with superior particulate holdout and excellent breathability. Made of heavier fabric for more durability. Ideal for automotive and assembly operation. White.
KLEENGARD A30 CVRLL XL ZIP/FLAP/ELAS/HOOD 25 Kimberly Clark Professional 120.71 85.48 160.60 KCC46114.JPG KLEENGUARD A30 Breathable Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front with 1in Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles; Hood, 25 Coveralls per Case, X-Large KCC 46114, KCC46114, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2923 Lagasse KLEENGUARD Coveralls, 25 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large (KCC46115) 2923 KCC 46115 16.50 46115 Patented Microforce™ barrier fabric with superior particulate holdout and excellent breathability. Made of heavier fabric for more durability. Ideal for automotive and assembly operation. White.
KLEENGARD A30 CVRLL 2XL ZIP/FLAP/ELAS/HOOD 25 Kimberly Clark Professional 117.33 85.48 160.56 KCC46115.JPG KLEENGUARD A30 Breathable Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front with 1in Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles; Hood, 25 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large KCC 46115, KCC46115, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2924 Lagasse KLEENGUARD Coveralls, 21 Coveralls per Case, 4X-Large (KCC46117) 2924 KCC 46117 15.30 46117 Patented Microforce™ barrier fabric with superior particulate holdout and excellent breathability. Made of heavier fabric for more durability. Ideal for automotive and assembly operation. White.
KLEENGARD A30 CVRLL 4XL ZIP/FLAP/ELAS/HOOD 21 Kimberly Clark Professional 116.02 85.54 158.59 KCC46117.JPG KLEENGUARD A30 Breathable Splash & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front with 1in Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles; Hood, 21 Coveralls per Case, 4X-Large KCC 46117, KCC46117, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2925 Lagasse KLEENGUARD* A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front, 25 Coveralls per Case, Large (KCC44303) 2925 KCC 44303 11.90 44303 Provides better liquid and particulate barriers—excellent replacement for Tyvek®. Passes NFPA 99 Criteria for antistatic materials. Meets ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 sizing standard. White.
KLEENGARD A40 CVRLL LG ZIP 25 Kimberly Clark Professional 93.01 65.62 124.31 KCC44303.JPG KLEENGUARD A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front, 25 Coveralls per Case, Large KCC 44303, KCC44303, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
2926 Lagasse KLEENGUARD A40 Coveralls, Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, X-Large, 25 Coveralls (KCC44304) 2926 KCC 44304 13.00 44304 KLEENGUARD A40 Coveralls
Provides excellent liquid and particulate barrier protection. Passes ASTM F1670 testing for penetration of blood and body fluids and NFPA 99 Criteria for antistatic materials. Meets ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 sizing standard.
Includes 25 pairs of coveralls.
Kimberly Clark Professional KleenGuard A40 Coveralls, White, Size X-Large, 12 Coveralls Kimberly Clark Professional 96.16 65.62 130.80 KCC44304.JPG KLEENGUARD A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front, 25 Coveralls per Case, X-Large KCC 44304, KCC44304, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2927 Lagasse Kleenguard 2X-Large A40 Liquid & Particle Protection, Zipper Front, 25 Coveralls (KCC44305) 2927 KCC 44305 13.80 44305 Kleenguard 2X-Large A40 Zipper Front Coveralls
Provides excellent liquid and particulate barrier protection. Passes ASTM F1670 testing for penetration of blood and body fluids and NFPA 99 Criteria for antistatic materials. Meets ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 sizing standard.
Includes 25 pairs of coveralls.
Kimberly Clark Kleenguard 2X-Large A40 Zipper Front Coveralls, 25 Coveralls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 90.69 65.62 119.89 KCC44305.JPG Kleenguard 2X-Large A40 Zipper Front Coveralls, liquid and particle protection apparel, 2-xl coveralls, KCC 44305, KCC44305, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2928 Lagasse Kleenguard A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Large, 25 Coveralls (KCC44313) 2928 KCC 44313 12.20 44313 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel
Provides better liquid and particulate barriers—excellent replacement for Tyvek. Passes NFPA 99 Criteria for antistatic materials. Meets ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 sizing standard. Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles, White.
Kleenguard A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Large, 25 Coveralls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 103.24 72.60 139.12 KCC44313.JPG KLEENGUARD A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles, 25 Coveralls per Case, Large KCC 44313, KCC44313, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2929 Lagasse Kleenguard A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, X-Large, 25 Coveralls (KCC44314) 2929 KCC 44314 12.70 44314 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel
Provides better liquid and particulate barriers—excellent replacement for Tyvek. Passes NFPA 99 Criteria for antistatic materials. Meets ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 sizing standard. Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles, White.
Kleenguard A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, X-Large, 25 Coveralls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 106.48 72.60 142.78 KCC44314.JPG KLEENGUARD A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles, 25 Coveralls per Case, X-Large KCC 44314, KCC44314, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2930 Lagasse Kleenguard A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, 2X-Large, 25 Coveralls (KCC44315) 2930 KCC 44315 14.10 44315 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel
Provides better liquid and particulate barriers—excellent replacement for Tyvek. Passes NFPA 99 Criteria for antistatic materials. Meets ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 sizing standard. Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles, White.
Kleenguard A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, 2X-Large, 25 Coveralls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 105.70 72.60 143.17 KCC44315.JPG KLEENGUARD A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles, 25 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large KCC 44315, KCC44315, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2931 Lagasse Kleenguard A40 Hooded Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Large, 25 (KCC44323) 2931 KCC 44323 12.80 44323 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel with Hood
Provides better liquid and particulate barriers—excellent replacement for Tyvek. Passes NFPA 99 Criteria for antistatic materials. Meets ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 sizing standard. Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles; Hood, White.
Kleenguard A40 Hooded Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Large, 25 Coveralls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 109.92 77.31 148.34 KCC44323.JPG KLEENGUARD A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles; Hood, 25 Coveralls per Case, Large KCC 44323, KCC44323, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2932 Lagasse Kleenguard A40 Hooded Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, X-Large, 25 (KCC44324) 2932 KCC 44324 13.90 44324 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel with Hood
Provides better liquid and particulate barriers—excellent replacement for Tyvek. Passes NFPA 99 Criteria for antistatic materials. Meets ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 sizing standard. Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles; Hood, White.
Kleenguard A40 Hooded Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, X-Large, 25 Coveralls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 110.20 77.31 146.46 KCC44324.JPG KLEENGUARD A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles; Hood, 25 Coveralls per Case, X-Large KCC 44324, KCC44324, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2933 Lagasse Kleenguard A40 Hooded Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, 2X-Large, 25 (KCC44325) 2933 KCC 44325 14.50 44325 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel with Hood
Provides better liquid and particulate barriers—excellent replacement for Tyvek. Passes NFPA 99 Criteria for antistatic materials. Meets ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 sizing standard. Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles; Hood, White.
Kleenguard A40 Hooded Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, 2X-Large, 25 Coveralls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 113.49 77.31 150.72 KCC44325.JPG KLEENGUARD A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles; Hood, 25 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large KCC 44325, KCC44325, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2934 Lagasse Kleenguard A40 Hood & Boots Protection Apparel, X-Large, 25 Coveralls (KCC44334) 2934 KCC 44334 14.60 44334 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel with Hood & Boots
Provides better liquid and particulate barriers—excellent replacement for Tyvek. Passes NFPA 99 Criteria for antistatic materials. Meets ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 sizing standard. Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles; Hood & Boots, White.
Kleenguard A40 Hood & Boots Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, X-Large, 25 Coveralls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 118.61 85.18 156.10 KCC44334.JPG KLEENGUARD A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles; Hood & Boots, 25 Coveralls per Case, X-Large KCC 44334, KCC44334, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2935 Lagasse Kleenguard A40 Hood & Boots Protection Apparel, 2X-Large, 25 Coveralls (KCC44335) 2935 KCC 44335 16.00 44335 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel with Hood & Boots
Provides better liquid and particulate barriers—excellent replacement for Tyvek. Passes NFPA 99 Criteria for antistatic materials. Meets ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 sizing standard. Zipper Front; Elastic Wrists & Ankles; Hood & Boots, White.
Kleenguard A40 Hood & Boots Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, 2X-Large, 25 Coveralls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 118.52 85.18 161.05 KCC44335.JPG KLEENGUARD A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles; Hood & Boots, 25 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large KCC 44335, KCC44335, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2936 Lagasse KLEENGUARD Coveralls, 24 Coveralls per Case, Large (KCC45003) 2936 KCC 45003 12.50 45003 Three-layer fabric construction features a middle layer of microporus film that allows heat and sweat vapor to escape while protecting against dry particulates and liquid. Passes ASTM F1670/1671 testing for penetration of blood, body fluids and blood-borne pathogens. Denim Blue.
KLEENGARD A60 CVRLL LG ZIP/FLAP/ELAS DENIM 24 Kimberly Clark Professional 153.21 109.87 208.34 KCC45003.JPG KLEENGUARD A60 Bloodborne Pathogen & Chemical Splash Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Storm Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles, 24 Coveralls per Case, Large KCC 45003, KCC45003, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2937 Lagasse KLEENGUARD Coveralls, 24 Coveralls per Case, X-Large (KCC45004) 2937 KCC 45004 13.00 45004 Three-layer fabric construction features a middle layer of microporus film that allows heat and sweat vapor to escape while protecting against dry particulates and liquid. Passes ASTM F1670/1671 testing for penetration of blood, body fluids and blood-borne pathogens. Denim Blue.
KLEENGARD A60 CVRLL XL ZIP/FLAP/ELAS DENIM 24 Kimberly Clark Professional 153.21 109.87 201.35 KCC45004.JPG KLEENGUARD A60 Bloodborne Pathogen & Chemical Splash Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Storm Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles, 24 Coveralls per Case, X-Large KCC 45004, KCC45004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2938 Lagasse KLEENGUARD Coveralls, 24 Coveralls per Case, XX-Large (KCC45005) 2938 KCC 45005 14.10 45005 Three-layer fabric construction features a middle layer of microporus film that allows heat and sweat vapor to escape while protecting against dry particulates and liquid. Passes ASTM F1670/1671 testing for penetration of blood, body fluids and blood-borne pathogens. Denim Blue.
KLEENGARD A60 CVRLL 2XL ZIP/FLAP/ELAS DENIM 24 Kimberly Clark Professional 148.99 109.87 203.26 KCC45005.JPG KLEENGUARD A60 Bloodborne Pathogen & Chemical Splash Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Storm Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles, 24 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large KCC 45005, KCC45005, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2939 Lagasse KLEENGUARD Coveralls, 24 Coveralls per Case, Large (KCC45023) 2939 KCC 45023 13.00 45023 Three-layer fabric construction features a middle layer of microporus film that allows heat and sweat vapor to escape while protecting against dry particulates and liquid. Passes ASTM F1670/1671 testing for penetration of blood, body fluids and blood-borne pathogens. Denim Blue.
KLEENGARD A60 CVRLL LG ZIP/FLAP/ELAS/HOOD DENIM 24 Kimberly Clark Professional 166.69 119.50 224.31 KCC45023.JPG KLEENGUARD A60 Bloodborne Pathogen & Chemical Splash Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Storm Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles; Hood, 24 Coveralls per Case, Large KCC 45023, KCC45023, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2940 Lagasse KLEENGUARD Coveralls, 24 Coveralls per Case, X-Large (KCC45024) 2940 KCC 45024 13.50 45024 Three-layer fabric construction features a middle layer of microporus film that allows heat and sweat vapor to escape while protecting against dry particulates and liquid. Passes ASTM F1670/1671 testing for penetration of blood, body fluids and blood-borne pathogens. Denim Blue.
KLEENGARD A60 CVRLL XL ZIP/FLAP/ELAS/HOOD DENIM 24 Kimberly Clark Professional 166.69 119.50 222.63 KCC45024.JPG KLEENGUARD A60 Bloodborne Pathogen & Chemical Splash Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Storm Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles; Hood, 24 Coveralls per Case, X-Large KCC 45024, KCC45024, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2941 Lagasse KLEENGUARD Coveralls; 24 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large (KCC45025) 2941 KCC 45025 14.50 45025 Three-layer fabric construction features a middle layer of microporus film that allows heat and sweat vapor to escape while protecting against dry particulates and liquid. Passes ASTM F1670/1671 testing for penetration of blood, body fluids and blood-borne pathogens. Denim Blue.
KLEENGARD A60 CVRLL 2XL ZIP/FLAP/ELAS/HOOD/BOOT DENIM 24 Kimberly Clark Professional 166.69 119.50 224.07 KCC45025.JPG KLEENGUARD A60 Bloodborne Pathogen & Chemical Splash Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Storm Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles; Hood, 24 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large KCC 45025, KCC45025, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2942 Lagasse KLEENGUARD Coveralls, 24 Coveralls per Case, X-Large (KCC45094) 2942 KCC 45094 15.00 45094 Three-layer fabric construction features a middle layer of microporus film that allows heat and sweat vapor to escape while protecting against dry particulates and liquid. Passes ASTM F1670/1671 testing for penetration of blood, body fluids and blood-borne pathogens. Denim Blue.
KLEENGARD A60 CVRLL XL ZIP/FLAP/ELAS/HOOD/BOOT DENIM 24 Kimberly Clark Professional 176.91 134.93 231.55 KCC45094.JPG KLEENGUARD A60 Bloodborne Pathogen & Chemical Splash Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Storm Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles; Hood & Boots, 24 Coveralls per Case, X-Large KCC 45094, KCC45094, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2943 Lagasse KLEENGUARD Coveralls, 24 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large (KCC45095) 2943 KCC 45095 16.00 45095 Three-layer fabric construction features a middle layer of microporus film that allows heat and sweat vapor to escape while protecting against dry particulates and liquid. Passes ASTM F1670/1671 testing for penetration of blood, body fluids and blood-borne pathogens. Denim Blue.
KLEENGARD A60 CVRLL 2XL ZIP/FLAP/ELAS/HOOD/BOOT DENIM 24 Kimberly Clark Professional 173.26 120.82 225.82 KCC45095.JPG KLEENGUARD A60 Bloodborne Pathogen & Chemical Splash Protection Apparel, Zipper Front; Storm Flap; Elastic Back, Wrists & Ankles; Hood & Boots, 24 Coveralls per Case, 2X-Large KCC 45095, KCC45095, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2944 Lagasse Kleenguard G10 Blue Nitrile Gloves, Powder-Free, Medium, 100 Gloves (KCC57372) 2944 KCC 57372 1.73 57372 Blue Nitrile Gloves
These nitrile gloves from Kimberly Clark are excellent for use in a number of applications that require hand protection. Safe for those with latex allergies, Kleenguard Nitrile Gloves also provide more durability than latex. Their high degree of flexibility and superior resistance to many types of chemicals, oils and acids makes these nitrile gloves an ideal choice for use in manufacturing environments. Kimberly Clark designed these gloves to be ambidextrous, fitting either hand, while the textured fingertips provide a more stable grip for even the most slippery jobs. These nitrile gloves have low resistance to friction, so they are easy to slide on without the use of powder. USDA and FDA approved for food handling, Kleenguard Nitrile Gloves provide maximum dexterity without sacrificing protection. For the jobs that require reliable hand and product protection, choose Kleenguard Nitrile Gloves. Stock up today!
Kimberly Clark Kleenguard G10 Blue Nitrile Gloves, Powder-Free, Medium, 100 per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 11.97 9.13 16.09 KCC57372.JPG KLEENGUARD G10 Blue Nitrile Gloves, 100 Gloves per Dispenser, Medium Size KCC 57372, KCC57372, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2945 Lagasse KLEENGUARD G10 Blue Nitrile Gloves, 100 Large Gloves (KCC57373) 2945 KCC 57373 1.95 57373 Kleenguard Powder Free Nitrile Gloves
Designed for tasks requiring maximum dexterity without sacrificing protection. Latex-free, powder-free. Textured fingertips. Approved for food handling. 9.5in length; 6 mils thick. 100 gloves per dispensers pack. Sold as dispenser pack.
Kimberly Clark Professional 11.97 9.13 16.20 KCC57373.JPG KLEENGUARD G10 Blue Nitrile Gloves, 100 Gloves per Dispenser, Large Size KCC 57373, KCC57373, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2946 Lagasse KLEENGUARD G10 Blue Nitrile Gloves, 90 Gloves per Dispenser, X-Large Size (KCC57374) 2946 KCC 57374 2.10 57374 Designed for tasks requiring maximum dexterity without sacrificing protection. Latex-free, powder-free. Textured fingertips. Approved for food handling. 9.5in length; 6 mils thick.
KLEENGARD G10 PWDR-FREE GLOVE XL RBR-LTX 90 Kimberly Clark Professional 12.40 9.46 16.29 KCC57374.JPG KLEENGUARD G10 Blue Nitrile Gloves, 90 Gloves per Dispenser, X-Large Size KCC 57374, KCC57374, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
2950 Lagasse Safety Klever Kutter, 3 Cutters per Pack (SANKK403) 2950 SAN KK403 1.30 KK403 Disposable safety cutter prevents costly injuries and damage to products. Patented design features a recessed blade that virtually eliminates injuries. Prevents damage to carton contents by allowing only a minimal portion of the blade to penetrate the carton surface. Dual stainless steel blade lasts twice as long as typical single-blade cutters. Eliminates the need to change blades. Ergonomic contour design with molded ridges fits perfectly in any hand and ensures a secure grip. NSF Listed and dishwashersafe. High-density plastic with stainless steel blade. Red color provides visibility in cluttered environments.
SAFETY KLEVER KUTTER 24/3 San Jamar Dispenser 8.13 6.20 10.80 SANKK403.JPG Klever Kutter, 3 Cutters per Pack SAN KK403, SANKK403, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
2953 Lagasse Koala Kare Vertical Baby Changing Station, Cream (KKPKB101-00) 2953 KKP KB101-00 20.00 KB101-00 Koala Kare Baby Changing Station Vertical
Koala... It's how public establishments say "welcome" to parents and their children. Koala is the recognized child care expert at the forefront of the family friendly culture for public establishments. Baby Changing Stations are Koala’s core business, so they are always on the leading edge of quality, safety and innovation. This vertical changing station features a smooth, concave changing area with nylon straps to keep infants and toddlers safe. The Microban antimicrobial protection inhibits the bacteria growth and the spread of germs. The convenient side hooks allow you to hang your purse or bags out of the way of the changing area without having to put them on the floor. The built-in liner dispenser is located conveniently at eye level and a concealed pneumatic cylinder and metal chassis ensure reliable operation and sturdy mounting. Blow-molded high-density polyethylene construction. Molded-in liner dispenser. Reinforced full-length steel-on-steel hinge mechanism with steel mounting plates and supports (mounting hardware incl.). Pneumatic cylinder provides controlled, slow, one-handed opening and closing of changing bed. 400-lb. static load capacity. ADA Compliant when properly installed. Bed pulls down from wall and opens to 22" wide x 35" deep x 35.5 " high; closes shut against wall to 22" wide x 5.35" deep x 35.5" high. Shipping weight: 20 lbs.
Koala Kare Vertical Baby Changing Station, Cream, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company that buyers trust.
Skin Care & Hand Soaps » Baby Care Products » Koala Kare 244.59 186.55 334.10 KKPKB10100.JPG koala kare vertical baby changing station, KKP KB101-00, KKPKB10100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 165
2954 Lagasse Boardwalk 350 ft. Brown Kraft Paper 1-Ply Roll Towels, 12 Rolls (BWK6252) 2954 BWK 6252 22.40 6252 Brown Roll Towels
Boardwalk has designed these towels in Hardwound rolls with no perforations. These superior quality, non-perforated natural brown paper towel rolls are designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms and bathroom areas when combined with the appropriate dispenser. Perfect for use in bathrooms, cafeterias and kitchens, these 350 ft. towel rolls are ideal for schools, nursing homes, businesses, offices, and more. While they are ideal for hand washing, these brown roll paper towels are great for general cleaning and dusting, as well as glass cleaning. Coming in cases of 12 Rolls, and measuring 8" x 350', these quality roll towels are ideal for any commercial or residential environment. Stock up today and save!
Boardwalk Kraft Paper Brown Non-Perforated 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Towels, 350 ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 21.48 15.87 29.30 BWK6252.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, Hardwound Roll Towel, Hardwound Roll Towels, Kraft Nonperforated 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Towels, BWK 6252, BWK6252 1 1 0 0 1 123
2955 Lagasse Boardwalk 800 ft. Nonperforated Brown Roll Hand Towels, 6 Rolls (BWK 6256) 2955 BWK 6256 24.60 BWK 6256 Hardwound Brown Roll Towels
These hardwound towels were designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms and bathroom areas. The natural, non-perforated brown roll towels from Boardwalk are a great value for use in the appropriate roll towel dispensers. These superior quality 1-ply hardwound towels are ideal for high-traffic areas like office buildings, businesses, schools, nursing homes and more. The 800 ft. rolls are easy to store and the large size saves money by cutting down on time and maintenance. These brown roll paper towels are also great for general cleaning, as well as glass cleaning. Coming in cases of 6 rolls, these quality towels are ideal for most commercial or residential environments.
Boardwalk Kraft Nonperforated 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Towels, 800 Feet per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 25.77 19.66 35.10 BWK6256.JPG hand towels, roll towels, hard roll towels, brown hand towels, hardwound roll towels, kraft paper towels, brown roll towels, continuous roll towels, 800' brown roll towels, nonperforated roll towels, BWK 6256, BWK6256 1 1 0 0 1 123
2956 Lagasse Boardwalk 600 ft. Kraft Paper Hardwound Roll Towels, 12 Rolls (BWK6260) 2956 BWK 6260 36.90 6260 Brown Hardwound Roll Towels
These natural, non-perforated brown roll towels from Boardwalk offer high quality absorbancy as well as a great value. Known for their superior quality, Boardwalk's line of 1-ply hardwound towels are ideal for high-traffic areas like office buildings, businesses, schools, nursing homes and more. The 600 ft. rolls are easy to store and the large size saves money by cutting down on time and maintenance. These brown roll paper towels are also great for general cleaning, as well as glass cleaning. Coming in cases of 12 rolls, these quality towels are ideal for most commercial or residential environments.
Boardwalk Kraft Non-perforated Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, 1-Ply, 600 Feet per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case
Boardwalk Paper 40.24 30.37 52.59 BWK6260.JPG brown paper towels, brown roll paper towels, brown roll paper hand towels, kraft paper nonperforated 1-ply hardwound roll hand towels, BWK 6260, BWK6260 1 1 0 0 1 123
2957 Lagasse Boardwalk 18" Wide Kraft Paper Rolls, 900 ft. (BWKKFT1840900) 2957 BWK KFT1840900 15.66 KFT1840900 40 # Kraft Paper Roll
Quality Brown Kraft Paper, Wrapping Paper. Width 18 inches, Roll length 900 ft.
Boardwalk Kraft Paper, 18"x 900', 40#, Brown, 1 Roll per Case Boardwalk Paper 17.28 12.84 23.17 BWKKFT1840900.JPG brown paper rolls, brown kraft paper, brown kraft paper rolls, kraft paper rolls, 18" kraft paper, BWK KFT1840900, BWKKFT1840900, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
2958 Lagasse 24" Wide Kraft Paper Rolls, 1,000 ft. Roll (BWKKFT24301000) 2958 BWK KFT24301000 21.00 KFT24301000 Kraft Paper Roll - 1,000 ft. Roll
Versatile, enough for multiple uses this 1,000-foot roll of quality brown Kraft Paper made by Boardwalk offers a value for multiple uses. The paper on the roll is 24 inches wide, making it ideal for use as wrapping paper, table liners art rooms, schools or restaurant settings as well as for other commercial uses. Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with an appropriate dispenser, this high quality paper roll is perfect for any environment. From residential homes to cleaning professionals and janitorial fleet bathroom and kitchen restocking.
Boardwalk Kraft Paper Rolls, 24" Wide, 1,000 ft. Roll, 1 Roll - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 24.14 17.40 32.48 BWKKFT24301000.JPG kraft paper towels, kraft roll paper, roll paper, BWK KFT24301000, BWKKFT24301000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
2959 Lagasse 24in Wide Kraft Paper Rolls, 900 ft. (BWKKFT2440900) 2959 BWK KFT2440900 20.88 KFT2440900 Kraft Paper Roll
Quality Brown Kraft Paper, Wrapping paper. Discount wholesale foodservice supplies.
Width 24in.
Roll length 900 ft.
Kraft Paper 24"x 900' 40# Brown 1 Roll per Case Boardwalk Paper 23.28 17.52 30.92 BWKKFT2440900.JPG Kraft Paper Rolls, 24in Wide BWK KFT2440900, BWKKFT2440900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
2960 Lagasse 36" Wide Kraft Paper Roll, 1,000 ft. Roll (BWKKFT36301000) 2960 BWK KFT36301000 31.00 KFT36301000 Kraft Paper Roll
Quality brown kraft wrapping paper.
Width: 36 inch
Roll length: 1,000 ft.
Kaft Paper 36"x 1000' 30# Brown, 1 Roll per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust
Boardwalk Paper 36.77 24.40 48.51 BWKKFT36301000.JPG kraft rolls, kraft paper, kraft paper rolls, 36in wide, BWK KFT36301000, BWKKFT36301000, restaurant supplies, food service supplies 1 1 0 0 1 123
2961 Lagasse 36in Wide Kraft Paper Rolls, 900 ft. (BWKKFT3640900) 2961 BWK KFT3640900 30.52 KFT3640900 40 # Kraft Paper Roll
Quality Brown Kraft Paper, Wrapping paper. Discount wholesale foodservice supplies. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kraft Paper 36"x 900' 40# Brown 1Roll per Case
Boardwalk Paper 35.03 25.67 45.80 BWKKFT3640900.JPG Kraft Paper Rolls, 36in Wide BWK KFT3640900, BWKKFT3640900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
2962 Lagasse 36in Wide Kraft Paper Rolls, 700 ft. (BWKKFT3650700) 2962 BWK KFT3650700 30.72 KFT3650700 36 inch Wide Kraft Paper Rolls, 700 ft
This is a 700-foot roll of quality brown Kraft Paper made by Boardwalk. The paper on the roll is 36 inches wide, making it ideal for use as wrapping paper in commercial or restaurant settings or for other commercial uses.
Kraft Paper. 36" x 700', Brown. 1 Roll per case - The wholesale Kraft Paper Roll supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 35.32 26.94 46.03 BWKKFT3650700.JPG Kraft Paper Rolls, 36in Wide BWK KFT3650700, BWKKFT3650700, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
2963 Lagasse 36in Wide Kraft Paper Rolls, 600 ft. (BWKKFT3660600) 2963 BWK KFT3660600 34.00 KFT3660600 Kraft Paper Roll
Quality Brown Kraft Paper, Wrapping paper. Discount wholesale foodservice supplies.
Width 36in.
Roll length 600 ft.
Kraft Paper 36"x 600' 60# Brown 1Roll per Case Boardwalk Paper 33.62 25.64 43.69 BWKKFT3660600.JPG Kraft Paper Rolls, 36in Wide BWK KFT3660600, BWKKFT3660600, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
2964 Lagasse Boardwalk Kraft 1-Ply Single Fold Towels, 9" x 9.45", 4,000 Towels (BWK6210) 2964 BWK 6210 18.90 6210 Boardwalk Kraft Single Fold Paper Towels
Absorbent and easy to stock, Kraft Single Fold Towels are the perfect disposable hand towel choice. Coming with 250 towels per pack our quality brown Kraft Paper made by Boardwalk are the perfect choice for almost any environment where cleanliness is needed. Coming in at a 9 x 9.45 sheet size, these absorbent paper towels are perfect for any commercial or restaurant settings as well as any residential or commercial use. Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with an appropriate dispenser, this high quality paper towels is perfect for any environment. From residential homes to cleaning professionals and janitorial fleet bathroom and kitchen restocking, Kraft Paper Towels fit in any environment.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Singlefold Towels
Boardwalk Kraft Single Fold Towels, 1 Ply, Brown, 9" x 9.45", 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 21.62 16.23 28.83 BWK6210.JPG singlefold towels, single fold paper towel, brown paper towels, kraft paper products, kraft single-fold towels, brown hand towels, BWK 6210, BWK6210, paper supplies, breakroom supplies 1 1 0 0 1 123
2965 Lagasse Kurly Kate® Stainless Steel Sponges, Medium Size, 144 Sponges per Case, 12 Sponges per Pack (PUR300) 2965 PUR 300 14.00 L130012 High-quality to handle a variety of scouring jobs.
KURLY KATE SS SPONGE MED 12/12 Loren 96.15 73.33 125.86 PUR300.JPG Kurly Kate Stainless Steel Sponges, Medium Size, 144 Sponges per Case, 12 Sponges per Pack PUR 300, PUR300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 67
2966 Lagasse Kurly Kate® Stainless Steel Sponges, Large Size, 72 Sponges per Case, 6 Sponges per Pack (PUR756) 2966 PUR 756 10.00 L175613 High-quality to handle a variety of scouring jobs.
KURLY KATE SS SPONGE LG 12/6 Loren 82.28 62.76 109.79 PUR756.JPG Kurly Kate Stainless Steel Sponges, Large Size, 72 Sponges per Case, 6 Sponges per Pack PUR 756, PUR756, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 67
2967 Lagasse Chinet Molded Fiber Food Trays, 250 Trays (HUHTUG) 2967 HUH TUG 28.60 20815 Molded Fiber Serving Trays
Reliable molded fiber food trays with extra strong grease absorption. Sturdy and easy to handle. Made from 100% recycled paper and renewable resources. 100% compostable. Perfect for the environmentally conscious consumer. Compact and stackable. Beige. 9 x 12 x 1. 250 trays per case.
Huhtamaki Chinet Molded Fiber Food Trays, 9w x 12d x 1h, Beige, 250 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 45.69 31.98 60.31 HUHTUG.JPG KYS/Chinet Serving Tray, 9w x 12d x 1h, Beige, HUH TUG, HUHTUG, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
2968 Lagasse Chinet 9x12 Molded Fiber Food Tray, 250 Trays (HUHTURRET) 2968 HUH TURRET 28.60 20802 Molded Fiber Food Tray
These Chinet Savaday molded fiber trays have extra-strong grease absorbency. Biodegradable, made with 100% recycled paper fiber from a renewable resource. Perfect for fried, baked or broiled foods. 9" x 12" x 1". Includes 250 trays per case.
Huhtamaki Chinet Molded Fiber Food Tray, 9x12x1, 250 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 88.27 61.79 118.52 HUHTURRET.JPG KYS/Chinet Serving Tray, 9w x 12d x 1h, White HUH TURRET, HUHTURRET, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
2969 Lagasse Chinet 14x18 Molded Fiber Food Tray, 250 Tras (HUHFARM) 2969 HUH FARM 28.40 20804 Molded Fiber Food Tray
These Chinet Savaday molded fiber trays have extra-strong grease absorbency. Biodegradable, made with 100% recycled paper fiber from a renewable resource. Perfect for fried, baked or broiled foods. 14" x 18" x 1". Includes 250 trays per case.
Huhtamaki Chinet Molded Fiber Food Tray, 14x18x1, 250 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 65.50 45.85 86.88 HUHFARM.JPG KYS/Chinet Serving Tray, 14w x 18d, White HUH FARM, HUHFARM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
2970 Lagasse Rubbermaid Ladder Cart with Cabinet, Black-Red (RCP9T58BLA) 2970 RCP 9T58 BLA 80.00 9T58 Ladder Cart with Cabinet
Rubbermaid Ladder Cart: Three-section cart adapts to work site requirements. Centrally located, stepped-down ladder platform carries up to 6-ft. ladder without hitting walls, doorways or elevators. Unique vertical profile offers higher work surface height for improved ergonomics. Can be assembled for transporting long items. Square footprint offers optimal maneuverability. Shelves feature molded-in tool and pipe holders. Molded-in handles. Powder coated steel and structural foam construction. 5" casters (two locking). 500-lb. capacity. Lockable storage for safety and security (lock not included). Three shelves on one end, storage cabinet on the other. Also features ladder platform and organizer tray. 27w x 31-1/2l x 42h. Shipping. wt. 99 lbs. Assembly required.
Rubbermaid Ladder Cart with Cabinet, Black-Red, 27" x 31-1/2" x 42", 500-lb. Capacity, Steel and Foam, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 559.84 427.00 752.02 RCP9T58BLA.JPG ladder cart with cabinet, rubbermaid ladder cart, ladder cart, utility cart, rubbermaid utility cart, RCP 9T58 BLA, RCP9T58BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
2971 Lagasse Rubbermaid Ladder Cart with Open Ends, Black/Red (RCP9T57BLA) 2971 RCP 9T57 BLA 69.00 9T57 Ladder Cart w/ Open Ends
Three-section cart adapts to work site requirements. Centrally located, stepped-down ladder platform carries up to 6-ft. ladder without hitting walls, doorways or elevators. Unique vertical profile offers higher work surface height for improved ergonomics. Can be assembled for transporting long items. Square footprint offers optimal maneuverability. Shelves feature molded-in tool and pipe holders. Molded-in handles. Powder coated steel and structural foam construction. 5in casters (two locking). 500-lb. capacity. Seven shelves, plus ladder platform and organizer tray for increased storage capacity. 27w x 31-1/2l x 42h. Shipping. wt. 69 lbs. Assembly required.
Rubbermaid Ladder Cart, Open Ends, 500-lb. Capacity, Steel and Foam, Black and Red, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 361.87 276.00 475.27 RCP9T57BLA.JPG ladder cart, utility cart, tool cart, rubbermaid ladder cart, rubbermaid utility cart, RCP 9T57 BLA, RCP9T57BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
2972 Lagasse Lambswool Duster, 26" Overall Length (UNSL26) 2972 UNS L26 0.18 DUS L26 26" Lambswool Duster
Safe for all surfaces — will not scratch or mar surfaces. Genuine lambswool duster quickly lifts dust particles and retains them until shaken. Completely washable, durable, and flexible, the Lambswool Duster from Unisan adapts to every cleaning application. These bright, assorted colored dusters attract dust instantly, and gently clear cobwebs in hard-to-reach areas with ease. Seen as an essential tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes, this high quality duster is great for dusting ceilings, moldings and corners in or outdoors. Washable. Plastic handle with hang-up hole. Assorted colors.
Unisan Lambswool Duster 26" Plastic Handle, Assorted Colors, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 6.47 3.72 8.82 UNSL26.JPG lambswool duster, dusters, lambswool cleaning dusters, UNS L26, UNSL26, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2973 Lagasse 35" - 48" Lambswool Duster (UNSL3850) 2973 UNS L3850 0.24 DUS L3850 Extending Lambswool Duster
Safe for all surfaces—will not scratch or mar. Genuine lambswool duster quickly lifts dust particles and retains them until shaken. A great tool for maid services, janitorial companies, offices and residential homes, our line of Unisan lambswool dusters makes cleaning up dust, dirt, debris and hair easy. Cleans and dusts furniture, floors, walls, window sills and fans with ease. Durable and easy to use, these low cost feather dusters measure in at 35"but can extend to 48" of overall length. Washable. Plastic handle with hang-up hole. Assorted colors.
Unisan Lambswool Duster, Plastic Handle, Extends 35" to 48", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 7.02 5.35 9.56 UNSL3850.JPG lambswool duster, duster, cleaning duster, UNS L3850, UNSL3850, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2974 Lagasse Lambswool Refill Pads, 14in Long (UNS4514) 2974 UNS 4514 1.40 UNS 4514 6in wide, for applicator blocks UNS 4414 Series (sold separately).
WAX APPLICATOR RFL PAD 14 IN LAMBSWOL 12 Unisan 9.33 6.99 12.61 UNS4514.JPG Lambswool Refill Pads, 14in Long UNS 4514, UNS4514, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2975 Lagasse Unisan Lambswool Finish Applicator Refill Pad, 16" Pad (UNS4516) 2975 UNS 4516 1.60 UNS 4516 Lambswool Applicator Finish 16" Pad
This professional finish applicator pad is the ideal tool for applies both water and solvent based fluids, especially for finishes, allowing for a quick, easy and smooth result. Providing a non-linting alternative to other applicator finish pads, the Lambswool Applicator Finish 16" Pad comes 6" wide and is the ideal tool for those looking for a different option when spreading wax. The perfect alternative to sponge mops or rayon mops, the lambswool finish pad ensures a time tested finish for those looking for a classic application process. Lambswool Applicator Finish 6" x 16 Pad, each sold individually, for applicator blocks UNS 4414 Series (sold separately).
Unisan Lambswool Applicator 16" Finish Pad, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 10.53 7.86 14.07 UNS4516.JPG lambswool finish pads, lambswool pad, finish pads, finish pad UNS 4516, UNS4516, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2976 Lagasse Lambswool Refill Pads, 18 inch long (UNS4518) 2976 UNS 4518 1.80 UNS 4518 18" Lambswool Refill Pads
6 inch wide, for applicator blocks UNS 4414 series (sold separately). 18" long
Wax Applicator Refill Pad, 18" Lambswool Pads
Unisan 11.63 8.87 15.42 UNS4518.JPG Lambswool Refill Pads, 18i n Long, UNS 4518, UNS4518, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2977 Lagasse Lambswool Wax Applicators, 14in Long (UNS4414) 2977 UNS 4414 13.20 UNS 4414 Genuine lambswool pad with wooden applicator block. Evenly spreads wax, acrylic, urethane or other liquid finishes. Thumbscrews hold 6in wide pad in place between two 2-1/4in wide blocks. Accepts Universal Threaded Handle UNS 636 (sold separately).
WAX APPLICATOR 14 IN LAMBSWOL 12 Unisan 12.70 9.68 17.25 UNS4414.JPG Lambswool Wax Applicators, 14in Long UNS 4414, UNS4414, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2978 Lagasse Lambswool Wax Applicators, 16in Long (UNS4416) 2978 UNS 4416 15.60 UNS 4416 Genuine lambswool pad with wooden applicator block. Evenly spreads wax, acrylic, urethane or other liquid finishes. Thumbscrews hold 6in wide pad in place between two 2-1/4in wide blocks. Accepts Universal Threaded Handle UNS 636 (sold separately).
WAX APPLICATOR 16 IN LAMBSWOL 12 Unisan 14.86 11.33 20.26 UNS4416.JPG Lambswool Wax Applicators, 16in Long UNS 4416, UNS4416, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2979 Lagasse Lambswool Wax Applicators, 18in Long (UNS4418) 2979 UNS 4418 1.90 UNS 4418 Genuine lambswool pad with wooden applicator block. Evenly spreads wax, acrylic, urethane or other liquid finishes. Thumbscrews hold 6in wide pad in place between two 2-1/4in wide blocks. Accepts Universal Threaded Handle UNS 636 (sold separately).
WAX APPLICATOR 18 IN LAMBSWOL 12 Unisan 16.83 12.25 22.23 UNS4418.JPG Lambswool Wax Applicators, 18in Long UNS 4418, UNS4418, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
2982 Lagasse River Rock Panels for 35-Gallon LANDMARK Waste Containers (RCP4003RIV) 2982 RCP 4003 RIV 9.67 400300 ROCK 35-Gallon River Rock Panel Only
Four panels per case. Assembly required.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 162.58 124.00 216.57 RCP4003RIV.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Waste Container, Waste Containers, LANDMARK SERIES Aggregate Panels, River Rock, Fits 35-Gallon Waste Containers RCP 4003 RIV, RCP4003RIV 1 1 0 0 1 89
2983 Lagasse River Rock Panels for 50 Gallon Landmark Container (RCP4004RIV) 2983 RCP 4004 RIV 12.24 400400 ROCK 50-Gallon River Rock Panels Only
Containers and Panels Sold Separately - ORDER BOTH for a complete Assembly
Complete your Rubbermaid Landmark Series Waste Container with these four aggregate panels per case. Assembly required, these 50 gallon aggregate container panels are sold separately from the containers, allowing you the opportunity to order both for a complete assembly. Stylish, durable and study, these container panels are specifically crafted for consistent and long term results for the 50 gallon Landmark Series trash containers.
Rubbermaid Landmark Series Aggregate Panels, River Rock, 50 Gallon Waste Container Panels, 4 Panels, Each
Trash Cans » Outdoor Trash Cans & Tops » Landmark Series Outdoor Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 193.52 147.60 261.75 RCP4004RIV.JPG trash can panels, rubbermaid trash can panels, river rock trash can panels, landmark series trash can panels, river rock trash can panels, waste container, garbage can, landmark series, aggregate panels, river rock, fits 50-gallon waste containers, RCP 4004 RIV, RCP4004RIV 1 1 0 0 1 89
2984 Lagasse 35-Gallon Classic Dome Top Trash Can Frame, Sable (RCP3970SAB) 2984 RCP 3970 SAB 45.60 397000 SBLE 35 Gallon Waste Container Frame, Sable
Containers and panels sold separately—ORDER BOTH. Assembly required. Stylish, high-volume waste containers. Waste containers include plastic frame with rigid liner; Aggregate Panels sold separately Ideal for indoor/outdoor use. Rain-hood cover with openings on all four sides. Hinged hood includes a stay-open strap for easy access to rigid liner. See RCP 4003 RIV Aggregate Panels
Rubbermaid 35 Gallon Waste Container Frame, Sable, Each
Trash Cans » Outdoor Trash Cans & Tops » Landmark Series Outdoor Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 555.24 377.00 752.11 RCP3975SAB.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Waste Container, Waste Containers, LANDMARK SERIES Classic Dome Top Waste Containers, 35-Gallon, Sable RCP 3970 SAB, RCP3970SAB 1 1 0 1 1 89
2985 Lagasse 35-Gallon Dometop Waste Container, Driftwood (RCP3970-01DRI) 2985 RCP 3970-01 DRI 48.20 397001DWOOD Landmark Series 35 Gallon Waste Container Frame
Stylish, high-volume waste containers. Waste containers include plastic frame with rigid liner; Aggregate Panels sold separately Ideal for indoor/outdoor use. Rain-hood cover with openings on all four sides. Hinged hood includes a stay-open strap for easy access to rigid liner. See RCP 4003 RIV Aggregate panes for 35 Gallon Waste Container. Containers and panels sold separately—ORDER BOTH. Assembly required.
Rubbermaid 35 Gallon Waste Container Frame, Driftwood, Each
Trash Cans » Outdoor Trash Cans & Tops » Landmark Series Outdoor Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 575.58 439.00 764.66 RCP397001DRI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Waste Container, Waste Containers, LANDMARK SERIES Classic Dome Top Waste Container, 35-Gallon, Driftwood RCP 3970-01 DRI, RCP397001DRI 1 1 0 1 1 89
2986 Lagasse 50-Gallon Dome Top Trash Can, Sable (RCP3975SAB) 2986 RCP 3975 SAB 53.20 397500 SBLE Rubbermaid 50-Gallon Dome Top Trash Can
Rubbermaid's stylish, high-volume waste containers include plastic frame with rigid liner; Aggregate Panels sold separately. The 50 gallon capacity and dome top make this waste container ideal for indoor/outdoor use at any facility. Dome Lid acts as a rain-hood cover and has openings on all four sides for easy access. Hinged hood includes a stay-open strap for easy access to rigid liner. Containers and Panels Sold Separately—ORDER BOTH. Assembly required. See RCP 4004 RIV Aggregate Panels.
Rubbermaid 50 Gallon Waste Container, Dome Top, Sable, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 540.18 412.00 720.67 RCP3975SAB.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, landmark series classic dome top waste container, 50 gallon trash can, 50 gallon garbage can, landmark series trash can, sable, RCP 3975 SAB, RCP3975SAB 1 1 0 1 1 89
2987 Lagasse Large Horizontal Outdoor Storage Shed, Sandstone/Olive (RHP3747) 2987 RHP 3747 97.70 374701OLVSS Large Horizontal Outdoor Storage Shed
This shed is freestanding and weather resistant. It comes with Interlocking double-wall blow-molded panels and a durable floor. It is easily assembles in less than 30 minutes. This sheds also has the additional feature of hasp for a padlock (lock not included) and molded-in grooves for one shelf (shelf not included.). Comes with the lid prop bar seen in the photo. Molded-in anchor grooves provide the option of attaching to another structure or anchoring into the ground. - 32 cubic feet capacity
- 56.5wide x 32deep x 48high
- Shipping weight. 98 lbs
- Assembly required
- Color Sandstone - Olive
- Cannot ship UPS
Rubbermaid Large Horizontal Outdoor Storage Shed, Sandstone/Olive Rubbermaid Home Products 341.14 260.19 448.82 RHP3747.JPG Large Horizontal Outdoor Storage Shed, Sandstone/Olive RHP 3747, RHP3747, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 90
2989 Lagasse Large Vertical Outdoor Storage Shed, Sandstone/Olive RHP3746 2989 RHP 3746 130.00 3746-01OLVSS RHP3746 Rubbermaid - Vertical Outdoor Storage Shed
This Rubbermaid vertical storage shed model # RHP3746 makes for maintenance-free long lasting protection against weather and theft for your lawn and garden equipment, outdoor cooking supplies and more. Made with interlocking panels so it's easy to set up. This shed will not rust, fade, or fall apart and there is no need to paint. It is molded-in anchor grooves which provide the option of attaching to another structure or anchoring into the ground. Does not included shelves. This is a shed you can expect to be around for a long time.
-Durable for outdoor use.
-Keeps belongings dry
-Assembly Required. (Easy to assemble)
-Provides 52 cubic feet of storage space.
-Assembled Dimensions: 52 inches wide, 52 inches deep, and 77 inches high
-Inside Dimensions: 47 inches wide, 25 inches deep, 71 inches high
-Can not ship UPS
-Color: Taupe/Green - The wholesale cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Rubbermaid Shed Vertical Shed Storage, - Olive/Sandstone
Rubbermaid Home Products 439.43 335.16 588.47 RHP3746.JPG rubbermaid storage shed, vertical storage shed, RHP3746, RHP 3746, large vertical outdoor storage shed, sandstone, olive 1 1 0 1 1 90
2990 Lagasse Large Water Pull-Type Cup Dispenser with Removable Cap, Transparent Blue (SANC3260TBL) 2990 SAN C3260TBL 1.10 C3260TBL Large Water Cup Dispenser with Removable Cap
At San Jamar, their innovative new ideas for food safety, counter service and washroom products come directly from insights they gain from their customers. The customer oriented nature of San Jamar is just one of the many reasons we supply a variety of their great cleaning and janitorial supplies. This is a wall-mount style that is top-loading and gravity-fed for cone or flat-bottom cups. This cup dispenser is self-adjusting which eliminates cup damage. Holds 130, 4-1/2- to 7-oz. cone or 180, 6- to 12-oz. flat-bottom cups. Break-resistant vinyl. 2-3/4 to 3-3/8 dia. x 16h.
San Jamar Large Pull-Type Water Cup Dispenser, Translucent Blue, Each The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
San Jamar Dispenser 16.14 12.31 20.99 SANC3400p.JPG Large Water Pull-Type Cup Dispenser with Removable Cap, Transparent Blue SAN C3260TBL, SANC3260TBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
2991 Lagasse Large Water Pull-Type Cup Dispenser with Removable Cap, Stainless Steel (SANC3400P) 2991 SAN C3400P 4.40 C3400P Large Water Cup Dispenser with Removable Cap
At San Jamar, their innovative new ideas for food safety, counter service and washroom products come directly from insights they gain from their customers. The customer oriented nature of San Jamar is just one of the many reasons we supply a variety of their great cleaning and janitorial supplies. This is a wall-mount style that is top-loading and gravity-fed for cone or flat-bottom cups. This cup dispenser is self-adjusting which eliminates cup damage. For use with cone or flat bottom paper, plastic,or foam cups. Patented collar adjusts to easily hold a full sleeve of most 12- to 24-oz cups. Stainless Steel. 2-3/4 to 3-3/8 dia. x 23 1/2h.
Large Pull-Type Water Cup Dispenser, Stainless Steel, Each The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
San Jamar Dispenser 35.68 27.14 46.39 SANC3400P.JPG Large Water Pull-Type Cup Dispenser with Removable Cap, Stainless Steel SAN C3400P, SANC3400P, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
2992 Lagasse San Jamar Oceans Large-Capacity Ultrafold Paper Towel Dispenser (SANT1790TBK) 2992 SAN T1790TBK 3.40 T1790TBK San Jamar Oceans Ultrafold Paper Towel Dispenser
San Jamar Oceans Ultrafold Paper Towel Dispenser is the universal paper towel dispenser that ensures smooth dispensing of c-fold or multifold towels. Coming complete with break-resistant plastic construction, this sleek dispenser comes with a slimmer profile, yet larger capacity that holds 450 c-fold or 750 multifold paper towels. Easy to use, stock, restock and refill, the San Jamar Oceans Ultrafold Paper Towel Dispenser simply eliminates overloading. Coming complete with a replaceable finger lock, the San Jamar Oceans Ultrafold Paper Towel Dispenser comes in at the dimensions 11-3/4"wide x 6-1/4"deep, and 18" high.
San Jamar Oceans Large-Capacity Ultrafold Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 23.59 17.99 30.86 SANT1790TBK.JPG paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, large capacity ultrafold dispenser, SAN T1790TBK, SANT1790TBK, san jamar oceans dispenser, san jamar paper towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 1 92
2993 Lagasse San Jamar High Capacity Touchless Ultrafold Hand Towel Dispenser (SANT1700TBK) 2993 SAN T1700TBK 3.10 T1700TBK San Jamar Ultrafold Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser
The San Jamar Ultrafold paper towel dispenser provides any establishment with a hands-free, high-capacity hand drying solution. A more sanitary option than ordinary towel dispensers, this touchless dispenser helps to keep germ spread to a minimum, keeping your environment as healthy as possible. It accepts virtually any C-Fold or Multifold paper towel and the unique design prevents them from bunching or jamming, ensuring smooth dispensing. This dispenser’s high capacity means fewer refills, saving you time and money. The break-resistant, durable plastic construction means it will hold up in high traffic areas. The attractive, neutral design of this San Jamar Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser will complement just about any environment. This towel dispenser is ideal for just about any location where frequent hand-washing is necessary.
San Jamar Touchless Folded Towel Dispenser, 11-3/4" wide x 6-1/4" deep x 18" high, Black Pearl, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 23.32 17.78 31.54 SANT1700TBK.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, Large-Capacity Ultrafold paper towel Dispenser, SAN T1700TBK, SANT1700TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
2994 Lagasse Galaxy Latex Exam Gloves, Powdered, Large 100 Gloves (GLX350L) 2994 GLX 350L 1.60 G350L Powdered, with a skintight elastic fit. Provides excellent dexterity for medical, dental and lab applications. Medical grade. Meets FDA 510K requirements. FDA/USDA Accepted. Fits either hand. Rolled cuff and powdered for easy on/off. Natural color, non-sterile. 4 mils thick. 100 gloves per dispenser.
Galaxy Latex Exam Gloves, Powdered, Large Size, 100 Gloves per Dispenser Box - The janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Galaxy Gloves 11.92 7.07 15.92 GLX350L.JPG latex exam gloves, large exam gloves, GLX 350L, GLX350L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 45
2995 Lagasse Galaxy Latex Exam Gloves, Powdered, Medium, 100 Gloves (GLX350M) 2995 GLX 350M 1.60 G350M Dexterity is a must for medical, dental and lab jobs, and these gloves with a skin-tight elastic fit provide that along with excellent protection. Rolled cuff and powdered for easy on/off. Ambidextrous. Non-sterile.
Includes 100 gloves per dispenser.
Galaxy Latex Exam Gloves, Powdered, Medium Size, 100 Gloves per Dispenser Box
Galaxy Gloves 9.20 5.46 12.49 GLX350M.JPG Latex Exam Gloves, powdered latex gloves, GLX 350M, GLX350M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 45
2996 Lagasse Latex General-Purpose Gloves, Large, 100 Gloves (GLX355L) 2996 GLX 355L 1.50 G355L Powdered Gloves. Fits either hand tightly for excellent dexterity. For foodservice, housekeeping, manufacturing or any nonmedical application. FDA/USDA Accepted. Prepowdered; rolled cuff; natural color. 100 gloves per dispenser.
Galaxy General Purpose Latex Gloves, Large Size, 5mil, Roll Cuff, Natural, 100 Gloves per Dispenser Box
Galaxy Gloves 7.40 5.64 9.85 GLX355L.JPG Latex General-Purpose Gloves, Large Size GLX 355L, GLX355L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 45
2997 Lagasse Latex General-Purpose Gloves, Medium, 100 Gloves (GLX355M) 2997 GLX 355M 1.35 G355M Powdered Gloves. Fits either hand tightly for excellent dexterity. For foodservice, housekeeping, manufacturing or any nonmedical application. FDA/USDA Accepted. Prepowdered; rolled cuff; natural color. 100 gloves per dispenser.
Galaxy General Purpose Latex Gloves, Medium Size, 5mil, Roll Cuff, Natural, 100 Gloves per Dispenser Box Galaxy Gloves 6.93 5.26 9.30 GLX355M.JPG Latex General-Purpose Gloves, Medium Size GLX 355M, GLX355M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 45
3000 Lagasse Latex-Free Nylon Hairnet, FDA Food Code 2-402.11 Hair Restraints (RPPRPH144LTDB) 3000 RPP RPH144LTDB 1.20 RPH144LTDB Essential for use in food processing areas, hospitals, labs and manufacturing facilities. For sanitary protection. Lightweight and breathable. 100% nylon netting. Biodegradable. Dark Brown. 24in size. 144 hairnets per pack; 20 packs per case (2,880 hairnets). Environmentally conscious.
HAIRNET LT-WGT DBRO 144/PK 20/CS Royal Paper Products 378.84 265.19 496.02 RPPRPH144LTDB.JPG Latex-Free Nylon Hairnet, FDA Food Code 2-402.11 Hair Restraints RPP RPH144LTDB, RPPRPH144LTDB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
3001 Lagasse Lava Pumice Hand Bar Soap, 48 - 4-oz. Bars (WDC10383) 3001 WDC 10383 13.80 10383 Lava Hand Soap
Lava Soap is a professional, heavy-duty hand soap that has been cleaning the dirtiest of hands since 1893. The volcanic pumice contained in the soap possesses abrasive qualities that give it the scrubbing power to clean dirt, grease, oil, ink, tar, paint, caulk and adhesives from hands. Lava hand soap is ideal for use in automobile repair, warehouses, manufacturing facilities and any occupation where dirt, grease and grime are present. Lava is not just for mechanics. Gardeners and landscapers can count on Lava’s gentle scouring power to remove dirt and soil from hands, leaving them squeaky clean after a long day of outdoor work. Lava bar soap is the original heavy-duty hand cleaner and continues over 100 years later to be the go-to soap to clean and soften the dirtiest hands. Choose Lava Pumice Bar Soap for your business or home.
WD40 Lava Heavy Duty Hand Soap, Individually Wrapped 4 oz Bar, 48 Bars per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company that buyers trust. WD40 45.62 33.80 60.66 WDC10383.JPG lava pumice hand soap, lava soap, pumice soap, pumice hand soap, pumice bar soap, 4-oz. lava soap, WDC 10383, WDC10383, hand soap, industrial hand soap 1 1 0 0 1 114
3004 Lagasse Lemon Dawn® Dishwashing Liquid, Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case, 38-oz. Bottle (PGC45113) 3004 PGC 45113 22.20 45113 Lemon Dawn® Dishwashing Liquid, 38-oz. Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case
Procter and Gamble Professional 42.93 32.74 58.75 PGC45113.JPG Lemon Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case, 38-oz. Bottle PGC 45113, PGC45113, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
3005 Lagasse Lemon Dawn® Dishwashing Liquid, Gallon, 3 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (PGC02619) 3005 PGC 02619 27.30 08021 Lemon Dawn® Dishwashing Liquid, Gallon Bottle, 3 Bottles per Case
Procter and Gamble Professional 51.09 36.79 66.48 PGC02619.JPG Lemon Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, Gallon, 3 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle PGC 02619, PGC02619, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
3006 Lagasse Lemon Scent All-Purpose Cleaner, 24oz. Trigger Spray Bottles (SMP14002) 3006 SMP 14002 22.40 14002 Lemon Scent All-Purpose Cleaner
Concentrated formula can be used full-strength or diluted with water to remove grease, coffee and juice stains, ink, lipstick and more from washable surfaces. For use indoors or outdoors. Fresh lemon scent is ideal for kitchens, break rooms, kids rooms, toy rooms, nurseries, nursing homes and bathrooms. Nonabrasive, nontoxic, biodegradable and nonflammable. VOC Compliant. Environmentally conscious.
Simple Green Concentrate Cleaner, 24 oz. Trigger Spray Bottles, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Simple Green 70.42 53.71 94.50 SMP14002.JPG lemon scent all-purpose cleaner, SMP 14002, SMP14002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, all purpose cleaner, lemon cleaner, degreaser 1 1 0 1 1 99
3007 Lagasse Lever 2000 Moisturizing Bar Soap, 48 - 3.15-oz. Bar Size (DRKCB327126) 3007 DRK CB327126 10.88 CB327126 Lever 2000 Moisturizing Bar Soap
With a fresh clean scent, Lever 2000 refreshes and replenishes skin with nutrients and minerals, without drying. Nonirritating, long-lasting deodorant protection. Fragrance lasts 30 days. Four bars per pack. 12 packs per case.
Lever 2000 Moisturizing Bar Soap, 3.15-oz. Bar Size, 48 Bars per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bar Soaps » Diversey 48.80 37.22 66.75 lever 2000 perfectly fresh original soap, DRK CB327126, DRKCB327126, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
3008 Lagasse San Jamar Lever Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl (SANT1100TBK) 3008 SAN T1100TBK 6.40 T1100TBK San Jamar Lever Paper Towel Dispenser
The San Jamar Lever Type Paper Towel Dispenser provides an easy, effective way to keep your hands clean after washing. This dispenser offers a simple way to evenly dispense paper towels and the large capacity allows for longer intervals between refills. The lever on this towel dispenser gives you the ability to operate it with your elbow, but if you choose to use your hands, there is no need to fear germs! The lever has been treated with Bio-Pruf, an antimicrobial that inhibits the growth of micro-organisms, such as bacteria or fungi. This universal lever towel dispenser can handle all types of paper towels up to 8” wide and 8” diameter without jamming. The San Jamar Lever Paper Towel Dispenser is constructed of break-resistant plastic and measures 13” wide x 9 5/8” deep x 15 ½” high. Perfect for any environment, this line of paper towel dispensers works in any residential, commercial or industrial location.
San Jamar Lever Paper Towel Dispenser, 13" Wide x 9-5/8" Deep x 15-1/2" High, Black Pearl, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 61.40 43.65 80.60 SANT1100TBK.JPG san jamar, san jamar paper dispenser, san jamar paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, lever type paper towel dispenser, lever paper towel dispenser, paper towel holder, san jamar paper towel holder, SANT1100TBK, SAN T1100TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
3009 Lagasse Lever Type Paper Towel Dispenser, White (SANT1100WH) 3009 SAN T1100WH 6.00 T1100WH Lever Type Paper Towel Dispenser
Universal lever-action dispenser handles all types of paper towels without jamming. Large capacity allows longer intervals between refills. Holds paper towel rolls up to 8 inch wide, up to 8 inch diameter. Break-resistant plastic construction with Bio-Pruf treated handle to resist bacterial growth. 13"wide x 9-5/8"deep x 15-1/2"high.
San Jamar Lever Type Paper Towel Dispenser, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 56.05 42.75 74.88 SANT1100WH.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, Lever Paper Towel Dispenser SAN T1100WH, SANT1100WH 1 1 0 0 1 92
3010 Lagasse Rubbermaid Brute 32 Gallon Round Trash Can Lid, Blue (RCP2631BLU) 3010 RCP 2631 BLU 2.05 FG2631-00 BLUE Round Trash Can Lid
Convert your Rubbermaid 32 gallon trash can into an outdoor trash receptacle for a commercial or residential environment with Rubbermaid's Round Brute Trash Can Lid. Rubbermaid has constructed this lid with durable, professional-grade polyethylene that will not rust, chip or peel, and it also resists dents. This strong, snap-on lid fits securely on the trash can and features drain slots that allow for run-off to prevent water from accumulating, making this the ideal receptacle for outdoors and other wet environments. Molded handles on this durable lid make for easy transport. The Rubbermaid dome lid fits the Rubbermaid 32-gallon Brute trash container (sold separately) and measures: 22-1/4" diameter x 1-5/8" high.
Rubbermaid Commercial Brute 32 Gallon Round Trash Can Lid, Blue, 22-1/4" x 1-5/8", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 9.83 7.50 13.31 RCP2631BLU.JPG recycle lid, recycle container lid, recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, lid for brute round recycling container, RCP 2631 BLU, RCP2631BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
3013 Lagasse Lieflat Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Head (UNS824C) 3013 UNS 824C 19.00 LBI 824C Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Lieflat head uses lieflat screw-in handles (sold separately). Mop lies flat on the floor. Plastic, molded cap with metal 1/4in threaded bolt head. 12 mop heads per case.
PRO LOOP MOP LIEFLAT HEAD 24 OZ CTTN 12 Unisan 88.81 66.00 116.32 UNS824C.JPG Lieflat Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Head UNS 824C, UNS824C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3014 Lagasse Lieflat Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Head (UNS824R) 3014 UNS 824R 1.50 LBI 824R Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Lieflat head uses lieflat screw-in handles (sold separately). Mop lies flat on the floor. Plastic, molded cap with metal 1/4in threaded bolt head. 12 mop heads per case.
PRO LOOP MOP LIEFLAT HEAD 24 OZ RAYON 12 Unisan 100.93 76.98 138.22 UNS824R.JPG Lieflat Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Head UNS 824R, UNS824R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3015 Lagasse Lieflat Screw-In Handle, 54in Maid Length (UNS833) 3015 UNS 833 1.00 UNS 833 Metal-threaded connector is countersunk and attached to lacquered wood handle. For use with bolt-head style lieflat mop heads. 1-1/8in diameter.
LIEFLAT SCREW-N MAID MOP HNDL 54X1.1 DIA WOOD 12 Unisan 4.39 3.35 5.84 UNS833.JPG Lieflat Screw-In Handle, 54in Maid Length UNS 833, UNS833, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3016 Lagasse Lieflat Screw-In Handle, 60in Janitor Length (UNS834) 3016 UNS 834 1.30 UNS 834 Metal-threaded connector is countersunk and attached to lacquered wood handle. For use with bolt-head style lieflat mop heads. 1-1/8in diameter.
LIEFLAT SCREW-N JANITOR MOP HNDL 60X1.1 DIA WOOD 12 Unisan 5.04 3.84 6.79 UNS834.JPG Lieflat Screw-In Handle, 60in Janitor Length UNS 834, UNS834, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3017 Lagasse Lift Off 22-oz. #1 Food, Beverage Stain Remover, 6 Trigger Spray Bottles (MTS40501) 3017 MTS 40501 11.20 40501 Lift Off #1 Food and Beverage Stain Remover
Biodegradable, water-based formula works on all surfaces. Specifically designed to remove protein based stains such as coffee, tea, Kool-Aid, soda, sauces, ketchup, blood, grass and other water- or protein-based spots and stains. A must have tool when you want to protect your best work clothes, kids dress clothes and everyday casual wear that comes in contact with your meal.
Motsenbocker's Lift Off #1 Food and Protein Stain Remover, 6 - 22 oz. Trigger Spray Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Motsenbockers 56.27 42.92 76.96 MTS40501.JPG Lift Off 1 Food, Beverage & Protein Stain Remover, Trigger Sprayer, 6 Bottles per Case, 22-oz. Bottle MTS 40501, MTS40501, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 70
3018 Lagasse Lift Off #1 Food and Beverage Stain Remover, 6 Bottles (MTS40503) 3018 MTS 40503 14.80 40503 Food and Beverage Stain Remover
These flip top bottles feature a unique biodegradable, water-based formula works on all surfaces. Specifically designed to remove coffee, tea, Kool-Aid, soda, sauces, ketchup, blood, grass and other water- or protein-based spots and stains.
Motsenbockers Lift Off #1, Food, Beverage and Protein Stain Remover, 32 oz. Bottle, 6 Flip Top Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Motsenbockers 66.40 50.45 87.19 MTS40503.JPG Lift Off 1 Food, Beverage & Protein Stain Remover, Flip-Top Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle MTS 40503, MTS40503, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 70
3019 Lagasse Lift Off #2 Adhesives, Grease & Oily Stain Remover, 6 Bottle (MTS40703) 3019 MTS 40703 13.00 40703 Grease and Oil Stain Remover
Lift Off #2 Adhesives, Grease & Oily Stains Tape Remover is destined to become a classic. New VOC Compliant formula is safe for the environment and user. Industrially proven formula removes chewing gum, crayons, pencil marks, stickers and tape, grease, tar, motor oil, candle wax and more. Safe for use on most surfaces, including carpet, clothing, vinyl, metal, tile, upholstery and more. Works on Chewing Gum, Crayons, Pencil Marks, Stickers and Tape, Salad Dressing, Bugs and Tar, Motor Oil, Lipstick, Candle Wax and More.
Motsenbockers LIFT OFF #2 Adhesive, Grease, Oil Stains Tape Remover, 32 oz. Flip Top Bottle, 6 per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Motsenbockers 69.35 52.89 94.08 MTS40703.JPG lift off 2, adhesive grease stain remover, lift off 2 adhesives, grease & oily stain remover, MTS 40703, MTS40703 1 1 0 0 1 70
3020 Lagasse Lift Off #3 Pen, Ink & Marker-Graffiti Remover, 6 Flip-Top Bottles (MTS40903) 3020 MTS 40903 14.60 40903 Pen Ink Graffiti Remover
Patented formula works on all surfaces to remove most types of ink, including indelible ballpoint, permanent marker, highlighter and stamp pad ink. Also removes nail polish and correction fluid.
Motsenbockers LIFT OFF #3 Ink and Graffiti Remover, 32 oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Motsenbockers 69.71 52.23 91.63 MTS40903.JPG Lift Off 3 Pen, Ink & Marker/Graffiti Remover, Flip-Top Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle MTS 40903, MTS40903, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 70
3021 Lagasse Lift Off #3 Pen, Ink & Marker-Graffiti Remover, 6 Bottles (MTS40901) 3021 MTS 40901 10.80 40901 Lift Off #3 Pen Ink and Marker Graffiti Remover
Patented formula works on all surfaces to remove most types of ink, including indelible ballpoint, permanent marker, highlighter and stamp pad ink. Also removes nail polish and correction fluid. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Motsenbockers Lift Off #3 Ink/Graffiti Remover Spray, 22 oz. Spray Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Motsenbockers 56.27 42.92 76.03 MTS40901.JPG Lift Off 3 Pen, Ink & Marker/Graffiti Remover, Trigger Sprayer, 6 Bottles per Case, 22-oz. Bottle MTS 40901, MTS40901, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 70
3022 Lagasse Lift Off #4 Spray Paint Graffiti Remover, 6 - 32 oz. Flip Top Bottles per Case (MTS41103) 3022 MTS 41103 13.00 41103 Lift Off #4 Spray Paint and Graffiti Remover
Water-based, biodegradable formula is Green Cross Certified. Effectively removes all types of graffiti stains including oil-based paint, varnishes, lacquers, spray paints, acrylics, primers, enamels and more. Safe for use on most surfaces. Low VOC formula. Great for use on work areas that have stray paint, or in industrial areas that endure stray paint. Accidental or intentional over spray can quickly and easily be removed with this formula.
Motsenbockers Lift Off #4 spray paint - graffiti remover, flip top bottles, 6 - 32oz. bottles per case. - The wholesale paint remover supply company Buyers Trust.
Motsenbockers 70.41 52.89 95.49 MTS41103.JPG 32 oz. Spray Paint Graffiti Remover, Lift Off #4, Lift Off 4, Lift Off 4 Spray Paint & Graffiti Remover, Flip Top Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle MTS 41103, MTS41103, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 70
3023 Lagasse Lift Off Dry Erase Board Cleaner Specialty Wipes, 30 Wipe Containers (MTS42703) 3023 MTS 42703 0.73 427-03
Patented formula removes dry erase marks, ghosting and shadows to keep dry erase boards looking new. Also, wipes away permanent markers and pen inks on dry erase boards, blackboards, desktops, countertops, plastic, fiberglass, leather and other surfaces. Biodegradable water-based wipes are safe on all surfaces. 7" x 12" size specialty wipes.
Dry Erase Board Cleaner Specialty Wipes, 30 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case
Wipes » Specialty Wipes Motsenbockers 36.05 26.89 48.96 MTS42703.JPG lift off dry erase board wipes, dry erase board wipes, board wipes, motsenbockers wipes, wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, Lift Off Dry Erase Board Cleaner Wipes, MTS 42703, MTS42703 1 1 0 0 1 70
3024 Lagasse Light-Duty Scour Pads, White, 20 Pads (PAD198) 3024 PAD 198 1.10 54912 Light-Duty Scouring Pads
For light-duty cleaning. Won’t scratch or dull most surfaces. Ideal for glass, stainless steel, porcelain, chrome, copper and ceramic surfaces. White, 6 x 9.
Premiere Cleaning Pads, Light-Duty, 6" x 9", White, 20 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 8.61 5.43 11.37 PAD198.JPG light-duty scour pads, PAD 198, PAD198, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
3025 Lagasse Light-Duty Scrubbing Sponge, 20 Sponges per Case (PAD163-20) 3025 PAD 163-20 2.26 54988 Absorbent cellulose sponge on one side, scour pad on the other. Won’t scratch most surfaces. Cleans stainless steel, glass, ceramic, fine china, porcelain and nonstick cooking surfaces. Yellow/White, 3.6 x 6.1 x 0.7.
L-DTY SCRUB SPONGE 3.6X6.1X.7 YEL/WHI 20 Premiere Pads 18.50 14.11 24.12 PAD16320.JPG Light-Duty Scrubbing Sponge, 20 Sponges per Case PAD 163-20, PAD16320, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 79
3026 Lagasse Lime Scale Remover, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (SMP50032) 3026 SMP 50032 29.40 50032 Descaler with mild buffered acid removes mineral deposits, hard water stains and soap scum, plus shines fixtures. Tough, yet safe on bathroom fixtures, aluminum, chrome, stainless steel. Will not harm drains or pipes. If rinsed well, can also be used on dishwashing and laundry machines. Nonabrasive, nonflammable, biodegradable and VOC compliant. Contains no bleach, ammonia or phosphorous. Trigger spray bottle with “pullout” foaming tip for application on vertical surfaces. (Cannot ship UPS.)
SIMPLE GRE LIME SCALE RMVR/DEOD SPRY 12/32 OZ Simple Green 60.44 45.55 80.88 SMP50032.JPG Lime Scale Remover, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle SMP 50032, SMP50032, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 99
3027 Lagasse 33 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.80mil, 150 Bags (ESSST39) 3027 ESS ST39 11.60 ST39 33 Gallon Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom prevents vacuum at bottom of container that can restrict easy lifting. All resins are 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to HD liners. Offers good puncture resistance and load capacity.
Flexsol 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.80mil, White, 150 Bags per case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Flexsol 26.37 17.43 35.71 ESSST39.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, ESS ST39, ESSST39 1 1 0 0 1 42
3028 Lagasse 60 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.80mil, 100 Bags (ESSST60) 3028 ESS ST60 14.00 ST60 60 Gallon White Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom prevents vacuum at bottom of container that can restrict easy lifting. All resins are 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good puncture resistance and load capacity. These low density garbage bags easily shape the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. Meets government guidelines for recycled garbage can liners.
Flexsol 60 Gallon Garbage Bags 38x58, 0.80mil, White, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 29.70 19.63 39.72 ESSST60.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, ESS ST60, ESSST60 1 1 0 0 1 42
3029 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon Brown Garbage Bags, 24x23, 0.35mil, 500 Bags (ESSEPM24BRN) 3029 ESS EPM24BRN 10.40 EPM24BRN 8-10 Gallon Brown Garbage Bags
This star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum at bottom of container that can restrict easy lifting. All resins are 100% recyclable, inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Multipurpose can liners are recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good puncture resistance and load capacity.
Flexsol 8-10 Gallon Garbage Bags, 24x23, 0.35mil, Brown, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 31.06 20.53 41.54 ESSEPM24BRN.JPG 10 gallon garbage bags, 10 gallon trash bags, 10 gallon can liners, 10 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 10 gallon garbage can liners, ESS EPM24BRN, ESSEPM24BRN 1 1 0 0 1 42
3030 Lagasse 13-15 Gallon Brown Garbage Bags, 24x32 0.35mil, 500 Bags (ESSEPM33BRN) 3030 ESS EPM33BRN 9.00 EPM33BRN 13-15 Gallon Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom prevents vacuum at bottom of container that can restrict easy lifting. All resins are 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good puncture resistance and load capacity.
13-15 Gallon Garbage Bags, 24x32, 0.35mil, Brown, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 42.92 28.37 56.75 ESSEPM33BRN.JPG 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 13 gallon garbage can liners, ESS EPM33BRN, ESSEPM33BRN 1 1 0 0 1 42
3031 Lagasse 30 Gallon Brown Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.44mil, 250 Bags (ESSEPM37BRN) 3031 ESS EPM37BRN 9.80 EPM37BRN 30 Gallon Brown Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom prevents vacuum at bottom of container that can restrict easy lifting. All resins are 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good puncture resistance and load capacity.
Flexsol 30 Gallon Garbage Bags. 30x36, 0.44mil, Brown, Flat Pack, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 33.77 22.32 45.18 ESSEPM37BRN.JPG 20 gallon garbage bags, 20 gallon can liners, 20 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 20 gallon garbage can liners, ESS EPM37BRN, ESSEPM37BRN 1 1 0 0 1 42
3032 Lagasse 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags,33x39, 1.5mil, 150 Bags (ESSECO40XH) 3032 ESS ECO40XH 17.80 ECO40XH 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Durable and affordable, these 33 gallon extra heavy-duty can liners are as strong as they are reliable. Flexsol has constructed these bags from prime resins that are ink, colorant and heavy metal-free. The specially designed star seal bottom allows for even weight distribution so the bag conforms more easily to the shape of the trash can. The star seal helps to eliminate the chance of a vacuum effect when pulling the bag from the waste receptacle, allowing for trouble-free removal. These black garbage bags are made without gussets, easily eliminating gaps along the seal, preventing messy leaks. Flexsol extra heavy duty garbage bags are 100% recyclable, with a center layer of over 70% recycled materials, and packaged in an environmentally friendly box made with 100% recycled board. These durable 1.5 mil thick can liners come in compact, coreless, interleaved rolls designed to make dispensing effortless. Stock up on Flexsol 33 Gallon Extra Heavy Duty Can Liners today and save!
Flexsol 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x40, 1.5mil, Black, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 45.75 30.24 61.84 ESSECO40XH.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, ESS ECO40XH, ESSECO40XH 1 1 0 0 1 42
3033 Lagasse 56 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 43x48, 1.0mil, 100 Bags (ESSECO47XH) 3033 ESS ECO47XH 17.60 ECO47XH 56 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Offering an exceptional combination of low cost and high quality, these superior garbage bags provide an economical can liner solution. Manufactured with prime materials, these virtually leak-proof bags are infinitely stronger when compared to other similar garbage bags. Prefect for those large clean up jobs around the home, school or office, these garbage bag can liners are ideal for any situation or location. Coming with a star seal bottom that is without gussets, these bags are specifically designed to allow for even weight distribution. Easily eliminating gaps along the seal and able to conform easier to the shape of the trash can, these quality liners provide easy removal from trash cans, eliminating the chance of a vacuum.
Flexsol 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x48, 1.5mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 50.68 33.50 66.44 ESSECO47XH.JPG 56 gallon garbage bags, 56 gallon can liners, 56 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 56 gallon garbage can liners, ESS ECO47XH, ESSECO47XH 1 1 0 0 1 42
3034 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x48, 1.0mil, 100 Bags (ESSECO48H) 3034 ESS ECO48H 13.20 ECO48H 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Crafted from recycled plastic, Flexsol’s line of recycled black plastic garbage bags are designed with 100% recycled plastics, these 10% post-consumer bags. Ideal for the environmentally conscience consumer, these bags provide excellent tear resistance. These high-quality, plastic garbage bags holds up to 30% more than other like-minded bags. Star seal bottom prevents vacuum at bottom of container that can restrict easy lifting. All resins are 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners.
Flexsol 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x48, 1.0mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 34.21 22.61 46.31 ESSECO48H.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, ESS ECO48H, ESSECO48H 1 1 0 0 1 42
3035 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x48, 1.5mil, 100 Bags (ESSECO48XH) 3035 ESS ECO48XH 17.60 ECO48XH 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Coming with a star seal bottom that prevents vacuum at bottom of container that can restrict easy lifting, Flexsol is crafted from recycled plastic. Flexsol’s line of recycled black plastic garbage bags are designed with 100% recycled plastics, these 10% post-consumer bags. Ideal for the environmentally conscience consumer, these bags provide excellent tear resistance. These high-quality, plastic garbage bags holds up to 30% more than other like-minded bags. All resins are 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good puncture resistance and load capacity.
Flexsol 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x48, 1.5mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 47.20 31.20 62.40 ESSECO48XH.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, ESS ECO48XH, ESSECO48XH 1 1 0 0 1 42
3036 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x60, 1.0mil, 100 Bags (ESSECO60H) 3036 ESS ECO60H 13.60 ECO60H 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom prevents vacuum at bottom of container that can restrict easy lifting. All resins are 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good puncture resistance and load capacity.
Flexsol 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x60, 1.0mil, Black, 100 bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 40.59 26.83 53.15 ESSECO60H.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, ESS ECO60H, ESSECO60H 1 1 0 0 1 42
3037 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x60, 2.0mil, 50 Bags (ESSECO60SXH) 3037 ESS ECO60SXH 11.20 ECO60SXH 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Manufactured with prime materials, these virtually leak-proof bags are infinitely stronger when compared to other similar garbage bags. Perfect for those large clean up jobs around the home, school or office, these trash bag can liners are ideal for any situation or location. Formulated and crafted from prime resins for ultimate bag quality, these superior 60 gallon clear trash can liners provide a strong, affordable, and resilient heavy-duty garbage bag option. Made with a star seal bottom that is without gussets, these bags are specifically designed to prevent leaks and allow for even weight distribution. Offering an exceptional combination of low cost and high quality, these superior garbage bags provide an economical can liner solution.
Flexsol 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x60, 2.0mil, Black, 50 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Flexsol 35.49 23.46 47.70 ESSECO60SXH.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, ESS ECO60SXH, ESSECO60SXH 1 1 0 0 1 42
3038 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x60, 1.5mil, 100 Bags (ESSECO60XH) 3038 ESS ECO60XH 19.20 ECO60XH 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Offering a strong, affordable, and resilient heavy-duty garbage bag option. These bags are specifically designed to allow for even weight distribution, and offer an exceptional combination of low cost and high quality, while providing an economical can liner solution. A premium quality prime resin provides better performance at lighter gauges. Natural (non-petroleum based) reinforcement additive for greater resistance to punctures and tears. Less energy based materials contribute to source reduction. Sized to match common cans. Bags will not fall into can. All resins are 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good puncture resistance and load capacity.
Flexsol 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x60, 1.5mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Flexsol 53.32 35.25 71.69 ESSECO60XH.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, ESS ECO60XH, ESSECO60XH 1 1 0 0 1 42
3040 Lagasse LIQUID ALIVE® Enzyme Digestant, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can (DYM33420) 3040 DYM 33420 17.70 33420 Stain remover, enzyme digestant and deodorizer. Highly recommended as a carpet pre-spot treatment before shampooing. Dissolves grease, dirt, protein and other organic stains such as blood, cosmetics, urine, fecal matter, Kool-Aid®, ink, wine, iodine, vomit. Cleans carpets, upholstery, textiles, vinyl, leather and synthetics.
LIQUID ALIVE ENZYME DIGEST ARSL 12/20 OZ Itw Dymon 76.26 58.17 102.86 DYM33420.JPG LIQUID ALIVE Enzyme Digestant, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can DYM 33420, DYM33420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 60
3041 Lagasse Liquid Alive Enzyme Producing Bacteria, 12 - 32-oz. Bottles (DYM23332) 3041 DYM 23332 28.60 23332 Liquid Alive Enzyme Cleaner
Enzyme producing bacteria digest and liquify organic waste, grease and food by-products to eliminate malodors and reduce suspended soils. Highly resistant to disinfectants, detergents, sanitizers and free chlorine. Pleasant fragrance neutralizes odors. Safe, nontoxic, nonacid, nonalkaline formula.
Dymon Liquid Alive Enzyme Producing Bacteria Digestant, 12 - 32-oz. Bottles per Case Itw Dymon 61.47 46.88 82.28 DYM23332.JPG LIQUID ALIVE Enzyme Producing Bacteria, enzyme cleaner, liquid alive enzyme cleaner, DYM 23332, DYM23332, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
3042 Lagasse Liquid Alive Odor Digester, 12 - 32-oz. Bottles (DYM33632) 3042 DYM 33632 29.80 33632 Liquid Alive Odor Digester
Enzyme-producing bacteria eliminates malodors caused by dampness, mildew, mold, urine, vomit and other organic waste. Will not stain fabrics. Biodegradable and nontoxic.
Liquid Alive Odor Digester, 12 - 32-oz. Spray Bottles per Case.
Itw Dymon 51.46 38.48 67.41 DYM33632.JPG Liquid Alive Odor Digester, DYM 33632, DYM33632, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
3043 Lagasse Dymon Liquid Alive Odor Digester, 4 Gallons (DYM33601) 3043 DYM 33601 37.60 33601 Instant and Residual Odor Digester
This high quality enzyme producing bacteria easily eliminates pungent, and unpleasant malodors caused by dampness, mildew, mold, urine, vomit and other organic waste. Guaranteed to not stain fabrics, the Liquid Alive Odor Digester from Dymon is completely biodegradable as well as nontoxic. Smart and economical, this powerful odor remover comes in gallon bottles, and 4 bottles per case. Can be used on carpet, upholstery, concrete, cinder block, porous surfaces, grout joints, painted surfaces, garbage cans and trucks, waste containers, mattresses and all water-safe textiles, linens and surfaces. A perfect fit for locations such as Restrooms, Restaurants, Hospitals, Schools, Office Buildings, Hotels, Prisons, Waste Facilities, Nursing Homes and Animal Shelters.
Dymon Liquid Alive Odor Digester, 1 Gallon Bottles, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Itw Dymon 49.76 37.95 64.88 DYM33601.JPG odor digester, enzyme producting liquid, enzyme drain opener, drain opener, odor eliminator, DYM 33601, DYM33601, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
3044 Lagasse Dial Antimicrobial Hand Soap for Sensitive Skin, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (DIA82838) 3044 DIA 82838 36.80 82838 Dial Antimicrobial Hand Soap for Sensitive Skin
Has broad-spectrum antimicrobial effectiveness, but yet remains extra mild and formulated for very frequent hand washing. Hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested for even the most sensitive skin. Formulated for healthcare workers or other frequent hand washers. Hypoallergenic—no harsh fragrances or dyes.
Dial Professional Antimicrobial Hand Soap for Sensitive Skin, 1 Gallon Bottles, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 54.45 41.53 71.14 DIA82838.JPG dial, dial soap, liquid soap, liquid hand soap, liquid dial antimicrobial soap for sensitive skin, DIA 82838, DIA82838, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
3045 Lagasse Dial Antimicrobial Sensitive Skin Hand Soap, 12 - 16-oz. Pump Bottles (DIA80784) 3045 DIA 80784 16.20 80784 Dial Antimicrobial Hand Soap for Sensitive Skin
Clear antimicrobial soap is gentle enough for the most sensitive skin. Formulated for healthcare workers or other frequent hand washers. Hypoallergenic—no harsh fragrances or dyes.
Dial Antimicrobial Liquid Hand Soap for Sensitive Skin, 16-oz. Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Pump Bottle Liquid Soap - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 54.17 41.32 70.36 DIA80784.JPG liquid dial antimicrobial hand soap for sensitive skin, DIA 80784, DIA80784, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
3046 Lagasse Dial Liquid Gold Antimicrobial Hand Soap, 12 Bottles (DIA80790) 3046 DIA 80790 14.80 80790 16-oz. Dial Liquid Gold Antimicrobial Hand Soap
Dial Liquid Gold Antimicrobial Hand Soap has the active ingredient Triclosan which kills a broad spectrum of bacteria and yeasts, and helps to prevent the growth of gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens. Contains emollients and skin conditioners to ensure mildness even with frequent hand washings. 12 bottles per case.
Dial Liquid Gold Antimicrobial Hand Soap, 16-oz. Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 51.64 39.38 68.56 DIA80790.JPG liquid dial gold antimicrobial soap, DIA 80790, DIA80790, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
3047 Lagasse Dial 7.5-oz. Liquid Gold Antimicrobial Hand Soap, 12 Pump Bottles (DIA84014) 3047 DIA 84014 7.50 84014 Dial Liquid Gold Antimicrobial Hand Soap
Dial Antimicrobial Hand Soap has the active ingredient Triclosan which kills a broad spectrum of bacteria and yeasts, and helps to prevent the growth of gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens. Contains emollients and skin conditioners to ensure mildness even with frequent hand washings. 12 bottles per case.
Dial Liquid Gold Antimicrobial Hand Soap, 7-1/2-oz. Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 30.08 22.94 39.19 DIA84014.JPG dial hand soap, dial soap, liquid dial soap, dial gold soap, dial pump soap bottles, liquid dial gold antimicrobial soap, DIA 84014, DIA84014 1 1 0 0 1 30
3048 Lagasse Dial Gold Antimicrobial Liquid Hand Soap, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (DIA88047) 3048 DIA 88047 37.40 88047 Dial Gold Antimicrobial Liquid Hand Soap
Active ingredient Triclosan kills a broad spectrum of bacteria and yeasts, and helps to prevent the growth of gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens. Contains emollients and skin conditioners to ensure mildness even with frequent hand washings.
Dial Anitmicrobial Liquid Hand Soap, Gold, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 51.40 39.20 67.88 DIA88047.JPG dial hand soap, liquid hand soap, antibacterial hand soap, dial gold antimicrobial soap, DIA 88047, DIA88047, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
3049 Lagasse Liquid Softsoap Antibacterial Moisturizing Hand Soap, 4 Gallon Refills (CPC01901) 3049 CPC 01901 37.00 01901 Antibacterial Moisturizing Hand Soap Refills
Premium liquid soap with mild, yet effective skin cleaners. Antibacterial formula contains four gentle emollients and conditioners to help protect skin’s natural moisture level and maintain its natural pH balance. NSF/USDA Classification E4.
Colgate - Palmolive Softsoap Antibacterial Moisturizing Soap, Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 55.97 41.33 73.69 CPC01901.JPG softsoap, antibacterial hand soap, liquid softsoap antibacterial moisturizing soap, CPC 01901, CPC01901 1 1 0 0 1 23
3050 Lagasse Softsoap Antibacterial Moisturizing Hand Soap, 12 - 7.5-oz. Pump Bottles (CPC26017) 3050 CPC 26017 7.30 26017 Softsoap Antibacterial Moisturizing Hand Soap
Softsoap Brand Antibacterial Moisturizing Hand Soap provides a fresh, clean scent. Wash away bacteria, for use with Softsoap hand soap. Premium liquid soap with mild, yet effective skin cleaners. Antibacterial formula contains four gentle emollients and conditioners to help protect skin’s natural moisture level and maintain its natural pH balance. NSF/USDA Classification E4.
Colgate - Palmolive Softsoap Antibacterial Moisturizing Hand Soap, 7.5-oz. Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Pump Bottle Liquid Soap - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 26.33 20.08 35.02 CPC26017.JPG softsoap antibacterial moisturizing hand soap, CPC 26017, CPC26017, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
3052 Lagasse SoftSoap Liquid Soap with Aloe Vera, 4 - 1 Gallon Pour Bottles (CPC01900) 3052 CPC 01900 37.00 01900 Liquid Soap with Aloe Vera
SoftSoap Premium Liquid Soap is formulated to be soothing and mild on the skin, but powerful and effective against germs. SoftSoap Liquid Soap offers a gentle cleaning formula with a touch of Aloe vera, making it a moisturizing and less dry alternative compared to other ordinary soap. Dermatologist tested, SoftSoap Premium Liquid Soap offers conditioning and moisturizing agents that smooth and protect the skin, while maintaining its natural pH balance. NSF/USDA Classification E4.
Clogate - Palmolive SoftSoap Premium Liquid Soap with Aloe Vera, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 58.06 34.44 77.20 CPC01900.JPG liquid soap, liquid hand soap, hand soap, softsoap, liquid softsoap, CPC 01900, CPC01900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
3053 Lagasse Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap with Aloe Vera, 12 - 7.5-oz. Pump Bottles (CPC26012) 3053 CPC 26012 7.30 26012 Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap with Aloe Vera
Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap with Aloe Vera is a premium liquid soap formulated for mild, effective skin cleaning. Gentle cleaning formula with a touch of aloe vera is less drying than ordinary soap. Conditioners and moisturizing agents smooth and protect skin while maintaining its natural pH balance. Dermatologist tested. NSF/USDA Classification E4.
Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap with Aloe Vera, 7.5-oz. Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Pump Bottle Liquid Soap - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 25.44 19.40 34.16 CPC26012.JPG softsoap liquid hand soap with aloe vera, CPC 26012, CPC26012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
3054 Lagasse Liquid-Plumr Heavy-Duty Clog Remover, 6 - 80-oz. Bottles (CLO35286) 3054 CLO 35286 39.20 35286 Heavy-Duty Drain Cleaner
America’s #1 drain opener. Thickened formula goes through standing water straight to the clog. Dissolves hair and food particles quickly. Safe for disposals, septic tanks and plastic pipes.
Liquid-Plumr Heavy-Duty Clog Remover, 80-oz. Bottles, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 50.35 38.40 65.58 CLO35286.JPG liquid-plumr heavy-duty clog remover, CLO 35286, CLO35286, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
3055 Lagasse Unisan Lobby Broom, Black (UNS951BP) 3055 UNS 951BP 0.67 UNS 951BP Black Lobby Broom
The Unisan Lobby Broom provide a 30 x .75 diameter broom is the ideal sweeping tool for the cleaning professional. This 30" long broom comes in a wound style, which allows it to be completely washable, allowing for broom fibers to have a longer life. These high quality black plastic bristles come with three rows of stitching, allowing for a 5-1/2" to 6" wide sweeping surface, shipping weight 9 lbs.
Unisan Lobby Broom, Black, 30" x .75", Wound Style, Wood Handle, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 59.21 43.80 78.27 UNS951BP.JPG corn broom, sweeping broom, broom, lobby broom, unisan lobby broom, UNS 951BP, UNS951BP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3056 Lagasse Rubbermaid Polypropylene Black Dust Pan Broom (RCP6374) 3056 RCP 6374 1.07 637400 BLA Rubbermaid Lobby Dust Pan Broom
Quality lobby dust pan broom is cut and shaped for easy sweeping. Ideal for cleaning hard-to-reach areas. Flagged, chemical-resistant polypropylene fill bristles. For spot cleaning with your dust pan or Lobby Pro Upright dust pans (RCP 2531; RCP 2532) sold separately. Flagged-tip bristles pick up fine dirt particles and can be used on carpeting. .85in diameter, 27in long wood handle. Overall length 35in.
Rubbermaid Polypropylene Dust Pan Broom 7.5" x 2" x 35", 7" Wood Handle, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 6.91 5.27 9.31 RCP6374.JPG rubbermaid broo, broom, rubbermaid dust broom, lobby broom, dust broom, RCP 6374, RCP6374, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3057 Lagasse Lobby Pro Upright Dust Pan with Self-Opening/Closing Cover (RCP2532) 3057 RCP 2532 1.40 2532 00 BLA Vinyl-coated, metal handle. Built-in recess on the back of the pan allows emptying without touching the pan bottom. Yoke and handle assembly features larger, quieter hinge pins. Wheels and wear pads on the back of the pan provide long product life. Lightweight plastic construction reduces the risk of back strain. Lobby Dust Pan Broom (RCP 6374) sold separately. Black. 12-1/2in wide dust bin. Overall height 37in.
LOBBY PRO UPRIGHT DUST PAN W/ CVR BLA 6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.39 18.60 32.22 RCP2532.JPG Lobby Pro Upright Dust Pan with Self-Opening/Closing Cover RCP 2532, RCP2532, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3058 Lagasse Lobby Pro Upright Open Style Dust Pan (RCP2531) 3058 RCP 2531 2.33 253100 BLA Upright Open Style Dust Pan
Lobby Pro Upright Open Style Dust Pan has a vinyl coated metal handle with a built-in recess on the back of the pan that allows emptying without touching the pan bottom. Yoke and handle assembly features larger, quieter hinge pins. Wheels and wear pads on the back of the pan provide long product life. Lightweight plastic construction reduces the risk of back strain. 12-1/2" wide dust bin. Overall height 37".
Rubbermaid Lobby Pro Upright Open Style Dust Pan, Black, 12-1/2" Wide Dust Bin, 37" High, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 17.31 13.20 23.24 RCP2531.JPG rubbermaid dust pan, dust pan, upright dust pan, open style dust pan, RCP 2531, RCP2531 1 1 0 0 1 89
3059 Lagasse San Jamar Standard 1 Roll Capacity Toilet Tissue Dispenser (SANR200XC) 3059 SAN R200XC 0.85 R200XC Toilet Paper Dispenser
San Jamar's Standard Toilet Paper Dispenser features a straight forward design, that is clear fit for the home or office bathroom. Providing a 20-gauge steel construction, this dependable dispenser can hold standard 1-1/2" core toilet tissue. Measuring in at 6"wide x 4.5" deep x 2.75" high. This toilet paper dispenser is a reliable bathroom necessity, as its tension springs prevent wasteful, free rolling of tissue.
San Jamar Single Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser, Chome, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 9.55 7.28 12.60 SANR200XC.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, bobrick toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, Locking Toilet Tissue Dispensers, 1 Roll Capacity SAN R200XC, SANR200XC 1 1 0 0 1 92
3060 Lagasse San Jamar Dual Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser (SANR260XC) 3060 SAN R260XC 1.66 R260XC Dual Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser
Tension springs prevent wasteful, free rolling of tissue. 20-gauge steel construction. Providing a controlled delivery system which saves tissue and money by eliminating waste. The dispenser is constructed for an impact resistant formula, holding any standard household tissue roll with ease. Holds standard 1-1/2" core toilet tissue. 12.37" wide x 4.5" deep x 2.75" high. More Toilet Paper and Dispensers. Our full selection of Paper Products helps keep your home and office business clean, safe and well stocked.
San Jamar Standard Dual Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser, Chrome, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Paper Dispenser » Dual Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 17.96 13.70 24.59 SANR260XC.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, bobrick toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, Locking Toilet Tissue Dispensers, 2 Roll Capacity SAN R260XC, SANR260XC 1 1 0 0 1 92
3062 Lagasse Looped Mop Head with Scrub Pad, Medium (UNS902BL) 3062 UNS 902BL 1.08 902BL Good quality, economical, four-ply blend of cotton and synthetic fibers is an excellent choice for food service areas. Scrubbing/stripping pad provides the highest level of abrasion. Blue yarn keeps mop head looking new. Looped ends reduce unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband. Narrow 1-1/4in canvas tape headband works with clamp style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
LOOP MOP HEAD W/ SCRUB PAD MED CTTN/SYN 12 Unisan 98.36 73.20 131.51 UNS902BL.JPG Looped Mop Head with Scrub Pad, Medium UNS 902BL, UNS902BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3063 Lagasse Looped Mop Head with Scrub Pad, Large (UNS903BL) 3063 UNS 903BL 19.00 903BL Good quality, economical, four-ply blend of cotton and synthetic fibers is an excellent choice for food service areas. Scrubbing/stripping pad provides the highest level of abrasion. Blue yarn keeps mop head looking new. Looped ends reduce unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband. Narrow 1-1/4in canvas tape headband works with clamp style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
LOOP MOP HEAD W/ SCRUB PAD LG CTTN/SYN 12 Unisan 113.32 84.00 149.51 UNS903BL.JPG Looped Mop Head with Scrub Pad, Large UNS 903BL, UNS903BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3066 Lagasse 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 33x39, 1.5mil, 150 Bags (JAGR3339H) 3066 JAG R3339H 20.06 RPS6878K 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Recycled garbage bags by Jaguar Plastics. This Green Cleaning Product Meets government Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (EPA CPG Compliant) for recycled liners. 100% recycled plastics, 10% post-consumer. Individually folded bags dispensed one-at-a-time for ease of use and portion control. Contains no heavy-metal additives. Jaguar garbage bags are a Green choice for a better, cleaner environment. Be sure to purchase all of your favorite Green Cleaning Supplies and Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save. Buy bulk and Save Folks.
Jaguar Plastics 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 1.5mil, Black, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 29.39 19.43 38.99 JAGR3339H.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, JAG R3339H, JAGR3339H 1 1 0 0 1 61
3067 Lagasse 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 33x39, 2.0mil, 150 Bags (JAGR3339HH) 3067 JAG R3339HH 26.49 RPS6879K 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Recycled garbage bags by Jaguar Plastics. This Green Cleaning Products Meets government Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (EPA CPG Compliant) for recycled liners. 100% recycled plastics, 10% post-consumer. Individually folded bags dispensed one-at-a-time for ease of use and portion control. Contains no heavy-metal additives Jaguar garbage bags are a Green choice for a better, cleaner environment. Be sure to purchase all of your favorite Green Cleaning Supplies and Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save. Buy bulk and Save Folks.
Jaguar Plastics 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 2.0mil, Black, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Jaguar Plastics 44.40 29.35 59.99 JAGR3339HH.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, JAG R3339HH, JAGR3339HH 1 1 0 0 1 61
3068 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x58, 1.5mil, 100 Bags (JAGR3858H) 3068 JAG R3858H 22.80 RPS6880K 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Jaguar Plastics' line of recycled black plastic garbage bags are ideal for use when cleaning up sharp objects found around the home, school or office. Providing excellent tear resistance on those heavy transportation requirements, these high-quality, flat bottom bags hold up to 30% more than star bottom bags. Crafted from recycled plastic, these 60 gallon bags meet government Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (EPA CPG Compliant) for recycled liners. Designed with 100% recycled plastics, these 10% post-consumer bags are ideal for the environmentally conscience consumer who does not want to sacrifice quality for green ideals. Individually folded for one-at-a-time dispensing, these individually folded bags are flat pack packaged for easy dispensing. Stock up today and save!
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 1.5mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Jaguar Plastics 33.85 22.38 44.85 JAGR3858H.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, black garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG R3858H, JAGR3858H, 60 gal trash bags, plastic trash bags, large garbage bags, 1 1 0 0 1 61
3069 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x58, 2.0mil, 100 Bags (JAGR3858HH) 3069 JAG R3858HH 30.14 RPS6881K 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Coming in a durable and reliable flat bottom construction, Jaguar Plastics 60 gallon garbage bags hold up to 30% more than comparable star bottom bags. Meeting the governmental guidelines (EPA CPG Compliant) for recycled liners, these 100% recycled plastic bags are individually folded for a one-at-a-time dispensing process. Offering an easy and and portion controlled dispensing system, these quality bags contain no heavy-metal additives. Coming in cases of 100 bags, these exceptional and environmentally friendly garbage bags are a perfect fit for the home or office.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 2.0mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 47.52 31.41 63.50 JAGR3858HH.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG R3858HH, JAGR3858HH 1 1 0 0 1 61
3070 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x46, 1.5mil, 100 Bags (JAGR4046H) 3070 JAG R4046H 19.15 RPS6882K 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Recycled Garbage Bags by Jaguar Plastics. Flat bottom construction holds up to 30% more than star bottom bags. This Green Cleaning Product Meets government Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (EPA CPG Compliant) for recycled liners. 100% recycled plastics, 10% post-consumer. Individually folded bags dispensed one-at-a-time for ease of use and portion control. Contains no heavy-metal additives. Jaguar garbage bags are a Green choice for a better, cleaner environment. Be sure to purchase all of your favorite Green Cleaning Supplies and Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save. Buy bulk and Save Folks.
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 1.5mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 30.51 20.17 39.70 JAGR4046H.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, JAG R4046H, JAGR4046H 1 1 0 0 1 61
3071 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x46, 2.0mil, 100 Bags (JAGR4046HH) 3071 JAG R4046HH 25.28 RPS6883K 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Jaguar Plastics recycled garbage bags are ideal for the toughest clean-up jobs. The low density garbage bags provide exceptional puncture resistance for heavy, wet or sharp garbage. The perfect garbage bag for environmentally conscious consumers, Jaguar’s line of 45 gallon can liners meet EPA procurement guidelines with more than 80% recycled content and 10% post-consumer resin that is free of heavy metal additives. Designed with a flat bottom, these high quality garbage bags will hold up to 30% more than star sealed bottom can liners. These 2.0 mil gauge garbage bags are individually folded in their box for trouble-free, one-at-a-time dispensing. The best garbage bags for tough garbage applications around the home, office or job site, stock up on Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Garbage Bags today!
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 2.0mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Jaguar Plastics 40.70 26.90 53.91 JAGR4046HH.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, JAG R4046HH, JAGR4046HH 1 1 0 0 1 61
3072 Lagasse 56 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 43x47, 1.5mil, 100 Bags (JAGR4347H) 3072 JAG R4347H 20.96 RPS6884K 56 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Recycled Garbage Bags by Jaguar Plastics. Flat bottom construction holds up to 30% more than star bottom bags. This Green Cleaning Product Meets government Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (EPA CPG Compliant) for recycled liners. 100% recycled plastics, 10% post-consumer. Individually folded bags dispensed one-at-a-time for ease of use and portion control. Contains no heavy-metal additives. Jaguar garbage bags are a Green choice for a better, cleaner environment. Be sure to purchase all of your favorite Green Cleaning Supplies and Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save. Buy bulk and Save Folks.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 1.5mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 33.09 21.87 43.64 JAGR4347H.JPG 56 gallon garbage bags, 56 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 56 gallon garbage can liners, JAG R4347H, JAGR4347H 1 1 0 0 1 61
3073 Lagasse 56 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 43x47, 2.0mil, 100 Bags (JAGR4347HH) 3073 JAG R4347HH 27.70 RPS6885K 56 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Recycled Garbage Bags by Jaguar Plastics. Flat bottom construction holds up to 30% more than star bottom bags. This Green Cleaning Product Meets government Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (EPA CPG Compliant) for recycled liners. 100% recycled plastics, 10% post-consumer. Individually folded bags dispensed one-at-a-time for ease of use and portion control. Contains no heavy-metal additives. Jaguar garbage bags are a Green choice for a better, cleaner environment. Be sure to purchase all of your favorite Green Cleaning Supplies and Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save. Buy bulk and Save Folks.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 2.0mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 44.11 29.16 58.49 JAGR4347HH.JPG 56 gallon garbage bags, 56 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 56 gallon garbage can liners, JAG R4347HH, JAGR4347HH 1 1 0 0 1 61
3075 Lagasse Lux Bar Soap, 72 - 3.2-oz. Size Bars (DRK2979831) 3075 DRK 2979831 14.60 2979831 Lux Beauty Bar Soap
Make your skin feel and look beautiful with pure Lux brand Beauty Bar soap. Lux has a superior lather that leaves skin feeling smooth and refreshed along with a mild fragrance that leaves skin smelling fresh and clean. Lux cleans while it moisturizes. Each individually wrapped bar is 3.2 ounces. there are 72 bars per case.
Johnson Diversey Lux Beauty Bar Soap, Individually Wrapped, 3.2 oz Bar, 72 Bars per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bar Soaps - The wholesale janitorial supply company that buyers trust. Diversey 36.16 27.52 47.89 DRK2979831.JPG lux bar soap, lux 3-oz bar soap, lux bar soaps, lux soap, DRK 2979831, DRK2979831 1 1 0 0 1 63
3076 Lagasse Lysol Brand I.C. Quaternary Disinfectant Cleaner, 4 Bottles (REC74983) 3076 REC 74983 36.90 36241-74983 Lysol IC Quaternary Disinfectant Cleaner
Lysol I.C. Quaternary Disinfectant Cleaner is a highly concentrated, hospital grade cleaner that protects against viruses, fungus and bacteria all in one convenient product. The blend of quaternary agents in Lysol’s formula is proven to clean, disinfect and deodorize all hard, nonporous surfaces such floors, walls, metal surfaces, glazed porcelain and plastic surfaces with a neutral pH in dilution. Lysol I.C. is effective against HIV-1, staph, strep, pseudomonas and salmonella bacteria. This cost effective germicide yields 256 gallons of cleaner per bottle. Lysol I.C. Quaternary Disinfectant Cleaner is ideal for use in hospitals, nursing homes, funeral homes, schools, veterinary clinics, pet shops and countless other establishments that require frequent cleaning. Lysol has been a trusted brand proven to clean, disinfect and deodorize for many years, so get some today!
Lysol Brand IC Quarternary Disinfectant Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 101.46 72.75 133.19 REC74983.JPG Lysol Brand I.C. Quaternary Disinfectant Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle REC 74983, REC74983, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3077 Lagasse LYSOL Brand All-Purpose Cleaner, Lavender Breeze Scent, 9 Bottles (REC78631) 3077 REC 78631 26.40 78631 Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner, Lavender Breeze Scent
Kills germs, removes soap scum, cuts grease and deodorizes. Controls mold and mildew. Dilute 2-oz. per gallon to clean and deodorize. Use 8.5-oz. per gallon to disinfect. Works on a wide range of hard, non-porous surfaces. EPA Registered. Leaves a pleasant lavender scent. Excellent for use in industrial settings like offices, nursing homes, hospitals, schools and stores. Also great for use in rooms of a home such as kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, rec rooms, toy rooms and family rooms.
Lysol All Purpose Cleaner, Pourable, Lavender Breeze Scent, 40oz. Bottles, 9 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 27.29 20.02 36.83 REC78631.JPG lysol brand all-purpose cleaner 4 in 1, lavender breeze scent, REC 78631, REC78631, all-purpose cleaner, disinfectants, deodorizer, disinfectant, deodorizers, cleaner 1 1 0 0 1 86
3079 Lagasse Lysol Brand Disinfectant Spray To Go, Crisp Linen Scent, 12 Cans (REC79132) 3079 REC 79132 1.95 79132 Lysol To Go Disinfectant Spray
Lysol To Go Disinfectant Spray comes in compact travel size 1-oz aerosol cans that fits easily in a purse or pocket. Kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses in public areas. Use it to disinfect changing tables, public telephones, public restrooms, tabletops and more. EPA Registered.
Lysol Disinfectant Spray To Go, 1oz. Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 23.98 17.57 32.60 REC79132.JPG lysol to go, lysol disinfectant spray to go, lysol brand disinfectant spray to go, REC 79132, REC79132 1 1 0 0 1 86
3080 Lagasse Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime, 12 Canisters (REC81145) 3080 REC 81145 9.60 81145 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes
Lysol is the most trusted name in quality cleaning products and disinfectants. Lysol's line of disinfecting wipes are the perfect cleaning tool. Measuring in at 7" x 8", each thick, pre-moistened wipe is guaranteed to eliminate 99.9% of viruses and bacteria on hard nonporous surfaces when used as directed. Ideal for cleaning, disinfecting and deodorizing, these quality wipes are perfect for the home, or office. Use on kitchen counters, appliances, stove tops, cabinets, floors, garbage cans, toilet exteriors, bathtubs and sinks. Coming in a convenient, pop top container, these pre-moistened, disposable towelettes disinfect and deodorize in one easy swipe. No need for bottles, no sponges, or a mess. EPA Registered, Lysol wipes are excellent for public places, in the classroom or office or any other area that may harbor germs.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon-Lime Blossom Scent, 7x8, 12 Canisters per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 37.24 27.30 49.95 lysol wipes, lysol disinfecting wipes, lysol disinfectant wipes, wipes, wipers, disinfectant wipes, disinfecting wipes, lysol, lysol cleaner, REC 81145, REC81145, cleaning wipes, lysol disinfectant 1 1 0 0 1 86
3081 Lagasse Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime, 6 Canisters (REC77182) 3081 REC 77182 10.50 77182 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes
Lysol's line of disinfecting wipes are the perfect disinfecting accessory for any home or office environment. Measuring in at 7" x 8", each thick, pre-moistened wipes promise to kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria on hard nonporous surfaces when used as directed. Direct from Lysol, the most trusted name in quality cleaning products and disinfectants, these quality towelettes are ideal for cleaning, disinfecting and deodorizing. Use on the sink, toilet, bathtub, kitchen counter, stove top, cabinet, floor, or on appliances. Coming in a convenient, pop top container, these pre-moistened, disposable towels are the ideal cleaning tool wherever it's needed.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Disinfectant Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom Scent, 7x8, 80, 6 Canisters per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 34.07 25.98 45.79 REC77182_n.JPG lysol wipes, lysol disinfecting wipes, lysol disinfectant wipes, wipes, wipers, disinfectant wipes, disinfecting wipes, lysol, lysol cleaner, REC 77182, REC77182 1 1 0 0 1 86
3082 Lagasse Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Citrus Scent, 6 Canisters (REC78849) 3082 REC 78849 14.60 78849 Disinfecting Wipes
These disinfecting wipes are a convenient, pre-moistened, disposable towelette perfect for touch up cleaning around the house. Lysol Disinfecting Wipes are proven to kill 99.9% of germs on hard nonporous surfaces in 30 seconds to keep your family healthy year round. Made with Micro-Lock Fibers to provide greater durability and abrasion resistance, these wipes are ideal for use on appliances, bathtubs, cabinets, countertops, floors, garbage bins, sinks and toilet bowls and urinals. These EPA registered disinfecting wipes are effective against H1N1, staph, salmonella, E. coli, norovirus, Hepatitis A and B, as well as mold and mildew. Lysol Disinfecting wipes come in a convenient pop-up container, so you can have them on hand at all times for one-step cleaning and disinfecting. Stock up today!
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Citrus Scent, 110 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 43.67 33.31 58.10 wipes, lysol disinfectant wipes, lysol wipes, lysol disinfectant wipes, lysol brand disinfecting 4 in 1 wipes with micro-lock fibers, REC 78849, REC78849 1 1 0 0 1 86
3083 Lagasse LYSOL Wipes Micro Lock Fiber, Spring Waterfall Scent, 12 Containers (REC81146) 3083 REC 81146 9.60 81146 Lysol Disinfectant Wipes
Micro-Lock Fibers! New, breakthrough technology for stronger, better-cleaning wipes. Lysol Disinfectant Wipes with Micro-Lock Fibers have three types of fibers which are treated and woven together in a hydroentanglement process for greater durability and abrasion resistance. Convenient, premoistened, disposable towelette wipes in pop-up container. Lysol disinfectant kills germs, also Kills Flu Virus! No bottle, no sponges, no spills, no mess. EPA Registered. Excellent for keeping in your car, taking on trips in public places, in the classroom or office or any other area that may harbor germs that will get you or your family sick.
Lysol Micro Lock Disinfectant Wipes, Spring Waterfall Scent, 35 Count, 12 Containers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 37.24 27.30 49.09 REC81146.JPG wipes, wipers, disinfectant wipes, disinfecting wipes, lysol disinfecting wipes with micro-lock fibers, spring waterfall scent, REC 81146, REC81146, germs, germ 1 1 0 0 1 86
3084 Lagasse Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Spring Waterfall Scent, 6 Canisters (REC77925) 3084 REC 77925 10.50 19200-77925 Lysol Wipes with Micro-Lock Fibers
New, breakthrough technology for stronger, better-cleaning wipes. Lysol Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Lock Fibers have three types of fibers which are treated and woven together in a hydroentanglement process for greater durability and abrasion resistance. Convenient, premoistened, disposable towelette wipes in pop-up container. Lysol Sanitizing Wipes with Micro-Lock Fibers disinfects and kills germs. No bottle, no sponges, no mess. EPA Registered. Lysol a name you know and trust for superior cleaning products
Lysol Micro Lock Disinfectant Wipes, Spring Waterfall Scent, 35 Count, 12 Containers per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 33.44 24.52 45.01 REC77925.JPG wipes, wipers, disinfectant, disinfectants, lysol disinfecting wipes REC 77925, REC77925, disinfectant wipes, disinfecting wipes, disinfecting wipe, disinfectant wipe, wipe, cleaner 1 1 0 0 1 86
3085 Lagasse Lysol Dual Action Wipes, Citrus Scent, 12 Canisters (REC81143) 3085 REC 81143 10.00 81143 Lysol Dual Action Disinfectant Wipes, Citrus Scent
Dual Texture! New, breakthrough technology for stronger, better-cleaning wipes. Dual-textured wipe—raised fibers on one side for scrubbing tough messes, wiping side cleans them away. Strong wipes kill 99.9% of germs. Disinfects and deodorizes. Convenient, premoistened, disposable towelette wipes in pop-up container. EPA Registered. Excellent for keeping in your car, taking on trips in public places, in the classroom or office or any other area that may harbor germs that will get you or your family sick.
Lysol Wipes, Dual Texture Disinfectant, Citrus Scent, 28 Count Canister, 12 Canisters per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 37.24 27.30 49.87 REC81143.JPG wipes, wipers, disinfectant, disinfectants, lysol, lysol cleaner, lysol disinfectant, cleaning wipes, LYSOL Disinfecting Wipes, REC 81143, REC81143, germs, kill germs 1 1 0 0 1 86
3089 Lagasse Lysol Brand I.C. Disinfectant Spray, 12 Cans (REC95029) 3089 REC 95029 19.10 36241-95029 Lysol Brand I.C. Disinfectant Spray
Lysol I.C. Disinfectant Spray is a hospital grade disinfectant that kills 99.9% of germs on hard, nonporous surfaces, including MRSA, Norovirus, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, HIV-1 and H1N1 Influenza A virus. Lysol has also proven to be highly effective against bloodborne pathogens, as well as over 50 other microorganisms when it is used according to directions. Lysol Disinfectant Spray features a ControlFlo Valve that produces a wetter spray, for more thorough surface coverage. This tuberculocidal, virucidal, fungicidal and bactericidal disinfectant is ideal for use on showers, door handles, waiting rooms, laboratories and in restrooms. Keep your environment as healthy as possible and Choose Lysol I.C. Disnfectant Spray for your facility today.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Brand I.C. Disinfectant Spray, 19-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 84.41 63.00 114.84 REC95029.JPG LYSOL Brand II I.C. Disinfectant Spray, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can REC 95029, REC95029, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3090 Lagasse LYSOL Brand II I.C. Foaming Disinfectant Cleaner, 12 Cans (REC95524) 3090 REC 95524 23.00 36241-95524 Lysol Brand II I.C. Foaming Disinfectant Cleaner
Lysol I.C. Foaming Disinfectant Cleaner is hospital-strength infection control in a ready-to-use quaternary formula which cleans, disinfects and deodorizes. Effective against HIV-1 (AIDS virus), poliovirus Type 1, staphylococcus, salmonella and pseudomonas on hard, nonporous surfaces. Lysol Brand II I.C.Foaming Disinfectant Cleaner contains no harsh acids, abrasives or bleach. EPA Registered.
Lysol Brand II I.C. Foaming Disinfectant Cleaner, 24-oz. Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 40.30 29.40 54.20 REC95524.JPG lysol I.C. foaming disinfectant cleaner, REC 95524, REC95524, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3091 Lagasse Lysol Disinfectant All-Purpose Cleaner 4 in 1, Lemon Breeze, 12 Bottles (REC75352) 3091 REC 75352 29.90 75352 Lysol Brand III Disinfectant All-Purpose Cleaner
Kills germs, cuts grease and deodorizes. For use on hard surfaces such as walls, garbage cans, floors and washable wallpaper. Works on a wide range of hard, non-porous surfaces. EPA Registered. Leaves a pleasant lemon scent. Excellent for use in industrial settings like offices, nursing homes, hospitals, schools and stores. Also great for use in rooms of a home such as kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, rec rooms, toy rooms and family rooms. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Lysol Brand III Cleaner, Lemon Breeze Scent, 32 oz. Trigger Spray Bottles, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 36.33 27.71 47.20 REC75352.JPG lysol brand III disinfectant all-purpose cleaner 4 in 1, REC 75352, REC75352, all-purpose cleaner, disinfectant, deodorizer, disinfectants, disinfecting cleaner , deodorizers 1 1 0 1 1 86
3092 Lagasse Lysol Brand III All-Purpose Cleaner, Pacific Fresh Scent, 12 Bottles (REC80313) 3092 REC 80313 29.90 80313 Lysol 4 in 1 Disinfectant Cleaner
Kills germs, removes soap scum, cuts grease and deodorizes. Controls mold and mildew. Works on a wide range of hard, non-porous surfaces such as walls, garbage cans, floors, washable paper, ceramic tile and more. EPA Registered. Excellent for use in industrial settings like offices, nursing homes, hospitals, schools and stores. Also great for use in rooms of a home such as kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, rec rooms, toy rooms and family rooms. Leaves behind a Pacific fresh scent. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Lysol Brand III Disinfectant All Purpose Cleaner, 32-oz Trigger Sprayer Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 37.98 25.84 50.05 REC80313.JPG lysol brand III disinfectant all-purpose cleaner 4 in 1, pacific fresh scent, REC 80313, REC80313, disinfectant, deodorizers, disinfectants, disinfectant cleaner 1 1 0 1 1 86
3093 Lagasse Lysol Disinfectant Spray, Crisp Linen Scent, 12 Cans (REC74186) 3093 REC 74186 12.00 74186 Lysol Disinfectant Spray, Crisp Linen Scent
Lysol Brand Disinfectant Spray helps stop the spread of germs in an easy to use Crisp Linen Scent spray. Lysol kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria on hard, nonporous surfaces, including staph, strep, influenza, rotovirus, salmonella and many more. In addition, Lysol also kills 99.9% of mold, mildew and odor causing bacteria. It can also be used as a spot treatment on soft surfaces like sofas, mattresses, pillows, cushions, backpacks and pet beds. Lysol Disinfectant is ideal for use in kitchens, bathrooms, and many hard surfaces throughout your home. Keep some Lysol on hand to help protect your family from germs they come in contact with everyday.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Disinfectant Spray, Crisp Linen Scent, 12-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 60.58 45.41 78.84 REC74186.JPG lysol disinfectant spray, air freshener, aerosol disinfectant, aerosol air freshener, REC 74186, REC74186, disinfectant, disinfectants, germ killer, deodorizer, lysol 1 1 0 0 1 86
3095 Lagasse Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, 12 Bottles (REC75055) 3095 REC 75055 23.20 75055 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach
Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach cleans, disinfects and kills odor-causing germs in toilets in just one simple step. The thick, powerful bleach formula clings to the bowl to dissolve rust stains and mineral deposits on contact, leaving behind a bright, clean toilet bowl. Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria, including salmonella and E. coli. The angle-neck bottle helps target hard to reach areas, including above and below the water line, so your toilet gets a thorough clean. This toilet bowl cleaner is safe for all plumbing and septic systems. Lysol had led the way in disinfection and odor control for years, so you know you are getting a hard-working, effective product that will keep your family healthy. Get some Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach today!
Clorox Lysol Disinfectant Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, 24-oz. Bottles, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 29.95 21.97 39.21 REC75055.JPG lysol toilet bowl cleaner, lysol power toilet bowl cleaner, REC 75055, REC75055, toilet cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, toilet bowl 1 1 0 0 1 86
3096 Lagasse Maid Broom (UNS916P) 3096 UNS 916P 15.00 UNS 916P For light-duty household sweeping. Flagged-tip, long-lasting black plastic bristles with three rows of stitching and plastic shroud. Flagged-tip bristles pick up fine dirt particles and can be used on carpeting. 42in long, 7/8in diameter wood handle. Shpg. wt. 18 lbs.
FLAG-TIP MAID BRM 42X.88 DIA WOOD BLA BRISTLES DZ Unisan 88.84 63.60 119.64 UNS916P.JPG Maid Broom UNS 916P, UNS916P, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3097 Lagasse Rubbermaid Maid Carry Caddy, 16" x 9" x 5", Gray (RCP2649GRA) 3097 RCP 2649 GRA 1.20 264900 GRAY Maid Carry Caddy for Brute Trash Cans
The Maid Carry Caddy All-purpose caddy is perfect for carrying cleaning supplies or tools. Coming with a snap feature that adheres onto the rim of the 44-gallon Brute Trash Can, making them the perfect addition to any cleaning job. Coming in a compact, carry-around design with handle allows you to take the caddy where it's needed. This versatile caddy comes with two compartments accommodate spray bottles, towels, can liners and more. RCP 2643 and RCP 2643-60 (sold separately).
Rubbermaid Maid Carry Caddy for Brute Trash Cans, Gray 16" x 9"x 5", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.52 18.70 32.21 RCP2649GRA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Maid Carry Caddy, Gray RCP 2649 GRA, RCP2649GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
3098 Lagasse Marks-A-Lot Large Tip Permanent Marker, Black (AVY08-888) 3098 AVY 08-888 0.60 AVE08888 Marks-A-Lot Large Tip Permanent Marker
Quick-drying, nontoxic, waterproof ink conforms to ASTMD-4236. Generous ink supply. Durable chisel tip. 12 markers per box.
Marks-A-Lot Marker Large, Black, 12 per Box
Avery Commercial Products Division 8.99 6.86 11.95 AVY08888.JPG Marks-A-Lot Large Tip Permanent Marker, Black AVY 08-888, AVY08888, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 9
3099 Lagasse Marks-A-Lot Regular Tip Permanent Marker, Black (AVY07-888) 3099 AVY 07-888 0.04 AVE07888 Marks-A-Lot Regular Tip Permanent Marker
Quick-drying, nontoxic, waterproof ink conforms to ASTMD-4236. Generous ink supply. Durable chisel tip. 12 markers per box.
Marks-A-Lot Regular Chisel-Tip Marker, Black, 12 per Box
Avery Commercial Products Division 8.99 6.86 11.71 AVY07888.JPG Marks-A-Lot Regular Tip Permanent Marker, Black AVY 07-888, AVY07888, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 9
3100 Lagasse Rubbermaid 15-Gallon Marshal Classic Dome Top Trash Can, Beige (RCP8160-88BEI) 3100 RCP 8160-88 BEI 19.60 8160 88 BEIG 15 Gallon Dome Top Trash Can
Practical good looks combined with fire safety in this durable plastic container. Push door conceals waste. Textured finish helps minimize appearance of surface scratches. Includes retainer hardware for securing and concealing can liners. For indoor use. Built to contain flame under normal use. FM Approved and CSFM Listed for fire safety. Withstands temperature ranges from subzero to summer heat. Structural web plastic construction gives a contemporary styling and resists dents and scratches. Dome top with hinged door. Polyliner fastener for rigid liner. 15.3" diameter x 36.5" tall. Shipping weight: 20 lbs. Liner sold separately - Sku: RCP 3550 GRA.
Rubbermaid 15 Gallon Classic Dome Top Trash Can, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Marshal Series Classic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 136.36 104.00 178.23 RCP816088BEI.JPG rubbermaid dome top trash can, trash can, garbage can, dome top garbage can, trash can with lid, wastebasket, marshal classic trash can, 15 gallon trash can, beige, RCP 8160-88 BEI, RCP816088BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
3101 Lagasse 15-Gallon Marshal Classic Trash Can, Black (RCP8160-88BLA) 3101 RCP 8160-88 BLA 16.80 8160 88 BLA Rubbermaid 15 Gallon Marshal Classic Trash Can
Built to contain flame under normal use. FM Approved and CSFM Listed for fire safety. Withstands temperature ranges from subzero to summer heat. Structural web plastic construction gives a contemporary styling and resists dents and scratches. Dome top with hinged door. Polyliner fastener for rigid liner. Liner sold separately- sku# RCP 3550 GRA. 15.3" diameter x 36.5" tall. Shipping weight: 20 lbs.
Rubbermaid 15 Gallon Classic Dome Top Marshal Trash Can, Black, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Marshal Series Classic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 136.36 104.00 179.82 RCP816088BLA.JPG marshal trash cans, marshal classic trash can, marshal 15 gallon, marshal black trash can, rubbermaid marshal trash can, RCP 8160-88 BLA, RCP816088BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
3102 Lagasse 15-Gallon Marshal Classic Trash Can, Brown (RCP8160-88BRO) 3102 RCP 8160-88 BRO 18.20 8160 88 BRO Rubbermaid 15 Gallon Dome Top Trash Can
Classic dome top trash can by Rubbermaid. Built to contain flame under normal use. FM Approved and CSFM Listed for fire safety. Withstands temperature ranges from subzero to summer heat. Structural web plastic construction gives a contemporary styling and resists dents and scratches. Dome top with hinged door. Polyliner fastener for rigid liner. Liner sold separately - See Sku: RCP 3550 GRA. 15.3" diameter x 36.5" tall. Shipping weight: 20 lbs.
Rubbermaid 15 Gallon Classic Dome Top Trash Can, Brown, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Marshal Series Classic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 136.36 104.00 184.26 RCP816088BRO.JPG Trash Can, Trash Cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, waste baskets, Marshal Classic Trash Can, 15-Gallon, Brown RCP 8160-88 BRO, RCP816088BRO 1 1 0 0 1 89
3103 Lagasse 25-Gallon Marshal Dometop Trash Can, Beige (RCP8170-88BEI) 3103 RCP 8170-88 BEI 24.80 8170 88 BEIG 25-Gallon Marshal Dome-Top Trash Can
Built to contain flame under normal use. FM Approved and CSFM Listed for fire safety. Withstands temperature ranges from subzero to summer heat. Structural web plastic construction gives a contemporary styling and resists dents and scratches. Dome top with hinged door. Polyliner fastener for rigid liner. Liner sold separately - See Sku: RCP 3552 GRA. 18" diameter x 42" tall. Shipping weight: 23 lbs.
Rubbermaid 25 Gallon Classic Trash Can, Dome Top, Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 177.66 135.50 233.59 RCP817088BEI.JPG Trash Cans, Trash Can, garbage cans, garbage can, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Marshal Classic Trash Can, 25-Gallon, Beige RCP 8170-88 BEI, RCP817088BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
3104 Lagasse 25-Gallon, Black, Marshal Classic Trash Can (RCP8170-88BLA) 3104 RCP 8170-88 BLA 24.00 8170 88 BLK Rubbermaid 25 Gallon Trash Can
Built to contain flame under normal use. FM Approved and CSFM Listed for fire safety. Withstands temperature ranges from subzero to summer heat. Structural web plastic construction gives a contemporary styling and resists dents and scratches. Dome top with hinged door. Polyliner fastener for rigid liner. Liner sold separately - Sku: RCP 3552 GRA. 18" diameter x 42" tall. Shipping weight: 23 lbs.
Rubbermaid 25 Gallon Marshal Classic Dome Top Trash Can, Black, Each - The cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 177.67 135.51 238.75 RCP817088BLA.JPG marshal trash can, rubbermaid marshal trash cans, rubbermaid trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, waste baskets, Marshal Classic Trash Can, 25-Gallon, Black RCP 8170-88 BLA, RCP817088BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
3105 Lagasse 25-Gallon Marshal Classic Trash Can, Brown (RCP8170-88BRO) 3105 RCP 8170-88 BRO 24.20 8170 88 BRO Rubbermaid 25 Gallon Dome Top Trash Can
Built to contain flame under normal use. FM Approved and CSFM Listed for fire safety. Withstands temperature ranges from subzero to summer heat. Structural web plastic construction gives a contemporary styling and resists dents and scratches. Dome top with hinged door. Polyliner fastener for rigid liner. Liner sold separately - See Sku: RCP 3552 GRA. 18" diameter x 42" tall. Shipping weight: 23 lbs
Rubbermaid 25 Gallon Classic Dome Top Trash Can, Brown, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Marshal Series Classic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 177.67 135.51 235.07 RCP817088BRO.JPG Trash Cans, Trash Can, garbage cans, garbage can, wastebaskets, waste basket, Marshal Classic Trash Can, 25-Gallon, Brown RCP 8170-88 BRO, RCP817088BRO 1 1 0 0 1 89
3106 Lagasse Masslinn Dust Cloth, Heavy-Duty Dust Cloths, 100 Cloths (CHI0911) 3106 CHI 0911 5.80 0911 Heavy-Duty Yellow Masslinn Dust Cloths
Features dust-catching fibers that when stretched, increase dust particle pickup. Also mineral oil-treated for increased dust pickup and enhanced finish with no lint or residue. Microban antimicrobial protection inhibits bacteria growth. UL tested. Perfect for dusting of floors and large surfaces with high traffic. Yellow 24" x 24" dust cloths.
Chicopee Yellow Dust Cloths, 50 Dust Cloths per Bag, 2 Bags, 100 Cloths per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Chicopee 50.06 38.18 66.14 CHI0911.JPG masslinn dust cloths, yellow dust cloths, heavy duty dust cloths, yellow masslinn dust cloths, yellow dust wipes, yellow dust rags, masslinn dust rags, wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, CHI 0911, CHI0911 1 1 0 0 1 19
3107 Lagasse Masslinn Dust Cloths, Light-Duty, 150 Dust Cloths (CHI8673) 3107 CHI 8673 5.60 8673 Features dust-catching fibers that when stretched, increase dust particle pickup. Also mineral oil-treated for increased dust pickup and enhanced finish with no lint or residue. Microban® antimicrobial protection inhibits bacteria growth. UL tested. Perfect for dusting of floors and large surfaces with high traffic. Yellow, 22"x 24" dust cloth.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Dust Cloth
Chicopee Masslinn Dust Cloths, Yellow, 22" x 24", 30 Dust Cloths per Bag, 5 Bags per Case, 150 Dust Cloths per Case
Chicopee 46.52 31.52 62.35 CHI8673.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, CHI 8673, CHI8673 1 1 0 0 1 19
3110 Lagasse TimeMist Matrix Gel Refill, Very Citrus Slice Fragrance, 12 Gel Refills (TMS5708) 3110 TMS 5708 2.10 45-5708 Citrus Slice Air Freshener Gel Refills
Matrix Gel Air Freshener Refills are made from a microencapsulated organic gel, with odor counteractants, and will work in virtually any fan dispenser. These air freshener refills can be utilized in the bathroom and act as a Bathroom Air Fresheners that will have your bathroom smelling fresh and clean in no time at all. This air freshener and bathroom air freshener has a time-release formula that will deliver even, constant air freshening for over 30 days. 2-3/4 diameter. 12 air freshener refills per case. Shop for all of your Janitorial Supplies at today and save.
Time Mist Matrix Air Freshener Gel Refills, 2.75oz, Very Citrus Slice, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 31.75 22.30 42.32 TMS5708.JPG Matrix Gel Refill, Citrus Slice Fragrance TMS 5708, TMS5708, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
3111 Lagasse TimeMist Matrix Gel Refill, Very Cherry Fragrance, 12 Gel Refill (TMS5717) 3111 TMS 5717 2.10 45-5717TM Very Cherry Air Freshener Gel Refills
Matrix Gel Air Freshener Refills are made from a microencapsulated organic gel, with odor counteractants, and will work in virtually any fan dispenser. These air freshener refills can be utilized in the bathroom and act as a Bathroom Air Fresheners that will have your bathroom smelling fresh and clean in no time at all. This air freshener and bathroom air freshener has a time-release formula that will deliver even, constant air freshening for over 30 days. 2-3/4 diameter. 12 air freshener refills per case. Shop for all of your Janitorial Supplies at today and save.
Time Mist Matrix Air Freshener Gel Refills, 2.75oz, Very Cherry, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 31.74 23.49 41.88 TMS5717.JPG Matrix Gel Refill, Very Cherry Fragrance TMS 5717, TMS5717, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
3112 Lagasse Bobrick Sanitary Napkin Receptacle, Gray (BOB5270) 3112 BOB 5270 2.80 B-5270 Wall Mounted Sanitary Napkin Receptacle
The Bobrick Matrix Series Sanitary Napkin Receptacle is designed to provide safe and hygienic disposal of sanitary waste in women’s restrooms. This receptacle will ensure that every visit is clean and convenient for your female employees and customers. Bobrick has designed a sanitary napkin receptacle that prevents waste adhesion and promotes better hygiene. The interior is lined so that it is never soiled and unable to harbor dirt or germs. The receptacle can be surface mounted on the toilet partition or a wall, and its compact design allows it to fit in restroom stalls or small powder rooms. Constructed of durable ABS plastic, this receptacle is an economical choice for your restroom needs, and the contoured shape allows for easy cleaning. Dimensions: 9 ¼” wide x 3 7/8” deep x 11 3/8” high.
Bobrick Matrix Series Surface Mounted Sanitary Napkin Receptacle, Gray Plastic, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Bobrick 22.14 15.19 29.01 BOB5270.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, feminine hygiene product, feminine hygiene products, Matrix Receptacle, Gray BOB 5270, BOB5270 1 1 0 0 1 13
3113 Lagasse Matrix Series Dual Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser (BOB5288) 3113 BOB 5288 2.30 B-5288 Matrix Series Toilet Paper Dispenser
Matrix Series Toilet Paper Dispenser has a distinctive design in durable impact-resistant ABS plastic. Molded-in, high-gloss gray color is corrosion and chip resistant. Dispensing mechanism holds two standard rolls up to 5-3/4" diameter. Extra roll easily shifts into place when bottom roll is depleted. Concealed locking device. 6-1/4" wide x 6-7/8" deep x 13-1/2" high. More Toilet Paper and Dispensers. Our full selection of Paper Products helps keep your home and office business clean, safe and well stocked.
Bobrick Matrix Series Dual Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser, Gray, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Paper Dispenser » Dual Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Bobrick 26.02 19.41 34.10 BOB5288.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, bobrick toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, Matrix Series Dispenser BOB 5288, BOB5288 1 1 0 0 1 13
3114 Lagasse Matrix Series Multi-fold Paper Towel Dispenser (BOB5262) 3114 BOB 5262 3.16 B-5262 Multi-fold Paper Towel Dispenser
Dispenses 400 C-Fold or 525 Multifold paper towels measuring 3-1/8 inch x 3-13/16 inch, without adjustment or adapters. Cabinet slots indicate refill time Smooth, curved-line design. Impact-resistant ABS plastic is both durable and economical. Molded-in, high-gloss gray color is corrosion- and chip-resistant. Door has vandal-resistant, concealed locking device. Easy to clean. 11-1/2"wide x 4-3/4"deep x 15-1/4"high.
Bobrick Matrix Series Multi-Fold Paper Towel Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Bobrick 25.68 19.58 34.79 BOB5262.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, Matrix Series Paper Towel Dispenser BOB 5262, BOB5262 1 1 0 0 1 13
3115 Lagasse Maxithins Pads (HOSMT-4) 3115 HOS MT-4 12.00 MT-4 Maxithins Pads
Thin full "Proven Protection" prove it for yourself. Multi-channels for enhanced performance. Folded to fit into 4in long #8 box. 250 pads per case. Shipping weight: 12 lbs.
Maxithins Folded Pads, 250 per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Hospeco 49.90 29.60 67.11 HOSMT4.JPG maxithins pads HOS MT-4, HOSMT4 1 1 0 0 1 57
3116 Lagasse Mechanical Portion Control Scales, Mechanical Scale (PEL632SRW) 3116 PEL 632SRW 30.50 FG632SRW • Stainless steel construction • NSF Certified Great for food processing use. Rotating dial for easy tare. Alignment notch for precise and quick zero reset. Stainless steel construction will not rust. Dishwasher-safe housing and platform remove easily without tools. NSF certified. Measures in 1/4-oz. increments. 32-oz. capacity. 7-5/8w x 5-1/2d x 8-1/2h. 6 scales per case.
SCALE-FOODSERVICE 32 OZ EASY WASH 1 Pelouze 82.27 62.75 108.63 PEL632SRW.JPG Mechanical Portion Control Scales, Mechanical Scale PEL 632SRW, PEL632SRW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 168
3118 Lagasse Mechanical Scale (PELY32R) 3118 PEL Y32R 3.00 Y32R • Stainless steel construction • NSF Certified Rotating dial to tare out container. Platform can be used as handle. Measures in 1/4-oz. increments. 32-oz. capacity. 6 x 4-5/8 platform. 6 scales per case.
SCALE MECH ROTATE 2LBX.25OZ EACH Pelouze 52.44 40.00 71.17 PELY32R.JPG Mechanical Scale PEL Y32R, PELY32R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 168
3119 Lagasse Medaphene Plus Disinfectant Spray, 12 - 20-oz. Aerosol Cans (DYM34720) 3119 DYM 34720 16.20 34720 Medaphene Plus Disinfectant Aerosol Spray
Effective disinfectant controls the growth of many disease-causing organisms. Formula is bactericidal, tuberculocidal, fungicidal and virucidal on hard, nonporous surfaces. Effective against multiple viruses including HIV-1 (AIDS virus), Herpes Simplex (Type 2), Avian influenza and influenza A2, Avian bronchitis, Avian laryngotracheitis, Hog cholera and pseudorabies. Also effective against bacteria including tuberculosis, staph, salmonella and pseudomonas.
ITW Dymon Medaphene Plus Disinfectant Spray, 20-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Itw Dymon 61.34 46.78 81.68 DYM34720.JPG Medaphene Plus Disinfectant Spray, DYM 34720, DYM34720, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
3123 Lagasse Medium Fabric Bag, Black (RCP6187BLA) 3123 RCP 6187 BLA 2.90 FG6187-00 BLA Can be mixed and matched to meet your needs. Fits High-Capacity Cart (RCP 9T62 BLA), sold separately. 17-1/2w x 10d x 26-1/2h. 2 bags per pack.
HVY DTY FABRIC BG MED BLA 2 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 37.80 28.83 49.33 RCP6187BLA.JPG Medium Fabric Bag, Black RCP 6187 BLA, RCP6187BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3128 Lagasse Premiere Medium-Duty Green Scour Pads, 20 Pads (PAD196) 3128 PAD 196 1.30 54911 Green Scour Pad
These scour pads from Premiere Pads are ideal for medium-duty cleaning jobs. The 6”x9” pad is the perfect addition to your cleaning supplies. Premiere has designed this scour pad for use in the most common cleaning tasks, including pots, pans and kitchen equipment. Great for cleaning more than just your kitchen equipment, these tough pads also are effective on floors, stairways and baseboards. Each Premiere scour pad is designed with open-mesh construction that is easy to rinse, preventing any odor build-up. Sturdy enough to scrub away even the most stubborn stuck-stains, this medium-duty scour pad is a must have for your home. Stock up today and save!
Premiere Pads Medium Duty Green Scour Pad, 6" x 9", 20 Scouring Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Premiere Pads 5.89 4.49 7.78 PAD196.JPG green scrubby pads, green scour pads, green scour pad, medium-duty scour pad, scrub pads, green kitchen scrub pads, PAD 196, PAD196, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, restaurant supply 1 1 0 0 1 79
3129 Lagasse Premiere Pads Medium-Duty Scrubbing Sponge, 20 Sponges (PAD174) 3129 PAD 174 2.26 54914 Scrubbing Sponges
A must have cleaning tool for your kitchen and bathroom, these scrubbing pads feature a cellulose sponge on one side and a nylon scour pad on the other. The ultimate cleaning combination from Premier Pads, these cleaning pads give you two great cleaning products in one. The absorbent cellulose sponge is able to hold liquid well and will last through many tough cleaning jobs, working well on dishes, countertops, bathroom surfaces and everyday spills. The nylon scour pads are made from special soft fibers so they thoroughly clean surfaces without damaging them. These scour pads are perfect for scrubbing away even the most stubborn stuck-on food from dishes and pans, but they can also be used for cleaning baseboards, stairways, floors and tubs and showers. Stock up on Premier Pads Medium-Duty Scrubbing Sponge today and save!
Premiere Pads Medium-Duty Scrubbing Sponge, 3.6" x 6.1" x .7", 20 Sponges per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 15.49 11.82 21.19 PAD174.JPG medium-duty scrubbing sponges, PAD 174, PAD174, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
3133 Lagasse Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, Soup Spoon (BWKMWPPSS) 3133 BWK MWPPSS 8.00 BWKMWPPSS Boardwalk Cutlery: White
Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, White Soup Spoon
1,000 pieces per case
These Great forks, knives, teaspoons and soup spoons from Boardwalk are lightweight and recyclable and have extensive U.S. recycling structure. These Boardwalk plastic cutlery are made from quality materials so you don't have to worry about any of your cutlery breaking or cracking.
Boardwalk Co. has been a reliable supplier of ours for years. Their products are user friendly and great for all different types of applications. Use Boardwalk cutlery for your home, office, parties, lunch parties and much more. No more fussing with plastic cutlery that just don't get the job done. Buy your Boardwalk cutlery in bulk today and save. Buy all of your cleaning and janitirial supplies right here at today and save. Spend over $1,800 and you will recieve FREE SHIPPING!
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Cutlery Forks Knives Spoons Boardwalk Paper 14.07 7.79 18.72 BWKMWPPSS.JPG Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, Soup Spoon BWK MWPPSS, BWKMWPPSS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3135 Lagasse Rubbermaid Mega Brute Lid, Black (RCP9W72) 3135 RCP 9W72 12.38 9W72 00 BLA Rubbermaid Mega Brute Lid
Coming complete with a strong, snap-on lid feature that fits securely on the can, this can lid is perfect for the outdoors. Comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. Seamless, polyethylene construction won’t dent, rust or leak. Reinforced rim and base. Fully covers waste and supplies. Center hinge allows access to either end of Mega Brute container (RCP 9W73, sold separately). 30w x 49-1/2d x 10-1/2h. Shpg. wt. 12.38 lbs.
Rubbermaid Mega Brute Lid, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 148.16 113.00 197.45 RCP9W72.JPG trash can top, trash can tops, trash can lid, trash can lids, mega brute lid, RCP 9W72, RCP9W72 1 1 0 1 1 89
3136 Lagasse Mega Brute Mobile Waste Container, Black (RCP9W73BLA) 3136 RCP 9W73 BLA 74.00 9W73 00 BLA Mega Brute Mobile Waste Container
Maneuverable, versatile, high-capacity waste collection and sortation system. Up to 120 gallons or 400 lbs. trash capacity. Ergonomic rear doors allow easy waste removal to reduce worker strain. Integrated storage area holds trash can liners and janitorial cleaning supplies. Large 12" wheels and locking 5" non-marking swivel casters are mounted in “diamond” pattern for 360° rotation. Trash can liner retainer secures a 55-gallon liner and flips up for access to waste storage area. A must have piece of equipment for facility maintenance staff, housekeeping and cleaning services. (Shown with Mega Brute Lid, RCP 9W72 - Sold Separately). Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
Rubbermaid Mega Brute Mobile Waste Container, Black, Each
Trash Cans » Brute Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 461.51 352.00 601.82 RCP9W73BLA.JPG trash cans, trash can, garbage cans, garbage can, waste containers, waste container, mega brute mobile waste collector, RCP 9W73 BLA, RCP9W73BLA 1 1 0 1 1 89
3143 Lagasse Unisan Mesh Laundry Net Bags, White (UNS3000) 3143 UNS 3000 0.60 U21099CWH00LAG Mesh Laundry Net Bags
Keep mops from tangling and snagging during machine wash cycles. Drawstring closure cinches tight and remains tight when wet. Tough synthetic fiber construction ensures durability.
Includes one bag.
Unisan Mesh Laundry Nets Laundry Bag, White, 24" x 36", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 15.47 11.80 21.01 UNS3000.JPG laundry bags, mesh laundry bags, laundry bag, UNS 3000, UNS3000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3144 Lagasse Chrome-Plated Metal Liquid Drum Pump (UNS422) 3144 UNS 422 3.80 UNS422 Chrome Plated Metal Drum Pump
Coming in a Self-priming, chrome-plated design, this superior quality metal pum from Unisan offers exceptional results with every use. Offering the ability to pump out 22-oz. per pump, this powerful pump allows for quick and effective liquid pumping. Completely resistant to chemical action of noncorrosive liquids, this 2-inch opening pump is the ideal fit for 15-, 30- and 55-gallon drums. Smart and cost effective, this metal pump from Unisan is a safe and easy way to extract liquid from a wide variety of gallon liquid drums.
Unisan Chrome-Plated Metal Liquid Drum Pump, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 32.64 23.76 43.95 UNS422.JPG metal drum pump, drum pump, metal pump, gallon pump, UNS 422, UNS422, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3145 Lagasse Metal Rim Key Tags (AVY11-026) 3145 AVY 11-026 2.00 AVE11026 Metal Rim Key Tags
Four-color assortment. Card stock center for write-on convenience. 1-1/4in diameter. 50 tags per pack
Metal Rim Key Tags 50 per Pack
Avery Commercial Products Division 5.90 3.50 7.87 AVY11026.JPG Metal Rim Key Tags AVY 11-026, AVY11026, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 9
3146 Lagasse Metal Sidepress Mop Wringer (IMP2000) 3146 IMP 2000 17.00 WH2000 Sidepress Mop Wringer
Designed to eliminate water from recently submerged mops, the Impact Metal Sidepress Mop Wringer is an essential cleaning accessory. Coming with a tubular steel handle and strong 5/8in square shaft that sits closer to the wringer for more squeezing pressure. Large drain openings on all sides allow quick flow of water into bucket. Created from long-lasting electroplated steel, this durable mop wringer from Impact is an necessity for janitorial services and cleaning companies. For 20-40-oz. mop heads, fits 26-50-quart buckets.
Impact Metal Sidepress Mop Wringer, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Impact 90.73 56.83 118.96 IMP2000.JPG mop wringer, mop wringers, mopping equipment, metal sidepress mop wringer IMP 2000, IMP2000 1 1 0 0 1 59
3147 Lagasse Impact Metal Hand Soap Dispenser, Horizontal Style (IMP4020) 3147 IMP 4020 1.75 4020 Metal Soap Dispenser, Horizontal Style
Impacts Horizontal Style Metal Soap Dispenser features a unique water-resistant top, ideal for showers. Smooth, curved design prevents bacteria growth. See-through tank allows easy view of soap level. Accommodates a wide variety of liquid and lotion soaps, except pumice. Large push bar meets ADA requirements. Hidden, removable back plate and has hamper and theft-proof stainless steel tank. For use with liquid or lotion soaps only. Top fill with service key. 40-oz. capacity.
Horizontal 8-3/16" x 2-11/16" x 4-3/16"
Impact Metal Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, Wall Mount, 40-oz. Capacity, Sold Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Impact 44.78 33.48 58.78 IMP4020.JPG impact soap dispenser, wall mount soap dispenser, metal soap dispenser, horizontal style soap dispenser, IMP 4020, IMP4020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
3148 Lagasse Metal Soap Dispenser, Vertical Style (IMP4040) 3148 IMP 4040 2.40 4040 Metal Soap Dispenser
Impact's Vertical Style Metal Soap Dispenser features a unique water-resistant top, ideal for showers. The smooth, curved design prevents bacteria growth, and the see-through tank allows easy view of soap level. Accommodates a wide variety of liquid and lotion soaps, except pumice. Large push bar meets ADA requirements. Hidden, removable back plate. Tamper and theft-proof stainless steel tank provide durability and long lasting performance. For use with liquid or lotion soaps only. Top fill with service key. 40-oz. capacity. Vertical 4-7/8" x 2-1/16" x 8-3/16"
Impact Vertical Metal Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Impact 45.63 33.85 60.83 IMP4040.JPG Metal Soap Dispenser, Vertical Style IMP 4040, IMP4040, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
3151 Lagasse Air Freshener Metered Dispenser, White (AMR997) 3151 AMR 997 1.00 T0997 White Metered Dispenser
Reliable, durable, state-of-the-art dispenser is easy to program with only three slide switches. Interval options of 5, 15 or 30 minutes for metered spray of 3,000 or 9,000 repetitions. “On Hours” options for day, night or 24-hour operation. Features change battery and change can warning lights. Operates two years on two D alkaline batteries (not incl.). Includes mounting hardware. Manufacturer’s five-year warranty. Open system accepts dry deodorizer refill cans AMR A209-12-SB, AMR A209-12-SR, AMR 211-12-LP or AMR 213-12-MA (sold separately). 3-1/2w x 3-1/2d x 9-1/4h.
Amrep Metered Dispenser, White, 3-1/2" w x 3-1/2" d x 9-1/4" h, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 35.34 26.31 46.65 AMR997.JPG metered dispenser, metered air freshener dispenser, air freshener dispenser, AMR 997, AMR997, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3153 Lagasse Metro™ Aluminum Foil Rolls, Heavy-Duty, 18in x 1,000 ft. (REY625M) 3153 REY 625M 17.31 625M Lighter gauge premium foil. For use in cooking, serving and freezing. Standard cutting edge. One roll per case.
METRO FOIL ALUM H-DTY RL 18INX1000FT EACH Reynolds Food Packaging 62.70 43.89 83.35 REY625M.JPG Metro Aluminum Foil Rolls, Heavy-Duty, 18in x 1,000 ft. REY 625M, REY625M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 87
3154 Lagasse Metro Aluminum Foil Rolls, Heavy-Duty, 18in x 500 ft. (REY624M) 3154 REY 624M 9.00 624M Metro Aluminum Foil Roll, Heavy Duty
Reynolds Wrap's Metro Aluminum Foil is a lighter gauge premium foil. Ideal for use in cooking, serving, preserving, storing and freezing. 18" wide roll is ideal for both residential and commercial food service applications, and comes equipped with a standard cutting edge. 500' length will last long in any setting.
One 18" X 500' roll per case. - The wholesale food service supply company buyers trust.
Reynolds Food Packaging 30.79 21.55 40.24 REY624M.JPG Metro Aluminum Foil Rolls, Heavy-Duty, 18in x 500 ft., REY 624M, REY624M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 87
3155 Lagasse Metro™ Aluminum Foil Rolls, Standard, 12in x 1,000 ft. (REY611M) 3155 REY 611M 9.38 611M Lighter gauge premium foil. For use in cooking, serving and freezing. Standard cutting edge. One roll per case.
METRO FOIL ALUM RL 12INX1000FT EACH Reynolds Food Packaging 27.66 19.36 37.82 REY611M.JPG Metro Aluminum Foil Rolls, Standard, 12in x 1,000 ft. REY 611M, REY611M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 87
3156 Lagasse Metro Aluminum Foil Rolls Standard 18inx500 ft (REY614M) 3156 REY 614M 6.10 614M Lighter gauge premium foil. For use in cooking, serving and freezing. Standard cutting edge. One roll per case.
METRO FOIL ALUM RL 18INX500FT EACH Reynolds Food Packaging 21.29 14.90 28.19 REY614M.JPG Metro Aluminum Foil Rolls, Standard, 18in x 500 ft. REY 614M, REY614M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 87
3157 Lagasse Metro Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 1,000 ft. REY615M 3157 REY 615M 12.00 615M 18" Aluminum Foil Roll
Lighter gauge premium foil. For use in cooking, serving and freezing. Standard cutting edge. One roll per case.
Metro Aluminum Foil Standard Roll 18" x 1,000', Sold Each Reynolds Food Packaging 40.37 28.26 55.24 REY615M.JPG 18" aluminum foil, metro aluminum foil rolls, Standard aluminum foil, 18in x 1,000 ft., REY 615M, REY615M, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 1 1 87
3158 Lagasse Gojo Micrell 800-ml Hand Soap Dispenser, Dove Gray (GOJ9721) 3158 GOJ 9721 1.40 9721-12 Gojo Micrell Hand Soap Dispenser, Dove Gray
800-ml bag-in-box system. Uses sanitary-sealed, 800-ml bag-in-box refills. Dispenser is covered by manufacturer’s lifetime guarantee. Holds sanitary-sealed, 800-ml bag-in-box refill (sold separately). Portion controlled. ADA Compliant for push force. 5" wide x 4-1/2" deep x 11" high.
Gojo Micrell 800-ml Hand Soap Dispenser, Dove Gray, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Gojo Soap System»
Gojo Industries 14.71 10.93 19.31 GOJ9721.JPG gojo micrell 800 series dispenser,gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, gojo hand cleaner,gojo soap dispenser, gojo micrell, GOJ 9721, GOJ9721 1 1 0 0 1 50
3159 Lagasse Gojo Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap, 6 - 800-ml Refills (GOJ975606) 3159 GOJ 9756-06 12.40 9756-06 Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap
800-ml bag-in-box system. Sanitary-sealed. Contains Chloroxylenol (PCMX), a quick-acting antimicrobial, and an effective degreaser. Gentle on hands, even after frequent use. Lightly scented, nonirritating formula. Easy-to-load sanitary, sealed refill bags come with a fresh valve to prevent clogs and leaks. For 800-ml dispenser GOJ 9721 (sold separately)
Gojo Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap, 800-ml Refill, 6 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 45.97 35.06 62.73 GOJ975606.JPG gojo micrell, micrell lotion soap, micrell antibacterial lotion soap refill, gojo micrell antibacterial lotion soap refill,micrell antibacterial lotion soap, micrell lotion soap, micrell lotion hand soap, micrell antibacterial hand soap, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap, gojo hand cleaner,gojo soap refill, gojo micrell,gojo foaming hand soap, GOJ 9756-06, GOJ975606 1 1 0 0 1 50
3160 Lagasse Gojo Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap, 12 - 800-ml Refills (GOJ9757-12) 3160 GOJ 9757-12 24.60 9757-12 Gojo Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap
800-ml bag-in-box system. Sanitary-sealed. Contains Chloroxylenol (PCMX), a quick-acting antimicrobial, and an effective degreaser. Gentle on hands, even after frequent use. Lightly scented, nonirritating formula. Easy-to-load sanitary, sealed refill bags come with a fresh valve to prevent clogs and leaks. For 800-ml dispenser GOJ 9721 (sold separately).
Gojo Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » 800-ml Soap Systems »
Gojo Industries 94.47 68.88 127.58 GOJ975712.JPG gojo micrell antibacterial lotion soap refill,micrell antibacterial lotion soap, micrell lotion soap, micrell lotion hand soap, micrell antibacterial hand soap, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap, gojo hand cleaner,gojo soap refill, gojo micrell,gojo foaming hand soap, GOJ 9757-12, GOJ975712 1 1 0 0 1 50
3161 Lagasse Gojo Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Soap, 12 Pump Bottles (GOJ9759) 3161 GOJ 9759 11.80 9759-12 Gojo Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Soap
Specially formulated with a quick-acting antimicrobial agent (PCMX) to kill germs, a light scent and an effective degreasing agent that makes it perfect for food service environments. Nonirritating formula also makes Micrell ideal for frequent use in schools, health clubs, offices and recreation areas. 12 bottles per case.
Gojo Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Soap, 12-oz. Bottles, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 59.89 39.72 80.28 GOJ9759.JPG micrell antibacterial lotion soap, micrell lotion soap, micrell lotion hand soap, micrell antibacterial hand soap, gojo micrell antibacterial lotion soap pump bottle, gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, gojo hand cleaner,gojo soap dispenser, gojo micrell, gojo pump bottle, gojo micrell pump bottle, GOJ 9759, GOJ9759 1 1 0 0 1 50
3162 Lagasse Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap, 12 - 8-oz. Pump Bottles (GOJ9752) 3162 GOJ 9752 8.60 9752-12 Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap
Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap is specially formulated with a quick-acting antimicrobial agent (PCMX) to kill germs, a light scent and an effective degreasing agent that makes it perfect for foodservice environments. Nonirritating formula also makes MICRELL ideal for frequent use in schools, health clubs, offices and recreation areas. 8-oz pump bottle, 12 bottles per case.
Gojo Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap, 8-oz Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Pump Bottle Liquid Soap » Gojo Industries 41.71 31.11 56.59 GOJ9752.JPG micrell antibacterial lotion soap, micrell lotion soap, micrell lotion hand soap, micrell antibacterial hand soap, gojo micrell antibacterial lotion soap pump bottle, gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, gojo hand cleaner,gojo soap dispenser, gojo micrell, gojo pump bottle, gojo micrell pump bottle, GOJ 9752, GOJ9752 1 1 0 0 1 50
3163 Lagasse Gojo Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap, 4 Gallons (GOJ9755) 3163 GOJ 9755 36.00 9755-04 Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Soap Refills
Kills germs, yet is gentle on hands. Contains quick-acting antimicrobial agent Chloroxylenol (PCMX) and an effective degreaser. Lightly scented, nonirritating formula for frequent use. For refilling pump bottles GOJ 9752 or GOJ 9759 (sold separately), or liquid soap dispensers, gallon pour bottle. 4 bottles per case..
Gojo Micrell Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap Refills, Gallon Bottle, 4 Gallons per Case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Micrell Hand Soap & Dispensers » Micrell Lotion Hand Soap Refills» - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 52.40 39.97 68.91 GOJ9755.JPG gojo micrell antibacterial lotion soap, gojo micrell antibacterial lotion soap refill,micrell antibacterial lotion soap, micrell lotion soap, micrell lotion hand soap, micrell antibacterial hand soap, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap, gojo hand cleaner,gojo soap refill, gojo micrell,gojo foaming hand soap, GOJ 9755, GOJ9755 1 1 0 0 1 50
3164 Lagasse Gojo Micrell FMX-12 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 3 Refills (GOJ515703) 3164 GOJ 5157-03 9.20 5157-03 Antibacterial Handwash
Gojo has formulated this Antibacterial Foaming Handwash with a quick-acting antimicrobial that kills the most common bacteria found in food service environments. The soft, rich, pre-lathered foam formula contains a strong degreasing agent, but will not dry hands. Micrell antibacterial handwash is gentle, even with repeated use. The specially designed formula in this Micrell handwash is enriched with vitamins and moisturizers, providing exceptionally gentle cleansing and a fresh, clean scent. Dermatologist tested with a fresh floral fragrance, this sanitary sealed refill helps to lock out germs. Each refill comes with a fresh dispensing valve and a skylight to make it easy to see the fill level.
Gojo Micrell FMX-12 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap with Moisturizers, 1250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 54.73 41.74 71.58 GOJ515703.JPG Gojo micrell FMX-12 antibacterial foaming handwash with moisturizers refill, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap, gojo hand cleaner,gojo soap refill, gojo micrell,gojo foaming hand soap, micrell foaming soap, GOJ 5157-03, GOJ515703 1 1 0 0 1 50
3165 Lagasse Micrell FMX - 12 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Dove Gray (GOJ5170) 3165 GOJ 5170 1.30 5170-06 Micrell FMX-12 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
ADA Compliant, one-hand push operation dispenser, with viewing window for easy maintenance, offers a generous portion of soft, gentle foam. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. Ideal for locations where a smaller, more traditional dispenser is preferred. Holds 1250-ml refill GOJ 5157-03 (sold separately). Delivers more than 1,700 hand washes per refill. Features skylight with an extra-large site window. Plastic. Mounts to wall with adhesive (included) or screws (not included). Optional key lock included. Lifetime guarantee. 6-1/5" wide x 5-1/10" deep x 9-4/5" high.
Micrell FMX-12 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1250 - ml, Dove Gray, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo FMX System » Gojo Industries 6.40 4.88 8.33 GOJ5170.JPG gojo micrell FMX dispenser gray, gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, gojo hand cleaner,gojo soap dispenser, gojo micrell, touch free dispenser, gojo automatic foam soap dispenser, GOJ 5170, GOJ5170 1 1 0 0 1 50
3167 Lagasse Gojo Micrell NXT Antibacterial Hand Soap, 8 - 1000-ml Refills (GOJ215708) 3167 GOJ 2157-08 20.00 2157-08 Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap
Hard on germs, yet is gentle on hands, Gojo Micrell NXT Antibacterial Hand Soap formula refills are a smart and economical choice. Lightly scented, nonirritating formula encourages frequent use. Packaged in easy-to-load, sanitary, no-leak refill pouches, each refill is easy to store and stock, and includes a non-clog valve to ensure high quality usability. Contains 0.3% Chloroxylenol (PCMX), a quick-acting antimicrobial agent, Gojo Antibacterial Hand Soap moisturizes and conditions while it cleans. Each case comes with 8 pouches of 1000-ml refills.
Gojo Micrell NXT Antibacterial Lotion Hand Soap, 1000-ml Refill, 8 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 63.68 48.57 85.43 GOJ215708.JPG gojo micrell NXT antibacterial lotion soap refill, gojo micrell antibacterial lotion soap refill,micrell antibacterial lotion soap, micrell lotion soap, micrell lotion hand soap, micrell antibacterial hand soap, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap, gojo hand cleaner,gojo soap refill, gojo micrell,gojo foaming hand soap, GOJ 2157-08, GOJ215708 1 1 0 0 1 50
3169 Lagasse Micrell TFX Touch-Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Gray (GOJ2750-12) 3169 GOJ 2750-12 2.50 2750-12 Gojo Micrell TFX Touch-Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Touch-free dispensing system means no need to touch a dirty dispenser—ideal for hand hygiene. Automatically dispenses the perfect amount of soap needed in a single shot. Fully ADA-Compliant dispenser features a skylight with an extra-large sight window that makes it easy to see when it’s time to refill. Designed to hold Micrell 1200-ml refill GOJ 5357-02 (sold separately). Plastic. Mounts to wall with adhesive (included) or screws (not included). Requires three C alkaline batteries (included). Three year guarantee. 6" wide x 4" deep x 10.5" high.
Gojo Micrell TFX Touch-Free Hand Soap Dispenser, 1200-ml, Dove Gray, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo TFX System » Gojo Industries 22.79 17.03 29.70 GOJ275012.JPG gojo micrell TFX touch-free dispenser gray, gojo liquid soap dispenser, gojo liquid hand soap dispenser, gojo soap dispenser, gojo hand soap, gojo hand cleaner,gojo soap dispenser, gojo micrell, touch free dispenser, gojo automatic foam soap dispenser, GOJ 2750-12, GOJ275012 1 1 0 0 1 50
3173 Lagasse Microfiber Disinfecting Cart, Black (RCP9T73) 3173 RCP 9T73 53.00 9T73 Compact footprint—only 22in wide for easy mobility inside tight spaces. Superior tool organization: innovative rubber tool grips hold mop and broom handles at any position (up to 1-1/8in diameter) and includes holders for lobby dust pan and commercial upright vacuum. Comfort Grip cart handle provides easy maneuverability. 8in wheels and 4in quiet casters are ideal for noise-sensitive environments. Nonrusting, easy-to-clean aluminum and structural web plastic construction. Designed to work with Rubbermaid® microfiber cleaning accessories. Slide-out bins are easily accessible from both sides of the cart. Fold-out platform with Lock ‘n Go Connection keeps a Microfiber Disinfecting BucketS RCP Q900-88 and RCP Q950 (sold separately) securely attached to the cart. Features storage for microfiber frames, integrated holders and up to four safety signs. Includes zippered 33-gallon vinyl bag, two 10-quart disinfecting caddies and two removable 30-quart storage bins. 22w x 49-1/4d x 44h. Shpg. wt. 53 lbs.
JANITOR CART 48.25X22X44 W/ YEL 30 QT BINS BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 289.76 221.00 381.33 RCP9T73.JPG Microfiber Disinfecting Cart, Black RCP 9T73, RCP9T73, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
3174 Lagasse Microfiber Flexible High-Reach Duster Wand (RCPQ850) 3174 RCP Q850 0.40 Q850 00BK00 Flexible Microfiber Duster Wand
Rubbermaid Microfiber Flexible High-Reach Duster Wand. Flat, 20" long wand reaches into narrow, hard-to-reach spaces to effectively remove dust, dirt and grime. Flexible wand conforms to irregular surfaces. Binding on wand provides easy threading of dusting sleeve. Quick-connect handle converts hand duster into high duster; use with Microfiber Mop Handles RCP Q750 and RCP Q760 (sold separately) to extend reach. 28-3/4" overall length. Also check out our other Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save.
Rubbermaid Quick Connect Flexible Duster Wand, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 21.82 16.64 29.26 RCPQ850.JPG microfiber duster, microfiber sleeve dusters, microfiber microfiber duster replacement sleeve duster,, RCP Q850, RCPQ850, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3175 Lagasse Microfiber Flexible High-Reach Duster Replacement Sleeve (RCPQ851) 3175 RCP Q851 0.40 Q851 Flexible High-Reach Duster Microfiber Replacement Sleeve
Rubbermaid Microfiber Sleeve is the replacement sleeve for the Rubbermaid Flexible High-Reach Duster Wand. 20" long wand reaches into narrow, hard-to-reach spaces to effectively remove dust, dirt and grime. Flexible wand conforms to irregular surfaces. Binding on wand provides easy threading of dusting sleeve. Quick-connect handle converts hand duster into high duster; use with Microfiber Mop Handles RCPQ750 and RCPQ760 (sold separately) to extend reach. 28-3/4" overall length.
Also check out our other Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save.
Rubbermaid Flexible Wand Replacement Sleeve, Green, Each
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.00 6.10 10.49 RCPQ851.JPG Microfiber Flexible High-Reach Duster, Replacement Sleeve, Replacement Sleeve RCP Q851, RCPQ851, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3176 Lagasse Rubbermaid Glass & Mirror Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, 12 Cloths (RCPQ630BLU) 3176 RCP Q630 BLU 0.80 Q630 BL00 Glass & Mirror Blue Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
This Rubbermaid Microfiber Green Cleaning Product features a polyester/polyamide blend, with microscopic fibers that pick up and hold dust, dirt and grime. Hypoallergenic, lint-free, nonabrasive cloths eliminate streaking and absorb nearly seven times their own weight in liquid. Color-coded cloths help avoid cross-contamination. Machine washable. 16 x 16 cloths. 12 cloths per case.
Be sure to check out our complete line of Cleaning and Janitorial Supplies throughout our website.
Rubbermaid Commercial Glass & Mirror Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, 16"x16" Cloth, 12 Cloths per Case
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 47.20 36.00 61.97 RCPQ630BLU.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, glass/mirror microfiber cleaning cloth, RCP Q630 BLU, RCPQ630BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
3177 Lagasse 24" Microfiber Loop Dust Mop, 12 Dust Mops (RCPJ853) 3177 RCP J853 12.00 J853 Rubbermaid 24" Microfiber Dust Mops
Bi-component construction made of continuous filament microfiber yarn along with blend mop yarns. Features superior cleaning efficacy and twice the durability of standard mops. Requires no adapters or new flat-mopping handles or frames. Great for smooth floors. Contains 42% post-consumer recycled PET plastic and 28% post-industrial cotton. Green.
Rubbermaid Looped End Microfiber Dust Mops, 24" x 5", 12 Dust Mops per Case
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 198.24 151.20 269.45 RCPJ853.JPG 24" microfiber dust mops, ,microfiber looped end dust mops, 24 x 5 dust mop, RCP J853, RCPJ853, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3178 Lagasse 36" Microfiber Looped Dust Mop Heads, 5" x 36", 12 Mop Heads (RCPJ855) 3178 RCP J855 16.00 J855 36" Microfiber Dust Mop Heads
Rubbermaid 36" Dust Mop Heads feature bi-component construction made of continuous filament microfiber yarn along with blend mop yarns. Features superior cleaning efficacy and twice the durability of standard mops. Requires no adapters or new flat-mopping handles or frames. Great for smooth floors. Contains 42% post-consumer recycled PET plastic and 28% post-industrial cotton. Green. 12 microfiber dust mops per case.
Rubbermaid Looped End Microfiber Dust Mops, 5" x 36", 12 Dust Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 278.48 212.40 370.08 RCPJ855.JPG rubbermaid dust mop heads, dust mop heads, dust mop, 36" microfiber dust mop head, microfiber loop dust mop, microfiber dust mop, RCP J855, RCPJ855 1 1 0 0 1 89
3179 Lagasse Rubbermaid Microfiber Quick Connect Ergo Adjustable Handle (RCPQ760) 3179 RCP Q760 1.45 Q76000 0000 Rubbermaid Ergo Adjustable Handle
Quick Connect mechanism speeds mop assembly and changeover. Strong, lightweight and corrosion-resistant aluminum construction. Powder coated yellow finish. Shaped grip and ergo-bend handle eliminate awkward hand positions. Telescoping handle extends from 41-1/2" to 72" height; locks in place.
41.5" - 72" Quick-Connect Erog Adjustable Handle, Aluminum, Yellow, Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 13.85 10.57 18.05 RCPQ760.JPG Microfiber Quick Connect Ergo Adjustable Handle, RCP Q760, RCPQ760, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3180 Lagasse Microfiber Quick Connect Extension Handles, Straight Handle (RCPQ755) 3180 RCP Q755 1.46 Q755-00 YL00 Quick Connect mechanism speeds mop assembly and changeover. Strong, lightweight and corrosion-resistant aluminum construction. Powder coated yellow finish. User-friendly grip makes handle more comfortable to use. Telescoping handle adjusts height; locks in place.
QK CONNECT STRAIGHT EXT HNDL 48-72 IN EXT ALUMYEL 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 13.85 10.57 18.08 RCPQ755.JPG Microfiber Quick Connect Extension Handles, Straight Handle RCP Q755, RCPQ755, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3181 Lagasse Microfiber Quick Connect Extension Handles, Short Handle (RCPQ745) 3181 RCP Q745 1.08 Q745 00 YL00 Quick Connect mechanism speeds mop assembly and changeover. Strong, lightweight and corrosion-resistant aluminum construction. Powder coated yellow finish. User-friendly grip makes handle more comfortable to use. Telescoping handle adjusts height; locks in place.
QK CONNECT SHORT EXT HNDL 24-40 IN EXT ALUMYEL 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.97 6.41 11.72 RCPQ745.JPG Microfiber Quick Connect Extension Handles, Short Handle RCP Q745, RCPQ745, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3182 Lagasse 18" Microfiber Wet Mopping Pad, 12 Pads (RCPQ410BLU) 3182 RCP Q410 BLU 0.11 Q410-00 BL00 Rubbermaid Microfiber Wet Mopping Pads
The sanitation solution for hospitals and cleanrooms High-quality, ultra-fine microfiber actually removes bacteria, making cleaning quick and effective. This Green Cleaning Products fibers pick up and hold dust, dirt and grime. Hypoallergenic, lint-free, nonabrasive and color-coded to improve sanitation. Double-bound edges for durability. Pads are stain resistant. Machine-washable pad withstands more than 300 washings. Improved hook-and-loop backing attaches securely to pad holders. Microfiber pad holders, handles and mop buckets are sold separately.
Microfiber Wet Mopping Pad, 18"x5", Blue, 12 per Case
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Rubbermaid Commercial Products 100.87 76.93 134.72 RCPQ410BLU.JPG Microfiber Wet Mopping Pads, 18in Wet Mopping Pad RCP Q410 BLU, RCPQ410BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3183 Lagasse Microfiber Wet Mopping Pads, 24in Wet Mopping Pad (RCPQ411BLU) 3183 RCP Q411 BLU 0.33 Q411 BLU Microfiber Wet Mopping Pads. The sanitation solution for hospitals and cleanrooms High-quality, ultra-fine microfiber actually removes bacteria, making cleaning quick and effective. This Green Cleaning Products fibers pick up and hold dust, dirt and grime. Hypoallergenic, lint-free, nonabrasive and color-coded to improve sanitation. Double-bound edges for durability. Pads are stain resistant. Machine-washable pad withstands more than 300 washings. Improved hook-and-loop backing attaches securely to pad holders. Microfiber pad holders, handles and mop buckets are sold separately. Be sure to purchase all of your favorite Green Cleaning Supplies and Janitorial Supplies right here at today.
MICROFIBER WET PAD 24X5 BLU 12 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 149.47 114.00 197.00 RCPQ411BLU.JPG Microfiber Wet Mopping Pads, 24in Wet Mopping Pad, RCP Q411 BLU, RCPQ411BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3190 Lagasse Mini Combination Cabinet Style Paper Towel Dispenser (SANT1950XC) 3190 SAN T1950XC 4.00 T1950XC Mini Combination Paper Towel Dispenser
Coming in a space-saving design for healthcare facilities, the Mini Combination Paper Towel Dispenser holds any universal multi-fold or c-fold towels, with no adjustments needed for either type of towel. Providing an easy towel removal process that reduces multiple dispensing. This small capacity allows inexpensive disposal of unused, possibly contaminated paper towels. 20-gauge steel chrome finish. Dispenses 150 C-Fold or 250 Multifold paper towels without adjustment. Lockable. 11-1/8" wide x 3-7/8" deep x 7-7/8" high.
San Jamar Cabinet Style Mini Combination Paper Towel Dispenser Chrome, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 43.29 32.54 56.68 SANT1950XC.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, mini combination cabinet SAN T1950XC, SANT1950XC 1 1 0 0 1 92
3191 Lagasse Mini D Stick-Up Deodorant, Lemon Scent, 12 Deodorants Pads (BGD604) 3191 BGD 604 1.00 604 Lemon Scent Deodorant Pad Dispensers
Solid deodorant pad in twist open/close plastic dispenser. Attaches to any surface with pressure-sensitive adhesive, Lasts 30 to 45 days, depending on air circulation conditions. Includes 12 solid deodorant pads in twist open/close plastic dispensers. Mini D Stick-Up pad Deodorant with a strong yet soft lemon scent, perfect for offices, homes and bathrooms, anywhere theirs a place to stick the mini D it should be there.
Big D Industries Mini D Stick-Up Deodorant Pad, Lemon, 2.5oz, 12 Mini's per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Big D Ind 13.46 10.13 18.32 BGD604.JPG Mini D Stick-Up Deodorant, Lemon Scent, 12 Deodorants per Case, 2.5-oz. Deodorant BGD 604, BGD604, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 12
3192 Lagasse Mini D Stick-Up Deodorant, Mountain Air Scent, 12 Deodorants per Case, 2.5-oz. Deodorant (BGD608) 3192 BGD 608 1.04 608 Solid deodorant pad in twist open/close plastic dispenser. Attaches to any surface with pressure-sensitive adhesive (incl.). Lasts 30 to 45 days, depending on air circulation conditions.
MINI D STICK-UP DEOD MTN AIR 12/2.5 OZ Big D Ind 13.61 10.13 18.57 BGD608.JPG Mini D Stick-Up Deodorant, Mountain Air Scent, 12 Deodorants per Case, 2.5-oz. Deodorant BGD 608, BGD608, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 12
3196 Lagasse Misty All-Purpose Cleaner, 12 - 19-oz. Aerosol Cans (AMRA170-20) 3196 AMR A170-20 20.00 A170-20 Misty All-Purpose Cleaner
High-foaming action instantly cleans and polishes most hard surfaces. This nonabrasive foam uses ammonia to cut through grease and smudges without hurting the surface finish. NSF/USDA Classification C1. Great for use in homes, schools, cafeterias, restaurants, break rooms, bathrooms, kitchens and any area that requires a quick and easy to use cleaning product that is tough on grime.
Misty All-Purpose Cleaner, 19oz Aerosol Cans, 12 per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company Buyers Trust.
Amrep/Misty 44.43 31.14 58.57 AMRA17020.JPG Misty All-Purpose Cleaner, AMR A170-20, AMRA17020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3197 Lagasse Misty AltraSan Air Sanitizer & Deodorizer HSS, Fresh Linen, 12 Cans (AMRA205-20) 3197 AMR A205-20 20.00 A205 20 Misty AltraSan Air Sanitizer
Effective odor counteractant destroys odor-causing bacteria in the air to completely eliminate odors. Clean linen fragrance refreshes the air. Advanced low-VOC formula is hydro-alcoholic. Contains no petroleum distillates or hydrocarbon propellants. Nonflammable, ultra-dry spray.
Misty AltraSan Hand Held Air Sanitizer, Fresh Linen Scent, 20-oz. Can, 12 Cans per Case Amrep/Misty 67.21 51.26 91.69 AMRA20520.JPG Misty AltraSan Air Sanitizer & Deodorizer HSS, AMR A205-20, AMRA20520, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3199 Lagasse Misty ASPIRE Baseboard Stripper, 12 Cans (AMRA808-20) 3199 AMR A808-20 17.00 A00808-20 Misty ASPIRE Baseboard Stripper
Powerful high-foaming stripping action quickly emulsifies layers of unsightly wax and buildup in just one application. Heavy-duty, clinging foam formula is ideal for vertical surfaces such as baseboards and kick plates, as well as hard-to-reach areas behind fixtures and under desks and tables. Leaves surfaces ready for new wax. Patent-pending Favorable Environmental Profile formula is water-based, nonflammable and 96% VOC-free. Great for use in homes, preschools, elementary schools, restaurants, cafeterias, industrial hallways and other areas that need a strong powerful stripper that is gentle on our environment.
Misty Aspire Baseboard Stripper, 16-oz. Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 52.42 39.98 71.68 AMRA80820.JPG Misty ASPIRE Baseboard Stripper, AMR A808-20, AMRA80820, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3200 Lagasse Misty ASPIRE Dust Mop Treatment, 12 - 20-oz. Aerosol Cans (AMRA81120) 3200 AMR A811-20 17.00 A00811-20 Misty Aspire Dust Mop Treatment
Advanced formula locks up dust, cleans and polishes, but does not leave surfaces slippery. Lightly spray onto mops, cloths, push brooms and more. Silicone- and wax-free formula prevents buildup. Designed for use on wood, tile, linoleum, vinyl, granite, stone, concrete and gymnasium floors. Patent-pending Favorable Environmental Profile formula is water-based, nonflammable and 98% VOC-free.
Amrep/Misty 61.81 47.14 81.49 AMRA81120.JPG misty aspire dust mop treatment, apire dust mop spray, misty dust mop treatment, misty dust mop sprya, misty dust mop treatment, AMR A811-20, AMRA81120 1 1 0 0 1 5
3201 Lagasse Misty ASPIRE Furniture Cleaner & Polish, 12 Cans (AMRA133-20) 3201 AMR A133-20 17.00 A00133-20 Misty Aspire Furniture Cleaner & Polish
Combines a general-purpose cleaner with a high-performance, high-gloss protectant to quickly restore shine. Foam formula clings to vertical surfaces and polishes easily with no hazing or excessive buffing. Silicone- and wax-free formula prevents buildup. Works well on a wide variety of surfaces, such as traditional finished wood, urethane finishes, metal, laminate and other hard surfaces. Patent-pending Favorable Environmental Profile formula is water-based, nonflammable and 98% VOC-free. Light lemon scent. Great for use on office, home, waiting room, school, hospital and many other furniture settings that need cleaning with a polish both quick and well done.
Misty Aspire Furniture Cleaner & Polish, 12 cans per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 52.42 39.98 71.40 AMRA13320.JPG Misty ASPIRE Furniture Cleaner & Polish, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can, AMR A133-20, AMRA13320, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3202 Lagasse Misty ASPIRE Glass & Surface Cleaner, 12 Cans (AMRA122-20) 3202 AMR A122-20 17.00 A00122-20 Aspire Glass & Surface Cleaner
Specially formulated for streak-free use on glass, mirrors, plastic, video displays and even on highly reflective materials. Fast-breaking foam clings to vertical surfaces to quickly dissolve film, smudges and smears. Patent-pending Favorable Environmental Profile formula is water-based, nonflammable and 98% VOC free. No harsh fragrance—contains less than 0.02% ammonia. Safe for use indoors/outdoors and on hot or cold surfaces. Great for use in homes, hospitals, nurseries, schools and many other areas that need glass, counters, walls, floors or plastics clean and safe to touch.
Misty Aspire Glass & Surface Cleaner, 20-oz. Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 36.79 28.06 50.02 AMRA12220.JPG Misty ASPIRE Glass & Surface Cleaner, AMR A122-20, AMRA12220, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3203 Lagasse Misty® ASPIRE™ Heavy Duty Multipurpose Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA166-20) 3203 AMR A166-20 17.00 A00166-20 Misty Aspire Heavy Duty Multipurpose Cleaner
High-performance, heavy-duty formula attacks dirt, fingerprints and smudges, yet is gentle enough for a wide variety of hard surfaces. Fast-breaking foam clings to vertical surfaces such as doors, walls and shower stalls. Nonabrasive formula safe for use on vinyl, leather, ceramic and plastic tiles, sinks, tubs, countertops, tabletops and more. Patent-pending Favorable Environmental Profile formula is water-based, nonflammable and 98% VOC-free. Light lemon scent. Great for use in homes, restaurants, offices, hospitals, schools and many other areas that require a cleaning product that is both quick and strong to get the job done well without wasting valuable time.
Misty Aspire Heavy Duty Multipurpose Cleaner, 12 cans per case. - The wholesale multipurpose cleaner supply company Buyers Trust.
Amrep/Misty 48.90 37.30 64.45 AMRA16620.JPG Misty ASPIRE Heavy Duty Multipurpose Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A166-20, AMRA16620, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3204 Lagasse Misty ASPIRE Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish, 12 Cans (AMRA146-20) 3204 AMR A146-20 17.00 A00146-20 Aspire Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish
Provides the performance and gloss of oil-based stainless steel cleaners, but in a fast-breaking, water-based foaming formula. Brightens and protects stainless steel, chrome, aluminum, brass, copper and most other metal surfaces. Dries to a non-oily finish with no excessive residue, hazing or buffing. Patent-pending Favorable Environmental Profile formula is water-based, nonflammable and 98% VOC-free. Great for use in industrial, home, school or office settings that require a quick and well done cleaning and polish of a variety of surfaces.
Misty Aspire Stainless Steal Cleaner & Polish Aerosol Can, 20-oz. Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 61.34 46.78 80.23 AMRA14620.JPG Misty ASPIRE Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish, 19-oz. Aerosol Can, AMR A146-20, AMRA14620, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3205 Lagasse Misty Biodet ND32 Liquid Disinfectant Deodorizer, 4 Bottles (AMRR1220-4) 3205 AMR R1220-4 36.60 B01220-4 Misty Biodet ND32 Liquid Disinfectant Deodorizer
Misty Biodet ND32 is a powerful germicidal detergent that disinfects, cleans and deodorizes in one simple step, leaving behind a fresh lemon scent. When it is used on hard, nonporous surfaces it kills staph, salmonella, pseudomonas, bacteria, viruses and fungus. Misty Biodet has also proven to be effective against HIV-1, Hepatitis B and C and helps to inhibit the growth of mold and mildew. This multipurpose neutral pH is ideal for use in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, commercial and industrial institutions, office buildings, hotels, residential homes and any facility that requires a strong disinfectant that will keep their employees and customers from harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Misty Biodet ND-32 is also excellent for use in veterinary clinics to protect against veterinary applications such as pseudorabies and canine distemper. Protect your building, customers and family and get some Misty Biodet today!
Amrep Misty Biodet ND32, Lemon, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Gallons per Case – The wholesale cleaning supply products company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 36.03 26.07 46.83 AMRR12204.JPG misty biodet liquid disinfectant deodorizer, disinfectant, deodorizer, AMR R1220-4, AMRR12204, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3207 Lagasse Misty Biodet ND32 Liquid Disinfectant Deodorizer, Pine Fragrance, AMRR1223-4 3207 AMR R1223-4 34.80 B01223-4 Misty Biodet ND32 Liquid Disinfectant Deodorizer
Multipurpose, neutral pH detergent and deodorant cleans, disinfects and deodorizes in one step. For use on hard, nonporous surfaces. Bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal and mildewstatic. Effective against HIV-1 (AIDS virus), hepatitis B and C, influenza A, herpes I and II, staph, pseudomonas and salmonella, as well as veterinary applications such as pseudorabies and canine distemper.
Misty Liquid Disinfectant Deodorizer, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 35.64 26.07 46.41 AMRR12234.JPG disinfectant, disinfectants, deodorizer, deodorizers, disinfectant deodorizer, misty biodet nd32 liquid disinfectant deodorizer, Pine Fragrance, AMR R1223-4, AMRR12234 1 1 0 0 1 5
3208 Lagasse Misty Biodet ND64 Neutral Disinfectant, 4 Gallons (AMRR272-4) 3208 AMR R272-4 36.40 R272-4 Disinfecting, cleaning and deodorizing formula. Phosphate-free and has a neutral pH to clean flooring surfaces without damaging the finish. Pleasant lemon scent. Effective against HIV-1 (AIDS virus), hepatitis B and C, influenza A2, herpes I and II, as well as veterinary applications such as pseudorabies and canine distemper. Economical dilution (1:64).
Misty Biodet Neutral Disinfectant ND64, Lemon Scent, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Gallons per Case
Amrep/Misty 56.36 42.98 75.56 AMRR2724.JPG Misty Biodet ND64, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle AMR R272-4, AMRR2724, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3209 Lagasse Misty Bolex (23% HCl) Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bottles (AMRR925-12) 3209 AMR R925-12 31.00 R925-12 Misty Bolex Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Misty Bolex Toilet Bowl Cleaner is a highly concentrated toilet bowl cleaner that provides exceptional cleaning power. Containing a blend of detergent, inorganic acid, wetting agent and rinse additives, this powerful toilet bowl cleaner quickly and effectively dissolves organic encrustations, scale and stains with ease. Economical and dependable, the Bolex Bowl Cleaner keeps toilet bowls and urinals bright and clean with ease. 12, 32-oz bottles of Misty Bolex Toilet Bowl Cleaner per case. NSF/USDA Classification C2.
Amrep Misty BOLEX (23% HCI) Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 32-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 29.50 22.50 39.49 AMRR92512.JPG toilet bowl cleaner, activated hydrochloric acid, misty bolex, misty bolex 26% HCl toilet bowl cleaner, AMR R925-12, AMRR92512, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 5
3211 Lagasse Misty Chalkboard and Whiteboard Cleaner, 12 Cans (AMRA101-20) 3211 AMR A101-20 20.00 A101-20 Misty Chalkboard and Whiteboard Cleaner
After using Misty Chalkboard and Whiteboard cleaner teachers may have to think of a new detention punishment other then staying after class to clean the boards. This medium foam, water-based product clings to vertical surfaces for quick cleaning and polishing om all types of chalkboards and whiteboards. Fast and effective! Buy Misty Chalkboard and Whiteboard Cleaner today!
Amrep Misty Chalkboard and Whiteboard Cleaner, 19-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 47.96 36.58 65.09 AMRA10120.JPG Mmisty chalkboard and whiteboard cleaner, AMR A101-20, AMRA10120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3214 Lagasse Misty® Crawling Insect Killer, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA423-20) 3214 AMR A423-20 17.00 A0423-20 Misty Crawling Insect Killer
Synergized dual active 0.10% pyrethrin/0.02% deltamethrin system provides rapid knockdown and flushing action. Kills cockroaches and a broad range of other crawling insects. Long-term residual formula stays active for up to 90 days. Low-odor, water-based formula leaves no oily residue or unpleasant odor. Dual action toggle valve provides wide area mist or directed stream for crevice treatment. Approved for use in food prep and food processing areas. VOC Compliant and EPA Registered. Great for use in kitchens, cafeterias, restaurants, waiting rooms, break rooms, nursery schools, bathrooms and many other areas that require and effective insect killer that is safe for families, friends, pets and staff.
Misty Crawling Insect Killer 20oz, 12 per case. - The wholesale insect killer supply company Buyers Trust.
Amrep/Misty 62.12 43.93 84.15 AMRA42320.JPG Misty Crawling Insect Killer, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A423-20, AMRA42320, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3215 Lagasse Misty® Crystal Clear Dust Mop Treatment, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (AMRR811-4) 3215 AMR R811-4 32.00 R811-4 Allows your dust mop to become a dust magnet until the mop is cleaned. Designed for wood, asphalt, linoleum, vinyl, resilient tile floors, rubber and gymnasium floors. (Cannot ship UPS.)
MISTY CRYSTAL CLE DUST MOP TRTMNT GL 4 Amrep/Misty 80.68 61.53 105.52 AMRR8114.JPG Misty Crystal Clear Dust Mop Treatment, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle AMR R811-4, AMRR8114, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3216 Lagasse Misty® Disinfectant & Deodorant, 12 Cans per Case, 16.5-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA221-20) 3216 AMR A221-20 16.60 A221-20 Disinfects and deodorizes refuse cans, toilet seats, telephones, door knobs, etc. Completely inhibits the growth of mildew on cloth. Phenolic type. Fresh & Clean fragrance. Not for sale in California.
MISTY HSP DISINF/DEOD 16.5OZ ARSL FRESH 12 Amrep/Misty 60.39 43.40 78.48 AMRA22120.JPG Misty Disinfectant & Deodorant, 12 Cans per Case, 16.5-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A221-20, AMRA22120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 5
3217 Lagasse Misty Disinfectant Foam Cleaner, 12 Cans (AMRA250-20) 3217 AMR A250-20 20.00 A250-20 Misty Disinfectant Foam Cleaner
Misty Disinfectant is a concentrated general purpose foam cleaner that cleans, disinfects and deodorizes hard surfaces. When used as directed, this foam cleaner is effective against Staph, Salmonella, HIV-1, MRSA and other dangerous bacteria that can threaten your customers’ health. Misty Disinfectant Cleaner can be used for cleaning glazed tile, ceramic, metal, stainless steel, hampers, tables, walls and surfaces that require regular cleaning and disinfecting. This disinfectant is ideal for use in hospitals, schools, hotels, motels, restaurants, locker and rest rooms. If protecting your facility from harmful bacteria and germs is a chief concern for you, Misty Disinfectant Foam Cleaner is the cleaner you need to get the job done right.
Amrep Misty Disinfectant Foam Cleaner, 19-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 45.23 34.50 60.92 AMRA25020.JPG Misty Disinfectant Foam Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A250-20, AMRA25020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3219 Lagasse Misty Dry Deodorizer Refill, Mango (AMRA21312MA) 3219 AMR A213-12-MA 12.00 A213-12-MA Aerosol canister fits dispenser AMR 997 (sold separately). Combines quality fragrances and essential oils with state-of-the-art odor counteractants. Two odor counteractants for maximum deodorizing power. Effectively freshens rooms up to 6,000 cu. ft. Dry spray contains no ozone depleting compounds and less than 30% total VOC content. 90-day refill. 4 refills per case.
Misty Metered Dry Deodorizer 16-oz, Mango, 12 per Case
Amrep/Misty 44.76 34.14 58.30 AMRA21312MA.JPG Misty Dry Deodorizer Refill, Mango AMR A213-12-MA, AMRA21312MA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3220 Lagasse Misty® Dry Deodorizer Refill, Spring Rain (AMRA209-12-SR) 3220 AMR A209-12-SR 8.00 A209-12-SR Aerosol canister fits dispenser AMR 997 (sold separately). Combines quality fragrances and essential oils with state-of-the-art odor counteractants. Two odor counteractants for maximum deodorizing power. Effectively freshens rooms up to 6,000 cu. ft. Dry spray contains no ozone depleting compounds and less than 30% total VOC content. 90-day refill. 4 refills per case.
MISTY MET DEOD 7OZ ARSL SPRING RAIN 12 Amrep/Misty 46.13 35.18 60.29 AMRA20912SR.JPG Misty Dry Deodorizer Refill, Spring Rain AMR A209-12-SR, AMRA20912SR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3221 Lagasse Misty Dry Deodorizer Refill, Summer Breeze (AMRA209-12-SB) 3221 AMR A209-12-SB 8.00 9-12-SB Misty Metered Deodorizer Refill-Summer Breeze
Enjoy the combination of the quality summer breeze fragrances and essential oils with this professional grade odor eliminator. Misty Metered Deodorizers have an increased concentration for treating up to 6,000 cubic feet when used in automatic metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). Its dry spray contains no ozone depleting compounds and less than 30% total VOC content.
- 7 oz cans
- 12 refills per case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Misty Metered Deodorizer 7oz Cans, 12 cans per Case- Summer Breeze
Amrep/Misty 46.13 35.18 61.73 AMRA20912SB.JPG Misty Dry Deodorizer Refill, Summer Breeze AMR A209-12-SB, AMRA20912SB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3222 Lagasse Misty Dry Deodorizer, Lemon Peel, 12 Cans (AMRA238-20-LP) 3222 AMR A238-20-LP 11.00 8-20-LP Misty Dry Air Freshener & Deodorizer
The advanced formula in the Misty Dry Air Freshener will freshen without staining or leaving a residue. Contains two odor air freshener counteractants for maximum deodorizing power. There are no ozone-depleting substances in these air fresheners. 10-oz. aerosol can. 12 air fresheners per case. No minimum orders with our air fresheners so order as little or as much as you want.
Amrep Products Misty Dry Deodorizer 10-oz Aerosol Cans, Lemon Peel Scent, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 44.64 34.05 59.43 AMRA23820LP.JPG misty dry deodorizer, air deodorizers, air freshener, AMR A238-20-LP, AMRA23820LP, lemon air freshener, dry air freshener, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3223 Lagasse Misty Dry Deodorizer, Snappy Apple Fragrance, 12 Cans per Case, 10-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA238-20-SA) 3223 AMR A238-20-SA 11.00 8-20-SA Misty® Dry Air Freshener Deodorizer
The advanced formula in the Misty Dry Air Freshener will freshen without staining or leaving a residue. Contains two odor air freshener counteractants for maximum deodorizing power. There are no ozone-depleting substances in these air fresheners. 10-oz. aerosol can. 12 air fresheners per case. No minimum orders with our air fresheners so order as little or as much as you want.
Manufactured by Amrep Products
MISTY DRY DEOD 10OZ ARSL APPLE SCENT 12 Amrep/Misty 44.64 34.05 58.60 AMRA23820SA.JPG Misty Dry Deodorizer, Snappy Apple Fragrance, 12 Cans per Case, 10-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A238-20-SA, AMRA23820SA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3224 Lagasse Misty Dry Deodorizer, Spring Rain Fragrance, 12 Cans per Case, 10-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA239-20-SR) 3224 AMR A239-20-SR 11.00 9-20-SR Misty® Dry Air Freshener Deodorizer
The advanced formula in the Misty Dry Air Freshener will freshen without staining or leaving a residue. Contains two odor air freshener counteractants for maximum deodorizing power. There are no ozone-depleting substances in these air fresheners. 10-oz. aerosol can. 12 air fresheners per case. No minimum orders with our air fresheners so order as little or as much as you want.
Manufactured by Amrep Products
MISTY DRY DEOD 10OZ ARSL SPRING RAIN 12 Amrep/Misty 43.07 32.85 56.40 AMRA23920SR.JPG Misty Dry Deodorizer, Spring Rain Fragrance, 12 Cans per Case, 10-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A239-20-SR, AMRA23920SR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3225 Lagasse Misty Dry Deodorizer, Summer Breeze Fragrance, 12 - 10-oz. Aerosol Cans (AMRA23920SB) 3225 AMR A239-20-SB 11.00 9-20-SB Misty Dry Air Freshener Deodorizer
The advanced formula in the Misty Dry Air Freshener will freshen without staining or leaving a residue. Contains two odor air freshener counteractants for maximum deodorizing power. There are no ozone-depleting substances in these air fresheners. 10-oz. aerosol can. 12 air fresheners per case. No minimum orders with our air fresheners so order as little or as much as you want.
Manufactured by Amrep Products
Misty Dry Deodorizer Summer Breeze, 10-oz Aerosol Cans, 12 per Case
Amrep/Misty 42.81 31.90 56.91 AMRA23920SB.JPG Misty Dry Deodorizer, Summer Breeze Fragrance, 12 Cans per Case, 10-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A239-20-SB, AMRA23920SB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3226 Lagasse Misty Dual Action Disinfectant, 12 - 20-oz. Aerosol Cans (AMRA220-20) 3226 AMR A220-20 20.00 A00220-20 Misty Dual Action Disinfectant Spray
Disinfects and deodorizes most nonporous surfaces including garbage cans, toilet seats, telephones, door knobs, etc. Kills influenza A, herpes I and ll and canine distemper viruses. Effective against staph, salmonella and pseudomonas bacteria. Fungicidal—effective against athlete’s foot. Fresh Linen fragrance. Includes 360° spray valve for optimum coverage. Great for use in nursery, elementary and pre-schools on counters, walls, toys, bathrooms, sinks, chairs, desks, coat rooms and many other nooks and crannies. Use in office, home, industrial settings will help prevent illness from spreading through staff or family.
AmRep Misty Dual Action Disinfectant, 20-oz. Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 46.93 35.79 61.25 AMRA22020.JPG Misty Dual Action Disinfectant, AMR A220-20, AMRA22020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3227 Lagasse Misty Dust Mop Treatment, 12 - 18-oz. Cans (AMRA810-20) 3227 AMR A810-20 19.00 A810-20 Misty Dust Mop Treatment
Misty Dust Mop Treatment provides an advanced formula that locks up dust, cleans and polishes, but does not leave surfaces slippery. Great for use on mops, cloths, push brooms and more. Easily removes dust from any surface, just lightly spray onto mops, and cloths, for it to become an immediate dust magnet. Eliminates dust created when using push brooms and dust mops, while never doing damage to floors or make floors slippery when sprayed lightly. Can be used to dust a wide variety of floors and surfaces with ease. Coming in 18-oz. cans, and 12 aerosol cans per case, this quality mop treatment is an essential tool for any cleaning professional.
Misty Dust Mop Treatment, 18-oz. Can, 12 Aerosol Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 58.74 44.80 78.68 AMRA81020.JPG misty dust mop treatment, dust mop treatment, dust mop spray, dust mop aerosol spray, AMR A810-20, AMRA81020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3228 Lagasse Misty® EDF-3 Defoamer, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (AMRR827-4) 3228 AMR R827-4 36.40 R827-4 Misty EDF-3 Defoamer
Water-based silicone formula works to suppress foam. For use in all types of hot or cold aqueous systems, including steam cleaners, commercial extractors, automatic scrubbers, wet pick-up vacuums and ornamental fountains. Concentrated formula; dilution varies. Great for keeping foam down in the soap chamber so you can keep on cleaning without backing up.
Misty EDF-3 Silicone Defoamer, Gallon bottle, 4 bottles per case. - The wholesale defoamer supply company Buyers Trust.
Amrep/Misty 63.77 45.43 84.67 AMRR8274.JPG Misty EDF-3 Defoamer, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle AMR R827-4, AMRR8274, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3229 Lagasse Misty Flying Insect Killer, 20-oz. Aerosol Cans (AMRA414-20) 3229 AMR A414-20 17.00 A00414-20 Misty Flying Insect Killer
Effective, dual synergized 0.2% prallethrin formula quickly kills flies, mosquitoes and other flying insects! Convenient spray-thru cap with ultra-fine spray pattern for extended suspension time. Approved for use in food prep and food processing areas. VOC Compliant and EPA Registered. Great for use in kitchens, restaurants, cafeterias, picnics, parties, pool areas, lakes, beaches, biking/hiking adventures and many other areas that require effective insect killers that are safe for family, friends, pets and staff.
Misty Flying Insect Killer 20-oz, 12 per case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Amrep/Misty 99.56 59.06 135.63 AMRA41420.JPG Misty Flying Insect Killer, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A414-20, AMRA41420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3230 Lagasse Misty Frosty Pearl Liquid Hand Soap, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (AMRR915-4) 3230 AMR R915-4 37.20 BL915-4 Misty Frosty Pearl Liquid Hand Soap
Industrial hand and skin cleaner safely removes heavy soils such as grease, oil, paint and dirt without harsh solvents or rough abrasives. Contains lanolin, moisturizers and emollients for conditioning skin while it cleans. NSF/USDA Classification E1.
Misty Frosty Pearl Liquid Hand Soap, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bulk Liquid Soaps » Amrep/Misty 37.87 28.88 50.43 AMRR9154.JPG misty frosty pearl liquid hand soap, AMR R915-4, AMRR9154, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3231 Lagasse Misty Furniture Polish for Metal, 12 - 18-oz. Aerosol Cans (AMRA135-20) 3231 AMR A135-20 17.32 A135-20 Misty Furniture Polish for Metal
Versatile multi-surface, multipurpose polish works well on virtually any furniture surface, but is especially suited for metal, laminates, polyurethanes and other nontraditional furniture finishes. Easy-to-use lemon oil and silicone formula brings protection and gloss to nonporous surfaces as well as traditional wood. Includes a 360° valve.
Misty Furniture Polish for Metal, 18-oz. Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case
Amrep/Misty 52.00 39.66 68.41 AMRA13520.JPG Misty Furniture Polish for Metal, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A135-20, AMRA13520, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3232 Lagasse Misty® Furniture Polish for Wood, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA134-20) 3232 AMR A134-20 18.00 A134-20 Cleans, polishes and dusts in one easy application. Removes old wax buildup and helps fill minor scratches and nicks at the same time. Cleans wood, leather, vinyl and other fine-quality surfaces. Lemon fragrance.
MISTY WOOD FURN POLISH 19OZ ARSL LMN 12 Amrep/Misty 51.13 39.00 69.60 AMRA13420.JPG Misty Furniture Polish for Wood, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A134-20, AMRA13420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 5
3233 Lagasse Misty Glass & Mirror Cleaner with Ammonia, 12 - 19-oz. Aerosol Cans (AMRA121-20) 3233 AMR A121-20 20.00 A121-20 Readily lifts soil and grease from windows, glass counters, windshields, mirrors and more; dries quickly without streaking or hazing. Mint fragrance.
MISTY AMON GLASS & MIRROR CLNR 19OZ ARSL MINT 12 Amrep/Misty 32.79 25.01 43.41 AMRA12120.JPG Misty Glass & Mirror Cleaner with Ammonia, Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A121-20, AMRA12120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3234 Lagasse Misty® Glass & Mirror Cleaner with Ammonia, Gallon, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (AMRR121-4) 3234 AMR R121-4 36.40 R121-4 Readily lifts soil and grease from windows, glass counters, windshields, mirrors and more; dries quickly without streaking or hazing. Mint fragrance.
MISTY AMON GLASS & MIRROR CLNR GL MINT 4 Amrep/Misty 27.59 20.45 35.83 AMRR1214.JPG Misty Glass & Mirror Cleaner with Ammonia, Gallon, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle AMR R121-4, AMRR1214, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3236 Lagasse Misty Glypho Kill 2, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (AMRR570-4) 3236 AMR R570-4 33.36 R570-4 Professional-strength herbicide kills all vegetation contacted, nearly all common weeds and grasses down to the roots. Can be used on driveways, brick and gravel walkways, curbs, along fences and foundations, near trees and shrubs, and in flowerbeds. Not for use on or around edible feed or food crops. Do not apply to water. Harmful if absorbed through the skin. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. EPA Registered.
MISTY PRO STRENGTH GLYPHO KILL 2 GL 4 Amrep/Misty 51.12 36.57 67.37 AMRR5704.JPG Misty Glypho Kill 2, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle AMR R570-4, AMRR5704, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3237 Lagasse Misty® Green All-Purpose Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA169-20) 3237 AMR A169-20 20.00 A169-20 Misty Green All-Purpose Cleaner
Powerful foam cleaner with natural degreasers and deodorizers. Removes dirt, grease and fingerprints from doors, walls, ceramic and plastic tile, floors, bathroom fixtures and all kitchen surfaces. NSF/USDA Classification C1. Leaves a fresh citrus scent. Great for use in homes, restaurants, schools, break rooms, office bathrooms and many other areas that need a product that is quick, strong and safe.
Misty Green All-purpose cleaner 19oz., 12 per case. - The wholesale all-purpose cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Amrep/Misty 40.47 30.87 52.76 AMRA16920.JPG Misty Green All-Purpose Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A169-20, AMRA16920, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3238 Lagasse Misty Green RTU All-Purpose Cleaner, 12 Bottles (AMRR168-12) 3238 AMR R168-12 27.60 R168-12 Misty Green All-Purpose Cleaner RTU
This Green Cleaning Product is Environmentally friendly yet powerful, ready-to-use formula is all organic and biodegradable. High-foaming, nonabrasive, general-purpose cleaner for use on most washable surfaces, including many plastics, painted surfaces and laminates. Cleans and deodorizes with a fresh citrus scent. Simply spray and wipe; requires little to no rinsing. Great for use on kids toys, kitchen tools, work tools, office supplies, walls, door jams, doors, window sills, bathrooms and many other areas or surfaces that require a strong cleaner that is friendly to our environment.
Misty Green All-Purpose Cleaner, 32 oz. bottles, 12 bottles per case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 51.93 39.61 67.98 AMRR16812.JPG Misty Green All-Purpose Cleaner RTU, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle AMR R168-12, AMRR16812, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 5
3240 Lagasse Misty Gum Remover II, 12 Aerosol Cans (AMRA183-12) 3240 AMR A183-12 8.00 A183-12 Misty Gum Remover II
Freezes gum for removal from tables, chairs and floors, this powerful aerosol gum remover completely removes gum from carpeting without leaving sticky residue. Is also known to remove adhesive residue and candle wax. Saves time and labor, this potent gum remover uses quick freezing action to make substances hard and brittle for easy removal. Proven to not damage surface or cause color bleed-out on fabrics. Ideal for theater, school, auditorium and church use. 6-oz. aerosol cans, 12 per case.
Misty Gum Remover II, 6-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 45.85 34.97 61.93 AMRA18312.JPG aerosol gum remover, misty gum remover, gum remover, AMR A183-12, AMRA18312, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3241 Lagasse Misty Halt Drain Opener, 12 - 32-oz. Bottles (AMRR993-12) 3241 AMR R993-12 33.00 R993-12 Liquid Drain Opener
Nonfuming, highly concentrated alkaline-based formula. Clears clogged drains of organic matter, hair, paper, grease and oils. NSF/USDA Classification L1.
Misty Halt Concentrated Liquid Drain Opener, 32-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case Amrep/Misty 62.15 45.76 84.36 AMRR99312.JPG Misty Halt Drain Opener, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle, AMR R993-12, AMRR99312, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3242 Lagasse Misty HD Glass Cleaner Concentrate, 4 Gallons (AMRR125-4) 3242 AMR R125-4 34.00 R125-4 Misty Heavy Duty Glass Cleaner
Misty Nonammoniated, professional-strength glass cleaning product quickly removes dirt, grease, grime and smoke film. This glass cleaner will not streak, smear or haze. Use this green cleaning product as a light-duty, multipurpose cleaner for glass, mirrors, countertops, chrome, stainless steel, enamel, Formica®, ceramic and other washable surfaces. Biodegradable formula meets VOC guidelines. Dilutes up to 1:128 with water. Pleasant fragrance.
Misty Non-Ammoniated Heavy Duty Concentrated Glass Cleaner, Pleasant Scent, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 50.19 38.28 67.76 AMRR1254.JPG misty glass cleaner, misty heavy duty glass cleaner, misty concentrated glass cleaner, misty hd glass cleaner concentrate, AMR R125-4, AMRR1254, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3243 Lagasse Misty 12-oz. Heavy Duty Adhesive Spray, 12 Aerosol Cans (AMRA315-20) 3243 AMR A315-20 13.00 A315-20 Heavy Duty Adhesive Spray
For temporary or permanent bonding of uneven or porous surfaces and weighted materials. Waterproof, flexible, transparent and nonstaining. For use on leather, cardboard, most plastics, polyethylene sheeting and cloth. Non-ozone-depleting.
Amrep Misty Heavy-Duty Spray Adhesive, 12-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 65.31 46.66 87.28 AMRA31520.JPG spray adhesive, misty heavy duty adhesive spray, AMR A315-20, AMRA31520 1 1 0 0 1 5
3244 Lagasse Misty® Heavy-Duty Carpet Stain Remover, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA173-20) 3244 AMR A173-20 20.00 A173-20 Misty Heavy-Duty Carpet Stain Remover
Eliminates stains due to oil, tar, grease, ink, lipstick, marking pen, mud, mustard, catsup, coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol, vomit, blood, urine and pet stains. Stops odors at the source. Enzyme fortified. Concentrated stream uses inverted valve for easy access to confined spaces. Great for use in homes, hospitals, schools, break rooms, waiting rooms and many other areas that require a carpet spot remover that is strong and safe.
Misty Heavy-Duty Carpet Stain Remover 20oz., 12 per case. - The wholesale carpet stain remover supply company Buyers Trust.
Amrep/Misty 60.17 45.11 81.81 AMRA17320.JPG Misty Heavy-Duty Carpet Stain Remover, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A173-20, AMRA17320, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3245 Lagasse Misty Heavy-Duty Glass Cleaner, 20-oz. Aerosol Cans (AMRA124-20) 3245 AMR A124-20 20.00 A124-20 Misty Heavy-Duty Glass Cleaner
Advanced nonammoniated formula cleans windows, mirrors, countertops and glass displays of dirt, grease, smudges, fingerprints, lipstick and other stubborn deposits. Wipes windshields free of insects and nicotine film. Special foaming action deep-cleans without streaking or smearing—and leaves no hazy film or residue. Lemon fragrance. Great for use in cars, showers, home windows, schools, hospitals or any office that needs glass clean quick and well.
Misty Heavy-Duty Glass Cleaner, 20oz. Aersol Cans, 12 cans per case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 33.67 25.68 45.54 AMRA12420.JPG misty glass cleaner, misty heavy-duty glass cleaner, AMR A124-20, AMRA12420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3247 Lagasse Misty® Industrial Cleaning Solvent, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA365-20) 3247 AMR A365-20 18.44 A365-20 Misty Industrial Cleaning Solvent
Rapidly removes dirt, grease, oil and grime from metallic and nonmetallic surfaces. Ideal for use on electric motors (even while running), electronic equipment, ignition systems, typewriters, computers, etc. Safe on most plastics. NSF/USDA Classification K2. Not available for sale in California. Great for use in the kitchen, garage, work shop, toy room, office and many other areas that have electric motors that require maintenance to perform at their best.
Misty Industrial Cleaning Solvent 20oz., 12 per case. - The wholesale cleaning solvent supply company Buyers Trust.
Amrep/Misty 75.69 57.73 98.89 AMRA36520.JPG Misty Industrial Cleaning Solvent, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A365-20, AMRA36520, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3248 Lagasse Misty® Insect Repellent II, 12 Cans per Case, 6-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA482-06) 3248 AMR A482-06 6.00 A482-06 Spray repels mosquitoes, chiggers, ticks, biting flies, fleas and other small flying insects on exposed skin. Solvent-based, contains 23.75% DEET. Includes a 360° valve.
MISTY INSECT REPELLENT II 6OZ ARSL 24% DEET 12 Amrep/Misty 70.41 53.70 94.76 AMRA48206.JPG Misty Insect Repellent II, 12 Cans per Case, 6-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A482-06, AMRA48206, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 5
3249 Lagasse Misty Lemon Oil Furniture Polish (AMRR135-4) 3249 AMR R135-4 32.40 R135-4 Cleans fine wood furniture and stainless steel. Removes soil, old wax buildup, dust and debris. Also, an excellent dust mop treatment. (Cannot ship UPS.)
MISTY LEMON OIL POLISH GL 4 Amrep/Misty 77.67 57.75 103.62 AMRR1354.JPG Misty Lemon Oil Polish, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle AMR R135-4, AMRR1354, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 5
3250 Lagasse Misty NAB Nonacid Bathroom Cleaner, 32-oz. Bottles (AMRR920-12) 3250 AMR R920-12 29.00 R920-12 Misty NAB Nonacid Bathroom Cleaner
Concentrated, all-purpose bathroom cleaner cleans, brightens and deodorizes. Removes soap scum, body oils, greases. Excellent for removing white alkaline film and light water scale from ceramic floors, glass, marble, porcelain tubs/toilets/sinks and many more surfaces that require a tough cleaner that leaves a bright glassy shine. NSF/USDA Classification C1.
Misty NAB Concentrated Nonacid Bathroom Cleaner, 32 oz. bottle, 12 bottles per case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 38.87 29.65 51.61 AMRR92012.JPG Misty NAB Nonacid Bathroom Cleaner, AMR R920-12, AMRR92012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3251 Lagasse Misty Neutra Clean Floor Cleaner, 4 Gallon Bottles (AMRR800-4) 3251 AMR R800-4 36.80 R800-4 Neutral Floor Cleaner
All-purpose cold water detergent with 100% biodegradable surfactants. Attacks most types of dirt and grime on any type of floor and leaves a protective film for added beauty and luster. NSF/USDA Classification A1. Purchase all of your favorite brand name Janitorial Supplies right here at the website and save.
Misty Neutra Clean, Neutral Floor Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottles, 4 Gallon Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 34.89 26.61 47.00 AMRR8004.JPG misty neutra clean floor cleaner, AMR R800-4, AMRR8004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3252 Lagasse Misty® OPTIMAX® Easy Care Floor Finish, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (AMRR876-4) 3252 AMR R876-4 37.60 R876-4 Intermediate maintenance formula for moderate to heavy traffic areas. Ideal for use on resilient tile, linoleum, and terrazzo floors. Optically brightened for maximum gloss. Acrylic thermoplastic polymers create a durable, long-lasting finish that is easy to maintain. Spray buffable. Responds to low to high RPM buffing speeds. 18% solids.
MISTY OPTIMAX EASY CARE FLR FINISH GL 4 Amrep/Misty 58.03 44.26 76.69 AMRR8764.JPG Misty OPTIMAX Easy Care Floor Finish, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle AMR R876-4, AMRR8764, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3253 Lagasse Misty® Oven & Grill Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA110-20) 3253 AMR A110-20 18.04 A110-20 Heavy-duty formula cleans quickly in warm or cold ovens. Use on hard-to-clean institutional ovens, pots, pans, french fry baskets, outdoor grills, etc. Also cleans stainless steel. Caustic. NSF/USDA Classification A8.
MISTY H-DTY OVEN & GRILL CLNR 19OZ ARSL 12 Amrep/Misty 53.19 40.57 69.42 AMRA11020.JPG Misty Oven & Grill Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A110-20, AMRA11020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 5
3254 Lagasse Misty® Painless Stainless Steel Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 18-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA142-20) 3254 AMR A142-20 17.24 A142-20 A water-based cleaner formulated to clean and polish stainless steel without leaving a greasy film. Foam spray clings to surfaces to penetrate dirt and grease for minimal wiping. NSF/USDA Classification C1.
MISTY PAINLESS WTR-BSD SS CLNR 18OZ ARSL 12 Amrep/Misty 57.82 44.10 77.41 AMRA14220.JPG Misty Painless Stainless Steel Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 18-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A142-20, AMRA14220, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3255 Lagasse Misty® Penetrating Lubricant, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA390-20) 3255 AMR A390-20 20.00 A390-20 Four-in-one spray loosens, cleans and lubricates frozen nuts, bolts and moving parts. Also stops and prevents corrosion. NSF/USDA Classification H2.
MISTY PENTRT LUB 19OZ ARSL 12 Amrep/Misty 65.29 49.80 89.11 AMRA39020.JPG Misty Penetrating Lubricant, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A390-20, AMRA39020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 5
3256 Lagasse Misty® Pro-Tec Carpet Protector Concentrate, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (AMRR838-4) 3256 AMR R838-4 36.40 R838-4 Provides a protective film on carpets and upholstery to retard soiling and reduce static electricity. Gallon bottle covers 1,600 square feet.
MISTY PRO-TEC CONC CARPET PROT GL 4 Amrep/Misty 104.06 79.22 139.05 AMRR8384.JPG Misty Pro-Tec Carpet Protector Concentrate, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle AMR R838-4, AMRR8384, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 5
3257 Lagasse Misty Ready-to-Use Oven & Grill Cleaner 4 Bottles per Case Gallon Bottle (AMRR110-4) 3257 AMR R110-4 37.20 BL110-4 Heavy-duty, ready-to-use nonaerosol grease and carbon remover for fast and economical oven maintenance. Also for oven racks, grills, barbecue grills, broiler pans, smokers, deep fryers and exhaust vents. Caustic. NSF/USDA Classifications A4 and A8.
MISTY H-DTY OVEN & GRILL CLNR GL RTU 4 Amrep/Misty 46.36 33.86 62.39 AMRR1104.JPG Misty Ready-to-Use Oven & Grill Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle AMR R110-4, AMRR1104, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 5
3258 Lagasse Misty Red Grease, 48 - 14-oz. Tubes (AMRRL726-48) 3258 AMR RL726-48 49.40 RLC-726 Misty Red Grease
An extra heavy-duty, non-melt grease specially formulated with extreme pressure and anti-wear additives. Extra tackifiers provide excellent adhesive and cohesive properties. Resists most acids, salt, dirt, steam, corrosion and oxidation. Timken load 65. NSF/USDA Classification H2.
Misty Red Grease, 14-oz. Tube, 48 Tubes per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 179.12 135.19 234.20 AMRRL72648.JPG misty red grease, grease lubricant, grease lube, grease cleaner, AMR RL726-48, AMRRL72648, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3259 Lagasse Misty® Redi-Steam Carpet Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (AMRR823-4) 3259 AMR R823-4 38.00 R823-4 A concentrated, low-foaming shampoo for carpets, rugs and upholstery. For use with cold or hot water extraction machines or steam cleaning units. Cleans water-soluble soils and oil-based matter such as grease, oils and lipstick. Contains third-generation odor counteractants.
MISTY REDI-STEAM CONC CARPET CLNR GL 4 Amrep/Misty 37.36 28.49 50.51 AMRR8234.JPG Misty Redi-Steam Carpet Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle AMR R823-4, AMRR8234, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 5
3260 Lagasse Misty® Secure (9% HCl) Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (AMRR930-12) 3260 AMR R930-12 29.00 R930-12 Misty Secure (9% HCI) Bowl Cleaner
Mild acid bowl cleaner removes stains, mineral scale and organic matter; keeps bowls and urinals clean and fresh smelling. Odor counteractant kills most offensive odors. Nonfuming cleaner with mild chemical levels is safer around family, friends, staff, kids and pets. NSF/USDA Classification C2.
Misty Secure (9% HCI) bowl cleaner, 32 oz. bottle, 12 bottles per case. - The wholesale bowl cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Amrep/Misty 41.68 31.79 56.12 AMRR93012.JPG Misty Secure 10% HCl Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle AMR R930-12, AMRR93012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 5
3261 Lagasse Misty® Solvent Cleaner & Degreaser, 12 - 20-oz. Aerosol Cans (AMRA364-20) 3261 AMR A364-20 13.00 A364-20 Misty Solvent Cleaner & Degreaser
Environmentally preferable formula is biodegradable. Highly concentrated, all-organic solvent blend easily removes grease, oil and grime from metallic and non-metallic surfaces, including most plastics. Ideal for degreasing machinery, equipment and electric motors without the use of ozone-depleting solvents. No chlorinated or fluorinated solvents or petroleum distillates. Great for use in kitchens, work shops, restaurants, cafeterias, cars, trucks, boats, lawn mowers and many more household and industrial areas.
Misty Solvent Cleaner & Degreaser Aerosol 20oz cans., 12 per case. - The wholesale cleaning & degreasing supply company Buyers Trust.
Amrep/Misty 84.92 64.77 113.02 AMRA36420.JPG Misty Solvent Cleaner & Degreaser, 12 Cans per Case, 20-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A364-20, AMRA36420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3262 Lagasse Misty® Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish, 12 Cans per Case, 15-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA141-20) 3262 AMR A141-20 15.24 A141-20 A blend of special cleaners and polishing oils ideal for use on brushed and high-gloss metal surfaces. Restores a “like new” shine and leaves a protective coating to help retard tarnishing. Nonabrasive. NSF/USDA Classification C1.
MISTY SS CLNR & POLISH OIL BASED 15OZ ARSL 12 Amrep/Misty 69.01 52.63 93.66 AMRA14120.JPG Misty Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish, 12 Cans per Case, 15-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A141-20, AMRA14120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3263 Lagasse Misty Super Reprosolve Industrial Detergent Degreaser, 4 Gallons (AMRR327-4) 3263 AMR R327-4 37.60 BL0327-4 Misty Super Reprosolve Industrial Detergent/Degreaser
Noncorrosive to most metals and performs well in hot, cold or hard water. Use for cleaning machinery, steam cleaning, degreasing, wax stripping, concrete cleaning, or as a laundry prespotter. Works well in automatic scrubbing machines. Super concentrated. Nonflammable. NSF/USDA Classification A4. Great for use in laundry rooms, work rooms, garage floors, around a pool, floor scrubbers/strippers, sinks, tubs, drains and many more areas that require a strong powerful detergent.
Misty Super Reprosolve Industrial Detergent/Degreaser, Gallon bottle, 4 bottles per case. - The wholesale detergent/degreaser supply company Buyers Trust.
Amrep/Misty 37.22 28.39 49.60 AMRR3274.JPG Misty Super Reprosolve Industrial Detergent/Degreaser, Gallon, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle AMR R327-4, AMRR3274, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 5
3264 Lagasse Misty Vandalism Mark Remover, 12 - 16-oz. Aerosol Cans (AMRA178-20) 3264 AMR A178-20 15.04 A178-20 Misty Vandalism Mark Remover
Formulated to remove most spray paints, marking inks, crayons, lipstick, road tar, stencil inks and other solvent- and oil-based marks. Ideal for use on signs, trucks, walls, buses and other nonporous surfaces. NSF/USDA Classification C1.
Misty Vandalism Mark Remover, 16-oz. Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 74.15 56.56 97.31 AMRA17820.JPG misty vandalism mark remover, misty mark remover, AMR A178-20, AMRA17820, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3266 Lagasse Misty® Wasp & Hornet Killer IIb, 12 Cans per Case, 13.5-oz. Aerosol Can (AMRA437-20) 3266 AMR A437-20 14.50 A437-20 Drops wasps, hornets and yellow jackets instantly. Kills with residual action as insects return to nest. Jet spray reaches up to 20 feet; dielectric strength 47,300 volts.
MISTY WASP & HORNET KILLER IIB13.5OZ ARSL 12 Amrep/Misty 83.32 49.43 108.68 AMRA43720.JPG Misty Wasp & Hornet Killer IIb, 12 Cans per Case, 13.5-oz. Aerosol Can AMR A437-20, AMRA43720, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 5
3267 Lagasse Misty X-Wax Baseboard Stripper, 12 Cans (AMRA806-20) 3267 AMR A806-20 18.00 A806-20 Baseboard Stripper
Nonflammable, foaming wax stripper with an inverted valve. Cleans and strips areas where a floor machine cannot reach. Ideal for baseboards, metal doors and frames. Great for use in corners, under cabinets, nooks and crannies, between appliances, back splashes, walls and many more areas that require stripping that is hard to get to with large bulky machinery.
Misty X-Wax Baseboard Stripper, 18-oz. Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 47.41 36.16 62.30 AMRA80620.JPG Misty X-Wax Stripper, X-Wax Baseboard Stripper, AMR A806-20, AMRA80620, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
3268 Lagasse Mixed Fiber Maid Broom (UNS920Y) 3268 UNS 920Y 1.50 UNS 920Y For light-duty sweeping. Five rows of stitching. 42in long, 7/8in diameter lacquered wood handle. Shpg. wt. 19 lbs.
MIXED FIBER L-DTY MAID BRM 42X.88 DIA WOOD DZ Unisan 73.11 55.76 99.85 UNS920Y.JPG Mixed Fiber Maid Broom UNS 920Y, UNS920Y, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3269 Lagasse Mobile Barrier (RCP9S11YEL) 3269 RCP 9S11 YEL 39.20 FG9S11YEL Bright yellow barrier restricts access for maintenance or isolates safety hazards indoors or outdoors. With 16 articulating panels, flexible unit can be set up straight, curved or in circle. Two 5in nonmarking wheels; four locking straps secure barrier in closed position. ANSI Compliant. Shipped fully assembled. Open unit is 40in high x 13 ft. long x 1in deep (closed 40in x 2 ft. x 13in); weighs 32 lbs.
EXTENDABLE MOBILE BARRIER EXTNDS TO 13 FT YEL Rubbermaid Commercial Products 392.02 299.00 527.53 RCP9S11YEL.JPG Mobile Barrier RCP 9S11 YEL, RCP9S11YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3270 Lagasse Mobile Fabric Bag, Black (RCP6174BLA) 3270 RCP 6174 BLA 1.50 FG6174-00 BLA Can be mixed and matched to meet your needs. Fits both Deluxe High Security Cart (RCP 9T64 BLA) and High-Capacity Cart (RCP 9T62 BLA), sold separately. Two casters and metal handle for mobility. 18-1/2w x 11d x 35h.
MOBILE FABRIC BG BLA 1 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 129.80 99.00 168.84 RCP6174BLA.JPG Mobile Fabric Bag, Black RCP 6174 BLA, RCP6174BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3271 Lagasse Mobile Two-Step Step Stool, Beige (RCP2523BEI) 3271 RCP 2523 BEI 6.00 252300 BEIG Push stool into position, step on it, and casters instantly retract. Antiskid bottom holds firmly. Textured step surface. Supports 350 lbs. Plastic. 16 diameter (at base) x 13h. Shpg. wt. 7 lbs.
STEPSTOOL BEI Rubbermaid Commercial Products 67.61 51.57 90.25 RCP2523BEI.JPG Mobile Two-Step Step Stool, Beige RCP 2523 BEI, RCP2523BEI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3272 Lagasse Mobile Two-Step Step Stool, Black (RCP2523BLA) 3272 RCP 2523 BLA 6.40 252300 BLA Push stool into position, step on it, and casters instantly retract. Antiskid bottom holds firmly. Textured step surface. Supports 350 lbs. Plastic. 16 diameter (at base) x 13h. Shpg. wt. 7 lbs.
STEPSTOOL BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 67.61 51.57 90.09 RCP2523BLA.JPG Mobile Two-Step Step Stool, Black RCP 2523 BLA, RCP2523BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3273 Lagasse Model 1000 Metered Aerosol Dispenser, Sandy Beige (TMS1131) 3273 TMS 1131 1.12 32-1131WBY High-impact, chemical-resistant plastic cabinet. Activates metered refill every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day, for 30 days. Operates up to two years on two D alkaline batteries (not incl.). Five-year warranty when used with TimeMist® refills (sold separately). 4.8w x 3.5d x 8h.
1000 MET ARSL DSP 4.8X3.5X8 SANDY BEI 12 Timemist Waterbury 27.07 20.65 35.88 TMS1131.JPG Model 1000 Metered Aerosol Dispenser, Sandy Beige TMS 1131, TMS1131, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
3274 Lagasse Hoover Lightweight Upright Vacuum Cleaner (HOO1404) 3274 HOO 1404 15.00 C1404 Upright Vacuum Cleaner
The Hoover Lightweight Upright Vacuum really lives up to its name. Weighing only 11.5 pounds, it truly is lightweight, making for easy maneuverability and transport. The allergen filtration system retains up to 99% of pollens and dust, ensuring a more thorough cleaning of your floors. This lightweight vacuum also features a manual 4-position height adjustment that includes an adjustment for bare floors. The 3-position handle can go flat to fit under low furniture and the furniture guard protects furniture and walls from damage. Hoover even thought to add a built-in maid’s cart hang-up hook for easy transport and storage. This vacuum is CRI Green Label Approved, signifying that this is a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment and carpet appearance retention. Choose this Lightweight Upright Vacuum from Hoover, a name that has been trusted for quality, durability and reliability since 1908.
Hoover Commercial Upright Lightweight Vacuum Cleaner, Sold as Each. – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hoover 134.06 96.79 177.32 HOO1404.JPG hoover vacuum cleaner, hoover upright vacuum, hoover upright vacuum cleaner, hoover lightweight vacuum, commercial vacuum, model 1404 lightweight upright, HOO 1404, HOO1404, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
3276 Lagasse Hoover Model C1414-900 Commercial Allergen Filtration Upright Vacuum Cleaner HOO1414 3276 HOO 1414 21.40 C1414900 Hoover Elite Hard Bag Case Upright Vacuum Cleaner
Hoover Upright Vacuum Cleaner has a fully encased bag system which allows for the best filtration and dirt containment. On-board tools, large Maid's Cart Hook.
- Motor: 7.7 amp
- Cleaning Path: 12 inches
- Carpet Height Adjustment: Manual Four-Position
- On-board Tools: Hose, wand, Upholstery Tool, Dusting Brush, Crevice Tool
- Furniture Guard
- Filtration System—Triple-Layer Allergen
- Convenient fingertip On/Off switch
- Two brush Agitator
- Unit Wt.—19 lbs.
- Cord Length—35 ft. UL Approved (Commercial Use)
- OSHA Compliant
- Shipping Weight: 21 lbs.
- Manufacturer’s Warranty—One-Year
- Commercial Bags—HOO 4010100A (sold separately)

Hoover Commercial Upright Vacuum Cleaner, Allergen Filtration - The wholesale cleaning company buyers trust.
Hoover 194.76 140.83 258.47 HOO1414.JPG vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaners, upright vacuum cleaner, hoover vacuum cleaner, hoover vacuum cleaners, hoover model c1414-900 commercial allergen filtration upright vacuum cleaner HOO 1414, HOO1414 1 1 0 0 1 56
3279 Lagasse Hoover Vacuum Hush Vac Twin Chamber Bagless Hepa Vacuum Cleaner (HOO1660) 3279 HOO 1660 21.00 C1660900 Hoover Twin Chamber Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner
The Hoover Hush Bagless Vacuum Cleaner makes vacuuming quick, efficient and much quieter than ordinary vacuums. The bagless system features Teflon coated HEPA filtration and a sealed twin chamber that helps maintain maximum power and traps dirt in for convenient disposal. The hush mode of this Hoover vacuum allows for quiet operation, making it ideal for cleaning close quarters. The multi-speed surge switch is ideal for use in heavily soiled areas and the 15-inch cleaning path with two brush agitator is great for taking on large, commercial cleaning projects. This Hoover vacuum features a handle that lowers 180 degrees, allowing it to clean under beds, tables and desks without damaging furniture. The Carpet and Rug Institute has given this vacuum Green Label Approval, signifying a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment and carpet appearance retention. The Hoover Hush Bagless Vacuum Cleaner comes with a One Year Parts/Labor
Manufacturer’s Warranty for commercial use.
Uses replacement belt HOO 40201190, 2 belts per pack (sold separately)
Hoover Commercial Hush Vac Twin Chamber Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner, Each. – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
CRI Green Label Approved – The CRI (Carpet and Rug Institute) Green Label signifies a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment and carpet appearance retention.
The CRI Green Label logo is a trademark of the Carpet & Rug Institute.
Vacuum Cleaners » Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner »
Hoover 203.75 155.40 266.28 HOO1660.JPG vacuum cleaner, hoover upright vacuum, hoover vacuum, hoover vacuum cleaner, bagless vacuum, upright, hush vacuum cleaner, bagless vacuum cleaner, hush twin chamber bagless vacuum with hepa filtration, HOO 1660, HOO1660, hoover hepa vacuum, hoover bagless vacuum 1 1 0 0 1 56
3280 Lagasse Model C1703-900 WindTunnel™ Commercial Upright (HOO1703) 3280 HOO 1703 22.82 C1703900 Motor—12 amp Cleaning Path—13in Carpet Height Adjustment—Multiple-Position On-board Tools Headlight Furniture Guard Filtration System—Triple-Layer Allergen Unit Wt.—15.2 lbs. Cord Length—35 ft. UL Approved (Commercial Use) OSHA Compliant Shpg. Wt.—23 lbs. Manufacturer’s Warranty—One Year Commercial, Two-Year Motor Bag—3-Layer Cloth Bag (included) or HOO 4010100A (included) CRI Green Label™ Approved—The CRI (Carpet and Rug Institute) Green Label™ signifies a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment and carpet appearance retention. Look for the CRI Green Label™ logo on approved Sanitaire® models. The CRI Green Label logo is a trademark of the Carpet & Rug Institute.
WINDTUNNEL UPRIGHT VAC 13 IN Hoover 213.43 160.79 277.40 HOOC1800010.JPG Model C1703-900 WindTunnel Commercial Upright HOO 1703, HOO1703, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
3283 Lagasse Rubbermaid Ultra Light Weight Vacuum Cleaner UL12 (RCP9VUL12) 3283 RCP 9VUL12 15.50 9VUL12 Ultra Light Weight Commercial Vacuum Cleaner
Motor - 4.0 amp
Cleaning Path - 12"
Carpet Height Adjustment - Automatic
Furniture Guard
Unit Weight - 9.7 lbs.
Cord Length - 40-ft.
UL Approved (Commercial Use)
OSHA Compliant
Shipping Weight - 15.5 lbs.
Manufacturer’s Warranty - One-Year Parts/Labor
Paper Filter Bag Included
Replacement Paper Bags - RCP 9VUL12
Optional Replacement Cloth Bag - RCP 9VULBC12
Rubbermaid Ultra Light Commercial Vacuum Cleaner, 12" Wide Cleaning Path, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 142.91 109.00 193.21 RCP9VUL12.JPG Model UL12 Ultra Light Vacuum, RCP 9VUL12, RCP9VUL12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3284 Lagasse MorNap Dispenser Napkins, 6,000 Napkins (GPC374-02) 3284 GPC 374-02 37.40 37402 MorNap Dispenser Napkins
Providing a unique fold that allows more napkins per dispenser and reduces napkin usage. White, embossed. 500 napkins per pack, 12 packs (6,000 napkins) per case. Coming in a convenient, space-saving pack. 1-ply, white napkins. 100% total recycled content. Multilayer. For large dispensers. White, one-ply. 12 x 17. 500 napkins per packs.
Georgia Pacific MorNap Dispenser Napkins, White 1-Ply, 500 Napkins per Pack, 12 Packs, 6,000 Napkins per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Dispenser Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 76.53 58.37 101.20 GPC37402.JPG dispenser napkin, dispenser napkins, napkin, napkins, paper product, paper products, mornap dispenser napkins, GPC 374-02, GPC37402 1 1 0 0 1 48
3286 Lagasse Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Power Pads, 30 Pads (PGC 16449) 3286 PGC 16449 1.19 16449 Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Power Pads
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Power Pads contain water activated micro-scrubbers that reach into surface grooves, removing the toughest dirt and grime just by adding water. These disposable soft pads last 50% longer than the original Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, which means it can take on tough messes better and last longer before it needs to be replaced. You can use Mr. Clean pads on kitchen appliances, tiles, grout, grill grates and even lawn furniture and brighten up even the grimiest surfaces around your home quickly and efficiently. Grab some Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Power Pads and spend less time cleaning and more time doing the things you enjoy!
Proctor and Gamble Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Power Pads, 30 Pads per Case
Cleaning & Janitorial Supplies » Sponges & Scrubbers - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 40.12 30.60 53.74 PGC16449.JPG mr. clean magic eraser extra power, PGC 16449, PGC16449, sponges & scouring pads, pads, scrubbers, cleansing pads, sponge, sponges, scrubber 1 1 0 0 1 80
3288 Lagasse Mr. Clean® Finished Floor Cleaner, 3 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (PGC02621) 3288 PGC 02621 27.20 08229 Patented formula removes dirt while protecting the finish. No-rinse cleaner leaves no dulling residue and minimizes yellowing. Low-sudsing formula is suitable for automatic floor scrubbing machines. Recommended dilution: manual (1:128), automatic machines (1:512).
Procter and Gamble Professional 46.29 35.31 61.99 PGC02621.JPG Mr. Clean Finished Floor Cleaner, 3 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle PGC 02621, PGC02621, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
3290 Lagasse Mr. Muscle Fryer Boil-Out Cleaner, 36 Packets (DRK91209) 3290 DRK 91209 5.80 91209 Mr. Muscle Fryer Boil-Out Cleaner
Mr. Muscle Fryer Boil-Out Cleaner is a low-foaming formula that degreases and cleans food service fryers. The heat and chemical action combine to penetrate, emulsify and clean away built-up grease from even the dirtiest deep fryers. This unique fryer cleaner eliminates need for neutralizing. Mr. Muscle Boil-Out Fryer Cleaner is noncorrosive and does not contain any phosphates.
Johnson Diversey Mr. Muscle Low Foaming Boil-Out Fryer Cleaner, 2-oz. Packet, 36 Packets per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products company buyers trust. Diversey 50.00 38.13 66.84 DRK91209.JPG Mr. Muscle Fryer Boil-Out, 36 Packets per Case, 2-oz. Packet, DRK 91209, DRK91209, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
3291 Lagasse Mr. Muscle Oven & Grill Cleaner, 6 - 19-oz. Aerosol Cans (DRK91206) 3291 DRK 91206 9.80 91206 Mr. Muscle Oven & Grill Cleaner
Mr. Muscle Oven & Grill Cleaner has extra heavy-duty cleaning power and provides fast and easy cleaning of ovens, grills, broilers, hoods, pots, pans and fryers in the institutional, industrial, commercial, and home setting. Mr. Muscle Oven & Grill Cleaner works immediately on both warm and cold ovens. The formula features self-scouring action with unsurpassed clinging ability. Tough baked-on grease and grime start breaking down immediately on contact for less scrubbing. Contains no CFC's.
Mr. Muscle Oven & Grill Cleaner. Six 19-oz. aerosol cans per case. - The wholesale oven and grill cleaner supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 31.87 24.19 41.58 DRK91206.JPG Mr. Muscle Oven & Grill Cleaner, Contains no CFCs, 6 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can DRK 91206, DRK91206, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
3294 Lagasse Windsoft Multi-Fold Brown Hand Towels, 4,000 Towels (WIN1040) 3294 WIN 1040 17.80 WIN1040 Multi-Fold Brown Hand Towels
These hand towels from Windsoft provide a high quality, embossed paper product that is perfect for commercial use. Windsoft’s premier multi-fold hand towels are chlorine free and have been enhanced with improved thickness, brightness and color. Each towel feature exceptional absorbency, reducing the amount needed for hand washing and drying. These multi-fold towels are not only economical, but they are environmentally friendly. Windsoft helps contribute to sustainability and environmentally friendly cleaning programs by exceeding EPA minimum requirements for recovered fiber and post-consumer fiber. Provide your employees and customers with a high quality paper towel. Stock up on Windsoft Multi-fold Brown Hand Towels today!
Windsoft Multi-Fold Brown Hand Towels, 250 Towels, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 26.64 19.81 34.72 WIN1040.JPG multi-fold towel, multi-fold towels, paper towel, paper towels, paper product, paper products, multi-fold hand towels, brown paper, WIN 1040, WIN1040 1 1 0 0 1 116
3295 Lagasse Windsoft White MultiFold Paper Towels, 4,000 Towels (WIN105) 3295 WIN 105 18.50 88520 1 Ply White Multi-Fold Hand Towels
Windsoft's high-quality folded towels are thicker, stronger and more absorbent, so you use less. Environmentally conscious and a great economical alternative to the more expensive name brands. These one-ply paper towels will fit into any standard folded towel dispenser. 9.2" x 9.4" sheet size. These multi-fold hand towels are a perfect bathroom hand drying option and will fit into most standard folded towel dispenser, making them ideal any office or commercial building restroom.
Windsoft 1-Ply Multi-Fold Towels, White, 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Windsoft 29.42 22.44 38.37 WIN105.JPG multifold towels, muti-fold towels, multifold paper towels, multifold paper towels, multifold hand towels, white multifold towels, paper towels, white multi-fold hand towels, WIN 105, WIN105, windsoft paper towels, windsoft multifold towels, windsoft multifold paper towels 1 1 0 0 1 116
3296 Lagasse Murphy's Oil Soap, 4 Bottles (MUR01103) 3296 MUR 01103 35.60 01103 Murphy’s Oil Soap
Murphy’s Oil Soap has been a trusted product for over 100 years for cleaning finished wood and other surfaces in your home with no harsh abrasives. Murphy’s Original Formula provides a gentle and natural clean, leaving behind no dull residue. Certified by the EPA, this oil soap contains 98% naturally-derived ingredients, with no ammonia, bleach or oils. Murphy’s Oil Soap can be used to clean a number of finished wood surfaces like cabinets, wood floors, paneling and tables and chair. It can also be used on non-wood surfaces, including laminate floors, vinyl, cars, ceramic tile and painted surfaces. You can even use it for laundry stains! If you are looking for a product that will clean household surfaces to a natural shine, go with one that has been around for over a century. Choose Murphy’s Oil Soap!
Colgate Palmolive Murphy's Oil Soap Concentrate, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Murphys Oil 55.87 41.51 73.11 MUR01103.JPG Murphy Oil Soap, Gallon, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle MUR 01103, MUR01103, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 72
3298 Lagasse Murphy® Oil Soap, Trigger Sprayer, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (MUR01185) 3298 MUR 01185 28.00 01185 Cleans wood, leather, vinyl and other fine-quality surfaces. Contains no harsh abrasives. (Cannot ship UPS.)
MURPHYS SPRAY BTL LIQUID BTL 12/32 OZ Murphys Oil 56.78 42.78 77.69 MUR01185.JPG Murphy Oil Soap, Trigger Sprayer, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle MUR 01185, MUR01185, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 72
3300 Lagasse Necessities Courtesy Sanitary Napkin Disposal Bags, 500 Bags (HOSNEC-500) 3300 HOS NEC-500 2.00 NEC-500 Sanitary Napkin Disposal Bags
Hospital Specialties Courtesy Sanitary Napkin Disposal Bags provide, excellent sanitary napkin disposal option. Allowing for easy disposal, the Hospital Specialties Courtesy Sanitary Napkin Disposal Bags keeps each tampon separated and protected. For individual sanitary napkin disposal. White with blue design. Not waxed. 500 bags per case. 3" wide x 2" deep x 8" high. Shipping weight: 3 lbs.
Hospital Specialties Courtesy Sanitary Napkin Disposal Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 37.97 27.36 50.77 HOSNEC500.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, feminine hygiene product, feminine hygiene products, Necessities Sanitary Napkin Disposal Courtesy Bags HOS NEC-500, HOSNEC500 1 1 0 0 1 57
3301 Lagasse Needle-Rib™ Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 36 x 60 Size, Brown (CRONR35BRO) 3301 CRO NR35 BRO 11.00 NR 0035 BR Rugged grooves and ribbed needle punch polypropylene fibers help remove dirt and moisture from shoes. Wear-resistant, colorfast design for light to medium traffic areas. Beveled edges help reduce the risk of tripping, while the vinyl backing helps keep mat from slipping. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 5/16in.
NEEDLE-RIB MAT 3' X 5' MAT BRO Ludlow Composites Corp. 33.94 25.88 45.04 CRONR35BRO.JPG Needle-Rib Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 36 x 60 Size, Brown CRO NR35 BRO, CRONR35BRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
3302 Lagasse Needle-Rib Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 36 x 60 Size, Charcoal (CRONR35CHA) 3302 CRO NR35 CHA 12.00 NR0035 CH Rugged grooves and ribbed needle punch polypropylene fibers help remove dirt and moisture from shoes. Wear-resistant, colorfast design for light to medium traffic areas. Beveled edges help reduce the risk of tripping, while the vinyl backing helps keep mat from slipping. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 5/16in.
NEEDLE-RIB MAT 3' X 5' MAT CHA Ludlow Composites Corp. 36.26 25.87 47.96 CRONR35CHA.JPG Needle-Rib Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 36 x 60 Size, Charcoal CRO NR35 CHA, CRONR35CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
3303 Lagasse Needle-Rib™ Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 48 x 72 Size, Brown (CRONR46BRO) 3303 CRO NR46 BRO 18.00 NR 0046 BR Rugged grooves and ribbed needle punch polypropylene fibers help remove dirt and moisture from shoes. Wear-resistant, colorfast design for light to medium traffic areas. Beveled edges help reduce the risk of tripping, while the vinyl backing helps keep mat from slipping. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 5/16in.
NEEDLE-RIB MAT 4' X 6' MAT BRO Ludlow Composites Corp. 54.28 41.40 74.02 CRONR46BRO.JPG Needle-Rib Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 48 x 72 Size, Brown CRO NR46 BRO, CRONR46BRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
3304 Lagasse Needle-Rib Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 48 x 72 Size, Charcoal (CRONR46CHA) 3304 CRO NR46 CHA 19.00 NR 0046 CH Rugged grooves and ribbed needle punch polypropylene fibers help remove dirt and moisture from shoes. Wear-resistant, colorfast design for light to medium traffic areas. Beveled edges help reduce the risk of tripping, while the vinyl backing helps keep mat from slipping. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 5/16in.
NEEDLE-RIB MAT 4' X 6' MAT CHA Ludlow Composites Corp. 58.98 41.40 80.13 CRONR46CHA.JPG Needle-Rib Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 48 x 72 Size, Charcoal CRO NR46 CHA, CRONR46CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
3307 Lagasse Lysol Neutra Air, Citrus Fragrance, 12 Cans (REC76940) 3307 REC 76940 10.33 76940 Lysol Neutra Air Citrus Fragrance Air Sanitizer
Solve odor problems not only in the air, but also at their source, with the new Lysol Neutra Air sanitizing spray. Unlike air fresheners that only mask odors, this sanitizing spray eliminates tough odors such as smoke, food, mold, mildew, bathroom and pet odors. Leaves a clean, pleasant fragrance.
Lysol Neutra Air Freshener, Citrus Scent, 10-oz. Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case
Reckitt Benckiser 39.25 29.93 52.28 REC76940.JPG lysol neutra air, neutra air, lysol sanitizing spray, lysol neutra air sanitizing spray, lysol citrus fragrance, lysol 10-oz. aerosol, REC 76940, REC76940 1 1 0 0 1 86
3308 Lagasse Neutra Air Sanitizing Spray, Fresh Scent, 10-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans (REC76938) 3308 REC 76938 10.33 76938 Air Freshener
Solves odor problems at their source, leaving a clean fresh scent. Unlike other air fresheners that merely mask odors, Neutra Air goes right to the cause of the odors and eliminates them completely. This air sanitizing spray not only takes care of unpleasant smells, but it kills 99.9% of germs and odor-causing bacteria to keep the odors away for good. Bathroom, pet, smoke, mold, mildew and food odors are no match for this unique product. Eliminate odors at their source with Lysol Neutra Air Sanitizing Spray and experience the smell of freshness in the air.
Lysol Neutra Air Sanitizing Spray, Fresh Scent, 10-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 37.61 27.91 49.17 REC76938.JPG NEUTRA AIR by the Makers of LYSOL, Fresh Fragrance, 12 Cans per Case, 10-oz. Aerosol Can REC 76938, REC76938, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3309 Lagasse LYSOL NEUTRA AIR, Morning Linen Fragrance, 12 Cans (REC79196) 3309 REC 79196 10.40 19200-79196 Lysol Neutral Air Spray
Solve odor problems not only in the air, but also at their source, with the new LYSOL NEUTRAL AIR® sanitizing spray. Unlike air fresheners that only mask odors, this sanitizing spray eliminates tough odors such as smoke, food, mold, mildew, bathroom and pet odors. Leaves a clean, pleasant fragrance.
Professional Lysol Neutral Air Spray, Morning Linen Fragrance, 10oz, 12 Aerosol Can - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 38.07 27.91 50.66 REC79196.JPG NEUTRA AIR by the Makers of LYSOL, Morning Linen Fragrance, 12 Cans per Case, 10-oz. Aerosol Can REC 79196, REC79196, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3310 Lagasse Lysol Neutra Air FreshMatic Air Treatment Starter Kit, 4 Kits (REC79830) 3310 REC 79830 6.75 79830 Lysol Neutra Air FreshMatic Starter Kits
Automatically neutralizes tough odors in the air from odor-causing bacteria to keep rooms smelling fresh and clean. FreshMatic unit offers three time settings: 9-, 18- or 36-minute intervals. Press the X-PRESS™ Boost Button to deliver an immediate spray for an extra boost of freshness. Runs on two AA batteries. Wall mountable. Refillable. 6.3w x 3.39d x 8.62h. Starter kit includes FreshMatic unit, one 6.17-oz. can of Fresh Scent fragrance spray and two AA batteries. 4 kits per case.
Lysol Neutra Air Treatment Starter Kit, FreshMatic Odor Neutralizing Kit, 4 Kits per Case - The wholesale cleaning products company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 48.03 34.86 64.51 REC79830.JPG air freshener kits, lysol air freshener, neutra air freshmatic air treatment starter kit, REC 79830, REC79830, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3311 Lagasse Lysol Neutra Air Freshmatic Refill, Fresh Scent, 6 Cans (REC79831) 3311 REC 79831 3.83 79831 Lysol Neutra Air Freshmatic Refill - Fresh Scent
Lysol Neutra Air Freshmatic Fresh Scent automatically neutralizes tough odors in the air caused by odor-causing bacteria and leaves rooms smelling fresh and clean. Each refill contains 2400 sprays that you can set for every 9, 18 or 36 minutes. This air freshener is ideal for use in bathrooms, kitchens or any other room in your home or business where stubborn odors may linger. The Lysol Freshmatic will last up to 60 days depending on the setting you use. Odors spring up all the time, so keep these refills on hand and never allow your Lysol Neutra Air Freshmatic to run out of product!
Lysol Neutra Air Freshmatic Refills, Fresh Scent, 6.17-oz. Can, 6 Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 30.76 22.31 40.09 REC79831.JPG Lysol Neutra Air Freshmatic Refill, Fresh Scent Fragrance, REC 79831, REC79831, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3317 Lagasse Pudgies Unscented Baby Wipes, 960 Wipes (NICA630FW) 3317 NIC A630FW 17.00 A630FW Unscented Baby Wipes
Use nothing but the best for your child with premium Pudgies Baby Wipes. Disposable Pudgies wet wipes are perfect for the home, in the car and on the go. These thick and soft wet nap baby wipes are also ideal for daycare centers, hotels, changing areas and more. Designed for extra comfort and strength. Gentle formula contains Aloe and Vitamin E. Tissue-like dispensing allows single-handed use. Pudgies Wet Wipes are hypoallergenic, alcohol- free and latex-free. Premoistened 6.6"x 7.9" baby wipes.
Nicepak Pudgies Baby Wipes, Unscented, 80 Wipes per Pack, 12 Packs, 960 Wipes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Nicepak 35.51 27.08 47.36 NICA630FW.JPG wet wipes, pudgies baby wipes, pudgies wet wipes, cleaning wipes, wet naps, disposable wipes, NIC M233XT, NICM233XT 1 1 0 0 1 138
3318 Lagasse Nifty Nabber® (UNGNN40R) 3318 UNG NN40R 0.40 NN40R • Ergonomically designed tool Gear-driven steel claws with overmolded rubber “fingers” pick up debris from toilets, urinals and trash. Grips and holds small or odd-shaped objects. Ergonomic handle. 18in (45cm) reach.
THE NIFTY NABBER 18 IN REACH 5 Unger 28.08 21.42 36.91 UNGNN40R.JPG Nifty Nabber UNG NN40R, UNGNN40R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
3319 Lagasse NiftyNabber® Trigger Grip (UNGNT080) 3319 UNG NT080 2.60 NT080 Ergonomically designed grip with trigger-pull action for increased comfort and efficiency. Head rotates 360° and can be locked in position every 90°. Rubber claws with magnetic tips grab and hold even the smallest items, or open up to 5in to grab larger diameter items. Lightweight, rust-resistant aluminum construction.
THE NIFTY NABBER 32 IN TRIGGER GRIP 5 Unger 18.74 14.29 25.50 UNGNT080.JPG NiftyNabber Trigger Grip UNG NT080, UNGNT080, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
3334 Lagasse Nomad™ 8850 Entrance Mats, Ebony, Size 36 x 60 (MCO20583) 3334 MCO 20583 13.20 20583 • Dual-fiber construction for exceptional dirt and water removal • Fibers resist staining and fading; mats look new longer • Slip-resistant vinyl backing will not stain floor Large, crush-resistant polypropylene fibers scrape off loose dirt not removed by outdoor scraper matting; tough, looped nylon fibers wick away water. Pattern designs hide unsightly soil between cleanings. Vacuum or use extraction method to clean. Handles heavy foot traffic—up to 1,000,000 people per year. Low profile allows foot and wheel traffic to traverse easily. Manufacturer’s limited two-year warranty.
NOMAD 8850 ENTRANCE MAT 36X60 EBONY 3M Corporation 190.65 138.00 251.05 MCO20583.JPG Nomad 8850 Entrance Mats, Ebony, Size 36 x 60 MCO 20583, MCO20583, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
3337 Lagasse Nomad™ 8850 Entrance Mats, Slate, Size 48 x 72 (MCO20560) 3337 MCO 20560 20.80 20560 • Dual-fiber construction for exceptional dirt and water removal • Fibers resist staining and fading; mats look new longer • Slip-resistant vinyl backing will not stain floor Large, crush-resistant polypropylene fibers scrape off loose dirt not removed by outdoor scraper matting; tough, looped nylon fibers wick away water. Pattern designs hide unsightly soil between cleanings. Vacuum or use extraction method to clean. Handles heavy foot traffic—up to 1,000,000 people per year. Low profile allows foot and wheel traffic to traverse easily. Manufacturer’s limited two-year warranty.
NOMAD 8850 ENTRANCE MAT 48X72 SLATE 3M Corporation 292.68 223.23 384.88 MCO20560.JPG Nomad 8850 Entrance Mats, Slate, Size 48 x 72 MCO 20560, MCO20560, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
3346 Lagasse Krystal Non-Para Bowl Block, 12 Blocks (KRYNBB) 3346 KRY NBB 1.50 12-FF-GA-L Non Para Bowl Blocks
Manufactured from Krystal, these high quality, non para bowl block air fresheners are an enzyme bowl block that deodorizes, cleans and prevents scale buildup. Every flush tints water blue, guaranteeing that the product is working correctly. While healthy bacteria eliminate odors and maintain drain lines. Air freshener lasts up to 1,500 flushes. Keep all of your bathrooms clean and smelling fresh with all of our bathroom air fresheners.
Krystal Non-Para Enzyme Bowl Block, Green Apple Fragrance, 12 Blocks per Pack - The cleaning supply company buyers trust. Krystal Deodorant & Restroom Products 15.69 11.95 21.01 KRYNBB.JPG non-para bowl blocks, non-para toilet bowl blocks, KRY NBB, KRYNBB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 66
3347 Lagasse Eco-Fresh Green Apple Scent, Block & Screen, 12 Screens (FRS12-SANI) 3347 FRS 12-SANI 3.60 12-SANI-GA-F Green Apple Scent Urinal Screen
This Screen and Non Para 2.8-oz Screen Bowl Block Air Freshener combination, has an enzyme bowl block that deodorizes, cleans and prevents scale buildup. Tinting the water blue after every flush, while healthy bacteria eliminate odors and maintain drain lines. This high quality apple scented air freshening non-para block eliminates odors while it cleans the urinal, for up to 1,500 flushes. Deodorizes, cleans and prevents scale buildup, this quality screen and block combination emits enzymes that continuously eliminate odors and maintain drain lines, while its flexible design traps debris.
Fresh Products 2.8oz Non-Para Enzymatic Urinal Screens, Green Apple Scent, 12 Units per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 15.74 11.47 20.73 FRS12SANI.JPG non para blocks, urinal screens, non para block urinal screens, bathroom urinal screens, FRS 12-SANI, FRS12SANI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
3348 Lagasse Non-Para Extra-Duty Urinal Screens, Evergreen Scent, 12 Screens (BGD660) 3348 BGD 660 4.00 660 Evergreen Urinal Screens
White flexible screen traps debris. Enzyme block cleans and deodorizes as you flush. Fights uric acid odors and releases evergreen fragrance. Lasts up to 30 days. Perfect for men's rest rooms in offices, public facilities, restaurants and more. Eliminates odors while it cleans the urinal, for up to over 1,000 flushes. Deodorizes, cleans and prevents scale buildup.
Big D Industries Non-Para Urinal Screen & Enzyme Deodorizer Block, Evergreen Scent, 12 Screens per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Big D Ind 21.88 16.38 28.74 BGD660.JPG urinal screen, urinal blocks, urinal screens and blocks, non para urinal screen, non-para extra-duty urinal screen, BGD 660, BGD660, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 12
3349 Lagasse Non-Para Toilet Bowl Rim Hanger/Block, Evergreen Scent, 12 Hangers (BGD661) 3349 BGD 661 1.80 661 Toilet Bowl Deodorizer
This toilet bowl rim hanger helps to combat uric acid odors in restrooms for up to 1500 flushes (30 days with normal operation). With each flush, Big D’s Non-Para Toilet Bowl Rim Hanger cleans and deodorizes your toilet with a fresh aqua color and pleasant evergreen fragrance. Designed to prevent staining, this non-para rim hanger deodorizes, cleans and prevents scale build-up. Once the plastic hanger is attached to the toilet bowl rim, this effective deodorizer starts working with the first flush to counteract odors and fight bacteria growth. Water soluble and biodegradable, this toilet deodorizer will not clog drains and will fit most toilets. Choose this Non-Para Toilet Bowl Rim Hanger to keep your toilets clean and odor-free.
Big D Non-Para Toilet Bowl Block/Rim Hanger, Evergreen Scent, 12 Hangers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Big D Ind 16.57 12.21 22.27 BGD661.JPG non-para toilet bowl block, rim hanging toilet bowl blocks, toilet bowl blocks, BGD 661, BGD661, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 12
3350 Lagasse Krystal Non-Para Urinal Screen, Green Apple Scent, 12 Blocks (KRYNUS) 3350 KRY NUS 3.00 12-SANI-GA-L Green Apple Scent Urinal Screen
The perfect solution to your restroom odor problems, this urinal screen delivers considerable more freshness and odor control than other similar urinal blocks. Krystal’s non-para urinal screen is water activated, so it cleans, prevents scale build-up and deodorizes with a pleasant green apple scent for up to 1500 flushes. The flexible screen traps debris for extra drain protection. The water is tinted blue with every flush, while millions of healthy bacteria work non-stop to eradicate unpleasant odors and maintain drain lines. This urinal screen is made from biodegradable materials free from phenol ethoxylate surfactants, carcinogens, chlorinated, butyl and harsh solvents, as well as ammonia and bleach compounds. Keep your restroom clean and fresh with Krystal Non-Para Urinal Screen. Stock up today!
Krystal Non-Para Urinal Screens, Green Apple Scent, 12 Blocks per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Krystal Deodorant & Restroom Products 15.61 11.91 21.01 KRYNUS.JPG non-para urinal screen cleaner block, urinal screen blocks, urinal screens, KRY NUS, KRYNUS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 66
3351 Lagasse Acclaim 1-Ply White Paper Towel Rolls, 12 Rolls (GPC287-06) 3351 GPC 287-06 22.20 28706 1-Ply Paper Towel Rolls
Providing a soft and absorbent paper towel option, Georgia Pacific's line of Acclaim 1-Ply Premium Roll Hand Towels are an ideal choice for any commercial environment. Designed to dispense, stock and install easily. Meeting and exceeding all EPA guidelines. Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser.
Acclaim Nonperforated Hardwound Roll Paper Towels, 1-Ply, White, 350-ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Roll Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 44.55 31.36 60.48 GPC28706.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, Nonperforated 1-Ply Roll Paper Towels, Acclaim, GPC 287-06, GPC28706 1 1 0 0 1 48
3352 Lagasse Natural Nonperforated 1-Ply Roll Hand Towels Envision 625 Ft Roll (GPC262) 3352 GPC 262 37.20 26200 Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser.
Envision, Nonperforated 1-Ply Roll Hand Towels Brown
12 Rolls per Case, 625 Feet per Roll
Georgia Pacific 70.54 53.80 92.26 GPC262.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, Nonperforated 1-Ply Roll Hand Towels, Envision, GPC 262, GPC262 1 1 0 0 1 48
3353 Lagasse Envision Nonperforated 1-Ply Hand Towels, 6 Rolls (GPC263-01) 3353 GPC 263-01 24.30 26301 Nonperforated Hard Roll Paper Towels
Envision's line of non-perforated paper roll towels are perfect for the bathroom or kitchen. Designed primarily for hand-drying, these absorbent paper towels are ideal for schools, nursing homes, businesses and offices, manufacturing facilities, day care centers and more. Also great for general cleaning and glass cleaning, these towels work great for commercial janitorial services, maid services and cleaning professionals as well.
Georgia Pacific Envision 1-Ply Nonperforated Roll Hand Towels, Brown, 800-ft. Roll, 6 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Roll Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 39.60 30.20 51.78 GPC26301.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, Nonperforated 1-Ply Roll Towels, Envision, 6 Rolls per Case, 800 Feet per Roll GPC 263-01, GPC26301, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
3355 Lagasse Franklin Nova X UHS Star-Shine Floor Wax, 4 Gallons (FRKF465222) 3355 FRK F465222 34.00 F465222 Franklin Nova X Floor Wax
Quality polymers ensure the beauty and lengthen the life of flooring For daily or frequent burnishing in all maintenance systems. Dries to a clear film with the highest initial gloss, highest burnished gloss. Spray buffable. Extraordinary resistance to soil, scuffs and black heel marks. Recommended for all types of flooring except unsealed wood. 20% solids.
Franklin Nova X Extraordinary UHS Star Shine Floor Wax Finish, 1 Gallon Bottles, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 74.71 56.98 101.79 FRKF465222.JPG nova x extraordinary uhs star-shine floor wax, nova x floor wax, franklin nova floor wax, FRK F465222, FRKF465222, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
3356 Lagasse Franklin Nova X Extraordinary UHS Star-Shine Floor Wax, 5 Gallon Pail (FRKF465226) 3356 FRK F465226 44.00 F465226 Nova X Floor Wax
Quality polymers ensure the beauty and lengthen the life of flooring For daily or frequent burnishing in all maintenance systems. Dries to a clear film with the highest initial gloss, highest burnished gloss. Spray buffable. Extraordinary resistance to soil, scuffs and black heel marks. Recommended for all types of flooring except unsealed wood. 20% solids.
Franklin Nova X Extraordinary UHS Star Shine Floor Wax Finish, 5 Gallon Pail, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 83.47 63.67 113.33 FRKF465226.JPG nova x extraordinary uhs star-shine floor wax, nova floor wax, franklin nova floor wax, FRK F465226, FRKF465226, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
3357 Lagasse Nylon Finish Mop Head, Medium, 1in Headband (RCPT200-06) 3357 RCP T200-06 8.00 T20006 WH00 Applies finish to 30% more floor area per hour than other mop heads. Nonlinting, continuous filament yarn leaves an even, glossy, long-lasting finish every time. Looped ends hold finish and release it evenly. Tailband reduces tangling. White yarn. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 6 mop heads per case.
LOOP END F INISH MOP MED 1 IN NYLON WHI 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 85.75 65.40 112.85 RCPT20006.JPG Nylon Finish Mop Head, Medium, 1in Headband RCP T200-06, RCPT20006, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3358 Lagasse Nylon Finish Mop Head, Large, 1in Headband (RCPT201-06) 3358 RCP T201-06 10.00 T20106 WH00 Applies finish to 30% more floor area per hour than other mop heads. Nonlinting, continuous filament yarn leaves an even, glossy, long-lasting finish every time. Looped ends hold finish and release it evenly. Tailband reduces tangling. White yarn. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 6 mop heads per case.
LOOP END F INISH MOP LG 1 IN NYLON WHI 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 115.47 88.07 153.65 RCPT20106.JPG Nylon Finish Mop Head, Large, 1in Headband RCP T201-06, RCPT20106, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3360 Lagasse Rubbermaid 18" Nylon Finish Mop (RCPE052) 3360 RCP E052 0.50 E05200 WH00 18" Nylon Finish Mop Head
Helps ensure controlled absorption and release of finish. Delivers 200-300 sq. ft. of coverage with a single mop load of finish. Tightly twisted, rayon/synthetic blend mop with looped ends and snap fastener.
Rubbermaid 18in Nylon Finish Mop Only, 18" long x 5" Wide, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 17.18 13.10 22.93 rubbermaid 18in finish mop, mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, RCP E052, RCPE052 1 1 0 0 1 89
3361 Lagasse Impact Nylon Hairnets, Black, 100 Hair Restraints (IMP7386K21) 3361 IMP 7386K21 0.90 7386K21 Honeycomb Nylon Black Hair Nets
Essential for any individual looking to keep their surroundings clean and sanitary, the Honeycomb Nylon Black Hair Nets are the ideal choice. Perfect for those in the food processing and handling industries these FDA accepted hair nets are also great for hospitals, labs and manufacturing facilities. Coming in a standard Large (21") size. 100 hair restraints per bag. FDA Food Code 2-402.11 Hair Restraints. All food employees shall wear hair restraints, such as hair coverings or nets, beard restraint, and clothing that covers body hair, and is designed to be worn to effectively keep hair from contacting exposed food.
Impact Bulk Hair Nets, Nylon, Large, FDA Food Code 2-402.11, 1/16" Honeycomb Pattern, 100 Hairnets per Bag - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Impact 11.32 6.71 15.47 IMP7386K21.JPG foodservice hair nets, hair restraints, nylon hair nets, black hair nets, nylon hairnet, fda food code 2-402.11 hair restraints, IMP7386K21, IMP 7386K21, food code complian hair nets 1 1 0 0 1 59
3362 Lagasse Nylon Truck Brush (RCP9B72GRE) 3362 RCP 9B72 GRE 1.40 9B72 GREEN 2-3/4in wide x 10in long plastic block resists splitting and delaminating. Rubber bumper protects truck finish. Can be used with flow-through handle (sold separately). Solvent-resistant green bristles. Trim 2-3/8in.
WASH BRUSH 2.75X10 PLAS BLOCK NYLON BRISTLE 6/ Rubbermaid Commercial Products 18.93 14.44 25.32 RCP9B72GRE.JPG Nylon Truck Brush RCP 9B72 GRE, RCP9B72GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3363 Lagasse O’Cedar Maxi-Angler Broom DRK91351 3363 DRK 91351 7.80 91351 O’Cedar Maxi-Angler Flagged Bristle Brooms
Big 13 inch sweeping surface with angled cut for sweeping in hard-to-get corners or under furniture. Washable, natural color polystyrene flagged-tip bristles are unaffected by water, alkalines, acids, grease or oil and won’t wear down, break or fall out. Flagged-tip bristles pick up fine dirt particles and can be used on carpeting. Plastic angled shroud has patented handle-locking mechanism. Ribbed, coated aluminum handle for comfortable grip. 51" long, 15/16" diameter standard threaded handle. 4 brooms per case. Shipping weight: 8 lbs.
O'Cedar Maxi-Angler Plastic Flagged-Tip Broom, 4 per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 66.54 49.56 90.03 DRK91351.JPG ocedar maxi-angler broom, DRK 91351, DRK91351, angle broom, angler broom, flagged angle broom, broom, brooms 1 1 0 0 1 63
3364 Lagasse Round Aluminum Lids, Lids for Aluminum Containers (HFA2047DL) 3364 HFA 2047DL 7.60 2047DL-500 Round Clear Plastic Dome Lids, Lids for Aluminum Containers, 500 lids per case. Plastic Dome—Fits container HFA 204725, (sold separately).
Clear Plastic Dome Lids for HFA 204725 500 per Case
Handi-Foil Of America 18.64 13.05 24.44 Round Clear Plastic Dome Lids, Lids for Aluminum Containers HFA 2047DL, HFA2047DL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
3365 Lagasse 7" Foil Board Lids for Round Aluminum Containers, 500 Lids (HFA2047L) 3365 HFA 2047L 10.92 2047L-500 7" Round Foil Laminated Board Lids
Foil laminated board lid keeps heat in the container better tan a clear plastic lid. Durable and reliable. Retains food's moisture and scents. Fits round aluminum container HFA 204725 (sold separately). 500 lids per case.
Handi-Foil 7" Round Foil Laminated Board Lid, 500 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Handi-Foil Of America 32.60 22.82 43.40 HFA2046L.jpg 7" foil board lids for aluminum containers HFA 2047L, HFA2047L 1 1 0 0 1 130
3366 Lagasse Oblong Aluminum Container, Oblong Aluminum Containers (HFA205930) 3366 HFA 205930 17.65 2059-30-1000 Oblong Aluminum Containers, 5-9/16 x 4-9/16 x 1-5/8. 1-lb. Container—1,000 containers per case.
PAN ALUM OBLNG 1LB 1000/CS Handi-Foil Of America 95.81 67.07 125.84 HFA205930.JPG Oblong Aluminum Container & Lids, Oblong Aluminum Containers HFA 205930, HFA205930, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
3367 Lagasse Oblong Aluminum Container, Oblong Aluminum Containers (HFA206030) 3367 HFA 206030 14.00 2060-30-500 Oblong Aluminum Container, Oblong Aluminum Containers, 7-1/16 x 5-1/8 x 1-11/16. 1.5-lb. Container—500 containers per case.
8.5 Inch 1.5 Pound Oblong Aluminum Pans 500 per Case
Handi-Foil Of America 72.09 50.46 94.08 HFA206030.JPG Oblong Aluminum Container & Lids, Oblong Aluminum Containers HFA 206030, HFA206030, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
3368 Lagasse Oblong Aluminum Container, Oblong Aluminum Containers (HFA206130) 3368 HFA 206130 15.80 2061-30-500 Oblong Aluminum Container, 8-19/32 x 6 x 1-1/4. 1.5-lb. Shallow Container—500 containers per case.
1.5 Pound Shallow Oblong Aluminum Pans 500 per Case
Handi-Foil Of America 68.30 47.81 90.58 HFA206130.JPG Oblong Aluminum Container & Lids, Oblong Aluminum Containers HFA 206130, HFA206130, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
3369 Lagasse Oblong Aluminum Container, Oblong Aluminum Containers (HFA206230) 3369 HFA 206230 16.00 2062-30-500 Oblong Aluminum Containers
Oblong Aluminum Containers, 8-7/16 x 5-15/16 x 1-13/16. 2.25-lbs. Container—500 containers per case.
Ideal for food service and food storage. - The wholesale food service company buyers trust.
Handi-Foil Of America 69.57 48.70 92.50 HFA206230.JPG Oblong Aluminum Container & Lids, Oblong Aluminum Containers HFA 206230, HFA206230, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
3370 Lagasse Oblong Plastic Dome Lids, Lids for Aluminum Containers (HFA2062DL) 3370 HFA 2062DL 9.10 2062DL-500 Oblong Plastic Dome Lids
Oblong Plastic Dome Lids, Lids for Aluminum Containers, 500 lids per case. Plastic Dome—Fits container HFA 206230, (sold separately).
Plastic Dome Lids, Clear, 500 lids per Case - The wholesale food service supply company buyers trust.
Handi-Foil Of America 24.29 17.00 32.04 HFA2062DL.JPG Oblong Aluminum Container & Plastic Dome Lids, Lids for Aluminum Containers HFA 2062DL, HFA2062DL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
3371 Lagasse 9" Plastic Dome Lids for Round Aluminum Containers, HFA2046DL 3371 HFA 2046DL 11.40 2046DL-500 9" Plastic Dome Lids
Plastic Dome—Fits container HFA 204630, 500 lids per case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Handi-Foil Of America 31.89 22.32 41.64 plastic dome lids for round aluminum containers HFA 2046DL, HFA2046DL 1 1 0 0 1 130
3372 Lagasse San Jamar Oceans Duett Dual Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser (SANR3590TBK) 3372 SAN R3590TBK 3.80 R3590TBK Toilet Paper Dispenser
San Jamar’s dual roll toilet paper dispenser, featuring a decorative wave design, adds a touch of class to any restroom. The compact design of the The Oceans Duett toilet tissue dispenser allows for use in even the smallest of spaces. With a larger capacity than standard sized dispensers, this toilet paper dispenser is made to hold two standard sized rolls. Constructed of break resistant plastic, the Duett dispenser is an ideal choice for offices, restaurants and other commercial locations. This toilet paper dispenser features the exclusive Infinity System to help eliminate waste by preventing access to a fresh roll of paper until the first roll is completely used. The replaceable finger lock allows the lock itself to be replaced without having to purchase a new dispenser. Compact and sleek, San Jamar’s Duett Toilet Paper Dispenser is a must have for your restrooms.
San Jamar Oceans Duett Dual Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
San Jamar Dispenser 20.19 15.40 27.22 SANR3590TBK.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, oceans duett toilet tissue dispenser, SAN R3590TBK, SANR3590TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
3373 Lagasse Oceans Savvy Lever Type Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl (SANT1290TBK) 3373 SAN T1290TBK 6.60 T1290TBK Lever Paper Towel Dispenser
Automatic transfer device allows complete usage of stub roll to eliminate waste. Varied teeth blade eliminates free pull. Features Bio-Pruf treated handle to resist bacterial growth. Allow the simple, clean performance of a hygienic San Jamar Oceans Savvy Lever Type Paper Towel Dispenser work for you. Holds rolls up to 8 inch wide: one 8 inch diameter and one 4 inch diameter stub roll. Replaceable finger lock. Designed to dispense towels easily this dispenser provides a compact, economical model that is easy-to-operate, making dispensing and reloading simple. 13" wide x 9" deep x 15-1/2" high.
San Jamar Oceans Savvy Lever Type Paper Towel Dispenser Auto Transfer Mechanism, Black Pearl, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 60.82 46.39 80.22 SANT1290TBK.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, Oceans Savvy Lever Paper Towel Dispenser SAN T1290TBK, SANT1290TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
3374 Lagasse Oceans Tear-N-Dry Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl (SANT1390TBK) 3374 SAN T1390TBK 6.40 T1390TBK San Jamar Oceans Touchless Towel Dispenser
The Tear-N-Dry Electronic Touchless Towel Dispenser is a simple, hygienic hands-free towel dispensing alternative. The Tear-N-Dry provides 10" paper portions every time it is used. Because there is no need to wait for a sensor this dispenser is ideal for high traffic restrooms. This Touchless Towel Dispenser has the longest battery life in the industry so it requires less maintenance. Battery usage is equivalent to dispensing one hundred 800-ft. paper towel rolls. The Tear-N-Dry Dispenses all qualities of paper towel without jamming and holds paper towel rolls up to 8 inches wide x 8 inch diameter and one 4 inch diameter stub roll. The automatic transfer device allows complete usage of stub roll to eliminate waste and the included lock prevents pilferage. No adjustments needed, just mount and go! The dispenser operates on four D alkaline batteries (sold separately) and is constructed from break-resistant plastic. Dimensions: 13 inches wide x 9 inches deep x 15-1/2 inches high. The San Jamar Touchless Paper Towel dispenser is ideal for restrooms, restaurants, hospitals, schools and daycare centers
San Jamar Oceans Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 94.92 72.40 123.58 SANT1390TBK.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, Oceans Tear-N-Dry Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser SAN T1390TBK, SANT1390TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
3375 Lagasse Oceans Universal Liquid Soap Dispenser, Black Pearl (SANS890TBK) 3375 SAN S890TBK 1.30 S890TBK Oceans Universal Liquid Soap Dispenser, Black Pearl
The Oceans Universal Liquid Soap Dispenser is a true universal product as it dispenses bulk soap, bag-in-a-box cartridges or bag only. It will dispense most 800 ml bag-in-a-box cartridges and also comes with a 800 ml bottle to hold bulk soap products. Uses standard wave key and finger lock design and is constructed of break-resistant plastic. Also includes adhesive backing for mounting to wall or mirror. Perfect for the home, shop or office. ADA Compliant.
San Jamar Oceans Universal Liquid Soap Dispenser, Black Pearl, 4-1/2" x 4-3/8" x 10-1/2", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 21.26 15.61 29.03 SANS890TBK.JPG liquid soap dispenser, hand soap dispenser, soap dispenser, san jamar, SAN S890TBK, SANS890TBK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
3377 Lagasse Big D Fogger Odor Control Fogger, 12 Cans (BGD341) 3377 BGD 341 6.00 341 Big D Fogger Odor Control
Big D's Total Release Fogger is a formidable air freshening agent. This fogging odor control product quickly and powerfully penetrates cracks and crevices to destroy odors, including cigarette and musty odors. Effective in any small room or enclosed area such as a car, this impressive freshener features a pleasant spiced bubblegum scent. Guaranteed to effectively deodorizes approximately 6,000 cubic feet, this quality product is on sale now! Buy today for big savings!
Big D Fogger Odor Control Fogger Aerosol, 5 oz Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Big D Ind 37.10 28.30 48.42 BGD341.JPG big d fogger, big d deodorizer, big d aerosol, odor control fogger aerosol can BGD 341, BGD341 1 1 0 0 1 12
3378 Lagasse Odor-Out Rug & Room Deodorant, Bouquet Scent, 12 Cans per Box, 12-oz. Shaker Can (FRS12-14-00BO) 3378 FRS 12-14-00BO 10.60 12-14-OO-B-F Lightweight and nonabrasive formula eliminates carpet and room odors while vacuuming. Use as an all-purpose deodorant by sprinkling in trash cans, ashtrays or wherever odors occur. Safe for both carpets and vacuums.
ODOR-OUT RUG & RM DEOD SHK CAN BQT 12/12 OZ Fresh Products 34.07 25.07 46.60 FRS121400BO.JPG Odor-Out Rug & Room Deodorant, Bouquet Scent, 12 Cans per Box, 12-oz. Shaker Can FRS 12-14-00BO, FRS121400BO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 44
3379 Lagasse Odor-Out Rug & Room Deodorant, Lemon Scent, 12 Cans per Box, 12-oz. Shaker Can (FRS12-14-00LE) 3379 FRS 12-14-00LE 11.75 12-14-OO-LE-F Lightweight and nonabrasive formula eliminates carpet and room odors while vacuuming. Use as an all-purpose deodorant by sprinkling in trash cans, ashtrays or wherever odors occur. Safe for both carpets and vacuums.
ODOR-OUT RUG & RM DEOD SHK CAN LMN 12/12 OZ Fresh Products 34.09 26.00 44.44 FRS121400LE.JPG Odor-Out Rug & Room Deodorant, Lemon Scent, 12 Cans per Box, 12-oz. Shaker Can FRS 12-14-00LE, FRS121400LE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 44
3380 Lagasse OFF! Deep Woods Spray, 12 - 6-oz. Aerosol Cans (DRK94903) 3380 DRK 94903 7.00 94903 Deep Woods OFF! Insect Repellent 12 - 6-oz. Aerosol Cans
Deep Woods OFF! Insect Repellent Provides up to six hours of long lasting protection from mosquitoes, gnats, biting flies, ticks, chiggers and fleas. Coming in 12 6 oz. aerosol cans per case, Deep Woods OFF! Insect Repellent deters Mosquitoes than may carry West Nile Virus. 25% DEET formula provides exceptional protection in higher infestation situations such as hiking, hunting and camping. Unscented and not greasy. Resists perspiration. No CFCs. EPA Registered. Offering long lasting protection for the worst pests of any deep woods, Deep Woods OFF! Insect Repellent Provides up to six hours of protection from mosquitoes, gnats, biting flies, ticks, chiggers and fleas.
OFF! DEEP WOODS Insect Repellent Aerosol Spray, 12 - 6-oz. Aerosol Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 72.33 55.17 98.32 DRK94903.JPG insect rellents, off insect repellents, off deep woods, DRK 94903, DRK94903, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
3381 Lagasse OFF! Deep Woods Insect Repellent Towelettes, 12 Packs (DRKCB549967) 3381 DRK CB549967 2.66 CB549967 OFF! Deep Woods Insect Repellent Towelettes
Deep Woods Off! now provides potent protection against insects in convenient, individually wrapped towelettes, making them ideal for your active lifestyle. The 25% Deet formula repels ticks, mosquitoes, black flies, sand flies, chiggers, fleas, gnats and other pests. Perfect for insect repelling on the go, these towelettes can be stowed in vehicles, briefcases, purses, toolboxes or beach bags and they will not dry out. They provide long-lasting protection, especially in heavily-wooded areas so they are perfect for camping, field trips, sporting events or just a backyard party. Grab some now and keep them on hand for your next outdoor activity!
Johnson Diversey Deep Woods OFF! Insect Repellent Wipes, 12 Wipes per Pack, 12 Packs, 144 Wipes per Case
Cleaning Chemicals » Insect Repellents - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 65.83 50.18 86.24 DRKCB549967.JPG off deep woods towelettes, off towelettes, deep woods toweletts, DRK CB549967, DRKCB549967, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
3382 Lagasse OFF! Skintastic Spray, 12 - 6-oz. Spray Bottles (DRK94912) 3382 DRK 94912 6.00 94912 OFF! Skintastic Bug Repellent Spray
7% DEET formula repels mosquitoes, chiggers, biting flies, ticks and gnats for up to two hours. Cool refreshing spray that is not oily. OFF! Skintastic won’t stain clothing and resists perspiration. Unscented formula contains aloe vera to keep skin feeling soft and smooth.
Johnson Diversey OFF! Skintastic Repellent Spray with DEET, 6-oz. Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 69.43 52.96 91.37 DRK94912.JPG OFF! Skintastic Spray, 12 Bottles per Case, 6-oz. Spray Bottle, DRK 94912, DRK94912, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
3383 Lagasse OFFense Floor Stripper, 4 Gallons (FRKF218022) 3383 FRK F218022 35.00 F218022 Low-Odor Floor Stripper
High-performance. Patented, fast-acting, no-rinse stripper. Specially formulated to quickly penetrate and dissolve hard-to-remove floor finish buildup. Low odor, low foaming. For vinyl, vinyl composition, vinyl asbestos, asphalt, marble, terrazzo, concrete and magnesite floors. Recommended dilution: normal (1:4).
Franklin Cleaning Technology OFFense Floor Stripper, Low-Odor, 1 Gallon Bottles,, 4 Gallons per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 63.55 48.47 86.72 FRKF218022.JPG OFFense Stripper, OFFense floor stripper, FRK F218022, FRKF218022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
3384 Lagasse OFFense Floor Stripper, 5 Gallon Pail (FRKF218026) 3384 FRK F218026 48.30 F218026 OFFense Low Odor Floor Stripper
Franklin OFFense Floor Stripper is a high-performance, fast acting stripper designed to remove difficult floor finish buildup quickly and efficiently. This fast-acting, no-rinse stripper penetrates quickly and dissolves frustrating floor finishes. Rinsing is not necessary; just pick up dissolved finish completely with a wet vac, mop or auto scrubber. The low-odor, low-foaming biodegradable formula is effective on a variety of floors, including: vinyl, vinyl composition, vinyl asbestos, asphalt, marble, terrazzo, concrete and magnesite floors. The recommended dilution for this formula is normal (1:4).
Franklin Cleaning Technology OFFense Floor Stripper, Low Odor, Low Foaming, 5-Gallon Pail, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 70.63 53.87 92.07 FRKF218026.JPG offense floor stripper, FRK F218026, FRKF218026, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
3385 Lagasse Old English Furniture Polish, 12.5-oz. Cans (REC74035) 3385 REC 74035 13.30 62338-74035 Old English Furniture Polish
Easy to use for regular cleaning and dusting. Helps protect against watermarks without any residue build-up. Contains a Protective Shield Formula that helps protect against everyday wear and tear such as watermarks and stains like crayons, candle wax, and mustard. Use regularly for even better protection. Specially formulated to work on all your wood surfaces, including today’s contemporary woods like pine, oak, teak, walnut and light veneers. Use on light, medium and dark color wood. Pleasant lemon scent.
Old English Lemon Furniture Polish, 12.5-oz. Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 41.05 30.60 55.59 REC74035.JPG old english furniture polish, REC 74035, REC74035, furniture polish, lemon furniture polish, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3386 Lagasse Once Over Floor Stripper, 5 Gallon Pail (FRKF200026) 3386 FRK F200026 49.00 F200026 Floor Stripper
Excellent value no-rinse stripper. Penetrates through and suspends normal floor finish buildup for rinse-free removal. Safe on most resilient and nonresilient floors, including mineral surfaces, vinyl, vinyl composition, asphalt, rubber, terrazzo, brick and quarry tile. Recommended dilution: normal (1:4), extreme buildup (1:1).
Franklin Cleaning Technology Once Over Floor Stripper, 5 Gallon Pail, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Franklin Cleaning Technology 66.98 51.08 91.14 FRKF200026.JPG Once Over Stripper, Once Over Floor Stripper, floor stripper, FRK F200026, FRKF200026, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 43
3387 Lagasse OptiLoc Tele-Poles, 2 Sections, 4-ft. (UNGEZ120) 3387 UNG EZ120 0.71 EZ120 Sturdy extension poles constructed of anodized, extruded drawn aluminum with 3-1/2in nylon locking collars and snap-in threaded cones. Handle grip is ergonomically designed for comfort. Each pole includes an ErgoTec® Locking Cone.
OPTILOC TELEPOLE 4 FT EXT 2-SCN AL 10 Unger 21.26 16.22 28.86 UNGEZ120.JPG OptiLoc Tele-Poles, 2 Sections, 4-ft. UNG EZ120, UNGEZ120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3388 Lagasse OptiLoc Tele-Poles, 2 Sections, 8-ft. (UNGEZ250) 3388 UNG EZ250 1.30 EZ250 Sturdy extension poles constructed of anodized, extruded drawn aluminum with 3-1/2in nylon locking collars and snap-in threaded cones. Handle grip is ergonomically designed for comfort. Each pole includes an ErgoTec® Locking Cone.
OPTILOC TELEPOLE 8 FT EXT2-SCN AL 10 Unger 29.58 22.56 40.42 UNGEZ250.JPG OptiLoc Tele-Poles, 2 Sections, 8-ft. UNG EZ250, UNGEZ250, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3389 Lagasse OptiLoc Tele-Poles, 2 Sections, 13-ft. (UNGEZ400) 3389 UNG EZ400 1.75 EZ400 Sturdy extension poles constructed of anodized, extruded drawn aluminum with 3-1/2in nylon locking collars and snap-in threaded cones. Handle grip is ergonomically designed for comfort. Each pole includes an ErgoTec® Locking Cone.
OPTILOC TELEPOLE 13 FT EXT 2-SCN AL 10 Unger 39.91 29.14 52.83 UNGEZ400.JPG OptiLoc Tele-Poles, 2 Sections, 13-ft. UNG EZ400, UNGEZ400, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3390 Lagasse OptiLoc Tele-Poles, 3 Sections, 12-ft. (UNGED370) 3390 UNG ED370 1.98 ED370 Sturdy extension poles constructed of anodized, extruded drawn aluminum with 3-1/2in nylon locking collars and snap-in threaded cones. Handle grip is ergonomically designed for comfort. Each pole includes an ErgoTec® Locking Cone.
OPTILOC TELEPOLE 12 FT EXT 3-SCN AL 10 Unger 46.94 32.81 63.21 UNGED370.JPG OptiLoc Tele-Poles, 3 Sections, 12-ft. UNG ED370, UNGED370, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3391 Lagasse OptiLoc Tele-Poles, 3 Sections, 14-ft. (UNGED450) 3391 UNG ED450 2.38 ED450 Sturdy extension poles constructed of anodized, extruded drawn aluminum with 3-1/2in nylon locking collars and snap-in threaded cones. Handle grip is ergonomically designed for comfort. Each pole includes an ErgoTec® Locking Cone.
OPTILOC TELEPOLE 14 FT EXT 3-SCN AL 10 Unger 52.32 39.91 69.06 UNGED450.JPG OptiLoc Tele-Poles, 3 Sections, 14-ft. UNG ED450, UNGED450, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3392 Lagasse 18-ft. OptiLoc 3 Section Tele-Pole (UNGED550) 3392 UNG ED550 2.81 ED500 18-ft. OptiLoc 3 Section Tele-Pole
Sturdy extension poles constructed of anodized, extruded drawn aluminum with 3-1/2in nylon locking collars and snap-in threaded cones. Handle grip is ergonomically designed for comfort. Each pole includes an ErgoTec Locking Cone.
Unger 18-ft. OptiLoc 3 Section Tele-Pole, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 61.44 43.65 81.18 UNGED550.JPG OptiLoc Tele-Poles, 3 Sections, 18-ft. UNG ED550, UNGED550, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3393 Lagasse 30-ft. OptiLoc 3 Section Tele-Poles (UNGED900) 3393 UNG ED900 5.30 ED900 3 Section 30-ft. Tele-Poles
Sturdy and reliable our line of Opti Tele-Poles are the perfect way to clean hard to reach areas. Ideal for attaching brushes, dusters and squeegees for the hard to reach high ceiling areas. Offering exceptional handling and maneuverability, each Tele-pole is sold individually, and come in 3 easy to assemble sections that extend to 30 feet. These sturdy extension poles are constructed of anodized, extruded drawn aluminum with 3-1/2in nylon locking collars and snap-in threaded cones. Handle grip is ergonomically designed for comfort. Each pole includes an ErgoTec® Locking Cone.
Unger 30-ft. OptiLoc Tele-Pole, 3 Section, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 83.26 63.50 110.21 UNGED900.JPG OptiLoc Tele-Poles, 3 Sections, 30-ft. UNG ED900, UNGED900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 109
3394 Lagasse Optional Biohazard Identification Decals for Waste Containers, Fluorescent Red/Black (UNIBP-1) 3394 UNI BP-1 1.00 BP-1 Ensures proper waste disposal. Text in English. 6w x 5-3/4h.
DECAL FLUORESCENT ORANGE-RED BIO HAZARD United Receptacle 5.00 2.97 6.81 UNIBP1.JPG Optional Biohazard Identification Decals for Waste Containers, Fluorescent Red/Black UNI BP-1, UNIBP1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 111
3395 Lagasse Optional Biohazard Identification Decals for Waste Containers, Bi-Lingual, White/Black (UNICL-1) 3395 UNI CL-1 1.00 CL-1 Ensures proper waste disposal. Text in English and Spanish. 7w x 10h.
LABEL BILINGUAL BIO HAZARD 7 IN X 10 IN United Receptacle 3.98 2.36 5.38 UNICL1.JPG Optional Biohazard Identification Decals for Waste Containers, Bi-Lingual, White/Black UNI CL-1, UNICL1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 111
3396 Lagasse Optional Chemotherapy Waste Identification Decals for Waste Containers, Yellow/Black (UNICD-1) 3396 UNI CD-1 1.00 CD-1 Ensures proper waste disposal. Text in English. 6w x 6h.
DECAL CHEMOTHERAPY 6IN SQ YEL United Receptacle 5.00 2.97 6.56 UNICD1.JPG Optional Chemotherapy Waste Identification Decals for Waste Containers, Yellow/Black UNI CD-1, UNICD1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 111
3397 Lagasse Infectious Waste Identification Decals for Waste Containers, Bi-Lingual, White/Black (RCPCL-4) 3397 RCP CL-4 1.00 CL-4 Rubbermaid Commercial Medical Decal
Help ensure that proper material handling procedures are clear to your staff with medical-industry focused decals. High-contrast design with bold text on bright background improves visibility. Reliable, permanent adhesive. Includes one label.
Rubbermaid Medical Decal, "INFECTIOUS WASTE", 10 X 4, WHITE, Sold as Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 2.94 2.24 3.82 UNICL4.JPG Optional Infectious Waste Identification Decals for Waste Containers, Bi-Lingual, White/Black, RCP CL-4, RCPCL4, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3398 Lagasse Optional Soiled Linen Identification Decals for Waste Containers, Bi-Lingual, White/Black (UNICL-2) 3398 UNI CL-2 1.00 CL-2 Ensures proper waste disposal. Text in English and Spanish. 7w x 10h.
LABEL BILINGUAL SOILED LINEN 7 IN X 10 IN United Receptacle 3.98 2.36 5.23 UNICL2.JPG Optional Soiled Linen Identification Decals for Waste Containers, Bi-Lingual, White/Black UNI CL-2, UNICL2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 111
3399 Lagasse Optional Trash Only Identification Decals for Waste Containers, Bi-Lingual, White/Black (UNICL-3) 3399 UNI CL-3 1.00 CL-3 Ensures proper waste disposal. Text in English and Spanish. 4w x 10h.
LABEL BILINGUAL TRASH ONLY 7 IN X 10 IN United Receptacle 3.98 2.36 5.17 UNICL3.JPG Optional Trash Only Identification Decals for Waste Containers, Bi-Lingual, White/Black UNI CL-3, UNICL3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 111
3400 Lagasse Optional Tray for Sturdy Chair Youth Seat with Microban Antimicrobial Protection (RCP7815-88PLA) 3400 RCP 7815-88 PLA 2.50 781588 PLAT Rubbermaid Sturdy Chair Youth Seat Tray
Microban® antimicrobial protection helps prevent the growth of stain- and odor-causing bacteria—keeps chairs looking new longer. Designed for safety—meets ASTM, TUV and European standards. Attractive contemporary styling complements dining rooms. Stackable design minimizes storage space Built-in Microban® antimicrobial protection will not wash or wear off during the life of the chair. Durable, heavy-duty molded plastic construction with platinum color that won’t rust, chip or dent; cleans easily. Designed to contain spills; easy to clean. Removes easily with one hand; stores under seat. Fits youth seats RCP 7805-88 PLA and RCP 7806-88 PLA.
18-1/2w x 11-1/2d x 3-1/4h. Shipping weight 2-1/2 lbs.
Microban High Chair Tray, Plastic, Each
Rubbermaid » Rubbermaid Baby Products » High Chairs - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 40.25 30.70 54.28 RCP781588PLA.JPG rubbermaid sturdy chair tray, high chair tray, height chair tray, microband tray, youth seat tray, baby tray, hi chair tray, tray for sturdy chair youth seat with microban antimicrobial protection, RCP 7815-88 PLA, RCP781588PLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3402 Lagasse Orange Flock-Lined Gloves, Medium Size (GLX244M) 3402 GLX 244M 3.25 G244M For janitorial services, dishwashing and strong chemical handling. Chemical-resistant to harsh detergents, acids, solvents, alcohols and alkalies. FDA Compliant. 12in length with embossed nonslip grip. 28-30 mils thick.
FLOCK-LN LTX GLOVE MED 12 IN 28-30 MIL ORNG DZ Galaxy Gloves 16.60 12.66 22.00 GLX244M.JPG Orange Flock-Lined Gloves, Medium Size GLX 244M, GLX244M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 45
3403 Lagasse Original Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, 5 Gallon Pail (PGC02611) 3403 PGC 02611 46.00 08460 Dawn Dish Detergent
Cuts through the toughest grease and leaves pleasant original scent. Includes one 5 gal pail of manual dishwashing detergent.
Procter & Gamble Professional Original Dawn Dish Detergent, 5 Gallon Pail, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 79.10 60.33 104.02 PGC02611.JPG Original Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, 1 Pail, 5-Gallon Pail, PGC 02611, PGC02611, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
3404 Lagasse Original Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, 8 - 38-oz. Bottles (PGC45112) 3404 PGC 45112 22.30 45112 Original Dawn® Dishwashing Liquid, 38-oz. Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case
Procter and Gamble Professional 41.96 32.00 54.86 PGC45112.JPG Original Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, PGC 45112, PGC45112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
3406 Lagasse Armor All Original Protectant, 4 Gallons (ARM10710) 3406 ARM 10710 37.60 10710 Armor All Original Protectant
Armor All Original Protectant is now better than ever with improved UVA and UVB protection. Armor All still cleans and protects your automobile’s interior from harmful elements, but now it does it with an improved, thicker formula that provides a non-greasy finish and a deeper shine. This water-based formula helps prevent the cracking, fading and discoloration that can happen in your vehicle over time. Armor All safely eliminates dirt and debris while it renews and revitalizes the appearance of your car. Armor All is ideal for use on vinyl seats, door panels, consoles, and even exterior spots like tires and bumpers. When you are looking for a product that will clean and brighten your vehicle, look no further than Armor All Original Protectant; the undisputed leader in protection and defense from harmful UV and oxidation.
Armor All Original Vehicle Protectant, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Gallon Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Armor All 115.00 87.71 150.49 ARM10710.JPG armor all original protectant, armor all, armor all tire protectant, vinyl protectant, ARM 10710, ARM10710, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 8
3407 Lagasse Armor All Original Protectant, 6 - 28-oz. Spray Bottles (ARM10228) 3407 ARM 10228 12.80 10228 Original Armor All Protectant
New! Improved UV protection. The formula that sparked a revolution has been revolutionized. Who says you can't improve upon a classic? Now Armor All Original Protectant is better than ever! For generations, Armor All has been the undisputed leader in protection, defending your vehicle from harmful elements like UV and oxidation. The improved, thicker formula provides enhanced control, a nongreasy finish and a deeper shine. Protects vinyl, rubber and plastic from fading and cracking caused by UV, ozone, oxidation and extreme temperatures. Water-based formula.
- Helps prevent cracking, fading, discoloration
- Deep shine with a nongreasy finish
- Safely cleans away dirt and debris
- Renews and revitalizes vinyl, rubber and plastic
Water-Based Armor All Original Protectant, 28-oz. Trigger Spayer Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Armor All 48.89 36.64 64.67 ARM10228.JPG Original Protectant, Trigger Sprayer, 6 Bottles per Case, 28-oz. Bottle ARM 10228, ARM10228, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 8
3408 Lagasse Armor All Original Protectant, 6- 32-oz. Spray Bottles (ARM10326) 3408 ARM 10326 14.80 10326 Armor All Original Protectant
Armor All is the leader in protection, defending your vehicle from harmful elements like UV and oxidation while protecting vinyl, rubber, and plastic from fading and cracking. This thick, water-based formula provides enhanced control with a non-greasy finish and an even deeper shine. Safely clean away dirt and debris while renewing and vitalizing vinyl, rubber, and plastics of all types.
Armor All Original Protectant, 32-oz. Trigger Sprayer Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Armor All 57.27 42.15 74.44 ARM10326.JPG Original Protectant, Trigger Sprayer, Cannot ship UPS., 6 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle ARM 10326, ARM10326, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 8
3409 Lagasse Original Replacement Strip Washers, 10in Strip (UNGWS25U) 3409 UNG WS25U 1.00 WS25U 10" Strip, Original Replacement Strip Washers
Fits the Unger T-shaped nylon handle. The plush, woven fabric sleeve is machine washable and tackles everyday tough jobs, even dusting. One fabric sleeve.
10" Strip, Original Replacement Strip Washers, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Unger 10.33 5.29 13.45 UNGWS25U.JPG Original Strip Washer with Handle, Original Replacement Strip Washers, 10in Strip UNG WS25U, UNGWS25U, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3410 Lagasse Original Replacement Strip Washers, 14in Strip (UNGWS35U) 3410 UNG WS35U 1.00 WS35U 14" Strip, Original Replacement Strip Washers
Fits the Unger T-shaped nylon handle. The plush, woven fabric sleeve is machine washable and tackles everyday tough jobs, even dusting. One fabric sleeve.
14" Strip, Original Replacement Strip Washers, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Unger 9.40 6.58 12.25 UNGWS35U.JPG Original Strip Washer with Handle, Original Replacement Strip Washers, 14in Strip UNG WS35U, UNGWS35U, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3412 Lagasse Original Strip® Washer with Handle, 10in Strip (UNGWC25U) 3412 UNG WC25U 1.00 WC25U T-shaped nylon handle has water wells that release water through the strip fabric as needed. The plush, woven fabric sleeve is machine washable and tackles everyday tough jobs, even dusting. Includes one handle and one fabric sleeve.
WSHER W/ HNDL 10 IN STRIP FAB SLEEVE 10 Unger 11.80 8.88 15.67 UNGWC25U.JPG Original Strip Washer with Handle, 10in Strip UNG WC25U, UNGWC25U, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
3415 Lagasse Orvus W A Paste 7-1/2-lb. - 4 Containers (PGC02531) 3415 PGC 02531 35.60 60285 Rug and Animal Detergent
An extremely gentle detergent used to clean cattle and horses. Also can be used to clean fine rugs. Nonirritating and will not discolor dyes.
Proctor and Gamble Orvus W A Paste 7-1/2-lb. Container, 4 Containers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 71.59 54.60 96.21 PGC02531.JPG orvus w a paste, rug and animal detergent, PGC 02531, PGC02531, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
3423 Lagasse Overhead Dusting Tool Replacement Head (RCPT199) 3423 RCP T199 0.30 T19900 WH00 Replacement Overhead Dusting Tool Head
Rubbermaid's line of dusting tools are the perfect fit for commercial and residential cleaning. This durable, and flexible replacement overhead dusting tool head is adapts at every cleaning application. Attracting dust instantly, this overhead duster is an essential tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes. Washable, white dusting head.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Overhead Dusting Tool Replacement Head, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.13 6.20 10.58 RCPT199.JPG overhead dusting tool, duster, overhead dusters, cleaning dusters, overhead dusting tool, replacement head only, RCP T199, RCPT199 1 1 0 0 1 89
3424 Lagasse Overhead Dusting Tool with Angled Head (RCPT120) 3424 RCP T120 0.40 T12000 GY00 Rubbermaid Overhead Dusting Tool with Angled Head
Coming with an angled head that is ideal for those hard to reach areas, Rubbermaid's line of dusting tools are the perfect fit for commercial and residential cleaning. Providing a handle that may be extended to clean hard-to-reach areas, this versatile cleaning tool comes with a flexible top that conforms to the shape of virtually any surface. Compatible with Replacement head, RCP T199, sold separately. Gray telescoping handle extends to 51", washable white dusting head included. Replacement head, sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Overhead Dusting Tool with Angled Head, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 23.86 18.20 32.04 RCPT120.JPG overhead dusting tool with angled head, duster, overhead dusters, cleaning dusters, RCP T120, RCPT120 1 1 0 0 1 89
3425 Lagasse 102" Overhead Dusting Tool with Straight Head (RCPT130) 3425 RCP T130 1.30 T13000 GY00 Rubbermaid Overhead Dusting Tool with Straight Head
Coming with a straight head that is ideal for those hard to reach areas, Rubbermaid's line of dusting tools are the perfect fit for commercial and residential cleaning. This handle may be extended to clean hard-to-reach areas, this versatile cleaning tool comes with a flexible top that conforms to the shape of virtually any surface. Compatible with Replacement head, RCP T199, sold separately. Gray telescoping handle extends to 102", washable, white dusting head included.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Straight Head Overhead Dust Tool, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 30.21 23.04 39.56 RCPT130.JPG duster, overhead dusters, cleaning dusters, RCP T130, RCPT130, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3426 Lagasse 51" Overhead Dusting Tool with Straight Head (RCPT110) 3426 RCP T110 0.75 T11000 GY00 Rubbermaid Overhead Dusting Tool with Straight Head
Coming with a straight head that is ideal for those hard to reach areas, Rubbermaid's line of dusting tools are the perfect fit for commercial and residential cleaning. This handle may be extended to clean hard-to-reach areas, this versatile cleaning tool comes with a flexible top that conforms to the shape of virtually any surface. Compatible with Replacement head, RCP T199, sold separately. Gray telescoping handle extends to 51" washable, white dusting head included. Replacement head, RCP T199, sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Straight Head Overhead Dust Tool, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 20.64 15.74 26.85 RCPT110.JPG overhead dusting tool with straight head, duster, overhead dusters, cleaning dusters, RCP T110, RCPT110 1 1 0 0 1 89
3427 Lagasse Over-the-Spill™ Pad (RCP4254YEL) 3427 RCP 4254 YEL 1.66 4254-00 YELLOW Bright yellow slip-resistant, tear-off pads cover and absorb spills and alert pedestrians. Each pad absorbs up to 12 oz. (0.3 kg) of fluid. Imprinted with “Caution Wet Floor” in English and Spanish. Plastic pad has slot for hanging; also mounts to RCP 6112 Series Folding Floor Signs (sold separately). 16-1/2 x 14. 25 sheets per pad.
ABSORB SPILL CVR PADS YEL 12 PK/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 19.95 15.22 25.98 RCP4254YEL.JPG Over-the-Spill Pad RCP 4254 YEL, RCP4254YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3434 Lagasse Pail & Mop Strainer Combination (RCP6194STL) 3434 RCP 6194 STL 2.56 619400STL Lightweight, durable plastic combo is ideal for traveling up and down stairs. 15-quart capacity pail. Funnel-shaped strainer wrings up to a 10-oz. mop head. 17w x 10-1/2d x 12h.
PAIL & MOP STRAIN COMBO 15 QT 17X10.5X12 STEEL 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.97 12.18 21.33 RCP6194STL.JPG Pail & Mop Strainer Combination RCP 6194 STL, RCP6194STL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3435 Lagasse Palletote® Lid, Gray (RCP1730GRA) 3435 RCP 1730 GRA 2.20 173000 GRAY Palletote® Lid
Heavy-duty Palletote Lid by Rubbermaid Commercial Products. All-plastic construction with an easy-to-clean smooth surface. Ideal for versatile storage of goods. Meets USDA Dairy Sanitary Standards; Meat and Poultry Equipment Group Listed. Stackable.
RCP 1730 GRA Lid dimensions 23 1/4" Lenth x 19 3/4" Width x 1 " Height
RCP 1732 GRA Box dimensions 21 1/2" Length x 19 1/2" Width x 13" Height
Rubbermaid Palletote Lid for RCP1731 Gray Rubbermaid Commercial Products 13.11 10.00 17.66 RCP1730GRA.JPG Palletote Box and Lid, Palletote Lid, Gray RCP 1730 GRA, RCP1730GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3436 Lagasse Palletote Box, Gray (RCP1732GRA) 3436 RCP 1732 GRA 6.60 173200 GRAY Palletote® Box.
Heavy-duty Palletote Box by Rubbermaid Commercial Products. All-plastic construction with an easy-to-clean smooth surface. Ideal for versatile storage of goods. Meets USDA Dairy Sanitary Standards; Meat and Poultry Equipment Group Listed. Stackable.
RCP 1730 GRA Lid dimensions 23 1/4" Lenth x 19 3/4" Width x 1 " Height
RCP 1732 GRA Box dimensions 21 1/2" Length x 19 1/2" Width x 13" Height
PALLETOTE BX 2.6 CU YD GRA 10/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 41.45 31.62 56.65 RCP1732GRA.JPG Palletote Box and Lid, Gray RCP 1732 GRA, RCP1732GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3437 Lagasse Palmolive® Automatic Dishwashing Gel, 6 Bottles per Case, 75-oz. Bottle (CPC42706) 3437 CPC 42706 30.82 42706 Leaves your dishes sparkling clean. Dissolves quickly without caking. Eliminates spots and film. Lemon scent.
6 / 75oz.
PALMOLIVE AUTO DISHWASH GEL BTL LMN 6/65 OZ Colgate - Palmolive 28.53 21.76 38.63 CPC42706.JPG Palmolive Automatic Dishwashing Gel, 6 Bottles per Case, 75-oz. Bottle CPC 42706, CPC42706, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 23
3439 Lagasse Palmolive Dishwashing Liquid Detergent, 4 Gallons (CPC04910) 3439 CPC 04910 37.60 04910 Palmolive Dishwashing Liquid
Palmolive Original Dishwashing Liquid. Yes, you can actually soak your hands in the rich, thick formula. Removes dried-on, cooked-on foods -it's a powerful cleaner leaving tour dishes spotless. Cuts through stubborn grease. DfE certified by the Environmental Protection Agency. Environmentally conscious.
Palmolive Dishwashing Liquid, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 53.01 40.43 72.12 CPC04910.JPG palmolive dishwashing liquid, CPC 04910, CPC04910 1 1 0 0 1 23
3441 Lagasse Palmolive® Original Dishwashing Liquid, 12 Bottles per Case, 850 ml Bottle (CPC320181) 3441 CPC 320181 26.70 20181 Has a high-active ingredient content. Rich, thick formula cuts through stubborn grease.
PALMOLIVE DISHWASH LIQUID 12/800 ML Colgate - Palmolive 37.64 28.71 50.50 CPC320181.JPG Palmolive Original Dishwashing Liquid, 12 Bottles per Case, 850 ml Bottle CPC 320181, CPC320181, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
3450 Lagasse Paper Recycling Container Lid, Blue (RCP270388BLU) 3450 RCP 2703-88 BLU 1.20 270388 BLUE Paper Recycling Square Lid
Ideal for paper disposal, this recycling lid ensures only the recyclables desired are disposed of within the can. Direct from Rubbermaid, this recycling lid fits Rubbermaid's square recycling cans with ease, making it a great fit for both commercial and residential environments. This durable recycling lid is comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. Hygienic tops for attractive, hands-free waste disposal. Easy hygienic access for trash disposal. One round opening for bottles and cans. Fits 23-gallon Slim Jim Recycling container (RCP 3540-75), sold separately.
Rubbermaid Slim Jim Paper Recycling Container Lid, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 31.47 24.00 42.44 RCP270388BLU.JPG trash can, garbage can, waste container, paper recycling containers, paper recycling, RCP 2703-88 BLU, RCP270388BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
3475 Lagasse Dixie 5-oz. Paper Cold Cups, 2,400 Cups (DIX58PATH) 3475 DIX 58PATH 20.42 58SAGE 5-oz Wax Treated Paper Cold Cups
Wax treated cups are the preferred type of cup for cold beverage service. Dixie Pathway Design for a matched meal service, beverage & take-out system with a contemporary, coordinated look. Ideal for take-out. These cold cups are treated to help protect against soak-thru and improve stand up time for added patron satisfaction. Our stock design matches other Georgia-Pacific Food Services Solutions stock paper meal service products to provide a coordinated look. Dixie paper cold cups are available in 8 sizes ranging from wax treated 5 oz. for a smaller option all the way to a 32 oz. super size. Cup lids are available in long skirt and raised dome and have convenient selector buttons for easy identification. Dixie paper cold cups are perfect for your valuable everyday cold beverage use.
Georgia Pacific Dixie 5-oz Paper Cold Cups, 24 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,400 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 86.86 60.80 118.86 DIX58PATH.jpg dixie paper cups, dixie cups, cups dixie, paper cold cups, DIX 58PATH, DIX58SAGE, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
3478 Lagasse Konie 4-oz. Paper Cone Cups, 5,000 Cups (KCI 4.0KR) 3478 KCI 4.0KR 20.72 4.0KR 4oz Paper Conical Cups
The ideal companion for your company’s water cooler, Konie paper cone cups are the ideal product to provide a simple and accessible means of hydration. The seam is tightly sealed to prevent leaks, while the angled cone cup is designed so that these cups can be easily stacked and stored compactly. The shape of these convenient 4-oz. paper cups prevents them from being put down and left behind, making it necessary to dispose of them after drinking, resulting in a cleaner and more sanitary environment. The one-at-a-time dispensing helps to cut down on waste. Konie cone cups are great for use in dentist offices, medical facilities and office buildings. Stock up today and keep a stack handy at your water cooler for employees and customers.
Konie 4-oz. Paper Cone Cup, White, 25 Sleeves of 200 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 53.37 37.36 69.42 SCC4R.JPG conical cups, konie cups, konie cone cups, water cooler cone cups, paper cone cups, cone cups, watercooler cups, water cooler cups, 4 oz cone cups 1 1 0 0 1 141
3480 Lagasse 1/4 lb. Paper Food Trays, 1,000 Trays (BWK30LAG025) 3480 BWK 30LAG025 9.00 30LAG025 1/4 lb Paper Food Trays
Clay-coated premium-grade paperboard with red weave design. High walled baskets are an excellent and economical alternative to disposable dinnerware. Attractive, classic design is ideal for outdoor dining establishments. Holds approximately 4-oz. of food. 1,000 trays per case.
Boardwalk 1/4 lb. Paper Food Trays, Red and White Weave Design, 1,000 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 18.29 13.95 23.86 BWK30LAG025.JPG Paper Food Trays, 1/4-lb. Tray, 1,000 Trays per Case BWK 30LAG025, BWK30LAG025, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3481 Lagasse 6-oz. Paper Food Trays, 1,000 Trays per Case (BWK30LAG040) 3481 BWK 30LAG040 10.00 30LAG040 6 oz. Paper Food Trays
Clay-coated premium-grade paperboard with red weave design. High walled baskets are an excellent and economical alternative to disposable dinnerware. Attractive, classic design is ideal for outdoor dining establishments. Holds approximately 6-oz. of food. 1,000 trays per case.
Boardwalk 6-oz. Paper Food Trays, Red and White Weave Design, 1,000 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 21.17 15.39 27.85 BWK30LAG040.JPG Paper Food Trays, 6-oz. Tray, 1,000 Trays per Case BWK 30LAG040, BWK30LAG040, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3482 Lagasse 1/2-lb. Paper Food Trays, 1,000 Trays (BWK30LAG050) 3482 BWK 30LAG050 10.00 30LAG050 1/2 lb. Paper Food Trays
Clay-coated premium-grade paperboard with red weave design. High walled baskets are an excellent and economical alternative to disposable dinnerware. Attractive, classic design is ideal for outdoor dining establishments. Holds approximately 8-oz. of food. 1,000 trays per case.
Boardwalk 1/2-lb. Paper Food Trays, Red and White Weave Design, 1,000 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 22.43 17.11 29.92 BWK30LAG050.JPG Paper Food Trays, 1/2-lb. Tray, 1,000 Trays per Case BWK 30LAG050, BWK30LAG050, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3483 Lagasse 1-lb. Paper Food Trays, 1,000 Trays (BWK30LAG100) 3483 BWK 30LAG100 14.00 30LAG100 1-lb. Paper Food Trays
Clay-coated premium-grade paperboard with red weave design. High walled baskets are an excellent and economical alternative to disposable dinnerware. Attractive, classic design is ideal for outdoor dining establishments. Holds approximately 16-oz. of food. 1,000 trays per case.
Boardwalk 1-lb. Paper Food Trays, Red and White Weave Design, 1,000 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 25.12 19.16 33.61 BWK30LAG100.JPG Paper Food Trays, 1-lb. Tray, 1,000 Trays per Case BWK 30LAG100, BWK30LAG100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3484 Lagasse 2-lb. Paper Food Trays, 1,000 Trays (BWK30LAG200) 3484 BWK 30LAG200 20.00 30LAG200 2-lb. Paper Food Trays
Clay-coated premium-grade paperboard with red weave design. High walled baskets are an excellent and economical alternative to disposable dinnerware. Attractive, classic design is ideal for outdoor dining establishments. Holds approximately 2 pounds of food. 1,000 trays per case.
Boardwalk 6-oz. Paper Food Trays, Red and White Weave Design, 1,000 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 33.68 21.18 45.24 BWK30LAG200.JPG Paper Food Trays, 2-lb. Tray, 1,000 Trays per Case BWK 30LAG200, BWK30LAG200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3485 Lagasse 2-1/2 lb. Paper Food Trays, 500 Trays (BWK30LAG250) 3485 BWK 30LAG250 12.00 30LAG250 2.5 lb. Paper Food Trays
Clay-coated premium-grade paperboard with red weave design. High walled baskets are an excellent and economical alternative to disposable dinnerware. Attractive, classic design is ideal for outdoor dining establishments. Holds approximately 2.5 lbs. of food. 500 trays per case.
Boardwalk 2-1/2 lb. Paper Food Trays, Red and White Weave Design, 500 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 20.90 15.74 27.95 BWK30LAG250.JPG Paper Food Trays, 2-1/2-lb. Tray, 500 Trays per Case BWK 30LAG250, BWK30LAG250, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3486 Lagasse 3-lb. Paper Food Trays, 500 Trays (BWK30LAG300) 3486 BWK 30LAG300 15.00 30LAG300 3 lb. Paper Food Trays
Clay-coated premium-grade paperboard with red weave design. High walled baskets are an excellent and economical alternative to disposable dinnerware. Attractive, classic design is ideal for outdoor dining establishments. Holds approximately 3 lbs. of food. 500 trays per case.
Boardwalk 3-lb. Paper Food Trays, Red and White Weave Design, 500 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 22.20 16.93 29.94 BWK30LAG300.JPG Paper Food Trays, 3-lb. Tray, 500 Trays per Case BWK 30LAG300, BWK30LAG300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3487 Lagasse 5-lb. Paper Food Trays, 500 Trays (BWK30LAG500) 3487 BWK 30LAG500 20.00 30LAG500 5 lb. Paper Food Trays
Clay-coated premium-grade paperboard with red weave design. High walled baskets are an excellent and economical alternative to disposable dinnerware. Attractive, classic design is ideal for outdoor dining establishments. Holds approximately 5 lbs. of food. 500 trays per case.
Boardwalk 5-lb. Paper Food Trays, Red and White Weave Design, 500 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 29.98 22.87 39.92 BWK30LAG500.JPG Paper Food Trays, 5-lb. Tray, 500 Trays per Case BWK 30LAG500, BWK30LAG500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3494 Lagasse Boardwalk 20-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 500 Cups (BWK20HOTCUP) 3494 BWK 20HOTCUP 18.89 00019999 20 oz. Boardwalk Paper Hot Cups
Boardwalk Co. as been a reliable supplier of ours for years. Their products are durable yet economical. Stylish blue and tan stripe design. Poly coated interior prevents soak through. 500 cups per case.
Boardwalk 20 oz. Paper Hot Cup, 20 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 55.41 41.29 74.82 BWK20HOTCUP.JPG Paper Hot Cups, 20-oz. Cup BWK 20HOTCUP, BWK20HOTCUP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3495 Lagasse Boardwalk 8-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (BWK8HOTCUP) 3495 BWK 8HOTCUP 17.91 00020011 Boardwalk 8-oz. Paper Hot Cups
Boardwalk's line of 8-oz. poly coated interior foam cup with a two color blue and tan design, are a great fit for both hot and cold beverages. Perfect for use in the home, or office, as well as get-togethers, parties, lunch parties and much more. No more fussing with washing your old glass or ceramic cups, Boardwalk's 8-oz. paper cups make clean-up a breeze. Looking for matching lids for your cups? Lids that fit for these 8-oz. paper cups include: a tear tab lid: BWK 8TABLID, as well as a dome lid: BWK8DOMELID. Buy your Boardwalk paper hot cups here today at and save!
Boardwalk 8-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 57.73 44.03 77.12 BWK8HOTCUP.JPG paper hot cups, 8-oz. hot cups, 8-oz. cups, boardwalk hot cups, disposable hot cups, 8-oz. disposable hot cups, BWK 8HOTCUP, BWK8HOTCUP, restaurant supplies, food service supplies 1 1 0 0 1 123
3496 Lagasse Boardwalk 16-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (BWK16HOTCUP) 3496 BWK 16HOTCUP 29.93 00019998 16 oz. Boardwalk Paper Hot Cups
Boardwalk Co. as been a reliable supplier of ours for years. Their products are durable yet economical. Stylish blue and tan stripe design. Poly coated interior prevents soak through. 1,000 cups per case.
Boardwalk 16 oz. Paper Hot Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 87.32 66.60 115.83 BWK16HOTCUP.JPG Paper Hot Cups, 16-oz. Cup BWK 16HOTCUP, BWK16HOTCUP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3497 Lagasse Boardwalk 12-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (BWK12HOTCUP) 3497 BWK 12HOTCUP 25.71 00020016 12 oz. Boardwalk Paper Hot Cups
Boardwalk Co. as been a reliable supplier of ours for years. Their products are durable yet economical. Stylish blue and tan stripe design. Poly coated interior prevents soak through. 1,000 cups per case.
Boardwalk 12 oz. Paper Hot Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 71.97 54.25 95.49 BWK12HOTCUP.JPG Paper Hot Cups, 12-oz. Cup, BWK 12HOTCUP, BWK12HOTCUP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3498 Lagasse Boardwalk 10-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (BWK10SQHOTCUP) 3498 BWK 10SQHOTCUP 22.39 00020014 Boardwalk Paper Hot Cups
These 10oz. Squat Cups provide a poly coated interior paper cup that comes with a two color blue and tan design. Boardwalk's line of paper cups offer many benefits that include superior insulation, strength and durability. These 10 oz cups are ideal for both hot and cold use and have several lid options to fit your all your needs. Because they are packed 50 cups per bag, and 20 bags per case, they are easy to store in multiple locations. Perfect for all factories, office building break rooms and conference rooms, waiting areas and even home use, these disposable cups are ideal for coffee, tea, cappuccino, hot chocolate, hot cider, soda, juice, water and other soft drinks. Fits Lids with Sku: BWK 10-20TABLID for tear tab lid, BWK 10-20DOMELID for a dome lid.
Boardwalk Paper Hot Cups, 50 Cups per Bag, 20 Bags, 1,000 Cups per Case - The restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 63.50 48.43 84.80 BWK10SQHOTCUP.JPG Paper Hot Cups, 10-oz. Squat Cup BWK 10SQHOTCUP, BWK10SQHOTCUP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3499 Lagasse Paper Pleated Souffle Cups, 3.5 oz. (SCC450) 3499 SCC 450 33.00 450-2050 White, heavy-duty multi-pleat paper. Rolled waxed rim. (5,000 cups.)
PLEATED WTR CUP 3.5 OZ PPR WHI 50/100 Solo Cup Company 186.13 130.29 250.50 SCC450.JPG Paper Pleated Soufflé Cups, 3.5 oz. SCC 450, SCC450, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3500 Lagasse 4-oz. Paper Pleated Souffle Cups, 5,000 Cups (SCC400) 3500 SCC 400 25.00 400-2050 4 oz. Pleated Paper Portion Cups
This treated, heavy-duty, multi-pleated paper cup holds up well against liquids. Rolled waxed rim maintains shape and tightness even wen wet. Perfect for small servings of sauces and dressings. 5,000 portion cups per case.
Solo Cup Company 4 oz. Pleated Paper Souffle Cups, 20 Sleeves of 250 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust Solo Cup Company 114.26 79.98 155.32 SCC400.JPG Paper Pleated Soufflé Cups, 4 oz. SCC 400, SCC400, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3501 Lagasse 5.5-oz. Paper Pleated Souffle Cups, 5,000 Cups (SCC550) 3501 SCC 550 28.00 550-2050 5.5 oz. Pleated Paper Portion Cups
This treated, heavy-duty, multi-pleated paper cup holds up well against liquids. Rolled waxed rim maintains shape and tightness even wen wet. Perfect for small servings of sauces and dressings. 5,000 portion cups per case.
Solo Cup Company 5.5 oz. Pleated Paper Souffle Cups, 20 Sleeves of 250 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust Solo Cup Company 159.70 111.79 208.25 SCC550.JPG Paper Pleated Soufflé Cups, 5.5 oz. SCC 550, SCC550, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3502 Lagasse 3.25-oz. Paper Pleated Souffle Cups, 5,000 Cups (SCC325) 3502 SCC 325 20.50 325-2050 3.25 oz. Pleated Paper Portion Cups
This treated, heavy-duty, multi-pleated paper cup holds up well against liquids. Rolled waxed rim maintains shape and tightness even wen wet. Perfect for small servings of sauces and dressings. 5,000 portion cups per case.
Solo Cup Company 3.25 oz. Pleated Paper Souffle Cups, 20 Sleeves of 250 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust Solo Cup Company 108.61 76.03 146.49 SCC325.JPG Paper Pleated Soufflé Cups, 3.25 oz. SCC 325, SCC325, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3503 Lagasse 1.25-oz. Pleated Paper Souffle Cups, 5,000 Cups (SCC125U) 3503 SCC 125U 12.50 125-2050 1.25 oz. Pleated Paper Portion Cups
This treated, heavy-duty, multi-pleated paper cup holds up well against liquids. Rolled waxed rim maintains shape and tightness even wen wet. Perfect for small servings of sauces and dressings. 5,000 portion cups per case.
Solo Cup Company Pleated Paper Souffle Cups, 20 Sleeves of 250 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 72.07 50.45 94.42 SCC125U.JPG Paper Pleated Soufflé Cups, 1.25 oz. SCC 125U, SCC125U, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3504 Lagasse 2-oz. Paper Pleated Souffle Cups, 5,000 Cups (SCC200) 3504 SCC 200 15.00 200-2050 2 oz. Pleated Paper Portion Cups
This treated, heavy-duty, multi-pleated paper cup holds up well against liquids. Rolled waxed rim maintains shape and tightness even wen wet. Perfect for small servings of sauces and dressings. 5,000 portion cups per case.
Solo Cup Company 2-oz. Pleated Paper Souffle Cups, 20 Sleeves of 250 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust Solo Cup Company 91.50 64.05 124.64 SCC200.JPG Paper Pleated Soufflé Cups, 2 oz. SCC 200, SCC200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3505 Lagasse .75-oz. Paper Pleated Souffle Cups, 5,000 Cups (SCC075) 3505 SCC 075 9.50 075-2050 .75 oz. Pleated Paper Portion Cups
This treated, heavy-duty, multi-pleated paper cup holds up well against liquids. Rolled waxed rim maintains shape and tightness even wen wet. Perfect for small servings of sauces and dressings. 5,000 portion cups per case.
Solo Cup Company .75-oz Pleated Paper Souffle Cups, 20 Sleeves of 250 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust Solo Cup Company 53.09 37.16 72.13 SCC075.JPG Paper Pleated Soufflé Cups, .75 oz. SCC 075, SCC075, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3506 Lagasse 1-oz. Pleated Paper Souffle Cups, 5,000 Cups (SCC100) 3506 SCC 100 11.00 100-2050 Pleated Paper Portion Cups
This treated, heavy-duty, multi-pleated paper cup holds up well against liquids. Rolled waxed rim maintains shape and tightness even wen wet. Perfect for small servings of sauces and dressings. 5,000 portion cups per case.
Solo Cup Company Pleated Paper Souffle Cups, 20 Sleeves of 250 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 65.96 46.17 87.75 SCC100.JPG Paper Pleated Soufflé Cups, 1 oz. SCC 100, SCC100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3507 Lagasse Paper Table Cover (LRP91-0000) 3507 LRP 91-0000 7.20 910000 White, 40in x 300-ft. roll.
PPR RL TBL CVR 40X300WHI Little Rapids Corporation 14.27 9.99 18.61 LRP910000.JPG Paper Table Cover LRP 91-0000, LRP910000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 134
3513 Lagasse Parlor Broom, Corn Bristle Fiber (UNS926C) 3513 UNS 926C 1.83 UNS 926C For light-duty sweeping. Five rows of stitching. 42in long, 15/16in diameter wood handle.
L-DTY PARLOR BRM 42X.94 DIA WOOD W/ CORN BRISTDZ Unisan 105.53 80.49 141.57 UNS926C.JPG Parlor Broom, Corn Bristle Fiber UNS 926C, UNS926C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3514 Lagasse Parlor Broom, Yucca/Corn Bristle Fiber (UNS926Y) 3514 UNS 926Y 22.00 UNS 926Y For light-duty sweeping. Five rows of stitching. 42in long, 15/16in diameter wood handle.
L-DTY BRM 42X.94 DIA WOOD HNDL YUCCA BRIST DZ Unisan 84.87 64.45 114.48 UNS926Y.JPG Parlor Broom, Yucca/Corn Bristle Fiber UNS 926Y, UNS926Y, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3532 Lagasse People’s Paper Picker Pin, 42in Long Paper Picker Pin (UNGPPPP) 3532 UNG PPPP 0.40 PPPP0 Durable, lightweight steel body with replaceable pin plug. Ideal for picking up paper, debris and cans without bending.
PEOPLES PPR PICKER PIN 42 IN 10 Unger 13.49 10.29 17.53 UNGPPPP.JPG Peoples Paper Picker Pin and Replacement Pin Plug, 42in Long Paper Picker Pin UNG PPPP, UNGPPPP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3533 Lagasse People’s Paper Picker Replacement Pin Plug(UNGPINP) 3533 UNG PINP 0.10 PINP0 Durable, lightweight steel body with replaceable pin plug. Ideal for picking up paper, debris and cans without bending.
PEOPLES PAPER PICKER REPLACEMENT PIN PLUG10 Unger 4.98 3.80 6.65 UNGPINP.JPG Peoples Paper Picker Pin and Replacement Pin Plug, Replacement Pin Plug UNG PINP, UNGPINP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3535 Lagasse Dixie PerfecTouch 10-oz. Hot Cups, 500 Cups (DIX5310DX) 3535 DIX 5310DX 11.20 5310DX 10oz. PerfecTouch Hot Cups
A completely innovative design, these cups are made with a patented paper process that insulates better than costly double-cupping. Air is infused into the paper giving the cup the feel of foam and protecting your hands from extreme temperatures. The cups come with a comfortable grip and are 30% taller than other hot cups of the same price. Attractive cafe design provides a touch of style to your hot beverage service. 500 cups per case.
Dixie PerfecTouch 10-oz. Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 500 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 69.99 48.99 93.93 DIX5310DX.JPG paper cup, paper hot cup, paper cups, paper hot cups, perfectouch hot cups, 10-oz. cup DIX 5310DX, DIX5310DX 1 1 0 0 1 31
3536 Lagasse Dixie PerfecTouch 8-oz. Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (DIX5338CD) 3536 DIX 5338CD 18.60 5338CD 8oz. PerfecTouch Hot Cups
A completely innovative design, these cups are made with a patented paper process that insulates better than costly double-cupping. Air is infused into the paper giving the cup the feel of foam and protecting your hands from extreme temperatures. The cups come with a comfortable, non-slip grip and are 30% taller and more durable than other hot cups of the same price. Attractive cafe design provides a touch of style to your hot beverage service. 1,000 cups per case.
Dixie PerfecTouch 8-oz. Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 101.56 71.09 132.30 DIX5338CD.JPG perfect touch hot cups, 8-oz. hot cups, dixie hot cups, DIX 5338CD, DIX5338CD, dixie cups 1 1 0 0 1 31
3537 Lagasse 8-oz. PerfecTouch Hot Cups, 500 Cups (DIX5338DX) 3537 DIX 5338DX 9.80 5338DX 8-oz PerfecTouch Hot Cups
Dixie Cup PerfecTouch - An Ideal Insulated Paper Cup. Patented paper process provides unique insulation without altering beverage flavor. Your customers will love it's comfortable, secure feel; non-slip hold and upscale graphics. These specially insulated cups are available in a variety of attractive designs, giving consumers a higher perception of product quality and elevating business returns. The construction of the PerfecTouch cup extends consumption time while adding confidence in overall product quality. Its outer lining keeps hands comfortable to the touch and eliminates the need for double-cupping. Preferred over other paper cups by 82% of consumers. Georgia Pacific Dixie 8-oz Perfectouch Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 60.90 42.63 80.79 DIX5338DX.JPG paper cups, dixie paper cups, paper hot cups, perfectouch hot cups, DIX 5338DX, DIX5338DX, restaurant supplies, anitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
3538 Lagasse Dixie PerfecTouch 12-oz. Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (DIX5342CD) 3538 DIX 5342CD 25.40 5342CD 12oz. PerfecTouch Hot Cups
A completely innovative design, these cups are made with a patented paper process that insulates better than costly double-cupping. Air is infused into the paper giving the cup the feel of foam and protecting your hands from extreme temperatures. The cups come with a comfortable, non-slip grip and are 30% taller and more durable than other hot cups of the same price. Attractive cafe design provides a touch of style to your hot beverage service. 1,000 cups per case.
Dixie PerfecTouch 12-oz. Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 135.86 95.10 177.65 DIX5342CD.JPG PerfecTouch Hot Cups, 12-oz. Cup DIX 5342CD, DIX5342CD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
3539 Lagasse Dixie PerfecTouch 12-oz. Hot Cups, 500 Cups (DIX5342DX) 3539 DIX 5342DX 12.80 5342DX 12oz. PerfecTouch Hot Cups
A completely innovative design, these cups are made with a patented paper process that insulates better than costly double-cupping. Air is infused into the paper giving the cup the feel of foam and protecting your hands from extreme temperatures. The cups come with a comfortable, non-slip grip and are 30% taller and more durable than other hot cups of the same price. Attractive cafe design provides a touch of style to your hot beverage service. 500 cups per case.
Dixie PerfecTouch 12-oz. Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 79.41 55.59 105.41 DIX5342DX.JPG PerfecTouch Hot Cups, 12-oz. Cup DIX 5342DX, DIX5342DX, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
3540 Lagasse Dixie PerfecTouch 16-oz. Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (DIX5356CD) 3540 DIX 5356CD 28.20 5356CD 16oz. PerfecTouch Hot Cups
A completely innovative design, these cups are made with a patented paper process that insulates better than costly double-cupping. Air is infused into the paper giving the cup the feel of foam and protecting your hands from extreme temperatures. The cups come with a comfortable, non-slip grip and are 30% taller and more durable than other hot cups of the same price. Attractive cafe design provides a touch of style to your hot beverage service. 1,000 cups per case.
Dixie PerfecTouch 16-oz. Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 143.29 100.30 189.95 DIX5356CD.JPG PerfecTouch Hot Cups, 16-oz. Cup DIX 5356CD, DIX5356CD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
3541 Lagasse Dixie PerfecTouch 16-oz. Hot Cups, 500 Cups (DIX5356DX) 3541 DIX 5356DX 13.40 5356DX 16oz. PerfecTouch Hot Cups
A completely innovative design, these cups are made with a patented paper process that insulates better than costly double-cupping. Air is infused into the paper giving the cup the feel of foam and protecting your hands from extreme temperatures. The cups come with a comfortable, non-slip grip and are 30% taller and more durable than other hot cups of the same price. Attractive cafe design provides a touch of style to your hot beverage service. 500 cups per case.
Dixie PerfecTouch 16-oz. Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 25 Cups, 500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 86.43 60.50 117.37 DIX5356DX.JPG PerfecTouch Hot Cups, 16-oz. Cup DIX 5356DX, DIX5356DX, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
3542 Lagasse Windsoft Kitchen Paper Towels, 30 Rolls (WIN1220) 3542 WIN 1220 18.60 WIN1220 Paper Towels
These perforated Paper Towel Rolls from Windsoft are a great economical alternative to the more expensive brand name paper towels. Ideal for the home, office, shop and garage, these paper towels are durable and absorbent. Windsoft two-ply towels are soft to the touch, offering you the quality of an at-home paper product at an affordable price. These eco-friendly paper towels are made with 100% recycled fiber, with a minimum of 40% post-consumer waste content, meeting EPA Guidelines. Windsoft paper towels can easily handle even the messiest of clean-up jobs. When looking for an eco-friendly, quality paper towel, choose Windsoft paper towels. Stock up today!
Windsoft Perforated Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 100 Sheets per Roll, 30 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 30.05 22.92 40.44 WIN1220.JPG kitchen towel, kitchen towels, paper towel, paper towels, paper product, paper products, Perforated Paper Towel Rolls, WIN 1220, WIN1220 1 1 0 0 1 116
3543 Lagasse Windsoft 2-Ply Perforated Paper Towels, White, 30 Rolls (WIN 1220-85) 3543 WIN 1220-85 15.50 WIN1220-85 Perforated Paper Towels
These paper towels manufactured by Windsoft are a great economical alternative to the more expensive brand name paper towels. The perforated, two-ply towels offer enhanced absorbency and dependable durability. Keep these paper towels on hand to use for all purpose cleaning in the home, office, shop or garage. The sheet size of Windsoft paper towels is 11" x 8.8", a generous size for all of your cleaning needs. These towels meet EPA standards for post-consumer material paper content, so when you purchase Windsoft 2-ply paper towels, you are saving money as well as helping the environment. Stock up on Windsoft today!
Windsoft 2-Ply Paper Towels, White, 85 Sheets per Roll, 30 Rolls, 2,550 Towels per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 26.37 18.19 34.72 WIN122085.JPG windsoft kitchen towels, kitchen towels, kitchen paper towels, paper towels, paper products, perforated paper towel rolls, WIN 1220-85, WIN122085 1 1 0 0 1 116
3544 Lagasse Perforated Kitchen Roll Towel Dispenser, Chrome (SANT451XC) 3544 SAN T451XC 0.60 T451XC Industrial-quality, 24-gauge steel. Easy to mount wherever needed. Holds rolls up to 11 inches wide. 13-1/4"wide x 4-5/8"deep x 2-7/8"high.
Kitchen Roll Towel Dispenser, Chrome
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Dispensers » Kitchen Paper Towel Dispenser San Jamar Dispenser 12.56 9.58 16.41 SANT451XC.JPG paper product, paper products, kitchen roll towel dispenser, kitchen roll towel dispensers, household roll towel, household roll towels, Perforated Kitchen Roll Towel Dispenser, Chrome SAN T451XC, SANT451XC 1 1 0 0 1 92
3546 Lagasse Dixie 9" Uncoated Paper Plates, 1,000 Plates (DIX709902) 3546 DIX 709902 17.90 709902WNP9 9" Lightweight Paper Plates
Our line of Dixie paper plates are ideal for any commercial or residential environment. These uncoated, white paper plates are recyclable and biodegradable, perfect for the kitchen or breakroom. 1,000 plates per case.
Dixie 9" Paper Plates, Lightweight, 4 Packs of 250 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 39.33 27.53 53.51 DIX709902.JPG paper plates, dixie paper plates, 9in plates, 9" plates, DIX 709902, DIX709902, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
3548 Lagasse Pine-Sol Lemon Fresh All-Purpose Cleaner, 3 - 144-oz. Bottles (CLO35419) 3548 CLO 35419 30.50 35419 Lemon Scented Pine-Sol
This fresh, lemon-scented all purpose cleaner from Clorox is a powerful formula that cleans, deodorizes and shines hard, nonporous surfaces. The name Clorox carries a legacy of quality, experience and strength, and this all purpose cleaner lives up to the Clorox name. Each bottle of Pine-Sol makes up to 72 gallons of cleaning solution. Bursting with the re-energizing, long lasting scent of lemon, it provides a powerful citrus scented clean to any room. This all purpose cleaner is ideal for use in food service or industrial environments, as well as bathrooms, day cares, schools, retirement homes, break rooms and more. Stock up on Lemon-Scented Pine Sol Cleaner today and save!
Clorox Pine-Sol All Purpose Cleaner, Lemon Fresh Scent, 144-oz. Bottle, 3 Bottles per Case – The janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 29.05 22.16 38.95 CLO35419.JPG pine sol cleaner, clorox pine sol, pine-sol all-purpose cleaner, lemon fresh scent, lemon pine-sol, CLO 35419, CLO35419, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
3549 Lagasse Pine-Sol All-Purpose Cleaner, Orange Energy Scent, 3 Bottles (CLO41772) 3549 CLO 41772 30.00 41772 All-Purpose Cleaner
A powerful formula that cleans, deodorizes and shines hard, nonporous surfaces. This versatile cleaner penetrates stubborn grease and grime quickly and eliminates unpleasant odors. Pine-Sol effectively removes scuff-marks, food and beverage stains, as well as mud stains, leaving behind only the fresh, clean scent of oranges and no sticky residue. This economical, all-purpose cleaner makes up to 72 gallons per bottle. Pine-sol is ideal for use on a variety of surfaces, including floors, counters and sinks in a multitude of locations. Once the job is done, the powerful Orange Energy scent lingers, freshening the air. Keep your home or business clean with a trusted Brand. Stock up on Pine-Sol All-Purpose Cleaner Today!
Clorox Pine-Sol All Purpose Cleaner, Orange Energy Scent, 144-oz. Bottle, 3 Bottles per case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 29.05 22.16 37.82 CLO41772.JPG Pine-Sol All-Purpose Cleaner, Orange Energy Scent, 3 Bottles per Case, 144-oz. Bottle CLO 41772, CLO41772, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
3550 Lagasse Pine-Sol Cleaner Disinfectant Deodorizer, Pine Scent, 6 Bottles (CLO41773) 3550 CLO 41773 24.90 41773 Pine-Sol Pine Scent Disinfectant Deodorizing Cleaner
Pine-Sol Brand Cleaner is specially formulated to cut through stubborn grease and grime quickly, as well as disinfect and deodorize a multitude of surfaces. This effective cleaner does not just mask odors, it eliminates the bacteria that causes odors altogether. The fresh pine scented cleaner rapidly cuts through dirt, grease, scuff marks, food and beverage stains and mud stains without the need for rinsing, leaving behind no sticky residue. Pine-Sol can be used on tile, sinks, garbage cans, floors, stoves, baseboards and much more. This product is excellent for use in homes, offices or industrial environments. Pine-Sol’s deep down cleaning power has made it America’s number one dilutable cleaner for years, creating a loyal following of consumers. When you are looking for a versatile product to clean, disinfect and deodorize, look for Pine-Sol!
Clorox Pine-Sol Liquid Cleaner Disinfectant & Deodorizer, 60-oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 35.54 27.11 48.03 CLO41773.JPG Pine-Sol Pine Scent Liquid Cleaner, Disinfectant, Deodorizer, 6 Bottles per Case, 60-oz. Bottle CLO 41773, CLO41773, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
3552 Lagasse Pine-Sol Pine Scent Cleaner Disinfectant Deodorizer, 3 - 144-oz. Bottles (CLO35418) 3552 CLO 35418 29.90 35418 Pine-Sol Liquid Cleaner
There is a reason Clorox Pine-Sol Brand Cleaner has been around since 1929. It works hard to keep your home clean. Pine-Sol rapidly cuts dirt and grease on hard surfaces, leaving behind a fresh pine scent and no sticky residue. The fresh and long-lasting pine scent comes from real pine oil. When used at full strength, the formula can be used as a disinfectant to kill bacteria and common germs on hard, nonporous surfaces. Pine-Sol cleans and deodorizes a wide variety of surfaces, including floors, sinks, counters, stoves, bathtubs, shower stalls, tile, toilets, garbage cans and diaper pails. In addition to all of this, Pine-Sol can be used to remove strong odors, grease, heavy stains and soils from clothing. Simply rub it on stains or add some to the machine before washing. If you have not tried Pine-Sol yet, now is the time. Get some today!
Clorox Pine-Sol Liquid Cleaner, Pine Scent, 144-oz Bottle, 3 Bottles per Case
Cleaning Chemicals » Disinfectants – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 34.67 26.44 46.41 CLO35418.JPG pine-sol pine scent liquid cleaner, disinfectant, deodorizer, CLO 35418, CLO35418, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
3554 Lagasse Pipe Brush (UNGPIPE) 3554 UNG PIPE 0.10 PIPE0 Bendable, 11in curved brush removes dirt and dust from pipes and other rounded surfaces. Screws onto an extension pole (sold separately).
CURVED PIPE BRUSH 11 IN 5 Unger 14.31 10.63 19.27 UNGPIPE.JPG Pipe Brush UNG PIPE, UNGPIPE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
3557 Lagasse Unisan Plastic Spray Bottle for Trigger Sprayers, 16-oz. Capacity (UNS16) 3557 UNS 16 0.10 UNS16 16-oz. Plastic Spray Bottle
Unisan has designed this plastic bottle to allow for the mixing and dispensing of concentrated cleaning products. Each bottle features quantity graduations for easy measuring and diluting. This high quality plastic bottle offers a 16 oz. capacity, allowing for premium mixing and dispensing. This spray bottle is perfect for diluting chemicals or for use with household liquids, such as glass cleaner, bathroom cleaner, all purpose cleaner and more. Ergonomically shaped, this bottle makes for easy work of spraying with a trigger sprayer (sold separately). When used with the trigger sprayer, it is also an ideal spray bottle for hydrating indoor plants without making a mess.
Unisan Plastic Bottle for Trigger Sprayers, 16-oz. Capacity, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 0.55 0.41 0.73 UNS16.JPG plastic spray bottle, plastic spray bottles, 16 oz plastic bottles, UNS 16, UNS16 1 1 0 0 1 110
3558 Lagasse Plastic Bottle for Trigger Sprayers, 24-oz. Capacity (UNS24) 3558 UNS 24 0.15 UNS24 Plastic Spray Bottle
This high quality plastic bottle from Unisan offers a 24-oz. capacity. Allowing for premium mixing and dispensing, this superior quality bottle is perfect for diluting chemicals. This ergonomically shaped bottle makes for easy work of spraying with a trigger sprayer (sold separately). This spray bottle comes with quantity graduations for easy measuring and diluting of concentrated cleaners. This durable plastic bottle can be used for chemicals or for household liquids such as glass cleaner, bathroom cleaner, all purpose cleaner and much more. Not just for use with cleaners, when used with a trigger sprayer, this spray bottle can be filled with water and used on indoor plants.
Unisan Plastic Bottle for Trigger Sprayers, 24-oz. Capacity, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 0.55 0.40 0.75 UNS24.JPG plastic bottle, plastic bottle trigger sprayers, 24-oz. plastic bottle, UNS 24, UNS24, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, plastic bottle, bottle, sprayer bottle 1 1 0 0 1 110
3559 Lagasse Unisan Plastic Bottle for Trigger Sprayers, 32-oz. Capacity (UNS32) 3559 UNS 32 0.18 UNS32 Plastic Spray Bottle
These high quality 32-oz. bottles are perfect for cleaning professionals and home owners alike to mix and dispense concentrated cleaning products. These spray bottles have quantity graduations for easy measuring and diluting of chemicals. The Ergonomically shaped bottle makes easy work of spraying with the trigger sprayer (sold separately). This spray bottle is made from durable plastic and can be used for commercial or household cleaners such as glass cleaner, bathroom cleaner, all-purpose cleaner and much more. This spray bottle is not just for use with cleaning products. When purchased with a spray trigger, this bottle can also be filled with water and used to hydrate indoor plants.
Unisan Plastic Bottle for Trigger Sprayers, 32-oz. Capacity, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 0.60 0.46 0.82 UNS32.JPG plastic bottle for trigger sprayers, 32-oz. capacity, UNS 32, UNS32, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, plastic bottle, sprayer bottle 1 1 0 0 1 110
3562 Lagasse Solo Plastic Straw Slot Lid for 10-oz. Cup, 2,500 Lids (SCC600TS) 3562 SCC 600TS 12.75 600TS-0090 Clear Plastic Straw Slot Lid
Solo Cup Company is proud to be known for premium cups and lids. These clear lids keep your drink from spilling while you're on the go. Convenient straw slot. This lid fits the Solo 10oz PET cups. 2,500 lids per case.
Solo Clear Straw Slot Lid for 10. oz Cups, 25 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 2,500 Lids per Case The wholesale food service supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 86.11 60.28 112.20 SCC600TS.JPG Plastic Cold Cup Lid, Fits 10-oz. Cup SCC 600TS, SCC600TS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3563 Lagasse Solo Plastic Straw Slot Lid for 16oz Cups, 1,000 Lids (SCC626TS) 3563 SCC 626TS 7.00 626TS-0090 16oz Clear Plastic Straw Slot Lid
Solo Cup Company is proud to be known for premium cups and lids. These clear lids keep your drink from spilling while you're on the go. Convenient straw slot. This lid fits the Solo 16oz PET cups. 1,000 lids per case.
Solo Clear Straw Slot Lid for 16. oz Cups, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale food service supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 40.39 28.27 52.99 SCC626TS.JPG plastic cup lids, solo cup lids, solo plastic cup lids, SCC 626TS, SCC626TS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3564 Lagasse Solo Plastic Straw Slot Lid for 12-oz., 14-oz., 20-oz. Cups, 1,000 Lids (SCC662TS) 3564 SCC 662TS 7.00 662TS-0090 Clear Plastic Straw Slot Lid
Solo Cup Company is proud to be known for premium cups and lids. These clear lids keep your drink from spilling while you're on the go. Convenient straw slot. This lid fits several sizes of the PET cups; 12oz, 14oz, and 20oz due to the matching brim size. 1,000 lids per case.
Solo Clear Straw Slot Lid for 12, 14 and 20. oz Cups, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale food service supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 41.89 29.32 54.78 SCC662TS.JPG plastic cold cup lid, solo plastic cup lid, cup lid, plastic cup lids, SCC 662TS, SCC662TS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3567 Lagasse Dixie Plastic Dome Lids for 8-oz. Cup, 1,000 Lids (DIXD9538) 3567 DIX D9538 6.40 D9538 8oz. Plastic Dome Lid
This white plastic dome lid by Dixie is perfect for frothy drinks such as cappuccinos and lattes. Sip thru hole enables heat-retaining, lid on enjoyment. Keep from spilling your drink while you're on the go. Conveniently fits bot the PerfecTouch and Mira-Glaze 8 oz. cups. 1,000 Lids per case.
Georgia Pacific Dixie Plastic Dome Lid for 8-oz. cups, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale food service company buyers trust.
Dixie 48.73 34.11 65.09 DIXD9538.JPG Plastic Dome Lids, Fits 8-oz. Cup DIX D9538, DIXD9538, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
3568 Lagasse Dixie Plastic Dome Lids, 1,000 Lids (DIXD9542) 3568 DIX D9542 8.00 D9542 Dixie Plastic Dome Lids for Hot Cups
This plastic dome lid from Dixie conveniently fits PerfecTouch 10-16 oz. and Paper Hot Cups 12-20 oz. Domed to help to prevent spills from sloshing, perfect for frothy hot drinks like cappuccino. The sip through hole makes it easy to drink from while on the go. Condiment identifier easily identifies contents. Stacking feature makes it possible to carry two cups at a time. White. 100 lids per pack; 10 packs per case. Georgia Pacific Dixie Plastic Dome Lids, White, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 50.14 35.10 66.45 DIXD9542.JPG cups dixie, dixie cups, dixie lids, plastic dome lids, DIX D9542, DIXD9542, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
3569 Lagasse Unisan Plastic Drum Pump with Pail Adapter (UNS428) 3569 UNS 428 0.93 2202-90 Plastic Drum Pump with Pail Adapter
Clean and concise, this easy to use Plastic Drum Pump with Pail Adapter fits in both 3/4" and 2" openings. Far exceeding other inferior pumps, the Unisan Plastic Drum Pump with Pail Adapter pumps out 8 ounces per stroke. The Unisan Plastic Drum Pump with Pail Adapter comes with a pump that fits and snaps onto 5-gallon pails with ease. Also fits all 15-, 30- and 55-gallon drums, offering a versatility that few products can match.
Unisan Plastic Drum Pump with Pail Adapter, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 12.06 8.74 15.67 UNS428.JPG plastic drum pump, pail adapter, drum pump, UNS 428, UNS428, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3570 Lagasse Dart Plastic Flat Lids for 9 and 10-oz. Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCCL10C) 3570 DCC L10C 5.20 L10C Plastic Flat Straw Slot Lid
This Dart lid fits their ultra clear PET cold cups in both the 9 and 10 ounce sizes. Ultra clear for easy beverage identification with a straw slot. Keep your drink from spilling. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Flat Plastic Straw Slot Lid, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 62.33 43.63 84.90 DCCL10C.JPG Plastic Flat Lids, Fits 9- and 10-oz. Cups, Clear DCC L10C, DCCL10C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3571 Lagasse Plastic Flat Lids for 12-oz. Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCCL12C) 3571 DCC L12C 5.70 L12C Plastic Flat Straw Slot Lid for 12oz Cups
This Dart lid fits their ultra clear 12 ounce PET cold cups. Ultra clear for easy beverage identification with a straw slot. Keep your drink from spilling. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Flat Plastic Straw Slot Lid, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 60.90 42.63 82.30 DCCL12C.JPG Plastic Flat Lids, Fits 12-oz. Cups, Clear DCC L12C, DCCL12C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3573 Lagasse Plastic Flat Lids for 12 and 14-oz. Cups, 1,000 (DCCL14N) 3573 DCC L14N 5.10 L14N Translucent Flat Straw Slot Lid for Cold Cups
Top your Dart cup with one of their quality lids. This lid conveniently fits both the 12 and 14 ounce translucent cold cups. Flat, plastic with a straw slot. Keep your drink from spilling while on the go. Translucent. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Translucent Plastic Flat Straw Slot Lid, 10 sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 52.71 36.90 69.87 DCC10SL.JPG Plastic Flat Lids, Fits 12- and 14-oz. Cups, Translucent DCC L14N, DCCL14N, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3574 Lagasse Dart Clear Plastic Flat Lid for 24-oz. Cup, 1,000 Lids (DCCL24C) 3574 DCC L24C 1.00 L24C 24-oz. Plastic Flat Lids
Perfect for those on the go, these quality plastic flat lids are an ideal fit for 24-oz. Dart plastic cold cups. Great for the home, office, restaurant or food service environment, this quality lid fits almost any situation. Clear for easy beverage identification with a straw slot. 1,000 per case.
Dart Clear Plastic Straw Slot Lids for 24-oz. Cups, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 36.01 25.21 47.57 DCCL24C.JPG plastic cold cup lid, solo plastic cup lid, cup lid, plastic cup lids, DCC L24C, DCCL24C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3577 Lagasse 12" Plastic Handle Colored Turkey Feather Duster (UNS12DC) 3577 UNS 12DC 0.17 UNS 12DC 12" Plastic Handle Colored Turkey Feather Duster
Soft, all-purpose turkey feather duster is an economical alternative, assorted colors, 12" overall length, handle has hang-up hole. Completely washable, durable, and flexible, the Turkey Feather Duster from Unisan adapts to every cleaning application. These bright, multicolor synthetic dusters attract dust via static electricity and gently clear cobwebs in hard-to-reach areas with ease. Seen as an essential tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes, this high quality duster is great for dusting ceilings, moldings and corners in or outdoors.
Unisan Plastic 12" Handle Colored Turkey Feather Duster, Assorted Colors, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 1.63 1.23 2.13 UNS12DC.JPG turkey feather dusters, dusters, feather dusters, UNS 12DC, UNS12DC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3578 Lagasse 12" Plastic Handle Professional Ostrich Feather Duster (UNS12GY) 3578 UNS 12GY 0.17 UNS 12GY 28" Ostrich Feather Duster
The Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster cleans and dusts furniture, floors, walls, window sills and fans effortlessly. Know as the perfect tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes, our line of premium ostrich feather dusters makes cleaning up dust, dirt, debris and hair easy.These economical dusters come with chick ostrich feathers, as well as easy carrying which allows for convenient carrying and storage. Efficient and durable, these affordable feather dusters measure in with a 12 inch handle.
Unisan Premium Ostrich Feather Duster, 12" Handle, Gray, Each - the wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 10.16 7.14 13.45 UNS12GY.JPG ostrich feather dusters, dusters, feather dusters, UNS 12GY, UNS12GY, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3581 Lagasse Plastic Kids' 12-oz. Critters Cup Combo Pack, 250 Cups (SCCCC12C-J5146) 3581 SCC CC12C-J5146 9.75 CC12C-J5146 Plastic Kids' Cup with Critters Design
These great plastic cups with lids from Solo are white with a colorful, playful, kids' critters print design. These restaurant quality plastic cups are perfect for home or business use. Each cup holds 12 ounces. The lids fit tightly to avoid spills. Straws fit easily through a pre-cut hole in the lid. There are 250 critters design cups, 250 red lids, and 250 flex straws per case.
Solo Plastic Kids' 12-oz. Cup Combo Pack, Critters Design, 250 Cups, Lids and Straws per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 104.10 72.87 139.96 SCCCC12CJ5146.JPG plastic cup, kids cup, plastic children's cup, childrens cup, SCC CC12C-J5146, SCCCC12CJ5146, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3583 Lagasse Dixie Flat Plastic Lids for Paper Cold Cups, 1,200 Lids (DIX914LSRD) 3583 DIX 914LSRD 6.10 914LSRD Flat Plastic Straw Slot Lids
These lids are an ideal fit for Dixie's Pathways design paper cold drink cups. Snaps on easily and conveniently fits sizes 12 through 22 ounce cups. Raised straw slot and selector buttons for easy beverage identification. Translucent plastic. 1,200 per case.
Dixie Flat Straw Slot Lids for 12 to 22-oz. paper cold cups, 12 packs of 100 Lids, 1,200 Lids per Case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 43.60 30.52 57.04 DIX914LSRD.JPG Plastic Lid DIX 914LSRD, DIX914LSRD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
3584 Lagasse Dart Flat Plastic Sip-Thru Lids for Foam Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCC8UL) 3584 DCC 8UL 5.20 8UL Sip-Thru Plastic Lid for 8oz Foam Cup
These lids by Dart are an ideal fit for their 8 ounce foam cups. White plastic with a sip-thru tab. Perfect for any hot beverage service. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Plastic Sip-Thru Lid for 8 oz. Foam Cups, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 18.57 13.00 24.72 DCC8UL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Sip-Thru Lid, White DCC 8UL, DCC8UL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3585 Lagasse Plastic Vented Lids for 8-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCC8JL) 3585 DCC 8JL 4.20 8JL Flat Plastic Vented Lid for 8oz Foam Cup
These flat plastic lids are an ideal fit for Dart's 8 ounce foam cup. Perfect for carry out hot beverage service or soup. Translucent plastic. Vented. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Flat Vented Lid for 8oz. Foam Cup, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 13.76 9.63 18.62 DCC8JL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Vented Lid, White DCC 8JL, DCC8JL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3586 Lagasse Plastic Vented Lids for 6-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCC6JL) 3586 DCC 6JL 3.50 6JL Flat Plastic Vented Lid for 6oz Foam Cup
These flat plastic lids are an ideal fit for Dart's 6 ounce foam cup. Perfect for carry out hot beverage service or soup. White plastic. Vented. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Flat Vented Lid for 6oz. Foam Cup, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 13.29 9.30 18.07 DCC6JL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Vented Lid, White DCC 6JL, DCC6JL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3587 Lagasse Dart Plastic Vented Lid for 24 & 32-oz. Foam Food Containers, 500 Lids (DCC48JL) 3587 DCC 48JL 6.00 48JL Vented Lid for 24-oz. & 32-oz. Food Containers
These food container plastic lids are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Translucent plastic, vented lid is an ideal fit for DCC 24MJ48 and DCC 32MJ48 foam food containers. 500 per case.
Dart Vented Plastic Lids for 24-oz. to 32-oz. Food Containers, 500 Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 20.86 14.60 27.55 DCC48JL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Fits 24- and 32-oz. Foam Cup, Translucent DCC 48JL, DCC48JL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3588 Lagasse Dart Plastic Vented Lids for 4-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCC4JL) 3588 DCC 4JL 3.10 4JL Flat Plastic Vented Lid for 4oz Foam Cup
These flat plastic lids are an ideal fit for Dart's 4 ounce foam cup. Perfect for carry out hot beverage service or soup. Translucent plastic. Vented. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Flat Vented Lid for 4oz. Foam Cup, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 13.14 9.20 17.96 DCC4JL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Vented Lid, Translucent DCC 4JL, DCC4JL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3589 Lagasse Plastic Straw Slot Lid for 24-oz. Foam Cups, 500 Lids (DCC24SL05) 3589 DCC 24SL05 4.40 24SL05 Plastic Straw Slot Lid for 24 oz. Foam Cup
These lids are an ideal fit for Dart's 24 ounce foam cup. Flat, translucent plastic with a straw slot. Keep your drink from spilling while you're on the go. Perfect for any carry out beverage service. 500 lids per case.
Dart Straw Slot Lid for 24oz. Foam Cup, 10 Sleeves of 50 Lids, 500 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 11.40 7.98 15.24 DCC24SL05.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Straw-Slotted Lid, Translucent DCC 24SL05, DCC24SL05, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3590 Lagasse Plastic Straw Slot Lids for 32-oz. Foam Cups, 500 Lids (DCC32SL) 3590 DCC 32SL 5.20 32SL Plastic Straw Slot Lid for 32 oz. Foam Cup
These lids are an ideal fit for Dart's 32 ounce foam cup. Flat, translucent plastic with a straw slot. Keep your drink from spilling while you're on the go. Perfect for any carry out beverage service. 500 lids per case.
Dart Straw Slot Lid for 32oz. Foam Cup, 10 Sleeves of 50 Lids, 500 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 24.27 16.99 32.11 DCC32SL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Straw-Slotted Lid, Translucent DCC 32SL, DCC32SL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3591 Lagasse Dart Plastic Vented Lid for 32-oz. Foam Cups, 500 Lids (DCC32JL) 3591 DCC 32JL 7.60 32JL Flat Plastic Vented Lid for 32oz Foam Cup
These flat plastic lids are an ideal fit for Dart's 32 ounce foam cup. Perfect for carry out hot beverage service or soup. Translucent plastic. Vented. 500 lids per case.
Dart Flat Vented Lid for 32oz. Foam Cup, 10 Sleeves of 50 Lids, 500 Lids per Case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 17.43 12.20 23.58 DCC32JL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Vented Lid, Translucent DCC 32JL, DCC32JL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3592 Lagasse Dart Plastic Vented Lids for Food Containers, 1,000 Lids (DCC20JL) 3592 DCC 20JL 8.00 20JL Flat Plastic Vented Lid for Foam Food Containers
These flat plastic lids are an ideal fit for Dart's foam food containers. Conveniently fits several sizes from 5 ounce o 32 ounce. See related products below for matching containers. Perfect for carry out hot beverage service or soup. Translucent plastic. Vented. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Flat Vented Lid for Food Containers, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 23.29 16.30 30.45 DCC20JL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Fits 8-, 12- and 16-oz. Foam Cup, Translucent DCC 20JL, DCC20JL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3593 Lagasse Plastic Vented Lids for 12-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCC12JL) 3593 DCC 12JL 4.80 12JL Flat Plastic Vented Lid for 12oz Foam Cup
These flat plastic lids are an ideal fit for Dart's 12 ounce foam cup. Perfect for carry out hot beverage service or soup. White plastic. Vented. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Flat Vented Lid for 12oz. Foam Cup, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 17.43 12.20 23.29 DCC12JL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Vented Lid, White DCC 12JL, DCC12JL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3594 Lagasse Plastic Straw Slot Lids for 12-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCC12SL) 3594 DCC 12SL 4.20 12SL Plastic Straw Slot Lid for 12 oz. Foam Cup
These lids are an ideal fit for Dart's 12 ounce foam cup. Flat, translucent plastic with a straw slot. Keep your drink from spilling while you're on the go. Perfect for any carry out beverage service. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Straw Slot Lid for 12oz. Foam Cup, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 18.20 12.74 24.55 DCC12SL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Straw-Slotted Lid, Translucent DCC 12SL, DCC12SL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3595 Lagasse Plastic Sip-Thru Lid for 12-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCC12UL) 3595 DCC 12UL 6.40 12UL Sip-Thru Plastic Lid for 12oz Foam Cup
These lids by Dart are an ideal fit for their 12 ounce foam cups. White plastic with a sip-thru tab. Perfect for any hot beverage service. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Plastic Sip-Thru Lid for 12 oz. Foam Cups, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 22.00 15.40 29.24 DCC12UL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Sip-Thru Lid, White DCC 12UL, DCC12UL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3596 Lagasse Plastic Sip-Thru Lid for Foam Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCC16UL) 3596 DCC 16UL 6.60 16UL Sip-Thru Plastic Lid for Foam Cups
These lids by Dart are conveniently an ideal fit for several sizes of foam cups from 12 to 24 ounces. White plastic with a sip-thru tab. Perfect for any hot beverage service. 1,000 lids per case. See related products for matching cups.
Dart Plastic Sip-Thru Lid for Foam Cups, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 25.31 17.72 33.36 DCC16UL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Sip-Thru Lid, White DCC 16UL, DCC16UL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3597 Lagasse Plastic Straw Slot Lids for Foam Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCC16SL) 3597 DCC 16SL 5.40 16SL Plastic Straw Slot Lid for 12 - 24 oz. Foam Cups
These lids are an ideal fit for Dart's foam cups sizes 12 through 24. Flat, translucent plastic with a straw slot. Keep your drink from spilling while you're on the go. Perfect for any carry out beverage service. 1,000 lids per case. See related products below for matching cup sizes.
Dart Straw Slot Lid for 12 to 24 oz. Foam Cups, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 18.61 13.03 25.43 DCC16SL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Straw-Slotted Lid, Translucent DCC 16SL, DCC16SL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3598 Lagasse Lift n’ Lock Lid with Straw Slot for 12 to 24 oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCC16FTLS) 3598 DCC 16FTLS 5.70 16FTLS Lift n' Lock Lid with Straw Slot
This translucent plastic lid conveniently fits several sizes of Dart's foam cups from 12 to 24 ounces. The lift and lock tab and straw slot combo is perfect for hot or cold beverages. Great for any carry out beverage service. See related products below for matching cups. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Lift n' Lock Lid with Straw Slot, Translucent Plastic, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 22.66 15.86 30.62 DCC16FTLS.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Lift n Lock Lid with Straw Slot, Translucent DCC 16FTLS, DCC16FTLS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3599 Lagasse Plastic Straw Slot Lids for 10-oz. Foam Cups, 1,000 Lids (DCC10SL) 3599 DCC 10SL 4.20 10SL Plastic Straw Slot Lid for 10 oz. Foam Cup
These lids are an ideal fit for Dart's 10 ounce foam cup. Flat, translucent plastic with a straw slot. Keep your drink from spilling while you're on the go. Perfect for any carry out beverage service. 1,000 lids per case.
Dart Straw Slot Lid for 10oz. Foam Cup, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 18.29 12.80 24.15 DCC10SL.JPG Plastic Lids for Hot/Cold Foam Cups, Straw-Slotted Lid, Translucent DCC 10SL, DCC10SL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3600 Lagasse 30 Gallon Plastic Medical Step-On Garbage Can, Light Platinum/Black (RCP6147LPL) 3600 RCP 6147 LPL 18.75 614700 LPLAT 30 Gallon Plastic Medical Step-On Garbage Can
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms and emergency rooms. Greater capacity makes waste collection more efficient and helps reduce labor costs. Assists in complying with OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 “Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens.” Quiet, heavy-duty, extra-large foot pedal for hands free sanitary use. Integrated slow-close lid damper reduces excessive noise and keeps odors and bacteria from escaping. FM/CSFM rated. Impact-resistant plastic construction. 30-gallon capacity. 24-1/5" long x 19-3/4" wide x 34-1/5" high. Shipping weight: 19 lbs.
Rubbermaid 30 Gallon Medical Waste Step-on Garbage Can, Platinum/Black, 24-1/5" x 19-3/4" x 34-1/5", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 208.47 159.00 280.29 RCP6147LPL.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, plastic medical waste step-on garbage can, RCP 6147 LPL, RCP6147LPL 1 1 0 0 1 89
3601 Lagasse Rubbermaid 30 Gallon Red Plastic Medical Waste Step-On Garbage Can (RCP6147RED) 3601 RCP 6147 RED 18.75 614700 RED 30 Gallon Medical Waste Trash Can
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms and emergency rooms. Greater capacity makes waste collection more efficient and helps reduce labor costs. Assists in complying with OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 “Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens.” Quiet, heavy-duty, extra-large foot pedal for handsfree sanitary use. Integrated slow-close lid damper reduces excessive noise and keeps odors and bacteria from escaping. FM/CSFM rated. Impact-resistantplastic construction. 30-gallon capacity. 24-1/5l x 19-3/4w x 34-1/5h. Shipping Weight 18.75-lbs.
Rubbermaid Commercial 30 Gallon Medical Waste Step-on Garbage Can, Red, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 208.47 159.00 282.88 RCP6147RED.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, plastic medical waste step-on garbage can, red, RCP 6147 RED, RCP6147RED 1 1 0 0 1 89
3602 Lagasse Solo Blue Plastic 16-oz. Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCCP16BRL) 3602 SCC P16BRL 28.40 P16BRL-00001 Blue Plastic 16-oz. Cups
Coming from Solo, these 16-oz. blue plastic party cups are great for everyday use in the home, office, or food service environment. Designed to be durable, these blue Solo plastic cups are a smart choice for any residential or commercial situation. Ideal for cold beverages, these 16-oz. blue plastic cups from Solo are the smart disposable cup choice. Blue. Plastic. 50 cups per pack, 20 packs, 1,000 cups per case.
Solo Plastic Party Cup, 16-oz Cup, Blue, 50 Cups per Pack, 20 Packs, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 125.20 87.64 167.75 SCCP16BRL.JPG plastic cups, solo cups, solo plastic cups, 16 oz solo cups, solo blue cups, SCC P16BRL, SCCP16BRL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3603 Lagasse Solo 16-oz. Red Plastic Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCCP16RLR) 3603 SCC P16RLR 28.40 P16RLR-00011 Red Plastic 16-oz. Cups
Solo Foam Cup company is proud to be known for premium plastic party cups. These cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Coming from Solo, these 16-oz. red plastic party cups are great for everyday use in the home, office, or food service environment. Designed to be a reliable option for any situation, these red Solo plastic cups are a smart choice for any residential or commercial situation. Ideal for cold beverages, Solo cups are the smart disposable cup choice. Red. Plastic. 50 cups per pack, 20 packs, 1,000 cups per case.
Solo Plastic Party Cup, 16-oz Cup, Red, 50 Cups per Pack, 20 Packs, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 127.44 89.21 171.99 SCCP16RLR.JPG plastic cups, solo cups, solo plastic cups, 16 oz solo cups, solo red cups, SCC P16RLR, SCCP16RLR 1 1 0 0 1 141
3604 Lagasse 3.25-oz. Solo Souffle Portion Cups, 2,500 Cups (SCCP325) 3604 SCC P325 18.00 P325-0100 3.25 oz. Translucent Souffle Portion Cups
Solo Cup rigid polystyrene is versatile, durable and translucent for contact clarity. It's great for hot or cold foods. The perfect condiment portion control dispensing cup. Lids sold separately. Translucent plastic. 2,500 per case.
Solo Cup 3.25-oz Translucent Portion Cups, 10 Sleeves of 250 Cups, 2,500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 58.36 40.85 79.21 SCCP325.JPG plastic soufflé/portion cups, SCC P325, SCCP325 1 1 0 0 1 141
3605 Lagasse 4-oz. Solo Plastic Souffle Portion Cups, 2,500 Cups (SCCP400) 3605 SCC P400 23.00 P400-0100 4 oz. Translucent Portion Cups
These 4-oz. soufflé cups from Solo are a versatile product for a number of uses in the food service industry. Made from rigid polystyrene, these cups are sturdy and durable, ensuring leak-proof usage. Great for hot or cold foods, these portion cups can be used for a variety of sauces and condiments, holding everything from cheese and butter to salsa, jam and any other condiment you can think of. Ideal for food or beverage samples, these 4-oz. cups make portion control accurate and easy, helping to control costs and saving time and labor. 2,500 per case.
Solo 4-oz Translucent Plastic Portion Cups, 10 Sleeves of 250 Cups, 2,500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 61.90 43.33 84.04 SCCP400.JPG solo cups, solo 4 oz plastic cups, plastic souffle portion cups, 4-oz. Cups, SCC P400, SCCP400, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3606 Lagasse 1-oz. Solo Translucent Souffle Portion Cup, 5,000 Cups (SCCP100) 3606 SCC P100 17.00 P100-0100 1-oz. Translucent Plastic Portion Cups
Solo's Souffle and Portion cups feature rigid polystyrene construction that is versatile, durable and translucent for contact clarity. It's great for hot or cold foods. The perfect condiment portion control dispensing cup. 5,000 cups per case. Lids sold separately.
Solo 1 oz Translucent Plastic Portion Cups, 20 bags of 250 cups, 5,000 Cups per Case. - The wholesale food service supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 62.94 44.06 85.88 SCCP100.JPG Plastic Soufflé/Portion Cups, 1-oz. Cup SCC P100, SCCP100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3607 Lagasse 5.5-oz. Solo Plastic Souffle Portion Cups, 2,500 Cups (SCCUR55) 3607 SCC UR55 26.50 UR55-0100 5.5 oz. Translucent Plastic Portion Cups
Solo Cup rigid polystyrene is versatile, durable and translucent for contact clarity. It's great for hot or cold foods. The perfect condiment portion control dispensing cup. Lids sold separately. 2,500 cups per case.
Solo Cup 5.5 oz Translucent Plastic Portion Cups, 10 Sleeves of 250 Cups, 2,500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 81.93 57.35 110.06 SCCUR55.JPG plastic soufflé/portion cups, 5.5-oz. cup SCC UR55, SCCUR55 1 1 0 0 1 141
3619 Lagasse Plastic Speed Change Handle, 57in Length (IMP81) 3619 IMP 81 1.58 81 Latch style swing-away bar with roller adjustment knob. Safety orange fiberglass shaft won’t split. Fits most mop heads.
SPD-CHNG MOP 57L HNDL 7-58 HEAD FIBER GLASS 12 Impact 13.37 9.71 17.51 IMP81.JPG Plastic Speed Change Handle, 57in Length IMP 81, IMP81, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
3620 Lagasse Plastic Speed Change Handle, 63in Length (IMP84) 3620 IMP 84 1.68 84 Latch style swing-away bar with roller adjustment knob. Safety orange fiberglass shaft won’t split. Fits most mop heads.
SPD-CHNG MOP HNDL 64 IN L FIBER GLASS 12 Impact 13.50 10.30 17.98 IMP84.JPG Plastic Speed Change Handle, 63in Length IMP 84, IMP84, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
3621 Lagasse Plastic Table Roll 40" x 300 ft. Roll (COV013180) 3621 COV 013180 5.80 013180 40" x 300 ft. White Plastic Table Roll
Durable and reusable, our line of high quality plastic table rolls come 40in x 300-ft. per roll and in white. Offering layers of protection against stains, spills and drips, these table covers are virtually “spill-proof." With it's overall embossing pattern that ensures there will be no separation, this reliable and reusable table roll is the perfect choice for everything from picnics to banquets. Ideal for any residential home, party or get-together, as well as any commercial or industrial food service operation, these versatile rolls fit almost any environment.
Converting, Inc. Plastic Table Roll, 40" x 300 ft. Roll, White, Each. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Converting, Inc. 14.63 10.24 19.47 COV013180.JPG plastic table roll, plastic table cover, plastic table sheet, COV 013180, COV013180, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 161
3622 Lagasse Solo Plastic Ultra Clear 10-oz. Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCCTP10) 3622 SCC TP10 23.75 TP10-0090 10 oz Plastic Ultra Clear Cold Cups
These great cups from Solo have extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. They are fully plastic to extend usability and are made with two-piece construction with a tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. Solo Cup company is proud to be known for premium cups and lids. These plastic cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. When the occasion is a bit more elegant Solo Clear Cups are the ideal choice. From wine and mixers to your signature cocktails, these durable sturdy cups won't shatter and help avoid messes and spills. The decision is simple. Solo Clear Cups. Clearly the right choice for your special occasion.
Solo Cups Company 10-oz. Plastic Ultra Clear Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company that buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 100.00 70.00 132.26 SCCTP10.JPG plastic ultra clear cold cup, 10-oz. cup, solo cup, disposable cup, SCC TP10, SCCTP10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3623 Lagasse Solo Plastic 12 - 14-oz. Ultra Clear Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCCTP12) 3623 SCC TP12 32.00 TP12-0090 12 to 14 oz Plastic Ultra Clear Cold Cups
Showcase colorful or signature beverages with the best of the best. Solo Ultra Clear Cups have superb clarity and crack resistance for a high-end look and feel. Easily recyclable where available, they also feature excellent taste and odor integrity. When you need to impress, the difference is clear. When the occasion is a bit more elegant Solo Clear Cups are the ideal choice. From wine and mixers to your signature cocktails, these durable sturdy cups won't shatter and help avoid messes and spills. The decision is simple. Solo Clear Cups. Clearly the right choice for your special occasion.
Solo Cup Company 14-oz. Plastic Cups, Clear, 20 Packs of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company that buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 95.93 67.15 130.67 SCCTP12.JPG plastic cups, 12 oz plastic cups, 14 oz plastic cups, Cup SCC TP12, SCCTP12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3624 Lagasse Solo Plastic Ultra Clear 16-oz. Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCCTP16) 3624 SCC TP16 38.25 TP16-0090 16-oz. Plastic Ultra Clear Cups
Showcase colorful or signature beverages with the best of the best. Solo Ultra Clear Cups have superb clarity and crack resistance for a high-end look and feel. Easily recyclable where available, they also feature excellent taste and odor integrity. When you need to impress, the difference is clear. When the occasion is a bit more elegant, Solo Clear Cups are the ideal choice. From wine and mixers to your signature cocktails, these durable sturdy cups won't shatter and will help avoid messes and spills. The decision is simple, Solo Clear Cups are clearly the right choice for your special occasion.
Solo Cup Company 16-oz. Ultra Clear Plastic Cup, 50 Cups per Sleeve, 20 Sleeves, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 98.97 69.28 130.74 SCCTP16.JPG plastic ultra clear cold cup, 16-oz. cup, solo cups, solo plastic cups, SCC TP16, SCCTP16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3625 Lagasse Solo 7-oz. Ultra Clear Plastic Cold Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCCTP7) 3625 SCC TP7 18.00 TP7-0090 7-oz. Plastic Solo Cups
These great cups from Solo have extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. They are fully plastic to extend usability and are made with two-piece construction with a tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. Solo Cup company is proud to be known for premium cups and lids. These plastic cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. When the occasion is a bit more elegant Solo Clear Cups are the ideal choice. From wine and mixers to your signature cocktails, these durable sturdy cups won't shatter and help avoid messes and spills. The decision is simple. Solo Clear Cups. Clearly the right choice for your special occasion.
Solo 7-oz. Plastic Cups, Clear, Translucent, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 99.14 69.40 129.08 SCCTP7.JPG plastic ultra clear cold cup, 7-oz. cup, solo plastic cup, SCC TP7, SCCTP7, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3627 Lagasse Solo Ultra Clear 9-oz. Tall Plastic Cold Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCCTP9C) 3627 SCC TP9C 24.00 TP9C-0090 9 oz Tall Plastic Ultra Clear Cold Cups
These great cups from Solo have extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. They are fully plastic to extend usability and are made with two-piece construction with a tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. Solo Cup company is proud to be known for premium cups and lids. These plastic cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. When the occasion is a bit more elegant Solo Clear Cups are the ideal choice. From wine and mixers to your signature cocktails, these durable sturdy cups won't shatter and help avoid messes and spills. The decision is simple. Solo Clear Cups. Clearly the right choice for your special occasion.
Solo Ultra Clear 9oz. Tall Plastic Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The online wholesale cleaning supply company that Buyers Trust.
Solo Cup Company 93.91 65.74 123.47 SCCTP9C.JPG Plastic Ultra Clear Cold Cup, 9-oz. Tall Cup SCC TP9C, SCCTP9C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
3628 Lagasse Plaza 50-Gallon Garbage Can, Beige (RCP3964BEI) 3628 RCP 3964 BEI 73.90 396400 BEIG Rubbermaid Plaza 50-Gallon Garbage CanThe Plaza 50 Gallon Garbage Can features contemporary styling and is constructed with durable plastics. Tie-down feature in base for secure installation. Uses Rigid Trash Liner RCP 3958 (sold separately) Full-height service door for easy garbage removal. Standard slide-out bag holder. Lock Kit (RCP 3964-L3) is available as special order only. 25" square x 42"high. Shipping weight 78 lbs.
The Plaza 50 Gallon Garbage Can is manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products - a brand name you can trust.
Readily Available to Ship Fast!
On Sale Today - Stock Up and Save!
Rubbermaid 50 Gallon Garbage Can, Beige
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 430.04 328.00 584.58 RCP3964BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Cans, Garbage Can, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Plaza 50-Gallon Garbage Can, Beige RCP 3964 BEI, RCP3964BEI 1 1 0 1 1 89
3629 Lagasse Plaza 50-Gallon Garbage Can, Dark Green (RCP3964DGR) 3629 RCP 3964 DGR 74.60 396400DGRN Rubbermaid Plaza 50-Gallon Garbage Can
The Plaza 50 Gallon Garbage Can features contemporary styling and is constructed with durable plastics. Tie-down feature in base for secure installation. Uses Rigid Trash Liner RCP 3958 (sold separately) Full-height service door for easy garbage removal. Standard slide-out bag holder. Lock Kit (RCP 3964-L3) is available as special order only. 25 square x 42h. Shipping weight 78 lbs. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products - a brand name you can trust.
Readily Available to Ship Fast!
On Sale Today - Stock Up and Save!
Rubbermaid 50 Gallon Plaza Garbage Can, Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 512.14 328.00 694.22 RCP3964DGR.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Plaza 50-Gallon Garbage Can, Dark Green RCP 3964 DGR, RCP3964DGR 1 1 0 1 1 89
3632 Lagasse Lemon Pledge Furniture Spray, 6 Cans (DRK94430) 3632 DRK 94430 9.00 94430 Pledge Furniture Polish
Pledge Lemon Clean Furniture Spray helps bring the appearance of your furniture back to life. This furniture spray quickly and effectively cleans, conditions and protects household surfaces, leaving behind only a fresh lemon scent. Pledge doesn’t just clean wood furniture either. It can be used all around the house to clean leather, marble, wood, stainless steel and more. The gentle cleansing conditioners in Pledge remove fingerprints, smudges and dirt from a multitude of surfaces in your home without leaving behind polish or waxy buildup. The allergen trappers in Pledge’s formula remove up to 90% of allergens in dust, making this the perfect product to use in your home or office.
Johnson Diversey Pledge Furniture Spray, Lemon Clean Scent, 17.7-oz Aerosol Can, 6 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 46.00 32.48 59.98 DRK94430.JPG pledge, lemon pledge, pledge furniture polish, DRK 94430, DRK94430, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
3634 Lagasse Pledge Wipes, Dust Cloth (DRKCB121289) 3634 DRK CB121289 9.00 CB121289 Pledge Dust Cloth Wipes
This product removes up to 90% of allergens in dust (From pet dander). Pledge Lemon Clean will Shine, restore, and refresh your wood furniture! Pledge Lemon Clean is ideal for quickly cleaning your wood furniture and wood surfaces. Its Anti-Dust formula keeps surfaces looking less dusty, longer. It removes dust, dirt, smudges, and common allergens like pet dander found in dust from your wood furniture in a flash. Plus, it protects against water damage and stains. Dusting with Pledge leaves surfaces with no waxy buildup. This Pledge Furniture Polish is premoistened to clean, polish and protect furniture. Wipes leave a natural, protective shine with no wax buildup. Brings out the natural beauty every time you clean. Lemon scent. Be sure to purchase all of your favorite Cleaning and Janitorial Supplies right here at Clean It today and save.
Pledge Furniture Polish Wipes, Dust Cloth, 18 Wipes per Pack, 12 Packs per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Dust Cloth Diversey 56.40 42.01 76.47 DRKCB121289.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, DRK CB121289, DRKCB121289 1 1 0 0 1 63
3635 Lagasse Unisan Toilet Plunger, Wood Handle (UNS9201) 3635 UNS 9201 1.00 9201 Toilet Plunger
For drains or toilets. 20" wood handle with 4" high, 6" diameter plunger.
Unisan Toilet and Drain Plunger, 20 inch Wooden Handle, 6" Plunger, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 3.52 2.68 4.71 UNS9201.JPG Plunger, UNS 9201, UNS9201, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3636 Lagasse Pelouze Pocket Thermometer (PELTHP220DS) 3636 PEL THP220DS 1.03 THP220DS Pocket Thermometer
This Pelouze Pocket Thermometer by Rubbermaid Commercial Products is ideal for use in a number of industries, including food service, HVAC, refrigeration repair, and much more. Great for food processing and pasteurization, the clear, easy to read dials make your job a little easier. No more squinting and straining to see numbers that are too small to read. The dials are magnified and clearly marked. This thermometer is pocket sized and comes with a sheath and a clip to keep it safely in place. The easy to use field calibration means no tools are required and the thermometer can be calibrated on the spot. The Pelouze thermometer is dishwasher safe to ensure thorough sanitation and food safety. The heavy duty construction of this pocket thermometer features premium grade 304 stainless steel, a shatterproof lens and anti-roll design to keep it from rolling off tables or counters. The thermometer has the ability to measure 0°F to 220°F. Perfect for on the go convenience in a number of occupations. In Stock & Ready to Ship Fast!
Pelouze Digital Pocket Thermometer, 0 to 200 Degrees, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pelouze 5.37 3.80 7.08 PELTHP220DS.JPG digital pocket thermometer, digital thermometer, pocket thermometer, pelouze pocket thermometer, pelouze dishwasher safe pocket thermometer, PEL THP220DS, PELTHP220DS, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 0 1 168
3638 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, Pint (IBSPB040208) 3638 IBS PB040208 2.20 PB040208 Food and Utility Poly Bags
0.68 Mil thickness 4" x 2" x 8". Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film. - The online wholesale cleaning supply company that Buyers Trust.
Poly Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 bags per Case Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 6.42 4.72 8.51 IBSPB040208.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB040208, IBSPB040208, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
3639 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1-Qt (IBSPB040212) 3639 IBS PB040212 4.00 PB040212 Food and Utility Poly Bags
0.68 Mil thickness 4" x 2" x 12". Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film. - The online wholesale cleaning supply company that Buyers Trust.
Poly Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 bags per Case Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 9.04 6.41 11.87 IBSPB040212.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB040212, IBSPB040212, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
3640 Lagasse Poly Bags, Bread & Bakery Bags, Large (IBSPB050418) 3640 IBS PB050418 8.10 PB050418 Bread and Bakery Poly Bags
0.75 Mil thickness 5" x 4" x 18". Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
Poly Bread & Bakery Bags, 1,000 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 20.47 15.18 26.83 IBSPB050418.JPG poly bags, bread & bakery bags, IBS PB050418, IBSPB050418 1 1 0 0 1 150
3642 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 2-Qt (IBSPB060312) 3642 IBS PB060312 5.00 PB060312 Food and Utility Poly Bags
0.68 thickness 6" x 3" x 12".Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
Poly Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 bags per Case Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 14.56 9.42 19.72 IBSPB060312.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB060312, IBSPB060312, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
3643 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case (IBSPB060315) 3643 IBS PB060315 6.10 PB060315 Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL 6X3X15 1000/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 14.89 11.36 19.52 IBSPB060315.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB060315, IBSPB060315, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3644 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case (IBSPB060315H) 3644 IBS PB060315H 9.00 PB060315H Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL X-H-DTY 6X3X15 1000/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 21.87 16.68 29.26 IBSPB060315H.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB060315H, IBSPB060315H, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3645 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case (IBSPB080315) 3645 IBS PB080315 7.00 PB080315 Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL 8X3X15 .68MIL 4.5 QT SQT1000/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 18.55 14.15 24.27 IBSPB080315.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB080315, IBSPB080315, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3646 Lagasse Poly Bags, Bread & Bakery Bags, Extra-Large (IBSPB080320M) 3646 IBS PB080320M 11.80 PB080320M Bread and Bakery Poly Bags
0.80 Mil thickness 8"x3"x20". Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Poly Bread & Bakery Bags, 1,000 per Case Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 28.70 21.84 38.79 IBSPB080320M.JPG Poly Bags, Bread & Bakery Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case, IBS PB080320M, IBSPB080320M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
3647 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case (IBSPB080418) 3647 IBS PB080418 9.50 PB080418 Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL 8X4X18 .85MIL 8QT STD 1000/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 31.20 21.76 41.80 IBSPB080418.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB080418, IBSPB080418, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3648 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case (IBSPB080418H) 3648 IBS PB080418H 14.40 PB080418H Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL H-DTY 8X4X18 1000/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 34.98 26.68 46.46 IBSPB080418H.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB080418H, IBSPB080418H, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3649 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, .68 Mil Gauge, 1,000 Bags per Case (IBSPB080418R) 3649 IBS PB080418R 9.80 PB080418R Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL .68ML 8X4X18 1000/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 23.60 17.90 30.90 IBSPB080418R.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, .68 Mil Gauge, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB080418R, IBSPB080418R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3650 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1.20 Mil Gauge, 1,000 Bags per Case (IBSPB080418XH) 3650 IBS PB080418XH 14.40 PB080418XH Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL X-H-DTY 8X4X18 1000/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 39.79 30.35 52.24 IBSPB080418XH.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1.20 Mil Gauge, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB080418XH, IBSPB080418XH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3651 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case (IBSPB100420) 3651 IBS PB100420 18.70 PB100420 Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL 10X4X20 1MIL 18QT STD 1000/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 47.45 33.51 64.42 IBSPB100420.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB100420, IBSPB100420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
3652 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case (IBSPB100420R) 3652 IBS PB100420R 12.70 PB100420R Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL 10X4X20 1000/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 29.75 22.69 40.45 IBSPB100420R.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB100420R, IBSPB100420R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3653 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 500 Bags per Case (IBSPB100824) 3653 IBS PB100824 13.00 PB100824 Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL 10X8X24 1MIL 22QT HVY 500/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 33.25 25.36 44.47 IBSPB100824.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 500 Bags per Case IBS PB100824, IBSPB100824, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3654 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 500 Bags per Case (IBSPB100824M) 3654 IBS PB100824M 12.30 PB10082M Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL H-DTY 10X8X24 500/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 27.90 20.99 37.93 IBSPB100824M.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 500 Bags per Case IBS PB100824M, IBSPB100824M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3655 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 500 Bags per Case (IBSPB100824XH) 3655 IBS PB100824XH 14.40 PB100824XH Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL X-H-DTY 8X4X18 1000/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 40.96 31.24 55.39 IBSPB100824XH.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 500 Bags per Case IBS PB100824XH, IBSPB100824XH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3656 Lagasse Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 500 Bags per Case (IBSPB120830) 3656 IBS PB120830 18.50 PB120830 Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BAG FOOD UTIL 12X8X30 24QT HVY 500/CS Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 47.54 36.26 62.97 IBSPB120830.JPG Poly Bags, Food & Utility Bags, 500 Bags per Case IBS PB120830, IBSPB120830, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3658 Lagasse Poly Bags, Bread & Bakery Bags, Large (IBSPB5547519) 3658 IBS PB5547519 9.80 PB5547519 Large Bread and Bakery Poly Bags
0.75 Mil thickness 5.5" x 4.75" x 19". Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
Interplast Group Poly Bread & Bakery Bags, Large, 1,000 Bags per Case - The online wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 21.74 16.58 29.26 IBSPB5547519.JPG Poly Bags, Bread & Bakery Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case IBS PB5547519, IBSPB5547519, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
3659 Lagasse Poly Bags, Bun Rack & Pan Covers, 200 Bags per Case (IBSBP21635) 3659 IBS BP21635 9.50 BP21635 Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BUN PAN COVER 21X6X35 19MIC Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 27.98 21.34 37.50 IBSBP21635.JPG Poly Bags, Bun Rack & Pan Covers, 200 Bags per Case IBS BP21635, IBSBP21635, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3660 Lagasse Poly Bags, Bun Rack & Pan Covers, 50 Bags per Case (IBSBR52X80) 3660 IBS BR52X80 8.40 #BR52X80 Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BUN RAK CVR 52X80 15MICR GAS-RESIST WHI 50 Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 21.74 16.58 29.09 IBSBR52X80.JPG Poly Bags, Bun Rack & Pan Covers, 50 Bags per Case IBS BR52X80, IBSBR52X80, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3661 Lagasse Poly Bags, Bun Rack & Pan Covers, 50 Bags per Case (IBSBR60X80) 3661 IBS BR60X80 9.70 #BR60X80 Compact “size on size” packaging saves counter and shelf space. Quick-dispensing for reduced waste and easy access. FDA Compliant. Made out of LLDPE film.
BUN RAK CVR 60X80 15 MIC Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 27.14 20.70 36.94 IBSBR60X80.JPG Poly Bags, Bun Rack & Pan Covers, 50 Bags per Case IBS BR60X80, IBSBR60X80, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 150
3662 Lagasse RL Flo-Master Polyethylene Extension Wand and Adjustable Nozzle Kit (RLF1913PB) 3662 RLF 1913PB 0.80 1913PB RL Flo-Master Polyethylene Discharge Kit
The RL Flo-Master Polyethylene Discharge Kit comes complete with a high quality extension wand and adjustable nozzle. Use for Tank Sprayers such as the Standard Industrial Tank 3-Gallon Capacity Sprayer, Standard Industrial Tank 2-Gallon Capacity Sprayer, Standard Industrial Tank 1-Gallon Capacity Sprayer, and Acid-Resistant Industrial 2-Gallon Capacity Sprayer ( each sold separately). The RL Flo-Master Polyethylene Discharge Kit's Polyethylene extension wand and adjustable nozzle are essential parts to the poly flow control of sprayers for resistance to common acids.
RL Flo-Master Polyethylene Discharge Kit, 1 Polyethylene Extension Wand and 1 Adjustable Nozzle, Kit - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rl Flo-Master 9.70 7.40 13.17 RLF1913PB.JPG polyethylene discharge kit, polyethylene extension wand, adjustable nozzle, RLF 1913PB, RLF1913PB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 88
3664 Lagasse 20" Plastic Handle Polywool Handle Duster (UNS9441) 3664 UNS 9441 3.60 UNS 9441 20" Polywool Handle Duster
Completely washable, durable, and flexible, the Polywool Duster from Unisan adapts to every cleaning application. These bright, multicolor synthetic dusters attract dust via static electricity and gently clear cobwebs in hard-to-reach areas with ease. Seen as an essential tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes, this high quality duster is great for dusting ceilings, moldings and corners in or outdoors. Efficient and durable, these affordable dusters can extend from 20" in total. Washable. Assorted colors.
Unisan Polywool 20" Handle Duster, Extends, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 4.04 3.08 5.43 UNS9441.JPG dusters. polywool duster, plastic handle duster, feather dusters, UNS 9441, UNS9441, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3665 Lagasse Polywool Duster, Metal Extension Handle (UNS9442) 3665 UNS 9442 1.20 UNS 9442 Polywool Metal Extension Handle Duster
Completely washable, durable, and flexible, the Polywool Duster from Unisan adapts to every cleaning application. These bright, multicolor synthetic dusters attract dust via static electricity and gently clear cobwebs in hard-to-reach areas with ease. Seen as an essential tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes, this high quality duster is great for dusting ceilings, moldings and corners in or outdoors. Efficient and durable, these affordable dusters can extend from 51" to 82" in total.
Unisan Polywool Metal Extension Handle Duster, Extends 51" to 82", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 8.07 6.16 11.03 UNS9442.JPG polywool duster, dusters, cleaning dusters, UNS 9442, UNS9442, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3666 Lagasse Boardwalk Pop-Up Aluminum Foil Sheets, 9"x10-3/4" Sheets, 6 Boxes (BWK7162) 3666 BWK 7162 16.00 7162BW Pop Up Aluminum Foil Sheets
Aluminum foil sheets conveniently dispense one at a time. Easy-to-use pop-up dispenser box means less waste.
Includes 6 cartons of 500 aluminum sheets per carton, 3000 sheets per case.
Aluminum Foil Wrap Sheets, 9" x 10.75", 500 Sheets per Box, 6 Boxes per Case, 3,000 Sheets per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 58.72 42.99 78.99 BWK7162.JPG Pop-Up Aluminum Foil Sheets, 9in x 10-3/4in BWK 7162, BWK7162, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3667 Lagasse Pop-Up Aluminum Foil Sheets, 12in x 10-3/4in (BWK7164) 3667 BWK 7164 21.50 7164BW Single sheets dispense one at a time.
FOIL WRAP SHEET 12X10.75 12/200 Boardwalk Paper 76.18 47.85 102.62 BWK7164.JPG Pop-Up Aluminum Foil Sheets, 12in x 10-3/4in BWK 7164, BWK7164, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
3668 Lagasse Pop-Up Aluminum Foil Sheets, 12in x 10-3/4in (BWK7166) 3668 BWK 7166 25.50 7166BW Single sheets dispense one at a time.
FOIL WRAP SHEET 12X10.75 6/500 Boardwalk Paper 87.01 66.37 114.94 BWK7166.JPG Pop-Up Aluminum Foil Sheets, 12in x 10-3/4in BWK 7166, BWK7166, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
3669 Lagasse Pop-Up Safety Cone (RCP9S01YEL) 3669 RCP 9S01 YEL 1.60 9S01 YELLOW Bright yellow safety cone is 21 sq. x 30h, features three-sided multilingual (English/Spanish/French) “Caution” imprint and wet floor symbol. Top of cone offers label space for location assignment. Cone folds compactly for storage in tube, automatically opens for use. ANSI Compliant.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 34.74 26.50 46.46 RCP9S0100YL.jpg Pop-Up Safety Cone RCP 9S01 YEL, RCP9S01YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3670 Lagasse PortaPower Lightweight Vacuum Cleaner (HOOCH30000) 3670 HOO CH30000 13.25 CH30000 Hoover PortaPower Lightweight Canister Vacuum Cleaner
Hoover’s PortaPower compact portable vacuum makes cleaning efficient and easy, weighing only 8.3 pounds. The shoulder strap leaves both hands free to get into tight corners, and the stretch hose provides an extended reach for high places. This vacuum has been given the Green Label by the Carpet and Rug Institute, signifying that it has been tested for superior performance in soil removal, air quality and carpet appearance. The tool set that comes with this handy little vacuum includes: crevice tool, wall/floor brush, dusting brush, furniture nozzle, rug/floor nozzle and two chrome wands for multiple cleaning tasks, cord storage strap and shoulder strap. The reusable 3- layer commercial cloth bag with a paper bag option saves you time and money. Hoover’s PortaPower vacuum is perfect for home users, commercial cleaning services and maid services and it comes with a manufacturer’s one-year warranty for commercial use.
Hoover Porta Power Lightweight Canister Vacuum Cleaner, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hoover 119.35 91.03 156.12 HOOCH30000.JPG hoover canister vacuum, hoover vacuum, hoover vacuum cleaner, portapower vacuum, hoover portapower, portapower lightweight vacuum cleaner, portapower canister vacuum, HOO CH30000, HOOCH30000 1 1 0 0 1 56
3671 Lagasse Portion Cup Lids for 1.5 oz. to 2.5 oz. Cups, 2,500 Lids (DCC200PCL) 3671 DCC 200PCL 8.60 200PCL Clear Plastic Portion Cup Lids
These portion cup lids by Dart are an ideal fit for the Conex Complements portion cups in the 1.5, 2, and 2.5 oz. sizes. Provides a secure fit to prevent spills. Scored rim minimizes the potential for in-transit mishaps. Flat design simplifies dispensing. Clear plastic. See related products below for matching cups. 2,500 lids per case.
Dart Conex Complements 1.5 to 2.5 oz. Plastic Portion Cup Lids, 20 Bags of 125 Lids, 2,500 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 34.87 24.41 45.92 DCC200PCL.JPG Portion Cup Lids, Fits 1-1/2- to 2-oz. Cups DCC 200PCL, DCC200PCL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3672 Lagasse Portion Cup Lids for 1/2- to 1.25-oz. Cups, 2,500 Lids (DCC100PCL25) 3672 DCC 100PCL25 4.70 100PCL25 .5 oz to 1.25 oz. Plastic Portion Cup Lids
Precisely sized lids provide a secure fit when used with Dart companion portion cups. Scored rim minimizes the potential for in-transit mishaps. Flat design simplifies dispensing. Clear plastic. 125 lids per bag, 20 bags per case.
Dart .5 oz to 1.25 oz. Portion Cup Lid, 20 Sleeves of 125 Lids, 2,500 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 28.54 19.98 37.75 DCC100PCL25.JPG Portion Cup Lids, Fits 1/2- to 1-oz. Cups DCC 100PCL25, DCC100PCL25, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3673 Lagasse Portion Cup Lids for 3.25 to 5.5-oz. Cups, 2,500 Lids (DCC400PCL) 3673 DCC 400PCL 11.70 400PCL 3.25 oz to 5.5 oz. Plastic Portion Cup Lids
Precisely sized lids provide a secure fit when used with Dart companion portion cups. Scored rim minimizes the potential for in-transit mishaps. Flat design simplifies dispensing. Clear plastic. 125 lids per bag, 20 bags per case.
Dart 3.25 and 5.5 oz. Portion Cup Lid, 20 Sleeves of 125 Lids, 2,500 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 48.93 34.25 65.11 DCC400PCL.JPG Portion Cup Lids, Fits 3-1/4- to 5-1/2-oz. Cups DCC 400PCL, DCC400PCL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3676 Lagasse Preference Perforated Center-Pull Towels, 6 Rolls (GPC440) 3676 GPC 440 20.50 44000 Perforated Center-Pull Towels
A solution where handsfree or contamination-resistant dispensing is needed. Embossed for superior absorbency and softness. Can be used as a premium hand towel or as a light-duty wiper. These center-pull towels are designed so that individuals touch only the hand towel they will use, cutting down on cross contamination. These towels provide easy one-hand dispensing, eliminating the need for a lever, which often is just one more source of germs. Ideal for the restroom or kitchen in any commercial or office environment. White, perforated. 8-1/4 x 12 sheets.
Georgia Pacific Center-Pull Towels, White, Perforated, 520 Sheets per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Center pull Paper Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 54.48 41.55 71.85 GPC440.JPG paper product, paper products, hand towel, hand towels, paper towel, paper towels, Preference Perforated Center-Pull Towel, GPC 440, GPC440 1 1 0 0 1 48
3677 Lagasse 100 Sheets Preference Kitchen Towels (GPC273) 3677 GPC 273 21.10 27300 Preference Two-ply Paper Towels, white. 11 x 8.8 sheets.
Preference Perforated Household Paper Towels
30 Rolls per Case, 100 Sheets per Roll
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Kitchen Towels Georgia Pacific 39.64 30.23 51.75 GPC273.JPG Kitchen Towel, Kitchen Towels, Paper Towel, Paper Towels, paper product, paper products, Preference Perforated Paper Towel Rolls, GPC 273, GPC273 1 1 0 0 1 48
3678 Lagasse 85 Sheets Preference Kitchen Towels (GPC273-85) 3678 GPC 273-85 18.50 27385 Preference Two-ply Paper Towels, white. 11 x 8.8 sheets.
Preference Household Perforated Paper Towels
30 Rolls per Case, 85 Sheets per Roll
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Kitchen Towels Georgia Pacific 33.04 25.20 45.08 GPC27385.JPG paper towel, paper towels, paper product, paper products, Preference Perforated Paper Towel Rolls, GPC 273-85, GPC27385 1 1 0 0 1 48
3679 Lagasse Preference Kitchen Roll Towels, 12 Rolls (GPC277) 3679 GPC 277 20.20 27700 Preference Kitchen Roll Towels
Two-ply, white. 11 x 8.8 sheets. Strong, absorbent towels make cleaning up everyday spills quick and easy. Ideal for commercial kitchens, laboratories, hospitals and clinics.
Georgia Pacific Preference Perforated Household Paper Towels, 250 Sheets per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 39.44 29.23 52.92 GPC277.JPG perference kitchen towels, perference kitchen paper towels, kitchen paper towels, georgia pacific kitchen towels, preference perforated paper towel rolls, GPC 277, GPC277, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
3680 Lagasse Premiere Stainless Steel Scrubbers, Large Size, 12 Pads (PAD50) 3680 PAD 50 1.75 54918 Large Sized Stainless Steel Scrubbers
Long lasting and durable, while providing unmatched strength, Premiere Stainless Steel Scrubbers are the stainless steel tool for rough jobs and assignments. Guaranteed to never rust or splinter, these stainless steel scrubbers work perfectly on pots, pans, grills and ovens. Coming in a large size (1.75-oz.), these 100% stainless steel tools are the perfect way to clean, scour and scrub. Known for being powerful, these rust resistant scrubbers allow for easy removal of stubborn, stuck-on food as well as floor scuff marks. These scrubbers are ideal for commercial as well as residential kitchens. If maintaining a clean kitchen or grilling space is a priority, these strong stainless steel scrubbers are a must-have. Each case contains 12 - 1.75-oz stainless steel large sized scrubbers for your cleaning needs.
Premiere Pads Stainless Steel Scrubbers, 1.75-oz. Pad, 12 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Premiere Pads 14.48 11.04 18.93 PAD50.JPG grill scrubbers, stainless steel scrubbers, stainless steel pads, stainless steel scrubbing pads, PAD 50, PAD50, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
3681 Lagasse Premiere Stainless Steel Scrubbers, Medium Size, 72 Pads (PAD35) 3681 PAD 35 7.10 54917 Medium Sized Stainless Steel Grill Scrubbers
Long lasting and durable, while providing unmatched strength, Premiere Stainless Steel Scrubbers are the stainless steel tool for rough jobs and assignments. Guaranteed to never rust or splinter, these stainless steel scrubbers work perfectly on pots and pans, grills, ovens. Coming in 72 1.25-oz. scrubbers, these 100% stainless steel tools are the perfect way to clean, scour and scrub. Known for being both powerful, durable, these rust resistant assistants allow for easy removal of floor scuff marks. 72 - 1.25-oz stainless steel large sized scrubbers per case.
Premiere Pads Stainless Steel Scrubbers, Medium Size, 1.25-oz. Pad, 72 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Premiere Pads 56.85 43.36 76.17 PAD35.JPG Premiere Stainless Steel Scrubbers, Medium Size, 72 Pads per Case PAD 35, PAD35, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
3682 Lagasse 28" Premium Ostrich Feather Duster, Black, 16" Handle (UNS28BK) 3682 UNS 28BK 0.29 UNS 28BK 28" Ostrich Feather Duster
The perfect tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes, our line of premium ostrich feather dusters makes cleaning up dust, dirt, debris and hair easy. The Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster cleans and dusts furniture, floors, walls, window sills and fans effortlessly. These economical dusters come with chick ostrich feathers, as well as easy carrying which allows for convenient carrying and storage. Efficient and durable, these affordable feather dusters measure in at 28 inches of overall length when opened, as well as a 16 inch handle. Premium-quality black feathers with softer, fuller flues. Stained, contoured wood handle with hang-up hole. Highest quality for maximum dust collection.
Unisan Premium Ostrich Feather Duster, 28in Overall Length, 16in Handle, Black, Each - the wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 22.76 17.36 29.59 UNS28BK.JPG ostrich feather dusters, dusters, feather dusters, UNS 28BK, UNS28BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3683 Lagasse 20" Premium Ostrich Feather Duster (UNS20BK) 3683 UNS 20BK 0.13 UNS 20BK 20" Ostrich Feather Duster
The perfect tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes, our line of premium ostrich feather dusters makes cleaning up dust, dirt, debris and hair easy. The Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster cleans and dusts furniture, floors, walls, window sills and fans effortlessly. These economical dusters come with chick ostrich feathers, as well as easy carrying which allows for convenient carrying and storage. Efficient and durable, these affordable feather dusters measure in at 28 inches of overall length when opened, as well as a 16 inch handle. Premium-quality black feathers with softer, fuller flues. Stained, contoured wood handle with hang-up hole. Highest quality for maximum dust collection.
Unisan Premium Ostrich Feather Duster, 10" Handle, Black, Each - the wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 18.97 13.58 25.66 UNS20BK.JPG feather duster, professional feather duster, premium duster, ostrich duster, ostrich feather duster, 20 inch feather duster, 10 inch handle feather duster, UNS 20BK, UNS20BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3684 Lagasse Unisan Saddleback Cotton Cut-End Wet Mop Head, 12 Mop Heads (UNS324C) 3684 UNS 324C 16.00 LBI 324C Wet Mop Head
This Cut-End Wet Mop Head from Unisan is made from 4-ply, 100% cotton yarn that allows for picking up more dirt compared to other similar mop heads. The absorbent natural cotton fiber is ideal for general mopping tasks. Due to its quality design and functionality, the Saddleback mop head will grab and lift dirt from a variety of different floor types without falling apart. Great for scrubbing, the 5” vinyl mesh headband securely holds full weight fiber strands, providing a sturdy structure for extra long performance on heavy duty projects. The Saddleback cut-end wet mop head can be used with clamp or gripper style handles (sold separately). Make your mopping duties as pain-free as possible with this Saddleback Cut-End Wet Mop Head. Buy today and save!
Unisan Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Cotton, 24-oz Size, 5" Mesh Head Band, 12 Mop Head per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 72.29 53.40 94.87 UNS324C.JPG mop heads, cotton mop heads, 24-oz. mop heads, cut end mop heads, premium saddleback cut-end wet mop head, UNS 324C, UNS324C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3685 Lagasse Premium Saddleback Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Rayon Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size (UNS324R) 3685 UNS 324R 19.00 LBI 324R Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Saddleback head uses clamp or gripper style handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 5in vinyl mesh headband. Great for scrubbing. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP 24OZ RAYON 12 Unisan 92.29 70.39 123.99 Premium Saddleback Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Rayon Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size UNS 324R, UNS324R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3686 Lagasse Premium Saddleback Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size (UNS524C) 3686 UNS 524C 19.00 LBI 524C Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Saddleback head uses clamp or gripper style handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 5in vinyl mesh headband. 12 mop heads per case.
Pro Loop Mop Premium Saddle Back, 24 oz., 12 per case
Unisan 90.95 69.37 118.85 UNS524C.JPG Premium Saddleback Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size UNS 524C, UNS524C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3687 Lagasse Premium Saddleback Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size (UNS524R) 3687 UNS 524R 1.50 LBI 524R Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Saddleback head uses clamp or gripper style handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 5in vinyl mesh headband. 12 mop heads per case.
PRO LOOP MOP PREM SADDLEBACK HEAD 24 OZ RAYON 12 Unisan 102.07 77.85 136.67 UNS524R.JPG Premium Saddleback Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size UNS 524R, UNS524R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3688 Lagasse Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 16-oz. Mop Size (UNS216C) 3688 UNS 216C 13.00 LBI 216C Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP PREM STD HEAD 16OZ CTTN 12 Unisan 62.17 36.88 81.41 UNS216C.JPG Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 16-oz. Mop Size UNS 216C, UNS216C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3689 Lagasse Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 16-oz. Mop Size (UNS216R) 3689 UNS 216R 13.00 LBI 216R Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP PREM STD HEAD 16OZ RAYON 12 Unisan 78.47 46.55 105.67 UNS216R.JPG Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 16-oz. Mop Size UNS 216R, UNS216R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3690 Lagasse Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 20-oz. Mop Size (UNS220C) 3690 UNS 220C 16.00 LBI 220C Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP PREM STD HEAD 20OZ CTTN 12 Unisan 69.79 41.40 93.82 UNS220C.JPG Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 20-oz. Mop Size UNS 220C, UNS220C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3691 Lagasse Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 20-oz. Mop Size (UNS220R) 3691 UNS 220R 15.00 LBI 220R Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP PREM STD HEAD 20OZ RAYON 12 Unisan 73.68 56.20 97.46 UNS220R.JPG Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 20-oz. Mop Size UNS 220R, UNS220R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3692 Lagasse Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size (UNS224C) 3692 UNS 224C 15.00 LBI 224C Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP PREM STD HEAD 24OZ CTTN 12 Unisan 79.87 48.60 107.95 UNS224C.JPG Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size UNS 224C, UNS224C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3693 Lagasse Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size (UNS224R) 3693 UNS 224R 18.00 LBI 224R Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP PREM STD HEAD 24OZ RAYON 12 Unisan 83.99 64.06 109.55 UNS224R.JPG Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size UNS 224R, UNS224R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3694 Lagasse Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 32-oz. Mop Size (UNS232C) 3694 UNS 232C 25.00 LBI 232C Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP PREM STD HEAD 32OZ CTTN 12 Unisan 83.39 63.60 108.59 UNS232C.JPG Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 32-oz. Mop Size UNS 232C, UNS232C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3695 Lagasse Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 32-oz. Mop Size (UNS232R) 3695 UNS 232R 25.00 LBI 232R Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP PREM STD HEAD 32OZ RAYON 12 Unisan 111.66 85.17 147.34 UNS232R.JPG Premium Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 32-oz. Mop Size UNS 232R, UNS232R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3696 Lagasse Premium Standard Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size (UNS424C) 3696 UNS 424C 19.00 LBI 424C Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
PRO LOOP MOP PREM STD HEAD 24 OZ CTTN 12 Unisan 82.68 61.20 111.79 UNS424C.JPG Premium Standard Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size UNS 424C, UNS424C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3697 Lagasse Premium Standard Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size (UNS424R) 3697 UNS 424R 1.50 LBI 424R Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
PRO LOOP MOP PREM STD HEAD 24 OZ RAYON 12 Unisan 98.14 74.85 133.57 UNS424R.JPG Premium Standard Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 24-oz. Mop Size UNS 424R, UNS424R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3698 Lagasse Premium Standard Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 32-oz. Mop Size (UNS432C) 3698 UNS 432C 2.00 LBI 432C Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). Full-weight premium fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
PRO LOOP MOP PREM STD HEAD 32 OZ CTTN 12 Unisan 103.52 78.96 137.25 UNS432C.JPG Premium Standard Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 32-oz. Mop Size UNS 432C, UNS432C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
3702 Lagasse Press Wring Microfiber Mop Bucket, Yellow/Gray (RCPQ900-88) 3702 RCP Q900-88 10.20 Q900-88 YEL Microfiber Press Wring Mop Bucket
Designed for use with microfiber mops. Ideal for healthcare environments. Smooth, nonporous surface prevents bacterial growth and cleans up easily. Durable, lightweight plastic construction. Accommodates mop pads up to 18 inch. Fits onto Janitor Carts RCP9T73 and RCP9T75 (sold separately). Press sieve permits no-touch removal of cleaning/waxing solution. Press wring plate has handle-stay to keep mop from falling over. Twist-value lets you empty contents without lifting. Angled “washboard” scrubbing surface removes dirt and debris from mop pad before wringing. Nonmarking casters. 43-quart capacity. 26.2w x 14.5d x 16.1h. Shipping weight 11 lbs.
Rubbermaid Press Wring Microfiber Bucket, Yellow & Gray, 43 Quart, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 73.75 56.25 99.27 RCPQ90088.JPG press wring mop bucket, rubbermaid microfiber bucket, microfiber mop bucket, press wring microfiber mop bucket, RCP Q900-88, RCPQ90088, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3716 Lagasse Pro 1500 Ultra High-Speed Burnishers (MFMPRO-1500-20) 3716 MFM PRO-1500-20 123.00 PRO-1500-20 Pro 1500 Ultra High-Speed Burnishers
Safety enhanced interlok switch leaves both hands conveniently in control. Non-conductive dual triggers eliminate shock potential. Fully adjustable handle positions. Balanced chassis design gives more precise pad pressure. All-metal chassis offers added weight for a faster, brighter shine. Separate non-marking transport wheels prevent cross-contamination. 1.5 hp, DC rectified motor eliminates brownouts, low voltage problems and startup torque problems. Includes 50-ft. power cable. Motor plugs into power cable at handle base for easy, safe maintenance. Low-profile apron easily reaches under counters and covers. Non-marring full-wrap bumpers protect walls and baseboards. Flexible pad holder with threaded pad-centering device conforms to floor irregularities, delivering an even shine and gloss. 13-15 amp motor. 1500 rpm brush speed. Shipping weight 89 lbs. UL Listed. Accepts 20in synthetic pads. Manufacturer’s five-year warranty motor and transmission.
Mercury Floor Machines Pro 1500 Ultra High-Speed Burnishers, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Mercury Floor Machines 1082.82 825.88 1421.48 MFMPRO150020.JPG high speed burnisher, burnishers, buffers, high speed buffers, mercury floor machines, floor machine, MFM PRO-1500-20, MFMPRO150020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 153
3717 Lagasse Mercury Pro 2000 RPM Ultra High-Speed Floor Burnisher (MFMPRO-2000-20) 3717 MFM PRO-2000-20 126.00 PRO-2000-20 20" Ultra High Speed Floor Burnisher PRO 2000
This Mercury floor burnishing buffing machine was designed with the professional in mind. The Pro 2000 floor burnisher is efficient floor care equipment that saves time and money making floor burnshing a snap with excellent results - fast. This high speed floor burnisher features a safety enhanced interlock switch which leaves both hands conveniently in control at all times. The special non-conductive dual triggers eliminate shock potential. Fully adjustable handle positions. Balanced chassis design gives more precise pad pressure. All metal chassis offers added weight for a faster, brighter shine. Separate non-marking transport wheels prevent cross-contamination during buffing. 1.5 hp, DC rectified motor eliminates brownouts, low voltage problems and start-up torque problems. Includes 50 ft. power cable. Motor plugs into power cable at handle base for easy, safe maintenance. Low profile apron easily reaches under counters and covers. Non-marring full wrap bumpers protect walls and baseboards. Flexible pad holder with threaded pad centering device conforms to floor irregularities, delivering an even shine and gloss. UL listed. Accepts 20" synthetic floor pads (sold separately). Manufacturer's 5 year warranty motor and transmission. This 20" diameter burnshing machine is perfect for any size facility and any floor care maintenance program. A must have for floor cleaning contractors, cleaning services, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, grocery stores, retail stores and businesses. Clean like a professional - fast and efficiently with quality machinery and the brand name you can trust - Mercury Floor Machines.
Readily available to ship fast!
Buy today, clean tomorrow!
20 inch 2000 RPM High Speed Floor Buffer/Burnisher, Sold as Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Mercury Floor Machines 1115.19 850.57 1498.88 MFMPRO200020.JPG mercury floor machine, mercury buffer, mercury high speed buffer, mercury high speed burnisher, mercury burnisher, mercury pro 2000 ultra high-speed burnisher, MFM PRO-2000-20, MFMPRO200020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 153
3718 Lagasse Pro Aluminum 1.5" Handle (UNGAL140) 3718 UNG AL140 0.76 AL140 1.5" Aluminum Handle
Pro Aluminum 1.5 Handle, used with Unger Floor Squeegees and Water Wands (sold separately). All styles feature 1" diameter anodized aluminum handle with fluted finish for strength. Ergonomic grip for a comfortable hold. Convenient hang-up hole. 56" long.
Unger Pro 1" Handle, 56" Long, Aluminum, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 14.73 11.23 19.58 UNGAL140.JPG Pro Aluminum 1.5 Handle UNG AL140, UNGAL140, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3719 Lagasse Pro Aluminum 3.0 Acme Thread Handle with Three-Degree Taper (UNGAL14T) 3719 UNG AL14T 1.60 AL14T 61" Aluminum w/ 3-Degree Taper
For Unger floor squeegees and Water Wands (sold separately). All styles feature 1in diameter anodized aluminum handle with fluted finish for strength. Ergonomic grip for a comfortable hold. Convenient hang-up hole. 61in long.
Unger Pro Acme Thread 61" Aluminum w/ 3-Degree Taper, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 15.93 12.15 21.26 UNGAL14T.JPG Pro Aluminum 3.0 Acme Thread Handle with Three-Degree Taper UNG AL14T, UNGAL14T, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3720 Lagasse 58" Pro Aluminum Acme Handle (UNGAL14A) 3720 UNG AL14A 0.97 AL14A 58" Aluminum Squeegee Handle
For Unger floor squeegees and Water Wands (sold separately). All styles feature 1in diameter anodized aluminum handle with fluted finish for strength. Ergonomic grip for a comfortable hold. Convenient hang-up hole. 58" long.
Unger 58" Pro Aluminum Acme Handle, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 14.56 11.11 19.72 UNGAL14A.JPG Pro Aluminum Acme Handle UNG AL14A, UNGAL14A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3724 Lagasse Mercury Pro Pad Drivers, 14" Diameter Pad Driver (MFM1505) 3724 MFM 1505 4.00 1505 14" Diameter Floor Pad Driver
Needed for each and every floor machine. This floor driver is the connecting point between the floor pad and the clutch plate, making it an essential tool for all floor machines. For use with PRO-175 Series Super Heavy-Duty Floor Machines. Poly bristle style with riser, universal clutch plate and shower feed holes.
Mercury Pro Pad Drivers, 14" Diameter Pad, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Mercury Floor Machines 59.00 45.00 78.46 MFM1505.JPG pad driver, mercury pad driver, 14" pad driver, MFM 1505, MFM1505, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 153
3725 Lagasse Mercury Pro Pad Drivers, 16" Diameter Pad Driver (MFM1705) 3725 MFM 1705 5.00 1705 16" Diameter Floor Pad Driver
Needed for each and every floor machine. This floor driver is the connecting point between the floor pad and the clutch plate, making it an essential tool for all floor machines. For use with PRO-175 Series Super Heavy-Duty Floor Machines. Poly bristle style with riser, universal clutch plate and shower feed holes.
Mercury Pro Pad Drivers, 16" Diameter Pad, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Mercury Floor Machines 75.39 57.50 102.02 MFM1705.JPG pad driver, mercury pad driver, 16" pad driver, MFM 1705, MFM1705, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 153
3726 Lagasse Mercury Pro Pad Drivers, 20" Diameter Pad Driver (MFM2105) 3726 MFM 2105 8.00 2105 20" Diameter Floor Pad Driver
Needed for each and every floor machine. This floor driver is the connecting point between the floor pad and the clutch plate, making it an essential tool for all floor machines. For use with PRO-175 Series Super Heavy-Duty Floor Machines. Poly bristle style with riser, universal clutch plate and shower feed holes.
Mercury Pro Pad Drivers, 20" Diameter Pad, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Mercury Floor Machines 105.10 62.35 139.58 MFM2105.JPG pad driver, mercury pad driver, 20" pad driver, MFM 2105, MFM2105, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 153
3727 Lagasse Pro Stainless Steel Squeegee Handle (UNGPR00) 3727 UNG PR00 0.30 PR000 Fast-lock handle with rubber grip.
PRO WINDOW SQUEEGEE HNDL SS W/ RBR ERGO GRIP 10 Unger 7.63 5.82 10.36 UNGPR00.JPG Pro Stainless Steel Squeegee Handle UNG PR00, UNGPR00, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3728 Lagasse Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees “S” Channel, 12in (UNGNE30) 3728 UNG NE30 0.19 NE300 Cleans any flat, smooth surface. With rubber blade.
PRO WINDOW SQUEEGEE 12 IN SS S-CHNL RBR BLADE 10 Unger 5.65 4.31 7.64 UNGNE30.JPG Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees S Channel, 12in UNG NE30, UNGNE30, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3729 Lagasse Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees “S” Channel, 14in (UNGNE35) 3729 UNG NE35 0.22 NE350 Cleans any flat, smooth surface. With rubber blade.
PRO WINDOW SQUEEGEE 14 IN SS S-CHNL RBR BLADE 10 Unger 6.22 4.74 8.38 UNGNE35.JPG Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees S Channel, 14in UNG NE35, UNGNE35, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3730 Lagasse Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees “S” Channel, 16in (UNGNE40) 3730 UNG NE40 0.26 NE400 Cleans any flat, smooth surface. With rubber blade.
PRO WINDOW SQUEEGEE 16 IN SS S-CHNL RBR BLADE 10 Unger 6.44 4.91 8.81 UNGNE40.JPG Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees S Channel, 16in UNG NE40, UNGNE40, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3731 Lagasse Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees “S” Channel, 18in (UNGNE45) 3731 UNG NE45 0.28 NE450 Cleans any flat, smooth surface. With rubber blade.
PRO WINDOW SQUEEGEE 18 IN SS S-CHNL RBR BLADE 10 Unger 6.87 5.24 9.26 UNGNE45.JPG Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees S Channel, 18in UNG NE45, UNGNE45, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3732 Lagasse 12" Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegee (UNGPR30) 3732 UNG PR30 0.46 PR300 12" Window Squeegee
Fast-lock handle with rubber grip, channel and rubber blade. Attaches to all Unger poles with a press fit. Cleans any flat, smooth surface.
Unger 12" Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegee, w/ Handle, Channel & Rubber Blade, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 12.61 9.27 17.08 UNGPR30.JPG Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees, Complete with Handle, Channel and Rubber Blade, 12in UNG PR30, UNGPR30, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3733 Lagasse 14" Stainless Steel Window Squeegee, w/ Handle, Channel & Rubber Blade (UNGPR35) 3733 UNG PR35 0.49 PR350 14" Stainless Steel Window Squeegee
Fast-lock handle with rubber grip, channel and rubber blade. Attaches to all Unger poles with a press fit. Cleans any flat, smooth surface.
Unger 14" Stainless Steel Window Squeegee, w/ Handle, Channel & Rubber Blade, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 12.90 9.62 17.44 UNGPR35.JPG Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees, Complete with Handle, Channel and Rubber Blade, 14in UNG PR35, UNGPR35, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3734 Lagasse 16" Stainless Steel Window Squeegee, w/ Handle, Channel & Rubber Blade (UNGPR40) 3734 UNG PR40 0.50 PR400 16" Stainless Steel Window Squeegee
Fast-lock handle with rubber grip, channel and rubber blade. Attaches to all Unger poles with a press fit. Cleans any flat, smooth surface.
Unger 16" Stainless Steel Window Squeegee, w/ Handle, Channel & Rubber Blade, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 13.68 10.39 18.49 UNGPR40.JPG Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees, Complete with Handle, Channel and Rubber Blade, 16in UNG PR40, UNGPR40, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3735 Lagasse Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees, Complete with Handle, Channel and Rubber Blade, 18in (UNGPR45) 3735 UNG PR45 0.55 PR450 Fast-lock handle with rubber grip, channel and rubber blade. Attaches to all Unger® poles with a press fit. Cleans any flat, smooth surface.
PRO WINDOW SQUEEGEE 18 IN W/ HNDL & BLADE 10 Unger 15.32 10.44 20.62 UNGPR45.JPG Pro Stainless Steel Window Squeegees, Complete with Handle, Channel and Rubber Blade, 18in UNG PR45, UNGPR45, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
3736 Lagasse Unger Pro Window Kit (UNGPWK0) 3736 UNG PWK0 4.80 PWK00 Unger Pro Window Kit
Unger Pro Window Kit comes with every tool needed to successfully install windows and window features. Includes 8' extension pole, 18" strip washer, Pro stainless steel squeegee handle, 12"and 18" S” channels with rubber blades, large sponge and trim scraper with blades. Purchase the Unger Pro Window Kit today and see how this tool assortment can positively impact the installing of your next window project.
Unger Pro Window Kit, Extension Pole, Strip Washer, Handle, Blade Channel Assembly, 12" Blade, 18" Blade, Sponge, and Scraper per Kit, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 73.37 55.96 99.35 UNGPWK0.JPG unger pro window kit, window kit, window installation tool kit, window installation kit, UNG PWK0, UNGPWK0, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3737 Lagasse PRO-12 12-Gallon Carpet Extractor (MFMPRO121002) 3737 MFM PRO-12-100-2 144.00 PRO-12-100-2 Mercury Pro-12 Professional Carpet Extractor
The Mercury Pro 12-Gallon Carpet Extractor was designed to perform flawlessly and save time and money. Some of the many features of this carpet cleaner include an easy fill 12-gallon detergent solution tank and “Quick Dump” 12-gallon recovery tank. The 100 psi solution pump delivers a steady supply of extracting solution to the carpet. Powerful water pickup aids in faster carpet drying times via dual high-velocity vacuum motors with over 160" of lift. The 25-foot vacuum and solution hoses can clean 600 sq. ft. without moving the canister and semi-pneumatic 10-inch transport wheels enable easier stair climbing. The new technology in this Mercury Carpet Extractor is innovative in design, power and performance, outperforming the competition. This carpet cleaner is a must have for carpet cleaning contractors, cleaning services, schools, hospitals, nursing homes and office buildings. Clean like a professional with quality machinery and a name brand you can trust.
12 Gallon Carpet Extractor with Dual Vacuum Motors. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Floor Machines » Carpet Extractors » Mercury Floor Machines 2118.24 1312.50 2835.58 MFMPRO121002.JPG pro-12 12-gallon carpet extractor, MFM PRO-12-100-2, MFMPRO121002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 153
3738 Lagasse 15" Floor Buffer, Heavy-Duty Floor Machine (MFMPRO-15) 3738 MFM PRO-15 106.00 PRO-15 Mercury 15" Heavy Duty Floor Buffing Machine
Ultra durable PRO 175 Series Super Heavy Duty Floor Buffing Machines are designed for the professional in mind while outperforming the competition evey time. Powerful scrubbing, stripping and polishing at 175 rpm. Safety enhanced interlock switch leaves both hands conveniently in control. Safety enhanced nonconductive dual triggers. 48" tall handle is fully adjustable for all operators. Precision-balanced, 1.5 hp, heavy-duty, 66-frame motor. 15" size traditional all metal reinforced bell housing apron. Fast brush mount with a “B” style/92" style brush drive plug. Scrubbing brushes have a 2" smaller block than the buffer size. Pad driver with 1" riser is 1" smaller than buffer size. Separate 50-ft. safety power cable. Motor plugs in at handle base for easy maintenance. Nonmarking retractable 6" wheels for easy transport. Manufacturer's five-year warranty on motor, transmission and chassis. Sales on floor care machinery is final. Warranties are covered and managed by Mercury Floor Machines manufacturer. 15" diameter floor machine is perfect for any size facility and any floor care program. A must have for floor cleaning contractors, cleaning services, schools, hospitals, nursing homes and businesses. Clean like a professional - fast and efficiently with quality machinery and the brand name you can trust - Mercury Floor Machines.
Requires Pad Driver Sold Separately: MFM 1505
Mercury 15" Floor Buffing Machine 175 RPM, Pro 175 Series Floor Buffer, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Mercury Floor Machines 778.47 593.75 1045.74 MFMPRO15.JPG 15" floor buffer, floor buffing machines, PRO-175 series super heavy-duty floor machines, MFM PRO-15, MFMPRO15, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 153
3739 Lagasse Mercury 21" Floor Buffer, Heavy-Duty Floor Machine (MFMPRO-21) 3739 MFM PRO-21 113.00 PRO-21 Mercury 21" Heavy Duty Floor Buffer Floor Machine
Ultra durable PRO 175 Series Super Heavy Duty Floor Buffing Machines are designed for the professional while outperforming the competition every time. Powerful scrubbing, stripping and polishing at 175 rpm. Safety enhanced interlock switch leaves both hands conveniently in control. Safety enhanced non-conductive dual triggers. 48" tall handle is fully adjustable for all operators. Precision-balanced, 1.5 hp, heavy-duty, 66-frame motor. Traditional all metal reinforced bell housing apron. Fast brush mount with a “B” style/92" style brush drive plug. Scrubbing brushes have a 2" smaller block than the buffer size. Pad driver with 1" riser is 1" smaller than buffer size. Separate 50-ft. safety power cable. Motor plugs in at handle base for easy maintenance. Non-marking retractable 6" wheels for easy transport. Manufacturer's five-year warranty on motor, transmission and chassis. Sales on floor care machinery is final. Warranties are covered and managed by Mercury Floor Machines manufacturer. This 21" diameter floor buffing machine is perfect for any size facility and any floor care program. A must have for floor cleaning contractors, cleaning services, schools, hospitals, nursing homes and businesses. Clean like a professional - fast and efficiently with quality machinery and the brand name you can trust - Mercury Floor Machines.
Pad Drivers Sold Separately! #MFM 2105
Mercury 21" Floor Buffer, 175 RPM Floor Buffing Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company that buyers trust.
Mercury Floor Machines 778.47 545.56 1019.74 MFMPRO21.JPG floor machine, floor scrubber, floor buffer, mercury floor machine, heavy duty floor machine, mercury floor buffer, mercury floor scrubber, 21" floor buffer, mercury floor buffer, PRO-175 series super heavy-duty floor machines, MFM PRO-21, MFMPRO21, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, mercury buffer 1 1 0 0 1 153
3740 Lagasse Mercury 17" Floor Buffer, Heavy-Duty Floor Machine (MFMPRO-17) 3740 MFM PRO-17 110.00 PRO-17 Mercury 17" Heavy Duty Floor Buffing Machine
Ultra durable PRO 175 Series Super Heavy Duty Floor Buffing Machines are designed for the professional in mind while outperforming the competition every time. Powerful scrubbing, stripping and polishing at 175 rpm. Safety enhanced interlock switch leaves both hands conveniently in control. Safety enhanced non-conductive dual triggers. 48" tall handle is fully adjustable for all operators. Precision-balanced, 1.5 hp, heavy-duty, 66-frame motor. Traditional all metal reinforced bell housing apron. Fast brush mount with a “B” style/92" style brush drive plug. Scrubbing brushes have a 2" smaller block than the buffer size. Pad driver with 1" riser is 1" smaller than buffer size. Separate 50-ft. safety power cable. Motor plugs in at handle base for easy maintenance. Non-marking retractable 6" wheels for easy transport. Manufacturer's five-year warranty on motor, transmission and chassis. Sales on floor care machinery is final. Warranties are covered and managed by Mercury Floor Machines manufacturer. This 17" diameter floor buffing machine is perfect for any size facility and any floor care program. A must have for floor cleaning contractors, cleaning services, schools, hospitals, nursing homes and businesses. Clean like a professional - fast and efficiently with quality machinery and the brand name you can trust - Mercury Floor Machines.
Pad Drivers Sold Separately! MFM 1705
Mercury Pro 175 Series 17" Floor Buffer, 175 RPM Heavy Duty Floor Buffing Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Mercury Floor Machines 733.50 559.45 955.23 MFMPRO17.JPG 17" floor buffer, floor buffing machine, heavy duty floor machine, heavy-duty floor machines, MFM PRO-17, MFMPRO17 1 1 0 0 1 153
3741 Lagasse ProBucket Heavy-Duty 6-Gallon Bucket (UNGQB220) 3741 UNG QB220 4.00 QB220 Heavy-Duty 6-Gallon Bucket
Heavy-duty 6-gallon bucket with larger footprint for increased stability. Easily fits 18in washer. Rounded pour spouts on two corners for easier, more controlled emptying. Ergonomically designed handle increases comfort, and is stiffer and more stable for balance when carrying. Use with optional snap-on lid and casters or bucket barge (not incl.). Green with black handle.
Unger ProBucket Heavy-Duty 6-Gallon Bucket, Green w/ Black Handle, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 29.50 22.50 38.97 UNGQB220.JPG ProBucket UNG QB220, UNGQB220, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3742 Lagasse Produce Bags, 12 x 20 (IBSPC20S03N1) 3742 IBS PHMORE20NS 20.43 #PHMORE20NS Produce Bags
“5 A Day” design on high-density polyethylene bag. Holds self-serve items such as fresh fruit, produce, candy and baked goods. 10 micron gauge. Continuous roll with easy-open perforation for dispensing.
High Density Produce Bags, 10 Micron, 12"x 20", 4 Rolls - 875 Bags per Roll - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 43.34 31.58 56.75 IBSPC20S03N1.JPG Produce Bags, IBS PC20S03N-1, IBSPC20S03N1 1 1 0 0 1 150
3744 Lagasse ProDuster (UNGLWDUR) 3744 UNG LWDUR 0.60 LWDUR • Microfiber antibacterial technology traps dirt better and cleans with fewer chemicals • Ergonomically designed tool 30in-60in (76cm-152cm) extending handle for high-reach cleaning. Flexible duster for cleaning out of reach areas. Includes one disposable sleeve that attracts and holds dust.
PRODUSTER 33-45 IN EXT 10 Unger 17.94 13.68 24.57 UNGLWDUR.JPG ProDuster UNG LWDUR, UNGLWDUR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
3745 Lagasse ProDuster Sleeves, 50 Sleeves (UNGDS50Y) 3745 UNG DS50Y 0.60 DS50Y Duster Sleeves
Microfiber antibacterial technology traps dirt better and cleans with fewer chemicals. Disposable sleeve for ProDuster ( UNG LWDUR). 18" x 7" (46cm x 18cm). Excellent for grabbing dirt and cleaning a floor without smearing dirt around. Disposing of the sleeve makes sure that the germs leave the area making for a more sterile environment to live.
Unger ProDuster Sleeves, 50 Sleeves per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 20.79 15.86 28.41 UNGDS50Y.JPG ProDusterSleeve, UNG DS50Y, UNGDS50Y, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, dusting mop sleeve, dusting mop cover, mop duster, dry mop 1 1 0 0 1 109
3746 Lagasse Air Wick Professional Liquid Deodorizer, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (REC06732) 3746 REC 06732 38.00 36241-06732 Air Wick Professional Liquid Deodorizer
Professional Airwick Liquid Deodorizer Fresh Clean Breeze Fragrance is a concentrated air freshener formula. Effectively controls offensive odors from cigarette and cigar smoke, mold, mildew, cooking, drain, bathroom and incontinent areas with durable air freshener. Great for the office, commercial offices as well as cleaning companies and janitorial services. Coming in 1 gallon bottles, and 4 bottles per case, Air Wick Liquid Deodorizer is the perfect choice for eliminating odors, while providing a fresh scent afterward.
Reckitt Benckiser Air Wick Professional Liquid Deodorizer, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 108.10 80.47 141.51 REC06732.JPG air wick professional liquid deodorizer, fresh clean breeze fragrance, air wick air freshener, air wick air freshener spray, airwick freshmatic, airwick automatic air freshener, airwick refills, REC 06732, REC06732 1 1 0 0 1 86
3749 Lagasse Professional Behold®, 6 Cans per Case, 16-oz. Aerosol Can (JAN96406) 3749 JAN 96406 8.00 61196406 A blend of lemon oil, wax and cleaners. Protects furniture with a long-lasting hard wax finish.
BEHOLD PRO FURN PROT ARSL 6/16 OZ Ecolab 39.42 30.07 53.82 JAN96406.JPG Professional Behold, 6 Cans per Case, 16-oz. Aerosol Can JAN 96406, JAN96406, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 35
3750 Lagasse Easy-Off Fume Free Max Oven Cleaner, 6 - 24-oz. Cans (REC74017) 3750 REC 74017 11.80 62338-74017 Professional Oven Cleaner
Penetrates tough oven grease without fumes or caustic lye. No harsh chemicals. Safe for stainless steel, enamel, porcelain, glass. Fresh lemon scent. NSF A8. Can made from 25% recycled steel. 10% post-consumer material. Contains no CFCs. Environmentally conscious.
Reckitt Benckiser Easy-Off Fume Free Max Oven Cleaner, 24-oz. Aerosol Can, 6 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 37.56 27.75 50.92 REC74017.JPG professional easy off, fume free max overn cleaner, oven cleaner, easy off oven cleaner, REC 74017, REC74017, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3751 Lagasse Professional Easy-Off Glass Cleaner, 4 Gallon Bottle (REC75116) 3751 REC 75116 35.50 75116 Easy Off Glass Cleaner
Ammonia-free concentrated formula makes up to 10 gallons and leaves surfaces streak- and film-free. Cleans windows, mirrors, display cases, appliances, tile, vinyl and laminated plastics without rinsing. NSF C1.
Professional Easy-Off Non Ammoniated Glass Cleaner, Gallon Bottles, 4 Gallons per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 41.72 30.47 55.16 REC75116.JPG professional easy-off glass cleaner, easy off glass cleaner, REC 75116, REC75116, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3752 Lagasse Professional EASY-OFF® Oven & Grill Cleaner, 6 Cans per Case, 24-oz. Aerosol Can (REC04250) 3752 REC 04250 11.80 62338-04250 Fast-acting, advanced grease-penetrating formula removes baked-on grease. Cleans warm or cold ovens. Also for use on broilers, barbecue grills, stainless steel and more. Can made from 25% recycled steel. 10% post-consumer material. Contains no CFCs. NSF A8. Environmentally conscious.
EASY-OFF OVEN & GRILL CLNR ARSL 6/24 OZ Reckitt Benckiser 39.16 29.87 51.08 REC04250.JPG Professional EASY-OFF Oven & Grill Cleaner, 6 Cans per Case, 24-oz. Aerosol Can REC 04250, REC04250, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3753 Lagasse Professional EASY-OFF Ready-To-Use Oven & Grill Cleaner, 1/2-Gallon Bottles (REC80689) 3753 REC 80689 31.60 80689 Easy Off Oven and Grill Cleaner
Advanced ready-to-use formula clings to vertical surfaces to dissolve tough, baked-on grease. Rapid penetration saves time and money by minimizing scouring and scrubbing. Works on ovens, grills, griddles, broilers, toaster ovens and hoods. Leaves no offensive odor. Convenient pour bottle. NSF A8. Excellent for any hard surface that has dried on grime and dirt.
Easy Off Oven and Grill Cleaner, 64 oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 49.49 36.30 67.51 REC80689.JPG professional easy-off ready-to-use oven & grill cleaner, REC 80689, REC80689, oven cleaner, oven spray, grill cleaner, grill spray, easy off 1 1 0 1 1 86
3754 Lagasse Professional Endust, 6 - 15-oz. Aerosol Cans (JAN96291) 3754 JAN 96291 9.00 61196291 Endust Aerosol Spray
Easily removes fingerprints, smudges and dirt from a variety of surfaces in your home without leaving behind polish or waxy buildup. Known to remove up to 90% of allergens in dust, making this the perfect product to use in your home or office. Endust is known as the time saving cleaning spray, allowing the user to spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying their beautiful clean home, or office. Endust Aerosol Spray offers a complete dusting and cleaning solution while never leaving sticky or waxy residues behind. Guaranteed to quickly and effectively clean, condition and protects household surfaces. Can be used all around the house to clean leather, marble, wood, stainless steel and more.
Ecolab Professional Endust Aerosol Spray, 15.5-oz Aerosol Can, 6 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Ecolab 50.72 38.68 67.50 JAN96291.JPG furniture polish, furniture cleaner, endust aerosol spray, endust, endust spray, JAN 96291, JAN96291, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 35
3756 Lagasse Professional Lysol Antibacterial All Purpose Cleaner, 4 Bottles (REC74392) 3756 REC 74392 36.00 36241-74392 Lysol Antibacterial All Purpose Cleaner
Lysol Antibacterial All Purpose Cleaner is a concentrated cleaner/degreaser for various surfaces throughout the home or professional environments. This powerful concentrated cleaner starts cleaning on contact and kills 99.9% of germs. When used for light cleaning and sanitizing, it makes up to 128 gallons, and up to 64 gallons for heavy duty cleaning and disinfecting. Lysol All Purpose Cleaner does wonders for controlling mold and mildew, as well as counteracting tough odors. Proven to kill salmonella, E. coli, staph and other bacteria, Lysol is ideal for use on floors, walls, counters, equipment, food service, dietary areas and more. Lysol has been a trusted product in the areas of disinfection and odor control for years because it gets the job done. Get some Lysol All Purpose Cleaner today!
Reckitt Benckiser Professional Lysol Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 48.64 36.30 65.05 REC74392.JPG professional lysol brand antibacterial all purpose cleaner, REC 74392, REC74392, disinfectant, antibacterial, antibacterial spray, lysol, all-purpose spray, deodorizer, deodorizers, disinfectants 1 1 0 0 1 86
3757 Lagasse LYSOL Brand Disinfectant Basin Tub & Tile Cleaner, 12 Bottles (REC04685) 3757 REC 04685 28.70 36241-04685 Lysol Professional Disinfectant Cleaner
Citric acid formula with fresh, clean scent disinfects, shines and deodorizes. Prevents mold and mildew; removes soap scum, lime scale and hard water stains. Kills HIV-1 (AIDS virus), staph and strep germs on hard, nonporous surfaces. EPA Registered. Great for use on showers, toilets, basins and tubs.
Lysol Disinfectant Basin Tub and Tile Cleaner, Trigger Spray, 32-oz, 12 bottles per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 61.22 45.30 80.50 REC04685.JPG Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Lysol Disinfectant Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Lysol Disinfectant Cleaner, Professional LYSOL Brand Disinfectant Basin Tub & Tile Cleaner, REC 04685, REC04685 1 1 0 1 1 86
3759 Lagasse Professional Lysol Disinfectant Heavy-Duty Bathroom Cleaner, 4 Bottles (REC94201) 3759 REC 94201 37.00 36241-94201 Heavy-Duty Bathroom Cleaner
This bathroom cleaner provides you with all of your restroom cleaning needs in one convenient product. This hospital disinfectant is effective against a number of bacteria, viruses and fungi, including: MRSA, pseudomonas, salmonella, staph, strep, RSV and many more. Lysol Heavy Duty Bathroom Cleaner is strong enough to penetrate tough soils, including soap scum and body oils. The non-acid and non-abrasive formula is ideal for general cleaning and disinfection of bathtubs, showers, ceramic tile, floors, sinks, garbage cans and toilet bowls, as well as glazed porcelain, chrome and acrylic fixtures. This economical concentrate makes up to 32 gallons of lime scented cleaner and can be diluted based on your cleaning needs. Lysol Disinfectant Heavy Duty Bathroom Cleaner is great for industrial or home use. Stock up today!
Professional Lysol Disinfectant Heavy Duty Bathroom Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 63.61 47.10 85.64 REC94201.JPG lysol toilet bowl cleaner, lysol disinfectant toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom cleaner, REC 94201, REC94201, toilet bowl cleaner, toilet cleaner, disinfectant 1 1 0 0 1 86
3760 Lagasse Professional Lysol Brand Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bottles (REC74278) 3760 REC 74278 30.10 36241-74278 Lysol Disinfectant Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Lysol Disinfectant Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria such as staph, pseudomonas, E. coli, HIV-1 and other harmful germs that can cause illness. The thick liquid formula coats the entire bowl above and below the waterline, and cleans, disinfects and deodorizes by dissolving stubborn stains on contact. The angle-neck bottle is designed to clean hard to reach areas, including under the rim where bacteria can build up over time. This powerful toilet bowl cleaner will even dissolve tough toilet bowl rings that seem impossible to clean. Safe for plumbing and septic systems, this toilet bowl cleaner can be used in toilets and urinals. Lysol has been leading name in germ killing products for years, and this toilet bowl cleaner is no exception. Choose Lysol Disinfectant Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner today!
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Disinfectant Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 32-oz Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 36.82 26.25 48.42 REC74278.JPG lysol toilet bowl cleaner, lysol disinfectant toilet bowl cleaner, professional lysol Brand Disinfectant Toilet Bowl Cleaner, REC 74278, REC74278 1 1 0 0 1 86
3762 Lagasse Professional LYSOL Brand II Pine Action® Cleaner, 4 Gallon Bottles (REC02814) 3762 REC 02814 37.50 36241-02814 LYSOL Brand Disinfectant Pine Action Cleaner
Kills staph, strep, salmonella, pseudomonas and other harmful germs on hard, nonporous surfaces. Prevents odors and growth of mold and mildew. Concentrated formula, Pleasant scent. Includes four bottles of cleaner.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Pine Action Cleaner and Disinfectant 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 76.69 56.25 102.25 REC02814.JPG Professional LYSOL Brand II Pine Action Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle REC 02814, REC02814, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3763 Lagasse Professional Lysol Brand Disinfectant Spray, Country Scent, 12 Cans (REC74276) 3763 REC 74276 19.11 36241-74276 Lysol Disinfectant Spray
A powerful disinfectant that kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria on hard, non-porous surfaces. This tuberculocidal, virucidal, fungicidal and bactericidal formula is highly effective against over 50 microorganisms, including MRSA, influenza A, norovirus, hepatitis A, Poliovirus Type 1 and HIV-1. Lysol Disinfectant Spray also eliminates odor causing bacteria and inhibits the growth of mold and mildew. This Lysol product is ideal for use in restrooms, waiting rooms and laboratories, as well as for disinfecting toys, telephones, garbage cans, and much more. Help protect visitors and employees from harmful germs with daily use of Lysol Professional Brand Disinfectant Spray, from a company that leads the way in disinfection and odor control. Stock up on Lysol Disinfectant today!
Professional Lysol Brand Disinfectant Spray, Country Scent, 19-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 80.25 58.75 108.30 REC74276.JPG Professional LYSOL Brand III Disinfectant Spray, Country Scent, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can REC 74276, REC74276, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3764 Lagasse Lysol Brand Disinfectant Spray, Crisp Linen, 12 Cans (REC74828) 3764 REC 74828 19.11 36241-74828 Lysol Disinfectant Spray, Crisp Linen Scent
Professional Lysol Disinfectant Spray is a highly effective hospital grade disinfectant and deodorant that kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria on hard, non-porous surfaces. The tuberculocidal, virucidal, fungicidal and bactericidal formula in Lysol is effective in eliminating over 50 microorganisms, including H1N1, MRSA, Norovirus, Hepatitis A and B and HIV-1. Lysol Disinfectant Spray also prevents the growth of mold and mildew while eliminating odors with its Crisp Linen Scent. It is ideal for use on showers, sinks, toilet areas, toys, garbage bins, waiting rooms and laboratories. Lysol has led the way in disinfection and odor control for years and this disinfectant spray is formulated to protect against illness caused by germs and keep your surroundings clean and fresh. The aerosol can is made with no CFC, so Lysol protects you while also protecting the environment.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Disinfectant Spray, Crisp Linen Scent, 19-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 80.25 59.50 106.87 REC74828.JPG lysol disinfectant spray, lysol dinfecting spray, REC 74828, REC74828, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3765 Lagasse Lysol Brand III Disinfectant Spray, Early Morning Breeze Scent, 12 Cans (REC80833) 3765 REC 80833 12.88 80833 Lysol Brand III Disinfectant Spray, Early Morning Breeze Scent
Hospital disinfectant is highly effective against TB, MRSA, HIV-1 (AIDS virus), poliovirus Type 1, hepatitis A and norovirus. Tuberculocidal, virucidal, fungicidal, bactericidal. Eliminates odors and prevents the growth of mold and mildew. Contains no CFCs. EPA Registered. NSF D1. Excellent for use in nurseries, nursing homes, hospitals, schools, offices, work rooms, break rooms, play rooms, family rooms and more. Just spray and let it do the work for you. Gets in all the nooks and crannies. Leaves a light Early Morning Breeze scent.
Lysol Disinfectant Aerosol Spray, Early Morning Breeze, 12.5 oz. Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 61.30 45.41 82.10 REC80833.JPG professional lysol brand III disinfectant spray, early morning breeze scent, REC 80833, REC80833, disinfectant, deodorant, disinfectants, deodorant spray, disinfectant spray 1 1 0 0 1 86
3766 Lagasse Lysol Brand Disinfectant Spray, Fresh Scent, 12 Cans (REC04675) 3766 REC 04675 19.11 36241-04675 Lysol Fresh Scent Disinfectant Spray
Hospital disinfectant is highly effective against TB, MRSA, HIV-1 (AIDS virus), poliovirus Type 1, hepatitis A and norovirus. Tuberculocidal, virucidal, fungicidal, bactericidal. Eliminates odors and prevents the growth of mold and mildew. Contains no CFCs. EPA Registered. NSF D1.
Lysol Brand Disinfectant Spray, Fresh Scent, 19-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 80.25 58.75 105.29 REC04675.JPG Professional LYSOL Brand Disinfectant Spray, Fresh Scent, 12 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can REC 04675, REC04675, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3768 Lagasse Professional LYSOL Brand Disinfectant, Original Scent, 12 Aerosol Cans (REC04650) 3768 REC 04650 19.11 36241-04650 Professional LYSOL Brand Disinfectant Spray
This Professional LYSOL Brand Disinfectant Spray is ideal for use in medical facilities or residential homes. Since the development of the first LYSOL Disinfectant in 1889, medical community experts have held LYSOL Brand products in high esteem. The tuberculocidal, virucidal, fungicidal and bactericidal formula kills 99.9% of germs on hard, nonporous surfaces. This Lysol disinfectant also deodorizes and is highly effective against over 50 microorganisms including H1N1, MRSA, Norovirus, Rhinovirus, Poliovirus Type 1, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and HIV-1. Great for use on showers, sinks, countertops, toilet areas, waiting room and laboratories to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.
Professional LYSOL Brand Disinfectant Spray, Original Scent, 19-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 80.25 58.75 104.81 professional lysol brand disinfectant spray, lysol disinfectant, professional lysol III, lysol disinfectant spray, lysol original scent, REC 04650, REC04650 1 1 0 0 1 86
3769 Lagasse Lysol Disinfectant Spray, Spring Waterfall , 12 Aerosol Cans (REC76075) 3769 REC 76075 19.11 76075 Lysol Brand III Disinfectant Spray
Hospital disinfectant is highly effective against TB, MRSA, HIV-1 (AIDS virus), poliovirus Type 1, hepatitis A and norovirus. Tuberculocidal, virucidal, fungicidal, bactericidal. Eliminates odors and prevents the growth of mold and mildew. Contains no CFCs. EPA Registered. NSF D1.
Professional Lysol Brand III Disinfectant Spray, Sing Waterfall Scent, 19-oz. Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 80.25 60.25 107.76 REC76075.JPG Professional LYSOL Brand III Disinfectant Spray, Spring Waterfall Scent, REC 76075, REC76075, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3770 Lagasse Professional Lysol No Rinse Sanitizer, 4 Gallons (REC74389) 3770 REC 74389 37.00 36241-74389 Lysol No Rinse Sanitizer
Lysol Professional No Rinse Sanitizer provides an economical concentrated formula that dilutes up to 1:512. Designed and formulated for third sink and clean-in-place applications, this quality cleaner meets Federal Food Code Requirements for a no rinse sanitizer. Aside from its primary sanitizing power, this Lysol no rinse formula can also be used to disinfect and deodorize. EPA Registered. NSF/USDA Classification D2. Coming in 1 gallon bottles, and 4 bottles per case, this no rinse sanitizer, deodorizer and disinfectant is the versatile formula that every kitchen cleaning operation needs.
Reckitt Benckiser Professional Lysol No Rinse Sanitizer, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 49.23 37.35 64.61 REC74389.JPG lysol no rinse deodorizer, lysol no rinse disinfectant, lysol no rinse sanitizer, no rinse sanitizer, no rinse disinfectant, no rinse deodorizer, REC 74389, REC74389, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3771 Lagasse Lysol Professional Disinfectant Foam Cleaner, 12 Cans (REC02775) 3771 REC 02775 23.40 36241-02775 Lysol Professional Disinfectant Foam Cleaner
Lysol Disinfectant Foam cleans, disinfects and deodorizes in one easy step. Its thick, rich foam clings to hard, nonporous surfaces to kill staph, salmonella, pseudomonas, HIV-1 and other germs. The uniquely designed aerosol valve gives you the ability to spray from any position, even upside down. This allows you to clean, disinfect, deodorize and shine even the most hard to reach areas where bacteria can build up over time. Lysol Disinfectant Foam Cleaner also inhibits the growth of mold and mildew, and is safe for use on fiberglass, glazed porcelain, synthetic marble, glazed tile, hard plastic and vinyl. Lysol has led the way in disinfection and odor control for years, so you can trust Lysol Professional Disinfectant Cleaner to keep your environment safe and healthy.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Professional Disinfectant Foam Cleaner, 24oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 41.32 29.40 56.44 REC02775.JPG Professional LYSOL Disinfectant Foam Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 24-oz. Aerosol Can REC 02775, REC02775, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3772 Lagasse Professional MOP & GLO Triple Action Floor Shine Cleaner, 6 Bottles (REC74297) 3772 REC 74297 29.00 36241-74297 MOP & GLO Triple Action Floor Shine Cleaner
Gives you a beautiful floor in a quick convenient and quick one-step process. Not only does it clean away dirt, it leaves an unbeatable shine and provides long-lasting floor protection. Safe for use on regular and no-wax floors.
Professional MOP & GLO Triple Action Floor Shine Cleaner, 64-oz Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 62.85 46.80 82.16 REC74297.JPG mop & glo, mop and glo, mop & glow, mop & glow, professional mop & glo, professional mop & glo triple action floor shine cleaner, REC 74297, REC74297 1 1 0 0 1 86
3773 Lagasse Professional Ostrich Feather Duster, 20" Overall Length, 10" Handle (UNS20GY) 3773 UNS 20GY 0.21 UNS 20GY Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster
This Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster attracts and holds dust with professional quality gray feathers. The fine structure of the feathers along with the natural oils contained in them helps this duster attract and hold onto dust, rather than scattering it all over your home. Because these feathers are so soft, they will effectively clean delicate objects without leaving a scratch, including chandeliers, computer monitors and televisions. These Ostrich Feather Dusters get into the crevices, so you can clean your knick knacks without having to remove them from a shelf. The hole in the wood handle allows you to hang these dusters anywhere, making them easy to store. These feather dusters are easily cleaned and will last you many years, even with everyday use.
Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster, 20" Overall Length, 10" Wood Handle, Each – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 17.23 11.68 23.20 UNS20GY.JPG ostrich feather dusters, dusters, feather dusters, UNS 20GY, UNS20GY, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3774 Lagasse 28" Premium Ostrich Feather Duster, Gray, 16" Handle (UNS28GY) 3774 UNS 28GY 0.29 UNS 28GY 28" Ostrich Feather Duster
The perfect tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes, our line of premium ostrich feather dusters makes cleaning up dust, dirt, debris and hair easy. The Unisan Ostrich Feather Duster cleans and dusts furniture, floors, walls, window sills and fans effortlessly.These economical dusters come with chick ostrich feathers, as well as easy carrying which allows for convenient carrying and storage. Efficient and durable, these affordable feather dusters measure in at 28 inches of overall length when opened, as well as a 12 inch handle. Premium-quality gray feathers with softer, fuller flues. Stained, contoured wood handle with hang-up hole. Highest quality for maximum dust collection.
Unisan Premium Ostrich Feather Duster, 28in Overall Length, 16in Handle, Gray, Each - the wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 19.28 14.71 25.14 UNS28GY.JPG Professional Ostrich Feather Duster, 28in Overall Length, 16in Handle UNS 28GY, UNS28GY, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3775 Lagasse Resolve Carpet Extraction Cleaner, Gallon Bottles (REC97161) 3775 REC 97161 35.70 36241-97161 Resolve Carpet Extraction Cleaner
Resolve Carpet Extraction Cleaner is safe to use on wool, nylon, synthetic and stain resistant carpets. One product with three different cleaning uses: carpet extraction cleaner, traffic lane cleaner, and a pretreatment spray. Also cuts through grease! Cleans and deodorizes with a low foaming formula. Resolve your carpet stain problem by using Resolve Carpet Extraction Cleaner, buy it today!
Professional Resolve concentrated carpet extraction cleaner, 1 gallon bottles, 4 bottles per case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 48.19 35.55 64.80 REC97161.JPG Professional RESOLVE Carpet Extraction Cleaner, REC 97161, REC97161, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
3776 Lagasse Professional Resolve Spot & Stain Carpet Cleaner, 12 Bottles (REC97402) 3776 REC 97402 30.33 36241-97402 Resolve Spot & Stain Carpet Cleaner
Professional Resolve Spot & Stain Carpet Cleaner is a powerful product that eliminates stubborn stains from carpets. This spot and stain cleaner is effective against most food and grease-based stains, so removing blood, ground-in dirt, grape juice, motor oil and red wine are all in a day’s work for Resolve. This cleaner does more than just eliminate stains; it protects your carpets from resoiling and neutralizes odors that can linger deep in the carpet fibers. This carpet cleaner is safe for use on wool, nylon, synthetic and stain-resistant carpets. Resolve is a trusted brand known for its stain removal products that keep homes clean and odor-free. Keep some Resolve on hand and discover how easy it is to remove carpet stains!
Reckitt Benckiser Resolve Spot & Stain Carpet Cleaner, 32-oz. Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 75.40 53.75 98.53 REC97402.JPG resolve spot and stain carpet cleaner, resolve carpet cleaner, resolve spot and stain cleaner, REC 97402, REC97402, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 86
3777 Lagasse Professional VANI-SOL® Bulk Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (REC00294) 3777 REC 00294 37.50 36241-00294 Ready-to-use, heavy-duty disinfectant cleaner with no harsh abrasives. Cleans and shines bathroom fixtures, walls, floors, tile and more. Kills staph and strep germs and athlete’s foot fungus. Controls growth of mold and mildew. NSF C2. EPA Registered.
VANI-SOL BULK DISINF BATHRM CLNR RTU 4/1 GL Reckitt Benckiser 46.85 34.35 61.85 REC00294.JPG Professional VANI-SOL Bulk Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle REC 00294, REC00294, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 86
3778 Lagasse Professional VANI-SOL High Acid Bowl Cleanser (REC02212) 3778 REC 02212 30.10 36241-02212 Vani-Sol High Acid Professional Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Powerful liquid for use in restrooms with heavy traffic, hard water or problem soils. High acid dissolves even the toughest lime deposits, hard water scale and rust stains. Won’t harm septic tanks. NSF/USDA Classification C2. (Cannot ship UPS.) - The wholesale cleaning company Buyers Trust.
Vani-Sol Professional High Acid Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 12 -32 oz Bottles per Case Reckitt Benckiser 46.62 35.26 61.56 REC02212.JPG Professional VANI-SOL High Acid Bowl Cleanse, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle REC 02212, REC02212, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 86
3779 Lagasse Unger ProFlat Duster 75 (UNGPFD7G) 3779 UNG PFD7G 0.40 PFD7G Unger Complete ProFlat Flexible Duster
Flat, extremely flexible duster for those hard-to-reach places. Easily gets into tight, narrow spaces such as between bookcases, under counters and more. Use this Green Cleaning Product as a hand tool or attach to pole (not included) for high-access dusting. Can be used wet or dry. Reusable microfiber sleeve is machine washable. Also includes three disposable electrostatically-charged replacement sleeves. 30" length. Also be sure to check out all of our other Janitorial Supplies and Green Cleaning Supplies right here at today and save.
Unger ProFlat 75 Flexible Duster, 30 Inch Length, Each
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Unger 14.73 11.23 19.26 UNGPFD7G.JPG unger pro flat duster, proflat duster 75, UNG PFD7G, UNGPFD7G, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3780 Lagasse ProLine Tri-Class Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher, 1A-10B:C UL Rating (KDD466227) 3780 KDD 466227 4.20 KID466227 Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher
Highly effective protection against all three common classes of fires: A, B and C. Nonmagnetic aluminum cylinder with chip-resistant epoxy finish. Strong, forged aluminum valve. Reliable gauge for fast and easy pressure checks. Rechargeable and easy to service. Fits in all standard cabinets. Mounting bracket included. Charge weight: 2.6 lbs. Unit weight: 4.2 lbs. Manufacturer’s six-year warranty. (Cannot ship UPS.) - The wholesale cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Proline Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher Kidde 38.60 29.44 50.62 KDD466227.JPG ProLine Tri-Class Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher, 1A-10B:C UL Rating KDD 466227, KDD466227, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 64
3781 Lagasse ProLine™ Tri-Class Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher, 3A-40B:C UL Rating (KDD466112) 3781 KDD 466112 5.00 KID466112 Highly effective protection against all three common classes of fires: A, B and C. Nonmagnetic aluminum cylinder with chip-resistant epoxy finish. Strong, forged aluminum valve. Reliable gauge for fast and easy pressure checks. Rechargeable and easy to service. Fits in all standard cabinets. Mounting bracket included. Charge weight: 5 lbs. Unit weight: 8.5 lbs. Manufacturer’s six-year warranty. (Cannot ship UPS.)
PROLINE DRY CHEM FIRE EXTINGUISHER CHRG WGHT 4/5 LB Kidde 47.67 36.36 64.25 KDD466112.JPG ProLine Tri-Class Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher, 3A-40B:C UL Rating KDD 466112, KDD466112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 64
3782 Lagasse ProLine Tri-Class Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher (KDD466204) 3782 KDD 466204 17.50 KID466204 Proline Fire Extinguisher
Highly effective protection against all three common classes of fires: A, B and C. Steel cylinder with chip-resistant epoxy finish. Strong, forged aluminum valve. Reliable gauge for fast and easy pressure checks. Rechargeable and easy to service. Fits in all standard cabinets. Mounting bracket included. Charge weight: 10 lbs. Unit weight: 19 lbs. Manufacturer’s six-year warranty. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Kidde Proline Fire Extinguisher, 10-lb. 4A-60B:C UL Rating, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kidde 70.84 51.23 93.65 KDD466204.JPG proline tri-class dry chemical fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher, 4A-60B:C UL Rating KDD 466204, KDD466204, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 64
3783 Lagasse PROSERVE Pizza Delivery Bag, Red (RCP9F37RED) 3783 RCP 9F37 RED 2.40 9F37 RED Red Pizza Delivery Bag
Ideal for food delivery professionals. Four layers of insulation keep food hot for up to four hours. Easy time temperature monitoring and labeling with large identification window secured to carrier. Holds four 16" or three 18" pizzas. Constructed of durable, commercial-grade nylon with non-woven polyester insulation, expanded polypropylene interior insulation and reflective vapor barrier to evenly maintain temperature. Hook and loop closure; hanging loop for storage.
19-3/4"wide x 21-1/2"deep x 7-3/4"high.
Pizza Delivery Bag, Red, Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 39.86 30.40 52.77 RCP9F37RED.JPG PROSERVE Pizza Delivery Bag, Red RCP 9F37 RED, RCP9F37RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3784 Lagasse Protective Liners for Baby Changing Stations, White (RCP7817-88WHI) 3784 RCP 7817-88 WHI 3.00 7817-88 WHI Laminated, two-ply tissue paper. 13-1/4 x 5-1/2 size. 320 liners per case. Shpg. wt. 4.8 lbs.
BABY CHANGING STATION LIQ BARRIER LINERS Rubbermaid Commercial Products 95.71 73.00 129.79 RCP781788WHI.JPG Protective Liners for Baby Changing Stations, White RCP 7817-88 WHI, RCP781788WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3785 Lagasse ProTrim10 Scraper, Replacement Blades, 4in Replacement Blades (UNGTR10) 3785 UNG TR10 0.10 TR100 ProTrim10 Scraper, 4 inch Replacement Blades
Lightweight glass scraper removes heavy dirt, mortar, glue, stickers, etc. Innovative design perfectly fits in your hand and pocket. Nonslip material is ideal for use in cold, wet conditions. Integrated blade guard locks open or closed for safe storage—no need for a separate blade cover. Quickly open scraper with unlock button for safe, easy blade change. Includes double-edged 4in wide carbon steel blade. Replacement blades are also double-edged carbon steel.
ProTrim10 Scraper, 4 inch Replacement Blades, 10 Scrapers per Tube. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 8.68 6.39 11.55 UNGTR10.JPG protrim10 scraper, replacement blades, UNG TR10, UNGTR10, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, metal replacement blades, scraper blades, replacement scraper blades, blades 1 1 0 0 1 109
3786 Lagasse ProTrim10 Scraper, 1 Scraper (UNGTX100) 3786 UNG TX100 1.27 TX100 Lightweight glass scraper removes heavy dirt, mortar, glue, stickers, etc. Innovative design perfectly fits in your hand and pocket. Nonslip material is ideal for use in cold, wet conditions. Integrated blade guard locks open or closed for safe storage—no need for a separate blade cover. Quickly open scraper with unlock button for safe, easy blade change. Includes double-edged 4in wide carbon steel blade. Replacement blades are also double-edged carbon steel.
Replacement Blades UNG TR10
PRO TRIM 10 SCRAPPER Unger 6.40 4.88 8.34 UNGTX100.JPG ProTrim10 Scraper, Replacement Blades, 10 Scrapers per Case UNG TX100, UNGTX100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3790 Lagasse Provon FMX-12 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Dove Gray (GOJ5160-06) 3790 GOJ 5160-06 2.00 5160-06 Provon FMX-12 Hand Soap Dispenser
This manual push FMX Provon dispenser is ADA compliant. A large viewing window allows for quick check on soap level. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. Designed to hold 1250-ml refills GOJ 5185-03, GOJ 5186-03, GOJ 5187-03 and GOJ 5188-03 (sold separately). Plastic. Mounts to wall with adhesive (included) or screws (not included). Optional key lock included. Lifetime guarantee. 6-1/5" wide x 5-1/10" deep x 9-4/5" high.
Gojo Provon FMX-12 Hand Soap Dispenser, 1250-ml, Dove Gray, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo FMX System » Gojo Industries 5.97 4.55 7.89 GOJ516006.JPG gojo provon FMX - 12 dispenser Gray, provon medicated soap, provon soap dispenser, provon medicated lotion soap, provon hand soap, GOJ 5160-06, GOJ516006 1 1 0 0 1 50
3791 Lagasse Provon FMX-12 Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap, 3 - 1250-ml Refills (GOJ518603) 3791 GOJ 5186-03 9.60 5186-03 Provon FMX-12 Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap
For general-purpose hand washing. Orange, foaming formula with a fresh floral fragrance. Specially designed foaming formula, enriched with vitamins and moisturizers, provides an amazingly gentle cleansing experience along with a fresh, clean scent. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. Contains 0.3% PCMX. 1250 - ml refill 3 refills per case.
Gojo Provon FMX-12 Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap with Moisturizers, 1250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo FMX System - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 50.17 38.27 65.99 GOJ518603.JPG gojo provon FMX-12 foaming antimicrobial handwash with moisturizers refill,provon medicated soap, provon soap refill, provon medicated lotion soap, provon hand soap, GOJ 5186-03, GOJ518603 1 1 0 0 1 50
3792 Lagasse Provon FMX-12 Foaming Hair & Body Wash, 3 - 1250-ml Refills (GOJ5187-03) 3792 GOJ 5187-03 9.80 5187-03 Provon FMX-12 Moisturizing Foaming Hair & Body Wash
Provon Foaming Hair and Body Wash, provides a pleasant bathing experience. High-quality, luxurious foaming shampoo and body wash. Pre-lathered for gentle, total body cleansing. Quicker and easier to use than liquid shampoo. Green with a cucumber melon scent. Specially designed foaming formula, enriched with vitamins and moisturizers, provides an amazingly gentle cleansing experience along with a fresh, clean scent. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather.
Gojo Provon FMX-12 Foaming Hair & Body Wash with Moisturizers, 1250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Personal Care » Hair & Body Shampoo »
Gojo Industries 48.37 36.89 64.66 GOJ518703.JPG gojo provon FMX-12 foaming hair & body wash with moisturizers, provon medicated soap, provon soap refill, provon medicated lotion soap, provon hand soap, GOJ 5187-03, GOJ518703 1 1 0 0 1 50
3793 Lagasse Provon FMX-12 Foaming Hand Soap, 3 - 1250-ml Refills (GOJ518503) 3793 GOJ 5185-03 10.20 5185-03 Provon FMX-12 Foaming Hand Soap with Moisturizers
General-purpose, mild formula has low potential for skin irritation and allergic reaction. Cranberry fragrance. High-quality, luxurious foaming hand soap formulated with superior moisturizers and conditioners. Specially designed foaming formula, enriched with vitamins and moisturizers, provides an amazingly gentle cleansing experience along with a fresh, clean scent. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. 1250-ml refill, 3 refills per case.
Gojo Provon FMX-12 Foaming Hand Soap with Moisturizers, 1250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo FMX System » Gojo Industries 48.84 35.61 64.86 GOJ518503.JPG gojo provon FMX-12 foaming handwash with moisturizers refill, provon medicated soap, provon soap refill, provon medicated lotion soap, provon hand soap, GOJ 5185-03, GOJ518503 1 1 0 0 1 50
3794 Lagasse Provon FMX-12 Medicated Foaming Hand Soap, 3 - 1250-ml Refills (GOJ5188-03) 3794 GOJ 5188-03 10.40 5188-03 Provon FMX-12 Medicated Foaming Hand Soap
PROVON Foaming Medicated Handwash with Moisturizers and Triclosan. This highly efficacious antimicrobial formula contains 0.3% triclosan, and meets the Healthcare Personnel Handwash protocol. It comes in a clear blue color with a light floral fragrance. PROVON offers a full range of antimicrobial formulas with active ingredients that reduce the spread of infection even while being gentle to the skin. It’s the leading brand in U.S. nursing homes and increasingly popular in hospitals, physicians’ offices and home health agencies.
Gojo Provon FMX-12 Foaming Medicated Handwash with Moisturizers & Triclosan, 1250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo FMX System » Gojo Industries 56.64 43.20 77.32 GOJ518803.JPG gojo provon FMX-12 foaming medicated handwash with moisturizers & triclosan refill, provon medicated soap, provon soap refill, provon medicated lotion soap, provon hand soap, GOJ 5188-03, GOJ518803 1 1 0 0 1 50
3797 Lagasse Gojo Provon NXT 1000-ml Dispenser, Dove Gray (GOJ2115-06) 3797 GOJ 2115-06 1.02 2115-06 Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser
Compact 1000-ml dispenser is much smaller than a traditional 800-ml bag-in-box dispenser, yet holds 1000 ml of soap. ADA Compliant for push force. For 1000-ml NXT Provon refill GOJ 2118-08 (sold separately).
Gojo Provon NXT 1000-ml Space Saver Dispenser, 1000-ml, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 9.69 7.39 12.76 GOJ211506.JPG gojo provon NXT space saver dispenser, provon medicated soap, provon soap dispenser, provon medicated lotion soap, provon hand soap, GOJ 2115-06, GOJ211506 1 1 0 0 1 50
3798 Lagasse Gojo Provon NXT Antimicrobial Lotion Hand Soap, 8 - 1000-ml Refills (GOJ2118-08) 3798 GOJ 2118-08 20.60 2118-08 Antimicrobial Lotion Hand Soap
Despite technological advances, people remain the critical link in controlling the spread of infection. PROVON brand products offer the right skin care solutions for healthcare providers and patients. Quick - acting lotion soap formula combines mild cleansers with 0.3% Chloroxyenol (PCMX), a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent. For gentle hand washing and effective germ killing. Citrus fragrance. 1000 - ml refill. 8 refills per case.
Gojo Provon NXT Antimicrobial Lotion Soap with Chloroxylenol, 1000-ml Refill, 8 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 64.73 48.01 85.93 GOJ2118-08.JPG gojo provon NXT antimicrobial lotion soap with chloroxylenol, gojo liquid soap refill, gojo liquid hand soap refill, gojo soap refill, gojo hand soap refill, GOJ 2118-08, GOJ211808 1 1 0 0 1 50
3800 Lagasse Pulse Microfiber Caddy with Clean Connect (RCPQ966) 3800 RCP Q966 3.60 Q96600 0000 Rubbermaid Pulse Caddy
Connects to the Pulse™ Floor Cleaning Tool with Clean Connect™ technology for hands-free refilling with no spills or overflowing. Easily disconnect with the push of a button. 2-gallon capacity refills the Pulse™ Tool more than 12 times—enough to clean 10,000 sq. ft. of flooring. Can be used with RCP 9T75 cart (sold separately) by replacing one of the caddies, allowing chemical to be locked away under hood and behind doors for safety.
Rubbermaid Pulse Microfiber Cleaning System Caddy, 2 Gallon, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 31.86 24.30 41.83 RCPQ966.JPG Pulse Microfiber Caddy with Clean Connect, rubbermaid pulse caddy, RCP Q966, RCPQ966, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3802 Lagasse Pumie Scouring Sticks, 12 Sticks (PUM12) 3802 PUM 12 2.83 JAN-12 Pumie Porcelain & Tile Cleaner Scouring Sticks
These professional scouring sticks clean porcelain, ceramic tile, concrete, masonry and iron. Removes lime, rust, stains and paint. They are 100% natural and won’t harm surfaces. Individually wrapped 6"x3/4"x1-1/4" sticks. Excellent for bathrooms, toilets, urinals, kitchen, pools, railings, hearths, porches and any other area that needs a quick and easy, gentle scrub of a tiled, masonry or iron surface. A must have cleaning tool for janitorial services and cleaning professionals.
U.S. Pumice Pumie Scouring Sticks, Individually Wrapped, 12 Sticks per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. U.S. Pumice 23.14 17.65 30.32 PUM12.JPG pumie scouring stick, pumie scouring sticks, pumie sticks, pumie stick, pumie scour stick, PUM 12, PUM12, cleaner, cleaning supply, scour 1 1 0 0 1 113
3809 Lagasse Gojo Purell Dispenser, 800 Series, White/Gray (GOJ9621) 3809 GOJ 9621 1.20 9621-12 800-ml Hand Sanitizing Dispenser
Known as the compact 1000-ml dispenser, Gojo's line of space saving hand sanitizing dispensers are much smaller than traditionally sized dispensers. Perfect for patient rooms, hallways, administrative areas and nurses stations, these portion controlled dispensers are adept at reducing wasted product. Holds 800-ml bag-in-box refills GOJ 9656-06, GOJ 9657-12, GOJ 9637 (sold separately). ADA Compliant for push force. 5" wide x 4-1/2" deep x 11" high.
Gojo Purell NXT 800 Series Hand Sanitizing Dispenser, White/Gray, Holds 800-ml Refill, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 15.30 11.67 20.34 GOJ9621.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 9621, GOJ9621 1 1 0 0 1 50
3810 Lagasse Gojo Purell FMX-12 Hand Sanitizer Dispenser (GOJ5120-06) 3810 GOJ 5120-06 1.40 5120-06 Purell FMX-12 Foaming Hand Sanitizer Dispenser
Ideal for locations where a smaller, more traditional dispenser is preferred. Holds 1200-ml refill GOJ 5192-03 (sold separately). Dispenses more than 1,700 uses per refill. Features skylight with an extra-large site window. ADA Compliant, one-hand push operation. Optional key lock included. Mounts to wall with adhesive (included) or screws (not included).
6-1/8"wide x 5-1/8"deep x 10-9/16"high.
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Dispensers » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 6.12 4.55 8.08 GOJ512006.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 5120-06, GOJ512006 1 1 0 0 1 50
3811 Lagasse Gojo Purell FMX-12 Hand Sanitizer Foam, 3 Refills per Case (GOJ5192-03) 3811 GOJ 5192-03 9.50 5192-03 Gojo Purell FMX-12 Hand Sanitizer Foam
Thick, rich foam formula kills 99.99% of most common germs that may cause illness. Patent-pending 62% ethyl alcohol formula contains no fluorinated chemicals. Contains moisturizers to help keep skin hydrated.
Purell foaming instant hand sanitizer, 1200 ml refill 3 refills per case.
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Dispensers » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 76.68 56.49 100.38 GOJ519203.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 5192-03, GOJ519203 1 1 0 0 1 50
3812 Lagasse Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer Dispenser (GOJ9601) 3812 GOJ 9601 0.50 9601-12 Purell Hand Sanitizer Dispenser
This compact Purell Hand Sanitizer Dispenser fits small spaces because it is 6" wide x 3" deep x 5" high. Purell is an effective hand sanitizer because it quickly kills 99.99% of most common germs. It can be used on the go because it sanitizes hands without the need for soap, water or towels. It is effective, yet soft on skin because its specially formulated moisturizers that leave hands feeling soft and refreshed. Dermatologist tested. Dye-free. See GOJ 9654 Refill (sold separately).
Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer Dispenser. 250-ml Refill, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 5.92 4.52 8.00 GOJ9601.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 9601, GOJ9601 1 1 0 0 1 50
3814 Lagasse Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Original Formula, 4-oz. Bottle with Flip Cap (GOJ9651) 3814 GOJ 9651 7.60 9651-24 Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Original Formula, 4-oz. Bottle with Flip Cap
Pocket-size bottle goes anywhere you need it! Orginal Purell kills 99.9% of most common germs in as little as 15 seconds without water or towels. Specially formulated moisturizers leave hands feeling soft and refreshed even after repeated use. Dermatologist tested. Dye-free.
Gojo purell instant hand sanitizer, 4.25 - oz 24 bottles per Case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Small Bottles »Purell Hand Sanitizer Flip Cap Bottles » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 50.43 38.47 67.03 GOJ9651.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 9651, GOJ9651 1 1 0 0 1 50
3815 Lagasse Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Aloe Formula, 24 Flip Cap Bottles (GOJ9631) 3815 GOJ 9631 7.80 9631-24 Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Aloe Formula
Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer kills 99.9% of most common germs in as little as 15 seconds without water or towels. Specially formulated moisturizers leave hands feeling soft and refreshed even after repeated use. Dermatologist tested. Dye-free. Pocket-size bottle goes anywhere you need it!
Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer with Aloe Formula, 4-oz. Bottles, 24 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 50.46 38.48 68.96 GOJ9631.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 9631, GOJ9631 1 1 0 0 1 50
3816 Lagasse Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Classic Desktop Dispenser (GOJ9614-12) 3816 GOJ 9614-12 8.20 9614-12 Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Classic Desktop Dispenser
Purell kills 99.9% of most common germs in as little as 15 seconds without water or towels. Specially formulated moisturizers leave hands feeling soft and refreshed even after repeated use. Dermatologist tested. Dye-free. Designed to put Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer within reach. Easy access encourages use to help minimize the spread of germs in the workplace. Each dispenser includes one 8 fl. oz. pump bottle of Purell Hand Sanitizer. Replace with GOJ 9652 (sold separately). Contemporary design complements professional décor. Holds 8-oz. pump bottle (included). 12 dispensers per case.
Gojo purell hand sanitizer 8 oz pump bottle and classic desktop dispenser, 12 bottles per case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Small Bottles »Purell Hand Sanitizer Pump Bottles » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 77.56 56.22 104.91 GOJ961412.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 9614-12, GOJ961412 1 1 0 0 1 50
3817 Lagasse Purell Hand Sanitizer Display Bowl, 60 - 1/2-oz. Bottles (GOJ300560) 3817 GOJ 3005-60 3.65 3005-60 Purell .5-oz. Hand Sanitizer Bottles
Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer is one of the most popular sanitizers on the market and this clear plastic display bowl contains sixty 0.5-oz. bottles of Purell for convenient use on the go. Purell kills 99.9% of germs it comes in contact with in 15 seconds or less without needing water, soap or towels and leaves hands feeling refreshed. These convenient, portable bottles are excellent for pocket, purse or diaper bag and can be used anywhere. The fish bowl-like display is 1.3” wide x 0.75” deep x 2.6” high and is perfect for use as a giveaway at trade shows or to have on hand in break rooms or doctor's offices.
Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer Clear Display Bowl, 0.5-oz. Bottle, 60 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 51.07 38.17 66.99 GOJ300560.JPG purell display bowl, hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 3005-60, GOJ300560 1 1 0 0 1 50
3818 Lagasse Gojo Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer, 4 Bottles (GOJ962504) 3818 GOJ 9625-04 17.20 9625-04 Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer
Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer kills 99.9% of germs that cause illness in as little as 15 seconds without towels or water. While this hand sanitizer keeps your hands clean, it also contains specially formulated moisturizers that keep hands feeling soft and fresh, even after repeated use. This alcohol-based sanitizer is dermatologist tested and dye-free. Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer is ideal for use just about anywhere hand sanitizing products are needed. This economical 2-liter pump bottle can be kept in high-traffic restrooms, daycare centers, nursing facilities or residential homes and many more locations where sanitized hands are top priority. Keep your environment safe and healthy for family, friends, customers and employees. Stock up on Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer and keep some close by at all times.
Gojo Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer, 2-Liter Pump Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 108.18 73.23 144.47 GOJ962504.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell hand sanitizer refill, GOJ 9625-04, GOJ962504 1 1 0 0 1 50
3819 Lagasse Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer Original Formula 2 oz. Personal Squeeze Bottle, GOJ9606-24 3819 GOJ 9606-24 4.40 9606-24 Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer Original Formula
Purell Sanitizer kills 99.9% of most common germs in as little as 15 seconds without water or towels. Specially formulated moisturizers leave hands feeling soft and refreshed even after repeated use. Dermatologist tested. Dye-free.
Gojo purell instant hand sanitizer, personal 2 oz. squeeze bottle, 24 per case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Small Bottles »Purell Hand Sanitizer Pump Bottles » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 45.87 34.98 62.08 GOJ960624.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 9606-24, GOJ960624 1 1 0 0 1 50
3820 Lagasse Gojo 8-oz. Purell Hand Sanitizer, Original Formula, 12 Pump Bottles (GOJ9652) 3820 GOJ 9652 6.20 9652-12 Purell Hand Sanitizer Pump Bottles
Purell Original Formula. Kills 99.9% of most common germs in as little as 15 seconds without water or towels. Specially formulated moisturizers leave hands feeling soft and refreshed even after repeated use. Dermatologist tested. Dye-free. Use 8-oz. bottle to refill desktop dispensers. Ideal for public health facilities and great for use in offices, daycares, hospitals, fitness centers, nursing homes or any where germ control is important.
Gojo Purell Original Instant Hand Sanitizing Pump Bottles, 8 - oz Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 49.76 37.33 68.12 GOJ9652.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 9652, GOJ9652 1 1 0 0 1 50
3822 Lagasse Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Original Formula, 12 Refills per case. (GOJ9654) 3822 GOJ 9654 8.00 9654-12 Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Original Formula Refill
This refill is designed to fit the Purell 250-ml Compact Hand Sanitizer Dispenser GOJ 9601 (sold separately). Purell is an instant hand sanitizer that is formulated to kill up to 99.99% of most common household germs with specailly formulated moisturizers that leave hands feeling soft and refreshed even after repeated use. Dermatologist tested. Dye-free.
Purell Hand Sanitizer. 250-ml Refill. 12 per case.
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Refills » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 64.32 47.27 86.89 GOJ9654.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell hand sanitizer refill, GOJ 9654, GOJ9654 1 1 0 0 1 50
3823 Lagasse Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Pal Desktop Dispenser (GOJ9600-PL1) 3823 GOJ 9600-PL1 12.60 9600-PL1 Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Pal Desktop Dispenser
An engaging desktop “pal” holds pump bottle. Designed to put PURELL Instant Hand Sanitizer within reach. Easy access encourages use to help minimize the spread of germs in the workplace.
Purell kills 99.9% of most common germs in as little as 15 seconds without water or towels. Specially formulated moisturizers leave hands feeling soft and refreshed even after repeated use. Dermatologist tested. Dye-free. Each dispenser includes one 8 fl. oz. pump bottle of Purell Hand Sanitizer. Replace with GOJ 9652 (sold separately).
Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer, "Pal" Pump Bottle Dispenser, 12 dispensers per case.
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Small Bottles »Purell Hand Sanitizer Pump Bottles » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 98.09 70.28 130.74 GOJ9600PL1.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 9600-PL1, GOJ9600PL1 1 1 0 0 1 50
3825 Lagasse Gojo Purell NXT 1000-ml Space Saver Dispenser (GOJ212006) 3825 GOJ 2120-06 1.03 2120-06 1000-ml Hand Sanitizing Dispenser
Known as the compact 1000-ml dispenser, Gojo's line of space saving hand sanitizing dispensers are much smaller than traditionally sized dispensers. Perfect for patient rooms, hallways, administrative areas and nurses stations, these portion controlled dispensers are adept at reducing wasted product. Coming with a non-clog valve for refills, this dispenser is a perfect fit for 1000-ml refills such as GOJ 2156-08 and GOJ 2137-08.
Gojo Purell NXT 1000-ml Space Saver Hand Sanitizing Dispenser, Holds 1000-ml Refill, Each
Skin Care & Hand Soaps » Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell NXT Dispensing System - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 10.02 7.47 13.68 GOJ212006.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 2120-06, GOJ212006 1 1 0 0 1 50
3827 Lagasse Purell NXT Instant Hand Sanitizer with Aloe Refill, 8 Refillls (GOJ213708) 3827 GOJ 2137-08 17.80 2137-08 Purell NXT Instant Hand Sanitizer With Aloe Refill
Purell Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer with Aloe is America’s #1 instant hand sanitizer, killing more than 99.9% of most common germs that cause illness. Purell Advanced meets and exceeds FDA Healthcare Handwash Requirements and works within 15 seconds of skin contact, with no water or towels necessary. This superior hand sanitizer contains four different skin conditioning agents to help maintain the overall health and feel of your hands. The advanced formula contains Vitamin E and moisturizers that leave your hands feeling soft without leaving behind any stickiness or residue. For over 60 years, Gojo has been a leader in the infection control and skin science areas. Clinically proven to help maintain skin health, Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Aloe was designed to promote hygienic practices and skin health. Get some today!
Gojo Purell NXT Instant Hand Sanitizer with Aloe Refill, 1000-ml Refill, 8 Refills per Case – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 87.59 65.28 119.66 GOJ213708.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell hand sanitizer refill, GOJ 2137-08, GOJ213708 1 1 0 0 1 50
3828 Lagasse Purell NXT Instant Hand Sanitizer, 8 - 1000ml Refills (GOJ215608) 3828 GOJ 2156-08 19.20 2156-08 Gojo Purell NXT Instant Hand Sanitizer Refills
America’s No. 1 brand of instant hand sanitizer. Kills 99.99% of most common germs within 15 seconds without water or towels. Contains a unique moisturizing system that leaves hands feeling soft. Dermatologist tested, dye-free. This alcohol-based sanitizer is dermatologist tested and dye-free. Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer is ideal for use just about anywhere hand sanitizing products are needed. This economical 2-liter pump bottle can be kept in high-traffic restrooms, daycare centers, nursing facilities or residential homes and many more locations where sanitized hands are top priority. Keep your environment safe and healthy for family, friends, customers and employees.
Gojo Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer, 1000ml Refill, 8 Refills per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 87.32 66.60 117.15 GOJ215608.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell hand sanitizer refill, GOJ 2156-08, GOJ215608 1 1 0 0 1 50
3829 Lagasse Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Original Formula, 6 Bag-In-Box Refills (GOJ965606) 3829 GOJ 9656-06 11.20 9656-06 Gojo Purell NXT Instant Hand Sanitizer Refills
Sanitary, sealed refill bag is easy to load and comes with a fresh valve to prevent clogging and leaking. For 800-ml dispenser GOJ 9621 (sold separately). This alcohol-based sanitizer is dermatologist tested and dye-free. Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer is ideal for use just about anywhere hand sanitizing products are needed. This economical 2-liter pump bottle can be kept in high-traffic restrooms, daycare centers, nursing facilities or residential homes and many more locations where sanitized hands are top priority. Keep your environment safe and healthy for family, friends, customers and employees.
Gojo Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer, Bag-in-Box, 800-ml Refill. 6 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 59.28 45.22 80.50 GOJ965606.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell hand sanitizer refill, GOJ 9656-06, GOJ965606 1 1 0 0 1 50
3830 Lagasse Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Original Formula, 12 Bag-In-Box Refill per Case (GOJ9657-12) 3830 GOJ 9657-12 24.00 9657-12 Purell Hand Sanitizer, Original Formula, 800-ml Bag-In-Box
Sanitary, sealed refill bag is easy to load and comes with a fresh valve to prevent clogging and leaking. For 800-ml dispenser GOJ 9621 (sold separately).
Purell hand sanitizer, original formula, 800 - ml refill. 12 refills per case.
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Refills » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 113.50 86.57 152.79 GOJ965712.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell hand sanitizer refill, GOJ 9657-12 GOJ965712 1 1 0 0 1 50
3831 Lagasse Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Aloe Formula, 12 Bag-In-Box Refill per Case (GOJ9637) 3831 GOJ 9637 22.40 9637-12 Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer, Aloe Formula, Bag-In-Box Refill
Sanitary, sealed refill bag is easy to load and comes with a fresh valve to prevent clogging and leaking. For 800-ml dispenser GOJ 9621 (sold separately).
Gojo purell hand sanitizer, aloe formula, 800-ml bag-in-box refill, 12 refills per Case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Refills » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 113.50 86.57 150.28 GOJ9637.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell hand sanitizer refill, GOJ 9637, GOJ9637 1 1 0 0 1 50
3832 Lagasse Purell Individually Wrapped Sanitizing Hand Wipes, 1,000 Wipes (GOJ90211M) 3832 GOJ 9021-1M 8.00 9021-1M Sanitizing Hand Wipes
These hand wipes from Purell are economical, individually wrapped towelettes that clean and sanitize your hands on the go. Purell is a brand everybody knows and trusts, and with these towelettes they are helping their customers stay healthy in any environment. You won’t lose any sanitizing power with Purell Hand Sanitizing Wipes. They are made with 62% ethyl alcohol, so you get all of the germ-killing benefits of Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer in these sturdy, non-linting wipes. Each individually wrapped “on the go” wipe is pre-moistened and will not dry out. They are ideal for throwing in your purse, briefcase, or diaper bag to have a hand cleaning and sanitizing solution available to you at any time. These handy wipes are also great for use in the food service, travel and hospitality industries.
Purell Brand Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes, 1,000 Individually Wrapped Wipes per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 41.82 31.90 54.53 GOJ90211M.JPG purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, purell wipes, sanitizing hand wipes, purell hand wipes, GOJ 9021-1M, GOJ90211M 1 1 0 0 1 50
3833 Lagasse Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer Wipes, 100-Count Box (GOJ9022-10) 3833 GOJ 9022-10 8.29 9022-10 Purell Hand Sanitizer Wipes
Economical towelettes clean and sanitize. Individually wrapped, “on-the-go” amenity item for use in the foodservice, travel and hospitality industries. Made with 62% ethyl alcohol—the same active ingredient as PURELL Instant Hand Sanitizer. Individually wrapped.
Gojo purell instant hand sanitizer, 100 Wipes per Box, 10 Boxes per Case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Hand Wipes » - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 45.77 34.91 59.56 GOJ902210.JPG purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell wipes, sanitizing hand wipes, purell hand wipes, GOJ 9022-10, GOJ902210 1 1 0 0 1 50
3835 Lagasse Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer 35-Count Canister Sanitizing Hand Wipes (GOJ901112) 3835 GOJ 9011-12 7.20 9011-12 Purell Hand Sanitizer 35-Count Canister Sanitizing Hand Wipes
Use Purell Sanitizing Wipes anytime, anywhere for a quick, effective cleanup! These wipes are great for Hand Sanitizing and general cleaning tasks. These convenient, durable, textured wet wipes are perfect for superior cleaning and germ fighting. Purell wet wipes are formulated to dry quickly. Each wipe is 7" by 8" in sheet size. Dermatologist tested and approved. Ideal for use in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, day care centers, medical facilities, restaurants, offices and anywhere sanitizing is needed.
Purell Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes. 7"x 8" wipes, 35 wipes per canister. 12 canisters per case.
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Hand Wipes » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 44.16 33.68 58.02 GOJ901112.JPG purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell wipes, sanitizing hand wipes, purell hand wipes, GOJ 9011-12, GOJ901112 1 1 0 0 1 50
3836 Lagasse Gojo Purell TFX 1200-ml Touch-Free Dispenser (GOJ272012) 3836 GOJ 2720-12 2.50 2720-12 Gojo Purell TFX 1200-ml Touch-Free Dispenser
Touch-free dispensing system means no need to touch a dirty dispenser — ideal for hand hygiene. Automatically dispenses the perfect amount of soap needed in a single shot. Fully ADA-Compliant dispensers feature a skylight with an extra-large sight window that makes it easy to see when it’s time to refill. Designed to hold 1200-ml refills GOJ 5392-02 and GOJ 5456-04 (sold separately). Plastic. Mounts to wall with adhesive (included) or screws (not included). Requires three C alkaline batteries (included). 6.375" wide x 4.438" deep x 11.25" high.
Gojo Purell TFX 1200-ml Touch-Free Dispenser, Gray, Plastic, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 23.09 17.61 31.58 GOJ272012.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 2720-12, GOJ272012 1 1 0 0 1 50
3837 Lagasse Purell TFX Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 2 - 1200 ml Refills (GOJ539202) 3837 GOJ 5392-02 5.60 5392-02 Purell Foaming Hand Sanitizer Refills
Purell, the foremost name in hand sanitation, provides the most effective and powerful, non-aerosol foaming sanitation formula available on the market. Guaranteed to kill 99.99% of most common germs that may cause illness, Purell makes staying clean, safe and sanitary simple. Dispensing a thick, rich foam formula that stays on hands even after drying, this 62% ethyl-alcohol formula comes with no fluorinated chemicals. Contains moisturizers to help keep skin hydrated, Purell keeps skin soft and hands clean.
Gojo Purell Foaming Instant Hand Sanitizer, 1200 ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 70.09 53.46 94.36 GOJ539202.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell hand sanitizer refill, GOJ 5392-02, GOJ539202 1 1 0 0 1 50
3838 Lagasse Purell TFX Instant Hand Sanitizer, 4 - 1200ml Refills (GOJ545604) 3838 GOJ 5456-04 11.08 5456-04 Gojo Purell TFX Instant Hand Sanitizer
Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer kills 99.9% of most common germs that may cause illness and works in as little as 15 seconds, without soap or towels! Purell is specially formulated with moisturizers to leave hands feeling soft and refreshed, even after repeated use. The touch free dispensing system means no need to touch a dirty dispenser. It automatically dispenses the perfect amount of sanitizer needed in a single shot, making it ideal for hand hygiene. Each Sanitary Sealed refill comes with a fresh dispensing valve, helping to lock out germs. The skylight makes it easy to see the fill level so you know when a replacement is needed. Ideal for use in bathrooms, daycare centers, hospitals, schools and any other establishment that looking for a convenient way of dispensing hand sanitizer.
Gojo Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer, 1200-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Touch Free Dispensing - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 73.50 50.28 98.63 GOJ545604.JPG hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell hand sanitizer refill, GOJ 5456-04, GOJ545604 1 1 0 0 1 50
3839 Lagasse Purex Natural Elements Laundry Detergent, Concentrate, 4 Bottles (DIA06054) 3839 DIA 06054 30.80 06054 2x Concentrated Liquid Laundry Detergent
100% natural cleaning ingredients deliver the same cleaning benefits as regular detergents. Tough on dirt and stains in a concentrated form to use less detergent with a double strength. Completely biodegradable formula includes bicarbonate, naturally softened water, natural thickener and natural fragrance extracts. Hypoallergenic and dye-free. Linen & Lilies fragrance. 64 loads. Environmentally conscious.
Dial Purex Ultra 2x Liquid Detergent, Linen & Lilies Scent, 100-oz. Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 42.21 32.19 56.44 DIA06054.JPG purex laundry detergent, purex natural elements, ultra concentrate, DIA 06054, DIA06054, liquid laundry detergent, laundry cleaning supplies, laundry cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
3840 Lagasse Purex Ultra Concentrate Liquid Laundry Detergent, 4 - 100-oz. Bottles (DIA04790) 3840 DIA 04790 30.80 4790 Purex Laundry Detergent Ultra Concentrate Liquid
Purex laundry detergent ultra concentrate liquid laundry soap is half the size of regular Purex laundry detergent, but does the same number of loads! This laundry soap is two times concentrated and requires only half the dose. Purex Laundry Detergent Ultra Concentrate Liquid is formulated with Pure Clean Technology for whiter whites and brighter colors on all your laundry items. Helps prevent dinginess. This laundry product has an enhanced blend of surfactants and builders that perform well in all temperatures and leaves clothes with a fresh, clean scent. Color Shield laundry products protect colors from fading. This laundry soap is environmentally friendly, biodegradable and contains no phosphates. We sell this laundry product in 100-oz (+/- 64 loads) or 150-oz (+/- 96 loads) bottles, 4 bottles per case.
Dial Professional Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent, 100-oz. Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 40.10 30.58 54.14 DIA04790.JPG laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent, purex ultra concentrate liquid laundry detergent, DIA 04790, DIA04790 1 1 0 0 1 30
3841 Lagasse Purex Ultra Concentrate Liquid Laundry Detergent, 4 Bottles (DIA05014) 3841 DIA 05014 45.50 5014 Purex Ultra Concentrate Laundry Detergent
Purex laundry detergent ultra concentrate liquid laundry soap is half the size of regular Purex laundry detergent, but does the same number of loads! This laundry soap is two times concentrated and requires only half the dose. Purex Laundry Detergent Ultra Concentrate Liquid is formulated with Pure Clean Technology for whiter whites and brighter colors on all your laundry items. Helps prevent dinginess. This laundry product has an enhanced blend of surfactants and builders that perform well in all temperatures and leaves clothes with a fresh, clean scent. Color Shield laundry products protect colors from fading. This laundry soap is environmentally friendly, biodegradable and contains no phosphates. We sell this laundry product 150-oz (+/- 96 loads) bottles, 4 bottles per case. Dial Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent, 150-oz. Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 60.57 46.20 81.79 DIA05014.JPG laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent,purex ultra concentrate liquid laundry detergent, DIA 05014, DIA05014 1 1 0 0 1 30
3842 Lagasse PushPull Floor Squeegee, 24in Head (UNGFH600) 3842 UNG FH600 1.57 FH600 Heavy-duty, rust-resistant galvanized steel socket and pivoting aluminum channel. Replaceable hard rubber blades feature two wiping blades, making quick work of dirty jobs. (Aluminum handle UNG AL140 sold separately.)
H-DTY STRAIGHT FLR SQUEEGEE 24 IN PUSH PULL HRD RBR 10 Unger 23.58 17.98 31.27 UNGFH600.JPG PushPull Floor Squeegee, 24in Head UNG FH600, UNGFH600, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
3843 Lagasse 1-1/4" Putty Knife (GRE15PKS) 3843 GRE 15PKS 0.11 GNS15PKS 1.25" Putty Knife
Simple to operate and very handy, this putty knife should be a tool kept in every toolbox. This putty knife by Great Neck can be used in a number of different construction and home repair projects. The 1 ¼ inch stiff high carbon steel blade will not bend easily. While this putty knife is suitable for spreading, it is also ideal to use when a rigid tool is needed for scraping paint, wallpaper, wall decals or any other foreign element on household smooth surfaces. The molded black plastic handle on this putty knife will not absorb grease or oil and the grommet hole makes for easy storage.
Great Neck Putty Knife, 1 ¼ inch steel blade with black plastic handle, Each. – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Great Neck Saw Mfrs. Inc. 1.78 1.31 2.34 GRE15PKS.JPG putty knife, GRE 15PKS, GRE15PKS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 51
3844 Lagasse PVC Food Wrap Film, 12in x 2,000 ft. (BWK7202) 3844 BWK 7202 5.40 BWK7202 Professional-quality food wrap roll in a convenient cutter box.
FILM CUTTER BX 12X2000 Boardwalk Paper 12.00 9.01 15.72 BWK7202.JPG PVC Food Wrap Film, 12in x 2,000 ft. BWK 7202, BWK7202, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3845 Lagasse Boardwalk PVC Cling Food Wrap Film, 18 inch x 2,000 ft. (BWK7204) 3845 BWK 7204 7.70 BWK7204 18"x2000' Food Wrap Film
Professional-quality food wrap roll in a convenient cutter box.
Boardwalk Cling Film, 18" wide, 2,000 ft. long Cutter Box, Each Boardwalk Paper 18.89 14.10 25.08 BWK7204.JPG PVC Food Wrap Film, 18in x 2,000 ft., BWK 7204, BWK7204, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3846 Lagasse PVC Food Wrap Film, 24in x 2,000 ft. (BWK7229) 3846 BWK 7229 9.90 BWK7229 Professional-quality food wrap roll in a convenient cutter box.
FILM BOX CUT RL 24IN 2000FT EACH Boardwalk Paper 24.45 18.49 32.38 BWK7229.JPG PVC Food Wrap Film, 24in x 2,000 ft. BWK 7229, BWK7229, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
3847 Lagasse Quantum Super Jumbo Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub Roll (SANR6500TBK) 3847 SAN R6500TBK 6.60 R6500TBK Jumbo Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub Roll
Made of break- and chemical-resistant plastic. Transparent full-swing replaceable cover provides easy viewing of toilet paper. Cover has key lock mechanism to prevent theft Holds one 13" roll and one 7" stub roll. Infinity System prevents access to spare roll until first roll is depleted; eliminates stub roll waste. 22" wide x 5-7/8" deep x 16-1/2" high. Our full selection of Paper Products helps keep your home and office business clean, safe and well stocked.
San Jamar Super Jumbo Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser with Stub Roll Compartment, Black Pearl, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
San Jamar Dispenser 40.12 30.60 54.01 SANR6500TBK.JPG toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispensers, commercial toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispensers, bobrick toilet paper dispensers, toilet paper roll dispensers, Quantum Jumbo Roll Bath Tissue Dispenser with Stub Roll Compartment, Black Pearl SAN R6500TBK, SANR6500TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
3848 Lagasse Quasar Diamond Gloss Floor Wax, 4 Gallons (FRKF136022) 3848 FRK F136022 37.90 F136022 Quasar Diamond Gloss Floor Wax
Quality polymers ensure the beauty and lengthen the life of flooring High solids, low-maintenance finish is specially designed for high-traffic areas. Dries to a clear film, builds gloss rapidly and reduces application labor. Burnishable. Recommended for all types of flooring except unsealed wood. 25% solids.
Franklin Quasar Diamond Gloss Floor Wax Finish, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 83.80 60.67 114.27 FRKF136022.JPG franklin quasar diamond gloss floor wax, quasar floor wax, franklin quasar floor wax, FRK F136022, FRKF136022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
3849 Lagasse Quasar Diamond Glass Floor Wax, 5 Gallon Cube (FRKF136025) 3849 FRK F136025 44.00 F136025 Franklin Quasar Diamond Glass Floor Wax
Franklin Quasar Diamond Glass Floor Wax is wax the professionals choose. Due its flexibility and comparability, Franklin Quasar Diamond Glass Floor Wax is designed to work with almost any floor maintenance method. Formulated to protect and shine, Franklin Quasar Diamond Glass Floor Wax is equipped to work on all types of floors. Quality polymers ensure the beauty and lengthen the life of flooring High solids, low-maintenance finish is specially designed for high-traffic areas. Dries to a clear film, builds gloss rapidly and reduces application labor. Burnishable. Recommended for all types of flooring except unsealed wood. 25% solids.
Franklin Quasar Diamond Glass Floor Wax Finish, 5 Gallon Cube, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 96.15 70.11 126.85 FRKF136025.JPG quasar diamond glass floor finish, quasar floor wax, franklin quasar floor wax, FRK F136025, FRKF136025, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
3850 Lagasse Quick Change Handle, Fits Mop Heads #12 and #16, 54in Junior Length (UNS601) 3850 UNS 601 14.40 UNS 601 Quick release bar for easy loading. Metal head is double-riveted to lacquered wood handle.
QUICK CHNG JR MOP HNDL 54 INX.88 DIA WOOD 12 Unisan 5.36 3.90 7.20 UNS601.JPG Quick Change Handle, Fits Mop Heads 12 and 16, 54in Junior Length UNS 601, UNS601, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3851 Lagasse Unisan Janitor Length Quick Change 63" Mop Handle (UNS605) 3851 UNS 605 2.25 UNS 605 63" Quick Change Mop Handle
Unisan 63" Mop Handle provides a quick release bar for easy loading. This janitor length handle is ideal for industry professionals such as janitorial companies and maid services. Coming with a durable metal head that is double-riveted to a fully lacquered wood handle, the Unisan 63" Quick Change Janitor Length Mop Handle fits mop heads #20 and up. Great for spot cleaning for commercial business, as well as an essential tool for cleaning professionals, the Unisan 63" Quick Change Mop Handle is a clear cleaning choice.
Unisan Quick Change Janitor Length Wood Mop Handle, 63" Length x 1.13" Diameter, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 7.47 5.70 9.75 UNS605.JPG quick change mop handle, quick change handle, UNS 605, UNS605, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3852 Lagasse Quick Change Utility Knife, 6 Knives per Box (BST10-499) 3852 BST 10-499 3.17 BOS10499 Fully retractable blade for safety. Built-in twine cutter. Includes one blade.
QUICK CHNG UTILITY KNF INCL 1 BLADE 6 Bostitch/Stanley 43.79 33.40 58.21 BST10499.JPG Quick Change Utility Knife, 6 Knives per Box BST 10-499, BST10499, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 101
3854 Lagasse Quiet Classic 5oz Laminated Foam Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (DCC5BWWQ) 3854 DCC 5BWWQ 6.30 5BWWQ 5-oz. Laminated Foam Bowls
Classic, china-like design adds an element of subdued elegance to your gatherings. Lightweight yet strong and sturdy foam supports heavy portions without bending. Glossy plastic lamination provides excellent leak and cut resistance. Insulated to accommodate hot and cold foods. 1,000 bowls per case.
Dart Quiet Classic 5-oz. Laminated Foam Bowls, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 31.40 21.98 41.70 DCC5BWWQ.JPG foam bowls, 5oz foam bowl, laminated foam bowl, foam dinnerware, DCC 5BWWQ, DCC5BWWQ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3855 Lagasse Quiet Classic 10 - 12-oz Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (DCC12BWWQ) 3855 DCC 12BWWQ 10.50 12BWWQ Laminated Foam 10-oz. - 12-oz. Bowls
Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending. Ideal for hot or cold entrees. Laminated for extra strength and gloss. White. 125 pieces per pack.
Dart Quiet Classic Laminated Foam 10-oz. - 12-oz. Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply superstore buyers trust. Dart Container 32.10 22.47 42.53 DCC5BWWQ.JPG 12oz bowls, foam bowl, quiet classic laminated foam Bowls, 10 to 12 oz Bowl, DCC 12BWWQ, DCC12BWWQ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3856 Lagasse Quiet Classic 10-1/4" Laminated Foam Plates, 500 Plates (DCC10PWQ) 3856 DCC 10PWQ 13.40 10PWQ 10-1/4" Foam Laminated Plates
Insulated foam plates accomodate hot or cold entrees. Laminated for extra strength and gloss. Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending, these foam plates are the ideal choice for any food service environment. Classic, "china-like" design adds an element of elegance to your gatherings. White. 125 pieces per pack.
Dart Quiet Classic Laminated 10-1/4" Foam Plates, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 46.76 32.73 61.74 DCC10PWQ.JPG laminated foam plates, dart foam plates, foam dinnerware, 10-1/4in plate, DCC 10PWQ, DCC10PWQ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3857 Lagasse Quiet Classic 10-1/4" Laminated Foam 3 Compartment Plates, 500 Plates (DCC10CPWQ) 3857 DCC 10CPWQ 15.90 10CPWQ 3 Compartment Laminated Foam Plates
Classic, china-like design adds an element of subdued elegance to your gatherings. Lightweight yet strong and sturdy foam supports heavy portions without bending. Glossy plastic lamination provides excellent lean and cut resistance. Insulated to accomadate hot and cold foods. White. 125 pieces per pack.
Dart Quiet Classic Laminated Foam Plates, 10-1/4", 3 Compartment, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 44.16 30.91 58.43 DCC10CPWQ.JPG foam plates, laminated foam dinnerware plates, 10-1/4in plate with 3 compartments, DCC 10CPWQ, DCC10CPWQ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3858 Lagasse Quiet Classic 6" Laminated Foam Plates, 1,000 Plates (DCC6PWQ) 3858 DCC 6PWQ 9.60 6PWQ Laminated Foam 6" Plates
Coming fully reinforced for an increased amount of strength, this line of high quality foam disposable plates are ideal for hot or cold entrees. Strong enough to hold a full portion of food without bending, these plates are the perfect addition to any food service industry. Offering second to none quality and functionality, these foam plates are the ideal choice for any food service environment. White. 250 pieces per pack. Dart's foam bowls come 4 packs to a case. Ideal for hot or cold entrees.
Dart 6" Conex Quiet Classic Laminated Foam Plates, White, 250 Plates per Pack, 4 Packs, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 30.41 21.29 39.93 DCC6PWQ.JPG Quiet Classic Laminated Foam Dinnerware Plates, 6in Plate DCC 6PWQ, DCC6PWQ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3860 Lagasse Quiet Classic 9" 3 Compartment Laminated Foam Plate, 500 Plates (DCC9CPWQ) 3860 DCC 9CPWQ 11.70 9CPWQ 9" Laminated Foam 3 Compartment Plates
Classic, china-like design adds an element of subdued elegance to your gaterhings. Lightweight yet strong and sturdy foam supports heavy portions without bending. Glossy plastic lamination provides excellent leak and cut resistance. Insulated to accomodate hot and cold foods. White. 125 plates per pack, 4 packs per case.
Dart Quiet Classic 9 inch 3 Compartment Laminated Foam Plates, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 26.06 18.24 35.54 DCC9CPWQ.JPG foam plates, laminated foam dinnerware, 9in plate with 3 compartments, DCC 9CPWQ, DCC9CPWQ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3861 Lagasse Quiet Classic 9" Laminated Foam Plates, 500 Plates (DCC9PWQ) 3861 DCC 9PWQ 10.00 9PWQ 9" Laminated Foam Plates
Classic, china-like design adds an element of subdued elegance to your gatherings. Lightweight yet strong and sturdy foam supports heavy portions without bending. Glossy plastic lamination provides excellent leak and cut resistance. Insulated to accommodate hot and cold foods. 500 plates per case.
Dart Quiet Classic 9" Laminated Foam Plates, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 26.27 18.39 35.72 DCC9PWQ.JPG laminated foam dinnerware, foam plates, 9" foam plates, 9 inch disposable plates, DCC 9PWQ, DCC9PWQ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
3865 Lagasse Quix Plus Food Service Towels (CHI8294) 3865 CHI 8294 2.80 8294 Concentrate-formulated towels instantly create one gallon of sanitizing solution with no mixing required. Designed for foodservice use; post-rinsing not required. Kills germs on hard surfaces in 60 seconds. FDA Sanctioned; EPA Registered. 20" x 13.5". Pink. 72 towels per case.
Disinfectant Food Service Towels, 72 Towels per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Food Service Towels Chicopee 41.39 31.57 55.95 CHI8294.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Quix Plus Foodservice Towels CHI 8294, CHI8294 1 1 0 0 1 19
3866 Lagasse Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 0, Fine, 17in Diameter (GMT120170) 3866 GMT 120170 10.60 120170 Ideal for stripping a tough, dirty, paste-wax buildup or buffing a beautiful parquet floor to a brilliant luster. Reversible pad can be used over and over for cleaning, dry scrubbing, polishing or finishing almost any type of floor. 12 pads per case.
RADIAL STEEL WOOL FLR PAD 17 IN #0 GR 12 Global Material Technologies 64.65 49.31 88.50 GMT120170.JPG Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 0, Fine, 17in Diameter GMT 120170, GMT120170, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
3867 Lagasse Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 1, Medium, 17in Diameter (GMT120171) 3867 GMT 120171 11.00 120171 Ideal for stripping a tough, dirty, paste-wax buildup or buffing a beautiful parquet floor to a brilliant luster. Reversible pad can be used over and over for cleaning, dry scrubbing, polishing or finishing almost any type of floor. 12 pads per case.
RADIAL STEEL WOOL FLR PAD 17 IN #1 GR 12 Global Material Technologies 64.65 49.31 88.12 GMT120171.JPG Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 1, Medium, 17in Diameter GMT 120171, GMT120171, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
3868 Lagasse Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 2, Course, 17in Diameter (GMT120172) 3868 GMT 120172 12.80 120172 Ideal for stripping a tough, dirty, paste-wax buildup or buffing a beautiful parquet floor to a brilliant luster. Reversible pad can be used over and over for cleaning, dry scrubbing, polishing or finishing almost any type of floor. 12 pads per case.
RADIAL STEEL WOOL FLR PAD 17 IN #2 GR 12 Global Material Technologies 64.65 49.31 87.92 GMT120172.JPG Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 2, Course, 17in Diameter GMT 120172, GMT120172, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
3869 Lagasse Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 0, Fine, 18in Diameter (GMT120180) 3869 GMT 120180 13.80 120180 Ideal for stripping a tough, dirty, paste-wax buildup or buffing a beautiful parquet floor to a brilliant luster. Reversible pad can be used over and over for cleaning, dry scrubbing, polishing or finishing almost any type of floor. 12 pads per case.
RADIAL STEEL WOOL FLR PAD 18 IN #0 GR 12 Global Material Technologies 70.88 54.06 93.61 GMT120180.JPG Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 0, Fine, 18in Diameter GMT 120180, GMT120180, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
3871 Lagasse Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 2, Course, 18in Diameter (GMT120182) 3871 GMT 120182 14.20 120182 Ideal for stripping a tough, dirty, paste-wax buildup or buffing a beautiful parquet floor to a brilliant luster. Reversible pad can be used over and over for cleaning, dry scrubbing, polishing or finishing almost any type of floor. 12 pads per case.
RADIAL STEEL WOOL FLR PAD 18 IN #2 GR 12 Global Material Technologies 70.88 54.06 94.38 GMT120182.JPG Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 2, Course, 18in Diameter GMT 120182, GMT120182, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
3872 Lagasse Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 0, Fine, 19in Diameter (GMT120190) 3872 GMT 120190 13.80 120190 Ideal for stripping a tough, dirty, paste-wax buildup or buffing a beautiful parquet floor to a brilliant luster. Reversible pad can be used over and over for cleaning, dry scrubbing, polishing or finishing almost any type of floor. 12 pads per case.
RADIAL STEEL WOOL FLR PAD 19 IN #0 GR 12 Global Material Technologies 76.28 57.47 99.72 GMT120190.JPG Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 0, Fine, 19in Diameter GMT 120190, GMT120190, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
3873 Lagasse Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 1, Medium, 19in Diameter (GMT120191) 3873 GMT 120191 17.00 120191 Ideal for stripping a tough, dirty, paste-wax buildup or buffing a beautiful parquet floor to a brilliant luster. Reversible pad can be used over and over for cleaning, dry scrubbing, polishing or finishing almost any type of floor. 12 pads per case.
RADIAL STEEL WOOL FLR PAD 19 IN #1 GR 12 Global Material Technologies 76.28 57.47 103.39 GMT120191.JPG Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 1, Medium, 19in Diameter GMT 120191, GMT120191, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
3874 Lagasse Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 2, Course, 19in Diameter (GMT120192) 3874 GMT 120192 13.00 120192 Ideal for stripping a tough, dirty, paste-wax buildup or buffing a beautiful parquet floor to a brilliant luster. Reversible pad can be used over and over for cleaning, dry scrubbing, polishing or finishing almost any type of floor. 12 pads per case.
RADIAL STEEL WOOL FLR PAD 19 IN #2 GR 12 Global Material Technologies 78.25 59.68 102.10 GMT120192.JPG Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 2, Course, 19in Diameter GMT 120192, GMT120192, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
3875 Lagasse Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 0, Fine, 20in Diameter (GMT120200) 3875 GMT 120200 16.20 120200 Ideal for stripping a tough, dirty, paste-wax buildup or buffing a beautiful parquet floor to a brilliant luster. Reversible pad can be used over and over for cleaning, dry scrubbing, polishing or finishing almost any type of floor. 12 pads per case.
RADIAL STEEL WOOL FLR PAD 20 IN #0 GR 12 Global Material Technologies 80.81 61.63 109.82 GMT120200.JPG Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 0, Fine, 20in Diameter GMT 120200, GMT120200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
3876 Lagasse Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 1, Medium, 20 " Diameter, 12 Pads (GMT120201) 3876 GMT 120201 16.20 120201 Ideal for stripping a tough, dirty, paste-wax buildup or buffing a beautiful parquet floor to a brilliant luster. Reversible pad can be used over and over for cleaning, dry scrubbing, polishing or finishing almost any type of floor. 12 pads per case.
Global Material Technologies Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, 20 Inch Diameter, #1 Grade, 12 Pads per Case Global Material Technologies 80.81 61.63 109.92 GMT120201.JPG Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 1, Medium, 20in Diameter GMT 120201, GMT120201, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 49
3877 Lagasse Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 2, Course, 20in Diameter (GMT120202) 3877 GMT 120202 16.90 120202 Ideal for stripping a tough, dirty, paste-wax buildup or buffing a beautiful parquet floor to a brilliant luster. Reversible pad can be used over and over for cleaning, dry scrubbing, polishing or finishing almost any type of floor. 12 pads per case.
RADIAL STEEL WOOL FLR PAD 20 IN #2 GR 12 Global Material Technologies 80.81 61.63 107.71 GMT120202.JPG Radial Steel Wool Floor Pads, Grade 2, Course, 20in Diameter GMT 120202, GMT120202, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 49
3878 Lagasse Raid Ant & Roach Killer Outdoor Fresh Scent (DRK94400) 3878 DRK 94400 18.00 94400 RAID Ant and Roach Killer
Raid Ant & Roach Killer kills on contact with no lingering chemical odor and will keep killing bugs for up to four weeks. Available in easy-to-use aerosol can, this insecticide uses broad spray patterns for good surface coverage. Quick-acting formula kills roaches, water bugs, ants, silverfish, crickets and spiders. Light, Outdoor Fresh scent. No CFCs. EPA Registered. - The wholesale cleaning supply company that Buyers Trust.
Raid Ant & Roach Killer Aerosol 12 - 17.5 oz Cans per case
Diversey 67.31 38.22 89.28 DRK94400.JPG Raid Ant & Roach Killer, 12 Cans per Case, 17.5-oz. Aerosol Can DRK 94400, DRK94400, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
3879 Lagasse Raid Commercial Flying Insect Killer, 6 Cans (DRK94892) 3879 DRK 94892 10.00 94892 Raid Flying Insect Killer
Formula designed specifically for commercial and industrial insect control. Clears an entire room of flying insects in minutes, fast knockdown of flies, mosquitoes, small flying moths and gnats. For use in restrooms, garages, kitchens and garbage collection areas. Pleasant scent. No CFCs. NSF Approved for use in restaurants and food handling establishments. USDA Authorized for use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants. Powerful, effective eliminator and while being gentle to our environment.
Diversey Raid Commercial Flying Insect Killer, 19-oz. Aerosol Can, 6 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 78.18 44.39 106.48 DRK94892.JPG Raid Commercial Flying Insect Killer, 6 Cans per Case, 19-oz. Aerosol Can DRK 94892, DRK94892, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
3880 Lagasse Raid® Concentrated Deep Reach™ Fogger Triple Pack, 12 Packs per Case, 3 Cans per Pack (DRK94797) 3880 DRK 94797 9.00 94797 Concentrated, clean, waterless formula. Active ingredient, Cypermethrin, provides fast knockdown, good flushing and excellent residual control of indoor pests. Fogger penetrates deeply into cracks, crevices and carpet fibers to reach harboring infestation. Leaves no wet, messy residue. Effective against ants, cockroaches, spiders, black carpet and flour beetles, gnats, silverfish, crickets, fleas, houseflies, mosquitoes, ticks, wasps and hornets. One can treats up to 625 square feet. EPA Registered. 1.5-oz. fogger.
RAID CONC DEEP REACH FOGGER 1.5OZ CAN 12/3 Diversey 140.68 79.88 184.06 DRK94797.JPG Raid Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger Triple Pack, 12 Packs per Case, 3 Cans per Pack DRK 94797, DRK94797, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 63
3881 Lagasse Raid Wasp, Hornet & Bee Killer, 12 Cans (DRK94898) 3881 DRK 94898 15.00 94898 Raid Wasp & Hornet Killer
Kills paper wasps, yellow jackets, mud daubers, bees and hornets in seconds on contact from over 20 feet away; dielectric breakdown rating 40,000 volts. Residual action kills wasps and hornets that return to the nest, and their pupae. No CFCs. EPA Registered.
Diversey Raid Wasp & Hornet Killer, 14-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 73.15 50.25 96.40 DRK94898.JPG raid bee killer, raid wasp & hornet killer, DRK 94898, DRK94898 1 1 0 0 1 63
3882 Lagasse 35-Gallon Garbage Can w/ Two Doors, Beige (RCP8430-88BEI) 3882 RCP 8430-88 BEI 30.38 8430-88 BEIGE 35-Gallon Garbage Can w/ Two Doors
Durable construction in a modern design for a professional look. Door top styles are FM and CSFM Approved. Withstands extreme weather . Permanently attached hinged lid. Metal bag retention straps secure can liners Top has two doors. 21.5 sq. x 41h. Shpg. wt. 29.38 lbs.
Rubbermaid 35 Gallon Outdoor Garbage Can, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Outdoor Trash Cans & Tops » Hooded Top Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 255.67 195.00 340.61 RCP843088BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, Ranger 35-Gallon Garbage Can, Beige RCP 8430-88 BEI, RCP843088BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
3884 Lagasse 35-Gallon Ranger Garbage Can w/ Two Doors, Brown (RCP8430-88BRO) 3884 RCP 8430-88 BRO 30.38 8430-88 BRN Rubbermaid 35-Gallon Ranger Garbage Can w/ Two Doors
Durable construction in a modern design for a professional look. Door top styles are FM and CSFM Approved. Withstands extreme weather. Permanently attached hinged lid. Metal bag retention straps secure can liners Top has two doors. 21.5" square x 41"high. Shipping weight: 30 lbs.
Rubbermaid 35 Gallon Outdoor Garbage Can, Brown, Each
Trash Cans » Outdoor Trash Cans & Tops » Hooded Top Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 255.67 195.00 337.66 RCP843088BRO.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Ranger 35-Gallon Garbage Can, Brown RCP 8430-88 BRO, RCP843088BRO 1 1 0 0 1 89
3885 Lagasse 45-Gallon Ranger Garbage Can w/ Four-Way Open Access, Beige (RCP9173-88BEI) 3885 RCP 9173-88 BEI 36.94 9173-88 BEIGE 45-Gallon Garbage Can with Four-Way Open Access
Durable construction in a modern design for a professional look. Withstands extreme weather. Permanently attached hinged lid. Metal bag retention straps secure can liners Pedestal base design offers increased stability, even in outdoor environments. Bolt-down feature for added stability and security. 24.8" square x 41.5" high. Shipping weight: 40-lbs.
Rubbermaid Commercial 45 Gallon Outdoor Garbage Can, 4 Way Access, Beige, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 326.47 249.00 437.43 RCP917388BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, Ranger 45-Gallon Garbage Can with Four-Way Open Access, rubbermaid 45 gallon trash can, RCP 9173-88 BEI, RCP917388BEI 1 1 0 1 1 89
3886 Lagasse 45 Gallon Ranger Garbage Can w/ Four-Way Open Access, Black (RCP9173-88BLA) 3886 RCP 9173-88 BLA 36.94 9173-88 BLACK Rubbermaid 45 Gallon Garbage Can w/ Four-Way Opening
Durable construction in a modern design for a professional look. Door top styles are FM and CSFM Approved. Withstands extreme weather. Permanently attached hinged lid. Metal bag retention straps secure can liners Pedestal base design offers increased stability, even in outdoor environments. Bolt-down feature for added stability and security. 24.8" square x 41.5"high. Shipping weight: 40 lbs.
Rubbermaid 45 Gallon Outdoor Garbage Can, 4 Way Access, Black, Each
Trash Cans » Outdoor Trash Cans & Tops » Hooded Top Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 326.47 249.00 427.25 RCP917388BLA.JPG trash can, garbage can, outdoor trash can, outdoor garbage can, black trash can, black garbage can, 45 gallon trash can, 45 gallon garbage can, rubbermaid 45 gallon trash can, ranger 45 gallon garbage can, four-way open access, RCP 9173-88 BLA, RCP917388BLA, waste containers 1 1 0 0 1 89
3887 Lagasse 45-Gallon Ranger Garbage Can with Two Doors, Beige (RCP9171-88BEI) 3887 RCP 9171-88 BEI 42.53 9171-88 BEIGE Rubbermaid 45 Gallon Outdoor Garbage Can
Durable construction in a modern design for a professional look. Door top styles are FM and CSFM Approved. Withstands extreme weather. Permanently attached hinged lid. Metal bag retention straps secure can liners Pedestal base design offers increased stability, even in outdoor environments. Bolt-down feature for added stability and security. 24.8" square x 41.5"high. Shipping weight: 42 lbs.
Rubbermaid 45 Gallon Outdoor Garbage Can 2 Doors, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Outdoor Trash Cans & Tops » Hooded Top Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 417.33 277.00 551.36 RCP917188BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Ranger 45-Gallon Garbage Can with Two Doors, Beige RCP 9171-88 BEI, RCP917188BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
3888 Lagasse 45-Gallon Ranger Garbage Can w/ Two Doors, Black (RCP9171-88BLA) 3888 RCP 9171-88 BLA 42.53 9171-88 BLACK Rubbermaid 45-Gallon Ranger Garbage Can
Durable construction in a modern design for a professional look. Door top styles are FM and CSFM Approved. Withstands extreme weather. Permanently attached hinged lid. Metal bag retention straps secure can liners Pedestal base design offers increased stability, even in outdoor environments. Bolt-down feature for added stability and security. 24.8" square x 41.5"high. Shipping weight: 42 lbs.
Rubbermaid 45 Gallon Outdoor Garbage Can 2 Doors, Black, Each
Trash Cans » Outdoor Trash Cans & Tops » Hooded Top Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 363.18 277.00 487.99 RCP917188BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Ranger 45-Gallon Garbage Can with Two Doors, Black RCP 9171-88 BLA, RCP917188BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
3889 Lagasse 65 Gallon Ranger Garbage Can w/ Two Doors, Beige (RCP9175BEI) 3889 RCP 9175 BEI 51.08 9175-00 BEIGE 65 Gallon Garbage Can w/ Two Doors
Durable construction in a modern design for a professional look. Door top styles are FM and CSFM Approved. Withstands extreme weather. Permanently attached hinged lid. Metal bag retention straps secure can liners Large capacity is ideal for high-traffic areas. Pedestal base design offers increased stability, even in outdoor environments. Bolt-down feature for added stability and security. Two door openings. 24.8" square x 49.25"high. Shipping weight: 51 lbs.
Rubbermaid 65 Gallon Outdoor Garbage Can, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Outdoor Trash Cans & Tops » Hooded Top Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 439.22 335.00 582.29 RCP9175BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Ranger 65-Gallon Garbage Can, Beige RCP 9175 BEI, RCP9175BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
3890 Lagasse 65-Gallon Garbage Can w/ Two Doors, Black (RCP9175BLA) 3890 RCP 9175 BLA 51.08 9175-00 BLACK Rubbermaid 65-Gallon Garbage Can w/ Two Doors
Durable construction in a modern design for a professional look. Door top styles are FM and CSFM Approved. Withstands extreme weather. Permanently attached hinged lid. Metal bag retention straps secure can liners Large capacity is ideal for high-traffic areas. Pedestal base design offers increased stability, even in outdoor environments. Bolt-down feature for added stability and security. Two door openings. 24.8" square x 49.25"high. Shipping weight: 51 lbs.
Rubbermaid 65 Gallon Outdoor Garbage Can, Black, Each
Trash Cans » Outdoor Trash Cans & Tops » Hooded Top Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 439.22 335.00 572.63 RCP9175BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, ranger 65-gallon garbage can, RCP 9175 BLA, RCP9175BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
3894 Lagasse Reclosable Poly Bags, 10w x 13d (BAC10X13ZIP2) 3894 BAC 10X13ZIP2 23.20 MGZ2P1013 Durable, high-quality, cost-effective bags. Ideal for packaging, protecting and displaying products. FDA Approved. Clear poly with white, wide Super-Gripper zipper. Packed in DispenserBag™ for one-at-a-time and bundle dispensing. 2 mil gauge. 1,000 bags per case.
ZIPPIT POLY ZIP BAG 1 GAL 10X13 2ML Bagco Bag Company 85.47 50.70 114.49 BAC10X13ZIP2.JPG Reclosable Poly Bags, 10w x 13d BAC 10X13ZIP2, BAC10X13ZIP2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 158
3895 Lagasse Zippit Reclosable Poly Bags, 12x15, 2.0mil, 1,000 Bags (BAC12X15ZIP2) 3895 BAC 12X15ZIP2 29.50 MGZ2P1215 Durable, high-quality, cost-effective bags. Ideal for packaging, protecting and displaying products. FDA Approved. Clear poly with white, wide Super-Gripper zipper. Packed in DispenserBag™ for one-at-a-time and bundle dispensing. 2 mil gauge. 1,000 bags per case.
ZIPPIT POLY ZIP BAG 12X15 2ML Bagco Bag Company 114.63 68.00 155.77 BAC12X15ZIP2.JPG Reclosable Poly Bags, 12w x 15d BAC 12X15ZIP2, BAC12X15ZIP2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 158
3896 Lagasse Zippit Reclosable Poly Bags, 6x6, 2.0mil, 1,000 Bags (BAC6X6ZIP2) 3896 BAC 6X6ZIP2 7.90 MGZ2P0606 Durable, high-quality, cost-effective bags. Ideal for packaging, protecting and displaying products. FDA Approved. Clear poly with white, wide Super-Gripper zipper. Packed in DispenserBag™ for one-at-a-time and bundle dispensing. 2 mil gauge. 1,000 bags per case.
ZIPPIT POLY ZIP BAG PINT 6X6 2ML Bagco Bag Company 32.03 19.00 42.76 BAC6X6ZIP2.JPG Reclosable Poly Bags, 6w x 6d BAC 6X6ZIP2, BAC6X6ZIP2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 158
3897 Lagasse Zippit Reclosable Poly Bags, 6x9, 2.0mil, 1,000 Bags (BAC6X9ZIP2) 3897 BAC 6X9ZIP2 11.00 MGZ2P0609 Durable, high-quality, cost-effective bags. Ideal for packaging, protecting and displaying products. FDA Approved. Clear poly with white, wide Super-Gripper zipper. Packed in DispenserBag™ for one-at-a-time and bundle dispensing. 2 mil gauge. 1,000 bags per case.
ZIPPIT POLY ZIP BAG 6X9 2ML Bagco Bag Company 38.77 23.00 51.41 BAC6X9ZIP2.JPG Reclosable Poly Bags, 6w x 9d BAC 6X9ZIP2, BAC6X9ZIP2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 158
3898 Lagasse Zippit Reclosable Poly Bags, 7x8, 2.0mil, 1,000 Bags (BAC7X8ZIP2) 3898 BAC 7X8ZIP2 10.40 MGZ2P0708 Durable, high-quality, cost-effective bags. Ideal for packaging, protecting and displaying products. FDA Approved. Clear poly with white, wide Super-Gripper zipper. Packed in DispenserBag™ for one-at-a-time and bundle dispensing. 2 mil gauge. 1,000 bags per case.
ZIPPIT POLY ZIP BAG QUART 7X8 2ML Bagco Bag Company 45.68 27.10 62.15 BAC7X8ZIP2.JPG Reclosable Poly Bags, 7w x 8d BAC 7X8ZIP2, BAC7X8ZIP2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 158
3899 Lagasse Zippit Reclosable Poly Bags, 9x12, 2.0mil, 1,000 Bags (BAC9X12ZIP2) 3899 BAC 9X12ZIP2 19.60 MGZ2P0912 Durable, high-quality, cost-effective bags. Ideal for packaging, protecting and displaying products. FDA Approved. Clear poly with white, wide Super-Gripper zipper. Packed in DispenserBag™ for one-at-a-time and bundle dispensing. 2 mil gauge. 1,000 bags per case.
ZIPPIT POLY ZIP BAG 9X12 2ML Bagco Bag Company 60.70 46.30 80.55 BAC9X12ZIP2.JPG Reclosable Poly Bags, 9w x 12d BAC 9X12ZIP2, BAC9X12ZIP2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 158
3902 Lagasse Rubbermaid 14 Gallon Recycling Bin, Blue (RCP5714-73BLU) 3902 RCP 5714-73 BLU 4.20 FG5714-73 BLUE Recycling Bin
Ideal for commercial recycling use, but perfect for homes as well, this recycling box is constructed of low density polyethylene to hold up under harsh weather conditions and heavy use. The durable plastic will not crack, dent or bow, allowing for outdoor use and storage. The design of this 14 gallon recycling box allows for easy cleaning, and will prevent liquid and debris build-up over time. The built-in handles make for easy lifting and carrying, while the stackable design allows for use of multiple containers at once, and easy, compact storage. Made from post-consumer recycled resin, this recycling box is environmentally friendly, exceeding EPA Guidelines. The universal recycling symbol clearly imprinted on the side will differentiate this recycling box from regular trash receptacles. Keep your environment and the planet clean by keeping several of these Rubbermaid Recycling Bins around your home, office, school or church. Stock up today!
Rubbermaid 14 Gallon Recycling Container, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 20.46 15.61 27.50 RCP571473BLU.JPG recycling bin, recycling bins, recycle bin, recycle bins, recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, recycling box, RCP 5714-73 BLU, RCP571473BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
3903 Lagasse Rubbermaid 18 Gallon Recycling Bin, Blue (RCP571873BLU) 3903 RCP 5718-73 BLU 5.06 FG5718-73 BLUE Rubbermaid Recycling Bin
This blue Recycling bin is perfect for any home, in the class room, or any work area. Clearly displays the universal recycle symbol on the side of the bin. Designed to be stack-able, also easy to carry thanks to its built-in handles. Withstands harsh weather without cracking or bowing because it is built with a heavy-duty LLDPE construction. Meets EPA comprehensive guidelines. Buy brand name Rubbermaid Recycling Bin for your home or office today!
Rubbermaid 18 Gallon Recycling Bin, Blue Container, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 26.04 19.86 35.55 RCP571873BLU.JPG recycling bin, recycling box, 18 gallon recycling container, blue 18 gallon recycling container, 18 gallon recycle box, home recycling bin, recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, blue recycling bin, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, recycling box, RCP 5718-73 BLU, RCP571873BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
3904 Lagasse Portable Desktop Clipboard (SND11017) 3904 SND 11017 2.00 SAU11017 Desktop Clipboard
For outdoor or indoor use. Durable recycled aluminum with antimicrobial protection With built-in storage box. Holds forms and pencils under tightly closed lid. Strong clip controls papers even in brisk wind. Holds forms to 8-1/2 x 12 in clip capacity.
Redi-Rite Portable Desktop Clipboard, Each Saunders Manufacturing 26.61 19.67 34.68 SND11017.JPG Redi-Rite Portable Desktop Clipboard SND 11017, SND11017, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 94
3905 Lagasse Fresh Products Air Freshener, Cherry Fragrance, 12 Containers (FRS12-4G-CH) 3905 FRS 12-4G-CH 4.17 12-4G-C-F Refresh Gel Air Fresheners
Coming in an easy-to-open container, the Refresh gel air fresheners eliminates odors for over 30 days. This VOC Compliant, comes in a nontoxic, nonflammable, water-based formula. Providing long-lasting effective odor control for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings, this quality air freshener gels absorb odors in the air and transform them into nontoxic, odorless compounds. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Coming in fragrances like Lemon, Cherry, Green Apple, Citrus, Vanilla, Springtime, Country Berry, (not a mix box). 4.6-oz. Gel Containers 12 to a case.
Fresh Products Refresh Air Freshener, Cherry Fragrance, 4.6-oz. Gel Containers, 12 Containers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 28.72 21.91 38.57 FRS124GCH.JPG gel air freshener, fresh products, refresh gel air freshener, cherry fragrance, cherry gel pack, FRS 12-4G-CH, FRS124GCH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
3906 Lagasse Fresh Products Air Freshener, Citrus Fragrance, 12 Containers (FRS12-4G-CIT) 3906 FRS 12-4G-CIT 5.00 12-4G-CT-F Citrus Refresh Gel Air Fresheners
Coming in an easy-to-open container, the Refresh gel air fresheners eliminates odors for over 30 days. This VOC Compliant, comes in a nontoxic, nonflammable, water-based formula. Providing long-lasting effective odor control for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings, this quality air freshener gels absorb odors in the air and transform them into nontoxic, odorless compounds. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Coming in fragrances like Lemon, Cherry, Green Apple, Citrus, Vanilla, Springtime, Country Berry, (not a mix box). 4.6-oz. Gel Containers 12 to a case.
Fresh Products Refresh Air Freshener, Citrus, 4.6-oz. Gel Containers, 12 Containers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 29.64 22.61 39.09 FRS124GCIT.JPG refresh air freshener, refresh car air freshener, refresh air frehener msds, refresh gel air freshener, fresh products air freshener, citrus scent, refresh gel air freshener, citrus fragrance, FRS 12-4G-CIT, FRS124GCIT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
3907 Lagasse Fresh Products Air Freshener, Lemon Fragrance, 12 Containers (FRS12-4G-LE) 3907 FRS 12-4G-LE 4.60 12-4G-LE-F Refresh Gel Air Fresheners
Coming in an easy-to-open container, the Refresh gel air fresheners eliminates odors for over 30 days. This VOC Compliant, comes in a nontoxic, nonflammable, water-based formula. Providing long-lasting effective odor control for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings, this quality air freshener gels absorb odors in the air and transform them into nontoxic, odorless compounds. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Coming in fragrances like Lemon, Cherry, Green Apple, Citrus, Vanilla, Springtime, Country Berry, (not a mix box). 4.6-oz. Gel Containers 12 to a case.
Fresh Products Refresh Air Freshener, Lemon Fragrance, 4.6-oz. Gel Containers, 12 Containers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 28.04 21.38 37.79 FRS124GLE.JPG Refresh Gel Air Freshener, Lemon Fragrance FRS 12-4G-LE, FRS124GLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
3908 Lagasse Fresh Products Air Freshener, Springtime Fragrance 12 Containers (FRS12-4G-ST) 3908 FRS 12-4G-ST 5.00 12-4G-S-F Refresh Gel Air Fresheners
Coming in an easy-to-open container, the Refresh gel air fresheners eliminates odors for over 30 days. This VOC Compliant, comes in a nontoxic, nonflammable, water-based formula. Providing long-lasting effective odor control for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings, this quality air freshener gels absorb odors in the air and transform them into nontoxic, odorless compounds. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Coming in fragrances like Lemon, Cherry, Green Apple, Citrus, Vanilla, Springtime, Country Berry, (not a mix box). 4.6-oz. Gel Containers 12 to a case.
Fresh Products Refresh Air Freshener, Springtime Fragrance, 4.6-oz. Gel Containers, 12 Containers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 28.69 21.82 38.53 FRS124GST.JPG Refresh Gel Air Freshener, Springtime Fragrance FRS 12-4G-ST, FRS124GST, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
3909 Lagasse Refrigerator/Freezer Thermometer (PELR80GC) 3909 PEL R80GC 0.17 R80GC Refrigerator/Freezer Thermometer
Accurately monitor your refrigerator and freezer temperatures with this NSF certified tube thermometer. The stainless steel construction and large, easy-to-read dial on this Pelouze thermometer make monitoring temperatures trouble-free. Foods must be kept at 40 degrees or lower to slow bacterial growth and maintain quality. Using a refrigerator/freezer thermometer is the only way to verify that your refrigerator and freezer are at the correct temperature to keep foods safe. Temperatures on this thermometer are clearly marked in Fahrenheit and Celsius. The Pelouze refrigerator/freezer thermometer hangs or stands for easy installation and the shatter resistant lens minimizes the possibility of breakage. Measures -40°F to 80°F/-30°C to 30°C.
Refrigerator/Freezer Thermometer, Stainless Steel, Each. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pelouze 3.93 3.00 5.24 PELR80GC.JPG refrigerator/freezer thermometer, PEL R80GC, PELR80GC, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 168
3910 Lagasse Refrigerator/Freezer Thermometer, Easy-To-Read (PELR80DC) 3910 PEL R80DC 0.17 R80DC • NSF Certified Large, easy-to-read dial with clearly marked temperatures for accurate reading. Measures -20°F to 80°F/-30°C to 30°C. Hangs or stands for easy installation. Stainless steel construction with shatter-resistant lens. 12 thermometers per case.
THERMOMETER-REF/FRZR-2 80F 1 Pelouze 5.69 4.00 7.76 PELR80DC.JPG Refrigerator/Freezer Thermometer, Easy-To-Read PEL R80DC, PELR80DC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 168
3911 Lagasse RegistRolls Cash Register, Thermal Printer & Credit Card Machine Rolls, 48 Rolls (NTC7225-80SP) 3911 NTC 7225-80SP 10.00 7225-80SP Register Rolls
High-quality finish delivers consistent, reliable printing performance when used with thermal-print POS machines. RegistRollSeal starter tab allows you to switch out rolls in a hurry. Standard core. Includes 48 rolls.
Cash Register, Thermal Printer and Credit Card Machine Rolls, 2-1/4" x 80', 1 Ply White, 48 Rolls per Case National Checking Company 34.73 25.82 47.30 NTC722580SP.JPG RegistRolls Cash Register, Printer & Credit Card Machine Rolls, One-Ply Thermal, White NTC 7225-80SP, NTC722580SP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 137
3913 Lagasse RegistRolls Cash Register, Printer & Credit Card Machine Rolls, One-Ply Thermal, White (NTC7313SP) 3913 NTC 7313SP 18.00 7313SP Register Rolls 3.13" x 200 ft.
Delivers consistent, reliable performance. Shrink-wrapped on trays for easy storage and handling. Starting edge for every roll with quick, clean peel every time. 10 rolls per tray, 3 trays per case.
Cash Register, Printer and Credit Card Machine Rolls, one ply White Thermal 30 Rolls per Case National Checking Company 54.54 41.60 74.14 NTC7313SP.JPG RegistRolls Cash Register, Printer & Credit Card Machine Rolls, One-Ply Thermal, White NTC 7313SP, NTC7313SP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 137
3914 Lagasse RegistRolls® Cash Register, Printer & Credit Card Machine Rolls, One-Ply Bond, White (NTC1300SP) 3914 NTC 1300SP 15.00 1300SP Delivers consistent, reliable performance. Shrink-wrapped on trays for easy storage and handling. Starting edge for every roll with quick, clean peel every time.
REGISTROLL 3in WHITE BOND 1-PLY 10/3'S National Checking Company 26.80 20.44 35.92 NTC1300SP.JPG RegistRolls Cash Register, Printer & Credit Card Machine Rolls, One-Ply Bond, White NTC 1300SP, NTC1300SP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 137
3915 Lagasse RegistRolls Cash Register, Printer & Credit Card Machine Rolls, One-Ply Bond, White (NTC1441SP) 3915 NTC 1441SP 14.00 1441SP Register Rolls 44mm x 165 ft.
Delivers consistent, reliable performance. Shrink-wrapped on trays for easy storage and handling. Starting edge for every roll with quick, clean peel every time. 10 rolls per tray, 5 trays per case.
Cash Register, Printer and Credit Card Machine Rolls one ply White Bond 50 Rolls per Case National Checking Company 26.48 19.82 36.18 NTC1441SP.JPG RegistRolls Cash Register, Printer & Credit Card Machine Rolls, One-Ply Bond, White NTC 1441SP, NTC1441SP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 137
3916 Lagasse RegistRolls Cash Register Rolls, 2 Part Carbonless, White/Canary, 30 Rolls (NTC2300SP) 3916 NTC 2300SP 16.00 2300SP RegistRolls Cash Register Two-Part Carbonless Rolls
Delivers consistent, reliable performance. Shrink-wrapped on trays for easy storage and handling. Starting edge for every roll with quick, clean peel every time.
3inX100' RegistRolls Cash Register Two-Ply Carbonless Rolls, White/Canary, 30 Rolls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. National Checking Company 44.72 34.11 59.78 NTC2300SP.JPG registrolls cash register, printer & credit card machine rolls, two-ply carbonless, NTC 2300SP, NTC2300SP 1 1 0 0 1 137
3917 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Castellan Red, 48 x 72 Size (CROGS46CRE) 3917 CRO GS46 CRE 16.00 GS 0046 CR Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes' holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 4' X 6' CRE Ludlow Composites Corp. 47.59 36.30 64.90 CROGS46CRE.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Castellan Red, 48 x 72 Size CRO GS46 CRE, CROGS46CRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3918 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Castellan Red, 36 x 60 Size (CROGS35CRE) 3918 CRO GS35 CRE 10.00 GS 0035 CR Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes—holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any dècor. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 3' X 5' CRE Ludlow Composites Corp. 29.38 22.41 38.30 CROGS35CRE.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Castellan Red, 36 x 60 Size CRO GS35 CRE, CROGS35CRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3919 Lagasse Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Castellan Red, 24 x 36 Size (CROGS23CRE) 3919 CRO GS23 CRE 4.00 GS 0023 CR Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes' holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 2' X 3' CRE Ludlow Composites Corp. 11.91 9.08 15.53 CROGS23CRE.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Castellan Red, 24 x 36 mat, CRO GS23 CRE, CROGS23CRE 1 1 0 0 1 172
3920 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Castellan Red, 36 x 120 Size (CROGS310CRE) 3920 CRO GS310 CRE 18.00 GS 0310 CR Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes' holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN 3' X 10' CRE Ludlow Composites Corp. 59.50 45.38 79.39 CROGS310CRE.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Castellan Red, 36 x 120 Size CRO GS310 CRE, CROGS310CRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3921 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Castellan Red, 36 x 48 Size (CROGS34CRE) 3921 CRO GS34 CRE 8.00 GS 0034 CR Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes' holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 3' X 4'' CRE Ludlow Composites Corp. 23.80 18.15 32.06 CROGS34CRE.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Castellan Red, 36 x 48 Size CRO GS34 CRE, CROGS34CRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3922 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Charcoal, 36 x 120 Size (CROGS310CHA) 3922 CRO GS310 CHA 18.00 GS 0310 CH Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes - holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN 3' X 10' CHA Ludlow Composites Corp. 59.50 45.38 79.53 CROGS310CHA.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Charcoal, 36 x 120 Size CRO GS310 CHA, CROGS310CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3923 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Charcoal, 36 x 48 Size (CROGS34CHA) 3923 CRO GS34 CHA 8.00 GS 0034 CH Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes - holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 3' X 4'' CHA Ludlow Composites Corp. 23.80 18.15 31.08 CROGS34CHA.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Charcoal, 36 x 48 Size CRO GS34 CHA, CROGS34CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3924 Lagasse Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Charcoal, 24x36 Size (CROGS23CHA) 3924 CRO GS23 CHA 4.00 GS 0023 CH Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes—holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any dècor. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 2' X 3' CHA Ludlow Composites Corp. 11.91 9.08 15.74 CROGS23CHA.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Charcoal, 24 x 36 Size CRO GS23 CHA, CROGS23CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
3925 Lagasse Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Charcoal, 36"x60" Size CROGS35CHA 3925 CRO GS35 CHA 10.00 GS 0035 CH Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes - holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 3' X 5' CHA Ludlow Composites Corp. 29.75 22.69 40.01 CROGS35CHA.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Charcoal, 36 x 60 Size CRO GS35 CHA, CROGS35CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
3926 Lagasse Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Charcoal, 48"x72" CROGS46CHA 3926 CRO GS46 CHA 16.00 GS 0046 CH Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes—holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any dècor. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 4' X 6' CHA Ludlow Composites Corp. 47.59 36.30 63.13 CROGS46CHA.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Charcoal, 48 x 72 Size CRO GS46 CHA, CROGS46CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
3927 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Marlin Blue, 36 x 60 Size (CROGS35MBL) 3927 CRO GS35 MBL 10.00 GS 0035 MB Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes—holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any dècor. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 3' X 5' MBL Ludlow Composites Corp. 29.76 22.69 40.67 CROGS35MBL.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Marlin Blue, 36 x 60 Size CRO GS35 MBL, CROGS35MBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3928 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Marlin Blue, 48 x 72 Size (CROGS46MBL) 3928 CRO GS46 MBL 16.00 GS 0046 MB Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes - holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 4' X 6' MBL Ludlow Composites Corp. 51.21 36.30 68.78 CROGS46MBL.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Marlin Blue, 48 x 72 Size CRO GS46 MBL, CROGS46MBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3929 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Marlin Blue, 36 x 48 Size (CROGS34MBL) 3929 CRO GS34 MBL 8.00 GS 0034 MB Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes - holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 3' X 4'' MBL Ludlow Composites Corp. 23.80 18.15 31.50 CROGS34MBL.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Marlin Blue, 36 x 48 Size CRO GS34 MBL, CROGS34MBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3930 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Marlin Blue, 36 x 120 Size (CROGS310MBL) 3930 CRO GS310 MBL 18.00 GS 0310 MB Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes - holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN 3' X 10' MBL Ludlow Composites Corp. 59.50 45.38 80.12 CROGS310MBL.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Marlin Blue, 36 x 120 Size CRO GS310 MBL, CROGS310MBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3931 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Marlin Blue, 24 x 36 Size (CROGS23MBL) 3931 CRO GS23 MBL 4.00 GS 0023 MB Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes - holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 2' X 3' MBL Ludlow Composites Corp. 11.91 9.08 16.18 CROGS23MBL.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Marlin Blue, 24 x 36 Size CRO GS23 MBL, CROGS23MBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3932 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Walnut, 24 x 36 Size (CROGS23WAL) 3932 CRO GS23 WAL 4.00 GS 0023WA Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes—holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any dècor. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 2' X 3' WAL Ludlow Composites Corp. 12.70 9.68 17.25 CROGS23WAL.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Walnut, 24 x 36 Size CRO GS23 WAL, CROGS23WAL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3933 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Walnut, 36 x 120 Size (CROGS310WAL) 3933 CRO GS310 WAL 17.00 GS 0310WA Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes - holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN 3' X 10' WAL Ludlow Composites Corp. 59.50 45.38 80.71 CROGS310WAL.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Walnut, 36 x 120 Size CRO GS310 WAL, CROGS310WAL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3934 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Walnut, 36 x 48 Size (CROGS34WAL) 3934 CRO GS34 WAL 7.00 GS34 WAL Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes - holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 3' X 4' WAL Ludlow Composites Corp. 24.05 18.15 32.75 CROGS34WAL.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Walnut, 36 x 48 Size CRO GS34 WAL, CROGS34WAL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3935 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Walnut, 48 x 72 Size (CROGS46WAL) 3935 CRO GS46 WAL 15.00 GS0046WA Floor Mat - Door Mat - Throw Mat - Wiper Mat
Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes - holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any decor. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 4' X 6' WAL Ludlow Composites Corp. 48.25 35.85 65.80 CROGS46WAL.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Walnut, 48 x 72 Size CRO GS46 WAL, CROGS46WAL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3936 Lagasse Rely-On™ Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Walnut, 36 x 60 Size (CROGS35WAL) 3936 CRO GS35 WAL 10.00 GS 0035WA Economical continuous filament Olefin on standard vinyl is ideal for light to medium applications. Plush surface dries moisture from shoes—holds up to 3/4 gallons of water per square yard. Heather-colored pattern complements any dècor. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
RELY-ON OLEFIN MAT 3' X 5' WAL Ludlow Composites Corp. 30.01 22.69 39.94 CROGS35WAL.JPG Rely-On Olefin Indoor Wiper Mat, Walnut, 36 x 60 Size CRO GS35 WAL, CROGS35WAL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
3941 Lagasse Renuzit Super Odor Killer Solid Air Freshener, 12 Packs(DIA03659) 3941 DIA 03659 7.50 03659 Renuzit Adjustable Air-Freshener
Continuous, long-lasting air freshener. Lasts up to 30 days. Allows you to adjust the level of freshening. Neutralizing the strongest of odors. Nontoxic and biodegradable. Includes 12 adjustable solid freshener leaving behind a nice also pleasant clean scent. 12 Packs
Dial Professionals Renuzit Super Odor Killer, adjustable fresheners , 7.5oz, 12 Packs per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Dial Professional 17.33 13.22 23.51 DIA03659.JPG Renuzit Super Odor Killer LongLast Adjustable Solid Air Freshener, 12 per Case, 7.5-oz. Air Freshener DIA 03659, DIA03659, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
3942 Lagasse Renuzit Odor Neutralizer Commercial Air & Fabric Freshener, 6 Bottles (DIA36055) 3942 DIA 36055 17.00 36055 Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer Air & Fabric Freshener
This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener has a patented odor neutralization/elimination technology that eliminates odors, and doesn't just masks them, in the air and on fabric and carpet. This bathroom air freshener and all purpose air freshener eliminates the toughest odors, including tobacco smoke, bathroom and pet odors. Release-preventing polymer keeps odors from being re-released. Leaves behind a fresh, clean, long-lasting fragrance. 32-oz. trigger spray bottle. 6 air fresheners per case.
Dial Renuzit Air Freshener & Odor Neutralizer, Ready-To-Use, 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case
Air Freshener & Odor Control » Bathroom Air Fresheners - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 37.03 28.24 49.22 DIA36055.JPG renuzit air freshener, bathroom air freshener, air freshener, deodorizers, room deodorizers, Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer Commercial Air & Fabric Freshener, DIA 36055, DIA36055 1 1 0 0 1 30
3943 Lagasse Replacement Bags for High-Security Housekeeping Carts (RCP9T81BLA) 3943 RCP 9T81 BLA 6.20 9T81 For use with RCP 9T78, RCP 9T76 and RCP 9T77. 2 bags per pack.
COMPACT FABRIC REPLACEMENT BAG Rubbermaid Commercial Products 41.72 31.82 55.54 RCP9T81BLA.JPG Replacement Bags for High-Security Housekeeping Carts RCP 9T81 BLA, RCP9T81BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3944 Lagasse Replacement Brush Head for ErgoToiletBowlBrush System (UNGBBRHR) 3944 UNG BBRHR 2.00 BBRHR Replacement Brush Head for Ergo Toilet Bowl Brush System
The replacement brushes attach quickly to handle included in the ErgoToiletBowlBrush System (sold separately). Unique brush head shape for easier access to hard-to-reach areas; cleans more effectively in less time. Reusable and replaceable nylon heads will not harbor harmful bacteria. Color-coded red for restrooms. 3.5in diameter. Two brush heads per pack; 5 packs per case.
Toilet Bowl Brush System Replacement Head, Red
5 packs of 2 Brush Heads per case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 6.86 5.23 9.20 UNGBBRHR.JPG replacement brush head for ErgoToiletBowlBrush system UNG BBRHR, UNGBBRHR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, toilet brush, toilet brushes, toilet bowl brush 1 1 0 0 1 109
3945 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Rubbermaid Vacuums, Exhaust Filter, 1 Filter per Pack (RCP9VBPEF06) 3945 RCP 9VBPEF06 2.23 9VBPEF06 Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, RCP 9VBP06 (sold separately).
EXHAUST FILTER F/9VBP06 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.54 6.52 11.62 RCP9VBPEF06.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, Exhaust Filter, 1 Filter per Pack RCP 9VBPEF06, RCP9VBPEF06, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3946 Lagasse Replacement Exhaust Filter for Rubbermaid Power Height Upright Vacuum, 1 Filter (RCP9VPHEF12) 3946 RCP 9VPHEF12 1.21 9VPHEF12 PH EXHAUST FILTER FOR 9VPH12 & 9VPH15 1/PACK
EXHAUST FILTER FOR 9VPH12 & 9VPH15 1/PK Rubbermaid Commercial Products 7.29 5.56 9.56 RCP9VPHEF12.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, Exhaust Filter, 2 Filter per Pack RCP 9VPHEF12, RCP9VPHEF12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3947 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Rubbermaid Vacuums, Foam Filter, 50 Filters (RCP9VWDFF12) 3947 RCP 9VWDFF12 5.00 9VWDFF12 Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, RCP 9VWD12 and RCP 9VWD16 (both sold separately).
FOAM FILTERS FOR 9VWD12 & 9VWD16 10SM/10LG CASE Rubbermaid Commercial Products 216.40 165.05 286.03 RCP9VWDFF12.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, Foam Filter, 50 Filters per Case RCP 9VWDFF12, RCP9VWDFF12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3948 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, HEPA Pleated Filter, Each (RCP9VWDPF12) 3948 RCP 9VWDPF12 3.00 9VWDPF12 Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, RCP 9VWD12 and RCP 9VWD16 (both sold separately).
HEPA PLEATED FILTERS FOR 9VWD16 & 9VWD12 2/PK Rubbermaid Commercial Products 29.38 22.41 39.16 RCP9VWDPF12.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, HEPA Pleated Filter, 2 Filters per Pack RCP 9VWDPF12, RCP9VWDPF12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3949 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, Exhaust Filter, 1 Filter per Pack (RCP9VMHEF12) 3949 RCP 9VMHEF12 0.12 9VMHEF12 Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, RCP 9VMH12, RCP 9VMH15, RCP 9VPH12 and RCP 9VPH15 (all sold separately).
EXHAUST FILTER MH FOR 9VMH12 & 9VMH15 1/PK Rubbermaid Commercial Products 7.29 5.56 9.96 RCP9VMHEF12.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, Exhaust Filter, 1 Filter per Pack RCP 9VMHEF12, RCP9VMHEF12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3950 Lagasse Rubbermaid Vacuums, Optional HEPA Filter Kit (RCP9VMHHP) 3950 RCP 9VMHHP 5.20 9VMHHP Rubbermaid Optional HEPA Filter Kit
Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, RCP 9VMH12, RCP 9VMH15, RCP 9VPH12 and RCP 9VPH15 (all sold separately). Each kit contains 8 Bags and 1 HEPA filter.
Rubbermaid Vacuums, Optional HEPA Filter Kit, 1 Kit. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 52.03 39.68 69.88 RCP9VMHHP.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, Optional HEPA Filter Kit, 1 Filter per Kit RCP 9VMHHP, RCP9VMHHP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3951 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Rubbermaid Vacuums, 10 Air Filters per Pack RCP9VMHMF12 3951 RCP 9VMHMF12 2.00 9VNHM12 Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, RCP 9VMH12, RCP 9VMH15, RCP 9VPH12 and RCP 9VPH15 (all sold separately).
MICRO FILTER FITS ALL HM & PH VACUUM 1/PK Rubbermaid Commercial Products 18.64 14.22 24.76 RCP9VMHMF12.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Use in Rubbermaid Vacuums, Air Filter, 10 Filters per Pack RCP 9VMHMF12, RCP9VMHMF12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3952 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Windsor Vacuums, 25 Pieces per Case (APCIVF155) 3952 APC IVF155 9.90 IVF155 Replacement Vacuum Filters for Windsor Vacuums
Janitized is designed for the cleaning professional who demands competitively priced vacuum bags and/or filters without sacrificing performance. Janitized products are designed to meet or exceed OEM standards.
Windsor Sensor Micro Filters, 25 per Case
Apc Filtration Inc. 228.88 173.00 310.83 APCIVF155.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Windsor Vacuums, 25 Pieces per Case APC IVF155, APCIVF155, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 157
3953 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Nobels Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case (APCJAN-CXBP-2) 3953 APC JAN-CXBP-2 16.94 JAN-CXBP-2(10) Janitized® is designed for the cleaning professional who demands competitively priced vacuum bags and/or filters without sacrificing performance. Janitized® products are designed to meet or exceed OEM standards.
NOBLES PORTA PAC I & II/TENNANT VAC BAGS 2 PLY Apc Filtration Inc. 86.21 65.18 117.77 APCJANCXBP2.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Nobels Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case APC JAN-CXBP-2, APCJANCXBP2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 157
3954 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Nobels Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case (APCJAN-CXLT-2) 3954 APC JAN-CXLT-2 12.10 JAN-CXLT-2(10) Janitized® is designed for the cleaning professional who demands competitively priced vacuum bags and/or filters without sacrificing performance. Janitized® products are designed to meet or exceed OEM standards.
NOBLES LITE TRAC/TENNANT/BLUE STAR 2 PLY VAC BAGS Apc Filtration Inc. 84.57 64.50 110.79 APCJANCXLT2.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Nobels Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case APC JAN-CXLT-2, APCJANCXLT2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 157
3955 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Karcher/Tornado Vacuums (APCJAN-KACV30-2) 3955 APC JAN-KACV30-2 9.90 JAN-KACV30-2(10) Replacement Filters for Vacuums
Janitized designs their products with cleaning professional inmind. They cater to the needs of those who demand competitively priced vacuum filters without sacrificing performance. Janitized® products are designed to meet or exceed OEM standards.
-10 filters per case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Karcher /Tornado Vacuum Filters, CV30/1 & CV38 / 1 2 ply Vacuum Bags Apc Filtration Inc. 99.32 75.75 130.29 APCJANKACV302.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Karcher/Tornado Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case APC JAN-KACV30-2, APCJANKACV302, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 157
3956 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Nilfisk Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case (APCJAN-NFBACK-2) 3956 APC JAN-NFBACK-2 14.30 JAN NFBACK-2(10) Janitized® is designed for the cleaning professional who demands competitively priced vacuum bags and/or filters without sacrificing performance. Janitized® products are designed to meet or exceed OEM standards.
NILFISK BACKUUM 2 PLY VAC BAG 2 PREFILTERS Apc Filtration Inc. 101.41 77.35 133.57 APCJANNFBACK2.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Nilfisk Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case APC JAN-NFBACK-2, APCJANNFBACK2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 157
3957 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Nilfisk Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case (APCJAN-NFCPTW16-2) 3957 APC JAN-NFCPTW16-2 8.36 JAN-NFCPTW16-2(10) Janitized® is designed for the cleaning professional who demands competitively priced vacuum bags and/or filters without sacrificing performance. Janitized® products are designed to meet or exceed OEM standards.
NILFISK CARPET TWIN 16XP/20XP 2 PLY VAC BAG Apc Filtration Inc. 108.54 82.24 142.88 APCJANNFCPTW162.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Nilfisk Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case APC JAN-NFCPTW16-2, APCJANNFCPTW162, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 157
3958 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Nilfisk Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case (APCJAN-NFCPTW-2) 3958 APC JAN-NFCPTW-2 8.39 JAN-NFCPTW-2(10) Janitized® is designed for the cleaning professional who demands competitively priced vacuum bags and/or filters without sacrificing performance. Janitized® products are designed to meet or exceed OEM standards.
NILFISK CARPET TWIN 14/18 2 PLY VAC BAG 2 PREFILTERS Apc Filtration Inc. 80.51 61.41 109.48 APCJANNFCPTW2.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Nilfisk Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case APC JAN-NFCPTW-2, APCJANNFCPTW2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 157
3959 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For NSS Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case (APCJAN-NSSM14-2) 3959 APC JAN-NSSM14-2 10.00 JAN-NSSM14-2(10) Janitized® is designed for the cleaning professional who demands competitively priced vacuum bags and/or filters without sacrificing performance. Janitized® products are designed to meet or exceed OEM standards.
NSS MARSHALL 14/18 2 PLY VAC BAGS Apc Filtration Inc. 76.32 58.21 99.80 APCJANNSSM142.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For NSS Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case APC JAN-NSSM14-2, APCJANNSSM142, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 157
3960 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Pro Team Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case (APCJAN-PTMV-2) 3960 APC JAN-PTMV-2 10.00 JAN-PTMV-2 Janitized® is designed for the cleaning professional who demands competitively priced vacuum bags and/or filters without sacrificing performance. Janitized® products are designed to meet or exceed OEM standards.
PRO TEAM MEGA VAC, SUPER COACH 2 PLY VAC BAG Apc Filtration Inc. 85.15 64.94 114.92 APCJANPTMV2.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Pro Team Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case APC JAN-PTMV-2, APCJANPTMV2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 157
3961 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Windsor Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case (APCJAN-WISEN-3) 3961 APC JAN-WISEN-3 9.00 JAN-WISEN-3(10) Janitized® is designed for the cleaning professional who demands competitively priced vacuum bags and/or filters without sacrificing performance. Janitized® products are designed to meet or exceed OEM standards.
WINDSOR SENSOR/XP12 & VERSAMATIC PLUS 10/10 Apc Filtration Inc. 103.80 79.17 140.81 APCJANWISEN3.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Windsor Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case APC JAN-WISEN-3, APCJANWISEN3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 157
3962 Lagasse Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Windsor Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case (APCJAN-WIVER-3) 3962 APC JAN-WIVER-3 12.10 JAN-WIVER-3(10) Janitized® is designed for the cleaning professional who demands competitively priced vacuum bags and/or filters without sacrificing performance. Janitized® products are designed to meet or exceed OEM standards.
WINDSOR VERSAMATIC 2 PLY BAG 10/10 Apc Filtration Inc. 76.26 58.02 100.53 APCJANWIVER3.JPG Replacement Filters for Vacuums, For Windsor Vacuums, 10 Filters per Case APC JAN-WIVER-3, APCJANWIVER3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 157
3963 Lagasse Replacement Washable HEPA Filters, For Use in Sanitaire Vacuums, 4 Filters per Pack (EUR61840-4) 3963 EUR 61840-4 2.17 61840-4 Replacement Washable HEPA Filters, For Use in Sanitaire Vacuums, EUR 5713 and EUR 5845 (both sold separately).
WASHABLE FILTER FOR 5845 & 5815 Eureka - Sanitaire 112.78 86.00 154.16 EUR618404.JPG Replacement Washable HEPA Filters, For Use in Sanitaire Vacuums, 4 Filters per Pack EUR 61840-4, EUR618404, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 38
3964 Lagasse Sanitaire Vacuums Replacement Washable HEPA Filters, 4 Filters (EUR68910-4) 3964 EUR 68910-4 1.00 68910-4 Replacement Washable HEPA Filters
Replacement Washable HEPA Filters, For Use in Sanitaire Vacuums, EUR 9180 & EUR SC9150 (sold separately).
Washable Hepa Filter for EUR 9180 & EUR SC9150, 4 Per Case Eureka - Sanitaire 123.40 94.12 168.53 EUR689104.JPG Replacement Washable HEPA Filters, For Use in Sanitaire Vacuums, 4 Filters per Pack EUR 68910-4, EUR689104, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
3965 Lagasse Restorit UHS Floor Maintainer, 4 Gallons (FRKF191022) 3965 FRK F191022 33.00 F191022 Restorit UHS Floor Maintainer
A concentrated film-forming restorer for ultra high-speed maintenance programs. Triple-action formula utilizes detergents that clean, acrylic polymers that restore the film surface, and moisturizers that improve burnish response. Recommended dilution: mop and bucket (1:4), automatic scrubber (1:20).
Franklin Restorit Concentrated Ultra High Speed Floor Maintainer, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 43.99 33.55 58.40 FRKF191022.JPG floor finish, floor wax, restorit uhs maintainer, FRK F191022, FRKF191022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
3966 Lagasse Restroom Bucket 15 Liter Capacity Combination (UNGCOMSR) 3966 UNG COMSR 13.00 COMSR Restroom Bucket Combo
Microfiber antibacterial technology traps dirt better and cleans with fewer chemicals. Color-coding simplifies training and prevents cross-contamination. Ergonomically designed tool Bucket. 15L (4-gal./15 liter) and Bucket Press. Fits on most janitorial carts. Polypropylene. Red. Excellent industrial bucket for mopping in medium or large areas such as hospitals, offices, rest homes, schools and more.
Unger Restroom Bucket Combination, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 162.53 96.42 220.58 UNGCOMSR.JPG restroom bucket combo 15L, UNG COMSR, UNGCOMSR, janitorial, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, mop bucket, mop bucket press, mop wringing bucket 1 1 0 0 1 109
3967 Lagasse Mop Bucket Restroom Bucket Combo, 30 Liter Capacity (UNGCOMBR) 3967 UNG COMBR 16.40 COMBR Mop Bucket Restroom Bucket Combo
Microfiber antibacterial technology traps dirt better and cleans with fewer chemicals Color-coding simplifies training and prevents cross-contamination Ergonomically designed tools Bucket 30L (8-gal./30 liter) and Bucket Press. Removable high rise wheels. Fits on most janitorial carts. Polypropylene. Red. Shipping. wt. 18 lbs.
Unger Mop Bucket Restroom Bucket Combo, 30 Liter Capacity, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 141.15 107.66 189.64 UNGCOMBR.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, restroom bucket combo 30L UNG COMBR, UNGCOMBR 1 1 0 0 1 109
3968 Lagasse Mop Bucket Restroom Floor Pack (UNGSMFPR) 3968 UNG SMFPR 5.60 SMFPR Mop Bucket Restroom Floor Pack
Microfiber antibacterial technology traps dirt better and cleans with fewer chemicals • Color-coding simplifies training and prevents cross-contamination • Ergonomically designed tools For basic restroom floor cleaning. Includes Bucket 30L, Bucket Press, SmartColor MicroMop 15.0 (UNG MM40R), Restroom Mop Holder (UNG SM40R) and Ergo TelePole (UNG EP24R). Shpg. wt. (two boxes), 16 lbs. and 3.6 lbs. each. Environmentally consious.
Unger Mop Bucket Restroom Floor Pack, Bucket 30 Liter Capacity, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 235.62 179.71 313.36 UNGSMFPR.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, restroom floor pack UNG SMFPR, UNGSMFPR 1 1 0 0 1 109
3969 Lagasse Restroom Mop Holder (UNGSM40R) 3969 UNG SM40R 1.30 SM40R Bathroom Mop Holder
Ergonomically designed tool Use with SmartColor MicroMops (UNG MM40R/UNG MD4R) and Ergo TelePole (UNG EP24R), sold separately. Pivoting low-profile nylon head. Large 16in (40cm) surface for added cleaning contact and scrubbing pressure. Button release for easy mop head change (mop head not incl.). 16 x 4-1/4 (40cm x 10.79cm).
Unger Restroom Mop Holder, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 34.11 25.87 44.41 UNGSM40R.JPG Restroom Mop Holder UNG SM40R, UNGSM40R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
3970 Lagasse Unisan Retractable Plastic Handle Feather Duster (UNS914FD) 3970 UNS 914FD 0.13 UNS 914FD Retractable Plastic Handle Feather Duster
An essential tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes, our line of retractable feather dusters makes cleaning up dust, dirt, debris and hair easy. The Unisan Retractable Plastic Handle Feather Duster cleans and dusts furniture, floors, walls, window sills and fans effortlessly.These economical dusters come with chick ostrich feathers, as well as a fully retractable option allowing the dark gray feathers to flow into the light gray handle for convenient carrying and storage. Efficient and durable, these affordable feather dusters measure in at 14 inches of overall length when opened, and 9 inches with it is fully retracted.
Unisan 9" to 14" Retractable Plastic Handle Feather Duster, Each - the wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 9.02 5.35 11.75 feather dusters, dusters, feather duster, UNS 914FD, UNS914FD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3972 Lagasse Reynolds 18" Foodservice Film Roll with Easy Glide Slide Cutter Box (REY914SC) 3972 REY 914SC 10.00 914SC Reynolds 18" Foodservice Film Roll with Slide Cutter Box
Continuous length film. Use for covering, storing, wrapping. Easy-to-use slide cutter mounted on sturdy insert. Cuts film cleanly and neatly in both directions. Film clings to the slider without bunching up. One roll per case.
Reynolds Foodservice Film Roll with Easy Glide Slide Cutter Box 18"x 2,000 ft, 1 Roll per Case Reynolds Food Packaging 44.00 30.80 57.56 REY914SC.JPG Reynolds 18in Foodservice Film Roll with Easy Glide Slide Cutter Box, 18in x 2,000 ft. REY 914SC, REY914SC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 87
3976 Lagasse Reynolds® Aluminum Steam Table Pans, Half-Size Deep, 2-3/4inh (REYRC1151) 3976 REY RC1151 11.65 RC1151 For hot or cold foods. Use for cooking, freezing, storing. Can go directly from freezer to oven. Raised full curl rim construction. Lids sold separately.
STEAMTBL PAN ALUM DEEP 2 3/8IN 1/2 SIZE 100/CS Reynolds Food Packaging 99.37 69.56 135.46 REYRC1151.JPG Reynolds Aluminum Steam Table Pans, Half-Size Deep, 2-3/4inh REY RC1151, REYRC1151, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 87
3981 Lagasse Reynolds® Foodservice Film Roll with Cutter Box, 24in x 2,000 ft. (REY916) 3981 REY 916 13.30 916 Continuous length film. Cutter box features low-profile precision metal edge mounted on sturdy insert. One roll per case.
REYNOLDS FOODSERVICE PVC FILM 24X2000 Reynolds Food Packaging 35.74 25.02 46.69 REY916.JPG Reynolds Foodservice Film Roll with Cutter Box, 24in x 2,000 ft. REY 916, REY916, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 87
3982 Lagasse Reynolds® Foodservice Film Roll with Cutter Box, 18in x 2,000 ft. (REY914) 3982 REY 914 10.45 914 Continuous length film. Cutter box features low-profile precision metal edge mounted on sturdy insert. One roll per case.
REYNOLDS FILM 18X2000 Reynolds Food Packaging 26.49 18.54 35.89 REY914.JPG Reynolds Foodservice Film Roll with Cutter Box, 18in x 2,000 ft. REY 914, REY914, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 87
3984 Lagasse Reynolds® Foodservice Film Roll with Cutter Box, 18in x 1,000 ft. (REY904) 3984 REY 904 4.19 904 Continuous length film. Cutter box features low-profile precision metal edge mounted on sturdy insert. One roll per case.
FILM PLS CUTBOX 18INX1000FT EACH Reynolds Food Packaging 21.10 14.77 28.54 REY904.JPG Reynolds Foodservice Film Roll with Cutter Box, 18in x 1,000 ft. REY 904, REY904, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 87
3986 Lagasse Reynolds® Metro™ Light-Duty Foodservice Film Roll with Cutter Box, 12in x 2,000 ft. (REY910M) 3986 REY 910M 6.88 910M Continuous length film. Easy and economical to use. For short-term use, including wrapping of cold foods. Cutter box features low-profile precision metal edge mounted on sturdy insert. One roll per case.
REYNOLDS PVC FILM 12X2000 Reynolds Food Packaging 13.50 9.45 18.01 REY910M.JPG Reynolds Metro Light-Duty Foodservice Film Roll with Cutter Box, 12in x 2,000 ft. REY 910M, REY910M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 87
3987 Lagasse Reynolds® Metro™ Light-Duty Foodservice Film Roll with Cutter Box, 18in x 2,000 ft. (REY914M) 3987 REY 914M 10.05 914M Continuous length film. Easy and economical to use. For short-term use, including wrapping of cold foods. Cutter box features low-profile precision metal edge mounted on sturdy insert. One roll per case.
REYNOLDS PVC FILM 18X2000 Reynolds Food Packaging 21.24 14.87 28.53 REY914M.JPG Reynolds Metro Light-Duty Foodservice Film Roll with Cutter Box, 18in x 2,000 ft. REY 914M, REY914M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 87
3988 Lagasse Reynolds® Metro™ Light-Duty Foodservice Film Roll with Cutter Box, 24in x 2,000 ft. (REY916M) 3988 REY 916M 12.10 916M Continuous length film. Easy and economical to use. For short-term use, including wrapping of cold foods. Cutter box features low-profile precision metal edge mounted on sturdy insert. One roll per case.
REYNOLDS PVC FILM 24X2000 Reynolds Food Packaging 24.39 17.07 31.85 REY916M.JPG Reynolds Metro Light-Duty Foodservice Film Roll with Cutter Box, 24in x 2,000 ft. REY 916M, REY916M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 87
3991 Lagasse Rotary Yarn Bonnets, 17in Diameter (UNSR17) 3991 UNS R17 1.40 P25795CWH00LAG Low-profile bonnet provides improved operator control on rotary floor machines from 175-300 RPM. Effectively pulls dirt and soil out of carpets.
ROTARY YARN BONNET 17 IN 5 Unisan 22.96 16.50 31.40 UNSR17.JPG Rotary Yarn Bonnets, 17in Diameter UNS R17, UNSR17, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3992 Lagasse Rotary Yarn Bonnets, 19in Diameter (UNSR19) 3992 UNS R19 2.00 P25995CWH00LAG Rotary Yarn Bonnets
Low-profile bonnet provides improved operator control on rotary floor machines from 175-300 RPM. Effectively pulls dirt and soil out of carpets.
19in Diameter Rotary Yarn Bonnets, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 24.23 17.80 32.90 UNSR19.JPG Rotary Yarn Bonnets, 19in Diameter UNS R19, UNSR19, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3993 Lagasse Rotary Yarn Bonnets, 21in Diameter (UNSR21) 3993 UNS R21 1.90 P26195CWH00LAG Low-profile bonnet provides improved operator control on rotary floor machines from 175-300 RPM. Effectively pulls dirt and soil out of carpets.
ROTARY YARN BONNET 21 IN 5 Unisan 24.87 18.80 33.50 UNSR21.JPG Rotary Yarn Bonnets, 21in Diameter UNS R21, UNSR21, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
3994 Lagasse Rotary Yarn Bonnets with Scrub Strips, 17in Diameter (RCPP267) 3994 RCP P267 1.20 P26700 WH00 Use with any standard rotary floor machine. Low-profile bonnet with scrub strips adds additional scrubbing action for improved carpet cleaning performance.
LOW PROFILE CARPET BONNET 17 IN WHI W/ GRE STRIP 5 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 23.27 17.75 30.46 RCPP267.JPG Rotary Yarn Bonnets with Scrub Strips, 17in Diameter RCP P267, RCPP267, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3995 Lagasse Rotary Yarn Bonnet with Scrub Strips, 19in Diameter (RCPP269) 3995 RCP P269 1.80 P26900 WH00 19in Diameter Rotary Yarn Bonnet with Scrub Strips
Use with any standard rotary floor machine. Low-profile bonnet with scrub strips adds additional scrubbing action for improved carpet cleaning performance.
Rotary Yarn Bonnet with Scrub Strips, 19in Diameter, White with Green Strips, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 23.47 17.90 30.82 RCPP269.JPG Rotary Yarn Bonnets with Scrub Strips, 19in Diameter RCP P269, RCPP269, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3996 Lagasse Rotary Yarn Bonnets with Scrub Strips, 21in Diameter (RCPP271) 3996 RCP P271 2.00 P27100 WH00 Use with any standard rotary floor machine. Low-profile bonnet with scrub strips adds additional scrubbing action for improved carpet cleaning performance.
LOW PROFILE CARPET BONNET 21 IN WHI W/ GRE STRIP 5 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 27.34 20.85 36.77 RCPP271.JPG Rotary Yarn Bonnets with Scrub Strips, 21in Diameter RCP P271, RCPP271, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
3997 Lagasse Rough Floor Looped Wet Mop Head, Medium (RCPT255) 3997 RCP T255 1.00 T255 Withstands the tough abrasions found in nonslip tile, concrete, or raised textured and stone floors. Features twice the absorbency and release of conventional mops, making it perfect for use in high-traffic food service establishments, commercial buildings, retail buildings and hospitality environments. Knitted white cotton/polyester fleece blend attracts and retains dirt particles. Looped ends and tailband aid in launderability. Wide 5in headband works with clamp style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
ROUGH FLR LOOP END WET MOP MED 5 IN CTTN/POLY WHI 12 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 113.80 86.80 153.20 RCPT255.JPG Rough Floor Looped Wet Mop Head, Medium RCP T255, RCPT255, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3998 Lagasse Rough Floor Looped Wet Mop Head, Large (RCPT256) 3998 RCP T256 16.00 FGT25600 WH00 Withstands the tough abrasions found in nonslip tile, concrete, or raised textured and stone floors. Features twice the absorbency and release of conventional mops, making it perfect for use in high-traffic food service establishments, commercial buildings, retail buildings and hospitality environments. Knitted white cotton/polyester fleece blend attracts and retains dirt particles. Looped ends and tailband aid in launderability. Wide 5in headband works with clamp style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
ROUGH FLR LOOP END WET MOP LG 5 IN CTTN/POLY WHI 12 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 121.14 92.39 164.57 RCPT256.JPG Rough Floor Looped Wet Mop Head, Large RCP T256, RCPT256, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
3999 Lagasse Roughneck Storage Boxes, 10 Gallon, Steel Color (RHP2214TPSTE) 3999 RHP 2214TP STE 4.22 FG2214TPSTEEL Rugged storage boxes are shatter-resistant. Sturdy, built-in handles for easy carrying. Snap-on, stay-tight lids help keep contents dry and dust-free. Stackable for easy, space-saving storage. Manufacturer’s lifetime warranty.
ROUGHTOTE STORAGE BX 10 Gallon W/ SNAP-ON LID GRA 12/CS Rubbermaid Home Products 13.38 9.97 17.45 RHP2212CPSTE.JPG Roughneck Storage Boxes, 10 Gallon, Steel Color RHP 2214TP STE, RHP2214TPSTE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 90
4000 Lagasse Roughneck Storage Boxes, 14 Gallon, Steel Color (RHP2212CPSTE) 4000 RHP 2212CP STE 4.58 2212CPSTEEL Rugged storage boxes are shatter-resistant. Sturdy, built-in handles for easy carrying. Snap-on, stay-tight lids help keep contents dry and dust-free. Stackable for easy, space-saving storage. Manufacturer’s lifetime warranty.
Rubbermaid Home Products 13.50 10.30 18.20 RHP2214TPSTE.JPG roughneck storage boxes, 14 gallon storage boxes, RHP 2212CP STE, RHP2212CPSTE 1 1 0 1 1 90
4001 Lagasse Roughneck Storage Boxes, 18 Gallon Steel Color (RHP2215CPSTE) 4001 RHP 2215CP STE 5.00 2215CPSTEEL Rugged storage boxes are shatter-resistant. Sturdy, built-in handles for easy carrying. Snap-on, stay-tight lids help keep contents dry and dust-free. Stackable for easy, space-saving storage. Manufacturer’s lifetime warranty.
Rubbermaid Roughtote Storage Box, 18 Gallon with Snap-On Lid, Gray
Rubbermaid Home Products 14.82 11.30 19.94 RHP2215CPSTE.JPG Roughneck Storage Boxes, 18 Gallon, RHP 2215CP STE, RHP2215CPSTE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 90
4009 Lagasse 7" Round Aluminum Containers, 500 Containers (HFA204725) 4009 HFA 204725 11.60 2047-25-500 Round 7" Aluminum Containers
Temperature adaptable containers accommodate a wide variety of menu items. Sturdy aluminum may be used for storing, serving, carryout and oven reheating. Easy to clean for reuse. 22 oz. 7 inches. Can be combined with a round foil board lid or plastic dome lid. 500 containers per case.
7" Round Aluminum Containers, 22 oz., 500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust Handi-Foil Of America 40.46 28.32 53.57 HFA204725.JPG round aluminum containers, HFA 204725, HFA204725 1 1 0 0 1 130
4010 Lagasse 9" Round Aluminum Containers, 500 Containers (HFA20463) 4010 HFA 204630 20.20 2046-30-500 9 Inch Round Aluminum Containers
Temperature adaptable containers accommodate a wide variety of menu items. Sturdy aluminum may be used for storing, serving, carryout and oven reheating. Easy to clean for reuse. 9 inch diameter, holds 44 ounces. 500 containers per case.
See SKU: HFA 2046DL Plastic Dome Lid
HFA 2046L Foil Laminated Board Lid Handi-Foil 9" Round Aluminum Containers, 500 per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Handi-Foil Of America 71.41 49.99 93.69 HFA204630.JPG takeout containers, takeout food containers, round aluminum containers, HFA 204630, HFA204630 1 1 0 0 1 130
4019 Lagasse 12-1/8 Gallon Round Rigid Trash Can Liner, Gray (RCP3550GRA) 4019 RCP 3550 GRA 4.55 355000 GRAY 15 Gallon Trash Can Liner
Rigid Liner for Rubbermaid Marshal Classic Trash Cans (RCP 8160 and RCP 8170) and Ash/Trash Plastic Trash Can (RCP 8182), sold separately. Seamless, lightweight, easy to clean. Shipping weight 5 lbs. 12" diameter x 27.25" height.
Rubbermaid 15 Gallon Marshal Trash Can Liner, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Marshal Series Classic Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 38.94 29.70 52.62 RCP3550GRA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Round Rigid Trash Can Liners, 12-1/8-Gallon, Gray RCP 3550 GRA, RCP3550GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4020 Lagasse Rubbermaid 22-Gallon Round Rigid Trash Can Liner, Gray (RCP3552GRA) 4020 RCP 3552 GRA 6.80 355200 GRAY 22-Gallon Round Rigid Can Liner
Rigid Liner with rim for Marshal Classic Trash Cans (RCP 8160 and RCP 8170) and Ash/Trash Plastic Trash Can (RCP 8182), sold separately. Seamless, lightweight, easy to clean. Shipping weight 5 lbs. 14.5" diameter x 30.13" height. Rubbermaid 22 Gallon Trash Can Liner for 25 Gallon Marshal Trash Cans.
Rubbermaid 22-Gallon Rigid Round Trash Can Liner, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 50.35 38.40 66.02 RCP3552GRA.JPG Trash Cans, Trash Can, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebaskets, wastebasket, Round Rigid Trash Can Liners, 22-Gallon, Gray RCP 3552 GRA, RCP3552GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4021 Lagasse Clear 12 Inch Dome Lids for Round Serving Tray, 25 Lids (HFA4012DL) 4021 HFA 4012DL 2.94 4012DL-25 Clear Plastic Dome Lids for Serving Tray
Easy to snap on lids ensure worry free transportation. Perfect carryout option with less mess and fewer spills. Great for parties and catering functions. Ideal fit for the HFA 401380 Serving Tray. 25 pieces per case.
Hand-Foil Clear Dome Lids for Round Aluminum Serving Trays, 12 Inch, 25 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Handi-Foil Of America 15.46 10.82 20.68 HFA4012DL.JPG Round Serving Aluminum Trays & Lids, Dome Lids, Clear, 12in Size HFA 4012DL, HFA4012DL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
4022 Lagasse 12" Round Aluminum Serving Trays, 25 Trays (HFA401380) 4022 HFA 401380 3.42 4013-80-25 12 Inch Aluminum Serving Trays
Perfect for parties, catering events, restaurants, and other food service environments. These embossed round aluminum serving trays, provide a wide, flat, 12" surface that fits in any commercial or residential food serving situation. Coming in cases of 25, these durable aluminum trays make displaying and serving simple and easy. Disposable and safe for food contact, these quality serving plates are economical, and make a great first impression. See SKU# HFA 4012DL Clear Dome Lid.
Handi-Foil of America 12" Round Aluminum Serving Trays, 25 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Handi-Foil Of America 25.27 17.69 34.25 HFA401380.JPG food service trays. serving trays, trays, food serving plates, HFA 401380, HFA401380, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
4023 Lagasse 18in Clear Dome Lids for Round Serving Trays, 25 Lids (HFA4018DL) 4023 HFA 4018DL 7.84 4018DL-25 18" Plastic Dome Lids
Easy to snap on lids ensure worry-free transportation. Perfect for carryout and catering applications. Clear plastic allows viewing of contents. Embossed, upscale appearance. Fits HFA 4019120 tray. 25 pieces per case.
Handi-Foil 18" Clear Dome Catering Lid for Round Serving Trays, 25 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Handi-Foil Of America 32.13 22.49 42.07 HFA4018DL.JPG Round Serving Aluminum Trays & Lids, Dome Lids, Clear, 18in Size HFA 4018DL, HFA4018DL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
4024 Lagasse 18" Round Serving Aluminum Serving Tray, 25 Trays (HFA4019120) 4024 HFA 4019120 9.58 4019-120-25 25 pieces per case.
See SKU# HFA 4018DL Clear Dome Lid
Round Serving Tray, 18" Diameter, Embossed Handi-Foil Of America 63.73 44.61 83.44 HFA4019120.JPG Round Serving Aluminum Trays & Lids, Embossed Trays, 18in Size HFA 4019120, HFA4019120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
4025 Lagasse 16in Clear Dome Lids for Round Serving Trays, 25 Lids (HFA2012DL) 4025 HFA 2012DL 5.02 2012DL-25 16" Plastic Dome Lids
Easy to snap on lids ensure worry-free transportation. Perfect for carryout and catering applications. Clear plastic allows viewing of contents. Embossed, upscale appearance. Fits HFA 2013100 tray. 25 pieces per case.
Handi-Foil 16" Clear Dome Catering Lid for Round Serving Trays, 25 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Handi-Foil Of America 24.39 17.07 32.20 HFA2012DL.JPG Round Serving Aluminum Trays & Lids, Dome Lids, Clear, 16in Size HFA 2012DL, HFA2012DL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
4026 Lagasse Round Serving Aluminum Tray, Flat Trays, 16in Size (HFA2013100) 4026 HFA 2013100 6.64 2013-100-25 25 pieces per case.
See SKU # HFA 4012DL Clear Dome Lid
Round Serving Tray, 16" Diameter, Flat Handi-Foil Of America 43.59 30.51 58.95 HFA2013100.JPG Round Serving Aluminum Trays & Lids, Flat Trays, 16in Size HFA 2013100, HFA2013100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
4027 Lagasse 2 Qt. Round Storage Container, Clear (RCP5720-24CLE) 4027 RCP 5720-24 CLE 0.39 572024 CLR 2 Qt. Round Storage Container, Clear
Round Storage Containers and Lids, Round Storage Containers, Semi-clear polypropylene for visibility. Stackable and nestable for compact storage. Easy-grip handles. Dishwasher safe. NSF Certified. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 150°F/71°C. Lids and containers sold separately. 2-Quart Capacity Container—8-1/2 diameter x 4h.
Lids (RCP 5722 YEL), sold separately.
Rubbermaid Round Storage Container, 2-Qt 4"X 8.5" Diameter Clear, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 2.51 1.92 3.29 RCP572024CLE.JPG Round Storage Containers and Lids, Clear RCP 5720-24 CLE, RCP572024CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4028 Lagasse 4 Qt Round Storage Container, Clear (RCP5721-24CLE) 4028 RCP 5721-24 CLE 0.20 572124 CLR 4 Qt Round Storage Container
Round Storage Containers, Semi-clear polypropylene for visibility. Stackable and nestable for compact storage. Easy-grip handles. Dishwasher safe. NSF Certified. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 150°F/71°C. Lids and containers sold separately. 4-Quart Capacity Container—8-1/2 diameter x 7-3/4h.
Lid (RCP 5722 YEL), sold separately.
Round Storage Container 4 Qt 7.75 high X8.5 Diameter, Clear - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3.62 2.76 4.84 RCP572124CLE.JPG Round Storage Containers and Lids, Clear RCP 5721-24 CLE, RCP572124CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4029 Lagasse Lid for 2 and 4 Qt Round Storage Containers, Yellow (RCP5722YEL) 4029 RCP 5722 YEL 0.22 572200 YEL Lid for 2 and 4 Qt Round Storage Containers
Lid for Round Storage Containers, Two-piece sloped lid allows easy access; locks tight to reduce leakage and help prevent spoilage. Mark-It-Fresh area for dating and labeling. Dishwasher safe.
Fits 2-Quart (RCP 5720-24) and 4-Quart (RCP 5721-24) Containers—All sold separately.
Lid Round Container 2 or 4 Quart, 8-3/4 diameter x 7/8high, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 1.97 1.50 2.56 RCP5722YEL.JPG Round Storage Containers and Lids, Lids for Round Storage Containers, Yellow RCP 5722 YEL, RCP5722YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4030 Lagasse 6 Qt Round Storage Container, Clear (RCP5723-24CLE) 4030 RCP 5723-24 CLE 0.69 572324 CLR 6 Qt Round Storage Container
Round Storage Containers, Semi-clear polypropylene for visibility. Stackable and nestable for compact storage. Easy-grip handles. Dishwasher safe. NSF Certified. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 150°F/71°C. Lids and containers sold separately. 6-Quart Capacity Container—10 diameter x 7-5/8h.
Lid (RCP 5725 YEL), sold separately.
Round Storage Container 6 QT 7.63 High X 10 Diameter, Clear, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 4.06 3.10 5.50 RCP572324CLE.JPG Round Storage Containers and Lids, Clear RCP 5723-24 CLE, RCP572324CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4031 Lagasse Rubbermaid Lid for 6 Qt Round Storage Container, Yellow (RCP5725YEL) 4031 RCP 5725 YEL 0.28 572500 YEL Lid for 6 Qt Round Storage Container
Two-piece sloped lid allows easy access; locks tight to reduce leakage and help prevent spoilage. Mark-It-Fresh area for dating and labeling. Dishwasher safe. Fits 6-Quart (RCP 5723-24) Container—Sold separately. 10-1/4 diameter x 1h.
6 Qt Round Storage Container Lid, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 2.17 1.66 2.91 RCP5725YEL.JPG 6 quart lids, 6 qt round storage container lid, lids for round storage containers, yellow lid, RCP 5725 YEL, RCP5725YEL, restaurant supplies, food storage supplies 1 1 0 0 1 89
4032 Lagasse 12 Qt Round Storage Container, Clear (RCP5726-24CLE) 4032 RCP 5726-24 CLE 1.20 572624 CLR 12 Qt Round Storage Container
Semi-clear polypropylene for visibility. Stackable and nestable for compact storage. Easy-grip handles. Dishwasher safe. NSF Certified. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 150°F/71°C. Lids and containers sold separately. 12-Quart Capacity—13-1/8 diameter x 8-1/8h.
Lid (RCP 5730 YEL), sold separately.
Round Storage Container 12 QT 8.13 high X 13.13 Diameter, Clear, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.52 6.50 11.28 RCP572624CLE.JPG Round Storage Containers and Lids, Clear RCP 5726-24 CLE, RCP572624CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4033 Lagasse 22 Qt Round Storage Container, Clear (RCP5728-24CLE) 4033 RCP 5728-24 CLE 2.20 572824 CLR 22 Qt Round Storage Container
Semi-clear polypropylene for visibility. Stackable and nestable for compact storage. Easy-grip handles. Dishwasher safe. NSF Certified. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 150°F/71°C. Lids and containers sold separately. 22-Quart Capacity Container—13-1/8 diameter x 14h.
Lid (RCP 5730 YEL), sold separately.
Round Storage Container 22 Qt 14 High X 13.13 Diameter, Clear, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 12.19 9.30 16.38 RCP572824CLE.JPG Round Storage Containers and Lids, Clear RCP 5728-24 CLE, RCP572824CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4034 Lagasse 22 Qt Sauce Pail Round Storage Container, Clear (RCP5729-24CLE) 4034 RCP 5729-24 CLE 2.50 572924 CLR 22 Qt Sauce Pail Round Storage Container
Round Storage Containers, Semi-clear polypropylene for visibility. Removable bail for easy transport. Stackable and nestable for compact storage. Easy-grip handles. Dishwasher safe. NSF Certified. Temperature range: -40°F/-40°C to 150°F/71°C. Lids and containers sold separately. 22-Quart Sauce Pail—(Not shown.) 13-1/8 diameter x 14h.
Lid (RCP 5730 YEL), sold separately.
Round Sauce Pail with Bail 22 QT 14 high X13.13 Diameter Clear - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 16.39 12.50 21.56 RCP572924CLE.JPG Round Storage Containers and Lids, Clear RCP 5729-24 CLE, RCP572924CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4035 Lagasse Lid for 12 and 22 Qt Round Storage Containers, Yellow (RCP5730YEL) 4035 RCP 5730 YEL 0.61 573000 YEL Lid for 12 and 22 Qt Round Storage Containers
Two-piece sloped lid allows easy access; locks tight to reduce leakage and help prevent spoilage. Mark-It-Fresh area for dating and labeling. Dishwasher safe. Fits 12-Quart (RCP 5726-24) and 22-Quart (RCP 5728-24) Containers and 22-Quart Sauce Pail (RCP 5729-24)—All sold separately. 13-1/2 diameter x 1-1/4h.
Lid for 12 and 22 Qt Round Storage Containers 1.25X13.5 Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 4.87 3.72 6.41 RCP5730YEL.JPG Round Storage Containers and Lids, Lids for Round Storage Containers, Yellow RCP 5730 YEL, RCP5730YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4036 Lagasse Round Wooden Toothpicks, 24 Boxes (RPPR820) 4036 RPP R820 5.84 R820 Royal Round Wooden Toothpicks
Royal produces some of the best toothpicks on the market today. They are sturdy, durable and made from quality wood so you know you are getting a product you can rely on. Royal has been a quality manufacturer of wood toothpicks for years. These toothpicks are biodegradable and made from an all natural resources.
Royal Paper Products Round Wooden Toothpicks, 800 Toothpicks per Box, 24 Boxes per Case, 19,200 Toothpicks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Royal Paper Products 18.50 12.95 24.86 RPPR820.JPG round wooden toothpicks, wood toothpicks, wooden toothpicks, royal toothpicks, royal wood toothpicks, RPP R820, RPPR820 1 1 0 0 1 140
4037 Lagasse Royal Chef Hat, 24 Hats per Case, 10in High (RPPRCH10) 4037 RPP RCH10 4.80 RCH10 Elegant, fully pleated design. Made of high-quality paper for increased comfort and durability. Royal line sweatband for longer wear. Seven-hole vented top increases airflow and comfort. 100% biodegradable. White. Adjustable size. Environmentally conscious.
ROYAL CHEF HAT 10 IN 24 Royal Paper Products 23.86 16.70 31.73 RPPRCH10.JPG Royal Chef Hat, 24 Hats per Case, 10in High RPP RCH10, RPPRCH10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
4038 Lagasse Royal Chef Hat, 28 Hats per Case, 7in High (RPPRCH7) 4038 RPP RCH7 3.10 RCH7 7" Royal Chef Hat with Comfort Band
Used to help avoid undesirable and unsanitary hair contamination of food. Features an elegant, fully pleated design. Made of high-quality paper for increased comfort and durability. Royal line sweatband for longer wear. Seven-hole vented top increases airflow and comfort. 100% biodegradable. White. Adjustable size. Environmentally conscious. - The online wholesale cleaning supply company that Buyers Trust.
Royal Chef Hat 7" tall White, 28 per Case Royal Paper Products 30.57 21.40 39.79 RPPRCH7.JPG Royal Chef Hat, 28 Hats per Case, 7in High RPP RCH7, RPPRCH7, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 140
4039 Lagasse Royal Chef Hat, 24 Hats per Case, 9in High (RPPRCH9) 4039 RPP RCH9 3.40 RCH9 Elegant, fully pleated design. Made of high-quality paper for increased comfort and durability. Royal line sweatband for longer wear. Seven-hole vented top increases airflow and comfort. 100% biodegradable. White. Adjustable size. Environmentally conscious.
ROYAL CHEF HAT 9 IN 24 Royal Paper Products 23.57 16.50 32.12 RPPRCH9.JPG Royal Chef Hat, 24 Hats per Case, 9in High RPP RCH9, RPPRCH9, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
4040 Lagasse Royal Classy Cap (RPPRCC2W) 4040 RPP RCC2W 25.40 RCC2W Made from lightweight, crepe paper for lengthy use. 100% biodegradable. Plain white. Adjustable size. 100 caps per pack; 10 packs per case (1,000 caps). Environmentally conscious.
CLASSY CAP PLAIN WHI 10/100 Royal Paper Products 90.10 63.07 118.22 RPPRCC2W.JPG Royal Classy Cap RPP RCC2W, RPPRCC2W, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
4042 Lagasse S.O.S Heavy-Duty Scrubber Sponges, 24 Sponges (CLO91029) 4042 CLO 91029 1.80 91029 Heavy-Duty Scrubber Sponges
Bigger and thicker than ordinary scrubber sponges. Angled shape gets into hard-to-reach places. Cuts through the toughest messes. 3" wide x 5-1/4" long x 3-1/4" high.
Clorox S.O.S Heavy-Duty Scrubber Sponge, 3 Sponges per Pack, 8 Packs, 24 Sponges per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 17.39 13.27 23.75 CLO91029.JPG s.o.s heavy-duty scrubber sponge, CLO 91029, CLO91029, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
4043 Lagasse S.O.S Steel Wool Soap Pads, 180 Pads (CLO88320) 4043 CLO 88320 8.00 88320 Steel Wool Soap Pads
Extra-thick steel wool pad with double the soap. Cuts grease and shines metal. Ideal for heavy-duty scrubbing of pots and pans. Rust inhibitors and interwoven design make pads last longer.
Clorox S.O.S Steel Wool Soap Pads, 15 Pads per Box, 12 Boxes, 180 Pads per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 40.51 30.90 53.74 CLO88320.JPG s.o.s steel wool soap pads, CLO 88320, CLO88320, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
4044 Lagasse Safe Ice 74-oz. Scoop with Hand Guard, Blue (RCP9F50) 4044 RCP 9F50 1.19 FG9F5000TBLUE A suite of innovative, end-to-end integrated ice management tools designed to increase operational efficiencies while reducing food safety concerns. Reduces the risk of cross contamination and improves employee safety. Angled handle positioned over ice cavity protects hand from contacting ice, reducing risk of cross contamination. Relieves wrist strain. Reinforced leading edge improves durability. Combines with an open style Scoop Holder (RCP 9F43, sold separately) when stored. NSF Certified and dishwasher safe. 11.97l x 6.7w x 7.72h. Shpg. wt. 7.10 lbs. 6 scoops per case.
ERGO SAFE SCOOP W/HNDL TRANS BLU 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 14.68 11.20 19.85 RCP9F50.JPG Safe Ice 74-oz. Scoop with Hand Guard, Blue RCP 9F50, RCP9F50, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4045 Lagasse Safe Ice Ice Bin Hook Adapter, Blue (RCP9F56) 4045 RCP 9F56 0.47 FG9F56-00 0000 A suite of innovative, end-to-end integrated ice management tools designed to increase operational efficiencies while reducing food safety concerns. Reduces the risk of cross contamination and improves employee safety. For use with Ice Tote (RCP 9F53, sold separately). Allows Ice Tote to attach to nearly any standard or high-capacity ice machine. Reduces risk of cross-contamination since bottom of Ice Tote does not touch floor. 9.89l x 11.79w x 1.67h. Shpg. wt. 2.88 lbs. 6 adapters per case.
ERGO SAFE BIN HOOK ADAPTER 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.81 6.72 11.90 RCP9F56.JPG Safe Ice Ice Bin Hook Adapter, Blue RCP 9F56, RCP9F56, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4047 Lagasse Safe Ice Scoop Holder (RCP9F43) 4047 RCP 9F43 0.97 9F43 00 0000 A suite of innovative, end-to-end integrated ice management tools designed to increase operational efficiencies while reducing food safety concerns. Reduces the risk of cross contamination and improves employee safety. For use with 74-oz. Scoop with Hand Guard (RCP 9F50, sold separately). Open for air drying to reduce the risk of mold and bacteria growth. 10.05l x 7.48w x 5.43h. Shpg. wt. 5.83 lbs. 6 holders per case.
SCOOP HOLDER 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.80 9.00 16.15 RCP9F43.JPG Safe Ice Scoop Holder RCP 9F43, RCP9F43, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4048 Lagasse Safe Ice Scovel™ Two-Handled Shovel, Blue (RCP9F52) 4048 RCP 9F52 3.45 FG9F5200TBLUE A suite of innovative, end-to-end integrated ice management tools designed to increase operational efficiencies while reducing food safety concerns. Reduces the risk of cross contamination and improves employee safety. Combines the easy handling of traditional scoops with the capacity of a shovel. High side walls reduce spillage during ice transfer. 120-oz. capacity for faster loading time than standard-sized scoops. Features reinforced leading edge for improved durability and offset handles for ergonomic maneuvering. NSF Certified and dishwasher safe. Includes hanger for wall storage. 29.36l x 8.76w x 6.98h Shpg. wt. 3.10 lbs.
SCOVEL,TWO-HANDED SHOVEL TRANS BLU Rubbermaid Commercial Products 42.74 27.90 58.03 RCP9F52.JPG Safe Ice Scovel Two-Handled Shovel, Blue RCP 9F52, RCP9F52, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4049 Lagasse Safeguard Liquid Antibacterial Hand Soap Refill, 2 Gallons (PGC02699) 4049 PGC 02699 19.00 07010 Safeguard Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap Refill
Safeguard Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap is designed to provide first-rate germ protection for your entire family, helping to make it the top antibacterial soap worldwide. Safeguard is made with Triclosan, an antibacterial that eliminates up to 99% of bacteria that can cause illness. This proven formula also contains a moisturizing ingredient to help fight dry skin that can occur after repeated hand washing.This popular antibacterial liquid hand soap is ideal for use in commercial, residential or industrial environments. The economical one gallon bottles are the smart way to save money and are perfect for use in schools, day care center, churches, restaurants, office buildings, public facilities and any high traffic area where hand washing is frequent.
Procter & Gamble Safeguard Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap Refill, 1 Gallon Bottle, 2 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 33.34 25.25 44.20 PGC02699.JPG safeguard liquid soap, liquid safeguard soap, safeguard antibacterial soap, safeguard liquid hand soap, safeguard antibacterial hand soap, safeguard soap, antibacterial liquid hand soap, PGC 02699, PGC02699 1 1 0 0 1 80
4050 Lagasse Safeguard Antibacterial Soap Bars, 48 - 4-oz. Size Bars (PGC08833) 4050 PGC 08833 14.20 08833 Safeguard Antibacterial Bar Soap
Safeguard Antibacterial Bar Soap has the power to get rid of body odor and uses an antibacterial agent that kills most germs to leave even the dirtiest of hands and bodies squeaky clean and smelling fresh! Even though Safeguard is powerful enough to get the dirtiest skin clean and fresh, this deodorant soap's moisturizing ingredients moisturize as they clean. Safeguard features a fresh clean scent the whole family will love. Each bar is individually wrapped. There are 4 bars per pack and 12 packs per case, for a total of 48 bars of soap per case.
Proctor and Gamble Safeguard Antibacterial Bar Soap, 4 Individually Wrapped Bars per Pack, 12 Packs per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bar Soaps - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 40.23 30.68 54.50 PGC08833.JPG safegaurd soap, safeguard antibacterial soap, safeguard bar soap, safeguard deodorant soap, safeguard bath soap, PGC 08833, PGC08833 1 1 0 0 1 80
4051 Lagasse Safety Cones, Base Size 12-1/4 square x 36h (RCP6276-77YEL) 4051 RCP 6276-77 YEL 4.00 6276-77 YELLOW Bright yellow, four-sided cones have versatile tops that accommodate a barricade belt, flashing light, lock-in sign holder or audio warning device (accessories not included). Imprinted “Caution Wet Floor” in English and Spanish. Stackable; recessed top surface for handling ease.
WET FLR SAFETY CONE 12.25X12.25X36 MLTILNG YEL 5 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 34.22 26.10 46.05 RCP627677YEL.JPG Safety Cones, Base Size 12-1/4 square x 36h RCP 6276-77 YEL, RCP627677YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4052 Lagasse Safety Cones, Base Size 10-1/2 square x 25-3/4h (RCP6277-77YEL) 4052 RCP 6277-77 YEL 2.80 FG627777 YEL Bright yellow, four-sided cones have versatile tops that accommodate a barricade belt, flashing light, lock-in sign holder or audio warning device (accessories not included). Imprinted “Caution Wet Floor” in English and Spanish. Stackable; recessed top surface for handling ease.
WET FLR SAFETY CONE 10.5X10.5X25.8 MLTILNG YEL 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 26.04 19.86 34.97 RCP627777YEL.JPG Safety Cones, Base Size 10-1/2 square x 25-3/4h RCP 6277-77 YEL, RCP627777YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4053 Lagasse Safety Storage Ingredient Bins, .836 Cubic Feet Capacity (RCP9G57WHI) 4053 RCP 9G57 WHI 13.25 9G57 00 WHT Provides improved safety and productivity. Patent-pending dual opening/closing allows for one-handed access while stacked, on a shelf or under a prep table. Integrated two-cup Safety Portioning Scoop and Hook comply with the FDA Food Code 3-304.12. FIFO (First In, First Out) Barrier aids proper rotation of ingredients. Lid locks onto base to protect ingredient integrity. Front and rear handles for safe, stable portability. White with clear lid for quick identification of contents.
SAFETY STORAGE BIN 100 CUP WHI Rubbermaid Commercial Products 107.51 82.00 143.56 RCP9G57WHI.JPG Safety Storage Ingredient Bins, .836 Cubic Feet Capacity RCP 9G57 WHI, RCP9G57WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4054 Lagasse Safety Storage Ingredient Bins, 1.67 Cubic Feet Capacity (RCP9G58WHI) 4054 RCP 9G58 WHI 18.50 9G58 00 WHT Provides improved safety and productivity. Patent-pending dual opening/closing allows for one-handed access while stacked, on a shelf or under a prep table. Integrated two-cup Safety Portioning Scoop and Hook comply with the FDA Food Code 3-304.12. FIFO (First In, First Out) Barrier aids proper rotation of ingredients. Lid locks onto base to protect ingredient integrity. Front and rear handles for safe, stable portability. White with clear lid for quick identification of contents.
SAFETY STORAGE BIN 200 CUP WHI Rubbermaid Commercial Products 154.07 117.51 200.37 RCP9G58WHI.JPG Safety Storage Ingredient Bins, 1.67 Cubic Feet Capacity RCP 9G58 WHI, RCP9G58WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4055 Lagasse Simple Green Safety Towels, All Purpose Wipes (SMP13351) 4055 SMP 13351 15.24 13351 Simple Green Safety Towels, All Purpose Wipes
Simple Green Safety Towels offer a quick, easy, safe and effective way to clean grease, oil, tar, soot and much more from most surfaces. These VOC compliant. lint-free polypropylene towels are premoistened with nontoxic, biodegradable Crystal Simple Green formula for extra cleaning power. These multipurpose, dual-textured towels feature an abrasive side for tough scrubbing, plus a softer side for fine cleaning. Safe for use on skin. Each environmentally conscious towel is 10" x 12" in sheet size.
Simple Green Safety Towels, All Purpose Wipes. 75 towels per canister. 6 canisters per case.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Simple Green 67.06 51.15 90.02 wipers, wipes, rags, cleaning cloth, wet wipes, industrial wipes, disposable wipes, Simple Green Safety Towels, SMP 13351, SMP13351 1 1 0 0 1 99
4056 Lagasse Safety-Walk™ General Purpose Tread Rolls, 4 Rolls per Case, 1in Wide (MCO19220) 4056 MCO 19220 3.95 19220 Helps prevent slips and falls in heavy-traffic work areas, ramps, walkways, loading docks, machinery, vehicles and aircraft. Low-profile design reduces trip hazard. Mineral-coated, slip-resistant material is highly durable. Pressure-sensitive adhesive covered by a removable protective liner. For use on smooth, flat surfaces. 60-ft. rolls. Black.
SAFETY WALK GEN-PURP SLIP RESISTANT TREAD BLA 1inX60' 3M Corporation 106.96 80.13 141.47 MCO19220.JPG Safety-Walk General Purpose Tread Rolls, 4 Rolls per Case, 1in Wide MCO 19220, MCO19220, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4057 Lagasse Safety-Walk™ General Purpose Tread Rolls, 2 Rolls per Case, 2in Wide (MCO19221) 4057 MCO 19221 3.85 19221 Helps prevent slips and falls in heavy-traffic work areas, ramps, walkways, loading docks, machinery, vehicles and aircraft. Low-profile design reduces trip hazard. Mineral-coated, slip-resistant material is highly durable. Pressure-sensitive adhesive covered by a removable protective liner. For use on smooth, flat surfaces. 60-ft. rolls. Black.
SAFETY WALK GEN-PURP SLIP RESISTANT TREAD BLA 2inX60' 3M Corporation 106.96 80.13 143.83 MCO19221.JPG Safety-Walk General Purpose Tread Rolls, 2 Rolls per Case, 2in Wide MCO 19221, MCO19221, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4058 Lagasse Safety-Walk™ General Purpose Tread Rolls, 1 Roll per Case, 4in Wide (MCO19223) 4058 MCO 19223 3.95 19223 Helps prevent slips and falls in heavy-traffic work areas, ramps, walkways, loading docks, machinery, vehicles and aircraft. Low-profile design reduces trip hazard. Mineral-coated, slip-resistant material is highly durable. Pressure-sensitive adhesive covered by a removable protective liner. For use on smooth, flat surfaces. 60-ft. rolls. Black.
SAFETY WALK GEN-PURP SLIP RESISTANT TREAD BLA 4inX60' 3M Corporation 116.87 87.85 157.59 MCO19223.JPG Safety-Walk General Purpose Tread Rolls, 1 Roll per Case, 4in Wide MCO 19223, MCO19223, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4059 Lagasse Safety-Walk™ Medium Resilient Tread Rolls, 1in Wide Gray, Gray (MCO19321) 4059 MCO 19321 4.00 19321 Helps prevent slips and falls for light to medium traffic and barefoot areas. Resilient, non-mineral, slip-resistant, textured material. Pressure-sensitive adhesive covered by a removable protective liner. For use on smooth, flat surfaces. 60-ft. rolls. 4 rolls per case.
SAFETY WALK MEDIUM RESILIANT TREAD GRAY 1inX60' 4/CS 3M Corporation 123.83 94.45 164.13 MCO19321.JPG Safety-Walk Medium Resilient Tread Rolls, 1in Wide Gray, Gray MCO 19321, MCO19321, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4060 Lagasse Safety-Walk™ Medium Resilient Tread Rolls, Black, 4 Rolls per Case, 1in Wide (MCO19293) 4060 MCO 19293 4.00 19293 Helps prevent slips and falls for light to medium traffic and barefoot areas. Resilient, non-mineral, slip-resistant, textured material. Pressure-sensitive adhesive covered by a removable protective liner. For use on smooth, flat surfaces. 60-ft. rolls.
SAFETY WALK MEDIUM RESILIANT TREAD BLA 1inX60' 4/CS 3M Corporation 123.83 94.45 163.38 MCO19293.JPG Safety-Walk Medium Resilient Tread Rolls, Black, 4 Rolls per Case, 1in Wide MCO 19293, MCO19293, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4061 Lagasse Safety-Walk™ Medium Resilient Tread Rolls, Black, 2 Rolls per Case, 2in Wide (MCO19294) 4061 MCO 19294 3.90 19294 Helps prevent slips and falls for light to medium traffic and barefoot areas. Resilient, non-mineral, slip-resistant, textured material. Pressure-sensitive adhesive covered by a removable protective liner. For use on smooth, flat surfaces. 60-ft. rolls.
SAFETY WALK MEDIUM RESILIANT TREAD BLA 2inX60' 2/CS 3M Corporation 128.61 98.09 174.24 MCO19294.JPG Safety-Walk Medium Resilient Tread Rolls, Black, 2 Rolls per Case, 2in Wide MCO 19294, MCO19294, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4062 Lagasse Safety-Walk™ Medium Resilient Tread Rolls, Black, 1 Roll per Case, 4in Wide (MCO19296) 4062 MCO 19296 3.85 19296 Helps prevent slips and falls for light to medium traffic and barefoot areas. Resilient, non-mineral, slip-resistant, textured material. Pressure-sensitive adhesive covered by a removable protective liner. For use on smooth, flat surfaces. 60-ft. rolls.
SAFETY WALK MEDIUM RESILIANT TREAD BLA 4inX60' 2/CS 3M Corporation 127.19 97.01 167.15 MCO19296.JPG Safety-Walk Medium Resilient Tread Rolls, Black, 1 Roll per Case, 4in Wide MCO 19296, MCO19296, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4063 Lagasse Safety-Walk™ Medium Resilient Tread Rolls, Gray, 1 Roll per Case, 4in Wide (MCO19322) 4063 MCO 19322 3.90 19322 Helps prevent slips and falls for light to medium traffic and barefoot areas. Resilient, non-mineral, slip-resistant, textured material. Pressure-sensitive adhesive covered by a removable protective liner. For use on smooth, flat surfaces. 60-ft. rolls.
SAFETY WALK MEDIUM RESILIANT TREAD GRAY 4inX60' 1/CS 3M Corporation 123.91 94.51 163.63 MCO19322.JPG Safety-Walk Medium Resilient Tread Rolls, Gray, 1 Roll per Case, 4in Wide MCO 19322, MCO19322, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4065 Lagasse Safewalk-Light Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mat (CROWSCT35BLA) 4065 CRO WSCT35 BLA 26.00 WS CT35 BK Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mat
This lightweight drainage mat for medium- to heavy-duty areas has beveled edges that provide a low profile for increased safety. Also, superior tracking in wet or dry environments. Overall thickness 1/2in. Buy this Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mat today!
*Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty.
Safewalk-Light Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mat 3' x 5' Black, Each - The cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 40.46 30.86 52.81 CROWSCT35BLA.JPG Safewalk-Light Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mats, General-Purpose CRO WSCT35 BLA, CROWSCT35BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
4066 Lagasse Safewalk-Light™ Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mats, Grease-Resistant (CROWSCT35TCO) 4066 CRO WSCT35 TCO 27.00 WS CT35 TC Lightweight drainage mat for medium- to heavy-duty areas. Beveled edges provide a low profile for increased safety. Superior tracking in wet or dry environments. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 1/2in.
SAFEWALK-LIGHT MAT 3' X 5' TCO Ludlow Composites Corp. 77.03 58.75 103.41 CROWSCT35TCO.JPG Safewalk-Light Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mats, Grease-Resistant CRO WSCT35 TCO, CROWSCT35TCO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
4067 Lagasse Safewalk Heavy-Duty Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mats, General-Purpose (CROWSTF35BLA) 4067 CRO WSTF35 BLA 32.00 WS TF35BK Safewalk Heavy-Duty Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mats
Safewalk Heavy-Duty Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mats are 7/8" thick with square edges. They provide superior drainage and durability. The raised-rib design provides superior traction for both wet and dry environments.
Safewalk Heavy-Duty Greaseproof, 7/8", 3'X5', Black
Sold by each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 60.39 46.00 80.97 CROWSTF35BLA.JPG Safewalk Heavy-Duty Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mats, General-Purpose CRO WSTF35 BLA, CROWSTF35BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
4068 Lagasse Safewalk™ Heavy-Duty Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mats, Grease-Resistant (CROWSTF35TCO) 4068 CRO WSTF35 TCO 38.00 WS TF35 TC (Not shown.) Square edges provide drainage and durability. Superior traction in wet or dry environments. Overall thickness 7/8in.
SAFEWALK,HEAVY-DUTY 7/8in GREASEPROOF 3'X5' TCO Ludlow Composites Corp. 81.35 62.05 107.01 CROWSTF35TCO.JPG Safewalk Heavy-Duty Anti-Fatigue Drainage Mats, Grease-Resistant CRO WSTF35 TCO, CROWSTF35TCO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
4069 Lagasse Rubbermaid Safti-Grip Bath Mat, 14x22.5, Each (RCP7035WHI) 4069 RCP 7035 WHI 1.22 FG703504 WHT Rubbermaid Bath & Shower Mat
White vinyl with suction back to stay firmly in place. Perfect for shower stall or bathtub. Perforated for improved drainage.
Rubbermaid Commercial SAFTI-GRIP Bath & Shower Mat, Medium Size, 14"x22.5", White, Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.00 6.10 10.74 RCP7035WHI.JPG Safti-Grip Bath Mat, 14 x 22-1/2 RCP 7035 WHI, RCP7035WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4070 Lagasse Rubbermaid Safti-Grip Bath Mat, 16x28, Each (RCP7041-04WHI) 4070 RCP 7041-04 WHI 1.80 704104 WHT Rubbermaid Bath & Shower Mat
White vinyl with suction back to stay firmly in place. Perfect for shower stall or bathtub. Perforated for improved drainage.
Rubbermaid Commercial Safti-Grip Bath & Shower Mat, Large, 16"x28", White, Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 12.87 9.82 17.24 RCP704104WHI.JPG Safti-Grip Bath Mat, 16 x 28 RCP 7041-04 WHI, RCP704104WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4079 Lagasse SalesBooks™, 3-1/2 x 5-5/8 (NTC12A) 4079 NTC 12A 17.20 12A Versatile and flexible. For use with a variety of retailers. Helps organize customer name and contact information.
2/PART-CARBON/NEWS-NOSTUB(100) NEWS/NEWS PAPER National Checking Company 32.92 24.94 43.42 NTC12A.JPG SalesBooks, 3-1/2 x 5-5/8 NTC 12A, NTC12A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 137
4080 Lagasse Smoking Receptacle Sand Urn, Black (UNI1000E) 4080 UNI 1000E 8.00 1000E Smoking Sand Urn
California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) Listed for fire safety Powder coated, fire-safe steel. Removable aluminum ashtray top. Vinyl base ring protects floors and carpeting. ADA Compliant. Minimum 30% recycled steel, 100% recyclable. 10" diameter. x 20" high. Shipping weight: 7 lbs.
United Receptacle Classic Sand Urn, Black, Each
Trash Cans » Smoking Management » Ash Trash Can - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. United Receptacle 32.99 25.16 44.28 UNI1000E.JPG Sand Urn, Black UNI 1000E, UNI1000E, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 111
4081 Lagasse Premiere Pads 17" 100 Grit Sanding Screens, 10 Screens (PAD5017-100-10) 4081 PAD 5017-100-10 2.50 54720 17" 100 Grit Sanding Screens
Coming in a 17 inch diameter, Premiere Pads line of 100 Grit Sanding Screens, are perfect for sanding dull and scuffed wood floors. This open-weave mesh pad, is non-loading and coated on both sides for reversible use. Perfect for both wet and dry use, this durable and reliable sand screen easily attaches to floor sanding machines by placing it on a normal 17" floor scrubbing pad. Ideal for use on a scuffed coated wood floor gets scuffed. After using a 60-grit, and 80-grit screen, follow with this 100 grit sand screen. These screens used together create a combined scuff that allows a new coating to properly cover the floor. Coming in 17 inch 100 grit sanding screens and 10 screens per case.
Premiere Pads 17" 100 Grit Sanding Screens, 10 Screens per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 45.32 34.57 61.18 PAD501710010.JPG sanding screens, sanding pads, 17 inch sanding pads, PAD 5017-100-10, PAD501710010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4082 Lagasse Sanding Screens, 120 Grit, 17in Diameter (PAD5017-120-10) 4082 PAD 5017-120-10 1.10 54721 Perfect for sanding dull and scuffed wood floors. Open-weave mesh design is nonloading and coated on both sides for reversible use—wet or dry. 10 screens per case.
SAND SCREEN 17 IN 120 GRIT 10 Premiere Pads 44.50 33.94 57.89 PAD501712010.JPG Sanding Screens, 120 Grit, 17in Diameter PAD 5017-120-10, PAD501712010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 79
4083 Lagasse Sanding Screens, 150 Grit, 17in Diameter (PAD5017-150-10) 4083 PAD 5017-150-10 2.30 54722 Perfect for sanding dull and scuffed wood floors. Open-weave mesh design is nonloading and coated on both sides for reversible use—wet or dry. 10 screens per case.
SAND SCREEN 17 IN 150 GRIT 10 Premiere Pads 40.85 31.16 54.02 PAD501715010.JPG Sanding Screens, 150 Grit, 17in Diameter PAD 5017-150-10, PAD501715010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 79
4084 Lagasse Sanding Screens, 60 Grit, 17in Diameter (PAD5017-60-10) 4084 PAD 5017-60-10 2.95 54719 Perfect for sanding dull and scuffed wood floors. Open-weave mesh design is nonloading and coated on both sides for reversible use—wet or dry. 10 screens per case.
SAND SCREEN 17 IN 60 GRIT 10 Premiere Pads 64.91 49.51 87.67 PAD50176010.JPG Sanding Screens, 60 Grit, 17in Diameter PAD 5017-60-10, PAD50176010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 79
4085 Lagasse Sanding Screens, 80 Grit, 17in Diameter (PAD5017-80-10) 4085 PAD 5017-80-10 2.50 54716 Perfect for sanding dull and scuffed wood floors. Open-weave mesh design is nonloading and coated on both sides for reversible use—wet or dry. 10 screens per case.
SAND SCREEN 17 IN 80 GRIT 10 Premiere Pads 52.44 40.00 71.82 PAD50178010.JPG Sanding Screens, 80 Grit, 17in Diameter PAD 5017-80-10, PAD50178010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 79
4086 Lagasse Sanding Screens, 100 Grit, 20in Diameter (PAD5020-100-10) 4086 PAD 5020-100-10 3.00 54730 Perfect for sanding dull and scuffed wood floors. Open-weave mesh design is nonloading and coated on both sides for reversible use—wet or dry. 10 screens per case.
SAND SCREEN 20 IN 100 GRIT 10 Premiere Pads 52.96 40.39 68.79 PAD502010010.JPG Sanding Screens, 100 Grit, 20in Diameter PAD 5020-100-10, PAD502010010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 79
4087 Lagasse Sanding Screens, 120 Grit, 20in Diameter (PAD5020-120-10) 4087 PAD 5020-120-10 2.50 54731 Perfect for sanding dull and scuffed wood floors. Open-weave mesh design is nonloading and coated on both sides for reversible use—wet or dry. 10 screens per case.
SAND SCREEN 20 IN 120 GRIT 10 Premiere Pads 52.65 40.16 69.71 PAD502012010.JPG Sanding Screens, 120 Grit, 20in Diameter PAD 5020-120-10, PAD502012010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 79
4088 Lagasse Sanding Screens, 150 Grit, 20in Diameter (PAD5020-150-10) 4088 PAD 5020-150-10 2.60 54732 Perfect for sanding dull and scuffed wood floors. Open-weave mesh design is nonloading and coated on both sides for reversible use—wet or dry. 10 screens per case.
SAND SCREEN 20 IN 150 GRIT 10 Premiere Pads 45.50 34.70 59.98 PAD502015010.JPG Sanding Screens, 150 Grit, 20in Diameter PAD 5020-150-10, PAD502015010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 79
4089 Lagasse 20" Sanding Screens, 60 Grit, 10 Screens (PAD5020-60-10) 4089 PAD 5020-60-10 4.70 54728 20 Inch Sand Screens
Making sanding easy, these durable sanding screens are the ideal choice for sanding dull and scuffed wood floors. Providing an open-weave mesh design, these powerful sanding pads are non-loading and coated on both sides for reversible use. Offering the ability to be used in both wet and dry conditions, these screens come 10 to a case.
Premiere Pads 20" Sanding Screens, 60 Grit, 10 Screens per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 75.54 57.62 101.83 PAD50206010.JPG sanding screens, sand screens, sanding pads, PAD 5020-60-10, PAD50206010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4090 Lagasse Sanding Screens, 80 Grit, 20in Diameter (PAD5020-80-10) 4090 PAD 5020-80-10 3.50 54729 Perfect for sanding dull and scuffed wood floors. Open-weave mesh design is nonloading and coated on both sides for reversible use—wet or dry. 10 screens per case.
SAND SCREEN 20 IN 80 GRIT 10 Premiere Pads 67.46 51.45 88.56 PAD50208010.JPG Sanding Screens, 80 Grit, 20in Diameter PAD 5020-80-10, PAD50208010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 79
4091 Lagasse Sani-Cloth HB Germicidal Specialty Wipes (NICQ10584) 4091 NIC Q10584 13.50 Q10584 Sani-Cloth HB Germicidal Specialty Wipes (NICQ10584)
Sani-Cloth HB Germicidal Specialty Wipes (NICQ10584) are premoistened, alcohol-free wipes for use on hard surfaces. These germicidal wipes are effective against more than 100 microorganisms, including the human Hepatitis B virus. This product is EPA registered and meets CDC and OSHA guidelines. There are 160 wipes per pop-up canister, with 6 canisters per case.
Sani-Cloth HB Germicidal Specialty Wipes. 160 wipers per canister. 6 canisters per case.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes Nicepak 44.73 34.12 58.66 NICQ10584.JPG wipers, wipes, rags, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, disposable wipes, Sani-Cloth HB Germicidal Disposable Wipes, NIC Q10584, NICQ10584 1 1 0 0 1 138
4094 Lagasse Nicepak Sani-Hands II Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes, 6 Canisters (NIC P92084) 4094 NIC P92084 15.89 P92084 Hand Sanitizing Wipes
These convenient hand sanitizing wipes from Niceapk are pre-moistened wipes formulated for use in the food service areas of restaurants, serving stations and checkout/cashier stations. Proven to kill 99.9% of germs that can cause illness, these powerful sanitizing wipes were developed to meet the Food Code Hand Sanitization Requirements. The moisturizing formula used in these wipes contains an emollient that helps to prevent skin from the drying that may occur after repeated use. These handy wipes come in a canister that can be kept anywhere to provide convenient sanitizing protection any time you need it. Keep your employees and customers safe, and stock up on some Sani-Hands II Sanitizing Wipes today for your restaurant or food service establishment.
NicePak Sani-Hands II Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes, 300 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Nicepak 51.87 39.55 69.05 NICP92084.jpg sani hands wipes, wipes, wipers, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, sani-hands II instant hand sanitizing wipes, NICP92084, NIC P92084 1 1 0 0 1 138
4097 Lagasse Sanitaire Commercial Backpack Vacuum Cleaner (EUR412) 4097 EUR 412 26.60 SC412 Sanitaire SC412 Commercial Backpack Vacuum
No need to panic over big messes. The Eureka Sanitaire Commercial Backpack Vacuum can tackle even the nastiest spills and can do so quietly. This vacuum received a superior 69dB rating for its whisper quiet operation. This lightweight unit weighs only 11.5 lbs and features an ergonomically designed back support that allows you to effectively and efficiently carry the cleaner around work sites. The vacuum cleaner features four-stage filtration and 1.5-gallon dirt capacity, making it ideal for large offices and works spaces. This vacuum comes equipped with numerous attachments for carpet and bare floor cleaning, including: telescopic steel wands, carpet nozzle, deluxe floor and wall brush, dusting brush, crevice tool, deluxe stretch hose and upholstery tool. The Eureka Backpack Vacuum is a recipient of the CRI Seal of Approval, signifying that this is a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment and carpet appearance retention. This model is UL approved for commercial use and comes with a Manufacturer’s one-year parts/labor warranty for commercial use. Uses disposable bag EUR 62370-10, 10 per pack, 10 packs per case (sold separately).
Eureka Sanitaire Commercial Backpack Vacuum, 11.5 lbs. Each. – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
In Stock and Ready to Ship! Buy Today and Save!
Uses disposable bag EUR 62370-10, 10 per pack, 10 packs per case (sold separately)
CRI Green Label Approved – The CRI (Carpet and Rug Institute) Green Label signifies a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment and carpet appearance retention.
The CRI Green Label logo is a trademark of the Carpet & Rug Institute.
Vacuum Cleaners » Backpack Vacuum »
Eureka - Sanitaire 281.98 215.07 368.02 EUR412.JPG eureka backpack vacuum, sanitaire sc412, sanitaire backpack, back pack vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaners, eureka vacuum, vacuum bags, sanitaire commercial backpack, EUR 412, EUR412, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4098 Lagasse Sanitaire Commercial Compact Canister Vacuum (EUR3683) 4098 EUR 3683 14.40 SC3683A Sanitaire Mighty Mite Commercial Canister Vacuum
Best for hard surface and above-the-floor cleaning. 10 amp commercial-grade motor. HEPA system-ready and CRI Certified with optional HEPA filter EUR 60666-6. Six-piece attachment set includes hose, telescopic metal wand, upholstery nozzle, crevice tool, deluxe dusting brush and deluxe floor tool. Comes with shoulder strap and weighs only 10 lbs. 20-ft. double-insulated cord. UL Approved for commercial use. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty for commercial use. Shipping weight 14.4 lbs.
Uses Eureka type MM disposable paper bags EUR 60295-6 (one incl.).
Sanitaire Mighty Mite Commercial Vacuum - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Eureka - Sanitaire 120.22 91.69 161.70 EUR3683.JPG vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaners, upright vacuum, hoover vacuum, bagless vacuum, canister vacuum, eureka vacuum, vacuum bags, upright vacuum cleaner, vacuum accessories, electrolux vacuum, bagless vacuum, cordless vacuum, hepa vacuum, hoover vacuum cleaner, canister vacuum, sanitaire commercial compact canister vac, EUR 3683, EUR3683 1 1 0 0 1 38
4099 Lagasse Sanitaire Commercial Three-Speed Air Mover with Built-On Dolly (EUR6052) 4099 EUR 6052 42.10 SC6052 Dries carpet and floors quickly. Powerful 1/2 HP motor makes this dryer perfect for carpet drying and restoration projects. Space-saving, stackable design. Easy to transport, no lifting—extend the dolly handle and go. Easy-carry molded handle, 3-position kickstand, two 5in hard-rubber wheels and thermal shut-off. Made of durable high-density polyethylene with reinforced motor lugs. 20-ft. power cord. Manufacturer’s three-year parts replacement/one-year service labor warranty for commercial use. ETL Listedfor commercial use. Shpg. wt. 42 lbs.
SANITAIRE 3-SPD AIR MOVER W/ DOLLY Eureka - Sanitaire 243.60 185.52 332.09 EUR6052.JPG Sanitaire Commercial Three-Speed Air Mover with Built-On Dolly EUR 6052, EUR6052, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4100 Lagasse Sanitaire Model SC5713 Bag Style with True HEPA Vacuum (EUR5713) 4100 EUR 5713 22.00 5713 Eureka Vacuum - Sanitaire Model SC5713 Bag Style with True HEPA Vacuum
Motor—10 amp
Cleaning Path—13 inches
Carpet Height Adjustment—Seven-Position
On-board Tools
Furniture Guard
Filtration System—Washable Sealed HEPA, captures 99.97% of all particles down to 0.3 microns
Cord Length—40 ft. UL Approved (Commercial Use) OSHA Compliant
Unit Weight—17 lbs.
Shipping Weight—22.7 lbs.
Manufacturer’s Warranty—One-Year Parts/Labor
Uses Commercial Bags—EUR 61820-6, 3 bags per pack, 6 packs per case (sold separately)
Uses Belt - EUR 61120, 2 per pack (sold separately)
CRI Green Label Approved – The CRI (Carpet and Rug Institute) Green Label signifies a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment and carpet appearance retention.
The CRI Green Label logo is a trademark of the Carpet & Rug Institute.
Eureka Vacuum - Upright HEPA Vacuum
Floor & Carpet Care » Vacuum Cleaners » HEPA Vacuum Eureka - Sanitaire 247.01 188.40 329.78 EUR5713.JPG vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaners, upright vacuum, hoover vacuum, bagless vacuum, canister vacuum, eureka vacuum, vacuum bags, upright vacuum cleaner, vacuum accessories, electrolux vacuum, bagless vacuum, cordless vacuum, hepa vacuum, hoover vacuum cleaner, Sanitaire vacuum Bag Style HEPA Filtration EUR 5713, EUR5713 1 1 0 0 1 38
4101 Lagasse Eureka Sanitaire Bagless Cyclone Vacuum Cleaner w/ Hepa Filtration (EUR5845) 4101 EUR 5845 25.80 SC5845 Eureka Sanitaire Upright Bagless Vacuum Cleaner
This Eureka Sanitaire Upright Vacuum Cleaner offers you the best in bagless filtration and keeps your surroundings free from dust and debris. Its clean-air system actually improves the quality of indoor air while also cleaning your carpets. The True Hepa filtration system features a washable filter that captures even the tiniest of dust and allergen particles, down to .3 microns in size. The cyclonic action of this upright vacuum deposits dirt into the extra large dirt cup which is easily emptied and holds 3.52 dry quarts. The built-in headlight allows you to clean thoroughly in dark corners while the furniture guard allows you to clean around furniture without causing damage. This vacuum cleaner also features a seven position carpet height adjustment. The clog-resistant onboard tools include two extension wands, crevice tool, dusting brush and upholstery tool for all of your vacuuming needs. The wire-reinforced stretch hose with a ten foot reach helps you clean ceilings and high corners. Eureka has received Green Label Approval for this model, signifying that this is a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment and carpet appearance retention. This vacuum is a must have for home or office.
Eureka Sanitaire Upright Bagless Cyclone Vacuum Cleaner w/ Hepa Filtration, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Eureka - Sanitaire 265.89 198.52 348.28 EUR5845.JPG sanitaire vacuum, sanitaire vacuum cleaner, Sanitaire SC5845, SC5845, vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaners, upright vacuum, bagless vacuum, eureka vacuum, upright vacuum cleaner, vacuum accessories, electrolux vacuum, sanitaire hepa vacuum, hepa vacuum, sanitaire bagless cyclonic, hepa sealed filtration, EUR 5845, EUR5845 1 1 0 0 1 38
4102 Lagasse Sanitaire Model SC6070 Spot Cleaner (EUR6070) 4102 EUR 6070 29.00 SC6070 Electrolux Sanitaire Spot Carpet Cleaner
The Electrolux Sanitaire Spot Cleaner is perfect for cleaning spots and spills quickly and conveniently, whether they are on carpets, furniture, stairs or hard-to-reach areas. This handy spot cleaner is ideal for everybody, from homeowners to janitorial services, maid services and carpet cleaning contractors. Spot clean just about anything with professional grade equipment and a brand name you can trust. This spot cleaner comes equipped with a powerful motor with 84 inches of water lift, along with a 55 psi pump and 1.5 gallon tank capacity. Additional features include an 8-foot hose, 3-inch metal upholstery tool with on/off sprayer and a detachable 25-foot power cord. This Sanitaire Spot Cleaner comes with a limited one year parts/labor warranty and is UL Listed for commercial use. Sanitaire Carpet Cleaner, Extraction Spot Cleaner Machine, 1-1/2 Gallon Tank Capacity, 8 ft. Cord.
Readily Available to Ship Fast! Buy Today, Clean Tomorrow!
Sanitaire Carpet Cleaner, Extraction Spot Cleaner Machine, 1-1/2 Gallon Solution, 8 ft. Cord, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Floor Machines » Carpet Extractors »
Eureka - Sanitaire 466.83 356.06 609.02 EUR6070.JPG sanitaire model SC6070 spot cleaner, EUR 6070, EUR6070, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4103 Lagasse Sanitaire SC6080 Commercial Carpet Extractor (EUR6080) 4103 EUR 6080 106.80 SC6080 Sanitaire Carpet Extractor Model SC6080
The Electrolux Commercial Carpet Extractor cleans carpets and hard-to-reach areas quickly and with ease. The high performance three-stage motor has the power to clean any size room and the extra-large easy rolling wheels and molded handles make for excellent maneuverability. For larger carpet cleaning jobs turn to this powerful canister. The Electrolux carpet extractor includes a 15-foot hose and detachable 12-inch cleaning wand. Combine that with 150 psi of water pressure and this machine has the ability to clean entire rooms in no time. The automatic suction safety will shut off the unit tips over. This unit saves time and money while providing top cleaning performance and durability. This carpet cleaner is the ideal choice for use in hospitals, schools, hotels and government buildings. UL Listed for commercial use and comes with a Manufacturer’s limited warranty on parts and labor and a 50-foot power cord.
Eureka Sanitaire Commercial Carpet Extractor, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Floor Machines » Carpet Extractors » Eureka - Sanitaire 1355.19 1033.62 1776.25 EUR6080.JPG sanitaire carpet extractor, eureka carpet extractor, carpet extractor, commercial carpet extractor, sanitaire model SC6080 commercial carpet extractor, EUR 6080, EUR6080, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4104 Lagasse Sanitaire Model SC6090 Self-Contained Commercial Carpet Extractor (EUR6090) 4104 EUR 6090 45.50 SC6090A Sanitaire® Model SC6090 Self-Contained Commercial Carpet Extractor. Entirely self-contained unit combines high-performance two-stage motor and heavy-duty motorized chevron brush for powerful, high-quality deep cleaning. The Commercial Carpet Cleaning Machine has a 17" wide cleaning path for maximum coverage. Simply press the cleaning solution button to easily dispense cleaning solution with 100 psi pump; 9-gallon solution and recovery tank. Automatic suction safety shut-off if unit tips over. Extra-large, 12" easy-roll wheels and molded handle for mobility. Detachable three-wire, 50-ft. power cord. UL Listed for commercial use. Manufacturer’s limited one-year parts/labor warranty. Shpg. wt. 125 lbs. Please purchase all of your favorite Commercial Carpet Cleaning Machines right here at Clean It today and save.
SANITAIRE UPRIGHT CARPET EXTRACTOR Eureka - Sanitaire 1785.27 1331.33 2406.26 EUR6090.JPG Sanitaire Model SC6090 Self-Contained Commercial Carpet Extractor EUR 6090, EUR6090, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4105 Lagasse Sanitaire Model SC679 Lightweight Commercial Upright Vacuum Cleaner (EUR679) 4105 EUR 679 14.00 679 Eureka Lightweight Commercial Vacuum Cleaner
Lightweight and easily maneuverable, this commercial vacuum cleaner from Eureka makes cleaning easy. Providing powerful cleaning capabilities, this quality vacuum is the industry standard for commercial vacuums. Simple to store and light, Eureka's Sanitaire series is the model cleaning professionals rely on. Motor: 5.0 amp. Cleaning Path: 12 inches. Carpet Height Adjustment: Six-Position w/Furniture Guard. Filtration System: Standard Filtration. Unit Weight: 12-lbs. Cord Length: 30 ft. UL Approved (Commercial Use). OSHA Compliant. Shipping Weight: 14.2-lbs. Manufacturer’s Warranty: One-Year Parts/Labor. Commercial Bags: “Shake Out” Cloth Bag (included).
Eureka Sanitaire Maid Saver Upright Vacuum Cleaner, 5.0 AMP, 12" Wide Cleaning Path, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Eureka - Sanitaire 139.66 106.52 188.55 EUR679.JPG sanitaire vacuum cleaner, light weight commercial vacuum, commercial vacuum cleaner, Sanitaire Model SC679 Lightweight Commercial Upright, EUR 679, EUR679, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4106 Lagasse Sanitaire SC684 Commercial Upright Vacuum Cleaner w/Vibra-Groomer II (EUR684) 4106 EUR 684 19.80 684 Sanitaire Commercial Vacuum Cleaner with Vibra Groomer II
Motor - 7.0 amp
Cleaning Path - 12"
Carpet Height Adjustment - 6 Position
Furniture Guard
Filtration System - Standard Filtration
Unit Weight - 16.2 lbs.
Cord Length - 50 ft.
UL Approved (Commercial Use)
OSHA Compliant
Shipping Weight - 18.4 lbs.
Manufacturer’s Warranty - One-Year Parts/Labor
Commercial Bags - “Shake Out” Cloth Bag (included)
Sanitaire Commercial Upright Vacuum Cleaner, 6.5 AMP Motor, 12" Wide Cleaning Path, Each Eureka - Sanitaire 196.07 149.54 256.95 EUR684.JPG Sanitaire Model SC684 Commercial Upright with Vibra-Groomer II, EUR 684, EUR684, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4108 Lagasse Sanitaire SC689 Lightweight Commercial Upright with EZ Kleen Dirt Cup (EUR689) 4108 EUR 689 19.00 SC689A Sanitaire Lightweight Commercial Dirt Cup Vacuum Cleaner
Motor - 5.0 amp
Cleaning Path - 12"
Carpet Height Adjustment - Six-Position
Furniture Guard
Filtration System - Dirt Cup
Unit Weight - 14 lbs. (reflects weight without detachable cord)
Cord Length - 30 ft.
UL Approved (Commercial Use)
OSHA Compliant
Shipping Weight - 17.4 lbs.
Manufacturer’s Warranty - One-Year Parts/Labor
Commercial Dirt Cup - EZ Kleen Dirt Cup (included)
Eureka Sanitaire EZ Kleen Dirt Cup Commercial Vacuum Cleaner, 12" Wide Cleaning Path, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Eureka - Sanitaire 167.84 128.02 228.46 EUR689.JPG Sanitaire Model SC689 Lightweight Commercial Upright with EZ Kleen Dirt Cup, EUR 689, EUR689, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4109 Lagasse Sanitaire® Model SC785 Lightweight Two-Motor Commercial Upright (EUR785) 4109 EUR 785 19.80 785 Sanitaire® Model SC785 Multi-Pro Two-Motor Lightweight Upright Vacuum (EUR 785). Motor—6.5 amp Cleaning Path—12" Carpet Height Adjustment—Automatic On-Board Tools Furniture Guard Filtration System—Micron Filter®, retains up to 99.9% of pollens and dust Unit Wt.—14 lbs. Cord Length—30-ft. UL Approved (Commercial Use) OSHA Compliant Shpg. Wt.—22 lbs. Manufacturer’s Warranty—One-Year Parts/Labor Commercial Bags—EUR 621125-6 (sold separately) Be sure to purchase all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies right here at Also don't forget to visit our other Green Cleaning Products and purchase yours today and save.
SANITAIRE MLTI-PRO UPRIGHT VAC W/ TOOLS Eureka - Sanitaire 150.89 115.08 202.30 EUR785.JPG Sanitaire Model SC785 Lightweight Two-Motor Commercial Upright EUR 785, EUR785, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4112 Lagasse Sanitaire Commercial Upright Vacuum Cleaner w/ Vibra Groomer II (EUR886) 4112 EUR 886 21.60 886 Sanitaire SC886 Commercial Upright Vacuum Cleaner
Sanitaire's Quick Kleen Fan Chamber Vacuum with Vibra-Groomer II features a removable, clear fan chamber that lets you check at a glance if unit needs service. A strong 7 amp motor, 12" cleaning path make this vacuum ideal for either residential or commercial use. Fan can be changed in minutes and fan chamber can be cleaned on-site. A shake-out cloth bag is included. Chrome steel ball-bearing brush roll, with replaceable bristle strips. Lifetime lubricated.
Motor - 7.0 amp
Carpet Height Adjustment - Six Positions
Furniture Guard
Filtration System: Standard
"Shake Out" Cloth Bag
Unit Weight - 17-1/2 lbs.
Cord Length - 50-ft
UL Approved (Commercial Use)
OSHA Compliant
Shipping Weight - 22 lbs.
Manufacturer’s Warranty - Two-Year Parts/Labor
Sanitaire Upright Commercial Vacuum Cleaner, 7 Amp Motor, 12 inch Cleaning Path - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Eureka - Sanitaire 242.61 185.04 322.48 EUR886.JPG sanitaire commercial vacuum cleaner, sanitaire vacuum cleaner, sanitaire model SC886 commercial upright quick kleen fan chamber with vibra groomer II, EUR 886, EUR886 1 1 0 0 1 38
4113 Lagasse Sanitaire SC887 Commercial Vacuum Cleaner with EZ Kleen Dirt Cup (EUR887) 4113 EUR 887 23.60 887 Sanitaire Commercial Vacuum Cleaner w/EZ Kleen Dirt Cup
Motor - 7.0 amp
Cleaning Path - 12"
Carpet Height Adjustment - 6 Position
Furniture Guard
Filtration System - Dirt Cup
Unit Weight - 18.4 lbs. (reflects weight without detachable cord)
Cord Length - 50 ft.
UL Approved (Commercial Use) OSHA Compliant
Shipping Weight - 22.4 lbs.
Manufacturer’s Warranty - One-Year Parts/Labor
Commercial Dirt Cup - EZ Kleen Dirt Cup (included)
Sanitaire Commercial Vacuum Cleaner with EZ Clean Dirt Cup, 7 AMP Motor, 12" Wide Cleaning Path, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Eureka - Sanitaire 234.95 179.20 315.84 EUR887.JPG Sanitaire Model SC887 Commercial Upright with EZ Kleen Dirt Cup EUR 887, EUR887, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4114 Lagasse Sanitaire® Model SC888 Commercial Upright with Allergen Filtration (EUR888) 4114 EUR 888 21.00 888 Motor—7.0 amp Cleaning Path—12in Carpet Height Adjustment—Six-Position Furniture Guard Filtration System—Allergen Filtration with ARM & HAMMER odor elimination Unit Wt.—18.4 lbs. Cord Length—50 ft. UL Approved (Commercial Use) OSHA Compliant Shpg. Wt.—21 lbs. Manufacturer’s Warranty—One-Year Parts/Labor Commercial Bags—EUR 63213-10 (one included) CRI Green Label™ Approved—The CRI (Carpet and Rug Institute) Green Label™ signifies a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment and carpet appearance retention. Look for the CRI Green Label™ logo on approved Sanitaire® models. The CRI Green Label logo is a trademark of the Carpet & Rug Institute. Arm & Hammer™ Odor Elimination—Sanitaire® with Arm & Hammer™ introduces a new line of vacuum bags that eliminate odors caused by mold, bacteria and fungi while capturing fine allergen size dust particles—a combination ideal for the commercial cleaning industry. Look for the Arm & Hammer™ logo for Sanitaire™ models with
SANITAIRE VAC 7 AMP W/ MICRON FILTRATION 12 IN Eureka - Sanitaire 255.51 194.88 332.13 EUR888.JPG Sanitaire Model SC888 Commercial Upright with Allergen Filtration EUR 888, EUR888, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4115 Lagasse Sanitaire DuraLite Commercial Upright Vacuum Cleaner (EURSC9050) 4115 EUR SC9050 14.00 SC9050 Motor—5 amp Cleaning Path—12in Carpet Height Adjustment—Adjustable Furniture Guard Filtration System—Allergen Filtration Unit Wt.—10.6 lbs. (reflects weight without detachable cord) Cord Length—30 ft. (detachable) UL Approved (Commercial Use) OSHA Compliant Shpg. Wt.—14 lbs. Manufacturer’s Warranty—One Year Parts/Labor Commercial Use Bag—EUR 63881-10 (sold separately) CRI Green Label™ Approved—The CRI (Carpet and Rug Institute) Green Label™ signifies a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment and carpet appearance retention. Look for the CRI Green Label™ logo on approved Sanitaire® models. The CRI Green Label logo is a trademark of the Carpet & Rug Institute.
Sanitaire DuraLite Upright Vacuum Cleaner Eureka - Sanitaire 184.93 139.51 242.97 EURSC9050.JPG Sanitaire Model SC9050 DuraLite Commercial Upright EUR SC9050, EURSC9050, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4117 Lagasse Sanitaire Model SC9180 DuraLux Two Motor Upright HEPA Vacuum (EUR9180) 4117 EUR 9180 28.80 SC9180 Eureka Vacuum - Sanitaire Model SC9180 DuraLux with True HEPA Filtration.
Motor—11.5 amp
Cleaning Path—13"
Carpet Height Adjustment—Four-Position
On-board Tools
Furniture Guard—Full Wrap
Filtration System—Washable Sealed HEPA, captures 99.97% of all particles down to 0.3 microns
Cord Length—50-ft. (detachable) UL Approved (Commercial Use) OSHA Compliant
Manufacturer’s Warranty—One Year Parts/Labor, Two-Year Suction Motor, Commercial Use
Unit Weight—19.5 lbs.
Shipping Weight—24 lbs.
Bags—EUR 63262-10 (sold separately)
Eureka Vacuum - Upright HEPA Vacuum
Floor & Carpet Care » Vacuum Cleaners » HEPA Vacuum Eureka - Sanitaire 374.40 285.56 497.57 EUR9180.JPG Sanitaire Model SC9180 DuraLux Two Motor Upright with True HEPA Sealed Filtration EUR 9180, EUR9180, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4118 Lagasse 12" Sanitaire Commercial Floor Polisher (EUR6001) 4118 EUR 6001 69.60 SC6001 12" Commercial Floor Polisher & Buffing Machine
Take advantage of this powerful, yet compact design that makes this floor buffing machine perfect for working in even the smallest, confined areas. Comes complete with a 12 inch diameter drive brush for use in tight spaces, a telescopic handle, a powerful 175 rpm motor and a 25-ft power cord. Features quiet belt driven operation. This Sanitaire floor buffing machine is portable, versatile and a true affordable value only at
-Manufacturer’s three-year parts
-One-year labor warranty for commercial use
-12" brush diameter for use in tight spaces.
-175 rpm motor.
-Quiet belt driven operation.
-25-ft. power cord.
-UL Approved for commercial use.
-Shipping weight 65-lbs.
Eureka Sanitaire 12" Commercial Floor Polisher and Buffering Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Eureka - Sanitaire 590.54 450.41 779.07 EUR6001.JPG 12" floor polisher, floor buffer, floor polisher, floor buffing machine, commercial floor polishing machine, sanitaire SC6001 compact 12 inch commercial floor machine, EUR 6001, EUR6001 1 1 0 0 1 38
4120 Lagasse Sanitaire SC6045 20in Commercial High-Speed Floor Burnisher (EUR6045) 4120 EUR 6045 109.00 SC6045A Designed with all-steel housings, Sanitaire® floor machines are built to last. The exclusive quick-connect handle reduces packaging size allowing for convenient ground shipping. Sanitaire® floor machines provide quality construction and durability backed by one of the largest service dealer networks in the industry, Finish large areas quickly, quietly and smoothly. Designed for durability with smooth belt-driven operation and 1500 rpm 1.5 hp DC motor. Built-in safety shut-off, 50-ft. power cord and heavy-duty wraparound furniture guard. Shpg. wt. 115 lbs. UL Approved for commercial use. Manufacturer’s three-year parts/one-year labor warranty for commercial use.
BURNISHER 1.5HP/1500 RPM 50FT CORD Eureka - Sanitaire 1120.24 854.42 1520.68 EUR6045.JPG Sanitaire SC6045 20in Commercial High-Speed Floor Burnisher EUR 6045, EUR6045, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4121 Lagasse Sanitaire Widetrack SC899 Commercial Upright w/Quick Kleen Fan (EUR899) 4121 EUR 899 24.00 899F Sanitaire 16" Widetrack Commercial Vacuum Cleaner
Vacuum Motor - 7.0 amp
Cleaning Path - 16"
Carpet Height Adjustment - 6 Position
Furniture Guard Filtration System - Standard Filtration
Unit Weight - 18.4 lbs.
Cord Length - 50 ft.
UL Approved (Commercial Use)
OSHA Compliant
Shipping Weight - 22 lbs.
Sanitaire's Manufacturer’s Warranty - One-Year Parts/Labor
Commercial Bags - “Shake Out” Cloth Bag (included)
Sanitaire SC899 Commercial Vacuum Cleaner, 16" Wide Track, Quick Kleen Fan Chamber and Vibra Groomer I, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Eureka - Sanitaire 311.01 236.49 420.57 EUR899.JPG sanitaire vacuum cleaner, sanitaire widetrack SC899, sanitaire vacuum, sanitaire commercial vacuum, sanitaire commercial upright vacuum, EUR 899, EUR899 1 1 0 0 1 38
4122 Lagasse Sanitary Bed Liners for Koala Kare Baby Changing Stations, White (KKPKB150-99) 4122 KKP KB150-99 7.00 KB150-99 Baby Changing Table White Paper Liners
Koala... It's how public establishments say "welcome" to parents and their children. Koala is proud to be recognized as the child care expert at the forefront of family-friendly culture for public establishments. Koala child amenity products foster loyalty and good public relations. Three-ply, biodegradable. 13 x 18 size. 500 liners per case. Shipping weight: 7 lbs.
Koala Kare Baby Changing Staions Sanitary Bed Liners, White, 500 Liners per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust
Koala Kare 42.35 32.30 57.09 KKPKB15099.JPG baby changing table liners, baby changing table paper liners, sanitary paper liners, KKP KB150-99, KKPKB15099, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 165
4123 Lagasse Sanitary Brush (UNGPB45R) 4123 UNG PB45R 0.60 PB45R • Color-coding simplifies training and prevents cross-contamination • Ergonomically designed tool Use with Ergo TelePole (UNG EP24R, sold separately). Scrubber/squeegee combo sanitizes easily. Polypropylene bristles won’t scratch; double moss rubber conforms to uneven surfaces. Acid-resistant, noncorroding polypropylene body; Acme threaded socket. 18in long (45cm).
SANI BRUSH 18 IN 10 Unger 19.59 14.15 26.13 UNGPB45R.JPG Sanitary Brush UNG PB45R, UNGPB45R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
4124 Lagasse Sanitary Brushes, 22in Head (UNGPB55A) 4124 UNG PB55A 0.69 PB55A Scrub and squeegee with a single tool. Perfect for kitchens, decks, bathrooms and uneven surfaces. Acid-resistant polypropylene reinforced frame incorporates a splash guard and Acme threaded socket. Durable fused polypropylene bristles and double moss rubber blade. (Aluminum handle UNG AL14A sold separately.)
SANI BRUSH SCRUB & SQUEEGEE 22 IN MOSS RBR 10 Unger 17.43 12.82 23.08 UNGPB55A.JPG Sanitary Brushes, 22in Head UNG PB55A, UNGPB55A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
4125 Lagasse Sanitary Brushes, 18in Head (UNGPB45A) 4125 UNG PB45A 0.60 PB45A Scrub and squeegee with a single tool. Perfect for kitchens, decks, bathrooms and uneven surfaces. Acid-resistant polypropylene reinforced frame incorporates a splash guard and Acme threaded socket. Durable fused polypropylene bristles and double moss rubber blade. (Aluminum handle UNG AL14A sold separately.)
SANI BRUSH SCRUB & SQUEEGEE 18 IN MOSS RBR 10 Unger 15.07 11.49 19.84 UNGPB45A.JPG Sanitary Brushes, 18in Head UNG PB45A, UNGPB45A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
4126 Lagasse Sanitary Standard Squeegees, 18in Head (UNGPM45A) 4126 UNG PM45A 0.61 PM45A For use in areas where hygiene is a top priority. Ideal for hospitals, kitchens, bathrooms, dairies, around swimming pools or wherever metal components are undesirable. Acid-resistant polypropylene construction. Reinforced frame. (Aluminum handle UNG AL14A sold separately.)
SANI STD SQUEEGEE 18 IN MOSS RBR 10 Unger 12.00 8.71 15.91 UNGPM45A.JPG Sanitary Standard Squeegees, 18in Head UNG PM45A, UNGPM45A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
4127 Lagasse 22" Sanitary Standard Squeegee (UNGPM55A) 4127 UNG PM55A 0.65 PM55A 22" Squeegee Head
For use in areas where hygiene is a top priority. Ideal for hospitals, kitchens, bathrooms, dairies, around swimming pools or wherever metal components are undesirable. Acid-resistant polypropylene construction. Reinforced frame. (Aluminum handle UNG AL14A sold separately.)
Unger 22" Sanitary Standard Squeegee, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 13.71 10.22 18.22 UNGPM55A.JPG Sanitary Standard Squeegees, 22in Head UNG PM55A, UNGPM55A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4128 Lagasse Nice Pak Sani-Wipe Surface Sanitizing Wipes, 6 Canisters (NICQ94384) 4128 NIC Q94384 18.60 Q94384 Sanitizing Wipes
These sanitizing wipes from Nice Pak are ideal for use as a no-rinse sanitizer on surfaces that come in contact with food. Sani-Wipes Surface Sanitizing Wipes are made from a quat-based formula that requires no mixing, measuring or rinsing, and helps to prevent cross contamination from bacteria, preventing food-borne illness. Excellent for use in food prep areas, and FDA Food Code compliant, these sanitizing wipes have been tested and proven to kill E. coli, Staph and Shigella boydii on hard, nonporous surfaces in 60 seconds. Each canister holds 100 wipes for quick clean ups around the kitchen, nursing home, hospital, office, play room, nursery, bathroom or car. Each wipe 7.75"x 10.5" wipe. Keep your environment as healthy as possible with Nice Pack Sani-Wipes. Stock up today!
Nice Pak Sani-Wipes No-Rinse Surface Sanitizing Wipes, 100 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Nicepak 38.59 29.31 52.65 NICQ94384.JPG food service wipes, wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Sani-Wipe No-Rinse Surface Sanitizing Wipes NIC Q94384, NICQ94384 1 1 0 0 1 138
4129 Lagasse Plastic Lids for 2.5 & 3.5 oz. Sauce/Side Dipping Containers, 2,500 Lids (SCCLDSS23) 4129 SCC LDSS23 9.75 LDSS23-0090 Clear Lid for 2.5 and 3.5 oz. Sauce/Side Dipping Containers
Snap-tight design keeps contents safe and sound. Fluted edge simplifies removal. Recessed top enables stable stacking. Clear plastic allows you to see the contents for easy identification. 2,500 lids per case. Fits 2.5 oz. Solo DSS2 and 3.5 oz. DSS3 dipping containers.
Solo Plastic Lid for 2.5 and 3.5 oz Containers, Clear, 25 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 2,500 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 79.04 55.33 107.46 SCCLDSS23.JPG Sauce/Side Dipping Container Lids, Fits 2.5-oz. Container SCC LDSS23, SCCLDSS23, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4130 Lagasse 5.5-oz Sauce/Side Dipping Container Lids, 1,000 Lids (SCCLDSS5) 4130 SCC LDSS5 6.50 LDSS5-0090 Clear Lid for 5.5 oz. Sauce/Side Dipping Containers
Snap-tight design keeps contents safe and sound. Fluted edge simplifies removal. Recessed top enables stable stacking. Clear plastic allows you to see the contents for easy identification. 1,000 lids per case. Fits 5.5 oz. Solo DSS5 dipping containers.
Solo Plastic Lid for 5.5 oz Containers, Clear, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 59.11 41.38 79.39 SCCLDSS5.JPG Sauce/Side Dipping Container Lids, Fits 5.5-oz. Container SCC LDSS5, SCCLDSS5, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4131 Lagasse 2.5-oz. Sauce/Side Dipping Containers, 2,500 Containers (SCCDSS2) 4131 SCC DSS2 13.63 DSS2-0001 2.5 oz Sauces and Sides Containers
Featuring a wide-mouth opening that is perfect for dipping and scooping, the low-profile design of these containers presents a more upscale look to showcase signature menu items. Pair with one of the leak resistant lids to keep sauces and sides safe when on the go. Sturdy, rigid polystyrene. Black. 250 containers per bag, 10 bags per case.
Solo Cup 2.5 oz. Sauce/Side Dipping Containers, 10 Sleeves of 250 Containers, 2,500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 63.36 44.35 85.21 SCCDSS2.JPG Sauce/Side Dipping Containers, 2.5-oz. Container SCC DSS2, SCCDSS2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4132 Lagasse 3.5-oz Sauce/Side Dipping Containers, 2,500 Containers (SCCDSS3) 4132 SCC DSS3 17.25 DSS3-0001 3.5 oz Sauces and Sides Containers
Featuring a wide-mouth opening that is perfect for dipping and scooping, the low-profile design of these containers presents a more upscale look to showcase signature menu items. Pair with one of the leak resistant lids to keep sauces and sides safe when on the go. Sturdy, rigid polystyrene. Black. 250 containers per bag, 10 bags per case.
Solo Cup 3.5 oz. Sauce/Side Dipping Containers, 10 Sleeves of 250 Containers, 2,500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 75.51 52.86 101.57 SCCDSS3.JPG Sauce/Side Dipping Containers, 3.5-oz. Container SCC DSS3, SCCDSS3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4133 Lagasse 5.5-oz. Sauce/Side Dipping Containers, 2,500 Containers (SCCDSS5) 4133 SCC DSS5 24.75 DSS5-0001 5.5 oz Sauces and Sides Containers
Featuring a wide-mouth opening that is perfect for dipping and scooping, the low-profile design of these containers presents a more upscale look to showcase signature menu items. Pair with one of the leak resistant lids to keep sauces and sides safe when on the go. Sturdy, rigid polystyrene. Black. 250 containers per bag, 10 bags per case.
Solo Cup 5.5 oz. Sauce/Side Dipping Containers, 10 Sleeves of 250 Containers, 2,500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 96.13 67.29 129.31 SCCDSS5.JPG Sauce/Side Dipping Containers, 5.5-oz. Container SCC DSS5, SCCDSS5, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4134 Lagasse Savaday Molded Fiber Food Tray, 500 Trays (HUHJUST) 4134 HUH JUST 24.30 10405 Savaday Molded Fiber Food Trays
Highly dependable molded fiber products offering extra-strength absorbency. Biodegradable, made with 100% recycled paper fiber from a renewable resource. Perfect for fried, baked or broiled foods. 9" x 7". Beige. 500 trays per case.
Chinet Savaday Molded Fiber Food Tray, 2 Bags of 250 Trays, 500 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Huhtamaki 72.69 50.88 98.75 HUHJUST.JPG Savaday/Chinet Food Tray HUH JUST, HUHJUST, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
4136 Lagasse Scotch Commercial Performance Tape, Clear, Each (MCO3750260CR) 4136 MCO 3750260CR 0.60 MMM37502CR 3M Scotch Commercial Performance Tape
Scotch Commercial Performance Tape by 3M is resistant to splits, bursts and moisture. Meets all U.S. postal regulations. Clear tape is ideal for protecting address labels too. Strong and thick, premium heavy-duty tape, 3.1 mils thick. 3in core. 2" x 60 yards.
On Sale and Ready to Ship Fast! Order Today!
Scotch Commercial Performance Tape, Clear, 2" x 60 yards, Sold by Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 6.57 5.01 8.83 MCO3750260CR.JPG Scotch Commercial Performance Tape, Clear MCO 3750260CR, MCO3750260CR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4139 Lagasse Scotch-Brite™ All-Purpose Scouring Pad, 40 Pads per Case (MCO9488R) 4139 MCO 9488R 1.49 34738 Thick, hand-size scouring pad cleans most types of surfaces without scratching. Ideal for porcelain, ceramic, tile, stainless steel, glass and nonstick pans. Durable even on hot cooking appliances such as highly polished flat griddles. Blue, 4 x 5.25.
SCOTCH-BRITE SCOUR PAD 4X5.25 BLU 40 3M Corporation 33.44 23.47 44.78 MCO9488R.JPG Scotch-Brite All-Purpose Scouring Pad, 40 Pads per Case MCO 9488R, MCO9488R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4140 Lagasse Scotch-Brite™ Easy Erasing Pad, 3 Packs per Case, 4 Pads per Pack (MCO4004CC) 4140 MCO 4004CC 0.63 55658 Ideal for spot-cleaning stubborn stains and marks. Removes dirt, smudges and scuffs, including crayons and markers, from most solid surfaces without scouring or scratching. Cleans without sprays or chemicals—just water. Blue sponge on one side, eraser on the other.
SCOTCH-BRITE EASY ERASING PAD 3/4 3M Corporation 22.57 16.60 29.81 MCO4004CC.JPG Scotch-Brite Easy Erasing Pad, 3 Packs per Case, 4 Pads per Pack MCO 4004CC, MCO4004CC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4141 Lagasse Scotch-Brite™ Extra Heavy Duty Pot ’n Pan Handler, 4 Packs per Case, 10 Pads per Pack (MCO88) 4141 MCO 88 2.58 08292 Scotch-Brite™ Extra Heavy Duty Pot ’n Pan Handler. The most aggressive scouring pad. Quickly removes stubborn dirt and grime from kitchen and maintenance equipment. Removes heavily encrusted baked-on food from pots and pans. Use in place of metal sponges. Dark Gray, 3.5 x 5.
Additional Information:
Typical applications: heavily encrusted pots and pans, kitchen equipment, grimy maintenance equipment.
Abrasive Type: Mineral • Length: 5" • Material: Synthetic Fiber • Width: 3.5"
SCOTCH-BRITE H-DTY POT HNDLR 3.5X5 GRA 3/12 3M Corporation 47.66 35.23 63.29 MCO88.JPG Scotch-Brite Extra Heavy Duty Pot n Pan Handler, 4 Packs per Case, 10 Pads per Pack MCO 88, MCO88, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4142 Lagasse Scotch-Brite General Purpose Scouring Pads, 60 Pads (MCO96) 4142 MCO 96 4.50 08293 General Purpose Scouring Pads
It's the original synthetic scouring pad and a performance pacesetter. Synthetic scouring pad is excellent for common cleaning jobs.It replaces steel wool and metal sponges and won't leave metal slivers in hands or food. Performs well on kitchen equipment, walls, railings, floors, desks, stairways, counters and maintenance equipment. Non-rusting and resilient. Green, 6 x 9.
3M Scotch-Brite General Purpose Scouring Pads, Green, 6"x 9", 20 Pads per Pack, 3 Packs, 60 Pads per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 43.61 33.26 56.98 MCO96.JPG sponges, scrubble sponges, scotch-brite general purpose scouring pads, MCO 96, MCO96, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4143 Lagasse Scotch-Brite General Purpose Scrub Pads, 80 Pads (MCO59166) 4143 MCO 59166 1.75 59166 General Purpose Scrub Pads
Thick, medium-duty pad for everyday general-purpose cleaning jobs. Convenient, hand size eliminates the need to cut or fold pad. Green, 3.0 x 4.5. Excellent thickness for cleaning tough, stuck on grime without effecting your hands.
3M Scotch-Brite General Purpose Scrub Pads, Green, 80 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 35.47 27.05 47.58 MCO59166.JPG scotch-brite sponges, scrubbing sponges, MCO 59166, MCO59166, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4144 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Heavy Duty Scouring Pads, Green, 36 Pads (MCO86) 4144 MCO 86 2.65 05509 Heavy Duty Green Scrubbing Pads
Synthetic scouring pad is excellent for common cleaning jobs.It replaces steel wool and metal sponges and won't leave metal slivers in hands or food. Use in the kitchen to replace scrapers, steel wool and metal sponges. Also known as Scrubby Pads or Green Scrubby Pads. Tough fibers and abrasives clean grills and ovens and remove baked-on food from pots and pans. Green, 6" x 9" x 0.6".
3M Scotch-Brite Scouring Pads, 6" x 9", Green, 12 Pads per Pack, 3 Packs, 36 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 72.96 49.29 96.63 MCO86.JPG green scouring pads, commercial scour pads, scotch-brite heavy duty commercial scouring pads, MCO 86, MCO86, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4145 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Light Duty Cleansing Pads, 60 Pads (MCO98) 4145 MCO 98 2.94 07445 Cleansing Pads
These durable cleansing pads were designed to clean surfaces gently but thoroughly, making them one of the leading light duty cleaning pads on the market. Each Scotch-Brite cleansing pad from 3M Corporation is made from soft, non-woven fibers that provide a mild abrasive clean on most surfaces, removing dirt, grease and grime completely. Strong enough to remove the most stubborn residue, but gentle enough for very delicate surfaces, these light-duty cleansing pads are ideal for use on stainless steel, chrome, copper, porcelain and ceramic. Scotch-Brite Light Duty Cleansing Pads are a high quality, low cost solution to help protect the life of these surfaces in your home or business. Stock up today!
3M Scotch-Brite Light Duty Cleansing Pads, 20 Pads per Pack, 3 Packs, 60 Pads per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 89.47 62.98 120.99 MCO98.JPG scotch-brite light duty cleansing pads, MCO 98, MCO98, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4146 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Light-Duty Scrub Sponges, 20 Sponges (MCO63) 4146 MCO 63 2.28 08251 Scotch-Brite Light-Duty Scrub Sponges
Combination white cleansing pad and yellow sponge won’t scratch or mar most surfaces. Ideal for stainless steel, glass, ceramic, fine china, porcelain, Teflon, Silverstone and Formica. 3.6w x 6.1d x 0.7h.
3M Scotch-Brite Light-Duty Scrub Sponges, 3.6" x 6.1", White & Yellow, 20 Sponges per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 47.24 36.03 63.78 MCO63.JPG Scotch-Brite Light Duty Scrub Sponge, 20 Sponges per Case MCO 63, MCO63, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4147 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Medium Duty Scrubbers, 20 Sponges (MCO74) 4147 MCO 74 2.75 20688 Scotch-Brite Medium Duty Scrubbers
Medium-duty green and yellow scouring pads on one side and absorbent sponge on the other. Safe on stainless steel. Resists staining and crumbling caused by bacteria in the sponge. Dual-action green cleaning pad/yellow sponge works well on walls, tables, fixtures, counter-tops and floors. 3.6" x 6.1" x 0.7".
3M Scotch-Brite Medium Duty Scrubbers, 3.6" x 6.1", Green and Yellow, 20 Sponges per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 47.51 35.95 61.87 MCO74.JPG scotch-brite medium duty scrub sponges, MCO 74, MCO74, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4148 Lagasse Scotch-Brite™ Power Pad, 20 Pads per Case (MCO2000) 4148 MCO 2000 0.70 23162 Scours up to four times faster than conventional scouring products. Scouring power for the toughest cleaning jobs, yet gentle enough to use on most surfaces. Safe on stainless steel; scratches up to eight times less than other medium/heavy-duty commercial scouring products. Blue, 3.9w x 5.5d x 0.4h.
SCOTCH-BRITE H-DTY PWR PAD 3.9X5.5 BLU 20 3M Corporation 17.50 13.35 23.28 MCO2000.JPG Scotch-Brite Power Pad, 20 Pads per Case MCO 2000, MCO2000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4149 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Power Sponges, 20 Sponges (MCO3000) 4149 MCO 3000 1.86 23163 Scotch-Brite Power Sponges
Antibacterial technology resists odor-causing bacteria. Heavy-duty blue scouring pad on one side and absorbent light blue sponge on the other. Safe on stainless steel. Resists staining and crumbling caused by bacteria in the sponge. Unique bow-tie shape is a trademark of 3M. 2.8" x 4.5" x 0.6".
3M Scotch-Brite Heavy-Duty Power Sponge, Blue, 2.8" x 4.5" x 6", 20 Sponges per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 48.10 32.69 63.61 MCO3000.JPG Scotch-Brite Power Sponge, 3M Scotch Brite Sponge, 3M Sponges, 20 Sponges per Case MCO 3000, MCO3000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4150 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Purple Scouring Pad, 24 Pads per Case (MCO59033) 4150 MCO 59033 0.78 59033 Scotch-Brite Purple Scouring Pad
Scours messy pots and pans twice as fast as conventional heavy-duty scouring products with less scratching. Open design allows food debris to rinse out of the pad easily. Unique web construction for durability and for maximizing soap foaming. Excellent for scrubbing really grimy, messy pots with a really soapy attack. 2.8w x 4.5d x 0.5h.
Scotch-Brite purple scouring pads, 24 pads per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 20.78 15.22 27.80 MCO59033.JPG Scotch-Brite Purple Scouring Pad, scour pad, 24 Pads per Case, MCO 59033, MCO59033, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4151 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Quick Clean Griddle Liquid (MCO26012) 4151 MCO 26012 12.00 26012 Scotch-Brite Liquid Quick Clean Griddle
Heat-activated liquid griddle cleaner for fast, easy and safe cleaning. Lifts and loosens burnt-on food soil for easy removal. Safe for use on food contact surfaces. No strong chemical odors or irritating fumes. Formulation does not contain caustic soda found in other griddle cleaning chemicals.
Quick Clean Griddle Liquid, 4 - 1 Quart Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning company Buyers Trust.
3M Corporation 53.15 39.24 72.21 MCO26012.JPG Scotch-Brite Quick Clean Griddle Liquid, 4 Bottles per Case, Quart Bottle MCO 26012, MCO26012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4153 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Quick Floor Sweeper (MCO97100) 4153 MCO 97100 3.63 97100 Scotch-Brite Mechanical Floor Sweeper
Scotch-Brite Quick Floor Sweeper, sweeps up large and small debris from all floor surfaces—even hardwood. Soft rubber blades won’t damage floor. Oil-resistant, easy-clean material enables food pickup with confidence. No messy bristle brushes. Dual rotation "toss & trap" design makes cleaning fast. Debris receptacles unload from the top for easy emptying and are dishwasher safe. Wraparound rubber bumper protects walls from scuffs. 42 inch long aluminum handle. Nothing to plug in.
Scotch-Brite Quick Floor Sweeper, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 47.98 35.42 62.50 MCO97100.JPG floor sweeper, mechanical floor sweeper, scotch-brite quick floor sweeper, MCO 97100, MCO97100 1 1 0 0 1 1
4154 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Scotchbrick Griddle Scrubber, 12 Scrubbers (MCO59203) 4154 MCO 59203 3.32 59203 Griddle Scrubber
For use on flat griddles at any operating temperature. Heat-resistant scrubbing pad quickly and efficiently removes burnt-on food and grease. Built-in handle helps protect hands from burns, grease and grime while allowing brute force on tough, grimy surfaces, including griddles, grills, pots, pans and much more. Brown pad with red handle. 4" x 6" x 3".
3M Scotch-Brite Griddle Scrubber, 4 Scrubbers per Pack, 3 Packs, 12 Scrubbers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 69.94 51.80 95.50 MCO59203.JPG scotch-brite scrubbers, scotchbrick griddle scrubbers, griddle scubbers, MCO 59203, MCO59203, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4155 Lagasse Scotch-Brite™ Soft Scour!™ Scrub Sponge, 4 Packs per Case, 10 Sponges per Pack (MCO9489) 4155 MCO 9489 4.28 09489 Non-scratch scrubbing and moisture absorbing sponge wipes up spills or carries cleaning solution to work surfaces such as tubs, sinks, showers, windows, mirrors and walls. Blue, 3.5 x 5.
SCOTCH-BRITE SOFT SCOUR SCRUB SPONGE 3.5X5 BLU 4/10 3M Corporation 75.01 57.21 101.31 MCO9489.JPG Scotch-Brite Soft Scour! Scrub Sponge, 4 Packs per Case, 10 Sponges per Pack MCO 9489, MCO9489, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
4160 Lagasse Scotchgard™ Spot Remover & Upholstery Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 17-oz. Aerosol Can (MCO14003) 4160 MCO 14003 11.82 14003 Scotchgard Spot Remover & Upholstery Cleaner
Releases both oil- and water-based soils from carpet and upholstery. Aerosol foam is sprayed directly on the spot with a minimum of overspray. Requires no rinsing; wipe or blot area with a clean, absorbent cloth. Excellent for those quick clean-ups with little fuss, or mess.
Scotchgard spot remover & upholstery cleaner, 12/17 oz. cans per case. - The wholesale upholstery cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
3M Corporation 121.93 93.00 160.27 MCO14003.JPG Scotchgard Spot Remover & Upholstery Cleaner, 12 Cans per Case, 17-oz. Aerosol Can MCO 14003, MCO14003, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4161 Lagasse Scott 800-ft. Hard Roll Hand Towels, 1-Ply, White, 12 Rolls (KCC01040) 4161 KCC 01040 39.90 01040 Hard Roll Hand Towels
Manufactured by Kimberly Clark Paper Products, Scott Hardwound Paper Towels are great for commercial janitorial services, maid services and cleaning professionals everywhere. Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. Reliable quality, softness and absorbency. Scott Paper Roll Towels are designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. Perfect for use in bathrooms, cafeterias and kitchens. Ideal for schools, nursing homes, businesses and offices, manufacturing facilities, day care centers and more. Minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. 1.5 inch core. Meets EPA standards.
Kimberly Clark Scott Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, 1-Ply, White, 800-ft. Roll, 12 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Roll Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 116.47 88.83 153.06 KCC01040.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, scott 1-ply hard roll hand towels, KCC 01040, KCC01040 1 1 0 0 1 65
4162 Lagasse Scott 1-Ply Hard Roll Paper Hand Towels, 1,000 Ft. Rolls (KCC01005) 4162 KCC 01005 26.00 01005 Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. Meets EPA standards. Minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. 1.5 inch core. Reliable quality, softness and absorbency.
Scott 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, White Paper, 6 Rolls per Case, 1,000 Feet per Roll
Kimberly Clark Professional 69.97 52.20 92.66 KCC01005.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, SCOTT 1-Ply Hard Roll Hand Towels, White Paper, KCC 01005, KCC01005 1 1 0 0 1 65
4163 Lagasse Scott 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Hand Towels Natural 400 Ft Roll (KCC02021) 4163 KCC 02021 24.50 02021 Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. Meets EPA standards. Minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. 5.4 inch diameter, 1.5 inch diameter core. Reliable quality, softness and absorbency.
1-Ply Scott Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, Natural Paper, 12 Rolls per Case, 400 Feet per Roll
Kimberly Clark Professional 50.03 38.16 65.66 KCC02021.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, SCOTT 1-Ply Hard Roll Hand Towels, Natural Paper, KCC 02021, KCC02021 1 1 0 0 1 65
4164 Lagasse Scott 1-Ply Hard Roll Hand Towels, White, 12 Rolls (KCC02068) 4164 KCC 02068 23.25 02068 White Hardwound Roll Towels
These 1-ply hand towels from Kimberly Clark were designed for hand-drying in washrooms when paired with the appropriate dispenser (sold separately). Coming in 400-ft. rolls, these high quality hard roll towels are ideal for Class A facilities, restaurants, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, churches, business offices, manufacturing facilities and more. These soft paper towels feature absorbency pockets that absorb large amounts of water quickly and thoroughly, so fewer are needed for hand drying, resulting in reduced waste and paper costs. Kimberly Clark has manufactured these paper towels with 40% post-consumer material, meeting EPA Standards. These Scott towels are gentle on the environment and your wallet. Stock up today!
Kimberly Clark Scott Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, 1-Ply, White, 400-ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 54.63 41.67 71.07 KCC02068.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, SCOTT 1-Ply Hard Roll Hand Towels, White Paper, KCC 02068, KCC02068 1 1 0 0 1 65
4165 Lagasse Scott 1-Ply 800 ft. Brown Hard Roll Towels, 12 Rolls (KCC04142) 4165 KCC 04142 48.00 04142 Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. Meets EPA standards. Minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. 1.5 inch core. Reliable quality, softness and absorbency.
Scott 1-Ply Premium Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, Natural Paper
12 Rolls per Case, 800 Feet per Roll
Kimberly Clark Professional 79.07 59.43 104.71 KCC04142.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, SCOTT 1-Ply Hard Roll Hand Towels, Natural Paper, KCC 04142, KCC04142 1 1 0 0 1 65
4166 Lagasse Scott Center-Pull Paper Towels, 4 Rolls (KCC01051) 4166 KCC 01051 12.00 01051 Center-Pull Paper Hand Towels
Scott Products are done right with great value and great performance. These Center-Pull Hand Towels are no exception. The center-pull system reduces dispensing problems, providing more hand dries per roll. Using center-pull hand towels also protects against cross contamination, allowing users to only touch the towel they will use. The Patented Absorbency Pockets dry hands fast, so users will not need multiple towels to do the job, making these hand towels the economical choice for your hand drying needs. Don’t forget to check out our Center-Pull Hand Towel Dispensers before you check out!
Scott Center-Pull Paper Hand Towels, 8.8 inch Roll Diameter, 1-Ply, 500 Towels per Roll, 4 Rolls per Case.
Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Center Pull Paper Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 50.11 36.93 67.13 KCC01051.JPG paper product, paper products, hand towel, hand towels, paper towel, paper towels, SCOTT Center-Pull Hand Towels, One-Ply, KCC 01051, KCC01051 1 1 0 0 1 65
4167 Lagasse Scott Center-Pull Hand Towels, 1-Ply, 6 Rolls (KCC01061) 4167 KCC 01061 9.60 01061 Center-Pull Hand Towels
Scott Center-Pull Hand Towels provide easy one-hand dispensing, eliminating the need for a lever. are perfect protection against the spread of germs and bacteria in kitchens and restrooms. These center-pull towels are designed to allow for individuals to never have to touch the dispenser, cutting down on cross contamination. Scott brand towels are known for its superior product performance and premium quality, while offering protection against cross-contamination. Meets EPA standards. Minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. White, 8 x 15 sheets. Environmentally conscious.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Centerpull Paper Towels
Kimberly Clark Scott Center-Pull Hand Towels, 1-Ply, 6.4" Diameter, 250 Towels per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 39.92 29.46 54.53 KCC01061.JPG paper product, paper products, hand towel, hand towels, paper towel, paper towels, SCOTT Center-Pull Hand Towels, One-Ply, KCC 01061, KCC01061 1 1 0 0 1 65
4168 Lagasse Scott Center-Pull Hand Towels, 2-Ply, 4 Rolls (KCC01010) 4168 KCC 01010 15.80 01010 Scott Center-Pull Hand Towels
Ideal for the restroom or kitchen in any commercial or office environment, these center-pull towels are designed so that individuals touch only the hand towel they will use. Cutting down on cross contamination, these towels provide easy one-hand dispensing, eliminating the need for a lever, which often is just one more source of germs. Provides protection against cross-contamination. Users touch only the hand towel they’ll use. Meets EPA standards. Minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. White, 8 x 15 sheets. Environmentally conscious.
Kimberly Clark Scott Center-Pull Hand Towels, 2-Ply, 8.8" Diameter. 500 Towels per Roll, 4 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Centerpull Paper Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 52.64 37.19 70.90 KCC01010.JPG paper product, paper products, hand towel, hand towels, paper towel paper towels, SCOTT Center-Pull Hand Towels, Two-Ply, KCC 01010, KCC01010 1 1 0 0 1 65
4169 Lagasse 2-Ply Scott Center-Pull Towels, 6 Rolls (KCC01020) 4169 KCC 01020 15.80 01020 Scott Center Pull Towels
Provides protection against cross-contamination. Users touch only the hand towel they’ll use. These center-pull towels are designed so that individuals touch only the hand towel they will use, cutting down on cross contamination. These towels provide easy one-hand dispensing, eliminating the need for a lever, which often is just one more source of germs. Ideal for the restroom or kitchen in any commercial or office environment. Meets EPA standards. Minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. White, 8 x 15 sheets. Environmentally conscious.
Kimberly Clark 2-Ply Scott Center-Pull Towels, 6.8" Diameter, 250 Towels per Rolls, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 42.83 31.59 58.36 KCC01020.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, SCOTT Center-Pull Hand Towels, Two-Ply, KCC 01020, KCC01020 1 1 0 0 1 65
4170 Lagasse Kimberly Clark Scott C-Fold Hand Towels, 2400 Towels (KCC01510) 4170 KCC 01510 14.60 01510 C-Fold Hand Towels
Scott has designed these hand towels to deliver the ultimate balance of quality and affordability. These c-fold towels are made to dispense one at a time, eliminating dispensing issues and allowing the user to dispense one-handed without tearing. Offering the reliable quality, softness and absorbency that Scott is known for, these paper hand towels are an ideal solution for hand drying in restrooms and locker rooms, and they fit perfectly in standard c-fold dispensers (sold separately) without the use of an adapter. EPA Complaint for recycled content, these c-fold towels are made with a minimum of 40% post-consumer waste. These dependable towels are a cost effective option for any business restroom and are packaged to make for easy storage. Choose a name you know and trust. Stock up on Kimberly Clark Scott C-Fold Towels today!
Kimberly Clark Scott C-Fold Paper Hand Towels, White, 200 Towels per Pack, 12 Packs per Case, 2400 Towels The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 46.88 34.61 63.64 KCC01510.JPG scott c-fold hand towels, scott c-fold paper towels, scott c-fold paper hand towels, scott hand towels, KCC 01510, KCC01510 1 1 0 0 1 65
4171 Lagasse Scott Paper 2 Ply Coreless Jumbo Toilet Paper, 12 Rolls (KCC07007) 4171 KCC 07007 23.70 07007 2 Ply Coreless Jumbo Toilet Paper
Designed for use with Electronic Touchless Coreless JRT Dispensers KCC 09617 and KCC 09618 (sold separately), but works in manual coreless dispensers as well. 2-ply coreless jumbo toilet paper is ideal for high-traffic areas because each coreless jumbo roll is equivalent in length to nearly five standard rolls. Coreless rolls load with one hand—no keys, no core! This product meets EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste, with a minimum 20% post-consumer recycled content and elemental chlorine-free. See more commercial toilet paper brands.
Kimberly Clark Scott Coreless Jumbo Junior Toilet Paper, 2 Ply, 3.78" x 1,000 ft. Roll, White, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 66.10 50.42 86.73 KCC07007.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue,scott coreless jrt jr. bathroom tissue KCC 07007, KCC07007 1 1 0 0 1 65
4172 Lagasse Scott 2 Ply Jumbo Jr. Coreless Jumbo Toilet Paper, 12 Rolls (KCC07006) 4172 KCC 07006 27.00 07006 2 Ply Coreless Jumbo Toilet Paper
This Scott toilet paper has no center core, thus using up all available space for maximum space for more toilet paper. Scott Coreless Jumbo Junior Toilet Paper loads with one hand with no need for dispenser keys. Each coreless jumbo toilet paper roll has 15% more tissue than standard Jumbo Roll Tissue Junior rolls. Therefore, a major benefit to using coreless jumbo toilet paper rolls is that your business will cut down on the time spent on maintenance and replenishment, thus saving money! This is also very convenient since it will drastically reduce the chance of running out while in use. For use in IN-SIGHT Coreless JRT Jumbo Roll Dispenser KCC 09608 (sold separately).
Kimberly Clark Scott Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper, 2 Ply, Coreless, White, 3.78", 1,150-ft. Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 65.22 49.74 88.27 KCC07006.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue, KCC 07006, KCC07006 1 1 0 0 1 65
4173 Lagasse Scott Paper 2-Ply Coreless Standard Toilet Paper Rolls, 36 Rolls (KCC04007) 4173 KCC 04007 25.60 04007 Coreless Toilet Paper
Designed to provide as much toilet tissue as possible for a single roll, the Scott 2-Ply Toilet paper manufactured by Kimberly Clark comes in a coreless variety, which is designed to provide more toilet paper in every roll. Due to the elimination of an inner core, there is less packaging wasted than standard roll bath tissue, giving it the potential to eliminate millions of pounds of garbage from the environment. In addition, the 100% solid tissue rolls provide an easy maintenance system resulting in less run-outs and lower costs. Scott Coreless Toilet tissue meets EPA Guidelines for post-consumer waste. Scott toilet paper is the standard others are judged by and a name people have trusted for many years. 4" x 4.25" sheet size.
Kimberly Clark Scott 2-Ply Coreless Toilet Paper, White, 1,000 Sheets per Roll, 36 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 57.24 41.73 77.34 KCC04007.JPG scott toilet paper, scott coreless toilet paper, coreless toilet paper, coreless toilet tissue, scott coreless two-ply standard roll, KCC 04007, KCC04007, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
4174 Lagasse Scott Dinner Napkins, White, 3,000 Napkins (KCC98200) 4174 KCC 98200 40.00 98200 White Dinner Napkins
These quality embossed patterned napkins are great for any occasion. The ideal beverage napkin, Scott's two-ply, these facial-quality virgin tissues come are perfect for business or home. White with embossed border. Two-ply. Open 17 x 15; folded 4-1/2 x 7-1/2. 1/8 fold. 300 napkins per pack; 10 packs (3,000 napkins) per case.
Kimberly Clark Scott 2-Ply White Dinner Napkins, 300 Napkins per Pack, 10 Packs, 3,000 Napkins per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Dinner Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 69.71 53.17 92.27 KCC98200.JPG dinner napkin, dinner napkins, napkin, napkins, paper products, scott dinner napkins, KCC 98200, KCC98200 1 1 0 0 1 65
4175 Lagasse Scott Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, White, 12 Rolls (KCC01000) 4175 KCC 01000 50.00 01000 Hard Roll Paper Towels
Shipped in Hardwound rolls, these superior quality, non-perforated paper towel rolls are designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms and bathroom areas when combined with the appropriate dispenser. Perfect for use in bathrooms, cafeterias and kitchens, these 1,000 ft. towel rolls are ideal for schools, nursing homes, businesses, offices, and more. Readily available to ship fast, these brown roll paper towels are great for general cleaning, as well as glass cleaning. Highest capacity hand towel roll—25% more towels on each core. Made of 40% post-consumer waste content, elemental chlorine-free (ECF) bleaching; packaging reduction through providing greater feet per case. Environmentally conscious. 1-ply, white. 8" diameter x 1,000 ft., 1.5 inch diameter core.
Kimberly Clark Scott Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, 1-Ply, 1,000 ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case
Kimberly Clark Professional 131.09 99.98 173.13 KCC01000.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, SCOTT Hard Roll Hand Towels, KCC 01000, KCC01000 1 1 0 0 1 65
4176 Lagasse Scott In-Sight Roll Control Center Pull Hand Towel Dispenser (KCC09989) 4176 KCC 09989 5.20 09989 In-Sight Center Pull Towel Dispenser
Easy, one-handed loading. New design allows easy dispensing at multiple angles. Minimized roping and streaming hygienic: hands touch only the towel used. Holds only KCC 01032 Roll Control Center-Pull Hand Towels (sold separately). High-impact plastic case; translucent cover. 10.3"wide x 9.3"deep x 11.9"high.
Kimberly Clark Scott In-Sight Roll Control Center Pull Hand Towel Dispenser, Smoke and Gray, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Dispensers » Center Pull Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 22.22 16.90 29.55 KCC09989.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, SCOTT IN-SIGHT Roll Control Center-Pull paper Towel Dispenser, KCC 09989, KCC09989 1 1 0 0 1 65
4177 Lagasse Scott 9" JRT Jr. 1 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, 12 Rolls (KCC07223) 4177 KCC 07223 26.90 07223 1 Ply Jumbo Jr. Commercial Toilet Paper
Known as the jumbo sized toilet paper commercial customers trust, this superior quality Scott 9" toilet tissue roll is guaranteed to save time and money. Due to its larger size and quantity, Scott's jumbo rolls do not need to be changed as often as the standard toilet paper rolls. Providing convenient use for any commercial business restroom or public washroom, our Scott jumbo toilet paper products are at least five times the size compared to standard toilet paper rolls. From eliminating high costs to reducing maintenance expenses, Scott's line of jumbo toilet rolls from are the best solution for any commercial or public washroom.
Kimberly Clark Scott 9" Jumbo Jr. Roll Toilet Tissue, 1-Ply, 2,000-ft. Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 80.92 60.16 110.13 KCC07223.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 1 ply jumbo toilet paper, 1 ply jumbo toilet tissue, one ply jumbo toilet paper, one ply jumbo toilet tissue, KCC 07223, KCC07223 1 1 0 0 1 65
4178 Lagasse Scott 2 Ply Toilet Paper, 9" JRT Jr. Roll, 12 Rolls (KCC07805) 4178 KCC 07805 23.40 07805 2 Ply JRT Junior Toilet Paper
The best benefit of jumbo toilet paper rolls is that you will save time on maintenance and expense because Scott jumbo toilet paper does not need to be changed as often as standard toilet paper rolls do. This adds convenience because it reduces the risk of running out of toilet paper while in use. Our jumbo toilet paper products, such as the Scott jumbo toilet paper, are at least five times the size compared with standard toilet paper rolls. If you would like to eliminate cost and reduce the maintenance expenses associated with toilet paper then jumbo toilet paper rolls from are the best solution for you.
Kimberly Clark Scott 9" Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper, 2-Ply, 3.5" Wide, 1,000-ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 80.07 61.07 107.07 KCC07805.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue,scott jumbo roll bathroom tissue, scott two-ply jrt jr. tissue KCC 07805, KCC07805 1 1 0 0 1 65
4179 Lagasse Scott 12" Super JRT Sr. 2 Ply Toilet Paper, 6 Rolls (KCC07827) 4179 KCC 07827 23.15 07827 2 Ply Super Jumbo Toilet Paper
The best benefit from our jumbo toilet paper rolls is that you will save time on maintenance and expense at your company or business. The main reason that the Scott jumbo toilet paper will save you money is that it does not need to be changed as often as standard toilet paper rolls. Our jumbo toilet paper products, such as the Scott jumbo toilet paper, are at least five times the size compared to standard toilet paper rolls. If you would like to eliminate cost and reduce the maintenance expenses associated with toilet paper then the jumbo toilet rolls from are the best solution for you.
Scott 12" Super Jumbo Toilet Tissue , 2 Ply, 2,000-ft. Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 83.76 63.88 111.43 KCC07827.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue, KCC 07827, KCC07827 1 1 0 0 1 65
4180 Lagasse Kimberly Clark Scott Paper Towels, 20 Rolls (KCC41482) 4180 KCC 41482 18.60 41482 Scott Paper Towels
Kimberly Clark's line of Scott paper towels are strong, hard-working paper towels, excellent for many rooms in your home or office. The super absorbent paper towels are made with Absorbency Pockets to tackle the toughest spills and cleanups quickly and easily without going through the entire roll. Each one-ply durable sheet tears off neatly and cleanly, cutting down on wasted towels. With more sheets, each roll lasts longer, making Scott Paper Towels a great balance of product quality and affordability. Ideal for use at home or at work in kitchens, break rooms, cafeterias, coffee stations and more. 11" x 8.78" sheet size.
Kimberly Clark Scott Perforated Kitchen Roll Towels, 128 Sheets per Roll, 20 Rolls, 2,560 Sheets per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 39.11 29.83 51.96 KCC41482.JPG scott kitchen paper towels, scott kitchen towels, kitchen towels, scott kitchen roll towels, KCC 41482, KCC41482, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
4181 Lagasse Scott Megacartridge Dispenser, 6 Napkin Packs (KCC98908) 4181 KCC 98908 22.00 98908 Cartridged Napkin Dispenser Packs
The perfect solution to napkin overuse. Offers one-at-a-time dispensing, easy loading, high capacity and reduced consumption. White, one-ply. Open 6.5 x 8.4; folded 4-1/4 x 6-1/2. 1/2 fold. For use with Scott Dispenser Napkins Megacartridge Dispenser (not incl.). 875 napkins per pack; 6 packs (5,250 napkins) per case.
Kimberly Clark Scott Megacartridge Napkin Dispenser, White, 1-Ply, 875 Napkins per Pack, 6 Packs, 5,250 Napkins per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Dispenser Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 55.46 42.27 73.36 KCC98908.JPG dispenser napkin, dispenser napkins, napkin, napkins, paper product, paper products, SCOTT MEGACARTRIDGE Dispenser Napkins KCC 98908, KCC98908 1 1 0 0 1 65
4182 Lagasse Scott Multi-Fold Hand Towels, 4,000 Towels (KCC01804) 4182 KCC 01804 15.00 01804 Scott Multi-Fold Hand Towels
Depend on Scott multi-fold towels for reliable performance. Scott Multi-Fold Hand Towels value-sized towels fit into existing multifold dispensers (with no adapter required) to provide a low-cost substitute. This towel has a unique fold that allows for reliable, touch less dispensing of one fully-opened, absorbent towel, which reduces the number of towels used as well as the risk of cross-contamination. Scott Multi-Fold Hand Towels outperforms regular multi-fold towels by reducing waste and decreasing costs for an economical solution you can count on. White. 9.2 x 9.4 sheet size. Environmentally conscious.
Kimberly Clark Scott Multi-Fold Hand Towels, 1 Ply, White, 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 51.77 39.48 67.30 KCC01804.JPG multi-fold towel, multi-fold towels, paper towel, paper towels, paper product, paper products, scott multi-fold hand towels, KCC 01804, KCC01804 1 1 0 0 1 65
4183 Lagasse Scott Personal Toilet Seat Covers, White, 3,000 Covers (KCC07410) 4183 KCC 07410 19.00 07410 Personal Toilet Seat Covers
Scott Personal Seats are flushable and offer sanitary protection, help reduce litter and clogging. Meets EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste. Use with Toilet Seat Cover Dispensers KCC 09506 and KCC 09505 (sold separately). One-ply, 15 x 18. 125 covers per pack; 24 packs (3,000 covers) per case.
Kimberly-Clark Scott Toilet Seat Covers, 1-Ply, White, 125 Covers per Pack, 24 Packs, 3,000 Covers per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Seat Covers & Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 97.92 74.68 131.27 KCC07410.JPG toilet seat cover, toilet seat covers, paper product, paper products, scott personal toilet seat covers, white toilet seat covers, scott toilet seat covers, KCC 07410, KCC07410 1 1 0 0 1 65
4184 Lagasse Kimberly Clark Scott Rags In-A-Box, 1,600 Rags (KCC75260) 4184 KCC 75260 30.83 75260 Scott Rags in-a-Box
Kimberly Clark Scott Rags-in-a-Box are disposable, absorbent towels that perform like a washable cloth, without the hassle of having to launder them. These high quality rags are soft and durable, and can be used for a multitude of projects like painting, staining or refinishing furniture. The Pop-Up box has a built-in handle that allows for easy transport to take with you on the job. Scott is a brand that has been trusted by consumers for years for their consistent quality and superior value and Scott Rags-in-a-Box are a perfect balance of quality and affordability. While they are ideal for contractors and mobile service contractors, these large 10” x 13” rags are also perfect for keeping on hand in your home for a quick and thorough clean-up after do-it-yourself projects that can get a little messy.
Kimberly Clark Scott Rags-in-a-Box, 200 Rags per Box, 8 Boxes, 1,600 Rags per Case - The wholesale janitorial products supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 99.10 75.03 131.30 KCC75260.JPG scott rags, rags-in-a-box, scott wipers, scott wipes, scott white rags, scott white wipers, wipers, wipes, rags, cleaning cloths, cleaning wipes, cleaning rags, disposable wipes, disposable rags, scott rags in-a-box, KCC 75260, KCC75260 1 1 0 0 1 65
4185 Lagasse Scott Roll Control Center-Pull Towels, 6 Rolls (KCC01032) 4185 KCC 01032 19.50 01032 Center-Pull Towels
These center-pull hand towels from Kimberly Clark are the ideal combination of quality, value and eco-friendliness. With more hand-drying per case than Singlefold, C-Fold or Multifold towels, Scott brand Roll Control paper towels are an economical choice for any work environment. These 1-ply hand towels are strong and reliable and meet all EPA standards with 80% recycled fiber and 40% post-consumer recycled content, so you won’t need to sacrifice your green ideals for quality. Each roll contains 700 8” x 12” sheets, making these hand towels perfect for high traffic restrooms. Scott Roll Control Hand Towels are designed for use with the Roll Control Center-Pull Hand Towel Dispenser (sold separately). Give your customer the best without breaking the bank. Stock up on these Scott hand towels today!
Kimberly Clark Scott 1-Ply Center-Pull Hand Towels, 700 Sheets per Roll, 6 Rolls, 4,200 Sheets per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 60.46 45.56 79.17 KCC01032.JPG scott center pull towels, scott center pull hand towels, scott center pull paper towels, scott roll control center pull hand towels, KCC 01032, KCC01032 1 1 0 0 1 65
4187 Lagasse Scott Shop Towel Rags-in-a-Box, 8 Boxes (KCC75190) 4187 KCC 75190 34.60 75190 Scott Shop Towels
Ideal for changing oil, refilling fluids and general automotive maintenance. Strong, absorbent towel is great for wiping hands, tools and cleaning up grease, oil, grime and fluids. Works when wet! Blue. POP-UP Box with built-in handle allows you to take the box on the job while keeping rags clean. 11" x 13" sheets.
Kimberly Clark Scott Shop Rags, 200 Wipers per Box, 8 Boxes, 1,600 Wipers per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 99.10 75.03 132.94 KCC75190.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, SCOTT Shop Towel Box, KCC 75190, KCC75190 1 1 0 0 1 65
4188 Lagasse Scott Shop Roll Towels, 30 Wipe Rolls (KCC75130) 4188 KCC 75130 27.00 75130 Scott Shop Roll Towels
Ideal rags for changing oil, refilling fluids and general automotive maintenance. Strong, absorbent towel is great for wiping hands, tools and cleaning up grease, oil, grime and fluids. Works when wet! Blue. Fits on a standard towel holder for convenient dispensing of a fresh, clean towel. 11" x 10.4" sheets.
Kimberly Clark Shop Roll Towels, 55 Wipes per Roll, 30 Rolls, 1,650 Wipes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 72.20 55.07 98.32 KCC75130.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, SCOTT Shop Towel Roll, KCC 75130, KCC75130 1 1 0 0 1 65
4189 Lagasse Scott Single Fold Towels (KCC01700) 4189 KCC 01700 17.60 01700 For areas in business that require an economy line of washroom products, single-fold paper towels offer an economy folded towel. Meets EPA standards with a minimum of 40% post-consumer waste. Embossed, white. 10.5 x 9.3 sheet size. Environmentally conscious.
Scott Single-Fold Hand Towels White
16 Packs per Case, 250 Towels per Pack
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Singlefold Towels Kimberly Clark Professional 57.81 44.09 78.31 KCC01700.JPG Single Fold Towel, Single Fold Towels, paper towel, paper towels, paper products, SCOTT Single-Fold Hand Towels, KCC 01700, KCC01700 1 1 0 0 1 65
4190 Lagasse Scott 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 80 Rolls (KCC04460) 4190 KCC 04460 34.00 04460 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper
This 2-ply toilet paper from Kimberly Clark combines an excellent balance of strength, softness, and absorbency at an affordable price. Scott toilet paper is the classic standard toilet paper roll by which all others are compared. A minimum of 20% of the toilet paper is made from post-consumer material, meeting EPA standards. Each roll comes individually wrapped so it stays clean until it is needed. The decorative paper will enhance the beauty of your bathroom, either at home or work. For well over a century, people all over the world have chosen Kimberly-Clark brands such as Scott Toilet Paper for their value and performance. This 2-ply toilet paper is an environmentally responsible solution to your toilet tissue needs and is ideal for use in just about any restroom, whether it be in a hotel, school, office building or your own home. A reliable and practical choice, stock up on Scott 2-ply Toilet Paper today!
Kimberly Clark Scott Standard Toilet Paper, 2-Ply, White, 80 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 83.26 63.50 111.38 KCC04460.JPG scott toilet paper, scott toilet tissue, toilet paper, toilet tissue, bath tissue, bathroom tissue, scott standard roll bath tissue, two-ply bath tissue, 2 ply scott toilet paper, 2 ply scott toilet tissue, KCC 04460, KCC04460 1 1 0 0 1 65
4191 Lagasse Scott Standard Toilet Paper, 1 Ply, 80 Rolls (KCC05102) 4191 KCC 05102 42.50 05102 1-Ply Scott Toilet Paper offers the best and most durable toilet paper products for your home or business including 1 ply Scott toilet paper rolls. All of our toilet paper products are to everyone at wholesale discounted prices. Scott Toilet Paper Standard Roll Bath Tissue combines the perfect balance of strength, softness, and absorbency at a low cost and meets EPA standards. A minimum of 20% of the toilet paper is made from post-consumer material. One ply Scott Toilet Paper sheet size is 4.5” by 4” and is sold in cases of 80 toilet paper rolls. Each roll comes individually wrapped which will not deter from the beauty or your bathroom either at work or at home. Buying in cases quantities saves you money compared to purchasing smaller quantities from a retail store. We also save you time by delivering the product directly to your doorstep. Scott Toilet Paper is manufactured by Kimberly Clark paper products. Readily Available to Ship Fast! Buy Now and Save!
Kimberly Clark Scott Toilet Paper, Standard, 4.5"x4", 1-Ply, White, 1,210 Sheets per Roll, 80 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 117.37 85.45 156.53 KCC05102.JPG scott toilet paper, scott toilet tissue, toilet paper, toilet tissue, bath tissue, bathroom tissue, scott standard roll bath tissue, one-ply bath tissue, 1 ply scott toilet paper, 1 ply scott toilet tissue, KCC 05102, KCC05102 1 1 0 0 1 65
4192 Lagasse Scott Tall Fold Dispenser Napkins, 10,000 Napkins (KCC98710) 4192 KCC 98710 31.30 98710 Tall-Fold Dispenser Napkins
Perfect for lunchrooms and cafeterias, these high-quality tall-fold dispenser napkins make stocking and replenishing a breeze. Coming in a white color with an embossed border, these one-ply napkins open to a 13-1/2 x 7, and folded at 6-3/4 x 3-9/16. Dispenser fold. 250 napkins per pack; 40 packs (10,000 napkins) per case.
Kimberly Clark Scott Dispenser Napkins, 1 Ply Folded White Towels, 250 Napkins per Pack, 40 packs per Case, 10,000 Napkins Total per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Dispenser Napkins - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 53.10 39.77 71.56 KCC98710.JPG dispenser napkin, dispenser napkins, napkin, napkins, paper product, paper products, scott tall fold dispenser napkins, KCC 98710, KCC98710 1 1 0 0 1 65
4195 Lagasse Screw Clamp Handle, Fits Mop Heads #12 and #16, 54in Junior Length (UNS606) 4195 UNS 606 1.25 LBI 606 Wing-nut style. Metal head is double-riveted to lacquered wood handle.
SCREW CLAMP JR MOP HNDL 54 INX.88 DIA WOOD 12 Unisan 4.92 3.75 6.48 UNS606.JPG Screw Clamp Handle, Fits Mop Heads 12 and 16, 54in Junior Length UNS 606, UNS606, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4196 Lagasse Unisan 63" Janitor Length Screw Clamp Mop Handle (UNS603) 4196 UNS 603 2.17 UNS 603 63" Screw Clamp Mop Handle
Unisan 63" Mop Handle feeds through easily making it a smart and economical accessory when replacing your mop head. Allowing for easy access, removal and replacement, the Unisan 63" mop handle offers quality versatility, as it fits any mop head with ease. This janitor length handle is ideal for industry professionals such as janitorial companies and maid services. Coming with a durable metal head that is double-riveted to a fully lacquered wood handle, the Unisan 63" Screw Clamp Janitor Length Mop Handle fits mop heads #20 and up. Great for spot cleaning for commercial business, this Wing-nut style handle is an essential tool for cleaning professionals.
Unisan 63" Janitor Length Screw Clamp Mop Handle, Fits #20+ Mop Heads, Double-Riveted, Fully Lacquered Handle, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 7.43 5.40 9.86 UNS603.JPG screw clamp handle, mop handle, screw clamp mop handle, UNS 603, UNS603, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4200 Lagasse Scrubbing Bubbles Antibacterial Bathroom Cleaner, 12 Cans (DRK94308) 4200 DRK 94308 23.40 94308 Bathroom Cleaner
The antibacterial foaming action in Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner thoroughly cleans, shines, disinfects and deodorizes, all without scrubbing. This powerful multi-surface cleaner kills common germs such as staph, strep and E. coli, leaving behind a brilliant shine without scratching. Scrubbing Bubbles can be used to easily remove soap scum, hard water stains, and dirt. This cleaner can be used on a number of surfaces, including tubs, showers, basins, glazed ceramic tile, stainless tell, chrome, fixtures, fiberglass and glazed porcelain surface. It also helps to inhibit the growth of mold and mildew. Scrubbing Bubbles foaming formula gets into the tight spaces in your bathroom where scrubbing is difficult, lifting dirt and grime while killing 99.9% of bacteria. This antibacterial bathroom cleaner is excellent for homes or industrial cleaning of bathrooms that are in need of a good scrubbing.
Johnson Diversey Scrubbing Bubbles Antibacterial Bathroom Cleaner, 25-oz Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 46.54 35.50 63.52 DRK94308.JPG scrubbing bubbles antibacterial bathroom cleaner, DRK 94308, DRK94308, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
4202 Lagasse Scrubbing Bubbles Super Concentrate Bathroom Cleaner RTD (DRK3719563) 4202 DRK 3719563 4.88 3719563 Scrubbing Bubbles Super Concentrate Bathroom Cleaner RTD
Ready-to-Dispense (RTD®) is the maintenance-free dilution control system that’s built right into the bottle. Simply attach a hose and you’re ready to dispense! Removes mold, mildew and soap scum stains from showers, doors, porcelain, countertops, bathroom fixtures, ceramic tile, shower heads, toilets, fountains and more. Kills odor-causing germs, staph and athlete’s foot fungus. Economical 1:64 dilution makes 14 ready-to-use 32-oz. bottles.
Scrubbing Bubbles RTD concentrate bathroom cleaner, one 1.5 liter ( 1.59 quart) concentrate cleaner and two labeled 32-oz. trigger sprayers per case.
Requires Water Hook-Up Kit at part no.: DRK 4129080 (sold separately). - The wholesale bathroom cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Diversey 36.96 28.19 49.82 DRK3719563.JPG Scrubbing Bubbles Super Concentrate Bathroom Cleaner RTD DRK 3719563, DRK3719563, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
4204 Lagasse SCRUBS do-it ALL Germicidal Specialty Wipes (DYM98028) 4204 DYM 98028 16.00 98028 SCRUBS do-it ALL Germicidal Specialty Wipes
SCRUBS do-it ALL Germicidal Specialty Wipes use an EPA-registered formula that is proven to clean, disinfect and deodorize. These premoistened wipes can be used on hard, nonporous surfaces to leave them clean and odor-free and are effective against HIV-1 (AIDS virus), MRSA, VRE, norovirus, tuberculosis, E coli, salmonella, pseudomonas, staph and FCV.
SCRUBS do-it ALL Germicidal specialty wipes. 90 wipes per canister. 6 canisters per case.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes Itw Dymon 62.35 47.56 82.03 DYM98028.JPG germicidal wipes, wipers, wipes, rags, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, disposable wipes, SCRUBS do-it ALL Germicidal Cleaner Wipes, DYM 98028, DYM98028 1 1 0 0 1 60
4205 Lagasse Scrubs Graffiti & Spray Paint Remover Specialty Wipes (DYM90130) 4205 DYM 90130 7.40 90130 Unique cleaning towel combines a high-quality graffiti remover formula with an absorbent, abrasive, non-scratching towel. Remover loosens and removes graffiti and spray paint, allowing the towel to absorb and hold residue without redepositing paint on surface.Premoistened 10-1/2" x 12-1/4" Specialty Wipes.
Graffiti & Spray Paint Remover Specialty Wipes, 30 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes Itw Dymon 62.30 47.52 84.55 DYM90130.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, SCRUBS Graffiti & Spray Paint Remover Towels, DYM 90130, DYM90130 1 1 0 0 1 60
4206 Lagasse Scrubs Green Cleaning All Purpose Wipes (DYM91828) 4206 DYM 91828 11.00 91828 Scrubs Green Cleaning All Purpose Wipes
Scrubs Green Cleaning All Purpose Wipes are premoistened, throw away cleaning wipes that can clean water-safe surfaces and also be environmentally responsible with a nontoxic formula that is biodegradable and phosphate-free. These wipes contain no dyes or hazardous ingredients and are made of soft, nonscratching material that is flushable and water dispersible. These wipes are so green that even the container is 100% recyclable.
Scrubs Green Cleaning All Purpose Wipes. 90 wipes per container. 6 containers per case.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Itw Dymon 56.98 43.46 76.90 DYM91828.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, all purpose wipes, cleaning cloth, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Scrubs Green Cleaning Wipes, DYM 91828 1 1 0 0 1 60
4207 Lagasse SCRUBS Hand Cleaner Towels, 30 Count Canister, Personal Care Wipes (DYM42230) 4207 DYM 42230 6.60 42230 SCRUBS Hand Cleaner Towels, 30 Count Canister Personal Care Wipes
SCRUBS Hand Cleaner Towels use a patented, citrus-based formula combined with a tough, textured blue towel to loosen, dissolve and absorb dirt and grease, leaving your hands truly clean. These personal care wipes offer the effectiveness of pumice soap in a one-step, premoistened towel for use anytime, anywhere. Each wipe is 10-1/2" x 12-1/4" in sheet size. 0
SCRUBS Hand Cleaner Towels. Personal Care Wipes. 30 wipers per canister. 6 canisters per case.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Personal Care Wipes Itw Dymon 36.06 27.50 47.05 DYM42230.JPG wipers, wipes, rags, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, SCRUBS Hand Cleaner Towels, DYM 42230, DYM42230 1 1 0 0 1 60
4208 Lagasse SCRUBS Hand Cleaner Towels, 72 Count Personal Care Wipes Bucket (DYM42272) 4208 DYM 42272 14.60 42272 Patented, citrus-based formula is combined with a tough, textured blue towel to loosen, dissolve and absorb dirt and grease, leaving your hands truly clean. Offers the effectiveness of pumice soap in a one-step, premoistened towel for use anywhere. Citrus fragrance. 10-1/2" x 12-1/4" wipes.
Personal Care Wipes, 72 Wipers per Bucket, 6 Buckets per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Personal Care Wipes Itw Dymon 71.83 54.78 97.89 DYM42272.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, SCRUBS Hand Cleaner Towels, DYM 42272, DYM42272 1 1 0 0 1 60
4209 Lagasse SCRUBS 10 Count Packet, Hand Cleaner Personal Care Wipes (DYM90910) 4209 DYM 90910 6.00 90910 Scrubb Personal Care Wipes
Scrubbs combines a citrus-base cleaning formula with a tough, textured towel to loosen, dissolve, and absorb grease, grime, and dirt. Each towel is premoistened which makes this products use very accessible in settings with little water such as construction site.
Towel Dimensions: 10-1/2 x 12-1/4 wipes.
Scrubbs Personal Care Wipes, 10 Wipers per Packet, 24 Packets per Case
Personal Care Wipes - The cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Itw Dymon 58.94 44.68 78.31 DYM90910.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, SCRUBS Hand Cleaner Towels, DYM 90910, DYM90910 1 1 0 0 1 60
4210 Lagasse SCRUBS Medaphene Disinfectant Deodorizing Specialty Wipes (DYM90365) 4210 DYM 90365 9.40 90365 SCRUBS Medaphene Disinfectant Deodorizing Specialty Wipes
SCRUBS Medaphene Disinfectant Deodorizing Specialty Wipes are made with a low pH formula that disinfects and deodorizes all hard, non-porous surfaces. These textured wipes loosen and absorb surface contaminants. They are virucidal, pseudomonacidal, fungicidal, bactericidal and tuberculocidal.
SCRUBS Medaphene Disinfectant Deodorizing Specialty Wipes. 65 wipers per canister. 6 canisters per case.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes Itw Dymon 47.71 36.39 62.91 DYM90365.JPG wipers, wipes, rags, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, disposable wipes, SCRUBS Medaphene Disinfectant Deodorizing Wipes, DYM 90365, DYM90365 1 1 0 0 1 60
4211 Lagasse SCRUBS Metal Polish Specialty Wipes (DYM90218) 4211 DYM 90218 6.00 902.019 SCRUBS Metal Polish Specialty Wipes
Scrubs Metal Polish Specialty Wipes have a low amonia formula that provides a protective coating while removing oxidation. Each pre-moistened wipe makes polishing metal easier because they eliminate the messy squeezing, dipping and pouring that occurs while restoring the shine of metal surfaces. Each wipe is 18 in by 10.5 in in sheet size. These wipes come in a resealable pack with 18 wipes per pack, and 12 packs per case.
Metal Polish Specialty Wipes. 18 wipes per pack. 12 packs per case.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes Itw Dymon 83.33 63.56 112.64 DYM90218.JPG metal polish, wipers, wipes, polish wipes, disposable wipes, SCRUBS Metal Polish Wipes, DYM 90218, DYM90218 1 1 0 0 1 60
4213 Lagasse Scrubs Stainless Steel Cleaner, 420 Wipes (DYM91970) 4213 DYM 91970 10.00 91970 Stainless Steel Cleaner Wipes
Scrubs Stainless Steel Cleaner wipes are convenient, pre-moistened towels combining stainless steel cleaner and polish in an abrasive but non-scratching wipe. Each wipe cleans and polishes to brighten and protect stainless steel surfaces. These wipes prevent water marks and corrosion while preserving the high luster and shine of stainless steel. This formula safely removes spot marks, fingerprints, grease, film and heavy soils. In addition to stainless steel, this product is for use on all chrome surfaces, ceramic, brass, aluminum, porcelain, copper and Formica. NSF registered. Each wipe is 10.5" by 9.75" in sheet size. These specialty wipes come in a pop-up container.
Itw Dymon Scrubs Stainless Steel Cleaner Canister, 70 Wipers per Container, 6 Container, 420 Wipes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Itw Dymon 81.54 58.81 111.52 DYM91970.JPG stainless steel cleaner, wipers, wipes, rags, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, scrubs Stainless Steel Cleaner Wipes, DYM 91970, DYM91970, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
4214 Lagasse Scrubs Stainless Steel Cleaner Wipes, 6 Canisters (DYM91930) 4214 DYM 91930 6.20 91930 Stainless Steel Wipes
Scrubs Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish in a convenient disposable wipe. These wipes effortlessly clean, polish and protect stainless steel surfaces and prevent future water marks and corrosion. Can be used on stainless steel, chrome and aluminum. NSF registered. Each wipe is 9-1/4 inches by 10-1/2 inches in sheet size.
ITW Dymon Stainless Steel Cleaner Wipes, 30 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters, 180 Wipes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes - The wholesale cleaning supply products company buyers trust. Itw Dymon 54.40 41.49 70.90 DYM91930.JPG stainless steel cleaner, wipers, wipes, cleaning cloths, cleaning wipes, disposable wipes, SCRUBS Stainless Steel Cleaner Wipes, DYM 91930, DYM91930 1 1 0 0 1 60
4215 Lagasse Sun Skeeter Insect Repellent & Sunscreen Wipes, 100 Wipes (DYM91501) 4215 DYM 91501 4.00 91501 Insect Repellent and Sunscreen Wipes
These Scrubs Sun Skeeter pre-moistened towels by Dymon offer a safe one-step application of sunscreen as well as insect repellent. This convenient product combines the power of 20% DEET with SPF 25 sunscreen. Effective against disease carrying insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, biting flies, gnats and chiggers. These wipes are ideal for the outdoor professional, as the greaseless formula will not impede grip and leaves no sticky residue. These Scrubs Sun Skeeter Insect Repellent plus Sunscreen wipes are pre-measured so you can be assured that you are applying the right amount of key ingredients to protect against insects and sun exposure. The wipes are water and salt resistant to ensure that you remain protected and the formula does not run into your eyes. Individually wrapped so you can throw them in your purse or diaper bag to have them on the go.
Dymon Scrubs Sun Skeeter Insect Repellant plus Sunscreen Wipes, 100 Wipes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Itw Dymon 71.06 51.20 93.89 DYM91501.JPG dymon sun skeeter wipes, dymon insect wipes, dymon sun screen wipes, scrubs sun skeeter insect repellent + Sunscreen Wipes, sun skeeter wipes, sun skeeter insect repellent wipes, scrubs insect repellent wipes, scrubs sunscreen wipes, DYM 91501, DYM91501, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
4216 Lagasse Scrubs Whiteboard Cleaner Specialty Wipes (DYM90891) 4216 DYM 90891 5.80 90891 Lint-free wipe cleans and restores whiteboards in one easy step. Soft, absorbent wipe can be used as an eraser as well as a cleaner. Nontoxic and non-flammable fresh scent formula removes stubborn marks and ghosting. Conforms to ASTM D 4236. 6" x 8" size specialty wipes.
Whiteboard Cleaner Specialty Wipes, 6 Canisters per Case, 120 Wipers per Canister
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Specialty Wipes Itw Dymon 38.21 29.14 50.58 DYM90891.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, SCRUBS Whiteboard Cleaner Wipes, DYM 90891, DYM90891 1 1 0 0 1 60
4217 Lagasse SeBreeze 9000 Series Odor Neutralizers, Citrus Breeze, 4 - 5.3-oz. Canisters (RCP5160) 4217 RCP 5160 0.75 5160 00 SeBreeze Citrus Breeze Air Freshener Refills
Providing a fresh scent, and easy to install, the SeBreeze aerosol canister with Citrus Breeze offer a simple way to keep any home or office, smelling its best. Formulated with Microtrans to break down and eliminates malodors while leaving a pleasant aroma, every refill is guaranteed to keep any indoor location smelling fresh, clean and inviting. Lasting up to 180-days, these refills provide a quick and easy way to improve and maintain a clean and inviting indoor environment. Fits dispenser RCP 5137 (sold separately). Contains 63% less VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) per spray than a standard aerosol. Yields 9,000 metered sprays; lasts up to 180 days in programmable dispenser. Space for installation and service dates. 4 canisters per case.
Rubbermaid SeBreeze 9000 Series Odor Neutralizer, Citrus Breeze, 5.3-oz. Canisters, 4 Canisters per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 57.69 44.00 76.67 RCP5160.JPG sebreeze 9000 series odor neutralizers, citrus breeze, RCP 5160, RCP5160, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4218 Lagasse SeBreeze® 9000 Series Odor Neutralizers, Country Linen (RCP5159) 4218 RCP 5159 0.75 5159 00 Aerosol canister fits dispenser RCP 5137 (sold separately). Microtrans™ odor neutralizer breaks down and eliminates malodors. Contains 63% less VOCs per spray than a standard aerosol. Yields 9,000 metered sprays; lasts up to 180 days in programmable dispenser. Space for installation and service dates. 4 canisters per case.
SEBREEZE 9000 SER ODOR NUTRLZ ARSL CNTRY LINEN 4 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 57.69 44.00 77.71 RCP5159.JPG SeBreeze 9000 Series Odor Neutralizers, Country Linen RCP 5159, RCP5159, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4219 Lagasse SeBreeze 9000 Series Odor Neutralizers, Spring Garden (RCP5158) 4219 RCP 5158 0.75 5158 SeBreeze Spring Garden Air Freshener Refills
Aerosol canister fits dispenser RCP 5137 (sold separately). Microtrans odor neutralizer breaks down and eliminates malodors. Contains 63% less VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) per spray than a standard aerosol. Yields 9,000 metered sprays; lasts up to 180 days in programmable dispenser. Space for installation and service dates. 4 canisters per case.
Rubbermaid SeBreeze 9000 Series Odor Neutralizer, Spring Garden, 4 Canisters per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 57.69 44.00 77.94 RCP5158.JPG sebreeze 9000 series odor neutralizers, spring garden, RCP 5158, RCP5158, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4220 Lagasse SeBreeze Odor Control, Adjustable Dispenser, Off-White, Each (RCP5114CRE) 4220 RCP 5114 CRE 1.60 511400OWHT SeBreeze Automatic Air Freshener System
Long-lasting effective odor control for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. Each unit holds a battery-operated fragrance cassette (sold separately) for consistent fragrance release over a 30-day period. Wall mount (tape and screws incl.) or use as freestanding unit. Adjustable vents regulate air flow. Use in rooms up to 600 sq. ft.3-1/2w x 3-5/8d x 7-3/4h.
Rubbermaid Sebreeze Adjustable Fan Dispenser, Off White, Sold Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Rubbermaid Commercial Products 40.24 30.69 52.77 RCP5114CRE.JPG SeBreeze AUTOMATIC ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM, Adjustable Fan Dispenser, Off-White RCP 5114 CRE, RCP5114CRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4221 Lagasse Gel SeBreeze Odor Control, Portable Dispenser, Each (RCP9C90WHI) 4221 RCP 9C90 WHI 0.46 9C90 WHI Portable Fan Air Freshener Dispenser
Stylish design. Use in rooms up to 300 square feet. This air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener is a long-lasting effective odor control air freshener for restrooms, hospitals, nursing homes and commercial buildings. Dispense fragrance for 24-hour odor control. The PFAF dispensers dimensions are 3.5 x 2.625x 5.5. Each unit holds a battery-operated fragrance cassette (sold separately) for consistent fragrance release over a 30-day period. This automatic odor control system is great if used in bathrooms as a bathroom air freshener. You'll have all of your bathrooms smelling fresh in no time. Buy bulk and save folks. Fragrance Cassettes Sold Separately: RCP 9C94-01 Lemon - Lime, RCP 9C95-01 Wintermint, RCP 9C96-01 Cedar Forest, RCP 9C97-01 Cinnamon Spice
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Sebreeze Portable Fan Air Freshener Dispenser, , White, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 14.30 10.91 18.76 RCP9C90WHI.JPG sebreeze air freshener, odor control, air freshener, fan dispenser, sebreeze odor control, RCP 9C90 WHI, RCP9C90WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4223 Lagasse Self-Adhesive Packing List Envelopes, 100 Envelopes per Box (QPK46895) 4223 QPK 46895 0.80 QUA46895 Permanent adhesive—no lost documents. Printed PACKING LIST ENCLOSED. Bright orange background and printing conceal enclosure for added security. Separate address label required. 5-1/2 x 4-1/2.
QUALITY PARK SHIPPING ENVELOPES 100 Quality Park Products 8.73 6.50 11.50 QPK46895.JPG Self-Adhesive Packing List Envelopes, 100 Envelopes per Box QPK 46895, QPK46895, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 83
4224 Lagasse Self-Adhesive Packing List Envelopes, 1,000 Envelopes per Carton (QPK46897) 4224 QPK 46897 7.00 QUA46897 Permanent adhesive—no lost documents. Printed PACKING LIST ENCLOSED. Bright orange background and printing conceal enclosure for added security. Separate address label required. 5-1/2 x 4-1/2.
QUALITY PARK SHIPPING ENVELOPES 1000 Quality Park Products 46.93 35.79 63.77 QPK46897.JPG Self-Adhesive Packing List Envelopes, 1,000 Envelopes per Carton QPK 46897, QPK46897, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 83
4225 Lagasse Rubbermaid Service and Utility Cart, 16" x 34", Black (RCP9T66BLA) 4225 RCP 9T66 BLA 36.25 9T66 BLA Rubbermaid Service/Utility Cart
Multiple-duty carts for use in warehouses, mail rooms, conference rooms and maintenance facilities. Heavy-duty plastic won’t rust, dent, chip or peel. Lightweight for easy maneuverability and quiet operation. Rounded corners mean no sharp edges to nick walls or furniture Structural foam construction, 300-lb. capacity. Two tray-style shelves securely hold contents. Molded-in handle with convenient storage compartments. 4in non-marking swivel casters. Easy assembly. 31-1/4in high.
Rubbermaid Service and Utility Cart, 16" x 34", Black, 300 lb. Capacity, 2 Shelves, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 143.58 109.51 195.92 RCP9T66BLA.JPG rubbermaid, service cart, utility cart, service carts, utility carts, service/utility carts, RCP 9T66 BLA, RCP9T66BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4226 Lagasse Rubbermaid Service Utility Carts 24w x 40d, Black (RCP9T67BLA) 4226 RCP 9T67 BLA 42.80 9T67 Multiple-duty carts for use in warehouses, mailrooms, conference rooms and maintenance facilities. Heavy-duty plastic won’t rust, dent, chip or peel. Lightweight for easy maneuverability and quiet operation. Rounded corners mean no sharp edges to nick walls or furniture Structural foam construction, 300-lb. capacity. Two tray-style shelves securely hold contents. Molded-in handle with convenient storage compartments. 4 inch nonmarking swivel casters. Easy assembly. 31-1/4 inch high.
Rubbermaid Commercial 2 Shelf Utility Cart, 300-lb. Capacity, Black, Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 163.89 125.00 224.30 RCP9T67BLA.JPG Service/Utility Carts, 24w x 40d, Black RCP 9T67 BLA, RCP9T67BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4227 Lagasse Lemon Fragrance, Shakedown Powder Odor Eliminator, 12 Cans(PURK600493) 4227 PUR K600493 14.00 K600493 Shakedown Powder Odor Eliminator
The Shakedown Odor Eliminator is a quick and effective substitute for air fresheners. It has powdered odor eliminator counteracts that remove room and carpet odors while vacuuming. This air freshening odor eliminator can also be sprinkled into trash cans or wherever odors exist. Lemon fragrance. All of our air fresheners and odor eliminating products are sold with no minimum order and at wholesale prices. Don't forget to stock up on all of your favorite Cleaning and Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save.
Lorene Shakedown Powder Odor Eliminator, Lemon Fragrance, 15oz, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Loren 32.82 25.03 43.26 PURK600493.JPG Shakedown Odor Eliminator, 12 Cans per Case, 15-oz. Shaker Can PUR K600493, PURK600493, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 67
4228 Lagasse Sharpie Magnum Permanent Black Marker, 12 Markers (SNF44001) 4228 SNF 44001 1.10 SAN44001 Sharpie Magnum Permanent Marker
An industrial marker designed specifically for use on wet and oily surfaces. The durable aluminum barrel and felt tip are tough enough to withstand heavy use. Specially formulated water-resistant ink dries quickly and cleanly. Oversized felt chisel tip draws extra-wide, bold lines on corrugated paper, wood, metal, foil, stone, plastic and leather. Extra-large ink supply for your toughest marking projects. 12 markers per box.
Sanford Corporation Sharpie Magnum Permanent Marker, 1/2" Nib, Black Marker, 12 per Box - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Sanford Corporation/Sharpie 35.80 26.06 48.99 SNF44001.JPG sharpie magnum permanent marker, SNF 44001, SNF44001 1 1 0 0 1 93
4235 Lagasse Hoover Commercial Backpack Vacuum (HOOC2401) 4235 HOO C2401 22.00 C2401 Hoover Backpack Vacuum Cleaner
The Hoover Backpack Vacuum Cleaner gives you superior mobility in a comfortable, lightweight vacuum. This handy vacuum features a powerful 1,000 watt motor, yet it weighs only 9 pounds. The ergonomically designed woven shoulder harness provides comfortable, trouble-free use and keeps your hands free to use one of the eight tools that come with this convenient backpack vacuum. The bagless design with 6.4 quart capacity includes a clear dome lid to allow for debris inspection. This unit may be used with shake out cloth liner or with a disposable paper bag insert (sold separately). Hoover’s Hyper-cone technology features HEPA type filtration and helps to maintain maximum cleaning efficiency. This versatile backpack vacuum includes a 50 foot cord and the 1.5” diameter tools make it ideal for cleaning tight areas, upholstery, spot cleaning and detailing. In addition to all of this, the Hoover Backpack Vacuum is CRI Green Label approved. This means that the Carpet and Rug Institute have rated it a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment and carpet appearance retention. This vacuum comes with a 2 year manufacturer’s warranty for commercial use and is UL listed.
Hoover Commerial Backpack Vacuum, 6.4 Quart Capacity, Each
-Powerful 1,000 watt motor
-Bagless design with clear dome lid
-6.4-quart capacity
-HEPA type filtration
-Comfortable ergonomic back brace harness includes sternum clips
-Hypercone technology maintains maximum cleaning efficiency
-Includes hose and eight-piece 1.5" diameter tools for every cleaning task
-50-ft. cord.
-UL Listed for commercial use
-Shipping weight 22 lbs.
*-Manufacturer’s two-year warranty for commercial use!
Uses optional filtration liner bags HOO KE2103-000, 1 per pack (sold separately)
CRI Green Label Approved – The CRI (Carpet and Rug Institute) Green Label signifies a superior cleaning vacuum that has passed stringent testing for soil removal, dust containment and carpet appearance retention.
The CRI Green Label logo is a trademark of the Carpet & Rug Institute.
Vacuum Cleaners » Backpack Vacuum - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hoover 295.80 225.61 402.90 HOOC2401.JPG hoover backpack vacuum, hoover shoulder vac, hoover backpack vacuum cleaners, hoover commercial backpack, vacuum cleaners, hoover vacuum, bagless vacuum, canister vacuum, vacuum bags, shoulder vac commercial backpack, HOO C2401, HOOC2401 1 1 0 0 1 56
4236 Lagasse Shout Laundry Stain Treatment, Trigger Sprayer, 12 Bottles (DRK94925) 4236 DRK 94925 21.00 94925 Shout Laundry Stain Treatment
Combines the cleaning power of lemon with other powerful stain fighters to quickly penetrate, break up and eliminate the toughest, greasiest stains. Effective on motor oil, grass, blood and other protein-based stains. Safe for all colorfast washables. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Shout Laundry Stain Treatment, Trigger Sprayer, 22-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 47.58 36.29 63.18 DRK94925.JPG Shout Laundry Stain Treatment, Trigger Sprayer, 12 Bottles per Case, 22-oz. Bottle DRK 94925, DRK94925, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
4237 Lagasse Shout Wipes Plus Stain Treater Towelettes, 80 Towelettes (DRK94354) 4237 DRK 94354 1.25 94354 Shout Wipes Plus Stain Treatment Towelettes
Premoistened towelette instantly reduces stains. Cuts grape juice, coffee, blood, baby formula. Pretreats stains on clothing even during wear. Safe on colorfast washable and dry-cleanable fabrics. Individually wrapped towelettes.
Shout Wipes Plus Stain Treatment Towelettes, 5 x 6 Towelettes, 80 Towelettes per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Diversey 19.32 14.73 25.83 DRK94354.JPG Shout Wipes Plus Stain Treater Towelettes, 80 Towelettes per Case, 5 x 6 Towelettes DRK 94354, DRK94354, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
4242 Lagasse Side Gate Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Hardwood Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle (RCPH116) 4242 RCP H116 2.00 H11600 0000 • Locked-in antimicrobial agent protects against bacterial growth Hinged side gate lets mop easily slide on and off. Thumbwheel clamps mop head in place. For narrow or wide headband mops. Plastic head.
SIDE GATE WET MOP HNDL 60 IN HRDWOOD YEL 12 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.43 7.96 14.24 RCPH116.JPG Side Gate Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Hardwood Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle RCP H116, RCPH116, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4243 Lagasse Rubbermaid Side Gate 60" Aluminum Wet Mop Handle (RCPH126) 4243 RCP H126 1.00 H12600 0000 Rubbermaid Side Gate 60" Aluminum Wet Mop Handle
Coming with a durable plastic head that is connected to a durable aluminum handle, the Rubbermaid Side Gate 60" Aluminum Wet Mop Handle is a fit for commercial business, as well as an essential tool for cleaning industry. Coming with a locked-in antimicrobial agent that protects against bacterial growth, this handle comes with a hinged side gate lets mop easily slide on and off. This quality handle also boast a thumbwheel clamp that keeps the mop head in place, while allowing for a quick release bar and easy mop head loading. For narrow or wide headband mops, this handle is perfect for professionals such as janitorial companies and maid services.
Rubbermaid Side Gate Antimicrobial 60" Aluminum Wet Mop Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.00 11.44 20.49 RCPH126.JPG antimicrobial handles, aluminum handle, wet mop handle, rubbermaid wet mop handle, RCP H126, RCPH126, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4244 Lagasse Side Gate Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Vinyl-Covered Aluminum Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle (RCPH136) 4244 RCP H136 1.40 H13600 0000 • Locked-in antimicrobial agent protects against bacterial growth Hinged side gate lets mop easily slide on and off. Thumbwheel clamps mop head in place. For narrow or wide headband mops. Plastic head.
SIDE GATE WET MOP HNDL 60 IN VNL-CVR ALUMYEL 12 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.47 11.80 20.38 RCPH136.JPG Side Gate Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Vinyl-Covered Aluminum Handle, Yellow/Gray Handle RCP H136, RCPH136, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4245 Lagasse Side Gate Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Fiberglass Handle (RCPH146) 4245 RCP H146 1.80 H14600 GY00 • Locked-in antimicrobial agent protects against bacterial growth Hinged side gate lets mop easily slide on and off. Thumbwheel clamps mop head in place. For narrow or wide headband mops. Plastic head.
SIDE GATE WET MOP HNDL 60 IN FIBERGLASS 12 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.98 12.19 21.30 RCPH146.JPG Side Gate Antimicrobial Handles, 60in Fiberglass Handle RCP H146, RCPH146, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4247 Lagasse Sight Savers Premoistened Lens Cleaning Tissue Wipes, 100 Tissues (BLO8574GM) 4247 BLO 8574GM 0.90 BAL8574GM Lens Cleaning Tissue Wipes
Antifog, antistatic. For both glass and plastic lenses. Dispenser box for countertop convenience or wall mount. 100 individually packaged tissues per box. Sold by the box.
Bausch & Laumb Sight Savers Premoistened Lens Wipes, 100 Tissue Wipes per Box Bausch And Lomb Inc. 11.45 8.73 15.03 BLO8574GM.JPG Sight Savers Premoistened Lens Cleaning Tissues BLO 8574GM, BLO8574GM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 11
4248 Lagasse Signature 2-Ply Premium White Paper Towel Rolls, 350 Ft/Roll (GPC280) 4248 GPC 280 29.20 28000 Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. White paper. 8 inches wide.
2-Ply Premium Nonperforated White Paper Towel Roll, 12 Rolls per Case, 350 Feet per Roll
Georgia Pacific 75.78 57.80 98.68 GPC280.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, Signature Nonperforated 2-Ply Premium Roll Paper Towels, GPC 280, GPC280 1 1 0 0 1 48
4249 Lagasse Signature 600-ft. 2-Ply Premium Roll Paper Towels, 12 Rolls (GPC280-55) 4249 GPC 280-55 45.80 28055 2-Ply Premium Roll Paper Towels
Providing a soft and absorbent paper towel option, Georgia Pacific 2-Ply Premium Roll Hand Towels are an ideal choice for any commercial environment. Designed to dispense, stock and install easily. Meeting and exceeding all EPA guidelines. Embossed. Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. White paper towels. 8" wide.
Georgia Pacific Signature 2-Ply Premium Nonperforated Roll Paper Towels, 600-ft. Roll, 12 Rolls per Case
Georgia Pacific 91.30 63.76 123.91 GPC28055.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towels, Signature Nonperforated 2-Ply Premium Roll Paper Towels, GPC 280-55, GPC28055 1 1 0 0 1 48
4250 Lagasse Georgia-Pacific Signature Multi-Fold Hand Towels, 2,000 Towels (GPC210) 4250 GPC 210 15.40 21000 Multi-Fold Hand Towels
Georgia Pacific’s high-quality hand towels are a thicker, stronger and more absorbent alternative to similar brand towels. With their patented honeycomb embossing, your customers and employees will appreciate the touch of elegance these soft hand towels will bring to your facility. These multi-fold hand towels offer a 2-ply thickness with super absorbency for every hand dry. Georgia Pacific has packaged these paper towels to coordinate with their bath and facial tissue products, giving your environment a luxurious look without the high price tag. Versatile enough for bathrooms or shared work areas in any office or commercial building restroom, these soft, absorbent towels will pamper your guests while saving you money. Stock up today!
Georgia Pacific Signature Multi-Fold Hand Towels, 2-ply, 125 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 2,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 32.53 22.63 42.83 GPC210.JPG multi-fold towel, multi-fold towels, paper towel, paper towels, paper product, paper products, signature premium 2 ply multi-fold hand towels, GPC 210, GPC210 1 1 0 0 1 48
4251 Lagasse Signature C-Fold Paper Towels, 1,440 Towels (GPC230) 4251 GPC 230 14.90 23000 Signature 2-Ply C-Fold Towels
Signature 2 ply C-Fold Towels let you pamper your guests, tenants and customers with the ultimate in luxury. These paper towels feature Georgia Pacific's patented honeycomb emboss that adds a touch of elegance to any washroom, while two thick and thirsty plies offer super absorbency with every hand dry. White. 13-1/4 x 10-1/4 sheet size.
Georgia Pacific Signature C-Fold Hand Towels, Two-Ply, 120 Towels per Pack, 12 Packs, 1,440 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 36.43 27.78 47.86 GPC230.JPG georgia pacific signature c fold paper towels, signature c fold paper towels, signature c fold hand towels, GPC 230, GPC230 1 1 0 0 1 48
4258 Lagasse Silica Sand, Black, 5 Bags (UNIB25) 4258 UNI B25 26.00 B25 Smoking Urn Sand
A necessity for any smoking area. This high quality Silica Sand is the ideal material for filling and maintaining a sanitary ash urn or smoking receptacle. For use in all sand smoking urns. Silica sand for use with all sand urns. Five 5-lb. bags per carton. Includes five 5-lb. bags.
United Receptacle Silica Sand, White, 5 lb. Bag, 5 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. United Receptacle 21.74 16.02 28.37 trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Silica Sand, Black UNI B25, UNIB25 1 1 0 0 1 111
4259 Lagasse Inteplast Disposable Silverware Bags, 2,000 Bags per Case (IBSPB10) 4259 IBS PB10 4.40 PB10 Plastic Silverware Bags
These disposable silverware bags are the perfect option for transporting, temporarily storing, or dispensing silverware and plastic utensils. Made from extra heavy grade plastic with high clarity film for easy visibility, these handy bags easily dispense one at a time from their convenient carton. The FDA has approved these silverware bags to provide a sanitary storage solution for your utensils. The 1.5” flap provides more secure closure to keep knives, spoons and forks clean and isolated from airborne bacteria and allergens. The convenient clamshell dispensing box saves counter and shelf space with its compact packaging. Ideal for picnics and priced right, these are a must have for keeping your flatware sanitary when not in use. Stock up today and save!
Inteplast Disposable Plastic Silverware Bags, 2,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 18.80 13.31 25.00 IBSPB10.JPG Silverware Bag, 2,000 Bags per Case IBS PB10, IBSPB10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
4263 Lagasse Simple Green d Pro 3 One-Step Germicidal Cleaner & Deodorant, Gallon Bottles (SMP30301) 4263 SMP 30301 55.00 30301 Simple Green d Pro 3 One-Step Germicidal Cleaner & Deodorant
One-step, hospital-grade germicidal cleaner for use on hard, nonporous surfaces. Virucidal and fungicidal. Effective against HIV-1 (AIDS virus), E. coli, influenza, pseudomonas, salmonella, staph, strep and athlete’s foot. High active ingredients for great efficacy, and high dilution ratios for greater economy. Economical dilution (1:64). Fresh, herbal-pine scent. Excellent for hospitals, nurseries, nursing homes, office settings, break rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and other areas that need a safe environment for family, staff and friends, while leaving our planet green.
Simple Green d Pro 3, Gallon Bottles, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Simple Green 86.07 65.65 112.62 SMP30301.JPG simple green d pro 3 one-step germicidal cleaner/deodorant, SMP 30301, SMP30301, cleaning supplies, deodorizing cleanser, germicidal cleanser, green, biodegradable 1 1 0 0 1 99
4264 Lagasse Simple Green d Pro 3 One-Step Germicidal Cleaner & Deodorant, 5-Gallon Pail (SMP30305) 4264 SMP 30305 46.00 30305 Simple Green d Pro 3 One-Step Germicidal Cleaner & Deodorant
One-step, hospital-grade germicidal cleaner for use on hard, nonporous surfaces. Virucidal and fungicidal. Effective against HIV-1 (AIDS virus), E. coli, influenza, pseudomonas, salmonella, staph, strep and athlete’s foot. High active ingredients for great efficacy, and high dilution ratios for greater economy. Economical dilution (1:64). Fresh, herbal-pine scent. Excellent for hospitals, nurseries, nursing homes, office settings, break rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and other areas that need a safe environment for family, staff and friends, while leaving our planet green.
Simple Green d Pro 3 One-Step Germicidal Cleaner & Deodorant, 5 Gallon Pail per Order - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Simple Green 69.62 53.10 95.07 SMP30305.JPG simple green d pro 3 one-step germicidal cleaner & deodorant, SMP30305, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, green cleanser, biodegradable 1 1 0 0 1 99
4265 Lagasse San Jamar Simplicity Hands-Free Roll Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl (SANT7000TBK) 4265 SAN T7000TBK 7.60 T7000TBK Hands-Free Paper Towel Dispenser
This paper towel dispenser from San Jamar is the perfect solution when looking for a hygienic, hands-free towel dispenser that runs without batteries. This San Jamar dispenser always has a piece of paper ready to tear without the use of a sensor, allowing for trouble-free operation. The portion control lowers paper costs by providing consistent dispensing of 11-inch sheets, as well as automatic mechanical cutting. The sanitary touchless dispensing system prevents the spread of germs and is compatible with most types of hand towel rolls. Constructed of break-resistant plastic, this hands free dispenser is ideal for use in any high volume restroom. Dimensions are: 11.82" wide x 9.25" deep x 16.09" high. Buy today and stock these hands-free dispensers in restrooms in your home, business or restaurant!
San Jamar Simplicity Hands-Free Universal Roll Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
San Jamar Dispenser 86.02 65.61 112.50 SANT7000TBK.JPG paper towel holder, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, mounted paper towel holder, wall mount paper towel holder, simplicity mechanical handsfree roll towel dispenser, SAN T7000TBK, SANT7000TBK, san jamar paper towel dispenser, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
4266 Lagasse Windsoft Natural Single Fold Hand Towels, 4,000 Towels (WIN106) 4266 WIN 106 18.90 WIN 106 Brown Single-Fold Towels
High-quality folded paper towels are thicker, stronger and more absorbent, so you use less. Meets EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines for recycled content. Natural brown color is consistent and true. 10-1/4 x 9-1/4 sheet size. Environmentally conscious.
Windsoft Natural Single-Fold Hand Towels, 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs per Case, 4,000 Towels per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Singlefold Towels Windsoft 27.46 20.94 36.19 WIN106.JPG Single Fold Towel, Single Fold Towels, paper towel, paper towels, paper products, Natural Single-Fold Hand Towels, WIN 106, WIN106 1 1 0 0 1 116
4267 Lagasse Polyethylene Siphon Drum Liquid Pump (UNS423) 4267 UNS 423 1.00 UNS423 Siphon Drum Pump
This sturdy, polyethylene siphon drum pump works with 15, 30 and 55-gallon drums. This superior quality polyethylene pump from Unisan offers exceptional results with every use. This powerful pump allows for quick and effective liquid pumping. Smart and cost effective, this plastic pump from Unisan is a safe and easy way to extract liquid from a wide variety of gallon liquid drums. Includes one polyethylene syphon drum pump.
Unisan Siphon Drum Pump, Works with 15, 30 and 55-Gallon Drums, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 10.55 7.39 13.86 UNS423.JPG siphon drum pump, liquid pump, liquid drum pump, UNS 423, UNS423, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4268 Lagasse Site Safety Hanging Sign (RCP9S16YEL) 4268 RCP 9S16 YEL 0.85 9S16 YELLOW Durable, bright yellow, bilingual (English/Spanish on one side, English/French on the other). “Closed for Cleaning” imprinted hanging sign features torsion action to secure pole. Pliable construction offers ease of use and storage. Open, 50-1/4w x 13h; closed, 25w x 13h.
TWIST-POLE CLOSED HANG SIGN 50 IN MLTILNG YEL 6/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 21.87 16.68 29.69 RCP9S16YEL.JPG Site Safety Hanging Sign RCP 9S16 YEL, RCP9S16YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4270 Lagasse Six-Piece Wrapped Cutlery Kits, 250 Kits (BWK6KITMW) 4270 BWK 6KITMW 7.15 FK-FSKW-NSP-LAG Wrapped Cutlery Kits
Comes with fork, knife, spoon, napkin and salt and pepper packets. These great kits from Boardwalk are lightweight and recyclable and have extensive U.S. recycling structure. These Boardwalk plastic cutlery are made from quality polypropylene so you don't have to worry about any of your cutlery breaking or cracking. These kits are great for picnics and parties.
Boardwalk Mediumweight Six Piece Wrapped Cutlery Kits, White, 250 Kits per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 38.00 28.98 51.48 BWK6KITMW.JPG Six-Piece Wrapped Cutlery Kits, White BWK 6KITMW, BWK6KITMW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4271 Lagasse Slant Front Ingredient Bins, 2-3/4 Cubic Feet Capacity (RCP3600-88WHI) 4271 RCP 3600-88 WHI 27.40 3600-88 WHI • Provides mobile bulk storage of ingredients • Lightweight, easy to transport • Made of FDA Compliant materials • USDA Meat & Poultry Equipment Group Listed Strong structural web base with smooth molded three-layer thick walls. Seamless construction and rounded corners for easy cleaning. Two-piece lid slides back or flips up for easy access. 3in extra-wide casters, two swivel. White with clear polycarbonate lid for quick identification of contents. Sliding lid. Scoop hook keeps scoop in the bin, but out of ingredient, preventing cross-contamination. Includes 32-oz. Bouncer® Scoop.
INGREDIENT BIN W/ SLNTD LID 2.75 CU FT WHI Rubbermaid Commercial Products 272.96 192.00 358.86 RCP360088WHI.JPG Slant Front Ingredient Bins, 2-3/4 Cubic Feet Capacity RCP 3600-88 WHI, RCP360088WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4272 Lagasse Rubbermaid Slant Front Ingredient Bin, 3-1/2 Cubic Feet Capacity (RCP3602-88WHI) 4272 RCP 3602-88 WHI 30.80 3602-88 WHI Rubbermaid Slant Front Ingredient Bin
Provides mobile bulk storage of ingredients. Lightweight, easy to transport. Made of FDA Compliant materials. USDA Meat & Poultry Equipment Group Listed Strong structural web base with smooth molded three-layer thick walls. Seamless construction and rounded corners for easy cleaning. Two-piece lid slides back or flips up for easy access. 3in extra-wide casters, two swivel. White with clear polycarbonate lid for quick identification of contents. Sliding lid. Scoop hook keeps scoop in the bin, but out of ingredient, preventing cross-contamination. Includes 32-oz. Bouncer Scoop.
Rubbermaid 3-1/2 Cubic Ft. Capacity Ingredient Bin with Slant Sliding Lid, White, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 264.84 202.00 361.63 RCP360288WHI.JPG ingredient bins, slant front ingredient bins, rubbermaid ingredient bin, RCP 3602-88 WHI, RCP360288WHI, restaurant supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4273 Lagasse Slant Front Ingredient Bins, 4-1/8 Cubic Feet Capacity (RCP3603-88WHI) 4273 RCP 3603-88 WHI 33.00 3603-88 WHT • Provides mobile bulk storage of ingredients • Lightweight, easy to transport • Made of FDA Compliant materials • USDA Meat & Poultry Equipment Group Listed Strong structural web base with smooth molded three-layer thick walls. Seamless construction and rounded corners for easy cleaning. Two-piece lid slides back or flips up for easy access. 3in extra-wide casters, two swivel. White with clear polycarbonate lid for quick identification of contents. Sliding lid. Scoop hook keeps scoop in the bin, but out of ingredient, preventing cross-contamination. Includes 32-oz. Bouncer® Scoop.
INGREDIENT BIN W/ SLNTD LID 4-1/8 CU FT WHI Rubbermaid Commercial Products 268.78 205.00 360.81 RCP360388WHI.JPG Slant Front Ingredient Bins, 4-1/8 Cubic Feet Capacity RCP 3603-88 WHI, RCP360388WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4275 Lagasse Rubbermaid 15-7/8-Gallon Slim Jim Waste Container, Gray (RCP3541GRA) 4275 RCP 3541 GRA 6.10 354100LGRAY Rubbermaid Slim Jim Rectangular Trash Can with Handles
Slim rectangular containers fit tight spaces. Containers and interchangeable tops sold separately. Durable, lightweight plastic construction for long life. Large handles are positioned high for lifting leverage and control. 23-1/8" wide x 11" deep x 24-7/8" high. Shipping weight: 7 lbs.
Rubbermaid 15 7/8 Gallon Slim Jim Waste Container, Rectangular with Handles, Gray
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 34.41 26.24 45.82 RCP3541GRA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Slim Jim 15-7/8-Gallon Rectangular Waste Container with Handles, Gray RCP 3541 GRA, RCP3541GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4276 Lagasse Beige 23-Gallon Slim Jim Rectangular Waste Container (RCP3540BEI) 4276 RCP 3540 BEI 7.00 354000 BEIG Slim rectangular containers fit tight spaces. Containers and interchangeable tops sold separately. Durable, lightweight plastic construction for long life. 20" wide x 11" deep x 30" high.
23 Gallon Rubbermaid Slim Jim Waste Container, Beige
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 44.05 33.60 58.54 RCP3540BEI.JPG waste container, slim jim waste container, slim jim trash can, rubbermaid slim jim, trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste containers, slim jim 23 gallon rectangular waste container, Beige trash can, RCP 3540 BEI, RCP3540BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
4277 Lagasse Blue 23-Gallon Slim Jim Rectangular Waste Containers (RCP3540BLU) 4277 RCP 3540 BLU 6.90 354000 BLUE 23 Gallon Blue Rubbermaid Slim Jim Rectangular Trash Can
Slim rectangular waste containers fit tight spaces. Durable, lightweight plastic construction for long life. Containers and interchangeable tops sold separately. Manufactured by Rubbermaid. 20"wide x 11"deep x 30"high.
Capacity: 23 Gallons
Dimensions: 20"wide x 11"deep x 30"high. - The wholesale cleaning company Buyers Trust.
23 Gallon Slim Jim Waste Container, Blue
Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Slim Jim Series Rubbermaid Commercial Products 45.52 34.72 59.78 RCP3540BLU.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Slim Jim 23-Gallon Rectangular Waste Container, Blue RCP 3540 BLU, RCP3540BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
4278 Lagasse Brown 23-Gallon Slim Jim Rectangular Waste Container (RCP3540BRO) 4278 RCP 3540 BRO 7.60 FG354000 BRN Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Slim Jim Rectangular Trash Can
This slim rectangular waste container is the perfect fitting trash can for those tight spaces around the house. Rubbermaid Slim Jim trash cans are known for durability that last. Made with strong lightweight plastic.
Capacity: 23 Gallons
Dimensions: 20" wide x 11" deep x 30" high. - The wholesale cleaning company Buyers Trust.
23 Gallon Slim Jim Waste Container, Brown
Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Slim Jim Series Rubbermaid Commercial Products 45.52 34.72 59.81 RCP3540BRO.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Waste Container, Waste Containers, Slim Jim 23-Gallon Rectangular Waste Container, Brown RCP 3540 BRO, RCP3540BRO 1 1 0 0 1 89
4279 Lagasse Gray 23-Gallon Slim Jim Rectangular Waste Container (RCP3540GRA) 4279 RCP 3540 GRA 6.90 354000 GRAY Gray 23-Gallon Slim Jim Rectangular Waste Container
Sleek, lean and reliable, our line of Gray 23-Gallon Slim Jim Rectangular Waste Containers fit in almost any tight space. Formulated out of a durable, lightweight plastic construction for long life, these high quality trash receptacles are manufactured by Rubbermaid and able to hold up to 23 gallons. Perfect for convenient waste collection from one location to the next. Providing increased stability and wear-resistance. Domed, hinged lid promotes liquid run-off. Perfect for office buildings, schools, hospitals, and around the home, these versatile waste containers fit in almost any environment.
Dimensions: 20"wide x 11"deep x 30"high. - The wholesale cleaning company Buyers Trust.
Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Slim Jim Series Rubbermaid Commercial Products 44.05 33.60 59.99 RCP3540GRA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Waste Container, Waste Containers, Slim Jim 23-Gallon Rectangular Waste Container, Gray RCP 3540 GRA, RCP3540GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4280 Lagasse 23 Gallon Slim Jim Rectangular Trash Can w/ Venting Channels, Beige (RCP354060BEI) 4280 RCP 3540-60 BEI 7.65 3540-60 Slim Jim Rectangular Trash Can
Slim Jim rectangular containers are the perfect indoor trash can for your home or office. These containers are made out of durable lightweight plastic designed to last. Features ergonomic integrated handles and molded in-base grips that enable easier lifting, gripping, and emptying. Venting channels reduce force required to lift full can liners by up to 60%. Four molded-in pull-thru holes with “cinch” points to hold can liners in place. 23-gallon capacity, 22" wide x 11" deep x 30" high, Shipping weight: 8 lbs.
Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Slim Jim Trash Can, Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 48.64 37.10 65.55 RCP354060BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Slim Jim Rectangular Trash Can with Venting Channels, Beige RCP 3540-60 BEI, RCP354060BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
4281 Lagasse Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Slim Jim Waste Container with Venting Channels, Black (RCP354060BLA) 4281 RCP 3540-60 BLA 7.65 3540-60 BLA Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Slim Jim Rectangular Waste Container with Venting Channels, Black
Rubbermaid's Rectangular Slim Jim Waste Containers are ideal for fitting into tight spaces. Classic Rubbermaid construction is durable and lightweight for long life. Venting channels reduce force required to lift full can liners by up to 60%. Ergonomic integrated handles and molded-in base grips enable easier lifting, gripping and emptying. Also features four molded-in pull-thru holes with “cinch” points to hold can liners in place. 23-gallon capacity. 22"wide x 11"deep x 30"high. Shipping weight: 8 lbs.
23 Gallon Slim Jim Waste Container with Venting Channels, Black. Sold by each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Slim Jim Series Rubbermaid Commercial Products 47.07 35.90 62.58 RCP354060BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Slim Jim Rectangular Waste Container with Venting Channels, Black RCP 3540-60 BLA, RCP354060BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4282 Lagasse Gray 23 Gallon Slim Jim Rectangular Waste Container with Venting Channels (RCP3540-60GRA) 4282 RCP 3540-60 GRA 7.50 3540-60 23 Gallon Slim Jim Waste Container with Venting Channels
Slim rectangular waste containers fit tight spaces. Containers and interchangeable tops sold separately. Durable, lightweight plastic construction for long life. Venting channels reduce force required to lift full can liners by up to 60%. Ergonomic integrated handles and molded-in base grips enable easier lifting, gripping and emptying. Four molded-in pull-thru holes with “cinch” points to hold can liners in place. 23-gallon capacity. 22"wide x 11"deep x 30"high. Shipping weight: 8 lbs.
Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Slim Jim Waste Container with Venting Channels, Gray - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Slim Jim Series Rubbermaid Commercial Products 48.64 37.10 65.90 RCP354060GRA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Slim Jim Rectangular Waste Container with Venting Channels, Gray RCP 3540-60 GRA, RCP354060GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4283 Lagasse Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Slim Jim Recycling Container, Blue (RCP354075BLU) 4283 RCP 3540-75 BLU 8.22 3540-75 BLUE Slim Jim Recycling Container
The Slim Jim Recycling Container is the ideal recycling container for high traffic areas. The tall thin rectangular design allows it to fit perfectly under most counters and fit easily into tight spaces. It can serve as a collection site for multiple work stations, large offices or residential homes, providing a convenient collection area for all recyclables. The “We Recycle” slogan and international recycling symbol imprint are prominently displayed on the Slim Jim recycling container. This recycling can may be slim, but it has a 23 gallon capacity and is strong enough to withstand extreme weather and handling, making it ideal for indoor or outdoor use. Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Recycling Container, Blue. 20" wide x 11" deep x 30" high. Shipping weight 8 lbs.
Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Recycling Container, Blue, 20" x 11" x 30", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 45.52 34.72 60.68 RCP354075BLU.JPG slim jim container, slim jim recycle container, rubbermaid slim jim, recycling containers, 23 gallon slim jim, 23 gallon recycling container, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, slim jim recycling container, 23 gallon recycle container, RCP 3540-75 BLU, RCP354075BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
4284 Lagasse Rubbermaid 15-7/8 Gallon Slim Jim Recycling Container, Blue (RCP3541-73BLU) 4284 RCP 3541-73 BLU 8.66 FG3541-73 BLUE Slim Jim Recycling Container
The Slim Jim Recycling Container is the ideal recycling container for high traffic areas. The tall thin rectangular design allows it to fit perfectly under most counters and fit easily into tight spaces. It can serve as a collection site for multiple work stations, large offices or residential homes, providing a convenient collection area for all recyclables. The “We Recycle” slogan and international recycling symbol imprint are prominently displayed on the Slim Jim recycling container. This recycling can may be slim, but it has a 15-7/8 gallon capacity and is strong enough to withstand extreme weather and handling, making it ideal for indoor or outdoor use. Rubbermaid 15-7/8 Gallon Recycling Container, Blue. Meets EPA comprehensive guidelines. Environmentally conscious. 3-1/8"wide x 11"deep x 24-7/8" tall.
Rubbermaid 15-7/8 Gallon Recycling Container, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 33.30 25.40 44.60 RCP354173BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, slim jim recycling container, RCP 3541-73 BLU, RCP354173BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
4285 Lagasse Slim Jim 23-Gallon Recycling Container, Venting Channels, Blue (RCP354007BLU) 4285 RCP 3540-07 BLU 7.00 354007 BLUE Slim Jim Recycling Container with Venting Channels
Recycling Containers show universal recycle symbol imprint Venting channels reduce force required to lift full can liners by up to 60%. Ergonomic integrated handles and molded-in base grips. Four molded-in pull-through holes with cinch points to hold liner securely. Meets EPA comprehensive guidelines. Environmentally conscious. 23-gallon capacity, 22" wide x 11" deep x 30" high.
Rubbermaid Slim Jim 23-Gallon Recycling Container with Venting Channels, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 47.07 35.90 63.68 RCP354007BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, slim jim recycling container, RCP 3540-07 BLU, RCP354007BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
4286 Lagasse Slim Jim Stainless Steel Dolly (RCP3553STL) 4286 RCP 3553 STL 7.25 355300SSSTL Rubbermaid Slim Jim Stainless Steel Dolly
Dragging a trash can across a room can create wear and tear, avoid this by making use of this Rubbermaid Slim Jim Stainless Steel Dolly. Fits any Rubbermaid Slim Jim trash can. This dolly is made to be chemical, rust and corrosion resistant. Its 3 inch plastic caster provides easy mobility. Make life a little easier, buy this Rubbermaid Stainless Steel Dolly for Slim Jim trash cans.
Dimensions: 9.3" wide x 20.3" deep x 9.5" high.
Shipping Weight: Shipping weight: 8 lbs
Rubbermaid Slim Jim Stainless Steel Dolly - The wholesale cleaning company Buyers Trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 126.52 96.50 170.72 RCP3553STL.JPG trash can, garbage can, waste container, Slim Jim Stainless Steel Dolly RCP 3553 STL, RCP3553STL 1 1 0 0 1 89
4287 Lagasse Rubbermaid Slim Jim Trash Can Trolley, Black (RCP3551-88BLA) 4287 RCP 3551-88 BLA 10.90 3551-88 BLACK Black Plastic Slim Jim Trash Can Linkable Trolley
Each trolley holds a single Slim Jim Rectangular Trash Can (sold separately). Link two or more together for efficient collection and transport of multiple trash cans. Mark-resistant swivel casters. Plastic construction eliminates the sharp edges and rusting common to metal trolleys. 23-7/16" wide x 15" deep x 10-3/16" high.
Rubbermaid Linkable Trolley Plastic Slim Jim Trash Can, Black, 23-7/16" x 15" x 10-3/16, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 64.90 49.50 88.51 RCP355188BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Slim Jim Trash Can Trolley, Black RCP 3551-88 BLA, RCP355188BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4288 Lagasse 15-Gallon Slim Jim Wall-Mount Waste Container, Beige (RCP7822BEI) 4288 RCP 7822 BEI 11.80 782200 BEIG 15-Gallon Slim Jim Wall-Mount Trash Can
CSFM and FM Approved for fire safety when wall mounted; sturdy waste container is out of pedestrian traffic and allows for floor cleaning. Resists denting, chipping and peeling. 15-gallon capacity. 11-7/8"wide x 19-1/2"deep x 32-5/8"high. Shipping weight: 12 lbs. 15 Gallon Capacity. Dimensions: 11-7/8"wide x 19-1/2"deep x 32-5/8"high. Shipping weight: 12 lbs.
Rubbermaid 15-Gallon Slim Jim Wall-Mount Waste Container, Beige, Each
Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Slim Jim Series - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 129.80 99.00 170.81 RCP7822BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Slim Jim Wall-Mount Waste Container, Beige RCP 7822 BEI, RCP7822BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
4290 Lagasse Small Pink Cellulose Sponges, 24 Packs (PADCS1A) 4290 PAD CS1A 5.90 54989 Small Pink Cellulose Sponges
Stays fresh longer. Resists sponge odors, staining and crumbling caused by bacteria. Lasts through hundreds of uses. 3.6" x 6.5" x 0.9". Excellent for use in kitchens, restaurants, cafeteria, play areas, bathrooms and powder rooms. Quick clean ups without taking up much space.
Premiere Pads Cellulose Sponges, Small, Pink, 2 Sponges per Pack, 24 Packs, 48 Sponges per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 25.82 19.69 33.94 PADCS1A.JPG small pink cellulose sponges, PAD CS1A, PADCS1A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4291 Lagasse Smart System Plus Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl (SANT1400TBK) 4291 SAN T1400TBK 7.50 T1400TBK Classic Design Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser
Offers faster, consistent paper dispensing with fewer misfires. New Iq Sensor technology features paper and length delay adjustment, replaceable drive module, auto transfer and downloadable usage to PDA. Self-adjusting sensing field. Touchless design reduces the risk of cross-contamination. Infinity System automatic transfer eliminates stub roll waste. 1-1/2 inch diameter core size. Holds one 8 inch diameter roll and one 4 inch diameter stub roll. Requires four D alkaline batteries (sold separately). Break-resistant plastic. 11-3/4" wide x 9" deep x 15-1/2" high.
San Jamar Smart System Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Dispensers » Hardwound Roll Towel Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 125.40 95.64 169.27 SANT1400TBK.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, san jamar classic design touchless paper towel dispenser, SAN T1400TBK, SANT1400TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
4292 Lagasse San Jamar Smart System Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser (SANT1490TBK) 4292 SAN T1490TBK 7.00 T1490TBK Automatic Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser
The San Jamar Smart System Hand Washing Station is the first universal hands-free towel dispenser to come equipped with food-safe hand washing instructions. The touchless dispenser helps to reduce the chances of cross contamination, and with the use of the Infinity System, this hands-free roll towel dispenser offers a continual availability of paper more quickly and consistently. Constructed of break-resistant plastic, this dispenser measures 11 ¾” wide x 9” deep x 15 ½” high. The included food-safe hand washing chart is made of durable vinyl that is easy to clean with instructions in both English and Spanish. The Smart System requires four D batteries for operation. This innovative hands-free dispenser is manufactured by San Jamar, an industry leader in food safety and restroom products.
San Jamar Smart System Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
San Jamar Dispenser 126.51 96.49 164.71 SANT1490TBK.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, touchless paper towel dispensers, SAN T1490TBK, SANT1490TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
4293 Lagasse SmartColor Microfiber MicroMop, 15" Mop Head (UNGMM40R) 4293 UNG MM40R 0.20 MM40R Microfiber 15" Mop Head
Use wet or dry with Mop Holder (UNG SM40R, sold separately). Aggressive cleaning edges clean with less water, streaking and effort. Absorbs six times its weight in liquid, rinses easily, reduces bacteria up to 96%. Machine launder 500 times. 16 x 5 (40cm x 12.7cm). Heavy-duty 15mm pile for tile floors, grout lines. Red. Environmentally conscious.
Unger SmartColor Microfiber MicroMop, 15" Mop Head, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 19.42 11.52 25.30 UNGMM40R.JPG SmartColor Microfiber MicroMop 15.0 UNG MM40R, UNGMM40R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4294 Lagasse SmartColor Microfiber MicroMop 7.0 Mop Head (UNGMD40R) 4294 UNG MD40R 0.20 MD40R SmartColor Microfiber MicroMop 7.0 Mop Head
Unger's SmartColor Mircofiber MicroMop 7.0 Mop Head can be used wet or dry with Mop Holder (UNG SM40R, sold separately). Aggressive cleaning edges clean with less water, streaking and effort. Absorbs six times its weight in liquid, rinses easily, reduces bacteria up to 96%. Machine launder 500 times. 16 x 5 (40cm x 12.7cm). Medium-duty 7mm pile for vinyl or sealed floors without grout lines. Red/White. Environmentally conscious.
Meduim-Duty MicroMop 7MM Pile, Red/White - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 11.95 9.12 16.08 UNGMD40R.JPG SmartColor Microfiber MicroMop 7.0 UNG MD40R, UNGMD40R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4296 Lagasse Smart Color Red Microfiber Cloths, Heavy-Duty, 10 Dust Cloths (UNGMF40R) 4296 UNG MF40R 0.12 MF40R Smart Color Red Microfiber Towels
These Smart Color Microfiber Wipes use a microfiber antibacterial technology that traps dirt better and cleans without using chemicals, using less water, and without streaking. You can use these cloths wet or dry. Either way they penetrate small irregular surfaces to lift out dirt and grime. They are highly absorbent and long lasting, and you can clean them in the washing machine for re-use up to 1,500 times. Each wipe is 16" x 16" in sheet size (40 cm x 40 cm).
Unger Microfiber Heavy-Duty Dust Cloth, Red, 10 Cloths per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 43.13 31.60 57.36 UNGMF40R.JPG microfiber wipes, microfiber, dustcloth, rags, cleaning cloth, clean wipes, smart color microfiber cloths, UNG MF40R, UNGMF40R 1 1 0 0 1 109
4297 Lagasse Yellow Wipes, Smart Color Microfiber Wipes, Heavy-Duty Dust Cloth (UNGMF40Y) 4297 UNG MF40Y 0.12 MF40Y SmartColor MicroWipes. Microfiber antibacterial technology traps dirt better and cleans with fewer chemicals • Color-coding simplifies training and prevents cross-contamination Microfiber cloths clean with less water, streaking and effort. Use wet or dry; penetrates small irregular surfaces to lift out dirt. Highly absorbent, long lasting; machine launder 1,500 times. 16" x 16" (40cm x 40cm). Be sure to purchase all of your favorite Green Cleaning Products and Janitorial Supplies today and save time and money.
Heavy-Duty Dust Cloth, Microfiber, Yellow with Red Border, Sold as Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Dust Cloth Unger 43.77 31.60 58.36 UNGMF40Y.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Smart Color Microfiber Wipes UNG MF40Y, UNGMF40Y 1 1 0 0 1 109
4298 Lagasse SmartColor Side Bucket (UNGSMSBG) 4298 UNG SMSBG 1.80 SMSBG • Ergonomically designed tool Keeps cleaning tools at hand when cart is not available. Integrated hanging bracket snaps onto Restroom Combo Bucket 30L (UNG COMBR, sold separately). Includes color-coded round decals to customize for designated areas or tasks. Polypropylene. Gray. 12-1/2w x 5d x 5-1/2h (31.75cm x 12.7cm x 13.96cm).
SMART COLOR SIDE BKT GRA Unger 14.46 10.20 19.57 UNGSMSBG.JPG SmartColor Side Bucket UNG SMSBG, UNGSMSBG, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4299 Lagasse Smart Color Swivel Corner Brush (UNGCB20G) 4299 UNG CB20G 0.50 CB20G Swivel Corner Brush
Ideal for the removal of heavy dirt buildup in corners of walls and floors. Durable, PET bristles are angled to a point for superior scrubbing in corners. Pivoting, low-profile head is easy to maneuver, helps reduce bending and overreaching, and prevents lower back injuries. Neutral Gray. Use SmartColor Decal Kit (included) to customize brush for designated areas or tasks. 8.6" wide. Acme threaded handle hole (handle sold separately).
Unger Swivel Corner Brush with SmartColor Decals, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 11.22 8.00 15.16 UNGCB20G.JPG smartcolor swivelcorner brush UNG CB20G, UNGCB20G, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, brush, broom head, brush head, acme brush head 1 1 0 0 1 109
4301 Lagasse SMART-SET Pro Rectangular Container Lids, 300 Lids (GNPFPR932) 4301 GNP FPR932 14.50 FPR932 Rectangular Clear Plastic Lids
Clear plastic lids. Secure it of lids prevents spilling and accidents. Microwave safe. Also safe for the top shelf of a dishwasher. Fits containers GNP FPR024 and GNP FPR032. 75 lids per bag, 4 bags per case.
Genpak Smart-Set Pro Clear Plastic Lids for 24 to 32-oz. Containers, 4 Bags of 75 Lids, 300 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 36.00 25.20 47.64 GNPFPR932.JPG SMART-SET Pro Rectangular Container Lids GNP FPR932, GNPFPR932, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
4302 Lagasse SMART-SET Pro 24-oz. Rectangular Food Containers, 300 Containers (GNPFPR024) 4302 GNP FPR024 20.50 FPR024 24-oz. Rectangular Plastic Food Container
“Textured” microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelf dishwasher-safe. Black. 75 containers per bag; 4 bags per case (300 containers).
Genpak Smart-Set Pro Rectangle Container, 24-oz., Black, 4 Bags of 75 Containers, 300 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 47.49 33.24 61.95 GNPFPR024.JPG SMART-SET Pro Rectangular Plastic Food Containers, 24-oz. Container GNP FPR024, GNPFPR024, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
4303 Lagasse Smart-Set Pro 32-oz. Rectangular Food Containers, 300 Containers (GNPFPR032) 4303 GNP FPR032 24.00 FPR032 32 oz. Smart-Set Pro Rectangular Plastic Food Containers
“Textured” microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelf dishwasher-safe. Black.
Genpak Smart-Set Pro 32-oz. Rectangular Plastic Food Containers, Black, 300 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 52.87 37.01 68.73 GNPFPR032.JPG smart-set pro rectangular plastic food containers, 32-oz. container GNP FPR032, GNPFPR032 1 1 0 0 1 173
4304 Lagasse SMART-SET Pro 24-oz and 32-oz. Round Container Lids, 300 Lids (GNPFP932) 4304 GNP FP932 7.90 FP932 Round Container Lids, Clear
Clear Lids for Smart-Set Pro Round Containers. Secure fit of lids prevents spilling and accidents. Microwave and top shelf dishwasher safe. Fits Genpak's 24-oz GNP FPR02 and 32-oz. GNP FPR032 containers. 75 lids per bag; 4 bags per case.
Genpak Round Plastic Lids for 24-oz. and 32-oz. Containers, 4 bags of 75 Lids, 300 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Genpak 32.63 22.84 42.53 GNPFP932.JPG SMART-SET Pro Round Container Lids, Fits 24-oz. and 32-oz. Containers GNP FP932, GNPFP932, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
4305 Lagasse Smart-Set Pro Round 48-oz. Container Lids, 300 Lids (GNPFP948) 4305 GNP FP948 15.30 FP948 Round Lid for 48 oz. Container
Secure fit of lids prevents spilling and accidents. Helps preserve taste and keep moisture in. Microwavable, and top shelf dishwasher safe. Clear Plastic. Fits GNP FP048 container (sold separately). 75 lids per bag; 4 bags per case.
Genpak Smart-Set Pro Lid for 48 oz. Container, 4 Bags of 75 Lids, 300 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 58.50 40.95 76.94 GNPFP948.JPG SMART-SET Pro Round Container Lids, Fits 48-oz. Container GNP FP948, GNPFP948, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
4306 Lagasse Smart-Set Pro 24-oz. Round Plastic Food Containers, 300 Containers (GNPFP024) 4306 GNP FP024 11.90 FP024-3L 24-oz Round Plastic Food Containers
Textured microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelf dishwasher-safe. Black. 75 containers per bag, 4 bags per case. Lids sold separately.
Genpak Smart-Set Pro 24-oz. Round Plastic Food Containers, 4 Bags of 75 Containers, 300 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Genpak 34.21 23.95 45.91 GNPFP024.JPG food containers, smart set pro round plastic food containers, GNP FP024, GNPFP024 1 1 0 0 1 173
4307 Lagasse Smart-Set Pro 32-oz. Round Plastic Food Containers, 300 Containers (GNPFP032) 4307 GNP FP032 14.20 FP032-3L 32-oz. Round Plastic Food Containers
Textured microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelf dishwasher-safe. Black. 75 containers per bag; 4 bags per case.
Genpak Smart-Set Pro 32-oz. Round Plastic Food Containers, 300 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 32.09 22.46 43.79 GNPFP032.JPG SMART-SET Pro Round Plastic Food Containers, 32-oz. Container, GNP FP032, GNPFP032, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
4308 Lagasse Smart-Set Pro 48-oz. Round Plastic Food Containers, 300 Containers (GNPFP048) 4308 GNP FP048 26.00 FP048-3L 48 oz. Round Plastic Food Containers
“Textured” microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelf dishwasher-safe. Black. Lid sold separately. 75 containers per bag; 4 bags per case.
Genpak Smart-Set Pro 48-oz. Round Plastic Food Container, 300 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Genpak 75.04 52.53 102.36 GNPFP032.JPG SMART-SET Pro Round Plastic Food Containers, 48-oz. Container GNP FP048, GNPFP048, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
4310 Lagasse Smoke Conqueror 104 Smoke & Odor Eliminator FRS1SWBSE 4310 FRS 1-SWB-SE 37.00 1-SWB-SE-F Conqueror 104 Smoke & Odor Eliminator
Ready-to-use formula contains both a highly concentrated fragrance that instantly eliminates smoke odors and a powerful, patented neutralizer that effectively eliminates odors at the source. Use full strength on curtains, carpets, mattresses, upholstery and other fabrics. Can be diluted for light-duty cleaning of walls, floors and other hard surfaces. VOC Compliant. Phosphate-free and readily biodegradable.
Smoke Conqueror 104 Smoke & Odor Eliminator, Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Fresh Products 63.45 44.00 86.51 FRS1SWBSE.JPG smoke conqueror 104 smoke & odor eliminator, FRS 1-SWB-SE, FRS1SWBSE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
4312 Lagasse Rubbermaid Smoking Urn, Black and Chrome (RCP2585BLA) 4312 RCP 2585 BLA 8.00 258500 BLA Cigarette Smoking Urn
California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) Listed for fire safety Floor model with metal ashtray top. 11-1/2" diameter x 19-1/2"high. Shipping weight: 8-1/2 lbs.
Rubbermaid Smoking Urn, Black & Chrome, Each
Trash Cans » Smoking Management » Ash Trash Can - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 58.66 44.74 76.22 RCP2585BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can,Smoking Urn, Black/Chrome RCP 2585 BLA, RCP2585BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4313 Lagasse Rubbermaid Smoking Ash Can, Black and Chrome (RCP2586BLA) 4313 RCP 2586 BLA 10.00 258600 BLA Rubbermaid Smoking Ash Can
California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) Listed for fire safety Floor model with metal ashtray and refuse opening. Fire-safe metal liner. 2 gallon capacity. 12-1/2" diameter x 19-1/2"high. Shipping weight: 10-1/2 lbs.
Rubbermaid Ash and Trash Can, Chrome & Black, Each
Trash Cans » Smoking Management » Ash Trash Can - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 100.63 76.75 134.80 RCP2586BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, cigarette receptacle, cigarette receptacles, Ash/Trash Can, Black/Chrome RCP 2586 BLA, RCP2586BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4314 Lagasse Snapak™ Form Holder (SND10517) 4314 SND 10517 1.80 SAU10517 • For outdoor or indoor use • Durable recycled aluminum with antimicrobial protection Opened, it’s a notebook; folded, it’s a compact, protective box. Holds up to 30 forms. Hinged writing plate provides firm writing surface and prevents write-through. Holds forms to 8-1/2 x 12. 1/2in clip capacity.
SNAPAK FORMS HOLDER HOLDS UP TO 30 FORMS Saunders Manufacturing 27.15 20.71 36.50 SND10517.JPG Snapak Form Holder SND 10517, SND10517, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 94
4315 Lagasse Large 1 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (BWK0100) 4315 BWK 0100 9.20 SN200BW Large Foam Hinged Carryout Container
Single compartment, 9-1/4" foam hinged lid carryout container. Sturdy construction with secure locking lid. Stackable for easy storage. White. 200 containers per case.
Boardwalk Large Single Compartment Hinged Foam Container, White, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 21.06 15.90 28.04 BWK0100.JPG Snap-it Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, Large, Single Compartment BWK 0100, BWK0100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4316 Lagasse Large Three Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (BWK0101) 4316 BWK 0101 9.20 SN203BW 3 Compartment Large Foam Hinged Container
Sturdy construction with secure locking lid. These containers by Boardwalk are durable yet economical. Foam keeps food at proper temperature. Stackable. 9-1/4" x 9-1/4" x 3". White. 200 containers per case.
Boardwalk Large 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, White, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 22.10 15.90 28.98 BWK0101.JPG Snap-it Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, Large, Three Compartment BWK 0101, BWK0101, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4319 Lagasse Medium Single Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (BWK0107) 4319 BWK 0107 8.00 SN240BW Medium Foam Hinged Carryout Container
These Boardwalk containers are durable and economical. Sturdy construction with secure locking lid. Foam keeps food at proper temperature. Great for take out applications. Stackable. 8" x 8" x 3". White. 200 containers per case.
Boardwalk Medium 1 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, White, 200 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 22.09 15.90 29.96 BWK0107.JPG Snap-it Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, Medium, Single Compartment BWK 0107, BWK0107, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4320 Lagasse Medium Three Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (BWK0108) 4320 BWK 0108 8.00 SN243BW Medium 3 Compartment Foam Carryout Container
Boardwalk containers are durable and economical. Sturdy construction with secure locking lid. Foam keeps food at it's proper temperature. Three compartments for food separation. Great for take out applications. Stackable. 8" x 8" x 3". White. 200 containers per case.
Boardwalk Medium 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, White, 200 per Case - The restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 22.30 15.90 29.47 BWK0108.JPG Snap-it Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, Medium, Three Compartment BWK 0108, BWK0108, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4321 Lagasse 6 Inch Sandwich Foam Hinged Containers, 500 Containers (BWK0109) 4321 BWK 0109 9.40 22500BW 6 Inch Foam Hinged Sandwich Container
Boardwalk containers are durable and economical. Keep food at the proper temperature. Sturdy construction with secure locking lid. Perfect size for a sandwich or salad. 6" x 6". Stackable. White. 500 containers per case.
Boardwalk 6" Sandwich Foam Hinged Containers, White, 500 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 26.07 19.88 35.68 BWK0109.JPG Snap-it Foam Hinged Lid Carryout Containers, 6in Sandwich BWK 0109, BWK0109, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4325 Lagasse Snuggle Fabric Softener Sheets, 2 Sheet Vending Size, 100 Boxes (DRK2979929) 4325 DRK 2979929 4.00 2979929 Snuggle Fabric Softener Vending Sized Sheets
Snuggle, the first name in clothing comfort and care, offers convenient dryer sheets, that not only reduce static cling, but leave clothes feeling soft and smelling fresh. Coming with its trademark Cuddle-Up Fresh scent, these fabric softening sheets help fabrics become fluffy, soft and fragrant with each and every wash. Easily freshens any fabric while eliminating the chance of static from clothing, linens, curtains, coats, jackets, towels and more. Great for laundromats, these coin operated 2 sheet vending sized boxes are great for commercial businesses.
Johnson Diversey Snuggle Fabric Softener Sheets, Coin Operated Vending Size, 2 Sheets per Box, 100 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 36.85 27.85 48.22 DRK2979929.JPG snuggle fabric softener, snuggle fabric softener sheets, snuggle sheets, snuggle fabric sheets, DRK 2979929, DRK2979929, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
4326 Lagasse Georgia Pacific SofPull Center-Pull Hand Towels, 4 Rolls (GPC281-43) 4326 GPC 281-43 13.60 28143 Center-Pull Hand Towels
A cost-effective alternative to full-size towels, SofPull Center-Pull Towels are ideal for use in high traffic restrooms. These center-pull paper towels from Georgia Pacific individually dispense fully open and ready to use. Each SofPull sheet delivers the right amount of thick and absorbent toweling to handle hand-drying or any size clean-up with ease. These one-ply paper towels dispense one at a time, helping to cut down on waste. The center-pull feature allows the user to to touch only the towel they are using, minimizing the risk of cross contamination. These high capacity 560-sheet rolls are ideal for high volume areas and extended service intervals, saving you costly maintenance time. SofPull Center-Pull Paper Towels are ideal for use in washrooms, kitchens, general manufacturing and healthcare facilities. Stock up today on these high quality towels your customers and employees will appreciate!
Georgia Pacific SofPull Center-Pull Hand Towels, 1-Ply, 560 Sheets per Roll, 4 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 60.45 46.11 79.24 GPC28143.JPG paper product, paper products, hand towel, hand towels, paper towel, paper towels, SofPull High-Capacity Center-Pull Hand Towel Roll, GPC 281-43, GPC28143 1 1 0 0 1 48
4327 Lagasse SofPull High-Capacity Touchless Center-Pull Paper Towel Dispenser (GPC582-01) 4327 GPC 582-01 3.00 58201 SofPull Touchless Center-Pull Paper Towel Dispenser
We often forget how easily germs can spread, especially in high traffic public restrooms. This touchless paper towel dispenser minimizes the risk of contamination after hand washing by eliminating the need to push a button that has been touched by countless strangers. Along with it's sanitation benefits, this touchless easy pull towel dispenser makes for "one-at-a-time" dispensing which reduces waste, and saves you money on paper towels. Know when it is time to refill by making use of it's innovative low paper indicator triggers. Holds up to 520 hand towels, perfect for any high-traffic facility. 10.5" wide x 9.75" deep x 10" high. Holds up to 520 hand towels.
Georgia Pacific High-Capacity SofPull Center-Pull Towel Dispenser, Translucent Smoke, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 23.36 17.82 31.97 GPC58204.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, SofPull High-Capacity Center-Pull Towel Dispenser, GPC 582-04, GPC58204, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
4328 Lagasse Georgia Pacific SofPull Jr. Center-Pull Hand Towels, 8 Rolls (GPC28125) 4328 GPC 281-25 13.00 28125 Center-Pull Hand Towels
A cost-saving alternative to ordinary paper towels, these center-pull towels from Georgia Pacific are ideal for high volume restrooms. The SofPull towels dispense one at a time and the center pull feature prevents cross-contamination as the user only touches the towel they are using. These premium, one-ply paper towels open completely as soon as they are pulled from the roll. The one at a time dispensing helps to cut down on waste by preventing users from taking multiples towels that may not be needed. Soft and absorbent, these quality paper towels are a great option for hand drying or cleaning up messes in the kitchen. Designed to be used with a compatible center-pull towel dispenser that mounts to the wall, these SofPull paper towels are perfect for any location short on space. With an easy to load, self threading design, you can load these towels into a dispenser and forget about them until refills are needed. These convenient, high quality paper towels are must have for your home or business. Stock up today!
Georgia Pacific 1-Ply Premium Grade SofPull Jr. Center-Pull Hand Towels, 275 Sheets per Roll, 8 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 53.67 40.93 72.31 GPC28125.JPG paper product, paper products, hand towel, hand towels, paper towel, paper towels, SofPull Jr. Capacity Center-Pull Hand Towel Roll, GPC 281-25, GPC28125, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
4330 Lagasse SofPull Regular-Capacity Center-Pull Hand Towels, 6 Rolls (GPC28124) 4330 GPC 281-24 11.90 28124 Regular-Capacity SofPull Center-Pull Hand Towels
Designed to cut down on cross contamination, these center-pull towels enable individuals to touch only the hand towel they will use. These towels provide easy one-hand dispensing, eliminating the need for a lever, which often is just one more source of germs. Ideal for the restroom or kitchen in any commercial or office environment. Soft, thick, and absorbent, these sheets dispense fully open, and dry effectively with less waste. One-ply premium grade. White. 7.8 x 15 sheet size. 1,920 towels per case.
Georgia Pacific Grade SofPull Regular-Capacity Center-Pull Hand Towels, 1-Ply, 320 Sheets per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 54.27 41.39 71.06 GPC28124.JPG paper product, paper products, hand towel, paper towels, hand towels, paper towel, SofPull Regular-Capacity Center-Pull Hand Towel Roll, GPC 281-24, GPC28124, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
4331 Lagasse SofPull Regular-Capacity Center-Pull Towel Dispenser (GPC582-04) 4331 GPC 582-04 2.50 58204 SofPull Center Pull Towel Dispenser
This touchless dispensing minimizes the risk of cross-contamination. Providing a one-at-a-time dispensing system that reduces waste, this innovative low paper indicator triggers ensure timely refilling. Easy-to-load, self-threading design. Providing the most hygienic way to dry your hands on the market today, the Georgia Pacific Regular-Capacity SofPull Center-Pull Hand Towel Dispenser is the healthy hand drying choice. Offering a completely touchless dispensing system, this process cuts the amount of germs spread in a kitchen or bathroom location down dramatically. Just simply tear off a sheet of paper towel and the interior sensor activates to present another! Durable plastic construction. Ideal for steady-use areas. Holds 320 hand towels (GPC 281-24, sold separately). 9.25" wide x 8.75" deep x 11.5" high.
Georgia Pacific Regular-Capacity SofPull Center-Pull Hand Towel Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 23.20 13.76 30.31 GPC58201.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, SofPull Regular-Capacity Center-Pull Towel Dispenser, GPC 582-01, GPC58201 1 1 0 0 1 48
4332 Lagasse Chix Soft Cleaning Cloth, 1,200 Cloths (CHI8007) 4332 CHI 8007 18.50 8007 Chix Soft Cleaning Cloths
Soft, nonabrasive, medium-duty cloth can be used for general cleaning tasks, yet is gentle enough for use on hands and face. Absorbent and durable. Reusable. White, 13" x 15" cleaning cloth. 40 cloths per bag; 30 bags per case (1,200 cloths).
Chix Cleaning Cloth, 1,200 Cleaning Cloths per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Cleaning Cloth - The wholesale cleaning products company buyers trust.
Chicopee 190.89 145.59 251.48 CHI8007.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, Soft Cloth, CHI 8007, CHI8007 1 1 0 0 1 19
4333 Lagasse Soft Goods Kit for Tank Sprayers (RLF1910SGV) 4333 RLF 1910SGV 0.20 1910SGV Soft Goods Kit for Tank Sprayers
Replacement parts for Tank Sprayers RLF 1973, RLF 1972, RLF 1971, RLF 1992A and RLF 1963VI (sold separately). Industrial-type liquid sprayers with multiple applications: masonry, pest control, carpet cleaning, waterproofing, degreasing. Use with herbicides, insecticides, stain removers, cleaning agents, other chemicals. Not for spray painting.
Rl Flo-Master Soft Goods Kit for All Sprayers, 1 Kit, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rl Flo-Master 7.48 5.71 10.21 RLF1910SGV.JPG soft goods kit, RLF 1910SGV, RLF1910SGV, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, sprayer, sprayers, sprayer parts, sprayer part, tank parts 1 1 0 0 1 88
4335 Lagasse Soft Scrub® Lemon Cleanser, 26-oz. Bottle (DIA00865) 4335 DIA 00865 16.75 00865 Provides the same micro-abrasive cleaning power as regular Soft Scrub® Liquid Cleanser, but without bleach. Gently removes tough stains, soap scum and mildew. Cleans dirt and grime without harsh scratching. Safely cleans virtually any hard surface including pots and pans, countertops, tubs and sinks, vinyl siding and more. Contains EPA Registered disinfectants. Biodegradable and phosphate-free. Lemon scent.
SOFT SCRUB LIQUID LEMON DEGRS CLNR BTL 9/26 OZ Dial Professional 34.76 26.51 45.17 DIA00865.JPG Soft Scrub Lemon Cleanser, 26-oz. Bottle DIA 00865, DIA00865, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 30
4336 Lagasse Soft Scrub Liquid Cleanser with Bleach Disinfectant, 9 Bottles (DIA01602) 4336 DIA 01602 16.60 01602 Soft Scrub Liquid Cleanser with Bleach Disinfectant
Soft Scrub Antibacterial with Bleach takes on tough cleaning jobs like grease, dirt, mold, mildew and soap scum without damaging household surfaces. This liquid cleanser provides a deep clean for sinks, countertops, toilets, ceramic tile, drains, shower heads and much more. Tough on dirt without harsh scratching, Soft Scrub with Bleach starts disinfecting on contact, killing 99.9% of household germs. This unique powerful formula works hard leaving behind nothing but a sparkling scratch-free surface and a healthy environment for friends, family and employees.
Dial Soft Scrub Liquid Cleanser with Bleach Disinfectant, 24 oz. Bottle, 9 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 36.01 27.47 48.04 DIA01602.JPG soft scrub liquid cleanser with bleach disinfectant, DIA 01602, DIA01602, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
4337 Lagasse Soft Scrub Liquid Cleanser with Bleach Disinfectant, 6 Bottles per Case, 36-oz. Bottle (DIA15519) 4337 DIA 15519 15.00 15519 Soft Scrub Liquid Cleanser with Bleach Disinfectant
Tough on dirt without harsh scratching. Removes stains and soap scum. Ideal for sinks, countertops, toilets, ceramic tile, drains, shower heads, glass doors, fountains,ceramic tubs, surround tubs, faucets and many other areas that have that discolored water marks, stains or build up. Excellent for any area that needs germs controlled. EPA Registered disinfectant formula.
Soft Scrub disinfectant bathroom and kitchen cleaner with bleach, 6 - 36oz. bottles per case. - The wholesale disinfectant supply company Buyers Trust.
Dial Professional 31.98 24.39 41.79 DIA15519.JPG Soft Scrub, Soft Scrub Cleanser, Soft Scrub Creme Cleanser, Soft Scrub Liquid Cleanser with Bleach Disinfectant, 6 Bottles per Case, 36-oz. Bottle DIA 15519, DIA15519, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
4339 Lagasse Softsoap 800-ml Hand Soap Dispenser, Smoke Gray (CPC01946) 4339 CPC 01946 1.25 01946 Softsoap 800 ml Hand Soap Dispenser
Gentle manual push-bar, designed to fit curves of the hand, delivers exactly the right amount of soap. Clean looking smoke gray plastic housing, clear view window to monitor soap level. Easy to change Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap "Bag-in-a-Box" 800-ml refills. 5-1/4" wide x 3-7/8" deep x 10" high.
Softsoap 800-ml Hand Soap Dispenser, Smoke Gray Finish, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 9.02 6.54 11.76 CPC01946.JPG softsoap 800 ml hand soap dispensers, CPC 01946, CPC01946, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
4340 Lagasse Softsoap Antiseptic Hand Soap 800-ml Refill (CPC01926) 4340 CPC 01926 23.90 01926 Softsoap Antiseptic Hand Soap
Softsoap's clinically tested Antiseptic Hand Soap meets healthcare personnel hand wash requirement. Contains 0.5% of the de-germing agent PCMX. (NSF/USDA Classification E4).
SoftSoap Antiseptic Hand Soap, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Softsoap Soap System »
Colgate - Palmolive 50.21 37.21 68.32 CPC01926.JPG antiseptic hand soap, softsoap, CPC 01926, CPC01926, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
4341 Lagasse Softsoap Moisturizing Hand Soap with Aloe, 800-ml Refill (CPC01924) 4341 CPC 01924 23.90 01924 Softsoap Lotion Hand Soap
Economical, rich-lathering soap with built-in moisturizers and emollients; maintains skin’s natural pH. NSF/USDA Classification E4.
Softsoap Moisturizing Hand Soap with Aloe, 800-ml Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
800-ml Soap Systems » Softsoap Soap System » Colgate - Palmolive 47.84 36.49 63.18 CPC01924.JPG moisturizing hand soap with aloe, softsoap, CPC 01924, CPC01924, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
4348 Lagasse Sol-Vex Large Nitrile Gloves, 1 Pair (ANS37185L) 4348 ANS 37185L 0.60 117300 Large Sol-Vex Nitrile Gloves
The ideal choice for nitrile gloves, Ansell Sol-Vex Nitrile Embossed Large Gloves, come in at 22 Mil. Thick, and 18 Inches long. Perfect for chemical processing, oil refining, food processing and more. These high-performance nitrile compound gloves provides quality strength an unmatched chemical resistance, and a fully embossed surface texture for improved grip. Sol-Vex Nitrile Embossed Large Gloves won't swell, weaken or degrade even when exposed to aromatic and petroleum solvents, as well as caustics and animal fats. FDA Compliant.
Ansell Sol-Vex Nitrile Embossed Gloves, Size Large, Sandpatch Grip, Green, 22 Mil Thick, 18" Long, Sold as 1 Pair - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Ansell 8.96 6.74 11.92 ANS37185L.JPG nitrile gloves, exam gloves, gloves, ANS 37185L, ANS37185L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
4349 Lagasse Sol-Vex Nitrile Gloves Medium (ANS37185M) 4349 ANS 37185M 0.58 117299 For chemical processing, oil refining, food processing and more. High-performance nitrile compound provides strength and chemical resistance. Embossed surface texture improves grip. Gloves won't swell, weaken or degrade—even when exposed to aromatic and petroleum solvents, as well as caustics and animal fats. FDA Compliant. 18in length. Green. 22 mils thick.
Medium Gloves 22 Mil 18" Nitrile Embossed 12 Pair per Case. Ansell 10.21 6.90 13.36 ANS37185M.JPG Sol-Vex Nitrile Flock-Lined Gloves, Medium Size ANS 37185M, ANS37185M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
4350 Lagasse Sol-Vex Small Nitrile Gloves, 1 Pair (ANS37185S) 4350 ANS 37185S 0.40 117298 Small Nitrile Gloves
Ansell Sol-Vex Nitrile Embossed Small Gloves are the ideal choice for nitrile gloves. Coming in one pair of 22 Mil. Thick, and 18 Inches long gloves, Sol-Vex Nitrile Embossed Small Gloves are perfect for chemical processing, oil refining, food processing and more. Known for being the highest-performance nitrile compound gloves available, these small sized gloves provides quality strength and unmatched chemical resistance. Due to their fully embossed surface texture for improved grip, Sol-Vex Nitrile Embossed Small Gloves won't swell, weaken or degrade—even when exposed to caustics, animal fats, aromatic and petroleum solvents. FDA Compliant.
Ansell Sol-Vex Nitrile Embossed Gloves, Size Small, Sandpatch Grip, Green, 22 Mil Thick, 18" Long, Sold by the Pair - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Ansell 9.05 6.90 12.25 ANS37185S.JPG nitrile gloves, exam gloves, gloves, ANS 37185S, ANS37185S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
4351 Lagasse 1-oz. Lids for Solo Souffle Portion Cup, 5,000 Lids (SCCPL1) 4351 SCC PL1 8.00 PL1-0090 Lids for 1-oz. Solo Souffle Portion Cup
Recessed, no slot lid. Clear. For use with the Solo 1-oz portion cup. Seamless, flat-top design. Cup hugging lip ensure secure attachment. Slightly raised rim enables stable stacking. 50 sleeves of 100 lids per case.
Solo 1 oz Lid for Souffle Portion Cup, 50 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 5,000 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 58.14 40.70 78.43 SCCPL1.JPG Souffle Portion Cup Lids, 1-oz. Cup SCC PL1, SCCPL1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4352 Lagasse 2-oz. Lids for Solo Souffle Portion Cup, 2,500 Lids (SCCPL2) 4352 SCC PL2 8.00 PL2-0090 Lids for Solo 2-oz. Souffle Portion Cup
Include condiments in your take out or delivery by putting a lid on your 2 ounce cups. These Solo Cup brand lids are recessed and have no slot in the lid. Cup hugging lip ensures secure attachment. They are clear so its easier to identify the contents of your container (sold separately). Clear plastic. 25 Sleeves of 100 Lids.
Solo Cup Lid for 2-oz. Souffle Portion Cup, 25 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 2,500 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 38.46 26.92 50.97 SCCPL2.JPG souffle portion cup lids, 2-oz. cup, souffle lids, portion cup lids, SCC PL2, SCCPL2, restaurant supplies, food service supplies 1 1 0 0 1 141
4353 Lagasse Lid for 3.25 to 5.5-oz. Solo Souffle Portion Cups, 2,500 Lids (SCCPL4) 4353 SCC PL4 11.80 PL4-0090 Lids for Solo Souffle/Portion 3.25 to 5.5-oz. Cups
Recessed, no slot lid. Clear. For use with the Solo 1-oz portion cup. Seamless, flat-top design. Cup hugging lip ensure secure attachment. Slightly raised rim enables stable stacking. 25 sleeves of 100 lids per case.
Solo Lid for 3.25 - 5.5 oz Souffle Portion Cups, 25 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 2,500 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 60.36 42.25 81.18 SCCPL4.JPG soufflé/portion cup lids, SCC PL4, SCCPL4 1 1 0 0 1 141
4356 Lagasse Spic and Span All-Purpose Floor Cleaner, 12 - 27-oz. Boxes (PGC31973) 4356 PGC 31973 23.80 08056 Powder formula removes dirt and greasy soil without stripping off wax.
Procter and Gamble Professional 102.66 78.30 134.37 PGC31973.JPG Spic and Span All-Purpose Floor Cleaner, 12 Boxes per Case, 27-oz. Box PGC 31973, PGC31973, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
4357 Lagasse Spic and Span Disinfecting All-Purpose Spray & Glass Cleaner, Gallon Bottles (PGC31241) 4357 PGC 31241 27.40 60319 Spic and Span Disinfecting All-Purpose Spray & Glass Cleaner
Simplifies cleaning. Cleans and disinfects multiple surfaces. Dries streak-free. Hospital-grade disinfectant. Excellent for use in break rooms, kitchens, cafeterias, restaurants, nursing home rooms and hallways, hospital rooms and hallways, schools and more.
Spic & Span Hospital Grade All Purpose Spray & Glass Cleaner, 3 Gallon Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 39.70 30.28 53.18 PGC31241.JPG spic and span disinfecting all-purpose spray & glass cleaner, PGC 31241, PGC31241, cleaner, disinfectant, all-purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, all-purpose disinfectants 1 1 0 0 1 80
4358 Lagasse Spic and Span Disinfecting All-Purpose Spray & Glass Cleaner, 8 Bottles (PGC31240) 4358 PGC 31240 19.26 60243 Spic and Span Disinfecting All-Purpose Cleaner
Spic and Span helps simplify your cleaning tasks. Gone are the days when you need multiple cleaning products to clean all of the surfaces in your home or business. This all purpose cleaner saves you money by serving as a glass cleaner, all-purpose cleaner and disinfecting cleaner in one convenient spray bottle! The unique formula in Spic and Span helps to dissolve greasy soils for an easy wipe-up, leaving surfaces streak-free and disinfected. It has proven effective against Influenza A2, RSV, Herpes Type 1 and 2 and HIV-1. This hospital-grade disinfectant, bactericide, fungicide, virucide and deodorizer is ideal for use in nursing homes, hospitals, cafeterias, restaurants, break rooms and residential homes.
Spic and Span Disinfecting All Purpose Spray and Glass Cleaner, 32-oz. Spray Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 46.47 35.44 62.72 PGC31240.JPG spic and span disinfecting all-purpose spray & glass cleaner, PGC31240, glass cleaner, all purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, disinfectant, cleaners, disinfectants 1 1 0 0 1 80
4359 Lagasse Spic and Span Disinfecting All-Purpose Spray & Glass Cleaner Concentrate, 2 Gallons (PGC32538) 4359 PGC 32538 16.68 XX 67451 SPIC and SPAN Glass and All Purpose Cleaner
Powerful three-in-one cleaning formula replaces separate all-purpose cleaner, glass cleaner and disinfectant. Provides streak-free cleaning and disinfecting, dissolving greasy soils for easy cleanup. Hospital-grade disinfectant kills germs. Concentrated 15x dilutable formula. EPA Registered.
Spic & Span Concentrate Glass & Surface Cleaner 2/1 Gallon Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 93.64 71.42 122.04 PGC32538.JPG Spic and Span Disinfecting All-Purpose Spray and Glass Cleaner Concentrate, PGC 32538, PGC32538 1 1 0 0 1 80
4360 Lagasse Spic and Span Liquid Floor Cleaner, 3 - 1 Gallon Containers per Case (PGC02001) 4360 PGC 02001 31.40 08807 Spic and Span Concentrated Liquid Floor Cleaner
Cuts tough grease on quarry tile and is a versatile multipurpose cleaner for floors, walls, tables, food-contact surfaces, and restrooms. Dual-surfactant system emulsifies greasy soils and suspends them so they can be removed. High builder level helps remove grimy tracked-in dirt and delivers excellent cleaning in hard water. Noncorrosive mildly alkaline formula balances tough cleaning power with employee safety. Concentrated liquid use 3 fl. oz. per 4-gallon bucket for quarry tile floors. Can be used with chlorine bleach. Classified by UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC., as to slip resistance only 43R9. Economical concentrated formula.
Spic and Span Concentrated Liquid Floor Cleaner, 3/1 Gallon Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 69.73 53.18 92.13 PGC02001.JPG spic and span liquid floor cleaner, PGC 02001, PGC02001 1 1 0 0 1 80
4361 Lagasse Spic and Span® Liquid Floor Cleaner Packets, 45 Packets per Case, 3-oz. Packet (PGC02011) 4361 PGC 02011 11.20 07032 Concentrated formula in a convenient packet. UL Classified for slip resistance.
Procter and Gamble Professional 30.29 23.10 39.73 PGC02011.JPG Spic and Span Liquid Floor Cleaner Packets, 45 Packets per Case, 3-oz. Packet PGC 02011, PGC02011, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
4362 Lagasse Spic and Span with Bleach Floor Cleaner Packets, 45 Packets per Case, 2.2-oz. Packet (PGC02010) 4362 PGC 02010 6.80 07050 Spic and Span with bleach floor cleaner cuts through tough, greasy soils. Cleans and deodorizes floors, walls, restrooms, tables and countertops, mop heads, and rags and does not contain phosphates. Contains chlorine bleach and is a heavy-duty powdered floor and multi surface cleaner with the well-known power of chlorine bleach. Buy Spic and Span with bleach today!
Dilution Ratio - 1 packet for every 4 gallons of water.
Spic & Span Heavy Duty Powder Floor Cleaner with Bleach- 2.2 oz packets, 45 packets per case.
Procter and Gamble Professional 34.30 26.16 45.62 PGC02010.JPG Spic and Span with Bleach Floor Cleaner Packets, 45 Packets per Case, 2.2-oz. Packet PGC 02010, PGC02010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
4364 Lagasse Sports Towel (CHI8470) 4364 CHI 8470 13.60 8470 Sports Towels
These sports towels are soft, absorbent, light-duty cloths that are gentle enough for personal use, yet durable enough to clean sports equipment. Each white wiper is 14" x 24" in sheet size. 100 towels per pack, and 6 packs per case (for a total of 600 towels).
Sports Towels. White. 14" x 24" sheet size. 100 towels per pack. 6 packs per case.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Personal Care Wipes Chicopee 113.72 86.70 148.48 CHI8470.JPG wipers, wipes, rags, cleaning cloth, sports cleaning cloths, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Sports Towel, CHI 8470, CHI8470 1 1 0 0 1 19
4367 Lagasse Spot Shot 18-oz. Instant Carpet Stain Remover, 12 Aerosol Cans (WDC009989) 4367 WDC 009989 17.30 009989 Spot Shot Carpet Cleaner and Stain Remover
Spot Shot is know for its ability to remove stains easily without ever having to scrub or vacuum. Removes both oil based and water based stains. Spot Shot is great for removing stains caused by pets, soda, coffee, wine, greasy food, ink, make up and much more. It is effective on both new and old stains and also deodorizes!
WD40 Spot Shot Professional Carpet Stain Remover, 18 oz Can, 12 Cans per case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. WD40 71.65 54.65 93.97 WDC009989.JPG spot shot professional instant carpet stain remover, WDC 009989, WDC009989, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 114
4368 Lagasse Spray n’ Wash Stain Remover, 12 Trigger Spray Bottles (REC00230) 4368 REC 00230 21.42 62338-00230 Spray N Wash Stain Remover
Spray N Wash Stain Remover is Specially formulated with powerful stain-fighting ingredients that penetrate and eliminate the toughest stains. Due to its powerful cleaning formula, there's no need to worry about staying clean. With its advanced stain fighting formula, Spray N Wash Stain Remover can tackle the toughest stains with ease. Ideal for dirt and grass stains, spaghetti sauce, red wine and more.Safe for all colorfast washables, works in all temperatures.
Reckitt Benckiser Spay N Wash Stain Remover Spray, 22-oz. Trigger Sprayer Bottles, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 43.78 25.97 59.36 REC00230.JPG spray n wash, spray and wash, spray n wash stain remover, spray n wash stain spray, REC 00230, REC00230 1 1 0 1 1 86
4369 Lagasse SprayerOnABelt (Patented) (UNGSOABG) 4369 UNG SOABG 0.80 SOABG SprayerOnABelt.
Color-coding simplifies training and prevents cross-contamination
Ergonomically designed tool Hooks on belt to transfer weight from back and arms.
Flexible hose extends trigger 3 feet.
Sprays upside down.
Includes SmartColor Decal Kit (red, yellow, blue, green) for customization. Polypropylene.
Use with SmartColor MicroWipes (UNG MF40R/UNG MF40Y, sold separately). 33-oz. bottle (1 liter).
SPRAYONABELT 3FT EXT BTL 5/33 OZ Unger 22.88 16.87 30.10 UNGSOABG.JPG SprayerOnABelt Patented UNG SOABG, UNGSOABG, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
4370 Lagasse Spring Grip Handle (UNS609) 4370 UNS 609 2.17 UNS 609 Spring action securely locks mop head in place. Rust-resistant, zinc-plated 1/4in wire. 1-1/8 diameter x 60 double-lacquered ramin wood handle will not warp. Fits most mop heads.
SPR ING GRIP MOP HNDL 60 INX1.13 DIA WOOD 12 Unisan 13.24 10.10 17.40 UNS609.JPG Spring Grip Handle UNS 609, UNS609, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4371 Lagasse Spring Platform Cube Truck, Black (RCP4611BLA) 4371 RCP 4611 BLA 70.00 4611 00 BLACK Metal frame design provides durable support for commercial waste or laundry collection up to 500 lbs. or 14 cubic feet. Features a spring platform that brings contents to a convenient working level. The platform is covered with easy-to-clean plastic laminate; spring assembly covered by protective heavy-duty white vinyl. 44-1/8l x 31w x 32-1/2h. Shpg. wt. 60 lbs. (Cannot ship UPS.)
LNDRY & WASTE SPRING PLATFORM TRUCK 500 LB BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 504.78 385.00 657.72 RCP4611BLA.JPG Spring Platform Cube Truck, Black RCP 4611 BLA, RCP4611BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
4372 Lagasse Spun Bonded Bouffant, FDA Food Code 2-402.11 Hair Restraints, White (IMP7387W21) 4372 IMP 7387W21 0.70 7387W21 Essential for food processing and handling areas, hospitals, labs and manufacturing facilities. FDA Accepted. Large (21in) size. 100 hair restraints per bag.
HAIRNET LG SPUN-BONDED WHI 100 Impact 4.15 3.17 5.65 IMP7387W21.JPG Spun Bonded Bouffant, FDA Food Code 2-402.11 Hair Restraints, White IMP 7387W21, IMP7387W21, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
4374 Lagasse Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish 20-oz. Aerosol Cans (DYM20920) 4374 DYM 20920 18.00 A209 Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish
Cleans, polishes and preserves the high luster of stainless steel. Removes water marks, grease, film and fingerprints from stainless steel, aluminum, chrome, copper and brass. Water-based formula leaves behind an invisible protective finish. Excellent for use on cars, kitchen appliances, bikes, boats, tools, gadgets, stainless steel furniture, door knobs and many more stainless steel surfaces.
Stainless steel cleaner & polish, 12/20 oz cans per case. - The wholesale stainless steel polish supply company Buyers Trust.
Itw Dymon 66.35 50.38 90.01 DYM20920.JPG stainless steel polish, stainless steel cleaner, stainless steel cleaner & polish, 20-oz. Aerosol Can, DYM 20920, DYM20920, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
4375 Lagasse Sheila Shine Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish, 12 Cans (SSI1) 4375 SSI 1 11.00 SSI 1 Removes greasy film and water marks. Resists fingerprints and streaking. Preserves the surface against deterioration. Also works on Formica, porcelain, fiberglass, enamel, plastic, leather and furniture. NSF/USDA Classification A7.
Sheila Shine Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish, 10-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case Shiela Shine 103.77 59.80 140.88 SSI1.JPG Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish, Aerosol, 12 Cans per Case, 10-oz. Aerosol Can SSI 1, SSI1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 98
4376 Lagasse Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish, Gallon, 4 Gallons per Case, Gallon Can (SSI4) 4376 SSI 4 35.80 SSI 4 Removes greasy film and water marks. Resists fingerprints and streaking. Preserves the surface against deterioration. Also works on Formica®, porcelain, fiberglass, enamel, plastic, leather and furniture. NSF/USDA Classification A7. (Cannot ship UPS.)
SHEILA SHINE SS CLNR & POLISH GL 4/1 GL Shiela Shine 128.41 74.00 170.95 SSI4.JPG Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish, Gallon, 4 Gallons per Case, Gallon Can SSI 4, SSI4, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 98
4377 Lagasse Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish, Quart, 12 Cans per Case, Quart Can (SSI2) 4377 SSI 2 28.60 SSI 2 Removes greasy film and water marks. Resists fingerprints and streaking. Preserves the surface against deterioration. Also works on Formica®, porcelain, fiberglass, enamel, plastic, leather and furniture. NSF/USDA Classification A7.
SHEILA SHINE SS CLNR & POLISH QT 12/1 QT Shiela Shine 107.25 81.80 143.87 SSI2.JPG Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish, Quart, 12 Cans per Case, Quart Can SSI 2, SSI2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 98
4378 Lagasse Bobrick Stainless Steel Dual Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser (BOB2888) 4378 BOB 2888 4.90 B-2888 Dual Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser
Spend less time refilling toilet tissue when you have the Bobrick Stainless Steel Dual Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser. This dispenser holds two standard toilet tissue rolls up to 5 ¼” diameter, and the second toilet paper toll automatically drops into place when the bottom paper roll has been depleted. The Satin-finished stainless steel design features heavy duty spindles and a theft-resistant locking mechanism. Endorsed by commercial janitorial services, maid services and cleaning professionals everywhere! This dispenser measures 6 1/16” wide x 5 15/16” deep x 11” high. The Bobrick Surface Mounted Multi-Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser is ideal for use in schools, nursing homes, offices, manufacturing facilities, day care centers and more.
Bobrick Surface Mounted Dual Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser, Satin Finish Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Bobrick 58.20 44.39 77.27 BOB2888.JPG dual roll toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispenser, bobrick toilet paper dispenser, stainless steel toilet paper dispenser, stainless steel toilet paper roll dispensers, bobrick stainless steel dual roll toilet paper dispenser, BOB 2888, BOB2888, toilet paper dispenser 1 1 0 0 1 13
4380 Lagasse Stainless Steel One-Step Cleaner & Polish, 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottles (SMP18300) 4380 SMP 18300 30.00 18300 Stainless Steel One-Step Cleaner & Polish
Ready-to-use, high-tech formula for cleaning and maintaining high-end chrome and stainless steel appliances, sinks, fixtures, counters and more. Removes smudges, fingerprints and water stains, and protects from spills and daily wear and tear. Wipes clean for a deep luster and leaves behind an antistatic surface that resists dust, fingerprints, water spots and smudges. Nontoxic, no petroleum distillates, bio- and abio-degradeable formula doesn’t build up on surfaces so it’s ideal for everyday use and safer for use around children, pets, elderly, co-workers and family. Environmentally conscious.
Simple Green Stainless Steel Cleaner, 32 oz. Bottles, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Simple Green 70.53 53.79 96.13 6723.jpg stainless steel one-step cleaner & polish, SMP 18300, SMP18300, janitorial supplies, cleaning products, polish, stainless steel cleaner, stainless steel polish 1 1 0 0 1 99
4382 Lagasse Stainless Steel Single-Box Glove Dispenser (SANG0801) 4382 SAN G0801 2.40 G0801 Single-Box Glove Dispenser
Provide the ease and availability of disposable gloves, this spring-loaded dispenser is the perfect combination of efficiency savings. Perfect for a wide range of commercial and industrial applications, this high quality glove dispenser provides an easy to stock, store and grab capability that is key in any commercial or industrial setting. Great for food handling and preparation environments, assembly and manufacturing work locations, and labs. Coming with a design that "hugs” the inserted glove box for the available best fit. This quality dispenser also comes with keyholes for easy wall mounting, and a 20-gauge steel brushed finish. 5-1/2" x 3-3/4" x 10" dimensions.
San Jamar Single-Box Glove Dispenser 5.5" x 10" x 3.75" Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 56.90 43.40 76.23 SANG0801.JPG rubber glove dispensers, stainless steel glove dispenser, single box glove dispenser, glove dispenser, SAN G0801, SANG0801, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
4383 Lagasse Stainless Steel Pull-Type Water Cup Dispenser with Hinged Cap (SANC4150SS) 4383 SAN C4150SS 1.20 C4150SS Stainless Steel Water Cup Dispenser
This is a wall-mount style that is top-loading and gravity-fed for cone or flat-bottom cups. This cup dispenser is self-adjusting which eliminates cup damage. Holds 90, 3- to 4-1/2-oz. cone or 3- to 5-oz. flat-bottom cups.
San Jamar Stainless Steel Small Pull-Type Water Cup Dispenser w/ Hinged Flip-Cap, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 17.71 13.51 23.74 SANC4150SS.JPG Stainless Steel Small Pull-Type Water Cup Dispenser with Hinged Flip-Cap SAN C4150SS, SANC4150SS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
4384 Lagasse 5 Gallon Stainless Steel Wipe Dispenser Stand w/ Waste Container (TXLL65) 4384 TXL L65 35.00 2XL-65 Wipe Dispenser Stand with Waste Container
This fashionable and convenient 5 gallon stainless steel stand combines a wipe dispenser with a waste container all in one unit. Complete with a waste container for easy disposal, this sleek, stainless steel container/dispenser combo offers a safe and affordable way to dispense and dispose of sanitary wipes, wet wipes and hand care wipes. The solid, heavy gauge steel construction is designed for heavy use and handling, making this a perfect all in one unit for high traffic areas. The smudge-resistant glazed finish ensures that fingerprints will remain nearly invisible. This handy, all-in-one waste container/wipe dispenser is ideal for commercial, residential and industrial environments.
2 XL Corporation Wipes Dispenser With Waste Container, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 2XL Corporation 411.56 299.96 556.74 TXLL65.JPG trash can, garbage can, waste container, stainless steel wipe dispenser stand, stainless steel wipe dispenser stand, TXL L65, TXLL65 1 1 0 0 1 193
4385 Lagasse Stainless Steel Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser (BOB4221) 4385 BOB 4221 2.80 B-4221 Stainless Steel Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser
This high quality stainless steel toilet seat cover dispenser is a quick and easy way maintain a sanitary and safe bathroom environment. Created to hold and dispense toilet seat covers, this quality dispenser allows for a one at a time dispensing ability. With sanitation in mind, this center pull formatted dispenser is an effective germ and bacteria deterrent. Holds one pack of 250-count, single-fold or half-fold toilet seat covers (sold separately). Fills easily from bottom. 15-3/4" wide x 2-3/16" deep x 11-1/4" high.
Bobrick Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser, Stainless Steel, Satin Finish, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Seat Covers & Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Bobrick 82.38 62.83 108.91 BOB4221.JPG toilet seat cover dispenser, toilet seat cover dispensers, stainless steel toilet seat cover dispenser, BOB 4221, BOB4221 1 1 0 0 1 13
4386 Lagasse Bobrick Classic Stainless Steel Paper Towel Dispenser (BOB262) 4386 BOB 262 4.80 B-262 C-Fold Towel and MultiFold Paper Towel Dispenser
Coming in a space-saving design, the Bobrick Classic c-fold and multi-fold paper towel dispenser dispenses 400 c-folds or 525 multi-fold paper towels measuring 3-1/8 inch x 3-13/16 inch, without adjustment or adapters. This quality paper towel dispenser holds multi-fold and c-fold towels with no adjustments needed for either type of towel. Providing an easy towel removal process that reduces multiple dispensing. This easy to use dispenser comes with cabinet slots that indicate when refills are needed. Satin finish. Door has tumbler lock and piano hinge. 10-3/4" wide x 4" deep x 14" high.
Bobrick Classic Satin Stainless Steel Hand Towel Dispenser, Each
Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Paper Towel Dispensers » C-Fold - Multifold Paper Towel Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Bobrick 57.75 34.26 76.26 BOB262.JPG paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, stainless steel paper towel dispenser, BOB 262, BOB262 1 1 0 0 1 13
4387 Lagasse 23 Gallon, Stainless Steel/Black, Medical Waste Step-On Trash Can (RCP6146-87BLA) 4387 RCP 6146-87 BLA 18.75 614687 23 Gallon Step-On Medical Waste Trash Can
This trash can is the perfect trash can for hospitials or anywhere where medical waste originates. This 23 gallon, stainless steel, heavy duty, trash can comes complete with an extra-large foot pedal for handsfree sanitary use (a helpful feature when it comes to dealing with medical waste). Integrated with a slow-close lid that reduces noise as well as helps keep odors and bacteria concealed.
-*Assists in complying with OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 “Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens.”
-23 Gallon Capacity
-Dimensions: 22-3/4"long x 20-1/3"wide x 27-1/3"high
-Shipping weight: 18.75 lbs
23 Gallon Medical Waste Step-On Trash Can, Stainless Steel & Black Pastic
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 298.93 228.00 396.12 RCP614687BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, medical waste step-on trash can, RCP 6146-87 BLA, RCP614687BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4389 Lagasse Sta-Kleen™ Runner, Black (CROSKR36BLA) 4389 CRO SKR36 BLA 216.00 SKR0036BK Provides ergonomic comfort in tough industrial environments. Wide-rib vinyl surface with PVC foam backing is easy to clean and resists normal acids, alkalis, oils, grease and most organic solvents. Round rib surface for easy sweeping. Beveled edges increase safety, reduce the risk of tripping. Manufacturer’s limited three-year warranty. Overall thickness 1/8in. 36in x 105 ft. Shpg. wt. 211 lbs.
STA-KLEEN MAT 3' X 105' X 1/8in BLA Ludlow Composites Corp. 342.64 261.33 453.63 CROSKR36BLA.JPG Sta-Kleen Runner, Black CRO SKR36 BLA, CROSKR36BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
4390 Lagasse Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 500 ft. (BWK7100) 4390 BWK 7100 4.00 7100BW 14 micron thickness. One roll in cutter box per case.
FOIL STD RL 12X500 Boardwalk Paper 20.38 15.54 27.15 BWK7100.JPG Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 500 ft. BWK 7100, BWK7100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
4391 Lagasse Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 1,000 ft. (BWK7102) 4391 BWK 7102 7.50 7102BW 14 micron thickness. One roll in cutter box per case.
FOIL STD RL 12X1000 Boardwalk Paper 26.75 20.40 35.17 BWK7102.JPG Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 1,000 ft. BWK 7102, BWK7102, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
4392 Lagasse Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 500 ft. (BWK7104) 4392 BWK 7104 6.00 7104BW 14 micron thickness. One roll in cutter box per case.
Boardwalk Paper 19.34 14.75 26.04 BWK7104.JPG Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 500 ft. BWK 7104, BWK7104, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4393 Lagasse Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 1,000 ft. (BWK7106) 4393 BWK 7106 11.00 7106BW 14 micron thickness. One roll in cutter box per case.
FOIL STD RL 18X1000 Boardwalk Paper 40.03 30.53 54.63 BWK7106.JPG Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 1,000 ft. BWK 7106, BWK7106, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
4394 Lagasse Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 1,000 ft. (REY615) 4394 REY 615 15.00 615 For use in cooking, serving and freezing. Standard cutting edge. One roll per case.
REYNOLDS STD RL FOIL 18X1000 Reynolds Food Packaging 65.04 45.53 86.39 REY615.JPG Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 1,000 ft. REY 615, REY615, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 87
4395 Lagasse Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 500 ft. (REY614) 4395 REY 614 7.00 614 For use in cooking, serving and freezing. Standard cutting edge. One roll per case.
REYNOLDS STD RL FOIL 18X500 Reynolds Food Packaging 28.97 20.28 38.74 REY614.JPG Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 18in x 500 ft. REY 614, REY614, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 87
4396 Lagasse Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 1,000 ft. (REY611) 4396 REY 611 9.80 611 For use in cooking, serving and freezing. Standard cutting edge. One roll per case.
REYNOLDS STD RL FOIL 12X1000 Reynolds Food Packaging 38.19 26.73 49.61 REY611.JPG Standard Aluminum Foil Rolls, 12in x 1,000 ft. REY 611, REY611, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 87
4397 Lagasse Premiere 20" Red Scrubbing Pads, 5 Floor Pads (PAD4020RED) 4397 PAD 4020 RED 5.06 54644 20" Red Scrubbing Pads
Perfect for commercial cleaning crews, janitorial companies, and commercial businesses, Premiere Pads 20" Red Scrubbing Pads are an essential tool in ensuring a clean and fresh floor. The ideal tool for scrubbing, the Premiere Pads 20" Red Scrubbing Pads come five pads in a case. These high quality scrubbing pads measure 20 inches in diameter, and are crafted to be as easy to use as they are to change. Premiere Pads 20" Red Scrubbing Pads allow for quick removal and application, whenever a pad needs changing. Designed to be used at a low/standard speed, these quality floor pads work best on floors needing a quality scrub. Red scrubbing pads, coming 5 Red floor pads per case.
Premiere Pads 20" Red Floor Pads, 5 Pads per Case – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 19.66 14.99 26.30 PAD4020RED.JPG standard floor pads, red scrubbing pads, 20 in red scrubbing pads, scrubbing pads, floor pads, PAD 4020 RED, PAD4020RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4398 Lagasse Premiere 20" White Polishing Pads, 5 Floor Pads (PAD4020WHI) 4398 PAD 4020 WHI 5.06 54659 20" White Polishing Pads
The ideal tool for polishing, Premiere Pads 20" White Polishing Pads are perfect for commercial cleaning crews, janitorial companies, and commercial businesses. An essential tool in ensuring a clean and fresh floor, Premiere Pads 20" White Polishing Pads allow for quick removal and application, whenever a pad needs changing. Designed to be used at a low/standard speed, these quality floor pads work best on floors needing a quality polish. Coming five pads to a case, these high quality polishing pads measure 20 inches in diameter, and are crafted to be as easy to use as they are to change. White polishing pads, coming 5 white floor pads per case.
Premiere Pads 20" White Floor Pads, 5 Polishing Pads per Case – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 20.11 14.99 26.19 PAD4020WHI.JPG standard floor pads, white polishing pads, 20 in white polishing pads, polishing pads, scrubbing pads, floor pads, PAD 4020 WHI, PAD4020WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4399 Lagasse 21" Black Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pads (PAD4021BLA) 4399 PAD 4021 BLA 5.59 54600 Five pads per case.
STD FLR STRIP PAD 21 IN BLA 5 Premiere Pads 21.95 16.74 28.56 PAD4021BLA.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad, 21in Diameter PAD 4021 BLA, PAD4021BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4400 Lagasse 21" Red Buffing Pads, Red Floor Pads (PAD4021RED) 4400 PAD 4021 RED 5.59 54645 Five pads per case.
STD FLR BUFF PAD 21 IN RED 5 Premiere Pads 21.95 16.74 29.62 PAD4021RED.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad, 21in Diameter PAD 4021 RED, PAD4021RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4401 Lagasse 24" White Polishing Pads, Floor Buffing Pads (PAD4024WHI) 4401 PAD 4024 WHI 4.84 54663 Five pads per case.
STD FLR POLISH PAD 24 IN WHI 5 Premiere Pads 32.41 24.21 42.75 PAD4024WHI.JPG Standard Floor Pads, White Polishing Pad, 24in Diameter PAD 4024 WHI, PAD4024WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4402 Lagasse 21" White Polishing Pads, Floor Buffing Pads (PAD4021WHI) 4402 PAD 4021 WHI 5.59 54660 Five pads per case.
STD FLR POLISH PAD 21 IN WHI 5 Premiere Pads 22.75 16.74 30.40 PAD4021WHI.JPG Standard Floor Pads, White Polishing Pad, 21in Diameter PAD 4021 WHI, PAD4021WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4403 Lagasse 12" Black Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pads (PAD4012BLA) 4403 PAD 4012 BLA 1.78 54591 12" Black Floor Stripping Pads
Premier 12" black floor pads. Aggressive open celled black pads perfect for top scrubbing and stripping waxed and finished floors. Economical floor stripping pads that work in conjunction with floor scrubbing and floor stripping cleaners to clean even the dirtiest floors. Five black strip pads per case.
Premier Black Floor Stripping Pads, 12 " Black Floor Pads, 5 Floor Pads per Case.
Premiere Pads 9.04 6.89 11.78 PAD4012BLA.JPG 12" black floor stripping pads, 12" black strip pads, 12" black pads, 12" black floor strip pads, PAD 4012 BLA, PAD4012BLA 1 1 0 0 1 79
4404 Lagasse 12" Red Buffing Pads, Red Floor Pads (PAD4012RED) 4404 PAD 4012 RED 2.50 54636 12" Red Floor Buffing Pads
Premier 12" Red Floor Buffing Pads. Five red floor pads per case.
Standard Floor Buffing Pads, Red, 12" Diameter, 5 pads per case - The wholesale floor pad supply company buyers trust.
Premiere Pads 9.04 6.89 12.35 PAD4012RED.JPG 12" red floor pads, 12 inch red floor pads, 12" red floor buffing pads, PAD 4012 RED, PAD4012RED 1 1 0 0 1 79
4405 Lagasse 12" White Floor Polishing Pads, White Floor Buffing Pads (PAD4012WHI) 4405 PAD 4012 WHI 2.50 54651 12" White Floor Pads
Premier 12 inch white floor polishing pads. Five floor pads per case.
Standard Floor Polishing Pads, 12" White Pads, 5 Polishing Pads per Case.
Premiere Pads 9.30 6.85 12.50 PAD4012WHI.JPG 12" white floor pads, 12" white floor polishing pads, 12 inch diameter white floor pads, PAD 4012 WHI, PAD4012WHI 1 1 0 0 1 79
4406 Lagasse 13" Black Stripping Pads, Standard Floor Pads (PAD4013BLA) 4406 PAD 4013 BLA 2.43 54592 Black Stripping Pad for heavy-duty stripping. Five pads per case.
13" Black Floor Strip Pads, 5 per Case Premiere Pads 10.30 7.86 13.58 PAD4013BLA.JPG 13" Black Stripping Pads, 13" Black Strip Pads, Black Floor Pads, Standard Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad, 13in Diameter PAD 4013 BLA, PAD4013BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4407 Lagasse 13" Blue Floor Pads, Scrubbing Floor Pads (PAD4013BLU) 4407 PAD 4013 BLU 2.50 54622 Five pads per case.
STD FLR SCRUB PAD 13 IN BLU 5 Premiere Pads 10.30 7.86 14.05 PAD4013BLU.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Blue Scrubbing Pad, 13in Diameter PAD 4013 BLU, PAD4013BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4408 Lagasse 13" Green Scrubbing Pads, Green Floor Pads (PAD4013GRE) 4408 PAD 4013 GRE 2.50 54607 Five pads per case.
STD FLR SCRUB PAD 13 IN GRE 5 Premiere Pads 10.30 7.86 13.47 PAD4013GRE.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Green Scrubbing Pad, 13in Diameter PAD 4013 GRE, PAD4013GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4409 Lagasse 13" Red Buffing Pads, Red Floor Pads (PAD4013RED) 4409 PAD 4013 RED 2.50 54637 Five pads per case.
STD FLR BUFF PAD 13 IN RED 5 Premiere Pads 10.30 7.86 13.97 PAD4013RED.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad, 13in Diameter PAD 4013 RED, PAD4013RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4410 Lagasse 13" White Polishing Pads, Floor Buffing Pads (PAD4013WHI) 4410 PAD 4013 WHI 2.50 54652 Five pads per case.
STD FLR POLISH PAD 13 IN WHI 5 Premiere Pads 10.68 7.96 13.96 PAD4013WHI.JPG Standard Floor Pads, White Polishing Pad, 13in Diameter PAD 4013 WHI, PAD4013WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4411 Lagasse 14" Black Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pads (PAD4014BLA) 4411 PAD 4014 BLA 2.72 54593 Five pads per case.
STD FLR STRIP PAD 14 IN BLA 5 Premiere Pads 11.67 8.90 15.44 PAD4014BLA.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad, 14in Diameter PAD 4014 BLA, PAD4014BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4412 Lagasse 14" Blue Floor Pads, Scrubbing Floor Pads (PAD4014BLU) 4412 PAD 4014 BLU 2.69 54623 Five pads per case.
STD FLR SCRUB PAD 14 IN BLU 5 Premiere Pads 11.67 8.90 15.42 PAD4014BLU.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Blue Scrubbing Pad, 14in Diameter PAD 4014 BLU, PAD4014BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4413 Lagasse 14" Red Buffing Pads, Red Floor Pads (PAD4014RED) 4413 PAD 4014 RED 2.69 54638 Five pads per case.
STD FLR BUFF PAD 14 IN RED 5 Premiere Pads 11.67 8.90 15.86 PAD4014RED.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad, 14in Diameter PAD 4014 RED, PAD4014RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4414 Lagasse 14" White Polishing Pads, Floor Buffing Pads (PAD4014WHI) 4414 PAD 4014 WHI 2.69 54653 Five pads per case.
STD FLR POLISH PAD 14 IN WHI 5 Premiere Pads 12.13 9.25 16.44 PAD4014WHI.JPG Standard Floor Pads, White Polishing Pad, 14in Diameter PAD 4014 WHI, PAD4014WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4415 Lagasse 15" Black Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pads (PAD4015BLA) 4415 PAD 4015 BLA 2.72 54594 Five pads per case.
STD FLR STRIP PAD 15 IN BLA 5 Premiere Pads 12.85 9.80 17.17 PAD4015BLA.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad, 15in Diameter PAD 4015 BLA, PAD4015BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4416 Lagasse 15" Red Buffing Pads, Red Floor Pads (PAD4015RED) 4416 PAD 4015 RED 2.69 54639 Five pads per case.
STD FLR BUFF PAD 15 IN RED 5 Premiere Pads 12.53 9.56 16.69 PAD4015RED.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad, 15in Diameter PAD 4015 RED, PAD4015RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4417 Lagasse 15" White Polishing Pads, Floor Buffing Pads (PAD4015WHI) 4417 PAD 4015 WHI 2.69 54654 Five pads per case.
STD FLR POLISH PAD 15 IN WHI 5 Premiere Pads 13.33 9.80 17.71 PAD4015WHI.JPG Standard Floor Pads, White Polishing Pad, 15in Diameter PAD 4015 WHI, PAD4015WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4418 Lagasse 16" Black Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pads (PAD4016BLA) 4418 PAD 4016 BLA 3.44 54595 Five pads per case.
STD FLR STRIP PAD 16 IN BLA 5 Premiere Pads 13.95 10.64 18.77 PAD4016BLA.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad, 16in Diameter PAD 4016 BLA, PAD4016BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4419 Lagasse 16" Blue Floor Pads, Scrubbing Floor Pads (PAD4016BLU) 4419 PAD 4016 BLU 3.44 54625 Five pads per case.
STD FLR SCRUB PAD 16 IN BLU 5 Premiere Pads 13.95 10.64 18.49 PAD4016BLU.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Blue Scrubbing Pad, 16in Diameter PAD 4016 BLU, PAD4016BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4420 Lagasse 16" Green Scrubbing Pads, Green Floor Pads (PAD4016GRE) 4420 PAD 4016 GRE 3.40 54610 Five pads per case.
STD FLR SCRUB PAD 16 IN GRE 5 Premiere Pads 13.95 10.64 18.36 PAD4016GRE.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Green Scrubbing Pad, 16in Diameter PAD 4016 GRE, PAD4016GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4421 Lagasse 16" Red Buffing Pads, Red Floor Pads (PAD4016RED) 4421 PAD 4016 RED 3.40 54640 Five pads per case.
STD FLR BUFF PAD 16 IN RED 5 Premiere Pads 13.95 10.64 18.15 PAD4016RED.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad, 16in Diameter PAD 4016 RED, PAD4016RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4422 Lagasse 16" White Polishing Pads, Floor Buffing Pads (PAD4016WHI) 4422 PAD 4016 WHI 3.40 54655 Five pads per case.
STD FLR POLISH PAD 16 IN WHI 5 Premiere Pads 14.73 11.23 19.80 PAD4016WHI.JPG Standard Floor Pads, White Polishing Pad, 16in Diameter PAD 4016 WHI, PAD4016WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4423 Lagasse 17" Red Buffing Pads, 5 Pads (PAD4017RED) 4423 PAD 4017 RED 3.79 54641 17" Red Buffing Pads
Perfect for commercial janitorial crews, cleaning companies, cleaning services, and commercial businesses; Premiere Pads 17" Red Scrubbing Pads are an indispensable tool for keeping a clean and fresh floor. Ideal for spray buffing, these high-quality red buffing pads clean when the floor is damp and buff when dry. Easily removes scuff marks, Premiere Red Buffing Pads come with five pads per case, and measure 17 inches in diameter. Designed to quickly and easily be swapped out, Premiere Pads allow for quick removal and application when a pad needs changing. 17” red polishing pads, 5 pads per case.
Premiere 17" Red Standard Floor Buffing Pads, 5 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 15.41 11.75 20.09 PAD4017RED.JPG standard floor pads, red buffing pad, 17in red floor pads, 17" red floor pads, 17" red buffing pads, PAD 4017RED, PAD4017RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4424 Lagasse 17" Black Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pads (PAD4017BLA) 4424 PAD 4017 BLA 3.79 54596 Five pads per case.
STD FLR STRIP PAD 17 IN BLA 5 Premiere Pads 15.41 11.75 20.11 PAD4017BLA.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad, 17in Diameter PAD 4017 BLA, PAD4017BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4425 Lagasse 17" Blue Floor Pads, Scrubbing Floor Pads (PAD4017BLU) 4425 PAD 4017 BLU 3.75 54626 Five pads per case.
STD FLR SCRUB PAD 17 IN BLU 5 Premiere Pads 15.41 11.75 20.71 PAD4017BLU.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Blue Scrubbing Pad, 17in Diameter PAD 4017 BLU, PAD4017BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4426 Lagasse Premiere 17" Green Scrubbing Pads, 5 Floor Pads (PAD4017GRE) 4426 PAD 4017 GRE 3.75 54611 17" Green Floor Pads
Perfect for heavy-duty scrubbing or light stripping, the Premiere Pads 17" Green Scrubbing Pads are ideal for wood floors. Coming five pads in a case, these high quality scrubbing pads measure 17 inches in diameter. Crafted to be as easy to use as they are to change, Premiere Pads 17" Green Scrubbing Pads allow for quick removal and application, whenever a pad needs changing. Designed to be used at a low/standard speed, these quality floor pads work best on floors needing a heavy-duty scrub. Perfect for commercial cleaning crews, janitorial fleets, and commercial businesses, Premiere Pads 17" Green Scrubbing Pads are an essential tool in ensuring a clean and fresh floor. Green scrubbing pads, coming 5 green floor pads per case.
Premiere Pads 17" Green Floor Pads, 5 Pads per Case. – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 15.41 11.75 20.11 PAD4017GRE.JPG standard floor pads, green scrubbing pads, 17 in green scrubbing pads, scrubbing pads, floor pads, PAD 4017 GRE, PAD4017GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4427 Lagasse 17" High-Performance Stripping Pads, Black Stripping Floor Pads (PAD4017HIP) 4427 PAD 4017 HIP 3.85 54585 Five pads per case.
STD HI-PERFORM STRIP PAD 17 IN 5 Premiere Pads 20.90 15.94 27.40 PAD4017HIP.JPG Standard Floor Pads, High-Performance Stripping Pad, 17in Diameter PAD 4017 HIP, PAD4017HIP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4428 Lagasse 18" Black Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pads (PAD4018BLA) 4428 PAD 4018 BLA 4.25 54597 Five pads per case.
STD FLR STRIP PAD 18 IN BLA 5 Premiere Pads 16.76 12.78 22.37 PAD4018BLA.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad, 18in Diameter PAD 4018 BLA, PAD4018BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4429 Lagasse 18" Blue Floor Pads, Scrubbing Floor Pads (PAD4018BLU) 4429 PAD 4018 BLU 4.25 54627 Five pads per case.
STD FLR SCRUB PAD 18 IN BLU 5 Premiere Pads 16.56 12.63 22.05 PAD4018BLU.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Blue Scrubbing Pad, 18in Diameter PAD 4018 BLU, PAD4018BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4430 Lagasse 18" Green Scrubbing Pads, Green Floor Pads (PAD4018GRE) 4430 PAD 4018 GRE 4.25 54612 Five pads per case.
STD FLR SCRUB PAD 18 IN GRE 5 Premiere Pads 16.56 12.63 21.93 PAD4018GRE.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Green Scrubbing Pad, 18in Diameter PAD 4018 GRE, PAD4018GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4431 Lagasse 17" White Polishing Pads, 5 Pads (PAD4017WHI) 4431 PAD 4017 WHI 3.79 54656 17" White Buffing Pads
Ideal for light dry polishing or light water spray for high gloss, the 17" Premiere White Polishing Pads are perfect for polishing wood floors. Coming with five pads per case, these high quality polishing pads measure 17 inches in diameter. Designed to be as simple change as they are to use, Premiere Pads 17" White Polish Pads allow for quick removal and application when a pad needs changing. Removes black marks up to six times faster, which can lead to less energy usage from burnishing equipment. These quality polishing pads are an essential tool in ensuring a clean and fresh floor. Perfect for commercial cleaning crews, janitorial services and commercial businesses. White polishing pads, 5 pads per case.
Premiere Pads 17" Buffing/Polishing Pads, White, 5 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Premiere Pads 18.02 11.75 24.22 PAD4017WHI.JPG standard floor pads, white polishing pads, PAD 4017WHI, PAD4017WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4432 Lagasse 18" Red Buffing Pads, Red Floor Pads (PAD4018RED) 4432 PAD 4018 RED 4.25 54642 Five pads per case.
STD FLR BUFF PAD 18 IN RED 5 Premiere Pads 16.56 12.63 21.61 PAD4018RED.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad, 18in Diameter PAD 4018 RED, PAD4018RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4433 Lagasse 19" White Polishing Pads, Floor Buffing Pads (PAD4019WHI) 4433 PAD 4019 WHI 4.25 54658 Five pads per case.
STD FLR POLISH PAD 19 IN WHI 5 Premiere Pads 18.68 13.60 24.74 PAD4019WHI.JPG Standard Floor Pads, White Polishing Pad, 19in Diameter PAD 4019 WHI, PAD4019WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4434 Lagasse 20" Black Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pads (PAD4020BLA) 4434 PAD 4020 BLA 5.06 54599 Five pads per case.
STD FLR STRIP PAD 20 IN BLA 5 Premiere Pads 20.33 15.51 26.93 PAD4020BLA.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad, 20in Diameter PAD 4020 BLA, PAD4020BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4435 Lagasse 20" Blue Floor Pads, Scrubbing Floor Pads (PAD4020BLU) 4435 PAD 4020 BLU 5.06 54629 Five pads per case.
STD FLR SCRUB PAD 20 IN BLU 5 Premiere Pads 19.66 14.99 26.52 PAD4020BLU.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Blue Scrubbing Pad, 20in Diameter PAD 4020 BLU, PAD4020BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4436 Lagasse 20" Green Scrubbing Pads, Green Floor Pads (PAD4020GRE) 4436 PAD 4020 GRE 5.06 54614 Five pads per case.
STD FLR SCRUB PAD 20 IN GRE 5 Premiere Pads 19.66 14.99 26.62 PAD4020GRE.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Green Scrubbing Pad, 20in Diameter PAD 4020 GRE, PAD4020GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4437 Lagasse 20" High-Performance Stripping Pads, Black Stripping Floor Pads (PAD4020HIP) 4437 PAD 4020 HIP 4.78 54588 Five pads per case.
STD HI-PERFORM STRIP PAD 20 IN 5 Premiere Pads 27.02 20.61 36.48 PAD4020HIP.JPG Standard Floor Pads, High-Performance Stripping Pad, 20in Diameter PAD 4020 HIP, PAD4020HIP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4438 Lagasse 19" Black Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pads (PAD4019BLA) 4438 PAD 4019 BLA 4.25 54598 Five pads per case.
STD FLR STRIP PAD 19 IN BLA 5 Premiere Pads 18.28 13.94 25.03 PAD4019BLA.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Black Stripping Pad, 19in Diameter PAD 4019 BLA, PAD4019BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4439 Lagasse 19" Blue Floor Pads, Scrubbing Floor Pads (PAD4019BLU) 4439 PAD 4019 BLU 4.25 54628 Five pads per case.
STD FLR SCRUB PAD 19 IN BLU 5 Premiere Pads 18.28 13.94 24.43 PAD4019BLU.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Blue Scrubbing Pad, 19in Diameter PAD 4019 BLU, PAD4019BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4440 Lagasse 19" Green Scrubbing Pads, Green Floor Pads (PAD4019GRE) 4440 PAD 4019 GRE 4.25 54613 Five pads per case.
STD FLR SCRUB PAD 19 IN GRE 5 Premiere Pads 18.28 13.94 24.36 PAD4019GRE.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Green Scrubbing Pad, 19in Diameter PAD 4019 GRE, PAD4019GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4441 Lagasse 19" High-Performance Stripping Pads, Black Stripping Floor Pads (PAD4019HIP) 4441 PAD 4019 HIP 4.78 54587 Five pads per case.
STD HI-PERFORM STRIP PAD 19 IN 5 Premiere Pads 24.76 18.88 32.66 PAD4019HIP.JPG Standard Floor Pads, High-Performance Stripping Pad, 19in Diameter PAD 4019 HIP, PAD4019HIP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4442 Lagasse 18" White Polishing Pads, Floor Buffing Pads (PAD4018WHI) 4442 PAD 4018 WHI 4.25 54657 Five pads per case.
STD FLR POLISH PAD 18 IN WHI 5 Premiere Pads 16.97 12.71 22.62 PAD4018WHI.JPG Standard Floor Pads, White Polishing Pad, 18in Diameter PAD 4018 WHI, PAD4018WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4443 Lagasse 19" Red Buffing Pads, Red Floor Pads (PAD4019RED) 4443 PAD 4019 RED 4.25 54643 Five pads per case.
STD FLR BUFF PAD 19 IN RED 5 Premiere Pads 18.50 14.11 24.39 PAD4019RED.JPG Standard Floor Pads, Red Buffing Pad, 19in Diameter PAD 4019 RED, PAD4019RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4444 Lagasse Standard Industrial Tank Sprayer, 1-Gallon Capacity (RLF1971) 4444 RLF 1971 3.00 1971 • Funnel-top sprayers with buna seals • All-polyethylene flow control and discharge Industrial-type liquid sprayers with multiple applications: masonry, pest control, carpet cleaning, waterproofing, degreasing. Use with herbicides, insecticides, stain removers, cleaning agents, other chemicals. Not for spray painting. White translucent polyethylene tank equipped with poly pump handle, reinforced hose and buna seals. Includes polyethylene extension wand with a poly flat-fan nozzle.
STD SPRAYER GL POLYETH TRANSLU WHI Rl Flo-Master 22.04 16.19 29.06 RLF1971.JPG Standard Industrial Tank Sprayer, 1-Gallon Capacity RLF 1971, RLF1971, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 88
4445 Lagasse Standard Industrial Tank Sprayer, 2-Gallon Capacity (RLF1972) 4445 RLF 1972 3.00 1972 Industrial 2-Gallon Tank Sprayer
Coming with a funnel-top sprayer with buna seals, this all-polyethylene flow control and discharge, industrial-type liquid sprayer can handle multiple applications. From masonry, pest control, carpet and cleaning, to waterproofing, and degreasing. This sprayer can be used with herbicides, insecticides, stain removers, cleaning agents, other chemicals. Not for spray painting, this white translucent polyethylene tank is equipped with poly pump handle, reinforced hose and buna seals. Includes polyethylene extension wand with a poly flat-fan nozzle.
Rl Flo-Master Standard Industrial Tank Sprayer, 2-Gallon Capacity, Translucent White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rl Flo-Master 22.31 17.02 29.83 RLF1972.JPG sprayers, industrial sprayer, spray tank, RLF 1972, RLF1972, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 88
4446 Lagasse Standard Industrial Tank Sprayer, 3-Gallon Capacity (RLF1973) 4446 RLF 1973 4.60 1973 Industrial 3-Gallon Capacity Tank Sprayer
Funnel-top sprayer with buna seals. All-polyethylene flow control and discharge Industrial-type liquid sprayer with multiple applications: masonry, pest control, carpet cleaning, waterproofing, degreasing. Use with herbicides, insecticides, stain removers, cleaning agents, other chemicals. Not for spray painting. White translucent polyethylene tank equipped with poly pump handle, reinforced hose and buna seals. Includes polyethylene extension wand with a poly flat-fan nozzle.
Rl Flo Master Industrial Tank Sprayer, 3-Gallon Capacity, Translucent White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rl Flo-Master 24.91 19.00 33.20 RLF1973.JPG standard industrial tank sprayer, sprayer, tank sprayer, RLF 1973, RLF1973, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 88
4448 Lagasse Rubbermaid 50-Gallon Square Recycling Container, Blue (RCP3959-73BLU) 4448 RCP 3959-73 BLU 13.47 3959-73 BLUE Standard Square Recycling Container
Rubbermaid's 50 gallon recycling can provides a crack-resistant plastic container for both indoor use. These blue plastic containers are the perfect addition to any environment where recycling is emphasized. Rubbermaid 50 gallon recycling containers are a sure way to make a positive environmental impact. Coming in a light blue color complete with a “WE RECYCLE” imprint in white. High-capacity collection container for high-volume areas. Bottle Can Recycling Top RCP2791 BLU (sold separately). 19-1/2" Square x 34-1/4"tall. (Cannot ship via UPS).
Rubbermaid 50 Gallon Recycling Container, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 126.19 96.25 165.26 RCP3959-73BLU.jpg recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, Standard Square Recycling Containers, 50-Gallon Container, Blue RCP 3959-73 BLU, RCP395973BLU 1 1 0 1 1 89
4449 Lagasse Rubbermaid 35-Gallon Square Recycling Container, Blue (RCP3958-73BLU) 4449 RCP 3958-73 BLU 9.85 3958-73 BLUE Standard Square Recycling Container
Rubbermaid's 35 gallon recycling can provides a crack-resistant plastic container for both indoor use. These blue plastic containers are the perfect addition to any environment where recycling is emphasized. Rubbermaid 35 gallon recycling containers are a sure way to make a positive environmental impact. Coming in a light blue color complete with a “WE RECYCLE” imprint in white. High-capacity collection container for high-volume areas. Bottle & Can Recycling Top ;RCP2791 BLU (sold separately). 19.5"square x 27-5/8"tall.
Rubbermaid 35 Gallon Recycling Container, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 91.13 69.51 124.03 RCP3958-73BLU.jpg recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, Standard Square Recycling Containers, 35-Gallon Container, Blue RCP 3958-73 BLU, RCP395873BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
4453 Lagasse Steam Table Foil Lids for Half Size Pan, 100 Lids (HFA204930) 4453 HFA 204930 5.50 2049-30-100 Half Size Steam Table Foil Lids
Steam Table Foil Lids are ideal for catering convenience. Superior quality helps accommodate multiple uses such as cooking, transporting, freezing and reheating food. Durable and recyclable. Effective leak control. 12-13/16" x 10-7/16" Size. Fits pans HFA 32035 and HFA 32140, pans sold separately. 100 lids per case.
Handi-Foil Half Size Steam Table Foil Lids, 100 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Handi-Foil Of America 26.59 18.61 36.21 HFA204930.JPG Steam Table Foil Lids, 12-13/16 x 10-7/16 Size HFA 204930, HFA204930, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
4454 Lagasse Full Size Steam Table Foil Lids, 50 Lids (HFA205045) 4454 HFA 205045 7.50 2050-45-50 Full Size Steam Table Foil Lids
Steam table foil lids for full size steam tables. 20-13/16" x 12-7/8". Fits pans HFA 201970, HFA 402070 (sold separately). 50 lids per case.
Handi-Foil Full Size Steam Table Foil Lid, 50 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Handi-Foil Of America 28.67 20.07 38.63 HFA205045.JPG Steam Table Foil Lids, 20-13/16 x 12-7/8 Size HFA 205045, HFA205045, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
4455 Lagasse Steam Table Pans, Full Size, Deep (HFA201970) 4455 HFA 201970 17.00 2019-70-50 Ridged aluminum foil pans are ideal for cooking, transporting, freezing, reheating and serving food.
FULL SZSTEAMTABLE PAN 3-1/8DEEP Handi-Foil Of America 50.71 35.50 65.99 HFA201970.JPG Steam Table Pans, Full Size, Deep HFA 201970, HFA201970, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 130
4456 Lagasse Steam Table Pans, Full Size, Medium (HFA402070) 4456 HFA 402070 15.50 4020-70-50 Full Size Steam Table Pans
Ridged aluminum foil pans are ideal for cooking, transporting, freezing, reheating and serving food.
Lid see SKU: HFA 205045
Steam Table Pans, 12-3/4"x 20-3/4"x 2-3/16", 50 per Case - The cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Handi-Foil Of America 48.94 34.26 65.90 HFA402070.JPG Steam Table Pans, Full Size, Medium HFA 402070, HFA402070, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
4457 Lagasse Half Size Shallow Aluminum Steam Table Pans, 100 Pans (HFA32035) 4457 HFA 32035 8.60 320-35-100 Shallow Half Size Aluminum Steam Table Pans
Ridged aluminum foil pans are ideal for cooking, transporting, freezing, reheating and serving food. 84 fl.oz. capacity. 12-3/4" x 10-3/8" x 1-1/2". Economical and recyclable. 100 pans per case
Handi-Foil Half Size Shallow Aluminum Steam Table Pans, 100 Pans per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Handi-Foil Of America 32.80 22.96 44.07 HFA32035.JPG Steam Table Pans, Half Size, Shallow, HFA 32035, HFA32035, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
4458 Lagasse Half Size Deep Aluminum Steam Table Pans, 100 Pans (HFA32140) 4458 HFA 32140 10.00 321-40-100 Full Size Deep Aluminum Steam Table Pans
Perfect for cooking, transporting, freezing, reheating and serving food, the Handi-Foil of America Steam Aluminum Pans provide a ridged aluminum option for all food service situations. These highly durable foil pans are ideal for hot or cold foods. With increased strength and holding power, these economical and recyclable pans work great for any food presentation or serving circumstance. 120-oz. pans. 12-3/4" x 10-3/8" x 2-1/2" deep, 100 pans per case.
Handi-Foil Half Size Deep Steam Aluminum Pans, 100 Pans per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Handi-Foil Of America 37.34 26.14 50.73 HFA32140.JPG Steam Table Pans, Half Size, Deep HFA 32140, HFA32140, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
4459 Lagasse Steel Folding Chairs, All-Steel Chair (HNNFC01LBG) 4459 HNN FC01LBG 10.40 HONFC01LBG Four chairs per carton.
FLD CHAIR 16.8X16.3X29.3 STEEL BEI 4 Hon Company 102.77 78.38 137.77 HNNFC01LBG.JPG Steel Folding Chairs, All-Steel Chair HNN FC01LBG, HNNFC01LBG, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 55
4460 Lagasse Steel Folding Chairs, Chair with Padded Seat (HNNFC02LBG) 4460 HNN FC02LBG 11.60 HONFC02LBG Four chairs per carton.
FLD CHAIR 16.8X16.3X29.3 STEEL W/ PAD SEAT BEI 4 Hon Company 127.05 96.90 170.02 HNNFC02LBG.JPG Steel Folding Chairs, Chair with Padded Seat HNN FC02LBG, HNNFC02LBG, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 55
4461 Lagasse Steel Janitor Dust Pans, 12in Edge Width (IMP4212) 4461 IMP 4212 1.38 4212 For heavy-duty use. Strong, one-piece construction with corrugated ribs. 20-gauge steel with baked enamel finish. Black.
DUST PAN 12 IN MTL BLA 12 Impact 4.38 3.34 5.94 IMP4212.JPG Steel Janitor Dust Pans, 12in Edge Width IMP 4212, IMP4212, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
4462 Lagasse Steel Janitor Dust Pans, 16in Edge Width (IMP4216) 4462 IMP 4216 2.00 4216 For heavy-duty use. Strong, one-piece construction with corrugated ribs. 20-gauge steel with baked enamel finish. Black.
DUST PAN 16 IN MTL 20 GUAGE 12 Impact 9.37 7.02 12.83 IMP4216.JPG Steel Janitor Dust Pans, 16in Edge Width IMP 4216, IMP4216, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
4463 Lagasse Steel Roller Sponge Mop, Complete (RCP6435BRO) 4463 RCP 6435 BRO 1.40 643500 BRNZ 12in wide cellulose sponge. Front pull lever for mop wringing. Bronze-tone handle with yellow sponge.
STEEL RL SPONGE MOP 12W YEL SPONGE BRNZ HNDL 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 26.75 20.40 35.99 RCP6435BRO.JPG Steel Roller Sponge Mop, Complete RCP 6435 BRO, RCP6435BRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4464 Lagasse Rubbermaid Steel Roller Sponge Mop Head Refill (RCP6436YEL) 4464 RCP 6436 YEL 0.20 643600 YEL Steel Roller Sponge Mop Head
Rubbermaid Steel Roller Sponge Mop Heads are the professional grade refill for Rubbermaid Steel Roller Sponge Mops (sold separately). Rubbermaid Steel Roller refill sponge mops are 12" wide and tear resistant. These quality mops feature synthetic sponges for superior cleaning. Easy change refill snaps on to handle for quick changes. Great for use at home or office. Ideal for linoleum sheet flooring, hardwood floors, vinyl floors, marble, terrazzo and various kinds of resilient and non resilient flooring. 12" wide cellulose sponge. Front pull lever for mop wringing. Bronze-tone handle with yellow sponge.
Rubbermaid Steel Roller Sponge Mop Head Refills, 12" Sponge Head, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 12.32 9.40 16.71 RCP6436YEL.JPG rubbermaid sponge mops, steel roller sponge mop, sponge mops, RCP 6436 YEL, RCP6436YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4465 Lagasse Steel Singlefold Paper Towel Dispenser (SANT1800WH) 4465 SAN T1800WH 4.60 T1800WH Singlefold Paper Towel Dispenser
20-gauge steel with standard key lock. Holds 500 Singlefold paper towels. 10-3/4"wide x 6"deep x 7-1/2"high.
San Jamar Singlefold Paper Towel Dispenser, Steel White, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 28.82 21.98 38.80 SANT1800WH.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, Steel Singlefold Paper Towel Dispenser, SAN T1800WH, SANT1800WH 1 1 0 0 1 92
4466 Lagasse Steel Speed Change Handle, 63-1/2in Length (IMP837) 4466 IMP 837 2.67 837 Steel handle and head with quick-loading latch style swing-away bar. 1-1/8in diameter.
SPD-CHNG MOP HNDL 7 IN HEAD STEEL 12 Impact 13.52 10.31 17.76 IMP837.JPG Steel Speed Change Handle, 63-1/2in Length IMP 837, IMP837, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
4469 Lagasse Rubbermaid Step-On Premium Linen Hamper, 30-Gallon Linen Bag (RCP6300BLA) 4469 RCP 6300 BLA 14.75 6300 00 BLA Premium Linen Hamper Bag
Ideal for areas where medical waste originates, including patient rooms, lab procedure rooms and emergency rooms. Assists in complying with OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 “Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens.” Quiet, heavy-duty, extra-large foot pedal for handsfree sanitary use. Features slow-close integrated lid damper to help keep odors and bacteria from escaping. Durable, impact-resistant plastic and aluminum construction for long life and easy maneuverability. Four quiet casters (two swivel, two fixed locking) for noise-sensitive environments. Requires 30-gallon linen hamper bag (RCP 3650, sold separately). Washable, PVC-lined, leak-resistant bag features zippered front access for easy emptying. Black. Step-On Premium Linen Hamper. Linen Bag sold separately.
Rubbermaid Step-On Premium Linen Hamper, Linen Bag, 30-Gallon Linen Bag, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company that buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 176.36 134.51 232.37 RCP6300BLA.JPG Step-On Premium Linen Hamper, Linen Bag, Black RCP 6300 BLA, RCP6300BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4470 Lagasse Rubbermaid Commercial Premium Step-On Linen Hamper Bag (RCP6350BLA) 4470 RCP 6350 BLA 2.80 6350 00 BLA Premium Linen Hamper Bag
30-gallon linen hamper bag. Washable, PVC-lined, leak-resistant bag features zippered front access for easy emptying. For use with the Rubbermaid Step on Premium Linen Hamper Black. Washable. Color: Black. Complying with OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens.
Rubbermaid Step-On Premium Linen Hamper, Linen Bag, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company that buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 57.97 44.22 76.46 RCP6350BLA.JPG Step-On Premium Linen Hamper, Linen Bag, 30-Gallon Linen Bag RCP 6350 BLA, RCP6350BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4481 Lagasse Stiff Polypropylene Floor Sweep, 24in Size (RCP9B09BLA) 4481 RCP 9B09 BLA 2.20 9B09 BLACK • Plastic block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separately Medium sweep. Long-lasting black polypropylene bristles remove heavy dirt and debris. Trim 2-5/8in.
FLR SWEEPER 24 IN W POLYPRO BRISTLES 12/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 12.59 9.60 16.66 RCP9B09BLA.JPG Stiff Polypropylene Floor Sweep, 24in Size RCP 9B09 BLA, RCP9B09BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4482 Lagasse Stirling Chef Hat, 12 Hats per Case, 10in High (RPPSCH10) 4482 RPP SCH10 2.00 SCH10 Fluted paper features a peel-and-stick adjustable tab. Disposable, lightweight and comfortable. Ready-to-wear—no assembly required. 100% biodegradable. White. Adjustable size. Environmentally conscious.
STIRLING CHEFHAT 10IN 12/CS Royal Paper Products 14.29 10.00 18.76 RPPSCH10.JPG Stirling Chef Hat, 12 Hats per Case, 10in High RPP SCH10, RPPSCH10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
4483 Lagasse Stirling Chef Hat, 15 Hats per Case, 7in High (RPPSCH7) 4483 RPP SCH7 2.00 SCH7 Fluted paper features a peel-and-stick adjustable tab. Disposable, lightweight and comfortable. Ready-to-wear—no assembly required. 100% biodegradable. White. Adjustable size. Environmentally conscious.
STIRLING CHEFHAT 7IN 15/CS Royal Paper Products 15.00 10.50 20.31 RPPSCH7.JPG Stirling Chef Hat, 15 Hats per Case, 7in High RPP SCH7, RPPSCH7, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
4484 Lagasse Stirling Chef Hat, 12 Hats per Case, 9in High (RPPSCH9) 4484 RPP SCH9 21.00 SCH9 Fluted paper features a peel-and-stick adjustable tab. Disposable, lightweight and comfortable. Ready-to-wear—no assembly required. 100% biodegradable. White. Adjustable size. Environmentally conscious.
STIRLING CHEFHAT 9IN 12/CS Royal Paper Products 12.29 8.60 16.47 RPPSCH9.JPG Stirling Chef Hat, 12 Hats per Case, 9in High RPP SCH9, RPPSCH9, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
4485 Lagasse Straight Aquadozer® Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegees, 18in (UNGFP45) 4485 UNG FP45 2.20 FP450 • Use with Unger 61in aluminum handle with three-degree taper (UNG AL14T, sold separately) All-purpose squeegees handle the toughest jobs. Rugged painted frame and cast zinc socket. With replaceable EPDM rubber. Use optional nylon insert UNG FAAI (sold separately) to convert from three-degree tapered socket to Acme threaded socket. With black neoprene rubber.
AQUADOZER H-DTY FLR SQUGE 18 IN NEOPR RBR 6 Unger 20.15 15.33 26.86 UNGFP45.JPG Straight Aquadozer Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegees, 18in UNG FP45, UNGFP45, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
4486 Lagasse Straight Aquadozer® Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegees, 24in (UNGFP60) 4486 UNG FP60 2.20 FP600 • Use with Unger 61in aluminum handle with three-degree taper (UNG AL14T, sold separately) All-purpose squeegees handle the toughest jobs. Rugged painted frame and cast zinc socket. With replaceable EPDM rubber. Use optional nylon insert UNG FAAI (sold separately) to convert from three-degree tapered socket to Acme threaded socket. With black neoprene rubber.
AQUADOZER H-DTY FLR SQUGE 24 IN NEOPR RBR 6 Unger 23.48 16.92 31.02 UNGFP60.JPG Straight Aquadozer Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegees, 24in UNG FP60, UNGFP60, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
4487 Lagasse 30" Straight Aquadozer Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegee (UNGFP75) 4487 UNG FP75 2.80 FP750 30" Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegee
Use with Unger 61in aluminum handle with three-degree taper (UNG AL14T, sold separately) All-purpose squeegees handle the toughest jobs. Rugged painted frame and cast zinc socket. With replaceable EPDM rubber. Use optional nylon insert UNG FAAI (sold separately) to convert from three-degree tapered socket to Acme threaded socket. With black neoprene rubber.
Unger 30" Straight Aquadozer Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegee, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 26.62 19.97 36.23 UNGFP75.JPG Straight Aquadozer Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegees, 30in UNG FP75, UNGFP75, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4488 Lagasse 36" Straight Aquadozer Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegee (UNGFP90) 4488 UNG FP90 3.00 FP900 Heavy Duty Floor Squeegee
This all purpose squeegee can handle even the toughest jobs. Designed to have a rugged painted frame and cast zinc socket with replaceable EPDM rubber. Allows the option to use the nylon insert to convert from 3-dergee tapered socket to Acme threaded socket. Comes with black neoprene rubber.
Unger Aquadozer Heavy Duty Floor Squeegee, 36 inch Neoprene Rubber, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Unger 29.30 22.35 38.39 UNGFP90.JPG Straight Aquadozer Heavy-Duty Floor Squeegees, 36in UNG FP90, UNGFP90, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4491 Lagasse Stretch ’n Dust Cloths, 400 Dust Cloths (CHI0413) 4491 CHI 0413 7.40 0413 Stretch ’n Dust Cloths
Features dust-catching fibers that when stretched, increase dust particle pickup. Also mineral oil-treated for increased dust pickup and enhanced finish with no lint or residue. Microban antimicrobial protection inhibits bacteria growth. UL tested. Ideal for general housekeeping and periodic dusting. Stretch before use to activate dust-catching pockets. Yellow/Orange color.
Chicopee "Stretch n Dust" Dust Cloths, 12.6" x 17", 40 Cloths per Bag, 10 Bags, 400 Cloths per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Chicopee 79.31 60.49 103.35 CHI0413.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Stretch n Dust Cloths, CHI 0413, CHI0413 1 1 0 0 1 19
4492 Lagasse Stretch ’n Dust Cloths, 100 Count Dust Cloth (CHI0416) 4492 CHI 0416 4.90 0416 Features dust-catching fibers that when stretched, increase dust particle pickup. Also mineral oil-treated for increased dust pickup and enhanced finish with no lint or residue. Microban® antimicrobial protection inhibits bacteria growth. UL tested. Ideal for general housekeeping and periodic dusting. Stretch before use to activate dust-catching pockets. Yellow/Orange.
Stretch Dust Cloth, 23.25"x 24" Dust Cloth, 20 Dust Cloth per Bag, 5 Bags per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Dust Cloth Chicopee 41.47 30.41 56.50 CHI0416.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, CHI 0416, CHI0416 1 1 0 0 1 19
4495 Lagasse Structural Foam Tilt Truck, 600-lb. Capacity, Black (RCP1011BLA) 4495 RCP 1011 BLA 90.00 1011 00 BLAC This strucural foam tilt truck is handy for general refuse collection and light-medium material handling. This truck will fit through standard commercial doorways and elevator doors. Its inset, mark-resistant casters will roll smoothly over rough surfaces and thresholds. It is also USDA meat and poultry equipment compliant. The size is 3/4 cubic yard, 64.5 length by 30.25 width by 38 height. This item cannot ship via UPS.
Utility-Duty Structural Foam Tilt Truck. 3/4 cubic yard. Black. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 549.36 419.00 730.32 RCP1011BLA.JPG Structural Foam Tilt Truck, 600-lb. Capacity, Black RCP 1011 BLA, RCP1011BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
4496 Lagasse Structural Foam Tilt Truck, 1,000-lb. Capacity, Black (RCP1013BLA) 4496 RCP 1013 BLA 99.00 1013 00 BLACK For general refuse collection and light to medium materials handling. Fits through standard commercial doorways and onto elevators easily. Inset, mark-resistant casters roll smoothly over thresholds and rough surfaces. USDA MEAT and poultry equipment compliant. 3/4 cubic yard, 64-1/2l x 30-1/4w x 38h. (Cannot ship UPS.)
STD-DTY STRUCT FOAM TILT TRUCK 3/4 CU YD BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 646.38 493.00 863.97 RCP1013BLA.JPG Structural Foam Tilt Truck, 1,000-lb. Capacity, Black RCP 1013 BLA, RCP1013BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
4497 Lagasse Sturdy Chair Youth Seat w/Microban w/Wheels, Platinum (RCP7805-88PLA) 4497 RCP 7805-88 PLA 18.00 7805-88 PLA Microban antimicrobial protection helps prevent the growth of stain- and odor-causing bacteria. Keeps chairs looking new longer. Designed for safety, meets ASTM, TUV and European standards. Attractive contemporary styling complements dining rooms. Stackable design minimizes storage space Built-in Microban antimicrobial protection will not wash or wear off during the life of the chair. Durable, heavy-duty molded plastic construction with platinum color that won’t rust, chip or dent; cleans easily. One-piece T-bar and safety harness safely and comfortably secure child. Convenient handle in backrest for easy, one-handed maneuvering. Use as a youth seat or add Optional Tray RCP 7815-88 PLA (sold separately) for use as a high chair.
Rubbermaid Study Chair Youth Seat High Chair with Wheels, Microban Protection, Platinum, Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 175.03 133.50 233.44 RCP780588PLA.JPG Sturdy Chair Youth Seats with Microban Antimicrobial Protection, With Wheel, Platinum RCP 7805-88 PLA, RCP780588PLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
4499 Lagasse Style Setter Mediumweight Plastic Cutlery, 1,000 Forks (DCCF6BW) 4499 DCC F6BW 5.60 F6BW Mediumweight Disposable Plastic Fork
Perfect for any mealtime gathering, large or small. Engineered for ideal size, balance and strength. Made of unbreakable polypropylene. Resistant to high temperature. White. 1,000 forks per case.
Dart Style Setter Mediumweight Polypropylene Forks, White, 1,000 Forks per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 13.21 9.25 17.17 DCCF6BW.JPG Style Setter Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, Fork DCC F6BW, DCCF6BW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
4500 Lagasse Style Setter Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, Knife (DCCK6BW) 4500 DCC K6BW 7.60 K6BW Dart Cutlery
Style Setter Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery: Knife
Dart sets the industry standard of excellence by efficiently providing high quality foodservice packaging solutions and exceptionally reliable service.
Dart manufactures a broad range of quality single-use products for the foodservice, retail, and food packaging industries, and is the world's largest manufacturer of foam cups. In order to ensure that we provide our customers with consistent product quality and a dependable source of supply, Dart manufactures most of its own production equipment and raw materials. We then turn those raw materials into finished products and use Dart trucks to deliver them to points "across the globe."
Dart's pledge to customer satisfaction does not end with the sale of their cutlery. Dart has forged many long standing business partnerships with the distributor community through ongoing service and support levels that are second to none in the industry. They have also been at the forefront of efforts to recycle polystyrene foam foodservice products, and to inform government, customers, and the public of the facts about polystyrene foam. Top to bottom, Dart stacks up as the proven leader in providing quality, service, and convenience to foodservice markets worldwide.
White, 1,000 pieces per case
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Dart Container 15.96 11.17 21.29 DCCK6BW.JPG Style Setter Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, Knife DCC K6BW, DCCK6BW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
4501 Lagasse Style Setter Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, Teaspoon (DCCS6BW) 4501 DCC S6BW 5.20 S6BW Dart Cutlery
Style Setter Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery: Teaspoon
Dart sets the industry standard of excellence by efficiently providing high quality foodservice packaging solutions and exceptionally reliable service.
Dart manufactures a broad range of quality single-use products for the foodservice, retail, and food packaging industries, and is the world's largest manufacturer of foam cups. In order to ensure that we provide our customers with consistent product quality and a dependable source of supply, Dart manufactures most of its own production equipment and raw materials. We then turn those raw materials into finished products and use Dart trucks to deliver them to points "across the globe."
Dart's pledge to customer satisfaction does not end with the sale of their cutlery. Dart has forged many long standing business partnerships with the distributor community through ongoing service and support levels that are second to none in the industry. They have also been at the forefront of efforts to recycle polystyrene foam foodservice products, and to inform government, customers, and the public of the facts about polystyrene foam. Top to bottom, Dart stacks up as the proven leader in providing quality, service, and convenience to foodservice markets worldwide.
White, 1,000 pieces per case
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Dart Container 14.44 10.11 19.74 DCCS6BW.JPG Style Setter Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, Teaspoon DCC S6BW, DCCS6BW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
4502 Lagasse Suavitel 56-oz. Fabric Softener, Field Flowers, 6 Bottles (CPC39120) 4502 CPC 39120 29.48 39120 Fabric Softener Field Flowers Fresh Scent
There's nothing like the line-dried freshness of clothes hanging in the breeze. Now you can have that outdoor fresh scent every day with Suavitel Field Flowers. Suavitel Field Flowers contains floral essences that give your clothes that special, outdoor freshness, with all the softness your family loves. Softens and freshens clothing. Makes ironing easier. Liquid formula for use in the rinse cycle. Field Flowers fresh scent. Gives your clothes an irresistible softness. Leaves a refreshing line-dried scent. Makes ironing easier do to the moisturizing texture left with the fresh scent.
Colgate - Palmolive Field Suavitel Fabric Softener, Flowers Scent, 56-oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 28.51 21.74 38.15 CPC39120.JPG Suavitel Fabric Softener, 6 Bottles per Case, 56-oz. Bottle CPC 39120, CPC39120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
4503 Lagasse Office Snax Sugar Canisters, 24 Cans (OFS00019) 4503 OFS 00019 34.00 OFX00019 Office Snax Sugar Canisters
Office Snax Sugar is the perfect sweetener condiment for the office and any coffee station. Keeping sugar on hand is a must for the breakroom, coffee room or cafeteria for coffee and tea drinkers. Sold by the case with 24 - 20-oz canisters per case.
Office Snax Sugar Canister, 20-oz. Canister, 24 Canisters per Case
Office Snax 59.39 35.23 80.35 OFS00019.JPG office snax sugar canister, sugar canisters, discount sugar canisters, wholesale sugar canisters, OFS 00019, OFS00019, beige coffee creamer and sugar, bulk office sugar canisters, sugar and creamer canisters, sugar canisters bulk 1 1 0 0 1 74
4504 Lagasse Office Snax Creamer Canisters, 24 Cans (OFS00020) 4504 OFS 00020 22.40 OFX00020 Non Dairy Creamer Canisters
Make every coffee break enjoyable by making sure you always have creamer! Office Snax powder non-dairy creamer canisters are resealable and the perfect size for any office breakroom or coffee room. Enjoy your coffee, buy Office Snax Powder Creamer today!
Office Snax Non Dairy Powder Creamer, 12-oz. Canister, 24 Canisters per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Office Snax 63.71 47.58 83.84 OFS00020.JPG creamer, coffee creamer, creamer canisters, powder coffee creamer, coffee creamer for the office, discount coffee creamer, sugar and creamer canisters, wholesale coffee creamer, wholesale coffee creamer suppliers, OFS 00020, OFS00020, office breakroom supplies 1 1 0 0 1 74
4505 Lagasse Office Snax Sugar Packets (OFS00021) 4505 OFS 00021 9.20 OFX00021 Office Snax Sugar Packets
Sugar Packets, 1,200 packets per carton.
OFFICE SNAX SUGAR PACKETS, 1200 PER CASE Office Snax 27.29 16.19 36.06 OFS00021.JPG sugar packets, OFS 00021, OFS00021 1 1 0 0 1 74
4506 Lagasse Office Snax Creamer Packets (OFS00022) 4506 OFS 00022 5.00 OFX00022 Creamer Packets
Coffee Creamer Packets, 800 packets per case.
Office Snax 25.16 19.19 34.14 OFS00022.JPG creamer packets, coffee packets, OFS 00022, OFS00022 1 1 0 0 1 74
4507 Lagasse Suma Final Step/MC Sanitizer Optifill Dispensing System, 1 - 2.5L Bottle (DRK4603095) 4507 DRK 4603095 5.97 4603095 Suma Final Step MC Sanitizer Optifill Dispensing System
Ideal for use in restaurants, convenience stores and caterers. Easy to use, maintenance-free manual warewashing program delivers accurate dilution without the need for equipment or permanent water connection. No installation/equipment costs. Designed for use in 3-compartment sinks. Highly concentrated formula meets all health department requirements for foodservice equipment sanitation. Specifically designed for effective sanitizing of food plant equipment, work areas and food contact surfaces which have been previously cleaned and rinsed with portable water. Yields a concentration of 200 ppm active quat. Kosher certified. Makes 1,654 gallons.
Suma Final Step MC Sanitizer Optifill Dispensing System, 2.5 Liter Bottle, 1 Bottle per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 59.54 45.41 79.95 DRK4603095.JPG Suma Final Step/MC Sanitizer Optifill Dispensing System, 2.5L Bottle, DRK 4603095, DRK4603095, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
4508 Lagasse Suma Supreme Pot & Pan Detergent Optifill Dispensing System, 1 - 2.5L Bottle (DRK4977476) 4508 DRK 4977476 5.97 4977476 Suma Supreme Pot & Pan Detergent
Ideal for use in restaurants, convenience stores and caterers. Easy to use, maintenance-free manual warewashing program delivers accurate dilution without the need for equipment or permanent water connection. No installation/equipment costs. Designed for use in 3-compartment sinks. Super concentrated, high-active formula offers superior grease-cutting performance and cuts through even the greasiest pots, pans and food prep utensils. Contains biodegradable surfactants for a environment consciousness. Phosphate-free and Kosher certified. Makes 1,654 gallons.
Suma Supreme Pot and Pan Detergent Optifill Dispensing System, 2.5 liter, 1 Bottle per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 78.52 44.58 104.73 DRK4977476.JPG Suma Supreme Pot & Pan Detergent Optifill Dispensing System, DRK 4977476, DRK4977476, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
4511 Lagasse Marcal Sunrise 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 48 Rolls (MAC3001) 4511 MAC 3001 9.20 03001 2-Ply Toilet Tissue
Marcal brand Toilet Paper is embossed with a decorative design for softness and durability. The toilet tissue is virtually lint-free and is safe for all septic systems. Marcal toilet paper rolls are individually wrapped in polycase for much easier handling, unloading and storing. This is also effective for protection from dirt, dust, moisture and water damage. This economical toilet paper is an ideal choice for lodging, office or home use. Marcal Sunrise toilet tissue meets EPA standards, containing 100% recycled material with a minimum of 60% post-consumer. Sunrise toilet paper is two-ply, white and the sheet size is 4.3” x 3.66”. Our full selection of Paper Products will keep your home, office and business clean, safe and stocked. Buy the best toilet paper brands for your home or office here at today!
Marcal Sunrise Toilet Paper, 2-Ply, 240 Sheets per Roll, 48 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Marcal Paper 21.48 14.31 28.49 marcal toilet paper, marcal bathroom tissue, sunrise toilet paper, sunrise bathroom tissue, marcal recycled toilet paper, sunrise bath tissue, sunrise bathroom paper, MAC 3001, MAC3001, toilet paper, bath tissue, toilet tissue, bathoom tissue, wholesale toilet paper, toilet paper rolls 1 1 0 0 1 135
4512 Lagasse Marcal Sunrise Paper Towels, 15 Rolls (MAC610) 4512 MAC 610 7.60 00610 Paper Towels
These kitchen roll towels from Marcal are strong and absorbent, as well as environmentally conscious. These perforated paper towels have no dyes or fragrances added and are whitened without chlorine bleaching. With 100% recycled content and a minimum of 40% post-consumer content, these paper towels meet EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines for recycled content. These two-ply, embossed towels are virtually lint-free, making them perfect for hand-drying or cleaning various surfaces throughout the home or office. Proven not to harm the environment or your wallet, these Marcal Sunrise Paper Towels are ideal for the home, kitchen, cafeteria, shop and even the garage. Stock up today and save!
Marcal Paper Sunrise Perforated Paper Towels, 70 Sheets per Roll, 15 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Marcal Paper 13.19 9.84 17.40 MAC610.JPG kitchen towel, kitchen towels, paper towel, paper towels, paper product, paper products, Sunrise Kitchen Roll Towels, MAC 610, MAC610 1 1 0 0 1 135
4513 Lagasse Super Carpet & Upholstery Shampoo, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (FRKF538022) 4513 FRK F538022 34.00 F538022 Super Carpet & Upholstery Shampoo
CONC SUPER CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLNR 4/1 GL Franklin Cleaning Technology 59.50 44.28 77.43 FRKF538022.JPG Super Carpet & Upholstery Shampoo, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle FRK F538022, FRKF538022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 43
4515 Lagasse Windsoft 12" Jumbo Toilet Paper, 1 Ply, 6 Rolls (WIN201) 4515 WIN 201 24.50 WIN201 1 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper Roll
Our super jumbo toilet paper roll contains twice as much toilet paper compared to a regular junior jumbo roll. It will fit in jumbo roll dispensers and is 3.625” wide, white non-perforated paper. Our part number WIN 201 is the 1 ply version and our WIN 203 is our 2 ply version. The best benefit from our super jumbo toilet paper rolls is that your company or business will save even more time on maintenance and expenses. The main reason is that the super jumbo toilet paper will not need to be changed as often as standard toilet paper rolls or even standard jumbo junior rolls. The jumbo toilet paper products, such as our super jumbo toilet paper, are about two times the size of a standard jumbo junior toilet paper roll. If you are serious about helping to eliminate cost and reduce maintenance expenses then the Windsoft super jumbo toilet rolls from are your best solution.
Windsoft 12" Super Jumbo Roll Toilet Tissue, 1-Ply 4,000 ft per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Windsoft 44.23 33.73 59.44 WIN201.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 1 ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, 1 ply Jumbo Toilet tissue, one ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, one ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, Super Jumbo Roll Toilet Tissue, One-Ply WIN 201, WIN201 1 1 0 0 1 116
4516 Lagasse Windsoft 12" Super JRT 2 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, 6 Rolls (WIN203) 4516 WIN 203 23.15 WIN203 2 Ply Super Jumbo Roll Toilet Paper
Our super jumbo toilet paper roll contains twice as much toilet paper compared to a regular junior jumbo roll. It will fit in jumbo roll dispensers and is 3.625” wide, white non-perforated paper. Our part number WIN 201 is the 1 ply version and our WIN 203 is our 2 ply version. The best benefit from our super jumbo toilet paper rolls is that your company or business will save even more time on maintenance and expenses. The main reason is that the super jumbo toilet paper will not need to be changed as often as standard toilet paper rolls or even standard jumbo junior rolls. The jumbo toilet paper products, such as our super jumbo toilet paper, are about two times the size of a standard jumbo junior toilet paper roll. If you are serious about helping to eliminate cost and reduce maintenance expenses then the Windsoft super jumbo toilet rolls from are your best solution.
Windsoft 12" Super Jumbo 2 Ply Toilet Tissue Roll, 2,000-ft. per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Windsoft 54.17 31.68 71.93 WIN203.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue, WIN 203, WIN203 1 1 0 0 1 116
4517 Lagasse Super Loop Head, Small, Blue Yarn (UNS501BL) 4517 UNS 501BL 0.75 LBI 501BL For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD SM CTTN/SYN BLU 12 Unisan 94.08 68.88 124.02 UNS501BL.JPG Super Loop Head, Small, Blue Yarn UNS 501BL, UNS501BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4518 Lagasse Super Loop Head, Small, Green Yarn (UNS501GN) 4518 UNS 501GN 0.75 LBI 501GN For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD SM CTTN/SYN GRE 12 Unisan 97.21 74.14 130.63 UNS501GN.JPG Super Loop Head, Small, Green Yarn UNS 501GN, UNS501GN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4519 Lagasse Super Loop Head, Small, Orange Yarn (UNS501OR) 4519 UNS 501OR 0.75 LBI 501OR For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD SM CTTN/SYN ORNG 12 Unisan 92.12 69.02 120.80 UNS501OR.JPG Super Loop Head, Small, Orange Yarn UNS 501OR, UNS501OR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4520 Lagasse Super Loop Head, Small, White Yarn (UNS501WH) 4520 UNS 501WH 0.75 LBI 501WH For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD SM CTTN/SYN WHI 12 Unisan 76.45 57.37 103.24 UNS501WH.JPG Super Loop Head, Small, White Yarn UNS 501WH, UNS501WH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4521 Lagasse Super Loop Head, Medium, Blue Yarn, 12 Mop Heads (UNS502BL) 4521 UNS 502BL 1.08 LBI 502BL Blue Yarn Medium Loop Mop Heads
For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
Unisan Super Loop Mop Head, Medium, Blue Yarn, 12 Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 111.92 83.40 148.67 UNS502BL.JPG super loop mop head, medium sized mop heads, blue yarn mop heads, UNS 502BL, UNS502BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4522 Lagasse Super Loop Head, Medium, Green Yarn (UNS502GN) 4522 UNS 502GN 1.08 LBI 502GN For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD MED CTTN/SYN GRE 12 Unisan 114.93 87.66 156.59 UNS502GN.JPG Super Loop Head, Medium, Green Yarn UNS 502GN, UNS502GN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4523 Lagasse Super Loop Head, Medium, Orange Yarn (UNS502OR) 4523 UNS 502OR 1.08 LBI 502OR For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD MED CTTN/SYN ORNG 12 Unisan 114.93 87.66 153.27 UNS502OR.JPG Super Loop Head, Medium, Orange Yarn UNS 502OR, UNS502OR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4524 Lagasse Super Loop Head, Medium, White Yarn (UNS502WH) 4524 UNS 502WH 1.08 LBI 502WH For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD MED CTTN/SYN WHI 12 Unisan 93.16 70.58 123.85 UNS502WH.JPG Super Loop Head, Medium, White Yarn UNS 502WH, UNS502WH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4525 Lagasse Super Loop Head, Large, Blue Yarn (UNS503BL) 4525 UNS 503BL 1.42 LBI 503BL For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD LG CTTN/SYN BLU 12 Unisan 138.99 102.69 184.54 UNS503BL.JPG Super Loop Head, Large, Blue Yarn UNS 503BL, UNS503BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4526 Lagasse Super Loop Head, Large, Green Yarn (UNS503GN) 4526 UNS 503GN 1.42 LBI 503GN For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD LG CTTN/SYN GRE 12 Unisan 139.62 104.40 183.42 UNS503GN.JPG Super Loop Head, Large, Green Yarn UNS 503GN, UNS503GN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4527 Lagasse Super Loop Head, Large, Orange Yarn (UNS503OR) 4527 UNS 503OR 1.42 LBI 503OR For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD LG CTTN/SYN ORNG 12 Unisan 139.62 104.40 184.79 UNS503OR.JPG Super Loop Head, Large, Orange Yarn UNS 503OR, UNS503OR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4528 Lagasse Large Super Loop Yarn Mop Head, White, 12 Mop Heads (UNS503WH) 4528 UNS 503WH 1.42 LBI 503WH Large Super Loop White Yarn Mop Head
For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
Unisan Large Super Loop White Yarn Mop Head, 12 Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 114.55 85.16 153.35 UNS503WH.JPG Super Loop Head, Large, White Yarn UNS 503WH, UNS503WH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4529 Lagasse Super Loop Head, X-Large, Blue Yarn (UNS504BL) 4529 UNS 504BL 24.00 LBI 504BL For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD XL CTTN/SYN BLU 12 Unisan 170.73 127.80 224.30 UNS504BL.JPG Super Loop Head, X-Large, Blue Yarn UNS 504BL, UNS504BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4530 Lagasse Super Loop Head, X-Large, Green Yarn (UNS504GN) 4530 UNS 504GN 1.92 LBI 504GN For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD XL CTTN/SYN GRE 12 Unisan 170.73 125.77 231.22 UNS504GN.JPG Super Loop Head, X-Large, Green Yarn UNS 504GN, UNS504GN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4531 Lagasse Super Loop Head, X-Large, Orange Yarn (UNS504OR) 4531 UNS 504OR 1.92 LBI 504OR For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD XL CTTN/SYN ORNG 12 Unisan 170.73 128.52 226.30 UNS504OR.JPG Super Loop Head, X-Large, Orange Yarn UNS 504OR, UNS504OR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4532 Lagasse Super Loop Head, X-Large, White Yarn (UNS504WH) 4532 UNS 504WH 1.92 LBI 504WH For high-volume usage. Blend of premium four-ply cotton/synthetic yarn covers more floor area by absorbing up to seven times its own weight. Looped ends reduce unraveling and linting. Durable double-sewn tailband. Heavy-duty, 5in vinyl mesh headband. Launderable in a mesh bag. Use with clamp or gripper style mop handles (sold separately). 12 mop heads per case.
SUPER LOOP MOP HEAD XL CTTN/SYN WHI 12 Unisan 148.90 113.57 202.95 UNS504WH.JPG Super Loop Head, X-Large, White Yarn UNS 504WH, UNS504WH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4533 Lagasse Superscope II Non-Ammoniated Floor Stripper, 5 Gallon Cube (FRKF209025) 4533 FRK F209025 47.00 F209025 Non-Ammoniated Floor Stripper
Low-odor, non-ammoniated formula is ideal for use in areas where ammonia odor is a problem, such as hospitals, restaurants, cafeterias, kitchens, nurseries, schools and nursing homes. Powerful stripper removes all types of floor finishes and most sealers. For vinyl, vinyl composition, asphalt, rubber, brick, terrazzo, quarry tile and concrete. Recommended dilution: normal (1:8), extreme build-up (1:4).
Franklin Cleaning Technology Superscope II Floor Stripper, Non-Ammoniated, 5 Gallon Cube, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Franklin Cleaning Technology 36.96 26.88 48.06 FRKF209025.JPG Superscope II Non-Ammoniated Stripper, 5-Gallon Cube, FRK F209025, FRKF209025, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 43
4534 Lagasse Super-Soaker™ Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, Charcoal, 35 x 58 Size (CROSSR035CHA) 4534 CRO SSR035 CHA 12.00 SS R035CH Features rubber reinforced square-block pattern for heavy traffic areas. Raised rubber edging retains dirt and moisture so it’s not tracked into your home or office. Colorfast polypropylene carpet dries quickly and resists crushing. No-slip bottom for a secure grip. Manufacturer’s limited three-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
SUPER-SOAKER MAT 3' X 5' CHA Ludlow Composites Corp. 73.02 55.69 99.48 CROSSR035CHA.JPG Super-Soaker Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, Charcoal, 35 x 58 Size CRO SSR035 CHA, CROSSR035CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
4535 Lagasse Super-Soaker™ Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, Charcoal, 45 x 68 Size (CROSSR046CHA) 4535 CRO SSR046 CHA 15.40 SSR046CH Features rubber reinforced square-block pattern for heavy traffic areas. Raised rubber edging retains dirt and moisture so it’s not tracked into your home or office. Colorfast polypropylene carpet dries quickly and resists crushing. No-slip bottom for a secure grip. Manufacturer’s limited three-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
SUPER-SOAKER MAT 4' X 6' CHA Ludlow Composites Corp. 115.38 88.00 152.64 CROSSR046CHA.JPG Super-Soaker Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, Charcoal, 45 x 68 Size CRO SSR046 CHA, CROSSR046CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
4536 Lagasse Super-Soaker™ Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, Medium Gray, 45 x 68 Size (CROSSR046MGR) 4536 CRO SSR046 MGR 17.00 SS R046MG Features rubber reinforced square-block pattern for heavy traffic areas. Raised rubber edging retains dirt and moisture so it’s not tracked into your home or office. Colorfast polypropylene carpet dries quickly and resists crushing. No-slip bottom for a secure grip. Manufacturer’s limited three-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
SUPER-SOAKER MAT 4' X 6' MGR Ludlow Composites Corp. 116.82 89.10 152.37 CROSSR046MGR.JPG Super-Soaker Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, Medium Gray, 45 x 68 Size CRO SSR046 MGR, CROSSR046MGR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
4537 Lagasse Super-Soaker™ Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, Medium Gray, 35 x 58 Size (CROSSR035MGR) 4537 CRO SSR035 MGR 12.00 SS R035MG Features rubber reinforced square-block pattern for heavy traffic areas. Raised rubber edging retains dirt and moisture so it’s not tracked into your home or office. Colorfast polypropylene carpet dries quickly and resists crushing. No-slip bottom for a secure grip. Manufacturer’s limited three-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
SUPER-SOAKER MAT 3' X 5' MGR Ludlow Composites Corp. 73.02 55.69 98.10 CROSSR035MGR.JPG Super-Soaker Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, Medium Gray, 35 x 58 Size CRO SSR035 MGR, CROSSR035MGR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
4538 Lagasse Super-Sorb Liquid Spill Absorbent, 6 - 12-oz. Shaker Cans (FRS6-14-SS) 4538 FRS 6-14-SS 7.50 6-14-SS-LE-F Super-Sorb Liquid Spills Absorbent
Fresh Products Super-Sorb Absorbent is a sanitary, efficient method of disposing of vomit, blood, urine and other liquid spills on hard surfaces. Simply sprinkle the granular absorbent onto the spills and sweep. Super-Sorb instantly absorbs 60 times its weight, saving on clean-up time. The microbiocide components of Super-Sorb, along with a light lemon scent, help to eliminate odors from spills. This is an excellent product to have on hand for use in grocery stores, restaurants, hospitals, nursing homes, day care facilities and health clinics.
Fresh Products Super-Sorb Liquid Spill Absorbent, Lemon Scent, 12-oz. Shaker Can, 6 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 35.62 26.80 48.79 FRS614SS.JPG super-sorb, liquid spill absorbent, absortbent, FRS 6-14-SS, FRS614SS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
4539 Lagasse Surface-Mounted Liquid Soap Dispenser, Black/Gray (BOB40) 4539 BOB 40 1.00 B-40 Surface-Mounted Liquid Soap Dispenser
The Surface Mounted Liquid Soap Dispenser by Bobrick features a unique water-resistant top, ideal for showers. The smooth, curved design prevents bacteria growth. 40 oz. see-through tank allows easy view of soap level. This dispenser accommodates a wide variety of liquid and lotion soaps, except pumice. Large push bar meets ADA requirements. White.Two-tone styling in black and gray. Push-in valve directs operating pressure toward wall. Corrosion-resistant valve dispenses liquid soaps, lotions and synthetic detergents. Concealed wall fastening.
Bobrick Surface-Mounted Liquid Soap Dispenser, 40-oz. Container, Black/Gray Color, Sold as Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Bobrick 24.58 14.58 32.85 BOB40.JPG Surface-Mounted Liquid Soap Dispenser, Black/Gray BOB 40, BOB40, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 13
4540 Lagasse Surpass Boutique Facial Tissue Boxes, 36 Boxes (KCC21320) 4540 KCC 21320 14.40 21320 Facial Tissue Boxes
Surpass Tissues are a superb combination of value, softness and two-ply strength. Minimum 10% post-consumer waste content. Meets EPA standards with a minimum of 10% post-consumer waste. 2-ply, white. 8.3 x 8.0 tissues. Environmentally conscious.
Kimberly Clark Surpass Facial Tissues, Boutique Box, 110 Tissues per Box, 36 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Facial Tissues - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 60.05 45.80 82.10 KCC21320.JPG surpass tissue, surpass tissues, surpass facial tissues, surpass facial tissue, boutique box, KCC 21320, KCC21320 1 1 0 0 1 65
4541 Lagasse Surpass Facial Tissues, 30 Flat Boxes (KCC21340) 4541 KCC 21340 10.90 21340 Surpass Facial Tissues
Superb combination of value, softness and two-ply strength. Minimum 10% post-consumer waste content. Meets EPA standards with a minimum of 10% post-consumer waste. Two-ply, white. 8.3 x 8.0 tissues. Environmentally conscious.
Kimberly Clark Surpass Facial Tissues, Flat Box, 100 Tissues per Box, 30 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Facial Tissues - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 39.68 28.81 51.90 KCC21340.JPG surpass facial tissue, surpass facial tissues, surpass tissue, surpass tissues, flat box KCC 21340, KCC21340 1 1 0 0 1 65
4543 Lagasse Sweet N Low (OFS50150) 4543 OFS 50150 2.00 OFX50150 Sweet N Low Sweetener
Sweet N Low Sweetener, with saccharin. 400 packets per box. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Office Snax 8.84 6.74 12.10 OFS50150.JPG SweetN Low OFS 50150, OFS50150, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 74
4548 Lagasse Swiffer Dusters with Extendable Handle, 6 Starter Kits (PGC82074) 4548 PGC 82074 3.61 82074 Swiffer Dusters with Extendable Handle
Swiffer Dusters pick up dust and lock it away with thousands of flexible, fluffy fibers and now it features an improved handle that extends three feet, making it easier to clean hard-to-reach places. The fibers that make up this Swiffer Duster are lightly coated with Dust Lock Adhesive and change shape to reach into tight spaces, trapping up to twice as much dust than a dry dust cloth, leaving it sparkling clean. The Extender Handle that comes with this duster has a handle that pivots and locks into four different positions. Each position tackles a different cleaning challenge such as angled surfaces, ceiling fans, wood furniture, cabinet corners, baseboards and crown molding. Each box contains one handle and three dusters. Refill dusters PGC 41767 sold separately.
Proctor and Gamble Swiffer Dusters w/ 3 foot Extended Handle, 1 Handle & 3 Dusters per Box, 6 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 59.26 45.20 79.49 PGC44750.JPG swiffer dusters with extendable handle, PGC 82074, PGC82074, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
4549 Lagasse Swiffer Dusters Refill, 60 Refills (PGC41767) 4549 PGC 41767 2.00 41767 Swiffer Duster Refills
Swiffer Dusters are not your everyday feather duster. Swiffer Dusters trap dirt while regular dry cloths and feather dusters often just let dust fly. With its thousands of flexible fluffy fibers, Swiffer picks up dust and locks it away like no other duster on the market. These fibers have the ability to change shape so they are able to reach into tight spaces and trap up to 2 times more dust than a dry dust cloth. Simply use these handy disposable dusters with the flexible plastic Swiffer Duster handle (sold separately) and use it anywhere dust, dirt and hair are found. If you are looking for a thorough way to clean your home or office, look no further than Swiffer Dusters!
Procter & Gamble Swiffer Duster Refills, 10 Duster Refills per Box, 6 Boxes per Case, 60 Duster Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 54.80 41.80 73.40 PGC41767.JPG swiffer duster, swiffer duster refill, swiffer refill dusters, PGC 41767, PGC41767, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
4550 Lagasse Swiffer Sweeper Max Dry Cloth Refills, 96 Cloths (PGC37109) 4550 PGC 37109 3.20 37109 Swiffer Sweeper Max Dry Cloth Refills
With entangled fibers that trap and hold dirt in place, Swiffer Sweeper Cloths don’t just push dirt around; they get rid of it altogether. These soft, dry, disposable cloths create an electrostatic charge that attracts dust, dirt, hair and other common allergens more thoroughly than a broom on virtually any floor or surface in your home. Swiffer Dry Cloths are not just for cleaning floors! These cloths act as a dust magnet, making them ideal for hand dusting around the house, or for use with the sweeper head for hard-to-reach areas around your home, such as ceiling fans and high corners. We all know how quickly dirt and dust can accumulate. If you are looking for a product that eliminates dust in your home, get some Swiffer Dry Cloths today!
Procter & Gamble Swiffer Sweeper Max Dry Cloth Refills, 16 Cloths per Box, 6 Boxes, 96 Cloths per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 64.59 49.27 87.21 PGC37109.JPG Swiffer Sweeper Dry Refill Cloths, Swiffer Max Dry Refill Cloths, PGC 37109, PGC37109, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
4551 Lagasse Swiffer Sweeper Dry Cloth Refills, 192 Cloths (PGC33407) 4551 PGC 33407 3.00 24240 Swiffer Sweeper Dry Cloth Refills
Swiffer Sweeper Dry Cloth Refills provide a soft, dry, and disposable cleaning option, making them the perfect cleaning tool. These cleaning cloths act like a dust magnet, creating an electrostatic charge that attracts dust, dirt, common allergens and hair. These cloths have entangled microfibers that trap and hold dirt in place, instead of sending it flying around the room like ordinary dusters. Use these handy cloths for hand dusting or with the sweeper head for use on floors or hard-to-reach areas. Swiffer Sweeper Dry Cloth refills leave behind no residue and are safe for use on wood, ceramic and vinyl tile, electronics and other hard surfaces.
Procter & Gamble Swiffer Sweeper Dry Cloth Refills, 32 Cloths per Box, 6 Boxes, 192 Cloths per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 60.43 46.09 82.73 PGC33407.JPG swiffer, swiffer duster, swiffer sweeper, sweeper, sweepers, swiffer refills, swiffer wet refills, house cleaning, swiffer coupon, swiffer sweeper dry refill cloths PGC 33407, PGC33407 1 1 0 0 1 80
4552 Lagasse Swiffer Sweeper Wet Cloths Refill, 144 Cloths (PGC35154) 4552 PGC 35154 25.40 35154 Swiffer Sweeper Wet Cloth Refill
Just when you thought Swiffer Sweeper Wet Cloths could not get any better, they now clean up to 25% better than before. These handy, disposable wet clothes are pre-soaked with an advanced cleaning solution proven to dissolve tough spots, dirt and grime on your floors. Swiffer Wet Cloths clean better than a mop, breaking up tough soils and dried messes quickly and easily. These wet cloths feature a special scrubbing strip specially designed to tackle even the toughest, dirtiest areas on your floor. Swiffer Wet Cloths can be used on all waxable and non-waxable linoleum, vinyl, ceramic and finished wood floors. Buy Swiffer Sweeper Wet Cloths today and start enjoying the natural beauty of your floors! Swiffer Wet Cloths are designed for use with the Swiffer Sweeper (sold separately).
Procter & Gamble Swiffer Sweeper Wet Cloths Refill - 12 Cloths per Box, 12 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 58.96 44.97 79.39 PGC35154.JPG swiffer, swiffer duster, swiffer sweeper, sweeper, sweepers, swiffer refills, swiffer wet refills, house cleaning, swiffer coupon, swiffer sweeper wet refill cloths PGC 35154, PGC35154 1 1 0 0 1 80
4553 Lagasse Swiffer Sweepers, Swiffer Max Sweeper PGC37108 4553 PGC 37108 4.80 37108 Swiffer Sweeper Max
Bring the famous power of Swiffer Sweeper into your home. The Swiffer Max Sweeper uses deep, dirt-grabbing ridges and grooves. These dry cloths pick up 50% more dirt, dust and hair than a broom. You'll notice the difference when you get a great clean on virtually any hard surface. Plus the 360 degree swivel head cleans deeper into corners than a mop or broom, giving you a truly deep great cleaning flexibility. Buy this Swiffer Max Sweeper Kit today!
Great for:
• Hardwood floors and larger spaces
• Pet hair and cages
• Inside closets and around closet shelving
• Walls and baseboards - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Swiffer Sweeper Max Starter Kit- 3 Kits per Case
Procter and Gamble Professional 59.21 45.16 80.27 PGC37108.JPG swiffer max, swiffer sweepers, swiffer max sweeper, PGC 37108, PGC37108, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
4554 Lagasse Swiffer Sweeper Starter Kit (PGC09060) 4554 PGC 09060 4.20 09060 Swiffer Sweeper Starter Kit
With a one-two cleaning punch, Swiffer Sweeper is designed to give you a deep clean on virtually any surface in your home. The mop handle can be used with either wet or dry cloths, while the lightweight swivel head allows you to get into tight corners and hard to reach spaces. The wet cloths give you a more thorough clean, dissolving dirt and grime better than an ordinary mop. The dry cloths are textured to pick up 50% more dirt, dust, and hair than a broom. Plus, the Swiffer Sweeper mop handle breaks down into four parts so you can easily adjust the length for cleaning or storage. Swiffer Sweeper is the ideal product for quick and thorough cleanings around the house. Get the Swiffer Sweeper Starter Kit today and start experiencing the power of the Swiffer!
Procter & Gamble Swiffer Sweeper Starter Kit, 2 Dry Pads, 2 Wet Pads, 3 Sweepers per Case. - The online wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 39.44 30.08 51.52 PGC09060.JPG swiffer, swiffer duster, swiffer sweeper, sweeper, sweepers, swiffer refills, swiffer wet refills, house cleaning, swiffer coupon, PGC 09060, PGC09060 1 1 0 0 1 80
4555 Lagasse Swing Lid for Slim Jim Container, Black (RCP267360BLA) 4555 RCP 2673-60 BLA 3.12 267360 BLA Rubbermaid Slim Jim Swing Lid
This easy to use and apply Slim Jim top makes collecting trash easy and much more sanitary. This incredibly durable lid is constructed out of lightweight plastic for long life. Efficiently providing a perfect fit for numerous slim rectangular containers, the Rubbermaid Slim Jim Swing Lid is the ideal garbage can lid accessory for high traffic areas. Durable, and lightweight, this high quality lid is perfect for the Slim Jim's tall thin design. Great for under most counters, or other tight spaces, this model fits items such as RCP 3540, RCP 3540-60 and RCP 3541 containers. Shipping weight: 3 lbs.
Rubbermaid Slim Jim Trash Cans Swinging Lid, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 31.71 24.18 42.93 RCP267360BLA.JPG trash can lids, garbage can lids, waste container lids, swing lids, RCP 2673-60 BLA, RCP267360BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4557 Lagasse Symphony 12-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCC412SMSYM) 4557 SCC 412SMSYM 26.50 412SM-J8000 12oz Paper Hot Cup
These attractive paper hot cups with the Symphony swirl pattern were designed by Solo Cup Company for hot liquids. Single polylined. Stylish and durable, these cups are perfect for the office, cafeteria or any gathering where disposable cups are desired. 50 cups per pack. 20 packs per case, 1,000 cups in each case.
Solo 12-oz. Hot Cups, Symphony Design, 20 Packs of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 69.97 48.98 93.88 SCC412TASYM.JPG Symphony Design Paper Hot Cups, 12-oz. Cup SCC 412TASYM, SCC412TASYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4559 Lagasse Symphony Design 8oz Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCC378SMSYM) 4559 SCC 378SMSYM 18.67 378SM-J8000 8 oz Paper Hot Cups
Solo Cup company is proud to be known for premium hot cups and lids. Use these paper cups everyday for your office coffee machine or at the water cooler. Stop washing dishes and coffee cups and start using these great disposable paper cups and lids from Solo cup company today. The coated interior of the Solo paper cup is a single polyethylene plastic film to make them optimal for hot beverage applications.
Solo Symphony 8oz Paper Hot Cups, Polylined, 20 Packs of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 58.80 41.16 77.37 SCC412TASYM.JPG 8 oz. hot cups, paper hot cups, hot cups, solo hot cups, 8 oz symphony paper hot cups, Symphony Design Paper Hot Cups, 8-oz. Cup SCC 378TASYM, SCC378TASYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4565 Lagasse Symphony Design Trophy 8-oz. Foam Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCCX8SYM) 4565 SCC X8SYM 9.00 X8-J8002 Solo Trophy 8oz. Symphony Foam Cups
These foam cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these foam cups everyday for your office coffee machine or at the water cooler. Stop washing dishes and coffee cups and start using these great disposable foam cups from Solo cup company today. Features insulated styrofoam for both hot or cold beverages. Attractive symphony swirl design. 1,000 Cups per case.
Solo Trophy 8-oz. Symphony Design Foam Cup, 10 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 69.26 48.48 91.94 SCCX8SYM.JPG solo cup, solo cups, styrofoam cup, foam cups, foam cup, Symphony Design Trophy XL Foam Cup, 8-oz. Cup, SCC X8SYM, SCCX8SYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4566 Lagasse Symphony Design 20-oz. Trophy Foam Cup, 750 Cups (SCCX20NSYM) 4566 SCC X20NSYM 14.00 X20N-J8002 20 oz. Symphony Design Trophy Foam Cups
These foam cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these foam cups everyday for your office coffee machine or at the water cooler. Insulated foam keeps your beverage at the correct temperature and protects your hands. Stop washing dishes and coffee cups and start using these great disposable foam cups from Solo cup company today.
Solo Trophy 12-oz. Foam Cups, Symphony Design, 25 Bags of 30 Cups per Case, 750 Cups per Case
Lids sold separately:
See SKU:
SCC LX2SBR - translucent lift and lock tab lid with straw slot
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Cups Lids » Foam Cups & Lids »
Solo Cup Company 103.14 72.20 138.93 SCCX20NSYM.JPG solo cup, solo cups, styrofoam cup, foam cups, foam cup Symphony Design Trophy XL Foam Cup, 20-oz. Cup SCC X20NSYM, SCCX20NSYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4567 Lagasse Symphony Design 16-oz. Trophy Foam Cup, 750 Cups (SCCX16NSYM) 4567 SCC X16NSYM 12.00 X16N-J8002 16 oz. Symphony Design Trophy Foam Cup
Thin wall foam cups by Solo provide insulation for hot and cold beverages. Attractive symphony swirl design gives your home or office a touch of class. Ideal for drinks on the go. 50 cups per sleeve, 15 sleeves per case.
Solo Symphony Design Trophy 16-oz. Foam Cup, 15 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 750 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 83.64 58.55 113.74 SCCX16NSYM.JPG Symphony Design Trophy XL Foam Cup, 16-oz. Cup SCC X16NSYM, SCCX16NSYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4568 Lagasse Symphony Design 12-oz. Trophy Foam Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCCX12SYM) 4568 SCC X12SYM 12.50 X12-J8002 12 oz. Symphony Design Trophy Foam Cup
These foam cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these foam cups everyday for your office coffee machine or at the water cooler. Attractive symphony swirl design gives your office a touch of class. Stop washing dishes and coffee cups and start using these great disposable foam cups from Solo cup company today.
Solo Symphony Design 12-oz. Trophy Foam Cups, 10 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 96.01 67.21 128.29 SCCX12SYM.JPG Symphony Design Trophy XL Foam Cup, 12-oz. Cup SCC X12SYM, SCCX12SYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4569 Lagasse Symphony 16-oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCCRW16SYM) 4569 SCC RW16SYM 32.00 RW16-J8000 16oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup
These great cups from Solo have extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. They are fully waxed to extend usability and are made with two-piece construction with a tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. These cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these paper cups everyday for your office water cooler.
Solo Symphony 16 oz. Wax Coated Paper Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 102.89 72.02 134.25 SCCRW16SYM.JPG Symphony Design Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 16-oz. Cup SCC RW16SYM, SCCRW16SYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4570 Lagasse Symphony 12-oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 2,000 Cups (SCCR12NSYM) 4570 SCC R12NSYM 39.00 R12N-J8000 12oz. Wax Coated Paper Cold Cup
These great cups from Solo have extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. They are fully waxed to extend usability and are made with two-piece construction with a tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. Perfect for the home or office with a classy symphony swirl design.
Solo Symphony 12 oz. Wax Coated Paper Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 176.29 123.40 239.38 SCCR12NSYM.JPG Symphony Design Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 12-oz. Cup SCC R12NSYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4571 Lagasse Symphony 8-oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 2,000 Cups (SCCR8NSYM) 4571 SCC R8NSYM 30.50 R8N-J8000 8 oz Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup
These great cups from Solo have extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. They are fully waxed to extend usability and are made with two-piece construction with a tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. Solo Cup company is proud to be known for premium cold cups and lids. These paper cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these paper cups everyday for your office water cooler.Stop washing dishes and coffee cups and start using these great disposable paper cups from Solo cup company today.
Solo Symphony 8 oz. Wax Coated Paper Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,000 Cups per case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 114.23 79.96 148.77 SCCR8NSYM.JPG Symphony Design Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 8-oz. Cup SCC R8NSYM, SCCR8NSYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4572 Lagasse Symphony 7-oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 2,000 Cups (SCCR7NSYM) 4572 SCC R7NSYM 28.00 R7N-J8000 7 oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup
These great cups from Solo have extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. They are fully waxed to extend usability and are made with two-piece construction with a tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. Perfect for your home, business or office. The attractive symphony swirl design can give your office cooler or break room a touch of class.
Solo Symphony 7 oz. Wax Coated Paper Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 104.36 73.05 139.20 SCCR7NSYM.JPG Symphony Design Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 7-oz. Cup, SCC R7NSYM, SCCR7NSYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4574 Lagasse Symphony 5-oz. Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 3,000 Cups (SCCR53SYM) 4574 SCC R53SYM 26.00 R53-J8000 5 oz Symphony Design Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup
Solo treated paper cups offer superior rigidity as well as the flexibility for your cold beverage needs. Solo treated paper cups meet the ASTM standard for compostability and are made with at least 50% renewable resources. Attractive symphony swirl design adds a touch of class to any office cooler or break room.
Solo Symphony 5 oz. Wax Coated Paper Cold Cup, 30 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 3,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 123.81 86.67 165.37 SCCR53SYM.JPG Symphony Design Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup, 5-oz. Cup, SCC R53SYM, SCCR53SYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4577 Lagasse T.E.T. #1 Glass Cleaner, 2 - 16-oz. Bottles (FRKF378616) 4577 FRK F378616 2.83 F378616 Ultra-concentrated, nonammoniated, multi-solvent blend cuts through grease and grime on glass and other hard surfaces, including Plexiglas. Dries quickly without streaks or smears. Portion-controlled dilution for consistent, “no waste” results: simply squeeze bottle and the exact amount of concentrate fills the interior “cup” chamber; pour into dispensing container and add water. NSF/USDA Classification C1. Recommended dilution: normal (1:32). 16-oz. bottle yields 4 gallons of RTU product.
Franklin TET #1 Concentrated Non Ammoniated Glass Cleaner, 16-oz. Bottle, 2 Bottles per Case Franklin Cleaning Technology 15.29 11.66 20.63 FRKF378616.JPG T.E.T. 1 Glass Cleaner, 2 Bottles per Case, 16-oz. Bottle FRK F378616, FRKF378616, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
4578 Lagasse T.E.T. #2 Neutral Floor Cleaner (FRKF375418) 4578 FRK F375418 7.51 F375418 Franklin Cleaning Technology T.E.T. #2 Neutral Floor Cleaner
Low-foaming cleaner cleans effectively without dulling finish. Ultra-concentrated for portion-controlled dilution. Saves money, time and labor while ensuring consistent, no-waste results. Citrus fragrance. Lightweight, compact packaging transports easily. Quart bottle yields 32 four-gallon buckets (1:512) or 32 eight-gallon automatic scrubber tanks (1:1024).
T.E.T. #2 Concentrated Neutral Floor Cleaner 3 - 32 oz Bottles per Case Franklin Cleaning Technology 31.58 24.08 43.01 FRKF375418.JPG T.E.T. 2 Neutral Floor Cleaner, 3 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle FRK F375418, FRKF375418, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
4579 Lagasse T.E.T. #20 UHS Cleaner and Maintainer, 2 Bottles (FRKF378419) 4579 FRK F378419 9.80 F378419 Franklin TET 20 Cleaner & Maintainer
This Concentrated UHS Cleaner Maintainer comes in a fresh citrus scent, and never leaves film. Cleans and revitalizes finish to extend strip and re-coat cycles while building gloss and reducing powdering. This ultra-concentrated formula is for portion controlled dilution. Guaranteed to save money, time and labor while ensuring consistent, no-waste results. This maintainer is ideal for use with automatic scrubbers and/or mop and bucket. For use on all finished floors. Citrus fragrance. Recommended dilution: auto scrubbers (1:256). Lightweight, compact packaging transports easily. Two-quart (64-oz.) bottle yields 128 gallons.
Franklin TET #20 Concentrated UHS Cleaner Maintainer, Citrus Scent, 64-oz. Bottles, 2 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 52.84 37.69 71.48 FRKF378419.JPG franklin tet 20 uhs cleaner maintainer, tet cleaner maintainer, franklin tet 20 maintainer, FRK F378419, FRKF378419, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
4580 Lagasse Classic Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Stainless Steel (SANH900X) 4580 SAN H900X 1.60 H900X Tall-Fold Napkin Dispenser
Easy-loading, two-sided tall fold dispenser. 20-gauge steel construction. Holds 150 napkins (sold separately). Stainless steel. 3-3/4" wide x 4" deep x 7-1/2" high.
San Jamar Tabletop Tall-Fold Napkin Dispenser, Stainless Steel, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Napkins & Dispensers » Napkin Dispensers - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 13.57 7.82 18.11 SANH900X.JPG napkin dispenser, napkin dispensers, napkin, napkins, paper products, Tabletop Napkin Dispenser SAN H900X, SANH900X 1 1 0 0 1 92
4581 Lagasse Tampax Tampons, 500 Tampons (HOSTAMPAX) 4581 HOS TAMPAX 4.50 T500 Tampax Tampons
Tampax original tampons provide, excellent absorbency and come with a cardboard applicator. Tampax cardboard applicator comes complete with a flush-able and biodegradable applicator, allowing for easy disposal. Tampax strong durable wrapper keeps each tampon clean and protected. Each cardboard applicator comes with an "Anti-Slip Grip" and "Built-in Backup" skirt. Tampax tampon cardboard has an absorbent core designed to fit your unique shape. Packaged in a vending tube. Shipping weight: 8 lbs.
Hospeco Tampax Tampons, 500 Tampons per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 63.81 48.67 85.92 HOSTAMPAX.JPG tampax tampons, orginial tampax tampons, bulk tampons, wholesale tampons, tampax products, HOS TAMPAX, HOSTAMPAX 1 1 0 0 1 57
4585 Lagasse Boardwalk Tear Tab Lid for Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Lids (BWK10-20TABLID) 4585 BWK 10-20TABLID 6.50 00014152 Plastic Tear Tab Lid for Paper Hot Cups
These economical lids are a convenient choice for busy food service establishments. Resealable tear tab sipping notch accommodates busy commuters. Snug, secure fit minimizes the potential for messy spills. Fits Boardwalk paper hot cups, sizes 10oz to 20oz. White Plastic. 1,000 Lids per case.
Boardwalk Plastic Tear Tab Lid for Paper Hot Cups, White, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 30.69 20.62 39.90 BWK1020TABLID.JPG Tear Tab Lid for Paper Hot Cups, Fits 10 to 20-oz. Cups BWK 10-20TABLID, BWK1020TABLID, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4586 Lagasse Boardwalk Tear Tab Lid for 8-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Lids (BWK8TABLID) 4586 BWK 8TABLID 5.00 4931 Tear Tab Lid for 8-oz. Paper Cups
Boardwalk's line of 8-oz. plastic tear tab lids are a great fit for both hot and cold beverage cups. Perfect for use on the go, in the office, or for a restaurant or food service company, these easy to use lids make any drink portable in moments! No more fumbling with open containers cups, Boardwalk's lids are the smart and economical way to keep your drink safe on the go!
Boardwalk 8-oz. Plastic Tear Tab Lids, White, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 28.91 22.05 37.84 BWK8TABLID.JPG plastic cup lid, paper cup lid, disposable cup lid, portable cup lid, coffee cup lid, BWK 8TABLID, BWK8TABLID, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4587 Lagasse Dixie Tear-Back Plastic Lid for 8-oz. Cup, 1,000 Lids (DIXTB9538X) 4587 DIX TB9538X 4.52 TB9538X Tear-Back Plastic Lid for 8 oz. Cups
This Dixie tear-back lid from Georgia Pacific fits both the PerfecTouch and Mira-Glaze 8 ounce hot cups. Combination tear-tab sip hole and straw slot. Keep your drink from spilling while on the go. White plastic. 100 lids per bag, 10 bags per case, 1,000 lids per case.
Georgia Pacific Dixie Tear-Back Lid for 8oz cups, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale janitorial company buyers trust.
Dixie 43.01 30.11 57.10 DIXTB9538X.JPG Tear-Back Plastic Lid, Fits 8-oz. Cup DIX TB9538X, DIXTB9538X, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
4588 Lagasse Dixie Tear-Back Plastic Lid For 10-oz. Cup, 1,000 Lids (DIXTB9540) 4588 DIX TB9540 5.80 TB9540 Tear-Back Lid for Dixie 10 oz Cup
This Dixie tear-back lid from Georgia Pacific fits both the PerfecTouch and Mira-Glaze hot cups. Combination tear back sip hole and straw slot. Keep your drink from spilling while on the go. White plastic. 100 lids per bag, 10 bags per case.
Georgia Pacific Dixie Tear-Back Lid for 10 oz. Hot Cups, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 46.17 32.32 60.77 DIXTB9540.JPG Tear-Back Plastic Lid, Fits 10-oz. Cup DIX TB9540, DIXTB9540, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
4589 Lagasse Dixie Tear-Back Plastic Lid For 12 and 16-oz. Cups, 1,000 Lids (DIXTB9542) 4589 DIX TB9542 5.90 TB9542 Tear-Back Plastic Lid for 12 and 16 oz. Hot Cups
This Dixie tear-back lid from Georgia Pacific fits both the PerfecTouch and Mira-Glaze cups. Combination tear back sip hole and straw slot. Keep your drink from spilling while on the go. Conveniently fits both the 12 and 16 ounce Dixie cups which streamlines ordering. White plastic. 100 lids per bag, 10 bags per case.
Dixie Tear-Back Lid for 12 and 16oz. Hot Cups, 10 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 47.66 33.36 63.68 DIXTB9542.JPG Tear-Back Plastic Lid, Fits 12- and 16-oz. Cups DIX TB9542, DIXTB9542, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
4590 Lagasse Tear-N-Dry ECO Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl (SANT8000TBK) 4590 SAN T8000TBK 5.65 T8000TBK Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser
San Jamar has engineered this Tear-N-Dry Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser to provide ecologically sensible and hygienic paper towel dispensing. The touchless design reduces the risk of cross contamination. In addition, it delivers quick and consistent paper dispensing to reduce waste, resulting in 15% less material used. The automatic transfer device allows complete usage of the stub roll to even further eliminate waste. The Tear-N-Dry dispenser holds one 8 inch diameter roll and one 4 inch stub roll and accommodates a wide range of paper towels, including 100% recycled paper. This touchless towel dispenser is made of break-resistant plastic that is easily mounted with no adjustment necessary and requires four D alkaline batteries, sold separately. 1-1/2 inch diameter core size. Holds one 8 inch diameter roll and one 4 inch stub roll. Break-resistant plastic. 11-3/4" wide x 9-1/8" deep x 14-7/16" high. Environmentally conscious.
San Jamar Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each
Paper Towel Dispensers » Hardwound Roll Towel Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 70.92 54.09 92.47 SANT8000TBK.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, Tear-N-Dry ECO Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser, SAN T8000TBK, SANT8000TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
4591 Lagasse Tear-N-Dry Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser, Black Pearl (SANT1300TBK) 4591 SAN T1300TBK 7.40 T1300TBK Black Pearl Tear-N-Dry Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser
Providing the most hygienic way to dry your hands on the market today, the Tear-N-Dry Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser is the healthy hand drying choice. Offering a completely touchless dispensing system, this process cuts the amount of germs spread in a kitchen or bathroom location down dramatically. Just simply tear off a sheet of paper towel and the interior sensor activates to present another! Portion control provides 10 inch length every time. Dispenses any paper quality. Holds rolls up to 8 inch wide x 8 inch diameter and one 4 inch stub roll. Automatic transfer device allows complete usage of stub roll to eliminate waste. Lock prevents pilferage (waffle key included). Operates on four D alkaline batteries (not included); battery usage equivalent to dispensing 100, 800-ft. rolls. Break-resistant plastic. 12-1/2" wide x 9-5/8" deep x 15-1/2" high.
San Jamar Classic Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Dispensers » Hardwound Roll Towel Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 94.92 72.40 128.46 SANT1300TBK.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, SAN T1300TBK, SANT1300TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
4592 Lagasse Tele-Plus Pole (UNGTF900) 4592 UNG TF900 6.78 TF900 Tele-Plus Pole
Unger's Tele-Plus Pole is a flexible, modular system that enables you to assemble a stable pole up to 30 feet in length. Drawn anodized aluminum pole is lightweight, safe and easy to handle.Great for any job where you need to reach higher than 30 feet (pole length + height)! Includes five, 6-ft. long sections. Handle grip is ergonomically designed for comfort. Quick-release locking cone (incl.) snaps into pole; attach a wide selection of tools by press fit, Acme thread or snap-in.
Tele-Plus Extension Pole with 5 aluminum sections, 30 ft when extended.
Sold by each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 108.34 79.06 146.92 UNGTF900.JPG Tele-Plus Pole UNG TF900, UNGTF900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 109
4593 Lagasse TEMP Paste Cleaner & Polish, (DRK4410279) 4593 DRK 4410279 20.00 04410279 TEMP Paste Cleaner & Polish
Polishes tile, enamel, metal and porcelain. Also for use as a graffiti remover. Mildly abrasive formula quickly removes stubborn stains. Easy to use—simply wipe on and wipe off. Safe on most surfaces, including sinks, bathroom stalls, tubs, cement walls, etc.
TEMP Paste Cleaner & Polish, 12/1.5-lb Tubs per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 104.30 77.15 142.16 DRK4410279.JPG temp paste cleaner & polish, Tub DRK 4410279, DRK4410279 1 1 0 0 1 63
4594 Lagasse Terminator Deodorizer All-Purpose Cleaner, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Spray Bottle (FRS12-32-TN) 4594 FRS 12-32-TN 29.00 12-32TN-F Terminator Deodorizer All-Purpose Cleaner is a powerfully effective air freshener deodorizer and all-purpose cleaner with a crisp, fresh scent that lingers for days. This Air freshener and Bathroom Air Freshener eliminates odors on contact and is ideal for use in locker rooms, meeting rooms, bathrooms, classrooms, shower rooms, closets, chutes and sickrooms. This air freshener is awesome if applied as a bathroom air freshener and is readily biodegradable. Don't forget to stock up on all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save time and money.
TERMINATOR DEOD CLNR BTL 12/32 OZ Fresh Products 44.16 33.68 58.67 FRS1232TN.JPG Terminator Deodorizer All-Purpose Cleaner, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Spray Bottle FRS 12-32-TN, FRS1232TN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 44
4595 Lagasse Thank You Bags, 900 Bags (IBSTHW1VAL) 4595 IBS THW1VAL 10.80 THW1VAL Thank You Shopping Bags
“Thank You” design on white bag. Ideal for use at the checkout counter. Tell your customers that you appreciate their business. Made out of HDPE film.
Interplast Group THANK YOU Bags, 12.5 Micron Plastic, 900 bags per case. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 18.99 14.48 25.54 IBSTHW1VAL.JPG Thank You Bags, 11-1/2w x 6-1/2g x 21l, 900 Bags per Case IBS THW1VAL, IBSTHW1VAL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
4596 Lagasse Thank You Bags, 500 Bags (IBSTHW2VAL) 4596 IBS THW2VAL 7.44 @THW2VAL Thank You Bags
“Thank You” design on white bag. Ideal for use at the checkout counter. Made out of HDPE film.
Dimensions: 12 x 7 x 13
Plastic THANK YOU Bags, 500 Bags per Case Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 17.49 13.20 22.75 IBSTHW2VAL.JPG thank you bags, plastic thank you bags, IBS THW2VAL, IBSTHW2VAL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
4597 Lagasse Mighty Mite Household Canister Vacuum Cleaner (EUR3670) 4597 EUR 3670 13.40 3670 Eureka Mighty Mite Lightweight Household Canister Vacuum
Lightweight, as well as durable and dependable, the Eureka Mighty Mite Lightweight Household Canister Vacuum is the perfect compact cleaner. Weighing in at less than 9 pounds, this easy to handle household canister vacuum is perfect for almost any environment. Its sleek design and powerful 12 amp motor allow for easy access into tight spaces where dirt lingers. The Mighty Mite also features a convenient blower port to clean debris from garages or workshops. The included Six-piece attachment set includes a hose, two wands, combination upholstery/dusting brush, crevice tool and deluxe floor tool. An auto shut-off feature protects against overheating.This handy little vacuum comes with a 20-ft. cord and a Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty for household use. For use with Eureka type MM paper bags EUR 60295-6. Weighs 8.2 lbs. Shipping weight: 12.2 lbs.
Eureka Mighty Mite Household Canister Vacuum, 8.2 lbs, Sold as Each. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Eureka - Sanitaire 83.53 62.16 109.41 EUR3670.JPG The Boss Household Canister Vac, EUR 3670, EUR3670, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4598 Lagasse Eureka The Boss Vacuum Cleaner (EUR1934) 4598 EUR 1934 15.00 1934B Upright Household Vacuum Cleaner
This high quality vacuum cleaner from the well known and trusted name, Eureka, will not disappoint. The powerful 5.0 amp motor, combined with a high-efficiency direct airflow system, provides deep cleaning for your carpets. The three position handle adjusts horizontally for cleaning under tables, chairs and maneuvering around furniture with ease. Weighing less than 11 pounds, this vacuum can easily be transported around the house. The large 11 quart dust bag allows you to clean larger areas without having to stop and repeatedly empty dirt and debris. Additional features include four position height adjustment, dual edge cleaning, top-filling bag system and 20-foot power cord. Also comes with a manufacturer’s one year warranty for parts and labor. Eureka's The Boss Vacuum Cleaner uses disposable bags EUR 52320 (sold separately) and replacement belts EUR 52100 can be purchased at as well.
Eureka THE BOSS Upright Vacuum Cleaner - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Eureka - Sanitaire 146.76 84.57 195.91 EUR1934.JPG the boss, eureka boss, eureka the boss, eureka boss vacuum, the boss vacuum cleaner, eureka boss vacuum cleaner, the boss household upright, EUR 1934, EUR1934, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, vacuum cleaner 1 1 0 0 1 38
4599 Lagasse The Brute Scraper (UNGSH25C) 4599 UNG SH25C 0.60 SH25C The 12in aluminum handle allows two-handed use for added pressure on tough scraping jobs. Includes 4in wide carbon steel blade with blunt edge for cement or stucco work and razor edge for scraping paint and tape. Replacement blades (UNGRB10C) sold separately.
THE BRUTE SCRAPER 4 IN W/ 12 IN ALUM HNDL 10 Unger 13.65 10.30 18.24 UNGSH25C.JPG The Brute Scraper UNG SH25C, UNGSH25C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4600 Lagasse The Brute Scraper 4 inch Replacement Blades, 10 Blades per Dispenser (UNGRB10C) 4600 UNG RB10C 0.10 RB10C Double-edged (blunt/razor) carbon steel. For The Brute Scraper (UNGSH25C) sold separately.
DBL-EDGE SCRAPER REPLACEMENT BLADE & DSP 10 Unger 6.11 4.66 8.01 UNGRB10C.JPG The Brute Scraper 4in Replacement Blades, 10 Blades per Dispenser UNG RB10C, UNGRB10C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4602 Lagasse Dial Gold Antimicrobial Liquid Hand Soap, 8 - 1,000-ml Refills (DIA84019) 4602 DIA 84019 21.00 84019 Liquid Antimicrobial Hand Soap
Broad spectrum antimicrobial effectiveness with extra moisturizers and conditioners to protect against dry skin. Ideal for frequent hand washing. Perfect for any commercial setting including healthcare facilities, schools, offices, restaurants, daycare and more.
Liquid Dial Gold Antimicrobial Hand Soap, 1,000-ml Refill, 8 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 52.90 40.35 72.15 DIA84019.JPG liquid dial gold antimicrobial hand soap refills, DIA 84019, DIA84019, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
4603 Lagasse Dial Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, Translucent Smoke (DIA03922) 4603 DIA 03922 1.38 03922 Dial Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser
This soap dispenser from Dial provides a sleek design prevents bacteria growth and the see-through tank allows easy view of soap level. Accommodates a variety of Dial 1-Liter refill soaps, except pumice. Large push bar meets ADA requirements. Push-type, ADA Compliant dispenser holds 1-liter refills DIA 84019, DIA 06046 and DIA 84050 (sold separately). Acrylic construction. Both screw-mount and an adhesive-back mount option are included. 5.12" wide x 9.98" deep x 12.34" high.
Dial Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, 1,000-ml Translucent Smoke, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 5.33 4.07 7.20 DIA03922.JPG the dial liquid hand soap dispensers, DIA 03922, DIA03922, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
4604 Lagasse Dial Luron Emerald Lotion Liquid Hand Soap 8 - 1000-ml Refills (DIA84050) 4604 DIA 84050 21.20 84050 Luron Emerald Lotion Liquid Hand Soap
Luron Emerald Lotion soap is formulated with added skin conditioners to help keep hands feeling soft and smooth after use. With its rich, viscous formula and creamy lather, Luron is the perfect lotion soap for any commercial setting. Mild lavender fragrance.
Luron Emerald Lotion Liquid Hand Soap, 1,000-ml Refill, 8 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 45.08 34.38 59.24 DIA84050.JPG luron emerald lotion hand soap refills, DIA 84050, DIA84050, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
4605 Lagasse 36" Nifty Nabber, Extended Reach Holder (UNGNN90) 4605 UNG NN90 0.88 NN900 36" Nifty Nabber
Do you have trouble reaching items on the top shelf, or just want a little more reach? The Nifty Nabber provides a solution for these exact problems. The Nifty Nabber gives you an extra 36 inches of reach. Its overmolded "fingers" provided excellent gripping power. The Nifty Nabber easily grabs a variety of small objects such as bottles and cans. Can also be used to pick up litter and debris with ease.Forget about having to move a ladder each time you need a small item in a high place, buy the Nifty Nabber today!
Unger 36" Nifty Nabber, Extended Reach Holder, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 26.48 20.20 35.66 UNGNN90.JPG The Nifty Nabber, 36in UNG NN90, UNGNN90, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4606 Lagasse The Nifty Nabber, 51" Extended Reach Grabber (UNGNN14) 4606 UNG NN14 1.11 NN140 51" Extended Reach Nifty Nabber
Unger's Nifty Nabber features gear driven claws that can grip and grab bottles, cans and debris. The overmolded “fingers” provide excellent gripping power. You can even pick up cigarette butts, coins, and other small objects with ease.
Unger Nifty Nabber, 51" Extended Reach Grabber, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 30.60 23.34 40.66 UNGNN14.JPG nifty nabber, extended reach grabber, UNG NN14, UNGNN14, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4607 Lagasse The Nifty Nabber, 18in (UNGNN40) 4607 UNG NN40 0.40 NN400 Unger Nifty Nabber
The Unger Nifty Nabber Extension Arm with Claw is a great indoor/outdoor tool to help you safely lengthen your reach without bending, climbing or standing on your toes. The Nifty Nabber’s gear-driven claws and over molded fingers are superb for picking up debris from the floor, as well as objects from a high shelf or cabinet. The rubber coating on the claws allows you to grab objects up to 5 pounds without damaging small delicate items. The Nifty Nabber is designed to provide three pounds of grabbing power for every one pound of pressure exerted, making this a perfect option for seniors or individuals with disabilities.
Unger Nifty Nabber, Aluminum Handle, 18 in. Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 24.10 18.38 32.09 UNGNN40.JPG the nifty nabber, UNG NN40, UNGNN40, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4608 Lagasse The Pill Window Cleaning Tablets, 10 Tablets per Pack (UNGPL10) 4608 UNG PL10 1.17 PL100 The Pill Window Cleaning Tablets
The Pill window cleaning tablets are an effective yet environmentally friendly window cleaning solution. Pre-measured and individually packaged, just mix with 2.5 gallons of water for outstanding cleaning power. Simply drop a pill into 2.5 gallons of water to clean even the dirtiest windows. These window cleaning tablets easily lift and remove soil deposits, smoke and grease, while eliminating residue that can be left after drying. Biodegradable, skin friendly and non-toxic, The Pillow window cleaning tablets are the perfect alternative to expensive, pre-bottled glass cleaners.
The Pill Window Cleaning Tablets, 10 Pills per Pack, 1 Pack per Box. The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 4.58 3.49 6.04 UNGPL10.JPG the pill window cleaning tablets, UNG PL10, UNGPL10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4609 Lagasse The Pill Window Cleaning Tablets, 100 Tablets per Roll (UNGPL50) 4609 UNG PL50 1.70 PL500 One nontoxic, premeasured tablet mixes easily with water to make 2-1/2 gallons of window cleaner. Effective yet environmentally friendly. Easily removes smoke and grease without leaving a film.
The Pill Window Clean Tab100 Tabs per Roll
Unger 31.75 23.55 42.90 UNGPL50.JPG The Pill Window Cleaning Tablets, 100 Tablets per Roll UNG PL50, UNGPL50, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4614 Lagasse Threaded Wood Cone Adapter for Opti-Loc Tele-Poles (UNGTWA0) 4614 UNG TWA0 0.09 TWA0 Adapter for Opti-Loc Tele-Poles, Threaded Wood Cone
OPTILOC TELEPOLE THREADED WOOD CONE5 Unger 3.68 2.81 4.81 UNGTWA0.JPG Threaded Wood Cone Adapter for Opti-Loc Tele-Poles UNG TWA0, UNGTWA0, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4615 Lagasse Three-Gallon Noncarbonated Beverage Dispenser (RCP3358CLE) 4615 RCP 3358 CLE 11.20 335800 CLR Durable, clear polycarbonate tank. Includes tank, base, drain tray, lid and labels for lemonade and iced tea. Tank may be interchanged between bases. Certified to NSF/USDA Std. #18. 10-3/8w x 16-3/4d x 18-7/8h.
BEV DSP 3 GL 16.75X10.38X18.88 CLE Rubbermaid Commercial Products 112.43 85.75 148.59 RCP3358CLE.JPG Three-Gallon Noncarbonated Beverage Dispenser RCP 3358 CLE, RCP3358CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4616 Lagasse Three Piece Wrapped Cutlery Kits, 250 Kits (BWKCOMBOKIT) 4616 BWK COMBOKIT 6.00 FK-FSKW-LAG Wrapped Cutlery Kits
Serve any meal with this cutlery kit. Each pre-packaged wrapping contains a plastic medium weight fork, spoon and knife. Provides sanitary cutlery dispensing. White. 250 kits per case.
Boardwalk Mediumweight Polypropylene Three Piece Cutlery Kit, White, 250 Kits per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 39.06 29.79 51.50 BWKCOMBOKIT.JPG Three-Piece Wrapped Cutlery Kits, White BWK COMBOKIT, BWKCOMBOKIT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4617 Lagasse Three-Shelf AV/Equipment Cart, Lockable Enclosed Shelf, Black (RCP4095BLA) 4617 RCP 4095 BLA 56.00 409500 BLA 300-lb. total load capacity (100 lbs. per shelf). Sized to carry large loads. Rounded corners won’t damage walls. Upscale appearance ideal for institutional, warehouse or front office use. Large textured shelves hold a variety of equipment and supplies. Durable, structural web construction resists scratches, chips and rust. Lightweight and easy to handle. Quiet, nonmarking casters. Comfortable, rounded handles have molded-in storage bins for small items. 40-5/8w x 20-3/4d x 37-7/8h. Shpg. wt. 52 lbs.
XTRA 3-SHELF EQUIPMENT CART 37-7/8IN BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 392.02 299.00 516.75 RCP4095BLA.JPG Three-Shelf AV/Equipment Cart, Lockable Enclosed Shelf, Black RCP 4095 BLA, RCP4095BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4618 Lagasse Three-Shelf Service Cart with Brushed Aluminum Uprights, Beige (RCP9T65-71BEI) 4618 RCP 9T65-71 BEI 25.50 9T65-71 • Quiet operation • Dual-molded handles; nonmarking swivel casters • Easy-to-clean smooth surfaces Ideal for office use. 100-lb. total load capacity. Shelves have one flat side for easy loading; lip on three sides. 3in diameter swivel casters. Easy to assemble. 16-1/4w x 31-1/2d x 36h. Shpg. wt. 21-1/5 lbs. Assembly required.
UTILITY CART 100 LB MAX 36H 3-SHELF AL UPRITES BEI Rubbermaid Commercial Products 171.11 130.51 222.38 RCP9T6571BEI.JPG Three-Shelf Service Cart with Brushed Aluminum Uprights, Beige RCP 9T65-71 BEI, RCP9T6571BEI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4619 Lagasse Three-Shelf Utility Cart with Brushed Aluminum Uprights, Black (RCP3424-88BLA) 4619 RCP 3424-88 BLA 30.00 RCP 3424-88 BLA • Quiet operation • Dual-molded handles; nonmarking swivel casters • Easy-to-clean smooth surfaces Ideal for offices or foodservice. 200-lb. total load capacity. Shelves have slight lip on three sides; one flat side for easy loading. 4in diameter casters. Assembles easily in minutes. 18-5/8w x 33-5/8d x 37-3/4h. Shpg. wt. 30 lbs. Assembly required.
UTILITY CART 3-SHELF BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 197.98 151.00 262.31 RCP342488BLA.JPG Three-Shelf Utility Cart with Brushed Aluminum Uprights, Black RCP 3424-88 BLA, RCP342488BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4620 Lagasse Three-Shelf Utility Cart with Brushed Aluminum Uprights, Platinum (RCP3424-88PLA) 4620 RCP 3424-88 PLA 31.20 3424-88 PLATINUM • Quiet operation • Dual-molded handles; nonmarking swivel casters • Easy-to-clean smooth surfaces Ideal for offices or foodservice. 200-lb. total load capacity. Shelves have slight lip on three sides; one flat side for easy loading. 4in diameter casters. Assembles easily in minutes. 18-5/8w x 33-5/8d x 37-3/4h. Shpg. wt. 30 lbs. Assembly required.
UTILITY CART 3-SHELF PLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 197.98 151.00 258.18 RCP342488PLA.JPG Three-Shelf Utility Cart with Brushed Aluminum Uprights, Platinum RCP 3424-88 PLA, RCP342488PLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4621 Lagasse Three-Shelf Utility Cart with Enclosed End Panels, Platinum (RCP3355-88PLA) 4621 RCP 3355-88 PLA 34.60 3355-88 PLA Three-Shelf Utility Cart with Enclosed End Platinum Panels
Quiet operation, dual-molded handles; non-marking swivel casters. Easy-to-clean smooth surfaces Ideal for offices or food service. Flat shelves. Enclosed on two sides. 300-lb. total load capacity. 4" diameter casters. 18w x 31d x 37-1/2h. Shipping weight 38.6 lbs, assembly required.
Rubbermaid 3-Shelf Utility Cart with Enclosed End Platinum Panels, 18" x 31" x 37-1/2", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 309.42 236.00 403.53 RCP335588PLA.JPG three-shelf utility cart with enclosed end panels, utility cart, 3 shelf utility cart, RCP 3355-88 PLA, RCP335588PLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4622 Lagasse Tide Coldwater Liquid Laundry Detergent, 6 - 50-oz. Bottles (PGC13755) 4622 PGC 13755 24.60 13755 Tide Coldwater Liquid Laundry Detergent
Tide Coldwater Liquid Laundry Detergent is specially formulated to get clothes brilliantly clean at lower temperatures. Using cold water conditions for laundry helps to save energy and money, and Tide liquid detergent can tackle even the toughest, most set-in stains at low temperatures. Tide’s deep clean formula can also be used as a pre-treat for stains to help break them up and lift them away. Tide’s cleaning power makes it the leader in laundry detergents, helping keep your clothes looking like new longer than other detergent brands. Your whites stay whiter and your colors stay brighter with Tide Coldwater Detergent. Choose a name that has been trusted for years to gently, but thoroughly clean your laundry. Choose Tide Coldwater Liquid Laundry Detergent for your home today!
Procter & Gamble Tide Coldwater Liquid Laundry Detergent, 50-oz Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 62.30 47.52 84.13 PGC13755.JPG tide coldwater liquid laundry detergent, coldwater liquid laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent, laundry detergent, PGC 13755, PGC13755 1 1 0 0 1 80
4623 Lagasse Tide Floor and All-Purpose Cleaner, 18-lb. Box (PGC02363) 4623 PGC 02363 21.80 08171 Tide All-Purpose Cleaner
Superior performance for minimum cost, Tide Floor and All Purpose Cleaner offers exceptional cleaning results. Providing an all purpose cleaner that comes complete with high levels of surfactant and builders, Tide all purpose cleaner's formula is able to completely cut through tough grease easily and effectively. Known as the complete all purpose cleaner, Tide's quality formula is known as the one product inventory. This easy-rinse powder formula is UL Classified for slip resistance and is ideal for floors, laundry and a broad range of general cleaning needs. Gentle on clothes or powerful on scrubbing surfaces in bathrooms, kitchens and more. NSF/USDA Classification B1.
Procter and Gamble Professional Tide Floor and All-Purpose Cleaner, 18-lb. Box, 1 Box per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 53.76 41.00 72.75 PGC02363.JPG tide, all purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, floor cleaner, tide all purpose cleaner, tide cleaner, PGC 02363, PGC02363, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
4624 Lagasse Tide® Floor and All-Purpose Cleaner, 1 Box per Case, 36-lb. Box (PGC02364) 4624 PGC 02364 38.60 08185 High levels of surfactant and builders combined to cut through tough grease. UL Classified for slip resistance. Easy-rinse powder formula is ideal for quarry tile.
TIDE FLR & CLNR BX 36 LB Procter and Gamble Professional 104.56 79.75 143.14 PGC02364.JPG Tide Floor and All-Purpose Cleaner, 1 Box per Case, 36-lb. Box PGC 02364, PGC02364, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 80
4625 Lagasse Tide® Floor and All-Purpose Cleaner, 100 Packets per Case, 1.5-oz. Packet (PGC02370) 4625 PGC 02370 13.00 07016 High levels of surfactant and builders combined to cut through tough grease. UL Classified for slip resistance. Easy-rinse powder formula is ideal for quarry tile.
TIDE FLR & CLNR PKT 100/1,5 OZ Procter and Gamble Professional 32.78 25.00 42.86 PGC02370.JPG Tide Floor and All-Purpose Cleaner, 100 Packets per Case, 1.5-oz. Packet PGC 02370, PGC02370, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 80
4626 Lagasse Tide Dye and Perfume Free Liquid Laundry Detergent, 6 Bottles (PGC13885) 4626 PGC 13885 24.60 13885 Dye and Perfume Free Liquid Laundry Detergent
A high-powered, grease cutting laundry detergent that is effective on tough, greasy stains. The unscented liquid detergent is specially designed for sensitive skin, with no dyes or perfumes. Tide Free deep cleans fabrics, breaking through every layer of a stain to break it up and remove it completely. More effective than alternative dye and perfume-free detergents, this powerful, yet gentle detergent can also be used as a pre-treatment for stubborn stains. Tide Free is dermatologist tested to provide a thorough clean that protects sensitive skin. This gentle laundry detergent is ideal for use in cleaning baby clothes and bedding. Keep your skin protected and your clothes looking like new longer with the power of Tide Free, a leader in laundry detergents.
Procter & Gamble Tide Dye & Perfume Free Liquid Laundry Detergent, 50-oz Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 64.99 49.57 87.01 PGC13885.JPG tide free liquid laundry detergent, PGC 13885, PGC13885, tide liquid laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent 1 1 0 0 1 80
4631 Lagasse Tide w/ Downy Liquid Laundry Detergent/Fabric Softener, 6 - 50 oz. Bottles (PGC13808) 4631 PGC 13808 24.60 13808 Tide w/ Downy Liquid Laundry Detergent/Fabric Softener
Tide with Downy gives an outstanding clean plus a touch of softness to your cloths. The Tide part contains surfactant molecules that break the surface tension of water while loosening and removing oils and grease from fabrics. In the meantime the Downy element of this product provides special ingredients that provide softening benefits throughout the wash. Use a detergent that makes your cloths feel as good as they look, buy Tide with a Touch Downy today! Estimated 24 loads per gallon!
Proctor and Gamble Tide with Downy 2X Laundry Detergent, Clean Breeze Scent, 6 - 50-oz Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 61.82 47.15 80.91 PGC13808.JPG tide liquid laundry detergent, laundry detergent, fabric softener, downy fabric softener, PGC 13808, PGC13808, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
4633 Lagasse Tilex Instant Mildew Remover, 12 - 16-oz. Spray Bottles (CLO01100) 4633 CLO 01100 16.60 01100 Tilex Instant Mildew Remover - Trigger Spray
Cleans tile, grout, toilets and fiberglass instantly. Ready-to-use formula quickly removes mold and mildew both indoors and outdoors. EPA Registered disinfectant and sanitizer for nonfood contact surfaces. Kills staph, strep and athlete’s foot fungus. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Tilex Instant Mildew Remover, 16-oz Trigger Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 34.88 26.60 46.09 CLO01100.JPG Tilex Instant Mildew Remover, Trigger Sprayer, 12 Bottles per Case, 16-oz. Bottle CLO 01100, CLO01100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
4634 Lagasse Tilex Instant Mildew Remover Refills, 4 - 1 Gallons (CLO35605) 4634 CLO 35605 41.00 35605 Tilex Instant Mildew Remover Gallon Refills
Cleans tile, grout, toilets and fiberglass instantly. Ready-to-use formula quickly removes mold and mildew both indoors and outdoors. Excellent for use in bathrooms, kitchens, basements, around pool areas, garages and any other damp area that collects mildew on walls, floors or objects. Is easily sprayed to get into groves and pockets that collect the mildew. EPA Registered disinfectant and sanitizer for nonfood contact surfaces. Kills staph, strep and athlete’s foot fungus. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Tilex Instant Mildew Remover, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Gallons per Case.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Bathroom Cleaners - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 50.50 38.12 68.88 CLO35605.JPG tilex instant mildew remover, CLO 35605, CLO35605, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
4635 Lagasse Tilex Instant Mildew Remover, 9 - 32-oz. Spray Bottles (CLO35600) 4635 CLO 35600 22.60 35600 Tilex Instant Mildew Remover
Tilex cleans tile, grout, toilets and fiberglass instantly. Ready-to-use formula quickly removes mold and mildew both indoors and outdoors. EPA Registered disinfectant and sanitizer for nonfood contact surfaces. Kills staph, strep and athlete’s foot fungus. Excellent for use in bathrooms, kids toys, kitchens, restaurants, food prep areas, cafeterias and many more areas that need to be sterilized for a healthier environment for friends, family and staff. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Tilex Instant Mildew Remover, 32-oz. Spray Bottle, 9 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Professional 43.87 33.46 58.45 CLO35600.JPG tilex instant mildew remover, CLO 35600, CLO35600, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
4636 Lagasse Tilex Mildew Root Penetrator & Remover, 9 Spray Bottles (CLO00263) 4636 CLO 00263 22.90 00263 Tilex Mildew Root Penetrator & Remover
Tilex Mildew Remover has foaming action that penetrates and attacks mildew at its roots, even in hard-to-clean places. Foam provides adequate contact time for deep cleaning then washes off with ease. This patented formula suppresses bleach odor,while also reducing fumes and unpleasant odors. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Clorox Tilex Mildew Root Penetrator and Remover, 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottle, 9 Bottles per Case
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Bathroom Cleaners - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 55.39 32.86 73.06 CLO00263.JPG Tilex Mildew Root Penetrator & Remover, Trigger Sprayer, 9 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle, CLO 00263, CLO00263, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
4637 Lagasse Tilex Soap Scum Remover, 12 - 16-oz Trigger Sprayer Bottles (CLO01126) 4637 CLO 01126 15.60 01126 Tilex Soap Scum Remover
Tilex soap scum remover is a nonabrasive formula that cleans and deodorizes ceramic tile, plastic, chrome, fiberglass and porcelain without scrubbing. Removes tough soap scum on contact. Just spray in shower stall, tub, toilet or floor and let it do all of your work for you. Just rinse off when done and you will be rinsing away tough soap scum with ease. EPA Registered disinfectant formula: bactericidal and mildewcidal efficacy. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Manufactured by Clorox Professional.
Tilex Soap Scum Remover, 16-oz Spray Bottle, 12 bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Professional 31.28 23.86 41.38 CLO01126.JPG tilex soap scum remover, CLO 01126, CLO01126, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
4638 Lagasse Tilex Soap Scum Remover, 9 - 32-oz. Bottles (CLO35604) 4638 CLO 35604 22.60 35604 Tilex Soap Scum Remover
Nonabrasive formula cleans and deodorizes ceramic tile, plastic, chrome, fiberglass and porcelain without scrubbing. Removes tough soap scum on contact. Excellent for use on tubs, showers, grout, glass showers, shower heads, shower curtains, caulk, rubber mats, sinks and any other surface area that is in a bathroom and subject to soap buildup. EPA Registered disinfectant formula: bactericidal and mildewcidal efficacy. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Manufactured by Clorox Professional
Tilex Soap Scum Remover, Trigger Spray Bottles, 32-oz. Bottle, 9 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 40.49 30.74 54.27 CLO35604.JPG Tilex Soap Scum Remover, 32-oz. Bottles, CLO 35604, CLO35604, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
4639 Lagasse Tilt Truck, 2 Cubic Yard, Black (RCP1035BLA) 4639 RCP 1035 BLA 215.00 1035 00 BLA Specially made to handle bulky, medium- to heavyweight materials. Sturdy, plastic construction. Easy to maneuver and dump contents. Wheels and axle are inset to prevent damage to interior surfaces and equipment. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Lid Not Available for 2 Cubic Yard
STANDARD-DUTY TILT TRUCK 2 CUBIC YARD BLACK Rubbermaid Commercial Products 1953.56 1490.00 2630.84 RCP1035BLA.JPG Tilt Truck and Lid, 2 Cubic Yard, Black RCP 1035 BLA, RCP1035BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4640 Lagasse Tilt Truck, 1/2 Cubic Yard, Black (RCP1304BLA) 4640 RCP 1304 BLA 59.00 1304 00 BLA Specially made to handle bulky, medium- to heavyweight materials. Sturdy, plastic construction. Easy to maneuver and dump contents. Wheels and axle are inset to prevent damage to interior surfaces and equipment. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Lid Sold Separately (SKU: RCP 1307 BLA)
MEDIUM/HEAVY-DUTY TILT TRUCK 1/2 CUBIC YARD 300 LB CAPACITY BLACK Rubbermaid Commercial Products 483.80 369.00 658.57 RCP1304BLA.JPG Tilt Truck and Lid, 1/2 Cubic Yard, Black RCP 1304 BLA, RCP1304BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
4641 Lagasse Tilt Truck, 1/2 Cubic Yard, Black (RCP1305BLA) 4641 RCP 1305 BLA 77.20 1305 BLA Specially made to handle bulky, medium- to heavyweight materials. Sturdy, plastic construction. Easy to maneuver and dump contents. Wheels and axle are inset to prevent damage to interior surfaces and equipment. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Lid sold separately (SKU: RCP 1307 BLA)
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 694.89 530.00 938.96 RCP1305BLA.JPG Tilt Truck and Lid, 1/2 Cubic Yard, Black RCP 1305 BLA, RCP1305BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
4642 Lagasse Rubbermaid 1/2 Cubic Yard Tilt Truck, Black (RCP1306BLA) 4642 RCP 1306 BLA 82.00 1306 00 BLA ½ Cubic Yard Commercial Tilt Truck
Rubbermaid’s Commercial Roto-molded Tilt Truck transports heavy loads with ease. This tilt truck has 1/2 cubic yard or 1400 lb. capacity but is still able to maneuver through commercial-sized doorways and elevators. The inset axle and wheel protect corners and external objects, so you can transport the tilt truck without damaging baseboards or walls. The seamless molded polyethylene body is crack and dent resistant and its smooth surface is easy to clean while still resisting pitting and corroding. The constant force design of this tilt truck allows for controlled dumping by just one person. If you are looking for an industrial strength tilt truck, choose Rubbermaid, a company that has been trusted by consumers for years and one which develops products such as this to help support the environment. Optional domed lids available. (Cannot ship UPS, Must Ship LTL). Lid Sold Separately SKU: RCP1307BLA.
Rubbermaid Heavy Duty Tilt Truck, 1/2 Cubic Yd., 1400-lb. Capacity, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 894.18 618.00 1219.49 RCP1306BLA.JPG tilt truck, rubbermaid tilt truck, black tilt truck, rubbermaid tilt truck, RCP 1306 BLA, RCP1306BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
4643 Lagasse Rubbermaid Tilt Truck Lid, Black (RCP1307BLA) 4643 RCP 1307 BLA 20.00 1307 BLA Rubbermaid 1/2 Cubic Yard Tilt Truck Lid
Tilt truck lid fits 1/2 cubic yard trucks #1304,1305,1306,9T17 (sold separately) Shipping weight: 24 Lbs (Cannot ship UPS.)
Rubbermaid Tilt Truck Lid, 1/2 Cubic Yard Lid, Black, Each
Material Handling »
Tilt Trucks - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 132.42 101.00 180.15 RCP1307BLA.JPG rubbermaid tilt truck lid, tilt truck lid, RCP 1307 BLA, RCP1307BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4644 Lagasse Rubbermaid Tilt Truck 1 Cubic Yard, Black (RCP1314BLA) 4644 RCP 1314 BLA 91.00 1314 00 BLA Specially made to handle bulky, medium- to heavyweight materials. Sturdy, plastic construction. 850 lb. Capacity. Easy to maneuver and dump contents. Wheels and axle are inset to prevent damage to interior surfaces and equipment. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Lid sold separately (SKU: RCP 1317 BLA)
Rubbermaid Medium-Heavy Tilt Truck, 1 Cubic Yard Tilt Truck, 850 lb. capacity, Black
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 654.24 499.00 861.00 RCP1314BLA.JPG rubbermaid tilt truck, tilt truck, 1 cubic yard tilt truck, trash cart, big trash cart, RCP 1314 BLA, RCP1314BLA 1 1 0 1 1 89
4645 Lagasse Tilt Truck, 1 Cubic Yard, Black (RCP1315BLA) 4645 RCP 1315 BLA 99.00 1315 00 BLA Specially made to handle bulky, medium- to heavyweight materials. Sturdy, plastic construction. Easy to maneuver and dump contents. Wheels and axle are inset to prevent damage to interior surfaces and equipment. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Lid sold separately (SKU: RCP 1317 BLA)
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 894.18 682.00 1195.24 RCP1315BLA.JPG Tilt Truck and Lid, 1 Cubic Yard, Black RCP 1315 BLA, RCP1315BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
4646 Lagasse Tilt Truck, 1 Cubic Yard, Black (RCP1316BLA) 4646 RCP 1316 BLA 120.00 1316 00 BLA Specially made to handle bulky, medium- to heavyweight materials. Sturdy, plastic construction. Easy to maneuver and dump contents. Wheels and axle are inset to prevent damage to interior surfaces and equipment. (Cannot ship UPS.)
Lid sold separately (SKU: RCP 1317 BLA)
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 1030.53 786.00 1410.33 RCP1316BLA.JPG Tilt Truck and Lid, 1 Cubic Yard, Black RCP 1316 BLA, RCP1316BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
4647 Lagasse Rubbermaid Tilt Truck Lid, Black (RCP1317BLA) 4647 RCP 1317 BLA 24.00 1317 BLACK Tilt truck lid fits 1 cubic yard trucks #1314,1315,1316,1315-42,9T18 (sold separately)
Shipping weight: 24 Lbs(Cannot ship UPS.)
TILT TRUCK LID 1 CUBIC YARD BLACK Rubbermaid Commercial Products 195.47 137.50 254.01 RCP1317BLA.JPG Tilt Truck and Lid, Tilt Truck Lid, Black RCP 1317 BLA, RCP1317BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
4648 Lagasse Tilt Trucks, 1/2 Cubic Yard, Black (RCP9T17BLA) 4648 RCP 9T17 BLA 46.30 9T17 00 BLA Sturdy, plastic construction. Smooth and seamless, one-piece molded truck bodies with reinforced lip are rounded and easy to clean. 4in center swivel back caster provides easy maneuvering. Durable, one-piece, 10in blow-molded polypropylene wheels offer low maintenance and protect surroundings. Powder coated steel frame for corrosion resistance. (Cannot ship UPS.)
TILT TRUCK .5 CU YD 56-3/4X28X38-5/8 BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 428.73 327.00 562.40 RCP9T17BLA.JPG Tilt Trucks, 1/2 Cubic Yard, Black RCP 9T17 BLA, RCP9T17BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
4649 Lagasse Rubbermaid 1 Cubic Yard Tilt Truck, Black (RCP9T18BLA) 4649 RCP 9T18 BLA 86.50 9T18 00 BLA 1 Cubic Yard Commercial Tilt Truck
Rubbermaid’s Commercial Tilt Truck helps effortlessly transport heavy loads. This tilt truck’s sturdy industrial strength construction gives it the ability to haul up to 600 pounds or 1 cubic yard. The 4-inch center swivel back caster wheel makes for easy maneuvering and stability. The truck body has a reinforced lip and its seamless design makes it easy to clean. The durable one-piece, 10 inch blow-molded polypropylene wheels offer durability and require little maintenance. The steel frame on this tilt truck is power coated for corrosion resistance. Choose Rubbermaid sustainable products and help your business stay green, maintain a safe work environment, recycle, and earn credits towards sustainability focused certifications, such as LEED. (Cannot ship UPS, Must ship LTL)
Rubbermaid Tilt Truck, 1 Cubic Yard Capacity, 600-lb Capacity, 72.25" x 32.5" x 43.75", Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 586.07 447.00 798.34 RCP9T18BLA.JPG tilt truck, rubbermaid tilt truck, 1 cubic yard tilt truck, 600 lb capacity tilt truck, black tilt truck, RCP 9T18 BLA, RCP9T18BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
4650 Lagasse TimeMist 9000 Metered Aerosol Dispenser, White/Gray (TMS32-0142TM01B) 4650 TMS 32-0142TM01B 1.20 32-0142TM01B TimeMist 9000 Metered Aerosol Air Freshener Dispenser
The Time Mist 9000 Metered Air Freshener Dispenser is a programmable air freshener kit that allows you to control spray intensity and frequency of air freshener. You have the ability to select a light, medium or heavy release of a fresh seasonal fragrance at 7 ½ or 15 minute intervals. This metered air freshener provides effective odor control for up to 90 days, depending on the selected spray setting, in areas up to 6000 cubic feet. The air freshener dispenser features a visual LED reminder for both fragrance refill and battery replacement. Operates one year on two C batteries (not included). Mounting hardware included. The TimeMist 9000 comes with mounting hardware and a Manufacturer’s five year warranty when used with TimeMist 9000 refills (sold separately). Dimensions 3-1/2" Wide x 3-1/2" Deep x 9-1/4" High.
TimeMist Waterbury TimeMist 9000 Metered Aerosol Dispenser, Gray / White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 31.73 23.63 41.66 TMS320142TM01B.JPG metered air fresheners, timemist metered air fresheners, air fresheners, metered air freshener refills, TMS 32-0142TM01B, TMS320142TM01B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4651 Lagasse TimeMist 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refill, Cherry Fragrance (TMS33-6414TMCA) 4651 TMS 33-6414TMCA 2.95 33-6414TMCA 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refills . Highly concentrated odor counteractant attacks and neutralizes unpleasant odors. Environmentally friendly, acetone-free formula is VOC Compliant in all states. For use with TimeMist® 9000, 1000 and Classic Series air freshener dispensers (sold separately). 90-day air freshener refill. 4 air freshener refills per case.
9000 SHOT MET AIR FRESH 7.5 OZ ARSL CHERRY 4 Timemist Waterbury 34.11 25.01 46.57 TMS336414TMCA.JPG TimeMist 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refill, Cherry Fragrance TMS 33-6414TMCA, TMS336414TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4652 Lagasse Cinnamon Fragrance TimeMist 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refills, 7 1/2-oz. Cans (TMS33-6411TMCA) 4652 TMS 33-6411TMCA 2.95 33-6411TMCA Cinnamon Scent 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refills
Highly concentrated odor counteractant attacks and neutralizes unpleasant odors. Environmentally friendly, acetone-free formula is VOC Compliant in all states. For use with TimeMist® 9000, 1000 and Classic Series air freshener dispensers (sold separately). 90-day air freshener refill. 4 air freshener refills per case.
TimeMist Cinnamon Scent 9000 Shot Metered Air Fresheners Refills, 7.5-oz. Aerosol Cans, 4 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 82.94 47.80 112.70 TMS336411TMCA.JPG TimeMist 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refill, Cinnamon Fragrance, TMS 33-6411TMCA, TMS336411TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4653 Lagasse Citrus Scent TimeMist 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refills, 7-1/2-oz. Cans (TMS33-6415TMCA) 4653 TMS 33-6415TMCA 2.95 33-6415TMCA TimeMist 9000 Citrus Scent Metered Air Freshener Refills
Highly concentrated odor counteractant attacks and neutralizes unpleasant odors. Environmentally friendly, acetone-free formula is VOC Compliant in all states. For use with TimeMist 9000, 1000 and Classic Series air freshener dispensers (sold separately). 90-day air freshener refill. 4 air freshener refills per case.
TimeMist Citrus Scent 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refills, 7.5-oz. Aerosol Can, 4 Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 36.56 27.88 48.15 TMS336415TMCA.JPG TimeMist 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refill, Citrus Fragrance TMS 33-6415TMCA, TMS336415TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4654 Lagasse Clean N Fresh TimeMist 9000 Metered Air Freshener, 4 Refills (TMS33-6402TMCA) 4654 TMS 33-6402TMCA 2.95 33-6402TMCA TimeMist 9000 Clean N Fresh Air Freshener Refills
Highly concentrated odor counteractant attacks and neutralizes unpleasant odors. Environmentally friendly, acetone-free formula is VOC Compliant in all states. For use with TimeMist 9000, 1000 and Classic Series air freshener dispensers (sold separately). 90-day air freshener refill. 4 air freshener refills per case.
Time Mist 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refills, Clean N Fresh Fragrance, 4 - 7.5-oz. Aerosol Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 35.19 26.84 46.89 TMS336402TMCA.JPG timemist 9000 shot metered air freshener refill, clean n fresh fragrance, air fresheners, metered air fresheners, TMS 33-6402TMCA, TMS336402TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4660 Lagasse TimeMist Air Sanitizer Refill (TMS91-2801TM) 4660 TMS 91-2801TM 7.70 91-2801TM Time Mist Air Sanitizer Refill. All of our air fresheners and bathroom air freshener refills are sold at discounted prices and will save you a lot of money. The TimeMist® Air Sanitizer Refill effectively removes airborne bacteria making the air cleaner and healthier. The air fresheners and Bathroom Air Fresheners work in areas up to 6,000 cubic feet. Light, clean fragrance. EPA Registered. Not for sale in California. 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
MET AIR SANI 6.2 OZ ARSL 12 Timemist Waterbury 68.71 44.99 91.44 TMS912801TM.JPG TimeMist Air Sanitizer Refill TMS 91-2801TM, TMS912801TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4661 Lagasse TimeMist Classic Metered Aerosol Dispenser, Beige (TMS1131TM) 4661 TMS 1131TM 1.12 32-1131TM TIMEMIST Classic Metered Aerosol Dispensers
This air freshener and bathroom air freshener has slim-line, high-impact, chemical-resistant plastic cabinets that activates metered air freshener refill every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day, for 30 days. These Air Freshener Dispensers are great if used in your bathrooms as a Bathroom Air Freshener and will have any bathroom smelling great in no time. This product operates one year on two C batteries (not included). Mounting screws included. Manufacturer’s five-year warranty when used with TimeMist air freshener refills (sold separately). Here at we purchase all of our bathroom air fresheners and air freshening products in bulk so that you save money. Buy bulk and save folks. 3-3/4w x 3-1/4d x 9-1/2h. Also check out our line of Janitorial Supplies throughout our website.
Timemist Classic Metered Aerosol Dispenser, Color Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 26.03 19.60 34.13 TMS1131TM.JPG TimeMist Classic Metered Aerosol Dispenser, Beige TMS 1131TM, TMS1131TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4663 Lagasse TimeMist Classic Metered Aerosol Dispenser, Gray (TMS1111TM) 4663 TMS 1111TM 1.12 32-1111TM TIMEMIST Classic Metered Aerosol Air Freshener Dispensers. This air freshener and bathroom air freshener has slim-line, high-impact, chemical-resistant plastic cabinets that activates metered air freshener refill every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day, for 30 days. These Air Freshener Dispensers are great if used in your bathrooms as a Bathroom Air Freshener and will have any bathroom smelling gret in no time. This product operates one year on two C batteries (not included). Mounting screws included. Manufacturer’s five-year warranty when used with TimeMist® air freshener refills (sold separately). Here at we purchase all of our bathroom air fresheners and air freshening products in bulk so that you save money. Buy bulk and save folks. 3-3/4w x 3-1/4d x 9-1/2h. Also check out our line of Janitorial Supplies throughout our website.
CLASSIC MET ARSL DSP 3.75X3.25X9.5 GRA 12 Timemist Waterbury 25.70 19.60 33.47 TMS1111TM.JPG TimeMist Classic Metered Aerosol Dispenser, Gray TMS 1111TM, TMS1111TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4664 Lagasse TimeMist Metered Dispenser Kit, Beige (TMS1970TM) 4664 TMS 1970TM 2.54 32-1970TM Includes one standard-size metered dispenser and two 30-day refills—Native Mango and Voodoo Berry fragrances. Dispenser automatically releases a uniform spray every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day, for 30 days. Operates up to two years on two C batteries (not incl.). 3-3/4w x 3-1/4d x 9-1/2h.
MET DSP KIT 3.75X3.25X9.5 W/ 2 RFL WHI Timemist Waterbury 36.77 28.04 49.97 TMS1970TM.JPG TimeMist Metered Dispenser Kit, Beige TMS 1970TM, TMS1970TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4665 Lagasse TimeMist Micro Ultra Metered Aerosol Dispenser, White/Gray (TMS1041TM1) 4665 TMS 1041TM1 0.92 32-1041TM1 TimeMist Concentrated Metered Aerosol Dispenser
TimeMist Micro Concentrated Metered Aerosol Air Freshener Dispenser is only 3w x 3d x 7h, but packs all the features of larger metered dispensers. This air freshener is great if utilized in the bathroom as a Bathroom Air Freshener. This air freshener-bathroom air freshener is programed at a desired spray at 15-, 30- or 45-minute intervals. Controls odors in rooms and bathrooms up to 6,000 cu. ft. (10 ft. x 20 ft. x 30 ft.) for 15 to 45 days (depending on the selected spray interval). Visual (LED) refill and battery replacement indicator. This TimeMist Air Freshener Dispenser operates up to2 years on 2 C batteries (not included). Mounting tape and screws included. Manufacturer’s 5-year warranty when used with TimeMist Ultra Concentrated Air Fresheners Refills (sold separately).
TimeMist Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Aerosol Dispenser, 3x3x7, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 27.47 20.60 36.41 TMS1041TM1.JPG timemist air fresheners, timemist micro ultra dispensers, timemist metered aerosol dispenser, White/Gray TMS 1041TM1, TMS1041TM1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4666 Lagasse TimeMist Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills, Cinnamon Spice (TMS2401) 4666 TMS 2401 2.83 33-2401TMCA Ultra-concentrated refills in premium fragrances work faster and stay in the air longer. Half the size of ordinary refills, but twice the odor-fighting power. For use in Micro TimeMist® Ultra Metered Dispenser TMS 1041TM1, TimeMist® Classic Series and TimeMist® Plus Series dispensers (sold separately). Can also be used as a personal air freshener—the 2-oz. refill is perfectly sized for pockets, purses, desktops. 15- to 45-day refill (depending on spray interval setting). 12 refills per case.
TimeMist Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener, Cinnamon Spice, 2.2-oz. Refills, 12 per Case
Timemist Waterbury 52.10 38.00 67.89 TMS2401.JPG TimeMist Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills, Cinnamon Spice TMS 2401, TMS2401, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4667 Lagasse TimeMist Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills, Clean ’N Fresh (TMS2402) 4667 TMS 2402 2.83 33-2402TMCA TimeMist Ultra Concentrated Refill, Clean 'N Fresh
Ultra-concentrated refills in premium fragrances work faster and stay in the air longer. Half the size of ordinary refills, but twice the odor-fighting power. For use in Micro TimeMist Ultra Metered Dispenser TMS 1041TM1, TimeMist Classic Series and TimeMist Plus Series dispensers (sold separately). Can also be used as a personal air freshener—the 2-oz. refill is perfectly sized for pockets, purses, desktops. 15- to 45-day refill (depending on spray interval setting). 12 refills per case.
Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills, Clean N' Fresh Scent, 2.2-oz. Aerosol Cans, , 12 Cans per Case.
Timemist Waterbury 52.70 40.19 69.13 TMS2402.JPG TimeMist Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills, Clean N Fresh, TMS 2402, TMS2402, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4668 Lagasse TimeMist Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills, Country Garden (TMS2404) 4668 TMS 2404 2.83 33-2404TMCA Ultra-concentrated refills in premium fragrances work faster and stay in the air longer. Half the size of ordinary refills, but twice the odor-fighting power. For use in Micro TimeMist® Ultra Metered Dispenser TMS 1041TM1, TimeMist® Classic Series and TimeMist® Plus Series dispensers (sold separately). Can also be used as a personal air freshener—the 2-oz. refill is perfectly sized for pockets, purses, desktops. 15- to 45-day refill (depending on spray interval setting). 12 refills per case.
MICRO CONC MET AIR FRESH 2.2 OZ ARSL CNTRY GRDN 12 Timemist Waterbury 52.70 40.19 70.52 TMS2404.JPG TimeMist Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills, Country Garden TMS 2404, TMS2404, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4669 Lagasse TimeMist Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills, Citrus (TMS2408) 4669 TMS 2408 2.83 33-2408TMCA Ultra-concentrated refills in premium fragrances work faster and stay in the air longer. Half the size of ordinary refills, but twice the odor-fighting power. For use in Micro TimeMist® Ultra Metered Dispenser TMS 1041TM1, TimeMist® Classic Series and TimeMist® Plus Series dispensers (sold separately). Can also be used as a personal air freshener—the 2-oz. refill is perfectly sized for pockets, purses, desktops. 15- to 45-day refill (depending on spray interval setting). 12 refills per case.
MICRO CONC MET AIR FRESH 2.2 OZ ARSL CITRUS 12 Timemist Waterbury 52.70 40.19 72.12 TMS2408.JPG TimeMist Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills, Citrus TMS 2408, TMS2408, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4670 Lagasse TimeMist Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills, Mango (TMS2460) 4670 TMS 2460 2.83 33-2460TMCA Ultra-concentrated refills in premium fragrances work faster and stay in the air longer. Half the size of ordinary refills, but twice the odor-fighting power. For use in Micro TimeMist® Ultra Metered Dispenser TMS 1041TM1, TimeMist® Classic Series and TimeMist® Plus Series dispensers (sold separately). Can also be used as a personal air freshener—the 2-oz. refill is perfectly sized for pockets, purses, desktops. 15- to 45-day refill (depending on spray interval setting). 12 refills per case.
MICRO CONC MET AIR FRESH 2.2 OZ ARSL MANGO 12 Timemist Waterbury 53.60 40.88 72.39 TMS2460.JPG TimeMist Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills, Mango TMS 2460, TMS2460, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4671 Lagasse TimeMist Plus Metered Aerosol Dispenser, White/Beige (TMS0141BEI) 4671 TMS 0141 BEI 1.20 32-0141TM03B Advanced system with “Command Performance,” lets you customize usage. Set start/stop time, plus spray level (light, medium, heavy). Or, set switch “ON” for automatic spraying every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day, for 30 days. Visual (LED) and audible (beeps) refill and battery replacement indicators. Operates one year on two C batteries (not incl.). Mounting screws included. Manufacturer’s lifetime warranty when used with TimeMist® refills (sold separately). 3-3/4w x 3-1/4d x 9-1/2h.
PLUS MET ARSL DSP 3.75X3.25X9.5 WHI/BEI 6 Timemist Waterbury 30.69 23.41 40.71 TMS0141BEI.JPG TimeMist Plus Metered Aerosol Dispenser, White/Beige TMS 0141 BEI, TMS0141BEI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4673 Lagasse TimeMist Plus Metered Aerosol Dispenser, White/Gray (TMS0141GRA) 4673 TMS 0141 GRA 1.20 32-0141TM01B TimeMist Plus Metered Aerosol Dispenser
Coming with an advanced system with “Command Performance,” the TimeMist Plus Metered Aerosol Dispenser lets you customize usage with ease. You can set start/stop time, adjust the spray level to either light, medium, or heavy, as well as set the switch “ON” for automatic spraying every 15 minutes. Coming complete with a visual (LED) and audible (beeps) refill indicator, the TimeMist Plus Metered Aerosol Dispenser operates for one year on two C batteries (not incl.). Mounting screws included. Manufacturer’s lifetime warranty when used with TimeMist® refills (sold separately). 3-3/4" x 3-1/4" x 9-1/2".
TimeMist Waterbury Metered Aerosol Dispenser, White/Gray, 3-3/4" x 3-1/4" x 9-1/2", Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 29.16 22.24 39.35 TMS0141GRA.JPG metered air freshener, timemist metered air freshener dispenser, air freshener dispenser, metered air freshener dispenser, White/Gray TMS 0141 GRA, TMS0141GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4674 Lagasse TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills, Clean ’N Fresh, 12 - 6.6-oz. Refills (TMS2502) 4674 TMS 2502 7.55 33-2502TMCA Clean ’N Fresh Scented Metered Air Freshener Refills
Clean ’N Fresh scented TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills offer a welcoming and fragrant way to keep any home or office, smelling its best. Scientifically designed to counteract odors while leaving a pleasant aroma, every refill is guaranteed to keep your home, office or other location smelling fresh, clean and inviting. For use in TimeMist standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately), these 30-day refills provide a quick and easy way to improve and maintain a clean and inviting indoor environment.
TimeMist Waterbury Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Citrus, 6.6-oz. Aerosol Refill, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 47.31 34.65 63.51 TMS2502.JPG timemist air freshener, timemist, air freshener, metered air fresheners, TMS 2502, TMS2502, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4676 Lagasse TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Citrus, 12 Refills (TMS2508) 4676 TMS 2508 7.55 33-2508TMCA Citrus Scented Metered Air Freshener Refills
Citrus scented TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills offer a welcoming and fragrant way to keep any home or office, smelling its best. Scientifically designed to counteract odors while leaving a pleasant aroma, everyl refill is guaranteed to keep your home, office or other location smelling fresh, clean and inviting. For use in TimeMist standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately), these 30-day refills provide a quick and easy way to improve and maintain a clean and inviting indoor environment.
TimeMist Waterbury Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Citrus, 6.6-oz. Aerosol Refill, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 46.54 35.50 60.48 TMS2508.JPG metered air fresheners, timemist metered air fresheners, air fresheners, metered air freshener refills, TMS 2508, TMS2508, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4678 Lagasse TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Baby Powder, 12 Cans (TMS2512) 4678 TMS 2512 7.55 33-2512TM TimeMist Metered Baby Powder Scented Air Fresheners
Coming in an assorted pack of scents, these TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills offer a welcoming and fragrant way to keep any home or office, smelling its best. Scientifically designed to counteract odors while leaving a pleasant aroma, every refill is guaranteed to keep your home, office or other location smelling fresh, clean and inviting. Scientifically counteracts odors and leaves a pleasant aroma. For use in TimeMist standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
TimeMist Metered Baby Powder Scented Air Freshener Refills, 6.6-oz. Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 46.69 35.61 61.60 TMS2512.JPG timemist air freshener, timemist, air freshener, metered air fresheners, TMS 2512, TMS2512, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4679 Lagasse TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Pina Colada (TMS2513) 4679 TMS 2513 7.55 33-2513TMCAPT Scientifically counteracts odors and leaves a pleasant aroma. For use in TimeMist® standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
PREM MET AIR FRESH 6.6 OZ ARSL PINA COLADA 12 Timemist Waterbury 46.69 35.61 60.72 TMS2513.JPG TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Piña Colada TMS 2513, TMS2513, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4680 Lagasse TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Green Apple (TMS2516) 4680 TMS 2516 7.55 33-2516TMCAPT Scientifically counteracts odors and leaves a pleasant aroma. For use in TimeMist® standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
Premium Metered Air Freshener 6.6-oz. Aerosol Green Apple, 12 per Case
Timemist Waterbury 47.01 35.79 61.45 TMS2516.JPG TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Green Apple TMS 2516, TMS2516, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4681 Lagasse TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Cherry (TMS2517) 4681 TMS 2517 7.55 33-2517TM Scientifically counteracts odors and leaves a pleasant aroma. For use in TimeMist® standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
PREM MET AIR FRESH 5.3 OZ ARSL CHERRY 12 Timemist Waterbury 50.26 38.33 66.86 TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Cherry TMS 2517, TMS2517, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4682 Lagasse TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Bayberry (TMS2521) 4682 TMS 2521 7.55 33-2521TMCAPT Scientifically counteracts odors and leaves a pleasant aroma. For use in TimeMist® standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
PREM MET AIR FRESH 6.6 OZ ARSL BAYBERRY 12 Timemist Waterbury 47.88 36.52 63.84 TMS2521.JPG TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Bayberry TMS 2521, TMS2521, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4683 Lagasse TimeMist® Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Country Garden (TMS2522) 4683 TMS 2522 7.55 33-2522TM Scientifically counteracts odors and leaves a pleasant aroma. For use in TimeMist® standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
PREM MET AIR FRESH 6.6 OZ ARSL CNTRY GRDN 12 Timemist Waterbury 49.09 37.44 66.89 TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Country Garden TMS 2522, TMS2522, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4685 Lagasse TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Spring Flowers (TMS2553) 4685 TMS 2553 7.55 33-2553TM TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills, Spring Flowers
Scientifically counteracts odors and leaves a pleasant aroma. For use in TimeMist standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills, Spring Flowers 12 - 6.6 OZ Aerosol cans per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust
Timemist Waterbury 46.21 35.24 61.66 TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Spring Flowers TMS 2553, TMS2553, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4686 Lagasse TimeMist Metered Air Freshener, Assortment Pack, 12 Refills (TMS2607) 4686 TMS 2607 7.55 33-2607TMCA TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Assortment Refills
Coming in an assorted pack of scents, these TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills offer a welcoming and fragrant way to keep any home or office, smelling its best. Scientifically designed to counteract odors while leaving a pleasant aroma, every refill is guaranteed to keep your home, office or other location smelling fresh, clean and inviting. For use in TimeMist standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately), these 30-day refills provide a quick and easy way to improve and maintain a clean and inviting indoor environment. 2 each: Mango, Spring Flowers, French Kiss, Dutch Apple Spice and Country Garden.
TimeMist Waterbury Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Assorted, 6.6-oz. Aerosol Refill, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 47.88 36.52 64.30 TMS2607.JPG metered air fresheners, timemist metered air fresheners, air fresheners, metered air freshener refills, TMS 2607, TMS2607, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4687 Lagasse TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Super Odor Neutralizer (TMS2701) 4687 TMS 2701 7.55 33-2701TM Scientifically counteracts odors and leaves a pleasant aroma. For use in TimeMist® standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). 30-day refill. 12 refills per case. Lemon Lime Fragrance.
PREM MET AIR FRESH ODOR NUTRLZ 6.6 OZ ARSL 12 Timemist Waterbury 47.14 35.47 61.40 TMS2701.JPG TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Super Odor Neutralizer TMS 2701, TMS2701, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4688 Lagasse TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Native Mango (TMS2960) 4688 TMS 2960 7.55 33-2960TMCA Scientifically counteracts odors and leaves a pleasant aroma. For use in TimeMist® standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
PREM MET AIR FRESH 6.6 OZ ARSL NTV MANGO 12 Timemist Waterbury 46.61 35.55 63.61 TMS2960.JPG TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Native Mango TMS 2960, TMS2960, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4690 Lagasse TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Passion Violet (TMS2962) 4690 TMS 2962 7.55 33-2962TMCAPT Scientifically counteracts odors and leaves a pleasant aroma. For use in TimeMist® standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
PREM MET AIR FRESH 5.3 OZ ARSL PSSN VIOLET 12 Timemist Waterbury 47.18 35.55 63.78 TMS2962.JPG TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Passion Violet TMS 2962, TMS2962, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4691 Lagasse TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Voodoo Berry (TMS2965) 4691 TMS 2965 7.55 33-2965TMCAPT Scientifically counteracts odors and leaves a pleasant aroma. For use in TimeMist® standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
PREM MET AIR FRESH 6.6 OZ ARSL VOODOO BERRY 12 Timemist Waterbury 47.88 36.52 65.05 TMS2965.JPG TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Voodoo Berry TMS 2965, TMS2965, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4692 Lagasse TimeMist Metered Air Freshener, Dutch Apple Spice, 12 - 6.6-oz. Refills (TMS4701) 4692 TMS 4701 7.55 33-4701TM TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Dutch Apple Spice Scented Refills
Scientifically counteracts odors while leaving a pleasant apple aroma. This 30 day refill is for use in TimeMist standard-size metered aerosol dispensers, which are sold separately. Coming 12 refills per case, this highly concentrated odor counteractant attacks and neutralizes unpleasant odors in moments. Environmentally friendly, TimeMist's acetone-free formula is VOC Compliant in all states.
TimeMist Waterbury Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, Dutch Apple Spice, 6.6-oz. Refills, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 47.88 36.52 63.70 timemist metered air freshener refills, air fresheners, timemist air freshener refills, metered air freshener refills, TMS 4701, TMS4701, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4694 Lagasse TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, French Kiss (TMS4709) 4694 TMS 4709 7.50 33-4709TM Scientifically counteracts odors and leaves a pleasant aroma. For use in TimeMist® standard-size metered aerosol dispensers (sold separately). 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
PREM MET AIR FRESH 6.6 OZ ARSL FRENCH KISS 12 Timemist Waterbury 47.81 35.79 65.06 TMS4709.JPG TimeMist Premium Metered Air Freshener Refills, French Kiss TMS 4709, TMS4709, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4695 Lagasse TimeMist TLC Touchless Control Bulk Soap Dispenser (TMS71-2300TM) 4695 TMS 71-2300TM 2.10 71-2300TM Touchless Control Bulk Soap Dispenser
Economical, drip-free, germ-free dispensing in an attractive package. Handsfree system reduces the risk of cross-contamination. Soap is released when unit detects a hand beneath it, providing a germ-free, touchless dose. Engineered for reliability and durability. Battery replacement LED indicator. Lockable top cover for added security. Refillable interior container holds 27-oz. of liquid soap. Easy to install, maintain and service. 4.72"wide x 4.45"deep x 10.43"high.
TimeMist TLC Touchless Control Bulk Soap Dispenser, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 66.29 49.57 88.20 TMS712300TM.JPG TimeMist TLC Touchless Control Soap Dispenser TMS 71-2300TM, TMS712300TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4697 Lagasse Tire-Track™ Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 36 x 60 Size, Gray (CROTE35GRA) 4697 CRO TE35 GRA 17.00 TE 0035GY Attractive, high-performance mat perfect for any location accommodating large numbers of visitors. Features heavy-duty top surface with “tire track” pattern. Heavy-duty, slip-resistant vinyl backing. Lower layer holds more than one gallon of fluid per square yard for excellent absorbency. Wear-, fade- and crush-resistant carpet for long life. Manufacturer’s limited three-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
TIRE-TRACK 3X5 MAT GRA Ludlow Composites Corp. 64.90 49.50 87.96 CROTE35GRA.JPG Tire-Track Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 36 x 60 Size, Gray CRO TE35 GRA, CROTE35GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
4698 Lagasse Tire-Track™ Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 48 x 72 Size, Anthracite (CROTE46ANT) 4698 CRO TE46 ANT 22.00 TE 0046AC Attractive, high-performance mat perfect for any location accommodating large numbers of visitors. Features heavy-duty top surface with “tire track” pattern. Heavy-duty, slip-resistant vinyl backing. Lower layer holds more than one gallon of fluid per square yard for excellent absorbency. Wear-, fade- and crush-resistant carpet for long life. Manufacturer’s limited three-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
TIRE-TRACK 4X6 MAT ANT Ludlow Composites Corp. 100.83 74.54 135.38 CROTE46ANT.JPG Tire-Track Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 48 x 72 Size, Anthracite CRO TE46 ANT, CROTE46ANT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
4699 Lagasse Tire-Track™ Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 48 x 72 Size, Gray (CROTE46GRA) 4699 CRO TE46 GRA 22.00 TE 0046GY Attractive, high-performance mat perfect for any location accommodating large numbers of visitors. Features heavy-duty top surface with “tire track” pattern. Heavy-duty, slip-resistant vinyl backing. Lower layer holds more than one gallon of fluid per square yard for excellent absorbency. Wear-, fade- and crush-resistant carpet for long life. Manufacturer’s limited three-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in.
TIRE-TRACK 4X6 MAT GRA Ludlow Composites Corp. 103.84 79.20 137.01 CROTE46GRA.JPG Tire-Track Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 48 x 72 Size, Gray CRO TE46 GRA, CROTE46GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
4700 Lagasse Boraxo TMT Powdered Hand Soap (DIA02561) 4700 DIA 02561 59.40 02561 Boraxo TMT Powdered Hand Soap
Named after the teams of twenty mules that pulled 12-ton wagons of borax 165 miles of Death Valley desert to the railroad. Twenty Mule Team (T-M-T) Boraxo hand soap is an economical blend powered hand soad with borax. Cleans tough grime from hands.T-M-T containes no phosphates, is 100% soluble and is safe in septic systems. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
TMT Powdered Hand Soap 10 -5 lb boxes per Case Dial Professional 59.26 45.20 79.27 DIA02561.JPG TMT Powdered Hand Soap, 10 Boxes per Case, 5-lb. Box DIA 02561, DIA02561, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
4701 Lagasse Rubbermaid Toilet Bowl Brush Holder, Clear White Plastic (RCP6311WHI) 4701 RCP 6311 WHI 0.10 631100 WHT Toilet Bowl Brush Holder
The accessory no bathroom can do without, Rubbermaid's toilet bowl brush holder is a necessity accessory. Perfect for any of Rubbermaid's strong and dependable, toilet bowl brushes, this white clear plastic holder measures in at 5" in diameter, and holds the RCP 6310 WHI (sold separately) perfectly. Easy to clean and holds most round toilet brushes, this standard toilet brush holder is the ideal addition for home owners everywhere.
Rubbermaid Toilet Bowl Brush Holder, White, 5" Diameter, Each - The wholesale janitorial company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 1.84 1.40 2.43 RCP6311WHI.JPG toilet bowl brush holder, toilet brush holder, RCP 6311 WHI, RCP6311WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, toilet brush holder, bowl brush holder 1 1 0 0 1 89
4702 Lagasse Rubbermaid Toilet Bowl Brush, 14-1/2", White (RCP6310WHI) 4702 RCP 6310 WHI 0.20 631000 WHT White Toilet Bowl Brush
Strong and dependable, toilet bowl brushes from Rubbermaid are constructed of synthetic polypropylene bristles that resist stains and odors. Made with an ergonomic and reinforced plastic handle, these quality brushes provide the easiest, fastest and most dependable toilet cleaning available. Measuring in at 14-1/2" overall length, these high-quality toilet bowl brushes are constructed with the cleaning professional in mind. Able to withstand the rigorous nature of day-to-day bathroom cleaning, this quality cleaning tool is the ideal addition for professional cleaning services and home owners everywhere. Fits holder RCP 6311 WHI (sold separately). This toilet bowl brush is an excellent length and shape for reaching up into the rim of most toilets. Buy Now and Save!
Rubbermaid Toilet Bowl Brush, 14-1/2", White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 2.22 1.69 2.96 RCP6310WHI.JPG toilet bowl brush, toilet brushes, brushes, RCP 6310 WHI, RCP6310WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning products, toilet bowl brush, toilet bows brush, toilet brush 1 1 0 0 1 89
4703 Lagasse Rubbermaid Commercial Toilet Bowl Brush (RCP6320) 4703 RCP 6320 0.35 632000 BRN Long Handle Commercial Toilet Bowl Brush
Stain and odor-resistant polypropylene bristles are shaped to simultaneously clean under rim and side of bowl. Plastic handle. This long, overall length 17 inch handle is designed to be the perfect length for swirling the inner circle of the rim of a toilet which makes for easy cleaning.
Rubbermaid Commercial Grade Toilet Bowl Brush, Brown Bristle Scrub, 17" Long Handle, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 4.76 3.63 6.45 RCP6320.JPG toilet bowl brush, yellow handle toilet bowl brush, RCP 6320, RCP6320, toilet brush, toilet brushes, bathroom brush, bathroom cleaning supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies 1 1 0 0 1 89
4704 Lagasse Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bottles (CLO00031) 4704 CLO 00031 22.60 00031 Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach
Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner is a nonacid gel formula powered by Clorox Bleach. The thick gel clings to the bowl’s surface, providing the deep clean that Clorox products are known for. Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner kills 99.9% of common bathroom germs and eliminates odor-causing bacteria on the spot. The added bleach in this toilet bowl cleaner helps to remove stubborn stains and kill odors, while the angled neck design allows you to easily clean under the rim where bacteria can build up over time. Clorox has been a trusted cleaning product for decades and this toilet bowl cleaner is no exception. Stock up on Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach and leave your facility’s toilet bowls clean and fresh!
Clorox Professional Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 27.59 21.04 35.85 CLO00031.JPG Clorox toilet bowl cleaner, 24-oz. clorox toilet cleaner, CLO 00031, CLO00031, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
4705 Lagasse Johnny Mops Toilet Bowl Mops, 25 Mops (UNS160) 4705 UNS 160 0.12 UNS160 Toilet Bowl Mops
Strong, sturdy and dependable, Johnny Mops provide the easiest, fastest and most dependable toilet cleaning available. When looking for the perfect tool to ensure your bathroom toilet bowl is clean as can be, turn to our line of "Johnny Mops." These high-quality toilet bowl mops were constructed with the cleaning professional in mind, as they are able to withstand the rigorous nature of day-to-day bathroom cleaning. Coming complete with a 12" long I-beam white plastic resin handle with 4-1/2" strands of acid-resistant polypropylene. This cleaning tool is the ideal addition for professional cleaning services and home owners everywhere. Always In Stock and Ready to Ship! Buy Now and Save!
Unisan Johnny Mops Toilet Bowl Mops, 12" Length Handle, 4-1/2" Strands, 25 Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Unisan 0.78 0.59 1.02 UNS160.JPG toilet bowl mop, bowl mop, bowl brush, johnny mop, johnny brush, UNS 160, UNS160, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, janitorial products, 1 1 0 0 1 110
4709 Lagasse Toughworks Scrim Wipers in Roll, Food Service Towels (HOSC2375B) 4709 HOS C2375B 18.40 M-C2375BH Four-ply for extra absorbency, plus nylon reinforcement to resist tearing. Handles tough cleanup jobs. Wipes streak-free on glass and smooth surfaces. Low linting. Blue. 275 ft. per roll; 6 rolls per case.
Food Service Towels, Blue Scrim Wipes, 275 ft. per Roll; 6 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Food Service Towels Hospeco 68.36 50.85 93.10 HOSC2375B.JPG Toughworks Scrim Wipers in Roll HOS C2375B, HOSC2375B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
4710 Lagasse Trades Cart, Black (RCP6180BLA) 4710 RCP 6180 BLA 48.80 6180 00 BLACK Trades Utility Cart
Trades Cart. Perfect for facility maintenance work. Structural foam construction. Ergonomic top surface provides a handy work area for items weighing up to 180 lbs. Bottom shelf holds up to 150 lbs. Total cart capacity 450 lbs. (including drawers). Four removable parts boxes for assorted parts and hardware. Two storage drawers hold supplies. Molded-in, wraparound handle features storage bin for small tools and parts. Mounting bracket serves as cord wrap or holds wastebasket. 5" nonmarking swivel casters (two locking).
Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products
TRADES CART 38X19.25X33.4 BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 360.84 263.00 479.66 RCP6180BLA.JPG Trades Cart, Black RCP 6180 BLA, RCP6180BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4711 Lagasse Trades Cart with Locking Cabinet, Black (RCP6180-88BLA) 4711 RCP 6180-88 BLA 66.00 6180-88 BLACK Perfect for facility maintenance work. Structural foam construction. Ergonomic top surface provides a handy work area for items weighing up to 180 lbs. Bottom shelf holds up to 150 lbs. Total cart capacity 450 lbs. (including drawers). Four removable parts boxes for assorted parts and hardware. Two storage drawers hold supplies. Molded-in, wraparound handle features storage bin for small tools and parts. Mounting bracket serves as cord wrap or holds wastebasket. 5in nonmarking swivel casters (two locking). Fully enclosed, lockable storage compartment keeps costly tools and sensitive materials secure. 38w x 19-1/4d x 33-3/8h. Shpg. wt. 50.3 lbs. Assembly required. Shpg. wt. 68 lbs.
TRADES CART W/ LOCK CABINET 38X19.25X33.4 BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 470.69 359.00 637.96 RCP618088BLA.JPG Trades Cart with Locking Cabinet, Black RCP 6180-88 BLA, RCP618088BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4712 Lagasse Tradition 9" JRT Jr. Roll, 2 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, 12 Rolls (KCC02129) 4712 KCC 02129 24.06 02129 Tradition Jumbo Toilet Paper Roll
Kimberly Clark's Tradition Jumbo Roll toilet paper rolls meet the EPA standards and are made from 20% post-consumer material. Kimberly Clark is a brand name that you can trust. This toilet paper is 9” rolls and is 2-ply, white toilet paper. Jumbo toilet paper rolls save time and expense which provides a great benefit because jumbo toilet paper rolls do not need to be changed as often as a standard toilet paper roll. The jumbo toilet paper products, such as Tradition Jumbo Toilet Paper, contain about 5 times the amount of paper compared with a standard toilet paper roll. If you would like to save money and reduce your maintenance expenses then jumbo toilet rolls from provide the best solution for you.
Kimberly Clark Tradition Jumbo Junior Roll Toilet Tissue, 1,000-ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 49.61 37.22 66.14 KCC02129.JPG toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue, tradition jrt jr. jumbo roll bathroom tissue KCC 02129, KCC02129 1 1 0 0 1 65
4715 Lagasse Solo 16-oz. Translucent Plastic Straw Slot Lid, 2,000 Lids (SCCL16BL) 4715 SCC L16BL 9.50 L16BL-0100 Translucent Plastic Straw Slot Lids
These great plastic lids from Solo provide a snug fit reducing the chance of spills. Choice of four bubbles helps to identify contents. Straw slot. These plastic bubble lids are great for everyday use at your business or office or restaurant.
Solo 16-oz. Plastic Straw Slot Lids, Translucent, 16 Sleeves of 125 Lids, 2,000 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 88.57 62.00 119.58 SCCL16BL.JPG Translucent Plastic Bubble Lid, Fits 16-oz. Cups, SCC L16BL, SCCL16BL 1 1 0 0 1 141
4717 Lagasse Translucent Plastic 32-oz. Tall Cup Bubble Lid, 960 Lids (SCCL32BN) 4717 SCC L32BN 8.00 L32BN-0100 Translucent Plastic Bubble Lids
Perfect for those on the go, these quality plastic flat lids are an ideal fit for 32-oz. Solo plastic cold cups. Great for the home, office, restaurant or food service environment, this quality lid fits almost any situation.
Solo Cup Company Plastic 32-oz. Tall Cup Bubble Lid, Translucent, 960 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 86.50 60.55 114.75 SCCL32BN.JPG translucent plastic bubble lid, bubble lid, plastic bubble lid, SCC L32BN, SCCL32BN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4726 Lagasse 18" Trapper Looped-End Dust Mop (RCPJ152) 4726 RCP J152 0.80 J15203 YL00 18" Trapper Dust Mop Head
Rubbermaid Trapper Dust Mop Head is ideal for health care applications and for general-purpose dust mopping. Features ultra durable cotton blend yellow yarn. The looped-end design traps more dust and won’t fray, unravel or lint. Trapper Dust Mops are pretreated, preshrunk and launderable. Made with recycled fibers. Envelope style backing. (Dust mop handle and dust mop frame sold separately.)
Rubbermaid 18" Trapper Looped End Dust Mop, 5" x 18", Yellow
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 14.14 10.78 18.68 RCPJ152.JPG 18" trapper dust mop head, trapper looped-end dust mops, RCP J152, RCPJ152, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4727 Lagasse 24" Trapper Looped-End Dust Mop (RCPJ153) 4727 RCP J153 0.80 J15303 YL00 24" Trapper Dust Mop Head
Rubbermaid Trapper Dust Mop Head is ideal for health care applications and for general-purpose dust mopping. Features ultra durable cotton blend yellow yarn. The looped-end design traps more dust and won’t fray, unravel or lint. Trapper Dust Mops are pretreated, preshrunk and launderable. Made with recycled fibers. Envelope style backing. (Dust mop handle and dust mop frame sold separately.)
Rubbermaid 24" Trapper Looped End Dust Mop, 5" x 24", Yellow
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 16.67 12.72 22.28 RCPJ153.JPG 24" trapper dust mop head, trapper looped-end dust mops, RCP J153, RCPJ153, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4728 Lagasse 36" Trapper Looped-End Dust Mop (RCPJ155) 4728 RCP J155 1.30 J15503 YL00 36" Trapper Dust Mop Head
Rubbermaid Trapper Dust Mop Head is ideal for health care applications and for general-purpose dust mopping. Features ultra durable cotton blend yellow yarn. The looped-end design traps more dust and won’t fray, unravel or lint. Trapper Dust Mops are pretreated, preshrunk and launderable. Made with recycled fibers. Envelope style backing. (Dust mop handle and dust mop frame sold separately.)
Rubbermaid 36" Trapper Looped End Dust Mop, 5" x 36", Yellow
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 20.85 15.90 28.05 RCPJ155.JPG 36" trapper dust mop head, trapper looped-end dust mops, RCP J155, RCPJ155, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4729 Lagasse 48" Trapper Looped-End Dust Mop (RCPJ157) 4729 RCP J157 1.70 J15703 YL00 48" Trapper Dust Mop Head
Rubbermaid Trapper Dust Mop Head is ideal for health care applications and for general-purpose dust mopping. Features ultra durable cotton blend yellow yarn. The looped-end design traps more dust and won’t fray, unravel or lint. Trapper Dust Mops are pretreated, preshrunk and launderable. Made with recycled fibers. Envelope style backing. (Dust mop handle and dust mop frame sold separately.)
Rubbermaid 48" Trapper Looped End Dust Mop, 5" x 48", Yellow
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 25.17 19.20 32.77 RCPJ157.JPG 48" trapper dust mop head, trapper looped-end dust mops, RCP J157, RCPJ157, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4730 Lagasse Arm & Hammer Trash Can-Dumpster Deodorizer, 9 Boxes (CDC20015632) 4730 CDC 84116 26.60 8411600 Trash Can & Dumpster Deodorizer
Combination of baking soda and an odor-fighting fragrance quickly destroys tough odors on contact. Sprinkle directly on garbage each time more is added. Ideal for use in trash cans, dumpsters, drains/grease traps and diaper pails, great reputation Arm & Hammer is known for their deodorizer bad odor killers.
Arm & Hammer Trash Can & Dumpster Deodorizer, 42.6oz. Box, 9 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Arm And Hammer 33.16 25.29 45.00 CDC84116.JPG trash can & dumpster deodorizer, CDC 84116, CDC84116, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 7
4731 Lagasse Traveler Sip-Thru Lid (SCCTLP316) 4731 SCC TLP316 9.90 TLP316-0007 Solo Cups - Paper Hot Cup Lid - White Traveler Sip Thru Lid
Solo Cup company is proud to be known for premium hot cups and lids. These cups and lids are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Use these cups and lids everyday for your office coffee machine or at the water cooler. Stop washing dishes and coffee cups and start using these great disposable cups and lids from Solo cup company today.
Fits SCC 412TAJ, (sold separately).
White Traveler Sip Lid 1,000 lids per case.
Solo Cup Company 57.59 40.31 74.83 SCCTLP316.JPG Traveler Sip-Thru Lid SCC TLP316, SCCTLP316, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4734 Lagasse Trophy Flat Lift & Lock Tab Lid with Straw Slot, 2,000 Lids (SCCLX2SBR) 4734 SCC LX2SBR 13.50 LX2SBR-00100 Lift and Lock Tab Lid with Straw Slot
These lids are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Conveniently fits a variety of Solo Trophy foam cup sizes, 12 thru 24 oz. to help streamline ordering. Keep your drinks from spilling while on the go. Can be used for hot or cold beverages. Translucent color, 2,000 per case.
Solo Lift and Lock Tab Lid with Straw Slot, Fits 12-24oz Cups, 20 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 2,000 Lids per Case The wholesale janitorial company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 108.43 75.90 146.80 SCCLX2SBR.JPG Trophy Flat Lids, Lift & Lock Tab Lid with Straw Slot, Translucent SCC LX2SBR, SCCLX2SBR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4735 Lagasse Trophy Flat Lift & Lock Tab Lid, 2,000 Lids (SCCDLX12R) 4735 SCC DLX12R 13.50 DLX12R-00007 Flat Lift & Lock Tab Lid
Solo Foam Cup company is proud to be known for premium hot cups and lids. Conveniently fits a variety of Solo Trophy foam cup sizes, 12 thru 24 oz. to help streamline ordering. Keep your drinks from spilling while on the go. Solo foam cups and lids are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. White, 2,000 lids per case.
Solo Trophy Lift and Lock Tab Lid, 20 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 2,000 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 83.44 58.41 108.76 SCCDLX12R.JPG Trophy Flat Lids, Liftback & Lock Tab Lid, White SCC DLX12R, SCCDLX12R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4736 Lagasse Trophy 8oz. Flat Liftback & Lock Tab Lid, 2,000 Lids (SCCDLX8R) 4736 SCC DLX8R 12.00 DLX8R-00007 Flat Lift and Lock Tab Lid for 8oz. Trophy Cups
Solo Cup company is proud to be known for premium hot cups and lids. These cups and lids are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Perfect for meetings or traveling. Keep your drinks from spilling while on the go. White plastic, made to fit the Solo 8oz. Trophy foam cups.
Solo Trophy 8.oz Lift & Lock Tab Lid, White, 20 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 2,000 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 80.71 56.50 105.36 SCCDLX8R.JPG Trophy Flat Lids, Liftback & Lock Tab Lid, White SCC DLX8R, SCCDLX8R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4738 Lagasse True Fold Metal Front Cabinet Paper Towel Dispenser (SANT1905WH) 4738 SAN T1905WH 4.00 T1905WH Metal Front Cabinet Paper Towel Dispenser
The San Jamar Paper Towel Dispenser holds multi-fold and c-fold towels with no adjustments needed for either type of towel. Coming in a space-saving design, this versatile dispenser provides an easy towel access and restocking that reduces multiple dispensing. Coming with a flip-door instantly transforms to a c-fold or multi-fold paper towel dispenser, and a completely break-resistant plastic back. Holds 300 C-Fold or 500 Multi-fold paper towels. Lockable. 11-5/8" wide x 5" deep x 14-1/2" high.
San Jamar Paper Towel Dispenser True Fold Metal Front Cabinet, White, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Dispensers » C-Fold - Multifold Paper Towel Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 29.78 22.72 40.65 SANT1905WH.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers, true fold metal front cabinet paper towel dispenser, SAN T1905WH, SANT1905WH 1 1 0 0 1 92
4739 Lagasse True Fold Metal Front Cabinet Paper Towel Dispenser (SANT1905XC) 4739 SAN T1905XC 4.80 T1905XC Paper Towel Dispenser
Flip-door instantly transforms to a C-Fold or Multifold paper towel dispenser. Break-resistant plastic back. Holds 300 C-Fold or 500 Multifold paper towels. Lockable. 11-5/8"wide x 5"deep x 14-1/2"high.
San Jamar Chrome Paper Towel Dispenser, True Fold Metal Front Cabinet Style, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 36.96 28.11 48.95 SANT1905XC.JPG paper product, paper products, paer towel dispenser, paper towel dispensers,True Fold Metal Front Cabinet, SAN T1905XC, SANT1905XC 1 1 0 0 1 92
4741 Lagasse 56 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags, 43x47, 2.0mil, 100 Bags (RCP5013-88GRA) 4741 RCP 5013-88 GRA 27.00 501388 GRAY 56 Gallon Grey Garbage Bags
2.0 Mil thickness extra-heavy-duty, strong, durable liners prevent tears, eliminate double-bagging. Star bottom prevents leaks. Continuous tubular construction—no side seams to rupture. Grey color hides contents. On coreless rolls. Perforated for easy tear-off and dispensing. Twist ties included. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good puncture resistance and load capacity.
Rubbermaid 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 2.0mil, Grey, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 180.02 119.00 244.52 RCP501388GRA.JPG 55 gallon garbage bags, 55 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 55 gallon garbage can liners, RCP 5013-88 GRA, RCP501388GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4742 Lagasse Tuff-Spun® Foot-Lover™ Anti-Fatigue Mat, Black (CROFL3660BLA) 4742 CRO FL3660 BLA 11.50 FL 3660 BK Closed-cell PVC sponge mat offers comfortable, economical fatigue relief. Ribbed, slip-resistant surface with beveled edges for increased safety. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8in. 36 x 60. Shpg. wt. 10 lbs.
FOOT-LOVER/TUFF-SPUN MAT 3' X 5' BLA Ludlow Composites Corp. 30.00 22.88 39.91 CROFL3660BLA.JPG Tuff-Spun Foot-Lover Anti-Fatigue Mat, Black CRO FL3660 BLA, CROFL3660BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
4743 Lagasse Twin Brass Three-Pin Tumbler Padlocks (MAS120-T) 4743 MAS 120-T 0.40 MLK120T Secure, compact protection for briefcases, cash boxes, storage cabinets. 3/4in body width. Two locks, two keys per pack; keys match both locks.
PADLOCK 3/4 IN BRASS 2/PK Master Lock Company 6.24 3.70 8.20 MAS120T.JPG Twin Brass Three-Pin Tumbler Padlocks MAS 120-T, MAS120T, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 68
4745 Lagasse San Jamar Twin Jumbo Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser, Black Pearl (SANR4000TBK) 4745 SAN R4000TBK 4.80 R4000TBK Dual Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser
The industry-leading Twin Roll Jumbo Bath Tissue Dispenser is one of San Jamar’s most versatile toilet paper dispensers, thanks to its compact size. The slim profile of this dispenser makes it a perfect fit for any washroom. Constructed of unbreakable, chemical-resistant plastic, it also has a transparent full-swing replaceable cover that provides easy viewing of the toilet paper. The cover also features a key lock mechanism to prevent theft. This bath tissue dispenser holds two 9” rolls and the Infinity System prevents access to spare roll until first roll has been depleted, cutting down on maintenance time and wasted toilet paper. 19" wide x 5-1/4" deep x 12" high.
San Jamar Twin Jumbo Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser, Black Pearl, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 29.62 21.51 39.32 SANR4000TBK.JPG twin jumbo roll bath tissue dispenser, black pearl SAN R4000TBK, SANR4000TBK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
4746 Lagasse Twinkle Stainless Steel Cleaner-Polish, 12 Cans (DRK91224) 4746 DRK 91224 16.29 91224 Twinkle Stainless Steel Polish
Water-based formula removes grease, dirt, fingerprints, smudges and water marks from stainless steel, brass, aluminum and chrome. Leaves no residue or greasy film. Protects against resoiling. Contains no CFCs. Light lemon fragrance.
Dracket Twinkle Water Based Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish, 17-oz. Aerosol Cans, 12 Cans per Case Diversey 89.95 68.61 118.55 DRK91224.JPG twinkle polish, dracket twinkle, twinkle stainless steel cleaner and polish, stainless steel polish, stainless steel cleaner, DRK 91224, DRK91224, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
4747 Lagasse 3M Twist-Lok Pad Holder, 10 Pad Holders (MCO961) 4747 MCO 961 2.60 09493 Scrubbing Pad Holders
Specially designed for use with Scotch-Brite hand pads to make cleanup jobs faster, easier and safer. Distributes pressure evenly over pad surface for efficient cleaning action and improved pad life. 3.5"wide x 2.5"deep x 4.75"high.
3M Twist-Lok Pad Holder, 10 Pad Holders per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 61.68 41.60 80.38 MCO961.JPG 3m sponges, scrubbing sponges, twist-lok pad holder, MCO 961, MCO961, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
4748 Lagasse Two-Way Convertible Truck, Green Enamel Finish (WES65621Z2) 4748 WES 65621Z2 38.00 210326 • Heavy-gauge welded tubular steel frames Converts easily from a two-wheel, 500-lb. capacity hand truck to a four-wheel, 600-lb. capacity platform truck. 7 x 14 beveled steel nose plate. Two 10 x 2-3/4 solid rubber tires, two 5in swivel casters. Overall 20w x 48h. Shpg. wt. 38 lbs.
CONVRTBL TRUCK 400/500LB CPCTY 2 WHEELS 2 CSTRS Wesco Industries 255.99 195.25 348.80 WES65621Z2.JPG Two-Way Convertible Truck, Green Enamel Finish WES 65621Z2, WES65621Z2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 115
4749 Lagasse Two-Wheel Steel Hand Truck with Continuous Handle, Green Enamel Finish (WES656Z2) 4749 WES 656Z2 34.00 210365 • Heavy-gauge welded tubular steel frames Large 7 x 14 beveled steel toe plate for big loads. 500-lb. capacity. Steel stair glides. 10 x 2-3/4 solid rubber tires. Overall size: 21-3/4w x 48h. Shpg. wt. 34 lbs.
TWO WHEEL HAND TRUCK CONTINUOUS HANDLE Wesco Industries 184.62 134.06 250.59 WES656Z2.JPG Two-Wheel Steel Hand Truck with Continuous Handle, Green Enamel Finish WES 656Z2, WES656Z2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 115
4750 Lagasse Two-Wheel Steel Hand Truck with Loop Handle, Green Enamel Finish (WES626DZ2) 4750 WES 626DZ2 35.80 210362 • Heavy-gauge welded tubular steel frame Large 7 x 14 beveled steel toe plate for big loads. 500-lb. capacity. Steel stair glides. 10 x 2-3/4 solid rubber tires. Overall size: 21-3/4w x 50-1/2h. Shpg. wt. 34 lbs.
HAND CART LOOP HNDL STEEL 2 WHEEL Wesco Industries 193.56 147.63 251.66 WES626DZ2.JPG Two-Wheel Steel Hand Truck with Loop Handle, Green Enamel Finish WES 626DZ2, WES626DZ2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 115
4752 Lagasse UHS Combo Cleaner/Maintainer, 4 Gallons (FRKF455822) 4752 FRK F455822 37.60 F455822 Lightning Blend UHS Cleaner Maintainer
This ultra high speed cleaner and maintainer leaves no film, provides superior cleaning, revitalizes the finish to extend strip and recoat cycles, builds gloss, and reduces powdering. Automatic scrubber or mop and bucket. Use on all finished floors. Citrus fragrance. Recommended dilution: normal (1:128). NSF/USDA Classification C1.
Franklin Concentrate UHS Floor Cleaner & Maintainer, Citrus Scent, 1 Gallon Bottles, 4 Gallon Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Franklin Cleaning Technology 106.18 80.98 140.25 FRKF455822.JPG franklin uhs floor cleaner maintainer, floor restorer, franklin floor maintainer, FRK F455822, FRKF455822, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
4755 Lagasse Ultra Clorox Germicidal Bleach, 6 Bottles (CLO02490) 4755 CLO 02490 44.90 02490 Clorox Bleach
This germicidal bleach from Clorox is a powerful concentrated formula that cleans, disinfects and deodorizes a number of surfaces. Effective against E. coli, HIV-1, salmonella, staph, TB and hepatitis A, Clorox is the number one choice for hard surface disinfection. Clorox is ideal for sanitizing and disinfecting washrooms, shower stalls, toilets, counter tops, food prep areas, plastic toys, tools and virtually all nonporous surfaces in your home or business. Clorox Bleach complies with OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard and is recommended by the CDC guidelines to disinfect contamination caused by hard-to-kill pathogens like Norovirus. Ultra Clorox Bleach meets FDA guidelines for sanitizing food-contact surfaces and is an excellent all-around cleaner for a wide range of applications. Ideal for homes, hospitals, restaurants, daycare centers, schools and many more locations to keep your environment healthy and safe for family and employees.
Clorox Ultra Germicidal Bleach, 96-oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case
Cleaning Chemicals » Disinfectants - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 15.42 11.30 20.99 CLO02490.JPG ultra clorox germicidal bleach, clorox bleach, CLO 02490, CLO02490, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
4758 Lagasse Ultra Downy Fabric Softener, 8 - 60-oz. Bottles (PGC35762) 4758 PGC 35762 35.20 05802 Ultra Downy Fabric Softener
Concentrated to provide Downy softness and freshness with just one ounce per use, Downy providing the softest feeling clothing, as well as a fresh scent no other product can match. Delivering clothing and fabrics that are noticeably more soft, fluffy the liquid formula also provides a refreshing fragrant aroma. From clothes, and linens, to curtains, and uniforms, the Ultra Downy Fabric Softener provides the ideal addition to any load of laundry. Ultra Downy Fabric Softener is a quintessential part of any home, business or industry. Easily softens and freshens clothing after each use. Liquid formula for use in the rinse cycle.
Proctor and Gamble Ultra Downy Fabric Softener, 60-oz. Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 55.85 42.60 72.68 PGC35762.JPG downy fabric softener, PGC 35762, PGC35762, fabric softener, downy fabric softener, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
4759 Lagasse Ultra Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent, 6 Bottles (PGC12784) 4759 PGC 12784 24.60 12784 Gain Original Liquid Laundry Detergent
When you use Gain brand laundry detergent your cloths come out of the wash smelling cool and fresh. Gain's gentle scent is like a summer's breeze, calming and sweet. Gain keeps cloths smelling fresh longer than other brands with it's trade mark "Keep-It-Fresh" formula. Coming in 50-oz. bottles that wash up to 32 loads of laundry, Gain will yield approximately 192 loads of wash per case. Stock up and save on Gain Laundry Detergent today!
Proctor & Gamble Fresh Ultra 2X Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent, 50-oz. Bottles, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 53.96 41.16 71.16 PGC12784.JPG gain laundry detergent, ultra gain laundry detergent, gain original laundry detergent, original gain liquid laundry detergent, gain liquid laundry detergent, gain detergent, discount gain laundry detergent, wholesale gain laundry detergent, pgc 12784, pgc12784, laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent 1 1 0 0 1 80
4760 Lagasse 24" Aqua Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4024AQU) 4760 PAD 4024 AQU 4.84 54669 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 24 IN AQUA 5 Premiere Pads 32.06 24.45 43.19 PAD4024AQU.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Aqua Pad, 24in Diameter PAD 4024 AQU, PAD4024AQU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4761 Lagasse 24" Natural Hair Pads, Ultra Hi-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4024NAT) 4761 PAD 4024 NAT 4.84 54695 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR PAD 24 IN NAT HAIR 5 Premiere Pads 32.97 25.15 45.15 PAD4024NAT.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Hair Pad, 24in Diameter PAD 4024 NAT, PAD4024NAT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4762 Lagasse 24" Natural Hair Extra Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4024NHE) 4762 PAD 4024 NHE 4.84 54706 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 24 IN NAT HAIR X 5 Premiere Pads 32.97 25.15 44.85 PAD4024NHE.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Hair Extra Pad, 24in Diameter PAD 4024 NHE, PAD4024NHE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4763 Lagasse 24" Ultra Champagne Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4024ULT) 4763 PAD 4024 ULT 4.84 54682 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 24 IN CHAMPAGNE 5 Premiere Pads 31.74 24.21 41.92 PAD4024ULT.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Ultra Champagne Pad, 24in Diameter PAD 4024 ULT, PAD4024ULT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4764 Lagasse 21" Ultra Champagne Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4021ULT) 4764 PAD 4021 ULT 5.59 54680 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 21 IN CHAMPAGNE 5 Premiere Pads 22.64 17.27 30.63 PAD4021ULT.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Ultra Champagne Pad, 21in Diameter PAD 4021 ULT, PAD4021ULT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4765 Lagasse 21" Natural Hair Pads, Ultra Hi-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4021NAT) 4765 PAD 4021 NAT 5.59 54693 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR PAD 21 IN NAT HAIR 5 Premiere Pads 23.34 17.80 30.95 PAD4021NAT.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Hair Pad, 21in Diameter PAD 4021 NAT, PAD4021NAT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4766 Lagasse 21" Natural Hair Extra Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4021NHE) 4766 PAD 4021 NHE 5.59 54704 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 21 IN NAT HAIR X 5 Premiere Pads 23.93 18.25 31.95 PAD4021NHE.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Hair Extra Pad, 21in Diameter PAD 4021 NHE, PAD4021NHE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4767 Lagasse 21" Aqua Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4021AQU) 4767 PAD 4021 AQU 5.59 54668 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 21 IN AQUA 5 Premiere Pads 22.74 17.34 30.70 PAD4021AQU.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Aqua Pad, 21in Diameter PAD 4021 AQU, PAD4021AQU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4768 Lagasse 20" Ultra Champagne Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4020ULT) 4768 PAD 4020 ULT 5.06 54679 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 20 IN CHAMPAGNE 5 Premiere Pads 19.47 14.85 26.44 PAD4020ULT.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Ultra Champagne Pad, 20in Diameter PAD 4020 ULT, PAD4020ULT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4769 Lagasse 17" Aqua Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4017AQU) 4769 PAD 4017 AQU 3.79 54664 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 17 IN AQUA 5 Premiere Pads 15.54 11.85 20.38 PAD4017AQU.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Aqua Pad, 17in Diameter PAD 4017 AQU, PAD4017AQU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4770 Lagasse 19" Ultra Champagne Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4019ULT) 4770 PAD 4019 ULT 4.25 54678 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 19 IN CHAMPAGNE 5 Premiere Pads 18.38 14.02 24.60 PAD4019ULT.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Ultra Champagne Pad, 19in Diameter PAD 4019 ULT, PAD4019ULT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4771 Lagasse 19" Aqua Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4019AQU) 4771 PAD 4019 AQU 4.25 54666 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 19 IN AQUA 5 Premiere Pads 18.42 14.05 24.32 PAD4019AQU.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Aqua Pad, 19in Diameter PAD 4019 AQU, PAD4019AQU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4772 Lagasse 19" Natural Hair Pads, Ultra Hi-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4019NAT) 4772 PAD 4019 NAT 4.25 54691 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR PAD 19 IN NAT HAIR 5 Premiere Pads 18.99 14.48 24.79 PAD4019NAT.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Hair Pad, 19in Diameter PAD 4019 NAT, PAD4019NAT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4773 Lagasse 19" Natural Hair Extra Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4019NHE) 4773 PAD 4019 NHE 4.25 54702 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 19 IN NAT HAIR X 5 Premiere Pads 19.46 14.84 26.38 PAD4019NHE.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Hair Extra Pad, 19in Diameter PAD 4019 NHE, PAD4019NHE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4774 Lagasse 20" Natural Hair Pads, Ultra Hi-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4020NAT) 4774 PAD 4020 NAT 5.06 54692 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR PAD 20 IN NAT HAIR 5 Premiere Pads 20.89 15.93 28.40 PAD4020NAT.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Hair Pad, 20in Diameter PAD 4020 NAT, PAD4020NAT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4775 Lagasse 20" Natural Hair Extra Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4020NHE) 4775 PAD 4020 NHE 5.06 54703 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 20 IN NAT HAIR X 5 Premiere Pads 20.89 15.93 28.02 PAD4020NHE.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Hair Extra Pad, 20in Diameter PAD 4020 NHE, PAD4020NHE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4776 Lagasse 20" Aqua Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4020AQU) 4776 PAD 4020 AQU 5.06 54667 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 20 IN AQUA 5 Premiere Pads 19.81 15.11 26.72 PAD4020AQU.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Aqua Pad, 20in Diameter PAD 4020 AQU, PAD4020AQU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4777 Lagasse 18" Ultra Champagne Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4018ULT) 4777 PAD 4018 ULT 3.29 54677 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 18 IN CHAMPAGNE 5 Premiere Pads 16.66 12.71 22.40 PAD4018ULT.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Ultra Champagne Pad, 18in Diameter PAD 4018 ULT, PAD4018ULT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4778 Lagasse 18" Aqua Burnishing Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4018AQU) 4778 PAD 4018 AQU 4.25 54665 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 18 IN AQUA 5 Premiere Pads 15.92 12.14 20.99 PAD4018AQU.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Aqua Pad, 18in Diameter PAD 4018 AQU, PAD4018AQU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4779 Lagasse 18" Natural Hair Pads, Ultra Hi-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4018NAT) 4779 PAD 4018 NAT 4.25 54690 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR PAD 18 IN NAT HAIR 5 Premiere Pads 17.58 13.41 23.72 PAD4018NAT.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Hair Pad, 18in Diameter PAD 4018 NAT, PAD4018NAT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4780 Lagasse 18" Natural Hair Extra Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4018NHE) 4780 PAD 4018 NHE 4.25 54701 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 18 IN NAT HAIR X 5 Premiere Pads 17.58 13.41 23.49 PAD4018NHE.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Hair Extra Pad, 18in Diameter PAD 4018 NHE, PAD4018NHE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4781 Lagasse 17" Natural Hair Pads, Ultra Hi-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4017NAT) 4781 PAD 4017 NAT 3.79 54689 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR PAD 17 IN NAT HAIR 5 Premiere Pads 16.38 12.49 21.70 PAD4017NAT.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Hair Pad, 17in Diameter PAD 4017 NAT, PAD4017NAT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4782 Lagasse 17" Natural Hair Extra Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4017NHE) 4782 PAD 4017 NHE 3.79 54700 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 17 IN NAT HAIR X 5 Premiere Pads 16.47 12.56 21.45 PAD4017NHE.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Natural Hair Extra Pad, 17in Diameter PAD 4017 NHE, PAD4017NHE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4783 Lagasse 17" Ultra Champagne Pads, Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads (PAD4017ULT) 4783 PAD 4017 ULT 3.79 54676 • For use with machine speeds of 1000 to 3000+ RPM Five pads per case.
ULTRA HI-SPEED FLR BURNISH PAD 17 IN CHAMPAGNE 5 Premiere Pads 15.41 11.75 20.24 PAD4017ULT.JPG Ultra High-Speed Floor Pads, Ultra Champagne Pad, 17in Diameter PAD 4017 ULT, PAD4017ULT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4785 Lagasse 2X Ultra Liquid Tide Laundry Detergent, 6 Bottles (PGC13878) 4785 PGC 13878 24.60 13878 2X Ultra Tide Liquid Laundry Deteregent
Did you know other concentrated detergents contain up to 80% water? Not Tide. Tide has more cleaning ingredients, less water. 2X Tide Ultra Liquid Laundry Detergent has a high-powered, grease-cutting laundry cleaning formula that is effective on tough and greasy stains. Ultra Tide Laundry Detergent 2X concentrated laundry soap makes pre-treating laundry items easy. Sold in a 50 oz bottle, 6 bottles per case.
Proctor and Gamble 2X Ultra Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent, 50-oz Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company that buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 71.43 54.48 96.46 PGC13878.JPG ultra liquid tide laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent, tide laundry detergent, PGC 13878, PGC13878, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
4791 Lagasse Ultra Surf Powder Laundry Detergent, Vending Size, 100 Packs (DRK2979814) 4791 DRK 2979814 35.00 2979814 Vending Size Powder Laundry Detergent
This laundry detergent from Johnson Diversey is made with an exceptional formula that allows it to effectively attack stubborn dirt and stains, all the while eliminating odors from your laundry. Powerful Ultra Surf detergent with “Active Oxygen” helps to lift dirt and odors, regardless of the water temperature used in the washing machine. Its patented deo-perfume actually removes odors leaving your clothes with a fresh clean scent. Ultra Surf Laundry Detergent is effective against tough stains like grass, blood, chocolate, tomato sauce and many more. These handy 2oz. single-use packs are ideal for use as a vending opportunity in Laundromats or simply for portion control. Great for preventing using too much or too little detergent when doing laundry anywhere!
Johnson Diversey Ultra Surf Laundry Detergent Powder, 2-oz. Vending Size Box, 100 Packs per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 37.38 27.29 49.67 DRK2979814.JPG ultra surf powder detergent, surf detergent, surf laundry detergent, surf powder detergent, surf powder laundry detergent, DRK 2979814, DRK2979814, coin-op detergent, 100 boxes per case, 2-oz. boxes 1 1 0 0 1 63
4794 Lagasse AJM Green Label 6" Uncoated Paper Plates, 1,000 Plates (AJMPP6GREWH) 4794 AJM PP6GREWH 8.00 PP6GREWH White 6" Paper Plates
Are you looking to keep everyday dish-washing to a minimum? Or are you having a party and don’t want to do a lot of dishes? Green Label Nature's Own paper plates can help! These 6-inch, uncoated, white paper plates are microwaveable, recyclable and biodegradable, so they are good for the environment and strong enough for many uses! Kids can use them for snacks. Adults can use them with a bagel. Party goers can use them for appetizers or cake. Picnic goers can use them to hold their fruit or hamburgers. There are so many ways that Green Label paper plates can help cut down on dish-washing while being environmentally friendly, since they are made from 100% paper. Green Label 6" paper plates are affordable enough to be used every day for any use! Purchase Green Label recyclable 100% paper plates today to start saving time and money! Cedar Grove Approved biodegradable, recyclable and microwaveable.
AJM Green Label 6" Uncoated Paper Plates, White, 10 Packs of 100 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Ajm 12.04 9.16 16.18 AJMPP6GREWH.JPG green label paper plates, 6" paper plates, 6" uncoated paper plates, 6 inch diameter paper plates, AJM PP6GREWH, AJMPP6GREWH, restaurant supplies, food service supplies 1 1 0 0 1 156
4795 Lagasse Green Label 9" Uncoated Paper Plates, 1,200 Plates (AJMPP9GRAWH) 4795 AJM PP9GRAWH 19.00 PP9GRAWH Uncoated White 9" Paper Plates
If you are in need of 9-inch paper plates, these un-coated, white paper plates are recyclable and biodegradable, so they are good for the environment and perfect for use with any meal—breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack. These paper plates are environmentally friendly enough to use at any outdoor barbeque or picnic and strong enough for use with any indoor feast. Green Label paper plates are a large 9 inches in diameter and, even though they are lightweight, can be used for heavy meals since they are durable and microwaveable. Plus, these paper plates are affordable enough to be used every day! If you are looking for an environmentally responsible paper plate to keep your dish washing chores to a minimum, Green Label is the brand for you. Buy Green Label recyclable 100% paper plates today and start saving time and money! Cedar Grove Approved biodegradable, recyclable and microwaveable. Microwaveable. White. Recyclable. Biodegradable.
AJM Green Label 9" Diameter Paper Plates, White, Uncoated, 100 Plates per Pack, 12 Packs, 1,200 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Ajm 22.64 16.97 29.59 AJMPP9GRAWH.JPG 9" paper plates, uncoated paper plates, 9" round paper plates, 9 inch diameter paper plates, AJM PP9GRAWH, AJMPP9GRAWH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 156
4796 Lagasse Green Label 9" Uncoated Paper Plates, 1,000 Plates (AJMPP9GREWH) 4796 AJM PP9GREWH 16.00 PP9GREWH White 9" Paper Plates
If you are in need of 9-inch paper plates, put Green Label paper plates to the test! These uncoated, white paper plates are recyclable and biodegradable, so they are good for the environment and perfect for use with any meal—breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack. These paper plates are environmentally friendly enough to use at any outdoor barbeque or picnic and strong enough for use with any indoor feast. Green Label paper plates are a large 9 inches in diameter and, even though they are lightweight, can be used for heavy meals since they are durable and microwaveable. Plus, these paper plates are affordable enough to be used every day! If you are looking for an environmentally responsible paper plate to keep your dish washing chores to a minimum, Green Label is the brand for you. Buy Green Label recyclable 100% paper plates today and start saving time and money!
AJM Green Label 9" Paper Plates, White, Uncoated, 10 Packs of 100 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Ajm 18.93 14.14 25.27 AJMPP9GREWH.JPG 9" paper plates, uncoated paper plates, 9" round paper plates, 9 inch diameter paper plates, AJM PP9GREWH, AJMPP9GREWH, restaurant supplies, food service supplies 1 1 0 0 1 156
4797 Lagasse Under-Deck Glass Rack Holder, Black (RCP6171BLA) 4797 RCP 6171 BLA 12.00 FG6171-00 BLA Can be mixed and matched to meet your needs. Fits both Deluxe High Security Cart (RCP 9T64 BLA) and High-Capacity Cart (RCP 9T62 BLA), sold separately. Offers increased storage capacity. 20w x 20d x 8-1/4h.
UNDER DECK GLASS RACK, BLA Rubbermaid Commercial Products 117.67 89.75 152.88 RCP6171BLA.JPG Under-Deck Glass Rack Holder, Black RCP 6171 BLA, RCP6171BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4798 Lagasse UniTecLite Squeegee, 12in Head (UNGUS300) 4798 UNG US300 0.16 US300 Extra-light squeegee for glass or flat surfaces. Ergonomic handle attaches to all Unger® poles with a press fit. Replaceable soft rubber blade.
SQUEEGEE 12 IN HOUSEHOLD Unger 4.72 3.53 6.46 UNGUS300.JPG UniTecLite Squeegee, 12in Head UNG US300, UNGUS300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
4801 Lagasse Universal Drum Dolly, Black (RCP2650BLA) 4801 RCP 2650 BLA 11.50 265000 BLA Rubbermaid Universal Drum Dolly for Round Trash Cans
Perfect for moving large round trash cans, this quality dolly adds mobility to drum containers. 500-lb. capacity. Fits RCP 2655 (sold separately). Plastic, professional-grade construction. 24-3/8" dia. x 7-1/8" h. Shpg. wt. 28 lbs.
Rubbermaid Brute Drum Dolly, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 88.51 67.51 120.91 RCP2650BLA.JPG trash can dolly, trash can wheels, trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, wastebasket, wastebaskets, Universal Drum Dolly, Black RCP 2650 BLA, RCP2650BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4802 Lagasse Rubbermaid 22-Gallon Round Waste Container, Beige (RCP3546BEI) 4802 RCP 3546 BEI 8.20 354600 BEIG 22-Gallon Round Waste Container
Hands-free waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Fits lids RCP 2672 and RCP 3548, sold separately. 15-3/4" diameter x 30-1/8"high. Shipping weight: 7 lbs.
Rubbermaid 22 Gallon Round Waste Container, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Untouchable Series Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 49.95 38.10 67.82 RCP3546BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, Waste Container, Waste Containers, Untouchable 22-Gallon Round Waste Container, Beige RCP 3546 BEI, RCP3546BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
4803 Lagasse Rubbermaid 22-Gallon Round Waste Container, Gray (RCP3546GRA) 4803 RCP 3546 GRA 7.00 354600 GRAY 22-Gallon Round Waste Container
Hands-free waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. 15-3/4" diameter x 30-1/8" high. Fits lids RCP 2672 and RCP 3548, sold separately. Shipping weight 7 lbs.
Rubbermaid 22 Gallon Round Waste Container, Gray, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Untouchable Series Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 49.95 38.10 65.82 RCP3546GRA.JPG trash can, trash cans, Waste Containers, Waste Container, Untouchable 22-Gallon Round Waste Container, Gray RCP 3546 GRA, RCP3546GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4804 Lagasse Bottle & Can Recycling Square Lid, Blue (RCP2691BLU) 4804 RCP 2691 BLU 2.20 269100 BLUE Bottle & Can Recycling Square Lid
Ideal for can disposal, this recycling lid ensures only the recyclables desired are disposed of within the can. Direct from Rubbermaid, this recycling lid fits Rubbermaid's square recycling cans with ease, making it a great fit for both commercial and residential environments. This durable recycling lid is comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. Hygienic tops for attractive, hands-free waste disposal. Easy hygienic access for trash disposal. One round opening for bottles and cans. Fits RCP 3569-73 BLU garbage can (sold separately). ADA Compliant. Plastic. 16" square x 3-1/4" high.
Rubbermaid Bottle and Can Recycling Container Lid, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 22.29 17.00 29.74 RCP2691BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, untouchable bottle and can recycling square top, RCP 2691 BLU, RCP2691BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
4805 Lagasse Rubbermaid 21 Gallon Half Round Garbage Can, Beige (RCP3520BEI) 4805 RCP 3520 BEI 6.50 352000 BEIG 21 Gallon Half Round Garbage Can
Hands-free waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. 21-gallon. 11"wide x 21"deep x 28"high. Fits Half Round Lid RCP 3620, sold separately. Combination is CSFM Listed. Shipping weight: 8 lbs.
Rubbermaid 21 Gallon Half Round Garbage Can, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Untouchable Series Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 68.51 52.25 90.50 RCP3520BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Untouchable Half Round Garbage Can, Beige RCP 3520 BEI, RCP3520BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
4806 Lagasse 21 Gallon Half Round Garbage Can, Gray (RCP3520GRA) 4806 RCP 3520 GRA 7.60 352000 GRAY Rubbermaid 21 Gallon Half Round Garbage Can
Handsfree waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Fits with Rubbermaid Half Round Lid RCP 3620, sold separately. Combination is CSFM Listed. 21-gallon. 11"wide x 21"deep x 28"high. Shipping weight: 8 lbs.
Rubbermaid 21 Gallon Half Round Garbage Can, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 70.79 53.99 93.74 RCP3520GRA.JPG rubbermaid untouchable trash cans, rubbermaid trash can, half round trash can, rubbermaid garbage cans, garbage can, rubbmermaid waste container, untouchable half round garbage can, RCP 3520 GRA, RCP3520GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4807 Lagasse Rubbermaid Untouchable Half Round Trash Can Lid, Black (RCP3620BLA) 4807 RCP 3620 BLA 3.83 362000 BLA Half Round Trash Can Lid
Handsfree waste disposal lid. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Fits Half Round Trash Can RCP 3520 waste containers, sold separately. Shipping weight: 4 lbs.
Rubbermaid Untouchable Half Round Trash Can Lid for Waste Container, Black, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 107.18 81.75 146.57 RCP3620BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Untouchable Half Round Lid, Black RCP 3620 BLA, RCP3620BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4808 Lagasse Paper Recycling Square Lid, Blue (RCP2690BLU) 4808 RCP 2690 BLU 1.16 269000 BLUE Paper Recycling Square Lid
Handsfree waste disposal Lid. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Garbage cans sold separately. This lid fits garbage can part # RCP 3569 containers. Shipping weight 1 lb.
Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
Paper recycling lid, blue - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyerstrust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 22.29 17.00 29.96 RCP2690BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, untouchable paper recycling square lid, blue RCP 2690 BLU, RCP2690BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
4809 Lagasse Rubbermaid Untouchable Round Funnel Lid, Gray (RCP3548GRA) 4809 RCP 3548 GRA 1.10 354800 GRAY Untouchable Round Funnel Trash Can Lid
Handsfree waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Fits RCP 3546 and RCP 2947 containers, sold separately. 16-1/4" inch diameter. Shipping. weight: 2 lbs.
Rubbermaid Untouchable Round Trash Can Lid, Gray, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Untouchable Series Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 21.24 16.20 28.31 RCP3548GRA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Untouchable Round Funnel Lid, Gray RCP 3548 GRA, RCP3548GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4810 Lagasse Rubbermaid Round Swing Top Lid, Beige (RCP2672BEI) 4810 RCP 2672 BEI 2.40 267200 BEIG Rubbermaid Round Swing Top Lid
Hands-free waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Fits RCP 3546 and RCP 2947 containers, sold separately. 16-1/8"inch diameter. Shipping weight: 2 lbs.
Rubbermaid Round Swing Top Lid, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Untouchable Series Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 27.38 20.88 36.08 RCP2672BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Untouchable Round Swing Top Lid, Beige RCP 2672 BEI, RCP2672BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
4811 Lagasse Rubbermaid Round Swing Top Trash Can Lid, Gray (RCP2672GRA) 4811 RCP 2672 GRA 2.00 267200 GRAY Round Swing Top Trash Can Lid
Hands-free waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Fits RCP 3546 and RCP 2947 containers, sold separately. 16-1/8 inch diameter. Shipping. weight: 2 lbs.
Rubbermaid Swing Top Trash Can Lid, Round, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 30.43 20.88 40.86 RCP2672GRA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Untouchable Round Swing Top Lid, Gray RCP 2672 GRA, RCP2672GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4812 Lagasse 11 Gallon Round Trash Can, Gray (RCP2947GRA) 4812 RCP 2947 GRA 2.40 294700 GRAY Handsfree trash can. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. 44-3/8-quart (11 Gallon). 15-1/2" diameter x 18-3/4"high. Fits lids RCP 2672 and RCP 3548, sold separately. Shipping weight: 2.5 lbs.
Rubbermaid 11 Gallon Round Trash Can, Gray
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 16.63 12.68 22.28 RCP2947GRA.JPG Trash Cans, Trash Can, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Untouchable Round Trash Can, Gray RCP 2947 GRA, RCP2947GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4813 Lagasse Rubbermaid 35-Gallon Untouchable Square Trash Can, Beige (RCP3958BEI) 4813 RCP 3958 BEI 9.86 395800 BEIG 35 Gallon Square Trash Can
A highly efficient, hands-free waste disposal option, Rubbermaid's 35 Gallon Untouchable Trash Can offers a crack-resistant plastic that can withstand both indoor and outdoor use. Perfect for use in hotel lobbies, offices, restrooms, shopping malls, restaurants, and other public areas, this is the perfect garbage can for high traffic locations. Durable, and lightweight, the Untouchable Trash Can offers the ability to serve as a trash can for large offices, as well as individuals. ADA compliant. 19.5" square x 27.6" high. Shipping weight: 9-lbs. Interchangeable tops RCP 2664 BEI or RCP 2664 GRA each sold separately.
Rubbermaid 35 Gallon Square Trash Can, Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 91.13 69.51 123.20 RCP3958BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Untouchable Square Trash Can, 35-Gallon, Beige RCP 3958 BEI, RCP3958BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
4814 Lagasse Rubbermaid 35-Gallon, Untouchable Square Trash Can, Gray (RCP3958GRA) 4814 RCP 3958 GRA 8.70 395800 GRAY 35 Gallon Rubbermaid Trash Can
Handsfree waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Perfect for use in hotel lobbies, offices, restrooms, shopping malls, restaurants, and other pubic areas. ADA compliant. 19.5" square x 27.63" high. Shipping weight: 9 lbs.
See Lids RCP 2664 BEI or RCP 2664 GRA
Rubbermaid Commercial 35 Gallon Square Trash Can, Gray, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company that buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 91.13 69.51 121.47 RCP3958GRA.JPG trash can, garbage can, waste container, rubbermaid untouchable square containers, 35-gallon trash can, gray, RCP 3958 GRA, RCP3958GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4815 Lagasse 50-Gallon, Square Trash Can, Beige (RCP3959BEI) 4815 RCP 3959 BEI 11.80 395900 BEIG 50 Gallon Rubbermaid Trash Can
Handsfree waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Perfect for use in hotel lobbies, offices, restaurants, restrooms, shopping malls, and other pubic areas. ADA compliant. 19.5" square x 34.25"high. Shipping weight: 13 lbs.
See Lids RCP 2664 BEI or RCP 2664 GRA - The online wholesale cleaning supply company that Buyers Trust.
Rubbermaid 50 Gallon Square Trash Can, Beige
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 126.19 96.25 166.41 RCP3959BEI.JPG Trash Can, Trash Cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Untouchable Square Trash Can, 50-Gallon, Beige RCP 3959 BEI, RCP3959BEI 1 1 0 1 1 89
4816 Lagasse Rubbermaid 50-Gallon Untouchable Square Trash Can, Gray (RCP3959GRA) 4816 RCP 3959 GRA 13.00 395900 GRAY 50 Gallon Square Trash Can
This Rubbermaid Untouchable Series garbage can offers handsfree waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Perfect for use in hotel lobbies, offices, restrooms, shopping malls, restaurants, and other public areas. ADA compliant. 19.5" square x 34.25"high. Shipping weight: 13 lbs.
See Lid: RCP 2664 GRA
Rubbermaid Commercial 50 Gallon Untouchable Square Trash Can, Gray, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Untouchable Series Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 126.19 96.25 168.94 RCP3959GRA.JPG trash cans, square trash can, square garbage can, garbage cans, square waste container, waste containers, untouchable square trash can, 50 gallon trash can, 50 gallon garbage can, gray, RCP 3959 GRA, RCP3959GRA 1 1 0 1 1 89
4817 Lagasse Rubbermaid 23-Gallon Square Garbage Can, Beige (RCP3569-88BEI) 4817 RCP 3569-88 BEI 7.00 356988BEIG Untouchable Square 23 Gallon Garbage Can
This Rubbermaid garbage can allows for hands-free waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Perfect for use in hotel lobbies, offices, restrooms, shopping malls, restaurants, and other public areas. ADA compliant. Swing Lid, RCP 2689-88 (sold separately). 16.5" wide x 15.5"deep x 30.9"high. Shipping weight: 8 lbs. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Untouchable Garbage Can, Square, Beige, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Untouchable Series Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 58.26 44.43 76.80 RCP356988BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, Garbage Cans, Garbage Can, waste container, waste containers, Untouchable Square Garbage Can, 23-Gallon, Beige RCP 3569-88 BEI, RCP356988BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
4818 Lagasse Rubbermaid 23-Gallon Garbage Can, Square, Black (RCP3569-88BLA) 4818 RCP 3569-88 BLA 7.00 356988BLACK Untouchable 23-Gallon Square Garbage Can
Hands-free waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Prefect for use in hotel lobbies, offices, restrooms, shopping malls, restaurants, and other public areas. ADA compliant. Swing Lid, RCP 2689-88 (sold separately). 16.5" wide x 15.5"deep x 30.9"high. Shipping weight: 8 lbs. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products
Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Garbage Can, Square, Black, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Untouchable Series Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 58.26 44.43 77.18 RCP356988BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage cans, garbage can, waste container, waste containers, Untouchable Square Garbage Can, 23-Gallon, Black RCP 3569-88 BLA, RCP356988BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4819 Lagasse Rubbermaid 23-Gallon Square Garbage Can, Gray (RCP356988GRA) 4819 RCP 3569-88 GRA 7.00 356988GRAY 23-Gallon Square Garbage Can
This Rubbermaid garbage can allows for handsfree waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Perfect for use in hotel lobbies, offices, restrooms, shopping malls, restaurants, and other public areas. ADA compliant. Swing Lid, RCP 2689-88 (sold separately). 16.5" wide x 15.5"deep x 30.9"high. Shipping weight: 8 lbs.Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products
Rubbermaid 23-Gallon Square Garbage Can, Gray, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Untouchable Series Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 56.38 43.00 76.81 RCP356988GRA.JPG rubbermaid untouchable garbage can, 23 gallon garbage can, 23 gallon trash can, square trash can, trash can, trash cans, Garbage Can, Garbage Cans, waste containers, waste container, Untouchable Square Garbage Can, 23-Gallon, Gray RCP 3569-88 GRA, RCP356988GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4820 Lagasse Rubbermaid Drop Door Trash Can Lid for Square Top Trash Cans, Beige (RCP2664BEI) 4820 RCP 2664 BEI 4.10 266400 BEIG Rubbermaid Drop Door Trash Can Lid
Providing a hands free waste disposal option, this crack-resistant plastic drop door trash can lid is able to withstand both indoor and outdoor use simply and easily. Coming with a sanitary drop door design, the Rubbermaid Drop Door Trash Can Lid provides easy access and quick returns to hide garbage from public view. An ideal tool for controlling litter, as well as unpleasant odors and unsightly trash. This Rubbermaid trash can lid with the drop door feature fits both the RCP 3959 and RCP 3958 containers. 20-1/8" wide x 20-1/8" deep x 6-1/4" high. Shipping weight: 4 lbs.
Rubbermaid Drop Door Trash Can Lid, Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 50.08 38.20 65.86 RCP2664BEI.JPG trash can lids, rubbermaid trash can lids, garbage can lids, rubbermaid garbage can lids, RCP 2664 BEI, RCP2664BEI, square trash can lid, trash can lid 1 1 0 0 1 89
4821 Lagasse Rubbermaid Drop Door Trash Can Lid for Square Top Trash Cans, Gray (RCP2664GRA) 4821 RCP 2664 GRA 3.75 266400 GRAY Rubbermaid Drop Door Trash Can Lid
This crack-resistant plastic drop door trash can lid from Rubbermaid provides a hands free waste disposal option for any environment. Able to withstand both indoor and outdoor use, this quality lid comes complete with a sanitary drop door design, providing easy access and the ability to cover garbage from view. An ideal way for controlling trash, garbage and litter, this Rubbermaid trash can lid with drop door feature fits both the RCP 3958 and 3959 containers. Measuring in at 20-1/8" wide x 20-1/8" deep x 6-1/4" high. Shipping weight: 4 lbs.
Rubbermaid Commercial Drop Door Lid, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 50.08 38.20 68.33 RCP2664GRA.JPG trash can lid, garbage can lid, waste container lid, untouchable square trah can lid, Gray, RCP 2664 GRA, RCP2664GRA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4822 Lagasse Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Square Recycling Container, Blue (RCP3569-73BLU) 4822 RCP 3569-73 BLU 7.32 3569-73 BLUE 23 Gallon Square Recycling Container
Rubbermaid Untouchable Series 23 gallon hands free waste disposal provides crack-resistant plastic recycling container for both indoor and outdoor use. These blue plastic containers are the perfect addition to any environment where recycling is emphasized. Rubbermaid 23 gallon recycling containers are a sure way to make a positive environmental impact. Coming in a light blue color complete with a “WE RECYCLE” imprint in white, this blue plastic recycling containers exceed EPA guidelines for post-consumer recycled content and assist in obtaining LEED credits. Tops sold separately. 16.5" wide x 15.5" deep x 30.9" high. Shipping weight: 8 lbs.
Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Square Recycling Container, Blue, 16.5" x 15.5" x 30.9", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 56.38 43.00 74.42 RCP356973BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, untouchable square recycling containers, blue, RCP 3569-73 BLU, RCP356973BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
4823 Lagasse Swing Lid for Square Garbage Cans, Beige (RCP2689-88BEI) 4823 RCP 2689-88 BEI 3.00 268988BEIG Untouchable Swing Lid for Square Top Garbage Cans
Providing a durable square top design, the Untouchable Swing Lid is the perfect waste container lid for any commercial, residential, or industrial environment. This trash bin lid is a perfect fit for square top garbage cans, specifically ones the 23 gallon variety. From Rubbermaid, this square top garbage can lid creates a hands free waste disposal option, offering a design that allows easy access. The Untouchable Swing Lid for Square Top Garbage Cans is the ideal trash receptacle lid for any location. Coming with completely crack-resistant plastic, this lid can withstand both indoor/outdoor use. Fits RCP 3569 garbage cans. Shipping weight 3 lbs.
Rubbermaid Untouchable Square Top Swing Lid, 23 Gallon Swing Lid, Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.79 18.91 32.83 RCP268988BEI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Untouchable Swing Lid for Square Top Garbage Cans, Beige RCP 2689-88 BEI, RCP268988BEI 1 1 0 0 1 89
4824 Lagasse 23 Gallon Square Garbage Can Swing Lid, Black (RCP2689-88BLA) 4824 RCP 2689-88 BLA 3.00 268988BLACK Rubbermaid Square Trash Can Swing Lid
Rubbermaid square top garbage can lid creates hands-free waste disposal. Crack-resistant plastic withstands indoor/outdoor use. Containers and tops sold separately. Shipping weight 3 lbs. Manufactured by Rubbermaid Commercial Products.
Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Trash Can Swing Lid, Black, Each
Trash Cans » Indoor Trash Cans & Tops » Untouchable Series Trash Cans - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 26.47 18.30 36.18 RCP268988BLA.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, Untouchable Swing Lid for Square Garbage Can, Black RCP 2689-88 BLA, RCP268988BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
4829 Lagasse Unwrapped Straws, Jumbo Straws, Translucent (BWK285T) 4829 BWK 285T 19.30 YSTJ7724LAG Unwrapped Translucent Straws
Unwrapped translucent straws from Boardwalk are lightweight and recyclable. These straws are made from quality materials so you don't have to worry about cracking, spliting, breaking or leaking.
Boardwalk company has been a reliable supplier of quality translucent straws for years. Their products are user friendly and great for all different types of applications. Use Boardwalk jumbo straws for your home, office, restaurant, deli, pizzeria, school, day care center, nursing home etc. . Great for parties, lunch meetings, kids parties and more.
Unwrapped Straws, Jumbo Straws, 7-3/4in length. 500 straws per box; 24 boxes per case (12,000 straws). - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Straws »
Boardwalk Paper 57.83 44.11 78.87 BWK285T.JPG straws, bulk straws, restaurant straws, unwrapped straws, no paper straws, no wrap straws, clear straws, translucent straws, translucent jumbo straws, jumbo straws, BWK 285T, BWK285T 1 1 0 0 1 123
4830 Lagasse Unwrapped Straws, Cocktail Straws, Red (BWK8PS) 4830 BWK 8PS 5.50 ST-K77R-12-LAG Boardwalk Straws: Unwrapped Straws: Cocktail Straws: Red
These Great Straws from Boardwalk are lightweight and recyclable and have extensive U.S. recycling structure. These Boardwalk clear plastic cups are made from quality materials so you don't have to worry about any of your straws breaking or leaking.
Boardwalk Co. has been a reliable supplier of ours for years. Their products are user friendly and great for all different types of applications. Use Boardwalk jumbo straws for your home, office, parties, lunch parties and much more. No more fussing with straws that just don't get the job done. Buy your Boardwalk straws today. For all of your straw needs, visit the rest of our website for great brand name products.
- Unwrapped Straws, Cocktail Straws, 7-3/4in length. 500 straws per box; 12 boxes per case (6,000 straws).
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Straws »
Boardwalk Paper 30.99 23.63 41.61 BWK8PS.JPG Unwrapped Straws, Cocktail Straws, Red BWK 8PS, BWK8PS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4837 Lagasse Krystal Cherry Scented Urinal Screens, Red, 12 Screens (KRY1001) 4837 KRY 1001 2.00 1001LG Cherry Scent Urinal Screens
These high quality urinal screens from Krystal Products shield, protect and deodorize urinals, helping to keep your restroom fresh and clean. Krystal urinal screens are highly flexible, allowing them to mold to the shape of any urinal. The molding action of the screens keeps debris from clogging the urinal, ensuring complete drain protection while the cherry scent freshens urinals with a gradual release of fragrance over 30 days. The natural oils used in these urinal screens ensure a pleasant fragrance that is appealing, but still not overwhelming for your customers and employees. Krystal urinal screens are VOC compliant, made from recyclable materials with recyclable packaging, and safe for waterless urinals. Solve your restroom odor problems with Krystal Cherry Scented Urinal Screens!
Krystal Urinal Screen, Cherry Scented, Red, 12 Urinal Screens per Pack - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Krystal Deodorant & Restroom Products 10.33 7.73 14.14 urinal screens, red urinal screens, cherry scent urinal screen, cherry fragrance urinal screens, KRY 1001, KRY1001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, rest room cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 66
4838 Lagasse Krystal Blue Bubblegum Fragrance Urinal Screens, 12 Screens (KRY1002) 4838 KRY 1002 2.00 1002LG Bubblegum Fragrance Urinal Screens
Krystal blue bubblegum Fragrance urinal screens shield, protects and deodorize urinals. They are highly flexible which enables them to mold to the shape of any urinal. Ensure complete drain protection from potential debris clogging the urinal with these quality urinal screens.
Krystal Urinal Screen, Bubblegum fragrance, Blue, 12 Urinal Screens per Box - the wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Krystal Deodorant & Restroom Products 10.73 8.18 14.23 urinal screens, krystal urinal screens, KRY 1002, KRY1002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 66
4839 Lagasse Utility Cart Bins, Refuse Bin, Black (RCP3353-88BLA) 4839 RCP 3353-88 BLA 3.50 3353-88 BLA (Shown with 3-Shelf Utility Cart RCP 4091 CRE, (sold separately). Handy bins convert utility carts to busing systems. Top rim has a lip which rests on cart beneath the handle. For RCP 3355-88, 3424-88, 4091, 4093, 4094, 4095 and 4096 Utility Carts.
REFUSE BIN 8GL PLAS BLA 2/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 64.38 49.10 86.74 RCP335388BLA.JPG Utility Cart Bins, Refuse Bin, Black RCP 3353-88 BLA, RCP335388BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4840 Lagasse Utility Cart Bins, Utility Bin, Black (RCP3354-88BLA) 4840 RCP 3354-88 BLA 1.60 3354-88 BLACK (Shown with 3-Shelf Utility Cart RCP 4091 CRE, (sold separately). Handy bins convert utility carts to busing systems. Top rim has a lip which rests on cart beneath the handle. For RCP 3355-88, 3424-88, 4091, 4093, 4094, 4095 and 4096 Utility Carts.
UTILITY BIN 4GL PLAS BLA 2/CTN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 33.84 24.18 45.65 RCP335488BLA.JPG Utility Cart Bins, Utility Bin, Black RCP 3354-88 BLA, RCP335488BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4842 Lagasse Utility Pad Holder (PAD405) 4842 PAD 405 0.29 PAD405 Gray, plastic pad holder swivels in all directions to clean hard-to-reach surfaces. Base accepts 4 x 10 cleaning pads PAD 401, PAD 402 and PAD 403 (sold separately). Threaded socket accepts any standard threaded handle.
UTILITY PAD HOLDER GRA Premiere Pads 7.72 5.89 10.13 PAD405.JPG Utility Pad Holder PAD 405, PAD405, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 79
4843 Lagasse Rubbermaid 12 Cubic Feet Trash Cart Cube Truck, Black (RCP4712BLA) 4843 RCP 4712 BLA 62.30 4712 BLACK Rubbermaid 12 Cubic Ft. Utility Trash Truck
Offering a portable way to dispose of any and all trash, debris and waste, the Rubbermaid 12 Cubic Ft. Utility Trash Truck is perfect for those heavy duty cleanings. Quick and easy, with added mobility for all types of cleaning and clearing jobs, our line of utility trash trucks provide a single-step sidewall design that features reinforcing band to increase wall strength and prevent bowing. In addition, the utility trash truck allows nesting for compact storage. Heavy-duty, all-metal frame. Rugged, smooth-rolling casters. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 453.41 350.00 598.18 RCP4712BLA.JPG Rubbermaid Cube Truck, Rubbermaid 12 Cubic Feet Trash Carts, Trash Cart, Utility Trucks, Trash Truck, 12 Cubic Feet, Black RCP 4712 BLA, RCP4712BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
4845 Lagasse Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts, 6 Belts (RCP9VCVBE12) 4845 RCP 9VCVBE12 2.25 9VCVBE12 Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuums, RCP 9VCV12 and RCP 9VCV16 (both sold separately).
Rubbermaid Round Replacement Vacuum Cleaner Belt for Model CV12 & CV16, 6 Belts per Pack Rubbermaid Commercial Products 12.73 9.71 17.24 RCP9VCVBE12.JPG Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuums, 6 Belts per Pack, RCP 9VCVBE12, RCP9VCVBE12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4846 Lagasse Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Belt, 6 Belts (RCP9VPHBE12) 4846 RCP 9VPHBE12 1.20 9VPHBE12 Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuums, RCP 9VPH12 and RCP 9VPH15 (both sold separately).
VACUUM BELTS FOR 9VPH12 & 9VPH15 6/PK Rubbermaid Commercial Products 25.10 19.14 34.36 RCP9VPHBE12.JPG Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuums, 6 Belts per Pack RCP 9VPHBE12, RCP9VPHBE12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4847 Lagasse Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Brush Belt, 6 Belts (RCP9VMHBE12) 4847 RCP 9VMHBE12 1.21 9VMHBE12 Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Brush Belts
Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuums, RCP 9VMH12 and RCP 9VMH15 (sold separately).
Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Belt, For RCP 9VMH12 & RCP 9VMH15, 6 Replacement Belts per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.93 19.02 33.17 RCP9VMHBE12.JPG Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuums, Brush Belt, RCP 9VMHBE12, RCP9VMHBE12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4848 Lagasse Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Motor Belt, 1 Belt (RCP9VMHBL12) 4848 RCP 9VMHBL12 1.00 FG9VMHBL12 Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Motor Belt
Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Motor Belt, for use with RCP 9VMH12 & RCP 9VMH15
Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Motor Belt, 1 Belt. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 25.36 19.34 34.19 RCP9VMHBL12.JPG Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuums, Motor Belt, 1 Belts per Pack RCP 9VMHBL12, RCP9VMHBL12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4849 Lagasse Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, 6 Belts (RCP9VULBE12) 4849 RCP 9VULBE12 2.21 9VULBE12 Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Belts
Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuums, RCP 9VUL12 (sold separately).
Rubbermaid Replacement Vacuum Cleaner Belt, 6 Belts per Pack Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.53 6.51 11.52 RCP9VULBE12.JPG Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Rubbermaid Vacuums, 6 Belts, RCP 9VULBE12, RCP9VULBE12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4850 Lagasse Sanitaire Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts, 2 Belts (EUR52100) 4850 EUR 52100 0.01 52100A-12 Upright Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts
Chances are you have had that moment vacuuming when suddenly you hear a dreaded whirring noise, the one means something just broke in your vacuum cleaner. Before you panic and start pricing new vacuum cleaners, take a minute and check the belt. It is very likely, that the only damage you did is to the belt and that is an easy, inexpensive fix. Even if you can avoid these situations, it is recommended that you change your vacuum cleaner belt once a year for optimum performance. These vacuum cleaner replacement belts are for use with lightweight upright commercial vacuums, such as Eureka Vacuum Models: EUR 67 EUR 679, EUR 684, EUR 688, EUR 689, EUR 881, EUR 882, EUR 886, EUR 887, EUR 888, EUR 899, EUR 1934 and EUR SC9050. Coming in 2-belt packs, you will have an extra so you are prepared for the next mishap. At this price, you may want to stock up so you have plenty on hand. Buy today and save!
Eureka Genuine Vacuum Cleaner Belts, 2 Belts per Pack, 1 Pack. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Eureka - Sanitaire 1.82 1.38 2.45 EUR52100.JPG Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, 2 Belts per Pack, EUR 52100, EUR52100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4851 Lagasse Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, 2 Bags per Pack (EUR61120) 4851 EUR 61120 0.10 61120D-12 Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, EUR 5713 and EUR 5845 (both sold separately).
U-STYLE EXTENDED LIFE BELT FOR 5815 5845 2 Eureka - Sanitaire 2.04 1.50 2.72 EUR61120.JPG Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, 2 Bags per Pack EUR 61120, EUR61120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4852 Lagasse Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, 1 Belt per Pack (EUR61121) 4852 EUR 61121 0.01 61121 Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, EUR 785 (sold separately).
BELT FOR 785 Eureka - Sanitaire 1.82 1.35 2.39 EUR61121.JPG Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belt, For Use with Eureka Vacuums, 1 Belt per Pack, EUR 61121, EUR61121, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
4853 Lagasse Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, 2 Belts per Pack (HOO40201160) 4853 HOO 40201160 0.20 40201160 Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, HOO 1703 (sold separately).
BELTS FOR 1703 AND 1705 2 Hoover 2.50 1.91 3.41 HOO40201160.JPG Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, 2 Belts per Pack HOO 40201160, HOO40201160, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
4854 Lagasse Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, 2 Belts per Pack (HOO40201180) 4854 HOO 40201180 0.10 40201180 Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, HOO C1800 (sold separately).
BELTS FOR 1800 2 Hoover 1.82 1.39 2.40 HOO40201180.JPG Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, 2 Belts per Pack HOO 40201180, HOO40201180, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
4855 Lagasse Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, 2 Belts per Pack (HOO40201190) 4855 HOO 40201190 0.10 40201190 Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, HOO 1404, HOO 1414, HOO C1415 and HOO 1660 (all sold separately).
BELTS FOR 1404 1414 C1710 C1415 2/PK Hoover 2.43 1.76 3.32 HOO40201190.JPG Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts, For Use with Hoover Vacuums, 2 Belts per Pack HOO 40201190, HOO40201190, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
4856 Lagasse Value Pocket Thermometer (PELTHP220C) 4856 PEL THP220C 0.17 THP220C Pocket Thermometer
NSF Certified Great for food preparation. Preset marker. Shatterproof lens. Includes sheath with pocket clip. Measures 0°F to 220°F. 1 inch dial, 5 inch probe.
Pocket Thermometer 0 to 200 Degree, Sold as Each
Pelouze 3.28 2.50 4.27 PELTHP220C.JPG Value Pocket Thermomete,r PEL THP220C, PELTHP220C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 168
4857 Lagasse Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Cotton Fiber, #24 Mop Size (UNS2024C) 4857 UNS 2024C 16.00 2024C Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). High-quality fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP VALUE STD HEAD #24 CTTN 12 Unisan 49.89 36.85 65.28 UNS2024C.JPG Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Cotton Fiber, 24 Mop Size UNS 2024C, UNS2024C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4858 Lagasse Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Rayon Fiber, #24 Mop Size (UNS2024R) 4858 UNS 2024R 16.00 UNS 2024R Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). High-quality fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP VALUE STD HEAD #24 RAYON 12 Unisan 64.27 49.02 86.64 UNS2024R.JPG Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Rayon Fiber, 24 Mop Size UNS 2024R, UNS2024R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4859 Lagasse Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Cotton Fiber, #32 Mop Size (UNS2032C) 4859 UNS 2032C 19.00 UNS 2032C Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). High-quality fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP VALUE STD HEAD #32 CTTN 12 Unisan 70.81 54.01 95.11 UNS2032C.JPG Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Cotton Fiber, 32 Mop Size UNS 2032C, UNS2032C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4860 Lagasse Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Rayon Fiber, #32 Mop Size (UNS2032R) 4860 UNS 2032R 19.00 UNS 2032R Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). High-quality fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP VALUE STD HEAD #32 RAYON 12 Unisan 87.91 67.05 119.89 UNS2032R.JPG Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Rayon Fiber, 32 Mop Size UNS 2032R, UNS2032R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4861 Lagasse Standard #20 Cotton Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, 12 Mops (UNS2020C) 4861 UNS 2020C 13.00 UNS 2020C Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). High-quality fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP VALUE STD HEAD #20 CTTN 12 Unisan 41.42 31.59 55.52 UNS2020C.JPG Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Cotton Fiber, 20 Mop Size UNS 2020C, UNS2020C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4862 Lagasse Rayon Cut-End Wet Mop Heads, #20 Mop Size (UNS2020R) 4862 UNS 2020R 13.00 2020R Rayon Mop Heads
Four-ply, cut-end rayon. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). High-quality fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
#20 Rayon Cut End Wet Mops, Standard 1.25" Headband, 12 Mops per Case
Unisan 56.30 42.94 75.34 UNS2020R.JPG rayon wet mops, rayon mops, rayon cut end mops, UNS 2020R, UNS2020R 1 1 0 0 1 110
4863 Lagasse Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Cotton Fiber, #16 Mop Size (UNS2016C) 4863 UNS 2016C 12.00 2016C Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). High-quality fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP VALUE STD HEAD #16 CTTN 12 Unisan 35.88 27.37 47.19 UNS2016C.JPG Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Cotton Fiber, 16 Mop Size UNS 2016C, UNS2016C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4864 Lagasse Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Rayon Fiber, #16 Mop Size (UNS2016R) 4864 UNS 2016R 10.00 2016R Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). High-quality fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
CUT-END WET MOP VALUE STD HEAD #16 RAYON 12 Unisan 45.67 34.83 62.26 UNS2016R.JPG Value Standard Cut-End Wet Mop Head, Rayon Fiber, 16 Mop Size UNS 2016R, UNS2016R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4865 Lagasse Value Standard Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, #24 Mop Size (UNS4024C) 4865 UNS 4024C 16.00 LBI 4024C Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). High-quality fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
PRO LOOP MOP VALUE STD HEAD #24 CTTN 12 Unisan 64.09 48.88 87.01 UNS4024C.JPG Value Standard Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 24 Mop Size UNS 4024C, UNS4024C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4866 Lagasse Value Standard Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, #24 Mop Size (UNS4024R) 4866 UNS 4024R 1.25 LBI 4024R Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). High-quality fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
PRO LOOP MOP VALUE STD HEAD #24 RAYON 12 Unisan 76.87 58.63 100.54 UNS4024R.JPG Value Standard Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Rayon Fiber, 24 Mop Size UNS 4024R, UNS4024R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4867 Lagasse Value Standard Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, #32 Mop Size (UNS4032C) 4867 UNS 4032C 1.50 LBI 4032C Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Standard head uses clamp style mop handles (sold separately). High-quality fiber. 1-1/4in polyester headband. 12 mop heads per case.
PRO LOOP MOP VALUE STD HEAD #32 CTTN 12 Unisan 81.81 62.40 108.19 UNS4032C.JPG Value Standard Pro Loop Web/Tailband Mop Heads, Cotton Fiber, 32 Mop Size UNS 4032C, UNS4032C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
4868 Lagasse Unisan Value-Plus Cone Bowl Mop, 12" Handle, 25 Brushes (UNS170) 4868 UNS 170 0.20 UNS170 Toilet Bowl Mop
Strong and sturdy, these Cone Bowl Mops from Unisan Products provide the easiest, fastest and most dependable toilet cleaning available. These bowl mops feature a 12" handle to clean those hard to reach places under the rim, and a special cone attached to each mop, allowing for a more hands-free cleaning and wringing process. The cone is designed to move freely over the mop head to remove excess liquid. The Value Plus Cone Bowl Mop is constructed of 4-1/2" strands of acid-resistant polypropylene and a strong I-beam 12" white plastic handle. Cleaning the toilet bowl is never a fun job, but this cone bowl mop makes the task a little easier. Buy now and save!
Unisan Value-Plus Cone Bowl Mop, 12" Handle, 4" Wide Head, White, 25 Brushes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 1.33 0.96 1.82 UNS170.JPG unisan cone bowl mops, value-plus cone bowl mop, UNS 170, UNS170, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4870 Lagasse Vanish Disinfectant Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bottles (DRK90157) 4870 DRK 90157 28.80 90157 Vanish Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Disinfects in one minute! 9.25% hydrochloric acid formula is extra thick to cling to the sides of the bowl. Cleans, disinfects and deodorizes toilet bowls and urinals. Dissolves lime and uric acid deposits and stains. One-step hospital-grade cleaner/disinfectant. EPA Registered. (Cannot ship UPS)
Vanish Disinfectant Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Hospital Grade, 32-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case Diversey 70.35 53.25 95.44 DRK90157.JPG Vanish Disinfectant Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle DRK 90157, DRK90157, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
4872 Lagasse Vanish® Mildew Stain Cleaner, Foam Trigger Sprayer, 6 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (DRK90156) 4872 DRK 90156 15.20 90156 Institutional formula with special bleach ingredients that oxidize mildew stains, while detergents allow bleach to penetrate grout. Removes mildew stains, soap scum, hard water deposits. For all washable surfaces, including tile, tubs, sinks, stainless steel. Spray, wipe, rinse—no scrubbing. (Cannot ship UPS.)
VANISH MILDEW STAIN CLNR W/ BLEACH SPRY 6/32 OZ Diversey 44.89 34.24 60.14 DRK90156.JPG Vanish Mildew Stain Cleaner, Foam Trigger Sprayer, 6 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle DRK 90156, DRK90156, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
4873 Lagasse Vanish Nonacid Bowl & Bathroom Cleaner II, 6 Bottles (DRK90158) 4873 DRK 90158 15.20 90158 Non-Acid Toilet Bowl and Bathroom Cleaner
Vanish Non-Acid Bowl & Bathroom Cleaner cleans and disinfects in just one step. This powerful cleaner can be used for toilet bowls, urinals and as an all purpose bathroom cleaner and disinfectant. Proven to deodorize and control mildew on numerous hard surfaces, Vanish is safe for cleaning ceramic, chrome, fiberglass, porcelain and stainless steel. Vanish Bowl & Bathroom Cleaner is capable of killing a number of bacteria, including pseudomonas, staph and salmonella. For added convenience, the bottle comes with a flip top spout to clean hard to reach areas. One trigger sprayer is included in each case.
Vanish Non-Acid Bowl and Bathroom Cleaner, 32-oz Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 26.57 19.73 36.29 DRK90158.JPG vanish nonacid bowl and bathroom cleaner, DRK 90158, DRK90158, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
4874 Lagasse vendPINK™ Tampon Dispenser Starter Kit (HOSVP-75-300) 4874 HOS VP-75-300 26.00 VP-75-300 “Cause related” dispenser creates a fun, feminine restroom experience, while supporting the fight against breast cancer. Unique, pink dispenser features the universally recognized “pink ribbon” breast cancer awareness symbol. Holds 38 regular absorbency dittie™ tampons. All metal. Coin-operated with 75-cent mechanism. Starter kit includes dispenser and 300 dittie™ vended plastic applicator tampons (refill HOS VP-300, sold separately). 7-1/2w x 6-1/2d x 26h. Shpg wt. 22 lbs.
VENDING MACHINE PINK STARTER KIT/DISP & 300 TAMP Hospeco 379.61 289.53 494.65 HOSVP75300.JPG vendPINK Tampon Dispenser Starter Kit HOS VP-75-300, HOSVP75300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 57
4879 Lagasse Virtual Janitor Automatic Cleaning Dispenser, White (TMS35-3542TM) 4879 TMS 35-3542TM 1.40 35-3542TM Virtual Janitor Automatic Cleaning Air Freshener Dispenser has an automatic release setting that sprays TimeMist® air freshener every 15 minutes for quick cleaning and deodorizing of commodes and urinals. This air freshening dispenser is great for use in bathrooms as a Bathroom Air Freshener and will keep fixtures clean and pipes clear. This all purpose air freshener and bathroom air freshener dispenser has a visual LED that indicates the need for a new air freshener refill, or low battery. Locking. Operates for two years on two D alkaline batteries (not included). Installation kit included. Refills (TMS 35-5410TM and TMS 35-5460TM) sold separately. Manufacturer’s five-year warranty. 5w x 3-3/4d x 9h. Be sure to stock up on all of your favorite Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save.
VIRTUAL JANITOR AUTO CLNG DSP 5X3.75X9 WHI6 Timemist Waterbury 34.88 24.60 46.53 TMS353542TM.JPG Virtual Janitor Automatic Cleaning Dispenser, White TMS 35-3542TM, TMS353542TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4880 Lagasse Virtual Janitor Cleaning and Deodorizing Refill, Apple Mint Fragrance, 12 Refills (TMS35-5410TM) 4880 TMS 35-5410TM 9.45 35-5410TM TimeMist Virtual Janitor Refills
Fresh-scented refills for use with TimeMist Virtual Janitor. Fragrant air fresheners eliminate odors at the source. Lasts for 30 days. Includes 12 scented refills.
TimeMist Virtual Janitor Refills, Apple Mint Scent, 9.8-oz. Refill, 12 Refills per Case Timemist Waterbury 60.94 46.48 80.81 TMS355410TM.JPG Virtual Janitor Cleaning and Deodorizing Refill, Apple Mint Fragrance, 12 Refills per Case TMS 35-5410TM, TMS355410TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
4882 Lagasse Visa Versa®, 10in Head (UNGVP25) 4882 UNG VP25 0.80 VP250 A strip washer and squeegee in one. Just wash, flip over and squeegee using hand or pole. Quick spring release accepts both Pro and “S” channels (sold separately). Heads can be offset to clean over ledges.
VISA VERSA STRIP WASHER/SQUEEGEE 10 IN 10 Unger 26.63 20.31 36.31 UNGVP25.JPG Visa Versa, 10in Head UNG VP25, UNGVP25, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
4883 Lagasse Visa Versa®, 14in Head (UNGVP35) 4883 UNG VP35 0.80 VP350 A strip washer and squeegee in one. Just wash, flip over and squeegee using hand or pole. Quick spring release accepts both Pro and “S” channels (sold separately). Heads can be offset to clean over ledges.
VISA VERSA STRIP WASHER/SQUEEGEE 14 IN 10 Unger 28.57 21.79 38.76 UNGVP35.JPG Visa Versa, 14in Head UNG VP35, UNGVP35, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
4884 Lagasse Visa Versa®, 18in Head (UNGVP45) 4884 UNG VP45 1.10 VP450 A strip washer and squeegee in one. Just wash, flip over and squeegee using hand or pole. Quick spring release accepts both Pro and “S” channels (sold separately). Heads can be offset to clean over ledges.
VISA VERSA STRIP WASHER/SQUEEGEE 18 IN 10 Unger 32.65 24.90 44.47 UNGVP45.JPG Visa Versa, 18in Head UNG VP45, UNGVP45, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
4887 Lagasse Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mat, Gray Tray with Starter Pad (CROWC3125SGRA) 4887 CRO WC3125S GRA 9.00 WC 3125SG Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mat, Gray
Stop dirt and contaminants before they are brought into your home or workplace with Walk-N-Clean adhesive floor mats. The tacky surface of the mats quickly and thoroughly removes dirt, bacteria and mold while cleaning shoes with an anti-microbial agent. Each mat holds a 60 sheet refillable pad, so when the top sheet is soiled, simply remove it and let the next one do the work. It’s like getting a new mat each time you peel off one of the tacky sheets! A heavy duty tray with slip-resistant backing holds the pads in place for safety, convenience and easy cleaning. The Walk-N-Clean adhesive mat also comes with a limited one-year Manufacturer’s Warranty.
On Sale Now! Buy Today and Save at!
Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mats, Gray, 31.5" x 25.5", 60 Layer Pad.
Matting » Indoor Adhesive Mats - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Ludlow Composites Corp. 62.88 47.13 83.73 CROWC3125SGRA.JPG Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mat, Walk-N-Clean Tray with Starter Pad, Gray Tray, Gray Sheets CRO WC3125S GRA, CROWC3125SGRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
4888 Lagasse Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mat, White Tray with Starter Pad, White Sheets (CROWC3125SWHI) 4888 CRO WC3125S WHI 9.00 WC 3125SW Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mat, White
Catch dirt before it is dragged into the workplace with Walk-N-Clean adhesive floor mats. Antimicrobial adhesive sheets quickly and easily strip dirt, bacteria and mold from shoes and carts. Simply peel away when soiled to refresh the tacky surface. Heavy-duty tray with slip-resistant backing holds pads in place for safety, convenience and easy cleaning. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty.
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Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mats, White, 31.5" x 25.5", 60 Layer Pad - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 62.88 47.13 84.78 CROWC3125SWHI.JPG Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mat, Walk-N-Clean Tray with Starter Pad, White Tray, White Sheets CRO WC3125S WHI, CROWC3125SWHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
4889 Lagasse Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mat Refill Pads, 240 Gray Sheets (CROWCRPLPAD) 4889 CRO WCRPLPAD 12.00 WC RPLPAD Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mat Refill Pads, Gray
Stock up on Walk-N-Clean Adhesive Mat Refill Pads and catch dirt before it is dragged into the workplace. Antimicrobial adhesive sheets quickly and easily strip dirt, bacteria and mold from shoes and carts. Simply peel away when soiled for a fresh new tacky mat. Refills are designed to fit the gray tray. (CROWC31255GRA)
In Stock and On Sale Today! Buy Now and Save!
Walk-N-Clean Refill Pads, Gray, 30" x 24", 60 Sheets per Pad, 4 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 125.68 95.86 168.88 CROWCRPLPAD.JPG Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mat, Walk-N-Clean Refill Pads, Gray Sheets CRO WCRPLPAD, CROWCRPLPAD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
4890 Lagasse Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mat Refill Pads, White Sheets (CROWCRPLPDW) 4890 CRO WCRPLPDW 12.00 WC RPLPDW Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mat Refill Pads, White
Stock up on Walk-N-Clean Adhesive Mat Refill Pads and catch dirt before it is dragged into the workplace. Antimicrobial adhesive sheets quickly and easily strip dirt, bacteria and mold from shoes and carts. Simply peel away when soiled for a fresh new tacky mat. Refills are designed to fit the white tray. (CROWC3125SWHI)
In Stock and On Sale Today! Buy Now and Save!
Walk-N-Clean Refill Pads, White, 30" x 24", 60 Sheets per Pad, 4 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 125.68 95.86 167.26 CROWCRPLPDW.JPG Walk-N-Clean Indoor Adhesive Mat, Walk-N-Clean Refill Pads, White Sheets CRO WCRPLPDW, CROWCRPLPDW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
4896 Lagasse Wall-Mounted Sanitary Napkin Receptacle, White (IMP1112) 4896 IMP 1112 3.60 1112 Impact Sanitary Napkin Receptacle
The Impact Sanitary Napkin Receptacle is designed to ensure that every visit is clean and convenient for any and all female employees and customers. Impact has designed a sanitary napkin receptacle that prevents waste adhesion and promotes better hygiene. The interior is lined so that it is never soiled and unable to harbor dirt or germs. The receptacle can be surface mounted on the toilet partition or a wall, and its compact design allows it to fit in restroom stalls or small powder rooms. Self-closing top; empties at bottom. Painted heavy-gauge steel. 7-3/4"wide x 4-1/2"deep x 11"high. Shipping weight: 3 lbs.
Impact Sanitary Napkin Disposal Wall Mount Receptacle, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Impact 40.51 29.08 52.93 IMP1112.JPG sanitary napkin receptacle, sanitary napkin disposal, trash can, trash cans, feminine hygiene product, feminine hygiene products, wall mount sanitary napkin receptacle, IMP 1112, IMP1112 1 1 0 0 1 59
4897 Lagasse Rubbermaid Wall-Mount Sanitary Napkin Receptacle, White (RCP6140WHI) 4897 RCP 6140 WHI 1.60 614000 WHT Rubbermaid Sanitary Napkin Receptacle
Plastic with removable rigid liner for easy cleaning. Includes five waxed paper liner bags. The Rubbermaid Quality Feminine Hygiene Products provides an easy way to access and store sanitary napkins. Make every visit clean and convenient for your female employees and customers. Best of all it can be surface-mounted on the toilet partition or wall. The perfect fit for bathrooms in restaurants, or offices, these classic and attractive sanitary waste receptacle are an essential item that no restroom should be without. See SKU # RCP6141WHI for Liner Bag Refills. 12-1/2" wide x 5-1/4" deep x 10-3/4" high. Shipping weight: 3 lbs.
Rubbermaid Sanitary Napkin Receptacle w/ Rigid Liner, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 49.89 36.27 66.12 RCP6140WHI.JPG sanitary napkin receptacle, wall mount receptacle, sanitary napkin disposal, trash can, trash cans, feminine hygiene product, feminine hygiene products, RCP 6140 WHI, RCP6140WHI 1 1 0 0 1 89
4898 Lagasse Rubbermaid Waxed Paper Liner Bags, 250 Bags (RCP6141WHI) 4898 RCP 6141 WHI 6.80 614100 0000 Waxed Paper Liner Bags
A perfect fit for most standard wall unit sanitary napkin receptacles, these quality liners provide a waxed paper design that offers fundamental sanitation when disposing of feminine products. Guaranteed to ensure safety and cleanliness in the bathroom environment, Rubbermaid Waxed Paper Liner Bags are a smart and economical way to dispose of sanitary napkins. Waxed Paper Liner Bags for Rubbermaid Wall-Mounted Receptacle #RCP 6141 WHI (sold separately). 250 bags per case. 9.75" wide x 3.75" deep x 9.8" high. Shipping Weight: 7 lbs.
Rubbermaid Sanitary Napkin Disposal, Waxed Paper Liner Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 29.06 22.17 38.13 RCP6141WHI.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, feminine hygiene product, feminine hygiene products, Waxed Paper Liner Bags RCP 6141 WHI, RCP6141WHI 1 1 0 0 1 89
4899 Lagasse Warehouse Broom, Yucca/Corn Bristle Fiber, 12 Brooms (UNS932Y) 4899 UNS 932Y 26.00 UNS 932Y For heavy-duty sweeping. Heavy metal band with four rows of stitching for strength and durability. 42in long, 1-1/8in diameter lacquered wood handle.
H-DTY WHSE BRM 42X1.13 DIA WOOD HNDL YUCCA BRIST DZ Unisan 115.44 88.05 152.64 UNS932Y.JPG Warehouse Broom, Yucca/Corn Bristle Fiber UNS 932Y, UNS932Y, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4900 Lagasse Warehouse Broom, Corn Bristle Fiber (UNS932C) 4900 UNS 932C 2.17 UNS 932C For heavy-duty sweeping. Heavy metal band with four rows of stitching for strength and durability. 42in long, 1-1/8in diameter lacquered wood handle.
H-DTY WHE BRM 42X1.13 DIA WOOD W/ CORN BRIST DZ Unisan 134.00 98.40 179.89 UNS932C.JPG Warehouse Broom, Corn Bristle Fiber UNS 932C, UNS932C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4902 Lagasse Water Cup Pull-Type Dispenser with Removable Cap (SANC4210PFSD) 4902 SAN C4210PFSD 3.00 C4210PFSD Water Cup Dispenser with Removable Cap
This is a wall-mount style that is top-loading and gravity-fed for cone or flat-bottom cups. This cup dispenser is self-adjusting which eliminates cup damage. Holds up to 120, 4oz to 10oz cups. White. Unbreakable polyethylene ensures years of durability. 2-3/4 to 3-3/8 dia. x 23-1/2h.
San Jamar Wall Mount Water Cup Dispenser, holds 120 4-10 oz. cups, White
San Jamar Dispenser 22.75 17.35 30.12 SANC4160WH.JPG Water Cup Pull-Type Dispenser with Removable Cap SAN C4210PFSD, SANC4210PFSD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
4903 Lagasse Water Extraction Carpet Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle (FRKF534022) 4903 FRK F534022 36.00 F534022 • A family of solutions that simplifies carpet cleaning and maintenance High pH; formulated for hot water extraction systems to clean carpets loaded with tough soils. For use in schools, restaurants and industrial offices. Recommended dilution: normal (1:128).
CONC WTR EXTRACTION CARPET CLNR 4/1 GL Franklin Cleaning Technology 46.27 33.82 63.04 FRKF534022.JPG Water Extraction Carpet Cleaner, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Bottle FRK F534022, FRKF534022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 43
4904 Lagasse Water Wand Acme Insert (UNGFWAI) 4904 UNG FWAI 0.01 FWAI0 Water Wand Insert
Easily converts Water Wand Series Floor Squeegees (sold separately) from tapered sockets to Acme compatible sockets for use with tapered or threaded handles. Strong, polymer blend plastic.
Unger Water Wand Acme Insert, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 1.50 1.14 1.98 UNGFWAI.JPG Water Wand Acme Insert UNG FWAI, UNGFWAI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4905 Lagasse 22" Heavy-Duty Water Wand (UNGHM550) 4905 UNG HM550 1.20 HM550 Heavy-Duty 22" Water Wand
Digs deep into tile crevices and uneven surfaces to remove liquids, leaving floor finger dry. Choose from standard double moss rubber or heavy-duty squeegee with rugged galvanized steel construction and splash guard. Tapered socket; use with aluminum handle UNG AL140 (sold separately). Optional plastic insert UNG FWAI (sold separately) will convert water wand from tapered socket to Acme threaded socket. With black natural foam rubber.
Unger Heavy Duty Water Wand, 22" Foam Rubber, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 13.50 10.30 18.13 UNGHM550.JPG Water Wands, Heavy-Duty, 22in UNG HM550, UNGHM550, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4906 Lagasse Unger Water Wand Heavy Duty Floor Squeegee, 30" Wide (UNGHM750) 4906 UNG HM750 1.60 HM750 Floor Squeegee
Constructed of rugged, durable galvanized steel and natural foam rubber, this squeegee is specially designed to dig deep into nooks and crannies in your floors to remove liquids, leaving the floor completely dry. This water wand features 30” wide twin rubber blades, a sturdy, 20 gauge steel frame and a heavy duty, rust-resistant socket that accepts any tapered handle (sold separately). Unger’s squeegee is ideal for use on grouted tiles and grid floors, as it will effectively remove standard volumes of water or other liquids from uneven surfaces. You can also purchase an optional plastic insert (sold separately) that will convert this water wand from a tapered socket to a threaded socket for added convenience. Clean and dry your floors thoroughly with Unger’s Heavy-Duty Water Wand. Buy today and save!
Unger 30" Heavy Duty Water Wand Squeegee, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unger 16.15 12.32 22.09 UNGHM750.JPG water wands, UNG HM750, UNGHM750, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4907 Lagasse Unger Heavy Duty 30" Red Floor Squeegee (UNGHW750) 4907 UNG HW750 2.00 HW750 Red Heavy Duty Floor Squeegee
Digs deep into tile crevices and uneven surfaces to remove liquids, leaving floor finger dry. Choose from standard double moss rubber or heavy-duty squeegee with rugged galvanized steel construction and splash guard. Tapered socket; use with aluminum handle UNG AL140 (sold separately). Optional plastic insert UNG FWAI (sold separately) will convert water wand from tapered socket to Acme threaded socket. With oil-resistant rubber.
Unger Heavy Duty Water Wand Floor Squeegee, 30" Neoprene Rubber, Red, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 19.02 14.51 25.10 UNGHW750.JPG Water Wands, Heavy-Duty Red Neoprene, 30in UNG HW750, UNGHW750, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4908 Lagasse 18" Standard Disposable Water Wand Floor Squeegee (UNGMW450) 4908 UNG MW450 0.59 MW450 18" Standard Disposable Floor Squeegee
Digs deep into tile crevices and uneven surfaces to remove liquids, leaving floor finger dry. Choose from standard double moss rubber or heavy-duty squeegee with rugged galvanized steel construction and splash guard. Tapered socket; use with aluminum handle UNG AL140 (sold separately). Optional plastic insert UNG FWAI (sold separately) will convert water wand from tapered socket to Acme threaded socket. With black natural foam rubber.
Unger 18" Standard Disposable Water Wand Floor Squeegee, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 5.63 4.29 7.34 UNGMW450.JPG Water Wands, Standard Disposable, 18in UNG MW450, UNGMW450, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
4909 Lagasse Water Wands, Standard Disposable, 22in (UNGMW550) 4909 UNG MW550 0.80 MW550 Digs deep into tile crevices and uneven surfaces to remove liquids, leaving floor finger dry. Choose from standard double moss rubber or heavy-duty squeegee with rugged galvanized steel construction and splash guard. Tapered socket; use with aluminum handle UNG AL140 (sold separately). Optional plastic insert UNG FWAI (sold separately) will convert water wand from tapered socket to Acme threaded socket. With black natural foam rubber.
STD DSPBL WTR WAND 22 IN FOAM RBR 10 Unger 9.33 6.57 12.32 UNGMW550.JPG Water Wands, Standard Disposable, 22in UNG MW550, UNGMW550, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
4910 Lagasse Water-Soluble Deodorant, 32-oz. Bottle, Mountain Air Fragrance, 12 Bottles per Case (BGD358) 4910 BGD 358 26.80 358 Concentrated. Small amount added to water or other cleaning products destroys odors on contact without changing cleaner property. For mopping, shampooing, rinsing or use in hand sprayer or fogger. Nontoxic, nonflammable, biodegradable; will not stain any material unaffected by plain water. Environmentally conscious.
WTR-SOL CONC DEOD BTL MTN AIR 12/32 OZ Big D Ind 56.78 39.38 75.08 BGD358.JPG Water-Soluble Deodorant, 32-oz. Bottle, Mountain Air Fragrance, 12 Bottles per Case BGD 358, BGD358, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 12
4911 Lagasse Water-Soluble Deodorant, 32-oz. Bottle, Lemon Fragrance, 12 Bottles per Case (BGD316) 4911 BGD 316 27.00 316 Concentrated. Small amount added to water or other cleaning products destroys odors on contact without changing cleaner property. For mopping, shampooing, rinsing or use in hand sprayer or fogger. Nontoxic, nonflammable, biodegradable; will not stain any material unaffected by plain water. Environmentally conscious.
WTR-SOL CONC DEOD BTL LMN 12/32 OZ Big D Ind 54.02 40.29 70.99 BGD316.JPG Water-Soluble Deodorant, 32-oz. Bottle, Lemon Fragrance, 12 Bottles per Case BGD 316, BGD316, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 12
4912 Lagasse Water-Soluble Deodorant, Gallon Bottle, Lemon Fragrance, 4 Bottles per Case (BGD1618) 4912 BGD 1618 35.60 1618 Concentrated. Small amount added to water or other cleaning products destroys odors on contact without changing cleaner property. For mopping, shampooing, rinsing or use in hand sprayer or fogger. Nontoxic, nonflammable, biodegradable; will not stain any material unaffected by plain water. Environmentally conscious.
WTR-SOL CONC DEOD LMN 4/1 GL Big D Ind 57.82 44.10 76.37 BGD1618.JPG Water-Soluble Deodorant, Gallon Bottle, Lemon Fragrance, 4 Bottles per Case BGD 1618, BGD1618, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 12
4913 Lagasse Water-Soluble Deodorant, Gallon Bottle, Mountain Air Fragrance, 4 Bottles per Case (BGD1358) 4913 BGD 1358 35.80 1358 Concentrated. Small amount added to water or other cleaning products destroys odors on contact without changing cleaner property. For mopping, shampooing, rinsing or use in hand sprayer or fogger. Nontoxic, nonflammable, biodegradable; will not stain any material unaffected by plain water. Environmentally conscious.
WTR-SOL CONC DEOD MTN AIR 4/1 GL Big D Ind 57.82 44.10 75.15 BGD1358.JPG Water-Soluble Deodorant, Gallon Bottle, Mountain Air Fragrance, 4 Bottles per Case BGD 1358, BGD1358, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 12
4914 Lagasse WaveBrake® Bucket with Caster Kit (RCP7570-88YEL) 4914 RCP 7570-88 YEL 10.16 7570-88 YEL Patented design features molded-in wave baffles to reduce splashing. Buckets nest, even with casters, to save space. Mop handle secures during transport. Nonmarking casters. 35-quart capacity bucket. For up to 32-oz. mop heads. Constructed of tubular steel and structural web molded plastic. Yellow. Use with WaveBrake® Wringers RCP 7575-88 YEL/RCP 6127-88 YEL and Dirty Water Bucket RCP 9C74 RED (sold separately) to create a complete mopping system.
WAVEBRAKE BKT W/CSTR KIT 35 QT 20.1X16X17.4 YEL Rubbermaid Commercial Products 55.96 42.68 72.77 RCP757088YEL.JPG WaveBrake Bucket with Caster Kit RCP 7570-88 YEL, RCP757088YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4915 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Color-Coded Mop Wringer Bucket Combo, Blue (RCP7588-88BLU) 4915 RCP 7588-88 BLU 19.80 7588-88 BLU WaveBrake Color-Coded Mop Wringer Bucket, for Lobbies, Entrances, Hallways
Patented design features molded-in wave baffles that reduce wave motion. Less splashing and spilling means safer, cleaner, more efficient mopping. Three distinct colors to help organize cleaning equipment. 35-quart capacity bucket. High-efficiency sideward pressure wringer is tested to exceed 25,000 wringing cycles. Buckets nest, even with casters attached, to save space. Mop handle secures during transport, preventing damage to walls. Nonmarking casters. Constructed of tubular steel and structural web molded plastic. For up to 32-oz. mop heads. Matching color-coded mop handles sold separately.
Rubbermaid WaveBrake Color Coded Mob Bucket Combo, 35-Quart Capacity, Blue Color
Mops, Brooms, Brushes & Dusters » Mops & Equipment » Mop Bucket Wringer Combos » - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 92.76 70.75 124.43 RCP758888BLU.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, wavebrake color-coded combos, for lobbies, entrances, hallways, blue RCP 7588-88 BLU, RCP758888BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
4916 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Mop Wringer Bucket, For Kitchens, Green (RCP7588-88GRE) 4916 RCP 7588-88 GRE 20.20 7588-88 GRN Green Rubbermaid WaveBrake Mop Wringer Bucket Combo
Patented design features molded-in wave baffles that reduce wave motion. Less splashing and spilling means safer, cleaner, more efficient mopping. Three distinct colors to help organize cleaning equipment. 35-quart capacity bucket. High-efficiency sideward pressure wringer is tested to exceed 25,000 wringing cycles. Buckets nest, even with casters attached, to save space. Mop handle secures during transport, preventing damage to walls. Nonmarking casters. Constructed of tubular steel and structural web molded plastic. For up to 32-oz. mop heads. Matching color-coded mop handles sold separately.
Rubbermaid WaveBrake color-coded mop bucket combo, Green Color, For Kitchens, 35-quart Capacity - The wholesale mop bucket cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 92.76 70.75 125.49 RCP758888BLU.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, mop bucket rubbermaid wavebrake color-coded combos, RCP 7588-88 GRE, RCP758888GRE 1 1 0 0 1 89
4917 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Color-Coded Mop Bucket, Red (RCP7588-88RED) 4917 RCP 7588-88 RED 20.60 7588-88RED Rubbermaid WaveBrake Color-Coded Mop Bucket
Patented design features molded-in wave baffles that reduce wave motion. Less splashing and spilling means safer, cleaner, more efficient mopping. Three distinct colors to help organize cleaning equipment. 35-quart capacity bucket. High-efficiency sideward pressure wringer is tested to exceed 25,000 wringing cycles. Buckets nest, even with casters attached, to save space. Mop handle secures during transport, preventing damage to walls. Non-marking casters. Constructed of tubular steel and structural web molded plastic. For up to 32-oz. mop heads. Matching color-coded mop handles sold separately.
Rubbermaid Wavebrake Color-Coded Combos, 35-quart Capacity Bucket, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 92.76 70.75 122.19 RCP758888RED.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, rubbermaid wavebrake color-coded combos, for restrooms, RCP 7588-88 RED, RCP758888RED 1 1 0 0 1 89
4918 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Mop Wringer Bucket, Brown (RCP7577-88BRO) 4918 RCP 7577-88 BRO 21.20 7577-88 BRO Rubbermaid WaveBrake Mop Wringer Bucket, Brown
Patented design features molded-in wave baffles that reduce wave motion. Less splashing and spilling means safer, cleaner, more efficient mopping. 35-quart capacity bucket. High-efficiency wringer lasts 29 times longer than comparable wringers. Tested to exceed 25,000 wringing cycles. Buckets nest, even with casters attached, to save space. Mop handle secures during transport, preventing damage to walls. Nonmarking casters. Constructed of tubular steel and structural web molded plastic. For up to 32-oz. mop heads.
Rubbermaid wavebrake combo with downward pressure wringer 35-quart capacity bucket
Mops, Brooms, Brushes & Dusters » Mops & Equipment » Mop Bucket Wringer Combos » - The wholesale mop bucket cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 113.74 86.75 149.64 RCP757788BRO.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, rubbermaid wavebrake combo with downward pressure wringer, RCP 7577-88 BRO, RCP757788BRO 1 1 0 0 1 89
4919 Lagasse Rubbermaid 35-qt. WaveBrake Mop Wringer Bucket, Yellow (RCP757788YEL) 4919 RCP 7577-88 YEL 21.60 7577-18 YEL WaveBrake Mop Wringer Bucket
Rubbermaid’s WaveBrake Mop Bucket and Wringer System features a patented wave baffle that reduces wave motion, resulting in less splashing and spilling. Less mess will allow for safer, cleaner, more efficient mopping and the 35-gallon capacity lets you tackle large cleaning tasks. This innovative mopping system features a high efficiency down press wringer that was tested to exceed 100,000 wringing cycles. Rubbermaid has designed this convenient product so that the mop handle is secured during transport, preventing damage to walls and injuries to the user. The buckets nest to save space in storage. Constructed of premium tubular steel and structural web molded plastic, this wringer/bucket mopping system will last for years, long after similar products from competitors have been replaced.
Rubbermaid Wavebrake 35-qt. Mop Bucket & Wringer Mopping System, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 109.15 83.25 148.53 RCP757788YEL.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, wavebrake combo with downward pressure wringer, RCP 7577-88 YEL, RCP757788YEL 1 1 0 0 1 89
4920 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Side Press Mop Wringer Bucket, Brown (RCP758088BRO) 4920 RCP 7580-88 BRO 20.80 7580-88 BRN Rubbermaid WaveBrake Side Press Mop Wringer Bucket, Brown
Patented design features molded-in wave baffles that reduce wave motion. Less splashing and spilling means safer, cleaner, more efficient mopping. 35-quart capacity bucket. High-efficiency wringer lasts 29 times longer than comparable wringers. Tested to exceed 25,000 wringing cycles. Buckets nest, even with casters attached, to save space. Mop handle secures during transport, preventing damage to walls. Nonmarking casters. Constructed of tubular steel and structural web molded plastic. For up to 32-oz. mop heads.
Rubbermaid wavebrake combo with sideward pressure wringer 35 - quart capacity bucket
Mops, Brooms, Brushes & Dusters » Mops & Equipment » Mop Bucket Wringer Combos » - The wholesale mop bucket cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 78.92 60.19 105.39 RCP758088BRO.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, RCP 7580-88, BRO RCP758088BRO 1 1 0 0 1 89
4921 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Side Press Mop Wringer Bucket, Yellow (RCP758088YEL) 4921 RCP 7580-88 YEL 20.80 7580-18 YEL Rubbermaid WaveBrake Side Press Mop Wringer Bucket
Patented design features molded-in wave baffles that reduce wave motion. Less splashing and spilling means safer, cleaner, more efficient mopping. 35-quart capacity bucket. High-efficiency wringer lasts 29 times longer than comparable wringers. Tested to exceed 25,000 wringing cycles. Buckets nest, even with casters attached, to save space. Mop handle secures during transport, preventing damage to walls. Nonmarking casters. Constructed of tubular steel and structural web molded plastic. For up to 32-oz. mop heads.
Rubbermaid 35 quart wavebrake sideward pressure wringer
Mops, Brooms, Brushes & Dusters » Mops & Equipment » Mop Bucket Wringer Combos » - The wholesale mop bucket cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 75.53 57.61 99.66 RCP758088YEL.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, wavebrake combo with sideward pressure wringer, RCP 7580-88 YEL, RCP758088YEL 1 1 0 0 1 89
4922 Lagasse WaveBrake Downward Pressure Mop Wringer (RCP7575-88YEL) 4922 RCP 7575-88 YEL 9.20 7575-88 YEL Rubbermaid WaveBrake Downward Pressure Mop Wringer
High-efficiency wringer lasts 29 times longer than comparable wringers; tested to exceed 25,000 wringing cycles. Constructed of tubular steel and structural web molded plastic. The innovative downward press wringer is easier to work, producing more efficient wringing. This Rubbermaid wringer will accept all mop sizes and features an ergonomic, contoured comfort grip and ergonomic handle reduces stress on wrist. The WaveBrake Downward Pressure Mop Wringer is ideal for hospitals, daycare center, schools, and any location that requires frequent floor cleanings.
Rubbermaid WaveBrake Downward Pressure Mop Wringer, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 97.02 74.00 128.28 RCP757588YEL.JPG WaveBrake Downward Pressure Mop Wringer RCP 7575-88 YEL, RCP757588YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4923 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Dual-Water Mop Wringer Bucket (RCP7677YEL) 4923 RCP 7677 YEL 27.40 7677 00 YEL Rubbermaid WaveBrake Dual-Water Mop Wringer Bucket
Promote a safer workplace. The patented, molded-in WaveBrake® inhibits wave formation, which reduces splashing by 40%. Buckets stack, even with the wheels attached, for more efficient storage. Tested to exceed 50,000 cycles, the wringers are more than twice as durable. 30° handle bend is easier on the user’s wrist and shoulder. Reduces cross-contamination: Unique “bucket-in-bucket” design separates clean and dirty water, which reduces cross-contamination potential and leaves a cleaner, less slippery floor. Generating less than one-tenth the noise of a traditional mop bucket, the Quiet Caster Dolly allows you to work quietly in noise-sensitive environments, day or night. Bucket capacity: 35 qt. Wringer capacity: up to 32-oz. mops.
Rubbermaid wavebrake down press combination 35 quart yellow bucket
Mops, Brooms, Brushes & Dusters » Mops & Equipment » Mop Bucket Wringer Combos » - The wholesale mop bucket cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 174.85 123.00 227.81 RCP7677YEL.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, wavebrake dual-water combo with downward pressure wringer RCP 7677 YEL, RCP7677YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4924 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Dual-Water Mop Wringer Bucket (RCP7680YEL) 4924 RCP 7680 YEL 27.60 7680 00 YEL Rubbermaid WaveBrake Dual-Water Mop Wringer Bucket
Promote a safer workplace. The patented, molded-in WaveBrake® inhibits wave formation, which reduces splashing by 40%. Buckets stack, even with the wheels attached, for more efficient storage. Tested to exceed 50,000 cycles, the wringers are more than twice as durable. 30° handle bend is easier on the user’s wrist and shoulder. Reduces cross-contamination: Unique “bucket-in-bucket” design separates clean and dirty water, which reduces cross-contamination potential and leaves a cleaner, less slippery floor. Generating less than one-tenth the noise of a traditional mop bucket, the Quiet Caster Dolly allows you to work quietly in noise-sensitive environments, day or night. Bucket capacity: 35 qt. Wringer capacity: up to 32-oz. mops.
Rubbermaid Wavebrake Dual-Water Combo with Sideward Pressure Wringer, 35-qt Bucket, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 126.19 96.25 168.52 RCP7680YEL.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, rubbermaid wavebrake dual-water combo with sideward pressure wringer, RCP 7680 YEL, RCP7680YEL 1 1 0 0 1 89
4925 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake High-Capacity Foot-Activated Mop Wringer Bucket (RCP757688YEL) 4925 RCP 7576-88 YEL 20.45 757688 YEL Rubbermaid WaveBrake High-Capacity Foot-Activated Mop Wringer Bucket
Reduces splashing which improves safety and productivity. Has a water evacuation foot pedal which means there is no need to lift this bucket to empty it of its contents. Can last up to 58 times longer than other compared wringers. 44-quart bucket. For 16-32-oz. mop heads. Accepts RCP 9C74 Dirty Water Bucket (sold separately).
Rubbermaid wavebrake high-capacity foot-activated combo with downward pressure wringer 44-quart bucket
Mops, Brooms, Brushes & Dusters » Mops & Equipment » Mop Bucket Wringer Combos » - The wholesale mop bucket cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 178.98 136.51 238.06 RCP757688YEL.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, rubbermaid wavebrake high-capacity foot-activated combo with downward pressure wringer, RCP 7576-88 YEL, RCP757688YEL 1 1 0 0 1 89
4926 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Wringer/Bucket Combo (RCP6186-88YEL) 4926 RCP 6186-88 YEL 19.45 618688 YEL Rubbermaid Commercial WaveBrake Bucket/Wringer Combo
Rubbermaid’s WaveBrake High-Capacity Bucket/Wringer Mopping System features a revolutionary, patented design that reduces splashing, resulting in cleaner floors and a safer environment for employees and customers. With the massive 44-quart capacity, you can tackle even the largest commercial cleaning jobs quickly and efficiently. The heavy-duty, ergonomic wringer is designed to last over 50,000 cycles, so it won’t be necessary to replace this bucket/wringer combo as often as other less durable brands. The convenient foot pedal drain allows for easy emptying with no heavy lifting, preventing back strain. Rubbermaid has designed this handy mopping system to keep the mop head secure during transport, preventing damage to walls or injury to the user. The non-marking 3” casters will also keep walls and doorways safe from damage. Designed for use with 16-32-oz. mop heads, the Rubbermaid Bucket/Wringer Combo accepts RCP 9C74 Dirty Water Bucket (sold separately). This durable, high-capacity mopping system is constructed of tubular steel and structural web molded plastic that will last long after other systems need to be replaced.
Rubbermaid 44- Quart Wavebrake Mop Bucket/Side Press Wringer Combo, Yellow, Sold as Each. – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 146.84 112.00 196.19 RCP618688YEL.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, rubbermaid 44 quart wavebrake mop bucket and side press wringer combo RCP 6186-88 YEL, RCP618688YEL 1 1 0 0 1 89
4927 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Institutional Mop Bucket (RCP7590-88YEL) 4927 RCP 7590-88 YEL 14.17 7590-88 YEL Rubbermaid WaveBrake Institutional Mop Bucket
Patented design features molded-in wave baffles that reduce wave motion. Less splashing and spilling means safer, cleaner, more efficient mopping. 35-quart bucket. Dirty water separation feature produces cleaner, less slippery floors. Requires 18% less effort to wring mop. Funnel-shaped sieve wringer. Mop handle clip holds mop in place while transporting. Buckets nest to save space. For up to 32-oz. mop heads. Nonmarking casters. All-plastic construction. Yellow.
Mop bucket rubbermaid wavebrake institutional combo 35-quart bucket
Mops, Brooms, Brushes & Dusters » Mops & Equipment » Mop Bucket Wringer Combos » - The wholesale mop bucket cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 81.62 62.25 110.04 RCP759088YEL.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, mop bucket rubbermaid wavebrake institutional combo, RCP 7590-88 YEL, RCP759088YEL 1 1 0 0 1 89
4928 Lagasse WaveBrake® Mopping Trolley with Downward Pressure Wringer (RCP7777YEL) 4928 RCP 7777 YEL 40.12 7777 Promote a safer workplace. The patented, molded-in WaveBrake® inhibits wave formation, which reduces splashing by 40%. Buckets stack, even with the wheels attached, for more efficient storage. Tested to exceed 50,000 cycles, the wringers are more than twice as durable. 30° handle bend is easier on the user’s wrist and shoulder. Improve productivity with this compact janitor’s cart and mopping combo, all in one. Trolley handle for easy transport and storage of safety sign and lobby dust pan (with optionalhanger, RCP 2535, available as special order only). Removable maid caddy for two spray bottles and cleaning supplies. Accommodates a 13-gallon poly liner for waste collection. Our Quiet Caster Dolly makes less than one-tenth the noise of a traditional mop bucket. System also includes “bucket-in-bucket” design to separate clean and dirty water and an additional accessory bucket for extra cleaning solution or waste collection. Bucket capacity: 35 qt. Wringer capacity: up to 32-oz. mops.
WAVEBRAKE DOWN PRESS MOP TROLL 35 QT YEL Rubbermaid Commercial Products 213.71 163.00 287.27 RCP7777YEL.JPG WaveBrake Mopping Trolley with Downward Pressure Wringer RCP 7777 YEL, RCP7777YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4929 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Mop Wringer Bucket Trolley (RCP7780YEL) 4929 RCP 7780 YEL 41.20 7780 00 YEL Rubbermaid WaveBrake Mop Wringer Bucket Trolley
Promote a safer workplace. The patented, molded-in WaveBrake inhibits wave formation, which reduces splashing by 40%. Buckets stack, even with the wheels attached, for more efficient storage. Tested to exceed 50,000 cycles, the wringers are more than twice as durable. 30° handle bend is easier on the user’s wrist and shoulder. Improve productivity with this compact janitor’s cart and mopping combo, all in one. Trolley handle for easy transport and storage of safety sign and lobby dust pan (with optional hanger, RCP 2535, available as special order only). Removable maid caddy for two spray bottles and cleaning supplies. Accommodates a 13-gallon poly liner for waste collection. Our Quiet Caster Dolly makes less than one-tenth the noise of a traditional mop bucket. System also includes “bucket-in-bucket” design to separate clean and dirty water and an additional accessory bucket for extra cleaning solution or waste collection. Bucket capacity: 35 qt. Wringer capacity: up to 32-oz. mops.
Rubbermaid Wavebrake Mopping Trolley with Sideward Pressure Wringer 35 qt Bucket Capacity, Each
Mops, Brooms, Brushes & Dusters » Mops & Equipment » Mop Bucket Wringer Combos - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 180.93 138.00 237.24 RCP7780YEL.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, rubbermaid wavebrake mopping trolley with sideward pressure wringer RCP 7780 YEL, RCP7780YEL 1 1 0 0 1 89
4930 Lagasse Rubbermaid WaveBrake Side Press Wringer Bucket Combo (RCP7480-18YEL) 4930 RCP 7480-18 YEL 19.40 7480-18 YEL WaveBrake 26-qt. Side Press Wringer Bucket Combo
The patented Rubbermaid WaveBrake Side Press Combo Bucket inhibits wave formation and reduces splashing by 40%, preventing slippery floors that may cause falls and serious injuries. Tested to exceed 50,000 cycles, the wringers in this bucket are twice as durable as most competitors. Combining the mop bucket and wringer keeps it compact while not affecting the WaveBrake performance. The innovative side press wringer is easier to work, requiring 18% less effort for easier, more efficient wringing. This Rubbermaid combo bucket has a capacity of 26 quarts and the wringer will accept all mop sizes. The premium tubular steel handle features an ergonomic, contoured comfort grip and the 30° handle bend is easier on the user’s wrist and shoulders. The WaveBrake combo bucket and wringer are made from structural web molded plastic and the long lasting casters provide for excellent mobility. This combo bucket works with all Rubbermaid cleaning carts and is ideal for hospitals, daycare center, schools, and any location that requires frequent floor cleanings.
Rubbermaid Wavebrake Side Press Mop Wringer Bucket Combo, 26 Quart Capacity, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 67.61 51.57 88.51 RCP748018YEL.JPG mop bucket, mop wringer bucket, mop bucket with wringer, mop bucket and wringer, industrial mop bucket, commercial mop bucket, mop bucket combo, combination mop buckets, mop bucket wringer combo, rubbermaid mop bucket, rubbermaid mop buckets, mop bucket, mop buckets, mop and bucket, mop and bucket wringes, restroom bucket, mopping combo pack, wavebrake, wave break, side press wringer, down press wringer, industrial mop bucket, rubbermaid commercial mop bucket, rubbermaid wavebrake side press combo mopping system, RCP 7480-18 YEL, RCP748018YEL 1 1 0 0 1 89
4931 Lagasse WaveBrake® Sideward Pressure Mop Wringer (RCP6127-88YEL) 4931 RCP 6127-88 YEL 19.46 612788 YEL High-efficiency wringer lasts 29 times longer than comparable wringers; tested to exceed 25,000 wringing cycles. Ergonomic handle reduces stress on wrist. Constructed of tubular steel and structural web molded plastic. Yellow. Use with WaveBrake® Bucket RCP 7570-88 YEL and Dirty Water Bucket RCP 9C74 RED (sold separately) to create a complete mopping system.
WAVEBRAKE SIDE PRESS WRINGER 13X13X27 YEL Rubbermaid Commercial Products 70.80 54.00 94.54 RCP612788YEL.JPG WaveBrake Sideward Pressure Mop Wringer RCP 6127-88 YEL, RCP612788YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4932 Lagasse Solo 3-oz. Wax-Coated Paper Graduated Medicine Cup, 5,000 Cups (SCCR3) 4932 SCC R3 33.00 R3-43107 3 oz Wax-Coated Paper Graduated Medicine Cup
These cups are for inpatient room care, dispensing medications and serving outpatients. Medicine design with graduated marks for easy measuring.
Solo 3oz. Wax Coated Paper Medicine Dispensing Cup, 50 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 205.67 143.97 272.65 SCCR3.JPG Wax-Coated Paper Graduated Medicine Cup, 3-oz. Cup SCC R3, SCCR3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
4933 Lagasse Kraft Waxed Sanitary Napkin Receptacle Paper Liners, 500 Bags (HOSKL) 4933 HOS KL 7.00 KL 260 Sanitary Napkin Kraft Waxed Paper Liners
The ideal way to ensure safety and continued cleanliness, Kraft Waxed Paper Receptacle Liners are a smart and economical way to dispose of sanitary napkins. A perfect fit for use with Convertible Sanitary Napkin Receptacles HOS 250/201W, HOS ND-1E, and most standard wall unit sanitary napkin receptacles. These quality liners provide a waxed paper design that offers fundamental sanitation when disposing of feminine products. 500 liners per case. 7-1/2" wide x 3-1/2" deep x 10-1/4" high with gusset. Shipping weight: 9 lbs.
Hospeco Waxed Kraft Paper Sanitary Napkin Disposal Liners, 500 Liners per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 20.05 15.29 27.30 HOS260.JPG wax paper bags, feminine disposal bags, feminine hygiene product, feminine hygiene products, kraft waxed paper receptacle liners, HOS KL, HOSKL 1 1 0 0 1 57
4934 Lagasse Hospeco Waxed Paper Receptacle Liners, 250 Liners (HOS6141) 4934 HOS 6141 4.80 HS-6141 Sanitary Napkin Receptacle Liners
These waxed paper receptacle liners are ideal for use in conjunction with sanitary napkin receptacles in women’s restrooms. The most convenient method of ensuring safety and continued cleanliness in public bathrooms, these waxed paper receptacle liners from Hospeco are a smart and economical way of disposing of sanitary napkins. Keeping these high quality liners stocked in your restroom will prevent unwanted female hygiene products from making their way into your septic system. Designed for use with Rubbermaid Wall Receptacles and Floor-Type Sanitary Napkin Receptacles (both sold separately), these Hospeco Waxed Paper Receptacle Liners offer a hygienic solution for disposing of feminine products. Stock up today and keep one in every bathroom stall in your facility!
Hospeco Waxed Paper Sanitary Napkin Receptacle Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hospeco 20.70 14.89 27.70 HOS6141.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, feminine hygiene product, feminine hygiene products, Waxed Paper Sanitary Napkin Receptacle Liners HOS 6141, HOS6141 1 1 0 0 1 57
4935 Lagasse Floor Receptacle Kraft Wax Paper Liners, 500 Liners (HOS6802W) 4935 HOS 6802W 10.80 6802W Waxed Paper Sanitary Napkin Can Liners
Guaranteed to ensure safety and cleanliness in the bathroom environment, Hospeco Waxed Paper Sanitary Napkin Liners are a smart and economical way to dispose of sanitary napkins. A perfect fit for most standard wall or floor unit sanitary napkin receptacles, these quality liners provide a waxed paper design that offers fundamental sanitation when disposing of feminine products. Fits HOS 2201 and most swing-type receptacles. 500 liners per case. 8" wide x 7" deep x 8" high. Shipping weight: 9 lbs.
Hospeco Waxed Paper Sanitary Napkin Disposal Liners, 500 Liners per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 28.58 21.80 38.58 HOS6802W.JPG trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, feminine hygiene product, feminine hygiene products, Waxed Paper Receptacle Liners, Kraft Liners for Floor Receptacles HOS 6802W, HOS6802W 1 1 0 0 1 57
4936 Lagasse WD-40 Lubricant with Smart Straw, 12-oz. Aerosol Cans (WDC10152) 4936 WDC 10152 13.00 10152 WD-40 Lubricant
More than just a lubricant; over 2,000 uses. Degreases, stops squeaks, cleans and protects tools, gears and other mechanisms. Removes stickers and adhesives, loosens rust and does so much more! Now you can protect, clean and lubricate thousands of items without losing the straw. Permanently attached Smart Straw sprays two ways—flip straw up for a precision stream or down for regular spray action. Never lose the straw again.
12-oz. WD-40 Lubricant Spray with Smart Straw, 12 Cans per Case, Sold by the Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
WD40 78.85 60.14 103.41 WDC10152.JPG wd-40 smart straw, WD-40 lubricant with smart straw, 12-oz. WD40, WDC 10152, WDC10152, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 114
4937 Lagasse WD-40 Lubricant with Smart Straw, 12 Aerosol Cans (WDC110078) 4937 WDC 110078 12.30 110078 WD-40 Lubricant with Smart Straw
More than just a lubricant; over 2,000 uses. Degreases, stops squeaks, cleans and protects tools, gears and other mechanisms. Removes stickers and adhesives, loosens rust and does so much more! Now you can protect, clean and lubricate thousands of items without losing the straw. Permanently attached Smart Straw sprays two ways—flip straw up for a precision stream or down for regular spray action. Never lose the straw again. Be prepared for any mechanical lubing for anything from a bike to a dish washing machine door.
WD-40 Lubricant with Smart Straw, 11oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. WD40 73.18 55.82 98.16 WDC110078.JPG wd-40 lubricant with smart straw, WDC 110078, WDC110078, janitorial supplies, wd-40, wd 40, lube, lubricant spray, lubricant, chain lubricant, lubes 1 1 0 0 1 114
4938 Lagasse WD-40® Lubricant, Aerosol, 12 Cans per Case, 16-oz. Aerosol Can (WDC10116) 4938 WDC 10116 16.20 10116 More than just a lubricant; over 2,000 uses. Degreases, stops squeaks, cleans and protects tools, gears and other mechanisms. Removes stickers and adhesives, loosens rust and does so much more!
WD-40 LUB 16 OZ ARSL 12 WD40 77.17 57.92 102.01 WDC10116.JPG WD-40 Lubricant, Aerosol, 12 Cans per Case, 16-oz. Aerosol Can WDC 10116, WDC10116, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 114
4939 Lagasse WD-40® Lubricant, Gallon, 4 Cans per Case, Gallon Can (WDC10110) 4939 WDC 10110 34.00 10110 More than just a lubricant; over 2,000 uses. Degreases, stops squeaks, cleans and protects tools, gears and other mechanisms. Removes stickers and adhesives, loosens rust and does so much more! (Cannot ship UPS.)
WD-40 LUB GL CAN 4 WD40 88.31 65.50 120.01 WDC10110.JPG WD-40 Lubricant, Gallon, 4 Cans per Case, Gallon Can WDC 10110, WDC10110, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 114
4940 Lagasse WD-40® No-Mess Pen™, 12 Applicators per Case, 0.26-fl. oz. Applicator (WDC10175) 4940 WDC 10175 1.60 10075 Handy, pen-shaped applicator precisely delivers WD-40® exactly where you want it. Use to remove adhesives, labels and scuff marks. Use anywhere that overspray is not desirable.
WD-40 NO-MESS PEN .26 OZ SGL PK 12 WD40 15.13 11.54 20.25 WDC10175.JPG WD-40 No-Mess Pen, 12 Applicators per Case, 0.26-fl. oz. Applicator WDC 10175, WDC10175, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 114
4942 Lagasse Web Foot® Compact Wet Mop Head, Medium, 1in Headband (RCPA112WHI) 4942 RCP A112 WHI 8.00 A11206 WH00 • Antimicrobials inhibit bacterial growth and help mop heads last longer • 100% cotton content from post industrial use • 100% blue and green polyester yarn are post-consumer PET Compact packaging reduces mop storage problems; improves inventory management. Mop expands to full size when ready to use. Balanced blend of cotton and synthetic fibers delivers up to five times the absorbency of cotton mops. Looped-end, open twist yarn reduces linting. Tailband provides more floor coverage per stroke. White yarn. 6 mop heads per case.
WEB FOOT ANTIMIC WET MOP MED 1HB CTTN/SYN WHI 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 61.80 47.13 84.15 RCPA112WHI.JPG Web Foot Compact Wet Mop Head, Medium, 1in Headband RCP A112 WHI, RCPA112WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4943 Lagasse Web Foot Compact Wet Mop Head, Large, 1" Headband (RCPA113WHI) 4943 RCP A113 WHI 9.50 A11306 WH00 Antimicrobials inhibit bacterial growth and help mop heads last longer. 100% cotton content from post industrial use. 100% blue and green polyester yarn are post-consumer PET Compact packaging reduces mop storage problems; improves inventory management. Mop expands to full size when ready to use. Balanced blend of cotton and synthetic fibers delivers up to five times the absorbency of cotton mops. Looped-end, open twist yarn reduces linting. Tailband provides more floor coverage per stroke.
Rubbermaid Web Foot Antimicrobial We Mop, Large Size, 1" Head Bands, White Yarn, 6 Mop Heads per Case Rubbermaid Commercial Products 72.37 55.20 95.74 RCPA113WHI.JPG Web Foot Compact Wet Mop Head, Large, 1in Headband RCP A113 WHI, RCPA113WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4944 Lagasse Web Foot® Compact Wet Mop Head, Medium, 5in Headband (RCPA152WHI) 4944 RCP A152 WHI 8.00 A15206 WH00 • Antimicrobials inhibit bacterial growth and help mop heads last longer • 100% cotton content from post industrial use • 100% blue and green polyester yarn are post-consumer PET Compact packaging reduces mop storage problems; improves inventory management. Mop expands to full size when ready to use. Balanced blend of cotton and synthetic fibers delivers up to five times the absorbency of cotton mops. Looped-end, open twist yarn reduces linting. Tailband provides more floor coverage per stroke. White yarn. 6 mop heads per case.
WEB FOOT ANTIMIC WET MOP MED 5HB CTTN/SYN WHI 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 65.03 49.60 86.35 RCPA152WHI.JPG Web Foot Compact Wet Mop Head, Medium, 5in Headband RCP A152 WHI, RCPA152WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
4945 Lagasse Web Foot Compact Wet Mop Head, Large, 5in Headband (RCPA153WHI) 4945 RCP A153 WHI 10.00 A15306 WH00 • Antimicrobials inhibit bacterial growth and help mop heads last longer • 100% cotton content from post industrial use • 100% blue and green polyester yarn are post-consumer PET Compact packaging reduces mop storage problems; improves inventory management. Mop expands to full size when ready to use. Balanced blend of cotton and synthetic fibers delivers up to five times the absorbency of cotton mops. Looped-end, open twist yarn reduces linting. Tailband provides more floor coverage per stroke. White yarn. 6 mop heads per case.
WEB FOOT ANTIMIC WET MOP LG 6HB CTTN/SYN WHI 6 Rubbermaid Commercial Products 81.29 62.00 108.59 RCPA153WHI.JPG Web Foot Compact Wet Mop Head, Large, 5in Headband RCP A153 WHI, RCPA153WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4946 Lagasse Web Foot Microfiber String Mop, 1" Head Band, Medium, 6 Mops (RCPA81206GRE) 4946 RCP A812-06 GRE 13.00 A812-00 GR00 Rubbermaid Microfiber String Mops
Bi-component construction made of two-ply microfiber yarn for superior efficacy plus two-ply antimicrobial yarn. Offers superior absorbency and release. Double the durability of standard mops. Pre-laundered and pre-shrunk. Requires no adapters or new flat- mopping handles or frames. Ideal for smooth to rough floors and large spill pickups. Contains 42% post-consumer recycled PET plastic and 28% post-industrial cotton. Green. 6 mops per case.
Rubbermaid Web Foot Microfiber String Wet Mop, 1" Head Band, Green, 6 Mops per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 91.01 69.42 124.12 RCPA81206GRE.JPG rubbermaid web foot microfiber wet mop, RCP A812-06 GRE, RCPA81206GRE 1 1 0 0 1 89
4947 Lagasse Web Foot Microfiber String Mop, 5" Head Band, Medium, 6 Mops (RCPA85206GRE) 4947 RCP A852-06 GRE 8.70 A852-06 GR00 Rubbermaid Microfiber String Mops
Bi-component construction made of two-ply microfiber yarn for superior efficacy plus two-ply antimicrobial yarn. Offers superior absorbency and release. Double the durability of standard mops. Pre-laundered and pre-shrunk. Requires no adapters or new flat- mopping handles or frames. Ideal for smooth to rough floors and large spill pickups. Contains 42% post-consumer recycled PET plastic and 28% post-industrial cotton. Green. 6 mops per case.
Rubbermaid Web Foot Microfiber String Mop, 5" Head Band, Green, 6 Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 91.87 70.07 124.93 RCPA85206GRE.JPG web foot microfiber wet mop, rubbermaid microfiber mop, medium, RCP A852-06 GRE, RCPA85206GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4948 Lagasse Rubbermaid Web Foot Shrinkless Medium Wet Mop Heads, 6 Mops (RCPA212WHI) 4948 RCP A212 WHI 4.00 A21206 WH00 Medium Size Web Foot Wet Mop Heads
Antimicrobials inhibit bacterial growth and help mop heads last longer. 100% cotton content from post industrial use. Launderable mop head is ideal for healthcare applications. Four-ply balanced blend of cotton and synthetic yarn withstands repeated launderings without shrinkage. Looped ends and tailbanding reduce tangling. Made with recycled fibers. White yarn, prelaundered and preshrunk. 6 mop heads per case.
Rubbermaid Web Foot Wet Mop Head, 1" Head Band, Cotton & Synthetic Blend, White, 6 Mops per Case Rubbermaid Commercial Products 69.81 53.24 95.35 RCPA212WHI.JPG Web Foot Shrinkless Wet Mop Head, Medium, 1in Headband, RCP A212 WHI, RCPA212WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4949 Lagasse Web Foot Shrinkless 5" Headband Wet Mop Head, Medium, 6 Mops (RCPA252WHI) 4949 RCP A252 WHI 1.28 A25206 WH00 5" Headband Wet Mop Heads
Antimicrobials inhibit bacterial growth and help mop heads last longer. 100% cotton content from post industrial use. 100% blue and green polyester yarn are post-consumer PET Launderable mop head is ideal for healthcare applications. Four-ply balanced blend of cotton and synthetic yarn withstands repeated launderings without shrinkage. Looped ends and tailbanding reduce tangling. Made with recycled fibers. White yarn, prelaundered and preshrunk. 6 mop heads per case.
Rubbermaid Web Foot Shrinkless Wet Mop Head, Medium, 5" Headband, 6 Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 74.82 57.07 100.24 RCPA252WHI.JPG wet mop head, wet mops, mop heads, mops, RCP A252 WHI, RCPA252WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4950 Lagasse Wedge Dust Mop Head (UNS1491) 4950 UNS 1491 0.25 LBI 1491 Wedge Dust Mop Head
For hard-to-reach overhead areas and corners. Cut-end white cotton yarn. Fits wedge frame/handle UNS 1492 (sold separately).
Unisan 3.34 2.49 4.49 UNS1491.JPG wedge dust mop head, wedge dust head, UNS 1491, UNS1491, dust mops, dust mop, wedge mops 1 1 0 0 1 110
4951 Lagasse Wedge Dust Head Frame/Handle (UNS1492) 4951 UNS 1492 12.00 LBI 1492 Wire frame and plastic threaded 15/16 diameter x 48 wood handle. Fits dust head UNS 1491 (sold separately).
WEDGE DUST HEAD FRAME/HNDL 48X.938DIA WOOD 12 Unisan 3.76 2.87 5.09 UNS1492.JPG Wedge Dust Head Frame/Handle UNS 1492, UNS1492, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
4952 Lagasse Wet Floor Cone (IMP9100) 4952 IMP 9100 3.10 9100 Bright orange with black “Wet Floor” warning on two sides. Durable, one-piece molded plastic with 10-3/4in square weighted base. 18in high.
WET FLR FLR CONE 18 IN 3 Impact 20.10 15.33 27.12 IMP9100_new.JPG Wet Floor Cone IMP 9100, IMP9100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
4955 Lagasse Wet/Dry Vacuum, 12.5-Gallon Tank Capacity (RCP9VWD12) 4955 RCP 9VWD12 60.00 9VWD12 Rubbermaid Wet Dry Vacuum
Two-tank system for instant wet to dry changeover. Blower port. On-board tool storage. Comes complete with 12-ft. lock-on hose, two stainless steel extension wands, 14 inch plastic floor nozzle, floor tool with bristles, floor tool with squeegee, plastic utility nozzle, crevice tool and dusting brush. HEPA filtration system. Dent-resistant polymer tank with durable metal-frame cart. 35-ft. cord. UL Approved for commercial use.
Rubbermaid 12-1/2 Gallon Wet Dry Vac, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 325.16 248.00 434.60 RCP9VWD12.JPG wet/dry vacuum, 12.5-gallon tank capacity, rubbermaid wet dry vacuum, rubbermaid shop vac, 12 gallon shop vac, RCP 9VWD12, RCP9VWD12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
4958 Lagasse Whistle® All-Purpose Cleaner, Gallon, 4 Bottles per Case, Concentrate (DRK91218) 4958 DRK 91218 37.82 91218 Whistle All-Purpose Cleaner
Special ammoniated formula for heavy-duty cleaning. Use on chrome, appliances, fixtures, vinyl, ceramic tiles, linoleum, marble, painted surfaces, stainless steel, porcelain, plastic and other hard surfaces. No phosphates for the environment. No rinsing is needed and no streaking, to make for a quick and easy clean up in homes or industrial settings.
Whistle heavy duty concentrate cleaner, 4/1 gallon bottles per case. - The wholesale all purpose cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Diversey 75.35 57.47 102.54 DRK91218.JPG Whistle All-Purpose Cleaner, Gallon, 4 Bottles per Case, Gallon Concentrate DRK 91218, DRK91218, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
4959 Lagasse Whistle® All-Purpose Cleaner, Trigger Sprayer, 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle (DRK91249) 4959 DRK 91249 28.58 91249 Whistle All-Purpose Cleaner, Trigger Sprayer
Special ammoniated formula for heavy-duty cleaning. Use on chrome, appliances, fixtures, vinyl, ceramic tiles, linoleum, marble, painted surfaces, stainless steel, porcelain, plastic and other hard surfaces. No phosphates for the environment. No rinsing is needed and no streaking, to make for a quick and easy clean up in homes or industrial settings.
Whistle heavy duty cleaner, 12/32 oz trigger spray bottles per case. - The wholesale all purpose cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Diversey 61.97 47.27 82.05 DRK91249.JPG Whistle All-Purpose Cleaner, Trigger Sprayer, Cannot ship UPS., 12 Bottles per Case, 32-oz. Bottle DRK 91249, DRK91249, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
4962 Lagasse White Butcher Paper Rolls, 15in Wide (BWKBUTCH1540900) 4962 BWK BUTCH1540900 13.63 BUTCH1540900 White butcher paper roll. Width 15in, Roll length 900 ft.
BUTCHERPAPER-15in 40# 900 WHI 1 Boardwalk Paper 17.57 12.50 23.43 BWKBUTCH1540900.JPG White Butcher Paper Rolls, 15in Wide BWK BUTCH1540900, BWKBUTCH1540900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4963 Lagasse White Butcher Paper Rolls, 18in Wide (BWKBUTCH1840900) 4963 BWK BUTCH1840900 18.36 BUTCH1840900 White butcher paper roll. Width 18in, Roll length 900 ft.
BUTCHERPAPER-18in 40# 900' WHI 1 Boardwalk Paper 22.22 15.02 30.34 BWKBUTCH1840900.JPG White Butcher Paper Rolls, 18in Wide BWK BUTCH1840900, BWKBUTCH1840900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4964 Lagasse White Butcher Paper Rolls, 36in Wide (BWKBUTCH3640900) 4964 BWK BUTCH3640900 40.00 BUTCH3640900 White butcher paper roll. Width 36in, Roll length 900 ft.
BUTCHERPAPER-36in 40# 900' WHI 1 Boardwalk Paper 42.16 29.92 55.49 BWKBUTCH3640900.JPG White Butcher Paper Rolls, 36in Wide BWK BUTCH3640900, BWKBUTCH3640900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
4966 Lagasse Dial Breck White Marble Conditioning Shampoo, 288 Bottles (DIA13190-71) 4966 DIA 13190-71 22.00 D13190 Breck White Marble Shampoo - Personal Size
Breck shampoo has been a household name since 1930, with a full line of shampoos and conditioners that leave hair healthy, shiny and manageable, including Breck conditioning shampoo. Shampoo and conditioner in one cleans hair while at the same time leaving it soft. White Marble Breck shampoo and conditioner is safe enough for everyday use with all hair types, bringing out hairs luster and beauty. Breck conditioning shampoo is conveniently sold in travel-size bottles, with the conditioner and shampoo both in one useful .75 ounce size. These travel size bottles are great for those who travel frequently or for hotel owners or gym operators who want to provide their customers with the best in hair cleaning products. White Marble Breck Conditioning Shampoo comes in a case of 288 0.75-ounce bottles. For the best in travel size shampoo and conditioner in one, get some White Marble Breck Conditioning Shampoo today!
Dial Breck White Marble Guest Amenities Hair Care, Conditioning Shampoo, Personal Size, .75-oz. Bottle, 288 Bottles per Case - the wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 66.08 50.40 88.32 DIA1319071.JPG breck, dial breck, personal size, guest shampoo, breck shampoo, white marble breck conditioning shampoo, DIA 13190-71, DIA1319071, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, janitorial supplies 1 1 0 0 1 30
4967 Lagasse Dial Guest Amenities Basics Bar Soap, 1,000 - 0.75-oz Bars (DIA06009) 4967 DIA 06009 44.00 D06009 .75 oz. White Marble Bar Soap
Providing a thick, rich lather that wakes you up and re-energizes your senses, Dial Basics Guest Amenities Bar Soap provides all day odor protection without washing away your skins natural moisture. Individually wrapped, this mild and gentle complexion soap from Guest Amenities bar soaps are useful in Hotel/Motel, Lodges, Bed and Breakfast, Inns, anywhere you would want your guest to enjoy a refreshing bath or shower. This effective Dial bar soap offers long lasting deodorant protection, that is ideal for the hotel industry.
Dial Basics Guest Amenities Bar Soap, .75-oz. Bar Size, White, 1,000 Bars per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bar Soaps - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 71.98 54.90 98.44 DIA06009.JPG white marble guest amenities dial basics soap, DIA 06009, DIA06009, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
4968 Lagasse Dial Basics Guest Amenities Bar Soap, 500 - 1.25-oz. Bars (DIA06010) 4968 DIA 06010 42.00 D06010 1.25-oz. White Marble Guest Amenities Bar Soap
Mild, gentle cleansing soap made of naturally derived ingredients. Providing a thick, rich lather that wakes you up and re-energizes your senses, Dial Basics Guest Amenities Bar Soap provides all day odor protection without washing away your skins natural moisture. Individually wrapped, this mild and gentle complexion soap from Guest Amenities bar soaps are useful in Hotel/Motel, Lodges, Bed and Breakfast, Inns, anywhere you would want your guest to enjoy a refreshing bath or shower. This effective Dial bar soap offers long lasting deodorant protection, that is ideal for the hotel industry. Hypoallergenic formula is dermatologist tested and does not contain any harsh chemicals, heavy perfumes or other additives which can irritate the skin. Ideal for use in hotels and care facilities.
Dial Basics Guest Amenities Bar Soap, White Marble, Individually Wrapped, 1.25-oz. Bars, 500 Bars per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bar Soaps - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 70.95 54.12 93.30 DIA06010.JPG guest amenities dial basics bar soap, DIA 06010, DIA06010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
4969 Lagasse Dial Guest Amenities Deodorant Bar Soap, 1,000 - 0.75-oz Bar Size (DIA00184) 4969 DIA 00184 42.60 D00184 Dial White Marble Guest Amenities Deodorant Soap
Dial White Marble Guest Amenities Deodorant Soap is mild and non-irritating on the skin. Ideal for use in hospitality industry with its fresh and invigorating scent. Neutral colored individual wrapping complements any décor. Individually wrapped
Dial Guest Amenities Deodorant Bar Soap, 0.75-oz Bar Size, 1000 Bars per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bar Soaps » Dial Professional 89.55 68.30 121.61 DIA00184.JPG dial white marble guest amenities deodorant soap, DIA 00184, DIA00184, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
4971 Lagasse Dial Guest Amenities Deodorant Soap, 500 - 1.5-oz Bars (DIA00194) 4971 DIA 00194 42.20 D00194 Dial Guest Amenities Deodorant Soap
Dial White Marble Guest Amenities Deodorant Soap is mild and non-irritating on the skin. Ideal for use in hospitality industry with its fresh and invigorating scent. Neutral colored individual wrapping complements any décor.
Dial Guest Amenities Deodorant Bar Soap, Individually Wrapped Bars, 1.5-oz. Bar Size, 500 Bars per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 74.81 57.06 99.88 DIA00194.JPG dial guest amenities deodorant bar soap, DIA 00194, DIA00194, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
4972 Lagasse Dial Guest Amenities Deodorant Soap, 200 - 2.5-oz Bar Size (DIA00197) 4972 DIA 00197 31.40 D00197 Dial Guest Amenities Deodorant Soap
Classic appointed White Marble Bar Soap, is Dial's most popular amenity product. Recently redesigned packaging gives a refreshing, contemporary appeal, while maintaining neutral tones suitable for any decor. Tailor made to meet the needs of any hotel, motel or residence inn.
Dial Guest Amenities Deodorant Soap, Individually Wrapped, 2.5-oz Bar Size, 200 Bars per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bar Soaps » Dial Professional 52.00 39.66 68.96 DIA00197.JPG dial guest amenities deodorant bar soap, DIA 00197, DIA00197, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
4973 Lagasse White Marble Moisture Riche .75-oz. Hand & Body Lotion, 288 Bottles (DIA12190-71) 4973 DIA 12190-71 21.60 D12190 Breck White Marble Hand and Body Lotion - Personal Size
Breck Hand and Body Lotion has been a household name since 1930, with a full line of Hand and Body Lotion that leave skin healthy, including Breck conditioning shampoo. Breck Hand and Body Lotion is conveniently sold in travel-size bottles, in one useful .75 ounce size. These travel size bottles are great for those who travel frequently or for hotel owners or gym operators who want to provide their customers with the best in skin care products.
Dial Breck White Marble Guest Amenities Skin Care, Personal Size, .75-oz. Bottle, 288 Bottles per Case - the wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 66.08 50.40 90.31 DIA1219071.JPG White Marble Moisture Riche Hand & Body Lotion, 288 Bottles per Case, .75-oz. Bottle DIA 12190-71, DIA1219071, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
4974 Lagasse Boardwalk Multi-Fold Hand Towels, White, 4,000 Towels (BWK 6200) 4974 BWK 6200 18.90 BWK 6200 Multi-Fold Hand Towels
These high-quality multi-fold towels from Boardwalk are thicker, stronger and more absorbent, than other leading brands. Boardwalk Multi-Fold Paper Towels use recycled contents: 65% post-consumer, 35% pre-consumer waste fiber, making them a great economical and eco-friendly hand towel. Perfect for any office or business restroom, these hand towels are the smart and inexpensive way to stock, store and refill your single fold paper towel dispenser. Environmentally conscious and a great economical alternative to the more expensive name brands, these multi-fold towels are ideal for drying hands. These hand towels will fit into any standard folded towel dispenser making them perfect for any office or shop restroom. White Multi-Fold hand towels, 9" x 9.45" sheet size.
Boardwalk Multi-Fold Hand Towels, White, 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 23.95 18.27 32.56 BWK6200.JPG multi-fold towel, multi-fold towels, paper towel, paper towels, paper product, paper products, White Multi-Fold Hand Towels, BWK 6200, BWK6200 1 1 0 0 1 123
4975 Lagasse White 350-ft. Nonperforated Hardwound Paper Towel Roll, 12 Rolls (BWK6250) 4975 BWK 6250 22.40 BWK 6250 Hardwound Roll Hand Towels
Providing a soft and absorbent paper towel option, Boardwalk White Non-perforated 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Hand Towels are an ideal choice for any commercial environment. Designed to dispense, stock and install easily. From offices to hospitals, schools to healthcare facilities, these easy to use, absorbent towels are a perfect fit no matter where they are needed. Meeting and exceeding all EPA guidelines. Embossed. 8 inch wide hand towel rolls; 2 inch diameter core.
Boardwalk White Non-perforated 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, 350-ft. Roll, 12 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Roll Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 26.77 20.42 36.27 BWK6250.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, White Nonperforated 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, BWK 6250, BWK6250 1 1 0 0 1 123
4976 Lagasse Nonperforated Hardwound Roll Towels, 1-Ply, White, 12 Rolls (BWK6261) 4976 BWK 6261 36.90 6261 Nonperforated 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Towels
These non-perforated white roll towels from Boardwalk offers high quality absorbancy as well as a great value. Known for their superior quality, Boardwalk's line of white roll towels are ideal for high-traffic areas like office buildings, businesses, schools, nursing homes and more. The 800-ft. rolls are easy to store and are also great for general cleaning, as well as glass cleaning. Embossed. 8" wide rolls; 2" core, 1-ply hard wound roll towels. 600-ft. per roll, 12 rolls per case.
Boardwalk Nonperforated Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, 1-Ply, White, 600-ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Roll Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 47.25 36.04 63.99 BWK6261.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, Hardwound Roll Towel, Hardwound Roll Towels, White Nonperforated 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Towels, BWK 6261, BWK6261 1 1 0 0 1 123
4977 Lagasse Boardwalk 800 ft. Non-perforated White Roll Hand Towels, 6 Rolls (BWK6254) 4977 BWK 6254 24.60 BWK 6254 Non-perforated 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Towels
Ideal for hand drying, Boardwalk White Non-perforated 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Hand Towels are designed to dispense, stock and install easily. Providing a soft and absorbent paper towel option, Boardwalk White Non-perforated 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Hand Towels are an ideal choice for any commercial environment. From offices to hospitals, schools to healthcare facilities, these easy to use, absorbent towels are a perfect fit no matter where they are needed. Meeting and exceeding all EPA guidelines, these fully embossed, white non-perforated hardwound roll towels come in 800 foot rolls, and 6 rolls per case.
Boardwalk Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, White, 1-Ply, Non-perforated, 800-Ft. per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Roll Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 29.25 22.31 38.78 BWK6254.JPG hand towels, roll towels, hard roll towels, white hand towels, hardwound roll towels, white paper towels, white roll towels, continuous roll towels, 800' white roll towels, nonperforated roll towels, 1 ply hardwound roll towels, BWK 6254, BWK6254, paper products, cleaning supplies, jantiorial products, janitorial supplies 1 1 0 0 1 123
4978 Lagasse Windsoft 800-ft. Non-Perforated Hard Roll Towels, White, 12 Rolls (WIN1290) 4978 WIN 1290 42.00 88468 Hardwound Roll Towels
Windsoft has designed these roll towels primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when used with the appropriate dispenser (sold separately). These towels are extremely absorbent, soaking up more liquid than similar towels from other brands, saving your business money as well as costly maintenance time. While the non-perforated paper towels are ideal for hand washing, they can also be used for general cleaning and glass cleaning. Ideal for use in bathrooms, cafeterias and kitchens, these paper towels are a must-have in schools, nursing homes, day care centers, manufacturing facilities, office buildings and more. Endorsed by commercial janitorial services, maid services and cleaning professionals everywhere, Windsoft Hardwound Paper Towels will save you money without sacrificing quality. Stock up on these 800 ft. roll towels today and save!
Windsoft 8" Hardwound Roll Towels, White, Non-perforated, 800-ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 100.15 55.31 131.13 WIN1290.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, White Nonperforated Hardwound Roll Towels, WIN 1290, WIN1290 1 1 0 0 1 116
4979 Lagasse Windsoft 800' White Nonperforated Roll Towels, 6 Rolls (WIN1290-6) 4979 WIN 1290-6 21.00 88470 Non-Perforated Roll Towels
These roll towels from Windsoft are designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. The 800 foot roll is 8" wide with a 2” diameter and is non-perforated so you choose the size towel you need. These paper towels are ideal for use in bathrooms, cafeterias and kitchens, as well as schools, nursing homes, businesses and offices, manufacturing facilities, day care centers and more. While they are perfect for your hand washing needs, they are also great for general cleaning and glass cleaning. Endorsed by commercial janitorial services, maid services and cleaning professionals everywhere, these paper towels will save you money without sacrificing quality. Stock up today!
Windsoft Non-Perforated Hardwound Roll Towels, White, 800 Feet per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 40.32 27.44 54.04 WIN12906.JPG white roll towels, roll towels, paper roll towels, hardwound roll towels, roll paper towels, windsoft roll towels, windsoft paper towels, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, white nonperforated hardwound roll paper towels, WIN 1290-6, WIN12906 1 1 0 0 1 116
4980 Lagasse Windsoft 600-Ft. Non-Perforated Hardwound Roll Towels, White, 12 Rolls (WIN1190) 4980 WIN 1190 32.00 88466 Hard Roll Paper Towels
These hardwound paper towel rolls from Windsoft are designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser, but their quality construction also allows for multipurpose versatility. Ideal for use in bathrooms, cafeterias and kitchens, these highly absorbent, non-perforated towels soak up more liquid than similar towels from other brands, so they provide thorough hand-drying but can also pick up big spills when needed. You can feel good about using these eco-friendly paper towels as they meet EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste content. Windsoft has designed these towels with improved core strength and cleaner roll cuts so you can be sure you are getting a strong, durable paper towel that will get the job done. Stock up on Windsoft Non-Perforated paper roll towels, endorsed by commercial janitorial services, maid services and cleaning professionals!
Windsoft Non-Perforated Hardwound Roll Towels, White, 600-ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 64.31 49.05 86.23 WIN1190.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, Hardwound Roll Towel, Hardwound Roll Towels, White Nonperforated Hardwound Roll Towels, WIN 1190, WIN1190 1 1 0 0 1 116
4981 Lagasse Windsoft Non-perforated Hardwound Roll Paper Towels, White, 12 Rolls (WIN109) 4981 WIN 109 16.80 88464 Non-Perforated Roll Towels
These paper towels from Windsoft are designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms and will fit standard roll towel dispensers. Each non-perforated towel roll is 8" wide and 350' long. They are perfect for hand washing in bathrooms, cafeterias, kitchens, schools, nursing homes, businesses, offices, manufacturing facilities, day care centers and more. These roll towels can also be used for general cleaning and glass cleaning. Endorsed by commercial janitorial services, maid services and cleaning professionals, Windsoft Paper Towels are one of the most cost effective options on the market for both hand drying and general cleaning. Stock up on Windoft paper towels today and save!
Windsoft White Non-perforated Hardwound Roll Towels, 350 feet per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 35.15 26.81 46.66 WIN109.JPG paper product, paper products, paper towel, paper towels, hand towel, hand towels, White Nonperforated Hardwound Roll Paper Towels, WIN 109, WIN109 1 1 0 0 1 116
4982 Lagasse White Plastic Small Cup Dispenser with Hinged Flip-Cap (SANC4160WH) 4982 SAN C4160WH 0.80 C4160WH Small Water Cup Dispenser with Hinged Flip-Cap
This is a wall-mount style that is top-loading and gravity-fed for cone or flat-bottom cups. This cup dispenser is self-adjusting which eliminates cup damage. Holds 90, 3- to 4-1/2-oz. cone cups or 3- to 5-oz. flat-bottom cups. At San Jamar, their innovative new ideas for food safety, counter service and washroom products come directly from insights they gain from their customers. The customer oriented nature of San Jamar is just one of the many reasons we supply a variety of their great cleaning and janitorial supplies. San Jamar works side by side with all of their customers in every facet of their operations to ensure customer satisfaction. San Jamar listens to customer challenges, identifies potential problems, and looks for small changes that can make huge improvements in safety, efficiency, and of course, customer satisfaction.
San Jamar Small Cup Dispenser, White Plastic, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 9.02 6.34 12.02 SANC4160WH.JPG White Plastic Small Water Pull-Type Cup Dispenser with Hinged Flip-Cap SAN C4160WH, SANC4160WH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
4987 Lagasse 45 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.60mil, 100 Bags (BWK4046EXH) 4987 BWK 4046EXH 7.40 H8046HWKR01 45 Gallon White Garbage Bags
These extra heavy-duty .60 Mil thick can liners are the ideal multipurpose garbage bags for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Providing a high performance bottom seal that resists leakage, this quality material is made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Providing excellent tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners, Boardwalk's coreless perforated rolls allow for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.60mil, White, 4 Rolls of 25 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 17.76 11.74 23.57 BWK4046EXH.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 4046EXH, BWK4046EXH 1 1 0 0 1 123
4988 Lagasse 56 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 40x47, 0.60mil, 100 Bags (BWK4347EXH) 4988 BWK 4347EXH 8.10 H8647HWKR01 56 Gallon White Garbage Bags
Heavy-Duty .60 Mil thick can liners. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose garbage bags recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Superior tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners. Coreless perforated rolls for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 0.60mil, White, 4 Rolls of 25 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 19.29 12.75 25.98 BWK4347EXH.JPG 56 gallon garbage bags, 56 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 56 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 4347EXH, BWK4347EXH 1 1 0 0 1 123
4989 Lagasse 30 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.60mil, 200 Bags (BWK3036EXH) 4989 BWK 3036EXH 8.60 H6036HWKR01 30 Gallon White Garbage Bags
0.60mil thickness is a heavy-duty load capacity general purpose can liner. Bottom seal resists leakage, high-quality raw materials enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tough transport conditions. Excellent load capacity.
Boardwalk 30 Gallon Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.60mil, White, 200 Bags - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 24.28 16.05 31.94 BWK3036EXH.JPG 30 gallon garbage bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3036EXH, BWK3036EXH 1 1 0 0 1 123
4990 Lagasse 30-32 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.60mil, 150 Bags (BWK3339EXH) 4990 BWK 3339EXH 7.70 H6639HWKR01 30-32 Gallon White Garbage Bags
Extra-Heavy-Duty .60mil thickness can liners. High performance bottom seal resists leakage. Perforated coreless rolls for easy dispensing. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to Hi Density can liners. Excellent load capacity.
Boardwalk 30-32 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.60mil, White, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Boardwalk Paper 18.60 12.29 24.94 BWK3339EXH.JPG 30 gallon garbage bags, 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3339EXH, BWK3339EXH 1 1 0 0 1 123
4991 Lagasse 13-15 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 24x32, 0.40mil, 500 Bags (BWK2432EXH) 4991 BWK 2432EXH 10.20 H4832LWKR01 13-15 Gallon Garbage Bags
Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density garbage bags. Offers good load capacity.
Boardwalk 13-15 Gallon Garbage Bags, 24x32, 0.40mil, White, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 25.74 17.01 33.85 BWK2432EXH.JPG 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon trash bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 13 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 2432EXH, BWK2432EXH 1 1 0 0 1 123
4992 Lagasse 60 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.60mil, 100 Bags (BWK3858EXH) 4992 BWK 3858EXH 8.80 H7658HWKR01 60 Gallon White Garbage Bags
Heavy-Duty .60 Mil thick can liners. Performance bottom seal resists leakage. Made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose garbage bags recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Superior tear resistance and load capacity compared to high density can liners. Coreless perforated rolls for easy dispensing.
60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.60mil, White, 4 Rolls of 25 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 24.72 16.34 32.40 BWK3858EXH.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 3858EXH, BWK3858EXH 1 1 0 0 1 123
4993 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 24x23, 0.4mil, 500 Bags (BWK2423EXH) 4993 BWK 2423EXH 7.40 H4823LWKR01 8-10 Gallon Garbage Bags
Made from high-quality raw materials and minerals-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. Multipurpose can liners are recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance and a bottom seal that resists leakage, compared to high density garbage bags.
Boardwalk 8-10 Gallon Garbage Bags, 24x23, 0.4mil, White, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 21.62 14.29 28.79 BWK2423EXH.JPG 8 gallon garbage bags, 8 gallon trash bags, 8 gallon can liners, 8 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 8 gallon garbage can liners, BWK 2423EXH, BWK2423EXH 1 1 0 0 1 123
4994 Lagasse 30 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.70mil, 200 Bags (JAGVW3036X) 4994 JAG VW3036X 10.10 H6036EWJ 30 Gallon White Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage - Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 30 Gallon Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.70mil, White, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 24.71 16.33 32.88 JAGVW3036X.JPG 30 gallon garbage bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage can liners, JAG VW3036X, JAGVW3036X 1 1 0 0 1 61
4995 Lagasse 33 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.70mil, 150 Bags (JAGVW3339X) 4995 JAG VW3339X 9.00 H6639EWJ 33 Gallon White Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage • Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to HD liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.70mil, White, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Jaguar Plastics 24.41 16.14 32.59 JAGVW3339X.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, JAG VW3339X, JAGVW3339X 1 1 0 0 1 61
4996 Lagasse 60 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.70mil, 100 Bags (JAGVW3858X) 4996 JAG VW3858X 10.30 H7658EWJ 60 Gallon White Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.70mil, White, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 25.11 16.60 32.72 JAGVW3858X.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG VW3858X, JAGVW3858X 1 1 0 0 1 61
4997 Lagasse 45 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.70mil, 100 Bags (JAGVW4046X) 4997 JAG VW4046X 8.60 H8046EWJ 45 Gallon White Garbage Bags
These extra heavy multipurpose garbage bags are crafted from recycled plastic and are ideal for the environmentally conscience consumer. Coming from Jaguar Plastic, these quality bags provide a high performance bottom seal that resists leakage, this quality material is made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance.
Jaguar Plastic 40-45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.70mil, White, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 20.98 13.87 27.76 JAGVW4046X.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, JAG VW4046X, JAGVW4046X 1 1 0 0 1 61
4998 Lagasse 56 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 43x47, 0.75mil, 100 Bags (JAGVW4347X) 4998 JAG VW4347X 9.40 H8647EWJ 56 Gallon Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 0.75mil, White, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 26.24 17.35 35.89 JAGVW4347X.JPG 56 gallon garbage bags, 56 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 56 gallon garbage can liners, JAG VW4347X, JAGVW4347X 1 1 0 0 1 61
4999 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 24x23, 0.5mil, 500 Bags (JAGW2423X) 4999 JAG W2423X 9.20 H4823MWJ 8-10 Gallon Garbage Bags
A star seal bottom that helps prevent leakage. This garbage bags are made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. It offers a good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 8-10 Gallon Garbage Bags, 24x23, 0.5mil,White, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 24.33 16.08 32.90 JAGW2423X.JPG 10 gallon garbage bags, 10 gallon trash bags, 10 gallon can liners, 10 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 10 gallon garbage can liners, JAG W2423X, JAGW2423X 1 1 0 0 1 61
5000 Lagasse 13-15 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 24x32, 0.50mil, 500 Bags (JAGW2432X) 5000 JAG W2432X 12.80 H4832MWJ 13-15 Gallon White Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 13-15 Gallon Garbage Bags, 24x32, 0.50mil, White, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 31.72 20.97 41.62 JAGW2432X.JPG 13 gallon garbage bags, 13 gallon can liners, 13 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 13 gallon garbage can liners, JAG W2432X, JAGW2432X 1 1 0 0 1 61
5001 Lagasse 30 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.90mil, 100 Bags (JAGW3036X) 5001 JAG W3036X 6.50 H6036TWJ 30 Gallon Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 30 Gallon Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.90mil,White 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 16.69 11.03 22.44 JAGW3036X.JPG 30 gallon garbage bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 30 gallon garbage can liners, JAG W3036X, JAGW3036X 1 1 0 0 1 61
5002 Lagasse 33 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.90mil, 100 Bags (JAGW3339X) 5002 JAG W3339X 7.70 H6639TWJ 33 Gallon White Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage, Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to HD liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastic 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.90mil, White, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Jaguar Plastics 19.85 13.12 26.75 JAGW3339X.JPG 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 33 gallon garbage can liners, JAG W3339X, JAGW3339X 1 1 0 0 1 61
5003 Lagasse 60 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.90mil, 100 Bags (JAGW3858X) 5003 JAG W3858X 13.20 H7658TWJ 60 Gallon White Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity. Preventing vacuum forming when trying to pull the garbage bag from the garbage can, these quality bags are made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. These multi-purpose can liners are ideal for sharp objects.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.90mil, White, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 32.83 21.70 43.98 JAGW3858X.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, JAG W3858X, JAGW3858X 1 1 0 0 1 61
5004 Lagasse 45 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.90mil, 100 Bags (JAGW4046X) 5004 JAG W4046X 11.00 H8046TWJ 45 Gallon Garbage Bags
Coming directly from Jaguar Plastics, these quality bags provide a high performance bottom seal that resists leakage, this quality material is made from high-quality raw materials; mineral-reinforced to enhance strength and puncture-resistance. These extra heavy multipurpose garbage bags are crafted from recycled plastic and are ideal for the environmentally conscience consumer.
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.90mil, White, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 27.46 18.15 37.56 JAGW4046X.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 45 gallon garbage can liners, JAG W4046X, JAGW4046X 1 1 0 0 1 61
5005 Lagasse 56 Gallon White Garbage Bags, 43x47, 0.90mil, 100 Bags (JAGW4347X) 5005 JAG W4347X 12.10 H8647TWJ 56 Gallon Garbage Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar plastics 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 0.90mil, White, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 30.50 20.16 41.67 JAGW4347X.JPG 56 gallon garbage bags, 56 gallon can liners, 56 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 56 gallon garbage can liners, JAG W4347X, JAGW4347X 1 1 0 0 1 61
5006 Lagasse Windex Antibacterial Multi-Surface Cleaner, 8 - 32-oz. Spray Bottles (DRKCB701380) 5006 DRK CB701380 19.50 CB701380 Windex Antibacterial Multi-Surface Cleaner
Windex Multi-Surface Antibacterial Cleaner effectively kills 99.9% of bacteria, while removing grease and cleaning surfaces around your home. You won’t need water for this cleaner. Just spray it on hard, non-porous surfaces and it starts sanitizing in seconds. Windex multi-surface still brings out the streak-free shine Windex products are famous for, but it also kills common household bacteria without leaving behind a dull residue. Windex Multi-Surface antibacterial is ideal for use on counter tops like Corian, granite, marble and Formica, as well as the exterior of appliances, kitchen sinks, stainless steel, ceramic tile, windows, plastic, vinyl, glass and much more. Windex has been the number one glass cleaner for years, and now it is the best multi-surface cleaner on the market! Stock up on Windex Antibacterial Multi-Surface Cleaner today!
Johnson Diversey Windex Antibacterial Multi-Surface Cleaner, 32-oz. Spray Bottle, 8 Trigger Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Diversey 40.11 30.59 54.05 DRKCB701380.JPG windex cleaner, multi-surface cleaner, surface cleaner, windex antibacterial multi-surface cleaner, antibacterial multi-surface cleaner, DRK CB701380, DRKCB701380, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
5009 Lagasse Windex Bag-In-Box Dispenser, 5 Gallon Dispenser (DRK90122) 5009 DRK 90122 43.45 90122 Windex Bag-In-Box Dispenser
Trusted by generations of consumers for its well known streak-free shine, Windex is America’s number one glass cleaner. Ammonia-D, its core ingredient, starts cutting through dirt before you even wipe. Perfect for cleaning more than glass, Windex works on marble, sealed granite, mirrors, chrome bathroom fixtures, tile, plastic, vinyl, aluminum and much more. This time-saving, economical bag-in-box dispenser contains five gallons of Windex cleaner for refilling plastic spray bottles, so you can help save the planet by reusing your trigger bottle! The built-in handles and easy-to-pour dispenser spigot make this stackable Windex bag-in-box a convenient addition to your cleaning supplies. Buy today and save!
Johnson Diversey Windex Glass Cleaner, 5-Gallon Bag-In-Box Dispenser, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 40.43 30.83 54.16 DRK90122.JPG windex in 5-gallon bag-in-box dispenser, 1 dispenser per case, 5-gallon dispenser DRK 90122, DRK90122, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
5010 Lagasse Windex Glass Cleaner, 20-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans (DRK90129) 5010 DRK 90129 19.00 90129 Aerosol Windex Glass Cleaner
Ready-to-use formula has foam boosters for maximum cling, minimum run-off. Cleans with Ammonia-D for a streak-free shine. No chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
Windex Glass Cleaner, 20-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 52.42 39.98 69.86 DRK90129.JPG windex, windex glass cleaner, windex in aerosol can, 20-oz. aerosol can, DRK 90129, DRK90129, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
5011 Lagasse Windex Multi-Task Cleaner with Vinegar, 8 - 32-oz. Spray Bottles (DRKCB701397) 5011 DRK CB701397 19.50 CB701397 Windex Multi-Task Cleaner with Vinegar
Cleans almost anything to a streak-free shine. Versatile for use on windows, mirrors, countertops, appliances, kitchen and bathroom surfaces, chrome and even car interiors and tinted windows. Non-aerosol, ammonia-free formula has no harsh vinegar smell. Windex Multi-Task Surface Cleaner leaves a clean scent and a safer surface for family, friends and staff.
Johnson Diversey Windex Multi-Surface Cleaner with Vinegar, 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 40.58 30.95 53.81 DRKCB701397.JPG Windex Multi-Task Cleaner with Vinegar, Trigger Sprayer, DRK CB701397, DRKCB701397, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
5012 Lagasse Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner, 12 Pump Sprayers (DRK94123) 5012 DRK 94123 12.00 94123 Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner
Trusted by generation after generation of consumers for its famous streak-free shine, Windex is perfect for cleaning glass and more. With the help of its key ingredient, Ammonia-D, Windex loosens soil upon contact without leaving behind streaks or a cloudy film. Just spray Windex and it starts working on dirt and grime before you even pick up the paper towel! In addition to glass, Windex is also excellent for cleaning marble, chrome fixtures, Lucite, tile, plastic, vinyl, plexiglass, aluminum and more. These Windex trigger bottles can be refilled (Refills sold separately) so be kind to the planet while leaving your home sparkling clean with America’s #1 Glass Cleaner.
Johnson Diversey Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner, 12-oz. Pump Sprayer, 12 Bottles per Case
Cleaning Chemicals » Glass Cleaners - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 36.46 25.90 47.40 DRK94123.JPG windex, windex window cleaner, windex glass cleaner, windex ready-to-use glass cleaner, pump sprayer, DRK 94123, DRK94123 1 1 0 0 1 63
5013 Lagasse Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner Refill, 4 Gallon Bottles (DRK90940) 5013 DRK 90940 36.60 90940 Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner Refills
America's No. 1 Glass Cleaner. Trusted by generations of consumers for its famous streak-free shine. Cleans with Ammonia-D for a streak-free shine. Loosens soil upon contact. Won’t streak or leave a film. Also cleans chrome, stainless steel, Plexiglas and other hard surfaces. Contains no phosphates.
Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner, Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 47.75 36.42 64.07 DRK90940.JPG windex, windex window cleaner, windex glass cleaner, windex ready-to-use glass cleaner, DRK 90940, DRK90940 1 1 0 0 1 63
5014 Lagasse Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner, 12 Spray Bottles (DRK90135) 5014 DRK 90135 29.42 90135 Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner
Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner is the most trusted and widely used glass cleaner on the market. Known for its streak-free shine, Windex is the ideal product for cleaning glass surfaces and much more. With the help of Ammonia-D, its key ingredient, Windex starts working as soon as it comes into contact with a dirty surface, loosening dirt and soil. This hard-working spray cleaner quickly and easily cleans glass, marble, sealed granite, chrome bathroom fixtures, lead or flint glass, Lucite, tile, plastic, vinyl, aluminum and much more. Trusted by generation after generation of consumers, Windex is the most effective and economical glass cleaner around. Get some for your home today!
Johnson Diversey Windex Glass Cleaner, 32-oz. Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 60.53 46.17 80.17 DRK90135.JPG windex, windex window cleaner, windex glass cleaner, windex ready-to-use glass Cleaner, trigger sprayer, DRK 90135, DRK90135 1 1 0 0 1 63
5015 Lagasse Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner, 12 Bottles (DRK90139) 5015 DRK 90139 29.20 90139 Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner
Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner. Cleans with Ammonia-D for a streak-free shine. Loosens soil upon contact. Won’t streak or leave a film. Also cleans chrome, stainless steel, Plexiglas and other hard surfaces.
DRK 90135 can ship UPS - regular rates apply
DRK 90139 must ship LTL - truck rate applies
Windex Ready-to-Use Glass Cleaner, 12 - 32-oz Trigger Spay Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 66.72 47.50 87.22 DRK90139.JPG windex, windex window cleaner, windex glass cleaner, windex ready-to-use glass cleaner, trigger sprayer, DRK 90139, DRK90139 1 1 0 1 1 63
5017 Lagasse Windex Super Concentrate Glass Cleaner RTD with Ammonia-D (DRK3481049) 5017 DRK 3481049 4.83 3481049 Windex Ready-to-Dispense Glass Cleaner
Ready-to-Dispense (RTD) is the maintenance-free dilution control system that’s built right into the bottle. Simply attach a hose and you’re ready to dispense! Economical, concentrated formula in a ready-to-dispense bottle. Cleans with Ammonia-D® plus grease-cutting actives for a streak-free shine. Loosens soil upon contact. Won’t streak or leave a film. Also cleans stainless steel, chrome, porcelain, ceramic tile and Formica®. NSF Registered. Makes 14, 32-oz. ready-to-use spray bottles.
Windex RTD concentrate glass cleaner with Ammonia-D, One 1.5-liter(1.59 quart) bottle and two labeled spray bottles per case.
Requires Water Hook-Up Kit: Part no. DRK 4129080 (sold separately). - The wholesale janitorial supply supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 24.57 18.74 32.19 DRK3481049.JPG Windex Super Concentrate Glass Cleaner RTD with Ammonia-D DRK 3481049, DRK3481049, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
5018 Lagasse Windows Mini 500-ml Hand Soap Dispenser (KCC92192) 5018 KCC 92192 1.20 92192 Windows Mini 500-ml Hand Soap Dispenser
Perfect for tight spaces. Compact, push dispenser holds one 500-ml refill (sold separately). Mounts to wall with screws (included). Plastic. 4.91" wide x 4.89" deep x 7.57" high.
Kimberly Clark Windows Mini 500-ml Hand Soap Dispenser, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
500-ml Soap Systems » Kimcare Liquid Soap » Kimberly Clark Professional 17.78 12.30 23.32 KCC92192.JPG windows mini 500-ml hand soap dispenser, KCC 92192, KCC92192, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
5019 Lagasse Windows Series-i Personal Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser, Pearl White (KCC09505) 5019 KCC 09505 4.00 09505 Personal Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser
Curved contours enhance restroom dècor. Front cover features provision for custom decorator strip to complement any color palette (decorator strip packet included). Designed to hold and dispense two packs of toilet seat covers (KCC 07410, sold separately). Center-located dispensing lever. Replaceable lock with push-button option. Hinged front cover with key guard to prevent theft (key incl.) Durable plastic construction. Mounting screws included. When installed properly, these dispensers meet the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. 17-1/2" wide x 3-1/4" deep x 13-1/4" high.
Kimberly Clark Windows Lever Operated Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser, Pearl White, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Seat Covers & Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 22.37 16.18 30.21 KCC09505.JPG toilet seat cover dispenser, toilet seat cover dispensers, windows series-i personal seats toilet seat cover dispenser, KCC 09505, KCC09505 1 1 0 0 1 65
5020 Lagasse Kimberly Clark Windows 2 Roll Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser (KCC09605) 5020 KCC 09605 2.50 09605 Double Roll Coreless Toilet Paper Dispenser
This Kimberly Clark Windows toilet paper dispenser has a sliding cover that keeps tissue sanitary. Space-saving design holds two standard, coreless, perforated toilet paper tissue rolls. Easy, one-handed reloading. Microban antimicrobial protection provides built-in antimicrobial protection against most common stain- and odor-causing bacteria by preventing odor and stain microbes from growing and reproducing. Accepts KCC07001 toilet paper tissue (sold separately). Durable plastic construction. 11" wide x 6" deep x 7-5/8" high. Mounting hardware included.
Kimberly-Clark In-Sight Double Roll Coreless Toilet Tissue Dispenser, Pearl White, Each
Toilet Paper Dispensers » Coreless Roll Toilet Paper Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 18.40 12.50 24.55 KCC09605.JPG toilet paper dispenser, commercial toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper roll dispensers, coreless double roll, windows double roll coreless tissue dispenser, KCC 09605, KCC09605 1 1 0 0 1 65
5021 Lagasse Windshield Single Fold Towels, Automotive Wipers (BWK6190) 5021 BWK 6190 11.17 BWK 6190 One-ply. Blue Kraft Paper Towel. 9 x 9.5 sheet size.
Boardwalk Windshield 1-Ply Single-Fold Towels Blue, Automotive Wipers
8 Packs per Case, 300 Towels per Pack
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Automotive Wipers Boardwalk Paper 19.42 14.81 25.68 BWK6190.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, BWK 6190, BWK6190 1 1 0 0 1 123
5022 Lagasse Wisk Laundry Detergent, Vending Size, 100 Packs (DRK2979945) 5022 DRK 2979945 19.00 2979945 Single Use Liquid Detergent Packets
Wisk is a premium concentrated liquid laundry detergent that thoroughly cleans your clothes and fights the toughest stains. Gone are the days of buying multiple stain fighting products for your laundry needs. Wisk is an effective pretreatment for stubborn stains as well as a powerful laundry detergent. All you need is Wisk for optimum results on all fabrics in any water temperature and now it comes in 2 oz. packets! These single use liquid laundry detergent packets are ideal for use in vending machines in laundromats and guest amenities. If you are looking for a premium liquid laundry detergent that also serves as a pretreatment for set-in stains, look no further than Wisk.
Johnson Diversey Wisk Liquid Laundry Detergent, 2 oz. Vending Size Boxes, 100 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 42.98 32.39 57.34 DRK2979945.JPG wisk laundry detergent, wisk liquid laundry detergent, wisk liquid detergent, wisk 2 oz detergent, wisk concentrated liquid detergent, 100 Boxes per Case, 2-oz. Box, DRK 2979945, DRK2979945 1 1 0 0 1 63
5023 Lagasse Wisk Heavy-Duty Liquid Laundry Detergent, 4 Bottles (DRK2979890) 5023 DRK 2979890 40.00 2979890 Liquid Laundry Detergent
Wisk Heavy-Duty Liquid Laundry Detergent is a concentrated laundry detergent that breaks down everything from protein stains to oily dirt, leaving fabrics fresh and clean. Wisk liquid detergent goes beyond cleaning just the visible stains, attacking body oils and sweat that linger inside fabric. This detergent is so powerful that it can be used to pre-treat stains or as an all-purpose cleaner and degreaser for all of your laundry cleaning needs. Wisk provides maximum results on fabrics in any water temperature, attacking stains and cleaning deep down into fabrics and clothes. Wisk has been a trusted product in laundry rooms for over 50 years. Stock up on Wisk Liquid Laundry Detergent today!
Johnson Diversey Wisk Liquid Laundry Detergent, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 75.21 51.75 101.64 wisk laundry detergent, wisk liquid laundry detergent, wisk liquid detergent, wisk heavy duty detergent, wisk detergent, wisk laundry soap, DRK 2979890, DRK2979890, laundry detergent, laundry products 1 1 0 0 1 63
5024 Lagasse Wood Coffee Stirrers, 7-1/2" Length, 5,000 Stirrers (RPPR825) 5024 RPP R825 8.20 R825 7-1/2" Wood Coffee Stirrers
An excellent alternative to petroleum based plastic stirrers, these high quality wood coffee stirrers from Royal Paper Products are a great fit for any office or home. Made from all natural, white birchwood, these 100% biodegradable, environmentally conscious coffee stirrers measure in at 7 1/2" each. Great for coffee, tea or any other hot beverage, each stirrer comes packaged in 10 easy to stock and store 500 count boxes. The essential coffee drinkers tool, coffee stirrers are a must in any office or home.
Royal Paper Products Wood Coffee Stirrers, 7-1/2" Length, 500 Stirrers per Pack, 10 Packs, 5,000 Stirrers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Royal Paper Products 39.79 27.85 53.77 RPPR825.JPG wood coffee stirrers, coffee stirrers, stirrers, stirrers for coffee, RPP R825, RPPR825, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 140
5025 Lagasse Wood Coffee Stirrers, 5-1/2in Length (RPPR810) 5025 RPP R810 7.80 R810 Excellent alternative to petroleum based plastic stirrers. Made from all natural, white birchwood, 100% biodegradable. Environmentally conscious.
COFFEE STIRRER REG WOOD 10/1000 Royal Paper Products 23.04 16.13 29.99 RPPR810.JPG Wood Coffee Stirrers, 5-1/2in Length RPP R810, RPPR810, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 140
5026 Lagasse 2.75in Regular Wooden Frill Toothpicks, (RPPR811W) 5026 RPP R811W 4.80 R811W Royal Toothpicks:
Wooden Frill Toothpicks
Royal produces some of the best toothpicks on the market today. They are sturdy, durable and made from quality wood so you know you are getting a product you can trust and rely on. Royal has been a supplier of ours for years and we know that they have the customer in mind everytime they produce a new toothpick
These particual toothpicks are assorted in color and have a cellophane frill. 1,000 toothpicks come in a box and 10 boxes come per case. For all of you math majors, thats 10,000 total toothpicks per box.
Assorted color cellophane frill. 1,000 toothpicks per box; 10 boxes per case (10,000 toothpicks).
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Toothpicks »
Royal Paper Products 32.63 22.84 42.50 RPPR811W.JPG Wooden Frill Toothpicks, 2.75in Regular RPP R811W, RPPR811W, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 140
5027 Lagasse Wooden Frill Toothpicks, 4in Club (RPPR812W) 5027 RPP R812W 6.60 R812W Royal Toothpicks:
Wooden Frill Toothpicks
Royal produces some of the best toothpicks on the market today. They are sturdy, durable and made from quality wood so you know you are getting a product you can trust and rely on. Royal has been a supplier of ours for years and we know that they have the customer in mind everytime they produce a new toothpick
These particual toothpicks are assorted in color and have a cellophane frill. 1,000 toothpicks come in a box and 10 boxes come per case. For all of you math majors, thats 10,000 total toothpicks per box.
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Toothpicks »
Royal Paper Products 44.16 30.91 60.43 RPPR812W.JPG Wooden Frill Toothpicks, 4in Club RPP R812W, RPPR812W, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 140
5028 Lagasse Worxwell General Purpose Towel Rags, 100 Towels (CHI8481) 5028 CHI 8481 3.50 8481 Versatile, multipurpose towel is suitable for all heavy-duty industrial/institutional cleaning tasks. Durable, tear-resistant rag replacement towel absorbs more than nine times its weight in liquids. Can be washed, rinsed and reused. Acceptable for use with most industrial solvents. Low linting. 13" x 15" white rags.
Chicopee Worxwell Industrial Rags 13x15 White, 100 Rags per Case
Chicopee 27.67 20.90 37.16 CHI8481.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Worxwell General Purpose Towels, CHI 8481, CHI8481 1 1 0 0 1 19
5029 Lagasse Worxwell General Purpose Rags, 300 Rags (CHI8483) 5029 CHI 8483 10.00 8483 Versatile, multipurpose towel is suitable for all heavy-duty industrial/institutional cleaning tasks. Durable, tear-resistant rag replacement towel absorbs more than nine times its weight in liquids. Can be washed, rinsed and reused. Acceptable for use with most industrial solvents. Low linting. 13" x 15" white rags.
Industrial Wiper Rags 13x15 White 300 Towels per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Chicopee 73.12 55.30 97.96 CHI8483.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, Worxwell General Purpose Towels, CHI 8483, CHI8483 1 1 0 0 1 19
5030 Lagasse Wrapped Jumbo Flex-Straws, White (BWK381) 5030 BWK 381 24.25 YSTWF76W24LAG Wrapped Jumbo Flex-Straws
These Great Straws from Boardwalk are lightweight and recyclable and have extensive U.S. recycling structure. Boardwalk Co. has been a reliable supplier of ours for years. Their products are user friendly and great for all different types of applications. Use Boardwalk jumbo straws for your home, office, parties, lunch parties and much more. No more fussing with straws that just don't get the job done. Buy your Boardwalk straws today. For all of your straw needs, visit the rest of our website for great brand name products.
7-3/4 inches in length, 400 flexible straws per box, 24 boxes per case for a total of 9,600 straws.
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Straws » Boardwalk Paper 104.62 79.79 137.98 BWK381.JPG Wrapped Jumbo Flex-Straws, White BWK 381, BWK381, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
5032 Lagasse Wrapped Jumbo Straws, 7-3/4in Length, Translucent (BWK2851T) 5032 BWK 2851T 21.00 YSTWJ7724LAG Boardwalk Straws: Wrapped Jumbo Straws: Translucent
These Great Straws from Boardwalk are lightweight and recyclable and have extensive U.S. recycling structure. These Boardwalk clear plastic cups are made from quality materials so you don't have to worry about any of your straws breaking or leaking.
Boardwalk Co. has been a reliable supplier of ours for years. Their products are user friendly and great for all different types of applications. Use Boardwalk jumbo straws for your home, office, parties, lunch parties and much more. No more fussing with straws that just don't get the job done. Buy your Boardwalk straws today. For all of your straw needs, visit the rest of our website for great brand name products.
- 24 boxes per case, 12,000 straws per case, Environmentally conscious.
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Straws » Boardwalk Paper 72.25 55.11 97.65 BWK2851T.JPG Wrapped Jumbo Straws, 7-3/4in Length, Translucent BWK 2851T, BWK2851T, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
5034 Lagasse WNA 9-oz. Wrapped Plastic Cups, 1,000 Cups (WNAAP0900W) 5034 WNA AP0900W 15.20 AP0900W 9 oz. Wrapped Plastic Cups
These individually wrapped cups are extremely convenient for hotels, motels and the lodging industry. Individually wrapped plastic cups provide sanitary service. These quality wrapped cups are great for an assortment of chilled beverages, such as beer, soda, lemonade, iced tea or water. Stock up on these quality plastic cups today for your residential or commercial situation today!
WNA Inc. 9-oz. Individually Wrapped Cups, White, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 48.34 33.84 64.62 WNAAP0900W.JPG Wrapped Lodging Plastic Cups WNA AP0900W, WNAAP0900W, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
5035 Lagasse Wrapped Polypropylene Cutlery, Fork (BWKMWFIW) 5035 BWK MWFIW 7.07 FK-FW-LAG Boardwalk Cutlery: White
Wrapped Polypropylene Cutlery, White Fork
1,000 pieces per case
These Great forks, knives, teaspoons and soup spoons from Boardwalk are lightweight and recyclable and have extensive U.S. recycling structure. These Boardwalk plastic cutlery are made from quality materials so you don't have to worry about any of your cutlery breaking or cracking.
Boardwalk Co. has been a reliable supplier of ours for years. Their products are user friendly and great for all different types of applications. Use Boardwalk cutlery for your home, office, parties, lunch parties and much more. No more fussing with plastic cutlery that just don't get the job done. Buy your Boardwalk cutlery in bulk today and save. Buy all of your cleaning and janitirial supplies right here at today and save. Spend over $1,800 and you will recieve FREE SHIPPING!
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Cutlery Forks Knives Spoons Boardwalk Paper 57.55 42.83 75.61 BWKMWFIW.JPG Wrapped Polypropylene Cutlery, Fork BWK MWFIW, BWKMWFIW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
5036 Lagasse Wrapped Polypropylene Cutlery, Knife (BWKMWKIW) 5036 BWK MWKIW 7.75 FK-KW-LAG Boardwalk Cutlery: White
Wrapped Polypropylene Cutlery, White Knife
1,000 pieces per case
These Great forks, knives, teaspoons and soup spoons from Boardwalk are lightweight and recyclable and have extensive U.S. recycling structure. These Boardwalk plastic cutlery are made from quality materials so you don't have to worry about any of your cutlery breaking or cracking.
Boardwalk Co. has been a reliable supplier of ours for years. Their products are user friendly and great for all different types of applications. Use Boardwalk cutlery for your home, office, parties, lunch parties and much more. No more fussing with plastic cutlery that just don't get the job done. Buy your Boardwalk cutlery in bulk today and save. Buy all of your cleaning and janitirial supplies right here at today and save. Spend over $1,800 and you will recieve FREE SHIPPING!
Food Service Restaurant Supplies » Cutlery Forks Knives Spoons Boardwalk Paper 55.60 36.42 76.04 BWKMWKIW.JPG Wrapped Polypropylene Cutlery, Knife BWK MWKIW, BWKMWKIW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
5037 Lagasse Wrapped Polypropylene Cutlery, 1,000 Spoons (BWKMWSIW) 5037 BWK MWSIW 7.60 FK-SW-LAG Wrapped Cutlery - Spoon
These affordable utensils provide an excellent quality and value. Individual wrapping ensures sanitary dispensing. Break-resistant, medium-weight plastic. Lightweight and recyclable. White. 1,000 pieces per case.
Boardwalk Wrapped Cutlery Spoon, White, Medium-weight, 1,000 Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 57.30 42.83 74.75 BWKMWSIW.JPG Wrapped Polypropylene Cutlery, Spoon BWK MWSIW, BWKMWSIW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
5039 Lagasse Wrist Key Coil, Black (PMC04995) 5039 PMC 04995 0.10 PMC04995 Allows easy and quick access to keys. Flexible plastic for wrist comfort. Includes steel key ring.
WRIST COIL KEY CHAIN BLA PM Company 3.15 1.87 4.27 PMC04995.JPG Wrist Key Coil, Black PMC 04995, PMC04995, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 77
5040 Lagasse Wypall Jumbo Roll Wipes Dispenser, Black (KCC80595) 5040 KCC 80595 34.00 80595 A mobile, efficient dispensing system that reduces waste. Dispenser for JUMBO RAG-ON-A-ROLL* system. For Jumbo Rolls KCC 41055, KCC 41600 and KCC 34955 (sold separately). Portable, high-capacity dispenser is compact enough for use in most any location. Metal with trash bag attachment. 16-1/4"wide x 18-1/2"deep x 33"high.
Jumbo Roll Wipes Dispenser
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Wipes Dispenser Kimberly Clark Professional 35.39 22.99 48.01 KCC80595.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, WYPALL Jumbo Roll Wipes Dispenser, KCC 80595, KCC80595 1 1 0 0 1 65
5041 Lagasse Wypall L10 Sani-Prep Dairy Towels in Pop-Up Box (KCC01772) 5041 KCC 01772 20.48 01772 Singlefold towels provide a clean, fresh wiper every time. Ideal application for farm/agricultural environments. Wypall Dairy Towels are made using a unique technology that builds in strength at the same time as it gives extra-absorbent rippled texture. Ask any cow. 8 out of 10 prefer Wypall Dairy Towels. White. 9 x 10-1/2 sheets. 110 towels per box; 18 boxes per case.
Wypall Dairy Towels, 110 Towels per Box, 18 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Food Service Towels Kimberly Clark Professional 48.24 34.61 65.60 KCC01772.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L10 SANI-PREP Dairy Towels KCC 01772, KCC01772 1 1 0 0 1 65
5042 Lagasse Wypall L10 Sani-Prep Singlefold Dairy Towels (KCC01770) 5042 KCC 01770 17.00 01770 Singlefold towels provide a clean, fresh wiper every time. Ideal application for farm/agricultural environments. Wypall Dairy Towels are made using a unique technology that builds in strength at the same time as it gives extra-absorbent rippled texture. Ask any cow. 8 out of 10 prefer Wypall Dairy Towels. White. 9.3" x 10.5" sheeets. 200 towels per pack; 12 packs per case.
Wypall Dairy Towels, 200 Towels per Pack, 12 Packs per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Food Service Towels Kimberly Clark Professional 47.67 33.47 64.66 KCC01770.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L10 SANI-PREP Singlefold Dairy Towels KCC 01770, KCC01770 1 1 0 0 1 65
5043 Lagasse Wypall L10 Utility Wipers (KCC05320) 5043 KCC 05320 19.24 05320 Wypall L10 Utility Wipes
Perfect for spray-and-wipe jobs, glass surface cleaning, absorbing small liquid spills, detail and final assembly wiping. Convenient Pop-Up* box. Meets EPA standards. Minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. White, 9" x 10-1/2"utility wipers. 125 wipes per pack; 18 packs per case (2,250 wipes). Environmentally conscious.
Kimberly-Clark L10 Wypall Utility Wipers, 125 Wipes per Pack, 18 Packs per Case
Wipes » Utility Wipers
Kimberly Clark Professional 112.71 85.97 146.51 KCC05320.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, WYPALL L10 Utility Wipes KCC 05320, KCC05320 1 1 0 0 1 65
5044 Lagasse Wypall L10 Windshield Towels, Blue, 16 Packs (KCC05120) 5044 KCC 05120 20.00 05120 Blue Automotive Wipers
Designed for better cleaning performance. Extra-strength and special textured surface. Meets EPA standards. Minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. Two-ply, S-fold, blue, 9.3 x 10.5 towels. 140 towels per pack; 16 packs per case (2,240 towels). Environmentally conscious.
Kimberly-Clark Wypall L10 Automotive Wipers, 140 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 2,240 Towels per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Automotive Wipers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 59.39 45.30 79.35 KCC05120.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L10 Windshield Towels KCC 05120, KCC05120 1 1 0 0 1 65
5045 Lagasse Kimberly Clark WYPALL L20 Quarterfold All Purpose Wipes, 816 Wipes (KCC47000) 5045 KCC 47000 15.00 47000 Wypall L20 All Purpose Wipes
Ideal for single-use parts and tool cleanups and general-purpose field utility wiping. Textured side for cleaning power. Contains no binders or glues. Multi-ply capacity for large spills. Meets EPA standards, minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. Tan. 12.5 x 13 sheets. 68 wipers per pack; 12 packs per case (816 wipers). Environmentally concious.
Kimberly Clark Wypall L20 All Purpose Wipes, 68 wipers per pack, 12 packs per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 50.17 37.82 66.84 KCC47000.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L20 Quarterfold Wipers KCC 47000, KCC47000 1 1 0 0 1 65
5046 Lagasse WYPALL L20 All Purpose Wipes in Brag Box (KCC58399) 5046 KCC 58399 3.85 58399 WYPALL L20 All Purpose Wipes in Brag Box
WYPALL L20 All Purpose Wipes are ideal for enviormentally conscious single-use clean ups and general-purpose wiping. Each wipe has one smooth and one textured side for cleaning power and a multi-ply capacity for large spills. They contain no binders or glues and meet EPA standards, with a minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. These tan wipes are 12.5 x 16.8 sheets. There is one box per case, and 176 wipes per box (176 wipers total).
WYPALL L20 All purpose Wipes in Brag Box. 176 wipes per box. 1 box per case.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes
Kimberly Clark Professional 30.13 22.69 40.22 KCC58399.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L20 Wipers in Brag Box, KCC 58399, KCC58399 1 1 0 0 1 65
5047 Lagasse WYPALL L20 All Purpose Wipes in Pop-Up Box (KCC47033) 5047 KCC 47033 16.60 47033 Ideal for single-use parts and tool cleanups and general-purpose field utility wiping. Textured side for cleaning power. Contains no binders or glues. Multi-ply capacity for large spills. Meets EPA standards, minimum 40% post-consumer waste content. Tan. 9.1 x 16.8 sheets. 88 wipers per box; 10 boxes per case (880 wipers). Environmentally conscious.
All Purpose Wipes, 88 wipers per box; 10 boxes per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 85.68 65.16 112.95 KCC47033.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L20 Wipers in POP-UP Box KCC 47033, KCC47033 1 1 0 0 1 65
5048 Lagasse Wypall L30 Quarterfold All Purpose Wipes, 12 Packs (KCC05812) 5048 KCC 05812 15.00 05812 Ideal for general purpose, light duty cleanups. Removes soils and liquids from face and hands. Ideal for benchtop use. White, 12.5 x 13 sheet size. 90 wipers per pack; 12 packs per case (1,080 wipers).
All Purpose Wipes, 90 wipers per pack; 12 packs per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 45.85 34.97 62.36 KCC05812.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L30 Quarterfold Wipers KCC 05812, KCC05812 1 1 0 0 1 65
5049 Lagasse WYPALL L30 Roll All Purpose Wipes (KCC05843) 5049 KCC 05843 18.60 05843 Ideal for general purpose, light duty cleanups. Removes soils and liquids from face and hands. Perforated roll suitable for all kinds of jobs. White, 11 x 10.4 sheet size. 70 wipers per roll; 24 rolls per case (1,680 wipers).
All purpose Wiper Roll Towel, 70 wipers per roll; 24 rolls per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 62.15 47.40 83.69 KCC05843.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L30 Roll Wipers KCC 05843, KCC05843 1 1 0 0 1 65
5050 Lagasse WYPALL L30 All Purpose Wipes, 120 Wiper Pop-Up Box (KCC05816) 5050 KCC 05816 14.25 05816 Ideal for general purpose, light duty cleanups. Removes soils and liquids from face and hands. One-at-a-time dispensing for users on the go. White. 16.4 x 9.8 sheets.
All Purpose Wipes, 120 Wipes Per Box, 6 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 52.89 40.34 71.04 KCC05816.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L30 Wipers KCC 05816, KCC05816 1 1 0 0 1 65
5051 Lagasse WYPALL L30 All Purpose Wipes, 100 Wiper Pop-Up Box (KCC05800) 5051 KCC 05800 16.35 05800 Ideal for general purpose, light duty cleanups. Removes soils and liquids from face and hands. One-at-a-time dispensing for users on the go. White. 16.4 x 9.8 sheets.
All Purpose Wipes, 100 Wipers per Box, 8 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 79.32 60.50 103.32 KCC05800.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L30 Wipers in POP-UP Box, 100 Wipers per Box KCC 05800, KCC05800 1 1 0 0 1 65
5052 Lagasse WYPALL L40 Quarterfold All Purpose Wipes, Blue (KCC05776) 5052 KCC 05776 14.25 05776 WYPALL Quaterfold All-Purpose Wipes are outsanding, general-purpose wipes with excellent performance in industrial cleaning and household wiping tasks. These wipes are ideal for use in routine industrial cleaning and maintenance. In addition to cleaning surfaces, these wipes are safe enough to use to remove soils and liquids from the face and hands. Each sheet is 12.5 x 14.4 inches. There are 56 wipes per pack and 12 packs per case (for a total of 672 wipes).
WYPALL All Purpose Quarterfold Wipes. 56 wipes per pack. 12 packs per case.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 70.89 52.20 93.86 KCC05776.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L40 Quarterfold Wipers, Blue KCC 05776, KCC05776 1 1 0 0 1 65
5053 Lagasse Wypall L40 Quarterfold All Purpose Wipes, 1008 Wipes (KCC05701) 5053 KCC 05701 20.50 05701 All Purpose Wipes
Kimberly Clark’s Wypall L40 Wipers are a superior general purpose wiper that can be used for a wide range of industrial cleaning and maintenance tasks. These quarter fold wipers easily absorb liquids, lubricants and oils and are even soft enough to use for removing soils from face and hands. Wypall Wipers feature a unique DRC base sheet technology that produces an absorbent, sponge-like inner layer that absorbs liquids fast. These high quality wipers are ideal for bench-top usage when you are in need of a quick clean up. Because Kimberly Clark strives for less waste and consumption, they reduced the sheet size to a quarter fold design to cut back on waste. Choose a wiper that has been setting the standard for general purpose wiping for over 25 years. Choose Wypall L40 Wipers today!
Kimberly Clark Professional Wypall L40 Quarter Fold Wipers, 56 Wipers per Pack, 18 Packs per Case. – The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 91.12 69.50 118.65 KCC05701.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L40 Quarterfold Wipers, KCC 05701, KCC05701 1 1 0 0 1 65
5054 Lagasse WYPALL L40 All Purpose Wipes, 100 Wiper Pop-Up Box (KCC05790) 5054 KCC 05790 22.00 05790 Wypall L40 All Purpose Wipes
Outstanding general-purpose wiper with good performance in a wide range of industrial cleaning and personal wiping tasks. Ideal for routine industrial cleaning and maintenance. Removes soils and liquids from face and hands. One-at-a-time dispensing for users on the go. White. 16.4 x 9.8 sheets. 100 wipers per box; 9 boxes per case (900 wipers).
All Purpose Wipes, 100 wipers per box; 9 boxes per case
Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 92.87 70.83 121.14 KCC05790.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L40 Wipers in POP-UP Box, 100 Wipers KCC 05790, KCC05790 1 1 0 0 1 65
5055 Lagasse WYPALL L40 All purpose Wipes, 90 Wiper pop-Up Box (KCC03046) 5055 KCC 03046 13.75 03046 Outstanding general-purpose wiper with good performance in a wide range of industrial cleaning and personal wiping tasks. Ideal for routine industrial cleaning and maintenance. Removes soils and liquids from face and hands. One-at-a-time dispensing for users on the go. White. 10.8 x 10 sheets. 90 wipers per box; 9 boxes per case (810 wipers).
All Purpose Wipes, 90 wipers per box; 9 boxes per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 62.43 47.62 83.93 KCC03046.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL L40 Wipers in POP-UP Box, 90 Wipers KCC 03046, KCC03046 1 1 0 0 1 65
5056 Lagasse Wypall Microfiber Cleaning Cloths with Microban Protection, 24 Cloths (KCC83620) 5056 KCC 83620 4.50 83620 Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
Wypall Microfiber Cloths are an economical and efficient alternative to ordinary paper towels. These cloths are made with Microban Antimicrobial Product Protection, which helps to inhibit bacteria growth, providing added muscle against stain and odor causing bacteria. The microfiber cloths lift and trap dirt and moisture, leaving behind a clean, dry surface without the use of chemicals. Wypall Cloths are able to absorb 8 times their weight in liquid, so just one cloth can handle a large clean up. Best of all, they are machine washable, retaining their strength for up to 300 washes. These microfiber cloths are ideal for use in cleaning just about any location. Reduce your annual cleaning costs and keep your environment healthy when you stock up on these eco- friendly Wypall Microfiber Cloths with Microban Protection today!
Kimberly Clark Microfiber Cleaning Cloth with Microban, Blue, 6 Cleaning Cloths per Bag, 4 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 57.82 44.10 78.25 KCC83620.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, WYPALL Microfiber Cloths with Microban KCC 83620, KCC83620 1 1 0 0 1 65
5057 Lagasse Green, Wypall Microfiber Cloths with Microban Protection, Glass & Mirrors Cleaning Cloth (KCC83630) 5057 KCC 83630 4.50 83630 WYPALL Microfiber Cloths with Microban® Protection. This Green Cleaning Product is Environmentally friendly green cleaning for lodging, office buildings and healthcare facilities. Built-in Microban® Antimicrobial Product Protection inhibits bacteria from thriving on the cloth, providing added strength against stain- and odor-causing bacteria. No chemicals needed—microfiber lifts and traps dirt and moisture, leaving behind a clean, dry surface. Quickly absorbs up to eight times its weight in liquid for a streak-free clean. Color-coded cloths help avoid cross-contamination. Machine washable. 15.75"x 15.75" microfiber cleaning cloth.
Be sure to purchase all of your favorite brand name Green Cleaning Supplies and Janitorial Supplies right here at today and save.
Green Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, 6 Cleaning Cloths per Bag, 4 Bags per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Cleaning Cloth Kimberly Clark Professional 56.10 42.33 74.84 KCC83630.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, WYPALL Microfiber Cloths with Microban KCC 83630, KCC83630 1 1 0 0 1 65
5058 Lagasse Wypall Yellow Microfiber Cloths with Microban Protection, 24 Cloths (KCC83610) 5058 KCC 83610 4.50 83610 WYPALL Microfiber Cloths with Microban Protection
A "greener" cleaning option because you can both clean and remove bacteria without using added chemicals. Fiber structure allows cloths to pick up and trap dirt more effectively than traditional cloths. Absorbs up to eight times its weight in liquid. Color-coding helps reduce cross-contamination. Can be used wet or dry. Can be laundered up to 300 times. Includes four packs of six microfiber cloths.
Kimberly Clark Professional WYPALL Microfiber Cleaning Cloths w/Microban, 15 3/4 X 15 3/4, YELLOW
Yellow Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, 6 Cleaning Cloths per Bag, 4 Bags per Case, 24 Cloths per Case Kimberly Clark Professional 56.07 41.10 73.75 KCC83610.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, microfiber cleaning cloth, disposable wipes, WYPALL Microfiber Cloths with Microban Protection, KCC 83610, KCC83610 1 1 0 0 1 65
5059 Lagasse Wypall Professional Towels, Personal Care Wipes (KCC05860) 5059 KCC 05860 23.70 05860 Multipurpose, absorbent bath-sized towels that reduce the cost and hassles of laundering and pilferage. Ideal for health clubs, mining/manufacturing and schools. White, 19.5 x 42. 200 towels per roll; 1 roll per case.
WYPALL Towels 19.5 in X 42 in White 200Towels/Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Personal Care Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 95.45 72.80 126.19 KCC05860.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL Professional Towels KCC 05860, KCC05860 1 1 0 0 1 65
5060 Lagasse Wypall Waterless Hand Personal Care Wipes (KCC91371) 5060 KCC 91371 16.60 91371 WYPALL* Trusted brand name. Premoistened hand cleaning wipes are waterless and ideal for hand cleaning anywhere. Smooth on one side for wiping; tough on the other for scrubbing. Orange/Citrus fragrance. 10.5" x 12.25" wipes.
Waterless Hand Personal Care Wipes, 75 Wipers per Bucket, 6 Buckets per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Personal Care Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 75.34 56.92 98.59 KCC91371.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL Waterless Hand Wipes, KCC 91371, KCC91371 1 1 0 0 1 65
5061 Lagasse Wypall Rags in a Bucket (KCC83561) 5061 KCC 83561 10.00 83561 Heavy-duty, weather- and crush-resistant bucket protects the rags inside. Each bucket holds one 220-sheet roll of white, thermally embossed HYDROKNIT* rags. Convenient, one-at-a-time dispensing. High-capacity and refillable bucket. Easy carry handle. Refillable. 2 buckets and 2 rolls per case.
Wypall Rag in a Bucket, 220 Rags per Bucket, 2 Buckets per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 48.21 34.40 66.01 KCC83561.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL Wipers in a Bucket KCC 83561, KCC83561 1 1 0 0 1 65
5062 Lagasse Wypall Rags in a Bucket Refill (KCC83571) 5062 KCC 83571 11.00 83571 Heavy-duty, weather- and crush-resistant bucket protects the wipers inside. Each bucket holds one 220-sheet roll of white, thermally embossed HYDROKNIT® rags. Flex dispensing port designed for optimum dispensing. 10" x 13"rags.
Rag in a Bucket Refill, 220 Rags per Roll, 3 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 59.32 43.30 80.02 KCC83571.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL Wipers KCC 83571, KCC83571 1 1 0 0 1 65
5063 Lagasse Kimberly Clark Wypall X50 Food Service Towels, 200 Towels (KCC06053) 5063 KCC 06053 5.40 06053 Food Service Towels
Designed to outperform similar products, these versatile food service towels are the ideal economical alternative to ordinary rags and paper towels. Made with Hydroknit, a fast absorbing material that provides better cleaning performance, these Kimberly Clark Wypall X50 wipers raise the standard for all purpose towels. These food service towels are reinforced to retain their strength when wet or dry and provide extra scrubbing and cleaning power. Lightweight, versatile and reusable, X50 wipers contain no adhesives or binders and leave behind no residue. Kimberly Clark has designed these towels to be strong enough to handle the toughest jobs, but still soft enough to use on hands. Stock up today and save!
Kimberly Clark Wypall X50Food Service Towels, White, 200 Towels per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 25.04 19.10 33.37 KCC06053.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X50 Foodservice Towels KCC 06053, KCC06053 1 1 0 0 1 65
5064 Lagasse Wypall X50 Jumbo Roll All Purpose Wipes, 1,100 Wipes (KCC35015) 5064 KCC 35015 11.70 35015 Jumbo Roll All Purpose Wipe Rolls
Kimberly Clark's line of strong, economical wipes are an ideal match for cleaning manufacturing, healthcare and transportation environments. Created with Hydroknit fabric that provides reinforced strength for wet or dry light-duty tasks. These fantastic general-purpose wipers provide high performance results in a wide range of industrial cleaning tasks. Great for routine cleaning and maintenance, these quality wipes remove soils and liquids from face and hands. White. Perforated wipers. 9.8 x 13.4 sheets. 1,100 wipes per roll; one roll of 1,100 wipers per case.
Kimberly Clark Wypall X50 All Purpose Wipes, White, Perforated, 9.8" x 13.4", 1,100 Wipes per Roll, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 50.83 36.19 69.20 KCC35015.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X50 Jumbo Roll Wipers KCC 35015, KCC35015 1 1 0 0 1 65
5065 Lagasse Wypall X60 Jumbo Roll Wiper Rags (KCC34955) 5065 KCC 34955 17.65 34955 Brings the absorbing power of HYDROKNIT* technology to a lighter-weight wiper. Reinforced for extra scrubbing and cleaning power. Tough enough for big jobs—soft enough for face and hands. White. 12-1/2" x 13-2/5" size.
Wypall X60 Jumbo Roll Rag Wiper, 1100 per Roll, 1 Roll per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags
Kimberly Clark Professional 77.05 58.32 103.79 KCC34955.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X60 Jumbo Roll Wipers, KCC 34955, KCC34955 1 1 0 0 1 65
5066 Lagasse Wypall X60 Quarterfold Rags, 12 Packs (KCC34865) 5066 KCC 34865 16.75 34865 Brings the absorbing power of HYDROKNIT technology to a lighter-weight wiper. Reinforced for extra scrubbing and cleaning power. Tough enough for big jobs—soft enough for face and hands. White. 12-1/2" x 14-2/5" size rags.
Kimberly-Clark Quarterfold Rags, 76 Rags per Pack, 12 Packs per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags - the wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 79.38 60.30 107.27 KCC34865.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X60 Quarterfold Wipers, KCC 34865, KCC34865 1 1 0 0 1 65
5067 Lagasse Wypall X60 Rags in Brag Box (KCC34015) 5067 KCC 34015 4.20 34015 Brings the absorbing power of HYDROKNIT* technology to a lighter-weight wiper. Reinforced for extra scrubbing and cleaning power. Tough enough for big jobs—soft enough for face and hands. White. 12-1/2" x 16-4/5" size rag.
Rags in a Brag Box, 180 Rags per Box, 1 Box per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 17.10 13.04 23.23 KCC34015.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X60 Wipers in BRAG Box, KCC 34015, KCC34015 1 1 0 0 1 65
5068 Lagasse Wypall X60 Rags in Pop-Up Box (KCC34790) 5068 KCC 34790 22.70 34790 Brings the absorbing power of HYDROKNIT* technology to a lighter-weight wiper. Reinforced for extra scrubbing and cleaning power. Tough enough for big jobs—soft enough for face and hands. White. 9-1/10" x 16-4/5" size rag.
Rags in a Pop-Up Box, 126 Rags per Box, 10 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 92.00 70.17 122.06 KCC34790.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X60 Wipers in Pop-Up Box, KCC 34790, KCC34790 1 1 0 0 1 65
5069 Lagasse Wypall X70 Flat Sheet Rags (KCC41100) 5069 KCC 41100 10.80 41100 Tackles heavy-duty industrial jobs usually handled by cloth rags. Count on WYPALL* X70 wipers for long-lasting performance that extends usage and reduces waste. White. 14-4/5" x 16-3/5" size rag.
Flat Sheet Rags, 300 Rags per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 62.27 47.10 84.18 KCC41100.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X70 Flat Sheet Rags, KCC 41100, KCC41100 1 1 0 0 1 65
5070 Lagasse Wypall X70 Jumbo Roll Rags (KCC41600) 5070 KCC 41600 17.00 41600 Tackles heavy-duty industrial jobs usually handled by cloth rags. Count on WYPALL* X70 wipers for long-lasting performance that extends usage and reduces waste. White. 12-1/2 x 13-2/5 size.
Jumbo Roll Rags, 870 Rags per Roll, 1 Roll per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 98.72 75.29 133.73 KCC41600.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X70 Jumbo Roll Rags, KCC 41600, KCC41600 1 1 0 0 1 65
5071 Lagasse Wypall X70 Quarterfold Rags (KCC41200) 5071 KCC 41200 17.00 41200 Tackles heavy-duty industrial jobs usually handled by cloth rags. Count on WYPALL* X70 wipers for long-lasting performance that extends usage and reduces waste. White. 12-1/2" x 14-2/5" size rag.
Quarterfold Rags, 76 Rags per Pack, 12 Packs per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 102.00 77.80 138.60 KCC41200.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X70 Quarterfold Rags, KCC 41200, KCC41200 1 1 0 0 1 65
5072 Lagasse Wypall X70 Rags in Brag Box (KCC41300) 5072 KCC 41300 4.60 41300 Tackles heavy-duty industrial jobs usually handled by cloth rags. Count on WYPALL* X70 wipers for long-lasting performance that extends usage and reduces waste. White. 12-1/2" x 16-4/5" size rag.
Rags in a Box, 152 Rags per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 27.53 20.80 35.82 KCC41300.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X70 Rags in BRAG Box, KCC 41300, KCC41300 1 1 0 0 1 65
5073 Lagasse Blue Wypall X70 Rags in Pop-Up Box (KCC41412) 5073 KCC 41412 22.60 41412 Tackles heavy-duty industrial jobs usually handled by cloth rags. Count on WYPALL* X70 wipers for long-lasting performance that extends usage and reduces waste. 9-1/10" x 16-4/5" size rag.
Blue Rag in a Pop-Up Box, 100 Rags per Box, 10 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 132.62 96.90 175.95 KCC41412.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X70 Rags in Pop-Up Box, KCC 41412, KCC41412 1 1 0 0 1 65
5074 Lagasse White Wypall X70 Rags in Pop-Up Box (KCC41455) 5074 KCC 41455 22.60 41455 Tackles heavy-duty industrial jobs usually handled by cloth rags. Count on WYPALL* X70 wipers for long-lasting performance that extends usage and reduces waste. 9-1/10" x 16-4/5" size rags.
White X70 Wypall Rags, 100 Rags per Box, 10 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 121.56 92.72 162.82 KCC41455.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X70 Rags in Pop-Up Box, KCC 41455, KCC41455 1 1 0 0 1 65
5075 Lagasse Wypall X80 Foodservice Towels (KCC06280) 5075 KCC 06280 9.00 06280 Versatile and reusable. Featuring KIMFRESH* Antimicrobial Treatment, they are strong yet soft towels. Ideal for all general cleaning foodservice needs. Durable and machine washable, rinses clean in sanitizing solution. 12-1/2" x 23-1/2". White with blue stripe. 150 towels per case.
Food Service Towels, White, 150 towels per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Food Service Towels Kimberly Clark Professional 43.02 32.60 58.43 KCC06280.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags, wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X80 Foodservice Towels KCC 06280, KCC06280 1 1 0 0 1 65
5076 Lagasse Wypall X80 Jumbo Roll Rags (KCC41055) 5076 KCC 41055 14.00 41055 The wipers of choice for the toughest jobs. Pound for pound, absorbs more water and oil than rental shop towels. Ideal for heavy-duty machine and part wiping and prepping surfaces with solvents. Red. 12-1/2" x 13-2/5" size.
Wypall X80 Jumbo Roll Rags, Red, 475 Rags per Roll, 1 Roll per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags
Kimberly Clark Professional 64.50 49.19 84.70 KCC41055.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X80 Jumbo Roll Towels, KCC 41055, KCC41055 1 1 0 0 1 65
5077 Lagasse White Wypall X80 Quarterfold Rags (KCC41026) 5077 KCC 41026 6.25 41026 The wipers of choice for the toughest jobs. Pound for pound, absorbs more water and oil than rental shop towels. Ideal for heavy-duty machine and part wiping and prepping surfaces with solvents. 12-1/2" x 14-2/5" size rags.
White X80 Wypall 1/4 Fold Rags, 50 Rags per Pack, 4 packs per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 29.30 22.10 38.24 KCC41026.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X80 Quarterfold Towels, KCC 41026, KCC41026 1 1 0 0 1 65
5078 Lagasse Red Wypall X80 Quarterfold Rags (KCC41029) 5078 KCC 41029 6.25 41029 The wipers of choice for the toughest jobs. Pound for pound, absorbs more water and oil than rental shop towels. Ideal for heavy-duty machine and part wiping and prepping surfaces with solvents. 12-1/2" x 14-2/5" size rags.
X80 Wypall 1/4 Fold Rags, Red, 50 Rags per Pack, 4 Packs per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 29.87 22.78 40.11 KCC41029.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X80 Quarterfold Towels, KCC 41029, KCC41029 1 1 0 0 1 65
5079 Lagasse Wypall X80 Rags in a Brag Box (KCC41041) 5079 KCC 41041 6.30 41041 The wipers of choice for the toughest jobs. Pound for pound, absorbs more water and oil than rental shop towels. Ideal for heavy-duty machine and part wiping and prepping surfaces with solvents. Blue. 12-1/2" x 16-4/5" size.
X80 Wypall Rags, Blue, 160 Rags per Box, 1 Box per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » Rags Kimberly Clark Professional 27.47 20.50 36.23 KCC41041.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rag, rags, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALL X80 Towels in BRAG Box, KCC 41041, KCC41041 1 1 0 0 1 65
5080 Lagasse WYPALL X50 All Purpose Wipes in Polypack (KCC35025) 5080 KCC 35025 9.00 35025 Strong, economical wiper is ideal for manufacturing, healthcare and transportation environments. HYDROKNIT* fabric provides reinforced strength for wet or dry light-duty tasks. White. Quarter-fold wipers. 10 x 12.5 sheets. 26 wipers per pack; 32 packs per case (832 wipes).
All Purpose Wipes in a Polypack, 26 wipes per pack; 32 packs per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 33.71 24.40 45.37 KCC35025.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALLX50 Wipers in Polypack KCC 35025, KCC35025 1 1 0 0 1 65
5081 Lagasse WYPALL X50 All Purpose Wipes in Pop-Up Box (KCC83550) 5081 KCC 83550 20.00 83550 Strong, economical wiper is ideal for manufacturing, healthcare and transportation environments. HYDROKNIT* fabric provides reinforced strength for wet or dry light-duty tasks. White. One-at-a-time, pop-up dispensing. 9.1 x 12.5 sheets. 176 wipers per box; 10 boxes per case (1,760 wipers).
All Purpose Wipes in a Pop-Up Box, 176 wipes per box; 10 boxes per case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Wipes » All Purpose Wipes Kimberly Clark Professional 72.24 55.10 98.37 KCC83550.JPG wiper, wipers, wipes, rags,wipers, cleaning cloth, cleaning cloths, wet wipes, clean wipes, disposable wipes, WYPALLX50 Wipers in POP-UP Box KCC 83550, KCC83550 1 1 0 0 1 65
5082 Lagasse Yankee Candle Collection Refill, Buttercream Scent (TMS81-2200TMCA) 5082 TMS 81-2200TMCA 7.55 81-2200TMCA Yankee Candle Buttercream Refill
Introducing TimeMist Yankee Candle Collection Premium fragrance offered in metered air fresheners. Make guests feel at home with premium Yankee Candle fragrances. Buttercream is a fresh churned butter cream with confectioner's sugar and vanilla bean. Odor counteractants neutralize strong odors. For use in all TimeMist metered dispensers. 30-day refill. 12 refills per case. - The online wholesale cleaning supply company that Buyers Trust.
TimeMist Yankee Candle Collection, Buttercream, 12 - 6.6 oz per Case Timemist Waterbury 63.13 48.15 85.53 TMS812200TMCA.JPG Yankee Candle Collection Refill, Buttercream TMS 81-2200TMCA, TMS812200TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
5084 Lagasse Yankee Candle Collection Refill, Home Sweet Home Scent (TMS81-2300TMCA) 5084 TMS 81-2300TMCA 7.55 81-2300TMCA Yankee Candle Home Sweet Home Refill
Introducing TimeMist Yankee Candle Collection Premium fragrance offered in metered air fresheners. Make guests feel at home with premium Yankee Candle fragrances. Home Sweet Home is a heartwarming blend of cinnamon, baking spices and a hint of freshly poured tea. Odor counteractants neutralize strong odors. For use in all TimeMist metered dispensers. 30-day refill. 12 refills per case. - The online wholesale cleaning supply company that Buyers Trust.
TimeMist Yankee Candle Collection, Home Sweet Home, 12 - 6.6 oz per Case Timemist Waterbury 60.05 45.80 80.92 TMS812300TMCA.JPG Yankee Candle Collection Refill, Home Sweet Home TMS 81-2300TMCA, TMS812300TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
5086 Lagasse Yankee Candle Collection Refill, Macintosh Scent (TMS81-2150TMCA) 5086 TMS 81-2150TMCA 7.55 81-2150TMCA Yankee Candle Macintosh Refill
Indroducing TimeMist Yankee Candle Collection Premium fragrance offered in metered air fresheners. Make guests feel at home with premium Yankee Candle fragrances. Macintosh scent is so vividly real you can almost taste the unmistakable crunch of a Macinstosh apple. Odor counteractants neutralize strong odors. For use in all TimeMist metered dispensers. 30-day refill. 12 refills per case. - The online wholesale cleaning supply company that Buyers Trust.
TimeMist Yankee Candle Collection, Macintosh, 12 - 6.6 oz per Case Timemist Waterbury 63.13 48.15 84.37 TMS812150TMCA.JPG Yankee Candle Collection Refill, Macintosh TMS 81-2150TMCA, TMS812150TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
5089 Lagasse Yankee Candle Starter Kit, Beige (TMS321985TM) 5089 TMS 32-1985TM 1.92 321985TM Yankee Candle Starter Kit
Eliminate offensive odors to leave behind a fresh, clean scent. Kit includes one TimeMist Classic Dispenser and one 30-day refill—Clean Cotton fragrance. Dispenser features on/off control and 15-minute spray setting to automatically activate metered refill. Dispenser operates up to one year on two C batteries (not incl.). Mounting screws included. 3-3/4w x 3-1/4" d x 9-1/2h.
Timemist Waterbury Yankee Candle Starter Kit, Clean Cotton, Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 23.09 17.61 31.26 TMS321985TM.JPG yankee candle starter kit, yankee candle kit, yankee candle air fresheners, TMS 32-1985TM, TMS321985TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
5095 Lagasse Ziploc Sandwich Bags, 6.5x6, 1.2mil, 500 Bags (DRK94600) 5095 DRK 94600 3.70 94600 Ziploc Sandwich Bags
Sturdy, disposable, easy-to-open, easy-to-fill bags. Unique interlocking zipper seals securely; locks in freshness and protects foods from drying. Designed for space-saving food storage, portion control, food preparation and transportation. Write-on labels for easy identification and date-coding. Dispensing cartons are color-coded for kitchen organization.
Ziploc Commercial Sandwich Bags, 6-1/2 x 6, 1.2 mil, 500 Bags per Case Diversey 20.86 15.91 27.11 DRK94600.JPG ziploc sandwich bags, ziploc commercial storage bags, ziploc resealable bags, storage bags, sandwich bags, DRK 94600, DRK94600, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
5096 Lagasse Ziploc 1 Quart Storage Bags, 1.75mil, 500 Bags (DRK94601) 5096 DRK 94601 6.00 94601 Sturdy, disposable, easy-to-open, easy-to-fill bags. Unique interlocking zipper seals securely; locks in freshness and protects foods from drying. Designed for space-saving food storage, portion control, food preparation and transportation. Write-on labels for easy identification and date-coding. Dispensing cartons are color-coded for kitchen organization.
Ziploc Commercial Storage Bags, Double Zipper, Write-On ID Panel, 1 Quart Size, 1.75mil, 500 Bags per Case Diversey 33.87 25.83 46.27 DRK94601.JPG Ziploc Commercial Resealable Bags, Storage Bags, 500 Bags per Case DRK 94601, DRK94601, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
5097 Lagasse Ziploc 1 Gallon Storage Bags, 1.75mil, 250 Bags (DRK94602) 5097 DRK 94602 5.65 94602 Sturdy, disposable, easy-to-open, easy-to-fill bags. Unique interlocking zipper seals securely; locks in freshness and protects foods from drying. Designed for space-saving food storage, portion control, food preparation and transportation. Write-on labels for easy identification and date-coding. Dispensing cartons are color-coded for kitchen organization.
Ziploc Double Zipper Bags, 1 Gallon Size, 1.75mil, Clear with Write-On ID Panel, 250 Bags per Case
Diversey 27.34 20.85 37.39 DRK94602.JPG Ziploc Commercial Resealable Bags, Storage Bags, 250 Bags per Case, DRK 94602, DRK94602, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
5098 Lagasse Ziploc 2 Gallon Storage Bags, 1.75mil, 100 Bags (DRK94603) 5098 DRK 94603 4.04 94603 2 Gallon Ziploc Bags - Commercial Resealable Bags
Ziploc's sturdy, disposable, easy-to-open, easy-to-fill bags feature unique interlocking zipper seals. These bags securely lock in freshness and protects foods from drying. These resealable bags are ideal for space-saving food storage, portion control, food preparation and transportation. Write-on labels provide easy identification and date-coding. Dispensing cartons are color-coded for easy kitchen organization.
Ziploc Commercial Resealable Bags, 2 Gallon Capacity, 1.75mil, Clear with Write-On ID Panel, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 32.31 21.80 43.42 DRK94603.JPG ziploc 2 gallon bags, Ziploc Commercial Resealable Bags, Storage Bags, 100 Bags per Case, DRK 94603, DRK94603, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
5099 Lagasse Ziploc 1 Gallon Freezer Bags, 2.7mil, 250 Bags (DRK94604) 5099 DRK 94604 7.45 94604 Sturdy, disposable, easy-to-open, easy-to-fill bags. Unique interlocking zipper seals securely; locks in freshness and protects foods from drying. Designed for space-saving food storage, portion control, food preparation and transportation. Write-on labels for easy identification and date-coding. Dispensing cartons are color-coded for kitchen organization.
Ziploc Double Zipper Freezer Bags, 1 Gallon Size, 2.7mil, Clear with Write-On ID Panel, 250 Bags per Case Diversey 34.96 26.67 46.89 DRK94604.JPG Ziploc Commercial Resealable Bags, Freezer Bags, 250 Bags per Case, DRK 94604, DRK94604, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
5100 Lagasse Ziploc 2 Gallon Freezer Bags, 13x15.5, 2.7mil, 100 Bags (DRK94605) 5100 DRK 94605 4.53 94605 2 Gallon Freezer Bags
Able to hold up to 2 gallons of material, our line of Commercial Ziploc Freezer Bags are the dependable choice for safe and easy storage. These sturdy, disposable, easy-to-open, easy-to-fill bags, provide a unique interlocking zipper that seals securely and locks in freshness while protects food from drying. Designed for space-saving food storage, portion control, our line of Ziploc Commercial Resealable Freezer Bags are perfect for food preparation and transportation. Their easy to identify write-on labels allow for easy denotation and date-coding. Dispensing cartons are color-coded for kitchen organization.
Ziploc Commercial Freezer Bags, 2 Gallon Size, 100 Freezer Bags per Case Diversey 42.82 32.66 57.60 DRK94605.JPG Ziploc Commercial Resealable Bags, Freezer Bags, 100 Bags per Case DRK 94605, DRK94605, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
5102 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Garbage Bags 38x60 2.0 Mil, 100 per Case (TRNPCL3860HH-00) 5101 TRN PCL3860HH-00 25.44 PCL3860HH-00 60 Gallon Clear Garbage Bags
Quality discount Extra-Heavy-Duty rated can liners. Superior strength for those heavy trash loads transported around your facility. Flat Seal bottom to create a two-diminsional bag, much like a pillowcase. Flat seals are strong along the bottom, but may leak from the corners. Excellent to use around your facility for sharp rubbish removal. Flat pack box for easy dispensing.
22"x16"x60" 2.0 Mil Clear Flat Pack of Trash Bags, 100 per Case
Trinity 73.49 56.05 97.73 LJAG2874.JPG 1 1 0 0 1 151
5105 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Garbage Bags, 40x48, 2.0mil, 125 Bags (TRNPCL4048HH-00) 5102 TRN PCL4048HH-00 26.72 PCL4048HH-00 45 Gallon Clear Garbage Bags
Designed to withstand sharp and pointed objects, our line of 45 gallon low density garbage bags are flexible, stretchable, tough and waterproof, to provide a resistant garbage bag against punctures and weather. Coming in a clear color to display everything that is within the bag, these tough trash bags can withstand almost anything. Specifically formulated and designed to be tough, resilient and to never tear or perforate; our line of low density bags are great for use when carrying any type of trash that has sharp edges or broken pieces. From kitchen utensils, to shattered glass, these low density garbage bags are the ideal choice for those with loose or sharp objects.
Trinity 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x48, 2.0mil, Clear, 125 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Trinity 83.70 59.49 113.42 LJAG2874.JPG 45 gallon garbage bags, low density garbage bags, TRN PCL4048HH, TRNPCL4048HH 1 1 0 0 1 151
5103 Lagasse 15 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 24x32, 0.7mil, 500 Bags (TRNML2432) 5103 TRN ML2432 18.22 ML2432 15 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Trinity Liner's environmentally friendly garbage bags, manufactured from reprocessed resins, are the ideal option for cost conscious consumers who are not willing to sacrifice quality for low cost. These affordable, low density liners are ideal for use with sharp objects found around the home, school or office. Providing excellent tear resistance on those heavy transportation requirements, these high-quality garbage bags are ideal for a wide range of applications. The incomparable strength and stretch properties of these low density liners makes them highly resistant to puncturing and tearing. These durable, 3-ply plastic bags provide solid reliability. Crafted from reclaimed plastic for the environmentally conscience consumer, these individually folded bags are flat pack packaged for easy dispensing. Stock up on Trinity 15 gallon garbage bags today and save!
Trinity 15 Gallon Garbage Bags, 24x32, 0.7mil, Black, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Trinity 36.60 27.92 47.65 LJAG2874.JPG garbage bags, 13 to 15 gallon black garbage bags, TRNML2432, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 151
5104 Lagasse 40 - 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags 43x47 1.3 Mil 100 per Case (TRNML4347H) 5105 TRN ML4347H 17.50 ML4347H 40 - 45 Gallon Garbage Bags
Heavy-Duty rated can liners. Superior strength for those heavy trash loads transported around your facility. Flat Seal bottom to create a two-diminsional bag, much like a pillowcase. Flat seals are strong along the bottom, but may leak from the corners. Reprocessed plastic garbage bags for the enviromentally conscience.
40 - 45 Gallon Garbage Bags 43" x 47" 1.3 Mil Black, Flat Pack 100 per Case
Trinity 25.16 19.19 34.14 LJAG2874.JPG 1 1 0 0 1 151
5106 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x46, 2.0mil, 100 Bags (PNL521) 5106 PNL 521 20.83 521 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Penny Lane's line of durable and reliable 45 Gallon Garbage Bags offers an exceptional combination of low cost and high quality. These superior 45 gallon garbage bags provide an economical heavy-duty can liner solution for any residential home or commercial operation. Manufactured with metallocene Catalyst resin technology, these 99.9% leak-proof bags are 10 times the strength of other similar garbage bags. The star seal bottom virtually eliminates the chance of leaking and the bags overlap on a coreless roll, making dispensing trouble-free. These large garbage bags are ideal for those large clean up jobs around the home, school or office. Stock up today and save!
Penny Lane 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 2.0mil, Black, 10 Rolls of 10 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Penny Lane 32.52 21.50 43.92 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon garbage can liners, PNL 521, PNL521, black plastic bags, 45 gal trash bags, heavy duty trash bags, heavy duty garbage bags, large garbage bags 1 1 0 0 1 152
5107 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x58, 2.0mil, 100 Bags (PNL526) 5107 PNL 526 30.67 526 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
These low-density can liners from Penny Lane are a high quality, economical solution to your garbage bag needs. Manufactured with Metallocene Catalyst Resin technology, these garbage bags are strong and durable, resisting tears and punctures even under rough transport conditions. These virtually leak-proof garbage bags are considerably stronger when compared to other brands of garbage bags. They are an ideal choice for clean-up jobs where additional strength and stretch is needed and work well for waste with sharp or jagged edges. Stock up and save today on Penny Lane 60 gallon low-density can liners, an exceptional combination of low cost and high quality.
Penny Lane 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 2.0mil, Black, 10 Rolls of 10 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Penny Lane 48.69 32.18 66.05 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, PNL 526, PNL526, plastic trash bags, black garbage bags, 60 gal garbage bags, large garbage bags, heavy duty garbage bags, 1 1 0 0 1 152
5108 Lagasse General Liners 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (GEN500) 5108 GEN 500 33.00 500 2 Ply Toilet Paper
General Liners affordable toilet paper is the perfect balance of strength, absorbency and economy. This 2-ply toilet tissue is the ideal product for public restrooms, while still delivering the at-home quality that is missing in many high traffic bathrooms. Each roll is individually wrapped, ensuring sanitary protection and helping to keep storage clean and easy. Sturdy and durable, this premium, embossed toilet paper will fit all standard toilet paper dispensers. This pack of General Liners toilet paper comes with 96 rolls, perfect for anyone looking to save on wholesale toilet paper products. Unlike other inexpensive brand toilet tissue, this toilet paper is soft and gentle on the skin. Stock up today!
General Liners 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 43.92 33.50 59.25 newGEN500.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, bath tissue, paper products, 2 ply toilet paper, two ply toilet paper, 2 ply toilet tissue, two ply toilet tissue, GEN 500, GEN500 1 1 0 0 1 195
5126 Lagasse General 2 Ply 9" Jumbo Toilet Paper, 12 Rolls (GEN 9JUMBO) 5126 GEN 9JUMBO 18.00 9JUMBO 2 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper
Providing comfort at an affordable price, General Liners' line of 2 Ply Jumbo Bath Tissue is the choice smart shoppers pick. Durable and dependable, this two-ply toilet tissue is whiter, brighter, sturdy and durable than other similar bathroom paper products. Due to its jumbo size, each roll allows for fewer refills, making it great for high traffic locations. These nine inch toilet paper rolls fit most jumbo dispensers and come 12 rolls per case. Our full selection of Paper Products helps keep your home and office clean, safe and well stocked. Quickly and effectively reducing the chance of running out, while providing lower maintenance costs; General Liners jumbo toilet tissue is the ideal choice for all commercial or office bathrooms.
General Jumbo 2-Ply Jumbo Toilet Tissue Rolls, 9" Diameter Rolls, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. General Liners 20.23 15.43 26.86 2 ply toilet paper, jumbo toilet paper, jr toilet paper, jumbo jr toilet paper, jrt toilet tissue, commercial toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper 1 1 0 0 1 195
5137 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 22mic, 150 Bags (ESSBR4048SX) 5137 ESS BR4048SX 15.70 BR4048SX 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
These economical 45 gallon trash bags from Flexsol are amazingly durable and puncture resistant, making them ideal for use around the home, school, office or church. Much thinner than low density liners, but able to hold the same or greater weight, these garbage bags offer considerable material savings per liner. Flexsol 22 micron can liners feature a strong star seal bottom that creates a virtually leak-proof bag, as well as preventing a vacuum at the bottom of the waste container that can make lifting difficult. FDA approved for food products, these high density bags are an excellent option for disposing of heavy or wet trash, as well as creating a gas, moisture and odor barrier.
FlexSol 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40"x48", 22 Micron, Clear, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Flexsol 35.70 27.14 46.63 WESS0688.JPG 1 1 0 0 1 42
5138 Lagasse Windsoft 1-Ply Singlefold Hand Towels, White, 4,000 Towels (WIN107) 5138 WIN 107 18.90 WIN107 Singlefold Hand Towels
These hand towels from Windsoft are the perfect combination of absorbency and durability. The economical singlefold hand towels are ideal for use in any office or facilities restroom, as well as schools, daycare centers and hospitals. These eco-friendly towels meet EPA guidelines with recycled content in both the product and the packaging. The high quality, embossed 1-ply hand towels now feature improved thickness, further adding to their absorbency. Windsoft has packaged these hand towels so that they can be stacked when not in use, helping to reduce the space needed for storage. Stock up today on these economical singlefold hand towels and save money!
Windsoft 1-Ply Singlefold Hand Towels, White, 250 per Pack, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Windsoft 36.30 27.68 48.21 PWIN4710.JPG singlefold towels, singlefold towel, paper towel, paper towels, white single fold towel packs, 1-ply paper towels, WIN 107 WIN107 1 1 0 0 1 116
5143 Lagasse 20 to 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags 30x37 17 Mic 500 Per Case (ESSBR3037X) 5143 ESS BR3037X 13.90 BR3037X 20 to 30 Gallon Trash Bags
Star seal bottom prevents vacuum at bottom of container that can restrict easy lifting. All resins are 100% recyclable; inks and colorants are heavy-metal free. Thinner than low density garbage bags, but can hold the same or greater weight. Excellent tear resistance. Superior puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density garbage bags.
20 to 30 gallon Trash Bags 30x37 17 Mic Clear, 500 per Case Coreless Roll Pack
Flexsol 59.52 41.41 81.21 WESS0688.JPG 1 1 0 0 1 42
6877 Lagasse Purell NXT Instant Hand Sanitizer, 4 - 1,000ml Refills (GOJ2156-04) 6877 GOJ 2156-04 10.00 2156-04 Gojo NXT Purell Refills
Americas No. 1 brand of instant hand sanitizer. Kills 99.99% of most common germs within 15 seconds without water or towels. Contains a unique moisturizing system that leaves hands feeling soft. Dermatologist tested, dye-free.
Gojo Purell NXT Refill, 1,000ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case.
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Refills » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 42.73 32.59 57.93 hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell hand sanitizer refill, GOJ 2156-04, GOJ215604 1 1 0 0 1 50
6879 Lagasse Brawny Inustrial Light Duty Paper Wipes 2 ply 8X12.5 (GPC292-21) 6879 GPC 292-21 31.40 29221 Absorbs quickly, holding several times its weight in liquid, grease or oil. Strong enough for industrial grime, yet soft enough for personal use. White quarterfold sheets. 20 boxes of 148 wipes.
Georgia Pacific 92.12 67.38 124.88 BRAWNY IND LIGHT PPR 2P WP BX 8X12.5 WH GPC 292-21, GPC29221, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
6881 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 10mic, 500 Bags (JAGH303710) 6881 JAG H303710 14.40 Z6037MNJ 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage, and allows easy removal from trash cans. High-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Exceedingly good tear resistance. Exceptional puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density can liners
Jaguar Plastics 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 10mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 34.90 23.07 47.54 JAGH303710.jpg 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, JAG H303710, JAGH303710 1 1 0 0 1 61
6882 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 13mic, 500 Bags (JAGH303713) 6882 JAG H303713 18.70 Z6037HNJ 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Excellent tear resistance. Greater puncture resistance and load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Also, allows easier removal from trash can. Manufactured from high-quality blended resins for strength and puncture resistance. Much thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight.
Jaguar Plastics 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 13mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 44.95 28.76 61.09 JAGH303713.jpg 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, JAG H303713, JAGH303713 1 1 0 0 1 61
6883 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 16mic, 500 Bags (JAGH303716) 6883 JAG H303716 23.00 Z6037XNJ 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Greater puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density can liners. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage and allows easy removal from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins. Much thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Exceptionally good tear resistance.
Jaguar Plastics 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 16mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 64.19 42.43 86.88 JAGH303716.jpg 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, JAG H303716, JAGH303716 1 1 0 0 1 61
6884 Lagasse 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 33x40, 10mic, 500 Bags (JAGH334010) 6884 JAG H334010 17.10 Z6640MNJX01 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Multipurpose can liners recommended for non-sharp objects found around the home, office school or house of worship. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance.
Jaguar Plastics 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33"x40", 10mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 41.52 27.45 55.01 JAGH334010.jpg 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, JAG H334010, JAGH334010 1 1 0 0 1 61
6885 Lagasse 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 33x40, 12mic, 500 Bags (JAGH334012) 6885 JAG H334012 20.50 Z6640MNJ 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Multipurpose can liners recommended for non-sharp objects found around the home, office school or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance.
Jaguar Plastics 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33"x40", 12 Micron, Clear, Flat Pack, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 57.17 37.79 75.25 JAGH334012.jpg 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, JAG H334012, JAGH334012 1 1 0 0 1 61
6886 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 12mic, 200 Bags (JAGH386012) 6886 JAG H386012 14.10 Z7660MNJ 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
12 micron thickness medium-duty can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for non-sharp objects found around the home, office school or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Flat pack for easy dispensing.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 12mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 34.22 22.62 45.61 JAGH386012.jpg 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, JAG H386012, JAGH386012, 1 1 0 0 1 61
6887 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 14mic, 200 Bags (JAGH386014) 6887 JAG H386014 16.50 Z7660HNJ 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
14 micron thickness heavy-duty can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for non-sharp objects found around the home, office school or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Flat pack for easy dispensing.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 14 Micron, Clear, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 39.61 25.40 53.55 JAGH386014.jpg 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon clear trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon trash can liners, JAG H386014, JAGH386014 1 1 0 0 1 61
6888 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, 150 Bags (JAGH386022) 6888 JAG H386022 19.50 Z7660WNJ 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Much thinner than linear low density liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Good tear resistance.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Trash Bag, 38x60, 22mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 47.41 31.34 61.82 JAGH386022.jpg 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen trash bags, 60 gallon trash can liners, JAG H386022, JAGH386022 1 1 0 0 1 61
6889 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 12mic, 250 Bags (JAGH404812) 6889 JAG H404812 14.90 Z8048MNJX01 45 Gallon Trash Bags
Economical Medium-Duty 12 Micron thickness can liners. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Flat Pack for easy dispensing. Multipurpose can liners recommended for non-sharp objects found around the home, office school or house of worship. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 12mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 36.24 23.95 49.27 JAGH404812.jpg 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, JAG H404812, JAGH404812 1 1 0 0 1 61
6890 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 14mic, 250 Bags (JAGH404814) 6890 JAG H404814 17.40 Z8048HNJX01 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Quality Heavy-Duty 14 micron thickness can liners. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Flat Pack for easy dispensing. Multipurpose can liners recommended for non-sharp objects found around the home, office school or house of worship.
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 14mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 41.78 26.63 55.49 JAGH404814.jpg 45 gallon trash bags, 45 gallon garbage bags, 45 gallon can liners, 45 gallon kitchen trash bags, 45 gallon trash can liners, JAG H404814, JAGH404814 1 1 0 0 1 61
6891 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x48, 12mic, 200 Bags (JAGH434812) 6891 JAG H434812 12.80 Z8648MNJ 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
12 micron thickness Medium-Duty can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for non-sharp objects found around the home, office school or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Flat pack for easy dispensing.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 12mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Jaguar Plastics 31.27 20.67 42.49 JAGH434812.jpg 55 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon kitchen trash bags, 55 gallon trash can liners, JAG H434812, JAGH434812 1 1 0 0 1 61
6892 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x48, 14mic, 200 Bags (JAGH434814) 6892 JAG H434814 14.90 Z8648HNJ 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
14 micron thickness medium-duty can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for non-sharp objects found around the home, office school or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Flat pack for easy dispensing.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 14mic, Clear, Flat Pack, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 36.99 24.45 48.45 JAGH434814.jpg 55 gallon trash bags, 56 gallon garbage bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon kitchen trash bags, 55 gallon trash can liners, JAG H434814, JAGH434814 1 1 0 0 1 61
6893 Lagasse 7 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 20x22, 6mic, 2,000 Bags (JAGRH202206) 6893 JAG RH202206 14.00 Z4022RNJR01 7 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage and aides in the removal of the trash bag from the trash can. High-quality blended resins are used in the manufacturing for superior strength and puncture resistance. Coreless rolls are perforated for easy dispensing. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to high density can liners. Offers good load capacity. For use in the home, office, classroom, church or anywhere you find a 7 gallon trash can.
Jaguar Plastics 7 Gallon Trash Bags, 20x22, 6mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 40 Rolls, 2,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 37.16 24.56 49.97 JAGRH202206.jpg 7 gallon trash bags, 7 gallon garbage bags, 7 gallon can liners, 7 gallon kitchen trash bags, 7 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH202206, JAGRH202206 1 1 0 0 1 61
6894 Lagasse 4 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 17x18, 6mic, 2,000 Bags (JAGRH171806) 6894 JAG RH171806 9.70 Z3418RNJR01 4 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Coreless rolls are perforated for easy dispensing. Multipurpose can liners recommended for sharper objects and tougher transport conditions. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 4 Gallon Trash Bags, 17x18, 6mic, Clear, 50 Rolls, 40 Bags per Roll, 2,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 25.03 16.77 32.76 JAGRH171806.jpg 4 gallon trash bags, 4 gallon garbage bags, 4 gallon can liners, 4 gallon kitchen trash bags, 4 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH171806, JAGRH171806 1 1 0 0 1 61
6895 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 8mic, 500 Bags (JAGRH303708) 6895 JAG RH303708 11.50 Z6037LNJR01 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Multipurpose can liners for sharper objects and tougher transportation around the home, office, school or church. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage and aides in the removal from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Coreless rolls are perforated for easy dispensing.
Jaguar Plastics 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 8mic, Clear, 25 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 28.78 18.29 37.65 JAGRH303708.jpg 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH303708, JAGRH303708 1 1 0 0 1 61
6896 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 10mic, 500 Bags (JAGRH303710) 6896 JAG RH303710 14.40 Z6037MNJR01 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Coreless rolls are perforated for easy dispensing. Multipurpose can liners recommended for use around the home, office school or church. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 10mic, Clear, 25 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 37.98 25.11 51.53 JAGRH303710.jpg 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH303710, JAGRH303710 1 1 0 0 1 61
6897 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 13mic, 500 Bags (JAGRH303713) 6897 JAG RH303713 18.70 Z6037HNJR01 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Greater tear resistance compared to high density can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent leakage. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Coreless rolls are perforated for easy dispensing. Prefect for use around the home, office, school or church.
Jaguar Plastics 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 13mic, Clear, 25 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 45.68 30.19 62.08 JAGRH303713.jpg 30 gallon trash bags, 30 gallon can liners, 30 gallon kitchen trash bags, 30 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH303713, JAGRH303713 1 1 0 0 1 61
6898 Lagasse 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 33x40, 11mic, 500 Bags (JAGRH334011) 6898 JAG RH334011 18.80 Z6640MNJR03 33 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Coreless rolls are perforated for easy dispensing. Multipurpose can liners recommended for non-sharp objects found around the home, office school or house of worship. Offers good load capacity.
Jaguar Plastics 33 Gallon Trash Bags, 33"x40", 11 Micron, Clear, Rolls, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 45.57 30.12 60.80 JAGRH334011.jpg 33 gallon trash bags, 33 gallon garbage bags, 33 gallon can liners, 33 gallon kitchen trash bags, 33 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH334011, JAGRH334011 1 1 0 0 1 61
6899 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43X48, 12mic, 200 Bags (JAGRH434812) 6899 JAG RH434812 12.80 Z8648MNJR01 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
12 micron thickness medium-duty can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for non-sharp objects found around the home, office school or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Coreless rolls for easy dispensing.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 12mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 31.27 20.67 40.81 JAGRH434812.jpg 55 gallon trash bags, 55 gallon garbage bags, 55 gallon can liners, 55 gallon kitchen trash bags, 55 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH434812, JAGRH434812 1 1 0 0 1 61
6900 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x48, 14mic, 250 Bags (JAGRH434814) 6900 JAG RH434814 14.90 Z8648HNJR01 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
14 micron thickness heavy-duty can liners. Offers good load capacity. Star seal bottom helps prevent vacuum forming with trying to pull the trash bag from the trash can. Made from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. Multipurpose can liners recommended for non-sharp objects found around the home, office school or house of worship. Greater tear resistance compared to other high density can liners. Coreless rolls for easy dispensing.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 14mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 34.54 24.45 47.04 JAGRH434814.jpg 56 gallon trash bags, 56 gallon garbage bags, 56 gallon can liners, 56 gallon kitchen trash bags, 56 gallon trash can liners, JAG RH434814, JAGRH434814 1 1 0 0 1 61
6901 Lagasse Scott Hardwound White Roll Towels 100% Recycled Fiber (KCC01052) 6901 KCC 01052 42.00 01052 Made with 100% recycled fiber. Meets EPA standards for minimum post consumer waste content (towels: 40%) and is Green Seal Certified. Green Seal Certified products contain 100% recovered paper fiber and 75% post-consumer materials, and meets the Green Seal environmental standard for bleaching, deinking and packaging. Towel codes contain no added fragrances.12/800FT
Kimberly Clark Professional 122.27 87.23 161.63 KCC01052.jpg SCOTT HRD-RL TWL 8X800 100% RECYCLED FIBER WHI 12 KCC 01052, KCC01052, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
6902 Lagasse Scott Multi-Fold Paper Hand Towels, 4,000 Towels (KCC01807) 6902 KCC 01807 18.50 01807 Scott Multi-Fold Paper Towels
Made with 100% recycled fiber. Meets EPA standards for minimum post consumer waste content (towels: 40%) and is Green Seal Certified. Green Seal Certified products contain 100% recovered paper fiber and 75% post-consumer materials, and meets the Green Seal environmental standard for bleaching, de-inking and packaging. Towel codes contain no added fragrances. Embossed towels are ideal for commercial and public restrooms. 9 1/5" X 9 2/5"
Kimberly Clark Scott Hand Towels, White, 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs per Case, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 51.88 37.26 70.50 KCC01807.jpg scott towels, scott multifold towels, scott multi-fold hand towels, scott paper towels, scott multi-fold paper towels, multi-fold towels, KCC 01807, KCC01807, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
6903 Lagasse SCOTT HARDWOUND-ROLL TOWEL 12/800 ft 100% RECYCLED FIBER BROWN (KCC02031) 6903 KCC 02031 45.50 02031 Made with 100% recycled fiber. Meets EPA standards for minimum post consumer waste content (towels: 40%) and is Green Seal Certified. Green Seal Certified products contain 100% recovered paper fiber and 75% post-consumer materials, and meets the Green Seal environmental standard for bleaching, deinking and packaging. Towel codes contain no added fragrances. Kimberly Clark Professional 78.21 56.15 102.92 KCC02031.jpg SCOTT HRD-RL TWL 8X800 100% RECYCLED FIBER BRO12 KCC 02031, KCC02031, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
6904 Lagasse Scott C-Fold Paper Towels, 2,400 Towels (KCC02920) 6904 KCC 02920 14.60 02920 Scott C-Fold Paper Towels
Made with 100% recycled fiber. Meets EPA standards for minimum post consumer waste content (towels: 40%) and is Green Seal Certified. Green Seal Certified products contain 100% recovered paper fiber and 75% post-consumer materials, and meets the Green Seal environmental standard for bleaching, de-inking and packaging. Towel codes contain no added fragrances. 13.2" x 10.1"
Kimberly Clark Scott C-Fold Hand Towels, 1-Ply, White, 200 Towels per Pack, 12 Packs, 2,400 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 48.72 35.39 63.55 KCC02920.jpg kimberly clark c-fold towels, scott c fold paper towels, scott c fold towels, scott c fold hand towels, KCC 02920, KCC02920 1 1 0 0 1 65
6906 Lagasse SCOTT 9" JUMBO JR ROLL TOILET PAPER 100% RECYCLED FIBER (KCC67223) 6906 KCC 67223 28.86 67223 Made from 100% recycled fiber, these products do not use chlorine or chlorine-containing compounds in bleaching and/or de-inking process.
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Paper » 1 ply Jumbo Toilet Tissue Kimberly Clark Professional 85.69 60.16 116.41 KCC67223.jpg SCOTT JRT T/T 100% RECYCLED FIBER 12/2000 KCC 67223, KCC67223, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
6907 Lagasse Scott 9" JRT Jr. Roll, 2 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, 12 Rolls (KCC67805) 6907 KCC 67805 23.27 67805 2 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper
Made with 100% recycled fiber. Meets EPA standards for minimum post consumer waste content (tissue: 40%) and is Green Seal Certified. Green Seal Certified products contain 100% recovered paper fiber and 75% post-consumer materials, and meets the Green Seal environmental standard for bleaching and packaging. Tissue codes contain no added inks, dyes, or fragrances.
Kimberly Clark Scott 9" JRT Jr. 2 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, 100% Recycled Fiber, 1,000-ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 81.96 62.51 111.32 KCC67805.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue, scott 9" jrt jr. roll, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 100% recycled fiber, KCC 67805, KCC67805 1 1 0 0 1 65
6908 Lagasse ULTRATHON INSECT REPELLANT 6/6 OZ (MCO67777) 6908 MCO 67777 3.60 67777 Provides up to 8 hours of protection against mosquitoes with only 25% DEET. Splash & Sweat resistant to ensure consistent protection through all your outdoor activities. epels deer ticks that may carry Lyme Disease, and mosquitoes that may carry West Nile Virus. Fresh Outdoor Scent. Controlled Release Technology means DEET is slower to evaporate and provides protection after others have dissipated û up to 12 hours of protection against mosquitoes! 3M Corporation 42.48 32.40 56.63 ULTRATHON INSECT REPELLANT 6/6 OZ MCO 67777, MCO67777, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
6909 Lagasse Flat Salt Packets, 3,000 Packets (MKL14609) 6909 MKL 14609 5.97 14609 1,000 packets per box; 3 boxes per case (3,000 packets). Diamond 6.18 4.66 8.38 MKL14462.jpg salt packets, flat salt packets, MKL 14609, MKL14609, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 127
6910 Lagasse Flat Peppper Packets, 3,000 Packets (MKL14462) 6910 MKL 14462 1.26 14462 1,000 packets per box; 3 boxes per case (3,000 packets). Diamond 13.95 10.18 18.81 MKL14609.jpg FLAT PK PEPPER 3/1000 MKL 14462, MKL14462, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 127
6919 Lagasse Air Wick Freshmatic Auto Spray Kit, Cool Linen White Lilac, 4 Kits (REC82289) 6919 REC 82289 6.39 82289
Air Wick Freshmatic Automatic Spray Kit, Cool Linen White Lilac
Specially designed for home and office use. Battery-powered timer switch automatically releases scent in user-selectable 9-, 18- or 36-minute intervals. Consistent release method provides a light, fresh fragrance to an entire room. Runs on two AA batteries.Wall mountable. Refillable with any fragrance 6.17-oz. Freshmatic Ultra Refill. 6.3w x 3.9d x 8.6h. Starter kit includes automatic spray unit, one 6.17-oz can of fragrance spray and two AA batteries. 4 kits per case.
Air Freshener & Odor Control » Air Wick Air Fresheners - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 54.22 39.92 70.80 REC82289.jpg air wick freshmatic ultra automatic spray starter kit, cool linen white lilac, air wick air freshener, air wick air freshener spray, airwick freshmatic, airwick automatic air freshener, REC 82289, REC82289 1 1 0 0 1 86
6920 Lagasse Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Odor Detect, Cool Linen & White Lilac, 6 Refills (REC82314) 6920 REC 82314 3.83 82314 Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Odor Detect Refills
Air Wick’s Freshmatic Ultra Odor Detect keeps your home smelling clean and fresh with its pleasant Cool Linen & White Lilac Scent. Freshmatic automatically releases bursts of fragrance throughout the day at a time setting that you pick. Best of all, now Freshmatic features breakthrough odor sensor technology that can detect odors and immediately release fragrance to overcome them, without you having to lift a finger or give it a second thought. Each refill lasts up to 60 days, but to keep your home always smelling fresh and welcoming, keep refills for your Freshmatic Ultra Odor Detect dispensers on hand. Air Wick has been eliminating odors and freshening homes for over 60 years and is the perfect way to keep a welcoming home for your family and guests.
Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Odor Detect Refill, Cool Linen & White Lilac, 6.17-oz Can, 6 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 31.10 22.81 41.13 REC82314.jpg air wick freshmatic ultra automatic spray starter kit, cool linen white lilac, air wick air freshener, air wick air freshener spray, airwick freshmatic, airwick automatic air freshener, airwick refills, REC 82314, REC82314 1 1 0 0 1 86
6921 Lagasse Solo Jazz 12-oz. Paper Hot Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCC412TAJ) 6921 SCC 412TAJ 29.00 412TAJ 12-oz. Paper Hot Cup
Single polycoated paper hot cup. Whether you are serving coffee, tea or cocoa, our hot cups are easy to warm up to. They deliver everything you could want in a hot cup: high performance single-poly structure. 50 cups per pack, 20 packs per case. Classic Jazz design.
Solo Jazz 12oz Paper Hot Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 102.86 72.00 135.09 SCC412TAJ.jpg 12OZ PAPER HOT CUP JAZZ 20/50 SCC 412TAJ, SCC412TAJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
6926 Lagasse 18" Microfiber Dry Dust Mop Pad, 12 Dust Mops (UNS18DRY) 6926 UNS 18DRY 12.00 Q40866GR00 Unisan Microfiber 18" Dust Mops
Polyester front, nylon backing. 50 launderings (without bleach). Green. 19.5 x 5.
18" Microfiber Dust Mop, Green, 12 per Case
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Unisan 63.55 40.80 86.13 UNS18DRY.jpg microfiber dust mop, unisan microfiber dust mop, microfiber dry dust pad, 18" microfiber dust mop, UNS18DRY, UNS 18DRY, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
6927 Lagasse 18" Microfiber Wet Floor Pad, 12 Pads (UNS18WET) 6927 UNS 18WET 0.24 Q40966OR00 18" Microfiber Flat Mop Pads
Polyester front, nylon backing. 50 launderings (without bleach). Orange. 19.5 x 5.
Unisan Microfiber Wet Pad Mop, Orange, 12 per Case
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Unisan 46.85 30.00 64.01 UNS18WET.jpg microfiber flat mop, microfiber pad, microfiber wet pad, UNS 18WET, UNS18WET, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
6928 Lagasse Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, 12" x 12", Blue, 12 Cloths (UNSBLUECLOTH) 6928 UNS BLUECLOTH 0.61 Q60566BL00 Blue Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
Clean smarter, faster and better with standard microfiber cloths designed for light use. These microfiber cleaning cloths are made of the lightest weight material, yet they stand up to 100 launderings (without bleach). Color Blue. The environmentally gentle choice for your everyday cleanups in the office, home or industrial settings.
Unisan Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, 12 x 12, Blue, 12 Cloths per Bag - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 13.64 8.76 18.17 microfiber cleaning cloth, blue microfiber towels, UNS BLUECLOTH, UNSBLUECLOTH, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, microfiber, reusable cloth, washable cleaning cloth, microfiber cloth, wash cloth 1 1 0 0 1 110
6929 Lagasse Green Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, 12 Cloths (UNSGREENCLOTH) 6929 UNS GREENCLOTH 0.61 Q60566GR00 Green Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
Clean smarter, faster and better with standard microfiber cloths designed for light use. 12 cloths are made of the lightest weight material, yet they stand up to 100 launderings (without bleach). 12" x 12" Green.
Unisan Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, 12"x12", Green, 12 per Bag
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Unisan 13.64 8.76 18.28 UNSGREENCLOTH.jpg microfiber cloths, microfiber towels, microfiber rags, green microfiber cleaning cloths, UNS GREENCLOTH, UNSGREENCLOTH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
6930 Lagasse Red Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, 12 Cloths (UNSREDCLOTH) 6930 UNS REDCLOTH 0.61 Q60566RD00 Red Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
Clean better and more efficiently with these Unisan Red Microfiber Cleaning Cloths. Microfiber cloths are great for cleaning almost everything around your home or office without the use of dangerous chemicals. The soft ultra-fine fabric in this Microfiber Cleaning cloth gets beneath dirt and grease particles and lifts them from the surface without leaving behind lint. Strong enough to soak up spills and kitchen messes, it also cleans delicate items like eyeglasses and camera lenses without scratching or leaving streaks. Lightweight, yet designed to withstand up to 100 launderings, it is time to trash your old dusting rags and switch to Unisan’s Microfiber Cleaning Cloths.
Unisan Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, 12"x12", Red, 12 per Bag. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning Unisan 13.64 8.76 17.79 UNSREDCLOTH.jpg red microfiber towels, red microfiber cloths, unisan microfiber cloths, red microfiber cleaning cloths, UNS REDCLOTH, UNSREDCLOTH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
6931 Lagasse Unisan Yellow Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, 12 Cloths (UNSYELLOWCLOTH) 6931 UNS YELLOWCLOTH 0.61 Q60566YL00 Yellow Microfiber Cleaning Cloth
Microfiber cleaning cloths allow for smarter, faster and more thorough cleaning and are a cost-effective, eco-friendly alternative to ordinary paper towels. The specially designed fibers in these Unisan cloths are able to get into the nooks and crannies that traditional cotton cloths and paper towels usually cannot reach, producing a static charge that attracts dirt and dust and traps it until the cloth is washed. These microfiber cloths are an environmentally friendly alternative to paper towels, allowing you to clean without chemicals or water if you choose. Non-abrasive, these cleaning cloths can be used on delicate furniture, glass, picture frames and more without scratching or streaking. The durable warp knit construction of these microfiber cloths allows them to be re-used as they are designed to withstand up to 100 launderings. Stop wasting money on paper towels for your cleaning projects and stock up on these Unisan Microfiber Cleaning Cloths today!
Unisan Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, 12" x 12", Yellow, 12 Cloths per Bag - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 13.64 8.76 18.14 microfiber cleaning cloths, microfiber cloths, rags, cloths, YELLOWCLOTH, UNSYELLOWCLOTH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
6932 Lagasse Atlas Green Heritage 1-Ply Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (APM115GREEN) 6932 APM 115GREEN 34.00 115 Standard Toilet Paper
Proudly made in the USA, this 1-ply toilet tissue from Atlas Paper Mills is a high quality, affordable, eco-friendly toilet paper that you can feel good about purchasing. Green Heritage bathroom tissue is biodegradable and made from 100% recycled paper fiber, exceeding EPA CPG Guidelines. Free of inks, dyes and fragrances, this quality toilet paper meets the Green Seal environmental standard for bleaching, de-inking and packaging. In addition to being eco-friendly, Green Heritage toilet tissue provides users with the thickness, strength, reliability and softness that just can’t be found in other recycled fiber toilet paper. This toilet tissue is individually wrapped to keep it clean and dry in storage. Safe for all septic systems, this toilet paper is the ideal product for consumers who want high quality without sacrificing their green ideals. Stock up today!
Atlas Green Heritage 1-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 1,000 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Atlas Paper Mills 48.92 35.06 64.41 APM115GREEN.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, standard toilet tissue, standard toilet paper, 1 ply toilet paper,1 ply toilet tissue, one ply standard toilet paper, green toilet paper, atlas toilet paper, atlas 1 ply standard toilet paper, APM 115GREEN, APM115GREEN, wholesale toilet paper, discount toilet paper, cheap toilet paper 1 1 0 0 1 223
6933 Lagasse Atlas 1 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (APM125GREEN) 6933 APM 125GREEN 43.00 125 Green Heritage 1-Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Atlas Green Heritage 1-Ply toilet tissue is white, soft, absorbent, overall embossed and individually wrapped. Safe for all septic systems. Atlas Green Heritage, Green Seal tissue products are made from 100% recycled fiber and bear the ultimate mark of environmental responsibility standard for tissue products. 4.5"x 3.8" sheet size.
Atlas 1 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 1,000 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atlas Paper Mills 51.68 39.42 68.02 APM125GREEN.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, standard toilet tissue, 1 ply standard toilet paper,1 ply standard toilet tissue, one ply standard toilet paper, one ply standard toilet tissue, one-ply, atlas 1 ply standard toilet paper APM 125GREEN, APM125GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 223
6934 Lagasse Atlas Green Heritage 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 48 Rolls (APM205GREEN) 6934 APM 205GREEN 16.50 205 Standard Toilet Paper
The perfect toilet tissue for environmentally conscious consumers, this eco-friendly toilet paper is a choice that you can feel good about. Atlas Green Heritage toilet tissue exceeds EPA guidelines, earning the ultimate mark of environmental responsibility with 100% recovered paper fiber and a certified level of 50% post-consumer material. This Green Seal product also meets the environmental standard for no added inks, dyes or fragrances and is safe for all septic systems. Green Heritage 2-ply toilet paper offers the softness and absorbency you want in a bathroom tissue so you don't have to sacrifice comfort for your green ideals. Packaged in individually wrapped rolls for added convenience, this toilet paper allows for clean, easy and dry storage. With 48 rolls per case, you can’t beat this price. Stock up today!
Atlas Green Heritage 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 500 Sheets per Roll, 48 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Atlas Paper Mills 27.07 18.99 36.30 APM205GREEN.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, standard toilet tissue, 2 ply standard toilet paper, 2 ply standard toilet tissue, two ply standard toilet paper, two ply standard toilet tissue, two-ply, atlas 2 ply standard toilet paper APM 205GREEN, APM205GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 223
6935 Lagasse Atlas 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (APM235GREEN) 6935 APM 235GREEN 33.00 235 2 Ply Atlas Standard Toilet Paper
Atlas Green Heritage 2-Ply toilet tissue is white, soft, absorbent, overall embossed and individually wrapped. Safe for all septic systems. Atlas Green Heritage, Green Seal tissue products are made from 100% recycled fiber and bear the ultimate mark of environmental responsibility standard for tissue products. Perfect for bathroom environments like the home, office, school, hospital and healthcare facilities. Atlas 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper is a perfect fit for any location. Measuring in at 4.5"x 3.5" per sheet, each roll comes with 500 sheets, and each case comes with 96 rolls.
Atlas 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atlas Paper Mills 44.51 33.45 58.26 APM235GREEN.jpg toilet paper, 2 ply toilet paper, 2 ply toilet tissue, atlas toilet paper, atlas 2 ply standard toilet paper, APM 235GREEN, APM235GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 223
6936 Lagasse Atlas 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (APM250GREEN) 6936 APM 250GREEN 33.00 250 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Safe for all septic systems, Atlas Green Heritage, Green Seal, tissue products are made from 100% recycled fiber. White, soft, and absorbent, Atlas Green Heritage 2-Ply toilet tissue is completely embossed and individually wrapped. Known as a high quality, eco-friendly toilet paper, Atlas Green Heritage 2-Ply toilet tissue meets and/or exceeds all EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste content tissues, This white colored toilet tissue provides thickness, strength, reliability and softness that other recycled fiber toilet paper cannot match. 4.5"x 3.8" sheet size, 500 sheets per roll, 96 rolls per case.
Atlas 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 4.5"x 3.8", 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atlas Paper Mills 48.75 37.18 65.66 APM250GREEN.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, standard toilet tissue, 2 ply standard toilet paper, 2 ply standard toilet tissue, two ply standard toilet paper, two ply standard toilet tissue, two-ply, atlas 2 ply standard toilet paper APM 250GREEN, APM250GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 223
6937 Lagasse Atlas 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (APM275GREEN) 6937 APM 275GREEN 30.00 275 Standard 2-Ply Toilet Paper
Atlas Green Heritage 2-Ply toilet tissue is white, soft, absorbent, overall embossed and individually wrapped. Safe for all septic systems. Atlas Green Heritage, Green Seal tissue products are made from 100% recycled fiber and bear the ultimate mark of environmental responsibility standard for tissue products.
Atlas 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atlas Paper Mills 44.17 33.69 57.47 APM275GREEN.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, standard toilet tissue, 2 ply standard toilet paper,2 ply standard toilet tissue, two ply standard toilet paper, two ply standard toilet tissue, two-ply, atlas 2 ply standard toilet paper APM 275GREEN, APM275GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 223
6938 Lagasse Atlas 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 4.1"x 3.1", 96 Rolls (APM276GREEN) 6938 APM 276GREEN 27.00 276 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Atlas Green Heritage 2-Ply toilet tissue is white, soft, absorbent, overall embossed and individually wrapped. Safe for all septic systems. Atlas Green Heritage, Green Seal tissue products are made from 100% recycled fiber and bear the ultimate mark of environmental responsibility standard for tissue products.
Atlas 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atlas Paper Mills 40.80 31.11 53.54 APM276GREEN.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, standard toilet tissue, 2 ply standard toilet paper, 2 ply standard toilet tissue, two ply standard toilet paper, two ply standard toilet tissue, two-ply, atlas 2 ply standard toilet paper APM 276GREEN, APM276GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 223
6940 Lagasse Atlas 9" Jumbo Toilet Paper Roll, 2-Ply, 12 Rolls (APM700GREEN) 6940 APM 700GREEN 25.00 700 2-Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper
Manufactured from 100% recycled paper fiber and biodegradable, this 2-ply jumbo roll toilet tissue carries the Green Seal certification mark of environmental responsibility. Atlas Paper Mills has produced this toilet paper with no added inks, dyes, fragrances or any other ozone-depleting chemicals. This jumbo recycled toilet paper is ideal for high traffic restrooms, helping to reduce maintenance time and overhead costs. This toilet tissue is safe for all septic systems and the universal 3.35” core is compatible with most jumbo toilet paper dispensers (sold separately). When you purchase this toilet tissue you are protecting your wallet as well as the environment by choosing a truly green product from Atlas Paper Mills. Stock up today and save!
Atlas Paper Mills 9" Jumbo Roll, 2-Ply, 3.35" Universal Core, 1,000-ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Atlas Paper Mills 31.28 23.34 41.47 APM700GREEN.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue, jrt bathroom tissue, jumbo jrt two-ply tissue, APM 700GREEN, APM700GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 223
6941 Lagasse Atlas 12" JRT Sr. Roll, 2 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper, 6 Rolls (APM730GREEN) 6941 APM 730GREEN 22.00 730 2 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper
Jumbo roll tissue is safe for all septic systems. Universal 3.35 core. Green Heritage Green Seal tissue products are made from 100% recycled fiber and bear the ultimate mark of environmental standards certifying that these products meet the Green Seal environmental standards for tissue products.
Atlas 12" Jumbo Sr. Roll, 2,000-ft. per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atlas Paper Mills 35.21 24.80 47.35 APM730GREEN.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue, jrt bathroom tissue, jumbo jrt two-ply tissue, APM 730GREEN, APM730GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 223
6942 Lagasse Boardwalk GreenSeal Multi-Fold Hand Towels, 4,000 Towels (BWK10GREEN) 6942 BWK 10GREEN 22.00 99368 GreenSeal Multi-Fold Hand Towels
Environmentally conscious and a great economical alternative to the more expensive name brands, these Green Seal-certified Boardwalk Green embossed multi-fold towels are 100% recycled. Boardwalk high-quality multi-fold towels are thicker, stronger and more absorbent, than other leading brands and are ideal for drying hands. These environmentally conscious towels will fit into any standard folded towel dispenser making them perfect for any office or shop restroom. These hand towels are the smart and inexpensive way to stock, store and refill your single fold paper towel dispenser. Natural white towels contain up to 73% post-consumer waste.
Boardwalk GreenSeal Multi-Fold Hand Towels, White, 200 Towels per Pack, 20 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Multifold Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 27.34 19.58 37.12 BWK10GREEN.jpg boardwalk multi-fold towel, greenseal multi-fold paper towels, paper hand towels, paper towels, paper product, paper products, 1-ply multi-fold paper towels, BWK 10GREEN, BWK10GREEN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
6943 Lagasse Boardwalk Green Seal C-Fold Towels, 2,400 Towels (BWK11GREEN) 6943 BWK 11GREEN 20.00 99367 Green Seal C-Fold Paper Hand Towels
Boardwalk Green Plus Green Seal-certified embossed c-fold towels are 100% recycled and contain up to 43% post-consumer waste content. Depend on Boardwalk c-fold towels for reliable performance. This towel has a unique fold that allows for reliable, touch less dispensing of one fully-opened, absorbent towel, which reduces the number of towels used as well as the risk of cross-contamination. Boardwalk C-Fold Hand Towels outperforms regular multi-fold towels by reducing waste and decreasing costs for an economical solution you can count on. Green Seal-certified Boardwalk Green embossed c-folded towels are 100% recycled. Natural white towels contain up to 73% post-consumer waste.
Broadwalk Green Seal C-Fold Towels, 150 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 2,400 Towels per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » C-Fold Paper Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 24.61 18.41 32.20 BWK11GREEN.jpg boardwalk green seal c-fold towels, green c-fold towels, green c-fold paper towels, green c-fold hand towels, BWK 11GREEN, BWK11GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 123
6944 Lagasse Boardwalk Singlefold Towels, White GREENSEAL 15/268 (BWK12GREEN) 6944 BWK 12GREEN 23.00 99366 Green Seal-certified Boardwalk« Green embossed folded towels are 100% recycled. Natural white towels contain up to 73% post-consumer waste. Boardwalk Paper 27.53 20.56 37.39 BWK12GREEN.jpg S-FLD TWL WHI GREENSEAL 15/268 BWK 12GREEN, BWK12GREEN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
6945 Lagasse Boardwalk Natural Multi-Fold Paper Towels, 4,000 Towels (BWK13GREEN) 6945 BWK 13GREEN 22.00 99365 Multi-Fold Paper Towels
These paper towels from Boardwalk are ideal for hand drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. These multi-fold environmentally friendly towels are Green Seal Certified, made from 100% recycled content, and with 83% post-consumer recycled content, these towels exceed EPA procurement guidelines as well. While these multi-fold towels are perfect for hand-drying, they are also ideal for a number of household cleaning tasks, such as cleaning spills, windows, glass doors, mirrors and more. Processed chlorine-free and packaged in environmentally friendly materials, these multi-fold paper towels are embossed for an upscale look. Boardwalk is a trusted name that provides high quality without sacrificing green ideals. Stock up on these eco-friendly multi-fold towels today!
Boardwalk Multi-Fold Hand Towels, Natural Brown, 200 Towels per Pack, 20 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 22.21 16.94 29.76 BWK13GREEN.jpg paper towels, multi-fold paper towels, multi fold paper towels, multifold paper towels, BWK 13GREEN, BWK13GREEN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
6946 Lagasse Boardwalk GreenSeal White Hard Roll Towels, 12 - 8" x 350' Rolls (BWK14GREEN) 6946 BWK 14GREEN 24.00 99364 Green Seal-certified Boardwalk« Green household roll towels are heavily embossed for superior absorbency and performance. Boardwalk« Green roll towels are 100% recycled and exceed EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste content. Boardwalk Paper 30.98 23.12 40.68 BWK14GREEN.jpg HRD-RL TWL WHI GREENSEAL 8X350 12 BWK 14GREEN, BWK14GREEN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
6947 Lagasse Hardwound-Roll Towels White GREENSEAL 12 Rolls x 425 ft per Case (BWK15GREEN) 6947 BWK 15GREEN 29.00 99363 Green Seal-certified Boardwalk Green household roll towels are heavily embossed for superior absorbency and performance. Boardwalk Green roll towels are 100% recycled and exceed EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste content.
Boardwalk White Nonperforated Hardwound Roll Towels, 12 Rolls/Case, 425 Feet/Roll
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Roll Towels Boardwalk Paper 41.24 28.50 55.07 BWK15GREEN.jpg HRD-RL TWL WHI GREENSEAL 8X425 12 BWK 15GREEN, BWK15GREEN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
6948 Lagasse Boardwalk Greenseal Natural Hard Roll Towels, 6 Rolls (BWK16GREEN) 6948 BWK 16GREEN 27.00 99362 Boardwalk Greenseal Natural Roll Towels
A certified green product Boardwalk's Greenseal certified green roll towels are heavily embossed for superior absorbency and performance. These eco-friendly roll towels are 100% recycled and exceed EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste content. Great for the home or office, these roll towels are perfect for the bathroom, kitchen, or cleaning assignment. Measuring in at 800-ft. rolls, these towel rolls come in cases of 6.
Boardwalk Natural Hardwound Roll Towels, Greenseal, 8"x 800' Rolls, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 27.54 20.56 37.31 BWK16GREEN.jpg natural roll towels, hard roll towels, non perforated roll towels, brown roll towels, hardwound roll towels, BWK 16GREEN, BWK16GREEN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
6949 Lagasse Boardwalk 800 ft. Greenseal Hardwound White Roll Towels, 6 Rolls (BWK17GREEN) 6949 BWK 17GREEN 27.00 99361 1-Ply Paper Towel Rolls
Green Seal-certified Boardwalk Green household roll towels are heavily embossed for superior absorbency and performance. Boardwalk Green roll towels are 100% recycled and exceed EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste content. Providing a soft and absorbent paper towel option, Boardwalk's line of hand towels are an ideal choice for any commercial environment. Designed to dispense, stock and install easily. Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser.
Boardwalk Greenseal Nonperforated Hardwound Roll Towels, White, 800-ft. Roll, 6 Rolls per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Roll Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 37.34 28.48 49.34 BWK17GREEN.jpg greenseal hardwound roll towels, roll towels, paper towels, roll paper towels, paper roll towels, BWK 17GREEN, BWK17GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 123
6950 Lagasse Boardwalk 9" JRT Jr. Jumbo 2 Ply Toilet Paper, Green Seal, 12 Rolls (BWK19GREEN) 6950 BWK 19GREEN 25.00 99359 Green Seal 2 Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper
The jumbo toilet paper roll is ideal for restrooms with heavy traffic. Green Seal-certified Boardwalk Green jumbo tissue is 100% recovered paper fiber, a certified level of up to 49% post-consumer materials and meets the Green Seal environmental standards for bleaching, de-inking and packaging. It contains no added inks, dyes, or fragrances. Exceeds EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste content. Natural white. 3.875" width.
Boardwalk 9" 2 Ply JRT Jr Green Seal Roll, 1,000-ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 35.13 26.18 47.09 BWK19GREEN.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet tissue, two ply jumbo toilet paper, two ply jumbo toilet tissue, boardwalk 9" jrt jr green seal roll, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper BWK 19GREEN, BWK19GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 123
6951 Lagasse Greenseal 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls per Case (BWK20GREEN) 6951 BWK 20GREEN 39.00 99358 Greenseal Standard Toilet Paper
Embossed for softness, 100% recycled Boardwalk Green Seal-certified bath tissue contains up to 49% post-consumer waste, which exceeds United States EPA guidelines. Natural white. 4.4" x 3.75" sheet size.
Greenseal 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale toilet paper supply company buyers trust
Buy the best toilet paper brands for your home or office here at today!
2 ply Standard Toilet Paper
Boardwalk Paper 54.10 39.92 70.68 BWK20GREEN.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, standard toilet tissue, 2 ply standard toilet paper,2 ply standard toilet tissue, two ply standard toilet paper, two ply standard toilet tissue, two-ply, greenseal 2 ply standard toilet paper BWK 20GREEN, BWK20GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 123
6952 Lagasse Boardwalk 2-Ply GreenSeal Paper Towels, 30 Rolls (BWK21GREEN) 6952 BWK 21GREEN 19.35 99357 2-Ply Paper Towels
These Green Seal certified paper towel rolls from Boardwalk are heavily embossed to provide enhanced absorbency and performance. Boardwalk Green roll towels are 100% recycled and exceed EPA guidelines with 20% post-consumer materials. As with all Green Seal certified products, these paper towels contain no added pigments, dyes, inks or fragrances. Environmentally safe, but still able to provide the softness and absorbency you want from a paper towel, Green Seal 2-Ply Kitchen Roll Towels will not harm your wallet or the environment. These quality paper towels save time and money, providing you with the performance you need while still helping to achieve environmentally focused goals. Ideal for use just about anywhere, these Boardwalk 2-ply perforated paper towels work in all commercial, residential or industrial settings. Stock up today and save!
Boardwalk 2-Ply Perforated GreenSeal Kitchen Roll Towels, 90 Sheets per Roll, 30 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 28.30 20.24 37.06 BWK21GREEN.jpg kitchen roll towels, greenseal kitchen towels, kitchen paper towels, 2 ply kitchen towels, BWK 21GREEN, BWK21GREEN, paper supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
6953 Lagasse Green Seal White C-Fold Towels, 12 Packs (BWK22GREEN) 6953 BWK 22GREEN 19.00 99342 Boardwalk Green Seal C-Fold Towels
Boardwalk Green Plus Green Seal-certified premium quality embossed c-folded towels are 100% recycled and feature exceptional brightness. This superior quality towel exceeds EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste content. It contains up to 43% post-consumer waste content. 10-1/8" x 13" sheet size.
Boardwalk Green Seal C-Fold Paper Towels, White, 12 Packs, 200 Towels per Pack, 2,400 Towels per Case
Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » C-Fold Paper Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 27.67 20.43 36.64 boardwalk green seal c-fold towels, white c fold towels, green c-fold towels, green c-fold paper towels, green c-fold hand towels, BWK 22GREEN, BWK22GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 123
6954 Lagasse Boardwalk GreenSeal Multi-Fold Hand Towels, 3,000 Towels (BWK23GREEN) 6954 BWK 23GREEN 19.00 99341 Boardwalk GreenSeal Multi-Fold Hand Towels
Boardwalk Green Plus Green Seal-certified embossed multifold towels are 100% recycled and contain up to 43% post-consumer waste content. Depend on Boardwalk multi-fold towels for reliable performance. This towel has a unique fold that allows for reliable, touch less dispensing of one fully-opened, absorbent towel, which reduces the number of towels used as well as the risk of cross-contamination. Boardwalk Multi-Fold Hand Towels outperforms regular multi-fold towels by reducing waste and decreasing costs for an economical solution you can count on. White. 9.2" x 9.4" sheet size. Environmentally conscious.
Boardwalk GreenSeal Multi-Fold Hand Towels, White, 12 Packs per Case, 250 Towels, 3,000 Towels per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Multifold Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 22.69 16.13 29.66 BWK23GREEN.jpg multi-fold hand towels, hand towels, multi-fold paper towels, paper towels, BWK 23GREEN, BWK23GREEN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
6955 Lagasse Greenseal 2 Ply Stanard Toilet Paper, 80 Rolls per Case (BWK24GREEN) 6955 BWK 24GREEN 33.00 99340 Green Seal 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Boardwalk Green Plus Green Seal-certified embossed universal tissue is 100% recycled and exceeds EPA guidelines for post-consumer wastepaper content. It contains up to 49% post-consumer waste content. White. 4.4"x 3.75" Sheet Size.
Greenseal 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 500 Sheets per Roll, 80 Rolls per Case - The wholesale toilet paper supply company buyers trust.
Buy the best toilet paper brands for your home or office here at today!
2 ply Standard Toilet Paper
Boardwalk Paper 46.76 33.68 63.07 toilet paper, toilet tissue, standard toilet tissue, 2 ply standard toilet paper,2 ply standard toilet tissue, two ply standard toilet paper, two ply standard toilet tissue, two-ply, greenseal 2 ply stanard toilet paper BWK 24GREEN, BWK24GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 123
6961 Lagasse AJAX DISH SOAP GL BTL 4/CASE (CPC14616) 6961 CPC 14616 40.00 14616 Super degreaser. Cuts through grease to get your dishes sparkling clean. Maximum long-lasting suds. Contains antibacterial ingredients to fight germs. Colgate - Palmolive 40.25 28.95 54.01 AJAX DISH SOAP GL BTL 4/CASE CPC 14616, CPC14616, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
6963 Lagasse Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 8 - 7.5-oz Pump Bottles (DIA06001) 6963 DIA 06001 6.30 06001 Dial Complete Foaming Hand Soap
Dial Complete is no ordinary hand soap. Its patented formula kills more germs than other antibacterial liquid hand soaps. Antibacterial and antimicrobial, this light, gentle formula foams instantly and rinses cleanly giving your hands a healthy clean.
Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 7.5-oz Pump Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Pump Bottle Foaming Soap - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 24.12 18.40 31.84 DIA06001.jpg dial complete antibacterial foaming hand soap, DIA 06001, DIA06001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
6974 Lagasse Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Bottle & Can Recycling Container Lid, Blue (RCP269288BLU) 6973 RCP 2692-88 BLU 1.25 2692-88 BLU Bottle & Can Recycling Slim Jim Square Lid
Great for can disposal, this recycling lid ensures only the recyclables desired are disposed of within the can. Direct from Rubbermaid, this recycling lid fits Rubbermaid's square recycling cans with ease, making it a great fit for both commercial and residential environments. This durable recycling lid is comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. Hygienic tops for attractive, hands-free waste disposal. Easy hygienic access for trash disposal. Two round opening for bottles and cans. Fits 23-gallon Slim Jim Recycling container (RCP 3540-75), sold separately.
Rubbermaid Bottle and Can Recycling Container Lid, 23-Gallon Fit Lid, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 32.52 24.80 42.47 RCP269288BLU.JPG recycling containers, recycling container, recycle containers, recycle container, rubbermaid recycling container, rubbermaid recycling containers, bottle and can recycling square top, RCP 2791 BLU, RCP2791BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
6975 Lagasse Dinner Napkins, 3,000 per Case (GEN15X172PLY-DINNER) 6974 GEN 15X172PLY-DINNER 33.00 15X172PLY-DINNER Dinner Napkins
Smooth, bright paper helps you make a great impression with customers. Soft, absorbent paper provides a luxurious feel. Packed for easy dispenser stocking. 20 packs of 150 napkins per case.
GenPak Dinner Napkins, 2 Ply 15" x 17", White, 20 packs of 150 napkins per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 42.48 32.40 56.32 KCC98200.JPG dinner napkin, dinner napkins, GEN15X172PLY-DINNER, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
6979 Lagasse ClearSeal Plastic Hinged Sandwich Container, 500 Case (DCCC57PST1) 6978 DCC C57PST1 21.50 C57PST1 Plastic Hinged Sandwich Container
ClearSeal's exclusive perimeter seal designed for maximum product freshness and leak-resistance. Dual bar locks provide audible snap for secure closing. Opening tabs have slip resistant grip for easy and secure opening. Curved sidewall reinforces container durability during handling. Stackable. One compartment. 6 x 5-4/5 x 3. 500 per case.
Dart ClearSeal Plastic Hinged Sandwich Container, 4 Bags of 125 Containers, 500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dart Container 47.19 33.03 61.54 DCCC57PST1.jpg SAND CONT 6INX5 3/4INX3IN 500, DCC C57PST1, DCCC57PST1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
6980 Lagasse ClearSeal Medium Shallow Clear Hinged Container, 250 Containers (DCCC89PST1) 6979 DCC C89PST1 19.90 C89PST1 Shallow Plastic 1 Compartment Hinged Container
ClearSeal's exclusive perimeter seal was designed for maximum product freshness and leak-resistance. Dual bar locks provide audible snap for secure closing. Opening tabs have slip resistant grip for easy and secure opening. Curved sidewall reinforces container durability during handling. One compartment. 8-1/4 x 8-1/4 x 2. Conveniently stackable. 250 containers per case.
Dart ClearSeal Medium Shallow Clear Hinged Container, 2 Bags of 125 Containers, 250 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 53.99 37.79 72.51 DCCC89PST1.jpg medium shallow clear one compartment hinged lid container, DCC C89PST1, DCCC89PST1 1 1 0 0 1 27
6981 Lagasse ClearSeal Medium Plastic Hinged Container, 250 Containers (DCCC90PST1) 6980 DCC C90PST1 21.20 C90PST1 Medium 1 Compartment Plastic Hinged Container
Dart's ClearSeal exclusive perimeter seal was designed for maximum product freshness and leak-resistance. Dual bar locks provide audible snap for secure closing. Opening tabs have slip resistant grip for easy and secure opening. Curved sidewall reinforces container durability during handling. One compartment. 8-1/4 x 8-1/4 x 3. Conveniently stackable. 250 containers per case.
Dart ClearSeal Medium Plastic Hinged Container, 2 Bags of 125 Containers, 250 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 43.96 30.77 59.02 DCCC90PST1.jpg CONT MED 1 COMPARTMENT 8 1/4INX8 1/4INX3 250, DCC C90PST1, DCCC90PST1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
6982 Lagasse ClearSeal Large Plastic Hinged Container, 200 Containers (DCCC95PST1) 6981 DCC C95PST1 21.20 C95PST1 Large Plastic 1 Compartment Hinged Container
ClearSeal's exclusive perimeter seal was designed for maximum product freshness and leak-resistance. Dual bar locks provide audible snap for secure closing. Opening tabs have slip resistant grip for easy and secure opening. Curved sidewall reinforces container durability during handling. One compartment. 8-7/8 x 9-3/8 x 3. Conveniently stackable. 200 containers per case.
Dart ClearSeal Large Plastic Hinged Container, 2 Bags of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dart Container 53.20 37.24 71.19 DCCC95PST1.jpg CONT LG 1 COMPARTMENT 8 7/8IN X 9 3/8IN 200, DCC C95PST1, DCCC95PST1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 27
6983 Lagasse Urinal Washroom Mat, Black, Fresh Scent, 6 Mats (IMP1525-5) 6982 IMP 1525-5 5.00 1525-5 Urinal Washroom Mat Black Fresh Scent
Coming in a clean and fresh fragrance, Impact Urinal Washroom Mas protects floors from stains and uric acid damage. Making restroom maintenance easier, these high quality bathroom mats are infused Neutra Tech neutralizing agents which are certain to combat odors and refresh the area. Coming complete with a non-slip bottom, these durable mats lasts up to six weeks. 6 mats per case.
Impact Urinal Washroom Mat Black Fresh Scent, 6 Screen Mats per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Impact 42.14 32.14 57.00 IMP15255.jpg urinal mats, bathroom mats, IMP 1525-5, IMP15255, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
6984 Lagasse Davidson Ladder #566 Aluminum Euro Platform Ladder (DAVL2346-03BX) 6983 DAV L2346-03BX 9.00 DADL234603BX 6' Aluminum Platform Ladder
Three-section cart adapts to worksite requirements. Centrally located, stepped-down ladder platform carries up to 6-ft. ladder without hitting walls, doorways or elevators. Unique vertical profile offers higher worksurface height for improved ergonomics. Can be assembled for transporting long items. Square footprint offers optimal maneuverability. Shelves feature molded-in tool and pipe holders. Molded-in handles. Powder coated steel and structural foam construction. 5 casters (two locking). 500-lb. capacity. Black/Red.For household use. Locking platform provides large standing area. Top rail for safety and convenience. Deeply serrated extruded aluminum steps for security. Slip-resistant foot caps. ANSI Type III, Household, 200-lb. duty rating. 183/8w x 31 spread x 72h. Shipping weight 9-lbs.
Davidson Euro 6' Aluminum Platform Ladder, Each Davidson Ladder Inc. 97.09 62.99 126.40 DAVL234603BX.jpg 566 Aluminum Euro Platform Ladder, DAV L2346-03BX, DAVL234603BX, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 28
6985 Lagasse In-Sight Lev-R-Matic 1.5" Core Roll Towel Dispenser (KCC09736) 6984 KCC 09736 5.75 09736 Lever Roll Towel Dispenser
Automatic feed lets you load with one hand! Eliminates waste by dispensing one 8 dia. roll (up to 1,000 ft.) and one 3.5" dia. stub roll (approx. 150-ft.). Easy lever operation. High-impact plastic with metal key operated lock. Universal dispenser accepts KCC 01005, KCC 01040, KCC 01080, KCC 02021, KCC 02068, KCC11090 and KCC 04142 roll towels (sold seperately). Includes mounting hardware. Smoke / Gray. 12" wide x 10.5" deep x 15" high.
Kimberly Clark In-Sight Lev-R-Matic Roll Paper Towel Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 52.20 39.53 67.82 KCC09736.jpg roll towel dispenser, KCC 09736, KCC09736, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
6986 Lagasse 11" Microfiber Hygen Flexi Frame (RCPQ855) 6985 RCP Q855 0.83 Q855-00 BK00 Rubbermaid 11" Hygen Flexi-Frame
Conforms to the shape of the surface being cleaned. Microfiber cleaning system provides innovative solutions designed for proven superior performance in maintaining healthy, safe environments. Microfiber Flexi Frame is designed to gather and collect dirt, hair and other debris. Use hand held or with quick Connect to all RCP handles and extension poles. Save time and money when you can clean hard-to-reach places with ease. Black.
11" Hygen Flexi-Frame Mopping System. Black, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 29.43 22.45 40.07 RCPQ855.jpg rubbermaid, 11" microfiber flexi frame, RCP Q855, RCPQ855, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, janitorial supplies 1 1 0 0 1 89
6987 Lagasse 12" Standard Blue Microfiber Cloths (RCPQ605BLU) 6986 RCP Q605 BLU 0.04 FGQ605-00 BL00 Rubbermaid 12" Blue Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
Clean smarter, faster and better with standard microfiber cloths designed for light use. Bleach safe. Withstands up to 200 launderings (without bleach). Blue. 12" square x 1/8" thick. 24 per Bag.
Rubbermaid 12" Blue Microfiber Cloths, 24 per Bag
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 35.66 27.20 48.73 RCPQ605BLU.jpg microfiber towels, microfiber cleaning cloths, microfiber cloths, blue microfiber cloths, standard microfiber cloths, RCP Q605 BLU, RCPQ605BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
6988 Lagasse 12" Standard Microfiber Cloths (RCPQ605GRE) 6987 RCP Q605 GRE 0.05 FGQ60500 GR00 Rubbermaid 12" Green Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
Clean smarter, faster and better with standard microfiber cloths designed for light use. Bleach safe. Withstands up to 200 launderings (without bleach). Green. 12" square x 1/8" thick. 24 per Bag.
Rubbermaid 12" Green Microfiber Cloths, 24 per Bag
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 35.66 27.20 46.57 green microfiber cloths, green microfiber towels, green microfiber rags, standard microfiber cloths, RCP Q605 GRE, RCPQ605GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
6989 Lagasse 12" Standard Microfiber Cloths (RCPQ605RED) 6988 RCP Q605 RED 0.04 FGQ60500 RD00 Rubbermaid 12" Red Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
Clean smarter, faster and better with standard microfiber cloths designed for light use. Bleach safe. Withstands up to 200 launderings (without bleach). Red. 12" square x 1/8" thick. 24 per Bag.
Rubbermaid 12" Red Microfiber Cloths, 24 per Bag
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 35.66 27.20 47.75 RCPQ605RED.jpg 12 Standard Microfiber ClothsIN, RCP Q605 RED, RCPQ605RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
6990 Lagasse 12" Standard Microfiber Cloths (RCPQ605YEL) 6989 RCP Q605 YEL 0.05 FGQ60500 YL00 Rubbermaid 12" Yellow Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
Clean smarter, faster and better with standard microfiber cloths designed for light use. Bleach safe. Withstands up to 200 launderings (without bleach). Yellow. 12" x 1/8" thick. 24 per Bag.
Rubbermaid 12" Yellow Microfiber Cloths, 24 per Bag
Eco Friendly Products » Microfiber Cleaning
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 35.66 27.20 47.38 RCPQ605YEL.jpg rubbermaid microfiber cloths, microfiber cloth, microfiber towels, microfiber rags, yellow microfiber towels, standard microfiber cloths, RCP Q605 YEL, RCPQ605YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
6991 Lagasse 29 Gallon Outdoor Aspen Series Garbage Can (RCPR36HT-201PL) 6990 RCP R36HT-201PL 92.60 FGR36HT201PL Rubbermaid 29 Gallon Outdoor Garbage Can
ADA Compliant Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines. Made from 30% recycled steel, 100% recyclable. Vandal-resistant and fire-safe, heavy-gauge galvanized steel with decorative stone panels (panels included). Powder coated finish for durability and years of trouble-free service. Receptacles feature leakproof, removable rigid plastic liners. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Ships fully assembled. Four 17"wide x 5"high disposal openings. Hinged top swings open to 90 angle for easy maintenance. Leg levelers included. Brown. 21" square. x 40"high. Shipping weight: 102-lbs.
Rubbermaid 29 Gallon Aspen Series Outdoor Garbage Can, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 675.22 515.00 879.96 RCPR36HT201PL.jpg 29-Gal. Litter Receptacle, RCP R36HT-201PL, RCPR36HT201PL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
6995 Lagasse Unger 4" Light Duty Floor Scraper (UNGLH12C) 6994 UNG LH12C 0.80 LH12C 4" Light Duty Floor Scraper
Easily removes gum, stickers, wax build-up and caked-on dirt. Scraper heads are angled for better performance, control and strength. Razor-sharp blade eliminates strenuous scraping on all hard surface floors including vinyl and resilient tile, flat and smooth surfaces. Blunt blade for delicate, uneven floors. Lightweight, aluminum 48" long x 0.83" diameter handle with ergonomic grip and hanging hole.
Unger Light Duty Floor Scraper, 4" wide, 48" Handle, Sold Individually - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 16.33 12.27 21.86 UNGLH12C.jpg floor scraper, light duty floor scraper, UNG LH12C, UNGLH12C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
6996 Lagasse 5th Wheel Wagon Platform Truck - Pneumatic Tire (RCP4477BLA) 6995 RCP 4477 BLA 98.00 FG447700 BLACK Rubbermaid Platform Truck - 5th Wheel Wagon - 24"x 48" Platform
Duramold exclusive engineered resin and metal composite structure provides maximum load support. Structural foam deck for enhanced durability, won't rust, dent, chip or splinter. Molded-in tie-down slots for load security. Textured desk surface reduces load slippage. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Virtually maintenance free. Fifth wheel steering ensures tight turning radius and easy maneuverability. Vinyl grip, powder coated TIN pull handle stays upright when not in use. T-end is removable for towing applications (tow package sold separately). Towing capabilities surface protection, quiet operation and shock absorption. Pneumatic casters protect loads over rough indoor and outdoor surfaces. Steel reinforces deck for enhanced durability. Easy and quick assembly with common tools. 24.25"wide x 56.25"long x 17.5"high. Black. Capacity 2,000-lbs. Shipping weight: 98-lbs.
2,000 lb Capacity Rubbermaid Platform Truck - 5th Wheel Wagon
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 538.87 411.00 714.67 RCP4477BLA.jpg 5th Wheel Wagon Trucks, RCP 4477 BLA, RCP4477BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
6997 Lagasse 5th Wheel Wagon Platform Truck - TPR Tire (RCP4478BLA) 6996 RCP 4478 BLA 121.00 FG447800BLACK Rubbermaid Platform Truck - 5th Wheel Wagon - 24"x 48" Platform
Duramold exclusive engineered resin and metal composite structure provides maximum load support. Structural foam deck for enhanced durability, won't rust, dent, chip or splinter. Molded-in tie-down slots for load security. Textured desk surface reduces load slippage. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Virtually maintenance free. Fifth wheel steering ensures tight turning radius and easy maneuverability. Vinyl grip, powder coated TIN pull handle stays upright when not in use. T-end is removable for towing applications (tow package sold separately). Towing capabilities surface protection, quiet operation and shock absorption. Thermo Plastic Rubber tires. Steel reinforces deck for enhanced durability. Easy and quick assembly with common tools. 24.25"wide x 56.25"long x 17.5"high. Black. Capacity 2,000-lbs. Shipping weight: 98-lbs.
2,000 lb Capacity Rubbermaid Platform Truck - 5th Wheel Wagon
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 538.87 411.00 706.53 RCP4478BLA.jpg 5th Wheel Wagon Trucks, RCP 4478 BLA, RCP4478BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
6998 Lagasse A-Frame Panel Platform Truck (RCP4463BLA) 6997 RCP 4463 BLA 87.00 FG446300 BLACK Rubbermaid A Frame Panel Platform Truck
Ideal for safely moving large, bulky sheet and panel goods. Single, 32" high side inclined frame and side rail holds load firmly in placewhile allowing for usable storage space for tools and supplies. Large surface improves productivity, 24" width deck holds up to 12" of sheet or panel goods. Duramold exclusive engineered resin and metal composite structure provides maximum load support. Structural foam and steel reinforced deck for enhanced durability, won't rust, dent, chip or splinter. Molded-in tie-down slots for load security. Textured desk surface reduces load slippage. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Two fixed, two swivel heavy-duty polyolefin casters for optimal control, maneuverability and long wear life over a variety of surfaces. Easy and quick assembly with common tools. Virtually maintenance free. Black.Steel reinforced frame and side rails hold bulky sheet goods firmly in place during transit. Inclined frame and side rail retainer clips prevent unintended removal. Large surface load area improves productivity. Deck size: 24" x 48". Overall dimensions: 24.25"w x 51"long x 45"high. Capacity 2,000-lbs. Shipping weight: 87-lbs.
2,000 lb Capacity Rubbermaid A-Frame Panel Platform Truck
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 354.00 270.00 465.47 RCP4463BLA.jpg A-Frame Panel Truck, RCP 4463 BLA, RCP4463BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
7001 Lagasse AJAX 2X HE Liquid Laundry Detergent, 6 Bottles (PBC49558) 7000 PBC 49558 23.72 49558 Ajax 2X HE Liquid Laundry Detergent
Specifically formulated to provide the most comprehensive clean on the market, Ajax HE Liquid Laundry Detergent is the name residential, commercial, and industrial customers trust. Ajax provides the most formidable combination of high-efficiency cleaning capabilities, while maintaining the fabrics soft and comfortable feel. The detergent savvy customers chose, this concentrated formula removes all dirt, grease, and grime that find their way into fabrics. Always providing a deep clean, as well as a soft feel, Ajax is specially formulated for high-efficiency (HE) front-loading washers. Original Blue. 50-oz. Bottle. 6 Bottles per Case.
Phoenix Brands Ajax 2X HE Liquid Laundry Detergent, 6 -50-oz. Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Phoenix Brands 26.59 19.51 36.34 PBC49558.jpg ajax 2x he laundry detergent, PBC 49558, PBC49558, ajax laundry detergent, ajax he laundry detergent 1 1 0 0 1 167
7002 Lagasse Ajax Lemon Dishwashing Liquid Detergent, 9 Bottles (CPC44624) 7001 CPC 44624 21.31 44624 Lemon Scent Liquid Dishwashing Detergent
Delight in the fresh, clean aroma of lemon while getting your dishes spotlessly clean. Known as a super degreaser, Ajax easily cuts through grease to get dishes sparkling clean. Great for scrubbing piles of dishes in bulk, or a grimy baked-on-mess pot or cooking sheet. Tough on those caked on tools from the grill too. Formulated with the right cleaning ingredients that removes stubborn grease and stains easily and quickly. This easy application dishwashing liquid detergent easily lathers and washes clean on all dishes, cups and cutlery.
Clogate - Palmolive Ajax Lemon scent Dishwashing Detergent, 9 - 30 oz Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 24.90 18.99 32.58 CPC44611.jpg Ajax Dish Detergent, CPC 44611, CPC44611, dishwashing detergent, lemon dish detergent, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
7004 Lagasse Ajax Solid Air Freshener (CPC04705) 7003 CPC 04705 8.20 04705 Ajax Country Spice Potpourri, Solid Air Freshener
Gel-based formula stops odors and leaves a clean, fresh and natural fragrance. Adjustable, time-release fragrance control. Freshens for up to 35 days. Country Spice Potpourri scent. 5-oz. air freshener. 2 air fresheners per pack. 12 packs per case.
Country Spice, Ajax Solid Air freshener, 2 per Pack, 12 Packs per Case
Colgate - Palmolive 42.52 32.43 55.70 CPC04705.jpg Ajax« Solid Air Freshener, CPC 04705, CPC04705, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
7005 Lagasse Rubbermaid Aladdin Smokers' Station (RCPR1639EHGR) 7004 RCP R1639EHGR 20.00 R1639EHGR Smokers' Station Cigarette Receptacle
UL/FM Approved fire-safe/self-extinguishing. Heavy-duty, steel construction. Fluted design smothers smoldering butts. Capped tube has two 1-1/4" diameter. openings that accept smoking debris yet deter other waste. 4-1/4-gal. steel liner with handle removes for cigarette disposal. Durable UV-stabilized hammertone powder coated finish endures severe weather and prevents burn damage. Chained top prevents theft. Minimum 30% recycled steel, 100% recyclable. Charcoal. 16" diameter x 39"high. Shipping weight: 20-lbs.
Rubbermaid Smokers' Cigarette Receptacle, Charcoal, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 133.08 101.50 179.36 RCPR1639EHGR.jpg Aladdin Smokers' Station, RCP R1639EHGR, RCPR1639EHGR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7006 Lagasse Angel Soft Facial Tissues, 30 Boxes (GPC485-60) 7005 GPC 485-60 12.70 48560 Angel Soft Facial Tissues
Soft, absorbent, two-ply tissue is ideal for offices, lodging facilities and other businesses requiring high-end bathroom products. Colored indicator tissues alert you when a new box is needed.
Angel Soft Facial Tissues, 125 Tissues per Box, 30 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Facial Tissues - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 62.72 46.05 85.64 GPC48560.jpg angel soft tissue, angel soft tissues, angel soft facial tissue, angel soft facial tissues, angel soft facial tssue, GPC 485-60, GPC48560 1 1 0 0 1 48
7011 Lagasse 60" Invader Side Gate Bamboo Mop Handle (RCPH117) 7010 RCP H117 1.09 H11700 0000 Rubbermaid Invader Side Gate Bamboo 60" Mop Handle
"Green" wet mop handle is made of bamboo grass, a highly renewable resource that does not require pesticides. Harvesting does not kill plants or promote erosion. Mop handles are extremely durable and 100% recyclable. Helps to earn LEED points and contributes to sustainability.
Invader Side Gate 60" Bamboo Mop Handle, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.36 7.90 14.19 RCPH117.jpg Bamboo Mop Handles, RCP H117, RCPH117, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7012 Lagasse Clamp Style 60" Bamboo Mop Handle (RCPH217) 7011 RCP H217 16.99 FGH217000000 Rubbermaid Clamp Style 60" Bamboo Mop Handle
"Green" wet mop handle is made of bamboo grass, a highly renewable resource that does not require pesticides. Harvesting does not kill plants or promote erosion. Mop handles are extremely durable and 100% recyclable. Helps to earn LEED points and contributes to sustainability.
60" Bamboo Clamp Style Mop Handle, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.12 8.48 14.74 RCPH217.jpg Bamboo Mop Handles, RCP H217, RCPH217, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7013 Lagasse 60" Bamboo Dust Mop Handle (RCPM117) 7012 RCP M117 1.91 FGM117000000 Rubbermaid Bamboo 60" Dust Mop Handle
"Green" dust mop handle is made of bamboo grass, a highly renewable resource that does not require pesticides. Harvesting does not kill plants or promote erosion. Mop handles are extremely durable and 100% recyclable. Helps to earn LEED points and contributes to sustainability.
60" Dust Mop Bamboo Handle, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.13 11.54 20.03 RCPM117.jpg Bamboo Mop Handles, RCP M117, RCPM117, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7014 Lagasse Boardwalk 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 96 Rolls (BWK 6145) 7013 BWK 6145 26.20 BWK 6145 2-Ply Toilet Paper
Soft, and eco-friendly, our line of Boardwalk 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper is the perfect choice for any lavatory. Safe for sewer and septic systems, this soft white toilet paper is sturdy and economical. Boardwalk toilet paper meets EPA guidelines, with 65% post-consumer waste and 35% pre-consumer waste fiber. The individually wrapped rolls make Boardwalk brand a more hygienic choice. This toilet tissue is a great economical alternative to more expensive name brands and the perfect choice for offices, schools and commercial facilities. Buy the best toilet paper brands and cleaning supplies for your home or office at wholesale prices here at!
Boardwalk 2 Ply Toilet Paper, 4" x 3" Sheet, 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 32.23 22.17 43.08 BWK6145.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, bathroom tissue, standard toilet tissue, 2 ply toilet paper, 2 ply standard toilet paper, 2 ply standard toilet tissue, two ply standard toilet paper, boardwalk toilet paper, boardwalk 2ply toilet paper, wholesale toilet paper, discount toilet paper, cheap toilet paper, BWK 6145, BWK6145 1 1 0 0 1 123
7016 Lagasse Bounty Basic Paper Towels 1 Ply, 30 Rolls (PGC28318) 7015 PGC 28318 12.84 PGC 28318 Bounty Basic 1 ply Paper Towels - 30 Rolls
Bounty Basic kitchen paper towels is a one-ply paper towel that holds up for your everyday clean-ups. These practical paper towels are also available with prints in a variety of fresh, contemporary styles and colors. White, 11 x 10.4 sheets. 52 sheets per roll. 30 single rolls per case
Bounty Basic Paper Towels, 1 Ply, 52 Sheets per Roll, 30 Rolls per Case
Kitchen Paper Towels » Bounty Paper Towels - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 37.37 28.50 49.73 bounty basic, bounty basic paper towels, bounty paper towels, PGC 28318, PGC28318, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
7018 Lagasse Cake & Pie Boxes, 9"x 9"x 4" (SCH0961) 7017 SCH 0961 47.00 961 Bakery Boxes, 9"x 9"x 4" Cake and Pie
Lock corner, 1 piece, CCK, tuck top boxes. Poly wrapped. Totally chlorine-free, made from a renewable resource. Recyclable, compostable and biodegradable. White
Cake & Pie Bakery Boxes, 9"x 9"x 4", White, 200 per Case
Southern Champion 47.26 33.08 62.87 SCH0961.jpg Cake & Pie Boxes, SCH 0961, SCH0961, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
7019 Lagasse Southern Champion Cake & Pie Bakery Boxes, 250 Boxes (SCH0969) 7018 SCH 0969 47.00 0969 Cake and Pie Bakery Boxes
Lock corner, 1 piece, CCK, tuck top boxes. Poly wrapped. Totally chlorine-free, made from a renewable resource. Recyclable, compostable and biodegradable. White
Southern Champion Cake & Pie Bakery Boxes, 10"x 10"x 2.5", White, 250 Boxes per Case
Southern Champion 52.43 36.70 71.75 SCH0969.jpg restaurant supplies, bakery supplies, pie boxes, bakery boxes, cake & pie boxes, SCH 0969, SCH0969 1 1 0 0 1 228
7020 Lagasse Bakery Box, Cake & Pie Boxes, 10 in. x 10 in. x 5.5 in. SCH0977 7019 SCH 0977 36.00 977 Bakery Box 10"x 10"x 5.5" Cake and Pie Boxes
Lock corner, 1 piece, CCK, tuck top boxes. Poly wrapped. Totally chlorine-free, made from a renewable resource. Recyclable, compostable and biodegradable. White
10"x 10"x 5.5" Cake & Pie Bakey Boxes, White, 100 Boxes per Case
Southern Champion 38.86 27.20 50.79 SCH0977.jpg bakery box, bakery boxes, white bakery box, cake & pie boxes, cake box, pie box, cake boxes, pie boxes, SCH 0977, SCH0977 1 1 0 0 1 228
7021 Lagasse CareWipes Antibacterial Force Wipes, Refill (TXLL401-2) 7020 TXL L401-2 26.00 L401-2 CareWipes Refill, Antibacterial Force Wipes
Antibacterial formula is virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal. Effectively cleans, disinfects, deodorizes and kills 99.9% of germs that can cause illness. No alcohol, bleach or phenol. Use in schools, offices, hospitals, restaurants, etc. Effective against 46 pathogens, including Staphylcoccus aureus, Salmonella, Hepatitis B&C, HIV and Influenza A. EPA Registered. Fresh clean scent. Large, textured 8" x 6" wipe. 800 wipes refill bag.
Antibacterial Force Wipes, 800 Wipes per Bag, 2 Bags per Case
2XL Corporation 88.35 67.38 117.43 TXL401.jpg CareWipes Antibacterial Force Wipes, TXL L401-2, TXLL4012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 193
7022 Lagasse Rubbermaid Replacement Cloth Bags (RCP9VDVHP10) 7021 RCP 9VDVHP10 1.36 FG9VDVHP10 Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Cloth Bags
DVAC HEPA Bags, Fit RCP 9VDVPN44, RCP 9VDVSS44, 10 bags per Pack, 1 Pack per Case.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 334.62 255.22 435.99 Carpet Magnet, RCP 9VDVHP10, RCP9VDVHP10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7023 Lagasse Rubbermaid Replacement Paper Bags (RCP9VDVPB10) 7022 RCP 9VDVPB10 1.36 FG9VDVPB10 Rubbermaid Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Paper Bags
DVAC Paper Bags, fit RCP 9VDVPN44, RCP 9VDVSS44, 10 Bags per Pack, 1 Pack per Case.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 220.85 168.44 297.73 Carpet Magnet, RCP 9VDVPB10, RCP9VDVPB10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7024 Lagasse Hoover Replacement Vacuum Cleaner Bags (HOO4010103B) 7023 HOO 4010103B 1.37 4010103B Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Disposable Replacement Bags
Disposable Micro-Filtration Bags, Allergen "B". Fits Hoover Vacuum Cleaner # HOO C1320, 3 bags per pack, 1 pack.
Hoover Vacuum Rlacement Bags, 3 bags per Pack, 1 Pack per Order
Hoover 5.94 4.53 7.89 Carpet Magnet, HOO 4010103B, HOO4010103B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
7025 Lagasse Replacement Vacuum Cleaner Belt, for HOO C1320 (HOO40201318) 7024 HOO 40201318 0.48 40201318 Vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts, For Use with Hoover Vacuum Cleaner # HOO C1320
2 Belts per Pack. Hoover 2.32 1.70 3.08 Carpet Magnet, HOO 40201318, HOO40201318, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
7026 Lagasse #1 ChampPak Kraft Carryout Boxes, 450 Boxes (SCH0731) 7025 SCH 0731 26.42 0731 1 lb. ChampPak Carryout Boxes
Make a great impression with your patrons when you provide these handsome boxes for carryout. Integrated lid features a tuck top locking closure. Polycoated interior minimizes the potential for leaks. Nestable design simplifies prep and storage. These kraft boxes are totally chlorine free, made primarily from a renewable resource, are recyclable and compostable. 4-3/8" x 3-1/2" x 2-1/2". 450 boxes per case.
#1 Kraft ChampPak Carryout Boxes, 9 Packs of 50 Boxes, 450 Boxes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Southern Champion 85.17 59.62 112.27 SCH0731.jpg ChampPak Carryout Boxes, SCH 0731, SCH0731, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
7027 Lagasse #2 ChampPak Kraft Carryout Boxes, 200 Boxes (SCH0732) 7026 SCH 0732 19.30 0732 2 lb. ChampPak Carryout Boxes
Make a great impression with your patrons when you provide these handsome boxes for carryout. Integrated lid features a tuck top locking closure. Polycoated interior minimizes the potential for leaks. Nestable design simplifies prep and storage. These kraft boxes are totally chlorine free, made primarily from a renewable resource, are recyclable and compostable. 7-3/4" x 5-1/2" x 1-7/8". 200 boxes per case.
#2 Kraft ChampPak Carryout Boxes, 4 Packs of 50 Boxes, 200 Boxes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Southern Champion 64.61 45.23 88.12 SCH0732.jpg ChampPak Carryout Boxes, SCH 0732, SCH0732, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
7028 Lagasse #3 ChampPak Kraft Carryout Boxes, 200 Boxes (SCH0733) 7027 SCH 0733 22.00 0733 3 lb. ChampPak Carryout Boxes
Make a great impression with your patrons when you provide these handsome boxes for carryout. Integrated lid features a tuck top locking closure. Polycoated interior minimizes the potential for leaks. Nestable design simplifies prep and storage. These kraft boxes are totally chlorine free, made primarily from a renewable resource, are recyclable and compostable. 7-3/4" x 5-1/2" x 2-1/2". 200 boxes per case.
#3 Kraft ChampPak Carryout Boxes, 4 Packs of 50 Boxes, 200 Boxes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Southern Champion 53.96 37.77 71.09 SCH0733.jpg ChampPak Carryout Boxes, SCH 0733, SCH0733, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
7029 Lagasse #4 ChampPak Kraft Carryout Boxes, 160 Boxes (SCH0734) 7028 SCH 0734 21.81 0734 4 lb. ChampPak Carryout Boxes
Make a great impression with your patrons when you provide these handsome boxes for carryout. Integrated lid features a tuck top locking closure. Polycoated interior minimizes the potential for leaks. Nestable design simplifies prep and storage. These kraft boxes are totally chlorine free, made primarily from a renewable resource, are recyclable and compostable. 7-3/4" x 5-1/2" x 3-1/2". 160 boxes per case.
#4 Kraft ChampPak Carryout Boxes, 4 Packs of 40 Boxes, 160 Boxes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Southern Champion 69.29 48.50 93.78 SCH0734.jpg ChampPak Carryout Boxes, SCH 0734, SCH0734, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
7030 Lagasse #1 ChampPak White Carryout Boxes, 450 Boxes (SCH0741) 7029 SCH 0741 22.00 741 1 lb. ChampPak Carryout Boxes
Make a great impression with your patrons when you provide these handsome boxes for carryout. Integrated lid features a tuck top locking closure. Polycoated interior minimizes the potential for leaks. Nestable design simplifies prep and storage. These white boxes are made primarily from a renewable resource, are recyclable and compostable. 4-3/8" x 3-1/2" x 2-1/2". 450 boxes per case.
#1 White ChampPak Carryout Boxes, 9 Packs of 50 Boxes, 450 Boxes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Southern Champion 79.96 55.97 107.22 SCH0741.jpg ChampPak Carryout Boxes, SCH 0741, SCH0741, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
7031 Lagasse #2 ChampPak White Carryout Boxes, 200 Boxes (SCH0742) 7030 SCH 0742 19.00 742 2 lb. ChampPak Carryout Boxes
Make a great impression with your patrons when you provide these handsome boxes for carryout. Integrated lid features a tuck top locking closure. Polycoated interior minimizes the potential for leaks. Nestable design simplifies prep and storage. These white boxes are made primarily from a renewable resource, are recyclable and compostable. 4-3/4" x 5-1/2" x 1-7/8". 200 boxes per case.
#2 White ChampPak Carryout Boxes, 4 Packs of 50 Boxes, 200 Boxes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Southern Champion 68.26 47.78 89.99 SCH0742.jpg carry out boxes, champpak carryout boxes, SCH 0742, SCH0742 1 1 0 0 1 228
7032 Lagasse #3 ChampPak White Carryout Boxes, 200 Boxes (SCH0743) 7031 SCH 0743 22.00 743 3 lb. ChampPak Carryout Boxes
Make a great impression with your patrons when you provide these handsome boxes for carryout. Integrated lid features a tuck top locking closure. Polycoated interior minimizes the potential for leaks. Nestable design simplifies prep and storage. These white boxes are made primarily from a renewable resource, are recyclable and compostable. 7-3/4" x 5-1/2" x 2-1/2". 200 boxes per case.
#3 White ChampPak Carryout Boxes, 4 Packs of 50 Boxes, 200 Boxes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Southern Champion 60.10 42.07 80.43 SCH0743.jpg ChampPak Carryout Boxes, SCH 0743, SCH0743, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
7033 Lagasse #4 ChampPak White Carryout Boxes, 160 Boxes (SCH0744) 7032 SCH 0744 22.00 744 4 lb. ChampPak Carryout Boxes
Make a great impression with your patrons when you provide these handsome boxes for carryout. Integrated lid features a tuck top locking closure. Polycoated interior minimizes the potential for leaks. Nestable design simplifies prep and storage. These white boxes are made primarily from a renewable resource, are recyclable and compostable. 7-3/4" x 5-1/2" x 3-1/2". 160 boxes per case.
#4 White ChampPak Carryout Boxes, 4 Packs of 40 Boxes, 160 Boxes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Southern Champion 56.94 39.86 75.57 SCH0744.jpg ChampPak Carryout Boxes, SCH 0744, SCH0744, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
7034 Lagasse ChampWare 6" Heavyweight Molded Fiber Plates, 1,000 Plates (SCH18110) 7033 SCH 18110 16.30 18110 6" Heavyweight Fiber Plates
Molded heavyweight fiber tableware is created using recycled content from bagasse, a fibrous renewable resource by-product of the sugarcane refining process. Moisture and grease resistant coating. Biodegradable, chlorine-free and composts naturally with no soil polluting by-products. White. 1,000 Plates.
Southern Champion ChampWare 6" Paper Plates, Heavyweight, White, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Southern Champion 51.16 35.81 69.29 SCH18110.jpg Southern Champion paper plate, 6 inch paper plate, 6" paper plate, paper plates, SCH 18110, SCH18110 1 1 0 0 1 228
7035 Lagasse ChampWare 9" Paper Plates, 500 Plates (SCH18140) 7034 SCH 18140 19.35 18140 9" Heavyweight Paper Plates
Strong, durable and dependable, these high-quality paper plates from ChampWare are the smart dinnerware option. Crafted from molded heavyweight fiber, tableware is created using recycled content, as well as fibrous renewable resource by-product of the sugarcane refining process. Perfect for use with any meal, these paper plates are durable and sturdy enough to use at any outdoor barbeque or picnic, and strong enough for use with any indoor event. Measuring in at 9 inches in diameter, these heavyweight paper plates can be used for heavy meals. Moisture and grease resistant. Biodegradable, chlorine-free and composts naturally with no soil polluting by-products. White.
Southern Champion 9" ChampWare Paper Plates, Plastic Coated, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Southern Champion 56.10 39.27 76.52 SCH18140.jpg paper plates, paper tableware, champware, disposable plates, plastic coated paper plates, tableware, 9 inch plates, sch 18140, sch18140 1 1 0 0 1 228
7036 Lagasse ChampWare 10" Heavyweight Molded Fiber Plate, 500 Plates (SCH18160) 7035 SCH 18160 25.90 18160 10" Heavyweight Fiber Plate
Molded heavyweight fiber tableware is created using recycled content from bagasse, a fibrous renewable resource by-product of the sugarcane refining process. Moisture and grease resistant coating. Biodegradable, chlorine-free and composts naturally with no soil polluting by-products. White. 500 plates per case.
Southern Champion ChampWare 10" Paper Plate, Heavyweight Molded Fiber, White, 500 per Case
Southern Champion 79.46 55.62 108.29 SCH18160.jpg champware tableware, heavyweight paper plates, 10 inch paper plate, SCH 18160, SCH18160, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
7037 Lagasse ChampWare 10" Molded Fiber 3 compartment Plate, 500 Plates (SCH18163) 7036 SCH 18163 26.70 18163 10" 3 Compartment Heavyweight Molded Fiber Plate
Molded heavyweight fiber tableware is created using recycled content from bagasse, a fibrous renewable resource by-product of the sugarcane refining process. Moisture and grease resistant coating. Biodegradable, chlorine-free and composts naturally with no soil polluting by-products. White.
Southern Champion ChampWare 10" 3 Compartment Paper Plate, White, 500 per Case
Southern Champion 75.19 52.63 100.06 SCH18163.jpg champware, paper plates, heavyweight paper plates, 10 inch plates, 3 compartment plates, SCH 18163, SCH18163, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
7038 Lagasse ChampWare 12-oz Heavyweight Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (SCH18750) 7037 SCH 18750 25.30 18750 12-oz Pulp Fiber Bowl
For single-use dinnerware, choose bagasse, a fibrous renewable resource by-product of the sugarcane refining process. Coated for moisture and grease resistance. Biodegradable, chlorine-free and composts naturally with no soil polluting by-products. White.
Southern Champion ChampWare 12-oz Bowls, White, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Southern Champion 72.87 51.01 98.95 SCH18750.jpg bowls, paper bowls, 12-oz paper bowls, disposable bowls, SCH 18750, SCH18750, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
7040 Lagasse Chinet 6" Light Weight Plastic Plates, 1,000 Plates (HUH82206) 7039 HUH 82206 13.60 82206 6" Plastic Plates
Superior strength and durability to stand up to whatever you dish out. These high quality plastic plates from Chinet are designed to be the most rigid and sturdy plates available. These nonabsorbent, cut resistant plates come with a large 6 inches in diameter and, even though they are lightweight, can be used for heavy meals since they are durable and microwaveable. Fully reinforced for an increased amount of strength, this line of high quality plastic disposable plates even comes with a beautiful decorative trim for added effect. Cut and leak resistant. Stackable, yet designed for easier de-nesting. White. 125 pieces per bag.
Huhtamaki Chinet 6" Plastic Plates, White, 8 Bags of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 44.50 31.15 58.96 HUH82206.jpg chinet plastic dinnerware plates, chinet dinnerware plates, plates, chinet plates, plastic plates, dinnerware plates, HUH 82206, HUH82206, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
7041 Lagasse Chinet 9" Light Weight Plastic Plates, 500 Plates (HUH82209) 7040 HUH 82209 17.50 82209 Chinet 9" Plastic Plates
These high quality Chinet plastic plates are disposable dinnerware that can be counted on. Constructed out of highly durable material for superior strength and durability, these quality Chinet plates are designed to be the most rigid and sturdy plates available. These nonabsorbent, cut resistant plates have a large 9 inch diameter and, even though they are lightweight, can be used for heavy meals since they are durable and microwaveable. Fully reinforced for an increased amount of strength, this line of high quality plastic disposable plates even comes with a beautiful decorative trim for added effect. With 125 plates per pack, Chinet's plastic plates come 4 packs to a case.
Huhtamaki Chinet 9" Plastic Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 37.21 26.05 48.55 HUH82209.jpg 9" plastic plates, plastic plates, chinet plastic plates, lightweight plates, lightweight plastic plates, chinet light weight plastic tableware, HUH 82209, HUH82209, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
7042 Lagasse Chinet 10-1/4"Light Weight Plastic Plates, 500 Plates (HUH82210) 7041 HUH 82210 24.00 82210 10-1/4" Chinet Plastic Plates
Superior strength and durability to stand up to whatever you dish out. Cut and leak resistant. These Chinet white plastic plates are recyclable, so they are good for the environment and perfect for use with any meal. These plastic plates are environmentally friendly enough to use at any outdoor barbeque or picnic and strong enough for use with any indoor feast. These durable plastic plates are a large 10-1/4 inches in diameter and, even though they are lightweight, can be used for heavy meals since they are durable and microwaveable. Stackable, yet designed for easier de-nesting. White. 125 pieces per bag.
Huhtamaki Chinet 10-1/4" Plastic Plates, White, 4 Bags of 125 Plates, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Huhtamaki 64.76 45.33 84.55 HUH82210.jpg plastic plates, plates, chinet plates, disposable plates, HUH 82210, HUH82210, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
7043 Lagasse Chinet 12-oz Light Weight Plastic Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (HUH82212) 7042 HUH 82212 17.10 82212 12-oz. Plastic Bowls
Coming fully reinforced for an increased amount of strength, this line of high quality plastic disposable bowls even comes with a beautiful decorative rim for added effect. Constructed out of highly durable material, these high quality plastic bowls from Chinet are disposable dinnerware that can be relied on. Designed to be the most rigid and sturdy bowls available, these nonabsorbent, cut resistant bowls come with a finish that produces a china-like looking effect. With 125 bowls per pack, Chinet's 12-oz. plastic bowls come 8 packs to a case.
Huhtamaki 12-oz. Plastic Bowls, Chinet, White, 8 Bags of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 39.16 27.41 53.35 HUH82212.jpg Chinet Light Weight Plastic Tableware, HUH 82212, HUH82212, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
7044 Lagasse Chinet 10-1/4" 3 Compartment Plastic Plates, 500 Plates (HUH82230) 7043 HUH 82230 24.10 82230 10-1/4" Lightweight Plastic 3-Compartment Plates
Superior strength and durability to stand up to whatever you dish out. Cut and leak resistant. The perfect addition to any food service industry, these 3-Compartment Plates are made out of a strong and reliable plastic formula. These 3-Compartment Plates are ideal for cafeteria use. Offering second to none in both quality and functionality, these plates is the ideal choice for school cafeterias. With 3 compartments that provide durable and secure compartment separation for both hot and cold foods. Stackable, yet designed for easier de-nesting. White. 125 pieces per bag, 4 Bags, 500 Plates per Case.
Huhtamaki Chinet 10-1/4" 3 Compartment Plastic Plates, White, 4 Bags of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Huhtamaki 66.17 46.32 89.11 HUH82230.jpg chinet plates, plastic plates, 3 compartment plates, 10" plates, 10" plastic plates, white plastic plates, chinet light weight plastic plates, HUH 82230, HUH82230, restaurant supplies, tableware 1 1 0 0 1 131
7045 Lagasse 10-oz Classic Crystal Fluted Tumblers, (WNACC10240) 7044 WNA CC10240 9.42 CC10240 10-oz Tall Crystal Fluted Tumbler
Elegant fluted design. Rigid hard plastic offers the feel and performance of glass. Clear. 12 tumblers per pack. 20 packs per case (240 tumblers).
Catering - Classic Crystal Fluted Tumbler, 10-oz Tall, Clear, 240 per Case
Wna Inc. 54.40 38.08 70.69 WNACC10240.jpg Classic Crystal Fluted Tumblers, WNA CC10240, WNACC10240, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7046 Lagasse 12-oz Classic Crystal Fluted Tumblers, (WNACC12240) 7045 WNA CC12240 12.38 CC12240 12-oz Tall Crystal Fluted Tumbler
Elegant fluted design. Rigid hard plastic offers the feel and performance of glass. Clear. 12 tumblers per pack. 20 packs per case (240 tumblers).
Catering - Classic Crystal Fluted Tumbler, 12-oz Tall, Clear, 240 per Case
Wna Inc. 89.23 62.46 119.33 WNACC12240.jpg Classic Crystal Fluted Tumblers, WNA CC12240, WNACC12240, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7047 Lagasse 9-oz Squat Classic Crystal Fluted Tumblers (WNACC9240) 7046 WNA CC9240 9.10 CC9240 9-oz Squat Crystal Fluted Tumbler
Elegant fluted design. Rigid hard plastic offers the feel and performance of glass. Clear. 12 tumblers per pack. 20 packs per case (240 tumblers).
Catering - Classic Crystal Fluted Tumber, 9-oz Squat, Clear, 240 per Case
Wna Inc. 57.77 40.44 78.94 WNACC9240.jpg Classic Crystal Fluted Tumblers, WNA CC9240, WNACC9240 1 1 0 0 1 170
7048 Lagasse 9-oz Rocks Classic Crystal Fluted Tumblers, (WNACCR9240) 7047 WNA CCR9240 9.47 CCR9240 9-oz Rocks Crystal Fluted Tumbler
Elegant fluted design. Rigid hard plastic offers the feel and performance of glass. Clear. 12 tumblers per pack. 20 packs per case (240 tumblers).
Catering - Classic Crystal Fluted Tumbler, 9-oz Rocks, Clear, 240 per Case
Wna Inc. 56.86 39.80 77.37 WNACCR9240.jpg Classic Crystal Fluted Tumblers, WNA CCR9240, WNACCR9240, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7049 Lagasse 5-oz Wine Classic Crystal Stemware, (WNACCW5240) 7048 WNA CCW5240 6.83 CCW5240 5-oz Fluted Crystal Wine Stemware
Elegant fluted design. Clear plastic. 1 peice.
Catering - 5-oz Fluted Wine Stemware, Clear, 240 per Case
Wna Inc. 85.64 59.95 111.86 WNACCW5240_New.JPG Classic Crystal Stemware, WNA CCW5240, WNACCW5240, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7050 Lagasse 5-oz Champagne Classic Crystal Stemware, (WNACCC5120) 7049 WNA CCC5120 7.82 CCC5120 5-oz Fluted Crystal Champagne Stemware
This elegant fluted design is perfect for any occasion where cost, asetics and quality are taken into consideration. This beautifully crafted classic crystal stemware s perfect for caterers, party goods stores, restaurants, and bars.
-5 oz. Plastic Champagne Glasses
-120 Plastic Champagne Glasses per Case - The cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Catering - 5-oz Fluted Champagne Stemware, Clear, 120 per Case Wna Inc. 88.43 61.90 117.41 WNACCC5120.jpg champagne flute, classic crystal stemware, WNA CCC5120, WNACCC5120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7051 Lagasse 25-Gallon Classics Open Top Trash Can (RCPS3ETBKPL) 7050 RCP S3ETBKPL 46.00 S3ETBKPL Rubbermaid 25 Gallon Open-top Trash Can
Minimum 30% recycled steel, 100% recyclable. ADA Compliant. Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines. Perforated design with wide center band for display a custom logo or decal. Durable, heavy-gauge, hot dipped, galvanized steel construction is fire-safe. Uni-Koat powder coated finish offers increased weather resistance. Cable-secured top with drop-in disposal lifts off for easy access to inner liner. Dual retainer bands secure poly bags neatly inside receptacle (bags sold separately). Adjustable, non-marking leg levelers raise receptacle and provide stability. Includes white, leak-proof, rigid plastic liner. Black.
Rubbermaid 25 Gallon Outdoor Trash Can, Open Top, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 343.51 262.00 463.43 RCPS3ETBKPL.jpg Classics Open Top Receptacles, RCP S3ETBKPL, RCPS3ETBKPL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7052 Lagasse Rubbermaid 51-Gallon Classics Open Top Trash Can (RCPS55ETBK) 7051 RCP S55ETBK 73.00 S55ET BK 51 Gallon Open Top Trash Can
Minimum 30% recycled steel, 100% recyclable. ADA Compliant. Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines Perforated design with wide center band for display a custom logo or decal. Durable, heavy-gauge, hot dipped, galvanized steel construction is fire-safe. Uni-Koat powder coated finish offers increased weather resistance. Cable-secured top with drop-in disposal lifts off for easy access to inner liner. Dual retainer bands secure poly bags neatly inside receptacle (bags sold separately). Adjustable, non-marking leg levelers raise receptacle and provide stability. Includes white, leakproof, rigid plastic liner. Black.
Rubbermaid 51 Gallon Outdoor Trash Can, Open Top, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 513.96 392.00 700.33 RCPS55ETBK.jpg Classics Open Top Receptacles, RCP S55ETBK, RCPS55ETBK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7053 Lagasse Classicware Coffee Mugs, White (WNACWM8192W) 7052 WNA CWM8192W 12.07 CWM8192W 8-oz Coffee Mug White
Enhanced elegant design, Perfect for serving coffee to customers. Plastic. 8-oz. 24 mugs per pack. 8 packs per case (192 mugs). - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Classicware Coffee Mugs, White - 8oz Mugs, 192 Mugs per Case
Wna Inc. 78.84 55.19 106.76 WNACWM8192W.jpg Classicware« Coffee Mugs, WNA CWM8192W, WNACWM8192W, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7054 Lagasse Classicware Coffee Mugs, Black (WNACWM8192BK) 7053 WNA CWM8192BK 12.07 CWM8192BK 8-oz Coffee Mug Black
Enhanced elegant design. Plastic. 8-oz. 24 mugs per pack. 8 packs per case (192 mugs).
These enhanced elegant design plastic 8 oz coffee mugs are perfect for any coffee business.
-24 mugs per packs.
-8 packs per case
-192 mugs per case! - The cleaning supply company buyers trust.
8 oz Coffee Mug, Black, 24 mugs per pack, 8 packs per case
Wna Inc. 82.79 57.95 108.17 WNACWM8192BK.jpg Classicware« Coffee Mugs, WNA CWM8192BK, WNACWM8192BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7055 Lagasse Classicware 10" Black Plastic Plates, 144 Plates (WNACW10144BK) 7054 WNA CW10144BK 22.08 CW10144BK 10" Black Plastic Dinner Plates
The timeless elegance of Classicware captures the look of fine china - adding a touch of class to any occasion while providing the convenience of easy cleanup and disposability. Black. 144 plates per case.
WNA Inc. Classicware 10" Black Plastic Plates, 18 Packs of 8 Plates, 144 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 104.66 73.26 142.63 WNACW10144BK.jpg plastic dinner plates, 10" plates, 10" plastic plates, plastic plates, dinner plates, classicware dinnerware, WNA CW10144BK, WNACW10144BK 1 1 0 0 1 170
7056 Lagasse Classicware 10" Plastic Plates, White, 144 Plates (WNACW10144W) 7055 WNA CW10144W 22.08 CW10144W 10" White Plastic Dinner Plates
The timeless elegance of Classicware captures the look of fine china - adding a touch of class to any occasion. 10" White Plastic Dinner Plates are great for the home or office. Sturdy and reliable, these 10" plates are the foremost disposable dinnerware available. Coming from a trusted named like WNA, these quality plates offer a patented five-layer construction for rigidity. Smart, affordable and stylish, these disposable dinnerware plates offer a soak-through protection in any environment. Heavyweight durable plastic alternative to china, paper, and foam products.
WNA Inc. 10" Dinner Plates, White, Plastic, 8 Packs of 18 Plates, 144 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 105.94 74.16 142.33 WNACW10144W.jpg 10" plastic plates, plastic plates, 10" round plastic plates, 10 inch diameter paper plates, classicware dinnerware, WNA CW10144W, WNACW10144W, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7057 Lagasse Classicware 6" Black Plastic Plates, 180 Plates (WNACW6180BK) 7056 WNA CW6180BK 9.45 CW6180BK 6" Black Plastic Plates
This stylish plastic dinnerware is made to be sturdy. Presents the elegance of china in a more durable plastic form. Provides the convenience of easy cleanup and disposability. Adds a touch of grace to any occasion.
WNA Inc. Classicware 6" Black Plastic Plates, 18 Packs of 10 Plates, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 60.53 42.37 81.12 WNACW6180BK.jpg plastic plates, plates, black plastic plates, disposable plates, classicware dinnerware, WNA CW6180BK, WNACW6180BK 1 1 0 0 1 170
7058 Lagasse Classicware 6" White Plastic Plates, 180 Plates (WNACW6180W) 7057 WNA CW6180W 9.45 CW6180W 6" White Plastic Dinner Plates
The timeless elegance of Classicware captures the look of fine china - adding a touch of class to any occasion. Heavyweight durable plastic alternative to china, paper, and foam products. These Classicware plates are cut resistant and a perfect fit for any environment. Perfect for use for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, these quality plates measure in at 6 inches in diameter. Affordable enough to be used every day, these quality plates come in cases of 180 plates.
WNA Inc. 6" White, Plastic Plates, 10 Packs of 18 Plates, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 62.04 43.43 81.48 WNACW6180W.jpg 6" plastic plates, plastic plates, 6" round plastic plates, 6 inch diameter plastic plates, classicware dinnerware, WNA CW6180W, WNACW6180W janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7059 Lagasse Classicware 7.5" Black Plate, 180 Plates (WNACW75180BK) 7058 WNA CW75180BK 13.42 CW75180BK 7.5" Black Plastic Dinner Plate
The timeless elegance of Classicware captures the look of fine china - adding a touch of class to any occasion. Heavyweight durable plastic alternative to china, paper, and foam products.
WNA Inc. Classicware 7.5" Dinner Plate, Black,18 Packs of 10 Plates, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 88.91 62.24 118.82 WNACW75180BK.jpg 10" plastic plate, black plates, classicware dinnerware, WNA CW75180BK, WNACW75180BK 1 1 0 0 1 170
7060 Lagasse Classicware 7.5" White Dinner Plate, 180 Plates (WNACW75180W) 7059 WNA CW75180W 13.42 CW75180W 7.5" White Plastic Dinner Plate
The timeless elegance of Classicware captures the look of fine china - adding a touch of class to any occasion. Heavyweight durable plastic alternative to china, paper, and foam products.
WNA Inc. Classicware 7.5" Dinner Plate, White, 18 Packs of 10 Plates, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Wna Inc. 97.67 68.37 130.83 WNACW75180W.jpg 7" plastic plates, white plastic plates, classicware dinnerware, WNA CW75180W, WNACW75180W 1 1 0 0 1 170
7061 Lagasse Classicware 9" Black Plate, 180 Plates (WNACW9180BK) 7060 WNA CW9180BK 19.18 CW9180BK 9" Black Plastic Dinner Plate
The timeless elegance of Classicware captures the look of fine china - adding a touch of class to any occasion. Heavyweight durable plastic alternative to china, paper, and foam products.
WNA Inc. Classicware 9" Dinner Plate, Black, 18 Packs of 10 Plates, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 112.70 78.89 150.36 WNACW9180BK.jpg 9" plates, 9in plastic plates, 9" plastic plates, classicware dinnerware, WNA CW9180BK, WNACW9180BK 1 1 0 0 1 170
7062 Lagasse Classicware 9" White Plastic Plate, 180 Plates (WNACW9180W) 7061 WNA CW9180W 19.18 CW9180W 9" White Plastic Dinner Plate
The timeless elegance of Classicware captures the look of fine china - adding a touch of class to any occasion. Heavyweight durable plastic alternative to china, paper, and foam products.
WNA Inc. Classicware 9" Dinner Plate, White, 18 Packs of 10 Plates, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Wna Inc. 112.70 78.89 147.85 WNACW9180W.jpg 9" plates, 9" plastic plate, classicware dinnerware, WNA CW9180W, WNACW9180W 1 1 0 0 1 170
7063 Lagasse Classicware 10oz Black Bowl, 180 Bowls (WNACWB10180BK) 7062 WNA CWB10180BK 11.24 CWB10180BK 10-oz Black Plastic Bowl
The timeless elegance of Classicware captures the look of fine china - adding a touch of class to any occasion. Heavyweight durable plastic alternative to china, paper, and foam products.
WNA Inc. Classicware 10-oz Bowl, Black, 18 Packs of 10 Plates, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 68.33 47.83 92.37 WNACWB10180BK.jpg plastic bowls, 10oz bowl, classicware dinnerware, WNA CWB10180BK, WNACWB10180BK 1 1 0 0 1 170
7064 Lagasse Classicware 10-oz. Plastic Bowls, White, 180 bowls(WNACWB10180W) 7063 WNA CWB10180W 11.24 CWB10180W 10-oz. White Plastic Bowls
The timeless elegance of Classicware captures the look of fine china - adding a touch of class to any occasion. Superior strength and durability to stand up to whatever you dish out. Cut and leak resistant. These white plastic bowls are recyclable and environmentally friendly enough to use at any outdoor barbeque or picnic, and strong enough for use with any indoor event. Heavyweight durable plastic alternative to china, paper, and foam products. White. 180 bowls per case.
WNA Inc. 10-oz. Plastic Bowls, White, 10 Packs of 18 Bowls, 180 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 69.27 48.49 92.24 WNACWB10180W.jpg plastic bowls, bowls, white plastic bowls, disposable bowls, classicware dinnerware, WNA CWB10180W, WNACWB10180W 1 1 0 0 1 170
7065 Lagasse 5-oz Champagne Classicware Stemware, (WNACWSC5) 7064 WNA CWSC5 7.07 CWSC5 5-oz Champagne Glass
Make entertaining effortless with Classicware's elegant one-piece design champagne flute. These glassess are elegant and perfect for all special celebrations needing a toast. These 5 ounce champagne glasses will add a touch of class to any festive occasion, and with the clear plastic glasses, there is no need to wash champagne flutes after the party. Comes with 10 glasses per pack, and 10 packs per case for a total of 100 5-ounce champagne flutes per order. - The wholesale clear plastic champagne glass supply company buyers trust.
Wna Inc. 87.36 61.15 114.99 WNACWSC5.jpg Classicware« Stemware, WNA CWSC5, WNACWSC5, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7066 Lagasse 6-oz Wine Classicware Stemware, (WNACWSWN6) 7065 WNA CWSWN6 7.23 CWSWN6 6-oz Wine Glass
Elegant one-piece design. Clear plastic. 10 glasses per pack. 10 packs per case (100 glasses). Wna Inc. 115.07 80.55 149.87 WNACWSWN6.jpg Classicware« Stemware, WNA CWSWN6, WNACWSWN6, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7068 Lagasse Green, Cut-N-Carry Cutting Boards (SANCB152012GN) 7067 SAN CB152012GN 4.69 CB152012GN 1/2" Cut-N-Carry Cutting Boards - Green
The only cutting boards that prevent three types of cross-contamination. The patented Food Safety Hook ensures sanitary carrying, preventing body or apparel contact. Boards hang on wire shelving for safe drying and storage. The original Kolor-Cut System helps monitor safe preparation of different types of foods. Durable co-polymer construction provides superior heat, chemical and warp resistance in commercial dishwashers. Tough surface won't dull knives and prevents unsafe cut grooving where dirt and bacteria can hide. The cutting board choice of professional chefs worldwide. Shipping weight: 5-lbs. 1 cutting board per order.
San Jamar Dispenser 22.03 16.80 29.99 SANCB152012GN.jpg Clean-Rest Scrapers, SAN CB152012GN, SANCB152012GN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
7070 Lagasse Clorox Tough Stain Remover Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 12 Bottles (CLO00275) 7069 CLO 00275 22.60 00275 Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner - Tough Stain Remover is specially formulated to attack stubborn stains in your toilet bowl. This powerful toilet bowl cleaner still kills 99.9% of common bacteria and other germs, but now it also removes dirt, grime, and lime scale deposits as well as rust, mineral and hard water stains. The non-bleach formula contains no abrasives, so it cleans and disinfects without scratching, leaving behind a cleaner and brighter toilet bowl. The handy angled-neck bottle makes it easy to get to hard to reach places, like under the rim where bacteria can build up. This toilet bowl cleaner is safe for plumbing and septic systems. If you want a toilet that is sparkling clean and free of stains, choose Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner – Tough Stain Remover every time you clean your bathroom. Stock up today!
Clorox Professional Toilet Bowl Cleaner – Tough Stain Remover, 24-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 35.74 21.20 48.19 CLO00275.jpg clorox tough stain remover, clorox toilet bowl cleaner for tough stains, clorox toilet bowl cleaner, CLO 00275, CLO00275, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
7071 Lagasse Clorox Touchless Hand Sanitizer Dispenser, (CLO30242) 7070 CLO 30242 13.60 30242 Hand Sanitizer Dispenser - Touchless
Bleach-free, alcohol-based spray is formulated to kill 99.999% of germs that can cause illness. Fragrance-free formula moisturizes hands without feeling sticky or greasy. Spray delivery provides excellent coverage. Meets FDA TFM requirements for hand sanitizers.Holds 1000-ml refills (sold separately). 4 dispensers per case.
Clorox Professional 141.73 108.10 190.08 CLO30242.jpg Clorox« Touchless Hand Sanitizer Dispenser, CLO 30242, CLO30242, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
7072 Lagasse Clorox Touchless Hand Sanitizer Refill CLO30243 7071 CLO 30243 9.00 30243 Hand Sanitizer Refill - 1,000 ml
Bleach-free, alcohol-based spray is formulated to kill 99.999% of germs that can cause illness. Fragrance-free formula moisturizes hands without feeling sticky or greasy. Spray delivery provides excellent coverage. Meets FDA TFM requirements for hand sanitizers. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Hand Sanitizer Refill, 4 - 1,000 ml Refills per Case.
Clorox Professional 64.02 48.82 83.49 CLO30243.jpg Clorox Touchless Hand Sanitizer Dispenser, CLO 30243, CLO30243, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
7073 Lagasse 1-oz Shot Smooth Wall Tumblers (WNAP10) 7072 WNA P10 20.24 P10 Smooth Wall Tumblers - 1-oz Shot
Rigid hard plastic offers the feel and performance of glass. Clear.2,500 per Case.
Wna Inc. 121.00 84.70 163.15 WNAP10.jpg Comet Smooth Wall Tumblers, WNA P10, WNAP10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7074 Lagasse 2-oz Shot Smooth Wall Tumblers, (WNAP20) 7073 WNA P20 28.79 P20 Smooth Wall Tumblers - 2-oz Shot
Rigid hard plastic offers the feel and performance of glass. Clear.2,500 per Case
Wna Inc. 183.11 128.18 246.35 WNAP20.jpg Comet Smooth Wall Tumblers, WNA P20, WNAP20, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7075 Lagasse 10-oz Tall Smooth Wall Tumblers, (WNAT10) 7074 WNA T10 17.50 T10 Smooth Wall Tumblers - 10-oz Tall
Rigid hard plastic offers the feel and performance of glass. Clear. 500 per Case
Wna Inc. 50.56 35.39 66.62 WNAT10.jpg Comet Smooth Wall Tumblers, WNA T10, WNAT10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7076 Lagasse 12-oz Tall Smooth Wall Tumblers, (WNAT12) 7075 WNA T12 23.50 T12 Smooth Wall Tumblers - 12-oz Tall
Rigid hard plastic offers the feel and performance of glass. Clear. 500 per Case
Wna Inc. 92.04 64.43 124.07 WNAT12.jpg Comet Smooth Wall Tumblers, WNA T12, WNAT12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7077 Lagasse 5-oz Squat Smooth Wall Tumblers, (WNAT5S) 7076 WNA T5S 18.30 T5S Smooth Wall Tumblers - 5-oz Squat
Rigid hard plastic offers the feel and performance of glass. Clear. 1,000 cups per Case, packed 20 sleeves of 50 cups.
Wna Inc. 101.96 71.37 137.19 WNAT5S.jpg Comet Smooth Wall Tumblers, WNA T5S, WNAT5S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7078 Lagasse 7-oz. Tall Smooth Wall Tumblers, 500 Tumblers (WNAT7T) 7077 WNA T7T 13.00 T7T 7-oz. Smooth Wall Tumblers
Rigid hard plastic offers the feel and performance of glass. Clear. 7-oz., 20 Sleeves or 25 Tumblers per Sleeve, 500 per Case
Wna Inc. 63.43 44.40 85.06 WNAT7T.jpg Comet Smooth Wall Tumblers, WNA T7T, WNAT7T, restaurant supplies,food service supplies 1 1 0 0 1 170
7079 Lagasse 8-oz Tall Smooth Wall Tumblers, (WNAT8T) 7078 WNA T8T 15.40 T8T Smooth Wall Tumblers - 8-oz Tall
Rigid hard plastic offers the feel and performance of glass. Clear. 500 per Case
Wna Inc. 50.56 35.39 67.64 WNAT8T.jpg Comet Smooth Wall Tumblers, WNA T8T, WNAT8T, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7080 Lagasse 9-oz Squat Smooth Wall Tumblers, (WNAT9S) 7079 WNA T9S 14.89 T9S Smooth Wall Tumblers - 9-oz Squat
Rigid hard plastic offers the feel and performance of glass. Clear. 500 per Case
Wna Inc. 47.11 32.98 62.16 WNAT9S.jpg Comet Smooth Wall Tumblers, WNA T9S, WNAT9S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7081 Lagasse 4-oz Champagne, Comet Stemware, (WNASW4) 7080 WNA SW4 18.00 SW4 Comet Stemware - 4-oz Champagne
Elegant two-piece design. Clear plastic. 500 per Case
Wna Inc. 109.47 76.63 148.31 WNASW4.jpg Comet Stemware, WNA SW4, WNASW4, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7082 Lagasse 5-oz Wine Comet Stemware, (WNASW5) 7081 WNA SW5 17.74 SW5 Comet Stemware - 5-oz Wine
Elegant two-piece design. Clear plastic. 500 per Case
Wna Inc. 109.47 76.63 148.13 WNASW5.jpg Comet Stemware, WNA SW5, WNASW5, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7083 Lagasse 6-oz Martini, Comet Stemware, (WNAMT696) 7082 WNA MT696 7.24 MT696 Comet Stemware - 6-oz Martini
Elegant two-piece design. Clear plastic. 96 per Case
Wna Inc. 98.59 69.01 132.91 WNAMT696.jpg Comet Stemware, WNA MT696, WNAMT696, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7085 Lagasse Convertible A-Frame Truck 24 x 44, (RCP4465BLA) 7084 RCP 4465 BLA 133.00 FG446500 BLACK 24 x 44 Convertible A-Frame Truck
Duramold precision engineered resin and metal composite structure for durability and long life. Textured deck surface reduces load slippage. Molded-in tie down slots for load security. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Retainer clips prevent unintended handle removal. Powder-coated steel handle / frame for long service life. 2-fixed, 2-swivel casters. 2,000-lb. maximum capacity. Convertible design quickly transforms into multiple truck and cart configurations. Transports sheet goods, pipe, lumber bar stock and more! Fold down top shelves provide convenient tool and small item storage, 100-lb. capacity per side. Four articulating outrigger arms fold down, 100-lb. capacity per arm. Large deck and top shelf surface area. Black. 50-1/4"wide x 27-1/4"deep x 49-1/2"high. Shipping weight: 133-lbs.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 864.02 659.00 1159.65 RCP4465.jpg Convertible A-Frame Truck 24 x 44, RCP 4465 BLA, RCP4465BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
7086 Lagasse Convertible Platform Truck 24 x 52, (RCP4496BLA) 7085 RCP 4496 BLA 106.00 FG449600 BLACK 24 x 52 Convertible Platform Truck
Duramold precision engineered resin and metal composite structure for durability and long life. Textured deck surface reduces load slippage. Molded-in tie down slots for load security. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Retainer clips prevent unintended handle removal. Powder-coated steel handle / frame for long service life. 2-fixed, 2-swivel casters. 2,000-lb. maximum capacity.Convertible design quickly transforms the bulk load capacity of a standard platform truck to a heavy-duty two-shelf utility cart with push-button release latch. Three product configurations in one: 24 x 52 Platform or U-boat Truck, 1,000-lb. capacity. 24 x 44 Heavy-Duty Two-shelf Utility Cart, 750-lb. capacity. 61-1/2"wide x 25-1/4"deep x 42"high. Shipping weight: 106-lbs.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 540.18 412.00 738.08 RCP4496.jpg Convertible Platform Truck 24 x 52, RCP 4496 BLA, RCP4496BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
7090 Lagasse SmartStock Cutlery Spoon Refills, 960 Spoons (DIXSSS51) 7089 DIX SSS51 7.90 SSS51 SmartStock Spoons Cutlery Refills
Pre-counted and pre-assembled refills make it fast and easy to restock an empty dispenser. Just pick up a new cutlery refill, slide it into the dispenser, rip and pull away the binding tape, close the door and you're done. It's really that simple! Available in forks, knives and multi-purpose spoons. Black.
Dixie SmartStock Cutlery Spoon Refills, Black, 24 Packs of 40 Spoons, 960 Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 41.00 28.70 53.48 DIXSSS51.jpg smartstock, plastic spoon, plastic spoons, cutlery refills, DIX SSS51, DIXSSS51 1 1 0 0 1 31
7091 Lagasse SmartStock Cutlery Knife Refills, 960 Knives (DIXSSK51) 7090 DIX SSK51 8.60 SSK51 SmartStock Knives Cutlery Refills
Pre-counted and pre-assembled refills make it fast and easy to restock an empty dispenser. Just pick up a new cutlery refill, slide it into the dispenser, rip and pull away the binding tape, close the door and you're done. It's really that simple! Available in forks, knives and multi-purpose spoons. Black.
Dixie SmartStock Cutlery Knife Refills, Black, 40 Knives per Pack, 24 Packs, 960 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 41.00 28.70 53.29 DIXSSK51.jpg knife, plastic knife, disposable knives, polystyrene knife, plastic knives, DIX SSK51, DIXSSK51, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
7092 Lagasse SmartStock Cutlery Fork Refills, 960 Forks (DIXSSF51) 7091 DIX SSF51 8.38 SSF51 SmartStock Forks Cutlery Refills
SmartStock fork refills are already pre-counted and pre-assembled for all customers, which makes it fast and easy to refill any empty SmartStock dispenser with just four quick steps. Simply pick up a new refill, slide it into the empty dispenser, rip and pull away the binding tape, and than close the door. They are strong, durable, and reliable utensils which are ideal for refilling empty dispensers in places such as restaurants, or being used at a party or picnic. The refills are available in black as forks, knives, and/or multi-purpose spoons.
Dixie SmartStock Cutlery Fork Refills, Black, 24 Packs of 40 Forks, 960 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 41.00 28.70 53.32 DIXSSF51.jpg plastic forks, plastic cutlery, plastic fork, black forks, black plastic forks, smartstock forks, smart stock forks, fork cutlery refills, forks, DIX SSF51, DIXSSF51, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 0 1 31
7093 Lagasse SanJamar Cut-N-Carry Cutting Board, Red (SANCB152012RD) 7092 SAN CB152012RD 4.69 CB152012RD SanJamar 1/2" Cut-N-Carry Cutting Board - Red
The only cutting boards that prevent three types of cross-contamination. The patented Food Safety Hook ensures sanitary carrying, preventing body or apparel contact. Boards hang on wire shelving for safe drying and storage. The original Kolor-Cut System helps monitor safe preparation of different types of foods. Durable co-polymer construction provides superior heat, chemical and warp resistance in commercial dishwashers. Tough surface won't dull knives and prevents unsafe cut grooving where dirt and bacteria can hide. The cutting board choice of professional chefs worldwide. Shipping weight: 5-lbs. 1 cutting board per order. San Jamar Dispenser 23.73 18.10 30.92 SANCB152012RD.jpg sanjamar cutting, cutting board, food cutting board, red cutting board, cut-n-carry cutting board, SAN CB152012RD, SANCB152012RD, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
7094 Lagasse White, Cut-N-Carry Cutting Boards (SANCB152012WH) 7093 SAN CB152012WH 4.69 CB152012WH 1/2" Cut-N-Carry Cutting Board - White
The only cutting boards that prevent three types of cross-contamination. The patented Food Safety Hook ensures sanitary carrying, preventing body or apparel contact. Boards hang on wire shelving for safe drying and storage. The original Kolor-Cut System helps monitor safe preparation of different types of foods. Durable co-polymer construction provides superior heat, chemical and warp resistance in commercial dishwashers. Tough surface won't dull knives and prevents unsafe cut grooving where dirt and bacteria can hide. The cutting board choice of professional chefs worldwide. Shipping weight: 5-lbs. 1 cutting board per order.
San Jamar Dispenser 17.63 13.45 23.88 SANCB152012WH.jpg CUT-N-CARRY« CUTTING BOARDS, SAN CB152012WH, SANCB152012WH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
7095 Lagasse Yellow, Cut-N-Carry Cutting Boards (SANCB152012YL) 7094 SAN CB152012YL 4.69 CB152012YL 1/2" Cut-N-Carry Cutting Board - Yellow
The only cutting boards that prevent three types of cross-contamination. The patented Food Safety Hook ensures sanitary carrying, preventing body or apparel contact. Boards hang on wire shelving for safe drying and storage. The original Kolor-Cut System helps monitor safe preparation of different types of foods. Durable co-polymer construction provides superior heat, chemical and warp resistance in commercial dishwashers. Tough surface won't dull knives and prevents unsafe cut grooving where dirt and bacteria can hide. The cutting board choice of professional chefs worldwide. Shipping weight: 5-lbs. 1 cutting board per order.
San Jamar Dispenser 22.03 16.80 29.10 SANCB152012YL.jpg CUT-N-CARRY« CUTTING BOARDS, SAN CB152012YL, SANCB152012YL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
7096 Lagasse 12 Gallon Defenders Heavy-Duty Step-On Trash Can for Infectious Waste (RCPST12EPLWH) 7095 RCP ST12EPLWH 24.00 FGST12EPLWH Rubbermaid 12 Gallon Defenders Heavy-Duty Step-On Steel Trash Can
Meets OSHA/OBRA, NFPA Life Safety Code requirements. UL/CSFM Listed fire-safe/self-extinguishing; FM Approved. Convenient foot pedal operation; nonskid legs. Self-closing piano hinge lid controls odors; "flip back" restraint prevents wall damage. Leakproof rigid plastic liner; poly bag retainer bands. White powder coated finish. Contains a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled steel. Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines.
Rubbermaid 12 Gallon Defenders Heavy-Duty Step-On Trash Can for Infectious Waste, White
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 133.73 102.00 180.06 RCPST24EPLWH.jpg Defenders« Heavy-Duty Step Can for Infectious Waste, RCP ST12EPLWH, RCPST12EPLWH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7097 Lagasse 24 Gallon Step-On Infectious Waste Heavy-Duty Trash Can (RCPST24EPLWH) 7096 RCP ST24EPLWH 35.00 ST24EPLWH Rubbermaid 24 Gallon Step-On Trash Can
Meets OSHA/OBRA, NFPA Life Safety Code requirements. UL/CSFM Listed fire-safe/self-extinguishing; FM Approved. Convenient foot pedal operation; nonskid legs. Self-closing piano hinge lid controls odors; "flip back" restraint prevents wall damage. Leakproof rigid plastic liner; poly bag retainer bands. White powder coated finish. Contains a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled steel. Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines.
Rubbermaid 24 Gallon Defenders Heavy-Duty Step-On Trash Can for Infectious Waste, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 160.61 122.50 209.48 RCPST24EPLWH.jpg heavy-duty step infectious waste can, RCP ST24EPLWH, RCPST24EPLWH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7098 Lagasse 12"x 12" Deliwrap Wax Paper Flat Sheets, (MCD8222) 7097 MCD 8222 40.00 08222 These 23# dry wax sheets have a variety of uses. Allows for breathability so sandwiches do not become soggy. Added wet strength to stand up to sauces. 1,000 sheets per pack, 5 packs per case. Marcal Paper Mills (Deli) 77.31 54.12 104.74 MCD8222.jpg Deliwrap Wax Paper Flat Sheets, MCD 8222, MCD8222, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 136
7099 Lagasse Designerware 10-oz Clear Plastic Bowls, 180 Bowls (WNADWB10180) 7098 WNA DWB10180 6.67 DWB10180 10-oz Clear Plastic Bowls
Upscale, plastic disposable tableware. Provides the elegance and feel of fine china, crystal, but eliminates breakage worries and reduces labor costs associated with clean-up, washing and transportation. Perfect for use with caterers, casinos, supermarkets, restaurants, night clubs, hotel/motels/resorts, amusement parks, bars, country clubs and more. Traditional etched design. Economical sturdy plastic.
WNA Inc. Designerware 10-oz Plastic Bowls, Clear, 10 Bowls per Pack, 18 Packs, 180 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 59.64 41.75 81.09 WNADWB10180.jpg plastic bowls, white plastic bowls, bowls, disposable bowls,WNA DWB10180, WNADWB10180, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7100 Lagasse Designerware 10-oz Plastic Bowls, Black, 180 Bowls (WNADWB10180BK) 7099 WNA DWB10180BK 6.67 DWB10180BK 10-oz Black Plastic Bowls
Upscale, plastic disposable tableware. Provides the elegance and feel of fine china, crystal, but eliminates breakage worries and reduces labor costs associated with clean-up, washing and transportation. Perfect for use with caterers, casinos, supermarkets, restaurants, night clubs, hotel/motels/resorts, amusement parks, bars, country clubs and more. Traditional etched design. Economical sturdy plastic.
WNA Inc. Designerware 10-oz Black Plastic Bowls, 10 Bowls per Pack, 18 Packs, 180 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 61.59 43.11 80.93 WNADWB10180BK.jpg Designerware Dinnerware, WNA DWB10180BK, WNADWB10180BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7101 Lagasse 10" Designerware Plastic Plates, Clear, 144 Plates (WNADWP10144) 7100 WNA DWP10144 18.86 DWP10144 10" Clear Plastic Plates
Upscale, plastic disposable tableware. Provides the elegance and feel of fine china, crystal, but eliminates breakage worries and reduces labor costs associated with clean-up, washing and transportation. Perfect for use with caterers, casinos, supermarkets, restaurants, night clubs, hotel/motels/resorts, amusement parks, bars, country clubs and more. Traditional etched design. Economical sturdy plastic.
WNA Inc. 10" Plastic Plates, Clear, 144 Plates, 8 Plates per Pack, 18 Packs, 144 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 95.71 67.00 125.91 WNADWP10144.jpg plates, dinner plates, disposable plates, plastic plates, WNA DWP10144, WNADWP10144, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7102 Lagasse 10" Designerware Plastic Plates, Black, 144 Plates (WNADWP10144BK) 7101 WNA DWP10144BK 18.86 DWP10144BK 10" Black Plastic Plates
Upscale, plastic disposable tableware. Provides the elegance and feel of fine china, crystal, but eliminates breakage worries and reduces labor costs associated with clean-up, washing and transportation. Perfect for use with caterers, casinos, supermarkets, restaurants, night clubs, hotel/motels/resorts, amusement parks, bars, country clubs and more. Traditional etched design. Economical sturdy plastic.
WNA Inc. Designerware 10" Plastic Plates, Black, 8 Plates per Pack, 18 Packs, 144 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 100.43 70.30 134.09 WNADWP10144BK.jpg plates, dinner plates, disposable plates, plastic plates, WNA DWP10144BK, WNADWP10144BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7103 Lagasse 6" Plate Clear Plastic Plates, 180 Plates (WNADWP6180) 7102 WNA DWP6180 6.63 DWP6180 6" Clear Plastic Plates
Upscale, plastic disposable tableware. Provides the elegance and feel of fine china, crystal, but eliminates breakage worries and reduces labor costs associated with clean-up, washing and transportation. Perfect for use with caterers, casinos, supermarkets, restaurants, night clubs, hotel/motels/resorts, amusement parks, bars, country clubs and more. Traditional etched design. Economical sturdy plastic.
WNA Inc. 6" Plastic Plates, Clear, 10 Plates per Pack, 18 Packs, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 53.54 37.48 69.76 WNADWP6180.jpg plates, dinner plates, disposable plates, plastic plates, WNA DWP6180, WNADWP6180, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7104 Lagasse 6" Designerware Plastic Plates, Black, 180 Plates (WNADWP6180BK) 7103 WNA DWP6180BK 6.63 DWP6180BK 6" Black Plastic Plates
Upscale, plastic disposable tableware. Provides the elegance and feel of fine china, crystal, but eliminates breakage worries and reduces labor costs associated with clean-up, washing and transportation. Perfect for use with caterers, casinos, supermarkets, restaurants, night clubs, hotel/motels/resorts, amusement parks, bars, country clubs and more. Traditional etched design. Economical sturdy plastic.
WNA Inc. 6" Designerware Plastic Plates, Black, 10 pieces per Pack, 18 Packs, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 59.31 41.52 80.25 WNADWP6180BK.jpg Designerware Dinnerware, WNA DWP6180BK, WNADWP6180BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7105 Lagasse 7.5" Clear Plastic Plates, 180 Plates (WNADWP75180) 7104 WNA DWP75180 12.35 DWP75180 7.5" Clear Plastic Plates
Upscale, plastic disposable tableware. Provides the elegance and feel of fine china, crystal, but eliminates breakage worries and reduces labor costs associated with clean-up, washing and transportation. Perfect for use with caterers, casinos, supermarkets, restaurants, night clubs, hotel/motels/resorts, amusement parks, bars, country clubs and more. Traditional etched design. Economical sturdy plastic.
WNA Inc. Designerware 7.5" Plastic Plates, Clear, 10 Plates per Pack, 18 Packs, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 91.86 64.30 124.39 WNADWP75180.jpg plastic plates, plates, disposable plates, plastic disposable plates, WNA DWP75180, WNADWP75180 1 1 0 0 1 170
7106 Lagasse Designerware 7.5" Plastic Plates, Black, 180 Plates (WNADWP75180BK) 7105 WNA DWP75180BK 12.35 DWP75180BK 7-1/2" Black Plastic Plates
Upscale, plastic disposable tableware. Provides the elegance and feel of fine china, crystal, but eliminates breakage worries and reduces labor costs associated with clean-up, washing and transportation. Perfect for use with caterers, casinos, supermarkets, restaurants, night clubs, hotel/motels/resorts, amusement parks, bars, country clubs and more. Traditional etched design. Economical sturdy plastic.
WNA Inc. Designerware 7.5" Plastic Plates, Black, 10 Plates per Pack, 18 Packs, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 97.33 68.13 126.64 WNADWP75180BK.jpg plastic plates, plates, black plastic plates, disposable plates, classicware dinnerware, WNA DWP75180BK, WNADWP75180BK 1 1 0 0 1 170
7107 Lagasse Designerware 9" Plastic Plates, Clear, 180 Plates (WNADWP9180) 7106 WNA DWP9180 16.91 DWP9180 9" Clear Plastic Plates
Upscale, plastic disposable tableware. Provides the elegance and feel of fine china, crystal, but eliminates breakage worries and reduces labor costs associated with clean-up, washing and transportation. Perfect for use with caterers, casinos, supermarkets, restaurants, night clubs, hotel/motels/resorts, amusement parks, bars, country clubs and more. Traditional etched design. Economical sturdy plastic.
WNA Inc. Designerware 9" Plastic Plates, Clear, 10 Plates per Pack, 18 Packs, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 104.33 73.03 139.90 WNADWP9180.jpg plastic plates, plates, clear plastic plates, disposable plates, classicware dinnerware, WNA DWP9180, WNADWP9180 1 1 0 0 1 170
7108 Lagasse 9" Designerware Plastic Plates, Black, 180 Plates (WNADWP9180BK) 7107 WNA DWP9180BK 16.91 DWP9180BK 9" Black Plastic Plates
Upscale, plastic disposable tableware. Provides the elegance and feel of fine china, crystal, but eliminates breakage worries and reduces labor costs associated with clean-up, washing and transportation. Perfect for use with caterers, casinos, supermarkets, restaurants, night clubs, hotel/motels/resorts, amusement parks, bars, country clubs and more. Traditional etched design. Economical sturdy plastic.
WNA Inc. Designerware 9" Plastic Plates, Black, 10 Plates per Pack, 18 Packs, 180 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 103.04 72.13 140.49 WNADWP9180BK.jpg plates, dinner plates, disposable plates, plastic plates, WNA DWP9180BK, WNADWP9180BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
7109 Lagasse Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash, 8 Pump Bottles (DIA03016) 7108 DIA 03016 6.00 03016 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash w/ Lotion
Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash with lotion provides a high level of broad spectrum germ-killing action to help stop the spread of infection. The patented Activated Triclosan Technology provides 25 times better germ-killing than other antimicrobial soaps. Effective against MRSA, VRE, streptococcus, E. coli and salmonella. Its hypoallergenic foam is excellent for very frequent hand washing and contains soothing skin conditioners like aloe and glycerin to leave hands feeling soft, smooth and refreshed. Use in any commercial setting, including healthcare facilities, schools, offices, foodservice, day care and more. NSF Certified for an E2 rating.Patented Activated Triclosan technology significantly reduces the level of germs left on the hands after hand washing. Features a Cranberry Scent.
Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash, 8 Pump Bottle, 7-1/2 oz. Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 23.55 17.96 31.48 DIA03016.jpg Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash, DIA 03016, DIA03016, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
7111 Lagasse Dial Professional Foaming Soap Dispenser (DIA06056) 7110 DIA 06056 1.13 06056 Dial 1,000-ml Foaming Soap Dispenser
Cost effective, foaming dispensing system provides a high level of broad-spectrum germ-killing action to help stop the spread of infection. Patented Activated Triclosan technology significantly reduces the level of germs left on hands after hand-washing over 25 times, more effective than other antibacterial soaps. Effective against MRSA, VRE, staphylococcus streptococcus, E. coli and salmonella. Mild, hypoallergenic foaming soap formulas contain aloe and glycerin to leave skin soft, smooth and refreshed. Hight-volume lather uses less soap. NSF Certified for an E2 rating. Soap level is clearly visible through translucent dispenser. Push-type dispenser is ADA compliant when mounted properly. ABS construction. Includes screw mounting hardware and an adhesive-back mount option.
Dial Professional Foaming Soap Dispenser, 5-3/16"x 4-5/8"x 9-3/16", Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 7.29 5.56 9.84 DIA06056.jpg Dial Professional« Foaming Soap Dispenser, DIA 06056, DIA06056, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
7112 Lagasse Dial Basics HypoAllergenic Foam Lotion Soap, 6 - 1,000-ml Refills (DIA06060) 7111 DIA 06060 14.60 06060 Hypo-Allergenic Foam Lotion Soap
Dial Basics Hypo Allergenic Foaming Hand Soap is a mild foaming hand wash soap that has a hypoallergenic formula which contains aloe and glycerin that leaves skin feeling fresh and smooth. Dial Basics Foam Soap is ideal for commercial settings, including healthcare facilities, schools, office buildings, restaurants, pretty much any public restroom where high volumes of traffic are experienced. Dial basic is dermatologist tested, and also meets the criteria for Green GS-41b. Each container is biodegradable and contains no phosphates.
Dial Basics Hypo Allergenic Foaming Hand Soap, 1,000-ml Refill, 6 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 49.05 36.92 63.75 DIA06060.jpg dial basics, dial basics foam soap, dial basics foaming hand soap, dial foam soap refill, dial foaming soap, dial hypo allergenic foam soap, dial basics hypoallergenic foam lotion soap refill, DIA 06060, DIA06060 1 1 0 0 1 30
7113 Lagasse Dial Basics HypoAllergenic Foaming Lotion Soap, 8 Bottles (DIA06042) 7112 DIA 06042 5.95 06042 Dial Basics HypoAllergenic Foaming Lotion Soap
Dial Basics HypoAllergenic Foaming Lotion soap provides a high level of broad spectrum germ-killing action to help stop the spread of infection. Its patented Activated Triclosan Technology provides 25 times better germ-killing action than other antimicrobial soaps. Effective against MRSA, VRE, streptococcus, E. coli and salmonella. Its hypoallergenic foam is excellent for a very frequent hand washing and contains soothing skin conditioners like aloe and glycerin to leave hands feeling soft, smooth and refreshed. Use in any commercial setting, including healthcare facilities, schools, offices, food service, day care and more. NSF Certified for an E2 rating.Mild, hypoallergenic foaming lotion soap formula contains aloe and glycerin to leave skin soft, smooth and refreshed. High-volume lather uses less soap and rinses clean. Ideal lotion soap for commercial settings, including healthcare facilities, schools, offices, restaurants, day cares and more. Dermatologist tested. Aloe green soap with honeysuckle fragrance.
Dial Basics HypoAllergenic Foaming Lotion Soap, 7.5 oz. Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 21.03 16.04 27.69 DIA06042.jpg Dial« Basics HypoAllergenic Foaming Lotion Soap, DIA 06042, DIA06042, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
7114 Lagasse Dial Basics HypoAllergenic Liquid Hand Soap Pump Bottles, 12 Bottles (DIA06044) 7113 DIA 06044 16.00 06044 Dial Basics HypoAllergenic Hand Soap
Long-lasting and mild. Formulated with pure ingredients gently cleanse. White Pearl liquid has a pleasant fragrance. Dermatologist tested. Hypoallergenic. Meets the criteria for Green Seal GS-41B; biodegradable and contains no phosphates. Recyclable packaging, post -consumer material content 10%.
Dial Basics Liquid Hand Soap, 16-oz. Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Pump Bottle Liquid Soap - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 30.40 23.18 40.33 DIA06044.jpg hand soap, liquid hand soap, dial soap, dial liquid soap, dial liquid hand soap, dial basics hypoallergenic liquid soap, DIA 06044 1 1 0 0 1 30
7115 Lagasse Dial Basics HypoAllergenic Liquid Hand Soap Refills, 4 Gallon Bottles (DIA06047) 7114 DIA 06047 37.00 06047 HypoAllergenic Hand Soap
Long-lasting and mild. Formulated with pure ingredients gently cleanse. White Pearl liquid has a pleasant fragrance. Dermatologist tested. Hypoallergenic. Meets the criteria for Green Seal GS-41B; biodegradable and contains no phosphates. Recyclable packaging, post -consumer material content 10%.
Dial Basics Liquid Hand Soap, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bulk Liquid Soaps - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 42.36 32.31 56.51 DIA06047.jpg liquid hand soap, dial soap, dail hand soap, dial liquid hand soap, dial basics hypoAllergenic liquid soap, DIA 06047, DIA06047 1 1 0 0 1 30
7116 Lagasse Dial Basics HypoAllergenic Liquid Hand Soap Refills, 8 Refills (DIA06046) 7115 DIA 06046 21.00 06046 Dial Basics Hypoallergenic Liquid Soap Refills
Dial Basics Hypoallergenic Liquid soap is a mild and long-lasting soap formulated with pure ingredients that gently cleanse and condition skin. The mild liquid lotion soap is an effective antimicrobial and also inhibits the growth of bacteria and yeasts. Dial Basics is an economical soap with the same fresh fragrance and rich lotion feel of more expensive hand-washing products. Ideal for frequent hand washing, Dial contains emollients and skin conditioners to ensure that your hands will stay silky and smooth no matter how many times you wash them. Dermatologist tested Dial Basics contains no phosphates and is completely biodegradable. Dial Basics HypoAllergenic Liquid Soap is ideal for use in any commercial setting, including healthcare facilities, schools, office buildings, restaurants, daycare centers and many more.
Dial Basics Hypoallergenic Liquid Hand Soap, Honeysuckle, 1-Liter Refill, 8 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 40.20 30.66 52.45 DIA06046.jpg hand soap, liquid hand soap, dial basics hypoallergenic liquid soap refill, DIA 06046, DIA06046, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
7117 Lagasse Dial Basics Liquid Soap, 800 ml Refill (DIA06045) 7116 DIA 06045 23.70 06045 800 ml Refill - Dial Basics Liquid Soap
Easy push-dispensing and reloading of sanitary, sealed bag-in-box products. 800-ml refills feature flexible packaging for an easy fit into most 800-ml dispensers. Long-lasting and mild. Formulated with pure ingredients that gently cleanse. White Pearl liquid has a pleasant fragrance. Dermatologist tested. Hypoallergenic. Meets the standards for Green Seal GS-41B; biodegradable and contains no phosphates. Recyclable packaging, post-consumer material content 10%. 800-ml refill. 12 refills per case.
Dial Professional 46.33 35.33 60.40 DIA06045.jpg Dial« Basics Liquid Soap, DIA 06045, DIA06045, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
7118 Lagasse Dial Instant Hand Sanitizer, 4-oz Flip-Top Cap Bottle (DIA00685) 7117 DIA 00685 9.00 00685 Dial Instant Hand Sanitizer with Moisturizers
Kills 99.99% of germs instantly. Effective against bacteria, yeast and molds. Dermatologist-tested, hypoallergenic formula leaves hands free of residue. Fragrance and dye-free.
Dial Instant Hand Sanitizer, 24 - 4 oz Flip-Top Cap Bottles per Case
Dial Professional 45.89 35.00 62.59 DIA00685.jpg Dial« Instant Hand Sanitizer with Moisturizers, DIA 00685, DIA00685, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
7119 Lagasse Dial Instant Hand Sanitizer, 2-oz Thumb-Press Cap Bottles (DIA00688) 7118 DIA 00688 4.60 00688 Dial Instant Hand Sanitizer, with Moisturizers (¿Habla Español?)
Kills 99.99% of germs instantly. Effective against bacteria, yeast and molds. Dermatologist-tested, hypoallergenic formula leaves hands free of residue. Fragrance and dye-free.
Dial Instant Hand Sanitizer, 24 - 2-oz Thumb-Press Cap Bottles per Case
Dial Professional 40.49 30.88 54.33 DIA00688.jpg Dial« Instant Hand Sanitizer with Moisturizers, DIA 00688, DIA00688, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
7121 Lagasse 16-oz Pump Bottle Dial Hand Sanitizer (DIA00213) 7120 DIA 00213 11.00 00213 Dial Hand Sanitizer
Kills 99.99% of germs instantly. Effective against bacteria, yeast and molds. Dermatologist-tested, hypoallergenic formula leaves hands free of residue. Fragrance and dye-free. 8 -16-oz Pump Bottles per Case.
Dial Professional 47.29 36.04 63.32 DIA00213.jpg Dial« Instant Hand Sanitizer with Moisturizers, DIA 00213, DIA00213, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
7122 Lagasse Disposable Commode Floor Mats, Black, Fresh Blast Scent (IMP1550-5) 7121 IMP 1550-5 6.00 1550-5 Disposable Commode Floor Mat
This unique Commode Floor Mat helps to protect restroom floors from stains and uric acid damage, making maintenance easier with less clean-up needed. Each deodorizing floor mat contains a Fungicide to help fight germs and odors, refreshing the area with a Fresh Blast fragrance. Its new and improved backing grips the floor to keep mats in place and prevent sliding, providing a safer floor surface. Each mat lasts 4 to 6 weeks, depending on how heavily it is used. Once it needs to be replaced, just throw it in the garbage and put down a fresh one! Keep your restrooms fresh and clean with Impact’s Disposable Commode Floor Mats.
Impact Disposable Commode Floor Mats, Black, Fresh Blast Scent, 6 Mats per Case. – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Impact 49.17 37.50 65.77 IMP15505.jpg Disposable Washroom Floor Mats, IMP 1550-5, IMP15505, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
7123 Lagasse Rubbermaid 55 Gallon Steel Dome Top Drum Lid, Black (RCP1855BLA) 7122 RCP 1855 BLA 12.00 1855BK 55 Gallon Drum Domed Lid
This high quality Rubbermaid drum domed lid is compatible with all 55-gallon Rubbermaid drums. Completely rust-resistant, this galvanized steel lid comes with adjustable thumb screws for an assuredly tight fit. Coming with a self-closing contoured door with rubber pads for quiet operation, this quality lid meets all OSHA requirements. FM Approved. Minimum 30% recycled steel, 100% recyclable. Black. 24-1/2" diameter x 11-1/2" high. Shipping weight: 12-lbs.; UPS-shippable at oversized carton 30-lb. rate.
Rubbermaid Steel 55 Gallon Drum Dome Lid, Black, 24-1/2" x 11-1/2", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 91.11 69.49 122.06 RCP1855BLA.jpg 55 gallon drum lid, 55 gallon dome lid, domed drum lid, 55 gallon dome top lid, RCP 1855BLA, RCP1855BLA, trash can lid, waste container lid, trash can top, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7126 Lagasse Drano Liquid Clog Remover, 12 - 32-oz. Bottles (DRKCB001169) 7125 DRK CB001169 31.69 CB001169 Drano Liquid Clog Remover
Starts working to break down clogs on contact. Simple to use and safe for all pipes, it works on both kitchen and bathroom clogs. Has a special ingredient that protects pipes from corrosion. Contains no phosphorus. 32-oz. bottle. 12 bottles per case.
Drano Drain Opener, 12 - 32oz. Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 72.91 55.61 96.15 DRKCB001169.jpg drano liquid clog remover, DRK CB001169, DRKCB001169 1 1 0 0 1 63
7128 Lagasse Food Dunnage Rack, 24"x 48" (RCP4490BLA) 7127 RCP 4490 BLA 35.00 FG449000 BLACK 24"x 48"x12" Food Dunnage Rack, 2,000-lb Capacity
Perfect for storing frozen, cold, or dry goods inventory off of the floor. 12 high deck meets flood safety guidelines; NSF Approved. Slotted deck allows maximum air circulation for sensitive items. Heavy-duty aluminum frame will not corrode. Freezer-safe; withstands temperatures from 20 to 120F. Duramold precision engineered resin and metal composite structure for unsurpassed durability and service life. Molded-in tie-down slots for load security. Textured deck surface reduces load slippage. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Conveniently stack to save space when not in use. Black.
Rubbermaid Dunnage Rack, Black
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 162.58 124.00 221.06 RCP4490BLA.jpg Dunnage Racks, rubermaid dunnage rack, RCP 4490 BLA, RCP4490BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
7129 Lagasse Rubbermaid Food Dunnage Racks, 30"x 60" (RCP4491BLA) 7128 RCP 4491 BLA 44.00 FG449100 BLACK Rubbermaid 30"x 60"x 12" Food Dunnage Racks, 2,000-lb Capacity
Perfect for storing frozen, cold, or dry goods inventory off of the floor. 12 high deck meets flood safety guidelines; NSF Approved. Slotted deck allows maximum air circulation for sensitive items. Heavy-duty aluminum frame will not corrode. Freezer-safe; withstands temperatures from 20 to 120F. Duramold precision engineered resin and metal composite structure for unsurpassed durability and service life. Molded-in tie-down slots for load security. Textured deck surface reduces load slippage. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Conveniently stack to save space when not in use. Black.
Rubbermaid Food Dunnage Rack, Black
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 184.87 141.00 249.56 RCP4491BLA.jpg Dunnage Racks, RCP 4491 BLA, RCP4491BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
7130 Lagasse ProSave Sliding Lid with Scoop (RCP9G76WHI) 7129 RCP 9G76 WHI 3.04 FG9G7600WHT Rotating clear sliding lid with integrated scoop storage, fits BRUTE containers RCP 2620, and RCP 2632 (sold separately). The lid allows for one-handed access and quick identification of ingredients. The sliding lid's patent-pending design enhances efficient food production and improves safety compliance.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 38.42 29.30 50.20 RCP9G76WHI.jpg ProSave Sliding Lid , RCP 9G76 WHI, RCP9G76WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7131 Lagasse Rubbermaid DVAC 1-Pass Cleaning Solution Vacuum System (RCP9VDVPN4400) 7130 RCP 9VDVPN4400 57.65 FG9VDVPN4400 Rubbermaid DVAC 1-Pass Cleaning Solution
Combines three cleaning passes' dusting, vacuuming and waste collection into one. No tools required to assemble; simply twist your 44-gal. BRUTE container (sold separately) onto the dolly integrated vacuum base. Ergonomic arched handle makes maneuvering easy. Bag full indicator lets you know when it's time to replace the bag. CRI Green Label certified. Optional HEPA bags and filters for increased indoor air quality.
The Rubbermaid DVAC 1 Pass Solution combines multiple cleaning steps into one, thereby eliminating non-productive travel time to retrieve cleaning tools or supplies by up to 66%!
Sustainability - The DVAC has the ability to hold separate waste streams. Vacuum dolly is capable of holding and transporting 175 lbs of waste and recycling. Quiet operation (65.4dBA) makes it perfect for noise sensitive environments and day cleaning. Can be equipped with a HEPA bag for improved indoor air quality.
Power and Durability - The DVAC's powerful, commercial grade, dolly-integrated vacuum meets the highest standards for the toughest environments and easily twist locks onto a BRUTE Trash Can.
Features Include:
- Deluxe Rim Caddy
- Vacuum Dolly
- Vacuum Hose
- 50 Ft Power Cord
- Wand and Vacuum Tools
Requires a 44 Gallon Brute Trash Can Sold Separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 654.24 499.00 868.32 RCP9VDVPN4400.jpg vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaners, upright vacuum, hoover vacuum, bagless vacuum, canister vacuum, eureka vacuum, vacuum bags, upright vacuum cleaner, vacuum accessories, electrolux vacuum, bagless vacuum, cordless vacuum, hepa vacuum, hoover vacuum cleaner, DVAC 1-Pass Cleaning Solution, RCP 9VDVPN4400, RCP9VDVPN4400 1 1 0 0 1 89
7132 Lagasse EasyNap Jr. Dispenser Napkins, White, 9,000 Napkins (GPC320-05) 7131 GPC 320-05 17.95 32005 EasyNap Jr. Napkins
The EasyNap Jr. Napkins are a smaller sized napkins, making them a cost effective fit for dispenser: GPC 545-30 (sold separately). These quality napkins are the perfect paper product for bars, restaurants, and residential homes.
Made from 100% recycled content. EPA CPG Compliant. White, one-ply. Open 4 x 9.8; folded 2 x 4.9. 250 napkins per pack. 36 packs (9,000 napkins) per case.
Georgia Pacific EasyNap Jr. Dispenser Napkins, White, 250 Napkins per Pack, 36 Packs, 9,000 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 57.76 41.65 77.40 GPC32005.jpg easynap jr. dispenser napkins, dispenser napkins, GPC 320-05, GPC32005, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
7134 Lagasse 24" Echo Dust Mop Heads (UNSECHO245LGSP) 7133 UNS ECHO245LGSP 13.00 ECHO245LGSP First mop head made from recycled PET plastic bottles. Contributes to reduced landfill waste, energy consumption and impact on greenhouse gases. Backing material is 100% recycled PET. High quality EarthSpun yarns manufactured from 30% post-consumer recycled PET. Non-heat set looped end style meets the most demanding dust mopping needs. (Also available in heat set cut end style). Standard slot pocket construction. 12 dust mops per case. Unisan 144.07 109.88 192.85 UNSECHO245LGSP.jpg Echo Dust Mop, UNS ECHO245LGSP, UNSECHO245LGSP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
7135 Lagasse 36" Echo Dust Mop Heads (UNSECHO365LGSP) 7134 UNS ECHO365LGSP 17.00 ECHO365LGSP First mop head made from recycled PET plastic bottles. Contributes to reduced landfill waste, energy consumption and impact on greenhouse gases. Backing material is 100% recycled PET. High quality EarthSpun yarns manufactured from 30% post-consumer recycled PET. Non-heat set looped end style meets the most demanding dust mopping needs. (Also available in heat set cut end style). Standard slot pocket construction. 12 dust mops per case. Unisan 200.33 150.84 269.18 UNSECHO365LGSP.jpg Echo Dust Mop, UNS ECHO365LGSP, UNSECHO365LGSP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
7136 Lagasse EchoMop Looped End Wet Head, Large (UNS1400L) 7135 UNS 1400L 19.00 1400L/BLUE The first mop head made from recycled PET plastic bottles, contributing to reduced landfill waste, energy consumption and impact on greenhouse gases. EarthSpun fibers are manufactured from 30% post-consumer PET plastic bottles. Longer-lasting, lower-linting mop head offers 20% better performance than competitive all-synthetic wet mop yarns. Absorbs more than 4.4 times its weight in water and releases almost 30% upon wringing. Washable and fast drying. Dries quickly - 90% dry after only the spin cycle of the washer, air dries 100% overnight. 5" wide mesh broadband works with clamp, quick-change or jaw handles.
EchoMop Looped End Wet Mop Head, Blue, Large, 12 per Case
Unisan 144.94 110.55 193.06 UNS1400L.jpg EchoMop Looped End Wet Head, UNS 1400L, UNS1400L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
7137 Lagasse EchoMop Looped End Wet Head, Medium (UNS1400M) 7136 UNS 1400M 13.00 1400M/BLUE The first mop head made from recycled PET plastic bottles, contributing to reduced landfill waste, energy consumption and impact on greenhouse gases. EarthSpun«fibers are manufactured from 30% post-consumer PET plastic bottles. Longer-lasting, lower-linting mop head offers 20% better performance than competitive all-synthetic wet mop yarns. Absorbs more than 4.4 times its weight in water and releases almost 30% upon wringing. Washable and fast drying. Dries quickly - 90% dry after only the spin cycle of the washer, air dries 100% overnight. 5" mesh headband works with clamp, quick-change or jaw handles.
EchoMop Looped End Wet Mop Head, Blue, Medium, 12 per Case
Unisan 114.33 86.14 150.20 UNS1400M.jpg EchoMop Looped End Wet Head, UNS 1400M, UNS1400M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
7139 Lagasse 30-Gallon Satin Eclipse Fire-Safe, Stainless Steel Receptacle (RCPR2030SSPL) 7138 RCP R2030SSPL 47.00 R2030SS 30-Gallon Eclipse Fire-Safe Stainless Steel Trash Cans
Modern rounded design. Durable, heavy-gauge steel construction. Curved top deters accumulation of debris around 9-1/2" x 11-1/2" drop-in disposal opening. Includes leakproof rigid plastic liner. Contains a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled steel. Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines. ADA Compliant. 30-gallon capacity. 20" diameter x 25.5" high. Shipping weight: 50-lbs.
Rubbermaid 30-Gallon Stainless Steel Receptacle, Satin Eclipse Fire-Safe, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 580.23 424.00 756.88 RCPR2030SSPL.jpg eclipse fire-safe steel receptacles, RCP R2030SSPL, RCPR2030SSPL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7143 Lagasse Electrasol Finish Powder Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 6 Boxes (REC79347) 7142 REC 79347 31.63 79347 Powder Dishwasher Detergent
This powerful dishwasher detergent from Electrasol is recommended by more dishwasher brands worldwide than any other simply because it works, every time. It gently removes all food stains on dishes in the first wash using deep cleaning power. It’s made to do all the hard work, just scrape off the dishes, load the dishwasher, and be amazed at how crystal clear the glasses appear and how tough stains are gone from all dishes! Finish Powder Dishwasher Detergent gives you deep cleaning power plus "Shine Boost" to gently remove tough food stains. This powerful powder works quickly and completely to get your dishes sparkling clean. Electrasol’s Finish Powder is available for use in all dishwasher types, is easy to use, and is even safe for septic systems.
Electrasol Finish Powder Dishwasher Detergent, Orange Scent, 2.3 Quart (75-oz.) Box, 6 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 29.21 20.95 39.83 REC79347.jpg electrasol automatic dishwasher detergent, REC 79347, REC79347, finish powder dishwasher detergent, finish powder auto dish detergent 1 1 0 0 1 86
7144 Lagasse ErgoTec Scraper (UNGSH00C) 7143 UNG SH00C 0.42 SH00C Reversible 4" carbon steel blade has blunt edge for cement or stucco work and a razor edge for scraping paint and tape. Handle locks onto all Unger poles with Locking Cone. New ergonomic grip.
Unger 12.02 9.07 16.32 UNGSH00C.jpg ErgoTec« Scraper, UNG SH00C, UNGSH00C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
7145 Lagasse 24-Gallon Waste Container w/ Extra-Large Sand Urn (RCPR18SU-201PL) 7144 RCP R18SU-201PL 66.00 FGR18SU201PL Rubbermaid Aspen Series 24-Gallon Waste Container
The Rubbermaid Aspen Series 24-Gallon Waste Container is constructed of heavy-gauge galvanized steel so you can rest assured it is vandal-resistant and fire-safe. Made from 30% recycled steel, this waste container is 100% recyclable and meets or exceeds EPA and LEED Guidelines. The powder coated finish provides exceptional durability and years of trouble free service. This waste container is covered with decorative stone panels, so it can be used outside any office building without taking away from the aesthetic. The Aspen Series waste container features a removable 18” square steel urn top and four 9” wide x 5” high disposable openings. It also comes with a Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty.
Rubbermaid Aspen Series 24-Gallon Waste Container w/ Extra-Large Sand Urn, Each – The janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 456.27 348.00 595.16 RCPR18SU201PL.jpg Extra-Large Sand Urn/24-Gal. Litter Receptacle, RCP R18SU-201PL, RCPR18SU201PL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7146 Lagasse Extreme Aircraft Cleaner, 32oz. Bottles (SMP13412) 7145 SMP 13412 30.00 13412 Extreme Aircraft Cleaner
Cuts through tough, built-on grease, oil, dirt, pollution, insect residue and impact soils. Won't harm aircraft structural metals, plastics, paints, or coatings. All components are biodegradable, so Extreme Simple Green won't accumulate in the environment and rinse waste can be handled by standard wastewater treatment methods. Low-toxicity product contains no solvents, for an excellent worker's safety environment. Meets or exceeds VOC requirements. Contains no HAPs. Not an RCRA hazardous waste in and of itself when disposed.
Extreme Aircraft Cleaner, 32 oz. Spray Bottles, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Simple Green 137.67 105.00 188.27 SMP 13412.jpg extreme aircraft cleaner, SMP 13412, SMP13412, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, biodegradable, aircraft cleaner, green cleaner 1 1 0 0 1 99
7147 Lagasse Fab 2X HE Laundry Detergent, Spring Magic, 6 Bottles (PBC37060) 7146 PBC 37060 23.72 37060 Fab 2X HE Liquid Laundry Detergent
Doing laundry with Fab 2X HE liquid laundry detergent leaves whites sparkling and colors vibrant. This detergent is concentrated and specially formulated for use in high-efficiency (HE) front-loading washing machines. Fab leaves clothes and fabrics smelling clean with a fresh Spring Magic fragrance. Fab 2X HE liquid laundry detergent has a high-powered, grease-cutting laundry cleaning formula that is effective on tough and greasy stains. Fab 2X HE liquid concentrated laundry soap makes pre-treating laundry items easy.
Phoenix Brands Fab 2X HE Laundry Detergent, Spring Magic, 50-oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Phoenix Brands 39.42 29.24 52.45 PBC37060.jpg fab laundry detergent, fab he, fab detergent, fab liquid laundry detergent, fab 2X HE laundry detergent, PBC 37060, PBC37060, laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent, laundry soap 1 1 0 0 1 167
7148 Lagasse 15-Gallon Dome Top Trash Can, Metal, Fire-Safe, White (RCPR1536EGLW) 7147 RCP R1536EGLW 26.00 FGR1536EGLWH Rubbermaid 15 Gallon Dome Top Trash Can
Self-extinguishing silent firefighter has self-closing stainless steel door and galvanized steel inner liner for maximum safety and odor control. Recessed side handles for easy emptying. Nonmagnetic steel base with noncorrosive base ring to protect floors. Durable powder coated finish for indoor/outdoor use. ADA/OSHA Compliant. FM Approved, CSFM Listed and UL Listed. Contains a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled steel. Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines. 15-gallon capacity. 15" diameter x 36"high. White. Shipping weight: 27-lbs.
Rubbermaid 15-Gallon Dome Top Can, Metal, Fire-Safe, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 140.29 107.00 190.98 RCPR1536EGLW.jpg Fire-Safe Dome Top Receptacle, RCP R1536EGLW, RCPR1536EGLW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7149 Lagasse Rubbermaid 9 Gallon Half-Round Fire-Safe Trash Can, Metal (RCPSO8-10BPL) 7148 RCP SO8-10BPL 15.00 SO810PLBK 9 Gallon Half-Round Fire-Safe Trash Can
Durable fire-safe steel construction. Wall-hugging design is perfect where aesthetics and space are important. Large 15 x 5 vinyl-trimmed opening. Lift-off body makes emptying easy. Noncorrosive base ring prevents scratching of floors. Includes leakproof rigid plastic liner. ADA Compliant. Contains a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled steel. Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines. 9-gallon capacity. 18"wide x 9"deep x 32"high. Shipping weight: 25-lbs.
Rubbermaid 9 Gallon Half-Round Trash Can, Fire-Safe, Metal, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 147.50 112.50 199.74 RCPSO810BPL.jpg Fire-Safe Half-Round Container, RCP SO8-10BPL, RCPSO810BPL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7150 Lagasse Rubbermaid 9 Gallon Fire-Safe Half-Round Metal Trash Can (RCPSO8SSSPL) 7149 RCP SO8SSSPL 15.00 SO8SSSPL 9 Gallon Fire-Safe Metal Trash Can
Durable fire-safe steel construction. Wall-hugging design is perfect where aesthetics and space are important. Large 15 x 5 vinyl-trimmed opening. Lift-off body makes emptying easy. Noncorrosive base ring prevents scratching of floors. Includes leakproof rigid plastic liner. ADA Compliant. Contains a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled steel. Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines. 9-gallon capacity. 18"wide x 9"deep x 32"high. Shipping weight: 25-lbs.
Rubbermaid 9 Gallon Metal Trash Can, Fire-Safe, Half-Round, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 253.04 193.00 332.39 RCPSO8SSSPL.jpg Fire-Safe Half-Round Container, RCP SO8SSSPL, RCPSO8SSSPL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7151 Lagasse Flash 40 Disposable Roll, Floor Duster (UNSFF40) 7150 UNS FF40 16.00 FF40 Floor Duster Disposable Roll
Flash 40 comes pretreated in a natural color yarn. Slot pocket design backing accepts standard wire frame. 5" wide x 40-ft. roll, packed in heavy-duty corrugated carton. Razor included. Shipping weight: 16-lbs.
Unisan 69.09 51.25 93.67 UNSFF40.jpg Flash 40 Disposable Roll, UNS FF40, UNSFF40, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
7159 Lagasse Full-Length Black Polystyrene Cutlery, 1,000 Forks (BWKYPH-FE) 7158 BWK YPH-FE 12.50 YPHFELAG Black Polystyrene Forks
These heavy weight, full length utensils are ideal for BBQ's, parties and other culinary gatherings. Sleek, upscale appearance. Black. 1,000 forks per case.
Boardwalk Full Length Polystyrene Forks, Black, 1,000 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 48.18 36.75 63.70 BWKYPHFE.jpg Full-Length Polystyrene Cutlery, BWK YPH-FE, BWKYPHFE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
7160 Lagasse Full-Length White Polystyrene Cutlery, 1,000 Forks (BWKYPH-FW) 7159 BWK YPH-FW 12.50 YPH-FW-LAG White Polystyrene Forks
These heavy weight, full length utensils are ideal for BBQ's, parties and other culinary gatherings. Sleek, upscale appearance. White. 1,000 forks per case.
Boardwalk Full Length Polystyrene Forks, White, 1,000 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 47.00 35.85 62.92 BWKYPHFW.jpg Full-Length Polystyrene Cutlery, BWK YPH-FW, BWKYPHFW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
7161 Lagasse Full-Length Black Polystyrene Cutlery, 1,000 Knives (BWKYPH-KE) 7160 BWK YPH-KE 12.25 YPH-KE-LAG Black Polystyrene Knife
These heavy weight, full length polystyrene utensils are ideal for BBQ's, parties and other culinary gatherings. Sleek, upscale appearance. Black. 1,000 knives per case.
Boardwalk Full Length Polystyrene Knife, Black, 1,000 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 47.00 35.85 61.84 DIXSSK51.jpg Full-Length Polystyrene Cutlery, BWK YPH-KE, BWKYPHKE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
7162 Lagasse Full-Length White Polystrene Cutlery, 1,000 Knives (BWKYPH-KW) 7161 BWK YPH-KW 12.25 YPH-KW-LAG White Polystyrene Knife
These heavy weight, full length utensils are ideal for BBQ's, parties and other culinary gatherings. Sleek, upscale appearance. White. 1,000 knives per case.
Boardwalk Full Length Polystyrene Knife, White, 1,000 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 45.35 34.59 59.43 BWKYPHKW.jpg Full-Length Polystyrene Cutlery, BWK YPH-KW, BWKYPHKW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
7163 Lagasse Full-Length Black Polystyrene Cutlery, 1,000 Spoons (BWKYPH-SE) 7162 BWK YPH-SE 8.00 YPH-SE-LAG Black Polystyrene Spoons
These heavy weight, full length utensils are ideal for BBQ's, parties and other culinary gatherings. Sleek, upscale appearance. Black. 1,000 spoons per case.
Boardwalk Full Length Polystyrene Spoon, Black, 1,000 Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 47.00 35.85 62.98 BWKYPHSE.jpg Full-Length Polystyrene Cutlery, BWK YPH-SE, BWKYPHSE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
7164 Lagasse Full-Length White Polystrene Cutlery, 1,000 Spoons (BWKYPH-SW) 7163 BWK YPH-SW 8.00 YPH-SW-LAG White Polystyrene Spoon
These heavy weight, full length utensils are ideal for BBQ's, parties and other culinary gatherings. Sleek, upscale appearance. White. 1,000 spoons per case.
Boardwalk Full Length Polystyrene Spoon, White, 1,000 Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 47.31 36.08 61.94 BWKYPHSW.jpg Full-Length Polystyrene Cutlery, BWK YPH-SW, BWKYPHSW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
7165 Lagasse 12-oz. Galaxy Translucent Plastic Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCCY12JJ) 7164 SCC Y12JJ 13.95 Y12JJ 12-oz. Translucent Plastic Cups
Galaxy cups by Solo are an economical alternative to PET, providing the safety and convenience you need. Double sidewall ridges provide extra strength and durability. These 12-oz. cups are an ideal option for the home, office or restaurant environment. Solo Galaxy 12-oz. cups are great for an assortment of chilled beverages, such as beer, soda, lemonade and iced tea as well as water. Stock up on Solo Galaxy cups today for your residential or commercial situation!
Solo Cup Company 12-oz. Galaxy Plastic Cups, Translucent, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 41.59 29.11 55.38 SCCY12JJ.jpg plastic cups, solo plastic cup, plastic cup, galaxy translucent plastic cups, SCC Y12JJ, SCCY12JJ 1 1 0 0 1 141
7166 Lagasse Solo 5-oz. Galaxy Translucent Plastic Cups, 2,000 Cups (SCCY5JJ) 7165 SCC Y5JJ 18.00 Y5JJ 5oz Translucent Plastic Cups
Galaxy cups are an economical alternative to PET, providing the safety and convenience you need. Double sidewall ridges provide extra strength and durability as well as a no slip grip. These plastic cups are great for everyday use at your home, business or office. Translucent. 2,000 cups per case.
Solo Cups Company 5-oz. Galaxy Plastic Cups, Translucent, 20 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company that buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 52.21 36.55 70.49 SCCY5JJ.jpg solo cups, solo galaxy cups, galaxy translucent cups, SCC Y5JJ, SCCY5JJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
7167 Lagasse Solo Galaxy 7oz Translucent Plastic Cups, 2,000 Cups (SCC Y7RH) 7166 SCC Y7RH 18.77 Y7RH-0100 7oz Translucent Plastic Cold Cups
These cups from Solo are an economical and convenient way to serve any cold beverage. The 7-oz. Galaxy polystyrene cups are a lower cost alternative to PET, while still providing you with the safety and convenience you need. The double sidewall ridges provide extra strength and durability, while also helping to prevent spills. Galaxy cups are made of translucent plastic, allowing for easy identification of beverages. These 7-oz. cups are an ideal option for snack bars, water coolers and at-home parties. They are especially great for children’s parties, eliminating any worry over broken glass. Stock up on Solo Galaxy cups today for your home or business and save!
Solo Galaxy 7oz Translucent Plastic Cups, 20 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,000 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 59.08 35.05 77.79 SCCY7RH.jpg 7 oz cups, 7 oz plastic cups, 7 oz clear plastic cups, galaxy translucent cups, 7 oz solo cups, SCC Y7RH, SCCY7RH, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
7168 Lagasse Solo Galaxy 9-oz. Translucent Plastic Cups, 1,500 Cups (SCCY9LT) 7167 SCC Y9LT 18.25 Y9LT-0100 9oz Translucent Cold Cups
These superior quality, 9-oz. cups offer a sleek translucent design, and are the perfect fit for parties, offices, food service industries and more! Providing high quality while delivering on low costs, this cup offers quality strength and a no-slip gripping surface. These cups are an economical alternative to PET, providing the safety and convenience you need. Double sidewall ridges provide extra strength and durability. Translucent. 1,500 per case.
Solo Galaxy 9-oz. Plastic Cups, Translucent, 15 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 1,500 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 51.33 35.93 68.85 SCCY9LT.jpg solo plastic cups, solo cups, 9-oz. cups, 9-oz. cold cups, SCC Y9LT, SCCY9LT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
7169 Lagasse KimCare Gentle Lotion Hand Soap, 6 - 1000-ml Refills (KCC91556) 7168 KCC 91556 15.00 91556 Gentle Lotion Hand Soap 1000-ml Refills
KimCare 1000-ml refill cassettes, are the easy to maintain soap that customers trust. Fully and coming with a fresh floral scent, KimCare Gentle Lotion Hand Soap provides a quality, easy to restock soap refill. Coming in 6 - 1000-ml refills, this clean and fresh soap formula is packaged in easy-to-load, sanitary containers, making refills easy to store and handle. An ideal tool for general hand washing in areas like bathrooms, breakrooms, kitchens and more. This mild and soothing soap is the perfect way to keep hands clean for employees and customers.
Kimberly Clark KimCare General Gentle Lotion Hand Soap, 1000-ml Refill, 6 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 42.60 31.46 56.83 KCC91556.jpg hand soap, liquid hand soap, kimcare hand soap, hand lotion soap KCC 91556, KCC91556, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
7170 Lagasse KimCare General Luxury Foam Fragrance & Dye Free Skin Cleanser, Refill (KCC91565) 7169 KCC 91565 15.00 91565 Kimcare Luxury Foam Hand Soap
Meets or exceeds Green Seal Environmental standards for Hand Cleaners and Hand Soaps used for industrial and institutional purposes. 1000-ml refill cassettes. 6 per case.
Kimcare General Luxury Foam Fragrance & Dye Free Skin Cleanser Hand Soap Refills, 6 per Case
Kimberly Clark Professional 54.42 40.36 72.54 KCC91565.jpg GENERAL Luxury Foam Fragrance & Dye Free Skin Cleanser, KCC 91565, KCC91565, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
7171 Lagasse KimCare General Luxury Foam Skin Cleanser with Moisturizers, Refill (KCC91552) 7170 KCC 91552 15.00 91552 1000-ml refill cassettes. 6 per case. Kimberly Clark Professional 58.89 44.92 76.83 KCC91552.jpg GENERAL Luxury Foam Skin Cleanser with Moisturizers, KCC 91552, KCC91552, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
7175 Lagasse Gojo TFX Touch-Free Hand Soap Dispenser, Nickel (GOJ278912) 7174 GOJ 2789-12 2.50 2789-12 Gojo TFX Automatic Soap Dispenser, Nickel Finish
Make hand washing more accessible in your school, hospital, restaurant, or office building with this touch-free, ADA compliant, foaming hand soap dispenser system! This automatic hand soap dispenser dispenses the perfect amount of soap without ever having to touch the dirty "push" button. Made with a built in extra-large sight window that makes it easy to see when it’s time to refill. Designed to hold Gojo TFX 1200-ml refills (sold separately). Plastic. Mounts to wall with adhesive (included) or screws (not included). Requires three C alkaline batteries (included). Three year guarantee. 6" wide x 4" deep x 10.5" high.
Gojo TFX Touch Free Automatic Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1200-ml, Nickel Finish, Each
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Gojo TFX System - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 32.11 21.11 42.21 GOJ278912.jpg gojo touch-free dispenser, gojo automatic hand soap dispenser, gojo automatic foam soap dispenser, gojo automatic foaming hand soap, GOJ 2789-12, GOJ278912 1 1 0 0 1 50
7176 Lagasse Gold Label 9" Coated White Paper Plates, 1,000 Plates (AJMCP9GOEWH) 7175 AJM CP9GOEWH 21.00 CP9GOEWH 9" Gold Label Coated Paper Plates
Strong, durable and dependable, these high-quality Gold Label plates are the smart dinnerware option. Perfect for use with any meal, these coated paper plates are durable and sturdy. Measuring in at 9 inches in diameter, these lightweight paper plates are ribbed for extra strength and can be used for heavy meals. Microwave safe. Grease resistant. White. 1,000 per case.
AJM Packaging 9” Gold Label Paper Plates, White, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Ajm 36.18 25.05 47.16 AJMCP9GOEWH.jpg Gold Label Coated Paper Plates, AJM CP9GOEWH, AJMCP9GOEWH, paper plates, 9" plates, 9" paper plates, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 0 1 156
7177 Lagasse Gold Label 6" Coated Paper Plates, 1,200 Plates (AJMCP6OAWH) 7176 AJM CP6OAWH 12.00 CP6OAWH Economical yet sturdy. Microwave safe. Coated for grease resistance. White. 1,200 per case.
AJM Corporation Gold Label 6" Coated Paper Plates, 12 Packs of 100 Plates, 1,200 Plates per Case - The restaurant supply company buyers trust. Ajm 38.41 26.78 52.08 AJMCP6OAWH.jpg Gold Label Coated Paper Plates, AJM CP6OAWH, AJMCP6OAWH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 156
7179 Lagasse Green Heritage 9" Jumbo Toilet Paper, 1 Ply, 12 Rolls (APM710GREEN) 7178 APM 710GREEN 25.00 710 1 Ply Jumbo Jr Roll Toilet Paper
Safe for all septic systems. Universal 3.35 core. This product contains 100% recovered paper fiber, a certified level of up to 50% post-consumer materials and meets the Green Seal environmental standards for bleaching, de-inking and packaging. It contains no added inks, dyes, or fragrances. Exceeds EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste content. Full size roll. White.
Atlas Green Heritage Jumbo Jr Roll Toilet Paper, 1 Ply, 2,000-ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atlas Paper Mills 34.22 26.10 46.67 APM710GREEN.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, jumbo roll toilet tissue, 1 ply jumbo toilet paper,1 ply jumbo toilet tissue, one ply jumbo toilet paper, one ply jumbo toilet tissue, one-ply, APM 710GREEN, APM710GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 223
7180 Lagasse Green Heritage 12" JRT Sr. Roll, 1 Ply Toilet Paper, 6 Rolls (APM740GREEN) 7179 APM 740GREEN 25.00 740 1 Ply Jumbo Sr Roll Toilet Paper
Safe for all septic systems. Universal 3.35 core. This product contains 100% recovered paper fiber, a certified level of up to 50% post-consumer materials and meets the Green Seal environmental standards for bleaching, de-inking and packaging. It contains no added inks, dyes, or fragrances. Exceeds EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste content. Full size roll. White.
Atlas Green Heritage Jumbo Sr Roll Toilet Paper, 1 Ply, 4,000-ft. per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atlas Paper Mills 34.22 26.10 45.47 APM740GREEN.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, jumbo roll toilet tissue, 1 ply jumbo toilet paper,1 ply jumbo toilet tissue, one ply jumbo toilet paper, one ply jumbo toilet tissue, one-ply, APM 740GREEN, APM740GREEN 1 1 0 0 1 223
7181 Lagasse Atlas Paper Mills Green Heritage Kitchen Roll Towels, 30 Rolls (APM585GREEN) 7180 APM 585GREEN 19.00 585 Paper Towel Rolls
These paper towels from Atlas Paper Mills are strong and absorbent with no added inks, dyes or fragrances. Containing a minimum of 35% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material, these Green Heritage roll towels meet the Green Seal environment standard for bleaching, de-inking and packaging. The Green Seal certification mark ensures that these towels are a green product that is better for the environment and your overall health. In addition to being eco-friendly, these double-embossed towels provide the absorbency and strength you need in a paper towel, while the perforations simplify use. When you choose Atlas Green Heritage Paper Towels, you are making a choice to keep the planet healthy while keeping your cleaning tasks simple. Stock up today!
Atlas Paper Mills Green Heritage Kitchen Roll Towels, 2-ply, White, 85 Sheets per Roll, 30 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Atlas Paper Mills 29.02 22.13 37.74 APM585GREEN.jpg Green Heritage Kitchen Towel Rolls, APM 585GREEN, APM585GREEN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 223
7182 Lagasse Green Works Wipes 62-ct Canisters (CLO30380) 7181 CLO 30380 7.20 30380 Green Works Wipes
Green Works wipes are natural biodegradable cleaning wipes, made with plant-based ingredients. Works on grease, grime and soil. For use on non-wood surfaces including acrylic, fiberglass, plastic, stainless steel, porcelain, ceramic and vinyl. Very handy in nurseries, day cares, elementary schools, hospitals, homes, offices and doctor offices. Never tested on animal. Packaging meets EPA CPG. Post-consumer content and total recovered content at least 25%.
Green Works wipes, 62-count canister. 6 canisters per case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 30.35 23.05 40.90 CLO30380.jpg Green Works Wipes, CLO 30380, CLO30380, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
7183 Lagasse Clorox Green Works Liquid Laundry Detergent, 4 Bottles (CLO30319) 7182 CLO 30319 28.80 30319 Clorox Green Works Liquid Laundry Detergent
Clorox Green Works Laundry Detergent is the natural way to clean clothes. Made from a combination of naturally derived cleaning ingredients, this powerful detergent is tough on dirt and stains, leaving clothes, towels and linens fresh and clean. Green Works’ natural formula is made without phosphates, optical brighteners or harsh chemicals and is dermatologist-tested for sensitive skin. This gentle yet effective detergent is suitable for both standard and high-efficiency washers. Choose a laundry detergent that is safe on colors, gentle on skin and still cleans with the power you expect from a Clorox product. If you prefer clean clothes done naturally, Green Works Liquid Laundry Detergent is for you!
Clorox Green Works Liquid Laundry Detergent, 90-oz. Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 48.03 36.63 65.26 CLO30319.jpg clorox green works products, clorox green works laundry degergent, clorox green works ingredients, green works liquid laundry detergent, CLO 30319, CLO30319, green cleaning products, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
7184 Lagasse Grip-n-Flip Microfiber Mitt (UNSMICROMITTGRE) 7183 UNS MICROMITT GRE 0.18 MICROMITT GRE Microfiber Mitt
Unique layered 10-sided microfiber mitt increases cleaning efficiency. When soiled, simply flip to the next clean face. Cleans without chemicals, wet or dry. Not bleach safe. Green.
Grip-n-Flip Microfiber Mitt, Green, Each Unisan 3.26 2.48 4.24 UNSMICROMITTGRE.jpg microfiber cleaning cloth, microfiber cleaning cloths, grip-n-flip microfiber mitt, UNS MICROMITT GRE, UNSMICROMITTGRE 1 1 0 0 1 110
7185 Lagasse GuestChecks Restaurant Guest Check Pads, With carbon (NTC10450) 7184 NTC 104-50 11.40 104-50 Numbered. Carbonless, except as noted. National Checking Company 32.52 24.05 43.83 NTC10450.jpg GuestChecks Restaurant Guest Check Pads, With carbon, NTC 104-50, NTC10450, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 137
7186 Lagasse Heavy Mediumweight Polystyrene Cutlery, 1,000 Knives (DIXKM217) 7185 DIX KM217 8.00 KM217 Heavy Mediumweight Plastic Knife
Supply guests with a sturdy, heavyweight utensil. A great addition to culinary gatherings and parties. Durable and economical. White polystyrene plastic. 1,000 knives per case.
Dixie Heavy Mediumweight Knife, White, 1,000 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 24.29 17.00 32.54 DIXKM217.jpg Heavy Mediumweight Polystyrene Cutlery, DIX KM217, DIXKM217, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
7187 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Digital Dual Capacity Receiving Scales, (PEL4040-88) 7186 PEL 4040-88 21.35 FG404088 ò Stainless steel construction ò NSF CertifiedDetachable LCD display on 9-ft. cord allows viewing at eye level. Tare feature removes the weight of the container. Auto-off and low-battery warning. Strong, durable reinforced steel design handles heavy packages and containers. Nonskid platform. Includes AC adapter; optional 9V battery operation (battery not included). 121/2w x 12d x 21/4h. 2 scales per case. Pelouze 150.78 115.00 202.07 PEL404088.jpg Heavy-Duty Digital Dual Capacity Receiving Scales, PEL 4040-88, PEL404088, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 168
7188 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Flat Shelf Utility Cart, (RCP4545BLA) 7187 RCP 4545 BLA 44.00 FG454500 BLA Rubbermaid Heavy-Duty Flat Shelf Utility Cart
Perfect for transporting materials, supplies and heavy loads in almost any environment. Variable grip height handle improves control and worker safety. Molded-in storage compartments, holsters, hooks, and notches. High density structural resin construction. Easy-access bottom shelf. Best-in-class non-marking casters. 750-lb. capacity.
750 Lb Capacity Heavy-Duty Flat Shelf Utility Cart, 54"x 25.25"x 36", Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 308.11 235.00 401.00 RCP4545BLA.jpg heavy-duty flat shelf utility cart, RCP 4545 BLA, RCP4545BLA 1 1 0 1 1 89
7189 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks, (RCP4403BLA) 7188 RCP 4403 BLA 51.00 4403 00 BLACK Rubbermaid Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks
Ideal for moving large, heavy loads in any environment. Exclusive Duramold decks are formed from a precision engineered resin and metal composite structure that provides maximum load support. Four molded-in tie down slots to secure loads with straps or bungees (not incl.). Retainer clips prevent unintended removal of the powder-coated steel handle. Four casters, two swivel. Black.
500 Lb Capacity Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks, 24"x 36" - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 380.22 290.00 512.35 RCP4403BLA.jpg rubbermaid heavy-duty platform trucks, RCP 4403 BLA, RCP4403BLA 1 1 0 1 1 89
7190 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Utility Cart with Pneumatic Casters (RCP4520-10BLA) 7189 RCP 4520-10 BLA 66.26 4520 10 BLACK Rubbermaid Heavy-Duty Utility Cart with Pneumatic Casters
Transport materials, supplies and heavy loads in almost any environment. Variable grip height handle improves control and worker safety. Deep pocket lipped shelves keep contents in place. 500-lb. capacity and 4 pneumatic casters. 45.25" length x 25.875" wide x 37.125" tall.
500-lb. Capacity Heavy-Duty Utility Cart with Pneumatic Casters - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 392.02 299.00 514.33 RCP452010BLA.jpg rubbermaid heavy-duty utility carts, RCP 4520-10 BLA, RCP452010BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
7191 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Utility Carts, (RCP4546BLA) 7190 RCP 4546 BLA 52.37 4546 00 BLACK Rubbermaid Heavy-Duty Utility Carts
Transport materials, supplies and heavy loads in almost any environment. Variable grip height handle improves control and worker safety. Deep pocket lipped shelves keep contents in place. 750-lb. capacity and 4 non-marking casters.
750-lb. capacity Heavy-Duty Utility Cart - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 325.16 248.00 422.83 RCP4546BLA.jpg rubbermaid heavy-duty utility carts, RCP 4546 BLA, RCP4546BLA 1 1 0 1 1 89
7192 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Utility Carts with Pneumatic Casters (RCP4546-10BLA) 7191 RCP 4546-10 BLA 73.92 4546 10 BLACK 2 Shelf Heavy-Duty Utility Cart, 750 lb. Capacity
Perfect for use in warehouses, conference rooms, mail rooms, maintenance facilities and more. This quality utility car offers the ability to transport materials, supplies and heavy loads in almost any environment. This lightweight cart offers easy maneuverability and quiet operation, as well as deep pocket lipped shelves that keep contents in place. Offering a 750 lb. capacity and 4 pneumatic casters, this exceptional cart, made by Rubbermaid, offers a variable grip, height handle, and improved control for worker safety.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Heavy-Duty Utility Carts with Pneumatic Casters, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 520.51 397.00 703.60 RCP454610BLA .jpg rubbermaid carts, utility carts, heavy-duty utility carts, mail room carts, RCP 4546-10 BLA, RCP454610BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
7193 Lagasse Heavyweight Dry Wax Sheets, (MCD1043) 7192 MCD 1043 40.00 01043 Heavyweight Dry Wax Sheets
Extremely durable 35# sheet used for particularly wet or heavy sandwiches. Bulk packed for convenience. 15 x 15. 40# bulk pack (approx. 2,195 sheets per case).
Heavyweight Dry Wax Sheets, approx. 2,195 sheets per case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Marcal Paper Mills (Deli) 78.00 54.60 104.59 MCD1043.jpg heavyweight dry wax sheets, MCD 1043, MCD1043 1 1 0 0 1 136
7195 Lagasse HYGEN 18 Microfiber Finish Starter Kit (RCPQ050) 7194 RCP Q050 12.06 FGQ050 0000 Microfiber Finish Starter Kit
This kit includes Six Microfiber Finish Pads: Designed for specialized floor cleaning and finish applications. Microfiber pads are traditional blue and white color, optimum shape for smooth, even application of floor finish. Durable construction, dense 3-5 micrometer quality fiber removes more dust, dirt and microbes than conventional cleaning products. Foam liner controls liquid content and release. Advanced hook-and-loop backing attaches pad more securely, holds-up under harsh laundering conditions (more than 300 launderings). One Quick-Connect Wet/Dry Frame: Quick-Connect Frame constructed of lightweight aluminum, flat profile is sanitary and easy to clean. One Finish Bucket: Finish bucket is color-coded blue to differentiate use. Washboard surface removes dirt and debris from mop pads before wringing. Twist valve empties contents without lifting. Smooth, non-porous surface helps prevent bacterial growth and cleans easily. Shipping weight: 13-lbs.
Rubbermaid HYGEN 18 Microfiber Finish Starter Kit, Six Microfiber Finish Pads, One Quick-Connect Wet/Dry Frame, One Finish Bucket, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 174.38 133.00 230.21 RCPQ050.jpg rubbermaid hygen 18 microfiber finish starter kit, hygen 18 microfiber finish starter kit, hygen 18 microfiber kit, RCP Q050, RCPQ050 1 1 0 0 1 89
7196 Lagasse Rubbermaid Hygen High Performance Flexi Wand (RCPQ852WHI) 7195 RCP Q852 WHI 0.82 Q852 WHITE Hygienic Dusting Wand
This flexible head that is ideal for those hard to reach areas, Rubbermaid's line of dusting tools are the perfect fit for commercial and residential cleaning. This wand simply and easily clean hard-to-reach areas, and offers versatile cleaning capabilities. With a flexible top that conforms to the shape of virtually any surface. Offering the ability to use damp or dry, this quality wand is excellent for dust, hair and larger debris.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Hygen High Performance Flexi-Wand, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.72 16.93 33.82 RCPQ852WHI.jpg duster, overhead dusters, cleaning dusters, hygen high performance flexi-wand, RCP Q852 WHI, RCPQ852WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7197 Lagasse Rubbermaid Hygen High Performance Flexi Wand Refill (RCPQ853WHI) 7196 RCP Q853 WHI 0.50 FGQ853-00 WH00 Hygienic Dusting Wand Refill
This flexible head that is ideal for those hard to reach areas, Rubbermaid's line of dusting tools are the perfect fit for commercial and residential cleaning. This wand simply and easily clean hard-to-reach areas, and offers versatile cleaning capabilities. With a flexible top that conforms to the shape of virtually any surface. Offering the ability to use damp or dry, this quality wand is excellent for dust, hair and larger debris. Use with SKU: RCP Q852 WHI Flexi Wand.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Hygen High Performance Flexi-Wand Refill, 6 per case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 66.08 50.40 85.99 RCPQ853WHI.jpg duster, overhead dusters, cleaning dusters, hygen high performance flexi-wand, RCP Q853 WHI, RCPQ853WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7198 Lagasse Ice Bucket Liner Bags, 1,000 Bags (IBSBLR121206) 7197 IBS BLR121206 4.60 BLR121206 Ice Bucket Liners
Ideal for food service and hospitality industries. Easy-to-tear perforated dispensing. 3-qt. capacity.
Ice Bucket Liners, 12"x 12"x 0.24 Mil, 3-Qt, Clear, 1000 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 8.25 6.28 10.72 IBSBLR121206.jpg ice bucket liner bags, IBS BLR121206, IBSBLR121206, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
7199 Lagasse Ice Tote with Bin Hook Adapter, (RCP9F55BLA) 7198 RCP 9F55 BLA 36.45 FG9F55 00 BLA A suite of innovative, end-to-end integrated ice management tools designed to increase operational efficiencies while reducing food safety concerns. Reduces the risk of cross contamination and improves employee safety.Ice Only Cart holds four Ice Totes, RCP 9F54 TBL (sold separately). Ice cart safely and securely transports 100-lbs. of ice. Handle folds flat for storage. Includes hook for on-board storage of Ice Tote Lids, RCP 9F73 BLA (sold separately). Metal components for handle and side rails, structural foam deck. 5 non-marking casters transport up to 500-lbs. 21.4IN wide, 39.1IN length. Black. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 256.98 196.00 344.91 RCP9F55BLA.jpg Ice Tote with Bin Hook Adapter, RCP 9F55 BLA, RCP9F55BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7200 Lagasse Individual Recycle Labels, (RCPRSW1) 7199 RCP RSW1 0.30 FGRSW1 Easily label containers for specific recyclables. White letters. 1h x 8w label. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3.52 2.68 4.70 RCPRSW1.jpg Individual Recycle Labels, RCP RSW1, RCPRSW1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7201 Lagasse Individual Recycle Labels, (RCPRSW2) 7200 RCP RSW2 0.30 FGRSW2 Easily label containers for specific recyclables. White letters. 1h x 8w label. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3.52 2.68 4.66 RCPRSW2.jpg Individual Recycle Labels, RCP RSW2, RCPRSW2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7202 Lagasse Individual Recycle Labels, (RCPRSW3) 7201 RCP RSW3 0.30 FGRSW3 Easily label containers for specific recyclables. White letters. 1h x 8w label. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3.52 2.68 4.58 RCPRSW3.jpg Individual Recycle Labels, RCP RSW3, RCPRSW3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7203 Lagasse Individual Recycle Labels, (RCPRSW4) 7202 RCP RSW4 0.30 FGRSW4 Easily label containers for specific recyclables. White letters. 1h x 8w label. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3.52 2.68 4.77 RCPRSW4.jpg Individual Recycle Labels, RCP RSW4, RCPRSW4, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7204 Lagasse Individual Recycle Labels, (RCPRSW5) 7203 RCP RSW5 2.00 FGRSW5 Easily label containers for specific recyclables. White letters. 1h x 8w label. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3.52 2.68 4.62 RCPRSW5 copy.jpg Individual Recycle Labels, RCP RSW5, RCPRSW5, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7205 Lagasse Individual Recycle Labels, (RCPRSW6) 7204 RCP RSW6 0.30 FGRSW6 Easily label containers for specific recyclables. White letters. 1h x 8w label. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3.52 2.68 4.57 RCPRSW6.jpg Individual Recycle Labels, RCP RSW6, RCPRSW6, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7206 Lagasse Interstate 50 Variable UHS Commercial Floor Wax, 5 Gallon Cube (FRKF195025) 7205 FRK F195025 44.00 F195025 Interstate 50 Variable UHS Floor Wax
Quality polymers ensure the beauty and lengthen the life of flooring. Economical, burnishable/spray that leaves a buffable finish. For high-speed and ultra high-speed maintenance programs. Repairs easily. Excellent for retail- and school-type floor programs in an industrial environment or great for home use due to the economical pricing. Recommended for all types of flooring except unsealed wood. 20% solids. Self sealing and fast recoat!
Franklin Interstate 50 Variable UHS Floor Finish Wax, 5 Gallon Cube, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 84.77 64.66 112.21 FRKF195025.jpg interstate 50 variable uhs floor wax, interstate 50 floor wax, FRK F195025, FRKF195025, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
7208 Lagasse Kimberly-Clark Professional Cassette Dispenser (KCC92145) 7207 KCC 92145 1.20 92145 Kimberly-Clark Professional Cassette Dispenser
With the new Kimberly-Clark Professional Cassette Dispenser, soap dispenser maintenance is quick and easy! Features easy, no fuss refill reloading and flexibility to refill with any Kimcare Cassette Skin Care foam or liquid formula. Mounts easily to a universal bracket.Soap dispenser maintenance is quick and easy. New Kimberly-Clark Professional Cassette Skin Care System Dispenser offers easy, no fuss refill loading. Refill with any Kimcare Cassette Skin Care foam or liquid formula. 1000-ml refill (sold separately). Black. 5 x 8.375 x 5.25.
Kimberly-Clark Professional Cassette Dispenser, Black, 5" x 8.375" x 5.25" 1000-ml Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 1.69 1.00 2.24 KCC92145.jpg kimberly clark cassette dispenser, soap dispenser, 1000-ml liquid soap dispensers, KCC 92145, KCC92145, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
7209 Lagasse Kleenex Naturals Boutique Facial Tissues, 36 Boxes (KCC21272) 7208 KCC 21272 16.10 21272 Kleenex Naturals Boutique Facial Tissues
Our new Kleenex Naturals Facial Tissue is made with SoftBlend Fiber, the perfect blend of soft, virgin fiber and 20% post-consumer recycled fiber. The result is a quality tissue that meets the high standards of Kleenex Brand and exceeds EPA minimum standards for post-consumer waste content in facial tissue. 8.4 x 8.4 sheet size.
Kleenex Naturals Boutique Facial Tissues, 95 Tissues per Box, 36 Boxes per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Facial Tissues - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 80.13 58.07 104.79 KCC21272.jpg kleenex tissues, facial tissues, kleenex anti viral tissue, facial tissue, facial tissues, kleenex, puffs kimberly clark, kleenex naturals boutique facial tissue, KCC 21272, KCC21272 1 1 0 0 1 65
7210 Lagasse Kleenex Slimfold Paper Hand Towels, 24 Packs (KCC04442) 7209 KCC 04442 10.50 04442 Paper Hand Towels
Kleenex is a name brand known for strength and absorbency and these Slimfold Paper Hand Towels are no exception! These hand towels are the perfect space-saving, hand drying solution. They provide exceptional hand drying performance, and the reduced-size packaging allows for easy storage of extra towels with no bulky boxes to worry about. These one-ply hand towels have absorbency pockets that provide the ultimate in absorbency and hand-drying performance, providing better value for your business. You can take comfort in knowing that when you buy these hand towels, you are purchasing an environmentally sound product that meets EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste at 40%. When used with the Slimfold Towel Dispenser (sold separately), this becomes a hand drying system designed to fit even the tightest spaces.
Kimberly Clark Kleenex Slimfold Hand Towels, White, 90 Towels per Pack, 24 Packs, 2,160 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 28.34 21.27 38.30 KCC04442.jpg kleenex slimfold paper towels, kleenex slimfold hand towels, kleenex slim fold hand towels, kleenex slim fold towels, KCC 04442, KCC04442, paper towels 1 1 0 0 1 65
7214 Lagasse Kleen-Pail (SANKP196RD) 7213 SAN KP196RD 0.47 KP196RD Kleen-Pails meet HACCP dedicated use guidelines for cleaner and sanitizer cloths used to wipe down surface areas. Kleen-Pails make it easy to separate containers used for food storage from those used for dangerous non-food purposes. They also eliminate any potential confusion between cleaning and sanitizing solution containers. Red Kleen-Pails are used for sanitizing solutions and have a 6-quart capacity. Sold by the case: 12 pails per case. Red. Shipping weight 5.6-lbs.
Kleen Pails, Sold by the case, 12 pails per case
San Jamar Dispenser 52.96 40.39 72.14 SANKP196RD.jpg Kleen-Pail«, SAN KP196RD, SANKP196RD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
7215 Lagasse Lift Off #2 Adhesives, Grease & Oily Stains Tape Remover (MTS40701) 7214 MTS 40701 10.00 40701 Lift Off #2 Adhesive Grease Stain Remover
Recently patented again as a low/NO-VOC formula. Works to remove gum, crayons, stickers and tape, bugs and tar, motor oil, candle wax and more! Safe for use on most surfaces, including carpet, fabric, hard surfaces, vinyl, metal and tile. VOC compliant in all 50 states, including California. 100% biodegradable before and after usage. A must have tool for households and industrial settings.
Motsenbockers's LIFT OFF #2 adhesive, grease and oily stain remover, 22 oz spray bottles, 6 per case. - The wholesale stain remover supply company Buyers Trust.
Motsenbockers 56.52 43.11 74.24 MTS40701.jpg Lift Off 2 Adhesives, Grease & Oily Stains Tape Remover, MTS 40701, MTS40701, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 70
7216 Lagasse 4 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 17x17, 0.35mil, 1,000 Bags (JAGL1717L) 7215 JAG L1717L 6.70 H3417RBJ 4 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
0.35 mil garbage bags are light-grade duty capacity for loads of sharp objects. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. Manufactured from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in bulk flat packs for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Jaguar Plastics 4 Gallon Garbage Bags, 17x17, 0.35mil, Black, Flat Pack, 1,000 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 20.53 13.57 27.54 JAGL1717L.jpg garbage bags, trash bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, JAG L1717L, JAGL1717L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
7217 Lagasse 30 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.50mil, 250 Bags (JAGL3036M) 7216 JAG L3036M 9.00 H6036MBJ 30 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
0.50 mil garbage bags are medium duty capacity for loads of sharp objects. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. Manufactured from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in bulk flat packs for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Jaguar Plastics 30 Gallon Garbage Bags, 30x36, 0.50mil, Black, 250 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 27.51 18.18 36.53 JAGL3036M.jpg garbage bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, JAG L3036M, JAGL3036M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
7218 Lagasse 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.5mil, 250 Bags (JAGL3339M) 7217 JAG L3339M 10.70 H6639MBJ 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. Manufactured from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in bulk flat packs for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. 0.50 mil garbage bags are medium duty capacity for loads of sharp objects.
Jaguar Plastics 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 33x39, 0.50mil, Black, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Jaguar Plastics 28.73 18.99 37.76 JAGL3339M.jpg garbage bags, trash bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, JAG L3339M, JAGL3339M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
7219 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags 38x58, 0.50mil, 250 Bags (JAGL3858M) 7218 JAG L3858M 16.20 H7658MBJ 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
0.50 mil garbage bags are medium duty capacity for loads of sharp objects. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. Manufactured from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in bulk flat packs for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 0.50mil, Black, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 40.71 26.91 53.46 JAGL3858M.jpg garbage bags, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, JAG L3858M, JAGL3858M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
7220 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.50mil, 250 Bags (JAGL4046M) 7219 JAG L4046M 16.90 H8046MBJ 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
0.50 mil garbage bags are medium duty capacity for loads of sharp objects. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. Manufactured from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in bulk flat packs for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 0.50mil, Black, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 41.24 27.26 53.58 JAGL4046M.jpg garbage bags, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, JAG L4046M, JAGL4046M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
7221 Lagasse 56 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 43x47, 0.70mil, 100 Bags (JAGL4347H) 7220 JAG L4347H 9.40 H8647HBJ 56 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
0.70 mil garbage bags are extra heavy duty capacity for loads of sharp objects. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. Manufactured from high-quality blended resins for superior strength and puncture resistance. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in bulk flat packs for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Garbage Bags 43x47, 0.70mil, Black, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 26.89 17.78 36.80 JAGL4347H.jpg garbage bags, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, JAG L4347H, JAGL4347H, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
7223 Lagasse Luxury Foam Hair & Body Wash, (KCC91553) 7222 KCC 91553 15.00 91553 1000-ml refill cassettes. 6 per case. Kimberly Clark Professional 58.73 44.79 77.68 KCC91553.jpg Luxury Foam Hair & Body Wash, KCC 91553, KCC91553, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
7224 Lagasse Luxury Foam Instant Hand Sanitizer, (KCC91560) 7223 KCC 91560 15.00 91560 1000-ml refill cassettes. 6 per case. Kimberly Clark Professional 106.53 76.54 143.68 KCC91560.jpg Luxury Foam Instant Hand Sanitizer, KCC 91560, KCC91560, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
7225 Lagasse Lysol Disinfectant Spray, Early Morning Breeze, 12 Cans (REC80834) 7224 REC 80834 19.25 REC 80834 Lysol Brand Disinfectant Spray Early Morning Breeze
Easy-to-use surface disinfectant eliminates germs and odors on hard, nonporous surfaces. Effective against influenza A (H1N1 virus), rhinovirus, rotavirus, poliovirus Type 1, adenovirus Type II, herpes simplex virus Types 1 & 2, hepatitis A, salmonella, E. coli, staph and strep. Prevents the growth of mold and mildew. EPA Registered. Eliminates odors. Contains no CFSs. NSF D1.Excellent for use in nurseries, nursing homes, hospitals, schools, offices, work rooms, break rooms, play rooms, family rooms and more. Just spray and let it do the work for you. Gets in all the nooks and crannies. Leaves a light Early Morning Breeze scent.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Brand Disinfectant Spray Early Morning Breeze, 19 oz. Cans, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 98.19 60.25 130.15 REC80834.jpg lysol brand disinfectant spray early morning breeze, REC 80834, REC80834, disinfectant, deodorizer, disinfectants, disinfecting spray, lysol, lysol spray, deodorizers, germs 1 1 0 0 1 86
7226 Lagasse Masterpiece Premiere Coffee Mugs (WNACWM8192IPREM) 7225 WNA CWM8192IPREM 12.07 CWM8192IPREM Coffee Mug Masterpiece Premiere Dinnerware
Masterpiece is the only upscale dinnerware available that combines the elegance and refinement of painted china with the convenience of a premium disposable. Now choose from the elegant Premiere designed Ivory with Gold printed accents.
Coffe Mug Masterpiece Premiere Dinnerware, Ivory with Gold, 8-oz. 24 mugs per pack. 8 packs per case (192 mugs). - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 93.16 65.21 126.44 WNACWM8192IPREM.jpg Masterpiece Premiere Coffee Mugs, WNA CWM8192IPREM, WNACWM8192IPREM 1 1 0 0 1 170
7227 Lagasse Masterpiece Premiere 10.25" Plastic Plates, 120 Plates (WNAMP10IPREM) 7226 WNA MP10IPREM 17.19 MP10IPREM 10-1/4" Plastic Plates
Masterpiece? dinnerware is made from heavyweight, durable plastic. Provides an excellent alternative to hand-painted china, removing the problems involved in breakage and transport. The gold accents and fluting add grace and style to any occasion. This dinnerware presents all the beauty of hand-painted china with the convenience of a disposable.
WNA Inc. Masterpiece Premiere10-1/4" Plastic Plates, Ivory with Gold, 120 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Wna Inc. 135.19 94.63 177.76 WNAMP10IPREM.jpg Masterpiece Premiere Dinnerware, WNA MP10IPREM, WNAMP10IPREM 1 1 0 0 1 170
7228 Lagasse Masterpiece Premiere 6" Plastic Plates, 150 Plates (WNAMP6IPREM) 7227 WNA MP6IPREM 7.53 MP6IPREM 6" Plastic Plates
Masterpiece dinnerware is made from heavyweight, durable plastic. Provides an excellent alternative to hand-painted china, removing the problems involved in breakage and transport. The gold accents and fluting add grace and style to any occasion. This dinnerware presents all the beauty of hand-painted china with the convenience of a disposable.
WNA Inc. 6" Plate Masterpiece Premiere Plastic Plates, Ivory with Gold, 150 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 87.47 61.23 117.30 WNAMP6IPREM.jpg 6 inch plastic plates, 6" plastic plates, plastic plates, masterpiece premiere dinnerware, WNA MP6IPREM, WNAMP6IPREM, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 0 1 170
7229 Lagasse Masterpiece Premiere 7.5" Plastic Plates, 150 Plates (WNAMP75IPREM) 7228 WNA MP75IPREM 10.25 MP75IPREM 7-1/2" Plastic Plates
Masterpiece? dinnerware is made from heavyweight, durable plastic. Provides an excellent alternative to hand-painted china, removing the problems involved in breakage and transport. The gold accents and fluting add grace and style to any occasion. This dinnerware presents all the beauty of hand-painted china with the convenience of a disposable.
WNA Inc. Masterpiece Premiere 7-1/2" Plastic Plates, Ivory with Gold, 150 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 127.37 89.16 172.24 WNAMP75IPREM.jpg plastic plates, plates, disposable plates, plastic disposable plates, WNA MP75IPREM, WNAMP75IPREM 1 1 0 0 1 170
7230 Lagasse Masterpiece Premiere Dinnerware, 9" Plate, 120 Plates (WNAMP9IPREM) 7229 WNA MP9IPREM 13.20 MP9IPREM 9" Plate Masterpiece Premiere Dinnerware
The Masterpiece Premiere Dinnerware is the only upscale dinnerware that combines the conveniences of disposable dinnerware with the elegance of painted china design.
WNA Inc. 9" Plate Masterpiece Premiere Dinnerware, Ivory with Gold, 120 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 113.37 79.36 147.88 WNAMP9IPREM.jpg Masterpiece Premiere Dinnerware, WNA MP9IPREM, WNAMP9IPREM 1 1 0 0 1 170
7231 Lagasse Masterpiece Premiere Dinnerware, 10-oz Bowl (WNAMPBWL10IPREM) 7230 WNA MPBWL10IPREM 7.56 MPBWL10IPREM 10-oz Bowl Masterpiece Premiere Dinnerware
Masterpiece is the only upscale dinnerware available that combines the elegance and refinement of painted china with the convenience of a premium disposable. Now choose from the elegant Premiere designed Ivory with Gold printed accents.
10-oz Bowl Masterpiece Premiere Dinnerware, Ivory with Gold, 150 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 89.37 62.56 116.75 WNAMBWL10IPREM.jpg Masterpiece Premiere Dinnerware, WNA MPBWL10IPREM, WNAMPBWL10IPREM 1 1 0 0 1 170
7232 Lagasse Mechanical Portion Control Scales, (PEL632SRWQ) 7231 PEL 632SRWQ 30.00 632SRWQ ò Stainless steel construction ò NSF CertifiedGreat for food processing use. Rotating dial for easy tare. Alignment notch for precise and quick zero reset. Stainless steel construction will not rust. Dishwasher-safe housing and platform remove easily without tools. NSF certified. Measures in 1/4-oz. increments. 32-oz. capacity. 75/8w x 51/2d x 81/2h. 6 scales per case. Pelouze 119.31 91.00 162.87 PEL632SRWQ.jpg Mechanical Portion Control Scales, PEL 632SRWQ, PEL632SRWQ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 168
7234 Lagasse Mediumweight Polypropylene Forks, 1,000 Forks (BWKYFW-FW) 7233 BWK YFW-FW 6.50 YFW-FW-LAG Medium-Weight Plastic Forks
Strong and durable, these shatter-resistant polypropylene forks are a perfect fit for restaurants, picnics, events, catering,and other food service related events.These quality disposable forks work anywhere, and are certain to deliver high quality results at a low cost. Offering an easy to afford cutlery option that fits in any residential or commercial setting, these medium weight forks are packed 1,000 forks per case.
Boardwalk Medium Weight Polypropylene Fork, White, 1,000 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 15.38 11.73 20.97 BWKYFWFW.jpg mediumweight plastic forks, plastic forks, mediumweight forks, forks, disposable forks, polystyrene forks, plastic forks,BWK YFW-FW, BWKYFWFW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
7235 Lagasse Mediumweight Polypropylene Knives, 1,000 Knives (BWKYFW-KW) 7234 BWK YFW-KW 6.10 YFW-KW-LAG Medium-Weight Plastic Knives
Coming from a quality line of cutlery, Boardwalk's line of plastic soup knives, are certain to deliver high quality results at a low cost. Completely shatter-resistant, durable, and strong. These knives are completely disposable and fits in any residential or commercial setting. Made with 100% recyclable polypropylene resin. White. 1,000 pieces per case.
Boardwalk Mediumweight Polypropylene Knives, White, 1,000 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 15.92 12.14 21.55 BWKYFWKW.jpg Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, BWK YFW-KW, BWKYFWKW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
7236 Lagasse Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, 1,000 Sporks (BWKYFW-QW) 7235 BWK YFW-QW 6.35 YFW-QW-LAG Medium-Weight Plastic Sporks
Boardwalk's line of plastic cutlery certain to deliver high quality results at a low cost. Completely shatter-resistant, durable, and strong. These sporks are completely disposable and fits in any residential or commercial setting. Made with 100% recyclable polypropylene resin. White. 1,000 pieces per case.
Boardwalk Mediumweight Polypropylene Sporks, White, 1,000 Sporks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 18.63 14.21 25.03 BWKYFWQW.jpg Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, BWK YFW-QW, BWKYFWQW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
7237 Lagasse MediumWeight Polypropylene White Cutlery, 1,000 Soup Spoons (BWKYFW-SSW) 7236 BWK YFW-SSW 6.90 YFWSSWLAG Medium-Weight Plastic Soup Spoons
Boardwalk's line of plastic cutlery certain to deliver high quality results at a low cost. Completely shatter-resistant, durable, and strong. These soup spoons are completely disposable and fits in any residential or commercial setting. Made with 100% recyclable polypropylene resin. White. 1,000 pieces per case.
Boardwalk Mediumweight Polypropylene Soup Spoons, White, 1,000 Soup Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 15.38 11.73 20.36 BWKYFWSSW.jpg soup spoons, spoons, disposable spoons, polystyrene spoons, plastic spoons, BWK YFW-SSW, BWKYFWSSW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
7238 Lagasse Mediumweight White Polypropylene Cutlery, 1,000 Spoons (BWKYFW-SW) 7237 BWK YFW-SW 6.00 YFW-SW-LAG Medium-Weight Plastic Spoons
Boardwalk's line of plastic cutlery certain to deliver high quality results at a low cost. Completely shatter-resistant, durable, and strong. These spoons are completely disposable and fits in any residential or commercial setting. Made with 100% recyclable polypropylene resin. White. 1,000 pieces per case.
Boardwalk Mediumweight Polypropylene Spoons, White, 1,000 Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust Boardwalk Paper 16.51 12.59 21.90 BWKYFWSW.jpg Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, BWK YFW-SW, BWKYFWSW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
7239 Lagasse Mercury Storm 20 Gallon Tank Wet/Dry Vac (MFMWVP-20) 7238 MFM WVP-20 68.00 WVP-20 Mercury Storm 20 Gallon Wet/Dry Tank Vacuum
The Mercury Storm 20-gallon wet/dry tank vacuum features powerful dual 2.67 HP/200 watt vacuum motors with 225 CFM and 78 inch water lift. The 20-gallon tank is constructed of ultra durable poly and ideal for wet or dry pickup. The 10-foot vacuum hose allows you to clean a large area without moving the tank and the 1.5 inch vacuum hose locks securely to the tank port. This vacuum has a 4-piece tool kit that includes: dust brush, squeegee tool, scalloped bristle floor tool and crevice tool. Last but not least, this Mercury Wet/Dry Tank Vacuum comes with a Manufacturer’s one-year warranty on the motor.
20 Gallon Mercury Storm Wet & Dry Tank Vacuum Cleaner with Tools, Each. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Vacuum Cleaners » Wet / Dry Vacuum » Mercury Floor Machines 458.89 350.00 611.79 MFMWVP20.jpg wet dry vac, mercury wet dry vac, wet dry vacuum, 20 gallon wet dry vac, mercury wet dry vacuum cleaner, mercury storm vacuum, mercury storm wet/dry tank vacuum, MFM WVP-20, MFMWVP20 1 1 0 0 1 153
7241 Lagasse 11" MicroFeather Mini-Duster (UNSMINIDUSTER) 7240 UNS MINIDUSTER 0.15 MINIDUSTER Microfiber Feather Duster
Easily attracts dust instantly, and gently cleans hard-to-reach areas with ease. This duster is seen as an essential tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes. Microfiber feathers are wrapped around a flexible wire core head. Fits into any dusting area, no matter how tight. The handle end is fitted with standard threads to accommodate an extension handle. Assorted Color. 11" overall length.
Unisan MicroFeater Microfiber Feather Duster, Assorted Color, 11" Length, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 2.70 2.06 3.53 UNSMINIDUSTER.jpg microfiber feather duster, microfeather duster, microfiber duster, UNS MINIDUSTER, UNSMINIDUSTER, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
7242 Lagasse 23" Microfiber Feather Duster (UNSMICRODUSTER) 7241 UNS MICRODUSTER 0.32 MICRODUSTER Flex Head Microfiber Feather Duster
Durable, and flexible, this feather duster from Unisan adapts to every cleaning application. Easily attracts dust instantly, and gently clear cobwebs in hard-to-reach areas with ease, this duster is seen as an essential tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes. Coming with microfiber feathers that are wrapped around a flexible wire core head, this duster from Unisan fits into any dusting area, no matter how tight. The handle end is fitted with standard threads to accommodate an extension handle. 23" White.
Unisan 23" Microfiber Feather Duster Flexible Head, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 6.47 4.45 8.85 UNSMICRODUSTER.jpg microfiber feather duster, microfeather dusters, microfiber duster, UNS MICRODUSTER, UNSMICRODUSTER, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
7243 Lagasse Microfiber Flexi Frame Damp Mop, 12 Refills (RCPQ891BLU) 7242 RCP Q891 BLU 3.00 Q891 BLUE Rubbermaid Flexi Frame Damp Mop Refills
For general damp cleaning, with or without chemicals. Blue. 1 refill per pack. 12 packs per case. Microfiber cleaning system provides innovative solutions designed for proven superior performance in maintaining healthy, safe environments. Microfiber Flexi Frame is designed to gather and collect dirt, hair and other debris. Use hand held or with quick Connect to all RCP handles and extension poles. Save time and money when you can clean hard-to-reach places with ease.
Rubbermaid Flexi Frame Damp Mop Pads, Blue, 12 per Case
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 99.76 76.09 134.18 RCPQ891BLU.jpg Microfiber Flexi Frame Damp Mop Refill, RCP Q891 BLU, RCPQ891BLU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7244 Lagasse Microfiber Flexi Frame Hi-Pile, 12 Refills (RCPQ861WHI) 7243 RCP Q861 WHI 0.18 Q861 WHITE Rubbermaid Flexi Frame Hi-Pile Refills
Can be used damp or dry. White. 1 refill per pack. 12 packs per case. Microfiber cleaning system provides innovative solutions designed for proven superior performance in maintaining healthy, safe environments. Microfiber Flexi Frame is designed to gather and collect dirt, hair and other debris. Use hand held or with Quick- Connect to all Rubbermaid handles and extension poles. Save time and money when you can clean hard-to-reach places with ease.
Rubbermaid Flexi Frame Hi-Pile Dust/Damp Mop Pad, White, 12 per Case Rubbermaid Commercial Products 114.79 87.55 155.90 RCPQ861WHI.jpg Microfiber Flexi Frame Hi-Pile Refill, RCP Q861 WHI, RCPQ861WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7245 Lagasse Microfiber Flexi Frame Scrubber Refill Pad, Tub & Tile, 12 Scrubbers (RCPQ881YEL) 7244 RCP Q881 YEL 0.13 Q881 YELLOW Rubbermaid Flexi Frame Tub & Tile Scrubber Refills
Non abrasive tub & tile scrubber stripes clean stubborn dirt and soap scum on tub and tile surfaces. Yellow. 1 refill per pack. 12 packs per case. Microfiber cleaning system provides innovative solutions designed for proven superior performance in maintaining healthy, safe environments. Microfiber Flexi Frame is designed to gather and collect dirt, hair and other debris. Use hand held or with Quick-Connect to all Rubbermaid handles and extension poles. Save time and money when you can clean hard-to-reach places with ease.
Rubermaid Flexi Frame Tub & Tile Scrubber Pads, 12 per Case Rubbermaid Commercial Products 91.25 69.60 121.31 RCPQ881YEL.jpg Microfiber Flexi Frame Tub & Tile Refill, RCP Q881 YEL, RCPQ881YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7246 Lagasse Misty AltraSan Air Sanitizer & Deodorizer, (AMRA215-12) 7245 AMR A215-12 9.00 A0215FL-12 Metered dispenser. As an air sanitizer, this product effectively kills odor causing bacteria to cleanse the air you breathe. As a deodorant, the odor counteractant system chemically bonds with the malodor molecule destroying odors at the source. Standard 3000IN system provides excellent treatment (3000+ sprays for 80 microliter Metered Valve). Refill good for 30 days+ on 15 minute standard spray interval setting. Fresh Linen scent. 8.2-oz.can. 12 cans per case.IN Amrep/Misty 63.25 48.24 84.34 AMRA21512.jpg Misty« AltraSan« Air Sanitizer & Deodorizer, AMR A215-12, AMRA21512, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
7247 Lagasse Misty Brake Parts Cleaner IN50IN (AMRA730-20) 7246 AMR A730-20 15.00 A0730-20 Misty Brake Parts Cleaner 50
Spray easily removes brake fluid, grease, oily dirt and contaminants from linings, pads and drums, cylinders and springs without disassembling the brake unit. Also suitable for cleaning equipment, tools and parts. Meets or exceeds current state VOC requirements for all 50 states including California. Great for use in garage, tool shed, basement, shop, work room, car and many other areas that require safe reliable oil and grease clean ups.
Misty Brake Parts Cleaner 14-oz. aerosol can, 12 cans per case. - The wholesale brake parts cleaning supply company Buyers Trust.
Amrep/Misty 68.82 52.49 89.55 AMRA73020.jpg Misty« Brake Parts Cleaner IN50IN, AMR A730-20, AMRA73020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
7249 Lagasse Misty Dry Deodorizer, Mango Fragrance, AMRA242-20-MA 7248 AMR A242-20-MA 20.00 A242-20-MANGO Misty Dry Deodorizer, Mango Fragrance
This product is a premium air freshener with a dual odor counteractant system. Quickly eliminates foul odors leaving a light pleasant scent that freshens the air & effectively neutralizes smoke, organic decay and more. Ultra fine particulate spray spreads evenly treating large areas in seconds without fall-out or staining. CARB and OTC VOC compliant and contains no ozone depleting materials. Fragrance: Mango. Advanced formula freshens without staining or leaving a residue.
Misty Dry Deodorizer, Mango Fragrance, 12/20-oz Aerosol Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 42.46 32.38 56.59 AMRA24220MA.jpg misty dry deodorizer, AMR A242-20-MA, AMRA24220MA 1 1 0 0 1 5
7250 Lagasse Misty Si-Dry Silicone Lubricant, 12 Cans (AMRA329-16) 7249 AMR A329-16 15.00 A00329-16 Si-Dry Silicone Lubricant
Misty Silicone Lubricant offers a fast drying silicone spray that provides light lubrication for a wide variety of surfaces in textile plants including cutting tables, needles, blades, foam/fabric installation and other applications. Intended for use in producing, processing, treating, preparing, transporting or holding food. Medium viscosity formula is colorless, odorless, heat stable and non-staining. Hexane-free and low VOC, it contains no carcinogens or chlorinated solvents and won't deplete the ozone. 12-oz. aerosol can, 12 cans per case.
Misty Silicone Lubricant, 12-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The cleaning supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 54.36 41.46 71.48 AMRA32916.jpg lubricants, misty si-dry silicone lubricant, AMR A329-16, AMRA32916, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
7251 Lagasse Mr. Clean Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner, 40 oz. Bottles (PGC31502) 7250 PGC 31502 26.60 84971934 Mr Clean Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner
Mr. Clean multi-surface anitbacterial versatile 3-in-1 cleaner for any hard, washable surface. Cuts tough grease, contains antibacterial action to kill germs and cleans glass surfaces to a streak-free shine. Summer Citrus lemon scent. Excellent for use in break rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, playrooms, family rooms, nurseries, cafeterias, restaurants, work rooms and any other areas that need a quick and easy germ free clean up while leaving a fresh lemon scent.
Mr Clean Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner, 40 oz. Bottles, 9 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 32.11 24.49 43.85 PGC31502.jpg mr. clean antibacterial all-purpose cleaner, PGC 31502, PGC31502, all purpose cleaners, degreasers, antibacterial, cleaner, all purpose cleaner, degreaser, all-purpose cleaners 1 1 0 0 1 80
7253 Lagasse Nestle Carnation Coffee-mate Liquid (NES35110) 7252 NES 35110 6.40 NES35110 Nestle Carnation Coffee Mate Liquid
Non-dairy creamer in individual serving mini cups. 50 mini cups per box.
Coffee Mate, Original, 50 per Box, 4 Boxes per Case
Nestle 20.41 14.71 27.54 NES35110.jpg Nestle Carnation Coffee-mate Liquid, NES 35110, NES35110, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 227
7254 Lagasse Nestle Carnation Coffee-mate Liquid (NES35170) 7253 NES 35170 6.90 NES35170 Nestle Carnation Coffee Mate
Non-dairy creamer in individual serving mini cups. French Vanilla, 50 mini cups per box.
Nestle Coffee Mate French Vanilla, 50 Count Liquid Packs, 4 Packs per Case
Nestle 26.33 17.18 35.38 NES35170.jpg Nestle Carnation Coffee-mate Liquid, NES 35170, NES35170, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 227
7255 Lagasse Niagara Non-Aerosol Spray Starch, 6 Bottles (PBC08580) 7254 PBC 08580 10.02 08580 Spray Starch
Refresh your fabrics and give them a crisp, sharp finish with Phoenix Brands Spray Starch. Niagara Spray Starch comes in an easy to use, trigger spray bottle that easily delivers a clean spray without the use of aerosol, delivering environmentally friendly results. This trusted ironing aid provides a long lasting, professional finish to your clothes, without spending a fortune on dry cleaners. When applied to clothing, Niagara Spray Starch also helps material resist dirt and sweat staining while smoothing away wrinkles. Your fabrics will look new again with each use. The preferred choice for residential and commercial customers, Niagara Spray Starch should be a staple in every laundry room. Stock up today and save!
Phoenx Brands Niagara Non-Aerosol Spray Starch, 22-oz. Trigger Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Phoenix Brands 11.08 8.18 14.64 PBC08580.jpg niagara spray starch, niagara starch, spray starch, niagara non aerosol spray starch, laundry spray starch, laundry starch, PBC 08580, PBC08580 1 1 0 0 1 167
7256 Lagasse Niagara Heavy Spray Starch, 12 Cans (PBC08150) 7255 PBC 08150 18.40 08150 Heavy Spray Starch
Niagara heavy spray starch provides a long lasting, professional finish for every kind of fabric. Uniforms are crisp, creases sharp and fabrics look and feel refreshed. Helps strengthen clothes for longer use and tougher fabric.
Phoenix Brands Niagara Spray Starch-Heavy, 20 - oz. Aerosol Spray Can, 12 Cans per Case
Laundry Products » Laundry Spray Starch - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Phoenix Brands 17.18 12.72 22.96 PBC08150.jpg niagara spray starch, niagara starch, spray starch, laudry spray starch, laundry products, aerosol spray starch, PBC 08150, PBC08150 1 1 0 0 1 167
7257 Lagasse Octy-Round Table Cover, 12 Covers (COV923272) 7256 COV 923272 4.40 923272 82" Diameter Octy-Round Table Covers
One-ply, facial-quality tissue backed by waterproof plastic film. Elegant linen embossing. Highly absorbent.
Octy-Round Table Cover White, 82" Diameter Cover, 12 Table Covers per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Converting, Inc. 32.77 22.94 43.53 COV923272.jpg table covers, octy-round table cover, COV 923272, COV923272, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 0 1 161
7258 Lagasse Rubbermaid Waste Container Identification Decal (RCPBP-1) 7257 RCP BP-1 0.01 BP1 Trash Can Identification Decal
Factory Mutual System Approved for fire safety Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits hands-free sanitary use Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030; Large opening. Tight-fitting, overlapping lid controls odors.Ensures proper waste disposal. Text in English and Spanish, unless otherwise noted.
Rubbermaid Waste Container Identification Decals, Fluorescent Orange-Red, Bio-Hazard, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3.87 2.95 5.09 RCPBP1.jpg optional identification decals for waste containers, RCP BP-1, RCPBP1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7259 Lagasse Optional Identification Decals for Waste Containers, (RCPCD-1) 7258 RCP CD-1 0.06 CD1 Optional Identification Decals for Waste Containers
Caution Chemotherapy Waste, Yellow and Black, 6 in. h. x 6 in. w. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 3.92 2.99 5.30 RCPCD1.jpg optional identification decals for waste containers, RCP CD-1, RCPCD1, janitorial supplies, decals, caution decals, chemotherapy caution decal, chemotherapy decals 1 1 0 0 1 89
7260 Lagasse Bio-Hazard Identification Waste Containers Decals (RCPCL-1) 7259 RCP CL-1 0.01 CL1 Bio-Hazard Labels
Bio-Hazard Label - ensures proper disposal of waste. Text in English and Spanish, unless otherwise noted. Sold individually and must be applied by purchaser. Factory Mutual System Approved for fire safety. Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits hands-free sanitary use. Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking - won’t rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030. UPC = 097591005828 • Weight = 0.1 lbs/EACH. Mfgr Code: CL-1. Mfgr Name: RUBBERMAID COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS. Priced Each Decal.
Rubbermaid Bio-Hazard Identification Waste Containers Decal, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 2.94 2.24 4.00 RCPCL1.jpg bio-hazard identification decals for trash cans, bio hazard decals, bio hazard stickers, identification decals for waste containers, RCP CL-1, RCPCL1 1 1 0 0 1 89
7261 Lagasse Optional Identification Decals for Waste Containers, (RCPCL-2) 7260 RCP CL-2 0.01 CL2 ò Factory Mutual System Approved for fire safetyò Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits handsfree sanitary useò Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leakingùwonÆt rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030Ensures proper waste disposal. Text in English and Spanish, unless otherwise noted. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 2.94 2.24 3.83 RCPCL2.jpg Optional Identification Decals for Waste Containers, RCP CL-2, RCPCL2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7262 Lagasse Bi-lingual "Trash Only" Waste Container Decals (RCPCL-3) 7261 RCP CL-3 0.01 CL3 Bi-lingual "Trash Only" Decals
Factory Mutual System Approved for fire safety Quiet, heavy-duty pedal permits hands-free sanitary use Seamless puncture-resistant plastic resists leaking rust or dent; complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 Ensures proper waste disposal. Text in English and Spanish, unless otherwise noted.
Rubbermaid Bi-lingual "Trash Only" Waste Container Decals, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 2.94 2.24 3.88 RCPCL3.jpg Optional Identification Decals for Waste Containers, RCP CL-3, RCPCL3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7263 Lagasse Optional Identification Decals for Waste Containers, (RCPCL-4) 7262 RCP CL-4 0.01 CL4 Ensures proper waste disposal. Text in English and Spanish, unless otherwise noted. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 2.94 2.24 3.87 RCPCL4.jpg Optional Identification Decals for Waste Containers, RCP CL-4, RCPCL4, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7267 Lagasse 10# Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGK10-500) 7266 BAG GK10-500 14.00 80985 10 # Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 6-5/16"x 4-3/16"x 13-3/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 15.59 11.89 21.11 BAGGK10500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GK10-500, BAGGK10500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7268 Lagasse 12# Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGK12-500) 7267 BAG GK12-500 18.00 80982 12 # Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 7-1/16"x 4-1/2"x 13-3/4", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 17.74 13.04 23.80 BAGGK12500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GK12-500, BAGGK12500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7269 Lagasse 16# Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGK16-500) 7268 BAG GK16-500 24.00 80976 16 # Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 7-3/4"x 4-13/16"x 16", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 19.58 14.71 26.77 BAGGK16500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GK16-500, BAGGK16500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7270 Lagasse 20# Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGK20-500) 7269 BAG GK20-500 26.00 80977 20 # Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 8-1/4"x 5-5/16"x 16-1/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 22.02 16.79 28.81 BAGGK20500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GK20-500, BAGGK20500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7271 Lagasse 20# Shorty Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGK20S-500) 7270 BAG GK20S-500 25.00 80979 20 # Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 8-1/4"x 5-5/16"x 13-3/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 22.02 16.79 29.63 BAGGK20S500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GK20S-500, BAGGK20S500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7272 Lagasse 2# Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGK2-500) 7271 BAG GK2-500 5.00 81006 2 # Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 4-5/16"x 2-7/16"x 7-7/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Paper Bags And Sacks 7.92 6.04 10.75 BAGGK2500.jpg brown paper bags, kraft paper bags, #2 brown bags, #2 kraft paper bags, BAG GK2-500, BAGGK2500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7273 Lagasse 25# Shorty Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGK25S-500) 7272 BAG GK25S-500 27.00 80980 25 # Shorty Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 8-1/4"x 6-1/8"x 15-7/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 26.27 17.92 34.87 BAGGK25S500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GK25S-500, BAGGK25S500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7274 Lagasse 4# Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGK4-500) 7273 BAG GK4-500 7.00 81007 4 # Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 5"x 3-1/3"x 9-3/4", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 10.05 7.67 13.52 BAGGK4500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GK4-500, BAGGK4500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7275 Lagasse 5# Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGK5-500) 7274 BAG GK5-500 10.00 81082 5 # Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 5-1/4"x 3-7/16"x 10-15/16", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 11.71 7.88 15.68 BAGGK5500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GK5-500, BAGGK5500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7276 Lagasse 6# Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGK6-500) 7275 BAG GK6-500 12.00 80983 6 # Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 6"x 3-5/8"x 11-1/16", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 12.15 8.84 16.10 BAGGK6500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GK6-500, BAGGK6500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7277 Lagasse 8# Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGK8-500) 7276 BAG GK8-500 13.00 80984 8 # Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 6-1/8"x 4-1/6"x 12-7/16", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 13.37 10.20 17.90 BAGGK8500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GK8-500, BAGGK8500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7278 Lagasse White 10# Standard-Duty Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGW10-500) 7277 BAG GW10-500 14.00 81274 10# Standard-Duty Duro Bag - White Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty White Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
10# White Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 6-5/16"x 4-3/16"x 13-3/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 21.02 16.03 28.40 BAGGW10500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. White Bleached Kraft, BAG GW10-500, BAGGW10500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7279 Lagasse White 12# Standard-Duty Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGW12-500) 7278 BAG GW12-500 19.00 81004 12# Standard-Duty Duro Bag - White Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty White Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
12# White Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 7-1/16"x 4-1/2"x 13-3/4", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 26.95 20.56 35.35 BAGGW12500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. White Bleached Kraft, BAG GW12-500, BAGGW12500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7280 Lagasse White 16# Standard-Duty Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGW16-500) 7279 BAG GW16-500 23.00 81248 16# Standard-Duty Duro Bag - White Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty White Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
16# White Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 7-3/4"x 4-13/16"x 16", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 32.12 21.29 43.48 BAGGW16500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. White Bleached Kraft, BAG GW16-500, BAGGW16500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7281 Lagasse White 20# Standard-Duty Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGW20-500) 7280 BAG GW20-500 26.00 81012 20# Standard-Duty Duro Bag - White Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty White Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
20# White Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 8-1/4"x 5-5/16"x 16-1/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 31.84 24.28 42.61 BAGGW20500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. White Bleached Kraft, BAG GW20-500, BAGGW20500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7282 Lagasse White 20# Squat Standard-Duty Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGW20S-500) 7281 BAG GW20S-500 25.00 85992 20# Squat Standard-Duty Duro Bag - White Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty White Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
20# Squat White Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 8-1/4"x 5-5/16"x 14-3/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 33.22 23.12 43.33 BAGGW20S500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. White Bleached Kraft, BAG GW20S-500, BAGGW20S500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7283 Lagasse White 2# Standard-Duty Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGW2-500) 7282 BAG GW2-500 5.00 81232 2# Standard-Duty Duro Bag - White Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty White Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
2# White Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 4-5/16"x 2-7/16"x 7-7/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 10.14 7.73 13.37 BAGGW2500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. White Bleached Kraft, BAG GW2-500, BAGGW2500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7284 Lagasse White 4# Standard-Duty Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGW4-500) 7283 BAG GW4-500 7.00 81250 4# Standard-Duty Duro Bag - White Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty White Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
4# White Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 5"x 3-1/3"x 9-3/4", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 11.12 8.46 15.17 BAGGW4500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. White Bleached Kraft, BAG GW4-500, BAGGW4500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7285 Lagasse White 6# Standard-Duty Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGW6-500) 7284 BAG GW6-500 11.00 81223 6# Standard-Duty Duro Bag - White Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty White Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
6# White Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 6"x 3-5/8"x 11-1/16", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 16.38 12.49 21.86 BAGGW6500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. White Bleached Kraft, BAG GW6-500, BAGGW6500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7286 Lagasse White 8# Standard-Duty Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGW8-500) 7285 BAG GW8-500 13.00 81273 8# Standard-Duty Duro Bag - White Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Standard-Duty White Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
8# White Kraft Standard-Duty Paper Bags, 6-1/8"x 4-1/6"x 12-7/16", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 18.03 13.47 24.51 BAGGW8500.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. White Bleached Kraft, BAG GW8-500, BAGGW8500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7287 Lagasse 10# Heavy-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGX10-500) 7286 BAG GX10-500 24.00 80893 10# Heavy-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Heavy-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 6-5/16"x 4-3/16"x 13-3/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 23.45 17.88 31.14 BAGGX10.jpg Paper Bags, 250 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GX10-500, BAGGX10500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7288 Lagasse 12# Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGX12-500) 7287 BAG GX12-500 27.00 81014 12 # Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Heavy-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 7"x 4-1/2"x 13", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 24.73 18.86 32.81 BAGGX12.jpg Paper Bags, 250 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GX12-500, BAGGX12500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7289 Lagasse 2# Heavy-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGX2-500) 7288 BAG GX2-500 8.00 89461 2# Heavy-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Heavy-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 4-5/16"x 2-7/16"x 7-7/8", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 11.71 8.93 15.24 BAGGX2060.jpg Paper Bags, 250 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GX2-500, BAGGX2500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7290 Lagasse 4# Heavy-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGX4-500) 7289 BAG GX4-500 12.00 89462 4# Heavy-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Heavy-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 5"x 3-1/3"x 9-3/4", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Paper Bags And Sacks 12.47 9.51 16.79 BAGGX4.jpg Paper Bags, 250 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GX4-500, BAGGX4500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7291 Lagasse 5# Heavy-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGX5-500) 7290 BAG GX5-500 14.00 85141 5# Heavy-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Heavy-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 5-1/4"x 3-7/16"x 10-15/16", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 14.53 11.08 18.89 BAGGX5.jpg Paper Bags, 250 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GX5-500, BAGGX5500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7292 Lagasse 6# Heavy-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGX6-500) 7291 BAG GX6-500 17.00 89463 6# Heavy-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Heavy-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 6"x 3-5/8"x 11-1/16", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 13.88 10.58 18.89 BAGGX6.jpg Paper Bags, 250 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GX6-500, BAGGX6500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7293 Lagasse 8# Heavy-Duty Brown Kraft Paper Bags 500 per Bundle (BAGGX8-500) 7292 BAG GX8-500 21.00 89464 8# Heavy-Duty Duro Bag - Paper Bags
Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Recyclable and biodegradable; certified SFI and Cedar Grove. Product and packaging contain recycled content. Heavy-Duty Paper Bags 500 paper bags per bundle.
Brown Kraft Heavy-Duty Paper Bags, 6-1/8"x 4-1/6"x 12-7/16", 500 Bags per Bundle. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Paper Bags And Sacks 20.73 15.68 27.54 BAGGX8.jpg Paper Bags, 250 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft, BAG GX8-500, BAGGX8500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 194
7294 Lagasse Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft with square bottom., (BAGLQPINT-500) 7293 BAG LQPINT-500 7.00 82514 A wide array of sizes and weights for a multitude of needs. Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Paper Bags And Sacks 11.74 8.93 15.40 BAGLQPINT.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft with square bottom., BAG LQPINT-500, BAGLQPINT500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 194
7295 Lagasse Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft with square bottom., (BAGLQQUART-500) 7294 BAG LQQUART-500 11.00 81527 A wide array of sizes and weights for a multitude of needs. Features gussets and self-opening thumb notches. Paper Bags And Sacks 19.22 10.24 25.99 BAGLQQUART.jpg Paper Bags, 500 bags per inner bundle. Brown Kraft with square bottom., BAG LQQUART-500, BAGLQQUART500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 194
7296 Lagasse ProSave Cart for Ingredient Bins (RCP9G59) 7295 RCP 9G59 37.50 9G59 Maximize your storage capacity. ProSave Cart and Mobile Rack shelves have safety positioning locators to securely store and transport bins. Ensure proper cart or rack loading by placing bins on bottom shelf first, meeting UL tip and threshold standards for safe transport of Safety Storage Bins throughout the flow of food transport. Four 5IN non-marking casters. Chrome.Two shelves, each shelf holds four 40 cup bins (RCP 9G60), two 100 cup bins (RCP 9G57 WHI), or one 200 cup bin (RCP 9G58 WHI)3/4h. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 217.64 166.00 293.66 RCP9G59.jpg Paper Bags, RCP 9G59, RCP9G59, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7302 Lagasse Pheno D Disinfectant Deodorant Spray, (BGD337) 7301 BGD 337 14.75 337 Pheno D Disinfectant Deodorant Spray
Antimicrobial agent and two-way deodorizer for use on pre-cleaned hard, nonporous surfaces. Total release aerosol fogger can be used in homes, schools, hospitals, food service, storage facilities and more. Great for getting in areas with nooks and crannies to kill odors and germs on all surfaces, no matter how small or large an area.
Pheno D Disinfectant Deodorant Spray, 12 cans per case. - The wholesale disinfectant & deodorant supply company Buyers Trust.
Big D Ind 44.77 34.15 59.28 BGD337.jpg Pheno D Disinfectant Deodorant Spray, BGD 337, BGD337, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 12
7304 Lagasse Plastic Cold Cup Dome Lid, (SCCDLR626) 7303 SCC DLR626 10.00 DLR626-0090 Clear with straw hole. 100 lids per pack; 10 packs per case (1,000 lids). Solo Cup Company 111.93 78.35 146.75 SCCDL626.jpg Plastic Cold Cup Dome Lid, SCC DLR626, SCCDLR626, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
7306 Lagasse Chinet High Heat Vented Plastic Lids, 1,000 Lids (HUH89107) 7305 HUH 89107 9.30 89107 High Heat Vented Plastic Lid
These plastic lids are translucent, making it easy to identify the contents of the food container. They conveniently fit several sizes of the Chinet Streetside paper food containers including the 6/8, 8/10, 12, and 16 ounce containers (sold separately).
Huhtamaki Chinet High Heat Vented Plastic Lid, Fits all sizes 6-16oz, 20 bags of 50 Lids, 1,000 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Huhtamaki 76.57 53.60 103.62 HUH89107.jpg Plastic Lids, HUH 89107, HUH89107, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
7307 Lagasse Chinet High Heat Vented Plastic Lids, 500 Lids (HUH89112) 7306 HUH 89112 6.50 89112 16-32oz High Heat Vented Lids
These plastic lids are translucent, making it easy to identify the contents of the food container. They conveniently fit the 16oz to 32oz sizes of the Chinet Streetside paper food containers (sold separately).
Huhtamaki Chinet High Heat Vented Plastic Lid, Fits all sizes 6-16oz, 20 bags of 25 Lids, 500 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Huhtamaki 33.66 23.56 45.22 HUH89112.jpg Plastic Lids, HUH 89112, HUH89112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
7308 Lagasse Solo 3.5-oz. Plastic Party Cups, Translucent, 2,500 Cups (SCCP35A) 7307 SCC P35A 20.00 P35A 3.5-oz. Plastic Cups
These cups are ideal for samples and taste testing. Durable and crack resistant. Translucent polystyrene. 3.5-oz. size. 100 cups per pack; 25 packs per case (2,500 cups).
Solo 3.5-oz. Plastic Party Cups, Translucent, 100 Cups per Pack, 25 Packs, 2,500 Cups per Case
CleanItSupply,com - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 78.50 54.95 107.21 SCCP35A.jpg plastic cups, solo plastic cup, plastic cup, translucent plastic cups, SCC P35A, SCCP35A 1 1 0 0 1 141
7309 Lagasse Plastic Table Rolls (COV01-1131) 7308 COV 01-1131 3.80 011131 Durable and reusable plastic table covers. 5.0 mil post embossed 40 x 100' roll.IN Converting, Inc. 15.43 10.80 21.12 COV011131.jpg Plastic Table Rolls, COV 01-1131, COV011131, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 161
7310 Lagasse Plastic Table Rolls (COV013002) 7309 COV 013002 3.80 013002 Durable and reusable plastic table covers. 5.0 mil post embossed 40 x 100' roll.IN Converting, Inc. 15.43 10.80 20.92 COV013002.jpg Plastic Table Rolls, COV 013002, COV013002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 161
7311 Lagasse Plastic Table Rolls (COV01-3011) 7310 COV 01-3011 3.80 013011 Durable and reusable plastic table covers. 5.0 mil post embossed 40 x 100' roll.IN Converting, Inc. 15.24 10.67 20.23 Plastic Table Rolls, COV 01-3011, COV013011, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 161
7312 Lagasse Plastic Table Rolls (COV763122) 7311 COV 763122 3.80 763122 Durable and reusable plastic table covers. 5.0 mil post embossed 40 x 100' roll.IN Converting, Inc. 14.51 10.16 19.01 COV0763122.jpg Plastic Table Rolls, COV 763122, COV763122, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 161
7313 Lagasse Plastic Table Rolls (COV763124) 7312 COV 763124 3.80 763124 Durable and reusable plastic table covers. 5.0 mil post embossed 40 x 100' roll.IN Converting, Inc. 14.51 10.16 19.74 COV0763124.jpg Plastic Table Rolls, COV 763124, COV763124, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 161
7315 Lagasse Pledge Multi-Surface Clean & Dust Wipes, 12 Packs (DRKCB214629) 7314 DRK CB214629 6.32 CB214629 Pledge Multi-Surface Clean & Dust Wipes
Multi-surface cleaner in the convenience and portion control of a wipe. Made for furniture that has a mix of wood and other material such as granite, glass or metal. Can also be used on electronics, plastic, mirrors, stainless steel, chrome, marble, appliances, countertops and porcelain. Great tool for homes, break rooms, offices, conference rooms and many places with wood furniture that is mixed with other surfaces that need a quick wipe down.
Pledge multi-surface clean & dust wipes, 25 wipes per Pack, 12 Packs per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 54.80 41.80 74.62 DRKCB214629.jpg Pledge« Multi-Surface Clean & Dust Wipes, DRK CB214629, DRKCB214629, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
7316 Lagasse Hoover PortaPACK Lightweight Vacuum Carrying Bag (HOOCH01005) 7315 HOO CH01005 8.80 CH01005 Hoover PortaPACK Carrying Bag
The Hoover PortaPACK Carrying Bag provides a convenient carrying bag for the PortaPower Lightweight Vacuum Cleaner (sold separately). Comfortably padded, the Hoover PortaPACK Carrying Bag provides an adjustable waist strap which secures the bag to the user, preventing shifting from side to side during use. Easily protects furniture from scuffs and scratches, the Hoover PortaPACK Carrying Bag is designed for both left and right handed operation. The storage pouch on the Hoover PortaPACK Carrying Bag will hold tool attachments, as well as other cleaning accessories.
Hoover PortaPACK Carrying Bag for the PortaPower Lightweight Vacuum Cleaner, Sold as Each
Floor & Carpet Care » Vacuum Cleaners » Canister Vacuum - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Hoover 19.68 12.49 25.94 HOOCH01005.jpg vacuum carrying bag, protapack carrying bag, vaccum bag carrier, HOO CH01005, HOOCH01005, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
7318 Lagasse Premium Blended Yarn Standard Head, (UNS402BL) 7317 UNS 402BL 13.00 402BL Durable, open end spun cotton/rayon/synthetic blend. Launderable. Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Choose natural cotton for general cleaning or rayon for heavy cleaning or floor finishing. Standard heads use clamp style mop handles; saddleback heads use clamp or gripper style handles; lieflat heads use lieflat screw-in handles (all sold separately). Unisan 91.46 69.23 125.21 UNS402BL.jpg Premium Blended Yarn Standard Head, UNS 402BL, UNS402BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
7319 Lagasse Premium Blended Yarn Standard Head, (UNS402GN) 7318 UNS 402GN 1.08 402GN Durable, open end spun cotton/rayon/synthetic blend. Launderable. Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Choose natural cotton for general cleaning or rayon for heavy cleaning or floor finishing. Standard heads use clamp style mop handles; saddleback heads use clamp or gripper style handles; lieflat heads use lieflat screw-in handles (all sold separately). 12 per case
Unisan 87.83 66.99 116.21 UNS402GN.jpg Premium Blended Yarn Standard Head, UNS 402GN, UNS402GN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
7320 Lagasse Unisan Premium Blended Yarn Standard Mop Heads, 12 Mops (UNS403BL) 7319 UNS 403BL 1.42 403BL Premium Launderable Large Blue Mop Heads
Durable, open-end spun cotton/rayon/synthetic blend 4-ply premium yarn. Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Launderable. Sturdy 5-inch mesh headband.
Unisan Premium Blend Mop Head, 5" Mesh Head Band, Large Size, Blue, 12 Mops per Case Unisan 112.67 85.51 147.88 UNS403BL.jpg 5" mesh, large mop heads, blue mop heads, 4 ply blend mop heads, launderable mop heads, looped end mop heads, unisan mop heads, premium blended yarn standard head, UNS 403BL, UNS403BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, mop heads 1 1 0 0 1 110
7321 Lagasse Premium Blended Yarn Standard Head, (UNS403GN) 7320 UNS 403GN 19.00 403GN Durable, open end spun cotton/rayon/synthetic blend. Launderable. Looped-end design lints less, reduces fraying and unraveling. Durable double-sewn tailband prevents tangles and provides more floor coverage with each stroke. Four-ply premium yarn. Choose natural cotton for general cleaning or rayon for heavy cleaning or floor finishing. Standard heads use clamp style mop handles; saddleback heads use clamp or gripper style handles; lieflat heads use lieflat screw-in handles (all sold separately). Unisan 113.07 82.54 151.68 UNS403GN.jpg Premium Blended Yarn Standard Head, UNS 403GN, UNS403GN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
7322 Lagasse Premium Coated Paper Plates, (AJMCP9AJCWWH14) 7321 AJM CP9AJCWWH14 14.00 CP9AJCWWH14 Grease resistant, 9 dia. heavy-duty plates for parties, holidays and everyday. White. 125 plates per pack; 4 packs per case (500 plates).IN Ajm 29.50 21.43 39.95 AJMCP9AJCWWH14.jpg Premium Coated Paper Plates, AJM CP9AJCWWH14, AJMCP9AJCWWH14, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 156
7324 Lagasse Produce Bags 10x15 1400 Bags per Roll 4 Rolls per Case (IBSPHMORE15NS) 7323 IBS PHMORE15NS 20.43 #PHMORE15NS Produce Bags 10x15 1400 Bags per Roll 4 Rolls per Case
The ideal choice for containing loose fruit, vegetables, baked goods and other dry or encased foods. Produce Bags offer a simple and easy way to transport food. Ideal for groceries, produce sellers, bakeries, baked good stores and other food service industries. Designed to perfectly contain both fruits and vegetables design on high-density polyethylene bags. Holds self-serve items such as fresh fruit, produce, candy and baked goods. 9 micron gauge. Continuous roll with easy-open perforation for dispensing. Able to provide proper food containment for up to 5 days, these produce bags are the cornerstone of any food service or transportation service.
Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 43.75 32.42 58.76 IBSPHMORE15NS.jpg Produce Bags, IBS PHMORE15NS, IBSPHMORE15NS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
7326 Lagasse ProSave Carts & Racks, (RCP9G79CHR) 7325 RCP 9G79 CHR 43.80 FG9G7900CHRM Maximize your storage capacity. ProSaveÖ Cart and Mobile Rack shelves have safety positioning locators to securely store and transport bins. Ensure proper cart or rack loading by placing bins on bottom shelf first, meeting UL tip and threshold standards for safe transport of Safety Storage Bins throughout the flow of food transport. Four 5IN non-marking casters. Chrome.Three shelves, each shelf holds six 40 cup bins (RCP 9G60), three 100 cup bins (RCP 9G57 WHI), or one 200 cup bin (RCP 9G58 WHI) Rubbermaid Commercial Products 217.64 166.00 290.53 RCP9G79CHR.jpg ProSave Carts & Racks, RCP 9G79 CHR, RCP9G79CHR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
7327 Lagasse ProSave Mobile Rack 38 wide for IN, (RCP9G80CHR) 7326 RCP 9G80 CHR 76.00 FG9G8000CHRM Maximize your storage capacity. ProSaveÖ Cart and Mobile Rack shelves have safety positioning locators to securely store and transport bins. Ensure proper cart or rack loading by placing bins on bottom shelf first, meeting UL tip and threshold standards for safe transport of Safety Storage Bins throughout the flow of food transport. Four 5IN non-marking casters. Chrome.Four shelves, each shelf holds eight 40 cup bins (RCP 9G60), four 100 cup bins (RCP 9G57 WHI), or two 200 cup bins (RCP 9G58 WHI) Rubbermaid Commercial Products 302.87 231.00 398.64 RCP9G80CHR.jpg ProSave Mobile Rack 38 wide for IN, RCP 9G80 CHR, RCP9G80CHR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
7328 Lagasse ProSave Mobile Rack 50 wide for IN, (RCP9G81CHR) 7327 RCP 9G81 CHR 5.24 FG9G8100CHRM Maximize your storage capacity. ProSaveÖ Cart and Mobile Rack shelves have safety positioning locators to securely store and transport bins. Ensure proper cart or rack loading by placing bins on bottom shelf first, meeting UL tip and threshold standards for safe transport of Safety Storage Bins throughout the flow of food transport. Four 5IN non-marking casters. Chrome.One shelf holds one 40 cup bin RCP 9G60 (sold separately). 10.6w x 10.5d x 7.1h. Chrome. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 46.54 35.50 63.30 RCP9G81CHR.jpg ProSave Mobile Rack 50 wide for IN, RCP 9G81 CHR, RCP9G81CHR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
7329 Lagasse ProSave Sliding Lid with Scoop, (RCP9G77WHI) 7328 RCP 9G77 WHI 4.30 FG9G7700WHT Rotating clear sliding lid with integrated scoop storage, fits BRUTE containers RCP 2620, and RCP 2632 (sold separately). The lid allows for one-handed access and quick identification of ingredients. The sliding lid's patent-pending design enhances efficient food production and improves safety compliance.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 62.82 41.00 84.81 RCP9G77WHI.jpg ProSave Sliding Lid with Scoop, RCP 9G77 WHI, RCP9G77WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7330 Lagasse ProSave Sliding Lid with Scoop, (RCP9G78WHI) 7329 RCP 9G78 WHI 5.30 9G7800 WHT Rotating clear sliding lid with integrated scoop storage, fits BRUTE containers RCP 2620, and RCP 2632 (sold separately). The lid allows for one-handed access and quick identification of ingredients. The sliding lid's patent-pending design enhances efficient food production and improves safety compliance.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 66.79 50.94 89.58 RCP9G78WHI.jpg ProSave Sliding Lid with Scoop, RCP 9G78 WHI, RCP9G78WHI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7331 Lagasse ProSave Wall Mounted Rack for, (RCP4489BLA) 7330 RCP 4489 BLA 28.00 FG448900 BLACK Maximize your storage capacity. ProSaveÖ Cart and Mobile Rack shelves have safety positioning locators to securely store and transport bins. Ensure proper cart or rack loading by placing bins on bottom shelf first, meeting UL tip and threshold standards for safe transport of Safety Storage Bins throughout the flow of food transport. Four 5IN non-marking casters. Chrome.Perfect for storing frozen, cold, or dry goods inventory off of the floor. 12 high deck meets flood safety guidelines; NSF Approved. Slotted deck allows maximum air circulation for sensitive items. Heavy-duty aluminum frame will not corrode. Freezer-safe; withstands temperatures from 20 to 120F. DuramoldÖ precision engineered resin and metal composite structure for unsurpassed durability and service life. Molded-in tie-down slots for load security. Textured deck surface reduces load slippage. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Conveniently stack to save space when not in use. Black. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 145.71 102.50 191.00 RCP4489BLA.jpg ProSave Wall Mounted Rack for, RCP 4489 BLA, RCP4489BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
7332 Lagasse Gojo Provon Foaming Hand Soap with Moisturizers, 2 Refills (GOJ5385-02) 7331 GOJ 5385-02 6.00 5385-02 Provon Foaming Hand Soap
Made with a specially designed foaming formula, enriched with vitamins and moisturizers. This unique hand soap provides an amazingly gentle cleansing experience along with a fresh, cranberry scent. Air is infused into the soap as it is dispensed, resulting in a rich, creamy lather. The ultra mild foam soap formula combines a luxurious lather with advanced skin moisturizers, making this the ideal soap for frequent hand washing. Each refill comes with a fresh dispensing valve and is sanitary sealed to help lock out germs. A clear skylight eliminates guesswork and makes it easy to see when a refill is needed and each refill easily snaps into place when the appropriate dispenser is used. Manufactured by the inventors of Purell, this foaming hand soap is the perfect balance between skin health and hygiene. Stock up today!
Gojo Provon Foaming Hand Soap with Advance Moisturizers, 1200-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 44.93 34.27 58.59 GOJ538502.jpg gojo provon foam handwash with advance moisturizers, provon medicated soap, provon soap refill, provon medicated lotion soap, provon hand soap, GOJ 5385-02, GOJ538502 1 1 0 0 1 50
7333 Lagasse Nicepak Pudgies Scented Baby Wipes, 960 Wipes (NICA437FW) 7332 NIC A437FW 17.00 A437FW Baby Wipes
When you choose these baby wipes from Nicepak, you are choosing only the best for your child. These pre-moistened, disposable wet wipes are comparable to some of the most popular name brand baby wipes. The quilted design of these real-cloth wipes provides extra comfort for baby, but they are still strong enough to hold up to even the toughest mess and keep the user’s hand unsoiled. These wipes are made with an alcohol-free, vitamin E and aloe-infused formula that provides a gentle, non-irritating clean for your little one. The tissue-like dispensing of Pudgies Baby Wipes allows for single-handed use. These thick and soft baby wipes are perfect for home, in the car and on the go. They are also ideal for daycare centers, hotels, changing areas and more. Stock up on Pudgies Baby Wipes today!
Nicepak Pudgies Baby Wipes, Scented, 80 Wipes per Pack, 12 Packs, 960 Wipes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Nicepak 34.46 26.15 47.15 NICA437FW.jpg wet wipes, pudgies baby wipes, pudgies wet wipes, cleaning wipes, wet naps, disposable wipes, NIC A437FW, NICA437FW 1 1 0 0 1 138
7335 Lagasse Gojo Purell Instant Hand Foam Sanitizer, (GOJ5792-04) 7334 GOJ 5792-04 5.90 5792-04 Gojo Purell Instant Hand Foam Sanitizer
Kills 99.99% of most common germs that may cause illness. Works in as little as 15 seconds, without soap or towels. Specially formulated with moisturizers to leave hands feeling soft and refreshed even afer repeated use. Dermatologist tested. Dye-free.The power of PURELL, America's #1 instant hand sanitizer, in a non-aerosol foaming formula. Kills 99.99% of most common germs that may cause illness. Thick, rich foam formula stays on your hand. Patent-pending 62% ethyl alcohol formula is free of fluorinated chemicals. Contains moisturizers to help keep skin hydrated.
Gojo purell instant hand foam sanitizer, 535-ml pump bottle. 4 bottles per case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Small Bottles »Purell Hand Sanitizer Pump Bottles » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 75.99 55.74 101.81 GOJ579204.jpg purell instant hand foam sanitizer, hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 5792-04, GOJ579204 1 1 0 0 1 50
7336 Lagasse Gojo Purell Sanitizing Wipes (GOJ911701) 7335 GOJ 9117-01 11.35 9117-01 Purell Hand Sanitizing Wipes
All the germ-killing benefits of Purell, America's #1 instant hand sanitizer, in a non-linting, durable wipe. Textured for superior cleaning. Sanitizes hands while wiping away light soils and dirt. Kills 99.99% of common germs that may cause illness. Convenient, easy to use and ideal for offices, restaurants, health clubs or anywhere else germs may be. For use with Purell Sanitizing Wipes 1200-count Wall Dispenser (sold separately).
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Hand Wipes » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 57.87 44.14 76.35 GOJ911701.jpg purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, purell wipes, sanitizing hand wipes, purell hand wipes, GOJ 9117-01, GOJ911701 1 1 0 0 1 50
7337 Lagasse Gojo Purell Sanitizing Wipes Refills, 2 Pouches (GOJ9118-02) 7336 GOJ 9118-02 19.50 9118-02 Gojo Purell Sanitizing Wipes
Purell Sanitizing wipes contain all of the germ-killing benefits of America’s #1 hand sanitizer in a convenient, durable, and non-linting wipe. The textured surface of these wipes not only sanitizes, but they also wipe away light soils and dirt. Purell sanitizing wipes kill 99.99% of common germs that may cause illness. These pre-moistened, sanitizing wipes have been dermatologist tested and also tested for surface compatibility. Incidental contact will not harm vinyl, plastic, metal or rubber. Quick drying and convenient, these wipes are easy to use and ideal for use in offices, restaurants, health clubs, schools and anywhere else germs may live.
Gojo Purell Sanitizing Wipes, 1,200 Count Refill Pouch, 2 Pouches per Case
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 106.81 68.25 139.82 GOJ911802.jpg purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, purell wipes, sanitizing hand wipes, purell hand wipes, GOJ 9118-02, GOJ911802 1 1 0 0 1 50
7339 Lagasse Gojo Purell Sanitizing Wipes Wall Dispenser (GOJ9019-01) 7338 GOJ 9019-01 4.00 9019-01 Gojo Purell Sanitizing Wipes Wall Dispenser
Convenient, easy-to-install wall mount dispensert. Puts 1200 Count PURELL Sanitizing Wipes where you need them. White.
Use 1200 ct refills (GOJ 9118-02), Sold separately.
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer » Purell Hand Sanitizer Hand Wipes » - The wholesale gojo products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 34.93 26.64 46.97 GOJ901901.jpg gojo sanitizing wipes wall dispenser, hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer dispenser, purell sanitizing hand wipes, GOJ 9019-01, GOJ901901 1 1 0 0 1 50
7340 Lagasse Gojo Purell TFX Touch-Free 1200 ml Dispenser, Nickel Finish (GOJ2780-12) 7339 GOJ 2780-12 2.50 2780-12 Purell TFX Touch-Free Dispenser
Ideal for hand hygiene, this touch-free Purell dispensing system from Gojo eliminates the need to touch a dispenser while sanitizing your hands. This quality dispenser automatically dispenses the perfect amount of Purell needed in a single shot. Fully ADA-Compliant dispensers feature a skylight with an extra-large sight window that makes it easy to see when it’s time to refill. Designed to hold 1200-ml refills GOJ 5392-02 and GOJ 5456-04 (sold separately). Mounts to wall with adhesive (incl.) or screws (not incl.). Requires three C alkaline batteries (incl.). 6.375w x 4.438d x 11.25h.
Gojo Purell TFX Touch-Free 1200-ml. Dispenser, 6.375" x 4.438" x 11.25", Nickel Finish, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 30.13 20.88 39.96 GOJ278012.jpg hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 2780-12, GOJ278012 1 1 0 0 1 50
7342 Lagasse PVC Food Wrap Film, (BWK7230) 7341 BWK 7230 10.30 BWK7230 Professional-quality food wrap roll in a convenient cutter box. Boardwalk Paper 27.97 21.33 37.53 BWK7230.jpg PVC Food Wrap Film, BWK 7230, BWK7230, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
7343 Lagasse Quick Connect Adapter, (RCPQ701BLA) 7342 RCP Q701 BLA 0.10 FGQ701-00 BK00 Allows use of standard threaded tools with Quick connect handles & poles.Quick Connect mechanism speeds mop assembly and changeover. Strong, lightweight and corrosion-resistant aluminum construction. Powder coated yellow finish. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 6.50 4.96 8.52 RCPQ701BLA.jpg Quick Connect Adapter, RCP Q701 BLA, RCPQ701BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
7344 Lagasse Quick Connect Extension Handles, (RCPQ775YEL) 7343 RCP Q775 YEL 5.53 Q775-00 YL00 Quick Connect Extension Handles
User-friendly grip makes handle more comfortable to use. Telescoping handle adjusts height; locks in place. Yellow Quick Connect mechanism speeds mop assembly and changeover. Strong, lightweight and corrosion-resistant aluminum construction. Powder coated yellow finish. Extends from 6 feet up to18 feet.
Quick Connect Extension Handles - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 82.14 59.68 109.31 RCPQ775YEL.jpg quick connect extension handles, RCP Q775 YEL, RCPQ775YEL, extension poles, extension handle, pole, handles, quick connect pole, quick connect handle 1 1 0 0 1 89
7345 Lagasse 52" Microfiber Quick Connect Handle, Steel (RCPQ749YEL) 7344 RCP Q749 YEL 0.91 Q749-00 YL00 Rubbermaid Steel Quick Connect Handle
Quick-Connect mechanism speeds mop assembly and changeover. Strong, lightweight and corrosion resistant steel economy construction. Promotes green cleaning and water conservation. Contributes to LEED points. Powder-coated yellow finish. Nonslip tip prevents handle from sliding down walls, provides Quick Connect mechanism speeds mop assembly and changeover. Strong, lightweight and corrosion-resistant aluminum construction. Powder coated yellow finish. *Not for use in MRI rooms*
Rubbermaid Quick-Connect Handle, Steel Economy, 52", Each - The janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 5.62 4.28 7.55 RCPQ749YEL.jpg microfiber handle, mop handle, steel mop handle, RCP Q749 YEL, RCPQ749YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7346 Lagasse Reflections Disposable Fork Cutlery, 600 Forks (WNA610155) 7345 WNA 610155 8.66 610155 Reflections Cutlery Forks
Get the convenience of disposable cutlery without sacrificing the look of real silverware. Reflections has the same shine and silver sparkle of stainless steel cutlery, giving a unique, formal alternative to white, black or clear disposable cutlery. Reflections is the only solution addressing both need for a formal presentation and the high costs associated with renting or owning (cleaning, transporting and replacing) permanent flatware. Heavyweight plastic, stainless steel look.
WNA Reflections Heavyweight Disposable Fork, Silver, 600 Forks per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 63.47 44.43 85.48 WNA610155.jpg stainless steel forks, plastic forks, reflections forks, disposable forks, reflections disposable cutlery, WNA 610155, WNA610155 1 1 0 0 1 170
7347 Lagasse Reflections Disposable Cutlery, 600 Spoons (WNA620155) 7346 WNA 620155 7.68 620155 Reflections Cutlery Spoons
Get the convenience of disposable cutlery without sacrificing the look of real silverware. Reflections has the same shine and silver sparkle of stainless steel cutlery, giving a unique, formal alternative to white, black or clear disposable cutlery. Reflections is the only solution addressing both need for a formal presentation and the high costs associated with renting or owning (cleaning, transporting and replacing) permanent flatware. Heavyweight plastic, stainless steel look.
WNA Reflections Heavyweight Disposable Spoon, Silver, 600 Spoons per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 62.99 44.09 84.61 WNA620155.jpg plastic spoon, plastic cutlery, reflections disposable cutlery, WNA 620155, WNA620155 1 1 0 0 1 170
7348 Lagasse Reflections Disposable Cutlery, 600 Knives (WNA630155) 7347 WNA 630155 8.77 630155 Reflections Cutlery Knives
Get the convenience of disposable cutlery without sacrificing the look of real silverware. Reflections has the same shine and silver sparkle of stainless steel cutlery, giving a unique, formal alternative to white, black or clear disposable cutlery. Reflections is the only solution addressing both need for a formal presentation and the high costs associated with renting or owning (cleaning, transporting and replacing) permanent flatware. Heavyweight plastic, stainless steel look.
WNA Reflections Heavyweight Disposable Knife, Silver, 600 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 66.60 46.62 90.73 WNA630155.jpg reflections disposable cutlery, WNA 630155, WNA630155 1 1 0 0 1 170
7349 Lagasse Reflections Disposable Cutlery, 600 Soup Spoons (WNA640155) 7348 WNA 640155 6.75 640155 Reflections Cutlery Spoons
Get the convenience of disposable cutlery without sacrificing the look of real silverware. Reflections has the same shine and silver sparkle of stainless steel cutlery, giving a unique, formal alternative to white, black or clear disposable cutlery. Reflections is the only solution addressing both need for a formal presentation and the high costs associated with renting or owning (cleaning, transporting and replacing) permanent flatware. Heavyweight plastic, stainless steel look.
WNA Reflections Heavyweight Disposable Spoon, Silver, 600 Spoons per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 65.79 46.05 89.99 WNA640155.jpg reflections disposable cutlery, WNA 640155, WNA640155 1 1 0 0 1 170
7354 Lagasse 55 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x53, 1.3mil, 100 Bags (HERH8053PK) 7353 HER H8053PK 18.40 H8053PK R01 55 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
These superior 55 gallon clear can liners provide a strong, affordable, and resilient heavy-duty garbage bag option. Specifically designed to allow for even weight distribution, these bags offer an exceptional combination of low cost and high quality, while providing an economical can liner solution. A premium quality prime resin provides better performance at lighter gauges. Natural (non-petroleum based) reinforcement additive for greater resistance to punctures and tears. Less energy based materials contribute to source reduction.
Heritage-Bag Company 55 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x53, 1.3mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Heritage-Bag Company 54.92 36.22 72.76 HERH8053PK.jpg 50 gallon garbage bags, 50 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 50 gallon garbage can liners, HER H8053PK, HERH8053PK 1 1 0 0 1 225
7356 Lagasse Reveal Polypropylene Cups, (SCCPX14) 7355 SCC PX14 21.31 PX14-0090 One lid fits six straight wall cup sizes for SKU reduction, greater warehouse efficiency and less clutter at the beverage station. Durable and crack resistant, cups feature sturdy base and fit in car cup holder without tipping. Strong enough for both dining in and on the go fountain drinks. Clear polypropylene cup. 50 cups per pack; 20 packs per case (1,000 cups). Solo Cup Company 115.89 81.12 151.21 SCCPX14.jpg Reveal Polypropylene Cups, SCC PX14, SCCPX14, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
7357 Lagasse Solo Polypropylene Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCCPX16) 7356 SCC PX16 21.38 PX16-0090 Solo Polypropylene Cups
One lid fits six straight wall cup sizes for SKU reduction, greater warehouse efficiency and less clutter at the beverage station. Durable and crack resistant, cups feature sturdy base and fit in car cup holder without tipping. Strong enough for both dining in and on the go fountain drinks.
Solo Clear Polypropylene Cups, 50 Cups per Pack, 20 Packs, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 119.09 83.36 157.65 SCCPX16.jpg solo plastic cups, plastic cups, solo plastic cup, SCC PX16, SCCPX16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
7358 Lagasse Reveal Polypropylene Cups, (SCCPX18) 7357 SCC PX18 24.19 PX18-0090 One lid fits six straight wall cup sizes for SKU reduction, greater warehouse efficiency and less clutter at the beverage station. Durable and crack resistant, cups feature sturdy base and fit in car cup holder without tipping. Strong enough for both dining in and on the go fountain drinks. Clear polypropylene cup. 50 cups per pack; 20 packs per case (1,000 cups). Solo Cup Company 119.41 83.59 157.98 SCCPX18.jpg Reveal Polypropylene Cups, SCC PX18, SCCPX18, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
7359 Lagasse Solo 20-oz. Reveal Polypropylene Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCCPX20) 7358 SCC PX20 27.13 PX20-0090 Solo Polypropylene Cups
One lid fits six straight wall cup sizes for SKU reduction, greater warehouse efficiency and less clutter at the beverage station. Durable and crack resistant, cups feature sturdy base and fit in car cup holder without tipping. Strong enough for both dining in and on the go fountain drinks. Clear polypropylene cup. 50 cups per pack; 20 packs per case (1,000 cups).
Solo Clear Polypropylene Cups, 50 Cups per Pack, 20 Packs, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 154.09 107.86 206.17 SCCPX20.jpg solo cups, solo plastic cups, solo reveal polypropylene cups, SCC PX20, SCCPX20 1 1 0 0 1 141
7364 Lagasse Rubbermaid Clever Store 3.75 Gallon Snap-Lid Container (RHP3Q24CLE) 7363 RHP 3Q24 CLE 1.80 FG3Q2400CLR Rubbermaid Clever Store Snap-Lid Container
Square-edge design allows you to maximize cabinet and shelf space. Secure-fitting lid protect contents. Recessed handles provide a solid grip. Durable polypropylene boxes keep contents contained, dry and dust-free. Built-in handles for easy lifting and carrying. Clear polypropylene with white lid.
Rubbermaid Clever Store Snap-Lid Container Storage Box, 3.75 Gallon, Clear, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Home Products 5.97 4.55 8.07 RHP3Q24CLE.jpg rubbermaid, rubbermaid home products, clear storage boxes, RHP 3Q24 CLE, RHP3Q24CLE 1 1 0 0 1 90
7366 Lagasse Rubbermaid Filters (RCP9VDVEF44) 7365 RCP 9VDVEF44 0.50 FG9VDVEF44 DVAC Exhaust Filters Rubbermaid Commercial Products 50.11 38.22 67.31 Rubbermaid« Filters, RCP 9VDVEF44, RCP9VDVEF44, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7367 Lagasse Safe Ice Handling System, (RCP9F54TBL) 7366 RCP 9F54 TBL 4.00 FG9F5400TBLUE A suite of innovative, end-to-end integrated ice management tools designed to increase operational efficiencies while reducing food safety concerns. Reduces the risk of cross contamination and improves employee safety.The Ice Tote (patent-pending) features an angled top surface and pouring spout to reduce spills. Fits in most commercial dishwashers and includes a rear hang hook for upside down tote storage. Ergonomic comfort grip allows for safe transfer and ease of use. Ice Bin Hook Adapter allows the Ice Tote to attach to nearly any ice machine, reducing cross-contamination, ice spillage and employee back strain, while improving efficiency. NSF Certified. 5.5-gallon, 25-lb. capacity. Dedicated Ice Only, Blue tint. 13.3w x 12.2INl x 22.1INh. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 38.42 29.30 50.96 RCP9F54TBL.jpg Safe Ice Handling System, RCP 9F54 TBL, RCP9F54TBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
7368 Lagasse Sand Urn/12-Gal. Litter Receptacle, (RCPR12SU-201PL) 7367 RCP R12SU-201PL 39.00 FGR12SU201PL ò ADA Compliant ò Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines ò Made from 30% recycled steel, 100% recyclable Vandal-resistant and fire-safe, heavy-gauge galvanized steel with decorative stone panels (panels included). Powder coated finish for durability and years of trouble-free service. Receptacles feature leakproof, removable rigid plastic liners. ManufacturerÆs limited one-year warranty. Ships fully assembled.Removable 131/2 sq. steel sand urn top; four 9w x 5h disposal openings. Brown. 131/2 sq. x 32h. Shpg. wt. 47-lbs.IN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 395.96 302.00 518.94 RCPR12SU201PL.jpg Sand Urn/12-Gal. Litter Receptacle, RCP R12SU-201PL, RCPR12SU201PL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
7372 Lagasse Sani-Professional Brand Sani-Hands II Hand Sanitizer Wipes, 1,000 Wrapped Packets (NICD43800) 7371 NIC D43800 10.00 D43800 Sani-Professional Brand Sani-Hands II
Premoistened wipe safely, gently and effectively sanitizes hands. For use in food prep areas, serving stations, and checkout/cashier stations. Developed to meet the Food Code Hand Sanitiation Requirements. Kills germs that can cause illness. Contains a moisturizer to help prevent dry skin. 5"x 8" Sheet Size.
Nicepak Sani-Professional Brand Sani-Hands II, 100 Wipes per Box, 10 Boxes per Case, 1,000 Wipes per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Nicepak 47.29 36.07 63.43 NICD43800.jpg sani-professional brand sani-hands II, individually wrapped packets, NIC D43800, NICD43800 1 1 0 0 1 138
7374 Lagasse Sani-Professional Brand TableTurners, 12 Packs (NICA580FW) 7373 NIC A580FW 22.68 A580FW Restaurant Table Wet Wipes
Premoistened wipes are quick and easy to use. Streak-free formula provides excellent results on most flat surfaces. Dispenser-style packaging. Premoistened disposable wipes are a quick, easy-to-use alternative to rags. Fast, effective, streak-free formula is ideal for restaurant use, dining tables, countertops, bar tops, porcelain and other hard surfaces. Includes 12 packs of 80 wipes each. 7 inch x 11 1/2" wipe. 80 wipes per pack, 12 packs per case.
Nicepak Sani-Professional Brand TableTurners Disposable Wipes, 7"x11.5" Wipe, 80 Wipes per Pack, 12 Packs per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Nicepak 52.52 40.06 69.06 NICA580FW.jpg Sani-Professional Brand TableTurners, NIC A580FW, NICA580FW, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 138
7375 Lagasse Sanitaire Quiet Clean Commercial Upright Vacuum Cleaner (EURSC889) 7374 EUR SC889 22.80 SC889 SANITAIRE COMMERCIAL UP RIGHT MEETS LEED REQUIREMENTS. Look for the CRI Green Label logo on approved Sanitaire models. The CRI Green Label logo is a trademark of the Carpet & Rug Institute. Eureka - Sanitaire 251.38 189.62 335.77 EURSC889.jpg Sanitaire«, EUR SC889, EURSC889, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 38
7376 Lagasse Scoop Holder, (RCP9F73BLA) 7375 RCP 9F73 BLA 0.60 FG9F7300 BLA A suite of innovative, end-to-end integrated ice management tools designed to increase operational efficiencies while reducing food safety concerns. Reduces the risk of cross contamination and improves employee safety.The Ice Tote Lid fits securely on the Ice Tote, RCP 9F54 TBL (sold separately). This reduces cross-contamination risk during transport by hand carry or when totes are placed on the Rubbermaid«Ice Cart, RCP 9F55 BLA (sold separately). The Ice Tote Lid is NSF Certified and commercial dishwasher safe. Black. 11.25w x 12INl x 2INh. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 9.89 7.54 12.86 RCP9F73BLA.jpg Scoop Holder, RCP 9F73 BLA, RCP9F73BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
7377 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Clean Biodegradable Absorbent Sponges, 16 Sponges (MCO97274) 7376 MCO 97274 0.91 97274 Scotch-Brite Biodegradable Absorbent Sponge
Absorbent sponge is reusable and long lasting. A great alternative to using paper towels, one sponge outlasts more than 30 rolls of paper towels. Sponge is biodegradable. Be a part of the solution to a greener planet while using this new and natural sponge to clean all of your dishes, pots, pans, baseboards, door jams, doors, back splashes and appliances.
Scotch-Brite Green Clean Biodegradable Sponges, 2 Sponges per Pack, 8 Packs, 16 Sponges per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 16.43 10.40 21.65 MCO97274.jpg Scotch-Brite Greener Clean Biodegradable Absorbent Sponges, MCO 97274, MCO97274, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
7378 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Greener Clean Natural Fiber Scrub Sponge, 12 Sponges (MCO97030) 7377 MCO 97030 1.29 97030 Scotch-Brite Greener Clean Natural Fiber Scrub Sponge
The Scotch Brite brand you know and trust is now offering an eco-friendly Natural Fiber Scrub Sponge. This non-scratching sponge can be used on cookware, non-stick surfaces, dishes, counters, tables and kitchen equipment without leaving a mark. Scotch Brite has created a great alternative to paper towels, as one sponge outlasts more than 30 rolls of towels. 50% of the fibers in this scrubbing sponge are made from the Agave plant, a highly flexible and renewable resource. The sponge contains 100% natural materials, 23% of which is recycled paper. Save some money and be a part of keeping the planet green by making these sponges a staple in your kitchen.
3M Corp. Scotch-Brite Greener Clean Natural Fiber Scrub Sponge, 12 Sponges per Case
Cleaning & Janitorial Supplies » Sponges & Scrubbers - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 21.45 13.60 29.09 MCO97030.jpg scotch-brite greener clean natural fiber, MCO 97030, MCO97030, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
7379 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Greener Clean Natural Fiber Scour Pads, (MCO97223) 7378 MCO 97223 1.01 97223 Scotch-Brite Greener Clean Natural Fiber Scour Pads
Non-scratch scrubbing fibers are made from 50% natural agave plant, a highly flexible and renewable resource. Gently scrub your pots, pans, dishes, baseboards, back splash, door jams, and much more while being a part of the solution to a greener planet.
Scotch-Brite greener clean natural fiber scour pads, 12 pads per case. - The wholesale Scotch-Brite supply company Buyers Trust.
3M Corporation 29.55 19.36 39.05 MCO97223.jpg Scotch-Brite Greener Clean Natural Fiber, MCO 97223, MCO97223, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
7380 Lagasse 13" 3M Scotch-Brite Purple Diamond Floor Pads, MCO47946 7379 MCO 47946 1.76 47946 13" Purple Diamond Floor Pads
Unique diamond mineral construction that simultaneously cleans and polishes marble, terrazzo, slate and polished concrete flooring to bring it to a high gloss.
3M Scotch-Brite Diamond Floor Pads, Purple, 13" Diameter, 5 per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 170.03 129.68 231.53 MCO47946.jpg floor pad, floor pads, low speed floor pad, low speed floor pads, scotch-brite purple diamond floor pads, MCO 47946, MCO47946 1 1 0 0 1 1
7381 Lagasse 17" 3M Scotch-Brite Purple Diamond Floor Pads, (MCO47951) 7380 MCO 47951 2.87 47951 Unique diamond mineral construction that simultaneously cleans and polishes marble, terrazzo, slate and polished concrete flooring to bring it to a high gloss. 3M Corporation 216.72 162.46 292.10 MCO47951.jpg Scotch-Brite Purple Diamond Floor Pads, MCO 47951, MCO47951, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
7382 Lagasse 20" 3M Scotch-Brite Purple Diamond Floor Pads (MCO48065) 7381 MCO 48065 3.75 48065 Unique diamond mineral construction that simultaneously cleans and polishes marble, terrazzo, slate and polished concrete flooring to bring it to a high gloss. 3M Corporation 263.15 183.07 358.44 MCO48065.jpg Scotch-Brite Purple Diamond Floor Pads, MCO 48065, MCO48065, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
7383 Lagasse 13" 3M Scotch-Brite Sienna Diamond Floor Pads, (MCO48194) 7382 MCO 48194 1.76 48194 For use on dull floors to help condition the floor and bring it to a low/medium gloss. 3M Corporation 170.03 129.68 222.48 MCO48194.jpg Scotch-Brite Sienna Diamond Floor Pads, MCO 48194, MCO48194, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
7384 Lagasse 20" 3M Scotch-Brite Sienna Diamond Floor Pads (MCO10027) 7383 MCO 10027 3.75 10027 For use on dull floors to help condition the floor and bring it to a low/medium gloss. 3M Corporation 256.96 195.98 346.40 MCO10027.jpg Scotch-Brite Sienna Diamond Floor Pads, MCO 10027, MCO10027, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
7385 Lagasse 17" 3M Scotch-Brite Sienna Diamond Floor Pads, (MCO10047) 7384 MCO 10047 2.87 10047 For use on dull floors to help condition the floor and bring it to a low/medium gloss. 3M Corporation 267.12 158.46 348.82 MCO10047.jpg Scotch-Brite Sienna Diamond Floor Pads, MCO 10047, MCO10047, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
7386 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pads, (MCO23276) 7385 MCO 23276 3.35 23276 Effectively remove floor finish using only water or neutral cleaner, preparing the floor for finish application. 3M Corporation 100.98 77.02 132.88 MCO23276.jpg Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pads, MCO 23276, MCO23276, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
7387 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pads, (MCO29592) 7386 MCO 29592 4.00 29592 Effectively remove floor finish using only water or neutral cleaner, preparing the floor for finish application. 3M Corporation 113.00 84.38 147.68 MCO29592.jpg Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pads, MCO 29592, MCO29592, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
7388 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pads, (MCO29595) 7387 MCO 29595 2.15 29595 Effectively remove floor finish using only water or neutral cleaner, preparing the floor for finish application. 3M Corporation 65.24 49.76 88.13 MCO29595.jpg Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pads, MCO 29595, MCO29595, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
7389 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pads, (MCO02498) 7388 MCO 02498 4.60 02498 Effectively remove floor finish using only water or neutral cleaner, preparing the floor for finish application. 3M Corporation 182.46 139.17 243.71 Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pads, MCO 02498, MCO02498, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
7390 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pads, (MCO02590) 7389 MCO 02590 3.57 02590 Effectively remove floor finish using only water or neutral cleaner, preparing the floor for finish application. 3M Corporation 158.50 120.89 209.52 Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pads, MCO 02590, MCO02590, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
7392 Lagasse Scott 100% Recycled Fiber Multi-Fold Towels, 4,000 Towels (KCC01801) 7391 KCC 01801 17.80 01801 100% Recycled Fiber Multi-Fold Towels
Made with 100% recycled fiber. Meets EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste content (towels: 40%) and is Green SealÖ Certified. Green SealÖ Certified products contain 100% recovered paper fiber and 75% post-consumer materials, and meets the Green Seal environmental standard for bleaching, de-inking and packaging. Towel codes contain no added fragrances. 250 towels per pack. 16 packs per case.
Kimberly Clark Scott 100% Recycled Multi-Fold Towels, 250 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 32.41 23.88 43.38 KCC01801.jpg multi-fold towels, scott paper towels, paper towels, multi fold paper towels, KCC 01801, KCC01801, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
7393 Lagasse Scott 100% Recycled Fiber Multi-Fold Towels, 4,000 Towels (KCC01860) 7392 KCC 01860 15.60 01860 Scott Recycled Fiber Multi-Fold Towels
Made with 100% recycled fiber. Meets EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste content (towels: 40%) and is Green Seal Certified. Green Seal Certified products contain 100% recovered paper fiber and 75% post-consumer materials, and meets the Green Seal environmental standard for bleaching, de-inking and packaging. Towel codes contain no added fragrances. 250 towels per pack. 16 packs per case.
Kimberly Clark Scott 100% Recycled Fiber Multi-Fold Towels, 250 Towels, 16 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 61.70 44.26 81.33 KCC01860.jpg scott 100% recycled fiber multi-fold towels, multi-fold towels, paper towels, KCC 01860, KCC01860, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
7394 Lagasse Scott High Capacity Hard Roll Towels (KCC02000) 7393 KCC 02000 24.50 02000 Scott Hard Roll Paper Towels, White
Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. Meets EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste: towels 40%. INMeets EPA standards with a minimum of 40% post-consumer waste content; elemental chlorine-free (EFC) bleaching; packaging reduction through providing greater feet per case and 19% more towels on each core (compared to 800' roll towels). 1.75" core diameter. 7.87" x 950'
Scott White Hard Roll Paper Towels, 1.75" Core Diameter, 950' Rolls, 6 Rolls per Case
Kimberly Clark Professional 70.71 53.93 92.35 KCC02000.jpg scott high capacity hard roll towels, KCC 02000, KCC02000 1 1 0 0 1 65
7395 Lagasse SCOTT Scottfold M Towels, 4,375 Towels (KCC01960) 7394 KCC 01960 19.85 01960 ScottFold M Fold Towels
New, larger case size to reduce packaging waste. Meets EPA standards with a minimum of 40% post-consumer recycled fiber and total minimum of 50% recycled fiber. The ideal replacement for C-folds; dispenses one-at-a-time, eliminates tabbing and tearing and are easy to load. Guaranteed 10% cost savings vs. C-fold towels. White, one-ply. 12.4 length sheets.
Scott ScottFold M Towels, 1 ply, White, 175 Towels per Pack, 25 Packs per Case, 4375 Towels - The janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 45.38 31.59 59.70 KCC01960.jpg Scottfold M Towels, KCC 01960, KCC01960, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
7396 Lagasse Scott Scottfold M Towels (KCC01980) 7395 KCC 01980 22.85 01980 Scott ScottFold M Towels
New, larger case size to reduce packaging waste. Meets EPA standards with a minimum of 40% post-consumer recycled fiber and total minimum of 50% recycled fiber. The ideal replacement for C-folds; dispenses one-at-a-time, eliminates tabbing and tearing and are easy to load. Guaranteed 10% cost savings vs. C-fold towels.
Kimberly Clark ScottFold M Towels, White, 1Ply, 9.4" x 12.4" towels. - The wholesale paper products supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 55.59 42.40 73.32 KCC01980.jpg scott scottfold m towels, KCC 01980, KCC01980 1 1 0 0 1 65
7397 Lagasse Scrubs Furniture Polish Wipes, 6 Canisters (DYM92065) 7396 DYM 92065 9.00 92065 Scrubs Furniture Polish Wipes
Quickly and efficiently polish and dust a variety of surfaces. Lemon scented furniture polish on a highly absorbent, soft disposable cloth. Shine, condition and remove dirt and dust without messy build-up all in one easy step. No slippery overspray. Light enough to use daily, yet effective polish that conditions to protect. Excellent for homes and commercial use in settings with family, friends or staff nearby. Don't breath in those fumes from sprays, just use these convenient wipes.
Scrubs furniture polish wipes, 6x9 Wipe, 65 Wipes per Container, 6 Containers per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Itw Dymon 66.54 50.75 87.21 DYM92065.jpg Scrubs« Furniture Polish Wipes, DYM 92065, DYM92065, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
7398 Lagasse Semi-Live Skid 24 x 48IN IN, (RCP4494BLA) 7397 RCP 4494 BLA 51.00 FG449400 BLACK DuramoldÖ exclusive engineered resin and metal composite structure provides maximum load support. Structural foam deck for enhanced durability, won't rust, dent, chip or splinter. Molded-in tie-down slots for load security. Textured desk surface reduces load slippage. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Virtually maintenance free.Heavy-duty tow plate engages/disengages jack handle RCP 4492 (sold separately). 24w x 51INl x 45INh. Black. Capacity 2,000-lbs. Shpg. wt. 73.8-lbs. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 323.84 247.00 420.63 RCP4494BLA.jpg Semi-Live Skid 24 x 48IN IN, RCP 4494 BLA, RCP4494BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
7399 Lagasse Semi-Live Skid Jack Handle (RCP4492RED) 7398 RCP 4492 RED 38.00 FG449200 RED Commercial Semi-Live Skid Jack Handle
Handle matches up with Rubbermaid Commercial tow plates simplifying attachment and removal. Tight turning-radius design enables easy maneuverability. TPR, shock-absorbing casters. All steel handle and linkage. Includes one jack handle.
Rubbermaid Commercial Semi-Live Skid Jack Handle, Red, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 150.78 115.00 202.08 RCP4492RED.jpg Semi-Live Skid Jack Handle, RCP 4492 RED, RCP4492RED, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7400 Lagasse Sheet & Panel Trucks, (RCP4468BLA) 7399 RCP 4468 BLA 98.00 FG446800 BLACK DuramoldéÖ exclusive engineered resin and metal composite structure provides maximum load support. Structural foam and steel reinforced deck for enhanced durability, won't rust, dent, chip or splinter. Molded-in tie-down slots for load security. Textured desk surface reduces load slippage. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Two fixed, two swivel heavy-duty polyolefin casters for optimal control, maneuverability and long wear life over a variety of surfaces. Easy and quick assembly with common tools. Virtually maintenance free. Black.Three removable powder-coated steel vertical frames provide support for hard-to-handle loads. Vertical frame retainer clips prevent unintended removal. Deck size: 24 x 48IN. Overall dimensions: 24INw x 51INl x 40INh. Capacity 2,000-lbs. Shpg. wt. 73.8-lbs.IN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 440.53 336.00 590.61 RCP4468BLA.jpg Sheet & Panel Trucks, RCP 4468 BLA, RCP4468BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
7401 Lagasse Sheet Cake & Utility Boxes, (SCH1025) 7400 SCH 1025 37.00 1025 Lock corner, 1 piece, CCK, tuck top boxes. Poly wrapped. Totally chlorine-free, made from a renewable resource. Recyclable, compostable and biodegradable. White Southern Champion 40.54 28.38 52.78 SCH1025.jpg Sheet Cake & Utility Boxes, SCH 1025, SCH1025, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
7402 Lagasse Sheet Cake & Utility Boxes 50 per Case (SCH1029) 7401 SCH 1029 41.00 1029SOC Sheet Cake & Utility Boxes - 50 Boxes per Case
A perfect fit for baking, cooking or food storage. Perfect for commercial food service companies, caterers, and restaurant, as well as residential cook and bakers. These wide and spacious food storage boxes are the easy and affordable way to save and transport food safely. Our line of high quality Sheet cake & Utility Boxes come poly wrapped and 100% chlorine-free. They made to be completely biodegradable, as well as fully recyclable, these food storage and and transport boxes fit perfectly in any residential home, as well as any commercial or industrial food service environment.
Sheet Cake & Utility Boxes, 19" x 14" x 4", 50 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Southern Champion 34.97 24.48 47.74 SCH1029.jpg sheet cake box, sheet cake and utility boxes, SCH 1029, SCH1029, restaurant supplies, bakery supplies 1 1 0 0 1 228
7403 Lagasse Rubbermaid Side Opening Fire-Safe Steel Receptacle (RCPSO16SSSGL) 7402 RCP SO16SSSGL 23.20 SO16SSSGL Rubbermaid Steel Trash Can
Fire-safe and providing a side opening, the Rubbermaid Steel Receptacle offers a heavy-gauge steel construction that few products can match. Large and offering a 11 x 5 vinyl-trimmed disposal opening, this steel receptacle has a lift-off body that facilitates easy emptying. Its noncorrosive base ring prevents scratching of floors, and includes a fire-safe galvanized steel liner. Fully ADA Compliant, the Rubbermaid Steel Receptacle contains a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled steel. Meeting or exceeding all EPA and/or LEED guidelines, this Satin Stainless Steel design has a 12 gallon capacity and a shipping weight of 24 lbs. 15" Diameter x 28" High.
Rubbmermaid Side Opening Steel Trash Receptacle, Fire-Safe, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 258.29 197.00 338.91 RCPSO16SSSGL.jpg side opening receptacle, fire safe steel receptacle, steel trash can, steel can, fire safe trash can, RCP SO16SSSGL, RCPSO16SSSGL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7404 Lagasse Side Panel Platform Truck, (RCP4485BLA) 7403 RCP 4485 BLA 105.00 FG448500 BLACK DuramoldÖ exclusive engineered resin and metal composite structure provides maximum load support. Structural foam deck for enhanced durability, won't rust, dent, chip or splinter. Molded-in tie-down slots for load security. Textured desk surface reduces load slippage. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Virtually maintenance free.Ergonomic handle design improves control and worker safety. Side panels easily remove to accommodate oversized loads. Versatile design allows for multiple configurations, 1 to 4 panels. End-panel cut-outs allow for ergonomic access of contents. Steel reinforced deck for enhanced durability. Two fixed, two swivel heavy-duty 8 casters for optimal control and maneuverability. Easy and quick assembly with common tools. Deck size: 24IN x 48IN. 24INw x 55.75INl x 41INh. Black. Shpg. wt. 73.7-lbs. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 637.20 486.00 827.75 RCP4485BLA.jpg Side Panel Platform Truck, RCP 4485 BLA, RCP4485BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
7405 Lagasse Rubbermaid Side Panel Platform Truck (RCP4486BLA) 7404 RCP 4486 BLA 100.00 FG448600 BLACK Duramold exclusive engineered resin and metal composite structure provides maximum load support. Structural foam deck for enhanced durability, won't rust, dent, chip or splinter. Molded-in tie-down slots for load security. Textured desk surface reduces load slippage. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Virtually maintenance free.Ergonomic handle design improves control and worker safety. Side panels easily remove to accommodate oversized loads. Versatile design allows for multiple configurations, 1 to 4 panels. End-panel cut-outs allow for ergonomic access of contents. Steel reinforced deck for enhanced durability. Two fixed, two swivel heavy-duty 8 casters for optimal control and maneuverability. Easy and quick assembly with common tools. Deck size: 24IN x 48IN. 24INw x 55.75INl x 41INh. Black. Shipping weight 73.7-lbs. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 637.20 486.00 858.09 RCP4486BLA.jpg rubbermaid panel platform truck, side panel platform truck, RCP 4486 BLA, RCP4486BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
7409 Lagasse Silhouette Rectangular Open Top Receptacles, 15 x 5 drop-in disposal opening., (RCPSR18EPLSM) 7408 RCP SR18EPLSM 43.00 SR18EPLSM Space-saving rectangular design. Fire-safe steel construction. Piano hinge top facilitates easy emptying. Folding retainer bands neatly secure poly bags. Includes leakproof rigid plastic liner. Stainless steel leg levelers provide stability on uneven surfaces. Powder coated finish for maximum durability. ADA Compliant. Contains a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled steel. Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines. Silver Metallic. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 423.49 323.00 560.51 RCPSR18EPLSM.jpg Silhouette Rectangular Open Top Receptacles, 15 x 5 drop-in disposal opening., RCP SR18EPLSM, RCPSR18EPLSM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
7410 Lagasse Silhouette Square Open Top Receptacles, 81?2IN dia. drop-in disposal opening., (RCPSC14EPLSM) 7409 RCP SC14EPLSM 50.00 FGSC14EPLSM Fire-safe steel construction. Piano hinge top facilitates easy emptying. Folding retainer bands neatly secure poly bags. Includes leakproof rigid plastic liner. Stainless steel leg levelers provide stability on uneven surfaces. Powder coated finish for maximum durability. ADA Compliant. Contains a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled steel. Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines. Silver Metallic. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 302.87 231.00 401.90 RCPSC14EPLSM.jpg Silhouette Square Open Top Receptacles, 81?2IN dia. drop-in disposal opening., RCP SC14EPLSM, RCPSC14EPLSM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
7413 Lagasse Silhouette 29-Gallon Square Recycling Receptacle (RCPDCR24PSM) 7412 RCP DCR24PSM 73.00 DCR24PSM Silhouette Square Recycling Receptacles
Durable, fire safe steel powder coated will not melt or burn. Sleek design creates an upscale look. Hands-free disposal openings for hygiene. Leak-proof, rigid plastic liner included. Factory applied recycling labels. Minimum 30% post-consumer recycled material, helps to earn LEED points and contributes to sustainability. 29-gallon capacity. 183/8 H. Silver Metallic.
Rubbermaid Silhouette 29-Gallon Square Recycling Receptacle, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 452.33 345.00 587.49 RCPDCR24PSM.jpg silhouette square recycling receptacles, recycle container, recycling container, recycling containers, RCP DCR24PSM, RCPDCR24PSM 1 1 0 0 1 89
7414 Lagasse Silhouette Square Outdoor Trash Receptacles, (RCPDCR24TSM) 7413 RCP DCR24TSM 47.50 DCR24TSM Silhouette Square Outdoor Trash Receptacles
Durable, fire safe steel powder coated will not melt or burn. Sleek design creates an upscale look. Handsfree disposal openings for hygiene. Leak-proof, rigid plastic liner included. Factory applied recycling labels. Minimum 30% post-consumer recycled material, helps to earn LEED points and contributes to sustainability. 29-gallon capacity. 183/8H. Silver Metallic. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 452.33 345.00 590.63 RCPDCR24TSM.jpg silhouette square recycling receptacles, recycle container, recycling container, recycling containers, RCP DCR24TSM, RCPDCR24TSM 1 1 0 0 1 89
7415 Lagasse Silica Sand, (RCPB25) 7414 RCP B25 25.60 B25 For use in all sand urns. 5-lb. bag. 5 bags per case. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 23.85 18.19 31.25 RCPB25.jpg Silica Sand, RCP B25, RCPB25, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
7416 Lagasse Silica Sand, White, 5 Bags (RCPS25) 7415 RCP S25 27.00 S25 Smoking Urn Sand
A necessity for any smoking area. This high quality Silica Sand is the ideal material for filling and maintaining a sanitary ash urn or smoking receptacle. For use in all sand smoking urns. Silica sand for use with all sand urns. Five 5-lb. bags per carton. Includes five 5-lb. bags.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Silica Sand, White, 5 lb. Bag, 5 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.67 18.82 33.11 RCPS25.jpg smoking urn sand, smoking receptacle sand, cigarette sand, RCP S25, RCPS25 1 1 0 0 1 89
7417 Lagasse Simple Green d Pro 5 One-Step Disinfectant, 4 Gallons (SMP30501) 7416 SMP 30501 34.00 30501 Simple Green D One Step Disinfectant
One-step disinfectant, cleaner, deodorizer and sanitizer with a high level of active ingredients. Extensive efficacy list including Hepatitis B and C, Human Corona virus, Canine Distemper Virus and Avian Influenza. Blood born pathogen compliant. EPA rated for use in kennels, cages, veterinary hospitals and other animal areas. Excellent for hospitals, nurseries, nursing homes, office settings, break rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and other areas that need a safe environment for family, staff and friends, while leaving our planet green.
Simple Green d Pro 5 Disinfectant, 1 Gallon Bottles, 4 Gallons per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Simple Green 70.47 53.75 93.94 SMP 30501.jpg simple green d pro 5 one-step disinfectant, SMP 30501, SMP30501, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, disinfectant, green, biodegradable 1 1 0 0 1 99
7418 Lagasse Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Slim Jim Garbage Can, Black (RCP3540BLA) 7417 RCP 3540 BLA 8.22 3540 00 BLA 23 Gallon Slim Jim Rectangular Trash Can
Efficient, slim rectangular containers fit tight spaces, the Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Slim Jim Trash Can is the ideal garbage can for high traffic areas. Durable, and lightweight, this tall thin design allows it to fit perfectly under most counters and fit easily into tight spaces. This trash can may be slim, but it has a 23 gallon capacity and is strong enough to withstand extreme weather and handling, making it ideal for indoor or outdoor use. Offering the ability to serve as a collection site for multiple work stations, or large offices, the Rubbermaid Slim Jim can provides a convenient collection area for all garbage. 20" wide x 11" deep x 30" high. Interchangeable tops sold separately.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 23 Gallon Slim Jim Waste Container, Black, Each - The wholesale trash can supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 45.52 34.72 62.22 RCP3540BLA.jpg rubbermaid slim jim trash can, rubbermaid slim jim, slim jim rectangular waste container, RCP 3540 BLA, RCP3540BLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
7419 Lagasse Kleenex Slimfold Paper Hand Towel Dispenser (KCC06904) 7418 KCC 06904 16.35 06904 Kleenex Slimfold Hand Towel Dispenser
Introducing the space-saving small wonder: Kleenex Slimfold Hand Towel System. Small, compact and easy to transport, the secret of this "small wonder" lies in designing high performance towels with an innovative fold, then engineering an ultra-slim dispenser to fit in the tightest spaces. The Kleenex Slimfold Towel Dispenser delivers up to 250 Kleenex Slimfold Towels one-at-a-time for reduced waste. Easy to load for lower maintenance. Perfect size for small offices, doctor/dental offices and break rooms.
Kleenex Slimfold Hand Towel Dispenser,White, 8.86"wide x 2.75" deep x 14.33" high - The wholesale paper products supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 11.02 6.72 14.74 KCC06904.jpg kleenex slimfold hand towel dispenser, kleenex slimfold paper hand towel dispenser, kleenex paper towel dispenser, kleenex paper hand towel dispenser, KCC 06904, KCC06904 1 1 0 0 1 65
7421 Lagasse Soft Scrub Total Bath & Bowl Cleanser, Fresh Scent (DIA00375) 7420 DIA 00375 18.00 00375 Soft Scrub Total Bath & Bowl Cleanser
Extra-thick foam clings to surfaces. Works on contact to remove tough stains, limescale and calcium build-up, soap scum and hard water deposits. Ideal for sinks, countertops, shower tiles, glass shower doors, base boards, back splashes, door jams, doors, plastic toys/furniture and more. Deep cleaning formulation designed to rinse clean.
Soft Scrub deep clean foaming cleanser, 25.4-oz. trigger spray bottle. 9 bottles per case. - The wholesale Soft Scrub supply company Buyers Trust.
Dial Professional 37.58 27.90 50.23 DIA00375_A.jpg Soft Scrub« Deep Clean Foaming Cleanser, DIA 00375, DIA00375, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
7423 Lagasse Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, Raspberry & Vanilla, 12 - 7.5-oz Pump Bottles (CPC29522) 7422 CPC 29522 7.30 29522 Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, Raspberry & Vanilla
Enticing Raspberry and Vanilla fragrance. Leaves skin feeling soft and smooth. Dermatologist tested. 71/2-oz. pump bottle. 12 bottles per case.
Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, Raspberry & Vanilla, 7.5-oz Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Pump Bottle Liquid Soap » Colgate - Palmolive 25.72 19.62 34.57 CPC29522.jpg Softsoap« Black Raspberry & Vanilla Hand Soap, CPC 29522, CPC29522, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
7424 Lagasse Softsoap Kitchen Fresh Hands, Liquid Hand Soap, 12 - 8.5-oz pump Bottles (CPC26583) 7423 CPC 26583 8.00 26583 Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, Kitchen Fresh Hands
Neutralize kitchen odors. Crisp, clean citrus formula infused with moisture beads to soften hands.
Softsoap Kitchen Fresh Hands, Liquid Hand Soap, 8.5-oz Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Pump Bottle Liquid Soap » Colgate - Palmolive 42.15 32.15 54.76 CPC26583.jpg Softsoap« Kitchen Fresh Hands Hand Soap, CPC 26583, CPC26583, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
7425 Lagasse Softsoap Kitchen Fresh Hands Hand Soap, 6 Refill Bottles (CPC26987) 7424 CPC 26987 12.50 26987 Softsoap Kitchen Fresh Hands
Wash away bacterial with Softsoap Kitchen Fresh Hands Antibacterial hand soap. Perfect for your kitchen as this general purpose liquid hand soap with aid in neutralizing kitchen odors. Softsoap Kitchen Fresh Hands cleans with a crisp clean citrus formula and is infused with moisture beads to soften hands. 28-oz. Liquid soap bottles, 6 refills bottles per case.
Colgate - Palmolive 31.91 24.34 42.13 CPC26987.jpg softsoap, softsoap coupons, softsoap hand soap, softsoap refill, softsoap refills, softsoap antibacterial soap, softsoap kitchen fresh hands, CPC 26987, CPC26987, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
7426 Lagasse Hoover Sonic Sweeper (HOOCH20000) 7425 HOO CH20000 6.00 CH20000 Hoover Sonic Sweep
The Sonic Sweep by Hoover uses Pulse Technology, combining sonic vibrations and a motorized brush roll to clean messes quickly, quietly, and effortlessly. With 40 minutes of running time per each battery charge, this cordless, lightweight sweeper features a soft grip ergonomic handle making it perfect for jobs on the go. The Sonic Sweep quickly converts to a hand-held vacuum for use on stairs or furniture. The Sonic Sweep's unique, upgraded design with ergonomic handle and low-profile makes cleaning under furniture easy! The easy-open dual debris bins feature one-touch emptying doors with no filters or bags to replace. The bottom empty dirt cup design eliminates any messes, while the four corner brushes provide superior edge cleaning. The hood is constructed of durable galvanized steel, and there is an 11-inch nozzle width for a wide cleaning area. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Hoover 62.86 47.94 83.86 HOOCH20000.jpg Sonic Sweep, HOO CH20000, HOOCH20000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
7427 Lagasse Splenda« No Calorie Sweetener Packets, (JON200022) 7426 JON 200022 4.43 JOJ200022 Each packet sweetens like two teaspoons of sugar. Individual serving packets. Johnson And Johnson 65.29 49.80 88.26 JON200022.jpg Splenda« No Calorie Sweetener Packets, JON 200022, JON200022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 62
7428 Lagasse Splenda No Calorie Sweetener Packets, 700 Packets (JON200094) 7427 JON 200094 2.20 JOJ200094 Splenda Sweetener
Each packet sweetens like two teaspoons of sugar. Individual serving packets. 700 Packets per Box. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Johnson And Johnson 23.59 17.51 30.94 JON200094.jpg splenda, splenda sweetener, splenda no calorie sweetener packets, JON 200094, JON200094 1 1 0 0 1 62
7429 Lagasse Splenda No Calorie Sweetener Packets, 2400 Packets (JON200411) 7428 JON 200411 10.50 JOJ200411 Splenda Sweetener
Each packet sweetens like two teaspoons of sugar. 400 individual serving packets per box.
Johnson And Johnson 101.96 77.77 139.15 JON200411.jpg splenda, splenda sweetener, splenda packets, splenda no calorie sweetener packets, JON 200411, JON200411 1 1 0 0 1 62
7430 Lagasse Stainless Steel Safety Scraper (UNGSR50) 7429 UNG SR50 0.13 SR500 Unger Safety Scraper
With its sturdy stainless steel base and unique locking system, this Unger Safety Scraper is a safe and handy tool to have around the house or office. Ideal for removing stickers and decals from glass, the scraper’s locking system stops the blade from slipping while in use. This safety scraper is an excellent tool to use when maximum leverage is needed. The small blades are great for removing paint and other contaminants from glass or any other hard, smooth surface. Convenient and safe to use, the Unger Safety Scraper uses a standard number 9 (1 ½ inch) blade, which is sold separately.
Unger Safety Scraper w/ Locking System. Stainless Steel, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 2.02 1.54 2.67 UNGSR50.jpg stainless steel safety scraper, UNG SR50, UNGSR50, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
7431 Lagasse Stanchion Truck, (RCP4482BLA) 7430 RCP 4482 BLA 78.00 FG448200 BLACK DuramoldéÖ exclusive engineered resin and metal composite structure provides maximum load support. Structural foam and steel reinforced deck for enhanced durability, won't rust, dent, chip or splinter. Molded-in tie-down slots for load security. Textured desk surface reduces load slippage. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Two fixed, two swivel heavy-duty polyolefin casters for optimal control, maneuverability and long wear life over a variety of surfaces. Easy and quick assembly with common tools. Virtually maintenance free. Black.Heavy-duty steel corner posts provide easy loading and unloading. Corner posts retainer clips prevent unintended removal. Deck size: 24 x 48IN. Overall dimensions: 24INw x 51INl x 42.625INh. Capacity 2,500-lbs. INrm truck); collapses to just 10-7/8IN high for efficient storage. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 420.87 321.00 570.63 RCP4482BLA.jpg Stanchion Truck, RCP 4482 BLA, RCP4482BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
7432 Lagasse Standard Quick Connect Wet/Dry Plastic Frame (RCPQ559BLA) 7431 RCP Q559 BLA 0.79 Q559-00 BK00 Rubbermaid 18" Quick-Connect Standard Pad Holder Frame
Can only be used with RCPQ950 Pulse Charging Bucket, RCPQ408 Economy Dust Mop with Fringe and RCPQ409 Economy Wet Pad (items sold separately). 18" Black. Easy, one-step connecting mechanism for quick mop assembly and changeover. Thin, flat frame reaches easily under low objects for thorough cleaning. 18" microfiber pads (sold separately). Replaceable hook-and-loop fastener strips securely hold pads. Rounded plastic end caps prevent nicks and scrapes while mopping. Smooth surface for water runoff and easy cleaning. Lightweight aluminum construction, ergonomically designed with the end-user in mind.
18" Rubbermaid Standard Quick-Connect Wet & Dry Pad Holder, Black, Each Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.79 8.99 16.07 RCPQ559BLA.jpg rubbermaid pad holder frame, 18" microfiber pad holer, 18" pad frame, standard quick connect wet/dry plastic frame, RCP Q559 BLA, RCPQ559BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7434 Lagasse 3-1/2 Gallon Step-On Steel Trash Can (RCPMST35SSPL) 7433 RCP MST35SSPL 5.80 MST35SSPL 3-1/2 Gallon Step-On Steel Trash Can
Meets OSHA and OBRA requirements. Fire-, rust- and rodent-resistant. Includes rigid plastic liner. Tight-fitting lid maximizes odor control, operates quietly. Self-closing. New steel hinge doubles as a carrying handle. Plastic base protects floor, reduces noise. Contains a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled steel. Meets or exceeds EPA and/or LEED guidelines. 31/2-gallon capacity. 11" diameter x 16"high. Shipping weight: 6-lbs.
Rubbermaid 3-1/2 Gallon Step-On Steel Trash Can, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 80.96 61.75 110.41 RCPMST35SSPL.jpg trash can, trash cans, garbage can, garbage cans, waste container, waste containers, step-on steel trash can, RCP MST35SSPL, RCPMST35SSPL 1 1 0 0 1 89
7435 Lagasse Streetside 8-10oz Paper Food Containers, 1,000 Containers (HUH70310) 7434 HUH 70310 19.70 70310 8-10 oz. Paper Food Container
These Chinet premium paper food containers are both attractive and durable. The double polycoated paper stands up to a wide range of temperatures. Ideal for carryout, serving or storing both hot and cold foods. Streetside design. 1,000 containers per case. Lids sold separately.
Huhtamaki Chinet 8-10oz Paper Food Container, 20 Packs of 50 Containers, 1,000 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Huhtamaki 111.14 77.80 144.75 HUH70310.jpg Streetside Paper Food Containers, HUH 70310, HUH70310, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
7436 Lagasse Streetside 12-oz. Paper Food Containers, 1,000 Containers (HUH70312C) 7435 HUH 70312C 21.40 70312 12oz Paper Food Container
These Chinet premium paper food containers are both attractive and durable. The double polycoated paper stands up to a wide range of temperatures. Ideal for carryout, serving or storing both hot and cold foods. Streetside design. 1,000 containers per case. Lids sold separately.
Huhtamaki Chinet 12oz Paper Food Container, 20 Packs of 50 Containers, 1,000 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Huhtamaki 118.36 82.85 157.32 HUH70312C.jpg Streetside Paper Food Containers, HUH 70312C, HUH70312C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
7437 Lagasse Streetside 16-oz. Paper Food Containers, 500 Containers (HUH70316C) 7436 HUH 70316C 16.70 70316 16oz Paper Food Container
These Chinet premium paper food containers are both attractive and durable. The double polycoated paper stands up to a wide range of temperatures. Ideal for carryout, serving or storing both hot and cold foods. Streetside design. 500 containers per case. Lids sold separately.
Huhtamaki Chinet 16oz Paper Food Container, 20 Packs of 25 Containers, 500 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Huhtamaki 79.99 55.99 105.87 HUH70316C.jpg Streetside Paper Food Containers, HUH 70316C, HUH70316C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
7438 Lagasse Streetside 32-oz. Paper Food Container, 500 Containers (HUH70332) 7437 HUH 70332 24.60 70332 32oz Paper Food Container
These Chinet premium paper food containers are both attractive and durable. The double polycoated paper stands up to a wide range of temperatures. Ideal for carryout, serving or storing both hot and cold foods. Streetside design. 500 containers per case. Lids sold separately.
Huhtamaki Chinet 32oz Paper Food Containers, 20 packs of 25 Containers, 500 Containers per Case
CleanItSupply - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Huhtamaki 115.33 80.73 156.88 HUH70332.jpg Streetside Paper Food Containers, HUH 70332, HUH70332, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
7439 Lagasse Streetside 16-oz. Tall Paper Food Containers, 1,000 Containers (HUH71847) 7438 HUH 71847 24.00 71847 16oz Tall Paper Food Containers
These Chinet premium paper food containers are both attractive and durable. The double polycoated paper stands up to a wide range of temperatures. Ideal for carryout, serving or storing both hot and cold foods. Streetside design. 1,000 containers per case. Lids sold separately.
Huhtamaki Chinet 16oz Tall Paper Food Container, 20 Packs of 50 Containers, 1,000 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Huhtamaki 132.97 93.08 175.24 HUH71847.jpg Streetside Paper Food Containers, HUH 71847, HUH71847, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 131
7441 Lagasse Surpass Boutique 100% Recycled Facial Tissues, 36 Boxes (KCC21295) 7440 KCC 21295 14.40 21295 100% Recycled Facial Tissues
Made from 100% Recycled Fiber, these products do not use chlorine or chlorine-containing compounds in bleaching and/or de-inking process. Meets EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste content: facial tissue 10%. White, 2 ply 8.0 x 8.4 sheet size. 110 tissues per box. 36 boxes per case.
Kimberly Clark Surpass Boutique 100% Recycled, 110 Tissues per Box, 36 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 56.81 40.76 76.32 KCC21295.jpg surpass boutique recycled facial tissue, KCC 21295, KCC21295, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
7442 Lagasse Surpass Facial Tissue (KCC21390) 7441 KCC 21390 25.80 21390 Meets EPA standards for minimum post consumer waste content: facial tissue 10%. 8.0 x 8.4 sheet size. 125 tissues per box. 60 boxes per case. Kimberly Clark Professional 82.49 59.60 108.26 KCC21390.jpg SURPASS Facial Tissue, KCC 21390, KCC21390, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
7445 Lagasse TimeWick Air Freshener Dispenser (TMS32-6100TM) 7444 TMS 32-6100TM 1.50 32-6100TM TimeWick Air Freshener Dispenser
Easy to use TimeWick lasts 60 days and covers over 6,000 cubic feet. The secret is the state of the art sintered polymer wick that can absorb essential oils as it dries out, continuously releasing fragrance into the air- without a power source. Attractive design is tamper resistant, highly cost effective, and discreet. Offered in six alluring fragrances.
TimeMist - TimeWick Air Freshener Dispenser, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 7.46 5.69 10.10 TMS326100TM.jpg timewick oil-based 60-day air freshener dispenser, TMS 32-6100TM, TMS326100TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
7446 Lagasse TimeWick, 60-Day Air Freshener, Luscious Apple, 6 Refills (TMS67-6101TM) 7445 TMS 67-6101TM 1.60 67-6101TM TimeWick Air Freshener, Luscious Apple
Easy to use TimeWick lasts 60 days and covers over 6,000 cubic feet. The secret is the state of the art sintered polymer wick that can absorb essential oils as it dries out, continuously releasing fragrance into the air- without a power source. Attractive design is tamper resistant, highly cost effective, and discreet.
TimeMist - TimeWick, Oil-Based 60-Day Air Freshener, Luscious Apple, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 52.23 39.83 70.13 TMS676101TM.jpg timewick Air Freshener, TMS 67-6101TM, TMS676101TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
7447 Lagasse TimeWick, 60-Day Air Freshener, Citrus Twist, 6 Refills (TMS67-6108TM) 7446 TMS 67-6108TM 1.61 67-6108TM TimeWick Air Freshener, Citrus Twist
Easy to use TimeWick lasts 60 days and covers over 6,000 cubic feet. The secret is the state of the art sintered polymer wick that can absorb essential oils as it dries out, continuously releasing fragrance into the air- without a power source. Attractive design is tamper resistant, highly cost effective, and discreet.
TimeWick, 60-Day Air Freshener, Citrus Twist, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 52.23 39.83 69.80 TMS676108TM.jpg timewick 60-day air freshener, TMS 67-6108TM, TMS676108TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
7448 Lagasse TimeWick 60-Day Air Freshener, Floral Fantasy, 6 Refills (TMS67-6109TM) 7447 TMS 67-6109TM 1.60 67-6109TM TimeWick Air Freshener, Floral Fantasy
Easy to use TimeWick lasts 60 days and covers over 6,000 cubic feet. The secret is the state of the art sintered polymer wick that can absorb essential oils as it dries out, continuously releasing fragrance into the air- without a power source. Attractive design is tamper resistant, highly cost effective, and discreet.
TimeWick 60-Day Air Freshener, Floral Fantasy, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 52.23 39.83 68.34 TMS676109TM.jpg timewick air freshener, TMS 67-6109TM, TMS676109TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
7449 Lagasse TimeWick 60-Day Air Freshener, Sundried Linen, 6 Refills (TMS67-6111TM) 7448 TMS 67-6111TM 1.60 67-6111TM TimeWick Air Freshener, Sundried Linen
Easy to use TimeWick lasts 60 days and covers over 6,000 cubic feet. The secret is the state of the art sintered polymer wick that can absorb essential oils as it dries out, continuously releasing fragrance into the air- without a power source. Attractive design is tamper resistant, highly cost effective, and discreet.
TimeMist - TimeWick 60-Day Air Freshener, Sundried Linen, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 50.26 34.90 68.80 TMS676111TM.jpg timewick air freshener, TMS 67-6111TM, TMS676111TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
7450 Lagasse TimeWick 60-Day Air Freshener, Country Garden, 6 Refills (TMS67-6122TM) 7449 TMS 67-6122TM 1.60 67-6122TM TimeWick Air Freshener, Country Garden
Easy to use TimeWick lasts 60 days and covers over 6,000 cubic feet. The secret is the state of the art sintered polymer wick that can absorb essential oils as it dries out, continuously releasing fragrance into the air- without a power source. Attractive design is tamper resistant, highly cost effective, and discreet.
TimeMist - TimeWick 60-Day Air Freshener, Country Garden, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 50.26 34.90 66.45 TMS676122TM.jpg timewick air freshener, TMS 67-6122TM, TMS676122TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
7451 Lagasse TimeWick 60-Day Air Freshener, Mango Smoothie, 6 Refills (TMS67-6160TM) 7450 TMS 67-6160TM 1.60 67-6160TM TimeWick Air Freshener, Mango Smoothie
Easy to use TimeWick lasts 60 days and covers over 6,000 cubic feet. The secret is the state of the art sintered polymer wick that can absorb essential oils as it dries out, continuously releasing fragrance into the air- without a power source. Attractive design is tamper resistant, highly cost effective, and discreet.
TimeMist - TimeWick 60-Day Air Freshener, Mango Smoothie, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 52.23 39.83 68.35 TMS676160TM.jpg timewick air freshener, TMS 67-6160TM, TMS676160TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
7452 Lagasse Unger Total-Reach Cobweb Duster (UNGCOBW0) 7451 UNG COBW0 1.00 COBW0 10" x 8" Total-Reach Cobweb Duster
Split-tipped soft poly fibers gently clear cobwebs in hard-to-reach areas, the Total-Reach Cobweb Duster is an essential tool for janitorial companies, maid services, offices and residential homes. Great for dusting ceilings, moldings and corners in or outdoors. Use by hand, or with Total-Reac High Access Tele-Pole System (sold separately). Efficient and durable, these affordable cobweb dusters measure in at 10 x 8 in total.
See below related products for Tele-Poles
Unger Total-Reach Cobweb Duster, 10" x 8", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 6.66 4.97 8.76 UNGCOBW0.jpg cobweb duster, duster, total-reach cobweb duster, UNG COBW0, UNGCOBW0, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
7453 Lagasse Tran-Set Cleaning Kit, (UNGTRS0) 7452 UNG TRS0 8.40 TRS00 Tran-Set Cleaning Kit
The Tran-Set Cleaning Kit comes with everything you need to clean walls, windows and ceilings.
- 8' extension pole
-14 strip washer
-large sponge
- Pro squeegee handle
- 6in, 12in, and 18in Channels with rubber blades
- 36in soft replacement squeegee rubber
- Pro Trim 10 Scraper
- Safety Scraper with blade
- Fixi Clamp
- Handi-Brush
- Large Sponge
- Nylon carrying case with hang loop, wet tool compartment & space for additional tools
- Instructional manual - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Tran-Set Cleaning Kit
Unger 175.29 132.04 229.05 UNGTRS00.jpg Tran-Set Cleaning Kit, UNG TRS0, UNGTRS0, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
7458 Lagasse Trophy 12-24oz. Plastic Dome Lids, 1,500 Lids (SCCLGXW2) 7457 SCC LGXW2 12.50 LGXW2-0007 12-24oz Plastic Dome Lids
For frothy, hot drinks such as cappuccino and chai, dome top lids are your best choice. Sip-through cut allows you to enjoy your drink with the lid on. Conveniently fits all sizes from 12 to 24 ounce Solo Trophy foam cups to help streamline order filling. White. 1,500 lids per case.
Solo Trophy 12-24oz. Dome Lid, White, 12 Sleeves of 125 Lids, 1,500 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 93.83 65.68 124.67 SCCLGXW2.jpg trophy XL foam Cup, SCC LGXW2, SCCLGXW2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
7459 Lagasse Ultra 1.4-oz. Purex Plus Renuzit Powder Detergent, 156 Boxes (DIA10245) 7458 DIA 10245 21.00 10245 Ultra Purex Plus Renuzit Powder Detergent
Advanced formula gets clothes really clean. Features Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer to leave clothes smelling extra fresh. Whitens whites and brightens colors. Works in all temperatures. Phosphate-free and biodegradable. Better for the environment and still powerful.
Ultra Purex Plus Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer Powder Vender Packs, Single-Use, 1.4-oz. Box, 156 Boxes per Case - The wholesale laundry detergent supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 52.36 39.93 68.59 DIA10245.jpg Ultra Purex Plus Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer Powder Detergent, DIA 10245, DIA10245, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
7461 Lagasse VersaTwin Standard Toilet Paper Dispenser (SANR3600TBK) 7460 SAN R3600TBK 3.80 R3600TBK VersaTwin Standard Toilet Paper Dispenser
Compact, contemporary design is space-saving and works well in any washroom. Universal dispenser accommodates any brand of standard or industrial bath tissue up to 5-1/2" (144 cm) Eliminate stub roll waste with the new and improved Infinity System, for continual availability of paper. 2 roll capacity. Accepts 4-1/2" to 5-1/2" rolls; core diameter 1-1/2". 12-1/4" wide x 8-1/4" high x 5-3/4" deep. Shipping weight: 4-lbs.
San Jamar VersaTwin Standard Toilet Paper Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 24.89 18.98 33.94 SANR3600TBK.jpg san jamar toilet paper dispenser, versatwin standard dispenser, versa twin toilet paper dispenser, SAN R3600TBK, SANR3600TBK 1 1 0 0 1 92
7462 Lagasse Wastebasket Recycling Side Bin (RCP2950-73BLU) 7461 RCP 2950-73 BLU 7.88 FG295073 BLUE Recycling Side Bin
Segregate trash and recycling at each desk without going to a central recycling location. Contains post-consumer recycled content that meets or exceeds EPA guidelines. Helps to earn LEED points and contributes to sustainability. Blue. Fits 28 Qt Rubbermaid Wastebaskets. 10.6 L x 7.25 W x 11.5 H.
Rubbermaid - Wastebasket Recycling Side Bin, Fits 28 Qt Rubbermaid Wastebaskets, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 7.72 5.89 10.37 RCP295073BLU.jpg wastebasket recycling side bin, recycle container, recycling container, recycling containers, RCP 2950-73 BLU, RCP295073BLU 1 1 0 0 1 89
7463 Lagasse 24 Gallon WasteMaster Non-magnetic Stainless Trash Can (RCPT1424SSPL) 7462 RCP T1424SSPL 29.60 T1424SSPL Rubbermaid 24 Gallon Non-magnetic Stainless Can
Will not interfere with technical equipment. UL self-extinguishing; FM Approved. Meets OSHA requirements and ADA mandated reach range. Self-closing dual entry doors control odors. Top opens 901/2h. Shpg. wt. 36-lbs.
Rubbermaid 24 Gallon WasteMaster Non-magnetic Stainless Trash Can, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 342.20 261.00 458.55 RCPT1424SSPL.jpg wastemaster nonmagnetic stainless steel trash can, RCP T1424SSPL, RCPT1424SSPL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7465 Lagasse Web Foot Microfiber Tube Mop Head, Medium (RCPT812-06GRE) 7464 RCP T812-06 GRE 3.50 FGT81206 GR00 Microfiber Tube Mop Head
Twice the cleaning power of cotton mops. Continuous very fine filament, bi-component split microfiber yarn reaches deep into floor surfaces to provide superior cleaning efficacy. Extra durable and abrasive headband for heavy duty scrubbing. Helps to earn LEED points and contributes to sustainability. Withstands over 200 launderings and is bleach safe. 6 mop heads per case.
Rubbermaid Microfiber Tube Mop Head, Medium, 1" Headband, 6 per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 96.32 68.80 127.06 RCPT81206GRE.jpg rubbermaid, wet mop, microfiber mop, web foot microfiber tube mop head, RCP T812-06 GRE, RCPT81206GRE 1 1 0 0 1 89
7466 Lagasse Web Foot Microfiber Tube Mop Head, 6 Mops (RCPT85206GRE) 7465 RCP T852-06 GRE 3.51 FGT85206 GR00 Web Foot Microfiber Tube Mops
Twice the cleaning power of cotton mops. Continuous very fine filament, bi-component split microfiber yarn reaches deep into floor surfaces to provide superior cleaning efficacy. Extra durable and abrasive headband for heavy duty scrubbing. Helps to earn LEED points and contributes to sustainability. Withstands over 200 launderings and is bleach safe. 6 mop heads per case.
Rubbemaid Web Foot Microfiber Tube Mop Head, 5" Head Band, Medium Size, 6 per Case Rubbermaid Commercial Products 98.38 75.03 129.22 RCPT85206GRE.jpg rubbermaid tube mop, rubbermaid microfiber mop, microfiber tube mop, web foot microfiber tube mop head, RCP T852-06 GRE, RCPT85206GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
7467 Lagasse White Linen-Like Flat Pack (HFM125023) 7466 HFM 125023 29.00 125023 Disposable, bulk white napkins in a crease-free Flat PackÖ sanitary and convenient. The napkins are ready to fold, wrap, or use as an accent. 16 x 16IN. 1,000 napkins per case. IN Hoffmaster 74.56 53.01 99.01 HFM125023.jpg White Linen-Like Flat Pack, HFM 125023, HFM125023, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 226
7468 Lagasse Work-Height Platform Truck, (RCP4473BLA) 7467 RCP 4473 BLA 102.00 FG447300 BLACK DuramoldÖ exclusive engineered resin and metal composite structure provides maximum load support. Structural foam deck for enhanced durability, won't rust, dent, chip or splinter. Molded-in tie-down slots for load security. Textured desk surface reduces load slippage. Perimeter deck channel retains small items. Virtually maintenance free.Adjustable work height from 25 to 31IN high in 3IN increments. Ergonomic handle design improves control and worker safety. Steel reinforced deck for enhanced durability. Powder coated steel handle with retainer clip prevents unintended removal. Two fixed, two swivel heavy-duty polyolefin casters for optimal control, maneuverability and long wear life over a variety of surfaces. Easy and quick assembly with common tools. Deck size: 24IN x 48IN. Overall dimensions: 24INw x 52.25INl x 47.8750INh. Black. Capacity 2,000-lbs. Shpg. wt. 102-lbs.IN Rubbermaid Commercial Products 479.87 366.00 628.68 RCP447302BLA.jpg Work-Height Platform Truck, RCP 4473 BLA, RCP4473BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
7469 Lagasse WYPALL X80 Shop Wipers (KCC41025) 7468 KCC 41025 14.00 41025 WYPALL* X80 Jumbo Roll is made using patented HYDROKNIT* Fast Absorbing Material. Ideal for heavy duty and part wiping, wiping metal shavings, prepping surfaces with solvents, and cleaning rough surfaces. Absorbs oil and water. 12.5 x 13.4 wipes. 475 wipes per roll. One roll per case Kimberly Clark Professional 62.72 47.70 85.32 KCC41025.jpg WYPALL X80 Shop Wipers, KCC 41025, KCC41025, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
7470 Lagasse Yankee Candle TimeMist Micro 3000 Collection (TMS81-5100TMCA) 7469 TMS 81-5100TMCA 3.65 81-5100TMCA Small package, breathtaking fragrance. Surround yourself with the enchanting fragrances of Macintosh, Buttercream, Clean Cotton and Home Sweet Home wherever you may be. 3-oz. cans. 12 cans per case. Timemist Waterbury 62.46 45.46 84.42 TMS815100TMCA.jpg Yankee Candle« TimeMist« Micro 3000 Collection, TMS 81-5100TMCA, TMS815100TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
7471 Lagasse Yankee Candle TimeMist Micro 3000 Collection, (TMS81-5150TMCA) 7470 TMS 81-5150TMCA 3.65 81-5150TMCA Small package, breathtaking fragrance. Surround yourself with the enchanting fragrances of Macintosh, Buttercream, Clean Cotton« and Home Sweet Home« wherever you may be. 3-oz. cans. 12 cans per case. Timemist Waterbury 62.46 45.46 81.88 TMS815150TMCA.jpg Yankee Candle« TimeMist« Micro 3000 Collection, TMS 81-5150TMCA, TMS815150TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
7472 Lagasse Yankee Candle TimeMist Micro 3000 Collection (TMS81-5200TMCA) 7471 TMS 81-5200TMCA 3.65 81-5200TMCA Small package, breathtaking fragrance. Surround yourself with the enchanting fragrances of Macintosh, Buttercream, Clean Cotton and Home Sweet Home« wherever you may be. 3-oz. cans. 12 cans per case. Timemist Waterbury 63.85 45.99 84.26 TMS815200TMCA.jpg Yankee Candle« TimeMist« Micro 3000 Collection, TMS 81-5200TMCA, TMS815200TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
7473 Lagasse Yankee Candle TimeMist Micro 3000 Collection, Home Sweet Home, (TMS81-5300TMCA) 7472 TMS 81-5300TMCA 3.65 81-5300TMCA Yankee Candle TimeMist Micro 3000 Refill
Small package, breathtaking fragrance. Surround yourself with the enchanting fragrances of Home Sweet Home wherever you may be. For use in all micro TimeMist metered dispensers. Refills last 30 days.
Yankee Candle TimeMist Micro 3000 Refill, Home Sweet Home, 12/3-oz. cans per case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 63.85 45.99 85.41 TMS815300TMCA.jpg yankee candle timemist micro 3000 collection, TMS 81-5300TMCA, TMS815300TMCA 1 1 0 0 1 108
7474 Lagasse Z Screen Urinal Screen, Green Orchard Scent, 12 Screens (IMP1490) 7473 IMP 1490 1.67 1490 Green Orchard Scent Urinal Screens
Contains enzymes to clean urinals and eliminate odors. Unique design prevents splash-back and reduces cleaning time. Flexible material conforms to urinal to trap debris. Safe for use in waterless urinals. Strong, gradual fragrance release ensures 30-day use. Green Orchard fragrance. 12 urinal screens per pack.
Impact Z Screen Urinal Screens, Green Orchard Scent, 12 Screens per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Impact 17.31 13.20 22.55 IMP1490.jpg z screen urinal screen, urinal screen, urinal screens, IMP 1490, IMP1490, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
7540 Lagasse Purell TFX Floor Stand (GOJ2424DS) 7519 GOJ 2424-DS 9.50 2424-DS Gojo Purell TFX Floor Stand
This free-standing unit combines the Purell TFX Dispenser (sold separately), a sturdy moveable stand for use in any high-traffic location.
Gojo Purell TFX Floor Stand, Each
Gojo Soap, Dispensers & Refills » Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizer - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 51.52 39.29 67.78 GOJ2424-DS.jpg hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer, purell, purell hand sanitizer, purell sanitizer, hand sanitizer, instant hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing, purell instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 2424-DS, GOJ2424DS 1 1 0 0 1 50
7541 Libman Libman #16 Cut-End Cotton Wet Mop Heads, 6 Mop Heads (LIB-00974) 7520 LIB-00974 8.00 LIB00974 Libman #16 Cut-End Cotton Wet Mop Heads
The Libman #16 Cut-End cotton wet mop heads are constructed of 4-ply, 100% cotton yarn for superior cleaning power. This loose cut-end long yarn is attached with a sturdy, 1-1/4" cloth head band. This is designed to allow the mop to fan out to cover a wider area. Great mop for use on all hard floor surfaces. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman #16 Cut End Cotton Mop Heads, 6 Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 30.82 13.32 40.69 LIB-00974.jpg mop, floor mop, mop cleaner, wet mop, cut-end mop head, libman #16 cut-end cotton wet mop, LIB 974, LIB00974 1 1 0 0 8 230
7542 Libman Libman #24 Cut-End Cotton Wet Mop Heads (LIB-00975) 7521 LIB-00975 11.00 LIB00975 Libman #24 Cut-End Cotton Wet Mop Heads
Libman #24 cut-end cotton wet mop head has 4-ply, 100% cotton yarn. This loose cut-end long heavy yarn is attached with a sturdy, 1-1/4" cloth head band. This is designed to allow the mop to fan out to cover a wider area and clean deeper.
Libmab #24 Cut-End Cotton Mop Heads, 6 per case. - The wholesale wet mop head supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 39.01 16.86 51.52 LIB-00975.jpg mop, floor mop, mop cleaner, wet mop, cut-end mop head, libman #24 cut-end cotton wet mop, LIB-00975, LIB00975 1 1 0 0 8 230
7543 Libman Libman #32 Cut-End Cotton Wet Mop Heads (LIB-00976) 7522 LIB-00976 14.00 LIB00976 Libman #32 Cut-End Cotton Wet Mop Heads
Libman #32 cut-end cotton wet mop head has extra heavy duty, 4-ply, 100% cotton yarn. This loose cut-end, long, extra heavy duty yarn is attached with a sturdy, 1-1/4" cloth head band. This is designed to allow the mop to fan out to cover a wider area and clean even deeper.
Libman #32 Cut-End Cotton Wet Mop Heads, 6 per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 51.08 22.08 68.04 LIB-00976.jpg mop, floor mop, mop cleaner, wet mop, cut-end mop head, libman #32 cut-end cotton wet mop, LIB-00976, LIB00976 1 1 0 0 8 230
7544 Libman Libman 10" Dust Pan White(LIB-00228) 7523 LIB-00228 6.00 LIB00228 Libman 10" Dust Pan - White
Oversized deep well dustpan snaps onto broom handle (#201 & #205) for convenient storage. White polymer dust pan.
Libman 10" Dust Pan, 12 per case - The wholesale dustpan company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 56.36 24.36 74.32 LIB-00228.jpg dust pan, dustpan, dustpans, broom and dust pan, dustpans, libman 10" dust pan, LIB-00228, LIB00228 1 1 0 0 8 230
7545 Libman Libman 12 Foot Extension Handles (LIB-00612) 7524 LIB-00612 10.00 LIB00612 Libman 12 Foot Extension Handles
Libman 12 foot extension handle is a three piece handle that closes to approximately 4-1/2 feet. This is light weight and durable aluminum with a 5" hanger tip for ease of storage. Dual use threaded and tapered end makes this useful in many mops, brooms and brushes.
Libman 12 Foot Extension Handles, 6 handles per case . - The wholesale extension handle supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 185.60 80.22 247.89 LIB-00612.jpg libman 12 foot extension handle, LIB-00612, LIB00612 1 1 0 0 8 230
7546 Libman Libman 12-oz. Cotton Deck Mops, 6 Complete Mops (LIB-00091) 7525 LIB-00091 8.00 LIB00091 Cotton Deck Mop
Libman Cotton Deck Mop is a 12 oz., 4-ply cotton yarn mop with a sturdy 3/4" steel handle that has a hanger hole for ease of storage. Strong polymer yarn connector is threaded, and connects with the included replaceable handle (LIB-00603) that can be used with other mops, brooms, brushes, rollers and more. This durable mop is great for decks, ceramic, vinyl, brick, marble, granite floors and more. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Commercial 12 oz. Cotton Deck Mop, 6 Complete Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 66.92 28.92 89.21 LIB-00091.jpg libman 12 oz. cotton deck mops, libman 12 oz. mops, deck mops, libman mops, LIB-00091, LIB00091, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7547 Libman Libman 12 oz. Cotton Wet Mop with Scrub Pad (LIB-00121) 7526 LIB-00121 8.00 LIB00121 Libman 12 oz. Cotton Wet Mop
Libman Cotton Wet Mop has a large 12 oz., 4-ply cotton yarn head with scrub pads for both a large mopping area that can be scoured when stuck on dirt needs to be removed. 3/4" durable steel handle with hanger hole for easily storing. Looped-ends with tail band makes for sturdy durable wear. Strong polymer yarn connector with thread to attach to a replaceable handle (LIB-00603) for use with other mops, brushes, brooms or rollers.
Libman 12 oz. Cotton Wet Mop, 6 complete mops per case.Refills available separately at part# LIB-00130(6 mop heads per case). - The wholesale mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 83.15 35.94 111.22 LIB-00121.jpg Libman 12 oz. Cotton Wet Mop, LIB-00121, LIB00121, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7548 Libman Libman 12 oz. Cotton Wet Mop Refill with Scrub Pad (LIB-00130) 7527 LIB-00130 5.00 LIB00130 Libman 12 oz. Cotton Wet Mop Refills
Libman Cotton Wet Mop Refills are 12 oz., 4-ply cotton yarn with scrub pads built in to easily get those hard stuck on particles. These mop heads have looped ends with a tail band and a strong polymer yarn threaded connector for attaching to a replaceable handle(LIV-00603).
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 48.72 21.06 63.78 LIB-00121.jpg Libman 12 oz. Cotton Wet Mop Refill, LIB-00130, LIB00130, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7549 Libman Libman 12" Stainless Steel Squeegees (LIB-00189) 7528 LIB-00189 5.00 LIB00189 Libman 12" Stainless Steel Squeegees
Libman 12" stainless steel squeegee has a rubber blade that wipes streak free. Use with or without handle. Great for large windows, glass doors, shower doors, shower walls, bathroom walls and more.
Libman 12" Stainless Steel Squeegees, 12 squeegees per case
Blade refills available at LIB-00187(12 per case).
Extension handles available at LIB-00611, LIB-00612 and LIB-00613. - The wholesale squeegee supply company buyers trust
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 99.96 43.20 131.28 LIB-00189.jpg Libman 12" Stainless Steel Squeegee, LIB-00189, LIB00189, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7550 Libman Libman 12" Stainless Steel Squeegee Refills (LIB-00187) 7529 LIB-00187 1.00 LIB00187 Libman 12" Stainless Steel Squeegee Refills
Replacement rubber blades for 12" Stainless Steel Squeegee LIB-00189.
Libman 12" Stainless Steel Squeegee Refills, 12 replacement blades per case - The wholesale squeegee supply company buyers trust
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 30.54 13.20 40.31 LIB-00189.jpg Libman 12" Stainless Steel Squeegee Refills, LIB-00187, LIB00187, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7552 Libman Libman 13" Dust Pan - Red (LIB-00911) 7530 LIB-00911 4.00 LIB00911 Libman 13" Dust Pan - Red
Snaps onto broom handle (#201 & #205) for convenient storage. Red polymer pan. Oversized deep well. Available in black(Lib-00928).
Libman 13" red dustpans, sold by the case, 6 per case. - The wholesale dustpan supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 34.99 15.12 45.99 LIB-00911.jpg libman 13" dust pan, libman dust pan, dust pans, LIB 911, LIB00911, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies 1 1 0 0 8 230
7551 Libman Libman 13" Dust Pan- Black (LIB-00928) 7531 LIB-00928 6.00 LIB00928 Libman 13" Dust Pan- Black
Snaps onto broom handle (Lib-00994 & Lib-00997) for convenient storage. Black polymer pan. Oversized deep well.
Libman 13" Dust Pan- Black, 12 per case - The wholesale dustpan company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 62.47 27.00 84.12 Libman 13" Dust Pan, LIB-00928, LIB00928, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7553 Libman Libman 16 Foot Extension Handles (LIB-00613) 7532 LIB-00613 12.00 LIB00613 Libman 16 Foot Extension Handles
Libman 16 foot extension handle is an extra long, three piece handle that closes to approximately 5-1/2 feet for compact storage. This is light weight and durable aluminum with a 5" hanger tip for ease of storage. Dual use threaded and tapered end makes this useful with many mops, brooms and brushes..
Libman 16 Foot Extension Handles, 6 handles per case. - The wholesale extension handle supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 190.59 97.20 244.95 LIB-00613.jpg Libman 16 Foot Extension Handle, LIB-00613, LIB00613, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 8 230
7554 Libman Libman 16 oz. Cotton Deck Mops, 6 Mops (LIB-00977) 7533 LIB-00977 10.00 LIB00977 Libman 16 oz. Cotton Deck Mop
Libman Cotton Deck Mop is a large, 16 oz., 4-ply cotton yarn mop for covering heavy cleanups. Included is a 3/4" durable steel handle with a hanger hole for ease of storage. Strong polymer yarn connector is threaded to connect to a replaceable handle (LIB-00603) that can be used with other mops, brooms, brushes, rollers and more. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman 16 oz. Cotton Deck Mop, 6 Complete Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 78.16 33.78 105.44 LIB-00977.jpg libman 16 oz. cotton deck mop cotton mop, libman mop, deck mop, mop, LIB-00977, LIB00977, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7555 Libman Libman 18" Flex Blade Floor Squeegees, 12 Squeegees (LIB-00192) 7534 LIB-00192 6.00 LIB00192 Libman 18" Flex Blade Floor Squeegees
Libmans's Soft flex foam blade is great for uneven surfaces. Removes water from concrete, tile, brick and other floor surfaces. Replacement squeegee for Lib-00191. Providing a clear and crisp surface after cleaning, the Libman Flex Blade Floor Squeegee removes water and other liquids from surfaces with ease. Coming in cases of 12, these high quality squeegees are the perfect fit for any car detailing, window washing, janitorial service, or residential home owner. The Libman Flex Blade Floor Squeegee easily removes water and other liquids from concrete, tile, brick, wood, and other floor surfaces. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman 18" Flex Blade Floor Squeegee, 12 Squeegees per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 88.84 38.40 118.16 libman 18" flex blade floor squeegee, libman floor squeegee, 18" floor squeegee, LIB-00192, LIB00192, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7557 Libman Libman 18" Multi-Surface Push Broom (LIB-00804) 7535 LIB-00804 10.00 LIB00804 Libman 18" Multi-Surface Push Broom
4" long, combo of firm and flexible split tip polymer stapled fibers for sweeping small and large particles. 1"x 60" long steel, nylon thread handle with 5" hand grip, hanger hole and locking bolt for ease of storing. Resin bolt locks handle in place. Polymer block for durability and hygiene.
Libman 18" Multi-Surface Push Broom, 4 brooms per case - The wholesale push broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 89.13 38.52 118.42 LIB-00804.jpg Libman 18" Multi-Surface Push Broom, LIB-00804, LIB00804, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7556 Libman Libman 18" Multi-Surface Push Broom (LIB-00814) 7536 LIB-00814 12.00 LIB00814 Libman 18" Multi-Surface Push Broom
3" long, combo of firm and flexible split tip polymer stapled fibers for sweeping both small and large particles. 1"x 60" long steel handle and 15" ergonomic grip with hanger hole for both a rugged project and storing with ease. Polymer block for durability and hygiene. For all household and commercial applications. Great indoors and outdoors on concrete, asphalt, brick, wood, stone, vinyl, and all other surfaces. Handle is made with 70% recycled steel.
Libman 18" Multi-Surface Push Broom, 4 brooms per case - The wholesale push broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 108.28 46.80 143.94 LIB-00814.jpg Libman 18" Multi-Surface Push Broom, LIB-00814, LIB00814, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7558 Libman Libman 18" Rough Surface Push Broom (LIB-00878) 7537 LIB-00878 11.00 LIB00878 Libman 18" Rough Surface Push Broom
These 4" long, stiff polymer non-flagged fibers are for durable sweeping projects of heavy or large particles in a foot and a half wide sweep. 1", 60" long steel, nylon thread handle with 5" handgrip, hanger hole and locking bolt is both rugged and stores easy. Resin bolt locks handle in place. Polymer block for durability and hygiene.
Libman 18" Rough Surface Push Broom, 4 brooms per case - The wholesale push broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 94.95 41.04 129.96 LIB-00878.jpg Libman 18" Rough Surface Push Broom, LIB-00878, LIB00878, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7559 Libman Libman 18" Smooth Surface Push Broom, 4 Brooms (LIB-00800) 7538 LIB-00800 10.00 LIB00800 Libman 18" Smooth Surface Push Brooms
3" long, soft polymer stapled fibers. 1"x 60" long steel, nylon thread handle with 5" hand grip, hanger hole and locking bolt for ease of storing. Resin bolt locks handle in place. Polymer block for durability and hygiene.
Libman Commercial 18" Smooth Surface Push Broom, Sold by the Case, 4 Complete Brooms per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 90.79 39.24 121.98 LIB-00800.jpg libman 18" smooth surface push broom, libman push brooms, 18" push broom, LIB 800, LIB00800, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies 1 1 0 0 8 230
7560 Libman Libman 18" Stainless Steel Squeegees (LIB-00190) 7539 LIB-00190 6.00 LIB00190 Libman 18" Stainless Steel Squeegees
Libman stainless steel squeegee has an 18" rubber blade that wipes streak free. Great for use on large projects such as glass doors, large windows, bathroom walls, shower walls and more. Use with or without a handle.
Libman 18" Stainless Steel Squeegees, 12 per case
Blade refill available at LIB-00183(12-pack).
Extension handles available at LIB-00611, LIB-00612 and LIB-00613. - The wholesale squeegee supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 123.83 53.52 168.40 LIB-00190.jpg Libman 18" Stainless Steel Squeegee, LIB-00190, LIB00190, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7561 Libman Libman 18" Stainless Steel Squeegee Refills (LIB-00183) 7540 LIB-00183 2.00 LIB00183 Libman 18" Stainless Steel Squeegee Refills
Libman stainless steel squeegee refills are an 18" high quality rubber blade for durable use that will last.
Designed for use with LIB-00190 18" Stainless Steel Squeegee.
Libman 18" Stainless Steel Squeegee Refills, 12 per case. - The wholesale squeegee supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 38.04 16.44 50.42 Libman 18" Stainless Steel Squeegee Refills, LIB-00183, LIB00183, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7562 Libman Libman 20 oz. Cotton Deck Mops (LIB-00978) 7541 LIB-00978 12.00 LIB00978 Libman 20 oz. Cotton Deck Mops
Libman Cotton Deck Mop is a heavy duty, 20 oz., 4-ply cotton yarn mop for those extra large cleanups. Included is a 3/4" durable steel handle with hanger hole for ease of storage. The strong polymer yarn connector is threaded to fit the replaceable handle (LIB-00603) that can be used with other mops, brooms, brushes, rollers and more. This mop is great for ceramic, vinyl, brick, granite, marble floors and more.
Libman 20 oz. Cotton Deck Mops, 6 complete mops per case. - The wholesale deck mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 90.65 39.18 118.51 LIB-00978.jpg Libman 20 oz. Cotton Deck Mop, LIB-00978, LIB00978, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7563 Libman Libman 24" Dust Mops Complete (LIB-00922) 7542 LIB-00922 18.00 LIB00922 Libman Dust Mops
Libman dust mops have a standard 24" x 5", 100% cotton dust mop head to clear an area in one wide swoop. 1-3/4" cut-end fringe grabs dust. Zipper opening makes for both easy and sturdy use. 1" steel handle and 5" grip. Total height of 65".
Machine washable in mesh net bag.
Refill available separately (Head only) at part# LIB-00923 (6 per case, 9.2 lbs).
Libman 24" Dust Mops Complete, 6 complete dust mops per case. - The wholesale dust mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 180.00 91.80 235.93 LIB-00922.jpg Libman 24" Dust Mop, LIB-00922, LIB00922, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 8 230
7564 Libman Libman 24" Dust Mop Frames, 24 x 5 (LIB-00986) 7543 LIB-00986 11.00 LIB00986 Libman 24" Dust Mop Frames
Libman dust mop frames are an extra wide, 24" x 5" frame with a chrome plated mop frame.
Libman 24" Dust Mop Frame, 12 per case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 79.96 34.56 105.93 LIB-00986.jpg Libman 24" Dust Mop Frame, LIB-00986, LIB00986, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7565 Libman Libman 24" Dust Mop Refills (LIB-00923) 7544 LIB-00923 10.00 LIB00923 Libman 24" Dust Mop Refills
Libman dust mop refills have 24"x 5", 100% cotton dust mop head for covering a wide swoop with ease and quick.
Machine washable.
Libman 24" Dust Mop Refills, sold by the case, 6 refills per case. - The wholesale dust mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 86.21 37.26 116.51 libman 24" dust mop refill, libman dust mop refills, dust mops, LIB-00923, LIB00923, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies 1 1 0 0 8 230
7566 Libman Libman 24" Curved Floor Squeegee with Handle (LIB-00542) 7545 LIB-00542 19.00 LIB00542 Libman 24" Curved Floor Squeegees with Handle
Libman floor squeegee has a 24" curved rubber blade for a maximum gathering of liquid. The bolted metal frame with tapered handle connector can be pushed with ease. 1/4" thick, durable hard rubber blade will endure many large projects. 60" tapered wood handle to avoid any bending.
Libman 24" Curved Floor Squeegees with Handle, 6 complete squeegees per case.
Replacement handle is available at LIB-00600.
Replacement squeegees available at LIB-00539. - The wholesale squeegee supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 147.18 75.06 194.75 LIB-00542.jpg Libman 24" Floor Squeegee & Handle, LIB-00542, LIB00542, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 8 230
7567 Libman Libman 24" High Power Indoor/Outdoor Push Broom (LIB-00950) 7546 LIB-00950 15.00 LIB00950 Libman 24" High Power Indoor/Outdoor Push Broom
3" long, combo of firm and flexible split tip polymer stapled fibers for a small or large particle sweep. 24" x 4" sweeping surface. 1"x 60" long steel handle and 15" ergonomic grip with hanger hole that stores with ease. Steel bolted clamp keeps handle tight. Brace not needed. Polymer block for durability and hygiene. Block includes a scraper edge to loosen tough dirt. For all household and commercial applications. Great indoors and outdoors on concrete, asphalt, brick, wood, stone, vinyl, and all other surfaces. Handle is made with 70% recycled steel..
Libman 24" High Power Indoor/Outdoor Push Broom, 4 brooms per case - The wholesale push broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 137.43 59.40 179.40 LIB-00950.jpg Libman 24" High Power Indoor/Outdoor Push Broom, LIB-00950, LIB00950, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7569 Libman Libman 24" Multi-Surface Push Broom, 4" Long Fibers (LIB-00805) 7547 LIB-00805 12.00 LIB00805 Libman 24" Multi-Surface Push Broom
The Libman 24-inch multi-surface push broom has an extra large 24-inch sweeper that is 4 inches long with a combination of firm and flexible split-tip polymer stapled fibers cover 2 feet in one sweep. These fibers can pick up dust and dirt from a variety of surfaces and both small and large particles. The handle is a 1 inch thick, 60 inch long steel, nylon thread handle that has a 5-inch handgrip, a hanger hole and a locking bolt for ease of storing. The resin locking bolt locks the handle in place. A polymer block adds durability and hygiene.
Libman 24" Multi-Surface Push Broom. 4 brooms per case. - The wholesale street broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 97.92 42.32 132.39 LIB-00805.jpg Libman 24" Multi-Surface Push Broom, LIB-00805, LIB00805, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7570 Libman Libman 24" Multi-Surface Push Brooms, 4 Brooms (LIB-00815) 7548 LIB-00815 13.00 LIB00815 Libman 24" Multi-Surface Push Broom
The Libman 24" multi-surface push broom has a 3-inch long, combination of firm and flexible split tip polymer stapled fibers in its broom tip for sweeping small and large particles in a foot wide sweep. It also has a reversible handle hole to preserve the broom fibers. The steel handle of the broom is 1 inch by 60 inches long and has a hanger hole for both rugged projects and easy storage. A polymer block adds to durability and hygiene. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman 24" Multi-Surface Push Brooms, 3" Long Fibers, 4 Brooms per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 114.12 49.32 153.63 LIB-00815.jpg libman 24" multi-surface push brooms, multi-surface push brooms, multi-surface brooms, LIB-00815, LIB00815, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7568 Libman Libman 24" Multi-Surface Push Broom - Red Clamp Handle (LIB-00941) 7549 LIB-00941 14.00 LIB00941 Libman 24" Multi-Surface Push Broom - Red Clamp Handle
3" long, combo of firm and flexible split tip polymer stapled fibers for sweeping both small and large particles. Reversible handle hole to preserve fibers. 1"thick steel handle x 60" long and 15" ergonomic grip with hanger hole. Steel bolted clamp keeps handle tight. Brace not needed. Block includes a scraper edge to loosen tough dirt. For all household and commercial applications. Great indoors and outdoors on concrete, asphalt, brick, wood, stone, vinyl, and all other surfaces. Handle is made with 70% recycled steel. Polymer block for durability and hygiene.
Libman 24" Multi-Surface Push Broom - Red Clamp Handle, 4 brooms per case - The wholesale push broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 85.51 54.36 112.26 LIB-00941.jpg Libman 24" Multi-Surface Push Broom, LIB-00941, LIB00941, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7571 Libman Libman 24" Rough Surface Push Broom (LIB-00879) 7550 LIB-00879 13.00 LIB00879 Libman 24" Rough Surface Push Broom
This 4" long, stiff polymer non-flagged fibers are sturdy enough to get both heavy and large particles in a 2 foot wide sweep. 1"x 60" long steel, nylon thread handle with 5" handgrip, hanger hole and locking bolt is both rugged and easy to store. Resin bolt locks handle in place. Polymer block for durability and hygiene.
Libman 24" Rough Surface Push Broom, 4 brooms per case. - The wholesale street brooms company buyers trust.Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 104.12 45.00 141.82 LIB-00879.jpg Libman 24" Rough Surface Push Broom, LIB-00879, LIB00879, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7572 Libman Libman 24" Smooth Surface Push Broom (LIB-00801) 7551 LIB-00801 12.00 LIB00801 Libman 24" Smooth Surface Push Broom
3" long, soft polymer stapled fibers for sweeping fine particles. 1"x 60" long steel, nylon thread handle with 5" handgrip, hanger hole and locking bolt for ease of storing. Resin bolt locks handle in place. Polymer block for durability and hygiene. 24" wide broom covers 2 feet of floor in one sweep.
Libman 24" Smooth Surface Push Broom, 4 brooms per case - The wholesale push broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 99.58 43.04 129.63 LIB-00801.jpg Libman 24" Smooth Surface Push Broom, LIB-00801, LIB00801, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7573 Libman Libman 3 in 1 Utility Bucket, 2 Black Buckets (LIB-00937) 7552 LIB-00937 9.00 LIB00937 Libman 3 in 1 Utility Buckets, Black
Libman 3 in 1 utility bucket has an inner bucket and wringer snapped in to collect dirty water or transport sponges, chemicals and other cleaning accessories. Can be used with or without snap-in wringer as dual-chamber bucket. Wringer accepts up to a 20 oz. deck mop.
Libman 3 in 1 Utility Bucket, Black, 2 per case. - The wholesale utility bucket supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 64.13 27.72 85.17 LIB-00937.jpg Libman 3 in 1 Utility Bucket, LIB-00937, LIB00937, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7574 Libman Libman 36" Dust Mops Complete (LIB-00924) 7553 LIB-00924 22.00 LIB00924 Libman 36" Dust Mops
Libman dust mops have an extra large, 36" x 5", 100% cotton dust mop head with 1-3/4" cut-end fringe for great dust grabbing. Zipper opening for both easy and sturdy mop head replacement. 1" sturdy steel handle and 5" grip. Total height of 65".
Designed for a commercial and industrious use on all hard surfaced floors covering large areas in no time.
Machine washable in mesh net bag.
Libman 36" Dust Mops, sold by the case, 6 per case.
Refills available at part# LIB-00925. - The wholesale dust mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 209.18 106.68 275.99 LIB-00924.jpg libman 36" dust mop, libman dust mops, 36" dust mops, LIB 924, LIB00924, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies 0 1 0 0 8 230
7575 Libman Libman 36" Dust Mop Refills, 6 Mop Refills (LIB-00925) 7554 LIB-00925 7.00 LIB00925 Libman 36" Dust Mop Refill
Libman, extra wide, 36"x 5", 100% cotton dust mop heads. This 1-3/4" cut-end fringe grabs dust. Zipper opening for replacement with both ease and sturdiness. Machine washable in a mesh net laundry bag. Designed for a commercial and industrious use on all hard surfaced floors covering large areas in no time. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days. Also available in complete dust mop at part # LIB-00924.
Libman 36" Dust Mop Refills, 6 Mop Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 113.69 49.14 154.54 libman 36" dust mop refill, dust mops, mops, LIB-00925, LIB00925, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7576 Libman Libman 60" Clamp-Style Steel Standard Handle Grip (LIB-00606) 7555 LIB-00606 8.00 LIB00606 Libman 60" Clamp-Style Steel Standard Handle Grip
1" x 60" steel handle. Steel handle only: no bolts and wing nuts. Standard handle grip with hanger whole for ease of storage. Clamp style attachment. Fits Libman #814 and #815 push brooms.
Libman 60" Clamp-Style Steel Handle, 6 handles per case - The wholesale broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 81.21 35.10 107.78 LIB-00606.jpg Libman 60" Clamp-Style Steel Handle, LIB-00606, LIB00606, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7577 Libman Libman 60" Clamp-Style Steel Ergonomic Grip Handle (LIB-00608) 7556 LIB-00608 8.00 LIB00608 Libman 60" Clamp-Style Steel Ergonomic Grip Handle
1" x 60" steel handle. Steel handle only: no bolts and wing nuts. Includes ergonomic handgrip for upright sweeping. Fits Libman #832, #846, #941, #950 and #952 push brooms.
Libman 60" Clamp-Style Steel Ergonomic Grip Handle, 6 per case - The wholesale broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 70.25 38.64 93.23 LIB-00608.jpg Libman 60" Clamp-Style Steel Handle, LIB-00608, LIB00608, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 8 230
7578 Libman Libman 60" Steel Handle (LIB-00601) 7557 LIB-00601 10.00 LIB00601 Libman 60" Steel Handle
1" sturdy steel handle. 60" long with 5" handle grip and hanger hole for ease of storage. Durable nylon thread. Replacement handle for all Libman resin block, threaded push brooms.
Libman 60" Steel Handle, 12 handles per case - The wholesale broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 93.85 40.56 121.99 LIB-00601.jpg Libman 60" Steel Handle, LIB-00601, LIB00601, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7579 Libman Libman 60" Tapered Wood Handles (LIB-00600) 7558 LIB-00600 15.00 LIB00600 Libman 60" Tapered Wood Handles
Libman 1-1/8" thick wood handle is 60" long, with a tapered end. This has a clear lacquer finish.
Libman 60" Tapered Wood Handles, 6 per case. - The wholesale wooden handle supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 48.17 20.82 65.71 LIB-00600.jpg Libman 60" Tapered Wood Handle, LIB-00600, LIB00600, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7580 Libman Libman 60" Zinc Thread Steel Handle (LIB-00605) 7559 LIB-00605 11.00 LIB00605 Libman 60" Zinc Thread Steel Handle
1" sturdy steel handle. 60" long with 5" handle grip and hanger hole for ease of storage. Extra durable non breakable zinc thread for sturdy broom attachment. Standard thread can be used on any maintenance tool.
Libman 60" Zinc Thread Steel Handle, 12 handles per case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 96.35 41.64 128.26 LIB-00605.jpg Libman 60" Zinc Thread Steel Handle, LIB-00605, LIB00605, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7581 Libman Libman 60" Zinc Thread Wood Handle (LIB-00602) 7560 LIB-00602 12.00 LIB00602 Libman 60" Zinc Thread Wood Handle
1" wood handle. Hardwood with non breakable zinc thread, 60" long. Clear lacquer finish. Standard thread can be used on any maintenance tool.
Libman 60" Zinc Thread Wood Handle, 12 handles per case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 98.84 42.72 131.18 LIB-00602.jpg Libman 60" Zinc Thread Wood Handle, LIB-00602, LIB00602, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7582 Libman Libman 7" Natural Scrub Brush (LIB-00511) 7561 LIB-00511 5.00 LIB00511 Libman 7" Natural Scrub Brush
65 tufts of 1-1/4" long, stapled natural tampico fibers for sturdy scrubbing. Resin block shaped and grooved for easy gripping and manoeuvering with power. 2-1/2" wide scraper to release those tough sticky spots. 2" x 7" scrubbing surface can cover a wide or small area of tile, grout, ceramic, vinyl, brick, stone and many more surfaces.
Libman 7" Natural Scrub Brush, 12 brushes per case - The wholesale brush company buyers trust. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 57.48 24.84 75.66 LIB-00511.jpg Libman 7" Natural Scrub Brush, LIB-00511, LIB00511, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7583 Libman Libman 7" Scrub Brush (LIB-00510) 7562 LIB-00510 5.00 LIB00510 Libman 7" Scrub Brush
65 tufts of 1-1/4" long, stapled polymer fibers for rugged scrubbing. Resin block shaped and grooved for easy gripping and manoeuvering with power. 2-1/2" wide scraper to release those tough sticky spots. 2" x 7" scrubbing surface can cover a wide or small area of tile, grout, ceramic, vinyl, brick, stone and many more surfaces.
Libman 7" Scrub Brush, 12 brushes per case - The wholesale brush company buyers trust. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 51.37 22.20 66.99 LIB-00510.jpg Libman 7" Scrub Brush, LIB-00510, LIB00510, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7584 Libman Libman 8 Foot Extension Handles (LIB-00611) 7563 LIB-00611 8.00 LIB00611 Libman 8 Foot Extension Handles
Libman 8 foot extension handle is a three piece handle that closes to approximately 3-1/2 feet for easy storage. This light weight and durable aluminum handle has a 5" hanger tip. Dual use threaded and tapered end to fit in any mop, broom or brushes.
Libman 8 Foot Extension Handles, 6 per case - The wholesale extension handle supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 144.93 62.64 188.57 LIB-00611.jpg Libman 8 Foot Extension Handle, LIB-00611, LIB00611, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7585 Libman Libman 8 oz. Cotton Deck Mop (LIB-00088) 7564 LIB-00088 7.00 LIB00088 Libman 8 oz. Cotton Deck Mop
Libman cotton deck mop has an 8 oz., 4-ply cotton yarn mop head for sturdy durable wear. 3/4" steel handle with hanger hole for easily storing. Strong polymer yarn connector with threaded, replaceable handle (Libman LIB-00603). This handle can be used with other mops, brooms, brushes and rollers.
Excellent for mopping decks, hallways, floors, porches, walkways and more.
Libman 8 oz. Cotton Deck Mop, 6 complete mops per case.
Refill mop heads available as part# LIB-00090(6 mop heads per case). - The wholesale mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 56.23 24.30 75.11 LIB-00088.jpg Libman 8 oz. Cotton Deck Mop, LIB-00088, LIB00088, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7586 Libman Libman 8 oz. Cotton Deck Mop Refill (LIB-00090) 7565 LIB-00090 4.00 LIB00090 Libman 8 oz. Cotton Deck Mop Refill
Libman cotton deck mop refills have an 8 oz., 4-ply cotton yarn mop head for sturdy durable wear. Standard threaded handle(LIB-00603) screws into the polymer yarn connector so you can use the handle with other mops, brooms, brushes, rollers and more.
Libman 8 oz. Cotton Deck Mop Refill, 6 mop heads per case. - The wholesale mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 37.48 16.20 50.27 Libman 8 oz. Cotton Deck Mop Refill, LIB-00090, LIB00090, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7587 Libman Libman 8 oz. Cotton Wet Mop (LIB-00120) 7566 LIB-00120 7.00 LIB00120 Libman 8 oz. Cotton Wet Mop
Libman cotton wet mop has a mop head made of 8 oz., 4-ply cotton yarn. This 3/4" durable steel handle with hanger hole can be stored easily. Looped-ends with tail band create a sturdy mop for durable wear. Strong polymer yarn connector with threaded, replaceable handle (LIB-00603) that can be used with other brooms, brushes or rollers.
Libman 8 oz. Cotton Wet Mop, 6 complete mops per case.
Purchase refill part # LIB-00111(sold seperately 12 per case). - The wholesale mop supply company buyers trust. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 68.72 29.70 89.31 LIB-00120.jpg Libman 8 oz. Cotton Wet Mop, LIB-00120, LIB00120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7588 Libman Libman 8 oz. Cotton Wet Mop Refill (LIB-00111) 7567 LIB-00111 7.00 LIB00111 Libman 8 oz. Cotton Wet Mop Refill
Libman cotton wet mop head is made of 8 oz., 4-ply cotton yarn. Looped-ends with tail band create a sturdy mop for durable wear. Strong polymer yarn, with a threaded connector for use with a replaceable handle(LIB-00603).
Libman 8 oz. Cotton Wet Mop Refill, 12 mop heads per case. - The wholesale mop supply company buyers trust.Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 74.97 32.40 100.96 Libman 8 oz. Cotton Wet Mop Refill, LIB-00111, LIB00111, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7589 Libman Libman 9" Natural Scrub Brush (LIB-00514) 7568 LIB-00514 7.00 LIB00514 Libman 9" Natural Scrub Brush
86 tufts of 1-1/4" long, stapled natural tampico fibers for sturdy scrubbing. Resin block shaped and grooved for easy gripping and manoeuvering with power. 2-1/2" wide scraper to remove those tough sticky spots. 2" x 9" extra wide scrubbing surface can cover a wider or small area of tile, grout, ceramic, vinyl, brick, stone and many more surfaces.
Libman 9" Natural Scrub Brush, 12 brushes per case - The wholesale brush company buyers trust. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 68.85 29.76 92.08 LIB-00514.jpg Libman 9" Natural Scrub Brush, LIB-00514, LIB00514, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7590 Libman Libman 9" Scrub Brush (LIB-00513) 7569 LIB-00513 6.00 LIB00513 Libman 9" Scrub Brush
86 tufts of 1-1/4" long, stapled polymer fibers for a extra wide, sturdier scrubber. Resin block shaped and grooved for easy gripping and manoeuvering with power. 2-1/2" wide scraper to release those tough sticky spots. 2" x 9" scrubbing surface can cover an extra wide or small area of tile, grout, ceramic, vinyl, brick, stone and many more surfaces.
Libman 9" Scrub Brush, 12 brushes per case. - The wholesale brush company buyers trust. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 57.48 24.84 77.21 LIB-00513.jpg Libman 9" Scrub Brush, LIB-00513, LIB00513, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7591 Libman Libman Acid Brush (LIB-00548) 7570 LIB-00548 9.00 LIB00548 Libman Acid Brush
Resin Block 8-1/2" x 3-1/2" scrubbing surface. 3/4" steel handle with hanger hole for ease of storing. 1" long tampico fibers, 8" wide scraper to remove stuborn dirt. Total height of 52".
Libman Acid Brush, Sold by the case, 6 complete brushes per case
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Libman 70.66 30.54 96.51 LIB-00548.jpg libman acid brush, LIB-00548, LIB00548, libman brush, acid resistant brush, floor brush, scrub brush, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7592 Libman Libman All-Purpose Kitchen Brushes (LIB-01043) 7571 LIB-01043 2.00 LIB01043 Libman All-Purpose Kitchen Brushes
Libman all-purpose kitchen brush has 71 tufts of extra durable stapled polymer fibers in a unique rounded tip that reaches further with the tufts. This 8" long, ergonomic rubbergrip handle helps to get deep in tall glasses, vases and containers. 3" x 3-1/2"oblong scrub surface cleans flat areas and deep spots.
Libman All-Purpose Kitchen Brushes, 6 per case. - The wholesale kitchen brush supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 19.46 11.88 25.57 LIB-01043.jpg Libman All-Purpose Kitchen Brush, LIB-01043, LIB01043, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7593 Libman Libman All-Purpose Microfiber Sponges, 6 Sponges (LIB-00576) 7572 LIB-00576 1.00 LIB00576 Libman All-Purpose Microfiber Sponges
Libman microfiber sponge is reusable and machine washable to stay green. This 5-1/2" x 4" large sponge cleans with or without chemicals by trapping the tiny or large particles of dirt. This cloth & sponge design is fantastic at holding liquids for more efficient cleaning.
Libman All-Purpose Microfiber Sponges, 6 per case. - The wholesale cleaning supply buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 21.24 9.18 29.01 LIB-00576.jpg Libman All-Purpose Microfiber Sponge, libman microfiber sponges, microfiber sponge, LIB 576, LIB00576, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7594 Libman Libman All-Purpose Squeegees (LIB-00182) 7573 LIB-00182 2.00 LIB00182 Libman All-Purpose Squeegees
Libman all-purpose squeegee has a 6" wide rubber, non-replaceable blade. A 7" total length with hanger hole for ease of storage. The contoured, molded handle with gripping dots can make hours of cleaning quick and painless.
Libman All-Purpose Squeegees, 12 per case. - The wholesale squeegee supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 48.86 21.12 64.03 LIB-00182.jpg Libman All-Purpose Squeegee, LIB-00182, LIB00182, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7595 Libman Libman Aluminum Dust Pan (LIB-00914) 7574 LIB-00914 9.00 LIB00914 Libman Aluminum Dust Pan
Heavy duty aluminum dust pan has 17" wide scoop. Hanger hole for ease of storage. Great for picking up large debris.
Libman aluminum dustpans, 6 per case - The wholesale dustpan company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 129.39 55.92 173.69 LIB-00914.jpg Libman Aluminum Dust Pan, LIB-00914, LIB00914, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7596 Libman Libman Angle Bowl Brush & Holder (LIB-00027) 7575 LIB-00027 3.00 LIB00027 Libman Angle Bowl Brush & Holder
Stand-up contoured caddy is perfectly shaped to hold the Angle Bowl Brush that is included. This sturdy base will not tip over.
Libman Angle Bowl Brushes & Holders, 4 brush and caddy sets per case - The wholesale bowl brush supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 30.82 13.32 40.19 LIB-00027.jpg libman angle bowl brush & holder, libman bowl brush, LIB 27, LIB00027, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7597 Libman Libman Angled Toilet Bowl Brush (LIB-01020) 7576 LIB-01020 4.00 LIB01020 Libman Angled Toilet Bowl Brush
100 tufts of 3-1/2" long, firm stapled polymer fibers create a tough tool for strong scrubbing of your toilet's upper rim. This 19" long, contoured grip handle is designed to help your reach of all areas in your toilet bowl. Full 360º shape fiber placement creates a 4" wide head for covering the entire bowl in a flash.
Libman Angled Toilet Bowl Brush, 6 per case - The wholesale toilet brush supply company buyers trust. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 35.90 16.74 46.97 LIB-01020.jpg Libman Angled Toilet Bowl Brush, LIB-01020, LIB01020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7598 Libman Libman Auto Squeegee & Washer Combos (LIB-00180) 7577 LIB-00180 6.00 LIB00180 Libman Auto Squeegee & Washer Combos
This Auto Squeegee & Washer Combo by Libman has a total length of 30-1/2 inches. Clean and shine windows with one easy-to-use tool with a long reach! One side is a 10 inch mesh scrubbing net and sponge, and the other side is an 8-inch rubber blade that wipes streak free. The steel handle has a hanger hole for easy storage. Clean and shine windows hassle free!
Libman Auto Squeegee & Washer Combos, 6 per case. - The wholesale squeegee and washer supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 77.47 33.48 105.81 LIB-00180.jpg Libman Auto Squeegee & Washer Combo, LIB-00180, LIB00180, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7599 Libman Libman Basic Roller Mop (LIB-02016) 7578 LIB-02016 8.00 LIB02016 Libman Basic Roller Mop
This Libman basic roller mop has a 9" wide, tear resistant, angled sponge head that picks up more liquid. 3/4", one-piece, durable steel handle. Total height of 51". Easy pull back handle grip to wring mop in a mess free manner of squeezing out the dirty water. Great for use by janitors and maids in both home or industrial settings.
Libman Basic Roller Mop, 4 complete mops per case.
Refill mop heads are available separately at part# LIB-02017(6 mop heads per case). - The wholesale mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 72.46 31.32 96.87 LIB-02016.jpg Libman Basic Roller Mop, LIB-02016, LIB02016, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7600 Libman Libman Basic Roller Mop Refill, 6 Refills (LIB-02017) 7579 LIB-02017 2.00 LIB02017 Libman Basic Roller Mop Refills
Libman basic roller mop refills have a 9" wide, tear resistant sponge that wipes dry due to its ability to absorb more liquid. The easy change refill hooks on and off with no screws to fuss with. Great for use by janitors and maids in both home or industrial settings. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Basic Roller Sponge Mop Refills, 6 Roller Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 47.48 20.52 62.33 libman basic roller mop refill, libman roller mop refills, sponge mop refill, libman sponge mop refill, LIB 2017, LIB02017 1 1 0 0 8 230
7601 Libman Libman Big Scrub Brush (LIB-00567) 7580 LIB-00567 3.00 LIB00567 Libman Big Scrub Brush
164 tufts of 1-1/4" long, stapled polymer fibers. Ergonomic grip with extra knuckle room and a hanger hole for ease of storing. 8" x 3-1/2" has a large pointed scrubbing surface for cleaning both small corners and large surfaces of tile, grout, porcelin, wood, vinyl and many more.
Libman Big Scrub Brush, 4 brushes per case - The wholesale brush company buyers trust. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 28.78 12.44 38.94 LIB-00567.jpg Libman Big Scrub Brush, LIB-00567, LIB00567, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7602 Libman Libman Big Tornado Mops, 4 Complete Mops (LIB-00988) 7581 LIB-00988 8.00 LIB00988 Libman Big Tornado Mop
Unique self wringing mop with 100% synthetic yarn resists bacterial odor. 3 red bands prevent tangling. Quick release clip for easy mop head change. Light weight mop, less than 3 pounds when wet. 3/4" steel handle with ergonomic hand grips for a sturdy comfortable hold on tough mopping jobs. Overall height of 55". Unique self wringing ratchet design locks and holds with each twist, making this easy to use. Squeezes out maximum excess water with no hassles of release mechanisms to leave the floor much dryer. Purchase refills: Lib-00989 (6 mop heads per case) #16 mop head. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Big Tornado Mop, 4 Complete Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 87.46 37.80 116.48 LIB-00988.jpg libman tornado mop, libman big tornado mop, libman mops, mops, LIB-00988, LIB00988, libman mops 1 1 0 0 8 230
7603 Libman Libman Big Tornado Mop Refills, 6 Mop Heads (LIB-00989) 7582 LIB-00989 5.00 LIB00989 Libman Big Tornado Mop Refill
The Big Tornado Mop Refill provides a strong 100% synthetic yarn mop that is resistant to bacterial odor. This quality mop head is connector threaded, and connects with the Big Tornado replaceable mop handle. Known as a durable mop this durable refill is great for decks, ceramic, vinyl, brick, marble, granite floors and more. 3 red bands prevent tangling. Fits Libman Big Tornado Mop (LIB-00988). Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Big Tornado Mop Refill, 6 Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 55.71 33.48 75.77 libman big tornado mop refills, big tornado mop heads, mop heads, LIB-00989, LIB00989, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7604 Libman Libman Big Utility Buckets (LIB-00935) 7583 LIB-00935 15.00 LIB00935 Libman Big Utility Buckets
Libman 5 gallon/19 liter bucket (The BIG Dipper) is large capacity, at 18" long and 12" wide. Constructed with a strong steel curved handle, for an easy to carry grip. Constructed of durable polymer with a pouring spout. Bottom lip grip for controlled pouring.
Libman Big Utility Buckets, 6 per case. - The wholesale big utility bucket supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 103.70 44.82 138.53 LIB-00935.jpg Libman Big Utility Bucket, LIB 935, LIB00935, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7605 Libman Libman Big Wonder Mop, 4 Complete Mops (LIB-00990) 7584 LIB-00990 7.00 LIB00990 Libman Big Wonder Mop
Libman's Big Wonder Mop is constructed with 16" long durable, cut-end strips and a 3/4" steel handle. The non-woven strips are made from a premium synthetic material to be highly absorbent and machine washable. Libman's Big Wonder Mop head is light weight, less than 3 lbs. when wet and features an easy release mop head design. Overall height of 53". The Big Wonder Mop's unique self wringing design and easy release mop head makes for an easy and quick clean up. The twist mop head is machine washable and 65% larger to handle bigger cleaning jobs. Great for hardwood, tile, terrazzo, vinyl, and most hard floor surfaces. Purchase Big Wonder Mop Refills part #LIB-00991 (6 mop heads per case). Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Big Wonder Mop, 4 Complete Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 79.13 34.20 104.94 LIB-00990.jpg libman wonder mop, libman big wonder mop, LIB-00990, LIB00990, libman mops, wonder mop, buy libman wonder mop, libman mops coupons, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7606 Libman Libman Big Wonder Mop Refill, 6 Refills (LIB-00991) 7585 LIB-00991 3.00 LIB00991 Libman Big Wonder Mop Refills
Libman's Big Wonder Mop Refills feature 16" long durable, cut-end strips non-woven strips of premium synthetic material. The Big Wonder Mop is excellent for mopping vinyl, wood, granite, ceramic tile and most hard floor surfaces. The absorbent mop heads leave floors dry, yet they are removable and machine washable, allowing for easy mop head cleanup. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Big Wonder Mop Refills, 6 Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 63.72 27.54 83.77 libman big wonder mop refill, libman mops, wonder mop, libman wonder mop, libman mops coupons, big wonder mop, wonder mop refill, LIB-00991, LIB00991, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7607 Libman Libman Blender Brush (LIB-01044) 7586 LIB-01044 2.00 LIB01044 Libman Blender Brush
91 tufts of extra durable, stapled polymer fibers. 8" long, ergonomic rubbergrip handle. 3" x 5"oblong scrub surface.
Libman Blender Brush, 6 per case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 23.24 12.78 29.89 LIB-01044.jpg Libman Blender Brush, LIB-01044, LIB01044, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 8 230
7608 Libman Libman Bottle Brushes (LIB-00039) 7587 LIB-00039 2.00 LIB00039 Libman Bottle Brushes
Libman bottle brush has 2" polymer bristles twisted in zinc-coated, rust-resistant wire. This ergonomic rubbergrip handle is flexible, to get in any shaped cylinder. A 13" total length makes getting into deep classes or bottles a breeze.Libman Bottle Brushes, 12 per case. - The wholesale bottle brush supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 46.36 20.04 62.88 LIB-00039.jpg Libman Bottle Brush, LIB-00039, LIB00039, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7609 Libman Libman Brass Pot Brushes (LIB-00047) 7588 LIB-00047 3.00 LIB00047 Libman Brass Pot Brushes
Libman brass pot brush has 48 tufts of 7/8" strong brass fibers to scour with power. This 8" long, ergonomic rubbergrip handle can reach deep into containers or glasses. The 2" x 2"scrub surface is small enough to get into most thin containers and glasses. Just flip over to get the scraper edge when scrubbing a tough dried on particle.Libman Brass Pot Brushes, 12 per case. - The wholesale pot brush supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 52.47 22.68 70.05 LIB-00047.jpg Libman Brass Pot Brush, LIB-00047, LIB00047, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7610 Libman Libman Ceiling Fan Dusters (LIB-00116) 7589 LIB-00116 6.00 LIB00116 Libman Ceiling Fan Dusters
Libman ceiling fan duster has a looped electrostatic head that easily cleans top and bottom of fan blades in one swipe. The 3/4" steel handle with hanger hole is sturdy and easy to store. This swivel head pivots 180 degrees to work on any angle. Handle extends to 6 feet for reaching most ceiling fans.
Libman Ceiling Fan Dusters, 4 per case. - The wholesale ceiling fan duster supply company buyers trust. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 64.97 28.08 85.36 LIB-00116.jpg Libman Ceiling Fan Duster, LIB-00116, LIB00116, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7611 Libman Libman Commercial Angle Brooms, 6 Brooms (LIB-00994) 7590 LIB-00994 10.00 LIB00994 Libman Commercial Angle Brooms
The perfect tool for any cleaning professional, these Libman Commercial Angle Brooms are 13" wide. with a 55" total height. Made with fibers that have a longer life, and have environmentally-friendly PET fiber. These 3/4" steel handle with hanger hole make for easy storage. The fibers are stiffer, have a longer life, and have environmentally-friendly PET fiber (80% PET, 20% PP). PET fibers are used to package bottled drinks, water, juice, salad dressing and cosmetics. The 1" steel handle with hanger hole makes for easier storage. Solid one piece resin block. 5" long stapled flagged fiber. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Commercial Angle Broom, 6 Brooms per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 100.64 43.50 136.71 LIB-00994.jpg libman commercial angle broom, libman brooms, brooms, LIB-00994, LIB00994, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7612 Libman Libman Copper Scrubbers, 24 Scrubbers (LIB-00073) 7591 LIB-00073 2.00 LIB00073 Libman Copper Scrubbers
Powerful, durable and long-lasting, Libman Copper Scrubbers are an ideal tool for cleaning. Perfect for use on metals like stainless steel, anodized aluminum, copper, as well as tools, lawn furniture, and more. Coming in dimensions of 3"x3"x1" round, these 100% pure copper scrubbers are a perfect way to clean, scour and scrub. This powerful, durable, rust resistant copper is both long-lasting and simple to mold, allowing the user to easily scrub baked on grime, grease, and dirt off just about any shaped surface. Coming 2 copper scrubbers per packs, and 12 packs per case, Libman Copper Scrubbers comes with 24 total copper scrubbers per case.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Commercial Copper Scrubbers, 2 Scrubbers per Pack, 12 Packs per Case, 24 Scrubbers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Libman 42.48 18.36 57.95 LIB-00073.jpg copper scrubbers, copper scrubber, scrubbing tool, metal scrubbing tool, LIB-00073, LIB00073, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7613 Libman Libman Corn Whisk Broom (LIB-00558) 7592 LIB-00558 3.00 LIB00558 Libman Corn Whisk Broom
100% natural broomcorn. 9" long fibers. 2 rows of stitching and 15-ply polymer thread.
Libman Corn Whisk Broom, 12 per case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 64.80 35.64 84.51 LIB-00558.jpg Libman Corn Whisk Broom, LIB-00558, LIB00558, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 8 230
7614 Libman Libman Counter and Bench Brush, Red, 6 Brushes (LIB-00526) 7593 LIB-00526 3.00 LIB00526 Counter & Bench Brush
96 tufts of soft, durable 2" polymer fibers for sweeping fine particles. Ergonomic rubber-grip handle with hanger hole for ease of storing. 2-1/2" x 7-1/2" oval head for getting into corners. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Counter and Bench Brush, Red, 6 Brushes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 33.18 14.34 43.15 LIB-00526.jpg brushes, brush, libman brush, libman brushes, LIB-00526, LIB00526, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7615 Libman Libman Curved Floor Squeegees (LIB-00539) 7594 LIB-00539 10.00 LIB00539 Libman Curved Floor Squeegees
Libman floor squeegee has a 24" curved rubber blade for maximum gathering of liquid. The bolted metal frame with tapered handle connector can be pushed with ease. 1/4" thick, durable hard rubber blade will endure many large projects. Accepts Lib-00600 handle.
Libman Curved Floor Squeegees, 6 per case - The wholesale squeegee supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 144.93 62.64 192.23 LIB-00539.jpg Libman Curved Floor Squeegee, LIB-00539, LIB00539, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7616 Libman Libman Curved Kitchen Brushes (LIB-00042) 7595 LIB-00042 2.00 LIB00042 Libman Curved Kitchen Brushes
Libman curved kitchen brush has 53 tufts of extra durable, 3/4" stapled polymer fibers. This ergonomic rubbergrip handle with thumb rest has a 2" wide rounded head to reach all areas. Fantastic for cleaning a coffee pot, pots n pans, plates, bowls and storage containers.
Libman Curved Kitchen Brushes, 6 per case. - The wholesale kitchen brush supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 23.19 10.02 31.25 LIB-00042.jpg Libman Curved Kitchen Brush, LIB-00042, LIB00042, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7617 Libman Libman Dish Scrub & Soap Dispensers (LIB-00048) 7596 LIB-00048 1.00 LIB00048 Libman Dish Scrub & Soap Dispensers
Libman dish scrub and soap dispenser has a polyester 3" x 2" sponge with a synthetic abrasive pad and a built-in scraper edge. This is designed to absorb the soapy water and scrub most particles off with the sponge. The scrapper can get those tougher particles off. A 7" long, contoured handle grip with 5 finger rests makes reaching deep into long narrow containers, glasses and vases easier. Twist cap opens to fill with soap. Refill scrub sponge is available at part# LIB-00049.
Libman Dish Scrub & Soap Dispensers, 6 per case. - The wholesale dish scrub with soap dispenser supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 20.69 8.94 28.05 LIB-00048.jpg Libman Dish Scrub & Soap Dispenser, LIB-00048, LIB00048, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7618 Libman Libman Dish Scrub & Soap Dispenser (LIB-01047) 7597 LIB-01047 2.00 LIB01047 Libman Dish Scrub & Soap Dispenser
Libman dish scrub has a polyester 3" wide sponge with a synthetic abrasive pad for working hard on scrubbing the pots and pans. The 9" extra long, contoured handle grip with 5 finger rests is designed to work well with the round sponge for getting deep into the long glasses, vases and containers. Twist cap opens to fill with soap for washing sink fulls of dishes without having to stop for soap.
Libman Dish Scrub & Soap Dispenser, 6 per case.
Refill scrub sponges available at LIB-01048. - The wholesale kitchen scrubber & sponge supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 28.73 12.42 37.33 LIB-01047.jpg Libman Dish Scrub & Soap Dispenser, LIB-01047, LIB01047, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7620 Libman Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispensers (LIB-00030) 7598 LIB-00030 1.00 LIB00030 Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispensers
Libman dish sponge and soap dispenser has a 100% natural cellulose 3" x 2" sponge with a built-in scraper edge. Designed to scrub most particles off dishes with the soapy sponge and then flip handle over to use the scrapper. A 7" long, contoured handle grip with 5 finger rest reaches deep into glasses, vases and containers. Twist cap opens to fill with soap.
Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispensers, 6 per case.
Refills available separately at part# LIB-00031. - The wholesale dish sponge and soap dispenser supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 20.69 8.94 27.15 LIB-00030.jpg Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser, LIB-00030, LIB00030, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7619 Libman Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser (LIB-01045) 7599 LIB-01045 2.00 LIB01045 Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser
Libman dish sponge and soap dispenser has a unique, 100% natural cellulose 3" wide, round sponge. The 9" extra long, contoured handle grip with 5 finger rests and the round sponge are designed together to allow for reaching inside long narrow containers, glasses and vases. A twist cap opens to fill with soap so you can continue cleaning a large pile of dishes without stopping for soap.
Refill #1046.
Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser, 6 per case.
Refill sponges are available at LIB-01046. - The wholesale kitchen sponge supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 29.43 12.72 39.82 LIB-01045.jpg Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser, LIB-01045, LIB01045, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7621 Libman Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refills, 12 Sponges (LIB-00031) 7600 LIB-00031 1.00 LIB00031 Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refills
Libman dish sponge soap dispenser refill is a 3-1/4" x 1-3/4" x 3/4" sturdy cellulose sponge that attaches to a long handle filled with soap. Just slide on the sponge refill and flip over the handle and use the built-in scraper. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Dish Sponge and Soap Dispenser Refills, 2 Pack of Sponges, 6 Packs, 12 Sponges per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 19.99 8.64 26.55 libman dish sponge & soap dispenser refill, libman sponges, libman refills, LIB-00031, LIB00031, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7622 Libman Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refills (LIB-00049) 7601 LIB-00049 1.00 LIB00049
Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refills
Libman dish sponge and soap dispenser refills are polyester sponges with synthetic abrasive pads and built-in scrapers. This has a 3-1/4" x 1-3/4" scrubbing surface.
Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refills, 6/2-packs per case. - The wholesale sponge and soap dispenser supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 19.99 8.64 26.13 Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refill, LIB-00049, LIB00049, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7623 Libman Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refills (LIB-01046) 7602 LIB-01046 1.00 LIB01046 Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refills
Unique 3" diameter, round cellulose sponge refill. Attaches to Libman Sponge and Soap Dispenser that is available at LIB-01045.
Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refill, 6/2-packs per case. - The wholesale kitchen sponge supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 29.43 12.72 39.30 Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refill, LIB-01046, LIB01046, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7624 Libman Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refills (LIB-01048) 7603 LIB-01048 1.00 LIB01048 Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refills
Libman dish sponge and soap dispenser refills are 3" diameter, round soap dispensing scrubber sponge that attach to the Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser.
Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refill, 6/2-packs per case. - The wholesale kitchen scrub and sponge supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 28.18 12.18 37.89 Libman Dish Sponge & Soap Dispenser Refill, LIB-01048, LIB01048, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7625 Libman Libman Dual-Sided All-Surface Brush Heads (LIB-00535) 7604 LIB-00535 8.00 LIB00535 Libman Dual-Sided All-Surface Brush Heads
Libman dual-sided brush head has a 9" curved resin block with 210 tufts of dual-sided scrubbing surface with 2-1/2" long polymer fibers. This head is threaded to fit many standard threaded handles, or used with Lib-00603 (48") handle.
Libman Dual-Sided All-Surface Brush Heads, 6 per case. - The wholesale brush head supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 108.15 46.74 144.86 LIB-00535.jpg Libman Dual-Sided Brush-Vehicle Wash, LIB-00535, LIB00535, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7626 Libman Libman Dual-Surface Kitchen Brushes (LIB-01042) 7605 LIB-01042 2.00 LIB01042 Libman Dual-Surface Kitchen Brushes
Libman dual-surface kitchen brush has 73 tufts of extra durable, 7/8" stapled polymer fibers for scrubbing many soft particles off a variety of surfaces. Just flip the brush over to get to the 21 shorter sturdier tufts to scrubber the more difficult particles. This 8" long, ergonomic rubbergrip handle can reach in most glasses and bowls with a wider scrubbing surface of 2" x 3".
Libman Dual-Surface Kitchen Brushes, 6 per case. - The wholesale kitchen brush supply company buyers trust. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 33.18 14.34 43.46 LIB-01042.jpg Libman Dual-Surface Kitchen Brush, LIB-01042, LIB01042, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7627 Libman Libman Dust Mop Handles (LIB-00985) 7606 LIB-00985 8.00 LIB00985 Libman Dust Mop Handles
Libman dust mop handles are chrome plated, with a steel clip on a swivel mop attachment. The swivel makes getting around furniture quick and easy. This 1" sturdy steel handle has a 5" grip with hanger tip for easy storing. Total length 63".
Libman Dust Mop Handles, 6 per case. - The wholesale dust mop handle supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 86.21 37.26 114.50 LIB-00985.jpg Libman Dust Mop Handle, LIB-00985, LIB00985, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7628 Libman Libman Dust Pan with Whisk Broom, Red, 6 Pans and Lids (LIB-00906) 7607 LIB-00906 12.00 LIB00906 Libman Dust Pan with Whisk Broom
Red 10" dust pan comes together with item whiskbroom (Lib-00907). Ergonomic handle and hanger hole make for ease of storing. Whisk snaps into dust pan. Ideal design for any maintenance kit. This Whisk Broom and Dustpan set makes it easy to clean up large messes in little time. The wide sized broom is constructed from a durable formula and offers superior cleaning and dust collection capabilities. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Dust Pan with Whisk Broom, 6 Dust Pans and 6 Whisk Brooms per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 54.42 23.52 73.77 LIB-00906.jpg libman dust pan with whisk broom, dust pans, whisk brooms, brooms, pans, LIB-00906, LIB00906, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7629 Libman Libman Extra Large Looped-End Wet Mop Heads (LIB-00973) 7608 LIB-00973 14.00 LIB00973 Libman Extra Large Looped-End Wet Mop Heads
Libman Extra Large Looped-End Wet Mop Heads have 4-ply, 100% cotton yarn for picking up more dirt quick. The looped-end with 1/2" tail band will grab dirt off many different floor types without falling apart. 5" cloth head band is a sturdy design for extra long performance on heavy duty projects.
Libman Extra Large Looped-End Wet Mop Heads, 6 per case. - The wholesale wet mop head supply company buyers trust. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 72.88 31.50 97.72 LIB-00973.jpg Libman Extra Large Looped-End Wet Mop, LIB-00973, LIB00973, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7630 Libman Libman Feather Dusters, 6 Feather Dusters (LIB00239) 7609 LIB-00239 1.00 LIB00239 Libman Feather Dusters
Libman feather duster are made of extra soft ostrich feathers for gentle dusting of and around fragile pieces. A great tool for maid services, janitorial companies, offices and residential homes, our line of Libman feather dusters makes cleaning up dust, dirt, debris and hair easy. Cleans and dusts furniture, floors, walls, window sills and fans with ease. The ergonomic rubber grip handle with hanger hole is both easy to use for long periods of time and simple to store. Durable and easy to use, these low cost feather dusters measure in at 7" of overall length. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Feather Dusters, 7" Duster, 6 Dusters per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 53.73 23.22 70.11 LIB-00239.jpg libman feather duster, feather duster, feather dusters, LIB-00239, LIB00239, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7631 Libman Libman Flex Blade Floor Squeegee, 6 Squeegees (LIB-00191) 7610 LIB-00191 10.00 LIB00191 Libman Flex Blade Floor Squeegees
Providing a clear and crisp surface after cleaning, the Libman Flex Blade Floor Squeegee removes water and other liquids from surfaces with ease. It has an 18" wide soft foam blade that is ideal for squeegeeing uneven surfaces. Along with its wide 18" surface area, this squeegee also features a long, sturdy 52" steel handle. Coming in cases of 6, these high quality squeegees are the perfect fit for any car detailing, window washing, janitorial service, or residential home owner. The Libman Flex Blade Floor Squeegee easily removes water and other liquids from concrete, tile, brick, wood, and other floor surfaces. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Flex Blade Floor Squeegee, 6 Complete Squeegees per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 108.70 46.98 144.68 libman flex blade floor squeegee, squeege, LIB-00191, LIB00191, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7632 Libman Libman Floor Scrub (LIB-00547) 7611 LIB-00547 10.00 LIB00547 Libman Floor Scrub
10-1/2" x 3-1/2" scrubbing surface for sturdy dirt loosening. 3/4" sturdy steel handle with hanger hole for ease of storage. 2-1/4" long polymer fibers for deeper dirt loosening, 10" wide scraper to release dirt that grabs on. Total height of 52".
Libman Floor Scrub, 6 complete scrubs per case. - The wholesale brush company buyers trust. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 74.97 32.40 97.76 LIB-00547.jpg Libman Floor Scrub, LIB-00547, LIB00547, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7633 Libman Libman Gator Mop with Brush (LIB-00958) 7612 LIB-00958 10.00 LIB00958 Libman Gator Mop with Brush
Libman Gator Mop with Brush has an 11" wide, extra absorbent, tear resistant, synthetic sponge head that is durable enough to scrub hard to clean surfaces and picks up more liquid. 7/8", one-piece, durable steel handle. Ergonomic wringer grip provides a mess free sponge squeezing with ease. Large winged nylon nuts for easy refill changing. Strong steel and plastic plates for better wringing that removes more dirty water from the sponge. Extra glue is used to secure the sponge. Total height of 53". 10-1/2" scrub brush with 1" long stiff bristles to get into crevices of many surfaces.
Libman Gator Mop with Brush, 4 complete mops per case.
Refill part # Lib-00959(6 sponges per case). - The wholesale mop company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 97.46 42.12 132.56 LIB-00958.jpg Libman Gator Mop with Brush, LIB-00958, LIB00958, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7634 Libman Libman Gator Mop Refills with Brush, 6 Refills (LIB-00959) 7613 LIB-00959 2.00 LIB00959 Libman Gator Mop Refill with Brush
Libman's Gator Mop Refill with Brush features an 11" wide, tear resistant synthetic sponge head with a 10-1/2" scrub brush and 1" long stiff bristles that are ideal for scrubbing hard-to-clean surfaces. The large, ultra absorbent sponge picks up a lot of water for faster cleaning. The easy change refill features large nylon wing nuts for effortless replacement. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Gator Mop Refill with Brush, 6 Refill Sponges per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 53.17 22.98 70.46 Lib00959.jpg libman gator mop with brush refill, libman mops, libman gator mops, mops, LIB-00959, LIB00959, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7635 Libman Libman Gator Mop (LIB-02020) 7614 LIB-02020 12.00 LIB02020 Libman Gator Mop
Libman Gator mop has a 9" wide, durable and tear resistant, polyester sponge. Features a 3/4", one-piece, durable steel handle. Total height of 55". Large nylon wing nuts for easier refill changing. Ergonomic wringer grip makes squeezing out the dirty water less messy and easier.
Libman Gator Mop, 6 complete mops per case
Refills available separately at part# LIB-02021(6 refills per case). - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 115.64 49.98 152.40 LIB-02020.jpg libman gator mop, libman gator mops, libman gator sponge mop, gator sponge mop, gator mop, gator floor mop, gator floor sponge mop, LIB-02020, LIB02020, 1 1 0 0 8 230
7636 Libman Libman Gator Sponge Mop Head, 6 Mop Heads (LIB-02021) 7615 LIB-02021 2.00 LIB02021 Sponge Mop Heads
Providing a durable and tear resistant sponge mop head, the Gator Mop refill sponge mop head is an essential cleaning tool. New design does not include the raised green spots. Coming in at 9" wide, these reliable mops feature an easy change refill, complete with nylon wing nuts. Delivered in cases of 6 mop heads per case, these quality sponges are great for both commercial and residential environments. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Gator Mop Head Refills, 6 Sponge Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 48.17 20.82 65.54 Libman Gator Mop Refill, LIB-02021, LIB02021, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7637 Libman Libman Glass Wipes (LIB-00592) 7616 LIB-00592 6.00 LIB00592 Libman Glass Wipes
Libman 13" x 17" lint-free towels are made of 100% durable, absorbent cotton. Reusable and machine washable to stay green. Soft and absorbent, won't scratch, maximum streak prevention and great for cleaning up splills.
Libman Glass Wipes, 12 per case - The wholesale glass wipe supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 128.83 55.68 173.94 LIB-00592.jpg Libman Glass Wipes, LIB-00592, LIB00592, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7638 Libman Libman Glass and Dish Sponges, 12 Sponges (LIB-00035) 7617 LIB-00035 2.00 LIB00035 Libman Glass and Dish Sponges
Libman glass and dish sponge has a 2" x 4-1/2" cylindrical sponge with a scrubber on the end to get to the bottom of the inside of the glass or cup. This ergonomic rubber-grip handle makes the total length 12" long for reaching into tall thin glasses. Great for drinking glasses, wine glasses, flutes and vases. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Glass and Dish Sponges, 12 Sponges per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 52.47 22.68 69.11 LIB-00035.jpg libman glass and dish sponges, libman sponges, LIB-00035, LIB00035, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7639 Libman Libman Hand and Nail Brushes (LIB-00014) 7618 LIB-00014 2.00 LIB00014 Libman Hand and Nail Brushes
Libman hand and nail brush has 110 tufts of flexible, stapled polymer fibers. This ergonomic rubbergrip handle with thumb rest is great for maneuvering around hands, feet, fingers and toes. Perfect fit for hand cleaning with a 2" x 4"oval scrub surface.
Libman Hand and Nail Brushes, 6 per case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 23.74 10.26 31.35 LIB-00014.jpg Libman Hand and Nail Brush, LIB-00014, LIB00014, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7640 Libman Libman Hardwood Roller Mop (LIB-02026) 7619 LIB-02026 9.00 LIB02026 Libman Hardwood Roller Mop
Extra dry 10" wide, oceanic sponge ideal for damp mopping wood floors. Floor is dry 3x faster than with standard sponge due to this mops absorption. 3/4", one-piece, durable steel handle. Total height of 51". Easy pull back handle grip to wring without mess or fuss. Refill #02027.
Libman Hardwood Roller Mop, 4 complete mops per case
Refills available separately at part# LIB-02027(6 sponges per case) - The wholesale roller mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 81.63 35.28 110.79 LIB-02026.jpg Libman Hardwood Roller Sponge Mop, LIB-02026, LIB02026, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7641 Libman Libman Hardwood Sponge Mop Refills, 6 Refills (LIB-02027) 7620 LIB-02027 3.00 LIB02027 Libman Hardwood Sponge Mop Refill
This Libman hardwood floor sponge mop refill features an extra dry, 10" long, oceanic sponge that is ideal for the damp mopping of hardwood floors. When this hardwood specific floor sponge mop is used, floors dry 3 times faster than with a standard sponge, making cleaning faster and easier. These Libman refill sponge mops are completely tear resistant. Know as the superior cleaning sponge mop, these easy change refill snaps on to handle for quick changes. Sold by the case. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Hardwood Sponge Mop Refill, Wood Floor Roller, 6 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 54.98 23.76 73.00 libman hardwood roller sponge mop refill, sponge mop, hardwood sponge mop, LIB-02027, LIB02027 1 1 0 0 8 230
7642 Libman Libman Housekeeper Corn Broom (LIB-00301) 7621 LIB-00301 10.00 LIB00301 Libman Housekeeper Corn Broom
Make sweeping and cleaning easy with Libmans 12" wide Housekeeper Corn Broom. Its wide 12" sweeping surface provides for a quick cleanup. Constructed with 100% natural broomcorn and 3/4" sturdy steel handle with hanger hole for ease of storage. 15-ply polymer thread and 5 rows of stitching with 12-14 stitches per seam keep the broom tightly bound and durable. Ideal for residential use. Strong enough to stand up to any household floor cleaning task. With a total height of 56", it makes any job easy on the back!
Libman Housekeeper Corn Broom. 6 complete brooms per case. - The wholesale corn broom supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 101.89 44.04 139.11 LIB-00301.jpg Libman Housekeeper Corn Broom, LIB-00301, LIB00301, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7643 Libman Libman Iron Handle Scrub Brush, 6 Brushes (LIB-00525) 7622 LIB-00525 3.00 LIB00525 Libman Iron Handle Scrub Brush
117 tufts of extra durable, 1-1/4" stapled polymer fibers for that rugged scrubbing job. Ergonomic rubbergrip handle with hanger hole for both powerful manoeuvering and ease of storing. 3" x 7-1/2" scrubbing surface has a sleek long pointy shape to get into corners with ease.
Libman Iron Handle Scrub Brush, 6 Brushes per Case - The wholesale brush company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 33.74 14.58 45.94 LIB-00525.jpg Libman Iron Handle Scrub Brush, LIB-00525, LIB00525, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7644 Libman Libman Janitor Corn Broom (LIB-00502) 7623 LIB-00502 13.00 LIB00502 Libman Janitor Corn Broom
Extra large 14" wide sweeping surface. 100% natural broomcorn moves dirt better. 1" sturdy steel handle with hanger hole for ease of storage. 15-ply polymer thread and 5 rows of stitching to secure the fibers of the broom to the steel handle. Total height of 57".
Libman Janitor Corn Broom, 6 complete brooms per case - The wholesale broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 126.19 54.54 165.73 LIB-00502.jpg Libman Janitor Corn Broom, LIB-00502, LIB00502, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7645 Libman Libman Kitchen Brushes, 12 Brushes (LIB-00045) 7624 LIB-00045 2.00 LIB00045 Kitchen Scrub Brushes
Libman kitchen brush has 48 tufts of extra durable, 7/8" stapled polymer fibers. This 8" long, ergonomic rubbergrip handle will reach into medium sized glasses. A 2" x 2" scrub surface is small enough to get down into most thin glasses and just flip over to use the scraper edge on those tough dried on particles. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Kitchen Scrubbing Brushes, 12 Brushes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Libman 37.48 16.20 49.00 LIB-00045.jpg Libman Kitchen Brush, LIB-00045, LIB00045, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7646 Libman Libman Large Blue Blend Wet Mop Heads, 6 Mops (LIB-00968) 7625 LIB-00968 9.00 LIB00968 Large Blue Blend Wet Mop Heads
Libman large blue blend wet mop head is a rugged, large, 24 oz. 4-ply, blend of cotton (25%), rayon (25%), polyester (25%) and acrylic (25%). The looped-end with 1/2" tail band provides a sturdy, durable, rough cleaning in no time. A 1-1/4" cloth head band keeps this strong performance together for a long time. Machine washable. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Commercial Large Blue Blend Wet Mop Heads, 6 Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 67.74 29.28 89.16 LIB-00968.jpg libman large blue blend wet mops, libman wet mops, libman large wet mops, LIB-00968, LIB00968, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7647 Libman Libman Large Floor Finishing Mop Heads, 6 Mops (LIB-00969) 7626 LIB-00969 8.00 LIB00969 Floor Finish Wax Mop Heads
Easy to use and replace, the Libman large finishing wet mop head has a rayon, polyester, acrylic blend specially formulated for finish applications. Coming in a large looped-end with 1/2" tail band makes finishing the floors quick. Constructed with a 1-1/4" cloth head band for long term performance. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Commercial Looped End Floor Wax Finishing Wet Mop Heads, Large Size, 6 Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 61.77 26.70 81.97 LIB-00969.jpg libman wax mop, web wax mop head, finish mop, wax finish mop, large wax mop, large finish mop, libman large finishing mop, LIB-00969, LIB00969, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7648 Libman Libman Large Looped-End Wet Mop Heads, 6 Wet Mop Heads (LIB-00972) 7627 LIB-00972 10.00 LIB00972 Libman Large Looped-End Wet Mop Heads
Libman Large Looped-End Wet Mop is a 4-ply, 100% cotton yarn mop head with a looped-end, 1/2" tail band for picking up more dirt. The split 1-1/4" cloth head band is for long sturdy performance. This heavy duty large capacity mop head cleans many floor types quick. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Large Looped-End Wet Mop Heads, 6 Wet Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 55.67 24.06 74.64 LIB-00972.jpg libman large looped-end wet mop, libman wet mop, looped-end wet mop, LIB-00972, LIB00972, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7649 Libman Libman Large Microfiber Sponges (LIB-00577) 7628 LIB-00577 2.00 LIB00577 Libman Large Microfiber Sponges
Libman large microfiber sponge is a reusable and machine washable sponge to be more green. This extra large, 8-1/2" x 4" contoured sponge cleans with or without chemicals by trapping tiny or large dirt particles. This cloth & sponge design is fantastic at holding liquids for more efficient cleaning.
Libman Large Microfiber Sponges, 6 per case. - The wholesale microfiber sponge supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 33.74 14.58 43.89 LIB-00577.jpg Libman Large Microfiber Sponge, LIB-00577, LIB00577, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7650 Libman Libman Large Precision Angle Broom (LIB-00205) 7629 LIB-00205 9.00 LIB00205 Libman Large Precision Angle Broom
These angled brooms are 12" wide with a 53" total height for sweeping a large area quickly. Made with fibers that have a longer life, and have environmentally-friendly PET fiber. PET fibers are used to package bottled drinks, water, juice, salad dressing and cosmetics. These 3/4" steel handle with hanger hole make for easy storage. Solid one piece resin block. 6" long stapled flagged fiber. 6 large precision angle brooms per case.
Available with 10" snap-on dust pan at: LIB-00248. - The wholesale upright broom supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 89.96 38.88 117.87 LIB-00205.jpg Libman Large Precision Angle Broom, LIB-00205, LIB00205, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7651 Libman Libman Large Precision Angle Broom W/ 10" Dustpan (LIB-00248) 7630 LIB-00248 8.00 LIB00248 Libman Large Precision Angle Broom W/ 10" Dustpan
These wide angle brooms are 12" wide with a 53" total height. Made with fibers that have a longer life, and have environmentally-friendly PET fiber. PET fibers are used to package bottled drinks, water, juice, salad dressing and cosmetics. These 3/4" steel handle with hanger hole make for easy storage. Solid one piece resin block. 6" long stapled flagged fiber. 10" snap-on dustpan included. 4 large precision brooms and 4 10" dustpans per case.
Available without the snap-on dustpan: (LIB-00205) - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 74.60 32.24 101.06 Libman Large Precision Angle Broom W/ Dustpan, LIB-00248, LIB00248, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7652 Libman Libman Lint Brushes (LIB-00078) 7631 LIB-00078 2.00 LIB00078 Libman Lint Brushes
Libman lint brushes are two sided to cover twice as much lint. 2-3/4" x 3-1/2" oval cleaning surface. The ergonomic rubber grip handle with hanger hole are great for ease of use and storage. 9" total length is perfect for swiveling back and forth on pants, jackets, coats, dresses and shirts.
Libman Lint Brushes, 6 per case. - The wholesale lint brush supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 30.68 13.26 41.35 LIB-00078.jpg Libman Lint Brush, LIB-00078, LIB00078, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7654 Libman Libman Lobby Broom & Dust Pan (Closed Lid) (LIB-00917) 7632 LIB-00917 7.00 LIB00917 Libman Lobby Broom & Dust Pan (Closed Lid)
The Libman Lobby Broom is a convenient way to clean up messes because the broom stores inside the dustpan and they lock together in an upright position for easy storage. The dustpan is 12" wide and 36" tall when open. The broom contains 58 tufts of long, flexible polymer fibers with solid plastic block for extra brushing power. The split-end fibers sweep dust and dirt better for a more complete clean up. This combination unit includes 2 lobby brooms and 2 dustpans per case.
Libman Lobby Broom & Dust Pan (Closed Lid). 2 Lobby Brooms (Lib-00915) and 2 Dustpans (Lib-00916) per case. - The wholesale lobby broom and dustpan supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 62.71 27.10 84.57 LIB-00917.jpg Libman Lobby Broom & Dust Pan Closed Lid, LIB-00917, LIB00917, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7655 Libman Libman Lobby Broom & Dust Pan with Open Lid, 2 Brooms, 2 Pans (LIB-00919) 7633 LIB-00919 7.00 LIB00919 Lobby Broom and Dustpan Set with Open Lid
This Lobby Broom and Dustpan set makes it easy to clean up large messes in little time. The 10" wide Lobby Broom stows within the Dustpan and clips to the handle for easy storage. The tall dust pan is 12" wide and 36" tall when open. The broom is constructed from a 3/4" steel handle with hanger hole and 58 tufts of long, flexible polymer fibers with solid plastic block. The Split-End fibers provide for superior cleaning and dust collection. This sturdy and durable combo is ideal for both residential and commercial use. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Lobby Broom and Dust Pan Combination with Open Lid, 2 Brooms, 2 Dust Pans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 59.14 25.56 77.96 LIB-00919.jpg libman lobby broom, dust pan open lid, LIB-00919, LIB00919, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7653 Libman Libman Lobby Broom (LIB-00915) 7634 LIB-00915 6.00 LIB00915 Libman Lobby Broom (LIB-00915)
These Libman Lobby Brooms have firm, flexible, stapled polymer fibers with a 10" wide sweeping surface for covering a larger sweeping area. The 3/4" steel handles with hanger hole make for ease of storage. Solid one piece resin block and 4.25" stapled flagged fiber. Total height of 38".
6 Lobby Brooms per case. - The wholesale upright broom supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 57.48 24.84 77.15 LIB-00915.jpg Libman Lobby Broom, LIB-00915, LIB00915, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7656 Libman Libman Lobby Dust Pan (Closed Lid) (LIB-00916) 7635 LIB-00916 6.00 LIB00916 Libman Dust Pan (Closed Lid)
This closed lid lobby dustpan ships fully-assembled. Handle grip has hanger hole and locks open for easy storing. The Libman lobby broom (Lib-00915) stores inside this dustpan and clips to handle. Dust pan is 12" wide and stands 36" tall while open.
2 dustpans per case - The wholesale dustpan company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 46.04 19.90 59.97 LIB-00916.jpg Libman Lobby Dust Pan Closed Lid, LIB-00916, LIB00916, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7657 Libman Libman Lobby Dust Pan (Open Lid) (LIB-00918) 7636 LIB-00918 5.00 LIB00918 Libman Lobby Dust Pan (Open Lid)
This open lid lobby dustpan ships fully-assembled. Handle grip has hanger hole for ease of storage.
Tall handle creates a total height open of 36". Wide 12" mouth can house the lobby broom(Lib-00915) sold separately.
2 dust pans per case. - The wholesale dustpan company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 41.64 18.00 55.40 LIB-00918.jpg Libman Lobby Dust Pan Open Lid, LIB-00918, LIB00918, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7658 Libman Libman Long Handle BBQ Brush, 6 Brushes (LIB-00568) 7637 LIB-00568 4.00 LIB00568 Libman Long Handle BBQ Brushes
Libman long handle, red BBQ brush has 100 tufts of extra tough, 3/4" brass fibers. This 19" long, grooved handle with hanger hook is great for both reaching deep in the back of the grille and easy to store. The 3" x 4" brush surface cover a nice wide area of the grill in no time. Flip it over and use the scrapper to get those tough, baked on messes. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Long Handle BBQ Brush, 6 Brushes, per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Libman 59.97 25.92 80.84 LIB-00568.jpg bbq brushes, barbeque brushes, LIB-00568, LIB00568, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7659 Libman Libman Long Handle Grill Brushes, 6 Brushes (LIB-00012) 7638 LIB-00012 4.00 LIB00012 Libman Long Handle Grill Brushes
Libman long handle grill brush has 100 tufts of extra tough, 3/4" brass fibers for removing that baked on, hard to remove particles. The 19" long, grooved handle with hanger hook make both reaching deep areas and storing easy. This 3" x 4" brush surface will cover a large area quick and flip over for an even tougher removal with the 2-3/4" wide steel scraper. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Long Handle Grill Brushes, 6 Brushes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Libman 60.66 26.22 82.33 LIB-00012.jpg grill brush, grill cleaning brush, long handle grill brush, LIB-00012, LIB00012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7660 Libman Libman Long Handle Palmyra Scrub Brush (LIB-00520) 7639 LIB-00520 4.00 LIB00520 Libman Long Handle Palmyra Scrub Brush
This long thin handle with strong sturdy stiff palmyra fibers are designed in a brush of 52 2" long tufts to make scouring pots and pans easier work. The long sleak 19" grooved palymer handle has a hook on the end for hanging convenience. A 2-1/2" wide scraper is at the brush end to get those baked on tough spots.
Libman Long Handle Palmyra Scrub Brush, 6 brushes per case. - The wholesale brush supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 46.92 20.28 61.53 LIB-00520.jpg Libman Long Handle Palmyra Scrub Brush , LIB-00520, LIB00520, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7661 Libman Libman Long Handle Tampico Scrub Brush (LIB-00521) 7640 LIB-00521 5.00 LIB00521 Libman Long Handle Tampico Scrub Brush
This stapled natural tampico fiber brush has a long sleek handle with a hook on the end for ease of storing. The 19", Grooved polymer handle makes it easy to reach into jars, wide mouth bottles and more. The acid resistant fiber can be used in the garage, workshop, bathroom and kitchen, with many different cleaning products. A 2-1/2" wide scraper is part of the design for removing those tough spots on pots and pans, floors, walls or any other hard surface.
Libman Long Handle Tampico Scrub Brush, 6 brushes per case. - The wholesale brush supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 63.72 27.54 84.98 LIB-00521.jpg Libman Long Handle Tampico Scrub Brush, LIB-00521, LIB00521, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7662 Libman Libman Long Handle Utility Brush (LIB-00522) 7641 LIB-00522 5.00 LIB00522 Libman Long Handle Utility Brush
This brush has 52 tufts of 2" long, stapled polymer fibers. It's 19" long, grooved polymer handle with hanger hook makes it easy to store and great for getting deep into long narrow bottles, jars and containers. A 2-1/2" wide scraper was designed on the top of the brush for getting those tough particles grabbing onto to pots, pans, floors, walls, steps and glass.
Libman Long Handle Utility Brush, 6 brushes per case. - The wholesale brush supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 53.17 22.98 72.24 LIB-00522.jpg Libman Long Handle Utility Brush, LIB-00522, LIB00522, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7663 Libman Libman Microfiber & Squeegee Window Washers (LIB-00194) 7642 LIB-00194 5.00 LIB00194 Libman Microfiber & Squeegee Window Washers
Libman microfiber & squeegee window washer is a 12" wide dual microfiber and rubber squeegee head. Use wet or dry buy wiping the glass surface with the microfiber and then flipping it over to squeegee it for a streak free glass. Use with or without handle for either tight quarters or large areas to reach. Fits all Libman tapered and threaded extension handles.
Libman Microfiber & Squeegee Window Washers, 4 per case. - The wholesale microfiber & Squeegee company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 61.64 26.64 83.58 LIB-00194.jpg Libman Microfiber & Squeegee Window Washer , LIB-00194, LIB00194, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7664 Libman Libman Microfiber Cloths (LIB-00578) 7643 LIB-00578 7.00 LIB00578 Libman Microfiber Cloths
Libman 12" x 16" microfiber cloth is an excellent tool for cleaning with or without chemicals. Use it wet or dry in the kitchen, bathroom or for all over the house dusting. Reusable and machine washable.
Libman Microfiber Cloths, 6 per case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 74.97 32.40 101.19 LIB-00578.jpg Libman Microfiber Cloths, LIB-00578, LIB00578, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7665 Libman Libman Microfiber Cloths (LIB-00580) 7644 LIB-00580 4.00 LIB00580 Libman Microfiber Cloths
Libman 12" x 16" microfiber cloth is an excellent tool for cleaning with or without chemicals. Use it wet or dry in the kitchen, bathroom or for all over the house dusting. Reusable and machine washable.
Libman Microfiber Cloths, 12 per case. - The wholesale microfiber cloth supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 83.85 36.24 113.66 LIB-00580.jpg Libman Microfiber Cloths, LIB-00580, LIB00580, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7666 Libman Libman Microfiber Gator Mop (LIB-02024) 7645 LIB-02024 12.00 LIB02024 Libman Microfiber Gator Mop
Libman Microfiber Gator Mop has a 9" wide, microfiber coated sponge with 4 green poly scrubbing strips to loosen touch dirt. 3/4" diameter, one-piece, durable steel handle. Total height of 54". Large nylon wing nuts for easier refill changing. Ergonomic wringer grip makes cleaning easy and with no mess. Great for hardwood, ceramic tile, vinyl and many other floor surfaces.
Libman Microfiber Gator mop, 6 complete mops per case.
Purchase refills: part# LIB-02025(sold seperately). - The wholesale mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 119.95 51.84 161.73 Libman Microfiber Gator Mop, LIB-02024, LIB02024, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7667 Libman Libman Microfiber Gator Mop Refill (LIB-02025) 7646 LIB-02025 2.00 LIB02025 Libman Microfiber Gator Mop Refill
Libman Microfiber Gator mop refills have a 9" wide, microfiber coated sponge with 4 green poly scrubbing strips to loosen touch stuck on dirt. Great for hardwood, ceramic tile, vinyl and many other floor surfaces.
Libman Microfiber Gator mop, 6 refills per case. - The wholesale mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 54.98 23.76 73.43 Libman Microfiber Gator Mop Refill, LIB-02025, LIB02025, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7668 Libman Libman Microfiber Wet/Dry Dust Mops, 6 Floor Mops (LIB-00117) 7647 LIB-00117 9.00 LIB00117 Libman Microfiber Wet and Dry Dust Mop
Libman's Microfiber Wet/Dry Dust Mop Complete Assembly comes standard with 6-1/2" x 19" microfiber cleaning pads, 5" x 18" full rectangular flat base/frame and sturdy 3/4" steel handle with hanger hole for storage convenience. Easy to use handle features a 360 degree swivel for effortless and effective cleaning. The total height is 51". The Microfiber Wet/Dry Dust Mop Complete Assembly is perfect for homeowners and commercial cleaning services. It is ideal for use on hardwood, tile, terrazzo, vinyl floors, sheet good flooring, linoleum and most other hard floor surfaces. This versatile mop is effective for both wet and dry cleaning applications. Buy microfiber mop head refills (head only) part # LIB-00119. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Microfiber Wet/Dry Dust Mop, 6 Microfiber Wet and Dry Floor Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 112.44 48.60 150.04 LIB-00117.jpg libman microfiber wet dry dust mop, libman floor mop, libman microfiber mop, microfiber floor mop, LIB-00117, LIB00117 1 1 0 0 8 230
7669 Libman Libman Microfiber Wet/Dry Dust Mop Refill, 6 Refills (LIB-00119) 7648 LIB-00119 2.00 LIB00119 Libman Microfiber Dust Mop Refills
Libman's Microfiber Dust Mop Refills measure 19" x 6.5" in size. These machine-washable microfiber cleaning pads can be used wet or dry and are ideal for both residential and commercial use. The easy change folding refill will fit Microfiber Wet/Dry Dust Mop (LIB-00117), which is sold separately. Each case contains 6 dust mop refills. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Commercial Microfiber Wet/Dry Mop Refills, 19" x 6.5", 6 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 51.22 22.14 68.66 microfiber wet dust mop, dust mop, libman microfiber wet dust mop refill, libman microfiber wet dry dust mop refill, LIB-00119, LIB00119, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7670 Libman Libman Microfiber Window Washers (LIB-00193) 7649 LIB-00193 4.00 LIB00193 Libman Microfiber Window Washers
Libman microfiber window washers have an 11" wide microfiber head absorbing window cleaner and grabbing dirt. This can be used wet or dry for those jobs that need to be completely mess free. Use with or without handle for either tight quarters or large glass surfaces. Fits all Libman tapered and threaded extension handles.
Libman Microfiber Window Washers, 6 per case. - The wholesale window washer supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 61.22 26.46 79.85 LIB-00193.jpg Libman Microfiber Window Washer, LIB-00193, LIB00193, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7671 Libman Libman Microfiber Window/Mirror Cloths (LIB-00579) 7650 LIB-00579 3.00 LIB00579 Libman Microfiber Window/Mirror Cloths
Libman 12" x 16" microfiber cloth is an excellent tool for cleaning with or without chemicals. Use it wet or dry in the kitchen, bathroom or for all over the house dusting. Great for glass windows, glass doors, and mirrors. Reusable and machine washable.
Libman Microfiber Window/Mirror Cloths, 12 per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 56.36 24.36 76.64 LIB-00579.jpg Libman Microfiber Window/Mirror Cloths, LIB-00579, LIB00579, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7672 Libman Libman Nitty Gritty Roller Mop (LIB-02010) 7651 LIB-02010 9.00 LIB02010 Libman Nitty Gritty Roller Mop
Libman nitty gritty roller mop has a 10" wide, tear resistant sponge with raised cleaning circles to scour any nitty gritty sticky spots stuck on hard surfaces. 1" durable steel handle. Total height of 51". 8-1/2". A scrub brush with 3/4" long stiff bristles is attached for reaching into crevices. Easy pull back handle grip to wring mop head with no mess and no fuss.
Great for removing scuff marks and sticky substances from hallways, rooms, porches, walkways, patios and many other areas.
Libman Nitty Gritty roller mop, 4 complete mops per case.
Purchase refill: Lib-02011 (6 mop heads per pack, 1.8 lbs). - The wholesale mop and brush supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 87.46 37.80 117.50 LIB-02010.jpg Libman Nitty Gritty Roller Mop, LIB-02010, LIB02010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7673 Libman Libman Nitty Gritty Roller Mop Refills, 6 Refills (LIB-02011) 7652 LIB-02011 2.00 LIB02011 Libman Nitty Gritty Roller Mop Refills
Libman nitty gritty roller mop refills are 10" wide, tear resistant sponges with raised cleaning circles to scour any nitty gritty sticky spots stuck on hard places. Great for removing scuff marks and sticky substances from hallways, rooms, porches, walkways, patios and many more areas. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Nitty Gritty Roller Mop Refills, 6 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 51.22 22.14 68.90 libman nitty gritty roller mop refill, libman mop refills, libman mops, LIB-02011, LIB02011, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7675 Libman Libman Outdoor/Shop Scoop (LIB-00929) 7654 LIB-00929 8.00 LIB00929 Libman 22" Outdoor/Shop Scoop
Heavy duty 22" wide Black polymer scoop has an oversized, 6" deep well for large cleanup. 34" telescopic steel handle saves your back. Durable hard resin design for sturdy projects. Dual handle design for scooping low or high
3 scoops per case - The wholesale scoop company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 68.10 29.43 90.75 LIB-00929.jpg Libman Outdoor/Shoop Scoop, LIB-00929, LIB00929, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7676 Libman Libman Palmyra Deck Scrub (LIB-00546) 7655 LIB-00546 10.00 LIB00546 Libman Palmyra Deck Scrub
10-1/2" x 3-1/2" scrubbing surface for a sturdy dirt loosening. 3/4" sturdy steel handle with hanger hole for ease of storing. 1-1/2" long palmyra fibers, 10" wide scraper to release dirt that grabs on. Total height of 52".
Libman Palmyra Deck Scrub, 6 complete brooms per case. - The wholesale broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 71.21 30.78 96.00 LIB-00546.jpg Libman Palmyra Deck Scrub, LIB-00546, LIB00546, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7677 Libman Libman Power Flex Broom, 6 Brooms (LIB-00202) 7656 LIB-00202 9.00 LIB00202 Libman Power Flex Broom
Constructed of a high quality synthetic fiber, the Libman Power Flex Broom still maintains a classic corn-style broom look, while delivering next generation results. The stiff polymer fibers and a 10" wide sweeping surface make for a strong and powerful quick sweep. Delivering a longer life compared to other similar mops, the Libman Power Flex Broom is sure to assist your overall surroundings with its environmentally-friendly PET fiber. These PET fibers are used to package bottled drinks, water, juice, salad dressing and cosmetics. While the 3/4" steel handle with hanger hole stores easily with a total height of 53". 6 flex brooms per case. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Power Flex Broom, 6 Brooms per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 81.21 35.10 105.81 LIB-00202.jpg corn brooms, brooms, corn style brooms, libman brooms, LIB-00202, LIB00202, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7678 Libman Libman Power Scrub Brush, 6 Brushes (LIB-00057) 7657 LIB-00057 3.00 LIB00057 Power Scrub Brushes
95 tufts of 1" long, stapled polymer fibers for rugged scrubbing. Comfortable contoured grip handle with easy-grip open end. 7" x 2-1/2" scrubbing surface with pointed end for corners. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Power Scrub Brush, Grip Handle, 6 Brushes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 27.48 11.88 36.23 LIB-00057.jpg Libman Power Scrub Brush, LIB-00057, LIB00057, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7679 Libman Libman Precision Angle Brooms, 6 Brooms (LIB-00201) 7658 LIB-00201 7.00 LIB00201 Libman Precision Angle Broom
These 10" wide maid brooms have a 53" total height. Made for a longer life, and with environmentally-friendly PET fiber. PET fibers are used to package bottled drinks, water, juice, salad dressing and cosmetics. The 3/4" steel handle with hanger hole makes for ease of storage. Solid one piece resin block. 5" long stapled flagged fiber. 6 precision angle brooms per case. Available with 10" snap-on dust pan as LIB-00206. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Precision Angle Brooms, 6 Brooms per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 71.91 31.08 96.06 LIB-00201.jpg libman precision angle brooms, brooms, libman brooms, LIB-00201, LIB00201, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7680 Libman Libman Precision Angle Broom W/ 10" Dustpan (LIB-00206) 7659 LIB-00206 7.00 LIB00206 Libman Precision Angle Broom W/ 10" Dustpan
These Precision Angle Brooms have 2 contrasting color bands of polymer fibers made from 80% recycled plastic bottles. Each broom comes with a dustpan. Designed out of high tech material for both a longer life, containing environmentally friendly fiber . The steel handle with hanger hole makes for easy storage. Solid one piece resin block. 5" long fiber. 4 precision angle brooms and 4 dustpans per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 61.64 26.64 83.27 Libman Precision Angle Broom W/ Dustpan, LIB-00206, LIB00206, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7681 Libman Libman Resin Jaw Mop Handles (LIB-00983) 7660 LIB-00983 8.00 LIB00983 Libman Resin Jaw Mop Handles
Libman Resin Jaw Mop handle has a 1" steel handle and 5" grip with swivel hanger tip for ease of storing. 60" long handle with total length 63". Two screws attach the sturdy steel mop frame to the steel handle.
Libman Resin Jaw Mop Handles, each case has 6 complete jaw handle mops. - The wholesale mop handle supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 81.21 35.10 108.07 LIB-00983.jpg Libman Resin Jaw Mop Handle, LIB-00983, LIB00983, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7682 Libman Libman Resin Mop Handles (LIB-00982) 7661 LIB-00982 8.00 LIB00982 Libman Resin Mop Handles
Libman Quick Release Resin Mop Frame and Handles have a 1" steel handle and 5" grip with swivel hanger tip for ease of swirling around any floor and easy storage. 60" long handle with total length 63". Two screws attach the sturdy steel mop frame to the steel handle.
Libman Resing Mop Handles, each case has 6 mop handles. - The wholesale mop handle supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 72.59 37.02 93.25 LIB-00982.jpg Libman Resin Mop Handle, LIB-00982, LIB00982, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 8 230
7683 Libman Libman Roller Mop with Scrub Brush (LIB-00955) 7662 LIB-00955 10.00 LIB00955 Libman Roller Mop with Scrub Brush
Libman Roller Mop with Scrub Brush has a 12" wide, tear resistant, synthetic sponge. 1", one-piece steel handle. Total height of 52". 10-1/2" scrub brush with 1" long stiff bristles. Easy pull back handle grip to wring. Unique angled head design to maximize sponge to floor surface area coverage and to reduce user fatigue.
Libman Roller Mop with Scrub Brush includes 4 complete mops per case.
Refills for this mop are part# LIB-00956 (6 mop sponges, 1.9 lbs). - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 105.41 45.56 142.89 Libman Roller Mop with Scrub Brush, LIB-00955, LIB00955, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7684 Libman Libman Roller Mop with Scrub Brush Refill (LIB-00956) 7663 LIB-00956 2.00 LIB00956 Libman Roller Mop with Scrub Brush Refill
Libman Roller Mop with Scrub Brush Refill has a 12" wide, tear resistant, synthetic sponge. This unique angled head design will maximize sponge to floor surface area coverage and reduce user fatigue.
Libman Roller Mop with Scrub Brush Refill includes 6 sponges per case.
Easy change refill hooks on and off. No screws needed. - The wholesale mop company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 63.72 27.54 85.56 Libman Roller Mop with Scrub Brush Refill, LIB-00956, LIB00956, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7685 Libman Libman Roofing Brush (LIB-00549) 7664 LIB-00549 8.00 LIB00549 Libman Roofing Brush
8-1/2" x 3-1/2" scrubbing surface. 3/4" steel handle with hanger hole for ease of storing. 1-1/2" long tampico fibers, 8" wide scraper to release stuborn dirt. Total height of 52".
Libman Roofing Brush, 6 complete brushes per case. - The wholesale brush company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 74.41 32.16 98.23 LIB-00549.jpg Libman Roofing Brush, LIB-00549, LIB00549, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7686 Libman Libman Round Bowl Brushes, 6 Brushes (LIB-00022) 7665 LIB-00022 2.00 LIB00022 Libman Round Bowl Brush
This excellent round design of 103 tufts of extra durable, 1" stapled polymer fibers makes it easy to get up under surfaces with a lip whether it's a toilet in the bathroom or a bottle, jar or pitcher in the kitchen. An ergonomic rubber-grip handle with hanger hole makes it easy to store. 14" total length for reaching into jars, bottles, toilets and many containers. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Round Bowl Brush, 6 Brushes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 26.24 11.34 35.77 LIB-00022.jpg Libman Round Bowl Brush, LIB-00022, LIB00022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7687 Libman Libman Toilet Bowl Brush & Closed Caddy Set, 4 Sets (LIB-00040) 7666 LIB-00040 3.00 LIB00040 Libman Round Toilet Bowl Brush & Caddy Sets
Fully enclosed caddy cup prevents liquid from leaking. Sturdy base will not tip over. Round Bowl Brush (Lib-00022) fits perfectly in the clever base and is included. This excellent round design of 103 tufts of extra durable, 1" stapled polymer fibers makes it easy to get up under the rim of the toilet bowl. An ergonomic rubber grip handle with hanger hole makes it both easy to hold and store. 14" total length for reaching all areas of the toilet. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Commercial Round Bowl Brush & Caddy, 4 Brush & Caddy Sets per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 39.98 17.28 54.24 LIB-00040.jpg libman toilet bowl brush, libman caddy toilet bowl brush, libman round bowl brush & closed caddy, LIB-00040, LIB00040, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7688 Libman Libman Round Bowl Brush & Open Caddy (LIB-00034) 7667 LIB-00034 3.00 LIB00034 Libman Round Bowl Brush & Open Caddy
An open caddy for quick access with a sturdy base that will not tip over. Our round Bowl Brush(Lib-00022) is included. This brush has a round design including 103 tufts of extra durable, 1" stapled polymer fibers for ease of getting up under the rim of the toilet bowl. An ergonomic rubber grip handle with hanger hole makes it both easy to hold and store. A 14" long handled brush gets deep into the bowl.
Libman Round Bowl Brush & Open Caddy, 4 brush/caddy sets per case. - The wholesale brush and caddy supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 29.16 12.60 39.48 LIB-00034.jpg Libman Round Bowl Brush & Open Caddy, LIB-00034, LIB00034, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7689 Libman Libman Scrub Pads (LIB-00066) 7668 LIB-00066 2.00 LIB00066 Libman Scrub Pads
Libman scrub pads are 6" x 4" heavy duty scouring pads. Ideal for spot cleaning, or they fit the hand perfectly for scouring large areas like a bathroom wall, tub or ceiling.
Libman Scrub Pads, 12/3-packs per case. - The wholesale scrubber supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 31.65 13.68 42.22 LIB-00066.jpg Libman Scrub Pads, LIB-00066, LIB00066, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7690 Libman Libman Scrubster Mop, 6 Complete Mops (LIB-00103) 7669 LIB-00103 9.00 LIB00103 Libman Scrubster 6 Complete Mops
The Libman Scrubster Mop is made of a 100% natural, 9" wide, extra absorbent cellulose sponge picks up more liquid. The 8 inch x 1 inch scrubber strip is attached for scrubbing those stuck on spots. 3/4" durable steel handle. The total height of this mop is 50 inches. The non-breakable polymer head is commercial sturdy. Its ergonomic wringer squeezes 100% of the sponge to remove dirty water from the sponge and can be stored easily using the hanger hole. Refill mop heads are item number LIB-00105 (sold separately, 6 mop heads per case).
Libman Commercial Scrubster Mop, 6 Complete Scrubster Mops per Case.
Refill Libman Scrubster Mop heads sold separately as part# LIB-00105(6 refill mop heads per case). - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 89.96 38.88 122.28 LIB-00103.jpg Libman Scrubster Mop, LIB-00103, LIB00103, Libman mop, scrub mop 1 1 0 0 8 230
7691 Libman Libman Scrubster Mop Refills, 6 Mops (LIB-00105) 7670 LIB-00105 2.00 LIB00105 Libman Scrubster Refill Mops
Libman Scrubster Mop is made of a 100% natural, 9" wide, extra absorbent, tear resistant cellulose sponge for picking up more liquid. No matter if you are looking for a mopping tool to clean a residential home, commercial building, or industrial comple, Libman Scrubster Mops are the perfect cleaning choice for any environment or industry. The 8" x 1" scrubber strip is attached for scouring those tough stuck on spots. This unique angled head design will maximize sponge to floor surface area coverage and reduce user fatigue. Libman Roller Mop with Scrub Brush Refill includes 6 sponges per case. Easy change refill hooks on and off. No screws needed.
Libman Commercial Scrubster Mop Refills, 6 Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 40.67 17.58 55.42 libman scrubster mop refill, mop refill, mop head refill, libman mop head refill, LIB-00105, LIB00105, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, mops, mop head refills 1 1 0 0 8 230
7692 Libman Libman Shop Wipes (LIB-00591) 7671 LIB-00591 5.00 LIB00591 Libman Shop Wipes
Libman 13" x 17" pre-washed industrial utility towels are made of 100% durable cotton for absorbent cleanup in the garage, basement, kitchen, bathroom and work shop. Great for large washing projects both indoors and outdoors. Reusable and machine washable to help stay green.
Libman Shop Wipes, 6 per case. - The wholesale shop wipe supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 48.17 20.82 63.23 LIB-00591.jpg Libman Shop Wipes, LIB-00591, LIB00591, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7693 Libman Libman Short Handle Tampico Scrub Brush (LIB-00523) 7672 LIB-00523 3.00 LIB00523 Libman Short Handle Tampico Scrub Brush
68 tufts of 2" long, stapled natural tampico fibers create a flexable cleaning tool for uphostery, vinyl, dishes, pots & pans, toys, containers, tools and many more surfaces. This fiber is acid resistant to use with chemicals in the garage or bathroom as well. An ergonomic rubbergrip handle with hanger hole for both powerful manoeuvering, and an ease of storing. 2-1/2" wide scraper edge for tough cleaning of those dried on problems. 3-1/2" x 4" scrubbing surface makes getting into tiiny corners and small containers easy.
Libman Short Handle Tampico Scrub Brush, 6 brushes per case. - The wholesale brush company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 43.73 18.90 58.02 LIB-00523.jpg Libman Short Handle Tampico Scrub Brush, LIB-00523, LIB00523, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7694 Libman Libman Short Handle Utility Brush (LIB-00524) 7673 LIB-00524 3.00 LIB00524 Libman Short Handle Utility Brush
68 tufts of 2" long, stapled polymer fibers for flexable cleaning of dishes, pots & pans, uphostery, vinyl, toilets, sinks, toys, tools and many more surfaces. Ergonomic rubbergrip handle with hanger hole for both powerful manoeuvering and easy storing. 2-1/2" wide scraper edge for tough cleaning of those dried on problems. 3-1/2" x 4" scrubbing surface makes getting into tiny corners and inside objects easy.
Libman Short Handle Utility Brush, 6 brushes per case. - The wholesale brush company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 41.23 17.82 54.31 LIB-00524.jpg Libman Short Handle Utility Brush , LIB-00524, LIB00524, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7695 Libman Libman Shower Sweep Squeegees (LIB-00184) 7674 LIB-00184 3.00 LIB00184 Libman Shower Sweep Squeegees
Libman shower sweep squeegee has an 11" wide rubber squeegee blade that is excellent for quick wipe down of shower walls and glass shower doors/walls. Use with or without handle for tight quarters or large areas. Fits all Libman tapered and threaded extension handles.
Libman Shower Sweep Squeegees, 6 per case. - The wholesale squeegee supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 33.18 14.34 43.10 LIB-00184.jpg Libman Shower Sweep Squeegee, LIB-00184, LIB00184, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7696 Libman Libman Small Scrub Brush (LIB-00015) 7675 LIB-00015 2.00 LIB00015 Libman Small Scrub Brush
110 tufts of extra durable, 3/4" stapled polymer fibers for scrubbing rough surfaces like brick, stone, grout, cement and many others. This ergonomic rubbergrip handle with thumb rest and hanger hole is great for manoeuvering with power and storing with ease. Pointed head for getting into corners. 2" x 4-1/2" scrubbing surface for detailed scrubbing.
Libman Small Scrub Brush, 6 brushes per case. - The wholesale brush company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 24.77 10.02 33.04 LIB-00015.jpg Libman Small Scrub Brush, LIB-00015, LIB00015, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7697 Libman Libman Sponge Mop with Scrub Brush (LIB-00104) 7676 LIB-00104 8.00 LIB00104 Libman Sponge Mop with Scrub Brush
Libman Sponge Mop with Scrub Brush has a 100% natural, 9" wide, cellulose sponge can be used on flat or raised surfaces. Includes scrub brush with 3/4" stiff bristles to get into crevices. 3/4" diameter durable steel handle. Total height of 50". Polymer, ergonomic wringer squeezes 100% of sponge for extracting more of the dirty water.
Libman sponge mop with scrub brush comes with 6 complete mops.
Purchase refills LIB-00102 (6-pack, 1.0 lbs, sold seperately). - The wholesale mop company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 72.92 31.52 95.44 LIB-00104.jpg Libman Sponge Mop with Scrub Brush, LIB-00104, LIB00104, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7698 Libman Libman Sponge Mop with Scrub Brush Refill (LIB-00102) 7677 LIB-00102 1.00 LIB00102 Libman Sponge Mop with Scrub Brush Refill
Libman sponge mop with scrub brush refills are 9" wide, 100% natural cellulose sponge for use on flat or raised surfaces. Front side of sponge features scrub brush with stiff 3/4" bristles, ideal for hard to clean areas. Easy change refill snaps on and off with ease.
Libman sponge mop refills come 6 mop heads per case. - The wholesale mop company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 38.73 16.74 50.52 lib00102.jpg Libman Sponge Mop with Scrub Brush Refill, LIB-00102, LIB00102, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7699 Libman Libman Sponge Scrubbers, 12 Scrubbers (LIB-00064) 7678 LIB-00064 1.00 LIB00064 Sponge Scrubs
Libman sponge scrubs are 4" x 3" shaped sponge with abrasive pad. Grooved for easy gripping to scrub hard while your fingers stay clear. The sponge stays soapy while the scrubber is a powerful, abrasive tool to remove tough dirt. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Sponge Scrubs, 2 Sponges per Pack, 6 Packs, 12 Sponges per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 16.52 7.14 22.29 LIB-00064.jpg libman sponge scrubbers, LIB-00064, LIB00064, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7700 Libman Libman Stainless Steel BBQ Brush, 6 Brushes (LIB-00566) 7679 LIB-00566 5.00 LIB00566 Libman Stainless Steel BBQ Brushes
Libman stainless steel BBQ brush has 100 tufts of extra tough, 3/4" stainless steel fibers for a more powerful cleaning of those baked on particles. 19" long, grooved handle with hanger hook for both reaching deep areas and storing with ease. 3" x 4" brush surface covers a nice wide area of the grill. Flip it over to use the scrapper on those tougher spots. Lead Time: 2 - 4 Business Days
Libman Stainless Steel BBQ Brushes, 6 Brushes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Libman 83.15 35.94 110.43 LIB-00566.jpg bbq brushes, barbeque brushes, LIB-00566, LIB00566, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7702 Libman Libman 65" Steel Mop Handles, 6 Mop Handles (LIB-00981) 7681 LIB-00981 11.00 LIB00981 Libman Steel Mop Handles
This Libman steel mop handle boasts a galvanized steel wing nut mop frame, a 1-inch steel handle with a 5-inch grip with hanger tip. Its 60-inch long handle has a total length of 65 inches. Two screws attach the sturdy steel mop frame to the steel handle. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Steel Mop Handles, 65" Handle, 6 Mop Handles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 88.71 38.34 116.75 LIB-00981.jpg libman steel mop handles, steel mop handles, steel handles, LIB-00981, LIB00981 1 1 0 0 8 230
7703 Libman Libman Steel Scrubbers (LIB-00063) 7682 LIB-00063 2.00 LIB00063 Libman Steel Scrubbers
Libman steel scrubbers are 3" x 3" x 1" round, woven steel fibers. This rugged, abrasive, galvanized, rust resistant steel is perfect for those baked on BBQ projects. The flexible surface allows you to mold to any shape while the tough steel removes just about anything.
Libman Steel Scrubbers, 12/2-packs per case. - The wholesale steel scrubber supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 32.49 14.04 44.40 LIB-00063.jpg Libman Steel Scrubbers, LIB-00063, LIB00063, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7704 Libman Libman Straight Floor Squeegee (LIB-00538) 7683 LIB-00538 10.00 LIB00538 Libman Straight Floor Squeegees
Libman straight floor squeegee has a 24" straight rubber blade for a wide coverage of liquid. The bolted metal frame with tapered handle connector is great for pushing heavy loads. 1/4" thick, durable hard rubber blade will handle many projects for a long time.
Libman Straight Floor Squeegees, 6 per case.
Accepts Lib-00600 handle. - The wholesale squeegee supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 138.69 59.94 181.10 LIB-00538.jpg Libman Straight Floor Squeegee, LIB-00538, LIB00538, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7705 Libman Libman Swivel Dust Mops Complete (LIB-00115) 7684 LIB-00115 7.00 LIB00115 Libman Swivel Dust Mops Complete
Libman swivel dust mops consist of 12" x 5.5" synthetic yarn with a zipper casing. This 3/4", sturdy steel handle with hanger hole is great for easy storage. Total height of 51". Mop head swivels 360 degrees for swirling around any objects.
Machine washable head can be used many times.
Refill (Head only) available separately at part # LIB-00113.
Libman Swivel Dust Mops Complete, 6 Dust Mops per Case. - The wholesale dust mop company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 94.95 41.04 126.33 LIB-00115.jpg Libman Swivel Dust Mop, LIB-00115, LIB00115, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 0 0 0 8 230
7706 Libman Libman Swivel Dust Mop Refills, 6 Dust Mop Refills (LIB-00113) 7685 LIB-00113 2.00 LIB00113 Libman Swivel Dust Mop Refills
Libman swivel dust mop refills are made of 12" x 5.5" synthetic yarn with a zipper casing. Machine washable head can be used many times. Libman Swivel Dust Mop Refills provides exceptional cleaning results, and can be used with other mops, brooms, brushes, rollers and more. This durable mop is a great fit for commercial settings, janitorial companies, maid services, and residential homes. Used with Libman Swivel Dust Mops sold as complete mops at part # LIB-00115. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Swivel Dust Mop Refills, 6 Dust Mop Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 57.48 24.84 78.73 Libman Swivel Dust Mop Refill, LIB-00113, LIB00113, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7707 Libman Libman Swivel Dusters, 4 Dusters (LIB-00118) 7686 LIB-00118 5.00 LIB00118 Libman Swivel Dusters
Libman Swivel Dusters are the next level of cleaning, sweeping and dusting. Coming with a durable and powerful construction, complete with an electrostatic, swivel design, the Libman Swivel Dusters move side to side effortlessly. As the duster's swivel head pivots 180 degrees to clean on any angle. Capable of reaching those high up spots, the swivel duster has a handle that extends to 6 feet. This essential cleaning tool comes with a reliable and sturdy 3/4" steel handle, as well as a hanger hole that allows for easy to store capabilities. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Swivel Dusters, 4 Dusters per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 62.93 27.20 84.56 LIB-00118.jpg Libman Swivel Duster, LIB-00118, LIB00118, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7708 Libman Libman Telescopic Window Washers (LIB-00188) 7687 LIB-00188 11.00 LIB00188
Libman Telescopic Window Washers
This Telescopic Window Washer by Libman has a 10-inch wide scrub net and sponge head for a wide surface cleaning area and a 10-inch rubber blade that wipes streak free. It's aluminum handle extends to 8 feet for a long reach for hard to reach windows. There is a hanger tip for easy storage.
Libman Telescopic Window Washer, 4 per case. - The wholesale window washer supply company that buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 117.45 50.76 153.53 LIB-00188.jpg Libman Telescopic Window Washer, LIB-00188, LIB00188, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7709 Libman DISCONTINUED Libman Terry Wipes (LIB-00588) 7688 LIB-00588 12.00 LIB00588 Terry Towels
13" x 17" pre-washed towels. 100% cotton. Reusable and machine washable. For cleaning, drying and polishing. Case contains 4 packs. Each pack contains 24 towels.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 73.67 40.52 95.74 LIB-00588.jpg Libman Terry Wipes, LIB-00588, LIB00588, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 8 230
7710 Libman Libman Terry Towel Wipes, 72 Towels (LIB-00590) 7689 LIB-00590 9.00 LIB00590 Libman Terry Cloth Towel Wipes
Libman 13" x 17" pre-washed towels are 100% durable, absorbent cotton. Reusable and machine washable to help stay green. Excellent for cleaning, drying and polishing small objects or large areas of the home. Case contains 6 packs of 12. 72 towels per case. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Terry Cloth Towel Wipes, 12 Towels per Packs, 6 Pack, 72 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 82.46 35.64 110.42 LIB-00590.jpg libman terry wipes, terry cloth wipes, wipes, cloth wipes, LIB-00590, LIB00590, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7711 Libman Libman Tile & Grout Brush, 6 Brushes (LIB-00018) 7690 LIB-00018 1.00 LIB00018 Tile & Grout Brushes
33 tufts of extra durable, 5/8" polymer fibers for scouring grout and other hard to get surfaces. Ergonomic rubber-grip handle with hanger hole for powerful maneuvering and storing with ease. Narrow, curved head for getting into tight spaces. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days.
Libman Tile and Grout Brush, Rubber-Grip, 6 Brushes per Case - The wholesale brush company buyers trust. Libman 24.99 10.80 33.35 LIB-00018.jpg Libman Tile & Grout Brush, LIB-00018, LIB00018, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7712 Libman Libman Tile & Tub Scrub, 6 Scrubs (LIB-00061) 7691 LIB-00061 2.00 LIB00061 Libman Tile & Tub Scrubs
This Libman commercial 6"x3" abrasive scrubbing pad is ideal for removing bathroom soap scum build-up. Contoured grip handle for powerful maneuvering in large flat areas or edging small areas. Perfect for tough bathroom cleaning of tubs, floors, walls, grout, toilet and sink.
Libman Commercial Tile and Tub Handle Scrub, 6"x3" Scrub, 6 Complete Scrubs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 21.24 9.18 27.76 LIB-00061.jpg libman scrub pads, libman commercial bathroom scrub pads, libman tile & tub scrub, LIB-00061, LIB00061, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7713 Libman Libman Tornado Mop (LIB-02030) 7692 LIB-02030 7.00 LIB02030
Libman Tornado Mop
Libman's Tornado Mop features a unique self wringing, 100% synthetic yarn that resists bacterial odor. 3 green bands prevent tangling and provide even coverage and a quick release clip for easy mop head change. This light weight mop is less than 3 pounds when wet has a 3/4" steel handle with hanger hole and ergonomic handgrips. Overall height of 54".
Unique ratchet design locks and holds for ease of cleaning with 25% larger mop head. Quick release mop head is machine washable. Great on all surfaces including wood, laminate, marble, vinyl, linoleum, ceramic tile and stone.
4 complete mops per case.
Purchase refills: Lib-02031 (4 per pack) #12 mop head. - The wholesale mop company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 76.26 32.96 103.39 LIB-02030.jpg Libman Tornado Mop, LIB-02030, LIB02030, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7714 Libman Libman Tornado Mop Refill (LIB-02031) 7693 LIB-02031 3.00 LIB02031 Libman Tornado Mop Refill
100% durable synthetic yarn resists bacterial odor. 3 green bands prevent tangling and binds yarn for a stronger mop.
Great on all surfaces including wood, laminate, marble, vinyl, linoleum, ceramic tile and stone.
4 Tornado mop heads per case. - The wholesale mop company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 41.64 18.00 56.82 Libman Tornado Mop Refill, LIB-02031, LIB02031, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7715 Libman Libman Traditional Bowl Brush (LIB-00023) 7694 LIB-00023 3.00 LIB00023 Libman Heavy Duty Bowl Brush
2" long, extra durable polymer fibers are twisted in rust-resistant wire for your use in many different jobs. The wire is bendable for you to manipulate the brush in the shape right for each different cleaning spot. This ergonomic rubbergrip handle with hanger hole is both easy to hold and hangs easily for storing. An 11" long handle, 16" total length, makes it easy to reach far into jars, containers, bottles or even toilets.
Libman Heavy Duty Bowl Brush, 12 brushes per case. - The wholesale brush supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 46.36 20.04 62.74 LIB-00023.jpg Libman Traditional Bowl Brush, LIB-00023, LIB00023, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7716 Libman Libman Traditional Sponge Mop (LIB-00106) 7695 LIB-00106 9.00 LIB00106 Libman Traditional Sponge Mop
The Libman Traditional Sponge Mop is made of ergonomic wringers that cover 100% of the 9" wide tear resistant synthetic sponge for extracting more dirty water. The sturdy 3/4", one piece steel handle has a hanger hole for easy storage. The height of the handle is 49".
Libman Traditional Sponge Mop comes 6 complete mops per case.
Refill Sponges are item number LIB-02003(sold seperately in packs of 6) - The wholesale mop company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 75.66 32.70 102.56 LIB-00106.jpg Libman Traditional Sponge Mop, LIB-00106, LIB00106, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7717 Libman Libman Traditional Sponge Mop Refills (LIB2003) 7696 LIB-02003 1.00 LIB02003 Libman Traditional Sponge Mop Refills
Libman Traditional Sponge Mop Refills are the professional grade refill for Libman Sponge Mops (sold separate, item # LIB-00106). Libman Traditional refill sponge mops are 9" wide and tear resistant. Features 3/4" synthetic yellow sponges for superior cleaning. Easy change refill snaps on to handle for quick changes. Sold by the case. 6 sponge mop refills per case.
Great for use at home or office. Ideal for linoleum sheet flooring, hardwood floors, vinyl floors, marble, terrazzo and various kinds of resilient and non resilient flooring.
Perfect for maid services, janitorial service companies and homeowners. - The wholesale sponge mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 34.43 14.88 45.69 LIB-00106.jpg libman traditional sponge mop refill, libman sponge mop refill, LIB-02003, LIB02003, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7718 Libman Libman 15-qt. Utility Buckets, 6 Mop Buckets (LIB-00255) 7697 LIB-00255 11.00 LIB00255 Libman Utility Buckets
Libman 15 quart utility bucket (The Dipper) has a large 3-1/2 gallon/13 liter capacity. This bucket is 16" long and 10" wide with an ergonomic polymer molded handle to comfortably lift heavy fluids with more ease on your back. Constructed of durable polymer with pouring spouts on both ends. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman 15-qt. Utility Buckets, 6 Mop Buckets per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 84.96 36.72 115.46 LIB-00255.jpg libman utility buckets, libman buckets, utility buckets, LIB-00255, LIB00255, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7719 Libman Libman Vehicle Brush Heads (LIB-00540) 7698 LIB-00540 6.00 LIB00540 Libman Vehicle Brush Heads
Libman vehicle brush head has a 10" x 3" scrubbing surface for more efficient scrubbing. Fits standard threaded handle or can be used with Lib-00603(48") handle. 3" long polymer fibers for getting both small and large particles. Reversible handle hole to preserve fiber on either side of brush.
Libman Vehicle Brush Heads, 6 per case. - The wholesale brush head supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 67.47 29.16 92.12 LIB-00540.jpg Libman Vehicle Brush Head, LIB-00540, LIB00540, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7720 Libman Libman Vehicle Brush with Flow Thru Handles (LIB-00560) 7699 LIB-00560 13.00 LIB00560 Libman Vehicle Brushes with On/Off Flow Thru Handle
Libman vehicle brush with on/off flow thru handle has a 10" x 3" scrubbing surface for efficient clean up. The 3" long polymer fibers grab small and large particles of dirt. The reversible handle hole will preserve the fiber by switching ports. Extension flow thru, on-off handle. Standard thread will make the brush useful with other handles and the handle useful with most mop, brooms and brushes.
Libman Vehicle Brushes with On/Off Flow Thru Handle, 4 per case. - The wholesale brush supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 129.10 55.80 168.81 Libman Vehicle Brush with Flow Thru Handle, LIB-00560, LIB00560, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7721 Libman Libman Warehouse Corn Broom (LIB-00503) 7700 LIB-00503 13.00 LIB00503 Libman Warehouse Corn Broom
Extra large 15" wide sweeping surface for speedy cleanup. 100% natural broomcorn picks up dirt better. 1" sturdy steel handle with hanger hole for ease of storing. 15-ply polymer thread. 4 rows of stitching for securing fibers to steel handle with steel band. Total height of 57".
Libman Warehouse Corn Broom, 6 complete brooms per case - The wholesale broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 124.38 53.76 169.86 LIB-00503.jpg Libman Warehouse Corn Broom, LIB-00503, LIB00503, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7722 Libman Libman Whisk Broom (LIB-00907) 7701 LIB-00907 3.00 LIB00907 Libman Whisk Broom(Red)
This whisk broom has an 8" wide sweeping surface made of 42 tufts of flexible, split tip polymer fibers that pick up fine particles. Polymer handle with hanger hole for ease of storing.
6 whisk brooms per case - The wholesale broom company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 38.73 16.74 53.01 LIB-00907.jpg Libman Whisk Broom, LIB-00907, LIB00907, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7723 Libman Libman Wide Commercial Angle Broom, 6 Brooms (LIB-00997) 7702 LIB-00997 10.00 LIB00997 15" Extra Wide Commercial Angle Brooms
This Libman Extra Wide Commercial Angle Broom is a 15" wide angled broom with 55" total height. Made with fibers that are stiffer for a longer life.Contains environmentally-friendly PET fiber (80% PET, 20% PP). PET is commonly used to package bottled drinks, water, juice, salad dressings and cosmetics. The strong 1" steel handle with hanger hole makes it easier to store. Solid one piece resin block. 7" long stapled flagged fiber. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Commercial Wide Angle Broom, 15" Wide, 55" High, 6 Angle Brooms per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 100.64 43.50 133.81 LIB-00997.jpg libman brooms, libman angle brooms, libman wide commercial angle broom, LIB 997, LIB00997, angle brooms, extra wide angle brooms 1 1 0 0 8 230
7724 Libman Libman Wonder Mop, 4 Complete Mops (LIB-02000) 7703 LIB-02000 5.00 LIB02000 Libman Wonder Mops
The Libman Wonder Mop is new and improved to mop up the biggest of messes! It is a wonder that this light-weight "Wonder" mop is less than 3 pounds when wet but packs a lot of punch to mop up the biggest of messes! The Wonder Mop has 3 times wider gripstrips that are a full 10" long microfiber antibacterial strips. The wringer locks in place to securely clean. The handle is a 3/4 " diameter steel handle with a hanger hole for easy storage and is 51 " long for covering a wide cleaning surface area. The wringer and improved antibacterial strips are designed to absorb more water leaving the floor dryer while lifting stubborn dirt. The antibacterial strips fight odor causing bacteria and clean up with ease in the washing machine. The machine washable head removes with ease for reuse. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Wonder Mops, Complete Mop, Head and Handle, 4 Complete Mops per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 62.10 26.84 81.40 LIB-02000.jpg libman wonder mop, libman mops, wonder mop, buy libman wonder mop, LIB-02000, LIB02000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7725 Libman Libman Wonder Mop Refill, 6 Refills (LIB-02001) 7704 LIB-02001 2.00 LIB02001 Libman Twist Mop Heads
Perfect for any commercial cleaning operation, janitorial service or for just cleaning your residential home, Libman's Wonder Mop Refills are the ideal cleaning fit. Featuring 10" long durable, cut-end, non-woven strips of premium synthetic material. Coming in 6 mop head cases, these high quality Libman Wonder Mop refills are an excellent tool for mopping vinyl, wood, granite, ceramic and most hard floor surfaces. These absorbent and machine washable mop heads conveniently leave the floor dryer and make for easy mop head cleanup and replacement. Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days
Libman Wonder Mop Refills, 6 Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 51.92 22.44 68.26 libman wonder mop refill, libman mops, wonder mop, libman wonder mop, wonder mop refills, twist mop refills, LIB-02001, LIB02001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7726 Libman Libman Wonderfiber Cloths (LIB-02004) 7705 LIB-02004 2.00 LIB02004 Libman Wonderfiber Cloths
Libman wonderfiber cloth is a 12" x 14" non-woven microfiber that is both durable and picks up dirt, dust and particles of all sizes. Use wet or dry for kitchen, bathroom or dusting all of your house. Machine washable up to 20 machine washings.
Libman Wonderfiber Cloths, 18 per case. - The wholesale wonderfiber cloths supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 95.79 41.40 127.99 LIB-02004.jpg Libman Wonderfiber Cloths, LIB-02004, LIB02004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
7731 Libman Libman Extra Large Microfiber Dust Mops (LIB-00926) 7710 LIB-00926 11.00 LIB00926 Libman Extra Large Microfiber Dust Mops
The Libman Extra Large Microfiber Dust Mop features an 18" x 9" premium microfiber mop head for extra large surface area and a head that swivels 360 degrees to reach tough spots. It features an extra thick steel handle and hanger hole for easy storage. The mop head is elastic for easy removal. The microfiber pad is machine washable and reusable. This microfiber dust mop is great for cleaning and dusting all floor surfaces including wood and laminate, marble, vinyl, linoleum, ceramic tile and stone. Libman Extra Large Microfiber Dust Mops. 4 complete mops per case. - The wholesale dust mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 110.41 47.72 147.90 libman extra large microfiber floor mop, lib 926, lib00926 1 1 0 0 8 230
7732 Libman Libman Extra Large Microfiber Dust Mop Refills (LIB-00927) 7711 LIB-00927 5.00 LIB00927 Libman Extra Large Microfiber Dust Mop Refills
Libman extra large microfiber dust mop refills have elastic heads for easy removal. Machine washable, reusable microfiber pads. Microfiber fingers pick up dust and the allergens in it. Great on all floor surfaces such as wood and laminate, marble, vinyl, linoleum, ceramic tile and stone. This 18" x 9" huge pad will cover a large area quick. Libman Extra Large Microfiber Dust Mop Refills, 6 refills per case. - The wholesale dust mop supply company buyers trust.
Lead Time: 2-4 Business Days Libman 72.46 31.32 95.68 libman extra large microfiber floor mop refill, lib 927, lib00927 1 1 0 0 8 230
7733 Lagasse Pure Bright Germicidal Bleach, 6 - 1 Gallon Bottles (KIKBLEACH6) 7712 KIK BLEACH6 59.60 BLEACH6 Germicidal Bleach
Clorox Professional germicidal bleach is a liquid bleach that is strong enough to sanitize and disinfect anything that needs cleaning, including bathrooms, shower stalls, toilets, counter tops and food preparation areas. As a disinfectant, bleach is effective against bacteria and viruses such as Ecoli, HIV-1, salmonella, staph, TB, and Hepatitis A, just to name a few. Although bleach is a disinfectant often used as a cleaner, don’t forget that it can also be used in your washing machine. Bleach helps to make whites brighter and whiter, as well as disinfect white towels, soiled linens and undergarments that need disinfecting as well as washing. Pure Bright germicidal bleach comes in a case with 6 - 1 gallon bottles, providing a lot of cleaning and sanitizing power! Get some Pure Bright germicidal bleach today for all of your cleaning and sanitizing needs!
Clorox Professional Pure Bright Liquid Germicidal Bleach, 1 Gallon Bottle, 6 Gallon Bottles per Case - the wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 15.45 9.16 20.60 disinfectant bleach, pure bright germicidal bleach, pure brite bleach, liquid bleach, KIKBLEACH6, KIK BLEACH6, laundry bleach, laundry products, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 22
7735 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 22x14x58, 2.0mil, 100 Bags (TRNML3658X) 7713 TRN ML3658X 22.60 ML3658X 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
These 60 gallon garbage bags from Trinity Packaging offer heavy duty strength and large load capacity for the biggest clean-up jobs around your home or business. The low density can liners are considerably stronger compared to other similar bags, made from high quality resins that are resistant to punctures and tears. The exceptional strength and stretch properties of these high quality trash bags make them a great option for trash that may include glass or sharp, irregularly shaped objects. Constructed with a flat bottom, the square corners on these bags offer greater capacity as they can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags and still leave room at the top to tie them closed. Trinity 60 gallon garbage bags are not only an economical option, but an environmentally friendly one as well, as they are made from reprocessed resins. The perfect option for environmentally and cost conscious consumers, these can liners are ideal for the home, office, school, facility grounds and more. Stock up today!
Trinity 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 22x14x58, 2mil, Black, 100 Bags per case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Trinity 33.29 25.39 45.56 LJAG2874.JPG 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon can liners, 60 gallon kitchen garbage bags, 60 gallon garbage can liners, TRNML3658X, TRN ML3658X 1 1 0 0 1 151
7736 Lagasse Slim Jim Recycling Container with Venting Channels, Green (RCP3540-07GRE) 7714 RCP 3540-07 GRE 7.00 3540-07 GRE Recycling Containers show universal recycle symbol imprint Venting channels reduce force required to lift full can liners by up to 60%. Ergonomic integrated handles and molded-in base grips. Four molded-in pull-through holes with cinch points to hold liner securely. Meets EPA comprehensive guidelines. 23-gallon capacity. 22"wide x 11"deep x 30"high. Environmentally conscious Green color
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 52.03 35.90 68.11 1 1 0 0 1 89
7737 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer 12" Plastic Dustpan (PFO-CS601BK) 7715 PFO-CS601 BK 1.00 CS601 BK The Durapan II Plastic Dustpan has a flat, straight edge for maximum cleanup. The teeth are angled for dust to fall easily into the dustpan. 12 3/8" L x 4 9/16" W x 13 1/6" H
Palmer Fixtures 3.27 1.66 4.41 PFO-CS601_BK.jpg palmer 12" plastic dustpan, 12" dust pan, dust pan, palmer dust pan, plastic dust pan, CS601BK 1 0 0 0 11 232
7738 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer 12"/9" with Stub JRT Toilet Paper Dispenser, Translucent Beige (PFO-R29TS) 7716 PFO-R29 TS 3.00 R29 TS Jumbo Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub Roll
The 12"/9" Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser with Stub with the Translucent Dark cover and beige back, can be used as a 12" tissue dispenser or as a 9" tissue with a stub roll. The tissue is completely covered for maximum hygiene. The translucent cover allows for a view of the paper supply and a durable lock prevents theft and waste. Dispenser can use any universal 9" or 12" jumbo tissue rolls with 3-3/8" core. 16-1/4" L x 5" W x 14-1/2" H Includes 1 key, type.
Palmer 12"/9" Jumbo Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub Roll Component, Translucent Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 34.75 17.67 45.90 PFO-R29_TS.jpg stub roll toilet paper dispenser, jumbo roll toilet paper dispenser, jumbo toilet paper dispenser, PFOR29TS, PFO-R29TS 1 1 0 0 11 232
7739 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer 12"/9" with Stub JRT Toilet Paper Dispenser, Translucent White (PFO-R29WH) 7717 PFO-R29 WH 3.00 R29 WH 12"/9" JRT Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub Roll
The 12"/9" Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser with Stub with the Translucent White cover and beige back, can be used as a 12" tissue dispenser or as a 9" tissue with a stub roll. The tissue is completely covered for maximum hygiene. The translucent cover allows for a view of the paper supply and a durable lock prevents theft and waste. Dispenser can use any universal 9" or 12" jumbo tissue rolls with 3 3/8" core. 16 1/4" L x 5" W x 14 1/2" H. Includes 1 key, type.
Palmer Fixtures 12"/9" JRT Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub Roll Component, Translucent White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 34.75 17.67 45.58 PFO-R29_WH.jpg palmer 12"/9" with stub JRT dispenser, PFO-R29WH, PFOR29WH, JRT toilet paper dispenser, toilet paper dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7740 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer 12"/9" with Stub JRT Toilet Paper Dispenser, Translucent Black (PFO-R29BK) 7718 PFO-R29 BK 3.00 R29 BK Jumbo Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub Roll
The 12"/9" Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser with Stub with the Translucent Dark cover and black back, can be used as a 12" tissue dispenser or as a 9" tissue with a stub roll and easily converts between sizes. The tissue is completely covered for maximum hygiene. The translucent cover allows for a view of the paper supply and a durable lock prevents theft and waste. Dispenser can use any universal 9" or 12" jumbo tissue rolls with 3 3/8" core. 16 1/4" L x 5" W x 14 1/2" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer 12"/9" Jumbo Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub Roll Component, Translucent Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 34.75 17.67 46.23 PFO-R29_BK.jpg stub roll toilet paper dispenser, jumbo roll toilet paper dispenser, jumbo toilet paper dispenser, PFOR29BK, PFO-R29BK 1 1 0 0 11 232
7741 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer 12"/9" w/ Stub JRT Toilet Paper Dispenser, Translucent Ice Blue (PFO-R29ICE) 7719 PFO-R29 ICE 3.00 R29 ICE Jumbo Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub Roll
The 12"/9" Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser with Stub with the Translucent Ice Blue cover and beige back, can be used as a 12" tissue dispenser or as a 9" tissue with a stub roll dispenser. The tissue is completely covered for maximum hygiene. The translucent cover allows for a view of the paper supply and a durable lock prevents theft and waste. Dispenser can use any universal 9" or 12" jumbo tissue rolls with 3 3/8" core. 16 1/4" L x 5" W x 14 1/2" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer 12"/9" Jumbo Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub Roll Component, Translucent Ice Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 34.75 17.67 47.57 PFO-R29_ICE.jpg stub roll toilet paper dispenser, jumbo roll toilet paper dispenser, jumbo toilet paper dispenser, PFO-R29ICE, PFOR29ICE 1 1 0 0 11 232
7742 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer 30-oz. Bulk Soap Dispenser (PFO-S30TS) 7720 PFO-S30TS 1.00 S30TS Palmer 30-oz. Bulk Soap Dispenser
30-oz. bulk manual soap dispenser dispenses approximately 1cc of soap per stroke. Made from impact resistant plastic, the dispenser accommodates a variety of liquid and lotion soaps. Dispenser cannot be used with any pumice soaps. The translucent cover allows view of soap supply. The smooth, curved design of the water-resistant top prevents the dispensers from being used as shelves for personal items or cigarettes, in turn preventing bacteria growth and burns. The large push bar meets ADA requirements. 4 11/16" L x 4 1/2" W x 6 1/4" H. Includes hardware pack.
Palmer 30-oz. Bulk Soap Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 21.57 10.97 29.40 PFO-S30_TS.jpg palmer 30 oz. bulk soap dispenser, bulk soap dispenser, liquid soap dispenser, S30TS 1 1 0 0 11 232
7743 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer 46-oz. Bulk Soap Dispenser (PFO-S46TS) 7721 PFO-S46TS 2.00 S46TS 46-oz. bulk manual soap dispenser dispenses approximately 1cc of soap per stroke. Made from impact resistant plastic, the dispenser accommodates a vareity of liquid and lotion soaps. Dispenser cannot be used with any pumice soaps. The translucent cover allows view of soap supply. The smooth, curved design of the water-resistant top prevents the dispensers from being used as shelves for personal items or cigarettes, in turn preventing bacteria growth and burns. The large push bar meets ADA requirements. 5 1/4" L x 4 5/16" W x 8 3/8" H. Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixtures 24.46 16.42 32.98 PFO-S46_TS.jpg palmer 46 oz. bulk soap dispenser, bulk soap dispenser, liquid soap dispenser, S46TS 1 1 0 0 11 232
7744 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer 4-Roll Carousel Toilet Paper Dispenser (PFO-R44TS) 7722 PFO-R44 TS 4.00 R44 TS Carousel Toilet Paper Dispenser
This carousel toilet paper dispenser from Palmer Fixtures is a must have for any high volume restroom. Able to hold 4 rolls, this toilet tissue dispenser features a roll advance mechanism that will only switch to a new roll when the last roll has been completely used. Appropriate for any standard sized toilet paper roll, the Palmer 4-Roll Carousel Dispenser helps save on maintenance costs as refills are not needed as often as a standard dispenser. The translucent dark cover allows full view of paper supply so you will know when refills are needed, eliminating the guess work! This toilet tissue dispenser is easy to load and fully enclosed for maximum hygiene, while the locked, hinged cover prevents theft and waste. Dimensions are: 12 3/8” L x 6 5/16” D x 14 13/16” H. Buy the Palmer 4-Roll Carousel Dispenser today and save!
Palmer Fixtures 4-Roll Carousel Toilet Paper Dispenser, Translucent Dark Cover and Beige Back, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 53.16 27.03 72.50 PFO-R44_TS.jpg palmer 4 roll carousel toilet paper dispenser, carousel toilet paper dispenser, PFOR44TS, PFO-R44TS 1 1 0 0 11 232
7745 Palmer Fixture Company Auto-Transfer Push Bar Lever Roll Paper Towel Dispenser, Dark (PFO-T215TS) 7723 PFO-T215 TS 9.00 T215 TS Auto-Transfer Lever Paper Towel Dispenser
The Auto-Transfer Push Bar Lever Paper Towel Dispenser with translucent dark cover and beige back, is universal for most 8" wide roll towels, up to 8" in diameter. The automatic transfer system eliminates stub roll waste. The push bar allows user to use arm or elbow to dispense paper and is ADA compliant. Cover is made from impact resistant plastic and translucent, making it easy to detect a low paper supply. Back is heavy gauge steel. Heavy-duty latch lock prevents theft and waste. 10 1/2" L x 8 3/4" W x 15 5/8" H. Includes 1 key, type 1 includes hardware pack.
Palmer Auto-Transfer Push Bar Lever Paper Towel Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 82.34 41.87 110.52 PFO-T215_TS.jpg palmer auto transfer push bar lever roll paper towel dispenser, T215TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7746 Palmer Fixture Company Auto-Transfer Push Bar Lever Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark (PFO-T215BK) 7724 PFO-T215 BK 9.00 T215 BK Auto-Transfer Push Bar Roll Towel Dispenser
The Auto-Transfer Push Bar Lever Paper Towel Dispenser with translucent dark cover and black back, is universal for most 8" wide roll towels, up to 8" in diameter. The automatic transfer system eliminates stub roll waste. The push bar allows user to use arm or elbow to dispense paper and is ADA compliant. Cover is made from impact resistant plastic and translucent, making it easy to detect a low paper supply. Back is heavy gauge steel. Heavy-duty latch lock prevents theft and waste. 10 1/2" L x 8 3/4" W x 15 5/8" H. Includes 1 key, type 1 includes hardware pack.
Palmer Auto-Transfer Roll Towel Push Bar Lever Dispenser, Translucent Dark Cover, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 58.04 41.87 77.26 PFO-T215_BK.jpg palmer auto-transfer push bar lever roll towel dispenser, T215BK, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7747 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Auto-Transfer Push Bar Lever Roll Paper Towel Dispenser, Translucent White Cover - Beige Back (PFO-T215WH) 7725 PFO-T215 WH 9.00 T215 WH The Auto-Transfer Push Bar Lever Paper Towel Dispenser with translucent white cover and beige back. Universal for most 8" wide roll towels, up to 8" in diameter. The automatic transfer system eliminates stub roll waste. The push bar allows user to use arm or elbow to dispense paper and is ADA compliant. Cover is made from impact resistant plastic and translucent, making it easy to detect a low paper supply. Back is heavy gauge steel. Heavy-duty latch lock prevents theft and waste. 10 1/2" L x 8 3/4" W x 15 5/8" H. Includes 1 key, type 1 includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixtures 82.34 41.87 109.91 PFO-T215_WH.jpg palmer auto transfer push bar lever roll paper towel dispenser, T215WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7748 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer BluStorm Touchless High Speed Hand Dryer (PFO-HD950SS) 7726 PFO-HD950 SS 15.00 HD950 SS Blue Storm High Speed Hand Dryer
The BluStorm Touchless High-Speed Hand Dryer manufactured by Palmer Fixture Company is completely touchless and actually dries your hands in 10-15 seconds. The dryer automatically shuts off when users hands are removed. Dryer also has an automatic shutoff off in case of irregular use over 60 seconds. Constructed out of stainless steel, the HD 950 has 2 vandal-proof lock screws and key wrench. Unit has a 5 year against manufacturer defects. Dryer must be installed by a certified electrician and must have a dedicated line for warranty to be valid. Dryer delivers 58 CFM MAX, Sound Level 73.7 dB, operation power 700 W, 6.3 AMPS, 110/120 Volts. 9 1/8" L x 7" W x 11 1/8" H Includes 1 key, type 6 Palmer Fixtures 498.43 253.44 658.96 PFO-HD950_SS.jpg blue storm hand dryer, hand dryer, high speed dryer, hand dryers, palmer blustorm touchless high speed hand dryer, touchless hand dryer, high speed hand dryer, automatic hand dryer, HD950SS 1 1 0 0 11 232
7749 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Caution Wet Floor Sign 2 - Sided (PFO-CS701) 7727 PFO-CS701 2.00 CS701 The 2-sided Wet Floor Caution Sign is designed to reduce accidents and promote safety. The caution labels are multiligual and are on multiple sides of each sign. They are lightweight, portable, and easy to use in any environment. Constructed of heavy-duty plastic for long-term use. 12" L x 15 1/4" W x 24 1/2" H Palmer Fixtures 10.17 6.98 13.26 PFO-CS701.jpg Palmer Caution Wet Floor Sign 2 - Sided, CS701, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7750 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Counter-Top Fullfold Napkin Dispenser (PFO-N71BS) 7728 PFO-N71BS 5.00 N71BS The Counter-Top Napkin dispenser is constructed from brushed steel with soft rubber feet on the bottom that will not leave marks on your table. Designed for maximum durablity and ease, they can be loaded from the top for quick refilling. They dispense one napkin at a time which helps to eliminate waste. Holds napkins with folded size dimensions of 6 1/2" L x 4 1/2" H and 3" fold height. 7 5/8" L x 11 11/16" W x 5 1/2" H Palmer Fixtures 52.92 26.91 70.41 PFO-N71_BS.jpg Palmer Counter-Top Fullfold Napkin Dispenser, N71BS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7751 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Counter-Top Lowfold Napkin Dispenser (PFO-N51BS) 7729 PFO-N51BS 4.00 N51BS The Counter-Top Napkin dispenser is constructed from brushed steel with soft rubber feet on the bottom that will not leave marks on your table. Designed for maximum durablity and ease, they can be loaded from the top for quick refilling. They dispense one napkin at a time which helps to eliminate waste. Holds napkins with folded size dimensions of 6 1/2" L x 3 3/4" H and 2 3/4" fold height. 4 9/16" L x 11 3/4" W x 5 1/2" H Palmer Fixtures 53.42 27.16 70.46 PFO-N51_BS.jpg Palmer Counter-Top Lowfold Napkin Dispenser, N51BS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7752 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Counter-Top Minifold Napkin Dispenser (PFO-N61BS) 7730 PFO-N61BS 5.00 N61BS The Counter-Top Napkin dispenser is constructed from brushed steel with soft rubber feet on the bottom that will not leave marks on your able. Designed for maximum durablity and ease, they can be loaded from the top for quick refilling. They dispense one napkin at a time which helps to eliminate waste. Holds napkins with folded size dimensions of 6 1/2" L x 3 3/4" H and 2 3/4" fold height. 7 5/8" L x 11 5/8" W x 4 1/2" H Palmer Fixtures 55.40 28.17 74.47 PFO-N61_BS.jpg Palmer Counter-Top Minifold Napkin Dispenser, N61BS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7753 Palmer Fixture Company Crank Paper Roll Towel Dispenser (PFO-T185WH) 7731 PFO-T185WH 9.00 T185WH Crank Roll Towel Dispenser
The Crank Roll Towel dispenser is universal for rolls 8-9 1/2" wide and up to 8" diameter. Made from heavy gauge steel in a white finish, it has a heavy-duty double latch lock to help prevent theft. The easy to use crank allows users to dispense the appropriate amount of paper. 8 1/8" L x 8 7/8" W x 11 3/8" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Crank Paper Roll Towel Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 54.68 40.47 74.22 PFO-T185_WH.jpg Palmer Crank Roll Towel Dispenser, T185WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7754 Palmer Fixture Company Electra Automatic Touch-free Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent White (PFO-T245WH) 7732 PFO-T245 WH 6.00 T245 WH Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser
The Electra Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser with the Translucent White cover and beige back is created for maximum flexibility and cost reduction. This universal dispenser is automatic, hygienic, and enables hands-free operation. Dispenser holds any universal 8" x 8" roll towel. Paper is fully protected until user is ready preventing cross-contamination. There is an easy to load auto-transfer system that prevents stub roll waste. It operates on 4 D-sized alkaline batteries with the longest battery life in the industry-up to 72,00 cycles. There is a low battery indicator light and the translucent cover allows for a view of the paper supply. Unit features adjustable settings for optimal paper usage control. The Select Paper Savings mode allows adjustment of second sheet length making it shorter by 25%, 0%, 12% than the initial dispense when the second dispense is within 3 seconds of the initial dispense. The Set Time Delay mode can be set for 3 seconds, 2 seconds, or 1 second. The Sheet Length mode can be set for 15", 12", 9" of paper. 1 1/4" L x 9 1/4" W x 15" H. Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Electra Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent White Cover, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 161.87 82.31 220.90 PFO-T245_WH.jpg Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser, T245WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7755 Palmer Fixture Company Electra Automatic Touchless Roll Paper Towel Dispenser (PFO-T245BK) 7733 PFO-T245 BK 6.00 T245 BK Electra Automatic Paper Towel Dispenser
The Electra Automatic Paper Towel Dispenser with the translucent dark cover and black back is created for maximum flexibility and cost reduction. This universal touchless paper towel dispenser is automatic, hygienic, and enables hands-free operation. Touchless dispenser holds any universal 8" x 8" roll paper towel. Paper is fully protected until user is ready- preventing cross-contamination. There is an easy to load auto-transfer system that prevents stub roll waste. It operates on 4 D-sized alkaline batteries with the longest battery life in the industry-up to 72,00 cycles. There is a low battery indicator light and the translucent cover allows for a view of the paper supply. Unit features adjustable settings for optimal paper usage control. The Select Paper Savings mode allows adjustment of second sheet length making it shorter by 25%, 0%, 12% than the initial dispense when the second dispense is within 3 seconds of the initial dispense. The Set Time Delay mode can be set for 3 seconds, 2 seconds, or 1 second. The Sheet Length mode can be set for 15", 12", 9" of paper. 11 1/4" L x 9 1/4" W x 15" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Fixtures Electra Automatic Touchless Roll Paper Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark, Each
Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Paper Towel Dispensers » Automatic Paper Towel Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 161.87 82.31 212.41 PFO-T245_BK.jpg electra automatic paper towel dispenser, palmer electra automatic touchfree roll towel dispenser, PFOT245BK, PFO-T245BK, paper towel dispenser, automatic paper towel dispenser, touchless paper towel dispenser, hands free paper towel dispenser, touch free paper towel dispenser 1 1 1988 0 0 11 232
7756 Palmer Fixture Company Electra Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark (PFO-T245TS) 7734 PFO-T245 TS 6.00 T245 TS Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser
The Electra Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser with the Translucent Dark cover and beige back is created for maximum flexablity and cost reduction. This universal dispenser is automatic, hygienic, and enables hands-free operation. Dispenser holds any universal 8" x 8" roll towel. Paper is fully protected until user is ready- preventing cross-contamination. There is an easy to load auto-transfer system that prevents stub roll waste. It operates on 4 D-sized alkaline batteries with the longest battery life in the industry-up to 72,00 cycles. There is a low battery indicator light and the translucent cover allows for a view of the paper supply. Unit features adjustable settings for optimal paper usage control. The Select Paper Savings mode allows adjustment of second sheet length making it shorter by 25%, 0%, 12% than the initial dispense when the second dispense is within 3 seconds of the initial dispense. The Set Time Delay mode can be set for 3 seconds, 2 seconds, or 1 second. The Sheet Length mode can be set for 15", 12", 9" of paper. 11 1/4" L x 9 1/4" W x 15" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Electra Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark Cover, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 161.87 82.31 215.90 PFO-T245_TS.jpg Palmer Electra - Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser, T245TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7757 Palmer Fixture Company Electra Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Ice Blue (PFO-T245ICE) 7735 PFO-T245 ICE 6.00 T245 ICE Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser
The Electra Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser with the translucent Ice Blue cover and beige back is created for maximum flexibility and cost reduction. This universal dispenser is automatic, hygienic, and enables hands-free operation. Dispenser holds any universal 8" x 8" roll towel. Paper is fully protected until user is ready- preventing cross-contamination. There is an easy to load auto-transfer system that prevents stub roll waste. It operates on 4 D-sized alkaline batteries with the longest battery life in the industry-up to 72,00 cycles. There is a low battery indicator light and the translucent cover allows for a view of the paper supply. Unit features adjustable settings for optimal paper usage control. The Select Paper Savings mode allows adjustment of second sheet length making it shorter by 25%, 0%, 12% than the initial dispense when the second dispense is within 3 seconds of the initial dispense. The Set Time Delay mode can be set for 3 seconds, 2 seconds, or 1 second. The Sheet Length mode can be set for 15", 12", 9" of paper. 11 1/4" L x 9 1/4" W x 15" H. Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Electra Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Ice Blue Cover, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 161.87 82.31 220.12 PFO-T245_ICE.jpg Palmer Electra Automatic Touchfree Roll Towel Dispenser, T245ICE, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7758 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Electronic Touchless Bulk/Cartridge Soap Dispenser (PFO-SE800WH) 7736 PFO-SE800WH 2.00 SE800WH The Electronic Touchless Bulk/Cartridge Soap dispenser is made of ABS plastic and features touchless activation to prevent cross-contamination. The unit has a refillable container that can be used with almost any soap purchased in bulk. Dispenser cannot be used with any pumice soaps. To prevent waste, it consistently dispenses one drop (1-1.5ml) at a time. The container assembly and mechanism are 100% separate to prevent any damage from the soap. The dispenser operates on 3 C-cell alkaline batteries for up to 10,000 cycles and features an automatic power shut off when cover is opened. The unit has a vandal resistant security lock and key. 4 3/8" L x 4 1/4" W x 10 3/8" H Includes 1 key, type 4 Includes hardware pack Palmer Fixtures 92.84 47.21 125.83 PFO-SE800_WH.jpg Palmer Electronic Touchless Bulk/Cartridge Soap Dispenser, SE800WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7759 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Electronic Touchless Bulk/Cartridge Soap Dispenser (PFO-SE800SS) 7737 PFO-SE800SS 3.00 SE800SS The Electronic Touchless Bulk/Cartridge Soap dispener with a stainless steel finish, features touchless activation to prevent cross-contamination. The unit has a refillable container that can be used with almost any soap purchased in bulk. Dispenser cannot be used with any pumice soaps. To prevent waste, it consistently dispenses one drop (1-1.5ml) at a time. The container assembly and mechanism are 100% separate to prevent any damage from the soap. The dispenser operates on 3 C-cell alkaline batteries for up to 10,000 cycles and features an automatic power shut off when cover is opened. The unit has a vandal resistant security lock and key. 4 13/16" L x 4 3/16" W x 10 5/8" H Includes 1 key, type 4 Includes hardware pack Palmer Fixtures 140.60 71.49 190.86 PFO-SE800_SS.jpg Palmer Electronic Touchless Bulk/Cartridge Soap Dispenser, SE800SS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7760 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Governor One Roll ABS Tissue Dispenser (PFO-R404) 7738 PFO-R404 1.00 R404 One Roll ABS Tissue Dispenser
The Governor One Roll Tissue Dispenser is designed for easy dispensing and replacement. Harnessing the power of a constant tension mechanism that delivers controlled dispensing, this quality dispenser saves tissue and money by eliminating waste. The dispenser is constructed from impact resistant ABS plastic and features anti-theft pins on the spindles. Measuring in at 6 9/16" L x 1 3/4" W x 4 1/2" H, this dispenser is designed for the consumer in mind, holding any standard household tissue roll.
Palmer Fixtures Governor One Roll ABS Tissue Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 15.20 7.73 20.39 PFO-R404.jpg palmer governor toilet paper roll dispenser, one roll toilet tissue dispenser, PFO-R404, PFOR404, toilet paper dispenser, toilet tissue dispenser, toilet paper roll dispenser, toilet tissue roll dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7761 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer ABS Two Toilet Tissue Roll Dispenser (PFO-R424) 7739 PFO-R424 1.00 R424 Two ABS Toilet Tissue Roll Dispenser
The Governor Tissue dispenser-Two Roll is under constant tension for controlled delivery which saves tissue and money by eliminating waste. Holding any standard household tissue roll with ease, this controlled tissue flow dispenser helps to prevent wasteful, free rolling tissue. The dispenser is constructed from impact resistant ABS plastic and features anti-theft pins on the spindles. Holds any standard household tissue roll. 12 5/8" L x 1 3/4" W x 4 1/2" .
Palmer Governor Tissue Dispenser- Two Roll ABS, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 20.12 10.23 26.60 PFO-R424.jpg two roll toilet paper dispenser, PFOR424, PFO-R424, toilet paper dispenser, toilet tissue dispenser, tissue dispenser, toilet roll dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7762 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Hand Dryer - Touchless Painted Cast Aluminum (PFO-HD907WH) 7740 PFO-HD907 WH 15.00 HD907 WH The Touchless Painted Cast Aluminum Hand Dryer is completely touchless and automatically shuts off when the users hands are removed. The approximate drying time is 30 seconds with an automatic power cut off after 120 seconds. Unit is made of durable painted cast aluminum. Dryer delivers 150 CFM, Sound level 64dB, operation power 1800 W, 20 AMPS, 120 Volts. Unit must be installed by a certified electrian 10 6/16" L x 7" W x 9 1/8" H Includes 1 key, type 6 Palmer Fixtures 270.85 137.72 353.33 PFO-HD907_WH.jpg Palmer Hand Dryer - Touchless Painted Cast Aluminum, HD907WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7763 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Hand Dryer -Touchless High Grade Fire Retardant ABS (PFO-HD903WH) 7741 PFO-HD903 WH 9.00 HD903 WH Palmer Hand Dryer - Touchless High Grade Fire Retardant ABS
The Touchless High Grade Fire Retardant Hand Dryer manufactured by Palmer Fixture Company is completely touchless and dries your hands in seconds. The dryer automatically shuts off when users hands are removed. The approximate drying time is 30 seconds with an automatic power cut off after 120 seconds. Unit is made of high grade fire retardant ABS plastic, 3.0 mm thick. Dryer delivers 150 CFM, Sound level 55dB, operation power 1800 W, 15 AMPS, 120 Volts. Unit must be installed by a certified electrician. 9 11/16" L x 7" W x 8 3/4" H Includes 1 key, type 6. Completely touchless, this high grade fire retardant hand dryer automatically shuts off when the users hands are removed. Palmer Fixtures 188.59 95.89 247.07 PFO-HD903_WH.jpg Palmer Hand Dryer -Touchless High Grade Fire Retardant ABS, HD903WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7764 Palmer Fixture Company Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark Cover (PFO-T400TS) 7742 PFO-T400 TS 7.00 T400 TS Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser
The Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, with a translucent dark cover, is universal for most 8" wide roll towels and has a stub roll feature. The dispenser has a touchfree delivery so user only touches the paper used. Dispenses a smooth and quiet delivery of an 11" sheet everytime. Heavy-duty double latch lock helps prevent theft. Translucent cover allows view of paper supply. 1 1/4" L x 9 1/4" W x 16 1/10" H. Includes 1 key, type 2.
Palmer Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark Cover, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 109.89 55.88 148.03 PFO-T400_TS.jpg Palmer Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, T400TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7765 Palmer Fixture Company Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark Cover (PFO-T207ATS) 7743 PFO-T207A TS 9.00 T207A TS Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser
The Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel dispenser with a 1.5" core with and the translucent dark cover and beige back, is universal for most 8" wide towels with adequate wet strength and offers a smooth and quiet delivery of 11" sheet via auto-cut mechanism. Heavy-duty double latch lock helps prevent theft and a translucent cover allows for view of paper supply. 10 1/2" L x 8 3/4" W x 14 3/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark Cover, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 106.71 54.26 144.87 PFO-T207A_TS.jpg Palmer Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, T207ATS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7766 Palmer Fixture Company Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark (PFO-T208TS) 7744 PFO-T208 TS 7.00 T208 TS Hands-Free Roll Towel Dispenser
The Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel dispenser with a translucent dark cover and beige back, provides a touchless, hands-free operation with a quick, smooth, and reliable delivery of a 11" sheet of paper. Uses standard 8" wide paper up to 8" in diameter. The translucent cover allows for easy view of paper supply. Has an emergency paper feed to help advance roll, if needed. The modern design is sure to compliment any decor'. 12 1/2" L x 9 1/4" W x 14 3/4" H Includes 1 key, type.
Palmer Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 108.76 55.30 141.56 PFO-T208_TS.jpg palmer hands-free auto-cut roll towel dispenser, T208TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7767 Palmer Fixture Company Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent White Cover (PFO-T208WH) 7745 PFO-T208 WH 7.00 T208 WH Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser
The Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel dispenser with a translucent white cover and beige back, provides a touchless, hands-free operation with a quick, smooth, and reliable delivery of a 11" sheet of paper. Uses standard 8" wide paper up to 8" in diameter. The translucent cover allows for easy view of paper supply. Has an emergency paper feed to help advance roll, if needed. The modern design is sure to compliment any decor'. 12 1/2" L x 9 1/4" W x 14 3/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent White Cover, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 108.76 55.30 143.14 PFO-T208_WH.jpg Palmer Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, T208WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7768 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Ice Blue Cover (PFO-T208ICE) 7746 PFO-T208 ICE 7.00 T208 ICE Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser
The Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel dispenser with a translucent ice blue cover and beige back, provides a touchless, hands-free operation with a quick, smooth, and reliable delivery of a 11" sheet of paper. Uses standard 8" wide paper up to 8" in diameter. The translucent cover allows for easy view of paper supply. Has an emergency paper feed to help advance roll, if needed. The modern design is sure to compliment any decor'. 12 1/2" L x 9 1/4" W x 14 3/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Ice Blue Cover, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 108.76 55.30 146.59 PFO-T208_ICE.jpg Palmer Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, T208ICE, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7769 Palmer Fixture Company Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark (PFO-T208BK) 7747 PFO-T208 BK 7.00 T208 BK Auto-Cut Hands-Free Roll Towel Dispenser
The Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel dispenser with a translucent dark cover and black back, provides a touchless, hands-free operation with a quick, smooth, and reliable delivery of a 11" sheet of paper. Uses standard 8" wide paper up to 8" in diameter. The translucent cover allows for easy view of paper supply. Has an emergency paper feed to help advance roll, if needed. The modern design is sure to compliment any decor'. 12 1/2" L x 9 1/4" W x 14 3/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark Cover, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 108.76 55.30 148.12 PFO-T208_BK.jpg Palmer Hands-Free Auto-Cut Roll Towel Dispenser, T208BK, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7770 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Key Type 1-Replacement Key, Each (PFO-Z100) 7748 PFO-Z100 1.00 Z100 Type 1-Replacement Key for Paper Towel Dispenser
Keeping your investment protected while allowing for easy access to restocking, the Palmer replacement paper towel dispenser key is an essential product. Key Type 1-Replacement Key for R25, R26, R27, R29, R39, T170, T175, T179, T185, T207, T210, T215, T245, T255, T91.
Palmer Fixtures Type 1-Replacement Key for Paper Towel Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 0.20 0.10 0.26 PFO-Z100-KEY.jpg Palmer Key Type 1-Replacement Key, PFO-Z100, PFOZ100, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7771 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Key Type 2-Replacement Key (PFO-Z102) 7749 PFO-Z102 1.00 Z102 Key Type 2-Replacement Key for R37, R44, T400 Palmer Fixtures 4.92 2.50 6.60 PFO-Z102-KEY.jpg Palmer Key Type 2-Replacement Key, Z102, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7772 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Metal 13" Single JRT Dispenser (PFO-R48WH) 7750 PFO-R48WH 5.00 R48WH The Metal 13" Single Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser is constructed from heavy-gauge steel with a white finish. The dispenser features a heavy-duty lock to prevent theft and waste. It is easy to load and has a front view window making a low tissue supply easily detectable. This universal dispenser holds all brands of 12" or 13" jumbo roll tissue with a 2"-3 1/2" core. 14 1/2" L x 5" W x 15" H Includes 1 key, type 3 Includes hardware pack Palmer Fixtures 45.15 27.09 58.77 PFO-R48_WH.jpg Palmer Metal 13" Single JRT Dispenser, R48WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 0 0 0 0 11 232
7773 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Metal 13" Single JRT Dispenser (PFO-R48XS) 7751 PFO-R48XS 5.00 R48XS Palmer Metal 13" Single JRT Dispenser
The Metal 13" Single Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser is constructed from heavy-gauge steel with a bright stainless steel finish. The dispenser features a heavy-duty lock to prevent theft and waste. It is easy to load and has a front view window making a low tissue supply easily detectable. This universal dispenser holds all brands of 12" or 13" jumbo roll tissue with a 2"-3 1/2" core. 14 1/2" L x 5" W x 15" H Includes 1 key, type 3 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Metal 13" Single JRT Dispenser, 14 1/2" L x 5" W x 15" H, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 84.43 42.93 110.46 PFO-R48_XS.jpg Palmer Metal 13" Single JRT Dispenser, PFO-R48XS, PFOR48XS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 0 0 0 11 232
7774 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Metal 9" Single JRT Dispenser (PFO-R46WH) 7752 PFO-R46WH 4.00 R46WH The Metal 9" Single Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser is constructed from heavy-gauge steel with a white finish. The dispenser features a heavy-duty lock to prevent theft and waste. It is easy to load and has a front view window making a low tissue supply easily detectable. This universal dispenser holds all brands of 9" jumbo roll tissue with a 2"-3 1/2" core. 10 1/2" L x 5" W x 11 3/8" H Includes 1 key, type 3 Includes hardware pack Palmer Fixtures 39.49 20.08 51.29 PFO-R46_WH.jpg Palmer Metal 9" Single JRT Dispenser, R46WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 0 0 0 11 232
7775 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Metal 9" Single JRT Dispenser (PFO-R46XS) 7753 PFO-R46XS 4.00 R46XS The Metal 9" Single Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser is constructed from heavy-gauge steel with a bright stainless steel finish. The dispenser features a heavy-duty lock to prevent theft and waste. It is easy to load and has a front view window making a low tissue supply easily detectable. This universal dispenser holds all brands of 9" jumbo roll tissue with a 2"-3 1/2" core. 10 1/2" L x 5" W x 11 3/8" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack Palmer Fixtures 64.57 32.83 85.42 PFO-R46_XS.jpg Palmer Metal 9" Single JRT Dispenser, R46XS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 0 0 0 11 232
7776 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Mini-Twin Standard Toilet Tissue Dispenser (PFO-R37TS) 7754 PFO-R37TS 3.00 R37TS Mini-Twin Standard Toilet Tissue Dispenser
The Mini-Twin Standard Tissue dispenser with a Translucent Dark cover and beige back, features a compact design for use with standard tissue rolls and a translucent cover to allow view of paper supply. The easy to load dispenser has a locking hinged cover to eliminate theft and waste. It is fully enclosed so paper stays clean and dry. First roll must be completely used before being able to transfer to second roll. Holds any standard household tissue roll. 11" L x 5 5/16 W x 7 3/16 H Includes 1 key, type 2 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Mini-Twin Standard Toilet Tissue Dispenser, Translucent Dark, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 41.71 21.21 56.91 PFO-R37_TS.jpg Palmer Mini-Twin Std Tissue Dispenser, PFO-R37TS, PFOR37TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7777 Palmer Fixture Company Multifold Paper Towel Dispenser, Plastic (PFO-T179TS) 7755 PFO-T179 TS 2.00 T179 TS Plastic Multifold Paper Towel Dispenser
The Plastic Multifold Towel dispenser, with a Translucent Dark Cover and beige back, is completely hands-free, the user touches nothing but the paper they need. The impact resistant plastic cover allows for easy dispensing and reduces multiple dispensing. Translucent cover provides easy view of a low paper supply. Unit uses any universal multifold towel. 11" L x 4 1/2 W x 16" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Multi-fold Paper Towel Dispenser, Plastic, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 29.18 14.84 38.13 PFO-T179_TS.jpg Palmer Multifold Towel Dispenser - Plastic, T179TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7778 Palmer Fixture Company Multifold Paper Towel Dispenser, Plastic (PFO-T179BK) 7756 PFO-T179 BK 2.00 T179 BK Multifold Plastic Paper Towel Dispenser
The Plastic Multifold Towel dispenser, with a Translucent Dark Cover and black back, is completely hands-free, the user touches nothing but the paper they need. The impact resistant plastic cover allows for easy dispensing and reduces multiple dispensing. Translucent cover provides easy view of a low paper supply. 11" L x 4 1/2 W x 16" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Multifold Paper Towel Dispenser, Plastic, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 23.10 14.84 30.62 PFO-T179_BK.jpg Palmer Multifold Towel Dispenser - Plastic, T179BK, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7779 Palmer Fixture Company Multifold Paper Towel Dispenser, Plastic (PFO-T179ICE) 7757 PFO-T179 ICE 2.00 T179 ICE Plastic Multifold Towel Dispenser
The Plastic Multifold Towel dispenser, with a Translucent Ice Blue cover and beige back, is completely hands-free, the user touches nothing but the paper they need. The impact resistant plastic cover allows for easy dispensing and reduces multiple dispensing. Translucent cover provides easy view of a low paper supply. Unit uses any universal multifold towel. 11" L x 4 1/2 W x 16" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Multifold Paper Towel Dispenser, Plastic, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 23.10 14.84 30.46 PFO-T179_ICE.jpg Palmer Multifold Towel Dispenser - Plastic, T179ICE, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7780 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Multifold Towel Dispenser (PFO-T179WH) 7758 PFO-T179 WH 2.00 T179 WH Multifold Towel Dispenser
The Plastic Multifold Towel Dispenser, with a Translucent White cover and beige back, is completely hands-free, the user touches nothing but the paper they need. The impact resistant plastic cover allows for easy dispensing and reduces multiple dispensing. Translucent cover provides easy view of a low paper supply. Unit uses any universal multifold towel. 11" L x 4 1/2 W x 16" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Multifold Towel Dispenser, Plastic, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 23.10 14.84 31.18 PFO-T179_WH.jpg Palmer Multifold Towel Dispenser - Plastic, T179WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7781 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Multifold and C-Fold Towel Dispenser (PFO-T175TS) 7759 PFO-T175 TS 5.00 T175 TS Multifold and C-Fold Paper Towel Dispenser
The Multi-fold/C-fold dispenser is constructed with a heavy gauge steel back. The impact resistant plastic cover in Translucent Dark allows view of the paper supply. No adjustments are needed for either multi-fold or c-fold towels. Provides easy towel removal and reduces multiple dispensing. User touches nothing but the towel they use. Heavy-duty double latch lock helps prevent theft. 11 5/16" L x 5 " x 15 1/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Multifold and C-Fold Towel Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 28.60 17.06 39.07 PFO-T175_TS.jpg Palmer Multifold/C-Fold Towel Dispenser, T175TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7782 Palmer Fixture Company Multifold & C-Fold Paper Towel Dispenser (PFO-T175WH) 7760 PFO-T175 WH 5.00 T175 WH Multi-Fold & C-Fold Towel Dispenser
The Multi-fold and C-fold dispenser is constructed with a heavy gauge steel back. The impact resistant plastic cover in White Translucent allows view of the paper supply. Unit holds any universal multi-fold or c-fold towels. No adjustments are needed for either multi-fold or c-fold towels. Provides easy towel removal and reduces multiple dispensing. User touches nothing but the towel they use. Heavy-duty double latch lock helps prevent theft. 11 5/16" L x 5 " x 15 1/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Multifold and C-Fold Paper Towel Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 33.55 17.06 45.82 PFO-T175_WH.jpg Palmer Multifold/C-Fold Towel Dispenser, T175WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7783 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Multifold and C-Fold Towel Dispenser, Metal (PFO-T170WH) 7761 PFO-T170WH 6.00 T170WH Metal Multi and C-Fold Towel Dispenser
The Metal Multi/C-Fold Towel Dispenser in a white finish is constructed of durable steel with a side window to view paper supply. Unit holds any universal multi-fold or c-fold towels. No adjustments are needed for either multi-fold or c-fold towels. Provides easy towel removal and reduces multiple dispensing. User touches nothing but the towel they use. Heavy-duty double latch lock helps prevent theft. 11 1/4" L x 3 3/4" W x 15 5/16" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Multifold and C-Fold Towel Dispenser, Metal, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 23.98 18.29 31.31 PFO-T170_WH.jpg Palmer Multifold/C-Fold Towel Dispenser - Metal, T170WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7784 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Metal Multifold & C-Fold Towel Dispenser (PFO-T170BS) 7762 PFO-T170BS 6.00 T170BS Metal Multifold & C-Fold Towel Dispenser
The metal multi and c-fold towel dispenser in a brushed steel finish is constructed of durable steel with a side window to view paper supply. Unit holds any universal multi-fold or c-fold towels. No adjustments are needed for either multi-fold or c-fold towels. Provides easy towel removal and reduces multiple dispensing. User touches nothing but the towel they use. Heavy-duty double latch lock helps prevent theft. 11 1/4" L x 3 3/4" W x 15 5/16" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixtures Multifold & C-Fold Towel Dispenser, Metal, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 41.30 29.72 56.48 PFO-T170_BS.jpg palmer fixtures multifold towel dispenser, c-fold towel dispenser, PFO-T170BS, PFOT170BS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7785 Palmer Fixture Company Multifold and C-Fold Towel Dispenser, Metal (PFO-T170XC) 7763 PFO-T170XC 6.00 T170XC Multi-Fold and C-Fold Towel Dispenser
The Metal Multi/C-Fold Towel Dispenser in a bright chrome finish is constructed of durable steel with a side window to view paper supply. Unit holds any universal multi-fold or c-fold towels. No adjustments are needed for either multi-fold or c-fold towels. Provides easy towel removal and reduces multiple dispensing. User touches nothing but the towel they use. Heavy-duty double latch lock helps prevent theft. 11 1/4" L x 3 3/4" W x 15 5/16" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Multifold and C-Fold Towel Dispenser, Metal Finish, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 69.50 35.34 90.75 PFO-T170_XC.jpg Palmer Multifold/C-Fold Towel Dispenser - Metal, T170XC, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7786 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer ABS Plastic No-Waste One Roll Tissue Dispenser (PFO-R401) 7764 PFO-R401 1.00 R401 ABS Plastic 1 Roll Tissue Dispenser
The one roll no-waste tissue dispenser, offers a controlled delivery system which saves tissue and money by eliminating waste. The tissue rolls a half revolution then a rocking action returns the roll for the next sheet delivery. Constructed from high impact resistant ABS plastic, the dispenser features an anti-theft pin on the spindle. Holds any standard household tissue roll. 6 9/16" L x 1 3/4" W x 4 1/2" H.
Palmer No-Waste One Roll Tissue Dispenser, ABS Plastic, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 14.83 7.54 19.75 PFO-R401.jpg abs plastic one roll tissue dispenser, toilet tissue dispenser, toilet paper dispenser, PFOR401, PFO-R401, one roll toilet paper dispenser, one roll toilet tissue dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7787 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer ABS Plastic No-Waste Two Roll Tissue Dispenser (PFO-R421) 7765 PFO-R421 1.00 R421 ABS Plastic 2 Roll Tissue Dispenser
The two roll no-waste tissue dispenser, offers a controlled delivery system which saves tissue and money by eliminating waste. The tissue rolls a half revolution then a rocking action returns the roll for the next sheet delivery. Constructed from high impact resistant ABS plastic, the dispenser features an anti-theft pin on the spindle. Holds any standard household tissue roll. 12 5/8" L x 1 3/4" W x 4 1/2" H.
Palmer No-Waste Two Roll Tissue Dispenser, ABS Plastic, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 19.08 9.70 25.09 PFO-R421.jpg abs plastic two roll tissue dispenser, toilet tissue dispenser, toilet paper dispenser, PFOR421, PFO-R421, 2 roll toilet paper dispenser, 2 roll toilet tissue dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7788 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Roll Towel Dispenser - Lever (PFO-T210TS) 7766 PFO-T210 TS 7.00 T210 TS The Roll Towel Dispenser with Lever has a Translucent Dark cover and beige back. Dispenser is universal for most 8" wide roll towels up to 8" in diameter. Translucent cover is made from impact resistant plastic and allows view of paper supply. Smooth lever action is ADA compliant. Heavy-duty double latch lock helps prevent theft and waste. 10 1/4" L x 8 1/2" W x 15 5/8" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Palmer Fixtures 69.01 35.09 91.91 PFO-T210_TS.jpg Palmer Roll Towel Dispenser - Lever, T210TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7789 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Self-Adjusting Centerpull Towel Dispenser (PFO-T255TS) 7767 PFO-T255 TS 4.00 T255 TS Self-Adjusting Center Pull Towel Dispenser
The self-adjusting center pull towel dispenser with a Translucent Dark cover and beige back has a patented dispensing aperture that self-adjusts and never wears out. It provides reliable, single sheet dispensing from the widest range of towels. It holds any universal center pull towel rolls up to 9" tall and 9" in diameter. The translucent cover makes it easy to detect a low paper supply. 10 1/8" L x 10 1/8" W x 12 1/3" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixtures Self-Adjusting Centerpull Towel Dispenser, Translucent Dark, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 39.97 20.32 52.29 PFO-T255_TS.jpg palmer self-adjusting center pull towel dispenser, PFO-T255TS, PFOT255TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7790 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Senior 12" JRT Dispenser (PFO-R39TS) 7768 PFO-R39TS 3.00 R39TS 12" Jumbo Toilet Paper Dispenser
The Senior 12" Jumbo Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser with a Translucent Dark cover and beige back, is easy to load and universal for all brands of 12" tissue with a 1-3/4"-3" core. It fits up to 4000 ft. of 1-ply tissue or 2000 ft. of 2-ply rolls, even rolls up to 12" in diameter. The translucent cover allows for a view of the paper supply and a heavy-duty lock prevents theft and waste. 15 1/4" Long x 5 5/16" Wide x 15 5/16 High. Includes 1 key, type 1. Includes mounting hardware pack.
Palmer 12" Jumbo Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser, Translucent Dark Cover and Beige Back, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 26.89 18.87 35.39 PFO-R39_TS.jpg palmer jrt dispenser, PFO-R39TS, PFOR39TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7791 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Single 9" JRT Dispenser w/ 2-1/4" Mandrel, 3-3/8" Adapter (PFO-R26TS-A) 7769 PFO-R26TS-A 3.00 R26TS-A 9" Single Roll Dispenser, 2-1/4" Mandrel, 3-3/8" Adapter
Single 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser with the 2 1/4" mandrel and 3 3/8" adapter, with Translucent Dark cover and beige back, will hold any universal 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with 2 1/4" to 3 3/8" core. The translucent cover makes it easy to detect a low paper supply. The dispenser has a double latch lock that helps prevent theft and waste. 11 7/16" L x 5" W x 11" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Single 9" JRT Dispenser w/ 2-1/4" Mandrel, 3-3/8" Adapter, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 21.52 13.37 29.30 PFO-R26_TS-A.jpg Palmer Single 9" JRT Dispenser w/2-1/4" mandrel & 3-3/8" adapter, PFOR26TSA, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7792 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Single 9" JRT Dispenser with a 3-3/4" mandrel (PFO-R26BK) 7770 PFO-R26 BK 3.00 R26 BK The Single 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with a 3 3/8" mandrel with a Translucent Dark cover and black back, will hold any universal 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with 3 3/8" core. The translucent cover makes it easy to detect a low paper supply. The dispenser has a double latch lock that helps prevent theft and waste. 11 7/16" L x 5" W x 11 H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack Palmer Fixtures 20.77 12.46 27.58 PFO-R26_BK.jpg Palmer Single 9" JRT Dispenser with a 3-3/4" mandrel, R26BK, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 0 1 0 0 11 232
7793 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Single 9" JRT Dispenser with 3-3/8" Mandrel (PFO-R26TS) 7771 PFO-R26 TS 3.00 R26 TS Single 9" Jumbo Tissue Roll Dispenser with 3-3/8" Mandrel
The Single 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser with a 3 3/8" mandrel with a Translucent Dark cover and beige back, will hold any universal 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with 3 3/8" core. The translucent cover makes it easy to detect a low paper supply. The dispenser has a double latch lock that helps prevent theft and waste. 11-7/16" x 5" x 11". Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixtures Single 9" Jumbo Tissue Roll Dispenser, 3-3/8" Mandrel, Translucent Dark Cover, Biege Back, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 24.51 12.46 33.14 PFO-R26_TS.jpg jumbo toilet paper dispenser, PFO-R26TS, PFOR26TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7794 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Single 9" JRT Dispenser, 3-3/4" Mandrel (PFO-R26WH) 7772 PFO-R26 WH 3.00 R26 WH 9" JRT Single Roll Dispenser, 3-3/4" Mandrel
The Single 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser with a 3 3/8" mandrel with a Translucent White cover with a beige back, will hold any universal 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with 3 3/8" core. The translucent cover makes it easy to detect a low paper supply. The dispenser has a double latch lock that helps prevent theft and waste. 11 7/16" L x 5" W x 11" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer 9" JRT Single Toilet Paper Roll Dispenser, 3-3/4" Mandrel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 24.51 12.46 32.48 PFO-R26_WH.jpg Palmer Single 9" JRT Dispenser with a 3-3/4" mandrel, R26WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7795 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Singlefold Towel Dispenser (PFO-T92WH) 7773 PFO-T92WH 5.00 T92WH Singlefold Paper Towel Dispenser
The Singlefold Towel Dispenser made of durable steel in a white finish, is easy to load and holds approximately 450 sheets. Easy towel removal ensures one towel per pull and user touches nothing but the towel they use. Heavy-duty metal pushdown lock helps prevent theft and waste. Unit features a front view window of paper supply. Unit uses any universal singlefold towel. 11 3/4" Long x 9 1/4" High x 5 3/4" Deep. Includes 1 key, type 8. Includes mounting hardware pack
Singlefold Towel Dispenser, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 24.22 14.53 31.67 PFO-T92_WH.jpg Palmer Singlefold Towel Dispenser, T92WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 0 1 0 0 11 232
7796 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Singlefold Towel Dispenser (PFO-T91WH) 7774 PFO-T91WH 5.00 T91WH This Singlefold Towel Dispenser made of durable steel in a white finish, is easy to load and holds approximately 450 sheets. Easy towel removal ensures one towel per pull and user touches nothing but the towel they use. Heavy-duty 2 prong lock helps prevent theft and waste. Unit features a side view window of paper supply. Unit uses any universal singlefold towel. 10 11/16" L x 6 /16" W x 7 3/8" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack Palmer Fixtures 36.52 18.57 49.92 PFO-T91_WH.jpg Palmer Singlefold Towel Dispenser, T91WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7797 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Table-Top Fullfold Napkin Dispenser (PFO-N65BS) 7775 PFO-N65BS 3.00 N65BS The Table-Top Napkin dispenser is designed for maximum durablity and ease of use. The brushed steel construction allows for loading and dispensing from two sides. They dispense one napkin at a time. Holds napkins with folded size dimensions of 6 1/2" L x 6" H with a 3 1/2" fold height. Each dispenser is finished with soft rubber feet that will not leave marks on tables. 7 1/2" L x 6 1/4" W x 5 3/4" H Palmer Fixtures 42.42 21.57 56.58 PFO-N65_BS.jpg Palmer Table-Top Fullfold Napkin Dispenser, N65BS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7798 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Table-Top Lowfold Napkin Dispenser (PFO-N45BS) 7776 PFO-N45BS 2.00 N45BS The Table-Top Napkin dispenser is designed for maximum durablity and ease of use. The brushed steel construction allows for loading and dispensing from two sides. They dispense one napkin at a time. Holds napkins with folded size dimensions of 3 1/2" L x 5" H and 3 1/2" fold height. Each dispenser is finished with soft rubber feet that will not leave marks on tables. 4" L x 4 13/16" W x 5 1/2" H Palmer Fixtures 27.40 13.93 35.87 PFO-N45_BS.jpg Palmer Table-Top Lowfold Napkin Dispenser, N45BS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7799 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Table-Top Minifold Napkin Dispenser (PFO-N55BS) 7777 PFO-N55BS 3.00 N55BS Our Tabletop Napkin Dispenser is designed for maximum durablity and ease of use. The brushed steel construction allows for loading and dispensing from two sides. They dispense one napkin at a time. Holds napkins with folded size dimensions of 6 1/2" x 3 3/4" H and 2 3/4" fold height. Each dispenser is finished with soft rubber feet that will not leave marks on tables. 7 1/2" L x 6" W x 4 1/2" H Palmer Fixtures 40.39 20.54 53.29 PFO-N55_BS.jpg Palmer Table-Top Minifold Napkin Dispenser, N55BS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7800 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Table-Top Napkin Dispenser, Tallfold, Brushed Steel (PFO-N31BS) 7778 PFO-N31BS 1.00 N31BS Table-Top Tallfold Napkin Dispenser
The Table-Top Napkin dispenser is designed for maximum durability and ease of use. The brushed steel construction allows for loading and dispensing from two sides. They dispense one napkin at a time. Holds napkins with folded size dimensions of 3 1/2" L x 6 1/2" H and 3 1/2" fold height. Each dispenser is finished with soft rubber feet that will not leave marks on tables.
Palmer Table-Top Tallfold Napkin Dispenser, 3 5/8" L x 4 1/8" W x 7 3/8" H, Brushed Steel, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 20.27 10.31 26.73 PFO-N31_BS.jpg palmer table-top tallfold napkin dispenser, PFO-N31BS, PFON31BS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7801 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Twin 9" JRT Dispenser w/ 2-1/4" Mandrel, 3-3/8" Adaptor (PFO-R27TS-A) 7779 PFO-R27TS-A 4.00 R27TS-A 9" Twin JRT Dispenser w/ 2-1/4" Mandrel, 3-3/8" Adaptor
The Twin 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with a 2 1/4" mandrel and the Translucent Dark cover and beige back, is universal for all brands of 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with a 2 1/4" core. Unit also comes with a 3 3/8" adaptor. A sliding panel ensures the use of one roll at a time. The double-latch lock prevents theft and waste while the translucent cover enables easy detection of a low paper supply. 20 1/8" L x 5 1/2" W x 11 3/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer 9" JRT Twin Toilet Paper Dispenser w/ 2-1/4" Mandrel, 3-3/8" Adaptor, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 38.75 24.58 52.02 PFO-R27_TS-A.jpg Palmer Twin 9" JRT Dispenser w 2-1/4" mandrel & 3-3/8" adaptor, R27TSA, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7802 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Twin 9" Jumbo Paper Towel Roll Dispenser With 3-3/8" Mandrel (PFO-R27SS) 7780 PFO-R27 SS 6.00 R27 SS Twin 9" Jumbo Paper Towel Dispenser w/ 3-3/8" Mandrel
The Twin 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser in a Stainless Steel finish, is universal for all brands of 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with a 3 3/8" core. A sliding panel ensures the use of one roll at a time. A double-latch lock prevents theft and waste while the translucent cover enables easy detection of low paper supply. 20 1/8" L x 5 1/2" W x 11 3/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Twin 9" Jumbo Roll Dispenser With 3-3/8" Mandrel, Stainless Steel Finish, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Palmer Fixtures 162.07 82.41 210.50 PFO-R27_SS.jpg jumbo toilet paper dispensers, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7803 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Twin 9" JRT Dispenser with a 3-3/8" Mandrel (PFO-R27BK) 7781 PFO-R27 BK 4.00 R27 BK Twin 9" JRT Dispenser w/ 3 3/8" Mandrel
The Twin 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue dispenser with a 3 3/8" mandrel and the Translucent Dark cover and black back, is universal for all brands of 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with a 3 3/8" core. A sliding panel ensures the use of one roll at a time. The double-latch lock prevents theft and waste while the translucent cover enables easy detection of a low paper supply. 20 1/8" L x 5 1/2" W x 11 3/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Twin 9" Jumbo Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser w/ 3 3/8" Mandrel, Translucent Dark, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 28.91 21.78 38.92 PFO-R27_BK.jpg jumbo tissue dispenser, toilet paper dispenser, jumbo tissue dispenser, toilet tissue dispenser, PFOR27BK, PFO-R27BK 1 1 0 0 11 232
7804 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Twin 9" JRT Dispenser, 3-3/8" Mandrel (PFO-R27WH) 7782 PFO-R27 WH 4.00 R27 WH 9" JRT Twin Toilet Paper Dispenser, 3-3/8" Mandrel
The Twin 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with a 3 3/8" mandrel and the Translucent White cover and beige back, is universal for all brands of 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with a 3 3/8" core. A sliding panel ensures the use of one roll at a time. The double-latch lock prevents theft and waste while the translucent cover enables easy detection of low paper supply. 20 1/8" L x 5 1/2" W x 11 3/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Twin 9" JRT Toilet Paper Dispenser, 3-3/8" Mandrel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 42.83 21.78 55.84 PFO-R27_WH.jpg Palmer Twin 9" JRT Dispenser with a 3-3/8" mandrel, R27WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7805 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Twin 9" JRT Dispenser w/ 3-3/8" Mandrel (PFO-R27TS) 7783 PFO-R27 TS 4.00 R27 TS 9" JRT Dispenser with 3-3/8" Mandrel
The Twin 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with a 3 3/8" mandrel and the Translucent Dark cover and beige back, is universal for all brands of 9" Jumbo Roll Tissue with a 3 3/8" core. A sliding panel ensures the use of one roll at a time. The double-latch lock prevents theft and waste while the translucent cover enables easy detection of low paper supply. 20 1/8" L x 5 1/2" W x 11 3/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Twin 9" JRT Dispenser with 3-3/8" Mandrel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 38.75 21.78 52.89 PFO-R27_TS.jpg palmer twin 9" jrt dispenser with a 3-3/8" mandrel, R27TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7806 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser (PFO-R25TS) 7784 PFO-R25 TS 4.00 R25 TS Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser
The Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser with a Translucent Dark cover and beige back, is easy to use and install. The modern design is sure to compliment any decor. Dispenser uses standard toilet tissue paper up to 5" in diameter. Access to reserve roll once lower roll is completely used. It features a translucent cover to allow view of paper supply and a durable lock to prevent pilferage. 6 1/16" L x 5 3/4" W x 13 1/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser, Translucent Dark, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 23.09 12.85 31.49 PFO-R25_TS.jpg two roll standard tissue dispenser, PFO-R25TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7807 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser (PFO-R25WH) 7785 PFO-R25 WH 4.00 R25 WH 2 Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser
The Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser with a Translucent White cover and beige back, is easy to use and install. The modern design is sure to compliment any decor. Dispenser uses standard toilet tissue paper up to 5" in diameter. Access to reserve roll once lower roll is completely used. It features a translucent cover to allow view of paper supply and a durable lock to prevent pilferage. 6 1/16" L x 5 3/4" W x 13 1/4" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack.
Palmer 2 Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 25.28 12.85 33.43 PFO-R25_WH.jpg Palmer Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser, R25WH, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7808 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser (PFO-R28TS) 7786 PFO-R28 TS 2.00 R28 TS 2 Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser
The Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser with Translucent Dark cover and beige back is easy to use and install. Dispenser uses standard toilet tissue paper up to 5" in diameter. Access to reserve roll once lower roll is completely used. It features a translucent cover to allow view of paper supply and a durable lock to prevent pilferage. 6" L x 5 3/4" W x 13" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser, Translucent Black/Dark, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 28.70 14.59 39.22 PFO-R28_TS.jpg palmer two roll dispenser, PFO-R28TS,PFOR28TS, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7809 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser (PFO-R28WH) 7787 PFO-R28 WH 2.00 R28 WH 2 Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser
The Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser with Translucent White cover and beige back, is easy to use and install. Dispenser uses standard toilet tissue paper up to 5" in diameter. Access to reserve roll once lower roll is completely used. It features a translucent cover to allow view of paper supply and a durable lock to prevent pilferage. 6" L x 5 3/4" W x 13" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser, Translucent White Cover, Beige Back, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 28.70 14.59 38.93 PFO-R28_WH.jpg palmer toilet paper dispensers, toilet tissue dispensers, PFO-R28WH, PFOR28WH, toilet paper dispensers, toilet roll dispensers 1 1 0 0 11 232
7810 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser (PFO-R28ICE) 7788 PFO-R28 ICE 2.00 R28 ICE Palmer Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser
The Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser with Translucent Ice Blue cover, is easy to use and install. Dispenser uses standard toilet tissue paper up to 5" in diameter. Access to reserve roll once lower roll is completely used. It features a translucent cover to allow view of paper supply and a durable lock to prevent pilferage. 6" L x 5 3/4" W x 13" H Includes 1 key, type 1.
Palmer Two Roll Standard Toilet Paper Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 19.13 14.59 25.62 PFO-R28_ICE.jpg Palmer Two Roll Standard Tissue Dispenser, R28ICE, towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, automatic towel dispenser, hand towel dispenser 1 1 0 0 11 232
7921 SOP Green Klean Eureka-Sanitare Dual Use Replacement Cloth Vacuum Bag, 3/4 Zipper (GK-Dual) 7921 GK-Dual 32.00 GKDual Eureka-Sanitare Dual use Replacement Cloth Vacuum Bag, 3/4 Zipper (25 filters/case). This vacuum bag replaces the OEM red Duel Use cloth bag. Each bag comes with the spring and clip for use as a "shake-out" bag, or the inner tube for use with the paper F&G inner top fill bag. Price per Package.
SOP Green Klean 348.03 180.50 460.07 GK-0-1626.JPG Eureka-Sanitare Dual use Replacement Cloth Vacuum Bag, 3/4 zipper, GK-Dual, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7922 SOP Green Klean Advance UZ964 Hip Vac Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-UZ964) 7922 GK-UZ964 12.00 GKUZ964 Advance UZ964 Hip Vac Replacement Vacuum Bags (includes 2 filters /10 pack/ 20 per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 166.92 67.90 222.97 GK-0-6.JPG Advance UZ964 Hip Vac Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-UZ964, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7923 SOP Green Klean Advance PowerOne Vacuum Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-PwrOne) 7923 GK-PwrOne 12.00 GKPwrOne Advance PowerOne Replacement Vacuum Bags (includes 2 filters / 10 pack /20 per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 113.21 59.60 148.28 GK-0-3.JPG Advance PowerOne Vacuum Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-PwrOne, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7924 SOP Green Klean Advance Spectrum (all variants) Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-CMastr) 7924 GK-CMastr 9.00 GKCMastr Advance Spectrum (all variants) Replacement Vacuum Bags (includes 2 filters/10 pack/20 per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 132.25 53.80 177.35 GK-0-8.JPG Advance Spectrum (all variants) Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-CMastr, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7925 SOP Green Klean Advance UZ934 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-UZ934) 7925 GK-UZ934 11.00 GKUZ934 Advance UZ934 Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 168.65 68.60 228.37 GK-0-7.JPG Advance UZ934 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-UZ934, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7926 SOP Green Klean CarpetPro Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-ClnMax) 7926 GK-ClnMax 9.00 GKClnMax CarpetPro Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 80.17 42.50 109.62 GK-0-12.JPG CarpetPro Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-ClnMax, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7928 SOP Green Klean Clarke CombiVac & FiltraPac Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Combi) 7928 GK-Combi 11.00 GKCombi Clarke CombiVac & FiltraPac Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits. SOP Green Klean 145.53 59.20 199.11 GK-0-11.JPG Clarke CombiVac & FiltraPac Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-Combi, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7929 SOP Green Klean Clarke-Alto Fits 300 - 400 Vacuums with Cloth Bag, Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-F&G-10) 7929 GK-F/G-10 10.00 GKF/G-10 Clarke-Alto Fits 300 - 400 Vacuums with Cloth Bag, Replacement vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits. SOP Green Klean 77.45 45.50 102.92 GK-0-10.JPG Clarke-Alto Fits 300 - 400 vacuums with cloth bag, Replacement vacuum Bags, GK-F&G-10, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7931 SOP Green Klean Eureka F&G Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-F&G) 7931 GK-F/G 4.00 GKF/G Eureka F&G Replacement Vacuum Bags (12/3 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 22.50 16.05 29.40 GK-0-10.JPG Eureka F&G Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-F&G, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7932 SOP Green Klean Eureka F&G Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-F&G-10) 7932 GK-F/G-10 10.00 GKF/G-10 Eureka F&G Replacement Vacuum bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 77.45 44.60 99.64 GK-0-10.JPG Eureka F&G Replcament Vacuum bags, GK-F&G-10, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7933 SOP Green Klean Eureka F&G Micron Bag Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-F&G-M) 7933 GK-F/G-M 5.00 GKF/G-M Eureka F&G Micron Bag Replacement Vacuum Bags (12/3 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 29.31 19.05 38.09 GK-0-10.JPG Eureka F&G Micron Bag Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-F&G-M, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 0 0 0 13 238
7934 SOP Green Klean Eureka LS LiteSpeed & Sanitaire SC5713 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-EurLS) 7934 GK-EurLS 5.00 GKEurLS Eureka LS LiteSpeed & Sanitaire SC5713 Replacement Vacuum Bags (12/3 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 36.51 19.80 48.43 GK-0-13.JPG Eureka LS LiteSpeed & Sanitaire SC5713 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-EurLS, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7935 SOP Green Klean Eureka MM - Mighty Mite Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-EurMM) 7935 GK-EurMM 5.00 GKEurMM Eureka MM - Mighty Mite Replacement Vacuum Bags (12/3 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 38.87 20.05 51.25 GK-0-63.JPG Eureka MM - Mighty Mite Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-EurMM, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7936 SOP Green Klean Eureka SL & Sanitaire SC785 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-EurSL) 7936 GK-EurSL 3.00 GKEurSL Eureka SL & Sanitaire SC785 Replacement Vacuum Bags (12/3 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 40.05 21.10 54.57 GK-0-16.JPG Eureka SL & Sanitaire SC785 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-EurSL, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7937 SOP Green Klean Eureka/Sanitaire Back Pack SC412 BV-2 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-300BP) 7937 GK-300BP 13.00 GK300BP Eureka/Sanitaire Back Pack SC412 BV-2 Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 81.35 50.45 110.32 GK-0-15.JPG Eureka/Sanitaire Back Pack SC412 BV-2 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-300BP, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7938 SOP Green Klean F&G Micron Bag S12PF & S16PF Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-F&G-M) 7938 GK-F/G-M 5.00 GKF/G-M F&G Micron Bag S12PF & S16PF Replacement Vacuum Bags (12/3 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 29.31 19.05 38.30 GK-0-10.JPG F&G Micron Bag S12PF & S16PF Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-F&G-M, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7939 SOP Green Klean Hoover A Replacement Vacuum Bags, 36 Bags (GK-HOVA) 7939 GK-HovA 5.00 GKHovA Hoover A Replacement Vacuum Bags
Hoover A Replacement Vacuum Bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean Hoover A Replacement Vacuum Bags, 3 Backs per Pack, 12 Packs, 36 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. SOP Green Klean 32.97 16.15 45.08 GK-0-64.JPG hoover replacement vacuum bags, GK-HOVA, GKHOVA, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7940 SOP Green Klean Hoover Y Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-HovY) 7940 GK-HovY 5.00 GKHovY Hoover Y Replacement Vacuum Bags (12/3 packs per case). Replacement Vacuum Bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 34.15 16.50 45.68 GK-0-65.JPG Hoover Y Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-HovY, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7941 SOP Green Klean IPC Eagle Power Sweeper Replacement Filter for Smart Vac (GK-6246) 7941 GK-6246 9.00 GK6246 IPC Eagle Power Sweeper Replacement Filter for Smart Vac (10 per case, includes prefilter). Replacement Sweeper filter designed for exact fit and performance as the OEM, at a considerable savings.
SOP Green Klean 283.13 169.00 372.36 GK-0-69.JPG IPC Eagle Power Sweeper Replacement Filter for Smart Vac, GK-6246, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7942 SOP Green Klean Kent Champion 28 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-CarpTrvr) 7942 GK-CarpTrvr 10.00 GKCarpTrvr Kent Champion 28 Replacement Vacuum bags (12/3 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 110.85 58.20 145.70 GK-0-9.JPG Kent Champion 28 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-CarpTrvr, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7943 SOP Green Klean Kent Duravac 152 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-CarpTwn) 7943 GK-CarpTwn 8.00 GKCarpTwn Kent Duravac 152 Replacement Vacuum bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 108.49 56.25 142.97 GK-0-2.JPG Kent Duravac 152 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-CarpTwn, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7944 SOP Green Klean Kent Edge 12 Vacuum Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-PwrOne) 7944 GK-PwrOne 12.00 GKPwrOne Kent Edge 12 Vacuum Replacement Vacuum Bags (includes 2 filters/10 pack/20 per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 113.21 59.60 150.81 GK-0-3.JPG Kent Edge 12 Vacuum Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-PwrOne, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7945 SOP Green Klean Kent vacuums that use F&G Paper Bag Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-F&G-10) 7945 GK-F/G-10 10.00 GKF/G-10 Kent Vacuums that use F&G bags, Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 77.45 45.50 99.57 GK-0-10.JPG Kent vacuums that use F&G Paper Bag Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-F&G-10, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7946 SOP Green Klean Kent/Euroclean Red Cloth Shake-Out Bag w/ Liner (GK-CN-Liner) 7946 GK-CN-Liner 28.00 GKCN-Liner Kent/Euroclean Red Cloth Shake-Out Replacement Vacuum Bag w/ Liner (25 filters/case). This vacuum bag replaces the OEM red cloth "shake out" bag and uses an advance inner liner (SMS). The additional liner provides greater filtration helping to eliminate the puff of dust that occurs with a standard cloth bag. Each bag includes the spring and closure clip. For use without the paper F&G inner bag. Price per Package.
SOP Green Klean 341.09 138.75 443.84 GK-0-1625.JPG Kent/Euroclean Red Cloth Shake-Out Bag w/ Liner, GK-CN-Liner, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7947 SOP Green Klean Kent/Euroclean UZ934 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-UZ934) 7947 GK-UZ934 11.00 GKUZ934 Kent/Euroclean UZ934 Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 168.65 68.60 223.51 GK-0-7.JPG Kent/Euroclean UZ934 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-UZ934, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7948 SOP Green Klean Kent/Euroclean UZ964 Hip Vac Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-UZ964) 7948 GK-UZ964 12.00 GKUZ964 Kent/Euroclean UZ964 Hip Vac Replacement Vacuum Bags (includes 2 filters /10 pack/ 20 per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 166.92 67.90 228.03 GK-0-6.JPG Kent/Euroclean UZ964 Hip Vac Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-UZ964, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7949 SOP Green Klean Magna Twin 2200 / 2600; & Tennant 3240 & 3260 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-MagTwin) 7949 GK-MagTwin 15.00 GKMagTwin Magna Twin 2200 / 2600; & Tennant 3240 & 3260 Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 181.79 73.95 237.76 Magna Twin 2200 / 2600; & Tennant 3240 & 3260 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-MagTwin, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7950 SOP Green Klean Minuteman MPV #C37115-14 & 18 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-MPV14) 7950 GK-MPV14 9.00 GKMPV14 Minuteman MPV C37115-14 & 18 Replacement Vacuum Bags
Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
Replacement Vacuum Bags for Minuteman MPV Upright Vacuum C37115-14 & 18, 10/10 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
SOP Green Klean 88.43 51.40 117.69 GK-0-17.JPG Minuteman MPV Upright Vacuum C37115-14 & 18 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-MPV14, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7951 SOP Green Klean N.A.C.E. & Numatic Henry and James Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-NVM1C) 7951 GK-NVM1C 13.00 GKNVM1C N.A.C.E. & Numatic Henry and James Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 116.75 64.50 159.90 GK-0-23.JPG N.A.C.E. & Numatic Henry and James Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-NVM1C, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7952 SOP Green Klean Nacecare BackPack RSV130 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-NVM 1C) 7952 GK-NVM 1C 13.00 GKNVM 1C Nacecare BackPack RSV130 Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 116.75 64.50 157.08 GK-0-23.JPG Nacecare BackPack RSV130 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-NVM1C, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7953 SOP Green Klean Nacecare Charles & George Bag Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-NVM2B/2) 7953 GK-NVM2B/2 14.00 GKNVM2B/2 Nacecare Charles & George Bag Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 100.00 65.00 129.03 GK-0-24.JPG Nacecare Charles & George Bag Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-NVM2B/2, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7954 SOP Green Klean Nilfisk Backuum, XP Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-AdBacPak) 7954 GK-AdBacPak 12.00 GKAdBacPak Nilfisk Backuum and XP Replacement Vacuum Bags (includes 2 filters /10 pack/ 20 per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 136.81 70.25 179.56 GK-0-1.JPG Nilfisk Backuum, XP Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-AdBacPak, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7957 SOP Green Klean Nilfisk CarpTwin 16XP & 20XP Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-CarpTwn16) 7957 GK-CarpTwn16 8.00 GKCarpTwn16 Nilfisk CarpTwin 16XP & 20XP Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 160.41 80.20 211.02 GK-0-4.JPG Nilfisk CarpTwin 16XP & 20XP Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-CarpTwn16, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7958 SOP Green Klean Nilfisk Whirlamatic VS20 Burnisher Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Whirl) 7958 GK-Whirl 9.00 GKWhirl Nilfisk Whirlamatic VS20 Burnisher Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 153.33 81.75 199.62 GK-0-5.JPG Nilfisk Whirlamatic VS20 Burnisher Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-Whirl, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7959 SOP Green Klean NSS M1 PIG Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-M1Pig) 7959 GK-M1Pig 12.00 GKM1Pig NSS M1 PIG Replacement Vacuum Bags (12/3 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 107.31 63.50 144.72 GK-0-19.JPG NSS M1 PIG Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-M1Pig, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7960 SOP Green Klean NSS Marshall 14/18 Bandit and Pacer 214/218 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Mar14) 7960 GK-Mar14 9.00 GKMar14 NSS Marshall 14/18 Bandit and Pacer 214/218 Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 91.97 56.20 123.35 GK-0-18.JPG NSS Marshall 14/18 Bandit and Pacer 214/218 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-Mar14, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7961 SOP Green Klean NSS Outlaw Backpack Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Q-Vac) 7961 GK-Q-Vac 8.00 GKQ-Vac NSS Outlaw Backpack Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 96.72 57.90 131.05 GK-0-22.JPG NSS Outlaw Backpack Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-Q-Vac, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7962 SOP Green Klean NSS Pacer 12 & 15 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-CV30) 7962 GK-CV30 10.00 GKCV30 NSS Pacer 12 & 15 Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 112.03 69.15 148.06 GK-0-20.JPG NSS Pacer 12 & 15 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-CV30, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7963 SOP Green Klean Pacer 30 Wide Area Vac Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Pacer30) 7963 GK-Pacer30 18.00 GKPacer30 Pacer 30 Wide Area Vac Replacement Vacuum Bags (12/3 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 109.67 65.15 145.47 GK-0-21.JPG Pacer 30 Wide Area Vac Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-Pacer30, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7964 SOP Green Klean Panasonic U (All MC/MCV51-73 Models) Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-PanU-M) 7964 GK-PanU-M 4.00 GKPanU-M Panasonic U (All MC/MCV51-73 Models) Replacement Vacuum Bags (12/3 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 26.24 15.25 35.86 GK-0-25.JPG Panasonic U (All MC/MCV51-73 Models) Replacement vacuum bags, GK-PanU-M, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7965 SOP Green Klean Panasonic U Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-PanU) 7965 GK-PanU 8.00 GKPanU Panasonic U Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 69.55 37.00 93.08 GK-0-25.JPG Panasonic U Replacement vacuum bags, GK-PanU, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7966 SOP Green Klean Perfect Vac 10 qt. Vacuum Bags, 100 Bags (GK-S-Coach-PerfectVac) 7966 GK-S-Coach-PerfectVac 13.00 GKS-Coach Replacement 10 qt Vacuum Bags
Perfect Vac 10 qt replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, the Perfect Vac 10 qt Replacement Vacuum Bags are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Offering a combination of high quality results, low, economical costs, and exceptional filtration, allows for cleaner air, less dusting, and a longer secondary filter life, all at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean Perfect Vac Model No. PB1001 Back Pack Vacuum Bags, 10 Bags per Pack, 10 Packs, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. SOP Green Klean 125.01 64.00 169.59 GK-0-26.JPG replacement vacuum bags, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters, GK-S-COACH-PerfectVac, GK-S-COACH Perfect Vac, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 13 238
7967 SOP Green Klean Powr-Flite PF70EC Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-F&G-10) 7967 GK-F/G-10 10.00 GKF/G-10 Powr-Flite PF70EC Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 77.45 45.50 103.06 GK-0-10.JPG Powr-Flite PF70EC Replacement vacuum bags, GK-F&G-10, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7968 SOP Green Klean Powr-Flite PF70EC Vacuum Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-F&G) 7968 GK-F/G 4.00 GKF/G Powr-Flite PF70EC Vacuum Replacement Vacuum Bags (12/3 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 32.99 16.05 43.84 GK-0-10.JPG Powr-Flite PF70EC Vacuum Replacement vacuum bags, GK-F&G, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7971 SOP Green Klean Pro Team - Quarter Vac, Alpine, ProVac, QuietPro-BP Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Q-Vac) 7971 GK-Q-Vac 8.00 GKQ-Vac Pro Team - Quarter Vac, Alpine, ProVac, QuietPro-BP Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 96.72 57.90 128.23 GK-0-22.JPG Pro Team - Quarter Vac, Alpine, ProVac, QuietPro-BP Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-Q-Vac, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7972 SOP Green Klean Pro Team - Mega Vac 10 qt. Vacuum Bags, 100 Bags (GK-S-Coach-ProTeam) 7972 GK-S-Coach-ProTeam 13.00 GKS-Coach Replacement 10 qt Vacuum Bags
Designed for a wide variety of Super Coach Vacuums, and made specifically for commercial use, the Pro Team 10 qt Replacement Vacuum Bags are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits, and uses the highest quality Micro-Plus filters including Melt-Blown inner liners. Due to this Pro Team 10 qt replacement vacuum bags are able to achieve filtration efficiencies of up to 99.9%. These quality replacement bags provide a collection of quality features, as they deliver high quality results, low, economical costs, and exceptional filtration. This allows for cleaner air, less dusting, and a longer secondary filter life, all at considerable savings.
SOP Green Klean Pro Team - Mega Vac 10 qt Back Pack Vacuum Bags, 10 Bags per Pack, 10 Packs, 100 Total Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. SOP Green Klean 125.01 64.00 163.69 GK-0-26.JPG replacement vacuum bags, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters, GKSCoachProTeam, GK-S-Coach-ProTeam, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 13 238
7973 SOP Green Klean Pro Team Everest Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-EvRest) 7973 GK-EvRest 13.00 GKEvRest Pro Team Everest Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 112.03 57.95 152.86 GK-0-29.JPG Pro Team Everest Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-EvRest, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7974 SOP Green Klean Pro Team Original Lil Hummer Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-LilHum) 7974 GK-LilHum 7.00 GKLilHum Pro Team Original Lil Hummer Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 101.41 52.50 136.23 GK-0-70.JPG Pro Team Original Lil Hummer Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-LilHum, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7975 SOP Green Klean Pro Team ProLux & ProForce Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-ELU-10) 7975 GK-ELU-10 8.00 GKELU-10 Pro Team ProLux & ProForce Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 84.89 44.90 113.88 GK-0-27.JPG Pro Team ProLux & ProForce Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-ELU-10, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7976 SOP Green Klean Pro Team Sierra & Lil Hummer II Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Sierra) 7976 GK-Sierra 12.00 GKSierra Pro Team Sierra & Lil Hummer II Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 147.13 59.85 197.78 GK-0-28.JPG Pro Team Sierra & Lil Hummer II Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-Sierra, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7977 SOP Green Klean ProClean, QuietPro-CN, Sequoia, & RunningVac Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-ProCln) 7977 GK-ProCln 12.00 GKProCln ProClean, QuietPro-CN, Sequoia, & RunningVac Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 127.37 64.15 172.10 GK-0-30.JPG ProClean, QuietPro-CN, Sequoia, & RunningVac Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-ProCln, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7978 SOP Green Klean Raven 10 qt. Vacuum Bags, 100 Bags (GK-S-Coach-Raven) 7978 GK-S-Coach-Raven 13.00 GKS Coach Replacement 10 qt Vacuum Bags
Designed for multiple vacuums, Raven 10 qt Replacement Vacuum Bags provide unmatched versatility. Using the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner, these replacement vacuum bags are able to achieve filtration efficiencies of up to 99.9%. Each bag is printed to easily identify the multiple vacuum it fits. Made specifically for commercial use, Raven 10 qt Replacement Vacuum Bags are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Offering a combination of high quality results, low, economical costs, and exceptional filtration, allows for cleaner air, less dusting, and a longer secondary filter life, all at considerable savings.
SOP Green Klean Raven 10 qt Back Pack Vacuum Bags, 10 Bags per Pack, 10 Packs, 100 Total Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. SOP Green Klean 157.33 64.00 212.64 GK-0-26.JPG replacement vacuum bags, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters, GKSCoachRaven, GK-S-Coach-Raven, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 13 238
7980 SOP Green Klean Royal B bag; High Filtration Micron Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-RoyB) 7980 GK-RoyB 14.00 GKRoyB Royal B bag; High Filtration Micron Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 89.61 56.00 119.74 GK-0-31.JPG Royal B bag; High Filtration Micron Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-RoyB, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7981 SOP Green Klean Sandia 6 Series Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Q-Vac) 7981 GK-Q-Vac 8.00 GKQ-Vac Sandia 6 Series Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 96.72 57.90 126.34 GK-0-22.JPG Sandia 6 Series Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-Q-Vac, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7982 SOP Green Klean Sanitaire DuraLux SC9120 - SC9150 & SC9180 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-EurSD) 7982 GK-EurSD 9.00 GKEurSD Sanitaire DuraLux SC9120 - SC9150 & SC9180 Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 125.26 50.95 169.89 GK-0-14.JPG Sanitaire DuraLux SC9120 - SC9150 & SC9180 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-EurSD, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7983 SOP Green Klean Sanitaire Full Zipper Replacement Cloth Vacuum Bag , use with F&G only (GK-SaniCloth) 7983 GK-SaniCloth 23.00 GKSaniCloth Sanitaire Full Zipper Replacement Cloth Vacuum Bag , use with F&G paper bag only (25 filters/case). This vacuum bag replaces the OEM red cloth bag that only uses the paper F&G inner bag. The cloth bag provides extra filtration when used with the F&G paper bag. Price per Package.
SOP Green Klean 338.02 137.50 447.46 GK-0-1627.JPG Sanitaire Full Zipper Replacement Cloth Vacuum Bag , use with F&G only, GK-SaniCloth, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7985 SOP Green Klean Taski bora / Baby Bora Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Bora) 7985 GK-Bora 15.00 GKBora Taski bora / Baby Bora Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 129.07 52.50 170.61 GK-0-71.JPG Taski bora / Baby Bora Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-Bora, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 0 0 0 13 238
7987 SOP Green Klean Tennant / Nobles Portapac & Models 3050, 3000 & 3040 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Ten-BacPK) 7987 GK-Ten-BacPK 16.00 GKTen-BacPK Tennant / Nobles Portapac & Models 3050, 3000 & 3040 Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 154.76 62.95 209.52 GK-0-33.JPG Tennant / Nobles Portapac & Models 3050, 3000 & 3040 Replacement vacuum bags, GK-Ten-BacPK, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7988 SOP Green Klean Tennant 3110/3120 & Nobles Ultra Glide Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-UltGld) 7988 GK-UltGld 8.00 GKUltGld Tennant 3110/3120 & Nobles Ultra Glide Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 149.59 60.85 200.08 Tennant 3110/3120 & Nobles Ultra Glide Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-UltGld, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7989 SOP Green Klean Tennant Replacement Scrubber Filter for 5680/5700 (GK-T370) 7989 GK-T370 11.00 GKT370 Tennant Replacement Scrubber Filter for 5680/5700 (36 filters/case). Replacement scrubber filter designed for exact fit and performance as the OEM, at a considerable savings.
SOP Green Klean 365.30 148.60 494.56 Tennant replacement scrubber filter for 5680/5700, GK-T370, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7990 SOP Green Klean Tennant Replacement Scrubber Filter for 7300 & Nobles EZ Rider (GK-T103) 7990 GK-T103 10.00 GKT103 Tennant Replacement Scrubber Filter for 7300 & Nobles EZ Rider (20 filters/case). Replacement scrubber filter designed for exact fit and performance as the OEM, at a considerable savings.
SOP Green Klean 192.27 98.55 250.98 Tennant replacement scrubber filter for 7300 & Nobles EZ Rider, GK-T103, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7991 SOP Green Klean Tennant/Nobles LiteTrac, Viper & Whirlwind Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-LitTrac) 7991 GK-LitTrac 11.00 GKLitTrac Tennant/Nobles LiteTrac, Viper & Whirlwind Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 120.29 62.25 156.83 GK-0-32.JPG Tennant/Nobles LiteTrac, Viper & Whirlwind Replacement vacuum bags, GK-LitTrac, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7992 SOP Green Klean Tennant/Nobles Tidy-Vac Canister & Tennant Model 3400 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-TidVac) 7992 GK-TidVac 15.00 GKTidVac Tennant/Nobles Tidy-Vac Canister & Tennant Model 3400 Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 112.03 57.95 152.70 GK-0-36.JPG Tennant/Nobles Tidy-Vac Canister & Tennant Model 3400 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-TidVac, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7993 SOP Green Klean Tennant/Nobles TrailBlazer & TrailBlazer Lite Backpacks Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Q-Vac) 7993 GK-Q-Vac 8.00 GKQ-Vac Tennant/Nobles TrailBlazer & TrailBlazer Lite Backpacks Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 96.72 57.90 127.19 GK-0-22.JPG Tennant/Nobles TrailBlazer & TrailBlazer Lite Backpacks Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-Q-Vac, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7995 SOP Green Klean Tornado CV30 & CV38 - Breeze Pillow bag Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-ClBreez) 7995 GK-ClBreez 11.00 GKClBreez Tornado CV30 & CV38 - Breeze Pillow Bag Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 245.22 99.75 318.62 GK-0-39.JPG Tornado CV30 & CV38 - Breeze Pillow bag Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-ClBreez, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7997 SOP Green Klean Tornado CW50 & CW100 Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Mar14) 7997 GK-Mar14 9.00 GKMar14 Tornado CW50 & CW100 Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 91.97 56.20 125.32 GK-0-18.JPG Tornado CW50 & CW100 Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-Mar14, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7998 SOP Green Klean Tornado Piranha & PV6 Pak Vac 6 QT Back Pack Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-300BP) 7998 GK-300BP 13.00 GK300BP Tornado Piranha & PV6 Pak Vac 6 QT Back Pack Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 81.35 50.45 111.15 GK-0-15.JPG Tornado Piranha & PV6 Pak Vac 6 QT Back Pack Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-300BP, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
7999 SOP Green Klean Windsor 6 QT Back Pack Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-VP6) 7999 GK-VP6 9.00 GKVP6 Windsor 6 QT Back Pack Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 113.21 58.25 147.60 GK-0-42.JPG Windsor 6 QT Back Pack Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-VP6, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8000 SOP Green Klean Windsor 10 qt. Vacuum Bags, 100 Bags (GK-S-Coach-Windsor) 8000 GK-S-Coach-Windsor 13.00 GKS-Coach Replacement 10 qt Vacuum Bags
Windsor 10 qt replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed for the Model No. 68005 vacuum, and made specifically for commercial use, the Windsor 10 qt Replacement Vacuum Bags are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Offering a combination of high quality results, low, economical costs, and exceptional filtration, allows for cleaner air, less dusting, and a longer secondary filter life, all at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean Windsor Model No. 68005 Back Pack 10 qt Vacuum Bags, 10 Bags per Pack, 10 Packs, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. SOP Green Klean 125.01 64.00 167.37 GK-0-26.JPG replacement vacuum bags, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, GKSCoachWindsor, GK-S-Coach-Windsor, 1 1 0 0 13 238
8001 SOP Green Klean Windsor NuWave, Wave & Ivacuum Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Wave) 8001 GK-Wave 32.00 GKWave Windsor NuWave, Wave & Ivacuum Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 187.55 97.65 250.25 GK-0-43.JPG Windsor NuWave, Wave & Ivacuum Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-Wave, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8002 SOP Green Klean Windsor Replacement Sensor Replacement Exhaust Filter Fits XP12, SR12 SR15, SR18 & XP15 (GK-5143) 8002 GK-5143 1.00 GK5143 Windsor Replacement Sensor Replacement Exhaust Filter Fits XP12, SR12 SR15, SR18 & XP15 (50 filters per case). Designed for exact fit and performance as the OEM, at a considerable savings.
SOP Green Klean 56.57 22.00 74.84 GK-0-49.JPG Windsor Replacement Sensor Replacement Exhaust Filter Fits XP12, SR12 SR15, SR18 & XP15, GK-5143, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8003 SOP Green Klean Windsor Triple Layer Replacement Vacuum Bags, 100 Bags (GK-5300) 8003 GK-5300 10.00 GK5300 Sensor / Versamatic Plus Replacement Vacuum Bags
Windsor Triple Layer Replacement Bags achieve high quality filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Simply put, more efficient filtration allows for cleaner air, less dusting, and a longer secondary filter life, all at considerable savings. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. These high quality replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter available, including Melt-Blown inner liner. Windsor Triple Layer Replacement Bags come in 10, 10 packs per case, and each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean Windsor Sensor / Versamatic Plus Triple Layer Vacuum Bags, 10 Bags per Pack, 10 Packs per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. SOP Green Klean 98.66 75.25 131.21 GK-0-40.JPG vacuum bags, replacement vacuum bags, replacement filters, replacement vacuum filters, GK-5300, GK5300, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8004 SOP Green Klean Windsor Sensor Replacement Exaust Filter Fits S12 & S15 (GK-2846) 8004 GK-2846 2.00 GK2846 Windsor Sensor Replacement Exaust Filter Fits S12 & S15 (25 filters per case). Designed for exact fit and performance as the OEM, at a considerable savings.
SOP Green Klean 40.05 20.10 53.42 GK-0-47.JPG Windsor Sensor Replacement Exaust Filter Fits S12 & S15, GK-2846, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8005 SOP Green Klean Windsor Sensor Replacement Micro Filters, 25 Filters (GK-5301ER) 8005 GK-5301ER 6.00 GK5301ER Sensor Replacement Micro Filters
Windsor Sensor Replacement Micro Filter are designed for the same exact fit and performance as the original equipment manufacturer, all at a considerable savings. These mirco filter are seen as the best available, as they achieve highly efficient filtration, which allows for less dusting, cleaner air, and above all else, a longer secondary filter life and lower cost. Coming in cases of 25 filters, the Windsor Sensor Micro Replacement Filters are an easy solution to ensuring the continued quality and performance of your vacuum.
SOP Green Klean Windsor Sensor Replacement Micro Filters, 25 Filters per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. SOP Green Klean 240.65 136.60 320.49 GK-0-44.JPG windsor vacuum bags, GK-5301ER, GK5301ER, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8006 SOP Green Klean Windsor Versamatic Triple Layer Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-2003) 8006 GK-2003 12.00 GK2003 Windsor Versamatic Triple Layer Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 140.13 57.00 182.79 GK-0-41.JPG Windsor Versamatic Triple Layer Replacement Vacuum bags, GK-2003, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8007 SOP Green Klean Windsor Versamatic PLUS Replacement Motor Filter (GK-1825) 8007 GK-1825 2.00 GK1825 Windsor Versamatic PLUS Replacement Motor Filter (25 filters per case). designed for exact fit and performance as the OEM, at a considerable savings.
SOP Green Klean 53.03 28.10 72.51 GK-0-48.JPG Windsor Versamatic PLUS Replacement Motor Filter, GK-1825, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8008 SOP Green Klean Windsor Versamatic Replacement Exhaust Filter Fits VS 14 &18 & VSE 1-3 (GK-1534) 8008 GK-1534 8.00 GK1534 Windsor Versamatic Replacement Exhaust Filter Fits VS 14 &18 & VSE 1-3 (50 filters per case). Designed for exact fit and performance as the OEM, at a considerable savings.
SOP Green Klean 77.81 39.25 105.75 GK-0-46.JPG Windsor Versamatic Replacement Exhaust Filter Fits VS 14 &18 & VSE 1-3, GK-1534, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8009 SOP Green Klean Windsor Versamatic Replacement Motor Filter Fits VS 14 &18 & VSE 1-3 (GK-1044) 8009 GK-1044 3.00 GK1044 Windsor Versamatic Replacement Motor filter fits VS 14 & 18 & VSE 1-3 (50 filters per case). Designed for exact fit and performance as the OEM, at a considerable savings. SOP Green Klean 55.39 28.85 72.67 GK-0-45.JPG Windsor Versamatic Replacement Motor Filter Fits VS 14 &18 & VSE 1-3, GK-1044, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8010 Lagasse Clorox Germicidal Wipes (CLO 35309) 8010 CLO 35309 13.00 35309 Clorox Germicidal Wipes
6 Canisters of 70 Wipes per case
Made with Clorox bleach. EPA registered to kill 36 pathogens, many in one minute or less. Six times shorter contact times than a leading quat wipe.
Clorox Professional 63.94 48.77 85.45 CLO35309.jpg 1 1 0 0 1 22
8011 SOP Green Klean Tornado CV30 & CV38 H11 Hepa Bag Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Breez HEPA) 8011 GK-Breez HEPA 11.00 GKBreez HEPA Tornado CV30 & CV38 H11 Hepa bag Replacement Vacuum bags (10/10 packs per case). Green Klean Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 182.83 102.95 247.75 GK-BreezHEPA.jpg tornado CV30 & CV38 H11 hepa bag replacement vacuum bags, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8012 SOP Green Klean Riccar 8000 Series Upright Model Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Ric80) 8012 GK-Ric80 12.00 GKRic80 Riccar 8000 Series Upright Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Green Klean Replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 118.61 48.25 156.02 GK-Ric80.jpg riccar 8000 series upright model replacement vacuum bags, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8013 SOP Green Klean Riccar 4000 & 2000 Series Upright Model Replacement Vacuum Bags (GK-Ric40/20) 8013 GK-Ric40/20 10.00 GKRic40/20 Riccar 4000 & 2000 Series Upright Replacement Vacuum Bags (10/10 packs per case). Green Klean replacement vacuum bags use the highest quality Micro-Plus filter media including Melt-Blown inner liner in order to achieve filtration efficiencies up to 99.9%. Designed specifically for commercial use, they are always equal to, or exceed OEM quality. Better filtration means cleaner air, less dusting, longer secondary filter life, at considerable savings. Each bag is printed to easily identify the vacuum it fits.
SOP Green Klean 65.38 42.50 84.43 GK-Ric4020.jpg riccar 4000 & 2000 series upright model replacement vacuum bags, vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum bags, replacement filters, vacuum filters 1 1 0 0 13 238
8016 Lagasse Konie 4.5-oz. Paper Cone Cups, 5,000 Cups (KCI 4.5KR) 8016 KCI 4.5KR 24.91 4.5KR Paper Cone Cups
The perfect complement to any water cooler, Konie Paper Cone Cups are the ideal choice for those looking to provide an easy, accessible and hygienic way to hydrate. The angled cone cup is specifically designed for both easy stacking and stocking. These cone shaped cups cannot be put down and left behind, making it necessary to dispose of after drinking. This helps to keep your environment more sanitary. The tight-seal seam prevents leaks, while the one-at-a-time dispensing cuts down on waste. Keep a stack of Konie Paper Cone Cups handy at your water cooler for employees and customers. Stock up today!
Konie Rolled Rim Paper Cone Cup, 4.5-oz. Cup, 200 per Sleeve, 25 Sleeves, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Konie 50.14 38.24 66.56 SCC42R.JPG conical cups, konie cups, konie cone cups, water cooler cone cups, paper cone cups, cone cups, watercooler cups, water cooler cups, 4.5 oz cone cups 1 1 0 0 1 207
8017 Lagasse Conform Premium Latex Gloves, 100 Gloves per Box, Small Size (ANS69210S) 8017 ANS 69210S 1.65 69210S Conform Premium Latex Small Powdered Gloves
Provides the highest degree of dexterity available with the strength and comfort of 100% natural rubber latex. For laboratory analysis/technical work, intricate parts handling, food processing and handling, quality control, electronics assembly, light-duty maintenance and cleanup. Fits either hand. White, nonsterile. 5 mils thick. Powdered.
Conform Disposable Latex Powdered Small Gloves, 100 per Box
Ansell 9.66 7.37 12.79 ANS69210M.JPG Conform Premium Latex Gloves, 100 Gloves per Dispenser, Small Size ANS 69210S, ANS69210S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
8019 Lagasse Procter & Gamble Bounty Basic Paper Towels, 12 Rolls (PGC28322) 8019 PGC 28322 4.49 28322 Paper Towel Rolls
These paper towel rolls from Procter & Gamble are the perfect towels for everyday clean-ups. Bounty Basic one-ply paper towels are super absorbent to clean up spills fast with just one sheet. Never again will you have to use half the roll to clean up a spill! More durable than the leading bargain brand, Bounty Basic is the leader in the value towels category. The Bounty name has been synonymous with strength and absorbency for many years, so you can trust Bounty Basic to tackle the smallest spills or the biggest messes anywhere in your home without falling apart. The ideal pairing of performance and value, Bounty Basic Paper Towels should be a staple in every home.
Procter & Gamble Bounty Basic Paper Towels, 12 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 13.51 10.25 17.57 Bounty Basic, PGC 28322, PGC28322, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
8023 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care 3-in-1 Leather Care 10 oz Pump (LEXOL-1071/10 oz) 8023 LEXOL-1071/10 oz 5.00 LEX1071/10 oz New Lexol Auto Care Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care cleans, conditions & Protects. Use Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care regularly to keep your leather looking and performing its best. Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care is specifically formulated to maintain the beauty and durability of your car's leather, keeping it rich, soft and supple. Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care is the do-it-yourself solution for professional grade results. Ultra gentle cleaners lift dirt off the surface. Naturally enriched conditioners penetrate below the surface for a rich and supple feel. Specially formulated oils bond to leather fibers to protect longevity by maintaining strength and durability. Designed For Convenient One Step Cleaning, Conditioning and Protecting.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 53.35 29.34 69.61 LEX-1071 10oz-Leather-Care-bottle-.jpg Lexol Auto Care 3-in-1 Leather Care 10 oz Pump, LEX-1071/10oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8024 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care 3-in-1 Leather Care 100 ct Packette (LEXOL-1080/100 ct) 8024 LEXOL-1080/100 ct 4.50 LEX1080/100 ct New Lexol Auto Care Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care cleans, conditions & Protects. Use Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care regularly to keep your leather looking and performing its best. Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care is specifically formulated to maintain the beauty and durability of your car's leather, keeping it rich, soft and supple. Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care is the do-it-yourself solution for professional grade results. Ultra gentle cleaners lift dirt off the surface. Naturally enriched conditioners penetrate below the surface for a rich and supple feel. Specially formulated oils bond to leather fibers to protect longevity by maintaining strength and durability. Designed For Convenient One Step Cleaning, Conditioning and Protecting.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 64.00 35.20 82.53 LEX-1080 3-in-1 Leather Single Towellette.jpg Lexol Auto Care 3-in-1 Leather Care 100 ct Packette, LEX-1080/100ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8025 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care 3-in-1 Leather Care 16 oz Spray Bottle (LEXOL-1072/16 oz) 8025 LEXOL-1072/16 oz 8.10 LEX1072/16 oz New Lexol Auto Care Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care cleans, conditions & Protects. Use Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care regularly to keep your leather looking and performing its best. Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care is specifically formulated to maintain the beauty and durability of your car's leather, keeping it rich, soft and supple. Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care is the do-it-yourself solution for professional grade results. Ultra gentle cleaners lift dirt off the surface. Naturally enriched conditioners penetrate below the surface for a rich and supple feel. Specially formulated oils bond to leather fibers to protect longevity by maintaining strength and durability. Designed For Convenient One Step Cleaning, Conditioning and Protecting.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 68.40 37.62 88.05 LEX-1072 Lexol 3 in 1 16 oz bottle.jpg Lexol Auto Care 3-in-1 Leather Care 16 oz Spray Bottle, LEX-1072/16oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8026 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care 3-in-1 Leather Care 25 ct Canister (LEXOL-1074/25 ct) 8026 LEXOL-1074/25 ct 4.50 LEX1074/25 ct New Lexol Auto Care Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care cleans, conditions & Protects. Use Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care regularly to keep your leather looking and performing its best. Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care is specifically formulated to maintain the beauty and durability of your car's leather, keeping it rich, soft and supple. Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care is the do-it-yourself solution for professional grade results. Ultra gentle cleaners lift dirt off the surface. Naturally enriched conditioners penetrate below the surface for a rich and supple feel. Specially formulated oils bond to leather fibers to protect longevity by maintaining strength and durability. Designed For Convenient One Step Cleaning, Conditioning and Protecting.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 53.02 29.16 68.35 LEX-1074 Lexol 3-in-1 Quick Wipes.JPG Lexol Auto Care 3-in-1 Leather Care 25 ct Canister, LEX-1074/25ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8027 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care 3-in-1 Leather Care 6 pk Box (LEXOL-1075/6 pk) 8027 LEXOL-1075/6 pk 3.50 LEX1075/6 pk New Lexol Auto Care Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care cleans, conditions & Protects. Use Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care regularly to keep your leather looking and performing its best. Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care is specifically formulated to maintain the beauty and durability of your car's leather, keeping it rich, soft and supple. Lexol Premium 3-in-1 Leather Care is the do-it-yourself solution for professional grade results. Ultra gentle cleaners lift dirt off the surface. Naturally enriched conditioners penetrate below the surface for a rich and supple feel. Specially formulated oils bond to leather fibers to protect longevity by maintaining strength and durability. Designed For Convenient One Step Cleaning, Conditioning and Protecting.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 49.96 27.48 64.81 LEX-1075 Lexol 3-in-1 6 Pk Towelettes.JPG Lexol Auto Care 3-in-1 Leather Care 6 pk Box, LEX-1075/6pk, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8028 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant 10 oz Pump (LEXOL-1055/10 oz) 8028 LEXOL-1055/10 oz 5.00 LEX1055/10 oz New Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant for Vinyl, Rubber & Plastic. Use Lexol Premium Protectant regularly to protect Dashboards, Vinyl Seats, Vinyl Door Panels & Consoles, Rubber Trim and Tires. Lexol Premium Protectant is a professional-grade formula that gives your vinyl, rubber and plastic the special attention that they deserve. Dual silicon action penetrates below the surface layer to nourish & revitalize. Superior protection with DH-60 UV sunscreen which blocks harmful ultra-violet rays to prevent fading, discoloration and premature aging. Our Professional grade long lasting formula brings out the original lustrous finish and helps prevent cracking. A superior protectant formulated to maintain and protect all vinyl and plastic in or on your car longer than the competition. Protects from the elements.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 53.35 29.34 70.42 LEX-1055 10oz-Protectant-bottle.jpg Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant 10 oz Pump, LEX-1055/10oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8029 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant 100 ct Packette (LEXOL-1077/100 ct) 8029 LEXOL-1077/100 ct 4.50 LEX1077/100 ct New Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant for Vinyl, Rubber & Plastic. Use Lexol Premium Protectant regularly to protect Dashboards, Vinyl Seats, Vinyl Door Panels & Consoles, Rubber Trim and Tires. Lexol Premium Protectant is a professional-grade formula that gives your vinyl, rubber and plastic the special attention that they deserve. Dual silicon action penetrates below the surface layer to nourish & revitalize. Superior protection with DH-60 UV sunscreen which blocks harmful ultra-violet rays to prevent fading, discoloration and premature aging. Our Professional grade long lasting formula brings out the original lustrous finish and helps prevent cracking. A superior protectant formulated to maintain and protect all vinyl and plastic in or on your car longer than the competition. Protects from the elements.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 64.00 35.20 83.38 LEX-1077 Protectant Single Towellette.jpg Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant 100 ct Packette, LEX-1077/100ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8030 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant 16 oz Spray Bottle (LEXOL-1056/16 oz) 8030 LEXOL-1056/16 oz 8.10 LEX1056/16 oz New Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant for Vinyl, Rubber & Plastic. Use Lexol Premium Protectant regularly to protect Dashboards, Vinyl Seats, Vinyl Door Panels & Consoles, Rubber Trim and Tires. Lexol Premium Protectant is a professional-grade formula that gives your vinyl, rubber and plastic the special attention that they deserve. Dual silicon action penetrates below the surface layer to nourish & revitalize. Superior protection with DH-60 UV sunscreen which blocks harmful ultra-violet rays to prevent fading, discoloration and premature aging. Our Professional grade long lasting formula brings out the original lustrous finish and helps prevent cracking. A superior protectant formulated to maintain and protect all vinyl and plastic in or on your car longer than the competition. Protects from the elements.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 68.40 37.62 90.55 LEX-1056 Lexol Premium Protectant 16 oz bottle.jpg Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant 16 oz Spray Bottle, LEX-1056/16oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8031 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant 25 ct Caniser (LEXOL-1058/25 ct) 8031 LEXOL-1058/25 ct 4.50 LEX1058/25 ct New Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant for Vinyl, Rubber & Plastic. Use Lexol Premium Protectant regularly to protect Dashboards, Vinyl Seats, Vinyl Door Panels & Consoles, Rubber Trim and Tires. Lexol Premium Protectant is a professional-grade formula that gives your vinyl, rubber and plastic the special attention that they deserve. Dual silicon action penetrates below the surface layer to nourish & revitalize. Superior protection with DH-60 UV sunscreen which blocks harmful ultra-violet rays to prevent fading, discoloration and premature aging. Our Professional grade long lasting formula brings out the original lustrous finish and helps prevent cracking. A superior protectant formulated to maintain and protect all vinyl and plastic in or on your car longer than the competition. Protects from the elements.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 53.02 29.16 68.05 LEX-1058 25ct-Protectant-wipes-bottle.jpg Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant 25 ct Caniser, LEX-1058/25ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8032 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant 4 oz Pump (LEXOL-1054/4 oz) 8032 LEXOL-1054/4 oz 5.50 LEX1054/4 oz New Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant for Vinyl, Rubber & Plastic. Use Lexol Premium Protectant regularly to protect Dashboards, Vinyl Seats, Vinyl Door Panels & Consoles, Rubber Trim and Tires. Lexol Premium Protectant is a professional-grade formula that gives your vinyl, rubber and plastic the special attention that they deserve. Dual silicon action penetrates below the surface layer to nourish & revitalize. Superior protection with DH-60 UV sunscreen which blocks harmful ultra-violet rays to prevent fading, discoloration and premature aging. Our Professional grade long lasting formula brings out the original lustrous finish and helps prevent cracking. A superior protectant formulated to maintain and protect all vinyl and plastic in or on your car longer than the competition. Protects from the elements.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 70.47 38.76 90.90 LEX-1054 Lexol-Premium-Protectant-4-oz.jpg Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant 4 oz Pump, LEX-1054/4oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8033 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant 6 pk Box (LEXOL-1059/6 pk) 8033 LEXOL-1059/6 pk 3.50 LEX1059/6 pk New Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant for Vinyl, Rubber & Plastic. Use Lexol Premium Protectant regularly to protect Dashboards, Vinyl Seats, Vinyl Door Panels & Consoles, Rubber Trim and Tires. Lexol Premium Protectant is a professional-grade formula that gives your vinyl, rubber and plastic the special attention that they deserve. Dual silicon action penetrates below the surface layer to nourish & revitalize. Superior protection with DH-60 UV sunscreen which blocks harmful ultra-violet rays to prevent fading, discoloration and premature aging. Our Professional grade long lasting formula brings out the original lustrous finish and helps prevent cracking. A superior protectant formulated to maintain and protect all vinyl and plastic in or on your car longer than the competition. Protects from the elements.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 49.96 27.48 65.61 LEX-1059 Protectant Sachette.jpg Lexol Auto Care Premium Protectant 6 pk Box, LEX-1059/6pk, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8034 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care Premium Tire Shine 10 oz Pump (LEXOL-1063/10 oz) 8034 LEXOL-1063/10 oz 5.00 LEX1063/10 oz New Lexol Auto Care Premium Tire Shine. The Ultimate Long Lasting Ultra Wet Ultra Rich Tire Shine. Lexol Premium Tire Shine is specially formulated to deliver a gloss shine while nourishing and protecting your car's tires. It delivers a deep, long - lasting shine and helps prevent cracking. Dual Silicon action nourishes, revitalizes and evenly covers tire surface. Enhanced protectant repels dust build-up and protects tires from UV Damage.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 53.35 29.34 70.71 LEX-1063 10oz-Tire-Shine-bottle.jpg Lexol Auto Care Premium Tire Shine 10 oz Pump, LEX-1063/10oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8035 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care Premium Tire Shine 16 oz Spray Bottle (LEXOL-1064/16 oz) 8035 LEXOL-1064/16 oz 8.10 LEX1064/16 oz New Lexol Auto Care Premium Tire Shine. The Ultimate Long Lasting Ultra Wet Ultra Rich Tire Shine. Lexol Premium Tire Shine is specially formulated to deliver a gloss shine while nourishing and protecting your car's tires. It delivers a deep, long - lasting shine and helps prevent cracking. Dual Silicon action nourishes, revitalizes and evenly covers tire surface. Enhanced protectant repels dust build-up and protects tires from UV Damage.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 68.40 37.62 89.20 LEX-1064 Lexol Tire Shine 16 oz bottle 1064.jpg Lexol Auto Care Premium Tire Shine 16 oz Spray Bottle, LEX-1064/16oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8036 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Auto Care Premium Tire Shine 4 oz Pump (LEXOL-1062/4 oz) 8036 LEXOL-1062/4 oz 5.50 LEX1062/4 oz New Lexol Auto Care Premium Tire Shine. The Ultimate Long Lasting Ultra Wet Ultra Rich Tire Shine. Lexol Premium Tire Shine is specially formulated to deliver a gloss shine while nourishing and protecting your car's tires. It delivers a deep, long - lasting shine and helps prevent cracking. Dual Silicon action nourishes, revitalizes and evenly covers tire surface. Enhanced protectant repels dust build-up and protects tires from UV Damage.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 70.47 38.76 91.00 LEX-1062 Lexol Tire Shine 4 oz bottle.jpg Lexol Auto Care Premium Tire Shine 4 oz Pump, LEX-1062/4oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8037 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Cleaner 1 Liter Bottle (LEXOL-1112/1 Liter) 8037 LEXOL-1112/1 Liter 30.50 LEX1112/1 Liter This convenient 1 liter size is perfect for your small to mid-sized jobs. With an easy-pour opening and convenient carry handle; use just what you need and store the rest for later. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is a blend of selected, non-alkaline cleaning agents designed to clean leather safely and thoroughly without the harshness or potentially damaging effects of saddle soaps, which are alkaline. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is purely a cleaner. It contains no waxes, oils or additives that can interfere with its cleaning action or cause dirt to become trapped in the leather. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is non-alkaline. Its balanced formula falls within the pH range of leather itself, and therefore, is safer for leather. LEXOL pH Leather Cleaner leaves no buildup on the leather even with hard water. Saddle soap; however, forms an insoluble residue in hard water, which may accumulate on the leather¦s surface. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is concentrated, so its cleaning effectiveness is accomplished with a considerably smaller quantity of product. In summary, LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner outperforms saddle soap by safely deep cleaning the leather, freeing it of dirt and accumulated oils, thereby providing an alkaline-free environment ideal for a finishing application of LEXOL Conditioner and Preservative to restore clean, fresh lubrication to the leather.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 178.91 98.40 232.50 LEX-1112 Lexol pH Cleaner 1 liter.JPG Lexol Leather Cleaner 1 Liter Bottle, LEX-1112/1Liter, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8038 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Cleaner 100 ct Packette (LEXOL-1116/100 ct) 8038 LEXOL-1116/100 ct 3.80 LEX1116/100 ct Looking for an easy way to dispense our Lexol products for some of your small to mid-sized jobs? Consider using our NEW flip-cap slender 8 oz squeeze container.LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is a blend of selected, non-alkaline cleaning agents designed to clean leather safely and thoroughly without the harshness or potentially damaging effects of saddle soaps, which are alkaline. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is purely a cleaner. It contains no waxes, oils or additives that can interfere with its cleaning action or cause dirt to become trapped in the leather. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is non-alkaline. Its balanced formula falls within the pH range of leather itself, and therefore, is safer for leather. LEXOL pH Leather Cleaner leaves no buildup on the leather even with hard water. Saddle soap; however, forms an insoluble residue in hard water, which may accumulate on the leather¦s surface. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is concentrated, so its cleaning effectiveness is accomplished with a considerably smaller quantity of product. In summary, LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner outperforms saddle soap by safely deep cleaning the leather, freeing it of dirt and accumulated oils, thereby providing an alkaline-free environment ideal for a finishing application of LEXOL Conditioner and Preservative to restore clean, fresh lubrication to the leather.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 64.00 35.20 82.17 LEX-1116 LEXOL CLEANER SINGLE USE TOWELETTE.JPG Lexol Leather Cleaner 100 ct Packette, LEX-1116/100ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8039 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Cleaner 16.9 oz Spray Bottle (LEXOL-1115/16.9 oz) 8039 LEXOL-1115/16.9 oz 8.30 LEX1115/16.9 oz The convenient, fine-mist spray offers quick and easy application. Spray on clean cloth or our applicator sponge. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is a blend of selected, non-alkaline cleaning agents designed to clean leather safely and thoroughly without the harshness or potentially damaging effects of saddle soaps, which are alkaline. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is purely a cleaner. It contains no waxes, oils or additives that can interfere with its cleaning action or cause dirt to become trapped in the leather. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is non-alkaline. Its balanced formula falls within the pH range of leather itself, and therefore, is safer for leather. LEXOL pH Leather Cleaner leaves no buildup on the leather even with hard water. Saddle soap; however, forms an insoluble residue in hard water, which may accumulate on the leather¦s surface. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is concentrated, so its cleaning effectiveness is accomplished with a considerably smaller quantity of product. In summary, LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner outperforms saddle soap by safely deep cleaning the leather, freeing it of dirt and accumulated oils, thereby providing an alkaline-free environment ideal for a finishing application of LEXOL Conditioner and Preservative to restore clean, fresh lubrication to the leather.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 71.89 38.10 95.15 LEX-1115 Lexol 16.9 oz Cleaner.jpg Lexol Leather Cleaner 16.9 oz Spray Bottle, LEX-1115/16.9oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8040 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Cleaner 25 ct Caniser (LEXOL-1119/25 ct) 8040 LEXOL-1119/25 ct 4.70 LEX1119/25 ct Looking for an easy way to dispense our Lexol products for some of your small to mid-sized jobs? Consider using our NEW flip-cap slender 8 oz squeeze container.LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is a blend of selected, non-alkaline cleaning agents designed to clean leather safely and thoroughly without the harshness or potentially damaging effects of saddle soaps, which are alkaline. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is purely a cleaner. It contains no waxes, oils or additives that can interfere with its cleaning action or cause dirt to become trapped in the leather. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is non-alkaline. Its balanced formula falls within the pH range of leather itself, and therefore, is safer for leather. LEXOL pH Leather Cleaner leaves no buildup on the leather even with hard water. Saddle soap; however, forms an insoluble residue in hard water, which may accumulate on the leather¦s surface. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is concentrated, so its cleaning effectiveness is accomplished with a considerably smaller quantity of product. In summary, LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner outperforms saddle soap by safely deep cleaning the leather, freeing it of dirt and accumulated oils, thereby providing an alkaline-free environment ideal for a finishing application of LEXOL Conditioner and Preservative to restore clean, fresh lubrication to the leather.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 52.91 29.10 69.87 LEX-1119 Quick Wipes Cleaner.jpg Lexol Leather Cleaner 25 ct Caniser, LEX-1119/25ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8041 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Cleaner 3 Liter Bottle (LEXOL-1113/3 Liter) 8041 LEXOL-1113/3 Liter 29.30 LEX1113/3 Liter With an easy-pour opening and convenient carry handle for those big jobs. Also as an economical refill package for the 1/2 liter spray container. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is a blend of selected, non-alkaline cleaning agents designed to clean leather safely and thoroughly without the harshness or potentially damaging effects of saddle soaps, which are alkaline. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is purely a cleaner. It contains no waxes, oils or additives that can interfere with its cleaning action or cause dirt to become trapped in the leather. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is non-alkaline. Its balanced formula falls within the pH range of leather itself, and therefore, is safer for leather. LEXOL pH Leather Cleaner leaves no buildup on the leather even with hard water. Saddle soap; however, forms an insoluble residue in hard water, which may accumulate on the leather¦s surface. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is concentrated, so its cleaning effectiveness is accomplished with a considerably smaller quantity of product. In summary, LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner outperforms saddle soap by safely deep cleaning the leather, freeing it of dirt and accumulated oils, thereby providing an alkaline-free environment ideal for a finishing application of LEXOL Conditioner and Preservative to restore clean, fresh lubrication to the leather.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 96.88 62.88 127.00 LEX-1113 Lexol pH Cleaner 3 liter.JPG Lexol Leather Cleaner 3 Liter Bottle, LEX-1113/3Liter, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8042 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Cleaner 6.76 oz Bottle (LEXOL-1110/6.76 oz) 8042 LEXOL-1110/6.76 oz 6.50 LEX1110/6.76 oz This portable 200 mL container is so easy to use and small enough to carry with you. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is a blend of selected, non-alkaline cleaning agents designed to clean leather safely and thoroughly without the harshness or potentially damaging effects of saddle soaps, which are alkaline. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is purely a cleaner. It contains no waxes, oils or additives that can interfere with its cleaning action or cause dirt to become trapped in the leather. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is non-alkaline. Its balanced formula falls within the pH range of leather itself, and therefore, is safer for leather. LEXOL pH Leather Cleaner leaves no buildup on the leather even with hard water. Saddle soap; however, forms an insoluble residue in hard water, which may accumulate on the leather¦s surface. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is concentrated, so its cleaning effectiveness is accomplished with a considerably smaller quantity of product. In summary, LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner outperforms saddle soap by safely deep cleaning the leather, freeing it of dirt and accumulated oils, thereby providing an alkaline-free environment ideal for a finishing application of LEXOL Conditioner and Preservative to restore clean, fresh lubrication to the leather.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 88.36 48.60 114.84 LEX-1110 Lexol pH Cleaner 200 ml.JPG Lexol Leather Cleaner 6.76 oz Bottle, LEX-1110/6.76oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8043 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Cleaner 8 oz Bottle (LEXOL-1108/8 oz) 8043 LEXOL-1108/8 oz 3.90 LEX1108/8 oz Looking for an easy way to dispense our Lexol products for some of your small to mid-sized jobs? Consider using our NEW flip-cap slender 8 oz squeeze container. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is a blend of selected, non-alkaline cleaning agents designed to clean leather safely and thoroughly without the harshness or potentially damaging effects of saddle soaps, which are alkaline. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is purely a cleaner. It contains no waxes, oils or additives that can interfere with its cleaning action or cause dirt to become trapped in the leather. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is non-alkaline. Its balanced formula falls within the pH range of leather itself, and therefore, is safer for leather. LEXOL pH Leather Cleaner leaves no buildup on the leather even with hard water. Saddle soap; however, forms an insoluble residue in hard water, which may accumulate on the leather¦s surface. LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner is concentrated, so its cleaning effectiveness is accomplished with a considerably smaller quantity of product. In summary, LEXOL-pH Leather Cleaner outperforms saddle soap by safely deep cleaning the leather, freeing it of dirt and accumulated oils, thereby providing an alkaline-free environment ideal for a finishing application of LEXOL Conditioner and Preservative to restore clean, fresh lubrication to the leather.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 45.27 24.90 59.62 LEX-1108 Lexol pH Cleaner 8 oz.jpg Lexol Leather Cleaner 8 oz Bottle, LEX-1108/8oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8044 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Conditioner 1 Liter Bottle (LEXOL-1013/1 Liter) 8044 LEXOL-1013/1 Liter 29.80 LEX1013/1 Liter This convenient 1 liter size is perfect for your small to mid-sized jobs. With an easy-pour opening and convenient carry handle; use just what you need and store the rest for later. LEXOL is a liquid conditioner and preservative intended for use in the care and conservation of leather. Its purpose is to maintain the strength, beauty, utility and flexibility of leather - old and new - and to restore resiliency to old or neglected leather that has become hardened and stiff. Many leather dressings utilize chemical solvents in order to facilitate penetration of oils into the leather. Such solvents can lead to ÷bleeding÷ or migrating onto adjacent materials, causing discoloration or other damage. In addition, such chemical solvents may be flammable, irritating or toxic. LEXOL does not contain any chemical solvents and it achieves several objectives: (1) fiber penetration and nourishment; (2) absorption and retention in the leather; (3) control of migration or seepage. Unlike most organic solvents, LEXOL is nonflammable, odorless, non-toxic and non-sensitizing to the skin. Also, LEXOL does not impart a greasy or tacky feel to the surface of the leather. In summary, LEXOL is readily absorbed into the fibers and provides lasting and effective lubrication without migration while leaving leather feeling soft and smooth.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 148.96 98.40 196.35 LEX-1013 Lexol Conditioner 1 liter.JPG Lexol Leather Conditioner 1 Liter Bottle, LEX-1013/1Liter, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8045 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Conditioner 100 ct Packette (LEXOL-1016/100 ct) 8045 LEXOL-1016/100 ct 4.50 LEX1016/100 ct Leather care just got a lot easier! 25 pre-moistened towels; quickly and easily applies the proper amount every time to condition your leather. LEXOL is a liquid conditioner and preservative intended for use in the care and conservation of leather. Its purpose is to maintain the strength, beauty, utility and flexibility of leather - old and new - and to restore resiliency to old or neglected leather that has become hardened and stiff. Many leather dressings utilize chemical solvents in order to facilitate penetration of oils into the leather. Such solvents can lead to ÷bleeding÷ or migrating onto adjacent materials, causing discoloration or other damage. In addition, such chemical solvents may be flammable, irritating or toxic. LEXOL does not contain any chemical solvents and it achieves several objectives: (1) fiber penetration and nourishment; (2) absorption and retention in the leather; (3) control of migration or seepage. Unlike most organic solvents, LEXOL is nonflammable, odorless, non-toxic and non-sensitizing to the skin. Also, LEXOL does not impart a greasy or tacky feel to the surface of the leather. In summary, LEXOL is readily absorbed into the fibers and provides lasting and effective lubrication without migration while leaving leather feeling soft and smooth.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 64.00 35.20 83.23 LEX-1016 LEXOL CONDITIONER SINGLE USE TOWELETTE.JPG Lexol Leather Conditioner 100 ct Packette, LEX-1016/100ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8046 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Conditioner 16.9 oz Spray Bottle (LEXOL-1015/16.9 oz) 8046 LEXOL-1015/16.9 oz 8.10 LEX1015/16.9 oz The convenient, fine-mist spray offers quick and easy application. Spray on clean cloth or our applicator sponges. LEXOL is a liquid conditioner and preservative intended for use in the care and conservation of leather. Its purpose is to maintain the strength, beauty, utility and flexibility of leather - old and new - and to restore resiliency to old or neglected leather that has become hardened and stiff. Many leather dressings utilize chemical solvents in order to facilitate penetration of oils into the leather. Such solvents can lead to ÷bleeding÷ or migrating onto adjacent materials, causing discoloration or other damage. In addition, such chemical solvents may be flammable, irritating or toxic. LEXOL does not contain any chemical solvents and it achieves several objectives: (1) fiber penetration and nourishment; (2) absorption and retention in the leather; (3) control of migration or seepage. Unlike most organic solvents, LEXOL is nonflammable, odorless, non-toxic and non-sensitizing to the skin. Also, LEXOL does not impart a greasy or tacky feel to the surface of the leather. In summary, LEXOL is readily absorbed into the fibers and provides lasting and effective lubrication without migration while leaving leather feeling soft and smooth.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 71.89 38.10 94.53 LEX-1015 16.9-oz-conditioner-spray.jpg Lexol Leather Conditioner 16.9 oz Spray Bottle, LEX-1015/16.9oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8047 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Conditioner 25 Ct Canister (LEXOL-1019/25 ct) 8047 LEXOL-1019/25 ct 4.70 LEX1019/25 ct Leather care just got a lot easier! 25 pre-moistened towels; quickly and easily applies the proper amount every time to condition your leather. LEXOL is a liquid conditioner and preservative intended for use in the care and conservation of leather. Its purpose is to maintain the strength, beauty, utility and flexibility of leather - old and new - and to restore resiliency to old or neglected leather that has become hardened and stiff. Many leather dressings utilize chemical solvents in order to facilitate penetration of oils into the leather. Such solvents can lead to ÷bleeding÷ or migrating onto adjacent materials, causing discoloration or other damage. In addition, such chemical solvents may be flammable, irritating or toxic. LEXOL does not contain any chemical solvents and it achieves several objectives: (1) fiber penetration and nourishment; (2) absorption and retention in the leather; (3) control of migration or seepage. Unlike most organic solvents, LEXOL is nonflammable, odorless, non-toxic and non-sensitizing to the skin. Also, LEXOL does not impart a greasy or tacky feel to the surface of the leather. In summary, LEXOL is readily absorbed into the fibers and provides lasting and effective lubrication without migration while leaving leather feeling soft and smooth.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 52.91 29.10 68.56 LEX-1019 Lexol Conditioner Quick-Wipes.JPG Lexol Leather Conditioner 25 Ct Canister, LEX-1019/25ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8048 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Conditioner 3 Liter Bottle (LEXOL-1014/3 Liter) 8048 LEXOL-1014/3 Liter 29.10 LEX1014/3 Liter With an easy-pour opening and convenient carry handle for those big jobs. Also as an economical refill package for the 1/2 liter spray container. LEXOL is a liquid conditioner and preservative intended for use in the care and conservation of leather. Its purpose is to maintain the strength, beauty, utility and flexibility of leather - old and new - and to restore resiliency to old or neglected leather that has become hardened and stiff. Many leather dressings utilize chemical solvents in order to facilitate penetration of oils into the leather. Such solvents can lead to ÷bleeding÷ or migrating onto adjacent materials, causing discoloration or other damage. In addition, such chemical solvents may be flammable, irritating or toxic. LEXOL does not contain any chemical solvents and it achieves several objectives: (1) fiber penetration and nourishment; (2) absorption and retention in the leather; (3) control of migration or seepage. Unlike most organic solvents, LEXOL is nonflammable, odorless, non-toxic and non-sensitizing to the skin. Also, LEXOL does not impart a greasy or tacky feel to the surface of the leather. In summary, LEXOL is readily absorbed into the fibers and provides lasting and effective lubrication without migration while leaving leather feeling soft and smooth.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 96.88 62.88 127.54 LEX-1014 Lexol Conditioner 3 liter.JPG Lexol Leather Conditioner 3 Liter Bottle, LEX-1014/3Liter, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8049 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Conditioner 6.76 oz Bottle (LEXOL-1010/6.76 oz) 8049 LEXOL-1010/6.76 oz 6.40 LEX1010/6.76 oz This portable 200 mL container is so easy to use and small enough to carry with you. LEXOL is a liquid conditioner and preservative intended for use in the care and conservation of leather. Its purpose is to maintain the strength, beauty, utility and flexibility of leather - old and new - and to restore resiliency to old or neglected leather that has become hardened and stiff. Many leather dressings utilize chemical solvents in order to facilitate penetration of oils into the leather. Such solvents can lead to ÷bleeding÷ or migrating onto adjacent materials, causing discoloration or other damage. In addition, such chemical solvents may be flammable, irritating or toxic. LEXOL does not contain any chemical solvents and it achieves several objectives: (1) fiber penetration and nourishment; (2) absorption and retention in the leather; (3) control of migration or seepage. Unlike most organic solvents, LEXOL is nonflammable, odorless, non-toxic and non-sensitizing to the skin. Also, LEXOL does not impart a greasy or tacky feel to the surface of the leather. In summary, LEXOL is readily absorbed into the fibers and provides lasting and effective lubrication without migration while leaving leather feeling soft and smooth.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 88.36 48.60 117.66 LEX-1010 Lexol Conditioner 200-ml.jpg Lexol Leather Conditioner 6.76 oz Bottle, LEX-1010/6.76oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8050 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Leather Conditioner 8 oz Bottle (LEXOL-1008/8 oz) 8050 LEXOL-1008/8 oz 3.80 LEX1008/8 oz Looking for an easy way to dispense our Lexol products for some of your small to mid-sized jobs? Consider using our NEW flip-cap slender 8 oz squeeze container. LEXOL is a liquid conditioner and preservative intended for use in the care and conservation of leather. Its purpose is to maintain the strength, beauty, utility and flexibility of leather - old and new - and to restore resiliency to old or neglected leather that has become hardened and stiff. Many leather dressings utilize chemical solvents in order to facilitate penetration of oils into the leather. Such solvents can lead to ÷bleeding÷ or migrating onto adjacent materials, causing discoloration or other damage. In addition, such chemical solvents may be flammable, irritating or toxic. LEXOL does not contain any chemical solvents and it achieves several objectives: (1) fiber penetration and nourishment; (2) absorption and retention in the leather; (3) control of migration or seepage. Unlike most organic solvents, LEXOL is nonflammable, odorless, non-toxic and non-sensitizing to the skin. Also, LEXOL does not impart a greasy or tacky feel to the surface of the leather. In summary, LEXOL is readily absorbed into the fibers and provides lasting and effective lubrication without migration while leaving leather feeling soft and smooth.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 32.26 24.90 41.92 LEX-1008 Lexol Conditioner 8 oz.jpg Lexol Leather Conditioner 8 oz Bottle, LEX-1008/8oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8051 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Lexol Kozak Auto Dry Wash 1 ct Towel (LEXOL-1050/1 ct) 8051 LEXOL-1050/1 ct 4.90 LEX1050/1 ct The Auto KozaK½ cloth is manufactured of specially selected cotton by an exclusive process. Each fold on a cloth is good for one to three car cleanings... thus providing easily 50 DRY cleanings for any car. The KozaK Auto DryWash cloth removes dirt particles by trapping them in the millions of compartments within the cloth¦s napped finish. Once the heavy dirt and dust are removed, it continues to polish the car¦s surface as it cleans and can even improve its finish with regular use. Use it any time of year on any type of finish, including waxed or clear-coated finishes. Each cloth is guaranteed to clean the typical car at least 50 times, though it is not uncommon to get hundreds of cleanings from a single cloth, then use it many more times on wheels, rims and rocker panels. Use Kozak Auto DryWash as a part of your complete car care program to clean, shine and extend the life of your car¦s finish. For best results, include a (water÷ wash for every fourth or fifth cleaning to remove road tar, bird droppings, bugs, tree sap, etc., and a proper wax job on a seasonal basis.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 108.00 59.40 140.13 LEX-1050 Kozak Auto Dry Wash Cloth.jpg Lexol Lexol Kozak Auto Dry Wash 1 ct Towel, LEX-1050/1ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8052 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Lexol Kozak Motorcycle Dry Wash 1 ct Towel (LEXOL-1052/1 ct) 8052 LEXOL-1052/1 ct 3.60 LEX1052/1 ct The perfect size KozaK½ for cleaning and polishing your motorcycle. Providing easily 50 DRY cleanings for any motorcycle. Fits easily into saddle bags or backpacks. The KozaK Motorcycle DryWash cloth removes dirt particles by trapping them in the millions of compartments within the cloth¦s napped finish. Once the heavy dirt and dust are removed, it continues to polish the car¦s surface as it cleans and can even improve its finish with regular use. Use it any time of year on any type of finish, including waxed or clear-coated finishes. Each cloth is guaranteed to clean the typical car at least 50 times, though it is not uncommon to get hundreds of cleanings from a single cloth, then use it many more times on wheels, rims and rocker panels. Use Kozak Motorcycle DryWash as a part of your complete car care program to clean, shine and extend the life of your car¦s finish. For best results, include a (water÷ wash for every fourth or fifth cleaning to remove road tar, bird droppings, bugs, tree sap, etc., and a proper wax job on a seasonal basis
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 96.00 52.80 126.88 LEX-1052 Kozak Motorcycle Dry Wash Cloth.jpg Lexol Lexol Kozak Motorcycle Dry Wash 1 ct Towel, LEX-1052/1ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8053 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Lexol Kozak Supersize Dry Wash 1 ct Towel (LEXOL-1051/1 ct) 8053 LEXOL-1051/1 ct 5.50 LEX1051/1 ct Now introducing, the Kozak Super Size cloth for heavy users. The Kozak Super Size clothwith 20% more cleanings! The KozaK Auto DryWash cloth removes dirt particles by trapping them in the millions of compartments within the cloth¦s napped finish. Once the heavy dirt and dust are removed, it continues to polish the car¦s surface as it cleans and can even improve its finish with regular use. Use it any time of year on any type of finish, including waxed or clear-coated finishes. Each cloth is guaranteed to clean the typical car at least 50 times, though it is not uncommon to get hundreds of cleanings from a single cloth, then use it many more times on wheels, rims and rocker panels. Use Kozak Auto DryWash as a part of your complete car care program to clean, shine and extend the life of your car¦s finish. For best results, include a (water÷ wash for every fourth or fifth cleaning to remove road tar, bird droppings, bugs, tree sap, etc., and a proper wax job on a seasonal basis.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 123.49 67.92 160.26 LEX-1051 Kozak Auto Dry Wash Cloth Super Size.jpg Lexol Lexol Kozak Supersize Dry Wash 1 ct Towel, LEX-1051/1ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8054 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Neatsfoot 1 Liter Bottle (LEXOL-1412/1 Liter) 8054 LEXOL-1412/1 Liter 29.90 LEX1412/1 Liter With an easy-pour opening and convenient carry handle for those big jobs. Also as an economical refill package for the 1/2 liter spray container. LEXOL-nf is a unique neatsfoot formula you can use on your finest leather. It leaves no greasy, oily after-feel, no sticky residue to trap dirt in the leather and discolor clothing, no ""oil feedback"" to leave the surface tacky. The solubilized lubricants in LEXOL-nf penetrate easily into wet or dry leather-actually bond themselves to the fibers to maintain strength, flexibility, and durability. LEXOL-nf imparts a warm, smooth satin finish to the leathera doesn't darken light colored leather.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 178.91 98.40 234.07 LEX-1412 Lexol Neatsfoot 1 liter.jpg Lexol Neatsfoot 1 Liter Bottle, LEX-1412/1Liter, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8055 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Neatsfoot 16.9 oz Spray Bottle (LEXOL-1415/16.9 oz) 8055 LEXOL-1415/16.9 oz 8.20 LEX1415/16.9 oz The convenient, fine-mist spray offers quick and easy application. Spray on clean cloth or our applicator spongesa LEXOL-nf is a unique neatsfoot formula you can use on your finest leather. It leaves no greasy, oily after-feel, no sticky residue to trap dirt in the leather and discolor clothing, no ""oil feedback"" to leave the surface tacky. The solubilized lubricants in LEXOL-nf penetrate easily into wet or dry leather-actually bond themselves to the fibers to maintain strength, flexibility, and durability. LEXOL-nf imparts a warm, smooth satin finish to the leathera doesn't darken light colored leather.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 69.27 38.10 91.90 LEX-1415 neatsfootspray_lr.jpg Lexol Neatsfoot 16.9 oz Spray Bottle, LEX-1415/16.9oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8056 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Neatsfoot 3 Liter Bottle (LEXOL-1413/3 Liter) 8056 LEXOL-1413/3 Liter 30.10 LEX1413/3 Liter With an easy-pour opening and convenient carry handle for those big jobs. Also as an economical refill package for the 1/2 liter spray container. LEXOL-nf is a unique neatsfoot formula you can use on your finest leather. It leaves no greasy, oily after-feel, no sticky residue to trap dirt in the leather and discolor clothing, no ""oil feedback"" to leave the surface tacky. The solubilized lubricants in LEXOL-nf penetrate easily into wet or dry leather-actually bond themselves to the fibers to maintain strength, flexibility, and durability. LEXOL-nf imparts a warm, smooth satin finish to the leathera doesn't darken light colored leather.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 114.33 62.88 152.22 LEX-1413 Lexol Neatsfoot 3 liter.jpg Lexol Neatsfoot 3 Liter Bottle, LEX-1413/3Liter, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8057 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Neatsfoot 8 oz Bottle (LEXOL-1408/8 oz) 8057 LEXOL-1408/8 oz 3.90 LEX1408/8 oz Looking for an easy way to dispense our Lexol products for some of your small to mid-sized jobs? Consider using our NEW flip-cap slender 8 oz squeeze container. LEXOL-nf is a unique neatsfoot formula you can use on your finest leather. It leaves no greasy, oily after-feel, no sticky residue to trap dirt in the leather and discolor clothing, no ""oil feedback"" to leave the surface tacky. The solubilized lubricants in LEXOL-nf penetrate easily into wet or dry leather-actually bond themselves to the fibers to maintain strength, flexibility, and durability. LEXOL-nf imparts a warm, smooth satin finish to the leathera doesn't darken light colored leather.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 32.26 24.90 42.73 LEX-1408 Lexol Neatsfoot 8 oz.jpg Lexol Neatsfoot 8 oz Bottle, LEX-1408/8oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8058 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Sponges 2 pk Sponge (LEXOL-1020/1 ct) 8058 LEXOL-1020/1 ct 3.20 LEX1020/1 ct Two ultra soft, premium grade terry applicator pads for use with your Lexol products. Fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. Great for almost any application. One round, one square Two ultra soft, premium grade terry applicator pads for use with your Lexol products. Fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. Great for almost any application. One round, one square.
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 75.49 41.52 100.62 LEX-1020 Lexol-Sponges-2-pack.JPG Lexol Sponges 2 pk Sponge, LEX-1020/1ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8059 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Vinylex Protectant 1 Gallon Jug (LEXOL-1213/1 Gallon) 8059 LEXOL-1213/1 Gallon 35.20 LEX1213/1 Gallon Vinylex Protectant cleans and protects with a patented, one-step formula that actually nourishes vinyl, rubber and plastic surfaces. It actually penetrates below the surface layer to nourish and revitalize underlying plasticizers, there by reducing cracking. Vinylex works wonders on tires, trim, tonneau covers, interiors, dashboards and vinyl tops too. With DH-60 UV sunscreen to block color-fading ultra-violet rays, Vinylex Protectant keeps surfaces looking original and smelling like new!
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 153.53 84.44 199.57 LEX-1213 Vinylex Gallon.jpg Lexol Vinylex Protectant 1 Gallon Jug, LEX-1213/1Gallon, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8060 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Vinylex Protectant 100 ct Packette (LEXOL-1217/100 ct) 8060 LEXOL-1217/100 ct 3.80 LEX1217/100 ct Vinylex Protectant cleans and protects with a patented, one-step formula that actually nourishes vinyl, rubber and plastic surfaces. It actually penetrates below the surface layer to nourish and revitalize underlying plasticizers, there by reducing cracking. Vinylex works wonders on tires, trim, tonneau covers, interiors, dashboards and vinyl tops too. With DH-60 UV sunscreen to block color-fading ultra-violet rays, Vinylex Protectant keeps surfaces looking original and smelling like new!
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 64.00 35.20 84.93 LEX-1217 Vinylex Single Use Towelette Protectant.JPG Lexol Vinylex Protectant 100 ct Packette, LEX-1217/100ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8061 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Vinylex Protectant 16.9 oz Spray Bottle (LEXOL-1215/16.9 oz) 8061 LEXOL-1215/16.9 oz 8.20 LEX1215/16.9 oz The easy to use, fine-mist spray offers a quick and easy application. Spray on a clean cloth or our applicator sponges. Vinylex Protectant cleans and protects with a patented, one-step formula that actually nourishes vinyl, rubber and plastic surfaces. It actually penetrates below the surface layer to nourish and revitalize underlying plasticizers, there by reducing cracking. Vinylex works wonders on tires, trim, tonneau covers, interiors, dashboards and vinyl tops too. With DH-60 UV sunscreen to block color-fading ultra-violet rays, Vinylex Protectant keeps surfaces looking original and smelling like new!
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 69.27 38.10 89.03 LEX-1215 Lexol Vinylex 500 ml spray.JPG Lexol Vinylex Protectant 16.9 oz Spray Bottle, LEX-1215/16.9oz, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8062 Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) Lexol Vinylex Protectant 25 ct Canister (LEXOL-1219/25 ct) 8062 LEXOL-1219/25 ct 4.50 LEX1219/25 ct Using Vinylex Protectant just got a lot easier! 25 pre-moistened towels; quickly and easily applies the proper amount every time to clean and protect vinyl, rubber and plastic. Vinylex Protectant cleans and protects with a patented, one-step formula that actually nourishes vinyl, rubber and plastic surfaces. It actually penetrates below the surface layer to nourish and revitalize underlying plasticizers, there by reducing cracking. Vinylex works wonders on tires, trim, tonneau covers, interiors, dashboards and vinyl tops too. With DH-60 UV sunscreen to block color-fading ultra-violet rays, Vinylex Protectant keeps surfaces looking original and smelling like new!
Summit Industries Inc (Lexol) 52.91 29.10 70.35 LEX-1219 Lexol Vinylex Quick-Wipes.JPG Lexol Vinylex Protectant 25 ct Canister, LEX-1219/25ct, leather care,leather repair,leather cleaning,cleaning leather,clean leather,leather products,leather protector,leather sofa repair,leather suppliers,leather restoration,leather upholstery repair,leather seat repair,car leather repair,leather polish,leather cleaners,leather conditioner,how to clean leather 1 1 0 0 21 242
8070 Witt Industries Witt 10 gal. 15 standard colors (WITT-SC1002FT) 8070 WITT-SC10-02-FT 32.00 SC10-02-FT Stadium Series 10 gallon perforated steel receptacle with flat lid. Allows you to have your logo laser cut into the metal. Comes with rigid plastic liner and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 12" x 26"
Capacity: 10 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 15 standard colors
Mfr Item: SC10-02-FT
Lead Time: Quote by order
Witt Industries 277.14 174.60 360.80 Witt 10 gal. 15 standard colors WITT-SC1002FT, WITT-SC10-02-FT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8071 Witt Industries 10 Gallon Outdoor Trash Can w/ Flat Top Lid, Blue (WITT-SC1001FTBL) 8071 WITT-SC10-01-FTBL 32.00 SC10-01-FTBL 10-Gallon Stadium Series Trash Can with Flat Top Lid
Stadium Series 10 gallon perforated steel receptacle with flat lid. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use. Comes with rigid plastic liner and lid attachment kit. 12" x 26". Capacity: 10 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Blue, Mfr Item: SC10-01-FT, Lead Time: 2 week.
Witt 10 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Flat Top Lid, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 326.52 174.33 434.88 WITT-SC10-01-FT.jpg Witt 10 gal. 15 standard colors Perforated Receptacle - Stadium Series WITT-SC1001FT, WITT-SC10-01-FT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8072 Witt Industries Witt 10 gal. Black (WITT-SC10BLK) 8072 WITT-SC10BLK 4.00 SC10BLK Black plastic liner only for 10 gallon Stadium Series receptacle.
Dimensions: 12.25" x 26"
Capacity: 10 gal.
Material: Plastic
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
Mfr Item: SC10BLK
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 35.71 22.50 47.26 WITT-SC10BLK.jpg Witt 10 gal. Black WITT-SC10BLK, WITT-SC10BLK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8073 Witt Industries Witt 10 gal. Black Flat Top - Stadium Series (WITT-SC10FT) 8073 WITT-SC10FT 9.00 SC10FT Flat top lid only for 10 gallon Stadium Series receptacle.
Dimensions: 12" x 26"
Capacity: 10 gal.
Material: Plastic
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639241402
Mfr Item: SC10FT
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 22.14 13.95 29.39 WITT-SC10FT.jpg Witt 10 gal. Black Flat Top - Stadium Series WITT-SC10FT, WITT-SC10FT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8074 Witt Industries Witt 10 gal. Galvanized (WITT-10GPC) 8074 WITT-10GPC 64.00 10GPC Light duty pail made of pre-galvanized steel.
Dimensions: 16" x 15"
Capacity: 10 gal.
Material: Galvanized Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639570106
Mfr Item: 10GPC
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 96.09 51.30 131.50 Witt 10 gal. Galvanized WITT-10GPC, WITT-10GPC, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8075 Witt Industries Witt 10 gal. Galvanized Galvanized Cans & Lids (WITT-10GPCL) 8075 WITT-10GPCL 64.00 10GPCL Witt 10 gal. Galvanized Galvanized Cans & Lids
Light duty pail and lid made of pre-galvanized steel.
Dimensions: 16" x 18"
Capacity: 10 gal.
Material: Galvanized Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639590104
Mfr Item: 10GPCL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 126.43 67.50 169.65 WITT-10GPCL.jpg Witt 10 gal. Galvanized Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-10GPCL, WITT-10GPCL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8076 Witt Industries Witt 10 gal. Stainless Steel (WITT-SC1002SS) 8076 WITT-SC10-02-SS 32.00 SC10-02-SS Stadium Series 10 gallon perforated stainless steel receptacle with flat lid. Allows you to have your logo laser cut into the metal. Comes with rigid plastic liner and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 12" x 26"
Capacity: 10 gal.
Material: Stainless Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Stainless Steel
Mfr Item: SC10-02-SS
Lead Time: Quote by order
Witt Industries 427.14 269.10 556.75 WITT-SC10-02-SS.jpg Witt 10 gal. Stainless Steel WITT-SC1002SS, WITT-SC10-02-SS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8077 Witt Industries 10 Gallon Trash Can, Stainless Steel with Flat Top Lid (WITT-SC1001SSFT) 8077 WITT-SC10-01-SSFT 32.00 SC10-01-SSFT Outdoor Trash Can
Stadium Series 10 gallon stainless steel, perforated receptacle with flat lid. Comes with rigid plastic liner and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 12" x 26"
Capacity: 10 gal.
Material: Stainless Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Stainless Steel
Mfr Item: SC10-01-SS
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries - 10 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Flat Top Lid, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 420.82 224.68 564.51 WITT-SC10-01-SS.jpg Witt 10 gal. Stainless Steel Perforated Receptacle - Stadium Series WITT-SC1001SS, WITT-SC10-01-SS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8078 Witt Industries Witt 10 qt. Beige Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W10PCBS) 8078 WITT-W10PCBS 16.00 W10PCBS Witt 10 qt. Beige Pail - Decorative Pail
10 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 10.25" x 9/14"
Capacity: 10 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Beige
Mfr Item: W10PCBS
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 178.91 93.60 233.70 WITT-W10PCBS.jpg Witt 10 qt. Beige Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W10PCBS, WITT-W10PCBS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8079 Witt Industries Witt 10 qt. Blue Lustre Navy Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W10PCNBL) 8079 WITT-W10PCNBL 16.00 W10PCNBL Witt 10 qt. Blue Lustre Navy Pail - Decorative Pail
10 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 10.25" x 9/14"
Capacity: 10 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Blue Lustre Navy
Mfr Item: W10PCNBL
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 178.91 93.60 233.81 WITT-W10PCNBL.jpg Witt 10 qt. Blue Lustre Navy Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W10PCNBL, WITT-W10PCNBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8080 Witt Industries Witt 10 qt. Burgundy Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W10PCBL) 8080 WITT-W10PCBL 16.00 W10PCBL Witt 10 qt. Burgundy Pail - Decorative Pail
10 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 10.25" x 9/14"
Capacity: 10 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Burgundy
Mfr Item: W10PCBL
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 178.91 93.60 235.98 WITT-W10PCBL.jpg Witt 10 qt. Burgundy Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W10PCBL, WITT-W10PCBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8081 Witt Industries Witt 10 qt. Candy Apple Red Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W10PCCAR) 8081 WITT-W10PCCAR 16.00 W10PCCAR 10 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 10.25" x 9/14"
Capacity: 10 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Candy Apple Red
Mfr Item: W10PCCAR
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 148.57 93.60 191.03 WITT-W10PCCAR.jpg Witt 10 qt. Candy Apple Red Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W10PCCAR, WITT-W10PCCAR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8082 Witt Industries Witt 10 qt. Galvanized Pail - Galvanized Pails (WITT-W10100) 8082 WITT-W10100 2.00 W10100 Witt 10 qt. Galvanized Pail - Galvanized Pails
10 quart pail made of bright spangeld, zinc rich galvanized steel. Bail handle is securley attached to the top bail rim. Bottoms are recessed to limit pail to surface contact.
Dimensions: 10.25"dia x 9/14"
Capacity: 10 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639101317
Mfr Item: W10100
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 10.03 7.65 13.13 WITT-W10100.jpg Witt 10 qt. Galvanized Pail - Galvanized Pails WITT-W10100, WITT-W10100, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8083 Witt Industries Witt 10 qt. Gloss Black Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W10PCGB) 8083 WITT-W10PCGB 16.00 W10PCGB Witt 10 qt. Gloss Black Pail - Decorative Pail
10 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 10.25" x 9/14"
Capacity: 10 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Gloss Black
Mfr Item: W10PCGB
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 178.91 93.60 237.82 WITT-W10PCGB.jpg Witt 10 qt. Gloss Black Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W10PCGB, WITT-W10PCGB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8084 Witt Industries Witt 10 qt. Gloss White Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W10PCGW) 8084 WITT-W10PCGW 16.00 W10PCGW Witt 10 qt. Gloss White Pail - Decorative Pail
10 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 10.25" x 9/14"
Capacity: 10 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Gloss White
Mfr Item: W10PCGW
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 178.91 93.60 239.66 WITT-W10PCGW.jpg Witt 10 qt. Gloss White Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W10PCGW, WITT-W10PCGW, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8085 Witt Industries Witt 10 qt. Hunter Green Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W10PCHG) 8085 WITT-W10PCHG 16.00 W10PCHG Witt 10 qt. Hunter Green Pail - Decorative Pail
10 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 10.25" x 9/14"
Capacity: 10 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Hunter Green
Mfr Item: W10PCHG
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 178.91 93.60 234.33 WITT-W10PCHG.jpg Witt 10 qt. Hunter Green Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W10PCHG, WITT-W10PCHG, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8086 Witt Industries Witt 10 qt. Pink Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W10PCPR) 8086 WITT-W10PCPR 16.00 W10PCPR Witt 10 qt. Pink Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail
10 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 10.25" x 9/14"
Capacity: 10 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Pink Radiance
Mfr Item: W10PCPR
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 178.91 93.60 244.16 WITT-W10PCPR.jpg Witt 10 qt. Pink Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W10PCPR, WITT-W10PCPR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8087 Witt Industries Witt 10 qt. Purple Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W10PCPUR) 8087 WITT-W10PCPUR 16.00 W10PCPUR 10 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 10.25" x 9/14"
Capacity: 10 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Purple Radiance
Mfr Item: W10PCPUR
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 148.57 93.60 195.35 WITT-W10PCPUR.jpg Witt 10 qt. Purple Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W10PCPUR, WITT-W10PCPUR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8088 Witt Industries Witt 10 qt. Teal Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W10PCTR) 8088 WITT-W10PCTR 16.00 W10PCTR Witt 10 qt. Teal Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail
10 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 10.25" x 9/14"
Capacity: 10 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Teal Radiance
Mfr Item: W10PCTR
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 185.06 98.80 249.95 WITT-W10PCTR.jpg Witt 10 qt. Teal Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W10PCTR, WITT-W10PCTR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8089 Witt Industries Witt 12 gal. 30 standard colors Fiberglass Recycling Containers (WITT-11RR241631) 8089 WITT-11RR-241631 68.00 11RR-241631 Witt 12 gal Fiberglass Recycling Containers
Comes standard with 2 rigid plastic liners Durable fiberglass construction will last for years and makes it impervious to rust and stains. Customizable top allows you to pick the openings you need. Separate plastic liners for each opening. Great for schools, businesses, large facilities, airports and many other locations.
Dimensions: 24" x 16" x 31"
Capacity: 12 gallon
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 11RR-241631
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 655.31 496.35 877.04 WITT-11RR241631.jpg Witt 12 gal. 30 standard colors Fiberglass Recycling Containers WITT-11RR241631, WITT-11RR-241631, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8090 Witt Industries Witt 12 gal. Galvanized (WITT-12DTL) 8090 WITT-12DTL 43.00 12DTL Liner made of pregalvanized steel, 12 gallons
Dimensions: 14" x 22"
Capacity: 12 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639460124
Mfr Item: 12DTL
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 31.43 19.80 41.25 WITT-12DTL.jpg Witt 12 gal. Galvanized WITT-12DTL, WITT-12DTL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8091 Witt Industries 12 Gallon Standard Dometop Trash Can, White (WITT-12DTWH) 8091 WITT-12DTWH 54.00 12DTWH 12 Gallon Dometop Trash Can
A classic design, the Witt Dome Top trash can has withstood the test of time. This popular waste receptacle features have a strong steel shell, a self-closing door that effectively controls odor, distinctive, stainless steel bottom edge, rolled under to protect floors, a galvanized steel liner, and are completely ADA and OSHA compliant. 15" x 29", 12 gallon capacity. Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 1. Color: White. UPC: 096639670127. Mfr Item: 12DTWH. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 12 Gallon White Standard Dometop Trash Can, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 123.31 94.05 163.21 WITT-12DTWH.jpg witt 12 gallon white standard dometop trash cans, WITT-12DTWH, WITT-12DTWH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8092 Witt Industries Witt 12 qt. Galvanized Pail - Galvanized Pails & Tubs (WITT-W10120) 8092 WITT-W10120 2.25 W10120 Witt 12 qt. Galvanized Pail - Galvanized Pails & Tubs
12 quart pail made of bright spangeld, zinc rich galvanized steel. Bail handle is securley attached to the top bail rim. Bottoms are recessed to limit pail to surface contact.
Dimensions: 10.75" dia x 10.25"
Capacity: 12 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639121315
Mfr Item: W10120
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 10.62 8.10 13.88 WITT-W10120.jpg Witt 12 qt. Galvanized Pail - Galvanized Pails & Tubs WITT-W10120, WITT-W10120, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8093 Witt Industries 13 Gallon Swingtop Kitchen Trash Can, Almond (WITT-1311HTAL) 8093 WITT-1311HTAL 25.00 1311HTAL 13 Gallon Kitchen Trash Can
Small, painted hamper and swing top helps contain odors. Comes with feet to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches. Perfect for hotels, casinos, home kitchens, and office break rooms. Optional rigid plastic liner see WITT-13R. Dimensions: 13" x 13" x 29". Capacity: 13 gallon. Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 1. Color: Almond. UPC: 096639563115. Mfr Item: 1311HTAL. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 13 Gallon Swingtop Kitchen Trash Can, Almond, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 137.47 104.85 180.16 WITT-1311HTAL.jpg witt 13 gallon almond swingtop trash can, WITT-1311HTAL, WITT-1311HTAL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8094 Witt Industries 13 Gallon Rigid Plastic Liner, Black (WITT-13R) 8094 WITT-13R 22.00 13R 13 Gallon Rigid Plastic Liner
For use in WITT 13 gallon square waste containers.
Dimensions: 11" x 11" x 20"
Capacity: 13 gal.
Material: Plastic
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black, plastic
Mfr Item: 13R
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 71.64 38.25 97.86 WITT-13R.jpg Witt 13 gal. Black, plastic Liner - Rigid Plastic Liner WITT-13R, WITT-13R, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8095 Witt Industries 13 Gallon Slate Swingtop Kitchen Trash Can (WITT-1311HTSL) 8095 WITT-1311HTSL 25.00 1311HTSL Kitchen Trash Can
Small, painted hamper and swing top helps contain odors. Comes feet to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches. Perfect for hotels, casinos, home kitchens, and office break rooms. Optional rigid plastic liner see WITT-13R.
Dimensions: 13" x 13" x 29"
Capacity: 13 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Slate
UPC: 096639323115
Mfr Item: 1311HTSL
Lead Time: 10 days
WITT Industries - 13 Gallon Swingtop Kitchen Trash Can, Slate, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 137.47 104.85 187.87 WITT-1311HTSL.jpg witt 13 gallon slate swingtop trash cans, WITT-1311HTSL, WITT-1311HTSL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8096 Witt Industries 13 Gallon Stainless Steel Pushtop Kitchen Garbage Can (WITT-13HTSS) 8096 WITT-13HTSS 34.00 13HTSS Kitchen Garbage Can
Small, stainless steel hamper and push top helps contain odors. Comes with feet to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches. Perfect for hotels, casinos, home kitchens, and office break rooms. Optional rigid plastic liner see WITT-13R.
Dimensions: 13" x 13" x 29"
Capacity: 13 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Stainless Steel
UPC: 096639954111
Mfr Item: 13HTSS
Lead Time: 10 days
WITT Industries - 13 Gallon Pushtop Kitchen Garbage Can, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 238.95 182.25 311.53 WITT-13HTSS.jpg witt 13 gallon stainless steel pushtop garbage cans, WITT-13HTSS, WITT-13HTSS, trash receptacle, garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8097 Witt Industries 13 Gallon Stainless Steel Swingtop Kitchen Trash Can (WITT-1311HTSS) 8097 WITT-1311HTSS 25.00 1311HTSS Kitchen Trash Can
Small, stainless steel hamper and swing top helps contain odors. Comes with feet to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches. Perfect for hotels, casinos, home kitchens, and office break rooms. Optional rigid plastic liner see WITT-13R.
Dimensions: 13" x 13" x 29"
Capacity: 13 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Stainless Steel
UPC: 096639953114
Mfr Item: 1311HTSS
Lead Time: 10 days
WITT Industries - 13 Gallon Swingtop Kitchen Trash Can, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 237.18 180.90 319.89 WITT-1311HTSS.jpg witt 13 gallon stainless steel swingtop trash cans, WITT-1311HTSS, WITT-1311HTSS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8098 Witt Industries Witt 13 gal. White (WITT-2213WH) 8098 WITT-2213WH 17.00 2213WH Witt 13 gal. White
Step-On Receptacles. Sanitary disposal of biohazard materials
• Featuring safe, hands-free operation
• Provides sanitary disposal for health care facilities or
any place dealing with bio-hazardous material
• Slip resistant rubber feet for added stability
• Comes standard with bag hooks
• Step-on receptacles are fi resafe
• Easy to clean
Dimensions: 12.5" x 22"
Capacity: 13 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: White
UPC: 096639130904
Mfr Item: 2213WH
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 175.38 114.00 232.96 WITT-2213WH.jpg Witt 13 gal. White WITT-2213WH, WITT-2213WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8099 Witt Industries 13 Gallon Swingtop Trash Can, White (WITT-1311HTWH) 8099 WITT-1311HTWH 25.00 1311HTWH 13 Gallon Swingtop Trash Can
Small, painted hamper and swing top helps contain odors. Comes with feet to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches. Perfect for hotels, casinos, home kitchen, office break rooms. Optional rigid plastic liner see WITT-13R. Dimensions: 13" x 13" x 29", Capacity: 13 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: White, UPC: 096639573114 Mfr Item: 1311HTWH Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 13 Gallon Swingtop Kitchen Trash Can, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 137.47 104.85 178.59 WITT-1311HTWH.jpg witt 13 gallon white swingtop kitchen trash cans, WITT-1311HTWH, WITT-1311HTWH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8100 Witt Industries Witt 13 qt. Galvanized Drain Pan - Galvanized Tubs & Pails (WITT-W17007) 8100 WITT-W17007 22.00 W17007 Witt 13 qt. Galvanized Drain Pan - Galvanized Tubs & Pails
13 quart general purpose galvanized pan features one piece seamless construction. Perfect for use as an oil pan, parts pan or animal feed/water pan.
Dimensions: 17" dia x 3.5"
Capacity: 13 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Galvanized
Mfr Item: W17007
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 106.20 81.00 141.60 WITT-W17007.jpg Witt 13 qt. Galvanized Drain Pan - Galvanized Tubs & Pails WITT-W17007, WITT-W17007, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8101 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Almond Dometop - Monarch Series (WITT-15DTAL) 8101 WITT-15DTAL 64.00 15DTAL Witt 15 gal. Almond Dometop - Monarch Series
Dome top receptacle with push doors. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Self-closing door effectively controls odors.
Dimensions: 15" x 35"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Almond
UPC: 096639650150
Mfr Item: 15DTAL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 129.21 98.55 170.24 15DT-AL.jpg Witt 15 gal. Almond Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-15DTAL, WITT-15DTAL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8102 Witt Industries 15 Gallon Standard Dometop Trash Can, Almond (WITT-415DTAL) 8102 WITT-415DTAL 64.00 415DTAL 15 Gallon Standard Dometop Can
Dome top receptacle with open top. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Open top allows for hands-off disposal. Black unit with brass accents. Dimensions: 15" x 35". Capacity: 15 gallon. Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 1. Color: Almond. UPC: 096639654158. Mfr Item: 415DTAL. Lead Time: 10 days
Witt 15 Gallon Standard Dometop Trash Can, Almond, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 115.05 87.75 151.33 WITT-415DTAL.jpg Witt 15 gal. Almond Dometop - Standard Dometops WITT-415DTAL, WITT-415DTAL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8103 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Black Dometop - Standard Dometops (WITT-15DTBK) 8103 WITT-15DTBK 64.00 15DTBK Witt 15 gal. Black Dometop - Standard Dometops
Dome top receptacle with push doors. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Self-closing door effectively controls odors.
Dimensions: 15" x 35"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639610154
Mfr Item: 15DTBK
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 156.43 98.55 207.41 WITT-15DTBK.jpg Witt 15 gal. Black Dometop - Standard Dometops WITT-15DTBK, WITT-15DTBK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8104 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Black Dometop - Standard Dometops (WITT-415DTBK) 8104 WITT-415DT-BK 64.00 415DT-BK Witt 15 gal. Black Dometop - Standard Dometops
Dome top receptacle with open top. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Open top allows for hands-off disposal. Black unit with brass accents
Dimensions: 15" x 35"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639614152
Mfr Item: 415DT-BK
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 121.45 92.63 165.66 WITT-415DTBK.jpg Witt 15 gal. Black Dometop - Standard Dometops WITT-415DTBK, WITT-415DT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8105 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Black with brass accents Dometop - Monarch Series (WITT-15DT11) 8105 WITT-15DT-11 64.00 15DT-11 Witt 15 gal. Black with brass accents Dometop - Monarch Series
Dome top receptacle with push doors. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Self-closing door effectively controls odors. Black unit with brass accents
Dimensions: 15" x 35"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black with brass accents
UPC: 096639110159
Mfr Item: 15DT-11
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 257.24 196.20 350.47 WITT-15DT-11.jpg Witt 15 gal. Black with brass accents Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-15DT11, WITT-15DT-11, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8106 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Black with brass accents Dometop - Monarch Series (WITT-415DT11) 8106 WITT-415DT-11 64.00 415DT-11 Witt 15 gal. Black with brass accents Dometop - Monarch Series
Dome top receptacle with open top. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Open top allows for hands-off disposal. Black unit with brass accents
Dimensions: 15" x 35"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black with brass accents
UPC: 096639114157
Mfr Item: 415DT-11
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 233.64 178.20 316.44 WITT-415DT-11.jpg Witt 15 gal. Black with brass accents Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-415DT11, WITT-415DT-11, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8107 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Black with chrome accents Dometop - Monarch Series (WITT-15DT22) 8107 WITT-15DT-22 64.00 15DT-22 Witt 15 gal. Black with chrome accents Dometop - Monarch Series
Dome top receptacle with push doors. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Self-closing door effectively controls odors. Black unit with chrome accents
Dimensions: 15" x 35"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black with chrome accents
UPC: 096639220155
Mfr Item: 15DT-22
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 247.80 189.00 337.42 WITT-15DT-22.jpg Witt 15 gal. Black with chrome accents Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-15DT22, WITT-15DT-22, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8108 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Black with chrome accents Dometop - Monarch Series (WITT-415DT22) 8108 WITT-415DT-22 64.00 415DT-22 Witt 15 gal. Black with chrome accents Dometop - Monarch Series
Dome top receptacle with open top. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Open top allows for hands-off disposal. Black unit with brass accents
Dimensions: 15" x 35"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black with chrome accents
UPC: 096639224153
Mfr Item: 415DT-22
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 217.12 165.60 287.00 WITT-415DT-22.jpg Witt 15 gal. Black with chrome accents Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-415DT22, WITT-415DT-22, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8109 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Brass Dometop - Monarch Series (WITT-15DTB) 8109 WITT-15DT-B 64.00 15DT-B Witt 15 gal. Brass Dometop - Monarch Series
Dome top receptacle with push doors. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Self-closing door effectively controls odors. Unit is all brass
Dimensions: 15" x 35"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brass
UPC: 096639030150
Mfr Item: 15DT-B
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 461.04 246.15 605.62 WITT-15DT-B.jpg Witt 15 gal. Brass Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-15DTB, WITT-15DT-B, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8110 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Brass Dometop - Monarch Series (WITT-415DTB) 8110 WITT-415DT-B 64.00 415DT-B Witt 15 gal. Brass Dometop - Monarch Series
Dome top receptacle with open top. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Open top allows for hands-off disposal. Black unit with brass accents
Dimensions: 15" x 35"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brass
UPC: 096639034158
Mfr Item: 415DT-B
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 266.68 203.40 348.30 WITT-415DT-B.jpg Witt 15 gal. Brass Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-415DTB, WITT-415DT-B, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 0 0 0 20 241
8111 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Brass with black accents Dometop - Monarch Series (WITT-15DT33) 8111 WITT-15DT-33 64.00 15DT-33 Witt 15 gal. Brass with black accents Dometop - Monarch Series
Dome top receptacle with push doors. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Self-closing door effectively controls odors. Brass unit with black accents
Dimensions: 15" x 35"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brass with black accents
UPC: 096639330151
Mfr Item: 15DT-33
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 250.89 182.25 340.61 WITT-15DT-33.jpg Witt 15 gal. Brass with black accents Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-15DT33, WITT-15DT-33, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 0 0 0 20 241
8112 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Brass with black accents Dometop - Monarch Series (WITT-415DT33) 8112 WITT-415DT-33 64.00 415DT-33 Witt 15 gal. Brass with black accents Dometop - Monarch Series
Dome top receptacle with open top. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Open top allows for hands-off disposal. Black unit with brass accents
Dimensions: 15" x 35"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brass with black accents
UPC: 096639334159
Mfr Item: 415DT-33
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 220.66 168.30 298.05 WITT-415DT-33.jpg Witt 15 gal. Brass with black accents Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-415DT33, WITT-415DT-33, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8113 Witt Industries 15 Gallon Monarch Series Chrome Dometop w/ Black Accents (WITT-15DT44) 8113 WITT-15DT-44 64.00 15DT-44 15 Gallon Chrome Dometop w/ Black Accents
Dome top receptacle with push doors. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Self-closing door effectively controls odors. Chrome unit with black accents. Dimensions: 15" x 35", Capacity: 15 gal, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Chrome with black accents, UPC: 096639440157, Mfr Item: 15DT-44, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 15 Gallon Dometop, Monarch Series, Black Accents, Chrome, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 218.89 166.95 286.96 WITT-15DT-44.jpg Witt 15 gal. Chrome with black accents Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-15DT44, WITT-15DT-44, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8114 Witt Industries 15 Gallon Dometop Trash Can, Chrome w/ Black Accents (WITT-415DT44) 8114 WITT-415DT-44 64.00 415DT-44 15 Gallon Monarch Series Chrome Dometop
Dome top receptacle with open top. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Open top allows for hands-off disposal. Black unit with brass accents. Dimensions: 15" x 35"Capacity: 15 gallon. Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Chrome with black accents, UPC: 096639444155, Mfr Item: 415DT-44, Lead Time: 10 days
Witt 15 Gallon Dometop Trash Can, Chrome w/ Black Accents, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 194.11 148.05 256.98 WITT-415DT-44.jpg Witt 15 gal. Chrome with black accents Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-415DT44, WITT-415DT-44, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8115 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Galvanized Liner - Galvanized Liners (WITT-15DTL) 8115 WITT-15DTL 48.00 15DTL Galvanized liner only
Dimensions: 14" x 27"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639460155
Mfr Item: 15DTL
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 35.71 22.50 47.05 WITT-15DTL.jpg Witt 15 gal. Galvanized Liner - Galvanized Liners WITT-15DTL, WITT-15DTL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8116 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. Galvanized Tub - Galvanized Pails & Tubs (WITT-W14200) 8116 WITT-W14200 55.00 W14200 Witt 15 gal. Galvanized Tub - Galvanized Pails & Tubs
15 gallon tub made of heavy, rich galvanized steel. Has recessed bottom and drop side handles. Covered wire reinforced rim adds strength and durability to the top edge.
Dimensions: 21.5" dia x 10.75"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 6
Color: Galvanized
Mfr Item: W14200
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 159.30 121.50 217.51 WITT-W14200.jpg Witt 15 gal. Galvanized Tub - Galvanized Pails & Tubs WITT-W14200, WITT-W14200, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8117 Witt Industries 15 Gallon Polished Metal Dometop, Chrome (WITT-15DTPM) 8117 WITT-15DT-PM 64.00 15DT-PM Witt Monarch Series 15 Gallon Chrome Dometop Trash Can
Dome top receptacle with push doors. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Self-closing door effectively controls odors. Unit is all polished metal (chrome). Dimensions: 15" x 35". Capacity: 15 gal. Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Polished Metal (Chrome), UPC: 096639040159, Mfr Item: 15DT-PM, Lead Time: 10 days.
15 Gallon Polished Metal Dometop Trash Can, Chrome, Monarch Series, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 421.43 225.00 551.41 WITT-15DT-PM.jpg Witt 15 gal. Polished Metal Chrome Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-15DTPM, WITT-15DT-PM, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8118 Witt Industries 15 Gallon Polished Metal Dometop, Chrome (WITT-415DTPM) 8118 WITT-415DT-PM 64.00 415DT-PM 15 Gallon Polished Metal Chrome Dometop
Dome top receptacle with open top. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Open top allows for hands-off disposal. Black unit with brass accents. Dimensions: 15" x 35". Capacity: 15 gallon. Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 1. Color: Polished Metal (Chrome). UPC: 096639044157. Mfr Item: 415DT-PM. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 15 Gallon Polished Metal Chrome Dometop, Monarch Series, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 264.32 201.60 357.29 WITT-415DT-PM.jpg Witt 15 gal. Polished Metal Chrome Dometop - Monarch Series WITT-415DTPM, WITT-415DT-PM, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8119 Witt Industries Witt 15 gal. White Dometop - Standard Dometops (WITT-15DTWH) 8119 WITT-15DTWH 64.00 15DTWH Dome top receptacle with push doors. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Self-closing door effectively controls odors.
Dimensions: 15" x 35"
Capacity: 15 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: White
UPC: 096639670158
Mfr Item: 15DTWH
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 156.43 98.55 205.37 WITT-15DTWH.jpg Witt 15 gal. White Dometop - Standard Dometops WITT-15DTWH, WITT-15DTWH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8120 Witt Industries 15 Gallon Standard Dometop Trash Can, White (WITT-415DTWH) 8120 WITT-415DTWH 64.00 415DTWH 15 Gallon Standard Dometop Trash Can
Dome top receptacle with open top. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Open top allows for hands-off disposal. Black unit with brass accents. Dimensions: 15" x 35". Capacity: 15 gallon. Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 1. Color: White. UPC: 096639674156. Mfr Item: 415DTWH. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 15 Gallon Standard Dometop Trash Can, White, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 115.05 87.75 153.44 WITT-415DTWH.jpg Witt 15 gal. White Dometop - Standard Dometops WITT-415DTWH, WITT-415DTWH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8121 Witt Industries Witt 16 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C1623TSP) 8121 WITT-7C-1623TSP 24.00 7C-1623TSP Fiberglass trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Decorative design to complement any setting. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 16" x 23"
Capacity: 16 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
UPC: 096639561623
Mfr Item: 7C-1623TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 410.71 258.75 540.26 WITT-7C-1623TSP.jpg Witt 16 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C1623TSP, WITT-7C-1623TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8122 Witt Industries Witt 16 qt. Beige Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W16PCBS) 8122 WITT-W16PCBS 20.00 W16PCBS Witt 16 qt. Beige Pail - Decorative Pail
16 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 14" dia x 8.25"
Capacity: 16 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Beige
Mfr Item: W16PCBS
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 233.97 122.40 307.30 WITT-W16PCBS.jpg Witt 16 qt. Beige Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W16PCBS, WITT-W16PCBS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8123 Witt Industries Witt 16 qt. Blue Lustre Navy Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W16PCNBL) 8123 WITT-W16PCNBL 20.00 W16PCNBL Witt 16 qt. Blue Lustre Navy Pail - Decorative Pail
16 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 14" dia x 8.25"
Capacity: 16 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Blue Lustre Navy
Mfr Item: W16PCNBL
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 233.97 122.40 308.37 Witt 16 qt. Blue Lustre Navy Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W16PCNBL, WITT-W16PCNBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8124 Witt Industries Witt 16 qt. Burgundy Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W16PCBL) 8124 WITT-W16PCBL 20.00 W16PCBL Witt 16 qt. Burgundy Pail - Decorative Pail
16 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 14" dia x 8.25"
Capacity: 16 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Burgundy
Mfr Item: W16PCBL
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 233.97 122.40 317.87 WITT-W16PCBL.jpg Witt 16 qt. Burgundy Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W16PCBL, WITT-W16PCBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8125 Witt Industries Witt 16 qt. Candy Apple Red Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W16PCCAR) 8125 WITT-W16PCCAR 20.00 W16PCCAR Witt 16 qt. Candy Apple Red Pail - Decorative Pail
16 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 14" dia x 8.25"
Capacity: 16 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Candy Apple Red
Mfr Item: W16PCCAR
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 233.97 122.40 314.68 WITT-W16PCCAR.jpg Witt 16 qt. Candy Apple Red Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W16PCCAR, WITT-W16PCCAR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8126 Witt Industries Witt 16 qt. Galvanized Pail - Galvanized Pails & Tubs (WITT-W10161) 8126 WITT-W10161 2.50 W10161 Witt 16 qt. Galvanized Pail - Galvanized Pails & Tubs
16 quart pail made of bright spangeld, zinc rich galvanized steel. Bail handle is securley attached to the top bail rim. Bottoms are recessed to limit pail to surface contact.
Dimensions: 14" x 8.25"
Capacity: 16 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
Mfr Item: W10161
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 17.14 10.80 22.03 WITT-W10161.jpg Witt 16 qt. Galvanized Pail - Galvanized Pails & Tubs WITT-W10161, WITT-W10161, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8127 Witt Industries Witt 16 qt. Gloss Black Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W16PCGB) 8127 WITT-W16PCGB 20.00 W16PCGB Witt 16 qt. Gloss Black Pail - Decorative Pail
16 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 14" dia x 8.25"
Capacity: 16 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Gloss Black
Mfr Item: W16PCGB
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 233.97 122.40 314.84 WITT-W16PCGB.jpg Witt 16 qt. Gloss Black Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W16PCGB, WITT-W16PCGB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8128 Witt Industries Witt 16 qt. Gloss White Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W16PCGW) 8128 WITT-W16PCGW 20.00 W16PCGW Witt 16 qt. Gloss White Pail - Decorative Pail
16 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 14" dia x 8.25"
Capacity: 16 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Gloss White
Mfr Item: W16PCGW
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 233.97 122.40 306.65 WITT-W16PCGW.jpg Witt 16 qt. Gloss White Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W16PCGW, WITT-W16PCGW, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8129 Witt Industries Witt 16 qt. Hunter Green Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W16PCHG) 8129 WITT-W16PCHG 20.00 W16PCHG Witt 16 qt. Hunter Green Pail - Decorative Pail
16 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 14" dia x 8.25"
Capacity: 16 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Hunter Green
Mfr Item: W16PCHG
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 233.97 122.40 308.78 WITT-W16PCHG.jpg Witt 16 qt. Hunter Green Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W16PCHG, WITT-W16PCHG, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8130 Witt Industries Witt 16 qt. Pink Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W16PCPR) 8130 WITT-W16PCPR 20.00 W16PCPR Witt 16 qt. Pink Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail
16 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 14" dia x 8.25"
Capacity: 16 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Pink Radiance
Mfr Item: W16PCPR
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 233.97 122.40 319.91 WITT-W16PCPR.jpg Witt 16 qt. Pink Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W16PCPR, WITT-W16PCPR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8131 Witt Industries Witt 16 qt. Purple Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W16PCPUR) 8131 WITT-W16PCPUR 20.00 W16PCPUR Witt 16 qt. Purple Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail
16 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 14" dia x 8.25"
Capacity: 16 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Purple Radiance
Mfr Item: W16PCPUR
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 233.97 122.40 317.14 WITT-W16PCPUR.jpg Witt 16 qt. Purple Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W16PCPUR, WITT-W16PCPUR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8132 Witt Industries Witt 16 qt. Sunshine Yellow Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W16PCSY) 8132 WITT-W16PCSY 20.00 W16PCSY Witt 16 qt. Purple Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail
16 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 14" dia x 8.25"
Capacity: 16 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Sunshine Yellow
Mfr Item: W16PCSY
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 233.97 122.40 319.42 WITT-W16PCSY.jpg Witt 16 qt. Sunshine Yellow Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W16PCSY, WITT-W16PCSY, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8133 Witt Industries Witt 16 qt. Teal Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W16PCTR) 8133 WITT-W16PCTR 20.00 W16PCTR Witt 16 qt. Teal Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail
16 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 14" dia x 8.25"
Capacity: 16 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 8
Color: Teal Radiance
Mfr Item: W16PCTR
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 241.99 129.20 317.63 WITT-W16PCTR.jpg Witt 16 qt. Teal Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W16PCTR, WITT-W16PCTR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8134 Witt Industries Witt 19 gal. Galvanized Tub - Galvanized Pails & Tubs (WITT-W14300) 8134 WITT-W14300 71.00 W14300 Witt 19 gal. Galvanized Tub - Galvanized Pails & Tubs
19 gallon tub made of heavy, rich galvanized steel. Has recessed bottom and drop side handles. Covered wire reinforced rim adds strength and durability to the top edge.
Dimensions: 24.25" dia x 11"
Capacity: 19 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 6
Color: Galvanized
Mfr Item: W14300
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 173.46 132.30 228.75 WITT-W14200.jpg Witt 19 gal. Galvanized Tub - Galvanized Pails & Tubs WITT-W14300, WITT-W14300, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8135 Witt Industries Witt 2 qt. Beige Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W2PCBS) 8135 WITT-W2PCBS 6.00 W2PCBS Witt 2 qt. Beige Pail - Decorative Pail
2 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 6" dia x 5.75"
Capacity: 2 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Beige
Mfr Item: W2PCBS
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 63.72 48.60 84.95 WITT-W2PCBS.jpg Witt 2 qt. Beige Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W2PCBS, WITT-W2PCBS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8136 Witt Industries Witt 2 qt. Blue Lustre Navy Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W2PCNBL) 8136 WITT-W2PCNBL 6.00 W2PCNBL 2 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 6" dia x 5.75"
Capacity: 2 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Blue Lustre Navy
Mfr Item: W2PCNBL
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 77.14 48.60 102.51 WITT-W2PCNBL.jpg Witt 2 qt. Blue Lustre Navy Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W2PCNBL, WITT-W2PCNBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8137 Witt Industries Witt 2 qt. Burgundy Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W2PCBL) 8137 WITT-W2PCBL 6.00 W2PCBL Witt 2 qt. Burgundy Pail - Decorative Pail
2 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 6" dia x 5.75"
Capacity: 2 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Burgundy
Mfr Item: W2PCBL
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 63.72 48.60 84.05 WITT-W2PCBL.jpg Witt 2 qt. Burgundy Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W2PCBL, WITT-W2PCBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8138 Witt Industries Witt 2 qt. Burgundy Pail - Galvanized Tubs & Pails (WITT-W2QTG) 8138 WITT-W2QTG 6.00 W2QTG Witt 2 qt. Burgundy Pail - Galvanized Tubs & Pails
2 quart pail made of rich zinc galvanized steel. Pail bottom is recessed to limit pail to surface contact.
Dimensions: 6" dia x 5.75"
Capacity: 2 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Burgundy
Mfr Item: W2QTG
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 58.34 32.40 77.80 WITT-W2QTG.jpg Witt 2 qt. Burgundy Pail - Galvanized Tubs & Pails WITT-W2QTG, WITT-W2QTG, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8139 Witt Industries Witt 2 qt. Candy Apple Red Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W2PCCAR) 8139 WITT-W2PCCAR 6.00 W2PCCAR Witt 2 qt. Candy Apple Red Pail - Decorative Pail
2 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 6" dia x 5.75"
Capacity: 2 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Candy Apple Red
Mfr Item: W2PCCAR
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 77.14 48.60 102.65 WITT-W2PCCAR.jpg Witt 2 qt. Candy Apple Red Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W2PCCAR, WITT-W2PCCAR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8140 Witt Industries Witt 2 qt. Gloss Black Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W2PCGB) 8140 WITT-W2PCGB 6.00 W2PCGB Witt 2 qt. Gloss Black Pail - Decorative Pail
2 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 6" dia x 5.75"
Capacity: 2 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Gloss Black
Mfr Item: W2PCGB
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 63.72 48.60 86.34 WITT-W2PCGB.jpg Witt 2 qt. Gloss Black Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W2PCGB, WITT-W2PCGB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8141 Witt Industries Witt 2 qt. Gloss White Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W2PCGW) 8141 WITT-W2PCGW 6.00 W2PCGW Witt 2 qt. Gloss White Pail - Decorative Pail
2 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 6" dia x 5.75"
Capacity: 2 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Gloss White
Mfr Item: W2PCGW
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 63.72 48.60 86.88 WITT-W2PCGW.jpg Witt 2 qt. Gloss White Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W2PCGW, WITT-W2PCGW, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8142 Witt Industries Witt 2 qt. Hunter Green Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W2PCHG) 8142 WITT-W2PCHG 6.00 W2PCHG Witt 2 qt. Hunter Green Pail - Decorative Pail
2 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 6" dia x 5.75"
Capacity: 2 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Hunter Green
Mfr Item: W2PCHG
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 63.72 48.60 83.60 Witt 2 qt. Hunter Green Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W2PCHG, WITT-W2PCHG, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8143 Witt Industries Witt 2 qt. Pink Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W2PCPR) 8143 WITT-W2PCPR 6.00 W2PCPR 2 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 6" dia x 5.75"
Capacity: 2 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Pink Radiance
Mfr Item: W2PCPR
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 77.14 48.60 101.52 WITT-W2PCPR.jpg Witt 2 qt. Pink Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W2PCPR, WITT-W2PCPR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8144 Witt Industries Witt 2 qt. Purple Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W2PCPUR) 8144 WITT-W2PCPUR 6.00 W2PCPUR Witt 2 qt. Purple Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail
2 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 6" dia x 5.75"
Capacity: 2 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Purple Radiance
Mfr Item: W2PCPUR
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 63.72 48.60 86.06 WITT-W2PCPUR.jpg Witt 2 qt. Purple Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W2PCPUR, WITT-W2PCPUR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8145 Witt Industries Witt 2 qt. Sunshine Yellow Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W2PCSY) 8145 WITT-W2PCSY 6.00 W2PCSY 2 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 6" dia x 5.75"
Capacity: 2 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Sunshine Yellow
Mfr Item: W2PCSY
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 77.14 48.60 102.43 WITT-W2PCSY.jpg Witt 2 qt. Sunshine Yellow Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W2PCSY, WITT-W2PCSY, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8146 Witt Industries Witt 2 qt. Teal Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W2PCTR) 8146 WITT-W2PCTR 6.00 W2PCTR Witt 2 qt. Teal Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail
2 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 6" dia x 5.75"
Capacity: 2 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Teal Radiance
Mfr Item: W2PCTR
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 96.09 51.30 131.20 WITT-W2PCTR.jpg Witt 2 qt. Teal Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W2PCTR, WITT-W2PCTR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8147 Witt Industries Witt 20 gal. 15 standard colors (WITT-SC2002FT) 8147 WITT-SC20-02-FT 56.00 SC20-02-FT Witt 20 gal. 15 standard colors
Stadium Series 20 gallon perforated steel receptacle with flat lid. Allows you to have your logo laser cut into the metal. Comes with rigid plastic liner and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 15.5" x 31.5"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 15 standard colors
Mfr Item: SC20-02-FT
Lead Time: Quote by order - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 383.02 243.45 521.94 WITT-SC20-02-FT.jpg Witt 20 gal. 15 standard colors WITT-SC2002FT, WITT-SC20-02-FT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8148 Witt Industries Witt 20 gal. 15 standard colors (WITT-SCAT02SP) 8148 WITT-SCAT-02-SP 56.00 SCAT-02-SP Stadium Series perforated ash 'n trash units. This unit allows you to laser cut your logo into the metal to display your team or corporate logo. Comes standard with a plastic liner
Dimensions: 15.5" x 39.5"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 15 standard colors
Mfr Item: SCAT-02-SP
Lead Time: Quote by order
Witt Industries 434.29 273.60 576.96 WITT-SCAT-02-SP.jpg Witt 20 gal. 15 standard colors WITT-SCAT02SP, WITT-SCAT-02-SP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8149 Witt Industries 20 Gallon Ash 'n Trash, Stadium Series, Blue (WITT-SCAT01SPBL) 8149 WITT-SCAT-01-SPBL 56.00 SCAT-01-SPBL 20 Gallon Ash 'n Trash Receptacle
Stadium Series perforated ash 'n trash units. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use. Comes standard with a plastic liner
Dimensions: 15.5" x 39.5"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Blue
Mfr Item: SCAT-01-SPBL
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries - 20 Gallon Ash - N - Trash, Stadium Series, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 515.14 275.03 703.47 Witt 20 gal. 15 standard colors Ash 'n Trash - Stadium Series WITT-SCAT01SP, WITT-SCAT-01-SP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8150 Witt Industries 20 Gallon Trash Can, Stadium Series, Blue with Flat Top Lid (WITT-SC2001FTBL) 8150 WITT-SC20-01-FTBL 56.00 SC20-01-FTBL Outdoor Trash Can
Stadium Series 20 gallon perforated steel receptacle with flat lid. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use. Comes with rigid plastic liner and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 15.5" x 31.5"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Blue
Mfr Item: SC20-01-FTBL
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries - 20 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Flat Top Lid, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 462.63 247.00 627.99 WITT-SC20-01-FT.jpg Witt 20 gal. 15 standard colors Perforated Receptacle - Stadium Series WITT-SC2001FT, WITT-SC20-01-FT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8151 Witt Industries Witt 20 gal. Black Liner - Stadium Series (WITT-20LBK) 8151 WITT-20LBK 5.00 20LBK Witt 20 gal. Black Liner - Stadium Series
Black plastic liner for the 20 gallon Stadium Series receptacle
Dimensions: 16" x 29.75"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Plastic
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
Mfr Item: 20LBK
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 52.51 40.05 69.03 WITT-SC20L.jpg Witt 20 gal. Black Liner - Stadium Series WITT-20LBK, WITT-20LBK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8152 Witt Industries 20 Gallon Light Duty Trash Can Lid, Metal, 3 Lids (WITT-WCD20L) 8152 WITT-WCD20L 6.00 WCD20L 20 Gallon Light Duty Trash Can Lids
Witt galvanized lids are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel for superior strength and durability. Dimensions: 18" dia. X 5", Capacity: 20 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 3, Color: Galvanized, UPC: 096639221305, Mfr Item: WCD20L, Lead Time: 10 days
Witt 20 Gallon Trash Can Lid, Light Duty Galvanized, Metal, 3 Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 27.81 14.85 36.79 WITT-WCD20L.jpg Witt 20 gal. Galvanized Lid Only - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WCD20L, WITT-WCD20L, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8153 Witt Industries Witt 20 gal. Galvanized Liner - Galvanized Liners (WITT-20DTL) 8153 WITT-20DTL 21.00 20DTL Galvanized steel liner
Dimensions: 16" x 29"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639460209
Mfr Item: 20DTL
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 45.00 28.35 59.77 WITT-20DTL.jpg Witt 20 gal. Galvanized Liner - Galvanized Liners WITT-20DTL, WITT-20DTL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8154 Witt Industries Witt 20 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids (WITT-WCD20C) 8154 WITT-WCD20C 64.00 WCD20C Witt 20 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely.
Dimensions: 17.5" x 23"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639201307
Mfr Item: WCD20C
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 98.61 52.65 132.41 WITT-WCD20C.jpg Witt 20 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WCD20C, WITT-WCD20C, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8155 Witt Industries Witt 20 gal. Galvanized Trash Can and Lid - Galvanized Cans & Lids (WITT-WCD20CL) 8155 WITT-WCD20CL 64.00 WCD20CL Witt 20 gal. Galvanized Trash Can and Lid - Galvanized Cans & Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely.
Dimensions: 17.5" x 25.5"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639211306
Mfr Item: WCD20CL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 123.90 66.15 165.60 WITT-WCD20CL.jpg Witt 20 gal. Galvanized Trash Can and Lid - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WCD20CL, WITT-WCD20CL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8156 Witt Industries 20 Gallon Recycling Unit, Stadium Series, Post Office Blue (WITT-SC2001RCBL) 8156 WITT-SC20-01-RC-BL 56.00 SC20-01-RC-BL 20 Gallon Recycling Receptacle
Stadium Series 20 gallon perforated steel recycling unit. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use. Comes with a round opening in the top. Plastic liner and lid attachment kit are provided.
Dimensions: 15.5" x 31.5"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Post Office Blue
Mfr Item: SC20-01-RC-BL
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries - 20 Gallon Recycling Unit, Stadium Series, Post Office Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 319.78 243.90 425.38 WITT-SC20-01-RC-BL.jpg Witt 20 gal. Post Office Blue Perforated Recycling Unit - Stadium Series WITT-SC2001RCBL, WITT-SC20-01-RC-BL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8157 Witt Industries 20 Gallon Recycling Unit, Stadium Series, Post Office Blue (WITT-SC2001RPBL) 8157 WITT-SC20-01-RP-BL 56.00 SC20-01-RP-BL 20 Gallon Recycling Receptacle
Stadium Series 20 gallon perforated steel recycling unit. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use. Comes with a slot opening in the top. Plastic liner and lid attachment kit are provided.
Dimensions: 15.5" x 31.5"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Post Office Blue
Mfr Item: SC20-01-RP-BL
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries - 20 Gallon Recycling Unit, Stadium Series, Post Office Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 319.78 243.90 416.74 WITT-SC20-01-RP-BL.jpg Witt 20 gal. Post Office Blue Perforated Recycling Unit - Stadium Series WITT-SC2001RPBL, WITT-SC20-01-RP-BL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8158 Witt Industries Witt 20 gal. Recycle blue Can Collector - Metal Recycling Containers (WITT-10/1DTDB) 8158 WITT-10/1DTDB 60.00 10/1DTDB Witt 20 gal. Recycle blue Can Collector - Metal Recycling Containers
Tall round recycling wastebasket and top. Round hole opening in the center of the top makes it perfect for recycling cans. The small footprint allows recycling in areas where you are trying to save space.
Dimensions: 16" x 30"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Recycle blue
UPC: 096639311013
Mfr Item: 10/1DTDB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 71.12 54.90 93.25 Witt 20 gal. Recycle blue Can Collector - Metal Recycling Containers WITT-10/1DTDB, WITT-10/1DTDB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8159 Witt Industries Witt 20 gal. Recycle blue Paper Collector - Metal Recycling Containers (WITT-10/1STDB) 8159 WITT-10/1STDB 60.00 10/1STDB Witt 20 gal. Recycle blue Paper Collector - Metal Recycling Containers
Tall round recycling wastebasket and top. Slot opening in the top makes it perfect for recycling paper and newspaper. The small footprint allows recycling in areas where you are trying to save space.
Dimensions: 16" x 30"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Recycle blue
Mfr Item: 10/1STDB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 80.45 62.10 105.87 WITT-10-1STDB.jpg Witt 20 gal. Recycle blue Paper Collector - Metal Recycling Containers WITT-10/1STDB, WITT-10/1STDB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8160 Witt Industries 20 gallon Trash Can, Stainless Steel with Flat Top Lid (WITT-SC2001SSFT) 8160 WITT-SC20-01-SS 56.00 SC20-01-SS Outdoor Trash Can
Stadium Series 20 gallon stainless steel, perforated receptacle with flat lid. Comes with rigid plastic liner and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 15.5" x 31.5"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Stainless Steel
UPC: 096639291414
Mfr Item: SC20-01-SSFT
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries - 20 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Flat Top Lid, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 422.44 322.20 578.02 WITT-SC20-01-SS.jpg Witt 20 gal. Stainless Steel WITT-SC2001SS, WITT-SC20-01-SS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8161 Witt Industries Witt 20 gal. Stainless Steel (WITT-SC2002SS) 8161 WITT-SC20-02-SS 56.00 SC20-02-SS Stadium Series 20 gallon perforated stainless steel receptacle with flat lid. Allows you to have your logo laser cut into the metal. Comes with rigid plastic liner and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 15.5" x 31.5"
Capacity: 20 gal.
Material: Stainless Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Stainless Steel
UPC: 096639301410
Mfr Item: SC20-02-SS
Lead Time: Quote by order
Witt Industries 532.86 335.70 688.44 WITT-SC20-02-SS.jpg Witt 20 gal. Stainless Steel WITT-SC2002SS, WITT-SC20-02-SS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8162 Witt Industries 20 Gallon Dometop Trash Can Lid, White (WITT-20DTWH) 8162 WITT-20DTWH 96.00 20DTWH 20 Gallon Trash Can Dometop Lid
Dome top receptacle with push doors. Features a strong steel shell with a galvanized liner. Self-closing door effectively controls odors. Perfect for hotels, casinos and office break rooms. Dimensions: 18" x 40", Capacity: 20 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: White, UPC: 096639670202, Mfr Item: 20DTWH, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 20 Gallon Standard Dometop Trash Can Lid, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 205.91 157.05 281.75 WITT-20DTWH.jpg witt 20 gallon white dometop trash can, WITT-20DTWH, WITT-20DTWH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8163 Witt Industries Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-11R1630CSP) 8163 WITT-11R-1630CSP 47.00 11R-1630CSP Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors
Recycling container for cans. Made of fiberglass which makes it impervious to rust and stains. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner
Dimensions: 16" x 30"
Capacity: 21 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 11R-1630CSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 388.55 294.30 520.07 WITT-11R-1630CSP.jpg Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-11R1630CSP, WITT-11R-1630CSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8164 Witt Industries Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-11R1630GSP) 8164 WITT-11R-1630GSP 47.00 11R-1630GSP Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors
Recycling container for glass. Made of fiberglass which makes it impervious to rust and stains. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner
Dimensions: 16" x 30"
Capacity: 21 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 11R-1630GSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 388.55 294.30 514.42 WITT-11R-1630GSP.jpg Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-11R1630GSP, WITT-11R-1630GSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8165 Witt Industries Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-11R1630PSP) 8165 WITT-11R-1630PSP 47.00 11R-1630PSP Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors
Recycling container for paper. Made of fiberglass which makes it impervious to rust and stains. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner
Dimensions: 16" x 30"
Capacity: 21 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 11R-1630PSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 388.55 294.30 530.33 WITT-11R-1630PSP.jpg Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-11R1630PSP, WITT-11R-1630PSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8166 Witt Industries Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C1630TDSP) 8166 WITT-7C-1630TDSP 27.00 7C-1630TDSP Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors
Fiberglass trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Decorative design to complement any setting. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 16" x 30"
Capacity: 21 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-1630TDSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 464.12 288.90 635.45 Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C1630TDSP, WITT-7C-1630TDSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8167 Witt Industries Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C1630TSP) 8167 WITT-7C-1630TSP 27.00 7C-1630TSP Fiberglass trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Decorative design to complement any setting. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 16" x 30"
Capacity: 21 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-1630TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 359.44 272.25 469.60 Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C1630TSP, WITT-7C-1630TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8168 Witt Industries Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C1830TDSP) 8168 WITT-7C-1830TDSP 27.00 7C-1830TDSP Fiberglass trash receptacle. Push door helps to eliminate odors. One-piece construction offers a sleek and smooth design. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 18" x 30"
Capacity: 21 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-1830TDSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 507.97 384.75 664.70 Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C1830TDSP, WITT-7C-1830TDSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8169 Witt Industries Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C1830TSP) 8169 WITT-7C-1830TSP 27.00 7C-1830TSP Fiberglass trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Decorative design to complement any setting. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 18" x 30"
Capacity: 21 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-1830TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 442.62 335.25 594.01 Witt 21 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C1830TSP, WITT-7C-1830TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8170 Witt Industries 21 Gallon Kitchen Swingtop Trash Can, Almond (WITT-1411HTAL) 8170 WITT-1411HTAL 43.00 1411HTAL Swingtop Kitchen Trash Can
Medium, painted hamper and swing top helps contain odors. Comes with feet to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches. Perfect for hotels, casinos, home kitchens, and office break rooms. Optional rigid plastic liner see WITT-21R. Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 38", Capacity: 21 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Almond, UPC: 096639564112, Mfr Item: 1411HTAL. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 21 Gallon Swingtop Kitchen Trash Can, Almond, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 145.73 111.15 195.94 WITT-1411HTAL.jpg witt 21 gallon almond swingtop trash can, WITT-1411HTAL, WITT-1411HTAL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8171 Witt Industries Witt 21 gal. Black with brass accents Pushtop - Monarch Series (WITT-21HT11) 8171 WITT-21HT-11 53.00 21HT-11 Witt 21 gal. Black with brass accents Pushtop - Monarch Series
Painted hamper and top with push doors. Upscale and stylish to add flair to any venue. The unit has a black hamper and top with brass push doors. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 14" x 14" x 37"
Capacity: 21 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black with brass accents
UPC: 096639110210
Mfr Item: 21HT-11
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 153.99 117.45 205.99 WITT-21HT-11.jpg Witt 21 gal. Black with brass accents Pushtop - Monarch Series WITT-21HT11, WITT-21HT-11, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8172 Witt Industries Witt 21 gal. Black with chrome accents Pushtop - Monarch Series (WITT-21HT22) 8172 WITT-21HT-22 53.00 21HT-22 Witt 21 gal. Black with chrome accents Pushtop - Monarch Series
Painted hamper and top with push doors. Upscale and stylish to add flair to any venue. The unit has a black hamper and top with chrome push doors. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 14" x 14" x 37"
Capacity: 21 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black with chrome accents
UPC: 096639220216
Mfr Item: 21HT-22
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 153.99 117.45 207.80 WITT-21HT-22.jpg Witt 21 gal. Black with chrome accents Pushtop - Monarch Series WITT-21HT22, WITT-21HT-22, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8173 Witt Industries Witt 21 gal. Black, plastic Liner - Rigid Plastic Liner (WITT-21R) 8173 WITT-21R 43.00 21R 21 Gallon Black Rigid Plastic Liner
Rigid plastic liner for use with WITT 21 gallon square garbage cans.
Dimensions: 13" x 13" x 27"
Capacity: 21 gal.
Material: Plastic
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black, plastic
UPC: 096639400212
Mfr Item: 21R
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 92.71 49.50 126.10 WITT-21R.jpg Witt 21 gal. Black, plastic Liner - Rigid Plastic Liner WITT-21R, WITT-21R, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8174 Witt Industries 21 Gallon Kitchen Swingtop Trash Can, Slate (WITT-1411HTSL) 8174 WITT-1411HTSL 43.00 1411HTSL 21 Gallon Swingtop Trash Can
Medium, painted hamper and swing top helps contain odors. Comes with feet to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches. Perfect for hotels, casinos, home kitchens, and office break rooms. Optional rigid plastic liner see WITT-21R. Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 38", Capacity: 21 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Slate, UPC: 096639524116, Mfr Item: 1411HTSL, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 21 Gallon Swingtop Kitchen Swingtop Trash Can, Slate, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 145.73 111.15 198.90 WITT-1411HTSL.jpg witt 21 gallon slate swingtop trash can, WITT-1411HTSL, WITT-1411HTSL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8175 Witt Industries 21 Gallon Stainless Steel Kitchen Pushtop Trash Can (WITT-21HTSS) 8175 WITT-21HTSS 53.00 21HTSS Kitchen Trash Can
Stainless steel hamper and top with push doors. Self-closing doors help to eliminate odors. Perfect for hotels, casinos, and office break rooms. Optional rigid plastic liner see WITT-21R. Dimensions: 14" x 14" x 37", Capacity: 21 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Stainless Steel, UPC: 096639950212, Mfr Item: 21HTSS, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 21 Gallon Pushtop Kitchen Trash Can, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 265.50 202.50 347.55 WITT-21HTSS.jpg witt 21 gallon stainless steel pushtop trash can, WITT-21HTSS, WITT-21HTSS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8176 Witt Industries 21 Gallon Stainless Steel Swingtop Kitchen Trash Can (WITT-1411HTSS) 8176 WITT-1411HTSS 43.00 1411HTSS Kitchen Trash Can
Providing a sleek stainless steel swingtop design, the Witt Wastewatcher Swingtop trash can is the perfect waste container for any commercial, residential, or industrial environment. Stylish and crisp, this medium sized stainless steel trash bin can hold up to 21 gallons of material. Offering a design that allows easy access to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches, the container comes with an optional rigid plastic liner that is available for purchase as well, see WITT-21R. The ideal trash receptacle the Witt Stainless Steel Swingtop Wastewatcher is perfect for any environment. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 21 Gallon Stainless Steel Swingtop, 15" x 15" x 38", Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 259.01 197.55 342.58 WITT-1411HTSS.jpg stainless steel trash can, swingtop trash can, swingtop garbage can, wastewatchers trash can, witt trash can, WITT-1411HTSS, WITT1411HTSS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8177 Witt Industries Witt 21 gal. White (WITT-2221WH) 8177 WITT-2221WH 47.00 2221WH Witt 21 gal. White
Square step-on receptacle featuring safe, hands-free operation. Provides sanitary disposal for healthcare facilities or any place dealing with bio-hazardous material.
Dimensions: 14" x 30"
Capacity: 21 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: White
UPC: 096639210903
Mfr Item: 2221WH
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 190.00 123.50 245.63 WITT-2221WH.jpg Witt 21 gal. White WITT-2221WH, WITT-2221WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8178 Witt Industries 21 Gallon White Swingtop Kitchen Trash Can (WITT-1411HTWH) 8178 WITT-1411HTWH 43.00 1411HTWH Kitchen Trash Can
Medium, painted hamper and swing top helps contain odors. Comes with feet to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches. Perfect for hotels, casinos, home kitchens, and office break rooms. Optional rigid plastic liner see WITT-21R.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 38"
Capacity: 21 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: White
UPC: 096639574111
Mfr Item: 1411HTWH
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries - 21 Gallon Swingtop Kitchen Trash Can, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 145.73 111.15 196.13 WITT-1411HTWH.jpg witt 21 gallon White Swingtop trash can, WITT-1411HTWH, WITT-1411HTWH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8179 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. 30 standard colors Fiberglass Recycling Containers (WITT-11RR121631) 8179 WITT-11RR-121631 37.00 11RR-121631 Witt 24 gal. 30 standard colors Fiberglass Recycling Containers
Recycling container with your choice of opening. Made of fiberglass which makes it impervious to rust and stains. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner
Dimensions: 12" x 16" x 31"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 11RR-121631
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 430.74 326.25 570.87 WITT-11RR121631.jpg Witt 24 gal. 30 standard colors Fiberglass Recycling Containers WITT-11RR121631, WITT-11RR-121631, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8180 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Black Liner - Oakley Collection (WITT-SMB24L) 8180 WITT-SMB24L 48.00 SMB24L Plastic liner
Dimensions: 14.5" x 27.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Plastic
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
Mfr Item: SMB24L
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 71.43 45.00 92.43 WITT-SMB24L.jpg Witt 24 gal. Black Liner - Oakley Collection WITT-SMB24L, WITT-SMB24L, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8181 Witt Industries Witt 24 Gallon Metal Recycling Container, Black (WITT-15RTBK) 8181 WITT-15RTBK 57.00 15RTBK Black 24 Gallon Metal Recycling Container
The perfect addition to any environment where recycling is emphasized, this black steel container is sure to make a positive environmental impact. Coming with a combination recycling container design complete with 3 separate openings, this container boasts 3 separate liners, allowing the user to recycle several commodities in one location to save space. Measuring in at dimensions of 15" x 32", this reliable steel recycling container has a capacity of 24 gallons. Ctn Qty: 1, color: Black, UPC: 096639100709, Mfr Item: 15RTBK. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt RT Recycler, 24 Gallon Metal Recycling Container, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 243.67 185.85 329.68 witt, recycling container, recycling can, trash can, garbage can, witt trash can, witt recycling containers, WITT-15RTBK, WITT-15RTBK 1 1 0 0 20 241
8182 Witt Industries 24 Gallon Black Metal Recycling Container (WITT-15RTBK1H) 8182 WITT-15RTBK-1H 57.00 15RTBK-1H Black Metal Recycling Containers
Single opening container that is perfect for single stream recycling, waste or co-mingling of recyclable items. Complete with rigid plastic liner and various decals.
Dimensions: 15" x 32"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 96639210705
Mfr Item: 15RTBK-1H
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 227.15 173.25 299.19 WITT-15RT-1H-BK.jpg Witt 24 gal. Black RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers WITT-15RTBK1H, WITT-15RTBK-1H, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8183 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series (WITT-RC2410ATBK) 8183 WITT-RC2410-AT-BK 146.00 RC2410-AT-BK Witt 24 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25" x 39.25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639163407
Mfr Item: RC2410-AT-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 899.16 685.80 1172.83 WITT-RC2410.jpg Witt 24 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series WITT-RC2410ATBK, WITT-RC2410-AT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8184 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series (WITT-RC2410DTBK) 8184 WITT-RC2410-DT-BK 148.00 RC2410-DT-BK Witt 24 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with dome top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25" x 40.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639223200
Mfr Item: RC2410-DT-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 915.09 697.95 1194.77 WITT-RC2410.jpg Witt 24 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series WITT-RC2410DTBK, WITT-RC2410-DT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8185 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series (WITT-RC2410FTBK) 8185 WITT-RC2410-FT-BK 144.00 RC2410-FT-BK Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with flat top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25" x 31"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639263206
Mfr Item: RC2410-FT-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 849.60 648.00 1163.06 WITT-RC2410-FT-GN.jpg Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series WITT-RC2410FTBK, WITT-RC2410-FT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8186 Witt Industries Witt 24 Gallon Trash Can w/ Flat Top Lid, Wydman Collection, Black (WITT-WC2400FTBK) 8186 WITT-WC2400-FT-BK 106.00 WC2400-FT-BK 24 Gallon Trash Can with Flat Top Lid
Heavy duty steel receptacle with flat top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner. Dimensions: 25.5" x 25.5", Capacity: 24 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639163308, Mfr Item: WC2400-FT-BK, Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt 24 Gallon Trash Can with Flat Top Lid, Wydman Collection, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 584.10 445.50 765.53 WITT-WC2400-FT-BK.jpg witt trash can lids, WITT-WC2400FTBK, WITT-WC2400-FT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8187 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series (WITT-RC2410RCBK) 8187 WITT-RC2410-RC-BK 146.00 RC2410-RC-BK Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with rain cap lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25" x 39.25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639293203
Mfr Item: RC2410-RC-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 899.16 685.80 1214.60 WITT-RC2410.jpg Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series WITT-RC2410RCBK, WITT-RC2410-RC-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8188 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401ATBK) 8188 WITT-M2401-AT-BK 57.00 M2401-AT-BK Metal receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 23" x 44.25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639314014
Mfr Item: M2401-AT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 532.18 405.90 696.02 Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401ATBK, WITT-M2401-AT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8189 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401DTBK) 8189 WITT-M2401-DT-BK 57.00 M2401-DT-BK Metal receptacle with dome lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 23" x 45.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639314021
Mfr Item: M2401-DT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 538.08 410.40 730.13 Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401DTBK, WITT-M2401-DT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8190 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401FTBK) 8190 WITT-M2401-FT-BK 55.00 M2401-FT-BK Black Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection
Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti. Metal band at the top adds strength. Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn). Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes. Color choice includes powder coated black, brown or green. Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge. Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 23" x 36"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639263107
Mfr Item: M2401-FT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 475.54 362.70 631.67 WITT-M2401-FT-BK.jpg Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401FTBK, WITT-M2401-FT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8191 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401RCBK) 8191 WITT-M2401-RC-BK 57.00 M2401-RC-BK Metal receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 23" x 44.25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639293104
Mfr Item: M2401-RC-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 532.18 405.90 701.84 Witt 24 gal. Black Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401RCBK, WITT-M2401-RC-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8192 Witt Industries Witt 24 Gallon Metal Recycling Container, Blue (WITT-15RTBL) 8192 WITT-15RTBL 57.00 15RTBL Blue 24 Gallon Metal Recycling Container
The perfect addition to any environment where recycling is emphasized, this blue steel container is sure to make a positive environmental impact. Coming with a combination recycling container design complete with 3 separate openings, this container boasts 3 separate liners, allowing the user to recycle several commodities in one location to save space. Measuring in at dimensions of 15" x 32", this reliable steel recycling container has a capacity of 24 gallons. Ctn Qty: 1, color: Black, UPC: 096639120707, Mfr Item: 15RTBL. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt RT Recycler, 24 Gallon Metal Recycling Container, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 243.67 185.85 327.68 witt, recycling container, recycling can, trash can, garbage can, witt trash can, witt recycling containers, WITT-15RTBL, WITT-15RTBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8193 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Blue RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers (WITT-15RTBL1H) 8193 WITT-15RTBL-1H 57.00 15RTBL-1H Witt 24 gal. Blue RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers
Single opening container that is perfect for single stream recycling, waste or co-mingling of recyclable items. Complete with rigid plastic liner and various decals.
Dimensions: 15" x 32"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Blue
UPC: 96639200706
Mfr Item: 15RTBL-1H
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 227.15 173.25 300.00 WITT-15RT-1H-BL.jpg Witt 24 gal. Blue RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers WITT-15RTBL1H, WITT-15RTBL-1H, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8194 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series (WITT-RC2410ATBN) 8194 WITT-RC2410-AT-BN 146.00 RC2410-AT-BN Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25" x 39.25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639203202
Mfr Item: RC2410-AT-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 899.16 685.80 1209.11 WITT-RC2410.jpg Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series WITT-RC2410ATBN, WITT-RC2410-AT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8195 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series (WITT-RC2410DTBN) 8195 WITT-RC2410-DT-BN 149.00 RC2410-DT-BN Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with dome top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25" x 40.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639243208
Mfr Item: RC2410-DT-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 915.09 697.95 1240.25 WITT-RC2410.jpg Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series WITT-RC2410DTBN, WITT-RC2410-DT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8196 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series (WITT-RC2410FTBN) 8196 WITT-RC2410-FT-BN 144.00 RC2410-FT-BN Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with flat top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25" x 31"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639273205
Mfr Item: RC2410-FT-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 849.60 648.00 1106.90 WITT-RC2410-FT-GN.jpg Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series WITT-RC2410FTBN, WITT-RC2410-FT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8197 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC2400FTBN) 8197 WITT-WC2400-FT-BN 106.00 WC2400-FT-BN Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection
Heavy duty steel receptacle with flat top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25.5" x 25.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639173307
Mfr Item: WC2400-FT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 584.10 445.50 769.53 Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection WITT-WC2400FTBN, WITT-WC2400-FT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8198 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series (WITT-RC2410RCBN) 8198 WITT-RC2410-RC-BN 146.00 RC2410-RC-BN Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with rain cap lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25" x 39.25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639303209
Mfr Item: RC2410-RC-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 899.16 685.80 1203.06 WITT-RC2410.jpg Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series WITT-RC2410RCBN, WITT-RC2410-RC-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8199 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401ATBN) 8199 WITT-M2401-AT-BN 57.00 M2401-AT-BN Metal receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 23" x 44.25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639904017
Mfr Item: M2401-AT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 532.18 405.90 703.04 Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401ATBN, WITT-M2401-AT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8200 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401DTBN) 8200 WITT-M2401-DT-BN 57.00 M2401-DT-BN Metal receptacle with dome lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 23" x 45.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639904024
Mfr Item: M2401-DT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 651.43 410.40 858.17 WITT-M2401.jpg Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401DTBN, WITT-M2401-DT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8201 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401FTBN) 8201 WITT-M2401-FT-BN 55.00 M2401-FT-BN = Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti = Metal band at the top adds strength = Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn) = Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes = Color choice includes powder coated black, brown or green = Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge = Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 23" x 36"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639273106
Mfr Item: M2401-FT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 475.54 362.70 651.01 Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401FTBN, WITT-M2401-FT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8202 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401RCBN) 8202 WITT-M2401-RC-BN 57.00 M2401-RC-BN Metal receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 23" x 44.25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639303100
Mfr Item: M2401-RC-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 532.18 405.90 705.45 Witt 24 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401RCBN, WITT-M2401-RC-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8203 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. charcoal Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-24MSRCB) 8203 WITT-24MSR-CB 44.00 24MSR-CB Witt 24 gal. charcoal Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers
Confidential waste containers allows you to store documents securely until disposal. Units comes with lock and keys.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 24"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: charcoal
UPC: 096639240313
Mfr Item: 24MSR-CB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 174.05 132.75 228.51 WITT-24MSR-CB.jpg Witt 24 gal. charcoal Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers WITT-24MSRCB, WITT-24MSR-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8204 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-24GC01CB) 8204 WITT-24GC01-CB 44.00 24GC01-CB Witt 24 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. The 3 lid options allows sorting of recyclables easily.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 24"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Charcoal
UPC: 096639040241
Mfr Item: 24GC01-CB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 157.53 120.15 210.49 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 24 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-24GC01CB, WITT-24GC01-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8205 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-24GC02CB) 8205 WITT-24GC02-CB 44.00 24GC02-CB Witt 24 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 24"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Charcoal
UPC: 096639020243
Mfr Item: 24GC02-CB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 157.53 120.15 204.93 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 24 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-24GC02CB, WITT-24GC02-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8206 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-24GC03CB) 8206 WITT-24GC03-CB 44.00 24GC03-CB Witt 24 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 24"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Charcoal
UPC: 096639080247
Mfr Item: 24GC03-CB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 157.53 120.15 214.73 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 24 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-24GC03CB, WITT-24GC03-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8207 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids (WITT-WCD24C) 8207 WITT-WCD24C 64.00 WCD24C Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely.
Dimensions: 19.5" dia. X 23.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639231304
Mfr Item: WCD24C
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 121.37 64.80 159.71 WITT-WCD24C.jpg Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WCD24C, WITT-WCD24C, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8208 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids (WITT-WHD24C) 8208 WITT-WHD24C 64.00 WHD24C Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely.
Dimensions: 19.5" dia x 23.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639291308
Mfr Item: WHD24C
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 283.20 151.20 375.82 WITT-WHD24C.jpg Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WHD24C, WITT-WHD24C, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8209 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids (WITT-WMD24C) 8209 WITT-WMD24C 64.00 WMD24C Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely.
Dimensions: 19.5" dia x 23.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639351309
Mfr Item: WMD24C
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 184.59 98.55 244.71 WITT-WMD24C.jpg Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WMD24C, WITT-WMD24C, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8210 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can and Lid - Galvanized Cans & Lids (WITT-WCD24CL) 8210 WITT-WCD24CL 64.00 WCD24CL Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can and Lid - Galvanized Cans & Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely.
Dimensions: 19.5" dia x 25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639241303
Mfr Item: WCD24CL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 151.71 81.00 203.50 WITT-WCD24CL.jpg Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can and Lid - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WCD24CL, WITT-WCD24CL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8211 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can and Lid - Galvanized Cans & Lids (WITT-WHD24CL) 8211 WITT-WHD24CL 64.00 WHD24CL Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can and Lid - Galvanized Cans & Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely.
Dimensions: 19.5" x 25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639301304
Mfr Item: WHD24CL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 346.41 184.95 452.09 WITT-WHD24CL.jpg Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can and Lid - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WHD24CL, WITT-WHD24CL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8212 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can and Lid - Galvanized Cans & Lids (WITT-WMD24CL) 8212 WITT-WMD24CL 64.00 WMD24CL Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can and Lid - Galvanized Cans & Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely.
Dimensions: 19.5" dia x 25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639361308
Mfr Item: WMD24CL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 240.21 128.25 318.02 WITT-WMD24CL.jpg Witt 24 gal. Galvanized Trash Can and Lid - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WMD24CL, WITT-WMD24CL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8213 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Green RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers (WITT-15RTGN) 8213 WITT-15RTGN 57.00 15RTGN Combination recycling container with 3 separate openings. The 3 separate liners allow you to recycle several commodities in one location to save space.
Dimensions: 15" x 32"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 96639270709
Mfr Item: 15RTGN
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 243.67 185.85 321.80 Witt 24 gal. Green RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers WITT-15RTGN, WITT-15RTGN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8214 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Green RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers (WITT-15RTGN1H) 8214 WITT-15RTGN-1H 57.00 15RTGN-1H Witt 24 gal. Green RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers
Single opening container that is perfect for single stream recycling, waste or co-mingling of recyclable items. Complete with rigid plastic liner and various decals.
Dimensions: 15" x 32"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 96639250701
Mfr Item: 15RTGN-1H
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 324.50 173.25 423.10 WITT-15RT-1H-GN.jpg Witt 24 gal. Green RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers WITT-15RTGN1H, WITT-15RTGN-1H, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8215 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series (WITT-RC2410ATGN) 8215 WITT-RC2410-AT-GN 146.00 RC2410-AT-GN Witt 24 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25" x 39.25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639213201
Mfr Item: RC2410-AT-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 899.16 685.80 1205.88 WITT-RC2410.jpg Witt 24 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series WITT-RC2410ATGN, WITT-RC2410-AT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8216 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series (WITT-RC2410DTGN) 8216 WITT-RC2410-DT-GN 148.00 RC2410-DT-GN Witt 24 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with dome top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25" x 40.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639253207
Mfr Item: RC2410-DT-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 915.09 697.95 1214.12 WITT-RC2410.jpg Witt 24 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series WITT-RC2410DTGN, WITT-RC2410-DT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8217 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series (WITT-RC2410FTGN) 8217 WITT-RC2410-FT-GN 144.00 RC2410-FT-GN Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with flat top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25" x 31"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639283204
Mfr Item: RC2410-FT-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 849.60 648.00 1153.27 WITT-RC2410-FT-GN.jpg Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series WITT-RC2410FTGN, WITT-RC2410-FT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8218 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC2400FTGN) 8218 WITT-WC2400-FT-GN 106.00 WC2400-FT-GN Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection
Heavy duty steel receptacle with flat top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25.5" x 25.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639183306
Mfr Item: WC2400-FT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 584.10 445.50 770.80 Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection WITT-WC2400FTGN, WITT-WC2400-FT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8219 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series (WITT-RC2410RCGN) 8219 WITT-RC2410-RC-GN 146.00 RC2410-RC-GN Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with rain cap lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 25" x 39.25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639313208
Mfr Item: RC2410-RC-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 899.16 685.80 1173.72 WITT-RC2410.jpg Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series WITT-RC2410RCGN, WITT-RC2410-RC-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8220 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401ATGN) 8220 WITT-M2401-AT-GN 57.00 M2401-AT-GN Metal receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 23" x 44.25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639494013
Mfr Item: M2401-AT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 532.18 405.90 723.84 Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401ATGN, WITT-M2401-AT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8221 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401DTGN) 8221 WITT-M2401-DT-GN 57.00 M2401-DT-GN Metal receptacle with dome lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 23" x 45.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639494020
Mfr Item: M2401-DT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 651.43 410.40 855.41 WITT-M2401.jpg Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401DTGN, WITT-M2401-DT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8222 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401FTGN) 8222 WITT-M2401-FT-GN 55.00 M2401-FT-GN = Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti = Metal band at the top adds strength = Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn) = Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes = Color choice includes powder coated black, brown or green = Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge = Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 23" x 36"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639283105
Mfr Item: M2401-FT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 475.54 362.70 630.53 Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401FTGN, WITT-M2401-FT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8223 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401RCGN) 8223 WITT-M2401-RC-GN 57.00 M2401-RC-GN Metal receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 23" x 44.25"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639313109
Mfr Item: M2401-RC-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 532.18 405.90 695.36 Witt 24 gal. Green Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401RCGN, WITT-M2401-RC-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8224 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Light Gray Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-24MSRLG) 8224 WITT-24MSR-LG 44.00 24MSR-LG Witt 24 gal. Light Gray Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers
Confidential waste containers allows you to store documents securely until disposal. Units comes with lock and keys.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 24"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Light Gray
UPC: 096639240122
Mfr Item: 24MSR-LG
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 174.05 132.75 231.50 WITT-24MSR-LG.jpg Witt 24 gal. Light Gray Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers WITT-24MSRLG, WITT-24MSR-LG, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 0 0 0 20 241
8225 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Putty Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-24MSRPT) 8225 WITT-24MSR-PT 44.00 24MSR-PT Witt 24 gal. Putty Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers
Confidential waste containers allows you to store documents securely until disposal. Units comes with lock and keys.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 24"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Putty
UPC: 096639240153
Mfr Item: 24MSR-PT
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 174.05 132.75 235.34 WITT-24MSR-PT.jpg Witt 24 gal. Putty Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers WITT-24MSRPT, WITT-24MSR-PT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8226 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Satin Clear Coat Aluminum Series - Decorative Receptacles (WITT-AL18CLR) 8226 WITT-AL18-CLR 50.00 AL18-CLR Witt 24 gal. Satin Clear Coat Aluminum Series - Decorative Receptacles
Aluminum receptacle in satin clear coat finish. Two-piece design creates an overlap area and eliminates the visibility of plastic bags.
Dimensions: 15" x 30.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Satin Clear Coat
UPC: 096639101201
Mfr Item: AL18-CLR
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 410.05 312.75 560.62 WITT-AL18-CLR.jpg Witt 24 gal. Satin Clear Coat Aluminum Series - Decorative Receptacles WITT-AL18CLR, WITT-AL18-CLR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8227 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-24GC01SC) 8227 WITT-24GC01-SC 44.00 24GC01-SC Witt 24 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 24"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Scarlet
UPC: 096639050240
Mfr Item: 24GC01-SC
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 157.53 120.15 204.67 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 24 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-24GC01SC, WITT-24GC01-SC, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8228 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-24GC02SC) 8228 WITT-24GC02-SC 44.00 24GC02-SC Witt 24 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 24"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Scarlet
UPC: 096639070248
Mfr Item: 24GC02-SC
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 157.53 120.15 204.81 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 24 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-24GC02SC, WITT-24GC02-SC, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8229 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-24GC03SC) 8229 WITT-24GC03-SC 44.00 24GC03-SC Witt 24 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 24"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Scarlet
UPC: 096639090246
Mfr Item: 24GC03-SC
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 157.53 120.15 212.40 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 24 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-24GC03SC, WITT-24GC03-SC, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8230 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Silver Vein Aluminum Series - Decorative Receptacles (WITT-AL18SVN) 8230 WITT-AL18-SVN 50.00 AL18-SVN Witt 24 gal. Silver Vein Aluminum Series - Decorative Receptacles
Aluminum receptacle with silver vein, or hammered, finish. Two-piece design creates an overlap area and eliminates the visibility of plastic bags.
Dimensions: 15" x 30.5"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Silver Vein
UPC: 096639201208
Mfr Item: AL18-SVN
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 401.20 306.00 546.79 WITT-AL18-SVN.jpg Witt 24 gal. Silver Vein Aluminum Series - Decorative Receptacles WITT-AL18SVN, WITT-AL18-SVN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8231 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-24GC01SL) 8231 WITT-24GC01-SL 44.00 24GC01-SL Witt 24 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 24"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Slate
Mfr Item: 24GC01-SL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 157.53 120.15 207.49 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 24 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-24GC01SL, WITT-24GC01-SL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8232 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-24GC02SL) 8232 WITT-24GC02-SL 44.00 24GC02-SL Witt 24 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 24"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Slate
Mfr Item: 24GC02-SL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 157.53 120.15 215.30 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 24 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-24GC02SL, WITT-24GC02-SL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8233 Witt Industries Witt 24 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-24GC03SL) 8233 WITT-24GC03-SL 44.00 24GC03-SL Witt 24 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 24"
Capacity: 24 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Slate
Mfr Item: 24GC03-SL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 157.53 120.15 205.04 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 24 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-24GC03SL, WITT-24GC03-SL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8234 Witt Industries Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-11R1831CSP) 8234 WITT-11R-1831CSP 60.00 11R-1831CSP Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors
Recycling container for cans. Made of fiberglass which makes it impervious to rust and stains. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner
Dimensions: 18" x 31"
Capacity: 25 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 11R-1831CSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 496.08 375.75 673.78 WITT-11R-1831CSP.jpg Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-11R1831CSP, WITT-11R-1831CSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8235 Witt Industries Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-11R1831GSP) 8235 WITT-11R-1831GSP 60.00 11R-1831GSP Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors
Recycling container for glass. Made of fiberglass which makes it impervious to rust and stains. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner
Dimensions: 18" x 31"
Capacity: 25 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 11R-1831GSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 496.08 375.75 660.71 WITT-11R-1831GSP.jpg Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-11R1831GSP, WITT-11R-1831GSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8236 Witt Industries Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-11R1831PSP) 8236 WITT-11R-1831PSP 60.00 11R-1831PSP Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors
Recycling container for paper. Made of fiberglass which makes it impervious to rust and stains. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner
Dimensions: 18" x 31"
Capacity: 25 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 11R-1831PSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 496.08 375.75 675.72 WITT-11R-1831PSP.jpg Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-11R1831PSP, WITT-11R-1831PSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8237 Witt Industries Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C1831TSP) 8237 WITT-7C-1831TSP 28.00 7C-1831TSP Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors
Fiberglass trash receptacle with top entry. One-piece construction offers a sleek and smooth design. Comes standard with a plastic liner
Dimensions: 18" x 31"
Capacity: 25 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-1831TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 519.20 396.00 679.22 Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C1831TSP, WITT-7C-1831TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8238 Witt Industries Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C1838T2ASP) 8238 WITT-7C-1838T2ASP 29.00 7C-1838T2ASP Fiberglass ash n trash receptacle with two side entries and a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 18" x 38"
Capacity: 25 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-1838T2ASP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 802.07 607.50 1078.75 Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C1838T2ASP, WITT-7C-1838T2ASP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8239 Witt Industries Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C1838T2SP) 8239 WITT-7C-1838T2SP 29.00 7C-1838T2SP Fiberglass trash receptacle with two side entries and a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 18" x 38"
Capacity: 25 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-1838T2SP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 655.31 496.35 893.04 Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C1838T2SP, WITT-7C-1838T2SP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8240 Witt Industries Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C1838TASP) 8240 WITT-7C-1838TASP 29.00 7C-1838TASP Fiberglass trash receptacle with two side entries and a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 18" x 38"
Capacity: 25 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-1838TASP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 558.47 423.00 736.30 Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C1838TASP, WITT-7C-1838TASP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8241 Witt Industries Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C1838TSP) 8241 WITT-7C-1838TSP 29.00 7C-1838TSP Fiberglass trash receptacle side entry and a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 18" x 38"
Capacity: 25 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-1838TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 622.32 395.55 814.44 Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C1838TSP, WITT-7C-1838TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8242 Witt Industries Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7S1838T2ASP) 8242 WITT-7S-1838T2ASP 37.00 7S-1838T2ASP Fiberglass ash 'n trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Decorative design to complement any setting. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 18" x 38"
Capacity: 25 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7S-1838T2ASP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 698.09 528.75 916.97 Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7S1838T2ASP, WITT-7S-1838T2ASP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8243 Witt Industries Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7S1838T2SP) 8243 WITT-7S-1838T2SP 37.00 7S-1838T2SP Trash receptacle with dual openings. Fiberglass construction make is impervious to stain or tarnish. Lift-off top for easy servicing. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 18" x 38"
Capacity: 25 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7S-1838T2SP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 803.57 506.25 1049.50 Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7S1838T2SP, WITT-7S-1838T2SP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8244 Witt Industries Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7S2032TSP) 8244 WITT-7S-2032TSP 39.00 7S-2032TSP Square trash receptacle with open top. Fiberglass construction makes it impervious to stains and tarnish. Lift-off top for easy servicing. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 20" x 32"
Capacity: 25 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7S-2032TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 698.69 529.20 955.89 Witt 25 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7S2032TSP, WITT-7S-2032TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8245 Witt Industries Witt 26 qt. Almond Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets (WITT-4AL) 8245 WITT-4AL 21.00 4AL Witt 26 qt. Almond Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets
Medium, round wastebasket. Features solid-ribbed construction that adds strength and durability.
Dimensions: 13" x 14"
Capacity: 26 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 6
Color: Almond
UPC: 096639360042
Mfr Item: 4AL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 77.88 59.40 102.83 WITT-4AL.jpg Witt 26 qt. Almond Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets WITT-4AL, WITT-4AL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8246 Witt Industries Witt 26 qt. Black Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets (WITT-4BK) 8246 WITT-4BK 21.00 4BK Witt 26 qt. Black Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets
Medium, round wastebasket. Features solid-ribbed construction that adds strength and durability.
Dimensions: 13" x 14"
Capacity: 26 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 6
Color: Black
UPC: 096639310047
Mfr Item: 4BK
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 77.88 59.40 103.56 WITT-4BK.jpg Witt 26 qt. Black Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets WITT-4BK, WITT-4BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8247 Witt Industries 26 Quart Standard Wastebasket, Steel, Slate, 6 Cans (WITT-4SL) 8247 WITT-4SL 21.00 4SL 26 Quart Slate Wastebaskets
Medium, round wastebasket. Features solid-ribbed construction that adds strength and durability. 13" x 14", Steel, UPC: 096639320046, Mfr Item: 4SL, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 26 Quart Standard Wastebasket, Slat, Steel, 6 Wastebaskets per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 111.26 59.40 146.60 WITT-4SL.jpg Witt 26 qt. Slate Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets WITT-4SL, WITT-4SL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8248 Witt Industries 27.5 Quart Wastebasket, Steel, Black, 3 Cans (WITT-60BK) 8248 WITT-60BK 15.90 60BK 27.5 Quart Black Wastebaskets
Rectangular wastebasket. Made of sturdy, fire-safe steel. Features vinyl bumper tops and no-mar polyethylene feet to protect furniture and floors. 9" x 16" x 15", 27.5 Quart, Steel, 3 Wastebaskets, Black
UPC: 096639310603, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 27.5 Quart Wastebasket, Steel, Black, 3 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 93.81 71.55 125.35 WITT-60BK.jpg Witt 27.5 qt. Black Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets WITT-60BK, WITT-60BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8249 Witt Industries Witt 28 gal. charcoal Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-28MSRCB) 8249 WITT-28MSR-CB 50.00 28MSR-CB Witt 28 gal. charcoal Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers
Confidential waste containers allows you to store documents securely until disposal. Units comes with lock and keys.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 28"
Capacity: 28 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: charcoal
UPC: 096639280319
Mfr Item: 28MSR-CB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 186.44 142.20 250.58 WITT-28MSR-CB.jpg Witt 28 gal. charcoal Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers WITT-28MSRCB, WITT-28MSR-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8250 Witt Industries Witt 28 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-28GC01CB) 8250 WITT-28GC01-CB 50.00 28GC01-CB Witt 28 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 28"
Capacity: 28 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Charcoal
UPC: 096639040289
Mfr Item: 28GC01-CB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 168.15 128.25 228.40 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 28 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-28GC01CB, WITT-28GC01-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8251 Witt Industries Witt 28 gal. charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-28GC02CB) 8251 WITT-28GC02-CB 50.00 28GC02-CB Witt 28 gal. charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 28"
Capacity: 28 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: charcoal
UPC: 096639060287
Mfr Item: 28GC02-CB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 201.77 128.25 269.56 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 28 gal. charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-28GC02CB, WITT-28GC02-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8252 Witt Industries Witt 28 gal. charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-28GC03CB) 8252 WITT-28GC03-CB 50.00 28GC03-CB Witt 28 gal. charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 28"
Capacity: 28 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: charcoal
UPC: 096639080285
Mfr Item: 28GC03-CB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 168.15 128.25 223.93 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 28 gal. charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-28GC03CB, WITT-28GC03-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8253 Witt Industries Witt 28 gal. Light Gray Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-28MSRLG) 8253 WITT-28MSR-LG 50.00 28MSR-LG Witt 28 gal. Light Gray Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers
Confidential waste containers allows you to store documents securely until disposal. Units comes with lock and keys.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 28"
Capacity: 28 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Light Gray
UPC: 096639280128
Mfr Item: 28MSR-LG
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 186.44 142.20 244.65 WITT-28MSR-LG.jpg Witt 28 gal. Light Gray Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers WITT-28MSRLG, WITT-28MSR-LG, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 0 0 0 20 241
8254 Witt Industries Witt 28 gal. Putty Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-28MSRPT) 8254 WITT-28MSR-PT 50.00 28MSR-PT Confidential waste containers allows you to store documents securely until disposal. Units comes with lock and keys.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 28"
Capacity: 28 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Putty
UPC: 096639280159
Mfr Item: 28MSR-PT
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 266.34 142.20 352.95 Witt 28 gal. Putty Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers WITT-28MSRPT, WITT-28MSR-PT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8255 Witt Industries Witt 28 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-28GC01SC) 8255 WITT-28GC01-SC 50.00 28GC01-SC Witt 28 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 28"
Capacity: 28 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Scarlet
Mfr Item: 28GC01-SC
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 168.15 128.25 229.80 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 28 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-28GC01SC, WITT-28GC01-SC, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8256 Witt Industries Witt 28 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-28GC02SC) 8256 WITT-28GC02-SC 50.00 28GC02-SC Witt 28 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 28"
Capacity: 28 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Scarlet
Mfr Item: 28GC02-SC
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 168.15 128.25 221.30 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 28 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-28GC02SC, WITT-28GC02-SC, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8257 Witt Industries Witt 28 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-28GC03SC) 8257 WITT-28GC03-SC 50.00 28GC03-SC Witt 28 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 28"
Capacity: 28 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Scarlet
Mfr Item: 28GC03-SC
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 168.15 128.25 224.12 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 28 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-28GC03SC, WITT-28GC03-SC, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8258 Witt Industries Witt 28 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-28GC01SL) 8258 WITT-28GC01-SL 50.00 28GC01-SL Witt 28 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 28"
Capacity: 28 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Slate
UPC: 096639050288
Mfr Item: 28GC01-SL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 168.15 128.25 229.74 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 28 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-28GC01SL, WITT-28GC01-SL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8259 Witt Industries Witt 28 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-28GC02SL) 8259 WITT-28GC02-SL 50.00 28GC02-SL Witt 28 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 28"
Capacity: 28 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Slate
UPC: 096639070286
Mfr Item: 28GC02-SL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 168.15 128.25 219.74 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 28 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-28GC02SL, WITT-28GC02-SL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8260 Witt Industries Witt 28 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-28GC03SL) 8260 WITT-28GC03-SL 50.00 28GC03-SL Witt 28 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. The 3 lid options allows sorting of recyclables easily.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 28"
Capacity: 28 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Slate
UPC: 096639090284
Mfr Item: 28GC03-SL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 168.15 128.25 224.42 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 28 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-28GC03SL, WITT-28GC03-SL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8261 Witt Industries 3 Gallon Black Ash 'n Trash Urn, Black (WITT-3000BK) 8261 WITT-3000BK 21.00 3000BK 3 Gallon Black Ash 'n Trash Urn
Round ash 'n trash unit. Constructed of galvaneal steel and powder coat finish to protect against the environment. Perfect for indoor use or outdoor. Comes standard with a galvanized liner. Dimensions: 10" x 25", Capacity: 3 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639633009, Mfr Item: 3000BK, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 3 Gallon Black Ash 'n Trash Urn, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 72.57 55.35 96.55 WITT-3000BK.jpg witt smoking urn, WITT-3000BK, WITT-3000BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8262 Witt Industries Witt 3 gal. Galvanized (WITT-3000L) 8262 WITT-3000L 2.00 3000L Galvanized liner only
Dimensions: 8" x 14.25"
Capacity: 3 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639121605
Mfr Item: 3000L
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 25.71 16.20 34.18 WITT-3000L.jpg Witt 3 gal. Galvanized WITT-3000L, WITT-3000L, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8263 Witt Industries Witt 30 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7S2032TASP) 8263 WITT-7S-2032TASP 39.00 7S-2032TASP Witt 30 gal. 30 standard colors
Fiberglass ash 'n trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Decorative design to complement any setting. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 20" x 32"
Capacity: 30 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7S-2032TASP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 705.82 534.60 964.55 Witt 30 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7S2032TASP, WITT-7S-2032TASP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8264 Witt Industries Witt 30 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7S2040TADSP) 8264 WITT-7S-2040TADSP 42.00 7S-2040TADSP Fiberglass ash 'n trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Push door for disposal helps to eliminate odors. Lift-off top for easy servicing. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 20" x 40"
Capacity: 30 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7S-2040TADSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1021.30 773.55 1346.09 Witt 30 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7S2040TADSP, WITT-7S-2040TADSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8265 Witt Industries Witt 30 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7S2040TASP) 8265 WITT-7S-2040TASP 42.00 7S-2040TASP Fiberglass ash 'n trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Lift-off top for easy servicing. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 20" x 40"
Capacity: 30 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7S-2040TASP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 897.39 684.45 1194.32 Witt 30 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7S2040TASP, WITT-7S-2040TASP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8266 Witt Industries Witt 30 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7S2040TDSP) 8266 WITT-7S-2040TDSP 42.00 7S-2040TDSP Fiberglass trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Push door for disposal helps to eliminate odors. Lift-off top for easy servicing. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 20" x 40"
Capacity: 30 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7S-2040TDSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 881.08 667.35 1155.10 Witt 30 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7S2040TDSP, WITT-7S-2040TDSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8267 Witt Industries Witt 30 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7S2136TSP) 8267 WITT-7S-2136TSP 40.00 7S-2136TSP Square trash receptacle with open top. Fiberglass construction makes it impervious to stains and tarnish. Lift-off top for easy servicing. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 21" x 36"
Capacity: 30 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7S-2136TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 885.00 557.55 1166.87 WITT-7S-2136TSP.jpg Witt 30 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7S2136TSP, WITT-7S-2136TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8268 Witt Industries Witt 30 standard colors (WITT-8C1225ASP) 8268 WITT-8C-1225ASP 12.00 8C-1225ASP Fiberglass ash urn. Decorative design to complement any setting. One-piece construction for sleek, smooth look.
Dimensions: 12" x 25"
Capacity: NA
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 8C-1225ASP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 353.57 222.75 468.49 WITT-8C-1225ASP.jpg Witt 30 standard colors WITT-8C1225ASP, WITT-8C-1225ASP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8269 Witt Industries Witt 30 standard colors (WITT-8C1630ASP) 8269 WITT-8C-1630ASP 27.00 8C-1630ASP Fiberglass ash urn. Decorative design to complement any setting. One-piece construction for sleek, smooth look.
Dimensions: 16" x 30"
Capacity: NA
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 8C-1630ASP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 498.57 314.10 651.28 WITT-8C-1630ASP.jpg Witt 30 standard colors WITT-8C1630ASP, WITT-8C-1630ASP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8270 Witt Industries Witt 30 standard colors (WITT-8S1020ASP) 8270 WITT-8S-1020ASP 10.00 8S-1020ASP Fiberglass ash urn. Decorative design to complement any setting. One-piece construction for sleek, smooth look.
Dimensions: 10" x 20"
Capacity: NA
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 8S-1020ASP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 368.57 232.20 481.29 WITT-8S-1020ASP.jpg Witt 30 standard colors WITT-8S1020ASP, WITT-8S-1020ASP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8271 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C2032TSP) 8271 WITT-7C-2032TSP 36.00 7C-2032TSP Fiberglass trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Decorative design to complement any setting. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 20" x 32"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-2032TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 796.43 501.75 1029.57 WITT-7C-2032TSP.jpg Witt 32 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C2032TSP, WITT-7C-2032TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8272 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C2034TSP) 8272 WITT-7C-2034TSP 36.00 7C-2034TSP Fiberglass trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Decorative design to complement any setting. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 20" x 34"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-2034TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 820.00 516.60 1062.29 WITT-7C-2034TSP.jpg Witt 32 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C2034TSP, WITT-7C-2034TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8273 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C2040TSP) 8273 WITT-7C-2040TSP 39.00 7C-2040TSP Fiberglass trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Decorative design to complement any setting. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 20" x 40"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-2040TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 785.00 494.55 1016.53 WITT-7C-2040TSP.jpg Witt 32 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C2040TSP, WITT-7C-2040TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8274 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7S2040TSP) 8274 WITT-7S-2040TSP 42.00 7S-2040TSP Fiberglass trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Lift-off top for easy servicing. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 20" x 40"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7S-2040TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 837.86 527.85 1084.02 WITT-7S-2040TSP.jpg Witt 32 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7S2040TSP, WITT-7S-2040TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8275 Witt Industries Witt 32 Gallon Modified Secure Document Container, Charcoal (WITT-32MSRCB) 8275 WITT-32MSR-CB 56.00 32MSR-CB 32 Gallon Modified Secure Document Container
Confidential waste containers allows you to store documents securely until disposal. Units comes with lock and keys. Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 32". Capacity: 32 gallon. Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 1. Color: Charcoal. UPC: 096639320312. Mfr Item: 32MSR-CB. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 32 Gallon Modified Secure Document Container, Charcoal, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 196.47 149.85 260.49 WITT-32MSR-CB.jpg witt 32 gallon document container, WITT-32MSRCB, WITT-32MSR-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8276 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-32GC01CB) 8276 WITT-32GC01-CB 56.00 32GC01-CB Witt 32 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 32"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Charcoal
Mfr Item: 32GC01-CB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 179.95 137.25 236.65 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 32 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-32GC01CB, WITT-32GC01-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8277 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-32GC02CB) 8277 WITT-32GC02-CB 56.00 32GC02-CB Witt 32 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 32"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Charcoal
Mfr Item: 32GC02-CB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 179.95 137.25 240.81 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 32 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-32GC02CB, WITT-32GC02-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8278 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-32GC03CB) 8278 WITT-32GC03-CB 56.00 32GC03-CB Witt 32 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 32"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Charcoal
Mfr Item: 32GC03-CB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 179.95 137.25 234.78 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 32 gal. Charcoal Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-32GC03CB, WITT-32GC03-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8279 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids (WITT-WCD32C) 8279 WITT-WCD32C 64.00 WCD32C Witt 32 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely.
Dimensions: 21.25" dia x 26.25"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639261301
Mfr Item: WCD32C
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 126.43 67.50 164.71 WITT-WCD32C.jpg Witt 32 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WCD32C, WITT-WCD32C, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8280 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids (WITT-WHD32C) 8280 WITT-WHD32C 64.00 WHD32C Witt 32 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely.
Dimensions: 21.25" dia x 26.25"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639321302
Mfr Item: WHD32C
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 298.37 159.30 395.76 WITT-WHD32C.jpg Witt 32 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WHD32C, WITT-WHD32C, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8281 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids (WITT-WMD32C) 8281 WITT-WMD32C 64.00 WMD32C Witt 32 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely.
Dimensions: 21.25" x 26.25"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639381306
Mfr Item: WMD32C
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 194.70 103.95 264.33 WITT-WMD32C.jpg Witt 32 gal. Galvanized Trash Can - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WMD32C, WITT-WMD32C, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8282 Witt Industries Witt 32 Gallon Trash Can & Lid, Galvanized, Steel, 3 Cans (WITT-WCD32CL) 8282 WITT-WCD32CL 64.00 WCD32CL 32 Gallon Galvanized Trash Cans and Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely. Dimensions: 21.25" x 27.5". Capacity: 32 gallon, material: steel, ctn qty: 3, Color: Galvanized, Mfr Item: WCD32CL, Lead Time: 10 days
Witt 32 Gallon Trash Can & Lid, Galvanized, Steel, 3 Cans and Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 156.77 83.70 207.94 WITT-WCD32CL.jpg witt 32 gallon galvanized trash can and lid, WITT-WCD32CL, WITT-WCD32CL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8283 Witt Industries Witt 32 Gallon Galvanized Cans & Lids, 3 Cans and Lids (WITT-WHD32CL) 8283 WITT-WHD32CL 64.00 WHD32CL 32 Gallon Galvanized Cans & Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely. Dimensions: 21.25" dia x 27.25", Capacity: 32 gallon. Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 3, Color: Galvanized, UPC: 096639331301, Mfr Item: WHD32CL, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 32 Gallon Galvanized Cans & Lids, Galvanized, Steel, 3 Cans and Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 366.64 195.75 497.90 WITT-WHD32CL.jpg witt 32 gallon galvanized cans and lids, WITT-WHD32CL, WITT-WHD32CL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8284 Witt Industries Witt 32 Gallon Galvanized Trash Can and Lids, 3 Cans and Lids (WITT-WMD32CL) 8284 WITT-WMD32CL 64.00 WMD32CL 32 Gallon Galvanized Trash Can and Lids
Witt galvanized cans are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel, and feature deep body corrugation for superior strength and durability. Shielded wire reinforcement structure the top can edge. Recessed can bottom design limits floor contact. Corrugated galvanized lids fit securely. Dimensions: 21.25" dia x 27.5", Capacity: 32 gallon. Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 3. Color: Galvanized. UPC: 096639391305. Mfr Item: WMD32CL. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 32 Gallon Galvanized Trash Can and Lids, 3 Cans and Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 252.86 135.00 342.77 WITT-WMD32CL.jpg Witt 32 gallon galvanized trash can and lids, WITT-WMD32CL, WITT-WMD32CL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8285 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. Graystone (WITT-RLC2034TGR) 8285 WITT-RLC-2034T-GR 70.00 RLC-2034T-GR Witt 32 gal. Graystone
Round, top load trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 20" x 34"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Graystone
Mfr Item: RLC-2034T-GR
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 764.16 582.83 1021.29 Witt 32 gal. Graystone WITT-RLC2034TGR, WITT-RLC-2034T-GR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8286 Witt Industries Witt 32 Gallon Ash Urn, Graystone (WITT-RLC2038THABGR) 8286 WITT-RLC-2038THAB-GR 75.00 RLC-2038THAB-GR 32 Gallon Ash Urn
Round, side load ash 'n trash unit. Made of a concrete composite that is strong and durable. Hide-a-butt ash urn keeps cigarette butts out of sight. Comes with plastic liner. Dimensions: 20" x 41", Capacity: 32 galon, Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 1. Color: Graystone. Mfr Item: RLC-2038THAB-GR. Lead Time: 4 weeks.
Witt 32 Gallon Ash Urn, Graystone, Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 811.49 618.93 1103.29 WITT-RLC-2038THAB-GR.jpg witt 32 gallon urn, WITT-RLC2038THABGR, WITT-RLC-2038THAB-GR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8287 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. Light Gray Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-32MSRLG) 8287 WITT-32MSR-LG 56.00 32MSR-LG Witt 32 gal. Light Gray Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers
Confidential waste containers allows you to store documents securely until disposal. Units comes with lock and keys.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 32"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Light Gray
UPC: 096639320121
Mfr Item: 32MSR-LG
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 196.47 149.85 268.51 WITT-32MSR-CB.jpg Witt 32 gal. Light Gray Modified Secure Document Container - Confidential Waste Containers WITT-32MSRLG, WITT-32MSR-LG, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 0 0 0 20 241
8288 Witt Industries Witt 32 Gallon Confidential Waste Container, Putty (WITT-32MSRPT) 8288 WITT-32MSR-PT 56.00 32MSR-PT 32 Gallon Modified Secure Document Container
Confidential waste containers allows you to store documents securely until disposal. Units comes with lock and keys. Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 32" Capacity: 32 gal. Material: Steel Ctn Qty: 1 Color: Putty UPC: 096639320152 Mfr Item: 32MSR-PT Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 32 Gallon Confidential Waste Container, Putty, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 280.67 149.85 368.75 WITT-32MSR-PT.jpg Witt 32 Gallon Putty Modified Secure Document Container WITT-32MSRPT, WITT-32MSR-PT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8289 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. Sandstone (WITT-RLC2034TSA) 8289 WITT-RLC-2034T-SA 70.00 RLC-2034T-SA Round, top load trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 20" x 34"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Sandstone
Mfr Item: RLC-2034T-SA
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 764.16 582.83 1001.16 Witt 32 gal. Sandstone WITT-RLC2034TSA, WITT-RLC-2034T-SA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8290 Witt Industries Witt 32 Gallon Urn, Sandstone (WITT-RLC2038THABSA) 8290 WITT-RLC-2038THAB-SA 75.00 RLC-2038THAB-SA Witt 32 Gallon Urn
Round, side load ash 'n trash unit. Made of a concrete composite that is strong and durable. Hide-a-butt ash urn keeps cigarette butts out of sight. Comes with plastic liner. Dimensions: 20" x 41". Capacity: 32 gallon. Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Sandstone, Mfr Item: RLC-2038THAB-SA. Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt 32 Gallon Urn Can, Sandstone, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 811.49 618.93 1068.25 WITT-RLC-2038THAB-SA.jpg Witt 32 gal. Sandstone WITT-RLC2038THABSA, WITT-RLC-2038THAB-SA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8291 Witt Industries Witt 32 Gallon Recycling Container, Scarlet (WITT-32GC01SC) 8291 WITT-32GC01-SC 56.00 32GC01-SC Witt 32 Gallon Geocube Collection Recycling Container
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs. Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 32", Capacity: 32 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Scarlet, UPC: 096639040326, Mfr Item: 32GC01-SC, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 32 Gallon Recycling Container, Scarlet, Geocube Collection, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 179.95 137.25 235.56 WITT-24GC.jpg witt 32 gallon scarlet recycling container WITT-32GC01SC, WITT-32GC01-SC, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8292 Witt Industries Witt 32 Gallon Recycling Can, Scarlet (WITT-32GC02SC) 8292 WITT-32GC02-SC 56.00 32GC02-SC 32 Gallon Steel Recycling Can
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs. Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 32", Capacity: 32 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Scarlet, UPC: 096639060324, Mfr Item: 32GC02-SC, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 32 Gallon Recycling Can, Scarlet, Geocube Collection, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 179.95 137.25 245.34 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 32 gal. Scarlet Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-32GC02SC, WITT-32GC02-SC, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8293 Witt Industries Witt 32 Gallon Recycling Can, Scarlet (WITT-32GC03SC) 8293 WITT-32GC03-SC 56.00 32GC03-SC 32 Gallon Geocube Collection Recycling Can
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs. Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 32", Capacity: 32 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Scarlet, UPC: 096639080322, Mfr Item: 32GC03-SC, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 32 Gallon Recycling Can, Scarlet, Geocube Collection, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 179.95 137.25 240.70 WITT-24GC.jpg witt 32 gallon scarlet recycling container, WITT-32GC03SC, WITT-32GC03-SC, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8294 Witt Industries Witt 32 Gallon Recycling Can, Slate (WITT-32GC01SL) 8294 WITT-32GC01-SL 56.00 32GC01-SL 32 Gallon Steel Recycling Can
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs. Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 32", Capacity: 32 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Slate, UPC: 096639050325, Mfr Item: 32GC01-SL. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 32 Gallon Recycling Can, Slate, Geocube Collection, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 179.95 137.25 235.21 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 32 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-32GC01SL, WITT-32GC01-SL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8295 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-32GC02SL) 8295 WITT-32GC02-SL 56.00 32GC02-SL Witt 32 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. Available in a combination of 3 sizes, 3 standard colors and 3 lid options that allows you to choose the recycling program that's easy and works best for your needs.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 32"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Slate
UPC: 096639070323
Mfr Item: 32GC02-SL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 179.95 137.25 245.48 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 32 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-32GC02SL, WITT-32GC02-SL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8296 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection (WITT-32GC03SL) 8296 WITT-32GC03-SL 56.00 32GC03-SL Witt 32 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection
Square recycling containers are compact and space efficient. The 3 lid options allows sorting of recyclables easily.
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 32"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Slate
UPC: 096639090321
Mfr Item: 32GC03-SL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 179.95 137.25 234.40 WITT-24GC.jpg Witt 32 gal. Slate Recycling Conatiner - Geocube Collection WITT-32GC03SL, WITT-32GC03-SL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8297 Witt Industries Witt 32 gal. Whitestone (WITT-RLC2034TWH) 8297 WITT-RLC-2034T-WH 70.00 RLC-2034T-WH Witt 32 gal. Whitestone
Round, top load trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 20" x 34"
Capacity: 32 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Whitestone
Mfr Item: RLC-2034T-WH
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 764.16 582.83 1010.94 Witt 32 gal. Whitestone WITT-RLC2034TWH, WITT-RLC-2034T-WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8298 Witt Industries Witt 32 Gallon Smoking Urn, Whitestone (WITT-RLC2038THABWH) 8298 WITT-RLC-2038THAB-WH 75.00 RLC-2038THAB-WH 32 Gallon Smoking Urn
Round, side load ash 'n trash unit. Made of a concrete composite that is strong and durable. Hide-a-butt ash urn keeps cigarette butts out of sight. Comes with plastic liner. Dimensions: 20" x 41" Capacity: 32 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Whitestone, Mfr Item: RLC-2038THAB-WH
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt 32 Gallon Smoking Urn, Whitestone, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 811.49 618.93 1062.83 WITT-RLC-2038THAB-WH.jpg 32 gallon smoking urn, WITT-RLC2038THABWH, WITT-RLC-2038THAB-WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8299 Witt Industries Witt 33 gal. Black RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers (WITT-18RTBK) 8299 WITT-18RTBK 88.00 18RTBK Witt 33 gal. Black RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers
Combination recycling container with 3 separate openings. The 3 separate liners allow you to recycle several commodities in one location to save space.
Dimensions: 18" x 33"
Capacity: 33 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639140705
Mfr Item: 18RTBK
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 334.29 210.60 444.52 Witt 33 gal. Black RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers WITT-18RTBK, WITT-18RTBK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8300 Witt Industries Witt 33 gal. Black RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers (WITT-18RTBK1H) 8300 WITT-18RTBK-1H 88.00 18RTBK-1H Witt 33 gal. Black RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers
Single opening container that is perfect for single stream recycling, waste or co-mingling of recyclable items. Complete with rigid plastic liner and various decals.
Dimensions: 18" x 33"
Capacity: 33 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 96639230703
Mfr Item: 18RTBK-1H
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 259.60 198.00 342.23 WITT-18RT-1H-BK.jpg Witt 33 gal. Black RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers WITT-18RTBK1H, WITT-18RTBK-1H, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8301 Witt Industries Witt 33 gal. Blue RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers (WITT-18RTBL) 8301 WITT-18RTBL 88.00 18RTBL Witt 33 gal. Blue RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers
Combination recycling container with 3 separate openings. The 3 separate liners allow you to recycle several commodities in one location to save space.
Dimensions: 18" x 33"
Capacity: 33 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Blue
UPC: 096639160703
Mfr Item: 18RTBL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 276.12 210.60 372.46 Witt 33 gal. Blue RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers WITT-18RTBL, WITT-18RTBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8302 Witt Industries Witt 33 gal. Blue RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers (WITT-18RTBL1H) 8302 WITT-18RTBL-1H 88.00 18RTBL-1H Witt 33 gal. Blue RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers
Single opening container that is perfect for single stream recycling, waste or co-mingling of recyclable items. Complete with rigid plastic liner and various decals.
Dimensions: 18" x 33"
Capacity: 33 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Blue
UPC: 96639240702
Mfr Item: 18RTBL-1H
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 259.60 198.00 339.32 WITT-18RT-1H-BL.jpg Witt 33 gal. Blue RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers WITT-18RTBL1H, WITT-18RTBL-1H, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8303 Witt Industries Witt 33 Gallon Metal Recycling Container, Green (WITT-18RTGN) 8303 WITT-18RTGN 88.00 18RTGN Green 33 Gallon Metal Recycling Container
The perfect addition to any environment where recycling is emphasized, this green steel container is sure to make a positive environmental impact. Coming with a combination recycling container design complete with 3 separate openings, this container boasts 3 separate liners, allowing the user to recycle several commodities in one location to save space. Measuring in at dimensions of 18" x 33", this reliable steel recycling container has a capacity of 33 gallons. Ctn Qty: 1, color: Black, UPC: 96639280708, Mfr Item: 18RTGN. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt RT Recycler, 33 Gallon Metal Recycling Container, Green, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 276.12 210.60 367.85 witt, recycling container, recycling can, trash can, garbage can, witt trash can, witt recycling containers, WITT-18RTGN, WITT-18RTGN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8304 Witt Industries Witt 33 gal. Green RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers (WITT-18RTGN1H) 8304 WITT-18RTGN-1H 88.00 18RTGN-1H Witt 33 gal. Green RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers
Single opening container that is perfect for single stream recycling, waste or co-mingling of recyclable items. Complete with rigid plastic liner and various decals.
Dimensions: 18" x 33"
Capacity: 33 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 96639250701
Mfr Item: 18RTGN-1H
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 311.51 198.00 416.83 WITT-18RT-1H-GN.jpg Witt 33 gal. Green RT Recycler - Metal Recycling Containers WITT-18RTGN1H, WITT-18RTGN-1H, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8305 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Graystone (WITT-RLC2636ATGR) 8305 WITT-RLC-2636AT-GR 90.00 RLC-2636AT-GR Round, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 26" x 36"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Graystone
Mfr Item: RLC-2636AT-GR
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1196.37 912.48 1623.48 Witt 35 gal. Graystone WITT-RLC2636ATGR, WITT-RLC-2636AT-GR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8306 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Graystone (WITT-RLC2636TGR) 8306 WITT-RLC-2636T-GR 90.00 RLC-2636T-GR Round, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 26" x 36"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Graystone
Mfr Item: RLC-2636T-GR
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1160.25 884.93 1526.78 Witt 35 gal. Graystone WITT-RLC2636TGR, WITT-RLC-2636T-GR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8307 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Graystone (WITT-SLC2436ATGR) 8307 WITT-SLC-2436AT-GR 100.00 SLC-2436AT-GR Witt 35 gal. Graystone
Square, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 24" x 36"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Graystone
Mfr Item: SLC-2436AT-GR
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1181.42 901.08 1583.83 WITT-SLC-2436AT-GR.jpg Witt 35 gal. Graystone WITT-SLC2436ATGR, WITT-SLC-2436AT-GR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8308 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Graystone (WITT-SLC2436TGR) 8308 WITT-SLC-2436T-GR 100.00 SLC-2436T-GR Square, top load trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 24" x 36"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Graystone
Mfr Item: SLC-2436T-GR
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1161.49 885.88 1509.39 Witt 35 gal. Graystone WITT-SLC2436TGR, WITT-SLC-2436T-GR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8309 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Sandstone (WITT-RLC2636ATSA) 8309 WITT-RLC-2636AT-SA 90.00 RLC-2636AT-SA Witt 35 gal. Sandstone
Round, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 26" x 36"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Sandstone
Mfr Item: RLC-2636AT-SA
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1196.37 912.48 1617.16 Witt 35 gal. Sandstone WITT-RLC2636ATSA, WITT-RLC-2636AT-SA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8310 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Sandstone (WITT-RLC2636TSA) 8310 WITT-RLC-2636T-SA 90.00 RLC-2636T-SA Round, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 26" x 36"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Sandstone
Mfr Item: RLC-2636T-SA
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1160.25 884.93 1522.27 Witt 35 gal. Sandstone WITT-RLC2636TSA, WITT-RLC-2636T-SA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8311 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Sandstone (WITT-SLC2436ATSA) 8311 WITT-SLC-2436AT-SA 100.00 SLC-2436AT-SA Witt 35 gal. Sandstone
Square, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 24" x 36"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Sandstone
Mfr Item: SLC-2436AT-SA
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1181.42 901.08 1557.52 WITT-SLC-2436AT-SA.jpg Witt 35 gal. Sandstone WITT-SLC2436ATSA, WITT-SLC-2436AT-SA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8312 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Sandstone (WITT-SLC2436TSA) 8312 WITT-SLC-2436T-SA 100.00 SLC-2436T-SA Witt 35 gal. Sandstone
Square, top load trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 24" x 36"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Sandstone
Mfr Item: SLC-2436T-SA
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1161.49 885.88 1518.13 Witt 35 gal. Sandstone WITT-SLC2436TSA, WITT-SLC-2436T-SA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8313 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Satin Clear Coat Aluminum Series - Decorative Receptacles (WITT-AL35CLR) 8313 WITT-AL35-CLR 73.00 AL35-CLR Witt 35 gal. Satin Clear Coat Aluminum Series - Decorative Receptacles
Aluminum receptacle in satin clear coat finish. Two-piece design creates an overlap area and eliminates the visibility of plastic bags.
Dimensions: 18" x 32"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Satin Clear Coat
UPC: 096639353518
Mfr Item: AL35-CLR
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 482.03 367.65 645.34 WITT-AL35-CLR.jpg Witt 35 gal. Satin Clear Coat Aluminum Series - Decorative Receptacles WITT-AL35CLR, WITT-AL35-CLR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8314 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Silver Vein Aluminum Series - Decorative Receptacles (WITT-AL35SVN) 8314 WITT-AL35-SVN 73.00 AL35-SVN Witt 35 gal. Silver Vein Aluminum Series - Decorative Receptacles
Aluminum receptacle with silver vein, or hammered, finish. Two-piece design creates an overlap area and eliminates the visibility of plastic bags.
Dimensions: 18" x 32"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Silver Vein
UPC: 096639353525
Mfr Item: AL35-SVN
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 466.10 355.50 636.82 WITT-AL35-SVN.jpg Witt 35 gal. Silver Vein Aluminum Series - Decorative Receptacles WITT-AL35SVN, WITT-AL35-SVN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8315 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Whitestone (WITT-RLC2636ATWH) 8315 WITT-RLC-2636AT-WH 90.00 RLC-2636AT-WH Witt 35 gal. Whitestone
Round, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 26" x 36"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Whitestone
Mfr Item: RLC-2636AT-WH
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1196.37 912.48 1623.45 Witt 35 gal. Whitestone WITT-RLC2636ATWH, WITT-RLC-2636AT-WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8316 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Whitestone (WITT-RLC2636TWH) 8316 WITT-RLC-2636T-WH 90.00 RLC-2636T-WH Witt 35 gal. Whitestone
Round, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 26" x 36"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Whitestone
Mfr Item: RLC-2636T-WH
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1160.25 884.93 1531.71 Witt 35 gal. Whitestone WITT-RLC2636TWH, WITT-RLC-2636T-WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8317 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Whitestone (WITT-SLC2436ATWH) 8317 WITT-SLC-2436AT-WH 100.00 SLC-2436AT-WH Witt 35 gal. Whitestone
Square, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 24" x 36"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Whitestone
Mfr Item: SLC-2436AT-WH
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1181.42 901.08 1579.81 WITT-SLC-2436AT-WH.jpg Witt 35 gal. Whitestone WITT-SLC2436ATWH, WITT-SLC-2436AT-WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8318 Witt Industries Witt 35 gal. Whitestone (WITT-SLC2436TWH) 8318 WITT-SLC-2436T-WH 100.00 SLC-2436T-WH Square, top load trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 24" x 36"
Capacity: 35 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Whitestone
Mfr Item: SLC-2436T-WH
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1161.49 885.88 1562.01 Witt 35 gal. Whitestone WITT-SLC2436TWH, WITT-SLC-2436T-WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8319 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-77S2040FCSP) 8319 WITT-77S-2040FCSP 85.00 77S-2040FCSP Square food court receptacle with lift off top. The fiberglass construction won't stain or tarnish. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 44"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 77S-2040FCSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 984.29 620.10 1301.69 WITT-77S-2040FCSP.jpg Witt 36 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-77S2040FCSP, WITT-77S-2040FCSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8320 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-77S2444FCDSP) 8320 WITT-77S-2444FCDSP 85.00 77S-2444FCDSP Fiberglass food court receptacle. Features a push door for disposal that will eliminate odors. Also offers side door access for servicing. The fiberglass construction won't stain or tarnish. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 44"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 77S-2444FCDSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1987.86 1252.35 2613.17 WITT-77S-2444FCDSP.jpg Witt 36 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-77S2444FCDSP, WITT-77S-2444FCDSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8321 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-77S2444FCSP) 8321 WITT-77S-2444FCSP 85.00 77S-2444FCSP Fiberglass food court receptacle. Features a side door access for servicing. The fiberglass construction won't stain or tarnish. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 44"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 77S-2444FCSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1944.29 1224.90 2557.54 WITT-77S-2444FCSP.jpg Witt 36 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-77S2444FCSP, WITT-77S-2444FCSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8322 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7S2444TADSP) 8322 WITT-7S-2444TADSP 85.00 7S-2444TADSP Fiberglass ash 'n trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Features a side door access for servicing. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 44"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7S-2444TADSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1568.57 988.20 2079.85 WITT-7S-2444TADSP.jpg Witt 36 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7S2444TADSP, WITT-7S-2444TADSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8323 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7S2444TASP) 8323 WITT-7S-2444TASP 85.00 7S-2444TASP Fiberglass ash 'n trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Features a side door access for servicing. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 44"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7S-2444TASP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1482.86 934.20 1904.21 WITT-7S-2444TASP.jpg Witt 36 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7S2444TASP, WITT-7S-2444TASP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8324 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7S2444TSP) 8324 WITT-7S-2444TSP 85.00 7S-2444TSP Fiberglass trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Features a side door access for servicing. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 44"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7S-2444TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1338.57 843.30 1739.67 WITT-7S-2444TSP.jpg Witt 36 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7S2444TSP, WITT-7S-2444TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8325 Witt Industries Witt 36 Gallon Fiberglass Recycling Container (WITT-11RR361631) 8325 WITT-11RR-361631 79.00 11RR-361631 36 Gallon Fiberglass Recycling Container
The perfect addition to any environment where recycling is emphasized, this fiberglass container is sure to make a positive environmental impact. Made of fiberglass which makes it impervious to rust and stains. Witt's line of recycling containers offer a design complete with 3 separate openings. This container boasts 3 separate liners, allowing the user to recycle several commodities in one location to save space. Measuring in at dimensions of 36" x 16" x 31", this reliable fiberglass recycling container has a capacity of 36 gallons. Capacity: 36 gallons, Material: Fiberglass, color: 30 standard colors, Mfr Item: 11RR-361631, Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt 36 Gallon Recycling Container, Fiberglass, 30 Standard Colors, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 906.18 673.65 1186.33 WITT-11RR-361631.jpg witt, witt recycling containers, witt recycling cans, WITT-11RR361631, WITT-11RR-361631, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8326 Witt Industries 36 Gallon Confidential Waste Container, Almond (WITT-008HAL) 8326 WITT-008HAL 96.00 008HAL Witt 36 Gallon Confidential Waste Container
Confidential waste receptacle with hasp closure. Designed to keep documents secure until disposal. Optional rigid plastic liner available. Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 38", Capacity: 36 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Almond, UPC: 096639150087, Mfr Item: 008HAL, Lead Time: 10 days
Witt 36 Gallon Confidential Waste Container, Almond, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 257.24 196.20 340.17 WITT-008HAL.jpg Witt 36 gallon almond confidential waste containers, WITT-008HAL, WITT-008HAL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8327 Witt Industries 36 Gallon Confidential Waste Container, Almond (WITT-008LAL) 8327 WITT-008LAL 96.00 008LAL 36 Gallon Confidential Waste Container
Confidential waste receptacle with lock and key. Designed to keep documents secure until disposal. Optional rigid plastic liner available. Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 38", Capacity: 36 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Almond, UPC: 096639250084, Mfr Item: 008LAL, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 36 Gallon Confidential Waste Container, Almond, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 257.24 196.20 349.69 WITT-008LAL.jpg witt 36 gallon almond confidential waste containers, WITT008LAL, WITT-008LAL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8328 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Almond Swingtop - Wastewatcher Swingtops (WITT-1511HTAL) 8328 WITT-1511HTAL 66.00 1511HTAL Witt 36 gal. Almond Swingtop - Wastewatcher Swingtops
Large, painted hamper and swing top. Comes standard with 4 feet to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 39"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Almond
UPC: 096639565119
Mfr Item: 1511HTAL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 185.85 141.75 246.67 WITT-1511HTAL.jpg Witt 36 gal. Almond Swingtop - Wastewatcher Swingtops WITT-1511HTAL, WITT-1511HTAL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8329 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black (WITT-M36SQGFTBK) 8329 WITT-M36-SQ-GFT-BK 160.00 M36-SQ-GFT-BK Witt 36 gal. Black
Square flat bar trash receptacle. Front door access to easy servicing. Flat, rain-shield top protects it from the weather. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 22.5" x 22.5" x 43"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 96639963106
Mfr Item: M36-SQ-GFT-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1032.86 650.70 1325.43 WITT-M36-SQ-GFT-BK.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black WITT-M36SQGFTBK, WITT-M36-SQ-GFT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8330 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Liner - Oakley Collection (WITT-SMB36L) 8330 WITT-SMB36L 64.00 SMB36L Plastic liner
Dimensions: 20.25" x 30"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Plastic
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
Mfr Item: SMB36L
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 89.29 56.25 119.02 WITT-SMB36L.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Liner - Oakley Collection WITT-SMB36L, WITT-SMB36L, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8331 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Queen City Collection (WITT-QC3610GMFTBK) 8331 WITT-QC3610-G-MFT-BK 220.00 QC3610-G-MFT-BK Heavy duty, flat bar steel gated receptacle. Most durable unit we offer. Comes with metal flat top lid and plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.25" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639103403
Mfr Item: QC3610-G-MFT-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1747.14 1100.70 2315.03 WITT-QC3610-FT-BK.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Queen City Collection WITT-QC3610GMFTBK, WITT-QC3610-G-MFT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8332 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Queen City Collection (WITT-QC3610GPFTBK) 8332 WITT-QC3610-G-PFT-BK 220.00 QC3610-G-PFT-BK Heavy duty, flat bar steel gated receptacle. Most durable unit we offer. Comes with plastic flat top lid and plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.25" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639133400
Mfr Item: QC3610-G-PFT-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1747.14 1100.70 2252.85 WITT-QC3610-FT-BK.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Queen City Collection WITT-QC3610GPFTBK, WITT-QC3610-G-PFT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8333 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Queen City Collection (WITT-QC3610MFTBK) 8333 WITT-QC3610-MFT-BK 197.00 QC3610-MFT-BK Heavy duty, flat bar steel receptacle. Most durable unit we offer. Comes with metal flat top lid and plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.25" x 39"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639103403
Mfr Item: QC3610-MFT-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1310.71 825.75 1694.81 WITT-QC3610-FT-BK.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Queen City Collection WITT-QC3610MFTBK, WITT-QC3610-MFT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8334 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Queen City Collection (WITT-QC3610PFTBK) 8334 WITT-QC3610-PFT-BK 197.00 QC3610-PFT-BK Heavy duty, flat bar steel receptacle. Most durable unit we offer. Comes with plastic flat top lid and plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.25" x 39"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639133400
Mfr Item: QC3610-PFT-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1231.43 775.80 1607.11 WITT-QC3610-FT-BK.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Queen City Collection WITT-QC3610PFTBK, WITT-QC3610-PFT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8335 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and ash top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3600RATBK) 8335 WITT-M3600-R-AT-BK 95.00 M3600-R-AT-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and ash top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Decorative ring at top adds style to durability. Comes with leveling feet, plastic liner, lid attachment kit and anchor kit.
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639353105
Mfr Item: M3600-R-AT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 639.56 487.80 860.20 WITT-M3600-R.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and ash top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3600RATBK, WITT-M3600-R-AT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8336 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series (WITT-RC3610ATBK) 8336 WITT-RC3610-AT-BK 186.00 RC3610-AT-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 29" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639323207
Mfr Item: RC3610-AT-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1086.19 828.45 1457.64 WITT-RC3610.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series WITT-RC3610ATBK, WITT-RC3610-AT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8337 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and ash top - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC3600ATBK) 8337 WITT-WC3600-AT-BK 133.00 WC3600-AT-BK Heavy duty steel receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.5" x 39.75"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639193305
Mfr Item: WC3600-AT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 820.10 625.50 1071.94 Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and ash top - Wydman Collection WITT-WC3600ATBK, WITT-WC3600-AT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8338 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and dome top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3600RDTBK) 8338 WITT-M3600-R-DT-BK 97.00 M3600-R-DT-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and dome top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle with dome lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Decorative ring at top adds style to durability. Comes with leveling feet, plastic liner, lid attachment kit and anchor kit.
Dimensions: 28" x 45.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639383102
Mfr Item: M3600-R-DT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 653.13 498.15 884.47 WITT-M3600-R-DT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and dome top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3600RDTBK, WITT-M3600-R-DT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8339 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series (WITT-RC3610DTBK) 8339 WITT-RC3610-DT-BK 188.00 RC3610-DT-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with dome top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 29" x 43.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639353204
Mfr Item: RC3610-DT-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1099.17 838.35 1464.31 WITT-RC3610.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series WITT-RC3610DTBK, WITT-RC3610-DT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8340 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and dome top - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC3600DTBK) 8340 WITT-WC3600-DT-BK 135.00 WC3600-DT-BK Heavy duty steel receptacle with dome top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.5" x 41"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639223309
Mfr Item: WC3600-DT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 833.67 635.85 1093.48 Witt 36 gal. Black Trash Receptacle and dome top - Wydman Collection WITT-WC3600DTBK, WITT-WC3600-DT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8341 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3600RFTBK) 8341 WITT-M3600-R-FT-BK 93.00 M3600-R-FT-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle with flat top lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Decorative ring at top adds style to durability. Comes with leveling feet, plastic liner, lid attachment kit and anchor kit.
Dimensions: 28" x 36"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639413106
Mfr Item: M3600-R-FT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 587.64 448.20 791.89 WITT-M3600-R-FT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Oakley Collection WITT-M3600RFTBK, WITT-M3600-R-FT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8342 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series (WITT-RC3610FTBK) 8342 WITT-RC3610-FT-BK 184.00 RC3610-FT-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with flat top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 29" x 34"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639383201
Mfr Item: RC3610-FT-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1142.36 745.65 1532.65 WITT-RC3610-FT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series WITT-RC3610FTBK, WITT-RC3610-FT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8343 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC3600FTBK) 8343 WITT-WC3600-FT-BK 131.00 WC3600-FT-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection
Heavy duty steel receptacle with flat top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.5" x 31.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639253306
Mfr Item: WC3600-FT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 764.64 583.20 995.86 WITT-WC3600-FT-BK.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection WITT-WC3600FTBK, WITT-WC3600-FT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8344 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and rain cap - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3600RRCBK) 8344 WITT-M3600-R-RC-BK 95.00 M3600-R-RC-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and rain cap - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle with rain cap lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Decorative band at top adds style to durability. Comes with leveling feet, plastic liner, lid attachment kit and anchor kit.
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639443103
Mfr Item: M3600-R-RC-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 747.32 487.80 990.35 WITT-M3600-R.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and rain cap - Oakley Collection WITT-M3600RRCBK, WITT-M3600-R-RC-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8345 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series (WITT-RC3610RCBK) 8345 WITT-RC3610-RC-BK 186.00 RC3610-RC-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with rain cap lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 29" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639413205
Mfr Item: RC3610-RC-BK
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1086.19 828.45 1479.30 WITT-RC3610-RC-BK.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series WITT-RC3610RCBK, WITT-RC3610-RC-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8346 Witt Industries Witt 36 Gallon Steel Receptacle with Rain Cap, Black (WITT-WC3600RCBK) 8346 WITT-WC3600-RC-BK 133.00 WC3600-RC-BK Wydman Collection 36 Gallon Steel Receptacle with Rain Cap
Witt 36 gallon heavy duty steel receptacles with rain cap lid make trash disposal ascetically pleasing for any outdoor environment. Sleek and stylish, this durable and study steel trash container is made of flat bar steel to deter graffiti. Coming with plastic liners, this 28.5" x 39.75" steel container is specifically crafted for consistent and long term results. Making any area look contemporary, this heavy duty trash can comes complete with a rain cap that eliminates the need for additional rain guards. Dimensions: 28.5" x 39.75". Capacity: 36 gal. Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 1. Color: Black. UPC: 096639283303. Mfr Item: WC3600-RC-BK. Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt 36 Gallon Heavy Duty Steel Receptacle with Rain Cap, 28.5" x 39.75", Steel, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 820.10 625.50 1091.74 witt trash cans, witt steel trash cans, WITT-WC3600RCBK, WITT-WC3600-RC-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8347 Witt Industries 36 Gallon Trash Receptacle w/ Ash Top, Black (WITT-M3601ATBK) 8347 WITT-M3601-AT-BK 95.00 M3601-AT-BK 36 Gallon Oakley Collection Trash Receptacle w/ Ash Top
Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti = Metal band at the top adds strength = Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn) = Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes = Color choice includes powder coated black, brown or green = Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge = Comes standard with built-in leveling feet. Dimensions: 28" x 44.25", Capacity: 36 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639473100, Mfr Item: M3601-AT-BK. Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt 36 Gallon Trash Receptacle, Ash Top, Oakley Collection, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 561.68 428.40 749.03 Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601ATBK, WITT-M3601-AT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8348 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601SDATBK) 8348 WITT-M3601SD-AT-BK 95.00 M3601SD-AT-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle made of durable flat-bar steel with ash urn lid. Features a sliding door to allow access to inside liner to easy servicing.
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
Mfr Item: M3601SD-AT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 915.09 697.95 1206.51 WITT-M3601-SD.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601SDATBK, WITT-M3601SD-AT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8349 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601DTBK) 8349 WITT-M3601-DT-BK 97.00 M3601-DT-BK = Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti = Metal band at the top adds strength = Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn) = Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes = Color choice includes powder coated black, brown or green = Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge = Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 28" x 45.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639315554
Mfr Item: M3601-DT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 581.15 443.25 764.70 Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601DTBK, WITT-M3601-DT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8350 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601SDDTBK) 8350 WITT-M3601SD-DT-BK 97.00 M3601SD-DT-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle made of durable flat-bar steel with dome lid. Features a sliding door to allow access to inside liner to easy servicing.
Dimensions: 28" x 45.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
Mfr Item: M3601SD-DT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 935.15 713.25 1234.64 WITT-M3601-SD.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601SDDTBK, WITT-M3601SD-DT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8351 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601FTBK) 8351 WITT-M3601-FT-BK 93.00 M3601-FT-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection
= Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti = Metal band at the top adds strength = Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn) = Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes = Color choice includes powder coated black, brown or green = Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge = Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 28" x 36"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639563108
Mfr Item: M3601-FT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 535.13 408.15 716.86 Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601FTBK, WITT-M3601-FT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8352 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601SDFTBK) 8352 WITT-M3601SD-FT-BK 93.00 M3601SD-FT-BK Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle made of durable flat-bar steel with flat top lid. Features a sliding door to allow access to inside liner to easy servicing.
Dimensions: 28" x 36"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
Mfr Item: M3601SD-FT-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 889.72 678.60 1163.78 WITT-M3601-SD.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601SDFTBK, WITT-M3601SD-FT-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8353 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601RCBK) 8353 WITT-M3601-RC-BK 95.00 M3601-RC-BK Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti. Metal band at the top adds strength. Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn). Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes. Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge. Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639623109
Mfr Item: M3601-RC-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 561.68 428.40 751.56 Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601RCBK, WITT-M3601-RC-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8354 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601SDRCBK) 8354 WITT-M3601SD-RC-BK 95.00 M3601SD-RC-BK Metal receptacle made of durable flat-bar steel with rain cap. Features a sliding door to allow access to inside liner to easy servicing.
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639713107
Mfr Item: M3601SD-RC-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 1107.86 697.95 1430.59 WITT-M3601-SD-RC-BK.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601SDRCBK, WITT-M3601SD-RC-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8355 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Black with brass accents Pushtop - Monarch Series (WITT-36HT11) 8355 WITT-36HT-11 83.00 36HT-11 Witt 36 gal. Black with brass accents Pushtop - Monarch Series
Painted hamper and top with push doors. Upscale and stylish to add flair to any venue. The unit has a black hamper and top with brass push doors. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 37"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black with brass accents
UPC: 096639110364
Mfr Item: 36HT-11
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 198.83 151.65 266.73 WITT-36HT-11.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black with brass accents Pushtop - Monarch Series WITT-36HT11, WITT-36HT-11, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8356 Witt Industries Witt 36 Gallon Monarch Series Pushtop, Black with Chrome Accents (WITT-36HT22) 8356 WITT-36HT-22 83.00 36HT-22 36 Gallon Monarch Series Pushtop Trash Can
Painted hamper and top with push doors. Upscale and stylish to add flair to any venue. The unit has a black hamper and top with brass push doors. Optional rigid plastic liner available. Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 37", Capacity: 36 gal, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black with chrome accents, UPC: 096639220360, Mfr Item: 36HT-22, Lead Time: 10 days
Witt 36 Gallon Monarch Series Pushtop Can, Black with Chrome Accents, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 198.83 151.65 263.29 WITT-36HT-22.jpg Witt 36 gal. Black with chrome accents Pushtop - Monarch Series WITT-36HT22, WITT-36HT-22, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8357 Witt Industries Witt 36 Gallon Trash Can, Plastic, Black (WITT-36R) 8357 WITT-36R 34.00 36R Witt 36 Gallon Plastic Trash Can
36 gallon rigid plastic liner. Dimensions: 17" x 17" x 27". Capacity: 36 gal.. Material: Plastic. Ctn Qty: 1. Color: Black, plastic. UPC: 096639400366. Mfr Item: 36R. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 36 Gallon Trash Can, Plastic, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 76.70 58.50 102.81 WITT-36R.jpg witt 36 gallon trash can, black trash can, plastic trash cans, WITT-36R, WITT-36R, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8358 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown (WITT-M36SQGFTBN) 8358 WITT-M36-SQ-GFT-BN 160.00 M36-SQ-GFT-BN Square flat bar trash receptacle. Front door access to easy servicing. Flat, rain-shield top protects it from the weather. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 22.5" x 22.5" x 43"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639733105
Mfr Item: M36-SQ-GFT-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1032.86 650.70 1374.77 WITT-M36-SQ-GFT-BN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown WITT-M36SQGFTBN, WITT-M36-SQ-GFT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8359 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Queen City Collection (WITT-QC3610GMFTBN) 8359 WITT-QC3610-G-MFT-BN 220.00 QC3610-G-MFT-BN Heavy duty, flat bar steel gated receptacle. Most durable unit we offer. Comes with metal flat top lid and plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.25" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639113402
Mfr Item: QC3610-G-MFT-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1747.14 1100.70 2315.08 WITT-QC3610-FT-BN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Queen City Collection WITT-QC3610GMFTBN, WITT-QC3610-G-MFT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8360 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Queen City Collection (WITT-QC3610GPFTBN) 8360 WITT-QC3610-G-PFT-BN 220.00 QC3610-G-PFT-BN Heavy duty, flat bar steel gated receptacle. Most durable unit we offer. Comes with plastic flat top lid and plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.25" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639143409
Mfr Item: QC3610-G-PFT-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1747.14 1100.70 2243.93 WITT-QC3610-FT-BN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Queen City Collection WITT-QC3610GPFTBN, WITT-QC3610-G-PFT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8361 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Queen City Collection (WITT-QC3610MFTBN) 8361 WITT-QC3610-MFT-BN 197.00 QC3610-MFT-BN Heavy duty, flat bar steel receptacle. Most durable unit we offer. Comes with metal flat top lid and plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.25" x 39"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639113402
Mfr Item: QC3610-MFT-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1310.71 825.75 1713.67 WITT-QC3610-FT-BN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Queen City Collection WITT-QC3610MFTBN, WITT-QC3610-MFT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8362 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Queen City Collection (WITT-QC3610PFTBN) 8362 WITT-QC3610-PFT-BN 197.00 QC3610-PFT-BN Heavy duty, flat bar steel receptacle. Most durable unit we offer. Comes with plastic flat top lid and plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.25" x 39"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639143409
Mfr Item: QC3610-PFT-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1231.43 775.80 1631.60 WITT-QC3610-FT-BN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Queen City Collection WITT-QC3610PFTBN, WITT-QC3610-PFT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8363 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and ash top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3600RATBN) 8363 WITT-M3600-R-AT-BN 95.00 M3600-R-AT-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and ash top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Decorative ring at top adds style to durability. Comes with leveling feet, plastic liner, lid attachment kit and anchor kit.
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639363104
Mfr Item: M3600-R-AT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 639.56 487.80 863.11 WITT-M3600-R.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and ash top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3600RATBN, WITT-M3600-R-AT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8364 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series (WITT-RC3610ATBN) 8364 WITT-RC3610-AT-BN 186.00 RC3610-AT-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 29" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty:
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639333206
Mfr Item: RC3610-AT-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1086.19 828.45 1441.38 WITT-RC3610.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series WITT-RC3610ATBN, WITT-RC3610-AT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8365 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and ash top - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC3600ATBN) 8365 WITT-WC3600-AT-BN 133.00 WC3600-AT-BN Heavy duty steel receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.5" x 39.75"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639203301
Mfr Item: WC3600-AT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 820.10 625.50 1118.92 Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and ash top - Wydman Collection WITT-WC3600ATBN, WITT-WC3600-AT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8366 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and dome top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3600RDTBN) 8366 WITT-M3600-R-DT-BN 97.00 M3600-R-DT-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and dome top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle with dome lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Decorative ring at top adds style to durability. Comes with leveling feet, plastic liner, lid attachment kit and anchor kit.
Dimensions: 28" x 45.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639393101
Mfr Item: M3600-R-DT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 653.13 498.15 856.95 WITT-M3600-R-DT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and dome top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3600RDTBN, WITT-M3600-R-DT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8367 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series (WITT-RC3610DTBN) 8367 WITT-RC3610-DT-BN 188.00 RC3610-DT-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with dome top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 29" x 43.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639363203
Mfr Item: RC3610-DT-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1284.37 838.35 1720.83 WITT-RC3610.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series WITT-RC3610DTBN, WITT-RC3610-DT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8368 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and dome top - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC3600DTBN) 8368 WITT-WC3600-DT-BN 135.00 WC3600-DT-BN Heavy duty steel receptacle with dome top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.5" x 41"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639233308
Mfr Item: WC3600-DT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 833.67 635.85 1101.11 Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash Receptacle and dome top - Wydman Collection WITT-WC3600DTBN, WITT-WC3600-DT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8369 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3600RFTBN) 8369 WITT-M3600-R-FT-BN 93.00 M3600-R-FT-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle with flat top lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Decorative ring at top adds style to durability. Comes with leveling feet, plastic liner, lid attachment kit and anchor kit.
Dimensions: 28" x 36"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639423105
Mfr Item: M3600-R-FT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 587.64 448.20 795.34 WITT-M3600-R-FT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Oakley Collection WITT-M3600RFTBN, WITT-M3600-R-FT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8370 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series (WITT-RC3610FTBN) 8370 WITT-RC3610-FT-BN 184.00 RC3610-FT-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with flat top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 29" x 34"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639393200
Mfr Item: RC3610-FT-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 977.63 745.65 1297.60 WITT-RC3610-FT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series WITT-RC3610FTBN, WITT-RC3610-FT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8371 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC3600FTBN) 8371 WITT-WC3600-FT-BN 131.00 WC3600-FT-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection
Heavy duty steel receptacle with flat top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.5" x 31.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639263305
Mfr Item: WC3600-FT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 764.64 583.20 1030.47 WITT-WC3600-FT-BN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection WITT-WC3600FTBN, WITT-WC3600-FT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8372 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and rain cap - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3600RRCBN) 8372 WITT-M3600-R-RC-BN 95.00 M3600-R-RC-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and rain cap - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle with rain cap lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Decorative band at top adds style to durability. Comes with leveling feet, plastic liner, lid attachment kit and anchor kit.
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639453102
Mfr Item: M3600-R-RC-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 639.56 487.80 873.32 WITT-M3600-R.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and rain cap - Oakley Collection WITT-M3600RRCBN, WITT-M3600-R-RC-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8373 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series (WITT-RC3610RCBN) 8373 WITT-RC3610-RC-BN 186.00 RC3610-RC-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with rain cap lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 29" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639423204
Mfr Item: RC3610-RC-BN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1086.19 828.45 1468.12 WITT-RC3610-RC-BK.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series WITT-RC3610RCBN, WITT-RC3610-RC-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8374 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and rain cap - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC3600RCBN) 8374 WITT-WC3600-RC-BN 133.00 WC3600-RC-BN Heavy duty steel receptacle with rain cap lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.5" x 39.75"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639293302
Mfr Item: WC3600-RC-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 820.10 625.50 1099.47 Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle and rain cap - Wydman Collection WITT-WC3600RCBN, WITT-WC3600-RC-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8375 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601ATBN) 8375 WITT-M3601-AT-BN 95.00 M3601-AT-BN = Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti = Metal band at the top adds strength = Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn) = Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes = Color choice includes powder coated black, brown or green = Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge = Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639483109
Mfr Item: M3601-AT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 561.68 428.40 734.48 Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601ATBN, WITT-M3601-AT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8376 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601SDATBN) 8376 WITT-M3601SD-AT-BN 95.00 M3601SD-AT-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle made of durable flat-bar steel with ash urn lid. Features a sliding door to allow access to inside liner to easy servicing.
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
Mfr Item: M3601SD-AT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 915.09 697.95 1233.69 WITT-M3601-SD.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601SDATBN, WITT-M3601SD-AT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8377 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601DTBN) 8377 WITT-M3601-DT-BN 97.00 M3601-DT-BN = Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti = Metal band at the top adds strength = Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn) = Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes = Color choice includes powder coated black, brown or green = Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge = Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 28" x 45.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639905564
Mfr Item: M3601-DT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 581.15 443.25 784.60 Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601DTBN, WITT-M3601-DT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8378 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601SDDTBN) 8378 WITT-M3601SD-DT-BN 97.00 M3601SD-DT-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle made of durable flat-bar steel with dome lid. Features a sliding door to allow access to inside liner to easy servicing.
Dimensions: 28" x 45.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
Mfr Item: M3601SD-DT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 935.15 713.25 1227.66 WITT-M3601-SD.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601SDDTBN, WITT-M3601SD-DT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8379 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601FTBN) 8379 WITT-M3601-FT-BN 93.00 M3601-FT-BN = Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti = Metal band at the top adds strength = Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn) = Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes = Color choice includes powder coated black, brown or green = Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge = Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 28" x 36"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639573107
Mfr Item: M3601-FT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 535.13 408.15 706.90 Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601FTBN, WITT-M3601-FT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8380 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601SDFTBN) 8380 WITT-M3601SD-FT-BN 93.00 M3601SD-FT-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle made of durable flat-bar steel with flat top lid. Features a sliding door to allow access to inside liner to easy servicing.
Dimensions: 28" x 36"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
Mfr Item: M3601SD-FT-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 889.72 678.60 1186.35 WITT-M3601-SD.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601SDFTBN, WITT-M3601SD-FT-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8381 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601RCBN) 8381 WITT-M3601-RC-BN 95.00 M3601-RC-BN Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti. Metal band at the top adds strength. Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn). Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes. Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge. Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639633108
Mfr Item: M3601-RC-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 561.68 428.40 764.82 Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601RCBN, WITT-M3601-RC-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8382 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601SDRCBN) 8382 WITT-M3601SD-RC-BN 95.00 M3601SD-RC-BN Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle made of durable flat-bar steel with rain cap. Features a sliding door to allow access to inside liner to easy servicing.
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
Mfr Item: M3601SD-RC-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 915.09 697.95 1205.95 WITT-M3601-SD.jpg Witt 36 gal. Brown Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601SDRCBN, WITT-M3601SD-RC-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8383 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Charcoal Platinum Secure Document Conatiner - Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-36PSSCB) 8383 WITT-36PSS-CB 75.00 36PSS-CB Witt 36 gal. Charcoal Platinum Secure Document Conatiner - Confidential Waste Containers
Confidential waste receptacle with lock and keys. Designed to keep documents secure until disposal. Comes standard with a vinyl, drawstring bag. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 18" x 20" x 31"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Charcoal
UPC: 096639310368
Mfr Item: 36PSS-CB
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 229.51 175.05 299.12 WITT-36PSS-CB.jpg Witt 36 gal. Charcoal Platinum Secure Document Conatiner - Confidential Waste Containers WITT-36PSSCB, WITT-36PSS-CB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8384 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green (WITT-M36SQGFTGN) 8384 WITT-M36-SQ-GFT-GN 160.00 M36-SQ-GFT-GN Square flat bar trash receptacle. Front door access to easy servicing. Flat, rain-shield top protects it from the weather. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 22.5" x 22.5" x 43"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639743104
Mfr Item: M36-SQ-GFT-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1023.76 650.70 1392.47 Witt 36 gal. Green WITT-M36SQGFTGN, WITT-M36-SQ-GFT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8385 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Queen City Collection (WITT-QC3610GMFTGN) 8385 WITT-QC3610-G-MFT-GN 220.00 QC3610-G-MFT-GN Heavy duty, flat bar steel gated receptacle. Most durable unit we offer. Comes with metal flat top lid and plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.25" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639123401
Mfr Item: QC3610-G-MFT-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1747.14 1100.70 2277.83 WITT-QC3610-FT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Queen City Collection WITT-QC3610GMFTGN, WITT-QC3610-G-MFT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8386 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Queen City Collection (WITT-QC3610GPFTGN) 8386 WITT-QC3610-G-PFT-GN 220.00 QC3610-G-PFT-GN Heavy duty, flat bar steel gated receptacle. Most durable unit we offer. Comes with plastic flat top lid and plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.25" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639153408
Mfr Item: QC3610-G-PFT-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1747.14 1100.70 2317.85 WITT-QC3610-FT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Queen City Collection WITT-QC3610GPFTGN, WITT-QC3610-G-PFT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8387 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Queen City Collection (WITT-QC3610MFTGN) 8387 WITT-QC3610-MFT-GN 197.00 QC3610-MFT-GN Heavy duty, flat bar steel receptacle. Most durable unit we offer. Comes with metal flat top lid and plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.25" x 39"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639123401
Mfr Item: QC3610-MFT-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1310.71 825.75 1720.59 WITT-QC3610-FT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Queen City Collection WITT-QC3610MFTGN, WITT-QC3610-MFT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8388 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Queen City Collection (WITT-QC3610PFTGN) 8388 WITT-QC3610-PFT-GN 197.00 QC3610-PFT-GN Heavy duty, flat bar steel receptacle. Most durable unit we offer. Comes with plastic flat top lid and plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.25" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639153408
Mfr Item: QC3610-PFT-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1231.43 775.80 1584.62 WITT-QC3610-FT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Queen City Collection WITT-QC3610PFTGN, WITT-QC3610-PFT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8389 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and ash top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3600RATGN) 8389 WITT-M3600-R-AT-GN 95.00 M3600-R-AT-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and ash top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Decorative ring at top adds style to durability. Comes with leveling feet, plastic liner, lid attachment kit and anchor kit.
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639373103
Mfr Item: M3600-R-AT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 639.56 487.80 842.38 WITT-M3600-R.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and ash top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3600RATGN, WITT-M3600-R-AT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8390 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series (WITT-RC3610ATGN) 8390 WITT-RC3610-AT-GN 186.00 RC3610-AT-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 29" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639343205
Mfr Item: RC3610-AT-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1086.19 828.45 1452.11 WITT-RC3610.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and ash top - River City Series WITT-RC3610ATGN, WITT-RC3610-AT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8391 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and ash top - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC3600ATGN) 8391 WITT-WC3600-AT-GN 133.00 WC3600-AT-GN Heavy duty steel receptacle with ash urn lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.5" x 39.75"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639213300
Mfr Item: WC3600-AT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 820.10 625.50 1080.93 Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and ash top - Wydman Collection WITT-WC3600ATGN, WITT-WC3600-AT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8392 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and dome top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3600RDTGN) 8392 WITT-M3600-R-DT-GN 97.00 M3600-R-DT-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and dome top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle with dome lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Decorative ring at top adds style to durability. Comes with leveling feet, plastic liner, lid attachment kit and anchor kit.
Dimensions: 28" x 45.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639403107
Mfr Item: M3600-R-DT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 653.13 498.15 893.93 WITT-M3600-R-DT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and dome top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3600RDTGN, WITT-M3600-R-DT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8393 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series (WITT-RC3610DTGN) 8393 WITT-RC3610-DT-GN 188.00 RC3610-DT-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with dome top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 29" x 43.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639373202
Mfr Item: RC3610-DT-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1099.17 838.35 1494.78 WITT-RC3610.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and dome top - River City Series WITT-RC3610DTGN, WITT-RC3610-DT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8394 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and dome top - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC3600DTGN) 8394 WITT-WC3600-DT-GN 135.00 WC3600-DT-GN Heavy duty steel receptacle with dome top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.5" x 41"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639243307
Mfr Item: WC3600-DT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 833.67 635.85 1086.45 Witt 36 gal. Green Trash Receptacle and dome top - Wydman Collection WITT-WC3600DTGN, WITT-WC3600-DT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8395 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3600RFTGN) 8395 WITT-M3600-R-FT-GN 93.00 M3600-R-FT-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle with flat top lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Decorative ring at top adds style to durability. Comes with leveling feet, plastic liner, lid attachment kit and anchor kit.
Dimensions: 28" x 36"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639433104
Mfr Item: M3600-R-FT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 587.64 448.20 785.61 WITT-M3600-R-FT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Oakley Collection WITT-M3600RFTGN, WITT-M3600-R-FT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8396 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series (WITT-RC3610FTGN) 8396 WITT-RC3610-FT-GN 184.00 RC3610-FT-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with flat top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 29" x 34"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639403206
Mfr Item: RC3610-FT-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 977.63 745.65 1326.55 WITT-RC3610-FT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - River City Series WITT-RC3610FTGN, WITT-RC3610-FT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8397 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC3600FTGN) 8397 WITT-WC3600-FT-GN 131.00 WC3600-FT-GN Heavy duty steel receptacle with flat top lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.5" x 31.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639273304
Mfr Item: WC3600-FT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 764.64 583.20 1019.98 Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and flat top lid - Wydman Collection WITT-WC3600FTGN, WITT-WC3600-FT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8398 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and rain cap - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3600RRCGN) 8398 WITT-M3600-R-RC-GN 95.00 M3600-R-RC-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and rain cap - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle with rain cap lid. Made of durable flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Decorative band at top adds style to durability. Comes with leveling feet, plastic liner, lid attachment kit and anchor kit.
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639463101
Mfr Item: M3600-R-RC-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 639.56 487.80 837.22 WITT-M3600-R.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and rain cap - Oakley Collection WITT-M3600RRCGN, WITT-M3600-R-RC-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8399 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series (WITT-RC3610RCGN) 8399 WITT-RC3610-RC-GN 186.00 RC3610-RC-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series
Heavy duty steel receptacle with rain cap lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 29" x 42.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639433203
Mfr Item: RC3610-RC-GN
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1086.19 828.45 1476.19 WITT-RC3610-RC-BK.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and rain cap - River City Series WITT-RC3610RCGN, WITT-RC3610-RC-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8400 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and rain cap - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC3600RCGN) 8400 WITT-WC3600-RC-GN 133.00 WC3600-RC-GN Heavy duty steel receptacle with rain cap lid. Made of flat bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 28.5" x 39.75"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639303308
Mfr Item: WC3600-RC-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 820.10 625.50 1078.64 Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle and rain cap - Wydman Collection WITT-WC3600RCGN, WITT-WC3600-RC-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8401 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601ATGN) 8401 WITT-M3601-AT-GN 95.00 M3601-AT-GN = Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti = Metal band at the top adds strength = Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn) = Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes = Color choice includes powder coated black, brown or green = Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge = Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639493108
Mfr Item: M3601-AT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 561.68 428.40 758.39 Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601ATGN, WITT-M3601-AT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8402 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601SDATGN) 8402 WITT-M3601SD-AT-GN 95.00 M3601SD-AT-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle made of durable flat-bar steel with ash urn lid. Features a sliding door to allow access to inside liner to easy servicing.
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
Mfr Item: M3601SD-AT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 915.09 697.95 1201.00 WITT-M3601-SD.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with ash top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601SDATGN, WITT-M3601SD-AT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8403 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601DTGN) 8403 WITT-M3601-DT-GN 97.00 M3601-DT-GN = Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti = Metal band at the top adds strength = Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn) = Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes = Color choice includes powder coated black, brown or green = Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge = Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 28" x 45.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639495553
Mfr Item: M3601-DT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 581.15 443.25 775.86 Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601DTGN, WITT-M3601-DT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8404 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601SDDTGN) 8404 WITT-M3601SD-DT-GN 97.00 M3601SD-DT-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle made of durable flat-bar steel with dome lid. Features a sliding door to allow access to inside liner to easy servicing.
Dimensions: 28" x 45.5"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
Mfr Item: M3601SD-DT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 935.15 713.25 1253.03 WITT-M3601-SD.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with dome top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601SDDTGN, WITT-M3601SD-DT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8405 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601FTGN) 8405 WITT-M3601-FT-GN 93.00 M3601-FT-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection
Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti. Metal band at the top adds strength. Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn). Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes. Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge. Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 28" x 36"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639583106
Mfr Item: M3601-FT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 653.57 408.15 856.18 WITT-M3601-FT-GN.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601FTGN, WITT-M3601-FT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8406 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601SDFTGN) 8406 WITT-M3601SD-FT-GN 93.00 M3601SD-FT-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle made of durable flat-bar steel with flat top lid. Features a sliding door to allow access to inside liner to easy servicing.
Dimensions: 28" x 36"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
Mfr Item: M3601SD-FT-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 889.72 678.60 1159.21 WITT-M3601-SD.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with flat top - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601SDFTGN, WITT-M3601SD-FT-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8407 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601RCGN) 8407 WITT-M3601-RC-GN 95.00 M3601-RC-GN Durable, long-lasting flat bar steel construction is a deterrent for graffiti. Metal band at the top adds strength. Available with four lid options (flat top, dometop, rain cap or ash urn). Comes in 24 and 36 gallon sizes. Black plastic liner, lid attachment kit and an anchor kit are supplied with all units at no extra charge. Comes standard with built-in leveling feet
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639643107
Mfr Item: M3601-RC-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 561.68 428.40 767.85 Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601RCGN, WITT-M3601-RC-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8408 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601SDRCGN) 8408 WITT-M3601SD-RC-GN 95.00 M3601SD-RC-GN Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection
Metal receptacle made of durable flat-bar steel with rain cap. Features a sliding door to allow access to inside liner to easy servicing.
Dimensions: 28" x 44.25"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
Mfr Item: M3601SD-RC-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1072.61 697.95 1402.79 WITT-M3601-SD.jpg Witt 36 gal. Green Trash receptacle with rain cap - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601SDRCGN, WITT-M3601SD-RC-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8409 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Light Gray Platinum Secure Document Conatiner - Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-36PSSLG) 8409 WITT-36PSS-LG 75.00 36PSS-LG Witt 36 gal. Light Gray Platinum Secure Document Conatiner - Confidential Waste Containers
Confidential waste receptacle with lock and keys. Designed to keep documents secure until disposal. Comes standard with a vinyl, drawstring bag. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 18" x 20" x 31"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Light Gray
UPC: 096639120363
Mfr Item: 36PSS-LG
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 229.51 175.05 304.98 WITT-36PSS-LG.jpg Witt 36 gal. Light Gray Platinum Secure Document Conatiner - Confidential Waste Containers WITT-36PSSLG, WITT-36PSS-LG, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8410 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. NA Vinyl Drawstring Bag (WITT-PVBAG) 8410 WITT-PVBAG 1.00 PVBAG Nylon, drawstring bag liner for 36 PSS
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Vinyl
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: NA
Mfr Item: PVBAG
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 35.71 22.50 45.95 WITT-PVBAG.jpg Witt 36 gal. NA Vinyl Drawstring Bag WITT-PVBAG, WITT-PVBAG, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8411 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Putty Platinum Secure Document Conatiner - Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-36PSSPT) 8411 WITT-36PSS-PT 75.00 36PSS-PT Witt 36 gal. Putty Platinum Secure Document Conatiner - Confidential Waste Containers
Confidential waste receptacle with lock and keys. Designed to keep documents secure until disposal. Comes standard with a vinyl, drawstring bag. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 18" x 20" x 31"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Putty
UPC: 096639150360
Mfr Item: 36PSS-PT
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 229.51 175.05 304.64 WITT-36PSS-PT.jpg Witt 36 gal. Putty Platinum Secure Document Conatiner - Confidential Waste Containers WITT-36PSSPT, WITT-36PSS-PT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8412 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Slate Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-008HSL) 8412 WITT-008HSL 96.00 008HSL Witt 36 gal. Slate Confidential Waste Containers
Confidential waste receptacle with hasp closure. Designed to keep documents secure until disposal. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 38"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Slate
UPC: 096639120080
Mfr Item: 008HSL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 257.24 196.20 335.47 WITT-008HSL.jpg Witt 36 gal. Slate Confidential Waste Containers WITT-008HSL, WITT-008HSL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8413 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Slate Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-008LSL) 8413 WITT-008LSL 96.00 008LSL Witt 36 gal. Slate Confidential Waste Containers
Confidential waste receptacle with lock and key. Designed to keep documents secure until disposal. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 38"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Slate
UPC: 096639220087
Mfr Item: 008LSL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 257.24 196.20 342.63 WITT-008LSL.jpg Witt 36 gal. Slate Confidential Waste Containers WITT-008LSL, WITT-008LSL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8414 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Slate Swingtop - Wastewatcher Swingtops (WITT-1511HTSL) 8414 WITT-1511HTSL 66.00 1511HTSL Witt 36 gal. Slate Swingtop - Wastewatcher Swingtops
Large, painted hamper and swing top. Comes standard with 4 feet to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 39"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Slate
UPC: 096639525113
Mfr Item: 1511HTSL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 185.85 141.75 251.12 WITT-1511HTSL.jpg Witt 36 gal. Slate Swingtop - Wastewatcher Swingtops WITT-1511HTSL, WITT-1511HTSL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8415 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Stainless Steel Confidential Waste Containers (WITT-008LSS) 8415 WITT-008LSS 96.00 008LSS Witt 36 gal. Stainless Steel Confidential Waste Containers
Confidential waste receptacle with lock and key. Designed to keep documents secure until disposal. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 38"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Stainless Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Stainless Steel
Mfr Item: 008LSS
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 559.91 427.05 729.25 WITT-008LSS.jpg Witt 36 gal. Stainless Steel Confidential Waste Containers WITT-008LSS, WITT-008LSS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8416 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. Stainless Steel Pushtop - Monarch Series (WITT-36HTSS) 8416 WITT-36HTSS 83.00 36HTSS Witt 36 gal. Stainless Steel Pushtop - Monarch Series
Stainless steel hamper and top with push doors. Self-closing doors help to eliminate odors. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 37"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Stainless Steel
UPC: 096639950366
Mfr Item: 36HTSS
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 348.10 265.50 461.92 WITT-36HTSS.jpg Witt 36 gal. Stainless Steel Pushtop - Monarch Series WITT-36HTSS, WITT-36HTSS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8417 Witt Industries 36 Gallon Wastewatcher Swingtop Trash Can, Stainless Steel (WITT-1511HTSS) 8417 WITT-1511HTSS 66.00 1511HTSS Witt 36 Gallon Stainless Steel Swingtop Trash Can
Large, stainless steel hamper and swing top. Comes standard with 4 feet to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches. Optional rigid plastic liner available. Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 39", Capacity: 36 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Stainless Steel, UPC: 096639955118, Mfr Item: 1511HTSS, Lead Time: 10 days
Witt 36 Gallon Wastewatcher Swingtop Trash Can, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 339.84 259.20 442.19 WITT-1511HTSS.jpg Witt 36 gal. Stainless Steel Swingtop - Wastewatcher Swingtops WITT-1511HTSS, WITT-1511HTSS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8418 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. White (WITT-2236WH) 8418 WITT-2236WH 78.00 2236WH Witt 36 gal. White
Square step-on receptacle featuring safe, hands-free operation. Provides sanitary disposal for healthcare facilities or any place dealing with bio-hazardous material.
Dimensions: 19" x 30"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: White
UPC: 096639360905
Mfr Item: 2236WH
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 255.77 166.25 330.97 WITT-2236WH.jpg Witt 36 gal. White WITT-2236WH, WITT-2236WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8419 Witt Industries Witt 36 gal. White Swingtop - Wastewatcher Swingtops (WITT-1511HTWH) 8419 WITT-1511HTWH 66.00 1511HTWH Witt 36 gal. White Swingtop - Wastewatcher Swingtops
Large, painted hamper and swing top. Comes standard with 4 feet to lift off the floor and protect it from scratches. Optional rigid plastic liner available.
Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 39"
Capacity: 36 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: White
UPC: 096639575118
Mfr Item: 1511HTWH
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 185.85 141.75 243.53 WITT-1511HTWH.jpg Witt 36 gal. White Swingtop - Wastewatcher Swingtops WITT-1511HTWH, WITT-1511HTWH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8420 Witt Industries 4 Gallon Executive Wastebasket, Black, Decorative (WITT-66BK) 8420 WITT-66BK 2.60 66BK 4 Gallon Executive Wastebasket
The Executive Wastebasket is a small, round wastebasket that is perfect for offices, hotels or anywhere you have a need to stylish and upscale wastebaskets. 10 1/8" x 11 5/8", 4 Gallons, Steel, Black, UPC: 096639310665, Mfr Item: 66BK. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 4 Gallon Executive Wastebasket, Decorative, Black, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 31.27 23.85 40.96 WITT-66BK.jpg Witt 4 gal. Black Executive Wastebasket - Decorative Receptacles WITT-66BK, WITT-66BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8421 Witt Industries 4 Gallon Step-on Receptacle, Red (WITT-2240RD) 8421 WITT-2240RD 19.00 2240RD 4 Gallon Step-on Receptacle
Round step-on receptacle featuring safe, hands-free operation. Provides sanitary disposal for healthcare facilities or any place dealing with bio-hazardous material. Comes standard with a galvanized liner. 11" x 16", Capacity: 4 gal, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Red, UPC: 096639422405, Mfr Item: 2240RD Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 4 Gallon Step-on Trash Receptacle, Steel, Red, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 57.23 43.65 77.96 WITT-2240RD.jpg Witt 4 gal. Red Step-on - Step-on Receptacles WITT-2240RD, WITT-2240RD, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8422 Witt Industries 4 Gallon Executive Wastebasket, Decorative, Steel (WITT-66SS) 8422 WITT-66SS 2.60 66SS 4 Gallon Stainless Steel Executive Wastebasket
The Executive Wastebasket is a small, round wastebasket that is perfect for offices, hotels or anywhere you have a need to stylish and upscale wastebaskets. Dimensions: 10 1/8" x 11 5/8", Capacity: 4 gal., Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Stainless Steel, UPC: 096639400663, Mfr Item: 66SS, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 4 Gallon Executive Wastebasket, Decorative, Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 40.71 31.05 53.71 WITT-66SS.jpg Witt 4 gal. Stainless Steel Executive Wastebasket - Decorative Receptacles WITT-66SS, WITT-66SS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8423 Witt Industries 4 Gallon Step-on Trash Receptacle, Stainless Steel (WITT-2240SS) 8423 WITT-2240SS 19.00 2240SS 4 Gallon Step-on Receptacle
Round step-on receptacle featuring safe, hands-free operation. Provides sanitary disposal for healthcare facilities or any place dealing with bio-hazardous material. Comes standard with a galvanized liner. 11" x 16", 4 Gallon, Steel, Color: Stainless Steel, UPC: 096639922400, Mfr Item: 2240SS. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 4 Gallon Step-on Receptacle, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 155.93 83.25 209.14 WITT-2240SS.jpg Witt 4 gal. Stainless Steel Step-on - Step-on Receptacles WITT-2240SS, WITT-2240SS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8424 Witt Industries Witt 4 Gallon Step-on Trash Receptacle (WITT-2240WH) 8424 WITT-2240WH 19.00 2240WH 4 Gallon White Step-on Receptacle
Round step-on receptacle featuring safe, hands-free operation. Provides sanitary disposal for healthcare facilities or any place dealing with bio-hazardous material. Comes standard with a glavanized liner. Dimensions: 11" x 16", Capacity: 4 gal., Material: Steel, Color: White, UPC: 096639022407, Mfr Item: 2240WH Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 4 Gallon Step-on Trash Receptacle, Steel, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 57.23 43.65 74.36 WITT-2240WH.jpg Witt 4 gal. White Step-on - Step-on Receptacles WITT-2240WH, WITT-2240WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8425 Witt Industries Witt 45 gal. Graystone (WITT-RLC2641SGR) 8425 WITT-RLC-2641S-GR 100.00 RLC-2641S-GR Witt 45 gal. Graystone
Round, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 26" x 41"
Capacity: 45 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Graystone
Mfr Item: RLC-2641S-GR
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1233.10 940.50 1635.70 WITT-RLC-2641S-GR.jpg Witt 45 gal. Graystone WITT-RLC2641SGR, WITT-RLC-2641S-GR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8426 Witt Industries Witt 45 Gallon Smoking Urn, Graystone (WITT-RLC2641SHABGR) 8426 WITT-RLC-2641SHAB-GR 100.00 RLC-2641SHAB-GR 45 Gallon Smoking Urn
Round, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner. Dimensions: 26" x 41", Capacity: 45 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Graystone, Mfr Item: RLC-2641SHAB-GR, Lead Time: 4 weeks.
Witt 45 Gallon Smoking Urn, Graystone, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 1276.69 973.75 1669.17 WITT-RLC-2641SHAB-GR.jpg 45 gallon smoking urn, WITT-RLC2641SHABGR, WITT-RLC-2641SHAB-GR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8427 Witt Industries Witt 45 gal. Graystone (WITT-SLC2740STDGR) 8427 WITT-SLC-2740STD-GR 115.00 SLC-2740STD-GR Witt 45 gal. Graystone
Square trash receptacle. Made of concrete composite that is strong and durable. Side load access door for easy servicing. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 26" x 26" x 41"
Capacity: 45 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Graystone
Mfr Item: SLC-2740STD-GR
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1828.37 1151.88 2421.69 WITT-SLC2740STD-GR.jpg Witt 45 gal. Graystone WITT-SLC2740STDGR, WITT-SLC-2740STD-GR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8428 Witt Industries Witt 45 Gallon Smoking Urn, Graystone (WITT-SLC2744STDHABGR) 8428 WITT-SLC-2744STDHAB-GR 120.00 SLC-2744STDHAB-GR 45 Gallon Smoking Urn
Square trash ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Side load access door for easy servicing. Hide a butt keeps cigarettes out of sight. Comes with plastic liner. Dimensions: 26" x 26" x 41". Capacity: 45 gallon, Material: Fiberglass, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Graystone, Mfr Item: SLC-2744STDHAB-GR, Lead Time: 4 weeks.
Witt 45 Gallon Smoking Urn, Graystone, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 1632.31 1244.98 2158.41 WITT-SLC-2744STDHAB-GR.jpg 45 gallon smoking urn, WITT-SLC2744STDHABGR, WITT-SLC-2744STDHAB-GR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8429 Witt Industries Witt 45 Gallon Smoking Urn, Sandstone (WITT-RLC2641SHABSA) 8429 WITT-RLC-2641SHAB-SA 100.00 RLC-2641SHAB-SA 45 Gallon Smoking Urn
Round, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner. Dimensions: 26" x 41", Capacity: 45 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Sandstone, Mfr Item: RLC-2641SHAB-SA, Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt 45 Gallon Smoking Urn, Sandstone, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 1276.69 973.75 1691.53 WITT-RLC-2641SHAB-SA.jpg 45 gallon smoking urn, WITT-RLC2641SHABSA, WITT-RLC-2641SHAB-SA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8430 Witt Industries Witt 45 gal. Sandstone (WITT-RLC2641SSA) 8430 WITT-RLC-2641S-SA 100.00 RLC-2641S-SA Witt 45 gal. Sandstone
Round, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 26" x 41"
Capacity: 45 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Sandstone
Mfr Item: RLC-2641S-SA
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1233.10 940.50 1638.82 WITT-RLC-2641S-SA.jpg Witt 45 gal. Sandstone WITT-RLC2641SSA, WITT-RLC-2641S-SA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8431 Witt Industries Witt 45 gal. Sandstone (WITT-SLC2740STDSA) 8431 WITT-SLC-2740STD-SA 115.00 SLC-2740STD-SA Square trash receptacle. Made of concrete composite that is strong and durable. Side load access door for easy servicing. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 26" x 26" x 41"
Capacity: 45 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Sandstone
Mfr Item: SLC-2740STD-SA
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1828.37 1151.88 2415.04 WITT-SLC2740STD-SA.jpg Witt 45 gal. Sandstone WITT-SLC2740STDSA, WITT-SLC-2740STD-SA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8432 Witt Industries Witt 45 Gallon Smoking Urn, Sandstone (WITT-SLC2744STDHABSA) 8432 WITT-SLC-2744STDHAB-SA 120.00 SLC-2744STDHAB-SA 45 Gallon Smoking Urn
Square trash ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Side load access door for easy servicing. Hide a butt keeps cigarettes out of sight. Comes with plastic liner. Dimensions: 26" x 26" x 41", Capacity: 45 gallon, Material: Fiberglass, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Sandstone, Mfr Item: SLC-2744STDHAB-SA, Lead Time: 4 weeks.
Witt 45 Gallon Smoking Receptacle, Sandstone, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 1632.31 1244.98 2141.87 WITT-SLC-2744STDHAB-SA.jpg Witt 45 gal. Sandstone WITT-SLC2744STDHABSA, WITT-SLC-2744STDHAB-SA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8433 Witt Industries Witt 45 Gallon Smoking Urn, Whitestone (WITT-RLC2641SHABWH) 8433 WITT-RLC-2641SHAB-WH 100.00 RLC-2641SHAB-WH 45 Gallon Smoking Urn
Round, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner. Dimensions: 26" x 41", Capacity: 45 gallon, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Whitestone, Mfr Item: RLC-2641SHAB-WH, Lead Time: 4 weeks.
Witt 45 Gallon Smoking Receptacle, Whitestone, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 1276.69 973.75 1691.03 WITT-RLC-2641SHAB-WH.jpg Witt 45 gal. Whitestone WITT-RLC2641SHABWH, WITT-RLC-2641SHAB-WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8434 Witt Industries Witt 45 gal. Whitestone (WITT-RLC2641SWH) 8434 WITT-RLC-2641S-WH 100.00 RLC-2641S-WH Witt 45 gal. Whitestone
Round, top load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Comes standard with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 26" x 41"
Capacity: 45 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Whitestone
Mfr Item: RLC-2641S-WH
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 1233.10 940.50 1604.13 WITT-RLC-2641S-WH.jpg Witt 45 gal. Whitestone WITT-RLC2641SWH, WITT-RLC-2641S-WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8435 Witt Industries Witt 45 gal. Whitestone (WITT-SLC2740STDWH) 8435 WITT-SLC-2740STD-WH 115.00 SLC-2740STD-WH Square trash receptacle. Made of concrete composite that is strong and durable. Side load access door for easy servicing. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 26" x 26" x 41"
Capacity: 45 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Whitestone
Mfr Item: SLC-2740STD-WH
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1510.25 1151.88 2040.04 Witt 45 gal. Whitestone WITT-SLC2740STDWH, WITT-SLC-2740STD-WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8436 Witt Industries Witt 45 Gallon Smoking Urn, Whitestone (WITT-SLC2744STDHABWH) 8436 WITT-SLC-2744STDHAB-WH 120.00 SLC-2744STDHAB-WH 45 Gallon Smoking Urn
Square trash ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Side load access door for easy servicing. Hide a butt keeps cigarettes out of sight. Comes with plastic liner, Dimensions: 26" x 26" x 41", Capacity: 45 gallon, Material: Fiberglass, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Whitestone, Mfr Item: SLC-2744STDHAB-WH, Lead Time: 4 weeks.
Witt 45 Gallon Smoking Urn, Whitestone, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 1632.31 1244.98 2159.77 WITT-SLC-2744STDHAB-WH.jpg Witt 45 gal. Whitestone WITT-SLC2744STDHABWH, WITT-SLC-2744STDHAB-WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8437 Witt Industries Witt 48 Gallon Trash Can (WITT-11R481631SP) 8437 WITT-11R-481631SP 105.00 11R-481631SP Witt 48 Gallon Trash Can
Recycling container for paper. Made of fiberglass which makes it impervious to rust and stains. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner. Dimensions: 48" x 16" x 31", Capacity: 48 gal., Material: Fiberglass, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: 30 standard colors, Mfr Item: 11R-481631SP, Lead Time: 4 weeks.
Witt 48 Gallon Trash Can, 30 Standard Colors, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust Witt Industries 1182.31 895.50 1558.12 WITT-11R-481631SP.jpg Witt 48 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-11R481631SP, WITT-11R-481631SP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8438 Witt Industries Witt 48 Gallon Fiberglass Recycling Container (WITT-11RR481631) 8438 WITT-11RR-481631 105.00 11RR-481631 48Gallon Fiberglass Recycling Container
Made of fiberglass which makes it impervious to rust and stains, Witt's line of recycling containers offer a design complete with 4 separate openings, including a slot for paper. This container boasts 4 separate liners, allowing the user to recycle several commodities in one location to save space. Measuring in at dimensions of 48" x 16" x 31", this reliable fiberglass recycling container has a capacity of 48 gallons. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner. Mfr Item: 11RR-481631. Lead time: 4 weeks
Witt 48 Gallon Recycling Container, Fiberglass, 30 Standard Colors, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 1334.76 992.25 1792.87 WITT-11RR-481631.jpg witt, witt recycling containers, witt recycling cans, WITT-11RR481631, WITT-11RR-481631, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8439 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Black (WITT-EXP52NPBK) 8439 WITT-EXP-52NPBK 113.00 EXP-52NPBK Witt 48 gal. Black
Expanded metal outdoor container with nameplate. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639110524
Mfr Item: EXP-52NPBK
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 227.70 143.45 293.45 WITT-EXP-52NPBK.jpg Witt 48 gal. Black WITT-EXP52NPBK, WITT-EXP-52NPBK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8440 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Black (WITT-EXPR52BK) 8440 WITT-EXP-R52BK 113.00 EXP-R52BK Heavy duty expanded metal outdoor container. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639200522
Mfr Item: EXP-R52BK
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 236.43 148.95 314.36 WITT-EXP-R52BK.jpg Witt 48 gal. Black WITT-EXPR52BK, WITT-EXP-R52BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8441 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Black (WITT-EXPR52NPBK) 8441 WITT-EXP-R52NPBK 113.00 EXP-R52NPBK Heavy duty expanded metal outdoor container with nameplate. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639230529
Mfr Item: EXP-R52NPBK
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 270.67 170.53 360.56 WITT-EXP-R52NPBK.jpg Witt 48 gal. Black WITT-EXPR52NPBK, WITT-EXP-R52NPBK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8442 Witt Industries 48 Gallon Black Expanded Metal Outdoor Trash Recptacle (WITT-EXP52BK) 8442 WITT-EXP-52BK 113.00 EXP-52BK Black Expanded Metal Trash Receptacle
Expanded metal outdoor container. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639610529
Mfr Item: EXP-52BK
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 172.87 131.85 226.00 Witt 48 gal. Black Expanded Metal Receptacle - Expanded Metal Receptacles WITT-EXP52BK, WITT-EXP-52BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8443 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Blue (WITT-EXP52NPBL) 8443 WITT-EXP-52NPBL 113.00 EXP-52NPBL Expanded metal outdoor container with nameplate. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Blue
UPC: 096639120523
Mfr Item: EXP-52NPBL
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 224.29 141.30 294.78 WITT-EXP-52NPBL.jpg Witt 48 gal. Blue WITT-EXP52NPBL, WITT-EXP-52NPBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8444 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Blue (WITT-EXPR52BL) 8444 WITT-EXP-R52BL 113.00 EXP-R52BL Heavy duty expanded metal outdoor container. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Blue
UPC: 096639210521
Mfr Item: EXP-R52BL
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 236.43 148.95 308.15 WITT-EXP-R52BL.jpg Witt 48 gal. Blue WITT-EXPR52BL, WITT-EXP-R52BL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8445 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Blue (WITT-EXPR52NPBL) 8445 WITT-EXP-R52NPBL 113.00 EXP-R52NPBL Heavy duty expanded metal outdoor container with nameplate. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Blue
UPC: 096639240528
Mfr Item: EXP-R52NPBL
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 270.67 170.53 356.74 WITT-EXP-R52NPBL.jpg Witt 48 gal. Blue WITT-EXPR52NPBL, WITT-EXP-R52NPBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8446 Witt Industries 48 Gallon Blue Expanded Metal Outdoor Trash Receptacle (WITT-EXP52BL) 8446 WITT-EXP-52BL 113.00 EXP-52BL Blue Expanded Metal Trash Receptacle
Expanded metal outdoor container. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Blue
UPC: 096639910520
Mfr Item: EXP-52BL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 172.87 131.85 236.00 Witt 48 gal. Blue Expanded Metal Receptacle - Expanded Metal Receptacles WITT-EXP52BL, WITT-EXP-52BL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8447 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Galvanized (WITT-EXP52NP) 8447 WITT-EXP-52NP 113.00 EXP-52NP Expanded metal outdoor container with nameplate. Hot dipped in molten zinc to add protection and durability allowing to withstand the elements.
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639705225
Mfr Item: EXP-52NP
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 247.30 155.80 329.14 WITT-EXP-52NP.jpg Witt 48 gal. Galvanized WITT-EXP52NP, WITT-EXP-52NP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8448 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Galvanized (WITT-EXPR52) 8448 WITT-EXP-R52 113.00 EXP-R52 Heavy duty expanded metal outdoor container. Hot dipped in molten zinc to add protection and durability allowing it to withstand the elements.
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639290523
Mfr Item: EXP-R52
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 195.29 148.95 262.54 Witt 48 gal. Galvanized WITT-EXPR52, WITT-EXP-R52, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8449 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Galvanized (WITT-EXPR52NP) 8449 WITT-EXP-R52NP 113.00 EXP-R52NP Witt 48 gal. Galvanized
Heavy duty expanded metal outdoor container with nameplate. Hot dipped in molten zinc to add protection and durability allowing to withstand the elements.
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639270525
Mfr Item: EXP-R52NP
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 223.59 170.53 302.72 WITT-EXP-R52NP.jpg Witt 48 gal. Galvanized WITT-EXPR52NP, WITT-EXP-R52NP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8450 Witt Industries 48 Gallon Galvanized Expanded Metal Outdoor Trash Receptacle (WITT-EXP52-G) 8450 WITT-EXP-52-G 113.00 EXP-52-G Galvanized Expanded Metal Trash Receptacle
Expanded metal outdoor container. Hot dipped in molten zinc to add protection and durability allowing to withstand the elements.
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639700527
Mfr Item: EXP-52
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 194.87 143.45 255.93 WITT-EXP52.jpg Witt 48 gal. Galvanized Expanded Metal Receptacle - Expanded Metal Receptacles WITT-EXP52, WITT-EXP-52, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8451 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Green (WITT-EXP52NPGN) 8451 WITT-EXP-52NPGN 113.00 EXP-52NPGN Expanded metal outdoor container with nameplate. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639130522
Mfr Item: EXP-52NPGN
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 227.70 143.45 294.35 WITT-EXP-52NPGN.jpg Witt 48 gal. Green WITT-EXP52NPGN, WITT-EXP-52NPGN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8452 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Green (WITT-EXPR52GN) 8452 WITT-EXP-R52GN 113.00 EXP-R52GN Heavy duty expanded metal outdoor container. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639220520
Mfr Item: EXP-R52GN
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 236.43 148.95 306.37 WITT-EXP-R52GN.jpg Witt 48 gal. Green WITT-EXPR52GN, WITT-EXP-R52GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8453 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Green (WITT-EXPR52NPGN) 8453 WITT-EXP-R52NPGN 113.00 EXP-R52NPGN Heavy duty expanded metal outdoor container with nameplate. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639250527
Mfr Item: EXP-R52NPGN
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 270.67 170.53 353.66 WITT-EXP-R52NPGN.jpg Witt 48 gal. Green WITT-EXPR52NPGN, WITT-EXP-R52NPGN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8454 Witt Industries 48 Gallon Green Expanded Metal Outdoor Trash Receptacle (WITT-EXP52GN) 8454 WITT-EXP-52GN 113.00 EXP-52GN Green Expanded Metal Trash Receptacle
Expanded metal outdoor container. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639990522
Mfr Item: EXP-52GN
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 172.87 131.85 230.33 Witt 48 gal. Green Expanded Metal Receptacle - Expanded Metal Receptacles WITT-EXP52GN, WITT-EXP-52GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8455 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Red (WITT-EXP52NPRD) 8455 WITT-EXP-52NPRD 113.00 EXP-52NPRD Expanded metal outdoor container with nameplate. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Red
UPC: 096639140521
Mfr Item: EXP-52NPRD
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 227.70 143.45 301.89 WITT-EXP-52NPRD.jpg Witt 48 gal. Red WITT-EXP52NPRD, WITT-EXP-52NPRD, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8456 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Red (WITT-EXPR52NPRD) 8456 WITT-EXP-R52NPRD 113.00 EXP-R52NPRD Heavy duty expanded metal outdoor container with nameplate. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Red
UPC: 096639260526
Mfr Item: EXP-R52NPRD
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 270.67 170.53 354.58 WITT-EXP-R52NPRD.jpg Witt 48 gal. Red WITT-EXPR52NPRD, WITT-EXP-R52NPRD, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8457 Witt Industries Witt 48 gal. Red (WITT-EXPR52RD) 8457 WITT-EXP-R52RD 113.00 EXP-R52RD Heavy duty expanded metal outdoor container. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Red
UPC: 096639280524
Mfr Item: EXP-R52RD
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 222.16 148.95 293.52 Witt 48 gal. Red WITT-EXPR52RD, WITT-EXP-R52RD, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8458 Witt Industries 48 Gallon Red Expanded Metal Outdoor Trash Receptacle (WITT-EXP52RD) 8458 WITT-EXP-52RD 113.00 EXP-52RD Red Expanded Metal Trash Receptacle
Expanded metal outdoor container. Powder coat finish for maximum wear and protection
Dimensions: 23" x 33"
Capacity: 48 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Red
UPC: 096639420524
Mfr Item: EXP-52RD
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 172.87 131.85 232.84 Witt 48 gal. Red Expanded Metal Receptacle - Expanded Metal Receptacles WITT-EXP52RD, WITT-EXP-52RD, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8459 Witt Industries Witt 49.6 qt. Almond Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets (WITT-5AL) 8459 WITT-5AL 36.00 5AL Witt 49.6 qt. Almond Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets
Large, round wastebasket. Features solid-ribbed construction that adds strength and durability.
Dimensions: 16" x 18"
Capacity: 49.6 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Almond
UPC: 096639360059
Mfr Item: 5AL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 88.50 47.25 116.82 WITT-5AL.jpg Witt 49.6 qt. Almond Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets WITT-5AL, WITT-5AL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8460 Witt Industries 49.6 Quart Standard Wastebasket, Steel, Black, 3 Wastebaskets (WITT-5BK) 8460 WITT-5BK 36.00 5BK 49.6 Quart Steel Wastebaskets
Large, round wastebasket. Features solid-ribbed construction that adds strength and durability.
Dimensions: 16" x 18", Capacity: 49.6 qt., Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 3, Color: Black, UPC: 096639310054, Mfr Item: 5BK, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 49.6 Quart Standard Wastebasket, Steel, Black, 3 Wastebaskets per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 88.50 47.25 116.32 WITT-5BK.jpg Witt 49.6 qt. Black Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets WITT-5BK, WITT-5BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8461 Witt Industries 49.6 Quart Standard Wastebasket, Slate, 3 Cans (WITT-5SL) 8461 WITT-5SL 36.00 5SL 49.6 Quart Slate Wastebaskets
Large, round wastebasket. Features solid-ribbed construction that adds strength and durability. Dimensions: 16" x 18", capacity: 49.6 qt., material: Steel, ctn qty: 3, color: Slate, UPC: 096639320053, Mfr Item: 5SL, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 49.6 Quart Standard Wastebasket, Slate, 3 Wastebaskets per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 88.50 47.25 115.10 WITT-5SL.jpg Witt 49.6 qt. Slate Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets WITT-5SL, WITT-5SL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8462 Witt Industries Witt 5 qt. Beige Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W5PCBS) 8462 WITT-W5PCBS 12.00 W5PCBS Witt 5 qt. Beige Pail - Decorative Pail
5 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 8.75" x 7.25"
Capacity: 5 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Beige
Mfr Item: W5PCBS
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 134.52 102.60 180.38 WITT-W5PCBS.jpg Witt 5 qt. Beige Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W5PCBS, WITT-W5PCBS, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8463 Witt Industries Witt 5 qt. Blue Lustre Navy Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W5PCNBL) 8463 WITT-W5PCNBL 12.00 W5PCNBL Witt 5 qt. Blue Lustre Navy Pail - Decorative Pail
5 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 8.75" x 7.25"
Capacity: 5 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Blue Lustre Navy
Mfr Item: W5PCNBL
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 134.52 102.60 176.12 WITT-W5PCNBL.jpg Witt 5 qt. Blue Lustre Navy Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W5PCNBL, WITT-W5PCNBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8464 Witt Industries Witt 5 qt. Burgundy Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W5PCBL) 8464 WITT-W5PCBL 12.00 W5PCBL Witt 5 qt. Burgundy Pail - Decorative Pail
5 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 8.75" x 7.25"
Capacity: 5 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Burgundy
Mfr Item: W5PCBL
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 134.52 102.60 177.95 WITT-W5PCBL.jpg Witt 5 qt. Burgundy Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W5PCBL, WITT-W5PCBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8465 Witt Industries Witt 5 qt. Candy Apple Red Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W5PCCAR) 8465 WITT-W5PCCAR 12.00 W5PCCAR Witt 5 qt. Candy Apple Red Pail - Decorative Pail
5 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 8.75" x 7.25"
Capacity: 5 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Candy Apple Red
Mfr Item: W5PCCAR
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 134.52 102.60 176.44 WITT-W5PCCAR.jpg Witt 5 qt. Candy Apple Red Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W5PCCAR, WITT-W5PCCAR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8466 Witt Industries Witt 5 qt. Galvanized Pail - Galvanized Tubs & Pails (WITT-W5QTG) 8466 WITT-W5QTG 12.00 W5QTG Witt 5 qt. Galvanized Pail - Galvanized Tubs & Pails
5 quart pail made of rich zinc galvanized steel. Pail bottom is recessed to limit pail to surface contact.
Dimensions: 8.75" x 7.25"
Capacity: 5 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Galvanized
Mfr Item: W5QTG
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 103.77 64.80 135.68 WITT-W5QTG.jpg Witt 5 qt. Galvanized Pail - Galvanized Tubs & Pails WITT-W5QTG, WITT-W5QTG, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8467 Witt Industries Witt 5 qt. Gloss Black Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W5PCGB) 8467 WITT-W5PCGB 12.00 W5PCGB Witt 5 qt. Gloss Black Pail - Decorative Pail
5 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 8.75" x 7.25"
Capacity: 5 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Gloss Black
Mfr Item: W5PCGB
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 134.52 102.60 176.40 WITT-W5PCGB.jpg Witt 5 qt. Gloss Black Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W5PCGB, WITT-W5PCGB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8468 Witt Industries Witt 5 qt. Gloss White Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W5PCGW) 8468 WITT-W5PCGW 12.00 W5PCGW Witt 5 qt. Gloss White Pail - Decorative Pail
5 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 8.75" x 7.25"
Capacity: 5 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Gloss White
Mfr Item: W5PCGW
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 134.52 102.60 175.61 WITT-W5PCGW.jpg Witt 5 qt. Gloss White Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W5PCGW, WITT-W5PCGW, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8469 Witt Industries Witt 5 qt. Hunter Green Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W5PCHG) 8469 WITT-W5PCHG 12.00 W5PCHG Witt 5 qt. Hunter Green Pail - Decorative Pail
5 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 8.75" x 7.25"
Capacity: 5 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Hunter Green
Mfr Item: W5PCHG
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 134.52 102.60 175.95 WITT-W5PCHG.jpg Witt 5 qt. Hunter Green Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W5PCHG, WITT-W5PCHG, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8470 Witt Industries Witt 5 qt. Purple Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W5PCPR) 8470 WITT-W5PCPR 12.00 W5PCPR Witt 5 qt. Purple Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail
5 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 8.75" x 7.25"
Capacity: 5 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Purple Radiance
Mfr Item: W5PCPR
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 134.52 102.60 182.59 WITT-W5PCPR.jpg Witt 5 qt. Purple Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W5PCPR, WITT-W5PCPR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8471 Witt Industries Witt 5 qt. Sunshine Yellow Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W5PCSY) 8471 WITT-W5PCSY 12.00 W5PCSY Witt 5 qt. Sunshine Yellow Pail - Decorative Pail
5 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 8.75" x 7.25"
Capacity: 5 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Sunshine Yellow
Mfr Item: W5PCSY
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 134.52 102.60 179.21 WITT-W5PCSY.jpg Witt 5 qt. Sunshine Yellow Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W5PCSY, WITT-W5PCSY, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8472 Witt Industries Witt 5 qt. Teal Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail (WITT-W5PCTR) 8472 WITT-W5PCTR 12.00 W5PCTR Witt 5 qt. Teal Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail
5 quart pail with powder coat finish. Pail edge is reinforced with a continuous covered rim wire.
Dimensions: 8.75" x 7.25"
Capacity: 5 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Teal Radiance
Mfr Item: W5PCTR
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 202.84 108.30 264.58 WITT-W5PCTR.jpg Witt 5 qt. Teal Radiance Pail - Decorative Pail WITT-W5PCTR, WITT-W5PCTR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8473 Witt Industries Witt 50 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-77C2347FCSP) 8473 WITT-77C-2347FCSP 60.00 77C-2347FCSP Round, fiberglass food court receptacle. This unit offers a high gallon capacity for high traffic areas. The fiberglass construction won't stain or tarnish. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 23" x 47"
Capacity: 50 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 77C-2347FCSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 1123.57 707.85 1484.16 WITT-77C-2347FCSP.jpg Witt 50 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-77C2347FCSP, WITT-77C-2347FCSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8474 Witt Industries Witt 50 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C2436TASP) 8474 WITT-7C-2436TASP 52.00 7C-2436TASP Fiberglass trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Decorative design to complement any setting. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 36"
Capacity: 50 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-2436TASP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 941.43 593.10 1253.62 WITT-7C-2436TASP.jpg Witt 50 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C2436TASP, WITT-7C-2436TASP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8475 Witt Industries Witt 50 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-7C2436TSP) 8475 WITT-7C-2436TSP 52.00 7C-2436TSP Fiberglass trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Decorative design to complement any setting. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 24" x 36"
Capacity: 50 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
Mfr Item: 7C-2436TSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 862.14 543.15 1145.05 WITT-7C-2436TSP.jpg Witt 50 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-7C2436TSP, WITT-7C-2436TSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8476 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Recycling Receptacle, Stadium Series, Hood Top Lid (WITT-SC5502DT) 8476 WITT-SC55-02-DT 91.00 SC55-02-DT 55 Gallon Recycling Receptacle
Stadium Series perforated steel receptacle with dome lid. Allows you to laser cut your logo into the metal. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit. Dimensions: 23.5" x 49". Capacity: 55 gal. Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 1. Color: 15 standard colors. UPC: 096639301434. Mfr Item: SC55-02-DT. Lead Time: Quote by order.
Witt Industries 55 Gallon Recycling Container, Blue, Hood Top Lid, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 793.97 423.90 1040.04 witt trash cans, 55 gallon trash cans, trash cans, WITT-SC5502DT, WITT-SC55-02-DT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8477 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Perforated Steel Trash Receptacle w/ Flat Lid (WITT-SC5502FT) 8477 WITT-SC55-02-FT 86.00 SC55-02-FT Witt 55 Gallon Trash Receptacle w/ Flat Lid
Stadium Series perforated steel receptacle with flat lid. Allows you to laser cut your logo into the metal. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit. Dimensions: 23.5" x 40". Capacity: 55 gallon. Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 1. Color: 15 standard colors. UPC: 096639311433. Mfr Item: SC55-02-FT Lead Time: Quote by order.
55 Gallon Trash Receptacle w/ Flat Lid, 15 Standard Colors, Perforated Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 534.82 380.25 694.79 55 gallon trash receptacle, WITT-SC5502FT, WITT-SC55-02-FT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8478 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Steel Trash Receptacle w/ Flat Lid (WITT-SC5502HT) 8478 WITT-SC55-02-HT 91.00 SC55-02-HT Witt 55 Gallon Trash Receptacle w/ Flat Lid
Stadium Series perforated steel receptacle with dome lid. Allows you to laser cut your logo into the metal. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit. Dimensions: 23.5" x 49". Capacity: 55 gallon. Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 1. Color: 15 standard colors. UPC: 096639351439. Mfr Item: SC55-02-HT. Lead Time: Quote by order.
55 Gallon Trash Receptacle w/ Flat Lid, 15 Standard Colors, Perforated Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 511.53 390.15 667.88 55 gallon steel trash receptacle, WITT-SC5502HT, WITT-SC55-02-HT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8479 Witt Industries Witt 55 gal. 15 standard colors (WITT-SC5503DT) 8479 WITT-SC55-03-DT 91.00 SC55-03-DT Stadium Series Message Center with dome top, ad panels allow you to display your advertisement or announcement. The Stadium Series units also allow you to laser cut your logo into the metal to display your team or coporate logo.
Dimensions: 23.5" x 49"
Capacity: 55 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 15 standard colors
UPC: 096639401431
Mfr Item: SC55-03-DT
Lead Time: Quote by order
Witt Industries 710.00 447.30 924.29 Witt 55 gal. 15 standard colors WITT-SC5503DT, WITT-SC55-03-DT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8480 Witt Industries Witt 55 gal. 15 standard colors (WITT-SC5503FT) 8480 WITT-SC55-03-FT 86.00 SC55-03-FT Stadium Series Message Center with flat top, ad panels allow you to display your advertisement or announcement. The Stadium Series units also allow you to laser cut your logo into the metal to display your team or coporate logo.
Dimensions: 23.5" x 40"
Capacity: 55 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 15 standard colors
UPC: 096639411430
Mfr Item: SC55-03-FT
Lead Time: Quote by order
Witt Industries 639.29 402.75 821.66 WITT-SC55-03-FT.jpg Witt 55 gal. 15 standard colors WITT-SC5503FT, WITT-SC55-03-FT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8481 Witt Industries Witt 55 gal. 15 standard colors (WITT-SC5503HT) 8481 WITT-SC55-03-HT 91.00 SC55-03-HT Stadium Series Message Center with hood top, ad panels allow you to display your advertisement or announcement. The Stadium Series units also allow you to laser cut your logo into the metal to display your team or coporate logo.
Dimensions: 23.5" x 49"
Capacity: 55 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 15 standard colors
UPC: 096639421439
Mfr Item: SC55-03-HT
Lead Time: Quote by order
Witt Industries 655.00 412.65 866.26 WITT-SC55-03-HT.jpg Witt 55 gal. 15 standard colors WITT-SC5503HT, WITT-SC55-03-HT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8482 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Trash Can w/ Dome Top Lid, Blue (WITT-SC5501DTBL) 8482 WITT-SC55-01-DTBL 91.00 SC55-01-DTBL 55 Gallon Outdoor Trash Can with Dome Top Lid
Stadium Series, 55 gallon perforated steel receptacle with a dome lid. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use. Dimensions: 23.5" Diameter x 49" High, Material: Steel, Color: Blue, Mfr Item: SC55-01-DTBL, Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt Industries 55 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Dome Top Lid, Stadium Series, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 808.74 431.78 1091.74 WITT-SC55-01-DT.jpg witt 55 gallon trash receptacle, stadium series outdoor trash can, WITT-SC5501DTBL, WITT-SC55-01-DTBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8483 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Trash Can, Stadium Series, Blue with Flat Top Lid (WITT-SC5501FTBL) 8483 WITT-SC55-01-FTBL 86.00 SC55-01-FTBL Outdoor Trash Can with Flat Top Lid
Stadium Series, 55 gallon perforated steel receptacle with a dome lid. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use.
Dimensions: 23.5" Diameter x 49" High
Material: Steel
Color: Blue
Mfr Item: SC55-01-FTBL
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Flat Top Lid, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 723.32 386.18 946.39 WITT-SC55-01-FT.jpg witt 55 gallon trash receptacle, WITT-SC5501FTBL, WITT-SC55-01-FTBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8484 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Trash Can, Stadium Series, Blue with Hood Top Lid (WITT-SC5501HTBL) 8484 WITT-SC55-01-HTBL 89.00 SC55-01-HTBL Outdoor Trash Can with Hood Top Lid
Stadium Series, 55 gallon perforated steel receptacle with a dome lid. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use.
Dimensions: 23.5" Diameter x 49" High
Material: Steel
Color: Blue
Mfr Item: SC55-01-HTBL
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Hood Top Lid, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 742.89 396.63 982.06 WITT-SC55-01-HT.jpg witt 55 gallon trash receptacle, stadium series, WITT-SC5501HTBL, WITT-SC55-01-HTBL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8485 Witt Industries Witt 55 gal. Black Liner - Stadium Series (WITT-55LBK) 8485 WITT-55LBK 25.00 55LBK 55 gallon liner for the SC55 and SC40 Stadium Series units.
Dimensions: 23.75" x 33.25"
Capacity: 55 gal.
Material: Plastic
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
Mfr Item: 55LBK
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 97.86 61.65 129.26 WITT-55LBK.jpg Witt 55 gal. Black Liner - Stadium Series WITT-55LBK, WITT-55LBK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8486 Witt Industries Witt 55 gal. Blue Streak II (WITT-SC5502FTR) 8486 WITT-SC55-02-FTR 86.00 SC55-02-FTR Stadium Series perforated steel recycling receptacle with flat top lid. Comes with your choice of 2 separate liners or 1 liner. Recycle symbol laser cut into front of unit. Comes standard with leveling feet and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 23.5" x 40"
Capacity: 55 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Blue Streak II
UPC: 096639321432
Mfr Item: SC55-02-FTR
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 653.69 411.83 862.80 WITT-SC55-02-FTR.jpg Witt 55 gal. Blue Streak II WITT-SC5502FTR, WITT-SC55-02-FTR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8487 Witt Industries Witt 55 gal. Blue Streak II (WITT-SC5502HTR) 8487 WITT-SC55-02-HTR 91.00 SC55-02-HTR Stadium Series perforated steel recycling receptacle with hood top. Comes with your choice of 2 separate liners or 1 liner. Recycle symbol laser cut into front of unit. Comes standard with leveling feet and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 23.5" x 49"
Capacity: 55 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Blue Streak II
UPC: 096639361438
Mfr Item: SC55-02-HTR
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 641.63 404.23 832.24 WITT-SC55-02-HTR.jpg Witt 55 gal. Blue Streak II WITT-SC5502HTR, WITT-SC55-02-HTR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8488 Witt Industries Witt 55 gal. Stainless Steel (WITT-SC5502SSFT) 8488 WITT-SC55-02-SS-FT 86.00 SC55-02-SS-FT Stadium Series, stainless steel perforated receptacle with flat lid. Allows you to laser cut your logo into the metal. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 23.5" x 40"
Capacity: 55 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Stainless Steel
UPC: 096639381436
Mfr Item: SC55-02-SS-FT
Lead Time: Quote by order
Witt Industries 1057.86 666.45 1384.78 WITT-SC55-02-SS-FT.jpg Witt 55 gal. Stainless Steel WITT-SC5502SSFT, WITT-SC55-02-SS-FT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8489 Witt Industries Witt 55 gal. Stainless Steel (WITT-SC5502SSHT) 8489 WITT-SC55-02-SS-HT 91.00 SC55-02-SS-HT Stadium Series, stainless steel perforated receptacle with hood lid. Allows you to laser cut your logo into the metal. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 23.5" x 49"
Capacity: 55 gal.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Stainless Steel
UPC: 096639391435
Mfr Item: SC55-02-SS-HT
Lead Time: Quote by order
Witt Industries 1077.14 678.60 1401.32 WITT-SC55-02-SS-HT.jpg Witt 55 gal. Stainless Steel WITT-SC5502SSHT, WITT-SC55-02-SS-HT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8490 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Trash Can, Stainless Steel with Dome Top Lid (WITT-SC5501SSDT) 8490 WITT-SC55-01-SS-DT 91.00 SC55-01-SS-DT Outdoor Trash Can with Dome Top Lid
Stadium Series, stainless steel perforated receptacle with dome lid. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 23.5" x 49"
Capacity: 55 gallon
Material: Stainless Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Stainless Steel
Mfr Item: SC55-01-SS-DT
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Dome Top Lid, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 847.24 646.20 1110.18 WITT-SC55-01-SS-DT.jpg witt 55 gallon stainless steel trash receptacle, WITT-SC5501SSDT, WITT-SC55-01-SS-DT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8491 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Trash Can, Stainless Steel with Flat Top Lid (WITT-SC5501SSFT) 8491 WITT-SC55-01-SS-FT 86.00 SC55-01-SS-FT Outdoor Trash Can with Flat Top Lid
Stadium Series, 55 gallon perforated steel receptacle with a dome lid. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 23.5" Diameter x 49" High
Material: Stainless Steel
Color: Stainless Steel
Mfr Item: SC55-01-SSFT
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Flat Top Lid, Stainless Steel, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 786.47 599.85 1047.44 WITT-SC55-01-SS-FT.jpg witt 55 gallon stainless steel trash receptacle, WITT-SC5501SSFT, WITT-SC55-01-SS-FT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8492 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Trash Can, Stainless Steel with Hooded Top Lid (WITT-SC5501SSHT) 8492 WITT-SC55-01-SS-HT 91.00 SC55-01-SS-HT Outdoor Trash Can with Hooded Top Lid
Stadium Series, stainless steel perforated receptacle with hood lid. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit.
Dimensions: 23.5" x 49"
Capacity: 55 gal.
Material: Stainless Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Stainless Steel
Mfr Item: SC55-01-SS-HT
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Dome Top Lid, Stainless Steel, Each
Witt Industries 974.29 613.80 1252.36 WITT-SC55-01-SS-HT.jpg Witt 55 gal. Stainless Steel Perforated Receptacle - Stadium Series WITT-SC5501SSHT, WITT-SC55-01-SS-HT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 1 20 241
8493 Witt Industries 7 Gallon Step-on Trash Receptacle, White (WITT-2270WH) 8493 WITT-2270WH 27.00 2270WH 7 Gallon Step-on Trash Receptacle
Round step-on receptacle featuring safe, hands-free operation. Provides sanitary disposal for healthcare facilities or any place dealing with bio-hazardous material. Comes standard with a glavanized liner. 11" x 21", 7 Gallon, Steel, White. UPC: 096639022704. Mfr Item: 2270WH. Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 7 Gallon Step-on Trash Receptacle, White, Each - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 79.06 60.30 107.25 WITT-2270WH.jpg Witt 7 gal. White Step-on - Step-on Receptacles WITT-2270WH, WITT-2270WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8494 Witt Industries Witt 7.5 gal. 30 standard colors (WITT-8C1225ATSP) 8494 WITT-8C-1225ATSP 12.00 8C-1225ATSP Fiberglass ash 'n trash receptacle that won't stain or tarnish. Decorative design to complement any setting. Comes standard with a plastic liner.
Dimensions: 12" x 25"
Capacity: 7.5 gal.
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: 30 standard colors
UPC: 096639561227
Mfr Item: 8C-1225ATSP
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 432.14 272.25 558.89 WITT-8C-1225ATSP.jpg Witt 7.5 gal. 30 standard colors WITT-8C1225ATSP, WITT-8C-1225ATSP, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8495 Witt Industries 80 Quart Standard Wastebasket, Almond, 3 Cans (WITT-10AL) 8495 WITT-10AL 48.00 10AL Witt 80 Quart Standard Wastebaskets
Tall round wastebasket, almond. Dimensions: 16" x 29", Capacity: 80 qt., Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 3, Color: Almond, UPC: 096639360103, Mfr Item: 10AL, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 80 Quart Standard Wastebasket, Almond, 3 Wastebaskets per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 146.66 78.30 194.63 WITT-10AL.jpg Witt 80 qt. Almond Standard Wastebaskets WITT-10AL, WITT-10AL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8496 Witt Industries 80 Quart Standard Wastebasket, Slate, 3 Cans (WITT-10SL) 8496 WITT-10SL 48.00 10SL Witt 80 Quart Slate Standard Wastebaskets
Tall round wastebasket, slate. Dimensions: 16" x 29". Capacity: 80 qt. Material: Steel. Ctn Qty: 3 Color: Slate UPC: 096639320107 Mfr Item: 10SL Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 80 Quart Standard Wastebasket, Slate, 3 Wastebaskets per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 102.66 78.30 136.07 WITT-10SL.jpg Witt 80 qt. Slate Standard Wastebaskets WITT-10SL, WITT-10SL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8497 Witt Industries Witt 88 qt. Almond Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets (WITT-70AL) 8497 WITT-70AL 77.00 70AL Witt 88 qt. Almond Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets
Tall, slim, rectangular wastebasket hugs the wall and saves space. Made of sturdy, fire-safe steel. Features vinyl bumper tops and no-mar polyethylene feet to protect furniture and floors.
Dimensions: 11" x 20" x 29"
Capacity: 88 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Almond
UPC: 096639360707
Mfr Item: 70AL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 303.43 162.00 412.62 WITT-70AL.jpg Witt 88 qt. Almond Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets WITT-70AL, WITT-70AL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8498 Witt Industries Witt 88 qt. Black Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets (WITT-70BK) 8498 WITT-70BK 77.00 70BK Witt 88 qt. Black Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets
Tall, slim, rectangular wastebasket hugs the wall and saves space. Made of sturdy, fire-safe steel. Features vinyl bumper tops and no-mar polyethylene feet to protect furniture and floors.
Dimensions: 11" x 20" x 29"
Capacity: 88 qt.
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 3
Color: Black
UPC: 096639310702
Mfr Item: 70BK
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 212.40 162.00 288.50 WITT-70BK.jpg Witt 88 qt. Black Wastebasket - Standard Wastebaskets WITT-70BK, WITT-70BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8499 Witt Industries Witt Black Flat Top (WITT-SC55FTR) 8499 WITT-SC55FTR 4.00 SC55FTR Witt Black Flat Top
Recycle flat top for the SC55 and SC40 Stadium Series units.
Dimensions: ID = 24.75"
Capacity: NA
Material: Plastic
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
Mfr Item: SC55FTR
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 41.74 31.83 55.26 WITT-SC55FTR.jpg Witt Black WITT-SC55FTR, WITT-SC55FTR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8500 Witt Industries Recycle Hood Top Trash Can Lid, Black (WITT-SC55HTR) 8500 WITT-SC55HTR 50.00 SC55HTR Hood Top Recycle Can Lid
Recycle hood top for the SC55 and SC40 Stadium Series units. Dimensions: ID = 24.75", Capacity: NA, Material: Plastic, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, Mfr Item: SC55HTR, Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Hood Top Recycling Can Lid, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 46.72 35.63 62.75 WITT-SC55HTR.jpg hood top recycle can lid, WITT-SC55HTR, WITT-SC55HTR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8501 Witt Industries Witt Ash Top Trash Can Lid, Black (WITT-M2401ATLBK) 8501 WITT-M2401-ATL-BK 39.00 M2401-ATL-BK Witt Ash Top Lid
Ash urn lid only for M2401, black. Dimensions: ID = 18.75", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639203103, Mfr Item: M2401-ATL-BK, Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt Ash Top Trash Can Lid, Oakley Collection, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 109.74 83.70 146.43 witt ash top trash can lid, WITT-M2401ATLBK, WITT-M2401-ATL-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8502 Witt Industries Witt Ash Top Trash Can Lid, Black (WITT-M3601ATLBK) 8502 WITT-M3601-ATL-BK 56.00 M3601-ATL-BK Witt Ash Top Lid
Ash urn lid only for M3601, black. Dimensions: ID = 23.750", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639503104, Mfr Item: M3601-ATL-BK, Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt Ash Top Trash Can Lid, Oakley Collection, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 122.72 93.60 161.72 witt ash top trash can lid , WITT-M3601ATLBK, WITT-M3601-ATL-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8503 Witt Industries Witt Black Ash urn - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2000BK) 8503 WITT-M2000-BK 46.00 M2000-BK Metal ash urn. Made of durable, flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with black galvannealed liner.
Dimensions: 17" x 26"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639103106
Mfr Item: M2000-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 356.63 224.68 458.38 WITT-M2000-BK.jpg Witt Black Ash urn - Oakley Collection WITT-M2000BK, WITT-M2000-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8504 Witt Industries Witt Ash Smoking Urn, Black (WITT-2000BK) 8504 WITT-2000BK 17.00 2000BK Black Smoking Ash Urn
Round ash urn. Constructed of galvaneal steel and powder coat finish to protect against the environment. Perfect for indoor use or outdoor. Dimensions: 10" x 20", Capacity: NA, Material: Pre-galvanized Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639622003, Mfr Item: 2000BK, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt Black Ash Smoking Urn Receptacle, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 34.22 26.10 45.54 WITT-2000BK.jpg Witt Black Ash urn - Standard Ashurn WITT-2000BK, WITT-2000BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8505 Witt Industries Witt Black Steel Ash Urn (WITT-WC2000BK) 8505 WITT-WC2000-BK 57.00 WC2000-BK Wydman Collection Steel Black Smoking Urn
Witt steel smoking receptacle make cigarette disposal simple and easy, while providing an ascetically pleasing piece any outdoor location. Stylish, and study, this steel cigarette disposal container is made of flat bar steel to deter graffiti. Coming with a black galvanized liner, this 17" x 26" steel ash container is specifically crafted for consistent and long term results. Making any area look contemporary, this heavy duty ash can comes in dimensions of 17" x 26". Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639103304, Mfr Item: WC2000-BK, Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt Steel Ash Urn, 17" x 26", Steel, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 456.07 347.85 602.13 WITT-WC2000-BK.jpg steel smoking urn, smoking urn, ash urn, cigarette butt urn, WITT-WC2000BK, WITT-WC2000-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8506 Witt Industries Witt Black Bench - Oakley Collection (WITT-M4BCHBK) 8506 WITT-M4-BCH-BK 77.00 M4-BCH-BK Witt Black Bench - Oakley Collection
4 foot bench made of long-lasting flat bar steel construction. Powder coat finish allows maximum wear resistance.
Dimensions: 48" x 34" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639753103
Mfr Item: M4-BCH-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 583.51 445.05 783.13 WITT-M4-BCH-BK.jpg Witt Black Bench - Oakley Collection WITT-M4BCHBK, WITT-M4-BCH-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8507 Witt Industries Witt Black Bench - Oakley Collection (WITT-M5BCHBK) 8507 WITT-M5-BCH-BK 96.00 M5-BCH-BK Witt Black Bench - Oakley Collection
5 foot bench made of long-lasting flat bar steel construction. Powder coat finish allows maximum wear resistance.
Dimensions: 60" x 34" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639783100
Mfr Item: M5-BCH-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 672.01 512.55 901.87 WITT-M5-BCH-BK.jpg Witt Black Bench - Oakley Collection WITT-M5BCHBK, WITT-M5-BCH-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8508 Witt Industries Witt Black Bench - Oakley Collection (WITT-M6BCHARMBK) 8508 WITT-M6-BCH-ARM-BK 119.00 M6-BCH-ARM-BK Witt Black Bench - Oakley Collection
6 foot bench with center arm, made of long-lasting flat bar steel construction. Powder coat finish allows maximum wear resistance.
Dimensions: 72" x 34" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639813104
Mfr Item: M6-BCH-ARM-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 813.61 620.55 1064.81 WITT-M6-BCH-ARM-BK.jpg Witt Black Bench - Oakley Collection WITT-M6BCHARMBK, WITT-M6-BCH-ARM-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8509 Witt Industries Witt Black Bench - Oakley Collection (WITT-M6BCHBK) 8509 WITT-M6-BCH-BK 115.00 M6-BCH-BK 6 foot bench made of long-lasting flat bar steel construction. Powder coat finish allows maximum wear resistance.
Dimensions: 72" x 34" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639843101
Mfr Item: M6-BCH-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 772.90 589.50 1015.97 Witt Black Bench - Oakley Collection WITT-M6BCHBK, WITT-M6-BCH-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8510 Witt Industries Dome Top Trash Can Lid, Stadium Series, Black (WITT-SC55DT) 8510 WITT-SC55DT 50.00 SC55DT Witt Dome Top Trash Can Lid
Dome top for the SC55 and SC40 Stadium Series units. Dimensions: 23.5" x 49", Capacity: NA, Material: Plastic, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, Mfr Item: SC55DT, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt Stadium Series Dome Top Trash Can Lid, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 93.81 71.55 123.06 witt dome top trash can lid, WITT-SC55DT, WITT-SC55DT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8511 Witt Industries Dome Top Trash Can Lid, Oakley Collection, Black (WITT-M2401DTLBK) 8511 WITT-M2401-DTL-BK 39.00 M2401-DTL-BK Witt Dome Top Trash Can Lid
Metal dome top lid M2401. Features self-closing door to protect from the weather. Dimensions: ID = 18.75", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639233100, Mfr Item: M2401-DTL-BK, Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt Garbage Can Lid, Dome Top, Oakley Collection, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 117.41 89.55 153.19 witt dome top lid, WITT-M2401DTLBK, WITT-M2401-DTL-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8512 Witt Industries Witt Dome Top Trash Can Lid, Oakley Collection, Black (WITT-M3601DTLBK) 8512 WITT-M3601-DTL-BK 56.00 M3601-DTL-BK Metal Dome Top Trash Can Lid
Metal dome top lid M3601. Features self-closing door to protect from the weather. Dimensions: ID = 23.750", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639533101, Mfr Item: M3601-DTL-BK, Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt Dome Top Trash Can Lid, Oakley Collection, Metal, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 85.55 65.25 112.65 witt dome top lid, WITT-M3601DTLBK, WITT-M3601-DTL-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8513 Witt Industries Flat Top Trash Can Lid, Stadium Series, Black (WITT-SC20FT) 8513 WITT-SC20FT 3.00 SC20FT Witt Flat Top Trash Can Lid
Flat top for the 20 gallon Stadium Series receptacle. Dimensions: ID = 16.31", Capacity: NA, Material: Plastic, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, Mfr Item: SC20FT, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt Trash Can Lid, Flat Top, Stadium Series, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 25.96 19.80 34.71 WITT-SC20FT.jpg witt trash can lid, WITT-SC20FT, WITT-SC20FT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8514 Witt Industries Witt Flat Top Trash Can Lid, Stadium Series, Black (WITT-SC55FT) 8514 WITT-SC55FT 4.00 SC55FT Flat Top Trash Can Lid
Flat top for the SC55 and SC40 Stadium Series units. Dimensions: ID = 24.75", Capacity: NA, Material: Plastic, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, Mfr Item: SC55FT, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt Flat Top Trash Can Lid, Stadium Series, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 32.45 24.75 43.68 WITT-SC55FT.jpg witt flat top trash can lid, WITT-SC55FT, WITT-SC55FT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8515 Witt Industries Witt Flat Top Trash Can Lid, Oakley Collection, Black (WITT-M2401FTLBK) 8515 WITT-M2401-FTL-BK 39.00 M2401-FTL-BK Flat Top Trash Can Lid
Metal flat top lid only for M2401. Dimensions: ID = 18.75", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639314038, Mfr Item: M2401-FTL-BK, Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt Trash Can Lid, Flat Top, Oakley Collection, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 55.46 42.30 74.65 witt trash can lids, WITT-M2401FTLBK, WITT-M2401-FTL-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8516 Witt Industries Witt Flat Top Trash Can Lid, Oakley Collection, Black (WITT-M3601FTLBK) 8516 WITT-M3601-FTL-BK 14.00 M3601-FTL-BK Trash Can Flat Top Lid
Flat top lid only for M3601, black. Dimensions: ID = 23.750", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639312560, Mfr Item: M3601-FTL-BK, Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt Trash Can Lid, Flat Top, Oakley Collection, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 61.36 46.80 82.27 witt trash can flat top lid, WITT-M3601FTLBK, WITT-M3601-FTL-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8517 Witt Industries Witt Hood Top Trash Can Lid, Stadium Series, Black (WITT-SC55HT) 8517 WITT-SC55HT 50.00 SC55HT Witt Hood Top Trash Can Lid
Hood top for the SC55 and SC40 Stadium Series units. Dimensions: ID = 24.75", Capacity: NA, Material: Plastic, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, Mfr Item: SC55HT, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt Trash Can Lid, Hood Top, Stadium Series, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 43.00 27.45 55.90 WITT-SC55HT.jpg witt hood top trash can lid,WITT-SC55HT, WITT-SC55HT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8518 Witt Industries Witt Black Outdoor Drum Cover (WITT-5555BK) 8518 WITT-5555BK 74.00 5555BK Outdoor Drum Cover
Dome top drum lid. Fits any standard 55-gallon drum. Powder coat finish for protection.
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
Mfr Item: 5555BK
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt industries - 55 Gallon Drum Lid, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 85.55 65.25 112.56 WITT-5555bk.jpg Witt Black Outdoor Drum Cover WITT-5555BK, WITT-5555BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8519 Witt Industries Witt Black Outdoor swing top (WITT-SWT55BK) 8519 WITT-SWT55BK 81.00 SWT55BK Swing top drum lid only for 55 gallon drum
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
Mfr Item: SWT55BK
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 125.00 78.75 165.54 Witt Black Outdoor swing top WITT-SWT55BK, WITT-SWT55BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8520 Witt Industries Witt Black Planter - Oakley Collection (WITT-PL1716BK) 8520 WITT-PL1716-BK 29.00 PL1716-BK Witt Black Planter - Oakley Collection
Small round outdoor planter. Made of durable, flat bar steel. Decorative band at top adds style to durability. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 17.25" x 16"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639873108
Mfr Item: PL1716-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 259.60 198.00 354.63 WITT-PL1716-BK.jpg Witt Black Planter - Oakley Collection WITT-PL1716BK, WITT-PL1716-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8521 Witt Industries Witt Black Planter - Oakley Collection (WITT-PL2220BK) 8521 WITT-PL2220-BK 60.00 PL2220-BK Medium round outdoor planter. Made of durable, flat bar steel. Decorative band at top adds style to durability. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 23.375" x 20"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639903102
Mfr Item: PL2220-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 354.59 270.45 461.55 Witt Black Planter - Oakley Collection WITT-PL2220BK, WITT-PL2220-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8522 Witt Industries Witt Black Planter - Oakley Collection (WITT-PL2724BK) 8522 WITT-PL2724-BK 102.00 PL2724-BK Large round outdoor planter. Made of durable, flat bar steel. Decorative band at top adds style to durability. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 27.25" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Black
UPC: 096639933109
Mfr Item: PL2724-BK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 456.07 347.85 607.79 Witt Black Planter - Oakley Collection WITT-PL2724BK, WITT-PL2724-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8523 Witt Industries Witt Trash Can Raincap Lid, Oakley Collection, Black (WITT-M2401RCLBK) 8523 WITT-M2401-RCL-BK 39.00 M2401-RCL-BK Witt Trash Can Raincap Lid
Rain cap lid only for M2401. Design allows for trash disposal through the opening while protecting it from the weather. Dimensions: ID = 18.75", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639323108, Mfr Item: M2401-RCL-BK, Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt Trash Can Raincap Lid, Oakley Collection, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 109.74 83.70 145.56 witt raincap lid, WITT-M2401RCLBK, WITT-M2401-RCL-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8524 Witt Industries Witt Trash Can Raincap Lid, Oakley Collection, Black (WITT-M3601RCLBK) 8524 WITT-M3601-RCL-BK 56.00 M3601-RCL-BK Witt Trash Can Raincap Lid
Rain cap lid only. Design allows for trash disposal through the opening while protecting it from the weather. Dimensions: ID = 23.750", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Black, UPC: 096639653106, Mfr Item: M3601-RCL-BK, Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt Trash Can Raincap Lid, Oakley Collection, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 152.15 93.60 199.44 Witt Raincap Trash Can Lid, WITT-M3601RCLBK, WITT-M3601-RCL-BK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8525 Witt Industries Witt Brown Ash top only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401ATLBN) 8525 WITT-M2401-ATL-BN 39.00 M2401-ATL-BN Ash urn lid only for M2401, brown
Dimensions: ID = 18.75"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639213102
Mfr Item: M2401-ATL-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 132.86 83.70 172.47 WITT-M2401-ATL-BK.jpg Witt Brown Ash top only - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401ATLBN, WITT-M2401-ATL-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8526 Witt Industries Witt Brown Ash top only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601ATLBN) 8526 WITT-M3601-ATL-BN 56.00 M3601-ATL-BN Ash urn lid only for M3601, black
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639513103
Mfr Item: M3601-ATL-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 148.57 93.60 194.96 WITT-M3601-ATL-BN.jpg Witt Brown Ash top only - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601ATLBN, WITT-M3601-ATL-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8527 Witt Industries Witt Brown Ash urn - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2000BN) 8527 WITT-M2000-BN 46.00 M2000-BN Metal ash urn. Made of durable, flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with black galvannealed liner.
Dimensions: 17" x 26"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639113105
Mfr Item: M2000-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 356.63 224.68 472.30 WITT-M2000-BN.jpg Witt Brown Ash urn - Oakley Collection WITT-M2000BN, WITT-M2000-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8528 Witt Industries Witt Brown Ash urn - Wydman Collection (WITT-WC2000BN) 8528 WITT-WC2000-BN 57.00 WC2000-BN Metal ash urn. Made of durable, flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with black galvannealed liner.
Dimensions: 17" x 26"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639113303
Mfr Item: WC2000-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 552.14 347.85 716.93 WITT-WC2000-BN.jpg Witt Brown Ash urn - Wydman Collection WITT-WC2000BN, WITT-WC2000-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8529 Witt Industries Witt Brown Bench - Oakley Collection (WITT-M4BCHBN) 8529 WITT-M4-BCH-BN 77.00 M4-BCH-BN Witt Brown Bench - Oakley Collection
4 foot bench made of long-lasting flat bar steel construction. Powder coat finish allows maximum wear resistance.
Dimensions: 48" x 34" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639763102
Mfr Item: M4-BCH-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 583.51 445.05 761.62 WITT-M4-BCH-BN.jpg Witt Brown Bench - Oakley Collection WITT-M4BCHBN, WITT-M4-BCH-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8530 Witt Industries Witt Brown Bench - Oakley Collection (WITT-M5BCHBN) 8530 WITT-M5-BCH-BN 96.00 M5-BCH-BN Witt Brown Bench - Oakley Collection
5 foot bench made of long-lasting flat bar steel construction. Powder coat finish allows maximum wear resistance.
Dimensions: 60" x 34" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639793109
Mfr Item: M5-BCH-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 672.01 512.55 873.73 WITT-M5-BCH-BN.jpg Witt Brown Bench - Oakley Collection WITT-M5BCHBN, WITT-M5-BCH-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8531 Witt Industries Witt Brown Bench - Oakley Collection (WITT-M6BCHARMBN) 8531 WITT-M6-BCH-ARM-BN 119.00 M6-BCH-ARM-BN Witt Brown Bench - Oakley Collection
6 foot bench with center arm, made of long-lasting flat bar steel construction. Powder coat finish allows maximum wear resistance.
Dimensions: 72" x 34" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639973105
Mfr Item: M6-BCH-ARM-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 813.61 620.55 1113.92 WITT-M6-BCH-ARM-BN.jpg Witt Brown Bench - Oakley Collection WITT-M6BCHARMBN, WITT-M6-BCH-ARM-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8532 Witt Industries Witt Brown Bench - Oakley Collection (WITT-M6BCHBN) 8532 WITT-M6-BCH-BN 115.00 M6-BCH-BN 6 foot bench made of long-lasting flat bar steel construction. Powder coat finish allows maximum wear resistance.
Dimensions: 72" x 34" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639853100
Mfr Item: M6-BCH-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 772.90 589.50 1029.61 Witt Brown Bench - Oakley Collection WITT-M6BCHBN, WITT-M6-BCH-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8533 Witt Industries Witt Brown Dome top lid only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401DTLBN) 8533 WITT-M2401-DTL-BN 39.00 M2401-DTL-BN Metal dome top lid M2401. Features self-closing door to protect from the weather.
Dimensions: ID = 18.75"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639243109
Mfr Item: M2401-DTL-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 142.14 89.55 182.87 WITT-M2401-DTL-BN.jpg Witt Brown Dome top lid only - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401DTLBN, WITT-M2401-DTL-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8534 Witt Industries Witt Brown Dome top lid only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601DTLBN) 8534 WITT-M3601-DTL-BN 56.00 M3601-DTL-BN Metal dome top lid M3601. Features self-closing door to protect from the weather.
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639543100
Mfr Item: M3601-DTL-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 103.57 65.25 133.91 WITT-M3601-DTL-BN.jpg Witt Brown Dome top lid only - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601DTLBN, WITT-M3601-DTL-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8535 Witt Industries Witt Brown Flat top lid only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401FTLBN) 8535 WITT-M2401-FTL-BN 39.00 M2401-FTL-BN Metal flat top lid only for M2401.
Dimensions: ID = 18.75"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639904031
Mfr Item: M2401-FTL-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 67.14 42.30 87.78 WITT-M2401-FTL-BN.jpg Witt Brown Flat top lid only - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401FTLBN, WITT-M2401-FTL-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8536 Witt Industries Witt Brown Flat top lid only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601FTLBN) 8536 WITT-M3601-FTL-BN 14.00 M3601-FTL-BN Flat top lid only for M3601, black
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639903607
Mfr Item: M3601-FTL-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 74.29 46.80 96.63 WITT-M3601-FTL-BN.jpg Witt Brown Flat top lid only - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601FTLBN, WITT-M3601-FTL-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8537 Witt Industries Witt Brown Planter - Oakley Collection (WITT-PL1716BN) 8537 WITT-PL1716-BN 29.00 PL1716-BN Witt Brown Planter - Oakley Collection
Small round outdoor planter. Made of durable, flat bar steel. Decorative band at top adds style to durability. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 17.25" x 16"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639883107
Mfr Item: PL1716-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 259.60 198.00 340.71 WITT-PL1716-GN.jpg Witt Brown Planter - Oakley Collection WITT-PL1716BN, WITT-PL1716-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8538 Witt Industries Witt Brown Planter - Oakley Collection (WITT-PL2220BN) 8538 WITT-PL2220-BN 60.00 PL2220-BN Medium round outdoor planter. Made of durable, flat bar steel. Decorative band at top adds style to durability. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 22.375" x 20"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639913101
Mfr Item: PL2220-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 354.59 270.45 470.65 Witt Brown Planter - Oakley Collection WITT-PL2220BN, WITT-PL2220-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8539 Witt Industries Witt Brown Planter - Oakley Collection (WITT-PL2724BN) 8539 WITT-PL2724-BN 102.00 PL2724-BN Large round outdoor planter. Made of durable, flat bar steel. Decorative band at top adds style to durability. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 27.25" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639943108
Mfr Item: PL2724-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 456.07 347.85 606.57 Witt Brown Planter - Oakley Collection WITT-PL2724BN, WITT-PL2724-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8540 Witt Industries Witt Brown Raincap lid only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401RCLBN) 8540 WITT-M2401-RCL-BN 39.00 M2401-RCL-BN Rain cap lid only for M2401. Design allows for trash disposal through the opening while protecting it from the weather.
Dimensions: ID = 18.75"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639333107
Mfr Item: M2401-RCL-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 132.86 83.70 176.87 WITT-M2401-RCL-BN.jpg Witt Brown Raincap lid only - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401RCLBN, WITT-M2401-RCL-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8541 Witt Industries Witt Brown Raincap lid only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601RCLBN) 8541 WITT-M3601-RCL-BN 56.00 M3601-RCL-BN Rain cap lid only. Design allows for trash disposal through the opening while protecting it from the weather.
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Brown
UPC: 096639663105
Mfr Item: M3601-RCL-BN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 148.57 93.60 194.93 WITT-M3601-RCL-BN.jpg Witt Brown Raincap lid only - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601RCLBN, WITT-M3601-RCL-BN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8542 Witt Industries Witt Dark Blue Outdoor Drum Cover (WITT-5555DB) 8542 WITT-5555DB 74.00 5555DB Outdoor Drum Cover
Dome top drum lid. Fits any standard 55-gallon drum. Powder coat finish for protection.
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Dark Blue
UPC: 096639915556
Mfr Item: 5555DB
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Drum Lid, Dark Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 85.55 65.25 112.57 WITT-5555DB.jpg Witt Dark Blue Outdoor Drum Cover WITT-5555DB, WITT-5555DB, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8543 Witt Industries 10 Gallon Galvanized Trash Can Lid, Metal, 3 Lids (WITT-10GPL) 8543 WITT-10GPL 3.75 10GPL 10 Gallon Galvanized Trash Can Lids
Light duty lid made of pre-galvanized steel. Dimensions: 16" x 3", Capacity: NA, Material: Galvanized Steel, Ctn Qty: 3, Color: Galvanized, UPC: 096639580105, Mfr Item: 10GPL, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 10 Gallon Trash Can Lid, Galvanized, Metal, 3 Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 32.87 17.55 44.56 WITT-10GPL.jpg metal galvanized trash can lid, WITT-10GPL, WITT-10GPL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8544 Witt Industries Witt Galvanized Steel Drip Pan (WITT-W700) 8544 WITT-W700 28.00 W700 Witt Galvanized Steel Drip Pan
Rectangular galvanized steel drip pan
Dimensions: 25.75" x 17.75" x 1"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: Galvanized
Mfr Item: W700
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 99.12 75.60 131.02 Witt Galvanized WITT-W700, WITT-W700, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8545 Witt Industries Witt Galvanized Drum Dolly (WITT-DD200) 8545 WITT-DD-200 15.00 DD-200 Witt Galvanized Drum Dolly
Drum dolly that is built for extra heavy duty usage.
Dimensions: ID = 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639002003
Mfr Item: DD-200
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 126.26 96.30 164.18 Witt Galvanized Drum Dolly WITT-DD200, WITT-DD-200, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8546 Witt Industries 24 Gallon Light Duty Trash Can Lid, Metal, 3 Lids (WITT-WCD24L) 8546 WITT-WCD24L 6.00 WCD24L 24 Gallon Light Duty Trash Can Lids
Witt galvanized lids are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel for superior strength and durability. Dimensions: 20" dia x 5", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 3, Color: Galvanized, UPC: 096639251302, Mfr Item: WCD24L, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 24 Gallon Trash Can Lid, Light Duty Galvanized, Metal, 3 Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 32.87 17.55 43.99 WITT-WCD24L.jpg metal trash can lid, WITT-WCD24L, WITT-WCD24L, trash receptacle, garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8547 Witt Industries 32 Gallon Galvanized Trash Can Lid, Light Duty, Metal, 3 Lids (WITT-WCD32L) 8547 WITT-WCD32L 7.50 WCD32L 32 Gallon Light Duty Trash Can Lids
Witt galvanized lids are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel for superior strength and durability. Dimensions: 21.5" dia x 4", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 3, Color: Galvanized, UPC: 096639281309, Mfr Item: WCD32L, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 32 Gallon Trash Can Lid, Metal, Light Duty, Galvanized, 3 Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 32.87 17.55 43.47 WITT-WCD32L.jpg Witt Galvanized Lid Only - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WCD32L, WITT-WCD32L, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8548 Witt Industries 24 Gallon Heavy Duty Trash Can Lid, Metal, 3 Lids (WITT-WHD24L) 8548 WITT-WHD24L 9.00 WHD24L 24 Gallon Metal Galvanized Trash Can Lids
Witt galvanized lids are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel for superior strength and durability. Dimensions: 20" dia x 5", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 3, Color: Galvanized, UPC: 096639311303, Mfr Item: WHD24L, Lead Time: 10 days
Witt 24 Gallon Trash Can Lid, Metal, Galvanized, 3 Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 64.22 36.45 87.33 WITT-WHD24L.jpg metal galvanized trash can lids, WITT-WHD24L, WITT-WHD24L, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8549 Witt Industries 32 Gallon Galvanized Trash Can Lid, Heavy Duty, Metal, 3 Lids (WITT-WHD32L) 8549 WITT-WHD32L 9.45 WHD32L 32 Gallon Heavy Duty Trash Can Lids
Witt galvanized lids are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel for superior strength and durability. Dimensions: 21.5" dia x 4", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 3, Color: Galvanized, UPC: 096639341300, Mfr Item: WHD32L, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 32 Gallon Trash Can Lid, Metal, Heavy Duty, Galvanized, 3 Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 68.27 36.45 92.81 WITT-WHD32L.jpg Witt Galvanized Lid Only - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WHD32L, WITT-WHD32L, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8550 Witt Industries 24 Gallon Galvanized Trash Can Lid, Heavy Duty, Metal, 3 Lids (WITT-WMD24L) 8550 WITT-WMD24L 6.00 WMD24L 24 Gallon Medium Duty Trash Can Lids
Witt galvanized lids are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel for superior strength and durability. Dimensions: 20" dia x 5", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 3, Color: Galvanized, UPC: 096639371307, Mfr Item: WMD24L, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 24 Gallon Trash Can Lid, Medium Duty, Galvanized, Metal, 3 Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 60.69 32.40 79.55 WITT-WMD24L.jpg Witt Galvanized Lid Witt Galvanized Lid Only - Galvanized Cans & Lids Only - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WMD24L, WITT-WMD24L, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8551 Witt Industries 32 Gallon Trash Can Lid, Galvanized, Medium Duty, 3 Lids (WITT-WMD32L) 8551 WITT-WMD32L 7.50 WMD32L 32 Gallon Medium Duty Trash Can Lids
Witt galvanized lids are carefully manufactured from prime, heavy gauge pre-galvanized steel for superior strength and durability. Dimensions: 21.5" dia x 4", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 3, Color: Galvanized, UPC: 096639401301, Mfr Item: WMD32L, Lead Time: 10 days.
Witt 32 Gallon Trash Can Lid, Metal, Medium Duty, Galvanized, 3 Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 63.21 33.75 86.31 WITT-WMD32L.jpg Witt Galvanized Lid Only - Galvanized Cans & Lids WITT-WMD32L, WITT-WMD32L, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8552 Witt Industries Witt Galvanized Outdoor Drum Cover (WITT-3434G) 8552 WITT-3434G 58.00 3434G Witt Galvanized Outdoor Drum Cover
Hot dipped galvanized dome top lid with push door. Fits most 30 to 31 gallon trash cans.
Dimensions: ID=21.125"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639934342
Mfr Item: 3434G
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 88.50 67.50 119.91 WITT-3434G.jpg Witt Galvanized Outdoor Drum Cover WITT-3434G, WITT-3434G, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8553 Witt Industries Witt Galvanized Outdoor Drum Cover (WITT-5555G) 8553 WITT-5555G 74.00 5555G Outdoor Drum Cover
Dome top drum lid. Fits any standard 55-gallon drum. Hot dip galvanized to protect it against the environment.
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639955552
Mfr Item: 5555G
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Drum Lid, Galvanized, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 93.22 71.10 121.81 WITT-5555G.jpg Witt Galvanized Outdoor Drum Cover WITT-5555G, WITT-5555G, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8554 Witt Industries Witt Galvanized Outdoor Flat Top, 6 lids (WITT-FT256G) 8554 WITT-FT256G 36.60 FT256G Outdoor Flat Top Lid
Flat top 55 Gallon drum lid.
Dimensions: ID = 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 6
Color: Galvanized
UPC: 096639902563
Mfr Item: FT256G
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Drum Flat Top Lid, Galvanized, 6 per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 254.88 194.40 337.29 WITT-FT256G.jpg Witt Galvanized Outdoor Flat Top WITT-FT256G, WITT-FT256G, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8555 Witt Industries Witt Smoking Urn Receptacle, Graystone (WITT-RLC1424HABGR) 8555 WITT-RLC-1424HAB-GR 40.00 RLC-1424HAB-GR Witt Smoking Urn
Round ash urn. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Ash urn hide-a-butt design keeps cigarette butts out of sight. Dimensions: 14" x 28", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Graystone, Mfr Item: RLC-1424HAB-GR, Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Smoking Urn Receptacle, Graystone, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 467.27 327.28 613.48 WITT-RLC-1424HAB-GR.jpg witt smoking urn, WITT-RLC1424HABGR, WITT-RLC-1424HAB-GR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8556 Witt Industries Witt Graystone (WITT-SLC1424HABGR) 8556 WITT-SLC-1424HAB-GR 40.00 SLC-1424HAB-GR Square, side load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is strong and durable. Hide a butt keeps cigarette butts out of sight. Comes with plastic liner
Dimensions: 14" x 14" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Graystone
Mfr Item: SLC-1424HAB-GR
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 595.63 375.25 792.75 WITT-SLC1424HAB-GR.jpg Witt Graystone WITT-SLC1424HABGR, WITT-SLC-1424HAB-GR, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8557 Witt Industries Witt Green Ash top only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401ATLGN) 8557 WITT-M2401-ATL-GN 39.00 M2401-ATL-GN Ash urn lid only for M2401, green
Dimensions: ID = 18.75"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639223101
Mfr Item: M2401-ATL-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 132.86 83.70 173.12 WITT-M2401-ATL-BK.jpg Witt Green Ash top only - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401ATLGN, WITT-M2401-ATL-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8558 Witt Industries Witt Green Ash top only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601ATLGN) 8558 WITT-M3601-ATL-GN 56.00 M3601-ATL-GN Ash urn lid only for M3601, black
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639523102
Mfr Item: M3601-ATL-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 148.57 93.60 196.94 WITT-M3601-ATL-GN.jpg Witt Green Ash top only - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601ATLGN, WITT-M3601-ATL-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8559 Witt Industries Witt Ash Smoking Urn, Green (WITT-M2000GN) 8559 WITT-M2000-GN 46.00 M2000-GN Smoking Urn Receptacle
Metal ash urn. Made of durable, flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with black galvannealed liner. Dimensions: 17" x 26", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Green, UPC: 096639123104, Mfr Item: M2000-GN, Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt Ash Smoking Urn, Oakley Collection, Green, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 294.58 224.68 382.75 Witt Green Ash urn - Oakley Collection WITT-M2000GN, WITT-M2000-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8560 Witt Industries Witt Ash Urn Receptacle, Green (WITT-WC2000GN) 8560 WITT-WC2000-GN 57.00 WC2000-GN Metal Smoking Urn
Metal ash urn. Made of durable, flat-bar steel to defer graffiti. Comes with black galvanized liner. Dimensions: 17" x 26", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Green, UPC: 096639123302, Mfr Item: WC2000-GN. Lead Time: 2 weeks.
Witt Ash Urn Receptacle, Wydman Collection, Green, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 456.07 347.85 615.22 metal ash urn, WITT-WC2000Witt Metal Ash Urn GN, WITT-WC2000-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8561 Witt Industries Witt Green Bench - Oakley Collection (WITT-M4BCHGN) 8561 WITT-M4-BCH-GN 77.00 M4-BCH-GN Witt Green Bench - Oakley Collection
4 foot bench made of long-lasting flat bar steel construction. Powder coat finish allows maximum wear resistance.
Dimensions: 48" x 34" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639773101
Mfr Item: M4-BCH-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 583.51 445.05 780.80 WITT-M4-BCH-GN.jpg Witt Green Bench - Oakley Collection WITT-M4BCHGN, WITT-M4-BCH-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8562 Witt Industries Witt Green Bench - Oakley Collection (WITT-M5BCHGN) 8562 WITT-M5-BCH-GN 96.00 M5-BCH-GN Witt Green Bench - Oakley Collection
5 foot bench made of long-lasting flat bar steel construction. Powder coat finish allows maximum wear resistance.
Dimensions: 60" x 34" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639803105
Mfr Item: M5-BCH-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 672.01 512.55 889.38 WITT-M5-BCH-GN.jpg Witt Green Bench - Oakley Collection WITT-M5BCHGN, WITT-M5-BCH-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8563 Witt Industries Witt Green Bench - Oakley Collection (WITT-M6BCHARMGN) 8563 WITT-M6-BCH-ARM-GN 119.00 M6-BCH-ARM-GN Witt Green Bench - Oakley Collection
6 foot bench with center arm, made of long-lasting flat bar steel construction. Powder coat finish allows maximum wear resistance.
Dimensions: 72" x 34" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639833102
Mfr Item: M6-BCH-ARM-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 813.61 620.55 1059.84 WITT-M6-BCH-ARM-GN.jpg Witt Green Bench - Oakley Collection WITT-M6BCHARMGN, WITT-M6-BCH-ARM-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8564 Witt Industries Witt Green Bench - Oakley Collection (WITT-M6BCHGN) 8564 WITT-M6-BCH-GN 115.00 M6-BCH-GN 6 foot bench made of long-lasting flat bar steel construction. Powder coat finish allows maximum wear resistance.
Dimensions: 72" x 34" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639863109
Mfr Item: M6-BCH-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 772.90 589.50 1022.85 Witt Green Bench - Oakley Collection WITT-M6BCHGN, WITT-M6-BCH-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 1 20 241
8565 Witt Industries Witt Green Dome top lid only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401DTLGN) 8565 WITT-M2401-DTL-GN 39.00 M2401-DTL-GN Metal dome top lid M2401. Features self-closing door to protect from the weather.
Dimensions: ID = 18.75"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639253108
Mfr Item: M2401-DTL-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 142.14 89.55 183.21 WITT-M2401-DTL-GN.jpg Witt Green Dome top lid only - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401DTLGN, WITT-M2401-DTL-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8566 Witt Industries Witt Green Dome top lid only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601DTLGN) 8566 WITT-M3601-DTL-GN 56.00 M3601-DTL-GN Metal dome top lid M3601. Features self-closing door to protect from the weather.
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639553109
Mfr Item: M3601-DTL-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 103.57 65.25 134.38 WITT-M3601-DTL-GN.jpg Witt Green Dome top lid only - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601DTLGN, WITT-M3601-DTL-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8567 Witt Industries Witt Green Flat top lid only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401FTLGN) 8567 WITT-M2401-FTL-GN 39.00 M2401-FTL-GN Metal flat top lid only for M2401.
Dimensions: ID = 18.75"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639494037
Mfr Item: M2401-FTL-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 67.14 42.30 87.19 WITT-M2401-FTL-GN.jpg Witt Green Flat top lid only - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401FTLGN, WITT-M2401-FTL-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8568 Witt Industries Witt Green Flat top lid only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601FTLGN) 8568 WITT-M3601-FTL-GN 14.00 M3601-FTL-GN Flat top lid only for M3601, black
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639492569
Mfr Item: M3601-FTL-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 74.29 46.80 95.25 WITT-M3601-FTL-GN.jpg Witt Green Flat top lid only - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601FTLGN, WITT-M3601-FTL-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8569 Witt Industries Witt Green Outdoor Drum Cover (WITT-5555GN) 8569 WITT-5555GN 74.00 5555GN Outdoor Drum Cover
Dome top drum lid. Fits any standard 55-gallon drum. Powder coat finish for protection.
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639995558
Mfr Item: 5555GN
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Drum Lid, Green, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 85.55 65.25 112.32 WITT-5555GN.jpg Witt Green Outdoor Drum Cover WITT-5555GN, WITT-5555GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8570 Witt Industries Witt Green Outdoor Flat Top, 6 Lids (WITT-FT255P) 8570 WITT-FT255P 66.00 FT255P Outdoor Flat Top lid
Flat top 55 Gallon drum lid.
Dimensions: ID = 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 6
Color: Green
UPC: 096639992557
Mfr Item: FT255P
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Drum Flat Top Lid, Green, 6 Lids per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 219.48 167.40 298.12 WITT-FT255P.jpg Witt Green Outdoor Flat Top WITT-FT255P, WITT-FT255P, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8571 Witt Industries Witt Green Outdoor Swing Top Lid (WITT-SWT55GN) 8571 WITT-SWT55GN 81.00 SWT55GN Outdoor Swing Top Lid
Swing top drum lid only for 55 gallon drum
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
Mfr Item: SWT55GN
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Drum Swing Top Lid, Green, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 116.62 78.75 155.72 WITT-SWT55GN.jpg Witt Green Outdoor swing top WITT-SWT55GN, WITT-SWT55GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8572 Witt Industries Witt Green Planter - Oakley Collection (WITT-PL1716GN) 8572 WITT-PL1716-GN 29.00 PL1716-GN Witt Green Planter - Oakley Collection
Small round outdoor planter. Made of durable, flat bar steel. Decorative band at top adds style to durability. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 17.25" x 16"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639893106
Mfr Item: PL1716-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 259.60 198.00 346.28 Witt Green Planter - Oakley Collection WITT-PL1716GN, WITT-PL1716-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8573 Witt Industries Witt Green Planter - Oakley Collection (WITT-PL2220GN) 8573 WITT-PL2220-GN 60.00 PL2220-GN Witt Green Planter - Oakley Collection
Medium round outdoor planter. Made of durable, flat bar steel. Decorative band at top adds style to durability. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 22.375" x 20"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639983104
Mfr Item: PL2220-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 354.59 270.45 475.77 Witt Green Planter - Oakley Collection WITT-PL2220GN, WITT-PL2220-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8574 Witt Industries Witt Green Planter - Oakley Collection (WITT-PL2724GN) 8574 WITT-PL2724-GN 102.00 PL2724-GN Witt Green Planter - Oakley Collection
Large round outdoor planter. Made of durable, flat bar steel. Decorative band at top adds style to durability. Comes with plastic liner.
Dimensions: 27.25" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639953107
Mfr Item: PL2724-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 651.53 347.85 877.79 Witt Green Planter - Oakley Collection WITT-PL2724GN, WITT-PL2724-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8575 Witt Industries Witt Green Raincap lid only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M2401RCLGN) 8575 WITT-M2401-RCL-GN 39.00 M2401-RCL-GN Rain cap lid only for M2401. Design allows for trash disposal through the opening while protecting it from the weather.
Dimensions: ID = 18.75"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639343106
Mfr Item: M2401-RCL-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 132.86 83.70 175.76 WITT-M2401-RCL-GN.jpg Witt Green Raincap lid only - Oakley Collection WITT-M2401RCLGN, WITT-M2401-RCL-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8576 Witt Industries Witt Green Raincap lid only - Oakley Collection (WITT-M3601RCLGN) 8576 WITT-M3601-RCL-GN 56.00 M3601-RCL-GN Rain cap lid only. Design allows for trash disposal through the opening while protecting it from the weather.
Dimensions: ID = 23.750"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Green
UPC: 096639673104
Mfr Item: M3601-RCL-GN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries 148.57 93.60 191.89 WITT-M3601-RCL-GN.jpg Witt Green Raincap lid only - Oakley Collection WITT-M3601RCLGN, WITT-M3601-RCL-GN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8577 Witt Industries Witt NA (WITT-PDE01CA) 8577 WITT-PDE-01CA 1.00 PDE-01CA White decal ""CANS""
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: NA
Material: Paper
Ctn Qty: NA
Color: NA
Mfr Item: PDE-01CA
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 4.72 3.60 6.15 WITT-PDE-01CA.jpg Witt NA WITT-PDE01CA, WITT-PDE-01CA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8578 Witt Industries Witt NA (WITT-PDE01GL) 8578 WITT-PDE-01GL 1.00 PDE-01GL White decal ""GLASS""
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: NA
Material: Paper
Ctn Qty: NA
Color: NA
Mfr Item: PDE-01GL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 4.72 3.60 6.36 WITT-PDE-01GL.jpg Witt NA WITT-PDE01GL, WITT-PDE-01GL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8579 Witt Industries Witt NA (WITT-PDE02NE) 8579 WITT-PDE-02NE 1.00 PDE-02NE White decal ""NEWSPAPER""
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: NA
Material: Paper
Ctn Qty: NA
Color: NA
Mfr Item: PDE-02NE
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 7.08 5.40 9.45 WITT-PDE-02NE.jpg Witt NA WITT-PDE02NE, WITT-PDE-02NE, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8580 Witt Industries Witt NA (WITT-PDE02PA) 8580 WITT-PDE-02PA 1.00 PDE-02PA White decal ""PAPER""
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: NA
Material: Paper
Ctn Qty: NA
Color: NA
Mfr Item: PDE-02PA
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 4.72 3.60 6.36 WITT-PDE-02PA.jpg Witt NA WITT-PDE02PA, WITT-PDE-02PA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8581 Witt Industries Witt NA (WITT-PDE03PL) 8581 WITT-PDE-03PL 1.00 PDE-03PL White decal ""PLASTIC""
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: NA
Material: Paper
Ctn Qty: NA
Color: NA
Mfr Item: PDE-03PL
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 7.08 5.40 9.66 WITT-PDE-03PL.jpg Witt NA WITT-PDE03PL, WITT-PDE-03PL, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8582 Witt Industries Witt NA (WITT-PDE03WA) 8582 WITT-PDE-03WA 1.00 PDE-03WA White decal ""WASTE""
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: NA
Material: Paper
Ctn Qty: NA
Color: NA
Mfr Item: PDE-03WA
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 4.72 3.60 6.15 WITT-PDE-03WA.jpg Witt NA WITT-PDE03WA, WITT-PDE-03WA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8583 Witt Industries Witt NA (WITT-PDE10) 8583 WITT-PDE-10 1.00 PDE-10 White decal ""CANS ONLY""
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: NA
Material: Paper
Ctn Qty: NA
Color: NA
Mfr Item: PDE-10
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 2.95 2.25 4.00 Witt NA WITT-PDE10, WITT-PDE-10, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8584 Witt Industries Witt NA (WITT-PDE8) 8584 WITT-PDE-8 1.00 PDE-8 White decal ""RECYCLE""
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: NA
Material: Paper
Ctn Qty: NA
Color: NA
Mfr Item: PDE-8
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 6.79 4.50 8.78 Witt NA WITT-PDE8, WITT-PDE-8, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8585 Witt Industries Witt NA (WITT-PMSRLKY) 8585 WITT-PMSR-LKY 1.00 PMSR-LKY Lock and two keys for MSR
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: NA
Material: NA
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: NA
Mfr Item: PMSR-LKY
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 22.14 13.95 28.40 WITT-PMSR-LKY.jpg Witt NA WITT-PMSRLKY, WITT-PMSR-LKY, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8586 Witt Industries Witt NA (WITT-PSCANCHKIT) 8586 WITT-PSC-ANCHKIT 1.00 PSC-ANCHKIT Anchor kit for the Oakley, Wydman, River City and Queen City units
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: NA
Material: NA
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: NA
Lead Time: 10 days - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 4.98 3.80 6.52 WITT-PSC-ANCHKIT.jpg Witt NA WITT-PSCANCHKIT, WITT-PSC-ANCHKIT, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8587 Witt Industries Witt NA (WITT-PSRKEY) 8587 WITT-PSR-KEY 1.00 PSR-KEY Key only
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: NA
Material: NA
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: NA
Mfr Item: PSR-KEY
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 7.14 4.50 9.16 WITT-PSR-KEY.jpg Witt NA WITT-PSRKEY, WITT-PSR-KEY, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8588 Witt Industries Witt NA (WITT-PSSLKY) 8588 WITT-PSS-LKY 1.00 PSS-LKY Lock and two keys for PSS
Dimensions: NA
Capacity: NA
Material: NA
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: NA
Mfr Item: PSS-LKY
Lead Time: 10 days
Witt Industries 22.14 13.95 29.08 WITT-PSS-LKY.jpg Witt NA WITT-PSSLKY, WITT-PSS-LKY, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
8589 Witt Industries Long Handled Dustpan (WITT-W17W) 8589 WITT-W17-W 20.00 W17-W Long Handled Dustpan
Long handled dustpan with ""triple twist"" wire handle. Features a balanced pan so the contents will not spill when pan is lifted. Front pan edge sits flat against level floor surfaces assuring all debris is removed.
Dimensions: 10.75" x 9" x 26"
Capacity: NA
Material: NA
Ctn Qty: 12
Color: NA
Mfr Item: W17-W
Lead Time: 2 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 177.00 135.00 242.42 WITT-W17-W.jpg Witt NA WITT-W17W, WITT-W17-W, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8590 Witt Industries Witt 14" Smoking Urn, Sandstone (WITT-RLC1424HABSA) 8590 WITT-RLC-1424HAB-SA 40.00 RLC-1424HAB-SA 14" Smoking Receptacle
Round ash urn. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Ash urn hide-a-butt design keeps cigarette butts out of sight. Dimensions: 14" x 28", Capacity: NA, Material: Steel, Ctn Qty: 1, Color: Sandstone, Mfr Item: RLC-1424HAB-SA, Lead Time: 4 weeks.
Witt 14" Smoking Urn, Round, Sandstone, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 467.27 327.28 620.74 WITT-RLC-1424HAB-SA.jpg smoking urn, WITT-RLC1424HABSA, WITT-RLC-1424HAB-SA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8591 Witt Industries Witt Sandstone (WITT-SLC1424HABSA) 8591 WITT-SLC-1424HAB-SA 40.00 SLC-1424HAB-SA Square, side load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is strong and durable. Hide a butt keeps cigarette butts out of sight. Comes with plastic liner
Dimensions: 14" x 14" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Sandstone
Mfr Item: SLC-1424HAB-SA
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 702.84 375.25 936.20 Witt Sandstone WITT-SLC1424HABSA, WITT-SLC-1424HAB-SA, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8592 Witt Industries Witt Whitestone (WITT-RLC1424HABWH) 8592 WITT-RLC-1424HAB-WH 40.00 RLC-1424HAB-WH Witt Whitestone
Round ash urn. Made of a concrete composite that is sturdy and durable. Ash urn hide-a-butt design keeps cigarette butts out of sight.
Dimensions: 14" x 28"
Capacity: NA
Material: Steel
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Whitestone
Mfr Item: RLC-1424HAB-WH
Lead Time: 4 weeks - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 467.27 327.28 638.05 WITT-RLC-1424HAB-WH.jpg Witt Whitestone WITT-RLC1424HABWH, WITT-RLC-1424HAB-WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8593 Witt Industries Witt Whitestone (WITT-SLC1424HABWH) 8593 WITT-SLC-1424HAB-WH 40.00 SLC-1424HAB-WH Square, side load ash 'n trash receptacle. Made of a concrete composite that is strong and durable. Hide a butt keeps cigarette butts out of sight. Comes with plastic liner
Dimensions: 14" x 14" x 24"
Capacity: NA
Material: Fiberglass
Ctn Qty: 1
Color: Whitestone
Mfr Item: SLC-1424HAB-WH
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Witt Industries 491.99 375.25 646.86 Witt Whitestone WITT-SLC1424HABWH, WITT-SLC-1424HAB-WH, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 1 1 0 0 20 241
8728 Lagasse 18" Microfiber Dust Mop with Fringe, 12 Dust Mops (RCPQ408GRE) 8728 RCP Q408 GRE 5.00 Q408-00 GR00 Rubbermaid 18" Dust Mops with Fringe
High quality, dense, ultra-fine microfiber removes more dust, dirt and bacteria than conventional cleaning products.
Rubbermaid 18" Microfiber Dust Mop, Green, 12 Dust Mops per Case Rubbermaid Commercial Products 80.24 61.20 109.31 RCPQ408GRE.jpg 18" dust mops, 18" microfiber dust mop, dust mop, rubbermaid 18" microfiber dust mop, RCP Q408 GRE, RCPQ408GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
8731 Lagasse Misty Dry Deodorizer Refills - Island Air (AMRA213-12-IA) 8731 AMR A213-12-IA 12.00 AMR A213-12-IA Misty Dry Deodorizer Refills
Aerosol canister fits dispenser AMR 997 (sold separately). Combines quality fragrances and essential oils with state-of-the-art odor counteractants. Two odor counteractants for maximum deodorizing power. Effectively freshens rooms up to 6,000 cu. ft. Dry spray contains no ozone depleting compounds and less than 30% total VOC content. 12-oz. can (7-oz. net wt.) 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
Misty Dry Deodorizer Refills, Island Air, 12-oz. Can (7-oz. net wt.) 30-Day Refill. 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 42.72 32.58 57.90 AMRA21312IA.jpg misty dry deodorizer refills, AMRA213-12-IA, AMRA21312IA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
8732 Lagasse Misty Dry Deodorizer Refills - Lavender Zest (AMRA213-12-LZ) 8732 AMR A213-12-LZ 12.00 AMR A213-12-LZ Misty Dry Deodorizer Refills
Aerosol canister fits dispenser AMR 997 (sold separately). Combines quality fragrances and essential oils with state-of-the-art odor counteractants. Two odor counteractants for maximum deodorizing power. Effectively freshens rooms up to 6,000 cu. ft. Dry spray contains no ozone depleting compounds and less than 30% total VOC content. 12-oz. can (7-oz. net wt.) 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
Misty Dry Deodorizer Refills, Lavender Zest, 12-oz. Can (7-oz. net wt.) 30-Day Refill. 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 42.72 32.58 57.50 AMRA21312LZ.jpg misty dry deodorizer refills, AMRA213-12-LZ, AMRA21312LZ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
8733 Lagasse Misty Dry Tropical Lime Scent Deodorizer, 12 - 7-oz. Cans (AMRA213-12-TL) 8733 AMR A213-12-TL 12.00 AMR A213-12-TL Tropical Lime Scented Deodorizer Refills
From Misty Dry's line of deodorizers, this Tropical Lime scented aerosol canister perfectly fits the Misty White Metered Dispenser (AMR997) (sold separately). Together they combine the quality fragrances and essential oils that customers have come to know and love. This quality deodorizer counteracts unwanted odors for maximum deodorizing power. Effectively freshens rooms up to 6,000 cu. ft. Dry spray contains no ozone depleting compounds and less than 30% total VOC content. 12-oz. can (7-oz. net wt.) 30-day refill. 12 refills per case.
Amrep Misty Dry Deodorizer Refills, Tropical Lime, 7-oz. Can, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 42.72 32.58 58.05 AMRA21312TL.jpg misty dry deodorizer refills, deodorizer, misty dry deodorizer, AMRA213-12-TL, AMRA21312TL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
8734 Lagasse Misty Surface Disinfectant (AMRA223-20) 8734 AMR A223-20 15.08 A223-20 Powerful hospital-type disinfectant and deodorant for multipurpose use. Quat/Phenolic-based formula is germicidal, fungicidal, and virucidal for hard surfaces; ideal for hospital use. Kills HIV-1 (AIDS virus), 2009 H1N1 Influenza A virus (formerly Swine F Amrep/Misty 66.22 49.18 86.76 AMRA22320.jpg Misty® Surface Disinfectant AMRA223-20, AMRA22320, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
8735 Lagasse Misty Extreme-Duty Odor Neutralizer (AMRA263-12) 8735 AMR A263-12 12.00 AMR 263-12 Misty Odor Neutralizer and Deodorizer
Professional strength for the toughest odors—smoke/fire, animal/pet and biological odors. Super dry air deodorizer formula contains ultra fine particles for maximum diffusion. Powered by DeoEssence integrated fragrance/odor counteractant system. Compliant in all states. Non-chlorinated and non-ozone depleting. Ideal for use in most settings. beyond the restroom such as hospitals, schools, offices, gyms and restaurants.
Includes twelve 12 oz metered dispenser cans per case. 12-oz. can, 7-oz. net wt.
Misty Odor Neutralizer and Deodorizer Refill, 12-oz Metered Dispenser Refill Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 43.29 33.02 59.08 AMRA26312.jpg misty extreme-duty odor neutralizer, AMR A263-12, AMRA26312, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
8736 Lagasse Misty Alpine Mist Extreme-Duty Odor Neutralizer Fogger, 12 Cans (AMRA264-16) 8736 AMR A264-16 7.00 AMR A264-16 Misty Alpine Mist Odor Neutralizer Fogger
Total release fogger contains super-dry air deodorizer formula with ultra-fine particles for maximum diffusion. Powered by DeoEssence, integrated fragrance/odor fighting system. Professional strength for the toughest airborne odors including, smoke, fire, animal/pet and biological. One-shot treatment; one can treats areas up to 6,000 cubic feet. Releases in three minutes; return to space in approximately one to four hours. 50 state VOC Compliant, non-chlorinated, non-ozone depleting. 12 oz (5-oz. net wt.) metered dispenser can 12 cans per case.
Misty Odor Neutralizer Fogger, Alpine Mist Fragrance, 12-oz. (5-oz. net weight) Metered Dispenser Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 48.57 37.04 65.64 AMRA26416.jpg misty alpine, misty fogger air freshener, air freshener, misty odor neutralizer, misty alpine mist extreme-duty odor neutralizer fogger, AMRA264-16, AMRA26416, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
8737 Lagasse Misty Alpine Mist Odor Neutralizer (AMRA266-20) 8737 AMR A266-20 20.00 AMR A266-20 Misty Odor Neutralizer and Deodorizer
Professional strength for the toughest odors—smoke/fire, animal/pet and biological odors. Super dry air deodorizer formula contains ultra fine particles for maximum diffusion. Powered by DeoEssence integrated fragrance/odor counteractant system. Compliant in all states. Non-chlorinated and non-ozone depleting. Ideal for use in most settings beyond the restroom such as hospitals, schools, offices, gyms and restaurants. 20-oz ( 10-oz. net wt. ) can, 12 aerosol cans per case.
Misty Odor Neutralizer and Deodorizer, 20-oz. (10-oz. net wt.) Can, 12 Aerosol Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 46.22 35.25 62.45 AMRA26620.jpg misty alpine mist odor neutralizer, AMRA266-20, AMRA26620, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
8738 Lagasse Misty Dualcide P3 Water Based Insect Killer (AMRA442-20) 8738 AMR A442-20 17.00 A442-20 Misty Dualcide P3 Insecticide
Highly effective broad-spectrum insecticide, kills both flying and crawling insects. Kills on contact; seeks out bugs where they hide. Offers protection for up to three months, without high toxicity ratings. Applicable both indoors and out, for use on bedding, furniture and other infested inanimate objects. Features a twin action valve and actuator for mist and stream spray patterns, making it applicable to both wide area treatment and crack/crevice application. Non-staining, with no unpleasant odor. Great for use on bedding, furniture and other infested inanimate objects. Effectively kills fleas on animals, as well as lice and their eggs. 16-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case.
Misty Dualcide P3 Insecticide, 16-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Amrep/Misty 68.62 48.60 89.47 AMRA44220.jpg insecticides, misty dualcide, AMRA442-20, AMRA44220, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
8739 Lagasse Maximum Security Sorbent, 12 - 32 oz. Canisters (AMRP00530-32) 8739 AMR P00530-32 5.00 AMR P00530-32 Maximum Security Sorbent
Capture even the most dangerous spills. A green, all natural material mined in Colorado, directly from the earth and is safe for all applications. An absorbent that captures and holds industrial spills. Safe, 100% dustless and won't release the spills it imprisons. Non-flammable, non-hazardous and exceeds all EPA liquid waste disposal standards. Safe to use around food processing.
Maximum Security Sorbent, 12 - 32 oz Canisters per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 26.30 20.06 35.32 AMRP0053032.jpg sorbent, spill absorbent, maximum security sorbent, AMR P00530-32, AMRP0053032, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
8740 Lagasse Maximum Security Sorbent, 6 - 1 lb. Bags (AMRP00530-6) 8740 AMR P00530-6 7.25 P00530-6 Maximum Security Sorbent
Capture even the most dangerous spills. A green, all natural material mined in Colorado, directly from the earth and is safe for all applications. An absorbent that captures and holds industrial spills. Safe, 100% dustless and won't release the spills it imprisons. Non-flammable, non-hazardous and exceeds all EPA liquid waste disposal standards. Safe to use around food processing.
Maximum Security Sorbent, 6 - 1 lb. Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Amrep/Misty 22.53 17.18 30.28 AMRP005306.jpg sorbent, spill absorbent, maximum security sorbent, AMR P00530-6, AMRP005306, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
8741 Lagasse Optimax Easy Care Floor Finish, 5 Gallon Pail (AMRR876-5) 8741 AMR R876-5 46.00 R876-5 Optimax Easy Care Floor Finish
Intermediate maintenance formula for moderate to heavy traffic areas. Ideal for use on resilient tile, linoleum and terrazzo floors. Optically brightened for maximum gloss. Acrylic thermoplastic polymers create a durable, long-lasting finish that is easy to maintain. One 5-gallon pail.
Misty Optimax Easy Care Floor Finish, 5 Gallon Pail, Each Amrep/Misty 73.17 55.81 98.81 AMRR8765.jpg Misty OPTIMAX Easy Care Floor Finish, AMR R876-5, AMRR8765, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 5
8742 Lagasse HyFlex 11-800 Gloves - Large, 12 per Box (ANS11800L) 8742 ANS 11800L 1.20 205572 Ansell - Multi-purpose Fine Grip Foam Nitrile Gloves
Comfortably hold small items with a sure hand. Gloves mold naturally to the hand, minimizing fatigue and improving grip. Foam nitrile coating provides sure grip in light oil application by channeling oil away from glove surface. Exceptional, unmatched comfort for workers, provides good grip in dry environments. Ergonomic form-fitting liner design, glove molds naturally to the hand, minimizing fatigue. Exceptional comfort and fit increases worker acceptance and safety compliance. Perfect for manufacturing, electricians, carpentry, janitorial and sanitation workers.
Multi-purpose Foam Nitrile Gloves, Large, Dozen per Box. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ansell 64.98 38.55 87.55 ANS11800.jpg work gloves, nitrile gloves, ansell gloves, hyflex nitrile gloves, ANS11800L, ANS11800L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
8743 Lagasse HyFlex 11-800 Gloves - Medium, 12 per Box (ANS11800M) 8743 ANS 11800M 1.00 205571 Ansell - Multi-purpose Fine Grip Foam Nitrile Gloves
Comfortably hold small items with a sure hand. Gloves mold naturally to the hand, minimizing fatigue and improving grip. Foam nitrile coating provides sure grip in light oil application by channeling oil away from glove surface. Exceptional, unmatched comfort for workers, provides good grip in dry environments. Ergonomic form-fitting liner design, glove molds naturally to the hand, minimizing fatigue. Exceptional comfort and fit increases worker acceptance and safety compliance. Perfect for manufacturing, electricians, carpentry, janitorial and sanitation workers.
Multi-purpose Foam Nitrile Gloves, Medium, Dozen per Box. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyerstrust.
Ansell 64.98 38.55 86.79 ANS11800M.jpg work gloves, nitrile gloves, ansell gloves, hyflex nitrile gloves, ANS11800M, ANS11800M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
8744 Lagasse Compac Automatic Hand Dryer (BOB710) 8744 BOB 710 7.80 B-710 115V Bobrick Compac Automatic Electric Hand Dryer
Surface-mounted hand dryer with electronic sensor for “no-touch“ operation. Slim-width fits tight spaces. Molded, plastic cover, gray only. Not designed for vandal-prone washrooms. 115V, 15 amp, 1725 watts, 60 Hz. UL/CSA Listed. 10-13/16"wide x 5-3/16"deep x 10-15/16"high. Gray plastic cover.
Bobrick Compac Automatic Electric Hand Dryer, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Bobrick 292.91 223.41 387.36 BOB710.jpg bobrick, compac automatic hand dryer, BOB 710, BOB710, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 13
8747 Lagasse 14" Pizza Boxes, 50 Boxes (BOXPZCORB14) 8747 BOX PZCORB14 21.48 15935 14" Pizza Boxes
The essential tool for transporting pizza for delivery based restaurants and food service companies. These strong and durable standard pizza boxes are simple and easy to use and store. Measuring in at 14", these pizza boxes come 50 to a case, fold up easily for safe storage, and are simple to construct, ensuring a safe and sanitary way to transport food. Available for purchase any time of day or night via our online superstore, our sturdy 14 inch pizza boxes are an essential tool in food transportation.
Southern Champion Corrugated Fiberboard 14" Pizza Boxes, 14" x 14" X 2 1/2", 50 Boxes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. PIZZA BOX 32.00 20.80 42.03 BOXPZCORB14.jpg pizza boxes, 14 inch pizza boxes, pizza containers, takeout pizza containers, BOXPZCORB14, BOXPZCORB14, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 248
8748 Lagasse 16" Pizza Boxes, 50 Boxes (BOXPZCORB16) 8748 BOX PZCORB16 28.00 47582 16" Pizza Boxes
Perfect for transporting food for delivery based restaurants and food service companies, our line of strong and durable standard pizza boxes are simple and easy to use and store. These 16 inch pizza boxes come 50 to a case, fold up easily for safe storage, and are simple to construct, ensuring a safe and sanitary way to transport food. Available for purchase any time of day or night via our online superstore, our sturdy 16 inch pizza boxes are an essential tool in food transportation.
Southern Champion Corrugated Fiberboard 16" Pizza Boxes, 16" x 16" X 1-3/4", 50 Boxes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. PIZZA BOX 42.88 27.87 58.15 BOXPZCORB16.jpg pizza boxes, 18 inch pizza boxes, pizza containers, takeout pizza containers, BOX PZCORB16, BOXPZCORB16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 248
8749 Lagasse 18" Pizza Boxes, 50 Boxes (BOXPZCORB18) 8749 BOX PZCORB18 32.93 38954 18" Pizza Boxes
Perfect for transporting food for delivery based restaurants and food service companies, Southern Champion's line of strong and durable standard pizza boxes are simple and easy to use and store. These 18 inch pizza boxes come 50 to a case, fold up easily for safe storage, and are simple to construct, ensuring a safe and sanitary way to transport food. Available for purchase any time of day or night via our online superstore, our sturdy 18 inch pizza boxes are an essential tool in food transportation.
Southern Champion Corrugated Fiberboard 18" Pizza Boxes, 18" x 18" X 2 1/2", 50 Boxes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. PIZZA BOX 40.35 26.23 54.01 BOXPZCORB18.jpg pizza boxes, 18 inch pizza boxes, pizza containers, takeout pizza containers, BOX PZCORB18, BOXPZCORB18, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 248
8754 Lagasse Boardwalk 10" Hi-Impact Plastic Dinner Plate, 500 per Case (BWK1025IMPACT) 8754 BWK 1025IMPACT 22.00 MI10LAG 10" Hi-Impact Plastic Plate
This white, plastic dinnerware is durable and nonabsorbent. It is leak-proof and soak-proof. Your dinner is safe in this dinnerware, because it has deep proportions to avoid spillage. 4 packs of 125 plates. 500 per case.
Boardwalk 10" Hi-Impact Plastic Plate, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 83.07 63.36 108.48 BWK6IMPACT.jpg 10" plates, 10" plastic plate, hi-impact plastic dinnerware, BWK 1025IMPACT, BWK1025IMPACT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8755 Lagasse Hi-Impact 10" 3 Compartment Plastic Plates, 500 Plates (BWK1025IMPACT3C) 8755 BWK 1025IMPACT3C 22.00 MIC10LAG 10" 3-Compartment Plastic Plates
This plastic dinnerware is durable and nonabsorbent. It is leak-proof and soak-proof. And your dinner is safe in this dinnerware, because it has deep proportions to avoid spillage. White. 4 packs of 125 plates. 500 per case.
Boardwalk Hi-Impact 10" 3 Compartment Plastic Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 81.20 61.93 108.72 BWK1025IMPACT3C.jpg plastic plates, plastic 3 compartment plates, hi-impact plastic dinnerware, BWK 1025IMPACT3C, BWK1025IMPACT3C, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8756 Lagasse Boardwalk 10" Non-Laminated Foam Dinner Plate (BWK1025UNLAM) 8756 BWK 1025UNLAM 11.14 BWK1025UNLAM 10" Non-Laminated Foam Plate
Strong, nonabsorbent and leak-proof. Non-skid foam backing keeps dinnerware in place. Perfect for your next party or outdoor barbeque. Strong enough to hold a full portion of food. Ideal for hot or cold items. 4 packs of 135 plates. 540 plates per case.
Boardwalk 10" Plate, Non-Laminated Foam, White, 4 Packs of 135 Plates, 540 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 47.65 36.34 62.00 BWK1025UNLAM.jpg 10" foam plate, non-laminated foam dinnerware, BWK 1025UNLAM, BWK1025UNLAM, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8757 Lagasse Boardwalk 10" 3 Compartment Foam Dinner Plate (BWK1025UNLAM3C) 8757 BWK 1025UNLAM3C 11.33 BWK1025UNLAM3C 10-1/4" 3 Compartment Non-Laminated Foam Plate
Strong, nonabsorbent and leak-proof. Non-skid foam backing keeps dinnerware in place. Perfect for your next party or outdoor barbeque. Economical, yet strong enough to hold a full portion of food. Ideal for hot or cold items. 540 plates per case.
Boardwalk 10-1/4" 3 Compartment Non-Laminated Foam Plate, White, 4 Packs of 135 Plates, 540 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 50.74 35.45 68.88 huhvestry.jpg 3 compartment plate, foam dinner plate, 10 plates, three compartment foam plate, BWK 1025UNLAM3C, BWK1025UNLAM3C, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8758 Lagasse Boardwalk Hi-Impact Plastic 12-oz. Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (BWK12IMPACTBWL) 8758 BWK 12IMPACTBWL 15.75 YMIB12LAG Hi-Impact 12-oz. Plastic Bowls
This white plastic dinnerware is durable and nonabsorbent. It is leak-proof and soak-proof. And your dinner is safe in this dinnerware, because it has deep proportions to avoid spillage. 8 packs of 125 bowls. 1,000 per case.
Boardwalk Hi-Impact 12-oz. Plastic Bowls, White, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 68.76 51.17 89.94 BWK12IMPACTBWL.jpg 12 oz bowls, plastic dinnerware 12-oz. bowl, BWK 12IMPACTBWL, BWK12IMPACTBWL, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8759 Lagasse Boardwalk 12oz Unlaminated Foam Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (BWK12UNLAMBWL) 8759 BWK 12UNLAMBWL 7.47 BWK12UNLAMBWL 12-oz Non-Laminated Foam Bowls
Economical yet strong, nonabsorbent and leak-proof. Nonskid foam backing keeps dinnerware in place. Ideal for hot or cold items. White. 8 packs of 125 bowls. 1,000 bowls per case.
Boardwalk 12-oz Foam Bowls, White, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 28.31 21.59 38.10 BWK12UNLAMBWL.jpg foam bowls, 12 oz foam bowls, BWK 12UNLAMBWL, BWK12UNLAMBWL, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8760 Lagasse 7 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 20x22, 6mic, 2,000 Bags (BWK202206) 8760 BWK 202206 14.00 202206 7 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
6 micron trash bags offer a light duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, paper, drink cups, and similar light trash. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship, these clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. Created to conform easily to the shape of the trash can, these bags are designed and manufactured for consistency and reliability. Offering a combination of puncture resistance, load capacity and tear resistance when compared to low density trash bags, Boardwalk 7 gallon clear trash bags are the easy choice for any home or office.
Boardwalk 7 Gallon Trash Bags, 20x22, 6mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 40 Rolls, 2,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 34.43 22.76 46.70 BWK202206.jpg garbage bags, trash bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK202206, BWK 202206, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8761 Lagasse 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x23, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (BWK242306) 8761 BWK 242306 9.10 242306 8-10 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
These 6 micron trash bags are light duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, paper, drink cups, and similar light trash. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing.The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can.
Boardwalk 8-10 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x23, 6 mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 20.20 13.35 26.34 BWK242306.jpg garbage bags, trash bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK242306, BWK242306, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8762 Lagasse 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, 1,000 Bags (BWK243306) 8762 BWK 243306 12.60 243306 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. 6 micron trash bags are light duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, such as crumpled paper, cups and light waste. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 13-16 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x33, 6mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 50 Bags, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 27.93 18.46 36.40 BWK243306.jpg garbage bags, trash bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK 243306, BWK243306, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8763 Lagasse 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 24x33, 8mic, 1,000 Bags (BWK243308) 8763 BWK 243308 11.80 243308 13-16 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Perforated for easy dispensing and manufactured from prime resins for superior quality, Boardwalk's line of 13 - 16 gallon clear trash bags are the clear choice for the home or office. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, or school, these 8 micron trash bags are light duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects. Known as high density trash bags, these 13 to 16 gallon bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. Coming in clear plastic, these trash bags are packaged in rolls for easy dispensing. Designed and manufactured for consistency and reliability, these quality clear trash bags offer a great combination of quality and low cost.
Boardwalk 13-16 Gallon Trash Bags, 24x33, 8mic, Clear, 50 Bags per Roll, 20 Rolls, 1,000 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 34.63 22.89 45.20 BWK243308.jpg garbage bags, trash bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK 243308, BWK243308, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8764 Lagasse 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x37, 10mic, 500 Bags (BWK303710) 8764 BWK 303710 10.90 303710 30 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. 10 micron trash bags are medium duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, such as packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 30 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x37, 10mic, Clear, 20 Rolls of 25 Bags, 500 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 29.41 19.44 38.82 BWK303710.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, BWK 303710, BWK303710, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8765 Lagasse 32 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 30x34, 16mic, 250 Bags (BWK334016) 8765 BWK 334016 11.30 334016 32 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
16 micron trash bags are extra-heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, select these bags when trash is consistently heavy or wet. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Boardwalk 32 Gallon Trash Bags, 30x34, 16Mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 29.45 19.47 40.05 BWK334016.jpg garbage bags, trash bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK 334016, BWK334016, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8766 Lagasse Neutral Floor Cleaner (BWK340-4) 8766 BWK 340-4 38.90 17507195391 Cleans and restores shine. Great on marble, granite, natural stone and vinyl. Gallon bottle. 4 bottles per case. Boardwalk Paper 33.11 25.00 44.01 BWK3404.jpg Neutral Floor Cleaner BWK340-4, BWK3404, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8767 Lagasse Glass & Window Cleaner, 12 - 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottles (BWK341-12) 8767 BWK 341-12 30.60 15407195381 Glass and Window Cleaner
Boardwalk Glass and Window Cleaner provides superior quality, industrial strength, high foaming, non-ammoniated glass cleaning power. Offering high quality results at a low wholesale price, this heavy-bodied clinging foam contains oil-cutting detergents and degreasers that few formulas can match. Easily rids glass of dirt, film, grime, grease, bugs and smears, this quality cleaner contains no oils, waxes or silicone and leaves no streaky residue.
Boardwalk Glass & Window Cleaner, 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 26.54 17.14 34.77 BWK34112.jpg glass cleaner, window cleaner, glass and window cleaner, BWK341-12, BWK34112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8768 Lagasse Glass & Window Cleaner - Gallon Refill 4 (BWK341-4) 8768 BWK 341-4 36.90 15407195391 Industrial strength, high foaming, nonammoniated. Heavy-bodied clinging foam contains oil-cutting detergents and degreasers. Easily rids glass of dirt, film, grime, grease, bugs and smears. Contains no oils, waxes or silicones and leaves no streaky residu Boardwalk Paper 16.21 11.00 21.42 BWK3414.jpg Glass & Window Cleaner - Gallon Refill 4 BWK341-4, BWK3414, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8769 Lagasse Glass & Window Cleaner - 20-oz. Can 12 (BWK341-A) 8769 BWK 341-A 20.00 BWK 341-A Industrial strength, high foaming, nonammoniated. Heavy-bodied clinging foam contains oil-cutting detergents and degreasers. Easily rids glass of dirt, film, grime, grease, bugs and smears. Contains no oils, waxes or silicones and leaves no streaky residu Boardwalk Paper 26.54 19.42 35.17 BWK341A.jpg Glass & Window Cleaner - 20-oz. Can 12 BWK341-A, BWK341A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8770 Lagasse Boardwalk All-Purpose Cleaner, 6 - 32 oz. Trigger Sprayers per Case (BWK342-12) 8770 BWK 342-12 32.10 21507195381 All-Purpose Cleaner
Discount All-Purpose Cleaner, cuts through tough grease and grime, dirt and smudges. Great on most hard surfaces.
Boardwalk All-Purpose Cleaner, 6 - 32 oz. Trigger Spray Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 28.24 20.00 38.21 BWK34212.jpg all purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, all purpose cleaners, all-purpose cleaners, general purpose cleaner, general purpose cleaners, BWK 342-12, BWK34212, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8771 Lagasse Boardwalk All-Purpose Cleaner, 4 Gallons (BWK342-4) 8771 BWK 342-4 39.40 24587195391 Industrial Strength All-Purpose Cleaner
Discount all purpose cleaner, cuts through tough grease and grime, dirt and smudges. Great on most hard surfaces.
Boardwalk industrial Strength All-Purpose Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 20.41 15.00 27.10 BWK3424.jpg all purpose cleaner, all purpose cleaners, all-purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaners, general purpose cleaner, general purpose cleaners, BWK 342-4, BWK3424, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8772 Lagasse Boardwalk All-Purpose Foaming Cleaner with Ammonia, 12 cans per Case (BWK342-A) 8772 BWK 342-A 20.00 BWK 342-A All-Purpose Foaming Cleaner with Ammonia
Discount All-Purpose Foaming Cleaner with Ammonia Nonabrasive, fast-acting foam cleans dirt, grime and fingerprints from nonporous surfaces. Will not damage protective finishes. 20-oz. aerosol can—19-oz. net wt. 12 cans per case.
All-Purpose Foaming Cleaner with Ammonia, 20-oz. aerosol can—19-oz. net wt. 12 cans per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 33.51 25.56 44.15 BWK342A.jpg all-purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaners, all purpose cleaner, all purpose cleaners, general purpose cleaner, general purpose cleaners, all-purpose Foaming Cleaner with Ammonia BWK342-A, BWK342A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8773 Lagasse Boardwalk Industrial Strength Pine Cleaner, 4 Gallon Bottles (BWK343-4) 8773 BWK 343-4 37.30 20517195391 Concentrated Industrial Strength Pine Cleaner
Boardwalk Industrial Strength Pine Cleaner cuts tackles grease and grime fast. Quickly deodorize and eliminate unpleasant odors with the power of pine oil. The powerful pine scent provides a fresh and clean atmosphere after the job is done. Easily removes and cleans dirt, grease, and stains without leaving a sticky residue, Boardwalk's Industrial Strength Pine Cleaner is ideal for floors, kitchens, cafeterias, bathrooms, and other tough cleaning jobs. Works well on most hard surfaces. Coming in gallon bottles, and makes up to 64 gallons. 4 bottles per case.
Boardwalk Industrial Strength Pine Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 22.11 15.00 30.22 BWK3434.jpg pine cleaner, pine scented all purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, BWK343-4, BWK3434, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8774 Lagasse Boardwalk Heavy-Duty Degreaser, 4 Gallons (BWK344-4) 8774 BWK 344-4 38.90 22567195391 Boardwalk Heavy-Duty Degreaser
Specifically formulated to easily clean and remove oil-based grease spills and stains. Powerful and dilutable. Round gallon bottles. Each gallon makes over 12 gallons. 4 gallon bottles per case.
Boardwalk Heavy-Duty Degreaser, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 25.48 19.00 34.08 BWK3444.jpg cleaner degreaser, power degreaser, heavy duty degreaser, degreaser, BWK 344-4, BWK3444, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8775 Lagasse Boardwalk Bathroom Cleaner with Bleach, 12 - 32 oz Trigger Sprayers (BWK345-12) 8775 BWK 345-12 30.90 21597195381 Bathroom Cleaner with Bleach
Boardwalk Bathroom Cleaner, provides a high quality, industrial strength restroom cleaner, complete with bleach. Coming with the power to remove stubborn soap scum and greasy soils, this quality cleaner comes in an easy to use trigger spray bottle. Offering the ability to both clean and disinfect, while whitening with the power of bleach this high quality bathroom cleaner is the smart and economical choice. Delivering high quality results at a low and affordable cost, Boardwalk's restroom cleaner is a smart pick for those looking for the same high quality results, without the high priced costs. Coming in 32-oz. trigger sprayer bottles, Boardwalk Bathroom Cleaner with Bleach, comes 12 bottles to a case.
Boardwalk Bathroom Cleaner with Bleach, 32 oz Trigger Sprayer Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 27.07 19.39 35.91 BWK34512.jpg bathroom cleaner, bathroom cleaners, restroom cleaner, restroom cleaners, BWK 345-12, BWK34512, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8776 Lagasse Furniture Polish (BWK346-A) 8776 BWK 346-A 20.00 BWK 346-A Boardwalk Furniture Polish
Simply spray on then wipe away dirt, dust, smudges and fingerprints instantly without rubbing. Leaves a protective coating that resists dust, grime and water. Works great on furniture, Formica, woodwork, enameled surfaces, leather, vinyl, brass, chrome, stainless steel, marble, appliances and glass surfaces.
Boardwalk Furniture Polish, Lemon Scent, 20-oz Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 39.73 30.10 52.22 BWK346A.jpg furniture polish, BWK 346-A, BWK346A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8777 Lagasse Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish (BWK347-A) 8777 BWK 347-A 20.00 BWK 347-A Designed for use on stainless steel, chromium, aluminum, zinc, mild steel, brass, copper and silver. Acts to restore a brilliant, “like new“ shine, and leaves a protective coat to help resist tarnishing. 20-oz. can—15-oz. net wt. 12 cans per case. Boardwalk Paper 33.04 25.20 43.69 BWK347A.jpg Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish BWK347-A, BWK347A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8779 Lagasse Oven Cleaner (BWK350-A) 8779 BWK 350-A 20.00 BWK 350-A Penetrates through the toughest baked-on grease and carbonized soils for easy removal with less manual scrubbing. Use on pots, pans, cooking utensils, grills and other stainless steel surfaces. 20-oz. aerosol can—19-oz. net wt. 12 cans per case. Boardwalk Paper 58.02 30.98 75.65 BWK350A.jpg Oven Cleaner BWK350-A, BWK350A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8780 Lagasse Vandalism Mark Remover (BWK351-A) 8780 BWK 351-A 20.00 BWK 351-A Removes spray paint, scuff marks, pencil, ballpoint ink, permanent marker, crayon, lipstick, road tar and other oil- and solvent-based marks from restroom walls, public buildings, road signs, trucks and buses. 20-oz. can—16-oz. net wt. 12 cans per case. Boardwalk Paper 58.27 43.84 76.23 BWK351A.jpg Vandalism Mark Remover BWK351-A, BWK351A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8781 Lagasse Dust Mop Treatment, 20-oz Aerosol Cans (BWK352-A) 8781 BWK 352-A 20.00 BWK 352-A Boardwalk Dust Mop Treatment
Eliminates dust created when using push brooms. Use on dust mops to replace sweeping compounds. Will not damage floor or make floor slippery when sprayed lightly. Can be used to dust asphalt tile, linoleum, vinyl, asbestos, rubber, marble, ceramic, concrete, quarry tile, magnesite, cork and wood floors. 12 - 20 ounce aerosol cans per case.Boardwalk Dust Mop Treatment, 20-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 43.29 32.65 58.80 BWK352A.jpg dust mop treatment, BWK 352-A, BWK352A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8782 Lagasse Chewing Gum & Candle Wax Remover (BWK353-A) 8782 BWK 353-A 8.00 353-A Boardwalk Chewing Gum and Wax Remover
Freezes, then lifts gum or candle wax from tables, chairs, floors and nonporous surfaces. 12-oz. can—6-oz. net wt. 12 cans per case.
Boardwalk Chewing and Wax Remover, 12-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 53.68 28.66 71.86 BWK353A.jpg chewing gum and candle wax remover, BWK 353-A, BWK353A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8783 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x58, 14mic, 200 Bags (BWK385814) 8783 BWK 385814 12.50 385814 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Boarkwalk's line of economical commercial high density 60 gallon clear trash bags, work in almost any home or office environment. Coming in a 14 micron thickness these trash bags offer a heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. Coming in rolls for easy dispensing Boardwalk's line of 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags are the clear choice for the home or office. This high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x58, 14mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 26.97 17.83 35.97 BWK385814.jpg trash bags, can liners, BWK385814, BWK385814, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8784 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x58, 17mic, 200 Bags (BWK385817) 8784 BWK 385817 16.00 V7658HNKR02 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. 17 micron trash bags are extra heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can.
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x58, 17mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 37.43 24.74 51.06 BWK385817.jpg garbage bags, trash bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK385817, BWK385817, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8785 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 38x58, 17mic, 200 Bags (BWK385817BLK) 8785 BWK 385817BLK 16.00 V7658HKKR01 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags
An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. These black plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. 17 micron trash bags are extra heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can.
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 38x58, 17mic, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 38.42 25.40 51.38 BWK385817BLK.jpg 60 gallon black trash bags, 60 gallon trash bags, BWK385817BLK, BWK385817BLK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8786 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x58, 22mic, 150 Bags (BWK385822) 8786 BWK 385822 16.20 V7658ENKR01 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
22 micron trash bags are Super Heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x58, 22mic, Clear, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 38.93 25.73 51.40 BWK385822.jpg trash bags, can liners, , trash can liners, BWK385822, BWK385822, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8787 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 38x58, 22 mic, 150 Bags (BWK385822BLK) 8787 BWK 385822BLK 16.20 V7658EKKR01 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags
22 micron trash bags are super heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x58, 22mic, Black, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 37.97 25.10 51.46 BWK385822BLK.jpg 60 gallon black trash bags, 60 gallon trash bags, can liners, BWK385822BLK, BWK385822BLK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8788 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x58, 14mic, 200 Bags (BWK386014) 8788 BWK 386014 13.70 386014 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. 14 micron trash bags are heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x58, 14mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 32.45 21.45 42.52 BWK386014.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, BWK386014, BWK386014, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8789 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x58, 16mic, 200 Bags (BWK386016) 8789 BWK 386016 16.00 386016 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. 16 micron trash bags are extra heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing.
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x58, 16mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 39.48 26.10 52.54 BWK386016.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, BWK386016, BWK386016, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8790 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x46, 12mic, 250 Bags (BWK404612) 8790 BWK 404612 11.90 404612 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
12 micron trash bags are medium duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 12mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 25.55 16.89 34.38 BWK404612.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, BWK 404612, BWK404612, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8791 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x46, 14mic, 250 Bags (BWK404614) 8791 BWK 404614 13.10 404614 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
14 micron trash bags are heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 14 Micron, Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 30.83 20.38 41.78 BWK404614.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, garbage can liners, BWK 404614, BWK404614, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8792 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x46, 16mic, 250 Bags (BWK404616) 8792 BWK 404616 15.50 404616 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
16 micron trash bags are extra heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 16mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 35.95 23.77 48.93 BWK404616.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, BWK404616, BWK404616, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8793 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x46, 17mic, 250 Bags (BWK404617) 8793 BWK 404617 16.70 V8046HNKR01 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
Coming in a 17 micron thickness, these high quality, durable trash bags offer an extra heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can, and are conveniently packaged in perforated rolls for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship, these 45 gallon bags are great for any home or office.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 17mic, Clear, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 39.06 25.82 51.74 BWK404617.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, BWK 404617, BWK404617, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8794 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 40x46, 17mic, 250 Bags (BWK404617BLK) 8794 BWK 404617BLK 16.70 V8046HKKR01 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags
An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. These black plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. 17 micron trash bags are extra heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 17mic, Black, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 39.06 25.82 51.86 BWK404617BLK.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, BWK404617BLK, BWK404617BLK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8795 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x46, 22mic, 150 Bags (BWK404622) 8795 BWK 404622 13.60 V8046ENKR01 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
22 micron trash bags are super heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 22mic, Clear, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 31.47 20.80 42.04 BWK404612.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, BWK404622, BWK404622, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8796 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 40x46, 22mic, 150 Bags (BWK404622BLK) 8796 BWK 404622BLK 13.60 V8046EKKR01 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags
22 micron trash bags are super heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x46, 22mic, Black, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 30.63 20.25 40.67 BWK404622BLK.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, BWK404622BLK, BWK404622BLK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8797 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x47, 17mic, 200 Bags (BWK434717) 8797 BWK 434717 14.60 V8647HNKR01 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
17 micron trash bags are extra heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Boardwalk 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x47, 17mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 33.69 22.27 44.26 BWK434717.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, BWK434717, BWK434717, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8798 Lagasse 56 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 43x47, 17mic, 200 Bags (BWK434717BLK) 8798 BWK 434717BLK 14.60 V8647HKKR01 56 Gallon Black Trash Bags
Boardwalk's line of 56 gallon black trash bags are designed for easy bag dispensing. Designed and manufactured for consistency and reliability, these quality black trash bags offer an better combination of puncture resistance, load capacity and tear resistance when compared to low density trash bags. Thinner than low density can liners, but can hold the same or greater weight. Durable and reliable, these quality can liners offer better puncture resistance and load capacity when compared to low density trash bags.
Boardwalk 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x47, 17mic, Black, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 32.90 21.75 42.96 BWK434717BLK.jpg 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 56 Gallon Trash Bags, can liners, BWK434717BLK, BWK434717BLK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8799 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x47, 22mic, 150 Bags (BWK434722) 8799 BWK 434722 14.90 V8647ENKR01 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
22 micron trash bags are super heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Boardwalk 56 Gallon Trash Bags, High Density, 43x47, 22mic, Clear, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 35.82 23.68 48.51 BWK434722.jpg trash bags, can liners, BWK 434722, BWK434722, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8800 Lagasse 56 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 43x47, 22mic, 150 Bags (BWK434722BLK) 8800 BWK 434722BLK 14.90 V8647EKKR01 56 Gallon Black Trash Bags
22 micron trash bags are super heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Boardwalk 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x47, 22mic, Black, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 33.58 22.20 44.71 BWK434722BLK.jpg 56 gallon trash bags, 56 gallon black trash bags, BWK434722BLK, BWK434722BLK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8801 Lagasse 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 33x39, 1.5mil, 100 Bags (BWK516) 8801 BWK 516 10.30 X6639SKKR01 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags - Recycled Content
1.5 mil garbage bags are super-duty capacity for loads of sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. Meets government guidelines for recycled garbage can liners.
Boardwalk 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 1.5mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 18.57 12.28 24.38 BWK516.jpg garbage bags, trash bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK516, BWK516, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8802 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x46, 1.2mil, 100 Bags (PNL517) 8802 PNL 517 14.70 X8046SKKR01 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
1.5mil garbage bags are super-duty capacity for loads of sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. Meets government guidelines for recycled garbage can liners.
Penny Lane 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 1.2mil, Black, 10 Rolls of 10 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Penny Lane 23.64 15.62 32.20 BWK517.jpg garbage bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, PNL 517, PNL517, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 152
8803 Lagasse 56 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 43x47, 1.5mil, 100 Bags (BWK518) 8803 BWK 518 16.20 X8647SKKR01 56 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
1.5 mil garbage bags are super-duty capacity for loads of sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. Meets government guidelines for recycled garbage can liners.
Boardwalk 56 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 1.5mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 29.13 19.26 38.32 BWK518.jpg garbage bags, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK518, BWK518, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8804 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x58, 1.5mil, 100 Bags (BWK519) 8804 BWK 519 17.60 X7658SKKR01 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
Boardwalk 1.5 mil garbage bags are super-duty capacity for loads of sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. Meets government guidelines for recycled garbage can liners.
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Garbage Bags 38x58, 1.5mil, Black, 4 Rolls of 25 Bags, 100 Garbage Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 33.45 22.11 44.70 BWK519.jpg garbage bags, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK519, BWK519, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8805 Lagasse 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 33x39, 2.0mil, 100 Bags (BWK520) 8805 BWK 520 13.70 X6639XKKR01 33 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
These 2.0mil garbage bags are super heavy duty capacity for loads of sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. Meets government guidelines for recycled garbage can liners.
Boardwalk 33 Gallon Garbage Bags, 33x39, 2.0mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 26.14 17.28 34.83 BWK520.jpg garbage bags, trash bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK520, BWK520, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8806 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x46, 2.0mil, 100 Bags (BWK521) 8806 BWK 521 19.60 X8046XKKR01 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
2.0 mil garbage bags are super heavy duty capacity for loads of sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. Meets government guidelines for recycled garbage can liners.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 2.0mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 35.13 23.22 46.27 BWK521.jpg garbage bags, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK521, BWK521, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8807 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 43x47, 2.0mil, 100 Bags (BWK522) 8807 BWK 522 21.60 X8647XKKR01 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
2.0 mil garbage bags are super heavy duty capacity for loads of sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. Meets government guidelines for recycled garbage can liners.
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 43x47, 2.0mil, Black, 4 Rolls of 25 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 38.85 25.68 51.56 BWK522.jpg garbage bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK522, BWK522, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8808 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x58, 2.0mil, 100 Bags (BWK523) 8808 BWK 523 23.50 X7658XKKR01 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
2.0 mil garbage bags are super heavy duty capacity for loads of sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. Meets government guidelines for recycled garbage can liners
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58, 2.0mil, Black, 4 Rolls of 25 Bags, 100 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 42.20 27.89 57.65 BWK523.jpg garbage bags, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK523, BWK523, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8809 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x58, 2.4mil, 100 Bags (BWK526) 8809 BWK 526 29.40 X7658QKKR01 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
2.4 mil garbage bags are super heavy duty capacity for loads of sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. Meets government guidelines for recycled garbage can liners.
Boardwalk 60 Gallon Garbage Bags 38x58, 2.4mil, Black, 4 Rolls of 25 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 53.05 35.07 70.23 BWK526.jpg garbage bags, trash bags, can liners, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK526, BWK526, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8811 Lagasse Boardwalk 6" Hi-Impact Plastic Plate, 1,000 Plates (BWK6IMPACT) 8811 BWK 6IMPACT 18.75 YMI6LAG 6" Hi-Impact Plastic Plate
This white, plastic dinnerware is durable and nonabsorbent. It is leak-proof and soak-proof. Your food is safe in this dinnerware, because it has deep proportions to avoid spillage. 8 packs of 125 plates. 1000 per case.
Boardwalk 6" Hi-Impact Plastic Plate, White, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1000 Plates per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 61.71 47.07 80.86 BWK6IMPACT.jpg 6" plastic plate, 6 inch plate, hi-impact plastic dinnerware, BWK 6IMPACT, BWK6IMPACT, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8812 Lagasse Boardwalk 6" Non-Laminated Foam Plate, 1,000 Plates (BWK6UNLAM) 8812 BWK 6UNLAM 5.62 BWK6UNLAM 6" Non-Laminated Foam Plate
Strong ,nonabsorbent and leak-proof. Non-skid foam backing keeps dinnerware in place. Great for your next party or outdoor barbeque. Ideal for hot or cold items. 8 packs of 125 plates. 1000 plates per case.
Boardwalk 6" Non-Laminated Foam Plate, White, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 29.50 19.90 39.34 BWK6UNLAM.jpg 6" foam plate, 6 inch plate, foam plates, BWK 6UNLAM, BWK6UNLAM, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8813 Lagasse Tall Fold Dispenser Napkins, 10,000 Napkins (BWK8302) 8813 BWK 8302 24.00 BWK 8302 Boardwalk Tallfold Dispenser Napkins
Direct from Boardwalk, these quality quilted napkins are great for keeping faces, hands and clothes clean. These high quality paper napkins are great for use in homes, bars, and restaurants. Providing super absorbency, For long napkins for tall dispensers. 1 Ply White. 12" x 7" actual napkin size. 500 napkins per pack. 20 packs (10,000 napkins) per case.
Boardwalk Tallfold Dispenser Napkins, 1 Ply White, 500 Napkins per Pack, 20 Packs, 10,000 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 30.85 23.06 42.10 BWK8302.jpg tall fold dispenser napkins, BWK 8302, BWK8302, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8814 Lagasse Boardwalk 1/4-Fold Paper Napkins, 1 Ply, 3,000 Napkins (BWK8307) 8814 BWK 8307 26.00 BWK 8307 Paper Dinner Napkins
Economical dinner napkins offer reliable performance at a value price. Wider napkins to suit the evening meal. Rolls are made with an elementally free chlorine process. 40% post-consumer and 100% total recovered content. 1 Ply, 17" x 17", 12 packs of 250 napkins each.
Boardwalk Paper Dinner Napkins, 1/4-Fold, 250 Napkins per Pack, 12 Packs, 3,000 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 33.17 25.30 43.13 BWK8307.jpg paper dinner napkins, BWK 8307, BWK8307, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8815 Lagasse Boardwalk Dinner Napkins, 2-Ply, White, 3,000 Napkins (BWK8308) 8815 BWK 8308 35.00 BWK 8308 Boardwalk Paper Dinner Napkins
Great for food service environments, as well as residential homes, these super absorbent napkins are perfect for any occasion. Completely bleed-resistant, these quality white cocktail napkins are the ideal beverage napkin. Economical dinner napkins offer reliable performance at a value price. Wider napkins to suit the evening meal. Made with an elementally free chlorine process. 40% post-consumer and 100% total recovered content. 15" x 17" white. 30 packs of 100 napkins per case.
Boardwalk Paper Dinner Napkins, White, 100 Napkins, 30 Packs, 3,000 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 43.52 33.19 58.64 BWK8308.jpg dinner napkins, BWK 8308, BWK8308, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8816 Lagasse 1/4 Folded Luncheon Napkins, 6,000 Napkins (BWK8310) 8816 BWK 8310 28.60 BWK 8310 1/4 Fold Luncheon Napkins
Stay within budget with these excellent luncheon napkins. Absorbent paper provides high-quality performance. Made with an elementally free chlorine process. 40% post-consumer and 100% total recovered content. 1 ply, white, 11" x 13" napkin size.
Boardwalk 1/4 Fold Luncheon Napkins, 500 Napkins per Pack, 12 Packs, 6,000 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 33.19 24.88 44.57 BWK8310.jpg luncheon napkins, BWK 8310, BWK8310, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 0 1 123
8818 Lagasse Low-Fold Mini Dispenser Napkins, 8,000 Napkins (BWK8316) 8818 BWK 8316 17.80 BWK 8316 Low-fold Dispenser Napkins
Direct from Boardwalk, these quality quilted napkins are great for use in homes, bars, and restaurants. Providing super absorbency, Boardwalk napkins are great for keeping faces, hands and clothes clean. Napkins for low fold dispensers. These napkins are made with an elementally free chlorine process. 40% post-consumer and 100% total recovered content. White. 7" x 12" actual napkin size. 400 napkins per pack. 20 packs (8,000 napkins) per case.
Boardwalk Low-fold Dispenser Napkins, White, 400 Napkins per Pack, 20 Packs, 8,000 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 26.89 19.70 35.34 BWK8316.jpg low fold mini dispenser napkins, BWK 8316, BWK8316, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8819 Lagasse Boardwalk Beverage Napkins, White, 4,000 Napkins (BWK8317) 8819 BWK 8317 10.00 BWK 8317 Beverage Napkins
Perfect for bars, restaurants, catering and more, Boardwalk Beverage Napkins are great for any food service environment. These high quality discount beverage napkins come in neatly folded squares for cocktails and other drinks. Coming in a one-ply variety, these white drink napkins measure in at 9.5" x 9" actual napkin size. Coming 500 napkins per pack, and 8 packs per case, this item comes 4,000 napkins per case in total.
Boardwalk Beverage Napkins, White, 500 Napkins per Pack, 8 Packs, 4,000 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 15.02 11.45 20.38 BWK8317.jpg napkin, napkins, beverage napkins, white napkins, beverage napkin, BWK 8317, BWK8317, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8820 Lagasse Boardwalk 9" Hi-Impact Plastic Plate, 500 Plates (BWK9IMPACT) 8820 BWK 9IMPACT 15.20 MI9LAG 9" Hi-Impact Plastic Plate
This white, plastic dinnerware is durable and nonabsorbent. It is leak-proof and soak-proof. Your dinner is safe in this dinnerware, because it has deep proportions to avoid spillage. 4 packs of 125 plates. 500 per case.
Boardwalk 9" Hi-Impact Plastic Plate, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 59.20 45.15 81.09 BWK6IMPACT.jpg plastic plate, 9" plastic plate, 9 inch plate, BWK 9IMPACT, BWK9IMPACT, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8821 Lagasse Boardwalk 9" Unlaminated Foam Plates, 500 Plates (BWK9UNLAM) 8821 BWK 9UNLAM 6.21 BWK9UNLAM 9" Unlaminated Foam Plates
Strong, nonabsorbent and leak-proof. Nonskid foam backing keeps dinnerwear in place. Perfect for your next party or outdoor barbeque. Strong enough to hold a full portion of food. Ideal for hot or cold items. White. 4 packs of 125 plates. 500 plates per case.
Boardwalk 9" Plate Non-Laminated Foam Dinnerware, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 25.25 19.26 32.87 BWK9UNLAM.jpg foam plates, 9" foam dinnerware, BWK 9UNLAM, BWK9UNLAM, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8822 Lagasse Boardwalk 9" Foam 3 Compartment Plates, 500 Plates (BWK9UNLAM3C) 8822 BWK 9UNLAM3C 6.84 BWK9UNLAM3C 9" 3 Compartment Non-Laminated Foam Plates
Strong, nonabsorbent and leak-proof. Nonskid foam backing keeps dinnerware in place. Perfect for your next party or outdoor barbeque, these 9” 3 compartment plates are strong enough to hold a full portion of food. Ideal for hot or cold items, these foam dinnerware plates are constructed out of highly durable material for superior strength. Known as disposable dinnerware that can be relied on. White. 500 plates per case.
Boardwalk 9" 3 Compartment Foam Plates, White, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 25.48 19.43 34.88 BWK9UNLAM3C.jpg 9" foam plates, uncoated foam plates, 9" round foam plates, 9 inch diameter foam plates, BWK 9UNLAM3C, BWK9UNLAM3C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8823 Lagasse Plant Starch Cutlery - Knife (BWKBXKNIFE) 8823 BWK BXKNIFE 9.07 BWK BXKNIFE Made primarily with renewable plant starch materials. It is an excellent choice for hot foods and liquids with a heat tolerance up to 200 degrees. The 7-in. size and reinforced handle provide extra strength for any foods. Plant starch cutlery is not compo Boardwalk Paper 31.64 23.00 41.21 BWKBXKNIFE.jpg Plant Starch Cutlery - Knife BWKBXKNIFE, BWKBXKNIFE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
8824 Lagasse Plant Starch Cutlery - Spoon (BWKBXSPOON) 8824 BWK BXSPOON 8.48 BWK BXSPOON Made primarily with renewable plant starch materials. It is an excellent choice for hot foods and liquids with a heat tolerance up to 200 degrees. The 7-in. size and reinforced handle provide extra strength for any foods. Plant starch cutlery is not compo Boardwalk Paper 31.69 23.00 42.32 BWKBXSPOON.jpg Plant Starch Cutlery - Spoon BWKBXSPOON, BWKBXSPOON, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
8825 Lagasse Full Size Steam Pan Lid (BWKLIDSTEAMFL) 8825 BWK LIDSTEAMFL 7.50 2050-00-50BW Boardwalk Full Size Foil Lid
Steam table pans lids combine the strength, durability and economy of aluminum foil. Keeps food warm and secure. Makes reheating and transportation convenient. Minimizes spills and leakages. Economical and recyclable.
Boardwalk Full Size Foil Lid, 50 Steam Pan Lids per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 23.47 17.77 30.96 BWKLIDSTEAMFL.jpg full size steam table pan lids, BWK LIDSTEAMFL, BWKLIDSTEAMFL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8826 Lagasse Half Size Steam Pan Lid (BWKLIDSTEAMHF) 8826 BWK LIDSTEAMHF 5.50 2049-00-100BW Boardwalk Half Size Foil Lid
Steam table pans lids combine the strength, durability and economy of aluminum foil. Keeps food warm and secure. Makes reheating and transportation convenient. Minimizes spills and leakages. Economical and recyclable.
Boardwalk Half Size Foil Lid, 100 steam Pan Lids per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 20.76 15.83 27.08 BWKLIDSTEAMHF.jpg half size steam pan lid, BWK LIDSTEAMHF, BWKLIDSTEAMHF, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8827 Lagasse Round Aluminum Containers - 7-in. Round (BWKROUND7) 8827 BWK ROUND7 9.93 2047-00-500BW Accommodates a variety of food types and temperatures. Recyclable containers at a value price. Boardwalk Paper 35.22 25.26 46.87 BWKROUND7.jpg Round Aluminum Containers - 7-in. Round BWKROUND7, BWKROUND7, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
8828 Lagasse Round Aluminum Containers - 9-in. Round (BWKROUND9) 8828 BWK ROUND9 16.37 2046-00-500BW Accommodates a variety of food types and temperatures. Recyclable containers at a value price. Boardwalk Paper 65.48 49.94 89.23 BWKROUND9.jpg Round Aluminum Containers - 9-in. Round BWKROUND9, BWKROUND9, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
8829 Lagasse Full Size Steam Table Pan Deep (BWKSTEAMFLDP) 8829 BWK STEAMFLDP 14.50 2019-00-50BW Boardwalk Full Size Aluminum Pan
Prepare, heat, refrigerate, ship and serve in the same pan. Steam table pans combine the strength, durability and economy of aluminum foil. Ideal for multiple uses. Economical and recyclable. More sanitary than permanentware.
Boardwalk Full Size Aluminum Pan, 50 Steam Table Pans per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 44.84 34.20 60.74 BWKSTEAMFLDP.jpg full size steam table pans, BWK STEAMFLDP, BWKSTEAMFLDP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8830 Lagasse Half Size Steam Table Pan Deep (BWKSTEAMHFDP) 8830 BWK STEAMHFDP 8.06 321-00-100BW Boardwalk Half Size Aluminum Pan
Prepare, heat, refrigerate, ship and serve in the same pan. Steam table pans combine the strength, durability and economy of aluminum foil. Ideal for multiple uses. Economical and recyclable. More sanitary than permanentware.
Boardwalk Half Size Aluminum Pan, 50 per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 29.69 22.64 40.12 BWKSTEAMFLDP.jpg half size steam table pan, BWK STEAMHFDP, BWKSTEAMHFDP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8834 Lagasse Boardwalk 20oz Plastic Flat Lids, 1,020 Lids (BWKYLP-20C) 8834 BWK YLP-20C 8.25 YLP20C Produced from widely accepted type-1 PET plastic resin. Lightweight; 100% recyclable: Extensive U.S. Recycling Structure. Boardwalk Paper 53.81 38.69 71.12 BWKYLP20C.jpg Plastic Flat Lids - BWK YP-1214C, BWK 20CC BWKYLP-20C, BWKYLP20C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8835 Lagasse Plastic Flat Lids - BWK YP-160C (BWKYLP-24C) 8835 BWK YLP-24C 9.00 YLP24C Produced from widely accepted type-1 PET plastic resin. Lightweight; 100% recyclable: Extensive U.S. Recycling Structure. Boardwalk Paper 50.73 38.69 67.61 BWKYLP20C.jpg Plastic Flat Lids - BWK YP-160C BWKYLP-24C, BWKYLP24C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8836 Lagasse 1-oz. Clear Portion Cup Lid, 2,500 Lids (BWKYLS-1FR) 8836 BWK YLS-1FR 4.75 YLS-1FR-LAG 1 oz. Clear Portion Cup Lid
Made with 100% recyclable PET plastic resin. Clear plastic minimizes the potential for content confusion. Snap tight fit helps eliminate in-transit leaks and spills. Ideal fit for Boardwalk 1 ounce portion cups. 125 lids per bag. 20 bags per case.
Boardwalk Clear Portion Cup Lid for 1-oz. Portion Cups, 20 Bags of 125 Lids, 2,500 Lids per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 39.92 29.88 52.82 BWKYLS1FR.jpg clear portion cup lids, BWKYLS-1FR, BWKYLS1FR, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8837 Lagasse 2-oz. Clear Portion Cup Lid, 2,500 Lids (BWKYLS-2FR) 8837 BWK YLS-2FR 8.20 YLS-2FR-LAG 2 oz. Clear Portion Cup Lid
Made with 100% recyclable PET plastic resin. Clear plastic minimizes the potential for content confusion. Snap tight fit helps eliminate in-transit leaks and spills. Ideal fit for Boardwalk 2 ounce portion cups. 100 lids per bag. 24 bags per case.
Boardwalk Clear Portion Cup Lid for 2-oz. Portion Cups, 24 Bags of 100 Lids, 2,400 Lids per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 40.78 30.33 55.82 BWKYLS2FR.jpg 2-oz. clear portion cup lid, BWK YLS-2FR, BWKYLS2FR, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8838 Lagasse Clear Portion Cup Lid for 3.25 and 4 oz. Portion Cups, 2,400 Lids (BWKYLS-3FR) 8838 BWK YLS-3FR 11.25 YLS-3FR-LAG 3.25 and 4 oz. Clear Portion Cup Lid
Made with 100% recyclable PET plastic resin. Clear plastic minimizes the potential for content confusion. Snap tight fit helps eliminate in-transit leaks and spills. Ideal fit for Boardwalk 3.25 ounce portion and 4 ounce cups. 120 lids per bag. 20 bags per case.
Boardwalk Clear Portion Cup Lid for 2-oz. Portion Cups, 20 Bags of 120 Lids, 2,400 Lids per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 59.91 45.69 81.43 BWKYLS3FR.jpg Souffl - 31/4-, 4-oz. 120 20 BWKYLS-3FR, BWKYLS3FR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8839 Lagasse Clear Lid for 5.5-oz Portion Cup, 2,500 Lids (BWKYLS-5FR) 8839 BWK YLS-5FR 14.75 YLS-5FR-LAG 5.5 oz. Clear Portion Cup Lid
Made with 100% recyclable PET plastic resin. Clear plastic minimizes the potential for content confusion. Snap tight fit helps eliminate in-transit leaks and spills. Ideal fit for Boardwalk 5.5 ounce portion cups. 125 lids per bag. 20 bags per case.
Boardwalk Clear Portion Cup Lid for 5.5-oz. Portion Cups, 20 Bags of 125 Lids, 2,500 Lids per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 77.14 58.65 104.88 BWKYLS3FR.jpg Plastic Soufflé/Portion Lids BWKYLS-5FR, BWKYLS5FR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8840 Lagasse Boardwalk 10-oz. Clear PET Plastic Cups, 900 Cups (BWKYP-10C) 8840 BWK YP-10C 21.25 YP-10C-LAG 10oz Clear PET Plastic Cups
Disposable, crystal clear and shatter-resistant cups provide an economical, low-maintenance option for serving beverages. Produced from widely accepted type-1 PET plastic resin. Lightweight; 100% recyclable: Extensive U.S. Recycling Structure. 20 bags of 45 cups. 900 per case. Boardwalk 10oz Clear Plastic Cups, 20 Bags of 45 Cups, 900 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 85.64 65.32 112.83 BWKYP10C.jpg clear plastic cups, BWK YP-10C, BWKYP10C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8841 Lagasse Boardwalk 12-14 oz. Clear PET Plastic Cups, 540 Cups (BWKYP-1214C) 8841 BWK YP-1214C 17.60 YP-1214C-LAG 12 - 14 oz Clear PET Plastic Cups
Disposable, crystal clear and shatter-resistant cups provide an economical, low-maintenance option for serving beverages. Produced from widely accepted type-1 PET plastic resin. Lightweight; 100% recyclable: Extensive U.S. Recycling Structure. Boardwalk 12 - 14 oz Clear PET Plastic Cups, 9 Bags of 60 Cups, 540 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 56.56 41.92 73.69 BWKYP160C.jpg clear plastic cups, BWK YP-1214C, BWKYP1214C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8842 Lagasse Boardwalk 16 oz. Clear PET Plastic Cups, 700 Cups (BWKYP-160C) 8842 BWK YP-160C 27.25 YP-160C-LAG Boardwalk 16 oz. Clear PET Plastic Cups
Disposable, crystal clear and shatter-resistant cups provide an economical, low-maintenance option for serving beverages. Produced from widely accepted type-1 PET plastic resin. Lightweight; 100% recyclable: Extensive U.S. Recycling Structure. Boardwalk 16 oz. Clear Plastic Cups, 10 Bags of 70 Cups, 700 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 77.87 55.45 102.69 BWKYP160C.jpg clear plastic cups, BWK YP-160C, BWKYP160C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8843 Lagasse Small Crystal-Clear Sundae/Cold Cup Dome Lid, 900 Lids (BWKYPDL-20C) 8843 BWK YPDL-20C 9.00 YPDL20C Small Crystal-Clear Sundae/Cold Cup Dome Lids
Open-top dome design accommodates both spoons and straws, making these lids ideal for both ice cream treats and cold beverages. Crystal-clear plastic provides an attractive, appealing look. Tall walls and snap-tight fit minimize the potential for spills. Fits 5 ounce sundae cups and also 9, 12, 14 and 20 ounce cold cups. 12 sleeves of 75 lids, 900 per case.
Boardwalk Crystal-Clear Sundae/Cold Cup Dome Lids, 12 Sleeves of 75 Lids, 900 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 73.49 55.88 97.88 BWKYPDL-20C.jpg crystal-clear sundae/cold cup dome lids, BWK YPDL-20C, BWKYPDL20C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8844 Lagasse Large Crystal-Clear Sundae/Cold Cup Dome Lid, 900 Lids (BWKYPDL-24C) 8844 BWK YPDL-24C 9.25 YPDL24C Large Crystal-Clear Sundae/Cold Cup Dome Lids
Open-top dome design accommodates both spoons and straws, making these lids ideal for both ice cream treats and cold beverages. Crystal-clear plastic provides an attractive, appealing look. Tall walls and snap-tight fit minimize the potential for spills. Fits Boardwalk 12oz Sundae cup and also 16 and 24oz cold cups. 12 sleeves of 75 lids, 900 per case.
Boardwalk Crystal-Clear Sundae/Cold Cup Dome Lids, 12 Sleeves of 75 Lids, 900 per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 73.50 55.88 98.01 BWKYPDL-24C.jpg crystal-clear sundae/cold cup dome lids, BWK YPDL-24C, BWKYPDL24C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8845 Lagasse 1-oz Translucent Plastic Portion Cups, 5,000 Cups (BWKYS-100) 8845 BWK YS-100 17.00 YS-100-LAG 1-oz Plastic Portion Cups
These Boardwalk portion cups are made of high quality plastic. Their translucent quality let's you see what's inside. Economical and low-maintenance, with no clean up. The perfect choice for condiments on takeout orders, don't forget to include lids with your order (sold separately). 1-oz. size, 25 bags of 200 cups. 5000 cups per case.
Boardwalk 1-oz. Soufflé Cups, Translucent Plastic, 25 Bags of 200 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 78.67 58.12 102.40 BWKYS100.jpg portion cups, BWKYS-100, BWKYS100, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8846 Lagasse 2-oz. Translucent Plastic Portion Cup, 2,400 Cups (BWKYS-200) 8846 BWK YS-200 12.90 YS-200-LAG 2-oz Plastic Portion Cups
These Boardwalk portion cups are made of high quality plastic. Their translucent quality let's you see what's inside. Economical and low-maintenance, with no clean up. The perfect choice for condiments on takeout orders, don't forget to include lids with your order (sold separately). 2-oz. size, 12 bags of 200 cups. 2,400 cups per case.
Boardwalk 2-oz. Soufflé Cups, Translucent Plastic, 12 Sleeves of 200 Cups, 2,400 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 39.46 30.10 51.30 BWKYS200.jpg Plastic Souffl - 2-oz. 200 12 BWKYS-200, BWKYS200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8847 Lagasse 2-oz Black Plastic Portion Cup, 2,400 Cups (BWKYS-200E) 8847 BWK YS-200E 12.90 YS-200E-LAG 2-oz Black Plastic Portion Cups
These Boardwalk portion cups are made of high quality plastic. Economical and low-maintenance, with no clean up. The perfect choice for condiments on takeout orders, don't forget to include lids with your order (sold separately). 2-oz. size, 12 bags of 200 cups. 2,400 cups per case.
Boardwalk 2-oz. Soufflé Cups, Black Plastic, 12 Sleeves of 200 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 41.67 31.78 54.93 BWKYS200E.jpg Plastic Souffl - 4-oz. 200 12 BWKYS-200E, BWKYS200E, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8848 Lagasse 3.25-oz. Translucent Plastic Portion Cup, 2,400 Cups (BWKYS-300) 8848 BWK YS-300 18.75 YS-300-LAG 3.25-oz. Plastic Portion Cups
These Boardwalk portion cups are made of high quality plastic. Their translucent quality let's you see what's inside. Economical and low-maintenance, with no clean up. The perfect choice for condiments on takeout orders, don't forget to include lids with your order (sold separately). 3.25-oz. size, 12 bags of 200 cups. 2,400 cups per case.
Boardwalk 3.25-oz. Soufflé Cups, Translucent Plastic, 12 Sleeves of 200 Cups, 2,400 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 79.14 52.49 108.37 BWKYS300.jpg Plastic Souffl - 31/4-oz. 200 12 BWKYS-300, BWKYS300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8849 Lagasse 4-oz. Translucent Plastic Portion Cups, 2,400 Cups (BWKYS-400) 8849 BWK YS-400 18.75 YS-400-LAG 4-oz Plastic Portion Cups
These Boardwalk portion cups are made of high quality plastic. Their translucent quality let's you see what's inside. Economical and low-maintenance, with no clean up. The perfect choice for condiments on takeout orders, don't forget to include lids with your order (sold separately). 4-oz. size, 12 bags of 200 cups. 2,400 cups per case.
Boardwalk 4-oz. Soufflé Cups, Translucent Plastic, 12 Sleeves of 200 Cups, 2,400 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 105.00 56.06 143.76 BWKYS400.jpg Plastic Souffl - 4-oz. 200 12 BWKYS-400, BWKYS400, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
8852 Lagasse Parsons' Ammonia All-Purpose Cleaner, 9 Bottles (CDC3320084857) 8852 CDC 3320084857 36.00 84857 All-Purpose Cleaner
Useful for light, general cleaning or tough jobs in diluted or full-strength form. Cleans sinks, counter-tops, bathroom/shower stalls, mirrors, walls, toilets, garbage disposals, tile, woodwork, scuff marks, floor wax buildup and a myriad of washable surfaces.
Arm & Hammer Parsons' Ammonia All-Purpose Cleaner, Lemon Scent, 56-oz Bottle, 9 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Arm And Hammer 29.13 22.22 38.59 CDC3320084857.jpg parsons' ammonia all-purpose cleaner, CDC 33200-84857, CDC3320084857, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 7
8857 Lagasse GLAD Cling Wrap, 12 - 200 ft Rolls per Case (CLO00020) 8857 CLO 00020 8.70 00020 GLAD Cling Wrap
GLAD brings you the best in food storage solutions. GLAD cling wrap clings tightly to help keep food fresh. Easy-to-handle and microwave safe. Defrost or reheat with this versatile wrap. GLAD Cling Wrap contains no plasticizer.
GLAD Cling Wrap, 200 ft per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 35.60 27.15 48.32 CLO00020.jpg glad, cling wrap, glad cling wrap, glad plastic wrap, glad cling wrap, CLO 00020, CLO00020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8858 Lagasse Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 12 Tablets (CLO00946) 8858 CLO 00946 3.50 00946 Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner
A fresh clean in one easy to use tablet. Clean and deodorize your toilet bowl with the power of Clorox bleach. Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner helps prevent tough stains and keeps your toilet properly maintained between regular cleanings. Every flush prevents the build-up of stains, for a cleaner and brighter toilet bowl. Cleaner that bleaches with every flush. Kills 99.9% of common germs in toilet bowl water. Use with standard tank systems only. 3.5-oz. each. 2 per pack. 6 packs per case.
Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner w/ Bleach, 3.5-oz Tablet, 2 Tablets per Pack, 6 Packs, 12 Tablets per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 37.51 28.61 49.13 CLO00946.jpg clorox, toilet bowl cleaner, automatic toilet bowl cleaner, clorox automatic toilet bowl cleaner, CLO00946, CLO00946, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8859 Lagasse Clorox Germicidal Wipes, 2 Containers (CLO30358) 8859 CLO 30358 14.50 30358 Clorox Germicidal Wipes
Keep sterile environments clean and germ free with these EPA compliant germicidal wipes. Larger 12 x 12 size utilizes maximum coverage, ideal for patient checkout, schools and healthcare centers. Convenient bucket refill system eliminates waste. Large, extra strong wipe for powerful cleaning. Includes corrosion inhibitor and odor masking agent. Prevents errors and ensures stability vs. do-it-yourself formula mixing. 32 EPA Kill Claims. 5500 PPM Clorox Bleach. Includes two refillable canisters of 110 wipes each.
Clorox Germicidal Wipes, 110 Wipes per Canister, 2 Refillable Containers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 69.51 48.66 92.64 CLO30358.jpg disinfectant wipes, clorox germicidal wipes, CLO 30358, CLO30358, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8860 Lagasse Clorox Germicidal Wipes - 110 Count Refill (CLO30359) 8860 CLO 30359 13.40 30359 Clorox Germicidal Wipes Refill
Keep sterile environments clean and germ free with these EPA compliant germicidal wipes. Larger 12 x 12 size utilizes maximum coverage, ideal for patient checkout, schools and healthcare centers. Large, extra strong wipe for powerful cleaning. Includes corrosion inhibitor and odor masking agent. Prevents errors and ensures stability vs. do-it-yourself formula mixing. 32 EPA Kill Claims. 5500 PPM Clorox Bleach.
Clorox Disinfectant Wipes Refill, 110 Wipes Per Pack, 2 Refill Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 58.76 44.82 79.18 CLO30359.jpg wipes, disinfectant wipes, clorox germicidal wipes, CLO 30359, CLO30359, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8861 Lagasse Clorox Pro Quaternary All-Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottles (CLO30423) 8861 CLO 30423 18.60 30423 Clorox Pro Quaternary All-Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner
Clorox Pro Quaternary All-Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner is an important line of defense against both MRSA and community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA). This product combines powerful cleaning and hospital-grade disinfecting in a no-rinse formula. Safe for use on multiple surfaces. Product is pH-neutral so high-gloss floor finishes will not dull.Includes two 1 gallon bottles per case.
Clorox Pro Quaternary All-Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottle, 2 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 59.39 45.30 78.12 CLO30423.jpg clorox pro quaternary all-purpose disinfectant cleaner, CLO 30423, CLO30423, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8862 Lagasse Clorox 2 Stain Fighter Pen, 12 Pens (CLO30597) 8862 CLO 30597 3.30 CLO 30597 Clorox Stain Remover Pen
Excellent pre-treater for colors in the laundry. Specially formulated to remove tough stains left by dirt, red wine, grass, juice, spaghetti sauce and more. Extremely effective in fighting set-in stains. Dual sides—fine point for precision and a broad scrubber for large areas. 12 - 2 oz. pens per case.
Clorox Stain Remover Pen, 2 oz. Pen, 12 Pens per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 35.14 26.80 47.35 CLO30597.jpg clorox 2 stain fighter pen, CLO 30597, CLO30597, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8863 Lagasse Pine-Sol Lavender Scent Multi-Surface Cleaner Deodorizer, 8 Bottles (CLO40272) 8863 CLO 40272 27.10 40272 Pine-Sol Lavender Scent All-Purpose Cleaner
The ideal choice for those who love the cleaning power of Pine-Sol, but not the pine-fresh scent. Coming complete with a fresh Lavender Scent, This strong and powerful all-purpose cleaning formula makes up to 72 gallons per bottle. A complete multi-purpose cleaner, Pine-Sol Lavender Scent All-Purpose Cleaner cleans and deodorizes any nonporous surfaces. Ideal for food-service or industrial environments, this versatile cleaning agent comes with a fresh lavender fragrance. Able to clean anything from walls, sinks, counter-tops, microwaves, refrigerators, stoves, range hoods, deep fryers and more. 48 ounce bottle, 8 bottles per case.
Clorox Pine-Sol All-Purpose Cleaner, Lavender Scent, 48-oz. Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 43.38 25.73 56.59 CLO40272.jpg pine-sol lavender scent, lavender pine sol, pine sol, pine sol cleaner, pine-sol lavender, CLO40272, CLO 40272, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8864 Lagasse GladWare Entree Containers, 30 Containers (CLO60795) 8864 CLO 60795 4.00 60795 GladWare Entree Containers
Conquer cabinet clutter with GladWare Containers with Interlocking Lids. Sturdy GladWare Containers with Interlocking Lids have a tight seal to help seal in freshness and prevent messy leaks. And as always, they're microwave, freezer and dishwasher safe. The Entree size comes in a pack of five 3-1/8 cup (25 oz.) rectangular containers with lids. 6 Packs per Case.
Clorox GladWare Entree Containers, 5 Containers per Pack, 6 Packs, 30 Containers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 21.83 16.65 28.73 CLO60795.jpg glad, gladware, gladware containers, gladware plastic containers, gladware entree containers, CLO 60795, CLO60795, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8865 Lagasse GladWare Entree Containers - 24 oz Soup & Salad, 30 per Case (CLO60796) 8865 CLO 60796 3.50 CLO 60796 GladWare Entree Containers - 24 oz Soup & Salad
Conquer cabinet clutter with these containers, as interlocking lids keep same-shaped lids stacked neatly in one place. Simply press down on the center button to lock lids together. Extra-sturdy with a tight seal to seal in freshness. Microwave, freezer and dishwasher safe. Easy to store. Includes 6 packs of 5 containers per case.
GladWare Entree Containers - 24 oz Soup & Salad, 5 Containers per Pack, 6 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 21.83 16.65 29.26 CLO60796.jpg gladware Entree containers soup & salad, CLO 60796, CLO60796, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8866 Lagasse Clorox Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach - 32-oz. Bottle (CLO68832) 8866 CLO 68832 14.00 CLO 68832 Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant
Ready-to-use spray cleaner disinfectant. Cleans and disinfects environmental surfaces and medical equipment. Use in one step on hard nonporous surfaces including hospital, veterinary and food contact. Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach is EPA-registered to kill multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) in just one minute, and Clostridium difficile spores in 5 minutes. Dispatch is a unique, stabilized sodium hypochlorite and detergent solution that kills pathogens fast — with a one-minute contact time for a broad range of microorganisms, including TB and MDROs such as Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterobacter aerogenes, VRE and MRSA. Dispatch is premixed, ready to use and is similar to the 1:10 bleach solution strength that is recommended by CDC guidelines for effective disinfecting. Dispatch contains an anticorrosive ingredient that makes it less damaging to surfaces or equipment than conventionally prepared bleach solutions.
Clorox Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant, 32 oz Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 70.89 54.07 94.09 CLO68832.jpg clorox dispatch hospital cleaner disinfectant with Bleach, CLO 68832, CLO68832, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8867 Lagasse Clorox Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach - 32-oz. Trigger Spray (CLO68970) 8867 CLO 68970 15.00 CLO 68970 Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant
Ready-to-use spray cleaner disinfectant. Cleans and disinfects environmental surfaces and medical equipment. Use in one step on hard nonporous surfaces including hospital, veterinary and food contact. Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach is EPA-registered to kill multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) in just one minute, and Clostridium difficile spores in 5 minutes. Dispatch is a unique, stabilized sodium hypochlorite and detergent solution that kills pathogens fast — with a one-minute contact time for a broad range of microorganisms, including TB and MDROs such as Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterobacter aerogenes, VRE and MRSA. Dispatch is premixed, ready to use and is similar to the 1:10 bleach solution strength that is recommended by CDC guidelines for effective disinfecting. Dispatch contains an anticorrosive ingredient that makes it less damaging to surfaces or equipment than conventionally prepared bleach solutions.
Clorox Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach - 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 70.89 54.07 93.54 CLO68970.jpg hospital disinfectant, clorox dispatch hospital cleaner disinfectant with Bleach, CLO 68970, CLO68970, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8868 Lagasse Clorox Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant w/ Bleach, 4 Bottles (CLO68978) 8868 CLO 68978 37.00 CLO 68978 Hospital Disinfectant with Bleach
Ready-to-use spray cleaner disinfectant. Cleans and disinfects environmental surfaces and medical equipment. Use in one step on hard nonporous surfaces including hospital, veterinary and food contact. Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach is EPA-registered to kill multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) in just one minute, and Clostridium difficile spores in 5 minutes. Dispatch is a unique, stabilized sodium hypochlorite and detergent solution that kills pathogens fast — with a one-minute contact time for a broad range of microorganisms, including TB and MDROs such as Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterobacter aerogenes, VRE and MRSA. Dispatch is premixed, ready to use and is similar to the 1:10 bleach solution strength that is recommended by CDC guidelines for effective disinfecting. Dispatch contains an anti-corrosive ingredient that makes it less damaging to surfaces or equipment than conventionally prepared bleach solutions.
Clorox Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant Refill, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 90.05 68.68 123.15 CLO68978.jpg disinfectants, clorox dispatch hospital cleaner disinfectant with bleach, CLO 68978, CLO68978, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8869 Lagasse GladWare Entree Containers - Deep Dish 18 Containers per Case (CLO70045) 8869 CLO 70045 4.10 70045 GladWare Entree Containers - Deep Dish
Conquer cabinet clutter with GladWare Containers with Interlocking Lids. Sturdy GladWare Containers with Interlocking Lids have a tight seal to help seal in freshness and prevent messy leaks. And as always, they're microwave, freezer and dishwasher safe. The Deep Dish size comes in a pack of three 8 cup (64 oz.) rectangular containers with lids. 6 packs per case.
GladWare Entree Containers - Deep Dish 3 Containers per Pack, 6 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 21.83 16.65 29.29 CLO70045.jpg glad, gladware, gladware containers, gladware plastic containers, gladware entree containers, CLO70045, CLO70045, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8871 Lagasse GladWare Entree Containers - 4 oz Mini-Round, 96 per Case (CLO70240) 8871 CLO 70240 3.70 CLO 70240 GladWare Entree Containers - Mini-Round
Conquer cabinet clutter with these containers, as interlocking lids keep same-shaped lids stacked neatly in one place. Simply press down on the center button to lock lids together. Extra-sturdy with a tight seal to seal in freshness. Microwave, freezer and dishwasher safe. Easy to store. Includes 12 packs of eight containers per case.
GladWare Entree Containers - 4 oz. Mini-Round, 8 containers per Pack 12 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 43.66 33.30 57.56 CLO70240.jpg glad, gladware, gladware containers, gladware plastic containers, gladware entree containers, CLO 70240, CLO70240, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8872 Lagasse Glad Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags, 65% Recycled, 336 Bags (CLO78112) 8872 CLO 78112 18.70 CLO 78112 65% Recycled Glad Tall Kitchen Trash Bags- 13 Gallon
A bag that's strong enough to avoid messy trash disasters and helps conserve natural resources. Made from 65% recycled plastic. Glad is proud to do their part to help the environment, without ever compromising on quality. 28 bags per box, 12 boxes per case.
Glad Tall Kitchen Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, 65% Recycled, 28 Bags per Box, 12 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Trash Bags & Can Liners » Kitchen Trash Bags Drawstring » Clorox Professional 62.93 48.00 83.95 CLO78112.jpg glad, glad garbage bags, glad trash bags, 65% recycled glad tall kitchen bags, CLO78112, CLO78112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
8877 Lagasse Softsoap Foaming Hand Care Manual Dispenser (CPC01951) 8877 CPC 01951 1.93 01951 1250-ml Softsoap Foaming Hand Soap Manual Dispenser
High quality design with locking key. Large viewing window lets you see when it's time to refill. Adjustable dosage allows for economical use-age, approximately 1,786 hand washes. Includes one 1250 ml manual foaming hand soap dispenser. Oyster White, ADA compliant. Reliable and easy to install. 6.7" Wide X 4.2" Deep.
Colgate Palmolive Softsoap Foaming Hand Soap Manual Dispenser, 1250 ml, Oyster White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Softsoap Soap System » Colgate - Palmolive 9.17 6.99 12.39 CPC01951.jpg softsoap, foaming hand soaps, hand soap dispensers, softsoap foaming hand care manual dispenser, CPC 01951, CPC01951, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
8878 Lagasse Softsoap Foaming Hand Care Touch-Free Dispenser (CPC01953) 8878 CPC 01953 2.20 01953 Softsoap Foaming Hand Care Touch-Free Dispenser
Touch-Free Foaming Dispenser — Automatically dispenses a measured dose of product when a hand is placed under the sensor. Dosage amount, motor speed and sensor range are adjustable. Long battery life. Unit uses four D batteries with an estimated 1-2 year battery life, depends on actual use.Holds large 1.25 L cartridges. A large, clear viewing window makes it easy to monitor fluid level. Reliable and easy to install. Oyster white color. ADA compliant.
Colgate Palmolive Professional - Softsoap Foaming Hand Care Touch-Free Dispenser, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Softsoap Soap System » Colgate - Palmolive 26.29 20.05 35.07 softsoap, foaming hand soaps, hand soap dispensers, softsoap foaming hand care touch free dispenser, CPC01953, CPC01953, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
8879 Lagasse Softsoap Floor Stand for Touch-Free Dispenser (CPC01954) 8879 CPC 01954 5.50 01954 Softsoap Floor Stand for Touch-Free Dispenser
Stable, heavy-base floor stand allows you to strategically place your Softsoap Touch-Free Hand Sanitizer Dispenser in the most needed places, such as supermarkets, banks, schools, offices, cafeterias, hospitals, restaurants, health clubs, nursing homes and more. Convenient drip tray minimizes waste and messy cleanup. Easy to assemble (screws included). Includes one floor stand. 14" wide x 52" high. Black.
Colgate Palmolive Commercial - Softsoap Floor Stand for Touch-Free Dispenser, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Softsoap Soap System » Colgate - Palmolive 154.18 117.59 208.64 softsoap, softsoap dispensers, soap dispensers, touch free soap dispensers, softsoap foaming hand care dispensers, floor stand for touch-free dispenser, CPC 01954, CPC01954, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
8880 Lagasse Irish Spring Original DeodorantBar Soap, 48 - 2.5-oz Bar Size (CPC05489) 8880 CPC 05489 7.50 05489 Irish Spring Bar Soap
Rich striated emerald green bar with invigorating scent. Long lasting deodorant protection helps keep you feeling clean and fresh. 2.5 oz bar size, 48 bars per case.
Irish Spring Bar Soap, 2.5 oz Bar Size, 48 Bars per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bar Soaps »
Colgate - Palmolive 30.41 23.19 41.28 CPC05489.jpg irish spring soap, CPC05489, CPC05489, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
8881 Lagasse Liquid Softsoap Aquarium Series Antibacterial Hand Soap, 6 Refills (CPC26991) 8881 CPC 26991 22.30 26991 Liquid Softsoap Aquarium Series Hand Soap Refill
Sea creature design adds a little fun to hand washing. Clear antibacterial formula is clinically proven to eliminate 99% of germs. Gently cleans without leaving hands feeling dry. Light moisturizers help leave skin feeling smooth and soft. Dermatologist tested. Washes away bacteria. Easy grip bottle.
Liquid Softsoap Aquarium Series, Fresh Floral, 56-oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Colgate - Palmolive 44.23 33.73 58.88 CPC26991.jpg softsoap, softsoap refill, liquid softsoap refills, liquid softsoap aquarium series antibacterial hand soap, CPC 26991, CPC26991, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
8882 Lagasse Ultra Palmolive® Dishwashing Liquid - 13-oz. 20 (CPC46059) 8882 CPC 46059 15.90 46059 Cuts through stubborn grease. Concentrated formula for long-lasting performance. Colgate - Palmolive 34.85 26.58 47.04 CPC46059.jpg Ultra Palmolive® Dishwashing Liquid - 13-oz. 20 CPC46059, CPC46059, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 23
8885 Lagasse Eco-Plus Floor Mats - Charcoal 35 x 118 (CROECR310CHA) 8885 CRO ECR310 CHA 25.00 CRO EC R310CH 35 x 118 Charcoal Indoor EcoPlus Wiper/Scraper Mat
Help preserve the environment with this P.E.T. fiber surface wiper mat. Reinforced nitrile/rubber backing delivers excellent performance in heavy traffic areas. Raised rubber edging retains water and dirt, eliminating run-off problems. Crush-resistant reinforced pattern for aggressive scraping action and durability. Non-skid backing holds mat to the floor. Perfect for Indoor- Heavy Traffic areas, Lobbies, Hallways, Education Facilities, Restaurants, Office Buildings, Churches, Convention Centers, Theaters, Malls, Hotels. 3/8"x 35"x 118" Charcoal.Crown Mats EcoPlus Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 35" x 118", Charcoal, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 147.77 111.76 193.53 CROECR310CHA.jpg eco-plus floor mats, CRO ECR310CHA, CROECR310CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8886 Lagasse Eco-Plus Floor Mat - Midnight Blue 35 x 118 (CROECR310MBL) 8886 CRO ECR310 MBL 25.00 EC R310MB 35 x 118 Midnight Blue Indoor EcoPlus Wiper/Scraper Mat
Help preserve the environment with this P.E.T. fiber surface wiper mat. Reinforced nitrile/rubber backing delivers excellent performance in heavy traffic areas. Raised rubber edging retains water and dirt, eliminating run-off problems. Crush-resistant reinforced pattern for aggressive scraping action and durability. Non-skid backing holds mat to the floor. Perfect for Indoor- Heavy Traffic areas, Lobbies, Hallways, Education Facilities, Restaurants, Office Buildings, Churches, Convention Centers, Theaters, Malls, Hotels. 3/8"x 35"x 118" Midnight Blue.Crown Mats EcoPlus Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 35" x 118", Midnight Blue, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 147.77 111.76 196.74 eco-plus floor mats, CRO ECR310MBL, CROECR310MBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8887 Lagasse Eco-Plus Floor Mats - Charcoal 35 x 59 (CROECR35CHA) 8887 CRO ECR35 CHA 14.00 CRO EC R035CH 35 x 59 Charcoal Indoor EcoPlus Wiper/Scraper Mat
Help preserve the environment with this P.E.T. fiber surface wiper mat. Reinforced nitrile/rubber backing delivers excellent performance in heavy traffic areas. Raised rubber edging retains water and dirt, eliminating run-off problems. Crush-resistant reinforced pattern for aggressive scraping action and durability. Non-skid backing holds mat to the floor. Perfect for Indoor- Heavy Traffic areas, Lobbies, Hallways, Education Facilities, Restaurants, Office Buildings, Churches, Convention Centers, Theaters, Malls, Hotels. 3/8"x 35"x 59" Charcoal.Crown Mats EcoPlus Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 35" x 59", Charcoal, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 79.05 55.88 104.31 CROECR35CHA.jpg eco-plus floor mats, CRO ECR35CHA, CROECR35CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8888 Lagasse Eco-Plus Floor Mat - Midnight Blue 35 x 59 (CROECR35MBL) 8888 CRO ECR35 MBL 14.00 CRO EC R035MB 35 x 59 Midnight Blue Indoor EcoPlus Wiper/Scraper Mat
Help preserve the environment with this P.E.T. fiber surface wiper mat. Reinforced nitrile/rubber backing delivers excellent performance in heavy traffic areas. Raised rubber edging retains water and dirt, eliminating run-off problems. Crush-resistant reinforced pattern for aggressive scraping action and durability. Non-skid backing holds mat to the floor. Perfect for Indoor- Heavy Traffic areas, Lobbies, Hallways, Education Facilities, Restaurants, Office Buildings, Churches, Convention Centers, Theaters, Malls, Hotels. 3/8"x 35"x 59" Midnight Blue.Crown Mats EcoPlus Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 35" x 59", Midnight Blue, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 79.05 55.88 105.54 CROECR35MBL.jpg eco-plus floor mats, CRO ECR35MBL, CROECR35MBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8889 Lagasse Eco-Plus Floor Mats - Charcoal 45 x 70 (CROECR46CHA) 8889 CRO ECR46 CHA 20.00 CRO EC R046CH 45 x 70 Charcoal Indoor EcoPlus Wiper/Scraper Mat
Help preserve the environment with this P.E.T. fiber surface wiper mat. Reinforced nitrile/rubber backing delivers excellent performance in heavy traffic areas. Raised rubber edging retains water and dirt, eliminating run-off problems. Crush-resistant reinforced pattern for aggressive scraping action and durability. Non-skid backing holds mat to the floor. Perfect for Indoor- Heavy Traffic areas, Lobbies, Hallways, Education Facilities, Restaurants, Office Buildings, Churches, Convention Centers, Theaters, Malls, Hotels. 3/8"x 45"x 70" Charcoal.Crown Mats EcoPlus Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 45" x 70", Charcoal, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 118.21 89.40 158.46 CROECR46CHA.jpg eco-plus floor mats, CRO ECR46CHA, CROECR46CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8890 Lagasse Eco-Plus Floor Mat - Midnight Blue 45 x 70 (CROECR46MBL) 8890 CRO ECR46 MBL 20.00 EC R046MB 45 x 70 Midnight Blue Indoor EcoPlus Wiper/Scraper Mat
Help preserve the environment with this P.E.T. fiber surface wiper mat. Reinforced nitrile/rubber backing delivers excellent performance in heavy traffic areas. Raised rubber edging retains water and dirt, eliminating run-off problems. Crush-resistant reinforced pattern for aggressive scraping action and durability. Non-skid backing holds mat to the floor. Perfect for Indoor- Heavy Traffic areas, Lobbies, Hallways, Education Facilities, Restaurants, Office Buildings, Churches, Convention Centers, Theaters, Malls, Hotels. 3/8"x 45"x 70" Midnight Blue.Crown Mats EcoPlus Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat, 45" x 70", Midnight Blue, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 118.21 89.40 160.46 eco-plus floor mats, CRO ECR46MBL, CROECR46MBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8891 Lagasse EcoStep Floor Mats - Charcoal 3 x 10 (CROET310CHA) 8891 CRO ET310 CHA 19.00 CRO ET 0310CH 36 x 120 Charcoal Indoor EcoStep Wiper Mat
Help preserve the environment with this P.E.T. fiber surface wiper mat. Vinyl backing for durability and optimal floor surface protection. Quality plush surface wipes and dries shoes and grasps fine dust. Retains up to 20% more moisture than standard olefin wiper mats. Prevents floor deterioration and trip hazards due to slippery entrances and corridors. Perfect for Indoor-Light to Medium Traffic areas, Lobbies, Hallways, Education Facilities, Restaurants, Office Buildings, Churches, Convention Centers, Theaters. 5/16"x 36"x 120" Charcoal.Crown Mats EcoStep Indoor Wiper Mat, 36" x 120", Charcoal, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 81.51 62.17 110.86 CROET310CHA.jpg eco-step floor mats, CRO ET310CHA, CROET310CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8892 Lagasse EcoStep Floor Mats - Charcoal 3 x 5 (CROET35CHA) 8892 CRO ET35 CHA 10.00 CRO ET 0035CH 36 x 60 Charcoal Indoor EcoStep Wiper Mat
Help preserve the environment with this P.E.T. fiber surface wiper mat. Vinyl backing for durability and optimal floor surface protection. Quality plush surface wipes and dries shoes and grasps fine dust. Retains up to 20% more moisture than standard olefin wiper mats. Prevents floor deterioration and trip hazards due to slippery entrances and corridors. Perfect for Indoor-Light to Medium Traffic areas, Lobbies, Hallways, Education Facilities, Restaurants, Office Buildings, Churches, Convention Centers, Theaters. 5/16"x 36"x 60" Charcoal.Crown Mats EcoStep Indoor Wiper Mat, 36" x 60", Charcoal, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 37.50 28.60 48.81 CROET35CHA.jpg floor mats, CRO ET35CHA, CROET35CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8893 Lagasse EcoStep Floor Mat - Charcoal 4 x 6 (CROET46CHA) 8893 CRO ET46 CHA 15.40 CRO ET 0046CH 48 x 72 Charcoal Indoor EcoStep Wiper Mat
Help preserve the environment with this P.E.T. fiber surface wiper mat. Vinyl backing for durability and optimal floor surface protection. Quality plush surface wipes and dries shoes and grasps fine dust. Retains up to 20% more moisture than standard olefin wiper mats. Prevents floor deterioration and trip hazards due to slippery entrances and corridors. Perfect for Indoor-Light to Medium Traffic areas, Lobbies, Hallways, Education Facilities, Restaurants, Office Buildings, Churches, Convention Centers, Theaters. 5/16"x 48"x 72" Charcoal.Crown Mats EcoStep Indoor Wiper Mat, 48" x 72", Charcoal, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Ludlow Composites Corp. 58.49 42.90 76.63 CROET46CHA.jpg eco step floor mats, CRO ET46CHA, CROET46CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8894 Lagasse Tuff-Spun® Foot-Lover™ Anti-Fatigue Mat - Gray 36 x 30 10-lbs. (CROFL3660GRA) 8894 CRO FL3660 GRA 10.00 FL 3660 GY Closed-cell PVC sponge mat offers comfortable, economical fatigue relief. Ribbed, slip-resistant surface with beveled edges for increased safety. CRO FL3660 BLA contains 35% recycled content. Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 3/8 Ludlow Composites Corp. 29.62 22.59 39.98 CROFL3660GRA.jpg Tuff-Spun® Foot-Lover™ Anti-Fatigue Mat - Gray 36 x 30 10-lbs. CROFL3660GRA, CROFL3660GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
8895 Lagasse 3 x 10 Needle-Rib Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat - Brown (CRONR310BRO) 8895 CRO NR310 BRO 21.00 NR 0310 BR Crown Indoor Needle-Rib Wiper/Scraper Mat - Brown
Keep those unwanted guests—dirt and moisture—off the invite list by using these Needle Rib wiper/scraper mats. The rugged grooves and ribbed polypropylene needle fibers trap and hide dirt before it enters your home or office. Features wear-resistant and color-fast design, made for light to medium traffic areas. Beveled edges reduce the risk of tripping, while the vinyl backing helps keep mat from slipping. Designed for indoor use. Includes one floor mat.
Crown Indoor Needle-Rib Wiper/Scraper Mat - Brown, 36"x 120", Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Ludlow Composites Corp. 67.84 51.11 92.03 CRONR310BRO.jpg indoor wiper/scraper mats, CRONR310BRO, CRONR310BRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8896 Lagasse 3 x 10 Needle-Rib Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat - Charcoal (CRONR310CHA) 8896 CRO NR310 CHA 21.00 NR 0310 CH Crown Indoor Needle-Rib Wiper/Scraper Mat - Charcoal
Keep those unwanted guests—dirt and moisture—off the invite list by using these Needle Rib wiper/scraper mats. The rugged grooves and ribbed polypropylene needle fibers trap and hide dirt before it enters your home or office. Features wear-resistant and color-fast design, made for light to medium traffic areas. Beveled edges reduce the risk of tripping, while the vinyl backing helps keep mat from slipping. Designed for indoor use. Includes one floor mat.
Crown Indoor Needle-Rib Wiper/Scraper Mat - Charcoal, 36"x 120", Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Ludlow Composites Corp. 101.47 51.11 134.05 CRONR310CHA.jpg indoor wiper/scraper mats, CRO NR310CHA, CRONR310CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8897 Lagasse 3 x 4 Needle-Rib Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat - Brown (CRONR34BRO) 8897 CRO NR34 BRO 9.00 NR 0034 BR Crown Indoor Needle-Rib Wiper/Scraper Mat - Brown
Rugged grooves and ribbed needle punch polypropylene fibers help remove dirt and moisture from shoes. Wear-resistant, colorfast design for light to medium traffic areas. Beveled edges help reduce the risk of tripping, while the vinyl backing helps keep mat from slipping. Vinyl backing made with natural organic resin blend. Contributes to LEED Certification. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 5/16-in.
Crown Indoor Needle-Rib Wiper/Scraper Mat - Brown, 36"x 48", Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Ludlow Composites Corp. 26.90 20.44 35.70 CRONR34BRO.jpg indoor wiper/scraper mats, CRO NR34BRO, CRONR34BRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8898 Lagasse 3 x 4 Needle-Rib Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat - Charcoal (CRONR34CHA) 8898 CRO NR34 CHA 11.00 NR 0034 CH Crown Indoor Needle-Rib Wiper/Scraper Mat - Charcoal
Rugged grooves and ribbed needle punch polypropylene fibers help remove dirt and moisture from shoes. Wear-resistant, colorfast design for light to medium traffic areas. Beveled edges help reduce the risk of tripping, while the vinyl backing helps keep mat from slipping. Vinyl backing made with natural organic resin blend. Contributes to LEED Certification. Manufacturer’s limited one-year warranty. Overall thickness 5/16-in.
Crown Indoor Needle-Rib Wiper/Scraper Mat - Charcoal, 36"x 48", Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Ludlow Composites Corp. 27.15 20.44 35.79 CRONR34CHA.jpg indoor wiper/scraper mats, CRO NR34CHA, CRONR34CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 172
8899 Lagasse Super-Soaker™ Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat - Charcoal 3 x 10 21-lbs. (CROSS310CHA) 8899 CRO SS310 CHA 22.00 CRO SS R310CH Features rubber reinforced square-block pattern for heavy traffic areas. Raised rubber edging retains dirt and moisture so it's not tracked into your home or office. Colorfast polypropylene carpet dries quickly and resists crushing. Contributes to LEED Ce Ludlow Composites Corp. 149.69 113.20 197.78 CROSS310CHA.jpg Super-Soaker™ Indoor Wiper/Scraper Mat - Charcoal 3 x 10 21-lbs. CROSS310CHA, CROSS310CHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
8900 Lagasse Soft Scrub Gel with Bleach, 9 - 17oz Bottles (DIA01650) 8900 DIA 01650 13.18 01650 Soft Scrub Gel with Bleach
Soft Scrub Gel with Bleach Cleanser's easy-to-use, non-abrasive gel formula cleans most household surfaces, including delicate marble countertops, Teflon cookware and linoleum flooring. Even tough stains like grape juice, coffee and tea are no match for this all-purpose cleanser. Kills 99.9% of germs as it penetrates tough stains and rinses clean. 17 oz bottles, 9 bottles per case.
Dial Professional - Soft Scrub Gel with Bleach, 17 oz Bottles, 9 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 23.68 18.06 32.02 cleansers, soft scrub, soft scrub cleansers, soft scrub gel with bleach, DIA 01650, DIA01650, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
8901 Lagasse Dial Complete Antibactrial Foaming Soap 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (DIA99795) 8901 DIA 99795 34.79 99795 Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash
Made with a patented antibacterial and antimicrobial formula, Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap is not your typical hand soap. Designed with a Triclosan activated formulation, this soap provides 25 times better germ-kill than other antibacterial soaps. Provides a high level of broad-spectrum germ killing action to help stop the spread of infection. Dial hand soap foams instantaneously and cleanly rinses, leaving skin feeling refreshed and clean. Proven strong enough power to eliminate countless germs and bacteria. Strong and powerful yet still contains aloe and glycerin for superior moisturizing power, Dial antibacterial foaming soap is the ideal choice for the home or office.
Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 99.56 73.25 132.98 DIA06079.jpg dial foaming hand soap, foaming hand soap, hand soap, DIA 99795, DIA99795, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
8902 Lagasse Purex Ultra Liquid Laundry Detergent - 5-gallon Pail (DIA06354) 8902 DIA 06354 44.57 06354 Purex Ultra Concentrate Liquid Laundry Detergent
Concentrate liquid detergent is great for everyday laundry. It penetrates deep down into fabric fibers, removing ground-in dirt and soils. Stain fighting power keeps whites white and colors bright. Leaves your clothes clean and smelling fresh. Contains no phosphate and is biodegradable. Includes one 5 gallon pail.
Purex Ultra Concentrate Liquid Laundry Detergent, One 5 Gallon Pail. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 62.49 47.66 84.08 DIA06354.jpg purex ultra liquid laundry detergent, DIA 06354, DIA06354, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
8903 Lagasse Purex Ultra Powder Laundry Detergent - 15.9-lbs. Pail (DIA06355) 8903 DIA 06355 15.60 06355 Purex Ultra Powder Laundry Detergent
Advance formula thoroughly cleans with a pleasant fragrance that leaves clothes smelling fresh. Concentrated powder laundry detergent so you can use less for a great clean. Features Color Shield Technology to keep whites white and colors bright by neutralizing chlorine in the wash water. Works in all temperatures. Biodegradable and phosphate-free. Includes one 15.9 pound pail.
Purex Ultra Powder Laundry Detergent, One 15.9 Lb. Pail. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 43.24 32.98 56.27 DIA06355.jpg purex ultra laundry detergent, DIA 06355, DIA06355, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
8904 Lagasse Soft Scrub® Liquid Cleanser with Lemon (DIA15020) 8904 DIA 15020 16.50 15020 Soft Scrub® Lemon Cleanser offers the same micro-abrasive cleaning formula as regular Soft Scrub® Cleanser but without the bleach, so it safely cleans virtually every surface in your home. From pots & pans to porcelain tubs to vinyl siding, you'll love fi Dial Professional 32.36 24.68 42.39 DIA15020new.jpg Soft Scrub® Liquid Cleanser with Lemon DIA15020, DIA15020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
8905 Lagasse Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer, 6 - 13 oz Bottles per Case (DIA36003) 8905 DIA 36003 8.00 36003 Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer air freshener
Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer air freshener eliminates the toughest odors like tobacco smoke, bathroom and pet odors. Its non-staining formula can be used on fabric and carpet all while freshening the air. The commercial fine mist trigger formula has a fresh clean sent that is long lasting. Nothing responds to odor faster. After the Rain scent.
Dial Professional Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer air freshener, After the Rain Scent, 6 - 13 oz bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 17.94 13.68 23.58 DIA36003.JPG air freshener, air fresheners, renuzit, renuzit super odor neutralizer air freshener, DIA36003, DIA36003, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
8906 Lagasse Dial Instant Hand Sanitizer with Moisturizers, 12 - 800 ml Refill Pack (DIA95862) 8906 DIA 95862 25.00 95862 Dial Instant Hand Sanitizer with Moisturizers
Kills 99.99% of germs instantly. Effective against bacteria, yeast and molds. Dermatologist-tested, hypoallergenic formula leaves hands free of residue. Fragrance- and dye-free.
Dial Instant Hand Sanitizer with Moisturizers, 12 - 800 ml Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Dial Professional 71.07 54.21 93.49 DIA95862.jpg dial instant hand sanitizer with moisturizers, DIA 95862, DIA95862, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
8910 Lagasse Duracell Batteries - D, 8 per Pack (DRCMN13RT8Z) 8910 DRC MN13RT8Z 2.71 4133376964 D Duracell Batteries
Date-coded batteries feature enhanced, secure seals for safe, leakage- and corrosion-free operation. Trusted Everywhere to deliver reliable, long-lasting, portable power for everything from emergency equipment to consumer electronics.
D Duracell Batteries, 8 per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Duracell 17.58 13.41 23.51 DRCMN13RT8Z.jpg battery, batteries, duracell, duracell battery, duracell batteries, duracell coppertops, DRCMN13RT8Z, DRCMN13RT8Z, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 190
8911 Lagasse Duracell Batteries - C, 8 per Pack (DRCMN14RT8Z) 8911 DRC MN14RT8Z 2.05 4133377164 C Duracell Batteries
Date-coded batteries feature enhanced, secure seals for safe, leakage- and corrosion-free operation. Trusted Everywhere to deliver reliable, long-lasting, portable power for everything from emergency equipment to consumer electronics.
C Duracell Batteries, 8 per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Duracell 17.58 13.41 23.23 DRCMN14RT8Z.jpg battery, batteries, duracell, duracell battery, duracell batteries, duracell coppertops, DRCMN14RT8Z, DRCMN14RT8Z, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 190
8912 Lagasse AA Size Duracell Batteries, 10 Batteries (DRCMN1500B10Z) 8912 DRC MN1500B10Z 2.88 MN1500B10Z AA Duracell Batteries
Date-coded batteries feature enhanced, secure seals for safe, leakage- and corrosion-free operation. Trusted Everywhere to deliver reliable, long-lasting, portable power for everything from emergency equipment to consumer electronics.
Duracell AA Size Batteries, 10 Batteries per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Duracell 11.43 8.60 15.34 DRCMN1500B10Z.jpg battery, batteries, duracell, duracell battery, duracell batteries, duracell coppertops, DRCMN1500B10Z, DRCMN1500B10Z, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 190
8913 Lagasse Duracell Batteries - 9 Volt 4 Batteries per Pack (DRCMN16RT4Z) 8913 DRC MN16RT4Z 1.46 4133377364 9 Volt Duracell Batteries
Date-coded batteries feature enhanced, secure seals for safe, leakage- and corrosion-free operation. Trusted Everywhere to deliver reliable, long-lasting, portable power for everything from emergency equipment to consumer electronics.
9 Volt Duracell Batteries, 4 per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Duracell 18.51 14.12 24.38 DRCMN16RT4Z.jpg battery, batteries, duracell, duracell battery, duracell batteries, duracell coppertops, DRCMN16RT4Z, DRCMN16RT4Z, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 190
8914 Lagasse Duracell Batteries - AAA, 12 per Pack (DRCMN24RT12Z) 8914 DRC MN24RT12Z 0.83 4133378164 AAA Duracell Batteries
Date-coded batteries feature enhanced, secure seals for safe, leakage- and corrosion-free operation. Trusted Everywhere to deliver reliable, long-lasting, portable power for everything from emergency equipment to consumer electronics.
AAA Duracell Batteries, 12 per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Duracell 13.76 10.49 18.12 DRCMN24RT12Z.jpg battery, batteries, duracell, duracell battery, duracell batteries, duracell coppertops, DRCMN24RT12Z, DRCMN24RT12Z, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 190
8920 Lagasse 31/4 Pairing Knives" - Green (DRI015303G) 8920 DRI 015303G 1.00 015303G Stain-free, high-carbon steel blade, with an individually ground and honed edge; excels in commercial use. Built to be both tough and sanitary. Impervious blade-to-handle seal provides the utmost in sanitary qualification. Withstands both high and low tem DEXTER RUSSELL 5.68 4.18 7.59 DRI015303G.jpg 31/4 Pairing Knives" - Green DRI015303G, DRI015303G, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 244
8921 Lagasse 31/4 Pairing Knives" - Red (DRI015303R) 8921 DRI 015303R 1.00 015303R Stain-free, high-carbon steel blade, with an individually ground and honed edge; excels in commercial use. Built to be both tough and sanitary. Impervious blade-to-handle seal provides the utmost in sanitary qualification. Withstands both high and low tem DEXTER RUSSELL 5.66 4.18 7.65 DRI015303R.jpg 31/4 Pairing Knives" - Red DRI015303R, DRI015303R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 244
8922 Lagasse 31/4 Pairing Knives" - Yellow (DRI015303Y) 8922 DRI 015303Y 1.00 015303Y Stain-free, high-carbon steel blade, with an individually ground and honed edge; excels in commercial use. Built to be both tough and sanitary. Impervious blade-to-handle seal provides the utmost in sanitary qualification. Withstands both high and low tem DEXTER RUSSELL 5.68 4.23 7.45 DRI015303Y.jpg 31/4 Pairing Knives" - Yellow DRI015303Y, DRI015303Y, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 244
8923 Lagasse 6 Narrow Boning Knives" - White (DRI01563) 8923 DRI 01563 0.27 01563 Built to be both tough and sanitary. Polypropylene handle withstands both high and low temperatures. Impervious blade-to-handle seal provides the utmost in sanitary qualification. Handle is textured, slip-resistant and easy-to-clean. Stain-free, high-carb DEXTER RUSSELL 15.64 11.63 20.84 DRI01563.jpg 6 Narrow Boning Knives" - White DRI01563, DRI01563, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 244
8924 Lagasse 6 Narrow Boning Knives" - Green (DRI01563G) 8924 DRI 01563G 1.63 01563G Built to be both tough and sanitary. Polypropylene handle withstands both high and low temperatures. Impervious blade-to-handle seal provides the utmost in sanitary qualification. Handle is textured, slip-resistant and easy-to-clean. Stain-free, high-carb DEXTER RUSSELL 16.43 12.23 21.88 DRI01563G.jpg 6 Narrow Boning Knives" - Green DRI01563G, DRI01563G, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 244
8925 Lagasse 6 Narrow Boning Knives" - Red (DRI01563R) 8925 DRI 01563R 1.63 01563R Built to be both tough and sanitary. Polypropylene handle withstands both high and low temperatures. Impervious blade-to-handle seal provides the utmost in sanitary qualification. Handle is textured, slip-resistant and easy-to-clean. Stain-free, high-carb DEXTER RUSSELL 16.04 12.23 21.40 DRI01563R.jpg 6 Narrow Boning Knives" - Red DRI01563R, DRI01563R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 244
8926 Lagasse 6 Narrow Boning Knives" - Yellow (DRI01563Y) 8926 DRI 01563Y 1.63 01563Y Built to be both tough and sanitary. Polypropylene handle withstands both high and low temperatures. Impervious blade-to-handle seal provides the utmost in sanitary qualification. Handle is textured, slip-resistant and easy-to-clean. Stain-free, high-carb DEXTER RUSSELL 16.04 12.23 21.32 DRI01563Y.jpg 6 Narrow Boning Knives" - Yellow DRI01563Y, DRI01563Y, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 244
8928 Lagasse Sani-Safe 8" x 3" Green Handle, High Carbon Steel Turner (DRI019693G) 8928 DRI 019693G 2.63 019693G High Carbon Steel Turner
Built to be tough and sanitary. A textured, slip-resistant, easy-to-clean polypropylene handle withstands both high and low temperatures. An impervious blade-to-handle seal provides the utmost in sanitary qualification. Stain-free, high carbon steel blade.
Dexter Russell Sani-Safe 8" x 3" Green Handle, High Carbon Steel Turner, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. DEXTER RUSSELL 21.81 16.03 29.20 DRI019693G.jpg spatula, spatulas, steel spatula, steel turner, food service spatula, DRI 019693G, DRI019693G, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 244
8929 Lagasse Sani-Safe 8" x 3" Red Handle, High Carbon Steel Turner (DRI019693R) 8929 DRI 019693R 2.63 019693R High Carbon Steel Turner
Built to be tough and sanitary. A textured, slip-resistant, easy-to-clean polypropylene handle withstands both high and low temperatures. An impervious blade-to-handle seal provides the utmost in sanitary qualification. Stain-free, high carbon steel blade.
Dexter Russell Sani-Safe 8" x 3" Red Handle, High Carbon Steel Turner, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. DEXTER RUSSELL 21.76 16.03 28.51 DRI019693R.jpg spatula, spatulas, steel spatula, steel turner, food service spatula, DRI019693R, DRI019693R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 244
8930 Lagasse Sani-Safe 8" x 3" Yellow Handle, High Carbon Steel Turner (DRI019693Y) 8930 DRI 019693Y 2.63 019693Y High Carbon Steel Turner
Built to be tough and sanitary. A textured, slip-resistant, easy-to-clean polypropylene handle withstands both high and low temperatures. An impervious blade-to-handle seal provides the utmost in sanitary qualification. Stain-free, high carbon steel blade.
Dexter Russell Sani-Safe 8" x 3" Yellow Handle, High Carbon Steel Turner, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. DEXTER RUSSELL 21.81 16.03 29.55 spatula, spatulas, steel spatula, steel turner, food service spatula, DRI019693Y, DRI 019693Y, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 244
8931 Lagasse Oxivir® TB Wipes (DRK4599516) 8931 DRK 4599516 21.61 4599516 A ready-to-use cleaner disinfectant wipe base on proprietary AHP® technology to deliver fast, effective cleaning performance. Use on hard, nonporous environmental surfaces for fast sanitizing. Bactericidal and virucidal in one minute, kills HBV, HCV, HIV- Diversey 162.77 124.15 216.04 DRK4599516.jpg Oxivir® TB Wipes DRK4599516, DRK4599516, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 63
8932 Lagasse Emerel Multi-Surface Creme Cleanser, 12 Bottles (DRK4995295) 8932 DRK 4995295 33.75 4995295 Emerel Multi-Surface Creme Cleanser
Mild acid, mild abrasive formula quickly removes stubborn stains without scratching the surface. Provides controlled sudsing so it rinses freely for a clean surface. Thickened creme formula stays put, even on vertical surfaces. Use on porcelain, ceramic, chrome, Formica, fiberglass and other surfaces not harmed by acids or mild abrasives.
Johnson Diversey Emerel Multi-Surface Creme Cleanser, 32-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 55.04 41.98 72.62 DRK4995295.jpg emerel multi-surface creme cleanser, DRK 4995295, DRK4995295, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
8937 Lagasse Glance® NA Glass & Multi-Purpose Cleaner Non-Ammoniated (DRK5019510) 8937 DRK 5019510 8.36 5019510 Streak-free glass cleaner. Green Seal™ Certified; EcoLogo™ CCD-146; 35% post-consumer content, 25% total recovered content. Wipes clean and dries fast. Rinse and sanitize all food contact surfaces before use to avoid food contamination. No water hookup re Diversey 45.57 34.76 59.85 DRK5019510.jpg Glance® NA Glass & Multi-Purpose Cleaner Non-Ammoniated DRK5019510, DRK5019510, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 63
8938 Lagasse Floor Science Floor Stripper, 4 Gallons (DRK5116002) 8938 DRK 5116002 38.87 5116002 Floor Science Floor Stripper
Floor Science Floor Stripper strips floors in minimal time, provides uniform wetting, super penetration and total emulsification action. For tough jobs on burnished or spray buffed finishes. Extra heavy-duty, non-ammonia stripper penetrates fast to remove finish and dissolve tough buffed and burnished finishes.
Floor Science Floor Stripper, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 53.80 41.03 73.47 DRK5116002.jpg floor stripper, floor science floor stripper, floor finish remover, floor science floor finish remover, DRK5116002, DRK5116002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
8940 Lagasse Floor Science Floor Cleaner (DRK5228080) 8940 DRK 5228080 35.96 5228080 Floor Cleaner
Cleans deeply, gently without rinsing. Leaves no film. Low foaming—use with mop and bucket or automatic scrubber. Concentrated for economical cleaning. Use daily or for periodic deep cleaning. Can be used with conventional, high-speed or ultra high-speed floor machines.
Floor Science Floor Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 42.09 32.10 56.72 DRK5228080.jpg floor science cleaner, DRK 5228080, DRK5228080, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
8941 Lagasse Drano Max Gel Drain Cleaner, 12 - 32-oz. Bottles (DRKCB001176) 8941 DRK CB001176 37.80 DRK CB001176 Drano Max Gel Drain Cleaner
Formulated thick to dissolve the toughest clogs. Pours through water straight to the clog. Has a special ingredient that protects pipes from corrosion. Safe for plastic, PVC, metal pipes, garbage disposals and septic systems. Contains no phosphorus. 32-oz bottle, 12 bottles per case.
Drano Max Gel Drain Cleaner, 32-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 69.48 52.99 90.78 DRKCB001176.jpg drano max gel, DRK CB001176, DRKCB001176, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
8943 Lagasse Snuggle Dryer Sheets, 6 Boxes (DRKCB451156) 8943 DRK CB451156 4.25 CB451156 Snuggle Dryer Sheets
Convenient-to-use dryer sheets for the dryer cycle. Reduces static cling and leaves wash soft and fresh. Cuddle-up fresh scent. 120 sheets per box. 6 boxes per case.
Johnson Diversey Snuggle Dryer Sheets, 120 Sheets per Box, 6 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 47.32 36.09 63.36 DRKCB451156.jpg snuggle dryer sheets, fabric softener, DRK CB451156, DRKCB451156, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
8944 Lagasse LIQUID ALIVE® Enzyme Producing Bacteria (DYM23301) 8944 DYM 23301 34.00 23301 Maintain drains and control odors with environmentally friendly methods. Enzyme-producing bacteria digest and liquefy organic waste, grease and food by-products to eliminate odor and reduce suspended soils. Safe, nontoxic, acid- and alkaline-free. Leaves Itw Dymon 61.10 46.60 79.61 DYM23301.jpg LIQUID ALIVE® Enzyme Producing Bacteria DYM23301, DYM23301, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 60
8945 Lagasse Scrubs Clear Reflections Glass & Surface Wipes (DYM98528) 8945 DYM 98528 6.00 DYM 98528 Scrubs Glass Cleaning Wipes
Residue- and streak-free cleaning solution in a soft, lint-free wipe. Easily removes dirt, dust, fingerprints, smudges, smoke film, spots and soil from mirrors, windows, tinted glass, monitors and lenses. Each wipe holds just the right amount of cleaner. Manufactured by brand name ITW Dymon.
Scrubs Glass & Surface Wipes, 90-count containers, 6 containers per case, sold by the case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Itw Dymon 44.37 32.70 59.98 DYM98528.jpg SCRUBS® CLEAR REFLECTIONS® Glass & Surface Wipes, DYM98528, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
8946 Lagasse EcoGrip Hot Cup Sleeve, 1,300 Sleeves (ECPEG-2000) 8946 ECP EG-2000 25.00 ECO EG-2000 Hot Cup Sleeves
High-quality EcoGrip sleeves perform as well as conventional alternatives. EcoGrip coffee sleeve is made from 100% recycled content with up to 90% post-consumer waste. They are recyclable and compostable. These sleeves not only protect your drinks, they show your commitment to environmentally preferred materials too.
Eco-Products EcoGrip Hot Cup Sleeves, 1,300 Sleeves per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 88.26 60.10 119.29 ECPEG2000.jpg hot cup sleeves, ECP EG-2000, ECPEG2000, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8947 Lagasse World Art 10-oz. Compostable Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-BHC10-WA) 8947 ECP EP-BHC10-WA 25.00 ECO EP-BHC10-WA World Art Renewable Resource Compostable 10oz Hot Cups
Make your cup of coffee a model for green awareness. Lined with compostable, corn plastic (PLA)—means you get a hot cup made with renewables that won't leak. Product design shows green commitment. Compostable, renewable, good looking and functional. You couldn't ask for a better fit. 1,000 cups per case.
Eco-Products 10-oz. Compostable Paper Hot Cups, Burnt Orange, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 121.20 92.44 160.89 ECPEPBHC10WA.jpg renewable resource compostable hot cups, ECPEP-BHC10-WA, ECPEPBHC10WA, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8948 Lagasse World Art 12-oz. Compostable Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-BHC12-WA) 8948 ECP EP-BHC12-WA 27.00 ECO EP-BHC12-WA World Art Renewable Resource 12oz Compostable Hot Cups
Make your cup of coffee a model for green awareness. Lined with compostable, corn plastic (PLA)—means you get a hot cup made with renewables that doesn't leak. Product design shows green commitment. Compostable, renewable, good looking and functional. You couldn't ask for a better fit. 1,000 cups per case.
Eco-Products World Art 12-oz. Compostable Paper Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 125.52 95.73 163.30 ECPEPBHC12WA.jpg compostable paper hot cups, ECPEP-BHC12-WA, ECPEPBHC12WA, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8949 Lagasse World Art 16-oz. Compostable Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-BHC16-WA) 8949 ECP EP-BHC16-WA 32.00 ECO EP-BHC16-WA World Art Renewable Resource 16oz Compostable Hot Cups
Make your cup of coffee a model for green awareness. Lined with compostable, corn plastic (PLA)—means you get a hot cup made with renewables that doesn't leak. Product design shows green commitment. Compostable, renewable, good looking and functional. You couldn't ask for a better fit. 1,000 cups per case.
Eco Products World Art 16-oz. Compostable Paper Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 152.27 116.14 201.59 ECPEPBHC16WA.jpg paper hot cups, ECPEP-BHC16-WA, ECPEPBHC16WA, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8950 Lagasse World Art 20-oz. Compostable Hot Cup, 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-BHC20-WA) 8950 ECP EP-BHC20-WA 35.00 EP-BHC20-WA World Art Renewable Resource 20oz Compostable Hot Cups
Make your cup of coffee a model for green awareness. Lined with compostable, corn plastic (PLA)—means you get a hot cup made with renewables that won't leak. Product design shows green commitment. Compostable, renewable, good looking and functional. You couldn't ask for a better fit. 1,000 cups per case.
Eco-Products World Art 20-oz. Compostable Paper Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 212.48 137.81 282.56 ECPEPBHC20WA.jpg paper hot cups, ECPEP-BHC20-WA, ECPEPBHC20WA, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8951 Lagasse World Art 8-oz. Compostable Hot Cup, 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-BHC8-WA) 8951 ECP EP-BHC8-WA 22.00 ECO EP-BHC8-WA World Art Renewable Resource 8oz Compostable Hot Cups
Make your cup of coffee a model for green awareness. Lined with compostable, corn plastic (PLA)—means you get a hot cup made with renewables that won't leak. Product design shows green commitment. Compostable, renewable, good looking and functional. You couldn't ask for a better fit. 1,000 cups per case.
Eco-Products Word Art 8oz. Compostable Paper Hot Cups,20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 103.67 79.01 135.43 ECPEPBHC8WA.jpg paper hot cups, ECPEP-BHC8-WA, ECPEPBHC8WA, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8952 Lagasse Evolution World 10-oz. Recycled Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-BRHC10-EW) 8952 ECP EP-BRHC10-EW 26.00 EP-BRHC10-EW 10-oz. Evolution World Recycled Content Hot Cups
Evolution World PCF Hot Cups are made with 24% post-consumer fiber, the highest amount on the market today. That means that nearly a quarter of this material already lived a previous life somewhere else entirely. So after this paper was done gallivanting around the world as art projects, office memo's, love letters, and shopping lists, we found it another life to live. Tan, with a rolled rim and a leak-proof interior lining. 50 cups per bag, 20 bags per case. Eco-Products Recycled Content 10-oz. Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
ECO PRODUCTS 145.48 80.14 189.53 ECPEPBRHC10EW.jpg evolution world art recycled hot cups, ECPEP-BRHC10-EW, ECPEPBRHC10EW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8953 Lagasse Evolution World 12-oz. Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-BRHC12-EW) 8953 ECP EP-BRHC12-EW 27.50 EP-BRHC12-EW 12-oz. Evolution World Recycled Content Hot Cups
Evolution World PCF Hot Cups are made with 24% post-consumer fiber, the highest amount on the market today. That means that nearly a quarter of this material already lived a previous life somewhere else entirely. So after this paper was done gallivanting around the world as art projects, office memo's, love letters, and shopping lists, we found it another life to live. Who knew recycled materials in everyday things like your coffee cup had such juicy secrets to tell? Sea Green color, 50 cups per bag, 20 bags per case. Eco-Products Evolution World 12oz Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
ECO PRODUCTS 183.61 101.14 246.98 ECPEPBRHC12EW.jpg world art recycled content hot cups, ECPEP-BRHC12-EW, ECPEPBRHC12EW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8954 Lagasse Evolution World 16-oz. Recycled Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-BRHC16-EW) 8954 ECP EP-BRHC16-EW 18.50 EP-BRHC16-EW 16-oz. Evolution World Recycled Content Hot Cups
Evolution World PCF Hot Cups are made with 24% post-consumer fiber, the highest amount on the market today. That means that nearly a quarter of this material already lived a previous life somewhere else entirely. So after this paper was done gallivanting around the world as art projects, office memo's, love letters, and shopping lists, we found it another life to live. Tan, with a rolled rim and leak proof lining. 50 cups per bag, 20 bags per case. Evolution World Recycled Content 16 oz. Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
ECO PRODUCTS 137.80 105.10 179.67 ECPEPBRHC16EW.jpg recycled content hot cups, ECPEP-BRHC16-EW, ECPEPBRHC16EW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8955 Lagasse Evolution World Recycled 20-oz. Hot Cups 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-BRHC20-EW) 8955 ECP EP-BRHC20-EW 31.50 EP-BRHC20-EW 20-oz. Evolution World Recycled Content Hot Cups
Evolution World PCF Hot Cups are made with 24% post-consumer fiber, the highest amount on the market today. That means that nearly a quarter of this material already lived a previous life somewhere else entirely. So after this paper was done gallivanting around the world as art projects, office memo's, love letters, and shopping lists, we found it another life to live. Tan, with a rolled rim and leak proof lining. 50 Cups per Bag, 20 Bags per Case. Evolution World Recycled Content 20 oz. Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
ECO PRODUCTS 144.50 110.21 195.99 ECPEPBRHC20EW.jpg recycled paper hot cups, ECPEP-BRHC20-EW, ECPEPBRHC20EW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8956 Lagasse Evolution World Recycled 8-oz. Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-BRHC8-EW) 8956 ECP EP-BRHC8-EW 21.00 EP-BRHC8-EW 8-oz. Evolution World Recycled Content Hot Cups
Evolution World PCF Hot Cups are made with 24% post-consumer fiber, the highest amount on the market today. That means that nearly a quarter of this material already lived a previous life somewhere else entirely. So after this paper was done gallivanting around the world as art projects, office memo's, love letters, and shopping lists, we found it another life to live. Tan, with a rolled rim and leak proof lining. 50 Cups per Bag, 20 Bags per Case. Evolution World Recycled Content 8 oz Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
ECO PRODUCTS 85.40 62.49 114.92 ECPEPBRHC8EW.jpg recycled content paper hot cups, ECPEP-BRHC8-EW, ECPEPBRHC8EW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8957 Lagasse 12-oz. GreenStripe Compostable Plastic Cups, 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-CC12-GS) 8957 ECP EP-CC12-GS 26.00 EP-CC12-GS 12oz Plastic Cold Cups
Showcase your commitment to green with our classic renewable and compostable GreenStripe Plastic Cold Cups. Strong and durable, GreenStripe Cold Cups provide a renewable way for you to save resources without compromising performance. Made from PLA, a plant-based plastic, these cups are 100% renewable, BPI certified compostable and ASTM compliant. Printed wrap-around text includes "Made From Corn". For cold beverages only. 1,000 cups per case.
Eco Products GreenStripe 12oz Plastic Cold Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 119.05 90.80 156.62 ECPEPCC12GS.jpg plastic cold cups, greenstripe cups, plastic cups ECPEP-CC12-GS, ECPEPCC12GS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8958 Lagasse 16-oz. GreenStripe Compostable Plastic Cold Cup, 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-CC16-GS) 8958 ECP EP-CC16-GS 33.00 EP-CC16-GS 16-oz Plastic Cold Cups
Showcase your commitment to green with our classic renewable and compostable GreenStripe Cold Cups. Strong and durable, GreenStripe Cold Cups provide a renewable way for you to save resources without compromising performance. Made from PLA, a plant-based plastic, these cups are 100% renewable, BPI certified compostable and ASTM compliant. Printed wrap-around text includes "Made From Corn". For cold beverages only.
Eco Products GreenStripe 16oz Plastic Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 123.71 94.02 165.75 ECPEPCC16GS.jpg compostable cold cups, ECPEP-CC16-GS, ECPEPCC16GS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8959 Lagasse 20-oz GreenStripe Compostable Plastic Cold Cup, 1000 Cups (ECPEP-CC20-GS) 8959 ECP EP-CC20-GS 35.00 EP-CC20-GS 20-oz Plastic Cold Cup
Showcase your commitment to green with our classic renewable and compostable GreenStripe Cold Cups. Strong and durable, GreenStripe Cold Cups provide a renewable way for you to save resources without compromising performance. Made from PLA, a plant-based plastic, these cups are 100% renewable, BPI certified compostable and ASTM compliant. Printed wrap-around text includes "Made From Corn". For cold beverages only.
Eco-Products GreenStripe 20oz Plastic Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 165.64 126.33 225.05 ECPEPCC20GS.jpg green stripe cold cups, ECPEP-CC20-GS, ECPEPCC20GS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8960 Lagasse 9-oz. GreenStripe Compostable Plastic Cold Cup, 1,000 Cups (ECPEP-CC9S-GS) 8960 ECP EP-CC9S-GS 20.00 ECO EP-CCPS-GS 9oz Plastic Cold Cup
Showcase your commitment to green with our classic renewable and compostable GreenStripe Cold Cups. Strong and durable, GreenStripe Cold Cups provide a renewable way for you to save resources without compromising performance. Made from PLA, a plant-based plastic, these cups are 100% renewable, BPI certified compostable and ASTM compliant. Printed wrap-around text includes "Made From Corn". For cold beverages only.
Eco Products GreenStripe 9oz Plastic Cold Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 101.08 77.09 138.28 ECPEPCC9SGS.jpg green stripe compostable cold cups, plastic cups, greenstripe cups, ECPEP-CC9S-GS, ECPEPCC9SGS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8961 Lagasse Renewable Resource Compostable Lids (ECPEP-FLCC) 8961 ECP EP-FLCC 7.00 ECO EP-FLCC Complete the package with compostable flat lids. Made from renewable resources and certified compostable by BPI. 1,000 lids per case. ECO PRODUCTS 61.87 47.19 82.16 ECPEPFLCC.jpg Renewable Resource Compostable Lids ECPEP-FLCC, ECPEPFLCC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
8962 Lagasse Sugarcane Clamshells - 6 x 6 x 3 Clamshell 500 (ECPEP-HC6) 8962 ECP EP-HC6 26.00 EP-HC6 Made from 100% reclaimed and annually renewable materials, these clamshells are an excellent, eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastics. Great for take out foods, these containers store easily and have double tab snap closure. Perfect for hot or co ECO PRODUCTS 99.39 75.81 129.95 ECPEPHC6.jpg Sugarcane Clamshells - 6 x 6 x 3 Clamshell 500 ECPEP-HC6, ECPEPHC6, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
8963 Lagasse Sugarcane Clamshells - 9 x 9 x 3 Clamshell 200 (ECPEP-HC91) 8963 ECP EP-HC91 21.00 EP-HC91 Made from 100% reclaimed and annually renewable materials, these clamshells are an excellent, eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastics. Great for take out foods, these containers store easily and have double tab snap closure. Perfect for hot or co ECO PRODUCTS 75.31 57.44 100.31 ECPEPHC91.jpg Sugarcane Clamshells - 9 x 9 x 3 Clamshell 200 ECPEP-HC91, ECPEPHC91, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
8964 Lagasse Sugarcane Clamshells - 9 x 9 x 3 3-Section Clamshell 200 (ECPEP-HC93) 8964 ECP EP-HC93 21.00 EP-HC93 Made from 100% reclaimed and annually renewable materials, these clamshells are an excellent, eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastics. Great for take out foods, these containers store easily and have double tab snap closure. Perfect for hot or co ECO PRODUCTS 76.25 58.16 101.75 ECPEPHC93.jpg Sugarcane Clamshells - 9 x 9 x 3 3-Section Clamshell 200 ECPEP-HC93, ECPEPHC93, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
8967 Lagasse Eco Products 10" Sugercane Dinner Plate, 500 Plates (ECPEP-P005) 8967 ECP EP-P005 28.00 ECO EP-P005 10" Dinner Plates
Sugarcane Plates are a sturdy, upscale and eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic or polystyrene. Sugarcane fiber products are BPI certified compostable and made from a 100% reclaimed and renewable material. Microwave and freezer safe.
Eco Products 10" Diameter Sugercane Dinner Plate, 10 Packs of 50 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 83.70 63.84 108.72 ECPEPP005.jpg sugarcane plates, sugarcane bowls, ECP EP-P005, ECPEPP005, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8968 Lagasse Eco Products 9" Sugarcane Dinner Plate, 500 Plates (ECPEP-P013) 8968 ECP EP-P013 21.00 ECO EP-P013 9" Dinner Plates
These sugarcane plates are a sturdy, upscale and eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic or polystyrene. Sugarcane fiber products are BPI certified compostable and made from 100% reclaimed and renewable material. Microwave and freezer safe. 500 plates per case.
Eco Products 9" Diameter Sugercane Dinner Plate, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 67.07 51.16 88.26 ECPEPP013.jpg 9 inch plates, 9" plates, sugarcane plates, sugarcane dinnerware, ECP EP-P013, ECPEPP013, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8969 Lagasse Eco Products 6" Sugarcane Dinner Plates, 1,000 Plates (ECPEP-P016) 8969 ECP EP-P016 25.00 EP-P016 6" Sugarcane Dinner Plates
These sugarcane plates are a sturdy, upscale and eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic or polystyrene. Sugarcane fiber products are BPI certified compostable and made from a 100% reclaimed and renewable material. Microwave and freezer safe.
Eco Products 6" Diameter Sugarcane Dinner Plate, 20 Packs of 50 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 59.68 45.52 80.82 ECPEPP016.jpg sugarcane plates, 6 inch plates, disposable plate, ECP EP-P016, ECPEPP016, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8970 Lagasse Plant Starch Cutlery, 1,000 Knives (ECPEP-S001) 8970 ECP EP-S001 15.00 ECO EP-S001 Plant Starch Cutlery Knife
Plant Starch Cutlery is excellent for hot foods with a heat tolerance up to 200° F. Plant Starch Cutlery is made with 70% renewable materials. Compared to traditional cutlery made from 100% virgin plastics, this cutlery is a more sustainable choice. Plant Starch Cutlery is not compostable.
Eco-Products Plant Starch Cutlery Knife, Cream, 1,000 Knifes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 59.33 45.25 78.12 ECPEPS001.jpg plant starch cutlery, knife, ECP EP-S001, ECPEPS001, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8971 Lagasse Plant Starch Cutlery, 1,000 Forks (ECPEP-S002) 8971 ECP EP-S002 17.00 ECO EP-S002 Plant Starch Cutlery Fork
Plant Starch Cutlery is excellent for hot foods with a heat tolerance up to 200° F. Plant Starch Cutlery is made with 70% renewable materials. Compared to traditional cutlery made from 100% virgin plastics, this cutlery is a more sustainable choice. Plant Starch Cutlery is not compostable.
Eco-Products Plant Starch Cutlery Fork, Cream, 1,000 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 59.33 45.25 78.37 ECPEPS002.jpg plant starch cutlery, fork, ECP EP-S002, ECPEPS002, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8972 Lagasse Plant Starch Cutlery, 1,000 Spoons (ECPEP-S003) 8972 ECP EP-S003 17.00 ECO EP-S003 Plant Starch Cutlery Spoon
Plant Starch Cutlery is excellent for hot foods with a heat tolerance up to 200° F. Plant Starch Cutlery is made with 70% renewable materials. Compared to traditional cutlery made from 100% virgin plastics, this cutlery is a more sustainable choice. Plant Starch Cutlery is not compostable.
Eco Products Plant Starch Cutlery Spoon, Cream, 1,000 Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. ECO PRODUCTS 59.33 45.25 77.28 ECPEPS003.jpg plant starch cutlery, spoon, ECP EP-S003, ECPEPS003, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
8974 Lagasse Fancy Heat Portable Butane Stove, Each (FHCF200) 8974 FHC F200 25.00 F200 Fancy Heat Portable Butane Stove
Provides 9925 BTU per hour heat for light- to medium-duty cooking. Piezoelectric ignition produces instant flame with a twist of the knob— no matches or lighters needed. Knob adjusts flame height. Easy-to-clean porcelain drop pan. Durable plastic carrying case.
Fancy Heat Corporation Portable Butane Stove, Each. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
FANCY HEAT 24.26 18.07 31.93 FHCF200.jpg restaurant supplies, catering sipplies, food warming, portable butane stove, FHC F200, FHCF200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 246
8975 Lagasse Fancy Heat Butane Fuel Cartridge, 28 Cartridges (FHCF300) 8975 FHC F300 16.00 F300 Fancy Heat Butane Fuel Cartridge
Lasts up to two hours on high setting, Four hours on low/simmer in a portable stove. Notched collar locks cartridge into place. Odorant added for scent detection. Universal cartridge fits most butane stoves. 8-oz. cartridge. 28 cartridges per case.
Fancy Heat Corporation Butane Fuel Cartridge, 8-oz. Cartridge 28 Cartridges per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
FANCY HEAT 59.01 43.08 80.72 FHCF300.jpg restaurant supplies, catering sipplies, food warming, butane fuel cartridge, FHC F300, FHCF300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 246
8976 Lagasse Votive Candles - 1/3 10 Hours 72 4 288 (FHCF400) 8976 FHC F400 21.50 F400 Bright, clean-burning candle provides just the right amount of flicker. Candles made from pure stearin and paraffin wax. White. FANCY HEAT 49.06 37.42 66.74 FHCF400.jpg Votive Candles - 1/3 10 Hours 72 4 288 FHCF400, FHCF400, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 246
8977 Lagasse Votive Candles - 113/16 15 Hours 72 4 288 (FHCF405) 8977 FHC F405 32.00 F405 Bright, clean-burning candle provides just the right amount of flicker. Candles made from pure stearin and paraffin wax. White. FANCY HEAT 76.36 54.77 104.44 FHCF405.jpg Votive Candles - 113/16 15 Hours 72 4 288 FHCF405, FHCF405, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 246
8978 Lagasse Tealight (FHCF410) 8978 FHC F410 18.00 F410 Bright, clean-burning tealight provides just the right amount of flicker. White. Burns up to five hours. Nonrefillable. 50 tealights per pack. 10 packs per case (500 tealights). FANCY HEAT 47.38 35.45 62.24 FHCF410.jpg Tealight FHCF410, FHCF410, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 246
8979 Lagasse Victorian Filled Glass Candles - Amber (FHCF460-AM) 8979 FHC F460-AM 15.00 F455-AM Bright, clean-burning candle draws attention to the table. Filled colored glass holder. Burns up to 60 hours. 33/4-in. high. Nonrefillable. 12 candles per case. FANCY HEAT 24.49 17.05 32.44 FHCF460AM.jpg Victorian Filled Glass Candles - Amber FHCF460-AM, FHCF460AM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 246
8980 Lagasse Victorian Filled Glass Candles - Clear (FHCF460-CL) 8980 FHC F460-CL 15.00 F455-CL Bright, clean-burning candle draws attention to the table. Filled colored glass holder. Burns up to 60 hours. 33/4-in. high. Nonrefillable. 12 candles per case. FANCY HEAT 24.60 17.12 33.14 FHCF460FWH.jpg Victorian Filled Glass Candles - Clear FHCF460-CL, FHCF460CL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 246
8981 Lagasse Victorian Filled Glass Candles - White Frost (FHCF460-FWH) 8981 FHC F460-FWH 15.00 F455-FWH Bright, clean-burning candle draws attention to the table. Filled colored glass holder. Burns up to 60 hours. 33/4-in. high. Nonrefillable. 12 candles per case. FANCY HEAT 24.53 17.05 32.46 FHCF460FWH.jpg Victorian Filled Glass Candles - White Frost FHCF460-FWH, FHCF460FWH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 246
8982 Lagasse Victorian Filled Glass Candles, Red, 12 Candles (FHCF460-RD) 8982 FHC F460-RD 15.00 F455-RD Red Glass Candles
The perfect party candle, these red candles from Fancy Heat fit any environment. From pool parties to picnics, these filled colored glass containers hold wax candles that burn up to 60 hours. Measuring in at 33/4" high, these non-refillable candles come 12 to a case. Adding a touch of ambiance to any social gathering, these quality candles make any day or evening event special in moments.
Fancy Heat Victorian Glass Candles, Red, 12 Candles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. FANCY HEAT 24.45 17.01 33.01 FHCF460RD.jpg glass candles, victorian red candles, red candles, FHCF460-RD, FHCF460RD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 246
8983 Lagasse Fancy Lite Disposable Fuel Cells - 42-hour, 36 per Case (FHCF525) 8983 FHC F525 11.50 F525 Fancy Lite Disposable Fuel Cells
The cleanest burning, most consistent and dependable lamp fuel in the industry. Ideal where table/lighting space is a premium. No mess to clean, simple operation. Non flammable liquid fuel.
Fancy Heat corporation Fancy Lite Disposable Fuel Cells - 42-hour, 36 Fuel Cells per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
FANCY HEAT 52.53 38.38 71.71 FHCF525.jpg restaurant supplies, catering sipplies, food warming, disposable fuel cells, FHC F525, FHCF525, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 246
8984 Lagasse Fancy lite Disposable Fuel Cells - 18-hour (FHCF535) 8984 FHC F535 7.30 F535 Fancy Lite Liquid Wax Fuel Cells
Liquid wax candle cartridges are clean-burning and consistent. They are convenient when table lighting space is at a premium. They are mess-free and easy-to-use, never leaving soot or wax behind. They burn more efficiently than candles. 48 disposable fuel cells per case.
Fancy Lite Liquid Wax Fuel Cells, 18 Hour, 48 Disposable Fuel Cells per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
FANCY HEAT 47.92 34.20 63.99 FHCF535.jpg disposable fuel cells, FHC F535, FHCF535, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 246
8985 Lagasse Fancy Lite Disposable Fuel Cells - 37-hour (FHCF540) 8985 FHC F540 10.10 F540 Fancy Lite Liquid Wax Fuel Cells
Liquid wax candle cartridges are clean-burning and consistent. They are convenient when table lighting space is at a premium. They are mess-free and easy-to-use, never leaving soot or wax behind. They burn more efficiently than candles. 36 disposable fuel cells per case.
Fancy Lite Liquid Wax Fuel Cells, 37 Hour, 36 Disposable Fuel Cells per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
FANCY HEAT 46.24 33.61 61.33 FHCF540.jpg disposable fuel cells, FHC F540, FHCF540, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 246
8986 Lagasse Wick Chafing Fuel - Stem Wick 6 Hours (FHCF700) 8986 FHC F700 14.79 F700 Can stays cool for safe handling—even when lit. Consistent heat delivery, visible flame. Spill-proof can for safety. 24 cans per case. FANCY HEAT 40.91 31.20 54.93 FHCF700.jpg Wick Chafing Fuel - Stem Wick 6 Hours FHCF700, FHCF700, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 246
8987 Lagasse Wick Chafing Fuel - Twist Cap Wick 6 Hours (FHCF710) 8987 FHC F710 15.70 F710 Can stays cool for safe handling—even when lit. Consistent heat delivery, visible flame. Spill-proof can for safety. 24 cans per case. FANCY HEAT 40.98 31.26 54.24 FHCF710.jpg Wick Chafing Fuel - Twist Cap Wick 6 Hours FHCF710, FHCF710, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 246
8988 Lagasse Wick Chafing Fuel - Twist Cap Wick 4 Hours (FHCF715) 8988 FHC F715 13.90 F715 Can stays cool for safe handling—even when lit. Consistent heat delivery, visible flame. Spill-proof can for safety. 24 cans per case. FANCY HEAT 37.48 28.58 50.44 FHCF715.jpg Wick Chafing Fuel - Twist Cap Wick 4 Hours FHCF715, FHCF715, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 246
8990 Lagasse Fancy Heat Ethanol Gel Chafing Fuel, 7-oz Cans (FHCF900) 8990 FHC F900 39.40 F900 Fancy Heat Ethanol Gel Chafing Fuel
High heat output with consistent delivery. Exceeds and maintains the FDA minimum holding temperature of 140°. 21/2-hour burn time. Nontoxic. 7-oz. can. 72 cans per case.
Fancy Heat Ethanol Gel Chafing Fuel, 7-oz Can, 72 Cans per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
FANCY HEAT 60.89 46.44 80.41 FHCF900.jpg ethanol gel chafing fuel, FHC F900, FHCF900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 246
8991 Lagasse Fancy Heat Ethanol Gel Chafing Fuel, 1 Gallon Cans (FHCF925) 8991 FHC F925 31.90 F925 Fancy Heat Ethanol Gel Chafing Fuel - Refill
These ethanol gel chafing fuel cans provide high out put with a consistent delivery. Exceeds and maintains the FDA minimum holding temperature of 140°. Nontoxic. 1 gallon can. 4 cans per case.
Fancy Heat Ethanol Gel Chafing Fuel Refill, 1 Gallon Can, 4 Cans per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
FANCY HEAT 58.95 43.15 79.87 ethanol gel chafing fuel, FHC F925, FHCF925, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 246
8993 Lagasse Workhorse Carpet Sweeper (FRK39357) 8993 FRK 39357 3.00 FRK 39357 Workhorse Carpet Sweeper
Quickly pickup up dust, dirt and debris with this highly effective blade-rotor sweeper. Versatile design works on brick, tile, linoleum, wood, carpet and concrete. Rubber bumper helps protect furniture legs, walls and baseboards. Boar bristle brush, lightweight solid steel construction with baked enamel finish and protective rubber bumper.
Franklin Cleaning Technology Workhorse Carpet Sweeper, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 43.57 33.23 58.65 FRK39357.jpg workhorse carpet sweeper FRK39357, FRK 39357, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
8994 Lagasse Sentinel® II Disinfectant (FRKF243022) 8994 FRK F243022 36.00 F243022 One-step disinfectant formulated to reduce cross-contamination on treated surfaces while delivering a broad range of protection against bacteria and viruses, including HIV-1 (AIDS virus), HCV, HBV and more. Also inhibits mold and mildew growth when used a Franklin Cleaning Technology 41.76 31.85 55.43 FRKF243022.jpg Sentinel® II Disinfectant FRKF243022, FRKF243022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 43
8995 Lagasse Fresh Products Urinal Block with Enzyme, 12 Blocks (FRS12-TOSS-CH) 8995 FRS 12-TOSS-CH 2.50 12-TOSS-C-F Cherry Scent Urinal Block
This Urinal Block by Fresh Products freshens and cleans urinals for up to 2000 flushes. Each block contains powerful surfactants and chelating agents that help it to thoroughly clean the urinal. With each flush the water turns to blue to let you know it is cleaning. This Urinal Block also contains billions of bacterial spores that absorb odors at their source, eliminating them completely. Each block comes wrapped in water soluble film, so there is no need to unwrap. Just toss it into the urinal and watch it go to work. Fresh Products only business is odor control, so they focus on the important details to keep their products smelling better and lasting longer than other companies. This Urinal Block with enzymes comes in Cherry Scent, to maximize the air freshener potential. Keep your restrooms smelling fresh and clean with this Urinal Block by Fresh Products.
Fresh Products Urinal Block with Enzymes, Cherry Scented, 12 Blocks per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Fresh Products 8.17 6.06 10.83 FRS12TOSS.jpg air freshener, urinal block, non-para urinal blocks,eco fresh urinal block with enzyme, FRS12-TOSS-CH, FRS12TOSSCH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
8998 Lagasse Non-Para Enzymatic Urinal Screen & Blocks, Cherry, 72 Screens (FRSESAB-CH) 8998 FRS ESAB-CH 29.00 FRS ESAB-CH Cherry Scent Urinal Screen & Block
Freshens and cleans the urinal twice as long as most regular blocks—up to 2,400 flushes. Protects drains; pliable screen traps more debris for extra drain protection. Source reduction—No cello bag throw away; block is wrapped in water-soluble film. Reduces splash back. Patented "non-splash" design keeps liquids where they belong. 12 per box, 6 boxes per case.
Fresh Products Eco-Fresh Non-Para Urinal Screen & Blocks, Cherry, 72 Screens per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 137.26 102.83 187.85 FRSESABCH.jpg urinal screens, urinal blocks, non-para urinal screens, eco-fresh enzymatic screen & block, FRSESAB-CH, FRSESABCH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
8999 Lagasse The Wave Urinal Screens, Cucumber Melon Scent, 10 Screens (FRSWDS10CME) 8999 FRS WDS10 CME 2.50 FRS WDS10 CME Cucumber Melon Scent Urinal Screen
Delivering 10 times more freshness and fragrance for 30 days, The Wave is the ideal odor eliminating urinal screen. Delivering high quality odors eliminating power, as well as reduces splash back and gradually releases fragrance, The Wave dramatically cuts cleaning time by up to 50%. This flexible, translucent vinyl screen allows for a full view of urinal drain, while ensuring optimal flow while trapping debris. 10 screens to a case, The Wave Urinal Screen Deodorizer is the savvy pick to ensure the quality of your bathroom environment.
Fresh Products The Wave Urinal Screen, Cucumber Melon Scent, 10 Screens per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 18.93 14.34 24.91 FRSWDS10CME.jpg air freshener, air fresheners, urinal screen, urinal screens, urinal deodorizer, the wave urinal deodorizer, FRSWDS10CME, FRS WDS10CME, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
9000 Lagasse The Wave Urinal Screen, Mango, 10 Screens (FRSWDS10MAN) 9000 FRS WDS10 MAN 2.50 FRS WDS10 MAN Mango Urinal Screen Deodorizer
Delivering more freshness and 10 times more fragrance than other leading brands, this quality urinal screen from Fresh Products stays lasts for 30 days. Eliminates odors, reduces splash back and gradually releases fragrance, cutting cleaning time by up to 50%. Flexible, translucent vinyl screen allows full view of urinal drain to ensure optimal flow while trapping debris. 10 screens per box.
Fresh Products Wave Urinal Screen Deodorizer, Mango Scent, 10 Screens per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust Fresh Products 20.06 15.30 26.65 FRSWDS10MAN.jpg air freshener, air fresheners, urinal screen, urinal screens, urinal deodorizer, the wave urinal deodorizer, FRS WDS10MAN, FRSWDS10MAN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
9001 Lagasse The Wave Urinal Screens, Spiced Apple Scent, 10 Deodorizers (FRSWDS10SAP) 9001 FRS WDS10 SAP 2.50 FRS WDS10AC Spiced Apple Scented Urinal Screen Deodorizer
The Wave is the ideal odor eliminating urinal screen that delivers 10 times more freshness and fragrance for up to 30 days. Delivering high quality odors eliminating power, as well as reduces splash back and gradually releases fragrance, The Wave dramatically cuts cleaning time by up to 50%. 10 screens to a case, The Wave Urinal Screen Deodorizer is the savvy pick to ensure the quality of your bathroom environment. This flexible, translucent vinyl screen allows for a full view of urinal drain, while ensuring optimal flow while trapping debris.
Fresh Products The Wave Urinal Screen Deodorizer, Spiced Apple Scent, 10 Screens per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 20.06 15.30 26.93 FRSWDS10SAP.jpg The Wave™ Urinal Deodorizer - Spiced Apple FRSWDS10SAP, FRS WDS10SAP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
9002 Lagasse Six Piece Wrapped Cutlery Kit, 250 Kits (GEN6KITMW) 9002 GEN 6KITMW 7.24 6KITMW Wrapped Cutlery Kit
Ensure sanitary dispensing with individually wrapped utensil combos. All-in-one packaging streamlines order preparation and cafeteria line movement. Break-resistant, medium-weight plastic. Six-piece kit includes fork, knife, spoon, napkin and salt and pepper packets. 250 kits per case.
General Liners Six Piece Wrapped Cutlery Kit, Mediumweight, 250 Kits per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. General Liners 16.30 12.33 21.84 GEN6KITMW.jpg wrapped cutlery kit, GEN 6KITMW, GEN6KITMW, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 195
9003 Lagasse 1 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GENHINGEDL1) 9003 GEN HINGEDL1 7.50 SN200VW-H-0183400 Large Foam Hinged Carryout Containers
Versatile foam containers equipped to handle varying food temperatures. Features reliable hinged lid and secure lock. Cater to a wide range of carryout and storage needs with these foam containers. Transport safe and easy to store. Large one compartment. 9-1/4" x 9-1/4" x 3". White. 200 containers per case.
Genpak Large Foam Hinged Carryout Containers, 2 Bags of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 19.25 14.68 25.02 GENHINGEDL1.jpg foam hinged carryout containers, GEN HINGEDL1, GENHINGEDL1, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 195
9004 Lagasse 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers - 91/4 x 91/4 x 3 (GENHINGEDL3) 9004 GEN HINGEDL3 7.50 SN203VW-H-0183400 Hinged Carryout And Takeout Containers
Over the past 40 years, GENPAK has built their reputation as a top quality supplier based on our foam hinged carryout containers. GENPAK was the first to develop a foam hinged container, first to introduce a vented hinged container and the first industry supplier to print a hinged container. We continue to design and develop new and unique containers with customer satisfaction as our driving force. 200 containers per case.
Hinged Carryout And Takeout Containers, 3 Compartment, 9.25"x 9.25"x 3", White, 200 Containers per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 19.71 14.68 26.17 GENHINGEDL3.jpg Foam Hinged Containers - 91/4 x 91/4 x 3 GENHINGEDL3, GENHINGEDL3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 195
9005 Lagasse Medium 1 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GENHINGEDM1) 9005 GEN HINGEDM1 6.50 SN240VW-H-0183400 Medium Foam Hinged Carryout Containers
Versatile foam containers equipped to handle varying food temperatures. Features reliable hinged lid and secure lock. Cater to a wide range of carryout and storage needs with these foam containers. Transport safe and easy to store. Medium one compartment. 8-1/4" x 8" x 3". White. 200 containers per case.
Genpak Medium Foam Hinged Carryout Containers, 2 Bags of 100 Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
General Liners 18.70 13.98 24.65 GENHINGEDM1.jpg takeout containers, carryout containers, foam hinged containers, GENHINGEDM1, GENHINGEDM1, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 195
9006 Lagasse 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Containers, 200 Containers (GENHINGEDM3) 9006 GEN HINGEDM3 6.50 SN243VW-H-0183400 Medium 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Carryout Containers
This high quality hinged carryout food container is perfect for both residential and food service environments. Providing 3 compartments for easy food separation, these durable take out containers make transporting and preserving food simple. With a hinged top that allows for complete coverage of the food being stored, these white containers are an affordable take out option. 8-1/4" x 8" x 3" 200 per case.
Genpak Medium 3 Compartment Foam Hinged Carryout Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. General Liners 19.23 14.67 25.65 GENHINGEDM3.jpg carryout containers, takeout containers, foam hinged containers, GENHINGEDM3, GENHINGEDM3, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 195
9007 Lagasse Wrapped Cutlery Fork, 1,000 Forks (GENMWF/IW) 9007 GEN MWF/IW 8.00 MWF/IW Wrapped Cutlery - Fork
These affordable utensils provide an excellent quality and value. Individual wrapping ensures sanitary dispensing. Break-resistant, medium-weight plastic. White. 1,000 pieces per case.
General Liners Wrapped Cutlery Fork, White, Medium-weight, 1,000 per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. General Liners 14.72 10.89 19.31 GENMWFIW.jpg wrapped cutlery - fork, GEN MWF/IW, GENMWF/IW, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 195
9008 Lagasse Wrapped Cutlery Knife, 1,000 Knives (GENMWK/IW) 9008 GEN MWK/IW 7.00 MWK/IW Wrapped Cutlery - Knife
These affordable utensils provide an excellent quality and value. Individual wrapping ensures sanitary dispensing. Break-resistant, medium-weight plastic. White. 1,000 pieces per case.
General Liners Wrapped Cutlery Knife, White, Medium-weight, 1,000 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. General Liners 14.72 10.86 19.13 GENMWKIW.jpg plastic knife, wrapped cutlery, GEN MWK/IW, GENMWK/IW, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 195
9009 Lagasse Wrapped Cutlery Teaspoon, 1,000 Teaspoons (GENMWS/IW) 9009 GEN MWS/IW 8.00 MWS/IW Wrapped Cutlery - Teaspoon
These affordable utensils provide an excellent quality and value. Individual wrapping ensures sanitary dispensing. Break-resistant, medium-weight plastic. White. 1,000 pieces per case.
General Liners Wrapped Cutlery Teaspoon, White, Medium-weight, 1,000 Teaspoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. General Liners 14.79 11.41 19.56 GENMWSIW.jpg wrapped cutlery - teaspoon, GEN MWS/IW, GENMWS/IW, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 195
9010 Lagasse Wrapped Cutlery Spork, 1,000 Sporks (GENMWSPK/IW) 9010 GEN MWSPK/IW 8.00 MWSPK/IW Wrapped Cutlery - Spork
These affordable utensils provide an excellent quality and value. Individual wrapping ensures sanitary dispensing. Break-resistant, medium-weight plastic. White. 1,000 pieces per case.
General Liners Wrapped Cutlery Spork, White, Medium-weight, 1,000 Sporks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. General Liners 14.72 10.86 18.96 BWKYFWQW.jpg spork wrapped cutlery, GEN MWSPK/IW, GENMWSPK/IW, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 195
9011 Lagasse Medium-Weight Polypropylene Forks, 1,000 Forks (GENPPFK) 9011 GEN PPFK 7.00 PPFK Medium-Weight Disposable Forks
General Liners Medium Weight polypropylene forks are an economical choice, designed for strength, size, and balance. General Liners forks allow you the ability to stock up without breaking the bank. These 6-1/4", medium-weight forks are reinforced at common break points to maximize durability. 1,000 forks per case.
General Liners Medium-weight Polypropylene Forks, White, 1,000 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. General Liners 9.16 6.93 11.93 BWKYFWFW.jpg plastic cutlery, plastic fork, polystrene forks, polystrene cutlery, GEN PPFK, GENPPFK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 195
9012 Lagasse Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery, 1,000 Knives (GENPPKN) 9012 GEN PPKN 7.00 PPKN Medium-Weight Disposable Knife
General Liners Medium Weight polypropylene knives are an economical choice, designed for strength, size, and balance. General Liners forks allow you the ability to stock up without breaking the bank. These 6-1/4", medium-weight knives are reinforced at common break points to maximize durability. 1,000 knives per case.
General Liners Medium-weight Polypropylene Knives, White, 1,000 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. General Liners 8.98 6.85 11.72 bwkyphkw.jpg mediumweight plastic cutlery - knife, GEN PPKN, GENPPKN, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 195
9013 Lagasse Mediumweight Polystrene Cutlery Spork, 1,000 Sporks (GENPPSPK) 9013 GEN PPSPK 7.00 PPSPK Medium-Weight Disposable Spork
General Liners Medium Weight polypropylene cutlery is an economical choice, designed for strength, size, and balance. General Liners forks allow you the ability to stock up without breaking the bank. These 6-1/4", medium-weight sporks are reinforced at common break points to maximize durability. 1,000 sporks per case.
General Liners Medium-weight Polypropylene Sporks, White, 1,000 Sporks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. General Liners 9.62 7.20 12.62 bwkyfwqw.jpg mediumweight plastic cutlery - spork, GEN PPSPK, GENPPSPK, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 195
9014 Lagasse Vented Snap-It® Hinged Containers - 91/4 x 91/4 x 3 (GNPSN200V) 9014 GNP SN200V 9.20 SN200-V Quality To Go® containers with venting to keep food from getting soggy. Ideal for takeout. Great for crispy or fried food. Available with one-compartment or three-compartments to separate portions of the meal. 200 containers per case. Genpak 22.97 16.08 30.91 GNPSN200V.jpg Vented Snap-It® Hinged Containers - 91/4 x 91/4 x 3 GNPSN200V, GNPSN200V, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 173
9015 Lagasse Vented Snap-It® Hinged Containers - 91/4 x 91/4 x 3 (GNPSN203V) 9015 GNP SN203V 9.20 SN203-V Quality To Go® containers with venting to keep food from getting soggy. Ideal for takeout. Great for crispy or fried food. Available with one-compartment or three-compartments to separate portions of the meal. 200 containers per case. Genpak 22.53 15.77 29.74 GNPSN203V.jpg Vented Snap-It® Hinged Containers - 91/4 x 91/4 x 3 GNPSN203V, GNPSN203V, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 173
9016 Lagasse Vented Snap-It® Hinged Containers - 81/4 x 8 x 3 (GNPSN240V) 9016 GNP SN240V 8.00 SN240-V Quality To Go® containers with venting to keep food from getting soggy. Ideal for takeout. Great for crispy or fried food. Available with one-compartment or three-compartments to separate portions of the meal. 200 containers per case. Genpak 24.44 17.11 32.61 GNPSN240V.jpg Vented Snap-It® Hinged Containers - 81/4 x 8 x 3 GNPSN240V, GNPSN240V, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 173
9017 Lagasse Vented Snap-It® Hinged Containers - 81/4 x 8 x 3 (GNPSN243V) 9017 GNP SN243V 8.00 SN243-V Quality To Go® containers with venting to keep food from getting soggy. Ideal for takeout. Great for crispy or fried food. Available with one-compartment or three-compartments to separate portions of the meal. 200 containers per case. Genpak 22.97 16.08 30.57 GNPSN243V.jpg Vented Snap-It® Hinged Containers - 81/4 x 8 x 3 GNPSN243V, GNPSN243V, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 173
9018 Lagasse GOJO Cherry Gel Pumice Hand Cleaner (GOJ2358-02) 9018 GOJ 2358-02 17.70 2358-02 GOJO Cherry Gel Pumice Hand Cleaner
Gel-style heavy-duty hand cleaner with pumice scrubbers quickly cleans heavy dirt, grease and oil. Contains skin conditioners and is pH balanced to promote skin comfort. Provides quick, easy and complete rinse and leaves skin feeling refreshed. Pleasant cherry scent. 1 gallon pump bottle, 2 bottles per case.
GOJO Cherry Gel Pumice Hand Cleaner, 1 Gallon Pump Bottle, 2 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 37.15 28.33 49.07 GOJ235802.jpg hand soaps, gojo cherry gel pumice hand cleaner, GOJ 2358-02, GOJ235802, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9019 Lagasse PURELL Hand Sanitizer, Pump Bottles, 12 - 12-oz. Bottles (GOJ3659-12) 9019 GOJ 3659-12 11.00 3659-12 Kills 99.9% of most common germs in as little as 15 seconds without water or towels. Specially formulated moisturizers leave hands feeling soft and refreshed even after repeated use. Dermatologist tested. Dye free. Gojo Industries 72.23 49.32 97.66 PURELL Pump Bottles - 12-oz. 12 GOJ3659-12, GOJ365912, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9020 Lagasse Purell Green Certified Hand Sanitizer - 12-oz. Pump Bottle (GOJ3691-12) 9020 GOJ 3691-12 10.40 3691-12 Purell Green Certified Hand Sanitizer
The world’s first Green Certified hand sanitizer. Helps condition skin with a natural moisturizer. Made from 100% naturally renewable ethanol. Readily biodegradable gel formula. This product meets the EcoLogo environmental standard for instant hand antiseptics based on its use of less intrusive raw materials, a reduction of environmental hazards, and an increase of product recyclability. Meets the EcoLogo hand sanitizer standard CCD-170 for environmental leadership and proven performance. Meets the USDA BioPreferred program for biobased content. Qualifies as a USDA BioPreferred product for federal preferred procurement. 12-oz pump bottle, 12 bottles per case.
Purell Green Certified Hand Sanitizer, 12-oz Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 72.40 53.71 94.47 GOJ369112.jpg purell green certified hand sanitizer, GOJ3691-12, GOJ369112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9021 Lagasse Purell Green Certified Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam, 1 Liter FMX Refill (GOJ5190-03) 9021 GOJ 5190-03 7.10 5190-03 Purell Green Certified Foaming Hand Sanitizer
The world’s first Green Certified hand sanitizer. Helps condition skin with a natural moisturizer. Made from 100% naturally renewable ethanol. Readily biodegradable gel formula. This product meets the EcoLogo environmental standard for instant hand antiseptics based on its use of less intrusive raw materials, a reduction of environmental hazards, and an increase of product recyclability. Meets the EcoLogo hand sanitizer standard CCD-170 for environmental leadership and proven performance. Meets the USDA BioPreferred program for biobased content. Qualifies as a USDA BioPreferred product for federal preferred procurement. 1 liter FMX refill, 3 refills per case.
Purell Green Certified Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 1 Liter FMX Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 64.88 49.48 84.48 GOJ519003.jpg green certified instant hand sanitizer, purell, GOJ5190-03, GOJ519003, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9022 Lagasse PURELL Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam, 1200-ml Refill (GOJ5191-03) 9022 GOJ 5191-03 9.50 5191-03 Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam
Thick, rich foam formula kills 99.99% of most common germs that may cause illness. Patent-pending 62% ethyl alcohol formula contains no fluorinated chemicals. Contains moisturizers to help keep skin hydrated. 1200-ml refill. 3 refills per case.
Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam, 1200-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 83.20 63.46 109.31 GOJ519103.jpg instant hand sanitizer foam, purell, GOJ 5191-03, GOJ519103, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9023 Lagasse PURELL Instant Hand Sanitizer Skin-Nourishing Foam, 1200-ml Refill (GOJ5199-03) 9023 GOJ 5199-03 9.50 5199-03 PURELL Instant Hand Sanitizer Skin Nourishing Foam
Purell, America’s #1 hand sanitizer, now comes in a foam formula made just for healthcare workers who sanitize their hands frequently throughout the day. Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer Skin Nourishing Foam is clinically proven to significantly improve skin hydration in 14 days. Made with the exclusive Dermagycerin System, a blend of seven moisturizers for optimal skin conditioning. The thick, rich foam clings to hands to help minimize floor and wall staining. Fragrance and dye free, the formula is CHG compatible and can be used with latex, nitrile and vinyl gloves. This alcohol-based formula kills 99.99% of most common germs that may cause disease and meets hand sanitizer requirements and guidelines provided by Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Joint Commission (JC) and other organizations.
Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer Skin Nourishing Foam, 1200-ml FMX Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 76.79 58.57 100.37 GOJ519903.jpg hand sanitizer skin-nourishing foam, purell, GOJ 5199-03, GOJ519903, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9024 Lagasse Purell Green Certified Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam, TFX 1.2 liter Refill (GOJ5391-02) 9024 GOJ 5391-02 6.00 5391-02 Purell Green Certified Foaming Hand Sanitizer
The world’s first Green Certified hand sanitizer. Helps condition skin with a natural moisturizer. Made from 100% naturally renewable ethanol. Readily biodegradable gel formula. This product meets the EcoLogo environmental standard for instant hand antiseptics based on its use of less intrusive raw materials, a reduction of environmental hazards, and an increase of product recyclability. Meets the EcoLogo hand sanitizer standard CCD-170 for environmental leadership and proven performance. Meets the USDA BioPreferred program for biobased content. Qualifies as a USDA BioPreferred product for federal preferred procurement. 1.2 liter TFX refill, 2 refills per case.
Purell Green Certified Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 1.2 Liter TFX Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 80.57 54.32 107.67 GOJ539102.jpg instant hand sanitizer foam, purell, GOJ5391-02, GOJ539102, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9025 Lagasse PURELL Instant Hand Sanitizer Skin-Nourishing Foam, 1200-ml TFX Refill (GOJ5398-02) 9025 GOJ 5398-02 6.00 5398-02 PURELL Instant Hand Sanitizer Skin Nourishing Foam
Purell, America’s #1 hand sanitizer, now comes in a foam formula made just for healthcare workers who sanitize their hands frequently throughout the day. Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer Skin Nourishing Foam is clinically proven to significantly improve skin hydration in 14 days. Made with the exclusive Dermagycerin System, a blend of seven moisturizers for optimal skin conditioning. The thick, rich foam clings to hands to help minimize floor and wall staining. Fragrance and dye free, the formula is CHG compatible and can be used with latex, nitrile and vinyl gloves. This alcohol-based formula kills 99.99% of most common germs that may cause disease and meets hand sanitizer requirements and guidelines provided by Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Joint Commission (JC) and other organizations.
Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer Skin Nourishing Foam, 1200-ml TMX Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 100.94 65.29 134.71 GOJ539802.jpg sanitizer skin-nourishing foam, purell, GOJ 5398-02, GOJ539802, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9026 Lagasse Purell TFX Advanced Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 1 Liter Refill (GOJ5592-02) 9026 GOJ 5592-02 4.80 5592-02 Foaming Hand Sanitizer
Put the power of Purell, America's #1 instant hand sanitizer, in an advanced non-aerosol foaming formula. Purell Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam kills 99.99% of most common germs on hands, not just in the lab. The patent-pending 70% ethyl alcohol formula is free of fluoridated chemicals, and milder on skin than hand washing. The thick, rich foam formula stays on your hand. Purell Advanced is enhanced with four different skin-conditioning agents that help maintain skin health—skin moisture and improves overall skin feel.
Purell TFX Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam, 1 Liter Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 59.57 45.43 81.24 GOJ559202.jpg advanced instant hand sanitizer foam, GOJ5592-02, GOJ559202, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9027 Lagasse PURELL Instant Hand Sanitizer Nourishing Foam, 18-oz Pump Bottle (GOJ5798-04) 9027 GOJ 5798-04 6.10 5798-04 PURELL Instant Hand Sanitizer Skin Nourishing Foam
Purell, America’s #1 hand sanitizer, now comes in a foam formula made just for healthcare workers who sanitize their hands frequently throughout the day. Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer Skin Nourishing Foam is clinically proven to significantly improve skin hydration in 14 days. Made with the exclusive Dermagycerin System, a blend of seven moisturizers for optimal skin conditioning. The thick, rich foam clings to hands to help minimize floor and wall staining. Fragrance and dye free, the formula is CHG compatible and can be used with latex, nitrile and vinyl gloves. This alcohol-based formula kills 99.99% of most common germs that may cause disease and meets hand sanitizer requirements and guidelines provided by Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Joint Commission (JC) and other organizations.
Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer Skin Nourishing Foam, 18-oz Pump Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 95.67 72.97 128.47 GOJ579804.jpg foaming instant hand sanitizer, purell, GOJ 5798-04, GOJ579804, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9028 Lagasse Gojo Pro2000 Cherry Gel Pumice Hand Cleaner, 4 - 2000-ml Refills (GOJ7290-04) 9028 GOJ 7290-04 20.00 7290-04 GOJO Pro 2000 Cherry Gel Pumice Hand Cleaner
GOJO Cherry Gel Pumice Hand Cleaner is a new, gel-style heavy-duty hand cleaner with pumice scrubbers quickly cleans heavy dirt, grease and oil. Contains skin conditioners and is pH balanced to promote skin comfort. Pleasant cherry fragrance eliminates soil odors and leaves hands smelling clean. VOC and NPE free. Bag-in-box refills are easy to load, store and handle. A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash.
GOJO Cherry Gel Pumice Hand Cleaner, 2,000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 84.41 64.38 114.06 GOJ729004.jpg gojo cherry gel pumice hand cleaner, GOJ 7290-04, GOJ729004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9029 Lagasse Gojo Cherry Gel Pumice Hand Cleaner, 2 - 5,000-ml Refills (GOJ7590-02) 9029 GOJ 7590-02 24.00 7590-02 5,000-ml Cherry Gel Pumice Hand Cleaner Refills
Sanitary sealed bag-in-box refills are easy-to-load, store and handle. A fresh dispensing valve with each refill ensures no leaks or clogs. Portion control dispensing can significantly reduce total cost per wash. New, gel-style heavy-duty hand cleaner with pumice scrubbers quickly cleans heavy dirt, grease and oil. Contains skin conditioners and is pH balanced to promote skin comfort. Provides a quick, easy and complete rinse and leaves skin feeling refreshed. Pleasant cherry fragrance.
Gojo Cherry Gel Pumice Hand Cleaner, 5,000-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 88.57 67.44 120.86 GOJ759002.jpg gojo cherry gel pumice hand cleaner, GOJ7590-02, GOJ759002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9030 Lagasse PURELL Cottony Soft Sanitizing Wipes (GOJ9025-12) 9030 GOJ 9025-12 7.75 9025-12 PURELL Cottony Soft Sanitizing Wipes
Clean, sanitize and moisturize hands on the go with PURELL Cottony Soft Sanitizing Wipes. Thick, textured individually wrapped wipes for better cleaning. 62% ethyl alcohol formula kills 99.99% of most common germs that may make you sick. Moisturizers, vitamins A & E and aloe help maintain healthy skin. Convenient and easy to use in offices, restaurants, healthcare facilities or anywhere else germs might be. Convenient package size to meet your on-the-go hand cleaning and sanitizing needs. 7"x 5" wipe size. 12 boxes of 40 individually wrapped wipes; 480 wipes per case.
PURELL Cottony Soft Sanitizing Wipes, 12 Boxes of 40 Individually Wrapped Wipes; 480 Wipes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 56.22 41.14 76.48 GOJ902512.jpg purell cottony soft sanitizing wipes, GOJ9025-12, GOJ902512, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9031 Lagasse Purell Green Certified Hand Sanitizer, 12 - 8-oz. Pump Bottles (GOJ9691-12) 9031 GOJ 9691-12 7.00 9691-12 Purell Green Certified Hand Sanitizer
The world’s first Green Certified hand sanitizer. Helps condition skin with a natural moisturizer. Made from 100% naturally renewable ethanol. Readily biodegradable gel formula. This product meets the Eco-Logo environmental standard for instant hand antiseptics based on its use of less intrusive raw materials, a reduction of environmental hazards, and an increase of product recyclability. Meets the Eco-Logo hand sanitizer standard CCD-170 for environmental leadership and proven performance. Meets the USDA Bio-Preferred program for bio-based content. Qualifies as a USDA Bio-Preferred product for federal preferred procurement. 8-oz. pump bottle, 12 bottles per case.
Purell Green Certified Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 8-oz. Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 58.40 44.54 79.19 GOJ969112.jpg purell green certified hand sanitizer, GOJ 9691-12, GOJ969112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9032 Lagasse Preference Standard 2 Ply Toilet Paper, 80 Rolls (GPC182-80/01) 9032 GPC 182-80/01 33.77 18280/01 Georgia Pacific Preference Bathroom Tissue
Two-ply bath tissue with iris emboss delivers softness, quick absorbency, durability and thickness. Safe for all standard sewer and septic systems. Meets or exceeds EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines for minimum post consumer recycled fiber content. 4.0"x 4.05" sheet size, 550 sheets per roll, 80 rolls per case.
Georgia Pacific Preference Bathroom Tissue, 2 Ply White, 550 Sheets per Roll, 80 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 62.84 46.42 82.44 GPC1828001.JPG georgia pacific preference bathroom tissue, GPC 182-80/01, GPC18280/01, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9033 Lagasse Envision 2 Ply High Capacity Toilet Paper, 48 Rolls (GPC1944801) 9033 GPC 194-48/01 36.00 19448/01 High Capacity Toilet Paper Rolls
Economical, higher-capacity standard two-ply toilet tissue helps reduce the risk of run-out while fitting some universal or Micro-Twin dispensers. Envision high capacity 2-ply bathroom tissue in 1000-sheet rolls offers a low cost bath tissue solution for higher-traffic areas that want to utilize existing tissue dispensers. Customers will appreciate the reliable performance while you appreciate the savings. Soft, white and biodegradable. Individually wrapped rolls. Safe for all standard sewer and septic systems. Meets or exceeds EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines for minimum post consumer fiber content. 3.95" x 4.05" Sheet size, 1,000 sheets per roll, 48 rolls per case.
Georgia-Pacific Envision 2 Ply Toilet Paper, High Capacity, White, 1,000 Sheets per Roll, 48 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 99.11 76.29 130.16 GPC1944801.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue,bath tissue, bathroom tissue, envision 2 ply high capacity standard toilet tissue, GPC194-48/01, GPC19448/01, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9034 Lagasse Brawny Dispenser Box Industrial Heavy-Duty Shop Towels (GPC250-81) 9034 GPC 250-81 19.66 25081 The ideal replacement for shop towels; tear-resistant hydro entangled fabric (HEF) stands up to tough cleaning tasks, even when wet. Provides superior absorbency through unique pulp fiber construction. Rinse and reuse to save money and cut waste. White. 9 Georgia Pacific 147.97 112.38 192.99 GPC25081.jpg Brawny Industrial™ Heavy-Duty Shop Towels Dispenser Box - Brawny Industrial™ Heavy Duty Shop Towel GPC250-81, GPC25081, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9035 Lagasse Single Jumbo Jr. 9" Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser (GPC590-09) 9035 GPC 590-09 2.08 59009 Georgia Pacific Jumbo Jr. Bathroom Tissue Dispenser
Durable, high-capacity bathroom tissue dispenser offers cost-saving performance for years. Holds one jumbo 9" roll, the equivalent of over 5 rolls of standard two-ply tissue. Attractive translucent smoke cover complements any décor. Locking design protects against pilferage and makes refilling easy. Easy to install, maintain and service. High-impact plastic. Smoke. Manufacturer's five-year performance guarantee.
Georgia Pacific Jumbo Jr. Bathroom Tissue Dispenser, Smoke, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 20.86 14.66 28.53 GPC59009.jpg jumbo jr toilet paper dispenser, GPC 590-09, GPC59009, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9036 Lagasse Georgia-Pacific Micro-Twin Toilet Tissue Dispenser (GPC592-06) 9036 GPC 592-06 2.52 59206 Georgia-Pacific Micro-Twin Toilet Paper Dispenser
Two-roll dispenser offers the benefits of a jumbo roll dispenser. Compact design mounts horizontally or vertically. High-impact plastic construction. See-through cover with gray back. This double-roll, covered bath tissue dispenser is designed to reduce maintenance time, minimize outages and reduce waste, making it ideal for high-traffic areas, office buildings, healthcare and food service facilities. The system is designed to hold either 2 rolls 1,000 sheet 2-ply, or 2 rolls 1800 sheets 1-ply Micro-Twin tissue making this dispensing system a cost-effective solution for your high-traffic needs. Easy-to-fill, high-capacity dispenser reduces labor and maintenance costs. Sliding gate mechanism helps ensure full utilization of the stub roll, eliminating stub roll waste. Smoke. 13.58"wide x 5.73"deep x 8.59" high.
Georgia-Pacific Micro-Twin Toilet Tissue Dispenser, Translucent Smoke, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 21.28 14.94 28.75 GPC59206.jpg toilet paper dispenser, toilet tissue dispenser, bath tissue dispenser, bathroom tissue dispnser,micro-twin toilet tissue dispenser, GPC592-06, GPC59206, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9037 Lagasse Twin Jumbo Jr. Toilet Tissue Dispenser (GPC592-09) 9037 GPC 592-09 4.24 59209 9" Jumbo Jr. Two Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser
Durable, high-capacity bathroom tissue dispenser offers cost-saving performance for years. Holds two jumbo 9" rolls, the equivalent of over 11 rolls of standard two-ply tissue. Reduces waste by restricting use of second roll until first roll is completely used. Attractive translucent smoke cover complements any décor. Locking design protects against pilferage and makes refilling easy. High-impact plastic. Smoke. Manufacturer's five-year performance guarantee.
Georgia Pacific Jumbo Jr. Two-Roll Bathroom Tissue Dispenser, Translucent Smoke, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 40.50 29.66 54.97 GPC59209.jpg twin jumbo jr toilet paper dispensers, GPC592-09, GPC59209, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9038 Lagasse 9" Round Foil Laminated Board Lid, 500 Lids (HFA2046L) 9038 HFA 2046L 14.72 2046L-500 9" Round Foil Board Lid
Foil laminated board lid keeps heat in the container better than a clear plastic lid. Durable and economical. Helps retain food's moisture. Fits 9" round aluminum take out containers. 500 lids per case.
Handi-Foil 9" Round Foil Laminated Board Lid, 500 Lids per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Handi-Foil Of America 45.09 31.56 60.16 HFA2046L.jpg takeout containers, takeout food containers, 9 foil laminated board lid, HFA 2046L, HFA2046L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 130
9039 Lagasse Steam Table Pans - Deep 10 x 13 x 2.6 100 (HFA32135) 9039 HFA 32135 9.00 321-35-100 Ridged aluminum foil pans are ideal for cooking, transporting, freezing, reheating and serving food. HFA 201970 and HFA 32140 contain 100% recycled content and meet EPA comprehensive procurement guidelines. Handi-Foil Of America 33.76 23.63 45.63 HFA32135.jpg Steam Table Pans - Deep 10 x 13 x 2.6 100 HFA32135, HFA32135, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 130
9040 Lagasse CaterWrap Pre-Rolled Heavyweight Black Cutlery, 100 Settings (HFM119971) 9040 HFM 119971 8.10 119971 CaterWrap Heavyweight Cutlery Combo
Make an excellent impression with elegantly modern heavyweight utensil sets. Each combo setting is pre-wrapped in a thick, dinner-sized Linen-Like paper napkin. Matching napkin ring keeps everything together. Includes two packs of 50 forks, 50 spoons, 50 knives and 50 napkins. Hoffmaster Pre-Rolled Heavyweight Black Cutlery Combo, 2 Packs of 50 Settings, 100 Settings per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Hoffmaster 68.91 52.56 90.23 HFM119971.jpg plastic cutlery, caterwrap heavyweight plastic cutlery, HFM 119971, HFM119971, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 226
9041 Lagasse White Linen-Like Flat Pack, 1200 Napkins (HFM125500) 9041 HFM 125500 25.60 125500 Dinner Napkins
If you're searching for a high quality, economical alternative to linen, look no farther. These napkins are soft and strong, seldom shredding like average paper napkins. They're also pre-folded to save you valuable time. No matter what decor is present at your next event, you can be confident that the tasteful embossed design of these napkins will be a perfect match. For your table-setting and office supplies needs, trust the company that's been providing made in America quality and innovation for the last 60 years. 16" x 16". 1,200 napkins per case.
Hoffmaster - White Linen-Like Flat Pack, 2-Ply 16"x 16", White, 1,200 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Hoffmaster 81.28 57.94 109.96 White Linen-Like® Flat Pack™ HFM125500, HFM125500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 226
9042 Lagasse Cellutex White Table Covers, 25 Covers (HFM210130) 9042 HFM 210130 10.50 210130 Hoffmaster Tissue/Poly Table Cover
These table covers offer two layers of highly-absorbent tissue bonded to a “spill-proof“ poly liner. The overall embossing pattern ensures no separation. Two-ply tissue, one-ply poly (.5 mil thickness). 54" x 108". 25 table covers per case.
Hoffmaster Tissue and Poly Table Covers, White, 54" x 108", 25 Table Covers per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Hoffmaster 39.27 29.95 51.54 HFM210130.jpg cellutex table covers, HFM 210130, HFM210130, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 226
9043 Lagasse Cellutex Table Covers - Black, 25 per Case (HFM220613) 9043 HFM 220613 10.50 220613 Hoffmaster Tissue/Poly Tablecovers
These table covers offer two layers of highly-absorbent tissue bonded to a “spill-proof“ poly liner. The overall embossing pattern ensures no separation. Two-ply tissue, one-ply poly (.5 mil thickness). 54" x 108". 25 table covers per case.
Tissue and Poly Tablecovers, Black, 54" x 108", 25 Tablecovers per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Hoffmaster 61.36 46.80 82.63 HFM220613.jpg cellutex table covers, HFM 220613, HFM220613, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 226
9044 Lagasse Solid Color Placemats - Fire Red (HFM310521) 9044 HFM 310521 10.50 310521 Economy weight placemats are printed on 100% recycled paper in the most popular colors. Placemats not only dress up the table but also reduce patron's exposure to bacteria by providing a clean, individual, disposable dining surface. High-quality paper wit Hoffmaster 20.67 15.77 28.30 HFM310521.jpg Solid Color Placemats - Fire Red HFM310521, HFM310521, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9045 Lagasse Solid Color Placemats - Hunter Green (HFM310528) 9045 HFM 310528 9.35 310528 Economy weight placemats are printed on 100% recycled paper in the most popular colors. Placemats not only dress up the table but also reduce patron's exposure to bacteria by providing a clean, individual, disposable dining surface. High-quality paper wit Hoffmaster 33.16 15.68 44.42 HFM310528.jpg Solid Color Placemats - Hunter Green HFM310528, HFM310528, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 226
9046 Lagasse Solid Color Placemats - Black (HFM310551) 9046 HFM 310551 9.35 310551 Economy weight placemats are printed on 100% recycled paper in the most popular colors. Placemats not only dress up the table but also reduce patron's exposure to bacteria by providing a clean, individual, disposable dining surface. High-quality paper wit Hoffmaster 33.16 15.80 43.19 HFM310551.jpg Solid Color Placemats - Black HFM310551, HFM310551, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9047 Lagasse Round Lace Doilies - 8 1,000 (HFM500236) 9047 HFM 500236 4.00 500236 Doilies convey a quality image, allowing you to more effectively merchandise cakes and desserts. White bond. Elegant embossed pattern. Doilies separate with a snap of the finger. Kosher certified. Hoffmaster 19.66 14.99 26.89 HFM500236.jpg Round Lace Doilies - 8 1,000 HFM500236, HFM500236, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9048 Lagasse Round Lace Doilies - 10 1,000 (HFM500238) 9048 HFM 500238 5.90 500238 Doilies convey a quality image, allowing you to more effectively merchandise cakes and desserts. White bond. Elegant embossed pattern. Doilies separate with a snap of the finger. Kosher certified. Hoffmaster 29.44 22.40 39.47 HFM500238.jpg Round Lace Doilies - 10 1,000 HFM500238, HFM500238, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9049 Lagasse Round Lace Doilies - 12 1,000 (HFM500239) 9049 HFM 500239 7.80 500239 Doilies convey a quality image, allowing you to more effectively merchandise cakes and desserts. White bond. Elegant embossed pattern. Doilies separate with a snap of the finger. Kosher certified. Hoffmaster 38.10 28.60 51.21 HFM500239.jpg Round Lace Doilies - 12 1,000 HFM500239, HFM500239, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9050 Lagasse Placemats - 10 x 14 (HFM601SE1014) 9050 HFM 601SE1014 10.60 601SE1014 These placemats create a safe and sanitary surface when serving food and add elegance to any place setting. Use alone or to line food trays. White bond. 1,000 placemats per case. Hoffmaster 18.61 13.64 24.20 HFM601SE1014.jpg Placemats - 10 x 14 HFM601SE1014, HFM601SE1014, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9051 Lagasse 2-oz Baking Cups, 10,000 (HFM610032) 9051 HFM 610032 11.70 610032 Baking Cups
Keep baked goods fresh. Dry waxed. White. Kosher approved. Processed chlorine-free. Printed on 100% recycled paper, 40% post-consumer. 500 cups per pack. 20 packs per case (10,000 cups). 2-oz. 41/2 dia. x 11/4h.
Baking Cups, 2-oz, Dry Waxed, White, 500 cups per pack. 20 packs per case (10,000 cups). - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Hoffmaster 46.70 35.62 60.97 HFM610032.jpg baking cups, HFM 610032, HFM610032, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 226
9052 Lagasse 6" Fluted Paper Hot Dog Tray, 3,000 Trays (HFM610740) 9052 HFM 610740 9.80 610740 Paper Fluted Hot Dog Trays
Convenient paper hot dog trays enable quick and easy service. Closed ends help keep food and condiments contained. AOK K-Parve certification. Fluted products provide quick, easy, convenient, sanitary, single service disposable food dispensing alternatives. Mediumweight. 500 trays per pack. 6 packs per case. Hoffmaster 6" Fluted Paper Hot Dog Trays, 6 Packs of 500 Trays, 3,000 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Hoffmaster 38.24 29.07 51.31 fluted hot dog tray, HFM 610740, HFM610740, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 226
9053 Lagasse White Linen-Like® Guest Towel (HFM856499) 9053 HFM 856499 11.80 856499 Linen-Like® towel. 12 x 17. 1/6 fold. 125 towels per pack. 4 packs per case (500 towels). Hoffmaster 58.93 41.95 77.14 HFM856499.jpg White Linen-Like® Guest Towel HFM856499, HFM856499, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 226
9054 Lagasse Round Lace Doilies - 4 2,000 (HFMLA904-2M) 9054 HFM LA904-2M 2.10 LA904-2M Doilies convey a quality image, allowing you to more effectively merchandise cakes and desserts. White bond. Elegant embossed pattern. Doilies separate with a snap of the finger. Kosher certified. Hoffmaster 16.05 12.24 21.66 HFMLA9052M.jpg Round Lace Doilies - 4 2,000 HFMLA904-2M, HFMLA9042M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9055 Lagasse Round Lace Doilies - 5 2,000 (HFMLA905-2M) 9055 HFM LA905-2M 3.10 LA905-2M Doilies convey a quality image, allowing you to more effectively merchandise cakes and desserts. White bond. Elegant embossed pattern. Doilies separate with a snap of the finger. Kosher certified. Hoffmaster 17.90 12.79 23.38 HFMLA9052M.jpg Round Lace Doilies - 5 2,000 HFMLA905-2M, HFMLA9052M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9056 Lagasse Round Lace Doilies - 6 2,000 (HFMLA906-2M) 9056 HFM LA906-2M 4.40 LA906-2M Doilies convey a quality image, allowing you to more effectively merchandise cakes and desserts. White bond. Elegant embossed pattern. Doilies separate with a snap of the finger. Kosher certified. Hoffmaster 21.16 15.90 28.43 HFMLA9062M.jpg Round Lace Doilies - 6 2,000 HFMLA906-2M, HFMLA9062M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9057 Lagasse Round Lace Doilies - 14 2,500 (HFMLA914) 9057 HFM LA914 32.00 LA914 Doilies convey a quality image, allowing you to more effectively merchandise cakes and desserts. White bond. Elegant embossed pattern. Doilies separate with a snap of the finger. Kosher certified. Hoffmaster 142.59 108.76 185.38 HFMLA914.jpg Round Lace Doilies - 14 2,500 HFMLA914, HFMLA914, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9062 Lagasse Paper Napkin Bands - White (HFMNWS-WHT) 9062 HFM NWS-WHT 3.40 NWS-WHT Flat napkin bands are easy to use and work great for wrapping silverware with tissue napkins. Solid color paper napkin bands. 11/2 x 41/4. 4,000 per case. Hoffmaster 37.63 25.80 51.46 HFMNWSWHT.jpg Paper Napkin Bands - White HFMNWS-WHT, HFMNWSWHT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9063 Lagasse Placemats - 93/4 x 133/4 (HFMPM32052) 9063 HFM PM32052 10.80 PM32052 These placemats create a safe and sanitary surface when serving food and add elegance to any place setting. Use alone or to line food trays. White bond. 1,000 placemats per case. Hoffmaster 18.36 14.00 24.84 HFMPM32052.jpg Placemats - 93/4 x 133/4 HFMPM32052, HFMPM32052, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9064 Lagasse Linen Traycover (HFMTC8704472) 9064 HFM TC8704472 22.00 TC8704472 White linen bond with floral embossed edge. 14 x 19. 1,000 traycovers per case. Hoffmaster 44.08 33.60 57.56 HFMTC8704472.jpg Linen Traycover HFMTC8704472, HFMTC8704472, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 226
9065 Lagasse Hoover Floormate SpinScrub Hard Surface Cleaner (HOOFH40010B) 9065 HOO FH40010B 24.25 HOO FH40010B Hoover Floormate SpinScrub Hard Surface Cleaner
Give your hard floors the spa treatment usually reserved for carpets! No more bucket, broom, or hands-and-knees scrubbing with this 3-in-1 cleaner that vacuums, washes, and dries hard floors so quickly you might not know what to do with all that extra time. New Multi-Purpose SpinScrub Technology - exclusive Hoover patented counter-rotating brushes gently wash and scrub hard floors from all angles SpinScrub brushes - designed to deliver the best clean while gently scrubbing sealed wood and vinyl, grout and tile. Dual Tank Technology - keeps clean and dirty water separate so you never put dirty water back on the floor. Quick Drying Power - squeegee dries floors quickly so you can get right back to living on them. 13" wide cleaning path covers more surface area and shortens cleaning time. Removable nozzles and brushes - for easy cleaning and maintenance. Beltless design - no belts to replace. Deluxe Handle with Fingertip Trigger Control - comfortable, ergonomic grip with trigger right at your fingertips lets you easily distribute detergent when and where it's needed. Simple Mode Selection - turn the dial for stage 1 vacuuming, stage 2 washing, and stage 3 drying. 27' Power Cord with Quick Release - vacuum a large room without re-plugging, release entire cord with a quick flip of a lever. Folding Handle - makes storage a snap, perfect for small spaces. Rubber Wheels - glide gently over surfaces and won't scratch hard flooring. Limited One-Year Warranty.
Hoover Floormate SpinScrub Hard Surface Cleaner, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hoover 194.31 148.20 256.21 HOOFH40010B.jpg vacuum cleaner, upright vacuum cleaner, hoover vacuum cleaner, hoover floormate spinscrub hard surface cleaner, HOOFH40010B, HOOFH40010B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
9066 Lagasse Hoover Tempo Upright Vacuum Cleaner (HOOU5140-900) 9066 HOO U5140-900 23.65 HOO U5140-900 Hoover Commercial Clean-Air Upright Vacuum
Quickly clean large rooms using less passes with a powerful 15" wide-path, nozzle and get your floors truly clean at a practical price. Bag made with Allergen Media - Media filters and traps 99% of dust and pollens down to 5 microns. Fabulous Filtration - air passes through rinse-able filters after leaving the bag and before it leaves the vacuum, so you can breathe easy. Wide-path Cleaning - 15" cleaner width gets the job done quickly. 24' Power Cord - plenty of cord to vacuum larger rooms. 5 Position Carpet Height Adjustment - adjust as needed to clean all flooring types easily and efficiently. Powerful 12-amp motor - provides superior cleaning performance. On-board tool set places the attachments conveniently within reach. Limited 1-year warranty.
On-Board Tools:
2 Extension Wands - lock together to extend reach of the hose
Crevice Tool - helps clean nooks and crannies
Upholstery Tool - helps get furniture clean
Dusting Brush - for molding, shelving, lampshades and more
Hoover Tempo Bagged Upright Vacuum Cleaner, 4 Layer Allergen Filtration, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hoover 123.39 75.34 162.78 HOOU5140900.jpg vacuum cleaner, hoover vacuum cleaner, upright vacuum cleaner, hoover upright vacuum cleaner, hoover windtunnel vacuum cleaner, HOO U5140-900, HOOU5140900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
9067 Lagasse Hoover T-Series WindTunnel Bagged Upright Vacuum Cleaner (HOOUH30300) 9067 HOO UH30300 22.25 HOO UH30300 Hoover WindTunnel Bagged Upright Vacuum Cleaner
The Hoover WindTunnel Bagged Upright Vacuum Cleaner combines a sleek design with superior, simple-to-use cleaning power at a practical price. It has intuitive features, such as fingertip controls and a clip below the handle that keeps the cord out of the way while you're cleaning. A 5-position height adjustment knob lets you set the brushroll at the correct height to clean any type of floor easily and efficiently. It also includes an air-powered hand tool and specially designed on-board tools for cleaning tough-to-reach areas. Requiring minimal maintenance, the Hoover WindTunnel Bagged Upright Vacuum Cleaner has a bag made with HEPA media and utilizes the Clean Drop Bag System, which lets you dispose of a full bag without ever touching it! The Hoover WindTunnel T-Series vacuums feature patented Hoover WindTunnel technology that removes embedded dirt and minimizes blowback or scatter on carpet while offering all the power needed to get floors truly clean.
• Only 15 pounds - light and easy to use with thorough cleaning power.
• One-Touch Bag Door Release - fast and easy access to the bag
• Intuitive Power Controls - conveniently positioned where they should be - right at your fingertips
• Bag made with HEPA media - HEPA Media filters and traps 99.97% of dust and pollens down to 0.3 microns
• Fabulous Filtration - air passes through filters after leaving the bag and before it leaves the vacuum
• On/Off Brushroll - push button to easily transition from carpet to hard floors
• Bag Check Indicator - easy-to-see, shows you when to replace the bag for optimal performance
• Headlight - illuminates dark corners and areas under furniture for thorough cleaning
• 5 Position Carpet Height Adjustment - adjust as needed to clean all flooring types easily and efficiently
• Powered Hand Tool
• On Board Tools, Stretch hose, Wand, Dusting Brush
• No Scuff Clear Bumper - protects furniture when you can't be as careful as you'd like
• Easy Belt Change System & Brushroll Access - simply flip two levers to change the belt or access the brushroll
• Limited 2-year warranty
Hoover WindTunnel Bagged Upright Vacuum Cleaner, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hoover 172.07 131.24 233.44 HOOUH30300.jpg hoover windtunnel bagged upright vacuum cleaner, HOO UH30300, HOOUH30300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
9069 Lagasse TaskBrand Grease & Oil Cleaning Wipes (HOSGO-A5500) 9069 HOS GO-A5500 11.00 GO-A5500 TaskBrand Medium Duty Wiper
Airlaid Quarterfolded. Excellent for grease and oil clean-up. Durable, yet tears easily (key safety feature around machinery). Cloth-like texture. Excellent wiper for use as a disposable washcloth in extended care or day care facitities. 12"x 13", White, Quarterfolded and poly bagged, 800 wipes per case.
TaskBrand Medium Duty Wiper, 12"x 13", White, 800 Wipes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 34.33 26.18 44.69 HOSGOA5500.jpg task brand grease & oil cleaning wipes, HOS GO-A5500, HOSGOA5500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
9070 Lagasse TaskBrand 4 Ply Nylon Scrim Reinforced Wipes, 1/4 Fold (HOSGS-C4300) 9070 HOS GS-C4300 15.20 GS-C4300 TaskBrand 4 Ply Nylon Scrim Reinforced Wipes
Reinforced for superior absorbing and staying power. Ideal glass and surface wipers for heavy-duty use covering all janitorial, automotive, manufacturing and maintenance needs. Low lint, White, 12"x 13", 100% recycled material.
TaskBrand 4 Ply Nylon Scrim Reinforced Wipes, 50 Wipes per Bag, 18 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 54.27 39.80 71.92 HOSGSC4300.jpg taskbrand 4 ply nylon scrim reinforced wipes, HOS GS-C4300, HOSGSC4300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 57
9071 Lagasse Toughworks Glass & Surface Cleaning Wipes - 150 Wipes per Box (HOSGS-C4302) 9071 HOS GS-C4302 19.00 GS-C4302 Toughworks Glass & Surface Cleaning Wipes
4-ply Scrim Enforced Economical wiper. Made With 100% Recycled Material. Ideal for glass, mirrors, metal and other smooth surfaces. Pop Up Dispenser allows for wipers to be contained and portable. 9.5"x 16", White. 150 wipes per box, 6 boxes per case.
Toughworks Glass & Surface Cleaning Wipes, 9.5"x 16", White, 150 Wipes per Box, 6 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 54.65 41.25 73.07 HOSGSC4302.jpg task band glass & surface cleaning wipes, HOS GS-C4302, HOSGSC4302, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
9072 Lagasse TaskBrand 4-Ply Nylon Scrim Reinforced Wipes - 6 Rolls (HOSGS-C4303) 9072 HOS GS-C4303 20.63 GS-C4303 TaskBrand 4-Ply Nylon Scrim Reinforced Wipes
Reinforced for superior absorbing and staying power. Ideal glass and surface wipers for heavy-duty use covering all janitorial, automotive, manufacturing and maintenance needs. Low lint, White, 9.5"x 275' per roll, 6 rolls per case.
TaskBrand 4-Ply Nylon Scrim Reinforced Wipes, White, 9.5"x 275' per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 67.52 49.20 91.12 HOSGSC4303.jpg taskbrand 4-ply nylon scrim wipes, HOS GS-C4303, HOSGSC4303, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
9073 Lagasse Toughworks 4 Ply Nylon Reinforced Scrim Wipes (HOSGS-C4304) 9073 HOS GS-C4304 14.00 GS-C4304 Toughworks 4 Ply Nylon Reinforced Scrim Wipes
Reinforced for superior absorbing and staying power. Ideal glass and surface wipers for heavy-duty use covering all janitorial, automotive, manufacturing and maintenance needs. Low lint, 4 ply wipes. White, 12"x 12", 100% recycled material. 900 wipes per case.
Toughworks 4 Ply Nylon Reinforced Scrim Wipes, 12"x 12", White, 900 Wipes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 44.17 32.40 59.10 HOSGSC4304.jpg toughworks 4 ply nylon reinforced scrim wipes, HOSGS-C4304, HOSGSC4304, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
9074 Lagasse At Ease Pre-moistened Adult Wipes, 512 Wipes per Case (HOSHS-3864) 9074 HOS HS-3864 17.00 HS-3864 At Ease Pre-moistened Adult Wipes
Soft and strong spunlace wipes. Easy dispensing, latex free. Reseal packs within each tub to maintain freshness and moisture. Alcohol-free formula with lanolin and aloe. 64 wipes per tub. 8 tubs per case.
At Ease Pre-moistened Adult Wipes, 64 wipes per tub. 8 tubs per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hospeco 46.73 35.64 63.16 HOSHS3864.jpg personal care, adult wipes, moist towelettes, at ease Premoistened adult wipes, HOS HS-3864, HOSHS3864, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
9075 Lagasse At Ease Safe & Soft Flushable Personal Wipes, 1200 Wipes per Case (HOSSS98058) 9075 HOS SS98058 11.00 SS98058 Flushable Personal Wipes
Premoistened personal cleansing wipes provide extra cleaning and freshening when used in addition to bathroom tissue. Aloe and vitamin E infused formulation provides added comfort and leaves skin cool and soft. Latex-free with extremely soft fabric. Safe for most plumbing and sewer systems. 50 wipes per pack, 24 packs per case.
Hospeco - At Ease Safe and Soft Flushable Personal Wipes, 50 wipes per pack, 24 packs per case. - The wholesale cleaning products supplier buyers trust.
Hospeco 41.70 31.81 55.72 HOSSS98058.jpg flushable wipes, personal wipes, personal cleansing wipes, at ease safe & soft flushable personal wipes, HOSSS98058, HOSSS98058, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
9076 Lagasse Strongholder®/Chinet® Cup Holder Tray - 81/2w x 81/2d x 13/4h Fits Cups: 8- to 32-oz. (HUH20938) 9076 HUH 20938 26.70 20938 Extra-strong grease absorbers. Molded fiber dinnerware made with 100% recycled paper fiber, from a renewable resource. ASTM D6866 approved. Recyclable, compostable and biodegradable. 100% compostable in composting facilities where available. Certified by Four cup wells for holding multiple drinks. Beige. Post-consumer recycled material content 100%. 300 trays per case. Huhtamaki 37.53 26.27 49.81 HUH20938.jpg Strongholder®/Chinet® Cup Holder Tray - 81/2w x 81/2d x 13/4h Fits Cups: 8- to 32-oz. HUH20938, HUH20938, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 131
9077 Lagasse Strongholder®/Chinet® Cup Holder Tray - 81/4w x 81/4d x 15/8h Fits Cups: 8- to 22-oz. (HUH20939) 9077 HUH 20939 21.00 20939 Extra-strong grease absorbers. Molded fiber dinnerware made with 100% recycled paper fiber, from a renewable resource. ASTM D6866 approved. Recyclable, compostable and biodegradable. 100% compostable in composting facilities where available. Certified by Four cup wells for holding multiple drinks. Beige. Post-consumer recycled material content 100%. 300 trays per case. Huhtamaki 42.69 29.88 56.14 HUH20939.jpg Strongholder®/Chinet® Cup Holder Tray - 81/4w x 81/4d x 15/8h Fits Cups: 8- to 22-oz. HUH20939, HUH20939, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 131
9078 Lagasse 25-Ft Indoor/Outdoor Heavy-Duty Extension Cord (INO72225) 9078 INO 72225 22.27 IVR72225 Innovera 25-ft Indoor/Outdoor Extension Cord
Perfect for any office or light industrial use. Heavy insulation gives increased protection for outdoor use. Orange color stands out for additional safety. One outlet, 13 amps, 16-gauge wire. 25-ft. Orange. Includes 1 extension cord each.
25-ft Indoor/Outdoor Extension Cord, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Innovera 20.66 15.76 27.27 INO72225.jpg indoor/outdoor heavy-duty extension cord, INO72225, INO72225, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 164
9079 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 17mic, 200 Bags (JAGRH386017) 9079 JAG RH386017 20.00 Z7660XNJR01 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. 17 micron trash bags are extra heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 17mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Rolls, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 45.76 30.25 62.52 JAGRH303713.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, JAGRH386017, JAGRH386017, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
9080 Lagasse 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, 150 Bags (JAGRH386022) 9080 JAG RH386022 19.50 Z7660WNJR01 60 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
22 micron trash bags are super heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, Clear, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 42.59 28.15 56.74 JAGRH303713.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, JAGRH386022, JAGRH386022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
9081 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, 150 Bags (JAGRH386022BLK) 9081 JAG RH386022BLK 19.50 Z7660WKJR01 60 Gallon Black Trash Bags
22 micron trash bags are Super Heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These black plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Jaguar Plastics 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 38x60, 22mic, Black, 6 Rolls of 25 Bags, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 42.59 28.15 57.10 JAGL1717L.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, JAGRH386022BLK, JAGRH386022BLK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
9082 Lagasse 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, 250 Bags (JAGRH404817) 9082 JAG RH404817 21.10 Z8048XNJR01 45 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. 17 micron trash bags are Extra Heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, Clear, 250 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Jaguar Plastics 48.39 31.99 65.64 JAGRH303713.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, JAGRH404817, JAGRH404817, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
9083 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, 250 Bags (JAGRH404817BLK) 9083 JAG RH404817BLK 21.10 Z8048XKJR01 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags
An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. These black plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. 17 micron trash bags are extra heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 17mic, Black, 10 Rolls of 25 Bags, 250 Bags per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 48.39 31.99 65.57 JAGL1717L.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, JAGRH404817BLK, JAGRH404817BLK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
9084 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags, 40x48, 22mic, 150 Bags (JAGRH404822BLK) 9084 JAG RH404822BLK 16.40 Z8048WKJR01 45 Gallon Black Trash Bags
22 micron trash bags are super heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can. These black plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship.
Jaguar Plastics 45 Gallon Trash Bags, 40x48, 22mic, Black, 25 Bags per Roll, 6 Rolls, 150 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 40.12 26.52 54.39 JAGL1717L.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, JAGRH404822BLK, JAGRH404822BLK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
9085 Lagasse 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags, 43x48, 17mic, 200 Bags (JAGRH434817) 9085 JAG RH434817 18.10 Z8648XNJR01 56 Gallon Clear Trash Bags
An economical commercial trash bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. These clear plastic trash bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. 17 micron trash bags are extra heavy duty capacity for loads of non sharp objects, appropriate for packing materials, wet paper and similar mixed trash. The high density trash bags conform more easily to the shape of the trash can.
Jaguar Plastics 56 Gallon Trash Bags, 43x48, 17mic, Clear, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Jaguar Plastics 41.31 27.31 56.31 JAGRH303713.jpg trash bags, can liners, kitchen trash bags, trash can liners, JAGRH434817, JAGRH434817, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 61
9087 Lagasse Scott Slimroll Touchless Hard Roll Towel Dispenser, Smoke (KCC10441) 9087 KCC 10441 5.00 10441 Scott Slimroll Touchless Hard Roll Towel Dispenser
Fits in small places where larger towel dispensers cannot. Works where hand drying wasn't previously possible. Dependable manual touch-less dispensing controls usage and reduces waste without the use of batteries. Higher capacity than folded towel dispensers for less waste and easier maintenance. One-at-a-time dispensing and stub roll feature nearly eliminate wasted paper, by dispensing one 8-in. dia. roll (up to 1,000 ft.) and one 3.5-in. dia. stub roll (approx. 150-ft.), improving cost-in-use. Includes one towel dispenser with mounting hardware. 12"x 7"x 12.5", Smoke and Gray.
Kimberly-Clark Scott Slimroll Touchless Hard Roll Towel Dispenser, Smoke, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 37.03 28.24 50.54 KCC10441.jpg paper towel dispensers, hand towel dispensers, paper hand towel dispensers, Scott Slimroll Touchless Hard Roll Towel Dispensers, KCC 10441, KCC10441, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9088 Lagasse Scott Slimroll Touchless Hard Roll Towel Dispensers - White (KCC10442) 9088 KCC 10442 5.00 10442 Scott Slimroll Touchless Hard Roll Towel Dispenser
Fits in small places where larger towel dispensers cannot. Works where hand drying wasn't previously possible. Dependable manual touchless dispensing controls usage and reduces waste without the use of batteries. Higher capacity than folded towel dispensers for less waste and easier maintenance. One-at-a-time dispensing and stub roll feature nearly eliminate wasted paper, by dispensing one 8-in. dia. roll (up to 1,000 ft.) and one 3.5-in. dia. stub roll (approx. 150-ft.), improving cost-in-use. Includes one towel dispenser with mounting hardware. 12"x 7"x 12.5", White.
Kimberly-Clark Professional - Scott Slimroll Touchless Hard Roll Towel Dispenser - White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 37.03 28.24 49.17 KCC10442.jpg hand towel dispensers, paper hand towel dispensers, scott slimroll touchless hard roll towel dispensers, KCC 10442, KCC10442, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9089 Lagasse Kleenex Ultra Soft Hand Towels, Pop-Up Box, 1,260 Towels (KCC11268) 9089 KCC 11268 15.70 11268 Kleenex Ultra Soft Hand Towels in Pop-Up Box
Kleenex Hand Towels offer superior softness, thickness and absorbency. Known worldwide as the premium alternative to standard cloth, Kleenex Hand Towels come with a hygienic dispensing box that eliminates messy stacks of towels. Splash-resistant, this sanitary box provides one-at-a-time dispensing so users touch only the towel they use and protects unused towels. 8.9" x 10" sheet size.
Kimberly-Clark Kleenex Hand Towels, Pop-Up Box, White, 70 Towels per Box, 18 Boxes, 1,260 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 48.01 36.62 63.60 KCC11268.jpg hand towels, paper hand towels, kleenex ultra soft hand towels, KCC 11268, KCC11268, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9090 Lagasse WYPALL L30 All Purpose Wipers (KCC11801) 9090 KCC 11801 16.35 11801 Kimberly Clark WYPALL L30 All-Purpose Wipers
Ideal for general-purpose, light-duty cleanups. Removes soils and liquids from face and hands. DRC (Double Re-Creped) design provides greater surface softness. Reinforced grid weave delivers added strength for wet surface wiping and cleaning. 8 Pop-Up boxes of 120 wipers; 960 wipers per case.
Kimberly Clark Professional WYPALL L30 All-Purpose Wipers, White, 16.4"x 9.8", 120 Wipes per Box, 8 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 97.95 74.71 129.80 KCC11801.jpg all-purpose wipes, KCC 11801, KCC11801, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9091 Lagasse WYPALL L40 All Purpose Wipes (KCC11804) 9091 KCC 11804 22.00 11804 Kimberly Clark WYPALL L40 All-Purpose Wipers
Outstanding general-purpose wiper with good performance in a wide range of industrial cleaning and personal wiping tasks. Ideal for routine industrial cleaning and maintenance. Removes soils and liquids from face and hands. Reinforced matrix for added strength when wet. 9 Pop-Up boxes of 120 wipers each.
WYPALL L40 All-Purpose Wipers, White, 16.4"x 9.8", 120 Wipes per Pop-Up Box, 9 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 116.68 86.62 154.08 KCC11804.jpg l40 wypall all purpose wipers, KCC 11804, KCC11804, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9092 Lagasse WYPALL L40 All Purpose Wipers (KCC11805) 9092 KCC 11805 20.50 11805 Kimberly Clark WYPALL L40 All-Purpose Wipers
Outstanding general-purpose wiper with good performance in a wide range of industrial cleaning and personal wiping tasks. Ideal for routine industrial cleaning and maintenance. Removes soils and liquids from face and hands. Reinforced matrix for added strength when wet. Quarterfold Wipers Includes 18 packs of 76 wipers each.
Kimberly Clark Professional WYPALL L40 All-Purpose Wipers, White, 12.5"x 13", 76 Wipes per Pack, 18 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 118.80 88.36 156.43 KCC11805.jpg wipers, wipes, all-purpose wipes, KCC 11805, KCC11805, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9096 Lagasse Scott Slimroll Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, 6 Rolls (KCC12388) 9096 KCC 12388 15.00 12388 Scott Slimroll Hardwound Roll Hand Towels
These non-perforated paper roll towels are ideal in locations such as washrooms when combined with the appropriate dispenser. Manufactured by Kimberly Clark Paper Products, Scott's line of slimroll hardwound hand towels are a great fit for any commercial or residential environment. Coming complete with Absorbency Pockets within their construction, Scott towels remove moisture so effectively that less towels are needed to dry hands, reducing waste and improving cost in use. Towels meet EPA minimums for post-consumer waste content. Fits Scott Slimroll Dispensers. 1 Ply White, 8"x 580', 6 Rolls per Case.
Kimberly-Clark Scott Slimroll Hardwound Roll Hand Towels, 1 Ply, White, 8"x 580', 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 44.01 33.57 59.95 KCC12388.jpg hand towels, paper hand towels, hardwound paper roll towels, scott slimroll hard roll towels, KCC 12388, KCC12388, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9097 Lagasse Kleenex Cottonelle Soft Bathroom Tissue, 48 Rolls (KCC12456) 9097 KCC 12456 11.50 12456 Cottonelle 1 Ply Toilet Paper
Count on unmatched softness and strength, absorbency and home-like comfort with Scott extra soft toilet tissue. Combining the right amount of softness with long lasting rolls to provide a sensible combination of comfort and value, Scott Extra Soft Toilet Paper is a great solution for the home or office. Compact, this standard toilet paper is an economical, high-capacity roll that decreases and reduces the risk of run-outs. 4.2-in.w x 4-in.l sheets. 12 rolls per pack. 4 packs per case.
Kimberly Clark Kleenex Cottonelle Soft Bathroom Tissue, 12 Rolls per Pack, 4 Packs, 48 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 40.91 31.20 55.20 KCC12456.jpg kleenex cottonelle, kleenex cottonelle bathroom paper, cottonelle toilet paper, 1 ply kleenex toilet paper, kleenex soft bathroom tissue, KCC 12456, KCC12456, paper products, toilet paper, toilet tissue, standard toilet paper, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9098 Lagasse Scott Extra Soft Toilet Tissue, 60 Rolls (KCC12702) 9098 KCC 12702 15.60 12702 Scott Extra Soft Toilet Paper
Softness done right. Scott extra soft toilet tissue combines the right amount of softness with long lasting rolls to provide a sensible combination of comfort and value. Scott Extra Soft Toilet Paper is a great solution for the home or office. Compact, this standard toilet paper is an economical, high-capacity roll that decreases service intervals and reduces the risk of run-outs. 1 Ply, 308 Sheets per Roll, White, 12 rolls per pack. 5 packs per case.
Kimberly-Clark Scott Extra Soft Toilet Paper, 1 Ply, White, 12 Rolls, 5 Packs per Case, 60 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 40.78 31.10 54.85 KCC12702.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, bathroom tissue, scott extra soft tissue, KCC 12702, KCC12702, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9099 Lagasse WYPALL X90 Cloths 450 Count Roll (KCC12889) 9099 KCC 12889 9.00 12889 Kimberly Clark Professional WYPALL X90 All-Purpose Wipe
The new WYPALL X90 Cloths, our highest performing wiper, provide 75% more oil absorption and 35% more water absorption. How? By hydro-entangling polyester fiber for softness and oil absorbency and wood fiber for water absorbency with mega-strong spunbond material using our HYDROKNIT Technology. The result is one half of an X90 Cloth. By bonding two plies together, the new WYPALL X90 Cloth becomes two plies of pure efficient performance. These super-soft cloths are ideal for heavy wiping, prepping surfaces with solvents, and cleaning metal shavings and rough surfaces. 450 Wipes per Roll, 1 Roll per Case.
Kimberly Clark Professional WYPALL X90 All-Purpose Wipe, White, 11.1"x 13.4", 450 Wipes per Roll, 1 Roll per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 73.10 49.99 95.63 KCC12889.jpg wypall x90 Cloths sll-purpose wipes, KCC 12889, KCC12889, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9100 Lagasse WYPALL X90 Cloths All-Purpose Wipes (KCC12890) 9100 KCC 12890 9.25 12890 Kimberly Clark Professional WYPALL X90 All-Purpose Wipe
The new WYPALL X90 Cloths, our highest performing wiper, provide 75% more oil absorption and 35% more water absorption. How? By hydro-entangling polyester fiber for softness and oil absorbency and wood fiber for water absorbency with mega-strong spunbond material using our HYDROKNIT Technology. The result is one half of an X90 Cloth. By bonding two plies together, the new WYPALL X90 Cloth becomes two plies of pure efficient performance. These super-soft cloths are ideal for heavy wiping, prepping surfaces with solvents, and cleaning metal shavings and rough surfaces. 5 Pop-Up boxes of 68 cloths per box (340 cloths per case).
Kimberly Clark Professional WYPALL X90 All-Purpose Wipe, White, 8.3"x16.8", 68 cloths per box, 5 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 65.16 49.70 87.15 KCC12890.jpg wypall x90 Cloths, all purpose wipes, KCC 12890, KCC12890, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9101 Lagasse WYPALL X90 Cloths All Purpose Wipes (KCC12891) 9101 KCC 12891 4.25 12891 Kimberly Clark Professional WYPALL X90 All-Purpose Wipe
The new WYPALL X90 Cloths, our highest performing wiper, provide 75% more oil absorption and 35% more water absorption. How? By hydro-entangling polyester fiber for softness and oil absorbency and wood fiber for water absorbency with mega-strong spunbond material using our HYDROKNIT Technology. The result is one half of an X90 Cloth. By bonding two plies together, the new WYPALL X90 Cloth becomes two plies of pure efficient performance. These super-soft cloths are ideal for heavy wiping, prepping surfaces with solvents, and cleaning metal shavings and rough surfaces. 136 Cloths per Case.
Kimberly Clark Professional WYPALL X90 All-Purpose Wipe, White, 11.1"x16.8", 136 Cloths per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 23.36 17.82 30.80 KCC12891.jpg wypall x90 cloths all-purpose wipes, KCC 12891, KCC12891, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9102 Lagasse Scott 2 ply Recycled Fiber Standard Toilet Paper, 80 Rolls (KCC13217) 9102 KCC 13217 30.30 13217 Scott Recycled Standard Toilet Paper
Scott 100% Recycled Fiber Standard Toilet Paper provides high quality, eco-friendly toilet paper. Meeting and/or exceeding all EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste content tissues, Scott 100% Recycled Fiber Standard Toilet Paper contains 100% recycled fiber and 75% post-consumer materials. Packaged in a combination of 34% post-consumer and 55% recycled fiber, the core contains 100% post-consumer, paper wrap contains 90% recycled content, 10% post-consumer. This white colored toilet tissue provides thickness, strength, reliability and softness that other recycled fiber toilet paper cannot match. 4.0"x4.0" Sheet size, 550 Sheets per Roll, 80 Rolls per Case.
Kimberly-Clark Scott 2 Ply 100% Recycled Fiber Standard Toilet Paper, 550 Sheets per Roll, 80 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 55.46 42.30 73.49 KCC13217.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, bathroom tissue, bath tissue, KCC 13217, KCC13217, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9103 Lagasse Kleenex 8.1" Scottfold Towels, 3,000 Towels (KCC13253) 9103 KCC 13253 19.85 13253 Kleenex Scottfold Paper Towels
Designed to dispense one at a time to eliminate dispensing problems. Virtually eliminates tear-out and messy towel litter. Superior replacement for C-Fold and Multi-Fold towels. Meets EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste content: towels 40%. 40% post-consumer and 50% recycled fiber. Packaging contains 34% post-consumer material content and 55% total recovered content. White, one ply. 8.1"x 12.4" length sheets. 120 towels per pack. 25 packs per case.
Kimberly Clark Kleenex Scottfold Paper Towels, White, 8.1"x 12.4", 120 Towels per Pack, 25 Packs, 3,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 52.12 38.64 67.79 KCC13253.jpg kleenex, hand towels, paper hand towels, kleenex hand towels, c fold towels, multi-fold towels, kleenex scottfold towels, KCC 13253, KCC13253, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9106 Lagasse Scott Mega Roll Household Towel, 24 Rolls (KCC16445) 9106 KCC 16445 15.31 16445 Scott Mega Roll Household Towel
"Clean-up done right" Scott household kitchen roll towels feature unique ridges that quickly and effectively absorb messes and leave surfaces clean and dry. Choose-a-size, because messes do not come in one size fits all. More towels per roll to meet your needs at a fair price. Superior absorbency in-take rate. A great roll for a great price: simple, straight forward and down to earth. 102 sheets per roll. 24 rolls per case.
Kimberly-Clark - Scott Mega Kitchen Roll Towels, Choose-a-Size, 102 Sheets per Roll. 24 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 40.25 30.70 52.60 KCC16445.jpg kitchen roll towels, kitchen paper towels, household roll towels, household paper towels, scott mega roll household towel, KCC 16445, KCC16445, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9108 Lagasse Kimberly Clark Nemesis Safety Glasses, Black Frame, Smoke Lens (KCC25688) 9108 KCC 25688 0.05 25688 Safety Glasses Black Frame, Smoke Lens
Sleek, flexible, lightweight design with soft touch temples for added comfort. Polarized lens technology reduces eye stress and fatigue from bright sunlight. Scratch-resistant, dual polycarbonate lens with 99.9% UV protection. Meets ANSI Z87.1+ Standard.
Kimberly Clark Safety Glasses, Black Frame, Smoke Lens, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 3.76 2.73 5.08 KCC3000356.jpg eye protection, safety glasses, KCC 3000356, KCC3000356, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9109 Lagasse 18 W Orange Traffic Cone - 2.5-lbs. " (KCC3004042) 9109 KCC 3004042 2.80 3004042 High visibility dayglow orange with white inner liner. Custom stenciling available for easy identification. Flow molded PVC maintains structural integrity. Wide-body design provides high stability. Meets MUTCD standards. Made in the USA. Kimberly Clark Professional 7.80 5.25 10.38 KCC3004042.jpg 18 W Orange Traffic Cone - 2.5-lbs. " KCC3004042, KCC3004042, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
9112 Lagasse ANSI Class 2 Lime Vest with Silver Reflective (KCC3022285) 9112 KCC 3022285 0.60 3022285 Deluxe Safety Vest
Deluxe safety vest features; 4 pocket design (2 exterior and 2 interior) for increased carrying space, rugged color matched front zipper, 360 degree visibility with high intensity tape. Machine washable. Size: XL/2X.
ANSI Class 2 Deluxe Safety Vest, Lime, XL/2X, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 10.76 6.96 14.28 KCC3022285.jpg safety vest, ansi class 2 lime vest with silver reflective, KCC 3022285, KCC3022285, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9114 Lagasse M10 Particulate Respirator, 160 Respirators (KCC64230) 9114 KCC 64230 10.00 64230 Jackson Safety M10 Particulate Respirator
Jackson Safety M10 Particulate Respirators are a necessity when sanding, sweeping, woodworking, and grinding. deliver the protection you expect and the comfort you need for all-day wear, Jackson Safety's particulate respirators come complete with a comfortable nose pad with soft foam. These high-quality respirators deliver filtering power of least 95% of 0.3 micron particles at 85 liters per minute flow rate. While a secure and durable woven elastic ultrasonically bonded head strap help keep the respirators securely in place without pulling or breaking. Includes 8 boxes of 20 respirators; 160 respirators per case.
Kimberly Clark Jackson Safety M10 Particulate Respirator, N95, White, 20 Respirators per Box, 8 Boxes, 160 Respirators per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 114.33 87.20 156.24 particulate respirator, disposable respirators, filtered respirators, woodworking respirators, painting respirators, KCC64230, KCC64230, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9116 Lagasse WYPALL* Jumbo Roll Dispenser (KCC80596) 9116 KCC 80596 7.05 80596 A mobile, efficient dispensing system that reduces waste. Dispenser for JUMBO RAG-ON-A-ROLL* system. For Jumbo Rolls KCC 41055, KCC 41600, KCC 40125, KCC 41600, KCC 11809 and KCC 34955 (sold separately). Portable, high-capacity dispenser is compact enough Kimberly Clark Professional 34.42 26.25 45.17 KCC80596.jpg WYPALL* Jumbo Roll Dispenser KCC80596, KCC80596, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
9117 Lagasse Kleenguard G10 Arctic Blue Nitrile Gloves, Medium, 200 Gloves (KCC90097) 9117 KCC 90097 1.70 90097 Medium Powder Free Nitrile Gloves
Provide the protection of nitrile gloves at an everyday price, these high quality powder-free gloves are the ideal collection of low cost and quality. Use across a wide range of industrial applications while providing more comfort than standard nitrile gloves, these gloves are safe to use for food handling and preparation, assembly and manufacturing work, lab work and any non-medical application requiring dexterity. Coming with a textured fingertips improve grip, these quality gloves are sure to fit all of your sanitary needs. Coming with a beaded cuff and completely ambidextrous, these quality gloves are known for their strength and easy wear-ability.
Kimberly-Clark Professional Kleenguard G10 Arctic Blue Nitrile Gloves, Medium Size, 200 Gloves per Dispenser Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 17.85 13.62 24.38 KCC90097.jpg kleenguard nitrile gloves, nitrile gloves, disposable gloves, kleenguard nitrile gloves, KCC 90097, KCC90097, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9118 Lagasse Kleenguard G10 Arctic Blue Nitrile Gloves, Large, 200 Gloves (KCC90098) 9118 KCC 90098 1.90 90098 Large Powder Free Nitrile Gloves
Coming complete with a with a beaded cuff, as well as an ambidextrous fit for either hand, these quality Powder Free Large Sized Nitrile Gloves are known for their durability, comfort, and overall strength. Used across a wide range of industrial applications, these gloves are safe to use in vocations such as food handling, assembly and manufacturing, and lab work, as well as any other non-medical application requiring dexterity. Providing a perfect combination of low cost and high quality, these powder-free gloves offer a variety of special features that are certain to impress. Such features as textured fingertips, improved grip, and exceptional dexterity, ensure these quality powder free extra large nitrile gloves are sure to fit wherever they are needed.
Kimberly-Clark Professional Kleenguard G10 Arctic Blue Nitrile Gloves, Large Size, 200 Gloves per Dispenser Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 18.44 14.07 23.97 KCC90098.jpg gloves, nitrile gloves, kleenguard arctic blue nitrile gloves, KCC 90098, KCC90098, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9119 Lagasse Kleenguard G10 Arctic Blue Nitrile Gloves, Extra Large, 200 Gloves (KCC90099) 9119 KCC 90099 2.07 90099 Extra Large Powder Free Nitrile Gloves
Coming with a variety of special features including textured fingertips and improve grip, these quality powder free extra large nitrile gloves are sure to fit all of your sanitary needs. Completely ambidextrous and coming complete with a with a beaded cuff, these quality gloves are known for their strength and easy wear-ability. These high quality powder-free gloves are the ideal collection of low cost and quality as they provide the protection of nitrile gloves at an everyday low, wholesale price. Used across a wide range of industrial applications, these gloves are safe to use in vocations such as food handling, assembly and manufacturing, and lab work, as well as any other non-medical application requiring dexterity.
Kimberly-Clark Professional Kleenguard G10 Arctic Blue Nitrile Gloves, Extra Large Size, 200 Gloves per Dispenser Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 17.85 13.62 24.06 KCC90099.jpg gloves, nitrile gloves, kleenguard, non powder nitrile gloves, KCC 90099, KCC90099, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9120 Lagasse Kleenex Luxury Foaming Instant Hand Sanitizer, 2 - 1200ml Refills (KCC91590) 9120 KCC 91590 6.50 91590 Kleenex Luxury Foaming Instant Hand Sanitizer
Delivers the quality and innovation you'd expect from the Kleenex Brand. Sealed to eliminate threat of contamination. Cassette is easy to load; clicks into place. Easily recycled once pump is removed. High capacity 1200-ml refill.
Kleenex Luxury Foam Moisturizing Instant Hand Sanitizer, 1,200 ml Refill, 2 refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 72.29 55.13 98.33 KCC91590.jpg hand sanitizers, foaming hand sanitizers, kleenex luxury foam moisturizing instant hand sanitizer, KCC 91590, KCC91590, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9121 Lagasse Kleenex Fragrance-Free Luxury Foam Skin Cleanser, 2 - 1200ml Refill (KCC91591) 9121 KCC 91591 6.50 91591 Kleenex Fragrance-Free Luxury Foaming Hand Soap
Fragrance- and dye-free luxury foam skin cleanser delivers the quality and innovation you'd expect from the Kleenex Brand. Green Seal Certified. Eliminates the threat of contamination with a sealed system. Easy to load. Cassette clicks into place. Easy to load. Cassette clicks into place. Easy to recycle once pump is removed. Fragrance free. 1,200 ml refills, 2 per case.
Kleenex Fragrance-Free Luxury Foam Skin Cleanser, 1200-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Kimberly-Clark Kleenex Soap System » Kimberly Clark Professional 46.82 33.52 63.21 KCC91591.jpg hand soap, foaming hand soap, kleenex fragrance-free luxury foam skin cleanser, KCC 91591, KCC91591, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9122 Lagasse Kleenex Moisturizing Luxury Foam Skin Cleanser, 2- 1200ml Refills (KCC91592) 9122 KCC 91592 6.50 91592 Kleenex Moisturizing Luxury Foaming Hand Soap
Luxury foam skin cleanser with moisturizers delivers the quality and innovation you'd expect from the Kleenex Brand. Sealed system eliminates the threat of contamination. Easy to load. Cassette clicks into place. Easy to recycle once pump is removed. Citrus floral fragrance.
Kleenex Moisturizing Luxury Foam Skin Cleanser, Citrus floral fragrance, 1200ml Refill, 2 per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Kimberly-Clark Kleenex Soap System » Kimberly Clark Professional 46.95 35.81 62.66 KCC91592.jpg hand soap, foaming hand soap, kleenex moisturizing luxury foam skin cleanser, KCC 91592, KCC91592, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9123 Lagasse Kleenex Antibacterial Luxury Foam Skin Cleanser, 2 - 1200-ml Refills (KCC91594) 9123 KCC 91594 6.50 91594 Kleenex Antibacterial Luxury Foaming Hand Soap
Delivers the quality and innovation you expect from the Kleenex Brand. Luxury foam soap comes in a sealed system to eliminate the threat of contamination. Contains .5% Triclosan. Easy to load. Cassette clicks into place. Easy-to-recycle once pump is removed. Fresh Scent. 1200-ml refills, 2 refills per case.
Kleenex Antibacterial Luxury Foam Skin Cleanser, 1200-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Kimberly-Clark Kleenex Soap System » Kimberly Clark Professional 51.00 38.90 68.00 KCC91594.jpg hand soaps, foaming hand soaps, kleenex antibacterial luxury foam skin cleanser, KCC 91594, KCC91594, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9124 Lagasse 1200-ml Touchless Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser - White (KCC92147) 9124 KCC 92147 3.50 92147 Touchless Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser - White
Reduce cross-contamination and the spread of germs. This new electronic system represents the height of hygienic operation with reliable, controlled dispensing. Features Kleenex Brand Luxury Foam Soap and Sanitizer. Long battery life; dispenses 60,000 single uses. Easy to load. Low-battery and low product indicator lights. 1200-ml cassette refills.
Kimberly-Clark Professional Touchless Cassette Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Kimberly-Clark Kleenex Soap System » Kimberly Clark Professional 64.62 47.06 87.11 KCC92147.jpg touchless soap dispensers, hand soap dispensers, kimberly-clark professional touchless hand soap Dispenser, KCC 92147, KCC92147, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9125 Lagasse 1200-ml Touchless Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser - Black (KCC92148) 9125 KCC 92148 3.50 92148 1200-ml Touchless Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser- Black
Reduce cross-contamination and the spread of germs. This new electronic system represents the height of hygienic operation with reliable, controlled dispensing. Features Kleenex Brand Luxury Foam Soap and Sanitizer. Long battery life; dispenses 60,000 single uses. Easy to load. Low-battery and low product indicator lights. 1200-ml cassette refills. Perfect for the home, office or other industrial situation, this dispenser is specifically designed to helps eliminate messy drips. The touch-free dispensing system ensures no need to touch the dispenser—ideal for hand hygiene. Automatically dispenses the perfect amount of soap needed in a single shot.
Kimberly-Clark Professional Touchless Cassette Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Black, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Kimberly-Clark Kleenex Soap System » Kimberly Clark Professional 70.75 46.51 95.09 KCC92148.jpg kimberly-clark professional touchless foaming soap dispenser, KCC 92148, KCC92148, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9126 Lagasse Horizontal Baby Changing Station - Cream (KKPKB200-00) 9126 KKP KB200-00 30.00 KB200-00 Koala Kare Horizontal Baby Changing Station
Microban antimicrobial protection embedded into the station's surface helps reduce the spread of germs. Extra-wide surface provides ample space. Smooth molded bed with belts safely cradles infants and toddlers. Universal instruction graphics and safety messages in six languages plus Braille help ensure proper use. Liner dispensing slots are mounted at the perfect height. Hidden pneumatic gas spring mechanism provides controlled, one-handed opening and closing of changing bed. Meets or exceeds ASTM safety requirements. ADA Compliant when properly installed. Bed pulls down from wall and opens to 35.25"wide x 19.25"deep x 20"high; closes shut against wall to 35.25"wide x 4"deep x 20"high. Shipping weight: 30-lbs.
Koala Kare Horizontal Baby Changing Station, Cream, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Koala Kare 229.52 175.06 310.07 KKPKB20000.jpg horizontal baby changing station, KKPKB200-00, KKPKB20000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 165
9127 Lagasse Horizontal Baby Changing Station - Gray (KKPKB200-01) 9127 KKP KB200-01 30.00 KB200-01 Koala Kare Horizontal Baby Changing Station
Microban antimicrobial protection embedded into the station's surface helps reduce the spread of germs. Extra-wide surface provides ample space. Smooth molded bed with belts safely cradles infants and toddlers. Universal instruction graphics and safety messages in six languages plus Braille help ensure proper use. Liner dispensing slots are mounted at the perfect height. Hidden pneumatic gas spring mechanism provides controlled, one-handed opening and closing of changing bed. Meets or exceeds ASTM safety requirements. ADA Compliant when properly installed. Bed pulls down from wall and opens to 35.25"wide x 19.25"deep x 20"high; closes shut against wall to 35.25"wide x 4"deep x 20"high. Shipping weight: 30-lbs.
Koala Kare Horizontal Baby Changing Station, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Koala Kare 244.59 186.55 331.22 KKPKB20001.jpg horizontal baby changing station, KKPKB200-01, KKPKB20001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 165
9128 Lagasse Gem Urinal Screens, Herbal Mint, 12 Screens (KRYEGEM72HMI) 9128 KRY EGEM72 HMI 2.50 EGEM72HML Gem Urinal Screens - Herbal Mint
Freshens urinal with 10 times more fragrance, gradually released over 30 days. Natural oils ensure quality fragrances that are more appealing. Colorful, translucent design will definitely get noticed. Pliable, recyclable material traps more debris and can be molded to better protect the drain. Safe for waterless urinals. VOC compliant, recyclable material, recyclable packaging. Non-hazardous for shipment. 12 per screens box.
Krystal Deodorant and Restroom Products Gem Urinal Screens. Herbal Mint, 12 Screens per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Krystal Deodorant & Restroom Products 19.40 14.80 26.08 KRYEGEM72HMI.jpg air freshener, air fresheners, gem urinal screens - herbal mint, KRYEGEM72HMI, KRYEGEM72HMI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 66
9129 Lagasse Gem Urinal Screens, Mango, 12 Screens (KRYEGEM72MAN) 9129 KRY EGEM72 MAN 2.50 0 Mango Scented Gem Urinal Screens
Freshens urinal with 10 times more fragrance, gradually released over 30 days. Natural oils ensure quality fragrances that are more appealing. Colorful, translucent design will definitely get noticed. Pliable, recyclable material traps more debris and can be molded to better protect the drain. Safe for waterless urinals. VOC compliant, recyclable material, recyclable packaging. Non-hazardous for shipment. 12 per box.
Krystal Products Gem Urinal Screens, Mango Scent, 12 Screens per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Krystal Deodorant & Restroom Products 19.20 14.61 26.05 KRYEGEM72MAN.jpg air freshener, air fresheners, gem urinal screens - mango, KRY EGEM72MAN, KRYEGEM72MAN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 66
9130 Lagasse Gem Urinal Screens, Spiced Apple, 12 Screens (KRYEGEM72SAP) 9130 KRY EGEM72 SAP 2.00 EGEM72 SAP Gem Urinal Screens Spiced Apple
Freshens urinal with 10 times more fragrance, gradually released over 30 days. Natural oils ensure quality fragrances that are more appealing. Colorful, translucent design will definitely get noticed. Pliable, recyclable material traps more debris and can be molded to better protect the drain. Safe for waterless urinals. VOC compliant, recyclable material, recyclable packaging. Non-hazardous for shipment. 12 per box.
Krystal Products Gem Urinal Screens, Spiced Apple, 12 Screens per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Krystal Deodorant & Restroom Products 18.90 14.42 25.01 KRYEGEM72SAP.jpg air freshener, air fresheners, gem urinal screens, KRY EGEM72SAP, KRYEGEM72SAP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 66
9131 Lagasse Eco-Fresh Hang Tag Air Freshener - Herbal Mint, 12 per Box (KRYEHTS72HMI) 9131 KRY EHTS72 HMI 1.67 EHTS72HML Hanging Tag Air Freshener - Herbal Mint
Hang from a variety of objects, such as a stall door stop, toilet handle, etc. For greater placement options, use the suction cups. 100% more fragrance than typical air fresheners. Keeps any area smelling cleaner, longer. VOC compliant, recyclable material, recyclable packaging. 12 tags per box.
Eco-Fresh Hang Tag Air Freshener - Herbal Mint, 12 Tags per Box. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Krystal Deodorant & Restroom Products 18.16 13.85 24.10 KRY EHTS72 MAN.jpg air freshener, air fresheners, eco-fresh hang tags - herbal mint, KRYEHTS72HMI, KRYEHTS72HMI, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 66
9132 Lagasse Eco-Fresh Hang Tag Air Freshener - Mango, 12 per Box (KRYEHTS72MAN) 9132 KRY EHTS72 MAN 1.67 EHTS72MGL Hanging Tag Air Freshener - Mango
Hang from a variety of objects, such as a stall door stop, toilet handle, etc. For greater placement options, use the suction cups. 100% more fragrance than typical air fresheners. Keeps any area smelling cleaner, longer. VOC compliant, recyclable material, recyclable packaging. 12 tags per box.
Eco-Fresh Hang Tag Air Freshener - Mango, 12 Tags per Box. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Krystal Deodorant & Restroom Products 17.26 13.17 23.06 KRY EHTS72 MAN.jpg air freshener, air fresheners, eco-fresh hang tags - mango, KRYEHTS72MAN, KRYEHTS72MAN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 66
9133 Lagasse Coffee Clutch Hot Cup Sleeves, 1,200 per Case (LBP6106) 9133 LBP 6106 19.00 6106 10 to 20 oz. Coffee Clutch Sleeves
Patented, heat-activated adhesive ensures the Coffee Clutch sleeve stays on the cup. Protects hands through patented corrugated design that releases heat while drawing cool air in. Sleeves contain both recycled and post-recycled content. 1,200 sleeves per case. LBP 10-20 oz. Coffee Clutch Sleeve, 1,200 Sleeves per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
LBP 109.52 71.19 145.33 LBP6106.jpg coffee clutch hot club sleeves, LBP 6106, LBP6106, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 247
9134 Lagasse Beverage on the Move Insulated Coffee Server, 25 Boxes (LBP7175) 9134 LBP 7175 15.00 7175 Insulated 96-oz. Beverage Server
Holds 96-oz. of hot or cold beverage for up to three hours regardless of whether server is warm or cold. Compatible with brewer or carafe systems. Sits flat to save storage space; one-piece construction assembles easily. Pop-up, Fill and Go, inner bag automatically inflates for quick and continuous filling. Sanitary - no need to handle bag. Corrugated structure contains both recycled and post-consumer fiber content. Inner bag contains recyclable plastic. 25 servers per case.
LBP Beverage on the Move 96 oz. Insulated Coffee Server, 25 per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. LBP 127.82 83.08 174.62 LBP7175.jpg coffee on the go, coffee server, beverage server, insulated coffee server, beverage on the move insulated coffee server, LBP 7175, LBP7175, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 247
9135 Lagasse Marcal Pro 100% Recycled Dinner Napkins, 3,000 Napkins (MAC2121) 9135 MAC 2121 37.53 2121 Marcal Bella SnapPac Dinner Napkins
White, two-ply. 100% recycled paper. Embossed, 15 x 17 dinner napkin. 100 napkins per pack. Packed in a unique “snappack“ for easy opening, whitened without chlorine bleaching, no dyes or fragrances added. NRDC certified. 30 packs (3,000 napkins) per case.
Marcal Bella SnapPac Premium Napkins, 2 Ply, White, 100 Napkins per Pack, 30 Packs, 3,000 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Marcal Paper 47.05 35.88 63.63 MAC2121.jpg marcal pro premium recycled dinner napkins, MAC 2121, MAC2121, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 135
9139 Lagasse Nexcare Active Flexible Foam Bandages, 30 per Box (MCO512-30PB) 9139 MCO 512-30PB 0.11 512-30PB Nexcare Active Flexible Foam Bandages
Unique flexible foam strip conforms, stretches and bends, even around fingers, knuckles, knees and elbows. Advanced, water-resistant adhesive offers extra sticking power—even on damp skin; seals around pad to keep out dirt and other contaminants. Soft, absorbent non-stick pad. 1"x 3" Flexible Foam Adhesive Bandage, water-resistant.
3M Corporation - Nexcare Active Flexible Foam Bandages, 30 Bandages per Box.
3M Corporation 3.37 2.49 4.52 MCO51230PB.jpg bandages, nexcare bandages, flexible bandages,nexcare active flexible foam bandages, MCO 512-30PB, MCO51230PB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
9140 Lagasse 3M Nomad Aqua Plus Matting 8500 - Gray 36" x 60"-13.2-lbs., Each (MCO95806) 9140 MCO 95806 13.20 95806 3M Nomad Aqua Plus Indoor Scraper Mat
Handles heavy foot traffic and is ideal for indoor entrances. Contains a dual fiber loop pile technology with polyester draining fleece layer. Absorbs up to 17.3 fluid ounces per square foot helping to minimize re-tracking of water and moisture. Excellent dirt removal. Solid, slip resistant backing with strong PVC rounded profile edges to allow for smoother foot and cart traffic.
36"x 60"-13.2 lbs Indoor Scraper Mat, Gray, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 201.92 154.01 270.45 MCO95806.jpg scraper mat, scraper mats, indoor matting, 3m nomad aqua plus matting, MCO 95806, MCO95806, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
9141 Lagasse 3M Nomad Aqua Plus Matting 8500 - Gray 48" x 72"-20.8-lbs., Each (MCO95820) 9141 MCO 95820 20.80 95820 3M Nomad Aqua Plus Indoor Scraper Mat
Handles heavy foot traffic and is ideal for indoor entrances. Contains a dual fiber loop pile technology with polyester draining fleece layer. Absorbs up to 17.3 fluid ounces per square foot helping to minimize re-tracking of water and moisture. Excellent dirt removal. Solid, slip resistant backing with strong PVC rounded profile edges to allow for smoother foot and cart traffic.
48"x 72"-20.8 lbs Indoor Scraper Mat, Gray, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 322.52 245.99 425.34 MCO95820.jpg scraper mat, scraper mats, indoor matting, 3m nomad aqua plus matting, MCO 95820, MCO95820, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
9145 Lagasse 3M Nomad Aqua Plus Matting 4500 - Black 36" x 60"-16.2-lbs., Each (MCO96025) 9145 MCO 96025 16.20 96025 3M Nomad Aqua Plus Indoor Scraper Mat
Handles low foot traffic and is ideal for indoor entrances. Absorbs up to 11 fluid ounces per square foot helping to minimize re-tracking of water and moisture. Contains a durable polypropylene loop pile tufted mat with a polyester draining fleece layer. Good dirt removal with solid, slip resistant backing. Easy to clean.
36" x 60" - 16.2 lbs Indoor Scraper Mat, Black, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
3M Corporation 113.13 86.28 150.02 MCO96025.jpg scraper mat, scraper mats, indoor matting, 3m nomad aqua plus matting, MCO 96025, MCO96025, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
9146 Lagasse Sani-Professional Brand Sani-Hands II - 150 Wipes per Canister (NICP43572) 9146 NIC P43572 17.46 P43572 Sani Professional Brand Sani-Hands
Uniquely formulated for use in a variety of settings. Designed for use on hands prior to handling food, they are convenient, gentle and kill germs on hands that may cause illness. Now you can improve your hand hygiene program in an instant! Meets the Food Code’s Hand Sanitization Requirements. Ideal for food prep areas, serving stations and checkout/cashier stations. Provides quick, easy hand sanitization for both customers and employees. Contains 65.9% SD Alcohol (by vol.). Wiping action helps remove soil from hands, gentle on hands – contains a moisturizer to help prevent skin from drying out. Portable and convenient – can be used anywhere when soap and water are not available. Usage may result in fewer employee absentee days due to illness. Sani Professional Brand Sani-Hands Wipes are ideal for use in: Restaurants, Cafeterias, Grocery Stores, Convenience Stores, Delicatessens, Day Care Settings, Healthcare, Food Services, Food Processing Plants, Airplanes, Cruise Ships, Schools and many more.
Sani-Hands Wipes, 150 Wipes per Canister, 12 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Nicepak 57.62 43.95 78.11 NICP43572.jpg sani-professional brand sani-hands, NIC P43572, NICP43572, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 138
9147 Lagasse Sani-Hands for Kids Disposable Wipes, 6 Canisters (NICP97584) 9147 NIC P97584 15.89 P97584 Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes for Kids
Gentle & kid friendly. Even kids know that eating with dirty hands is a big-time no-no! Kills germs on hands that may cause illness. Gentle on hands, convenient – ready to use. Proven effective against MRSA. Portable – can be used anywhere when soap and water are not available. Wiping action removes soil from hands. That’s because clean hands help prevent the spread of germs. Yet, how many of your patrons and their children really take the time to wash their hands before they eat? Offer your customers wipes with their meal for use before they eat. Unlike other products, it’s specially formulated for use prior to handling food. Most other products require hands to be rinsed before handling food. Now that’s food for thought!
NicePak Sani-Hands Wipes for Kids, 5.375"x 7.5" Wipe, 300 Wipes per Pop-Up Canister, 6 Canisters per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Nicepak 54.34 41.95 72.41 NICP97584.jpg sani-hands for kids disposable wipes, NIC P97584, NICP97584, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 138
9148 Lagasse Sani-Cloth HB Germicidal Extra Large Disposable Wipes, 6 Canisters (NICQ85484) 9148 NIC Q85484 14.30 Q85484 Sani-Cloth HB Germicidal Disposable Wipes
Premoistened, alcohol-free wipes for hard surfaces. Maintain sanitary workout environments by minimizing cross-contamination risk posed by multiple users of treadmills, ellipticals, exercise bikes, weight equipment, lockers and more. Effective against more than 100 microorganisms, including the human Hepatitis B virus. EPA registered; meets CDC and OSHA guidelines. 6 canisters per case.
Sani-Cloth HB Germicidal 8"x 14" Disposable Wipes, 65 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Nicepak 54.86 41.84 71.38 NICQ85484.jpg sani-cloth germicidal wipes, NIC Q85484, NICQ85484, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 138
9151 Lagasse Pactiv 10" Black Foam 3 Compartment Dinner Plates, 500 Plates (PACTXB0044) 9151 PAC TXB0044 14.81 0TXB0044000Y 10" Black Laminated 3 Compartment Plates
These laminated foam plates are cut-resistant, nonabsorbent and leak-proof. Their non-skid backing helps keep the plates in place. The deep proportions work to avoid spills and messes. They are designed for high performance and can take anything you can dish out. 4 packs of 125 plates. 500 per case.
Pactiv 10" Black Laminated Foam Dinner Plate, 3 Compartment, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pactiv Corporation 91.38 59.40 119.41 PACTXB0044.jpg 10" plates, 3 compartment plates, laminate foam dinnerware, PAC TXB0044, PACTXB0044, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 256
9152 Lagasse Pactiv 6" Black Laminated Foam Dinner Plates, 1,000 Plates (PACYTXB0006) 9152 PAC YTXB0006 9.38 YTXB00060000 6" Black Foam Dinner Plates
These laminated foam plates are cut-resistant, nonabsorbent and leak-proof. Their non-skid backing helps keep the plates in place. Deep profile minimizes the potential for messy spills. They are designed for high performance and can take anything you can dish out. 8 packs of 125 plates. 1000 plates per case.
Pactiv 6" Black Laminated Foam Dinner Plate, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pacific 56.53 40.80 76.83 PACYTXB0006.jpg Medium Black Laminate Foam Dinnerware, PAC YTXB0006, PACYTXB0006, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 211
9153 Lagasse Fab 2X Laundry Detergent Ocean Breeze, 6 Bottles (PBC37155) 9153 PBC 37155 23.72 PBC 37155 Liquid Laundry Detergent
Powerful, biodegradable, and vibrantly effective for the whole wash. Colors are radiant and whites are sparkling clean with the concentrated 2X formula that cleans with half the dose. Biodegradable surfactants; contains no phosphates. Laundry leaves the dryer with a gentle, fresh ocean breeze fragrance. 32 Loads per Bottle. 50 0z bottle. 6 bottles per case.
Phoenix Brands Fab 2X Liquid Laundry Detergent Ocean Breeze scent, 6-50 oz Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Phoenix Brands 42.65 32.53 57.24 PBC37155.jpg laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent, fab 2x ocean breeze liquid laundry detergent, PBC 37155, PBC37155, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 167
9154 Lagasse Ajax 2X Laundry Detergent Free & Clear, 6 Bottles (PBC49551) 9154 PBC 49551 23.72 49551 Ajax Liquid Laundry Detergent 2X Free & Clear
Ajax - "Stronger than Dirt". When dirt and grease find their way onto garments, they're washed away. The time-proven, cost-conscious Ajax formula achieves superior cleaning results. 50-oz. bottle. 6 bottles per case.
Ajax Liquid Laundry Detergent 2X Free & Clear, Unscented, 50-oz Bottles, 6 Bottles per case. - The wholesale cleaning products company buyers trust.
Phoenix Brands 28.78 21.95 38.08 PBC49551.jpg ajax, laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent, ajax laundry detergent 2x free & clear, PBC49551, PBC49551, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 167
9155 Lagasse AJAX 2X Original Laundry Detergent, 6 Bottles (PBC49555) 9155 PBC 49555 23.70 PBC 49555 Ajax - 2X Laundry Detergent
No matter how dirty your clothes get and what dirt and grease your family gets into when Ajax cleans, it cleans thoroughly. Dependable Ajax provides superior performance for smart, budget-conscious shoppers. Time-tested original laundry detergent provides reliable results. 2X concentrated formula cleans the same amount of laundry with half the dose of a regular detergent. Wash away dirt and grease. 50-oz. bottle, 6 bottles per case.
Ajax - 2X Liquid Laundry Detergent, 50 oz Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Phoenix Brands 28.78 21.95 37.58 PBC49555.jpg ajax, laundry detergent, ajax laundry detergent, ajax 2x original laundry detergent, PBC 49555, PBC49555, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 167
9156 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Digital Dual Capacity Receiving Scales - 150-lbs. Capacity (PEL4010-88) 9156 PEL 4010-88 21.35 FG401088 Rubbermaid Commercial Pelouze Digital Receiving Scale
Highly accurate, digital LCD display features a 9-foot extension cord for placement and application versatility. Rugged case and shock-resistant plate meet the needs of busy shipping and receiving departments. Rubberized grid-pattern platform coating helps keep packages in place. Included AC adapter and 9V battery compartment deliver fixed-mount/cart-mount versatility (9V battery sold separately). Auto-off feature preserves battery power. Low-battery indicator. Includes scale, remote display, display cable, AC adapter and documentation.
Rubbermaid Commercial Pelouze Digital Receiving Scale, Each. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pelouze 129.16 98.51 173.10 PEL401088.jpg heavy-duty digital receiving scales, PEL4010-88, PEL401088, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 168
9157 Lagasse Compact Digital Portioning Scale (PELFS288) 9157 PEL FS288 13.50 FGFS288 Commercial Pelouze Digital Portion-Control Scale
Digital scale provides accurate general-purpose performance. Three measurement options: ounces-decimal, ounces-fraction and grams accommodate nearly any portion-control task. Convenient push-button tare helps you complete involved weighing tasks quickly and easily. Versatile, portable unit may be powered by the included AC adapter, a rechargeable battery or a standard 9V battery (batteries sold separately). Five-minute idle timer and auto-shutdown sequence help you preserve battery power. Removable, stainless steel weighing platform is commercial dishwasher safe. Includes four scales with AC adapters and documentation.
Pelouze Digital Portion-Control Scale, with AC adapters and documentation. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Pelouze 79.65 60.75 108.09 PELFS288.jpg compact digital portioning scale, PELF S288, PELFS288, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 168
9158 Lagasse Thermocouple Digital Thermometer (PELTMP2000) 9158 PEL TMP2000 1.79 TMP2000 IP54 waterproof rating for ease in cleaning. Large, easy-to-read digital display. Max/Min temperature memory plus hold feature. Auto-off conserves power. Pelouze 162.58 124.00 220.71 PELTMP20000.jpg Thermocouple Digital Thermometer PELTMP2000, PELTMP2000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 168
9159 Lagasse Mechanical Portion Scale - 5-lbs. 1/2-oz. increments (PELYG180R) 9159 PEL YG180R 3.00 YG180R Rotating dial for easy tare. Platform may be used as a handle. Rust-proof anodized aluminum chassis will not corrode. Stainless steel platform and bezel are easy-to-clean and sanitary. Alignment notch for precise and quick zero reset. NSF certified. Pelouze 52.44 40.00 69.20 PELYG180R.jpg Mechanical Portion Scale - 5-lbs. 1/2-oz. increments PELYG180R, PELYG180R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 168
9160 Lagasse Gain Dishwashing Liquid, 11-oz. Bottles (PGC00253) 9160 PGC 00253 15.76 PGC 00253 Gain Dishwashing Liquid
Lather up the dirty dishes, then wash your cares away with Gain hand dishwashing liquid. Formulated with the right cleaning ingredients that removes stubborn grease and stains. Enjoy squeaky clean dishes and the cool, crisp classic scent. 11-oz bottle, 18 bottles per case.
Gain Dishwashing Liquid, Original Scent, 11-oz Bottle, 18 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 24.44 18.64 32.50 PGC00253.jpg gain dishwashing liquid, PGC 00253, PGC00253, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9162 Lagasse Ivory Dish Detergent, 24-oz Bottles (PGC25574) 9162 PGC 25574 18.37 PGC 25574 Ivory Liquid Dishwashing Detergent
Designed to have mild, long-lasting suds for a more thorough clean. Handles a broad range of dish soils. Cleans your dishes and leaves a classic scent. 24-oz bottle, 10 bottles per case.
Ivory Liquid Dishwashing Detergent, 24-oz Bottle, 10 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 34.50 26.32 46.53 PGC25574.jpg ivory dishwashing detergent, PGC25574, PGC25574, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9164 Lagasse Tide Laundry Detergent, 15 - 20-oz. Boxes (PGC27782) 9164 PGC 27782 23.57 PGC 27782 Tide Laundry Detergent
Trust the leader in laundry with the cleaning power of Tide. A powerful clean that won't wear out your cloths. Tide helps cotton threads stay strong and not fade, clothes virtually don't age. Tide does not contain phosphates and is safe for septic tanks. Tide has more stain fighting power. High-powered, grease-cutting formula effective on tough, greasy food stains. Formulated to immediately start dissolving—even in cold water. Super-soluble detergent means virtually residue-free clothes. Helps keep whites whiter. 15 Loads per Box. 20 oz Box, 15 Boxes per Case.
Proctor & Gamble Professional Tide Laundry Detergent, 20-oz. Box, 15 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 102.29 71.55 133.79 PGC27782.jpg tide, laundry detergent, tide laundry detergent, tide powder laundry detergent, powdered laundry detergent, tide laundry detergent, PGC 27782, PGC27782, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9168 Lagasse Tide Laundry Detergent with Bleach, 15 - 21 oz. Boxes (PGC27810) 9168 PGC 27810 24.18 PGC 27810 Tide Laundry Detergent with Bleach
If it's got to be clean, it's got to be Tide. Tide contains an activated bleaching system and helps remove many tough stains and whitens whites. Tide helps KEEP colors bright and doesn't contain phosphates. Tide is also harmless to septic tanks.Tide has more stain fighting power. High-powered, grease-cutting formula effective on tough, greasy food stains. Formulated to immediately start dissolving—even in cold water. Super-soluble detergent means virtually residue-free clothes. Helps keep whites whiter. 12 loads per box. 21 oz box, 15 boxes per case.
Proctor & Gamble Professional - Tide Laundry Detergent with Bleach, 21 oz. Box, 15 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 102.29 75.75 139.02 PGC27810.jpg tide, laundry detergent, tide laundry detergent, tide powder laundry detergent, powdered laundry detergent, tide laundry detergent with bleach, PGC 27810, PGC27810, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9169 Lagasse Charmin Ultra Soft Toilet Paper, 40 Rolls (PGC29685) 9169 PGC 29685 10.22 29685 Charmin Ultra Soft Toilet Paper
Charmin Utra Soft Toilet Tissue, "get so much from so little". Have it all—without having to use too much. Charmin Ultra Soft toilet paper is so soft and absorbent, you can use 4x less than the leading value brand. That's because it has absorbent cushions, so you can get more out of less. Try Charmin Ultra Soft Bathroom Tissue—America's softest bath tissue. Outstanding quality and softness. Safe for sewer and septic systems. White, unscented. 176 Sheets per Roll, 4.3" x 4.4" sheet size. 4 rolls per pack, 10 packs per case.
Proctor and Gamble Charmin Ultra Soft Toilet Tissue, 4 Rolls per Pack, 10 Packs per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 41.96 32.00 55.17 PGC29685.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, bath tissue, bathroom tissue, charmin toilet paper, charmin toilet tissue, charmin bathroom tissue, charmin ultra soft toilet paper, PGC 29685, PGC29685, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9170 Lagasse Gain Dishwashing Liquid - 56-oz. Bottles (PGC30477) 9170 PGC 30477 33.30 PGC 30477 Gain Dish Washing Liquid
Lather up the dirty dishes, then wash your cares away with Gain hand dish washing liquid. Formulated with the right cleaning ingredients that removes stubborn grease and stains. Enjoy squeaky clean dishes and the cool, crisp classic scent. 56-oz bottle, 8 bottles per case.
Gain Dish Washing Liquid, Original Scent, 56-oz Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 52.68 29.91 69.57 PGC30477.jpg gain dish washing liquid, PGC 30477, PGC30477, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9171 Lagasse Crest .84-oz. Toothpaste, 240 Tubes (PGC30501) 9171 PGC 30501 16.40 38304 Crest Cavity Protection Toothpaste
Get cavity protection for your teeth and exposed roots. With regular brushing, Crest Cavity Protection Toothpaste will help fight cavities and leave you with fresh breath. .85-oz. tube. 240 per case.
Crest Cavity Protection Toothpaste, 0.85-oz. Tube, 240 Tubes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 88.17 58.54 119.21 PGC30501.jpg crest toothpaste, PGC 30501, PGC30501, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9172 Lagasse Comet Deodorizing Cleanser with Chlorinol (PGC32987) 9172 PGC 32987 34.60 32987 Comet Powder Deodorizing Cleanser
Bleaches tough stains and removes soap scum. Disinfectants wipe out salmonella, staph and most other germs. Gentle abrasives are safe for most hard surfaces. Use on toilet bowls, wall tiles, tubs, sinks, chrome, stainless steel, stove tops and ranges, pots and pans, fiberglass tubs and showers, imitation marble and similar hard plastic surfaces. Includes twenty-four 21 ounce canisters per case.
Comet Powder Deodorizing Cleanser, 21 Ounce Canister, 24 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 36.12 27.55 47.08 PGC32987.jpg cleansers, comet deodorizing cleanser with chlorinol, PGC 32987, PGC32987, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9174 Lagasse Bounty Quilted Napkins, White, 2,000 Napkins (PGC34884) 9174 PGC 34884 12.78 84941052 Bounty Quilted Napkins
These 1-ply Bounty quilted napkins are durable enough to tackle even the hardest jobs. Great for use in homes, bars, and restaurants, the super absorbency of Bounty napkins earned a reputation for being one of the toughest napkins on the market. Bounty Quilted Napkins are great for keeping faces, hands and clothes Bounty clean, all with a touch of softness. "Holds up to your mealtime messes". White. 1 Ply 15" x 17" Quilted Napkin, 100-count napkins. 20 per case.
Procter & Gamble Bounty Quilted Napkins, White, 1 Ply, 100 Napkins per Pack, 20 Packs, 2,000 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 44.45 33.90 58.15 PGC34884.jpg bounty, napkin, napkins, bounty napkins, bounty quilted napkins, PGC 34884, PGC34884, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9175 Lagasse Cascade Automatic Dishwasher Detergent - Gel 45-oz. Bottles (PGC40148) 9175 PGC 40148 27.12 40148 Cascade Automatic Dishwasher Gel w/Bleach
Automatic dishwashing gel formula cleans to a shine. It combines Cascade scrubbing power and stain fighting action of bleach for a satisfied clean of dishes. Removes tough stains and is effective for soaking pots and pans with baked-on soil. So clean, it's virtually spotless. Formulated for under counter dishwashers and cabinet-type automatic utensil washers. Effective for soaking pot and pans with baked-on soil.
Cascade Automatic Dishwasher Gel w/Bleach, Lemon Scent, 45-oz Bottle, 9 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 38.96 29.72 51.59 PGC40148.jpg cascade automatic dishwasher detergent, PGC40148, PGC40148, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9176 Lagasse Dawn Manual Pot & Pan Dish Detergent - 38-oz. Bottles (PGC42906) 9176 PGC 42906 23.92 84979742 Dawn Manual Pot & Pan Dish Detergent
Dependable dishwashing liquid that fights grease, leaving you squeaky clean pots, pans and dishes. The long-lasting suds can even help reduce sink changeover. Washes up to two times more dishes than the leading competition. Leaves a pleasant scent. Antibacterial, Orange Scent, 38-oz bottle, 8 bottles per case.Dawn Manual Pot & Pan Dish Detergent, Orange Scent, 38-oz Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 47.01 35.86 62.95 PGC42906.jpg dawn manual pot & pan dish detergent, PGC 42906, PGC42906, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9177 Lagasse Safeguard E2 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap (PGC47434) 9177 PGC 47434 12.35 47434 Safeguard E2 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap Refill
Safeguard hand hygiene system is effective against most common bacteria, preventing infections. Proper hand hygiene is one of the easiest ways to protect the well being of your staff and customers. Featuring the #1 antibacterial soap worldwide, the Safeguard Hand Hygiene System is the simple, safe, and effective way to keep hands clean and your business happy. Contains more than 1,700 hand washes per cartridge. Mild and gentle to the skin, even after repeated use. Has a pleasant fragrance with no chemical odor. Comes in 1200 ml sealed cartridges that result in fewer refill and eliminate threat of contamination. Colorless formula is mild to skin. Dermatologist tested. Contains no dyes or perfumes. Does not contain Triclosan. 1200 ml sealed cartridge refill, 4 refills per case.
Safeguard E2 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 1200 ml Cartridge Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Safeguard Soap System »
Procter and Gamble Professional 59.09 45.07 79.44 PGC47434.jpg safeguard e2 antibacterial foaming hand soap, PGC 47434, PGC47434, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9178 Lagasse Safeguard Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap - Refill (PGC47435) 9178 PGC 47435 12.35 PGC 47435 Safeguard Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap Refill
Safeguard hand hygiene system is effective against most common bacteria, preventing infections. Proper hand hygiene is one of the easiest ways to protect the well being of your staff and customers. Featuring the #1 antibacterial soap worldwide, the Safeguard Hand Hygiene System is the simple, safe, and effective way to keep hands clean and your business happy. Contains more than 1,700 hand washes per cartridge. Mild and gentle to the skin, even after repeated use. Has a pleasant fragrance with no chemical odor. Comes in 1200 ml sealed cartridges that result in fewer refill and eliminate threat of contamination. 1200 ml sealed cartridge refill, 4 refills per case.
Safeguard Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 1200 ml Cartridge Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Safeguard Soap System » Procter and Gamble Professional 56.51 43.10 77.04 PGC47435.jpg safeguard antibacterial foaming hand soap, PGC 47435, PGC47435, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9179 Lagasse Safeguard Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser (PGC47436) 9179 PGC 47436 7.01 47436 Safeguard Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Designed to reduce the risk of contamination. Hassle-free loading and changeover with key locks help prevent product tampering. Dispenser's reliable ABS shell is ADA Compliant. Manual.
Safeguard Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1200-ml Foam Soap Systems » Safeguard Soap System » Procter and Gamble Professional 12.13 9.25 16.27 PGC47436.jpg safeguard hand soap dispensers, PGC 47436, PGC47436, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9180 Lagasse Safeguard Hand Sanitizer Gel (PGC48842) 9180 PGC 48842 10.93 PGC 48842 Safeguard Hand sanitizer Gel - Refill
Contains 65% ethanol and is effective against most common bacteria. No perfume, no colors, and no need to rinse. Convenient and simple to use, encouraging employees and customers to practice good hand hygiene. 1200-ml cartridge refill, 4 refills per case.
Safeguard Hand Sanitizer Gel, 1200 ml Cartridge Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 50.07 38.19 65.30 PGC48842.jpg safeguard hand sanitizer gel, PGC 48842, PGC48842, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9181 Lagasse Pumie Toilet Bowl Ring Remover with Handle (PUMJAN6) 9181 PUM JAN 6 2.50 JAN-6 Pumie Toilet Bowl Ring Remover
Pumice rubbing stone eliminates stains in seconds while protecting porcelain. Easily cleans flat or curved surfaces. Ready to use, gentle abrasive pumice stone removes lime, rust and stains when chemicals quit. Safe for hands and to use around children and pets. Includes 6 toilet cleaners per case.
Pumie Toilet Bowl Ring Remover with Handle, 6 Pumie Sticks per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. U.S. Pumice 34.40 25.93 46.08 PUMJAN6.jpg pumie toilet bowl ring remover, PUM JAN6, PUMJAN6, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 113
9182 Lagasse 1/6 Size Hot Food Pan 1-2/3-qt. (RCP205PAMB) 9182 RCP 205P AMB 0.68 205P00 AMB Hot Food Pan 1-2/3-qt.
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won't rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. Non-stick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Pans and lids are dishwasher and microwave safe. Designed for safety - cooler to the touch than metal. Not for use with open flame. Steam table, well oven and microwave safe.
Temperature range: -40oF to 375oF.
Covers are sold separately - See RCP 208p-23 AMB - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 10.90 8.32 14.92 RCP205PAMB.jpg HOT FOOD PAN 1/6 SZ 6/CTN - 4 12/3-qt. RCP205PAMB, RCP205PAMB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9183 Lagasse 1/6 Size Hot Food Pan 2-1/2-qt. (RCP206PAMB) 9183 RCP 206P AMB 0.87 206P00 AMB Hot Food Pan 2-1/2-qt.
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won't rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. Non-stick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Pans and lids are dishwasher and microwave safe. Designed for safety - cooler to the touch than metal. Not for use with open flame. Steam table, well oven and microwave safe.
Temperature range: -40oF to 375oF.
Covers are sold separately - See RCP 208P-23 AMB - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 12.73 9.71 17.27 RCP206PAMB.jpg HOT FOOD PAN 1/6 SZ 6/CTN - 6 21/2-qt. RCP206PAMB, RCP206PAMB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9184 Lagasse 1/6 Size Hot Pan Cover for 205P, 206P Pans (RCP208P-23AMB) 9184 RCP 208P-23 AMB 0.26 FG208P-23 AMBR 1/6 Size Hot Pan Cover for 205P, 206P Pans
Covers have deep molded handles with secure finger grips and "Mark-It-Fresh" windows for date coding and labeling contents. See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won't rust, dent or bend. Dishwasher and microwave safe.
Pans sold separately - See RCP 205P AMB & RCP 206P AMB - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 6.77 5.17 8.89 RCP208P23AMB.jpg 1/6 SIZE HOT PAN COVER W /PEG HOLE 6 - 205P, 206P Peg Hole RCP208P-23AMB, RCP208P23AMB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9185 Lagasse 1/3 Size Hot Food Pan 4-qt. (RCP217PAMB) 9185 RCP 217P AMB 0.90 217P00 AMBR Hot Food Pan 4-qt.
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won't rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. Non-stick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Pans and lids are dishwasher and microwave safe. Designed for safety - cooler to the touch than metal. Not for use with open flame. Steam table, well oven and microwave safe.
Temperature range: -40oF to 375oF.
Covers are sold separately - See RCP 221p-23 AMB - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 14.73 11.23 19.95 RCP205PAMB.jpg X-TRA HOT FOOD PAN 1/3 SZ POLYCARB AMB 6/CTN - 4 4-qt. RCP217PAMB, RCP217PAMB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9186 Lagasse 1/3 Hot Food Pan 5-3/8 qt. (RCP218PAMB) 9186 RCP 218P AMB 1.38 218P00 AMBR Hot Food Pan 5-3/8 qt.
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won't rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. Non-stick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Pans and lids are dishwasher and microwave safe. Designed for safety - cooler to the touch than metal. Not for use with open flame. Steam table, well oven and microwave safe.
Temperature range: -40oF to 375oF.
Covers are sold separately - See RCP 221P-23 AMB - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 20.98 16.00 27.41 RCP205PAMB.jpg X-TRA HOT FOOD PAN 6 IN 1/3 SZ POLYCARB AMB 6/CTN - 6 53/8-qt. RCP218PAMB, RCP218PAMB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9187 Lagasse 1/3 Size Hot Pan Cover for 217P, 218P (RCP221P-23AMB) 9187 RCP 221P-23 AMB 0.50 FG221P23 AMBR 1/3 Size Hot Pan Cover for 217P, 218P
Covers have deep molded handles with secure finger grips and "Mark-It-Fresh" windows for date coding and labeling contents. See-through, durable
plastic food pans are break resistant—won't rust, dent or bend. Dishwasher and microwave safe.
Pans sold separately - See RCP 217P AMB & RCP 218P AMB - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 8.94 6.82 11.68 RCP221P23AMB.jpg 1/3 LID F/HOT PAN W/PEG HOLE 6 - 217P, 218P Peg Hole RCP221P-23AMB, RCP221P23AMB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9188 Lagasse 1/2 Hot Food Pan 6-3/8 qt. (RCP224PAMB) 9188 RCP 224P AMB 1.80 224P00 AMBER Hot Food Pan 6-3/8 qt.
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won't rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. Non-stick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Pans and lids are dishwasher and microwave safe. Designed for safety - cooler to the touch than metal. Not for use with open flame. Steam table, well oven and microwave safe.
Temperature range: -40oF to 375oF.
Covers are sold separately - See RCP 228p-23 AMB - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 17.96 13.70 23.75 RCP224PAMB.jpg X-TRA HOT FOOD PAN 4 IN 1/2 SZ POLYCARB AMB 6/CTN - 4 63/8-qt. RCP224PAMB, RCP224PAMB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9189 Lagasse 1/2 Hot Food Pan 9-1/3 qt. (RCP225PAMB) 9189 RCP 225P AMB 1.95 225P00 AMB Hot Food Pan 9-1/3 qt.
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won't rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. Non-stick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Pans and lids are dishwasher and microwave safe. Designed for safety - cooler to the touch than metal. Not for use with open flame. Steam table, well oven and microwave safe.
Temperature range: -40oF to 375oF.
Covers are sold separately - See RCP 228p-23 AMB - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 23.86 18.20 32.39 RCP225PAMB.jpg X-TRA HOT FOOD PAN 1/2 SZ POLYCARB AMB 6/CTN - 6 91/3-qt. RCP225PAMB, RCP225PAMB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9190 Lagasse 1/2 Size Hot Pan Cover for 224P, 225P (RCP228P-23AMB) 9190 RCP 228P-23 AMB 0.71 FG228P23 AMBR 1/2 Size Hot Pan Cover for 224P, 225P
Covers have deep molded handles with secure finger grips and "Mark-It-Fresh" windows for date coding and labeling contents. See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won't rust, dent or bend. Dishwasher and microwave safe.
Pans sold separately - See RCP 224P AMB & RCP 225P AMB - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.38 8.68 15.19 RCP228P23AMB.jpg 1/2 LID F/HOT PAN W/PEG HOLE 6 - 224P, 225P Peg Hole RCP228P-23AMB, RCP228P23AMB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9191 Lagasse Full Size Hot Food Pan 20-5/8 qt. (RCP232PAMB) 9191 RCP 232P AMB 3.40 232P00 AMB Hot Food Pan 20-5/8 qt.
See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won't rust, dent or bend. Quieter than metal. Steep walls hold more, minimizing refills and overfills. Quart and liter measurement markings show content level. Time coding detail for marking the time when food is set out. Pans nest for compact storage. Non-stick surfaces for easy food release and cleaning. Pans and lids are dishwasher and microwave safe. Designed for safety - cooler to the touch than metal. Not for use with open flame. Steam table, well oven and microwave safe.
Temperature range: -40oF to 375oF.
Covers are sold separately - See RCP 234P-23 AMB - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 49.18 37.51 64.94 RCP232PAMB.jpg X-TRA HOT FOOD PAN FULL SZ POLYCARB AMB 6/CTN - 6 205/8-qt. RCP232PAMB, RCP232PAMB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9192 Lagasse Full Size Hot Food Pan Cover for 232P Pan (RCP234PAMB) 9192 RCP 234P AMB 1.60 234P00 AMB Full Size Hot Food Pan Cover for 232P Pan
Covers have deep molded handles with secure finger grips and "Mark-It-Fresh" windows for date coding and labeling contents. See-through, durable plastic food pans are break resistant—won't rust, dent or bend. Dishwasher and microwave safe.
Pans sold separately - See RCP 232P AMB - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 24.93 19.02 32.52 RCP234PAMB.jpg X-TRA HOT FOOD PAN CVR FULL SZ POLYCARB AMB 6/CTN - 232P Solid RCP234PAMB, RCP234PAMB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9193 Lagasse ProSave Dual Action Food Box Lids - 18 x 12 (RCP3305CLE) 9193 RCP 3305 CLE 4.06 FG330500CLR Dual Action Lid for 18 x 12 Food Boxes
Save time and money with the ProSave food box system. Slides back or flips up without having to remove the whole lid, improving ease of access and reducing the risk of cross-contamination. Integrated lid locks onto food box for secure food coverage. Fits all brands of clear, polycarbonate food boxes. NSF certified.
ProSave Dual Action Food Box Lid, 18 x 12, Clear, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 14.55 11.10 19.87 RCP3305CLR.jpg ProSave™ Dual Action Food Box Lids - 18 x 12 RCP3305CLE, RCP3305CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9194 Lagasse ProSave Dual Action Food Box Lids - 26 x 18 (RCP3311CLE) 9194 RCP 3311 CLE 8.13 FG331100CLR Dual Action Lid for 26 x 18 Food Boxes
Save time and money with the ProSave food box system. Slides back or flips up without having to remove the whole lid, improving ease of access and reducing the risk of cross-contamination. Integrated lid locks onto food box for secure food coverage. Simple disassembly for commercial dishwashing. Fits all brands of clear, polycarbonate food boxes. NSF certified.
ProSave Dual Action Food Box Lid, 26 x 18, Clear, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 27.28 19.56 36.87 RCP3311CLR.jpg ProSave™ Dual Action Food Box Lids - 26 x 18 RCP3311CLE, RCP3311CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9195 Lagasse ProSave Drain Trays for Food Boxes - 18 x 12 (RCP3314CLE) 9195 RCP 3314 CLE 3.50 FG331400CLR Drain Tray 18 x12
Domed design helps to drain liquid from tray improving airflow circulation during storage. Save time and money with the ProSave food box system. NSF certified.
ProSave 18 x12 Drain Tray for Food Boxes, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 6.91 5.27 9.26 RCP3314CLR.jpg ProSave™ Drain Trays for Food Boxes - 18 x 12 RCP3314CLE, RCP3314CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9196 Lagasse ProSave™ Drain Trays for Food Boxes - 26 x 18 (RCP3318CLE) 9196 RCP 3318 CLE 8.90 FG331800CLR Domed design helps to drain liquid from tray improving airflow circulation during storage. Save time and money with the ProSave™ food box system. Two sizes of drain trays to fit all sizes of food boxes. NSF certified. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 16.40 12.51 21.41 RCP3318CLR.jpg ProSave™ Drain Trays for Food Boxes - 26 x 18 RCP3318CLE, RCP3318CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9197 Lagasse ProSave Colander for Food Box 9" or Deeper(RCP3322CLE) 9197 RCP 3322 CLE 27.00 FG332200CLR Colander for 26 x 18 x 9 Food Boxes
Save time and money with the ProSave food box system. 8-in. colander for 9-in. or deeper food boxes has easy lift handles and domed design to promote liquid drainage. NSF certified. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 43.40 33.10 57.96 RCP3322CLR.jpg ProSave™ Colander for Food Box RCP3322CLE, RCP3322CLE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9198 Lagasse Rubbermaid Spray Mop, Light Commercial (RCP3486108) 9198 RCP 3486108 3.00 3486108 Rubbermaid Professional Spray Mop
Rubbermaid Light Commercial Spray Mop is a light duty product for professional home cleaners and small business owners. Its easy to use and apply functionality dispenses liquid in two spray streams behind mop. Providing a wide cleaning span of 18-in. wide, the Rubbermaid Professional Spray Mop provides a cleaning path that cleans 33% faster than a disposable type mop. Ergonomic thumb activated trigger. Includes 15-oz. refill cartridge. For use with Rubbermaid 18" Wet Mopping Microfiber Pads RCP Q409 BLU sold separately.
Application: Floors
Mop Head Size: 18" Wide
Handle Length: 52 in
Mop Head Color: Blue
Dimensions: 52.3 in x 4.6 in x 4.1 in
Weight: 3 lbs.
Rubbermaid Spray Mop, Light Commercial or Home Use, 18" Wide, Dual Spray, Antimicrobial Mop Head, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 54.06 41.23 71.49 RCP3486108.jpg rubbermaid light duty mop, rubbermaid ligh commercial spray mop, rubbermaid spray mop, rubbermaid professional spray mop, RCP 3486108, RCP3486108, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9199 Lagasse Replacement Refill Cartridge Rubbermaid Pro Spray Mop, 6 per case (RCP3486110) 9199 RCP 3486110 2.38 3486110 Rubbermaid Refill Cartridge for Professional Spray Mop
Interchangeable cartridges for light commercial spray mop RCP 3486108 (sold separately). Fill with your own cleaning solution. 6 refills per case.
Rubbermaid Professional Spray Mop Replacement Refill Cartridge, 6 per case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 41.63 29.73 56.19 RCP 3486110.jpg Replacement Refill Cartridge RCP3486110, RCP3486110, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9200 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks - 1200-lb. (RCP4436-10BLA) 9200 RCP 4436-10 BLA 84.00 4436-10 BLA Exclusive Duramold™ decks are formed from a precision engineered resin and metal composite structure that provides maximum load support. Four molded-in tie down slots to secure loads with straps or bungees (not incl.). Retainer clips prevent unintended re Rubbermaid Commercial Products 479.87 366.00 638.92 RCP443610BLA.jpg Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks - 1200-lb. RCP4436-10BLA, RCP443610BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9201 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks - 2500-lb. (RCP4441BLA) 9201 RCP 4441 BLA 75.80 4441 00 BLA Exclusive Duramold™ decks are formed from a precision engineered resin and metal composite structure that provides maximum load support. Four molded-in tie down slots to secure loads with straps or bungees (not incl.). Retainer clips prevent unintended re Rubbermaid Commercial Products 433.98 331.00 565.11 RCP4441BLA.jpg Heavy-Duty Platform Trucks - 2500-lb. RCP4441BLA, RCP4441BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9202 Lagasse Vinyl Replacement Bag with Zippered Side Opening (RCP6193BRO) 9202 RCP 6193 BRO 2.10 FG619300BRN A complete system solution for housekeeping in the hospitality industry. Fits 6189, 6190, 6191, 6192 and 9T19 carts. Brown. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 50.35 38.40 68.34 RCP6193BRO.jpg Vinyl Replacement Bag with Zippered Side Opening RCP6193BRO, RCP6193BRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9203 Lagasse Rubbermaid 3 Gallon TC Sanitary Napkin Disposal Bin (RCP750243) 9203 RCP 750243 5.00 FG750243 3 Gallon Sanitary Napkin Disposal Bin
Safe disposal of sanitary waste in women's washrooms is an every day need. Disposal needs to be safe, responsible and with minimum harm to the environment. The TC Sanitary Bin is designed to provide a safe and hygienic way to dispose of sanitary waste. Deep chute that prevents waste adhesion and promotes better hygiene. Dry system bins are lined so the interior is never soiled. Smooth body does not harbor dirt or germs. Contoured body shape is easy to clean. Pedal operation limits direct contact. Ease of access for user. 16.5" wide x 6.1" deep x 19.3" high. See RCP 750443 Bin Liners.
Rubbermaid 3 Gallon Sanitary Napkin Disposal Bin, 3 Gallon, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 51.48 39.27 69.06 RCP750243.jpg sanitary napkin, sanitary napkin dispenser, sanitary napkin disposal, 3-gallon tc sanitary bin, RCP750243, RCP750243, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9204 Lagasse Rubbermaid 3-Gallon TC Sanitary Bin Liners, 375 Bags (RCP750443) 9204 RCP 750443 9.30 FG750443 3 Gallon Sanitary Napkin Bin Liners
Safe disposal of sanitary waste in women's washrooms is an every day need. Disposal needs to be safe, responsible and with minimum harm to the environment. These bin liners are designed for use with Rubbermaid 3 gallon TC Sanitary Napkin Bin. 15 liners per roll, 25 rolls per case. See RCP 750243 3 Gallon TC Sanitary Bin.
Rubbermaid Sanitary Napkin Bin Liners, 15 Liners per Roll, 25 Rolls, 375 Liners per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 67.74 51.67 91.33 RCP750443.jpg sanitary napkin, sanitary napkin dispenser, sanitary napkin disposal, 3-gallon tc sanitary bin liners, RCP750443, RCP750443, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9205 Lagasse Rubbermaid Sturdy Chair High Chair with Wheels (RCP7805-08PLA) 9205 RCP 7805-08 PLA 18.00 FG780508PLAT Rubbermaid High Chair Youth Seat with Wheels
Microban® antimicrobial protection helps prevent the growth of stain and odor-causing bacteria - keeps chairs looking new longer. Designed for safety - meets ASTM, TUV and European standards. Attractive contemporary styling complements dining rooms.
Rubbermaid » Rubbermaid Baby Products » High Chairs - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 175.04 133.51 232.32 RCP780508PLA.jpg high chairs, height chair, baby high chairs, hi chair, high chairs for kids, sturdy chair, baby hi chair, baby height chair, rubbermaid height chair, rubbermaid youth seat, rubbermaid sturdy chair, sturdy chair youth seat with wheels, RCP780508PLA, RCP 780508 PLA 1 1 0 0 1 89
9206 Lagasse Rubbermaid Sturdy Chair High Chair without Wheels (RCP7806-08PLA) 9206 RCP 7806-08 PLA 18.00 780608PLAT Rubbermaid High Chair Youth Seat
Rubbermaid high chair features the quality you expect and features Microban® antimicrobial protection which helps prevent the growth of stain and odor-causing bacteria - keeps chairs looking new longer. This baby high chair is designed for safety and meets ASTM, TUV and European standards. Attractive contemporary styling complements dining rooms.
Rubbermaid » Rubbermaid Baby Products » High Chairs - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 143.57 109.50 189.04 RCP 7806-08.jpg high chairs, height chair, baby high chairs, hi chair, high chairs for kids, sturdy chair, baby hi chair, baby height chair, rubbermaid height chair, rubbermaid youth seat, rubbermaid sturdy chair, sturdy chair youth seat without Wheels, RCP7806-08PLA, RCP780608PLA, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 0 1 89
9207 Lagasse Rubbermaid Commercial Backpack Vacuum Cleaners - 10-Qt. Cap HEPA Backpack Vacuum (RCP9VBH10) 9207 RCP 9VBH10 24.66 9VBH10 Rubbermaid Commercial Hepa Backpack Vacuum - 10 Quart
Low-noise, lightweight vacuums with comfortable, ergonomic harness design. 1.3HP vacuum motor, 110 CFM air flow and 100-in. water lift. Four stage filtration for improved air quality. Closed-bag system with top latches to prevent dust leakage. CRI Green Label Certified. On-board cleaning attachments include 5-ft flexible hose,crevice tool, floor tool, two aluminum wands, dusting brush and upholstery tool.50-ft power cord. Weighs: 13.5-Lbs. UL approved for commercial use. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyerstrust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 326.47 249.00 437.56 RCP9VBH10.jpg backpack vacuum, backpack vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner backpack, backpack vacuum cleaners, rubbermaid commercial backpack vacuum cleaner, RCP9VBH10, RCP9VBH10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9208 Lagasse Rubbermaid Commercial Backpack Vacuum Cleaners - 10-Qt. Cap Backpack Vacuum (RCP9VBP10) 9208 RCP 9VBP10 22.88 FG9VBP10 0000 Rubbermaid Backpack Vacuum - 10 Quart
Low-noise, lightweight vacuums with comfortable, ergonomic harness design. 1.3HP vacuum motor, 110 CFM air flow and 100-in. water lift. Four stage filtration for improved air quality. Closed-bag system with top latches to prevent dust leakage. CRI Green Label Certified. On-board cleaning attachments include 5-ft flexible hose, crevice tool, floor tool, two aluminum wands, dusting brush and upholstery tool. 50-ft power cord. Weighs: 13.5-Lbs. UL approved for commercial use. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 293.69 224.00 397.67 RCP9VBP10.jpg backpack vacuum, backpack vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner backpack, backpack vacuum cleaners, rubbermaid commercial backpack vacuum cleaner, RCP9VBP10, RCP9VBP10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9209 Lagasse Deluxe Trash Can Rim Caddy, Yellow (RCP9VDVRC4400) 9209 RCP 9VDVRC4400 9.25 FG9VDVRC4400 Rubbermaid Deluxe Rim Caddy
Storage for all cleaning tools in one place for one-pass cleaning. Mesh bag holds dirty cloths and pads. Tool holder for Rubbermaid Pulse mopping kit. Fits 44-gallon BRUTE only. Partner with BRUTE trash can and dolly (sold separately) for the ultimate mobile cleaning tool with storage; ergonomic arched handle on the caddy makes maneuvering easy. Cleaning supplies not included.
Rubbermaid Deluxe Rim Trash Can Caddy, Yellow, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 89.48 68.25 119.33 RCP9VDVRC4400.jpg rubbermaid, brute trash can accessories, rubbermaid deluxe rim caddy, RCP9VDVRC4400, RCP9VDVRC4400, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9210 Lagasse Atrium Round Open Top Indoor Trash Can, 35 Gallon (RCPAOT35SAPL) 9210 RCP AOT35SAPL 36.00 AOT35SAPL Rubbermaid 35 Gallon Atrium Series Indoor Waste Container
Heavy-gauge seamless aluminum with satin marr-proof epoxy finish is fireproof and leakproof. Two-piece design allows removal of top section to insert galvanized steel liner. Contains a minimum of 70% post-consumer recycled aluminum. 18" diameter x 32 high. 39 lbs Ship weight.
35 Gallon Indoor Trash Can, Rubbermaid Atrium Series, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 516.58 394.00 704.17 RCPAOT35SAPL.jpg garbage can, trash can, waste container, trash receptacle, atrium round open top receptacle, RCPAOT35SAPL, RCPAOT35SAPL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9211 Lagasse 3-1/2 Gallon Medi-Can Steel Step-On - Powder Coated/White (RCPMST35EPLWH) 9211 RCP MST35EPLWH 6.00 FGMST35EPLWH Rubbermaid Economical Steel Step-On Trash Can
Waste disposal can be easy and sanitary in restrooms, offices and clinics and all it takes is your foot on a pedal. Self-closing step can features rigid plastic leakproof liner, tight-fitting lid for maximum odor control and quiet operation, and plastic base ring that protects floor and reduces noise. Steel hinge serves as convenient carry handle. Fire-resistant.
Rubbermaid 3-1/2 Gallon Steel Step-On Trash Can, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 45.93 35.03 61.50 RCPMST35EPLWH.jpg steel step on trash can, RCP MST35EPLWH, RCPMST35EPLWH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9212 Lagasse Pulse Charging Bucket (RCPQ950-88YEL) 9212 RCP Q950-88 YEL 16.00 FGQ95088YEL Rubbermaid Pulse Charging Bucket
Holds up to 20 wet pads. Use just the right amount of solution by following the molded-in filling guide. Bottom grate prevent over-saturation of pads. Lid locks to prevent leakage. 6-8 gallon capacity. Designed for use with microfiber mops. Ideal for healthcare environments. Smooth, nonporous surface prevents bacterial growth and cleans up easily. Durable, lightweight plastic construction. 25w x 8d x 12h. Accommodates mop pads up to 18-inches. Fits onto Janitor Cart, RCP6173, RCP9T73 and RCP9T75 (sold separately).
Rubbermaid Pulse Charging Bucket, Each
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 46.19 35.23 61.59 RCPQ95088YEL.jpg rubbermaid charging bucket, rubbermaid pulse charging bucket, microfiber charging bucket, RCPQ950-88YEL, RCPQ95088YEL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9213 Lagasse Smokers' Pole Cigarette Receptacle (RCPR1BK) 9213 RCP R1BK 24.00 R1BK Rubbermaid Commercial Smoker's Pole
Simple, space-saving solution for waste control. Contribute to LEED points. Contains a minimum of 30% post-consumer material content. Easy to empty, no tools required quick-release push button at the mid point for easy maintenance. Features oxygen-restricting design and durable weather-resistant powder-coated fire-safe aluminum construction. Two 3 1/2"wide x 1"high disposal openings with recessed extinguishing screen. 14 1/4" dia. base. Includes one smoke receptacle each.
Rubbermaid Commercial Black Smoker's Pole, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 157.32 112.00 208.93 RCPR1BK.jpg smokers' pole, cigarette receptacle, RCP R1BK, RCPR1BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9214 Lagasse Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap System, Cucumber Splash, 4 Kits (REC00061) 9214 REC 00061 6.29 19200-00061 Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap System
Lysol Healthy Touch No-Touch Hand Soap System helps eliminate the millions of germs that your hands can pick up each day! It automatically senses hands and dispenses just the right amount of soap. Handwashing is one of the most important steps you and your children can take to help you stay healthy and with the Lysol Healthy Touch No-Touch Hand Soap System, you and your family will never have to touch a germy soap pump again. What's more, the system's antibacterial hand soap kills 99.9% of bacteria on hands — so it's ideal for use in the kitchen or bathroom. The starter kit includes a dispenser, one hand soap refill, and four AA batteries. When you use the Lysol Healthy Touch No-Touch Hand Soap System, you'll know you're helping your family by fostering proper and effective hand-washing to help prevent the spread of germs. Antibacterial hand soap refills for the Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap System are enriched with moisturizing ingredients. Includes 4 hand soap system kits per case. Each kit contains one dispenser, one 8.5 oz refill and four AA batteries.
Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap System, Soothing Cucumber Splash Scent, Kit, 4 Kits per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 45.45 34.67 60.29 REC00061.jpg lysol, lysol healthy touch, lysol healthy touch hand soap system, REC 00061, REC00061, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
9215 Lagasse Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap Refill, Cucumber Splash, 6 Refills (REC00062) 9215 REC 00062 4.20 19200-00062 Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap Refill
Delivering a simple, touch free way to keep germ free and safe, Lysol Cucumber Splash Scented Healthy Touch Hand Soap eliminates 99.9% of bacteria on hands. Infused with moisturizing ingredients, this superior soap product is perfect for office bathrooms and break rooms, doctors offices, banks, law offices and anywhere else a touch-free dispenser is desired. Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap offers a calming cucumber scent, while cleaning with a gentle formula that conditions, moisturizes and protect skin. Coming in 6, 8.5-oz. products per case, these easy to install refills are a quick and easy way to stay safe and clean in any environment.
Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap Refill, Cucumber Splash, 8.5-oz. Refill, 6 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 23.34 17.80 31.88 REC00062.jpg lysol, lysol healthy touch, lysol healthy touch hand soap refill, REC 00062, REC00062, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
9217 Lagasse Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap Refill, Grapefruit Essence, 6 Refills (REC00066) 9217 REC 00066 4.20 19200-00066 Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap Refill
Lysol Healthy Touch soap kills 99.9% of bacteria as it is dispensed and is enriched with moisturizing ingredients. The 8.5-oz. refill contains 166 applications.
Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap Refill, Grapefruit Essence, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 23.34 17.80 30.42 REC00066.jpg lysol, lysol healthy touch, lysol healthy touch hand soap refill, REC 00066, REC00066, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
9219 Lagasse Lysol Disinfectant Deodorizing Cleaner, Lemon Scent, 4 Gallons (REC76334) 9219 REC 76334 37.00 76334 Lysol Disinfectant Deodorizing Cleaner Concentrate
Professional Lysol concentrated formula makes 64 gallons. Cleans deep and kills germs on hard, nonporous surfaces. Prevents growth of mold and mildew. Deodorizes with a pleasant lemon scent fragrance. EPA Registered. NSF Category Codes A4 and C1. Gallon bottles, 4 bottles per case.
Reckitt Benckiser Professional Lysol Disinfectant Deodorizing Cleaner, Lemon, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 54.88 41.67 73.38 REC76334.jpg professional lysol, lysol concentrate, lysol disinfectant, lysol lemon cleaner, professional lysol disinfectant deodorizing cleaner, REC 76334, REC76334, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, disinfectant cleaner 1 1 0 0 1 86
9220 Lagasse Lysol Brand Mold & Mildew Remover, Trigger Spray, 1 Quart, 12 Bottles (REC78915) 9220 REC 78915 28.60 78915 Lysol Brand Mold & Mildew Remover
Fast acting sanitizer that whitens and removes mold and mildew stains, soap scum and tough spots and stains. Non-abrasive formula will not harm plumbing and septic systems. Designed for use on glazed ceramic tile, bathtubs, toilets, sinks, counters, grout and all bathroom surfaces.
Lysol Brand Mold & Mildew Remover, Trigger Spray, 1 Quart, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 48.95 37.33 64.36 REC78915.jpg lysol, lysol bathroom cleaners, lysol brand mold mildew remover, REC 78915, REC78915, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
9221 Lagasse Lysol Neutra Air Fabric Mist, Crisp Linen, 9 Spray Bottles (REC82669) 9221 REC 82669 18.40 REC 82669 Lysol Neutra Air Fabric Mist
Remove odor and bacteria simultaneously. Lysol Neutra Air Fabric Refresher kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft surfaces and fabrics. Eliminates tough pet, smoke and body odors while leaving a fresh scent. EPA Registered. 27-oz. spray bottle. 9 bottles per case.
Lysol Neutra Air Fabric Mist, Crisp Linen, 27-oz Spray Bottles, 9 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 45.67 34.83 60.41 REC82669.jpg lysol, lysol air freshener, lysol neutra air fabric mist, REC 82669, REC82669, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
9222 Lagasse Lysol Neutra Air Fabric Mist, Morning Rain, 9 Spray bottles (REC82670) 9222 REC 82670 18.40 REC82670 Lysol Neutra Air Fabric Mist
Remove odor and bacteria simultaneously. Neutra Air Fabric Refresher kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft surfaces and fabrics. Eliminates tough pet, smoke and body odors while leaving a fresh scent. EPA Registered. 27-oz. bottle. 9 bottles per case.
Lysol Neutra Air Fabric Mist, Morning Rain, 27-oz Spray Bottles, 9 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 45.67 34.83 59.57 REC82670.jpg lysol, lysol air fresheners, lysol neutra air fabric mist, REC 82670, REC82670, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
9224 Lagasse Round Aluminum Containers - 9-in. (REYRC477) 9224 REY RC477 16.75 RC477 Use aluminum containers for cooking, freezing and storing. Can go directly from freezer to oven and back to freezer. Aluminum containers are portable and ideal for hot and cold foods. Compatible with virtually all foods and is odor and moisture proof. 500 Reynolds Food Packaging 90.56 63.39 117.85 REYRC477.jpg Round Aluminum Containers - 9-in. REYRC477, REYRC477, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 87
9230 Lagasse Rubbermaid Deluxe 48 Qt Hinged-Lid Ice Chest (RHP2A15MODBL) 9230 RHP 2A15 MODBL 10.50 FG2A1502MODBL 48 Quart Ice Chest
Coming with a superior thermal retention that keeps food and beverages cold, this powerful ice chest comes complete with side swing handles and a comfort grip for easy carrying. Completely stain and odor resistant, this easy-to-clean liner comes with a smooth and ribbed design. Holding up to 68 cans plus ice, the 48 Qt Cooler has superior thermal retention to keep food and beverages cold. The cooler comes in two styles: smooth and ribbed. Two side swing handles with comfort grip make carrying easy. Stain and odor resistant, the cooler has an easy-to-clean liner in case unfortunate spills occur.
Rubbermaid 48-Qt Hinged-Lid Ice Chest, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Home Products 36.45 27.80 49.74 RHP2A15MODBL.jpg ice chest RHP2A15MODBL, RHP2A15MODBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 90
9231 Lagasse 1.3 Gallon Portable Battery-Powered Sprayer (RLF5BP) 9231 RLF 5BP 4.40 5BP 5 Liter Battery Powered Sprayer
Portable sprayer with flexible extending wand for extra reach. Padded shoulder strap and thumb-operated switch provide easy operation. Adjustable stream telescoping wand extends to 35-in. Use Reverse function to draw residual wand liquid back into tank. Uses 4 standard D batteries. One set of batteries will spray 18 gallons.
Rl Flo-Master 5 Liter Battery Powered Sprayer, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rl Flo-Master 37.10 28.29 49.80 portable battery-powered sprayer, RLF 5BP, RLF5BP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 88
9232 Lagasse Sales Book (RPPGC12A-2) 9232 RPP GC12A-2 16.00 GC12A-2 Paper interleave booked. 12 lines. White. Royal Paper Products 39.91 27.94 53.99 RPPGC12A2.jpg Sales Book RPPGC12A-2, RPPGC12A2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
9233 Lagasse Guest Checks - 3.46 x 6.69 (RPPGC3632-1) 9233 RPP GC3632-1 14.00 GC3632-1 Provide professional service. Avoid mistakes and improve table service. Wrap around cover to prevent write through. Lined back for beverages. Menu prompts. Guest receipt. Carbonless, except as noted. Royal Paper Products 32.46 22.72 44.26 RPPGC36321.jpg Guest Checks - 3.46 x 6.69 RPPGC3632-1, RPPGC36321, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
9234 Lagasse Guest Checks - 3.46 x 6.69 (RPPGC6000-2) 9234 RPP GC6000-2 12.00 GC6000-2 Provide professional service. Avoid mistakes and improve table service. Wrap around cover to prevent write through. Lined back for beverages. Menu prompts. Guest receipt. Carbonless, except as noted. Royal Paper Products 30.67 21.47 40.46 RPPGC60002.jpg Guest Checks - 3.46 x 6.69 RPPGC6000-2, RPPGC60002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
9235 Lagasse Guest Checks - 3.4 x 6.69 (RPPGC7000-2) 9235 RPP GC7000-2 11.00 GC7000-2 Provide professional service. Avoid mistakes and improve table service. Wrap around cover to prevent write through. Lined back for beverages. Menu prompts. Guest receipt. Carbonless, except as noted. Royal Paper Products 47.23 33.06 61.39 RPPGC70002.jpg Guest Checks - 3.4 x 6.69 RPPGC7000-2, RPPGC70002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
9236 Lagasse Baby Wipes - Scented 80 Wipes per Tube 12 Tubs per Case (RPPRPBWS-80) 9236 RPP RPBWS-80 17.00 RPBWS-80 Scented Baby Wipes
Extra soft wipes pre-moistened with a gentle cleansing solution and aloe vera. Clinically tested for mildness. Pop-up sealable tub for convenient dispensing. Prefect for use in day care, schools, churches, at home or when traveling. Hypoallergenic, alcohol free. 80 wipes per pack/refill. 12 packs per case.
Baby Wipes, Scented, 80 Wipes per Tub, 12 Tubs per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supplier buyers trust.
Royal Paper Products 36.57 25.60 50.09 RPPRPBWS80.jpg baby wipes, baby cleaning wipes, baby wipes - scented wipes tub, RPP RPBWS-80, RPPRPBWS80, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 140
9237 Lagasse Baby Wipes Scented 12 / 80 Count Refill Packets per Case (RPPRPBWSR-80) 9237 RPP RPBWSR-80 16.00 RPBWSR-80 Scented Baby Wipes
Extra soft wipes premoistened with a gentle cleansing solution and aloe vera. Clinically tested for mildness. Pop-up resealable pouch for convenient dispensing. Excellent to use in day care centers, churches, schools, and at home or when traveling. Hypoallergenic, alcohol free to help keep baby's skin soft. 80 wipes per pack/refill. 12 packs per case.
Baby Wipes, Scented, 80 Wipes per packet, 12 packets per case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Royal Paper Products 29.86 20.90 39.49 RPPRPBWSR80.jpg baby wipes, baby cleaning wipes, baby wipes scented wipes pack, RPP RPBWSR-80, RPPRPBWSR80, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 140
9238 Lagasse Royal Paper Baby Wipes, Unscented, 12 Tubs (RPPRPBWU-80) 9238 RPP RPBWU-80 17.00 RPBWU-80 Unscented Baby Wipes
These extra soft wipes from Royal Paper are the perfect cleansing solution for baby’s sensitive skin. Clinically tested for mildness, these unscented baby wipes are premoistened with a gentle cleansing lotion and aloe vera. These convenient wipes are hypoallergenic and contain an alcohol-free lotion to help keep baby’s skin soft. Your baby deserves the best and these baby wipes are the ideal combination of high quality and affordability. The pop-up resealable pouch allows for quick, convenient dispensing for those occasions when you don’t have the time to struggle to free a wipe from its troublesome packaging. Ideal for use in day care, schools, churches, homes or to keep in a diaper bag for clean-up emergencies, these wipes come 12 dispensers to a case so you will always have plenty on hand. Stock up today on Royal Paper Unscented Baby Wipes and give your baby the best without breaking the bank.
Royal Paper Baby Wipes, Unscented, 80 Wipes per Tub, 12 Tubs per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supplier buyers trust.
Royal Paper Products 36.11 25.28 47.10 RPPRPBWU80.jpg baby wipes, baby cleaning wipes, baby wipes unscented baby wipes, RPP RPBWU-80, RPPRPBWU80, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 140
9239 Lagasse Baby Wipes Unscented 12 / 80 Count Refill Packets per Case (RPPRPBWUR-80) 9239 RPP RPBWUR-80 16.00 RPBWUR-80 Unscented Baby Wipes
Extra soft wipes premoistened with a gentle cleansing solution and aloe vera. Clinically tested for mildness. Pop-up resealable pouch for convenient dispensing. Excellent to use in day care centers, churches, schools, and at home or when traveling. Hypoallergenic, alcohol free. 80 wipes per pack/refill. 12 packs per case.
Baby Wipes, Unscented, 80 Wipes per Packet, 12 packets per case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Royal Paper Products 29.86 20.90 40.85 RPPRPBWUR80.jpg baby wipes, baby cleaning wipes, baby wipes unscented wipes refill, RPP RPBWUR-80, RPPRPBWUR80, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 140
9240 Lagasse Register Rolls - 3 x 150 (RPPRR1300) 9240 RPP RR1300 14.00 RR1300 White bond. One-ply register rolls. Royal Paper Products 31.24 21.87 42.76 RPPRR1300.jpg Register Rolls - 3 x 150 RPPRR1300, RPPRR1300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
9241 Lagasse Register Rolls - 5.5 x 130 (RPPRR1441) 9241 RPP RR1441 14.00 RR1441 White bond. One-ply register rolls. Royal Paper Products 31.83 22.28 41.60 RPPRR1441.jpg Register Rolls - 5.5 x 130 RPPRR1441, RPPRR1441, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
9242 Lagasse Register Rolls - 3 x 90 (RPPRR2300) 9242 RPP RR2300 15.00 RR2300 White bond. One-ply register rolls. Royal Paper Products 46.99 32.89 62.80 RPPRR2300.jpg Register Rolls - 3 x 90 RPPRR2300, RPPRR2300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
9243 Lagasse Register Rolls - 2.25 x 200 (RPPRR7225) 9243 RPP RR7225 19.00 RR7225 White bond. One-ply register rolls. Royal Paper Products 65.04 45.53 84.95 RPPRR7225.jpg Register Rolls - 2.25 x 200 RPPRR7225, RPPRR7225, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
9244 Lagasse Register Rolls - 3.13 x 200 (RPPRR7313) 9244 RPP RR7313 20.00 RR7313 White bond. One-ply register rolls. Royal Paper Products 60.66 42.46 79.54 RPPRR7313.jpg Register Rolls - 3.13 x 200 RPPRR7313, RPPRR7313, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
9245 Lagasse Saf-T-Grip Board-Mate (SANCBM1318) 9245 SAN CBM1318 0.87 CBM1318 Prevent potentially dangerous slips and avoid cross-contamination by placing the Board-Mate® grip system under cutting boards. Stops cutting boards from sliding on virtually every work surface. NSF listed and dishwasher safe. Avoid the traditional and uns San Jamar Dispenser 20.19 15.40 26.55 SANCBM1318.jpg Saf-T-Grip® Board-Mate® SANCBM1318, SANCBM1318, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
9246 Lagasse Countertop Napkin Dispenser (SANH3001BKC) 9246 SAN H3001BKC 4.33 H3001BKC San Jamar Countertop Napkin Dispenser
Patented dispenser design eliminates napkin waste by dispensing one napkin at a time; full fold face. Flexible and portable; use it in a wide variety of environments and move it to meet your customers' needs. Dispenser's clear face showcases napkin logos. 7-5/8" wide x 11" deep x 5-12" high.Countertop Full Fold Napkin Dispenser, Black and Chrome, 300 Napkin Capacity, Each. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
San Jamar Dispenser 55.84 42.59 75.73 SANH3001BKC.jpg countertop napkin dispenser, SAN H3001BKC, SANH3001BKC, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
9247 Lagasse Venue™ Napkin Dispensers - 71/2 x 61/8 x 61/4 200 (SANH4005TBK) 9247 SAN H4005TBK 1.95 H4005TBK Compact, smooth one-at-a-time napkin dispensing with a professional image. Fullfold Control face. SAN H4005TBK Venue™ Dispenser can use advertising insert for in-house promotion. San Jamar Dispenser 28.69 21.48 39.13 SANH4005TBK.jpg Venue™ Napkin Dispensers - 71/2 x 61/8 x 61/4 200 SANH4005TBK, SANH4005TBK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 92
9248 Lagasse Venue™ Napkin Dispensers - 8 x 13 x 171/2 600 (SANH5001STBK) 9248 SAN H5001STBK 4.08 H5001STBK Compact, smooth one-at-a-time napkin dispensing with a professional image. Fullfold Control face. SAN H4005TBK Venue™ Dispenser can use advertising insert for in-house promotion. San Jamar Dispenser 46.69 35.61 62.84 SANH5001STBK.jpg Venue™ Napkin Dispensers - 8 x 13 x 171/2 600 SANH5001STBK, SANH5001STBK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 92
9249 Lagasse Venue™ Napkin Dispensers - 8 x 153/4 x 71/4 550 (SANH5005TBK) 9249 SAN H5005TBK 3.14 H5005TBK Compact, smooth one-at-a-time napkin dispensing with a professional image. Fullfold Control face. SAN H4005TBK Venue™ Dispenser can use advertising insert for in-house promotion. San Jamar Dispenser 42.11 30.94 54.84 SANH5005TBK.jpg Venue™ Napkin Dispensers - 8 x 153/4 x 71/4 550 SANH5005TBK, SANH5005TBK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 92
9250 Lagasse Tallfold Tabletop Napkin Dispenser (SANH900BK) 9250 SAN H900BK 1.43 H900BK San Jamar Tallfold Tabletop Napkin Dispenser
Easy-loading, two-sided napkin dispenser. 22-gauge stainless steel construction. Delivers a professional image to patrons and provides easy access to napkins at each table. Includes 1 napkin dispenser. 3.75"x 4"x 7.5" Black.
San Jamar Tallfold Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Black, Each. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 11.39 8.35 15.34 tabletop napkin dispenser, SAN H900BK, SANH900BK, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
9251 Lagasse Lowfold Tabletop Napkin Dispenser (SANH985BK) 9251 SAN H985BK 1.21 H985BK San Jamar Lowfold Tabletop Napkin Dispenser
Easy-loading, two-sided napkin dispenser. 22-gauge stainless steel construction. Delivers a professional image to patrons and provides easy access to napkins at each table. Includes 1 napkin dispenser. 3.75"x 4"x 5.5" Black.
San Jamar Lowfold Tabletop Napkin Dispenser, Black, Each. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 11.39 8.38 15.16 lowfold tabletop napkin dispenser, SAN H985BK, SANH985BK, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
9252 Lagasse Kleen-Pail - Green, 12 Pails per Case (SANKP196GN) 9252 SAN KP196GN 5.60 KP196GN San jamar Kleen-Pail
Kleen-Pails meet HACCP dedicated use guidelines for cleaner and sanitizer cloths used to wipe down surface areas. Kleen-Pails make it easy to separate containers used for food storage from those used for dangerous non-food purposes. They also eliminate any potential confusion between cleaning and sanitizing solution containers. Kleen-pails are used for sanitizing solutions and have 6-quart capacity. 12 pails per case.
San Jamar, 6 Quart Kleen-Pail, Green, 12 Pails per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
San Jamar Dispenser 57.90 44.16 77.74 SANKP196GN.jpg pails, cleaning pails, sanitizing pails, kleen-pail green, SAN KP196GN, SANKP196GN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
9253 Lagasse Single Jumbo Jr. Toilet Tissue Dispenser (SANR2000TBK) 9253 SAN R2000TBK 3.25 R2000TBK San Jamar Single 9" Jumbo Jr Toilet Paper Dispenser
San Jamar offers a variety of single JBT dispensers to answer market demand for multiple sizes of tissue. Universal dispenses any brand or quality of jumbo bath tissue.Contemporary design provides no flat surface to place cigarettes, minimizing ugly burn marks. Designed to provide ease–of–use, with easy paper access and multi–directional tearing. Made of break- and chemical-resistant plastic. Transparent full-swing replaceable cover provides easy viewing of paper. Cover has key lock mechanism to prevent theft. Core Diameter 3.25" Minimum. 12" high x 10.625" wide x 5.75" deep.
San Jamar Single 9" Jumbo Jr Toilet Tissue Dispenser, Translucent Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 18.29 13.95 24.64 SANR2000TBK.jpg toilet paper dispenser, jumbo toilet paper dispenser, jumbo toilet tissue dispenser, single jumbo bath tissue dispenser, SANR 2000TBK, SANR2000TBK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
9255 Lagasse Saf-T-Ice® Snap-Tight Lid (SANSI6500) 9255 SAN SI6500 0.23 SI6500 • Reduces the risk of cross-contamination and improves employee safety. San Jamar Dispenser 3.98 2.97 5.43 SANSI6500.jpg Saf-T-Ice® Snap-Tight Lid SANSI6500, SANSI6500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 92
9256 Lagasse Saf-T-Scoop® & Guardian System™ for Ice Machines (SANSI9000) 9256 SAN SI9000 3.30 SI9000 A revolutionary design that makes filling ice totes safer, faster and easier. Saf-T-Scoop®'s dome allows mounding of ice without spilling, reducing the number of scoops to fill ice totes by up to 50%. Ergonomically angled handle provides outstanding balan San Jamar Dispenser 63.72 48.60 83.47 SANSI9000.jpg Saf-T-Scoop® & Guardian System™ for Ice Machines SANSI9000, SANSI9000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 92
9257 Lagasse San Jamar Ultra Fold Fusion Towel Dispenser (SANT1755TBK) 9257 SAN T1755TBK 2.35 T1755TBK C-Fold and Multi-Fold Paper Towel Dispenser
Incredibly efficient and compact, the San Jamar Ultra Fold Fusion Towel Dispenser is a powerful paper towel dispenser. This diminutive dispenser offers minimal assembly required, and requires no tools as well. The San Jamar Ultra Fold Fusion Towel Dispenser offers a patented dispensing system that is perfect for both 240 C-fold towels or 400 multifold towels. Dispensing one-at-a-time, the San Jamar Ultra Fold Fusion Towel Dispenser eliminates tabbing and creates a pleasing and positive image. Perfect for break rooms, bathrooms, offices, restaurants and more! 11.5" wide x 11.5" high x 5.5" deep.
San Jamar Ultrafold Fusion C-Fold & Multi-Fold Paper Towel Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 18.76 14.31 24.79 SANT1755TBK.jpg c-fold paper towel dispenser, multi-fold paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, paper hand towel dispensers, SAN T1755TBK, SANT1755TBK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
9258 Lagasse Element Lever Roll Towel Dispenser with Bio-Pruf Protection (SANT950TBK) 9258 SAN T950TBK 3.95 T950TBK Element Lever Roll Towel Dispenser
The Element is the newest compact, high capacity lever roll towel dispenser. It is 33% smaller than a standard lever roll towel cabinet but still accommodates a standard 800' 8" roll towel. Minimal internal parts make the Element easy to use and competitively priced. The smallest of San Jamar's roll towel dispensers that coordinates with the Classic family design. Ergonomic handle for ease of use, newly designed Bio-Pruf lever inhibits bacteria growth. User-friendly product with proven reliability. High Capacity and Universal: Holds all roll paper qualities with any size core; including coreless, solid and centerpull rolls. 12-1/2"wide x 8-1/2"deep x 12"high.
San Jamar Element Lever Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. San Jamar Dispenser 41.38 31.56 55.09 SANT950TBK.jpg paper towel, paper towel dispenser, roll towel dispenser, paper roll towel dispenser, the element lever roll towel dispenser, SAN T950TBK, SANT950TBK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
9259 Lagasse Paper Hot Cups - 16-oz. (SCC316JZJ) 9259 SCC 316JZJ 33.00 316JZ-00055 Plastic lined. Heat-sealed seams and interlocked bottoms. Jazz® design. 50 cups per bag. 20 bags per case (1,000 cups). Solo Cup Company 88.73 62.11 120.35 SCC316JZJ.jpg Paper Hot Cups - 16-oz. SCC316JZJ, SCC316JZJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
9260 Lagasse Paper Hot Cups - 16-oz. (SCC316SMSYM) 9260 SCC 316SMSYM 33.00 316SM-J8000 Single polylined. 50 cups per pack. 20 packs per case (1,000 cups). Solo Cup Company 91.97 64.38 122.26 SCC316SMSYM.jpg Paper Hot Cups - 16-oz. SCC316SMSYM, SCC316SMSYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
9261 Lagasse Paper Hot Cups - 10-oz. (SCC370JZJ) 9261 SCC 370JZJ 24.00 370JZ-00055 Plastic lined. Heat-sealed seams and interlocked bottoms. Jazz® design. 50 cups per bag. 20 bags per case (1,000 cups). Solo Cup Company 58.94 41.26 77.02 SCC370JZJ.jpg Paper Hot Cups - 10-oz. SCC370JZJ, SCC370JZJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
9262 Lagasse Bare 10-oz. Compostable Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCC370PLA-BB) 9262 SCC 370PLA-BB 24.73 370PLA-J7234 10 oz Compostable Hot Cups
Solo Bare compostable hot cups are made from plant-based renewable resources with a lining made from Ingeo bio-polymer. Perfect for colleges, universities and other operations that are focused on eco-forward initiatives. Meets ASTM D6868 standard for compostability and approved by Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI). Plant-based lining made with Ingeo bio-polymer, acts as a moisture barrier to keep liquid inside the cup and prevent leaking. Safe for microwave use up to 250°F (120°C). Provides ultimate convenience for hot beverages. Showcases brand and environmental messaging.
Solo Bare 10oz Paper Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 87.67 61.37 114.10 SCC370PLABB.jpg solo cup, paper coffee cups, paper hot cups, recycled paper cups, bare hot cups, SCC370PLA-BB, SCC370PLABB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9263 Lagasse Symphony 10-oz. Paper Hot Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCC370SMSYM) 9263 SCC 370SMSYM 22.37 370SM-J8000 10oz Paper Hot Cup
These attractive paper hot cups with the Symphony swirl pattern were designed by Solo Cup Company for hot liquids. Single polylined. Stylish and durable, these cups are perfect for the office, cafeteria or any gathering where disposable cups are desired. 50 cups per pack. 20 packs per case, 1,000 cups in each case.
Solo 10-oz. Hot Cups, Symphony Design, 20 Packs of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 65.91 46.14 87.50 SCC370SMSYM.jpg paper hot cups, SCC 370SMSYM, SCC370SMSYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9264 Lagasse Paper Hot Cups - 6-oz. (SCC376JZJ) 9264 SCC 376JZJ 16.00 376JZ-00055 Plastic lined. Heat-sealed seams and interlocked bottoms. Jazz® design. 50 cups per bag. 20 bags per case (1,000 cups). Solo Cup Company 77.29 54.10 101.54 SCC376JZJ.jpg Paper Hot Cups - 6-oz. SCC376JZJ, SCC376JZJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
9265 Lagasse Symphony 6-oz. Paper Hot Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCC376SMSYM) 9265 SCC 376SMSYM 16.00 376SM-J8000 6oz Paper Hot Cups
Created and designed by the Solo Cup Company, these 6-oz. paper hot cups with the Symphony swirl pattern are an ideal cup for hot liquids. Perfect for the home or office, these durable paper cups work great for coffee, tea, soup or other hot beverages. With a single polylined design, the Solo 6-oz. Paper Hot Cups are shipped in 20 convenient 50 cups pack, allowing for easy stocking and storage.
Solo 6-oz. Paper Hot Cups, Symphony Design, 20 Packs of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 57.03 39.92 76.29 SCC376SMSYM.jpg solo cups, solo paper hot cups, paper cups, paper hot cups, SCC 376SMSYM, SCC376SMSYM, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9266 Lagasse Paper Hot Cups - 8-oz.* (SCC378HJZJ) 9266 SCC 378HJZJ 20.56 378HJZ-00055 Plastic lined. Heat-sealed seams and interlocked bottoms. Jazz® design. 50 cups per bag. 20 bags per case (1,000 cups). Solo Cup Company 81.64 57.15 106.55 SCC378HJZJ.jpg Paper Hot Cups - 8-oz.* SCC378HJZJ, SCC378HJZJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
9267 Lagasse Symphony 8-oz. Paper Hot Cup with Handle, 1,000 Cups (SCC378HSMSYM) 9267 SCC 378HSMSYM 20.56 378HSM-J8000 8oz Hot Cup With Handle
These attractive paper hot cups with the Symphony swirl pattern were designed by the Solo Cup Company for hot liquids. Single polylined with a handle for added convenience. Ideal for coffee, tea or soup. Perfect for the home or office or any gathering where disposable cups are needed. 50 cups per pack. 20 packs per case.
Solo 8-oz. Paper Hot Cups with Handle, Symphony Design, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 76.87 53.81 103.70 paper hot cups, SCC 378HSMSYM, SCC378HSMSYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9268 Lagasse Paper Hot Cups - 8-oz. (SCC378JZJ) 9268 SCC 378JZJ 18.60 378JZ-00055 Plastic lined. Heat-sealed seams and interlocked bottoms. Jazz® design. 50 cups per bag. 20 bags per case (1,000 cups). Solo Cup Company 62.11 43.48 82.17 SCC378JZJ.jpg Paper Hot Cups - 8-oz. SCC378JZJ, SCC378JZJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
9269 Lagasse Bare 8-oz. Compostable Hot Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCC378PLA-BB) 9269 SCC 378PLA-BB 22.00 378PLA-J7234 8oz Compostable Hot Cups
Solo's Bare compostable hot cups are made from plant-based renewable resources with a lining made from Ingeo biopolymer. Perfect for colleges, universities and other operations that are focused on eco-forward initiatives. Meets ASTM D6868 standard for compostability and approved by Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI). Plant-based lining made with Ingeo bio-polymer, acts as a moisture barrier to keep liquid inside the cup and prevent leaking. Safe for microwave use up to 250°F (120°C). Provides ultimate convenience for hot beverages. Showcases brand and environmental messaging.
Solo Bare 8oz. Paper Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 94.41 66.09 125.29 SCC378PLABB.jpg solo cup, paper coffee cups, paper hot cups, recycled paper cups, bare hot cups, SCC378PLA-BB, SCC378PLABB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9270 Lagasse Symphony 10-oz. Squat Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (SCC410SMSYM) 9270 SCC 410SMSYM 23.00 410SM-J8000 10oz Squat Paper Hot Cups
These attractive paper hot cups with the Symphony swirl pattern were designed by Solo Cup Company for hot liquids. Stylish and durable, these cups are perfect for the home, office or any gathering where disposable coffee service is needed. Single polylined to prevent leaks. 50 cups per pack. 20 packs per case (1,000 cups).
10-oz. Squat Paper Hot Cups Symphony Design, 1,000 Cups Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 65.16 45.61 88.90 SCC410SMSYM.jpg paper hot cups, SCC 410SMSYM, SCC410SMSYM, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9271 Lagasse Paper Hot Cups - 12-oz. (SCC412JZJ) 9271 SCC 412JZJ 26.50 412JZ-00055 Plastic lined. Heat-sealed seams and interlocked bottoms. Jazz® design. 50 cups per bag. 20 bags per case (1,000 cups). Solo Cup Company 70.46 49.32 95.02 SCC412JZJ.jpg Paper Hot Cups - 12-oz. SCC412JZJ, SCC412JZJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
9272 Lagasse Bare 12-oz. Compostable Hot Cup, 1,000 Cups (SCC412PLN-BB) 9272 SCC 412PLN-BB 28.78 412PLN-J7234 12oz Compostable Paper Hot Cup
Solo Bare compostable hot cups are made from plant-based renewable resources with a lining made from Ingeo bio-polymer. Perfect for colleges, universities and other operations that are focused on eco-forward initiatives. Meets ASTM D6868 standard for compostability and approved by Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI). Plant-based lining made with Ingeo bio-polymer, acts as a moisture barrier to keep liquid inside the cup and prevent leaking. Safe for microwave use up to 250°F (120°C). Provides ultimate convenience for hot beverages. Showcases brand and environmental messaging.
Solo Bare 12oz Compostable Paper Hot Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 106.93 74.85 143.46 SCC412PLNBB.jpg solo cup, paper coffee cups, paper hot cups, recycled paper cups, bare hot cups, SCC412PLN-BB, SCC412PLNBB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9273 Lagasse Plastic Souffl - 2-oz. 250 10 (SCCB200N) 9273 SCC B200N 13.00 B200N-0100 Sturdy, rigid polystyrene. Translucent. Solo Cup Company 42.04 29.43 56.92 SCCB200N.jpg Plastic Souffl - 2-oz. 250 10 SCCB200N, SCCB200N, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
9274 Lagasse Solo Liftback & Lock Tab Lid for 10oz Cup, 2,000 Lids (SCCLB310) 9274 SCC LB310 11.07 LB310-00007 Liftback & Lock Tab Lid for 10oz Paper Cup
These flat, white plastic lids fit Solo's 10 ounce paper cups. Keep your drink from spilling when you're on the go. Perfect for the home, office or cafeteria. 2,000 lids per case.
Solo Liftback and Lock Tab Lids, 20 Sleeves of 100 Lids, 2,000 Lids per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 88.61 62.03 119.10 SCCDLX12R.JPG Sweetheart® Liftback & Lock Tab Lids - Fits 10-oz. Cup SCCLB310, SCCLB310, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9275 Lagasse Symphony™ Design Paper Plate - 6-in. dia.* 125 6 1,000 (SCCMP6SYM) 9275 SCC MP6SYM 14.00 MP6-J8001 Mediumweight, clay coated. Solo Cup Company 55.87 39.11 73.85 SCCMWP6SYM.jpg Symphony™ Design Paper Plate - 6-in. dia.* 125 6 1,000 SCCMP6SYM, SCCMP6SYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
9276 Lagasse PLAS CUP 24OZ CLE 12/50 (SCCPXT24) 9276 SCC PXT24 22.48 PXT24-0090 One lid fits six straight wall cup sizes for SKU reduction, greater warehouse efficiency and less clutter at the beverage station. Durable and crack resistant, cups feature sturdy base and fit in car cup holder without tipping. Strong enough for both dini Solo Cup Company 103.59 72.51 140.53 SCCPXT24.jpg PLAS CUP 24OZ CLE 12/50 SCCPXT24, SCCPXT24, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9277 Lagasse Symphony 16oz Paper Cold Cup, 1,000 cups (SCCRP16PSYM) 9277 SCC RP16PSYM 26.25 RP16P-J8000 Solo 16-oz Symphony Paper Cold Cups
The double-sided polycoated construction of these cups makes them strong and durable. The soft, neutral design blends well with almost any breakroom décor. Great for serving soda, juice or other chilled beverages. 16-oz. Cup. Includes 20 bags of 50 cups. 1000 per case. Solo Symphony 16oz Paper Cold Cups, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1000 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 76.20 53.34 101.22 SCCRP16PSYM.JPG paper cups, paper cold cups, solo cup, SCC RP16PSYM, SCCRP16PSYM, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9278 Lagasse 21-oz Symphony Design Paper Cold Cup - 1,000 cups per case (SCCRSP21PSYM) 9278 SCC RSP21PSYM 32.25 RSP21P-J8000 SOLO 21-oz Symphony Paper Cold Cups
The double-sided polycoated construction of these cups makes them strong and durable. The soft, neutral design blends well with almost any breakroom décor. Great for serving soda, juice or other chilled beverages. 21-oz. Cup Includes 20 bags of 50 cups. 1000 per case.SOLO CUP CO. - Symphony Paper Cold Cups, 21-oz., 20 Bags of 50 Cups. 1000 Cups per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 87.99 61.59 114.85 SCCRSP21PSYM.JPG paper cups, solo cups, paper cold cups, SCCRSP21PSYM, SCCRSP21PSYM, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9279 Lagasse Cake & Pie Boxes - 9" x 9" x 2.5", 250 per Case (SCH0953) 9279 SCH 0953 38.00 953 Tuck-Top Bakery Boxes
You can package a wide range of bakery products in these convenient, affordably priced boxes. Integrated tuck-top lid simplifies putting together orders. Lock-corner design enables propped-open display. Coated exterior minimizes the potential for oil transfer. 9" wide x 9" deep x 2.5" High. White.
Tuck-Top Bakery Box, White, 9"x9"x 2.5", 250 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Southern Champion 50.34 35.24 67.70 bakery boxes, SCH 0953, SCH0953, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
9280 Lagasse Molded Fiber Clamshell 1 Compartment Containers, 200 Containers (SCH18935) 9280 SCH 18935 20.30 18935 Molded-Fiber Clamshell Take-out Containers
Show your customers how much you care when you choose ecologically responsible molded-fiber containers. Heavyweight construction provides cut and leak-resistant protection. Hinged lid with tab-lock closure minimizes the potential for messy in-transit openings. Molded fiber is moisture and grease resistant. Recyclable and compostable where facilities exist. 9"wide x 9"deep x 3" high. 200 containers per case.
ChampWare Molded-Fiber Clamshell Take-out Containers, 9" x 9" x 3", 200 per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Southern Champion 62.64 43.85 82.45 SCH18935.jpg take-out containers, take-out food containers, champware clamshell containers, SCH 18935, SCH18935, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
9281 Lagasse 3 Compartment Molded Fiber Clamshell Containers, 200 Containers (SCH18940) 9281 SCH 18940 20.30 18940 3 Compartment Molded-Fiber Clamshell Containers
Show your customers how much you care when you choose ecologically responsible molded-fiber containers. Heavyweight construction provides cut and leak-resistant protection. Hinged lid with tab-lock closure minimizes the potential for messy in-transit openings. Recyclable and compostable where facilities exist. 9"wide x 9"deep x 3" high. 200 containers per case. Southern Champion ChampWare Molded-Fiber 3 Compartment Clamshell Containers, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Southern Champion 64.90 45.43 87.44 SCH18940.jpg clamshell takeout containers, 3-Section takeout containers, SCH 18940, SCH18940, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 228
9282 Lagasse Seventh Generation® Liquid Laundry 2X Ultra Concentrate – Free & Clear (SEV22769) 9282 SEV 22769 23.00 22769 Unique combination of plant-derived cleaning agents and enzymes to power out even the toughest stains. Made from all-natural, plant-derived ingredients. All ingredients are disclosed. Does not create harsh fumes. Nontoxic, biodegradable and hypo-allergeni Seventh Generation 58.33 44.49 78.28 SEV22769.jpg Seventh Generation® Liquid Laundry 2X Ultra Concentrate – Free & Clear SEV22769, SEV22769, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 192
9283 Lagasse Seventh Generation Natural Hand Soap, 8 - 12-oz Pump Bottles (SEV22820) 9283 SEV 22820 7.70 22820 Seventh Generation Natural Hand Soap
Carefully crafted to wash your hands with a rich, abundant lather while being extra gentle to you and the planet. We blended a 100% natural cleaning system with organic aloe and 100% essential oils to deliver an effective cleaner that is nontoxic, hypoallergenic and 100% biodegradable. Phosphate- and chlorine-free.
Seventh Generation Natural Hand Soap, 12-oz Pump Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Pump Bottle Liquid Soap » Seventh Generation 32.87 25.07 42.85 SEV22820.jpg seventh generation natural hand soap, SEV 22820, SEV22820, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 192
9284 Lagasse Simple Green Extreme Aircraft Cleaner, 4 Gallons (SMP13406) 9284 SMP 13406 34.00 13406 Aircraft & Precision Equipment Cleaner
FAA aircraft approved product cleans and protects finished and/or coated metals, plastics and fiberglass. Fast-working, high-performance solution cuts through built-up grease, oil, dirt, pollution, insect residue and impact soil. “Triple play” formula utilizes one grease lifter/cutter and two surfactants, ensuring high-capacity containment and easy rinsing. Time-tested, coupling-agent-fused anti-corrosion compounds prevent oxidation and hydrogen embrittlement. Oil/water separator-compatibility enables safe and easy recycling of petroleum-based contaminants. Concentrated form allows you to dilute to match the task at hand. Solvent-free liquid features a low toxicity level and meets current as well as anticipated VOC requirements.
Simple Green Extreme Aircraft & Precision Equipment Cleaner, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Simple Green 71.00 54.15 95.67 SMP13406.jpg simple green extreme aircraft cleaner, SMP 13406, SMP13406, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 99
9285 Lagasse Lime Scale Remover - Gallon Bottle 4 (SMP50128) 9285 SMP 50128 56.70 50128 Descaler with mild buffered acid removes mineral deposits, hard water stains and soap scum, plus shine fixtures. Tough, yet safe on bathroom fixtures, aluminum, chrome, stainless steel. Will not harm drains or pipes. Nontoxic, biodegradable. SMP 50128 con Simple Green 63.02 48.07 81.87 6733.jpg Lime Scale Remover - Gallon Bottle 4 SMP50128, SMP50128, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 99
9286 Lagasse Folgers Classic Roast Coffee - Regular, 33.9-oz. Cans (SMU00367) 9286 SMU 00367 15.45 FOL00367CT Folgers Classic Roast Coffee
Where would Folgers Coffee be without the Folgers Classic Roast Coffee? The original aromas and flavors of Folgers Coffee are still America’s favorites. This Mountain Grown coffee has been a part of America’s mornings for more than 150 years. Folgers Classic Roast Coffee takes just a few minutes to prepare, so that great taste is always ready when you are. Folgers Classic Roast is made from Mountain Grown beans, the world’s richest and most aromatic. And to lock in the aroma, Folgers has developed the AromaSeal canister. The hallmark of Folgers Coffee, Folgers Classic Roast has been The Best Part of Wakin’ Up for more than 150 years—and for good reason.
Folgers Classic Roast Coffee, Ground, 33.9-oz. Can, 6 Cans per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. SMUCKERS FOODSERVICE 95.41 69.08 124.85 SMU00367.jpg folgers coffee, SMU 00367, SMU00367, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 250
9287 Lagasse Folgers Coffee - Regular Flavor Filter Packs - 0.9-oz. Size, 160 Packs (SMU06114) 9287 SMU 06114 12.60 FOL06114 Folgers Coffee Filter Packs - Regular
Enjoy a cup of coffee without the hassle of having to prepare it. These packs feature a premeasured amount of coffee and filter--all in one. All you have to do is place in coffee maker and enjoy--no messy cleanup or measuring mistakes. The coffee is made from 100% mountain grown beans for the rich, smooth Folgers taste. 0.9-oz filter pack, 160 coffee filter packs per case. Each pack makes 10-12 cups.
Folgers Coffee Filter Packs, 0.9-oz Filter Pack, 160 Coffee Filter Packs per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. SMUCKERS FOODSERVICE 129.25 98.58 174.17 SMU06114.jpg folgers ground coffee, regular coffee, SMU06114, SMU06114, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 250
9289 Lagasse Folgers Premeasured Decaffeinated Coffee Packs 0.9-oz. Pack (SMU06927) 9289 SMU 06927 3.40 FOL06927 Folgers Decaffeinated Coffee
Folgers Decaffeinated Coffees prove that flavor doesn’t have to be compromised. Enjoy the great Folgers taste, but without the caffeine. 0.9-oz pack, 42 coffee packs per case. Each pack makes 10-12 cups.
Folgers Decaffeinated Coffee, 0.9-oz Pack, 42 Coffee Packs per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. SMUCKERS FOODSERVICE 28.50 19.52 38.20 SMU06927.jpg folgers decaffeinated coffee, SMU 06927, SMU06927, retaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 250
9290 Lagasse Folgers Premeasured Coffee Packs - Classic Roast - 0.9-oz. Packs (SMU06930) 9290 SMU 06930 3.40 FOL06930 Folgers Classic Roast Coffee
Where would Folgers Coffee be without the Folgers Classic Roast Coffee? The original aromas and flavors of Folgers Coffee are still America’s favorites. This Mountain Grown coffee has been a part of America’s mornings for more than 150 years. Folgers Classic Roast Coffee takes just a few minutes to prepare, so that great taste is always ready when you are. Folgers Classic Roast is made from Mountain Grown beans, the world’s richest and most aromatic. The hallmark of Folgers Coffee, Folgers Classic Roast has been The Best Part of Wakin’ Up for more than 150 years—and for good reason. 0.9-oz pack, 42 coffee packs per case. Each pack makes 10-12 cups.
Folgers Classic Roast Coffee, 0.9-oz Pack, 42 Coffee Packs per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. SMUCKERS FOODSERVICE 24.97 19.04 33.49 SMU06930.jpg folgers coffee packs - classic roast, SMU 06930, SMU06930, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 250
9291 Lagasse Sanfacon Moist Towelettes, 1,000 Individual Packets (SVA023803) 9291 SVA 023803 5.00 023803 Fresh Nap Moist Towelettes
Portable and easy to carry wet naps, Sanfacon Moist Towelettes provide a fresh and easy way to stay clean and sanitary. Coming in a stylish droplet design, Sanfacon Moist Towelettes are individually wrapped for your convenience and protection. This soothing formula cleans, refreshes, and dries in seconds, leaving skin soft and smooth. Coming in 1,000 packets per case, these individually wrapped packets measure 2"x2", and come out to 4"x7" size when completely unfolded.
Sanfacon Fresh Nap Moist Towelettes, 4"x7", 1,000 Individually Wrapped Packets per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. SANFACON 10.17 6.90 13.72 SVA023803.jpg moist towelettes, wet naps, towelettes, sanfacon moist towelettes, SVA 023803, SVA023803, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 249
9292 Lagasse Sanfacon Moist Towelettes - 10 bags (1,000 total) (SVA035807) 9292 SVA 035807 5.50 035807 Fresh Nap Moist Towelettes
Stylishly designed and individually wrapped for your convenience and protection. Formula cleans, refreshes, and dries in seconds, leaving skin soft and smooth. Wrapped in 2 x 2 packets, up to 4 x 7 unfolded. Droplet design.
Fresh Nap Moist Towelettes, 1,000 Packets per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. SANFACON 11.75 8.64 15.73 SVA035807.jpg sanfacon moist towelettes - 10 bags 1,000 total SVA035807, SVA035807, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 249
9293 Lagasse Cutting Board Rack (THUPLCBR006) 9293 THU PLCBR006 18.59 PLCBR006 Sturdy, powder-coated cutting board rack accommodates up to six cutting boards. Rack helps to keep the kitchen organized and with the drying process of the cutting boards after each wash. The wire rack features six brush hooks on the sides for hanging bru THUNDER GROUP, INC 10.15 6.60 13.86 THUPLCBR006.jpg Cutting Board Rack THUPLCBR006, THUPLCBR006, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 251
9294 Lagasse TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills - Cucumber Melon 12 per Case (TMS33-2510TMCAPT) 9294 TMS 33-2510TMCAPT 6.60 33-2510TMCAPT TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills - Cucumber Melon
TimeMist premium metered air fresheners contain odor counteractants to eliminate offensive odors.For use in all full-size TimeMist Metered Dispensers. Fragrance and odor counteractants in one can. Fragrances contain essential oils to ensure they are the longest-lasting and highest-quality fragrances on the market. Refills last a full 30 days. 12 refills per case.
TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills - Cucumber Melon, 6.6 oz Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 53.76 41.00 72.59 TMS332510TMCAPT.jpg air fresheners, timemist air fresheners, metered air fresheners, timemist premium metered air freshener refills, TMS 33-2510TMCAPT, TMS332510TMCAPT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
9295 Lagasse TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills - Creamsicle 12 per Case (TMS33-2543TMCA) 9295 TMS 33-2543TMCA 7.55 33-2543TMCA TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills - Creamsicle
TimeMist premium metered air fresheners contain odor counteractants to eliminate offensive odors.For use in all full-size TimeMist Metered Dispensers. Fragrance and odor counteractants in one can. Fragrances contain essential oils to ensure they are the longest-lasting and highest-quality fragrances on the market. Refills last a full 30 days. 12 refills per case.
TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills - Creamsicle 6.6 oz Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 49.80 37.98 66.39 TMS332543TMCA.jpg air fresheners, timemist air fresheners, metered air fresheners, timemist premium metered air freshener refills - creamsicle, TMS 33-2543TMCA, TMS332543TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
9296 Lagasse TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills - Caribbean Waters 12 per Case(TMS33-5324TMCAPT) 9296 TMS 33-5324TMCAPT 6.60 TMS 33-5324TMCAPT TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills - Caribbean Waters
TimeMist premium metered air fresheners contain odor counteractants to eliminate offensive odors.For use in all full-size TimeMist Metered Dispensers. Fragrance and odor counteractants in one can. Fragrances contain essential oils to ensure they are the longest-lasting and highest-quality fragrances on the market. Refills last a full 30 days. 12 refills per case.
TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills - Caribbean Waters, 6.6 oz Refill Can, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 49.09 37.44 65.15 TMS335324TMCAPT.jpg air fresheners, timemist air fresheners, metered air fresheners, timemist premium metered air freshener refills - caribbean waters, TMS 33-5324TMCAPT, TMS335324TMCAPT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
9297 Lagasse TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills - Lavender Lemonade, 12 per Case (TMS33-5327TMCAPT) 9297 TMS 33-5327TMCAPT 6.60 TMS 33-5327TMCAPT TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills - Lavender Lemonade
TimeMist premium metered air fresheners contain odor counteractants to eliminate offensive odors.For use in all full-size TimeMist Metered Dispensers. Fragrance and odor counteractants in one can. Fragrances contain essential oils to ensure they are the longest-lasting and highest-quality fragrances on the market. Refills last a full 30 days. 12 refills per case.
TimeMist Metered Air Freshener Refills - Lavender Lemonade, 6.6 oz Refill, 12 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 49.09 37.44 66.52 TMS335327TMCAPT.jpg air fresheners, timemist air fresheners, metered air fresheners, timemist premium metered air freshener refills- lavender lemonade, TMS 33-5327TMCAPT, TMS335327TMCAPT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
9298 Lagasse Yankee Candle Refill, Sun & Sand Scent, 12 - 6.6-oz. Refills (TMS81-2400TMCA) 9298 TMS 81-2400TMCA 7.55 81-2400TMCA Yankee Candle Collection Sun and Sand Refill
Yankee Candle Refill with Sun & Sand Scent automatically and scientifically counteract malodors to leave a pleasant, refreshing aroma in any room. Make guests feel at home by quickly and easily neutralizing tough odors in the air caused by odor-causing bacteria and leaves rooms smelling fresh and clean. For use in all TimeMist metered dispensers, this air freshener is ideal for use in bathrooms, kitchens or any other room in your home or business where stubborn odors may linger. Lasting up to 30 days, this quality air freshener and odor neutralizer is the perfect addition to any home or office!
TimeMist Waterbury Yankee Candle Metered Air Freshener Refills, Sun & Sand Scent, 6.6-oz. Refill, 12 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 63.13 48.15 82.96 TMS812400TMCA.jpg yankee candle air freshener refill, air freshener refill, metered air freshener refill, TMS81-2400TMCA, TMS812400TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
9299 Lagasse Yankee Candle Collection Refills - Midnight Jasmine (TMS81-2750TMCA) 9299 TMS 81-2750TMCA 7.55 81-2750TMCA Yankee Candle Air Freshener Refill - Midnight Jasmine
Scientifically counteract malodors to leave a pleasant, refreshing aroma in any room. Make guests feel at home with premium Yankee Candle fragrances. Odor counteractants neutralize strong odors. For use in all TimeMist metered dispensers. 30-day refill. 6.6-oz Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case.
Yankee Candle Air Freshener Refill - Midnight Jasmine, 6.6-oz Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 63.13 48.15 86.43 TMS812750TMCA.jpg yankee candle refills - midnight jasmine, TMS81-2750TMCA, TMS812750TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
9301 Lagasse Pro Aluminum Knock Down Handle 1.5 Degree (UNGAL14G) 9301 UNG AL14G 4.75 UNG AL14G Rigid, fluted aluminum pole ships in three pieces for compact and cheaper shipping. Ergonomic grip nylon handle. 56-in. long when assembled, 20-in. knocked-down.1.5-degree taper. Unger 16.86 12.09 21.93 UNGAL14G.jpg Pro Aluminum Knock Down Handle 1.5 Degree UNGAL14G, UNGAL14G, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 109
9302 Lagasse 22" SmartFit Water Wand - Floor Squeegee(UNGHM22A) 9302 UNG HM22A 1.17 HM22A 22" Unger SmartFit Water Wand
Unger Smart fit water wands have an innovative universal socket that accepts a variety of standard handles, from 15/16-in. to 1 1/8-in. The extra strong frame outlasts other floor squeegees. The easy flush and rinse design of the squeegee reduces the buildup of harmful bacteria buildup. The twin rubber foam blades are oil-resistant and help take care of messes swiftly and efficiently. The custom color coding chip system by zone also helps reduce cross-contamination. Includes one 22 inch water wand twin foam rubber blades.
22" Unger SmartFit Water Wand, Floor Squeegee, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 18.53 14.13 24.55 UNGHM22A.jpg floor squeegee, smartfit water wand, UNG HM22A, UNGHM22A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
9303 Lagasse 30" SmartFit Water Wand - Floor Squeegee (UNGHM30A) 9303 UNG HM30A 1.59 HM30A 30" Unger SmartFit Water Wand
Unger Smart fit water wands have an innovative universal socket that accepts a variety of standard handles, from 15/16-in. to 1 1/8-in. The extra strong frame outlasts other floor squeegees. The easy flush and rinse design of the squeegee reduces the buildup of harmful bacteria buildup. The twin rubber foam blades are oil-resistant and help take care of messes swiftly and efficiently. The custom color coding chip system by zone also helps reduce cross-contamination. Includes one 30 inch water wand twin foam rubber blades.
30" Unger SmartFit Water Wand, Floor Squeegee, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 18.33 13.98 24.90 UNGHM30A.jpg smartfit water wand, floor squeegee, UNG HM30A, UNGHM30A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
9304 Lagasse Nifty Nabber Bagger (UNGNB300) 9304 UNG NB300 6.00 UNG NB300 Unger Nifty Nabber Bagger Portable Waste Receptacle
Uniquely constructed collapsible waste receptacle is compact and portable. Internal steel spring frame adds support and rigidity. Rugged plastic bottom can be safely dragged over rough surfaces without damage. Tough nylon cover effectively protects workers from sharp objects poking through. Convenient built-in handles make lifting and pulling easy. Bottom drainage holes simplify cleaning and rinsing for future use. Easy to close, lock and store. Uses conventional 55-gallon trash bags. Includes one portable waste receptacle.
Unger Nifty Nabber Bagger Portable Waste Receptacle, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 29.91 21.04 40.05 UNGNB300.jpg nifty nabber bagger, UNG NB300, UNGNB300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
9305 Lagasse 10 inch Original Strip Washer with Handle (UNGWC250) 9305 UNG WC250 0.39 WC25U Unger Original Strip Washer with Handle
This strip washer has an innovatively T-shaped handle, with water wells that release water through the strip as needed. The plush, woven synthetic fabric is simultaneously gentle and strong, tackling tough everyday tasks. The washer is excellent for cleaning windows and screens, as well as dusting. The fabric is sturdy, with reinforced zigzag stitching. It is also machine washable. Includes one 10 inch nylon handle and cloth sleeve
Unger Original Strip Washer with Handle, 10", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 12.38 9.44 16.90 UNGWC250.jpg window cleaning, strip washer, UNGWC250, UNGWC250, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
9306 Lagasse 14 inch Original Strip Washer with Handle (UNGWC350) 9306 UNG WC350 0.50 WC350 Unger Original Strip Washer with Handle
This strip washer has an innovatively T-shaped handle, with water wells that release water through the strip as needed. The plush, woven synthetic fabric is simultaneously gentle and strong, tackling tough everyday tasks. The washer is excellent for cleaning windows and screens, as well as dusting. The fabric is sturdy, with reinforced zigzag stitching. It is also machine washable. Includes one 14 inch nylon handle and cloth sleeve
Unger Original Strip Washer with Handle, 14", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 14.28 10.89 18.88 UNGWC350.jpg original strip washer with Handle, UNG WC350, UNGWC350, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
9307 Lagasse 18 inch Original Strip Washer with Handle (UNGWC450) 9307 UNG WC450 0.20 WC45U Unger Original Strip Washer with Handle
This strip washer has an innovatively T-shaped handle, with water wells that release water through the strip as needed. The plush, woven synthetic fabric is simultaneously gentle and strong, tackling tough everyday tasks. The washer is excellent for cleaning windows and screens, as well as dusting. The fabric is sturdy, with reinforced zigzag stitching. It is also machine washable. Includes one 18 inch nylon handle and cloth sleeve
Unger Original Strip Washer with Handle, 18", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 16.41 12.35 21.83 UNGWC450.jpg unger original strip washer, window cleaning, UNG WC450, UNGWC450, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
9308 Lagasse 10 inch Original Strip Washer Replacement Sleeve (UNGWS250) 9308 UNG WS250 0.09 WS25U Unger Original Strip Washer Replacement Sleeve
These white sleeve replacements are designed to work with strip washers. Their plush, woven fabric is gentle but also strong enough for tough every tasks. They are excellent for cleaning windows, screens and dusting. The fabric is sturdy, with reinforced zigzag-stitched ends. They are also machine washable. Original Replacement Strip Washers Includes one replacement cloth sleeve.
Unger Original Strip Washer Replacement Sleeve, 10", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 7.56 5.49 10.15 UNGWS250.jpg strip washer replacement sleeve, UNGWS250, UNGWS250, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
9309 Lagasse 14 inch Original Strip Washer Replacement Sleeve (UNGWS350) 9309 UNG WS350 0.12 WS35U Unger Original Strip Washer Replacement Sleeve
These white sleeve replacements are designed to work with strip washers. Their plush, woven fabric is gentle but also strong enough for tough every tasks. They are excellent for cleaning windows, screens and dusting. The fabric is sturdy, with reinforced zigzag-stitched ends. They are also machine washable. Original Replacement Strip Washers Includes one replacement cloth sleeve.
Unger Original Strip Washer Replacement Sleeve, 14", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 9.40 7.02 12.35 UNGWS350.jpg strip washer replacement sleeve, UNG WS350, UNGWS350, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
9310 Lagasse 18 inch Original Strip Washer Replacement Sleeve (UNGWS450) 9310 UNG WS450 0.14 WS45U Unger Original Strip Washer Replacement Sleeve
These white sleeve replacements are designed to work with strip washers. Their plush, woven fabric is gentle but also strong enough for tough every tasks. They are excellent for cleaning windows, screens and dusting. The fabric is sturdy, with reinforced zigzag-stitched ends. They are also machine washable. Original Replacement Strip Washers Includes one replacement cloth sleeve.
Unger Original Strip Washer Replacement Sleeve, 18", Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unger 10.88 8.07 14.24 UNGWS450.jpg 18 inch original strip washer replacement sleeve, UNG WS450, UNGWS450, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 109
9311 Lagasse Extension Handle for Microduster (UNS638) 9311 UNS 638 0.83 UNS 638 Threaded End Extension Handle
Telescopic handle extends from 3-5-ft. and has a standard threaded end to accommodate the MircoFeather Duster uns Microduster (sold separately). Blue and white.
Extension Handle, 36" to 60", Standard Threaded End, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 6.47 4.90 8.62 UNS638.jpg extension handle for microdusters, UNS 638, UNS638, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
9312 Lagasse Windsoft 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 24 Rolls (WIN2400) 9312 WIN 2400 6.89 WIN 2400 Windsoft 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Premium wrapper adds an upscale touch to any facility. Brighter and whiter toilet tissue. Safe for sewer and septic systems. Individually wrapped toilet paper. Softer and more absorbent toilet tissue provides "at-home quality". Meets EPA guidelines for post-consumer content. 40% post-consumer waste content. 4.0" x 3.75" sheet size, 400 sheets per roll. 24 rolls per case.
Windsoft Standard 2 ply Toilet Tissue Paper, 4.0" x 3.75" Sheet Size, 400 Sheets per Roll, 24 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Windsoft 13.11 10.00 17.51 WIN2400.jpg toilet paper, toilet tissue, bath tissue, bathroom tissue, 2 ply toilet tissue, 2 ply toilet paper, WIN2400, WIN2400, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 116
9313 Lagasse Perforated Household Paper Towel Rolls - 6 Rolls (WIN2420) 9313 WIN 2420 2.65 WIN 2420 Windsoft Perforated Paper Towel Rolls
Two-ply, 11" x 8.8" sheets. Premium embossing and enhanced absorbency. For general cleaning. Contains 100% recycled fiber, 40% post-consumer waste content. Meets EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines. 72 sheets per roll. 6 rolls per pack. 1 pack per case.
Windsoft Perforated Paper Towel Rolls, White, 6 Rolls per Pack, 1 Pack per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Windsoft 7.35 5.55 9.73 WIN2420.jpg perforated paper towel rolls, WIN 2420, WIN2420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 116
9314 Lagasse WindSoft Facial Tissue Style Pack, 6 Boxes (WIN2430) 9314 WIN 2430 2.29 WIN 2430 Facial Tissue WinSoft Style Pack
Premium-quality tissue offers “at-home“ comfort. Softer, thicker tissue is gentle, nonirritating and absorbent. Attractive box adds upscale touch to guest and meeting rooms. One-at-a-time “pop-up“ dispensing. Meets EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines. Contains 100% recycled fiber, 20% post-consumer waste content. Two-ply. White. 8" x 8.3" tissue size.
Winsoft Facial Tissue Style Packs, 100 Tissues per Box, 6 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Windsoft 8.06 4.71 10.47 WIN2430.jpg facial tissue, winsoft facial tissue, WIN2430, WIN 2430, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 116
9315 Lagasse WNA 12-oz Rock Star Kids' Cup, 250 Cups (WNATRI12ROCK) 9315 WNA TRI12ROCK 14.00 TRI12ROCK 12-oz Plastic Kids Cups with Lid and Straw
Exciting new design features vivid colors and a rockin' music scene to attract children. 12-oz. tumbler is easy for small hands to grasp and hold, has a tip-resistant profile and a spill stopper lid to reduce leaks and table clean-ups. It also includes an interactive game with hidden items built into the design of the cup to keep children entertained and occupied. Reduce, reuse, recycle—help protect the environment by reusing this cup. Top-rack dishwasher safe. Case includes reusable cups, fun colored lids and flexible sparkle colored whistle straws. WNA Inc. 12-oz Rock Star Kids Plastic Cups with Lids and Straws, 250 per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wna Inc. 136.66 95.66 186.46 WNATRI12ROCK.jpg cups, plastic cups, drink cups, plastic kids cups, kids, drink cups, rock star kids' cups, WNA TRI12ROCK, WNATRI12ROCK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
9316 Lagasse 12-oz. Plastic Kids Race Car Fun Cup, 250 Cups (WNAVK3CARS) 9316 WNA VK3CARS 8.37 VK3CARS 12oz Race Car Kids' Cups
This engaging cup features a fun design with bright colors and exciting characters to attract kids. The lid is secure and helps prevent spills. The kid-friendly tumbler is easy for small hands to grasp and hold on to. The plastic material provides more security than paper or foam, which are easily crushed or knocked over. Best of all, the cup includes an interactive game in the design, helping keep kids entertained and occupied. Includes 250 cups, 250 lids and 250 straws per case.
WNA Inc. 12-oz. Race Car Kids' Cup, 250 Cups, Lids and Straws per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Wna Inc. 101.56 71.09 134.16 WNAVK3CARS.jpg race car fun cups, WNA VK3CARS, WNAVK3CARS, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
9343 Dropps Dropps Baby Laundry Detergent 20ct Pacs, Scent Dye & Enzyme Free, 12 Pouches (DRP-20111) 9343 DRP-20111 7.00 DRP20111 Baby Laundry Detergent Pacs, 20-ct Pouches
Tough on dirt, but sensitive on your baby's skin. Dropps Baby laundry pacs are the ideal fit for those looking to ensure their little ones stay safe and clean. The neutral scent, dye and enzyme free formula offer a non-abrasive, soft fabric feel, each and every time. Just simply add one pac directly into the washer drum for each load, and it dissolves completely. Dropps laundry pacs are compatible in High Efficiency washers, as well as the standard variety as well. Dropps laundry pacs clean all fabrics and all colors in all temperatures regardless if it's cold or hot water. The Dropps formula is Phosphate-free, enzyme-free and biodegradable. And, it’s safe for all septic tanks and gray water systems. The Dropps Baby formula is approved by the EPA’s Design for the Environment (DfE) program. Ensure your child is safe, secure and squeaky clean with Dropps Baby Laundry Detergent Pacs from
Dropps Baby Laundry Detergent Pacs, Scent, Dye & Enzyme Free, 20-ct Pouch, 12 Pouches per Case
Laundry Products » Dropps Laundry Detergent - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Dropps 103.47 57.00 138.84 DRP-20111.jpg dropps detergent, dropps baby laundry detergent, dropps laundry detergent, baby laundry detergent, baby laundry soap, baby dropps, laundry soap packets, dropps laundry pacs, dropps laundry detergent pacs, laundry detergent, laundry products, dropps baby laundry detergent pacs scent dye & enzyme free, 20ct, DRP-20111, DRP20111, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 26 253
9344 Dropps Dropps Laundry Detergent 20ct Pacs, Scent & Dye Free, 12 Pouches (DRP-20121) 9344 DRP-20121 7.00 DRP20121 Scent & Dye Free Laundry Detergent Pacs, 20-ct Pouches
Dropps laundry pacs are the ideal fit for those looking for a soft clean, that's hard on dirt. The neutral scent, and dye and enzyme free formula of Dropps Laundry Detergent offer a non-abrasive, soft fabric feel, with each and every use. Simply and easily drop the pac into the clothing basin of the washer for each load, and it dissolves as it cleans. Compatible in High Efficiency washers, as well as the standard variety, Dropps laundry pacs clean all fabrics, and all colors, and performs in all temperatures. The Dropps formula is based off of the concept of offering a Phosphate-free, enzyme-free and biodegradable clothing cleaning option. Safe for all septic tanks and gray water systems, the Dropps Scent and Dye Free Laundry Detergent Pacs are approved by the EPA’s Design for the Environment (DfE) program. Purchase Dropps Laundry Detergent pacs today. Soft on fabrics, hard on dirt.
Dropps Laundry Detergent Pacs, Scent & Dye Free, 20-ct Pouch, 12 Pouches per Case
Laundry Products » Dropps Laundry Detergent - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Dropps 98.03 54.00 133.75 DRP-20121.jpg dropps detergent, dropps laundry detergent, laundry soap packets, dropps laundry pacs, dropps laundry detergent pacs, dropps scent free, dropps dye free, scent & dye free, laundry detergent, laundry products, dropps laundry detergent pacs scent & dye free, 20ct, DRP-20121, DRP20121, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 26 253
9345 Dropps Dropps Laundry Detergent, Fresh Scent, 12 Pouches (DRP-20221) 9345 DRP-20221 7.00 DRP20221 Fresh Scent Laundry Detergent Packs
The ideal addition to any laundry room, the Dropps Fresh Scent Laundry Detergent offers a soft clean, that's hard on dirt. The Dropps laundry pacs pair a non-abrasive and soft fabric feel, with a fresh natural scent. Simply drop the pac into the basin of the washer for each load, and it dissolves as it cleans, as Dropps works in both High Efficiency washers, as well as the standard variety. Dropps laundry pacs clean all fabrics, and all colors in all temperatures. The Dropps formula offers a Phosphate-free, enzyme-free and biodegradable clothing cleaning option that few can match. It is also safe for all septic tanks and gray water systems. All Dropps Laundry Detergent Pacs is approved by the EPA’s Design for the Environment (DfE) program. Buy Dropps Laundry Detergent pacs today to get soft, clean and safe fabrics, without any of the itch.
Dropps Laundry Detergent Packs, Fresh Scent, 20 Count Pouch, 12 Pouches per Case
Laundry Products » Dropps Laundry Detergent - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Dropps 98.03 54.00 130.79 DRP-20221.jpg dropps detergent, dropps laundry detergent, laundry soap packets, dropps laundry pacs, dropps laundry detergent pacs, dropps fresh scent, laundry detergent, laundry products, dropps laundry detergent pacs fresh scent, 20 ct, DRP-20221, DRP20221, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 26 253
9346 Dropps Dropps Laundry Detergent 42ct Pacs, Scent & Dye Free, 8 Pouches (DRP-42121) 9346 DRP-42121 9.70 DRP42121 Scent & Dye Free Laundry Detergent Pacs, 42-ct Pouches
A perfect fit for those looking for a soft clean, that's hard on dirt. Dropps laundry pacs offer a non-abrasive, soft fabric feel, with each and every use. The pac's neutral scent, and dye and enzyme free formula offer an easy to use design. Simply drop the pac into the basin of the washer for each load, and it dissolves as it cleans. Working in both High Efficiency washers, as well as the standard variety, Dropps laundry pacs clean all fabrics ,and all colors in all temperatures, regardless if it's cold or hot water. The Dropps formula offers a Phosphate-free, enzyme-free and biodegradable clothing cleaning option that few can match. It is also safe for all septic tanks and gray water systems. The Dropps Scent and Dye Free Laundry Detergent Pacs are approved by the EPA’s Design for the Environment (DfE) program. Buy Dropps Laundry Detergent pacs today to get soft, clean and safe fabrics, without any of the itch.
Dropps Laundry Detergent Pacs, Scent & Dye Free, 42-ct Pouch, 8 Pouches per Case
Laundry Products » Dropps Laundry Detergent - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Dropps 127.07 70.00 168.60 DRP-42121.jpg dropps detergent, dropps laundry detergent, laundry soap packets, dropps laundry pacs, dropps laundry detergent pacs, dropps scent free, dropps dye free, scent & dye free, laundry detergent, laundry products, dropps laundry detergent pacs scent & dye free, 42 ct, DRP-42121, DRP42121, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 26 253
9347 Dropps Dropps Laundry Detergent 42ct Pacs, Fresh Scent, 8 Pouches (DRP-42221) 9347 DRP-42221 9.70 DRP42221 Fresh Scent Laundry Detergent Pacs, 42-ct Pouches
The perfect fit for any commercial, industrial, or residential laundry environment. The Dropps Fresh Scent Laundry Detergent offers a soft clean, that's hard on dirt. The non-abrasive, soft fabric feel, that Dropps laundry pacs offer also comes with a fresh floral scent that really makes your fabrics special. Working in both High Efficiency washers, as well as the standard variety, Dropps laundry pacs clean all fabrics, and all colors in all temperatures. The Dropps formula offers a Phosphate-free, enzyme-free and biodegradable clothing cleaning option that few can match. It is also safe for all septic tanks and gray water systems. Buy Dropps Laundry Detergent pacs today to get soft, clean and safe fabrics, without any of the itch.
Dropps Laundry Detergent Pacs, Fresh Scent, 42-ct Pouch, 8 Pouches per Case
Laundry Products » Dropps Laundry Detergent - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Dropps 127.07 70.00 170.85 DRP-42221.jpg dropps detergent, dropps laundry detergent, laundry soap packets, dropps laundry pacs, dropps laundry detergent pacs, dropps fresh scent, laundry detergent, laundry products, dropps laundry detergent pacs fresh scent, 42ct, DRP-42221, DRP42221, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 26 253
9348 Dropps Dropps Laundry Detergent 80ct Pacs, Scent & Dye Free, 6 Pouches (DRP-80121) 9348 DRP-80121 13.00 DRP80121 Scent & Dye Free Laundry Detergent Pacs, 80-ct Pouches
Offering a scent, dye and enzyme free formula, Dropps Laundry Detergent offer a non-abrasive, soft fabric feel, with each and every use. The ideal fit for those looking for a soft clean, that's hard on dirt. Compatible in High Efficiency washers, as well as the standard variety, Dropps laundry pacs clean all fabrics, and all colors, and performs in all temperatures. The Dropps formula is based off of the concept of offering a Phosphate-free, enzyme-free and biodegradable clothing cleaning option. Safe for all septic tanks and gray water systems, the Dropps Scent and Dye Free Laundry Detergent Pacs are approved by the EPA’s Design for the Environment (DfE) program. Purchase Dropps Laundry Detergent pacs today. Soft on fabrics, hard on dirt.
Dropps Laundry Detergent Pacs, Scent & Dye Free, 80-ct Pouch, 6 Pouches per Case
Laundry Products » Dropps Laundry Detergent - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Dropps 174.27 96.00 227.46 DRP-80121.jpg dropps detergent, dropps laundry detergent, laundry soap packets, dropps laundry pacs, dropps laundry detergent pacs, dropps scent free, dropps dye free, scent & dye free, laundry detergent, laundry products, dropps laundry detergent pacs scent & dye free, 80ct, DRP-80121, DRP80121, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 26 253
9349 Dropps Dropps Laundry Detergent, Fresh Scent, 6 Pouches (DRP-80221) 9349 DRP-80221 13.00 DRP80221 Fresh Scent Laundry Detergent Packs
Perfect for any laundry room, be it in a commercial, industrial, or residential environment, the Dropps Fresh Scent Laundry Detergent offers a soft clean, that's hard on dirt. The Dropps laundry pacs pair a non-abrasive and soft fabric feel, with a fresh natural scent. Just drop the pac into the basin of the washer for each load, and it dissolves as it cleans, delivering soft, fresh and clean fabrics each and every time. The Dropps formula offers a Phosphate-free, enzyme-free and biodegradable clothing cleaning option that few can match. It is also safe for all septic tanks and gray water systems. All Dropps Laundry Detergent Pacs is approved by the EPA’s Design for the Environment (DfE) program. Buy Dropps Laundry Detergent pacs today to get soft, clean and safe fabrics, without any of the itch.
Dropps Laundry Detergent Pacs, Fresh Scent, 80 Count Pouch, 6 Pouches per Case
Laundry Products » Dropps Laundry Detergent - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Dropps 174.27 96.00 232.65 DRP-80221.jpg dropps detergent, dropps laundry detergent, laundry soap packets, dropps laundry pacs, dropps laundry detergent pacs, dropps fresh scent, laundry detergent, laundry products, dropps laundry detergent pacs fresh scent, 80ct, DRP-80221, DRP80221, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 26 253
9364 Lagasse Standard Exam Table Paper (AVA513LG) 9364 AVA 513LG 22.00 513LG 18" Standard Exam Table Paper Smooth
Plain white smooth exam table paper. 18" wide x 225 feet per roll, 12 rolls per case.
Standard Exam Table Paper Smooth, White, 18" Wide x 225 Feet per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Avalon Papers LLC 49.95 38.10 65.71 AVA513LG.jpg exam table paper, AVA 513LG, AVA513LG, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 258
9365 Lagasse 12" Pizza Boxes, 50 Boxes (BOXPZCORE12) 9365 BOX PZCORE12 16.90 9123285 12" Pizza Boxes
Coming 50 boxes to a case, these 12 inch pizza boxes are the ideal way to safely transport and store pizza. Coming in a fold up design, making it simple to construct, these quality boxes provide a smart and sanitary way to transport food. Perfect for transporting food for delivery based restaurants and food service companies, our line of strong and durable standard pizza boxes are simple and easy to use and store. Available for purchase any time of day or night via our online superstore, our sturdy 12 inch pizza boxes are an essential tool in food transportation.
Southern Champion Corrugated Fiberboard 12" Pizza Boxes, 12" x 12" X 2 1/2", 50 Boxes per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. PIZZA BOX 21.94 14.26 29.63 BOXPZCORB12.jpg pizza boxes, 18 inch pizza boxes, pizza containers, takeout pizza containers, BOX PZCORE12, BOXPZCORE12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 248
9366 Lagasse JUMBO STRW 10.25IN PPR W RPD WHI W/RS 6/500 (BWK2051STR) 9366 BWK 2051STR 7.20 YSTWJ102S6LAG 100% recyclable polypropylene resin Boardwalk Paper 42.20 27.60 55.91 BWK2051S.jpg JUMBO STRW 10.25IN PPR W RPD WHI W/RS 6/500 BWK2051STR, BWK2051STR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9367 Lagasse Boardwalk Pink Lotion Hand Soap, 4 Gallon Bottles (BWK410) 9367 BWK 410 36.60 1807-04-GCE00 Pink Lotion Soap
Boardwalk Pink Lotion Soap is an economical alternative to expensive bar and lotion soaps and ineffective abrasive powders. Designed to provide quality protection, Boardwalk also contains a moisturizing ingredient to help fight dry skin that can occur after repeated hand washing.This popular liquid hand soap is ideal for use in commercial, residential or industrial environments. The economical one gallon bottles are the smart way to save money and are perfect for use in schools, day care center, churches, restaurants, office buildings, public facilities and any high traffic area where hand washing is frequent.
Boardwalk Pink Lotion Hand Soap Refills, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 21.51 15.66 28.64 BWK410.jpg lotion hand soap, lotion soap, boardwalk hand soap, pink lotion hand soap, pink soap, pink soap refills, BWK 410, BWK410, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9368 Lagasse White Lotion Soap, 1 Gallon Bottles (BWK420) 9368 BWK 420 36.40 1812-04-GCE00 White Lotion Hand Soap
Mild cleansing lotion. An economical alternative to expensive bar and lotion soaps and ineffective abrasive powders. Cleans thoroughly. Produces abundant lather in hard or soft water.Includes four 1 gallon bottles of soap per case.
Boardwalk White Lotion Hand Soap, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 21.82 16.64 28.66 BWK420.jpg lotion hanb soap, BWK 420, BWK420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9369 Lagasse Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap, 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (BWK430) 9369 BWK 430 36.00 1887-04-GCE00 Boardwalk Antibacterial Hand Soap
Lotion formula contains chloroxylenol (PCMX), a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. For use in medical facilities, hospitals, nursing homes and restaurants. Mild formula helps promote frequent hand washing while killing germs. Includes four 1 gallon liquid soap bottles per case.
Boardwalk Antibacterial Hand Soap, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Bulk Liquid Soaps » Boardwalk Paper 34.92 25.52 47.13 BWK430.jpg antibacterial hand soap, BWK 430, BWK430, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9370 Lagasse UNWRAP STRAW 5.25IN SIPP ER BLA 8/1000 (BWK50PBLK-8) 9370 BWK 50PBLK-8 5.15 YSTS52E8LAG 100% recyclable polypropylene resin Boardwalk Paper 18.38 14.02 24.76 BWK50PBLK.jpg UNWRAP STRAW 5.25IN SIPP ER BLA 8/1000 BWK50PBLK-8, BWK50PBLK8, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9371 Lagasse Pink Lotion Soap (BWK8100) 9371 BWK 8100 24.00 1679-12-GCE00 Mild cleansing lotion. An economical alternative to expensive bar and lotion soaps and ineffective abrasive powders. Cleans thoroughly. Produces abundant lather in hard or soft water.Includes twelve 800 ml boxed refills of soap per case. Boardwalk Paper 23.93 18.15 31.75 BWK8100.jpg Pink Lotion Soap BWK8100, BWK8100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9372 Lagasse Antibacterial Lotion Soap (BWK8200) 9372 BWK 8200 24.20 BWK8200 Contains 0.3% Chloroxylenol (PCMX), a broad-spectrum degerming agent. Gentle cleansing with a clean rinse. 800-ml refill. 12 refills per case. Boardwalk Paper 47.31 36.08 63.94 BWK8200.jpg Antibacterial Lotion Soap BWK8200, BWK8200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9373 Lagasse UNWRPD STRW 5.25IN SIPPE R RED 8/1000 (BWKST-S52R-8) 9373 BWK ST-S52R-8 5.15 YSTS52R8 Unwrapped red sipper staws. 5.25 inches. 8 boxes of 1000 straws. Boardwalk Paper 16.45 11.56 22.41 UNWRPD STRW 5.25IN SIPPE R RED 8/1000 BWKST-S52R-8, BWKSTS52R8, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9374 Lagasse Scrub Free Soap Scum Remover Oxy Foaming Action, 8 Bottles (CDC33200-35255) 9374 CDC 33200-35255 20.10 35050 Soap Scum Remover
Arm & Hammer's Scrub Free Soap Scum Remover with Oxy Foaming Action, quickly cuts through soap scum, hard water stains and dulling film with the foaming action of Oxy. The non-abrasive formula won’t scratch as it cleans, shines and deodorizes. Lemon Scent. Premium performance – premium value.
Arm & Hammer Scrub Free Soap Scum Remover Oxy Foaming Action, 32-oz Spray Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Arm And Hammer 27.80 21.20 36.26 scrub free soap scum remover, CDC 33200-35255, CDC3320035255, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 7
9375 Lagasse Palmolive Dishwashing Liquid, 72 Bottles (CPC01417) 9375 CPC 01417 17.80 01417 Original Palmolive Dish Detergent
Get a formula that's tough on stains, yet easy on the hands. The powerful liquid formula is tough enough to eliminate grease, but soft enough for your hands. Leaves your dishes sparkling clean. pH balanced. Concentrated for long-lasting performance.
Colgate Palmolive Dishwashing Liquid, 3-oz. Bottle, 72 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 56.55 43.13 73.45 CPC01417.jpg palmolive dish detergent, original palmolive, palmolive dishwashing detgergent, original palmolive dish detergent, CPC 01417, CPC01417, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 0 1 23
9376 Lagasse Softsoap Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap, 12 - 7.5-oz Pump Bottles (CPC26238) 9376 CPC 26238 7.30 26238 Softsoap Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap
Premium liquid soap with mild, yet effective skin cleaners. Antibacterial formula contains four gentle emollients and conditioners to help protect skin's natural moisture level and maintain its natural pH balance. NSF/USDA Classification E4.
Softsoap Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap, 7.5-oz Pump Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hand Soap & Dispensers » Pump Bottle Liquid Soap » Colgate - Palmolive 26.08 19.89 35.58 softsoap antibacterial liquid hand soap, CPC 26238, CPC26238, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
9377 Lagasse PALMOLIVE DISHWASH LIQUI D 25OZ BTL 12 (CPC46106) 9377 CPC 46106 22.75 46106 Colgate Palmolive® Pure & Clear® Detergent is Spring Fresh Concentrated Liquid Dish detergent, Deep Cleans, Leaving No Harmful Residue, No Irritating Dyes, No Heavy Fragrances, No Unnecessary Chemicals, Biodegradable Formula, 25% To 75% Post Consumer Recy Colgate - Palmolive 48.38 36.90 63.37 PALMOLIVE DISHWASH LIQUI D 25OZ BTL 12 CPC46106, CPC46106, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 23
9378 Lagasse ULTRA PALMOLIVE DISHWASH ING LQD 12/25OZ ORG GRN (CPC46112) 9378 CPC 46112 22.80 46112 Ultra Palmolive® Dishwashing Liquid Cuts through stubborn grease (toughest grease) and leaves your dishes sparkling clean. Concentrated formula for long-lasting performance. Ultra formula is concentrated so you can use 1/3 less than with regular dishwashi Colgate - Palmolive 46.54 35.50 63.04 CPC46112.jpg ULTRA PALMOLIVE DISHWASH ING LQD 12/25OZ ORG GRN CPC46112, CPC46112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 23
9380 Lagasse PALMOLIVE AROMA SENSATIO NS DISHWASH LIQUID 25OZ (CPC46116) 9380 CPC 46116 22.75 46116 Colgate Palmolive® Dish Liquid removes the toughest grease! Its highly effective ingredients clean even the most difficult dishes, pots, and pans. Palmolive quickly tackles touch soils; stripping the grease and lifting stuck-on food particles from your di Colgate - Palmolive 51.97 36.90 69.16 PALMOLIVE AROMA SENSATIO NS DISHWASH LIQUID 25OZ CPC46116, CPC46116, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 23
9381 Lagasse Dial Complete Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap 15.2 oz Pump (DIA98606) 9381 DIA 98606 5.50 98606 Dial Complete Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap
DIAL Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap provides a high level of broad-spectrum germ-killing action to help stop the spread of infection. Activated Triclosan formulation provides 25 times better germ-kill than other antimicrobial soaps. 15.2 oz pump bottle,4 bottles per case.
Dial Complete Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap, 15.2 oz Pump Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 21.85 16.67 29.72 DIA98606.JPG dial complete antimicrobial foaming hand soap, DIA 98606, DIA98606, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
9382 Lagasse Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 6 - 40-oz Refills (DIA98976) 9382 DIA 98976 18.00 DIA 98976 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap
Dial Complete Tabletop Pump Refill, superior Germ-Killing hand soap, 25X more effective than other antibacterial soaps. Superior Mildness, hypoallergenic, excellent for frequent hand washing. Superior cost management, save vs. traditional liquid soaps. Certified by NSF International for an E-2 Rating, the only soap with Activated Triclosan Technology.
Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 40-oz Refill Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 44.84 34.20 59.25 dial complete antimicrobial foaming hand soap, DIA 98976, DIA98976, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
9383 Lagasse COOK'S KNIFE 10IN S145-10PCP (DRI12433) 9383 DRI 12433 0.50 12433 Dexter Russell 10 inch cook's knife is designed so bacteria - acid - moisture - fats and grease cannot penetrate the handle or blade. stainless steel blade color-coded polypropylene handle DEXTER RUSSELL 27.23 20.75 36.75 DRI12433.jpg COOK'S KNIFE 10IN S145-10PCP DRI12433, DRI12433, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 244
9384 Lagasse 10" COOKS KNIFE| GREEN HANDLE (DRI12433G) 9384 DRI 12433G 0.40 12433G Dexter Russell green handle 10 inch cook's knife is designed so bacteria - acid - moisture - fats and grease cannot penetrate the handle or blade. Stainless steel blade color-coded polypropylene handle DEXTER RUSSELL 30.29 21.76 40.93 DRI12433G.jpg 10" COOKS KNIFE| GREEN HANDLE DRI12433G, DRI12433G, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 244
9385 Lagasse 10" COOKS KNIFE| RED HANDLE (DRI12433R) 9385 DRI 12433R 0.40 12433R Dexter Russell red handled 10 inch cook's knife is designed so bacteria - acid - moisture - fats and grease cannot penetrate the handle or blade. Stainless steel blade color-coded polypropylene handle DEXTER RUSSELL 28.53 21.76 38.77 DRI12433R.jpg 10" COOKS KNIFE| RED HANDLE DRI12433R, DRI12433R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 244
9386 Lagasse 10" COOKS KNIFE-YELLOW HANDLE (DRI12433Y) 9386 DRI 12433Y 0.40 12433Y Dexter Russell yellow handeld 10 inch cook's knife is designed so bacteria - acid - moisture - fats and grease cannot penetrate the handle or blade. Stainless steel blade color-coded polypropylene handle DEXTER RUSSELL 28.53 21.76 37.95 DRI12433Y.jpg 10" COOKS KNIFE-YELLOW HANDLE DRI12433Y, DRI12433Y, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 244
9387 Lagasse 3-1/4" COOKS STYLE PARER WHT (DRI15303) 9387 DRI 15303 0.08 15303 Dexter Russell white handled- 3 1/4 Straight paring knife has sharp, hand-ground and honed edges. Enlarged guard on handle for extra safety during use. Handle withstands high and low temperatures. Stainless steel blade DEXTER RUSSELL 6.23 4.75 8.22 DRI15303.jpg 3-1/4" COOKS STYLE PARER WHT DRI15303, DRI15303, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 244
9388 Lagasse Sani-Safe 8" x 3" White Handle, High Carbon Steel Turner (DRI19693) 9388 DRI 19693 0.40 19693 High Carbon Steel Turner
Built to be tough and sanitary. A textured, slip-resistant, easy-to-clean polypropylene handle withstands both high and low temperatures. An impervious blade-to-handle seal provides the utmost in sanitary qualification. Stain-free, high carbon steel blade.
Dexter Russell Sani-Safe 8" x 3" White Handle, High Carbon Steel Turner, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. DEXTER RUSSELL 20.25 15.44 27.03 DRI19693.jpg spatula, spatulas, steel spatula, steel turner, food service spatula, DRI 19693, DRI19693, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 244
9390 Lagasse Good Sense Air Freshener, Cinnamon (DRK5035325) 9390 DRK 5035325 17.07 5035325 Good Sense Air Freshener
Eliminates strong, persistent odors with a clean fragrance—not a heavy perfume. Use in commercial, industrial or institutional buildings. Contains no CFCs. 13.8-oz. aerosol can. 12 cans per case.
Good Sense Air Freshener, Cinnamon, 13.8-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 54.99 41.94 73.46 Good Sense Air Freshener, DRK 5035325, DRK5035325, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9391 Lagasse C-EASY PAKS DETERGENT DISINFECTANT 2/90 PACKS (DRK5412135) 9391 DRK 5412135 8.60 5412135 Premeasured water-soluble packet takes the guesswork out of cleaning. Cleans, deodorizes and disinfects hard surfaces. Effective against mildew, bacteria and viruses including HIV-1 (AIDS virus). Ideal for use in Food Service, nursing homes and other sett Diversey 50.67 38.65 66.15 C-EASY PAKS DETERGENT DISINFECTANT 2/90 PACKS DRK5412135, DRK5412135, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 63
9392 Lagasse SUNLIGHT DISH WASHING LI Q 3OZ 90/CS LEMON (DRK5585976) 9392 DRK 5585976 20.15 5585976 The grease fighter. Sunlights powerful formula with thick, rich suds cuts through grease to leave dishes sparkling clean while being gentle on your hands. Ultra Sunlight is biodegradable and contains no phosphate. Not for use in automatic dishwashers. Diversey 113.07 77.70 147.98 SUNLIGHT DISH WASHING LI Q 3OZ 90/CS LEMON DRK5585976, DRK5585976, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 63
9394 Lagasse Drano Max Gel Clog Remover, 6 - 80-oz Bottles (DRKCB401099) 9394 DRK CB401099 40.10 CB401099 Drano Max Gel Clog Remover
Drano Max Gel Clog Remover is maximum strength for stubborn clogs. Drano Max Gel is thicker than other brands so it clings to clogs longer to clear clogs better. Drano Max Gel pours through standing water and works fast to restore your drains to their free-flowing state. Safe for all pipes, it's also the best at removing hair, soap scum, and other gunky clogs. Won't harm pipes when used overnight. Contains no phosphorus.
Drano Max Gel Clog Remover, 80-oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 68.36 47.50 89.41 DRKCB401099.jpg drano max gel clog remover, DRK CB401099, DRKCB401099, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9395 Lagasse Windex Original Glass & Surface Wipes, 12 Packs (DRKCB702325) 9395 DRK CB702325 7.48 CB702325 Windex Original Glass & Surface Wipes
Windex Original Glass Wipes make touch-up cleaning a snap. A convenient, fast way to give your glass surfaces and mirrors that beautiful Windex streak-free shine anytime! Use on glass, marble, granite, UV-protected windows, factory-installed low-E coated windows, mirrors, bathroom fixtures like those made of chrome, lead or flint glass, lucite, tile, plastic. 28 wipes per pack, 12 packs per case.
Johnson Diversey Windex Original Glass & Surface Wipes, 28 Wipes per Pack, 12 Packs per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 46.17 34.41 61.78 DRKCB702325.jpg original windex glass cleaner wipes, DRK CB702325, DRKCB702325, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9396 Lagasse Glade Tough Odor Air Sanitizer w/ Oust, Clear Springs, 12 Cans (DRKCB715935) 9396 DRK CB715935 10.94 CB715935 Glade Clear Spings Scented Air Sanitizer with Oust
Contains glycol micro-particles that linger in the air, attaching to airborne bacteria and odor molecules, cleaning the air of bacteria and odors and leaving the area smelling clean and fresh. It eliminates tough odors such as bathroom, pet, mold, mildew, dirty laundry, cooking and stuffy room smells. Kills odor causing bacteria in the air thereby eliminating their odors. 10-oz aerosol can, 12 cans per case.
Johnson Diversey Glade Air Sanitizer, Oust Technology, Clear Springs, 10-oz Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 53.24 40.61 72.15 DRKCB715935.jpg glade tough odor air sanitizer, DRK CB715935, DRKCB715935, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9397 Lagasse Glade Air Sanitizer w/ Oust Citrus Scent, 12 Cans (DRKCB715942) 9397 DRK CB715942 10.94 CB715942 Glade Citrus Scented Air Sanitizer
Contains glycol micro-particles that linger in the air, attaching to airborne bacteria and odor molecules, cleaning the air of bacteria and odors and leaving the area smelling clean and fresh. It eliminates tough odors such as bathroom, pet, mold, mildew, dirty laundry, cooking and stuffy room smells. Kills odor causing bacteria in the air thereby eliminating their odors. 10-oz aerosol can, 12 cans per case.
Glade Tough Odor Air Sanitizer with Oust Technology, Citrus scent, 10-oz Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 52.76 40.24 70.97 DRKCB715942.jpg glade tough odor air sanitizer, DRK CB715942, DRKCB715942, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9398 Lagasse Glade Surface Disinfectant & Air Sanitizer, Citrus Scent (DRKCB715973) 9398 DRK CB715973 11.80 CB715973 Glade Surface Disinfectant & Air Sanitizer with Oust
Kills 99.9% of germs and viruses on hard, nonporous surfaces. Disinfects and deodorizes by killing common germs and controlling their odors. It also prevents odors at their source caused by germs, bacteria and mildew. Disinfects in 5 minutes and sanitizes in 30 seconds. 12-oz aerosol can, 12 cans per case.
Glade Tough Odor Surface Disinfectant & Air Sanitizer, Citrus Scent, 12-oz Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 115.36 65.50 150.02 DRKCB715973.jpg glade surface disinfectant & air sanitizer, DRK CB715973, DRKCB715973, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9399 Lagasse Eureka Cordless Lightwight Vacuum Cleaner (EUR96JZ6) 9399 EUR 96JZ6 6.70 96JZ6 Eureka Quick-Up 2-in-1 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner
Quick cleaning with no strings attached, ideal for quick pick-ups or cleaning smaller spaces. Cordless Convenience tackles messes quickly with the cordless design. Free-Standing stands upright when not in use. 10" cleaning path width. Lightweight unit weighs less than 5 pounds. On/Off Brushroll Switch picks up dust and allergens from bare floors and area rugs. Comes with an extra battery.
Eureka Quick-Up 2-in-1 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner, Each. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Electrolux 58.56 41.70 79.69 EUR96JZ6.jpg eureka cordless vacuum cleaner, EUR 96JZ6, EUR96JZ6, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 255
9400 Lagasse Angel Soft 2 Ply Premium Standard Toilet Paper 40 Rolls (GPC168-40) 9400 GPC 168-40 15.58 16840 Angel Soft 2 Ply Premium Toilet Paper
Just the right balance of softness and strength. Delightfully soft - it's Angle soft, soft. Comfort where you want it. CleanItSupply is proud to offer brand name Angel Soft Toilet Paper premium bathroom tissue. This quality toilet paper is made from a premium embossed 2-ply material which will deliver an “at home” quality that can be used for your business and your home. Angel Soft toilet paper products provide instant brand recognition from the brand name you can trust - Georgia Pacific. Comes in an upscale packaging which is ideal for class A office spaces, schools, day care centers, restaurants, hotels, nursing homes, hospitals, doctors offices, public facilities and any place of business. Each roll of Angel Soft toilet paper comes individually wrapped for sanitary purposes and is available in 4.5” by 4.05” sheets that will fit standard toilet paper dispensers. Angel Soft Toilet Paper is manufactured by Georgia Pacific quality paper products.
Angel Soft Toilet Paper, 4.5" x 4.05" Two Ply White Paper, 450 Sheets per Roll, 40 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 46.52 35.48 62.84 GPC16840.jpg angel soft 2 ply premium toilet paper, GPC 168-40, GPC16840, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9402 Lagasse Kleenex Kitchen Roll Towel 70 Sheets, 24 Rolls (KCC13964) 9402 KCC 13964 18.60 13964 Kleenex Premiere Kitchen Roll Towel
This cloth-like towel is tough enough for scrubbing and soft enough for hand drying. It's absorbent and now with a softer feel. 10.4"x 11" sheet size. White. 70 sheets per roll, 24 rolls per case.
Kleenex Premiere Kitchen Roll Towel, 10.4"x 11" Sheet Size, White, 1680 Sheets per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 73.62 56.15 99.42 KCC13964.jpg kleenex premiere kitchen roll towel, KCC13964, KCC13964, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9403 Lagasse Kleenex Anti-Viral Facial Tissues, 27 Boxes (KCC25836) 9403 KCC 25836 11.21 25836 Anti-Viral Facial Tissues
Kleenex Brand has developed our Anti-Viral tissue with three soft layers, including a moisture-activated middle layer that kills 99.9% of cold and flu viruses. Only Kleenex Anti-Viral Tissue has a moisture-activated middle layer that is scientifically proven to kill cold and flu viruses. When moisture from a runny nose, cough or sneeze comes in contact with Kleenex Anti-Viral Tissue’s special middle layer, cold and flu viruses are trapped and killed. 8.4"x 8.2", 3 ply tissues. 68 tissues per box, 27 boxes per case.
Kleenex Anti-Viral Facial Tissues, 3 Ply, White, 68 Tissues per Box, 27 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 76.58 57.18 99.57 kleenex anti-viral facial tissue, KCC 25836, KCC25836, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9404 Lagasse Sani-Hands Wipes for Kids Pocket Packet, 3,000 Wipes (NICD57630) 9404 NIC D57630 25.30 D57630 Sani-Hands Wipe Packets for Kids
This powerful formula is capable of removing bacteria and soil killing 99.99% of germs, better than the rub-in gels alone. The combination of an alcohol gel and the friction of a wipe make this wipe an ideal tool for cleaning dirty hands. Conveneint pocket pack for go anywhere, use anytime hand sanitizer. 65.9% Alcohol with moisturizers to help prevent skin from drying out.
Sani-Hands Wipes for Kids Pocket Packet, 5 3/8" x 7 1/2", 3,000 Pocket Packets per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Nicepak 237.29 128.70 322.33 sani-hands wipes for kids pocket packet, NIC D57630, NICD57630, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 138
9405 Lagasse SmartLock Clear Plastic Hinged Food Container, 250 Containers (PAC0CI81030) 9405 PAC 0CI81030 16.45 0CI810300000 9" Clear Plastic Food Container
SmartLock system features a tight, audible click closure that helps ensure maximum food fresness. Wide temperature resilience range (20 - 180 degrees F) enables placement in freezers and heated display cases. Smooth front panel makes sticker labeling easy. Strong, rib-reinforced sides and back accommodate heavy items and provide enhanced crush resistance. Break resistant hinge is flexible enough for easy closure and reliable enough for repeated openings and closings. 250 per case.
Pactiv SmartLock Clear Plastic Hinged Food Container, 250 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pactiv Corporation 91.94 59.76 122.29 clear plastic food containers, dome lid clear food container, sandwich container, hinged lid food container, PAC 0CI81030, PAC0CI81030, restaurant supplies, food service supplies, take out containers, to go containers, sandwich containers 1 1 0 0 1 256
9407 Lagasse FLAT ALUM CTRWARE TRAY 12IN 50CS (PAC451212A) 9407 PAC 451212A 7.39 451212A 50 trays per case. Clear dome lids interchangeable with plastic trays (sold separately). Pactiv Corporation 56.97 37.03 75.00 FLAT ALUM CTRWARE TRAY 12IN 50CS PAC451212A, PAC451212A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9408 Lagasse FLAT ALUM CTRWARE TRAY 16IN 50CS (PAC451612A) 9408 PAC 451612A 14.44 451612A 50 trays per case. Clear dome lids interchangeable with plastic trays (sold separately). Pactiv Corporation 79.89 51.93 107.31 FLAT ALUM CTRWARE TRAY 16IN 50CS PAC451612A, PAC451612A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9409 Lagasse FLAT ALUM CTRWARE TRAY 18IN 50CS (PAC451812A) 9409 PAC 451812A 17.50 451812A Flat aluminum Caterware Tray. 18 in tray. 50 per case. Pactiv Corporation 95.14 61.84 126.49 FLAT ALUM CTRWARE TRAY 18IN 50CS PAC451812A, PAC451812A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9410 Lagasse ALUM 8IN 3COMP 400CS (PAC713935Y) 9410 PAC 713935Y 17.19 713935Y Economy 3-Compartment Home Feeding Tray. 400 per Case Pactiv Corporation 113.23 73.60 153.23 ALUM 8IN 3COMP 400CS PAC713935Y, PAC713935Y, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9411 Lagasse PLAS CTRWR BOWL 5LB RND 25CS (PAC92220K) 9411 PAC 92220K 4.69 92220K 5 pound CaterWare CaterBowl. Black serving bowl. 25 pieces per case. Pactiv Corporation 72.26 46.97 95.07 PLAS CTRWR BOWL 5LB RND 25CS PAC92220K, PAC92220K, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9413 Lagasse PLAS CTRWR TRAY 12IN RND BLA 50 (PAC9812K) 9413 PAC 9812K 9.14 9812K Plastic CaterWare Tray. 12 in round. Black. 50 per case Pactiv Corporation 114.71 74.56 155.28 PLAS CTRWR TRAY 12IN RND BLA 50 PAC9812K, PAC9812K, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9414 Lagasse PLAS CTRWR TRAY 16IN RND BLA 50 (PAC9816K) 9414 PAC 9816K 16.96 9816K Plastic CaterWare Tray. 16 in round. Black. 50 per case Pactiv Corporation 95.37 61.99 127.49 PLAS CTRWR TRAY 16IN RND BLA 50 PAC9816K, PAC9816K, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9415 Lagasse PLAS CTRWR TRAY 18IN RND BLA 50 (PAC9818K) 9415 PAC 9818K 20.93 9818K Plastic CaterWare Tray. 18 in round. Black. 50 per case Pactiv Corporation 139.68 90.79 186.47 PLAS CTRWR TRAY 18IN RND BLA 50 PAC9818K, PAC9818K, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9417 Lagasse DOME PLAS CTRWR LID 12IN BULK CLE 50CS (PACP4412) 9417 PAC P4412 5.10 P4412 Plastic CateWare Dome Lid. 12 in round. Clear. 50 per case. Pactiv Corporation 48.85 31.75 66.18 DOME PLAS CTRWR LID 12IN BULK CLE 50CS PACP4412, PACP4412, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9418 Lagasse DOME PLAS CTRWR LID 16IN BULK CLE 50CS (PACP4416) 9418 PAC P4416 8.11 P4416 Plastic CateWare Dome Lid. 16 in round. Clear. 50 per case. Pactiv Corporation 98.89 64.28 130.86 DOME PLAS CTRWR LID 16IN BULK CLE 50CS PACP4416, PACP4416, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9419 Lagasse DOME PLAS CTRWR LID 18IN BULK CLE 50CS (PACP4418) 9419 PAC P4418 10.36 P4418 Plastic CateWare Dome Lid. 18 in round. Clear. 50 per case. Pactiv Corporation 88.43 57.48 116.59 DOME PLAS CTRWR LID 18IN BULK CLE 50CS PACP4418, PACP4418, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9421 Lagasse Aluminum Steam Table Container Lids Flat FL-S Z, 80 Lids (PACY112045) 9421 PAC Y112045 11.50 Y112045 Pactive Aluminum Steam Table Lids
For hot or cold foods. Use for cooking, freezing, storing. Can go directly from freezer to oven. Pactiv Corporation 48.20 31.33 63.79 pactiv steam table lids, pactiv container lids, pactiv food container lids, aluminum steam table lids, PACY112045, PACY112045, restaurant supplies 1 1 0 0 1 256
9424 Lagasse RND ALUM CNTNR W/LID 7IN 200CS (PACY527TP) 9424 PAC Y527TP 8.91 Y527TP Combination round foil container/board lid. 200 lid/bottom combinations per case. Pactiv Corporation 63.55 41.31 83.67 RND ALUM CNTNR W/LID 7IN 200CS PACY527TP, PACY527TP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9425 Lagasse STEAM TBL PAN FL SZ DEEP 40CS (PACY6050H) 9425 PAC Y6050H 11.81 Y6050H For hot or cold foods. Use for cooking, freezing and storing. Can go directly from freezer to oven. Pactiv Corporation 39.35 25.58 53.07 STEAM TBL PAN FL SZ DEEP 40CS PACY6050H, PACY6050H, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9426 Lagasse STEAM TBL PAN FL SZ DEEP 40CS (PACY6050XH) 9426 PAC Y6050XH 12.78 Y6050XH For hot or cold foods. Use for cooking, freezing and storing. Can go directly from freezer to oven. Pactiv Corporation 38.60 25.09 52.66 STEAM TBL PAN FL SZ DEEP 40CS PACY6050XH, PACY6050XH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9429 Lagasse STEAM TBL PAN 1/2SZ DEEP 2.64IN DEEP 100CS (PACY6132H) 9429 PAC Y6132H 8.90 Y6132H For hot or cold foods. Use for cooking, freezing and storing. Can go directly from freezer to oven. Pactiv Corporation 38.68 25.14 51.88 STEAM TBL PAN 1/2SZ DEEP 2.64IN DEEP 100CS PACY6132H, PACY6132H, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
9433 Lagasse SmartLock Clear Plastic Hoagie Container, 250 Containers (PACYCI81048) 9433 PAC YCI81048 11.06 YCI810480000 7-1/2 Inch Clear Plastic Hoagie Containers
Perfect for your deli shop or sandwich shop. Clear plastic 7 1/2" Hoagie container with hinged dome lid. SmartLock system features a tight, audible click closure that helps ensure maximum food freshness. Strong, rib-reinforced sides and back. Break-resistant hinge is flexible enough for easy closure and repeated openings and closings. 250 containers per case.
Pactiv SmartLock Clear Plastic Hoagie Containers, 250 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pactiv Corporation 78.72 51.17 107.70 clear hoagie container, plastic hoagie container, hinged lid hoagie container, PAC YCI81048, PACYCI81048, food service supplies, to go containers, restaurant supplies, deli supplies 1 1 0 0 1 256
9434 Lagasse Clear Plastic 5” Hinged Dome Lid Sandwich Container, 375 Containers (PACYCI81050) 9434 PAC YCI81050 11.26 YCI810500000 Clear Plastic 5” Hinged Dome Lid Sandwich Containers
Coming in a clear, see-through design that allows full view of the contents of the container, these durable and strong food service containers are the ideal way to transport food. No matter if you run a restaurant, bakery, catering business, or are just looking for an easy way to transport you lunch, these hinged dome lid containers are the perfect choice. Coming 375 containers per case, these 5 inch containers are great for side salads, sandwiches, burgers, pasta and much more! 5" dome lid sandwich containers. 375 per case.
Clear Plastic 5” Hinged Dome Lid Sandwich Containers, 375 Containers per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Pactiv Corporation 46.06 29.94 60.84 Clear Sandwich Containers, Plastic Sandwich Containers, Hinged Dome Lid Containers, PAC YCI81050, PACYCI81050, restuarant supplies, food service supplies 1 1 0 0 1 256
9435 Lagasse Dinner Plastic 9 Inch Containers with Dome Lids, 200 Lids per Case (PACYCI81110) 9435 PAC YCI81110 16.65 YCI811100000 Dinner Plastic 9 Inch Containers with Dome Lid
Durable and strong, these 9 inch clear plastic food transportation containers are the ideal way for food service companies to transport food. Offering a see-through clear design that provides full view of the contents of the container, From restaurants and bakery, to catering services and residential customers,'s hinged dome lid containers are the ideal food transport choice. Coming 200 containers per case, these 9 inch containers are perfect for "doggie bags" and take home containers for restaurants. 9" dome lid sandwich containers. 200 per case.
Dinner Plastic 9 Inch Containers with Dome Lids, 200 Lids per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pactiv Corporation 67.75 44.04 89.64 Food Service Container, Dinner Container, Dome Lid Container, PACYCI81110, PAC YCI81110, restuarant supplies, food service supplies 1 1 0 0 1 256
9436 Lagasse Pactiv 6" Sandwich Containers with Dome Lids, 500 Containers (PACYCI81160) 9436 PAC YCI81160 19.27 YCI811600000 6" Sandwich Containers with Dome Lids
Perfect for any food service or residential environment, these easy to open and close dome lid 6 inch clear plastic containers are the ideal way to transport food. Coming in a see-through plastic design that offers an easy way to view the contents of the container, From bakeries to caterers and restaurants, to residential customers, our hinged dome lid containers are the ideal food transport tool. Coming in cases of 500 containers, these 6 inch containers are the ideal choice for restaurants who rely on deliveries. 6" dome lid sandwich containers. 500 per case.
Pactiv 6" Sandwich Containers with Clear Dome Lids, 500 per Case. - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pactiv Corporation 67.31 43.75 90.82 Sandwich Containers, 6 inch containers, sandwich container with lid, PACYCI81160, PAC YCI81160, restuarant supplies, food service supplies, food service products 1 1 0 0 1 256
9437 Lagasse Pactiv 8-7/8" Black Laminated Foam Plates, 500 Plates (PACYTXB0009) 9437 PAC YTXB0009 10.08 YTXB00090000 8-7/8" Foam Dinner Plates
Solidly constructed dinnerware provides excellent cut resistance. Laminated foam ensures nonabsorbent, leak-proof performance. Nonskid backing helps keep each piece in place. Deep profile minimizes the potential for messy spills. Includes 4 packs of 125 bowls each.
Pactiv 8-7/8" Black Laminated Foam Plate, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pactiv Corporation 70.46 45.80 94.49 PACYTXB0006.jpg foam plates, foam dinnerware, 8-7/8" black laminated foam plates, PACYTXB0009, PACYTXB0009, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 256
9438 Lagasse Pactiv 12-oz Black Laminated Foam Bowl, 1000 Bowls (PACYTXB0012) 9438 PAC YTXB0012 11.32 YTXB00120000 12-oz Foam Bowls
Solidly constructed dinnerware provides excellent cut resistance. Laminated foam ensures nonabsorbent, leak-proof performance. Nonskid backing helps keep each piece in place. Deep profile minimizes the potential for messy spills. Includes 8 packs of 125 bowls each.
Pactiv - 12-oz Black Laminated Foam Bowl, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pactiv Corporation 82.18 53.42 108.43 foam bowls, 12-oz black laminated foam bowl, PAC YTXB0012, PACYTXB0012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 256
9439 Lagasse Mr. Clean Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner, 6 - 32-oz Spray Bottles (PGC50449) 9439 PGC 50449 14.23 50449 Mr. Clean Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner
Mr. Clean Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner is a versatile three-in-one cleaner for any hard, washable surface. Cuts tough grease, contains antibacterial action to kill germs and cleans glass surfaces to a streak-free shine. Summer citrus lemon scent.
Mr. Clean Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner, 32-oz Spray Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 19.27 14.70 25.62 mr. clean antibacterial all-purpose cleaner, PGC 50449, PGC50449, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9440 Lagasse Charmin Basic Bathroom Tissue Double Rolls, 48 Rolls (PGC50908) 9440 PGC 50908 13.20 PGC 50908 Charmin Basic Toilet Paper
A household name that works well for the home as well as the office, Charmin Basic Toilet Paper is the durable and long lasting paper toilet tissue customers rely on. Known for its perfect balance between performance and price, Charmin toilet paper uses up to 2 times less toilet paper than the leading value brand. Guaranteed to be completely septic safe, this white paper tissue option measures in at a 4" x 4.27" sheet size. Coming with 264 sheets per roll, 6 rolls per pack, 8 packs per case, Charmin toilet tissue provides 48 rolls in total, for a combination of quality and low cost that cannot be matched.
Procter and Gamble Charmin Basic Toilet Paper, 1 Ply White, 6 Rolls per Pack, 8 Packs, 48 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 34.74 26.50 45.29 PGC50908.jpg charmin basic toilet paper, charmin toilet paper, charmin toilet tissue, toilet paper, toilet tissue, PGC 50908, PGC50908, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9441 Lagasse Charmin Basic Bathroom Tissue Double Roll, 20 Rolls (PGC50916) 9441 PGC 50916 5.16 PGC 50916 Charmin Basic Toilet Paper
This quality 1 ply toilet tissue meets all EPA guidelines for 65% post-consumer waste content. The ideal toilet paper for the home or office, Charmin Basic Toilet Paper is the smart choice for any residential or commercial bathroom environment. These embossed white sheets measure in at 4"x 4.4". This 1-ply toilet paper is a great choice for schools, daycare facilities, offices, and residential homes. Stock up on Charmin Basic Toilet Paper, the toilet tissue savvy buyers choose. Charmin Basic Toilet Paper is durable and long lasting, the perfect balance between performance and price. Use up to 2 times less than the leading value brand. Septic safe. 800 ft per roll, 20 rolls per case.
Proctor and Gamble Charmin Basic Toilet Paper, 1 Ply, White, 800 ft per Roll, 20 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 14.38 10.90 18.79 PGC50916.jpg charmin basic toilet paper, PGC 50916, PGC50916, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
9442 Lagasse COMET DEEP CLN CRME 32OZ BTL 9/32 OZ. (PGC53835) 9442 PGC 53835 20.48 53835 Comet® Creme Disinfectant Cleanser. Eliminate those pesky germs and bacteria, with the hardest working scouring cleanser to scours tough stains in kitchen and bathroom. Abrasive creme cleanser with chlorine bleach clings to vertical and hard-to-reach surf Procter and Gamble Professional 41.04 31.30 55.01 PGC53835.jpg COMET DEEP CLN CRME 32OZ BTL 9/32 OZ. PGC53835, PGC53835, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 80
9444 Lagasse Slim Jim Recycling Lid (RCP1788372) 9444 RCP 1788372 0.82 1788372 Rubbermaid Slim Jim Recycling Lid
Promote recycling and improve productivity. Interchangeable, color-coded tops promote waste separation: slotted blue top for paper. Fits Slim Jim Recycling Containers, RCP354075BLU, RCP3541-73BLU & RCP354007BLU.
Slim Jim Recycling Lid, Blue, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 34.73 24.00 46.32 RCP1788372.jpg slim jim recycling lid, RCP 1788372, RCP1788372, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9445 Lagasse Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Square Recycling Lid, Blue (RCP1788374) 9445 RCP 1788374 0.94 1788374 23 Gallon Square Recycling Lid
Perfect for both can and paper disposal, this recycling lid ensures only the recyclables needed are disposed of within the can. Direct from Rubbermaid, this recycling lid fits Rubbermaid's square 23 gallon recycling cans with ease, making it a great fit for both commercial and residential environments. This durable recycling lid is comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents. Hygienic tops for attractive, hands-free waste disposal. Easy hygienic access for trash disposal. Fits Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Square Recycling Container # RCP 3569-73BLU.
Rubbermaid 23 Gallon Square Recycling Lid, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 22.29 17.00 29.37 RCP1788374.jpg recycling can top, trash can lid, square recycling lid, RCP 1788374, RCP1788374, rubbermaid recycling can lid, recycling container lid 1 1 0 0 1 89
9446 Lagasse Brute 32 Gallon Round Recycling Opening Lid (RCP1788376) 9446 RCP 1788376 1.60 1788376 Brute 32 Gallon Bottle/Can Opening Recycling Lid
Promote recycling and improve productivity, by converting your Rubbermaid 32 gallon trash can into an outdoor trash receptacle for a commercial or residential environment with Rubbermaid's Brute Trash Can Lid. All-plastic, professional-grade construction will not rust, chip or peel; resists dents. Strong, snap-on lids with restricted opening for recycling (bottles & cans, paper or single-stream recycling). Coming complete with a strong, snap-on lid feature that fits securely on the can, this can lid is perfect for the outdoors. Comprised of an all-plastic, professional-grade formula that will not rust, chip or peel, and it resists dents.
Rubbermaid 32 Gallon Brute Bottle and Can Recycling Lid, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.80 9.00 15.42 RCP1788376.jpg brute bottle/can recycling lid, RCP 1788376, RCP1788376, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9447 Lagasse Brute 32 Gallon Paper Recycling Lid, Blue (RCP1788378) 9447 RCP 1788378 1.70 1788378 Brute 32 Gallon Paper Opening Recycling Lid
Promote recycling and improve productivity, by converting your Rubbermaid 32 gallon trash can into an outdoor trash receptacle for a commercial or residential environment with Rubbermaid's Brute Trash Can Lid. All-plastic, professional-grade construction will not rust, chip or peel; resists dents. Strong, snap-on lids with restricted opening for recycling. Coming complete with a strong, snap-on lid feature that fits securely on the can, this can lid is perfect for the outdoors.
Rubbermaid 32 Gallon Paper Recycling Lid, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.80 9.00 15.73 RCP1788378.jpg brute paper recycling lid, RCP 1788378, RCP1788378, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9448 Lagasse Brute 32 Gallon Single Stream Recycling Lid, Blue (RCP1788380) 9448 RCP 1788380 1.70 1788380 Brute 32 Gallon Bottle/Can/Paper Opening Recycling Lid
Promote recycling and improve productivity, by converting your Rubbermaid 32 gallon trash can into an outdoor trash receptacle for a commercial or residential environment with Rubbermaid's Brute Trash Can Lid. All-plastic, professional-grade construction will not rust, chip or peel; resists dents. Strong, snap-on lids with restricted opening for recycling (bottles & cans, paper or single-stream recycling). Coming complete with a strong, snap-on lid feature that fits securely on the can, this can lid is perfect for the outdoors.
Rubbermaid 32 Gallon Bottle/Can/Paper Recycling Lid, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.80 9.00 15.98 RCP1788380.jpg trash can top, trash can tops, trash can lid, trash can lids, brute trash can top, 32 gallon trash can top, RCP 2631 RED, RCP2631RED 1 1 0 0 1 89
9449 Lagasse HYGEN Double Sided Folding Frame (RCP1791676) 9449 RCP 1791676 6.25 1791676 HYGEN Double Sided Folding Frame
Easy to attach and detach mop. Stainless steel construction for enhanced durability. For use with Rubbermaid Double-Sided Microfiber Mop pads. Quick connects to HYGEN extension handles.
Rubbermaid HYGEN Double Sided Folding Frame, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 86.93 66.30 116.96 hygen double sided folding frame, RCP 1791676, RCP1791676, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9450 Lagasse PULSE PAD HOLDER (RCP1791677) 9450 RCP 1791677 4.50 1791677 High capacity refillable reservoir holds enough of solution to clean up to 850 sq ft of floor space. Red ergonomic trigger handle dispenses three streams of cleaning solution with each press. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 122.20 87.00 163.25 RCP1791677.jpg PULSE PAD HOLDER RCP1791677, RCP1791677, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9451 Lagasse HYGEN Double Sided Microfiber General Purpose Mop (RCP1791678) 9451 RCP 1791678 3.14 1791678 HYGEN Double Sided Microfiber General Purpose Mop
Double-sided microfiber mop combines the best features of microfiber mops and string mops. Superior durability offers best cost-in-use when used with Rubbermaid Pulse and Clean Water Systems. Proven to remove 99.9% of microorganisms. Durable up to 1000 launderings. Superior durability offers best cost-in-use. Bleach safe. Best-in-class microfiber design provides consistent, streak-free coverage. Double-sided design covers up to 500 square feet with one wring. Cleans floors up to 20% faster than traditional string mops. Color-coded ribbons help users manage cross contamination. Length: 17-1/2", Width: 12", Thickness: 1/2".
Rubbermaid HYGEN Double Sided Microfiber Mop Pads, Gray, 6 Microfiber Mop Pads per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 49.56 37.80 66.29 RCP1791678.jpg hygen double sided microfiber mop pads, RCP 1791678, RCP1791678, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9452 Lagasse HYGEN Double Sided Microfiber Mop Pads (RCP1791679) 9452 RCP 1791679 2.67 1791679 HYGEN Double Sided Microfiber Dust and Wet Mop
Double-sided microfiber mop combines the best features of microfiber mops and string mops. Accomplishes dust and damp mopping with one convenient tool when used with Rubbermaid Pulse and Clean Water Systems. Proven to remove 99.9% of microorganisms. Durable up to 1000 launderings. Superior durability offers best cost-in-use. Bleach safe. Best-in-class microfiber design provides consistent, streak-free coverage. Different textiles on each side of the mop accomplish different cleaning tasks (scrubbing and general mopping). Double-sided design covers up to 500 square feet with one wring. Cleans floors up to 20% faster than traditional string mops. Color-coded ribbons help users manage cross contamination. Length: 17-1/2", Width: 12", Thickness: 1/2".
Rubbermaid HYGEN Double Sided Microfiber Mop Pads, Green & Blue, 6 Microfiber Mop Pads per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 73.95 56.40 99.17 microfiber mop pads, RCP 1791679, RCP1791679, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9453 Lagasse HYGEN Double Sided Plus Microfiber Mop Pad (RCP1791680) 9453 RCP 1791680 2.60 1791680 HYGEN Double Sided Plus Microfiber Mop
Double-sided microfiber mop combines the best features of microfiber mops and string mops. Superior durability offers best cost-in-use when used with Rubbermaid Pulse and Clean Water Systems. Proven to remove 99.9% of microorganisms. Durable up to 1000 launderings. Superior durability offers best cost-in-use. Bleach safe. Best-in-class microfiber design provides consistent, streak-free coverage. Double-sided design covers up to 500 square feet with one wring. Cleans floors up to 20% faster than traditional string mops. Color-coded ribbons help users manage cross contamination. Length: 17-1/2", Width: 12", Thickness: 1/2".
Rubbermaid HYGEN Double Sided Plus Microfiber Mop Pads, Blue, 6 Microfiber Mop Pads per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 65.29 49.80 87.41 RCP1791680.jpg double sided plus microfiber mop pads, RCP 1791680, RCP1791680, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9454 Lagasse HYGEN Microfiber Dust Mop (RCP1791793) 9454 RCP 1791793 2.70 1791793 HYGEN Double Sided Microfiber Dusting Mop
Double-sided microfiber mop combines the best features of microfiber mops and string mops. Bleach safe. Serrated edge effectively cleans larger debris. Color-coded ribbons help users manage cross contamination. Length: 17-1/2", Width: 12", Thickness: 1/2".
Rubbermaid HYGEN Double Sided Microfiber Dusting Mop Pads, Green, 6 Microfiber Mop Pads per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 63.72 48.60 86.55 RCP1791793.jpg hygen double sided microfiber dusting mop, RCP 1791793, RCP1791793, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9455 Lagasse HYGEN Double Sided Rough Surface Microfiber Mop Pad (RCP1791794) 9455 RCP 1791794 4.30 1791794 HYGEN Double Sided Rough Surface Microfiber Mop
Double-sided microfiber mop combines the best features of microfiber mops and string mops. Superior durability offers best cost-in-use when used with Rubbermaid Pulse and Clean Water Systems. Proven to remove 99.9% of microorganisms. Durable up to 1000 launderings. Superior durability offers best cost-in-use. Bleach safe. Best-in-class microfiber design provides consistent, streak-free coverage. Double-sided design covers up to 500 square feet with one wring. Cleans floors up to 20% faster than traditional string mops. Color-coded ribbons help users manage cross contamination. Length: 17-1/2", Width: 12", Thickness: 1/2".
Rubbermaid HYGEN Double Sided Rough Surface Microfiber Mop Pads, Blue, 6 Microfiber Mop Pads per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 53.49 40.80 72.20 RCP1791794.jpg rough surface microfiber mops, RCP 1791794, RCP1791794, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9456 Lagasse HYGEN Microfiber High Absorbency Mop Pad (RCP1791795) 9456 RCP 1791795 3.80 1791795 HYGEN Double Sided Microfiber High Absorbency Mop
Double-sided microfiber mop combines the best features of microfiber mops and string mops. Superior durability offers best cost-in-use when used with Rubbermaid Pulse and Clean Water Systems. Proven to remove 99.9% of microorganisms. Durable up to 1000 launderings. Superior durability offers best cost-in-use. Bleach safe. Best-in-class microfiber design provides consistent, streak-free coverage. Double-sided design covers up to 500 square feet with one wring. Cleans floors up to 20% faster than traditional string mops. Color-coded ribbons help users manage cross contamination. Length: 17-1/2", Width: 12", Thickness: 1/2".
Rubbermaid HYGEN Double Sided Microfiber High Absorbency Mop Pads, Blue, 6 Microfiber Mop Pads per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 91.25 69.60 123.97 RCP1791795.jpg double sided microfiber mop pads, RCP 1791795, RCP1791795, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9457 Lagasse Rubbermaid HYGEN Filter Bucket Wringer Combo (RCP1791797) 9457 RCP 1791797 34.27 1791797 HYGEN Clean Water System Bucket Wringer Combo
Do you hate to waste time with trips to the janitor closet to dump and refill your mop bucket? Well, Rubbermaid has the answer, with this new HYGEN Clean Water System Buckets and Wringers. One bucket fill provides clean water all day. Twin roller design provides optimized wringing efficiency, requiring 50% less force to wring than a traditional side press wringer. Built-in scrubbers removes at least 25% more dirt from the mop. Moisture level is adjustable, which allows you to select desired mop dampness for better cleaning results. Easy to empty with bottom drain, means no lifting and body strain. Back flushable filter is easy to maintain. Fits all Rubbermaid janitor carts. 36" long x 24" wide x 21" high. Shipping weight 34.3 lbs.
Requires: Double Sided Folding Mop Frame RCP1791676 and your choice of Double Sided Microfiber Mop Pad.
Rubbermaid HYGEN Clean Water System Bucket Wringer Combo, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 177.66 135.50 241.15 RCP1791797.jpg hygen clean water system bucket wringer combo, RCP 1791797, RCP1791797, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9458 Lagasse HYGEN Clean Water Filter Replacement Element (RCP1791800) 9458 RCP 1791800 4.50 1791800 HYGEN Clean Water Filter Replacement
Industry’s first-ever water filter that improves productivity, reduces water and chemical usage, and creates healthier and safer environments. Back flushable filter easy to maintain. Integrated filter provides clean water all day eliminating unproductive trips to the janitor closet.
Rubbermaid HYGEN Clean Water Filter Replacement Element, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 41.30 31.50 54.26 RCP1791800.jpg CLEANWATER FILTER REPLAC EMENT RCP1791800, RCP1791800, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9459 Lagasse 46 Gallon 2 Stream Glutton Recycling Station (RCP1792339) 9459 RCP 1792339 38.54 1792339 46 Gallon 2 Stream Glutton Recycling Station
46 gallon centralized capacity provides sortation and containment for up to 2 separate material streams. Multiple restrictive-opening hole shapes and various color coded iconic and/or word labels provide flexibility, and help minimize contamination by giving visual cues for material identification. Fully integrated station gives credibility to building recycling program and drives recycling compliance. Unit comes complete with 1 Glutton Receptacle, 2 Slim Jim Receptacles, 1 lid frame, choice of 3 opening shapes (circle, slot, square), and label pack. 26.8" Long x 23.6" Wide x 35.4" High.
Rubbermaid 46 Gallon 2 Stream Glutton Recycling Station, Blue, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 347.44 265.00 451.79 46 gallon 2 stream glutton recycling station, RCP 1792339, RCP1792339, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9460 Lagasse Rubbermaid 56-Gallon 4 Stream Glutton Recycling Station, Blue (RCP1792372) 9460 RCP 1792372 67.30 1792372 Rubbermaid 4 Stream Glutton Recycling Station
Support your facility's recycling program, help reduce labor costs, and improve worker well-being. Contains Post Consumer Recycled Resin (PCR) exceeding EPA guidelines. High-capacity, all-in-one centralized solution for efficient waste sortation. Restrictive-opening tops, symbol label pack, and word label pack in three languages provide visual cues and encourage compliance. Hinged lid allows easy access during emptying. 53" Long x 24" Wide x 35-1/2" High. Station includes: 2 Glutton 56 gallon containers, 4 Slim Jim 23 gallon containers, 1 hinged lid frame, 8 restrictive-opening tops (4 circles, 2 paper slots, 1 square, 1 triangle), 1 label pack (symbol and word labels in English, French and Spanish)
Rubbermaid 4 Stream Glutton Recycling Station, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 649.00 495.00 864.55 rubbermaid 4 stream glutton recycling station, RCP 1792372, RCP1792372, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
9461 Lagasse Recycle Label Kit (RCP1792975) 9461 RCP 1792975 1.60 1792975 Rubbermaid Recycling Label Kit
Support your facility's recycling program, help reduce labor costs, and improve worker well-being. Kit includes one set of 11 color-coded symbol labels and three sets of 11 word labels in English, Spanish, and French.
Rubbermaid Recycling Label Kit, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 15.34 11.70 20.93 RCP256s.jpg recycling label kit, RCP 1792975, RCP1792975, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9464 Lagasse Solo 8-oz. White Dome Foam Cup Lids, 1,000 Lids (SCC LGX8R1) 9464 SCC LGX8R1 7.45 LGX8R1-0007 Solo 8-oz. Dome Cup Lids
Great for both cold and hot beverages, these easy to apply foam lids make any drink able for transport. Perfect for everyday use, these 8-oz. White Dome Foam Cup Lids are great for the home, business or office. Coming in 10 packs of 100 lids, these foam cup lids work for the everyday life of an office coffee machine or at the water cooler. the perfect alternative to washing dishes and cups and start using these great disposable foam cups and lids from Solo cup company today.
Solo 8-oz. Dome Cup Lid, Foam, White, 100 Lids per Sleeve, 10 Sleeves per Case, 1,000 Lids per Case
Solo Cup Company 60.77 42.54 83.06 solo cup lid, foam cup lid, dome cup lid, 8 oz cup lid, solo dome cup lid, solo foam dome cup lids, SCC LGX8R1, SCCLGX8R1, restuarant supplies, food service supplies 1 1 0 0 1 141
9465 Lagasse Symphony Design Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cups, 2,000 Cups (SCCRP12NPSYM) 9465 SCC RP12NPSYM 33.00 RP12NP-J8000 Double-sided poly construction. Symphony™ design. Solo Cup Company 126.44 88.51 170.10 Symphony™ Design Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cup - 100 cups per bag. 20 bags per case. 2,000 cups per case. SCCRP12NPSYM, SCCRP12NPSYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9466 Lagasse Solo Polysty Medium Weight Plastic Forks, White, 1000 Forks (SCCRSWF) 9466 SCC RSWF 8.56 RSWF-0007 Strong. Trim, sleek styling. White. 1,000 pieces per case. Bulk. Solo Cup Company 39.60 27.72 53.88 polsty medium weight fork, bulk forks, white plastic forks, white forks, plastic forks, medium forks, SCCRSWF, SCCRSWF, restaurant supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9467 Lagasse Polysty Medium Weight Knife, Bulk, White, 1,000 Knives (SCCRSWK) 9467 SCC RSWK 10.25 RSWK-0007 Strong. Trim, sleek styling. White. 1,000 pieces per case. Bulk. Solo Cup Company 39.60 27.72 54.01 POLYSTY MED WT KNIFE BUL K WHI 1/1000 SCCRSWK, SCCRSWK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
9468 Lagasse Solo Medium Weight Plastic Teaspoons, White, 1,000 Spoons (SCCRSWT) 9468 SCC RSWT 8.54 RSWT-0007 Solo White Plastic Teaspoons
Strong, trim sleek stying teaspoons by Solo. White plastic teaspoons.
Solo Teaspoons, White, 1,000 Teaspoons per Case Solo Cup Company 39.60 27.72 51.71 polystrene medium weight plastic teaspoons, plastic teaspoons, solo teaspoons, white plastic teaspoons, SCC RSWT, SCCRSWT, restaurant supplies, plastic cutlery 1 1 0 0 1 141
9469 Lagasse Plastic Ultra Clear™ Cold Cup (SCCTP9R) 9469 SCC TP9R 21.06 TP9R-0090 Clear. 50 cups per pack. 20 packs per case (1,000 cups). Solo Cup Company 103.69 72.58 137.13 Plastic Ultra Clear™ Cold Cup SCCTP9R, SCCTP9R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
9471 Lagasse ProRx Enriched Lotion Hand Soap , 4 -2000-ml Refills (TEC1780871) 9471 TEC 1780871 20.06 1780871 ProRx Enriched Lotion Hand Soap
Enriched Lotion Hand Soap, For cleaning light soils and grease. Bamboo Extract & Aloe enriched, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fresh citrus aloe fragrance. Biodegradable.
ProRx Enriched Lotion Hand Soap, 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
2000-ml Soap System » TC Liquid Soap System » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 45.74 34.88 61.55 TEC1780871.jpg prorx enriched lotion hand soap, TEC 1780871, TEC1780871, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9472 Lagasse Enriched Lotion Hand Soap, 5 Liter (TEC1780872) 9472 TEC 1780872 24.66 1780872 Enriched Lotion Hand Soap
Cleans light soils and grease, Bamboo Extract, Aloe, Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Refreshing citrus aloe fragrance. Biodegradable. 5 liter dispensing refill, 2 refills per case.
Enriched Lotion Hand Soap, 5 Liter Cassette Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 49.30 37.60 64.47 TEC1780872.jpg enriched lotion hand soap, TEC 1780872, TEC1780872, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9473 Lagasse ProRx Antibacterial Sanitizing Hand Soap , 4 - 2000-ml Refills (TEC1780873) 9473 TEC 1780873 20.06 1780873 ProRx Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Sanitizing Hand Soap
Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Sanitizing Hand Soap, NSF E2 rated one step cleansing and sanitizing. Kills over 99.99% germs. Shea Butter & Vitamin E enriched, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Dye-free and fragrance-free. Biodegradable.
ProRx Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Sanitizing Hand Soap, 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
2000-ml Soap System » TC Liquid Soap System » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 114.31 66.84 150.61 prorx enriched lotion antibacterial sanitizing hand soap, TEC 1780873, TEC1780873, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9474 Lagasse Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Sanitizing Hand Cleaner - 5 Liter (TEC1780874) 9474 TEC 1780874 24.66 1780874 Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Sanitizing Hand Cleaner
One step cleansing and sanitizing, kills over 99.99% germs. Effective degreasing and cleansing, Shea Butter & Vitamin E enriched Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin Dye-free and fragrance-free. 5 liter dispensing refill, 2 refills per case.
Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Sanitizing Hand Soap, 5 Liter Cassette Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 87.19 66.50 119.19 enriched lotion antibacterial sanitizing hand soap, TEC 1780874, TEC1780874, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9475 Lagasse ProRx Multi Duty Hand Soap with Scrubbers, 4 -2000-ml Refills (TEC1780875) 9475 TEC 1780875 19.63 1780875 ProRx Multi Duty Hand Soap with Scrubbers
Enriched Lotion Multi Duty Hand Cleaner with Scrubbers, cleans medium duty soils—grease, oils, graphite, and more. All natural grit scrubbers to boost cleaning with no petroleum distillates and is solvent free. Bamboo extract and aloe enriched, pH balanced for skin comfort. Fresh citrus fragrance. Biodegradable.
ProRx Enriched Lotion Multi Duty Hand Soap with Scrubbers, 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
2000-ml Soap System » TC Liquid Soap System » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 85.63 65.31 115.68 prorx enriched lotion multi duty hand soap with scrubbers, TEC 1780875, TEC1780875, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9476 Lagasse Enriched Lotion Hand Soap with Scubbers, 5 Liters (TEC1780876) 9476 TEC 1780876 24.66 1780876 Enriched Lotion Hand Soap with Scrubbers
Cleans Medium Duty soils and grease, oils, graphite and more. Natural grit scrubbers that boost cleaning power. Bamboo Extract and Aloe Enriched, ph balanced for sensitive skin. Refreshing citrus fragrance. Biodegradable. 5 liter dispensing refill, 2 refills per case.
Enriched Lotion Hand Soap with Scrubbers, 5 Liter Cassette Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 111.12 64.98 146.00 TEC1780880.jpg enriched lotion hand soap with scubbers, TEC 1780876, TEC1780876, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9477 Lagasse ProRx Enriched Lotion Hair and Body Shampoo , 4 -2000-ml Refills (TEC1780879) 9477 TEC 1780879 20.00 1780879 ProRx Enriched Lotion Hair and Body Shampoo
Enriched Lotion Hair and Body Shampoo, cleans/conditions hair and body. Bamboo Extract & Panthenol enriched, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Refreshing fragrance. Biodegradable.
ProRx Enriched Lotion Hair and Body Shampoo, 2000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Personal Care » Hair & Body Shampoo » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 56.09 42.78 74.50 TEC1780879.jpg prorx enriched lotion hair and body shampoo, TEC 1780879, TEC1780879, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9478 Lagasse Enriched Lotion Hand and Body Wash 5 Liter (TEC1780880) 9478 TEC 1780880 24.66 1780880 Enriched Lotion Hand and Body Wash
Cleans/conditions hair and body, Bamboo Extract, Aloe, and Panthenol enriched Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Refreshing fragrance. Biodegradable. 5 liter dispensing refill, 2 refills per case.
Enriched Lotion Hand and Body Wash, 5 Liter Cassette Refill, 2 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 57.31 43.71 77.75 TEC1780880.jpg Enriched Lotion Hand and Body Wash, TEC 1780880, TEC1780880, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9479 Lagasse ProRx 2000-ml Manual Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, White (TEC1780885) 9479 TEC 1780885 13.49 1780885 ProRx 2000-ml Manual Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser
New Rubbermaid ProRx Skin Care System is a perfect balance of quality. Antimicrobial push handle. Broad range of luxurious soaps, sanitizers, and moisturizing lotion. Highest yield of hand washes — up to 3,333 per refill. Adjustable portion control with three dose sizes — 1.5 ml, 2.0 ml, 3.0 ml. Hygienically sealed disposable refills keep soap fresh and germ free. Lowest waste — industry leading evacuation and controlled dosing. Superior “clean look” styling improves washroom aesthetics. Fully ADA compliant — operation, force, and depth, antimicrobial push handle.Preferred environmental choice — boxless refills, recyclable pump bottles, biodegradable soaps, and up to 80% package waste reduction vs. bag-in box. 7.2" wide x 7.9" deep x 15.6" high.
Rubbermaid ProRx 2000-ml Manual Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
2000-ml Soap System » TC Liquid Soap System » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 22.25 16.97 29.01 TEC1780885.jpg prorx 2000-ml manual liquid hand soap dispenser, TEC 1780885, TEC1780885, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9480 Lagasse ProRx 2000-ml Manual Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, Black (TEC1780886) 9480 TEC 1780886 13.49 1780886 ProRx 2000-ml Manual Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser
New Rubbermaid ProRx Skin Care System is a perfect balance of quality. Antimicrobial push handle. Broad range of luxurious soaps, sanitizers, and moisturizing lotion. Highest yield of hand washes — up to 3,333 per refill. Adjustable portion control with three dose sizes — 1.5 ml, 2.0 ml, 3.0 ml. Hygienically sealed disposable refills keep soap fresh and germ free. Lowest waste — industry leading evacuation and controlled dosing. Superior “clean look” styling improves washroom aesthetics. Fully ADA compliant — operation, force, and depth, antimicrobial push handle. Preferred environmental choice — boxless refills, recyclable pump bottles, biodegradable soaps, and up to 80% package waste reduction vs. bag-in box. 7.2" wide x 7.9" deep x 15.6" high.
Rubbermaid ProRx 2000-ml Manual Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, Black, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
2000-ml Soap System » TC Liquid Soap System » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 22.25 16.97 29.50 TEC1780886.jpg prorx 2000-ml manual liquid hand soap dispenser, TEC 1780886, TEC1780886, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9481 Lagasse 5 Liter ProRx Hand Soap Dispenser, White (TEC1780887) 9481 TEC 1780887 8.96 1780887 5 Liter ProRx Hand Soap Dispenser - White
Rubbermaid ProRx Skin Care System is your skin health prescription for hard-working hands. Improving worker and workplace health to boost productivity. Effective cleansers in a low maintenance system that delivers the highest yield of hand washes to save you money — up to 3,333 per refill. Adjustable portion control with three dose sizes: 1.5 mL, 2.0 mL, 3.0 mL. Durable, low maintenance system, no clogs, leaks, or breakdown. Antimicrobial push handle. 18.3" High x 9" Wide x 9.2" Deep.
Rubbermaid ProRx Hand Soap Dispenser, 5 Liter, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
5000-ml Soap System » TC Liquid Soap » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 27.60 21.05 36.92 TEC1780887.jpg 5 liter prorx hand soap dispenser, TEC 1780887, TEC1780887, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9482 Lagasse 5 Liter ProRx Hand Soap Dispenser, Black (TEC1780888) 9482 TEC 1780888 8.96 1780888 5 Liter ProRx Hand Soap Dispenser - Black
Rubbermaid ProRx Skin Care System is your skin health prescription for hard-working hands. Improving worker and workplace health to boost productivity. Effective cleansers in a low maintenance system that delivers the highest yield of hand washes to save you money — up to 3,333 per refill. Adjustable portion control with three dose sizes: 1.5 mL, 2.0 mL, 3.0 mL. Durable, low maintenance system, no clogs, leaks, or breakdown. Antimicrobial push handle. 18.3" High x 9" Wide x 9.2" Deep.
Rubbermaid ProRx Hand Soap Dispenser, 5 Liter, Black, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
5000-ml Soap System » TC Liquid Soap » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 27.60 21.05 37.16 TEC1780888.jpg 5 liter prorx hand soap dispenser, TEC 1780888, TEC1780888, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9483 Lagasse Microburst Duet Gentle Breeze/Linen Fresh Air Freshener Refill (TEC3485949) 9483 TEC 3485949 2.90 3485949 TC Microburst Duet Metered Air Freshener Refill
TC Microburst Duet Refills feature a unique combination of specially selected aromas from our world leading pallet of perfume-quality fragrances. Each refill features a unique combination of exclusive aromas. High-quality fragrance oils dispensed through Microburst technology for longer lasting performance. All refills contain MicroTrans odor neutralizer. Use with Microburst Duet dispensers.
Rubbermaid TC Microburst Duet Gentle Breeze/Linen Fresh Refill, 4 Duet Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 55.18 42.08 73.62 TEC3485949.jpg Microburst Duet Gentle Breeze/Linen Fresh Air Freshener Refills, TEC 3485949, TEC3485949, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9484 Lagasse Microburst Duet Alpine Spring/Mountain Peaks Air Freshener Refill (TEC3485950) 9484 TEC 3485950 2.90 3485950 TC Microburst Duet Metered Air Freshener Refill
TC Microburst Duet Refills feature a unique combination of specially selected aromas from our world leading pallet of perfume-quality fragrances. Each refill features a unique combination of exclusive aromas. High-quality fragrance oils dispensed through Microburst technology for longer lasting performance. All refills contain MicroTrans odor neutralizer. Use with Microburst Duet dispensers.
Rubbermaid TC Microburst Duet Alpine Spring/Mountain Peaks Refill, 4 Duet Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 55.18 42.08 73.68 tc microburst duet alpine spring/mountain peaks refills TEC3485950, TEC3485950, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9485 Lagasse Microburst Duet Ocean Breeze/Sea Mist Air Freshener Refill (TEC3485951) 9485 TEC 3485951 2.90 3485951 TC Microburst Duet Metered Air Freshener Refill
TC Microburst Duet Refills feature a unique combination of specially selected aromas from our world leading pallet of perfume-quality fragrances. Each refill features a unique combination of exclusive aromas. High-quality fragrance oils dispensed through Microburst technology for longer lasting performance. All refills contain MicroTrans odor neutralizer. Use with Microburst Duet dispensers.
Rubbermaid TC Microburst Duet Ocean Breeze/Sea Mist Refill, 4 Duet Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 55.18 42.08 72.94 TEC3485951.jpg microburst duet ocean breeze/sea mist air freshener refills, TEC 3485951, TEC3485951, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9486 Lagasse Microburst Duet Cotton Berry/Refreshing Citrus Air Freshener Refill (TEC3485952) 9486 TEC 3485952 2.90 3485952 TC Microburst Duet Metered Air Freshener Refill
TC Microburst Duet Refills feature a unique combination of specially selected aromas from our world leading pallet of perfume-quality fragrances. Each refill features a unique combination of exclusive aromas. High-quality fragrance oils dispensed through Microburst technology for longer lasting performance. All refills contain MicroTrans odor neutralizer. Use with Microburst Duet dispensers.
Rubbermaid TC Microburst Duet Cotton Berry/Refreshing Citrus Refill, 4 Duet Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 55.18 42.08 72.48 TEC3485952.jpg microburst duet cotton berry/refreshing citrus air freshener refills, TEC 3485952, TEC3485952, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9487 Lagasse 500-ml TC Enriched Foaming Hand Soap (TEC3486561) 9487 TEC 3486561 7.00 3486561 500-ml TC Enriched Foaming Hand Soap
Enriched Foaming Hand Soap with Shea Butter, Vitamin E. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Vanilla and White Peach fragrance. Peach Color. Biodegradable. 500-ml refill, 5 refills per case.
TC Enriched Foaming Hand Soap, Vanilla and White Peach, 500-ml Refill, 5 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 40.34 30.77 52.61 TEC3486561.jpg tc enriched foaming hand soap, TEC 3486561, TEC3486561, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9488 Lagasse 500-ml TC Enriched Liquid Hand Soap (TEC3486562) 9488 TEC 3486562 7.10 3486562 500-ml TC Enriched Liquid Hand Soap
Enriched Foaming Hand Soap with Shea Butter, Vitamin E. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Pomegranate fragrance. Pearlized Peach Color. Biodegradable. 500-ml refill, 5 refills per case.
TC Enriched Liquid Hand Soap, Pomegranate fragrance, 500-ml Refill, 5 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 27.97 21.33 36.91 TEC3486562.jpg liquid hand soap, TEC 3486562, TEC3486562, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9489 Lagasse TC Enriched Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 5 - 500-ml Refills (TEC3486563) 9489 TEC 3486563 7.40 3486563 TC Enriched Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap
TC Enriched Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap kills over 99.99% germs, effective against Staph, E.coli, Salmonella, and more. Enriched with Shea Butter and Vitamin E, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. NSF E2 rated, one-step cleansing and sanitizing for food handlers, effective degreasing/cleansing of food residue. Dye-free and fragrance-free. Biodegradable.
TC Enriched Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 500-ml Refill, 5 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
500-ml Soap Systems » TC Foaming Soap » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 43.45 33.14 56.99 TEC3486563.jpg TC Enriched Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, TEC 3486563, TEC3486563, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9490 Lagasse TC Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Hand Soap, 5 - 500-ml Refills (TEC3486564) 9490 TEC 3486564 7.30 3486564 TC Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Hand Soap
TC Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Hand Soap kills over 99.99% germs, effective against Staph, E.coli, Salmonella, and more. Enriched with Shea Butter and Vitamin E, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. NSF E2 rated, one-step cleansing and sanitizing for food handlers, effective degreasing/cleansing of food residue. Dye-free and fragrance-free. Biodegradable.
TC Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Hand Soap, 500-ml Refill, 5 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
500-ml Soap Systems » TC Liquid Soap » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 32.90 25.09 43.93 TEC3486564.jpg tc enriched lotion antibacterial hand soap, TEC 3486564, TEC3486564, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9491 Lagasse 500-ml TC Enriched Foaming Hand and Body Shampoo (TEC3486565) 9491 TEC 3486565 10.59 3486565 500-ml TC Enriched Foaming Hand and Body Shampoo
Enriched Foaming Hand and Body Shampoo with Shea Butter, Vitamin E, and Panthenol. Contains conditioners to help keep hair soft and smooth. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fresh Spring fragrance. Aqua Color. Biodegradable. 500-ml refill, 5 refills per case.
TC Enriched Foaming Hand and Body Shampoo, 500-ml Refill, 5 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 53.71 31.41 73.25 TEC3486565.jpg 500-ml tc enriched foaming hand and body shampoo, TEC 3486565, TEC3486565, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9492 Lagasse 500-ml TC Enriched Liquid Hand and Body Shampoo (TEC3486566) 9492 TEC 3486566 7.20 3486566 500-ml TC Enriched Liquid Hand and Body Shampoo
Enriched Liquid Hand and Body Shampoo with Shea Butter, Vitamin E, and Panthenol. Contains conditioners to help keep hair soft and smooth. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fresh Spring fragrance. Pearlized Aqua Color. Biodegradable. 500-ml refill, 5 refills per case.
TC Enriched Liquid Hand and Body Shampoo, 500-ml Refill, 5 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 28.80 21.97 38.62 TEC3486566.jpg 500-ml tc enriched liquid hand and body shampoo, TEC 3486566, TEC3486566, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9493 Lagasse Enriched Foam Alcohol Hand Sanitizer, 5 - 500-ml Refills (TEC3486567) 9493 TEC 3486567 10.59 3486567 Enriched Foam Alcohol Hand Sanitizer
TC Enriched Foam Alcohol Hand Sanitizer contains 67% ethyl alcohol, Kills over 99.99% germs. Effective against MRSA, VRE, Candida, K.pneumoniae, Pseudomonas a, and more. Enriched with Glycerin and Aloe Vera, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin, NSF E3 rated, sanitizing for food handlers. Dye-free and fragrance-free.
Enriched Foam Alcohol Hand Sanitizer, 500-ml Refill, 5 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Skin Care & Hand Soaps » Hand Sanitizer » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 99.70 58.30 134.52 TEC3486567.jpg enriched foam alcohol hand sanitizer, TEC 3486567, TEC3486567, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9494 Lagasse Enriched Foam Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer, 5 - 500-ml Refills (TEC3486569) 9494 TEC 3486569 7.00 3486569 Enriched Foam Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer
TC Auto Foam sets the standard for quality and reliability in wall-mounted sanitizer dispensing. Contains 0.1% Benzalkonium Chloride for alcohol-free sanitizing. Safe, non-flammable. Kills over 99.99% germs effective against Staph, MRSA, Strep, E.coli, Salmonella, & more. Enriched with Glycerin and Aloe Vera, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fresh citrus fragrance, Dye Free.
Enriched Foam Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer, 500-ml Refill, 5 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Skin Care & Hand Soaps » Hand Sanitizer » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 47.75 36.42 63.10 TEC3486569.jpg enriched foam alcohol free hand sanitizer, TEC 3486569, TEC3486569, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9495 Lagasse Enriched Lotion Foaming Hand Soap, 3 - 1300-ml (TEC3486571) 9495 TEC 3486571 9.90 3486571 Enriched Lotion Foaming Hand Soap
TC Enriched Lotion Foaming Hand Soap with Shea Butter, Vitamin E. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fragrance—Vanilla and White Peach, rich peach color. Biodegradable.
Enriched Lotion Foaming Hand Soap, 1300-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1000-ml Foam Soap Systems » TC Foaming Soap » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 51.66 38.93 68.25 TEC3486571.jpg enriched lotion foaming hand soap TEC3486571, TEC3486571, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9496 Lagasse Enriched Lotion Liquid Hand Soap, 3 - 1300-ml Refills (TEC3486572) 9496 TEC 3486572 10.00 3486572 Enriched Lotion Liquid Hand Soap
TC Enriched Lotion Liquid Hand Soap with Shea Butter, Vitamin E. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fragrance—Pomegranate and White Peach, pearlized peach color. Biodegradable.
Rubbermaid Enriched Lotion Liquid Hand Soap, 1300-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 50.88 29.75 66.81 TEC3486572.jpg Enriched Lotion Liquid Hand Soap, TEC 3486572, TEC3486572, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9497 Lagasse Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 3 - 1300-ml (TEC3486573) 9497 TEC 3486573 10.40 3486573 Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap
TC Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap kills over 99.99% germs, effective against Staph, E.coli, Salmonella, and more. Enriched with Shea Butter and Vitamin E. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin, NSF E2 rated, one-step cleansing and sanitizing for food handlers, effective degreasing/cleansing of food residue. Dye-free and fragrance-free. Biodegradable.
Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 1300-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1000-ml Foam Soap Systems » TC Foaming Soap » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 65.61 50.04 86.90 TEC3486573.jpg enriched lotion antibacterial foaming hand soap, TEC 3486573, TEC3486573, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9498 Lagasse Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap, 3 - 1300-ml Refills (TEC3486574) 9498 TEC 3486574 10.40 3486574 Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap
TC Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap kills over 99.99% germs, effective against Staph, E.coli, Salmonella, and more. Enriched with Shea Butter and Vitamin E. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin, NSF E2 rated, one-step cleansing and sanitizing for food handlers, effective degreasing/cleansing of food residue. Dye-free and fragrance-free. Biodegradable.
Enriched Lotion Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap, 1300-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 46.34 35.34 62.46 TEC3486574.jpg enriched lotion antibacterial liquid hand soap, TEC 3486574, TEC3486574, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9499 Lagasse Enriched Lotion Foaming Hair & Body Shampoo, 3 - 1300-ml (TEC3486575) 9499 TEC 3486575 10.00 3486575 Enriched Lotion Foaming Hair & Body Shampoo
TC Enriched Lotion Liquid Hair & Body Shampoo with Shea Butter, Vitamin E, and Panthenol, contains conditioners to keep hair soft and smooth. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fragrance—Fresh Spring, pearlized aqua color. Biodegradable.
Enriched Lotion Foaming Hair & Body Shampoo, 1300-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Personal Care » Hair & Body Shampoo » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 52.59 40.11 69.71 TEC3486575.jpg enriched lotion foaming hair & body shampoo, TEC 3486575, TEC3486575, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9500 Lagasse Enriched Lotion Liquid Hair & Body Shampoo, 3 - 1300-ml Refills (TEC3486576) 9500 TEC 3486576 10.00 3486576 Enriched Lotion Liquid Hair and Body Shampoo
TC Enriched Lotion Liquid Hair & Body Shampoo with Shea Butter, Vitamin E, and Panthenol, contains conditioners to keep hair soft and smooth. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Coming in a Fresh Spring scent, this high quality liquid hair and body shampoo is dispensed in a pearlized aqua color. Completely biodegradable, this pH balanced hair and body shampoo provides a thick rich lather with each and every use. Fortified with conditioners to be gentle on hair and skin, this quality two in one soap and shampoo provides a clean and easy way to stay clean. Perfect for the spa, gym, home, or any location with showering facilities.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products Enriched Lotion Liquid Hair & Body Shampoo, 1300-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 39.97 30.48 53.42 TEC3486576.jpg hair shampoo, liquid body soap, shampoo for gym, TEC 3486576, TEC3486576, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9501 Lagasse Enriched Foam Alcohol Hand Sanitizer, 3 - 1300-ml Refills (TEC3486577) 9501 TEC 3486577 11.42 3486577 Enriched Foam Alcohol Hand Sanitizer
TC Enriched Foam Alcohol Hand Sanitizer contains 67% ethyl alcohol, Kills over 99.99% germs. Effective against MRSA, VRE, Candida, K.pneumoniae, Pseudomonas a, and more. Enriched with Glycerin and Aloe Vera, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin, NSF E3 rated, sanitizing for food handlers. Dye-free and fragrance-free.
Enriched Foam Alcohol Hand Sanitizer, 1300-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Skin Care & Hand Soaps » Hand Sanitizer » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 80.55 61.43 108.97 TEC3486577.jpg enriched foam alcohol hand sanitizer, TEC 3486577, TEC3486577, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9502 Lagasse Enriched Foam Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer, 3 - 1300-ml Refills (TEC3486579) 9502 TEC 3486579 9.90 3486579 Enriched Foam Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer
TC Auto Foam sets the standard for quality and reliability in wall-mounted sanitizer dispensing. Contains 0.1% Benzalkonium Chloride for alcohol-free sanitizing. Safe, non-flammable. Kills over 99.99% germs effective against Staph, MRSA, Strep, E.coli, Salmonella, & more. Enriched with Glycerin and Aloe Vera, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fresh citrus fragrance, Dye Free.
Enriched Foam Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer, 1300-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Skin Care & Hand Soaps » Hand Sanitizer » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 88.12 51.53 118.73 TEC3486579.jpg enriched foam alcohol free hand sanitizer, TEC 3486579, TEC3486579, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9503 Lagasse 500-ml Rubbermaid TC Flex Hand Soap Dispenser, White (TEC3486589) 9503 TEC 3486589 9.50 3486589 500-ml Rubbermaid TC Flex Hand Soap Dispenser, White
New Rubbermaid Flex Skin Care System is a perfect balance of quality, cost and low environmental impact, featuring foam or liquid refills in one manual dispenser. Antimicrobial push handle. Total Skin Hygiene Program to help keep users healthy: Broad range of luxurious soaps, sanitizers, and moisturizing lotion. Highest yield of hand washes; up to 3,250 per refill. Adjustable portion control with three dose sizes; 0.4 mL, 0.65 mL, 1.0 mL. Hygienically sealed disposable refills keep soap fresh and germ free. Lowest waste, industry leading evacuation and controlled dosing. Superior “clean look” styling improves washroom aesthetics. Fully ADA compliant; operation, force, and depth. Antimicrobial push handle. Preferred environmental choice, boxless refills, recyclable pump bottles, biodegradable soaps, and up to 80% package waste reduction vs. bag-in box. 8.7" High x 5" Wide x 3.9" Deep.
Rubbermaid TC Flex Hand Soap Dispenser, 500-ml, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 14.67 11.19 19.41 TEC3486589.jpg 500-ml rubbermaid tc flex hand soap dispenser, TEC 3486589, TEC3486589, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9504 Lagasse 500-ml Rubbermaid TC Flex Hand Soap Dispenser, Black (TEC3486590) 9504 TEC 3486590 11.70 3486590 500-ml TC Flex Hand Soap Dispenser, Black
New Rubbermaid Flex Skin Care System is a perfect balance of quality, cost and low environmental impact, featuring foam or liquid refills in one manual dispenser. Antimicrobial push handle. Total Skin Hygiene Program to help keep users healthy: Broad range of luxurious soaps, sanitizers, and moisturizing lotion. Highest yield of hand washes; up to 3,250 per refill. Adjustable portion control with three dose sizes; 0.4 mL, 0.65 mL, 1.0 mL. Hygienically sealed disposable refills keep soap fresh and germ free. Lowest waste, industry leading evacuation and controlled dosing. Superior “clean look” styling improves washroom aesthetics. Fully ADA compliant; operation, force, and depth. Antimicrobial push handle. Preferred environmental choice — boxless refills, recyclable pump bottles, biodegradable soaps, and up to 80% package waste reduction vs. bag-in box. 8.7" High x 5" Wide x 3.9" Deep.
Rubbermaid TC Flex Hand Soap Dispenser, 500-ml, Black, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 13.57 10.35 17.95 TEC3486590.jpg 500-ml rubbermaid tc flex hand soap dispenser, TEC 3486590, TEC3486590, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9505 Lagasse 1300-ml Manual Foam or Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, White (TEC3486591) 9505 TEC 3486591 1.20 3486591 1300-ml Manual Foam or Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser
New Rubbermaid Flex Skin Care System is a perfect balance of quality, cost and low environmental impact, featuring foam or liquid refills in one manual dispenser. Antimicrobial push handle. Broad range of luxurious soaps, sanitizers, and moisturizing lotion. Highest yield of hand washes, up to 3,250 per refill. Adjustable portion control with three dose sizes, 0.4 ml, 0.65 ml, 1.0 ml. Hygienically sealed disposable refills keep soap fresh and germ free. Lowest waste, industry leading evacuation and controlled dosing. Superior “clean look” styling improves washroom aesthetics. Fully ADA compliant, operation, force, and depth, antimicrobial push handle.Preferred environmental choice, boxless refills, recyclable pump bottles, biodegradable soaps, and up to 80% package waste reduction vs. bag-in box. 5.75" wide x 3.9" deep x 11.7" high.
Rubbermaid Flex 1300-ml Manual Foam or Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 18.31 13.97 24.34 TEC3486591.jpg soap dispenser, liquid soap dispenser, foam soap dispenser, TEC 3486591, TEC3486591, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9506 Lagasse 1300-ml Manual Foam or Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, Black (TEC3486592) 9506 TEC 3486592 13.74 3486592 1300-ml Foam or Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser
New Rubbermaid Flex Skin Care System is a perfect balance of quality, cost and low environmental impact, featuring foam or liquid refills in one manual dispenser. Antimicrobial push handle. Broad range of luxurious soaps, sanitizers, and moisturizing lotion. Highest yield of hand washes — up to 3,250 per refill. Adjustable portion control with three dose sizes — 0.4 ml, 0.65 ml, 1.0 ml. Hygienically sealed disposable refills keep soap fresh and germ free. Lowest waste — industry leading evacuation and controlled dosing. Superior “clean look” styling improves washroom aesthetics. Fully ADA compliant — operation, force, and depth, antimicrobial push handle.Preferred environmental choice — boxless refills, recyclable pump bottles, biodegradable soaps, and up to 80% package waste reduction vs. bag-in box. 5.75" wide x 3.9" deep x 11.7" high.
Rubbermaid Flex 1300-ml Manual Foam or Liquid Hand Soap Dispenser, Black, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 18.31 13.97 23.99 TEC3486592.jpg rubbermaid flex 1300-ml manual foam or liquid hand soap dispenser, TEC 3486592, TEC3486592, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9509 Lagasse Technical Concepts Fresh Linen Metered Aerosol Refill, 12 Refills (TEC4009831) 9509 TEC 4009831 7.70 FG4009831 Linen Fresh Metered Aerosol Air Freshener Refills
Standard Aerosol System offers automatic odor control for every budget.
- Refills odor control effectiveness for 30 to 168 days
- 12/24 hours per day
- LCD model features adjustable spray intervals of 7, 14, or 28 minutes or 5, 6, or 7 days per week
- LED model features adjustable spray intervals from 5 to 25 minutes and service intervals of 30, 45, or 60 days
- For use in TC Standard Aerosol System
Rubbermaid Technical Concepts Standard Aerosol Air Freshener Refill, Linen Fresh, 12 Cans per Case
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 81.14 60.62 109.46 TEC4009831.jpg Technical Concepts Fresh Linen Metered Aerosol Refill, Air Freshener Refills, Metered Air Freshener Refill, Metered Dispenser Refill, TEC 4009831, TEC4009831, air freshener, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9510 Lagasse MET DSP RFL MTN PEAKS 12/CASE (TEC4009851) 9510 TEC 4009851 7.70 FG4009851 New Rubbermaid FLex™ Skin Care System is a perfect balance of quality, cost and low environmental impact, featuring foam or liquid refills in one manual dispenser. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 87.45 66.70 118.18 TEC4009851.jpg MET DSP RFL MTN PEAKS 12/CASE TEC4009851, TEC4009851, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9513 Lagasse Microburst 90009 Air Sanitizer Metered Aerosol Linen Fresh (TEC4012441) 9513 TEC 4012441 3.00 FG4012441 Standard Aerosol System offers automatic odor control for every budget. Refills oder control effectiveness for 30 to 168 days. 12/24 hours per day. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 47.16 35.80 64.31 TEC4012441.jpg MICROBURST 90009 AIR SAN I MET ARSL LINEN FRSH TEC4012441, TEC4012441, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9514 Lagasse Technical Concepts Microburst 9000 Mountain Peaks Air Sanitizer, 4 Refills (TEC4012461) 9514 TEC 4012461 3.00 FG4012461 Mountain Peaks Scented Microburst 9000 Air Sanitizer
Shop brand name Technical Concepts air freshener Microburst 9000 for freshness. Microburst refills contain powerful, consistent, fresh fragrances that reinforce restroom cleanliness. Patented refill actuator distributes the finest dry mist for long-lasting performance.
Technical Concepts Air Sanitizer, Mountain Peaks, 4 per Case
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 50.60 38.59 66.01 TEC4012461.jpg microburst air sanitizer refills, microburst 9000 refills, microbust montain peaks, TEC4012461, TEC4012461, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9515 Lagasse Microburst 90009 Air Saitizer Metered Aerosol Ocean Breeze (TEC4012471) 9515 TEC 4012471 3.00 FG4012471 Automatic, touch-free flushing systems for toilets & urinals keeps fixtures flushed & presentable leaving washrooms looking and smelling clean. Prevents odors by ensuring that fixtures are flushed after every use. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 50.60 38.59 67.90 TEC4012471.jpg MICROBURST 90009 AIR SAN I MET ARSL OCEAN BREEZE TEC4012471, TEC4012471, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9516 Lagasse MICROBURST 3000 AIR SANI MET DSP 12RFL LINEN FRSH (TEC4012551) 9516 TEC 4012551 3.00 FG4012551 Microburst® 9000 aerosol dispensing systems deliver power, performance and flexibility. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 76.84 56.47 100.59 TEC4012551.jpg MICROBURST 3000 AIR SANI MET DSP 12RFL LINEN FRSH TEC4012551, TEC4012551, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9517 Lagasse MICROBURST 3000 AIR SANI MET DSP 12RFL MTN PEAKS (TEC4012571) 9517 TEC 4012571 3.00 FG4012571 Microburst® 3000 aerosol dispensing systems deliver power, performance and flexibility. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 76.84 56.47 101.33 TEC4012571.jpg MICROBURST 3000 AIR SANI MET DSP 12RFL MTN PEAKS TEC4012571, TEC4012571, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9518 Lagasse MICROBURST 3000 AIR SANI MET DSP 12RFL OCEAN BRZE (TEC4012581) 9518 TEC 4012581 3.00 FG4012581 TC® Microburst® 9000 refills contain powerful, consistent, fresh fragrances that reinforce restroom cleanliness and ensure patron satisfaction. 9000 sprays per refill. Contains 63% less VOCs per spray than a standard aersol. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 76.84 56.47 105.09 TEC4012581.jpg MICROBURST 3000 AIR SANI MET DSP 12RFL OCEAN BRZE TEC4012581, TEC4012581, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9519 Lagasse One Shot Liquid Hand Soap Counter Mounted Dispenser (TEC401310) 9519 TEC 401310 9.10 FG401310 One Shot Liquid Hand Soap Counter Mounted Dispenser
The One Shot System sets the standard for quality and reliability in counter-mounted soap dispensing. Luxurious formulas encourage healthy hand washing, and patented Smart Sensor technology detects hands, automatically delivering the perfect amount of soap — every time! Helps earn LEED credits. Touch-free delivery eliminates cross-contamination to help reduce the spread of germs and encourages use. Controlled dispensing of concentrated soaps eliminates over use and costly waste. Highest yield of hand washes — up to 2,000 per refill. Disposable hygienic refill keeps soap fresh and germ free. Lowest waste — industry leading evacuation, industry-leading battery life:Up to 3 years or 120,000 cycles for One Shot liquid dispensers. No clogs, no leaks, no breakdowns, no repairs, no mess to clean up Reliable, low maintenance dispensing.
One Shot Liquid Hand Soap Counter Mounted Dispenser, Polished Chrome and Black, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 94.60 72.15 126.54 TEC401310.jpg one shot liquid hand soap counter mounted dispenser, TEC 401310, TEC401310, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9520 Lagasse Lotion Hand Soap w/ Moisturizers 800-ml One Shot Refill (TEC4013111) 9520 TEC 4013111 8.60 FG4013111 800-ml One Shot Lotion Hand Soap w/ Moisturizers Refill
Lotion Hand Soap w/ Moisturizers for the One Shot Counter mounted liquid soap dispenser. Green Seal certified. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fresh light Passion Flower fragrance, rich teal pearized appearance. 800-ml refill bottle, 4 bottles per case.
Lotion Hand Soap w/ Moisturizers Refill, Passion Flower Fragrance, 800-ml Refill Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 42.61 32.50 56.43 TEC4013111.jpg lotion hand soap w/ moisturizers 800-ml one shot refill, TEC 4013111, TEC4013111, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9521 Lagasse Green Certified Lotion Soap 800-ml One Shot Refill (TEC4013131) 9521 TEC 4013131 8.00 FG4013131 800-ml One Shot Green Certified Lotion Soap Refill
Green Certified Lotion Soap for the One Shot Counter mounted liquid soap dispenser. Green Seal certified. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fresh light honeysuckle fragrance, rich white pearized appearance. 800-ml refill bottle, 4 bottles per case.
Green Certified Lotion Soap Refill, Honeysuckle Fragrance, 800-ml Refill Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 43.40 33.10 58.48 TEC4013131.jpg green certified lotion soap refill, TEC 4013131, TEC4013131, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9522 Lagasse MB 900 ECONOMIZER MICROB URST MET DSP (TEC401375) 9522 TEC 401375 5.60 FG401375 TC® Microburst® 3000 refills contain powerful, consistent, fresh fragrances that reinforce restroom cleanliness and ensure patron satisfaction. 3000 sprays per refill. Contains 63% less VOCs per spray than a standard aersol. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 30.70 22.07 40.75 TEC401375.jpg MB 900 ECONOMIZER MICROB URST MET DSP TEC401375, TEC401375, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9523 Lagasse MICROBURST 3000 ECONOMIZ ER MET DSP (TEC401442) 9523 TEC 401442 6.00 FG401442 TC® Microburst® 3000 refills contain powerful, consistent, fresh fragrances that reinforce restroom cleanliness and ensure patron satisfaction. 3000 sprays per refill. Contains 63% less VOCs per spray than a standard aersol. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 30.55 22.62 41.67 TEC401442.jpg MICROBURST 3000 ECONOMIZ ER MET DSP TEC401442, TEC401442, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9524 Lagasse MET DSP RFL MANDARIN ORANGE 12/CASE (TEC401504) 9524 TEC 401504 7.60 FG401504 The One Shot® System sets the standard for quality and reliability in counter-mounted soap dispensing. Luxurious formulas encourage healthy hand washing, and patented Smart Sensor™ technology detects hands, automatically delivering the perfect amount of s Rubbermaid Commercial Products 81.31 62.02 109.83 TEC401504.jpg MET DSP RFL MANDARIN ORANGE 12/CASE TEC401504, TEC401504, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9525 Lagasse Technical Concepts Ocean Breeze Air Neutralizer Refill, 12 Cans (TEC4015471) 9525 TEC 4015471 7.70 FG4015471 Enriched with Glycerin, Silk Proteins, Aloe Vera, and Vitamin E. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Light passion flower fragrance. Rich,teal pearlized appearance. Biodegradable.
Rubbermaid Technical Concepts Ocean Breeze Air Neutralizer, Metered Dispenser Refill, 12 Cans per Case Rubbermaid Commercial Products 75.96 55.13 101.83 TEC4015471.jpg technical concepts air freshener, air freshener refills, metered air freshener refill, ocean breeze air freshener, ocean breeze air neutralizer, TEC4015471, TEC4015471, air freshener, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9526 Lagasse Microbust 90009 Air Sanitizer Metered Aerosol Mandarin Orange (TEC402093) 9526 TEC 402093 3.00 FG402093 Microburst® 3000 aerosol dispensing systems deliver power, performance and flexibility. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 41.44 31.61 54.87 TEC402093.jpg MICROBURST 90009 AIR SAN I MET ARSL MDN ORANGE TEC402093, TEC402093, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9527 Lagasse MICROBURST 3000 AIR SANI MET ARSL 12RFL MDN ORG (TEC402408) 9527 TEC 402408 3.00 FG402408 Standard Aerosol System offers automatic odor control for every budget. Refills oder control effectiveness for 30 to 168 days. 12/24 hours per day. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 75.86 57.86 102.64 TEC402408.jpg MICROBURST 3000 AIR SANI MET ARSL 12RFL MDN ORG TEC402408, TEC402408, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9528 Lagasse TC Spray Hand Soap with Moisturizers, 6 - 800-ml Refills (TEC450009) 9528 TEC 450009 11.80 FG450009 TC Spray Hand Soap with Moisturizers
TC Spray Hand Soap with Moisturizers delivers up to 4,000 hand washes per 800-ml refill. Revolutionary spray delivers thorough coverage of highly concentrated soap. Soap lathers well and contains skin conditioning ingredients. New pump with every refill eliminates mess, clogs, and leaks, disposable, sealed refills keep soap fresh and free from contamination. Green Seal certified.
TC Spray Hand Soap with Moisturizers, 800-ml Refill, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 78.05 59.53 102.19 TEC450009.jpg tc spray hand soap with moisturizers, TEC 450009, TEC450009, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9529 Lagasse MANUAL SPRAY LOTION SOAP W/MOISTURIZERS 400ML (TEC450011) 9529 TEC 450011 12.00 FG450011 Automatic, touch-free flushing systems for toilets & urinals keeps fixtures flushed & presentable leaving washrooms looking and smelling clean. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 87.45 66.70 116.87 TEC450011.jpg MANUAL SPRAY LOTION SOAP W/MOISTURIZERS 400ML TEC450011, TEC450011, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9530 Lagasse TC Foaming Hand Soap with Moisturizers, 6 - 800-ml Refills (TEC450019) 9530 TEC 450019 12.20 FG450019 TC Foaming Hand Soap with Moisturizers
TC Foaming Hand Soap with Moisturizer refill delivers up to 2000 hand washes. Hygenically sealed refill eliminates potential contamination. Enriched with skin conditioners, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fresh light citrus fragrance, rich teal color. Biodegradable.
TC Foaming Hand Soap with Moisturizers, 800-ml Refill, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 62.35 46.39 82.62 TEC450019.jpg tc foaming hand soap with moisturizers, TEC 450019, TEC450019, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9531 Lagasse MANUAL SPRAY HAND SANITZ 400ML 12/CASE (TEC450030) 9531 TEC 450030 10.60 FG450030 TC® Microburst® 9000 refills contain powerful, consistent, fresh fragrances that reinforce restroom cleanliness and ensure patron satisfaction. 9000 sprays per refill. Contains 63% less VOCs per spray than a standard aersol. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 113.87 86.85 152.26 TEC450030.jpg MANUAL SPRAY HAND SANITZ 400ML 12/CASE TEC450030, TEC450030, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9532 Lagasse TC Antibacterial Lotion Foam Hand Soap, 6 - 800-ml Refills (TEC450031) 9532 TEC 450031 12.80 FG450031 TC Antibacterial Lotion Foam Hand Soap
TC Antibacterial Lotion Foam Hand Soap refill delivers up to 2000 hand washes. Hygenically sealed refill eliminates potential contamination. Kills up to 99.99% germs, effective against Staph, E.coli, Salmonella, Shigella, C. jejuni, and more. Enriched with skin conditioners, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. NSF E2 rated, one-step cleansing and sanitizing for food handlers, effective degreasing/cleansing of food residue. Dye-free and fragrance-free. Biodegradable.
TC Antibacterial Lotion Foam Hand Soap, 800-ml Refill, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 77.92 59.43 106.16 TEC450031.jpg TC Antibacterial Lotion Foam Hand Soap, TEC 450031, TEC450031, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9533 Lagasse TC Microburst Duet Air Freshener Dispenser, White/Grey Pearl (TEC4870001) 9533 TEC 4870001 8.30 FG4870001 TC Microburst Duet Metered Air Freshener Dispenser
Rubbermaid Microburst Duet Metered Air Freshener Dispenser odor-control system automatically alternates between two complementary scents for renewed freshness you will notice every day. Alternating scents eliminate fragrance fatigue. Flexible programming freshness, hour to hour, AM/PM, day to day. Lasts up to 180 days between refills. Significantly lowers labor and odor management costs, 9,000 metered sprays. Cost-effective solution high-quality, customer preferred refill fragrances with TC Microburst Duet Refills. 10 year warranty, fully guaranteed against defects in parts and workmanship.
Rubbermaid TC Microburst Duet Metered Air Freshener Dispenser, White/Grey Pearl, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 72.49 55.29 98.64 TEC4870001.jpg metered air freshener dispensers, TEC 4870001, TEC4870001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9534 Lagasse TC Microburst Duet Air Freshener Dispenser, Black/Chrome (TEC4870055) 9534 TEC 4870055 8.30 FG4870055 TC Microburst Duet Metered Air Freshener Dispenser
Rubbermaid Microburst Duet Metered Air Freshener Dispenser odor-control system automatically alternates between two complementary scents for renewed freshness you will notice every day. Alternating scents eliminate fragrance fatigue. Flexible programming freshness, hour to hour, AM/PM, day to day. Lasts up to 180 days between refills. Significantly lowers labor and odor management costs, 9,000 metered sprays. Cost-effective solution high-quality, customer preferred refill fragrances with TC Microburst Duet Refills. 10 year warranty, fully guaranteed against defects in parts and workmanship.
Rubbermaid TC Microburst Duet Metered Air Freshener Dispenser, Black/Chrome, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 72.49 55.29 95.33 TEC4870055.jpg microburst duet metered air freshener dispensers, TEC 4870055, TEC4870055, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9535 Lagasse TC Enriched Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 4 - 1100-ml Refills (TEC750111) 9535 TEC 750111 11.30 FG750111 TC Enriched Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap
TC Enriched Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap high capacity refill delivers up to 2,750 hand washes. Hygenically sealed refill eliminates potential contamination. Kills up to 99.99% germs, effective against Staph, E.coli, Salmonella, Shigella, C. jejuni, and more. Enriched with skin conditioners, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. NSF E2 rated, one-step cleansing and sanitizing for food handlers. Effective degreasing/cleansing of food residue, dye-free and fragrance-free. Biodegradable.
TC Enriched Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 1100-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1000-ml Foam Soap Systems » TC Foaming Soap » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 97.28 74.20 130.63 TEC750111.jpg tc enriched antibacterial foaming hand soap, TEC 750111, TEC750111, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9536 Lagasse TC Enriched Moisturizing Foaming Hand Soap, 4 - 1100-ml Refills (TEC750112) 9536 TEC 750112 10.80 FG750112 TC Enriched Moisturizing Foaming Hand Soap
TC Enriched Moisturizing Foaming Hand Soap high capacity refill delivers up to 2,750 hand washes. Hygenically sealed refill eliminates potential contamination. Enriched with skin conditioners, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fresh light citrus fragrance, rich teal color. Biodegradable pH balanced.
TC Enriched Moisturizing Foaming Hand Soap, 1100-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1000-ml Foam Soap Systems » TC Foaming Soap » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 93.61 71.40 122.70 TEC750112.jpg tc enriched moisturizing foaming hand soap, TEC 750112, TEC750112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9537 Lagasse TC 1100-ml Touch-Free Foaming Soap Dispenser, Black / Black Pearl (TEC750127) 9537 TEC 750127 24.90 FG750127 TC Touch-Free Foaming Soap Dispenser, Black / Black Pearl
TC Auto Foam sets the standard for quality and reliability in wall-mounted soap and sanitizer dispensing. Luxurious foam delights your customers, in an attractive touch-free dispenser that delivers superior cost savings. Preferred environmental choice boxless refills, biodegradable and Green Seal soaps up to 80% packaging waste. Touch-free delivery eliminates cross-contamination to help reduce the spread of germs and encourages use Reliable, controlled dispensing of concentrated soaps eliminates costly overuse and waste. High yield of hand washes — up to 2,750 hand washes per refill. Industry-leading battery life of 3 years or 120,000 hand washes. Refill level and battery life indicators. Disposable, hygienic refill keeps soap fresh and germ free. Low waste — refill evacuates fully. Contemporary “clean look” dispenser available in a variety of color combinations to enhance the image of any washroom décor. ADA compliant in force and one-handed operation.
TC Touch-Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1100-ml, Black / Black Pearl, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1000-ml Foam Soap Systems » TC Foaming Soap » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 69.05 52.67 93.84 TEC750127.jpg tc touch-free foaming hand soap dispenser, TEC 750127, TEC750127, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9538 Lagasse TC 1100-ml Touch-Free Foaming Soap Dispenser, Black / Gray (TEC750139) 9538 TEC 750139 1.00 FG750139 TC Touch-Free Foaming Soap Dispenser, Black / Gray
TC Auto Foam sets the standard for quality and reliability in wall-mounted soap and sanitizer dispensing. Luxurious foam delights your customers, in an attractive touch-free dispenser that delivers superior cost savings. Preferred environmental choice boxless refills, biodegradable and Green Seal soaps up to 80% packaging waste. Touch-free delivery eliminates cross-contamination to help reduce the spread of germs and encourages use Reliable, controlled dispensing of concentrated soaps eliminates costly overuse and waste. High yield of hand washes — up to 2,750 hand washes per refill. Industry-leading battery life of 3 years or 120,000 hand washes. Refill level and battery life indicators. Disposable, hygienic refill keeps soap fresh and germ free. Low waste — refill evacuates fully. Contemporary “clean look” dispenser available in a variety of color combinations to enhance the image of any washroom décor. ADA compliant in force and one-handed operation.
TC Touch-Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1100-ml, Black / Gray, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1000-ml Foam Soap Systems » TC Foaming Soap » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 69.05 52.67 89.89 TEC750139.jpg tc touch-free foaming hand soap dispenser, TEC 750139, TEC750139, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9539 Lagasse TC 1100-ml Touch-Free Foaming Soap Dispenser, White / Gray (TEC750140) 9539 TEC 750140 25.10 FG750140 TC Touch-Free Foaming Soap Dispenser, White / Gray
TC Auto Foam sets the standard for quality and reliability in wall-mounted soap and sanitizer dispensing. Luxurious foam delights your customers, in an attractive touch-free dispenser that delivers superior cost savings. Preferred environmental choice boxless refills, biodegradable and Green Seal soaps up to 80% packaging waste. Touch-free delivery eliminates cross-contamination to help reduce the spread of germs and encourages use Reliable, controlled dispensing of concentrated soaps eliminates costly overuse and waste. High yield of hand washes — up to 2,750 hand washes per refill. Industry-leading battery life of 3 years or 120,000 hand washes. Refill level and battery life indicators. Disposable, hygienic refill keeps soap fresh and germ free. Low waste — refill evacuates fully. Contemporary “clean look” dispenser available in a variety of color combinations to enhance the image of any washroom décor. ADA compliant in force and one-handed operation.
TC Touch-Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1100-ml, White / Gray, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
1000-ml Foam Soap Systems » TC Foaming Soap » Rubbermaid Commercial Products 69.05 52.67 92.52 TEC750140.jpg tc touch-free foaming hand soap dispenser, 1100-ml, White / Gray, Each TEC 750140, TEC750140, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9540 Lagasse One Shot Foaming Hand Soap Counter Mounted Dispenser (TEC750339) 9540 TEC 750339 9.90 FG750339 One Shot Foaming Hand Soap Counter Mounted Dispenser
The One Shot System sets the standard for quality and reliability in counter-mounted soap dispensing. Luxurious formulas encourage healthy hand washing, and patented Smart Sensor technology detects hands, automatically delivering the perfect amount of soap — every time! Helps earn LEED credits. Touch-free delivery eliminates cross-contamination to help reduce the spread of germs and encourages use. Controlled dispensing of concentrated soaps eliminates over use and costly waste. Highest yield of hand washes — up to 2,000 per refill. Disposable hygienic refill keeps soap fresh and germ free. Lowest waste — industry leading evacuation, industry-leading battery life: Up to 2 years or 90,000 cycles for One Shot foam dispensers. No clogs, no leaks, no breakdowns, no repairs, no mess to clean up Reliable, low maintenance dispensing.
One Shot Liquid Hand Soap Counter Mounted Dispenser, Polished Chrome, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 88.45 67.46 115.31 TEC750339.jpg foaming hand soap dispenser, TEC 750339, TEC750339, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9541 Lagasse Foaming Hand Soap w/ Moisturizers 1600-ml One Shot Refill (TEC750386) 9541 TEC 750386 16.30 FG750386 1600-ml One Shot Foaming Hand Soap w/ Moisturizers Refill
Foaming Hand Soap w/ Moisturizers for the One Shot Counter mounted Foaming soap dispenser. Green Seal certified. Enriched with skin conditioners, pH balanced. Fresh light citrus fragrance, rich teal appearance. 1600-ml refill bottle, 4 bottles per case.
Foaming Hand Soap w/ Moisturizers Refill, Citrus Fragrance, 1600-ml Refill Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 97.09 74.05 128.08 TEC750386.jpg foaming hand soap, TEC 750386, TEC750386, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9542 Lagasse Free 'N Clean Foaming Hand Soap 1600-ml One Shot Refill (TEC750390) 9542 TEC 750390 16.50 FG750390 Free 'N Clean Foaming Hand Soap
Green Seal Certified. Enriched with skin conditioners, NSF E1 rated for food handlers, leaves no scent. pH balanced Dye-free and fragrance-free, Biodegradable.
Rubbermaid One Shot Free 'N Clean Foaming Hand Soap, 1600-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 88.41 67.43 115.81 TEC750390.jpg free 'n clean foaming hand soap, TEC 750390, TEC750390, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9543 Lagasse TC Touch-Free Foaming Soap Dispenser, Black / Chrome (TEC750411) 9543 TEC 750411 3.00 FG750411 TC Touch-Free Foaming Soap Dispenser, Black / Chrome
TC Auto Foam sets the standard for quality and reliability in wall-mounted soap and sanitizer dispensing. Luxurious foam delights your customers, in an attractive touch-free dispenser that delivers superior cost savings. Preferred environmental choice boxless refills, biodegradable and Green Seal soaps up to 80% packaging waste. Touch-free delivery eliminates cross-contamination to help reduce the spread of germs and encourages use Reliable, controlled dispensing of concentrated soaps eliminates costly overuse and waste. High yield of hand washes — up to 2,750 hand washes per refill. Industry-leading battery life of 3 years or 120,000 hand washes. Refill level and battery life indicators. Disposable, hygienic refill keeps soap fresh and germ free. Low waste — refill evacuates fully. Contemporary “clean look” dispenser available in a variety of color combinations to enhance the image of any washroom décor. ADA compliant in force and one-handed operation.
TC Touch-Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1100-ml, Black / Chrome, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 61.61 46.95 81.10 TEC750411.jpg tc touch-free foaming hand soap dispenser, TEC 750411, TEC750411, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9544 Lagasse Foaming Hand Soap w/ Moisturizers 800-ml One Shot Refill (TEC750517) 9544 TEC 750517 8.60 FG750517 800-ml One Shot Foaming Hand Soap w/ Moisturizers Refill
Foaming Hand Soap w/ Moisturizers for the One Shot Counter mounted Foaming soap dispenser. Green Seal certified. Enriched with skin conditioners, pH balanced. Fresh light citrus fragrance, rich teal appearance. 800-ml refill bottle, 4 bottles per case.
Foaming Hand Soap w/ Moisturizers Refill, Citrus Fragrance, 800-ml Refill Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 56.09 42.78 72.94 TEC750517.jpg foaming hand soap, TEC 750517, TEC750517, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9545 Lagasse MANUAL FOAM ALCOHOL HAND SANITIZER 800ML 6/C (TEC750590) 9545 TEC 750590 10.90 FG750590 The One Shot® System sets the standard for quality and reliability in counter-mounted soap dispensing. Luxurious formulas encourage healthy hand washing, and patented Smart Sensor™ technology detects hands, automatically delivering the perfect amount of s Rubbermaid Commercial Products 107.00 81.61 144.83 TEC750590.jpg MANUAL FOAM ALCOHOL HAND SANITIZER 800ML 6/C TEC750590, TEC750590, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
9546 Lagasse Enriched Foam Alcohol Hand Sanitizer, 4 - 1100-ml Refills (TEC750591) 9546 TEC 750591 9.50 FG750591 Enriched Foam Alcohol Hand Sanitizer
Enriched Foam Alcohol Hand Sanitizer contains 67% ethyl alcohol, Kills over 99.99% germs. Effective against MRSA, VRE, Candida, K.pneumoniae, Pseudomonas a, and more. Enriched with Glycerin and Aloe Vera, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin, NSF E3 rated, sanitizing for food handlers. Dye-free and fragrance-free.
Enriched Foam Alcohol Hand Sanitizer, 1100-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 143.57 109.50 192.16 TEC750591.jpg enriched foam alcohol hand sanitizer, TEC750591, TEC 750591, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9547 Lagasse Enriched Foam Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer, 4 - 1100-ml Refills (TEC750593) 9547 TEC 750593 10.50 FG750593 Enriched Foam Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer
Auto Foam sets the standard for quality and reliability in wall-mounted sanitizer dispensing. Contains 0.1% Benzalkonium Chloride for alcohol-free sanitizing. Safe, non-flammable. Kills over 99.99% germs effective against Staph, MRSA, Strep, E.coli, Salmonella, & more. Enriched with Glycerin and Aloe Vera, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Fresh citrus fragrance, Dye Free.
Enriched Foam Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer, 1100-ml Refill, 4 per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 96.76 73.80 127.92 TEC750593.jpg enriched foam alcohol free hand sanitizer, TEC750593, TEC750593, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
9548 Lagasse Yankee Candle Collection Refills - Variety of Scents (TMS81-2611TMCA) 9548 TMS 81-2611TMCA 7.55 81-2611TMCA Scientifically counteract malodors to leave a pleasant, refreshing aroma in any room. Make guests feel at home with premium Yankee Candle® fragrances. Odor counteractants neutralize strong odors. For use in all TimeMist® metered dispensers. 30-day refill.Contains two each: Clean Cotton, Home Sweet Home, Macintosh, Buttercream, Midnight Jasmine and Sun & Sand. Timemist Waterbury 63.13 48.15 84.44 Yankee Candle® Collection Refills - Variety of Scents TMS81-2611TMCA, TMS812611TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
9549 Lagasse 8 OZ COMBO PACK 250/250 PER CASE (WNAAPCOMBO08) 9549 WNA APCOMBO08 9.00 APCOMBO08 Microwaveable and refeezer safe, therefore can go from storage to presentation with ease. Made from polypropylene and as a result are stronger, safer, lighter weight, less costly and highly recyclable. Combo packs save money and time. 8 ounce container. Wna Inc. 41.80 29.26 56.02 8 OZ COMBO PACK 250/250 PER CASE WNAAPCOMBO08, WNAAPCOMBO08, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 170
9550 Lagasse 16 OZ COMBO PACK 250/250 PER CASE (WNAAPCOMBO16) 9550 WNA APCOMBO16 10.00 APCOMBO16 Microwaveable and refeezer safe, therefore can go from storage to presentation with ease. Made from polypropylene and as a result are stronger, safer, lighter weight, less costly and highly recyclable. Combo packs save money and time. 16 ounce container. Wna Inc. 66.29 46.40 86.83 16 OZ COMBO PACK 250/250 PER CASE WNAAPCOMBO16, WNAAPCOMBO16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 170
9551 Lagasse 8 OZ CLEAR CONTAINER 500/CASE DELI (WNAAPCTR08) 9551 WNA APCTR08 12.00 APCTR08 Del-Pak® Deli Containers. “Textured” microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for Wna Inc. 43.11 30.18 56.31 8 OZ CLEAR CONTAINER 500/CASE DELI WNAAPCTR08, WNAAPCTR08, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 170
9552 Lagasse 16 OZ CLEAR CONTAINER 500/CASE DELI (WNAAPCTR16) 9552 WNA APCTR16 14.00 APCTR16 Del-Pak® Deli Containers. “Textured” microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for Wna Inc. 48.49 33.94 63.36 16 OZ CLEAR CONTAINER 500/CASE DELI WNAAPCTR16, WNAAPCTR16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 170
9553 Lagasse 32OZ CLEAR CONTAINER 500/CASE DELI (WNAAPCTR32) 9553 WNA APCTR32 23.00 APCTR32 Del-Pak® Deli Containers. “Textured” microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for Wna Inc. 80.86 56.60 106.10 32OZ CLEAR CONTAINER 500/CASE DELI WNAAPCTR32, WNAAPCTR32, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 170
9555 Lagasse Polypropylene Microwavable Lids, 500 Lids (WNAAPCTRLID) 9555 WNA APCTRLID 10.00 APCTRLID Polypropylene Microwavable Lids, 500 Lids
Microwave safe, and durable, the PolyPro Microwaveable Lids are great for any hot or cold beverage. Perfect for a residential customer's coffee during the morning rush, as well as any break room or restaurant, PolyPro Microwaveable Lids fit any environment. Constructed from “Textured” microwave-safe material that provides a secure, slip-free finish, the container even feels cooler to the touch compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Coming 500 lids to the case, the PolyPro Microwaveable Lids are as versatile as they are affordable, as these lids fit almost any container.
Wna Inc. 29.47 20.63 39.59 POLYPRO LID MW FITS ALL SIZES 500/CASE WNAAPCTRLID, WNAAPCTRLID, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 170
9557 Lagasse Wypall X80 Utility Wipe, Jumbo Roll (KCC41043) 9557 KCC 41043 14.00 41043 WYPALL X80 Wipers
Designed to feel like a cloth and work even better. Patented technology allows this thick, strong wiper to absorb oil and water faster than rags or shop towels. Retains strength through harsh use, even when used with solvents. Ideal for heavy wiping tasks such as solvent-based surface prepping, metal shaving pickup and rough surface cleansing. Includes one roll of 475 wipers.
Kimberly Clark WYPALL X80 Wipers, Blue, 12.5"x 13.4", 1 roll of 475 Wipes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 65.69 50.10 87.17 wypall x80 wipers, KCC 41043, KCC41043, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9558 EarthSmart EarthSmart 12oz Sugarcane Bowl, Compostable, 1,000 Bowls (ES-B-1120-FB) 9558 ES-B-1120-FB 25.00 B-1120-FB 12-oz. Sugarcane Bowls
EarthSmart Heavy Duty 12 ounce bowl. These rugged heavyweight, cut-resistant bowls won’t flop in your hands. For added convenience, they’re microwavable and freezer safe, with water and oil resistance up to 212 degrees. EarthSmart high performance Bagasse bowls offer you an ideal TREE FREE, petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to products manufactured from wood, foam or plastic – in many cases providing superior performance. No wood or petroleum based resources are used in EarthSmart products. EarthSmart bowls are made of 100% Bagasse, an annually renewable sugarcane by-product. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards for compostbility.
EarthSmart 12-oz. Sugarcane Bowls, Compostable, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 62.35 36.99 83.82 ES-B-1120-FB.jpg 12oz bowls, bagasse bowls, 12oz sugarcane bowl, compostable dinnerware, 1000/case, ESB1120FB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9559 EarthSmart ZeroTrees 12oz Sugarcane Bowls, 72 Bowls (ES-B-1220-KTCS-3) 9559 ES-B-1220-KTCS-3 2.00 B-1220-KTCS-3 ZeroTrees 12oz. Sugarcane Bowls
Safe, green and fully compostable, the ZeroTrees 12 ounce bowl provides an eco-friendly, heavy duty disposable dinnerware set that is perfect for any environment. Perfect for picnics, camping, parties and offices. Each pack includes 24 of the 12 ounce Sugarcane Bowls, not only making it a smart buy, but an environmentally safe one as well. These stylish bowls are microwavable, freezer safe, oil and heat resistant up to 212°. No wood or petroleum based resources are used in EarthSmart ZERO TREES products. Made of 100% Tree Free, annually renewable plant fibers, ZeroTrees products are manufactured to the highest quality standards. Save some green while staying green with ZeroTrees Sugarcane bowls!
EarthSmart ZeroTrees 12 oz. Sugarcane Bowls, 3 Packs of 24 Bowls, 72 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 12.22 7.25 16.48 ES-B-1220-KTCS-3.jpg ZeroTrees Sugarcane 12 ounce bowls, ESB 1220KTCS3, ESB1220KTCS3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9560 EarthSmart EarthSmart 32 oz. Sugarcane Bowl, 400 Bowls (ES-B-3200-SR) 9560 ES-B-3200-SR 32.00 B-3200-SR 32-oz Sugarcane Bowls
EarthSmart Heavy Duty 32 ounce bowl. These heavyweight, cut-resistant bowls won’t flop in your hands. For added convenience, they’re microwavable and freezer safe, with water and oil resistance up to 212 degrees. EarthSmart high performance Bagasse bowls offer you an ideal eco-friendly alternative to products manufactured from wood, foam or plastic. No wood or petroleum based resources are used in EarthSmart products. Reinforcing our commitment to sustainability, EarthSmart bowls are made of 100% Bagasse, an annually renewable sugarcane by-product. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards for compostbility.
EarthSmart 32-oz. Sugarcane Salad, Pasta and Soup Bowl, 400 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
EarthSmart 130.22 77.25 173.09 ES-B-3200-SR.jpg sugarcane bowl, disposable salad bowl, disposable pasta bowl, disposable soup bowl, ESB3200SR, ESB 3200SR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9561 EarthSmart 32-oz. Salad, Pasta and Soup Bowl Lids, 200 Lids (ES-B-3201-SR) 9561 ES-B-3201-SR 7.00 B-3201-SR 32-oz. Salad, Pasta and Soup Bowl Lids
EarthSmart Heavy Duty 32oz Bowl Lids. These lids are made from compostable PLA material which is derived from corn. Temperature Safe to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. These lids are not intended for hot food applications. When used with the EarthSmart B-3200-SR bowls, these lids make the perfect solution for "grab-and-go" salads, sandwiches or refrigerated items to be remotely microwave heated.
EarthSmart 32-oz. Salad, Pasta and Soup Bowl Lids, 200 Bowl Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 73.74 43.74 100.39 ES-B-3201-SR.jpg pla 32 oz salad, pasta and soup bowl lid, 200/case, ESB3201SR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9562 EarthSmart Bagasse 6" 1 Compartment Clamshell Container, 600 Containers (ES-C-1003-FB) 9562 ES-C-1003-FB 30.00 C-1003-FB 6" Bagasse Clamshell Container
Perfect for hamburgers, sandwiches or snacks. These rugged heavyweight, cut-resistant clamshells won’t flop in your hands. Microwavable and freezer safe, with water and oil resistance up to 212 degrees. EarthSmart high performance Bagasse clamshell containers offer you an ideal TREE FREE, petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to products manufactured from wood, foam or plastic – in many cases providing superior performance. EarthSmart Clamshell Containers are made of 100% Bagasse, an annually renewable sugarcane by-product. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards for compostability. 600 per case.
EarthSmart 6" Bagasse Clamshell Carryout Containers, 600 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 87.64 51.99 116.28 ES-C-1003-FB.jpg Bagasse 6" Single Compartment Sugarcane Hamburger Clamshell, Compostable, 600/Case, ESC1003FB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9563 EarthSmart Bagasse 8.5" Clamshell Container, 300 Containers (ES-C-1008-FB) 9563 ES-C-1008-FB 30.00 C-1008-FB 8-1/2" Single Compartment Bagasse Clamshell Containers
These rugged heavyweight, cut-resistant clamshells won’t flop in your hands. For added convenience, they’re microwavable and freezer safe, with water and oil resistance up to 212 degrees. EarthSmart high performance Bagasse Clamshell Containers offer you an ideal TREE FREE, petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to products manufactured from wood, foam or plastic – in many cases providing superior performance. EarthSmart Clamshell Containers are made of 100% Bagasse, an annually renewable sugarcane by-product. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards for compostability. 300 containers per case.
EarthSmart 8-1/2" Bagasse Single Compartment Clamshell Containers, 300 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 85.95 50.99 116.48 ES-C-1008-FB.jpg Bagasse 8.5" Single Compartment Sugarcane Clamshell, Compostable, 300/Case, ESC1008FB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9564 EarthSmart Bagasse 8.5" Three Compartment Clamshell Container, 300 Containers (ES-C-3008) 9564 ES-C-3008 36.00 C-3008 8-1/2" Bagasse 3 Compartment Clamshell Container
These rugged heavyweight, cut-resistant clamshells won’t flop in your hands. Hinged lid. Microwavable and freezer safe, with water and oil resistance up to 212 degrees. EarthSmart high performance Bagasse clamshell containers offer you an ideal TREE FREE, petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to products manufactured from wood, foam or plastic – in many cases providing superior performance. EarthSmart Clamshell Containers are made of 100% Bagasse, an annually renewable sugarcane by-product. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards for compostability. 300 per case.
EarthSmart 8-1/2" Bagasse 3 Compartment Clamshell Container, 300 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 104.50 61.99 137.01 ES-C-3008.jpg Bagasse 8.5" Medium Three Compartment Sugarcane Clamshell, Compostable, 300/Case, ESC3008, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9565 EarthSmart Bagasse 9.5" Three Compartment Clamshell Container, 300 Containers (ES-C-3009) 9565 ES-C-3009 44.00 C-3009 9.5" Bagasse 3 Compartment Clamshell Container
These rugged heavyweight, cut-resistant clamshells won’t flop in your hands. Microwavable and freezer safe, with water and oil resistance up to 212 degrees. EarthSmart high performance Bagasse clamshell containers offer you an ideal TREE FREE, petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to products manufactured from wood, foam or plastic – in many cases providing superior performance. EarthSmart Clamshell Containers are made of 100% Bagasse, an annually renewable sugarcane by-product. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards for compostability. 300 per case.
EarthSmart 9-1/2" Bagasse 3 Compartment Clamshell Container, 300 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 106.19 62.99 138.59 ES-C-3009.jpg Bagasse 9.5" Large Three Compartment Sugarcane Clamshell, Compostable, 300/Case, ESC3009, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9566 EarthSmart ZeroTrees Petroleum Free Cutlery Kit, 72 Pieces (ES-F-KT24CS-3) 9566 ES-F-KT24CS-3 1.00 F-KT24CS-3 ZeroTrees Petroleum Free Cutlery Kit
Each kit is complete with 3 sets of 8 each of disposable knives, forks and spoons (24 pieces pr pack). The ZeroTrees Cutlery Kit is a petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to plastic based products. EarthSmart Cutlery Kits are made of 100% Tree Free, annually renewable plant fibers. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart Zero Trees products are manufactured to the highest quality standards.
EarthSmart ZeroTrees Petroleum Free Cutlery Kit, 3 Kits of 24 Pieces, 72 Pieces per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 12.64 7.50 16.58 ES-F-KT24CS-3.jpg ZeroTrees Petroleum Free Fork, Knife and Spoon Cutlery Kit, ESF KT24CS3, ESFKT24CS3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9567 EarthSmart ZeroTrees Tableware Kit, Plates, Bowls and Cutlery, 136 Pieces (ES-OCMK-68-2) 9567 ES-OCMK-68-2 4.00 OCMK-68-2 ZeroTrees Bowls and Cutlery Tableware Kit
The perfect choice for those who are looking to lessen their carbon foodprint, the ZeroTrees line of bowls and cutlery ensure the most environmentally safe dining experience. Developed to be completely compostable, the ZeroTrees design is an ideal tree free, petroleum-free, and eco-friendly alternative to wood, foam or plastic based products. These stylish bowls and plates are both microwavable, and freezer safe, and are made of 100% renewable plant fibers. Designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards, EarthSmart Zero Trees products are manufactured to the highest quality standards. Each pack includes 16 each of both 6” and 9” Plates, 12 each of 12 oz. Bowls, and 8 each of Knives, Forks and Spoons. 2 kits per case.
EarthSmart ZeroTrees Plates, Bowls and Cutlery Tableware Kit, 68 Pieces per Kit, 2 Kits per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 17.19 10.20 23.33 ES-OCMK-68-2.jpg disposable tableware kit, disposable plates, disposable bowls, disposable forks and knives, ESOCMK682, ESO CMK682, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9568 EarthSmart EarthSmart 6" Sugarcane Plates, 1,000 Plates (ES-P-0060-FB) 9568 ES-P-0060-FB 23.00 P-0060-FB 6" Heavy Duty Bagasse Plates
These rugged heavyweight, cut-resistant plates won’t flop in your hands. For added convenience, they’re microwavable and freezer safe, with water and oil resistance up to 212 degrees. EarthSmart high performance Bagasse plates offer you an ideal TREE FREE, petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to products manufactured from wood, foam or plastic – in many cases providing superior performance. No wood or petroleum based resources are used in EarthSmart products. EarthSmart dinner plates are made of 100% Bagasse, an annually renewable sugarcane by-product. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards for compostability.
EarthSmart 6" Bagasse Plates, Compostable, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 47.19 27.99 64.12 ES-P-0060-FB.jpg 6 inch plates, bagasse 6" sugarcane plates, compostable dinnerware, ESP0060FB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9569 EarthSmart ZeroTrees 6" Sugarcane Plates, 72 Plates (ES-P-0060-KTCS-3) 9569 ES-P-0060-KTCS-3 2.00 P-0060-KTCS-3 6" Sugarcane Plates
Completely compostable and environmentally conscious, the new 6" plates from EarthSmart's ZeroTrees line is perfect for any environment. This eco-friendly dinnerware provides a heavy duty disposable option that is perfect for picnics, as well as the home or office. Ideal for camping, boating, hunting, fishing and RV's, these eco-friendly plates work anywhere. These 6" Sugarcane Plates provide a tree-free alternative for disposable dinnerware. Completely petroleum-free, the ZeroTrees line is an eco-friendly alternative to wood, foam or plastic based products. Fully microwavable, freezer safe, as well as oil and heat resistant up to 212°. 72 plates per case.
EarthSmart ZeroTrees Sugarcane 6" Plates, 3 Packs of 24 Plates, 72 Plates per Case - The restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 11.80 7.00 15.40 ES-P-0060-KTCS-3.jpg zerotrees sugarcane 6" plates, 6 inch plates, ESP0060KTCS3, ESP 0060KTCS3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9570 EarthSmart ZeroTrees 9" Sugarcane Plates, 500 Plates (ES-P-0090-FB) 9570 ES-P-0090-FB 21.00 P-0090-FB 9" Heavy Duty Sugarcane Plates
These rugged heavyweight, cut-resistant plates won’t flop in your hands. . For added convenience, they’re microwavable and freezer safe, with water and oil resistance up to 212 degrees. EarthSmart high performance Bagasse plates offer you an ideal TREE FREE, petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to products manufactured from wood, foam or plastic – in many cases providing superior performance. No wood or petroleum based resources are used in EarthSmart products. Reinforcing our commitment to sustainability, EarthSmart dinner plates are made of 100% Bagasse, an annually renewable sugarcane by-product. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards for compostability.
EarthSmart 9" Sugarcane Plates, Compostable, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 57.30 33.99 77.31 ES-P-0090-FB.jpg sugarcane plates, bagasse plates, 9" plates, 9 inch plates, ESP0090FB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9571 EarthSmart ZeroTrees 9" Sugarcane Plates, 72 Plates (ES-P-0090-KTCS-3) 9571 ES-P-0090-KTCS-3 3.00 P-0090-KTCS-3 ZeroTrees 9" Sugarcane Plates
Great for camping, boating, picnics, and fishing, as well as the home or office, ZeroTrees new fully compostable 9" plates the foremost eco-friendly, heavy duty disposable dinnerware. The ZeroTrees line provides a petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to wood, foam or plastic based products. Smart, affordable and stylish, all of the ZeroTrees plates are microwavable and freezer safe. Made of 100% tree free materials, all ZeroTrees products are developed from renewable plant fibers. 72 plates per case.
EarthSmart ZeroTrees Sugarcane 9" Plates, 3 Packs of 24 Plates, 72 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 16.18 9.60 21.19 ES-P-0090-KTCS-3.jpg 9" plates, 9 inch plates, sugarcane plates, bagasse plates, ESP0090KTCS3, ESP 0090KTCS3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9572 EarthSmart 10" Sugarcane Plates, Compostable, 500 Plates (ES-P-0100-FB) 9572 ES-P-0100-FB 26.00 P-0100-FB 10" Heavy Duty Sugarcane Plates
These rugged heavyweight, cut-resistant plates won’t flop in your hands. For added convenience, they’re microwavable and freezer safe, with water and oil resistance up to 212 degrees. EarthSmart high performance Bagasse plates offer you an ideal TREE FREE, petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to products manufactured from wood, foam or plastic – in many cases providing superior performance. No wood or petroleum based resources are used in EarthSmart products. Reinforcing our commitment to sustainability, EarthSmart dinner plates are made of 100% Bagasse, an annually renewable sugarcane by-product. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards for compostability.
EarthSmart 10" Sugarcane Plates, Compostable, 500 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 69.10 40.99 92.91 ES-P-0100-FB.jpg bagasse 10" plates, sugarcane plates, compostable, 500/case, ESP0100FB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9573 EarthSmart EarthSmart Sugarcane 2 Compartment Trays, 600 Trays (ES-T-0210) 9573 ES-T-0210 23.50 T-0210 Sugarcane Two Compartment Trays
EarthSmart Heavy Duty Two Compartment Nacho Chip and Snack Tray. These rugged heavyweight trays won’t flop in your hands. For added convenience, they’re microwavable and freezer safe, with water and oil resistance up to 212 degrees. EarthSmart high performance Bagasse Nacho Chip Trays offer you an ideal TREE FREE, petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to products manufactured from wood, foam or plastic – in many cases providing superior performance. No wood or petroleum based resources are used in EarthSmart products. EarthSmart Nacho Chip Trays are made of 100% Bagasse, an annually renewable sugarcane by-product. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards for compostability.
EarthSmart ZeroTrees Sugarcane 2 Compartment Trays, 600 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 94.40 56.00 128.31 ES-T-0210.jpg sugarcane, bagasse, 2 compartment nacho chip and snack tray, 600/case, EST0210, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9574 EarthSmart EarthSmart 3 Compartment Sugarcane Trays, 400 Trays (ES-T-0320) 9574 ES-T-0320 23.50 T-0320 Sugarcane Three Compartment Trays
EarthSmart Heavy Duty three Compartment Nacho Chip and Snack Tray. These rugged heavyweight Nacho Chip Trays won’t flop in your hands. For added convenience, they’re microwavable and freezer safe, with water and oil resistance up to 212 degrees. EarthSmart's high performance Bagasse Nacho Chip Trays offer you an ideal TREE FREE, petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to products manufactured from wood, foam or plastic – in many cases providing superior performance. No wood or petroleum based resources are used in EarthSmart products. EarthSmart Nacho Chip Trays are made of 100% Bagasse, an annually renewable sugarcane by-product. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards for compostbility.
EarthSmart ZeroTrees Sugarcane 3 Compartment Trays, 400 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 94.40 56.00 128.66 ES-T-0320.jpg sugarcane bagasse, 3 compartment nacho chip and snack tray, 400/case, EST0320, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9575 EarthSmart Bagasse 5 Compartment Sugarcane School Tray, 500 Trays (ES-T-2095-FB) 9575 ES-T-2095-FB 28.00 T-2095-FB Heavy Duty 5 Compartment Tray
These rugged heavyweight School Trays won’t flop in your hands. For added convenience, they’re microwavable and freezer safe, with water and oil resistance up to 212 degrees.EarthSmart high performance Bagasse school Trays offer you an ideal TREE FREE, petroleum-free, eco-friendly alternative to products manufactured from wood, foam or plastic – in many cases providing superior performance.No wood or petroleum based resources are used in EarthSmart products. Reinforcing our commitment to sustainability, EarthSmart School Trays are made of 100% Bagasse, an annually renewable sugarcane by-product. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards for compostbility.At EarthSmart our passion for the environment is matched by our commitment to helping protect our waterways, forests and fields.
EarthSmart Bagasse 5 Compartment Sugarcane School Tray, 500 Trays per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. EarthSmart 99.08 58.78 129.96 ES-T-2095-FB.jpg Bagasse 5 Compartment Sugarcane School Tray, 500/Case, EST2095FB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9576 EarthSmart EarthSmart ZeroTrees 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 24 Rolls (ES-TP-0010-ES-24) 9576 ES-TP-0010-ES-24 9.00 TP-0010-24 ZeroTrees 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper
New from EarthSmart. ZERO TREES, eco-friendly toilet paper home use. Individually wrapped, 350 sheet rolls. Soft yet strong, rapid dissolving with no fragrance or dyes. A TREE FREE, high performance, environmentally friendly alternative to tree-based paper products. No wood or petroleum based resources are used in EarthSmart ZERO TREES products. Reinforcing our commitment to sustainability, EarthSmart’s toilet tissue products are made from 100% Tree Free, annually renewable plant fibers. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart ZERO TREES products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards. EarthSmart fast dissolving tissue helps reduce clogs in your Boat, RV or home septic system. Our 2 ply Super Soft thickness provides strength, reliability and softness - making ZERO TREES bath tissue the ideal choice for recreation, travel and/or home. At EarthSmart our passion for the environment is matched by our commitment to helping protect waterways, forests and fields through our new ZERO TREES line of Products.
EarthSmart ZeroTrees 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 350 Sheets per Roll, 24 Rolls per Case
Toilet Paper » 2 ply Standard Toilet Paper - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
EarthSmart 25.45 15.10 33.58 ES-TP-0010-ES-24.jpg treefree toilet paper, green toilet paper, toliet paper, 2 ply toilet paper, ESTP0010ES24, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9577 EarthSmart TreeFree 2 Ply Toilet Paper, 350 Sheets per Roll, 32 Rolls (ES-TP-0040-ES-32) 9577 ES-TP-0040-ES-32 11.00 TP-0040-32 EarthSmart ZeroTrees 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper
The eco-friendly toilet paper buyers trust most, EarthSmart ZeroTrees 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper is a perfect choice for any industry or environment. Ideal for the office or home use, these high quality four pack of 350 sheet rolls. Soft yet strong, rapid dissolving with no fragrance or dyes. A TREE FREE, high performance, environmentally friendly alternative to tree-based paper products. No wood or petroleum based resources are used in EarthSmart ZERO TREES products. Reinforcing our commitment to sustainability, EarthSmart’s toilet tissue products are made from 100% Tree Free, annually renewable plant fibers. In addition, high-performance EarthSmart ZERO TREES products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, designed to comply with ASTM and other regulatory agency standards.EarthSmart fast dissolving tissue helps reduce clogs in your Boat, RV or home septic system. Our 2 ply SuperSoft thickness provides strength, reliability and softness - making ZERO TREES bath tissue the ideal choice for recreation, travel and/or home. At EarthSmart our passion for the environment is matched by our commitment to helping protect waterways, forests and fields through our new ZERO TREES line of Products.
EarthSmart ZeroTrees 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 350 Sheets per Roll, 4 Rolls per Pack, 8 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Toilet Paper » 2 ply Standard Toilet Paper » EarthSmart 33.68 19.98 44.83 ES-TP-0040-ES-32.jpg TreeFree Toilet Paper, 350 sheet Rolls, 4 pack, Environmentally Friendly, Green Solution, 8/Case, ESTP0040ES32, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 28 259
9579 Lagasse Misty® Heavy-Duty Glass Cleaner (AMRR124-4) 9579 AMR R124-4 36.40 R124-4 Extra strength, nonammoniated formula tackles the toughest glass cleaning jobs. Easily cleans dirt, grease, oil, smudges, fingerprints, lipstick and other stubborn deposits. Also removes paint overspray, nicotine film and insects when used on vehicles. Fo Amrep/Misty 32.91 25.10 43.72 AMRR1244.jpg Misty® Heavy-Duty Glass Cleaner AMRR124-4, AMRR1244, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 5
9580 Lagasse Misty® Take Off RF Floor Finish Stripper (AMRR812-5) 9580 AMR R812-5 45.50 R812-5 Aggressive non-ammoniated floor stripper is designed to quickly remove water-based burnished floor finish including acrylic/urethanes and most acrylic seals. Heavy-duty formula requires less scrubbing and the low residue content minimizes rinsing requirem Amrep/Misty 93.89 62.30 123.99 AMRR8125.jpg Misty® Take Off RF Floor Finish Stripper AMRR812-5, AMRR8125, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 5
9581 Lagasse Vacuum Bags and/or Filters - 5301ER, 86005220 25 pcs. (APCJAN-IVF155) 9581 APC JAN-IVF155 9.90 JAN-IVF155 Janitized® is designed for the cleaning professional who demands competitively priced vacuum bags and/or filters without sacrificing performance. Janitized® products are designed to meet or exceed OEM standards. Janitized® backs their product quality clai Apc Filtration Inc. 228.88 173.00 311.36 APCJANIVF155.jpg Vacuum Bags and/or Filters - 5301ER, 86005220 25 pcs. APCJAN-IVF155, APCJANIVF155, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 157
9587 Lagasse EcoCraft® Soy Wax Deli Sheets - 6 x 103/4 1000 10 (BGC010001) 9587 BGC 010001 21.00 10001 Soy wax blends reduces the reliance on petroleum. Ideal for multiple uses—food wrap, scale sheet, pick up sheet and basket liner. Easy-to-grab sheets in a convenient, pop-up dispenser. 20% reduction in raw material due to unbleached paper vs. bleached pap Bagcraft Papercon 67.26 51.30 88.21 BGC010001.jpg EcoCraft® Soy Wax Deli Sheets - 6 x 103/4 1000 10 BGC010001, BGC010001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9588 Lagasse Bakery Tissue - 6 x 10 (BGC010006) 9588 BGC 010006 24.00 10006 Designed for hygienic handling, packaging and serving of pastries, baked goods, donuts and other dry products. 10 packs per case. 1000 sheets per case. Bagcraft Papercon 66.72 47.60 90.64 BGC010006.jpg Bakery Tissue - 6 x 10 BGC010006, BGC010006, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9589 Lagasse Bakery Tissue - 8 x 10 (BGC010008) 9589 BGC 010008 27.00 10008 Designed for hygienic handling, packaging and serving of pastries, baked goods, donuts and other dry products. 10 packs per case. 1000 sheets per case. Bagcraft Papercon 76.16 54.31 103.96 BGC010008.jpg Bakery Tissue - 8 x 10 BGC010008, BGC010008, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9590 Lagasse EcoCraft® Soy Wax Deli Sheets - 8 x 103/4 500 12 (BGC016008) 9590 BGC 016008 23.00 16008 Soy wax blends reduces the reliance on petroleum. Ideal for multiple uses—food wrap, scale sheet, pick up sheet and basket liner. Easy-to-grab sheets in a convenient, pop-up dispenser. 20% reduction in raw material due to unbleached paper vs. bleached pap Bagcraft Papercon 85.22 65.00 113.27 BGC016008.jpg EcoCraft® Soy Wax Deli Sheets - 8 x 103/4 500 12 BGC016008, BGC016008, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9591 Lagasse EcoCraft® Soy Wax Deli Sheets - 10 x 103/4 500 12 (BGC016010) 9591 BGC 016010 29.00 16010 Soy wax blends reduces the reliance on petroleum. Ideal for multiple uses—food wrap, scale sheet, pick up sheet and basket liner. Easy-to-grab sheets in a convenient, pop-up dispenser. 20% reduction in raw material due to unbleached paper vs. bleached pap Bagcraft Papercon 106.20 81.00 142.55 BGC016010.jpg EcoCraft® Soy Wax Deli Sheets - 10 x 103/4 500 12 BGC016010, BGC016010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9592 Lagasse EcoCraft® Soy Wax Deli Sheets - 12 x 103/4 500 12 (BGC016012) 9592 BGC 016012 34.00 16012 Soy wax blends reduces the reliance on petroleum. Ideal for multiple uses—food wrap, scale sheet, pick up sheet and basket liner. Easy-to-grab sheets in a convenient, pop-up dispenser. 20% reduction in raw material due to unbleached paper vs. bleached pap Bagcraft Papercon 117.74 89.80 154.36 BGC016012.jpg EcoCraft® Soy Wax Deli Sheets - 12 x 103/4 500 12 BGC016012, BGC016012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9593 Lagasse Deli Pan Liners (BGC030001) 9593 BGC 030001 25.00 30001 Treated 25# full sheet pan liner keeps baked goods from sticking. Delivers single release property. Kosher certified. 163/8 x 241/2. 1000 liners per case. Bagcraft Papercon 39.65 30.24 54.13 BGC030001.jpg Deli Pan Liners BGC030001, BGC030001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9594 Lagasse Bake ™ Pan-Liner (BGC030010) 9594 BGC 030010 25.00 30010 Eliminates labor time and cleaning cost associated with greasing and washing baking pans. Ideal for baking, food wrapping, interleaving and microwave use. Made from unbleached, grease proof paper with a chromium-free, multi-base release. Recommended bakin Bagcraft Papercon 75.52 57.60 100.52 BGC030010.jpg Bake ™ Pan-Liner BGC030010, BGC030010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9595 Lagasse Grease-Resistant Sandwich Wraps & Basket Liners - 12 x 12 White 5 (BGC057012) 9595 BGC 057012 37.00 57012 Sustainable alternative to cartons and plastic containers. Grease-resistant paper provides stain protection. Multiple print designs available in different colors for easy identification. 1000 sheets per pack. Bagcraft Papercon 81.94 62.50 110.42 BGC057012.jpg Grease-Resistant Sandwich Wraps & Basket Liners - 12 x 12 White 5 BGC057012, BGC057012, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9596 Lagasse Grease-Resistant Sandwich Wraps & Basket Liners - 14 x 14 (BGC057014) 9596 BGC 057014 40.00 57014 Sustainable alternative to cartons and plastic containers. Grease-resistant paper provides stain protection. Multiple print designs available in different colors for easy identification. 1000 sheets per pack. Bagcraft Papercon 151.95 83.70 206.80 BGC057014.jpg Grease-Resistant Sandwich Wraps & Basket Liners - 14 x 14 BGC057014, BGC057014, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9597 Lagasse Grease-Resistant Sandwich Wraps & Basket Liners - 15 x 16 (BGC057015) 9597 BGC 057015 37.00 57015 Sustainable alternative to cartons and plastic containers. Grease-resistant paper provides stain protection. Multiple print designs available in different colors for easy identification. 1000 sheets per pack. Bagcraft Papercon 186.98 103.00 247.34 BGC057015.jpg Grease-Resistant Sandwich Wraps & Basket Liners - 15 x 16 BGC057015, BGC057015, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9598 Lagasse Grease-Resistant Red Check Sheets (BGC057700) 9598 BGC 057700 37.00 57700 All-purpose 20# grease-resistant sheet. Can be used as a basket liner, or for hot or cold sandwiches. Printed with the popular red check design. 20% reduction in raw material due to unbleached paper versus bleached paper. Product contains 20% total recove Bagcraft Papercon 90.71 69.18 118.73 BGC057700.jpg Grease-Resistant Red Check Sheets BGC057700, BGC057700, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9599 Lagasse Grease-Resistant Sandwich Wraps & Basket Liners - 12 x 12 (BGC057800) 9599 BGC 057800 37.00 57800 Sustainable alternative to cartons and plastic containers. Grease-resistant paper provides stain protection. Multiple print designs available in different colors for easy identification. 1000 sheets per pack. Bagcraft Papercon 108.56 82.80 145.26 BGC057800.jpg Grease-Resistant Sandwich Wraps & Basket Liners - 12 x 12 BGC057800, BGC057800, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9600 Lagasse Grease-Resistant Sandwich, Hot Dog & Sub Bags - Natural (BGC300100) 9600 BGC 300100 13.50 300100 Grease-resistant paper provides stain protection. Economical choice for single-serve hot and cold foods. Convenient packaging for eating on the go. 61/2 x 1 x 8. 2000 bags per case. Bagcraft Papercon 43.14 32.90 58.64 BGC300100.jpg Grease-Resistant Sandwich, Hot Dog & Sub Bags - Natural BGC300100, BGC300100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9601 Lagasse Grease-Resistant Sandwich, Hot Dog & Sub Bags - White (BGC300422) 9601 BGC 300422 14.00 300422 Grease-resistant paper provides stain protection. Economical choice for single-serve hot and cold foods. Convenient packaging for eating on the go. 61/2 x 1 x 8. 2000 bags per case. Bagcraft Papercon 47.97 35.50 62.92 BGC300422.jpg Grease-Resistant Sandwich, Hot Dog & Sub Bags - White BGC300422, BGC300422, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9602 Lagasse Sandwich and Hot Dog Foil Bags (BGC300533) 9602 BGC 300533 9.00 300533 Foil and paper lamination improves heat retention. Honeycomb design creates air pockets for superior insulation. Upscale appearance boosts sales and image. 1000 bags per case. Bagcraft Papercon 46.68 35.60 61.58 BGC300533.jpg Sandwich and Hot Dog Foil Bags BGC300533, BGC300533, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9603 Lagasse Foil Insulated Wraps - 101/2 x 13 4 (BGC300809) 9603 BGC 300809 18.00 300809 Honeycomb design creates air pockets for superior heat retention. Foil spreads heat and maintains a fresh premium appearance. Paper liner provides moisture absorption and keeps buns fresh. Excellent for foods displayed in heated cabinets. 500 sheets per b Bagcraft Papercon 151.58 83.50 201.51 BGC300809.jpg Foil Insulated Wraps - 101/2 x 13 4 BGC300809, BGC300809, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9604 Lagasse Foil Insulated Wraps - 14 x 16 2 (BGC300841) 9604 BGC 300841 15.70 300841 Honeycomb design creates air pockets for superior heat retention. Foil spreads heat and maintains a fresh premium appearance. Paper liner provides moisture absorption and keeps buns fresh. Excellent for foods displayed in heated cabinets. 500 sheets per b Bagcraft Papercon 48.18 36.75 65.30 BGC300841.jpg Foil Insulated Wraps - 14 x 16 2 BGC300841, BGC300841, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9605 Lagasse Grease-Resistant Sandwich Wraps & Basket Liners - 12 x 12 Natural* 5 (BGC300897) 9605 BGC 300897 33.00 300897 Sustainable alternative to cartons and plastic containers. Grease-resistant paper provides stain protection. Multiple print designs available in different colors for easy identification. 1000 sheets per pack. Bagcraft Papercon 123.90 94.50 165.32 BGC300897.jpg Grease-Resistant Sandwich Wraps & Basket Liners - 12 x 12 Natural* 5 BGC300897, BGC300897, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 261
9606 Lagasse Bio-D Enzyme Cleaner (BGD505) 9606 BGD 505 28.00 BGD 505 Combines a specially blended chemical formulation for immediate odor control. Uses the penetrating, long-lasting, freshening effects of promicrobials (microbes) to eliminate the source of odors. Can be used on fabrics such as clothing, carpet and upholste Big D Ind 50.61 38.60 66.19 BGD505.jpg Bio-D Enzyme Cleaner BGD505, BGD505, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 12
9607 Lagasse ClassicSeries® Surface Mounted Seat-Cover Dispenser (BOB221) 9607 BOB 221 3.03 B-221 Satin-finish stainless steel. Dispenses 250 single- or half-fold toilet sheet covers. Fills from bottom. Both product and packaging contain recycled content. Product contains 67% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. 153/4w x 2d x 11h. Chrome—Holds one pack of seat covers. Mounting hardware not included. Bobrick 47.03 27.90 62.47 BOB221.jpg ClassicSeries® Surface Mounted Seat-Cover Dispenser BOB221, BOB221, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 13
9608 Lagasse TrimLine™ Series Surface-Mounted ADA Dryer (BOB7128115V) 9608 BOB 7128 115V 15.00 7128 115V Durable, 18-gauge, type 304 stainless steel cover with black plastic trim. Automatic sensor with dual air outlets. 115V, 15 amp, 1725 watts, 50/60 Hz., single phases, cULus Listed. Both product and packaging contain recycled content. Product contains 50%- Bobrick 634.50 376.40 865.45 BOB7128115V.jpg TrimLine™ Series Surface-Mounted ADA Dryer BOB7128115V, BOB7128115V, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 13
9609 Lagasse Pizza Box - 10 E (BOXPZCORE10) 9609 BOX PZCORE10 13.00 9103285 B-flute. White/Kraft. Standard pizza box print design may vary from location to location. 50 boxes per bundle. PIZZA BOX 17.38 11.30 23.10 BOXPZCORE10.jpg Pizza Box - 10 E BOXPZCORE10, BOXPZCORE10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 248
9610 Lagasse Metal Handle Braces, Large 24" to 48" Sweeps (BWK119) 9610 BWK 119 0.33 BWK 119 Metal Handle Braces
Metal brace reinforces floor sweep handle to prevent breakage. Rust-resistant plated parts quickly connect. Fits 24" to 48" floor sweeps. Hardware included.
Boardwalk - Metal Handle Braces for 24" to 48" Floor Sweeps, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 3.88 2.93 5.06 BWK119.jpg Metal Handle Braces - Reinforces floor sweep handle to prevent breakage. Rust-resistant plated parts quickly connect. Hardware included. BWK119, BWK119, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9611 Lagasse Metal Handle Braces - Small, 18" to 48" Floor Sweeps (BWK120) 9611 BWK 120 0.33 BWK 120 Metal Handle Braces
Metal brace reinforces floor sweep handle to prevent breakage. Rust-resistant plated parts quickly connect. Fits 24" to 48" floor sweeps. Hardware included.
Boardwalk - Metal Handle Braces - Small, 18" to 48" Floor Sweeps, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 1.32 0.97 1.72 BWK120.jpg Metal Handle Braces - Small, Fits 18-48-in. Floor Sweeps BWK120, BWK120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9612 Lagasse Threaded End Wood Broom Handle, 54-in. (BWK121) 9612 BWK 121 0.92 BWK 121 Broom Handle
Natural lacquered wood broom handle. Standard thread. 15/16-in. diameter.
Boardwalk - Threaded End Wood Broom Handle, 54" Long, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 2.61 1.98 3.43 BWK121.jpg Threaded End Broom Handles - 54-in. BWK121, BWK121, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9613 Lagasse Threaded End Wood Broom Handle, 60-in. (BWK122) 9613 BWK 122 1.00 BWK 122 Broom Handle
Natural lacquered wood handle. Standard thread. 15/16-in. dia.
Boardwalk - Threaded End Wood Broom Handle, 60" Long, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 2.84 2.17 3.70 BWK122.jpg Threaded End Broom Handles - 60-in. BWK122, BWK122, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9614 Lagasse Tapered End Wood Broom Handle, 54-in. (BWK124) 9614 BWK 124 1.08 BWK 124 Broom Handle
Natural lacquered hardwood handle. Precision cut tapered ends. 1-1/8-in. diameter.
Boardwalk - Tapered End Wood Broom Handle, 54" Long, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 3.59 2.73 4.72 BWK124.jpg Tapered End Broom Handles - 54-in. BWK124, BWK124, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9615 Lagasse Tapered End Wood Broom Handle, 60-in. (BWK125) 9615 BWK 125 1.17 BWK 125 Broom Handle
Natural lacquered hardwood broom handle. Precision cut tapered ends. 1-1/8-in. diameter.
Boardwalk - Tapered End Wood Broom Handle, 60" Long, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 3.47 2.65 4.65 BWK125.jpg Tapered End Broom Handles - 60-in. BWK125, BWK125, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9616 Lagasse Metal-Tip Threaded End Broom Handle, 60-in. (BWK136) 9616 BWK 136 1.00 BWK 136 Broom Handle
Die-cast, unbreakable aluminum threaded tip secured to natural hardwood handle. 60-in. overall length.
Boardwalk - Metal-Tip Threaded End Broom Handle, 60" Long, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 3.75 2.75 4.99 BWK136.jpg Metal-Tip Threaded End Broom Handles - 15/16-in. BWK136, BWK136, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9617 Lagasse Heavy-Duty Threaded End Wood Broom Handle, 60-in. (BWK137) 9617 BWK 137 1.17 BWK 137 Broom Handle
Natural lacquered hardwood broom handle. Standard thread. 1-1/8-in. dia. 60-in. overall length.
Heavy-Duty Threaded End Wood Broom Handle, 60" Long, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 3.80 2.90 4.98 BWK137.jpg Heavy-Duty Threaded End Broom Handle BWK137, BWK137, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9618 Lagasse Metal-Tip Threaded End Broom Handle, 60-in. (BWK138) 9618 BWK 138 1.17 BWK 138 Broom Handle
Die-cast, unbreakable aluminum threaded tip secured to wood handle. 60-in. overall length.
Boardwalk - Metal-Tip Threaded End Broom Handle, 60" Long, Each
Boardwalk Paper 5.24 4.00 6.85 BWK138.jpg Metal-Tip Threaded End Broom Handles - 1/8-in. BWK138, BWK138, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9619 Lagasse Nitrile Flock-Lined - Large (BWK183L) 9619 BWK 183L 2.33 BWK 183L Superior chemical and abrasion resistance. For car repair, harsh cleaners and solvents, and meat processing. FDA Compliant. 13-in. length with embossed grip. Green. Mediumweight. Boardwalk Paper 24.26 18.50 33.20 BWK183L.jpg Nitrile Flock-Lined - Large BWK183L, BWK183L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9620 Lagasse Nitrile Flock-Lined - Medium (BWK183M) 9620 BWK 183M 2.20 BWK 183M Superior chemical and abrasion resistance. For car repair, harsh cleaners and solvents, and meat processing. FDA Compliant. 13-in. length with embossed grip. Green. Mediumweight. Boardwalk Paper 24.26 18.50 33.11 BWK183M.jpg Nitrile Flock-Lined - Medium BWK183M, BWK183M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9621 Lagasse Nitrile Flock-Lined - Extra-Large (BWK183XL) 9621 BWK 183XL 5.30 BWK 183XL Superior chemical and abrasion resistance. For car repair, harsh cleaners and solvents, and meat processing. FDA Compliant. 13-in. length with embossed grip. Green. Mediumweight. Boardwalk Paper 24.24 18.49 32.94 BWK183XL.jpg Nitrile Flock-Lined - Extra-Large BWK183XL, BWK183XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9622 Lagasse Men's Leather Palm Gloves, Gunn Cut (BWK1851) 9622 BWK 1851 6.00 GLX1851 With 21/2-in. safety cuff. Ideal for furniture, materials handling and manufacturing. Shoulder leather on palm, fingertips and knuckle straps. Cotton-lined. Large. Boardwalk Paper 27.02 19.75 35.87 BWK1851.jpg Men's Leather Palm Gloves, Gunn Cut BWK1851, BWK1851, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9623 Lagasse Palmyra Fiber Floor Brushes - 18 (BWK20118) 9623 BWK 20118 1.67 BWK 20118 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyCoarse/heavy sweep. Natural palmyra fibers for sweeping heavy debris. 31/2-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 8.96 6.83 11.99 BWK20118.jpg Palmyra Fiber Floor Brushes - 18 BWK20118, BWK20118, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9624 Lagasse Palmyra Fiber Floor Brushes - 24 (BWK20124) 9624 BWK 20124 2.58 BWK 20124 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyCoarse/heavy sweep. Natural palmyra fibers for sweeping heavy debris. 31/2-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 11.32 8.63 15.49 BWK20124.jpg Palmyra Fiber Floor Brushes - 24 BWK20124, BWK20124, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9625 Lagasse Palmyra Fiber Floor Brushes - 36 (BWK20136) 9625 BWK 20136 3.67 BWK 20136 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyCoarse/heavy sweep. Natural palmyra fibers for sweeping heavy debris. 31/2-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 22.62 17.25 30.13 BWK20136.jpg Palmyra Fiber Floor Brushes - 36 BWK20136, BWK20136, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9626 Lagasse Black Tampico Floor Brushes - 18 (BWK20218) 9626 BWK 20218 1.67 BWK 20218 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyFine/medium sweep. Tampico fibers resist heat and chemicals. 21/2-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 10.50 7.70 13.85 BWK20218.jpg Black Tampico Floor Brushes - 18 BWK20218, BWK20218, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9627 Lagasse Black Tampico Floor Brushes - 24 (BWK20224) 9627 BWK 20224 2.58 BWK 20224 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyFine/medium sweep. Tampico fibers resist heat and chemicals. 21/2-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 13.18 10.05 17.62 BWK20224.jpg Black Tampico Floor Brushes - 24 BWK20224, BWK20224, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9628 Lagasse Black Tampico Floor Brushes - 36 (BWK20236) 9628 BWK 20236 3.67 BWK 20236 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyFine/medium sweep. Tampico fibers resist heat and chemicals. 21/2-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 23.55 17.30 30.80 BWK20236.jpg Black Tampico Floor Brushes - 36 BWK20236, BWK20236, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9629 Lagasse Stiff Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 18 (BWK20318) 9629 BWK 20318 1.67 BWK 20318 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyCoarse/heavy sweep. Stiff maroon polypropylene bristles hold up on rough surfaces. Not affected by water or petroleum products. 31/4-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 10.58 7.80 14.04 BWK20318.jpg Stiff Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 18 BWK20318, BWK20318, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9630 Lagasse Stiff Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 24 (BWK20324) 9630 BWK 20324 2.58 BWK 20324 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyCoarse/heavy sweep. Stiff maroon polypropylene bristles hold up on rough surfaces. Not affected by water or petroleum products. 31/4-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 12.77 8.60 16.70 BWK20324.jpg Stiff Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 24 BWK20324, BWK20324, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9631 Lagasse Stiff Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 36 (BWK20336) 9631 BWK 20336 3.67 BWK 20336 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyCoarse/heavy sweep. Stiff maroon polypropylene bristles hold up on rough surfaces. Not affected by water or petroleum products. 31/4-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 24.98 19.05 33.11 BWK20336.jpg Stiff Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 36 BWK20336, BWK20336, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9632 Lagasse Gray Flagged Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 18 (BWK20418) 9632 BWK 20418 1.67 BWK 20418 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyFine sweep. Gray, polypropylene bristles are flagged for sweeping dust and fine particles on smooth surfaces. 3-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 12.69 9.60 16.78 BWK20418.jpg Gray Flagged Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 18 BWK20418, BWK20418, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9633 Lagasse Gray Flagged Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 24 (BWK20424) 9633 BWK 20424 2.58 BWK 20424 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyFine sweep. Gray, polypropylene bristles are flagged for sweeping dust and fine particles on smooth surfaces. 3-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 15.71 11.98 20.48 BWK20424.jpg Gray Flagged Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 24 BWK20424, BWK20424, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9634 Lagasse Gray Flagged Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 36 (BWK20436) 9634 BWK 20436 3.67 BWK 20436 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyFine sweep. Gray, polypropylene bristles are flagged for sweeping dust and fine particles on smooth surfaces. 3-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 26.13 19.93 34.02 BWK20436.jpg Gray Flagged Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 36 BWK20436, BWK20436, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9635 Lagasse Medium Black Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 18 (BWK20618) 9635 BWK 20618 1.67 BWK 20618 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyBlack synthetic polypropylene bristles for heavy- to medium-duty sweeping. Ideal for both rough and smooth surfaces. Water- and chemical-resistant for outdoor or indoor use. 3-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 10.23 7.80 13.99 BWK20618.jpg Medium Black Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 18 BWK20618, BWK20618, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9636 Lagasse Medium Black Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 24 (BWK20624) 9636 BWK 20624 2.58 BWK 20624 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyBlack synthetic polypropylene bristles for heavy- to medium-duty sweeping. Ideal for both rough and smooth surfaces. Water- and chemical-resistant for outdoor or indoor use. 3-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 11.87 9.05 16.04 BWK20624.jpg Medium Black Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 24 BWK20624, BWK20624, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9637 Lagasse Medium Black Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 36 (BWK20636) 9637 BWK 20636 3.67 BWK 20636 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyBlack synthetic polypropylene bristles for heavy- to medium-duty sweeping. Ideal for both rough and smooth surfaces. Water- and chemical-resistant for outdoor or indoor use. 3-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 24.52 18.45 32.56 BWK20636.jpg Medium Black Polypropylene Floor Brushes - 36 BWK20636, BWK20636, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9638 Lagasse Yellow Flock-Lined - Large (BWK242L) 9638 BWK 242L 2.00 BWK 242L For general cleaning and mild chemical handling. Chemical-resistant to mild detergents, acids, solvents, alkalies and germicides. 12-in. length with embossed nonslip grip. Mediumweight. Boardwalk Paper 11.43 8.72 15.64 BWK242L.jpg Yellow Flock-Lined - Large BWK242L, BWK242L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9639 Lagasse Yellow Flock-Lined - Medium (BWK242M) 9639 BWK 242M 1.70 BWK 242M For general cleaning and mild chemical handling. Chemical-resistant to mild detergents, acids, solvents, alkalies and germicides. 12-in. length with embossed nonslip grip. Mediumweight. Boardwalk Paper 11.19 8.37 15.04 BWK242M.jpg Yellow Flock-Lined - Medium BWK242M, BWK242M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9640 Lagasse Yellow Flock-Lined - Extra-Large (BWK242XL) 9640 BWK 242XL 2.17 BWK 242XL For general cleaning and mild chemical handling. Chemical-resistant to mild detergents, acids, solvents, alkalies and germicides. 12-in. length with embossed nonslip grip. Mediumweight. Boardwalk Paper 11.35 8.66 15.47 BWK242XL.jpg Yellow Flock-Lined - Extra-Large BWK242XL, BWK242XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9641 Lagasse Orange Flock-Lined - Large (BWK244L) 9641 BWK 244L 3.80 BWK 244L For janitorial services, dishwashing and strong chemical handling. Chemical-resistant to harsh detergents, acids, solvents, alcohols and alkalies. FDA Compliant. 12-in. length with embossed nonslip grip. Heavyweight. Boardwalk Paper 16.37 12.42 22.12 BWK244L.jpg Orange Flock-Lined - Large BWK244L, BWK244L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9643 Lagasse Palmyra Fiber (BWK3110) 9643 BWK 3110 0.92 BWK 3110 1-in. thick x 27/8-in. wide hardwood block has tapered and threaded handle holes. 2-in. trim. 10-in. block. Handles sold separately.Stiff palmyra fiber is perfect for scrubbing rough surfaces, etching floors or acid cleaning of buildings. Boardwalk Paper 4.65 3.55 6.06 BWK3110.jpg Palmyra Fiber BWK3110, BWK3110, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9644 Lagasse Synthetic Food Handling/General-Purpose Gloves - Large (BWK315L) 9644 BWK 315L 1.90 BWK 315L Powder-free. Stretchable gloves fit either hand. Ideal for food preparation, general light-duty cleaning, painting, manufacturing and parts assembly, and other nonmedical applications. FDA/USDA Compliant. 100% latex-free. Beige, nonsterile. 4 mils thick. Boardwalk Paper 5.92 4.52 7.98 BWK315L.jpg Synthetic Food Handling/General-Purpose Gloves - Large BWK315L, BWK315L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9645 Lagasse Synthetic Food Handling/General-Purpose Gloves, Medium, 100 Gloves (BWK315M) 9645 BWK 315M 1.90 BWK 315M Medium Powder Free Gloves
Powder-free. Stretchable gloves fit either hand. Ideal for food preparation, general light-duty cleaning, painting, manufacturing and parts assembly, and other nonmedical applications. FDA/USDA Compliant. 100% latex-free. Beige, nonsterile. 4 mils thick.
Boardwalk Synthetic General Purpose Gloves, Powder-Free, Non-Steril, Medium Size, 100 Gloves per Box Boardwalk Paper 5.99 4.57 7.82 BWK315M.jpg Synthetic Food Handling/General-Purpose Gloves - Medium BWK315M, BWK315M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9646 Lagasse White Tampico (BWK3210) 9646 BWK 3210 0.92 BWK 3210 1-in. thick x 27/8-in. wide hardwood block has tapered and threaded handle holes. 2-in. trim. 10-in. block. Handles sold separately.Medium-stiff natural fiber resists heat and chemicals. Boardwalk Paper 6.11 4.65 7.95 BWK3210.jpg White Tampico BWK3210, BWK3210, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9647 Lagasse Cream Colored Polypropylene (BWK3310) 9647 BWK 3310 0.92 BWK 3310 1-in. thick x 27/8-in. wide hardwood block has tapered and threaded handle holes. 2-in. trim. 10-in. block. Handles sold separately.Long-lasting, crimped polypropylene bristles hold solutions well. For general-purpose scrubbing. Not affected by solvents or acids. Boardwalk Paper 5.29 4.03 6.88 BWK3310.jpg Cream Colored Polypropylene BWK3310, BWK3310, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9648 Lagasse Dual Surface® Scrub (BWK3410) 9648 BWK 3410 1.00 BWK 3410 Dual-angled shape features side bristles for efficient scrubbing of baseboards and corners without changing tools. Crimped yellow polypropylene bristles provide liquid-holding ability under machines, fixed equipment or in wide open areas. 10-in. foam plas Boardwalk Paper 15.42 11.55 21.04 BWK3410.jpg Dual Surface® Scrub BWK3410, BWK3410, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9649 Lagasse Boardwalk Non-Streak Glass, Surface Wipes 12 – 28 Wipe Packs (BWK341-W) 9649 BWK 341-W 4.80 BWK 341-W Resealable Non-Streak Glass and Surface Wipe Packs
Boardwalk Non-Streak Glass and Surface Fresh Wipes offer a quick and easy disposable cleaning option for all commercial and residential environments. Fitting well within areas such as residential homes and kitchens, commercial office, restaurant, cafeteria, and janitorial fleets. Perfect for cleaning, and wiping, these ammonia-free cleaning tools restore, and refresh both glass and non-porous surfaces with ease. A complete cleaning accessory, Boardwalk Non-Streak Glass and Surface Fresh Wipes eliminate soil, stains and fingerprints instantly. Cleans a variety of surfaces, leaving a streak-free shine. These quality disposable wipes come in resealable packs of 7-in. x 10-in. wipes, and 12 packs per case.
Boardwalk Non-Streak Glass, Surface Wipes, 28 Wipe per Pack, 12 Packs per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 46.54 35.50 60.83 BWK341W.jpg glass wipes, furniture wipes, surface wipes, boardwalk wipes, BWK 341-W, BWK341W, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 123
9650 Lagasse Latex Powder-Free General-Purpose Gloves - Large (BWK345L) 9650 BWK 345L 1.47 BWK 345L Ideal for food handling and preparation, assembly and manufacturing work and other nonmedical applications requiring dexterity. FDA/USDA Compliant. Fits either hand. Rolled cuff. Natural color, nonsterile. 4 mils thick. 100 gloves per dispenser. Boardwalk Paper 8.52 6.50 11.46 BWK345L.jpg Latex Powder-Free General-Purpose Gloves - Large BWK345L, BWK345L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9651 Lagasse Latex Powder-Free General-Purpose Gloves - Medium (BWK345M) 9651 BWK 345M 1.70 BWK 345M Ideal for food handling and preparation, assembly and manufacturing work and other nonmedical applications requiring dexterity. FDA/USDA Compliant. Fits either hand. Rolled cuff. Natural color, nonsterile. 4 mils thick. 100 gloves per dispenser. Boardwalk Paper 8.21 6.26 10.74 BWK345M.jpg Latex Powder-Free General-Purpose Gloves - Medium BWK345M, BWK345M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9652 Lagasse Boardwalk Lemon Oil Furniture Polish Wipes, 12 – 24 Wipe Packs (BWK346-W) 9652 BWK 346-W 7.25 BWK 346-W Boardwalk Lemon Oil Furniture Polish Wipes
Boardwalk Lemon Oil Furniture Polish Wipes provide a cleaning capability that few products can match. Ideal for wiping, polishing and cleaning. Boardwalk Lemon Oil Furniture Polish Wipes restore, and refresh wood furniture with ease. Perfect for woodwork, Formica, leather, vinyl, brass, chrome, stainless steel and tile. The ideal tool for cleaning your wood furniture and wood surfaces, as soil, stains and fingerprints disappear instantly. These pre-moistened wipes provide a natural, protective shine with no buildup, leaving a clean, hard wax finish that resists dust, grime and water.
Boardwalk Lemon Oil Furniture Polish Wipes, 12 Wipes per Pack, 24 Packs per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 45.23 34.50 60.58 BWK346W.jpg furniture polish, furniture wipes, polish wipes, boardwalk wipes, BWK 346-W, BWK346W, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9653 Lagasse Boardwalk Stainless Steel Polish Wipes, 12 – 30 Wipes Canisters (BWK347-W) 9653 BWK 347-W 9.60 BWK 347-W Boardwalk Stainless Steel Polish Wipes
Boardwalk Stainless Steel Polish Wipes is designed for use on stainless steel, chromium, aluminum, zinc, mild steel, brass, copper and silver. Ideal for wiping, polishing and cleaning stainless steel, Boardwalk Stainless Steel Polish Wipes restore, and refresh metallic items with ease. The perfect cleaning tool for polishing and cleaning soil, stains and fingerprints. These disposable wipes provide a natural, protective shine with no buildup, leaving a clean, finish that restores a brilliant, “like new“ shine, and leaves a protective coat to help resist tarnishing.
Boardwalk Stainless Steel Polish Wipes, 30 Wipes Canister, 12 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 86.27 65.80 116.38 BWK347W.jpg stainless steel polish, polish wipes, steel polish wipes, boardwalk wipes, BWK 347-W, BWK347W, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9654 Lagasse Latex Exam Gloves - Large (BWK350L) 9654 BWK 350L 1.60 BWK 350L Powdered, with a skintight elastic fit. Provides excellent dexterity for medical, dental and lab applications. Medical grade. Meets FDA 510K requirements. FDA/USDA Accepted. Fits either hand. Rolled cuff and powdered for easy on/off. Natural color, nonste Boardwalk Paper 7.98 6.08 10.47 BWK350L.jpg Latex Exam Gloves - Large BWK350L, BWK350L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9656 Lagasse Boardwalk Fresh Scent Disinfecting Wipes, 12 - 35 Wipe Canisters (BWK354-W35) 9656 BWK 354-W35 8.35 BWK 354-W35 Boardwalk Fresh Scent Disinfecting Wipes
Boardwalk, a name trusted for quality paper products, introduces Boardwalk Fresh Scent Disinfecting Wipes. Guaranteed to disinfect hard surfaces simply and easily, these wipes are created in a bleach-free and alcohol-free formula that kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria. Eliminating harmful pathogens like E. Coli, Salmonella, Staph and Strep, as well the Influenza A and H1N1 flu virus. Boardwalk Fresh Scent Wipes are an easy and safe way to remain clean in any location. Ideal for day care centers, offices, schools and restaurants, homes and cars. Coming in a fresh clean scent that disinfects and cleans, Boardwalk Fresh Scent Disinfecting Wipes are the ideal quick cleaning choice.
Boardwalk Fresh Scent Disinfecting Wipes, 450 Wipes per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 26.88 20.50 36.42 BWK354W35.jpg boardwalk disinfecting wipes, wipes, disinfecting wipes, paper products, BWK354-W35, BWK354W35, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9657 Lagasse Boardwalk Fresh Scent Disinfectant Wipes, 6 - 75 Count Canisters (BWK354-W75) 9657 BWK 354-W75 8.45 BWK 354-W75 Fresh Scent Disinfecting Wipes
Boardwalk Fresh Scent Wipes disinfect surfaces in one fast and easy step. Providing a clean, fresh scent that disinfects while it cleans, Boardwalk Fresh Scent Disinfecting Wipes eliminate 99.9% of all germs and bacteria. Proving a bleach-free and alcohol-free formula, these durable wipes eliminate E. Coli, Salmonella, Staph Strep, Influenza A and H1N1 flu virus. Coming 75 wipes to a can and 6 cans to a case, these pre-moistened wipes are guaranteed to clean and disinfect all hard surfaces. Simple, affordable and safe, Boardwalk Fresh Scent Wipes are the disinfecting wipes smart shoppers trust.
Boardwalk Fresh Scent Disinfecting Wipes, 75 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case, 450 Wipes per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 24.65 18.80 33.47 BWK354W75.jpg boardwalk disinfecting wipes, wipes, disinfecting wipes, paper products, BWK354-W75, BWK354W75, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9660 Lagasse Boardwalk Lemon Scent Disinfectant Wipes, 12 - 35 Count Cans (BWK355-W35) 9660 BWK 355-W35 8.35 BWK 355-W35 Lemon Scented Disinfecting Wipes
Boardwalk Lemon Scent Wipes disinfect hard surfaces simply and easily. Its bleach-free and alcohol-free formula kills 99.9% of E. Coli, Salmonella, Staph and Strep, as well as being equally as effective against Influenza A and H1N1 flu virus. Coming 35 wipes to a can and 12 cans to a case, Boardwalk Lemon Scent Wipes are an easy and safe way to remain clean in any location. Its simply can disposal feature allows quick access, for those last second cleanings. Coming in a fresh lemon scent that disinfects and cleans, Boardwalk Lemon Scent Disinfecting Wipes are the ideal cleaning choice for almost any surface.
Boardwalk Lemon Scented Disinfecting Wipes, 35 Wipes per Canister, 12 Canisters per Case, 420 Wipes per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 26.88 20.50 36.46 BWK355W35.jpg boardwalk disinfecting wipes, wipes, disinfecting wipes, paper products, BWK355-W35, BWK 355W35, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9661 Lagasse Boardwalk Lemon Scent Disinfectant Wipes, 6 - 75 Count Canisters (BWK355-W75) 9661 BWK 355-W75 8.45 BWK 355-W75 Lemon Scent Disinfectant Wipes
Coming in a fresh lemon scent that disinfects and cleans, Boardwalk Lemon Scent Disinfecting Wipes are the ideal cleaning choice for almost any surface. Boardwalk Lemon Scent Wipes disinfect hard surfaces in one easy step. This bleach-free and alcohol-free formula kills 99.9% of E. Coli, Salmonella, Staph and Strep. Just wipe, clean and toss it! Also effective against Influenza A and H1N1 flu virus, these pre-moistened wipes are guaranteed to eliminate up to 99.9% of germs. Coming 75 wipes to a can and 6 cans to a case, Boardwalk Lemon Scent Wipes are an easy and inexpensive way to stay clean and safe in any location.
Boardwalk Lemon Scented Disinfecting Wipes, 75 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case, 450 Wipes per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 24.65 18.80 32.44 BWK355W75.jpg boardwalk disinfecting wipes, wipes, disinfecting wipes, paper products, BWK355W75, BWK 355W-75, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9662 Lagasse Boardwalk Pre-Moistened Hand Wipes, 6 – 90 Wipe Canisters (BWK356-W) 9662 BWK 356-W 15.21 BWK 356-W Boardwalk Pre-Moistened Hand Wipe Canisters
Boardwalk Pre-Moistened Hand Wipes are the thick, strong wipes customers rely on to clean their hands and work surfaces. Specifically formulated to remove most hard-to-clean substances without drying hands and skin. The textured wipe captures grease and grime. Extra-large, these quality wipes clean, sanitize and moisturize hands of most common germs. Convenient and easy to use in offices, restaurants, healthcare facilities or anywhere else germs might be.
Boardwalk Pre-Moistened Hand Wipes, 90 Wipe per Canisters, 6 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 70.80 54.00 94.94 BWK356W.jpg hand wipes, pre-moistened wipes, boardwalk wipes, wipes, BWK 356-W, BWK356W, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9663 Lagasse Boardwalk Flushable Moist Personal Wipes, 12 – 42 Wipe Packs (BWK357-WR) 9663 BWK 357-WR 6.00 BWK 357-WR Flushable Moist Personal Wipes
Pre-moistened and better than dry bathroom tissue, Boardwalk Flushable Personal Moist Wipes are an essential part of any bathroom environment. Completely degradable, these quality flushable wipes break apart after flushing, just like toilet paper. Boardwalk Flushable Moist Wipes are soft and contains aloe and vitamin E to soothe as well as clean. Boardwalk Flushable Moist Wipes provide convenient pop-up dispensing. These 5.25 x 7 wipes come 42 wipes per pack, and 12 packs per case.
Boardwalk Pre-Moistened Flushable Personal Wipes, 42 Wipes per Pack, 12 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 22.16 16.90 30.14 BWK357WR.jpg personal wipes, flushable wipes, pre-moistened wipes, boardwalk wipes, wipes, BWK 357-WR, BWK357WR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9664 Lagasse Boardwalk Flushable Moist Personal Wipes, 12 – 42 Wipe Tubs (BWK357-WT) 9664 BWK 357-WT 8.47 BWK 357-WT Flushable Moist Personal Wipes
Boardwalk Flushable Moist Wipes are completely decomposable, as just like toilet paper, these flushable wipes break apart after flushing. Contains soothing aloe, these wipes provide a soft, non abrasive bathroom wipe that is completely hypoallergenic and alcohol-free. Boardwalk Flushable Moist Wipes provide convenient pop-up dispensing, making them great for any residential home or office environment. Pre-moistened and better than dry bathroom tissue, Boardwalk Flushable Moist Wipes any easy fit for any lavatory setting. 5.25" x 7" sheet size. 42 wipes per tub , and 12 tubs per case.
Boardwalk Pre-Moistened Flushable Personal Wipes, 42 Wipes per Tub, 12 Tubs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 39.99 30.50 52.28 BWK357WT.jpg personal wipes, flushable wipes, pre-moistened wipes, boardwalk wipes, wipes, BWK 357-WT, BWK357WT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9665 Lagasse Boardwalk Antibacterial Hand and Face Wipes, 6 – 75 Wipe Canisters (BWK358-W) 9665 BWK 358-W 8.53 BWK 358-W Boardwalk Antibacterial Premoistened Hand and Face Wipes
Boardwalk Pre-Moistened Hand and Wipes are specifically formulated to remove dirt without drying out hands and skin. These thick, strong wipes come complete with a soothing fresh scent. Guaranteed to help moisturize with natural aloe and vitamin E, Boardwalk Pre-Moistened Hand Wipes are completely hypoallergenic and gentle on skin. These textured wipes captures grease and dirt easily and efficiently. Able to clean, sanitize and moisturize hands of most common germs. Boardwalk Pre-Moistened Hand Wipes are convenient and easy to use in offices, restaurants, healthcare facilities or anywhere else germs might be. 75 5.4 x 8 wipes per canister, and 6 canisters per case.
Boardwalk Antibacterial Wipes, 75 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 25.57 19.50 33.23 BWK358W.jpg hand wipes, face wipes, disposable wipes, pre-moistened wipes, boardwalk wipes, wipes, BWK 358-W, BWK358W, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9666 Lagasse Vinyl Gloves - Large (BWK360L) 9666 BWK 360L 1.82 BWK 360L Medical grade. Meets FDA 510K requirements. FDA/USDA Compliant. Fits either hand. Rolled cuff and powdered for easy on/off. Looser fit than latex. Performs well for lab work and food handling. Clear white, nonsterile. 3–4 mils thick. 100 gloves per dispen Boardwalk Paper 9.32 4.98 12.23 BWK360L.jpg Vinyl Gloves - Large BWK360L, BWK360L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9668 Lagasse Vinyl Gloves - Extra-Large (BWK360XL) 9668 BWK 360XL 1.82 BWK 360XL Medical grade. Meets FDA 510K requirements. FDA/USDA Compliant. Fits either hand. Rolled cuff and powdered for easy on/off. Looser fit than latex. Performs well for lab work and food handling. Clear white, nonsterile. 3–4 mils thick. 100 gloves per dispen Boardwalk Paper 6.97 5.32 9.20 BWK360XL.jpg Vinyl Gloves - Extra-Large BWK360XL, BWK360XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9669 Lagasse General-Purpose Vinyl Gloves - Size (BWK365L) 9669 BWK 365L 1.70 BWK365L Powder-free. Ideal for food preparation, general light-duty cleaning, painting, precision parts handling and manufacturing and parts assembly. FDA/USDA Compliant. 100% latex-free. Fits either hand. Clear, nonsterile. 3 mils thick. 100 gloves per dispenser Boardwalk Paper 5.45 4.16 7.08 BWK365L.jpg General-Purpose Vinyl Gloves - Size BWK365L, BWK365L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9670 Lagasse General-Purpose Vinyl Gloves - Medium (BWK365M) 9670 BWK 365M 1.60 BWK365M Powder-free. Ideal for food preparation, general light-duty cleaning, painting, precision parts handling and manufacturing and parts assembly. FDA/USDA Compliant. 100% latex-free. Fits either hand. Clear, nonsterile. 3 mils thick. 100 gloves per dispenser Boardwalk Paper 5.70 4.35 7.52 BWK365M.jpg General-Purpose Vinyl Gloves - Medium BWK365M, BWK365M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9671 Lagasse Clear Polyethylene Food Handling Gloves - Large (BWK370L) 9671 BWK 370L 3.80 BWK 370L Watertight, embossed. Fits either hand. FDA/USDA Accepted. 1.0 mils thick. 100 gloves per pack. 10 packs (1000 gloves) per dispenser. Boardwalk Paper 8.19 6.25 10.65 BWK370L.jpg Clear Polyethylene Food Handling Gloves - Large BWK370L, BWK370L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9672 Lagasse Clear Polyethylene Food Handling Gloves - Medium (BWK370M) 9672 BWK 370M 3.30 BWK370M Watertight, embossed. Fits either hand. FDA/USDA Accepted. 1.0 mils thick. 100 gloves per pack. 10 packs (1000 gloves) per dispenser. Boardwalk Paper 8.22 6.27 10.91 BWK370M.jpg Clear Polyethylene Food Handling Gloves - Medium BWK370M, BWK370M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9673 Lagasse General-Purpose Blue Nitrile Gloves - Large (BWK380L) 9673 BWK 380L 1.30 BWK 380L Powder-free. Chemical- and puncture-resistant. Ideal for lab work, chemical handling, small parts handling and foodservice applications. Meets FDA requirements CFR-21 170.199 for food handling. 100% latex-free. Provides superior tear strength and dexterit Boardwalk Paper 9.77 7.45 12.80 BWK380L.jpg General-Purpose Blue Nitrile Gloves - Large BWK380L, BWK380L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9674 Lagasse General-Purpose Blue Nitrile Gloves - Medium (BWK380M) 9674 BWK 380M 1.40 BWK 380M Powder-free. Chemical- and puncture-resistant. Ideal for lab work, chemical handling, small parts handling and foodservice applications. Meets FDA requirements CFR-21 170.199 for food handling. 100% latex-free. Provides superior tear strength and dexterit Boardwalk Paper 10.27 7.46 13.49 BWK380M.jpg General-Purpose Blue Nitrile Gloves - Medium BWK380M, BWK380M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9675 Lagasse Boardwalk Disposable Apron, 100 Aprons (BWK390) 9675 BWK 390 2.90 BWK 390 Disposable Apron
Great way to protect clothing. Disposable, white polyethylene apron is ideal for any food service employee. 1 mil thick.
Boardwalk Disposable Apron, 1 Mil Thick Polypropylene, White, 100 Aprons per Dispenser - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 10.79 8.23 14.54 BWK390.jpg Disposable Apron, BWK 390, BWK390, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9676 Lagasse Boardwalk Tablecovers - Embossed (BWK40300EMB) 9676 BWK 40300EMB 5.00 40300EMB Provides crease-free and easy set up. Durable and reusable plastic table covers. 5.0 mil post embossed 40-in. x 100-ft. roll. Boardwalk Paper 19.86 10.60 25.98 BWK40300EMB.jpg Boardwalk Tablecovers - Embossed BWK40300EMB, BWK40300EMB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9677 Lagasse Boardwalk Tablecovers - Plastic (BWK40300POLY) 9677 BWK 40300POLY 4.80 7-49507-99261-5 Provides crease-free and easy set up. Durable and reusable plastic table covers. 5.0 mil post embossed 40-in. x 100-ft. roll. Boardwalk Paper 11.48 8.62 15.51 BWK40300POLY.jpg Boardwalk Tablecovers - Plastic BWK40300POLY, BWK40300POLY, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9678 Lagasse Boardwalk Tablecovers - Paper* (BWK40300PPR) 9678 BWK 40300PPR 5.00 40300PPR Eliminate washing, drying and folding of cloth tablecovers. Individually boxed in reclosable carton. 40 x 300. Boardwalk Paper 18.36 9.80 24.70 BWK40300PPR.jpg Boardwalk Tablecovers - Paper* BWK40300PPR, BWK40300PPR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9679 Lagasse White Tampico - 81/2-in. (BWK4208) 9679 BWK 4208 0.42 BWK 4208 Standard utility brushes are available in both short and long foam plastic handle styles with hang-up holes. Brush face 51/2 x 5. 2-in. trim. Medium-stiff natural fiber resists heat and chemicals. Boardwalk Paper 3.66 2.76 4.86 BWK4208.jpg White Tampico - 81/2-in. BWK4208, BWK4208, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9680 Lagasse White Tampico - 20-in. (BWK4220) 9680 BWK 4220 0.67 BWK 4220 Standard utility brushes are available in both short and long foam plastic handle styles with hang-up holes. Brush face 51/2 x 5. 2-in. trim. Medium-stiff natural fiber resists heat and chemicals. Boardwalk Paper 5.85 4.35 7.92 BWK4220.jpg White Tampico - 20-in. BWK4220, BWK4220, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9681 Lagasse Cream Colored Polypropylene - 81/2-in. (BWK4308) 9681 BWK 4308 0.42 BWK 4308 Standard utility brushes are available in both short and long foam plastic handle styles with hang-up holes. Brush face 51/2 x 5. 2-in. trim. Chemical- and water-resistant, crimped polypropylene for general use. Boardwalk Paper 3.34 2.55 4.56 BWK4308.jpg Cream Colored Polypropylene - 81/2-in. BWK4308, BWK4308, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9682 Lagasse Cream Colored Polypropylene - 20-in. (BWK4320) 9682 BWK 4320 0.67 BWK 4320 Standard utility brushes are available in both short and long foam plastic handle styles with hang-up holes. Brush face 51/2 x 5. 2-in. trim. Chemical- and water-resistant, crimped polypropylene for general use. Boardwalk Paper 5.26 4.01 7.11 BWK4320.jpg Cream Colored Polypropylene - 20-in. BWK4320, BWK4320, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9683 Lagasse Short Handle (BWK4408) 9683 BWK 4408 0.50 BWK 4408 Lightweight, molded, beige plastic block resists mildew, rot and bacteria. Resilient, durable white nylon bristles stand up to heat and most chemicals. Hang-up hole in handle. Brush face 51/2 x 5. 2-in. trim.Upswept handle provides leverage when scrubbing. 9-in. overall length. Boardwalk Paper 7.32 5.58 9.77 BWK4408.jpg Short Handle BWK4408, BWK4408, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9684 Lagasse Long Handle (BWK4420) 9684 BWK 4420 0.67 BWK 4420 Lightweight, molded, beige plastic block resists mildew, rot and bacteria. Resilient, durable white nylon bristles stand up to heat and most chemicals. Hang-up hole in handle. Brush face 51/2 x 5. 2-in. trim.20-in. overall length. Boardwalk Paper 9.36 7.07 12.32 BWK4420.jpg Long Handle BWK4420, BWK4420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9685 Lagasse Unwrapped Straws - White with Red Stripe (BWK50P-8) 9685 BWK 50P-8 5.15 YSTS52S8LAG 100% recyclable polypropylene resin500 straws per box. Boardwalk Paper 16.52 12.60 22.50 BWK50P8.jpg Unwrapped Straws - White with Red Stripe BWK50P-8, BWK50P8, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9686 Lagasse Black Tampico Counter Brush (BWK5208) 9686 BWK 5208 0.50 BWK 5208 13-in. foam plastic block with bi-directional hanging hole. Brush face 8-in. 21/2-in. trim.For light- to medium-duty tasks. Easily removes sawdust and glass particles. Natural fiber resists heat and chemicals. Boardwalk Paper 5.18 3.95 6.76 BWK5208.jpg Black Tampico Counter Brush BWK5208, BWK5208, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9687 Lagasse Black Polypropylene Counter Brush (BWK5308) 9687 BWK 5308 0.42 BWK 5308 13-in. foam plastic block with bi-directional hanging hole. Brush face 8-in. 21/2-in. trim. Good all-around counter duster. Durable polypropylene is not affected by moisture. Boardwalk Paper 3.58 2.73 4.87 BWK5308.jpg Black Polypropylene Counter Brush BWK5308, BWK5308, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9688 Lagasse Gray Flagged Plastic Counter Brush (BWK5408) 9688 BWK 5408 0.50 BWK 5408 13-in. foam plastic block with bi-directional hanging hole. Brush face 8-in. 21/2-in. trim.Self-flagging bristles are ideal for removing fine particles, dust and sawdust on smooth surfaces. Boardwalk Paper 5.26 4.01 7.14 BWK5408.jpg Gray Flagged Plastic Counter Brush BWK5408, BWK5408, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9689 Lagasse Boardwalk Tablecovers (BWK54108) 9689 BWK 54108 10.00 7-49507-99263-9 Bright white tissue adds elegance to the tabletop. Two-ply tissue with high-absorbency has poly backing for tabletop protection. Embossed. 50 x 108. 25 tablecovers per case. Boardwalk Paper 23.26 17.47 30.87 BWK54108.jpg Boardwalk Tablecovers BWK54108, BWK54108, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9690 Lagasse Neoprene Flock-Lined - Large (BWK543L) 9690 BWK 543L 5.80 BWK 543L Ideal for strong chemical handling. Resistant to chlorinated solvents, inorganic acids, petroleum products, paint and varnish remover. Long sleeve 15-in. glove ensures forearm protection; embossed grip. Black. Heavyweight. Boardwalk Paper 53.09 39.14 69.80 BWK543L.jpg Neoprene Flock-Lined - Large BWK543L, BWK543L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9691 Lagasse Neoprene Flock-Lined - Medium (BWK543M) 9691 BWK 543M 5.00 BWK 543M Ideal for strong chemical handling. Resistant to chlorinated solvents, inorganic acids, petroleum products, paint and varnish remover. Long sleeve 15-in. glove ensures forearm protection; embossed grip. Black. Heavyweight. Boardwalk Paper 53.09 38.84 71.19 BWK543M.jpg Neoprene Flock-Lined - Medium BWK543M, BWK543M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9692 Lagasse Unwrapped Straws - White with Red Stripe (BWK5C1-6) 9692 BWK 5C1-6 4.90 YSR50S8LAG 100% recyclable polypropylene resin500 straws per box. Boardwalk Paper 25.30 19.30 34.25 BWK5C16.jpg Unwrapped Straws - White with Red Stripe BWK5C1-6, BWK5C16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9693 Lagasse White Tampico Bowl Brush (BWK6217) 9693 BWK 6217 0.29 BWK 6217 White tampico is twisted in wire and shaped to clean interior bowl surfaces. Plastic handle with hang-up hole. Brush face 5 x 41/2. 19-in. overall length. Boardwalk Paper 3.35 2.56 4.47 BWK6217.jpg White Tampico Bowl Brush BWK6217, BWK6217, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9694 Lagasse Boardwalk Premium C-Fold Towels, 2,400 Towels (BWK6225) 9694 BWK 6225 17.00 BWK6225 Boardwalk Premium C-Fold Towels
Boardwalk Premium C-Fold Towels are the perfect choice for any large use restroom. Both product and packaging has recycled content. Meets or exceeds EPA guidelines. Meets EPA CPG requirements. White.
Boardwalk Premium C-Fold Towels, 1 Ply White, 10" x 13" Sheet Size, 150 per Pack, 16 Packs per Case.
Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » C-Fold Paper Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 21.71 16.56 29.69 BWK6225.jpg c-fold towels, BWK 6225, BWK6225, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9695 Lagasse Boardwalk Perforated Kitchen Paper Towels, 12 Rolls (BWK6273) 9695 BWK 6273 15.40 BWK6273 Boardwalk Perforated Kitchen Paper Towels
Heavily-embossed and absorbent, Boardwalk Perforated Kitchen Paper Towels provide a quality paper towel option. Durable enough to tackle your toughest clean-up jobs, Boardwalk Perforated Kitchen Paper Towels are super absorbent and handle spills with ease. Perfect for use in a commercial or home kitchen, as well as any residential or commercial office or garage. Boardwalk provides a thick and absorbent paper towel that is known to clean up the smallest spills and the biggest messes. Garnering a reputation as being one of the toughest paper towels on the market, Boardwalk Perforated Kitchen Paper Towels come in white 2 ply 11 x 8.5 sheet, and fully meet EPA and CPG requirements.
Boardwalk Perforated Kitchen Paper Towels, 250 Sheets per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 31.99 17.08 41.71 kitchen paper towels, paper towels, white paper towels, BWK 6273, BWK6273, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9696 Lagasse Boardwalk 2 Ply Premium 300 ft. Center-Pull Towel, 6 Rolls (BWK6405) 9696 BWK 6405 11.00 BWK 6405 2 Ply Premium Center-Pull Towels
Boardwalk 2-ply premium center-pull towels offer high absorbency, and are an excellent alternative to other dispensing hand towels. Helping to reduce the chances of cross-contamination, Boardwalk's line of center-pull towels eliminate wasted pull towels usage as well, allowing you to save both money and maintenance time. These two-ply hand towels are softer and more absorbent than other economy center-pull towels. Boardwalk 2 Ply Premium Center-Pull Towel are eco-friendly, Packaging: contains 34% post-consumer and 55% total recovered material. Core contains 100% post-consumer material. Meets EPA CPG requirements.
Boardwalk 2 Ply Premium Center-Pull Towel, 8" x 12" Sheet Size, 300 Feet per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case.
Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Center Pull Paper Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 18.09 13.80 24.27 BWK6405.jpg 2 ply center-pull towels, paper towels, center pull paper towels, center-pull towels, BWK 6405, BWK6405, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9697 Lagasse Boardwalk Center-Pull Towels, 2 Ply, 6 Rolls (BWK6410) 9697 BWK 6410 22.00 BWK 6410 Premium Center-Pull Towels
Offering one-hand dispensing that never requires touching a lever, Boardwalk Center-Pull Hand Towels are perfect protection against the spread of germs and bacteria in kitchens and restrooms. These center-pull towels are designed to allow for individuals to never have to touch the dispenser, cutting down on cross contamination. Boardwalk center pull towels are known for their superior quality product performance and premium protection against hand contamination. Boardwalk 2 Ply Premium Center-Pull Towel, 8" x 10" Sheet Size, 550 Feet per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case.
Boardwalk Center-Pull Towels, 2 Ply, 550-ft. Roll, 6 Rolls per Case
Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Center Pull Paper Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 30.16 23.00 40.71 BWK6410.jpg center-pull towels, BWK 6410, BWK6410, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9698 Lagasse Boardwalk 2 Ply Premium Center-Pull Towels, 6 Rolls (BWK6415) 9698 BWK 6415 22.00 BWK 6415 2 Ply Premium Center-Pull Towels
This center pull towel from Boardwalk offers great quality for a low price. Packed 6 rolls per case, this 2-ply towel boasts 660 sheets of economy and durability. 2-ply premium center-pull towels highly absorbent. 8" x 12" sheet size, 660 sheets per roll, white. Packaging: contains 34% post-consumer and 55% total recovered material. Core contains 100% post-consumer material. Meets EPA CPG requirements.
Boardwalk 2 Ply Premium Center-Pull Towels, 8" x 12", 660 Feet per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case
Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Center Pull Paper Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 34.09 26.00 44.89 BWK6415.jpg center-pull paper towels, BWK 6415, BWK6415, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9699 Lagasse Boardwalk 2 Ply Premium Coreless Center-Pull Towels, 6 Rolls (BWK6425) 9699 BWK 6425 17.00 BWK 6425 2 Ply Coreless Center-Pull Towels
Boardwalk center pull towels are known for their superior quality product performance and premium protection against cross-contamination. These center-pull towels are designed to allow for individuals to never have to touch the dispenser. 2 Ply premium quality coreless center-pull towel very absorbent. 8" x 10" sheet size. 600 sheets per roll. White. Packaging: contains 34% post-consumer and 55% total recovered material. Core contains 100% post-consumer material. Meets EPA CPG requirements.
Boardwalk 2 Ply Premium Coreless Center-Pull Towels, 8" x 10" Sheet Size, 500 Feet per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case
Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Center Pull Paper Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 26.75 20.40 35.79 BWK6425.jpg premium center-pull towels, BWK 6425, BWK6425, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9700 Lagasse Men's Cotton Canvas Gloves (BWK7) 9700 BWK 7 1.64 8800L-90 Clute-cut pattern. Soft, cotton canvas with a fleeced inner surface and knit wrist for a snug, comfortable fit. Use for warehouse work, assembly and materials handling. Large. Boardwalk Paper 10.64 8.12 13.98 BWK7.jpg Men's Cotton Canvas Gloves BWK7, BWK7, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9701 Lagasse Boardwalk Industrial Strength Pot and Pan Detergent 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (BWK701-4) 9701 BWK 701-4 37.80 701-4 Boardwalk Industrial Strength Pot and Pan Detergent
Economical, and providing quality cleaning power, Boardwalk Industrial Strength Pot and Pan Detergent provides a lotionized dish detergent that can handle both commercial and industrial environments. Industrial strength, Boardwalk Pot and Pan Detergent quickly and powerfully eliminates all food stains and stuck-on food by using deep cleaning power. Specifically formulated to be gentle on the hands but hard on grease, this quality detergent leaves pots, pans, and dishes shiny and clean. Providing a pleasant floral fragrance, this powerful cleaner works quickly and to ensure each and every dish is sparkling.
Boardwalk Industrial Strength Pot and Pan Detergent 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 24.91 19.00 33.57 BWK7014.jpg industrial dishwashing detergent, diswashing detergent, boardwalk dishwashing detergent, liquid dishwashing detergent, dish washing detergent, BWK 701-4, BWK7014, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9702 Lagasse Boardwalk Heavy Duty Oven and Grill Cleaner 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles (BWK702-4) 9702 BWK 702-4 38.90 702-4 Boardwalk Heavy Duty Oven and Grill Cleaner
Boardwalk Heavy Duty Oven and Grill Cleaner provides a powerful oven and grill cleaning agent that is designed to handle the worst of any kitchen environment. Industrial strength, Boardwalk Heavy Duty Oven and Grill Cleaner quickly and powerfully eliminates burnt-on fats, oils and greases. Designed to provides exceptional cleaning ability for the removal of baked-on or burnt-on food soils, animal fats and carbon, Boardwalk Heavy Duty Oven and Grill Cleaner is ideal for commercial, institutional and industrial environments. Coming in 1 gallon bottles, and 4 bottles per case, Boardwalk Heavy Duty Oven and Grill Cleaner is the powerful oven and grill cleaner that can be relied on.
Boardwalk Heavy Duty Oven and Grill Cleaner 4 - 1 Gallon Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 26.22 20.00 35.35 BWK7024.jpg oven cleaner, grill cleaner, heavy duty oven cleaner, industrial oven cleaner, BWK 702-4, BWK7024, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9703 Lagasse Boardwalk Industrial Strength Gel Clog Remover, 6 - 80-oz. Bottles (BWK703-6) 9703 BWK 703-6 33.40 703-6 Industrial Gel Clog Remover
Boardwalk Industrial Strength Gel Clog Remover is effective at dissolving tough clogs in standing water and slow running drains in bathroom and kitchen sinks, bathtubs and garbage disposals. Providing maximum strength for stubborn clogs, Boardwalk Industrial Strength Gel Clog Remover clings to clogs quickly to clear clogs better. Contains no phosphorus, Boardwalk Industrial Strength Gel Clog Remover pours through standing water and works fast to restore your drains to their free-flowing state. Perfect for commercial, residential, and industrial application, Boardwalk Industrial Strength Gel Clog Remover is the ideal bathroom unclogging tool.
Boardwalk Industrial Strength Gel Clog Remover, 80-oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 34.74 26.50 45.14 BWK7036.jpg drain opener, clog remover, unclogger, declogger, BWK 703-6, BWK7036, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9704 Lagasse Boardwalk Cleaning Vinegar, 8 - 64-oz. Bottles (BWK704-8) 9704 BWK 704-8 36.70 704-8 Vinegar Based Cleaner
Using vinegar is a great economical and nontoxic way to clean your home and business. Its several uses include cleaning kitchen and bathroom surfaces, deodorizer, glass and windows, excellent degreaser and more. 64-oz. bottle. 8 bottles per case.
Boardwalk - Cleaning Vinegar, 64-oz. Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 16.26 12.40 21.19 BWK7048.jpg vinegar cleaner, BWK704-8, BWK7048, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9705 Lagasse Street Brooms - Natural Palmyra (BWK71160) 9705 BWK 71160 2.75 BWK 71160 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyExcellent for bulk and heavy trash sweeping. Hardwood block with two tapered handle holes. 18-in. broom. Boardwalk Paper 9.77 6.95 13.23 BWK71160.jpg Street Brooms - Natural Palmyra BWK71160, BWK71160, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9706 Lagasse Street Brooms - Brown Plastic (BWK73160) 9706 BWK 73160 2.75 BWK 73160 • Hardwood block with two threaded handle holes • Handle sold separatelyExcellent for bulk and heavy trash sweeping. Hardwood block with two tapered handle holes. 18-in. broom. Boardwalk Paper 12.97 9.89 17.55 BWK73160.jpg Street Brooms - Brown Plastic BWK73160, BWK73160, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9709 Lagasse Men's String Knit Gloves, Large, 12 Pairs (BWK782) 9709 BWK 782 1.24 8875L-90 General-Purpose Gloves
Long-lasting reversible utility gloves are a cotton-polyester blend, making them ideal as liners for cold applications and for general purposes. Knit wrists provide secure and comfortable fit. Suitable for a wide range of tasks including warehouse work and handling materials. Strong and protective.Cotton/polyester blend gloves ideal as a liner in cold applications or for general-purpose use. Natural color, reversible. Large.
Boardwalk - Men's Large String Knit Gloves, 12 Pairs per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 6.22 4.74 8.46 BWK782.jpg Men's String Knit Gloves BWK782, BWK782, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9710 Lagasse Men's PVC-Dotted String Knit Gloves (BWK792) 9710 BWK 792 2.42 BWK792 Ambidextrous—use on either hand. Black PVC dots on both sides provide a firm grip and double the life of the glove. Machine knit offers breathability. Comfortable string knit wrist. For warehouse work and materials handling. Large. Boardwalk Paper 13.29 9.98 17.31 BWK792.jpg Men's PVC-Dotted String Knit Gloves BWK792, BWK792, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9711 Lagasse Men's PVC-Dotted Canvas Gloves (BWK8) 9711 BWK 8 1.04 8850L-90 Provides a firm grip for materials handling, and shipping and receiving. White canvas glove with knit wrist cuff. Black PVC dots on palm, fingers and thumb with full coverage on index finger and thumb. Clute-cut pattern, straight thumb. One size fits all. Boardwalk Paper 10.81 8.24 14.06 BWK8.jpg Men's PVC-Dotted Canvas Gloves BWK8, BWK8, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9712 Lagasse Boardwalk Foaming Antibacterial Hand Soap, 4 Refills (BWK8300) 9712 BWK 8300 11.30 8300 Antibacterial Foam Hand Soap
Germ killing foaming handwash in a smoothing sweet pea scent. Container is recyclable.
Boardwalk Foaming Antibacterial Hand Soap, 1,250-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 50.22 38.30 68.16 BWK8300.jpg foaming antibacterial hand soap, BWK8300, BWK8300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9713 Lagasse Boardwalk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Each (BWK8350) 9713 BWK 8350 6.90 8350 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Holds a 1250-ml sealed refill in a remarkably small footprint. Great for locations where a smaller, more traditional dispenser is preferred. Features skylight with an extra-large site window. One hand push operation. Optional key lock included.
Boardwalk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1,250-ml Capacity, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 3.63 2.77 4.73 BWK8350.jpg boardwalk foaming hand soap dispenser, BWK 8350, BWK8350, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9714 Lagasse Boardwalk Green Certified Foam Hand Soap, 4 Refills (BWK8400) 9714 BWK 8400 11.30 8400 Green Certified Foam Soap
A mild, biodegradable foam soap formula certified by Green Seal and Eco-Logo to meet their joint standard (GS-41/CCD-104) for hand cleaners and hand soaps. The certifications mean that the product has been thoroughly evaluated by these unbiased, third-party organizations and meet standards for being environmentally responsible without sacrificing product performance.
Boardwalk Green Certified Foam Hand Soap, Fragrance Free, 1,250-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 43.14 32.90 56.92 BWK8400.jpg Foam Soap - Foam Soap - Green* 4 BWK8400, BWK8400, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9715 Lagasse Polystyrene Vehicle Brush (BWK8410) 9715 BWK 8410 1.00 BWK 8410 21/2-in. trim. Handles sold separately.21/2-in. wide x 10-in. long flow-through plastic block with threaded and tapered handle holes. Vinyl bumper protects vehicle finishes. Black and white self-flagged polystyrene bristles. Boardwalk Paper 12.22 8.91 16.17 BWK8410.jpg Polystyrene Vehicle Brush BWK8410, BWK8410, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9716 Lagasse Dual-Surface Vehicle Brush (BWK8420) 9716 BWK 8420 1.00 BWK 8420 21/2-in. trim. Handles sold separately.Popular brush with 31/4-in. wide x 10-in. long dual-angle foam block. Five-hole, fountain-style design accommodates flow-through or standard threaded handle. Black and white flagged polystyrene bristles. Boardwalk Paper 17.07 12.45 22.49 BWK8420.jpg Dual-Surface Vehicle Brush BWK8420, BWK8420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9717 Lagasse Lotion Soap Bottle - 8-oz. 12 per case. (BWK8500) 9717 BWK 8500 7.40 8500 Premium liquid soap formulated for mild, effective skin cleaning. Gentle cleaning formula with a touch of aloe vera is less drying than ordinary soap. Conditioners and moisturizing agents smooth and protect skin while maintaining its natural pH balance. D Boardwalk Paper 15.86 12.10 20.74 BWK8500.jpg Lotion Soap Bottle - 8-oz. 12 per case. BWK8500, BWK8500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9718 Lagasse Antibacterial Soap - Case (BWK8600) 9718 BWK 8600 4.20 8600 Kills germs while providing a rich, luxurious lather. Gentle on hands. Contains vitamin E and aloe. Fresh Fruit fragrance. Translucent apricot color. 7.5-oz. pump bottle. 6 bottles per case. Boardwalk Paper 14.51 11.07 18.98 BWK8600.jpg Antibacterial Soap - Case BWK8600, BWK8600, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9719 Lagasse Jersey Knit Wrist Gloves (BWK9) 9719 BWK 9 1.20 BWK 9 For materials handling. Comfortable, warm 8-oz. brown jersey with knit wrist cuff. Clute-cut pattern, straight thumb. One size fits all. Boardwalk Paper 10.73 8.18 14.55 BWK9.jpg Jersey Knit Wrist Gloves BWK9, BWK9, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9720 Lagasse Grout Brush (BWK9008) 9720 BWK 9008 0.34 BWK 9008 13-in. foam plastic block with bi-directional hanging hole. Brush face 8-in. 21/2-in. trim.Upswept, 81/8-in. long handle works the crimped black nylon bristles into grout and crevices. Durable blue plastic handle. 7/8-in. trim. Boardwalk Paper 1.88 1.43 2.48 BWK9008.jpg Grout Brush BWK9008, BWK9008, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9721 Lagasse Boxed Polystrene Cutlery - Fork (BWKBXFORK) 9721 BWK BXFORK 9.01 BWK BXFORK White. 100 pieces per box. 10 boxes per case. Boardwalk Paper 34.74 26.50 47.56 BWKBXFORK.jpg Boxed Polystrene Cutlery - Fork BWKBXFORK, BWKBXFORK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9722 Lagasse Cutting Board Brushes - Green (BWKFSCBGRN) 9722 BWK FSCBGRN 0.15 BWK FSCBGRN Sturdy polypropylene block has a hanging hole and water-resistant, medium stiff polyester bristles for heavy-duty cleaning. Bristles are color-coded to prevent cross-contamination. 6l x 21/2w. Boardwalk Paper 5.70 4.25 7.45 BWKFSCBGRN.jpg Cutting Board Brushes - Green BWKFSCBGRN, BWKFSCBGRN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9723 Lagasse Cutting Board Brushes - Red (BWKFSCBRD) 9723 BWK FSCBRD 0.15 XX FSCBRD Sturdy polypropylene block has a hanging hole and water-resistant, medium stiff polyester bristles for heavy-duty cleaning. Bristles are color-coded to prevent cross-contamination. 6l x 21/2w. Boardwalk Paper 5.70 4.25 7.55 BWKFSCBRD.jpg Cutting Board Brushes - Red BWKFSCBRD, BWKFSCBRD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9724 Lagasse Cutting Board Brushes - White (BWKFSCBWH) 9724 BWK FSCBWH 0.15 XX FSCBWH Sturdy polypropylene block has a hanging hole and water-resistant, medium stiff polyester bristles for heavy-duty cleaning. Bristles are color-coded to prevent cross-contamination. 6l x 21/2w. Boardwalk Paper 5.70 4.25 7.54 BWKFSCBWH.jpg Cutting Board Brushes - White BWKFSCBWH, BWKFSCBWH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9725 Lagasse Cutting Board Brushes - Yellow (BWKFSCBYL) 9725 BWK FSCBYL 0.15 XX FSCBYL Sturdy polypropylene block has a hanging hole and water-resistant, medium stiff polyester bristles for heavy-duty cleaning. Bristles are color-coded to prevent cross-contamination. 6l x 21/2w. Boardwalk Paper 5.70 4.25 7.47 BWKFSCBYL.jpg Cutting Board Brushes - Yellow BWKFSCBYL, BWKFSCBYL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9726 Lagasse Boardwalk Premium Toilet Seat Covers, 1,000 Covers (BWKK1000) 9726 BWK K1000 6.60 K-1000 Boardwalk Premium Toilet Seat Covers
From Boardwalk, these high quality toilet seat covers provide an affordable and sanitary way to stay safe in any bathroom area. Dispensing toilet seat covers simply and easily, these quality covers were created with sanitation in mind. Designed to be fully effective at stopping both germs and bacteria, Boardwalk's Premium Toilet Seat Covers are half-fold covers that fit all popular seat cover dispensers. Made from quick-dissolving tissue; 100% biodegradable. 250 covers per pack.
Boardwalk Premium Toilet Seat Covers, 250 Covers per Pack, 4 Packs, 1,000 Covers per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Seat Covers & Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 11.65 8.88 15.44 BWKK1000.jpg premium toilet seat covers, BWK K1000, BWKK1000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9727 Lagasse Boardwalk Premium Toilet Seat Covers, 2,500 Covers (BWKK2500) 9727 BWK K2500 12.20 K-2500 Boardwalk Premium Toilet Seat Covers
Coming direct from Boardwalk, our line of high quality toilet seat covers are an easy and affordable way to maintain a sanitary bathroom environment. Completely safe for skin contact, these covers are effective at stopping both germs and bacteria. Boardwalk Premium Toilet Seat Covers are half-fold covers that fit all popular seat cover dispensers. Made from quick-dissolving tissue; 100% biodegradable. 250 covers per pack.
Boardwalk Premium Toilet Seat Covers, 250 Covers per Pack, 10 Packs, 2,500 Covers per Case
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Seat Covers & Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 22.81 17.40 30.40 BWKK2500.jpg premium toilet seat covers, BWK K2500, BWKK2500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9728 Lagasse Boardwalk Premium Toilet Seat Covers, 5,000 Covers (BWKK5000) 9728 BWK K5000 24.40 K-5000 Premium Toilet Seat Covers
Boardwalk Premium Toilet Seat Covers offer a cost-effective way to cover public toilet seats, eliminating the need for messy, improvised alternatives of lining the seat. Keeping busy restrooms clean and sanitary is a constant concern for business owners and customers alike. There is an understood need for those who share toilet facilities with others to avoid contact with potential sources of bacteria and germs. Often, covers are made from paper towels or clumps of toilet paper, causing big messes and expensive drain clogs. These half-fold covers fit all popular seat cover dispensers, made from quick-dissolving tissue, 100% biodegradable. 250 covers per pack.
Boardwalk Premium Toilet Seat Covers, 250 Covers per Pack, 20 Packs, 5,000 Covers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 35.98 27.44 48.83 BWKK5000.jpg premium toilet seat covers, BWK K5000, BWKK5000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9729 Lagasse Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser, White (BWKKD100) 9729 BWK KD100 0.80 BWK KD100 Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser
Sleek and contemporary, this high quality toilet seat cover dispenser is a quick and easy way to maintain a sanitary bathroom environment. Developed to dispense toilet seat covers simply and easily, this quality dispenser presents one toilet seat cover at a time. Created with sanitation in mind, this dispenser is effective at stopping both germs and bacteria. This toilet seat cover dispenser holds two 250-count packs of half-fold seat covers (sold separately). 16" wide x 3-1/4" deep x 11-1/2" high. White plastic. Includes double-sided tape for wall mounting.
Boardwalk Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser, White, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Seat Covers & Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 5.75 4.32 7.59 BWKKD100.jpg toilet seat cover dispensers, BWK KD100, BWKKD100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9730 Lagasse Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser, Chrome (BWKKD200) 9730 BWK KD200 2.30 BWK KD200 Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser
Designed to hold and dispense toilet seat covers effectively. Created with sanitation in mind, this center pull formatted dispenser is an effective against both germs and bacteria. This quality dispenser presents one toilet seat cover at a time, and ensures a safe and sanitary bathroom environment. Holds 250-count packs of half-fold toilet seat covers (sold separately). Does not include mounting hardware. 16" wide x 3-1/4" deep x 11-1/2" high. Mounting hardware not included.
Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser, Chrome, 250-Count Capacity, Each
Paper Products & Dispensers » Toilet Seat Covers & Dispensers - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Boardwalk Paper 27.60 21.05 36.02 BWKKD200.jpg boardwalk toilet seat cover dispensers, BWK KD200, BWKKD200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9731 Lagasse Universal Clutch Plate (BWKN92) 9731 BWK N92 0.33 BWK N92 Recommended for most applications. Reinforced nylon with 5-in. center hole. Boardwalk Paper 7.92 6.04 10.58 BWKN92.jpg Universal Clutch Plate BWKN92, BWKN92, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9732 Lagasse Short Trim Pad Drivers - 17 (BWKPPP17) 9732 BWK PPP17 6.50 BWK PPP17 Red, 1/2-in. long, poly fibers are unevenly trimmed and widely spaced for pad holding power. Universal clutch plate attached. Fits most machines. Manufactured on a durable plastic block with riser. Boardwalk Paper 71.71 54.23 94.26 BWKPPP17.jpg Short Trim Pad Drivers - 17 BWKPPP17, BWKPPP17, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9733 Lagasse Short Trim Pad Drivers - 18 (BWKPPP18) 9733 BWK PPP18 7.00 BWK PPP18 Red, 1/2-in. long, poly fibers are unevenly trimmed and widely spaced for pad holding power. Universal clutch plate attached. Fits most machines. Manufactured on a durable plastic block with riser. Boardwalk Paper 76.38 57.67 99.70 BWKPPP18.jpg Short Trim Pad Drivers - 18 BWKPPP18, BWKPPP18, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9734 Lagasse Short Trim Pad Drivers - 19 (BWKPPP19) 9734 BWK PPP19 8.00 BWK PPP19 Red, 1/2-in. long, poly fibers are unevenly trimmed and widely spaced for pad holding power. Universal clutch plate attached. Fits most machines. Manufactured on a durable plastic block with riser. Boardwalk Paper 80.39 60.00 105.77 BWKPPP19.jpg Short Trim Pad Drivers - 19 BWKPPP19, BWKPPP19, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 123
9735 Lagasse Short Trim Pad Drivers - 20 (BWKPPP20) 9735 BWK PPP20 9.00 BWK PPP20 Red, 1/2-in. long, poly fibers are unevenly trimmed and widely spaced for pad holding power. Universal clutch plate attached. Fits most machines. Manufactured on a durable plastic block with riser. Boardwalk Paper 89.77 66.75 117.34 BWKPPP20.jpg Short Trim Pad Drivers - 20 BWKPPP20, BWKPPP20, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
9736 Lagasse OdoBan Eucalyptus Odor-Eliminator Disinfectant 4 - 1 Gallon Bottle (CCC911062-G4) 9736 CCC 911062-G4 36.00 911062-G4 OdoBan Odor Eliminator and Deodorant Disinfectant
OdoBan eliminates unpleasant odors on washable surfaces such as upholstery, carpets, bedding, showers, walls and floors while leaving a fresh scent. OdoBan odor eliminator Disinfectant cleans, disinfects, sanitizes and deodorizes all pre-cleaned hard, nonporous household surfaces. Leaving no residue, this concentrated multipurpose cleaner eliminates 99.99% of germs including Strep, E.coli, Staph, Listeria monocytogenes, HIV-1, Influenza A/Hong Kong and Herpes Simplex type 2 and Klebsiella pneumoniae on hard, nonporous, nonfood contact surfaces in 60 seconds. It can be used as an air freshener, laundry freshener, mopping solution, pet odor eliminator and spot treatment. Easily eminates foul odors caused by pets, mildew, smoke, vomit, sewage and urine. As a disinfectant OdoBan is a fungicidal agent against germs such as Trichophyton mentagrophyte (the athlete's foot fungus), when used on surfaces in areas such as locker rooms, dressing rooms, shower and bath areas and exercise facilities. It also effectively controls and inhibits the growth of mold and mildew.
OdoBan Eucalyptus Odor-Eliminator Disinfectant, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clean Control 45.89 35.00 60.36 CCC911062G4.jpg carpet cleaner, odor eliminator, deodorizer, disinfectant, CCC 911062-G4, CCC911062G4, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 202
9737 Lagasse Odor & Dirt Eliminating Carpet Powder, 6 Boxes (CDC11538) 9737 CDC 11538 13.60 21538 Odor Eliminating Carpet Powder
The combined power of Arm and Hammer baking soda and OxiClean dirt fighters makes a formula that absorbs and permanently eliminates odors easily. Guaranteed to remove up to 25% more dirt than vacuuming alone. Arm and Hammer Carpet Odor Eliminating Powder with OxiClean removes dirt from smoke, mold, mildew, food spills and more. Known as the deep dry carpet cleaner, Arm and Hammer Carpet Odor Eliminating Powder is specifically formulated to remove and eliminate stains, dirt and grime from carpets without leaving it wet, damp or soggy. Designed to remove tough grounded in dirt and stains, Arm and Hammer Carpet Odor Eliminating Powder comes in a 30-oz. box, 6 boxes per case.
Arm and Hammer Carpet Odor Eliminating Powder with OxiClean, 30-oz. Box, 6 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Arm And Hammer 14.68 11.20 20.02 CDC11538.jpg carpet cleaning, cleaning powder, carpet cleaning powder, arm and hammer, CDC11538, CDC 11538, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 7
9739 Lagasse Arm and Hammer HE Liquid Laundry Detergent, 8 Bottles (CDC33200-09915) 9739 CDC 33200-09915 32.30 99991 Perfume and Dye Free HE Liquid Detergent
Affordable and hard-working, Arm and Hammer HE Liquid Detergent is an essential part of any home or commercial laundry environment. Low-sudsing formula rinses cleaner and is designed to work in both standard and High Efficiency (HE) machines. Powers out dirt and odors. Arm and Hammer HE Liquid Detergent provides a pure and powerful cleaning process with every wash. This unique and reliable laundry detergent rinses easily and keeps your clothes feeling soft. Arm and Hammer HE Liquid Detergent provides a quality cleaning agent that effectively and thoroughly cleans clothes. It tackles even the toughest stains, while being dye and fragrance free. Arm and Hammer HE Liquid Laundry Detergent, 50-oz. Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Arm And Hammer 45.76 34.90 59.52 CDC3320009915.jpg laundry detergent, liquid detergent, he detergent, arm and hammer detergent, CDC 33200-09915, CDC3320009915, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 7
9740 Lagasse Kaboom Shower, Tub and Tile Cleaner 12 Bottles (CDC57037-35061) 9740 CDC 57037-35061 30.00 35071 Bathroom Cleaner
Kaboom Shower, Tile, Tub and Bathroom Cleaner is a powerful cleaner designed to tackle the bathrooms toughest stains on showers, tile, tubs, grout and sinks. Tough on soap scum buildup, calcium, lime stains, grease and grime, Kaboom Bathroom Cleaner offers a cleaning product that does not produce fumes. This citric acid formula comes with a fresh, clean scent that disinfects, shines and deodorizes. Guaranteed to prevent mold, mildew and hard water stains. Eliminates HIV-1, staph and strep germs on hard, as well as all nonporous surfaces. Fully EPA Registered, Kaboom Bathroom Cleaner is great for use on showers, toilets, basins and tubs. 36-oz. trigger spray bottle. 12 bottles per case. Arm and Hammer Kaboom Foamtastic Bathroom Cleaner, Unscented, 36-oz. Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Arm And Hammer 57.03 43.50 75.83 CDC5703735061.jpg bathroom cleaner, shower cleaner, tile cleaner, kaboom bathroom cleaner, CDC 57037-35061, CDC5703735061, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 7
9741 Lagasse Kaboom Foam-Tastic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 8 Aerosol Cans (CDC84321) 9741 CDC 84321 9.50 84321 Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Kaboom Toilet Bowl Cleaner is a powerful cleaning agent designed to tackle the toughest toilet stains. Cleans and deodorizes with a fresh scent, Kaboom Bathroom Cleaner offers a cleaning product that does not produce fumes. This specifically designed formula comes with a fresh, clean scent that disinfects, shines and deodorizes. Spray on the super-clinging blue foam and Oxi-Clean stain fighters to go to work on contact, loosening soil and stains. Fully EPA Registered, Kaboom Bathroom Cleaner is great for use on all toilet bowls. 14.5-oz. aerosol can, 8 cans per case.
Arm and Hammer Kaboom Foam-Tastic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 14.5-oz. Aerosol Can, 8 Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Arm And Hammer 44.67 26.50 60.83 CDC84321.jpg bathroom cleaner, shower cleaner, tile cleaner, kaboom bathroom cleaner, CDC 84321, CDC84321, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 7
9742 Lagasse Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, 2 Refill Packs (CLO30220) 9742 CLO 30220 20.70 30220 Clorox Disinfectant Wipes
One-step cleaning and disinfecting. Bleach-free formula kills 99.9% of bacteria, including Staph and salmonella. Ideal for day care centers, offices, schools and restaurants. Fresh Scent, 7" x 8" sheet size, White.
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, 500 Count Refill Packet, 2 Packets, 1,000 Wipes per Case
Wipes » Clorox Wipes - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 56.05 42.73 73.49 CLO30220.jpg clorox disinfecting wipes, CLO 30220, CLO30220, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9743 Lagasse Clorox Germicidal Wipes, 150 Count (CLO30577) 9743 CLO 30577 13.30 CLO 30577 Clorox Germicidal Wipes
Clorox Germicidal Wipes are pre-moistened and will not easily tear or fall apart and are designed for better cleaning power. Kills C. difficile spores in five minutes. Meets CDC and APIC guidelines for surface disinfection of the toughest healthcare pathogens. Clorox Germicidal Wipes can be used almost anywhere to clean and disinfect hard, nonporous hospital surfaces.
Clorox Germicidal Wipes, 150 Wipes per Container, 6 Containers per Case.
Wipes » Clorox Wipes - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Professional 69.14 52.73 90.25 CLO30577.jpg clorox germicidal wipes, CLO 30577, CLO30577, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9744 Lagasse Clorox Bleach Cream Cleanser, 8 - 32-oz. Bottles (CLO30613) 9744 CLO 30613 21.60 30613 Clorox Bleach Cream Cleanser
Bleach formula for tough, commercial-grade cleaning and stain removal. Scrubbing beads penetrate dirt quickly making cleaning fast and efficient. Removes soap scum, scuff marks, blood, urine, mold, mildew, grease, grime, food and beverage stains. New Clorox Bleach Cream Cleanser has 1.3% sodium hypochlorite and has been tested for compatibility with most hospital surfaces. It provides the fast, strong cleaning you expect from Clorox bleach.
Clorox Bleach Cream Cleanser, 32-oz. Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Bleach - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 42.99 25.50 57.00 CLO30613.jpg clorox bleach cream cleanser, CLO 30613, CLO30613, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9745 Lagasse Tilex Tile & Grout Pen, 12 Pens (CLO30630) 9745 CLO 30630 3.30 CLO 30630 Tilex Tile & Grout Pen
Attack hard-to-reach stains with a dual-tipped pen powered by Clorox bleach. This handy cleaning tool is perfect for hard-to-reach stains in cracks and crevices. The dual-tipped applicator features a fine point for precise jobs and a scrub brush for larger areas.
Tilex Tile & Grout Pen, 12 - 2-oz Pens per Box
Clorox Bathroom Cleaners » Tilex Soap Scum and Mildew Removers - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 35.07 26.75 46.30 CLO30630.jpg tilex tile & grout pen, CLO 30630, CLO30630, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9746 Lagasse Clorox 2 Laundry Stain Remover, 12 - 22-oz. Spray Bottles (CLO30637) 9746 CLO 30637 20.80 CLO 30637 Clorox 2 Laundry Stain Remover
With Clorox 2 Stain Remover, no need to worry about staying clean. Advanced stain fighting formula to tackle the toughest stains. Safe for whites and colors. Ideal for dirt and grass stains, spaghetti sauce, red wine and more.
Clorox 2 Laundry Stain Remover, 22-oz. Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case.
Laundry Products » Laundry Spot/Stain Remover - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 38.55 29.40 52.09 CLO30637.jpg clorox 2 laundry stain remover, CLO 30637, CLO30637, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9747 Lagasse Clorox Green Works Chlorine-Free Bleach, 8 - 60-oz. Bottles (CLO30647) 9747 CLO 30647 32.70 30647 Clorox Green Works Chlorine-Free Bleach
Fight stains and whiten whites the Green Works way. Coconut-based cleaners and naturally derived ingredients—not chlorine, whiten whites and are safe on colors. No harsh chemical fumes or residue.
Clorox Green Works Chlorine-Free Bleach, 60-oz. Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case.
Laundry Products » Laundry Bleach - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 27.80 21.20 36.66 CLO30647.jpg clorox green works chlorine-free bleach, CLO 30647, CLO30647, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9748 Lagasse Clorox Broad Spectrum Disinfectant Cleaner, 9 - 32-oz. Spray Bottles (CLO30649) 9748 CLO 30649 21.64 CLO 30649 Clorox Broad Spectrum Disinfectant Cleaner
Clorox Broad Spectrum Disinfectant kills most organisms in 2 minutes, up to 33% faster than a leading quaternary spray. No precleaning required for general disinfection†: Less waiting means your staff can move more quickly to the next area. Clorox Broad Spectrum Disinfectant is fragrance-free to help avoid the harsh chemical fumes associated with other quaternary disinfectant sprays. Formulated with powerful grease-cutting agents to clean the toughest messes on almost any surface. Tested for use on most hospital-grade materials. Fast and efficient, kills most organisms in two minutes. 90 healthcare relevant kill claims.
Clorox Broad Spectrum Disinfectant Cleaner, 32-oz. Spray Bottle, 9 Bottles per Case.
Cleaning Chemicals » Disinfectants - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 48.77 37.20 66.78 CLO30649.jpg clorox broad spectrum disinfectant cleaners, CLO 30649, CLO30649, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9749 Lagasse Clorox Broad Spectrum Disinfectant Cleaner, 4 - 128-oz. Refill (CLO30651) 9749 CLO 30651 37.48 CLO 30651 Clorox Broad Spectrum Disinfectant Cleaner
Clorox Broad Spectrum Disinfectant kills most organisms in 2 minutes, up to 33% faster than a leading quaternary spray. No precleaning required for general disinfection: Less waiting means your staff can move more quickly to the next area. Clorox Broad Spectrum Disinfectant is fragrance-free to help avoid the harsh chemical fumes associated with other quaternary disinfectant sprays. Formulated with powerful grease-cutting agents to clean the toughest messes on almost any surface. Tested for use on most hospital-grade materials. Fast and efficient, kills most organisms in two minutes. 90 healthcare relevant kill claims.
Clorox Broad Spectrum Disinfectant Cleaner, 128-oz. Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case.
Cleaning Chemicals » Disinfectants - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 53.36 40.70 73.09 CLO30651.jpg clorox broad spectrum disinfectant cleaners, CLO 30651, CLO30651, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9750 Lagasse Clorox Green Works Oxi Stain Remover, 6 - 56-oz. Tubs (CLO30669) 9750 CLO 30669 22.63 30669 Green Works Oxi Stain Remover
Fight tough stains like grass, coffee, spaghetti, juice, chocolate and gravy. Add to your wash, soak clothes in it, or gently rub it into whites and colors to pre-treat stains. No chlorine, detergent, dyes or perfumes. Leaves no residue.
Clorox Green Works Oxi Stain Remover, 56-oz. Tub, 6 Tubes per Case.
Laundry Products » Laundry Spot/Stain Remover - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 42.35 32.30 56.25 CLO30669.jpg clorox green works oxi stain remover, CLO 30669, CLO30669, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9752 Lagasse Clorox Citrace Hospital Germicide, 12 Aerosol Cans (CLO49100) 9752 CLO 49100 15.00 CLO 49100 Clorox Citrace Hospital Germicide
Reacts with and destroys odors instantly. Kills 99.9% of bacteria on hard surfaces in 30 seconds. Disinfects infectious organisms on hard, nonporous surfaces in five minutes. Inhibits the growth of mold and mildew on fabrics. Ideal for use in bathrooms and patient care rooms. Citrace Hospital Germicide may be used to eliminate odors retained in fabrics, draperies or upholstered furniture. Use Citrace for high-touch surfaces such as countertops, light switches, telephones, remote controls, refrigerator handles, wheelchairs, walkers, keyboards, water fountain handles and reception areas. Use Citrace for noncritical medical equipment, including supply carts, empty waste cans, laundry hampers, bathroom basins, urinal and toilet areas, bed frames and springs. Popular use sites for Citrace Hospital Germicide include hospitals, clinics, schools, long-term care facilities, physician clinics, veterinary clinics, outpatient rooms and waiting areas, exam rooms, laboratories, operatory, radiology, physical therapy, central supply and bathrooms.
Clorox Citrace Hospital Germicide, 14-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Hospital Cleaners - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 82.01 62.55 108.76 CLO49100.jpg clorox citrace hospital germicide, CLO 49100, CLO49100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9753 Lagasse Clorox Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant with Bleach, 8 - 22-oz. Spray Bottles (CLO68967) 9753 CLO 68967 14.00 CLO 68967 Clorox Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach
Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach is a convenient 1:10 bleach solution such as those recommended by the CDC for infection control protocols. It is stable and pleasant to use. In addition to being a fast, broad-spectrum disinfectant, DISPATCH spray is also an excellent cleaner because it contains detergent and an anti-corrosive ingredient that minimizes damage to surfaces and equipment. DISPATCH spray can be used on a variety of hard, nonporous surfaces such as stainless steel, glazed ceramic tile, hard plastics, nonporous vinyl, painted surfaces, Plexiglas, laminated plastic counter-tops, fiberglass (sealed) surfaces, glazed porcelain and glass. May be used for instrument pre-cleaning and disinfection of noncritical instruments. May be sprayed directly onto the surface or applied with a clean cloth, mop or sponge saturated with DISPATCH product until the surface is completely wet. A saturated microfiber cloth will deliver optimal surface area coverage.
Clorox Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach, 22-oz Spray Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Hospital Cleaners - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 74.93 57.15 100.55 CLO68967.jpg clorox dispatch hospital cleaner disinfectant with bleach, CLO 68967, CLO68967, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9754 Lagasse Clorox Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant, 6 - 64-oz. Bottles (CLO68973) 9754 CLO 68973 28.00 CLO 68973 Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach
Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach is a convenient, ready-to-use cleaner disinfectant. This fast acting, broad-spectrum disinfectant formula cleans and disinfects environmental surfaces and medical equipment easily. Designed to minimizes damage to surfaces and equipment, Clorox Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach can be used on a variety of hard, nonporous surfaces. Perfect for areas like hospitals, as well as veterinary and food contact environments, this unique detergent and bleach dilution provides a clear and clean versatility. Clorox Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach comes in 64-oz. Bottles, 6 Bottles per case.
Clorox Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach, 64-oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Clorox Professional 93.22 71.10 121.62 CLO68973.jpg hospital cleaner, disinfectant, disinfectant with bleach, disinfectant cleaner, CLO 68973, CLO68973, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9755 Lagasse Clorox Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant Towels - 300 Individually Wrapped (CLO69101) 9755 CLO 69101 8.00 CLO 69101 Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant Individually Wrapped Towels
Clorox Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant Towels clean and disinfect in one step. Towels are ready to use and pre-moistened with a unique 1:10 stable sodium hypochlorite solution for effective disinfecting against infectious organisms. Wipe out MDROs (multidrug-resistant organisms) in just one minute and kills C. difficile spores in 5 minutes. Formulated with a light fragrance for a pleasing scent. Contains anti-corrosive agents for compatibility with most medical use surfaces, including plastic, plastic laminate, stainless steel, sealed fiberglass and glazed porcelain. 7" x 8" towel size. On-the-go disinfecting, such as at blood draw and nursing stations. Individual packages convenient for precision cleaning and disinfecting.
Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant Towels, 300 Individually Wrapped Towels per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products »
Clorox Professional 221.32 168.80 301.30 CLO69101.jpg clorox dispatch hospital cleaner disinfectant towels with bleach individually wrapped, CLO 69101, CLO69101, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9756 Lagasse Clorox Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant Towels with Bleach, 1,200 Towels (CLO69150) 9756 CLO 69150 20.00 CLO 69150 Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant Towels with Bleach
Clorox Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant Towels clean and disinfect in one step. Towels are ready to use and pre-moistened with a unique 1:10 stable sodium hypochlorite solution for effective disinfecting against infectious organisms. Wipe out MDROs (multidrug-resistant organisms) in just one minute and kills C. difficile spores in 5 minutes. Formulated with a light fragrance for a pleasing scent. Contains anti-corrosive agents for compatibility with most medical use surfaces, including plastic, plastic laminate, stainless steel, sealed fiberglass and glazed porcelain. 6.75" x 8" towel size. Select-a-size packaging feature allows you to control number of towels dispensed.
Clorox Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant Towels, 150 Towels per Canister, 8 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Hospital Cleaners » Clorox Professional 118.79 90.60 156.35 CLO69260.jpg clorox dispatch hospital cleaner disinfectant towels with bleach - canister, CLO 69150, CLO69150, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9757 Lagasse Clorox Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant Towels with Bleach - 720 Towels (CLO69260) 9757 CLO 69260 20.00 CLO 69260 Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant Towels with Bleach
Clean and disinfect in one step. Towels are ready to use and pre-moistened with a unique 1:10 stable sodium hypochlorite solution for effective disinfecting against infectious organisms. Wipe out MDROs (multidrug-resistant organisms) in just one minute and kills C. difficile spores in 5 minutes. Formulated with a light fragrance for a pleasing scent. Contains anti-corrosive agents for compatibility with most medical use surfaces, including plastic, plastic laminate, stainless steel, sealed fiberglass and glazed porcelain. 9" x 10" towel size. Resealable package maintains towel moistness.
Clorox Dispatch Hospital Disinfectant Towels with Bleach, Resealable Soft Pack, 60 Towels per Pack, 12 Packs per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Hospital Cleaners » Clorox Professional 146.98 112.10 192.70 CLO69150.jpg clorox dispatch hospital cleaner disinfectant towels with bleach - resealable soft pack, CLO 69260, CLO69260, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9758 Lagasse Glad Forceflex Odorshield Kitchen Trash Bags, 204 Bags (CLO70320) 9758 CLO 70320 10.90 CLO 70320 Glad Forceflex Odorshield Kitchen Trash Bags
Glad ForceFlex OdorShield is the ultimate kitchen trash bag. These are the only kitchen trash bags that combine odor neutralization and Stretchable Strength technology to help prevent rips and messy clean ups. The unique diamond texture stretches around objects to prevent rips and tears...Plus, they're made with less plastic! So you can feel good that Glad ForceFlex OdorShield Kitchen Trash Bags will keep your trash where it belongs and keep stinky odors away. And you can feel even better that you are using a bag that's made with less plastic! No clumsy twist ties needed—uses an easy-open/close drawstring.
Glad Forceflex Odorshield Kitchen Trash Bags with Febreze, 34 Bags per Box, 6 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Trash Bags & Can Liners » Kitchen Trash Bags Drawstring » Clorox Professional 59.91 39.60 78.79 CLO70320.jpg glad forceflex odorshield kitchen trash bags with febreze, CLO 70320, CLO70320, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9759 Lagasse Glad Odor Shield Drawstring Kitchen Trash Bags, 240 Bags(CLO78361) 9759 CLO 78361 12.62 CLO 78361 Glad Odor Shield Drawstring Kitchen Trash Bags
Glad Odor Shield Drawstring Kitchen Trash Bags now have reinforcing bands that help add strength while using less plastic. This new innovation will help save 6.5 million pounds of plastic each year. That's the equivalent of keeping 140 million extra trash bags out of landfills each year. It's a small change that can make a big difference! No clumsy twist ties needed—uses an easy-open/close drawstring. Strong, sturdy design. Neutralizes odors with Febreze freshness. Drawstring closure, tall kitchen bag. Fresh, clean scent. 13-gallon capacity. White. 40 bags per box. 6 boxes per case.
Glad Odor Shield Drawstring Kitchen Trash Bags, 40 Bags per Box, 6 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Trash Bags & Can Liners » Kitchen Trash Bags Drawstring » Clorox Professional 59.91 39.60 78.57 CLO78361.jpg glad odor shield kitchen trash bags, CLO 78361, CLO78361, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9760 Lagasse Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 300 Bags (CLO78374) 9760 CLO 78374 15.07 CLO 78374 Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags
Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring bags now have reinforcing bands that help add strength while using less plastic. This new innovation will help save 6.5 millon pounds of plastic each year. That's the equivalent of keeping 140 millon extra trash bags out of landfills each year. It's a small change that can make a big difference! No clumsy twist ties needed—uses an easy-open/close drawstring. Strong, sturdy design. Tall drawstring bags designed for kitchen and office use. Drawstring makes bags easy to close and carry. 13-gallon capacity. White. 100 bags per box. 3 boxes per case.
Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 100 Bags per Box, 3 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Trash Bags & Can Liners » Kitchen Trash Bags Drawstring » Clorox Professional 53.86 35.60 70.51 CLO78374.jpg glad tall kitchen drawstring trash bags, CLO 78374, CLO78374, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9761 Lagasse Pine-Sol Scented All-Purpose Cleaner, Lavender Clean, 3 - 144-oz Bottles (CLO97301) 9761 CLO 97301 30.40 CLO 97301 Pine-Sol Lavender Clean All-Purpose Cleaner
Pine-Sol Scented All-Purpose Cleaner, cuts through grease and grime fast. Pine-Sol Scented All Purpose Cleaners deodorize and eliminate unpleasant odors. Preferred over leading competitors, the powerful scent of clean lingers long after the job is done, assuring customers, guests and staff that it’s clean. Removes and cleans dirt, grease, scuff-marks, food and beverage stains and mud stains without leaving a sticky residue. Ideal for more than just floors, use kitchens, cafeterias, bathrooms, any tough cleaning job. For general cleaning use 1/4 cup per gallon of water. No rinsing required, except on rubber or asphalt tile.
Pine-Sol Scented All-Purpose Cleaner, Lavender Clean, 144-oz Bottle, 3 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Clorox Brand Products » Clorox Professional 30.81 23.50 41.18 CLO97301.jpg pine-sol lavender clean all-purpose cleaner, CLO 97301, CLO97301, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 22
9762 Lagasse Fabuloso Lavender Concentrate All Purpose Cleaner, 50 – 4-oz. Packets (CPC01144) 9762 CPC 01144 13.50 1144 Fabuloso Lavender Concentrate All Purpose Cleaner Packets
Fabuloso Lavender Concentrate All Purpose Cleaner Packets are specifically formulated for general cleaning and deodorizing of hard, washable surfaces. Fabuloso Lavender Concentrate All Purpose Cleaner Packets rinses cleanly and leaves behind zero traces of smudges or streaks. Safe to use in food service preparation areas, this concentrate formula offers economical dilution. Lavender-scented, this breakthrough concentrated cleaner is specifically designed for use in schools, universities, government facilities, hotels, motels and other hospitality/lodging facilities, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, day care centers, and any place where cleaning is required.
Colgate – Pamolive Fabuloso Lavender Concentrate All Purpose Cleaner, 4-oz. Packet, 50 Packets per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 52.83 37.60 72.33 fabuloso, fabuloso all purpose cleaner, concentrated all purpose cleaner, all purpose cleaner, CPC 01144, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
9763 Lagasse Softsoap® Foaming Hand Soap - Midnight Vanilla (CPC01418) 9763 CPC 01418 7.00 1418 Foaming formula with light moisturizers leaves hands feeling soft and clean. Works with Softsoap® foaming dispensers. 1250-ml refill. 2 refills per case. Colgate - Palmolive 30.02 22.90 40.94 CPC01418.jpg Softsoap® Foaming Hand Soap - Midnight Vanilla CPC01418, CPC01418, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 23
9764 Lagasse Softsoap® Foaming Hand Soap - Non-alcohol Sanitizer (CPC01419) 9764 CPC 01419 7.00 1419 Foaming formula with light moisturizers leaves hands feeling soft and clean. Works with Softsoap® foaming dispensers. 1250-ml refill. 2 refills per case. Colgate - Palmolive 44.45 33.90 60.26 CPC01419.jpg Softsoap® Foaming Hand Soap - Non-alcohol Sanitizer CPC01419, CPC01419, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 23
9765 Lagasse Softsoap® Foaming Hand Soap - Green Forest™ (CPC01420) 9765 CPC 01420 7.00 1420 Foaming formula with light moisturizers leaves hands feeling soft and clean. Works with Softsoap® foaming dispensers. 1250-ml refill. 2 refills per case. Colgate - Palmolive 28.06 21.40 36.66 CPC01420.jpg Softsoap® Foaming Hand Soap - Green Forest™ CPC01420, CPC01420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 23
9766 Lagasse Softsoap Foaming Hand Soap, Aquatic Splash, 2 Refills (CPC01421) 9766 CPC 01421 7.00 1421 Foaming Hand Soap
Foaming formula with light moisturizers leaves hands feeling soft and clean. Provides 1786 hand washes per bottle. Works with Softsoap foaming dispensers. 1250-ml refill. 2 refills per case.
Softsoap Foaming Hand Soap, Aquatic Splash, 1250-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 30.42 23.20 41.13 CPC01421.jpg softsoap foaming hand soap, CPC 01421, CPC01421, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
9767 Lagasse Ajax Expert Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaner, 4 – 1 Gallon Bottles (CPC04174) 9767 CPC 04174 36.00 4174 Ajax Expert Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaner
Ajax Expert Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaner cleans and shines glass, mirrors, sinks, countertops, stainless steel and many other washable surfaces with ease. Offering a quick, easy, and powerful ready-to-use cleaning formula that requires no mixing, Ajax Expert Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaner provides a low-odor, non-streaking formula that delivers quality cleaning results. Perfect for environments such as residential homes and kitchens, commercial office, restaurant, cafeteria, and janitorial fleets, this easy to use glass and multi-surface cleaner cuts through film and grease fast. Known for its ability to restore and refresh, Ajax dries quickly without streaking or filming. Coming complete with ammonia for that extra cleaning boost, Ajax Expert Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaner provides quality cleaning results that are as effective as they are economical.
Colgate - Palmolive Ajax Expert Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaner 4 – 1 Gallon Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 34.07 25.20 44.78 CPC04174.jpg multi-surface cleaner, glass cleaner, ajax cleaner, ajax multi surface cleaner, CPC 04174, CPC04174, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
9768 Lagasse Ajax All Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner, 12 - 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottles (CPC04609) 9768 CPC 04609 29.80 4609 Ajax All Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner
Designed to eliminate all bacteria, germs and other harmful pathogens, Ajax All Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner is an ideal choice for use on a variety of surfaces. Perfect for use on toilet seats, telephones, door knobs and similar hard surfaces, Ajax All Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner delivers fast, effective cleaning results. This versatile disinfecting formula is ideal for homes and commercial industries, as well as offices, healthcare, hotels, schools and restaurants. Powerful and fast-acting, Ajax All Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner eliminates dirt, grease, grime and other stubborn soils fast. Coming in 12, 32-oz. Spray bottles per case, Ajax All Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner is the foremost disinfectant cleaner on the market today.
Colgate - Palmolive Ajax All Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner, 12 - 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottles per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 56.01 42.72 74.10 CPC04609.jpg disinfectant, ajax disinfecting spray, disinfecting spray, cleaning spray, disinfectant spray, CPC04609, CPC 04609, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
9769 Lagasse Palmolive Dishwashing Powder Detergent, 100 – 1.5-oz Packets (CPC04972) 9769 CPC 04972 10.00 4972 Palmolive Automatic Dishwashing Powder Detergent
Palmolive Automatic Dishwashing Powder Detergent provides powerful dish washing capabilities to both commercial and residential environments. Quickly and gently removing all food stains, dried-on, and stuck-on food on dishes by using deep cleaning power. Specifically formulated to do all the hard work, Palmolive Automatic Dishwashing Powder Detergent provides the deepest cleaning power available on the market. This powerful powder works quickly and to ensure each and every dish is sparkling clean. Palmolive Automatic Dishwashing Powder Detergent works in most dish washing machines, providing a combination of cleaning power, ease and savings that cannot be matched.
Colgate – Palmolive Automatic Dishwashing Powder Detergent, 100 – 1.5-oz Packets per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 39.46 30.10 54.00 CPC04972.jpg dishwashing powder, dishwasher detergent, dishwashing detergent, dishwashing powder, CPC 04972, CPC04972, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
9770 Lagasse Ajax Soft Powder Cleanser With Chlorine, 30 – 21-oz. Canisters (CPC14290) 9770 CPC 14290 43.50 14290 Ajax Soft Powder Cleanser with Chlorine
Ajax Soft Powder Cleanser with Chlorine is the essential tool to use when looking to clean and sanitize. Quickly removes greasy stains and soils, Ajax Soft Powder Cleanser with Chlorine delivers quality cleaning results for any commercial or residential environment. Contains a quality combination of chlorinating agents, detergents and grease cutters, Ajax Soft Powder Cleanser with Chlorine is ideal for a variety of cleaning surfaces. Known to be as safe as any liquid cleaner, Ajax Soft Powder Cleanser with Chlorine mild calcite abrasives gently and safely polish away stains with ease. Coming in 21-oz. containers, Ajax Soft Powder Cleanser with Chlorine comes 30 containers per case.
Colgate - Palmolive Ajax Soft Powder Cleanser w/ Chlorine, 30 – 21-oz. Canisters per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 39.46 30.10 53.22 CPC14290.jpg cleaning powder, ajax cleanser, powder cleanser, powder cleanser with chlorine, CPC14290, CPC 14290, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
9772 Lagasse Softsoap Pampered Hands Foaming Hand Soaps, 6 Pump Bottles (CPC29196) 9772 CPC 29196 3.49 29196 Foaming Hand Soap
Foamy lather gently cleanses and softens with rich moisturizers and decadent fragrances. 8 fl.-oz. bottle. 6 bottles per case.
Softsoap Pampered Hands Foaming Hand Soap, Radiant Raspberry, 8-oz. Pump Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 21.63 16.50 28.99 CPC29196.jpg softsoap pampered hands foaming hand soaps, CPC 29196, CPC29196, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 23
9773 Lagasse Ajax Expert Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaner 12 - 32-oz. Spray Bottles (CPC74199) 9773 CPC 74199 29.00 74199 Ajax Expert Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaner
Ajax Expert Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaner offer a quick, easy, and powerful ready-to-use cleaning formula that requires no mixing. Fitting well within areas such as residential homes and kitchens, commercial office, restaurant, cafeteria, and janitorial fleets, this quality dual solvent system cuts through film and grease fast. This quality formula restores, refreshes and dries quickly without streaking or filming. Perfect for use on glass, countertops, mirrors and other hard washable surfaces. Contains ammonia for extra cleaning power, this complete glass and multi-surface cleaner, is a trusted tool in maintaining a clean home or commercial environment.
Colgate - Palmolive Ajax Expert Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaner - 32-oz. Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Colgate - Palmolive 55.07 42.00 73.59 CPC74199.jpg multi-surface cleaner, glass cleaner, ajax cleaner, ajax multi-surface cleaner, CPC 74199, CPC74199, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 23
9774 Lagasse Cross-Over™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - Brown 3 x 5 (CROCS35BRO) 9774 CRO CS35 BRO 13.00 CRO CS 0035BR Coarse scraper yarn combined with absorbent yarn creates this loop-pile construction wiper/scraper mat. Slip-resistant vinyl backing holds mat in place. Contributes to LEED Certification. Vinyl backing with natural organic resin blend. Ideal for indoor me Ludlow Composites Corp. 46.26 35.28 60.58 CROCS35BRO.jpg Cross-Over™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - Brown 3 x 5 CROCS35BRO, CROCS35BRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9775 Lagasse Cross-Over™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - Gray 3 x 5 (CROCS35GRA) 9775 CRO CS35 GRA 12.00 CS 0035GY Coarse scraper yarn combined with absorbent yarn creates this loop-pile construction wiper/scraper mat. Slip-resistant vinyl backing holds mat in place. Contributes to LEED Certification. Vinyl backing with natural organic resin blend. Ideal for indoor me Ludlow Composites Corp. 53.80 41.03 69.92 CROCS35GRA.jpg Cross-Over™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - Gray 3 x 5 CROCS35GRA, CROCS35GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9776 Lagasse Cross-Over™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - Brown 4 x 6 (CROCS46BRO) 9776 CRO CS46 BRO 20.00 CRO CS 0046BR Coarse scraper yarn combined with absorbent yarn creates this loop-pile construction wiper/scraper mat. Slip-resistant vinyl backing holds mat in place. Contributes to LEED Certification. Vinyl backing with natural organic resin blend. Ideal for indoor me Ludlow Composites Corp. 73.96 56.41 100.12 CROCS46BRO.jpg Cross-Over™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - Brown 4 x 6 CROCS46BRO, CROCS46BRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9777 Lagasse Cross-Over™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - Gray 4 x 6 (CROCS46GRA) 9777 CRO CS46 GRA 20.00 CRO CS 0046GY Coarse scraper yarn combined with absorbent yarn creates this loop-pile construction wiper/scraper mat. Slip-resistant vinyl backing holds mat in place. Contributes to LEED Certification. Vinyl backing with natural organic resin blend. Ideal for indoor me Ludlow Composites Corp. 73.96 56.41 98.56 CROCS46GRA.jpg Cross-Over™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - Gray 4 x 6 CROCS46GRA, CROCS46GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9778 Lagasse Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Brown 3 x 5 (CRODEMB35BRO) 9778 CRO DEMB35 BRO 11.50 DE MB35BR Vinyl loop scraper mat traps and conceals debris and water within the mat. Dries quickly, resists mildew and fading. Easy to shake or hose clean. Medium-duty, backed with polypropylene foam—crimping on short sides. Use indoors or outdoors for light to med Ludlow Composites Corp. 135.17 75.60 177.14 CRODEMB35BRO.jpg Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Brown 3 x 5 CRODEMB35BRO, CRODEMB35BRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9779 Lagasse Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Gray 3 x 5 (CRODEMB35GRA) 9779 CRO DEMB35 GRA 11.50 DE MB35GY Vinyl loop scraper mat traps and conceals debris and water within the mat. Dries quickly, resists mildew and fading. Easy to shake or hose clean. Medium-duty, backed with polypropylene foam—crimping on short sides. Use indoors or outdoors for light to med Ludlow Composites Corp. 102.26 77.30 140.04 CRODEMB35GRA.jpg Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Gray 3 x 5 CRODEMB35GRA, CRODEMB35GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9780 Lagasse Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Brown 4 x 6 (CRODEMB46BRO) 9780 CRO DEMB46 BRO 17.50 DE MB46BR Vinyl loop scraper mat traps and conceals debris and water within the mat. Dries quickly, resists mildew and fading. Easy to shake or hose clean. Medium-duty, backed with polypropylene foam—crimping on short sides. Use indoors or outdoors for light to med Ludlow Composites Corp. 230.28 128.80 315.05 CRODEMB46BRO.jpg Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Brown 4 x 6 CRODEMB46BRO, CRODEMB46BRO, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9781 Lagasse Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Gray 4 x 6 (CRODEMB46GRA) 9781 CRO DEMB46 GRA 17.50 DE ME46GY Vinyl loop scraper mat traps and conceals debris and water within the mat. Dries quickly, resists mildew and fading. Easy to shake or hose clean. Medium-duty, backed with polypropylene foam—crimping on short sides. Use indoors or outdoors for light to med Ludlow Composites Corp. 179.43 123.58 245.27 CRODEMB46GRA.jpg Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Gray 4 x 6 CRODEMB46GRA, CRODEMB46GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9782 Lagasse Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Brown/Caramel 3 x 5 (CRODXHC35BCA) 9782 CRO DXHC35 BCA 19.00 CRO DX HC35BC Vinyl loop scraper mat traps and conceals debris and water within the mat. Dries quickly, resists mildew and fading. Easy to shake or hose clean. Medium-duty, backed with polypropylene foam—crimping on short sides. Use indoors or outdoors for light to med Ludlow Composites Corp. 188.38 143.68 247.67 CRODXHC35BCA.jpg Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Brown/Caramel 3 x 5 CRODXHC35BCA, CRODXHC35BCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9783 Lagasse Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Gray/Black 3 x 5 (CRODXHC35GBL) 9783 CRO DXHC35 GBL 19.00 CRO DX HC35BG Vinyl loop scraper mat traps and conceals debris and water within the mat. Dries quickly, resists mildew and fading. Easy to shake or hose clean. Medium-duty, backed with polypropylene foam—crimping on short sides. Use indoors or outdoors for light to med Ludlow Composites Corp. 188.38 143.68 257.20 CRODXHC35GBL.jpg Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Gray/Black 3 x 5 CRODXHC35GBL, CRODXHC35GBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9784 Lagasse Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Brown/Caramel 4 x 6 (CRODXHC46BCA) 9784 CRO DXHC46 BCA 29.00 CRO DX HC46BC Vinyl loop scraper mat traps and conceals debris and water within the mat. Dries quickly, resists mildew and fading. Easy to shake or hose clean. Medium-duty, backed with polypropylene foam—crimping on short sides. Use indoors or outdoors for light to med Ludlow Composites Corp. 301.41 229.89 401.85 CRODXHC46BCA.jpg Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Brown/Caramel 4 x 6 CRODXHC46BCA, CRODXHC46BCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9785 Lagasse Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Gray/Black 4 x 6 (CRODXHC46GBL) 9785 CRO DXHC46 GBL 29.00 CRO DX HC46BG Vinyl loop scraper mat traps and conceals debris and water within the mat. Dries quickly, resists mildew and fading. Easy to shake or hose clean. Medium-duty, backed with polypropylene foam—crimping on short sides. Use indoors or outdoors for light to med Ludlow Composites Corp. 301.41 229.89 397.85 CRODXHC46GBL.jpg Spaghetti Mat™ Scraper Mats - Gray/Black 4 x 6 CRODXHC46GBL, CRODXHC46GBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9786 Lagasse Mat-A-Dor™ Scraper Mats - 36 x 72 (CROMAFG62BLA) 9786 CRO MAFG62 BLA 36.00 MA FG62 BK High-quality mat is the best molded rubber fingertip mat in the marketplace! Beveled edges reduce tripping hazard. Over 2400 rubber fingertips per sq. ft. work vigorously to remove debris. Product contains 25% post-consumer and 29% total recovered materia Ludlow Composites Corp. 160.70 122.57 216.38 CROMAFG62BLA.jpg Mat-A-Dor™ Scraper Mats - 36 x 72 CROMAFG62BLA, CROMAFG62BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9787 Lagasse Mat-A-Dor™ Scraper Mats - 24 x 32 (CROMASR42BLA) 9787 CRO MASR42 BLA 11.70 MA SR42BK High-quality mat is the best molded rubber fingertip mat in the marketplace! Beveled edges reduce tripping hazard. Over 2400 rubber fingertips per sq. ft. work vigorously to remove debris. Product contains 25% post-consumer and 29% total recovered materia Ludlow Composites Corp. 50.56 38.11 68.07 CROMASR42BLA.jpg Mat-A-Dor™ Scraper Mats - 24 x 32 CROMASR42BLA, CROMASR42BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9788 Lagasse Needle-Rib™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - 3 x 4 9-lbs. (CRONR34GRE) 9788 CRO NR34 GRE 10.00 CRO NR 0034GN Rugged grooves and ribbed needle punch polypropylene fibers help remove dirt and moisture from shoes. Wear-resistant, colorfast design for light to medium traffic areas. Beveled edges help reduce the risk of tripping. Contributes to LEED Certification. Vi Ludlow Composites Corp. 31.93 24.35 43.46 CRONR34GRE.jpg Needle-Rib™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - 3 x 4 9-lbs. CRONR34GRE, CRONR34GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9789 Lagasse Needle-Rib™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - 3 x 5 11-lbs. (CRONR35GRE) 9789 CRO NR35 GRE 12.00 CRO NR 0035GN Rugged grooves and ribbed needle punch polypropylene fibers help remove dirt and moisture from shoes. Wear-resistant, colorfast design for light to medium traffic areas. Beveled edges help reduce the risk of tripping. Contributes to LEED Certification. Vi Ludlow Composites Corp. 60.60 33.90 80.38 CRONR35GRE.jpg Needle-Rib™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - 3 x 5 11-lbs. CRONR35GRE, CRONR35GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9790 Lagasse Needle-Rib™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - 4 x 6 17-lbs. (CRONR46GRE) 9790 CRO NR46 GRE 18.00 CRO NR 0046GN Rugged grooves and ribbed needle punch polypropylene fibers help remove dirt and moisture from shoes. Wear-resistant, colorfast design for light to medium traffic areas. Beveled edges help reduce the risk of tripping. Contributes to LEED Certification. Vi Ludlow Composites Corp. 96.90 54.20 130.84 CRONR46GRE.jpg Needle-Rib™ Wiper/Scraper Mats - 4 x 6 17-lbs. CRONR46GRE, CRONR46GRE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9791 Lagasse Oxford™ Mats - Black/Brown 3 x 5 (CROOXH35BBL) 9791 CRO OXH35 BBL 13.00 CRO OX H035BR Efficient and high-performance loop-pile carpet provides the rich, upscale look your entrance deserves. Unique graphic pattern combined with heavy-duty vinyl backing. Dense loop-pile surface allows excellent guzzling ability and crush resistance. Quality Ludlow Composites Corp. 97.02 74.00 129.98 CROOXH35BBL.jpg Oxford™ Mats - Black/Brown 3 x 5 CROOXH35BBL, CROOXH35BBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9792 Lagasse Oxford™ Mats - Black/Gray 3 x 5 (CROOXH35GBL) 9792 CRO OXH35 GBL 13.00 CRO OX H035GY Efficient and high-performance loop-pile carpet provides the rich, upscale look your entrance deserves. Unique graphic pattern combined with heavy-duty vinyl backing. Dense loop-pile surface allows excellent guzzling ability and crush resistance. Quality Ludlow Composites Corp. 97.02 74.00 131.23 CROOXH35GBL.jpg Oxford™ Mats - Black/Gray 3 x 5 CROOXH35GBL, CROOXH35GBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9793 Lagasse Oxford™ Mats - Black/Brown 4 x 6 (CROOXH46BBL) 9793 CRO OXH46 BBL 20.00 CRO OX H046BR Efficient and high-performance loop-pile carpet provides the rich, upscale look your entrance deserves. Unique graphic pattern combined with heavy-duty vinyl backing. Dense loop-pile surface allows excellent guzzling ability and crush resistance. Quality Ludlow Composites Corp. 155.10 118.30 210.99 CROOXH46BBL.jpg Oxford™ Mats - Black/Brown 4 x 6 CROOXH46BBL, CROOXH46BBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9794 Lagasse Oxford™ Mats - Black/Gray 4 x 6 (CROOXH46GBL) 9794 CRO OXH46 GBL 20.00 CRO OX H046GY Efficient and high-performance loop-pile carpet provides the rich, upscale look your entrance deserves. Unique graphic pattern combined with heavy-duty vinyl backing. Dense loop-pile surface allows excellent guzzling ability and crush resistance. Quality Ludlow Composites Corp. 155.10 118.30 207.22 CROOXH46GBL.jpg Oxford™ Mats - Black/Gray 4 x 6 CROOXH46GBL, CROOXH46GBL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9795 Lagasse Walk-A-Way™ Wiper Mats - 3 x 5 12-lbs. (CROWA35GRA) 9795 CRO WA35 GRA 13.00 CRO WA 0035GY Plush, absorbent yarn, loop-pile wiper mat. Slip-resistant vinyl backing holds mat in place. Indoor medium to heavy traffic use. Contributes to LEED Certification. Vinyl backing with natural organic resin blend. Total confidence warranty. Overall thicknes Ludlow Composites Corp. 46.52 35.48 63.16 CROWA35GRA.jpg Walk-A-Way™ Wiper Mats - 3 x 5 12-lbs. CROWA35GRA, CROWA35GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9796 Lagasse Walk-A-Way™ Wiper Mats - 4 x 6 19-lbs. (CROWA46GRA) 9796 CRO WA46 GRA 20.00 CRO WA 0046GY Plush, absorbent yarn, loop-pile wiper mat. Slip-resistant vinyl backing holds mat in place. Indoor medium to heavy traffic use. Contributes to LEED Certification. Vinyl backing with natural organic resin blend. Total confidence warranty. Overall thicknes Ludlow Composites Corp. 74.35 56.71 98.64 CROWA46GRA.jpg Walk-A-Way™ Wiper Mats - 4 x 6 19-lbs. CROWA46GRA, CROWA46GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 172
9797 Lagasse Dial Complete Antibacterial Fresh Pear Foaming Soap, 8 Pump Bottles (DIA02934) 9797 DIA 02934 6.30 2934 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap
Effective against MRSA, VRE, staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli and salmonella. Mild, hypoallergenic foaming soap formula with antioxidants for complete daily defense contains aloe and glycerin to leave skin soft, smooth and refreshed.
Dial Complete Antibacterial Fresh Pear Foaming Soap, 7.5-oz. Pump Bottle, 8 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 26.01 19.60 34.94 DIA02934.jpg dial antibacterial foaming hand soap, DIA 02934, DIA02934, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
9798 Lagasse Renuzit® Wall Bracket (DIA04395) 9798 DIA 04395 4.25 DIA 04395 Top selling fragrances provide air freshening and odor elimination for up to 30 days. No electricity needed. Save at least 50% on refills versus leading commercial air fresheners. Pearl color. 6 brackets per case. Dial Professional 42.22 32.20 57.78 DIA04395.jpg Renuzit® Wall Bracket DIA04395, DIA04395, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 30
9799 Lagasse Foam Hand Sanitizers - 15.2-oz. Table Top Pump 4 (DIA06040) 9799 DIA 06040 5.50 DIA 06040 Kills 99.99% of germs instantly without soap, water or paper towels. Safe and gentle for repeated use. Leaves skin soft, smooth and refreshed without the stickiness after drying. Fragrance- and dye-free. Dial Professional 38.15 29.10 51.54 DIA06040.jpg Foam Hand Sanitizers - 15.2-oz. Table Top Pump 4 DIA06040, DIA06040, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 30
9800 Lagasse Foam Hand Sanitizers - 1-Liter Manual Refill 6 (DIA06041) 9800 DIA 06041 15.40 6041 Kills 99.99% of germs instantly without soap, water or paper towels. Safe and gentle for repeated use. Leaves skin soft, smooth and refreshed without the stickiness after drying. Fragrance- and dye-free. Dial Professional 96.63 73.70 126.50 DIA06041.jpg Foam Hand Sanitizers - 1-Liter Manual Refill 6 DIA06041, DIA06041, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 30
9801 Lagasse Dial Basics Foaming Lotion Soap with Aloe, 4 Table Top Pump Bottles (DIA98609) 9801 DIA 98609 4.38 DIA 98609 Foaming Lotion Soap
Mild soap that is gentle on skin. Dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic. Biodegradable, safe for aquatic life. Uses recyclable packaging. Packaging contains 10% post-consumer material.
Dial Basics Foaming Lotion Soap with Aloe, 15.2-oz. Pump Bottles, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 20.06 15.30 26.19 DIA98609.jpg Dial® Basics Foaming Lotion Soap with Aloe - 15.2-oz. Table Top Pump 4 DIA98609, DIA98609, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
9802 Lagasse Dial Basics Foaming Lotion Soap w/ Aloe, 4 Gallon Bottles (DIA98612) 9802 DIA 98612 34.79 98612 Foaming Hand Soap
Mild soap that is gentle on skin. Dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic. Biodegradable, safe for aquatic life. Uses recyclable packaging. Packaging contains 10% post-consumer material.
Dial Basics Foaming Lotion Soap with Aloe, 1 Gallon Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 81.16 61.90 106.79 DIA98612.jpg dial basics foaming lotion soap with aloe, DIA 98612, DIA98612, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
9803 Lagasse Soft Scrub Total All-Purpose Cleaner with Bleach, 9 Bottles (DIA99750) 9803 DIA 99750 18.00 DIA 99750 Soft Scrub All-Purpose Cleaner with Bleach
Soft Scrub Total All-Purpose Cleaner with Bleach is the ideal cleaner to use throughout both the kitchen and restroom. Easily removes tough food stains, greasy soil, soap scum, mold, and mildew stains, this powerful all-purpose cleaner powerfully attacks hard-to-reach places with its unique angle-neck bottle design. Coming complete with a multi faceted trigger design, Soft Scrub Total All-Purpose Cleaner with Bleach allows you to easily switch from a fine mist to a thick foam, as well as offering the ability to spray upside down with ease. Effective on counter-tops, microwaves, stove-tops, sinks, shower doors, tubs, grout, tile, vinyl shower curtains, floors and toilets, Soft Scrub Total All-Purpose Cleaner with Bleach is the easy choice when looking to cleanse and maintain a safe and clean environment.
Dial Professional Soft Scrub Total All-Purpose Cleaner w/ Bleach, 9 – 25.4-oz. Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Dial Professional 39.60 30.20 52.33 DIA99750.jpg all purpose cleaners, all purpose cleaner, all purpose cleaner with bleach, soft scrub, DIA 99750, DIA99750, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 30
9804 Lagasse Dial® NutriSkin Lotion for Extra Dry Skin (DIA99766) 9804 DIA 99766 9.30 DIA 99766 This intensely moisturizing lotion soothes skin with a non-greasy formula. Infused with vitamins, minerals and nutrients found in healthy skin. Helps to keep your skin looking and feeling healthier and more beautiful all day long. 21-oz. pump bottle. 6 bo Dial Professional 43.40 33.10 57.12 DIA99766.jpg Dial® NutriSkin Lotion for Extra Dry Skin DIA99766, DIA99766, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 30
9806 Lagasse Dixie Pathways 12-oz. Paper Cold Cups, 2,400 Cups (DIX12FPPATH) 9806 DIX 12FPPATH 40.40 12FPPATH 12 oz. Dixie Paper Cold Cups
These cold cups by Dixie are engineered with two-sided poly coating to protect against soak through and improve rigidity. Perfect for everyday cold beverage use. Attractive leaf design for an upscale appearance. 2,400 per case
Georgia Pacific Dixie 12 oz. Paper Cold Cups, 24 Sleeves of 100 Cups, 2,400 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 170.00 119.00 224.37 DIX12FPPATH.jpg Dixie Pathways Cold Cups DIX12FPPATH, DIX12FPPATH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9807 Lagasse Dixie Pathways 16-oz. Paper Cold Cups, 1,200 Cups (DIX16PPATH) 9807 DIX 16PPATH 27.80 16PPATH 16 oz. Dixie Paper Cold Cups
These cold cups by Dixie are engineered with two-sided poly coating to protect against soak through and improve rigidity. Perfect for everyday cold beverage use. Attractive leaf design for an upscale appearance. 1,200 per case
Georgia Pacific Dixie 16 oz. Paper Cold Cups, 24 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,200 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 109.29 76.50 147.10 DIX16PPATH.jpg Dixie Pathways Cold Cups - 16-oz. 50 24 1200 DIX16PPATH, DIX16PPATH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9808 Lagasse Dixie Pathways 8-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (DIX2338PATH) 9808 DIX 2338PATH 18.88 2338PATH Pathways 8-oz. Paper Hot Cup
The Pathways hot cup line by Dixie provides an upscale image at an economical cost making them great for specialty hot beverages. The poly lining protects against soak-through. Durable sidewall strength. Attractive leaf design gives a stylish appearance to your hot beverage service. 1,000 cups per case.
Georgia Pacific Dixie Pathways 8 oz. Paper Hot Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 64.86 45.40 88.20 DIX2338PATH.jpg Dixie® Pathways Paper Hot Cups - 8-oz. DIX2338PATH, DIX2338PATH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9809 Lagasse Dixie Pathways 12-oz. Paper Hot Cups, 1,000 Cups (DIX2342PATH) 9809 DIX 2342PATH 25.76 2342PATH 12 oz. Pathways Paper Hot Cup
These stylish paper hot cups from Dixie are great for any hot beverage service. Poly lined to prevent leaks with durable sidewall strength. Attractive leaf design provides an upscale image at an economical cost making them great for specialty hot beverages. 1,000 Cups per case.
Georgia Pacific Dixie Pathways 12 oz. Paper Hot Cup, 20 Sleeves of 50 Cups, 1,000 Cups per Case The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 86.29 60.40 112.96 DIX2342PATH.jpg Dixie® Pathways Paper Hot Cups - 12-oz. DIX2342PATH, DIX2342PATH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9811 Lagasse Dixie Mardi Gras 12-oz. Coated Paper Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (DIXMGVB12W) 9811 DIX MGVB12W 18.71 MGVB12W 12-oz. Paper Bowls
Durable and reliable, these lightweight, cut-resistant, 12-oz. bowls are completely microwaveable. Created by Dixie, these high quality paper 12" paper bowls maintain their shape better than many alternative products. Moisture and grease resistant. White. 250 plates per pack. 4 packs, 1,000 bowls.
Dixie Mardi Gras 12-oz. Coated Paper Bowls, 4 Packs of 250 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 44.00 30.80 59.76 mardi gras dinnerware 12-oz. bowls, DIX MGVB12W, DIXMGVB12W, paper bowls, 12oz paper bowls, 12oz bowls, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9812 Lagasse Dixie Mardi Gras 8-5/8" Paper Plate, 500 Plates (DIXMGVP09W) 9812 DIX MGVP09W 12.23 MGVP09W 8-5/8" Coated Paper Plates
These lightweight plates by Dixie are able to hold food without "cracking", are cut-resistant and microwaveable. Clay coated 9" paper plate. White. 125 plates per pack. 4 packs per case (500 plates).
Dixie Mardi Gras 8-5/8" Paper Plate, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 27.00 18.90 36.63 DIXMGVP09W.jpg 9 inch paper plates, paper plates, mardi gras paper plates, DIX MGVP09W, DIXMGVP09W, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9813 Lagasse SmartStock Cutlery Fork Refills, 960 Forks (DIXSSF21P) 9813 DIX SSF21P 5.08 SSF21P SmartStock Fork Cutlery Refills
Pre-counted, pre-assembled refills make it easy to restock dispensers. Utensils are flexible and resist breaking, which help to improve safety. Forks, knives and multipurpose spoons are kept nice and clean inside enclosed dispenser. White. 960 pieces per case.
Dixie SmartStock Cutlery Fork Refills, White, 24 Packs of 40 Forks, 960 Forks per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 34.71 24.30 45.25 DIXSSF21P.jpg SmartStock® Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery - Forks DIXSSF21P, DIXSSF21P, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9814 Lagasse SmartStock Translucent Smoke Classic Fork Dispenser (DIXSSFPDSP) 9814 DIX SSFPDSP 9.61 SSFPDSP SmartStock Fork Dispenser
Dispensers provide an economical solution that minimizes cost while delivering good overall performance. Keeps utensils nice and clean—utensils are distributed one at a time providing improved sanitation. Reduces consumption and waste. Dispenser holds 120 utensils means less time and effort spent on restocking. 10" wide x 8.75" deep x 24.5" high.
SmartStock Translucent Smoke Classic Mediumweight Polypropylene Fork Dispenser, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 8.86 6.20 11.76 DIXSSFPDSP.jpg smartstock translucent smoke classic mediumweight plastic fork dispensers, DIX SSFPDSP, DIXSSFPDSP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9815 Lagasse SmartStock Cutlery Knife Refills, 960 Knives (DIXSSK21P) 9815 DIX SSK21P 5.59 SSK21P SmartStock Knife Cutlery Refills
Pre-counted, pre-assembled refills make it easy to restock dispensers. Utensils are flexible and resist breaking, which help to improve safety. Forks, knives and multipurpose spoons are kept nice and clean inside enclosed dispenser. White.
Dixie SmartStock Cutlery Knife Refills, White, 24 Packs of 40 Knives, 960 Knives per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 34.71 24.30 45.64 DIXSSK21P.jpg smartstock mediumweight plastic cutlery - knives, DIX SSK21P, DIXSSK21P, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9816 Lagasse SmartStock Translucent Smoke Classic Knife Dispenser (DIXSSKPDSP) 9816 DIX SSKPDSP 9.61 SSKPDSP SmartStock Knife Dispenser
Dispensers provide an economical solution that minimizes cost while delivering good overall performance. Keeps utensils nice and clean—utensils are distributed one at a time providing improved sanitation. Reduces consumption and waste. Dispenser holds 120 utensils which means less time and effort spent on restocking. 10" wide x 8.75" deep x 24.5" high.
Dixie SmartStock Translucent Smoke Classic Mediumweight Polypropylene Knife Dispenser, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 8.86 6.20 12.03 DIXSSSPDSP.jpg smartstock translucent smoke classic Mediumweight plastic knife dispenser, DIX SSKPDSP, DIXSSKPDSP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9817 Lagasse SmartStock Cutlery Spoon Refills, 960 Spoons (DIXSSS21P) 9817 DIX SSS21P 5.04 SSS21P SmartStock Spoon Cutlery Refills
Pre-counted, pre-assembled refills make it easy to restock dispensers. Utensils are flexible and resist breaking, which help to improve safety. Forks, knives and multipurpose spoons are kept nice and clean inside enclosed dispenser. White.
Dixie SmartStock Cutlery Spoon Refills, White, 24 Packs of 40 Spoons, 960 Spoons per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 34.71 24.30 46.36 DIXSSS21P.jpg smartstock mediumweight plastic cutlery spoons, DIX SSS21P, DIXSSS21P, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9818 Lagasse SmartStock Translucent Smoke Classic Spoon Dispenser (DIXSSSPDSP) 9818 DIX SSSPDSP 9.61 SSSPDSP SmartStock Spoon Dispenser
Dispensers provide an economical solution that minimizes cost while delivering good overall performance. Keeps utensils nice and clean—utensils are distributed one at a time providing improved sanitation. Reduces consumption and waste. Dispenser holds 120 utensils means less time and effort spent on restocking. 10" wide x 8.75" deep x 24.5" high.
SmartStock Translucent Smoke Classic Mediumweight Polypropylene Spoon Dispenser, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 8.86 6.20 11.80 DIXSSSPDSP.jpg smartstock translucent smoke classic spoon dispensers, DIX SSSPDSP, DIXSSSPDSP, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9819 Lagasse Dixie Pathways Heavyweight 12-oz. Paper Bowls, 1,000 Bowls (DIXSX12PATH) 9819 DIX SX12PATH 23.43 SX12PATH Disposable 12-oz. Paper Bowls
Dixie's Pathways collection dinnerware provides quality disposable bowls. Coming from a trusted named like Dixie, these quality bowls offer a patented five-layer construction for rigidity. Smart, affordable and stylish, these poly coated disposable dinnerware bowls from Dixie's Pathways collection offer soak-through protection in any environment. Sturdy and decorative, these 12-oz. bowls are the foremost disposable dinnerware available.
Dixie Pathways Collection Dinnerware Bowls, 12-oz. Bowls, 8 Packs of 125 Bowls, 1,000 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 90.14 63.10 121.73 DIXSX12PATH.jpg paper bowls, disposable bowls, plastic bowls, disposable dinner bowls, dixie bowls, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, DIX SX12PATH, DIX SX12PATH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9820 Lagasse Dixie Pathways Heavyweight 10" Plates, 500 Plates (DIXSXP10PATH) 9820 DIX SXP10PATH 25.88 SXP10PATH Poly Coated Disposable 10" Paper Plates
Great for the home or office, Dixie's Pathways collection dinnerware provides a quality poly coated disposable plate. Sturdy and decorative, these 10" plates are the foremost in disposable dinnerware available. Coming from a trusted name like Dixie, these quality plates offer a patented five-layer construction for rigidity. Smart, affordable and stylish, these poly coated disposable dinnerware plates from Dixie's Pathways collection offer soak-through protection in any environment. Purchase these highly cut-resistant, disposable plates today and save!
Dixie Pathways Collection Dinnerware Plates, 10" Plates, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Dixie 92.43 64.70 121.85 DIXSXP10PATH.jpg paper plates, 10 inch paper plates, disposable plates, plastic plates, disposable dinner plates, dixie plates, DIXSXP10PATH, DIX SXP10PATH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9821 Lagasse Dixie Pathways Heavyweight 8-1/2" Plates, 500 Plates (DIXSXP9PATH) 9821 DIX SXP9PATH 17.35 SXP9PATH 8-1/2" Poly Coated Paper Plates
Great for the home or office, Dixie's Pathways collection dinnerware provides a quality poly coated disposable plate. Sturdy and decorative, these 8-1/2" plates are the foremost disposable dinnerware available. Coming from a trusted named like Dixie, these quality plates offer a patented five-layer construction for rigidity. Smart, affordable and stylish, these poly coated disposable dinnerware plates from Dixie's Pathways collection offer soak-through protection in any environment. Purchase these highly cut-resistant, disposable plates today and save!
Dixie Pathways Collection 8-1/2" Dinnerware Plates, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 69.57 48.70 93.56 DIXSXP9PATH.jpg 9 inch paper plates, pathways collection dinnerware paper plate, DIX SXP9PATH, DIXSXP9PATH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9822 Lagasse Dixie Pathways Mediumweight 5-7/8" Paper Plate, 1,000 Plates (DIXUX6PATH) 9822 DIX UX6PATH 10.85 UX6PATH 5-7/8" Coated Paper Plate
Everyday plate with multilayer design and Soak-Proof Shield offers strength and rigidity for all kinds of foods. Impress guests and showcase food in an aesthetically-pleasing fashion with Pathways, the latest product design from Dixie. With a crisp white background for a clean, pure look and a falling leaf design in natural, contemporary colors, this upscale yet down-to-earth nature theme complements food and reflects industry trends.
Dixie Pathways Mediumweight 5-7/8" Plate, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 49.71 34.80 66.03 DIXUX6PATH.jpg 6 inch plates, pathways collection dinnerware, paper plates, DIX UX6PATH, DIXUX6PATH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9823 Lagasse Dixie Pathways Mediumweight 5-7/8" Paper Plates, 500 Plates (DIXUX6WS) 9823 DIX UX6WS 5.40 UX6WS Dixie 5-7/8" Paper Plates
Everyday plate with multilayer design and Soak-Proof Shield offers strength and rigidity for all kinds of foods. Impress guests and showcase food in an aesthetically-pleasing fashion with Pathways, the latest product design from Dixie. With a crisp white background for a clean, pure look and a falling leaf design in natural, contemporary colors, this upscale yet down-to-earth nature theme complements food and reflects industry trends.
Dixie Pathways Mediumweight 5-7/8" Plate, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 28.14 19.70 37.37 DIXUX6WS.jpg 6 inch plates, pathways collection dinnerware, paper plates, DIX UX6WS, DIXUX6WS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9824 Lagasse Dixie Pathways Mediumweight 6-7/8" Paper Plates, 1,000 Plates (DIXUX7PATH) 9824 DIX UX7PATH 16.87 UX7PATH Dixie 6-7/8" Paper Plates
Everyday plate with multilayer design and Soak-Proof Shield offers strength and rigidity for all kinds of foods. Impress guests and showcase food in an aesthetically-pleasing fashion with Pathways, the latest product design from Dixie. With a crisp white background for a clean, pure look and a falling leaf design in natural, contemporary colors, this upscale yet down-to-earth nature theme complements food and reflects industry trends.
Dixie Pathways Mediumweight 6-7/8" Plate, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 56.14 39.30 73.29 DIXUX7PATH.jpg pathways collection dinnerware, paper plate, DIX UX7PATH, DIXUX7PATH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9825 Lagasse Dixie Pathways Mediumweight 8-3/4" Paper Plates, 1,000 Plates (DIXUX9PATH) 9825 DIX UX9PATH 27.10 UX9PATH Dixie 8-3/4" Paper Plates
Everyday plate with multilayer design and Soak-Proof Shield offers strength and rigidity for all kinds of foods. Impress guests and showcase food in an aesthetically-pleasing fashion with Pathways, the latest product design from Dixie. With a crisp white background for a clean, pure look and a falling leaf design in natural, contemporary colors, this upscale yet down-to-earth nature theme complements food and reflects industry trends.
Dixie Pathways Mediumweight 8-3/4" Plate, 8 Packs of 125 Plates, 1,000 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 93.86 65.70 126.66 DIXUX9PATH.jpg dixie paper plate, pathways collection dinnerware, paper plate, DIX UX9PATH, DIXUX9PATH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9826 Lagasse Dixie Pathways Mediumweight 8-3/4" Paper Plates, 500 Plates (DIXUX9WS) 9826 DIX UX9WS 13.25 UX9WS Dixie 8-3/4" Paper Plates
Everyday plate with multilayer design and Soak-Proof Shield offers strength and rigidity for all kinds of foods. Impress guests and showcase food in an aesthetically-pleasing fashion with Pathways, the latest product design from Dixie. With a crisp white background for a clean, pure look and a falling leaf design in natural, contemporary colors, this upscale yet down-to-earth nature theme complements food and reflects industry trends.
Dixie Pathways Mediumweight 8-3/4" Plate, 4 Packs of 125 Plates, 500 Plates per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 54.86 38.40 74.52 DIXUX9WS.jpg dixie paper plate, 9 inch plate, pathways collection dinnerware, paper plate, DIX UX9WS, DIXUX9WS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
9827 Lagasse Crew Tile and Grout Rejuvenator, 12 – 32-oz. Spray Bottles (DRK04550) 9827 DRK 04550 29.31 4550 Crew Tile and Grout Rejuvenator
The Crew Tile and Grout Rejuvenator makes ceramic tile grout look like new. This quality bleach-based cleaner powerfully whitens and brightens discolored grout. Removes hard-water scale, soap scum, grout haze and rust. Simply spray, wait until stains disappear, then wipe clean with a sponge and rinse promptly. Perfect for use on ceramics, tile, grout and masonry. The ideal tool for commercial remodeling, new construction, as well as cleaning crews, janitorial fleets, and of course residential consumers. The Crew Tile and Grout Rejuvenator comes in easy to use 32-oz. spray bottles, and 12 bottles to a case, allowing for easy stocking and storing.
Johnson Diversey - Crew Tile and Grout Rejuvenator, 32-oz. Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 44.58 34.00 58.82 DRK04550.jpg grout cleaner, grout whitener, grout rejuvenator, grout, tile whitener, tile cleaner, DRK04550, DRK 04550, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9828 Lagasse Speedball MC Power Cleaner 12 - 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottles (DRK 4043320) 9828 DRK 4043320 29.23 4043320 Speedball MC Power Cleaner
Speedball MC Power Cleaner is a powerful formula that cleans, deodorizes and shines hard, nonporous surfaces. Each bottle of Speedball MC Power Cleaner provides a ready-to-use non-acid formula for heavy-duty cleaning on most washable surfaces. Coming complete with an array of powerful detergents and solvents, Speedball MC Power Cleaner works quickly for convenient spray and wipe cleaning. Effective against the toughest soils including grease, oil, encrusted soil, tire marks. Coming in its Original Fragrance, Speedball MC Power Cleaner is bursting with long lasting cleaning power. Speedball MC Power Cleaner provides a powerful cleaning spray to any room. This easy to use power cleaner is ideal for use in bathrooms, day cares, schools, retirement homes, break room and more. 32-oz. trigger spray bottle, 12 bottles per case.
Johnson Diversey Speedball MC Power Cleaner, 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 53.10 40.50 71.83 DRK4043320.jpg all-purpose cleaner, cleaner, power cleaner, speedball cleaner, DRK 4043320, DRK4043320, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9829 Lagasse Speedball 2000 MC Power Cleaner, 12 - 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottles (DRK4223320) 9829 DRK 4223320 28.61 4223320 Speedball 2000 MC Power Cleaner
Speedball 2000 MC Power Cleaner is a ready-to-use non-butyl, degreasing heavy-duty power cleaner. Easily cleans the toughest soils, removing grease, oil, encrusted soil, tire marks, ink, smoke, carbon film, graffiti, heel marks and more. Coming complete with an array of powerful detergents and solvents, this Low-odor formula works quickly for convenient spray and wipe cleaning. Yellow in color with a citrus scent, Speedball 2000 MC Power Cleaner is effective against the toughest soils, dirt and grease. This easy to use power cleaner is ideal for use in bathrooms, day cares, schools, retirement homes, break room and more. Speedball MC Power Cleaner provides a powerful cleaning capability to any room. 32-oz. trigger spray bottle, 12 bottles per case.
Johnson Diversey Speedball 2000 MC Power Cleaner, 32-oz. Trigger Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. – The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 56.38 43.00 74.09 DRK4223320.jpg all-purpose cleaner, cleaner, power cleaner, speedball cleaner, speedball 2000, DRK 4223320, DRK4223320, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9830 Lagasse Oxivir TB Disinfectant Spray, 12 – 32-oz. Bottles (DRK4277285) 9830 DRK 4277285 28.23 4277285 Oxivir TB Disinfectant Spray Bottles
Oxivir TB Disinfectant Spray is designed to eliminate all bacteria, germs and other harmful pathogens. The Oxivir TB Disinfectant Spray is a ready-to-use disinfectant cleaner based on proprietary AHP technology to deliver fast, effective cleaning performance. This versatile disinfecting spray is a powerful virucide, bactericide, fungicide, and tuberculocide. Oxivir TB Disinfectant Spray is guaranteed to eliminate HIV-1 (AIDS virus), HBV and HCV, as well as disinfecting hard, nonporous surfaces in as little as 60 seconds. Coming in 12 - 32-oz. trigger spray bottles per case, Oxivir TB Disinfectant Spray is the quality disinfectant that residential customers and commercial clients trust most.
Johnson Diversey Oxivir TB Disinfectant Spray, 32-oz. Spray Bottles, 12 Spray Bottles per Case. – The janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 53.60 40.88 70.25 DRK4277285.jpg disinfecting spray, disinfectant, disinfectant spray, oxivir disinfectant spray, DRK4277285, DRK 4277285, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9832 Lagasse Snuggle Liquid Fabric Softener, 2 Bottles (DRK5585917) 9832 DRK 5585917 38.17 5585917 Snuggle Liquid Fabric Softener
Snuggle up to Snuggle Fabric Softener. The first and foremost name in fabric softening, Snuggle provides the softest feeling clothing, as well it's unique and refreshing spring-time scent. Always guaranteed to make clothing and fabrics noticeably softer and more fluffy, Snuggle is the fabric softener customers rely on. Its concentrated, professional liquid fabric softener formula for the wash cycle gives clothes a special freshness while reducing static cling. Coming in two, 2-gallon bottles with dispensing pumps per case. From clothes, and linens, to curtains, and uniforms, the Snuggle provides the ideal addition to any load of laundry.
Johnson Diversey Snuggle Liquid Fabric Softener, Cuddle Up Scent, 2 Gallon Bottle, 2 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 32.91 25.10 44.22 DRK5585917.jpg fabric softener, snuggle fabric softener, snuggle, DRK5585917, DRK 5585917, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
9833 Lagasse Windex Glass and Multi-Purpose Cleaner, 12 - 12-oz. Spray Bottles (DRKCB001237) 9833 DRK CB001237 11.50 CB001237 Windex Non-Ammoniated Glass and Multi-Purpose Cleaner
Windex Non-Ammoniated Glass and Multi-Purpose Cleaner is the foremost glass and multi-purpose cleaner. Providing a low-odor, non-streaking formula that cleans effectively and economically. Windex Non-ammoniated Glass and Multi-Purpose Cleaner cleans and shines glass, mirrors, sinks, countertops, stainless steel and many other washable surfaces. Meets and certified by GreenSeal, Windex Non-Ammoniated Glass and Multi-Purpose Cleaner is a powerful cleaner formulated to speed the breakup and removal of oil and water-soluble soils. Leaves a surface spotless and streakless.
Johnson Diversey Windex Non-Ammoniated Glass and Multi-Purpose Cleaner, 12 - 12-oz. Pump Sprayers per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 35.93 25.90 46.87 DRKCB001237.jpg multi-purpose spray, glass cleaner, multi-surface cleaner, windex spray cleaning spray, DRKCB001237, DRK CB001237, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9837 Lagasse Raid Wasp & Hornet Killer, 12 Cans (DRKCB013536) 9837 DRK CB013536 14.80 CB013536 Wasp & Hornet Insecticide
Kills paper wasps, yellow jackets, mud daubers and bald-faced hornets in seconds. Sprays up to 22 feet, allowing you to kill from a distance. Dielectric breakdown voltage of 32,500 volts. No CFCs. EPA Registered. 14-oz. aerosol can. 12 cans per case.
Diversey - Raid Wasp & Hornet Killer, 14-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 86.13 48.90 117.28 DRKCB013536.jpg raid wasp & hornet killer, DRK CB013536, DRKCB013536, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9838 Lagasse OFF! FamilyCare Spray, 12 Bottles (DRKCB018357) 9838 DRK CB018357 5.22 CB018357 Insect Repellent
7% DEET formula. Repels mosquitoes, chiggers, biting flies, ticks and gnats for up to two hours. Specially formulated with a lower level of active ingredient and aloe vera to feel and smell better on your skin. 6-oz. spray bottle. 12 bottles per case.
Off! Insect Repellent Family Care, 6-oz. Spray Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 69.43 52.96 90.39 DRKCB018357.jpg off! familycare insect repellent spray, DRK CB018357, DRKCB018357, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9839 Lagasse OFF! Deep Woods Insect Repellent Spray, 12 Cans (DRKCB018425) 9839 DRK CB018425 6.40 CB018425 Insect Repellent
25% DEET formula. Provides up to eight hours of long-lasting insect repellent against ticks, mosquitoes, black flies, chiggers, fleas, gnats. Non-greasy and resists perspiration. No CFCs. EPA Registered. 6-oz. aerosol can. 12 cans per case.
Off! Deep Woods Insect Repellent, 6-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 72.33 55.17 97.84 DRKCB018425.jpg off! deep woods, DRK CB018425, DRKCB018425, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
9840 Lagasse Shout Laundry Stain Remover, 12 Spray Bottles (DRKCB022514) 9840 DRK CB022514 20.80 CB022514 Shout Laundry Stain Remover
Shout stain remover works even better than traditional stain and soil removers to fight grease, grime and dirt. Safe on all fabrics, Shout is specially formulated with powerful stain-fighting ingredients that penetrate and eliminate the toughest stains. Safe for all colorfast washables, works in all temperatures. Shout combines the cleaning power of lemon with other powerful stain fighters to quickly penetrate, break up and eliminate the toughest, greasiest stains. Effective on motor oil, grass, blood and other protein-based stains. Safe for all colorfast washables.
Diversey - Shout Stain Treatment, 22-oz. Bottle, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 47.58 36.29 62.50 DRKCB022514.jpg stain remover, laundry stain remover, shout stain remover, shout, DRKCB022514, DRK CB022514, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
9842 Lagasse Raid Ant & Roach Killer, 12 Cans (DRKCB216135) 9842 DRK CB216135 17.60 CB216135 Ant & Roach Spray
Provides extremely fast knockdown and kill of a broad range of crawling insects. Contains active ingredients for rapid action and residuals to keep killing insects for up to four weeks. Outdoor Fresh scent. No CFCs. EPA Registered. 17.5-oz. aerosol can.
Diversey Raid Ant & Roach Killer, 17.5-oz. Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 67.31 38.22 89.16 DRKCB216135.jpg Raid® Ant & Roach Killer DRKCB216135, DRKCB216135, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9843 Lagasse Windex Premoistened Electronic Wipes, 12 - 25 Packs (DRKCB702271) 9843 DRK CB702271 6.41 CB702271 Windex Pre-moistened Electronic Wipes
Windex Pre-moistened Electronic Wipes provide the safety and security of knowing you have the right tool when cleaning your electronics. Easily removes dust, fingerprints and smudges from televisions, cell phones, game stations, remote controls, computers and more. Powerful and reliable, these easy to use and store wipes leave a sleek and shining electronic device every time. Guaranteed not to streak, Windex Pre-moistened Electronic Wipes are the ideal choice for any electronics store, office, home, auto body shop or industrial environment.
Johnson Diversey Windex Pre-moistened Electronic Wipes, 12 Wipes per Pack, 25 Packs per Case, 300 Wipes. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 42.94 32.75 57.83 DRKCB702271.jpg wipes, cleaning wipes, electronic wipes, cleaning wipes, DRKCB702271, DRK CB702271, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9844 Lagasse Windex Electronics Cleaner, 6 - 9.7-oz. Aerosol Cans (DRKCB702288) 9844 DRK CB702288 5.50 CB702288 Windex Electronics Cleaner
Windex Electronics Cleaner offer quality cleaning power specifically designed for electronics. Removes dust, fingerprints and smudges from televisions, cell phones, game stations, remote controls, and computers easily and effectively. Windex Electronics Cleaner delivers quality cleaning results that can be relied on. These easy to use aerosol can cleaners deliver sleek and shining results for electronic devices every time. Windex Electronics Cleaner spray is guaranteed not to streak, making it the ideal choice for any commercial, residential and industrial setting that relies heavily on electronics.
Johnson Diversey Windex Electronics Cleaner, 9.7-oz. Aerosol Can, 6 Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Diversey 25.89 19.75 34.08 DRKCB702288.jpg electronics cleaner, aerosol electronics cleaner, electronics cleaner spray, DRKCB702288, DRK CB702288, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
9845 Lagasse Windex Dry Cloth Electronics Wipes, 12 - 12 Wipe Packs (DRKCB702295) 9845 DRK CB702295 3.17 CB702295 Windex Dry Cloth Electronic Wipes
Windex Dry Cloth Electronic Wipes provide quality cleaning results without the need for moisture. Offering the same safety, security and cleaning ability of the pre moistened wipes, Windex Dry Cloth Electronic Wipes easily remove dust, fingerprints and smudges from televisions, cell phones, game stations, remote controls, computers and more. Windex Dry Cloth Electronic Wipes are the ideal choice for any electronics store, office, home, auto body shop or industrial environment. Easy to use and store, these wipes leave a sleek and clean electronic device every time.
Johnson Diversey Windex Dry Cloth Electronic Wipes, 12 Wipes per Pack, 12 Packs per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 48.18 36.75 64.01 DRKCB702295.jpg wipes, electronic cleaners, electronic wipes, dry cloth wipes, dry cloth electronic wipes, DRKCB702295, DRK CB702295, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9848 Lagasse Glade Disinfectant and Air Sanitizer, Clear Springs Scent, 12 – 12-oz Cans (DRKCB715980) 9848 DRK CB715980 11.80 CB715980 Tough Odor Solutions Surface Disinfectant and Air Sanitizer with Oust
Glade Tough Odor Solutions Surface Disinfectant and Air Sanitizer eliminates 99% of germs and viruses on hard, nonporous surfaces in seconds. Displaying its versatility, Glade Tough Odor Solutions Surface Disinfectant cleans, disinfects and deodorizes by killing common germs and controlling their odors. Using the odor neutralizing power of Oust, Glade Tough Odor Solutions Surface Disinfectant and Air Sanitizer stops odors caused by germs, bacteria and mildew at the source. Easily eliminating tough odors such as bathroom, pet, mold, mildew, dirty laundry, cooking and stuffy room smells. EPA Registered, Glade Tough Odor Solutions Surface Disinfectant and Air Sanitizer comes in 12-oz. aerosol can, and 12 cans to a case.
Johnson Diversey / Drackett Professional Glade Disinfectant and Air Sanitizer, Clear Springs Scent, 12-oz Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Diversey 53.49 40.80 70.20 DRKCB715980.jpg glade air fresheners, oust air fresheners, air sanitizers, air fresheners, DRK CB715980, DRKCB715980, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9849 Lagasse Off! Deep Woods Dry Insect Repellent VII, 12 Cans (DRKCB717649) 9849 DRK CB717649 5.10 CB717649 Insect Repellent
25% DEET formula. Provides up to eight hours of long-lasting protection from mosquitoes, ticks, biting flies, gnats and chiggers. Does not leave an oily or greasy residue. Unscented no CFC's. 4-oz. aerosol can. 12 cans per case.
Diversey - Off! Deep Woods Dry Insect Repellent VII, 4-oz Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 50.61 38.60 68.25 DRKCB717649.jpg off! deep woods dry insect repellent, DRK CB717649, DRKCB717649, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9850 Lagasse Raid Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger, 36 Foggers (DRKCB815901) 9850 DRK CB815901 8.80 CB815901 Insecticide Fogger
Kills a broad range of insects. Designed for serious insect problems. Continues exterminating for up to two months. One fogger covers up to 625 square feet. No worries with a non-staining formula that leaves no mess. Penetrates into cracks, crevices and carpet fibers to seek out and kill bugs where they live, breed and hide. Includes 12 packs of three foggers each.
Diversey Raid Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger, 3 - 1.5-oz Aerosol Cans per Pack, 12 Packs per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Diversey 140.68 79.88 186.35 DRKCB815901.jpg raid concentrated deep reach fogger, DRK CB815901, DRKCB815901, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 63
9851 Lagasse Natural Force Jelled Degreaser, 12 - 20-oz. Aerosol Cans (DYM13620) 9851 DYM 13620 18.00 13620 Natural Force Jelled Degreaser
Natural Force Jelled Degreaser provides a noncorrosive, heavy-duty degreaser that quickly dissolves grease. Most effective on vertical metal surfaces and walls, this powerful degreasing agent uses natural citrus power, making it a safer alternative to using harsh solvents. Easily and efficiently dissolves and removes grease, adhesive residue, grime, and oil. Natural Force Jelled Degreaser works in any commercial, residential or industrial setting. Coming in easy to stock and store 20-oz. aerosol cans, Natural Force Jelled Degreaser comes 12 cans to a case.
ITW Dymon Natural Force Jelled Degreaser, 20-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Itw Dymon 60.44 46.10 82.52 jelled degreaser, natural force degreaser, degreaser, cleaner, DYM13620, DYM 13620, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 60
9852 Lagasse Renewable Resource Soup Containers - 12-oz. 500 (ECPEP-BSC12-WA) 9852 ECP EP-BSC12-WA 17.00 EP-BSC12-WA Smooth-rolled rim ensures comfortable use and a secure lid fit. PLA inner lining provides a leak-proof seal without using conventional plastic. Made from renewable resources. Meets ASTM-D6868 standards. Meets and certified compostable by the Biodegradable ECO PRODUCTS 118.86 88.01 159.12 ECPEPBSC12WA.jpg Renewable Resource Soup Containers - 12-oz. 500 ECPEP-BSC12-WA, ECPEPBSC12WA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9853 Lagasse Renewable Resource Soup Containers - 16-oz. 500 (ECPEP-BSC16-WA) 9853 ECP EP-BSC16-WA 21.00 EP-BSC16-WA Smooth-rolled rim ensures comfortable use and a secure lid fit. PLA inner lining provides a leak-proof seal without using conventional plastic. Made from renewable resources. Meets ASTM-D6868 standards. Meets and certified compostable by the Biodegradable ECO PRODUCTS 113.20 86.34 152.95 ECPEPBSC16WA.jpg Renewable Resource Soup Containers - 16-oz. 500 ECPEP-BSC16-WA, ECPEPBSC16WA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9854 Lagasse Renewable Resource Soup Containers - 32-oz. 500 (ECPEP-BSC32-WA) 9854 ECP EP-BSC32-WA 22.00 EP-BSC32-WA Smooth-rolled rim ensures comfortable use and a secure lid fit. PLA inner lining provides a leak-proof seal without using conventional plastic. Made from renewable resources. Meets ASTM-D6868 standards. Meets and certified compostable by the Biodegradable ECO PRODUCTS 161.07 122.85 218.09 ECPEPBSC32WA.jpg Renewable Resource Soup Containers - 32-oz. 500 ECPEP-BSC32-WA, ECPEPBSC32WA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9855 Lagasse Renewable Resource Soup Containers - 8-oz. 1000 (ECPEP-BSC8-WA) 9855 ECP EP-BSC8-WA 20.00 EP-BSC8-WA Smooth-rolled rim ensures comfortable use and a secure lid fit. PLA inner lining provides a leak-proof seal without using conventional plastic. Made from renewable resources. Meets ASTM-D6868 standards. Meets and certified compostable by the Biodegradable ECO PRODUCTS 150.24 114.59 198.30 ECPEPBSC8WA.jpg Renewable Resource Soup Containers - 8-oz. 1000 ECPEP-BSC8-WA, ECPEPBSC8WA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9856 Lagasse World Art Renewable Resource Compostable Hot Cups (ECPEP-ECOLID-8) 9856 ECP EP-ECOLID-8 6.00 EP-ECOLID-8 World Art Hot Cups are the industry's green cup of choice. Made from renewable resources. Meets ASTM-D6868 standards for compostability, and meets and certified compostable by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI). 50 cups per bag. 20 bags per case (25 bags per case. ECO PRODUCTS 79.70 56.68 103.62 ECPEPECOLID8.jpg World Art Renewable Resource Compostable Hot Cups ECPEP-ECOLID-8, ECPEPECOLID8, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
9857 Lagasse Soup Container Lids - 12- to 32-oz. 500 (ECPEP-ECOLID-SPL) 9857 ECP EP-ECOLID-SPL 7.70 EP-ECOLID-SPL Soup cup lids are made from renewable resources. Meets ASTM-D6868 standards. Meets and certified compostable by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI). ECO PRODUCTS 123.51 88.28 161.15 ECPEPECOLIDSPL.jpg Soup Container Lids - 12- to 32-oz. 500 ECPEP-ECOLID-SPL, ECPEPECOLIDSPL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9858 Lagasse Soup Container Lids - 8-oz. 1000 (ECPEP-ECOLID-SPS) 9858 ECP EP-ECOLID-SPS 9.70 EP-ECOLID-SPS Soup cup lids are made from renewable resources. Meets ASTM-D6868 standards. Meets and certified compostable by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI). ECO PRODUCTS 105.17 75.22 141.10 ECPEPECOLIDSPS.jpg Soup Container Lids - 8-oz. 1000 ECPEP-ECOLID-SPS, ECPEPECOLIDSPS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9859 Lagasse World Art Renewable Resource Compostable Hot Cups (ECPEP-ECOLID-W) 9859 ECP EP-ECOLID-W 10.00 EP-ECOLID-W World Art Hot Cups are the industry's green cup of choice. Made from renewable resources. Meets ASTM-D6868 standards for compostability, and meets and certified compostable by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI). 50 cups per bag. 20 bags per case (25 bags per case. ECO PRODUCTS 75.76 57.78 102.63 ECPEPECOLIDW.jpg World Art Renewable Resource Compostable Hot Cups ECPEP-ECOLID-W, ECPEPECOLIDW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9860 Lagasse Hot Cup Lids - 10/12/16/20-oz. (ECPEP-HL16-WR) 9860 ECP EP-HL16-WR 8.80 EP-HL16-WR Complete the package with lids. Product made from 25% post-consumer and 25% total recovered material. High-quality lids perform as well as conventional alternatives. White. 1000 lids per case.25 bags per case. ECO PRODUCTS 59.72 40.61 80.75 ECPEPHL16WR.jpg Hot Cup Lids - 10/12/16/20-oz. ECPEP-HL16-WR, ECPEPHL16WR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9861 Lagasse Hot Cup Lids - 8-oz. (ECPEP-HL8-WR) 9861 ECP EP-HL8-WR 7.50 EP-HL8-WR Complete the package with lids. Product made from 25% post-consumer and 25% total recovered material. High-quality lids perform as well as conventional alternatives. White. 1000 lids per case.25 bags per case. ECO PRODUCTS 66.53 47.22 91.00 ECPEPHL8WR.jpg Hot Cup Lids - 8-oz. ECPEP-HL8-WR, ECPEPHL8WR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 245
9862 Lagasse BlueStripe™ Premium Take-Out Containers - Small (ECPEP-PT0R6) 9862 ECP EP-PT0R6 9.00 EP-PTOR6 These stylish containers can be used for hot or cold foods. Ideal for a wide variety of to-go foods. Clear, secure lid allows food to be on display and reduces the risk of leaking. Writing panel for food messaging or instructions. Made from 100% post-cons ECO PRODUCTS 63.40 46.11 85.07 ECPEPPT0R6.jpg BlueStripe™ Premium Take-Out Containers - Small ECPEP-PT0R6, ECPEPPT0R6, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9863 Lagasse BlueStripe™ Premium Take-Out Containers - Large (ECPEP-PT0R9) 9863 ECP EP-PT0R9 22.70 EP-PTOR9 These stylish containers can be used for hot or cold foods. Ideal for a wide variety of to-go foods. Clear, secure lid allows food to be on display and reduces the risk of leaking. Writing panel for food messaging or instructions. Made from 100% post-cons ECO PRODUCTS 141.62 108.02 193.68 ECPEPPT0R9.jpg BlueStripe™ Premium Take-Out Containers - Large ECPEP-PT0R9, ECPEPPT0R9, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9864 Lagasse Blue Stripe™ 100% Recycled Content Cutlery - 6-in. Knife 1000 (ECPEP-S111) 9864 ECP EP-S111 10.20 EP-S111 Blue Stripe™ cutlery is as strong and durable as traditional plastic cutlery while using no virgin petroleum. Made from 100% post-consumer recycled polystyrene. 100% total recovered material. Ideal for high heat uses. ECO PRODUCTS 54.82 38.95 72.72 ECPEPS111.jpg Blue Stripe™ 100% Recycled Content Cutlery - 6-in. Knife 1000 ECPEP-S111, ECPEPS111, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9865 Lagasse Blue Stripe™ 100% Recycled Content Cutlery - 6-in. Fork 1000 (ECPEP-S112) 9865 ECP EP-S112 15.40 EP-S112 Blue Stripe™ cutlery is as strong and durable as traditional plastic cutlery while using no virgin petroleum. Made from 100% post-consumer recycled polystyrene. 100% total recovered material. Ideal for high heat uses. ECO PRODUCTS 105.75 58.25 141.12 ECPEPS112.jpg Blue Stripe™ 100% Recycled Content Cutlery - 6-in. Fork 1000 ECPEP-S112, ECPEPS112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9866 Lagasse Blue Stripe™ 100% Recycled Content Cutlery - 6-in. Spoon 1000 (ECPEP-S113) 9866 ECP EP-S113 9.60 EP-S113 Blue Stripe™ cutlery is as strong and durable as traditional plastic cutlery while using no virgin petroleum. Made from 100% post-consumer recycled polystyrene. 100% total recovered material. Ideal for high heat uses. ECO PRODUCTS 70.71 38.95 96.06 ECPEPS113.jpg Blue Stripe™ 100% Recycled Content Cutlery - 6-in. Spoon 1000 ECPEP-S113, ECPEPS113, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9867 Lagasse Blue Stripe™ 100% Recycled Content Cutlery - Cutlery Kit (ECPEP-S115) 9867 ECP EP-S115 9.00 EP-S115 Blue Stripe™ cutlery is as strong and durable as traditional plastic cutlery while using no virgin petroleum. Made from 100% post-consumer recycled polystyrene. 100% total recovered material. Ideal for high heat uses. ECO PRODUCTS 92.69 51.06 124.71 ECPEPS115.jpg Blue Stripe™ 100% Recycled Content Cutlery - Cutlery Kit ECPEP-S115, ECPEPS115, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9868 Lagasse Renewable Resource Straws - Clear Unwrapped (ECPEP-ST710) 9868 ECP EP-ST710 20.30 EP-ST710 100% recyclable polypropylene resinMade from renewable resources including Ingeo™ natural plastic. Perfect companion for your drinks on the go. Compatible with zero waste programs. Meets ASTM-D6400 standards for compostability. Meets and certified compostable by the Biodegradable Products ECO PRODUCTS 184.65 140.83 245.83 ECPEPST710.jpg Renewable Resource Straws - Clear Unwrapped ECPEP-ST710, ECPEPST710, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9869 Lagasse Renewable Resource Straws - Clear Wrapped (ECPEP-ST770) 9869 ECP EP-ST770 26.00 EP-ST770 100% recyclable polypropylene resinMade from renewable resources including Ingeo™ natural plastic. Perfect companion for your drinks on the go. Compatible with zero waste programs. Meets ASTM-D6400 standards for compostability. Meets and certified compostable by the Biodegradable Products ECO PRODUCTS 164.21 125.24 219.61 ECPEPST770.jpg Renewable Resource Straws - Clear Wrapped ECPEP-ST770, ECPEPST770, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 245
9870 Lagasse Eveready LED Economy Light (ENE3151LS) 9870 ENE 3151LS 4.80 EVE3151LS LED light lasts eight times longer than incandescent light. Ribbed casing. Slide switch. 40 hours of runtime. 6 per case. Energizer 3.21 2.45 4.33 ENE3151LS.jpg Eveready LED Economy Light ENE3151LS, ENE3151LS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 37
9872 Lagasse Industrial Alkaline Batteries - AA 24 (ENEE91SBP24H) 9872 ENE E91SBP24H 1.52 EVEE91SBP24H Economical power for devices that demand high power and are heavily used. Energizer 25.03 18.10 33.21 ENEE91SBP24H.jpg Industrial Alkaline Batteries - AA 24 ENEE91SBP24H, ENEE91SBP24H, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 37
9874 Lagasse Headlamp (ENEHDL33A2E) 9874 ENE HDL33A2E 2.00 ENEHDL33A2E 6 LED lights adjust to your hands-free lighting needs. Swivel head for accurate aim and headband to mount on hard hat or around head. Energizer 20.98 16.00 27.99 ENEHDL33A2E.jpg Headlamp ENEHDL33A2E, ENEHDL33A2E, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 37
9875 Lagasse Ultimate Lithium Batteries - AA 2 (ENEL91BP2) 9875 ENE L91BP2 2.70 EVEL91BP2 Lasts up to eight hours longer than standard alkaline batteries in digital cameras. Performs in the most extreme temperature ranges between -40 and 140. Weighs 1/3 less than standard alkaline batteries. Energizer 6.35 4.30 8.44 ENEL91BP2.jpg Ultimate Lithium Batteries - AA 2 ENEL91BP2, ENEL91BP2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 37
9876 Lagasse Ultimate Lithium Batteries - AA 4 (ENEL91BP4) 9876 ENE L91BP4 0.18 EVEL91BP4 Lasts up to eight hours longer than standard alkaline batteries in digital cameras. Performs in the most extreme temperature ranges between -40 and 140. Weighs 1/3 less than standard alkaline batteries. Energizer 11.01 8.40 14.56 ENEL91BP4.jpg Ultimate Lithium Batteries - AA 4 ENEL91BP4, ENEL91BP4, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 37
9877 Lagasse Ultimate Lithium Batteries - AAA 2 (ENEL92BP2) 9877 ENE L92BP2 1.76 EVEL92BP2 Lasts up to eight hours longer than standard alkaline batteries in digital cameras. Performs in the most extreme temperature ranges between -40 and 140. Weighs 1/3 less than standard alkaline batteries. Energizer 5.64 4.30 7.37 ENEL92BP2.jpg Ultimate Lithium Batteries - AAA 2 ENEL92BP2, ENEL92BP2, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 37
9878 Lagasse Ultimate Lithium Batteries - AAA 4 (ENEL92BP4) 9878 ENE L92BP4 2.89 EVEL92BP4 Lasts up to eight hours longer than standard alkaline batteries in digital cameras. Performs in the most extreme temperature ranges between -40 and 140. Weighs 1/3 less than standard alkaline batteries. Energizer 11.01 8.40 14.43 ENEL92BP4.jpg Ultimate Lithium Batteries - AAA 4 ENEL92BP4, ENEL92BP4, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 37
9879 Lagasse LED Pen Flashlight (ENEPLED23AEH) 9879 ENE PLED23AEH 1.10 PLED23AEH Durable aluminum body stands up to falls and rough handling. Push button switch allows one-handed operation. Clips easily to tool bag, briefcase or pocket. Extended run time and reduced battery consumption result in cost savings. Two AAA batteries require Energizer 7.87 6.00 10.30 ENEPLED23AEH.jpg LED Pen Flashlight ENEPLED23AEH, ENEPLED23AEH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 37
9880 Lagasse SANITAIRE VAC BG CLOTH F OR EUR SANITAIRE EACH - EUR SC9050 Cloth Shake Out Bag 1 (EUR16071) 9880 EUR 16071 1.00 EUR 16071 SANITAIRE VAC BG CLOTH F OR EUR SANITAIRE EACH Electrolux 17.70 12.60 23.56 EUR16071.jpg SANITAIRE VAC BG CLOTH F OR EUR SANITAIRE EACH - EUR SC9050 Cloth Shake Out Bag 1 EUR16071, EUR16071, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 255
9881 Lagasse Eureka EnviroSteamer Hard Surface Steam Cleaner (EUR313A) 9881 EUR 313A 20.60 EUR 313A Steam Cleaner
Eco-friendly steam cleaner sanitizes hard, non-porous floors without harsh chemicals. Low-profile design and 180º pivot handle allows you to reach under counters and furniture as well as into corners. With just water and an AC outlet, you can easily clean even the dirtiest floors in a single-step. Low-water light indicates when it's time to fill up. Washable, reusable natural-fiber cloth head.
Eureka EnvroSteamer Hard Surface Steam Cleaner, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Electrolux 188.22 133.40 248.56 EUR313A.jpg envirosteamer steam cleaner, EUR 313A, EUR313A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 255
9882 Lagasse Eureka Maxima Lightweight Upright Vacuum Cleaner (EUR4711BZ) 9882 EUR 4711BZ 18.00 4711BZ Bagless Lightweight Upright Vacuum
For powerful lightweight cleaning, choose this Maxima 12-amp, bagless vacuum cleaner with headlight. This vacuum is full of extras, including a 5-position height adjust to tackle a variety of carpets and hard floor types, an easy-empty dust cup for constant cleaning power and an extra wide integrated hose for "no clog" above the floor cleaning. Vacuum's lightweight, no tip design is perfect for cleaning on stairs. Plus, it comes equipped with Power Paw Riser Visor, which uses a powerful brush roll to get deep down dirt and pet hair from stairs and upholstery. The Riser Visor allows for vertical cleaning.
Eureka Maxima Bagless Lightweight Upright Vacuum, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Electrolux 86.14 65.70 114.52 EUR4711BZ.jpg maxima lightweight upright vacuum cleaner, EUR 4711BZ, EUR4711BZ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 255
9884 Lagasse Sanitaire® SC6025 20 Floor Machine" (EUR6025A) 9884 EUR 6025A 127.00 EUR 6025A All-steel construction with triple idler gear box and metal gears. Durable switch box with steel on/off levers. Powerful 1.5 hp, 175 rpm motor with safety shut-off. UL Approved for commercial use. Features exclusive quick-connect handle, reducing packagin Electrolux 1028.96 784.80 1357.27 EUR6025A.jpg Sanitaire® SC6025 20 Floor Machine" EUR6025A, EUR6025A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 255
9885 Lagasse DIRT CUP FILTER F/5845 MODELS 2/CAS - 5700, 5800 Upright Series 2 (EUR62136-2) 9885 EUR 62136-2 1.22 62136-2 DIRT CUP FILTER F/5845 MODELS 2/CAS Electrolux 32.12 24.50 43.14 EUR621362.jpg DIRT CUP FILTER F/5845 MODELS 2/CAS - 5700, 5800 Upright Series 2 EUR62136-2, EUR621362, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 255
9886 Lagasse VAC FILTER MISC PRTS FOR EUR 2/CASE - 4700, 5500 Upright Series 2 (EUR63073-2) 9886 EUR 63073-2 1.24 EUR 63073B-2 VAC FILTER MISC PRTS FOR EUR 2/CASE Electrolux 25.04 19.10 32.69 EUR630732.jpg VAC FILTER MISC PRTS FOR EUR 2/CASE - 4700, 5500 Upright Series 2 EUR63073-2, EUR630732, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 255
9887 Lagasse VAC FILTER MISC PRTS AS1001A PK CASE 2 - 3270, 3280, 4230 Upright Series 2 (EUR68931-2) 9887 EUR 68931-2 1.28 EUR 68931A-2 VAC FILTER MISC PRTS AS1001A PK CASE 2 Electrolux 26.54 18.80 34.64 EUR689312.jpg VAC FILTER MISC PRTS AS1001A PK CASE 2 - 3270, 3280, 4230 Upright Series 2 EUR68931-2, EUR689312, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 255
9888 Lagasse Eureka Easy Clean Hand Vacuum Cleaner (EUR71B) 9888 EUR 71B 7.00 71B Hand Held Vacuum Cleaner
Easy cleaning in the palm of your hand. Picks up dirt from bare floors and carpets. 5.5-amps, two-motor system with on/off brush roll, 20-ft. power cord. Cleans hard-to-reach areas with the on-board crevice tool. Empty dust cup quickly and easily without the mess. Clean cars, stairs and quick messes easily with this light weight hand vacuum cleaner. The exclusive Risor Viser flips to easily clean upholstery and stairs vertically or horizontally. On/off brushroll picks up dirt from bare floors and area rugs.
Eureka Easy Clean Vacuum Cleaner, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Electrolux 85.93 47.33 113.37 EUR71B.jpg easy clean hand vacuum cleaner, EUR 71B, EUR71B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 255
9889 Lagasse Eureka Airspeed Gold Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner (EURAS1001) 9889 EUR AS1001 23.50 EUR AS1001 Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner
AirSpeed Technology—unlike other vacuums, AirSpeed Technology has two smooth tubes, featuring limited bends and turns. This allows for more air to pass through the vacuum. The direct air path from floor to cup decreases the distance for dirt to travel, which increases the amount of airflow for powerful suction. For attachment cleaning, simply set the suction control dial to “tools”. Deep Cleaning Power—the Eureka AirSpeed Gold cleans more than just the dirt you see. The WhirlWind Cyclonic Technology maintains suction power longer and separates larger debris from fine dust, resulting in less maintenance. And a HEPA filter captures 99.97% of dust and allergens for a cleaner home. Hassle-Free—a combined 14 foot hose and wand plus a 32 foot cord create 46 feet of extended cleaning reach so you can clean your whole home quicker and easier. Plus, a flip-bottom dust cup empties easily without the mess.
Eureka Airspeed Gold Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Electrolux 146.19 111.50 199.69 EURAS1001.jpg eureka airspeed gold bagless upright vacuum cleaner, EUR AS1001, EURAS1001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 255
9890 Lagasse Side Out Gym Floor Finish, 5 Gallon Pail (FRKF193026) 9890 FRK F193026 48.00 FRK F193026 Gym Floor Finish
An acrylic wood floor finish that provides a highly durable coating with extremely high gloss in gymnasiums, sports floors and other wood-surface floors. Easy to apply. Dries quick. Repels scratching, scuffing and rubber burn marks. Recommended for use on sealed wood floors.
Franklin Cleaning Technology - Side-Out Gym Floor Finish, 5 Gallon Pail - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 245.44 187.20 326.45 FRKF193026.jpg side out gym floor finish, FRK F193026, FRKF193026, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
9892 Lagasse Formula 900 Soap Scum Removerm, 4 Gallons (FRKF967022) 9892 FRK F967022 36.00 F967022 Formula 900 Soap Scum Remover
Recommended for use in showers, restrooms, swimming pools and on hard non-porous washable surfaces, Formula 900 Soap Scum Remover is the versatile soap scum remover customers rely on. Ideal for use on showers, restrooms, swimming pools and on hard nonporous washable surfaces. Formula 900 Soap Scum Remover is the all-around restroom cleaner. Ideal for both commercial and residential environments, Formula 900 Soap Scum Remover works well for any location lavatory. Offering a low-odor, non-acid formulation that produces a thick, heavy foam that clings to vertical surfaces, Formula 900 Soap Scum Remover makes cleansing and maintaining a safe and clean bathroom simple and affordable.
Franklin Cleaning Technology Formula 900 Soap Scum Remover 4 – 1 Gallon Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products company buyers trust. Franklin Cleaning Technology 51.92 39.60 68.94 FRKF967022.jpg soap scum remover, foaming soap scum remover, formula 900, soap scum removers, FRKF967022, FRK F967022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 43
9893 Lagasse Bio Conqueror 105 Enzymatic Odor Counteractant Concentrate - Cucumber Melon (FRS1-BWB-CM-F) 9893 FRS 1-BWB-CM-F 37.00 1-BWB-CM-F Water-soluble concentrated formula contains high levels of fragrance, surfactant and bacteria for 24-hour odor control. Billions of select spore-form bacteria completely eliminate odors at their source by digesting odor-causing molecules. Can be used in t Fresh Products 64.64 49.30 85.58 FRS1BWBCMF.jpg Bio Conqueror 105 Enzymatic Odor Counteractant Concentrate - Cucumber Melon FRS1-BWB-CM-F, FRS1BWBCMF, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 44
9894 Lagasse Auto Flush® Clamp Flushing Systems - Mango (FRSEBC72MAN) 9894 FRS EBC72 MAN 1.66 EBC72 MAN Slides over existing flush handle. Automatic, touch-free flushing systems for toilets and urinals keep fixtures flushed and presentable leaving washrooms looking and smelling clean. Promotes good hygiene by eliminating potential points of cross-contaminat Fresh Products 23.60 18.00 30.98 FRSEBC72MAN.jpg Auto Flush® Clamp Flushing Systems - Mango FRSEBC72MAN, FRSEBC72MAN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 44
9895 Lagasse Auto Flush® Clamp Flushing Systems - Spiced Apple (FRSEBC72SAP) 9895 FRS EBC72 SAP 1.80 EBC72FSA1 Slides over existing flush handle. Automatic, touch-free flushing systems for toilets and urinals keep fixtures flushed and presentable leaving washrooms looking and smelling clean. Promotes good hygiene by eliminating potential points of cross-contaminat Fresh Products 24.19 18.45 32.17 FRSEBC72SAP.jpg Auto Flush® Clamp Flushing Systems - Spiced Apple FRSEBC72SAP, FRSEBC72SAP, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 44
9896 Lagasse Non-Para Cherry Fragrance Super Block, 4 Blocks (FRSFSB5F) 9896 FRS FSB5F 25.00 FRS FSB5F Cherry Fragrance Super Block
No added VOCs. Evaporates completely. Great deodorizer. Ideal for sewers, elevator shafts, dumpster areas, garbage collection areas, water treatment facilities and more. 5-lb. block. 4 blocks per case.
Fresh Products - Non-Para Super Block, Cherry, 4 Blocks per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Fresh Products 208.07 158.70 275.67 FRSFSB5F.jpg non-para cherry fragrance super block, FRS FSB5F, FRSFSB5F, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 44
9897 Lagasse Wrapped Cutlery - Four-Piece Kit* (GEN4KITMW) 9897 GEN 4KITMW 10.00 4KITMW White. 1000 pieces per case. General Liners 12.85 9.80 17.51 GEN4KITMW.jpg Wrapped Cutlery - Four-Piece Kit* GEN4KITMW, GEN4KITMW, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 195
9898 Lagasse Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery - Teaspoon (GENPPTS) 9898 GEN PPTS 7.00 PPTS The economical alternative. White. 1000 pieces per case. General Liners 9.96 7.50 13.18 GENPPTS.jpg Mediumweight Polypropylene Cutlery - Teaspoon GENPPTS, GENPPTS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 195
9899 Lagasse 8-oz. Plastic Hinged Deli Container, 200 Containers (GNPAD08) 9899 GNP AD08 7.90 AD08 8 oz. Hinged Deli Container
A sturdy and versatile 8 ounce clear hinged container. This shallow version of our hinged container is great for showcasing snacks, salads and treats. Contains 50% post consumer recycled content and is endorsed by the Green Restaurant Association. Patented 360° seal allows for a leak resistant closure of the container. One piece, hinged construction, won't break down from oils used in salads and other deli offerings. Provides an excellent water vapor barrier for longer shelf life. 5-3/8" x 4-1/2" x 1-1/2", Clear, 200 containers per case.
Genpak 8-oz. Plastic Hinged Deli Container, Clear, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 39.00 27.30 51.23 GNPAD08.jpg 8-oz. hinged deli container, GNP AD08, GNPAD08, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
9900 Lagasse 12-oz. Plastic Hinged Deli Container, 200 Containers (GNPAD12) 9900 GNP AD12 8.40 AD12 12 oz. Plastic Hinged Deli Container
A sturdy and versatile 12 ounce clear hinged container. This shallow version of our hinged container is great for showcasing snacks, salads and treats. Contains 50% post consumer recycled content and is endorsed by the Green Restaurant Association. Patented 360° seal allows for a leak resistant closure of the container. One piece, hinged construction, won't break down from oils used in salads and other deli offerings. Provides an excellent water vapor barrier for longer shelf life. 5-3/8" x 4-1/2" x 2-1/2", Clear, 200 containers per case.
Genpak 12-oz. Plastic Hinged Deli Container, Clear, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 40.71 28.50 53.40 GNPAD12.jpg 12-oz. hinged deli container, GNPAD12, GNPAD12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
9901 Lagasse 16-oz. Plastic Hinged Deli Container, 200 Containers (GNPAD16) 9901 GNP AD16 8.80 AD16 16 oz. Plastic Hinged Deli Container
A sturdy and versatile 16 ounce clear hinged container. This shallow version of our hinged container is great for showcasing snacks, salads and treats. Contains 50% post consumer recycled content and is endorsed by the Green Restaurant Association. Patented 360° seal allows for a leak resistant closure of the container. One piece, hinged construction, won't break down from oils used in salads and other deli offerings. Provides an excellent water vapor barrier for longer shelf life. 5-3/8" x 4-1/2" x 2-5/8", Clear, 200 containers per case.
Genpak 16-oz. Plastic Hinged Deli Container, Clear, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 42.57 29.80 55.66 GNPAD16.jpg 16-oz. Hinged Deli Container, GNP AD16, GNPAD16, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
9902 Lagasse 24-oz. Plastic Hinged Deli Container, 200 Containers (GNPAD24) 9902 GNP AD24 15.60 AD24 24 oz. Plastic Hinged Deli Container
A sturdy and versatile 24 ounce clear hinged container. This shallow version of our hinged container is great for showcasing snacks, salads and treats. Contains 50% post consumer recycled content and is endorsed by the Green Restaurant Association. Patented 360° seal allows for a leak resistant closure of the container. One piece, hinged construction, won't break down from oils used in salads and other deli offerings. Provides an excellent water vapor barrier for longer shelf life. 7-1/4" x 6-3/8" x 2-1/4", Clear, 200 containers per case.
Genpak 24-oz. Plastic Hinged Deli Container, Clear, 200 Containers per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 64.71 45.30 87.18 GNPAD24.jpg deli containers, GNP AD24, GNPAD24, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
9903 Lagasse Secure Seal Deli Containers - 32-oz. 71/4 x 63/8 x 25/8 (GNPAD32) 9903 GNP AD32 16.50 AD32 Contains up to 40% post-consumer recycled material. Plastic is #1 recyclable PETE. Patented 360 Genpak 69.57 48.70 94.93 GNPAD32.jpg Secure Seal Deli Containers - 32-oz. 71/4 x 63/8 x 25/8 GNPAD32, GNPAD32, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 173
9904 Lagasse Secure Seal Deli Containers - 48-oz. 8 x 81/2 x 21/2 (GNPAD48) 9904 GNP AD48 21.80 AD48 Contains up to 40% post-consumer recycled material. Plastic is #1 recyclable PETE. Patented 360 Genpak 113.71 79.60 153.25 GNPAD48.jpg Secure Seal Deli Containers - 48-oz. 8 x 81/2 x 21/2 GNPAD48, GNPAD48, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 173
9905 Lagasse 6 in. Silhouette Plastic Plate, 1000 Plates (GNPBLK06) 9905 GNP BLK06 14.80 BLK06 Plastic Dinnerware
When you want to convey a stylish, refined flare, Silhouette designer dinnerware is the only disposable dinnerware. Silhouette dinnerware line features an elegant rim design, along with a deep profile for superior strength. Thick plastic accommodates both very hot and very cold menu choices. Includes 8 packs of 125 plates. 1,000 per case.
Gen-Pak Corp - Silhouette 6" Round Plastic Plate, Black, 125 Plates per Pack, 8 Packs per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 78.86 55.20 102.80 GNPBLK06.jpg silhouette plastic plates, GNP BLK06, GNPBLK06, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
9906 Lagasse 9-in. Silhouette Plastic Plate, 400 Plates (GNPBLK09) 9906 GNP BLK09 19.00 BLK09 Plastic Dinnerware
When you want to convey a stylish, refined flare, Silhouette designer dinnerware is the only disposable dinnerware. Silhouette dinnerware line features an elegant rim design, along with a deep profile for superior strength. Thick plastic accommodates both very hot and very cold menu choices. Includes 4 packs of 100 plates. 400 per case.
Gen-Pak Corp - Silhouette 9" Round Plastic Plate, Black, 100 Plates per Pack, 4 Packs per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 74.57 52.20 98.36 GNPBLK09.jpg silhouette plastic plates, GNP BLK09, GNPBLK09, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
9907 Lagasse 10-1/4 in. Silhouette Plastic Plate, 400 Plates (GNPBLK10) 9907 GNP BLK10 20.60 BLK10 Plastic Dinnerware
When you want to convey a stylish, refined flare, Silhouette designer dinnerware is the only disposable dinnerware. Silhouette dinnerware line features an elegant rim design, along with a deep profile for superior strength. Thick plastic accommodates both very hot and very cold menu choices. Includes 4 packs of 100 plates. 400 per case.
Gen-Pak Corp - Silhouette 10-1/4" Round Plastic Plate, Black, 100 Plates per Pack, 4 Packs per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 91.14 63.80 121.33 GNPBLK10.jpg silhouette plastic plates, GNPBLK10, GNPBLK10, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
9908 Lagasse 12-oz. Silhouette Plastic Bowl, 1000 Bowls (GNPBLK21) 9908 GNP BLK21 17.20 BLK21 Plastic Dinnerware
When you want to convey a stylish, refined flare, Silhouette designer dinnerware is the only disposable dinnerware. Silhouette dinnerware line features an elegant rim design, along with a deep profile for superior strength. Thick plastic accommodates both very hot and very cold menu choices. Includes 8 packs of 125 bowls. 1,000 per case.
Gen-Pak Corp - Silhouette 12-oz. Round Plastic Bowl, Black, 125 Bowls per Pack, 8 Packs per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Genpak 78.79 55.15 107.88 GNPBLK21.jpg silhouette 12-oz. plastic bowls, GNP BLK21, GNPBLK21, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 173
9909 Lagasse Gojo DPX Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser (GOJ5254-06) 9909 GOJ 5254-06 10.00 5254-06 Gojo DPX 2000-ml Dispenser
Diamond-plate design connects with workers. Rugged dispenser stands up to the toughest conditions. Refills are Sanitary Sealed to prevent germs from contaminating the product. Simple, convenient push-bar actuation. Large sight window clearly displays product level. Ideal for distribution, warehouse, labs, restrooms and production areas.
Gojo - DPX 2,000-ml dispenser, Gray Diamond Plate Design, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 8.56 6.10 11.52 GOJ525406.jpg gojo dpx dispenser, GOJ5254-06, GOJ525406, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9910 Lagasse Gojo Eco Soy Foaming Hand Cleaner, 3 Refills (GOJ5268-03) 9910 GOJ 5268-03 14.80 5268-03 Soy Foaming Hand Cleaner
Foam hand cleaner gently and effectively removes light to medium soils from hard working hands. Foaming action cleans better than a general restroom soap. Grit-free formula is not as aggressive as a heavy-duty gritted formula. Powered by soy, a renewable,natural resource. Grit-free foam formula with an invigorating fresh scent leaves skin feeling clean and refreshed.
Gojo - Eco Soy Foaming Hand Soap, 2,000-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 94.40 54.40 124.07 GOJ526803.jpg gojo eco soy foaming hand cleaner, GOJ 5268-03, GOJ526803, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9911 Lagasse Purell Hand Sanitizing Wipes, 6 - 270 Wipe Canisters (GOJ 9113-06) 9911 GOJ 9113-06 13.55 9113-06 Purell Hand Sanitizing Wipes
Purell Hand Sanitizing Wipes eliminate 99.99% of most common germs, the same as Purell Hand Sanitizer. Sanitizing and moisturizes hands while wiping away light soils and dirt, Purell Sanitizing Wipes can be used anywhere for a quick, effective cleanup. Great for hand sanitizing and general cleaning tasks, these convenient, durable, textured wet wipes are perfect for superior cleaning and germ fighting. Completely non-linting, Purell Hand Sanitizing Wipes are dermatologist tested and formulated to dry quickly. Ideal for use in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, day care centers, medical facilities, restaurants, and offices, Purell Hand Sanitizing Wipes are the easy sanitizing option people trust. 6" x 6.75" wipes.
Gojo Purell Hand Sanitizing Wipes, 270 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 77.04 58.76 102.66 GOJ911306.jpg hand sanitizing wipes, sanitizing wipes, wipes, purell wipes, GOJ 9113-06, GOJ911306, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
9912 Lagasse SofPull 2-Ply High Capacity Center Pull Toilet Tissue, 6 Rolls (GPC195-00) 9912 GPC 195-00 12.77 19500 SofPull 2-Ply High Capacity Center Pull Toilet Tissue
Strong, easy to dispense one-sheet at-a-time, SofPull 2-Ply Center Pull Toilet Paper is the perfect paper product for any bathroom. Say goodbye to loose jumbo rolls spinning out of control. Sofpull Center Pull Toilet Paper makes it simple to take just the right amount of toilet paper. Offering a quality bath tissue that is soft and thick, these absorbent and comfortable sheets dispenses easily, preventing over-usage. Guaranteed to meet all CPG requirements. 5.25" x 8.4" sheet size.
Georgia Pacific SofPull 2-Ply High Capacity Center Pull Tissue, 925 Sheets per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 49.89 34.60 67.58 GPC19500.jpg sofpull, toilet paper, toilet tissue, paper products GPC 195-00, GPC19500, paper supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9913 Lagasse SofPull 1,000 ft. 1-Ply White Hardwound Paper Towels, 6 Rolls (GPC264-70) 9913 GPC 264-70 27.43 26470 SofPull 1,000' Roll Paper Towels
Designed to dispense, stock and install easily SofPull 1-Ply Hardwound Paper exceeds EPA guidelines post-consumer waste paper. These quality paper towels provide a soft and thick option, are made from recycled fibers, are processed chlorine free and in environmentally preferable packaging. Guaranteed to meet all CPG requirements. SofPull 1-Ply Hardwound Paper contains 100% total recovered material, and are an ideal choice for any commercial environment. From offices and schools to hospitals and healthcare facilities, these easy to use, absorbent towels are a perfect fit.
Towel is uniquely designed with a plugged core to work with the SofPull Mechanical Touchless Towel Dispenser (GPC594-89).
Georgia Pacific SofPull 1-Ply Hardwound Paper Towels, 1,000 Ft. per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 78.99 58.80 107.76 GPC26470.jpg sofpull paper towels, roll paper towels, kitchen towels, paper products, GPC264-70, GPC26470, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9914 Lagasse SofPull 400 ft. 1-Ply Brown Hardwound Paper Towels, 6 Rolls (GPC264-80) 9914 GPC 264-80 34.65 26480 SofPull 400' 1 Ply Brown Roll Towels
SofPull 1-Ply Hardwound Paper are the foremost choice for all commercial environments. These quality paper towels provide a soft and thick option, are made from recycled fibers, are processed chlorine free and in environmentally preferable packaging. SofPull 1-Ply Hardwound Paper contains 100% total recovered material, and are an ideal choice for any commercial environment. From offices and schools to hospitals and healthcare facilities, these easy to use, absorbent towels are a perfect fit. Meets and certified by Green Seal. Meets EPA CPG requirements. Product contains 100% total recovered material. 9-inch. wide.
NOTE: Towel is uniquely designed with a plugged core to work with the SofPull Mechanical Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser (GPC584-70).
Georgia Pacific SofPull 1-Ply Brown Hardwound Roll Towel, 9" Wide, 400 Ft. per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 73.09 54.40 99.73 GPC26480.jpg paper towels, brown paper towels, hardwound towels, GPC 264-80, GPC26480, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9915 Lagasse SofPull 400 ft. 1-Ply White Hardwound Paper Towels, 6 Rolls (GPC266-10) 9915 GPC 266-10 15.99 26610 SofPull 1-Ply White Hardwound Roll Paper Towels
Designed primarily for hand-drying in washrooms when combined with SofPull Automated dispenser (GPC584-70). Each 6-roll case is equivalent to up to 3600 hand towels. Providing a combination of durability, reliability, quality, softness and absorbent. These hardwound roll towels offer the quality you expect to find in office break rooms, doctor offices and any area where you want to make a good impression.
Towel is uniquely designed to work with the SofPull Automated Touchless Towel Dispenser (GPC584-70).
Georgia Pacific SofPull 1-Ply Hardwound Roll Towels, 400 Ft. Per Roll x 9" Wide, 6 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Georgia Pacific 36.69 25.60 49.31 GPC26610.jpg sofpull, hardwound towels, paper towels, kitchen towels, roll towels, GPC266-10, GPC26610, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9916 Lagasse SofPull High-Capacity Centerpull Tissue Dispenser (GPC565-01) 9916 GPC 565-01 2.54 56501 SofPull High-Capacity Centerpull Toilet Paper Dispenser
SofPull Tissue Dispensers put a smart new spin on bath tissue – one-sheet-at-a-time dispensing. This high-capacity tissue solution helps reduce costs while improving hygiene. The translucent cover shows when a roll is ready to be changed and is made of polycarbonate for additional strength. This cover also hinges at the bottom for easy mounting and loading. This dispenser will fit your stall with single, side-by-side, or stacked configurations. SofPull Tissue Dispensers help reduce costs and waste, while improving hygiene...all with just one pull. Sleek, contemporary style enhances image. Extra sturdy, durable construction Complements SofPull Towel Dispensers for a cohesive, modern look. Key lock helps prevent vandalism and pilferage. Warranty: Covers workmanship and parts for 5 years; while normal wear and tear and vandalism are not covered.
Georgia-Pacific SofPull High-Capacity Centerpull Toilet Tissue Dispenser, Translucent Smoke, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 16.26 12.40 21.62 GPC56501.jpg sofpull high-capacity centerpull toilet tissue dispenser, GPC565-01, GPC56501, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9917 Lagasse Compact Quad Vertical Coreless Tissue Dispenser (GPC567-44) 9917 GPC 567-44 4.62 56744 Vertical Four Roll Coreless Tissue Dispenser
Attractive four roll vertical coreless bathroom tissue dispensing system holds up to 6,000 two-ply or 12,000 one-ply sheets while maintaining your professional look. Rolls face forward to minimize tabbing. Dependable roll advancing system provides users with continuous service. Coreless tissue reduces waste and frees up valuable space – No wrappers, no cores and fewer stub rolls to discard. Smaller case is easier to handle and fits storage closets better. Optional mounting brackets provide for easy installation and cleaning. Includes one toilet tissue dispenser.
Georgia-Pacific - Compact Quad Vertical Four Roll Coreless Tissue Dispenser, Translucent Smoke, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 29.50 22.50 39.65 GPC56744.jpg compact quad vertical coreless tissue dispenser, GPC 567-44, GPC56744, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9918 Lagasse SofPull Automatic Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser (GPC584-70) 9918 GPC 584-70 7.67 58470 SofPull Automatic Touchless Paper Towel Dispenser
Automatically dispenses a single towel when you wave your hand. Touch-free dispenser provides quick and convenient hand drying that minimizes the risk of cross-contamination. Easy installation and maintenance. High tech functionality and sleek styling create a look that is highly professional and sure to impress. 12.8" wide x 6.6" deep x 10.5" high. See GPC266-10 or GPC264-80 SofPull Hardwound Roll Towel uniquely designed to work with this dispenser.
Georgia Pacific SofPull Automatic Touchless Towel Dispenser, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 62.80 45.92 85.19 GPC58470.jpg SofPull Automatic Touchless Towel Dispenser, GPC584-70, GPC58470, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9919 Lagasse SofPull Mechanical Hardwound Roll Towel Dispenser (GPC594-89) 9919 GPC 594-89 8.53 59489 SofPull Mechanical Paper Towel Dispenser
This Georgia Pacific SofPull paper towel dispenser delivers a single towel, saving the cost, the mess and the waste associated with traditional folded towels. Soft, high-quality towels come on hard-wound rolls that provide up to 1090 11-inch paper towels per roll for a level of efficiency folded towels just can't match. This towel dispenser is a perfect choice for all offices who desire a quick, convenient hand drying that minimizes the risk of cross-contamination. Hygienic- No buttons, levers or cranks helps improve hygiene by eliminating touch points. Easy installation and maintenance. High Capacity- Dispenses 1000 foot primary roll plus stub roll for efficiency and reduced maintenance time versus folded towels. Portion control- Dispenses one 11 inch towel to help lower cost-in-use. Features a stub roll transfer to help minimize run out. Emergency feed wheel helps ensure dispensing if towel is not present. Easy quiet operation with sleek styling creates a look that is highly professional and sure to impress. 12.6" wide x 9.33" deep x 16.65" high. See GPC264-70 & GPC264-80 SofPull Hardwound Roll Towel uniquely designed to work with this dispenser.
Georgia-Pacific SofPull Mechanical Hardwound Roll Towel Dispenser, Translucent Smoke, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Georgia Pacific 45.87 30.90 60.02 GPC59489.jpg sofpull mechanical hardwound roll towel dispenser, GPC 594-89, GPC59489, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 48
9920 Lagasse Hoover Insight Replacement Auto-Seal Bags (HOOAH10170) 9920 HOO AH10170 0.88 AH10170 Hoover Insight Commercial Upright Allergen Auto-Seal Bags
Keep dust and allergens in the bag. Specialized opening seals automatically when the bag is removed from your vacuum cleaner. Slide-and-snap throat frame simplifies removal and replacement. Designed for Hoover Insight Upright vacuum cleaners. Includes ten disposable auto-seal vacuum cleaner bags.
Hoover Insight Commercial Upright Allergen Auto-Seal Bags, 10 Bags per package. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hoover 25.04 19.10 33.81 HOOAH10170.jpg hoover insight replacement auto-seal vacuum cleaner bags, HOOAH10170, HOOAH10170, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
9925 Lagasse Hoover Enhanced Clean Disinfecting Steam Mop (HOOWH20200) 9925 HOO WH20200 23.03 HOO WH20200 Hoover Enhanced Clean Disinfecting Steam Mop
One-step, steam-and-disinfect system kills or removes up to 99.9% of germs and bacteria from your floor, including swine flu (H1N1), MRSA, influenza A, staph, salmonella and E. coli. Clean Control dial allows you to adjust the steam-to-disinfectant mixture: from all steam to all disinfectant. Removable two-tank system keeps water and chemicals separate, while simplifying filling and emptying tasks. Triangular, swivel-mop head and removable carpet glider provide enhanced maneuverability and carpet-to-nonporous flooring versatility. "Steam Ready" indicator LED lets you know when the unit is ready to go. Soft-Touch grip helps reduce hand stress. Rotating, quick cord release minimizes the potential for injury. Includes one floor steamer, one 8-ounce bottle of Hoover Multi-Purpose Disinfectant, one measuring cup,, three microfiber triangular pads, one cooling tray, one carpet glider and documentation.
Hoover Enhanced Clean Disinfecting Steam Mop, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Hoover 157.07 119.80 206.64 HOOWH20200.jpg hoover enhanced clean disinfecting steam mop, HOO WH20200, HOOWH20200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 56
9926 Lagasse Health Gards Toilet Seat Covers, 1,000 Covers (HOSHG-1000) 9926 HOS HG-1000 6.00 HG-1000 Health Gards Toilet Seat Covers
Health Gards Toilet Seat Covers are easy to use and allows for a safe and sanitary bathroom experience. These high quality toilet seat covers from Hospeco come in 250-count packs of half-fold toilet seat covers (sold separately) with ease. Half-fold, white paper toilet seat covers. 250 seat covers per pack. 4 packs per case.
Hospeco Health Gards Toilet Seat Covers, 250 Covers per Pack, 4 Packs, 2,500 Covers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Hospeco 13.71 10.30 18.08 HOSHG1000.jpg health gards toilet seat covers, HOS HG-1000, HOSHG1000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
9927 Lagasse Health Gards Toilet Seat Covers, 2,500 Covers (HOSHG-2500) 9927 HOS HG-2500 14.00 HG-2500 Health Gards Toilet Seat Covers
From Hospeco, these quality seat covers provide an affordable and sanitary way to keep any toilet seat safe. Dispensing toilet seat covers simply and easily, these quality covers were created with sanitation in mind. Designed to be fully effective at stopping both germs and bacteria, these covers are made from 100% biodegradable material. Half-fold, white paper toilet seat covers. 250 seat covers per pack. 10 packs per case.
Hospeco Health Gards Toilet Seat Covers, 250 Seat Covers per Pack, 10 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Hospeco 28.71 21.90 38.87 HOSHG2500.jpg health gards toilet seat covers, HOS HG-2500, HOSHG2500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 57
9928 Lagasse 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags, 36x60, 14mic, 200 Bags (IBSVALH3660N14) 9928 IBS VALH3660N14 14.72 VALH3660N14 60 Gallon Natural Trash Bags
Compact, coreless interleaved rolls designed for effortless one at a time bag dispensing. Made from Formosa resins for reliability and consistency. Star-sealed bottom distributes weight evenly and creates a seal up to eight times stronger than the film itself. Innovative "clamshell" box with E-Z identification eliminates confusion. ISO registered facilities ensure superior quality and consistency.
Inteplast Group 60 Gallon Trash Bags, 36x60, 14mic, Natural, 8 Rolls of 25 Bags, 200 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Interplast Group Ltd. Integrated Bagging Systems 28.73 18.99 38.96 IBSVALH3660N14.jpg 60 gallon clear trash bags, 60 gallon trash bags, 60 gallon natural trash bags, IBS VALH3660N14, IBSVALH3660N14, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 150
9929 Lagasse 21-Quart Step-On Trash Can, White (IMP13200-1) 9929 IMP 13200-1 9.60 13200-1 21-Quart Step-On Trash Can
Minimize exposure to germs and messy waste with this totally hands-free receptacle. Smooth, quiet pedal operation. Conveniently fits under counters or small spaces. Ideal for light-duty applications. Hands-off operation for infection and odor control. Includes rigid plastic liner. Steel construction with tight-fitting lid. White painted, chip-proof enamel finish. 12"wide x 12-1/2"deep x 16"high.
21-Quart Step-On Trash Can, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Impact 59.65 43.21 78.60 IMP13200.jpg 21-quart step-on trash receptacle, IMP 13200-1, IMP132001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 59
9930 Lagasse Economy Back Support - Large (IMP7389L) 9930 IMP 7389L 0.85 7389L Economical back support belt with 8-in. elastic back panel, side pulls and detachable suspenders. Back support protects the lower lumbar area and reduces back stress and injury. Encourages proper body mechanics—back panel and stays help correct posture wh Impact 24.78 18.90 32.58 IMP7389L.jpg Economy Back Support - Large IMP7389L, IMP7389L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
9931 Lagasse Economy Back Support - Medium (IMP7389M) 9931 IMP 7389M 0.85 7389M Economical back support belt with 8-in. elastic back panel, side pulls and detachable suspenders. Back support protects the lower lumbar area and reduces back stress and injury. Encourages proper body mechanics—back panel and stays help correct posture wh Impact 25.96 19.80 33.97 IMP7389M.jpg Economy Back Support - Medium IMP7389M, IMP7389M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
9932 Lagasse Economy Back Support - Extra Large (IMP7389XL) 9932 IMP 7389XL 0.80 7389XL Economical back support belt with 8-in. elastic back panel, side pulls and detachable suspenders. Back support protects the lower lumbar area and reduces back stress and injury. Encourages proper body mechanics—back panel and stays help correct posture wh Impact 26.29 19.80 35.34 IMP7389XL.jpg Economy Back Support - Extra Large IMP7389XL, IMP7389XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
9933 Lagasse Metal Sidepress Wringer (IMPWH2000) 9933 IMP WH2000 16.80 WH2000 Tubular steel handle and strong 5/8-in. square shaft sit closer to the wringer for more squeezing pressure. Large drain openings on all sides allow quick flow of water into bucket. Long-life electroplated steel. For 20-40-oz. mop heads, fits 26-50-qt. buc Impact 80.37 61.30 107.28 IMPWH2000.jpg Metal Sidepress Wringer IMPWH2000, IMPWH2000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
9934 Lagasse Box Handler® Gloves - Large (IRNBHG04L) 9934 IRN BHG04L 0.03 IRNBHG04L The original all purpose package-handling glove. Super sticky grip combined with extreme dexterity and long lasting comfort. Features terry cloth sweat wipe and low profile airprene knuckle protection. Ironclad 26.67 19.80 36.06 IRNBHG04L.jpg Box Handler® Gloves - Large IRNBHG04L, IRNBHG04L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 262
9935 Lagasse Box Handler® Gloves - Extra-Large (IRNBHG05XL) 9935 IRN BHG05XL 0.32 IRNBHG05XL The original all purpose package-handling glove. Super sticky grip combined with extreme dexterity and long lasting comfort. Features terry cloth sweat wipe and low profile airprene knuckle protection. Ironclad 26.67 19.80 36.46 IRNBHG05XL.jpg Box Handler® Gloves - Extra-Large IRNBHG05XL, IRNBHG05XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 262
9936 Lagasse Cut-Resistant Gloves - Large (IRNICR04L) 9936 IRN ICR04L 0.03 IRNICR04L Intermediate level cut-resistant glove takes cut resistance to another level. Features stainless steel core filaments for dependable, lasting cut protection. Textured latex palm and fingers for enhanced grip. Anatomically correct fit and the security and Ironclad 20.74 14.50 26.94 IRNICR04L.jpg Cut-Resistant Gloves - Large IRNICR04L, IRNICR04L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 262
9937 Lagasse Cut-Resistant Gloves - Extra-Large (IRNICR05XL) 9937 IRN ICR05XL 0.03 IRNICR05XL Intermediate level cut-resistant glove takes cut resistance to another level. Features stainless steel core filaments for dependable, lasting cut protection. Textured latex palm and fingers for enhanced grip. Anatomically correct fit and the security and Ironclad 19.55 14.50 25.46 IRNICR05XL.jpg Cut-Resistant Gloves - Extra-Large IRNICR05XL, IRNICR05XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 262
9939 Lagasse Kleenex Viva On-The-Go Napkins, 560 Napkins (KCC13097) 9939 KCC 13097 11.40 13097 Kleenex Viva On-The-Go Napkins
Strong and absorbent napkins in a convenient pop-up box. Easy to take where you need them, in a convenient pop-up dispenser box for everyday living. Ideal for home and travel. White. One-ply. 8.9" x 10" sheet size. 70 napkins per carton. 8 cartons per case.
Kimberly-Clark Kleenex Viva On-The-Go Napkins, White, 1-Ply, 70 Napkins per Box, 8 Boxes, 560 Napkins per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 35.53 27.10 47.52 KCC13097.jpg viva on-the-go napkins, KCC 13097, KCC13097, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9940 Lagasse 18-Wide Orange Traffic Cone—2.5-lbs." (KCC16399) 9940 KCC 16399 2.80 16399 High visibility dayglow orange with white inner liner. Custom stenciling available for easy identification. Flow molded PVC maintains structural integrity. Wide-body design provides high stability. Meets MUTCD standards. Made in the USA. Kimberly Clark Professional 7.99 6.09 10.42 KCC16399.jpg 18-Wide Orange Traffic Cone—2.5-lbs." KCC16399, KCC16399, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
9941 Lagasse Scott Toilet Paper, 1 Ply, 40 Rolls (KCC20032) 9941 KCC 20032 17.70 20032 Scott 1 Ply Toilet Paper
The ideal toilet paper for the home or office, Scott 1 Ply Toilet Paper is the smart choice for any residential or commercial bathroom environment. These embossed white sheets measure in at 3.7" x 4.1". This 1-ply toilet paper is a great choice for schools, daycare facilities, offices, and residential homes. Stock up on Scott 1 Ply Toilet Paper, the toilet tissue savvy buyers choose. Scott 1 Ply Toilet Paper is durable and long lasting, the perfect balance between performance and price. Assured Scott paper softness in 1,000 sheets per roll for a reliable, long-lasting bathroom product. 3.7-in. x 4.1-in. sheets. 20 rolls per pack. 2 packs per case.
Kimberly Clark Scott Toilet Paper, 1 Ply, 1,000 Sheets per Roll, 40 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 44.91 34.25 59.25 KCC20032.jpg scoot 1000 bath tissue, KCC 20032, KCC20032, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9942 Lagasse ANSI Class 2 Lime Vest with Silver Reflective (KCC22838) 9942 KCC 22838 0.60 22838 Deluxe safety vest features 360 Kimberly Clark Professional 10.48 7.99 13.90 KCC22838.jpg ANSI Class 2 Lime Vest with Silver Reflective KCC22838, KCC22838, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
9943 Lagasse Jackson Safety V10 Element Eye Protection - Clear Lens (KCC25627) 9943 KCC 25627 0.05 25627 Jackson Safety Glasses - Clear Lens
Lightweight, popular style at an economical price. Universal nose bridge. 99.9% UV protection. Meets ANSI Z87.1+ and CE Standards.
Kimberly Clark - Jackson Safety V10 Element Safety Glasses, Clear Lens, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 1.26 0.96 1.66 KCC25627.jpg Jackson Safety* V10 Element* Eye Protection - Clear Lens KCC25627, KCC25627, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9944 Lagasse Jackson Safety* V10 Element* Eye Protection - Smoke Lens (KCC25631) 9944 KCC 25631 0.05 25631 Lightweight, popular style at an economical price. Universal nose bridge. 99.9% UV protection. Meets ANSI Z87.1+ and CE Standards. Kimberly Clark Professional 1.26 0.96 1.66 KCC25631.jpg Jackson Safety* V10 Element* Eye Protection - Smoke Lens KCC25631, KCC25631, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
9945 Lagasse Jackson Safety* V30 Nemesis* Eye Protection - Black Frame, Clear Lens (KCC25676) 9945 KCC 25676 0.05 25676 Sleek, flexible and lightweight design with soft touch temples for added comfort. Scratch-resistant, dual polycarbonate lens with 99.9% UV protection. Meets ANSI Z87.1+ Standard. Kimberly Clark Professional 3.52 2.68 4.77 KCC25676.jpg Jackson Safety* V30 Nemesis* Eye Protection - Black Frame, Clear Lens KCC25676, KCC25676, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
9947 Lagasse Kleenex Boutique Lotion Facial Tissue, 27 Boxes (KCC25829) 9947 KCC 25829 12.83 25829 Kleenex Boutique Lotion Facial Tissue
Kleenex Boutique Lotion Facial Tissue provide a delicate, soft option when you are suffering from the sniffles and sneezes. Designed to sooth, Kleenex's soft lotion infused formula provides a gentle, non-abrasive tissue option. This gentle, absorbent, 3-ply facial tissue truly shows how a little lotion goes a long way. Perfect for a residential environment, commercial location, school, or healthcare environment, these white, 8.4 x 8.2 sized sheets are a perfect fit for any location. Discover the soft, gentle touch of Kleenex Boutique Lotion Facial Tissues, for the home or office.
Kimberly-Clark Kleenex Boutique Lotion Facial Tissue, 75 Tissues per box, 27 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 79.47 58.39 106.09 KCC25829.jpg kleenex boutique lotion facial tissue KCC 25829, KCC25829, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9948 Lagasse Kimtech Touchscreen Cleaning Wipes, 12 Packs (KCC25932) 9948 KCC 25932 2.58 25932 Kimtech Touchscreen Cleaning Wipes
Ideal for on-the-go use. Dry, reusable and disposable microfiber wipes. Streak-free clean without the chemicals. Wont scratch glass surfaces—virtually lint free. Easily removes fingerprints, make-up and skin oil/grease from your mobile devices. Convenient for pocket, purse or briefcase. 3.1" x 3.9" wipe size.
Kimberly-Clark, Kimtech Touchscreen Cleaning Wipes, 10 Wipes per Pack, 12 Packs per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 115.77 88.30 151.61 KCC25932.jpg kimtech touchscreen cleaning wipes, KCC 25932, KCC25932, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9949 Lagasse Scott Paper Slimfold Towels, 2,640 Towels (KCC29575) 9949 KCC 29575 10.50 29575 Scott Paper Slimfold Towels
Fits the tightest spaces inside or outside of the washroom. One-at-a-time dispensing reduces waste. Absorbency pockets provide excellent absorbency and hand-drying performance. Packaging contains 30% post-consumer and 55% total recovered material. White. 7.5" x 11.3" towel size.
Kimberly-Clark, Scott Paper Slimfold Towels, 110 Towels per Pack, 24 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Kimberly Clark Professional 30.55 23.30 41.18 KCC29575.jpg slimfold towels, KCC 29575, KCC29575, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9950 Lagasse Scott Disinfectant Wipes, 420 Wipes (KCC30760) 9950 KCC 30760 10.00 30760 Scott Disinfectant Wipes
Scott Disinfectant Wipes kill bacteria and viruses on hard nonporous non-food contact surfaces. Because they’re designed to be discarded after use, Scott Disinfectant Wipes eliminate transfer of germs between dirty rags and surfaces, reducing the risk of cross contamination. Cleans, disinfects and deodorizes to keep the office work area clean and sanitized. Prevents the spread of germs. Kills 99.9% of bacteria in 15 seconds. Alcohol and bleach-free. One-ply. White. 7-in. x 8-in. 35 wipes per canister. 12 canisters per case.
Kimberly-Clark Scott Disinfectant Wipes, 35 Wipes per Canister, 12 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 41.82 31.90 56.08 KCC30760.jpg scott disinfectant wipes, KCC 30760, KCC30760, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
9951 Lagasse Lipton® Tea Bags and Hot Cider - Decaffeinated Tea 72 6 (LIP290) 9951 LIP 290 0.58 LIP290 Enjoy a break from work and have a hot tea, refreshing glass of iced tea or hot spice cider. A great way to enjoy a refreshing drink in the breakroom or at home. Lipton 8.26 6.30 10.78 LIP290.jpg Lipton® Tea Bags and Hot Cider - Decaffeinated Tea 72 6 LIP290, LIP290, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 263
9952 Lagasse Lipton® Tea Bags and Hot Cider - Regular Tea 100 10 (LIP291) 9952 LIP 291 0.88 LIP291 Enjoy a break from work and have a hot tea, refreshing glass of iced tea or hot spice cider. A great way to enjoy a refreshing drink in the breakroom or at home. Lipton 6.95 5.30 9.14 LIP291.jpg Lipton® Tea Bags and Hot Cider - Regular Tea 100 10 LIP291, LIP291, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 263
9953 Lagasse Lipton® Tea Bags and Hot Cider - Hot Spice Cider 14 12 (LIP765) 9953 LIP 765 9.00 LIP765 Enjoy a break from work and have a hot tea, refreshing glass of iced tea or hot spice cider. A great way to enjoy a refreshing drink in the breakroom or at home. Lipton 54.15 41.30 72.00 LIP765.jpg Lipton® Tea Bags and Hot Cider - Hot Spice Cider 14 12 LIP765, LIP765, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 263
9954 Lagasse Aspen 100% Premium Recycled Facial Tissue, 36 Boxes (MAC3305) 9954 MAC 3305 22.70 3305 Aspen 100% Premium Recycled Facial Tissue
Completely hypoallergenic, Aspen Facial Tissue has no dyes or fragrances added. Constructed of 100% recycled paper, Aspen tissue are whitened without chlorine bleaching. Endorsed by the NRDC, as well as fully meeting both the EPA and CPG requirements. Thigh high quality, two-ply, facial tissue product contains 60% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. Coming with 144 tissues per box, and 36 boxes per case, Aspen 100% Premium Recycled Facial Tissues are the ideal choice for not only the home or office, but the environment as well.
Marcal Pro Aspen 100% Premium Recycled Facial Tissue, White 144 Tissues per Box, 36 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Marcal Paper 47.20 36.00 63.81 MAC3305.jpg aspen facial tissue recycled, MAC 3305, MAC3305, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 135
9955 Lagasse Marcal Pro Snow Lily 100% Premium Recycled Bath Tissue, 48 Rolls (MAC4072) 9955 MAC 4072 11.92 4072 Marcal Pro Snow Lily Toilet Tissue
Marcal Pro Snow Lily Toilet Paper is long-lasting, septic safe, soft and strong. 100% recycled paper. Whitened without chlorine bleaching. No dye or fragrance added. NRDC endorsed. Product contains 60% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. Meets EPA CPG requirements. Two-ply. White. 4.5" x 4.0" sheet size, 336 sheets per roll, 48 rolls per case.
Marcal Pro Snow Lily 2 Ply Toilet Paper, White, 336 Sheets per Roll, 48 Rolls per Case.
Toilet Paper » 2 ply Standard Toilet Paper - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Marcal Paper 26.72 19.38 35.14 MAC4072.jpg marcal pro 100% premium recycled bath tissue snow lily, MAC 4072, MAC4072, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 135
9956 Lagasse Marcal Pro 100% Premium Recycled Bath Tissue, 48 Rolls (MAC5001) 9956 MAC 5001 20.60 5001 Marcal Pro 100% Premium Recycled 2 Ply Bath Tissue
Marcal Pro 2 Ply Toilet paper is long-lasting, septic safe, soft and strong. 100% recycled paper. Whitened without chlorine bleaching. No dye or fragrance added. NRDC endorsed. Product contains 60% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. Meets EPA CPG requirements. Two-ply. White. 504 sheets per roll.
Marcal Pro 100% Premium Recycled 2 Ply Toilet paper, 504 Sheets per Roll, 48 Rolls per Case.
Toilet Paper » 2 ply Standard Toilet Paper - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Marcal Paper 32.77 24.99 43.75 MAC5001.jpg marcal pro premium recycled bath tissue, MAC 5001, MAC5001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 135
9957 Lagasse Marcal Pro 100% Premium Recycled Perforated Paper Towels, 30 Rolls (MAC630) 9957 MAC 630 17.60 630 Marcal Pro Kitchen Paper Roll Towels
Marcal Pro Perforated Kitchen Paper Towels are strong and absorbent premium recycled towels. 100% recycled paper. Whitened without chlorine bleaching. No dye or fragrance added. Virtually lint free. NRDC endorsed. Product contains 60% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. Meets EPA CPG requirements.
Marcal Pro 100% Premium Recycled Perforated 2 Ply Paper Towels, 70 Towels per Roll, 30 Rolls per Case.
Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers » Kitchen Paper Towels - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Marcal Paper 31.59 17.67 42.37 MAC630.jpg marcal pro premium recycled perforated roll towels, MAC 630, MAC630, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 135
9958 Lagasse Scotch-Brite™ Surface Preparation Pad - 14-in. x 32-in. (MCO02499) 9958 MCO 02499 5.35 2499 Deeply scrubs and effectively removes most floor finishes, leaving a clean surface ready for refinishing. Pads require only neutral cleaner or water. No clean up or slippery residue from strippers. Ideal for surfaces such as wood, vinyl tile, sheet vinyl, 3M Corporation 241.61 171.30 320.03 MCO02499.jpg Scotch-Brite™ Surface Preparation Pad - 14-in. x 32-in. MCO02499, MCO02499, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
9959 Lagasse Scotch-Brite™ Quick Clean Griddle Liquid Packets (MCO29603) 9959 MCO 29603 12.00 29603 Powerful griddle cleaning liquid in pre-measured portions for cost-effective cleaning. Loosens and lifts grease and food soil on hot griddles for easy removal. No strong odors or irritating fumes. Safe for use on food contact surfaces. 3.2-oz. packets. 40 3M Corporation 57.16 43.60 74.51 MCO29603.jpg Scotch-Brite™ Quick Clean Griddle Liquid Packets MCO29603, MCO29603, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
9960 Lagasse Scotch-Brite Surface Preparation Pad, 10 Pads (MCO96891) 9960 MCO 96891 2.50 96891 Surface Preparation Pad
Manual-use scrub pad effectively removes most floor finishes, especially when used with a scrub-pad holder (sold separately). Deep-clean surface is designed for use with neutral cleaning solutions and water, eliminating the need for chemical stripping, neutral rinsing and wet/dry vacuuming tasks. Safe for use on wood, vinyl tile, sheet vinyl, marble, terrazzo and concrete floors. Includes 10 floor-finish removal pads.
3M Scotch-Brite, Surface Preparation Pad, 12" x 18", 10 Pads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. 3M Corporation 108.30 82.60 140.67 MCO96891.jpg scotch-brite surface preparation pad, MCO 96891, MCO96891, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
9961 Lagasse General Purpose Goggles - Perforated Frame Regular Size 1/Dozen (MCR2220) 9961 MCR 2220 2.24 2220 Provide a wide, unobstructed field of vision and can be worn with most half-mask respirators. Protects against impact and chemical splash. Transparent protective PVC body permits a comfortable fit over prescription eyewear. Clear. MCR Safety 14.16 10.80 19.03 MCR2220.jpg General Purpose Goggles - Perforated Frame Regular Size 1/Dozen MCR2220, MCR2220, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9962 Lagasse General Purpose Safety Goggles, Clear Lens, 12 Pairs (MCR2230R) 9962 MCR 2230R 11.18 2230R Provides a wide, unobstructed field of vision and can be worn with most half-mask respirators. Transparent PVC body permits a comfortable fit over glasses or prescription eyewear. Protects against impact, splash.
Includes 12 pairs of goggles.
MCR Safety Chemical Safety Goggles, Poly Clear Lens, 12 Pairs (dozen) MCR Safety 20.72 15.80 27.01 MCR2230R.jpg General Purpose Goggles - Indirect Ventilation 1/Each, MCR2230R, MCR2230R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 264
9963 Lagasse Nitri-Chem® Nitrile Rubber Gloves (MCR5319E) 9963 MCR 5319E 1.86 5319E Nitrile gloves are made of synthetic latex. Contains no latex proteins. Excellent resistance to punctures and tears—three times more puncture-resistant than rubber. Superior resistance to many types of chemicals. Excellent alternative for individuals who MCR Safety 19.52 12.80 26.18 MCR5319E.jpg Nitri-Chem® Nitrile Rubber Gloves MCR5319E, MCR5319E, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9964 Lagasse Memphis Flex Seamless Nylon Knit Glove - Large (MCR96731L) 9964 MCR 96731L 1.43 96731L Gray nylon shell. Blue foam latex dipped palm and fingers. MCR Safety 29.37 20.60 38.25 MCR96731L.jpg Memphis Flex Seamless Nylon Knit Glove - Large MCR96731L, MCR96731L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9965 Lagasse Memphis Flex Seamless Nylon Knit Glove - Medium (MCR96731M) 9965 MCR 96731M 1.38 96731M Gray nylon shell. Blue foam latex dipped palm and fingers. MCR Safety 29.37 20.60 40.06 MCR96731M.jpg Memphis Flex Seamless Nylon Knit Glove - Medium MCR96731M, MCR96731M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9966 Lagasse Memphis Flex Seamless Nylon Knit Glove - Small (MCR96731S) 9966 MCR 96731S 1.33 96731S Gray nylon shell. Blue foam latex dipped palm and fingers. MCR Safety 29.37 20.60 40.10 MCR96731S.jpg Memphis Flex Seamless Nylon Knit Glove - Small MCR96731S, MCR96731S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9967 Lagasse Memphis Flex Seamless Nylon Knit Glove - Extra-Large (MCR96731XL) 9967 MCR 96731XL 1.83 96731XL Gray nylon shell. Blue foam latex dipped palm and fingers. MCR Safety 31.48 20.60 41.91 MCR96731XL.jpg Memphis Flex Seamless Nylon Knit Glove - Extra-Large MCR96731XL, MCR96731XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9968 Lagasse UltraTech® Foam Nylon Gloves - Large (MCR9674L) 9968 MCR 9674L 1.52 9674L Fit, comfort and protection are the unique qualities of the UltraTech® series. Contains nitrile, polyurethane, latex and HPT polymers on nylon. Excellent grip and great dexterity. Resists cuts and abrasions. MCR Safety 37.24 28.40 51.00 MCR9674L.jpg UltraTech® Foam Nylon Gloves - Large MCR9674L, MCR9674L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9969 Lagasse UltraTech® Foam Nylon Gloves - Medium (MCR9674M) 9969 MCR 9674M 1.38 9674M Fit, comfort and protection are the unique qualities of the UltraTech® series. Contains nitrile, polyurethane, latex and HPT polymers on nylon. Excellent grip and great dexterity. Resists cuts and abrasions. MCR Safety 37.24 28.40 48.86 MCR9674M.jpg UltraTech® Foam Nylon Gloves - Medium MCR9674M, MCR9674M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9970 Lagasse UltraTech® Foam Nylon Gloves - Small (MCR9674S) 9970 MCR 9674S 1.27 9674S Fit, comfort and protection are the unique qualities of the UltraTech® series. Contains nitrile, polyurethane, latex and HPT polymers on nylon. Excellent grip and great dexterity. Resists cuts and abrasions. MCR Safety 37.24 28.40 48.65 MCR9674S.jpg UltraTech® Foam Nylon Gloves - Small MCR9674S, MCR9674S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9971 Lagasse UltraTech® Foam Nylon Gloves - Extra-Large (MCR9674XL) 9971 MCR 9674XL 1.54 9674XL Fit, comfort and protection are the unique qualities of the UltraTech® series. Contains nitrile, polyurethane, latex and HPT polymers on nylon. Excellent grip and great dexterity. Resists cuts and abrasions. MCR Safety 37.24 28.40 49.37 MCR9674XL.jpg UltraTech® Foam Nylon Gloves - Extra-Large MCR9674XL, MCR9674XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9972 Lagasse Dallas Plus Safety Glasses - Black, Clear Lens (MCRDL110) 9972 MCR DL110 0.11 DL110 Safety Glasses
Dallas Plus series protective eye-wear with metallic color frame options offer fashion and function combined with sleek styling that offers a lightweight comfortable fit. The unique nose-bridge with gel nose pad along with full length non-slip temple sleeves comfortably fits a wide variety of users. The wrap-around lens design provides greater side impact protection. Strong, lightweight polycarbonate lens, Blocks 99.9% of ultraviolet radiation. Meets or Exceeds ANSI Z87+. Black Frame with Clear Anti-Fog Lens.
MCR Safety - Dallas Plus Safety Glasses, Black Frame with Clear Anti-Fog Lens, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. MCR Safety 4.00 3.05 5.25 MCRDL110.jpg dallas plus glasses - black clear, MCR DL110, MCRDL110, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 264
9973 Lagasse Dallas Plus Safety Glasses - Black, Gray Lens (MCRDL112) 9973 MCR DL112 0.11 DL112 Safety Glasses
Dallas Plus series protective eye-wear with metallic color frame options offer fashion and function combined with sleek styling that offers a lightweight comfortable fit. The unique nose-bridge with gel nose pad along with full length non-slip temple sleeves comfortably fits a wide variety of users. The wrap-around lens design provides greater side impact protection. Strong, lightweight polycarbonate lens, Blocks 99.9% of ultraviolet radiation. Meets or Exceeds ANSI Z87+. Black Frame with Gray Anti-Fog Lens.
MCR Safety - Dallas Plus Safety Glasses, Black Frame with Gray Anti-Fog Lens, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. MCR Safety 4.33 3.30 5.77 MCRDL112.jpg dallas plus glasses - black gray, MCR DL112, MCRDL112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 264
9974 Lagasse Dallas Plus Safety Glasses - Black, Clear/Anti-Fog Lens (MCRDL119AF) 9974 MCR DL119AF 0.11 DL119AF Safety Glasses
Dallas Plus series protective eye-wear with metallic color frame options offer fashion and function combined with sleek styling that offers a lightweight comfortable fit. The unique nose-bridge with gel nose pad along with full length non-slip temple sleeves comfortably fits a wide variety of users. The wrap-around lens design provides greater side impact protection. Strong, lightweight polycarbonate lens, Blocks 99.9% of ultraviolet radiation. Meets or Exceeds ANSI Z87+. Black Frame with Clear Anti-Fog Lens.
MCR Safety - Dallas Plus Safety Glasses, Black Frame with Clear Anti-Fog Lens, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. MCR Safety 4.72 3.60 6.15 MCRDL119AF.jpg dallas plus glasses - black clear/anti-fog, MCR DL119AF, MCRDL119AF, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 264
9975 Lagasse Dallas Plus Safety Glasses - Blue Black, Clear/Anti-Fog Lens (MCRDL310AF) 9975 MCR DL310AF 0.11 DL310AF Safety Glasses
Dallas Plus series protective eye-wear with metallic color frame options offer fashion and function combined with sleek styling that offers a lightweight comfortable fit. The unique nose-bridge with gel nose pad along with full length non-slip temple sleeves comfortably fits a wide variety of users. The wrap-around lens design provides greater side impact protection. Strong, lightweight polycarbonate lens, Blocks 99.9% of ultraviolet radiation. Meets or Exceeds ANSI Z87+. Blue Black Frame with Clear Anti-Fog Lens.
MCR Safety - Dallas Plus Safety Glasses, Blue Black Frame with Clear Anti-Fog Lens, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. MCR Safety 4.85 3.70 6.52 MCRDL310AF.jpg dallas plus glasses - blue metallic clear/anti-fog, MCR DL310AF, MCRDL310AF, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 264
9976 Lagasse ForceFlex Safety Glasses - Clear Lens (MCRFF120) 9976 MCR FF120 0.22 FF120 Safety Glasses
ForceFlex is patented, multi-injection molding of the lens with a flexible Thermo Plastic Urethane (TPU) frame. Due to this construction, it can achieve a military ballistic level impact resistance at over 1000 feet per second. The TPU material allows the frame to flex and fit individual faces from large to small. All ForceFlex styles meet military MIL-PRF-31013 clause for high velocity impact protection and exceed ANSI Z87+. This achievement benefits consumers by providing unparalleled levels of protection. The dual material temples combine Thermo Plastic Rubber (TPR) for comfort and polycarbonate for durability. MCR Safety’s Professional Grade eyewear is engineered to provide the highest level of innovation for consumers that demand the very best in safety.
MCR Safety - ForceFlex Safety Glasses, Clear Lens, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. MCR Safety 9.96 7.60 13.26 MCRFF120.jpg forceflex glasses - clear, MCR FF120, MCRFF120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 264
9977 Lagasse ForceFlex Safety Glasses - Gray Lens (MCRFF122) 9977 MCR FF122 0.22 FF122 Safety Glasses
ForceFlex is patented, multi-injection molding of the lens with a flexible Thermo Plastic Urethane (TPU) frame. Due to this construction, it can achieve a military ballistic level impact resistance at over 1000 feet per second. The TPU material allows the frame to flex and fit individual faces from large to small. All ForceFlex styles meet military MIL-PRF-31013 clause for high velocity impact protection and exceed ANSI Z87+. This achievement benefits consumers by providing unparalleled levels of protection. The dual material temples combine Thermo Plastic Rubber (TPR) for comfort and polycarbonate for durability. MCR Safety’s Professional Grade eyewear is engineered to provide the highest level of innovation for consumers that demand the very best in safety.
MCR Safety - ForceFlex Safety Glasses, Gray Lens, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. MCR Safety 10.36 7.90 13.61 MCRFF122.jpg forceflex glasses - gray, MCR FF122, MCRFF122, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 264
9978 Lagasse ForceFlex Safety Glasses - Blue Diamond Mirror Lens (MCRFF128B) 9978 MCR FF128B 0.22 FF128B Safety Glasses
ForceFlex is patented, multi-injection molding of the lens with a flexible Thermo Plastic Urethane (TPU) frame. Due to this construction, it can achieve a military ballistic level impact resistance at over 1000 feet per second. The TPU material allows the frame to flex and fit individual faces from large to small. All ForceFlex styles meet military MIL-PRF-31013 clause for high velocity impact protection and exceed ANSI Z87+. This achievement benefits consumers by providing unparalleled levels of protection. The dual material temples combine Thermo Plastic Rubber (TPR) for comfort and polycarbonate for durability. MCR Safety’s Professional Grade eye-wear is engineered to provide the highest level of innovation for consumers that demand the very best in safety.
MCR Safety - ForceFlex Safety Glasses, Blue Diamond Mirror Lens, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. MCR Safety 11.41 8.70 15.47 MCRFF128B.jpg forceflex glasses - blue diamond mirror, MCR FF128B, MCRFF128B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 264
9979 Lagasse Klondike Plus Safety Glasses - Clear Lens (MCRKD310) 9979 MCR KD310 0.10 KD310 Safety Glasses
Klondike Plus glasses keep you at the peak of comfort and style all day long. Features adjustable, five-position ratchet temples, Gel nose piece for long wearing comfort, Duramass scratch-resistant coating. Strong, lightweight polycarbonate lens with 11 degree base curve. Filters 99.9% of U.V. radiation. Meets or Exceeds ANSI Z87+. Black matte frame with Clear lens color.
MCR Safety - Klondike Plus Safety Glasses Black Matte Frame with Clear Lens, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. MCR Safety 3.15 2.40 4.18 MCRKD310.jpg klondike plus glasses - clear, MCR KD310, MCRKD310, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 264
9980 Lagasse Klondike Plus Safety Glasses - Gray Lens (MCRKD312) 9980 MCR KD312 0.10 KD312 Safety Glasses
Klondike Plus glasses keep you at the peak of comfort and style all day long. Features adjustable, five-position ratchet temples, Gel nose piece for long wearing comfort, Duramass scratch-resistant coating. Strong, lightweight polycarbonate lens with 11 degree base curve. Filters 99.9% of U.V. radiation. Meets or Exceeds ANSI Z87+. Black matte frame with Gray lens color.
MCR Safety - Klondike Plus Safety Glasses Black Matte Frame with Gray Lens, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. MCR Safety 3.61 2.75 4.75 MCRKD312.jpg klondike plus safety glasses - gray, MCR KD312, MCRKD312, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 264
9981 Lagasse Klondike Plus Safety Glasses - Light Blue Lens (MCRKD313) 9981 MCR KD313 0.10 KD313 Safety Glasses
Whether on the slopes or in the workplace, Klondike Plus glasses keep you at the peak of comfort and style all day long. Features adjustable, five-position ratchet temples, Gel nose piece for long wearing comfort, Duramass scratch-resistant coating. Strong, lightweight polycarbonate lens with 11 degree base curve. Filters 99.9% of U.V. radiation. Meets or Exceeds ANSI Z87+. Black matte frame with light blue lens color.
MCR Safety - Klondike Plus Safety Glasses Black Matte Frame with Blue Lens, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. MCR Safety 4.52 3.45 6.16 MCRKD313.jpg klondike plus glasses - light blue MCR KD313, MCRKD313, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 264
9982 Lagasse Ninja® Force Safety Gloves - Large (MCRN9677L) 9982 MCR N9677L 0.20 N9677L Gray coating conceals dirt and provides excellent dexterity. Lightest Ninja® cut level five glove. Made with Dyneema. Individually packed pairs with hang tag. Ideal for lathe operations, metal grinding/filing, auto chassis, trim work and ceramics industry MCR Safety 13.11 10.00 17.92 MCRN9677L.jpg Ninja® Force Safety Gloves - Large MCRN9677L, MCRN9677L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9983 Lagasse Ninja® Force Safety Gloves - Medium (MCRN9677M) 9983 MCR N9677M 0.17 N9677M Gray coating conceals dirt and provides excellent dexterity. Lightest Ninja® cut level five glove. Made with Dyneema. Individually packed pairs with hang tag. Ideal for lathe operations, metal grinding/filing, auto chassis, trim work and ceramics industry MCR Safety 13.11 10.00 17.44 MCRN9677M.jpg Ninja® Force Safety Gloves - Medium MCRN9677M, MCRN9677M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9984 Lagasse Ninja® Force Safety Gloves - Small (MCRN9677S) 9984 MCR N9677S 0.16 N9677S Gray coating conceals dirt and provides excellent dexterity. Lightest Ninja® cut level five glove. Made with Dyneema. Individually packed pairs with hang tag. Ideal for lathe operations, metal grinding/filing, auto chassis, trim work and ceramics industry MCR Safety 15.21 10.00 20.35 MCRN9677S.jpg Ninja® Force Safety Gloves - Small MCRN9677S, MCRN9677S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9985 Lagasse Ninja® Force Safety Gloves - Extra-Large (MCRN9677XL) 9985 MCR N9677XL 0.20 N9677XL Gray coating conceals dirt and provides excellent dexterity. Lightest Ninja® cut level five glove. Made with Dyneema. Individually packed pairs with hang tag. Ideal for lathe operations, metal grinding/filing, auto chassis, trim work and ceramics industry MCR Safety 15.21 10.00 20.75 MCRN9677XL.jpg Ninja® Force Safety Gloves - Extra-Large MCRN9677XL, MCRN9677XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9986 Lagasse Ninja® HPT Nylon Gloves - Large (MCRN9699L) 9986 MCR N9699L 1.93 N9699L Unique shell and polymer combination incorporating the latest in hand protection. PVC foam sponge (hydropellent technology) coating. Treated with Actifresh® to kill bacteria and promote freshness. MCR Safety 33.43 24.20 44.15 MCRN9699L.jpg Ninja® HPT Nylon Gloves - Large MCRN9699L, MCRN9699L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9987 Lagasse Ninja® HPT Nylon Gloves - Medium (MCRN9699M) 9987 MCR N9699M 1.73 N9699M Unique shell and polymer combination incorporating the latest in hand protection. PVC foam sponge (hydropellent technology) coating. Treated with Actifresh® to kill bacteria and promote freshness. MCR Safety 33.43 24.20 45.01 MCRN9699M.jpg Ninja® HPT Nylon Gloves - Medium MCRN9699M, MCRN9699M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9988 Lagasse Ninja® HPT Nylon Gloves - Small (MCRN9699S) 9988 MCR N9699S 1.67 N9699S Unique shell and polymer combination incorporating the latest in hand protection. PVC foam sponge (hydropellent technology) coating. Treated with Actifresh® to kill bacteria and promote freshness. MCR Safety 33.43 24.20 44.42 MCRN9699S.jpg Ninja® HPT Nylon Gloves - Small MCRN9699S, MCRN9699S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9989 Lagasse Ninja® HPT Nylon Gloves - Extra-Large (MCRN9699XL) 9989 MCR N9699XL 2.20 N9699XL Unique shell and polymer combination incorporating the latest in hand protection. PVC foam sponge (hydropellent technology) coating. Treated with Actifresh® to kill bacteria and promote freshness. MCR Safety 33.44 24.20 44.43 MCRN9699XL.jpg Ninja® HPT Nylon Gloves - Extra-Large MCRN9699XL, MCRN9699XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9990 Lagasse General Purpose Vests - Orange/Silver (MCRV201) 9990 MCR V201 0.17 V201 Bright fluorescent orange or fluorescent lime colors for high visibility stand out against surroundings. Tough, yet lightweight. 18-in. x 47-in. MCR Safety 2.88 2.20 3.81 MCRV201.jpg General Purpose Vests - Orange/Silver MCRV201, MCRV201, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9991 Lagasse General Purpose Vests - Lime/Silver (MCRV201R) 9991 MCR V201R 0.19 V201R Bright fluorescent orange or fluorescent lime colors for high visibility stand out against surroundings. Tough, yet lightweight. 18-in. x 47-in. MCR Safety 5.70 4.35 7.69 MCRV201R.jpg General Purpose Vests - Lime/Silver MCRV201R, MCRV201R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 264
9992 Lagasse Nestle® Carnation® Coffee-mate® Liquid (NES35180) 9992 NES 35180 6.90 NES35180 Non-dairy creamer in individual serving mini cups. 50 mini cups per box. Nestle 24.52 18.70 31.94 NES35180.jpg Nestle® Carnation® Coffee-mate® Liquid NES35180, NES35180, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 227
9993 Lagasse Thermo-San® Meat and Thermometer Probe Wipes (NICB37900) 9993 NIC B37900 3.60 B37900 Premoistened, ready-to-use alcohol wipes are designed to clean thermometers and meat probes after use. Noncorrosive wipes are individually wrapped making them readily available to any member of the kitchen. 1.18 x 2.52 wipe. 100 wipes per box. 10 boxes pe Nicepak 27.27 20.80 36.94 NICB37900.jpg Thermo-San® Meat and Thermometer Probe Wipes NICB37900, NICB37900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 138
9994 Lagasse Sani-Cloth Disinfectant Wipes, 1,200 Wipes (NICP22884) 9994 NIC P22884 16.50 P22884 Sani-Cloth Disinfectant Wipes
Kills 99.9% of bacteria in 15 seconds. Ideal for countertops, gym equipment, tables, shopping carts and more. Effective against E. coli, salmonella and flu-virus. 7.5 x 5.375 wipe. 200 wipes per canister. 6 canisters per case.
Nice-Pak Sani-Cloth Disinfectant Wipes, 200 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Nicepak 47.46 36.20 63.63 NICP22884.jpg sani-cloth disinfectant wipes, NIC P22884, NICP22884, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 138
9995 Lagasse Sani-Hands Wipes with Tencel, 1,500 Wipes (NICP49584) 9995 NIC P49584 15.50 P49584 Sani-Hands Wipes with Tencel
Versatile wipe is ideal for food prep areas, serving stations and checkout/ cashier stations. Portable and convenient—great alternative when soap and water are not available. Made with 100% compostable fibers. 6" x 5.5" wipe size. 250 wipes per canister. 6 canisters per case.
Nice-Pak Sani-Hands Wipes with Tencel, 250 Wipes per Canister, 6 Canisters per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Nicepak 46.54 35.50 62.32 NICP49584.jpg sani-hands with tencel, NIC P49584, NICP49584, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 138
9996 Lagasse Sugar in the Raw (OFS00319) 9996 OFS 00319 2.50 OFX00319 A natural, unrefined sugar made from sugar cane grown in Maui. Each packet holds approximately one teaspoon and has five grams of carbohydrates and 20 calories. 200 packets per box. Office Snax 16.52 12.60 22.52 OFS00319.jpg Sugar in the Raw OFS00319, OFS00319, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 74
9997 Lagasse 4-oz. Ellipso Portion Cup & Lid Combo, 500 Combos (PACE504B) 9997 PAC E504B 11.00 E504B 4-oz. Plastic Portion Cup & Lid Combo
Enhance the presentation of your prized sauces with unconventional portion cups and lids. Cups feature a wide oval opening which simplifies dispensing the cup's contents whether sprinkling or pouring. Clear, snap fit lid minimizes spills while protecting against contamination. Nest style stacking makes storage easy. Microwavable, reusable and top shelf dishwasher safe. Black cup with a clear lid. 500 combos per case.
Pactiv Ellipso 4-oz. Portion Cup & Lid Combo, 500 Portion Cups, 500 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pactiv Corporation 101.62 66.05 132.16 PACE504B.jpg portion cup & lid combos, PAC E504B, PACE504B, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 256
9998 Lagasse VERSAtainer Round Containers - 16-oz. (PACNC718B) 9998 PAC NC718B 12.00 NC718B “Textured“ microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelf ideal for most grain, rice and pasta dishes. Comes with clear lids. A leading product for Chinese and Italian food takeout nationwide. Black. 150 per case. Pactiv Corporation 40.68 26.44 55.40 PACNC718B.jpg VERSAtainer Round Containers - 16-oz., PACNC718B, PACNC718B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 256
9999 Lagasse VERSAtainer® Round Containers - 24-oz. (PACNC723B) 9999 PAC NC723B 17.80 NC723B “Textured“ microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelfIdeal for most grain, rice and pasta dishes. Comes with clear lids. A leading product for Chinese and Italian food takeout nationwide. Black. 150 per case. Pactiv Corporation 50.71 32.96 66.70 PACNC723B.jpg VERSAtainer® Round Containers - 24-oz. PACNC723B, PACNC723B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
10000 Lagasse VERSAtainer® Round Containers - 32-oz. (PACNC729B) 10000 PAC NC729B 18.00 NC729B “Textured“ microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelfIdeal for most grain, rice and pasta dishes. Comes with clear lids. A leading product for Chinese and Italian food takeout nationwide. Black. 150 per case. Pactiv Corporation 52.58 34.18 71.48 PACNC729B.jpg VERSAtainer® Round Containers - 32-oz. PACNC729B, PACNC729B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
10001 Lagasse VERSAtainer® Rectangular Containers - 16-oz. (PACNC8168B) 10001 PAC NC8168B 14.15 NC8168B “Textured“ microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelfIdeal for a wide variety of food applications including burgers, broiled meats, pastas, rice, sushi, desserts and salads. Comes with clear lids. Black. 150 per case. Pactiv Corporation 101.91 66.24 133.42 PACNC8168B.jpg VERSAtainer® Rectangular Containers - 16-oz. PACNC8168B, PACNC8168B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
10002 Lagasse VERSAtainer® Rectangular Containers - 12-oz. (PACNC818B) 10002 PAC NC818B 10.00 NC818B “Textured“ microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelfIdeal for a wide variety of food applications including burgers, broiled meats, pastas, rice, sushi, desserts and salads. Comes with clear lids. Black. 150 per case. Pactiv Corporation 77.15 50.15 104.77 PACNC818B.jpg VERSAtainer® Rectangular Containers - 12-oz. PACNC818B, PACNC818B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
10003 Lagasse VERSAtainer® Rectangular Containers - 24-oz. (PACNC838B) 10003 PAC NC838B 14.00 NC838B “Textured“ microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelfIdeal for a wide variety of food applications including burgers, broiled meats, pastas, rice, sushi, desserts and salads. Comes with clear lids. Black. 150 per case. Pactiv Corporation 80.62 52.40 105.58 PACNC838B.jpg VERSAtainer® Rectangular Containers - 24-oz. PACNC838B, PACNC838B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
10004 Lagasse VERSAtainer® Rectangular Containers - 28-oz. (PACNC868B) 10004 PAC NC868B 18.59 NC868B “Textured“ microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelfIdeal for a wide variety of food applications including burgers, broiled meats, pastas, rice, sushi, desserts and salads. Comes with clear lids. Black. 150 per case. Pactiv Corporation 73.91 48.04 97.60 PACNC868B.jpg VERSAtainer® Rectangular Containers - 28-oz. PACNC868B, PACNC868B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
10005 Lagasse VERSAtainer® Rectangular Containers - 38-oz. (PACNC888B) 10005 PAC NC888B 20.00 NC888B “Textured“ microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelfIdeal for a wide variety of food applications including burgers, broiled meats, pastas, rice, sushi, desserts and salads. Comes with clear lids. Black. 150 per case. Pactiv Corporation 77.91 50.64 104.31 PACNC888B.jpg VERSAtainer® Rectangular Containers - 38-oz. PACNC888B, PACNC888B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
10006 Lagasse VERSAtainer® Round Containers - 48-oz. (PACNC948B) 10006 PAC NC948B 26.00 NC948B “Textured“ microwave-safe material provides a more secure, less slippery finish and feels cooler to the touch when compared to traditional microwave-safe containers—even with hot food inside. Contemporary, multi-sided design for an upscale look. Top shelfIdeal for most grain, rice and pasta dishes. Comes with clear lids. A leading product for Chinese and Italian food takeout nationwide. Black. 150 per case. Pactiv Corporation 115.63 75.16 154.42 PACNC948B.jpg VERSAtainer® Round Containers - 48-oz. PACNC948B, PACNC948B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
10007 Lagasse ClearView™ SmartLock® Containers - 813/64 x 811/32 x 229/32 200 (PACYCI81120) 10007 PAC YCI81120 15.60 YCI811200000 Clear. Pactiv Corporation 55.22 35.89 74.64 PACYCI81120.jpg ClearView™ SmartLock® Containers - 813/64 x 811/32 x 229/32 200 PACYCI81120, PACYCI81120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
10008 Lagasse 2-oz. Ellipso Portion Cup & Lid Combos, 500 Combos (PACYE502B) 10008 PAC YE502B 14.00 YE502B 2-oz. Plastic Portion Cup & Lid Combo
Enhance the presentation of your prized sauces with unconventional portion cups and lids. Cups feature a wide oval opening which simplifies dispensing the cup's contents whether sprinkling or pouring. Clear, snap fit lid minimizes spills while protecting against contamination. Microwavable, stack-able, reusable and top shelf dishwasher safe. Black cups with clear lids. 500 combos per case.
Pactiv Ellipso 2-oz. Portion Cup & Lid Combo, 500 Portion Cups, 500 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pactiv Corporation 120.94 78.61 162.68 PACYE502B.jpg portion cup & lid combos, PAC YE502B, PACYE502B, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 256
10009 Lagasse 8-oz. Deli Container & Lid Combo, 240 Combos (PACYL2508) 10009 PAC YL2508 13.99 YL2508 8 oz. Plastic Microwavable Deli Container Combo
Clear, smooth-wall design enables easy order recognition. Tight, leak-resistant seal protects contents from contamination and helps prevent messy leaks and spills. Exceptional temperature resilience enables use in freezers, refrigerators and microwaves. Stackable, nest-style storage helps you make the most of your workspace. Includes 240 containers and 240 lids.
Pactiv 8-oz. Plastic Microwavable Deli Container Combo, Clear, 240 Containers and Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pactiv Corporation 45.45 29.54 59.54 PACYL2508.jpg 8-oz. microwavable deli container combo, PACYL2508, PACYL2508, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 256
10010 Lagasse 12-oz. Plastic Deli Container & Lid Combo, 240 Combos (PACYL2512) 10010 PAC YL2512 16.59 YL2512 12 oz. Plastic Microwavable Deli Container Combo
Clear, smooth-wall design enables easy order recognition. Tight, leak-resistant seal protects contents from contamination and helps prevent messy leaks and spills. Exceptional temperature resilience enables use in freezers, refrigerators and microwaves. Stackable, nest-style storage helps you make the most of your workspace. Includes 240 containers and 240 lids.
Pactiv 12-oz. Plastic Microwavable Deli Container & Lid Combo, 240 Containers and 240 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pactiv Corporation 45.18 29.37 59.42 PACYL2512.jpg 12-oz. microwavable deli container combo, PAC YL2512, PACYL2512, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 256
10012 Lagasse 16-oz. Deli Container & Lid Combo, 240 Combos (PACYSD2516) 10012 PAC YSD2516 18.06 YSD2516 16 oz. Plastic Microwavable Deli Container Combo
Clear, smooth-wall design enables easy order recognition. Tight, leak-resistant seal protects contents from contamination and helps prevent messy leaks and spills. Exceptional temperature resilience enables use in freezers, refrigerators and microwaves. Stackable, nest-style storage helps you make the most of your workspace. Includes 240 containers and 240 lids.
Pactiv 16-oz. Plastic Microwavable Deli Container & Lid Combo, Clear, 240 Containers and 240 Lids per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Pactiv Corporation 53.46 34.75 70.34 PACYSD2516.jpg 16-oz. microwavable deli container combo, PACYSD2516, PACYSD2516, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 256
10013 Lagasse Grill Brick (PADGB12PC) 10013 PAD GB12 PC 7.70 GP12 PC Cleans while the grill is hot—no wait for grill to cool down. Won't scratch or lift cure from grill. Reusable for several cleanings. 8 x 4 x 3.5. 12 bricks per case. Premiere Pads 21.04 15.15 27.41 PADGB12PC.jpg Grill Brick PADGB12PC, PADGB12PC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 79
10014 Lagasse Fab Ocean Breeze Powdered laundry Detergent, 4 Boxes (PBC36212) 10014 PBC 36212 16.02 PBC 36212 Fab Ocean Breeze Powder Concentrated Detergent
Fab Ocean Breeze Powder Concentrated Detergent offers quality results for any laundry environment. The Fab 2X concentrated formula dissolves in hot or cold water and can be used in high efficiency washers. The Fab line of detergents works equally well in soft or hard water environments, as it is ideal for cleaning uniforms and linens. Known to lift off dry stains with ease, Fab Ocean Breeze Powder Concentrated Detergent is designed to improve the feel and color of any fabric. Fab Ocean Breeze Powder Concentrated Detergent enhances the vibrancy of white fabrics, displaying dramatic results after just one wash.
Phoenix Brands Fab Ultra Ocean Breeze Powdered Laundry Detergent, 2.1lb. Box, 4 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Phoenix Brands 28.52 21.75 38.21 PBC36212.jpg detergent, laundry detergent, fab detergent, fab laundry detergent, PBC 36212, PBC36212, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 167
10015 Lagasse Ultra Dynamo Oxi-Plus HE Laundry Detergent, 6 Bottles (PBC48058) 10015 PBC 48058 22.94 PBC 48058 Ultra Dynamo HE Laundry Detergent
Dynamo's low-foaming, broad-spectrum formula is designed for high efficiency washers. It easily lifts water and oil-based soils while deodorizing fabrics. Effective against food, oil, dirt, clay, grass stains, blood stains and liquid makeup. Coming in a Sunrise Fresh scent, these 50-oz. bottles provide the most formidable combination of high-efficiency cleaning capabilities, while maintaining the fabrics soft and comfortable feel. The concentrated formula removes all dirt, grease, and grime that find their way into fabrics, providing a deep clean, as well as a soft feel. The ideal choice for high-efficiency (HE) front-loading washers. 50-oz. Bottle. 6 Bottles per Case.
Phoenix brands - Ultra Dynamo with Oxi-Plus HE Laundry Detergent, 50-oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Phoenix Brands 44.24 31.50 59.81 PBC48058.jpg dynamo laundry detergent, laundry detergent, laundry soap, PBC48058, PBC 48058, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 167
10016 Lagasse AJAX Ultra Liquid Laundry Detergent, 4 Bottles (PBC49150) 10016 PBC 49150 45.42 PBC 49150 AJAX Ultra Liquid Laundry Detergent
Formulated to handle a broad-spectrum of cleaning duties, this powerful cleaning formula lifts water and oil-based soils out easily and efficiently. Seen as the most comprehensive clean on the market, AJAX Ultra Liquid Laundry Detergent is the name residential, commercial, and industrial customers trust. Offering the most complete combination of high-efficiency cleaning capabilities, while maintaining the fabrics soft and comfortable feel. The concentrated formula removes all dirt, grease, and grime that find their way into fabrics, providing a deep clean, as well as a soft feel. Proven effective against ground-in clay, household dirt, coffee stains, grass stains, liquid makeup, blood and skin oils. For the budget-conscious consumer. 150-oz. bottle. 4 bottles per case.
Phoenix Brands - AJAX Ultra Laundry Detergent, 150-oz. Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Phoenix Brands 52.18 39.80 69.30 PBC49150.jpg ajax laundry detergent, laundry soap, laundry detergent, laundry products, PBC49150, PBC 49150, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 167
10017 Lagasse Dawn Original Dishwash Liquid Soap, 18 Bottles (PGC00445) 10017 PGC 00445 13.00 445 Dawn Original Dishwashing Liquid Detergent
The dishwashing liquid with excellent grease cleaning power. Contains double the grease cleaning ingredients in every drop vs. the leading non-concentrated brand. 9-oz. bottle. 18 bottles per case.
Proctor and Gamble Dawn Original Dishwash Liquid Soap, 9-oz. Bottle, 18 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 30.68 23.40 40.30 PGC00445.jpg dish soap, dishwashing detergent, dishwash soap, dawn soap, dawn, liquid soap, PGC00445, PGC00445, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10019 Lagasse Clean Quick Powder Sanitizer and Cleaner, 3 - 10 lb. Containers (PGC02580) 10019 PGC 02580 32.49 2580 Clean Quick Powder Sanitizer and Cleaner
Clean Quick Powder Sanitizer and Cleaner is the essential tool to cleans and sanitizes milk shake and soft serve machines. It's high phosphate formula helps prevent milk stone making it the preferred sanitizer when dairy products are involved, Clean Quick Powder Sanitizer and Cleaner delivers 100 ppm chlorine when mixed at 1-oz. of sanitizer per 2 gallons of water. Contains 6.25% sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione dihydrate, Clean Quick Powder Sanitizer and Cleaner is fully EPA Registered. Ideal for restaurants, caterers, bakeries, supermarkets and other food service industry environments that employ dairy processing. Easy to stock and store, this dependable chlorine sanitizer comes in 10 lb. a containers, 3 containers per case.
Proctor & Gamble - Clean Quick Powder Sanitizer and Cleaner, 10 lb. Containers, 3 Containers per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 121.26 92.00 163.14 PGC02580.jpg cleaner, sanitizer, powder sanitizer, powder PGC02580, PGC 02580, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10020 Lagasse Clean Quick Chlorine Sanitizer, 100 - 1-oz. Packets (PGC02584) 10020 PGC 02584 8.00 8524 Clean Quick Chlorine Sanitizer
Clean Quick Chlorine Sanitizer deodorize and eliminates dirt and grime fast. The preferred sanitizer, this powerful and dependable non-rinse cleaner is great for third-sink sanitizing of dishes, glassware, silverware and cooking utensils. Ideal for hard, nonporous surfaces such as food processing equipment, Clean Quick Chlorine Sanitizer works best in restaurants, caterers, bakeries, supermarkets and other food service industry environments. Easy to stock and store, this dependable chlorine sanitizer comes in compact 1-oz. packets, and 100 packets per case.
Proctor and Gamble Clean Quick Chlorine Sanitizer, 1-oz. Packets, 100 Packets per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 40.78 31.10 53.50 PGC02584.jpg cleaners, sanitizers, chlorine sanitizers, clean qick sanitizers, PGC02584, PGC 02584, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10021 Lagasse Dawn Heavy-Duty Degreaser, 1 Gallon Bottle, 3 Bottles (PGC04852) 10021 PGC 04852 32.00 4852 Dawn Heavy-Duty Degreaser
Dawn Heavy-Duty Degreaser provides an advanced anti-grease agents that quickly penetrate through tough soils and grease, This solvent-based degreaser provides a non corrosive formula that is easy on hands. Delivering quality results, Dawn Heavy-Duty Degreaser is extra-tough on greasy buildups on surfaces like range hoods, ovens, walls behind equipment, floors, drive-thrus, and fuel islands. Great for use in kitchens, bathrooms, tool rooms, restaurants, kids rooms, nurseries, elementary schools, hospitals, janitorial cleaning companies and many other places. Removes oil and grease from washable surfaces. Can be used on food contact surfaces. Contains no phosphate, non-caustic, and nonflammable. Lightly scented.
Proctor and Gamble Dawn Heavy-Duty Degreaser, 1 Gallon Bottle, 3 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 67.12 48.60 90.44 PGC04852.jpg dawn, dawn degreaser, degreaser, cleaner, PGC04852, PGC 04852, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10022 Lagasse Tide 2X HE Liquid Laundry Detergent 4 - 100-oz. Bottles (PGC08886) 10022 PGC 08886 30.20 8886 Tide 2X HE Liquid Laundry Detergent
Specifically formulated for high efficiency washing machines, Tide 2X HE Liquid Laundry Detergent offers quality results for any laundry room. Guaranteed to lift off dry stains with ease, Tide 2X Liquid Laundry Detergent is infused with an unparalleled array of ingredients that are certain to improve the feel and color of any fabric. Providing a whiteness booster that no other detergents can match; Tide 2X HE Liquid Laundry Detergent enhances the vibrance of white fabrics, displaying dramatic results after just one wash. Providing unmatched versatility, Tide 2X Liquid Laundry Detergent cleans while it preserves the quality of all fabrics.
Procter and Gamble Tide 2X HE Liquid Laundry Detergent, 100-oz. Bottle, 4 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 81.88 62.45 109.63 PGC08886.jpg tide, tide laundry detergent, laundry detergent, he laundry detergent, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, PGC 08886, PGC08886, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10023 Lagasse Gain 2X Fresh Liquid Laundry Detergent, 6 - 25-oz. Bottles (PGC12783) 10023 PGC 12783 13.60 12783 Gain 2X Liquid Laundry Detergent
Offering great cleaning power along with it's unmistakeable fresh scent, Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent lifts off dry stains with ease. With Gain 2X Fresh Liquid Laundry Detergent, laundry stays fresher, longer due to its Keep-it-Fresh formula. Offering a crisp, fresh fragrance and an unparalleled cleaning formula, Gain Liquid Laundry 2X Fresh Detergent is certain to improve the feel and look of any fabric. Infused with an unparalleled array of ingredients Gain 2X Fresh Liquid Laundry Detergent displays dramatic results after just one wash. Ideal for the home as well as any commercial setting, Gain products offer a versatility, dependablity, crispness, and quality that make it as unique as they come.
Procter and Gamble Gain 2X Liquid Laundry Detergent, 25-oz. Bottle, 16 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 34.73 25.60 46.93 PGC12783.jpg laundry products, laundry detergent, gain detergent, liquid detergent, PGC12783, PGC 12783, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10024 Lagasse Tide Plus Detergent with Bleach Alternative, 6 - 25-oz. Bottles (PGC13784) 10024 PGC 13784 13.60 13784 Tide Plus Bleach Alternative
Ideal for the home as well as any commercial setting, Tide Plus Detergent with Bleach Alternative lifts off dry stains with ease. Guaranteed to clean and preserve the quality of all fabrics, Tide Plus Detergent with Bleach Alternative is the detergent customers rely on. Infused with an unparalleled array of ingredients that are certain to improve the feel and color. Tide Plus Detergent with Bleach Alternative comes complete with a powerful whiteness booster that enhances the vibrant nature of white fabrics, displaying dramatic results after just one wash. Tide Plus Bleach Alternative keeps whites white, and colors bright. Uses active enzymes to break down and remove stains. Reduces chlorine in the wash to keep your clothes from fading. 25-oz. bottle. 6 bottles per case.
Proctor and Gamble Tide Plus Bleach Alternative, 25-oz. Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning product supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 43.27 33.00 57.79 PGC13784.jpg tide liquid laundry detergent, PGC13784, PGC13784, tide liquid laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent 1 1 0 0 1 80
10025 Lagasse Tide 2X Liquid Original Laundry Detergent, 6 - 25-oz. Bottles (PGC13875) 10025 PGC 13875 13.60 84802911 Tide 2X Liquid Laundry Detergent
The most trusted name in the laundry industry, Tide 2X Liquid Laundry Detergent lifts off dry stains with ease. Infused with an unparalleled array of ingredients that are certain to improve the feel and color. Tide 2X Laundry Detergent comes complete with a powerful whiteness booster that enhances the vibrance of white fabrics, displaying dramatic results after just one wash. Ideal for the home as well as any commercial setting, Tide products offer a versatility other products cannot match. Guaranteed to clean and preserve the quality of all fabrics, Tide 2X Liquid Laundry Detergent is the detergent customers rely on.
Proctor and Gamble Tide 2X Liquid Original Laundry Detergent, 25-oz. Box, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 43.66 33.30 57.68 PGC13875.jpg tide, tide laundry detergent, laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent, PGC13875, PGC 13875, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10026 Lagasse Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bath Scrubber, 32 Pads (PGC27141) 10026 PGC 27141 1.31 27141 Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bath Scrubber
Cleans three times more soap scum per swipe. Eraser pad is 30% larger and more durable than the Magic Eraser Original. Built-in soap scum dissolving cleaner and powerful micro-scrubbers in the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bath Scrubber makes tackling bathroom easier than ever. Slow-release micro-scrubbers help you power through the toughest stains.
Proctor & Gamble - Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bath Scrubber, 2 Pads per Box, 16 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Procter and Gamble Professional 69.53 49.50 95.08 PGC27141.jpg mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber, PGC 27141, PGC27141, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10028 Lagasse Febreze Set and Refresh Air Freshener, 8 Odor Eliminators (PGC29215) 10028 PGC 29215 1.59 29215 Febreze Odor Eliminator
This new air freshener eliminates odors while releasing a fresh scent. Scented oil is released slowly and lasts noticeably longer than a cone. Air freshener is cleanly designed and has an attractive look. 5.5-ml. set & refresh, Linen & Sky fragrance air freshener. 8 air fresheners per case.
Proctor & Gamble - Febreze 5.5-ml. Linen & Sky Fragrance Air Freshener, 8 Air Fresheners per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 26.22 20.00 35.16 PGC29215.jpg febreze set and refresh air freshener, PGC 29215, PGC29215, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10029 Lagasse Swiffer Duster Starter Kit, 9 Kits (PGC40509) 10029 PGC 40509 4.20 40509 Swiffer Duster
Special fibers trap and lock away dust and allergens. Disposable heads allow you to clean and go without concern for spreading contaminants. Comfortable handle encourages use. Includes nine kits of five cloths and one 6" handle each.
Procter & Gamble - Swiffer Duster Starter Kit, 9 kits per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 44.18 33.70 59.46 PGC40509.jpg Swiffer Duster Starter Kit, PGC40509, PGC40509, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10030 Lagasse Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Kitchen Scrubber, 24 Pads (PGC47546) 10030 PGC 47546 1.35 47546 Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Kitchen Scrubber
The strength of Magic Eraser with the grease-fighting power of Dawn. Removes three times more of the greasy kitchen mess per swipe than the leading all-purpose bleach spray cleaner. 2 pads per box. 12 boxes per case.
Proctor & Gamble - Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Kitchen Scrubber, 2 Pads per Box, 12 Boxes per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 39.73 30.30 54.41 PGC47546.jpg mr. clean magic eraser kitchen scrubber, PGC47546, PGC47546, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10032 Lagasse Microfiber Top Down Charging Bucket - Wet and Scrub Mop Plus 171/2 x 12 x Blue (RCP1791791) 10032 RCP 1791791 2.70 1791791 Sieve design enables users to effectively and ergonomically moisten mops. Holds up to 12 Clean Water System Double-Sided Mops. Reduces cross-contamination when a fresh mop is used for each room or area. Safe for use in MRI rooms. 237/8l x 91/2w x 135/8h. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 73.95 56.40 98.20 RCP1791791.jpg Microfiber Top Down Charging Bucket - Wet and Scrub Mop Plus 171/2 x 12 x Blue RCP1791791, RCP1791791, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10033 Lagasse Microfiber Top Down Charging Bucket - Dust Mop with Fringe 191/2 x 14 x 1/2 Green (RCP1791792) 10033 RCP 1791792 3.10 1791792 Sieve design enables users to effectively and ergonomically moisten mops. Holds up to 12 Clean Water System Double-Sided Mops. Reduces cross-contamination when a fresh mop is used for each room or area. Safe for use in MRI rooms. 237/8l x 91/2w x 135/8h. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 87.32 66.60 113.78 RCP1791792.jpg Microfiber Top Down Charging Bucket - Dust Mop with Fringe 191/2 x 14 x 1/2 Green RCP1791792, RCP1791792, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10034 Lagasse Rubbermaid Hygen Clean Water System Double-Sided Microfiber Mop Pad (RCP1791796) 10034 RCP 1791796 3.49 1791796 Rubbermaid HYGEN Clean Water System Double-Sided Mop Pad
Dual-purpose, double-sided pad covers two mopping tasks. Both surfaces provide consistent, streak-free performance when wet. Embroidered, color-coded, diamond-design ribbon simplifies keeping pads for task-specific assignments. Washable microfiber construction: guaranteed for up to 1,000 launderings. Includes six mop pads.
Rubbermaid Commercial Products 63.37 43.80 83.88 RCP1791796.jpg Clean Water System Double-Sided Microfiber Mops - Rough Surface Scrub Mop 171/2 x 12 x 1 Blue RCP1791796, RCP1791796, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
10035 Lagasse Clean Water System Filter Buckets and Wringers - Filter Bucket Wringer 241/4 x 14 x 8 (RCP1791798) 10035 RCP 1791798 5.00 1791798 First ever integrated filter to generate clean water. Back flushable filter is easy to use and maintain. Twin roller design optimizes wringer efficiency. Adjustable roller wringer accommodates different mop thickness and desired moisture levels. Floor dra Rubbermaid Commercial Products 82.60 63.00 107.87 RCP1791798.jpg Clean Water System Filter Buckets and Wringers - Filter Bucket Wringer 241/4 x 14 x 8 RCP1791798, RCP1791798, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10036 Lagasse Clean Water System Filter Buckets and Wringers - Filter Bucket 21 x 142/5 x 194/5 (RCP1791799) 10036 RCP 1791799 9.00 1791799 First ever integrated filter to generate clean water. Back flushable filter is easy to use and maintain. Twin roller design optimizes wringer efficiency. Adjustable roller wringer accommodates different mop thickness and desired moisture levels. Floor dra Rubbermaid Commercial Products 103.25 78.75 139.82 RCP1791799.jpg Clean Water System Filter Buckets and Wringers - Filter Bucket 21 x 142/5 x 194/5 RCP1791799, RCP1791799, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10038 Lagasse Microfiber Top Down Charging Bucket (RCP1791802) 10038 RCP 1791802 17.50 1791802 Sieve design enables users to effectively and ergonomically moisten mops. Holds up to 12 Clean Water System Double-Sided Mops. Reduces cross-contamination when a fresh mop is used for each room or area. Safe for use in MRI rooms. 237/8l x 91/2w x 135/8h. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 48.25 36.80 63.62 RCP1791802.jpg Microfiber Top Down Charging Bucket RCP1791802, RCP1791802, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10039 Lagasse Lock'n Go Kit (not shown) (RCP1799152) 10039 RCP 1799152 0.30 1799152 Required for connecting the filter bucket to RCP 9T72, RCP 9T73 and RCP 9T74 cleaning carts. 6l x 2w x 1/5h Rubbermaid Commercial Products 2.75 2.10 3.58 RCP1799152.jpg Lock'n Go Kit not shown RCP1799152, RCP1799152, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10040 Lagasse Sanitizer Safe Foodservice Microfiber Cloth, Red Stripe, 288 Cloths (RCP1805727) 10040 RCP 1805727 23.04 1805727 Foodservice Microfiber Cloth
Removes 99.9% of bacteria. Superior grease cleaning with twice the absorbency of cotton cloths. Sanitizer and bleach safe. Wash and reuse 40 times, no linting. 16 x 19 cloths. 288 cloths per case.
Sanitizer Safe Foodservice Microfiber Cloth, White with Red Stripe, 288 Cloths per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 264.32 201.60 356.72 RCP1805727.jpg sanitizer safe foodservice microfiber cloth, RCP 1805727, RCP1805727, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
10041 Lagasse Sanitizer Safe Foodservice Microfiber Cloth, Blue Stripe, 288 Cloths (RCP1805728) 10041 RCP 1805728 23.04 1805728 Foodservice Microfiber Cloth
Removes 99.9% of bacteria. Superior grease cleaning with twice the absorbency of cotton cloths. Sanitizer and bleach safe. Wash and reuse 40 times, no linting. 16 x 19 cloths. 288 cloths per case.
Sanitizer Safe Foodservice Microfiber Cloth, White with Blue Stripe, 288 Cloths per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 264.32 201.60 361.43 RCP1805728.jpg sanitizer safe foodservice microfiber cloth, RCP 1805728, RCP1805728, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
10042 Lagasse Sanitizer Safe Foodservice Microfiber Cloth, Yellow Stripe, 288 Cloths (RCP1805729) 10042 RCP 1805729 23.04 1805729 Foodservice Microfiber Cloth
Removes 99.9% of bacteria. Superior grease cleaning with twice the absorbency of cotton cloths. Sanitizer and bleach safe. Wash and reuse 40 times, no linting. 16 x 19 cloths. 288 cloths per case.
Sanitizer Safe Foodservice Microfiber Cloth, White with Yellow Stripe, 288 Cloths per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 264.32 201.60 353.89 RCP1805729.jpg sanitizer safe foodservice microfiber cloth, RCP 1805729, RCP1805729, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
10043 Lagasse Sanitizer Safe Foodservice Microfiber Cloth, Green Stripe, 288 Cloths (RCP1805730) 10043 RCP 1805730 23.04 1805730 Foodservice Microfiber Cloth
Removes 99.9% of bacteria. Superior grease cleaning with twice the absorbency of cotton cloths. Sanitizer and bleach safe. Wash and reuse 40 times, no linting. 16 x 19 cloths. 288 cloths per case.
Sanitizer Safe Foodservice Microfiber Cloth, White with Green Stripe, 288 Cloths per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 264.32 201.60 355.15 RCP1805730.jpg sanitizer safe foodservice microfiber cloth, RCP 1805730, RCP1805730, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
10044 Lagasse Rubbermaid Slim Jim Trash Can Swing Lid, Gray (RCP2673-60GRA) 10044 RCP 2673-60 GRA 3.12 267360 Slim Jim Swing Trash Can Lid
Color-coded Slim Jim tops collect general refuse or efficiently sort recyclables. Containers and interchangeable tops sold separately. Durable, lightweight plastic construction for long life. Fits RCP 3540, RCP 3540-60 and RCP 3541 containers. Shipping weight: 3 lbs.
Rubbermaid Slim Jim Waste Container Swinging Lid, Gray, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 30.68 23.40 41.43 RCP267360GRA.jpg rubbermaid trash can lid, slim jim trash can lid, RCP2673-60GRA, RCP267360GRA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
10045 Lagasse Deskside Wastebasket Swing Tops Lid, Black, 28 1/8-Qt. (RCP3066BLA) 10045 RCP 3066 BLA 1.25 306600 BLA 28-1/8 Qt. Deskside Wastebasket Swing Top Lid
Domed lid design allows swing top to operate without reducing the wastebasket's capacity. Removable lid features rounded shape and corners for easy cleaning. Conceals waste and helps contain odors. Fits 28 1/8-qt. Deskside Plastic Wastebaskets.
Rubbermaid - 28-1/8 Qt. Deskside Wastebasket Swing Top Lid, Black, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 11.54 8.80 15.40 RCP3066BLA.jpg deskside wastebasket swing top lids, RCP 3066BLA, RCP3066BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
10046 Lagasse Deskside Wastebasket Swing Top Lid, Black, 41 1/4-Qt. (RCP3067BLA) 10046 RCP 3067 BLA 1.10 306700 BLA 41-1/4 Qt. Deskside Wastebasket Swing Top Lid
Domed lid design allows swing top to operate without reducing the wastebasket's capacity. Removable lid features rounded shape and corners for easy cleaning. Conceals waste and helps contain odors. Fits 41 1/4-qt. Deskside Plastic Wastebaskets.
Rubbermaid - 41-1/4 Qt. Deskside Wastebasket Swing Top Lid, Black, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 14.09 9.20 19.05 RCP3067BLA.jpg deskside wastebasket swing top lid, RCP 3067BLA, RCP3067BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
10047 Lagasse Structural Foam Tilt Trucks - 450-lb. 86.9-lbs. (RCP9T13BLA) 10047 RCP 9T13 BLA 86.86 9T13 00 BLA Structural foam molding eliminates the need for a metal frame and provides a seamless, leak-proof body that won't rust, chip, dent or peel. Ergonomically designed “steering wheel“ handle provides excellent handling and maneuvering. Specifically designed f5719/50l x 2622/25w x 3322/25h Rubbermaid Commercial Products 395.96 302.00 522.17 RCP9T13BLA.jpg Structural Foam Tilt Trucks - 450-lb. 86.9-lbs. RCP9T13BLA, RCP9T13BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 89
10048 Lagasse Structural Foam Tilt Trucks - 850-lb. 95.9-lbs. (RCP9T14BLA) 10048 RCP 9T14 BLA 95.86 9T14 00 BLA Structural foam molding eliminates the need for a metal frame and provides a seamless, leak-proof body that won't rust, chip, dent or peel. Ergonomically designed “steering wheel“ handle provides excellent handling and maneuvering. Specifically designed f5719/50l x 2622/25w x 3322/25h Rubbermaid Commercial Products 461.51 352.00 624.87 RCP9T14BLA.jpg Structural Foam Tilt Trucks - 850-lb. 95.9-lbs. RCP9T14BLA, RCP9T14BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10049 Lagasse 1 Cubic Yard Structural Foam Tilt Trucks - 1250-lb. Capacity (RCP9T15BLA) 10049 RCP 9T15 BLA 139.09 9T15 00 BLACK Tilt Truck
Structural foam molding eliminates the need for a metal frame and provides a seamless, leak-proof body that won't rust, chip, dent or peel. Ergonomically designed “steering wheel“ handle provides excellent handling and maneuvering. Specifically designed for controlled dumping by one person. Inset wheels prevent damage to surroundings. Fits though standard commercial doorways and onto elevators easily. 70-3/4 Long x 33-1/2 Wide x 42-1/4 High.
Rubbermaid - 1 Cubic Yard Structural Foam Tilt Trucks - 1250-lb. Capacity, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 666.04 508.00 912.31 RCP9T15BLA.jpg structural foam tilt trucks - 1250-lb., RCP 9T15BLA, RCP9T15BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 89
10050 Lagasse 1 Cubic Yard Structural Foam Tilt Trucks - 2100-lb. Capacity (RCP9T16BLA) 10050 RCP 9T16 BLA 141.09 9T16 00 BLACK Tilt Truck
Structural foam molding eliminates the need for a metal frame and provides a seamless, leak-proof body that won't rust, chip, dent or peel. Ergonomically designed “steering wheel“ handle provides excellent handling and maneuvering. Specifically designed for controlled dumping by one person. Inset wheels prevent damage to surroundings. Fits through standard commercial doorways and onto elevators easily. 70-3/4" Long x 33-1/2" Wide x 42-1/4" High.
Rubbermaid - 1 Cubic Yard Structural Foam Tilt Trucks - 2100-lb. Capacity, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 767.00 585.00 1009.89 RCP9T16BLA.jpg structural foam tilt trucks, RCP 9T16BLA, RCP9T16BLA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 89
10051 Lagasse Lysol Aloe Vera Liquid Soap No-Touch Dispenser, 4 Kits (REC00785) 10051 REC 00785 6.29 785 Aloe Vera Liquid Soap Healthy Touch Dispenser
Lysol Healthy Touch no-touch dispenser automatically senses your hands and dispenses just the right amount of soap every time. Lysol Aloe Vera Liquid Soap No-Touch Dispenser kills bacteria on hands,providing an easy, touch free way to remain clean and germ free.Offering enriched Aloe Vera moisturizing ingredients, Lysol Aloe Vera Liquid Soap No-Touch Dispenser is the ideal choice for offices,dental and physician practices, banks, and anywhere else a touch-freedispenser is desired. Lysol Aloe Vera Liquid Soap No-Touch Dispenser offersa combination of soothing ingredients that moisturizes and protect theskin. When used as directed, the soap kills 99.9% of bacteria as it is dispensed and is enriched with moisturizing ingredients. Each kit contains one dispenser, 0ne 8.5-oz refill and four AA batteries.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Aloe Vera Liquid Soap No-Touch Dispenser Refills, 4 Kits per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 45.36 34.60 61.45 REC00785.jpg lysol hand soap, hand soap, aloe vera soap, lysol, REC 00785, REC00785, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
10052 Lagasse Lysol Healthy Touch Aloe Vera Hand Soap, 6 - 8.5-oz. Refills (REC00786) 10052 REC 00786 4.20 786 Lysol Healthy Touch Aloe Vera Hand Soap
Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap with Aloe Vera kills 99.9% of bacteria on hands, providing an easy, touch free way to remain clean and germ free. Offering enriched Aloe Vera moisturizing ingredients, Professional Lysol Healthy Touch Aloe Vera Hand Soap is the ideal choice for offices, dental and physician practices, banks, and anywhere else a touch-free dispenser is desired. Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap with Aloe Vera offers a combination of soothing ingredients that moisturizes and protect the skin.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Healthy Touch Aloe Vera Hand Soap, 8.5-oz. Refill, 6 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 23.34 17.80 31.23 REC00786.jpg lysol hand soap, hand soap, aloe vera soap, lysol, REC00786, REC 00786, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
10053 Lagasse Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap, Unscented, 6 - 8.5-oz Refills (REC00788) 10053 REC 00788 4.20 788 Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap
Providing an easy, touch free way to remain clean and germ free, Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap kills 99.9% of bacteria on hands. Enriched with moisturizing ingredients, this product is ideal for office breakrooms, dental and physician practices, banks, law offices and anywhere else a touch-free dispenser is desired. Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap offers a soothing scent, while cleaning with a gentle formula that conditions, moisturizes and protect skin. Coming in 6, 8.5-oz. products per case, these easy to install refills are a quick and easy way to stay safe and clean in any environment.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap, Unscented, 8.5-oz Refill, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 23.34 17.80 30.66 REC00788.jpg lysol hand soap, hand soap, lysol soap, lysol, REC00788, REC 00788, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
10054 Lagasse Air Wick Air Fresheners Lavender and Chamomile Scent, 12 Aerosol Cans (REC05762) 10054 REC 05762 8.80 XX 62338-05762 Lavender and Chamomile Scented Air Fresheners
Providing an instantly fresh and inviting scent into any area environment, Air Wick air freshener helps keep areas smelling pleasant and welcoming. All natural, 100% compressed fresh air propels a soft, gentle mist, ensuring a clean, chemical- free freshening experience. The ideal tool to eliminate less-than pleasant odors in the kitchen, bath, office, and more. Air Wick Handheld Air Fresheners disperses a refreshing lavender and chamomile scent, that provides a clean and fragrant aroma throughout your home, business or other area. Each aerosol can will keep your home, restroom, office or any other location environment smelling fresh and clean.
Reckitt Benckiser Air Wick Handheld Air Fresheners, Lavender and Chamomile Scent, 12 – 8-oz. Aerosol Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 14.74 10.82 19.90 deoderizers, deodorizer, fragrances, neutralizers, air fresheners, air freshener, air wick, REC 05762, REC05762, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
10055 Lagasse Professional Lysol Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner, 12 Bottles (REC74411) 10055 REC 74411 30.33 36241-74411 Lysol Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner
Lysol Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner is effective in cutting through tough kitchen grease and grime. Ideal for both residential kitchens and commercial food service environments. Kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria including salmonella, E. coli, staph, HIV and MRSA when used as directed. Contains no abrasives or bleach. Powerful low-streak formula cuts tough kitchen grease, grime and dirt. Convenient ready-to-use formula and created to eliminate and remove germs, pathogens, and harmful bacteria. In addition to it's powerful disinfecting ability Lysol Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner prevents odors and growth of mold and mildew. Coming in 12 - 32-oz. bottles per case, EPA Registered.
Reckitt Benckiser Professional Lysol Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner 32-oz. Sprayers, 12 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 59.11 44.36 80.15 REC74411.jpg lysol kitchen cleaner, lysol cleaner, lysol antibacterial cleaner, lysol, REC74411, REC 74411, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 86
10056 Lagasse Easy-Off Heavy-Duty Oven Cleaner, 6 - 16-oz. Aerosol Cans (REC76673) 10056 REC 76673 8.00 62338-76673 Heavy-Duty Aerosol Oven Cleaner
Easy-Off heavy-duty formula is the ultimate oven cleaning tool. Easily and effectively eliminating tough baked-on food, grease and grime, Easy-Off can clean both warm or cold ovens, as well as broilers, barbeque grills, stainless steel surfaces, toaster ovens and any other surface areas that have stubborn grime that needs a dissolving. Always remaining environmentally conscious, each Easy-Off can is made from 25% recycled steel, and 10% post-consumer material. Contains no CFCs, this advanced grease-cutting formula is ideal for residential homes, cafeterias, restaurants, workshops and much more. Coming in 16-oz. aerosol cans, and 6 cans per case.
Reckitt Benckiser Easy-Off oven Cleaner, Heavy Duty Aerosol Cans, 16 oz. Cans, 6 Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 30.16 23.00 39.23 REC76673.jpg oven grill cleaner, oven cleaner, easy-off oven cleaner, REC 76673, REC76673, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
10057 Lagasse Air Wick Air Fresheners, Fresh Waters Scent, 12 – 8-oz. Aerosol Cans (REC77002) 10057 REC 77002 8.80 77002 Fresh Waters Scented Air Fresheners
Air Wick Handheld Air Fresheners provide the perfect way to handle less than pleasant odors in the kitchen, bath, office, and more. Effortlessly dispensing its refreshing trademark Fresh Waters aroma, Air Wick Handheld Air Fresheners provides a clean and fragrant scent throughout whatever environment needs a clean scent boost! All natural, 100% compressed fresh air propels a soft, gentle mist, ensuring a clean, chemical- free freshening experience. Each aerosol is certain to keep any and all homes, restrooms, offices and other locations smelling fresh and pleasant. Providing an instantly clean and inviting scent, Air Wick air fresheners helps keep areas smelling welcoming and fragrant.
Reckitt Benckiser Air Wick Handheld Air Fresheners, Fresh Waters Scent, 12 – 8-oz. Aerosol Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 17.18 13.10 22.91 deoderizers, deodorizer, fragrances, neutralizers, air fresheners, air freshener, air wick, REC 77002, REC77002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
10058 Lagasse Air Wick Scented Oil Warmer, 6 Warmers (REC78046) 10058 REC 78046 1.00 78046 Air Wick Scented Oil Warmer
Provides consistent, long-lasting air freshening. Quiet and discreet warmer unit accepts all fragrances. Ideal for restrooms, front office, reception and personal spaces.
Reckitt Benckiser - Air Wick Scented Oil Warmer, 6 Warmers per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 5.76 4.19 7.86 REC78046.jpg air wick scented oils warmers, REC 78046, REC78046, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
10059 Lagasse Air Wick Lavender and Chamomile Scented Oils, 12 Refills (REC78473) 10059 REC 78473 3.03 78473 Air Wick Lavender and Chamomile Scented Oils
Air Wick Scented Oil Refills provide the perfect hands-free way to handle less than pleasant odors, Just plug in these easy to use scented refills into your Air Wick Scented Oil Warmer and enjoy the soothing aroma. Coming in lavender and chamomile, these scented refills work great in areas like the kitchen, bath, office, and more. Releasing and dispensing these calming trademark Fresh Waters scents, Air Wick Scented Oils provide a fresh and fragrant way to ensure your environment is always smelling its best. Each scented oil refill is sure to keep any and all homes, restrooms, offices or other location smelling fresh, clean and inviting. Providing an instantly clean and comfortable scent, Air Wick Scented Oils are the hands-free way to a fresh scented indoor environment.
Reckitt Benckiser Air Wick Scented Oils, Lavender and Chamomile Scent, 2 Refills per Pack, 6 Packs per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 37.37 28.50 49.03 REC78473.jpg deoderizers, deodorizer, fragrances, neutralizers, air fresheners, air freshener, air wick, REC 78473, REC78473, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
10060 Lagasse Lysol Anti-Bacterial With Bleach Spray, 12 Spray Bottles (REC78914) 10060 REC 78914 28.60 REC 78914 Lysol Anti-Bacterial All Purpose with Bleach
Lysol Anti-Bacterial All Purpose with Bleach Trigger Spray is formulated to eliminate and remove germs, pathogens, and harmful bacteria. Ideal for use on tubs, tiles, sinks, toilets, countertops and food carts. In addition to it's powerful disinfecting ability Lysol Anti-Bacterial All Purpose with Bleach prevents odors and growth of mold and mildew. Effective against soap scum and stains. Whitens and removes mold and mildew. Coming in 12 - 32-oz. trigger spray cans per case, Kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria, including salmonella and staph when used as directed. EPA Registered.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Anti-Bacterial with Bleach All-Purpose Cleaner, 12 Spray Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 38.42 29.30 50.65 REC78914.jpg lysol disinfecting spray, disinfecting spray, lysol spray, lysol, REC78914, REC 78914, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
10061 Lagasse Air Wick Fresh Waters Scented Oils, 12 Refills (REC79717) 10061 REC 79717 3.03 62338-79717 Air Wick Fresh Water Scented Oils
Air Wick Scented Oils provide a fresh and fragrant way to ensure your environment is always smelling its best. Each scented oil refill is sure to keep any and all homes, restrooms, offices or other location smelling fresh, clean and inviting. Providing an instantly clean and comfortable scent, Air Wick Scented Oils are the easy way to maintain a fresh scented indoor environment. Air Wick Scented Oil Refills provide the perfect hands-free way to handle less than pleasant odors. Just plug in these easy to use scented refills into your Air Wick Scented Oil Warmer and enjoy the soothing aroma. Coming in a Fresh Waters scent, these aromatic refills work great in areas like the kitchen, bath, office, and more.
Reckitt Benckiser Air Wick Scented Oils, Fresh Waters Scent, 2 Refills per Pack, 6 Packs per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 33.54 23.63 45.45 REC79717.jpg air wick scented oils - fresh waters, REC 79717, REC79717, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
10062 Lagasse Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Vanilla Scent, 6 Refill Cans (REC80978) 10062 REC 80978 3.83 80978 Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Vanilla Indulgence Refills
Vanilla scented Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Refills provide a warm and fragrant way to keep whatever environment you chose, smelling its best. Every scented oil refill is guaranteed to keep your home, office or other location smelling fresh, clean and inviting. Offering a quick and easy way to improve the quality of a closed environment's air scent, Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Refills provide a hands-free way to a maintain a clean and inviting indoor environment. Just plug in, and let the soothing vanilla aroma of Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Refills do the rest. Providing the perfect hands-free way to eliminate less than pleasant odors, these scented refills work great in areas like the office breakroom, kitchen, or bathroom.
Reckitt Benckiser Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Vanilla Scented Refills, 6.17-oz. Refills, 6 Packs per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Reckitt Benckiser 36.58 27.90 48.32 REC80978.jpg air fresheners, air wick, air wick air fresheners, REC 80978, REC80978, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
10065 Lagasse Lysol Disinfectant Spray Crystal Water Scent, 12 Aerosol Cans (REC84044) 10065 REC 84044 12.50 84044 Lysol Disinfectant Spray, Crystal Waters Scent
Effective against Influenza A (H1N1 virus), Rhinovirus, Rotavirus, Poliovirus Type I, Adenovirus Type II, Herpes Simplex virus Types 1 & 2, Hepatitis A, and salmonella; Lysol Disinfectant Spray is specifically designed to eliminate and remove all bacteria, germs and other harmful pathogens. In addition to it's powerful disinfecting ability Lysol Disinfectant Spray prevents odors and growth of mold and mildew. Coming in 12 12.5-oz. trigger spray cans per case, Lysol Disinfectant Spray guaranteed to eliminate 99.9% of germs, bacteria, and pathogens on hard, nonporous surfaces when used as directed.
Reckitt Benckiser Lysol Disinfectant Spray, 12.5-oz. Cans, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Reckitt Benckiser 62.93 48.00 85.15 REC84044.jpg lysol disinfecting spray, disinfecting spray, lysol spray, lysol, REC84044, REC 84044, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 86
10066 Lagasse PVC Food Wrap Film - 12-in. x 2000-ft. (REY900BRF) 10066 REY 900BRF 3.40 900BRF Continuous length film. 1 roll per case.Professional-quality food wrap roll in a convenient cutter box. Reynolds Food Packaging 15.61 10.93 20.96 REY900BRF.jpg PVC Food Wrap Film - 12-in. x 2000-ft. REY900BRF, REY900BRF, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 87
10067 Lagasse 3-Gallon Flomaster Foaming Sprayer (RLF1997NFS) 10067 RLF 1997NFS 6.62 1997NFS Variable Control Foaming Sprayer
Durable poly tank with funnel top opening and rugged cast iron handle sprayer adjusts cleaners from liquid to thick foam. Foam attaches to vertical surfaces for a longer chemical contact. For professional, commercial and consumer cleaning purposes. Ideal for use on shower walls, cars, carpets and coils. Includes one sprayer.
RL Flomaster - 3 Gallon Variable Control Foaming Sprayer, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Rl Flo-Master 59.79 45.60 81.26 RLF1997NFS.jpg 3 gallon variable control foaming sprayer, RLF1997NFS, RLF1997NFS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 88
10068 Lagasse Paper Napkin Bands - White (RPPRNB4M) 10068 RPP RNB4M 3.94 RNB4M Flat napkin bands are easy to use and work great for wrapping silverware with tissue napkins. Solid color paper napkin bands. 1 x 41/4. 4000 per case. Royal Paper Products 28.43 19.90 37.73 RPPRNB4M.jpg Paper Napkin Bands - White RPPRNB4M, RPPRNB4M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
10069 Lagasse Paper Napkin Bands - Black (RPPRNB4MBK) 10069 RPP RNB4MBK 3.94 RNB4MBK Flat napkin bands are easy to use and work great for wrapping silverware with tissue napkins. Solid color paper napkin bands. 1 x 41/4. 4000 per case. Royal Paper Products 30.71 21.50 41.69 RPPRNB4MBK.jpg Paper Napkin Bands - Black RPPRNB4MBK, RPPRNB4MBK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
10070 Lagasse Paper Napkin Bands - Hunter Green (RPPRNB4MHC) 10070 RPP RNB4MHC 3.94 RNB4MHC Flat napkin bands are easy to use and work great for wrapping silverware with tissue napkins. Solid color paper napkin bands. 1 x 41/4. 4000 per case. Royal Paper Products 30.71 21.50 40.39 RPPRNB4MHC.jpg Paper Napkin Bands - Hunter Green RPPRNB4MHC, RPPRNB4MHC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
10071 Lagasse Paper Napkin Bands - Burgundy (RPPRNB4MN) 10071 RPP RNB4MN 3.94 RNB4MN Flat napkin bands are easy to use and work great for wrapping silverware with tissue napkins. Solid color paper napkin bands. 1 x 41/4. 4000 per case. Royal Paper Products 30.71 21.50 41.65 RPPRNB4MN.jpg Paper Napkin Bands - Burgundy RPPRNB4MN, RPPRNB4MN, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
10072 Lagasse OctaView® Hot Food Containers - 71/2-in. Medium Tray (SCC807012-PP94) 10072 SCC 807012-PP94 11.46 807012-PP94 Unique octagonal design displays food better. Enhances portion perception and allows for premium pricing. EZ Close secures with a snap. Tear-Away lid combines the benefits of hinged and two-piece designs. Microwave-safe. Allows interlocking stacking.100 c Solo Cup Company 96.57 67.60 131.90 SCC807012PP94.jpg OctaView® Hot Food Containers - 71/2-in. Medium Tray SCC807012-PP94, SCC807012PP94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10073 Lagasse OctaView® Hot Food Containers - 9-in. Deep Tray (SCC809011-PP94) 10073 SCC 809011-PP94 16.43 809011-PP94 Unique octagonal design displays food better. Enhances portion perception and allows for premium pricing. EZ Close secures with a snap. Tear-Away lid combines the benefits of hinged and two-piece designs. Microwave-safe. Allows interlocking stacking.100 c Solo Cup Company 122.14 85.50 163.22 SCC809011PP94.jpg OctaView® Hot Food Containers - 9-in. Deep Tray SCC809011-PP94, SCC809011PP94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10074 Lagasse OctaView® Hot Food Containers - 9-in. Medium Tray* (SCC809014-PP94) 10074 SCC 809014-PP94 16.43 809014-PP94 Unique octagonal design displays food better. Enhances portion perception and allows for premium pricing. EZ Close secures with a snap. Tear-Away lid combines the benefits of hinged and two-piece designs. Microwave-safe. Allows interlocking stacking.100 c Solo Cup Company 122.14 85.50 163.03 SCC809014PP94.jpg OctaView® Hot Food Containers - 9-in. Medium Tray* SCC809014-PP94, SCC809014PP94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10075 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - Snack Box (SCC836011-PS94) 10075 SCC 836011-PS94 15.50 836011-PS94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 140.00 98.00 190.27 SCC836011PS94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - Snack Box SCC836011-PS94, SCC836011PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10076 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - Deli Box (SCC844001-PS94) 10076 SCC 844001-PS94 23.82 844001-PS94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 140.86 98.60 192.54 SCC844001PS94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - Deli Box SCC844001-PS94, SCC844001PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10077 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - Deli Box (SCC846612-PS94) 10077 SCC 846612-PS94 18.41 846612-PS94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 136.43 95.50 178.42 SCC846612PS94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - Deli Box SCC846612-PS94, SCC846612PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10078 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - Deep Deli Box (SCC846622-PS94) 10078 SCC 846622-PS94 18.76 846622-PS94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 136.29 95.40 186.59 SCC846622PS94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - Deep Deli Box SCC846622-PS94, SCC846622PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10079 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - Medium Snack Box (SCC851611-PS94) 10079 SCC 851611-PS94 14.04 851611-PS94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 115.00 80.50 149.84 SCC851611PS94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - Medium Snack Box SCC851611-PS94, SCC851611PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10080 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 6-in. Deep 200 (SCC862611-PS94) 10080 SCC 862611-PS94 13.00 862611-PS94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 133.86 93.70 175.22 SCC862611PS94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 6-in. Deep 200 SCC862611-PS94, SCC862611PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10081 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 9-in. Deep 100 (SCC864056-AP94) 10081 SCC 864056-AP94 15.94 864056-AP94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 84.29 59.00 115.38 SCC864056AP94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 9-in. Deep 100 SCC864056-AP94, SCC864056AP94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10082 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 9-in. Shallow 100 (SCC864611-PS94) 10082 SCC 864611-PS94 16.00 864611-PS94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 106.71 74.70 139.65 SCC864611PS94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 9-in. Shallow 100 SCC864611-PS94, SCC864611PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10083 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 9-in. Deep 100 (SCC864612-PS94) 10083 SCC 864612-PS94 17.00 864612-PS94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 101.00 70.70 137.54 SCC864612PS94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 9-in. Deep 100 SCC864612-PS94, SCC864612PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10084 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 9-in. 3-Section, Medium 100 (SCC864628-PS94) 10084 SCC 864628-PS94 13.93 864628-PS94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 106.71 74.70 144.57 SCC864628PS94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 9-in. 3-Section, Medium 100 SCC864628-PS94, SCC864628PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10085 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 71/2-in. Deep 100 (SCC865044-AP94) 10085 SCC 865044-AP94 10.58 865044-AP94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 66.43 46.50 87.41 SCC865044AP94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 71/2-in. Deep 100 SCC865044-AP94, SCC865044AP94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10086 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 71/2-in. Medium 100 (SCC865611-PS94) 10086 SCC 865611-PS94 10.00 865611-PS94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 84.14 58.90 111.78 SCC865611PS94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 71/2-in. Medium 100 SCC865611-PS94, SCC865611PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10087 Lagasse OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 71/2-in. Deep 100 (SCC865612-PS94) 10087 SCC 865612-PS94 10.00 865612-PS94 Contemporary octagonal design provides a visual attraction to motivate sales. Tight closure locks in freshness and resists leaks. Solo Cup Company 84.14 58.90 111.94 SCC865612PS94.jpg OctaView® Cold Food Containers - 71/2-in. Deep 100 SCC865612-PS94, SCC865612PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10088 Lagasse Lunch Box - 8-in. Deep (SCC872011-PS94) 10088 SCC 872011-PS94 14.15 872011-PS94 One-piece design makes preparation quicker and is perfect for catered lunches. Added closure security for transportation. Locks in freshness and resists leaks. 100 containers per case. Solo Cup Company 96.71 67.70 126.82 SCC872011PS94.jpg Lunch Box - 8-in. Deep SCC872011-PS94, SCC872011PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10089 Lagasse Lunch Box - 8-in. Shallow (SCC878611-PS94) 10089 SCC 878611-PS94 13.80 878611-PS94 One-piece design makes preparation quicker and is perfect for catered lunches. Added closure security for transportation. Locks in freshness and resists leaks. 100 containers per case. Solo Cup Company 90.43 63.30 119.14 SCC878611PS94.jpg Lunch Box - 8-in. Shallow SCC878611-PS94, SCC878611PS94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10090 Lagasse Dinner Box - 8-in. Medium (SCC919017-PM94) 10090 SCC 919017-PM94 19.50 919017-PM94 Perfect for multiple orders—built for large family size and catering orders. Snaps securely shut, preventing slippage when stacked. Compartments improve portion control, food separation and temperatures of each item. Vented and microwarmable. 100 containe Solo Cup Company 138.86 97.20 183.57 SCC919017PM94.jpg Dinner Box - 8-in. Medium SCC919017-PM94, SCC919017PM94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10091 Lagasse Dinner Box - 8-in. 3-Compartment (SCC919019-PM94) 10091 SCC 919019-PM94 19.50 919019-PM94 Perfect for multiple orders—built for large family size and catering orders. Snaps securely shut, preventing slippage when stacked. Compartments improve portion control, food separation and temperatures of each item. Vented and microwarmable. 100 containe Solo Cup Company 139.43 97.60 185.30 SCC919019PM94.jpg Dinner Box - 8-in. 3-Compartment SCC919019-PM94, SCC919019PM94, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10092 Lagasse Expressions® Cold Food Containers & Lids - 71/2-in. Shallow Tray 300 (SCC972016-AP04) 10092 SCC 972016-AP04 15.45 972016-AP04 High-quality take-out container that compliments any dcor. Square-shaped design makes a statement that motivates sales. Base safe up to 120F. Commercially compostable. Leak-resistant, easy-to-close lids are safe up to 150°F. Solo Cup Company 86.43 60.50 116.68 SCC972016AP04.jpg Expressions® Cold Food Containers & Lids - 71/2-in. Shallow Tray 300 SCC972016-AP04, SCC972016AP04, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10093 Lagasse Expressions® Cold Food Containers & Lids - 71/2-in. Lid 300 (SCC973017-AP90) 10093 SCC 973017-AP90 12.28 973017-AP90 High-quality take-out container that compliments any dcor. Square-shaped design makes a statement that motivates sales. Base safe up to 120F. Commercially compostable. Leak-resistant, easy-to-close lids are safe up to 150°F. Solo Cup Company 95.14 66.60 127.10 SCC973017AP90.jpg Expressions® Cold Food Containers & Lids - 71/2-in. Lid 300 SCC973017-AP90, SCC973017AP90, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10094 Lagasse Expressions® Cold Food Containers & Lids - 9-in. Deep Tray 150 (SCC974020-AP04) 10094 SCC 974020-AP04 11.04 974020-AP04 High-quality take-out container that compliments any dcor. Square-shaped design makes a statement that motivates sales. Base safe up to 120F. Commercially compostable. Leak-resistant, easy-to-close lids are safe up to 150°F. Solo Cup Company 52.14 36.50 69.41 SCC974020AP04.jpg Expressions® Cold Food Containers & Lids - 9-in. Deep Tray 150 SCC974020-AP04, SCC974020AP04, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10095 Lagasse Expressions® Hot Food Containers & Lids - 9-in. Shallow Tray 150 (SCC974025-PP04) 10095 SCC 974025-PP04 10.60 974025-PP04 Trendy containers are ideal to use in microwave. Safe up to 250 Solo Cup Company 75.29 52.70 97.93 SCC974025PP04.jpg Expressions® Hot Food Containers & Lids - 9-in. Shallow Tray 150 SCC974025-PP04, SCC974025PP04, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10096 Lagasse Expressions Hot Food Containers - 9-in. Deep Tray 150 (SCC974026-PP04) 10096 SCC 974026-PP04 14.00 974026-PP04 Trendy containers are ideal to use in microwave. Safe up to 250degrees. Lids are sold separately SCC 975018-PP90.
Solo Cup Company 83.43 58.40 112.39 SCC974026PP04.jpg Expressions® Hot Food Containers & Lids - 9-in. Deep Tray 150 SCC974026-PP04, SCC974026PP04, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
10097 Lagasse Expressions® Cold Food Containers & Lids - 9-in. Lid 150 (SCC975017-AP90) 10097 SCC 975017-AP90 8.93 975017-AP90 High-quality take-out container that compliments any dcor. Square-shaped design makes a statement that motivates sales. Base safe up to 120F. Commercially compostable. Leak-resistant, easy-to-close lids are safe up to 150°F. Solo Cup Company 60.14 42.10 80.66 SCC975017AP90.jpg Expressions® Cold Food Containers & Lids - 9-in. Lid 150 SCC975017-AP90, SCC975017AP90, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10098 Lagasse Expressions Hot Food Container Lids - 9-in. Lid 150 (SCC975018-PP90) 10098 SCC 975018-PP90 9.22 975018-PP90 Trendy containers are ideal to use in microwave. Safe up to 250 Solo Cup Company 70.14 49.10 95.76 SCC975018PP90.jpg Expressions® Hot Food Containers & Lids - 9-in. Lid 150 SCC975018-PP90, SCC975018PP90, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
10099 Lagasse Trophy® Insulated Foam Hot/Cold Cups - Bistro™ 12-oz. 1000 (SCCFSX12) 10099 SCC FSX12 8.59 FSX12-0041 Insulated for hot or cold beverages. 100 cups per bag. 10 bags per case.25 cups and 25 lids per pack. 6 packs per case. Solo Cup Company 152.71 106.90 201.44 SCCFSX12.jpg Trophy® Insulated Foam Hot/Cold Cups - Bistro™ 12-oz. 1000 SCCFSX12, SCCFSX12, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10100 Lagasse Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cups - 9-oz. 100 20 2000 (SCCR9NJ) 10100 SCC R9NJ 32.00 R9N-00055 Extra rigidity for large drinks and ice. Two-piece construction with tightly rolled rim. Satin-smooth finish inside and out. Made from at least 50% renewable resources. Compostable in a commercial facility. ASTM-D6868 Certified. Meets and certified by Ced Solo Cup Company 118.13 82.69 154.47 SCCR9NJ.jpg Wax-Coated Paper Cold Cups - 9-oz. 100 20 2000 SCCR9NJ, SCCR9NJ, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10101 Lagasse Natural Automatic Dishwasher Gel (SEV22171) 10101 SEV 22171 20.00 22171 Clean dishes in your dishwasher effortlessly without the use of phosphates or chlorine. Contains enzymes for more cleaning power. Made from all natural, plant derived ingredients; all ingredients are disclosed. Nontoxic and biodegradable. Does not create Seventh Generation 33.24 25.35 44.60 SEV22171.jpg Natural Automatic Dishwasher Gel SEV22171, SEV22171, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 192
10102 Lagasse Simple Green Clean Building All-Purpose Cleaner Concentrate, 2 Bottles (SMP11001) 10102 SMP 11001 18.50 11001 Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner
Simple Green Clean Building All-Purpose Cleaner Concentrate is specifically formulated for cleaning all water-safe hard surfaces, Simple Green Clean Building All-Purpose Cleaner Concentrate rinses cleanly and leaves behind no smudges or streaks. This concentrate offers economical dilution, and, being formulated without volatile organic compounds and no fragrance, it doesn’t adversely impact indoor air quality. Its green color makes it easily identified when diluted into secondary containers. It is non-toxic, biodegradable, non-caustic, and non-flammable. This breakthrough product line was designed specifically for industrial/institutional use in schools, universities, government facilities, hotels, motels and other hospitality/lodging facilities, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, day care centers, and any place where professional cleaning is required, but health and safety are of the utmost concern. The Simple Green Clean Building line of products has met all aspects of the Green Seal GS-37 Standard, including reduced health, safety, and environmental impact of formulations as well as product efficacy requirements. These products comply with the environmentally preferable product purchasing programs that are in place throughout federal, state, and municipal governments.
Sunshine Maker, Inc. - Simple Green Clean Building All-Purpose Cleaner Concentrate, 2 - 1 Gallon Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Simple Green 33.43 25.50 45.51 SMP11001.jpg simple green all-purpose cleaner concentrate, SMP11001, SMP11001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 99
10103 Lagasse Simple Green Clean Building Bathroom 2 Cleaner Concentrate, 2 bottles (SMP11101) 10103 SMP 11101 18.50 11101 Simple Green Bathroom Cleaner
Simple Green Clean Building Bathroom Cleaner Concentrate is specifically formulated for cleaning scale and scum types of soils typically found on hard bathroom surfaces, the Clean Building Bathroom Cleaner Concentrate offers economical dilution, does not contain fragrance and is formulated without volatile organic compounds that can adversely impact indoor air quality. Its pink color makes it easily identified when diluted into secondary containers. Safe to use on washable hard surfaces such as ceramic, glazed tile, Corian, Formica, grout, faucets and fixtures, porcelain, and cured fiberglass, it’s also non-toxic, biodegradable, non-caustic, and non-flammable. This breakthrough product line was designed specifically for industrial/institutional use in schools, universities, government facilities, hotels, motels and other hospitality/lodging facilities, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, day care centers, and any place where professional cleaning is required, but health and safety are of the utmost concern. The Simple Green Clean Building line of products has met all aspects of the Green Seal GS-37 Standard, including reduced health, safety, and environmental impact of formulations as well as product efficacy requirements. These products comply with the environmentally preferable product purchasing programs that are in place throughout federal, state, and municipal governments.
Sunshine Makers, Inc. - Simple Green Clean Building Bathroom 2 Cleaner Concentrate, 1 Gallon Bottle, 2 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Simple Green 29.17 22.25 38.28 SMP11101.jpg simple green bathroom cleaner, SMP 11101, SMP11101, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 99
10104 Lagasse Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner / Degreaser, 6 Bottles (SMP14010) 10104 SMP 14010 56.00 14010 Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner Degreaser
The original non-toxic, biodegradable, concentrated formula that customers have known and trusted for over 30 years is now available in lemon scent. Quickly breaks up grease and sludge, easily rinses off all water-safe surfaces. Cleans and deodorizes grease filters and traps. Ideal for use on floors, walls, counters, doors, concrete, tile and stainless steel. Nontoxic, readily biodegradable. Lemon scent. 1 gallon bottle, 6 bottles per case.
Sunshine Makers Inc. - Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner Degreaser, Lemon Scent, 1 Gallon Bottle, 6 Bottles per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust.
Simple Green 85.22 65.00 112.82 SMP14010.jpg simple green all-purpose cleaner, SMP 14010, SMP14010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 99
10105 Lagasse Microburst® 3000 Dispensers - LCD Dispenser (TEC1793532) 10105 TEC 1793532 4.57 1793532 Combines great looks with low-cost, effective performance. Flexible programming. Optional audio tone indicates need to change batteries and refill. Operates on two C-cell batteries (sold separately). 3.25w x 6.63h. 6 dispensers per case. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 66.17 50.47 89.59 TEC1793532.jpg Microburst® 3000 Dispensers - LCD Dispenser TEC1793532, TEC1793532, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10106 Lagasse Microburst® 9000 Dispensers - LCD Dispenser 314/25w x 83/4h (TEC1793535) 10106 TEC 1793535 6.74 1793535 Maximizes cost control while providing greater coverage and long-lasting odor neutralizing and fragrances. Fully programmable. Days-to-refill indicator. Operates on two D-cell batteries (sold separately). 6 dispensers per case. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 66.29 50.56 88.28 TEC1793535.jpg Microburst® 9000 Dispensers - LCD Dispenser 314/25w x 83/4h TEC1793535, TEC1793535, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10107 Lagasse Standard Aerosol System - LED Dispenser (TEC1793538) 10107 TEC 1793538 3.20 1793538 Offers automatic odor control for every budget. Smart chip technology maximizes odor control effectiveness for 30 to 168 days. LCD model features adjustable spray intervals with patented “days to refill“ counter. Low battery and replace refill indicators. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 61.48 46.89 80.88 TEC1793538.jpg Standard Aerosol System - LED Dispenser TEC1793538, TEC1793538, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10108 Lagasse Standard Aerosol System - LCD Dispenser (TEC1793541) 10108 TEC 1793541 3.20 1793541 Offers automatic odor control for every budget. Smart chip technology maximizes odor control effectiveness for 30 to 168 days. LCD model features adjustable spray intervals with patented “days to refill“ counter. Low battery and replace refill indicators. Rubbermaid Commercial Products 67.92 51.80 90.14 TEC1793541.jpg Standard Aerosol System - LCD Dispenser TEC1793541, TEC1793541, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10109 Lagasse Auto Flush® Sidemount Flushing Systems - Urinal (TEC401186A) 10109 TEC 401186A 3.50 FG401186A Automatic, touch-free flushing systems for toilets and urinals keep fixtures flushed and presentable, leaving washrooms looking and smelling clean. Promotes good hygiene by eliminating potential points of cross-contamination. Easy installation. Toilet mod Rubbermaid Commercial Products 247.67 188.90 339.17 TEC401186A.jpg Auto Flush® Sidemount Flushing Systems - Urinal TEC401186A, TEC401186A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10110 Lagasse Auto Flush® Sidemount Flushing Systems - Toilet (TEC401187A) 10110 TEC 401187A 2.50 FG401187A Automatic, touch-free flushing systems for toilets and urinals keep fixtures flushed and presentable, leaving washrooms looking and smelling clean. Promotes good hygiene by eliminating potential points of cross-contamination. Easy installation. Toilet mod Rubbermaid Commercial Products 247.80 189.00 337.77 TEC401187A.jpg Auto Flush® Sidemount Flushing Systems - Toilet TEC401187A, TEC401187A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10111 Lagasse Auto Flush® Clamp Flushing Systems - Urinal (TEC401804A) 10111 TEC 401804A 2.15 FG401804A Slides over existing flush handle. Automatic, touch-free flushing systems for toilets and urinals keep fixtures flushed and presentable leaving washrooms looking and smelling clean. Promotes good hygiene by eliminating potential points of cross-contaminat Rubbermaid Commercial Products 251.78 189.00 344.01 TEC401804A.jpg Auto Flush® Clamp Flushing Systems - Urinal TEC401804A, TEC401804A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10112 Lagasse Auto Flush® Clamp Flushing Systems - Toilet (TEC401805A) 10112 TEC 401805A 2.15 FG401805A Slides over existing flush handle. Automatic, touch-free flushing systems for toilets and urinals keep fixtures flushed and presentable leaving washrooms looking and smelling clean. Promotes good hygiene by eliminating potential points of cross-contaminat Rubbermaid Commercial Products 247.80 189.00 328.14 TEC401805A.jpg Auto Flush® Clamp Flushing Systems - Toilet TEC401805A, TEC401805A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10113 Lagasse Enriched Foam Hand Sanitizers - Alcohol-Free (TEC750592) 10113 TEC 750592 12.00 FG750592 High-capacity refill delivers up to 2750 doses. Hygienically sealed to eliminate potential contamination. Enriched with glycerin and aloe vera. Hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. Kills over 99.9% of germs. For use with Foam Skin Care System. Alcohol-free Rubbermaid Commercial Products 80.55 61.43 105.13 TEC750592.jpg Enriched Foam Hand Sanitizers - Alcohol-Free TEC750592, TEC750592, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 89
10114 Lagasse TimeWick Sundried Linen Starter Kit, 12 Kits (TMS32-6111TM) 10114 TMS 32-6111TM 12.00 32-6111TM TimeWick Sundried Linen Scented Dispensers and Refill
The TimeWick Starter Kit air fresheners offer a clean, comfortable, and easy way to maintain a fresh scented indoor environment. The TimeWick fragrance kit slowly releases fresh fragrances for up to 60 days, without the use of a power source. Offering a state-of-the-art wick design and functionality, the TimeWick dispenser releases essential oils and high-powered odor counteractants to ensure that your indoor environment is always pleasantly scented. Dispensing evenly, this efficient fragrance dispersion covers up to 6,000 cubic feet. Coming in an attractive, compact dispenser housing is designed to protect the cartridge while maintaining maximum air flow.
TimeMist Waterbury TimeWick Sundried Linen Starter Kit, 1 Refill and 1 Dispenser per Kit, 12 Kits per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 71.28 50.15 96.14 TMS326111TM.jpg air fresheners, time wick, time wick air fresheners, TMS 32-6111TM, TMS326111TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
10115 Lagasse TimeWick Xtreme Citrus Starter Kit, 12 Kits (TMS32-6115TM) 10115 TMS 32-6115TM 10.70 32-6115TM TimeWick Xtreme Citrus Scented Dispenser and Refill
The TimeWick Starter Kit air fresheners provide a fragrant, evenly dispensed citrus scent, that efficiently covers up to 3,000 cubic feet. Designed to be economical and stylish the TimeWick dispensers come in an attractive, compact case, designed to protect the cartridge while maintaining maximum air flow. Offering a clean, comfortable, and easy way to maintain a fresh citrus scent throughout the home or office, the TimeWick fragrance kit slowly releases fresh fragrances for up to 60 days, without the use of a power source. Providing a high quality wick design and functionality, the TimeWick dispenser disperses essential oils quickly and evenly throughout 6,000 cubic foot indoor environment.
TimeMist Waterbury TimeWick Xtreme Citrus, 1 Dispenser and 1 Refill per Kit, 12 Kits per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust.
Timemist Waterbury 71.28 50.15 97.07 TMS326115TM.jpg air fresheners, timewick, timemist, timewick air fresheners, TMS 32-6115TM, TMS326115TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
10116 Lagasse TimeMist 3000 Clean N' Fresh Scent Starter Kit (TMS32-6302TMCA) 10116 TMS 32-6302TMCA 36.00 32-6302TMCA TimeMist 3000 Air Freshener Starter Kit
TimeMist 3000 Clean N' Fresh Scent Dispenser and Refill Starter Kits share the same features of a TimeMist Plus at half the size. Coming in an attractive, compact dispenser housing is designed to protect the cartridge while maintaining maximum air flow. This compact automatic spray dispenser has settings for 7.5-, 15- or 30-minute intervals. Aside from timing, the TimeMist 3000 Clean N' Fresh Scent Dispenser also has fragrance intensity which is adjustable to light, medium and heavy settings. Also featuring programmable start/stop times, its LED indicator allows you to gauge when a change in batteries or new refill is needed. Lockable. Each kit includes one dispenser, one refill and two C-cell batteries.
TimeMist Waterbury TimeMist 3000 Starter Kit, 1 Dispenser and 1 Clean N' Fresh Scent Refill per Kit. Sold by Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 39.99 30.50 54.70 TMS326302TMCA.jpg air fresheners, time mist, time mist air fresheners, TMS 32-6302TMCA, TMS326302TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
10117 Lagasse TimeMist 3000 Citrus Scent Dispenser and Refill Starter Kit (TMS32-6308TMCA) 10117 TMS 32-6308TMCA 38.00 32-6308TMCA TimeMist 3000 Citrus Scent Dispenser and Refill Starter Kits
Coming in an attractive, compact dispenser TimeMist 3000 Citrus Scent Dispenser and Refill Starter Kits share the same features of a TimeMist Plus at half the size. Each kit includes one dispenser, one refill and two C-cell batteries per case. Coming in a sleek package designed to protect the cartridge while maintaining maximum air flow, this compact automatic spray dispenser has multiple setting levels for added convenience. The TimeMist 3000 Citrus Scent Dispenser also has an adjustable fragrance intensity which allows for light, medium and heavy settings. Add in the programmable start/stop times, as well as its LED battery gauge, it is easy to see why the TimeMist 3000 Dispenser is the highest quality air freshener currently available.
TimeMist Waterbury TimeMist 3000 Citrus Scent Dispenser, 1 Dispenser and Refill per Starter Kit per Case. - The wholesale cleaning supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 41.08 30.50 55.08 TMS326308TMCA.jpg air fresheners, time mist, time mist air fresheners, TMS 32-6308TMCA, TMS326308TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
10118 Lagasse TimeMist® 3000 Shot Micro Starter Kit - Mango (TMS32-6360TMCA) 10118 TMS 32-6360TMCA 38.00 32-6360TMCA Starter kits contain one micro plus dispenser and one refill. 12 kits per case. Timemist Waterbury 39.99 30.50 53.56 TMS326360TMCA.jpg TimeMist® 3000 Shot Micro Starter Kit - Mango TMS32-6360TMCA, TMS326360TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 108
10119 Lagasse Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills - Caribbean Waters (TMS33-6324TMCA) 10119 TMS 33-6324TMCA 3.40 33-6324TMCA Ultra concentrated TimeMist® refills in premium fragrances work faster and stay in the air longer. Half the size of ordinary refills, but twice the odor-fighting power. For use in Micro TimeMist® Ultra Metered Dispenser TMS 1041TM1, TimeMist® Classic Seri Timemist Waterbury 57.23 42.60 77.27 TMS336324TMCA.jpg Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills - Caribbean Waters TMS33-6324TMCA, TMS336324TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 108
10120 Lagasse Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills - Raspberry Acai (TMS33-6341TMCA) 10120 TMS 33-6341TMCA 3.40 33-6341TMCA Ultra concentrated TimeMist® refills in premium fragrances work faster and stay in the air longer. Half the size of ordinary refills, but twice the odor-fighting power. For use in Micro TimeMist® Ultra Metered Dispenser TMS 1041TM1, TimeMist® Classic Seri Timemist Waterbury 77.09 58.80 103.56 TMS336341TMCA.jpg Micro Ultra Concentrated Metered Air Freshener Refills - Raspberry Acai TMS33-6341TMCA, TMS336341TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 108
10121 Lagasse 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refills - Caribbean Waters (TMS33-6424TMCA) 10121 TMS 33-6424TMCA 2.95 33-6424TMCA Highly concentrated odor counteractant attacks and neutralizes unpleasant odors. Environmentally friendly, acetone-free formula is VOC Compliant in all states. For use with TimeMist® 9000, 1000 and Classic Series dispensers (sold separately). 90-day refil Timemist Waterbury 57.42 39.30 74.68 TMS336424TMCA.jpg 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refills - Caribbean Waters TMS33-6424TMCA, TMS336424TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 108
10122 Lagasse 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refills - Raspberry Acai Splash (TMS33-6441TMCA) 10122 TMS 33-6441TMCA 2.95 33-6441TMCA Highly concentrated odor counteractant attacks and neutralizes unpleasant odors. Environmentally friendly, acetone-free formula is VOC Compliant in all states. For use with TimeMist® 9000, 1000 and Classic Series dispensers (sold separately). 90-day refil Timemist Waterbury 51.53 39.30 67.77 TMS336441TMCA.jpg 9000 Shot Metered Air Freshener Refills - Raspberry Acai Splash TMS33-6441TMCA, TMS336441TMCA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 108
10123 Lagasse Matrix Gel Refills - Caribbean Waters (TMS5724) 10123 TMS 5724 2.10 45-5724TM Gel with odor counteractants, works in virtually any fan dispenser. Time-release formula delivers even, constant air freshening for over 30 days. 23/4-in. dia. 12 refills per case. Timemist Waterbury 34.68 26.45 46.91 TMS5724.jpg Matrix Gel Refills - Caribbean Waters TMS5724, TMS5724, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 108
10124 Lagasse Matrix Gel Refills - Mango (TMS5760) 10124 TMS 5760 2.10 45-5760TM Gel with odor counteractants, works in virtually any fan dispenser. Time-release formula delivers even, constant air freshening for over 30 days. 23/4-in. dia. 12 refills per case. Timemist Waterbury 34.74 26.50 45.55 TMS5760.jpg Matrix Gel Refills - Mango TMS5760, TMS5760, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 108
10125 Lagasse TimeWick Oil-Based 60-Day Air Fresheners, Variety Pack, 6 Refills (TMS67-6190TM) 10125 TMS 67-6190TM 1.90 67-6190TM TimeWick Air Freshener, Variety Pack
Easy-to-use TimeWick air freshener lasts 60 days and covers over 6000 cubic feet. The secret is the state of the art sintered polymer wick that can absorb essential oils as it dries out, continuously releasing fragrance into the air—without a power source. Variety pack contains one each: Luscious Apple, Citrus Twist, Floral Fantasy, Sundried Linen, Country Garden and Mango Smoothie.
TimeMist - TimeWick Oil-Based 60-Day Air Fresheners, Variety Pack, 6 Refills per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Timemist Waterbury 73.55 56.10 99.67 timewick oil-based 60-day air fresheners, variety pack, TMS67-6190TM, TMS676190TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 108
10126 Lagasse CareWipes Antibacterial Force Wipes, 2 Refills (TXLL420) 10126 TXL L420 24.00 420 2XL Mega Roll Wipes Refill
Value-priced premoistened disposable wipe refill keeps you going. Soft, pretreated cloths clean and deodorize all washable surfaces. Highly effective cleaning solution cuts through dirt and grime. Compatible with all 2XL wipe dispenser units. 8" x 8" wipes.
2XL Corporation Mega Roll Antibacterial Wipes, 1,200 Wipes per Roll, 2 Refill Rolls per Case. - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. 2XL Corporation 72.77 55.50 94.56 TXLL420.jpg carewipes antibacterial force wipes, TXL L420, TXLL420, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 193
10127 Lagasse Unisan Patriot Mop Head, Large, 12 Mop Heads (UNS8200L) 10127 UNS 8200L 17.00 8200L Large Camouflage Mop Head
Show your patriotism with Unisan's Patriot Mop. Coming in a camouflage design that greatly reduces lint, this ready-to-use mop head requires no breaking in. Constructed from recycled combat fatigue uniform clippings, these quality mops provide greater absorption than cotton. Made from a unique yarn blend whose source gives them their distinctive color, these mops come from 100% recycled yarn in the form of a blend of cotton and synthetic fibers. The added presence of Kevlar in the recycled material provides exceptional quality and durability to each and every cleaning application. Launderable. In addition to its exceptional quality, with each purchase the manufacturer of this product will donate $.10 per mop sold to two military charities: Folds of Honor and T.A.P.S.
Includes 12 mop heads.
Unisan Patriot Looped End Mop Head, Large, 5" Headband, Green & Brown, 12 Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 140.42 107.10 189.32 UNS8200L.jpg unisan patriot mop head, large mop head, patriot mop head, mop head, UNS8200L, UNS8200L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
10128 Lagasse Unisan Patriot Mop Head, Medium, 12 Mop Heads (UNS8200M) 10128 UNS 8200M 13.00 8200M Medium Camouflage Mop Head
Show your patriotism with Unisan's Patriot Mop. Coming in a camouflage design that greatly reduces lint, this ready-to-use mop head requires no breaking in. Constructed from recycled combat fatigue uniform clippings, these quality mops provide greater absorption than cotton. Made from a unique yarn blend whose source gives them their distinctive color, these mops come from 100% recycled yarn in the form of a blend of cotton and synthetic fibers. The added presence of Kevlar in the recycled material provides exceptional quality and durability to each and every cleaning application. Launderable. In addition to its exceptional quality, with each purchase the manufacturer of this product will donate $.10 per mop sold to two military charities: Folds of Honor and T.A.P.S.
Includes 12 mop heads.
Unisan Patriot Looped End Mop Head, Medium, 5" Headband, Green & Brown, 12 Mop Heads per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Unisan 110.66 84.40 145.98 UNS8200M.jpg unisan patriot mop head, medium mop head, patriot mop head, mop head, UNS8200M, UNS8200M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
10129 Lagasse 20# EDGE MOP RAYON POLY NON WOVEN NAR BAND 12/CS - Rayon/Synthetic 20-oz. (UNSBW2020) 10129 UNS BW2020 0.62 BW2020 Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Absorbent natural cotton fiber for general mopping. Rayon has immediate absorbency and wet release properties ideal for finishing. Cotton/synthetic blend absorbs 5.5 times its weight in water. Standard heads use clamp style mop hanGreater absorption gives the same mopping power with less material. Product contains 100% total recovered content. Produced from 100% post-industrial material—reclaimed from baby wipes manufacturing. Will not unravel and leave lint and broken strings behi Unisan 36.23 27.00 48.98 UNSBW2020.jpg 20# EDGE MOP RAYON POLY NON WOVEN NAR BAND 12/CS - Rayon/Synthetic 20-oz. UNSBW2020, UNSBW2020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
10130 Lagasse 24# EDGE MOP RAYON POLY NONWOVEN NARR BAND 12/CS - Rayon/Synthetic 24-oz. (UNSBW2024) 10130 UNS BW2024 0.79 BW2024 Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Absorbent natural cotton fiber for general mopping. Rayon has immediate absorbency and wet release properties ideal for finishing. Cotton/synthetic blend absorbs 5.5 times its weight in water. Standard heads use clamp style mop hanGreater absorption gives the same mopping power with less material. Product contains 100% total recovered content. Produced from 100% post-industrial material—reclaimed from baby wipes manufacturing. Will not unravel and leave lint and broken strings behi Unisan 41.96 31.80 55.41 UNSBW2024.jpg 24# EDGE MOP RAYON POLY NONWOVEN NARR BAND 12/CS - Rayon/Synthetic 24-oz. UNSBW2024, UNSBW2024, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
10131 Lagasse 20# CUT END EDGE MOP RAY ON POLY NON WOVEN 12/CS - Rayon/Synthetic #20 (UNSBW220) 10131 UNS BW220 0.62 BW220 Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Absorbent natural cotton fiber for general mopping. Rayon has immediate absorbency and wet release properties ideal for finishing. Cotton/synthetic blend absorbs 5.5 times its weight in water. Standard heads use clamp style mop hanGreater absorption gives the same mopping power with less material. Product contains 100% total recovered content. Produced from 100% post-industrial material—reclaimed from baby wipes manufacturing. Will not unravel and leave lint and broken strings behi Unisan 46.23 34.80 60.79 UNSBW220.jpg 20# CUT END EDGE MOP RAY ON POLY NON WOVEN 12/CS - Rayon/Synthetic #20 UNSBW220, UNSBW220, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 110
10132 Lagasse 24-oz. Edge Mop Rayon-Poly Cut End, 12 Mops (UNSBW224) 10132 UNS BW224 12.00 BW224 Cut End Rayon-Poly Edge Mop
Four-ply, cut-end yarn. Absorbent natural cotton fiber for general mopping. Rayon has immediate absorbency and wet release properties ideal for finishing. Cotton/synthetic blend absorbs 5.5 times its weight in water. Standard heads use clamp style mop handle. Greater absorption gives the same mopping power with less material. Product contains 100% total recovered content. Produced from 100% post-industrial material—reclaimed from baby wipes manufacturing. Will not unravel and leave lint and broken strings behind.
Unisan - 24-oz. Edge Mop Rayon-Poly Cut End, 12 Mops per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Unisan 51.94 39.00 67.94 UNSBW224.jpg 24-oz. edge mop rayon-poly cut end, UNSBW224, UNSBW224, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 110
10133 Lagasse DublSoft Multi-Fold Hand Towels, 3,000 Towels (WAU00048) 10133 WAU 00048 19.93 48 DublSoft Multi-Fold Hand Towels
Upscale folded paper hand towels provide superior softness. Eye-catching leaf-figure emboss pattern delivers extra absorbency. Extra-thick, high-quality fiber construction maintains strength when wet. Strong and durable while offering top quality absorbancy, the DublSoft Multi-Fold Paper Towels are a product customers trust for in their homes and their businesses. Ideal for luxury locations: executive offices, theaters, hotels, performance halls, upscale restaurants, etc. White. 9.125" x 9.5" sheet size.
Wausau Paper DublSoft Multi-Fold Hand Towels, 250 Towels per Pack, 12 Packs, 3,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 30.94 23.60 40.62 WAU00048.jpg multi-fold hand towels, WAU 00048, WAU00048, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10134 Lagasse DublSoft C-Fold Hand Towels, 2,400 Towels (WAU00049) 10134 WAU 00049 24.58 49 DublSoft C-Fold Towels
Upscale folded paper hand towels provide superior softness. Eye-catching leaf-figure emboss pattern delivers extra absorbency. Extra-thick, high-quality fiber construction maintains strength when wet. Ideal for luxury locations: executive offices, theaters, hotels, performance halls, upscale restaurants, etc. 10.125" x 13" sheet size.
Wausau Paper DublSoft C-Fold Towels, 200 Towels per Pack, 12 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 32.78 25.00 44.01 WAU00049.jpg C-Fold Towels - White 200 12 WAU00049, WAU00049, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10135 Lagasse EcoSoft 1-Ply Jumbo Jr. Bathroom Tissue, 12 Rolls (WAU02001) 10135 WAU 02001 29.57 2001 1-Ply Jumbo Jr. Toilet Tissue
Saving time and money, EcoSoft -Ply Jumbo Bathroom Tissue is great for the office, restaurant, or hotel, these easy to use and install rolls come in easy to store 3.875 X 2000 sizes. Each and every roll of EcoSoft meets and exceeds both the EPA and CPG requirements. Designed and crafted from 100% total recovered material, the EcoSoft 1-Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper fits any environment and budget. Easily reducing storage space requirements, each roll is equal to 5.3 rolls of standard roll tissue. Ideal for heavy traffic facilities. The EcoSoft 1-Ply Jumbo Universal Bathroom Tissue is the ideal choice for any commercial bathroom environment.
Wausau EcoSoft 9" Dia. 1-Ply Jumbo Jr. Bathroom Tissue, 2,000 Ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 50.35 38.40 68.55 WAU02001.jpg ecosoft 1-Ply jumbo bathroom tissue, WAU02001, WAU 02001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10136 Lagasse DublSoft Flat Box 2 Ply Facial Tissues, 30 Boxes (WAU06100) 10136 WAU 06100 12.39 6100 2 Ply Facial Tissues
Developed from 100% total recovered material, DublSoft 2 Ply Facial Tissues are a great fit any location and budget. From offices and schools to hospitals and homes, DublSoft 2 Ply Facial Tissues always meet and exceed both the requirements for the EPA and CPG. This easy to use product come in compact flat boxes for added convenience and easy storage. Known as the tissue of choice for all residential, commercial and industrial customers, these soft and durable tissue sheets come 100 tissues per box, and 30 boxes to a case.
Wausau DublSoft Flat Box 2 Ply Facial Tissues, 100 Sheets, 30 Boxes per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 37.63 28.70 50.49 WAU06100.jpg dublsoft facial tissues, facial tissues, wausau tissues, paper products, WAU06100, WAU 06100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10137 Lagasse DublSoft Two Ply Standard Bathroom Tissue, 48 Rolls (WAU06348) 10137 WAU 06348 20.91 6348 Two Ply Standard Toilet Paper
The DublSoft Two Ply premium quality tissue comes with an array of exceptional brightness and softness. Strong, reliable and absorbent, this high quality toilet tissue comes embossed with a decorative floral design. Coming in a two ply format for extra strength and comfort, the DublSoft design is an ideal fit for any commercial, residential, or industrial bathroom or septic environment. DublSoft Bathroom Tissue is perfect for residential homes, offices, restaurants, hotels, and more. Exceeding all EPA guidelines, this comfortable and luxurious tissue is guaranteed to provide a soft, strong and absorbent bathroom option. 4-3/8" x 4" sheet size.
Wausau DublSoft Two Ply Standard Toilet Tissue, 500 Sheets per Roll, 48 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 40.25 30.70 53.94 WAU06348.jpg universal bath tissue, WAU06348, WAU 06348, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10138 Lagasse DublSoft 2-Ply Standard Bathroom Tissue, 80 Rolls (WAU06380) 10138 WAU 06380 35.53 6380 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Soft, durable and strong, The DublSoft 2-Ply Standard Bathroom Tissue is ideal for any lavatory situation. Perfect for any commercial, residential, and industrial setting, including restaurants, hotels, homes, offices. Far exceeding the EPA guidelines, DublSoft is known for it's exceptional softness, strength and absorbency. DublSoft 2 Ply Toilet Tissue provides peace of mind in any bathroom or septic environment. The DublSoft 2 Ply Universal Toilet Paper the toilet tissue buyers trust. 4.375" x 4" sheet size.
Wausau DublSoft 2 Ply Standard Toilet Tissue, 500 Sheets per Roll, 80 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 63.72 48.60 83.61 WAU06380.jpg 2-ply standard toilet tissue, WAU06380, WAU 06380, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10139 Lagasse EcoSoft 2-Ply Jumbo Jr. Toilet Tissue, 12 Rolls (WAU10020) 10139 WAU 10020 25.93 10020 2-Ply Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper
Saving time and money the EcoSoft 2-Ply Jumbo Jr. Bathroom Tissue is the ideal choice for any commercial bathroom environment. Great for the office, restaurant, or hotel, these easy to use and install rolls come in easy to store 3.875 X 1000 sizes. Easily reducing storage space requirements, each roll is equal to 5.3 rolls of standard roll tissue. Ideal for heavy traffic facilities. Each and every roll of EcoSoft meets and exceeds both the EPA and CPG requirements. Designed and crafted from 100% total recovered material, the EcoSoft 2-Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper fits any environment and budget.
Wausau EcoSoft 2-Ply Jumbo Jr. 9" Dia. Bathroom Tissue, 1,000 Ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 41.17 31.40 53.61 WAU10020.jpg ecosoft 2-Ply jumbo bathroom tissue, WAU 10020, WAU10020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10140 Lagasse EcoSoft Green Seal 2-Ply Jumbo Jr. Toilet Tissue, 12 Rolls (WAU10029) 10140 WAU 10029 25.67 10029 Green Seal 2-Ply Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper
Strong, reliable and durable, the EcoSoft 2-Ply Jumbo Jr. Bath Tissue is the perfect choice for any bathroom. Ideal for any commercial, industrial bathroom, men's room, or ladies room setting. Guaranteed to exceed all EPA guidelines and regulations, EcoSoft is known for not only its exceptional softness, but its strength and absorbency as well. EcoSoft 2 Ply Jumbo Jr. Toilet Tissue offers ease and comfort in any bathroom or septic environment. EcoSoft 2 Ply Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper, the toilet tissue commercial and industrial customers trust.
Wausau EcoSoft 2 Ply Jumbo Jr. 9" Dia. Toilet Tissue 1,000 ft per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 42.35 32.30 57.63 WAU10029.jpg ecosoft toilet paper, bath tissue, toilet tissue, WAU10029, WAU 10029, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, paper products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10141 Lagasse EcoSoft Facial Tissue, 30 Boxes (WAU13000) 10141 WAU 13000 12.21 13000 EcoSoft Facial Tissue
Soft and absorbent facial tissue. Has minimal impact on the environment. Packaging complements any d100% recycled, meets EPA guidelines. Processed chlorine free, product contains 10% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. Packaging is recyclable and does not contain heavy metals above trace levels. Meets EPA CPG requirements.
Wausau Paper EcoSoft Facial Tissue, 100 Tissues per Box, 30 Boxes per Case, 3,000 Tissues per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 29.89 22.80 40.46 WAU13000.jpg facial tissue, WAU 13000, WAU13000, facial tissues, bathroom supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10142 Lagasse EcoSoft 1 Ply Standard Toilet Tissue, 96 Rolls (WAU14000) 10142 WAU 14000 45.99 14000 1 Ply Standard Toilet Paper
EcoSoft offers exceptionally strong and absorbent toilet paper for any bathroom or septic environment. The ideal fit for homes, commercial offices, hotels, restaurants, and more. Far exceeding EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste paper, this environmentally friendly toilet paper was developed through a chlorine free process. Comeing fully packaged in fully recyclable materials, this environmentally preferable product contains 20% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material and meets EPA CPG requirements. 4.375 x 3.75 fully embossed sheets.
Wausau EcoSoft 1 Ply Standard Toilet Tissue 1,000 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 70.41 53.70 95.53 WAU14000.jpg standard bath tissue, WAU14000, WAU 14000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10143 Lagasse EcoSoft Green Seal 1 Ply Standard Toilet Tissue, 48 Rolls (WAU14800) 10143 WAU 14800 22.65 14800 Green Seal 1 Ply Standard Toilet Paper
100% recycled, the EcoSoft 1 Ply Standard Toilet Paper is the green standard for eco-friendly toilet paper. Coming fully embossed, the EcoSoft 1 Ply Toilet Tissue provides exceptional brightness and absorbency in any bathroom or septic environment. Perfect for residential homes, offices, restaurants, hotels, and more. This environmentally friendly toilet paper far exceeds EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste paper. Created through a chlorine free process, this environmentally preferable product comes fully packaged in materials that are fully recyclable.
Wausau EcoSoft Green Seal 1 Ply Standard Toilet Tissue 1,000 Sheets per Roll, 48 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 36.84 28.10 49.48 WAU14800.jpg ecosoft green seal 1 ply toilet tissue, WAU 14800, WAU14800, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10144 Lagasse EcoSoft Green Seal Facial Tissue, 30 Boxes (WAU15000) 10144 WAU 15000 17.51 15000 EcoSoft Green Seal Facial Tissue
Soft and absorbent facial tissue. Has minimal impact on the environment. Packaging complements any decor. 100% recycled. Exceeds EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste paper. Processed chlorine free, product contains 10% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. Environmentally preferable packaging that is recyclable and does not contain heavy metals.
Wausau Paper EcoSoft Green Seal Facial Tissue, 150 Tissues per Box, 30 Boxes per Case, 4,500 Tissues per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 43.66 33.30 59.34 WAU15000.jpg facial tissue, WAU 15000, WAU15000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10145 Lagasse EcoSoft 2-Ply Jumbo Sr. Bathroom Tissue, 6 Rolls (WAU20020) 10145 WAU 20020 24.77 20020 2-Ply Jumbo Sr. Bathroom Tissue
Saving time and money the EcoSoft 2-Ply Jumbo Senior Bathroom Tissue is the ideal choice for any bathroom environment. Ideal for heavy traffic facilities. Easily reducing storage space requirements, each roll is equal to right around 5.5 rolls of standard roll tissue. Each and every roll of EcoSoft meets and exceeds both the EPA and CPG requirements. Designed and crafted from 100% total recovered material, the EcoSoft 2-Ply Jumbo Toilet Paper fits any environment and budget. Great for the office, restaurant, or hotel, these easy to use and install rolls come in easy to store 3.875 X 2000 foot size.
Wausau EcoSoft 12" 2-Ply Jumbo Sr. Roll Bathroom Tissue, 2,000 Ft. per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 41.17 31.40 54.88 WAU20020.jpg 2 ply toilet paper, 2 ply jumbo toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet tissue, WAU20020, WAU 20020 1 1 0 0 1 265
10146 Lagasse EcoSoft 2-Ply Perforated Kitchen Roll Towel, 30 Rolls (WAU40000) 10146 WAU 40000 20.53 40000 2-Ply Kitchen Paper Towels
With 100 sheets per roll and 30 compact rolls per case, EcoSoft 2 Ply Kitchen Roll Towels offer the fastest and most cost effective way to clean. These 2 ply 11 x 9 kitchen paper towels are made from 100% recycled materials, EcoSoft's line of Perforated Roll Paper Towels save time and money, while remaining environmentally friendly. Guaranteed to meets and exceeds EPA and CPG standards, these easy to use rolls come in environmentally preferable packaging that is fully recyclable. EcoSoft 2 Ply Kitchen Roll Paper Towels provides the highest quality eco-friendly roll paper towels available.
Wausau EcoSoft 2 Ply Perforated Kitchen Roll Towels, 100 Sheets per Roll, 30 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 36.19 27.60 49.21 WAU40000.jpg ecosoft kitchen roll towels, paper towels, wausau paper towels, paper products, WAU 40000, WAU40000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10147 Lagasse Sirrus 2 Ply Household Kitchen Paper Towels, 30 Rolls (WAU40700) 10147 WAU 40700 22.00 40700 2 Ply Kitchen Roll Towels
Highly embossed for softness and absorbency. Two-ply. 11 x 9 sheet size. White. 100% recycled. Meets EPA guidelines, processed chlorine free. Packaging is recyclable and does not contain heavy metals above trace levels. Product contains 40% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. Meets EPA CPG requirements.
Wausau Sirrus 2 Ply Household Kitchen Paper Towels, 70 Towels per Roll, 30 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 26.35 20.10 35.07 WAU40700.jpg sirrus kitchen roll towels, paper towels, wausau paper towels, paper products, WAU 40700, WAU40700, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10148 Lagasse EcoSoft 2 Ply Kitchen Roll Towels, 30 Rolls (WAU41000) 10148 WAU 41000 18.78 41000 EcoSoft 2 Ply Kitchen Paper Towels
Environmentally safe, while still providing softness and absorbency, EcoSoft 2 Ply Kitchen Roll Paper Towels are made from 100% recycled materials. EcoSoft's line of Kitchen Roll Paper Towels save time and money, while remaining eco-conscious. Fitting almost any environment, EcoSoft 2 Ply Roll Paper Towels work in all commercial, residential or industrial environments. Guaranteed to meets and exceeds EPA and CPG standards, EcoSoft paper towels are processed without the use of chlorine. This easy to use product come in environmentally preferable packaging that is fully recyclable. With 90 sheets per roll and 30 compact rolls per case, these 2 ply 11 x 9 kitchen paper towels offer the fastest and most cost effective way to clean.
Wausau EcoSoft 2 Ply Kitchen Roll Towels, 90 Sheets per Roll, 30 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 31.47 24.00 42.83 WAU41000.jpg ecosoft kitchen roll towels, ecosoft kitchen towels, ecosoft paper towels, paper towels, kitchen towels, kitchen paper towels, wausau paper towels, paper towels, WAU 41000, WAU41000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10149 Lagasse EcoSoft Green Seal 2 Ply Kitchen Roll Towels, 30 Rolls (WAU41090) 10149 WAU 41090 18.77 41090 Green Seal 2 Ply Kitchen Roll Towels
Highly embossed for softness and absorbency, while obtaining the Green Seal approval, EcoSoft Green Seal 2 Ply Kitchen Roll Paper Towels are the foremost eco-friendly kitchen roll paper towels on the market. These 2 ply 11 x 9 kitchen paper towels are made from 100% recycled materials, EcoSoft's line of Green Seal Natural White Roll Paper Towels save time and money, while remaining environmentally friendly. Guaranteed to meets and exceeds EPA and CPG standards, these easy to use rolls come in environmentally preferable packaging that is fully recyclable. With 90 sheets per roll and 30 compact rolls per case, EcoSoft Green Seal 2 Ply Kitchen Roll Towels offer the fastest and most cost effective way to clean.
Wausau EcoSoft Green Seal 2 Ply Kitchen Roll Towels, 90 Sheets per Roll, 30 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 32.78 25.00 43.01 WAU41090.jpg ecosoft kitchen roll towels, paper towels, kitchen towels, roll towels, wausau paper towels, paper products, WAU 41090, WAU41090, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10150 Lagasse EcoSoft White Hardwound Roll Towels, 6 Rolls (WAU45700) 10150 WAU 45700 27.07 45700 White Hardwound Roll Towels
Made from 100% recycled materials, EcoSoft White Roll Towels save time money, and the environment. Positively impacting the enviroment without having to sacrifice quality, EcoSoft White Roll Towels are the perfect paper roll towel for any environment. Great for commercial, residential or industrial locations, all of EcoSoft's products are guaranteed to meets and exceeds EPA and CPG standards. Strong, absorbent and reliable, EcoSoft's roll towels contains 40% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. Great for the kitchen, office, restaurant or school, these 800 foot compact rolls come in packs of 6 to a case.
Wausau EcoSoft White Hardwound Roll Paper Towels, 800 ft per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 43.66 33.30 58.67 WAU45700.jpg ecosoft hard roll towels, roll towels, wausau paper towels, paper products, WAU45700, WAU 45700, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10151 Lagasse EcoSoft Green Seal Natural Hardwound Roll Towels, 6 Rolls (WAU45800) 10151 WAU 45800 27.67 45800 Green Seal Natural Hardwound Roll Towels
The EcoSoft Green Seal Natural Roll Paper Towels are the industry standard for eco-friendly roll paper towels. Given the Green Seal of approval, the EcoSoft line of Natural Roll Paper Towels are made from 100% recycled materials. These Natural Roll Paper Towels come in 6 compact rolls of 800 feet per case, ensure that customers save time and money, while remaining environmentally friendly. Fitting almost any environment, EcoSoft Green Seal Natural Roll Paper Towels work in all commercial, residential or industrial environments. Guaranteed to meets and exceeds EPA and CPG standards, EcoSoft Green Seal Natural Roll Paper Towels are processed without the use of chlorine, making them the clear green cleaning paper choice.
Wausau EcoSoft Green Seal Natural Hardwound Roll Towels, 800 ft per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 35.27 26.90 47.42 WAU45800.jpg ecosoft hard roll towels, roll towels, wausau paper towels, paper products, WAU 45800, WAU45800, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10152 Lagasse EcoSoft Green Seal Natural White Roll Towels, 6 Rolls (WAU45900) 10152 WAU 45900 27.04 45900 Natural White Green Seal Hardwound Roll Towels
Given the Green Seal of approval, the EcoSoft line of White Roll Paper Towels are the industry standard for eco-friendly roll paper towels. Made from 100% recycled materials, EcoSoft's line of Green Seal Natural White Roll Paper Towels save time and money, while remaining environmentally friendly. Fitting almost any location or environment, EcoSoft Green Seal Natural White Roll Paper Towels work in all commercial, residential or industrial environments. Guaranteed to meets and exceeds EPA and CPG standards, EcoSoft Green Seal Natural White Roll Paper Towels are processed without the use of chlorine. This easy to use product come in 6 compact rolls of 800 feet, ensuring effortless storage.
Wausau EcoSoft Green Seal Natural White Hardwound Roll Towels, 800 ft per Roll, 6 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 41.96 32.00 56.33 WAU45900.jpg ecosoft hard roll towels, roll towels, wausau paper towels, paper products, WAU45900, WAU45900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10153 Lagasse EcoSoft Natural Hardwound Roll Towels, 12 Rolls (WAU46000) 10153 WAU 46000 29.00 46000 Natural Hardwound Roll Towels
Providing reliable quality, softness and absorbency, these super absorbent 1-ply natural paper roll towels are great for drying hands. A great fit in both commercial and residential environments when combined with the appropriate dispenser. Each and every roll of Scott paper towels meet and exceed all EPA standards. Processed chlorine free. Environmentally preferable packaging. Meets EPA CPG requirements. Product contains 100% total recovered material. 8-in. wide.
Wausau EcoSoft Natural Hardwound Roll Towels, 425-ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 32.95 25.13 43.09 WAU46000.jpg ecosoft hard rool towels, roll towels, wausau paper towels, paper products, WAU46000, WAU 46000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10154 Lagasse EcoSoft Natural Hardwound Roll Towels, 12 Rolls (WAU46200) 10154 WAU 46200 23.89 46200 Natural Nonperforated Hardwound Roll Towels
Designed to save money and make a positive environmental impact, EcoSoft's line of EcoSoft Nonperforated Hard Roll Towels is the ideal choice for any commercial, residential or industrial area. Great for the home, school, office, and cleaning operation, this easy to use paper towel come in compact rolls for easy storage. Guaranteed to meets and exceeds both the EPA and CPG requirements, these high-quality paper towels are designed and crafted from 100% total recovered material. Crafted to fits any location and budget, EcoSoft Nonperforated Hard Roll Towels are known as the towel of choice when price is a factor. These 8 inch, 350 foot rolls come 12 rolls to a case and are created through a chlorine free process.
Wausau EcoSoft Nonperforated Natural Hardwound Roll Towels, 350 ft per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 29.37 22.40 39.46 WAU46200.jpg ecosoft hard roll towels, roll towels, wausau paper towels, paper products, WAU 46200, WAU46200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10155 Lagasse EcoSoft Green Seal Natural White Roll Towels, 12 Rolls (WAU46300) 10155 WAU 46300 28.95 46300 Natural White Green Seal Hardwound Roll Towels
Certified by Green Seal, the EcoSoft line of White Roll Paper Towels are made from 100% recycled materials. Seen as the perfect choice for those looking to remaining green while saving some green, EcoSoft Green Seal White Roll Paper Towels save customers money while make a positive environmental impact. Great for commercial, residential or industrial environments, all of EcoSoft's products are guaranteed to meets and exceeds EPA and CPG standards. Processed without the use of chlorine, this product contains 40% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. Great for the kitchen, home, office, restaurant, or school, this easy to use paper product come in compact rolls for easy storage. These 8 inch wide rolls come in packs of 12 to a case.
Wausau EcoSoft Green Seal Natural White Hardwound Roll Towels, 425 ft per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 40.25 30.70 54.61 WAU46300.jpg ecosoft hard roll towels, roll towels, wausau paper towels, paper products, WAU46300, WAU 46300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, 1 1 0 0 1 265
10156 Lagasse EcoSoft White Hardwound Roll Towels, 12 Rolls (WAU46500) 10156 WAU 46500 28.25 46500 White Nonperforated Hardwound Roll Towels
Made from 100% recycled materials, EcoSoft's line of Nonperforated Hard Roll Towels save time and money, and make a positive environmental impact. The perfect paper roll towel for any commercial, residential or industrial environment, all of EcoSoft's products are guaranteed to meets and exceeds EPA and CPG standards. Processed without the use of chlorine, this product contains 40% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. Great for the kitchen, office, restaurant, or school, this easy to use product come in compact rolls for easy storage. These 8 inch wide rolls come in packs of 12 to a case.
Wausau EcoSoft Nonperforated White Hardwound Roll Towels, 425 ft. per Roll, 12 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 46.94 35.80 61.27 WAU46500.jpg ecosoft hard roll towels, roll towels, wausau paper towels, WAU46500, WAU 46500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, paper products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10157 Lagasse EcoSoft Single-Fold Natural Towels, 4,020 Towels (WAU47000) 10157 WAU 47000 21.94 47000 Natural Single-Fold Paper Hand Towels
Fully recycled, EcoSoft's line of Single Fold Natural White Paper towels pledge not only to save time and money, but the positively impact the environment as well. The ideal choice for any commercial, residential or industrial environment. Every EcoSoft paper product meets and exceeds both the EPA and CPG requirements. Designed and crafted from 100% total recovered material, the EcoSoft hand towel fits any location and budget. Great for the home, office, restaurant, or hotel, this easy to use product come in compact packs for easy storage. Known as the towel of choice when price is a factor, these 9 x 10 sheets come in packs of 268 towels, and come 15 packs to a case.
Wausau EcoSoft Single-Fold Natural Towels, 268 Towels per Pack, 15 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 24.91 19.00 33.62 ecosoft single-fold towels, paper towels, wausau paper towels, WAU47000, WAU 47000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10158 Lagasse EcoSoft Single-Fold Green Seal White Hand Towels, 4,020 Towels (WAU47300) 10158 WAU 47300 21.39 47300 Green Seal Natural White Single-Fold Hand Towels
Eco-friendly, EcoSoft Single-Fold Green Seal Hand Towels offer a combination of positive environmental impact, quality cleaning results, and low cost, that cannot be matched. Known as the towel of choice when price is a factor, these 9 x 10 sheets come in packs of 268 towels, and come 15 packs to a case. Saving time and money, while remaining environmentally friendly, the EcoSoft Single-Fold Green Seal White Hand Towels are made from 100% recycled materials. Designed and crafted from 100% total recovered material, EcoSoft Single-Fold White Hand Towels fits any location and budget. Each and every EcoSoft product meets and exceeds both the EPA and CPG requirements.
Wausau EcoSoft Single-Fold Green Seal Hand Towels, 268 Towels per Pack, 15 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 30.16 23.00 39.46 WAU47300.jpg ecosoft single-fold towels, paper towels, wausau paper towels, WAU47300, WAU 47300, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, paper products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10159 Lagasse EcoSoft Single-Fold White Hand Towels, 4,020 Towels (WAU47500) 10159 WAU 47500 21.77 47500 White Single-Fold Paper Hand Towels
Designed and crafted from 100% total recovered material, EcoSoft Single-Fold White Hand Towels fits any location and budget. Each and every EcoSoft product meets and exceeds both the EPA and CPG requirements. Great for the home, office, restaurant, or hotel, this easy to use product come in compact packs for easy storage. Known as the towel of choice when price is a factor, these 9 x 10 sheets come in packs of 268 towels, and come 15 packs to a case. Eco-friendly, EcoSoft Single-Fold White Hand Towels offer a combination of positive environmental impact, quality cleaning results, and low cost, that cannot be matched.
Wausau EcoSoft Single-Fold White Hand Towels, 268 Sheets per Pack, 15 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 31.99 24.40 43.76 WAU47500.jpg ecosoft single-fold towels, paper towels, wausau paper towels, WAU47500, WAU 47500, janitorial supplies, paper supplies, paper products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10160 Lagasse EcoSoft Multi-Fold Natural Hand Towels, 4,000 Towels (WAU48000) 10160 WAU 48000 21.06 48000 Natural Multi-Fold Hand Towels
Designed and crafted from 100% total recovered material, EcoSoft Multi-Fold Natural Hand Towels fits any location and budget. Meeting and exceeding both the requirements for the EPA and CPG EcoSoft Multi-Fold Natural Hand Towels are great for the home or office. This easy to use product come in compact packs for easy storage. Known as the towel of choice when price is a factor, these 9.125 x 9.5 sheets come in packs of 200 towels, and come 20 packs to a case.
Wausau EcoSoft Multi-Fold Natural Hand Towels, 200 Sheets, 20 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 24.91 19.00 33.06 WAU48000.jpg ecosoft multi-fold towels, paper towels, wausau paper towels, WAU48000, WAU 48000, paper supplies, cleaning supplies, paper products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10161 Lagasse Dubl-Nature Green Seal White Multi-Fold Towels, 3,000 Towels (WAU48190) 10161 WAU 48190 15.56 48190 White Multi-Fold Paper Hand Towels
Guaranteed to provide premium quality, while remaining strong when wet, Dubl-Nature Multi-Fold White Towels are great for the home or office. Ideal for office buildings, hotels, and restaurants, as well as healthcare, manufacturing and industrial facilities. Seen as the perfect choice for those looking to remaining environmentally conscious while still saving, Dubl-Nature Multi-Fold White Towels save customers money while make a positive environmental impact. Great for commercial, residential or industrial environments, Dubl-Nature towels are guaranteed to provide quality cleaning results. These easy to use white paper 9.125 x 9.5 towels come in 12 compact packs of 250 sheets for easy storage.
Wausau Dubl-Nature Green Seal Multi-Fold White Towels, 250 Towels per Pack, 12 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 25.17 19.20 34.33 WAU48190.jpg dubl-nature c-fold towels, multi-fold paper towels, wausau multi-fold towels, WAU48190, WAU 48190, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10162 Lagasse EcoSoft Green Seal Multi-Fold Hand Towels, 4,000 Towels (WAU48300) 10162 WAU 48300 22.00 48300 EcoSoft Green Seal Multi-Fold Hand Towels
Offering quality that few can match, EcoSoft Green Seal Multi-Fold Towels fit almost any environment due to its combination of high quality and low cost. Fitting perfectly in schools, hotels, nursing homes, healthcare facilities, offices, schools, restaurants and more. These 100% recycled towels provide a superior cleaning option. Coming fully packaged and completely recyclable, these paper towels work well in any commercial residential or industrial setting. Offering a combination of strength, absorbancy and durablity that is not easily found, EcoSoft Multi-Fold Towels are a product buyers trust. Find everyday low savings of a variety of EcoSoft paper products at
Wausau EcoSoft Green Seal Multi-Fold Hand Towels, 200 Towels per Pack, 20 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 30.02 22.90 40.92 WAU48300.jpg ecosoft multi-fold towels, multi-fold paper towels, wausau multi-fold towels, WAU48300, WAU 48300, janitorial supplies, paper supplies, paper products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10163 Lagasse EcoSoft Multi-Fold White Hand Towels, 4,000 Towels (WAU48500) 10163 WAU 48500 21.07 48500 White Multi-Fold Paper Hand Towels
Offering a level of absorbancy few products can match, the EcoSoft Green Seal Multi-Fold Paper Towels are a product customers trust for in their homes and their businesses. Ideal for office buildings, hotels, restaurants, healthcare, manufacturing and industrial facilities. Our line of EcoSoft towels exceed EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste paper. This product contains 100% total recovered material, while meeting all EPA CPG requirements. Easy to stock and install. 9.125 x 9.5 sheet size. 100% recycled. Product contains 40% post-consumer and 100% total recovered material. Providing premium quality while remain strong when wet, EcoSoft offers quality disposable towels that customers can rely on.
Wausau EcoSoft Multi-Fold White Hand Towels, 200 Towels per Pack, 20 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 31.60 24.10 42.33 WAU48500.jpg ecosoft multi-fold towels, paper towels, wausau paper towels, WAU48500, WAU 48500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10164 Lagasse EcoSoft Green Seal Multi-Fold Towels, 4,000 Towels (WAU48900) 10164 WAU 48900 20.75 48900 EcoSoft Green Seal Multi-Fold Paper Towels
Strong and durable while offering top quality absorbancy, the EcoSoft Green Seal Multi-Fold Paper Towels are a product customers trust for in their homes and their businesses. Providing premium quality while remain strong when wet, EcoSoft offers quality disposable towels that customers can rely on. Ideal for office buildings, hotels, restaurants, healthcare, manufacturing and industrial facilities. These durable towels exceed EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste paper. Processed in chlorine free, environmentally preferable packaging, this product contains 100% total recovered material, while meeting all EPA CPG requirements. Easy to stock and install. 9.125 x 9.5 sheet size. 100% recycled.
Wausau EcoSoft Multi-Fold White Hand Towels, 200 Towels per Pack, 20 Packs, 4,000 Towels per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 26.62 20.30 36.02 WAU48900.jpg ecosoft multi-fold towels, multi-fold paper towels, wausau multi-fold towels, WAU48900, WAU 48900, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, paper products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10165 Lagasse Dubl-Nature Green Seal C-Fold Towels, 2,400 Towels (WAU49190) 10165 WAU 49190 19.24 49190 White C-Fold Hand Towels
Dubl-Nature C-Fold White Towels are easy to use, stock and dispense. Our line of high-quality Dubl-Nature white towels work in most C-Fold dispensers. 100% completely recyclable, Dubl-Nature White C-Fold Towels come fully packaged and ready for use. Working well for locations like schools offices, restaurants, and other residential, scholastic and commercial environments. The Dubl-Nature line of white C-Fold Towels are the ideal choice for any location. Providing exceptional absorbancy and durability, these quality towels are a product customers trust for in their homes and their businesses. 10.125" x 13" sheet size.
Wausau Dubl-Nature C-Fold White Towels, 200 Towels per Pack, 12 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 30.16 23.00 40.16 WAU49190.jpg dubl-nature c-fold towels, c-fold paper towels, wausau c-fold towels, WAU49190, WAU49190, paper supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10166 Lagasse EcoSoft Green Seal Natural White C-Fold Towels, 2,400 Towels (WAU49300) 10166 WAU 49300 19.00 49300 C-Fold Natural White Paper Hand Towels
Our line of completely recyclable, EcoSoft White C-Fold Towels come fully packaged and ready for use. The perfect fit for offices, restaurants, and other commercial environments, the EcoSoft line of white C-Fold Towels are the ideal choice for almost anywhere. Whether are searching for paper towels for a residential kitchen, or for next to a sink in an office bathroom. These high quality C-fold towels work well wherever needed. Ideal for hotels, schools, restaurants, and countless other locations. Measuring in at 10.125 x 13 sheet size, these easy to stock towels work in most C-Fold dispensers. Find everyday low savings of a variety of EcoSoft paper supplies at - the janitorial supply superstore.
EcoSoft C-Fold Natural White Towels, 150 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 28.58 21.80 38.65 WAU49300.jpg c-fold towels, c-fold paper towels, wausau c-fold towels, WAU49300, WAU 49300, paper supplies, paper products, cleaning products, janitorial supplies 1 1 0 0 1 265
10167 Lagasse EcoSoft White C-Fold Towels, 2,400 Towels (WAU49500) 10167 WAU 49500 19.33 49500 White C-Fold Towels
Perfect for offices, restaurants, and other commercial environments, the EcoSoft line of White C-Fold Towels are the ideal choice for almost anywhere. Great for stocking dispensers next to sinks in the kitchen as well as the lavatory, these high quality C-fold towels work well wherever needed. Ideal for healthcare facilities, offices, hotels, schools, restaurants and more.100% recycled. the EcoSoft White C-Fold Towels come fully packaged. Completely recyclable, these paper towels do not contain heavy metals above trace levels. Meets EPA CPG requirements 10.125 x 13 sheet size. Find everyday low savings of a variety of EcoSoft paper products at
Wausau EcoSoft C-Fold Towels, White, 150 Towels per Pack, 16 Packs per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 29.37 22.40 38.17 WAU49500.jpg c-fold towels, c-fold paper towels, wausau c-fold towels, WAU 49500, WAU49500, paper product, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10168 Lagasse EcoSoft 2-Ply Standard Bathroom Tissue, 96 Rolls (WAU54000) 10168 WAU 54000 38.41 54000 EcoSoft 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Coming from 100% fully recycled materials, EcoSoft 2 Ply Universal Toilet Paper is best eco-friendly toilet paper on the market today. Coming in a fully embossed floral pattern, the EcoSoft 2 Ply Toilet Tissue offers a bright color and impressive absorbency that other similar products cannot match. Ideal for any bathroom or septic environment. Perfect for residential homes, offices, restaurants, hotels, and more. This environmentally friendly toilet paper far exceeds EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste paper. Created through a chlorine free process, this environmentally preferable product comes fully packaged in materials that are fully recyclable. 4.375" x 3.75" sheet size.
Wausau EcoSoft 2 Ply Standard Toilet Tissue, 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Wausau Paper 58.74 44.80 78.45 WAU54000.jpg ecosoft toilet paper, toilet paper 2 ply toilet paper, WAU54000, WAU 54000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10169 Lagasse EcoSoft 2 Ply Standard Toilet Tissue, 48 Rolls (WAU54800) 10169 WAU 54800 19.64 54800 EcoSoft 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Known for it's exceptional brightness and absorbency, EcoSoft 2 Ply Toilet Tissue provides peace of mind in any bathroom or septic environment. The best choice for any home, office, restaurant, hotel, as well as any other commercial, residential, or industrial setting. This environmentally friendly toilet paper far exceeds EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste paper. Created through a chlorine free process, this environmentally preferable product comes fully packaged in materials that are fully recyclable. Seen as the green standard for eco-friendly toilet paper. The EcoSoft 2 Ply Universal Toilet Paper the green toilet tissue buyers trust. 4.375" x 3.75" sheet size.
Wausau EcoSoft 2 Ply Standard Toilet Tissue, 500 Sheets per Roll, 48 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 32.78 25.00 42.89 WAU54800.jpg ecosoft toilet paper, WAU54800, WAU 54800, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10170 Lagasse EcoSoft Green Seal 2-Ply Standard Bathroom Tissue, 96 Rolls (WAU54900) 10170 WAU 54900 39.20 54900 EcoSoft 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Coming from 100% fully recycled materials, EcoSoft 2 Ply Universal Toilet Paper is best eco-friendly toilet paper on the market today. Coming in a fully embossed floral pattern, the EcoSoft 2 Ply Toilet Tissue offers a bright color and impressive absorbency that other similar products cannot match. Ideal for any bathroom or septic environment. Perfect for residential homes, offices, restaurants, hotels, and more. This environmentally friendly toilet paper far exceeds EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste paper. Created through a chlorine free process, this environmentally preferable product comes fully packaged in materials that are fully recyclable. 4.375" x 3.75" sheet size.
Wausau EcoSoft Green Seal 2 Ply Standard Toilet Tissue, 500 Sheets per Roll, 96 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 58.74 44.80 76.44 WAU54900.jpg ecosoft toilet paper, toilet paper 2 ply toilet paper, WAU54900, WAU 54900, paper supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10171 Lagasse Dubl-Nature Green Seal 2 Ply Standard Bathroom Tissue, 48 Rolls (WAU59490) 10171 WAU 59490 20.72 59490 Dubl-Nature 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Far exceeding the EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste paper, The Dubl-Nature 2 Ply Universal Toilet Paper is the environmentally friendly toilet paper you can depend on. The best choice for any home, office, restaurant, hotel, as well as any other commercial, residential, or industrial setting. Created through a chlorine free process, this environmentally preferable product comes fully packaged in materials that are fully recyclable. Known for it's exceptional softness, strength and absorbency, Dubl-Nature 2 Ply Toilet Tissue provides peace of mind in any bathroom or septic environment. Dubl-Nature 2 Ply Universal Toilet Paper the green toilet tissue buyers trust. 4.375" x 3.75" sheet size.
Wausau Dubl-Nature 2 Ply Standard Toilet Tissue 500 Sheets per Roll, 48 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 33.96 25.90 44.22 WAU59490.jpg dubl-nature bathroom tissue, WAU59490, WAU 59490, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10172 Lagasse Dubl-Nature Green Seal 2 Ply Standard Bathroom Tissue, 80 Rolls (WAU59890) 10172 WAU 59890 33.47 59890 Dubl-Nature 2 Ply Standard Toilet Paper
Known for it's softness and absorbency, Dubl-Nature 2 Ply Bathroom Tissue is an ideal fit for any bathroom or septic environment. The best choice for any other commercial, residential, or industrial setting. This environmentally friendly toilet paper works well in the home, office, restaurant, hotel or food service establishment. This environmentally conscious product comes packaged in materials that are fully recyclable. Seen as the gold standard for universal toilet paper. The Dubl-Nature 2 Ply Universal Toilet Paper is the toilet tissue buyers rely on. 4.375" x 3.75" sheet size.
Wausau Dubl-Nature 2 Ply Standard Toilet Tissue 500 Sheets per Roll, 80 Rolls per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Wausau Paper 48.64 37.10 65.91 WAU59890.jpg dubl-nature toilet paper, toilet paper 2 ply toilet paper, WAU59890, WAU 59890, paper supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 265
10173 Lagasse WD-40 Lubricant with Smart Straw, 12 - 8-oz. Aerosol (WDC110054) 10173 WDC 110054 9.60 110054 WD-40 Lubricant with Smart Straw
More than just a lubricant; over 2000 uses. Degreases, stops squeaks, cleans and protects tools, gears and other mechanisms. Removes stickers and adhesives, loosens rust and does so much more! Now you can protect, clean and lubricate thousands of items without losing the straw. Multi-action nozzle delivers either a precision stream or regular spray.
WD-40 Lubricant with Smart Straw, 8-oz. Aerosol Can, 12 Cans per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
WD40 60.40 46.07 79.41 WDC110054.jpg wd-40 lubricants with Smart Straw, WDC 110054, WDC110054, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 114
10180 Palmer Fixture Company Auto Spout Adapter (PFO-AF630) 10180 PFO-AF630 1.00 NULL The Auto Spout Adapter water faucet attachment designed for quick and easy Do-It-Yourself installation on any standary facuet nozzle (15/16"). The Auto-Spout utilizes motion-sensor technology so that water flows only as long as needed, making it easy to effortlessly save significant amouts of water and money. Attachment is completely automatic and turns on by simply placing hands under the faucet and shuts off automatically when hands are removed. Features an adjustable sensor, ranging from 1/2 to 5 inches. Attachment operates on 3 AA batteries with an operation life of 1 year. An override button on the underside of the unit allows for contstant running water for up to one minute. Delivers water pressure of 2.9 psi to 11 psi. Includes a key for adjusting the senor and a key for opening battery compartment. 3 1/2" L x 1 1/4" W x 2 1/2" H Palmer Fixtures 37.59 26.31 49.23 PFO-AF630.jpg Auto Spout Adapter PFO-AF630, PFOAF630, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10181 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer ExiTowel Paper Towels, 12 – 250 Sheet Packs (PFO-P8094) 10181 PFO-P8094 12.00 NULL Palmer ExiTowel Paper Towel Refills
The ExiTowel Paper Towel Refills for the PFO-T177 Dispenser from Palmer Fixtures, makes restocking, replenishing and refilling easy. These highly absorbent 4.5 x 9.5" paper towels come 250 sheets to a pack, and 12 packs to a case. Coming in a pristine white, these quality paper towels meet and exceed all EPA CPG requirements. Exitowel paper towels are fast drying and provide an excellent alternative to higher priced paper towels without losing quality. These quality paper hand towels are the perfect choice for restrooms, office buildings, schools, nursing homes, daycare centers, workshops and more.
Palmer Fixtures ExiTowel Paper Towel Refills for the PFO-T177 Dispenser, 12 - 250 Sheet Packs per Case. The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 18.15 9.23 24.28 PFO-P8094.jpg paper towels, refill paper towels, paper towel refills, paper towel dispenser refills, PFO-P8094, PFOP8094, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10182 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer ExiTowel Paper Towels, 32 – 250 Sheet Packs (PFO-P8098) 10182 PFO-P8098 29.00 NULL Palmer ExiTowel Paper Towel Refills
Fitting the PFO-T177 Dispenser from Palmer Fixtures perfectly, the ExiTowel Paper Towel Refills makes restocking, replenishing and refilling a breeze. Highly absorbent, these 4.5" x 9.5" paper towels come 250 sheets to a pack, and 32 packs to a case. Coming in easy to store and stock packs, these quality paper towels meet and exceed all EPA CPG requirements. Fast drying and affordable, Exitowel paper towels are provide all of the quality for less. The perfect choice for restrooms, office buildings, schools, nursing homes, daycare centers, and workshops, these quality paper hand towels are the smart choice when restocking your PFO-T177 Paper Towel Dispenser.
Palmer Fixtures ExiTowel Paper Towel Refills for the PFO-T177 Dispenser, 32 - 250 Sheet Packs per Case. The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 45.94 23.36 59.66 PFO-P8094.jpg paper towels, refill paper towels, paper towel refills, paper towel dispenser refills, PFO-P8098, PFOP8098, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10183 Palmer Fixture Company Single 9" Jumbo Tissue Dispenser w/ Stub-BK (PFO-R24 BK) 10183 PFO-R24 BK 3.00 NULL The Single 9" Jumbo Tissue dispenser with Stub with a Translucent Dark Cover and Black back is easy to use and install. Dispenser has a sliding panel which ensures the use of only one roll at at time and the double-latch lock prevents pilferage and waste. Unit has a 2 1/4" core and includes a 3 3/8" adapter, can be used with any universal 9" tissue. 16 1/4" L X 5 1/4" W X 11 1/2" H Includes 1 key, type 1 Includes hardware pack Palmer Fixtures 25.11 17.58 33.42 Single 9" Jumbo Tissue Dispenser w/ Stub-BK PFO-R24 BK, PFOR24BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 11 232
10184 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer 9" Jumbo Toilet Tissue Dispenser w/ Stub, Smoke (PFO-R24 TS) 10184 PFO-R24 TS 3.00 NULL 9" Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper Dispenser
The Palmer Single 9" Jumbo Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub with a Translucent Dark Cover and Beige back is easy to use and install. Dispenser has a sliding panel which ensures the use of only one roll at at time and the double-latch lock prevents pilferage and waste. Unit has a 2 1/4" core and includes a 3 3/8" adapter, can be used with any universal 9" toilet tissue. 16 1/4" L X 5 1/4" W X 11 1/2" H. Includes 1 key, type 1. Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixture Co. - Single 9" Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper Dispenser, Translucent Dark Cover and Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 34.57 17.58 45.53 PFO-24_TS.jpg single 9" jumbo toilet tissue dispenser w/ stub, PFO-R24 TS, PFOR24TS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10185 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer Single 9" Jumbo Toilet Tissue Dispenser w/ Stub, White (PFO-R24 WH) 10185 PFO-R24 WH 3.00 NULL 9" Jumbo Jr. Toilet Paper Dispenser
The Palmer Single 9" Jumbo Toilet Paper Dispenser with Stub with a Translucent White Cover and Beige back is easy to use and install. Dispenser has a sliding panel which ensures the use of only one roll at at time and the double-latch lock prevents pilferage and waste. Unit has a 2 1/4" core and includes a 3 3/8" adapter, can be used with any universal 9" toilet tissue. 16 1/4" L X 5 1/4" W X 11 1/2"H. Includes 1 key, type 1. Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixture Co. Single 9" Jumbo Jr. Toilet Tissue Dispenser, Translucent White Cover and Beige, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 34.57 17.58 47.26 single 9" jumbo toilet tissue dispenser w/ stub, PFO-R24 WH, PFOR24WH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10186 Palmer Fixture Company EcoSuds Automatic Bulk Foaming Soap Dispenser (PFO-SF200 SS) 10186 PFO-SF200 SS 2.00 NULL The EcoSuds Automatic Bulk Foaming Soap Dispenser offers the convenience and economics of a bulk soap dispenser with the added luxury of a foaming soap. This surface mounted, touchless automatic dispenser features a 800 mL refillable reservoir with a large window for an easy view of soap supply. Dispenser has a LED low battery indicator light and an infrared sensor that automatically turns on when cover closes. Dispenser operates by mixing water and normal soap with the percentage of 2:1~5:1 (water: soap) in order to dilute the liquid soap. Unit is made of Stainless Steel on 4 AA batteries. 5 7/8"L x 3 3/8" W x 10 3/8" H Includes 1 key, type 5 Palmer Fixtures 115.34 80.74 153.30 PFO-SF200_SS.jpg EcoSuds Automatic Bulk Foaming Soap Dispenser PFO-SF200 SS, PFOSF200SS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10187 Palmer Fixture Company Manual Bulk Foam Hand Soap Dispenser, Black (PFO-SF2111 BK) 10187 PFO-SF2111 BK 2.00 NULL Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
The Manual Bulk Foam Soap dispenser is made of ABS plastic in black. The unit has a 1000 ml refillable reservoir and accepts most bulk foam soaps. Reservoir is removable making filling, cleaning and routine maintenance easy. Dispenses approximately .7 ml per stroke. The container assembly and mechanism are 100% separate to prevent any damage from the soap. Dispenser has a large window for an easy view of soap supply. The unit has a vandal resistant security lock and key. Installs with mounting tape or screws. 4 1/2" L x 4 1/2" W x 10 1/4" H Includes 1 key, type 10. Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixture Co. - Manual Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Black, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 30.24 15.38 39.46 PFO-SF2111_BK.jpg manual bulk foam hand soap dispenser, PFO-SF2111 BK, PFOSF2111BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10188 Palmer Fixture Company Manual Bulk Foam Hand Soap Dispenser, Platinum (PFO-SF2111 PL) 10188 PFO-SF2111 PL 2.00 NULL Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
The Manual Bulk Foam Soap dispenser is made of ABS plastic in a platinum color finish. The unit has a 1000 ml refillable reservoir and accepts most bulk foam soaps. Reservoir is removable making filling, cleaning and routine maintence easy. Dispenses approximately .7 ml per stroke. The container assembly and mechanism are 100% separate to prevent any damage from the soap. Dispenser has a large window for an easy view of soap supply. The unit has a vandal resistant security lock and key. Installs with mounting tape or screws. 4 1/2" L x 4 1/2" W x 10 1/4" H Includes 1 key, type 10. Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixture Co. - Manual Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Platinum, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 34.96 17.78 47.77 PFO-SF2111_PL.jpg manual bulk foaming hand soap dispensers, PFO-SF2111 PL, PFOSF2111PL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10189 Palmer Fixture Company Manual Bulk Foam Hand Soap Dispenser, White (PFO-SF2111 WH) 10189 PFO-SF2111 WH 2.00 NULL Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
The Manual Bulk Foam Soap dispenser is made of ABS plastic in a white. The unit has a 1000 ml refillable reservoir and accepts most bulk foam soaps. Reservoir is removable making filling, cleaning and routine maintenance easy. Dispenses approximately .7 ml per stroke. The container assembly and mechanism are 100% separate to prevent any damage from the soap. Dispenser has a large window for an easy view of soap supply. The unit has a vandal resistant security lock and key. Installs with mounting tape or screws. 4 1/2" L x 4 1/2" W x 10 1/4" H Includes 1 key, type 10. Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixture Co. - Manual Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 30.24 15.38 39.92 PFO-SF2111_WH.jpg manual bulk foaming hand soap dispensers, PFO-SF2111 WH, PFOSF2111WH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10190 Palmer Fixture Company 30-oz. Maunual Bulk Foam Hand Soap Dispenser (PFO-SF2135 TS) 10190 PFO-SF2135 TS 1.00 NULL Manual Bulk Foam Soap dispenser
The Manual Bulk Foam Soap dispenser is made of impact resistant plastic in a translucent smoke color. The 30 oz container accepts most bulk foam soaps. Container is removable, by simply sliding container off of back plate, making filling, cleaning and routine maintenance easy. Dispenses approximately .4 ml per stroke. Dispenser is translucent for an easy view of soap supply. The smooth, curved design of the water-resistant top prevents the dispensers from being used as shelves for personal items or cigarettes, in turn preventing bacteria growth and burns. The large push bar meets ADA requirements. Installs with mounting tape or screws. 4 3/4"L x 4 1/2" W x 6 1/4" H.
Palmer Fixture Co. - Manual Bulk Foam Soap Dispenser, Translucent Smoke, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 20.26 10.30 27.42 PFO-SF2135.jpg 30 oz. maunual bulk foam dispenser, PFO-SF2135 TS, PFOSF2135TS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10191 Palmer Fixture Company 46-oz. Maunual Bulk Foam Hand Soap Dispenser (PFO-SF2144 TS) 10191 PFO-SF2144 TS 2.00 NULL Manual Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
The Palmer Manual Bulk Foam Soap dispenser is made of impact resistant plastic in a translucent smoke color. The 46 oz container accepts most bulk foam soaps. Container is removable, by simply sliding container off of back plate, making filling, cleaning and routine maintenance easy. Dispenses approximately .4 ml per stroke. Dispenser is translucent for an easy view of soap supply. The smooth, curved design of the water-resistant top prevents the dispensers from being used as shelves for personal items or cigarettes, in turn preventing bacteria growth and burns. The large push bar meets ADA requirements. Installs with mounting tape or screws. 5 1/4" L x 4 1/2" W x 6 1/4" H
Palmer Fixture Co. - Manual Bulk Foam Soap Dispenser, Translucent Smoke, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 27.71 14.09 36.83 PFO-SF2144.jpg 46 oz. maunual bulk foam dispenser, PFO-SF2144 TS, PFOSF2144TS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10192 Palmer Fixture Company 1,000-ml Automatic Bulk Foam Dispenser - Black (PFO-SF2150 BK) 10192 PFO-SF2150 BK 3.00 NULL Automatic Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
The Palmer Automatic Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser is made of ABS plastic, in black, and features touchless activation to prevent cross-contamination. The unit has a 1000 ml refillable reservoir and accepts most bulk foam soaps. Reservoir is removable making filling, cleaning and routine maintenance easy. To prevent waste, it consistently dispenses one drop, .7 ml, at a time. The container assembly and mechanism are 100% separate to prevent any damage from the soap. Dispenser has a large window for an easy view of soap supply. The dispenser operates on 4 C-cell alkaline batteries for up to 50,000 cycles and has a low battery indicator light. Features an automatic power shut off when cover is opened. The unit has a vandal resistant security lock and key. Installs with mounting tape or screws. 5" L x 4" W x 10 3/4" H Includes 1 type 11 key, Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixture Co. - Automatic Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Black, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 66.63 33.88 86.61 PFO-SF2150_BK.jpg automatic bulk foam hand soap dispensers, PFO-SF2150 BK, PFOSF2150BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10193 Palmer Fixture Company 1,000-ml Automatic Bulk Foam Dispenser-Platinum (PFO-SF2150 PL) 10193 PFO-SF2150 PL 3.00 NULL Automatic Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
The Palmer Automatic Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser is made of ABS plastic, in a platinum color finish, and features touchless activation to prevent cross-contamination. The unit has a 1000 ml refillable reservoir and accepts most bulk foam soaps. Reservoir is removable making filling, cleaning and routine maintenance easy. To prevent waste, it consistently dispenses one drop, .7 ml, at a time. The container assembly and mechanism are 100% separate to prevent any damage from the soap. Dispenser has a large window for an easy view of soap supply. The dispenser operates on 4 C-cell alkaline batteries for up to 50,000 cycles and has a low battery indicator light. Features an automatic power shut off when cover is opened. The unit has a vandal resistant security lock and key. Installs with mounting tape or screws. 5" L x 4" W x 10 3/4" H Includes 1 type 11 key, Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixture Co. - Automatic Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, Platinum, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 71.35 36.28 96.37 PFO-SF2150_PL.jpg automatic bulk Foam hand soap dispenser, PFO-SF2150 PL, PFOSF2150PL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10194 Palmer Fixture Company 1,000-ml Automatic Bulk Foam Dispenser - White (PFO-SF2150 WH) 10194 PFO-SF2150 WH 3.00 NULL Automatic Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
The Palmer Automatic Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser is made of ABS plastic, in white, and features touchless activation to prevent cross-contamination. The unit has a 1000 ml refillable reservoir and accepts most bulk foam soaps. Reservoir is removable making filling, cleaning and routine maintenance easy. To prevent waste, it consistently dispenses one drop, .7 ml, at a time. The container assembly and mechanism are 100% separate to prevent any damage from the soap. Dispenser has a large window for an easy view of soap supply. The dispenser operates on 4 C-cell alkaline batteries for up to 50,000 cycles and has a low battery indicator light. Features an automatic power shut off when cover is opened. The unit has a vandal resistant security lock and key. Installs with mounting tape or screws. 5" L x 4" W x 10 3/4" H. Includes 1 type 11 key, Includes hardware pack.
Palmer Fixture Co. - Automatic Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 66.63 33.88 86.74 PFO-SF2150_WH.jpg automatic bulk foam hand soap dispenser, PFO-SF2150 WH, PFOSF2150WH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10195 Palmer Fixture Company 1/2 Fold Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser, Chrome (PFO-T142 BC) 10195 PFO-T142 BC 1.00 NULL Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser
Coming with a chrome finish, this high quality toilet seat cover dispenser from Palmer is a quick and easy way to ensure a safe and sanitary bathroom environment. Specifically crafted to hold and dispense toilet seat covers effectively, this quality dispenser presents one toilet seat cover at a time. One piece construction in a brush chrome. Unit holds 1/2 fold seat cover. 16" L x 2 1/2" W x 11 9/16" H.
Palmer Fixture Co. Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser, Chrome, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 34.60 17.59 45.26 PFO-T142_BC.jpg 1/2 fold toilet seat cover dispensers, PFO-T142 BC, PFOT142BC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10196 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer ExiTowel Dispenser Starter Pack, Black, 2 Dispensers w/ Towels (PFO-T177 BK) 10196 PFO-T177 BK 8.00 NULL Palmer ExiTowel Dispenser
The Palmer ExiTowel Dispenser, with a black translucent cover and beige back, made of durable ABS plastic has a small and compact design which allows the dispenser to easily fit in almost any space. Dispenses only one sheet of paper at a time. Perfect for opening door handles and knobs, cleaning up small spills and countertop areas. Eliminate the cost of using a full sheet of paper. Dispenser measures 5 1/2"Wide X 4" Deep X 11 1/4" High. Each starter pack includes 2 dispensers and 6 sleeves of refills. Each sleeve contains 250 sheets. Includes hardware pack and 1 key Type 1.
Palmer Fixture Co. - ExiTowel Dispenser, Translucent Black, 2 Dispensers and 1,500 ExiTowels per Case. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 35.05 17.82 47.04 palmer exitowel dispensers, PFO-T177 BK, PFOT177BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10197 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer ExiTowel Starter Pack, 2 Dispensers, 1,500 Towels (PFO-T177 TS) 10197 PFO-T177 TS 8.00 NULL Palmer ExiTowel Dispensers and Towels
The Palmer ExiTowel Dispenser, with a black translucent cover and black back, is made of durable ABS plastic and features a small and compact design which allows the dispenser to easily fit in almost any space. Dispenses only one sheet of paper at a time. Perfect for opening door handles and knobs, cleaning up small spills. Eliminate the cost of using a full sheet of paper. Dispenser measures 5 1/2" wide X 4" deep X 11 1/4" high. Each starter pack includes 2 dispensers and 6 sleeves of refills. Each sleeve contains 250 sheets. Includes hardware pack and one Type 1 key.
Palmer Fixture Company ExiTowel Dispenser, Translucent Smoke and Black, 2 Dispensers, 6 Sleeves of 250 Sheet Towels, 1,500 ExiTowels per Starter Kit Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 35.05 17.82 47.37 PFO-T177_BK.jpg palmer paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, exitowel paper towel dispenser, PFO-T177 TS, PFOT177TS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10198 Palmer Fixture Company ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BK---MEN RESTROOM (PFO-W1001 BK) 10198 PFO-W1001 BK 1.00 NULL Durable plastic sign that meet ADA requirements featuring international symbols, raised copy Grade II Braille and an adhesive back for easy application. 6" W x 9" H Palmer Fixtures 12.10 8.47 15.83 PFO-W1001_BK.jpg ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BK---MEN RESTROOM PFO-W1001 BK, PFOW1001BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10199 Palmer Fixture Company ADA compliant Restroom Sign--BL---MEN RESTROOM (PFO-W1001 BL) 10199 PFO-W1001 BL 1.00 NULL Durable plastic sign that meet ADA requirements featuring international symbols, raised copy Grade II Braille and an adhesive back for easy application. 6" W x 9" H Palmer Fixtures 12.10 8.47 15.68 PFO-W1001_BL.jpg ADA compliant Restroom Sign--BL---MEN RESTROOM PFO-W1001 BL, PFOW1001BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10200 Palmer Fixture Company ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BK--MEN ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM (PFO-W1002 BK) 10200 PFO-W1002 BK 1.00 NULL Durable plastic sign that meet ADA requirements featuring international symbols, raised copy Grade II Braille and an adhesive back for easy application. 6" W x 9" H Palmer Fixtures 12.10 8.47 15.88 PFO-W1002_BK.jpg ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BK--MEN ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM PFO-W1002 BK, PFOW1002BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10201 Palmer Fixture Company ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BL--MEN ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM (PFO-W1002 BL) 10201 PFO-W1002 BL 1.00 NULL Durable plastic signs that meet ADA requirements featuring international symbols, raised copy Grade II Braille and an adhesive back for easy application. 6" W x 9" H Palmer Fixtures 12.10 8.47 15.65 PFO-W1002_BL.jpg ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BL--MEN ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM PFO-W1002 BL, PFOW1002BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10202 Palmer Fixture Company ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BK--WOMEN RESTROOM (PFO-W1003 BK) 10202 PFO-W1003 BK 1.00 NULL Durable plastic signs that meet ADA requirements featuring international symbols, raised copy Grade II Braille and an adhesive back for easy application. 6" W x 9" H Palmer Fixtures 12.10 8.47 15.68 PFO-W1003_BK.jpg ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BK--WOMEN RESTROOM PFO-W1003 BK, PFOW1003BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10203 Palmer Fixture Company ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BL--WOMEN RESTROOM (PFO-W1003 BL) 10203 PFO-W1003 BL 1.00 NULL Durable plastic signs that meet ADA requirements featuring international symbols, raised copy Grade II Braille and an adhesive back for easy application. 6" W x 9" H Palmer Fixtures 12.10 8.47 15.63 PFO-W1003_BL.jpg ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BL--WOMEN RESTROOM PFO-W1003 BL, PFOW1003BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10204 Palmer Fixture Company ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BK--WOMEN ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM (PFO-W1004 BK) 10204 PFO-W1004 BK 1.00 NULL Durable plastic signs that meet ADA requirements featuring international symbols, raised copy Grade II Braille and an adhesive back for easy application. 6" W x 9" H Palmer Fixtures 12.10 8.47 16.09 PFO-W1004_BK.jpg ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BK--WOMEN ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM PFO-W1004 BK, PFOW1004BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10205 Palmer Fixture Company ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BL--WOMEN ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM (PFO-W1004 BL) 10205 PFO-W1004 BL 1.00 NULL Durable plastic signs that meet ADA requirements featuring international symbols, raised copy Grade II Braille and an adhesive back for easy application. 6" W x 9" H Palmer Fixtures 12.10 8.47 15.82 PFO-W1004_BL.jpg ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BL--WOMEN ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM PFO-W1004 BL, PFOW1004BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10206 Palmer Fixture Company ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BK--UNISEX RESTROOM (PFO-W1005 BK) 10206 PFO-W1005 BK 1.00 NULL Durable plastic signs that meet ADA requirements featuring international symbols, raised copy Grade II Braille and an adhesive back for easy application. 6" W x 9" H Palmer Fixtures 12.10 8.47 15.64 PFO-W1005_BK.jpg ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BK--UNISEX RESTROOM PFO-W1005 BK, PFOW1005BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10207 Palmer Fixture Company ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BL--UNISEX RESTROOM (PFO-W1005 BL) 10207 PFO-W1005 BL 1.00 NULL Durable plastic signs that meet ADA requirements featuring international symbols, raised copy Grade II Braille and an adhesive back for easy application. 6" W x 9" H Palmer Fixtures 12.10 8.47 15.58 PFO-W1005_BL.jpg ADA compliant Restroom Sign-BL--UNISEX RESTROOM PFO-W1005 BL, PFOW1005BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10208 Palmer Fixture Company ADA compliant Restroom Signs-BK--UNISEX ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM (PFO-W1006 BK) 10208 PFO-W1006 BK 1.00 NULL Durable plastic signs that meet ADA requirements featuring international symbols, raised copy Grade II Braille and an adhesive back for easy application. 6" W x 9" H Palmer Fixtures 12.10 8.47 15.93 PFO-W1006_BK.jpg ADA compliant Restroom Signs-BK--UNISEX ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM PFO-W1006 BK, PFOW1006BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10209 Palmer Fixture Company Unisex Accessible Restroom - ADA compliant (PFO-W1006 BL) 10209 PFO-W1006 BL 1.00 NULL Unisex Accessible Restroom
Durable plastic signs that meet ADA requirements featuring international symbols, raised copy Grade II Braille and an adhesive back for easy application. 6" Wide x 9" High.
Palmer Fixture Co. - Unisex Accessible Restroom, White on Blue, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 16.66 8.47 21.74 PFO-W1006_BL.jpg unisex accessible restroom, PFO-W1006 BL, PFOW1006BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10210 Palmer Fixture Company Wash Hands Sign in Metal - Black on White (PFO-W8001 BK) 10210 PFO-W8001 BK 1.00 NULL Wash Hands Sign
Durable metal sign with universal statement regarding employee hand washing. " NOTICE: Employees must wash hands before returning to work". Made with wording and graphics in black. 8" Wide x 6" High.
Palmer Fixture Co. - Wash Hands Sign, Black on White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 12.15 6.18 16.34 PFO-W8001_BK.jpg wash hands sign, PFO-W8001 BK, PFOW8001BK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10211 Palmer Fixture Company Wash Hands Sign in Metal - Blue on White (PFO-W8001 BL) 10211 PFO-W8001 BL 1.00 NULL Wash Hands Sign
Durable metal sign with universal statement regarding employee hand washing. " NOTICE: Employees must wash hands before returning to work". Made with wording and graphics in blue. 8" Wide x 6" High.
Palmer Fixture Co. - Wash Hands Sign, Blue on White, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 12.15 6.18 16.20 PFO-W8001_BL.jpg wash hands sign, PFO-W8001 BL, PFOW8001BL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10212 Palmer Fixture Company 800 ml Reservoir (PFO-Z200 WH-A) 10212 PFO-Z200 WH-A 1.00 NULL Replacement reservoir designed for the SF200 SS Palmer Fixtures 7.29 5.10 9.59 PFO-Z200_WH-A.jpg 800 ml Reservoir PFO-Z200 WH-A, PFOZ200WHA, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 NULL 0 0 11 232
10213 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer 1000 ml Replacment Reservoir Manual Foam Dispenser (PFO-Z2111-A) 10213 PFO-Z2111-A 1.00 NULL Replacment Reservoir
One piece reservoir for the PFO-SF2111 Manual Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser.
Palmer Fixture Co. - 1000 ml Replacement Reservoir, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Palmer Fixtures 11.80 6.00 15.39 PFO-Z2111-A.jpg 1000 ml replacment reservoir, PFO-Z2111-A, PFOZ2111A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10214 Palmer Fixture Company Palmer 1000 ml Replacement Reservoir Auto Foam Soap Dispensers (PFO-Z2150-A) 10214 PFO-Z2150-A 1.00 NULL Replacement Reservoir
One piece replacement reservoir for the PFO-SF2150 Automatic Bulk Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser.
Palmer Fixture Co. - 1000 ml Replacment Reservoir, Each. - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Palmer Fixtures 11.80 6.00 15.93 PFO-Z2150-A.jpg 1000 ml replacement reservoir, PFO-Z2150-A, PFOZ2150A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 11 232
10250 Aztec Products 24" Propane Sidewinder Floor Stripping Machine (AZ-010-603-24) 10250 AZ-010-603-24 415.00 NULL Propane Powered Floor Stripper Machine
The Aztec Sidewinder + was designed for deep scrubbing and/or fast stripping of hard surface floors in preparation for top coat or restoring of tile, terrazzo or close fitted tile. Fast - The Sidewinder + strips 13,000 (or 26,000 scrubs) square feet per hour with a 24" path and brush speed up to 1,150 RPM. 1 1/2 times faster than the nearest competitor. Three times faster than battery powered. Aggressive - Unique dual direction scouring action plus heavy brush pressure result in high productivity, with no side torque.
- 3 Counter rotating 10" Pads @ 1150 RPM
- 340 to 380 Pounds of Head Pressure !
- Scrubs Aggressively
- 20 hp Kawasaki Engine, 80-82 db sound level
- 2-3 year limited manufacturer's warranty
- UL and CGA approved, Meets CARB and EPA emissions standards Applications
- Fast Stripping
- Deep Scrubbing Green Cleaning Meets U.S. Green Building Council LEED IEQ Credit 3.4 Requirements
Aztec Products - 24" Propane Sidewinder Floor Stripping Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust. Aztec Products 6495.00 4499.00 7271.96 AZ-010-603-24.jpg 24" propane sidewinder floor stripping machine, floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, AZ-010-603-24, AZ01060324, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10251 Aztec Products 30" Propane Sidewinder Floor Stripping Machine (AZ-010-603-30) 10251 AZ-010-603-30 471.00 NULL 30" Floor Stripping Machine
The Aztec Sidewinder + was designed for deep scrubbing and/or fast stripping of hard surface floors in preparation for top coat or restoring of tile, terrazzo or close fitted tile.Fast - The Sidewinder + strips 15,000 (or 30,000 scrubs) square feet per hour with a 30" path and brush speed up to 1,150 RPM. 1 1/2 times faster than the nearest competitor. Three times faster than battery powered.Aggressive - Unique dual direction scouring action plus heavy brush pressure result in high productivity, with no side torque.
- 3 Counter Rotating 10" Pads @ 1150 RPM
- 340 to 380 Pounds of Head Pressure !
- Scrubs Aggressively
- 20 hp Kawasaki Engine 80 -82 db sound level
- 2-3 year limited manufacturer's warranty
- UL and CGA approved, Meets CARB and EPA emissions standards applications
- Fast Stripping
- Deep Scrubbing Green Cleaning Meets U.S. Green Building Council LEED IEQ Credit 3.4 Requirements
Aztec Products 30" Propane Sidewinder Floor Stripping Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Aztec Products 7695.00 4999.00 8050.63 AZ-010-603-30.jpg Sidewinder 30", AZ-010-603-30, AZ01060330, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10252 Aztec Products 21" "The Answer" Propane Powered Burnisher Machine (AZ-011-603-21A) 10252 AZ-011-603-21A 285.00 NULL 21" Propane Powered Burnisher
21" Answer Burnisher - Ask the floor care question, here's The Answer, Aztec's newest addition to our product line of high speed propane burnishers. Available in both 21", 24" and 27", The Answer offers a completely modular design with a full cast aluminum body with a centered deck and adjustable wheels for fine tuning pad pressure at an aggressive price point. Aztec developed the Answer buffer line to be rugged, easy-to-use and economical.
- Centered body design
- 21" Pad size, 2,000 RPM Pad speed
- Powered by EPA certified 20 hp Kawasaki 603cc Propane Engine
- Exceeds all EPA and CARB requirements
- Custom made integral LPG carburetor
- Low oil shutdown
- Safety regulator fuel system
- Premium catalytic muffler 80db
- Modular easy-change components
- Heavy-duty plastic pad driver
- Hand release pad lock
- Adjustable caster wheels
- Easy to maintain and maneuver Green Cleaning Meets U.S. Green Building Council LEED IEQ Credit 3.4 Requirements
Aztec Products - 21" "The Answer" Propane Powered Burnisher Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust. Aztec Products 2531.25 2025.00 3344.42 AZ-011-603-21A.jpg 21" "the answer" propane powered buffing machine, floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, floor polishing machines, floor polishing equipment, AZ-011-603-21A, AZ01160321A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10253 Aztec Products 21" "The Answer DC"- Dust Control Propane Burnisher (AZ-011-603-21ADC) 10253 AZ-011-603-21ADC 289.00 NULL 21" Dust Control Propane Burnisher
The Aztec Answer - 21" Ask the floor care question, here's The Answer, Aztec's newest addition to our product line of high speed propane burnishers. Available in both 21" and 27", The Answer DC offers a completely modular design with a full cast aluminum body with a centered deck and adjustable wheels for fine tuning pad pressure at an aggressive price point. Aztec developed the Answer buffer line to be rugged, easy-to-use and economical. Available 4-Wire Automatic Emission Shut Down Available Centrifugal Clutch Optional Dust Control Model NEW DUST CONTROL UPGRADE.
- Centered body design
- 21" Pad size, 2,000 RPM Pad speed
- Powered by EPA certified Kawasaki 603cc Propane Engine
- Exceeds all EPA and CARB requirements
- Custom made integral LPG carburetor
- Low oil shutdown
- Safety regulator fuel system
- Premium catalytic muffler, 80 db
- Modular easy-change components
- Heavy-duty plastic pad driver
- Hand release pad lock
- Adjustable caster wheels Easy to maintain and maneuver
Aztec products - 21" "The Answer DC"- Dust Control Propane Burnisher, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust. Aztec Products 3564.29 2495.00 4298.91 AZ-011-603-21ADC.jpg floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, floor polishing machines, floor polishing equipment, AZ-011-603-21ADC, AZ01160321ADC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10254 Aztec Products 21" Reliant Propane Buffer and Burnisher (AZ-011-603-21R) 10254 AZ-011-603-21R 289.00 NULL Propane Powered Buffer and Burnisher
21" Reliant Buffer- The Reliant's no-nonsense design was built with the contractor in mind. Reliant is an unsurpassed value due to its simplicity of design and productivity. With fewer parts and longer service intervals, the machine's design minimizes field problems and expensive downtime. Dependability and ease of operation make all of Aztec's high speed floor care equipment a must for the growing Building Service Contractor or in-house professional.
- 21" Pad size 2,000 RPM Pad speed
- Rugged steel body with composite front
- Unique pad angle design
- Right side machine offset body
- 20 hp Kawasaki Engine 80 - 82 db
- 2-3 year limited manufacturer's warranty
- UL and CGA approved, Meets CARB and EPA emissions standards Green Cleaning Meets U.S. Green Building Council LEED IEQ Credit 3.4 Requirements
Aztec Products 21" Reliant Propane Buffer and Burnisher Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust. Aztec Products 2562.50 2050.00 3290.43 AZ-011-603-21R.jpg floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, floor polishing machines, floor polishing equipment, AZ-011-603-21R, AZ01160321R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10255 Aztec Products 24" "The Anwser" Propane Powered Burnisher Machine (AZ-011-603-24A) 10255 AZ-011-603-24A 300.00 NULL 24" Propane Powered Burnisher
24" Answer Buffer- Ask the floor care question, here's The Answer, Aztec's newest addition to our product line of high speed propane burnishers. Available in 21", 24" and 27", The Answer offers a completely modular design with a full cast aluminum body with a centered deck and adjustable wheels for fine tuning pad pressure at an aggressive price point. Aztec developed the Answer buffer line to be rugged, easy-to-use and economical.
- Centered body design
- 24" Pad size 2,000 RPM Pad size
- Powered by EPA certified Kawasaki 603cc Propane Engine
- Exceeds all EPA and CARB requirements
- Custom made integral LPG carburetor
- Low oil shutdown
- Safety regulator fuel system
- Premium catalytic muffler 80 db
- Modular easy-change components
- Heavy-duty plastic pad driver
- Hand release pad lock
- Adjustable caster wheels
- Easy to maintain and maneuver Green Cleaning Meets U.S. Green Building Council LEED IEQ Credit 3.4 Requirements
Aztec Products - 24" "The Anwser" Propane Powered Burnisher Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust. Aztec Products 2606.25 2085.00 3424.55 AZ-011-603-24A.jpg floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, floor polishing machines, floor polishing equipment, AZ-011-603-24A, AZ01160324A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 0 0 1 30 267
10256 Aztec Products 24" Reliant Propane Buffer & Burnisher (AZ-011-603-24R) 10256 AZ-011-603-24R 298.00 NULL 24" Reliant Buffer
The Reliant's no-nonsense design was built with the contractor in mind. Reliant is an unsurpassed value due to its simplicity of design and productivity. With fewer parts and longer service intervals, the machine's design minimizes field problems and expensive downtime. Dependability and ease of operation make all of Aztec's high speed floor care equipment a must for the growing Building Service Contractor or in-house professional.
- 24" Pad size 1,800 RPM Pad speed
- Rugged steel body with composite front
- Unique pad angle design
- Right side machine offset body
- 20 hp Kawasaki Engine 80 -82 db
- 2-3 year limited manufacturer's warranty
- UL and CGA approved, Meets CARB and EPA emissions standards
- Green Cleaning Meets U.S. Green Building Council LEED IEQ Credit 3.4 Requirements
Aztec Products 24" Reliant Propane Buffer and Burnisher Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust. Aztec Products 2606.25 2095.00 3458.42 AZ-011-603-24R.jpg floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, floor polishing machines, floor polishing equipment, AZ-011-603-24R, AZ01160324R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10257 Aztec Products 27" "The Anwser" Propane Powered Burnisher Machine (AZ-011-603-27A) 10257 AZ-011-603-27A 309.00 NULL 27" Propane Burnisher
27" Answer Buffer- Ask the floor care question, here's The Answer, Aztec's newest addition to our product line of high speed propane burnishers. Available in both 21", 24" and 27", The Answer offers a completely modular design with a full cast aluminum body with a centered deck and adjustable wheels for fine tuning pad pressure at an aggressive price point. Aztec developed the Answer buffer line to be rugged, easy-to-use and economical.
- Centered body design
- 27" Pad size 1,700 RPM Pad speed
- Powered by EPA certified Kawasaki 603cc Propane Engine
- Exceeds all EPA and CARB requirements
- Custom made integral LPG carburetor
- Low oil shutdown
- Safety regulator fuel system
- Premium catalytic muffler 80 db
- Modular easy-change components
- Heavy-duty plastic pad driver
- Hand release pad lock
- Adjustable caster wheels
- Easy to maintain and maneuver Green Cleaning Meets U.S. Green Building Council LEED IEQ Credit 3.4 Requirements
Aztec Products - 27" "The Anwser" Propane Powered Burnisher Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust. Aztec Products 2681.25 2145.00 3471.74 AZ-011-603-27A.jpg floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, floor polishing machines, floor polishing equipment, AZ-011-603-27A, AZ01160327A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10258 Aztec Products 27" "The Answer DC"- Dust Control Propane Burnisher (AZ-011-603-27ADC) 10258 AZ-011-603-27ADC 309.00 NULL 27" Dust Control Propane Burnisher
The Aztec Answer - 27" Ask the floor care question, here's The Answer, Aztec's newest addition to our product line of high speed propane burnishers. Available in both 21" and 27", The Answer DC offers a completely modular design with a full cast aluminum body with a centered deck and adjustable wheels for fine tuning pad pressure at an aggressive price point. Aztec developed the Answer buffer line to be rugged, easy-to-use and economical. Available 4-Wire Automatic Emission Shut Down Available Centrifugal Clutch Optional Dust Control Model NEW DUST CONTROL UPGRADE.
- Centered body design
- 27" Pad size 1,700 RPM Pad speed
- Powered by EPA certified Kawasaki 603cc Propane Engine
- Exceeds all EPA and CARB requirements
- Custom made integral LPG carburetor
- Low oil shutdown
- Safety regulator fuel system
- Premium catalytic muffler 80 db
- Modular easy-change components
- Heavy-duty plastic pad driver
- Hand release pad lock
- Adjustable caster wheels Easy to maintain and maneuver
Aztec Products - 27" "The Answer DC"- Dust Control Propane Burnisher, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust. Aztec Products 3306.25 2645.00 4240.01 AZ-011-603-27ADC.jpg floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, floor polishing machines, floor polishing equipment, AZ-011-603-27ADC, AZ01160327ADC, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10259 Aztec Products 27" Reliant Propane Buffer and Burnisher (AZ-011-603-27R) 10259 AZ-011-603-27R 298.00 NULL 27" Floor Buffer
The Reliant's no-nonsense design was built with the contractor in mind. Reliant is an unsurpassed value due to its simplicity of design and productivity. With fewer parts and longer service intervals, the machine's design minimizes field problems and expensive downtime. Dependability and ease of operation make all of Aztec's high speed floor care equipment a must for the growing Building Service Contractor or in-house professional.
- 27" Pad size 1,700 RPM Pad speed
- Rugged steel body with composite front
- Unique pad angle design
- Right side machine offset body
- 20 hp Kawasaki Engine 80 -82 db
- 2-3 year limited manufacturer's warranty
- UL and CGA approved, Meets CARB and EPA emissions standards Green Cleaning Meets U.S. Green Building Council LEED IEQ Credit 3.4 Requirements
Aztec Products 27" Reliant Propane Buffer and Burnisher Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Aztec Products 2681.25 2145.00 3456.69 AZ-011-603-27R.jpg floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, floor polishing machines, floor polishing equipment, AZ-011-603-27R, AZ01160327R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10260 Aztec Products Liquidator, Solution Applicator (AZ-012-52) 10260 AZ-012-52 141.00 NULL Solution Applicator
Liquidator Now you can apply up to 50,000 square feet of solution in less than one hour. The Liquidator has a 36 gallon solution capacity, along with an adjustable applicator brush to accommodate obstacles and narrow aisles.foaming. You'll quickly realize the benefit of using the Liquidator as part of your floor maintenance solution. The Liquidator is just one of the components you'll find as part of the Aztec total "Stripping System".
- Applies over 50,000 Sq. feet of solution in less than one hour. Adaptable
- Adjustable applicator brush adjusts from 26" up to 56" Dependable
- No motor, No batteries or electric cords to worry about Portable
- Small compact size with a dry weight of 90 lbs. makes it easy to maneuver
Aztec Products - Liquidator Solution Applicator, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust. Aztec Products 1549.00 999.00 2495.00 AZ-012-52.jpg liquidator, floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, AZ-012-52, AZ01252, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10261 Aztec Products Guzzler, Solution Retriever (AZ-015-62) 10261 AZ-015-62 141.00 NULL Manual Solution Retriever
Now you can retrieve that spent solution at a rate faster than an automatic. In fact, the Guzzler retrieves solution at a rate up to 25,000 Square feet per hour. With a 36 gallon solution retrieval capacity, and a 30" squeegee path that doesn't create additional foaming. You can quickly realize the benefit of using the Guzzler as part of your floor maintenance solution. The Guzzler is just one of the components you'll find as part of the Aztec total "Stripping System".
- 30" squeegee path retrieves solution at a rate of up to 30,000 sq. ft. per hour. Profitable
- Up to 50% faster than other conventional recovery methods Dependable
- No motor, no batteries or electric cords to worry about. Portable
- Small compact size with a dry weight of 65 lbs. makes it easy to maneuver
AztecProducts - Guzzler, Manual Solution Retriever, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust. Aztec Products 1649.00 1099.00 2595.00 AZ-015-62.jpg Guzzler, floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, floor polishing machines, floor polishing equipment, AZ-015-62, AZ01562, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10262 Aztec Products Hot Spotter, Carpet Spot Cleaner (AZ-026-1) 10262 AZ-026-1 30.00 NULL Carpet Spot Cleaner
Heats to 200 Degrees in Minutes. Most soil not picked up by a vacuum cleaner is bonded to the carpet by some type of oil or grease. When subjected to high temperature cleaning solution these oily soils are more easily removed. Weighs only 15 pounds. Ready to use when dwell time on pre-spray is completed. 1.5 Gallon solution tank capacity. 2.5 Gallon recovery tank capacity. Piston pump delivers 60 psi. 1400 Watt heating element. Lights indicate when heating and when temp. is reached. Power requirement less than 15 AMPs. 15 ft power cord. 10-ft flexible vacuum hose. 10-ft spray hose. Weight of Spotter without solution is 15 lbs. Maneuvers easily on casters. Easily accessible to fill, empty and clean. Dimensions of Spotter: 17" high, 18" long, 13" wide. Spotter furnished with transparent 3" upholstery detail tool. 3 year limited warranty.
- All S/S long reach auto detail tool
- 10 ft. vacuum and spray hoses reach all areas of the biggest SUVs
- 15-ft 12 gauge cord
- 2.5 gallon recovery & 1.5 gallon solution tanks
- Swivel casters for easy movement
- Light weight and portable
Aztec Products - Hot Spotter Carpet Spot Cleaner, Each
Vacuum Cleaners » Deep Cleaning Vacuum » - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust.
Aztec Products 700.00 525.00 830.63 AZ-026-1.jpg hot spotter, floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, AZ-026-1, AZ0261, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 30 267
10263 Aztec Products Hot Rod, Carpet Spot Cleaner (AZ-026-2) 10263 AZ-026-2 38.00 NULL Carpet Spot Cleaner
Heats to 200 Degrees in Minutes, most soil not picked up by a vacuum cleaner is bonded to the carpet by some type of oil or grease. When subjected to high temperature cleaning solution these oily soils are more easily removed. Weighs only 18 pounds. Ready to use when dwell time on pre-spray is completed. 1.5 Gallon solution tank capacity. 2.5 Gallon recovery tank capacity. Piston pump delivers 60 psi. 1600 Watt heating element. Lights indicate when heating and when temp. is reached. Power requirement less than 15 AMPs. 50 ft power cord. 16-ft, flexible vacuum hose, 16-ft spray hose. Weight of Spotter without solution is 18lbs. Maneuvers easily on 2" casters. Easily accessible to fill, empty and clean. Dimensions of Spotter: 17" high, 18" long, 13" wide. Spotter furnished with transparent 3" upholstery detail tool. 3 year limited warranty.
- All S/S long reach auto detail tool
- 16 ft. vacuum and spray hoses reach all areas of the biggest SUVs
- 50ft 12 gauge cord
- 2.5 gallon recovery & 1.5 gallon solution tanks
- 2" swivel casters for easy movement
- Light weight and portable
Aztec Products - Hot Rod, Carpet Spot Cleaner, Each
Vacuum Cleaners » Deep Cleaning Vacuum » - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust. Aztec Products 733.33 550.00 848.60 AZ-026-2.jpg hot rod, floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, AZ-026-2, AZ0262, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 30 267
10264 Aztec Products Proscrub 20, Automatic Floor Scrubber (AZ-030-20) 10264 AZ-030-20 398.00 NULL Automatic Floor Scrubber
Rugged, Economical, Dependable Automatic Floor Scrubbing 20" Cleans 16,000 Square Feet per Hour! Wet scrub and dry vacuum in one pass. The brush-driven ProScrub is inexpensive to purchase and maintain. Fast and efficient, it's very user friendly. 24 volt system delivers approximately 3 hours run time when fully charged. Cleaning professionals love the ProScrub because it is, "Exceptionally simple to operate and maintain."
- 12 Gallon Solution Tank
- 15 Gallon Recovery Tank
- 3/4 hp Brush Motor / 220 RPM
- 1/2 hp 24 volt Vacuum Motor
- 65 lb Scrubbing Pressure
- Pad holder with green scrubbing pad
- Squeegee width 30"
- Power Source included 2-130 AH 12v Deep Cycle Lead/Acid Batteries & Charger
Aztec Products - Proscrub 20 Automatic Floor Scrubbing Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust. Aztec Products 2681.25 2145.00 3501.40 AZ-030-20.jpg Proscrub 20 Automatic Floor Scrubber, AZ-030-20, AZ03020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10265 Aztec Products Proscrub 20 B, Automatic Floor Scrubber (AZ-030-20B) 10265 AZ-030-20B 262.00 NULL Automatic Floor Scrubber
Rugged, Economical, Dependable Automatic Floor Scrubbing 20" Cleans 16,000 Square Feet per Hour! Wet scrub and dry vacuum in one pass. The brush-driven ProScrub is inexpensive to purchase and maintain. Fast and efficient, it's very user friendly. 24 volt system delivers approximately 3 hours run time when fully charged. Cleaning professionals love the ProScrub because it is, "Exceptionally simple to operate and maintain."
- 12 Gallon Solution Tank
- 15 Gallon Recovery Tank
- 3/4 hp Brush Motor / 220 RPM
- 1/2 hp 24 volt Vacuum Motor
- 65 lb Scrubbing Pressure
- Pad holder with green scrubbing pad
- Squeegee width 30"
- Batteries and Charger (not included) sold separately
Aztec Products - Proscrub 20 B Automatic Floor Scrubbing Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust.
Aztec Products 2306.25 1845.00 3043.98 AZ-030-20B.jpg proscrub 20 b automatic floor scrubber, AZ-030-20B, AZ03020B, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10266 Aztec Products Proscrub 20 G, Automatic Floor Scrubber (AZ-030-20G) 10266 AZ-030-20G 398.00 NULL Automatic Floor Scrubber
Rugged, Economical, Dependable Automatic Floor Scrubbing 20" Cleans 16,000 Square Feet per Hour! Wet scrub and dry vacuum in one pass. The brush-driven ProScrub is inexpensive to purchase and maintain. Fast and efficient, it's very user friendly. 24 volt system delivers approximately 3 hours run time when fully charged. Cleaning professionals love the ProScrub because it is, "Exceptionally simple to operate and maintain."
- 12 Gallon Solution Tank
- 15 Gallon Recovery Tank
- 3/4 hp Brush Motor / 220 RPM
- 1/2 hp 24 volt Vacuum Motor
- 65 lb Scrubbing Pressure
- Pad holder with green scrubbing pad
- Squeegee width 30"
- Gel-Battery Package included
Aztec Products - Proscrub 20 G Automatic Floor Scrubbing Machine, Each - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust.
Aztec Products 3635.71 2545.00 4053.46 AZ-030-20G.jpg proscrub 20 g automatic floor scrubber, floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, AZ-030-20G, AZ03020G, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 30 267
10267 Aztec Products Grand Finale Floor Finish Applicator (AZ-050-36) 10267 AZ-050-36 65.00 NULL Floor Finish Application Machine
A finish applicator designed to compliment the Sidewinder + Stripping System. The Grand Finale provides an easy, high speed way to lay down a smooth, uniform coat of fresh finish. You'll quickly recognize huge labor savings in the elimination of baseboard splash and product waste associated with finish puddling.
- 35,000 Sq. ft/hr of coverage
- Consistent Application of Finish
- 36" Wide Area Pad Holder
- Controlled Flow Rate
- Microfiber Applicator Pad
Aztec Products Grand Finale Floor Finish Applicator Machine, Sold as Each
Mops & Equipment » Finish Applicators - The wholesale janitorial equipment company buyers trust.
Aztec Products 2368.75 1695.00 3128.60 AZ-050-36.jpg Grand Finale, floor cleaning machines, cleaning floor machines, janitorial equipment, janitorial cleaning equipment, floor polishing machines, floor polishing equipment, AZ-050-36, AZ05036, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 30 267
10302 Atrix International Atrix HEPA Backpack Vacuum Cleaner (ATRX-VACBP1) 10302 ATRX-VACBP1 18.95 NULL Backpack Vacuum Cleaner
The lightweight and powerful, 1400 Watt, Atrix Backpack HEPA Vacuum/Blower with 8 Quart dry particulate filter is ideal for any situation that involves a lot of cleaning, stairs, draperies, blinds, etc. Ergonomic and comfortable fit for all sizes. Each unit comes standard with extension wand, hard wood floor and carpet turbo brush, crevice tool, oval and furniture brush and also 3 separate blowing attachments. Weighs only 10 pounds.
- Quickly Converts from Vacuum to Blower
- Adapts to Left or Right Hand Operation
- 4 Stage High Efficiency Filtration
- Air Powered Turbo Floor Brush
- Comfortable Ergonomic Fit
- Telescopic Metal Wand
- Powerful and Quiet
- Light Weight
Atrix - HEPA Backpack Vacuum Cleaner, 4 Stage HEPA Filtration, Sold as Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 188.57 132.00 226.91 VACBP1.jpg backpack vacuum cleaners, ATRX-VACBP1, ATRXVACBP1, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10303 Atrix International Atrix Backpack Vacuum Hepa Filter Bags, 10 Bags (ATRX-VACBP6-10P) 10303 ATRX-VACBP6-10P 1.00 NULL Hepa Filter Bags
This specialized HEPA filter bag is designed by trap even the smallest particulars of dust and debris. Each pack comes with 10 - 8 quart HEPA filters.
Atrix - Backpack Vacuum Hepa Filter Bags, 10 Bags per Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 27.35 17.95 36.01 VACBP6-10P.jpg ackpack vacuum filters bags, ATRX-VACBP6-10P, ATRXVACBP610P, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10304 Atrix International Cyclonic Turbo HEPA Canister Vacuum (ATRX-CYC-3) 10304 ATRX-CYC-3 19.50 NULL HEPA Canister Vacuum Cleaner
The Atrix Cyclonic Turbo HEPA Vacuum is the most cost effective solution for power and fine filtration. The Advanced Triple Cyclonic Action ensures powerful suction from start to finish. The vacuum features a 1.6 Gallon dry particulate capacity bag less container there are no expensive bags to replacement. One button easy empty makes disposal of debris quick, clean and easy. Includes: Hose, Adjustable Extension Wand, 22' retractable power cord, hard wood floor tool, carpet turbo brush, crevice tool, furniture tool.
- 6 Stage High Efficiency Filtration
- Advanced Triple Cyclonic Action - Powerful, 1400 Watt, 12 Amp
- Telescopic Metal Wand
- HEPA Exhaust Filter
- Bag less
Atrix - Cyclonic Turbo HEPA Filter Bagless Canister Vacuum Cleaner, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 169.85 112.00 221.94 cyclonic turbo hepa vacuum cleaner, ATRX-CYC-3, ATRXCYC3, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10305 Atrix International Static Safe Express Office Vacuum Cleaner (ATRX-VACEXP-02) 10305 ATRX-VACEXP-02 6.65 NULL Canister Vacuum Cleaner
PORTABLE - Weighing just 4 pounds, the Atrix Express Plus is one of the lightest portable vacuums available. CONVENIENT - The Express Vacuum is easy to operate. The replacement cartridge filters install with a snap and without mess. And, an inexpensive two-stage bag/shell filter option is available. POWERFUL - Atrix has built in a new, powerful motor making the Express Plus as powerful as most of the larger service vacuums. SAFE - The Express Vacuum comes with an ESD ( Static ) safe hose, ESD safe round dust brush, ESD safe gooseneck, ESD safe crevice tool and power cord. The complete system is grounded from the tip of the hose through the end of the power cord. FILTRATION - Standard filter with a 0.3 micron retention - ideal for soot, dust, laser printer toner, and other fine particulate.
Atrix - Static Safe Express Office Vacuum Cleaner, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 134.29 94.00 177.94 VACEXP-02.jpg safe express office vacuum, ATRX-VACEXP-02, ATRXVACEXP02, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10306 Atrix International Express Office Vacuum Filters, 10 Filters (ATRX-720200) 10306 ATRX-720200 1.50 NULL Vacuum Filter
10 Standard 0.3 micron filters with 1 hard plastic shell.
Atrix - Filters for Express Office Canister Vacuum, 10 Filters per Pack & 1 Plastic Shell per Pack, Sold by the Pack - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 34.79 24.35 44.76 720200.jpg Express Office Vacuum Filters 10 Pack, ATRX-720200, ATRX720200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10307 Atrix International HEPA Filter for Green Supreme Canister Vacuum (ATRX-OF612HE) 10307 ATRX-OF612HE 1.50 NULL HEPA Cartridge Filter
True HEPA Filter: 99.97% Efficient at 0.3 microns
Atrix - HEPA Filter for Green Supreme Canister Vacuum, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 32.86 23.00 43.79 OF612HE.jpg green supreme canister vacuum hepa filter, ATRX-OF612HE, ATRXOF612HE, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10308 Atrix International Green Supreme HEPA Canister Vacuum (ATRX-VACGRNS) 10308 ATRX-VACGRNS 12.45 NULL Canister Vacuum
The Green Supreme 1 Gallon HEPA dry particulate vacuum is ideal for the RRP Contractor. With its self-contained HEPA filter, hose plugs and filter plugs, the VACGRNS makes filter changes, transporting and storing safe! HEPA Efficiency: 99.97% @ 0.3 micron.
- True HEPA Filter or Standard Filter available
- Compact and Portable Accessories store in the cover
- 6 ft. Stretch Hose 16-in Flexible Wand
- Powerful and Quietest Motor
- Shoulder Strap
Atrix - Green Supreme HEPA Canister Vacuum, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 304.64 213.25 401.14 VACGRNS.jpg green supreme hepa canister vacuum, ATRX-VACGRNS, ATRXVACGRNS, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10309 Atrix International Standard Filter for Green Supreme Vacuum Cleaner (ATRX-31700C) 10309 ATRX-31700C 1.50 NULL Standard Cartridge Filter
Cartridge filter will capture printer toner, dust and dirt.
Atrix - Standard Filter for Green Supreme Vacuum Cleaner, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 13.50 9.45 17.88 31700C.jpg green supreme standard filter, ATRX-31700C, ATRX31700C, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10310 Atrix International Mighty Mouth HEPA Filters, 5 Packs (ATRX-MMHEPA-5P) 10310 ATRX-MMHEPA-5P 1.50 NULL Mighty Mouth HEPA Bags & Filters
Package includes 5 HEPA filter bags, 1 filtrete filter, and 1 foam filter. For Atrix Mighty Mouth Upright Vacuum Cleaner ATRX-VACMM.
Atrix - Mighty Mouth HEPA Filters, 5 Packages - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 29.71 20.80 38.79 MMHEPA-5P.jpg mighty mouth hepa filters, ATRX-MMHEPA-5P, ATRXMMHEPA5P, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10311 Atrix International Mighty Mouth HEPA Upright Vacuum Cleaner (ATRX-VACMM) 10311 ATRX-VACMM 29.00 NULL HEPA Upright Vacuum Cleaner
The Mighty Mouth HEPA Upright Vacuum Sweeper is perfectly designed to not only pick up small particles, but it is specially designed to pick up large items as well, such as pens, pencils, paperclips, etc. to clean a large area quickly, and to prevent the operator wasting time hand picking the large items. Large and small items are swept directly into the HEPA bag - no hoses to clog or jam.
- HEPA Bag Filter
- 14" Width Cleaning Area
- Large Debris Pickup - No Clog
- Dual Motor Upright
- Telescopic Handle
- 12 Month Limited Warranty
- Lifetime Belt Guarantee
Atrix - Mighty Mouth HEPA Upright Vacuum Cleaner, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 523.25 349.00 688.69 VACMM.jpg mighty mouth hepa upright vacuum cleaner, ATRX-VACMM, ATRXVACMM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10329 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Trash Can, Stadium Series, Green with Dome Top Lid (WITT-SC5501DTGN) 10329 WITT-SC55-01-DTGN 91.00 SC55-01-DTGN Outdoor Trash Can with Dome Top Lid
Stadium Series, 55 gallon perforated steel receptacle with a dome lid. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use.
Dimensions: 23.5" Diameter x 49" High
Material: Steel
Color: Green
Mfr Item: SC55-01-DTGN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Dome Top Lid, Green, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 559.35 431.78 730.82 witt 55 gallon trash receptacle, stadium series outdoor trash can, WITT-SC5501DTGN, WITT-SC55-01-DTGN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
10330 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Trash Can, Stadium Series, Red with Dome Top Lid (WITT-SC5501DTRD) 10330 WITT-SC55-01-DTRD 91.00 SC55-01-DTRD Outdoor Trash Can with Dome Top Lid
Stadium Series, 55 gallon perforated steel receptacle with a dome lid. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use.
Dimensions: 23.5" Diameter x 49" High
Material: Steel
Color: Red
Mfr Item: SC55-01-DTRD
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Dome Top Lid, Red, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 559.35 431.78 741.38 witt 55 gallon trash receptacle, stadium series outdoor trash can, WITT-SC5501DTRD, WITT-SC55-01-DTRD, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
10331 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Trash Can, Stadium Series, Black with Hooded Top Lid (WITT-SC5501HTBK) 10331 WITT-SC5501HTBK 89.00 SC55-01-HTBK Outdoor Trash Can with Hooded Top Lid
Stadium Series, 55 gallon perforated steel receptacle with a dome lid. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use.
Dimensions: 23.5" Diameter x 49" High
Material: Steel
Color: Black
Mfr Item: SC55-01-HTBK
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Hooded Top Lid, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 513.82 396.63 680.96 witt 55 gallon trash receptacle, stadium series outdoor trash can, WITT-SC5501HTBK, WITT-SC55-01-HTBK, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
10332 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Trash Can, Stadium Series, Green with Hooded Top Lid (WITT-SC5501HTGN) 10332 WITT-SC55-01-HTGN 89.00 SC55-01-HTGN Outdoor Trash Can with Hooded Top Lid
Stadium Series, 55 gallon perforated steel receptacle with a dome lid. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use.
Dimensions: 23.5" Diameter x 49" High
Material: Steel
Color: Green
Mfr Item: SC55-01-HDGN
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Hooded Top Lid, Green, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 513.82 396.63 677.41 witt 55 gallon trash receptacle, stadium series, WITT-SC5501HTGN, WITT-SC55-01-HTGN, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
10333 Witt Industries 55 Gallon Trash Can, Stadium Series, Red with Hooded Top Lid (WITT-SC5501HTRD) 10333 WITT-SC55-01-HTRD 89.00 SC55-01-HTRD Outdoor Trash Can with Hooded Top Lid
Stadium Series, 55 gallon perforated steel receptacle with a dome lid. Comes standard with a rigid plastic liner, leveling feet and lid attachment kit. Durable TGIC powder-coated paint finish for indoor or outdoor use.
Dimensions: 23.5" Diameter x 49" High
Material: Steel
Color: Red
Mfr Item: SC55-01-HDRD
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Witt Industries - 55 Gallon Perforated Garbage Can with Hooded Top Lid, Red, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 513.82 396.63 670.59 witt 55 gallon trash receptacle, stadium series, WITT-SC5501HTRD, WITT-SC55-01-HTRD, trash receptacle,garbage can,trash can,garbage cans,trash cans,recycling containers,recycling bins,waste bins,rubbish bins,waste containers,waste receptacles,outdoor trash cans 0 1 0 0 20 241
10334 Libman Libman Premium Plunger & Caddy Set, 4 Sets (LIB-00598) 10334 LIB-00598 6.00 00598 Toilet Plunger & Caddy Sets
The one-of-a-kind caddy hides the plunger, allowing for storage next to the toilet. It is designed for complete and hygienic drying. The flange - the bottom rubber piece on the plunger - extends for a better seal when unclogging drains and can be folded back when not needed. Its strong rubber can handle the toughest jobs and the powerful steel handle won’t break or rust. The oversized grip allows for easy handling.
Libman Premium Toilet Plunger & Caddy Set, 4 Sets per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Libman 60.81 26.28 80.00 toilet bowl plungers, LIB-00598, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
10335 Libman Libman Premium Angled Toilet Bowl Brush & Caddy, 4 Sets (LIB-01022) 10335 LIB-01022 5.00 01022 Angled Toilet Bowl Brush & Caddy
Designer bowl brush with angled 14.25" long contoured grip handle. 100 tufts of 3-3/8" long, firm polymer fibers. 360 degree fiber placement. Caddy cup fully encloses the brush for a neat and clean environment.
Libman - Premium Angled Toilet Bowl Brush & Caddy, 4 Sets per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Libman 52.11 22.52 71.38 premium angled toilet bowl brush & caddy, LIB-01022, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 8 230
10341 Lagasse Dixie Ultra Pathways Heavyweight 20-oz. Paper Bowls, 500 Bowls (DIXSX20PATH) 10341 DIX SX20PATH 21.50 SX20PATH Disposable 20-oz. Paper Bowls
Moisture resistance, grease resistance, dry and wet rigidity make Dixie Ultra Plates engineered with multi-layer design one of the the strongest paper plates on the market. The remarkable inner strength increases the rim strength by 40% over our former plate. The Dixie Ultra plate is shaped to have a better hold on food and stand up to the weight of almost all food types.
Features & Benefits:
Heavy weight and extra strong perfect for main dishes or larger portions
Tough grease resistant coating won't soak through and resists knife cuts
Compact, low stacking shape saves up to 60% storage space versus pulp molded and 90% versus foam plates
Outstanding for food presentation, merchandising & take-out
Microwavable - Go from the microwave to table with ease
Dixie Pathways Dinnerware Bowls, 20-oz. Bowls, 125 Bowls Per Pack, 4 Packs per Case, 500 Bowls per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 73.54 47.80 104.60 DIXSX12PATH.jpg disposable bowls, plastic bowls, disposable dinner bowls, dixie bowls, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, DIX SX12PATH, DIX SX12PATH, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
10342 Atrix International Green Supreme Backpack Harness (ATRX-VACPACK) 10342 ATRX-VACPACK 1.00 VACPACK Backpack Harness
Attaches to Atrix Omega Green Supreme Canister Vacuum Cleaner. Easily mounts to vacuum for portability. Vacuum sold separately.
Atriix International - Green Supreme Backpack Harness, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 82.20 62.95 109.10 green supreme backpack harness, ATRX-VACPACK, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10343 Atrix International Atrix Express Plus Series HEPA Canister Vacuum Cleaner (ATRX-VACEXP-04) 10343 ATRX-VACEXP-04 7.00 VACEXP-04 HEPA Canister Vacuum Cleaner
The Express plus Vacuum by Atrix is perfect to have on hand for occasional removal of fine particulate. It comes with a quart sized HEPA cartridge filter. In addition it is an ESD safe grounded vacuum. Weighing in at only 4-1/2-pounds the Express plus features a powerful 600 watt flow through motor that rivals the power of much larger service vacuum cleaners. It comes complete with all accessories shown. Ideal to use in your office or home for the removal of soot, pollen, allergens, toner, and other fine particulate. Light compact and portable, Convenient easy to operate and easy filter change. ESD safe with a line filter that reduces EMI/RFI interference. Made in the USA.
Atrix International - Express PLUS Series HEPA Office Vacuum, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Atrix International 158.00 126.25 209.48 atrix express plus series hepa office vacuum, ATRX-VACEXP-04, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10344 Atrix International Atrix HEPA Replacement Filters for Express Plus Canister Vacuum (ATRX-730333) 10344 ATRX-730333 1.00 730333 HEPA Filters for Express Plus Vacuum
The Atrix 730333 two pack of HEPA replacement filters is for the Express series office vacuum. The HEPA filter is 99.97% efficient at 0.3 microns - captures hazardous particles, very fine dust, color toner, allergens, mold spores and ultra-fine particulate.
Atrix International - HEPA Replacement Filters for Express Plus Vacuum, 2 Filters per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Atrix International 34.25 29.25 45.52 hepa replacement filters for express plus canister vacuums, ATRX-730333, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10345 Atrix International Atrix Standard Replacement Filters for Express Plus Vacuum (ATRX-710333) 10345 ATRX-710333 1.00 710333 Standard Filters for Express Plus Vacuum
The Atrix 710333 two pack of standard replacement filters is for the Express series office vacuum. The standard 0.3
micron filter captures soot, pollen, allergens, mold, black toner and most color toner.
Atrix International - Standard Replacement Filters for Express Plus Canister Vacuum, 2 Filters per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 21.75 18.35 28.07 standard replacement filters for express plus vacuums, ATRX-710333, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
10346 Lagasse FIRST AID KIT 70PCS F/10 PEOPLE (ACE25001) 10346 ACE 25001 1.60 ACM25001 FIRST AID KIT 70PCS F/10 PEOPLE Acme United Corporation / Westcott 30.54 22.30 40.25 123765.JPG FIRST AID KIT 70PCS F/10 PEOPLE ACE25001, ACE25001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 2
10347 Lagasse FIRST AID KIT 613PCS FOR OVER 50 PEOPLE MTL CS (ACE50000) 10347 ACE 50000 16.00 ACM50000 FIRST AID KIT 613PCS FOR OVER 50 PEOPLE MTL CS Acme United Corporation / Westcott 337.30 234.90 443.04 123752.JPG FIRST AID KIT 613PCS FOR OVER 50 PEOPLE MTL CS ACE50000, ACE50000, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 2
10348 Lagasse FIRST AID KIT 119 PCS F/15 PEOPLE (ACE60002) 10348 ACE 60002 1.80 ACM60002 FIRST AID KIT 119 PCS F/15 PEOPLE Acme United Corporation / Westcott 46.00 33.40 62.82 138349.JPG FIRST AID KIT 119 PCS F/15 PEOPLE ACE60002, ACE60002, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 2
10349 Lagasse Aleve Pain Reliever Tablets, 50 Tablets (ACE90010) 10349 ACE 90010 0.22 PFYBXAL50 Aleve Pain Reliever Tablets
Temporarily relieves minor aches and pains due to minor pain of arthritis, muscular aches, backache, menstrual cramps, headache, toothache and common cold. Also temporarily reduces fever. Packaged for individual use to replenish first aid stations and kits. Includes 50 individually wrapped tablets.
Acme United - Aleve (Naproxen) Pain Reliever Tablets, Individually Wrapped, 50 Tablets per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Acme United Corporation / Westcott 28.44 21.40 37.90 ACE90010.jpg Aleve Pain Reliever Tablets, ACE 90010, ACE90010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 2
10350 Lagasse (H)FE09-9LB CLEACHNGUARD (AHP429021-FE09) 10350 AHP 429021-FE09 23.55 850-429021-FE09 (H)FE09-9LB CLEACHNGUARD AHP 484.43 344.85 635.42 AHP429021FE09.jpg HFE09-9LB CLEACHNGUARD AHP429021-FE09, AHP429021FE09, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 279
10355 Lagasse HyFlex« Foam GrayÖ Gloves (ANS11-801L) 10355 ANS 11-801L 13.00 11-801L Offering the same outstanding light oil grip as HyFlex Foam 11-800; Provides exceptional comfort using Ansell's patented Knitted Variable Stitch Design; Coating reduces hand fatigue and promotes maximum dexterity, while its gray colored knit liner stays clean longer, making these gloves more industrial friendly Ansell 104.51 62.00 139.60 150718.JPG HyFlex« Foam GrayÖ Gloves ANS11-801L, ANS11801L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10356 Lagasse HyFlex CR Gloves (ANS11500-10) 10356 ANS 11500-10 1.84 11500-10 Cut-resistant stretch Kevlar« liner; Excellent choice when working with sharp-edged materials and tools; Lining provides a comfortable fit with excellent protection from nuisance nicks and abrasion and the extended cuff offers extra cut protection around the wrist; Coating channels away oil from the surface of the gloves, providing a sure grip in light oil applications and features a soil-hiding black palm coating Ansell 160.13 114.00 214.69 ANS1150010.jpg HyFlex« CR Gloves ANS11500-10, ANS1150010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 6
10357 Lagasse HyFlex« CR Gloves (ANS11500-8) 10357 ANS 11500-8 1.30 11500-8 Cut-resistant stretch Kevlar« liner; Excellent choice when working with sharp-edged materials and tools; Lining provides a comfortable fit with excellent protection from nuisance nicks and abrasion and the extended cuff offers extra cut protection around the wrist; Coating channels away oil from the surface of the gloves, providing a sure grip in light oil applications and features a soil-hiding black palm coating Ansell 160.13 114.00 218.84 ANS115008.jpg HyFlex« CR Gloves ANS11500-8, ANS115008, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10358 Lagasse HyFlex« CR Gloves (ANS11500-9) 10358 ANS 11500-9 1.49 11500-9 Cut-resistant stretch Kevlar« liner; Excellent choice when working with sharp-edged materials and tools; Lining provides a comfortable fit with excellent protection from nuisance nicks and abrasion and the extended cuff offers extra cut protection around the wrist; Coating channels away oil from the surface of the gloves, providing a sure grip in light oil applications and features a soil-hiding black palm coating Ansell 160.13 114.00 216.49 150709.JPG HyFlex« CR Gloves ANS11500-9, ANS115009, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10359 Lagasse HyFlex« CR+ Gloves (ANS11501-10) 10359 ANS 11501-10 1.97 11501-10 Intercept TechnologyÖ, jointly developed by Ansell and DuPont, this yarn incorporates KEVLAR« Stretch Armor Technology for an unprecedented combination of superior cut resistance and outstanding dexterity; Superior HyFlex« oil grip, tactile sensitivity, dexterity and comfort Ansell 375.06 267.00 493.38 ANS1150110.jpg HyFlex« CR+ Gloves ANS11501-10, ANS1150110, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10360 Lagasse HyFlex« CR+ Gloves (ANS11501-11) 10360 ANS 11501-11 2.09 11501-11 Intercept TechnologyÖ, jointly developed by Ansell and DuPont, this yarn incorporates KEVLAR« Stretch Armor Technology for an unprecedented combination of superior cut resistance and outstanding dexterity; Superior HyFlex« oil grip, tactile sensitivity, dexterity and comfort Ansell 375.06 267.00 509.67 ANS1150111.jpg HyFlex« CR+ Gloves ANS11501-11, ANS1150111, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10361 Lagasse HyFlex« CR+ Gloves (ANS11501-8) 10361 ANS 11501-8 1.46 11501-8 Intercept TechnologyÖ, jointly developed by Ansell and DuPont, this yarn incorporates KEVLAR« Stretch Armor Technology for an unprecedented combination of superior cut resistance and outstanding dexterity; Superior HyFlex« oil grip, tactile sensitivity, dexterity and comfort Ansell 375.06 267.00 505.96 143900.JPG HyFlex« CR+ Gloves ANS11501-8, ANS115018, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10362 Lagasse HyFlex« CR+ Gloves (ANS11501-9) 10362 ANS 11501-9 3.01 11501-9 LARGE Intercept TechnologyÖ, jointly developed by Ansell and DuPont, this yarn incorporates KEVLAR« Stretch Armor Technology for an unprecedented combination of superior cut resistance and outstanding dexterity; Superior HyFlex« oil grip, tactile sensitivity, dexterity and comfort Ansell 360.07 213.60 485.43 150350.JPG HyFlex« CR+ Gloves ANS11501-9, ANS115019, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10363 Lagasse HyFlex« Lite Gloves (ANS11600-10) 10363 ANS 11600-10 1.08 11600-10 HyFlex« Lite offers maximum tactile sensitivity and dexterity Ansell 5.32 3.16 7.27 150454.JPG HyFlex« Lite Gloves ANS11600-10, ANS1160010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10364 Lagasse HyFlex« Lite Gloves (ANS11600-8) 10364 ANS 11600-8 1.08 11600-8 HyFlex« Lite offers maximum tactile sensitivity and dexterity Ansell 5.32 3.16 7.07 150342.JPG HyFlex« Lite Gloves ANS11600-8, ANS116008, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10365 Lagasse HyFlex« Lite Gloves (ANS11600-9) 10365 ANS 11600-9 1.08 11600-9 HyFlex« Lite offers maximum tactile sensitivity and dexterity Ansell 5.32 3.16 6.97 150540.JPG HyFlex« Lite Gloves ANS11600-9, ANS116009, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10366 Lagasse HyFlex« CR Gloves (ANS11624-10) 10366 ANS 11624-10 0.19 11624-10 Advanced yarn technology increases worker confidence while on the job; Good resistance to tears and punctures that might occur when handling sharp parts; Offers users an unmatched combination of comfort, softness, coolness and cut protection; Proprietary coating provides a sure grip in light oil and dry applications Ansell 230.37 164.00 314.31 ANS116249.jpg HyFlex« CR Gloves ANS11624-10, ANS1162410, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10367 Lagasse HyFlex« CR Gloves (ANS11624-9) 10367 ANS 11624-9 0.19 11624-9 Advanced yarn technology increases worker confidence while on the job; Good resistance to tears and punctures that might occur when handling sharp parts; Offers users an unmatched combination of comfort, softness, coolness and cut protection; Proprietary coating provides a sure grip in light oil and dry applications Ansell 230.37 164.00 301.67 ANS116249.jpg HyFlex« CR Gloves ANS11624-9, ANS116249, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10368 Lagasse HyFlex« CR2 Gloves (ANS11627-10) 10368 ANS 11627-10 1.73 11627-10 Innovative yarn structure with an optimal level of Dyneema« for exceptional cut resistance; Lycra« and nylon liner is combined with a polyurethane palm coating to ensure excellent dexterity and grip Ansell 261.28 186.00 355.65 ANS1162710.jpg HyFlex« CR2 Gloves ANS11627-10, ANS1162710, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10369 Lagasse HyFlex« CR2 Gloves (ANS11627-8) 10369 ANS 11627-8 1.57 11-627-8 Innovative yarn structure with an optimal level of Dyneema« for exceptional cut resistance; Lycra« and nylon liner is combined with a polyurethane palm coating to ensure excellent dexterity and grip Ansell 313.54 186.00 420.88 ANS116278.jpg HyFlex« CR2 Gloves ANS11627-8, ANS116278, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10370 Lagasse HyFlex« CR2 Gloves (ANS11627-9) 10370 ANS 11627-9 1.68 11627-9 Innovative yarn structure with an optimal level of Dyneema« for exceptional cut resistance; Lycra« and nylon liner is combined with a polyurethane palm coating to ensure excellent dexterity and grip Ansell 261.28 186.00 347.02 ANS116279.jpg HyFlex« CR2 Gloves ANS11627-9, ANS116279, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10371 Lagasse HyFlex« Foam Gloves (ANS11800-10) 10371 ANS 11800-10 1.20 205573 HyFlex« Foam is coated with a unique patented nitrile polymer and is an excellent choice when working with oily parts; Ultra-lightweight assembly gloves which offer unmatched dexterity, fit, and comfort that are the closest you can get to no glove at all Ansell 104.51 62.00 140.65 ANS1180010.jpg HyFlex« Foam Gloves ANS11800-10, ANS1180010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10372 Lagasse HyFlex« Foam Gloves (ANS11800S) 10372 ANS 11800S 1.00 205570 HyFlex« Foam is coated with a unique patented nitrile polymer and is an excellent choice when working with oily parts; Ultra-lightweight assembly gloves which offer unmatched dexterity, fit, and comfort that are the closest you can get to no glove at all Ansell 58.21 44.40 78.25 150549.JPG HyFlex« Foam Gloves ANS11800S, ANS11800S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10373 Lagasse HyFlex« Foam GrayÖ Gloves (ANS11801-10) 10373 ANS 11801-10 1.20 11801-10 Offering the same outstanding light oil grip as HyFlex Foam 11-800; Provides exceptional comfort using Ansell's patented Knitted Variable Stitch Design; Coating reduces hand fatigue and promotes maximum dexterity, while its gray colored knit liner stays clean longer, making these gloves more industrial friendly Ansell 108.86 77.50 148.20 142128.JPG HyFlex« Foam GrayÖ Gloves ANS11801-10, ANS1180110, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10374 Lagasse HyFlex« Foam GrayÖ Gloves (ANS11801-8) 10374 ANS 11801-8 1.07 11801-8 Offering the same outstanding light oil grip as HyFlex Foam 11-800; Provides exceptional comfort using Ansell's patented Knitted Variable Stitch Design; Coating reduces hand fatigue and promotes maximum dexterity, while its gray colored knit liner stays clean longer, making these gloves more industrial friendly Ansell 108.86 77.50 148.37 ANS118018.jpg HyFlex« Foam GrayÖ Gloves ANS11801-8, ANS118018, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10375 Lagasse PETROFLEX ECONO PVC LINE ROUGH GRIP SZ 10 6DZ/CS (ANS12-210) 10375 ANS 12-210 5.17 12-210 PETROFLEX ECONO PVC LINE ROUGH GRIP SZ 10 6DZ/CS Ansell 68.82 49.00 91.05 ANS12210.jpg PETROFLEX ECONO PVC LINE ROUGH GRIP SZ 10 6DZ/CS ANS12-210, ANS12210, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10376 Lagasse GOLDEN GRAB-IT RUBB GLOV E XL SFTY CUFF 12IN YEL (ANS16347-10) 10376 ANS 16347-10 30.53 16347-10 GOLDEN GRAB-IT RUBB GLOV E XL SFTY CUFF 12IN YEL Ansell 81.82 62.41 109.96 ANS1634710.jpg GOLDEN GRAB-IT RUBB GLOV E XL SFTY CUFF 12IN YEL ANS16347-10, ANS1634710, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10377 Lagasse Chemi-Pro« Unsupported Neoprene Gloves (ANS224-10) 10377 ANS 224-10 2.67 22410 A recessed diamond-embossed pattern provides added grip on wet or dry surfaces; A unique dipping process which combines neoprene over natural rubber latex provides increased protection against a wide range of chemicals Ansell 679.68 403.20 900.63 143930.JPG Chemi-Pro« Unsupported Neoprene Gloves ANS224-10, ANS22410, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10378 Lagasse KSR« Vinyl Coated Gloves (ANS22515-9) 10378 ANS 22515-9 2.25 203939 KSR gloves are machine washable, and they wonÆt shrink, stiffen, or lose their grip; The gloves outwear 8-ounce cotton gloves by at least 6 to 1, and an interlock knit lining stretches to a snug, sensitive fit; Very light, flexible, and easy to wear, KSR gloves feature a coating that provides superior grip and liquid repellency, yet breathes for ventilation Ansell 72.15 42.80 93.90 ANS225159.jpg KSR« Vinyl Coated Gloves ANS22515-9, ANS225159, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10379 Lagasse NITRASAFE KEVLAR/FOAM GL OVE SFTY CUF 12IN XL ORA (ANS28359-10) 10379 ANS 28359-10 4.40 28359-10 NITRASAFE KEVLAR/FOAM GL OVE SFTY CUF 12IN XL ORA Ansell 318.87 227.00 427.30 ANS2835910.jpg NITRASAFE KEVLAR/FOAM GL OVE SFTY CUF 12IN XL ORA ANS28359-10, ANS2835910, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10380 Lagasse HYNIT AIR-CON PERFORATED BK PANEL WOMEN'S S DOZ (ANS32125-7) 10380 ANS 32125-7 1.50 32-125-7 HYNIT AIR-CON PERFORATED BK PANEL WOMEN'S S DOZ Ansell 70.13 41.60 91.43 ANS321257.jpg HYNIT AIR-CON PERFORATED BK PANEL WOMEN'S S DOZ ANS32125-7, ANS321257, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10381 Lagasse HYNIT AIR-CON PERFORATED BK PANEL WOMEN 7.5 DOZ (ANS32125-7.5) 10381 ANS 32125-7.5 1.50 32125-7.5 HYNIT AIR-CON PERFORATED BK PANEL WOMEN 7.5 DOZ Ansell 70.13 41.60 94.29 ANS3212575.jpg HYNIT AIR-CON PERFORATED BK PANEL WOMEN 7.5 DOZ ANS32125-7.5, ANS321257.5, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10382 Lagasse HYNIT AIR-CON PERFORATED BK PANEL WOMEN'S M DOZ (ANS32125-8) 10382 ANS 32125-8 1.50 32-125-8 HYNIT AIR-CON PERFORATED BK PANEL WOMEN'S M DOZ Ansell 70.13 41.60 91.65 ANS321258.jpg HYNIT AIR-CON PERFORATED BK PANEL WOMEN'S M DOZ ANS32125-8, ANS321258, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10383 Lagasse DURATOUCH VNL GLOVE LG PWRD 5MIL CLE 100/BOX (ANS34715L) 10383 ANS 34715L 2.20 34-715 LARGE DURATOUCH VNL GLOVE LG PWRD 5MIL CLE 100/BOX Ansell 4.06 3.10 5.44 ANS3415L.JPG DURATOUCH VNL GLOVE LG PWRD 5MIL CLE 100/BOX ANS34715L, ANS34715L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10384 Lagasse DURATOUCH VNYL GLV PWDR FREE XL CLE 100 (ANS34725XL) 10384 ANS 34725XL 2.00 525434 DURATOUCH VNYL GLV PWDR FREE XL CLE 100 Ansell 4.33 3.40 6.00 137283.JPG DURATOUCH VNYL GLV PWDR FREE XL CLE 100 ANS34725XL, ANS34725XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10385 Lagasse DURA-TOUCH PREMIUM DISPO BLUE VINYL LRG 10/100CT (ANS34775L) 10385 ANS 34775L 22.00 525193 DURA-TOUCH PREMIUM DISPO BLUE VINYL LRG 10/100CT Ansell 75.00 57.20 101.90 ANS34775L.jpg DURA-TOUCH PREMIUM DISPO BLUE VINYL LRG 10/100CT ANS34775L, ANS34775L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10386 Lagasse DURA-TOUCH PREMIUM DISPO BLUE VINYL MED 10/100CT (ANS34775M) 10386 ANS 34775M 20.00 525192 DURA-TOUCH PREMIUM DISPO BLUE VINYL MED 10/100CT Ansell 75.00 57.20 100.15 ANS34775M.jpg DURA-TOUCH PREMIUM DISPO BLUE VINYL MED 10/100CT ANS34775M, ANS34775M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10387 Lagasse DURA-TOUCH PREMIUM DISPO BLUE VINYL SML 10/100CT (ANS34775S) 10387 ANS 34775S 18.00 525191 DURA-TOUCH PREMIUM DISPO BLUE VINYL SML 10/100CT Ansell 75.00 57.20 101.48 ANS34775S.jpg DURA-TOUCH PREMIUM DISPO BLUE VINYL SML 10/100CT ANS34775S, ANS34775S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10388 Lagasse DURA-TOUCH PREMIUM DISPO BLUE VINYL XLG 10/100CT (ANS34775XL) 10388 ANS 34775XL 23.00 525194 DURA-TOUCH PREMIUM DISPO BLUE VINYL XLG 10/100CT Ansell 80.82 57.20 110.63 ANS34775XL.jpg DURA-TOUCH PREMIUM DISPO BLUE VINYL XLG 10/100CT ANS34775XL, ANS34775XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10389 Lagasse Sol-Vex« Unsupported Nitrile Gloves (ANS37145-XL) 10389 ANS 37145-XL 1.67 37-145 XL Gloves do not promote contact dermatitis; High-performance nitrile compound which provides an outstanding combination of strength and chemical resistance; When exposed to aromatic and petroleum solvents, as well as caustics and animal fats, Sol-Vex« gloves have proven to be a superior choice over rubber or neoprene Ansell 56.81 33.70 76.91 149847.JPG Sol-Vex« Unsupported Nitrile Gloves ANS37145-XL, ANS37145XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10390 Lagasse Sol-Vex« Unsupported Nitrile Gloves (ANS37175-10) 10390 ANS 37175-10 1.83 117276 Gloves do not promote contact dermatitis; High-performance nitrile compound which provides an outstanding combination of strength and chemical resistance; When exposed to aromatic and petroleum solvents, as well as caustics and animal fats, Sol-Vex« gloves have proven to be a superior choice over rubber or neoprene Ansell 53.81 31.92 70.45 150327.JPG Sol-Vex« Unsupported Nitrile Gloves ANS37175-10, ANS3717510, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10391 Lagasse NEOPRENE/NATURAL LATEX UNLINED SZ 7 (12/12'S) (ANS390-7) 10391 ANS 390-7 0.43 193951 NEOPRENE/NATURAL LATEX UNLINED SZ 7 (12/12'S) Ansell 31.52 18.70 42.19 ANS3907.jpg NEOPRENE/NATURAL LATEX UNLINED SZ 7 12/12'S ANS390-7, ANS3907, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10393 Lagasse Snorkle« PVC Coated Gloves (ANS4412-10) 10393 ANS 4412-10 36.22 4412-10 Jersey lining for cushioning and moderate insulation; Snorkel features a unique PVC rough finish which provides outstanding chemical resistance, wear, and flexibility; The finish contains nylon particles that increase the gloveÆs cut/abrasion resistance and wet grip capabilities, while the PVC compound provides greater flexibility and comfort Ansell 82.73 63.10 111.22 ANS441210.jpg Snorkle« PVC Coated Gloves ANS4412-10, ANS441210, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10394 Lagasse HyLite« Palm Coated Gloves (ANS47-400L) 10394 ANS 47-400L 25.00 205933 For extra comfort, Features an interlock lining, generous sizing, and a contoured design; Gloves outwear cotton up to 12 to 1, light leather 5 to 1, and PVC-coated gloves 3 to 1; Hylite« glove is a better alternative to cotton, light to medium-duty leather, and PVC Ansell 96.42 57.20 127.07 143735.JPG HyLite« Palm Coated Gloves ANS47-400L, ANS47400L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10395 Lagasse HyLite« Palm Coated Gloves (ANS47400-10) 10395 ANS 47400-10 2.22 47400-10 For extra comfort, Features an interlock lining, generous sizing, and a contoured design; Gloves outwear cotton up to 12 to 1, light leather 5 to 1, and PVC-coated gloves 3 to 1; Hylite« glove is a better alternative to cotton, light to medium-duty leather, and PVC Ansell 100.43 71.50 134.68 ANS4740010.jpg HyLite« Palm Coated Gloves ANS47400-10, ANS4740010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10397 Lagasse AlphaTecÖ Gloves (ANS58530-10) 10397 ANS 58530-10 18.94 58530-10 Ideal for the ultimate grip protection when working with hazardous chemicals or dangerous liquids; Features the revolutionary Ansell Grip TechnologyÖ, a patent-pending nitrile layer filled with microscopic channels that actively repel oils and other lubricants Ansell 217.46 129.00 287.87 ANS5853010.jpg AlphaTecÖ Gloves ANS58530-10, ANS5853010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10398 Lagasse POLY-COTTON STRING DOTTE D MED WGT SZ LRG 12DZ/CS (ANS76-101-9) 10398 ANS 76-101-9 20.00 222174 POLY-COTTON STRING DOTTE D MED WGT SZ LRG 12DZ/CS Ansell 211.88 161.60 280.56 137288.JPG POLY-COTTON STRING DOTTE D MED WGT SZ LRG 12DZ/CS ANS76-101-9, ANS761019, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10399 Lagasse MULTIKNIT CTTN/POLY GLOV E KNT WRST LRG 10IN WHI (ANS76610-9) 10399 ANS 76610-9 65.28 76610-9 MULTIKNIT CTTN/POLY GLOV E KNT WRST LRG 10IN WHI Ansell 55.63 33.00 73.78 ANS766109.jpg MULTIKNIT CTTN/POLY GLOV E KNT WRST LRG 10IN WHI ANS76610-9, ANS766109, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10400 Lagasse PowerFlex« Gloves (ANS80100-10) 10400 ANS 80100-10 2.50 206403 The gloveÆs coating is crinkled for exceptional grip; The uncoated back allows air to circulate which keeps hands cooler and drier; Unbelievable comfort and superior wet and dry grip Ansell 6.88 4.08 9.35 ANS8010010.jpg PowerFlex« Gloves ANS80100-10, ANS8010010, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10401 Lagasse PowerFlex« Gloves (ANS80100-9) 10401 ANS 80100-9 33.00 206402 The gloveÆs coating is crinkled for exceptional grip; The uncoated back allows air to circulate which keeps hands cooler and drier; Unbelievable comfort and superior wet and dry grip Ansell 6.88 4.08 9.41 ANS801009.jpg PowerFlex« Gloves ANS80100-9, ANS801009, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10402 Lagasse Scorpio« Neoprene Coated Gloves (ANS8352-10) 10402 ANS 8352-10 25.00 8352-10 A dipped rough finish makes handling wet, slippery materials easier and safer; Scorpio gloves offer broad-spectrum resistance to a wide range of chemicals, including oils, acids, solvents, and caustics; The interlock knit cotton lining and flexible neoprene coating stretch to provide a snug fit, and allow easy on and off, while the two-piece lining eliminates seams which can cause hand irritation and premature wear-through Ansell 11.06 6.56 15.13 ANS835210.jpg Scorpio« Neoprene Coated Gloves ANS8352-10, ANS835210, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10403 Lagasse Touch N Tuff« Disposable Gloves (ANS92-600-L) 10403 ANS 92-600-L 2.00 92-600-L The gloves contain absolutely no fillers, silicones, or plasticizers; Touch N Tuff« disposable gloves set a whole new standard in comfort, durability, dexterity, and cleanliness Ansell 16.51 9.79 21.79 150599.JPG Touch N Tuff« Disposable Gloves ANS92-600-L, ANS92600L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10404 Lagasse Touch N Tuff« Disposable Gloves (ANS92-600-M) 10404 ANS 92-600-M 2.00 92-600-M The gloves contain absolutely no fillers, silicones, or plasticizers; Touch N Tuff« disposable gloves set a whole new standard in comfort, durability, dexterity, and cleanliness Ansell 17.83 10.58 23.41 150508.JPG Touch N Tuff« Disposable Gloves ANS92-600-M, ANS92600M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10405 Lagasse Touch N Tuff« Disposable Gloves (ANS92-600-S) 10405 ANS 92-600-S 20.00 92-600-S The gloves contain absolutely no fillers, silicones, or plasticizers; Touch N Tuff« disposable gloves set a whole new standard in comfort, durability, dexterity, and cleanliness Ansell 16.51 9.79 22.20 150521.JPG Touch N Tuff« Disposable Gloves ANS92-600-S, ANS92600S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10406 Lagasse TNT« Blue Disposable Gloves (ANS92-675-L) 10406 ANS 92-675-L 20.00 565718 The glove contains absolutely no fillers, additives, silicones, or plasticizers; TNT gloves set a whole new standard in durability and chemical splash protection Ansell 170.26 101.00 228.57 150414.JPG TNT« Blue Disposable Gloves ANS92-675-L, ANS92675L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10407 Lagasse TNT« Blue Disposable Gloves (ANS92-675-M) 10407 ANS 92-675-M 20.00 565717 The glove contains absolutely no fillers, additives, silicones, or plasticizers; TNT gloves set a whole new standard in durability and chemical splash protection Ansell 137.80 105.10 179.11 148354.JPG TNT« Blue Disposable Gloves ANS92-675-M, ANS92675M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10408 Lagasse TNT« Blue Disposable Gloves (ANS92-675-XL) 10408 ANS 92-675-XL 20.00 565719 The glove contains absolutely no fillers, additives, silicones, or plasticizers; TNT gloves set a whole new standard in durability and chemical splash protection Ansell 133.72 101.00 176.52 150334.JPG TNT« Blue Disposable Gloves ANS92-675-XL, ANS92675XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 6
10425 Lagasse EARPLUGS CLASSIC PILL W PK 200PR/BX (CAB310-1001) 10425 CAB 310-1001 2.00 MMM3101001 EARPLUGS CLASSIC PILL W PK 200PR/BX CAB 33.43 25.50 44.76 65554.JPG EARPLUGS CLASSIC PILL W PK 200PR/BX CAB310-1001, CAB3101001, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 281
10426 Lagasse Sno-Bol High Acid Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 9 Bottles (CDC20014557) 10426 CDC 20014557 22.80 20014557 SNO-BOL Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Multi-action toilet bowl solution disinfects as it cleans. Hydrogen chloride removes rust and hard water stains. Deodorizes when flushed. Includes nine bottles.
Arm & Hammer Sno-Bol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, High Acid, 32-oz Bottle, 9 bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Arm And Hammer 28.60 20.50 37.97 CDC20014557.jpg sno-bol toilet bowl cleaner, CDC 20014557, CDC20014557, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 7
10427 Lagasse BearKat« Protective Eyewear (CWSBK110AF) 10427 CWS BK110AF 0.94 135-BK110AF Treated with our exclusive Duramass« scratch-resistant coating; Single wraparound lens design; Flexible temple design; Non-slip rubber head grips Shelby Group International Inc 24.97 17.64 32.68 143101.JPG BearKat« Protective Eyewear CWSBK110AF, CWSBK110AF, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 275
10428 Lagasse ShockWave2Ö 100% Shock Absorbing Lanyards (DBS1244412) 10428 DBS 1244412 5.90 098-1244412 ShockWave2Ö 100% Tie-Off Shock Absorbing Lanyard expands and contracts, with self locking snap hooks at center and flat steel hooks at leg ends D B Industries Inc/Capital SAF 211.75 159.44 276.60 DBS1244412.jpg ShockWave2Ö 100% Shock Absorbing Lanyards DBS1244412, DBS1244412, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 270
10429 Lagasse Smartstock Fork Dispenser (DIXSSFD120) 10429 DIX SSFD120 9.48 SSFD120 Fork Dispenser
SmartStock Classic Medium-weight Polystyrene Fork Dispenser- Holds 120 Utensils. Hygienic, one-at-a-time dispensing helps ensure customers don’t take more cutlery than they need. Requires SmartStock Medium-weight polystyrene fork refill. Promotes good hygiene - enclosed design protects cutlery from contaminants. Reduced Consumption- One-at-a-time dispensing reduces cutlery usage on average by 29% and up to 49% vs. open bins. Speeds up restocking - just load the refill, insert, rip, pull and your done in seconds. Frees up valuable counter space - sized just right to keep things looking neat and organized. 10" wide x 8.78" deep x 24.75" high.
Dixie Products - SmartStock Classic Medium-weight Polystyrene Fork Dispenser, Translucent Smoke, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 9.00 6.30 12.07 DIXSSFD120.JPG smartstock classic fork dispenser, DIX SSFD120, DIXSSFD120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
10430 Lagasse Smartstock Knife Dispenser (DIXSSKD120) 10430 DIX SSKD120 9.48 SSKD120 Knife Dispenser
SmartStock Classic Medium-weight Polystyrene Knife Dispenser- Holds 120 Utensils. Hygienic, one-at-a-time dispensing helps ensure customers don’t take more cutlery than they need. Requires SmartStock Medium-weight polystyrene knife refill. Promotes good hygiene - enclosed design protects cutlery from contaminants. Reduced Consumption- One-at-a-time dispensing reduces cutlery usage on average by 29% and up to 49% vs. open bins. Speeds up restocking - just load the refill, insert, rip, pull and your done in seconds. Frees up valuable counter space - sized just right to keep things looking neat and organized. 10" wide x 8.78" deep x 24.75" high.
Dixie Products - SmartStock Classic Medium-weight Polystyrene Knife Dispenser, Transluceint Smoke, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 9.00 6.30 12.13 DIXSSKD120.jpg smartstock classic knife dispenser, DIXSSKD120, DIXSSKD120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
10431 Lagasse SmartStock Spoon Dispenser (DIXSSSD120) 10431 DIX SSSD120 9.48 SSSD120 Spoon Dispenser
SmartStock Classic Medium-weight Polystyrene Spoon Dispenser- Holds 120 Utensils. Hygienic, one-at-a-time dispensing helps ensure customers don’t take more cutlery than they need. Requires SmartStock Medium-weight polystyrene spoon refill. Promotes good hygiene - enclosed design protects cutlery from contaminants. Reduced Consumption- One-at-a-time dispensing reduces cutlery usage on average by 29% and up to 49% vs. open bins. Speeds up restocking - just load the refill, insert, rip, pull and your done in seconds. Frees up valuable counter space - sized just right to keep things looking neat and organized. 10" wide x 8.78" deep x 24.75" high.
Dixie Products - SmartStock Classic Medium-weight Polystyrene Spoon Dispenser, Translucent Smoke, Each - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Dixie 9.00 6.30 11.79 DIXSSSD120.jpg smartstock classic spoon dispenser, DIXSSSD120, DIXSSSD120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 31
10432 Lagasse All Liquid Laundry Detergent with Pump, Original, 2 Bottles (DRK5585896) 10432 DRK 5585896 38.17 5585896 Liquid Laundry Detergent
Get the cleaning performance you need and the freshness you want at a value price. Heavy-duty dirt and grime lifters remove even the toughest stains. Effective in all water temperatures. Phosphorus-free.
Diversey All Liquid Laundry Detergent with Pump, Original, 2 Gallon Bottle, 2 Bottles per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Diversey 57.67 41.30 77.65 DRK5585896.jpg all liquid laundry detergent with pump, DRK 5585896, DRK5585896, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 1 63
10433 Lagasse Pledge« Wipes (DRKCB728072) 10433 DRK CB728072 6.90 CB728072 Pledge« Wipes arenÆt just for wood. They can be used to conveniently clean leather, marble, stainless steel and more. They quickly clean, condition and protect while leaving behind that fresh lemon Pledge« scent. Premoistened to clean, polish and protect furniture. Wipes leave a natural, protective shine with no wax buildup. Features Allergen Trappers« to remove up to 90% of allergens in dust. Brings out the natural beauty every time you clean. Lemon scent. Diversey 75.12 56.13 100.68 Pledge« Wipes DRKCB728072, DRKCB728072, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 63
10434 Lagasse ProFlex« 925F(x) Dorsal Impact-Reducing Gloves (EGO16054) 10434 EGO 16054 1.00 150-16054 Molded TPR armor on knuckles, fingers and carpal bone for impact protection; Armor ôflex zonesö for high dexterity; 5 mm EVA dorsal pad protects vulnerable metacarpal region; 5 mm EVA palm and ulnar padding protects against ôchoppingö blows; Abrasion-resistant PVC on palm and 3 fingers limits liquid penetration; Non-slip Armortex« reinforcement zones on thumb saddle and index finger for enhanced grip and durability; Reinforced Kevlar palm stitching for extended wear and durability; Reflective accents and hi-vis color scheme for optimal hand visibility Tenacious Holdings Inc 240.12 142.44 328.49 EGO16054.jpg ProFlex« 925Fx Dorsal Impact-Reducing Gloves EGO16054, EGO16054, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 277
10435 Lagasse ProFlex« 925F(x) Dorsal Impact-Reducing Gloves (EGO16055) 10435 EGO 16055 1.00 150-16055 Molded TPR armor on knuckles, fingers and carpal bone for impact protection; Armor ôflex zonesö for high dexterity; 5 mm EVA dorsal pad protects vulnerable metacarpal region; 5 mm EVA palm and ulnar padding protects against ôchoppingö blows; Abrasion-resistant PVC on palm and 3 fingers limits liquid penetration; Non-slip Armortex« reinforcement zones on thumb saddle and index finger for enhanced grip and durability; Reinforced Kevlar palm stitching for extended wear and durability; Reflective accents and hi-vis color scheme for optimal hand visibility Tenacious Holdings Inc 240.12 142.44 314.74 EGO16055.jpg ProFlex« 925Fx Dorsal Impact-Reducing Gloves EGO16055, EGO16055, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 277
10436 Lagasse GEN PURP VNYL GLOVE PWRD LG 10 DSP/CASE (GEN8960L) 10436 GEN 8960L 13.00 1299-3 GEN PURP VNYL GLOVE PWRD LG 10 DSP/CASE General Liners 38.67 28.44 50.82 GEN PURP VNYL GLOVE PWRD LG 10 DSP/CASE GEN8960L, GEN8960L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 195
10437 Lagasse GEN PURP VNYL GLOVE PWRD MD 10 DSP/CASE (GEN8960M) 10437 GEN 8960M 12.00 1299-2 GEN PURP VNYL GLOVE PWRD MD 10 DSP/CASE General Liners 38.67 28.44 50.62 GEN PURP VNYL GLOVE PWRD MD 10 DSP/CASE GEN8960M, GEN8960M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 195
10438 Lagasse GLOVE VINYL DISP GEN PUR P POWDER FREE LG 10/100S (GEN8961L) 10438 GEN 8961L 14.00 2299-3 GLOVE VINYL DISP GEN PUR P POWDER FREE LG 10/100S General Liners 40.97 27.66 54.99 GLOVE VINYL DISP GEN PUR P POWDER FREE LG 10/100S GEN8961L, GEN8961L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 195
10439 Lagasse GLOVE VINYL DISP GEN PUR P POWDER FREE MED 10/100 (GEN8961M) 10439 GEN 8961M 13.00 2299-2 GLOVE VINYL DISP GEN PUR P POWDER FREE MED 10/100 General Liners 40.97 27.66 53.68 GLOVE VINYL DISP GEN PUR P POWDER FREE MED 10/100 GEN8961M, GEN8961M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 195
10440 Lagasse GLOVE LATEX GEN PURP PWD R FREE LRG (10/100) (GEN8971L) 10440 GEN 8971L 12.50 699-3 GLOVE LATEX GEN PURP PWD R FREE LRG (10/100) General Liners 82.90 53.04 107.73 GEN8971L.jpg GLOVE LATEX GEN PURP PWD R FREE LRG 10/100 GEN8971L, GEN8971L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 195
10441 Lagasse GLOVE LATEX GEN PURP PWD ER FREE MED (10/100) (GEN8971M) 10441 GEN 8971M 12.00 699-2 GLOVE LATEX GEN PURP PWD ER FREE MED (10/100) General Liners 82.90 53.04 110.49 GEN8971M.jpg GLOVE LATEX GEN PURP PWD ER FREE MED 10/100 GEN8971M, GEN8971M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 195
10442 Lagasse Purell LTX-7 Gel Hand Sanitizer, 3 Refills (GOJ1303-03) 10442 GOJ 1303-03 4.88 1303-03 Gel Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer gel that contains ingredients made from natural renewable resources. Kills more than 99.99% of most common germs. Green certified. Meets Eco-Logo hand sanitizer standard for environmental leadership and proven performance. Scientifically advanced, patent-pending formulation outperforms other hand sanitizers ounce for ounce. Includes a nourishing blend of four skin conditioners. Clinically proven to help maintain skin health. Nothing is harder on germs or easier on hands. America's #1 instant hand sanitizer. Sanitary sealed refill helps lock out germs. Durable, recyclable PET bottle uses 30% less material than standard rigid HDPE. Patent pending controlled collapse technology keeps bottle shape longer while emptying. Crystal clarity for visual appeal and easier monitoring of fill level. Fresh dispensing valve with each refill, removable pump promotes easier recycling.
Gojo Purell LTX-7 Gel Hand Sanitizer, 700-ml, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 70.10 40.40 93.41 GOJ130303.jpg purell ltx-7 gel hand sanitizer, GOJ 1303-03, GOJ130303, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10443 Lagasse Purell LTX-7 Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 3 Refills (GOJ1304-03) 10443 GOJ 1304-03 4.88 1304-03 Foaming Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer foam that contains ingredients made from natural renewable resources. Kills more than 99.99% of most common germs. Green certified. Meets Eco-Logo hand sanitizer standard for environmental leadership and proven performance. Scientifically advanced, patent-pending formulation outperforms other hand sanitizers ounce for ounce. Includes a nourishing blend of four skin conditioners. Clinically proven to help maintain skin health. Nothing is harder on germs or easier on hands. America's #1 instant hand sanitizer. Sanitary sealed refill helps lock out germs. Durable, recyclable PET bottle uses 30% less material than standard rigid HDPE. Patent pending controlled collapse technology keeps bottle shape longer while emptying. Crystal clarity for visual appeal and easier monitoring of fill level. Fresh dispensing valve with each refill, removable pump promotes easier recycling.
Gojo Purell LTX-7 Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 700-ml, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 95.44 55.00 125.80 GOJ130403.jpg LTX-7 foaming hand sanitizer, GOJ 1304-03, GOJ130403, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10444 Lagasse Purell LTX-7 Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 3 Refills (GOJ1305-03) 10444 GOJ 1305-03 4.88 1305-03 Foaming Hand Sanitizer
Puts the power of Purell, America's #1 instant hand sanitizer, in an advanced non-aerosol foaming formula. Purell Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam kills more than 99.99% of most common germs. The patent-pending 70% ethyl alcohol formula is free of fluoridated chemicals, and milder on skin than hand washing. The thick, rich foam formula stays on your hand. Purell Advanced is enhanced with four different skin-conditioning agents that help maintain skin health—skin moisture and improves overall skin feel. Sanitary sealed refill helps lock out germs. Durable, recyclable PET bottle uses 30% less material than standard rigid HDPE. Patent pending controlled collapse technology keeps bottle shape longer while emptying. Crystal clarity for visual appeal and easier monitoring of fill level. Fresh dispensing valve with each refill, removable pump promotes easier recycling.
Gojo Purell LTX-7 Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 700-ml, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 145.77 84.00 196.90 GOJ130503.jpg purell ltx-7 foaming hand sanitizer, GOJ 1305-03, GOJ130503, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10446 Lagasse Micrell LTX-7 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 3 Refills (GOJ1310-03) 10446 GOJ 1310-03 5.40 1310-03 Soft, rich foam soap formula with quick-acting antimicrobial ingredient (PCMX). Gentle on hands, even with repeated use. Effective degreasing agent. Kills the most common bacteria that may cause illness in foodservice environments. Dermatologist tested. Pleasant floral fragrance. Gojo Industries 116.27 67.00 153.51 GOJ131003.jpg MICRELL LTX ANTIBAC FOAM SOAP 700ML 3 GOJ1310-03, GOJ131003, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10447 Lagasse Gojo LTX-7 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap, 3 Refills (GOJ1311-03) 10447 GOJ 1311-03 5.40 1311-03 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap
Spa-inspired, green certified foam hand soap offers luxurious foam lather in a fragrance and dye-free formulation. Enriched with moisturizers and skin conditioners. USDA certified bio-based formulation. Eco-Logo certified. Delights users while supporting a healthy environment.
Gojo LTX-7 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap, 700-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 60.30 34.75 80.19 GOJ131103.jpg gojo ltx-7 clear & mild foaming hand soap, GOJ1311-03, GOJ131103, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10448 Lagasse Gojo LTX-7 Antibacterial Plum Foaming Hand Soap, 3 Refills (GOJ1312-03) 10448 GOJ 1312-03 5.40 1312-03 Plum Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap
High-performance, antibacterial hand soap offers luxurious lather and an appealing plum fragrance. Attractive purple color. Enriched with a moisturizer, natural extract and skin conditioner. USDA certified bio-based formulation.
Gojo LTX-7 Antibacterial Plum Foaming Hand Soap,, 700-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 49.82 38.00 65.15 GOJ131203.jpg gojo ltx-7 antibacterial plum foaming hand soap, GOJ 1312-03, GOJ131203, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10449 Lagasse Gojo LTX-7 Pomeberry Foaming Handwash, 3 Refills (GOJ1316-03) 10449 GOJ 1316-03 5.40 1316-03 Pomeberry Foaming Hand Soap
Spa-inspired green certified foam hand soap offers luxurious lather and a pleasant pomegranate fragrance. Appealing blue color. Enriched with moisturizer, natural extract and skin conditioner. USDA certified bio-based formulation. Eco-Logo certified. Delights users while supporting a healthy environment.
Gojo LTX-7 Pomeberry Foaming Hand Soap, 700-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 62.47 36.00 81.99 GOJ131603.jpg gojo ltx-12 pomeberry foaming hand soap, GOJ 1316-03, GOJ131603, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10450 Lagasse Purell LTX-7 Touch-Free Sanitizer Dispensers, White (GOJ1320-04) 10450 GOJ 1320-04 3.00 1320-04 700-ml Touch Free Sanitizer Dispenser
Compact 700mL dispenser is ideal for tight spaces. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary Sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant
Purell LTX-7 Touch Free Sanitizer Dispenser, 700-ml Capacity, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 29.03 19.50 39.55 GOJ132004.jpg purell ltx-7 touch free sanitizer dispenser, GOJ 1320-04, GOJ132004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10451 Lagasse Purell LTX-7 Touch-Free Sanitizer Dispensers, Black/Chrome, 4 Units (GOJ1328-04) 10451 GOJ 1328-04 11.81 1328-04 700-ml Touch Free Sanitizer Dispenser
Compact 700mL dispenser is ideal for tight spaces. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary Sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant
Purell LTX-7 Touch Free Sanitizer Dispenser, 700-ml Capacity, Black/Chrome, 4 Dispensers per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 215.17 124.00 283.85 GOJ132804.jpg purell ltx-7 touch free sanitizer dispenser, GOJ 1328-04, GOJ132804, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10452 Lagasse PROVON LTX CLR/MILD FOAM SOAP 700ML 3 (GOJ1341-03) 10452 GOJ 1341-03 5.40 1341-03 Spa-inspired, green certified foam hand soap offers luxurious foam lather in a fragrance- and dye-free formulation. Enriched with moisturizers and skin conditioners. USDA certified biobased formulation. EcoLogo certified. Delights users while supporting a healthy environment. For healthcare settings. Gojo Industries 96.65 55.70 126.36 GOJ134103.jpg PROVON LTX CLR/MILD FOAM SOAP 700ML 3 GOJ1341-03, GOJ134103, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 50
10453 Lagasse PROVON LTX ANTIBAC FOAM SOAP 700ML 3 (GOJ1342-03) 10453 GOJ 1342-03 4.88 1342-03 Exceptionally mild formula delivers effective germ kill of a broad range of microorganisms. Contains 0.3% triclosan. Meets healthcare personnel handwash protocol. Dye-free, fragrance-free. Rich, luxurious lather with advanced skin moisturizers for mildness. For healthcare settings. Gojo Industries 119.73 69.00 161.45 GOJ134203.jpg PROVON LTX ANTIBAC FOAM SOAP 700ML 3 GOJ1342-03, GOJ134203, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 50
10454 Lagasse PROVON LTX ANTIBAC FOAM SOAP 700ML PLUM 3 (GOJ1346-03) 10454 GOJ 1346-03 4.88 1346-03 GOJO SANITARY SEALEDÖ refill helps lock out germs. Durable, recyclable PET bottle uses 30% less material than standard rigid HDPE Patent pending GOJO CONTROLLED COLLAPSE technology keeps bottle shape longer while emptying . Crystal clarity for visual appeal and easier monitoring of fill level. Fresh dispensing valve with each refill. Removable pump promotes easier recycling. Gojo Industries 106.72 61.50 144.42 GOJ134603.jpg PROVON LTX ANTIBAC FOAM SOAP 700ML PLUM 3 GOJ1346-03, GOJ134603, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 50
10455 Lagasse PROVON LTX-7 FOAM SOAP D ISP TOUCH FREE 700ML WHI (GOJ1371-04) 10455 GOJ 1371-04 11.81 1371-04 Small size 700 ml PROVON« touch free dispenser is ideal for tight spaces. Large sight window, skylight and crystal clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Converts to a locking dispenser at any time by simply removing the key from inside the dispenser. Patent pending CONTROLLED COLLAPSE refill bottles hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive overall appearance. Removable pump makes recycling easy. SANITARY SEALEDÖ refills are made of robust, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE refills. Gojo Industries 53.80 31.00 73.21 GOJ137104.jpg PROVON LTX-7 FOAM SOAP D ISP TOUCH FREE 700ML WHI GOJ1371-04, GOJ137104, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 50
10456 Lagasse Provon LTX-7 Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser, Chrome Black (GOJ1372-04) 10456 GOJ 1372-04 2.96 1372-04 700-ml Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser
Compact 700mL dispenser is ideal for tight spaces. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary Sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant
Provon LTX-7 Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 700-ml Capacity, Chrome Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 53.80 31.00 71.97 GOJ137204.jpg Provon LTX-7 Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, GOJ 1372-04, GOJ137204, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10457 Lagasse Gojo LTX-7 Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser, White, Each (GOJ1380-04) 10457 GOJ 1380-04 2.96 1380-04 700-ml Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser
Compact 700mL dispenser is ideal for tight spaces. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary Sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant
Gojo LTX-7 Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 700-ml Capacity, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 53.80 31.00 71.44 GOJ138004.jpg gojo ltx-7 touch free foaming hand soap dispenser, GOJ 1380-04, GOJ138004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10458 Lagasse Gojo LTX-7 Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser, Gray White, Each (GOJ1384-04) 10458 GOJ 1384-04 2.96 1384-04 700-ml Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser
Compact 700mL dispenser is ideal for tight spaces. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary Sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant
Gojo LTX-7 Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 700-ml Capacity, Gray White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 25.57 19.50 34.15 GOJ138404.jpg Gojo LTX-7 Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, GOJ 1384-04, GOJ138404, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10459 Lagasse Gojo LTX-7 Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser, Black, Each (GOJ1386-04) 10459 GOJ 1386-04 2.96 1386-04 700-ml Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser
Compact 700mL dispenser is ideal for tight spaces. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary Sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant
Gojo LTX-7 Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 700-ml Capacity, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 53.80 31.00 70.92 GOJ138604.jpg gojo ltx-7 touch free foaming hand soap dispenser, GOJ1386-04, GOJ138604, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10460 Lagasse Gojo LTX-7 Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser, Chrome Black, Each (GOJ1388-04) 10460 GOJ 1388-04 2.96 1388-04 700-ml Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser
Compact 700mL dispenser is ideal for tight spaces. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary Sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant
Gojo LTX-7 Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 700-ml Capacity, Chrome Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 53.80 31.00 72.26 GOJ138804.jpg gojo ltx-7 touch free foaming hand soap dispenser, GOJ 1388-04, GOJ138804, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10462 Lagasse Purell LTX-12 Foaming Hand Sanitizer Green Certified, 2 Refills (GOJ1904-02) 10462 GOJ 1904-02 5.58 1904-02 Foaming Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer foam that contains ingredients made from natural renewable resources. Kills more than 99.99% of most common germs. Green certified. Meets Eco-Logo hand sanitizer standard for environmental leadership and proven performance. Scientifically advanced, patent-pending formulation outperforms other hand sanitizers ounce for ounce. Includes a nourishing blend of four skin conditioners. Clinically proven to help maintain skin health. Nothing is harder on germs or easier on hands. America's #1 instant hand sanitizer. Sanitary sealed refill helps lock out germs. Durable, recyclable PET bottle uses 30% less material than standard rigid HDPE. Patent pending controlled collapse technology keeps bottle shape longer while emptying. Crystal clarity for visual appeal and easier monitoring of fill level. Fresh dispensing valve with each refill, removable pump promotes easier recycling.
Gojo Purell LTX-12 Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 1,200-ml, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Gojo Industries 74.73 57.00 101.44 GOJ190402.jpg purell ltx-12 foaming hand sanitizer, GOJ 1904-02, GOJ190402, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10463 Lagasse Purell LTX-12 Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 2 Refills (GOJ1905-02) 10463 GOJ 1905-02 5.58 1905-02 Foaming Hand Sanitizer
Puts the power of Purell, America's #1 instant hand sanitizer, in an advanced non-aerosol foaming formula. Purell Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam kills more than 99.99% of most common germs. The patent-pending 70% ethyl alcohol formula is free of fluoridated chemicals, and milder on skin than hand washing. The thick, rich foam formula stays on your hand. Purell Advanced is enhanced with four different skin-conditioning agents that help maintain skin health—skin moisture and improves overall skin feel. Sanitary sealed refill helps lock out germs. Durable, recyclable PET bottle uses 30% less material than standard rigid HDPE. Patent pending controlled collapse technology keeps bottle shape longer while emptying. Crystal clarity for visual appeal and easier monitoring of fill level. Fresh dispensing valve with each refill, removable pump promotes easier recycling.
Gojo Purell LTX-12 Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 1,200-ml, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 151.84 87.50 206.78 GOJ190502.jpg purell ltx-12 foaming hand sanitizer, 1,200-ml, 2 Refills GOJ1905-02, GOJ190502, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10464 Lagasse Purell LTX-12 Foam Hand Sanitizer, Skin Nourishing, 2 Refills (GOJ1906-02) 10464 GOJ 1906-02 5.58 1906-02 Foaming Skin Nourishing Hand Sanitizer
Purell Advanced Skin Nourishing Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam provides advanced antimicrobial germ kill and this green certified formula meets Eco-Logo hand sanitizer standard CCD-170 for environmental leadership and proven performance. Purell Advanced is made from 100% naturally renewable ethanol, meeting the USDA Bio-Preferred program bio-based content standards. Readily biodegradable non-aerosol foam formula provides broad-spectrum antimicrobial efficacy. With six moisturizers for optimal skin conditioning, it’s clinically proven to improve skin condition in 14 days. This Purell Advanced formula is fragrance free, dye free and compatible with latex, nitrile and vinyl gloves, and CHG. Meets CDC and APIC recommendations.
Gojo Purell LTX-12 Foaming Skin Nourishing Hand Sanitizer, 1,200-ml, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 189.14 109.00 253.90 GOJ190602.jpg purell ltx-12 foaming skin nourishing hand sanitizer, GOJ 1906-02, GOJ190602, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10465 Lagasse Gojo LTX-12 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap, 2 Refills (GOJ1911-02) 10465 GOJ 1911-02 6.28 1911-02 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap
Spa-inspired, green certified foam hand soap offers luxurious foam lather in a fragrance and dye-free formulation. Enriched with moisturizers and skin conditioners. USDA certified bio-based formulation. Eco-Logo certified. Delights users while supporting a healthy environment.
Gojo LTX-12 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap, 1,200-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 62.47 36.00 84.75 GOJ191102.jpg gojo ltx-12 clear & mild foaming hand soap, GOJ 1911-02, GOJ191102, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10466 Lagasse Gojo LTX-12 Antibacterial Plum Foaming Hand Soap, 2 Refills (GOJ1912-02) 10466 GOJ 1912-02 6.28 1912-02 Plum Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap
High-performance, antibacterial hand soap offers luxurious lather and an appealing plum fragrance. Attractive purple color. Enriched with a moisturizer, natural extract and skin conditioner. USDA certified bio-based formulation.
Gojo LTX-12 Antibacterial Plum Foaming Hand Soap, 1,200-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 68.55 39.50 90.65 GOJ191202.jpg gojo ltx-12 antibacterial plum foaming hand soap, GOJ 1912-02, GOJ191202, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10467 Lagasse Gojo LTX-12 Pomeberry Foaming Handwash, 2 Refills (GOJ1916-02) 10467 GOJ 1916-02 6.28 1916-02 Pomeberry Foaming Hand Soap
Spa-inspired green certified foam hand soap offers luxurious lather and a pleasant pomegranate fragrance. Appealing blue color. Enriched with moisturizer, natural extract and skin conditioner. USDA certified bio-based formulation. Eco-Logo certified. Delights users while supporting a healthy environment.
Gojo LTX-12 Pomeberry Foaming Hand Soap, 1,200-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 62.47 36.00 83.78 GOJ191602.jpg gojo ltx-12 pomeberry foaming hand soap, GOJ1916-02, GOJ191602, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10468 Lagasse Gojo LTX-12 Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser, Chrome Black, Each (GOJ1919-04) 10468 GOJ 1919-04 3.11 1919-04 1200-ml Touch Free Dispenser
High capacity 1200-ml dispenser is ideal for high traffic areas. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant.
Gojo LTX-12 Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1200-ml Capacity, Chrome Black, 4 per case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 98.92 31.00 133.76 GOJ191904.jpg gojo ltx-12 touch free foaming hand soap dispenser, GOJ 1919-04, GOJ191904, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10469 Lagasse Purell LTX-12 Touch Free Sanitizer Dispenser, White (GOJ1920-04) 10469 GOJ 1920-04 3.00 1920-04 1200-ml Touch Free Sanitizer Dispenser
High capacity 1200mL dispenser is ideal for high traffic areas. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary Sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant
Purell LTX-12 Touch Free Sanitizer Dispenser, 1200-ml Capacity, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 33.84 19.50 45.81 GOJ192004.jpg purell ltx-12 touch free sanitizer dispenser, GOJ 1920-04, GOJ192004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10470 Lagasse Purell LTX-12 Touch Free Sanitizer Dispenser, Black/Chrome (GOJ1928-04) 10470 GOJ 1928-04 3.20 1928-04 1200-ml Touch Free Sanitizer Dispenser
High capacity 1200mL dispenser is ideal for high traffic areas. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary Sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant
Purell LTX-12 Touch Free Sanitizer Dispenser, 1200-ml Capacity, Black/Chrome, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 53.80 31.00 71.71 GOJ192804.jpg purell ltx-12 touch free sanitizer dispenser, GOJ1928-04, GOJ192804, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10471 Lagasse Provon LTX-12 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap, 2 Refills (GOJ1941-02) 10471 GOJ 1941-02 6.28 1941-02 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap
Spa-inspired, green certified foam hand soap offers luxurious foam lather in a fragrance and dye free formulation. Enriched with moisturizers and skin conditioners. USDA certified biobased formulation. EcoLogo certified. Delights users while supporting a healthy environment. For healthcare settings. Sanitary sealed refill helps lock out germs. Durable, recyclable PET bottle uses 30% less material than standard rigid HDPE. Patent pending controlled collapse technology keeps bottle shape longer while emptying. Crystal clarity for visual appeal and easier monitoring of fill level. Fresh dispensing valve with each refill, removable pump promotes easier recycling.
Provon LTX-12 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap, Dye & Fragrance Free, 1,200-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 100.64 58.00 134.45 GOJ194102.jpg provon ltx-12 clear & mild foaming hand soap, GOJ1941-02, GOJ194102, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10472 Lagasse Provon LTX-12 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, 2 Refills (GOJ1942-02) 10472 GOJ 1942-02 6.28 1942-02 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap
Exceptionally mild formula delivers effective germ kill of a broad range of microorganisms. Contains 0.3% triclosan. Meets healthcare personnel handwash protocol. Dye-free, fragrance-free. Rich, luxurious lather with advanced skin moisturizers for mildness. For healthcare settings. Sanitary sealed refill helps lock out germs. Durable, recyclable PET bottle uses 30% less material than standard rigid HDPE. Patent pending controlled collapse technology keeps bottle shape longer while emptying. Crystal clarity for visual appeal and easier monitoring of fill level. Fresh dispensing valve with each refill, removable pump promotes easier recycling.
Provon LTX-12 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap, Dye & Fragrance Free, 1,200-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 124.94 72.00 163.97 GOJ194202.jpg Provon LTX-12 Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap GOJ1942-02, GOJ194202, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10473 Lagasse Provon LTX-12 Antibacterial Plum Foaming Hand Soap, 2 Refills (GOJ1946-02) 10473 GOJ 1946-02 6.28 1946-02 Plum Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap
High-performance, antibacterial hand soap offers luxurious lather and an appealing plum fragrance. Attractive purple color. Enriched with a moisturizer, natural extract and skin conditioner. USDA certified biobased formulation. For healthcare settings. Sanitary sealed refill helps lock out germs. Durable, recyclable PET bottle uses 30% less material than standard rigid HDPE. Patent pending controlled collapse technology keeps bottle shape longer while emptying. Crystal clarity for visual appeal and easier monitoring of fill level. Fresh dispensing valve with each refill, removable pump promotes easier recycling.
Provon LTX-12 Antibacterial Plum Foaming Hand Soap, 1,200-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 111.06 64.00 146.05 GOJ194602.jpg provon ltx-12 antibacterial plum foaming hand soap, GOJ1946-02, GOJ194602, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10474 Lagasse Provon LTX-12 Touch Free Foam Soap dispenser, Black Chrome (GOJ1972-04) 10474 GOJ 1972-04 3.11 1972-04 1200-ml Touch Free Dispenser
High capacity 1200-ml dispenser is ideal for high traffic areas. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant.
Provon LTX-12 Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1200-ml Capacity, Chrome Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 53.80 31.00 70.56 GOJ197204.jpg Provon LTX-12 Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, GOJ 1972-04, GOJ197204, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10475 Lagasse Gojo LTX-12 Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser, White, Each (GOJ1980-04) 10475 GOJ 1980-04 3.11 1980-04 1200-ml Touch Free Dispenser
High capacity 1200-ml dispenser is ideal for high traffic areas. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant.
Gojo LTX-12 Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1200-ml Capacity, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 53.80 31.00 71.42 GOJ198004.jpg ltx-12 touch free foaming hand soap dispenser, WHI GOJ1980-04, GOJ198004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10476 Lagasse Gojo LTX-12 Touch Free Foam Soap Dispenser, Gray White, Each (GOJ1984-04) 10476 GOJ 1984-04 3.11 1984-04 1200-ml Touch Free Dispenser
High capacity 1200-ml dispenser is ideal for high traffic areas. Lifetime Performance Guarantee; including batteries. Gojo Smart Electronics technology minimizes energy use per actuation, eliminating need to change batteries over the life of the system in most installations. Large sight window, skylight and clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Controlled collapse refills hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive appearance. Easily converts to locking dispenser. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary sealed refills made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles. Fully ADA compliant.
Gojo LTX-12 Touch Free Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 1200-ml Capacity, Gray White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 33.84 19.50 45.36 GOJ198404.jpg gojo ltx-12 touch free foaming hand soap dispenser, GOJ 1984-04, GOJ198404, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10478 Lagasse PURELL« Advanced With Aloe Instant Hand Sanitizer (GOJ2237-04) 10478 GOJ 2237-04 21.00 2237-04 PURELL Advanced With Aloe is enhanced with four different skin-conditioning agents that help maintain skin health ù skin moisture and improves overall skin feel. This PURELL hand sanitizer is specially formulated with moisturizers that leave hands feeling soft and refreshed without stickiness or residue.áAmericaÆs #1 instant hand sanitizer kills more than 99.99% of most common germs.á PURELL Advanced With Aloe works in as little as 15 seconds, with no water or towels needed. It provides unprecedented germ kill while soothing hands and maintaining skin health. Gojo Industries 114.02 85.81 152.68 GOJ2237-04.jpeg PURELL« Advanced With Aloe Instant Hand Sanitizer GOJ2237-04, GOJ223704, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10479 Lagasse Purell NXT Instant Hand Sanitizer, 4 Refills (GOJ2256-04) 10479 GOJ 2256-04 17.60 2256-04 Hand Sanitizer
America's #1 instant hand sanitizer delivers advanced antimicrobial germ kill while being very kind to the skin. Purell Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer kills more than 99.99% of most common germs. This alcohol-based hand sanitizer works in as little as 15 seconds, with no water or towels needed. Provides unprecedented germ kill while soothing hands and maintaining skin health. Purell Advanced is enhanced with four different skin conditioning agents that help maintain skin health—skin moisture and improves overall skin feel.
Purell NXT Instant Hand Sanitizer, 2,000-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 82.23 62.72 111.28 GOJ225604.jpg purell nxt instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 2256-04, GOJ225604, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10480 Lagasse Purell TFX Skin Nourishing Hand Sanitizer Foam, 2 Refills (GOJ5399-02) 10480 GOJ 5399-02 4.80 5399-02 Foaming Hand Sanitizer
Clinically proven to improve skin condition in 14 days. Readily biodegradable non-aerosol foam formula made from 100% naturally renewable ethanol. Provides broad-spectrum antimicrobial efficacy. Contains seven moisturizers for optimal skin conditioning and is fragrance free, dye free. Meets Eco-Logo hand sanitizer standard CCD-170 for environmental leadership and proven performance.
Purell TFX Skin Nourishing Hand Sanitizer Foam, 1000-ml Refill, 2 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 70.54 53.80 92.40 GOJ539902.jpg purell tfx skin nourishing hand sanitizer foam, GO J5399-02, GOJ539902, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10481 Lagasse Purell TFX 1200-ml Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Aloe, 4 Refills (GOJ5457-04) 10481 GOJ 5457-04 11.85 5457-04 Hand Sanitizer with Aloe
Kills 99.99% of common germs that may cause illness. Works in as little as 15 seconds. No water or towels needed. Contains moisturizers to help keep skin hydrated.
Purell TFX Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Aloe, 1200-ml, 4 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 65.36 49.85 86.77 44007.JPG purell tfx advanced hand sanitizer with aloe, GOJ 5457-04, GOJ545704, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10482 Lagasse 1.5-oz. Purell Foaming Hand Sanitizer, 24 Pump Bottles (GOJ5692-24) 10482 GOJ 5692-24 3.84 5692-24 Purell Hand Sanitizer Foam
Puts the power of Purell, America's #1 instant hand sanitizer, in an advanced non-aerosol foaming formula. Purell Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam kills more than 99.99% of most common germs. The patent-pending 70% ethyl alcohol formula is free of fluorinated chemicals, and milder on skin than hand washing. The thick, rich foam formula stays on your hand. Purell Advanced is enhanced with four different skin-conditioning agents that help maintain skin health—skin moisture and improves overall skin feel.
Purell Advanced Foaming Instant Hand Sanitizer, 1.5-oz Pump Bottle, 24 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 98.01 72.30 131.36 44011.JPG purell advanced foaming instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 5692-24, GOJ569224, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10483 Lagasse 1.5-oz. Purell Nourishing Foam Hand Sanitizer, 24 Pump Bottles (GOJ5698-24) 10483 GOJ 5698-24 4.00 5698-24 Skin Nourishing Hand Sanitizer Foam
Purell Advanced Skin Nourishing Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam provides advanced antimicrobial germ kill and this green certified formula meets Eco-Logo hand sanitizer standard CCD-170 for environmental leadership and proven performance. Purell Advanced is made from 100% naturally renewable ethanol, meeting the USDA Bio-Preferred program bio-based content standards. Readily biodegradable non-aerosol foam formula provides broad-spectrum antimicrobial efficacy. With six moisturizers for optimal skin conditioning, it’s clinically proven to improve skin condition in 14 days. This Purell Advanced formula is fragrance free, dye free and compatible with latex, nitrile and vinyl gloves, and CHG. Meets CDC and APIC recommendations.
Purell Advanced Skin Nourishing Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam, 1.5-oz. Pump Bottle, 24 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 123.53 89.95 160.75 GOJ569824.jpg purell advanced skin nourishing hand sanitizer foam, GOJ 5698-24, GOJ569824, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10484 Lagasse Purell ADX-7 Green Certified Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam, 4 Refills (GOJ8704-04) 10484 GOJ 8704-04 6.50 8704-04 Foaming Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer foam that contains ingredients made from natural renewable resources. Kills more thaná99.99% of most common germs. Green certified. Meets Eco-Logo hand sanitizer standard for environmental leadership and proven performance. Scientifically advanced, patent-pending formulation outperforms other hand sanitizers ounce for ounce.
Purell ADX-7 Green Certified Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam, 700-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 75.12 53.00 98.02 GOJ8704-04.jpg purell adx-7 green certified instant hand sanitizer foam, GOJ 8704-04, GOJ870404, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10485 Lagasse Gojo ADX-7 Clear & Mild Foam Handwash, 4 Refills (GOJ8711-04) 10485 GOJ 8711-04 7.10 8711-04 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap
Spa-inspired, green certified foam hand soap offers luxurious foam lather in a fragrance- and dye-free formulation. Enriched with moisturizers and skin conditioners. USDA certified bio-based formulation. Eco-Logo certified. Delights users while supporting a healthy environment.
Gojo ADX-7 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap, 700-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 39.33 30.00 53.68 GOJ8711-04.jpg gojo adx-7 clear & mild foaming hand soap, GOJ8711-04, GOJ871104, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10486 Lagasse Gojo ADX-7 Antibacterial Plum Foam Handwash, 4 Refills (GOJ8712-04) 10486 GOJ 8712-04 7.10 8712-04 Antibacterial Plum Foaming Hand Soap
High-performance, antibacterial hand soap offers luxurious lather and an appealing plum fragrance. Attractive purple color. Enriched with a moisturizer, natural extract and skin conditioner. USDA certified bio-based formulation.
Gojo ADX-7 Antibacterial Plum Foam Hand Soap, 700-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 43.27 33.00 57.14 GOJ8712-04.jpg gojo adx-7 antibacterial plum foam hand soap, GOJ8712-04, GOJ871204, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10487 Lagasse Gojo ADX-7 Citrus Ginger Foam Hand & Showerwash, 4 Refills (GOJ8713-04) 10487 GOJ 8713-04 7.10 8713-04 Citrus Ginger Foaming Hand Soap & Shower Wash
This all-in-one body wash, shampoo, and hand soap offers a refreshing blend of citrus extracts and ginger to enhance the shower experience. Enriched with natural moisturizers and conditioners for skin and hair. USDA certified bio-based formulation. Eco-Logo certified. Foaming formula delights users while supporting a healthy environment.
Gojo ADX-7 Citrus Ginger Foam Hand Soap & Showerwash, 700-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 41.96 32.00 56.31 GOJ8713-04.jpg gojo adx-7 citrus ginger foam hand soap, GOJ8713-04, GOJ871304, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10488 Lagasse Gojo ADX-7 Botanical Foam Handwash, 4 Refills (GOJ8716-04) 10488 GOJ 8716-04 7.10 8716-04 Botanical Foaming Hand Soap
Spa-inspired green certified foam hand soap offers luxurious lather and a pleasant botanical fragrance. Vibrant green color. Enriched with moisturizers, natural extracts and skin conditioners. USDA certified bio-based formulation. Eco-Logo certified. Delights users while supporting a healthy environment.
Gojo ADX-7 Botanical Foam Handwash, 700-ml Refill, 4 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 40.77 30.00 55.26 GOJ8716-04.jpg gojo adx-7 botanical foam handwash, GOJ8716-04, GOJ871604, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10489 Lagasse Purell ADX-7 Foam Sanitizer Dispenser - White/White (GOJ8720-06) 10489 GOJ 8720-06 5.00 8720-06 Sanitizer Dispenser
Small size 700 mL Purell dispenser is ideal for tight spaces. Large sight window, skylight and crystal clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Converts to a locking dispenser at any time by simply removing the key from inside the dispenser. Fully ADA compliant. Lifetime guarantee. Patent pending Controlled Collapse refill bottles hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive overall appearance. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary Sealed refills are made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles.
Purell ADX-7 Foaming Hand Sanitizer Dispenser, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 8.67 5.00 11.37 GOJ8720-06.jpg purell adx-7 foaming hand sanitizer dispenser, GOJ 8720-06, GOJ872006, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10490 Lagasse Gojo ADX-7 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser - Grey/White (GOJ8784-06) 10490 GOJ 8784-06 5.00 8784-06 700-ml Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
Small size 700-ml Gojo dispenser is ideal for tight spaces. Large sight window, skylight and crystal clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Converts to a locking dispenser at any time by simply removing the key from inside the dispenser. Fully ADA compliant. Lifetime guarantee. Patent pending controlled collapse refill bottles hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive overall appearance. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary sealed refills are made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles
Gojo ADX-7 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, 700-ml Capacity, Grey/White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 8.67 5.00 11.64 GOJ8784-06.jpg Gojo ADX-7 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser, GOJ8784-06, GOJ878406, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10491 Lagasse Purell ADX-12 Green Certified Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam, 3 Refills (GOJ8804-03) 10491 GOJ 8804-03 8.00 8804-03 Foaming Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer foam that contains ingredients made from natural renewable resources. Kills more thaná99.99% of most common germs. Green certified. Meets Eco-Logo hand sanitizer standard for environmental leadership and proven performance. Scientifically advanced, patent-pending formulation outperforms other hand sanitizers ounce for ounce.
Purell ADX-12 Green Certified Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam, 1,200-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 107.59 62.00 143.93 GOJ8804-03.jpg purell adx-12 green certified instant hand sanitizer, GOJ 8804-03, GOJ880403, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10492 Lagasse Gojo ADX-12 Clear & Mild Foam Handwash, 3 Refills (GOJ8811-03) 10492 GOJ 8811-03 9.10 8811-03 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap
Spa-inspired, green certified foam hand soap offers luxurious foam lather in a fragrance- and dye-free formulation. Enriched with moisturizers and skin conditioners. USDA certified bio-based formulation. Eco-Logo certified. Delights users while supporting a healthy environment.
Gojo ADX-12 Clear & Mild Foaming Hand Soap, 1,250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 49.63 36.50 66.26 GOJ8811-03.jpg gojo adx-12 clear & mild foaming hand soap, GOJ8811-03, GOJ881103, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10493 Lagasse Gojo ADX-12 Antibacterial Plum Foam Handwash, 3 Refills (GOJ8812-03) 10493 GOJ 8812-03 9.10 8812-03 Antibacterial Plum Foam Hand Soap
High-performance, antibacterial hand soap offers luxurious lather and an appealing plum fragrance. Attractive purple color. Enriched with a moisturizer, natural extract and skin conditioner. USDA certified bio-based formulation.
Gojo ADX-12 Antibacterial Plum Foaming Hand Soap, 1,250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 70.26 40.49 93.35 GOJ8812-03.jpg gojo adx-12 antibacterial plum foaming hand soap, GOJ 8812-03, GOJ881203, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10494 Lagasse Gojo ADX-12 Citrus Ginger Foam Hand & Showerwash, 3 Refills (GOJ8813-03) 10494 GOJ 8813-03 9.10 8813-03 Citrus Ginger Foaming Hand Soap
This all-in-one body wash, shampoo, and hand soap offers a refreshing blend of citrus extracts and ginger to enhance the shower experience. Enriched with natural moisturizers and conditioners for skin and hair. USDA certified bio-based formulation. Eco-Logo certified. Foaming formula delights users while supporting a healthy environment.
Gojo ADX-12 Citrus Ginger Foaming Hand Soap & Shampoo, 1,250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 51.13 39.00 67.65 GOJ8813-03.jpg gojo adx-12 citrus ginger foaming hand soap, GOJ 8813-03, GOJ881303, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10495 Lagasse Gojo ADX-12 Botanical Foam Handwash, 3 Refills (GOJ8816-03) 10495 GOJ 8816-03 9.10 8816-03 Botanical Foaming Hand Soap
Spa-inspired green certified foam hand soap offers luxurious lather and a pleasant botanical fragrance. Vibrant green color. Enriched with moisturizers, natural extracts and skin conditioners. USDA certified bio-based formulation. Eco-Logo certified. Delights users while supporting a healthy environment.
Gojo ADX-12 Botanical Foaming Hand Soap, 1,250-ml Refill, 3 Refills per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 49.63 36.50 66.81 GOJ8816-03.jpg gojo adx-12 botanical foaming hand soap, GOJ 8816-03, GOJ881603, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10496 Lagasse Purell ADX-12 Foaming Hand Sanitizer Dispenser - White/White (GOJ8820-06) 10496 GOJ 8820-06 6.60 8820-06 Sanitizer Dispenser
High capacity 1200 mL Purell dispenser is ideal for high traffic areas. Large sight window, skylight and crystal clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Converts to a locking dispenser at any time by simply removing the key from inside the dispenser. Fully ADA compliant. Lifetime guarantee. Patent pending Controlled Collapse refill bottles hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive overall appearance. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary Sealed refills are made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles.
Purell ADX-12 Foaming Hand Sanitizer Dispenser, White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 7.56 5.00 10.11 GOJ8820-06.jpg purell adx-12 foaming hand sanitizer dispenser, GOJ 8820-06, GOJ882006, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10497 Lagasse Gojo ADX-12 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser - Grey/White (GOJ8884-06) 10497 GOJ 8884-06 6.60 8884-06 1250-ml Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
High capacity 1250-ml Gojo dispenser is ideal for high traffic areas. Large sight window, skylight and crystal clear refill bottles make it easy to check fill status. Converts to a locking dispenser at any time by simply removing the key from inside the dispenser. Fully ADA compliant. Lifetime guarantee. Patent pending controlled collapse refill bottles hold their shape as they empty for a more attractive overall appearance. Removable pump makes recycling easy. Sanitary sealed refills are made of durable, recyclable PET material, using 30% less plastic than rigid HDPE bottles.
Gojo ADX-12 Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser - Grey/White, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 8.67 5.00 11.47 GOJ8884-06.jpg gojo adx-12 foaming hand soap dispenser, GOJ 8884-06, GOJ888406, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10498 Lagasse 2-oz. Purell Hand Sanitizer, 24 Squeeze Bottles (GOJ9605-24) 10498 GOJ 9605-24 4.40 9605-24 Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer
America's #1 instant hand sanitizer delivers advanced antimicrobial germ kill while being very kind to the skin. PURELL Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Foam kills more than 99.99% of most common germs. This alcohol-based hand sanitizer works in as little as 15 seconds, with no water or towels needed. Provides unprecedented germ kill while soothing hands and maintaining skin health. PURELL Advanced is enhanced with four different skin conditioning agents that help maintain skin health—skin moisture and improves overall skin feel.
Gojo - Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer, 24 - 2-oz. Personal Squeeze Bottle with Flip Top per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 44.14 33.67 59.28 Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer, GOJ 9605-24, GOJ960524, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10499 Lagasse 2-oz. Purell Advanced Skin Nourishing Hand Sanitizer, 24 Pump Bottles (GOJ9648-24) 10499 GOJ 9648-24 4.20 9648-24 Skin Nourishing Hand Sanitizer
This advanced hand sanitizer gel formula combines the broad spectrum efficacy of PURELL with DERMAGLYCERIN SYSTEM. PURELL Advanced Skin Nourishing Instant Hand Sanitizer is clinically proven to improve skin condition in 14 days. Dermatologist tested and compatible with CHG, latex, nitrile and vinyl, this formula meets CDC Guideline and JCAHO compliance standards.
Gojo - Purell Advanced Skin Nourishing Hand Sanitizer, 2-oz. Pump Bottle, 24 Bottles per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Gojo Industries 72.59 55.37 97.35 2-oz. purell advanced skin nourishing hand sanitizer, GOJ 9648-24, GOJ964824, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 50
10500 Lagasse TidyNap« Low Fold Dispenser Napkins (GPC392-02) 10500 GPC 392-02 26.36 39202 Economical single-ply TidyNap« napkins are our smallest dispenser napkin for limited-menu service operations. These quality napkins are designed to be used with our durable TidyNap low fold table and cafeteria napkin dispensers for quick and easy dispensing. These low-fold napkins come in an economy-sized case for added convenience and savings. (Folded Size W x L 3.25"" x 4.5"") Georgia Pacific 68.26 41.00 91.08 TidyNap« Low Fold Dispenser Napkins GPC392-02, GPC39202, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 48
10501 Lagasse FIRST AID KIT FOR 50 PEO PLE (HOS2107) 10501 HOS 2107 7.00 2107FAK FIRST AID KIT FOR 50 PEO PLE Hospeco 244.26 144.90 320.43 HOS2107.jpg FIRST AID KIT FOR 50 PEO PLE HOS2107, HOS2107, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 57
10503 Lagasse BLACK NITRILE GLOVE PWDR FREE LARGE (10/100) (HOSGL-N105FL) 10503 HOS GL-N105FL 16.00 GL-N105FL BLACK NITRILE GLOVE PWDR FREE LARGE (10/100) Hospeco 182.62 108.33 249.70 HOSGLN105FL,jpg BLACK NITRILE GLOVE PWDR FREE LARGE 10/100 HOSGL-N105FL, HOSGLN105FL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 57
10504 Lagasse SAFETY GOGGLES GENERAL PURPOSE 1EA (IMP7322) 10504 IMP 7322 1.33 7322 SAFETY GOGGLES GENERAL PURPOSE 1EA Impact 4.72 2.80 6.25 SAFETY GOGGLES GENERAL PURPOSE 1EA IMP7322, IMP7322, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10505 Lagasse TAPE BARRIER CAUTION ROLL (IMP7328) 10505 IMP 7328 2.62 7328 TAPE BARRIER CAUTION ROLL Impact 29.05 22.16 38.07 TAPE BARRIER CAUTION ROLL IMP7328, IMP7328, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10506 Lagasse PVC BOOTS GENERAL PURPOS E LARGE SZ 10 (IMP7390L) 10506 IMP 7390L 6.33 7390L PVC BOOTS GENERAL PURPOS E LARGE SZ 10 Impact 69.45 41.20 93.13 PVC BOOTS GENERAL PURPOS E LARGE SZ 10 IMP7390L, IMP7390L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10507 Lagasse GLASSES SAFETY PROGUARD CLR LENS BLK FRAM BEST (IMP8002CB) 10507 IMP 8002CB 0.10 8002CB GLASSES SAFETY PROGUARD CLR LENS BLK FRAM BEST Impact 13.35 7.92 17.61 GLASSES SAFETY PROGUARD CLR LENS BLK FRAM BEST IMP8002CB, IMP8002CB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10508 Lagasse GLOVE LEATHER DRIVERS DOZ SZ 9 (IMP8060L) 10508 IMP 8060L 2.30 8060L GLOVE LEATHER DRIVERS DOZ SZ 9 Impact 167.22 99.20 217.22 GLOVE LEATHER DRIVERS DOZ SZ 9 IMP8060L, IMP8060L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10509 Lagasse GLOVE-LTHRPLM-2.5""SAFCUF (12PR) *BREAK CASE TO 6 (IMP8062) 10509 IMP 8062 6.67 8062L GLOVE-LTHRPLM-2.5""SAFCUF (12PR) *BREAK CASE TO 6 Impact 67.02 39.76 87.95 GLOVE-LTHRPLM-2.5""SAFCUF 12PR *BREAK CASE TO 6 IMP8062, IMP8062, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10510 Lagasse GLOVE VINYL GENERAL PURP PWDR FREE LRG (10/100) (IMP8608L) 10510 IMP 8608L 23.00 8608L GLOVE VINYL GENERAL PURP PWDR FREE LRG (10/100) Impact 46.75 35.66 61.28 IMP8608L.jpg GLOVE VINYL GENERAL PURP PWDR FREE LRG 10/100 IMP8608L, IMP8608L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10511 Lagasse GLOVE VINYL GENERAL PURP PWDR FREE MED (10/100) (IMP8608M) 10511 IMP 8608M 23.00 8608M GLOVE VINYL GENERAL PURP PWDR FREE MED (10/100) Impact 46.75 35.66 61.16 IMP8608M.jpg GLOVE VINYL GENERAL PURP PWDR FREE MED 10/100 IMP8608M, IMP8608M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10512 Lagasse GLOVE LATEX GENERAL PURP PWDR FREE LRG (10/100) (IMP8625L) 10512 IMP 8625L 22.00 8625L GLOVE LATEX GENERAL PURP PWDR FREE LRG (10/100) Impact 86.14 65.70 112.96 IMP8625L.jpg GLOVE LATEX GENERAL PURP PWDR FREE LRG 10/100 IMP8625L, IMP8625L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10513 Lagasse GLOVE LATEX GENERAL PURP PWDER FREE MED (10/100) (IMP8625M) 10513 IMP 8625M 22.00 8625M GLOVE LATEX GENERAL PURP PWDER FREE MED (10/100) Impact 86.14 65.70 114.00 IMP8625M.jpg GLOVE LATEX GENERAL PURP PWDER FREE MED 10/100 IMP8625M, IMP8625M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10514 Lagasse GLOVE NITRILE DISP PWDER FREE EXAM BLUE 8 MIL SZ8 (IMP8648M) 10514 IMP 8648M 16.00 8648M GLOVE NITRILE DISP PWDER FREE EXAM BLUE 8 MIL SZ8 Impact 188.80 112.00 252.73 GLOVE NITRILE DISP PWDER FREE EXAM BLUE 8 MIL SZ8 IMP8648M, IMP8648M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10515 Lagasse GLOVE NITRILE DISP PWDER FREE EXAM BLUE 8 MIL SZ7 (IMP8648S) 10515 IMP 8648S 16.00 8648S GLOVE NITRILE DISP PWDER FREE EXAM BLUE 8 MIL SZ7 Impact 188.80 112.00 252.34 GLOVE NITRILE DISP PWDER FREE EXAM BLUE 8 MIL SZ7 IMP8648S, IMP8648S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10516 Lagasse PROGUARD UTILITY COTTON POLY GLOVES DZ GLOVES (IMP8875S) 10516 IMP 8875S 33.00 8875S PROGUARD UTILITY COTTON POLY GLOVES DZ GLOVES Impact 11.73 6.96 15.39 PROGUARD UTILITY COTTON POLY GLOVES DZ GLOVES IMP8875S, IMP8875S, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 59
10518 Lagasse BANDAGES 1X3 FABRIC 100/BX (JON4444) 10518 JON 4444 0.40 JOJ4444 BANDAGES 1X3 FABRIC 100/BX Johnson And Johnson 6.49 4.95 8.89 57324.JPG BANDAGES 1X3 FABRIC 100/BX JON4444, JON4444, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 62
10519 Lagasse 4G CAB MAN YL FLAM CTOPE X - for maximum chemical resistance; Dual 2"" vents with flame arresters" (JUS890400) 10519 JUS 890400 62.00 1.921.501.83697841112018697841112018400-890400 U-LocÖ pad lockable handle; Haz-AlertÖ reflective labeling; 3-point self-latching, easy close doors with double key set; SpillSlopeÖ safety shelves; Double wall construction with 1 1/2"" of insulating air space; Sturdy 18-gauge stee welded for strength long life and greater fire protection; Durable lead-free powder paint finish Justrite Manufacturing Company Llc 384.49 293.26 499.68 4G CAB MAN YL FLAM CTOPE X - for maximum chemical resistance; Dual 2"" vents with flame arresters" JUS890400, JUS890400, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 271
10520 Lagasse 12G CAB MAN YL FLAM SAFE EX (JUS891200) 10520 JUS 891200 120.00 400-891200 12G CAB MAN YL FLAM SAFE EX Justrite Manufacturing Company Llc 660.33 391.72 874.89 JUS891200.jpg 12G CAB MAN YL FLAM SAFE EX JUS891200, JUS891200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 271
10521 Lagasse Scott 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, 20 Rolls (KCC13607) 10521 KCC 13607 10.90 13607 Standard Toilet Tissue
Strong and absorbent. Scott Brand is the reliable and practical choice. 100% Recycled fiber content. 75% post consumer waste content. White. 2-Ply 4.1"x 4.0" sheet size.
Kimberly Clark - Scott 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, White, 550 - 4.1"x 4.0" Sheets per Roll, 20 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 34.56 20.50 45.34 KCC13607.jpg scott 2-ply standard toilet paper, KCC 13607, KCC13607, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
10522 Lagasse Scott Kitchen Roll Towel, 15 Rolls (KCC13608) 10522 KCC 13608 9.90 13608 Kitchen Paper Towels
One-ply, 11" x 8-7/8" sheet. Soft and super-absorbent performance to handle tough spills and cleanups. Made with Absorbency Pockets for a soft and absorbent performance to handle tough spills and clean-up. 100% recycled fiber content. 40% post consumer waste content.
Kimberly Clark - Scott Kitchen Roll Towel, White, 96 - 11" x 8-7/8" Sheets per Roll, 15 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Kimberly Clark Professional 25.89 19.75 34.46 KCC13608.jpg Scott Kitchen Roll Towel, KCC 13608, KCC13608, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
10523 Lagasse V20 VISIO* Safety Eyewear (KCC14470) 10523 KCC 14470 1.47 14470 One-piece polycarbonate lens with three-point adjustable temples for a comfortable fit; Unique duo-tone frame; Base Curve 8 Kimberly Clark Professional 7.43 5.30 10.12 KCC14470.jpg V20 VISIO* Safety Eyewear KCC14470, KCC14470, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10524 Lagasse SC-6 Hard Hats - SC-6 Hard Hats Red (KCC14481) 10524 KCC 14481 1.00 14481 Smooth dome deisgn; Lightweight, molded from dielectric High Density Polyethylene (HDPE); Accessory slots for attaching additional personal protective equipment; Head sizes 6.5 to 8 Kimberly Clark Professional 65.16 49.37 86.77 SC-6 Hard Hats - SC-6 Hard Hats Red KCC14481, KCC14481, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10525 Lagasse Quik-Trik* Cable Connectors - QNB-2-BP Connector (KCC14733) 10525 KCC 14733 1.21 14733 Camlock & Locking Bar draw together for virtually unbreakable connection; Form-fitted rubber jacket insulator protects against moisture, oil and dirt; Large dome-nose screw for high-conductivity connection Kimberly Clark Professional 51.83 36.90 70.36 KCC14733.jpg Quik-Trik* Cable Connectors - QNB-2-BP Connector KCC14733, KCC14733, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10526 Lagasse SC-6 Hard Hats - SC-6 Hard Hats Yellow (KCC14833) 10526 KCC 14833 11.10 14833 Smooth dome deisgn; Lightweight, molded from dielectric High Density Polyethylene (HDPE); Accessory slots for attaching additional personal protective equipment; Head sizes 6.5 to 8 Kimberly Clark Professional 23.02 16.40 31.04 KCC14833.jpg SC-6 Hard Hats - SC-6 Hard Hats Yellow KCC14833, KCC14833, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10527 Lagasse SC-6 Hard Hats - SC-6 Hard Hats White (KCC14834) 10527 KCC 14834 11.10 14834 Smooth dome deisgn; Lightweight, molded from dielectric High Density Polyethylene (HDPE); Accessory slots for attaching additional personal protective equipment; Head sizes 6.5 to 8 Kimberly Clark Professional 23.02 16.40 31.14 149895.JPG SC-6 Hard Hats - SC-6 Hard Hats White KCC14834, KCC14834, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10528 Lagasse SC-6 Hard Hats - SC-6 Hard Hats Blue (KCC14838) 10528 KCC 14838 11.10 14838 Smooth dome deisgn; Lightweight, molded from dielectric High Density Polyethylene (HDPE); Accessory slots for attaching additional personal protective equipment; Head sizes 6.5 to 8 Kimberly Clark Professional 23.02 16.40 30.80 150036.JPG SC-6 Hard Hats - SC-6 Hard Hats Blue KCC14838, KCC14838, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10529 Lagasse SC-6 Hard Hats - SC-6 Hard Hats Gray (KCC14842) 10529 KCC 14842 11.10 14842 Smooth dome deisgn; Lightweight, molded from dielectric High Density Polyethylene (HDPE); Accessory slots for attaching additional personal protective equipment; Head sizes 6.5 to 8 Kimberly Clark Professional 23.02 16.40 30.60 SC-6 Hard Hats - SC-6 Hard Hats Gray KCC14842, KCC14842, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10530 Lagasse Suspensions - 391 HEAD HUGGER SUSPENSION (KCC14936) 10530 KCC 14936 2.05 14936 Vinyl forehead cushion; 1-piece nylon headband with woven nylon crown headstraps; Ratchet headgear; 2-crown height adjustments; Over 30 adjustments for comfortable fit without removing headgear Kimberly Clark Professional 16.85 12.00 22.90 KCC14936.jpg Suspensions - 391 HEAD HUGGER SUSPENSION KCC14936, KCC14936, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10531 Lagasse DW Series Traffic Cones - DW Series Traffic Cone (KCC16414) 10531 KCC 16414 7.00 16414 Wide body profile for stability; Flow-molded, dayglow orange PVC with white inner liner Kimberly Clark Professional 17.23 12.94 23.42 KCC16414.jpg DW Series Traffic Cones - DW Series Traffic Cone KCC16414, KCC16414, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10532 Lagasse JKSN SFTY SFTY HWY TRI K IT ORNG/REF (KCC16947) 10532 KCC 16947 12.10 16947 JKSN SFTY SFTY HWY TRI K IT ORNG/REF Kimberly Clark Professional 29.16 22.24 37.98 KCC16947.jpg JKSN SFTY SFTY HWY TRI K IT ORNG/REF KCC16947, KCC16947, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10533 Lagasse Magnum 3G Safety Glasses - Smith&Wesson Magnum 3G Safety Glasses Black Frame Clear Lens (KCC19799) 10533 KCC 19799 0.05 19799 Ergonomically dimensioned 3 point fit for the ultimate in comfort; Built-in hinge stops help to eliminate scratches; Self-adjusting ergonomic rubber nose pad with rubber fingers; Available in reduced sizes for small faces - Magnum Mini Kimberly Clark Professional 8.33 6.35 10.85 KCC19799.jpg Magnum 3G Safety Glasses - Smith&Wesson Magnum 3G Safety Glasses Black Frame Clear Lens KCC19799, KCC19799, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10534 Lagasse Magnum 3G Safety Glasses - Smith&Wesson Magnum 3G Safety Glasses Black Frame/ Smoke Lens (KCC19823) 10534 KCC 19823 0.05 19823 Ergonomically dimensioned 3 point fit for the ultimate in comfort; Built-in hinge stops help to eliminate scratches; Self-adjusting ergonomic rubber nose pad with rubber fingers; Available in reduced sizes for small faces - Magnum Mini Kimberly Clark Professional 8.46 6.45 11.53 142950.JPG Magnum 3G Safety Glasses - Smith&Wesson Magnum 3G Safety Glasses Black Frame/ Smoke Lens KCC19823, KCC19823, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10535 Lagasse Kimberly Clark Smith&Wesson 38 Special Safety Glasses, Black Frame, Smoke Lens (KCC19859) 10535 KCC 19859 0.05 19859 38 Special Safety Eyewear
Special safety eyewear is lightweight, sporty and stylish. High-quality frame ensures durability. Ergonomically contoured temples with sure-grip rubber inserts provide a solid, sure fit. Sturdy lenses offer 99.9% UV protection. Eyewear meets ANSI Z87.1+ impact standard. CE compliant. Includes one pair of safety glasses.
Kimberly Clark 38 Special Safety Eyewear, Black Frame, Smoke Lens, Sold by Pair Kimberly Clark Professional 8.46 6.45 11.41 KCC19859.jpg 38 SPECIAL* Safety Eyewear - Smith&Wesson 38 Special Safety Glasses Black Frame Smoke Lens KCC19859, KCC19859, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
10536 Lagasse Kimberly Clark V60 30-16 RX Safety Reader Eyewear (KCC19878) 10536 KCC 19878 0.05 19878 Stylish, ergonomic frame; Soft, comfortable, self-adjusting, rubber nose pad; ""Cheater"" style with diopter for vision assistance; Base Curve 7 Kimberly Clark Professional 13.57 10.35 17.75 KCC19878.jpg V60 30-06* RX Safety Eyewear - Olympic 30-06 Safety Readers Black Frame Clear Lens 1.5 Diopter KCC19878, KCC19878, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 65
10537 Lagasse Equalizer* Safety Glasses - Smith&Wesson Equalizer Gun Metal Frame Smoke Anti-Fog lens (KCC21297) 10537 KCC 21297 0.05 21297 Stylized frame features a cutting edge design that is ideal for work and play; Sport grip temples eliminates slippage; Dual lenses with an 8-base curve the provides wrap-around protection Kimberly Clark Professional 8.01 6.11 10.70 KCC21297.jpg Equalizer* Safety Glasses - Smith&Wesson Equalizer Gun Metal Frame Smoke Anti-Fog lens KCC21297, KCC21297, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10538 Lagasse Elite* Safety Glasses - Smith&Wesson Elite Clear with Anti-Fog Lens (KCC21302) 10538 KCC 21302 0.10 21302 Lightweight ôretro-styleö design provides the latest fashion statement; Wide temple design provides structural integrity and stability; Dual lenses with an 8-base curve the provides wrap-around protection Kimberly Clark Professional 8.40 6.41 11.02 KCC21302.jpg Elite* Safety Glasses - Smith&Wesson Elite Clear with Anti-Fog Lens KCC21302, KCC21302, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10539 Lagasse Elite* Safety Glasses - Smith&Wesson Elite Smoke with Anti-Fog Lens (KCC21303) 10539 KCC 21303 1.25 21303 Lightweight ôretro-styleö design provides the latest fashion statement; Wide temple design provides structural integrity and stability; Dual lenses with an 8-base curve the provides wrap-around protection Kimberly Clark Professional 8.54 6.42 11.42 143003.JPG Elite* Safety Glasses - Smith&Wesson Elite Smoke with Anti-Fog Lens KCC21303, KCC21303, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10540 Lagasse F30 Acetate Face Shields - 8040 Acetate; F30 Acetate Face Shields 8040 Acetate (KCC29078) 10540 KCC 29078 6.20 29078 Ideal for scratch resistance and premium optics; High-grade cast sheet acetate protects against splash; 99.9% UV protection Kimberly Clark Professional 9.68 6.90 12.86 KCC29078.jpg F30 Acetate Face Shields - 8040 Acetate; F30 Acetate Face Shields 8040 Acetate KCC29078, KCC29078, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10541 Lagasse F40 Propionate Face Shields - 915-60 Propionate; F40 Propionate Face Shields 915-60 Propionate (KCC29084) 10541 KCC 29084 4.65 29084 Injection molded propionate offers distortion-free optics; 99.9% UV protection Kimberly Clark Professional 14.60 10.40 19.71 KCC29084.jpg F40 Propionate Face Shields - 915-60 Propionate; F40 Propionate Face Shields 915-60 Propionate KCC29084, KCC29084, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10542 Lagasse F40 Propionate Face Shields - 915-60 Propionate (KCC29089) 10542 KCC 29089 0.36 29089 Injection molded propionate offers distortion-free optics; 99.9% UV protection Kimberly Clark Professional 14.17 10.10 18.96 KCC29089.jpg F40 Propionate Face Shields - 915-60 Propionate KCC29089, KCC29089, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10543 Lagasse X-Large Kleenguard General Protection White Zippered (Case of 24 EA) (KCC49004) 10543 KCC 49004 8.80 49004 Lightweight and breathable - strong and abrasion-resistant for extended wear; Patented MicroforceÖ fabric offers barrier protection against dry particulates and light liquid sprays Kimberly Clark Professional 94.68 72.22 127.53 KCC49004.jpg KleenGuard« A20 Breathable Particle Protection Coveralls - X-Large Kleenguard General Protection White Zippered; X-Large Kleenguard General Protection White Zippered Case of 24 EA KCC49004, KCC49004, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10544 Lagasse KleenGuard« A20 Breathable Particle Protection Coveralls (KCC49005) 10544 KCC 49005 9.00 49005 Lightweight and breathable - strong and abrasion-resistant for extended wear; Patented MicroforceÖ fabric offers barrier protection against dry particulates and light liquid sprays Kimberly Clark Professional 94.68 72.22 125.64 KCC49005.jpg KleenGuard« A20 Breathable Particle Protection Coveralls KCC49005, KCC49005, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10545 Lagasse X-Large White Kleenguard Coverall Zipper Front (Case of 24 EA) (KCC49114) 10545 KCC 49114 10.30 49114 Lightweight and breathable - strong and abrasion-resistant for extended wear; Patented MicroforceÖ fabric offers barrier protection against dry particulates and light liquid sprays Kimberly Clark Professional 115.56 88.14 156.35 KCC49114.jpg KleenGuard« A20 Breathable Particle Protection Coveralls - X-Large White Kleenguard Coverall Zipper Front; X-Large White Kleenguard Coverall Zipper Front Case of 24 EA KCC49114, KCC49114, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10546 Lagasse MEDIC GRADE NTRL EXAM GLV 9.5IN SM 200 (KCC50706) 10546 KCC 50706 1.92 50706 MEDIC GRADE NTRL EXAM GLV 9.5IN SM 200 Kimberly Clark Professional 21.50 16.40 28.47 KCC50706.jpg MEDIC GRADE NTRL EXAM GLV 9.5IN SM 200 KCC50706, KCC50706, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10547 Lagasse MEDIC GRADE NTRL EXAM GL OVE 9.5IN MD 200 (KCC50707) 10547 KCC 50707 2.09 50707 MEDIC GRADE NTRL EXAM GL OVE 9.5IN MD 200 Kimberly Clark Professional 23.86 18.20 31.40 KCC50707.jpg MEDIC GRADE NTRL EXAM GL OVE 9.5IN MD 200 KCC50707, KCC50707, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10548 Lagasse MEDIC GRADE NTRL EXAM GL OVE 9.5IN LG 200 (KCC50708) 10548 KCC 50708 2.37 50708 MEDIC GRADE NTRL EXAM GL OVE 9.5IN LG 200 Kimberly Clark Professional 20.32 15.50 27.49 KCC50708.jpg MEDIC GRADE NTRL EXAM GL OVE 9.5IN LG 200 KCC50708, KCC50708, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10549 Lagasse PURPLE NITRILE EXAM GLOV SML PF TEXTURED 100/DP (KCC55081) 10549 KCC 55081 1.63 55081 PURPLE NITRILE EXAM GLOV SML PF TEXTURED 100/DP Kimberly Clark Professional 14.16 10.80 18.53 KCC55081.jpg PURPLE NITRILE EXAM GLOV SML PF TEXTURED 100/DP KCC55081, KCC55081, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10550 Lagasse PURPLE NITRILE EXAM GLOV MED PF TEXTURED 100/DP (KCC55082) 10550 KCC 55082 1.75 55082 PURPLE NITRILE EXAM GLOV MED PF TEXTURED 100/DP Kimberly Clark Professional 13.90 10.60 18.40 133436.JPG PURPLE NITRILE EXAM GLOV MED PF TEXTURED 100/DP KCC55082, KCC55082, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10551 Lagasse PURPLE NITRILE EXAM GLOV LG PF TEXTURED 100/DP (KCC55083) 10551 KCC 55083 1.91 55083 PURPLE NITRILE EXAM GLOV LG PF TEXTURED 100/DP Kimberly Clark Professional 13.90 10.60 18.82 58139.JPG PURPLE NITRILE EXAM GLOV LG PF TEXTURED 100/DP KCC55083, KCC55083, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10552 Lagasse NITRILE EXAM GLV XL PF TEXTRD PURP 90/DP (KCC55084) 10552 KCC 55084 1.95 55084 NITRILE EXAM GLV XL PF TEXTRD PURP 90/DP Kimberly Clark Professional 13.90 10.60 18.64 58141.JPG NITRILE EXAM GLV XL PF TEXTRD PURP 90/DP KCC55084, KCC55084, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10553 Lagasse PF NITRILE TEXTURED SML GLOVES (4/50) (KCC55091) 10553 KCC 55091 13.80 55091 PF NITRILE TEXTURED SML GLOVES (4/50) Kimberly Clark Professional 202.04 154.10 267.60 KCC55091.jpg PF NITRILE TEXTURED SML GLOVES 4/50 KCC55091, KCC55091, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10554 Lagasse PF NITRILE TEXTURED LRG GLOVES (4/50) (KCC55093) 10554 KCC 55093 15.65 55093 PF NITRILE TEXTURED LRG GLOVES (4/50) Kimberly Clark Professional 202.04 154.10 270.48 KCC55093.jpg PF NITRILE TEXTURED LRG GLOVES 4/50 KCC55093, KCC55093, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10556 Lagasse KIMTECH G5 WHT NITR GLV SMALL 10/100 PER CASE (KCC56864) 10556 KCC 56864 17.66 56864 KIMTECH G5 WHT NITR GLV SMALL 10/100 PER CASE Kimberly Clark Professional 241.44 184.15 324.87 KCC56864.jpg KIMTECH G5 WHT NITR GLV SMALL 10/100 PER CASE KCC56864, KCC56864, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 65
10562 Lagasse Residential Series Kitchen Fire Extinguishers (KDD21005753) 10562 KDD 21005753 4.00 408-21005753 Pressure gauge allows for immediate pressure status check; Easy-to-pull safety pin; Rust and impact resistant nylon handle; Powder coated cylinder for corrosion protection Kidde 122.17 93.18 165.45 KDD21005753.jpg Residential Series Kitchen Fire Extinguishers KDD21005753, KDD21005753, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 64
10563 Lagasse Pro Series Fire Extinguishers (KDD21005779) 10563 KDD 21005779 7.13 408-21005779 Multipurpose rechargeable fire extinguisher; Heavy duty chrome plated brass valve assembly; Pressure gauge allows for immediate pressure status check; Powder coated cylinder for corrosion protection Kidde 208.73 159.20 277.39 KDD21005779.jpg Pro Series Fire Extinguishers KDD21005779, KDD21005779, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 64
10564 Lagasse Full Home Fire Extinguishers (KDD466142) 10564 KDD 466142 4.00 408-466142 Clear instruction label using graphics to show steps required to operate extinguisher; Easy-to-read gauge tells you fire extinguisher is charged and ready for use; Easy-to-pull safety pin, rust and impact resistant nylon handle Kidde 151.19 115.32 198.01 KDD466142.jpg Full Home Fire Extinguishers KDD466142, KDD466142, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 64
10565 Lagasse Strion« LED Flashlights (LGT74302) 10565 LGT 74302 1.97 683-74302 Compact, machined aluminum flashlight featuring a super bright C4 LED; Knurled grip and borofloat high temperature glass; Multi-function, push button tactical tailswitch Streamlight 188.40 111.55 250.00 LGT74302.jpg Strion« LED Flashlights LGT74302, LGT74302, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 1 276
10566 Lagasse 6000 Series Half Facepiece Respirators - 6000 Series Half Facepiece Respirators Small (MCO07024) 10566 MCO 07024 0.29 7024 Used with 2000, 6000 and 7000 Series filters and cartridges; Remarkably comfortable with soft, lightweight facepiece and the easy-to-adjust head straps; Reusable. Just dispose of the cartridges/filters when used to capacity 3M Corporation 25.96 15.40 34.17 MCO07024.jpg 6000 Series Half Facepiece Respirators - 6000 Series Half Facepiece Respirators Small MCO07024, MCO07024, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10567 Lagasse VirtuaÖ Safety Eyewear - Virtua Clear Temp Clear Lens Hardcoat (MCO11326-00000-20) 10567 MCO 11326-00000-20 2.20 247-11326-00000-20 Contoured flexible temples for comfortable fit; Lightweight - Less than 1 oz; Sleek - Styling with both men and women 3M Corporation 2.58 1.85 3.45 MCO113260000020.jpg VirtuaÖ Safety Eyewear - Virtua Clear Temp Clear Lens Hardcoat MCO11326-00000-20, MCO113260000020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10568 Lagasse VirtuaÖ Safety Eyewear - VIRTUA CLEAR TEMPLES CLEAR LENS ANTI-FOG (MCO11329-00000-20) 10568 MCO 11329-00000-20 2.20 247-11329-00000-20 Contoured flexible temples for comfortable fit; Lightweight - Less than 1 oz; Sleek - Styling with both men and women 3M Corporation 3.01 2.15 4.04 149981.JPG VirtuaÖ Safety Eyewear - VIRTUA CLEAR TEMPLES CLEAR LENS ANTI-FOG MCO11329-00000-20, MCO113290000020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10569 Lagasse MaximÖ Safety Eyewear (MCO13250-00000-20) 10569 MCO 13250-00000-20 1.30 247-13250-00000-20 Adjustable temple lengths; Ventilation channel designed to help minimize fogging; Soft, adjustable nose bridge; Dual-injected cushion browguard; Three position pantoscopic lens adjustment moves lens up and down on the face for optimum fit and sightline 3M Corporation 14.17 10.10 19.27 MCO132500000020.jpg MaximÖ Safety Eyewear MCO13250-00000-20, MCO132500000020, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10570 Lagasse Foam Earplugs - Foam Ear Plugs Uncorded Tapered (MCO29008) 10570 MCO 29008 4.39 29008 Smooth, dirt resistant surface for hygiene; Tapered shape to fit the ear canal comfortably; Comfortable for a wide range of ear sizes; Hypo-allergenic material; Can be combined with ear muffs for additional protection 3M Corporation 48.25 28.62 64.01 MCO29008.jpg Foam Earplugs - Foam Ear Plugs Uncorded Tapered MCO29008, MCO29008, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10571 Lagasse Foam Earplugs - Foam Earplugs Corded Tapered (MCO29009) 10571 MCO 29009 3.69 29009 Smooth, dirt resistant surface for hygiene; Tapered shape to fit the ear canal comfortably; Comfortable for a wide range of ear sizes; Hypo-allergenic material; Can be combined with ear muffs for additional protection; Soft braided cloth cord provides worker comfort, helps prevent loss and reduces sound vibrations from the cord; Cord drapes comfortably without twisting or binding 3M Corporation 275.61 163.50 361.95 MCO29009.jpg Foam Earplugs - Foam Earplugs Corded Tapered MCO29009, MCO29009, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10573 Lagasse N95 Particulate Respirators (MCO37021) 10573 MCO 37021 9.21 37021 Three-panel respirator with innovative design; Flat-folded and individually packaged; Conforms to a wide range of face sizes; Soft cover web on inner panel; Soft, conformable noseclip; Lightweight, collapse resistant design; Designed to help provide comfortable, reliable worker protection 3M Corporation 53.94 32.00 70.36 MCO37021.jpg N95 Particulate Respirators MCO37021, MCO37021, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10574 Lagasse N95 Particulate Respirators (MCO37022) 10574 MCO 37022 0.73 37022 Three-panel respirator with innovative design; Flat-folded and individually packaged; Conforms to a wide range of face sizes; Soft cover web on inner panel; Soft, conformable noseclip; Lightweight, collapse resistant design; Suited for work settings that involve heat, humidity, or long periods of wear; 3MÖ Cool FlowÖ Exhalation Valve 3M Corporation 30.22 23.05 39.78 MCO37022.jpg N95 Particulate Respirators MCO37022, MCO37022, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10575 Lagasse N95 Particulate Respirators (MCO46457) 10575 MCO 46457 5.70 46457 Advanced Electret Media (AEM); Soft nose foam and adjustable noseclip to help provide a custom fit, secure seal and reduces the potential for eyewear fogging; Lightweight construction and Staple free strap attachment for increased comfort 3M Corporation 37.96 22.52 51.99 66784.JPG N95 Particulate Respirators MCO46457, MCO46457, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10576 Lagasse 6000 & 7000 Series Half and Full Facepiece Cartridges & Filters (MCO46464) 10576 MCO 46464 1.80 46464 Requires 501 prefilter retainer 3M Corporation 20.15 15.37 27.47 MCO46464.jpg 6000 & 7000 Series Half and Full Facepiece Cartridges & Filters - 6000 & 7000 Series Half and Full Facepiece Cartridges & Filters N95 Particulate Filter MCO46464, MCO46464, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10577 Lagasse N95 Particulate Respirators - N95 Particulate Respirator (MCO52750) 10577 MCO 52750 5.30 52750 Ideally suited for work settings that involve heat, humidity, or long periods of wear; 3MÖ Cool FlowÖ Exhalation Valve is a patented one-way valve offering easy exhalation for cool, dry comfort; Adjustable noseclip provides a custom fit, secure seal, and reduces the potential for eyewear fogging; Braided straps provide comfort and durability 3M Corporation 58.28 41.50 78.43 MCO52750.jpg N95 Particulate Respirators - N95 Particulate Respirator MCO52750, MCO52750, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10578 Lagasse N95 Particulate Respirators - N95 Particulate Respirator (MCO52924) 10578 MCO 52924 0.63 52924 Adjustable noseclip provides a custom fit, secure seal, and reduces the potential for eyewear fogging; Durable braided comfort strap; Staple-free headband attachment; Advanced electrostatically charged microfibers; Soft nose foam is more comfortable on the face; Multi-layer, durable construction 3M Corporation 31.77 21.47 43.48 MCO52924.jpg N95 Particulate Respirators - N95 Particulate Respirator MCO52924, MCO52924, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10579 Lagasse N95 Particulate Respirators (MCO54141) 10579 MCO 54141 1.16 54141 3MÖ Cool FlowÖ Exhalation Valve is a patented one-way valve offering easy exhalation for cool, dry comfort; Cake-resistant filter media; Lightweight construction contributes to increased wear time; Buckle adjustable straps provide a comfortable, secure fit with a single tug; Welding web is a unique filter media and protective layers are designed to be flame resistant as demonstrated per ASTM D2859.96. (Not a substitute for a faceshield); Adjustable noseclip provides a custom fit, secure seal, and reduces the potential for eyewear fogging; Faceseal is comfortable to wear and contours easily to help provide a good seal 3M Corporation 81.62 62.25 108.53 MCO54141.jpg N95 Particulate Respirators MCO54141, MCO54141, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10580 Lagasse N100 Particulate Respirators (MCO54143) 10580 MCO 54143 3.34 54153 3MÖ Cool FlowÖ Exhalation Valve is a patented one-way valve offering easy exhalation for cool, dry comfort; Faceseal is comfortable to wear and contours easily to help provide a good seal; Adjustable noseclip provides a custom fit, secure seal, and reduces the potential for eyewear fogging; Lightweight construction contributes to increased wear time; Easily fits under faceshields; Buckle adjustable straps provide a comfortable, secure fit with a single tug 3M Corporation 16.28 11.60 22.20 MCO54143.jpg N100 Particulate Respirators MCO54143, MCO54143, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10581 Lagasse P95 Particulate Respirators (MCO54285) 10581 MCO 54285 0.76 54285 3MÖ Cool FlowÖ Exhalation Valve is a patented one-way valve offering easy exhalation for cool, dry comfort; M-noseclip adjusts easily with fewer pressure points and greater comfort, reduces the potential for eyewear fogging; Faceseal is comfortable to wear and contours easily to help provide a good seal; Lightweight construction contributes to increased wear time; Braided straps provide comfort and durability 3M Corporation 46.17 35.22 61.26 MCO54285.jpg P95 Particulate Respirators MCO54285, MCO54285, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10582 Lagasse P100 Particulate Cartridges - P100 Particulate Cartridges (MCO54336) 10582 MCO 54336 3.50 54336 Recommended for substance specific particle exposures up to 10x OSHA PEL for lead, cadmium, arsenic, and others; 3MÖ Cool FlowÖ Exhalation Valve is a patented one-way valve offering easy exhalation for cool, dry comfort; Faceseal is comfortable to wear and contours easily to help provide a good seal; Adjustable noseclip provides a custom fit, secure seal, and reduces the potential for eyewear fogging; Lightweight construction contributes to increased wear time; Buckle adjustable straps provide a comfortable, secure fit with a single tug 3M Corporation 22.76 13.50 30.61 MCO54336.jpg P100 Particulate Cartridges - P100 Particulate Cartridges MCO54336, MCO54336, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10583 Lagasse N95 Particulate Respirators (MCO54343) 10583 MCO 54343 1.28 54343 3MÖ Cool FlowÖ Exhalation Valve is a patented one-way valve offering easy exhalation for cool, dry comfort; M-noseclip adjusts easily with fewer pressure points and greater comfort, reduces the potential for eyewear fogging; Lightweight construction contributes to increased wear time; Braided straps provide comfort and durability 3M Corporation 41.89 24.85 54.93 MCO54343.jpg N95 Particulate Respirators MCO54343, MCO54343, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10584 Lagasse R95 Particulate Respirators (MCO54358) 10584 MCO 54358 5.39 54358 Recommended for nuisance level organic vapor relief; Lightweight construction promotes greater worker comfort and contributes to increased wear time; Soft nose foam reduces eyewear fogging 3M Corporation 159.30 94.50 215.12 MCO54358.jpg R95 Particulate Respirators MCO54358, MCO54358, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10585 Lagasse P95 Particulate Respirators - P95 Particulate Respirators (MCO54371) 10585 MCO 54371 0.76 54371 Recommended for nuisance level organic vapor relief; 3MÖ Cool FlowÖ Exhalation Valve is a patented one-way valve offering easy exhalation for cool, dry comfort; M-noseclip adjusts easily with fewer pressure points and greater comfort, reduces the potential for eyewear fogging; Lightweight construction contributes to increased wear time; Braided straps provide comfort and durability 3M Corporation 59.39 45.30 77.19 MCO54371.jpg P95 Particulate Respirators - P95 Particulate Respirators MCO54371, MCO54371, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10586 Lagasse 3M Organic Vapor Particulate Respirator 8214, N95, 10 Respirators (MCO66192) 10586 MCO 66192 1.21 66192 Recommended for welding where ozone and nuisance level organic vapors may be present; 3M Cool Flow Exhalation Valve is a patented one-way valve offering easy exhalation for cool, dry comfort; Cake-resistant filter media; Lightweight construction promotes greater worker comfort; All filter design provides economical protection, maintenance free, promotes easier communication, and has a flame resistant outer shell; Buckle adjustable straps provide a comfortable, secure fit with a single tug; Adjustable noseclip provides a custom fit, secure seal, and reduces the potential for eyewear fogging; Welding web is a unique filter media and protective layers are designed to be flame resistant as demonstrated per ASTM D2859.96. (Not a substitute for a faceshield); Faceseal is comfortable to wear and contours easily to help provide a good seal. N95 Particulate Respirator For Welding With Ozone Protection.
3M Corporation 59.39 45.30 78.81 MCO66192.jpg N95 Particulate Respirators - N95 Particulate Respirator For Welding With Ozone Protection MCO66192, MCO66192, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 1
10587 Lagasse N95 Particulate Respirators - N95 Particulate Respirators (MCO66299) 10587 MCO 66299 9.88 66299 3MÖ Cool FlowÖ Exhalation Valve is a patented one-way valve offering easy exhalation for cool, dry comfort; Cake-resistant filter media; Buckle adjustable straps provide a comfortable, secure fit with a single tug; Welding web is a unique filter media and protective layers are designed to be flame resistant as demonstrated per ASTM D2859.96. (Not a substitute for a faceshield); Adjustable noseclip provides a custom fit, secure seal, and reduces the potential for eyewear fogging; Recommended for welding where ozone and nuisance level organic vapors may be present 3M Corporation 136.54 81.00 177.47 MCO66299.jpg N95 Particulate Respirators - N95 Particulate Respirators MCO66299, MCO66299, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10588 Lagasse N95 Particulate Respirators (MCO8200) 10588 MCO 8200 0.71 MMM8200 Adjustable noseclip and nose foam to help provide a custom fit and secure seal; Low priced N95 that features Advanced Electret Media 3M Corporation 13.28 10.10 17.89 MCO8200.jpg N95 Particulate Respirators MCO8200, MCO8200, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10589 Lagasse 3M LENS CLEANING CLOTH 7.1""X6.3"" 20/CASE (MCO9021) 10589 MCO 9021 3.79 9021 3M LENS CLEANING CLOTH 7.1""X6.3"" 20/CASE 3M Corporation 42.55 30.65 56.74 3M LENS CLEANING CLOTH 7.1""X6.3"" 20/CASE MCO9021, MCO9021, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10590 Lagasse High-Capacity Petroleum Sorbent Rolls (MCOHP-100) 10590 MCO HP-100 25.00 HP-100 These petroleum sorbent rolls are perfect for lining drawers, covering workbenches, or masking areas from oversprays; Rolls can be cut to cover small areas or laid on open waters, shorelines, or discharge streams; With a scrim on one side, HP-100 can be wrung out and reused many times to reduce 3M Corporation 218.22 121.30 289.13 MCOHP100.jpg High-Capacity Petroleum Sorbent Rolls MCOHP-100, MCOHP100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10591 Lagasse High-Capacity Maintenance Folded Sorbents (MCOM-FL550DD) 10591 MCO M-FL550DD 16.92 29071 This is the easy-to-use solution for cleaning up spills, drips and fluid leaks; It can be used as a boom, pillow, pad, or roll, which means you stock one product to meet your sorbent needs; Perforations every 16 inches; The compact, handy dispenser box allows easy, on-site use; Simplifies reclamation for recycling of valuable liquids and reuse of sorbent; Minimizes sorbent waste for disposal 3M Corporation 240.76 142.82 318.17 67446.JPG High-Capacity Maintenance Folded Sorbents MCOM-FL550DD, MCOMFL550DD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10592 Lagasse Petroleum Sorbent Pads - 3/8""X17""X19"" Oil Sorbent Sheets; 3/8""X17""X19"" Oil Sorbent Sheets (Bale of 100 Sheets) (MCOT-156) 10592 MCO T-156 21.50 498-T-156 Extremely easy to apply, retrieve, and reuse, these pads are double the standard thickness and recommended for congested areas such as under docks, in shallow water, rocky shorelines, marshes, and beaches; Pads can also be used to wipe off oil-contaminated rocks, boats, and equipment; Like rolls, they are ideal for in-plant use in place of clay granules 3M Corporation 118.54 90.41 156.42 MCOT156.jpg Petroleum Sorbent Pads - 3/8""X17""X19"" Oil Sorbent Sheets; 3/8""X17""X19"" Oil Sorbent Sheets Bale of 100 Sheets MCOT-156, MCOT156, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 1
10593 Lagasse TWIN TURBO D-RING CONNEC TOR 2 MFL-12/6FT (MFLMFLB-12/6FT) 10593 MFL MFLB-12/6FT 6.70 493-MFLB-12/6FT TWIN TURBO D-RING CONNEC TOR 2 MFL-12/6FT MFL 1804.81 1331.88 2429.21 MFLMFLB126FT.jpg TWIN TURBO D-RING CONNEC TOR 2 MFL-12/6FT MFLMFLB-12/6FT, MFLMFLB12/6FT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 282
10594 Lagasse TWIN TURBO D-RING CONNEC TOR 2 MFL-3/6FT (MFLMFLB-3/6FT) 10594 MFL MFLB-3/6FT 5.30 493-MFLB-3/6FT TWIN TURBO D-RING CONNEC TOR 2 MFL-3/6FT MFL 1451.48 1071.12 1951.55 MFLMFLB36FT.jpg TWIN TURBO D-RING CONNEC TOR 2 MFL-3/6FT MFLMFLB-3/6FT, MFLMFLB3/6FT, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 282
10596 Lagasse OIL DRY-ABSORBENT-SAFE-T SORB 40LB BG(1) POLY BAG (MOL7941) 10596 MOL 7941 41.80 7941 OIL DRY-ABSORBENT-SAFE-T SORB 40LB BG(1) POLY BAG MOL 10.66 6.32 14.40 MOL7941.jpg OIL DRY-ABSORBENT-SAFE-T SORB 40LB BG1 POLY BAG MOL7941, MOL7941, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 283
10597 Lagasse CLAY ABSORBENT 50LB BAG (MOL7951) 10597 MOL 7951 50.00 7951 CLAY ABSORBENT 50LB BAG MOL 13.44 7.97 17.63 MOL7951.jpg CLAY ABSORBENT 50LB BAG MOL7951, MOL7951, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 283
10599 Lagasse ABSORBENT-OPTISORB-33.5# BAG(1) (MOL8933) 10599 MOL 8933 33.30 M8933 ABSORBENT-OPTISORB-33.5# BAG(1) MOL 17.70 10.50 24.00 MOL8933.jpg ABSORBENT-OPTISORB-33.5# BAG1 MOL8933, MOL8933, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 283
10600 Lagasse Disposable Nitrile Gloves (MPG6012XL) 10600 MPG 6012XL 2.25 127-6012XL Resistance to a wide variety of chemicals; Latex free Shelby Group International Inc 15.94 10.81 21.72 MPG6012XL.jpg Disposable Nitrile Gloves MPG6012XL, MPG6012XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 275
10601 Lagasse Swiss Miss« Hot Cocoa Mix - Regular 50 (MRC55280) 10601 MRC 55280 19.00 SWM55280 These single serving packets allow you to quickly and easily satisfy your craving for chocolateùsimply add hot water and mix. MRC 60.57 46.20 82.07 MRC55280.jpg Swiss Miss« Hot Cocoa Mix - Regular 50 MRC55280, MRC55280, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 284
10602 Lagasse Swiss Miss« Hot Cocoa Mix - No Sugar Added 24 (MRC55584) 10602 MRC 55584 6.96 SWM55584 These single serving packets allow you to quickly and easily satisfy your craving for chocolateùsimply add hot water and mix. MRC 51.26 39.10 68.49 MRC55584.jpg Swiss Miss« Hot Cocoa Mix - No Sugar Added 24 MRC55584, MRC55584, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 284
10605 Lagasse First Aid Kits (NSP0197020002L) 10605 NSP 0197020002L 1.50 068-019702-0002L Kits are ideal for manufacturing settings where a wide variety of first aid items are required; All kits are waterproof North Safety Products Inc 20.14 15.36 26.77 142790.JPG First Aid Kits NSP0197020002L, NSP0197020002L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 273
10606 Lagasse Grip N« Hot Mill Nitrile Coated Gloves - GRIP-N AMBIDEXTROUS KNITHOT MILL GLOVE K/WRIST (NSP517146) 10606 NSP 517146 4.41 068-51/7146 Grip, comfort, dexterity North Safety Products Inc 65.74 39.00 88.25 152468.JPG Grip N« Hot Mill Nitrile Coated Gloves - GRIP-N AMBIDEXTROUS KNITHOT MILL GLOVE K/WRIST NSP517146, NSP517146, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 273
10607 Lagasse Silicone Full Facepiece Respirators, 7600 Series (NSP760008A) 10607 NSP 760008A 2.05 068-760008A NSP 760008A North Safety 7600 Series Full-Facepiece Respirator Mask
Superior performance, fit, comfort and visibility: get it all with the 7600 Series. ANSI-Compliant, high-impact picture-window lens provides an excellent, 200° wide field of vision. Dual-flange sealing area and five-strap harness provide a secure, comfortable fit to a broader range of face shapes and sizes. Chin and nose cups minimize dead air space and effectively channel out exhaled breath. Speech diaphragm amplifies wearer's voice, facilitating on-the-job communication. Mask easily converts to PAPR or Supplied Air systems, simplifying inventory management and safety training programs. Wide range of cartridges and filters available (sold separately). Latex free.
Includes one mask.
7600 Series Full-Facepiece Respirator Mask, Medium/Large, Each
North Safety Products Inc 179.80 127.55 233.56 NSP760008A.jpg 7600 Series Silicone Full Facepiece Respirators - MEDIUM/LARGE FULL FACE SILICONE RESPIRATOR NSP760008A, NSP760008A, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 273
10608 Lagasse 7700 Series Half Mask Respirators - 7700 SERIES SILICONE HALF MASK RESPIRATOR MEDIUM (NSP770030M) 10608 NSP 770030M 0.64 068-770030M Silicone facepiece conforms to facial features and doesn't harden with age; Contoured sealing flange and cradle suspension system eliminates discomfort caused by pressure points on facial nerves; Cradle suspension system allows the facepiece to seal evenly on the face without creating pressure points North Safety Products Inc 25.87 18.42 33.95 NSP770030M.jpg 7700 Series Half Mask Respirators - 7700 SERIES SILICONE HALF MASK RESPIRATOR MEDIUM NSP770030M, NSP770030M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 273
10609 Lagasse Smitty Nitrile Palm Coated Gloves, Medium, 12 Pairs (NSP811162M) 10609 NSP 811162M 1.36 068-81/1162M Nitrile Palm Coated Gloves
Versatile glove meets variety of applications, and is approved for use in food handling. Nitrile coating provides sure grip and durability. Blended cotton/polyester exterior will not shrink in laundry. Includes 12 pairs of gloves.
Smitty Nitrile Palm Coated Gloves, White/Red, Medium, 12 Pairs per Box - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. North Safety Products Inc 22.59 15.96 30.90 152527.JPG smitty nitrile palm coated gloves, NSP 811162M, NSP811162M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 273
10610 Lagasse NitriGuard Unsupported Nitrile Gloves (NSPLA132G/10) 10610 NSP LA132G/10 1.55 068-LA132G/10 Does not contain latex proteins that can cause allergic reactions North Safety Products Inc 20.34 15.12 26.89 NSPLA132G10.jpg NitriGuard Unsupported Nitrile Gloves NSPLA132G/10, NSPLA132G/10, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 273
10611 Lagasse NorthFlex Red Foamed PVC Palm Coated Gloves, Size 10 XL (NSPNF1110XL) 10611 NSP NF1110XL 1.60 068-NF11/10XL 15 gauge seamless shell is stretchy and form fitting for wearer comfort. Provides exceptional grip, particularly in wet conditions. Provides good mechanical properties, including impressive abrasion resistance.
Sold by the Dozen. 12 Pairs of Gloves
Northflex Red Foamed PVC Gloves, Red & Black, Size 10XL
North Safety Products Inc 32.11 22.68 43.23 150271.JPG NorthFlex RedÖ Foamed PVC Palm Coated Gloves - Northflex Red Nylon/Foam PVC Glove 10 Xl 15 Gauge NSPNF1110XL, NSPNF1110XL, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 273
10612 Lagasse NorthFlex Red Foamed PVC Palm Coated Gloves, Size 9 L (NSPNF119L) 10612 NSP NF119L 1.49 068-NF11/9L 15 gauge seamless shell is stretchy and form fitting for wearer comfort; Provides exceptional grip, particularly in wet conditions; Provides good mechanical properties, including impressive abrasion resistance. Includes 12 pair of gloves.
Northflex Red Foamed PVC Gloves, Red & Black, Size 9L, Dozen North Safety Products Inc 37.83 22.44 51.48 148360.JPG NorthFlex RedÖ Foamed PVC Palm Coated Gloves - Northflex Red Nylon/Foam PVC Glove 9L 15 Gauge NSPNF119L, NSPNF119L, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 273
10613 Lagasse DELI PLAS FOOD CNTNR 32OZ COMBO CLE 10/24 (PACYSD2532) 10613 PAC YSD2532 27.98 YSD2532 Clear, smooth-wall design enables easy order recognition. Tight, leak-resistant seal protects contents from contamination and helps prevent messy leaks and spills. Exceptional temperature resilience enables use in freezers, refrigerators and microwaves. Pactiv Corporation 70.06 45.54 93.07 DELI PLAS FOOD CNTNR 32OZ COMBO CLE 10/24 PACYSD2532, PACYSD2532, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 256
10614 Lagasse SAFEGUARD FOAM SOAP DISP TOUCH FREE CNTR MOUNT (PGC47439) 10614 PGC 47439 2.92 47439 Safeguard Foaming Hand Soap Automatice Dispenser Procter and Gamble Professional 58.56 33.25 78.22 SAFEGUARD FOAM SOAP DISP TOUCH FREE CNTR MOUNT PGC47439, PGC47439, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 80
10616 Lagasse Bounty Perforated Kitchen Paper Towels, 15 Rolls (PGC81461) 10616 PGC 81461 6.45 81461 Bounty Kitchen Paper Towels
"Clean the mess with less" when you use "the quilted quicker picker-upper." Strong, cloth-like qualities enable you to rise, wring and reuse one towel repeatedly. Extra thick quilting gives Bounty its famous, greater than average absorbency.
Proctor & Gamble Bounty Kitchen Paper Towels, 11" X 11", White, 48 Sheets per Roll, 15 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 24.12 18.40 31.64 Bounty Kitchen Paper Towels, PGC 81461, PGC81461, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10617 Lagasse Bounty Regular Kitchen Paper Towels, 30 Rolls per Case (PGC81539) 10617 PGC 81539 14.33 1.13100370008153931003700081539381539 Bounty Kitchen Paper Towels
"Clean the mess with less" when you use "the quilted quicker picker-upper." Strong, cloth-like qualities enable you to rise, wring and reuse one towel repeatedly. Extra thick quilting gives Bounty its famous, greater than average absorbency.
Proctor & Gamble Bounty Regular Roll Paper Towels, 11" X 11", White, 48 Sheets per Roll, 30 Rolls per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 57.03 43.50 75.46 bounty regular roll paper towels, PGC81539, PGC81539, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10618 Lagasse SWIFFER FURNTR POLISH BTL ALMOND 6/9.7 (PGC81618) 10618 PGC 81618 5.00 81618 Versatile wax-free formula with a light, even mist makes it easy to spray and wipe away. Ergonomic design provides comfort for cleaning multiple surfaces in any room. Easy-to-control trigger maintains even application for a bright shine. Procter and Gamble Professional 25.70 19.60 33.71 PGC81618.jpg SWIFFER FURNTR POLISH BTL ALMOND 6/9.7 PGC81618, PGC81618, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 80
10619 Lagasse FEBREZE AIR EFFECTS ODOR CTRL DEOD 9.7OZ ARSL FR (PGC81911) 10619 PGC 81911 7.84 81911 Formulated to actually eliminate odors in the air instead of just masking them. Clears away stale, stifling odors while leaving a fresh, clean scent behind. Procter and Gamble Professional 32.00 24.41 41.93 FEBREZE AIR EFFECTS ODOR CTRL DEOD 9.7OZ ARSL FR PGC81911, PGC81911, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 80
10620 Lagasse Mr. Clean Magic Eraser All Purpose Cleaning Pads, 24 Pads (PGC82027) 10620 PGC 82027 1.05 82027 Magic Eraser Pads
Brighten up! Magic pads allow you to quickly and easily erase set-in dirt and grime. Water-activated micro-scrubbers reach into nooks and grooves to remove built-up grease and soap scum. Unique formula does wonders with scuff and tough crayon marks.
Proctor & Gamble - Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Pad, 4.6"x 2.4"x 1", White, 4 Pads per Pack, 6 packs per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 26.26 20.00 34.49 mr. clean magic eraser pad, PGC 82027, PGC82027, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10621 Lagasse Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo, 24 Pads (PGC82028) 10621 PGC 82028 1.10 82028 Magic Eraser Duo
Get twice the magic when you choose this dynamic duo. One side provides the quick and easy erasing performance of the original, while the other gets down and dirty with extreme scouring power. Tried-and-true water-activated micro-scrubbers rub out built-up grease and grime as well as tough scuff and crayon marks. Mild detergent is safe on sensitive skin: no gloves required. Includes six boxes of four sponges each.
Proctor & Gamble - Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo, 4.6" x 2.4" x 1", White/Blue, 4 Pads per Box, 6 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 33.30 25.40 45.46 mr. clean magic eraser duo pads, PGC 82028, PGC82028, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10622 Lagasse Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Power, 32 Pads (PGC82038) 10622 PGC 82038 0.35 82038 Magic Eraser Extra Power
Innovative water-activated micro-scrubbers reach into surface grooves, lifting away the toughest soils with water alone. Textured and 50% stronger than Magic Eraser Original for heavy-duty cleaning. Holds up to tough messes better and lasts longer before you need to replace it. Ideal for use on kitchen appliances, tiles and grout, and even grill grates, lawn furniture and more. Includes eight packs of four sponges each.
Proctor & Gamble - Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Power, 3 1/2" x 5" x 1", White, 4 Pads per Box, 8 Boxes per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Procter and Gamble Professional 50.08 38.20 65.67 mr. clean magic eraser extra power pads, PGC 82038, PGC82038, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 80
10623 Lagasse Swiffer Furniture Polish (PGC82428) 10623 PGC 82428 5.00 82428 Versatile wax-free formula with a light, even mist makes it easy to spray and wipe away. Ergonomic design provides comfort for cleaning multiple surfaces in any room. Easy-to-control trigger maintains even application for a bright shine. Ideal for most surfaces including wood, leather and granite. Procter and Gamble Professional 25.70 19.60 34.05 PGC82428.jpg Swiffer Furniture Polish PGC82428, PGC82428, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 80
10625 Lagasse Gatorade« 20 Oz. Wide Mouth - Gatorade Fierce Grape 20 Oz. Wide Mouth (QOC32482) 10625 QOC 32482 35.40 308-32482 G/ADE-FRGRAPE-20OZ WIDEM TH(24)FIERCE GRAPE Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 40.97 29.17 55.90 149366.JPG Gatorade« 20 Oz. Wide Mouth - Gatorade Fierce Grape 20 Oz. Wide Mouth QOC32482, QOC32482, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10626 Lagasse Gatorade« 20 Oz. Wide Mouth (QOC32486) 10626 QOC 32486 35.40 308-32486 G/ADE-GLACFRZ-20OZ WIDEM TH(24) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 40.97 29.17 54.40 149506.JPG Gatorade« 20 Oz. Wide Mouth QOC32486, QOC32486, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10627 Lagasse Gatorade« 20 Oz. Wide Mouth (QOC32488) 10627 QOC 32488 35.40 308-32488 G/ADE-RIPRUSH-20OZ WIDEM TH(24) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 40.97 29.17 55.86 149503.JPG Gatorade« 20 Oz. Wide Mouth QOC32488, QOC32488, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10628 Lagasse Gatorade« 20 Oz. Wide Mouth (QOC32866) 10628 QOC 32866 35.40 308-32866 G/ADE-FRTPUNCH-20Z WIDEM TH(24) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 40.97 30.41 55.31 QOC32866.jpg Gatorade« 20 Oz. Wide Mouth QOC32866, QOC32866, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10629 Lagasse Gatorade« 20 Oz. Wide Mouth (QOC32867) 10629 QOC 32867 35.40 308-32867 G/ADE-ORANGE-20OZ WIDEMT H (24) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 51.26 30.41 69.58 QOC32867.jpg Gatorade« 20 Oz. Wide Mouth QOC32867, QOC32867, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10630 Lagasse Gatorade« 20 Oz. Wide Mouth (QOC32868) 10630 QOC 32868 35.00 308-32868 G/ADE-LEM/LI-20OZ WIDEMT H (24) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 40.97 30.41 53.95 QOC32868.jpg Gatorade« 20 Oz. Wide Mouth QOC32868, QOC32868, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10631 Lagasse GATORADE LQ CT FCGP 6GAL (4/1 GAL) (QOC33305) 10631 QOC 33305 42.00 308-33305 GATORADE LQ CT FCGP 6GAL (4/1 GAL) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 45.19 32.18 61.59 149495.JPG GATORADE LQ CT FCGP 6GAL 4/1 GAL QOC33305, QOC33305, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10632 Lagasse Gatorade« Instant Powder (QOC33665) 10632 QOC 33665 24.40 308-33665 GATORADE PWDR RPRSH 1GAL (40/PKS) 8.5 OZ PACKS Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 111.27 66.01 150.51 149247.JPG Gatorade« Instant Powder QOC33665, QOC33665, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10633 Lagasse Gatorade« Instant Powder (QOC33672) 10633 QOC 33672 47.70 308-33672 GATORADE PWDR RPRSH 6GAL (14/51OZ) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 144.08 109.89 195.56 146486.JPG Gatorade« Instant Powder QOC33672, QOC33672, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10634 Lagasse Gatorade« Instant Powder (QOC33673) 10634 QOC 33673 46.00 308-33673 GATORADE PWDR RT 2.5 GAL (32/21OZ) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 145.82 111.22 191.77 Gatorade« Instant Powder QOC33673, QOC33673, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10635 Lagasse Gatorade« Instant Powder (QOC33676) 10635 QOC 33676 23.30 308-33676 GATORADE PWDR GLCRFZ 6GL (14/51OZ) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 194.33 115.28 258.92 146447.JPG Gatorade« Instant Powder QOC33676, QOC33676, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10636 Lagasse Gatorade« Instant Powder (QOC33677) 10636 QOC 33677 45.80 308-33677 GATORADE PWDR GF 2.5 GAL (32/21OZ) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 145.82 111.22 199.21 149320.JPG Gatorade« Instant Powder QOC33677, QOC33677, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10637 Lagasse Gatorade« Instant Powder (QOC33690) 10637 QOC 33690 47.40 308-33690 GATORADE PWDR FRTPC 6GAL (14/51OZ) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 116.37 88.76 151.46 146518.JPG Gatorade« Instant Powder QOC33690, QOC33690, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10638 Lagasse Gatorade« Instant Powder (QOC33691) 10638 QOC 33691 46.00 308-33691 GATORADE PWDR FP 2.5 GAL 32/21OZ) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 125.66 95.84 169.09 149370.JPG Gatorade« Instant Powder QOC33691, QOC33691, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10639 Lagasse Gatorade« Liquid Concentrates (QOC33977) 10639 QOC 33977 42.00 308-33977 GATORADE LQ CT FTP 6 GAL (4/1 GAL) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 54.68 41.71 73.24 152736.JPG Gatorade« Liquid Concentrates QOC33977, QOC33977, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10640 Lagasse Gatorade« Instant Powder (QOC3808) 10640 QOC 3808 7.50 308-3808 GATORADE PWDR FRTPCH 1GL (40/CS) 8.5 OZ PACKS Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 65.56 50.00 86.76 146431.JPG Gatorade« Instant Powder QOC3808, QOC3808, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10641 Lagasse GATORADE LQ CT ORNG 6GAL (4/1 GAL) (QOC3955) 10641 QOC 3955 42.00 308-3955 GATORADE LQ CT ORNG 6GAL (4/1 GAL) Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 53.45 40.77 72.80 149392.JPG GATORADE LQ CT ORNG 6GAL 4/1 GAL QOC3955, QOC3955, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10642 Lagasse Gatorade« Instant Powder (QOC3956) 10642 QOC 3956 23.30 308-3956 GATORADE PWDR LMNLME 1GL (40/CS) 8.5 OZ Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 111.27 66.01 147.64 149243.JPG Gatorade« Instant Powder QOC3956, QOC3956, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10643 Lagasse Gatorade« Instant Powder (QOC3957) 10643 QOC 3957 23.60 308-3957 GATORADE PWDR ORANGE 1GL (40/CS) 8.5 OZ Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 64.05 48.85 85.77 149252.JPG Gatorade« Instant Powder QOC3957, QOC3957, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10644 Lagasse Gatorade« Liquid Concentrates (QOC3984) 10644 QOC 3984 42.00 3984 GATLIQ LMNLIME-6GL-CONC( 4/1GL) CONCENTRATE Quaker Sales and Distribution Inc 59.97 44.17 81.11 QOC3984.jpg Gatorade« Liquid Concentrates QOC3984, QOC3984, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 274
10647 Lagasse GLOVE LATEX PWD MED 5MIL BEADED CUFF (10/100) (RPPRDLG100M) 10647 RPP RDLG100M 20.00 RDLG-100M GLOVE LATEX PWD MED 5MIL BEADED CUFF (10/100) Royal Paper Products 146.90 102.83 197.96 RPPRDLG100M.jpg GLOVE LATEX PWD MED 5MIL BEADED CUFF 10/100 RPPRDLG100M, RPPRDLG100M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
10648 Lagasse GLOVE-POLY-FOODSVC-MED(1 0/10/100)DO NOT BRK MSTR (RPPRDPG-100) 10648 RPP RDPG-100 3.60 RDPG-100 GLOVE-POLY-FOODSVC-MED(10/10/100)DO NOT BRK MSTR Royal Paper Products 131.29 91.90 174.32 RPPRDPG100.jpg GLOVE-POLY-FOODSVC-MED1 0/10/100DO NOT BRK MSTR RPPRDPG-100, RPPRDPG100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
10649 Lagasse GLOVE-POLY-FOODSVC-LG(10 /10/100)DO NOT BREAK M/C (RPPRDPG-100LG) 10649 RPP RDPG-100LG 3.85 RDPG-100LG GLOVE-POLY-FOODSVC-LG(10/10/100)DO NOT BREAK M/C Royal Paper Products 131.29 91.90 173.65 RPPRDPG100LG.jpg GLOVE-POLY-FOODSVC-LG10 /10/100DO NOT BREAK M/C RPPRDPG-100LG, RPPRDPG100LG, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
10650 Lagasse GLOVE-LATEX-FLOCKLD-MED (12/12) (RPPRHG144M) 10650 RPP RHG144M 2.20 RHG144M GLOVE-LATEX-FLOCKLD-MED (12/12) Royal Paper Products 214.00 149.80 285.28 RPPRHG144M.jpg GLOVE-LATEX-FLOCKLD-MED 12/12 RPPRHG144M, RPPRHG144M, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 140
10651 Lagasse DIMENSION RL TWL DISP 8I N 800FT BLA PRL 1 (SANT990TBK) 10651 SAN T990TBK 3.90 0.92T990TBK ElementÖ Paper Towel Dispenser, lever roll, fits 8-1/2 dia. x 8-1/4""W with any cor 11""W x 9-1/2""D x 13-1/4""H Classic black pearl" San Jamar Dispenser 50.02 38.15 66.16 sant990tbk.jpeg DIMENSION RL TWL DISP 8I N 800FT BLA PRL 1 SANT990TBK, SANT990TBK, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 92
10652 Lagasse Universal Sorbents - Universal Sorbent Pad 15""x17"" Heavy Weitht (SBDAB-BPU100) 10652 SBD AB-BPU100 7.20 103-AB-BPU100 Absorbs all industrial liquids (water, petroleum, and chemical based fluids) in facility; Dimpled & perfed; Perfect fit for indoor spills; Universal sorbents are designed for use around machinery, under leaky pipes or fittings, in messy traffic areas and for general maintenance projects Brady Worldwide Inc 39.01 27.78 50.99 SBDABBPU100.jpg Universal Sorbents - Universal Sorbent Pad 15""x17"" Heavy Weitht SBDAB-BPU100, SBDABBPU100, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 269
10653 Lagasse Universal Sorbents - Universal Sorbent Pad 15""x17"" Light Weight (SBDAB-BPU500) 10653 SBD AB-BPU500 6.80 103-AB-BPU500 Absorbs all industrial liquids (water, petroleum, and chemical based fluids) in facility; Dimpled & perfed; Perfect fit for indoor spills; Universal sorbents are designed for use around machinery, under leaky pipes or fittings, in messy traffic areas and for general maintenance projects Brady Worldwide Inc 32.45 23.11 42.49 SBDABBPU500.jpg Universal Sorbents - Universal Sorbent Pad 15""x17"" Light Weight SBDAB-BPU500, SBDABBPU500, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 269
10654 Lagasse Universal Sorbents (SBDAB-BRU120) 10654 SBD AB-BRU120 1.00 103-AB-BRU120 Absorbs all industrial liquids (water, petroleum, and chemical based fluids) in facility; Dimpled & perfed; Perfect fit for indoor spills; Universal sorbents are designed for use around machinery, under leaky pipes or fittings, in messy traffic areas and for general maintenance projects Brady Worldwide Inc 112.15 66.53 152.73 SBDABBRU120.jpg Universal Sorbents SBDAB-BRU120, SBDABBRU120, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 269
10655 Lagasse Solo 7-oz. Straight Edge Paper Cone Cup, 5,000 Cups (SCC156) 10655 SCC 156 32.93 156-2050 7oz Straight Edge Paper Cone Cups
Extra-strong treated paper minimizes the potential for messy leaks. Traditional conical shape makes it impossible to set it down and forget about it which helps reduce common-area litter. Cups fit standard water-cooler cup dispensers.
Solo 7-oz. Straight Edge Paper Cone Cups, 25 Box Sleeves of 200 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 221.43 155.00 288.20 SCC156.jpg paper cone water cups, SCC 156, SCC156, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
10656 Lagasse Solo Bare 7-oz. Straight Edge Paper Cone Cups, 5,000 Cups (SCC156BB) 10656 SCC 156BB 30.71 156BB-2050 Eco-Forward Straight Edge Paper Cone Cups
Extra-strong treated paper minimizes the potential for messy leaks. Traditional conical shape, as it makes set-and-forget placement impossible which helps reduce common-area litter. Cups fit standard water-cooler cup dispensers. Compostable in a commercial compost facility and made with plant-based renewable resources. Meets ASTM D6868 standard for compostability.
Solo Bare 7-oz. Straight Edge Paper Cone Cups, 25 Sleeves of 200 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 221.29 154.90 295.94 SCC156BB.jpg paper cone water cups, SCC 156BB, SCC156BB, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
10657 Lagasse Solo 4.25-oz. Paper Cone Water Cups, 5,000 Cups (SCC42BR) 10657 SCC 42BR 24.43 42BR-2050 Paper Cone Water Cups
Extra-strong treated paper minimizes the potential for messy leaks. Traditional conical shape, as it makes set-and-forget placement impossible, helps reduce common-area litter. Cups fit standard water-cooler cup dispensers.
Solo 4.25-oz Paper Cone Water Cups, 25 Sleeves of 200 Cups, 5000 per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 95.00 66.50 125.63 SCC42BR.jpg paper cone water cups, SCC 42BR, SCC42BR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
10658 Lagasse Solo 4oz. Paper Cone Water Cups, 5,000 Cups (SCC4BR) 10658 SCC 4BR 21.02 4BR-2050 4oz Paper Cone Water Cups
Extra-strong treated paper minimizes the potential for messy leaks. Traditional conical shape, as it makes set-and-forget placement impossible, helps reduce common-area litter. Cups fit standard water-cooler cup dispensers.
Includes 25 sleeves of 200 cups. 5000 per case.
Solo 4-oz. Paper Cone Water Cups, White, 25 Sleeves of 200 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 92.00 64.40 123.49 SCC42BR.jpg paper cone water cups, SCC 4BR, SCC4BR, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
10659 Lagasse Solo 4-oz. Paper Cone Water Cups, 5,000 Cups (SCC4R) 10659 SCC 4R 23.72 4R-2050 4oz Paper Cone Water Cups
The ideal counterparts for any water cooler, these paper cone cups from Solo are the perfect option for providing a simple and hygienic way to keep hydrated. The traditional conical shape helps to keep common areas litter-free as these cups cannot be put down and left behind. These 4-oz. cups are constructed with specially treated paper to provide extra strength, minimizing the potential for messy leaks. These angled cone cups are designed for easy stacking and storing, keeping them clean and dry before use. The one-at-a-time dispensing helps to cut down on waste, saving your business money. Made from annually renewable resources, and compostable in a commercial compost facility, you can feel good about purchasing these environmentally friendly paper cone cups. Solo 4-oz. paper cone cups fit standard water-cooler cup dispensers and are help keep your workplace cleaner and more visually appealing. Stock up today!
Solo 4-oz. Paper Cone Water Cups, White, 25 Sleeves of 200 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale restaurant supply company buyers trust.
Solo Cup Company 60.76 42.53 80.89 SCC42BR.jpg paper cone water cups, SCC 4R, SCC4R, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
10660 Lagasse 6-oz. Paper Cone Water Cups, 5,000 Cups (SCC6RBU) 10660 SCC 6RBU 31.35 6RB-2050 6oz Paper Cone Water Cups
Extra-strong treated paper minimizes the potential for messy leaks. Traditional conical shape, as it makes set-and-forget placement impossible, helps reduce common-area litter. Cups fit standard water-cooler cup dispensers.
Includes 25 sleeves of 200 cups. 5000 per case.
Solo Cups - 6-oz. Paper Cone Water Cups, White, 25 Sleeves of 200 Cups, 5,000 Cups per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Solo Cup Company 207.14 145.00 278.92 SCC6RBU.jpg paper cone water cups, SCC 6RBU, SCC6RBU, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 141
10661 Lagasse Solo« Unlaminated Polystyrene Foam Dinnerware (SCCFSF9) 10661 SCC FSF9 6.35 FSF9-0007 A light weight and economical choice, Solo's unlaminated foam line helps make any meal more profitable. Count on a secure feel with very little bending. Solo Cup Company 44.29 31.00 60.30 Solo« Unlaminated Polystyrene Foam Dinnerware SCCFSF9, SCCFSF9, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10662 Lagasse Solo« Double Sided Poly (DSP) Paper Food Containers - Combo Packs (SCCKHB12ASYM) 10662 SCC KHB12ASYM 13.19 KHB12A-J8000 Premium paper containers feature double-sided poly coating that locks in flavor and freshness for carryout applications. Versatile enough to serve both cold and hot foods. Extra rigid paper and extra strong rim prevent weakening. Solo Cup Company 64.86 45.40 84.89 SCCKHB16ASYM.jpg Solo« Double Sided Poly DSP Paper Food Containers - Combo Packs SCCKHB12ASYM, SCCKHB12ASYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10663 Lagasse Solo« Double Sided Poly (DSP) Paper Food Containers - Combo Packs (SCCKHB16ASYM) 10663 SCC KHB16ASYM 14.53 KHB16A-J8000 Premium paper containers feature double-sided poly coating that locks in flavor and freshness for carryout applications. Versatile enough to serve both cold and hot foods. Extra rigid paper and extra strong rim prevent weakening. Solo Cup Company 68.43 47.90 91.19 SCCKHB16ASYM.jpg Solo« Double Sided Poly DSP Paper Food Containers - Combo Packs SCCKHB16ASYM, SCCKHB16ASYM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10664 Lagasse LMNTD FOAM PLT 9IN RND WHI 4/125 (SCCRSF9) 10664 SCC RSF9 9.00 RSF9-0007 Cut-resistant dinnerware is made with a single-laminated surface that creates excellent insulation. Ideal for any office kitchen or cafeteria. Solo Cup Company 55.86 39.10 74.11 88717.JPG LMNTD FOAM PLT 9IN RND WHI 4/125 SCCRSF9, SCCRSF9, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 141
10668 Lagasse Sqweeze Freezer Pops (SQW159200201) 10668 SQW 159200201 31.38 690-159200201 The great taste and performance of Sqwincher, available in a tasty frozen treat; Now there's a better way to reduce core body temperature; Sqwincher's scientifically developed formulation is absorbed into body significantly faster than water, allowing the body to replenish the electrolytes and minerals needed for proper hydration The Sqwincher Corporation 37.37 28.50 49.36 SQW159200201.jpg Sqweeze Freezer Pops SQW159200201, SQW159200201, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 278
10669 Lagasse CTÖ Economy Knee Boots (SVS1882110) 10669 SVS 1882110 5.00 617-18821-10 FOOT FORM contour insole; Specialized rubber compound prevents ozone deterioration; Seamless molded construction with SAFE-TOE steel toe Norcross Safety Products Llc 20.50 12.16 27.35 143238.JPG CTÖ Economy Knee Boots SVS1882110, SVS1882110, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 272
10670 Lagasse CTÖ Economy Knee Boots (SVS1882111) 10670 SVS 1882111 5.00 617-18821-11 FOOT FORM contour insole; Specialized rubber compound prevents ozone deterioration; Seamless molded construction with SAFE-TOE steel toe Norcross Safety Products Llc 20.50 12.16 26.63 150561.JPG CTÖ Economy Knee Boots SVS1882111, SVS1882111, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 272
10671 Lagasse CTÖ Economy Knee Boots (SVS1882112) 10671 SVS 1882112 5.00 617-18821-12 FOOT FORM contour insole; Specialized rubber compound prevents ozone deterioration; Seamless molded construction with SAFE-TOE steel toe Norcross Safety Products Llc 20.50 12.16 28.02 150568.JPG CTÖ Economy Knee Boots SVS1882112, SVS1882112, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 272
10672 Lagasse CTÖ Economy Knee Boots (SVS188219) 10672 SVS 188219 5.00 617-18821-9 FOOT FORM contour insole; Specialized rubber compound prevents ozone deterioration; Seamless molded construction with SAFE-TOE steel toe Norcross Safety Products Llc 20.50 12.16 27.57 150332.JPG CTÖ Economy Knee Boots SVS188219, SVS188219, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 272
10678 Lagasse TIMEMIST PRO INSECT KLR ARSL CAN 6 (TMS34-2037TM) 10678 TMS 34-2037TM 3.70 XX 1044684 Aerosol insecticide refill kills and repels flies, mosquitoes, gnats and small flying moths. Ultra concentrated to work faster and last longer. Features active ingredient pyrethrin, a natural extract from chrysanthemum flowers. Timemist Waterbury 69.62 49.80 92.99 TMS342037TM.jpg TIMEMIST PRO INSECT KLR ARSL CAN 6 TMS34-2037TM, TMS342037TM, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 1 108
10681 Lagasse Clorox Disinfecting Wipes to Go 10681 CLO 01665 6.70 NULL Bleach-free, premoistened wipes clean and disinfect in one step; kill 99.9% of bacteria, including staph and salmonella. Ideal for day care centers, offices, schools and restaurants.
Includes 24 packs of nine wipes each. Clorox Professional 30.85 18.30 41.40 1 1 0 0 1 22
12719 Pacific Floor Care SCE-4 Self-Contained Compact Extractor (PFC-205484) 12719 PFC-205484 68.00 205484 Compact Carpet Extractor
Pacific's answer to carpet cleaning small areas. This extractor features a 12" cleaning path, 4 gallon solution tank, powerful 60 psi pump. Handy cord wrap on the folding handle for easy storage.
Height: 34.375" - 22.25" with handle folded
Length: 39" - 25" with handle folded
Width: 12"
Solution Tank: 4 Gallons
Recovery Tank: 3 Gallons
Power Required: 115v-60hz
Cord Length: 25-ft
Pacific Floor Care - SCE-4 4 Gallon Compact Self-Contained Carpet Extractor, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 1903.17 1129.00 2493.43 PFC-205484.jpg triumph 430 self-contained compact carpet extractor, PFC-205484 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12720 Pacific Floor Care AM-3 Three Speed Air Mover (PFC-235441) 12720 PFC-235441 27.00 235441 Air Mover
Utilize the stack-able 3-speed 1/2 hp. blower to help air flow and speed extraction dry times.1/2 hp motor, 1860, 2050, 2220 CFM. Weight: 26 lbs.
Pacific Floor Care - Three Speed Air Mover, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 234.31 139.00 306.10 PFC-235441.jpg three speed air mover, PFC-235441 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 34 333
12721 Pacific Floor Care SPE-2.5 Non-Heated Spotter Extractor (PFC-255404) 12721 PFC-255404 30.00 255404 Portable Carpet Spot Extractor
This carpet spotter is the answer to easily and conveniently clean small spots and spills, before they become permanent carpet stains. A strong 2 stage vacuum motor and 55 psi pump 91" water-lift makes this spotter one powerful cleaning tool.
Height: 30"
Length: 19"
Width: 19"
Solution Tank: 2.5 Gallons
Recovery Tank: 2.5 Gallons
Wand: 4" Clear Hand Tool with 8-ft Hose
Power Required: 115v-60hz
Cord Length: 25-ft
Pacific Floor Care -SPE-2.5 Non-Heated Carpet & Upholstery Spotter Extractor, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 800.71 475.00 1092.33 PFC-255404.jpg carpet and upholstery spotter extractor, PFC-255404, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 34 333
12722 Pacific Floor Care Triumph Heat Wave Spotter Extractor, PFC-255430 12722 PFC-255430 34.00 255430 Extractor Pacific Floor Care 1171.57 695.00 1566.44 PFC-255430.jpg Triumph Heat Wave Spotter Extractor, PFC-255430 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 1 34 333
12723 Pacific Floor Care TE-12 Box Carpet Extractor (PFC-255448) 12723 PFC-255448 130.00 255448 12 Gallon Carpet Extractor
Pacific Floor Care's self-contained extractor is constructed of durable polyethylene with an integrated handle and large transport wheels for easy transportation. 2 stage vacuum motor for superior water lifting power at 150".
Height: 37.7"
Length: 38"
Width: 18.5"
Solution Tank: 12 Gallons
Recovery Tank: 12 Gallons
Wand: 12" two jet with 8-ft Hose
Power Required: 115v-60hz
Cord Length: 25-ft
Pacific Floor Care - TE-12 12 Gallon Tank Carpet Extractor, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 2267.29 1345.00 2982.29 PFC-255448.jpg box carpet extractor, PFC-255448, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12724 Pacific Floor Care Pacific 20" Fury 1500P Burnisher w/Flex Pad Driver (PFC-485436P) 12724 PFC-485436P 88.00 485436P High Speed Burnisher
The 20" Fury 1500P Burnisher features high quality components and fine craftsmanship, and has all the extra features you've come to expect. It's equipped with a 1.5 DC motor for reliablity, a flexible pad driver, an adjustable steel handle with cord wrap, a base bumper and yellow safety power cord. The base of the unit is made from high impact ABS plastic. The burnisher has a pull button actuator and ergonomic trigger grips for comfortable operation and less wrist strain.
Pad Size: 20"
Pad RPM: 1500
Drive: Belt
Motor: 1.5hp DC
Amps: 15
Power Cable: 50' 14 AWG - 3 Conductor
Length: 38.5"
Width: 21.75"
Height: 47.25"
Pacific Floor Care - 20" Fury 1500P Burnisher with Flex Pad Driver, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 1279.46 759.00 1690.80 PFC-485436P.jpg pacific floor care - 20" fury 1500p high speed burnisher, PFC-485436P , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12725 Pacific Floor Care SeaRay 175DS, no pad driver, PFC-485444 12725 PFC-485444 94.00 485444 Polisher Pacific Floor Care 1464.89 869.00 1910.52 PFC-485446.jpg SeaRay 175DS, no pad driver, PFC-485444 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 34 333
12726 Pacific Floor Care SeaRay 205DS, no pad driver, PFC-485446 12726 PFC-485446 98.00 485446 Polisher Pacific Floor Care 1498.60 889.00 1973.09 PFC-485446.jpg SeaRay 205DS, no pad driver, PFC-485446 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 34 333
12727 Pacific Floor Care Pacific 20" SeaRay 205 Single Speed Buffer w/Pad Driver (PFC-485449PD) 12727 PFC-485449PD 111.00 485449PD Low Speed Buffer
The 20" single speed SeaRay model has a steel epoxy-coated frame. Made with quality components, Pacific polishers continue to perform year after year. That’s because they’re designed for easy handling, high performance and longevity. A staple in any equipment fleet, Pacific polishers are ideal for stripping, scrubbing, spray buffing, sanding and bonnet cleaning. Feature a high torque motor, precision-cast base, triple planetary gear box, ergonomic trigger grips, protective bumper, and an adjustable steel handle with cord wrap.
Pad Size: 20"
Pad RPM: 175
Motor: 1.5 hp
Gear Box: Planetary
Power Cord: 50' - 14 AWG - 3 Conductor
Pacific Floor Care - 20" SeaRay 205 Single Speed Buffer w/Pad Driver, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 959.17 569.00 1294.26 PFC-485449PD.jpg pacific floor care - 20" searay 205 single speed buffer, PFC-485449PD, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12728 Pacific Floor Care SeaRay 205HD, no pad driver, PFC-485449TE 12728 PFC-485449TE 120.00 485449TE Polisher Pacific Floor Care 1987.46 1179.00 2648.47 PFC-485494TE.jpg SeaRay 205HD, no pad driver, PFC-485449TE , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 34 333
12729 Pacific Floor Care SeaRay 205UL w/Pad Driver, PFC-485449U 12729 PFC-485449U 111.00 485449U Polisher Pacific Floor Care 827.14 579.00 1098.60 PFC-485494PD.jpg SeaRay 205UL w/Pad Driver, PFC-485449U , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 34 333
12730 Pacific Floor Care Pacific 17" SeaRay 175 Single Speed Buffer w/ Pad Driver (PFC-485494PD) 12730 PFC-485494PD 107.00 485494PD Low Speed Buffer
The 17" single speed SeaRay model has a steel epoxy-coated frame. Made with quality components, Pacific polishers continue to perform year after year. That’s because they’re designed for easy handling, high performance and longevity. A staple in any equipment fleet, Pacific polishers are ideal for stripping, scrubbing, spray buffing, sanding and bonnet cleaning. Feature a high torque motor, precision-cast base, triple planetary gear box, ergonomic trigger grips, protective bumper, and an adjustable steel handle with cord wrap.
Pad Size: 17"
Pad RPM: 175
Motor: 1.5 hp
Gear Box: Planetary
Power Cord: 50' - 14 AWG - 3 Conductor
Pacific Floor Care - 17" SeaRay 175 Single Speed Buffer w/ Pad Driver, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 925.46 549.00 1235.63 PFC-485446.jpg pacific floor care - 17" searay 175 single speed buffer, PFC-485494PD , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12731 Pacific Floor Care SeaRay 175HD, no pad driver, PFC-485494TE 12731 PFC-485494TE 116.00 485494TE Polisher Pacific Floor Care 1953.74 1159.00 2613.24 PFC-485494TE.jpg SeaRay 175HD, no pad driver, PFC-485494TE , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 NULL 0 0 34 333
12732 Pacific Floor Care SeaRay 175UL w/Pad Driver, PFC-485494U 12732 PFC-485494U 107.00 485494U Polisher Pacific Floor Care 798.57 559.00 1053.48 PFC-485494PD.jpg SeaRay 175UL w/Pad Driver, PFC-485494U , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 34 333
12733 Pacific Floor Care Pacific Fury 1500DCP Burnisher w/Flex Pad Driver (PFC-495460) 12733 PFC-495460 99.00 495460 High Speed Burnisher
The 20" Fury 1500DCP High Speed Burnisher features high quality components and fine craftsmanship, and has all the extra features you've come to expect. It's equipped with a 1.5 DC motor for reliability, a flexible pad driver, an adjustable steel handle with cord wrap, a base bumper and yellow safety power cord. The base of the unit is made from epoxy coated cast aluminum. The burnisher has a pull button actuator and ergonomic trigger grips for comfortable operation and less wrist strain.
Pad Size: 20"
Pad RPM: 1500
Drive: Belt
Motor: 1.5hp DC
Amps: 15
Power Cable: 50' 14 AWG - 3 Conductor
Length: 38.5"
Width: 21.75"
Height: 47.25"
Pacific Floor Care - 20" Fury 1500DCP High Speed Burnisher with Flex Pad Driver, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 1481.74 879.00 1930.00 PFC-495460.jpg pacific floor care - 20" fury 1500dcp high speed burnisher, PFC-495460 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12734 Pacific Floor Care Pacific Fury 2000DCP Burnisher w/Flex Pad Driver (PFC-495468) 12734 PFC-495468 102.00 495468 High Speed Burnisher
The 20" Fury 2000DCP High Speed Burnisher features high quality components and fine craftsmanship, and has all the extra features you've come to expect. It's equipped with a 1.5 DC motor for reliability, a flexible pad driver, an adjustable steel handle with cord wrap, a base bumper and yellow safety power cord. The base of the unit is made from epoxy coated cast aluminum. The burnisher has a pull button actuator and ergonomic trigger grips for comfortable operation and less wrist strain.
Pad Size: 20"
Pad RPM: 2000
Drive: Belt
Motor: 1.5hp DC
Amps: 15
Power Cable: 50' 14 AWG - 3 Conductor
Length: 38.5"
Width: 21.75"
Height: 47.25"
Pacific Floor Care - 20" Fury 2000DCP High Speed Burnisher with Flex Pad Driver, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Pacific Floor Care 1549.17 919.00 2034.06 PFC-495468.jpg Pacific Floor Care - 20" Fury 2000DCP High Speed Burnisher, PFC-495468 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12735 Pacific Floor Care Mini Edger, PFC-515451 12735 PFC-515451 20.00 515451 Polisher Pacific Floor Care 312.86 219.00 404.34 PFC-515451.jpg Mini Edger, PFC-515451 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 1 34 333
12736 Pacific Floor Care WDV-18 Wet/Dry Vacuum Cleaner (PFC-605492) 12736 PFC-605492 90.00 605492 Wet/Dry Vacuum
With a rugged polyethylene housing, the WDV-18 model has durability and quality built in. 3-stage vacuum motor and comes standard with a 28" front-mounted squeegee. 18-gallon capacity and 117" of water lift. The unit features a 50-ft. safety yellow power cord and built in cord wrap. Large rear wheels for easy transport up and down stairs or to load easily into contractors’ vehicles.
Motor: 3 Stage Bypass - 1.75 hp
Water Lift: 117"
CFM: 99
Capacity: 18 Gallons
Noise Level: 68 dba @ 10-ft
Squeegee 28"
Front Casters: 3"
Rear Wheels: 8"
Dump Valve: 30" Dump Hose with Cap
Power Cord: 50-ft
Pacific Floor Care - Gulper 18PS Wet/Dry Vacuum Cleaner, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Pacific Floor Care 1397.46 829.00 1900.56 PFC-605492.jpg wet/dry vacuum cleaner, PFC-605492 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12737 Pacific Floor Care Aura Wide Area Low Profile Vacuum Cleaner (PFC-655402) 12737 PFC-655402 103.00 655402 Low Profile Wide Area Vacuum Cleaner
The Aura vacuum lets you quickly clean wide areas as well as tight spaces with one machine! The Aura features a 28” wide cleaning path and a retractable 20-ft. off aisle hose with turbo floor tool. The ultimate in productivity, the Aura vacuum features a dual motor design for optimum soil retrieval, large wheels and front casters for easy maneuverability and an ergonomic handle that folds down for compact storage. Bag changes are easy with the lift-out hopper that holds up to 1 bushel of dust and soil. The sleek, low profile design lets you reach under fixtures, and its quiet operation means you can clean without disturbing occupants.
Cleaning Path: 28"
Vacuum Motor: 2 - 1hp
Brush Motor: 0.25 hp
Air Flow: 224 cfm
Power: 115v-60hz
Bag Capacity: 1 Bushel
Filtration: 5 Micron
Tools: 20-ft retractable hose, floor, crevis,dusting brush,3-ft two piece wand
Power Cord: 75-ft
Noise Level: 70dba
Pacific Floor Care - Aura Low Profile Wide Area Vacuum Cleaner, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 2358.31 1399.00 3142.11 PFC-655402.jpg Aura Wide Area Vacuum, PFC-655402 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12738 Pacific Floor Care Alpha Upright Wide Area Vacuum Cleaner (PFC-655411) 12738 PFC-655411 116.00 655411 Wide Area Vacuum Cleaner
Designed for large, carpeted areas, the Alpha upright wide area vacuum cleans a 24 inch path in one pass. The Alpha maneuvers easily around obstacles and its chevron brush not only helps draw dirt to the vacuum intake for better cleaning in one pass but also assists in propelling the machine forward therefore minimizing operator fatigue. The 1.15 hp, 2-stage vacuum motor produces 90 inches of water lift and 94 CFM. The vacuum motor and brush motor are activated by one single power switch making the unit simple to use. Both motors are thermally protected and are designed to shut down prior to overheating which will minimize your service costs. The top loading, large capacity collection bag holds 15 liters of debris. Unit comes standard with a paper bag. Powerfully productive, exceptionally maneuverable and ultra quiet.
Cleaning Path: 24"
Vacuum Motor: 1.1 hp
Brush Motor: 0.3 hp
Air Flow: 94 cfm
Power: 115v-60hz
Bag Capacity: 15 Liters
Filtration: 5 micron
Power Cord: 50-ft
Noise Level: 68.5 dba
Pacific Floor Care - Alpha Wide Area Vacuum Cleaner, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 1768.31 1049.00 2379.49 PFC-655411.jpg Alpha Upright Wide Area Vacuum, PFC-655411 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12739 Pacific Floor Care Alpha Upright Wide Area Vacuum Claener w/ On Board Hand Tools (PFC-655413) 12739 PFC-655413 121.00 655413 Wide Area Vacuum Cleaner
Designed for large, carpeted areas, the Alpha upright wide area vacuum cleans a 24 inch path in one pass. The Alpha maneuvers easily around obstacles and its chevron brush not only helps draw dirt to the vacuum intake for better cleaning in one pass but also assists in propelling the machine forward therefore minimizing operator fatigue. The 1.15 hp, 2-stage vacuum motor produces 90 inches of water lift and 94 CFM. The vacuum motor and brush motor are activated by one single power switch making the unit simple to use. Both motors are thermally protected and are designed to shut down prior to overheating which will minimize your service costs. The top loading, large capacity collection bag holds 15 liters of debris. Unit comes standard with a paper bag. Powerfully productive, exceptionally maneuverable and ultra quiet.
Cleaning Path: 24"
Vacuum Motor: 1.1 hp
Brush Motor: 0.3 hp
Air Flow: 94 cfm
Power: 115v-60hz
Bag Capacity: 15 Liters
Filtration: 5 micron
Power Cord: 50-ft
Noise Level: 68.5 dba
Pacific Floor Care - Alpha Wide Area Vacuum Cleaner with Hand Tools, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 1877.89 1114.00 2480.62 PFC-655411.jpg alpha upright wide area vacuum cleaner w/on board hand tool kit, PFC-655413 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12740 Pacific Floor Care Pacific Z210 Automatic Floor Scrubber, Maintenance Free Battery (PFC-845432) 12740 PFC-845432 388.00 845432 Automatic Scrubber
The Z210 auto scrubber is for cleaning small, congested areas. This unit is rugged enough to handle larger jobs, but is affordable, like smaller machines. The Z26T auto scrubber features a 20" cleaning path, 11 gallon solution tank,13.5 gallon recovery tank and 26" squeegee. The Z26T comes with brush assist drive and a 100 amp hour maintenance free battery and charger.
Cleaning Path: 20"
Squeegee Width: 26"
Brush Diameter: 2 - 10"
Brush RPM: 340 RPM
Brush Pressure: 51 lbs
Brush Motor: 0.54 hp
Drive Type: Brush Assist
Vacuum Motor: 0.6 hp
Solution Tank: 11 gallon
Recovery Tank: 13.5 gallon
Power System: 24v-DC
Pacific Floor Care - Z210 Automatic Floor Scrubber, Maintenance Free Battery and Charger, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 4448.60 2639.00 5777.43 PFC-845442.jpg pacific floor care - z210 automatic floor scrubber, PFC-845432 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12741 Pacific Floor Care Pacific Z210T Automatic Scrubber Lead Acid Battery (PFC-845440) 12741 PFC-845440 401.00 845440 Automatic Scrubber
The Z210T is the newest addition to Pacific Floor Care's Z series scrubber family. All the greatest features of the Z210 and added a traction drive unit, simple to use features and effortless maneuverability. The Z210T comes standard with a 130 amp hour lead acid battery and charger.
Cleaning Path: 20"
Squeegee Width: 26"
Brush Diameter: 2 - 10"
Brush RPM: 340 RPM
Brush Pressure: 51 lbs
Brush Motor: 0.54 hp
Drive Type: Variable
Vacuum Motor: 0.6 hp
Solution Tank: 11 gallon
Recovery Tank: 13.5 gallon
Power System: 24v-DC
Pacific Floor Care - Z210T Automatic Floor Scrubber, Lead Acid Battery and Charger, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Pacific Floor Care 5207.17 3089.00 6953.63 PFC-845442.jpg pacific floor care - z210t automatic floor scrubber, PFC-845440 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12742 Pacific Floor Care Pacific Z210T Automatic Scrubber Maintenance Free Battery (PFC-845442) 12742 PFC-845442 415.00 845442 Automatic Scrubber
The Z210T is the newest addition to Pacific Floor Care's Z series scrubber family. All the greatest features of the Z210 and added a traction drive unit, simple to use features and effortless maneuverability. The Z210T comes standard with a 140 amp hour maintenance free battery and charger.
Cleaning Path: 20"
Squeegee Width: 26"
Brush Diameter: 2 - 10"
Brush RPM: 340 RPM
Brush Pressure: 51 lbs
Brush Motor: 0.54 hp
Drive Type: Variable
Vacuum Motor: 0.6 hp
Solution Tank: 11 gallon
Recovery Tank: 13.5 gallon
Power System: 24v-DC
Pacific Floor Care - Z210T Automatic Floor Scrubber, Maintenance Free Battery and Charger, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 5375.74 3189.00 7361.85 PFC-845442.jpg pacific floor care - z210t automatic floor scrubber, PFC-845442 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12743 Pacific Floor Care Pacific Z210 Automatic Scubber Lead Acid Battery (PFC-845450) 12743 PFC-845450 397.00 845450 Automatic Scrubber
The Z210 auto scrubber is for cleaning small, congested areas. This unit is rugged enough to handle larger jobs, but is affordable, like smaller machines. The Z26T auto scrubber features a 20" cleaning path, 11 gallon solution tank,13.5 gallon recovery tank and 26" squeegee. The Z26T comes with brush assist drive and a 130 amp hour lead acid battery and charger.
Cleaning Path: 20"
Squeegee Width: 26"
Brush Diameter: 2 - 10"
Brush RPM: 340 RPM
Brush Pressure: 51 lbs
Brush Motor: 0.54 hp
Drive Type: Brush Assist
Vacuum Motor: 0.6 hp
Solution Tank: 11 gallon
Recovery Tank: 13.5 gallon
Power System: 24v-DC
Pacific Floor Care - Z210 Automatic Floor Scrubber, Lead Acid Battery and Charger, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 4280.03 2539.00 5594.21 PFC-845442.jpg pacific floor care - z210 automatic floor scrubber, PFC-845450 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12744 Pacific Floor Care Z20T Automatic Scrubber, AGM Battery (PFC-845452) 12744 PFC-845452 557.00 845452 Automatic Scrubber
The single disk Z20T suits a variety of cleaning applications and facility sizes. This unit features simple controls and easy to read gauges that provide operators with a high comfort level. The Z20T auto Scrubber has a 20" cleaning path, 16 gallon tank capacity and 30" squeegee which makes them a mainstay of almost any hard floor maintenance program. The Z20T comes standard with a 140 amp hour maintenance free battery and charger.
Cleaning Path: 20"
Squeegee Width: 30"
Brush Diameter: 20"
Brush RPM: 250 RPM
Brush Pressure: 55 lbs
Brush Motor: 0.54 hp
Drive Type: Variable
Vacuum Motor: 0.6 hp
Solution Tank: 16 gallon
Recovery Tank: 19 gallon
Power System: 24v-DC
Pacific Floor Care - Z20T Automatic Floor Scrubber, Maintenance Free Battery and Charger, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Pacific Floor Care 6724.31 3989.00 8872.53 PFC-845472.jpg Z20T Automatic Floor Scrubber, PFC-845452 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12745 Pacific Floor Care Pacific Z26T Automatic Scubber Lead Acid Battery (PFC-845454) 12745 PFC-845454 533.00 845454 Auto Scrubber
The Z26T auto scrubber is a unique smaller, maneuverable body, but with the scrub deck and squeegee of a 26" machine. This unit is rugged enough to handle larger jobs, but is affordable, like smaller machines. The Z26T auto scrubber features simple controls and easy to read gauges. This ultra quiet unit has a 26" cleaning path, 16 gallon solution tank,19 gallon recovery tank and 33.5" squeegee. The Z26T comes standard with traction drive and a 130 amp hour lead acid battery and charger.
Cleaning Path: 26"
Squeegee Width: 33.5"
Brush Diameter: 2 - 13"
Brush RPM: 340 RPM
Brush Pressure: 83 lbs
Brush Motor: 0.54 hp
Drive Type: Variable
Vacuum Motor: 0.6 hp
Solution Tank: 16 gallon
Recovery Tank: 19 gallon
Power System: 24v-DC
Pacific Floor Care - Z26T Automatic Floor Scrubber, Lead Acid Battery and Charger, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 7061.46 4189.00 9384.45 PFC-845454.jpg pacific floor care - z26t automatic floor scrubber, PFC-845454 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12746 Pacific Floor Care Z20T Automatic Scrubber, Lead Acid Battery (PFC-845472) 12746 PFC-845472 477.00 845472 Automatic Scrubber
The single disk Z20T suits a variety of cleaning applications and facility sizes. This unit features simple controls and easy to read gauges that provide operators with a high comfort level. The Z20T auto Scrubber has a 20" cleaning path, 16 gallon tank capacity and 30" squeegee which makes them a mainstay of almost any hard floor maintenance program. The Z20T comes standard with a 130 amp hour lead acid battery and charger.
Cleaning Path: 20"
Squeegee Width: 30"
Brush Diameter: 20"
Brush RPM: 250 RPM
Brush Pressure: 55 lbs
Brush Motor: 0.54 hp
Drive Type: Variable
Vacuum Motor: 0.6 hp
Solution Tank: 16 gallon
Recovery Tank: 19 gallon
Power System: 24v-DC
Pacific Floor Care - Z20T Automatic Floor Scrubber, Lead Acid Battery and Charger, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 5881.46 3489.00 7762.19 PFC-845472.jpg Z20T Automatic Floor Scrubber, PFC-845472 , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12747 Pacific Floor Care Pacific Z26T Automatic Scrubber AGM Battery (PFC-845482) 12747 PFC-845482 615.00 845482 Automatic Scrubber
The Z26T auto scrubber is a unique smaller, maneuverable body, but with the scrub deck and squeegee of a 26" machine. This unit is rugged enough to handle larger jobs, but is affordable, like smaller machines. The Z26T auto scrubber features simple controls and easy to read gauges. This ultra quiet unit has a 26" cleaning path, 16 gallon solution tank,19 gallon recovery tank and 33.5" squeegee. The Z26T comes standard with traction drive and a 140 amp hour maintenance free battery and charger.
Cleaning Path: 26"
Squeegee Width: 33.5"
Brush Diameter: 2 - 13"
Brush RPM: 340 RPM
Brush Pressure: 83 lbs
Brush Motor: 0.54 hp
Drive Type: Variable
Vacuum Motor: 0.6 hp
Solution Tank: 16 gallon
Recovery Tank: 19 gallon
Power System: 24v-DC
Pacific Floor Care - Z26T Automatic Floor Scrubber, Maintenance Free Battery and Charger, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 7904.31 4689.00 10658.24 PFC-845454.jpg pacific floor care - z26t automatic floor scrubber, PFC-845482, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 1 34 333
12748 Pacific Floor Care SCE-11 Self-Contained Carpet Extractor (PFC-F1190W) 12748 PFC-F1190W 113.00 F1190W Carpet Extractor
Pacific's 16" extractor features an 9 gallon recovery tank. A powerful three-stage vacuum motor produces 137" of water-lift for better water retrieval and faster drying time. Manual drop down brush helps propel the unit for easier fatigue free operation. A great mid-sized extractor that offers the features and value you expect from this legendary extractor.
Height: 40"
Length: 40"
Width: 16.5"
Solution Tank: 11 Gallons
Recovery Tank: 9 Gallons
Power Required: 115v-60hz
Cord Length: 50-ft
Pacific Floor Care - SCE-11 Self-Contained Carpet Extractor, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Pacific Floor Care 2526.89 1499.00 3454.25 PFC-F1190W.jpg self-contained carpet extractor, PFC-F1190W , janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 34 333
12749 Witt Industries 15 Gallon Dome Top Recycling Container, Black (WITT-415DT-44R-BK) 12749 WITT-415DT-44R-BK 64.00 415DT-44R-BK 15 Gallon Recycling Container
Stylish recycling receptacle, perfect for placement in the office break room, hotel lobby or coffee shops. Features a strong steel shell, open top receptacle for hands-free, sanitary waste disposal. 15" diameter x 35" tall.
Witt Industries - 15 Gallon Dome Top Recycling Container, Black, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust. Witt Industries 307.64 164.25 410.73 WITT-415DT-44R-BK.jpg 15 gallon dome top recycling container, WITT-415DT-44R-BK, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 20 241
12750 Witt Industries 15 Gallon Dome Top Recycling Container, Black (WITT-415DT-44R-BL) 12750 WITT-415DT-44R-BL 64.00 415DT-44R-BL 15 Gallon Recycling Container
Stylish recycling receptacle, perfect for placement in the office break room, hotel lobby or coffee shops. Features a strong steel shell, open top receptacle for hands-free, sanitary waste disposal. 15" diameter x 35" tall.
Witt Industries - 15 Gallon Dome Top Recycling Container, Blue, Each - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Witt Industries 307.64 164.25 408.23 WIT-415DT-44R-BL.jpg 15 Gallon Dome Top Recycling Container, WITT-415DT-44R-BL, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 20 241
12751 Lagasse 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 40x46, 1.5mil, 100 Bags (BWK517) 12751 BWK 517 14.70 X8046SKKR01 45 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
1.5mil garbage bags are super-duty capacity for loads of sharp objects, appropriate for your heaviest clean up jobs around your facility grounds, cafeteria, warehouse. These low density garbage bags have star sealed bottoms which conform more easily to the shape of the garbage can and can handle 30% more load than standard sealed bags. These black plastic garbage bags are packaged in rolls and are perforated for easy dispensing. An economical commercial garbage bag for the home, office, school or house of worship. Meets government guidelines for recycled garbage can liners.
Boardwalk 45 Gallon Garbage Bags, 40x46, 1.5mil, Black, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale janitorial supply company buyers trust.
Boardwalk Paper 26.50 17.52 35.54 BWK517.jpg garbage bags, kitchen garbage bags, garbage can liners, BWK517, BWK517, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 123
12752 Lagasse 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags, 38x58, 1.2mil, 100 Bags (PNL 519) 12752 PNL 519 19.00 NULL 60 Gallon Black Garbage Bags
These reprocessed can liners have the extra advantage of being good for the environment with 80% overall recycled content. With star seal bottom. Includes ten rolls of ten each, totaling 100 can liners per carton.
Penny Lane 60 Gallon Garbage Bags, 38x58,1.2mil, Black, 10 Rolls of 10 Bags, 100 Bags per Case - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Penny Lane 24.72 17.64 31.98 HERH8053PK.jpg 60 gallon garbage bags, 60 gallon black garbage bags, PNL 519, PNL519, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 1 152
12753 Atrix International Atrix HEPA Filter Canister Vacuum (ATRX-AHC-1) 12753 NULL 15.00 AHC-1 Canister Vacuum
Atrix Canister Vacuum is unlike any other canister vacuum on the market today! 3 stage HEPA filtration captures and removes fine particles like dust and pet dander, 6 quart capacity. Full bag indicator light. Variable speed motor allows for cleaning anything from hardwood floors to fine draperies. 1400 watt motor for powerful suction. 20-ft. auto retractable power cord. Telescopic metal wand with 17 height settings. 11-lbs weight makes it easy to pull.
Vacuum Motor: 1400 Watt 12 Amps
Airflow: 71 CFM
Capacity: 6 Quarts
Static Lift: 75 inch H2O
Noise Level: 79 db
Dimensions: 18 in long x 12 in high x 8.5 in wide
Weight: 11 lbs.
Manufacturers Warranty: 1 yearAtrix Canister Vacuum, HEPA Filtration, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 185.29 129.00 249.95 atrix canister vacuum, hepa filtration, ATRX-AHC-1, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 33 268
12961 Atrix International Atrix HEPA Filter Canister Vacuum (ATRX-AHC-1) 12961 ATRX-AHC-1 15.00 AHC-1 Canister Vacuum
Atrix Canister Vacuum is unlike any other canister vacuum on the market today! 3 stage HEPA filtration captures and removes fine particles like dust and pet dander, 6 quart capacity. Full bag indicator light. Variable speed motor allows for cleaning anything from hardwood floors to fine draperies. 1400 watt motor for powerful suction. 20-ft. auto retractable power cord. Telescopic metal wand with 17 height settings. 2 HEPA Filter Bags, 6' Hose, Turbo Matted Carpet Brush, Hardwood/Linoleum Turbo Floor Sweeper, Crevice Tool with Brush, Oval Dusting Brush and an Upholstery Nozzle. 11-lbs weight makes it easy to pull.
Vacuum Motor: 1400 Watt 12 Amps
Airflow: 106 CFM
Capacity: 6 Quarts
Static Lift: 75 inch H2O
Noise Level: 79 db
Dimensions: 18 in long x 12 in high x 8.5 in wide
Weight: 11 lbs.
Manufacturers Warranty: 1 year
Replacement Filters: ATRX-AHC-2
Atrix Canister Vacuum, HEPA Filtration, Each - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 185.29 129.00 249.95 atrix canister vacuum, hepa filtration, ATRX-AHC-1, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 1 1 0 0 33 268
12962 Atrix International Atrix HEPA Canister Replacement Filters, 10 Pack (ATRX-AHC-2) 12962 NULL 3.00 NULL HEPA Canister Replacement Filters
HEPA Canister Replacement Filters for ATRX-AHC-1 Canister Vacuum Cleaner.
Atrix International HEPA Canister Replacement Filters, 10 Filters per Pack - The wholesale cleaning products supply company buyers trust. Atrix International 22.35 16.75 24.95 hepa canister replacement filters, ATRX-AHC-2, restaurant supplies, janitorial supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning products 0 1 0 0 33 268